é, firs". .- 0‘. -..u..u........‘...;',;:.x. .V NUMERICAL ANALYSISOF comammiamoma AND; ~ ' TORSION or- A ‘PRISMATIC BAR USING RICtDL-PLASTIC- AND WORK-HARDENING PLASTICITY THEME-$7 . Thesis {of the Define of .PhQD.‘ MICHIGAN. STATE UNIVERSITY Patrick M. Milier 19.6.6 aways I LIBRARY Michigan 5: to University ABSTRACT NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF COMBINED BENDING AND TORSION OF A PRISMATIC BAR USING RIGID-PLASTIC AND WORK-HARDENING PLASTICITY THEORIES by Patrick M. Miller The problem formulation assumes an incompressible plastic material, a prismatic bar having at least one cross-sectional axis of symmetry, and the stresses to be independent of the longitudinal coordinate. The objectives achieved in the study are threefold: l) to better establish the torque-moment interaction curve for the perfectly-plastic material, 2) to provide a solution to the combined bending and torsion problem for both the work—hardening generalized J2 deformation theory and the counter— part generalized J2 flow theory, and 3) to compare the predictions of these work-hardening theories for different loading parameters. The rigid-perfectly plastic numerical analysis is confined to a solution to an equation derived by S. Piechnik, a non-linear second—order partial differential equation. Using a finite-difference approach, the dis- crete analogue of this equation is solved by the Patrick M. Miller Gauss-Seidel over-relaxation procedure. The results of the rigid—perfectly plastic analysis confirm the more limited results obtained by other investigators through a numerical solution of the Hill-Handelman stress-function equation. But, because of the better convergence pro— perties of the Piechnik equation, the solution easily gives any point on the torque—moment interaction curve. Equations, considering the effect of work-hardening, are developed for both the generalized J2 deformation theory and the counterpart flow theory. With each theory, a stress-function and a warping-function formulation is given. This development, in all cases, leads to a system of two simultaneous partial differential equations. The first is the governing equation, corresponding to a com- patibility equation with the stress function and to an equilibrium equation with the warping function, while the second equation represents the non-linear behavior of the constitutive relation. In determining the discrete analogue for the flow- theory equations, a backward-difference quotient is applied to derivatives taken with respect to the time- like variable. This approach leads to a system of finite- difference equations, whose solution is comparable to the solutions of the discrete deformation—theory system of equations. Patrick M. Miller The numerical algorithms apply the Gauss-Seidel over-relaxation iteration to the discrete analogue of the governing equation in a manner analogous to the corres- ponding linear elasticity problem. Concurrently, the Newton-Raphson iteration is applied to the discrete repre- sentation of the constitutive relation. During a sweep through the cross-sectional mesh, these iterations are performed successively on each unknown discrete variable at all points. The sweeps are continued until the greatest change in any of the unknown discrete values of the governing equation due to the last iteration is less than a preassigned convergence parameter. The results of work-hardening analysis lead to the following conclusions: (1) In both the deformation and flow-theory calculations, the stress-function equations and the warping-function equations give comparable results with approximately the same amount of computation. (2) The results for the deformation theory agree with those of flow theory when a constant ratio is maintained between the curvature and unit angle of twist variables. (3) The two work-hardening theories predict different results for a given deformation when this ratio is allowed to vary. (4) Because the backward-difference quotient was used with flow-theory formulation, the numerical solution of the flow-theory equation is of the same degree of numeri- cal difficulty as that for the deformation-theory equations. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF COMBINED BENDING AND TORSION OF A PRISMATIC BAR USING RIGID-PLASTIC AND WORK-HARDENING PLASTICITY THEORIES BY Patrick M. Miller A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Metallurgy, Mechanics and Materials Science 1966 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author expresses his appreciation to Professor L. E. Malvern for help in formulation and solution of this problem, to Professors w. A. Bradley and C. S. Duris for suggestions which contributed to the solution, and to Professors G. E. Mase and T. Triffet for serving on the guidance committee. ii -—-. — —- --———-_— _. m *— TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 LIST OF LIST OF LIST OF Chapter I. II. III. TABLE S O O O O O O O O O 0 O O 0 O O O O O ILLUSTRATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDICES O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O 0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Review of Related Investigations. . . 1.2 Objectives and General Discussion.of the Present Study . . . . . . . . . . DERIVATION OF EQUATIONS. . . . . . . . . . 2.1 General Principles of Mechanics . . . 2.2 Rigid-Perfectly Plastic Material Governed by Hencky Deformation Theory 2.2.1 Warping-Function Formulation . 2.2.2 Stress-Function Formulation. . 2.3 Rigid-Perfectly Plastic Material Governed by Levy-Mises Theory . . . 2.3.1 Warping-Rate Function Formulati 2.3.2 Stress-Function Formulation. 2.4 Work-Hardening Material Governed by Generalized J Deformation Law. . . 2.4.1 Warping-Function Formulation 2.4.2 Stress-Function Formulation. 2.5 Work-Hardening Material Governed by Generalized J Flow Law . . . . . . . mecca. 2.5.1 Warping-Rate Function Formulation. 36 2.5.2 Stress-Function Formulation. . NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS FOR A UNIT SQUARE CYLINDER O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O 3.1 Symmetry Properties of the Solution . 3.2 Discretization and Finite-Difference Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Page 0 0 ii . . vi . .viii . . x O O l . . 1 O O 5 . . 10 O O 10 . . 15 . . 18 O O 20 . . 23 on. 25 . . 27 . . 29 . . 31 . . 33 . 34 . . 37 . . 4O . . 4O . . 41 Chapter IV. CONTENTS (continued) 3.3 Piechnik Equation for Rigid-Perfectly Plastic Material. . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Warping-Function Equations for Work— Hardening Generalized J2 Deformation Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.5 Stress-Function Equations for Work- Hardening Generalized J2 Deformation Theory. 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O 3.6 Warping-Function Equations for Work- Hardening Generalized J Flow Theory. 3.7 Stress-Function Equatiogs for Work- Hardening Generalized J2 Flow Theory. NUMERICAL SOLUTION FOR A CIRCULAR BAR OF UNIT RADIUS O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 4.1 Transformation of Equations to Polar Coordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Polar-Coordinate Discretization and Finite-Difference Representation. . . 4.3 Piechnik Equation for Rigid-Perfectly Plastic Material. . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Warping-Function Equation for Work- Hardening Generalized J2 Deformation Theory. 0 I 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Effect of Mesh Refinement . . . . . . 5.2 Effect of Over-Relaxation Factor and Choice of Convergence Parameter . . . 5.3 Results of the Piechnik Equation for Rigid-Perfectly Plastic Material. . . 5.4 Generalized J2 Deformation-Theory Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.4.1 Warping-Function Solution for Unit Square Bar. . . . . . . . 5.4.2 Stress-Function Solution for Unit Square Bar. 0 o o e o 0 5.4.3 Warping-Function Solution for a Unit Circular Bar. . . . . 5.4.4 Approximation of the Elastic- Plastic Boundary for an Elastic- Perfectly Plastic Material . . 5.4.5 Comparisons of the Deformation- Theory Solutions . . . . . . . iv Page 44 49 S4 59 68 74 74 78 80 84 88 88 90 94 98 99 100 101 101 102 CONTENTS (continued) Chapter Page 5.5 Generalized J Flow-Theory Solutions. . . 107 5.5.1 Warpin -Function Solutions . . . . 107 5.5.2 Stress-Function Solutions. . . . . 107 5.5.3 Comparisons for Flow Theory. . . . 107 5.6 Comparison Between Flow and Deformation Theory. . . . . . . . . . . 108 5.6.1 Conditions Where the Theories Agree. . . . . 108 5.6.2 Examples of Load Paths Where the Theories Do Not Agree. . . . . . . 115 5.7 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 VI. POSSIBLE EXTENSIONS OF THE RESEARCH. . . . . . 121 6.1 Related Mechanics Problems. . . . . . . . 121 6.1.1 More General Loading Conditions. . 121 6.1.2 General Boundaries . . . . . . . . 122 6.1.3 Other Theories . . . . . . . . . . 123 6.1.4 Work-Hardening Equations Not Related to Combined Bending and Torsion. . . . . . . 125 6.1.5 Experimental Verification. . . . . 126 6.2 Mathematical Investigations . . . . . . 128 6.2.1 Bound on the Theta Increment . . . 128 6 2 2 Effect of Newton-Raphson Iteration. . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 6 2 3 General Convergence. . . . . . . . 129 APPENDICES O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 132 BIBLIOGRAPHY O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I O O 20 1 Table l. 2. 8. 10. 11. LIST OF TABLES Page Effect of mesh refinement on normalized torque and moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Comparison between numerical and perturbation solutions for unit radial cross section . . . . 98 Comparison between deformation-theory solution approximation to perfectly-plastic material and the Piechnik solution . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Comparison of torques and moments for different load paths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Effect of grid dimension on Piechnik equation warping function and stresses for u = l/‘VS . . 173 Comparison between stresses computed from Piechnik equation and Hill-Handelman equation for p = 1m: 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l 75 Normalized stress resultants for warping- function deformation-theory analysis of a square section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Typical stress output for warping-function deformation-theory with n = 2, u = 1.00, and (9 = 3000 o o o o o e o o o o o o e o o o o o o 180 Normalized stress resultants for stress- function deformation-theory analysis of a square section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Typical stress output for stress-function deformation-theory with n = 2, u = 1.00, and ® '-'-" 3000 o o o e o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e 183 Normalized stress resultants for warping- function deformation-theory analysis of a circular section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 vi TABLES (continued) Table Page 12. Normalized stress resultants for warping- function flow-theory analysis of a square section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 13. Typical stress output for warping-function flow-theory with n = 2, p = 1.00, and ® = 3000 o o e e o o o o o o o e o o o o o o o 190 14. Normalized stress resultants for stress— function flow-theory analysis of a square section 0 O O 0 I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 191 15. Typical stress output for stress-function flow-theory with n = 2, p = 1.00, and C9 = 3000 o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o o 193 vii Figure l. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Coordinate system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relation between unit normal vector and direction cosines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ramberg-Osgood stress-strain curves . . . . . . Coordinate system for unit square cross seCtion O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Lattice spacings for square mesh. . . . . . . . Arbitrary integration paths for a given deformation(K,6).............. Relationship between unit normal direction cosines and coordinate angle. . . . . . . . . . Lattice spacings for polar-coordinate mesh. . . Effect of relaxation factor . . . . . . . . . . Normalized torque vs. bending moment inter- action curve for a unit square bar. . . . . . . Comparison of the normalized torque vs. bend- ing moment interaction curves for the square and circular bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approximation to elastic-plastic boundaries . . Normalized second invariant J2 vs. y. . . . . . Functions CB vs..§EL showing non-radial stresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paths chosen for comparing the deformation and flow-theory calculations at the point (3000,3000) O O O 0 O O O O I O O O O O O O O 0 Estimation of new approximation by tangent. . . viii Page 10 14 29 40 41 67 77 79 91 95 97 103 105 112 116 138 Figure 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic ILLUSTRATIONS (continued) flow flow flow flow flow flow flow chart chart chart chart chart chart chart pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern for for for for for for for program program program program program program program WARPI. WARPO. STRO . WARPLV STPLDT POLARR POLARO Torque-moment vs. unit angle of twist for warping-function deformation-theory solutions of a square section . . Torque-moment vs. unit angle of twist for warping-function deformation—theory solutions of a circular section . ix Page 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 195 199 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix I. SOLUTION TO FINITE-DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS BY GAUSS-SEIDEL OVER-RELAXATION METHOD . . . . II. NEWTON-RAPHSON ITERATIVE METHOD FOR SOLVING A NON-LINEAR EQUATION . . . . . . . . . . . III. BASIC FLOW CHART PATTERNS . . . . . . . . . IV. FORTRAN PROGRAMS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . v. TORQUE, MOMENT, AND STRESS OUTPUTS. . . . . VI. GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF TORQUES AND MOMENTS O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I O O O Page 132 137 139 147 173 194 I. INTRODUCTION In the elastic analysis of combined bending and torsion, the solutions may be determined separately for pure bending and pure torsion, and then superimposed to give the solution for the combined problem. In a plastic medium, this principle of superposition no longer applies, and the problem must be formulated so that these two phe- nomena and the interaction between them are considered simultaneously. This interaction gives rise to a system of non-linear equations. In general, closed form solu- tions are not available for these equations; however, the development of high speed digital computers permits the problem to be treated by approximate numerical methods. 1.1 Review of Related Investigations The problem of combined bending and torsion of a rigid-perfectly-plastic bar has been considered by several investigators. In 1944, Handelman [7], using a stress- function approach, formulated the governing differential equation, assuming a material obeying Levy-Mises flow theory. The work of Handelman was extended to a more general loading situation by Hill [11]. The stress— function equation, governing the combined bending and tor- sion of a prismatic bar, known as the Hill-Handelman 1 2 equation, is highly non-linear and, in addition, is singular along the cross-sectional neutral axis of bending. Because of the non-linear nature of the equation, early efforts to establish the interaction curve between the applied moment and torque were confined to the appli- cation of energy methods. Hill and Siebel [13], in 1953, established energy techniques which permit the calculation of upper and lower bounds for the torque and moment inter- action curve. Using these energy methods, Steele [30] determined the upper and lower bounds for a square cross section. The maximum deviation between these upper and lower bounds was found not to exceed 14 per cent. In addition, Steele used Southwell's relaxation method to determine two points on the interaction curve. Employing an approach similar to that of Steele, Imegwu [15] obtained additional points on the interaction curve. It appears that the line singularity mentioned above gave the most difficulty in obtaining the numerical solutions to the Hill-Handelman equation. In 1961, Piechnik [24] formulated the problem using the warping function, as opposed to the stress-function formulation of Hill and Handelman. Piechnik determined the interaction curve in the region where the bending may be treated as a perturbation of the problem of pure torsion. Later in 1961, Piechnik and Zyczkowski [25] 3 solved the problem where the torsion may be considered as a perturbation of the situation of pure bending. Using both the perturbation solutions and the conditions of isotropy, these authors fitted a smooth fourth order interaction curve whose constants were evaluated so that the location, slope, and curvature at both intercepts agree with the two perturbation solutions. This curve was found to lie almost exactly between the upper and lower bounds of Hill and Siebel. Concurrently, other researchers were considering the problem of work-hardening from both the standpoints of a deformation theory and of a flow theory.1 Ramberg and Osgood [27] had introduced an empirical three-parameter uniaxial stress-strain law including the effect of work- hardening. This law was extended by Nadai to what is called the generalized J deformation theory. Prager [26] 2 formulated a procedure giving the counterpart flow theory to a given deformation theory. Using Prager's method, a counterpart generalized J flow theory has been developed 2 by Prager and Laning [6]. Greenberg, Dorn, and Wetherell [6] applied both generalized J2 deformation theory and the generalized J2 flow theory to the problem of a unit square bar subjected 1Some authors designate the deformation and flow type theories as "total strain" and "incremental" theories, respectively. 4 to pure torsion. In the deformation theory, their governing equation is a non—linear second order partial differential equation. For flow theory, the governing equation is treated as a non-linear second order partial differential equation in the space variables at each level of the time-like variable. The finite difference approxi- mations to these equations were solved by methods of numerical analysis. The numerical solution of the deformation-theory governing equation tended to converge at a reasonable rate, but with the flow-theory equation, the rate was much slower; and, consequently, comparisons between the theories were made only for a very limited range of the Ramberg- Osgood parameters. In all of the cases compared, the two theories were found to agree, even though the stress paths were non-radial. A point in the body is said to be subjected to a radial stress path if the stress components at that point maintain the same ratios during the loading, that is, if d = Cdij’ where the Gij's are constants and C is a mono- iJ tonically increasing parameter. For such a radial path, the flow-theory equations are integrable to those of the deformation theory [12], [8]. With non-radial stress paths the two theories are generally expected to give different results, but the torsion solution of the square bar seems to indicate that while the radial stress path is 5 a sufficient condition for agreement of the two theories, it may not be a necessary condition. Based on Drucker's assumptions [3], Budiansky [1] proposed a criterion under which a deformation theory would be an "acceptable competitor" to its counterpart flow theory even under the conditions of a non-radial stress path. Thus, on the basis of the "physical sound- ness" of a plasticity theory, one might expect the defor— mation and flow theories to yield comparable results even though the stresses deviate from a radial path during the loading. However, it should be emphasized that this cri- terion deals only with the physical acceptability of the deformation theory and not with the question of integra- bility of the flow-theory equations to those of the defor- mation theory. 2 Objectives and General 1. DIScussion of the PresentStudy The principal objectives achieved in this study are threefold: (l) to better establish the torque-moment interaction curve for the perfectly plastic material, (2) to provide a solution to the combined bending and tor- sion problem for both generalized J deformation theory 2 and generalized J flow theory, and (3) to compare these 2 solutions for different loadings. In the establishment of the interaction curve for a rigid-perfectly plastic material, Piechnik's warping- 6 function equation is solved numerically for a wide range of combined bending and torsion. Solutions are obtained for prismatic bars having either a unit square or a unit radial cross section. Since the warping-function formula— tion avoids the singularity of the Hill-Handelman equa- tion, the numerical solution appears to converge through- out the range of the load parameters. In Section 5.3, these interaction curves are given, and it is found that they agree with those points calculated by previous investigators. The application of generalized J2 deformation or flow theory implicitly assumes the entire bar to be plastic. Thus, upon initial loading, yielding takes place immediately, followed by isotropic work-hardening, so that the material properties are governed by an expanding yield surface in a stress-representation space. In this study no unloading is considered, i.e., the second invariant of stress always increases. Since governing equations including work-hardening in the combined bending and torsion problem were not available for either deformation or flow theory, systems of equations were developed for each theory. The develop- ment of these governing equations departs somewhat from the standard approach since it was not possible to deter- mine a single governing equation. Instead, in both instances, the governing equations are presented as a A u b (D 0‘ ) I 1. (D a ‘1‘, .h‘ 7 system of implicit non—linear partial differential equations for the unknown functions. These equations are solved simultaneously by numerical methods. In the usual processes of determining work- hardening solutions, the flow-theory solution to a problem is generally much more difficult to obtain than its counterpart deformation-theory solution. The application of the backward finite-difference representation with respect to the time-like variable in the flow-theory equations (Section 3.6) leads to a flow-theory system of equations in which the difficulty in getting the numerical solution through iteration is comparable to that for deformation theory. The significance of this result is further analyzed in Section 5.7. This approach, in the case of flow theory, seems to offer a distinct advantage for numerical solution over the method which Greenberg, Dorn, and Wetherell [6] applied to the case of pure torsion. Thus, numerous comparisons between the two theories may be made without difficulty, including cases of combined bending and torsion not pre— viously treated. Numerical solutionsikx‘both the generalized J2 deformation and flow theories are obtained for a prismatic bar of a unit square cross section. With each theory, the solutions are obtained for both a stress-function and a ‘warping-function formulation. The stress—function and 8 warping-function formulations appear to be equally competitive, with neither offering any computational advantage, and their results were found to agree within the assumed numerical accuracy. Differences appear between the flow and deformation- theory predictions for combined bending and torsion when the bending curvature ;< and the torsional angle of twist per unit length 6) do not maintain a constant ratio during the deformation. When-13 was constant throughout the loading, the numerical solutions for the two theories agreed. This agreement would seem to indicate that a radial straining in the K -(9 generalized-strain space may be a sufficient condition for integrability of the flow theory for combined bending and torsion. The results of Greenberg, Born, and Wetherell are a special case of this since for pure torsion-ii = 0 throughout the loading. At the present time a proof has not been given that the con- dition of a constant ratio is in fact a sufficient condi— tion for integrability, but the numerical solutions obtained for the square bar support this hypothesis. A numerical solution for the generalized J2 defor- mation theory was also developed for the circular bar, using polar coordinates. This solution is given only to illustrate the feasibility of the method in instances where the coordinates are chosen so as to correspond to the cross-sectional geometry. 9 The basic equations are developed in Chapter II. The rigid-perfectly plastic formulation essentially repeats the work of Piechnik [24]. This formulation is presented in order to acquaint the reader with the basic differences between the rigid-perfectly plastic equations and the work-hardening formulations. The numerical algorithms for the square bar and the circular bar are given in Chapters III and IV, respectively. Chapter V is devoted to the presentation of the results and general conclusions of the study. Chapter VI suggests possibi- lities for additional investigations. II. DERIVATION OF EQUATIONS 2.1 General Principles of Mechanics A long prismatic bar with a simply—connected cross section having at least one axis of symmetry is acted on by a combined bending moment and torque at each end (Figure 1). Figure 1. Coordinate system The bending moment M acts in the yz-plane of symmetry about the Ox axis and the torque T acts in the xy-plane. The z-axis is parallel to the generators of the cylinder and is also the axis of twist. The equilibrium equations for no body forces and the boundary conditions are 10 11 8 OX aOXZ XX “affix-‘3‘“ 50x 30 ad 2 + + = 0 OX BY 82 .2332 + ad Z + 8022 = 0 OX ay OZ (2.1) an = joxx + moXy + noxz P = /[O + m0 + no nY XY YY YZ Pnz = )zdxz + rnOyz + nUzz where (an, P , Pn ) are the traction vector components ny 2 at a boundary point with outer unit normal 3. The relationship between the displacements and the small strain components is au 1 av au SXXLSY 8w“? [ax+ BY] _ iii _ 1 63w 63v E:yy " ay eyz ‘ 7 [3y * 52]. (2.2) 8w 1 8w au Szz = 3? sz = '2 [ax + 52] ,° The total displacement of the prismatic bar is assumed to be the sum of the displacement due to pure bending and that due to pure torsion. For an 12 incompressible bar, assuming bending parallel to the yz-plane, this sum is [12], for 692 << 1, u=-%ny- eyz v = --2i-K(222 - x2 + y2) + 6x2 (2.3) w = KYZ + f(x:Y9@): where I< is curvature, 69 the angle of twist per unit length and f(x,y,(9) the warping function. The terms u' = -6yz and v' = (9xz represent a rigid rotation of the cross section around the z-axis through the angle 92, provided 6’2 is small compared to one radian. Since finite rotations are considered, these displacement expressions are accurate only for small values of 2. But the strain components derived from them are independent of z and are assumed to apply along the whole length of the bar. The strain components for the prismatic bar are determined from Equations (2.2) and (2.3). Thus, 1 8xx = - §4 Figure 2. Relation between unit normal vector and direction cosines Using Equations (2.8), Equation (2.7) is expressed Oxzdy - oyzdx = O. (2.9) For the complete specification of a mechanics problem, the above equations must be supplemented by appropriate constitutive equations. These physical equa- tions define the material relationship between stress and strain. In the following sections the problem will be formulated for the constitutive relations of: 15 l. Rigid-perfectly plastic material governed by Hencky deformation theory. 2. Rigid-perfectly plastic material governed by Levy- Mises flow theory. 3. Work-hardening material governed by generalized J2 deformation theory. 4. Work-hardening material governed by generalized J2 flow theory. Each theory will lead to a different formulation of the problem. In all cases the entire bar will be assumed to be plastic. Surfaces across which the interior normal component of stress is discontinuous are permitted, e.g., the neutral surface in pure bending. The development of the rigid-perfectly plastic equations (Sections 2.2 and 2.3) essentially repeats the derivation given by Piechnik [24]. The work-hardening equations (Sections 2.4 and 2.5) represent a formulation which is original with this study. 2 2 Rigid-Perfectl Plastic Material _,_‘ Governed'byfiHenéEy eformatiOn Theory For a rigid-perfectly plastic material obeying Hencky deformation theory the strain deviator tensor is proportional to the stress deviator tensor [9], [12]. Thus, (2.10) r' (’1 m 16 where T is an unspecified proportionality function, sij the strain deviator tensor, and Gij the stress deviator tensor. For this material, the function T is usually determined through the specification of a yield condition [12]. The Mises yield condition [19] is used in the following development, namely (O -O')2+(O' —O‘)2+(O -Or)2 xx yy yy zz 22 xx 2 2 2 2 + 6(0’xz + dyz + Oxy) = 6k , (2.11) where k is the yield stress in pure torsion. .According to the elastic analogy assumptions, Oxx = Oyy = Oxy = 0, and this yield condition becomes 02 + 302 + 302 = 3k2. (2.12) 22 xz yz From the assumption that Oxx = ny = 0 it follows that the deviatoric components of normal stress are Oix l 2 — O§y = — 3022 and 0&2 _ 3022. Hence, the following independent equations follow from the application of Equation (2.10) and the elastic analogy assumptions on the stress tensor: 17 3 022 “a?“ __ 1 5f CYz “ET [7337 " 9"] (2'13) 1 (3f Oxz=2T[-5'x'- 6y] ' The solution of the problem requires the determina— tion of functions f and T such that the equilibrium equa- tion (2.6a) and the yield condition (2.12) are satisfied identically throughout the cross section, and the boundary condition (2.9) is satisfied at each boundary point. These functions may be determined by two different approaches [24], corresponding respectively to the warping- function approach or to the stress-function approach for the pure torsion problem. The two approaches are summarized here, and the details carried out in the following sections. (a) Warping-function method. The stress components (2.13) are substituted into the yield condition (2.12), giving T as a function of the warping-function f. The parameter T found in this manner is substituted along with Equation (2.13) into the equilibrium Equation (2.6a). These substitutions result in a single second-order par- tial differential equation for the unknown function f. 18 (b) Stress-function method. A stress-function Nb, defined by Equations (2.14), is introduced into the system as a new unknown: Eg=§f£,3{3=- 8T (2.14) aY' Stresses defined in this manner in terms of the function ¢Isatisfy the equilibrium Equation (2.6a) identically. The warping-function f is now eliminated from the shear strain Equations (2.4) to obtain the following compatibi- lity equation for the shear strains: as Z asXZ 5" ay = 9. (2.15) The stress components (2.13), represented in terms of NU, are substituted into the yield condition (2.12), giving T as a function of ND. Substitution of (P along with these same stress component expressions into (2.15) produces a single second-order partial differential equa- tion for the unknown function #1. 2.2.1 Warping-Function Formulation As a consequence of the stress-strain relations (2.13) the equilibrium Equation (2.6a) is 447% i- 9.)] ”‘SYWS? ex 1 (2.16) 19 The yield condition (2.12) becomes 2 2 9 K’ 2 17y f 3y + (9x 2 ] = 3k2o (2.17) f "gs-91’ 3 +25% Equation (2.17) is solved for T as a function of f. Thus, 2 2 + f: - 2fx6y + 62y2 + fy 1 T ='§E[3I<2Y + 2fy9x + 92x211/2, (2.18) where the subscript represents differentiation with respect to that variable. Equation (2.16), after multiplication by 2w2 yields (fox + fyy) - cpxu?x - 9y) - «>wa + 9x) = o. (2.19) Upon substitution for T and its respective derivatives from (2.18), Equation (2.19) takes the following form: 2 2 2 2 2 2 3[I< y (fxx + fyy) - Kyfy — If faxy] + fyfxx + fxfyy 2 2 ,. + 6 y f + 2 xfyfxx - zeyfxfyy _ 2fxfyfxy + zgyfyfxy -26xff + zezxf + 62x2f =0 (2 20) x xy Y xy xx ' ° Equation (2.20) was first developed by Piechnik [24] and is referred to as the Piechnik equation. f) u: p; (9' '4- I“ 20 By introducing into (2.20) the dimensionless coordinates x=a§,y=a77 (2.21) and the function t =7?— (2.22) a 9 and denoting u =—é5-, (2.23) the Piechnik equation is transformed to 2 302772(t;€ + 1:777? ) + tgg (t77 + g) (:7777 (tg ~21: (t 77)(t77 + g) ~3p277t -3p,2€77= ”'7 5 77 (2.24) Expressed in terms of the dimensionless coordinates g and 'n and the function t, the boundary condition (2.9) (tg - 77mm - (t77 + flag = o. (2.25) 2.2.2 Stress-Function Formulation As a result of the stress-strain relations (2.10) and the Equations (2.14) defining'¢/, the shear strains become 21 e =kT a¢is =-«T a¢j (229 Substitution of these strains into the compatibility Equation (2.15) gives .aw 53¢ + gy(._5_a‘f).1@=o. (2.27) From the yield condition (2.12), the normal stress a '5')? 022 is, if lpg and l#& denote partial derivatives, 022 = ifiku - 41$ - (ijl/Z, (2.28) where choice of sign corresponds to the sign of the coordinate y. Since symmetry conditions permit restricting an analysis to the region where y is positive, the posi- tive sign will be taken for the following development. According to (2.13) the stress Gzz is 3 Equating Equations (2.28) and (2.29) and solving for T yields ¢=V3— K 1 . (2.30) 2): 2 2 1/2 [1 - (LIX - l/Jy] 22 Substitution of T from (2.30) into Equation (2.27) produces the following partial differential equation for the unknown function #1: 7%.: o, (2.31) where X = 2y 2 1/2' [1 - Aux - wy] Through the use of energy principles, Equation (2.31) was first developed by Handelman [7] and later extended to more general loading situations by Hill [11]. This equation is referred to as the Hill-Handelman equation. From Equations (2.9) and (2.14) the boundary condi- tion on 1P for the Hill-Handelman equation is expressed as 23¢ a dK/J = Tidy + 7:de = O, (2.32) or (p = constant A (2.33) on the boundary. However, since only derivatives of Vb are required, the constant is taken as zero, making the boundary condition ([1 = o. (2.34) 23 2.3 Rigid-Perfectlnylastic Material EBverned'By Leyy-Mises Theory For a material obeying Levy-Mises theory, the rate-of-deformation deviator tensor is proportional to the stress deviator tensor [12]. That is 8' . ij "" “£1 (2.35) where the dot represents differentiation with respect to an appropriate time-like variable and >\ is an unspecified proportionality function. The kinematical relation between the velocities and the rate of deformation tensor, which for small displace- ments may be identified with the time derivative of the strain tensor, is _a ' _1[a{r+ 63'] xx ax XY-E ax W ' __a_; ' =1 av} ax} Syy" ay syz 7[8Y+ OZ] (2.36) . _a;, . zz az The velocities are determined by differentiating the displacement (2.3), with respect to time. For small- displacement theory, these velocities are (for small 2) 24 - ékxy - éyz 2 < u --%I;(222 - x + y2) + (éxy (2.37) Kyz + F(x,y, 9) , 2 II where F(x,y,(9) is the derivative of the warping function with respect to time. For small-displacement theory the coordinates may be considered as material coordinates giving the initial position of the particle. The rate of deformation tensor is assumed to be independent of z and is determined from Equations (2.37) through the kinematical relations (2.36). Thus, . - - l . . — 0 xx ' -§;\(Fxx + Fyy) - >\x(Fx — 9y) - )( (FY + 9x) = o. (2.40) Y The proportionality factor >\ is obtained through substitution of (2.39) into the yield condition (2.12). After simplification, :X is expressed as )\ = 7%[3 RZyZ + F: — 29x93) + 92% + F; + 2pyex + 922311”. (2.41) a“... Gs 26 The proportionality factor' A is eliminated from (2.40) through (2.41) to give '2 2 ° 2 ‘ 2 ' 2 2 3[K y (Fxx + Fyy) - K yFy - K exy] + F Fxx + FxFyy O 2 2 O O O + 9 y Fyy + 29xF Fxx zeypxryy 2FxFnyy + 26yFnyy - ZéxFF + 26.sz + 9.2sz = 0 (2 42) x xy y xy xx ’ ° With the dimensionless coordinates <§ and 77 defined in (2.21) and with u‘ = g, (2.43) F T = 75- (2044) a Equation (2.42) becomes 3p¢2772(T C + T7777 ) + Tég (T77 + g)2 + T7777 (T6 - 77)2 5 - 2T;77 (Tg - 7’])('I‘77 + g) — 3u‘277T - Bu‘zén = 0. 5 77 (2.45) In this notation the boundary condition (2.9) is expressed as (ch - 77)c177 - (T77 + gmf = o. (2.46) 27 If p = u', then Equations (2.45) and (2.24) are identical. This means-ii =-£:, or {§-= éé- which implies ln K = an + constant, and consequently g- = constant during the test. This type of loading is "proportional straining" in terms of the generalized variables fi< and 6). Under the condition of proportional straining, there is no difference between the Hencky and Levy-Mises rigid- perfectly plastic interaction curves for combined bending and torsion. This was first noted by Piechnik [24]. 2.3.2 Stress-Function Formulation By eliminating the warping-rate function from the kinematical relations (2.38), the following compatibility relation is obtained: 8 8 35%.. %:z=9. (2.47) With use of the stress-strain relations (2.35), and Equation (2.14) defining ¢;, this compatibility equation becomes “STD—85%)] +_§_y[>\__g%] +.Q.=o. (2.48) Paralleling the procedure used to determine T, the following relation for A,is derived from the yield condition: 28 0- 15;. é’y I]: o (2049) 2 I72 [1 - (bx - \[Jy] Substitution for )\ from (2.49) produces (2.50), a single second-order partial differential equation for the unknown #1: %;[X if] 4, gy[ _%L.§] + 173—€730, (2.50) where Y X = 2 2 1/2‘ [1 -“px ““l’lyl The boundary condition for (2.50) is also (p = o. (2.51) Again, if-ég =-€%, Equation (2.50) is identical to (2.31) and the two theories agree. Equation (2.50) has been solved numerically by both Steele [30] and Imegwu [15] and [16]. In his second solu- tion, Imegwu examines Hill's version of (2.50), which represents a more general loading condition than considered here. 29 2.4 Work-Hardening Material Governed Byfa CeneraIIzequ DeformatiOn Law Ramberg and Osgood [27] introduced the following three-parameter stress-strain curves for uniaxial tension: 0' V5): 1 2n 8 = E [l + ]U, (2952) where 8 is strain and O stress. The law fits a variety of metals and includes work-hardening effects. These stress— strain curves for n = l, n = 9, and n -- 03 are shown in Figure 3. For n-«- 00 the curve approaches the elastic- perfectly plastic law. n 105 [— l O 9 1.0 ~ 00 \/3 k 0.5 b O l l l 1.0 200 300 ES Figure 3. Ramberg-Osgood stress-strain curves The uniaxial stress-strain law (2.52) has been extended by Nadai [6] to the following generalized 30 Ramberg-Osgood J2 deformation theory: n 2685.1 = [1 + J2]O‘ij, (2.53) where J2 is the normalized second invariant of deviatoric stress, _ 1 The development is again analogous to Section 2.2. However, the yield condition is no longer required since the proportionality factor is now specified. Letting q; = 1 + J2, (2.55) Equation (2.53) becomes ZGSij = (bah. (2.56) The kinematic equations (2.3) and (2.4) remain valid for the incompressible material. According to the stress- strain relation (2.56) and Equations (2.3) and (2.4), the normalized non-zero stresses are 31 0.21/3 Vic C13Ow O z _ C) (at +_$[ay+x] (2.57) O‘xz__®[at ] ‘17-'55 “gs-Y) where (:>='§é29 H ='i: 9 and 2.4.1 Warping-Function Formulation The shear stresses of (2.57) are introduced into the equilibrium Equation (2.6a) to obtain “53%- )1 +gY[_<§15( The normalized second invariant of stress J2 is ] = 00 (2058) 040) Mr? + x _E2_[_1 8" d: 32 If the stresses from (2.57) are employed in (2.59), then 2 2 _®2 2 2 J2 -«——5 [3p y + (ty + x) ]. (2.60) CD + (tx — y) Thus, Equation (2.55) becomes cp-1+ @211 [322+ (t - )2+ (t +302]n (2 61) - 13?; H Y x Y y . . Differentiation and simplification of (2.58) lead to CI>(txx + tyy) - cbxvcx - y) - cpyuzy + x) = o, (2.62) where Cb is obtained from the (2n+1)th degree polynomial representation of (2.61). Thus, (find - c132“ - 5n = o, (2.63) where )2 S = ®2[3u2y2 + (tx - y + (’(:y + x)2]. The boundary condition on the function t according to Equation (2.9) is (tx - y)dy - (ty + x)dx = 0. (2.64) Equations (2.62) and (2.63) are solved simulta- neously for the unknown functions t and db. 33 2.4.2 Stress-Function Formulation In view of the stress-strain relation (2.56) and Equations (2.14) defining the stress function, the shear strains are expressed as k at!) k ; 841 8X2. = Egg—5;, Eyz = - de—é—i-o (2.65) Since Equations (2.3) and (2.4) remain valid, the compatibility Equation (2.15) must be satisfied. Substi- tuting from (2.65) into (2.15) yields a aw a eat/1 26 —é-’-‘[¢-—a-§]+_-a—i[ W]+—@-=O. (2.66) Equations (2.14), the first Equation (2.57), and Equation (2.59) then bring Equation (2.55) into the form 2 Cb: l + [3.2 “21,2 + \IJ: + $3] n. (2.67) These equations can be brought into a form super- ficially similar to those for the warping-function formu- lation. Equation (2.66) takes the form @(KPXX + ‘11”) + 6px (bx + cpy L/Jy + 2@ = o. ._ (2.68) Equation (2.67) is expressed as a (2n+1)th degree poly- nomial, rt- 34 c133“ - c132“ — sIn = o, (2.69) where S = 3 ®2u2y2 + ¢2(1,b)2( + $5). (2.70) It should be noted that Equation (2.69) is not really of the same form as Equation (2.63), since S now contains the unknown. But in the numerical algorithms both equa- tions are treated in the same manner. The boundary condition on the function MD is #1: O on the surface contour. Equations (2.68) and (2.69) are solved simulta— neously for the unknown functions 1p and d). 2.5 work—Hardening Material Governed By a Eeneralized quFIow Law According to Prager-Laning type flow theory [6], [26], the generalized Ramberg-Osgood law takes the form, ° ' 2n+l n-l ' i — O 1 where the dot represents differentiation with respect to an appropriate time-like variable. Since 69 is assumed to increase monotonically with time, we may take 9 as the time-like variable. In the following, the dot refers specifically to differentiation with respect to 9 . 35 Letting permits (2.71) to be expressed as 268' ij = dij + Aoij. (2.73) Differentiation of the displacement Equations (2.3), with respect to 9, yields the velocity components, - x2 + y2) + xy (2.74) yz + f(x,y,(9). .3; From the kinematical relations (2.36), the corres- ponding strain rates are m. 10 xx = _'2’\°yz = G(Fy + x) (2.76) XZ + >\ze = G(Fx -’ Y). The shear stresses must satisfy the equilibrium equation 50x2 5012 + = o, (2.77) a X a Y and, on the contour surface, the boundary condition, In order to determine an equation representing (2.77) in terms of the warping-rate function F, the first order differential equations (2.76) would have to be solved explicitly for the stresses as functions of the strain rates. Since Equations (2.76) represent a coupled set of non—linear equations, they will not be solved explicitly. Rather, in Chapter III, by means of a backwgrds difference 37 scheme for Q , a discrete system of equations will be cieveloped. This system, in the discrete sense, will be shown to satisfy Equations (2.76) and (2.77). 2 . 5. 2 Stress-Function Formulation By virtue of the constitutive relation (2.73) and — C 2.14) defining (p, the shear strain rates are . k . (2. 79) éyz =5; (Ll/x + )(pr). Eliminating the warping—rate function from the Shear strain rate expressions in (2.75) produces the f o 1 lowing compatibility equation: 88 z agxz _.‘L_ax -Ty .-. 1, (2.80) After substitution of the shear strain rates from (2.79) aInd further simplification, the compatibility equation ( 2.80) becomes . . . 2 LZ/ch + Lpyy + >\(L/Jxx + Lpyy) + >\x 4}}: + >\yklqu' 7% = 0’ where, according to (2.72) , n-l ’_ 2n+l X-TJZ J20 n.‘ «U ‘L. MU RH a 38 From (2.59), the normalized second invariant J2 is — + o 2 V5): or J ,_. _Z_Z. 4,2 (pi, (2.83) 2 V_k2 In order to determine a system of equations comparable to the deformation-theory stress-function Equations (2.68) and (2.69) , J2 must be expressed expli- Citly as a function of Ry, 1.1/x, and \lJy. In Chapter III, this will be accomplished, in the discrete sense, through the use of a backward difference in the 9 variable. The governing deformation—theory equations for both the warping function and the stress function are repre- sented as a system of two equations in terms of two unknown functions. This formulation for a combined bend- ing and torsion of a Nadai work-hardening material is believed to be new. For a numerical analysis approach, it will be shown in Chapter III that this formulation leads i=0 a reasonable computational algorithm. The equations for the flow-theory formulation Qennot be expressed as two explicit continuous equations in a form analogous to those of the deformation theory. But, through the use of a backward difference in 9 , it r» le 1 tun on 39 will be shown that both the warping-function and the stress-function formulations may be represented, at each discrete level of 9 , as a system analogous to that of the deformation theory. In addition, the computational algorithm for these equations will be shown to be almost equivalent to the deformation—theory algorithm. It is generally believed that a flow-theory formu— lation leads to a much more difficult problem than its counterpart deformation-theory formulation [2], [6], [18]. The results of the present formulation indicate that both theories, in the case of combined bending and torsion, lead to problems in which the solutions are obtained through comparable numerical computations. III. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS FOR A UNIT SQUARE CYLINDER 3. 1 Symmetry Properties of the Solution The unit square cross section is geometrically :5)(mmetric with respect to both the x and y axes (Figure 4). YA Figure 4. Coordinate system for unit square cross section Since the bending moment acts about the x—axis, the IThermal stresses are symmetrical with reSpect to the y-axis. Because the material is isotropic, the normal stresses are Einti-symmetric with respect to the x-axis. Moreover, only ‘iilne square of the normal stress enters into the calculation (DEE the stress function and warping function, since the 40 -o u .D a, u. an LIQv s: . '0 at. e . E ‘n .‘I 41 Inormal stress is considered only in the second invariant <>f deviatoric stress J2. This implies that the normal stresses produce only symmetric effects on the governing equations. Hence, the solutions to the differential equa- tions have the same symmetry properties as in the case of pure torsion . When a square bar is subjected to pure torsion, the stress function is symmetrical with respect to the x and y axes, and the warping function is anti-symmetric with respect to these axes [34]. 3. 2 Digcretization and Q nite Difference Operators A square mesh of equally spaced horizontal and Vertical lines is superimposed on the positive quadrant of the cross section (Figure 5). Y? —-h-—; 3‘ > X Figure 5. Lattice spacings for square mesh 42 The intersections of these lines are called mesh points or nodal points. The values of x and y at the nodal points are given by (i-l)h 1: is N >4 II (3.1) y (j-l)h lEjEN where i and j are integers, h the lattice Spacing, and N the number of nodal points in either the x or y direction. A function g(x,y) defined at the point (x,y) has the dis- crete analogue g(i,j) defined at the point (i,j). For the cross section, continuous physical para- meters are replaced by discrete functions defined only at the mesh points. Discretization of the problem is accom- plished through replacing the governing differential equa- tion by its discrete analogue. Thus, the problem is reduced to that of solving a system of algebraic equations for the values of the discrete function. The spatial derivatives are represented by the following finite-difference operators: a) first derivatives at an interior point, gx [g(i+l,j) - g(i-l,j)]/2h (3.2) [g(i,j+l) - g(i,j-1)]/2h, LO II (1 ‘1 43 b) second derivatives at an interior point, gxx = [g(i+l,j) - 2g(i,j) + g(i-1,j)]/h2 (3.3) gyy = [g(i,j+l) — 2g(i,j) + g(i,j-l)]/h2, c) mixed second derivative at an interior point, gxy = [g(i+l,j+l) - g(i-l,j+l) + g(i-l,j—1) - g(i+1,j-l)]/4h2, (3.4) d) first derivatives at a boundary point, 9x = [3g(N,j) - 4g(N-l,j) + g(N-2,j)]/2h (3.5) gy = [3g(i,N) - 4g(i,N-l) + g(i,N-2)]/2h. The error for each of the above spatial derivative operators is of order h2 [29]. In the flow-theory considerations, a function g(x,y, 6) is defined at the point (x,y,6) and has the discrete analogue g(i,j,,[) defined at the point (i,j,j). The derivative with respect to 9 , at the point (i,j,/(), is represented by a backward difference quotient. Thus, 96 = [g(iaj:/() " g(iajaj'l)]/A9, (3.6) and this approximation has an error of order A69 [29]. 44 Quadrature is performed by the repeated use of the two-dimensional form of Simpson's-% quadrature formula. The integral of the function over the area bounded by (i—l)h:E x E (i+l)h and (j-l)h:E y E (j+l)h is approxi- mated by h2 ffg(x,y)dxdy = -—g A + g&+l,j-l) + 4[g(i+l,j) + g(i,j+l) + g(i-l,j) + g(i,j-l)] g(i+l,j+l) + g(i—l,j+l) + g(i—1,j-l) + l6g(i,j) . (3-7) The error of this quadrature formula is of order h4 [6]. 3.3 Piechnik Equation for Rigid—Perfectly Plastic Material As was observed in Section 2.3.1, the warping— function equations for flow and deformation theory of rigid—perfectly plastic material are identical. Conse- quently, a solution is provided only for the case of deformation theory. The Piechnik Equation (2.24) is quasi-linear in the unknown function t(x,y) and may be expressed as Atxx + Zthy + Ctyy + Dty + E = 0 (3.8) where the non—linear terms are contained in the coeffi- cients Cu Fh.\ 45 A = 3u2y2 + (ty + x)2 B = -(t)( - y)(tx — y)2 C = 3u2y2 + (tX - y)2 D = -342y E = -3u2xy In view of the boundary conditions (2.9) and the anti-symmetry property of the warping function, t must satisfy the additional constraints, t = -x if y = 0.5 (3.9) t=0 if x=0 or y=0, on the first quadrant of the unit cross section. Following the Gauss—Seidel over-relaxation proce- dure outlined in Appendix I, the values of tm+1(i,j) for )th the (m+1 sweep through the mesh are calculated by t +1(i,j) = tm(i,j) +w[t m (i,j) - tm(i,j)] (3.10) m+l where QJis the over-relaxation factor and the t (i,j) m+1 46 values are furnished by tm+l(i,j) = + (E+fi)tm(i,j+1) + (E-fi)tm - tm+l(i-l,j+l) - tm(i+l,j-l) + tm+l(i-l,j-l)] + E where >l (III 0| E and the discrete values of x and y are determined by Equations (3.1). 2(A+C) l + [tm(i+l,j) - tm+l(i-l,j)]/2h [tm(i,j+l) - tm+l(i,j-1)]/2h 2 2 2 3p y + (ty + X) -[(tx - y)(ty + X)]/2 2 2 3p2y + (tX - Y) -l.5u2yh 3u2xyh2, X[tm(i+1,j) + tm+1(i-l,j)] l(i,j—1) + §[tm(i+1,j+1) (3.11) At the boundaries, x = 0.5 or y = 0.5, the respective derivatives are known from (3.9) and these are incorporated into the above equations. For points on 47 the center lines, x = O or y = O, the values of t(i,j) are known. For each sweep through the mesh, the cyclic order is prescribed so that the rows of the unknown matrix t(i,j) are successively displaced. Thus, for each i, the index j runs through the range 1 s j;s N, before i is increased through its range 155i 5 N. The iterations are continued until Max (i,j) - tm(i,j) <= 8, (3.12) tm+l for a preassigned convergence parameter 8, where the maximum is taken over all mesh points. More specific information on the choice of the over—relaxation factor and the convergence parameter 8 for all algorithms is provided in Chapter V, Section 5.2. The stresses are calculated by the finite- difference analogue of the stress-strain relations (2.13). The parameter (D is obtained through the analogue of (2.18). The difference representations of these quanti- ties are 9 2 2 ‘Pk(i,j) = 1UP (1.)) =6 1)) y + éUtx — y)2 + (ty + :02] 1/2 48 ozz(i,j) -VQ W-zfiffiv Ox (i,j) 9[ t(i+1,j) - t(i—l,_L) __ y] x g 2h , (3.13) 2¢k(i,j) ' t(i j+l) - t(i j—l) 0 (i,j) 6[ ’ ’ + x] yz 2h k = 2(pk(i,j) ’ where x and y are determined by (3.1). The values com- puted according to (3.13) are normalized stresses. The normalized stress resultants, bending moment mn, and torque tn, are determined by the following integrals: mn ='fi% Aydzsz (3.14) t =-—l j (x0 — yo )dA n To A yz xz where MO is the moment for pure bending and T0 is the torque for pure torsion. The integrals of Equations (3.14) are approximated by repeated use of Simpson's-% quadrature formula, Equation (3.7). The numerical calculations for the solution to the Piechnik equation are performed by a FORTRAN program, WARPI. A flow chart showing the sequence of operations 49 for program WARPI is provided in Appendix III, Figure 17. The listing of FORTRAN statements is given in Appendix IV. 3.4 Warping-Function Equations for Work—Hardening Generalized ‘gz Deformation eory Equation (2.62) may be expressed as a non-linear Poisson equation, txx + tyy - E(tx,ty,x,y) = 0, (3.15) where = ¢x(tx - y) + d>ym+l(i,j-1)] [tm(i,j+l) - tm+l(i,j-l) + 2hx] /4m(1,j) - 1] - 3;“ " _ 3 Chi“ Im(i,j) - 2n] Cbm+1(i,j) = cpm(i,j) (3.21) where Sm+1 is the difference representation of (.92 22 2 2 S =,fi 3p y + (tx - y) + (ty + x) . The iterations are continued until Max tm+1(i’j) - tm(i,j)' <= 8, (3.22) with a preassigned convergence parameter 8, where the maximum is taken over all mesh points. In general, if the necessary and sufficient condi- tions stated in Appendix I are satisfied, then the Gauss- Seidel method will converge for an arbitrary initial solution to(i,j). However, as shown in Appendix II, the 53 Newton-Raphson method requires an initial estimate of Cfio(i,j) near the exact solution. Therefore, to ensure convergence, the process is initiated near C) equal zero. At this starting point, with C) equal to zero, the exact values for t(i,j) and Cb(i,j) are known. Consequently, if C) is increased by a small amount AC), and this known solution for (D = 0 is used as an initial estimate, the process may converge. In fact, if AC) is small enough, one would expect the Newton-Raphson technique to converge rapidly. Thus, the mathematical algorithm assumes the solu- tion to be known at G) = 1 A69. This solution is used as the initial estimate for the solution at (9 = (I +1)A@. Iteration is continued until the convergence criterion (3.22) is satisfied, giving the solution at (1 +1)A®. Experience indicates that if AC) is kept small enough, this procedure will provide convergence throughout the desired range of() . After a solution is obtained for a given(3 , the normalized stresses are calculated by the following relations: HE! {P .4: . ._ .fl. 1:)" 54 ozz(i,j) _\/§® was??? ____1?__. = d§(i,j)' (3.23) a 751.1) ®[t(i,j+l) - t(i,j-1) + x] “x"?— = cram ° The normalized bending moment and torque for this (D are calculated according to Equation (3.14) using the two-dimensional Simpson's-% rule. The calculations for this system of equations are performed by a FORTRAN program, WARPO. A flow chart depicting the sequence of operations is shown in Appen— dix III, Figure 18. The FORTRAN listing of this program is provided in Appendix IV. 3.5 Stress-Function Equations for‘WErk—Hardening GeneraIizéd '2, Deformation Theory The solution to the stress-function equation for deformation theory parallels the solution presented in Section 3.4 for the warping-function equation. Equation (2.68) is expressed as the non-linear Poisson equation, we (1 yy + 3(1111)‘, wy,X,Y) = O, (3.24) where th and q: is obtained from the (2n+1) degree polynomial, ®2n+l - c112” - 5n = o (3.25) where 2 2 2 2 2 2 s=3®uy+CI>(\/JX+LIJY). By virtue of Equation (2.34) and the symmetry properties of Vb, indicated in Section 3.1, the following conditions must be satisfied: NU = 0 if x = 0.5 or y = 0.5 we Xe II ll 0 0 if y=00 As in Section 3.4, Equations (3.24) and (3.25) are treated as two simultaneous equations for the unknown functions 1p(x,y) and Cb(x,y). Equation (3.24) is a second-order partial differential equation and (3.25) is a (2n+1)th degree polynomial ian . Each equation is represented by its finite-difference analogue. Consequently, the Gauss- Seidel method (Appendix I) is employed on the analogue of (3.24) and the Newton-Raphson technique (Appendix II) is 56 used on (3.25). This algorithm is completely analogous to that applied in Section 3.4 to the warping-function equations. The iteration begins with assumed initial solutions for Vb(i,j) and Cb(i,j). These are subsequently corrected by successive sweeps through the mesh. The values of me+1(i93) for the (m+1)th sweep are given by kpmflid) = (Hung) + wt $m+1 - L/Jm(i,j)], (3.27) where flung) = [l/Jm(i+1,j) + Lilm(i,j+1) + L/Jm+l(i—1,j) “ wmu‘id'l’ + Banal/4) (3.28) and Em+l = ([cpm(i+1,j) - Cbm+l(i-l,j)][ (11m(1+1,j) LPm+1(1-1,j)] + [q3m(1,j+1) — cpm+l(i,j-1)][L[Jm(i,j+1) - ¢m+l(i’j-l)] + 8®h2 /4c:>m(1,j). (3.29) During the same sweep, the values of CD (i,j) are m+l calculated according to the Newton-Raphson iteration, 2n n cpm (i,j)[cpm(1,j) - 1] - s“1+1 Cbrnfn-l(i,j)[(2n+l)d)m(i,j) - 2n], (3.30) 4 ll 9: 189. Using the backward difference quotient (3.6) for Ozz’ o Oyz’ but not for %() and denoting xz’ Ozz xz z I _.__ __ o = _ v = ozz '\/3-k, Oxz k ’ Oyz E and C9 = «E6, the stresses at the level C») = [AC-D, according to (2.76), are 0' (1)“ V3A®FJ, (3.47) and the parameter 5(j ) is given by 2 5(1) = [WA®Ry+oéz(j-l)] + [—%}T-E-A®y 2 2 + G'XZ(1—1)] + [3; + A®x + O§z(1-l)] . At a given C) level, Equations (3.45) and (3.46) are treated as two simultaneous equations in the unknown functions T(x,y,/() and ,A(x,y,/€). Each is represented 64 by its corresponding difference analogue, and simulta- neously (3.45) is solved as a non-linear Poisson equation (Appendix I) and (3.46) as a (2n+1)th degree polynomial (Appendix II). To begin the iteration, initial solutions for T(i,j,/€) and ,A(i,j,/() are assumed to be the final solutions at the previous level. These values are cor- rected by successive sweeps through the mesh. The values Tm+1(i,j,/[) for the (m+1)th sweep are furnished by Tm+l(i’j’/C) Tm(i’j’1) + wETm+l(i’j’/C) - Tm(i’j’1)]’ (3.48) where fm+l(1,j,j) = [Tm(i+1,j,1) + Tm(1,j+1,,() + Tm+l(1-1,j,1) + Tm+l(1,j—1,1) - Em+l]/4, (3.49) and Em+l = [([Am(i+1’j91) - Am+l(i-1,j,1)][Tm(i+1,j,1) - Tm+1(i-1,j,1) - 2hA®y + 2ho)'(z(,{7—l)] + [Am(i,j+1,1) — Am+1(1,j-1,/g)][1m(1,j+1,1) - Tm+l(i,j-l,1 ) + 211869;: + 2ho§z(1 -1)] /4Am(1,j,1)] - 2h[q;cz(i+l,j,/(-D — c§z(1-1,j,1-1) + G§z(i,j+l,1-l) - o§z(i,j-1,1-1)l. 65 At the boundaries, the constraints of Equations (3.44) are incorporated into the above equations. During the same sweep, the values (\m+1(i’j”1) are calculated by the Newton-Raphson iteration. Thus, Am+l (w) + Ay<1>wy<1> + 249- (4.4-v - L(Inge-1.)] //\(j). The function 1\(/() is obtained from the (2n+1)th degree polynomial, A2“*1(,(7)- firm) — («1): o, (3.57) x<1>= 39-33“- sn‘1(j)[8(j) - A2(j)32(1-1)], (3.58) 70 and the parameter 5(1 ) is provided by s<1>=£1f33®ky + Oéz(1-l)]2 + A2(1)[Kl/fc(1)+ 1123(1)]. (3.59) Since the stress function (p is still defined by (2.14), the boundary conditions on.1p given by (3.26) are valid for any level of C). The condition of the unstressed bar, #lidentically zero throughout the cross section, is assumed as the initial condition at C) equal zero. Equations (3.56) and (3.57) are represented by their discrete analogues and solved simultaneously by an algorithm identical to that employed in Section 3.6. At a given level 1A6), the values ¢m+l(i,j,j) for the (m+1)th sweep are furnished by the Gauss—Seidel over-relaxation (Appendix I), \P+1(1,j,1) \lJm(1.j,1) + wt¢m+1(i.1.1> - \Pmuawl m (3.60) where ¢m+1(isj)1) = [wm(i+1,j,1) + me(i,j+l,1) + libm+l(i-l’j’/C) + lemma-1.1) + amp/4. (3.61) and 71 m+ E 1 = ([Am(i+l,j,1) - Am+1(i-l,j,j)][ %(i+l,j,1) ¢m+l(i-1ajs,€)] + [Am(i:j+191) " Am+1(iaj'l:1)] [tlJm(1,j+1,1) - ¢m+l(i,j-1,1)J + 8A®h2 + 4[\/J(1+1,j,1-1) + ‘lJ(i,j+1,/(-l) + l/J(i-l,j,/(-l) + (Pug-1,14) — 41,1/(1,j,/( -1) )/4Am(i.j.1)- At the boundaries, the constraints of Equations (3.26) are incorporated into the above equations. During the same sweep, the values A_ (i,j,/() are m+l calculated by the Newton-Raphson iteration (Appendix II), Am+l(i’j’1) = Am(iaj91) A§n(1,j,j )[Am(1,j,1) - 11- Km+1 Am (1.j,j)[(2n+1)/\m(i,j,j) - 2n] where Km is the difference analogue of (3.58). +1 Again, an inner iteration is performed on j\m+l(i,j,,() at each spatial point, until condition (3.51) is satisfied. The (m+1)th sweep is then continued. The sweeps are continued until Max m (11‘4de) .. \Dm(i,j,j)| e 6, (3.63) 72 for a preassigned convergence parameter s, where the maximum is taken over all mesh points. As in Section 3.6, a load path is specified in the curvature-twist space. This specification indicates the dependency of the stresses and stress resultants on the load history. At each level, the normalized stresses are deter- mined ‘\/—3A®I. r r r2 a E: , CID and Q) is obtained from the (2n+1)th degree polynomial, 2n+1 2n 2 2 2 . 2 2 q; — c1) - [C9 (3p. r Sit) on + tr t 2 2 n a 2 _ + .5 + r . 26“) J - 0. (4.26) Equations (4.25) and (4.26) may be considered as two simultaneous equations for the unknown functions t(r,a) and Cb(r,a). In addition, the function t(r,a) must satisfy the boundary conditions, t=0 if a=0 0r C1= min (4.27) 85 Each of the simultaneous equations may be repre- sented by its respective finite-difference analogue. Applying the Gauss—Seidel and the Newton—Raphson methods to these difference analogues yields the following sequence for correcting the initially assumed values for t(i,j) and Qb(i,j). During the (m+1)th sweep, the values tm+l(i’j) are calculated by tm+l(i,j) = tm(i,j) + (0[Em+1(1,j) - tm(i,j)], (4.28) where tm+l(i,j) is given by tm+l(i,j) = (K+B)tm(i+1,j) + (Kimmie-1m + C[tm(i,j+l) + tm+1(i,j-l)] - Em+1 -/[2(X+E)]. (4.29) The coefficients are determined according to A = (AOL)2r2 E = h2 2 5 = h(Aa) r .___§___ (4.30) E _ h2(Aa)2r2 cbm(1+l,j) - cbm+l(i-l,3)) m+l ‘ cpm(i,j) 21. + (tm(1+1,j) - tm+1(i-1,j) Cbm(i,j+l) - dbm+l(i,j-l)) 2h 2(Aa) tm(i,j+l) - tm+l(i,j-l) _ 1) 2(A0L)r2 86 Furthermore, the corrected values of d) (i,j) are m+l calculated during this sweep according to 2n . n (1 j)[<1> (1 j) - 11- s <13... (i,j)[(2n+l)CI>m(i,j) - Zn] (4.31) where the parameter S is given by the (m+1)th discrete m+l representation of S in Equation (4.9). The sweeps continue until Max tm+l(i’j) - tm(i,j) «=8, (4.32) for a preassigned convergence parameter 8, where the maximum is taken over all nodal points. The normalized stresses may now be obtained from the difference analogues of (4.10). As a result of Equations (4.11), these stresses determine the normalized stress resultants. The calculations for this system of equations are performed by the FORTRAN program POLARO. The flow chart and FORTRAN listing in POLARO are shown in Appendix III, Figure 23, and Appendix IV, respectively. The polar-coordinate solution was developed only for these two cases. However, due to the similarity between the algorithms for the deformation and flow theories in the case of a square bar, it is believed that a similar polar-coordinate algorithm could be developed 87 for flow theory. The purpose here is to demonstrate the feasibility of the technique applied to circular geometry rather than to compare the two theories. V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Effect of Mesh Refinement Steele [30] observed, in his numerical solution of the Hill-Handelman equation, that a 9 x 9 mesh on the entire unit square cross section provides torque and moment values which vary by less than 0.5 per cent from those for a 13 x 13 mesh. Thus, assuming the finite- difference solution converges to the continuous solution as the lattice spacing approaches zero, the normalized torque and moment provided by the 9 x 9 mesh appear to be valid to at least two decimal places. The present investigation utilizes a 12 x 12 cross- sectional mesh. As a consequence of the symmetry pro- perties, the solution must be obtained for only a 7 x 7 set of lattice points or 49 discrete points. In order to estimate the effect of grid size, the number of grid spac- ings was doubled. This latter system, a 24 x 24 mesh, requires the determination of the solution for a 13 x 13 set of lattice points or 169 discrete points. Two solu- tions were obtained for the Piechnik rigid-perfectly plastic equation with N = 13. A comparison between the normalized torques and bending moments for the two mesh sizes is shown in Table l. 88 89 Table 1. Effect of mesh refinement on normalized torque and moment (calculations at N x N points) Per cent difference 2 N u tn mn Atn Amn 7 0.333 0.8294 0.6388 13 0.333 0.8350 0.6370 +0.67 —0.28 7 1.333 0.6417 0.8230 13 1.333 0.6452 0.8188 +0.54 -0.51 The results of Table 1 indicate that the actual error inthe torque and moment would tend to cause dis- agreement in the third decimal place. Thus, with the 49 discrete point solution, at least two place accuracy is assumed in the normalized torques and bending moments. The variations in stresses for the above calcula- tion on the Piechnik equation are presented in Table 5 of Appendix V. The stress results tend to show a dif- ference in the second decimal place. Greenberg, Dorn, and Wetherell [6], in their numerical solution to the plastic torsion problem, used an 8 x 8 mesh on one quadrant of the cross section. With this mesh size, a solution is required for 81 discrete points, and accuracy of the calculated torques was assumed to be valid to three decimal places. Using N =3B, u = 1.00, and n = 12, computer runs were performed for both the deformation-theory and the flow-theory warping-function equations. With each run, 90 the difference between the normalized torques and bending moments for N = 13 and those for N = 7 was of the same order as that shown for the Piechnik equation in Table 1. In view of the large number of calculations required for the combined bending and torsion problem, and since the major emphasis of this study is confined to the torque and moment relationships, the remaining calcu- lations use a discrete system of 49 points on the first quadrant of the cross section. The comparisons between calculated stresses and stress resultants according to different theories assume the numerical accuracy of the order presented in the above discussion. 5.2 Effect of Over-Relaxation Factor 'EHH_CFSIEE_3f—50nvergenc6*?arameter In the case of linear second—order equations, formulas are available for selecting an optimum relaxa- tion factor [32]. Generally, these formulas are dependent on the mesh size h and the geometric shape of the cross section. Apparently, formulas of this nature are not available for the non-linear cases. Since most of the computer runs were for a system of 49 discrete points, various relaxation factors were considered in an experimental analysis. Data, showing the effect of the over-relaxation factor a), was determined for the Piechnik equation, the warping—function equation, and the warping-rate function equation. This information is presented in Figures 9a, 9b, and 9c. 91 140— 120— 100— I 80— 60- 40— 20~ 1 1 1 1 I L 1 l 1 1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 L6 1.7 L8 1.9 2.0 a) Figure 9a. Effect of relaxation factor (0 on the number of iterations I for the Piechnik equation with N = 7 and u = 1.00 l40~ 120 100 I 80 60 40 0 L l J l L I 1 1 l .4 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 0) Figure 9b. Effect of relaxation factor Q) on the number of iterations I for the warping- function deformation-theory equations with N = 7, u = 1.00, and n = 2 92 140 . 120 100 I 80 60 40 20 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 U) Figure 9c. Effect of relaxation factor cu on the number of iterations I for the warping- function flow-theory equations with N 3 7, p. = 1000, and n = 2 In the case of the Piechnik equation, Figure 9a, the system failed to converge after 250 iterations, for a): 1.9. With the other two equations, the system con- verged for the entire range of a). In all cases, the results indicate that the rate of convergence is quite dependent on the values of the relaxation factor. Values of (0 from 1.5 to 1.6 appear to give reasonable conver- gence rates for the values of u, n, and C) tested. The value of 1.55 for (U was used in all calcula- tions except for the experimentation just described. This 93 implicitly assumes that the optimum over—relaxation factor is independent of u, n, and C). As Figures 9b and 9c indicate, this probably is not exactly the case, since the optimum (0 changes when n and u are held constant and C)is allowed to vary. However, a run for n = six and u = zero for the case of deformation theory gave the optimum a) as approximately 1.45. In addition, with the optimum over-relaxation factor, these deformation and flow equations tend to converge faster than the Piechnik equation. For the case where N = 13, the number of discrete points is 169, and the optimum over-relaxation factor is 1.80. Using the optimum over—relaxation factors, 1.55 for N = 7 and 1.80 for N = 13, the following comparisons were observed with the warping-function deformation—theory equations for u = 1.00 and n = 12 with 0 5 C9 5 4.00: 1) With the increase in grid lines, the average number of iterations increased from 23 to 38. 2) The execution time increased from 0.82 minutes to 4.27 minutes for the respectives runs. Because of the large number of computer runs, it was felt that the most effective use of the computer time would be realized if the convergence parameter required the computed variable to have only four significant non— zero digits after the decimal place. Since only first derivatives of this function are needed, the accuracy 94 should be sufficient to allow the making of reasonable comparisons. The convergence parameter is given in each program listing (Appendix IV), under the variable name El. In each program E1 is set equal to the desired constant. 5.3 Results of the Piechnik Equation for Rigid—Perfectly PIastib Material The Piechnik equation was solved numerically for the unit square and unit circular cross sections. The most important aspect of each solution is the interaction curve between the normalized torque and bending moment. The interaction curve for the unit square cross section is shown in Figure 10. These results are compared with those obtained by Steele [30] and Imegwu [15] through a numerical solution of the Hill-Handelman equation. The numerical results are essentially equal, but in the pre- sent study the Piechnik equation has been solved through- out a greater range of p. This is possible since the Piechnik equation does not have the line singularity pre- sent in the Hill-Handelman equation. In addition, Figure 10 contains the upper and lower bounds for a unit square section, obtained by Steele [30] by means of energy principles developed by Hill and Siebel [13]. Because of the line singularity in the Hill- Handelman equation, nodal points cannot be placed on the x-axis. Steele [30] and Imegwu [15], [16] begin the grid lines at a distance of-% from both the x and y axes. If 95 upper bound lower bound t P— {}——D—Piechnik equation —- -<}—-C6Hill-Handelman equation 2‘ ‘3. 1“ 1 —- \ | 1 1 F. 1, l 1 l J l I I l - 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8. 0.9 1.0 m , n Figure 10. Normalized torque vs. bending moment interaction curve for a unit square bar 96 the Piechnik equation is solved with N = 10, then the stresses at selected spatial points may be compared with those obtained by Steele at these points. Steele computed the stresses for p =-—l and p =-—3. The Piechnik equation 3 was solved with N = 10 for thesevgame values of u. A com- parison between the stresses given by Steele and those of the Piechnik solution for p =-—£ are given in Table 6 of Appendix V. Because of the fingr grid, the results of the Piechnik equation should be more accurate. However, general agreement between the stresses for the two solu- tions is observed. A comparison between the interaction curve for the unit circular bar and unit square bar is illustrated in Figure 11. These results seem to indicate that the inter- action curve is somewhat insensitive to the geometric cross section. Prager and Onat [20] obtained a similar result for the case of combined plastic bending and an axial load. In his more limited analysis, Imegwu [15] came to the conclusion that such an insensitivity appears to exist also for the case of combined bending and torsion. Piechnik [24] solved his equation by assuming the bending to act as a perturbation on the pure plastic torsion. Due to mathematical difficulties, this solution was confined to a unit circular cross section. A com- parison between the numerical and perturbation solutions is presented in Table 2. Piechnik states that his results 97 0.4 - ‘D—dD—square bar 0.3 - ~{F—0-circular bar 0.2 t 0.1 r o 1 l 1 I l) L, l l L 0.1 0.2 (L3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 m n Figure 11. Comparison of the normalized torque vs. bending moment interaction curves for the square and circular bar 98 should be reasonably accurate for p less than 0.25. The values shown in Table 2 indicate a favorable comparison within this range of u. Table 2. u 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 radial cross section Numerical tn mn 0.9929 0.1329 0.9845 0.1945 0.9735 0.2518 0.9603 0.3050 0.9454 0.3542 Comparison between numerical and perturbation solutions for unit Perturbation tn mn 0.9927 0.1328 0.9846 0.1951 0.9747 0.2529 0.9647 0.3240 0.9562 0.4107 The results for both of these numerical solutions of the Piechnik equation agree with those determined through energy, perturbation, and numerical methods, by other researchers. Thus, even though no mathematical justification is available to ensure convergence of the system to the correct result, the above comparisons strongly suggest the method indeed converges to a satis- factory solution. 5.4 Generalized J Deformation—Theory,Solutions The combined bending and torsion problem for the generalized J deformation theory was solved numerically by both a warping-function and a stress-function approach. For the case of the unit square bar, the two formulations provide essentially the same result. 99 This generalized J deformation law was also used 2 in the solution of the unit circular bar in polar coordinates. The polar-coordinate solution shows that the mathematical algorithm appears to be a tractable means to solve the problem when the coordinate system corresponds to the cross-sectional geometry. 5.4.1 Warping-Function Solution for Unit Square Bar The warping-function deformation-theory equations were solved for the values of u and n as shown in Tables 7 of Appendix V. The resulting normalized torques and bend- ing moments are also given in these tables. For each particular combination of H and n a given range for C) is specified. The range of C) and the given AC) may be obtained from inspection of the data in each table. To illustrate the general effect of the work- hardening on the torques and moments, the normalized torques and bending moments vs. the unit angle of twist, for selected values of the Ramberg-Osgood exponent n, are shown in Figures 24 of Appendix VI. Due to the large number of calculations, it is not convenient to present the entire stress output. However, Table 8 of Appendix V shows the typical stress output obtained by the warping-function formulation for some values of u, n, and® . 100 5.4.2 Stress-Function Solution for Unit Square Bar The solution to the stress-function equations serves as a check on the warping-function solution and was developed so that a comparison could be made with the above results. The equations were solved for the combina- tions of u and n as presented in Tables 9 of Appendix V, and the normalized stress resultants obtained are also given in these tables. Calculations of the stresses corresponding to the same values of u, n, and C) as given in Table 8 (warping- function results of Section 5.4.1) are presented in Table 10 of Appendix V. A comparison between the two stress calculations may be obtained by examining these two stress tables. Since the results are only assumed to be accurate to two decimal places, the stress resultants for the warping and stress-function formulation are essentially equal. The computational algorithms are also essentially the same. Thus, it appears neither method offers an advantage, although, from the standpoint of error, the stress-function formulation would be expected to be better, since the values of the unknown function are pres- cribed on the boundary, while in the case of the warping function, the normal derivatives are prescribed at the boundary. 101 The warping-function approach has the advantage of giving directly the axial displacements, which might be of physical interest. For this reason, and because it repre- sents a more novel approach in plasticity, the major effort in this study was made with the warping-function approach. 5.4.3 Warping-Function Solution for a Unit Circular Bar The polar—coordinate deformation-theory warping- function equations for the circular bar were solved for the values of u and n as shown in Tables 11 of Appendix V. The normalized stress resultants are presented graphically in Figures 25 of Appendix VI. 5.4.4 Approximation of the Elastic- Plastic Boundary for an Elastic- Perfectly Plastic Material The generalized J work-hardening deformation- 2 theory approach provides a method of approximating the elastic-plastic boundary for an elastic-perfectly plastic material. As was pointed out in Section 2.4, as n-a-oo the uniaxial Ramberg-Osgood stress-strain curve approaches the elastic-perfectly plastic curve represented by the curve consisting of two straight segments in Figure 3. When the tensor version, Equation (2.53), of the Ramberg- Osgood law is assumed to apply over the whole cross sec- tion in a deformation-theory analysis with no unloading, 102 it is reasonable to expect that the solution for n large will approximate the elastic-perfectly plastic solution. The region where J2 approaches the constant unity approxi- mates the perfectly-plastic region,axu1the boundary of this region is taken as the approximation to the elastic- plastic boundary. On the basis of letting n become large, the elastic-plastic boundary was approximated for the square section for u = 0 and for p = l, and for the circular section with u = 1. These boundaries for various values of G) are shown in Figures 12. By the sand hill-soap film analogy, the boundary is known for the case of pure torsion. Figure 12a has the appearance of the elastic-plastic boundary predicted by this familiar analogy. The boundary for the combined bending and torsion problem is not known. However, an indication that the solution is approximating a perfectly— plastic material is given since the second stress deviator invariant, J2, approaches unity. Since J2 approaches its greatest values along the y-axis, J2 is plotted as a function of distance along the y-axis in Figures 13. 5.4.5. Comparisons of the Deformation—Theory Solutions A general comparison between the stresses and stress resultants calculated by the warping function (Tables 7 and 8) and by the stress function (Tables 9 103 C9 = 6.00 @ = 4.00 + _@ = 3.00 //\\ Figure 12a. Approximation to elastic-plastic boundary with u = 0.00 and n = 12 1\\ C3 = 2.50 Mh® = 3.00 —@ = 4.00 _.|_ \\l_,/"”'* 7““‘-.__.// // \ \ Figure 12b. Approximation to elastic-plastic boundary with u = 1.00 and n = 12 104 ll l-‘ C U1 C II N O O O II p o O O Figure 12c. Approximation to elastic-plastic boundary for circular section with p - 1.00 and n - 15 and 10) indicate that they agree within the limits of the assumed numerical accuracy. In addition, for the case of pure torsion, each method confirms the results presented by Greenberg, Dorn, and Wetherell [6]. As a final check, if n becomes large, then the moments and torques approach those given by the solution to the Piechnik equation. Typical comparisons for both the unit square and circular bars are shown in Table 3. These arguments offer physical assurance that the results are indeed converging to reasonable values. N mHXMIm so a .m> h unmeum>ca vacuum uwueameuoz .mH wusoeh 0.6 .o.m .o.m .mé u© 6.6 .o.m .m.~ .o.m n ® 6.6 .06 .06 6.... n @ me n 6 .oo.H u 1 NH 1 6 .oo.H u 1 «H n 6 .oo.o n 1 coewuwm Hmasuufiu flue soauuom ouwsqm Abe cowuumm mumsqm Ame :5 m h a nu 1. oo.a om.o 106 Table 3. Comparison between deformation-theory solution approximation to perfectly-plastic material and the Piechnik solution Deformation theory Piechnik equation Square Bar n = 12, p. = 1000, Q = 4.00 p = 1000 tn mn tn mn 0.6834 0.8093 0.6874 0.7885 Circular Bar n a 15, p. = 1000, G) =3 4000 H = 1000 tn mn tn mn 0.7119 0.7855 0.6936 0.7488 In the case of the unit circular bar, expressed in polar coordinates, the warping function offers an advantage over the stress-function formulation. That is, the govern- ing equations in both cases are singular at the origin. However, with the warping function, the singularity is removable since the warping is known to be zero at the origin. Thus, the warping-function approach provides a numerically tractable way to approach the problem through the use of polar coordinates. The flow-theory equations are solved in Section 5.5 for the same parameters as the deformation-theory equa- tions. As will be shown, the two theories appear to give the same results under the condition of proportional straining in terms of the generalized variables K and 9 . 107 5.5 Generalized J mgns The generalized J2 flow-theory analysis was also formulated for both the warping and stress functions. Both methods give essentially the same results for the stresses and the normalized torques and bending moments. 5.5.1 Warping-Function Solutions The warping-function system of equations was solved for various values of n and u; the resulting normalized stress resultants are given in Tables 12 of Appendix V. Typical values for calculated stresses are presented in Table 13 of Appendix V. 5.5.2 Stress-Function Solutions The stress-function system of equations was solved for the various values of u and n; the resulting normalized torques and bending moments are given in Tables 14 of Appendix V. Table 15 of Appendix V gives calculated values for the stresses which compare with those for the warping-rate function calculations given in Table 13. 5.5.3 Comparisons for Flow Theory A comparison between the torques and moments for the warping function (Tables 12) and the stress function (Tables 14) shows that the two formulations provide results which agree within the assumed numerical accuracy. 108 An examination of Tables 13 and 15 shows a similar agreement between the stresses. Thus, both methods pro— vide essentially the same results. From a computational point of view, neither method offers an advantage, since the mathematical algorithms are practically equivalent. 5.6 Comparison Between Flow and DeformatiOn Theory 5.6.1 Conditions Where the Theories Agree Piechnik [24] showed that for a rigid-perfectly plastic material, the condition-é; =-€% produces the same governing equation for flow theory as for deformation theory. The solution to the Piechnik equation is given by the interaction curve between torque and moment. In the case of deformation theory, this curve results from 0 f-é; 5300. Similarly, in the case of flow theory, it results from 0:5 Jg-EEOO. Thus, the interaction curves for both theories are identical. In the work-hardening materials, the solution to the system of equations is no longer an interaction curve but rather the relationships of the moments and torques to the deformation parameters K7 and 9 . These relationships depend on the Ramberg-Osgood constant n. A comparison between the results presented for deformation theory (Section 5.4) and flow theory (Section 5.5) indicates that 109 the two theories appear to agree under the condition K' I( 9 It should be noted that the solutions to the flow theory represent a forward integration in the C) variable. This is accomplished through a backwards difference quotient in AC). The error in the system is of order AC) and it may tend to accumulate with increasing C). Thus, the two theories would not be expected to agree as well for C) large as for C) small. In all cases tested, with N = 7, the calculations for deformation theory and for flow theory agree to two decimal places when C) is small. As C) assumes its maxi- mum value in the specified range, there is a little less agreement. This difference is believed to be due to an accumulation in the error of the backwards difference quotient. To investigate these numerical differences, computer runs were made with N = 13, u = 1.00, and n = 12 for both the deformation and the flow-theory warping- function equations. In addition, with the flow theory the increment in C) was AC) = 0.0625. The results of these calculations with the two theories agree to three places initially and gradually decrease to two places as C) takes on its maximum value. This indicates the theories produce the same results if«é§ = constant and that any difference in results can be attributed to numerical error rather 110 than to actual differences in the predictions of the theories. It is generally believed that the solutions for a deformation theory and its counterpart flow theory will agree only under the conditions of radial loading in the stress space. Greenberg, Dorn, and Wetherell [6] showed the two theories provided the same numerical result for pure torsion even though the stresses were non-radial. The present study shows that under the loading condition «f? = constant, where f< and (9 are generalized strain parameters, the deformation and flow theories provide essentially the same numerical results. In this more general situation, the loading is such that the stresses follow a non—radial load path. As was remarked in Section 1.1, a radial stress = Co’ 13 ii is a function which increases monotonically with the time- load path means a where dij are constants and C like variable. Thus, for the combined bending and tor- sion, a radial stress load path implies 0' O O 22 XZ Z 22 xz yz O O 0 where 022’ Oxz’ Oyz may be taken as the respective stresses when C1) equal AG).2 2This choice of the value of (:>at which the stresses Oij are taken is arbitrary. 111 To better illustrate the non—radial nature of the combined bending and torsion problem, consider 37": c2 (5.2) where the CB are functions of (9. A radial loading is indicated if C1 = C2 = C3. If C1’ C2, and C3 are plotted as functions of the time-like variable 6 , then the dif- ference between the curves will tend to indicate the degree of non-radial stress loading. Figures 14 show the functions CB plotted as func- tions of (9 for u = 0 and for u = l and for two choices of the Ramberg-Osgood exponent, n = 2 and n = 12. The stresses are taken at the spatial point where i = 4 and j = 5. The results for u = 0 confirm the results reported by Greenberg, Dorn, and Wetherell. An analysis of these graphs shows that the stress paths tend to be more non-radial when u is smaller and n larger. However, in the torque, moment, and stress results, it was found that the two theories agree under the condition-é; = constant, and there appears to be no O l l l 1 (3? l 2 3 4 Figure 14a. Functions CB vs.-§éL showing non-radial stresses for u = 1.00 and n = 2 at the discrete point i = 4, j = 5 Figure 14b. Functions CB vs.-§éL showing non-radial stresses for u = 0.00 and n = 2 at the discrete point i = 4, j = 5 113 Figure 14c. Functions CB vs. 9&1 showing non-radial stresses for u = 1.00 and n = 12 at the discrete point i = 4, j = 5 6 Figure 14d. Functions CB VS"§E— showing non-radial stresses for p = 0.00 and n = 12 at the discrete point i = 4, j = 5 114 dependence on the values of n and p, insofar as agreement between the two theories is concerned. The agreement between the numerical results from the two theories seems to suggest that, although the condition of a radial stress path is a sufficient condition for integrability of the flow-theory equations to those of deformation theory, it may not be a necessary condition. Otherwise, with non— radial stress paths, one would expect more disagreement between the two theories than that observed with this study. Budiansky [1] has proposed a condition under which the deformation theory is an "acceptable competitor" to the flow theory even under the condition of non-radial stress paths. For the generalized J2 deformation theory, this condition is [6] a1< tan-lj/Zn-l (5.3) where 1 013011 1 1 I72 .1 '. I/Z' [Uklokl] [opqopq] (5.4) a = cos- Budiansky and Mangasarian [2], [18], for the case of an infinite plate with a circular hole, showed that generalized J deformation theory and generalized J2 flow 2 theory give comparable results even if the stress paths are non-radial. However, in all cases the Budiansky criterion was satisfied. 115 Calculations with the combined bending and torsion problem indicate that under the condition €§.= constant, the Budiansky criterion is satisfied. Thus, on the basis of Budiansky's physical arguments, perhaps one could expect the results of the two theories to be comparable. Nevertheless, this condition does not answer the question of integrability posed earlier in this section. In Section 5.6.2 examples will be given where the theories do not agree. This disagreement between the theories will be shown to depend on how much the load variable-$51 is allowed to vary during the loading. 5.6.2 Examples of Load Paths Where the Theories Do Not Agree To further compare the results of the deformation— theory and the flow-theory calculations, the parameter-$5; was allowed to vary during the loading. As was shown in Chapter III, Section 3.6, a point in the generalized K—Q space may be reached by any number of paths. For the paths A, B, C, and D shown in Figure 15, the values calcu- lated at the point (3.00,3.00) for the normalized torque and moment are shown in Table 4. These calculations were made with n = 2 and with n = 12. This table shows the per cent difference between the normalized torques and moments and those for load path C. In this case, path C repre- sents the loading where é; is constant. The values for the deformation-theory calculations are also included in 3.00— 116 (3.00,3.00) 2.00- GK? ._E_ 1.00 0.00 ’ ' ad 1.00 2.00 3.00 Figure 15. Paths chosen for comparing the deformation and flow-theory calculations at the point (3.00,3.00) Table 4. Comparison of torques and moments for different load paths (see Figure 15) Per Cent Dif— ference from C Path tn mn torque moment Ramberg-Osgood exponent n = 2 B 00711 0.743 +11009 " 6077 C 0.640 0.797 C (deformation) 0.642 0.807 + 0.3I + I.38 D 0.593 0.836 - 7.34 + 4.52 Ramberg-Osgood exponent n = 12 C 0.659 0.781 C (deformation) 0.656 0.789 - 0.45 + 1.11 D 0.625 0.807 - 5.16 + 3.33 117 this table; deformation theory predicts the same results for all paths. For the paths tested, the differences are not extremely large; however, they are of such magnitude that they cannot be attributed to numerical error. Thus, under the condition of non-radial loading in terms of the generalized strain parameters l< and 6 , a difference in the predictions of the flow and deformation theories is observed. This difference becomes greater as the path in the F<- 6 space becomes more non-radial. The Budiansky criterion, Equations (5.3), was checked with deformation-theory calculations for paths A and B with the Ramberg-Osgood exponent n = 2. For n = 2, the maximum permissible value for the angle a is 65.9“. With path A the maximum calculated a was 76.2“ while with path B the maximum calculated a was 63.9“. Thus path A violates the Budiansky criterion while path B does not violate this condition. These deformation-theory calcu- 1ations deviated by as much as 14.8 per cent of the flow- theory values with path A while the maximum deviation was about 10.0 per cent of the flow-theory values with path 8.3 Although no definite conclusion may be drawn from this particular analysis, it would seem that if the Budiansky 3When calculated as a percentage of the deformation— theory values, the percentages for paths A and B were as high as 17.7 per cent and 11.1 per cent, respectively. 118 criterion is violated with a deformation theory then the results certainly should be questioned. The development of the Budiansky criterion is predicated on the assumption that one wishes to set a limit on when the deformation theory may be considered as an "acceptable competitor" to a counterpart flow theory [1]. This implicitly assumes that one would prefer the flow-theory solution, but that generally it is easier to obtain the deformation-theory solution [2], [18]. The results of the present study indicate that the flow-theory analysis is comparable to the numerical calculations required for the deformation theory. If the flow theory is the preferable theory, then it may be more reasonable to proceed with a flow-theory analysis. 5.7 Conclusions The following general conclusions relating to the combined bending and torsion problem are made as a result of this investigation: 1) The numerical solution of the Piechnik equation confirms the results of other investigators. But, from a computational point of view, the Piechnik equation has better convergence properties, and, consequently, all points on the interaction curve may now be calculated. 2) In both the flow-theory and the deformation-theory generalized J2 work-hardening material calculations, 3) 119 the stress-function equations and the warping— function equations give comparable results with approximately the same amount of numerical compu- tation. Thus, neither method appears to offer any computational advantage. However, with more com- plicated geometric boundaries, the stress-function approach would be preferable. The two work-hardening theories, deformation and flow, appear to agree under loading conditions where a constant ratio is maintained between the generalized strain parameters K and 9 even though the stress load path is non-radial. This strongly suggests that a radial stress load path may be only a sufficient condition for integrating the flow- theory equationstx>those of deformation theory, but not a necessary one. 4) As the strain path is made non—radial in terms of 5) the generalized variables K and 9 , differences are observed in the results of the two theories. It is customarily believed that the flow theory should be the preferable theory [12], [17]. Thus, for this type of non-radial straining, the flow- theory results should be preferred to those of the deformation theory. The numerical analysis calculations for the flow- theory solution are comparable to those for the 120 deformation theory. In all solutions, both flow and deformation, the times required for convergence at any given (9 level are comparable. The flow— theory calculations take slightly longer due to the additional iteration mentioned in Section 3.6, but this iteration is not significant in terms of the total time. The more important consideration between the theories is the size of the increment AC). In flow-theory computations, this must be kept small because of the error, and, consequently, more calculations are required for a given range of C). It is generally believed that even with numerical analysis the flow-theory solutions are much more difficult to obtain than the deformation-theory solutions. With the iteration procedures of the present study, this was not the case for combined bending and torsion, and it is possible that similar procedures could be used in other problems to make flow-theory competitive with deformation theory from the standpoint of computational difficulty. VI. POSSIBLE EXTENSIONS OF THE RESEARCH It may be possible to extend the research along two primary avenues: (l) to apply the technique to other related problems in mechanics, and (2) to establish a mathematical criterion which would ensure the convergence of the iterative schemes. 6.1 Related Mechanics Problems 6.1.1 More General Loading Conditions The equations should be extended to a more general loading situation. Hill [11], [12] extended Handelman's work [7] to the general case of combined torsion, bending about two orthogonal axes of symmetry and uniaxial exten- sion. In a similar manner, the work-hardening formula- tions could be generalized to include these loadings. In this generalization, the displacement Equations (2.3) would be replaced by the following displacements: u = -%K1xy + %K2(y2 - x2 - 222) -%6x - eyz v = %K1(x2 - y2 - 222) - 3211(ny - )2” by + 6x2 (6.1) w = Klyz + szz + 62 + f(x,y, 9), 121 122 where I<1 and I<2 are curvatures, 69 unit angle of twist and 6 unit extension. These more general displacements represent the sum of the displacements for each loading considered separately. Again, the elastic analogy assumption on the stresses would be made and an incompressible material assumed. The development should parallel that of Chap- ter II, but, in the solution, the manner in which the curvatures and the extension depend on the unit angle of twist would have to be specified. Numerical solutions could be obtained with algorithms similar to those used in this study. Since under the more general loading the effect of the unit angle of twist on the normal stress is greater, extreme care should be maintained in incrementing the unit angle of twist variable. 6.1.2 General Boundaries From a more practical viewpoint, it may be reason- able to consider other geometric cross sections. The present analysis treated only the square and the circular bars. In each of these cases, the algorithms exhibit reasonable convergence rates. For these examples, the normal derivatives on the boundary are parallel to the grid lines, and neither the warping function nor the stress function offer a computational advantage. In the case of an irregular boundary, however, the stress- 123 function approach might give an advantage, since the value of the stress function is prescribed on the boundary while the normal derivative is prescribed for the warping function. In the extension to a more general boundary, the major problem would be computer programming. The program must consider the different possibilities at each boundary point. In addition, an irregular geometric cross section may tend to cause some difficulty in the convergence of the algorithms. The convergence properties of the Gauss- Seidel method applied to the linear Poisson equation are known to depend on the boundary geometry [32]. 6.1.3 Other Theories A number of attempts have been made to determine mathematical stress-strain relations. Many of these are summarized by Osgood [21]. Some of these theories may be preferable to the ones used in this study. Since the pre- sent formulation considers the constitutive relation as a separate equation, the algorithm could be adapted to these other theories, and the results of different theories could be compared. Perhaps one of the more interesting theories would be one due to Prager [12], assuming the tensile stress- strain curve as o = Y tanh [23) . (6.2) 124 Prager [26] and Hill [12] give the counterpart generalized flow theory for this stress-strain curve. From a physical standpoint, one of the objections to this relation is the difficulty in defining the parameters [21]. However, in the case where the material has a well-defined yield point and the actual stress-strain curve approaches the elastic- perfectly plastic situation, this formulation provides a good fit to the uniaxial physical data [12]. Thus, using Prager's relation for the whole body provides a numerical method of determining displacements when the material behavior approaches that of an ideal elastic-perfectly plastic medium. Hill [12] gives an equation for determining the warping in the case of pure torsion of a prismatic bar with an elastic-perfectly plastic material. Hodge [14] has applied this equation to some special cross sections. In Hodge's formulation, the deformations must be such that the elastic strains may be neglected. This restriction would not be necessary in the numerical calculations with a smooth stress-strain curve such as Prager's hyperbolic tangent law. The Ramberg-Osgood curve also approaches the elastic-perfectly plastic case when n approaches infinity. But, in the plastic region, the perfectly-plastic stress is approached from above, whereas with Prager's method it is approached from below. Consequently, in this special 125 case, it would seem that Prager's relation offers some advantage over that of Ramberg and Osgood for approxi- mating an elastic—perfectly plastic curve by a smooth curve. 6.1.4 Work-Hardening Equations Not Related to Combined Bending and Torsion The iteration procedure developed in this study permits the material non-linearity to be confined to a single equation. This non-linearity, resulting from the constitutive relation, is treated by the Newton-Raphson iterative procedure. The governing equation, i.e., the equilibrium equation with the warping function or the com- patibility equation with the stress function, is still treated numerically in a manner analogous to the corres- ponding linear elasticity problem. It may be possible to develop iterative procedures similar to those used in this study for other work- hardening problems not related to combined bending and torsion. For example, the governing work—hardening equa- tions for an Airy's stress function in plane stress or plane strain problems may be developed. This development would assume the entire body to be governed by work- hardening plasticity equations so that no undetermined elastic-plastic boundary is involved. The governing equa- tion would be a fourth-order partial differential equation which would be treated in a manner similar to the linear 126 biharmonic equation. The non—linear material properties would be contained in an equation similar to the polyno- mial equation considered in this study. The computational algorithm should somewhat parallel that employed with the stress-function approach of this investigation. As in elasticity, the Airy stress-function approach would be suitable only for problems with traction boundary conditions. For displacement boundary conditions or mixed problems, it might be possible to develop a similar proce- dure for equations analogous to the Navier equations of elasticity. Another possible class of problems are those of axial symmetry including, but not limited to, torsion of bars of non-uniform cross section. Also, no considera- tion has yet been given to combined torsion and flexure with transverse loads, introducing dependence on the z—coordinate. 6.1.5 Experimental Verification The validity of any engineering analysis must be measured by the degree to which it actually predicts the behavior of physical phenomena. To determine if this method produces reasonable results, one would have to com- pare these analytical results to experimental measurements. Since the deformation and flow theories produce different results under certain loading conditions, there is some question as to the physical validity of the methods. It 127 should be possible to develop experiments which would provide greater insight into the application of the theories. It would be quite difficult to subject a prismatic bar simultaneously to arbitrary pure bending and torsion where the rates of curvature and rates of twist could be independently controlled. Hill and Siebel [13] have reported on an experiment with a steel circular bar where the ratio of moment to torque was held constant. The problem of combined torsion and tension should exhibit similar differences between the theories. It should be feasible to design an experiment where the rate of extension and rate of twist are independently controlled to determine the relationship between tension and torsion. This type of experiment may be a possible way of checking the physical validity of the numerical procedures. Ramberg and Osgood [21] suggest that their formu- lation will provide a reasonable fit to a variety of materials. For the uniaxial stress conditions, the three parameters are easily obtained [21]. In order to obtain a valid mathematical stress— strain relation for a given material, it may be necessary to consider other theories such as those suggested in 6.2.3. If a reasonable fit to a given material is made, then the above experiment should provide additional infor- mation concerning the range of application for both the deformation and the flow theories. 128 6.2 Mathematical Investigations 6.2.1 Bound on the Theta Increment Experience indicates that the algebraic system for both the flow and deformation theories converges at reasonable rates if the increment in the angle (9 is small. Thus, at any given level of G) , the convergence is possible only if the initial solution is near the actual solution. It appears that the governing factor on the "nearness" of the initial solution is the Newton- Raphson iteration on the (2n+1)th degree polynomial. That is, if the initially estimated roots provide a good approximation, then the system tends to converge. The object of an additional investigation might be to determine a bound on the increment AC). Previous results show that this bound depends on the Ramberg-Osgood exponent n and on the curvature-twist (or curvature rate- twist rate) ratio p. By experimenting with different increments, a bound depending on n and u could be established experimentally. Mathematically, the term Sm (for example, see Equation +1 3.21) must be bounded for a given increment. With this bound, a limit may be established on the degree of change in the root(i,j) at an arbitrary point (i,j). 129 6.2.2 Effect of Newton- Raphson Iteration The effect of the Newton-Raphson iteration should be further studied. It appears that an equation of the type. A(u)uxx + B(u)uxy + C(u)uyy + D(u)ux + E(u)uY + F(u) = 0, (6.3) solved by iteration will tend to converge if the estimates of the non-linear coefficients A(um), B(um), C(um), D(um), E(um), and F(um) approach their respective limits at a faster rate than um approaches u. This seems to indicate that, if values of um approximate u in a relatively coarse manner, some technique must be utilized by which the coefficients are predicted quite accurately. If such techniques can be developed, it seems reasonable to expect the system to converge. In a certain sense, the Newton-Raphson iteration takes rather poor values of tm(i,j) and predicts quite accurate values for Em(i,j). Thus, this iteration scheme acts as a predictor in determining more accurate esti- mates. It may be possible that other predicting tech- niques may provide better convergence rates. 6.2.3 General Convergence The question of general convergence must be con- sidered from two standpoints: (1) will the discrete 130 system converge to the continuous system as the lattice parameter approaches zero, and (2) will the iterative method for the algebraic system converge. In non-linear problems, very little theory is available in regard to either of these two problems. Recently, Parter and Greenspan [22], [23] con- sidered these convergence problems with a mildly non- linear second-order partial differential equation. They considered the Dirichlet problem, on the union of R and S, with Vzu = f(u) on R (6.4) u = g(x,y) on S, where R is the interior of the closed path S. In addition, the function f(u) must be such that both its first and second derivatives exist and are always greater than or equal to zero. Parter [22] considered the convergence of the dis- crete system to the continuous system. Both authors [23] treat the convergence of a number of different algorithms for the solution of the discrete system. In each analy- sis, the most important restriction appears to be the bounds on the function f(u) and its first and second derivatives. It may be that the equation considered in this study, 131 0216 + E(tx,ty) = o, (6.5) also possesses similar non-linear properties. The problem is to establish certain bounds on the function E(tx’ty)‘ If this is accomplished, then perhaps a procedure analo- gous to that of Parter and Greenspan could aid in the establishment of a general convergence requirement of the system. In addition, with the warping-function formula- tions, the analysis requires the consideration of the Neumann boundary conditions. APPENDIX I SOLUTION TO FINITE-DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS BY THE GAUSS-SEIDEL OVER-RELAXATION METHOD This method, also known as Liebmann's method or the method of successive displacements, is considered in most books treating iterative methods for solving linear alge- braic equations. Additional details may be obtained by examining references such as Fox [5], Forsythe and Wasow [4], Varga [33], etc. To illustrate the procedure, the method will be applied to the solution of the discrete representation of the Poisson equation, where the equation is defined on a square region R. However, the method may be applied to other partial differential equations. The Poisson equation is uxx + uyy = F(x,y) (I-l) where either u or the normal derivative is specified on the boundary. An N x N set of grid lines with lattice dimension h is superimposed on the region R. Equation (I-l) is repre— sented by its discrete finite-difference analogue. Thus, at all mesh points 132 133 u(i+l,j) + u(i,j+l) + u(i-l,j) + u(i,j-l) — 4u(i,j) = h2F(i,j), (1-2) where on the boundary either u(i,j) or the normal deriva— tives are known. If u(i,j) is known at each boundary point, then the number of points where u(i,j) is unknown is (N — l)2. However, if the normal derivatives are specified, then expressing (I-2) along with the derivative approximation permits the determination of u(i,j) on the boundary as a function of the interior points. In this latter case, the system can be solved within an arbitrary constant. In the more general case, where u(i,j) is specified at some boundary points and the normal derivative is specified at the other points, the rank of the system will be equal to the number of unknowns. To begin the Gauss-Seidel over-relaxation proce- dure, an initial solution uo(i,j) is assumed. These values are recalculated during successive sweeps through the mesh. A particular cyclic order for replacing u(i,j) in any one sweep is specified. If um(i,j) represents the values for the mth sweep, then the values um+l(i,j) for the (m+1)th sweep are calcu- lated by the formula, um+1(i,j) = um(i,j) + QJ[fim l(i,j) - um(i,j)], (1-3) + 134 where (U is a relaxation factor and fim+l(i,j) is the unextrapolated value given by Equation (I-2). Thus, fim+l(i,j) depends on its nearest neighbors and on the cyclic order. If the cyclic order is such that for each i, all values of j are computed before i is increased, then Gm+l(i,j) is given by fim+l(i,j) = [um(i+l,j) + um(i,j+l) + um+l(i-l,j) + um+l(i,j-1) - h2F(i,j)]/4. (1-4) The relaxation factor (D may take on values If (0 <= 1 the system is under-relaxed and if a) =6 l the system is over-relaxed. For linear systems, various theorems are available for estimating the optimum a) [4], [32]. The iterations, or sweeps, are continued until some convergence criterion is satisfied. A common criterion is Max um+l(i’j) - um(i,j) <: 8, (I-6) where the maximum is taken over all mesh points. From the above, it appears that convergence depends on the initial uo(i,j), the relaxation factor a), and the specified cyclic order. However, the general question of convergence depends on the properties of the system of 135 equations specified by (I-2). The system represented in matrix form is Au = B. (I-7) The matrix A may be expressed as the sum A=T-T—T (I-8) D L U’ where TD is the diagonal of A such that ‘TD‘-l # 0, TL and TU are respectively strictly lower and upper triangular matrices, whose entries are the negatives of the entries of A below and above the main diagonal. A necessary and sufficient condition for convergence is that all the roots of the polynomial, P( A) = [( >( + (11- 1)1‘D - an )er + TU) = 0, (I-9) have modulus less than one [33].4 The method may also be applied to the general quasi—linear second-order equation, Au + Bu + Cu + DuX + Euy + F 0, (I-10) XX XY yy where A, B, C, D, E, and F are functions of u, ux, uy, x, and y. In this latter example, the (m+1)th sweep consi- ders the equation Amuxx + Bmuxy + Cmuyy + Dmux + Emuy + Fm = 0, (I-ll) 4Condition follows from Varga [33], Section 3.4, page 75. Presented in this form by C. S. Duris, class notes, Math 852, Winter Term, 1965. 136 where the subscript m denotes that these coefficients are evaluated at each iteration as functions of um, x, and y. The above method is applied with this additional consi- deration that as m —>-OO , the solution to (I-11) con- verges to the solution to (I—lO). At the present time, general theorems giving the conditions for convergence are not available. APPENDIX II NEWTON-RAPHSON ITERATIVE METHOD FOR SOLVING A NON-LINEAR EQUATION The general problem is to find the solution or zeros of the equation In general f(x) is a non-linear function, and the problem reduces to that of finding the zeros of (II-l) through some iterative sequence. The Newton-Raphson iterative method is a procedure for determining a single root (5 if an initial estimate of the root is near enough to g'. The technique may be applied to either real or complex roots. However, in the following the interest is only in determining a single real root. In this case, the method corresponds to using the tangent to the curve f(x), at the last determined point[xi,f(xi)] to evaluate a new approximation x.+ i l' the new approximation to xi+ From Figure 16, it is observed that 1’ according to the tangent approximation, is x1+1 = x1 " TITS??? (II'Z) 138 f(x)“ Figure 16. Estimation of new approximation by tangent A more detailed discussion of the properties of (II-2) and the iterative method may be obtained from Todd [32] and Hildebrand [10]. However, the convergence is dependent on the error of the initial approximation. Figure 16 illustrates that if this approximation is near enough to the root €:, then the method will always converge. If the method converges to fir, and k is taken sufficiently large, then the error at the k + 1 iteration is [10] ~ 1.5.45) 2 (5 - xk+l) ~ - .2 (f- xk) . (II-3) Thus, the error in xk+1 is proportional to the square of the error in xk. Iterative methods having this property are called second-order processes and should provide reasonable convergence rates. APPENDIX III BASIC FLOW CHART PATTERNS The basic flow pattern for each program is shown in the following flow charts. The details of the calcu- lations may be obtained by examining the equations listed on each flow chart. Additional information on the specific equation of each program is contained in the program listings of Appendix IV. 139 140 Hmm<3 Emumoum mom cumuuma uumnu 30am uemmm .sH wuzmam ‘ R... 2...; 2 :L as .65 “em mwc om mmmmmmem s » BZHma aszm mesmzoo \) ANH.mv .Om Anafivp AMH.mV .0m 2 momHmmHeem BZHmm mmmmmeem // mozmomm>zou meomzoo e AHH.mV .Om moemx // An.wvu mmadzHemm .2 .«d .1 mesmsou qzoo mesmzou. e moamx AHN.mv .Amfi.mc .mom mmezoo mesmzoo WL .AOm.mc moemx Am~.mv .mom mmeqmm¢3 Emumoud mom sumuumm 30am uwmmm .om wuzmam ®<+®u® 143 Bum Z Z mefiv u mo no u moamx / K . h? 66 .6» new mcc om mmmmumem e . u azamm BZHmm mammzoo ANm.mv .OH :2 a a . Amm.mv .0m 2 \ SmHmmHefi Q. . ezou aszm mabmzou moamzd E om «Zao ® a®< 1V x azoo mepmzou Ammfiwwavmm mmezou masmzou MBDmZOU .Aam.¢v fl mosmx Amm.¢v .mom mme, and TAU for the shear stresses. 147 148 DPOGRAM WARP! TYPE REAL LAMDA DIMENSION T‘25025)¢Tl(25¢25)9T2‘25925)OSIGMAZ‘ZSOZS)CTAUYZ‘25625,0 5 TAUXZ‘ZSOZS) 1 READ 39PHIQBETA0NQITERQKSTOP 3 F0RMAT‘2F10059315) H = 005 / (N'lo) 5 IT 3 l 5 E1 = loE-6 5 PH! = pHI**2 DO 5 I'ION 5 DO 5 J=19N SIGMAZKIQJ) 3 000 5 TAUYZ‘IOJ) = 000 5 TAUXZ(IQJ) 3 000 T1(IQJ) = 000 5 T2‘19J) 3 000 5 T(toJ) = 000 6 DO 99 I =19N 5 DO 99 J=10N CHI 9 (1-1)*H 5 ETA = (J-1)*H IECI*1)17999017 l7 IF(I-N)21019021 l9 IF(J-N)25923025 CASE I=N J=N 23 T(IQJ) 3 (T(I~10J)+T(IQJ-l))/Zo 5 GO TO 99 25 [F(J‘l)35099035 CASE I=N J NOT 31 OR N 35 5X 3 (3*T(IOJ)-4*T(I‘1OJ)+T(I‘20J))/(2*H) SY = (TCIQJ+1)-T(IQJ‘1))/(2*H) A = 3*pHI*ETA**2 B = 000 C = 3*pHI*ETA**2 + (SY-CHI)**2 D = -3*PHI*ETA*H/2 5 E = 3*PHI*ETA*CHI*H**2 T(IQJ)' (2*C*(T(I‘loJ)‘H*ETA)+(A+D)*T(IoJ+1)+(A-D)*T(IqJ-l)‘B+E)/ 5 (2*(A+C)) GO TO 99 21 IF(J-l)29099929 29 IF(J-N)31033931 CASE I NOT = 1 OR N J=N 33 5X 8 (T(I+10J)+T(I-10J))/(2*H) SY = (3*T‘IOJ"4*T(ICJ-1’+T(IQJ‘2)’/(2*H) A 8 3*pHI*ETA**2 + (SX+ETA)**2 5 B = 000 C = 3*PHI*ETA**2 D 3 ‘3*PH1*ETA*H/2 5 E 3 3*9HI*ETA*CHI*H**2 TCIQJ) = (C*(T(I+l0J)+T(I-10J))+(A+D)*(2*H*CHI+T(IQJ‘I)) 5 +(A’D)*T(IoJ-I)+B+E)/(2*(A+C)) GO TO 99 CASE I NOT a 1 09 N J NOT a 1 OR N 31 SX = (T(I+19J)‘T(I-10J))/(2*H) SY 8 (TCIOJ+1)-T(I9J”1))/(2*H) A 3 3*PHI*ETA**2 + (SX+ETA)**2 B 3 -(SX+ETA)*(SY-CHI)/Zo C = 3*PHI*ETA*§2 + (SY—CH!)**2 D = -3*PHI*ETA*H/2 5 E = 3*PHI*ETA*CHI*H**2 T‘IOJ’ 3 (C*(T(I+l0J)+T(I‘19J))+(A+D)*T(IQJ+1)+(A-D)*T(IQJ-1)+ 5 B*(T(I+19J+1)‘T(I+19J‘1)’T(1-10J+1)+T(I-19J-1))+E)/(2*(A+C)) 99 CONTINUE 5 X = 0.0 DC 301 I=10N 5 DO 301 J=10N A] a ABSE‘ABSF(T(IOJ)’-ABSF(T2(IQJ)3) IF(AI‘X)30103059305 () 149 305 X=A1 301 CONT1NUE IFCX‘E11200051‘51 51 DO 53 1310N 5 DO 53 JEION TZCIQJ) 3 T110J1 T1119J) 3 T1119J1 + BETA*(T(19J)-T1(10J1) 53 T(19J) = T1(10J) 1T 3 1T + 1 5 1F(1T-1TER)694OOO4OO 200 PRINT 201.1T98ETA9PH10‘1TC19J101310N19J'10N) 201 FORMAT (1H19* TC19J) VALUES FOR ITERATION * 9 1100//* RELAXATION 5FACTOR *9F10050* PHI VALUE *9F1005o//(7E1708 )1 GO TO 112 400 PRINT 40101TOBETAOPHI 401 FORMAT11H19* FAILED TO CONVERGE AFTER * 01100*1TERAT10NS* S ///* BETA EQUAL*0FIO.5o* PHI EQUAL*¢F10¢51 GO TO 105 112 DC 199 1=loN $ 00 199 J=10N CH1 3 (I*1)*H 5 ETA 3 (J-1)*H IFCI~11117v1079117 107 1FKJ*1)10991990109 CASE I=1 J81 110 SX 8 T(1+10J1/H SY : T(1oJ+11/H 5 GO TO 151 109 1F¢J¢N111191139111 CASE 131 J NOT 8 1 OR N 111 SK 3 T11+1cJ1/H SY 8 (T(19J+1)-T(10J-1))/(2*H1 5 GO TO 151 CASE 1:1 J=N 113 5X 8 T11+10J)/H SY 8 CH1 GO TO 151 117 1F(1-N)12101190121 119 1F(J~N)12591230125 CASE 1 8N J=N 123 SX = - ETA SY 2 CHI 60 T0 151 125 1FCJ-1113591370135 CASE 1=N J81 137 5X 8 ~ ETA SY 3 T119J+11/H GO TO 151 CASE 1=N J NOT 8 1 OR N 135 5X 8 - ETA SY 8 ( T110J+1)‘ T(19J-1))/(2*H) GO TO 151 121 1F(J-1)12901279129 CASE 1 NOT 3 1 OR N J31 127 5X 3 1 T11+10J)“ T(1-10J11/(2*H) SY 3 T(19J+11/H GO TO 151 129 1E(J-N)13101330131 CASE 1 NOT 3 1 09 N JaN 133 131 151 199 411 413 415 900 911 901 903 FORMAT11HOQ* TORQUE EGUALS *0F10080* BEN01NG 5 0F1OOB) 150 SX = ( T(1+19J)~ T(1*1.J))/(2*H) SY = CHI 60 TO 151 CASE NOT 8 1 0R N J NOT = 1 OR N 1 5X = ( T11+10J1“ T11’19J))/(2*H) SY 8 ( T(19J+1)- T(19J-1))/(2*H1 LAMDA 8 SORTF( 2.25*PH1*ETA**2 + 0075*($Y**2-2*CHJ*SY+CHI**2 + s SX**2 + 2*ETA*SX + ETA**2)) SIGMAZC10J) = 105*SQPTF(PH11*ETA/LAMDA TAUXZ‘IOJ) I31005*(SX-fi’ETA1/LAMDA)‘I'SGPTF1301 TAUYZC19J) 8(005*(SY*CH1)/LAMDA)*SORTF(3C) CONTINUE PRINT 4110((51GMAZ(10J)01=1QN)QJ=10N) FORMAT(1HO¢* SIGMA Z STPESSES§//(7E1708)) PRINT 4139((TAUXZC10J)91=19N)0J310N) FORMAT¢1HO¢* TAU XZ STPESSES* // (7E17081) PRINT 4159((TAUYZ‘10J)01:10N19J810N) FORMAT11H09* TAU Y2 STPESSES* //(7E1708)) DO 911 1:19N DO 911 JrloN CH1 3 (1-1)*H 5 ETA 3 (J-1)*H T1(19J) = ETA*S1GMAZ(10J1 TCIOJ) 8 ETA*TAUXZ(10J) - CH1*TAUYZ(10J) TORO 3 0.0 5 BEMO I 000 DO 901 1=ZQN12 DO 901 J=20N02 T090 = TOPO + T(1-19J‘1)+T(1+19J-1)+T(1-1vJ+1) + 40*(T110J-1)+ S T(1+19J)+T(1.J+1)+T(1*1.J)1 + 16¢*T(I¢J) BEMO = BEMO + T1(I‘1oJ-1)+T1(1+19J-1)+T1(1+1oJ+1)+T1(1-10J+1) 5 + 4.*(T1(19J‘1)+T1(1+1cJ)+T1(IoJ+1)+T1(1~1.J)) + 16o*T1(19J) HSQ = (H**2)/9o TOPO = 12*TOPG*HSQ BEMO = 16.*HSQ*BEMO PP1NT 903vTORQoBEMO 105 IFCKSTOP12150 1 9215 215 STOP 5 END +T(1+19J+1) MOMENT EOUALS * 151 PROGRAM WARPO TYPE REAL LAMDAOJZOLAMDAXOLAMDAY DIMENSION T125925)9LAMDA(25925)0T1(2592511J21250251 s .sxGMAZ(2s.25).TAux2(25.25).TAUYZ(25.25) 5 QBEN(25925)0TOR(25025) 1 READ 39PH1¢ BETAQDTHETAvTHETAMcNoNEoITERcKSTOP 3 FORMAT (4F100504151 PRINT AONEQNQBETAQPHI 4 FORMAT11H19* DEFORMATION THEORY OUTPUT FOR NE EOUAL*0150* N EOUA 5L*9159* BETA EOUAL*0F6.39* MU EOUAL*9F6.3¢/ 0 5* IT THETA TORO MOMENT SIGMA 1 TAUXZ 1 TAUYZ 1 SIGMA 5 2 TAUXZ 2 TAUYZ 2 SIGMA 3 TAUXZ 3 TAUYZ 3*) M = N-l 5 H = 0.5/M 5 IT = 1 5 KP = 5 5 E1 = IoE-T NEZ 2*NE 5 NE2N1= NEZ - 1 5 THETA 8 DTHETA PHI PHI**2 DO 5 I=loN DO 5 J=19N STNIIQJ) = 000 5 STX(19J) = 0.0 5 STYIIOJI 3 0.0 T(19J) = 0.0 5 TIIIQJ) = 000 SIGMAZIIQJ) 3 0.0 5 TAUXZ(19J) = 0.0 5 TAUYZIIQJ) 3 0.0 JZIIQJ) = 0.0 5 LAMDACIQJ) = 1.0 112 DO 199 1=IQN DO 199 J=19N X = (I-I)*H 5 Y = (J-1)*H IECI-1111791070117 107 IEIJ-1110991990109 109 IEIJ-N111191130111 CASE I=1 J NOT 3 1 OR N 111 SX = TII+19J)/H SY = IT‘IOJ+1)-T(IOJ‘1)’/(2*H) J2(19J1 = (THETA**2)*(30*PHI*Y**2 + (SX+Y)**2 + (SY-X)**2) LAMDA(19J1 = LAMDACIOJ) - (LAMDA(IQJ)**NE2*(LAMDA(I1J1‘10) ‘ 5 JZIIQJ)**NE) / (LAMDA(IQJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1)*LAMDA(IQJ) “ 2*NE11 GO TO 199 CASE I=1 J=N 113 SX = T(I+loJ)/H SY = X J2(10J1 = (THETA**2)*(30*PHI*Y**2 + (SX+Y)**2 + (SY-X)**2) LAMDAIIQJ) = LAMDA(10J) - (LAMDA(IQJ)**NE2*(LAMDA(I9J)-Io) ‘ 5 J2(10J)**NE) / (LAMDA(IQJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1)*LAMDA(IQJI - 2*NE11 GO TO 199 117 IF(I“N)12191190121 119 IF(J-N)12591230125 CASE I=N J=N 123 TBAR = (TII’IQJ)+TIIoJ-1))/20 TIIQJI = T(19J) + BETA*(TBAR - T(IOJ)1 J2(IOJ) = (THETA**2)*(3.*PHI*Y**21 LAMDAIIQJ) = LAMDA(19J) — (LAMDAIIOJ)**NE2*(LAMDA(IQJ)“101 ‘ 5 J2(19J1**NE) / (LAMDAIIQJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+11*LAMDA110J) - 2*NE11 GO TO 199 125 IFIJ-1113501379135 CASE I=N J=1 137 SX = «Y -3 152 SY 8 TIIQJ+11/H J2(IOJ) = (THETA**2)*(30*PHI*Y**2 + (SX+Y)**2 + (SY‘X)**2) LAMDAIIOJ) 8 LAMDAIIOJ) - (LAMDA(10J)**NE2*(LAMDA(IOJ1‘101 “ 5 J2(1¢J)**NE) / (LAMDACIQJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1)*LAMDA(19J) ~ 2*NE11 GO TO 199 CASE I=N J NOT = 1 OR N 135 SY=(T(I¢J+1)‘T110J*1))/(2*H1 LAMDAY = (LAMDA(10J+1) ’ LAMDA(IoJ-1))/(2*H1 E = LAMDAY*(SY-X)*(H**21 TBAR 8 (LAMDA(IQJ)*(2*(T(I-19J)-H*Y)+ T(IoJ+1)+ T(19J‘11) -E) 5 /(4*LAMDA(IOJ)) T(IoJ) 8 T(IoJ) + BETA*(TBAR - T119J1) J2(I¢J) 3 (THETA**2)*(3¢*PHI*Y**2 + (SY‘X)**21 LAMDA(10J) 8 LAMDAIIQJI - (LAMDA(19J)**NE2*(LAMDA(IQJ)“101 ‘ 5 J2(19J)**NE) / (LAMDAIIQJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1)*LAMDA(IQJ) ‘ 2*NE11 GO TO 199 121 IF(J“1)12901279129 CASE 1 NOT = 1 OR N J=1 127 SX‘= ( TCI+1¢J)- T(I-1oJ))/(2*H) SY = T119J+1)/H J2(10J) = (THETA**2)*(30*PHI*Y**2 + (SX+Y)**2 + (SY-X)**2) LAMDA110J) a LAMDA(1¢J) - (LAMDA(IOJ)**NEZ*(LAMDA(IQJ)-101 ” 5 J2(1¢J)**NE) / (LAMDA(19J)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1)*LAMDA(IOJI “ 2*NE11 GO TO 199 129 IF1J~N113191330131 CASE 1 NOT ‘-'-'-' 1 OR N J=N 133 SX = (T(I+19J)-T(I-10J))/(2*H) LAMDAX = (LAMDA(I+19J) - LAMDA(I-10J))/(2*H) E = LAMDAX*(SX+Y)*(H**2) TBAR = (LAMDACIQJ)*(2*(T(IoJ-1)+H*X)+TII+10J)+T(I-10J)I-E) 5 /(4*LAMDA(I¢J)) TIIQJ) ‘ TIIQJ) + BETA*(TBAR - TIIQJ)1 J2(19J) = (THETA**2)*(30*PH1*Y**2 + (SX+Y)**2) LAMDA(19J) = LAMDA(19J) - (LAMDA(1QJ)**NE2*(LAMDA(IvJ)-101 “ 5 J2(10J)**NE) / (LAMDA(IoJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1)*LAMDA(19J) - 2*NE11 GO TO 199 CASE 1 NOT = 1 OR N J NOT = 1 OR N 131 SX = (T(I+19J1-T(I-10J)1/(2*H) SY 8 (T119J+1)-T(19J‘1))/(2*H) LAMDAX = (LAMDA(I+19J) - LAMDA(1-10J))/(2*H1 LAMDAY = (LAMDA(19J+1) ‘ LAMDA(IQJ~1))/(2*H) E =(LAMDAX*(SX+Y) + LAMOAY*(SY-X)1*(H**2) TBAR = (LAMDA(10J)*(T(I+1oJ)+ TCIQJ+11+ T(I-19J)+ T(IQJ‘1)) ‘E) 5 /(4*LAMDA(I¢J)) T(IoJ) 8 T(IvJ) + BETA*(TBAR - TIIQJII JEIIOJ) = (THETA**2)*(30*PHI*Y**2 + (SX+Y)**2 + (SY-X)**2) LAMDA(10J) = LAMDA(10J) - (LAMDAIIOJ)**N52*(LAMDA(IOJI‘10) ‘ 5 J2(19J)**NE) / (LAMDA(19J)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1)*LAMDA(IQJ1 ~ 2*NE11 199 CONTINUE IF(1T-ITER)179179411 17 X = OOO DO 61 I‘lQN DO 61 J=19N I 63 61 16 51 400 401 404 405 317 407 153 A1 = ABSF(ABSF( T(19J))‘ABSF(T1(IOJ)1) IF(A1‘X)61963063 59F10o5o/(7E17o811 PRINT 4059 ((LAMDA(IQJ)01=10N19J=19N1 FORMAT(1HO¢* LAMDA VALUES* /(7E17oB)) DO 317 I=10N DO 317 J=loN J2(1¢J) = J2(19J) / LAMDA(19J)**2 PRINT 4079 IIJ2110J101=19N19J=10NI FORMAT!1HO¢* J2 VALUES * /(7E17.B)) COMPUTE NORMALIZED STRESSES 200 207 209 211 213 217 219 DO 299 I=loN DO 299 J=IoN X = (I-I)*H 5 Y = (J-1)*H IF(1-1)217o207o217 IE(J*1)2O992999209 IF(J-N121102139211 CASE I=1 J NOT = 1 OR N SX = T(I+1oJ)/H SY : (T(IoJ+l)-T(IcJ-1))/(2*H) GO TO 251 CASE 181 J=N 5X 8 T(1+19J)/H SY = X GO TO 251 IF(I-N)22102190221 IF(J-N)22592239225 CASE I=N J=N 223 SX = -Y SY 2 X 60 TO 251 225 IF(J-1)23592379235 . CASE I=N J=1 237 SX = -Y SY = T119J+11/H GO TO 251 CASE I=N J NOT = 1 OR N 235 SX = ‘Y 221 227 SY = (T(IqJ+1)-T(IoJ-1)1/(2*H) GO TO 251 IF(J-1)229¢2279229 CASE 1 NOT 8 1 OR N J:1 sx s'(T(I+1.J)-Tc!-1.J))/(2*H) NE EQUAL * BETA EQUAL X = A1 CONTINUE IF(X-E1)400.16016 DO 51 I=loN DO 51 J=19N T1(19J) = T(IoJ) IT = IT + 1 5 GO TO 112 PRINT 401QITQNEITHETAOPHIoBETAO‘IT‘19J191=10NIOJ=19NI FORMAT(1HOQ* T(I.J) VALUES FOR ITERATION*91100* 5oIlOo/* THETA EQUAL *9F10059* PHI EQUAL *9F10.59* * 154 SY a T(IoJ+1)/H GO TO 251 229 IEIJ‘N123102330231 CASE I NOT = 1 OR N JBN 233 SX = (T(1+19J)‘T(1-10J))/(2*H) SY a X GO TO 251 CASE I NOT = 1 OR N J NOT a 1 OR N 231 SX = (T(I+1oJ)-T(I-19J))/(2*H) SY = (TIIoJ+l)-T(IoJ~1))/(2*H) 251 SIGMAZ(I.J) = SORTF(3.*PHI)*THETA*Y/LAMDA(IoJ) TAUXZ(I¢J) = THETA*(SX+Y)/LAMDA(19J) TAUYZ(I9J) = THETA*(SY-X)/LAMDA(I¢J) 299 CONTINUE 4001 PRINT 4IIo((SIGMAZ(IcJ)oI=IoN)oJ819N) 411 FORMAT(1HO.* SIGMA Z STRESSES * /(7E17.8)) PRINT 4130((TAUX2119J191=19N19J819N1 413 FORMATIlHOo* TAU XZ STRESSES * /(7E1708)1 PRINT 4159((TAUYZ(19J101=10NI9J819NI 415 FORMAT(1HOQ* TAU YZ STRESSES */(7E1708)) 4002 DC 911 IzloN DO 911 J=10N X = (1-1)*H S Y = (J-1)*H BEN(19J, SIGMAZIIOJ1*Y 911 TORIIOJ) : Y*TAUXZ(19J) - X*TAUYZ(I.J) T090 z 0.0 5 BEMO : 0.0 900 DC 901 1:29N92 DO 901 J=29N92 TORO = TORG + TORII-loJ‘l)+TOR(1+19J-1)+TOR(1-10J+1)+ S TORC1+19J+11 + 40*(TOR(1+19J1+TORI10J+11+TOR(1-10J) $ +T09110J‘1)’ + 160*TOR(10J1 901 BEND = BEMO + BEN(I-10J-11+BEN(1+10J-11+BEN11-10J+1) 5 +BEN(1+19J+1) + 40*(BEN(1+10J1+BEN(IOJ+11+BEN(I‘19J) 5 + BENIIQJ‘I)’ + 160*BEN(ICJ) H50 3 H**2 /9o T090 3 120*TORQ*HSQ BEMO = 16.*H50*BEMO PRINT 9039TORQQBEMO 903 FORMAT11H09* TORQUE EQUALS *9F10050* SENDING MO‘ENT EQUALS*9 $ F1008) 500 THETA = THETA + DTHETA IF‘THETA‘THETAMISOIOSOI9411 501 IT 2 1 5 GO TO 112 411 IFIKSTOPI413¢1Q413 413 STOP 5 END V a U (1 1 155 PROGRAM STRO TYPE REAL LAMDAOJZOLAMDAXQLAMDAY DIMENSION T(25925)sLAMDA<25o2510T1¢2592510J2(250251 S vSIGMAZIZSoZS)oTAUXZ(25925)oTAUYZ¢250251 READ 30PHI. BETAoDTHETAqTHETAMoNgNEoITERoKSTOPoKODE 3 FORMAT¢4F10¢50515 1 5 S J211¢J)**NE) / (LAMDA(IqJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1)*LAMDA(19J1 $ J2(1.J1**NEI / (LAMDAIIoJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1)*LAMDA(IoJ1 M a N-l s H = 0.5/M 3 IT = 1 s KP : 5 s E1 = 1.Eu6 NEZ = 2*NE s NEZNIB NE2 — 1 s PHI = PHI**2 THETA x DTHETA s 00 5 1:1.N s 00 5 JlloN TIIoJ) = 0.0 s TIIIoJ) = 0.0 SIGMAZIIoJ) = 0.0 s TAUXZIIoJ) : 0.0 s TAUYZ(I.J) a 0.0 J2111J1 9 0.6 LAMDAIIoJ) = 1.0 112 DO 199 I=1oN S DO 199 J=1oN X = (1-1)*H S Y = (J-1)*H IFCI-1111701070117 107 IFIJ-11109011149109 CASE I=1 J21 1114 5x = 0.0 5 SY = 000 E = (LAMDAX*SX + LAMDAY*SY + 2*THETA)*(H**21/LAMDA(IoJ) TBAR 8 (TII+1.J) + T(1¢J+1) + T11+1¢J1 + T119J+11 + E)/4o TIIoJ) = TIIoJ) + BETA*(TBAR - TIIQJII $ GO TO 199 109 IF(J-N)11191139111 CASE I=1 J NOT = 1 OR N 111 SX = 0.0 SY 8 (T(IvJ+1)-T(10J-1))/(2*H) LAMDAX 3 0.0 LAMDAY = (LAMDACI9J+1)-LAMDA(IoJ-11)/(2*H1 E = (LAMDAX*SX + LAMDAY*SY + 2*THETA)*(H**2)/LAMDA(IoJ) TBAR 8 (T(1+10J) + TIIoJ+11 + T(I+10J) + TIIoJ-11 + E1/4o T‘IOJ’ 8 T(IoJ) + BETA*(TBAR * TCIOJ1) JZIIQJ) = 3*PHI*(Y**2)*(THETA**2) + (LAMDA(I¢J)**2)*(SX**2 +SY**2) LAMDAIIQJ) a LAMDAIIQJ) - (LAMDAIIoJ)**NE2*(LAMDA(IQJ)-101 ‘ s JZIIoJ)**NE1 / (LAMDA(19J)**NE2N1 *(¢2*NE+1)*LAMDA(1qJ) - 2*NE11 GO TO 199 CASE 181 J=N 113 SX 8 0.0 SY 8 (3*TIIvJ)-4*T(IoJ-1)+T(1oJ-211/(2*H) JZIIQJI = 3*pHI*(Y**21*(THETA**2) + (LAMDA(I¢J)**2)*CSX**2 +SY**2) LAMDAIIoJ) = LAMDA(I¢J) - (LAMDA(19J1**NE2*(LAMDA(19J1-101 ” GO TO 199 117 IFtI-N)!21.119.121 119 1F(u-N)125.123.125 CASE I=N J=N 123 5x = 0.0 3 SY no.0 J2(I.J) = 3*PHI*(Y**2)*ITHETA**2) + (LAMDA(I.J)**2)*(SX**2'+$Y**21 LAMDAIIQJ) I LAMDA(I¢J) “ (LAMDACIQJ)**NE2*(LAMDA(10J1-101 ‘ GO TO 199 125 IF(J-111359 1379135 CASE I‘N J=1 137 SX 8 (3*T119J1-4*T(1-1.J)+T(I-20J))/(2*H1 - 2*NE11 - 2*NE)) 156 SY 8 OoO J2(IoJ) = 3*PH1*(Y**2)*(THETA**2) + (LAMDA111J1**21*ISX**2 +SY**2) LAMDA(10J) 8 LAMDAIIOJ) - (LAMDAII9J)**NE2*(LAMDA(I¢J)-1o1 “ $ J2(IoJ)**NE) / (LAMDA110J)**NE2N1 *1(2*NE+1)*LAMDA(IOJ) - 2*NE11 GO TO 199 C CASE I=N J NOT = 1 OR N 135 SX = (3*TIIoJ1-4*T(I-1oJ)+T(I-29J))/(2*H) 5 SY 8 000 JEIIQJ) 3 3*pHI*(Y**2)*(THETA**2) + (LAMDA(19J)**2)*(SX**2 +SY**2) LAMDAIIQJ) = LAMDAIIQJ) - (LAMDAII0J1**NE2*(LAMDA(IQJ1*101 ‘ 3 J2CIOJ)**NE) / (LAMDA119J)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+11*LAMDA(19J) ‘ 2*NE11 GO TO 199 121 IFIJ-1112901279129 C CASE 1 NOT = 1 OR N J31 127 SX = I T11+19J)’ T11-10J11/(2*H) 5 SY = 0.0 LAMDAX 3 (LAMDA(1+19J) “ LAMDAII’19J11/(2*H1 LAMDAY 3 0.0 E 8 (LAMDAX*SX + LAMDAY*SY + 2*THETA)*(H**2)/LAMDACI9J1 TBAR 8 (T(1+19J) + T(10J+1) + T(I*19J) + T(10J+1) + EI/4o TIIQJ) 3 TIIOJ) + BETA*(TBAR ~ T‘IOJ’) J2119J1‘2 3*pH1*(Y**2)*(THETA**2) + (LAMDA110J)**2)*(SX**2 +SY**2) LAMDAIIQJ) = LAMDAIIQJI “ (LAMDAIIQJ)**NE2*(LAMDA(I9J1-1o) ‘ $ J2(IQJ1**NE) / (LAMDA(IQJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+1,*LAMDA(IOJ) ’ 2*NE11 GO TO 199 129 IFIJ~N)13101330131 C CASE I NOT = 1 OR N JBN 133 5X 3 (T(I+19J)-T(1-19J1’/(2*H1 SY 8 (3*T(19J1 -4*T(IOJ‘1) + TIIOJ“2))/(2*H) J21IOJ) = 3*pH1*(Y**2)*‘THETA**2) + (LAMDAIIQJ)**2)*(SX**2 +$Y**2) LAMDAIIQJ) 3 LAMDACIIJ) - (LAMDA(10J)**NE2*(LAMDA(IOJ1‘101 ‘ $ J2(10J1**NE1 / (LAMDAIIQJ)**NE2N1 *((2*NE+11*LAMDA(IQJ) - 2*NE11 GO TO 199 C CASE 1 NOT 8 1 OR N J NOT = 1 OR N 131 5X 8 (T(1+19J1-T(1-10J11/(2*H) SY = IT‘IOJ+11-T(10J‘111/(2*H1 LAMDAX 3 (LAMDA(I+10J) - LAMDAII‘10J11/12*H1 LAMDAY = (LAMDA(19J+1) ‘ LAMDA(IoJ-1))/(2*H1 E 3 (LAMDAX*SX + LAMDAY*SY + 2*THETA)*(H**2)/LAMDA(IOJI TBAR 8 (T(1+10J) + T(10J+1) + TII‘IOJ) + T‘IOJ’I) + E1/4o T‘IOJ) 3 TIIOJ) + BETA*(TBAR - T‘IOJ)’ JZIIOJ) 8 3*9H1*(Y**21*(THETA**2) + ILAMDA119J)**2)*ISX**2 +SY**2) LAMOA‘IOJ) = LAMDA(10J) ‘ (LAMDA(10J1**NE2*(LAMDA(ICJI‘IO) ‘ 5 J2119J1**NE) / (LAMDA‘IQJ)**NEZN1 *((2*NE+11*LAMDA(10J1 “ 2*NE11 199 CONTINUE IFIIT‘ITERII79170411 17 X 3 00° 0° 61 1=ION 5 DO 61 JBIQN A1 8 ABSFCABSFC TCIQJ’I‘ABSF(TI(IOJ111 IFIAI‘X161063963 63 X = A1 61 CONTINUE 1F‘X‘E114OOQ16016 16 DO 51 I=10N DO 51 J=10N D 157 51 TICIOJ) 3 TIIOJ1 1T = IT + 1 5 GO TO 112 400 pRINT ‘01QITONEQTHETAOPHIOBETA!((T‘IOJ’QI‘1QN10J319N’ 401 FORMATI1H00* T‘IOJ’ VALUES FOR ITERATION*01100* NE EQUAE * $01100/* THETA EQUAL *9F10059* PHI EQUAL *0F10050 * BETA EQUALS* $9F10050/17E17081) IFIKODE120004049200 404 pRINT 4059 ((LAMDA(IQJ)OI=1ON10J=19N1 405 FORMAT11H09* LAMDA VALUES* /(7E1708)1 DO 317 1:10N $ 00317 J=19N 317 J2‘10J’ = J2119J) / LAMOA‘1OJ)**2 pRINT 4070 ((J2(10J191=19N)CJ=10N) 407 FORMATCIH00* J2 VALUES * /(7E1708)) COMPUTE NORMALIZED STRESSES 200 DO 299 1:10N DO 299 J=10N X = (1'1)*H S Y = (J-1)*H IFII-1121702070217 207 IF1J‘1120992999209 209 IFIJ-N121192130211 CASE 1:1 J NOT = 1 OR N 211 SX = 0.0 SY 8 (TIIQJ+1)-T(19J‘1)’/(2*H1 GO TO 251 CASE 1‘1 J=N 213 SK 3 000 SY 8 (3*T(10J) “4*T119J“1) +T(IOJ-2))/(2*H) GO TO 251 217 IFII-N122102190221 219 IE1J‘N122592230225 CASE IzN J=N 223 SX = 0.0 5 SY 3 000 GO TO 251 225 IF(J*1)23592370235 CASE 1=N J31 237 SX 8 (3*T119J) ‘4*T(I‘10J) + T11’2QJ11/(2*H1 SY 3 000 GO TO 251 CASE 1=N J NOT = 1 OR N 235 SX = (3*T110J) -4*T(1‘19J)+T(1*20J))/(2*H) SY = 000 GO TO 251 221 IFIJ-1122992270229 CASE 1 NOT = 1 OR N J=1 227 SX 2 (T(1+10J1“T(I*10J)1/(2*H) SY 9 000 GO TO 251 229 1F¢J‘N)23102330231 CASE 1 NOT = 1 OR N J=N 233 SX = 000 SY = (3*T110J) “4*T110J“1)+T(1¢J‘21)/(2*H) GO TO 251 158 CASE 1 NOT 8 1 OR N J NOT = 1 OR N 231 SX (T(I+19J)-T(I~19J))/(2*H1 SY = (T(IoJ+1)-T(I¢J‘1)1/12*H1 251 SIGMAZIIQJ) = SORTF¢3¢*PHI)*THETA*Y/LAMDA(IOJ1 TAUXZ‘IQJ) = ~SY TAUYZIIOJ) = SX 299 CONTINUE IFIKODEISOOOvSIIOoSOOO 5110 ERINT 5110((SIGMAZIIQJ)QI=1oN19J=loN1 511 FORMATI1H09* SIGMA Z STRESSES * /(7E17o8)) PRINT 41301(TAUXZ(I¢J)oI=19N19J=19N) 413 F09MAT<1H0.* TAU xz srnessss * /(7E17.B)) PRINT 415.((TAUYZ(1oJ)oI=1oN).J-loN) 415 FORMATI1HO.* TAU Y2 57955525 ”/17617.811 5000 DO 911 1:10N DO 911 J=19N X = (1‘1)*H S Y = (J-1)*H SIGMAZ‘IQJ) = Y*SIGMAZ(I¢J) 911 TAsz11QJ) = Y*TAUXZ(I¢J) ‘ X*TAUYZ(19J) TORQ = 000 $ BEMO 3 0.0 TORQZ = O o O 900 D0 901 1:29NO2 DO 901 J=20N02 TORQZ 3 TORQE + T11‘10J‘11+T(1-10J+1)+T(I+19J“1)+T(I+19J+11 5 + 4*(T(1+1¢J)+T(10J+1)+T(1~19J)+T(IoJ-1I) + 16*T119J1 TORO = TORQ + TAUXZCI-I9J-1)+TAUXZ(1+10J~1)+TAUXZ(I‘19J+1)+ S TAUXZII+10J+11 + 40*(TAUXZ(I+10J1+TAUXZIIQJ+1)+TAUX2(I‘19J1 S +TAUXZIIoJ-1II + 160*TAUXZ(IQJ1 901 BEMO = BEMO + SIGMAZII‘IQJ‘II+SIGMAZ(I+19J*11+SIGMAZII~19J+II S +SIGMAZII+19J+11 + 40*(SIGMAZ(1+1OJ)+SIGMAZ(10J+11+SIGMAZ(1‘19J) 5 + SIGMAZIIoJ-111 + 160*SIGMAZIIQJ) HSQ = H**2 /9o TORQ2 = 24.*TOR02*HSQ TORQ = 120*TORQ*HSQ BEMO = 16.*HSQ*BEMO PRINT 9039TOR098EM09TORQ2 903 FORMAT(1HOO* TORQUE EQUALS *0F10080* SENDING MOMENT EQUALS*9 S F10.89* TORQZ EQUALS * oFlOoB) 500 THETA 8 THETA + DTHETA IF(THETA-THETAM150195010411 501 IT = 1 $ GO TO 112 411 IFIKSTOP1413010413 413 STOP 5 END 159 PROGRAM WARPLV TYPE REAL LAMDAQJZQLAMDAXQLAMDAYQJelOLAMDAI DIMENSION T(25925)9LAMDA(25925)9T1(2592519J212562519LAMDA1(25925) $ QSIGMA2125925)oTAUX2125025)9TAUYZ(25925)QTOR125925) $ 9J21(2592519TAUXZI(2592519TAUYZI(25.25)OSIGMA21125925)OBEN125925) 1 READ 39PH19 BETAQDTHETAOTHETAMoNoNEOITEROKPSQKSTOP 3 FORMAT(4F10059515 1 READ 49 PHIloTHETAloDTHETAIQKPSI 4 FORMAT (3F1005915) M = N‘I 5 H = 0.5/M 5 IT NE2 = 2*NE $ NE2N1= NE2 - E2 = IoE-4 S KODE = 0 THETA = DTHETA $ PHI 3 PHI**2 $ PHII = PH11**2 DO 5 1:19N DO 5 J=10N TIIQJ) = 000 $ T1(19J) = 000 $ TAUY21(19J) = 000 SIGMA21(IQJ) = 000 S LAMDA1(IOJ) 3 000 SIGMAZ(19J) = 0.0 $ TAUXZ(19J) 8 000 $ TAUYZI+OJ1 ‘ 0.0 J2(IQJ) 3 0.0 5 J21(IOJ) = 0.0 $ TAUXZI(I¢J) = 000 5 LAMDA‘IQJ) = 100 PRINT 800NEOPHIODTHETA 80 FORMAT11H19* WARPING FUNCTION FLOW THEORY CALCULATIONS FOR NE EO $UAL *01100 * PHI EQUAL*9F10¢59* DTHETA EQUAL *9F1005) 112 DC 199 1:19N DO 199 J=19N X = (I~1)*H $ Y = (J-1)*H IFI1“1)11701079117 107 IF(J-1)10901990109 109 IF(J-N)11191139111 CASE I=1 J NOT = 1 OR N 111 SX = T(1+1oJ)/H SY = (T(19J+11-T(10J*1)I/(2*H) GO TO 169 : CASE I=1 J=N 113 SX = TII+19J)/H SY X*DTHETA GO TO 169 117 IF(I~N)12101199121 119 IF(J*N)12591239125 CASE I=N J=N 123 SX = ‘DTHETA*Y SY = DTHETA*X DXTXZ = (30*TAUX21110J) '4.*TAUXZI(I‘19J) + TAUX21(I-29J))/(2*H) DYTYZ = (30*TAUYZI(IOJ) - 40*TAUY21110J’1) + TAUYZIIIOJ‘211/12*HI LAMDAX = (30*LAMDA(IcJI-40*LAMDA(1‘19J1+LAMDA(I*29J))/(2*H) LAMDAY = (30*LAMDA(19J1“40*LAMDA(IoJ-I)+LAMDA(IoJ-2))/(2*H) E = (DXTXZ + DYTYZ ‘ (LAMDAX*((SX + DTHETA*Y) + TAUXZICIQJII S + LAMDAY*((SY - DTHETA*X1 + TAUYZIIIQJ))1/LAMDA(10J)1*(H**2) TBAR = (20*(T(1-10J1-H*DTHETA*Y)+20*(T(IQJ‘I)+H*DTHETA*X1+E)/4o TIIQJ) = TIIQJI + BETA*(TBAR * T(IQJ)) GO TO 169 125 IFIJH1113591379135 C CASE I=N J=1 = 1 S KP = 1 S E1 8 1.E~e 1 $ NEN1 2 NE - 1 I 1 1| (1 ‘ 160 137 SX 3 ‘Y*DTHETA SY 8 TIIQJ+11/H GO TO 169 CASE I=N J NOT = 1 OR N 135 SX = ‘DTHETA*Y SY = (T‘IOJ+1) ‘ TIIoJ-111/12*H) DXTXZ 8 (30*TAUXZI(IQJ) -4o*TAUX21(I’19J) + TAUXZI(I-20J)1/(2*HI DYTYZ 3 (TAUY21(IOJ+11 ‘ TAUYZIII.J‘1))/(2*H) LAMDAX = (30*LAMDA119J)-40*LAMDA(1‘19J1+LAMDA(1’29J11/(2*HI LAMDAY = (LAMDA(19J+11 ‘ LAMDAIIoJ-III/(2*H) E = (DXTXZ + DYTYZ * (LAMDAX*((SX + DTHETA*Y) + TAUXZlIIOJI) S + LAMDAY*((SY - DTHETA*X) + TAUYZ1(I¢JI))/LAMDA(19J)1*(H**2) TBAR 8 (20*(T(I-I.J)-H*DTHETA*Y)+T(I9J+1)+T(IoJ-1)+E)/4o T(19J) 3 T(1¢J) + BETA*(TBAR - T(10J)) GO TO 169 121 IF(J*1)12901279129 CASE I NOT = 1 OR N J=1 127 SX = ( T(1+1¢J)- T(I-1oJ))/(2*H) SY = T(19J+1)/H GO TO 169 129 1F(J*N)131¢1339131 CASE I NOT = 1 OR N J=N 133 SX = (T(I+19J)-T(I-19J1)/(2*H1 SY = DTHETA*X DXTXZ = (TAUX21(I+19J) ‘ TAUXZIII-l.J))/(2*H) DYTYZ = (3o*TAUYZI(IoJ) - 4o*TAUYZI(IoJ‘1) + TAUYZIIIOJ‘ZII/(2*H) LAMDAX = (LAMDA(I+19J) - LAMDA(I-10J))/(2*H) LAMDAY = (30*LAMDA(IOJ)-40*LAMDA(IQJ‘II+LAMDAIIOJ‘2))/(2*HI E = (DXTXZ + DYTYZ - (LAMDAX*((SX + DTHETA*Y) + TAUXZIIIQJI) $ + LAMDAY*((SY - DTHETA*X) + TAUYZI(I¢J)))/LAMDA(I¢J)1*(H**21 TBAR = (T(I+1oJ)+T(1*1.J)+2-*(T(IoJ-1)+H*DTHETA*X)+E)/4o TIIqJ) = T(IoJ) + BETA*(TBAR - T(IQJ)) GO TO 169 CASE 1 NOT = 1 OR N J NOT = 1 OR N 131 SX = (T(I+1.J)~T(1-10J))/(2*H) SY = (T(19J+1) ‘ TIIoJ-111/(2*H1 DXTXZ = (TAUX21(I+19J) - TAUXZIII-leJI/(2*H) DYTYZ = (TAUYZI(I¢J+1) - TAUYZI(1vJ‘1))/(2*H) LAMDAX = (LAMDA(I+10J) - LAMDAII-19J11/(2*H) LAMDAY = (LAMDA(10J+1) - LAMDAII.J-1))/(2*H) E = (DXTXZ + DYTYZ - (LAMDAX*((SX + DTHETA*Y) + TAUXZ1(IOJ11 $ + LAMDAY*((SY - DTHETA*X) + TAUYZIIIQJ111/LAMDA(19J)1*(H**2) TBAR (T(1+19J) + T(19J+11 + T(1‘19J) + T119J“1) + EI/4o T(19J) T‘IQJ) + BETA*(TBAR “ T(19J)) 169 J2110J) = (DTHETA*SQRTF(30*PHI)*Y + SIGMA21119J))**2 + (SX+DTHETA* 5 Y + TAUXZIIIOJI)**2 + (SY‘DTHETA*X + TAUYZI‘IOJ))**2 170 IEINEN1117391719173 171 LAMDA(19J) = LAMDAIIQJ) ‘ (LAMDA(IOJ1**NE2*(LAMDA(10J) ‘ 10) - $ (INE2+Io)/201*(J2(IQJ) - (LAMDA(IOJ)**2)*J21(IQJIII S / (LAMDAIIQJ)**NE2N1*((20*NE+101*LAMDA(IQJ) - 20*NE) + (20*NE+10) S *J21(IQJ)*LAMDA(IOJ)1 GO TO 177 173 LAMDA(IQJ) = LAMDAIIQJ) - (LAMDAIIoJ)**NE2*(LAMDA(IoJ) ’ 1.) - 177 175 199 17 63 61 16 51 400 502 504 402 401 405 FORMAT¢1H09* 317 J2(I9J) = 407 FORMAT11H09* S 5 ((NE2+19)/29)*J2(19J)**NEN1*(J2(I9J) $ / (LAMDA(19J)**NE2N1*((29*NE+19)*LAMDA(IOJ) S *(J2II9J)**NEN1)*J21(19J)*LAMDA(19J11 - LAMDA1II9J11 IFIABSFILAMDA(I9J) LAMDA1(I9J) = LAMDA(19J) GO TO 170 CONTINUE IF(IT‘ITER)1791794111 X = OoO DO 61 1319N DO 61 J=19N A] = ABSFIAB$F( T(I9J))‘ABSF(T1(I9J))) IF(A1-X)61963963 X = A1 CONTINUE IF(X-E114OO916916 DO 51 I=19N DO 51 J=19N T1(19J) = T(I9J) IT = IT + 1 $ GO TO 112 IF(KP-KPS)50294029502 DO 504 I=19N DO 504 J=19N J2(I9J) = J2(I9J)/LAMDA(I9J)**2 GO TO 200 161 (LAMDA(I9J)**2)*J21(19J))1 - 29*NE1 + (29*NE+191 * E2119991759175 PRINT 4019IT9NE9THETA9PHI9C(T119J191819NI9J319N1 FORMATI1H09* 91109/* PRINT 4059 DO 317 1819N DO 317 J=19N J2(I9J) PRINT 4079 J2 COMPUTE NORMALIZED STRESSES 200 D0 299 I=ION 00 299 J=19N x = (1-1)*H s Y a IF(I-l)21792079217 (J—1)*H 207 IF(J-1)20992999209 209 IFIJ-N121192139211 CASE I=1 J NOT = 1 OR N 211 SX = T(I+19J1/H SY = (TII9J+1)-T(I9J-111/(2*H) GO TO 251 CASE I=1 J=N 213’SX = T(I+19J1/H SY = X*DTHETA GO TO 251 217 IF(I-N)22192199221 219 IFIJ-N122592239225 CASE 1=N J=N / LAMDAII9J)**2 ((J2119J191=19N)9J=19N) VALUES * /17E1708)1 TII9J) VALUES FOR ITERATION*91109* NE EQUAL * THETA EQUAL *9F10959* PHI EQUAL *9F10959/(7E1798)) ((LAMDA(I9J)9I=19N19J=19N) LAMBDA VALUES* /¢7E17981) 162 223 SX = *Y*DTHETA SY 8 X*DTHETA GO TO 251 225 IFCJ~1123592379235 CASE I=N J=1 237 SX = -Y*DTHETA SY = T119J+11/H GO TO 251 CASE ISN J NOT = 1 OR N 235 SX = -Y*DTHETA SY = (T(19J+1)-T(19J‘1)1/(2*H) GO TO 251 221 IEIJ-1122992279229 CASE 1 NOT = 1 OR N J=1 227 SX = (T(1+19J)-T(I‘19J))/(2*H) SY 8 T119J+11/H GO TO 251 229 IE(J~N)23192339231 CASE I NOT = 1 OR N J=N 233 SX = (T(1+19JI‘T(I‘19J))/(2*H1 SY = X*DTHETA GO TO 251 CASE 1 NOT = 1 OR N J NOT = 1 OR N 231 SX = (T(I+19J)“T(I*19J))/(2*H) SY = (TII9J+11‘T(I9J-1)1/(2*H1 251 SIGMAZ(I9J) = ISQRTF(39*PH1)*DTHETA*Y + SIGMAZI(19J))/LAMDA(I9J) TAUXZII9J) g (SX+DTHETA*Y + TAUXZI(I9J))/LAMDA(I9J) TAUYZII9J) = (SY-DTHETA*X + TAUYZI(I9J))/LAMDA(I9J) 299 CONTINUE IF(KP-KPS)50095059500 505 PRINT 4119((SIGMAZ(I9J)91=19N19J819N1 411 FORMAT(1H09* SIGMA Z STRESSES * /(7E1798)) PRINT 4139((TAUXZ(I9J)9I=19N)9J=19N) 413 FORMATI1H09* TAU XZ STRESSES * /(7E1798)1 PRINT 4159((TAUYZ(I9J)9I=19N)9J319N) 415 FORMAT(1H09* TAU YZ STRESSES */(7E1798)1 DO 911 1=19N DO 911 J=19N X = (I-l)*H 5 Y = (J-1)*H BEN(I9J1 = SIGMAZ(I9J)*Y 911 TOR(19J) = Y*TAUXZ(I9J) - X*TAUYZ(I9J) TORQ = 0.0 $ BEMO = 090 900 DO 901 1:29N92 DO 901 J=29N92 TORQ = TORQ + TORII‘19J*1)+TOR(1+19J~1)+TOR(I-19J+1)+ $ TOR(I+19J+1) + 49*(TOR11+19J1+TOR(I9J+11+TOR(I*19J) S +TOR(I9J-1)) + 169*TOR(I9J) 901 BEMO = BEMO + BEN(1'19J‘1)+BEN(I+19J-1)+BEN(I-19J+1I $ +BEN(I+19J+1) + 4.*(BEN(1+19J)+BEN(I9J+1)+BEN(I-19J) s + BEN(I9J-1)) + 169*BEN(I9J) HSQ z H**2 /99 TORQ = 129*T0RQ*HSQ BEMO = 169*HSQiBEMO PRINT 9O39TORQ9BEMO 163 903 FORMAT11H09* TORQUE EQUALS *9F10989* SENDING MOMENT EQUALS*9 S F10981 KP=O 500 THETA = THETA + DTHETA IF(THETA ‘ THETA11501950195001 5001 1F(KODE)50039500595003 5005 KODE = I 5 THETA z THETAI + DTHETAI KPS = KPSI $ DTHETA = DTHETAI $ PHI 3 PHII $ KP 8 O 5003 IEITHETA-THETAM150195019411 501 IT 2 1 5 KP = KP +1 DO 601 1=19N DO 601 J=19N TAUX21119J1 = TAUXZ‘IOJI TAUYZIIIoJ) = TAUYZ(IOJ) SIGMAZI‘IOJ) = SIGMAZ‘IOJ) 601 J21(19J) = J2(I9J1 GO TO 112 4111 PRINT 411291T 4112 FORMAT11HO9* FAILED TO CONVERGE AFTER *91109* ITERATIONS*) 411 IFIKSTOP)4I3919413 413 STOP 5 END Cl C. C 164 PROGRAM STPLDT TYPE REAL LAMDA9J29LAMDAX9LAMDAY9J21OLAMDAI DIMENSION T(25925)9LAMDA(25925)9T1(2592519J2(25625) $ 9SIGMAZI25925)9TAUXZI25925)9TAUY2125925) 9LAMDA1125925) S 9J21(2592519SIGMA21(25925)9T2(2592519BEN(259251 1 READ 39PHI9 BETA9DTHETA9THETAM9N9NE9ITER9KPS9KSTOP 9K0DE 3 FORMATI4F10959615 I M = N-1 5 H = 0.5/M S IT = 1 $ KP = 1 5 E1 = 19E“6 NE2 = 2*NE S NE2N1= NE2 - I S NEN1 = NE - 1 PHI 3 PHI**2 $ THETA = DTHETA DO 5 1=19N 5 DO 5 J=19N SIGMAZI(19J) = 090 5 T2119J) 3 000 S J21‘19J) = 090 T(I9J) = 090 5 T1(I9J) = 090 S J2(I9J) 3 000 SIGMAZ(I9J) = 090 S TAUXZ(I9J1 3 090 S TAUYZ(I9J) 3 090 LAMDA1(I9J) = 190 5 LAMDA¢I9J1 = 190 PRINT 809NE9PHI9DTHETA 80 FORMATIIH19* FLOW THEORY CALCULATIONS FOR NE EQUAL *91109 * SPHI EQUAL *9F10959 * DTHETA EQUAL *9F1098) IFIKODE14911294 4 PRINT 6 6 FORMAT (1H09* ITERATION THETA TORQUE MOMENT *) 1.12 DO 199 1=19N $ DO 199 J=19N X = (1-1)*H S Y = (J-1)*H IF(I-1>11791079117 107 IFIJ—11109911149109 CASE 1:1 J21 11145x=0.0 s sv=0.0 STAR 2 T2(I+1.J) + T2¢I.J+11 + T211+19J1 + T2(I.J+1) - 4.*T2(I.J1 E = ((LAMDAX*SX + LAMDAY*SY + 2.*DTHETA)*(H**2) - STAR1/LAMDAII9J) TBAR a (T(I+19J) + T(I9J+1) + TII+I9J1 + TII9J+11 + E1/4. T(I9J) = T(I9J) + BETA*(TBAR - T(I9J)) 3 GO TO 169 109 IFIJ-N111191139111 CASE I=1 J NOT I 1 OR N 1.11 SX = 0.0 SY = (TII9J+1)-T(I9J-1)1/(2*H1 LAMDAX 3 OoO LAMDAY = (LAMDA(I9J+1)-LAMDA(I9J-1))/(2*H) STAR = T2000.H mmbm.0 vomm.0 0N00.0 00N0.0 0005.0 vm00.0 N0mm.0 N¢0¢.0 NOHN.0 0000.0 a» mu: bth.H VNVN.H mm0N.H HNOH.H 00HH.H HN50.H ¢NNO.H 0000.0 0HH0.0 0500.0 0055.0 vvm0.0 0000.0 mmm¢.0 000m.0 mHON.0 0000.0 00.0 05.5 00.5 mm.b 00.5 05.0 00.0 0N.0 00.0 05.0 00.0 0N.m 00.0 mh.v 00.v mm.v 00.v mb.m 00.m mm.m 00.m mb.N 00.N mm.m 00.N mb.H 00.H mN.H 00.H mb.0 00.0 mm.0 00.0 lu..l mo 00.0 n 1 spa: coauumm mumaUm m mo mamhamcm whoonu Icoauwsuommv coapucsmlmmmuum Mom mmsvuog Umuwameuoz .mm magma 182 >0N0.0 0va0.0 5000.0 0005.0 0005.0 0055.0 0005.0 0H0>.0 0mmn.0 0005.0 N050.0 0¢N0.0 Hbv0.0 Homv.0 0000.0 m¢¢H.0 0000.0 C E 00.H 0000.0 N000.0 NH00.0 HHb0.0 0000.0 v0¢0.0 0000.0 vNH0.0 0000.0 0000.0 0mN0.0 NN>¢.0 bmov.0 0NHm.0 000N.0 b¢0H.0 0000.0 G u 0050.0 0H00.0 0mv0.0 0v~0.0 0m00.0 0005.0 0005.0 m0mb.0 bm00.0 0000.0 NHH0.0 0000.0 050v.0 0b0m.0 0HON.0 vaa.0 0000.0 C E v0ab.0 0m0>.0 Nb00.0 0000.0 b0v0.0 m0N0.0 b¢00.0 m0>0.0 vmvm.0 H¢H0.0 0m5v.0 00Nv.0 0500.0 bv0N.0 >00N.0 0¢0H.0 0000.0 a u 000.¢ 050.0 00>.m 0N0.m 000.0 mbm.m 00N.m 0NH.m 000.0 0N0.N 00>.N 0N0.N 000.N mum.m 00N.N 0NH.N 000.N 050.H 00>.H 0N0.H 000.H 0bm.H 00N.H 0NH.H 000.H 050.0 005.0 0N0.0 000.0 05m.0 00N.0 0NH.0 000.0 0.0 1 nud3 coauumm GHMSUm m mo mamhamcm h000£¢l¢0dumauomoo coauUGDMImm000m Mom mucmeos 0GHUnon Ucm mmsvuou vaHHmEuoz .30 magma Second invariant of stress: \lO‘U‘hb-wNI—‘t—h Table 10. i 1 0.000 0.253 0.622 0.875 1.070 1.237 1.387 183 Typical stress output for stress-function deformation-theory with n = 2, p = and ® = 3900 2 0.030 0.269 0.622 0.869 1.063 1.229 1.380 3 0.131 0.325 0.625 0.856 1.043 1.207 1.359 Normal stress: 022/ V3 k \lmtflPWNI-‘L—I- Shear stress: \lO‘iflbWNl-‘L—h i i 1 0.000 0.407 0.624 0.736 0.808 0.856 0.888 1 0.000 0.295 0.483 0.578 0.646 O. 710 0.773 2 0.000 0.404 0.624 0.740 0.813 0.862 0.894 2 0.000 0.283 0.465 0.561 0.631 0.696 0.762 «In/kl 3 o. 000 0.392 0.622 0.750 0.830 0.881 0.913 3 0.000 0.246 0.410 0.508 0.583 0.654 0. 725 Shear stress: loyz/k| \lO‘U‘l-bUJNI-‘Lb i 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 0.174 0.161 0.125 0.089 0.056 0.026 0.000 0.362 0.334 O. 264 0.190 0.120 0.056 0.000 J2 4 0.307 0.436 0.650 0.845 1.015 1.173 1.323 0.000 0.365 0.609 0.758 0.853 0.912 0.944 0.000 0.184 0.321 0.417 0.498 0.577 0.657 0.554 0.514 0.420 0.311 0.201 0.096 0.000 5 0.523 0.584 0.715 0.855 0.993 1.131 1.275 0.000 0.323 0.573 0.750 0.872 0.950 0.990 0.000 0.112 0.208 0.290 0.368 0.453 0.543 0.723 0.684 0.586 0.457 0.310 0.154 0.000 1.00, 6 0.729 0.758 0.825 0.907 0.997 1.097 1.218 0.000 0.275 0.515 0.712 0.868 0.982 1.047 0.000 0.048 0.094 0.141 0.195 0.266 0.350 0.854 0.824 0.742 0.617 0.453 0.249 0.000 0.933 0.949 0.982 1.016 1.052 1.098 1.180 0.000 0.228 0.441 0.639 0.822 0.981 1.086 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.966 0.947 0.887 0.779 0.612 0.367 0.000 184 vm00.H HH00.H h0b0.H N050.H bm>0.H 0H50.H H000.H H000.H 0N00.H 0000.H 0000.H HH00.H 0bv0.H vmv0.H mbmo.H NNmo.H d0m0.a NON0.H mma0.a >000.H Hb00.0 H500.0 0vb0.0 0000.0 0000.0 0¢H0.0 H0h0.0 m0H0.0 0NN>.0 0H00.0 H0bm.0 050H.0 0000.0 0mH0.H 0H50.H 00N0.H H00¢.H >0mv.a H0hm.a 0HNm.H 0HON.H 500H.H 0mNH.H mmv0.H ¢N00.0 0000.0 00Hb.0 0500.0 0000.0 0000.0 c # H u G oo.m ma.» cm.» 34. cos 2.6 8.6 mud cod mad 8.... mm.m cod 2.4 84 mm... 84 2..“ Sim mm.m oo.m ms.m om.~ mmxm oo.m 3.4 84 mm; 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GE CU. CE GU. 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0.853 0.884 3 0.000 0.390 0.618 0.743 0.822 0.872 0.903 3 0.000 0.254 0.406 0.499 0.574 0.644 0.716 3 0.361 0.329 0.256 0.186 0.118 0.055 1 l 2 J' 1 0.000 0.000 2 0.306 0.293 3 0.475 0.458 4 0.565 0.549 5 0.635 0.620 6 0.699 0.685 7 0.764 0.752 Shear stress: ‘0 /k| yz i l 2 J' 1 0.000 0.172 2 0.000 0.158 3 0.000 0.120 4 0.000 0.087 5 0.000 0.055 6 0.000 0.026 7 0.000 0.000 0.000 90 = 29 P and @= 3000 J2 4 0.307 0.427 0.638 0.828 0.994 1.146 1.294 0.000 0.364 0.606 0.752 0.845 0.903 0.934 0.000 0.189 0.318 0.411 0.490 0.567 0.649 0.554 0.508 0.411 0.306 0.199 0.095 0.000 5 0.516 0.575 0.702 0.839 0.973 1.107 1.248 0.000 0.324 0.571 0.745 0.865 0.942 0.981 0.000 0.113 0.207 0.287 0.363 0.444 0.535 0.718 0.677 0.577 0.449 0.305 0.150 0.000 6 0.717 0.745 0.811 0.891 0.977 1.076 1.196 0.000 0.276 0.514 0.708 0.863 0.974 1.034 0.000 0.048 0.093 0.138 0.190 0.261 0.355 0.847 0.816 0.733 0.608 0.444 0.243 0.000 Typical stress output for warping-function = 1000, 7 0.904 0.919 0.953 0.993 1.032 1.080 1.158 0.000 0.232 0.446 0.638 0.816 0.970 1.076 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.951 0.930 0.869 0.765 0.605 0.374 0.000 191 0N00.H 0000.H 0000.H 0N00.H 0bN0.H HON0.H 00H0.H 00H0.H m000.H 0m00.H 0500.0 0000.0 mm00.0 0050.0 5000.0 0500.0 0000.0 0000.0 00H0.0 HN00.0 HN00.0 0500.0 NON0.0 NHO>.0 bm0b.0 Hm00.0 0500.0 HOHm.0 00H0.0 0mam.0 000N.0 000H.0 0000.0 00.0 I 1 and: coauuom mumavm m mo mflmhamcm knows“ Izoam coauUGSMImmmuum mom mmavuou nmuaameuoz b00H.H H0mH.H 0NOH.H mHmH.H 00HH.H 000H.H 0m00.H 0050.H 0000.H 0000.H 0mm0.H 00H0.H 0000.0 0000.0 bH00.0 mH00.0 m0H0.0 0000.0 00b0.0 0m00.0 0NH0.0 0055.0 0N0h.0 0H0>.0 m0m0.0 0000.0 b00m.0 mm>0.0 000m.0 N00m.0 whom.0 m00H.0 0000.0 cu 0 n c 0Hbm.H NNmm.H HmmN.H 0MHN.H mm0H.H bNbH.H mamH.H HomH.H NO0H.H 0000.H NN00.H 00m0.H 0NHO.H 0000.0 5000.0 0Hm0.0 0H00.0 N000.0 mbm0.0 0N00.0 m00h.0 0bmb.0 0000.0 0m00.0 0000.0 0000.0 m000.0 00N0.0 0000.0 0m0m.0 0b0H.0 0NOH.0 0000.0 a» an: 00.0 mu.b 00.5 mw.b 00.5 05.0 00.0 mm.0 00.0 0b.m 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Normal stress: 00501000100. Shear stress: ~403thtum)Hu0 Table 15. i i i 1 0.000 0.251 0.612 0.857 0.105 1.211 1.358 1 0.000 0.405 0.616 0.725 0.795 0.842 0.874 1 0.000 0.294 0.482 0.576 0.645 0.708 0.771 193 Typical stress output for stress-function flow-theory with n and (9 = 3.00 Shear stress: loyz/kl 0ChUthuNHHh» i 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2 3 0.031 0.132 0.268 0.324 0.611 0.616 0.852 0.840 1.041 1.022 1.204 1.183 1.351 1.331 arm/V? k 2 3 0.000 0.000 0.402 0.390 0.617 0.616 0.729 0.740 0.801 0.818 0.849 0.868 0.880 0.899 ze/kl 2 3 0.000 0.000 0.282 0.245 0.464 0.409 0.559 0.506 0.630 0.582 0.695 0.652 0.759 0.723 2 3 0.175 0.363 0.162 0.335 0.126 0.265 0.090 0.190 0.056 0.120 0.026 0.056 0.000 0.000 = 2: H J:2 4 0.307 0.430 0.642 0.831 0.996 1.149 1.297 0.000 0.363 0.603 0.749 0.842 0.900 0.932 0.000 0.183 0.319 0.415 0.496 0.574 0.654 0.554 0.514 0.420 0.311 0.202 0.096 0.000 = 1000, 5 0.520 0.581 0.707 0.842 0.975 1.110 1.250 0.000 0.322 0.568 0.743 0.863 0.940 0.979 0.000 0.111 0.206 0.288 0.366 0.450 0.540 0.721 0.682 0.585 0.456 0.310 0.154 0.000 0.721 0.750 0.816 0.894 0.980 1.077 1.194 0.000 0.275 0.512 0.706 0.860 0.973 1.036 0.000 0.047 0.093 0.140 0.194 0.265 0.348 0.849 0.820 0.738 0.614 0.450 0.248 0.000 0.919 0.935 0.967 0.999 1.033 1.078 1.158 0.000 0.228 0.438 0.633 0.814 0.972 1.076 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.959 0.940 0.881 0.774 0.608 0.365 0.000 APPENDIX VI GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION 0F TORQUES AND MOMENTS Since all work-hardening formulations provide essentially the same numerical results when-43 = constant, the results are shown graphically for only té: deformation- theory warping-function formulation. These figures include both the unit square and unit radial solutions. In all graphs, values of n were chosen so that the general effect of the work—hardening on the torques and moments is illustrated. More specific information on the exact values of the torques and moments may be obtained from Appendix V. 194 195 12 Figure 24a.“ Torque vs. unit afgle of twist for warping-function deformation-theory solution of a square section with u a 0.00 196 om.o a 1 nuaz coauuwm mHMSUm m mo coausHOm knowsuIGOHnnEHOMMU coauucaMImcaaumz mom umazp mo wamcm vac: .m> pcmEOEI05UMOB nu! mo -—4 m.o m.o o.H .nvm ouaoam N.o m.o v.0 m.o 0.0 5.0 m.o m.o 197 oo.H u 1 nfiaz coauumm mumavm m mo :OHvsHOm whoosulcoaumeuommv coauucsmlmadaums Mom umflzu mo mamas uans .m> unmeoaloavuoa .uvm wusmah .1H.0 lm.o 1m.o .lm.o m.o ¢.o m.o 0.0 5.0 m.o o.H 198 oo.m u 1 Suez coauumm mumsvm m mo coau3H0m huowzylcoaumauommo COHHUGSMIacflaumz mom umfizu mo mamcm “fins .m> “c0605I090u08 .pvm whamfim a. a. 0.N m.H 0.H m.0 0.N m.H 0.H m.0 a l _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ 0 l H.0 |.H.0 1 N.0 I.m.0 I m.o Ilm.0 H- ivoo lfioo 1 80 m.-. 480 as a l 0.0 u.m.0 l 5.0 1.5.0 1 m.o no.0 m 1m o :m o H l 0.H |.0.H 199 Figure 25a. 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