INHERSTANCE OF SPEED OF GERMINATION EN SMGAR REETS (BEA VULGAMS‘ L.) Thesis far ”10 chmo 0? pk. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSETY Thomas E. Sedlmayr 1960 This is to certify that the thesis entitled Ismxuscs or am or Gsmmmxos In em BEETS (am vummxs, 1..) presented by rho-is B. Bedhsyr has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Phe De degree in Fm Crop! f2 . r (if) / 7 / “J9" fl/ A?“ >4 " . ~ch ~1t’7 m / 7 1.74 l I [4,, ” ’Majér professe/r J’- Date Jails—1L— 0-169 LIBRAR Y Michigan State University T-‘Yv , .‘ 1 < 'L“ i -_.' A {‘rfi F\ n1 ’ ‘s- \ ~ , x V - ' b . ‘ ’ ‘ > " 7‘ , H ' ‘ ‘~ ‘V a: , ' ’r ' ‘ i f ‘ \‘I ‘ .l H" ’ 1 »\ 7 'h ’1 v \ iA-i J “Li, 2“” l‘ ' i) ’ “ . 1 f" - . ~ Ollihjttgg‘ +3 ti‘O .. . “ ._. N 301001 + r‘ ~. = ‘ 3+ - 4- v - ' 1' LT} ‘i("\l" 4‘ " fi . . h) I'J‘u‘c I r1 1...‘Q'f“n‘1";'v‘- ’H ‘1 .‘ . “ ”V's: )Li.‘ 11:) . of I . ~ .1. _ _.l_ L... ’11 ('7~I_I_:i_i ill [‘V‘O “'mrv . V ‘ ‘ a 1r. __l ‘I t :1. 0“.“ _¢., 17.1 4.; ./ 31:1.1. i“. L r? .‘I. _ l v ‘ h i ‘- , ’1‘". 4- f‘ ‘9 4 1- m s- T‘D =2»: em .‘ - , . -- I..:' 4" ‘7! 4 I. V I i I Q qu,npp FFT. ‘ ). \ qi _, N‘V '-v> ‘ ri— «‘-- « . y»; ? V T v.4"? I ‘hLfiALf-NTAI’ '1 _ ~. . j. .l) 14' Tu { 3A.“,s , ‘ -.. ' I’ v e._ [-1- "'," Pnr ‘I'Oz‘i ‘ I .. ‘O-...____'- ._....—- _..-_ 4 "J“ A' 4' . .s with the advent cf mon0,erm the demghd J. nfifh rvbid qr? :2 t ,3 \l \ beesn active of t2)? 5’ 1.1. and to wb.t fievree select an can be ereCZiV: in fig; pi. The seed33t¢ from lfidivjdnel clones of a nulgi; ii I, r; *eres osgntic pre sure. ‘ i o s I \ V ' Genetic—stfitisticrl metr613 were u‘eq Te met ' ' ' ' 0 V- ,‘ a 7 : ‘ - , .- —. .- 01 herizan117t* o 3388 or :erniw—*Inn. He.3t3~;L~ n L V. \ ‘ 4..., - on: (a, o sues ” n s ‘ ,s . ,. ,...,‘ ,~ , L U; var1.nce., ) 1+ren,—ot: and (e) fhe wa”h° Pntaihen 1n 2 83‘2CCIOD excerluent r" . $5 I ‘ f‘ \A “ 1"; ».r ' ‘ ‘ r‘ >-‘ L. , f c. \ . x ‘ 4 A - .“u eatlwate QBwUnceldtec tflut : Bed 1- geruirfiblvn 1» - ' «r _ «z. u, - ., ' ,4, .- tra1-, aver? 1?? U1 MQTCBLu LO? the 4*; and {“dwx Dorinance r; and t‘le'frfl 01d 1:1; rhatermrifie I venn1mfifignn a giver - 's I .iwa+e onv‘rnwzenffil varjuvc' U) (rjr tweet ‘varfi vii»? fl iretion had II 3C5}??? 4.) (D + r ,, 0 f4: Q Q l. l C) ‘3 U) ‘ ," .L ii 151. ;3 ring (warrelw— . The heritabili \ L. s a o ‘0 P ‘ s r r' n .‘. ‘ .1 a, ' .1 -' A”, cnaracserlgtlc. k Vinn‘e in in Swend 01 '91: .LLJw u:e o» 1~nvd ”A ‘ .,,..~ L:,\‘ st 9 -fi ‘ .,p. ,.-~ 4 ‘ \’ thfi‘b n r1 ‘ S:]JC,LQU. '1 : I:.~ C” a)? C» q u eirw' e) we -4L;?,CC e- n The data \I I refiidiy rerfihpijnv 8;” generation than tner W993 seleciIOP, produced fhe fa: I O 7""‘153" 1T? 5:51-11 -" S “_~ ‘ ‘1‘ o JI 30.“ 0-. re—CO’ -id iarmifi2t4on ru;t [firm HQ." l d n in kl ?t9®t re' “vfsy‘iv‘j 1' s fir GU F‘ . J a?! .1 x"; - A J r, 1‘ .‘ ‘1 ‘. ‘ n- " ,9 g 7" La.. 5' '.‘_ h . ,Z'Y r-V -H‘ .'1 l y. —~ ' (3“ : rm '4} ‘ o- \ F "i ,‘ , an. «I. uxl‘ fi . \.t q, ‘ \ _. . s 4 z-.. ,.__ ‘ V. \,_I~ CWWB a‘flz'or“vi“193 tu) efir‘rvrc= ij.; 3 JWCBTV“ ‘r .r;; T; Dr. ‘7. J. ‘3‘ enoqm, Inmier "'Lku- uri'yi‘ir irfi ere21 iczi ywifiwhce iriw in QHfi fit on V”S uv-eriaxen. 1&0 MWZLBr 53 rreatly indemfind #3 Dr. 5. T. Derfiur, :21 Hr. F. B; 3:,der ‘ 1 pa {sin jn tFE fire 9r&;30h ‘ .-< l ‘ s . 'V .‘ ‘o , J 1' r -r ,r‘ a- 2 "/~ ‘ s 1' ‘ w :— Of +r17‘u T0951... A);'WCGT‘“3 plldi‘ .: ET“; d’nt’ C149 L3 Lb- . J. J. \ - r- . .. A ,‘o 1 ., .4--' s ,. . ' s ,. ‘ fira?1us LO‘ L n he?» mi an ~bF910fl, uh? crnt,cipm azq he '3 4 1 j K. J. Arnold for Hi. 2&1 in fhe sfiatiffiice sngl Sic o- ,ne hrr 1 ~.- \q' r_‘ eigoriuexuw. ffifl ’ .A . , - . A L. ‘ ' L -L ' 3 .. .. ; Lris hwrs v~¢ ;«" wt 1: 3;,' s ; H' W From .10 "' ‘ ‘3— J " -.-'\‘ ’1» ‘ ‘#.J-'—~ -.3 A p \n I.‘ W Cit] ut‘: ~\U 1‘48 '4 Ar 391‘ l r.'.\ .i. 11 v ‘4‘ ’1‘ I.)T‘., I 1"} {I ‘.i ("t t i: j J 1r,\ rt - - A .~ J A , -- —q , - : s on In 4,? {"aeef.l "”'1 V «n. ~. - O A A u 1 ‘1‘ r _ .‘ 0 ‘ O ‘ _- ‘ _ fl ’3 I l - ~ f ‘ fiu:'_ t" (3 r6.e~rr0:z'“1rnlgs . -, i u,; 1 1 e f 1 t _ :.' PK '~1 'J L . p L‘. ,..,,-,,",. n+0 Vim '.'] 5.. ,3 “Hwy” .1.,11.'.‘ .V,,...:.'. .3 0.. LA"? ,3_-__y3.1_,.~3p Tu ::..1.;i.9 Jr, adminm 9-4-»3 «Ln ; ‘I'lezL'xe. L ~ \ “1 F‘1 ' J . ,L— filminé S .Setflvaqyr candidate for the desree (. 30050? n? rhjleefi my 1 Final eveminetion: February 2;, 1903 Inheri*avce of Speed of (erminafien if in er (9eta vui;fir;9, L.). U LJ. ff] (D "S <+ d y.) 3 1'5 Cutiine cf iiajnr'511hject: Falnltireym; (PIGIML 4reetfi>;;) Kinor subjects: Geretice, Path. Juveistice Hinrrayhicai Items: Hiwtl Schocd : Bermaijctizfie, iknwron, }Njn‘aljf, lfik‘ Undergraduate Studies: Cnivergitf OL niTiCULVKTC, 1p JV).“iQ"§rjc+ 2: Y» r W! :1: ,u‘. _' ‘.~; ‘J‘- \4 , 1111-.L:'1. J ’ _ ’,b+.‘\.- ‘ r»~ r'l‘ .‘J‘e ‘.' rs V‘ ~ : l"‘ 1 '1 - —‘L -’“ : Grauueee Jpflflleaz rudafegt,¢, 1395-185fl. ‘.“ .'-.P ‘-'~,L :5: ,- . l'lC 1rd.“ Dee-tee LIJV .1431; , -_1 ~ _: _’ ‘9. ~: '3 1(‘"1 “.(j'- Let dnc, ulCL;:afi, ijyg-J,» Exocriehce: Plant areefler (corn), Agricuiiurei JQFQfirCh InstiLute of the hungariun Acader . a l rertonveeer, nun ary, 195~~19 i \\ r- j‘ ‘ ' " u‘ -‘ ’I ‘x .' .'~ ~. ‘ r ‘r~+ ‘. ~. ’\, ' . erduete meleewcn AJLTS,1HJ, yLeH_ 7 Y -: "' fl. 1..." '1 I n~ ,.': ... . LJii.LVLTIrS.Li~.y’ abdiit Iic..|t‘,!i!;-, J' 19 C. " “9.1.14 “of/\nco “Cl" QT" ". ‘1‘: 1"”‘n. ‘)+' .(1 x“ 401' .- l 1. 1 i 'L «Iti‘ Q 1' \I \)\.a. K) ‘-JA~4 1134/121vr‘1-u “MC 'nv'v‘ y of Science, e: 0 o o e o o o o .. 1- : _, - ‘_ . k' . , J. _ w . O O O 0 ~ 'r', \ ‘ ‘ \ ._ . _ 4‘. -. J o o o o . ‘ . .7 i ‘3‘ ~‘ r“ - . * ~ — . . .df: L1,;"!,.: :8'.. {iii , h C L _‘ o ‘ ‘ f‘ (‘+' i ,“ I -‘ ' [j , . -~ -1. . .4“ C L ‘ t . _ ;VV 1‘ t 11-! . J‘ L. .4 o o o o . . w; 3,4 t r. u :1. o o o o o . .‘I‘1 :_\‘ - .L. , l ,. o- o o o o . . _,firv-~t~|):“ n'jyfil“ C " ~“vi-~’ 0 o o o o o . h '-‘ V ‘ih ] I L.. .!.d .9. g . . . . op‘n nni‘ :1" . -10 o o o o e ‘ . l- P ° . “t - .‘ ~. 5‘ 70.4 0:. t1 sail“ ., C; Luv O 0 -rl - A . .‘. J_\l-s O Q . g . g r. 0 0 O O O o O I c I -* "- 'r, . ‘V‘,: ... .J .4 c I., .’_‘\.: J . Q we] v -1 .,'. O O O O O O O 9 (\i T ( V Q I/. ‘1 "r ‘ 4,: in ‘3, ‘ A 3. ' - l - C‘ s x ‘ ' ‘ .1 '1 W . .. _ \ h. n v f y 1' i ' ”3 ‘ <. .- ‘ 4 ' fQ’L . ,‘ L‘- ‘ .I‘v."‘?.. C- k ..' 7’“- : f .1_ z.i.l ~Vh. —. «A I \r) -\ 32‘ e 3' ‘.'~‘ I” "v r r v - , ' " ' ~ - _ - I I 'v ‘ ‘1 a , ‘ I I j 3,. f 7‘ l 71, _ ' ‘_. . . I‘ _ l a) |. -‘ a ' l \j - . . x) r)_ ‘s'\\ ; ‘ 'FI',‘ ' . r ‘ -\ ‘1' 1 “ ‘ . “ .— " I... F: " ‘ " "i Y 81. l— : ‘7: »- ‘. M r‘, ' ~ e (‘ ~ L —‘ 1 e: ,~ ‘ ° ' 1 " I - , ‘ fimwja 'T'“’7°‘ L .5 c 7,. 4,, _ i . . _ .‘ _ _ ‘ 7 . V _ ., , _/ ) ‘ a o 1 o ,’ '\ o q ‘ i 1 ’\ 'x 1 iv ‘ ' ’. r 1 ‘1 ‘ r \ ‘3 _‘~ '\ ‘ ‘ '7‘ T l A ‘ t _ h t I -- i l ‘ M... .4 A o e o 0 , , s .. A -4. , — L— ‘ 4 . .- ' i w»! ‘ ~ ‘ 1:3 ‘ - .- .. ’ vi?” . f‘ V, ”"7 ' (“f"- . I) i P i , z -; 1 ‘ . . J . u . I) s ' ’\ n 0 3'1““ '2; («in I” _.' " myr “ r a: ‘ i. " ri‘ L‘W “ ' ‘ ‘ 3.73M" * , ‘ ‘ .— J ' ' ‘ , ‘ ‘U " l 'V‘~ l": COP”; . 1v» 9 H 0pm., .M . ,0-.. I \ , .1 1 ~ . ~ - -v 1 Lew . . “/ ‘ . o - 1 . x ‘ + * v y\ — v a '- ~y - s v. A- . ‘ ‘ ,5 w , .\b- 1 A . v . ~ ._ . 4 7 I , 1.. 8:11.13, -3'1 . (J u .C )1, L . (, 3 .’ 4 . ‘ . . . . x n . e ., t - . . "". V" " \' f‘ {To _ " T‘ ' -- ‘f‘. 1" ’ '4 ‘ , ".' T " " '1 ‘ .7“ g"? ' ' — A » . , u . a _ . ~ V . a e n a. ‘ i 1 , ‘5‘ '70:" ‘4 "1’ "V'l'i "O Y'L’.‘ '. “1‘" ' ‘7' ‘L ‘1» ‘ ‘i'A T '“- I i ’ ' . La . - . , 4 . .9 Q g L ‘. V l 1 1 O O 0 , {3. ‘w i "1 \ ‘. ‘ ‘ ' C ‘1'” yrv 3 p"; r)» , ti .p , ' J v - u . I .. - . .1 , r. . ./__ ., v a . D \ ’ ~ - ,-.- -' v . ' ~' A ‘ .. Jr x» v (3", rs t __. r- , ‘ .1 ‘§.) ‘4 w... .' ‘ e — \ \ A ‘il 4 _ . ‘ :. s . I ‘ u j ( r - i - i " ‘ '1 i ’ .0 7x" '. ‘ v ‘ ‘ ' * ' V ' - \' ' t r 1 f “ ._. J ‘ s - .. A - . ‘.. r - s . e e ’ . A \ o ‘ F ' > ( -r".‘ L o ‘ w v 'n - r‘ ~ , + i '4‘ ‘ pr. ‘ j {a : ’ 1 r r; , ,‘ h 1 s (r. l y‘ - ‘ . I l , ‘ ' . . .v ' w .. . s. r. , e c 1 I o '1 r \ ‘ f} ,.il,., l! i (-1 ‘ ‘ ""“ r", ' ’x .c (N ‘~ ‘w . . 1 ,\ ‘I \V‘ '_ .- v y; ~ , . a '1‘ l . - ’u—l M - v ‘5 ( ’ , i n . - 1r C v "l y» ‘ . -‘ ' \ r 0 r ‘ ‘ - 4 _ ' J“ 1 o o o a o s e e o e o o o o o o ~+; . , . ,‘ 1 $ o ‘u u r\ a I ’ n " w I s \r‘: I‘D." \“ ' “ ”)W’HIA ‘ " ~ ‘I‘ ‘ ’ k 2 1 ‘4‘“ if": .4 u - - . 4 I 2 ‘ . -‘ ._ - i, .‘ . - J '1:o‘-. 5-4. . p e . _, , ¥"ul, ‘) CH V P? .WP ‘v”0~‘fi “r 'i‘” “ U h 5" T“. - f ‘ m I 1 J ‘ 1‘ ‘ fl , l 4 _ i- .. _. v - o o o 0 0 o o o a o e o a o o o o o e e - t (1 . \ s I ”a.“ m ' r ' nun fl ’ : .3 . [ '~ ‘ 1' , n \ m.“ < .' v. ‘ v i- ‘ ' ’ 1 I A \__ ..., _ ’ Ir \, ~. ~ _ . s v \ I ‘ - ‘ I - 7 ‘ ' ‘ I .1 r . ," ‘ f T ‘ ~ . 1 1 r') ‘ ‘ . {A ”‘ 7: ‘ ‘ ‘C ‘ i r‘ ' A L 1 - . q . _ _ - .. t. . . _. \ - ~¢ O ’T! J. '7 v . l .— he seeds* of sugar beets possess unsatisfactory germination characteristics from the agronomic point of view. Thus it is not too surprisinr that 5—10 percent of the planted sugar beet acres;e is lost annually, largely because of irregular or poor seedling emergence (Agricultural Statistics, 1953), and many acres have to be replanted (COR 19u7, thHCL 1955). Unsatisfactor; gerwination and slow field [11 emergence also account for beet stands considerably thinner than the optimum, causing reduced yield and sucrose content (sax h» lead, nlCnvL 1955). Although rapid emergence may not be the crucial factor every year, in some years and in certain fields it may become one of the hOSt important factors determining yield. With the increasing use of monogerm and polyploid su ar beet varieties, the demand for hiih quality seed is becoming extremely urgent. Seeds of polynloid sugar beet varieties generally have a lower germina- tion capacity and a slower rate of germination than do the equivalent *The term sugar beet "seed" will refer to either monogerm or multigerm fruits. For multigerm fruits the term ”seedaall" will be used, for monogerm fruits the tenn "fruit". The sugar beet seed, as defined in the botanical terminoloyy (frequently referred as to "genn" in the sugar beet literature), will be consequently designated as "true seed" to avoid possible confusion with fruits and seednal s. diploids (PETO and hlLL l9h2, )tJlerd 19)?). To fulfill their intended puroose , i. e. snace planting to a herfect st and, seeds of mono erm vari— eties reo uire be tte er germin ati on ctarrcteristics than do multigerm varieties. With mono;ern seeds, a high oercent of germination COHUinCd with rapid and uniform ever ence is a virtual necessity. Rabid enerwence is especially in ortaht vlere low temnerature, poor aeration, critically low soil moisture, or soil crusting create temporarily unfavorawle environ ental conditions. Slow emeraence may delay prompt cultural operations, cauiing disadvantageous comyetition between the super beet seedlinss and weeds. The -everity of certair diseases mat al:3o be consideraoly decreased by rayid energence an. vigorous subsequent vlowth (AFANASIEV JQAZ). 3 iurce a dire ct correlali3n exist 3 between the length of growing season and yield and also sucrose content(hUChCL319L6), earlier energence rroviies a lonier period of growth for beets, and consequently a higher sugar yield. The agronomic value of the sugar beet seed has been determined largely on the basis of the germination capacity (oercent of seedhails producing at least one seedlin3fl /, or on the oasis of the total number of seedlines per 100 seedballs, under certain laboratory conditions. Recently, however, more and more enohasis has been flaced on rate and vi or of termination (QLATLd 1951, Silhjl 1955). r—n ('1' O U —3 ,_.I O p ,_ C Q; 5 (f‘ (3 D H A8 a most obvious aggroach, dit‘ere treatments of the seedtall have been used 0 accelerate geruiratgon in surar beets (H LTER 1951, DERTER and IlVa C”" 1W 9). However, verv ,JJ little has been done to imrrcve s;'eer_ of gerxination or ether seed H. O (I; CT ‘1 characterist V; 9 sequence of the gener teristics of the suga larzely ov environten temperature, etc.). The main pur; ~35 s . . n . . ‘ \ oi germination in at; \3.) o” w ‘ ”Y ' . ' 4‘ ',‘\ z a I :3 a .VI (a v- _ f . x ‘ ant breedin, ass of . 33.Ls tan a is lost cer— , vv— - J— -‘ r-u 9‘ :- . r J. ‘ r. ‘ ,‘- Qx» -: r q. 4. “ r~ r- A] 1.2! ’9 L309; Lift"), ad 1' UJUT ~3 l‘Jn ' r104“ : elf...» {lullal’l Cii'PrdC" . o '1 o r beet seed are innately poor and are ini3uenced fl. tal “actors (see bail maturity, stora e conditions, (vs V nose of this thesis is to determine whether speed \ o u ‘ ‘ J‘ ‘ r“ ‘ .- ’ 4" ’ar beets is renetically controlled and to u.:v i m 3 _n imorovina ttis character? ann‘ 0‘ \D ’D ’3 ‘2 .1) 3T) _+ r—Jo <1 (I) 5—,. A number of factors are thou ht to we resoonsicle for or slow emergence of sugar beet seeds. These factors can be classi. ied conveniently into two main grouns: (l) l'n_ ernal factcrs, inherent in the sufiar beet seed ("eecc"ll or true seed) itself, and (a) External environmental factors, affecting the emerjence of the planted su;ar beet seed under fEEld conditions. Fumerous ercernal factors, such as soil moisture, soil tomfPT3~ ture, aeration, soi structure and compaction, tillage practices, various seedbed preferation tech 1ruh, fertilizer anrlication, cron rotation, etc. have irnortant roles in obtaininj earl; and uniforn energvz as (u (3 (L' \- have been shovn by AidhlfiiLD (1951), ha;V¢V (1959), thfuZ (JQSl), Hlllim and DTYTsa (1951),L . Ta? and stitugcm (1999), STcUT, et al. (1957), hOFFOgfl (1953), uossm‘ D and DHATLi (195;). Be caus e of the scope of ttis thesis, we vill li it tho det"i led review and discussion, however, solely to the internal factors Environmental condi ions durin; tle devc lourent ano rinsrin, of eeds can have a Creat influence on the subsequent gerxir;tjon and owth of the re :ul inf flant (317D and 3&5? l9l3). In suiar beet , F“‘WJLTCN (l95h) found that under field conditions phosphate and reavy nitroyen fertilizer a olication increased the germination caoacity or the seed by 8—10 nercent. titro en alone had a less firehounced effect. In 'th cx_~cri:-:nts, 113i*¢,a:ii:\xren+ 1n1'“i (l 59o) C\ul4 denonetr-te rc netrrxent-l effect c e“*lgin eiceee r’tro en. ACCWrci’g t? Jeri-v-53» Cm (1757), in rev SCiIS. 339d a"e3 1n the s have oeen reg of the cu er that V strate 4. y. mean tempera v r ‘l .2 .L produced a rese Crirx‘ilir1 rine and wiul L ne cent Ma er ru. . - a , '1: 2,91" .9. c er s F C". ”9.2 {‘3' n 7- f1 vi f |£,_-\.V". 1r 4 ‘ .‘ 1nem the seen refer r" W“?! :> a '\ l " : le‘lfl.i 4 r ‘ VJVCEPe I.("‘.I.rt(.l ’ hilen re grown on neev; rumic evil: re her "‘i\(‘ <~ (n L ': 1v” ’3 j 0‘ -J . 3 "1.1-," Plan 'va"1r .f\r~ :4.-." 1.‘ «L an’ll Y 1)” Int 1 ...‘ \..~V-\.IL;' 1‘... . "u _. _ ‘ - -. , A H -'| ; 1 (k ‘ tree went »:1er t‘ln (ith.;1 lie ). - ‘ ‘ (1 . 1., flap , i V t i) -,_ 1,. _' " ’.,. _, ,1 l lyAl V'll:l‘L- "G'A J v.10. 1A CV C;.L 1'1 _ I; qub LaI-L n n rnL4an we L'n w.“ es+wd ”a e 1;;IaLlir'1‘-_L‘-'1- (FL LIN; .lctl V531,: seem er ccwu rt ens (tir1n true flevclf)1t3ni ardei as very ‘ LITTO beet seed (R APP 1953). b; 1M ede urict develofed and natured a Q .3 la ~z ure were sifnificantlf were rapid in 90 C mean emperature. ’fttle is kno r abwut the e fec: o? it“ or er inatton in en ar meets u did not archers (Aiflth 8+ 31. 1957) re‘erte in: less thfir :0 her ent 0? Meter nu 4 train; 3 ilfiefliat3l(. SeofiwaLIT Cevflieff. ’f‘ZTV’ Ed ‘i?i:lr Vlsll 9“ in in ar.3~ o? stire e. Accor”1r to t cl:SYCi"vaces (:‘olfi 1»: it ,e3‘=a’ in 53llc Lei lee: -t131‘fil Percent ratsr I Flo e ;. ‘ ~. Uh LN . . c , , - t l,‘ . .l ‘ 1 l/ c a r v ‘ «1 Qucl’cl‘ 9-K I ’ ‘1 I 1.1; “A: _ \.4 ." . w \ ~ .i (“I.‘." I._LAI"': ‘ \ P. " " ’ V1 1'.1l.C4.~.4 \r)‘: ,1“ , "' I‘lL'LH , \_ z" ' 3:1"'l'[‘1r: r. - :1 l 1"] ', ‘4 4H: . * .. lbtb’ll;‘ I r eCVe 5e ncxnwestei 1 c 1 n 1, . C -. 1; 1', 3‘ 1 I J l J\I .A," ' i'l' ’l 7 T"! c .m at. , eed frewtcin_ s1 ( etlTl- O seeCe e~i3.ic Len- Q‘athclV 0 l r P '5 r'“ .__J (\ _ 9.1.} _l ‘ V -~ \1“\ ‘3 it! 1 Wm. M ,- . CL capacity drOpjed considerably (10 percent reduction) when seednalls contained 75 percent water when harvested. In some cases insect damage, due to different Lvrus species, was ooserved to be responsible for a reduction of germination capacity (H1115, l9h3). This occurred during the early'steges of seed develoo- ment (HILIS and TAYLCd 1950),hut could be controlled effectively by the aoplicaiion of S nercent DLT (HILLS et a1. 1916). Apparently sugar beet seeds maintain their ;erminetion cagacity for a lonr time when stored under dry and cool conditions. Jeedballs stored for 22 years around 00 F still germinated 75 percent, only about 10 percent less than the original material. The resultin; seedlin;s showed normal vi or and the roots had normal sucrose content at harvest (PACK and CHER 1954). At room temnerature tne iermination capacity dronned rapidly after 15 years of storage (after 10 years 96 percent, after 15 years 59 percent, after 19 years 27 percent germinated). On the other hand, FILUTOVICZ and RRJnAd (1954) observed that seedlirgs from seeds older than four years emerged 1-2 days later than plants from younger seeds. Under storage conditions of high moisture and rela— tively low temperature the viability of the sugar beet seed is quickly diminished (PeTo 1950, HUhTER 1951). Different seed processing methods (shearing, seimentin , decortication), used to decrease mechanically the number of true seeds er seedball, can also have an influence on the germination character- ".1 istics of the sugar beet seed. TOLDAN and STOUT (lth) observed that V sheared seedballs have a lower field germination capacity then tne rcr al ones, because .7-15 H.;rce1t of the smeared seed verminated abnormally dae to the e"‘§s ire of the true s; ds to air. hlole seed- halls and se vented seedoalls yrocessed to the sire size {ave HUJUL the sane germination percent and e er ence results under co naraole field conditions (:13? lQLQ, BLufifilgcn et al. 19h9). Decorticated and non- decorticated seedoails were re orted (infi lQSC) to have essentially the same field germination cuoacity, altnou h Lgacn et .(19 a: ) found t: at decorticate d suvar oeet seedcalls :erminated and e erbed faster at low soil moi s+ ures. This benedicial effect was attriuuted to the increased water absorption of decsrtiCated seedballs. at hi_n soil meisture, only 51 i ht differences could be demonstrated. Polypliid sugar beet v rieties produced artificially by colchicine treatment possess generally a lower germ nat ion capacity and lowe {.0 *1 :1 (D H L). 9 (D W I 1' l (D S O (D (‘f L ,_) the correegonding diploid ones (iJTC and HILL 191e, Iv’AI‘jUZ-ljna 195:1, 3n)‘.)I..I-..~1"1’;t 1957, R3}: :1‘.Y 1957, amt-TL et al. $1957).etran13id segdhalls, althou;n larger than diploid seedoails, coatain fewer viacle seeds. FgTSTv ; (1,5; su;;e;ted that the inferior gerhihation of ooljploios is due to meiotic irre_ularities. £.nTL et al. (10;?) cauld not confirm this finding; tug, sa__ested . u\ '- ‘ r' J' ‘ ‘ - 1 l 4' . ‘ r . V ‘~‘~ '~ ‘7 —~. "‘ " I ' ‘ .‘ ' " 1 instead lflnb the re acivel; lower Lu oer 0: seed Lhandefo 4L1 the * ‘: " -.... , - ...:.L:,_. A. ,_... 1 v r K Jan 91" n11::.oer OI. 1311:"...3' 8377'} Ci‘ch_L:-.; .Ll’ e I 99‘1J113-U.._° l 31." C 9 11”“: L‘: I" c I" germination of polyplOLds. For several dec - fies, intensive investigation? h~ve oeen wave on the in: HlU*nce oi' seedhail size on aeraihativn. ,nie great interest tas \ g due t3 an early re art of oxlgr (lde, cited by AiCHl:;VIIUn 1950), who claimed that larrer seedballs pro uced not only better field *.rwinatjon (J) reauizs, nut i“ve rise ti were v1;wr us y1an¢5 2n‘ hi_ner 31eld *Pzn ‘ 1, w. L. ‘1' ,- , 1 1 - w . ' ;.' , n " ,» - tre Shuller needr3110. ”Lihsu n =11; 3 Flh-lr S CAJLJ rct we con- “. ' ~. _‘ n 3- ‘ ‘4 "I r'\--’: "~ vaV .— .\ r‘h ~v-lr. Aw; y- L. ' (x, :1 \v‘ r r- ‘r r A (“r-w \ 111‘ {rid (QC/Hr. 51-1.5.3. 17,12) 11 H arm: '1“--.- u : .I‘-. an. lI/HH’) C11.L1‘.‘.- 1.) \f F‘ ’11 o 151/ I/ l ) a positive ccrre I O t -J “D 3) .4 O k‘ V '1 IVI £ ' \ ( fl ,. L‘f’ conln 0e H.e rmfi,r*bed. 'TLe experigerz3 have ach \t - thls corre1~110n 13 Lne uaxnly t0 the peorer Ferminatinn of the e a11egt I 1 o m ' - u' (A v ‘ ‘ _ ._ . ‘ Ceedball c1a:3es \;1ameter L¢jl1e Erin 3 mL). Jer; large 3e91u;313 have no a vent 3e over Kindle-eizei rte: (ILCL;L" 13.9, SEV11441 and CCX“L?C$ 1038, FLICfl and CALJLJL L§Lfi). In mu1 iterm I'ruits the problem of seeflball $17e i? very mLch COMTLTCQLGd cg the fact thct 13r;er :eedsall: c:it;in ;r3;“rc;uwtl1y more true seefi: Trev Era;Ler (neS, and that Che size 0* tne true seeds within the 89:0 seedrall 13 11:0 verienle (0:1LCJLLY et 91. 1757). ‘1 I. L' (Vrfi' '\ r‘v\ _‘_, . “‘ r. - .. ‘fi ~-. Accarrjing to JLANL (175;), true SQCQ; have w;y'2(Lma1u1» the same Winq+ien cayacifiy whether they ceme frem 3QG, its, or xu1fieseded seed— ba11s. However he observed, that true Seeds 1n the sage eeednagl de rct penninate finde' .nme _t1y, out tnrt there axiste a certain ”cmnxunjfv of fate" between their germinatjon i.e., when SeefinaETS containing tv: true seeLs germinaze, tnea wreuuce eltner 4 seedlings or none in greater yr)- (n 4. n d J portion wnu1d be exrecfied theore*mc1*. Th13 hex true for inhere- tory as 1911 as for field cyrhitions. Acevrdin; to C LC€JKY e? a1. (1957 larger true seeds produced seedLinga with better vi 3? Ann heavier rnots len did soa11 s eecs from the same seedual1. " I 7?-' .I'.‘ ' r 1 \ 1, 1 f‘. '4. .‘ k 1 ‘ .-: V‘ r h , ‘ "1 ‘.. ,- DHVLPJHY g} e1. (198A, TaJLe 4) need true urea. ”L «Onc_crm FLLLr V 0 v_ ‘, . ‘ ' "I a'. ." . \ _ ' ‘, 'A‘ ’ .'. . meet 1:ne3 to sunny tn. e Lee: 01 frdlt ‘128 on yrwlrufrnh. LsL1e he sifnificant dinerencee were dehonctrated JPLVCQJ ;erm1n Lien of fiLe eif?erent none-err frrjt c1erre ic v ri: hilit" existed between and within lines of sugar beets to reryit selection for this characteristic. Diiiererces he seen varie.ies and inored lines, 1M ‘ . " I 4' ' r a ~1' ' ’3’ '- , i»w'? - ‘- . '~ V r» "2 ~- ; . z~ Ixr ‘1 w , :1 n ., ' : ,'< \ . J - - -'« M’n1021 113:? V“") F Te EC) J ‘ 1. " 3.;01Lr' ‘1'}, 1 ! anA .2 "4&1 0,1. ‘ ”.1‘.,.,L,I.L.‘ 1t-‘_1 .1 L" “”3 ~" :r ‘L - ’«-~ ~ .--~ , ‘ , vv « r’ I ' ~ r; , , , u. ~ . +euireldzxgre, 1 :re .mrtz 1“Ler;'3n9» Luere 1aeét r51“ '1 4— , (J t::3«3r3txx1e. Oh the basis a. selection e_jerixent3 311; (LQ5") Cfirc need the; Lhner (-r low L‘u“~ru4rr" Cfifld; iens zuotzi rate 01 lihgs seem te be h riteele tr its. ‘ 1' q Tm a- i ,: ‘ diploie VJF1€;leb cu- 3e votei ea. rvw "5‘ . 31 '1 r hm.‘)\r1'— , 5g\bmx ohse rve ed lerf eiiier:aces 13 race of \ffe1h3uitn wt D :l“ tn of different varieties (1935) and in ener‘euce 01 such seedlir s from $331 (lfifih) or 5011 (I? 7). There was greet ci'Ference betveeh seeflba1ie harvested free irdivifiu 1 r1 wt: of the Same variet: vben c:rvin3tefi in certect Vith nutrient solution of 10.1 3M 'hzres osmotic prexsure (SAYLLi 1Q97). he has SU{,CTted that the meior i We“ r: I +T~q - arm 1 -LDJLUS O O 3 (4" d 1.1 ._J 3 L; .J m (T ad 0 ‘W I H .‘3 3 1. »+ \J H5 T a ._J. T) 0 LJ. D (‘f‘ \L' (11' 3. 3’1 (lQKOb) selected ragid eni 310w gerniha+ih> seed1in- from the see 3 of a br03d— e3e, oreh-poilinated variety. r1 nts Hfltvin the two greens were allevee t5 inter-Dollinate and seeieills frei Y2 of the re id and 72 of the slow Lefiminator e1 ants ere ceq_are” for e~eed of germination urinj a livsid.— —c0ht act .srxinat on techuipue. tn Lée averlfe; +5“ 8' of the r‘riw ‘wrk ne+'h. lento anc‘ed “5rsxdct f3 er enmivation th:n t1~“e fre th5 C 3% w“ 1h“ LL .. h, . k‘ fire 1‘ . r‘ - . _~o—-. I A “V“ j . V 't‘ 7. .E- »~ . .~: ,. z r v» x. .7 x - I‘ I m.“ “ ‘ ~ -‘ Helif an 3“0;LUV1 ;ciuf10n, mHlCH uIOuthJ a wut JO qeLL;.hepeQ osmotic flépchfp ani flhh Jl (195d) bade :818CCJUM; dim re— ,, a- - selecticns for early edrwufihy and late Sprouiiné seed inL: in iwur comrerciel sugar beet varieties. The earl; s renting reeelectivns from all the feur varieties germinated significaLtly faster then fine late ones, whew teeted in inogiiol solution. Due to tne improved syeed of germination, the yield in one out of two yeere increased signiVi~ Gently in comwerieon to the ori*inel parental varieties (QQKTATbn, et e; 195%). To avoid refietition, literature cite ions pertaining to the applied tec;niques are given in tne abpropriate sections. /_‘ ~ — ' n -. ‘ n ' ’3‘“ r3 '3" 1 1'. verginaigmr ~:.r-i< e g. H- - .—.. — —---~--~».n. .'~ q ~. , .— Y‘" #- a , 3 fl. ' .‘HX -le' "a l \‘r‘r r/T ‘Lj . 1 . ' fl ' __ ‘v n ,— Hiram ‘N‘wi t l 1-, 1 ’1V‘“,- 1 “ ' ‘ r . 1". A ‘ 7‘ I3“ '3 r L a a: {7; (0‘ Oh‘ ‘ . r1 ’ (F: e .‘ _: ‘3 {J'Q f; S V”, ‘\ (i ) fl 1 \' h ‘1‘ Q , r5 v 'r' :1 f L". ‘- , . . ' '- Z layei, tTU Yuiin the re* .A: (1‘? w, g:{x €1.71 l er v_J_ . A .L I ’1’). o ~~‘:~.1-. -,. .1... F if; \A 131 W: WA ‘ "arlC 37M; ' U C 1 , ‘ , . ,)+ a J l ,2 r .5 C: \ t1 ilar t ‘4 -\n H e w ‘5 ‘1 w r \’ "- vr’, ‘3 ‘ ~ ‘— . ‘ n , ‘ tw~ r a M; 1L :4. \Ja". . J“ 1;- .' ’ A‘J -: *1“, v': e e r\ .~~«.\ , m r" ‘L‘ ‘1‘ ‘1“ new. I t“. f‘lk ' l ‘ - , j o ‘ ‘ I 7- ~., >. ‘. -_ ‘r " ‘ x I ' ,- ,~ f‘uflmv .: ‘ rt .w :,1~ s; :37" ~.’A v r‘i 231‘ . . _ _ ~. fl - V ”l LI “I ' 1‘4.“ {3‘53" 1% CHM? .— J. W . v L4 "l (T \s' 1 F; :1 U I 11.48 i f 1 " TE e. l “w V :u‘ '5 ,’ ‘ .- r~‘ ‘ p I‘ _.4 ‘ \a 1 d I rd / I ’ ~ - . fl 9: 7” rw " ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 - ‘ . ~ A. ., ':'1\.\ . I l | ./ , / , r— -' A p r\ -’?.J (_ .fr» 4- ~ ._ - J I. : (' 'v r v- - '1 . A: 1 3 "' ~ . o . 7 ‘ "I ~_~,’_' " 71 1 l“; \J l . M I {A xJ~‘ ...‘ ' , \ y o u ‘, w-v1)*»3 (1‘ F'.‘ “, “3‘1- “' 1 ’aii'r .‘i . r1 1.11 M’ . x- . .. . o‘ O l i . ' , -‘ " vn , '."’\ '1 A —- ‘7 7 r -.\ jlre OT ¥"-1-‘-‘A 'f-e 15.)“ J ' .1 <_ 5;.qt' l ' “ l .7 .1. x L , ,__‘, L ,7; ; . i _, .-‘ , , AC v 1) , ' A _,I, ‘ 4 xi -‘ L4 4 J ‘ ’.. . :JIA!» . . l; i‘: r“i ' " r v‘ ‘ : t,‘ ‘-’ ‘ " ‘ '« ' ‘W ,, levyinmi 3- l_ (A. A "I I .‘. I i , o Y" 3Y' - )F‘ *"‘ (7 CE 7 i" " i - ‘ V ”.‘ L IE3; i-..(’ .1 . b‘ -‘. \J ' ii . JV ' -. r 4 , 4 - ' 3 ' . A A" '- 9‘." am“ C .1“ ’ 1 _‘ {1; A-; . ,.\ r" V, .— . - -\,~‘.. ~. .1 1 H1, . ‘I‘./' 61 ‘ 7'] ' . Y‘f‘» '\ ‘1 4 ': \r-D ' '. f" ‘1’: t 1 J-A . ‘ \a -L: '-. v‘ , .) ‘.._ 4 r3 ' A ‘ ‘ '3: ‘7 ..- " . 7| ‘ " v' .4 ‘, ~ ’1. ' ' ,‘. ., ‘ACC'IV » L . . ( ‘ ' . . . - ,'\ ,h, — . . ».‘ ~s \ r _.z- 2.]. ‘ w‘ ’j w; ,. A _ l _ ‘ g ‘0‘ d’ 1;? yr (-‘f - ,_ 7 .‘ r‘ r-vr \ .1 w (Jr 1 l , ,, t .4 . x _' a ‘ g _ I , . '(fivx [‘“‘~fi+~.~ "‘ 2‘ I"! '1 ‘ ' .1 u ‘ I _ J i ' ) V A, - . -- rw - - ‘1 . ,' : I (1“ 4 'a r'. ‘H. ‘ I 1 / 1 4 " H \ .1 I -x‘ I {L I- ~ - V ‘ ' ‘ i "‘ T "‘ »-- ' " \‘x ‘ ‘ 11 vV‘ ‘ i. ‘ ’ -_ l ‘(‘I " l». _, ' .1 A : A . , ‘ - . l . ~ . '1 P‘ "] § ' ' r ' ’, T‘ ‘7" “‘1 ‘ ’ ‘ {7"} v '.~ L J A ‘ J a 2 ) 7 I . n ‘ H , '.". I‘ ' .' Y‘ ‘1. ET. ‘1. L _ . , ._ .r‘ r . x ‘ ~ m 1 v < 3 - — v :4 2‘ 7” r) 3')! l'f) (J’- l L: ,Jr C — A ‘3 ' \ - 1‘ ‘ *1 \+ r) ’\ . w / ’ l '3 -:. '1 -~ w .3. e; i - e , ,. .p. \ , . . . . ‘ \ (-1 ‘1‘ {- _ . 1f , ‘ -, . 1 — (q r) , - I 4- - \ ._ , 1’ } u i; v m (D (D S J ,_J 1) “ 3 3 ,. J * .1 . 3 1 ,v.._J O f‘”) + ' l j Ik. < ‘1‘ / ‘x’ Q -,; C T 1 J ‘u .1 ‘J 3] ’7.) *- x .. 1 ' - :._,..rf .t' -,.7, :. : A," ("l CF)"- f‘wi (if C‘T‘fl' l‘nl’l-utfir-‘CJ-gj, CHTIL ltlu EC F.1.,"-.'l “:T In t r) C) (A (7 L..— (U ‘4. :5 U ’1) {.J. .4 (0 O _. i. ‘ . " I. c“ J“ ‘. ‘ V ~ - 7‘» ‘- .7 ‘/ A ‘- . -‘ ~ v~ r -~ -‘ r- n V 'r‘ u Vite? 1N CICSGJ Fl::J.C 00 9:. [n eicw LJA a Wiece O; fidrdh screen Avg .V V._‘\‘\ (5‘: v o “‘ I1 ." .’ ’. l _ ‘n . . r—l V. N :» ' “ v ... - eu'nwrted on live ‘lJCQ> Oi ~'i S cumin . CJQNC' SEQCDdltw vere 4:«00d iii eqc?2 cvaj“ler' f time bCX’jJ1 cetfiwqct vxifih iflie xiirfacezcif 3.9“rcyiufzpeflv Q ‘ f1: ‘pflfi \ -: -, ‘ -.r -VN : w. x-» ‘. .'.. u: .. ‘ F1“ , laO Kiliiiite? of a b ,erce- rirenal LqunfimL eeiuusun (L"uT€ l.}. ive Miler Cemfimsiiier a? the nririefif :wlutinh vac a; fellfiwfi: \/\ ""\ 7’ n “7' I P E o nr\ 1'“ 1' I“ - I . 7‘“ _ vA‘ ' ;’ '- . -_ i '» ,“ _r‘;4 '. C31C» .9. ‘4”.2“. , “~-’0 \- (‘13 .1 '9 U‘l~(\."~)01{+r wk” C). -— «14'1" \‘JJ. , O. .IAL‘Lf) , AWZF‘JA, it. [3.1' ’, $2.." L- I“ IV?) I“. r» 4;: i z , min” w r. , L ‘ ,‘V. 1-, v y -: ». 3 )C .7u’jk." ngltejpg,‘ :‘.-i..;\i.,'bo_.../,"/‘U, 0.x»;- Do if“? C‘.1r;.'\."u] C greibul :; C! . 1.. .3 - ‘~ V . ~ "‘ a. ‘ o 0-. '~\ f‘\"‘~‘r‘ ‘ . "o .- tr'V‘. . V I V“: -1, ‘_-4 v solution 3b lb.l afuesflereu. .0 aszJ Vdrlaulflh 1h 39Tmlflmt.ifl M A~.n ‘..J. 0 Q) 0 '1 9—1 (+ ,_J 0 “‘5 -‘J O (4- C) *‘S u—J. 3 (4 p. L (+- ‘) ') 3‘ PJ- ‘\ (D o \_/ + C) 3' LD 2 CD L-l {‘9' 3...]. :‘S .9 3" Q‘D .1 \0 C ’J’J I? J o :1 CD ‘3 :2 "S g4 V ‘9 r 'l (4: \. C' (u D T‘ ,4 ,HJ "\ 'f (D ‘_$ kl .1. Q -J. dried in a plant drier at ,9-j3‘ C, and efirefined my a anquagjpn threeker ind drqrev deti"e t d t“ wehflle $331} :e.gie3 («{U;:Zzgij» **d 31é1a*3 lQLJ). 2ffe” threthin; fifie ace ball: were simwel afi viva conriii WM: for at 1‘? fl;&3‘zee“ me 7 'é*,~§"uere *e Tra"“v" 0“ :,,r; “. l'fi‘-fY‘"(‘P’ ~0- r35“(1’-“. "'v-"i-fi u r i 'x :1 1 ‘1'"3 3‘“ ir" “ f . The xéeflfiélls were re: freefed ViTw a fifivicifie. Q&-;.;u‘ >L“ 51:[ (7°53) reveried *Paf lrr'e” éee*w'ile We“e leis a‘fefl;ei wf ”‘ ‘7“ S"1l‘.111~r‘c i. } ;"‘(3,q ~3‘,;~ ",-).n",.-‘ Wfi'l '41‘ CV" ( l 1" Fifiure l. Top View of plastic box ucel in liquid cont technique, b and {lass rm tch of the “hcwiui arruh’ewent on seedrqlls 7"‘V, .I.” r-id3‘ ds snvtariirL the screeN. tunir 9 on screen bcx. Etch seedlfit in a geniimeiicn box is r» seedhalls. S€“9*Ete$ Tfiur d;ffereht eeedlnts vitrih a “resented my 20 / r -. / A g v, ~ r‘ .x ‘ .' ‘ ‘ ~ , ‘ V. r‘ ‘3 .‘ ~ _ c A 4_ n k _ ll/Oh - lg/Cu incn (4.@ - 3.1 Rx) die eter vere Q;UJ. 1 ,ii WdTMBHQLth \ rercent was also determined far e30: (K) dldt, 5n that those with neor U] (I viability (less than 85 percent ieruination capacity) could be enciudee from the results. -" . :l. 'V ‘._ -' ‘7. fl,, - r... l ,.~ V .V'- - ,, All {QVAaLdthfl ehperlwdflts, excegt d; rdted, “ewe cauuucied at (D b-‘ room ternereture (22-250 C}. L “wingtion ccunts nade L?, 72, and 1:0 heurs after the 3 ede were rlaced in contact with fhc nutrient (. y L ‘ w J solution. A seedball was ceneidereu a; {iiiinated wreu inc redicle of ~ ' ‘ rm at leaet one true ewed entended D gnnd its Seeccoat. inis could be decided onLy by a cere?ul examination of encn seednail, and Oftcz only Genetic-statistical retho‘s: J(H (lCCFO (Vanniatrated +1ul,()47' envirarwfadtal and genetic factors may contribute to the ooeerved phenotypic variation between the individuals of a sefrefitin; population. Vii 5L ilvla) 1. it useful to empress this relationship in the folloving linear Form: em; —4 H 2 2 a 1 v 0 0 + ¢+ 6;; where 6; renre se _ 15 the total observed pnenmygéic variance, q‘ {:3 .J 65 GE'is the of he nhenitv'ic variance due to genetic effects, chis the part of the phenotypic variance due to environnental factors, and is the variance due to genotyre-environmental interactions. Elddgh (1919) further partitiored the [enetic variance into three cougoncn.s: (1) an additive genetic part, associated witn tie avera¢e effects of genes (63), (2) a dominance pert, arising from the interactions of U lleles (65): (3) and an eoist4tic part, a triautaole to the interactions m of non-alleles (0%). He also snowed how adiitive sene+ic and dominzurce variance contrioute to correlations among reiet1Ves in randomly breeding ponulations. NAihiyi (191S7l poi ited cwfl;‘tne diiierfz ce C£3W¥i ci;;fixexiie aimiiin— fixahle genetic variance. Untixable adl'iive Cenetic v riance arises due to the presence of dominarce when the allelic gene fT€(H€HClBS are not equal to one-half. Recently, epistatic v riance has been further cartitioned (C ch,;:nfl l95t, Kdirlrozig 195L) into factorial con;cnents (additive X additive, additive X dominance, dOMlilnCG x dcuinance, etc. interactions) to estimate its inrortance compared to adritive :eretic and dominance variance. p, (a) J LLSH and PthE (lQhU) prohvsed the ratio of the additive genetic '1‘ A component 01 v rianfie (6:)'to the total onenitpnic variance (Uéfi’ a: a measure of the degree of herit hility. Later, LLS’ (1943) referred to this as to "heritability in the narrow sense"; whereas for the r tio n , 1. ' ' . 9 .— ‘A + 1 01 the tOtal genetic v riance (6? - + Gé'+ -) to the total rneno- (17 D n .L " tynic variance (5%) he used the term "heritabilitj in the broad sense”. Heritability values are exyreesed usuallv in percent. If the U estimated heritaoilitx value (hd) is high (close to 100 percent), the ‘1 LI observed variability must be lariely due to {enetic factors. If the C) heritaoilitg value is ion, the observed v riation is nainly due t environrental factors, and little gain can be exgected for the given ‘1 .1 characteristic from se ection in the particular ropulat on. In the way heritability is defined, it is implied that — strictly speaking - any h2 estimate of a certain characteristic is valid on y for a particular population and for a efecific environ ent. Also, at present no satisfactory method is availaole to attach confidence intervals for heritabilit; estimates (KEL3ThCin; 1957, thsoN 1959 . Despite these shortcominrs, h ritability estimates can give the nlant breeder very valuable information to predict the gain From selection, and to deter— mine the most effective method of improvement in quantitative charac- teristics. This is estecially true where, for the same trait, Lore than one h2 value can be estimated using different populations and different statistical techniques. Several different metnrds have been used to calculate herita- bility values for a certain characterifitic. These hethods vary accordin E - n.) to the aoolied statirtical tecnniones (re ressions, covariances, variance components, etc. ) and accoriing ti +he nature of the pofulation, from which the data were used to estimate r‘ritaoiti (inbred line._, ranr>11v breeding nonulations, etc.). hitn the excention of one method (estimating h2 on the basis of a selection ext riment), all estimation methods are based on reL 10n31113 anwon relatives (parents contrasted hltfl off- springs, half-sibs, Fz's, Fq's, etc.). No attempt is nade in this thesis .1 to review all the existing methods of ootainin; heritabil it estimates. The sugar beet is a cross— oollin tin5; crop with natural barriers to self-fertilization and controlled crossing. Therefore, the classical rethod of esti misting variance components (hAIhEn l9n9) could not be anplied directly. instead of this it was assuaed that a commercial sufar beet variety is a randomly interbreeding (nannictic) ponulat on. Genetic variances ano heritability ratios were estihsted (Exyerinent 3) from such a nonulation usinr o .rent-off: irin} rerressions and between and within (maternal) half—sib rel tionSLins. The oarent— oiisyrin; regressions and the between half-sib family variances can contain only additive genetic variarces (6%) and some epistatic variance (6&9 (C0313 nal 1956, K‘E PTHQRJW 195? ; the within half ~sib family Viciarcrs may contain a certain amount 0V dominance vzrizir e(6:) as well (ihfiH lQAQ, l9h9, LA hSR 1 A9). Folloving FREY and Hofihfli (1957), instead of rarer t—ofi‘sjring5 reeressions narerut— off:*r1n correlation coeffi cien ots were used to estinate heritabilitV. As a Cii‘Ferent nethod to estimate heritability r"or speed of re"a1retlon, the variance between clonal glants was used to e tin te the envircnnertal variance (Exneriwent C). Co marin” the v ri:nce 1)- I taired betWeer these reneticallf unitirm jifints Mitn the total variance I \5) \D h2 valves will C”rresnond t1 h ritaoi it" in the broad sense. ' u As avotrer method, h“ ratios were estimated on the basis 0? a n 1 I \rwxr . , " 'lfi‘f .» ~- T“ \. z- .-. . . 4 ' (V-r -' - ' 1 \v‘ se:ection eijcrimeno (nmnerlnwnt J,. Tfi Cwlculite h , the 5a1n {11m . u u 1 1 J51_ 5‘ q .5 1 ‘ 5: “- n 5 5- -5 n v ,' "1, ,~‘ :5- selectton W33 11vx em or the s lect or d1 ierential (L h.;fl 19,3). in trig C359: :eLec ion H3: fiade in the th1 Os osiie direct OHS, thus rakinr the cornerison oetveefi 1%: wear: 1? the two selected groups and the c 5- r5 5 ‘5 1 rx 1 _: 5 - '_‘ ‘l 5..., u ‘ ’5 ’- V - ‘ . 5. z“ 5 5. a 5'? r v I 5" A or] lflfil rotiik ion trwx;ce::31fir. To 61.21 J? btfflfl):nlllcd= b5 2 1. :xethod, the as olute iitference between tiuzzwaan: of the t‘: selCCted ‘ «' ~ ' “ fl} -: i ' I . \ r~ “I . ' I ‘ 1‘ fr "\ V" : ’. . " ‘r'x "' J 1' " L" , ‘ ~" 1 £ oft/1r 4rterrmllijh—H, {(7,3) (nolycr-ifla) 12-1 , 1" 1V109-i cu, v.19 _ Logiiut-e : in M, ‘ $- 1 u ,5 . 4.‘ ', ',.‘ ... - '. . 1 ... .1 . ,7 .2 .. H"lerw~ce be weel the Le1o: of ere ori 11 1 th. selecieo no ilatgone. .r...-A. «A; 4 I v’ . - V ., -- . _ . I, .5 . . 7 5 , A A EKFfldlzyffnL daiULTS :1 .t-‘ vaervment A _A To determine whether the levee differences observed in efeed of germination between seedlots* are due to fQCLOTS re idin! in the waternal tissues, or to factors present in the true seed itself, the germination of seeds in seedballs and true seeds of were compared using the lihuii-contact germination technique. The seedlots (harvested in 1957) used in this exnerinent cane frim individually harvested plants of U5 401, a commercial, multijerm sugar beet variety. The seedlots were previously evaluated for speed Of germination by Snyder. Out of this material, tho ertregely slow (118 and 12%) and two rapid (528 and SA?) germinatin5 seedlot U) were chosen for the experiment. From each of the four seedlots, 8O true seeds with the brown outer seedcoat (tests) and 80 true seeds without the brown outer seedcoat were obtained. (The true seeds were renoved from the seedoalls with the aid of a fin5ernail clipper.) The exterime t was arranged as a solit~snlit plot experireni, the main plots being the four gernination counts (made after 2A, LR, *The tenn "seedlot" Mill refer to seeds narve tea from a sir_le elant. 1’“) j\ ’i"? ' I 1., W 1 1. H 7‘ .73-, .7 - j. 4 ,.., . (H J . + 7 m» . .l: 4 .t . t. . .. ‘-al:: 1.,L3’ v F~lh~ .? 1r.- ’ - .. ‘Jl ' I L .o . d 7 ) V J s 4', _. .L', A .; , ’I ‘7 / Ll _ .- .’\ '1“ \ ' Y‘ ‘: +L L'.) “ 1’ f‘ w - ' i _ + , ”N ' “V1 v 'fl ~ fir" 1,2) "‘ ‘ 3 1'3 ‘ ‘ ’ ;‘ 0&2 A L] 4 J ’ a‘ L. .‘LA n)- ‘ I, I ) 7 5 J '1- ___ - F ‘1‘ 1 ~ .1) V V t-’ I . _) ._, I - 7“. t) I o . . - ,' n u a ' a ‘ 1'1 L.‘ . row? ' r~ ‘ i w ' - W m r) ~' ~' ‘ ‘ ‘ ; s ‘ .41‘ r . ‘0 { 3 ~ u .nv . _. ' | 11-]! .., ‘r - , 5 o :1” 's..‘.4 .‘ I _ ' ., t '_ 4.1” u‘ \_l i ’ \ ,1 ‘_!,'. .4 17";1 tl~ A'.’ ‘ I z o .7. 7 _ .1 7 7' . ‘7L , A h w j 7 . Were (wim.1rte1' TTfXV1V'fi‘]. t» e ow _c {rig} \;uo—s :~'n t, nor‘ t - “-F , \ . ' " a: -+ .‘,.w-"-\L“I-'--. \ Percent .eruid: ‘Ar, are “\‘n'v ' ' 1“,“ SLQWN in Fist: 1. ,7 ‘4. 7° ' . . ' - r- q " .7 v 7 1— — ; \ 7 :. Leah e1 n Picz.ce r’Tiere Cu” (ind v it: j n no celctl‘t;u t t to 4. ‘7 7;.“ 5-0.. 7, 7w. 1.7,: - .qu ,7- 73 . .7 »7 ,7; 4' ‘ _' ,7 .7 73...; .3 (. ,, 7‘ 1 i 7 ’ =7 .7 “p 3 i \ pile \Ils 1::r~.r(‘.<-x., x2- Why: ' v.2...9'11'5 J': W “L i! d7 Cm, u 2.. {’1 med C \1 :1..J._ ’, .1, j . x n . s - 1 . C V, {The =“xfirl’xnn :rcext' e- 0; seed: e.:eume’ 1n 3 vwv r'; r. w q . n 7. di‘Lerei ~reztjr rw'Weeu seedtCis, ~Vs f:r Lhe ear oi truJ s~eds «'isw 5) I " -1 v I. (‘1' "\ i) .‘J .J ’1 .4 m' A) ,4 Li .‘_1 "3 3' L I) .‘ / + \d‘ ( “1' 1| 0 ~ —. ' ' fl " \ " ' ‘7‘ . a 7 ‘ . 7 3 7 3. ‘ ’ ' ‘, w . vrug :L‘LFV “ (.fzile L). the? tit»; svaje t‘IJ VF.JJ‘ L o:!(p"'»nrsrce: ee- -1 u n n 1 o q r I n L a o '1 ' m ‘ - xx . ‘ "' Y‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' ‘ . ' 7+. ’ " r I“ ‘ » '3 ‘ " ' _ ‘ t1r'fi)\l l — "3‘- J- \ x ‘J x . e A‘\/ \J vVL )lJ .1 C17LV \ A. 1 1 \‘3 ~41 , ‘1 A . “ :7 L) _...I) L .54 ”~17- \ L a 3.1 , t_J . . .4. “A , M ,7, 'v- '.,.J. 17‘, 7 1 L‘AA .....1' “fl,"Y bg s a ho1e c Quor-fe exre'iment mi ht ieve nevedtau 9 w 1 7611 -1? of 15—7 or o? 7"» trie ;ruia Vi-n 40’ V7HH9M tie urOI' s~v«t.ets rji'lp (1’?+‘ 9 2x W 4""..4 f‘ + 9 L1 r - 17' a ‘4r‘fl1‘ "r ‘1 P‘ ," (73)" '—l ‘ '1 -‘ ‘ J“ ‘. . -‘ ya. I .L. 71...» v.1 'u '0‘; u"-» u‘ \I .1 . .-.f1U l--’ ~ J» (\J a 3 o \ - ~ 0 'Jf7pi9f' a: d 131 ”)i! e?“ (We;;e-: “'L‘QHUJ 1*«v srv‘ 'e‘% i “<* “*v til? teotnioue Cl.‘*11“"1t'€.; tin: vrf‘Ifl‘; :‘AOIF 01 the true 3‘3“”; -.- I .: f! (,1 9“,,‘..“’, g u ‘ I ’ ' a— -1,» fi‘ (‘2 ,Q in +';. t‘ ": GLUlL: inf s-hh ”H trt “ed“ 1. ”"I- ";(‘(3 ,3: .3 1'": (yr-"'1 w .L x .3 y» .1 47‘ 1‘".> 'Y‘ 7 1).. TI - ’r ‘1 P" V) ‘iw ;, I‘., .1g,‘ (3.1. I1._ -.“ 1 H s ’ '.A J-.. ‘x 4;.‘..‘ - N osmo44 pv>ule 0p aceteooom mecaroom gemxwmh mmocmhomgwr pcwowawVqu cs. omfimrmvm ®3Lm LO magmmdfiummm a CC Cmmwc GLm WNDHfiHSr COrflwCleme wimohwm we ma OH.QH mescx vgq msazytmom cflzees m .+C “2&me m 500.....3 m3. WH 10H . . ¢ ‘. .‘ \1 ~ . 4 , K. H.) . A weal. ..;.\ \ J5 . \ m; .w; 0%.? mp:.o... \ 0\\ \..o\\ -_0...\ 43...... .)\.o:-\ .lx... . Tq .\.\H. _ 4U .L .fu .Wx Art) A..\,\ 1U 71w fix; 0 m4 N .v. 0 U U WNL. . m KL ..f\p ,1. km A\ m KL d3 .7. f... .mme ...-..U .H O 7: ru PH T. ”I ( r...» “U h 3.-.. x... \ .035... U... ‘1‘). x O .. \JJOQWJ )\ o \ o ,m - .0...\ I. 0 ..... .\\.o 11,..43 .J\ «K/ r .. ._ .. 3. 0.7.. \kNL .q x. U... m a fi .(F .. Q? A N W.» K :1. .rx v. r... u. N U V. .1 C CC M .J Ax...q A.“ U. L HN T .r( arH C k U .,/._ 3.x. \ ..\,. x .. o :1 \Q. \J. u..-) 3.. . o . ,\ oNi x, ...\..\ .3..-- f;...). .. .. .) r24 . a ..;. r. \ .. ,1. 4.5 ,f u . -. 4.x HO m . {a 0., O .u mw H um. o _ (.m (a Cu. N; C....... r. Lr mo r0 r .p x. 39.0m oe.o me.«m oz.“ em.-e mu.ea 00.0 5.6. mos n v). I. ..r .I. I. 2‘ ,> ){m )l. s... .I. .. uwnn a.) Qua 09 we do Qua or we 4N Com or «a do 1H.2&o err popes uwooeomw axes: wnocwfls pon,w wechmom oxen; cwHB omega meawgto .2 «U V nxmvm ooze o gc_wm:efipoc nrmmm oSLp mo coewxceepo: mtem nwsosnnm as.e he «as n seae :xwfluem :.: wooecsysq ea ,2. . mo '1‘ .. v .u H¢>oa TH nuw.flewowewemwmtxe wmootmmn Lease LSoL“ wsoepes meow weoovmmm gonzo exogo ewe; mromm wasp temwomm ow ne‘eop v mom, room miiwet mm :m mtmmm 0p m mwoe H men; vemm+ weep tmmeoxo 0e mpommm m msmw room m x (D mH.H rQH on Lappm NM.H em.a ma m mt:p eowm gheswz NH m mg . ammm cfl:n.x $+e .m.H em.mea NH s maps emmm : Lee: H H n4 $H.¢m on wmuen mmmu :flLWflB so.n 4w «av payee $$3N.NH mw.tq q M a m memo room momgm> H memw comm m:.a a m m..w comm mzmhmb N mote town *wmm.m mwcnco someucwsomw cmxtflx +mmcni room \ ./ . a rd» .HOeHcHh mpczoo :cwmewELom mcoepmowmom; “ H «i o q’\ if; p - C’ '01 o ‘ \ (‘3 V m’\ N I. r I ‘- sr ~ 3\ r’i o ”'\ m <‘\ O\ to L .h .4 .5 .D m o m 2 Q m .4 Lusfieasemfimu aw./as<2 uzufleufig.wn:wa NH pm wcmOHMMgg- $40¢.@ NH.AH **mm.nfi 00.0m m4.0m **NQ.¢ \ 09.0 \ mcoflmeHHQm: cc ydcwshmg x chpez mwcmaa .mem: wamwa Tcw mmwafifiu: chwfls mwcmam meowpmofiaame efimfle x mmwaw:me m .m .E ccfipwcaihmm mmUIm & .m .2 CQHpsuH:Emw \ . hand Cu] N\ (F... .0 m .m .E cefiwmcwuamm advaw .L .Q weeH,uah :.l . 3L4 rru eam mo eHee> no mfim»g4g4 .m wwxee \Al p perfect cross nollinsticn in the ori ins] henul~tior, may he e3tius‘ed U) O O ( ATHER 19L9, cccraargv 1956) as foiicw _ - .. . . Q / setween hall-510 family variance (fififi = 1/8 D ' r Within helf-sib family variance (05; = 3/3 D + l/h H II Families X field replications variance (6%) E II L1: \0 o 5-? :3” (D ’1 (D Plants x germination renlications variance (6%) D is the additive genetic variance H is the doninance variance E1 is the environmental variance for family means 32 is the environhental variance for infiividusl plants 8 follows (Table 3): g: The variance component 5%‘was estimgted ween Families }.5.) ~ (Families X Field nenlichtions M.S.) - at II A -L. ’D (f- r where r is the number of field replications. The variance comfionent 53 was estimated as follows: 6; = (Between Plants within Fanilies n.5,) - Families x Germ. hens, v.5.) W o n where n is the number of germination reelications. The environwental variance for family means (6%) was estimated (FHE end Hoaxes 1955, JUGI 3956) as follows: 62 = Families x Field heplicetions p,s,) 1 l" The environmental variance for individual plants within fauilies t... (6%) was estimated as fol“ows: ‘Q—v-u— q I O — n o n 0 I ‘u ' I 6s = (Plants Vlthlh Farilies X rerr1nnt:cn renlicscicrs v.3.l n ' ,c? - l «,i ' "rn‘lr. . .r~ ’.--x,‘, The heritalilmt? Fit .0 Tor mama's-n: half—flu Trw‘ :' mean:- 5- _.z:l_e '1 A) was estimated bv means of the follovin_ ferrule: ”'1; Le a» 9 + 61 The heritability ratio for plants vithin half—sio families (Table 5) was estimated using the follouini fa male: h; = 6f? a 2 + f ‘2- {J Heritabilitv values are also given in relation to U L. phd original randomly interbreeding population (U3 L01), using both between and hith- in family variances to estimate genetic variance components, and assuming that linkafie and epistasis do not play an important role. In this case, heritability ratios may be estimated from between family variances as l owi° f0 1‘3‘5. I) N 1/2 D h r h z: ::: *7 l/2D+E L5§+5§ 0' and from within family variances as follows: h2 = 1"»? D + 1/5 H 5/3 6% b -. c. -- a 11/1,. L) + 1/2 ['1 + 1.5 /, l... A! 1 El"! + E H The hz values estimated on the basis of outween farily variances correspond to heritability in the narrow serse; vnile h vaiucs Estimated on the basis of within family variances correspond to heritability in lhe E, 1/9 D, and heritability percenta;es for bk” 2—, f—, ani S-oay I fennination data, estimated by using halt-sib family variances, are {iven c1 V)? "i -n lJJJHl a. Cittnzii;wii viiiias (t? bfi‘, ii/s ifise, AVID i‘3iitxisiiyz;v PifiCBQTACi3 30¢ 2—nii, 3-DAY, i.D 5—niY thLILnTlch DATA KEEN? rifiiiv haLE-Sld vgpILv vau:i;ccs. n . >7 ,7 /" 1" _ fl ,_ , germination 1p.zu Lo.uo (5.1 9<.A CD "‘5 H 3 rpm ('4' I C) 3 H C) o l\ C: «\D .‘ u 0 p \h ‘xl \ w 0 CI \ ‘ C: H O 'Q ;enwina inn 5.59 12.15 68.5 99.8 $1. is the estimate of the environmental variance L15 ** 1/8 D is the estimate of the additive—genetic variance # x t ‘34“ 2 . , . . . , ha is the heritability percentage calculated for oetkeen half—sib families, according to the formula (1/8 D)/(l/5 H + E) h is the heritability percentage calculated for the orikihal randomly interbreeding population (35 qu) according to the formula (1/2 D)/(i/2 D + E) \ -. ——‘ 3‘ .7, 1., . _..--. - . ‘ ,t‘.. V.‘,- .2 Id ‘ i ‘33:,- “ .3 TA3hnu 5. CnLquLaZ n) Vanqu tr‘iir, (,,t3 l)‘+ 144i fi)”‘, null H3il7idlllTY P3£C5=TAGSS Fin 2“”mv, 3-D3Y, A.D fi-UAY Clio lb iflCS; DAUBA llyliai'filliilk i.slfi*—J]'i :Vu.ilfi’ thtl- . ~~ ,.. -»‘ w K v . « Ail .5} 1‘.) J . M h) h 9 h if F} + H O \ x} H .‘x ,3 O i\‘ 0 V‘- f L‘ o J 2-day mination a m 'e P 3-day rernination l.L9 10. l 87.A 90.2 S-dev fenwhrfiion 1.23 6.15 83.3 87.0 ’3 * E is the estimate Oi environ ental variance lo nt estinete of additive and dominance I 1 U FJ. ex (3/3 D + 1/L h) is the variance ’3 . . . . a h; is the heritability rercertage (in the broad sense) calcu— lated for within half-sic families, according to the forvula (3/9 D + l/L'r H) / (3/9 D + i/A H + 1.5) if h‘ is the heritaoility percentage (in the broad sense) calcu— lated for the orisinal randomly interbreeding population (U3 A01), accordinf to the fornula (1/2 c + 1/2 H) / (1/2 t).+ 1/3 l{-+ a) in Table A. E, (3/3 D + l/L H), and heritability percentages, estimated by using Mithin half-eib family variances, are presertei in Table 5. To estimate heritabiliuy using the parent—offsyrin; re ationenip, the mean genninetion values of the c0 (maternal) half-sib families in 1959 were correlated with the germination values of the so mother plants, from which the half-sib families originated (Table 6). These parent- offsrring correlations correspond to parent-offSpring regressions ex- pressed in standard deviation units (FiJY and danish 1955). Assuming perfect cross pollination in the original population, heritaoility estimates may he obtained for the original US #01 population by multi— timated r values by two (Table 6). These heritability (I) plying the 8 values may contain a certain anount of epistatic variance (CUCnbnndh 1956), out the; will not contain an; dominance variance (LUiH 19L3, ‘7‘; KW." ,. / “N '1 a" T' (",r‘vfir‘fl .-v\ f‘ 1 ' P4”.— v . .—‘\‘ ... -.‘<1 1 I“ - T" -. ‘u- -. .. 1.7.1 . '.|.f\l_g“ r’. 14:. I. t—ku" - 31.1. -.1 (1‘. ‘.%s..1iv..v‘\‘.J{./J‘J bkx'L‘JJ F .1 K27 -Lfi.’ .3 NHL) V ' I’LIL ‘1— V] - - ~-‘V 1' -~- _ "“ _/' " ‘ ‘ “' '1‘ f‘ . w ". 7‘ , ‘. K"”‘ .‘xTni _ z' H'LAC ;» Meg-1..) o" rt /--l).r V”, T-LI‘~ 7' if ;1 5—021? (}E¢TIBLIV1C§YLL¥PA 1331L3 rw) Ftui}fl it} t’refi [XS L;14 r _ . o ‘ P _. / S , C ‘1‘”. ’ 4—de¢ germination t.n«5m~ 9;.0 Q1.-..-": ’/'\.‘y."_ 'A ,-osy iaruinetton Q.+Mirn 9!.e 5-day ferminrtion O.2%7* €?.L ”Heritaoility For the ori ins? repiofiiy interbreefiin; yepUTeeiC. vr-q , " _ 3 '1 ' . , ° ., ‘ r ‘. R V . ‘r (L; A01) CQJCUIBted my uniti3lgin_ tne r ve.ue~ or 4, and ei— u -. v .Lr'i. - - 'r-g «L:- . preSSiNg neri-e»i!ity in “”TCP’ud e. .‘ EYfleriwert L In Aeril lQQR, controllefl cr sees w,re vane in tue greenhwuse n. 1. between certain olants from the surar beeu v riety, t3 hGl, which pro— Huced either extremely *low or extrexelv ra{ii (enrinatin; seed in l§57. 'u This was Fessiole of urin the original seeiehroducin“ riots ozonf Kith {ome clones oi I which Envfier had crepe etcd in the green— house. '- “x N ' ._. Y's.“ ' .‘ ,,, .1 1 17 . ‘N I 1 . -h . r' .1 i- I . ;he plants Vere yflotfilnergatlg in1ucteu ?n tLe Minter of ij,/— ‘g. 1959 and nrofiuced seed talks in early Sfirin;. ”he plants were paired \ accorc'nw to their ferminetion characteristics and their h; ocotcl color. Contrcl of pollxo~tion was accomplished by gflmhs of white fiejer l 'T. “he olents with the rapifi Lergination characteristic (3:5, p I crva.t lwz r‘.‘ 5L7) had dominant-red hfjocotyle, and the plants Viqh the Slow gernini- tion characteristic (:19, :57) tad rece33ive-vreen hgnocotfls. hence the hybrid plants (?l% X 5A? and 357 x 5:3) could on iiemti‘ied by hypocotyl color. After the seed obtained frou the plants witn green 1 , " -4\ —~ . r ' ’4 ‘1‘ , r- » u . ‘7‘ '-.- ' /‘ ~- « J* v. ~- I L3 was ewrhlniteu, c e Seedling; h:th {reen hJ@OCO.;l: vere tion. Leciprocal crosses (where the hOchS“ nlart had the re id iermin— ation characteristic) could not be periormed, cec u e no plint: vere ‘ . ,- - u a- —. .~~ . .~ J- . 1“". ~ ‘ r' I ~ 1' Vv',~«' r- hevbifi: ;lrmw seed «er IWU_J hl armiri vir1—'red Rd “Jeoc.i. W L_." c. ‘ § available a . The true hvhrie seedlirve here Viented in se irate “fit" in June ‘f‘ 7‘ 1‘ ‘ ‘5 r‘ P‘ ' . ' g" 5, V " “I" L r ‘np, 1 "' . I ’\"‘ . ' gene c the e eeew~in,s M813 gnototaermdllj lFLUC-mu in an attemot to firefluce seeini rte oecacreas usherefions. ”fivever, ute ~ A L A . 4 ‘, : . :3 2’f‘ ‘1 _ j, , 4 , ,_ _ ‘ croxeee h3vi> :I. :Vfiagoer l , ll-d :3 quydice 4?} V" u/ta seed. '_"\ a x_ ‘\ 1", .- ~v‘ _’ ,‘f : .- ‘- 0 V A ” '.---~ 1 ‘ ‘ i . ‘- . ,‘ “fl” (“H.Cfl 0* T.'](‘{ 1.911.. .~ 4 .1.-..'Iv—:,11. u-l: 1'7”; "$.Jv .‘xt‘ij .« ‘ . L196- ill"! tllfi‘ cro‘fefl, clones or vefietative cuttinffi were a de from the seedetele /"\ ..J ’3 ..._J J J .J T O ~J J .1 \D b. '4 <4 (D P1 (D >7 - (D p 1 (4k “3 K) H (+ Q J :3 P L . F ‘J. ,1) F4 7 r l +- .) i 3 .3 T ,1 ‘l' '1.. J -- ‘. 4,; .. ,-“- ,2. hours ii nu t'li'), ii Trsxcte yjc rm) lH' 1’0 v; er rive MGVfilUlU M». The clones and the regaininf hybrid plants were iniucted nh~:to- (‘+ r‘.‘ V "‘ + r r. . ‘ r . 1r I F~ 1 r~ N herm1ilr alon3 wi h the a? nlant o- a rgnln and A? plant; a; a Q cw ye- inatin polycrose pa ul tjon (fix1erinent J) in the Minter of 195%— K 1959. The Y“"-'r‘:ts were trenshlantel in the field on he? 7; 19%9. The field exveriuent we: erren ed re a modified rindomized connlete block desifn (Pflh3*3 10““ , in that twa entries (”slow" and (‘1‘ 1 x ,1. , Y . lr.‘.r. F-) thU 9.! f—I. 4‘ tv (r) I“ r. le (D LL‘ 0 o -v-4 ,4 3. ( ”rapid" nolycrose) aopeered {our times in X SA? and 357 x 593 cr0s°ee) agreerei twice in each och< eno fiur entries (the four clonal nonulatiore) appeared only once in each clock. All plow ' (eyetriee and nunltcate entries) ere di triuuted at random in from which onlv the eeed of fermirrfi ion exoerimentc. The plants were planted in rows 3 feet (99 cm) apart end were (U snaced 2 f et (00 or W) art within the row. fairly uniform eeedstalk develooment and bloominfi was ontained far the different royul: ions. Seedhalls were harvestei it ennrexieetelf the some stage of ripeness, between July 19 anu Au net 5. >- 4 o r drvwn', threshinr cleanin; S’Zinfi o: the seedtalls, and deterrwixin:" tne nercent of lost seedcars, sveed c. ferninattcn fwr r. p. 7‘ ’7 g V . r‘ u ’ . i ‘ ’ ‘fi . \ ' ' " J ,_. V . . . , ‘ 7 ‘ ~ , .-‘ 31 - ,. a] 1. 1? 1‘ :‘»*°.€"Y1H.‘;,o (,1 ’7 “.3037 X -‘ -» " ‘ s 2" pg; 1‘ we. L r: ~71 F1" 1‘" 7H3 _1 $1 ‘ F 0 [(j if," . ‘W' h I L ' . ‘ v ‘ u ‘ u 'u ,' l . 7" _‘ N o ‘ r i. : . , ' - _- . n a .1, '7 A —~ 2 4- . . "Hwy! Sc‘erfln‘. 0'03 CONCRW 1.1 f.“‘ -D‘.".l_’ 1‘ ‘ ‘7‘ TA'?L1C‘-" '-’T'.‘ . :3. p,“ -IC‘;.1‘V‘. ‘- I\ "P‘ ' *‘J' ' "» . . .--~ “ r‘“ J r 4 ~¢ . 4 n -: . 3‘ 0"" f. V' r -- r c.9133 +',1v. V 2.T‘]'1:1C‘.€’.31 .13" :G‘. “5‘th V-t (‘Jd71(_.3€::: ; --‘7‘ 1‘, -"", 1.71 3-day pertinetion data end for ci“Verent wocuiufion: are j1e+e i" ‘ ‘QTT f4 Tables 7, 9, 9rd 9. The fvur clomal cmrniwtiwne crevioed an exéen l {Beatinme of fxxe SYRILVCY‘“GHCQW.‘Varifflvlriisf, wirwze rd RAYS vr?th1r1:1 cirnie 7 ,. are {ewetically iienficai uni car contain no _geefiic v riabiiitv. eince 'I the between biant variance? 0* the fiur clone] Varnia‘iene were simiiar: 4'. :‘i ta? hikivI/5e éa *‘HKETYii exit s afiie zrzr +1111 er“fiYV7me30fiil (‘+ 3‘ \D S (D ‘3 (D 3 3 J :n. variance in -his exoeriment. The genetic variancee For the sevre‘htini bflfluletione (T9918 7, 3 and 9) were oh‘a?ned my ynctrnctirg the pooled eovironiental vxriamce (estimateo f"om the total v fierce be ween clonal plante) fror the total variance of the segregatinu oopuletiong. r7 ccmfaring genetic uvo total 7.- variqncee, heriteiilitf estiwates (in the broad cenee) we; be obtained as follows: h2 ”9791— 3 w‘n ere 6% 6% is the total oheerved phenotyric variewce, Gé'ie the genetic variance, estimated 5rom the difference between the total phenotypic variance and the environrentai variance. Heritauility values caicuiated according to this forxula ard ex— pressed in percent are shown in Table 7, %, and 9. 1 4-444 L' ‘~ .. 3 .,_.. . .4 .° .+'. ,‘x. engorecicaily cxlected bean f9’M1htuLQn vciuen of y- :T (D 1 O (+— 2:" H o: '55 p14 ."\1 ”-4... LL .L) U 7 :11 T14 (“ 1% .11? .r‘ I \ ,.‘ L.” r." -r~ xv ~L'l‘ {—N 3' I :‘x 3 TA A4/ :34 >_ C v : LIX ‘1‘ (“i r“ jr-: r— o o o o 3' ,_4 7.7“ l..7' r-1 xi! ' W u . - .-~1 "" - U: u‘ ‘ '31. .-.. >‘—. O ‘r‘{ (j) fr} {\ (“,1 [33 *7 xi? ‘1 (‘v \ "x C) o o u a U M (‘3 O." (" U \ r f \" \ .‘3 OJ 3.1 A 9-???) <2 7 O C" 1 9?} 1 1' l V A t \ l LL ‘0’)“ .1- “ ’3: .‘ LI! . I : ’1 ‘ ,- I / $1 a" V . Z , r :3 U'. \C‘ O T'\ CT 0‘ *5?- r1 ‘ c7; ‘ A ‘42 L. \ r“. C-) \i' C) x‘ x (‘1 ,_ '3‘ . . . O . ‘ . . ,1‘ KL“ (‘1‘ €."\ U - '3”- r‘" Li) X.” r‘i r" O ‘ {I ~3 {" ‘ C“ [14 rm 0 6-4 :_2:; w oz m m 4 q or; r': 7‘1 ['4 H (77“ (\1 “J A R 1‘ PI D. /‘\ F". r,“ "‘ D-- r" , a) ‘0, - o « 7‘ 'f L. (g L g. c; t-J 1 '3 O 'f'A v +1 a"! 4 V _,_) r ‘ 3' d d C; 1 ,V .-. .r :-.: r» «4 w. r; 0 (J +; Q I') C {51. C1:- ’3 k4 c' r-3 (1’ (*5 u U} $1.4 f, L': if} L. ”r 'a'fi "I "f L3 -r4 r-4' 1: (J (" "‘ :1 '— F! U? U) r“ C?‘ 2?. a. 31; :~ « m U 0‘) Li C.) 4 ~ ‘-f O C. 0 IL, 91 S-d L (0—1 (9" L' O O L,‘ (I H C" L... 1’ C! C- TX“ (."3 U‘ E4 r . 0 LL. 4i (‘1 U‘ m L. ' (:1 UN Lr\ C: C) L H X ‘\ X ‘VV ‘ffi \(-'r T‘ r . (3-: r—a Ln (:1 x 9' n \ o \ LL. Q P1 1.. Folycr OPE C1 v‘: I I T A. s.- I’MQIQ‘V} :7 ‘ C‘n k4... 4.- 1 .. -l-_ W 9 “ .A.\c. 11 7mm TWPJ" ~ .L '9er .J .n.‘ IA. .414”, d \pr‘lngr, on. .p L J... vel } ,\‘( 1 eve]. I (’3 1 .J. 11 Of “3 O L. 7-1 ; "LC’ .LLL m; Le L-w-szch .map :Lfl+mcwsng ummwwmg me Lo a Lo wuméoam mL+ Lo w no Leap LL rchcLLLL.m an t¢L--+Lo \‘ z I" (’\ O Lgxu La \\. \ 00 O 04.0 ow machm cmszmg H¢>mfi w L o +m4JLcL cmmELmL Hm>mfi wm we avg U? (’3 C. C LT‘ Cl“ 9 9 QH.NH m4.4H m4 $L0Lwcm~mm LwLmL c.0 meLo mm.@q 0L.xq mo.0m «L 4Lcfi+omLau xoLm Lo mmoLcrflu m 0“ 0 S.- o mq.aa mm.>a 00.:r gm (1) E} C) 5-1 () Q.m- 0.90 m .. mmm x 5mm . _ X 4. .\ b u ra . a)! 4 .r L . ...._-. .. .1. r..- .. o r... ELL-f... .. Jr. Law/“FM ELL-PC- .. .-.,.r:._. (rm H. vHLmL uq vflcmp mw Beam rm chw «L JQ;QO L O.LV m.m .\...\4N 0:. O \‘N .3 N( r+r4~4r4 ( mLmL LOflwmcwfipmm .CL cLoao 1,...) I x:- - 4 -1. . . u. «AmWLQLQL mLLLE ; .LLQm C: “CFLrolLC; f—7 E r r 1 OH R mkzqu OLL-;mh amp . 4 > y4qL Lo .02 z o L L L L 2 L o L (I‘l‘a .H04 m: Lgnm mLQHBLLLLOs :LHDLLguuzn mam gx-Ené LLw. .QH Pmewmem .1i- - - -. -._. . -._... .. 2 «. .. «w_LL:L >matm wan fix: _¢L > QHLFL-c Gym mac .«.L:.L> UHm>E:er 51- {—1 E C E F. g; 0 (.3- p...‘ f E- OJL-LN. L. ..... .q ... Fry n; CC .L(.1.+CF..LIL . ) .L .- D J. u L q.1 L2. ) LL: L. ,. . \.L,.7 .4 \L x z .I. u. w... £11..) I L) I .x L b .-.J L ..1 I ... L - .v. .- . . 1.3.) . «u L (...-H ...u L-Z; “ L LL. .r LP,» ... FEJL .L +30 NHL-Kw QCL + L C C EC 46037:...2 0.1... ML L a C - (. wMLL-L u. r r(.,.r+1u 4; .r L-Cr TC? ...n. LFLC i,- Oo.aa «Law: LCHLLHSRQL mesung ambum -H gr CLL l C \ r \ {I I ).. Lula. .. ... L. ‘. a \ \ _)‘ L ‘1‘... L )1) .3. r . .C UCCE :C m +mL-LLCCC can...» twc. weme. .. u LG Cr- +«OJ \I ..- . .nll \ ..l C ...L...’ . \ Hit-L. » ux...4l) \.«I .L‘a J .1.; . l . I. n \I .. £.. . a L \U u». r 0;. O. .O «L. ...»?sz LL r0 : "-_.rLLL «LC .;-(L0?.-LL L . , . . .. 1 .u.. . L. .. . .4 .L . 1 \ . . .L- 1. . L .. . { L: x... .I. L ‘J ..I. I V:J \ PM” (.r.“ C\ wk or H.” .L IW’f-msbc or +OQ QHU ..PCHW QC vkr (o>(LF r .1.le ‘1 < ‘1 E i ( $- (,1 c. . “ Li L ')- K‘ L! L_‘ ....\~ :.II¢. \/ .L.‘ o.-... . ._. i a .2 .2 .....- a \ . . u «L. L L 4...! .L.._.I.‘|JJ)_wL\.nI10 L17: L F>PL L. .17.. $5» LumLOOLQ J 03 Hi r—1 H H "C“ '0 -H C4 (13 $4 [\. —3 LI\ .4 \u...‘ .\.L L! ......) g...” ..L \c Lo a. v,” 04 m 1(rc Lu,- .\O.._.... J. ...i L) .... .\ r). We CL 0 TL: fir.- -u meL LCLLLLTLLLL .-, myrru M. m. .... ......LLE TL no fur/L LL C H mt L... A ...L a O L --- fr} ‘1 rH ..1.,.-4~..L/‘ p #4.... _ . In. I L‘ A . \# - ... ... L L). L- . ..- 4. f. ,L 4.! a ..La 1 .( .fu .5 L. ....) . . u L _ L . .. . . _ , ... - __ . . ...l , L . .T FL/«L L. r: L .»./y» ff. . . ..L.r. L.r_L 1MP Lib-(LAW ..L..I. ALI Cl ..r.. , . > ... ,r L._.... r kc; ._ LL ..r . r . _. N. . In. .4. L. . .5.... -|_.- 4.1.. I M, v . ‘1... L. \l. ..w. . . ,. L . \ . W . ..o .........,.- .l...1 .‘ fl L .\ .i..-I.¢ rm,” LL it. «Q . 3 LA 1. <.,.." M _.\._ . .x. Lyr ”H M le £31 mmLL-L Hm‘fir J. \V r.. HIPS!» .L av flu ,.... (1 "J1. CV . ,L M- -F :Lx- L3... CH.” KLV._L/\.,€.T. Li»; H4 LL. ...rt m.. WALT-(LP O ”vb PM. L.‘ LL _ .rll the tWO hybrid Fifilflsfl.ifins are :‘mmn; in‘Tawle 13. Ine ih are ica? h3fifla were calcuWaded as the arithfie‘ic heaag a? the LCFUiUHtjCfl vaiues Lh- tained for twose tun cinnwk ?nbu‘9fi10na, Lvich w>re Léei a: (“rents Fir t}1e parrtxic11111r' h3fl37fi1‘. CH713r Cflle <3f' tlue :1C1;u;il 5L5?ifl VT%11L§S afi_f{23rx3d significarfily fro; the tnearetical“y etpecvcfi germinaiion value {;ahle gram ccwwowmecw mcomurofiflgmp .amflm N mcoaywflnuop mgw Topm rmpmazoamo .rmcs oxw mo Loppm qurpmwm w 1 l‘ C ‘m n+fluu..# PIT/H4 .L. “1+ mmo‘nw on. C PM CLuerm :.5 » W7TLLM upwrpmwm b w a mgp MA pm tgw .; m; bm>Lchc 0;» Lo LQLLQ 2Lmtgwum map mw 0m m.o Tmfiw4foflmo «mumma an afloaumpomgp tax crrmwpcc cmmszcn mogquggwu mg“ .vmgmaroamo mw3 swat Hacwxmxcmxf mc+ rong hep; mo mmLm:.n :wm: ccfl¢owpmwcfl accgwmowammp flamwu x ugcapmflrmca mww msw v x4flaLcH mgp Kc WmeMSOAmo «swag chmwmpcmzp exp mo LnLLm thTLm;m *$ . oTLWZCM “w.‘g .fim « Hm,~a+fl oqég. mflu mpmzk m 4w mm + t'~ mpgmogmg ccflpwcmdno z- rmmumgqu mum unopgm figmtcwwm 7cm mcwm; ( r C‘ \X [\ L + 2 L‘ .. (‘5‘ ‘ \' er M f ... L - 0 \ + l ( \ gHPC'U + J\ C”! O ..4 I H L1\ 0 (\2 + \ Q 0 7' \ ff L{\ L1 0 (' \ + O" Q ‘ o r—1' 0., C xi L{'\ X 6.. r! ( +n +1 + \ \ l X .1. + + \ o \ I If‘\ _ \. (c ‘ . x .1 ll. . ’4 _ u.HH u qc.w + an . fio.r¢ com x r LwUlu \ \iz . Ill . )...A I \ ..I I .‘~.IIIA,\ V \ ' > H‘. .1. .\ ...I_|\ d ,3; .0 «33:. u + b: r“ *9)» o + O¢ CN b? X .firo is::; an mm” HwOmembmgp tmcflrnLQ '\ a 3. .‘-n.‘1.. d 1, . ,u..-‘, \ . ..Y. 7:-) .1.” . ... .1. .« ... 4.1 447. J 3 Q ..11...T, .1311 .. _.._ r7,\ .,r. ,1. FT. Y. ...T ./H 4. i . , .LW —g ..T .y.¥ - » ».L.Ln.|t,..1H_»mfpm .¢K.Lv_r . .LF...Hrrr...rL 'igjerfi 'e": 1) T3 9 +imafe tLe aim frwr 9—ieufiiwn, anfl 31.0 infiirecily .. . . .‘ , . fl w her'zawlllt', q r?:1q ar‘ a i on Ler11n4V1n~ wnpu.’ Ion “are L;ucted €r0w {#9 1° -T-P‘: 01' 7‘ Tfl.Tf ih‘ST‘PEJQ3Y\ :Cgfifll't PH 01 “5 “Cl. ‘Tfe ”‘10w" yWfiufi he; CW ’v‘nw >“ 9 ”ILN‘3, niich {rniuced extrede‘y S‘DV' OPTIJTZflfl_ ‘-ecmt; In 1'3“73 tin? "I“k“i6" PFHL'Tflgs ccujwwseLi()f 9 iilxnfs, *914ch Trfivhgced i“ ;“7'rfijf r ‘iff @r‘ij”.tiri :;eed: 1x1 lvg7. -he 191' or the snlertlflh Irfiufs “Dru puf ‘Eucr LFTy irvh1ci<9€ ‘in 1;h6"dir“rn* Of‘ l”f'§—]E'fl§. varfu'Ql rzt iwpsilfry :1 n* - "van ifile "3.702.711 HHd [1.3 '5')” 'Q; fill“ ”I'ly , '” Y‘f‘.?‘f]-} V1: ”V1 ~v.€.r,e tr1,:~r1 ”fly (3‘ 'u y' g '33? m" 31 ‘% Al 1"!‘1'131' “lll.| I'll K‘\ o '3“ (I -.I’ll- ‘I-\l .... ..\ .\ flu ‘!I.III. .l'vl II. t I. D I. p‘u.‘|ll‘1llilvlll' I‘O. ‘r‘lll' ..III 0 ’ A... ; O O . 1 W. C. t x A. ..r .~,-,r L_. .J -..; p n V \ ‘ a . | rt ...» Us. .HOL. J \ . 4x. , Y. KH' L .n a. \A.\\ it..\\ \\..\,fi .w \t M v su‘v aJ . F. r . ‘7 . I . P . ~, I ~\.. ; x .erU. f 4x F1 r\ C .... x .3. .. ‘ q .( ( I.lll0.l|l.lilu'l.t| nil I'i -I .I. .'I \ . O . . . 1 \ ”(A . \ F: 4 V r _(. ‘ IF r I .~u I. . f \ I)..- (/7 .L v . . .x . ‘ x .. , 'v , .34 . h ’ . 1 w; ..x. .v ‘C 4 ‘ . ‘ ‘4'. w ..w , . ..f 3 .r . r . a x \. ‘l x "a . 49‘!‘ L ,. \1 Q. .... Q . Cirr. ;r . x.- ... ‘ \ ‘0 - ..., . F .I. v , o . w A.‘ , V4 . A . m > o rt» r < . Hik- A I; > L: I r O M , «I, H F I _ fi1~ r? ‘ u r L I Fl I {W 4 \ \. I, I. ‘ ‘ _. , 1 .. .il. . .. t‘. w .. . ' 1 f ,r’rv .H I. . r r V Fr. ’1‘: .r ”I l. L. .uwwwp m we LCLLm rpwtgmwm mzw qgfiwmsfluwm Low mHDEpom m mo mumma M2 vmwmascflwo «cawmp m+waflgmwwpmc ms” Log poppm thwzwpm 2 meN - O.m® n Aw.“N u COHpmcwELmu H mmxlm Low mpflaflomwflpms .w .m m th ”mmw maszog mxp mg woumasoflmo «mmwmpflwum herHmewpm; @ Tav Coafiom Hmm 9.09m cflmg m Aflv Hmwwgmgm%uwr ccflpomflmm * aq.oa m.dw $.mn omaa cfi kcmgcpg mmopozaom - $.Qm Maw-“ \ \ 1+! . \ ...“...Hw m.m4 mama ciao mmoa :fl mpcxam Umpomamm a mo mmwpm>< vmzcmmmmm u .Hfl wgn1” eel t) aer'm- - e L, nation as described in fix eri~¢1t C. :- ,- , .' .. ;,. -r. ~ ’ ‘. .L..- . “-, WV» / . inedn .eT'l".]n«~th.-‘rl ’le'lleb IO? tfle Li") SOLSCLC'L P'UUlllrsthOA: \‘qbl'uin k a 1 o !\ r1 \ ' ‘ 3 '. v ' - .Q ,~‘ ~ . . , M~ 11 ‘ ‘ ’~ ‘7‘ , and "reolo" frouoe 1n lvE/) dro tor the are GRJGQ oerwveq lrcm the;e two I populations or rancom ihterpol'ivetion viihin the tww areuye {eclycroes froseni=s in 1959) are ebowr in Teule ll. The differences in percett e . -. r V w l a H1 V ' I“ ~'.r 7‘ . I“ H ‘ or ~V\.r'~ . ‘ [a 7‘ '3 Y. : \ 5-. \ r w germlnetjon oetdeea toe glee ann xa_1u ,“th3 1n 1%,? duh 1949 are algo given. Since seLecfiion was Dr cficed in opfoeite virectlone one~half of the pernihatior differerce oetweeh the two election yroune in ler I U) will correspond to the selection differential: ”i”; and one-half of the difference in fiercent garmjratlon netweei the two populations in 1959 r. - " r‘I $‘»‘\ ‘, —~ —..\.w« — a A‘ . "fl‘I' V'~ \‘r . F ‘V . hill corresyond pm the gala fFDM oleCTlOU: v , assumlng no a Jnmetrlcal selecticm response. Since AG = i X h2 (L‘3.::-.~;.1 l? 395, heritaaillzg ratios 1 1 ‘ I I; new be estimated in the follomin; indirect hey: h41= [Ml/i. fichever, in this exoerimehb, he mother UlHHTS, wnicn were allowed to inher— oollihete wihhirlifiue‘tma groups, orijineted frou a reryxeLv inter- breeding population. Thus the eweecied gain fro; saleciion can be only 0 . one—hell o ’4 that, vhich could be expected in a self-pollinatin: C“??, ,4. r . . . ‘ ‘1 ' ' \ or 1n crooe where poll1natlon from both parents can be contrOlled (earn). Therefore, to obtain heritabiliiy eetlwu‘es for a CTOSS‘pOllihfitlflg crOP; Wmich has natural barriers to self fertilizerion emf controlled crossing (1. e. suhar beets), the rein obtaihoi from select10h VAC) 1 1‘ [J- \_z {n has to be wul'inlied by tw; and civioed by the seleczicn differertj 9, and treleplanted to the (D 1'14 p. :3 r + *3- 1D <‘ ,._.I "J 1% month, inouct field on bay 7, 1959. The nlant were distr outed at random in one field location. The seedoells, 31”“: With the remnant seedoeALB from ('7’ he genetically identicel nlente, were ferminlteo simultaneously 7n a /" \ 1ahoretorv erneriment. Two germination replications, each consisting O “a h) C) (,0 (\ edhalls, Here used for each seedlot. The germinetlon Cate, V e2nressed in nercent germination, are listen in Table 12. The analysis 1:.) 114' l... 4.2. of variance oeta are given in Ten Although the germination of the seec from the 23 nlents differed .L Signi?ic:ntly in the two years, the plants did not react oitferortly L0 the environnents c; the two genre. This can be seen from the non- ... signiiicent Years X Plants interactions (Table 1;). (_ W "Y ‘ 1 A I“ " rr‘! ' f‘ —-\v n 1‘ r «1 ‘ v1 r 11 ‘ ‘ r v - . \ -—~ I I 4 l I ‘ \ I r 1 I ‘ - 1 ‘. - a. l .A. J - - l I ./ ' x- . < ~ » r“ 7‘ ‘ ‘ -- ~ , .— r —v- , . 1-‘TI ‘\ ‘f ‘ ‘V ‘ . I} '7'" f N I ‘ \ Y ‘ ‘ ,. ' ‘T “ I“ F ‘ .’ \ A I 4 l. . ‘_ ‘ , , t i - t _) I 1 -t f "‘ 'Y ‘ I] ‘v rn "W\ ‘ 4' f 4 ‘ ~ :1 fl. \ ‘- I A ‘ 1 .’-|‘" 1.1T: - *I‘J(i"r Cmf“ “' A-_ -' .1- .r ‘ j 1 J ' 1. FY \' , . ' A l 0 A ., a ‘I L 4 7‘ " ‘ . ‘_ .7 "‘ — fit "I" "vvréywry 1V.",‘ A‘ ‘. {NY} Tr‘d,'-rr 11",», I Y‘ {7 9V": ‘Ert‘ ‘ if v ,- 7“ .r\‘ r~ . H /, ~~ \ , 'r 4" ’7 \ 3‘!“ 1hr... Lmu 105.. “twig 1|(L7 1w”, ' ‘ - ' ."I ‘ I .’ I x‘ I - .“, -‘ I .’: ' l , ." :~. K.‘ b Ks.) O '._) \J C .. “I l, "4‘ f". 1‘ r7 {j 1' . f V0 (”Q r-‘ 3 L, , ’- rx - , 0 If ‘ j A C) '7 "I :> if) \u \n O I- ’ / "\ ’\ (‘N (r r\‘ 1 f‘ i". A ‘ I r . . ‘ / J v e - ‘ ‘X ‘ SJ / , ." A , \ A _3 CI (5; ’5 £3 ' pi * r I: / -I ' / r‘v '\ "\ h _; .1 :2 "j ‘3 t O. H [:I . P, — I, . '7 (I, '75 Ag“, r7 , r, L.) Ir)", ‘ V" V . ,1 . 4 ,/ 9 L} ’1‘ '7 :1. C4 "4 (- f," O f .1 11-? J ' x J A - _ Q A: '7'} CI.) 1(th (:2‘ .: .. '1 7’ ’ V ‘ I a j 10 GE 7? c0 ec an (m ‘ V ’ I I, ‘ 4 k ‘1 1 0:.“ "f 1 C rs r. L; (“IQ ’1 c) .... 4L . I , 7. x r I? do fit 0‘ “5 MW 00 V I -A - / ~ / r " (5 O ’7' "‘ Q i.‘ L‘ ( J Q C ‘1 / I 5 .‘ ‘ V I — 9 ) (VA n i 19"“ ,r.‘ I”) ‘ _“ C "\ 11" /‘U 1' 4’ 7 1" " v f '. v 1 a o <7 c. .. :~ a ’ I . _ ,’ ,J’ A Q t. C / C L. ()O (.11) 4:}, -q o J"! {‘1 J‘t “C . J7 ..J 1‘ .1 an ._J W, '_‘; .-—J_J»——J...J O}: O , e n, ., ‘0 J n .2 r§~o OJ) O~O or D ..J h ' ‘r‘ 1, Q n w .A I V‘ . “Q .._J' .J A I ,. J ‘x ’I _J _: "\ \ < .4 .2‘ 1" V I‘\ L. 1 (J ‘I 1% L._J \ l J J ....J . "\ ’ \ \_J ,_J c J ..J 6* ”K.) I\) Ix) I\) \k) [\\) v—J {A a" Q" (I' 0'? (‘2? 1 ) l / ' ,' I Or“) Q: of} P C ( (x ()r) A- I ,I I I fiverexe C” 211 4- ~~ ,1 4- r‘ e ”a“ '7 oo 7 VIIQTHH.) ’ /\.Q [#1.] 7 1 I) C QC .‘ ., LSD Cf hetween T‘ 'ir‘ts 11.9 :11...“ ‘lkx.g' 10.5, 11“), 11“,; " rt'.’ 1.?! 1 ,r) h0+"~'eely~l arts 1?}? 16.7 1“» i 15*]. «(.1 '3 ..1 CD ..L’ ‘5.- U)? r\) o m 4‘} f/ j 4.. n, ~01}. . rr.’ 1.39 1 e het‘xreen ~ F' ’3 r'\ p T A 7' '- 2‘ 4 7' p {r J . / ‘1 . .4 I . ... *~-*-—.~v——- ...—..- -..... “...--... —.._—.-._——.—— -: :(‘3‘3 r4. flLD P 5 X UK )Al+ T . .L E). " (O I'!' L IEJIL; 1 W ‘ ti (U «VS. J Y \ I Tm” ) 1 U3 4 Jenninqtior (... 7-d.7i;.* O f 4 / ['7] 3 O U H C /03:]- l . . ‘5 \V.__41((:: l v \ T1 \Y‘~ 1.2)]— \0 LI“. .Y\ \o p- ,4 O O 0 LA - .¢ I q. H =J\ (\j 0 O (\4 (\I .o L 1.0h 3'; s» J, 3: [‘9‘ ..-. T. - l O ) \O \r J Li\ W O O O 3 C13 r—{ O‘\ H C‘\ (\— I’ \I O O o D- \T (\1 (\2 Ln 0) C J 3 Plants x Years a Years “I 1.11 l.L2 ror (Remainder) 1 J- 1‘” '- 91 “nificant at lj level l 31. *e '7‘"? '- " - ‘ '- ,.,. f“ . 4 ,. . ~ .- ~.-- 7 .J' .- 7-‘ 4L 7' 'x' "1? OC‘. 0’ + "! «Ta-”‘3‘ 0' 860%”: , .' "H BEG” ." 1.” ‘:‘ 1b}. ’T‘ -* ..- ..._. —.— c. .-*“< -----—-- *- ”...-v. —a-..- --—‘ w-—. ..v —_A-_..‘ r r, fl \ r‘ .1"\ c. ‘. 5. l ‘n . A - , 'v“ ‘ lit “)~oc— Q er! - een o1 .errin .Ien O; .ne “1 r nee- Jor. tn I- ._ W 4. _ - c ,‘I .. ‘ 7 ’\ L _. ( _ 1.. -,.. -- . C o- -1- '~ eev‘ual - 3 cf f”; 1"] . .3 “T" 1.3? [lam ~” 7 r‘ I1'. ~-. '2. 7 ' ._ '. .J . . 'I_ _ ,‘ ,_ '.‘- ' _‘, ‘ m “A ,. -.J .L r ’ . _._ y: '. ,. ODtl lT"-3;.i r."»‘-"\‘7"?'?rl tit"? U“..-";:f' C,‘ 1135.4, SBAICit- :3 air}. ..i'?) a" 12:7 ~,r‘..,.in:zT,10.Ia m .' ._.'- - r.. 1_.L- + .he tern 'l®~3 seedc.':” vIlJ r~,er \ 1'? N'ler 1 «" '. «7 AVV' . . 21.». w . a. . N ‘iU L53 411+) . til -.I At. -- ll hm... .;~?8'~_z1.313 here 1.1.1. 2%».35 .J‘Q Farthirzd . w... -.-. r 7 ,. ‘1 « , . -r-- J.' . J. A ,,., —: fl U ' . . 3'.- TO». 34+ 3.1., #.l‘;.’ .3 1. '3 V. . ~ J ‘- I]? “V'I‘CQI‘ OJ. .11.) (3+3 SCIEUC ;. 3.? {.314 Cl”? fdl'e.‘ .t “+4 «~qu 73+ p. , '7 uw)gb Tet v, Huekgfi. ciolul; ’V fl _" _ _- 1' . ' ‘_‘ .‘ y ‘ _‘ . 1.. . .f ,. a I I i --, = A? w'r? nee '; ~:-Lc 3'u~i“' (an :iluU' * , L; 1 d m ‘ ~ ‘ ’ ‘ " ’ I r. u ‘ “a 1 " v f' ‘ “ u I ‘ .~ + three rem“ Atter tnzd ”In; i14> Maren»? o. 10 exe.r ; I —( 0 4L 1' — l 4 L _ I ' ' I‘) I f.) A!— \ . y ‘. O 4 \ ‘1' ]”‘7 +n9 CflerFilh‘lfl V lflm lCT tr ; F~ Maze 1 . l”? in f L:- l \l ' . ' ’fi .-' , ' '. ,. “fi ., . - ' . - r'1 “1 13 e. . I ~ 11 'c t - L ~~ i:1 iWH' - L‘ " 2 1:1 ‘J.”Ic€ k)f I v x _ _ _‘ j o W ‘, fi - ~r ,‘ ‘ \ a _‘ q- . ~ ‘ ‘ N '7 one of the seenc-ra (51a. c verim ,xe +rile 2"4. 1; n.--ir . 1'7"? . 3 1 ' 7 . ' " «I "w . ' . '1 t .' "h" '1 ,. . - ‘ . ’L' ..L. ' Jr.“ - .' _. ,‘ x 1 . .gll. I ’ IT. 1" H "-v 1%, . O ‘1 '1), ill) ‘l t.‘(‘: I" ~ 4. '1 ,.L ' - -‘ ‘ r J ,. . ..1 , fl ' j 'r'4 ‘ .3 fl‘ ... y, A . \ , 1-, .. .‘2 c *re,,-3~n n1' er I m en a; +0.1- , n'v'w P”IF:» ..., to 4 her; . I'l'L ? w~ r‘ 3- a « ~ .--: -- '~' ~. . .m; yr"- : ui-i-3 “.~-..-€:'x ,. '>"c«. . . ‘c c. I .-u: -~- ivhc—.--n I'M‘ A“ ., ,f ,4. 1 “h (“mgr-:13 (,5 3...: .- ‘, ”I (.. 4 ,. wava 4 A... , - ,n y, .3 -. . -' We L._.IT'r.1-.;, I-.. -. - _ .. r.-I-., q“: -1 .- . :. . .- Ma.) 1““ 1 - cut "I ' " ~‘r r- ~ » -r \ 1 a 1 I +w'4Y‘:O,~‘”r "-._., x”) . .. \' /II’"I 3_'| 7. '\ (‘W‘flv‘D .1 ’0'. (1, QL '14f‘_-CA"L J4 . L , . I- ._\3 _ I I 0 'X 4 - . ._ . ‘1- -.. . .. .a. -.. . . _".'L A /"“" r - +fi.v ‘1 ' 1(f«‘ ~$v A t I] r‘f ‘ .._. 3 v ' A '_" '2 ~. I‘ “ ,.‘_ r"- .3 .\ +..‘. 54 1; JV L _ 4 t’-‘ . 31"} L/ 'J J i . L’ 3r. \r' u ~._ ., J . eu'tC‘ .‘»J 1 . k t -_ .' . o H a A- _ - _ ‘ . u ;, Lc ,' 11 ,- ~. -, ..- 1 ,~ . + . 7 . - - . .. . , - « (TY. ivifl’] f it - ._ L'r Jere, J -' 'F "J " l e.( ‘ 1'4“. ‘1 1/3). 'u'l» fi \ fl “(‘1 9 ‘ 1.x”) ‘ v W‘ ‘ p r I I "3. W )1", 1 o ‘ 'N - 0 fix ‘ L ‘ f a L -;-", i :.H.qq -- (5,0, Vlriu n P" _.' * "uulC’r‘Dii ' ( -..” ~* . ti htnecn ot +he :eedcene i? sweeticeil' cwr‘rol‘e". . » 'He 'ercer g. t. . o e ‘9”i‘ . .1‘11“ 1f. . II "5” x () v.1. ‘fi - C' A, (i '\ I: r _~ i». -,1. ‘J. .1 vulj VP 17‘ ‘: 'r L. : - Q. u€.,l U4- 1?, ’-.Il(‘..l 1.. f3 :z.._..-T1’ dip/MAW :) 4.“) I“;-.'.-'..,x\l‘\"'~h -.~ .7.) v .I.1 -, , -.--.L' -. ‘-" .. i , ' -. L ‘ ,- ., ' . .—. . ciir«c r* 10 . it Ir~c l in :c -e r -li ar in *Inn o bra..l. ner e? eriaerfe are re mired in deterxine the ;*ec151c enviror- yu ‘r‘d * 1 r 9 —. 9 ~ * . '- r? . ‘ IJI' . P . (J .1 k " 3 ",‘1 ‘ Tl ) Y“ L J: 1, ‘ 7.? ‘ 9 “ 1 ‘ v.9 ‘ ~ -,—~ - - {r 7‘ I 1 n . J ‘ L; I ‘ I 'J . " ‘ 9 J ' 11.} 1;” v I‘;',"7 1‘" ( [C I; \] I ‘1 p,» L, 1 . " ~-s 1 ‘ x f a ‘ i Q 5 7 Y I a 1 l 9 S O n *- r . ’3.- L t “.0. W‘ a ‘ ~~‘I k—l 4 lI‘VE) .4 Jr S PJ-’ ( clone 7:9 sfimw+) 1 0.3 12 Clone 3C7 ( 10k) 1 0.3 1 (\" k} Clcne 5:9 (rqfi1++) 1 10.5 1 CYOHe 5A? (9 rid) 1 7;.5 17 i " Q‘ 1‘: S‘117 h'f‘x')?fli d 2/4 ‘1 Slow seWection Erfiue Q C.] Progenfiei 0' 910“ i””UT A“ Hamid 99 elect Ion rrnuh Q 2“.Q Freneniea of r9“id grape LR Flanfe Uiih 999492119 R nrnveniee of each th5W? nfi JQSt $99333r3 4.? Vlgfit Havific F0 lnSt 17A 399(3ch755 1n 19L)? 4‘) a\ [h _) A) Fleets with eeedh9713 9 hr 0:395 Cf each havin at 1929* 105 7? ”0.5 9119: anih at O‘St 1‘6 loet seedcefis 13, lost seedcaws in 19 5"? Cfirrelation betveel the ha: 99* o: Correlaifion Dciweew *ne nu we? of lost seeflcqns and the 2~dnv 105, seedcens and the 2—09 99“"1n4+1 n counfs on the basis yermihawizn courts, on t of SO F1?ntW(1957) : of GO fa¢ily mean: (1959 V :3 0 r = 0.67“”' r = c.60' + "310w" r9f rs to plaeps producing 9x ++"ra:id" refers t3 plwnts graduein; ev+ **Bignific9nt at the 1; Jevel :SWOVW5’vzerng._.,ln":v: 93: e 61! rajidig ;”rmip;tjn; ,‘ 1‘- _‘..'“"“T DI f jug/31.21?” "I - ‘- djffererces DGVEBLW%?1'HT56FV€d i'1 :9eed.o‘ . LCA _.‘ :4 m .1 (D -. of sugar beet seedlfits :arveeted frsm iniividmai yldhi . The engeri- rental results (EXpérimefit A) re~confbrm previous Deserv.bi9n5 tndt r to the characteristics of Lre raterrnl tissues Cf the seedbell, SUTT”LCCihf ;ne true seed . 99th wn*3ica] and c.9nical attribufiee of the seeficall have been Leeonetrnted to irfiueuce rate and precen: germjration. Aiihouft 5t 19 veesiole tuLt 9999 dif— '_r 'r A ferewces may exnst netween rhe g‘rwivntrnd 0n *ne 1rue s~enb, fine e f e eed cf 3‘ ’25 If: H I <1 <4 ,3.) xi? J .21 fl ,4; 1:1 (L; (.9- ...4 a: w (E D‘V ..J A marked positive relr ‘I ~ A ': 4‘ '. ‘ . 7.7 \ I [‘ r‘ '4". r 1 ‘,"\ 1‘ 1 'r' '7 m r\ r L . r2 . .— 1 ‘ ””rmlnntton 831 tlkf.“€:¢ O; SiedCst, wflex fin; Ln-b€? WQS LBJSHFHQ Dy ( the percent of seedbelle having missing seedca33 faoxe 1A). ;nis euifeets that the physical characteristics of the seedhnll he; {lay a relatively important r319 ir cetgrwinir; ewwed 0: L~r inat an. The reenlfie of the geretic eY erimenhs (x, C, and D) jive definifiive evifierce that the jerwiretion rqfe of the sugar beet seed is under renefiic ccnfrel. Th3 heritenilLig ratios (he), obueived by different stwtieticnl technicnes, for the .—, 3-, and E-flay Lerxinatlcn counts are surnarized in Table 15. [hey are coneihteniiy V'ry hi-h, , ° , ._ w ’\ h ‘ “,9 U: .4, ,3 , -.. - r". _, M - ’4 ,._' ' 1.- e peelallg fer tne 4—, “no 9-04y Lernwnatran CAane. Lne H”Plc belie; . I 7 I .7 . «7 .I . . 7‘. . l\ x. 7 7. . II ..l I: 7. I. . . I I. I: I . I ,u \ V. .II. . y 3 x I . . . _ I .. ..7 . I7 LA... L I + CrQC .«LQLCHF {7 ., .. ..I 3 .( C 7. 7r LIFO, L ..... .... um .10.. C. I: OCH CL Ic‘ 5.1, a! 7. 4 [.91). . I ‘ .I I . . I O l — I 9 1.. A . I; . €- .. \ . I \ I.I. \. \4 V .. .- \fll. . .JA . I ‘I I. 74 II! .I, .I. . i.. ‘ ,.. \. ‘1 4.«III I \...I.. ...r1 J . . I c. I I I. \I I 4 :43 .... .. .e.._......7_; ..2 It 7.7 .I “I.— AOP 7w 7, NIH QMIIWr.» x+LCQ.....CL "Pb )IL...» Q4152I+bQ 3PM T.,...,.r>_n¢.+f,.(. I... ..q.._.r+LC 0717 Z (r . \. I, \l 1: I i II .1 \ vk.‘ Ant-U i r v H. » {EPWVI 7 . II I . . . . 7. I .I... : I I. I 1 I .I I1 I 4} I .i ‘1) I .3 l . . I I a. 4 \ 2 ,. ....7 I .I. .1... I .,.) x.‘ .I..... r . . I.. In.) 7, ..7 _ , .. .If, I ., H...“ I: _. .7 ,. i .7, _. _L H ... .7 . I+ ,I I... r .fl I 9% ;v I4. (\ IV .I. «I .7 | + L m7 0 (b r r WI I (I g (m ;.\ o- ‘e r (\- r: W. + w\ ”INF...‘ (:1F . . _ fv‘: . a P... ? AIM. /I\ r I4 f n F . bu \ g Ir J I\ (I m. P w. (£LC +— LIA-fl L» I. r .l r o. I I+r -/\7_ ¢ \ r ......I ,. I. III... 4) )I .... \l 7.: I1. , \1 Jl\ \} .1 J I; J: ,. . .. I ....In \. II... .II 4 4II \: \I 4. I1. \..., . .1... I \I ...v . . .. . .7 ,y ofl.(~ 7.... rKI LN U. r -rC ..., .. ,. C1 ICFN fl CUI. .... YIN 5r L 7- +0 \,.-_ INK/I r 7. _. L MI. r. . .I..( I . _ .l . W. H) .I 1. L IHI rtH £2 CC ...I r 21:; G 7‘ ., DC, I LC( 4‘ r t + r .4 :4 v o 7 II\ : ‘ .l I l ..l... . I. .‘ a .. \;\. I .. . ‘ ..II ‘ QIJI .oI . ,u .9 . . "\I 4.. ...u «:11... III. «7I II. J u I I l _ \. Ix} . I 1:14. .7 .I x. A \ . I .1 PH . e. M.\ .k)? mefi (I. ”I’D (N n ..Itw ”pk IN 9,“ Hunko _~ 9. _. g .kK/r .. .r c! .s I. ..c h. ..vaI'PW *I M. .(w, PIP. ml...“ I+ ..I...~ . _A.\.FL,.W wkm 4. . L». _o 4. I Q 7.. 0.. I} _(~® LS. . n! 4.. _HI .PI u .\. r. I» ..fiP 4‘4 * xiv ,, ,l.[ J“! . -..\ I , . I 7x 2 I M _ . 4 . .3 L D . 7 ._ : : : Tn t... .0 I , Lie. 7 L ”I 7a..» \ Q $-cwn.c genre; w ocrwp > um we «7 m_cpc uwr w mew «g somwcmpam .ULM rme.Veo qu 0m no :COH howfio> HC< m; q;xnau.w (True .afiWHVummnYfifichurw mm 00 me n hmTFmb Awaw a: 7 Inmug,eg b mamewe JflIImane gm WM; ya no we prawn > Hm» m: w umozrmLs> mafieee QHII@49; cmmzwmo Sm ma um awmmpm> Hog 0: c o w u m : fl E p m m bweum neeIm emeIm z o H e < A z m o c Hue waeeow e equHmep mm: { Is ..Ia. WI iajlu ,9 r .I' E L- \ O ii in :4 {:1 E— 4 21‘ I P -( H _~-4 ' O [31 I?’ O .,..\.I0_ 11.7. 71.... 4.4%.47 474‘! H7.I4I.1.II Fig.1)- ...I.I11I.. . <1 4.-.: .... IIIII ..71‘4 “x ...“,H ...HWI, :74. ..I. ~. 0 .I_C.ql PIC _, 3L7. .LI. "... “HVTFL I. .._r r .LWI.»~ m.W/_ fur. NIH...~..IH(VHHI. LL. ph7r7/ L..: mint-Iv . ..JIAI , 4.4, ... -.| A .|.I , u. I 1. M. a I \ “44.,I. ....I d . 2.7.7. ...V. I 7 .‘lIo ..1 .qw7_ 1 I 4. II ....I I .\ 1 7. ‘ .wm._ Q; z.;w éuquw_Her; .rzxm 9;« wz:ln ,7CIW “CL nn5:ue.ozsm e:HAFme.Hr ; mg kg a9 >eapth .ur 9fi.7. ,\r 4 (a ' n p“ .‘ ."x‘VfiQ‘ .'_\ 0. («VI rm - awn-I " .1 I971". . -' I - P QCL‘J” 7- r“. I’P-h“e "1 ‘ "l'+‘v " fl 1., fl C .LC‘ItJ-""I ”" J‘“ ()<_.‘~ f“ o, r;5T'jI_1Y1“'I"II‘.. JJW x raf’” C“’f" (If: ‘ ‘ (‘Y‘Cn I ._ 4Lv. y o if) “I g' 3 4" , v '. .4 + 1' fve‘ III“) I .~ 5.1-- ‘ ‘..I!l fl 7 1. ‘1n agar (f‘ *4. I") I .7, I‘ ' ’1 ..‘- I, .' IEQ L1H-LI.OT‘II;_LJ 1-; V‘ 1' /\ Y|+ V‘ ." flf‘ .1 I! 4.... \I. v - I) - .... Cf“. "I1 '5 " IS C73 . . 'I‘ 7-5 “I ‘2‘:- "'\‘r ‘ -\ .A v 7— s. ‘Ir'ThrtI‘Sr-L “nan— +I‘ .- -v .- - ‘ I, a 1?\ m~se+g - - I . --- v ... Vari'ncs. ("1 I PC) 7 I ’ ‘0 n- 1 m y c“; l . - .;-. U . h- - Cl; ">‘:1Y’.' -I“ I a .7.. + 1 :1 H {"c:'.. -I - -.-II. i” . f. I f-‘ 1 I) TKN” 1' "I ' "I II ,- II ‘ C 0 1 11 L w '2'; L ...-t 7:7: VI*nin c7swe "57‘3“"; 9 f7,“ i7": «2::‘Li\'l 7 (inferaIIpIiC \ O 1 ()e 3n: ’d‘r'lrcrl of tn: 3939C.:,p 39 F Ci‘?:C:L ' .1- 1..-". .JI'I'... A..- Of LLAJJBI rm; 6..-- :Cuw', I.) <4 won '1‘: JV'W-t \’ II ”1. — . U hid _§ V . 7 ‘ U C ‘ k ‘ O a" Y » \* . u . ‘ '- n1. ' ' 11 , ‘3 e f L " .1. ’b 'C " “ ;-«JC ‘7' .L - . V L . ' r L ‘ ‘ “ L ‘ 7 . ' .., ' r ‘7. 7 L J— ; I. t. (‘ J: If . - (T3 T‘ . _ w \, ~ ‘ . 5‘ ‘1' I: y’ )f‘1 | i (\ 1) r “ 71. I L T‘\\‘ ' o ’- I)” -. LL ’ V ;. _ 0 A1 ‘0 I u ‘ w I re 1" 4 ..e .3 d 1 1" , ‘1 w 1 1 r1 1 1 V I 1“ .. / - w . _ A l , L '3 r f,“ (‘0 A -‘ - ~ ',- . ~ ' —' ‘ . — 3 j . ‘ " . - ...‘ V N 1. : ‘LC‘C 11 rV~J ..1. H - ”“3. 1n .v i” I; ) “ " ..qu.::'.7 ‘1 “r+‘ q'jg' ‘3 (fir-r3 El "(1! . ~ '. at \ ‘\~ “5.. a. L- Y' r‘J ~. \ -v .- I 1 ‘ ! r /,~~ .me hi 9; ;ln .y_- ‘1 L L r :1 Llul R; 'Azllg 1.11uu1_1‘1 kw; u h .— \I , . I ~ . '1 .~ . “ I v \ .’ "4' 19 V w |a1 f'INU the LG vudu._1%h1t 0v 1 A3;.r?cerk. ‘:“;:n r :‘1’ ‘ 01' 7m 1""1311‘ :‘ “w. -.pv-‘I..‘ ‘ "r (31'3CI’J W?" '- H -11., v L .L‘" J ' -L . _. u a; ~ V u «l ‘ V -4 ‘ a L I ..... . . ‘ ’ ,. _ ‘ _ . ( 13 cav:“»]'“{ 'z1rLJ w *ne ,»*orr ! 1|--ue; or t : s»): 1 '. J’ C9 -0 w ‘3,» '1 v Ln 4" ”a C;\"«;" \‘1 r' rt: L: ,2 -‘ ..Q 2. 0""- n‘\ r+' LYN: " , W11 1",“) 0L ‘ut- -1411C-w: Ln ‘lMV » v s . - 'u «J'La T‘“~« ~U L., L», -".. fi ,“ ‘L. .ku LL -. -2 LL -. .TH41 .MLL 51” r 136-}? 1‘ 1‘,L13!1+3, BdiBCLl-Jn IfiavgzwL L16: “53.50” 24.1 tut: ‘21.? an 1"“: 2. "_’\' "... ‘ 1 V . ,Lkw'fltuv 1,;.V V\_,, av - ‘ . 4 5'” »— -‘ . 4' '~ —~ H '- ‘ A — " A I": 1‘0751‘1’. 1 “w 1' 3T”, t Dal .1 )fl LII-1.; L1H ‘ it?“ -I L.'--L.., 1*. TI “ ; ‘r‘qj [ I . "(\ '1 fi-fi‘r 'frfi' ‘1 f“ “\V ar ’ 3‘", CB] ’3 ‘E “ J ‘3 | ‘ (W; J,, [L V‘ JC 1 L 's.‘.Ll n- 3 \‘1 ’ L .._A; ‘. ‘.~‘J') vt/ 4C 1 1.; L ..L J / . T1 a LI VF _"" - I.“ J. 0 r0 . r‘ {'1 .‘\ '-‘ . | L [r r 1 ‘ |‘ ~’~ - a" . ‘9 ‘ “ (I ~ 9 1f€{". 6-) LCCW‘ v. .) J‘JLL Kl .-‘~I'/’ 3.:1 - ‘ X, ) ... . :(‘ -h C. J ‘ If! . I L ' ' ' 1 -. t .1- -. 'L ...L. L L L. , . of in: or1”1naa seen- P fihCLh wr1hf.t .; a F:.uly he 0: aircq QLL' '1') (D 'D C) ('9' (x fl .—J r—J J i J ,3 1) ‘J f \ I H. .4 \u (L H J A\ -< V J \- t": F, L. r. ' 1 , r I t" r ,1 1 4 A {—1 i. I V late 3°rwhtinc sqednfin s vitn exam UThBT ”Nd high +ue ori.1n¢1 10~m.d- t1*“."1. 1‘)". “.J ,l .. _.. -1 -,~.~: fi F‘EECQ’:';$E? 0:. i (1" TV": “BF-.1311 HVHL ,'L,.. J3) the 7.“.‘éjf'u? u: 2 J. j II'I'ZY ,T’H varier were uvefi in 15693 Siu“19 . Qfiwever, i; is 10 ice} t} assane cat :30 r11? of g°rwina+inw of the F3€df of N$WW arm fruit: a.xo is “i cantrolled SJ thy Laterna; :nrge 01 Lbs Jrujt. HCC13C h and SflVDCR (IQFO) receb 1; wave Observed ewrilar large d1! ‘ ‘ ‘W f' 5 ‘. ‘A 1' V - / 1 r Y,’ J "‘ -‘ r\ 7‘ /~ ~ 'V‘\ _ \~ .< ,r V.- ‘ . ~ ! SFCSC w? ?clfliudtl3n oetnnen one seewlotn o: mflhuiclh (11.,5, homever, the nest rihil C.?Hifi*i5h” RODOffirm Seedlota were sinker than rat? of 'A. the ra*idly {ermirgtiré mulgigeru seefl7flt3. Thnrepore 1+ awfears that sneed of termination in monoVer: variefiu? a1¢n can he ifiproved o; breecing meihods. ,1 - 3‘, ‘ :1, '2 ' x 1‘; _ H... 'L '- ,v; T,.‘ . L ' A ., P116 (1&th- Jllfif {Jr‘ld L LWT‘ S’.l$ nth 1‘ 1"”15 (lcrl‘fC-Enx J. I 'J ‘. VIN: A'.‘L.1ul-‘ Uri, -' -‘\ ‘ 1 ‘ '1 ‘. I . A' '7 .‘ I 1 :T‘uu’. fit) lfld;V-LuHrL..-LJ {1"}- O 9 (D *3 O .‘-‘ {L3 r—J (3 A) "S (J m (D d- <,‘ P (I; | +- (-"I L P C F4 0 Li 1’) h ,1 \\ vested cleats as weit as fror cert in cLones that groiuced either Stanly or ranifiiy Lerninniing seeds were used. bieid axe laceratory experinents were conducted to determine whether sweej of ear iration '3 a meritemle trait; and if heritable, in what manner and tc wnet fleLree beiection can be effective in impreving tzie cnaracterietic. The major ccnctueinne of tni? study are eUJmarized as follfiws: ‘ o l. Sweed of germination was found to 03 a hi hi; Heritaole trait. the itahility eetirates, ontained for dinerent populations using K“) (D r C) (D 73 1+ \ 5.29 different St tieticel techniques, rtn ed betheen 8 erd JV“ f for the 2-, and 3-day g:rminetinn data. Daminerce a WHFBHtJJ via“ed no innwnrtaht Itiie in tire inheldfixmice OT':3reed o: s???hi2%p,?3fl. k? . The ODeerVflti n that egeed of yerrina: an is centrolied rainiv CV V V ,. ‘1 a, . . " 1,. L. . r the Waternei,y~4cte 0: the seeqnat re! 2 .1: u p: T) I 0 O 4' f' J *3 (p c ,1 w the sneed of Eerwinetian of excised seeds and Suedb intact in the seedbail. 3. The influence of the nhyeicei character of the eeedbaii on Speed of germination was infiicated by a hiih {neiti'e COPPQihTiOU ooLained a between speed of germination and ti L;nesz of seedca e. Seeacun A A aw efired be be a heritibie trait. C4" L._J. (1 U If) J) 64 L\_ \h \ O l 0 e &3-eeu rx’ v.TmJ*yxta*w1 1; me i, select; ‘1 I .’ 8 he natewne Sneed of germinatieh Was 8 ]“h in~ {D ‘ection, by interneil prfiduced ferninati I S can be email? aCCCW H. b? et ”5 tr \ I can be saved enc veretetive exi'wf.*":>1'l;}ri 2'” 3h ran n: :11 far ‘ .,‘1. , .ucin; irernved conri ragifi f. x 5 v a different gene Kiich SUTTVNuLded 0,! thil ‘H‘fi‘.$-] Y ' P | - ..t,>)[vl ’LL,"_'\' L Aiv T01835V8-t 1311175“ YUP. 573', N“ l geea~irocnc1nt I?Ifi*1115111 n5, hciflfi than C” a .‘lzi.’ IV ,‘I a .. a .-- ‘4'“. ,— V l o x -3 1" \ f 1 . O a Q _ . . . A v . ~ I P. ‘W C 'i“ 111' 1‘ (“\T 1n“ .v: A J - V 1‘ ‘ ‘74 T" '1 ()1 .‘1,’~V‘. ‘ :—./ s ' ~ 0 ,. . ‘ ' ‘1 “‘1‘ \ '7" 1‘. 1'“ JlT‘T‘HMV' 1' -‘ I‘.. ~- 1'~-1‘"‘- .. . - . . 1 J . c . Q a -. . ‘ t ‘ ‘ "I “ y‘ ‘3 )7'v- ‘ v v ’ 1' “\ly‘s (\ ‘ - . ; -1 : a -s V A n ‘ ff, v‘ I" - * I ' ' O . ... ...J . ,J . ‘ . . .v 11:? " 1a1rm1- ' ~ 1.. , 1 ’ . ’ . _ A. , ‘ C J — , . ’r 'N +~m~ .051 P” -. a a.. . ., . . - q. , 1 J c n v “ p \ rl" o_\.1 . n .L -_, - o .9. a _. .\ 1 " l I Y "1 .“n“.+ )4 .j‘vlj ' L. . ... . a ‘ v n 4 l “ ,- 1Lq‘ C‘fi‘j ..“ ‘1‘ vni "\ ”-1 -. _‘ ’f—, 1 . ‘4‘ ‘ 1 11 A F‘ .- I . o - 1 n « , . ‘1 F v ‘ L ‘('-‘j— A w o .}_' . _ ~ I . g '2 1 1-: a 1 r 1'?" “Vf ‘ '1 . 4 ‘ -. t1 r0111,” .1 V ‘ 1 . J . ‘5 l ‘ ‘ 718‘! '3. ' Wt 1:” ._“J ' \ U ' II ‘ v- I q n \ 1 f :3 l v _ _ , 4 ., . 1 V m. .'.:, .) 1...? , 11,1). x; -_ ) To, :‘i_.’3|fi.' erruchtn en wzer .: V' q, '\ ..— 1 I ,- _ v '7‘ ‘ r‘n I: "t Y‘ 1". ' P5? I ’1 "s ‘ ‘ L1,}‘_ (\‘.r T‘XIL-) 1.. A ..v\~1\‘... ‘. ,1 2*, . '.. + ‘37“ ‘ T h 1 :1. ‘ K — 1“1 "H1 14(1 J "J v .._ , I‘. ..-Q ‘-, 1 o ,1..- 11 - . "7 Y‘" .- C.- o a ‘7‘“ ‘.- r 1 ~ .- ' r 3* ‘O(,.'.:+,1’lh.]'lr, ‘- . ,.. g L' r". ‘0 ‘_ .' _ , L 1‘ . e “1‘31 ‘I er‘ lJ I‘ 3y. ‘ ‘ f “n .I (),-\‘v"‘ - ‘L o T' 1 f 1 X \’ _ 1 ‘ - 1': . 1c; . .. 1 n' __ (-J|J, A. I. - . fi . - - . ‘J S '1 V ' _1 r‘ ‘ .1”! ' Vi" we“ ' 1T .7 C - (- .’ A i. .4'-‘ n: .'. 'N ‘ *x 1 "' f“. .~s( r‘ g ,3 a. 1.1 ‘4‘] ( op “' L]. .-’ .. “116%: I: " 1C4?" a": F‘r‘i 1:1, L m , 1 o .' o - ,- ’ -0 t... . .. '3 L . .. - w . L rrec u -r. 110. JR‘} 'V' ~T VIN/x ‘ ‘ ‘1 ‘I A , '1 | - .1. K ;I I ’ .\ {3 +1.; . -1 :1- ' - V. \' I . . ‘0." r '_)~‘ (.L‘ L" .11 .-l v. L .. 1 ; 1 .4. . 1 /\ .. 3‘“.‘ l -.D r“ J-“ 6'. .\~.1 _., “If: ' "_ 5: pf " , 1 1 . b *0 “1.3+ / 14 ; Yr" ' .-1~ ‘ ~ ’ '~_‘.-_ .'-.;.. -----._.‘.'. T‘ 1 .‘I _ I" ‘ "1r. 1‘ 1 ,'.r- ,‘ { o .. __ ‘. I .~_ ‘ x. . . o _ o - , ~. "I , ".3' (ml 3: 1 1 'i)‘ rj (,N ' “ - -- ) ‘ . a \ - - ‘ . $1 . - - ‘4 5" ." ‘ ,‘ :‘gt’H'q Li " .' ’9‘ ‘ , (.\' :1 "1, . f. rfi—Clrr, ( o \- 0--0 ~1'o,’ , o \ . . 4. '1 . 'x w ,_ a L. “It | , u _ ’ , 4/ .l ;" . + ’1'”""'3'L 1‘ (“T1 ("1" k l‘ -. T" 1' Mr» \ k. ‘ ‘. ._. J ‘~ 1 V . -. L . W - § A - . ct of 1 37"..11'” i“.'.,'i+ 1'? ' -. 1", " ' i 'r 1 . ~ .1__, . . \-' ,L. g ._ . ; - . , . . . 'r v ‘1-"‘ y wv n" ,1‘“ r 3— w 1 - J :1)' ,1 ' 5 1 ..1 C Q l .7.: I a (I 1 'r.'\ - y‘._ :71 -~1.« r" '11 ' '4 . 31v 1. ‘1 ._I '7 . r . ’~ 9 l I . —. -.,.‘ ' F‘. “"1; i; :3)“ , . o o , . . n J. _ . —-. . . ‘_ '.~ / . ,‘ v 'r~ \ ’3 31.01 - ll .1 T‘ .4 VGA ' e -" ' LL " . , .. , \ 1 ’1 '1 1 WWF‘E’ZY' (1’151“‘.\.‘/‘/'9T"= L-':-;1 . 1 n a o . m- _ 1 ‘* (In. *"' } “‘1 . 1 . , ‘l .- ‘4F‘, . 11A H‘x) \. 1 .L .. L‘ .e . . ~ , .1 '1 k4, ”fir-15' 1, .. ) 1.. . Q . , . ,1 ..-. . 1 '.' L'.‘."\’ 1 war! I, a .) . o I‘ , o X o . . a . yu".,‘1 ’ 1 r , * “W1 1w '1 A _ x ._ . . 1 . r1 ‘ v ‘1 w ~ - ; 1. ‘,‘.., 1 - ‘ , r“ 'I.41>._~; '4? 1 e ' . 7' 5‘ - l "' . C + r~" v" ‘1'N ‘ (-3.“ ‘A .1 ’l‘ '3: \ _ .' ' ; J 1 . .. ,3 f -‘ :c .- Q‘ " Tr (l K Cf; a -a , ~-11- 1 1" ‘_Y‘ 1 '. C... H‘ . I - O , J \ ..\.' J T ‘1 ‘40] {33'1 o 5111} .f\ H \I Q . L. y. L J \‘ I . 0 V 4 ‘ .. f , 1" LLA’I Y 'I ..'. ..L p ‘ \ . O J. I A ‘ .L.~- ' O 1” {"7 - 1 0 (‘5 . 1 I‘ ‘ . - . ‘ } I...A_.- .- 117 .— _ . , 1 9. ‘ - Ar Y 1 I“ ’1 . .-' _ O 1 “ ’V‘ "I ‘ L r_ )- o - ‘V O . in .'> .."10 I ,4 ‘O I.,_' O -r~. a ' J 4' 0 ~ . :31 r) fl ,9 1 I vs 7r- 1,); ‘n a .‘ , V1 2 (\ W1 " ’\ if.) ’ - . (“ . /‘ ‘ ‘ . U o f —— .. A... A . v o ‘ ' ~ - . o I . ‘ . {j _’W'/’ . . ‘ . “'1 - . fi’ ‘-' 'v“:‘ -’ r-, (I K. .1 -\L i ‘ -‘ r‘ '»'L w -I f .\ v " '. 4 “‘ firm "' ". Il . : . “ ‘ :V‘ (,IECI»(3 .1’4 J \/. (I. (-41.0 1‘s, -';.'.4‘ .1-41- .'. )1 (1‘? C '1’ \,-’-’\' My (‘3. 1' I111 v.1‘_'r'-tl' - ‘3»L.- .. V , ° ... A 7‘ - r -.-.1 . .-° o. i' n v, ,' ,- —. ‘—\ .. .-., .. y - . ' 3 «w. he”? " ! . 'Y‘V" U11"? 1’1Ct; ,, 01‘ gL‘. 1, . . .V .L , \_-.~_ COW ‘T 1 1:75. 6.7L; {.1 . p "- ~ .":.’.Lr‘.t LVN: . . ‘_, a u . . , . .\ I‘ _ fir.‘ - . ‘+ r‘ r‘ W a ' v ’ ’* ' I ’ ' \ .. ~.-4 ,- vhjn ww1~ . 1; 1V 'te‘Dn-. v‘KULICS ,9.~', x)“. , '.,. - '.-...‘..'. A." '4,.+- , - , '4 boomernan, .. C. 1*)u. AP11”“IE .. (LtfitlLaLive Leve cc LOH. drwwh— hqvm‘] EWIHIYJMAJVW Of' wi'WO- 1" ‘3’ . . --. , ,-/ .. . . , . . . ‘Ps o 1‘ ' s- - a .a ,7: r. n. p A ~ y -y \ A‘ ~ ‘,.. . , - ~*‘ ‘ u ' .’ -‘ ‘ r ) ... 1‘1. 1 .‘o I‘I'E'] .;i'..‘. p.11. 3’ 11' t. (7] C17. -‘ Cut-"t til. 4.“. 1017.. U-:.. «961‘ r Btu] / AA . I - 7 ~ \J _. c ‘ _n - . " o .. ‘ .- ‘ ~ - -. ,_‘ " ~‘( 1 _r_. .. ~ 0 ‘ ‘ . _;e”u1rra)1i1¥¢ lezw;cr::s scub L..rb frut ;.o; _ay: d 1I11NJ .r - ,. ‘... ', ‘ . ,‘ L . _ , W . .. '. ‘ f' _- Al ‘ ,. , .1 a -- nezt;. (Ah;trucb) krorrxm 01 the %-n uU.CPoL .xgt;n~ o; Lhe " ’ ‘ n ‘ f 4 Wu _ x _‘ , _ - ° ‘ ,_ ‘ H.9r. awe gm up He. .cu"nal)g ;, . ‘ ‘,_ 11‘ .‘ ‘I "* "I h ‘_ A ,‘ , , 'h , _ I ‘ ~.~ H .q _, ' . COAG, LT. '10 1 .LLfIO -' '7' 1.33:7”). 'K‘Y‘ 1 -“.'".-.“f‘.'3~.‘u CU t1 [Jdetv CSIA' 1-7 . '- ‘ . -1 ' '. .3 .‘ ':‘ - -- n. - “.‘A ,, ‘...'..\2 .26 . ' ‘r 'L l-- 1" : I .- In 5“»: u."»-‘-T‘n J1C\) t-j 1(3'_" .1 ~- 8"; 3 it. '4'1fi.n (L- :" rue. "e: ’ .400. Ehj'a1°iwuaf fev+1. 19!;7 :EMA. .1 CD I—‘-< J O '3“ \J D-v-I J O f \ . \J (L i _J \+ D '3 O t1fin lTUIHlCOF from gugar o 9:. Jaur. dyn. int. Lia/4*afi’. V‘ ‘ ‘—-‘ ‘7 ‘4 1... ‘ A. .. -- . -. .- v, .; , , s. - *1? JV : 7- no lfiwu-. J ~I‘P bee. 7:31,1..;¢r%: 1n 12;;1- “fl t6 _ .3]. . .-. ,—. 4 ., ., '_ .\ _ ‘ , _ f 4. (a y ‘ _ r7! » k)? :C. A..?(€(-. ..)vC. J1. .13." "69.. LQCH. 4:;HL3f-Zfiih. "L w '7‘ 1‘7 '7 '7 ‘1’.“ . -~ 5" ~ " .. ' .. ‘ t‘ w, r, ., - DV“LGF) 3° to #7 ~o IPS¢LJLH&?; iLDQlfigb CR tn; use 0. Q¢dhu NdrgQREQ . ”a : - ' a ».. I : I“ ‘. . ,‘ , —‘. n a; Shea trxatyewta 10F :wjrr 05813. _.c.: L n9r. 31W. J'So ’ .— 73.. ' ' “\i . "Q' .-"1:.‘lrl.~. j'll. -_l..j:(..'. )‘-:~ 1+. N F j‘ m 1(1’? , ‘ ., -, wwi‘ ' ‘ *-"" ' " Twere)“ 4. -. L m,. Comma"1 1 an t” -)r 5883 t ed- er..: a . ‘ »~ , ' ° ‘. .' -V w‘ _ H; r .V ‘ (‘ sercnd réwort. plCui 4r: 1 h. ash. 3.1. ‘1TL. NBA. 49: (‘~ F’xr" 4 x. 41:5. If“ C. “. . ' ", “$- . ,, ', ‘ r .y" 1 ...-v .7 f' I'. , ~. .‘ \ ‘ .. ‘ e 1n‘ ‘.JJ~_¢“.'_;YI“ --) "1 4‘ (I'Q:_\"‘-'1I‘. O! (1.. 3’ . )..‘:. .11.] "a? [3 (D 4 , x \ 1- (D u A O ._ ‘I 3 O ...J g._J \O \J ',_..1 o r .5 5.1V ’0 l r—J‘ >1 Lg ‘ 1‘ 2) “j 0 +1 37 (—1 p"; j 3 (J (U ,-. ’0 (D .1) .‘ \ -...L r. I ,- - W . v',.,_ \‘ "1 lax. ’ 1 . ,.- v 07 . ‘ .' -. r 0:2.-91 , .3. Lo, (157d ;'-7-~=~....'l»‘..", i. .115)“. HLCB.‘ r31’ 1' «CW1 0; 151*???" n4 4 n9 avJ Fer¢1wuulon cfi arsxr Drei so?“ a;in U' surface c~>i1n é ... . r; ' o "I . - —. _. _: ‘ l _ ’_ ‘ .. ' -_ -. ”5 »‘ .3 \ 0t hyuTODhlelC COllflluiw .Qwr. Jnux. 5i:/~q—J.,. ”l— rfi i' ‘ "- " - Y‘ r .- T I" 1 r. nr_d\ '—' I'l‘l' . ' ;‘ ‘O . g. ‘4 1 ‘I I ' '- I‘ndzrefin, ”.0 Do, "‘2.’ “3- ..., L1. ‘7. .l.’ . f. “ Jrfi.“1_‘ "1... 1‘)" 0:. 5.31-}: :1" _ - :‘L r ‘f ’ . ° -‘ I‘ L L 3 ' 'V? _ r‘ 1 ‘ v "b ‘ ‘I' 'v‘~ w h 1 V! ‘ ‘\ vr".r 1...:‘11’: .‘ 1.x; Unree .J ()4 c? I. s.» p“ OHJT 4‘ ..- 1C .r-( l; . .;117 W. .1‘ I‘ I g (I ‘14 L“. \k’j' - a a 1'.‘ A l “...: C-L ‘ U \ .7'1- ha _.'_ , .‘ .\a j V A I (‘v’f “ .1 , .. A . f. ‘ AI .. .- ' . ,Ifl‘,‘ Q- r, m. u. 173 . hfljfldp” ch 1031 e TmCLS (‘9 iv: “7‘ ‘rr-mf ‘ ‘: 3‘17‘ (—1" Kflr‘ 3‘11 "" w 7" _ .J".'v..v J’VIV... (.-'¢ . "1.. _ . ._ _..,. A f). .1 7~ -- .— .‘ . ‘ v "" T "‘ " ." .. .- , ) (j- ‘ru'oJ r‘y‘: «leuer, ‘0 "to 4%.?) ' ~.)i- -1 . “ ‘ " ‘ . ,- wfi‘ j -— « ' -‘ m‘f‘ ' ' ‘ "'3 “1 {.9 ’.‘;C ‘0‘} In; g,” 11'] (7 J .,]C (Weizfll F“, CW.“ 7 fi'+'1"/‘)I‘.F\1"\ " th ‘.r‘\'*' cn—J 0p :r‘p 6"?“Qn‘ : -r.'...~!~..~"..:. x: J. 0 .VIC v I-..-L ..U; \J‘ . . 0. ° ._ _' - \ - -‘ 7‘. _pN1r VF~16*.L2 . Jonru Lxev. Jae. .n; :r < \ '. f . ’ n q "\ , . - "\ ' ‘ ( . [v . ) h '1‘! 93’1f‘) , P o r; o ’ ri’ .{u‘ .-.11 '3“ , ...". O P o ‘ . '3 ..- ‘ n ‘ ‘ . ;_ ,‘ M7 ,_ 9‘ '‘d my] ~39; '3C_. ‘021 931.;1- Lg; Ln 0;. CulC 7 19» cal constifnewt? of qu from ccww*1c eclecfinn. J5HF. A 9r. Sou. ’Dl"? '1‘, I ELL! “..5’ . F A r~wom T “ v1+3~ ' rvw w~y . . o, \'.'.»\, I '. o ‘»o, .._'u-..C) f“. to, ’1.I‘.n. L 1-1 The inhinihwsn 0* fié"7?ELiOfi Paucen b* e 'x. k' (Df +~1e c?* far 1%?ni: (‘“‘*” «n1: ' rif ). r7 WC. .1 0‘ ‘/‘~\- '~ r ‘ r \"" . ‘ g . —‘ E ‘1 utt.JTSCL ;;»:n: ':2JteLIVa., afiIlffl: C. ,)3:5- 1» 4'9}? r' ,7. ‘ ,. V- 'T Y, theigéva- 81‘, J . n. -k 4 beat on , béets re ' '7 ¢ : n L. "v n '7 z .1 z ..4 OSQ‘In‘. QQLtUCAI-LC 1. LUCKernMUTt1Je .« A. '/ r] .l K ..J ~_ . 4 ‘ ’ .3 K D .‘ o _‘ 1+ “:1, {—1-114 "I . L" : if“: :31 7:. ILBVJ‘LTVJ (9* JCl.‘ C‘or7(.\_ "I . 'l . . ' , qr VJ 1 :9—f1l'ir’ .‘3. 1S a“. .217, "31.: A '\ .‘- r~ V -\ -- 0“ ~r "j : ‘ w. 392-}: J: 7 ~' g. “rm-3J1! "73 .3 ,. m . ' -“ '7 T 4‘ av- 1‘ r. 10::1;—.4u. ‘ r“ ‘L ’- 5- r 3- »: x ‘ 078p d?‘3;"‘.- L ._‘-'T’J ~ r -- .~ . “l J . i L]. -337) -. Mk?" 1.: -011 (fin Jrrj ma lffin. Jf .‘ 4’. ['4 a ‘ . f: r i | _ new -ech. L-:g,?— u’. ’ 11.? Is: ,. . . _, 19, . gm 4* Duet rwréx531;"0 -:~:r~- or; if . ., :31. a.“ "= 1-28? ‘0':F‘1V;" )i‘ ""10",: 1\ WY“ LA / In -.'... i' ('v ~r~’ — . /__L .~ I )J' , . unflnerc. ‘:'.' 1 i U I". '3'? Ce ‘1 ' , ,_ . . r I' I. v »--.:~ r ~ r- cu&rov on L» 10h var on g euna. -002. Mawr £91w1 1 r\ “,3 r‘ ' ..., T r‘i‘lfi ‘ ‘. , .‘ " ‘I’ .2 . CL?) \_n, 2-'1 .1, , .1.) Ci;.( Ll’le)9‘)ial_}1) -' . {...}- T'V-‘b. -' ... - . V r. ackerbanlwobe v““vuvsefi¢nfi *n in? men 89113 2 Lhn ’- I.” - * w ’ \' ‘ ~- ... ‘\v ‘ TWDV" ‘(jjrr"..‘:'(“i."‘.'.‘~, I)». :4?” PHI“. 'MT‘ ‘U‘KHT‘ Ll. I‘ “11.1 J .._\ .2 ~ .\ r I_ 0 . , < - 3‘ n — v. 3 -. a . - . fl . .no (‘1. .1 ’11“. J "8 0 TA I'riv 1' Y}. ("I .' n V riff] fL‘ - ‘ -.1,‘J.f.. J ..'1..\,., r— -, ‘ (-1.? ‘. y)' (V: b) I L I] A, )}: I L? 1" I L) 1 [Cy—3 . A. ' q ' J; . - ‘._ l, J I "3 "+1 .2 0 ‘ n " —. v | (I . ’ IAY‘ W s—IWY‘D‘.‘ f ”3V1 'n. 1‘ 12L. . ['r) T“’17‘T “‘z “4 ‘ r\ ~ . .'-\ 1 -— v ‘ a ,, <- I ’ s ' v' -,~ . grihS 7h unrsd ~ienf “n EL"'lfi“'f . a . V , , . . . . T 1‘4 x‘l ‘j Y‘,’) )1)”: "‘\ Y‘ H 1 KJ » y 7 , 0:: ‘ . '1 +‘ ' 1 '1 “ o '. 0 j 'a J- . . ’ A o . . o , .7. - V | ._ T . [I -" ‘I :3 w \ J . __ . ‘L‘ to . ‘. \{t K‘. 1 . : ' ’ .- . ~— 1 "‘ " -, - a 1' ) f’. I" “n. C‘“ ‘1137"7Jfl.’->{”"11“?)7» “VII?“ ’19 3f I,“ - I .‘ -.. - -lls _. ._ .. .J A. ' ., -.- , q \ - . . ., . 1. jha ~+~~ ‘9». “af“:nfi?9+¢nghrQ"'E‘*‘J‘ ~w . - . \ .. . . .. . .. . .. ._ , _L . ._ ~ I E r __ , . '3 Y- r . f“ - ‘1 q - ' , ~; . .631, k”. 7. ' ,. (_V._-:Y' ..., .\ (3., ’43.. 1; at: z .ijn ‘ i .s + w -,—v ‘ A +~ _r—- -,- (~ _/-‘ n » 1 A , .w .» '1’ 1_: .v/ .131 1 . '1- P- '. ‘. -. .1111 Us. J :~ ‘ '_-__n , ~-. -( :r ‘ - , f '1 ,I ~' v 1nd Q '§ ‘ Vt ‘3 1“ «No «A . 7 fl v 0 ‘ O J- o " . .,C J U. . C} ‘ '.~ \ ‘ \f ]\. r7 »~ 1 ~‘.] I" ..’3 ‘. (“ ‘ 1' ‘3 ‘.- C .I 1 (a para} Tf'. n ,"7 - " , --1 z I 0 I “ solrtiflfls my? vwrfir {38' .’.+ . .- ~ - r - . -‘ V. w ‘_A ' V t) r S} ' j T i ” . rW‘a<:f . 3 ~r. “flu ..,.v.. .u. .'\,r J _~_ '~ run; -/\ V2 SK] :)&-’4—/:~\-’. fr-fi ‘ V“ A \r- A \ Q. I' "J. 14.11 .’. “Y.“ HI I .3.- - co - '. . ;r » ‘ vwn uncherrrb '\'\ 1 1. ) '1’)! - o J . r 4 .J__‘-./L-. ._‘ J. . J -. ..f L 3 -. u {j ‘ ‘ r “\u ' Lo ’ ‘ L L ~ . { C7" \. ~1 " .r «3 5 \‘ Y...‘/' I ,34- .3'4 - L‘ .. - . 'j o "DU-‘1: O ‘ ‘ - ~ 0 vri 1-4*' ‘. 1 ‘Iv . V I I O .\ ,....'.. W ‘ -,l {H}. . [\, ‘J . " 'v 4: , l 0 K; \,' b- . - I I . I - n . ‘ .—_( '. A ‘ - (\L r ..1 ..I k / J K . - . . 1‘ ..r‘bi“ | . r -. j Y' r, . '-_‘ :f ‘, - i- ‘ - . 1 '\ ' ’ -" z " {.5 j':-e (.’ L. 0 r1. ’ (it.y -1 u ‘I ‘8‘... ’ . I. ]V : . 1‘ I Dot. I\ :v 4'. - ‘V _ . ‘ ,.‘ , — ..~ ‘ ‘ F. ‘ ‘ .. K.‘ ‘ . 1;}“rea .f'rv'rfi: . ,, ..t. «J». . c1? ' i g, ' " 1'1 L” J . 1‘ 33.7‘ [“iF?J . v" ...?“ . ;x ._ U “-‘l-FEH. /‘ .' " f ." f ’A' . '- ' - , ' .' -.. ..agc1771,eJ. J. J~”:J. A révi w ?? k fir.<~rce' r ‘ rxL - hm . fl 0 ‘ _ a n . . fl 9t win: 1"' He swaar. saif. ..qu. (wiz; "w /' . f" V "’ ’ ‘ ,. . . \ L‘ . .. . . . l. - ‘ .- de ma, 1. 19,; (tn the c~xae hm TOP-~CVW nnf«mn fifilwza :‘ . 1 -‘ u r~ \. _‘ t*,r‘ 'a'; . ' ‘~' ‘ v 1 J r -' Jfluv. Jhc +4? .u.i vdru;tr; 43’ ~; « 1 J‘:,-F. ‘ r r fl" ‘5 I '3 ‘, 'l' " \‘v r‘ ‘ ' "\ ~r V A h " F‘l - v\ V r ' .‘ (:7‘40 .1-3r., 1. .11“ ~. t_'T‘.h..'JJ~> '1. :,~1.:-:T‘e 17;, JLLY-chi'fm" F701" ‘ I. ‘IL' 1 r ’ '\ v . r'j" - o v" o ‘ fi.‘ 7 _ I I — ‘ nnd Hh-lJ 'nr Fer r0.y:.,1 pfilt den ;“JC'TTWJ*A‘ -9ue* ' k ’) Kev Form. D - (texirwfea 0;. ;%nrws(?v1ze*rt 51N\v*:11 earst iljf321 ti2% 112-1A3, lST—17m, 2;O~2¢1, . 7‘ 5.4 , —-. -\ r-. \ . V- I. , . ‘ V”. F} ' 7* 2' 12' ' ‘ _ .. ' " 1‘ ’) 1 ~“ '3 . ' v“ ' ,l I ' ‘5' 1 ‘r ' Fxr-:.3 u. _ , «e.4 rangn .ew. .JJCnerr “we /. ' . \ on. A .... IaanrhanV1«fier‘}#f1;nqzen::zcnt1n*5, .1. ev113; H h H. . . .- .\_ “_ 2--“ -- .‘ fl Kneeuone u. n ““57 aeLe 110% in? seedjiw: v1 fir 3n Um t s/ -.Iu~4»o. [A I ‘W. r‘l’ ‘\ _ _' _ fl (~ ‘ ’_ V _' r .. __ ,. . Lacuev, t. F. 1x9“. Che zcaL J‘Obcfllfi; 0' save ‘1 Nr“ h-vS ‘J O O . . . - eerv1r9#"nfl e? Pufrr meet See”. C J— ~y'—.«. ' - .,. re eu'~ : FQHQL’ ic . 1‘! Zeiteehr r 1‘ and VQFYE, N. 195“. Coveqrativ: exnhl '4 :Ln.‘ :1n=¢+.‘"w7esz er rrrg‘ f1n11'18. ereucb O ’1 a mu '0 o ’3 I ’ {5; ..‘L V1.2 :- ,_h. . . au;EPqCC O 1‘)“ ,3 \.‘ ,. \4 ~ ‘n “@710“ J Ci ‘ x) r. {4 ....) e risef'dn . r’ r I ... ,ka>.__ ‘. ‘l “0’- V,/ - . o a °v_+ u -q. T 1 .3 - ~-".: T7: "“9 w‘nn ire . A V]. uhd 1L fir? r ,_ {‘W— {9" “ve vrfi =e: 71‘. l \I.‘ \ . (M 47“ . V I“ . ‘u ... ,JiehkeitCWQHrE. L." AC}??? 71. , h .. . . m 'I xiv] F3 bxruie‘nle | . i ._.‘ .3 z ' ..1 .., (W .1- 5.). r. -.1=’~ 7' '.- x , x . - -\ "-‘v A - . - , . . p - . , - LH’T’( £’ II. .‘o , .1 .:--I J .2. u -~’l' L. -111‘7‘?T1 ..l. ’l I, ~ " '-7L:}r ‘4...‘~." (3"“‘ y~ (U V L a ..J "p l I _‘ \1 4 O In :4. I. O p‘: ?‘. \V I' ‘ A- h. _ L' , . .‘ . s, . ' ' .. ;_ \ \ , . C.‘ ('3' ': r, f’“ Jr“, C", 0' :r.. 11' Uriet. ~ , U A - ' ' a :5 K1 ,‘7 -‘..'I C+ -.- r:~ .‘ .f‘g " _“ y _r\ Y‘C,‘ ‘- “‘/‘ ' \n \ r‘ . - I ‘ .r‘u ‘ V- r‘. ‘71 1 ,‘,”‘:)L __ 1. - .,“.LAT‘U \A.A ...- _' -.: ‘~_LA. ‘.‘. I , '\-. .. P] o -J ”u. J‘. ...; J‘- 1 1 rzrfi 1 ' . ( /— /‘\ t g u . l I. . ' '10 ‘ ,1 . : 1 ‘. 7.-.: .. :‘I ‘,. ,, I"3?‘.‘ezq) .[o l,“ ‘0 ,1.3 ‘ “11?? C k) 3 '.’ ». -M '2" ‘,’3C../ l-‘-’rlo «VLJ—‘i-l“ ) "2" -' Tl'ko VJ. , , , - . . . 1 3 -0 A—. “L. ,.,_. ' u v ‘-‘_'. , . 4. ,' “5'\‘<,. .) hf”, .. ‘ “' - I ' fl ' I“ :v "‘ - | . v ' r -.. . — ' -. *L r~. I -. . r‘ . ,‘ r‘ 7. ., {7‘ 4 ’ ' 1 Lu H, (T. L. 1 aJ,. rrflTLZ&;]l1 _ of : cart? m‘llve C'41n3119rx~ 1w J-uih ' 4 . J \' ‘. C‘ _‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ ‘ (I I . P’ f' . aha #1:. rerw :fa ‘\ 1. Jfillre 1;4v;,59-,/5. .. a ' T . 'Z ‘ .. ‘ " -'=‘\ ' , -. ' - P £ 1-111} 1} Jo L0) 8."? 13TH?) V]. \J. Jul“ 0 [I19 Inf-Larlr )- CV 0'. L.~:1T“..1 J 1‘ .‘V j . rqrrnqciers 1r1fwuqu breefilr . !Lw1r. Lire ic;;zy-fizn -; A. .:.- '~ ~*. ‘ 'V '3‘ 7' ..fl.‘ ‘ -, . ,5 «u ‘ *‘ 1"-1T",',") K' r1131 F41 5~ 10““. .Jt-IJHIQ' 0“ 1,130 ’37’.1;T.V1v-1LH‘7. HI. 1’ J‘v fis,.—, “ ,- I-fi ~ L,. ' ts ‘\.. ,, “ \ q. - W bug—1r 07:811.". 2101.3 “3‘-_4T‘1C:1 (“Jan it‘+,) IL: [‘57-'4153» \ kazsart, L. 19%6. hermiwation 1bnjbifnrs. :iul. Jaarhoem “1:4/7-279. " ‘ \rwh’ C‘f" v . : ‘ \ -‘u "1 - -- ' I~--.’ . ‘I‘ . ‘ "‘ ." ‘ . kabta.t, L. 1x.?. 13110;,elr“ me la -e*.1n~ Inn dwh~ in m o'autres Truitg SH“; 137 .1. ( ,_.1 t '3 (D '5‘" (D 3 “ < £0 {J O ' D x D (D ( f 3 . ,l/ ,3 O -- O ' u C l I " '1 - A‘ ¢ra1flc5. bifdnlLLla ié:g;{—L¢;. 1) d 3 C, 3...; \7" If) ‘5 2‘ F": 7...“, ..‘n. V, ., 4~ .A. L.‘,']‘A.' 2',‘1t(~vL...hrl‘1 .Jo I-TL‘ o .LIPLj‘rOVJy-W a- 0!. 31.1781" 0:38p“) .‘hf 1.3513th 01 b471117‘.‘ ' ‘ J Sci nee-Ska. Tohio. ~: . x»- 3.“! H . .-‘,' l'LC'11 ’1“ “ T. till—I" ‘la'lso (\1 ll‘tJO L‘.. O , x, . ‘.L\\- "- , O ,’ '" {uni "1 1'”qu ' ~ n1mwn‘.‘ ' q p 1r. .‘ -*‘-- 1.0 ' 1, ' ~ :1 ' 1 '. 1‘ F r“ 31' :11) (‘1 ‘ ' O ’ Al- . ' I " ,’ . :LLCV _~-: r1 — 1‘- ll 01. ‘A-‘.-er UK) ',& \Ka “"1511 ‘ ~l|1 1|4~V~ .11-).1 ‘. . ‘ r ~.- a -‘ r‘ A '1 r’ 1‘ ~ 1 ‘p‘ 'r .' . "h \ x 1‘ - —: 'x \ ~" 1 7v/“ " ‘," '. i : " till (-.I‘ J39; b-.)-\J_;U<_ 1‘, k, our“ C8 (33.11.11: 2 3‘ n; 31"» 51.1.! LC (30! "\v - . . N " w ~r . s s - ‘ 7‘ 1' ‘ ‘ l _ ‘ _‘; , and nufrjxntz. quw.711 J °: -““ "3A~*°P: ~3- . 1“". ;.cccanc 1' ~n1 O O r‘,fl - v,\r . -. ‘ I l ‘ V I y , ‘ n. ‘ tf‘ ’ ‘3 P J "-1 l.., “0.1.11” (k '11," - .. ‘._ J . fin ' ‘ n . . Of Saar bv‘. .L, SG;.1J.].T;_ :. f.) C)c:‘,Lll, J ‘.- . - 1‘.3,-‘ f V‘ “ 4“ "“ I 's ‘. '-‘. “‘- ~"-‘ hh1J1(: 0014 LUIS er1‘1unr1év Jp. _fl_t. h‘u 3. (Jril-zev;) - I r“ 0 p. .. _J ) ,_-A u \ W o ,._ L: \r‘ o + u \D (- ‘\ *\’ {1' OJ f.- + L -.I ,_J. wd , J () (L (D \ 4 ’1) j 2» '3 J .-r-‘ \ w J. O o «D J 7: 1 -s.. VLCLOJS j. 3. lWLfi. Sun 2“v n“ ‘a*¢~-“-“” “'ir' ’ . - - A .' - a , A l '- ' - , - v o > r x ‘ su qr « e+< 1n -ehra"wfi \ .- «a ll'l‘ 5. 1m, K — w -nr1 . ,v. l ““¢.r -+ NW v - , Ki Pr ‘ O l O 1‘ ‘- L. -L .31 "\‘ ‘ ; ‘1 ‘ J ( A 0‘ ~- ’1? \— .erefiity :Z:‘rT—19?. 5‘4 chx, H. i., an” OH H, F. a. 135d. Viauilitv of in cnld stor¢~e for 22 gean. Froc. ALQP. Tech 5'127-719. -¢. . I ervilrfiufin, F. A. lSP L. Ckfiliutvil ITracflijcxes ¥“3113Veh Fflfiwn of SH 2 399* SSE . Froc. gm. doc. 9(h1rt 11:157-157. Fet:r:on, b. 5. 19:». www: a 1 a «f. 1v-. .1 1 ‘ Q a. :x ‘ T '~ - sucwaav an» yl€1q of an 1r 0 ets. “Jar. .31} ' I"; r L.) 500. 5n- A; 1 731" o .30 E1 Petc, 9. H. 1093. Tnisbure contort swd {erminatnon 0. SM . '- P ‘Q ‘ fl '~ .~ [_ / . r f \ Prfic. A er. 390. 3h 1? “ect Tech. 0.9;-99. l Pefo, v. H., h’ll, I. h. lQLZ. Colchicine treatg l , LR -r' "1., . . '1 . ;" Lu . ..." ' 8.7““. we 'ldxuln C . cJ.Cl On. p18 1%,". u Lin .-‘ IV _ W _ (—1 '. /- \Iv ' f; ‘ A er. Joe. on A? :uefl Aech. ,:~-2—e:5. ‘ - ‘xfl ‘ . :- -\ .' n ,5 .4 ‘ - \ _ na*:""'i"‘1‘. (N 51’: r-1 ‘.1 '- :‘f‘ {tw‘F‘ng 1 .1 -. \.:‘.-}‘ an: — - I i I ' ., ,. ~ \‘v‘ . ‘. ,r.l>- ‘ 1 7 . ‘. .'. 7“ ;_ "‘. o o -'-‘ o 5 . a. ' '0 L, .1;(V }-"|l-L0 ..‘. r‘ ’ I... 1 j "u ‘l 1 I ‘ {.1 VT »' 3) -~ +- 'I'\ t”. J «1 o- ' , ‘r'. I —'I - . v\ v xv (x - ~‘ " *- ' n -l . r ‘ gil'vCi'K? L) 1’0 - o -L hf. .-J--‘v'3cv ‘ H ‘.; 3' ; ‘ 7.. '. .‘b’fi”. + U11 . 1+. - a f‘ H "' . . I . " i. A. . . ‘ .. . V . A — a ' Gr 9'?“ rvcs » '~~*50 wn )HIBC’ EV’VG‘ : a- w*ai ;‘Oi. T"‘*";"ffl '1 *1 ‘ "1",2‘1: " ‘ jhrw' '-.~ '1‘ .+‘ a 7' 1. var-“‘1" V 'I— 4 -“' "" I . ' 1-1 - ‘ ‘ 1 .1 . , . _ ‘ . '. , ' -' " .... ‘1 . . o 4 o . o . V1 4 A ~_: 1 L ‘ ) ",— A l. ,- ,‘ . : -. 7 ‘ '2 L: A x I -~; -- I i " -41. ‘ 'C‘l ' (1?. Q 'N ' ' “ ' “1 -“ ' ' ‘ r‘. ’1 1 ' ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ '. 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" ‘ y .1 * 7”? rdeY" b0 "0) ”I.“ ' N 100 ’J ‘0 'TO :1 l ‘ao {{J "gr 0L _\‘_'_‘1.1T‘\‘. “ ('r‘ .aawd era w ”CDfi‘nr+ -wam»p<*=-~ cw c~ 4% v + khan Shh-.- .. ..2UK’JLL.‘~.A~,.14 e .1. 3L: LJIJ )L. 311' -.- wet?“ .JM', 1. '- - —V . \ hm .‘ '1. - .. “. 2,. L.‘ L . , .‘ . . (aw tract) rro Vex O; in? Ilph hnxequ .enuln at flu: a 97. ‘1 C: ‘ " ‘ ' ‘1‘... v p \ " _‘+vfi 3c, “.1, ‘1 Ge _. . 3r . L13 _ , 7. \,—.r/ A .‘l/r/ .2; ‘9‘. /W"L( ‘. .- . .- + , + .L , ‘ ,- _‘ ‘ . _ J- m _ f7“ ?Y‘\4 11%|. Ogaler ’3 q s; W‘ . I)! )C. .‘u 3". {\C‘ ...)LA 11 J,‘l': “:(-ll. ‘ «.- r::'. .1—1V1;. .. ,‘. 1: ' . .,.c . 'w - .. .‘ 7 7~ " r .’ m: ‘ '0, L - ‘ Dtlelt, ’0 .u...’ J], 61’ :0 33., "ihw 8:1? to 'Jll) ‘0. L‘-. 1\4 /\). ~lu€ e L‘Jqq K71 \ . .' a. r‘ - ~ ~ L r-n ‘15 t a ’» -.. r .' s‘ '2‘ - - ’\ I- ' Y \ 301.1. {710.1, .DLUY‘Q ’IILCI CD.» 19 L LOT; U1”: :. Ll ._;T‘ (3:39; r). ‘31 —:-CC?. rJ-J‘J . f fl H 'V — " .- 7"" 1". ‘ ~ -. .' ~J 1 er. ggc. gm 3? Stew Lecu. 9:4',-4~ . "Q 4L 'x ‘ L ‘ , r A. ‘ .' .~\ V“ ’2‘ /. » q l r _ " t. a ' n — r v V h 1 ‘— ovuuv, r., and £01“ A, n. raid. FACtOPs a;iec.1n t1e gar '1A-1-n OI SLFFir fr et :7n(i otjwer sFQLFU;, vwrtr; SfffllLa .‘re713reruie t,3 tkre .«1,--: '. .-—. - 7‘ ‘ I v ~ . : .‘\~- ~ - 1 H 1‘ '~ ':«\ r7 ' t‘~4’.‘ .1 C (aI f‘;C+\/L.l Ot fil:i-'.()l.'] ’1 Q (7'. -(r.. AMI I :,\t-:‘ O ()J :(‘ ‘7-‘1LJ'. n + 1, 1 'w .r m (‘~ ‘ ..; ' ..., — 3L0u+,1., dnfi ;O]A h n. 1 L10. IJLer:er area 0; CLUOH] , r lCaLGd Pom su»ar acct 5‘8d 01 1?, Wlin Jahova cry ermlnq‘lin t82-9o dour. Amer. DOC. Agr. ;j:59-19. r‘ -' ‘ ‘ . ‘. '- AI 1' '1 ’ A ~ _v— I N I ' , sfévt, y., Srfi TOJVTC, 3. 13Ll. E;917 gnu ~ruennnu c Lesvn M1-fl vr ‘ D .— a V ' - v ‘- ‘1 r‘ ‘3~ . 1 m -..' r" .. ,—‘ r‘ v .1 : V .- ‘, — -- '- .- Jr shdwtnetwc .TTJ'Tfi.-Ie~11L.L1n L wxytJnceq :;1 .Le: tL::;L :r o'eL -‘ ~ \ r ‘4‘ “ \ .‘ In .‘ I ‘ r r:. ’ 1‘ '/ eel: a d pl an. LLNrr.,LLe?. 40L. A r. ,Ozlu;-1Ln. estinC Arriculiural and Vere axle jueds. (b3gA A ricultural Rardhock T01 an, H. 105%. Ecxe Tol' 'C TV'TW ’Rrxic effect CH1.{erminaLirk*‘WL,%F \- v‘- ’- 1‘ v. v-r‘ . - 1~,1 N *' ~‘r r‘ .~ 411~ .‘r-" r11 ‘ 11'39‘ SUOJ O! Vivi-.97” JQJJAL/J‘? ~14‘71LL-1.I.Ces :57 :..'w,‘ (2'31 0'1!J. JRUT". d3 :3 b l- o s. Q.) :3 Li. \I D £4 u ‘74 o . .: f \ o T01 an, 9 and Ctvut, E. lVAu. sza“9d 5n 3? Dee 1 seed Viv“ 7L€C3¢1 reference to UOFW'I and adxirrmJ er~inwpi0n. ngr. A‘EP. ;-Co A T'T‘. ’)r/ :77/‘Cj- 7751-17). ' c '. «7 .~ ,3, r -‘ . " . f.‘ w- - 0' ‘\ -— u . v.‘ 1‘ ‘ ; Iv v ' In; 51.319»;ng ‘~ 1'. 1‘45'7. (”he 3m LLJEHCE 0., tr”; 5. Bra-1011.1 0 . 4.2.3 8N +- + . "‘ ’. Tr. DY! --. 0- xv C‘ n Y ‘ \I “‘ I1 1‘ at)" ‘ ‘- ‘, .. \M' . ‘7 4.1341“! Sher J O . . 114' L .. OJ lL’O' L) * O 7 5 U ‘ :3 I" u'. a L.‘ .-‘ T“! ‘. 1F 1.} 9'; L - l r). -/'_' "qu 'Y.fl ‘ ugi f? \ JVCL;La-L../-l+--L-1‘. L‘L "LJ--‘-'_.A..x’ ‘J ..1 I ~ .‘ '1 . ...L. I ~ Q .. \ l . .C‘ Q Q-“ C' I 11".. . , far!" LWT-g 4.7": “r 0*“ at} I ’7 . '7...* ”'4 . 54 I‘ V . . .‘ p, v '~ i. l C Va ‘w ‘ A L . a, l "i 1 ‘ . yr ,1 ~ —, - p; \4 J r~ I V" . . "1) 1- L . C 1' 1" I“ l." ‘ ,, J. I. "v C) v ... \INd .1, .‘ /. *l- -L. R A Wmllfiiui'Es 5 M'7l7liflfll711fljflfllfilfliflilllfl