i:,‘1' gq um?“ ’“i‘* m; H afiffiLfiiéufi§ u; 3‘ {AL 9.“; is??? 5 3" "*‘FU’F’A “’ has: {a ,. J’Jimamcfii. 22mg ! EIOEE‘E? SE? 8&3??th Disses‘tatio on for .323 fiegree of? n 9. KW i?" H 3"”KTE UK VH1 s1“! 50? ALB K SKUNERS 1973 Michigan 4 :1 to E Universx :3! f3: animaammgg, 5—- This is to certify that the thesisentitled Imvownws 0F 2~MANIFDLD3 wrrH A 2-szslSIonAL HXED POsNT Cowpomm presented by Dow” K. 6Hosz5 has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Meme in mahfiem & o 4. U Uajor professor ,r"".:: :9! :31. ‘ Date X ‘ 7" 7.3 0-7639 Innis & suns ‘ 800K BINDERY 19.1” ABSTRACT INVOLUTIONS OF 3-MANIFOLDS WITH A 2-DIMENSIONAL FIXED POINT SET COMPONENT BY Donald K. Showers Let T1 and T2 be involutions of the 3-manifolds M1 and M2 respectively and assume T1 and T2 have 2-dimensiona1 fixed point set components F1 and F2. Taking the connected sum of F1 and F2 in the connected - sum of ’ M1 and M2 gives a manifold M1 # M2 with an induced involution T1 5“ I} and a fixed point set component F1 5? F2. The question studied in Chapter I of this thesis is the converse of this construction. It is found that under certain conditions it is possible to detect that a manifold M.‘with involution T can be constructed as a connected sum of two other manifolds with involution by finding a non-zero kernel of the in- clusion map of a 2-dimensional fixed point set component of T in homotOpy. Thus the inclusion of 2-dimensional fixed point set components into an irreducible manifold is a monomorphism in homotoPy. This allows for classification of these involutions of S1 x S1 x S1 and of an investigation 1 of S x K where K is the "Klein bottle". INVOLUTIONS OF 3-MANIFOLDS WITH A 2-DIMENSIONAL FIXED POINT SET COMPONENT BY Donald K?'Showers A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Mathematics 1973 Mr. Dedicated to and Mrs. W.F. Showers . v; -r l . i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to acknowledge his gratitude to Professor K.W; Kwun for his helpful suggestions and guidance. In addition the author wishes to thank Professor D. E. Blair for his contributions to the authors geometry background. The author also thanks Professor L. Sonneborn and Professor W. Sledd. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter I BASIC DEFINITIONS AND FIRST THEOREM . Chapter II APPLICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . iii INTRODUCTION The techniques involved in dividing mathematical Objects into basic components are of fundamental interest in mathematics. In this thesis the objects are piecewise linear 3¥manifolds with an involution having a 2-dimensional fixed point set component. The result of a general investigation indicate that under suitable conditions one can detect whether an involution can be considered as induced from the connected sum of two involutions by the kernel of the inclusion of a 2-dimensional component of the fixed point set in homotopy. The results are applied to S1 x S1 x S1 and to S1 x K 'where K is the "Klein bottle". In addition, uniqueness questions are answered. CHAPTER I BASIC DEFINITIONS AND FIRST THEOREM 'In this work all tepological manifolds are assumed to have a piecewise linear structure and all continuous functions are assumed to be piecewise linear functions unless stated differently. Let Mn denote a closed manifold of dimension n. An involution on M? is a continuous function T not equal to the identity function which maps Mn to MD such that T 0 T is the identity function on Mn. The set F(T) will denote the set of fixed points of T, F(T) is given the subspace tOpology which makes the components of F(T) manifolds without boundary. A n-sphere is said to be the trivial n-manifold since M9 = M3 fi¥ Sn. A manifold Mn is said to be prime if it cannot be written as a connected sum of two non-trivial manifolds. J. Milnor has shown [ 3] that if n = 3 every closed orientable manifold is the connected sum of prime manifolds and every such decomposition is unique up to a permutation of factors. Among prime 3-manifolds -l 2 S x S is unique in that it contains an embedded 2-sphere A which does not bound a 3-cell, the property that every .embedded 2—sphere bounded a 3-cell is called irreducible. Let M and M be two 3—manifolds on which 1 2 involutions T1 and T2 have 2-dimensional fixed point set components F1 and F2 respectively. By removing "small" invariant 3-cells c1 and c2 such that aci n Fi a s1 i = 1,2 and noting that Tl|ac1 is isotopic to Tzlac2 through any orientation reversing identification of acl with acz it is possible to induce an involution on the connected sum of M1- and M2 which has a fixed point set component Fl fi¥ F2. This construction of an involution is denoted by T1 #4 T2 since it F1#F2 depends on the choice of F1 and F2. Note F(T1 #P1#F2 T2) = (F(T1)-Fl) u (F(T2)-F2) u (Fl 7,4! F2). The purpose of this chapter is to show that under reasonable conditions involutions on orientable manifolds induced by the above constructions, can be detected by a non-trivial kernel of i*Wl(Fi) 4‘n1(M?) where Fi is any 2-dimensiona1 component of F(T). Theorem 1. Let M be an orientable closed 3-manifold with T an involution on M. Suppose S1 x 82 is not a connected sum summand of M and assume further that there is a 2-dimensional component FC # projective 2-space such that i*n1(Fc) 4 w1(M) is not a monomorphism, then M is a connected sum of non-trivial manifolds and T is induced. Proof: The proof is divided into several cases: Case A: PC is two sided: Case 1: FC is two sided and separates M. In this case FC separates M into two components M and M 'with 6M1 ==Fc a 8M2. By the vanKampen theorem, 1 2 i*v1(FC) 4'nl(Ml) i = 1,2 is not a monomorphism. Now since T‘Ml : M1 4 M2 there can be no other fixed points and one has that T is a reflection across Fc' However, using Stallings 100p theorem [‘1] and Dehn's lemma there exists a disc D in M1 and TD in M2 such that [5D] # e E wl(FC). Adjoining M1 to M2 along Fc gives D U TD an invariant 2-sphere S ‘which is non-bounding and thus since there is no 51 x 52 summand S separates M into two non-trivial manifolds M1 and M2. "Gluing" a 3-cell to M along 8' and extending the involution by 1 extending the reflection on S and doing the same to M2 yields two non-trivial manifolds which induce by connected summing the manifold M and involution T. Case 2: Fe is two sided but does not separate. By Stallings [£3] there is a loop a in FC which bounds a disc D such that FC er = a. By general position arguments assume D 0 TD = U Si' Si an embedded l-sphere termed an intersection circle. It will now be shown how D can be modified to give a disc D’ such that D’ 0 PC = a and D’ 0 TD' = a. Let B be an intermost circle in D of D n TD . Case A: TB n B = ¢L Near TB choose a "small" regular neighborhood N of TB in D. The outer rim gives a curve B’. There is a disc 5 in M "close" to that bounded by B in D considered embedded in M such that TaD = B’. Form the disc D’ 'by removing the interior of the disc in D which is bounded by B' and attaching TD. Then D’ 0 TD’ has one less intersection circle than D n TD. Case B: TB n B = B. Consider a small annulus N of B in D considered in the zero section of a regular neighborhood of D, embedded 3 in R . TN either lies on one side of N or it does not. Subcase 1: TN lies on one side of N. Then on the other side one can put in an annulus N sufficiently close to N such that N n N = 6N, and B is in the annulus N in N bounded by 5N: Removing the interior of N and "gluing" in NI gives an annulus N’ 3 TN’ 0 N’ = ¢. Thus B is removed as an intersection circle. Subcase 2: TN lies on both sides of N. Then change the disc by using TD in place of D when DB is B {3 the disk in D bounded by B. Now use subcase 1. Thus it is possible to modify the disc D to eliminate all intersection circles, so assume D has no intersection circles. Note that D U TD is now an invariant sphere and that it does not bound a 3-cell since 5D is not null homotopic in Fc' Proceed as in case 1 to show the involution is induced. Case B: Fc is one sided. Subcase 1: FC is the only 2-dimensional fixed point set component of F(T). Opening M along Fc gives a manifold M"with boundary N, which double covers FC. The hypotheses that FC 5? P2 implies that there are no elements of order 2 in wl(Fc), so by the Van Kampen theorem applied to an invariant regular neighborhood N and a fattened complement, one has i*w1(aN) a‘nl(M-N) a non-monomorphism. Thus i*F1(N) 4‘n1(fil is not a monomorphism. Removing any isolated fixed points if necessary, one has an induced involution T : M 4 M which is free. The orbit space is.a manifold OM. with boundary OB and 1*V1(OB)1:‘F1(OM) is not a monomorphism. Thus one has a disc D' with boundary aD' which is not null homotopic in OB. Lifting to M—N gives two discs D and TD. Using the techniques of case 2 above it can be assumed that D FITD = O. Now "sew" up M along N’ to give M and a non-boundary invariant 2-sphere. Proceed again as in case 1 to show that involution is induced. Subcase 2: PC is not the only two dimensional fixed point set. Let FK K = l,...,n be the 2-sided 2-dimensional fixed point sets. By case 1 Fi does not separate. Open M along F1 to obtain lMO alMo = OFl U OF2 where OFl 5 F1 e-OFZ. Form 1MO x Z and let 1M'= 1M0 x z/(x,i) fk§0F1 (Tx,i+l) where T, is the induced involution on 1M0. .M covers M and has an involution lT' extending T, and covering the involution T on M. IT, has one less 2-dimensional fixed point set component and a neighborhood of PC can be lifted homeomorphically to a neighborhood of the fixed point set covering FC also denoted by PC. Note i*W1(FC) 4‘Flfi is not a monomorphism. One could continue this construction removing each Fc .as a 2—sided fixed point set component of an involution on an open manifold M ‘with an involution T covering M and T such that a neighborhood of the one sided fixed point set components lifts homeomorphically the neighborhood of the one sided fixed point component sets of M. Now open M along the one sided components Fd' d = l,...,£ Fd # PC. This gives a manifold fid' 5M5 kzu aNFd where NFd is a regular neighborhood of Pd. Consider = id x Zz/(XxO) +(T(x) x l) where x e U aNFd, M covers and has an involution T covering T induced by In?! 3" N T x identity on M.d x Z2. T has two Z-dimensional fixed point sets ch, 2Fc each p.l. homeomorphic to FC and under the covering projection a neighborhood of ti i = 1,2 is homeomorphic to a neighborhood of B3. Now i*waNch 4 w1(M - “El (Nti)) is not a monomorphism. Hence repeating the argument in subcase l to get two loops 5’ and T&' which project to 2-loops in M - NFC a and Ta and two discs D TD bounding a and Ta. Modify if necessary to get D n TD = ¢ and a non-boundary invariant separating 2-sphere. Corollary_l. The inclusion in homotopy of any 2-dimensional component # P2 of the fixed point set of an involution T on a irreducible orientable 3—manifold is a monomorphism. Use of this corollary is made in Chapter II to consider involutions of S1 x S1 x 81. Corollary. 2. If PC is a 2-dimensional fixed 'point set of an involution of Ml #! M2, M1 and M.2 are orientable 3-manifolds with the conditions of theorem 1 and 1f ‘n1(FC) cannot be a subgroup of W1(Ml) * wl(M2) then the involution is induced and Fc is induced as a connected sum between two manifolds not necessarily M1 and M2 . As an example of the last corollary, consider P3 a? P3 which can have the "Klein bottle" K has a fixed point set [4 ]. Since wl(K) is not a free group and has no elements of order 2, the Kurosch subgroup theorem says w1(K) cannot be a subgroup of 22 * 22' thus i* : w1(K) 4‘nl(P3 #! P3) = Z2 * 22 is not a monomorphism and by Theorem 1 the involution is induced by connected sum from the unique involution on P3 with 2-dimensional fixed point set component. This answers the uniqueness question of K as a fixed point set component in P3 #4 P3 [4-]. One can continue examples with the Kurosch subgroup theorem in investigating 2-dimensional fixed point sets in connected sums of two spaces and 3-toruses. It has been recently shown by J. Tollefson that Theorem 1 generalizes to non-orientable manifolds. Such manifolds may have a one—dimensional component in F(T) as well as a two-dimensional component. The proof of Theorem 1 above uses orientability to conclude the non existence of 1- dimensional fixed point set components. CHAPTER II APPLICATIONS In this chapter the results of Theorem 1 will be used in considering involutions of S1 x S1 x S1 which have a 2-dimensional component in the fixed point set. By P. Conner [2 ] the fixed point sets of such involutions are S1 x S1 and S1 x S1 U S1 x 81. Examples of these are h : S1 x S1 x S1 4 S1 x S1 x S1 'l l l . = . x given by h(zl,z .23) (22.21.23) and K . S S x S 4 2 l l l . — . S x S x S given by K(zl.z2,z3) — (21.22.23) respectively where of course the zi are complex numbers such that |zi| = 1. It will be shown that these are the only examples up to conjugation. Lemma. If S1 x S1 is a fixed point set component of an involution T : S1 x S1 x S1 4 S1 x S1 x S1 then S1 x S1 is a retract of S1 x S1 x 81. Proof: First note that S1 X S1 does not separate S1 x S1 x 81 since from Theorem 1, i*v1(Slel) 4 nl(Slelxsl) is a monomorphism. but w1(Slxsl) = H1(Slxsl), wl(Slxslel) = H1(Slx51xsl) letting S1 X S1 = T2 S1 x S1 x S1 = T3 so H1(T3,T3) has rank 1. From the universal coefficient 10 \I ll theorem rank H1(T3,T2) = l and since T3—T2 is open in T3 it is orientable thus from Lepschetz duality the rank of H2(T3-T2) is 1, but it is shown in Theorem 1 that if T2 separates T3,~ it separates T3 into two homeomorphic components thus rank H2(T3-T2) is even. This contradiction shows T2 cannot separate. Now open T3 along T2 by removing a small invariant regular neighborhood of T2. This gives a manifold Mr‘with two boundary components 51,52 each homeomorphic to T2 and i*v1(ai) 4 n1(M) is a monomor- phism for i = 1,2. Also M, has an involution T’ such that T M 4 M U p135; notice that T, carries al to 52. Preform the following construction. First form .M x Z, then using the relation x x 1 ‘fl- T(x) x (i+1) with x e 81 the quotient space figgzg is a connected manifold denoted by M. M covers T3 and as such w1(M) is an abelian group of rank O,l Or 20 Let Zn = {-n,-n+l,...,-l,0.1,..o,n-1 ] then froming M'x zn with the relation x x i-xe Tkx) x (i+1) 12 fixZ with x e 81 and considering the quotient space n as Mn one has 'nl(M) a lam w1(Mh). By the Van Kampen i n N * ~ theorem, wl(Mn) 4 71(M n+1) is a monomorphism and vl(M1) is non-abelian unless the inclusion of the boundary and a1 52 into M, is an epimorphism but w1(Mi) survives in W1(M) which is abelian thus the inclusion of 31,52 into ~ M is an isomorphism in homotopy. So now by Brown [1.] M =- T2 x I and one has p.l. T2 xI '3 T2 )(I v P Ki ’5. Si consider the relation x x Oc§ T(x) x l and form the 2 quotient to give K = E—ll . 8? Lemma. K =- T2 x S1 iff T#: W1(T2xI) 4 1T1(T2xI) is the identity. Proof: More generally let M be any manifold with T a p.l. homeomorphism from M to itself. Consider ‘Ell where x x O T(x) x 1. Without loss of generality assume X‘xI O xv = T(x0) and let 0 = a. One has now ’\l i O 4Trl(M) 4# Wl(%£) 47Tl(Sl) 40 the claim is i#T#B = [a]—li#B[a] for every B e W1(M). 13 Let DS be the deformation retraction of M x I to M x [1} given by DS(m,t) = (m,T-S(l-t)) and let B be a map of I into M such that B(O) = x0 = B(l). Consider the following homotopy h(T,S) : I x I 4 M.x I given by . 1 h('r,s) — (x0,3st) 1f 3 s 2 t h(t s) = (Tong-13:3) s) if 1s < t and - l 5+1 > t ' 3-2s ' 3 — 3 — and h(t,s) = (xo,3s(l-—t)) if - 31- s+1 _<_ t Now T°B(3t-l,l) is identified with B(3t-l,a) so i#T#B = [a]-1° i#B o [a]. In the case of the lemma if K e-Tz x S1 then 1T1(K) lS abelian so 1#T#B = 1#B => T#B = identity and if T# is the identity then [a] does not act on 1r1 (K) so 0 4 2+2 4 nl(K) 4 Z 4,0 splits and W1(K) = Z+Z+Z so K must be T2 x S1 using Stallings fibration theorem [9 ]. Thus the lemma allows classification of the involution of T2 x S1 with a 2-dimensional fixed point set component by considering actions T on T2 x I such that T : T2 x O 4 T2 x 1 and T#: 1r1(T2xI) 4 Trl (szI) is the identity. Now suppose that T2 is the only fixed point set, this implies that for classification of involutions with T2 as fixed point one need only consider orientation 14 ~ ~ reversing free involutions T of T2 x I with g¥ the identity and considered as 22 action on wl(T2), T; is the trivial action. Let Q be the quotient space of T1 x I under Ti since T; is trivial one has 0 4 ZxZ 4 wl(Q) 4 z2 4.0 with w1(Q) = Z+Z+Z2 or Z+Z. The universal covering of Q is a contractable space and there are no finite fixed point free actions on a contractable space. Thus W1(Q) = Z+Z. Thus Q is a 3-manifold with one boundary component 50 which is included monomorphically into Q. By Stallings [ 9] Q must be S1 x M. where M is the closed Mobius strip. Now, if there is another free 22 action T2 on S1 x S1 x I which carries al to 52 with Tzfig = identity, then letting the orbit map be P2, one has the following diagram: SlxslxI p154 SxM é—p—2-— SlelxI i1} i3} i2? 51 ————> S1 x M <———-- 51 pl/a1 pz/al 11* = identity = 12* 15 pl/al* and pz/al* are isomorphisms. 1 1 . p2*(S x S x I) and thus p1 and p2 the covering translation theorem. Thus T2 as a fixed point set are conjugate. Now assume that T has T2 as 2 2 Thus pl*(Sl x S1 x I) are conjugate by any Z2 action with a fixed point set of T': T x I 4 T x I. i* : wl(T2) 4 n1(T2xI) is a monomorphism and hence by a similar argument to the above, 2 2 . . ~ T separates T x I into Ml,M2 ‘w1th T . M1 4 M2 a homeomorphism. By the Van Kampen theorem, i* : F(Tz) 4‘F(Ml) . 2 . . and 11* . wl(T ) 4‘n1(M2) is a monomorphism. But 2 1r1('1‘ XI) " 1riml) *z+z 1T1(M2) and T*i* = 1* so 1* must be an epimorphism. Thus i* 1T(T2) 4 1r1Ml is an isomorphism It is possible to switch the ordering of selection of the two fixed point set components to get that the other boundary component of M1 induces by the inclusion an isomorphism in homootpy. Thus by Brown [ 1], again M1 = T2 x I and M: = T2 x I and T is conjugate to a reflection. It has thus been shown 1 l 1 Theorem 2. If T is an involution of S x S x S with one 2-dimensional component it is conjugate to 1 l l 1 1 l h : S X S x S 4 S x S x S given by h(Z1oZ2oZ3) = (z2,zl.z3) and if T has two 2-dimensional components then T is conjugate to K : S1 x S1 l 1 l l x S 4 S x S x S 16 The classification of the involutions of S1 x S1 X S1 ‘with 2-dimensional fixed point set components allows for an investigation of S1 x K where K is the “Klein bottle". Suppose K is a fixed point set component of an involution - 1 1* 1 . . T on S x K. Now wl(K) 4 'nl(S xKfl is a monomorphism thus lifting to the S1 x S1 x S1 covering space gives a torus T2 covering K. T2 is 2-sided and the covering translation on T2 reverses orientation since K is not. orientable. Consider a two-sided invariant saturated regular neighborhood of T2, say T2 x [-l,l]. With the fixed point set T2 x O. The claim is that under the covering 2 x [0.1] goes to T2 x [0.1]. If not translation h T the regular neighborhood N of K is S x K ‘would be orientable. However, the image of all Open connected saturated sets must be all nonorientable or orientable and since S X K is nonorientable, N must be nonorientable, this contradiction yields that h(T2 x [0,1]) = T2 x [0,1]. Hence K is two-sided in S x K. Open S x K along K to Obtain a manifold M: Note T2 4 T2x I 1 1 i 4 if yields immediately by Brown [11] that M’ =- K X I. 17 The position of the investigation is similar to Theorem 2. Theorem 3. If K is a component of the fixed point set of an involution S x K then T is conjugate to either i) a reflection x identity on S x K; ii) the induced map on S x K gotten by using the covering translation T of the double covering of K by itself. Forming T x 1-t : K x I 4 K x I and identifying (x,0) with (E'(x),1). Since 5 is fixed point free Ta“ = identity, so the identification gives S x K. Proof: It has already been noted that K is 2-sided and the complement of a regular neighborhood of K is homeomorphic to K x I which is covered by S x S x I. The involution T on K x I generates an involution T' on S x S x I. The claim is that 1%3 = identity and thus T' is induced from an invOlution on S x S x S. Having N T# WIS x S x I 4 WIS x S x I {Pig 1P2; T 1T1(K x I) 47‘! TrlK x I identity substantiates the claim. 18 Now in Theorem 2 it is shown that S x S x I has 2 involutions which are candidates for TfiZ' One has T2 as a fixed point set and T, is a reflection. T2 covers a Klein bottle in K x I and T is a reflection giving case i. The other case is where T, and hence T is a free involution. Now as in the proof of Theorem 2, only the orbit space need by unique. In this case calling the orbit space Q. By Scott [ 7] Q is a line bundle over a Klein bottle. However, by Quinn [ 6] and the fact that Q has K as a boundary Q is the unique mapping cylinder of the double covering of K by itself. Unfortunately there are involutions of S1 x K with T2 as a component of the fixed point set so a complete classification of involutions on S1 x K cannot be claimed at this time. BIBLIOGRAPHY +WMK‘IA.HIQL _-_.: ~°"'-. ' - BIBLIOGRAPHY E.M. Brown, "Unknotting in M2 x I", Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 1966, p.480-505. P.E. Conner, "Transformation groups on a K(w,l) II", Mich. Math. Journal, Vol. 6, 1959, p.413-417. J. Milnor, "A unique decomposition theorem for 3-manifolds", American Journal of Math., Vol. 84, 1962, p.l-7. Myung M. Myung, Thesis, M.S.U., 1970. C.D. PapakyriakOpoulos, "On Dehn's Lemma and asphericity of knots", Annals. of Math., Vol. 66, 1957, p.l-26. Joan Quinn, Thesis, M.S.U., 1970. P. Scott, "On sufficiently large 3-manifolds", Quarterly Journal of Math., Vol. 23, 1972, p.159—172. J. Stallings, "On the Loop Theorem", Annals. of Math., Vol. 72, 1960, p.12-19. "On fibering certain 3-manifolds", Topology of 3-manifolds and related topics, Prentice-Hall 1962, p.95-100. l9