MSU LIBRARIES —_ RETURNING MATERIALS: PIace in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. VESTED INTEREST AND ROLE-PLAYING: BETWEEN ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR BY Leonardo A. Salazar A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION 1984 ABSTRACT VESTED INTEREST AND ROLE-PLAYING: BETWEEN ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR BY Leonardo A. Salazar The assumption that hedonically relevant situations condition participants' behavior in role-playing studies was explored. It was found that participants' responses in a laboratory setting were not reflecting their true attitudes and behaviors toward a hedonically relevant issue (a tuition increase). Participants contradicted their previous attitudes when confronted with an actual possibility of behaving outside the laboratory. Apparently laboratory experiments, themselves, constitute a hedonically relevant situation which influences participants' responses on behavioral and attitude measures. On the other hand, hedonically relevant information made more salient through role-playing strongly influenced participants' routine behavior regardless of the attitudes they had showed in the laboratory. Practical and theoretical implications of the assumptions explored here were discussed. To Orlando and Belisa ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS To William Crano and Gerald R. Miller my deep appre- ciation. The former guided me through the process of conceiving and conducting this research. The latter patiently showed me how to give a coherent form to this work. William Donohue and Michael Miller discussed and offered me important suggestions. My thanks. The Fondo Nacional de Investigaciones Agr0pecuarias of Venezuela provided me with the Opportunity to come to Michigan State University. I am grateful to Vickie Currie and Karl Schafer-Junger who shared with me hours of correction and the typing of drafts. A special thanks to Claudia, Felix, and Juan Pablo. Together we do the necessary things to motivate each other and build up strengths. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . Chapter I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . The Role-playing Literature . . Vested Interest and Incentive Differen- tiation . . . . . . . . . . Hypotheses . . . . . . Attitudes in the Laboratory . . Requested Behavior in the Laboratory Requested Behavior Outside the Labora- tory I O O I O O O I O 0 II 0 METHOD 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 Overview . . . . . . . . . . Participants . . . . . . . . Experimenters . . . . . . . . Manipulation and Measures . . . . Favorable Sponsorship . . . . . Anonimity and Free Choice . . . . Vested Interest . . . . . . . Role-playing . . . . . Attitude Measure and Manipulation Check . . . . . . . . . . Laboratory Behavior Measure . . . Behavior Manipulation . . . . . Outside Laboratory Behavior Measure Design . . . . . . . . . . . III. RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . Manipulation Check . . . . . . . Attitudes in the Laboratory . . . Requested Behavior Outside the Labora- tory O O O O O O O I O O 0 iv Page vi vii 15 19 19 19 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 26 26 27 31 Chapter Page III. DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . 35 APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 REFERENCES 0 O C O O O C O O O O O 0 S4 LIST OF TABLES Page Descriptive Statistics for the Manipulation Check by Condition . . . . . . . . . 27 Analysis of Variance of the Attitude Measure 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 28 Descriptive Statistics for the Attitude Measure by Condition . . . . . . . . 29 Analysis of Variance of the Laboratory Behavior Measure . . . . . . . . . 30 Descriptive Statistics for the Laboratory Behavioral Measure (Petition) by Condition . 31 Analysis of Variance of the Post Laboratory Behavior Measure . . . . . . . . . 32 Descriptive Statistics for the Post- Laboratory Behavior Measure by Condition . 33 vi Appendix A. Departmental Research Consent Form B. Vested Interest Manipulation (High and Low) C. Reasons (Favoring and Contrary) to a Tuition Increase . . . . . . D. Laboratory Questionnaire--Attitude and Affect Scales . . . . . . . E. Petition . . . . . . . . . F. Behavior Manipulation and Posttest LIST OF APPENDICES vii Page 40 43 45 47 50 52 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This research explores the effect of vested interest, or the hedonic relevance of an action or attitude (Sivacek & Crano, 1982), on people's attitudinal changes in situa— tions in which individuals are performing (role-playing) the role of advocates of their own positions, or advocates of positions contrary to their own (Elms & Janis, 1965; Janis & Mann, 1965; Hoyt, Henley, & Collins, 1972; Nuttin, 1975). Furthermore, the study examines the implications of vested interest and role-playing for people's subse- quent behavior. Suppose, in a discussion about theatre, your friend says: "I do not like theatre. I think it is for lazy peOple whose only interest is not to work but to wear strange clothes and behave weirdly." Later you convince your friend to go to a theatre practice which is open for whoever wants to participate. Both of you participate. Your friend receives good commentaries from the theatre instructor and audience. Two months later, you find out that your friend has changed majors and, to your surprise, has become a theatre student. Even though this hypothetical example may appear exaggerated, your friend's attitudinal and behavioral changes can be explained in the light of at least five different sociopsychological theories. Dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) would argue that as your friend has expressed negative attitudes about the theatre, the fact of participating in theatre exercises produced a state of dissonance (inconsistency) because par- ticipation was contrary to prior beliefs. As dissonance is an unpleasant outcome of the condition "I did something I do not believe," your friend restores consonance by chang- ing previous attitudes about theatre. A later version of dissonance theory (Aronson, 1968) would add that the change occurred because the action of theatre rehearsal was inconsistent with your friend's self-concept. He would have thought, "I am doing some- thing I said I did not believe" which is contrary to his belief that he is a truthful and decent person. To pro- tect his self-concept, he committed himself to be a theatre student. In contrast to Festinger's theory, incentive theory (Janis & Gilmore, 1965; Janis, 1968) holds that role-playing makes peOple experience the positive and negative outcomes of a particular situation. The balance of these outcomes would induce a biased scanning process which, in turn, would determine the direction of the attitude change. Incentivists would state that your friend's balance of outcomes made him selectively perceive the positive out- comes of practicing theatre. Hence, he found favorable arguments and avoided unfavorable ones to change his posi- tion. Self-perception theory (Bem, 1967, 1972) would posit that your friend inferred his own attitudes from his behavior. He may have said to himself, "Since I am prac- ticing theatre and there is nothing compelling me to do so, I must infer that I like theatre." From Bem's perspective, if there are no constraints to which individuals can attrib- ute their behavior, they will attribute to themselves attitudes which are consonant with their behavior. From a functionalistic point of view (Katz, 1960), an attitude will change according to the function it fulfills in a specific circumstance. Functionalistic-oriented work (Pepitone, 1966; Tedeschi, Schlenker, & Bonoma, 1971; Schlenker, 1973, 1982) has converged to the idea that atti- tude change following counterattitudinal behavior repre- sents an individual's rationalization with the function of protecting his self and his public image to relevant others. Even though all these theoretical perspectives have stimulated considerable research, none has been convinc- ingly supported. The literature is plagued with contra- dictory findings. It is important that future research deal with the study of possible variables which may further understanding of these contradictory findings and, in turn, permit a more effective and practical use of the body of knowledge generated. Consider a promising alternative direction. Sivacek and Crano (1982) suggested that the attitude-behavior rela- tionship would be maximized when the behavior suggested by a specific attitude (or the outcomes of an attitude- behavior sequence) has clear and obvious vested interest (hedonic relevance) for the actor. In the first of two experiments, they examined hedonic relevance, or one's vested interest in the attitude, as a function of age. In the 1978 elections, a prOposal to change Michigan's legal drinking age from 18 to 21 years was on the ballot. Sivacek and Crano found that respondents' readiness to work against the pOpular referendum and the amount of time they were willing to give for that cause were correlated with their age. All respondents were opposed to the pro- posal, but those who would be the most affected by its approval (those who were 18 to 19 years old) showed sig- nificantly more willingness to fight the proposal and offered more of their time to work against it. In the second study, the experimenters examined the effects of vested interest in an experiment that involved participants' attitudes toward a prOposal about the use of senior comprehensive examinations at the university. Again, participants who perceived they would be greatly affected (positively or negatively) by the implementation of the senior comprehensive examination system showed significantly more attitude-behavior consistency than other participants. Returning to your friend's performance, it can be argued that experiencing "success" in the rehearsal (the audience's and instructor's good comments) and feeling, perhaps, what an actual theatre student felt--"It was my first contact with a cheering audience. I was in a pink cloud. The first time I knew what it was like to hold a whole roomful of people in the palm of my hand" (Sanford, 1966, p. 10)--changed his perspectives about theatre and transformed it into a hedonically relevant activity. It is possible to make an analogy between your friend's theatrical experience and the actions of partici- pants in role-playing studies. One of the most effective techniques to produce attitude change in both laboratory and natural settings is to induce participants to role- play a situation where they advocate a proattitudinal or counterattitudinal position. The literature to be reviewed was generated to test differing theoretical explanations of the attitudinal changes people show after performing in a role-playing situation. None of these studies tested the vested interest hypothesis, but if it is correct, participants may have experienced hedonically relevant situations whiCh may have misled experimenters in their interpretations. There are at least two possible hedonically relevant situations for participants: First, they may experience vested interest because of the laboratory setting; i.e., the presence of the experimenter or other laboratory fac— tors may condition participants' behavior regardless of the experimental manipulation; second, the experimental manipulation (position advocated) may be interest-arousing. These two possible vested interest situations may act as similar or contrary forces in determining participants' responses and may have implications for their future behavior in real life roles. The Role-playing Literature Role-playing has been used in three broad categories: As a laboratory method to replace deception (Cooper, 1976; Forward, Canter, & Kirsch, 1976; Greenberg, 1974; Mixon, 1972); as a means of explaining the development of the self (Corsini, 1966; Goffman, 1959; Moreno, 1946, 1962; Wilshire, 1982); and as a technique to promote attitudinal and behavioral changes (Miller & Burgoon, 1973; Miller, 1981). Focusing on the third area, Miller (1981) and Miller and Burgoon (1973) define two types of role-playing: first, generalized role-playing, which is a highly involving persuasive technique that places individuals in hypotheti- cal situations where they can eXperience certain outcomes as if they were behaving in a real life setting; second, counterattitudinal advocacy, in which individuals are placed in situations that require them to behave in ways contrary to their previous attitudes and beliefs. Not until the 19505 did the search begin for an explanation of the effectiveness of role-playing in chang- ing attitudes and behavior. King and Janis (1954, 1956) examined the effects of improvisation and satisfaction with the role-playing performance. In their second study, one group of active participants read a counterattitudinal speech aloud; the other group read the script silently and then gave an improvised speech. Participants in the first condition were more satisfied with their performance than those in the second condition, but the latter showed sig- nificantly more attitude change. King and Janis concluded: When passively exposed to a persuasive communi- cation, many persons may fail to be convinced because, although capable of fully comprehending the meaning of the arguments, they fail to have the sort of thoughts and anticipations that would motivate them to change their mind . . . in effect, the costumer is not simply asked to examine the ready-made material in the original communication but is given scissors, needle, and thread to hand tailor the material to suit him- self (p. 184). The kinds of "thoughts and anticipations“ that King and Janis predicted pe0p1e would experience in improvised role-playing were extended by Scott (1957, 1959a, 1959b). In his last study involving participants with differing degrees of radicalism in attitudes, Scott (1959b) deter- mined to what extent attitude change would persist. Par- ticipants engaged in an elimination debate contest whose winners would share a $100 prize. Pretreatment attitudes about three issues were assessed, and one week later, participants were assigned to defend a particular side of one of the issues regardless of their previous attitudes. Thus, some defended their own side; others counteratti- tudinally advocated; and others, who did not have a clear position toward the issue in question, defended "off— neutral" positions. The winners of the first round were chosen randomly. Ten days later, the winners were contacted for a second round, and after yet another 10 days, the winners of the second debate were called for the third and last round of the contest. As in the first round, participants in the second and third debates defended specific positions regardless of their previous attitudes. In the latter two debates, their performances were actually judged by two psychology professors, a graduate student, and the experimenter. Winners, regardless of other influencing factors, changed significantly more toward the defended position than did losers or controls. Furthermore, winners maintained those attitudinal changes for at least 10 days. The "thoughts and anticipations” suggested by King and Janis may be better explained by post hoc analysis of Scott's experiment based on the fact that winners, regard- less of having been randomly chosen or actually judged, and regardless of having defended their own, contrary, or off-neutral positions, all changed in the direction of the defended position. These findings cannot be explained by invoking dissonance theory, but it is possible to defend the position that winning was in their vested interest, since our society strongly emphasizes winning. Moreover, competing for a $20 prize surely was a hedonically rele- vant reward for the students. Both vested interest rewards could have led students to change attitudes and to main- tain those changes for at least 10 days. In 1957, Festinger published a theory which would stimulate social psychology and generate most of the research in the field for many years. Festinger posited that if one believes one thing and advocates another, she/ he will experience cognitive dissonance because of the conflicting cognitions: "(1) I believe X and (2) I am advocating not-X." To resolve this dissonance, the person will either find justifications for having counteradvo- cated or will change attitudes toward the counteradvocated position. The classic study by Festinger and Carlsmith (1959) supported this position; as did later research by Cohen (Brehm & Cohen, 1962). 10 Rosenberg (1956, 1960) develOped a consistency theory which predicted different outcomes than dissonance theory. He argued that results of previous dissonance experiments could be explained by participants' evaluation apprehen- sion, i.e., "an acting anxiety-toned concern that he (the participant) win a positive evaluation from the experi- menter, or at least that he provided no grounds for a nega- tive one" (Rosenberg, 1965, p. 29). Rosenberg (1965) developed a way to eliminate evaluation apprehension through "altered replications" of previous experiments in which the role-playing situation was separated from the attitude measuring phase. Thus, he replicated Cohen's earlier experiment in a way that the eXperiment appeared to the participant as two separate, unrelated studies. His findings disconfirmed the dissonance prediction by showing that attitudinal changes were directly related to monetary reward. Janis and Gilmore (1965) contended that in Festinger and Carlsmith's study, the high incentive conditions could have generated a degree of suspiciousness and guilt in the students for allowing themselves to be exploited by the experimenter and having lied to another student. Janis and Gilmore (1965) and Elms and Janis (1965) conducted studies using different types of sponsorship, amounts of monetary reward, and types of message content. The results 11 of both experiments led the authors to support Janis and Gilmore's predictions that: A large monetary reward will have a positive effect on attitude change only when the role- playing task is sponsored by an acceptable group and is oriented toward a goal perceived by S as being consonant with his own; but the same large reward will tend to create suspic- ion, guilt, and other interfering responses that make for less attitude change when the role-playing task is Sponsored by a distrusted Sponsor and is perceived as having a purpose antithetical to one's own values (pp. 58-59). About the same time, Janis and Mann (1965) reported the findings of an experiment about the effectiveness of what they called emotional role-playing--later Miller and Burgoon (1973) would categorize it as generalized role- playing--in modifying smoking attitudes and habits. In this study, heavy smokers enacted the role of a cancer patient through different scenes. Janis and Mann found that role-playing smokers were significantly more anti- smoking than control group respondents and, two weeks after the performance, their consumption of cigarettes had decreased significantly. Eighteen months later, Mann and Janis (1968) found that role players had maintained the new attitude and behavior, and vividly recalled the role- playing situation they had performed. Perhaps of these four studies, the ones which most support the vested interest assumption are Janis and Mann (1965) and Mann and Janis (1968), where participants not only changed their attitudes and behavior toward smoking 12 but maintained those changes for at least 18 months. Some of the items Janis and Mann (1965) used to assess the imme- diate effect of the role-playing treatment were: (a) par- ticipants' expectations that "much harm can come to me from my smoking," and (b) personal beliefs that smoking leads to lung cancer. These items probably measure the hedonically negative outcomes participants could foresee when role-playing the cancer patient. Responses to these items were in the direction indicating that they believed smoking produced cancer and that they would suffer much harm because of smoking. Both items were significantly different when compared to participants' previous responses and to those of control reSpondents. These items clearly indicated that participants adOpting the persona of the cancer patient strongly perceived the consequences of smok- ing as hedonically relevant. Moreover, their consonance between attitudes and behavior after 18 months suggests that Sivacek and Crano's (1982) proposition that vested interest is a strong moderator of the attitude-behavior relationship is on the right track. A series of studies was conducted to explore the hypothesis that dissonance and attitude change occur because of participants' commitment to the advocated posi- tion (Carlsmith, Collins, & Helmreich, 1966); their per- ceptions of having a choice (Linder, Cooper, & Jones, 1967); and their perceptions of choices and outcomes 13 (Hoyt, Henley, & Collins, 1972). Calder, Ross, and Insko (1973) studied the simultaneous effect of incentive, choice, and consequences (outcomes) of performing a counteratti- tudinal behavior. Furthermore, they tried to determine attitudinal attributions peOple make when observing others' counterattitudinal behavior (Bem, 1965, 1967; Kelley, 1967) and compared those attributions with the actual attitudinal changes counterbehaving participants suffered. The experimenters concluded: In order for dissonance or reinforcement to be obtained insincere behavior must result in aversive consequences. Given aversive conse- quences, dissonance occurs only when an indi- vidual is free to choose whether or not to perform the insincere behavior. In contrast, reinforcement occurs only when an individual is required to perform the insincere behavior (p. 96). This statement rests on the fact that people in the high consequence, free choice, and small reward (high dissonance) conditions and peOple in the high consequence, no choice, large reward (high incentive) conditions showed more atti- tude change than other participants. From a vested inter- est point of view, high dissonance participants could have felt compelled to change in order to demonstrate that what they did was a result of their free will. On the other hand, high incentive peOple had a vested interest in chang- ing their attitudes toward the counterattitudinal position and, besides, they had no choice. 14 The functionalistic perspective of impression manage- ment theory (Gaes, Kalle, & Tedeschi, 1978; Tedeschi & Rosenfeld, 1981; Tedeschi, Schlenker, & Bonoma, 1971) apparently has achieved the goal of explaining most of the contradictory results. A series of studies using the "bogus pipeline" device have supported impression manage- ment theory (Gaes et al., 1978; Quigley-Fernandez & Tedeschi, 1978). The bogus pipeline is an apparatus that supposedly can detect emotional states and lies more accurately than a lie detector. Gaes et a1. (1978) used the same procedure as Hoyt et al. (1972), but they used two conditions of measurement after participants counter— attitudinally advocated. Half of the participants were measured first by the bogus pipeline and subsequently by a paper and pencil scale. The other half were measured first by the pencil and paper scale and, secondly, by the bogus pipeline. Those measured by paper and pencil first showed attitude changes and maintained these changes when measured by the bogus pipeline a second time. The above experiment strongly supported the view that individuals are affected not only by the experimental manipulation, but also by other variables, such as environ- mental cues about the nature of the experiment and the evaluation they suppose the experimenter is doing. In general, participants would be expected to perform so as 15 to make the most positive impression on others. Bogus pipeline experiments led Tedeschi and Rosenfeld (1981) to say that "Attitude change in the forced compliance situation is an uninternalized, temporary, feigned response by subjects that is used as a tactic to manage an identity as a consistent and morally good person" (p. 163). Relevant to the previous statement is a study by Nuttin (1975),in which counteradvocating participants from a "bad pool" who were led to believe they performed very poorly in an exam were offered the choice between monetary payments or an "amoral" reward of illegal points. All participants preferred the amoral, but hedonically, rele- vant reward. Intriguingly enough, all participants changed their pre-role-playing positions drastically. It would be difficult to explain Nuttin's results by invoking the notion that people behave only to show identities as morally good persons. In his study it seems reasonable to argue that the vested interest involved in obtaining such a relevant reward caused participants to eliminate thoughts about the implications of accepting the amoral reward and the impressions they would produce in the experimenter. Vested Interest and Incentive Differentiation Because a hedonically relevant situation can be con- founded with an incentive, it seems useful to differentiate both vested interest and incentive positions. Sivacek and 16 Crano (1982) posited "If the logical consequence of an individual's attitude actually affects that person's life (vested interest), then consistency between attitude and action should be maximized" (p. 210). From an incentive point of view, Janis (1968) stated that attitude change depends on several things: 1. The degree of "biased scanning" in which the role player engages. This would imply two different verbal responses the role player must make: (a) invention of argu— ments which function as incentives for accepting the new position, and (b) seeing those arguments from the psycho- logical standpoint of their positive value rather than their negative value (value consonance). 2. The incentives produced by the biased scanning have to be powerful enough to create a challenge to the role player's present position. 3. The arguments of the role—player have to be con- sonant with his/her values. From the above description, three main differences between the two positions are derived. The first concerns the degree of real situational perceptions of effect for the person advocating the attitude in question. Vested interest deals with attitudes that posit real-life conse- quences for the people who hold them; thus, these attitudes will have strong relationships with the behaviors they sug- gest. On the other hand, incentive theory deals with 17 incentives people find to theoretically justify a deter- mined old or new attitude without such attitudinal justifi- cations necessarily having any consequences for their behavior. The second difference, though it would be possi- ble to argue that vested interest could either facilitate or inhibit biasing scanning processes, concerns the case where biased scanning would occur in a different direction. Counteradvocating persons would think up positive argu- ments only in situations where the position advocated would bring them hedonically relevant rewards, otherwise, they would not engage in positive biased scanning when counteradvocating. Finally, a corollary to value conso- nance, incentivists see ego-involvement as an influencing factor in the role-playing situation (Janis, 1968). Sivacek and Crano (1982) differentiate ego-involvement from vested interest arguing that the latter is a more signifi- cant motivating factor and that all vested interest situa- tions can be ego-involving, but not all ego-involving situations involve vested interest; therefore, vested interest is more important for the attitude-behavior con- sistency. For instance, if a high tuition increase is going to be implemented, it will be ego-involving for all students, but it will differentially affect students' vested interest based upon their ability or inability to pay. Suppose students in an eXperiment are induced to believe a tuition increase may be implemented. Some 18 believe the tuition increase will be very low, others that it will be very high. Incentive theory predicts that pro- attitudinal participants in both low and high tuition increase conditions will show unfavorable attitudes toward a tuition increase, but the high tuition increase group will have more extreme attitudes. Counterattitudinal partici- pants will engage in positive biased scanning of arguments supporting the advocated position, but the low tuition increase group, other things being equal, will show more favorable attitudes toward the tuition increase, since for them it will be easier to produce positive and suppress negative aspects of the increase. By contrast, vested interest theorists would say that regardless of the magni- tude of the tuition increase, counter- as well as pro- advocating participants will be minimally favorable toward the position advocated; since they would feel strong con- straints in the laboratory condition, they will be mini- mally consistent with what they just advocated. If after the eXperiment an unsuspected individual requests the subjects to work either against or in favor of the tuition increase, incentive theorists will expect that (1) low and high vested interest participants who had defended an against-tuition-increase position in the lab- oratory (proattitudinal advocacy) will work against the tuition increase, but the high vested interest group will work the most. (2) Both high and low vested interest 19 participants who had favored a tuition increase in the laboratory (counterattitudinal advocacy) will work in favor of a tuition increase, but the low increase condi- tion will work the most. On the other hand, a vested interest position will expect that low tuition increase groups, regardless of type of advocacy, will be insuffi- ciently motivated to work either for or against the increase. It will also expect high increase groups, regardless of type of advocacy, to be strongly motivated to work against the tuition increase and not to work in its favor. Hypotheses In an experiment similar to the one discussed above, several hypotheses can be formally stated. Attitudes in the Laboratory Hypothesis 1: Pro- as well as counteradvocators will be mildly consistent with the issues they advocate. Requested Behavior in the Laboratory Hypothesis 2: If participants are requested to support an issue which is consis- tent with what they advocated, they will support it more than participants whose advocacy is not consistent with the issue. 20 Requested Behavior Outside the Laboratory Hypothesis 3: Hypothesis 4: Hypothesis 5: When compared to affected groups, participants who feel the position they advocated is not going to affect their life will be less motivated to engage in activities for or against what they advocated. When compared to the nonaffected group, participants who feel the position they advocated will posi- tively affect their life will be willing to engage in activities to support the position they advocated and will not be motivated to behave against it. When compared to the nonaffected group, participants who feel the position they advocated will nega- tively affect their life will not be motivated to engage in activities to support the position they advo- cated, but will be willing to behave against it. CHAPTER II METHOD Overview Participants Participants were 128 volunteer freshmen communication students. When participants volunteered for the research, they were asked to put their name and phone number on a list in order to be reached for the experiment. All par- ticipants received extra credit for their participation. Two participants were lost in the laboratory condition, and 21 participants were lost in the posttest outside laboratory condition. Thus, 126 participants were analyzed in the laboratory condition and 107 in the outside labora- tory condition. Experimenters Four senior students, two females and two males, were trained for a period of two months prior to performing as experimenters. They rehearsed the experimental situation until they mastered all the procedures. Graduate students and faculty served as training subjects in order to evaluate the experimenters' performance. 21 22 Manipulation and Measures Favorable Sponsorship When participants volunteered for the experiment, they read a statement on the sign-up list indicating they were to engage in intellectual exercises. When arriving at the laboratory, participants were told: The Communication Department (favorable sponsor) is interested in knowing students' Opinions about current issues on campus and gathering information either in favor or against those issues. In order to do that we will ask you to argue in favor or against some issues, record a brief speech, and fill out a questionnaire. However, first you have to agree to participate and sign a departmental consent form (Appendix A). Anonimity and Free Choice After the participants read the research consent form, the experimenter stated: As you read in the consent form, you are going to argue either in favor or against University poli- cies, but your name is not going to be used under any circumstance. If you want to continue, sign the consent form. If not, you are free to stop now; we will give you credit for coming here any- way. Vested Interest Following the anonimity and free choice manipulation, vested interest was aroused by giving participants infor- mation which made them believe that a plan to increase their tuition was going to be implemented (Appendix B). 23 Role-playing After participants read the vested interest informa- tion, the researcher went on to say: The Communication Department is develOping a study to analyze the possible impact of a tui- tion raise and to assess students' reactions to such a plan. As we have already collected enough positive (or negative) information and arguments about the plan, we would like you for the next ten minutes to write down arguments about the negative (positive) consequences of this tuition increase. Later we will ask you to record a brief Speech, three to five minutes, about what you have written. When recording, try to be as realistic as possible because the Communication Department will keep this record for future use. To stimulate your thinking, we will provide you with some statements from which arguments can be developed about the negative (positive) outcomes of the tuition increase plan (Appendix C). Then, the experimenter provided the participant with the negative or positive statements about the tuition plan. When the participant finished the essay, the experi- menter took it, together with all the other information, and asked the participant to recall what she/he had just written in order to record the speech. Attitude Measure and Manipulation Check Following the speech, the participant was asked to give his/her Opinions about the proposed plan on a lO-item scale questionnaire which contained the attitude measure (questions 1-7) and the vested interest manipulation check (questions 8-10) (Appendix D). 24 Laboratory Behavior Measure Finally, when the participant was about to leave, the researcher mentioned: A friend of mine who knows that I am doing this study asked me to pass this petition against the tuition increase around. Read it and you can Sign it if you feel like it (Appendix E). Behavior Manipulation Between 12 and 17 days after the laboratory Situation, each participant was contacted by phone. The experimenter identified him/herself as an interviewer from a student group which was working against or in favor of the tuition plan. Care was taken to make sure participants who had a female experimenter in the laboratory were telephoned by a male and vice versa. Outside Laboratory Behavior Measure After the above manipulation, a questionnaire composed Of three questions was applied to assess the participants' willingness to behave in favor or against the tuition increase (Appendix F). Following the behavior questionnaire, the participant was completely debriefed and asked if She/he was suspicious that the interview was part of the study he/she had par- ticipated in two weeks ago. In addition, She/he was offered the Opportunity to receive a OOpy of the final research paper. 25 Design The design used was a 2 x 2 x 2 posttest only factorial design. The variables manipulated were vested interest (low, high),role-playing (pro- and counterattitudinal advocacy), and requested behavior (pro- and counterbehav- ior). Vested Interest Low High Pro 1 Proadvocacy 3 Proadvocacy 2 Counteradvocacy 4 Counteradvocacy Requested Behav1or Counter 5 Proadvocacy 7 Proadvocacy 6 Counteradvocacy 8 Counteradvocacy CHAPTER III RESULTS The analysis of variance showed no differences because of sex of participants or experimenters; thus, the data were collapsed across these factors. The reliability analysis for the attitude scale was acceptable (Cronbach's alpha = .93). Though the reliabil- ity of the affect scale (vested interest) was not as high as the attitude scale, it still was acceptable (Cronbach's alpha = .78). For the posttest behavior measure (outside laboratory) the items were standardized due to differences in their scales (standardized alpha = .77). A series of Fmax tests performed on the different measures yielded nonsignificant results, indicating that the assumption of homogeneity of variance was not violated. An analysis of the row data for the outside laboratory behavior measure permitted the discovery of two outliers (Pedhazur, 1982). These two extremes residuals (z = 2.34) were removed from the data. Manipulation Check An analysis of variance on the manipulation check (affect scale) of the variable vested interest in the 26 27 laboratory showed no differences either for the main effects or the interaction between vested interest and advocacy. The means tended toward the neutral point (Table 1). Unfortunately, results of this analysis indi- cate an apparent failure of the vested interest manipu- lation. Table 1. Descriptive Statistics for the Manipulation Check by Condition Advocacy Pro Counter M = 16.23 15.09 Low S = 8.11 7.40 Vested N = 32.0 33.0 Interest 17.32 14.26 High 7.54 7.05 31.0 31.0 Attitudes in the Laboratory Participants' attitudinal responses were conditioned by the laboratory situation. AS expected from Hypothe- sis 1, both counteradvocating and proadvocating partici- pants, regardless of the vested interest manipulation, were mildly consistent with the position they advocated. The difference between these two positions was significant (F = 31.75, p < .01, n = .45, Table 2). An analysis of the means cell-by-cell indicates that counterattitudinal participants rated on the positive side (in favor of the 28 mm. man. n~.omH NNH Hm.~mmmH oom.mvH >o< x H>\m I: ooo. mo. A mo. Hm.~ H Hm.~ mmo. >o< x H> mv. mom. Ho. v mn.Hm nh.ossv H n>.osh¢ Homoo>o¢ In ooo. mo. A mo. mm.m H ma.m mmo. umououcH poumo> c N: d m m2 m6 mm m¢> momoom ousmmmz OOSUHuud may mo mocmwnm> no mammamcé .N canoe 29 tuition increase) of the scale while proattitudinal par- ticipants rated on the unfavorable side (against the tui- tion increase) of the scale, thus confirming Hypothesis 1 (Table 3). There was no main effect of vested interest or interaction effect Of vested interest and advocacy on the attitude variable. Table 3. Descriptive Statistics for the Attitude Measure by Condition Advocacy Pro Counter M = 28.74 40.76 Low S = 13.14 12.43 Vested N = 31.0 33.0 Interest 27.37 40.66 High 10.77 12.65 32.0 32.0 Fmax = 1.49 (df = 4,32; a > .05) Fewer counteradvocating participants signed the peti- tion than did proadvocating participants, which supported Hypothesis 2 of this study. The difference between these two groups was significant (F = 13.07, p < .01, n =.31, Table 4). The mean for counteradvocating participants was 1.52 and for proadvocating participants was 1.83, where a 30 mm. mom. Hm. «NH mm.s~ com. >a< x H>\m oo. coo. mo. A oo. oo. H oo. ooo. >aaelH> Hm. smo. Ho. v mo.mH mm.~ H Gm.~ Hmo. momoo>em so. Hoo. mo. A AH. mo. H mo. coo. umououaH noumo> : N: a m m: up mm m«> oousom whamooz Hofl>mnom muoumwoamq may no moccaum> mo mammamcm .v OHQMB 31 larger mean indicates fewer peOple signing the petition (Table 5). Table 5. Descriptive Statistics for the Laboratory Behavioral Measure (Petition) by Condition Advocacy Pro Counter Low M = 1.81 1.51 S = .40 .51 Vested N = 31.0 33.0 Interest High 1.84 1.53 .37 .51 32.0 32.0 Fmax = 1.9 (df = 4,32; d > .05) Requested Behavior Outside the Laboratopy It was predicted that vested interest information given in the laboratory would interact with the requested behavior outside the laboratory. This interaction of vested interest and behavior yielded a Significant result (F = 4.85, p < .05, n2 = .03, n =.19, Table 6). The means entering in this interation are Shown in Table 7. When low vested interest participants were asked to work in favor or against the tuition increase, they refused to do so, which supported Hypothesis 3. 32 mo. ooo. .. u- om.o no mo.oom omm.m mum x >o< x H>\m mH. oHo. mo. om.~ o~.o H om.o ooo. mmm x >o¢ x H> oo. ooo. mo. oo. mH.~ H MH.~ omo. mmm x >a< oH. omo. mo. mo.o mm.oH H mm.oH ooH. mmm x H> oo. moo. mo. om. om.H H om.H mHo. >o¢ x H> oo. omm. Ho. mH.H~H H mH.H~H moH.H HoH>mnom oo. moo. mo. so. om.H H om.H «Ho. somoo>n¢ oH. mmo. mo. om.m mo.~H H mo.mH NNH. umououcH noumo> c No a m m: on mm ma> oousom OHDWNQZ .HOHNwMQOQ \wHOHflHOQme “mom ”SH MO OUCMflHMD MO WHMNng om UHDMB 33 Table 7. Descriptive Statistics for the Post-Laboratory Behavior Measure by Condition Probehavior Counterbehavior Proadv Counadv Proadv Counadv M = .51 -.08 -l.72 - .66 Low S = 1.96 2.14 1.89 1.49 Vested N = 15.0 17.0 15.0 11.0 Interest 1.22 2.26 -1.52 -1.24 High 2.18 1.93 1.60 1.60 14.0 9.0 ‘ 10.0 14.0 Fmax = 2.15 (df - 8,11 ; a > .05) When high vested interest-proattitudinal participants were asked to work against the tuition increase they were willing to offer their free time for that cause. On the other hand, these participants were not motivated to work for the tuition increase. These results supported Hypothe- sis 4 (Table 7). High vested interest-counteradvocating participants Offered time to work against the tuition increase and refused to work in favor of it, supporting Hypothesis 5 (Table 7). Examination of the means in Table 7 indicates that high vested interest participants who had counteradvocated (defended the tuition increase) and rated positively the increase in the laboratory were the ones who Offered more 34 time to work against the tuition increase (M = 2.26). This finding suggests that participants react to con- straints in the laboratory, but that this reaction can be converted to a boomerang effect when participants' vested interests are jeOpardized in real life settings. CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION The outcomes of this study supported the theoretical implications of the vested interest position. The apparent failure of the vested interest manipula- tion can be explained by the fact that participants' responses to the affect scale, as well as to the other laboratory measures, were conditioned by the hedonically relevant situation the laboratory activity posited for participants. Their moderated answers on all the labora- tory measures support this possibility. The above find- ings, plus participants' answers to the outside laboratory behavior measure, strongly suggested that the vested inter- est manipulation conditioned participants' willingness and unwillingness to behave in real life settings. Even though these results are very promising, it is necessary to look for other ways of checking participants' vested interest in future research. For instance, in this research partici- pants' annual income could have been investigated to deter- mine whether or not the amount of tuition increase represented a serious financial difficulty for them. 35 36 Neither dissonance nor incentive theories would fully explain the outcomes of this research. As a whole, it indicates that certain activities in laboratory experiments can be hedonically relevant for the participants; thus, in the laboratory they will act conditioned by those hedonic forces. Therefore, their attitudes and Opinions have to be analyzed in that context, and those attitudes and opin- ions will not necessarily imply that participants will be guided by them when they behave in natural settings; thus, in the present study, participants who had defended a high tuition increase and had rated it favorable in the labora- tory were the ones who offered more time to work against a tuition increase in real life settings. On the other hand, hedonically relevant information for participants' daily life will condition their actual behavior regardless of what attitudes they have expressed in the laboratory. The support this study offers for Hypothesis 1 and Hypothesis 2 has implications for the assumption that attitude change occurs when people perceive aversive con- sequences and have freedom of choice to engage in counter— advocacy (Hoyt, Henley, & Collins, 1972; Calder, Ross, & Insko, 1973). Counteradvocacy participants were favorable toward the tuition increase. However, the confirmation of Hypothesis 3 and Hypothesis 5 indicates that the attitudes that counteradvocating participants show in the laboratory 37 are not related to actual routine behavior and contradicts Hoyt's (Hoyt et al., 1972) claim that participants' feel- ings of personal responsibility for having advocated against their attitudes will produce "lasting personal changes" toward the advocated issue. Taken together, the findings of this study bolster the postulates of the vested interest position and its potential as a broader theoreti- cal alternative that encompasses incentive, dissonance, and impression management theories. Pragmatically, it would be useful to test the vested interest position in conditions where the advocacy brings positive hedonic consequences (as in the study by Janis & Mann, 1965). If the expected outcomes of studies of that type are confirmed, then practical applications can be offered, e.g., in the adOption of new technologies and practices in different fields such as agriculture, health, and nutrition, it would be possible to engage reluctant technology users in role-playing experiences that would arouse positive, hedonically relevant outcomes so that they persuade themselves to use the new practices and tech- nologies. Recently, Stults, Messe, and Kerr (1984) have reported that true attitude change occurs in the laboratory condi- tion when participants attribute the arousal to the counter- advocacy' activity instead of to a bogus pipeline device. 38 It would be of theoretical interest to contrast vested interest and attribution arousal positions in laboratory and outside laboratory settings. Finally, it is necessary to reproduce studies of this type across different situations and under conditions of greater strength: more participants, more powerful behav- ioral measures, more apt manipulation checks, and more degrees of variability of the vested interest manipula- tion. However, these weaknesses in the design and conduct of this research do not limit the potential that the vested interest orientation has for the understanding and refine- ment of role-playing as a persuasive practice. APPENDICES 39 APPENDIX A DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH CONSENT FORM 40 DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH CONSENT FORM With regard to my participation in research: 1. 10. I understand that when I Sign up for a given study I am indicating my Sincere intent to participate in that study. I agree to sign up for a study ONLY WHEN I FULLY INTEND TO PARTICIPATE. I understand the procedures by which my partici- pation will count for some form of credit in the Communication class listed below. I understand that any credit I may earn via par- ticipation in research is not transferrable to another class or another term. I understand that, apart from my participation in a given study, my actual performance in that study will in no way affect my evaluation in a given course or in the Department of Communication. I understand that my participation in a study does not guarantee any beneficial results to me other than credit for participation. I understand that I have the right to withdraw from any study at any time without penalty. I understand that I have the right to have any Study in which I participate explained to me to my satisfaction after I have participated. I understand that the results of a given study will be treated in strict confidence with regard to the data on any given participant. Within this restriction, I understand that the results will be made available to me at my request. I understand that the data I provide a researcher as a result of my participation in a given study may be used by other scientists for secondary analysis. Again data will be treated with the strictest confidence. I understand that my volunteering to participate is, in and of itself, part of a larger research project concerning the effects of participation on students. 41 42 DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH CONTENT FORM (cont.) 11. I understand that in this study I will be asked to develop and to present arguments in favor of, or opposed to, a plan under current consideration in the university. 12. I understand that should I have any questions, problems, complaints, or if I desire further information, I have the right to contact the Research Coordinator in the Department of Communi— cation. Given these understandings, I have freely consented to participate in scientific research being conducted during this term in the Department of Communication. Signed Date Name (print) Student number Class Section APPENDIX B VESTED INTEREST MANIPULATION (HIGH AND LOW) 43 VESTED INTEREST MANIPULATION LOW As you may know, the economy of the State of Michigan has suffered considerably in the current recession. This Situation has led Michigan State University authorities to increase tuition in the last two academic years as a way to overcome the budget cuts the state government has im- posed; however, the situation remains critical and the expected deficit for this academic year is $12 million. Unfortunately, university authorities have said that the number of high school graduates has decreased significantly to the point that next academic year the expected number of students entering the University will be 15% less than five years ago. This certainly will aggravate even more the economic situation of Michigan State University. Both deficit budgets and decreasing numbers of students have prompted university authorities to propose a plan which includes a tuition increase of 3.5% for next year. If approved this plan will mean an increase on cost per student per year of $112. VESTED INTEREST MANIPULATION HIGH AS you may know, the economy of the State of Michigan has suffered considerably in the current recession. This situ- ation has led Michigan State University authorities to in- crease tuition in the last two academic years as a way to overcome the budget cuts the state government has imposed; however, the situation remains critical and the expected deficit for this academic year is $12 million. Unfortunately, university authorities have said that the number of high school graduates has decreased significantly to the point that next academic year the expected number of students entering the University will be 15% less than five years ago. This certainly will aggravate even more the economic situation of Michigan State University. Both deficit budgets and decreasing numbers of students have prompted university authorities to propose a plan which in- cludes a tuition increase of 17.5% for next year. If ap- proved this plan will mean an increase on cost per student per year Of $560. 44 APPENDIX C REASONS (FAVORING AND CONTRARY) TO A TUITION INCREASE 45 REASONS FAVORING A TUITION INCREASE -— Positive impact on maintenance of staff excellence -- Positive impact on international prestige of the university -- Positive impact on motivation of students for excellence -- Positive impact on equipment supply program -- Positive impact on university attractiveness to high quality professors You may develop the positive aspects of the proposed tuition increase plan according to your own ideas or according to one or more of the above statements. REASONS CONTRARY TO A TUITION INCREASE -- Negative impact on number of new students -- Negative impact on conditions for current students -- Negative impact on middle-class students -- Negative impact on students' motivation to study -- Negative impact on attraction of international students You may develop the negative aspects Of the proposed tuition increase plan according to your own ideas or according to one or more of the above statements. 46 APPENDIX D LABORATORY QUESTIONNAIRE-~ATTITUDE AND AFFECT SCALES 47 LABORATORY QUESTIONNAIRE -- ATTITUDE AND AFFECT SCALES Please answer the following questions: 1. DO you feel the plan very __ __ __ __ bad 1 2 3 4 2. Do you feel the plan very __ __ unreason- l 2 ‘8 ‘4 able 3. Do you feel the plan very __ __ __ dumb l ‘_2 3 4 4. Do you feel the plan very ineffec- tive ‘I ‘2 ‘8 ‘8 5. DO you feel the plan very __ unneces- l ‘2 ‘8 ‘8 sary 6. Do you feel the plan very __ __' __ __ unfair 1 2 3 4 is bad or good? ‘5 ‘8 ‘7 ‘8 ‘8 I8 very good is unreasonable or reasonable? 5 6 ‘7 ‘8 "9 0 is dumb or smart? ‘8 ‘8 ‘7 ‘8 ‘8 I8 very reason- able very smart will be ineffective or effective? ‘8 ‘8 ‘7 ‘8 ‘8 I8 very effec- tive is unnecessary or necessary? ‘8 ‘8 ‘7 ‘8 ‘8 I8 is unfair or fair? ‘8 ‘8 ‘7 ‘8 ‘8' I8 48 very neces- sary very fair 49 LABORATORY QUESTIONNAIRE -- ATTITUDE AND AFFECT SCALES (cont.) 7. DO you feel the plan is negative or positive? very ___ __ __ __ __ very negative ‘I ‘2 3 4 5 ‘8 ‘7 ‘8 9 10 positive 8. If this plan were to be adopted, how much would it affect you? “thing _1'7‘87'8—8—7‘8’8'1'8 alOt 9. If this plan were to be adopted, how difficult would it be for you to meet the additional tuition cost? very __ __ __ __ __ very diffi— l ‘2 3 ‘8 5 6 7 ‘8 ‘8 I8 easy cult 10. If this plan were to be adopted, how likely is it that you would transfer or drOp-Out of the University? very __ __ __ __ __ __’ __ __ very likely l ‘2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I8 unlikely APPENDIX E PETITION 50 PETITION TO THE ADMINISTRATION: WE, the undersigned students of Michigan State University, STRONGLY OPPOSE the plan to raise the 1984-85 tuition rate. We believe that this action will pose an undue financial hardship on many of the students of this University, and we urge you to reconsider this action. 51 APPENDIX F BEHAVIOR MANIPULATION AND POSTTEST 52 BEHAVIOR MANIPULATION AND POSTTEST "Hello, I am working for a student group which is developing a campaign called 'STUDENT AWARENESS AGAINST TUITION IN- CREASE' (or 'STUDENT AWARENESS IN FAVOR OF TUITION INCREASE'). The reason behind our campaign is that we have known that there is a growing controversy between university authori- ties about the possible necessity of a tuition increase for next year. As we disfavor (favor) a tuition increase for next year and we think that the only way to guarantee uni— versity survival is not (is) through a tuition increase, we are selecting students from the phone book in order to create pressure in favor of our position." "Please would you answer some questions" Next, the following questionnaire was applied: (Outside laboratory behavior measure) 1. Do you agree with our position? Yes ( ) NO ( ) If yes, ask question #2; If no, go to question 3a. 2. Would you be willing to give some of your free time for our campaign? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, ask question #3; If no, go to question #3a. 3. How many hours would you give us next week? 3a. Why? 53 REFERENCES 54 REFERENCES Aronson, E. (1968). Dissonance theory: Progress and problems. In R. P. Abelson et al. (Eds.), Theories pf cognitive consistency: A sourcebook. Chicago: Rand McNally. Bem, D. J. (1967). Self-perception: An alternative inter- pretation of cognitive dissonance phenomena. 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