MSU LIBRARIES —_—- RETURNING MATERIALS: P1ace in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES w111 be charged if book is returned after the date stamped beIow. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE POWER DISK - A PTO DRIVEN DISK TILLER. by Solomon Tembo A THESIS Subuitted to the Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIEMIE Department of Agricultural Engineering 1986 . PERFOFMANCEEVAUMICNOFIHEPOQERDISK-APTODRIVENDISKTIIIER Solomon Tanbo Date: ; .a’ but? [2 (2‘5; (35%“ flW Approved: m-major Professor Oo-najor Professor / ' x/ ' /'/ ‘1 .-. -/,' _ r / | , ;' r, ‘ ," [ A A; V b ; ' I t’ f: I Z ©1986 SOLOMON TEMBO All Rights Reserved £4, a" . ',“‘.,, ABSTRACT PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE POWER DISK— A PTO DRIVEN DISK TILLER By Solomon Tembo Quantitative performance evaluation of a Japanese-made PTO-driven disk tiller was carried out using a microconputer-based data acquisition system. A tractor was instrumented to measure PTO speed, PTO torque, vertical and horizontal forces on the three-point-hitch, ground speed and drive wheel speed. Soil moisture and tillage depth were measured separately. Field tests were conducted in the Fall 1985 to determine the drawbar power, PI'O power and total power requirements of the implanent. Results indicate that approximately 10% of total power requirenent was obtained through traction to the implement and 50% of total power requirenent to the implement was transferred through the PTO drive shaft. Significant saving (30%) in energy utilization was attained at a peripheral disk velocity to ground speed (pdv/gs) ratio of 2.5. No energy savings were attained at higher peripheral disk velocities as total specific power increased with increases in peripheral disk velocity. The effect of PTO powering on the quality of work was evident in soil conditions close to field capacity. An acceptable level of soil pulverization and mulch incorporation was observed at a pvd/gs ratio of 2.5. The implement's tillage performance was severly handicapped in dry soil conditions. To the late Taruziva Fambai Ovarazimba Dube and Absalan F.G. Dube. You are a source of unparalleled inspiration. ii ACKNWLEIXSEMENTS The author expresses his sincerest appreciation to the following persons and organizations for their contribution to this study: To Dr. Thomas H. Burkhardt, research leader and co-major advisor, for his professional guidance and support throughout this study. His attention to research detail was positively educative and will serve me well in my future research work. To Dr. Robert H. Wilkinson, academic advisor and co-major research advisor, for his guidance and optimism throughout the course of my ' studies. To Dr. JOhn B. Gerrish for his time and positive criticism as cannittee manber. His expertise in measuranent theory and application was indeed invaluable. To the technical personnel in the research laboratory, for the help rendered in putting the project hardware together. To Tbyosha company of Japan, for their technical and financial support of this study. To Dr. Makoti Hoki and the Agricultural Machinery Laboratory of Mie university in Japan, for the supply of the torquemeter. To Mr. Milton Mah, a fellow graduate student under the guidance of Dr. Burkhardt, for his computing expertise, companionShip, helpful criticism, and those long discussion sessions which made this study a worth-whi 1e experience . iii To my fellow graduate students, whose advice both socially and acadenically served me well throughout my study here. To the people and Government of Zimbabwe, for the opportunity offered to persue further studies in the hope for a better, future Zimbabwe. Finally to my mother Fungai, family and friends for their unfailing love, encouragenent and confidance in my quest for knowledge. iv 'IABIECFCQHENI‘S PAGE WW8 ..... . ....... .. ......... iii LISI'G'TABLES. ...... .. ....... ..... .. vii mmnm ....... 00...... ......OOViii M 1. mm .. .............. l 1.1 ThePowerDisk ................ . . 2 2.I.I'IERA'1UREREVIDV.... ...............6 2.1 Basic Disk DesignandGeanetry ........... 6 2.2PowerDrive'xDisks.......... ..... ...10 2.3 Instrmentatim ................. . 14 2.4 Summary ..................... . 17 3. CEJECI‘IVES ....... . ............. .. 18 4. T‘HEEUJIPMENI‘ ...................... 20 4.1 Introduction to the Instmmentation Systan ..... 20 4.2mstnmentationarxi8ensors............23 4.2.1 TheDickey jotherfornancemnitor. . . . . 23 4.2.2 RadarGramdSpeedMeasur-ezent 23 4.2.3BTgineSpeedMeasuranent..........24 4.2.4 FrmtandRearWheel IbtationalSpeed.. . . 25 4.2.5 PTOTbrqueMeasurermt . 27 4.2.6 Measurement of Inplenent Reactive Forces . 29 4.3 The Data Acquisition Hardware ........... 35 4.4 TheDataOollectim Software. . . . ........ 39 4.4.1 Theoretical mnsiderations ......... 39 4.4.2 TheDataAoquisitimProgram . . . . . . . 41 10. 5.1 The Test Site 5.2 Field Variables RESULTS AND DISCIJSSICN 6.1 The Equipment 6.2 6.3 The Results WImS O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 APPENDIX C: APPENDIX D: APPENDIX E: APPENDIX F: Soil Data 5.3 Method of Data Processing . AccuracyinMeasurenents. . . . . vi GromdSpeed:DraftandPowerRequirena1ts. PI'OSpeed: DrawbarPowerandPTOPower Requiranaits Powercxmpcna'xts: SpecificPowerlbquirenents. . . . . . . . . DrawbarPoweLPI‘O Implenent Performance Equations . . . . . . Calibration Data and Specifications . . . . DatapcquisitionProgramIisting. . . . . . StatisticalAnalysisResults. . . . . . . . m mm Hmt mt O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 PAGE 47 47 48 51 53 53 53 S9 59 67 73 75 9O 92 94 97 107 1.1 6.2.1 6.3.1 6.3.2 IIS'I‘CFTABIES SpecificationsofthePwerDisk . . . . . . . . . Calibration Response Equations and R-Squared Values Summary of the PTO Drivei Disk Tiller Performance . Specific Power Requiranents of the PTO Drive: Disk Tiller PPGE 57 6O 61 FIGJRE 1.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4a 4.41) 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5.1 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 LIST (F FIGURES Paver'l‘rainofthePanerDisk Block Diagram of the Data Acquisition Systen W6 0 O O I I O O O O O O O O O O O O ..... SlipRithircuitofthePIOTbrquereter . . . . Wheatstone Bridge Circuit of the 3-Point-Hitch Dynanrmeter .......... . . . . . . . Calibration loading Setup: Similatihg the Horizontal Forces . . . ...... . . . ..... Calibratim loading Setup: Sinulating the Verticalfbrces Schanatic Block Diagram of the Analog-to-Digital mm C I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Global Flow Chart of the Data Acq1fisitim Systen $fwe O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O C O O 0 Data Oollecticn Program FlowChart . . . ....... DataPmcessithrogranFlowdiart. . . . ...... FieldTestProcedureat760RPM . . . . . . ..... Tbrquemeter Calibratim Response Curve (Before Field Tm) I O O O O O I O O O O O O I O O O Tbrquaneter Calibraticn Response Curve (After Field TestS) I O O I O O O O O O O O I O O O O Hysterisis Effect in the Torquaneter Response Ming alibratj-m O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O EffectofGroxmdSpeedonDraft . . . . . . . . Effect of Ground Speed on Tillage Depth . ...... viii PAGE 22 28 31 33 33 36 .43 44 45 50 54 58 63 FIGURE 6.3.3 6.3.4 6.3.5 6.3.6 6.3.7 6.3.8 6.3.9 6.3.10 6.3.11 6.3.12 6.3.13 6.3.14 6.3.15 6.3.16 6.3.17 6.3.18 6.3.19 Inplenent Vertical Reaction on the 3-Point-Hitch m Gmmld W . . O . O O . . . C . O O O O O O O TheeffectofGrommdSpeedonP'IOTbrqueofthe P10 Mimi DiSk Tina O I O O O O 0 O O ...... Effect of PIO Speed (Peripheral Disk Velocity) onPIO'Ibrque Effect of PIO Speed (Peripheral Disk Velocity) mDrawbarPowerRequirenents . ..... Drawbar Power Requirenent as a Function of Peripheral Disk Velocity to Ground Speed (NV/98) Ratio 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o o ..... EffectofPrOSpeedandGrmmdSpeedontheP'IO Power Requirenents of the PTO Driven Disk Til-la O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ......... EffectofP'IOSpeedandGroundSpeemeotal Power Requirenents of the PTO Driven Disk Till-a O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ..... Drawbaerer,PTOPowerandTota1Power Requirermts as Functims of the Peripheral Disk VelocitytoGroundSpeedRatio........... Effect of Ground Speedon Specific Drawbar Power Requirements ..... ”...”...W Specific Drawbar Power Requirareit as a Function PeripheralDiskVelocity....... .. .. .. . Effect of Ground Speedon Specific PTOPower TbtalSpecificPaverasaF‘tmctionofP'IOSpeed . . . Specific Drawbar Power, Specific PTO Power and Specific Total Power as Functions of Ground Speed . Specific Power Components in the Powered State vs theUnpoweredState (PTODisengaged) . . . . . . . . PTO Driven Disk Tiller Perfonnance in Dry Soil Omditims;PenetrationImpared . . . .. . . .. . Excessive Pulverization with Cbn'plete Inversion at lOOORPMIdealforSpringPlanting. . . . . . . . . P'IO Driven Disk Tiller Performance in Friable Soil mmtims O O I O O O O O O O . O O O O O O O O O 0 ix PAGE 65 66 68 69 7O 71 72 74 76 77 79 80 81 83 86 88 89 CHAPI'ERI INTRODUCTION The need for field performance data of farm traCtors and implements has becone an absolute necessity. The high cost of owning and operating the :machinery used in production agriculture makes it imperative that the tractor-implement system be properly matched with respect to implement width and tractor power and mass. 202 (1972) noted that often the matching of tractors and implements for field operations has simply been based upon prior experience instead of a thorough knowledge of the performance factors involved. The predictable result has been less than optimal performance. Garner, Wblf and Davis (1980) observed that the most beneficial role that engineering research can perform. in the tillage/energy area, is to assist in selecting tillage systems for effective energy use. This research must be of an applied nature dealing with actual field conditions which a farmer may encounter in a given area. Reynolds, Miles and Garner (1982) contended engineering research torwards the increased application of. computer-based data acquisition systems for collecting and processing data related to energy requirements in field operations. They argued that actual field evaluation as opposed to laboratory assessments are more indicative of performance and efficiency of tractor-implement match-up and therefore more beneficial to the farmer. This is the research approach that the Department of Agricultural Engineering at Michigan State University adopted. In a joint research effort with Mie University of Japan, which was funded by Toyosha l Company Ltd, the department undertook field performance evaluation of the Power Disk under Michigan conditions. The ultimate goal of this research was to make field performance data available to the Michigan farmers. Tests peformed by Toyosha Company have show a significant reduction in draft and power requirements. Independent enperical data was to be collected and analyzed for typical Michigan field conditions. The overall objective of the research effort was to investigate drawbar power and PTO power requirenents of the Power Disk, with the aid of an in-field microcomputer data acquisition system. 1.1 The Power Disk The *Power Disk came to the Department of Agricultural Engineering at Michigan State University, from the Toyosha Company of Japan, as part of a collaborative research effort with the Department of Agricultural Engineering at Mie University, Japan. The Power Disk is a PTO driven disk tiller developed by T'oyosha Company, Ltd of Japan. It was introduced into the Japanese market in'April, 1983. It is currently being marketed in the United States by the Bush Hog Company. Power is transferred from the PTO shaft to the disk blades through a centrally located gear box, followed by a roller chain drive which is enclosed in an oil bath (Figure 1.1) . The peripheral disk velocity (pdv) at a PTO speed of 540rpn is 13.4 Km/h and is 25 Km/h at a PTO speed of 1000 rm. These velocities are 3 to 5 times greater than normal operating ground speed (gs). The disk blades rotate in the same direction as that of the tractor wheels, thus creating a forward thrust, which adds to the forward thrust of the tractor and reduces *Use of trade names in no way constitutes an endorsement of any particular manufacturer or product. implenent draft. Direct transfer of available power from the tractor engine to the implement is more efficient as compared to the conventional tractive ‘method. The implement manufacturers claim that this direct transfer of power permits the use of 30% smaller tractor sizes than would used when the conventional tractive method is enployed. The general specifications of the Power Disk are shown in Table 1.1. ..mE Logos 9: mo 58;. .838 H4 953“. / MODEL DIMENSIONS: OVERALL LENGTH OVERALL WIDTH OVERALL HEIGHT MASS (WEIGHT) NUMBER OF DISK BLADES DRIVING SYSTEM DISK BLADE DIAMETER EFFECTIVE WIDTH PDOWING DEPTH (MAX) DISK ANGLE SETTING WORKING SPEED APPLICABLE TRACTOR (PTO HP) MOUNTING HITCH OPTIONAL PARTS BEVEL F 800 2170 mm ( 85 in.) 2100 mm.( 82 in.) 1050 mm ( 41 in ) 485 Kg ( 180 lbs ) 8 GEAR AND ROLLER CHAIN 633 um ( 25 in.) 2000 um (79 in.) 300 mu (12 in.) 27 AND 31 DEGREES 3-SKm/h(2-3mPh) 15 - 25 Kw (20 - 30 HP) 3 POINT HITCH WEIGHTS: 15 Kg * 8 PIECES :(33 lbs * 8 PIECES) SOURCE: TOYOSHA TECHNICAL LITERATURE Table 1.1 Specification of the Power Disk CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Basic Disk Design and Geometry Early research on soil-disk plow relationShips was directed at developing a sound scientific basis for implenent design and use. This research focused on problems involving draft, forward speed, soil throw, residue coverage and penetration, as they related to size, disk concavity (radius of curvature), weight, hitches, gang angles and other questions of materials and adjustment. While this information was essential for good design, empirical in-field data are required to improve implement operating efficiency. Such applied data were first generated in the 1970's as an outgrowth of the energy crisis and the technological breakthrough brought about by in-field microcanputer data acquisition systems. While the Objective of this study was not to redesign the Power Disk, a review' of the literature on basic design is essential to a complete understanding of the operation of the implenent. me of the. first reports dealing with the dynamics of the modern disk harrow was made by Mckibben (1926). By general analysis of soil forces acting on the offset harrow, he showed how, with proper arrangenent of gangs, it "was possible to design a disk harrow'which tills a strip, the center of which is offset from the center of the tractor and which at the same time operates without side draft upon either the harrow' of the tractor." By changes in the hitching arrangement, the offset harrow could operate on either side of the tractor and throw soil to and from 6 the citrus trees it was. being used to cultivate. Sjogren (1936), outlined the evolution of the offset harrow and listed the broad requirenents for the design of complete implements. Measurement of soil forces acting on disks was undertaken by Clyde (1939) under semi-controlled field conditions. The effect of disk angle, angle of inclination, disk diameter and moisture content of the soil were observed and provided an analytical guide for the design of implements and proper hitching procedures. Disk angle refers to the angle in the soil surface plane, between the central axis of the disk and a line perpendicular to the direction of travel. However, the instrunentation available at the time imposed severe limitations on his ability to collect data for a wide range of conditions. Gordon (1941) contributed most significantly by analyzing a single blade disk plow at the Tillage Machinery Laboratory TML (USDA), using two finmly packed soils (a Decatur clay and a Davidson loam) in a soil bin. The instrumentation employed was based on the principle of the dynamoneter developed earlier by Clyde. The disk was held in a framework through which the reaction of the soil on the disk was imparted to six hydraulic cells. The cells, in turn, actuated Bourdon tube type elenents to which pens were attached. Fran this record of pressures, the soil reactions on the disk were resolved into three directional components : the force required to pull the disk forward (the draft force); the vertical reaction upward or downward on the disk; and the side thrust. Over a range of moisture conditions considered optimum for tillage, attention was paid to the draft, vertical and side forces as well as to the thrust perpendicular to the plane of the disk. Gordon observed that soil types and soil conditions produced the most pronounced differences in soil reactions on the disk. Specifically, he found that: l. Upward thrust on the disk decreased as the disk angle was increased, thus improving soil penetration; 2. Minimum draft was attainable at a disk angle of about 45 degrees, and that draft increased rather sharply for disk settings above 45 degrees; . 3. Draft requirements increased with increases in speed ( a 67% increase in draft was Observed with an increase of speed from 2.5 to 5mph for the sandy loam ); 4. The draft and upward thrust of the soil increased with increases in disk concavity (decreases in radius of curvature); and 5. The increase in soil reaction on the disk as the speed increased was caused by the soil being thrown a great distance forward and to the right at higher speeds, with a net reduction in tillage depth. McCreery and Nichols (1956) studied the effects of disk geometry on soil factors at the TML (USDA). They found that at small disk angles the back or the convex side of the disk blade will exert pressure on the soil, causing the soil to compact. This part of the disk is the bearing area, and is similar to that part of a wheel which contacts the ground. Like the wheel, the bearing area of a disk resists penetration, however, if it does penetrate then the draft is large. To minimize the draft and assist penetration, therefore, the bearing area Should be zero. The concave side of the disk which contacts the soil, is the pressure area. The application of pressure causes the soil to rupture and pulverize. The pressure area is analogous to the share and moldboard of the moldboard plow. The bearing and pressure areas depend on the disk diameter, tillage depth and disk angle. The bearing area is reduced with a decrease in diameter, a decrease in tillage depth, and with an increase in the disk angle. At some critical angle the bearing area is Zero. Mccreery and Nichols determined this angle graphically and found that it is attained when the tangent to the disk surface, at the leading edge of the intersection of the disk and the soil surface, is parallel to the direction of travel. Harrison and Thivavarnvongs (1975) in their study of soil reacting forces from laboratory measurenents with disks developed a functional relationship between the minimun disk angle for zero bearing area, radius of curvature, the disk diameter, and tillage depth. They' concluded that the 'minimum critical disk angle was significant in denoting the presence or absence of the disk bearing area because the bearing area significantly affected the soil reacting forces and the screw axis and, thus the performance of disk implenents. In the most recent studies on the influence of disk curvature on soil penetration, Gill et a1. (1982) concluded that increasing the radius of curvature of disks while selecting proper disk angle and _ mass, had a profound effect on penetration. They argued that the change in penetration depth is a function of the forces acting on the back and front surface of disks, as indicated in ealier studies by Mccreery et al. (1956). They found that reducing the force on the back surface of the disks by increasing the radius of curvature or by increasing the disk angle in a range of 0.20 radians to 0.35 radians, or both, caused a reduction in the magnitude of draft and vertical forces. The increase in disk penetration is important because of the possibility of developing lighter disk plows that will penetrate to desired depths without ballasting. The lighter tillers are of particular interest from the standpoint of the developnent of powered disk tillers, improvement of fuel economy, reduction in soil coupaction and control of tillage depth. 10 2.2 Power Driven Disks. Early findings on free rolling disks by Mckibben (1926), Gordon (1939) and McCreery and Nichols (1956) have remained unchallenged and have provided the theoretical basis for the studies on the dynamics of powered disks initiated by Getzlaff (1953) and Getzlaff and Sohne (1959). The studies of Getzlaff et a1. were carried out on an experimental single disk blade plow connected to a frame fitted with six transducers, much like Gordon's (1941) instumentation package. The disk was driven by a 3.2Kw' direct current 'motor, powered from.a generator fitted on a 55 HP Hanamog tractor. Power from the motor to the disk blade was transmitted via four v-belts to a worm.Shaft; the worm wheel was mounted on the hub shaft of the plow disk. They varied peripheral disk velocity over a wide range by regulating the engine speed and interchanging the belt drives. Disk geometric parameters (disk dianeter,radius of curvature and disk angle) were kept constant. The tests were performed on hard clayey-soils. Getzlaff and Sohne (1959), investigated the three canponent soil forces; the longitudinal(L), vertica1(V) and lateral (S) forces. Longitudinal forces increased rapidly with increasing tillage depth but were observed to decrease with inreasing peripheral disk velocity. A maximun reduction of 30 % was observed when compared with an unpowered disk at a peripheral disk velocity to ground speed (pdv/gs) ratio of 1.3. Lateral and vertical forces were influenced unfavorably by the drive. With increasing peripheral speed the lateral forces and the vertical forces became larger. Disk drive power requirements inceased sharply with peripheral disk velocity . Total power expenditure (drawbar + slip loss + disk 11 drive power) rose with increasing peripheral velocity and was greater than that of free rolling disks. The extra power expenditure was approximately 13 % to 25 % with the pvd/gs ratio of 1.3 and over 50 % with a pvd/gs ratio of 2.5. Power expenditure was thus a function of the pdv/gs ratio, and a ratio of 1.3 indicated an acceptable level of energy utilization. At higher peripheral disk velocity, the soil was thrown further and the furrow’ width 'made wider. They observed greater clod break up and greater residue incorporation with the powered disk than with the free rolling disks. At a peripheral disk velocity equal to 2.5 times the ground speed, Getzlaff et a1. Observed greater disk slip against soil particles flowing off the disk ‘without considerable energy impulses being imparted to them. This, they argued, confirmed that the pdv/gs ratio was not to exceed 1.3 for efficient disk operation. In conclusion to their studies, Getzlaff et a1. stated that the driven disk did not bring any significant benefits in energy utilization. Moreover, both the lateral and vertical forces were influenced unfavorably; making the design more complex and costly. Sohne (1963), in a comparative study of the quality of work between the conventional disk plow and the powered disk, Observed that' with a powered disk soil pulverization resulted, whereas use of a free rolling disk plow caused large clods. While acknowledging the single pass advantage of the powered disk, he warned of possible destruction of soil structure by rigorous action of the powered disk. With respect to power consumption Sohne observed that : 1. Increasing the pdv/gs ratio from 1.3 to 1.5 reduced drawbar pull by 30% and increased power consumption by 120%; 2. Doubling the disk peripheral velocity reduced drawbar pull to 12 half, but then the total power requirement increased to 170%, 3. With increased disk peripheral velocity the side and vertical forces became larger; and 4. Compared to the free rolling disk, the high power requirenent, the relatively low reduction in draft, the difficulties involved in design and high costs, the development of the power driven disk could not be justified. Abernathy (1976) also concluded, from laboratory tests on a self-powered disk, that draft requirenents could be reduced by 20%, but the total power required was 3 to 6 tines greater than the total power required for free rolling disks. Young (1975) conducted a power disk (DynaTil) field evaluation. The DynaTil was a fabricated implerent, intended to test the concept of powering disks. The tandem disk used was powered hydraulically. Power was provided from a tractor's 1000 rpm PTO drive shaft via two variable-displacement, pressure-compensated hydraulic punps mounted on the DynaT‘il. Peripheral disk velocity was contolled by a punp flow rate control at the operator's platform. Over a wide range of field conditions, Young found the effect of powering to be most evident in wet soil conditions where penetration was good. Greater control of the degree of pulverization and mulch incorporation was also achievable under wet soil condition, however poor traction was observed under the wet conditions and that tended to increase slip significantly. Even so, slip for the DynaTil was significantly less than that of a free rolling disk plow, approximately 70% less the slip of the free rolling disk in all field conditions. With increased pdv/gs ratio, Young, reported significant increases in horsepower requirements for the DynaTil. Estimated drawbar power (PIO power equivalent) for the DynaTil was generally lower than that of a free rolling disk at lower ground speeds (4 mph) and significantly 13 larger above 7.5 ‘mph. The DynaTil had no tillage depth control nechanism and was limited to a maximun depth of 15 cm by its physical structure. In conclusion YOung recommended the use of a mechanical drive to transfer power from the tractor to the implement. He cited the lower power requirements for mechanical drives and the lomeachine cost (when compared to hydraulic drive systems) as justification to encourage production of such power implement. Furthermore he argued that the greater fanmer productivity and on-the-go controllability in soil pulverization and mulch incorporation, outweighed the expected increased cost due to the powering of the disk blades. Young's positive energy and field productivity appraisal of the powered disk (despite the earlier negative cost-benefit analysis by Getzlaff et a1.) probably encouraged the TOyosha Company to develop the Power Disk. Tbyosha claims the Power Disk assures lower costs (both fuel consumption and wheel tire pressure on soil are reduced by 50% ) through high performance therefore increasing the potential for higher profits. 14 2.3 Instrumentation Energy limitations have directed agricultural engineering researchers to study and improve the efficiency of field machines through the conduct of field data studies as opposed to laboratory data experimentation. During the 1970's microcomputers were increasingly utilized in the acquisition and processing of impletent-tractor performance data. The data acquisition systems varied in complexity from the measuring of one or two parameters, as is common in performance monitors, to the monitoring of many parameters simultaneously. The construction, capacity and versatility of these instrmentation packages varied according to individual data collection constraints. Harter and Kaufman (1979), Lin et al.(l980), Bedri et al.(l981), Hendrick et al.(l982), Smith et al.(l981), Stangeeta1.(l982) and others described systems that monitored, collected and stored data . Although similar in function, each system was specifically tailOred to individual data collection reeds. Luth et al.(l978), for example assembled a sophisticated microcomputer teletetry system capable of receiving 31 channels of data, sampling at a rate of up to 50,000 samples per second. Their system could process data in the field, delivering either video displays, hard copy prints of tabular data summaries or graphs of various functional relationships. Lin et al.(l980) developed a microcomputer-based data acquisition system for measuring in-field tractor performance. Their system could collect data from 16 differential input channels. They measured engine speed, ground speed, fuel flow, fuel temperature, axle torque, axle weight and draft. The system featured selected gains and memory storage of data, with a 15 data dump cassette for use when the experiments were completed. Grevis-James et a1. (1983) reported on a data acquisition and processing system, using two Rockwell Aim 65 microcomputers. The system measured drawbar pull and power, ground speed, wheel slip, fuel flow and engine speed. One ‘microcomputer was installed on the tractor to collect, display and store the data on magnetic tape. The system provided an immediate hard copy output, which provided the operator with a check on system functioning and data quality. The second microcomputer was operated from.the laboratory and was used to process and transfer data stored on magnetic tape to an IBM 370 mainframe computer for analysis. Carnegie et al.(l983) reported on the use of an APPLE II personal microcomputer (similar to the one employed on this project) for data collection and analysis. The personal microcomputer was versatile, yet inexpensive, and performed well under adverse field conditions. Tompkins and Wilhelm (1982) developed a versatile system which featured sampling rates variable from 0.1~ second to 4.5 minutes. A portion of the sampling period could be 'measured and observed to 1/120seconds. The system had 24 program options which included calibration routines, examination of previously recorded data, data acquisition , start and stop, among other special purpose options.The system measured drawbar force, fuel consumption and engine speed. In a subsequent study Freeland, welhelm. et al.(l984) developed instrumentation for in-field measuretent of PTO driven agricultural implements. In addition to the description of the sensors and hardware required for the measure of PTO driven implerents, they emphasized the special considerations involved in measuring torque. They recommended > that analog signals be sampled at consistant frequencies equal to or 16 greater than twice the frequency component of the highest frequency component of interest (the Nyquist frequency) and that low-pass filters having cutoff frequencies of 1/2 or less than the sampling frequency should be used, if the required sampling rate is not practical. 17 2.4 Summary The evolution and the design of concave spherical disks has been reviewed extensively; The geometric parameters of these disks have been shown to be significant with respect to their efficient operation. Few studies were found which investigated the design and the performance of the powered disks. The few studies carried out on the powered disks, have been inconclusive in their findings. Some’researchers (Getzlaff and Sohne (1959)) argue that the small reduction in draft, against the significant increase in total power requirements (to be had in the powered disk when compared to the free-rolling disk ) does not justify the cost of developing such an implement, yet others (Young (1975)) cite the potential increase in farmer productivity as being worth the research effort and cost . Microprocessor-based data acquisition systems have emerged as relatively inexpensive alternative to instrumentation-type tape-recorder or strip chart systems. The microprocessor systems have enabled collection of field data. These data facilitate efficient tractor-implement match-up, thus reducing energy waste at the fanm level. Performance parameters reviewed included draft, velocity, torque and fuel consumption. CHAPTER III OBJECTIVES For decades the question of how'the efficiency in transmission of power from the engine to the drawbar of a tractor might be improved has remained unresolved. The losses that occur at the soil contact surface of the tractor drive wheels have increased in significance due to escalating energy costs. Newly designed agricultural tires have improved the tractive ability of agricultural tractors under ideal conditions. As energy costs escalate researchers need to direct their efforts at efficient energy transfer from the engine to the implement under the adverse conditions typical of most farm operations. This could potentially reduce energy costs and timeliness penalties at the farm level. The literature reviewed suggested that the large increases in total power iexpenditure far outweigh the small savings in drawbar power requirerents to be had by transmitting engine power through the PTO to the implerent. On the other hand Toyosha Company tests claim that the PTO driven disk tiller; the Power Disk, will save farmers as much as 30% in total power requirements, thus reducing overall ‘machinery operating costs at farm level. These two divergent positions raised the question: How efficient is this particular technological innovation (the Power Disk) at transmitting engine power to the disk blades? The objective of the study, therefore, was to investigate the draft and power requirements of the Power Disk with the aid of an in-field microcomputer data acquisition system. More specifically the objective 18 19 was to measure: 1. Draft requirements 2. Pro torque 3. PTO speed 4. Ground speed 5. Drive wheel speed 6. Drawbar power requirements 7. Pro power requirements 8. Total power requirements 9. Tillage depth l0.Quality of the tillage operation (i.e. mulch incorporation, soil pulverization and surface roughness) CHAPTER IV THE EQUIPMENT 4.1 Introduction to the Instrutentation System. In this chapter, components of the instrutentation system will be presented. The data aquisition hardware and software will be described and discussed in detail. A decision was made to instrument one tractor and use that tractor to operate the PTO driven disk tiller over the desired range of field and operating conditions. mile this approach effectively eliminated the possibility of evaluating the effect of using different tractors; various implerents and operating conditions could be compared quantitatively based on that one tractor. Furthermore, this decision minimized the possibility of any structural damage to the data acquisition hardware due to handling. The design objectives that guided the develoment of the data acquisition system were: 1. System - flexibility; the microcomputer was to be readily adaptable to various fuctions and be flexible in operation. 2. System documentation; the system was to be fully docurented to allow subsequent use by any reseachers in the department. 3. High volure and high speed data storage; large RAM (RAmOM—ACCESS-MEMORY) capacity for whatever sampling rates were to be used in tillage studies. 4. Durable and compact; required to withstand the adverse field conditions and be small enough to fit in a tractor cab. The microcomputer chosen was the Apple IIe system. An A113 Analog to Digital (A/D) converter (Interactive Inc.) was chosen to interface 20 21 each analog signal to the microcomputer. An M1000 series (Data Capture Technology) signal conditioner provided the required conditioning of all signals from. the transducers to the A/D converter. The tractor utilized for this research project was a Ferd 7610, 68.84Kw (86.9Shp), front-wheel assist, diesel, with a standard enclosed operator's platform. Manual functions associated with the data acquisition were strategically' placed to facilitate effective unassisted operator control. Figure 4.1 shows how' the transducers were connected to the data acquisition system. The following section describes each transducer in detail and its location in relation to the whole system package. 22 a 53ij mg EEG 8.3.3.“; mama Q3 no 23030 gm H6 “...?on —aa=m u<> ou— o» ua> Nu Aauouuan more a—aaamv Lougo>=~ Luzon > 3gb” 38.: a: S 72...... 22.1 a >\u aaxu_a ovuoema: A V In— IA q 32...... Fume: 33.x: .33. m aaxu—a usuocma: suuco>cou >\m Aa~ “$0..— c .a momma epacum - p . .l\\)lly 0) van xmwoooao op .1/I(\\w «urea _auwu_cu> use.“ n momma =_acum. A YI...I.:=~ nuuaounuon :3 N cause-ouocu.x eopmto>eou mom cwacum 0: .32 .333 3 8.2: N13 2 es: a mouse cpogum zuhm>m zouh~m~2a< Lon-:2 .233. .255 23 4.2 Instrutentation and Sensors. 4.2.1 The Dickey john Tractor Performance Monitor II (DjTPMII) During the preliminary evaluation of the PTO driven disk tiller, a comercially available Dickey john Tractor Performance Monitor II (DjTPMII) was used. The DjTPMII is a computerized console which mounts inside the tractor cab and displays information such as engine speed, ground speed, percent drive wheel slip, distance travelled and area covered per hour. Information is supplied to the console by four sensors: 1. An implement status switch which relates position of an impletent on the three point hitch, 2. an engine rpm sensor used for determining eigine speed, 3. a single beam Doppler radar unit for determining true ground speed and 4. a magnetic pick up sensor used in conjunction with the radar unit to determine percent drive wheel slip. Although the DjTPMII was not an integral part of the final instrumentation package, output signals from the Doppler radar unit and the engine rpm sensor were simultaneously routed to the data acquisition system. The Doppler radar unit was used to verify the front wheel rotational speed sensor. 4.2.2 Radar Ground Speed Measurement. Radar ground speed measuretent was obtained by using the frequency generated from the DjTPMII radar unit. The radar unit and mounting bracket were installed so the face of the unit projected into an unobstructed view of the ground (earth's surface) when angled towards 24 the rear of the tractor. The sensor operated by directing a beam of microwave energy at the ground and comparing the frequency of the energy reflected back from the ground with that sent out. If there was moverent of the sensor relative to the ground, the reflected frequency would be different from the transmitted frequency (Doppler effect). The difference between the transmitted and received ' (reflected) frequencies was proportional to the vehicle speed. The value of the Doppler frequency shift Ed was given by: Ed = 2Vg/mos e- where: Vg is the magnitude of the velocity vector (44.7om/sec.=1MPH) h is the wavelength of the transmitted signal (1.243om for 24.125612.) e- is the angle between the velocity vector and the center of the antenna beam (nominally 35 degrees) The nominal angle setting of the radar unit which determined the accuracy speed measuretent, was set and checked with a calibrated face plate and plumb bob. The frequency output from the radar unit was channelled through a Frequency to Voltage(F/V) converter, so the A113 Analog to Digital (A/D) converter could read it. The F/V converter applied was an Ml080 l0KHz converter. Specifications on the radar unit performance are outlined in Appendix 8.1. 4.2.3 Engine Speed Measurement. Engine speed was obtained using the frequency signal generated by the DjTPMII engine rpm sensor. The engine rpm sensor fit between the existing mechanical drive sender and the tachoteter cable leading to the operatOr's console. The sensor contained a separate keyed drive pin that inserted into the tachometer drive sender. As the sender rotated, 25 the sensor generated a frequency proportional to engine speed. The frequency signal from the sensor was routed through an Ml080, 10I6 ..3— 858558 53.1-2.8..-” .2: a 23.5 83.5 2.838.... “Q Lo=c_»_c=cu —u:omm cu asp; 2.: ~38 m.v canoes rfeo\ G I we 9. o—oau cu «opuac uoxuom coupes ocoumuaocz as new mcwuu_=sww ne.v moose; Pcu=ON_Lo: we» mzvumpsewm m¢.e .naaoom scanned :o_uaga_~mu v.e or:m_u ss.s aL=a_l o—aom 3.68.. u—mum m:_uoob - op m:_a;u meum o=_uuob - m=o_uum==ou one: u_~:cgex: - amusements x:_o guano - LwHOEOEacxo ow_=aguxz . Luecwpzu u_F:mLca= m=_cmoL . v—QNMQLD‘D me.v or=m_o 34 linear as in tensile loading, thus the top link was loaded in tension only. It was loaded in a similar fashion to the lower links, except the magnitude of the maximun load was reduced to maximun expected field force on that link 8 900 N (2 06G lbs). Fbr the vertical loading, a metal loading bay'imbedded in the laboratory floor was used as shown in figure 4.4b. With the Chatillon hydraulic tensiometer in between the floor support and the links, the vertical load was simulated by actuating the draft control lever (inside_ the tractor) upwards, insteps of 2 000 N (506 lbs) to 8 900 N (2 660 lbs). The calibration process was controlled by a program, in the data acquisition system, called "CALIBRATION PROGRAM" ( Appendix C). The program recorded the output response voltage at each loading and . carried a standard regression analysis. The load recorded was related thus: Load (lbs) = a + m * voltage where: a is the intercept m is the slope of the response curve. Fbr the lower links the calibration equation was of the fbrm: voltage = (a~+ mk*Horizonta1 load)+(a'+ mb*vertical load) where: i atand mtare the intercept and slope in the horizontal axis and a,and myare the intercept and slope in the vertical axis. Data related to calibration of the force transducers are provided in Appendix 8.5. The calibration equations are listed in Table 6.2.1. 35 4.3 The Data Acquisition Hardware The data acquisition system was capable of operating at high speeds, collecting up to 16 channels of data sequentially and storing the data into RANDOM-AOCESS-MEWORY (RAM) space in the microcanputer. The system consisted of an A113 Analog to Digital (A/D) converter (Interactive Structures Inc.) and a 65CG2 microprocessor based microccmputer (Apple IIe, Apple Computer Co.). The analogue to digital conversion was at the heart of the data acquisition system. It was the interface between the analog and digital danains. Analog signals were sampled, quantized and encoded into digital format. The quality of an A/D converter is specified by : 1. Acquisition time, which is the time required to select a particular analog channel, convert the signal to its corresponding digital value and present the digital value to the computer. Acquisition time reflects the maximun speed of the hardware and it is software controlled. 2. Resolution, which is the smallest analog change- that the hardware can detect. For an n bit converter it is given by one half to the power n. The quantizing error associated with the resolution isrl/Z the least significant bit (L58). 3. The relative accuracy, which is a function of the linearity of the converter, and is less than: 1/2 1.83. Performance specifications on the A113 A/D converter are outlined in Amendix 8.7. The 16 channel 12-bit A113 A/D converter provided software-scal ing of signals to any of the 8 full-scale ranges with 0.024% resolution. Each channel was read in 20 micro-seconds with a sample-hold circuit. Figure 4.5 shows the schenatic diagram of the A/D converter. The channel nuuber, order, sampling frequency and gain level for each channel were software controlled. 36 gougo>cou —ouwmpo oh mopm=< on» we sogmmpn soopm ovumeogom m.e ogsmwm f Forecou —. - “Mmege <3 _ T2 1 o mommgoucfi copumepxogaq< mguaeou u—oz uc< Louompom gouompom commoooga o>wmmmooam oPQEmm omega Hausa 37 The system was designed to use two computers, one for collecting data (on-board the tractor, Apple He) and the other for data processing (in the office, Apple 111) . The data—collecting canputer had to withstand the the harsh field conditions, be canpact and inexpensive. Most important, the data collecting canputer had to have a large block of Random-Access-Memory (RAM) to hold the data collected during the test runs and have the ability to dump the collected data onto the disk between test runs. The Apple IIe with its record of functioning well under extremely adverse conditions, (Carnergie, Grinnell and Richardson (1983)) , its 64 Kilobytes of RAM, 16K of R04, plus its peripherals (keyboard, dual disk drive and the 40/80 coluun screen) provided the versatility required to execute the "RUN" cmmands. The peripherals allowed the operator to record the collected data on the disk and to check the operational status of the transducers ‘ at the end of each test run. The Apple He and the dual disk drive were housed in a fully fowl-padded wooden box, with full access to input/output ports to the computer and adequate ventilation. The monitor was placed on top of the wooden box and held in position by elastic bands. The whole unit was securely strapped onto the left side of the tractor window platform by some heavy-duty elastic bands. The tractor cab was sealed shut and kept as dust free as possible. All the electronic hardware was powered from a lZVDC-120VAC, 601-12, 500 Watt sinusoidal voltage converter (model 20-500, Venner Corporation, Ohio). No-load voltage was 123.8 VAC with voltage spike at points of maxima and minima (and 120.2VAC at full load) in the waveform when tested in the laboratory. Frequency was constant at 60112 with or without load. The unit measures 22x24x20cm and has a mass of 7K9. The 38 unit was thus a reliable power inverter and conveniently small for use in the tractor. The power source for the inverter was a lZVDC (free-floating ground) battery, housed inside the tractor,behind the operator's seat. For recharging, the battery was connected to the tractor through a double pole, double throw' switch. During the data acquisition the battery inside the tractor cab was isolated from the tractor chassis by :means of the switch. This was done to ensure purity of the power supplied to the hardware and to effectively prevent any current leakage from the transducers directly attached to the tractor ground potential and isolate any interferrence from the engine rpm fluctuation. 39 4.4 The Data Collection Software 4 . 4 . 1 Theoretical considerations . Sampling is defined as the act of measuring a continuous function at discrete time intervals (Vandoren, A. (1982)) . Sampling soil reactive forces is extremely canplex exercise to accanplish, given the random varying nature of the soil. Dynamic soil tillage response signals are of a random type, highly unpredictable at any future time; the signals are best analyzed using statistics and probability concepts. Average values, instead of instantaneously varying values, represent the desirable research information. The question to be . addressed on sampling randanly varying signals is how frequently should these analog signals be sampled to obtain the true average values? Most researchers believe that sampling should be done as frequently as the data acquisition system permits. This can still result in sampling frequencies which are too high or too low. High speed sampling rates load the system and often generate more data than researchers need. Do the other end of the scale, inadequate sampling rates can create inaccurate average values for the signals; these inaccuracies are referred to as "ALIASING". The sampling rate chosen (10 Hz) was controlled by the storage menory of the data acquisition system.The hardware was capable of sampling at higher frequencies than 10 Hz, but sampling any higher would significantly reduce the length of the test runs ( i.e. fill the available renory much faster), and in the process generate too large a data set over a statistically insignificantly short test run. Sampling 40 at 10 Hz, also meant that there was minimun time difference in the sequential interrogation of the transducers (as shown in the surmary below), thus eliminating any dynamic error in the sampling process. The A113 A/D Converter Selection and sampling time/channel ............6 microseconds Hold and conversion time/channel...................l4 microseconds Total time/channel.................................20 microseconds Program running t1me..30 microseconds Time taken to read one channel.....................50 microseconds Time period to complete 10 channels...............500 microseconds Delay time (canputer reading time)...............99.5 milliseconds Total Acquisition Time (99.5 + 0.5) ms......l00mi11iseconds (0.18) The limitation in the system was the RAM. Available storage manory (less the operating system menory) was approximately 34K (RAM), capable of addressing and storing a maximun 7 727 data sets. Operating 10 channels (for the ten variables monitored) allowed 772, truncated to 700 data points per channel and sampling at 101-12 filled the memory in 70 seconds. At the lowest expected ground speed of 2 Km/h (0.56 m/s) , the data acquisition systen interrogated the sensors every 5.6 cm of forward distance displaced (i.e. 0.56 m/s multiplied by the sampling time of 0.1 s) for a test run 39 m long, which is equal to the time required to fill available manory (70 s) multiplied by the ground speed (0.56 m/s) , in every channel. For the other two forward speeds considered ; 4 Km/h and 6 [_aa Fergus: cue Louomgh Lououge m=_tazoa aha m=_P_=a 51 5.3 Method of Data Processing. Data were processed on the Apple 111 in the department office. Subroutine A113.TEMBO retrieved the data (in ASCII code) collected in the field, converted the data into nunerical values, executed the required aritl'metic operations (conversion of the collected digital data into real physical values) and finally stored the data into output files, ready for statistical analysis. A “specific statistical analysis subroutine, ANALYZE.TEMBO (specific to both the data format and the required statistical analysis) was used. Subroutine ANALYZE.TEMBO provided sunnary statistics of the nine primary variable measurenents plus the calculated variables. The canputed performance values were: 1. PTO shaft rpn 2. Net horizontal forces in each lower link (draft) 3. Net vertical forces in each lower link (lift) 4. Net force in the top link 5. Drive wheel slip 6. Drawbar power requirements 7. PTO power requirements 8. Total power requirements 9. Peripheral disk velocity and 10 Peripheral disk velocity to ground speed ratio. Performance equations for calculating the above variables are given in Appendix A, in the form which is used in the progran. Sannary statistics of both the measured and derived paraneters 52 included maximun, minimun, average, standard deviation and coefficient of variation values. True average values have provided the most acceptable research data and meaningful basis for canparative perfonmance evaluation in tillage studies in the past; thus average values were used for the graphical analysis in the evaluation of the Pro driven disk tiller. CHAPTER VI RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6.1 The Equipnent The data acquisition system which was described in Chapter Four functioned well. The Apple He worked reliably in the mild weather conditions; anbient temperatures were between 4 and 21 degrees Celsius, hunidity at approximately 60 % and the air was not dusty. Fran observations made by Carnergie et al.(l983) on similar equipnent, functional problems could be anticipated in the hot, hanid and dusty weather conditions. Measures are being taken to ensure that the data acquisition system does not fail when operating under these more adverse envirorrnental conditions. The transducers were able to monitor their respective paraneters and the output signals were successfully processed by the data acquisition systan. 6.2 Accuracy in the masurements The objective of the research was to measure with acceptable accuracy, the draft and power requiranents of the PTO driven disk tiller. The accuracy, repeatability and reliability of the measuranents becane critical factors in the study. No reliability problens were experienced with the overall data acquisition system. Accuracy and repeatability of measurements were determined through thorough laboratory calibration procedures. Figures 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 show the 53 54 Anamop e—o.a economy o>c=u omeoamoa copuagaw—au suave «scoop _.~.o or:a.a 956mg» .— 'u a. .n i U . H 1 4 11 + 4 1 Cd .4 use._ ..taarm a 89.83.— am gala—2..— ...o ..u ... xa.a.» I... Id— .4“ .... (A) minimum 55 33.4.3 Bo: 1.31.5 2:3 3:83: 539528 teams 25...: :8. theme glad IJ ~8I§4 Io xewon» ~.~.o 0.5a: i8 Id .4 Id— .4— 00 DVL‘DA 56 typical calibration response curves, before and after the field test respectively. Figure 6.2.3 shows the hysteresis effect from strain gage response due to repeated static loading and unloading. Hysteresis was considered to be insignificant in all the calibration measurements made. Table 6.2.1 lists the calibration response equations and the coefficient of determination (R—SQUARED) values of each of the measured parameters. Also in Table 6.2.1, the forces and the torque (in the second colunn) are are represented in lbs and Kg-m respectively, because_ these are units in which the calibration was carried out. The graphical presentation of calibration process was also in these (lbs and Kg-m) units. However these units were converted to standard Metric units in the processing software, thus Tables 6.3.1 and 6.3.2 and the graphs are all presented in Metric units. I Since our transducers were essentially linear, the specification of nonlinearity was therefore an equivalent specification of overall inaccuracy. The accuracy of the measurements made was thus based on the calibration procedures used and/or the transducer manufacturers' quoted accuracies whenever these values were provided. Calibration procedures used were guided by the recaunendation of using calibration equignent theoretically ten times more accurate than the transducer being calibrated. As a result the overall system. error for the data acquisition system was less than 0.05 %. The first row of Table 6.3.1 shows the relative percent error between the measured and the derived calibration parameters. Derived calibration values were calculated using a standard mathematical procedure (Deoblin 1984). Calibration data and manufacturers specifications for the transducers are given in Appendix B. 557 C0 otzmaoe a ma moapu> .xu—goocwa Na ace m:o_uc=cm oncoamma co>uaga_—ou _.~.o o—noe > more; u=oeoaeou —uowugo> - a oogoa neocoQEou pauco~>goz . 2a fi aao.o mo_o> . + amo.>. u 5: As-axv ascta> ca aam.o mopo> . >oamm.m~ + ~m¢e.o- u N: Atg\e¥e _aagz score a aaa.o mo_o> . aaoa.a~ + mmom.o- n ~z Atg\e¥v Paws: team a moa.o mo_o> . + awmo_.~ u a: >r=\sxv Lassa > aam.o mo_a> . + mmom.a « a: Aeaev aalaau a ooa.c mo>o> . amen + «m._~ u an. Ama>v agree .:_a ao> m moa.o ama.o >a m~>.o + wm>.- + :a >~o.o - was..- a >2 “ma—v «area a .au_ata> seas mma.e maem.c >a m__.s - e> + 1a moa.o - ~m>.~ n >5 .aa.v «area m >ao.ota> u=e_¢ eaa.c >am.o .law o-.c - «m.~_ +.aa aao.c - ea..>~- u >E Ama_v >>>a N >ao=o~>toz boas oma.o aaa.o so ama.o - m.o- +lmm.em_.o + ~_e.aa- u >2 Ann. __=a _ .aoao~ero= a; .a tame «uoouem «motuMwm Auoouum«~m cowuoaau omcoawoa copuocawpou apnoptm> . .occagu 58 5.32..on 2.23 0383.. 5398583 .8 “out“ flatware: m.~.o 953... (A) WIDAM 4N. 9.33.! 3:: ..lil. 933.. u—bfihlllll .4 v— 59 6.3 The Results Table 6.3.1 shows the average values of the data fran the overall statistical analysis of 19 test runs extracted fran Appendix D. Appendix A lists all the performance equations used in the calculation of the paraneters listed in Appendix D. Appendix E lists a canplete printout of data fran one typical test run (700 data points per channel, 7 000 data points total). Detailed canparisons were based on average values as shown in Tables 6.3.1 and 6.3.2. Maximun and minimun values of individual variables occurred at different times during the test run, therefore canparisons and/or calculations based on the maximun or minimun values would be incorrect. Consequently the graphical analysis provided in this section was based on the average values listed in Tables 6.3.1 and 6.3.2. 6.3.1 Ground Speed: Draft and Power Requirements Increasing ground speed at constant PTO speed: 1. Reduced draft significantly; a 200 % increase in ground speed (at 1000 rpm PTO) reduced draft by 75 % (Figure 6.3.1) . 2. Reduced tillage depth; a 100 % increase in ground speed (at 1000 rpn PTO) resulted in tillage depth reduction of 33 % (Figure 6. 3.2) o 3. Increased the lift effect of the implenent on the three point hitch, i.e. the lift forces changed their orientation fran vertically downwards (+325 N at 2 Kin/h) to vertically upwards (- 311 N at 5.6 Kin/h) at 540 rpn pto speed ( Figure 6.3.3). The dynanic reorientation of the implenent lift forces on the three point hitch was a factor contributing to the reduction of both tillage depth and draft as ground speed increased. The literature reviewed suggested that side draft (a paraneter not measured in this 6C) 355:: 3:: as 53.5 o: a 3223 a: ~23 o>ua¢ woman veaocu ou »u_uo_o> xm_o .acoga_gma m_ ovum; mw\>oa . 3332, .33 ">2 .exou 32535 2 :32 a? .a: 3.853., :32 .638... .3225. 2 29835733.. :3 3 . .zou_= Layout» co ppaa pause—as. m. o>+ “suave couuucu as» :o .o=_nm:a. m. ocean—ae_ nuance as i w 633.23.. 9:. .95? a :96 :< x 10.0 m.—— o m.- o.m~ an o o . ~o~_u Hfimo~ ~.m ~a.n .m~ c.5m «.mm m.~ 5.. @.N N.°N ¢w5 .mwv m5vu ~moa 5.- ~m.5 .m— 5.0m —.— n.m m.~ N.°~ ~w5 awe 5~¢| mmm 5.N~ n5.5 .5~ °.¢n H.v N.m m.n v.o~ «Q5 "do wmmu 5mmN 5.N_ o5.m .m~ _.5m m.mM n.m. ~.m m.n ~.O~ mw5 N~¢ moc- cmON o.m~ o5.m .m— m.~n w.v v.0 n.5 ~.O~ ~m5 man «we: m5mm ~.o_ m5.~ .eu .m— v.¢m o.~m e.~ ~.m ~.v m.w~ 5nc~ 05v mmmw omn— m.5— ~m.o .N~ c.0m m.o m.m~ e.v m.o~ omc— «we ~au «N5N m.5~ -.o .- m.m m.~— 5.6 5.m~ mam o5m 5am: oncm c.- 5a.n .o~ n.0m 5.N¢ 9.5 m.- N.m N.oN odo~ ~c¢ no" m5¢o c.- ~N.¢ .a e.~m m.m¢ ".0 o.m N.m~ n.o~ ado“ mac 5cm m5ov~ m.on mo._ .m o.~m N.m 0.N~ 5.m~ m.o~ 9N9" mac omm comma 5.0N mm.~ .5 a.m~ o.n~ —.v m.~u m.~ ¢.¢~ mmm "uv Nun: 55mNu 5.- v5.m .e N.QN o.v~ N.¢ v.- o.~ v.v~ mmm -o N~nn cn5~a o.v— ~o.m .m m.m~ m.a m.o~ c.n v.¢~ 5mm mnv n5 09am ~.o~ 5o.m .v m.m~ a.- o.u 5.- 5.n ¢.¢~ mmm ~mm mm: ommm ~.m~ mm.n .m ~.~n N.mN o~.o m.a m.5 m.v~ New awe mo~u Gamma o.- we." .~ \ 5.5~ m.o ~.m 5.5 n.v~ mmm w5v m~m+ cmmwu w.- mm.~ .~ a.m« NH co.m- -.~« ~.c. ~.o« Nu mu mu mm.~+ -.~fi 1. fl LOLLmoPC 3&3on Assign. $5538 AS "...—a his. :3: A5: 2: 3...: E 33539 Tie—£33m .33 PE 3255 .353 ..5 339V. ”on coma... or. 0:33. :3 bozo :95 ooze ~32: 2586 a a . 61 Corrected 'Run' Ground Ti11age PTO Drive Wheel SP.DBP SP.PTOP SP. Total Power Speed (Km/hr) Deoth(cm) Speed (Rpm) Siip (3) (Kw/cm) (Kw/cm) (Kw/cm) I. 1.86 21.6 555 2.8 0.30 1.28 1.58 2. 1.82 21.6 562 4.1 0.28 1.17 1.45 . 3.89 19.1 558 6.4 0.31 1.20 1.51 4. 3.97 19.1 559 5.2 0.52 1.34 1.86 5. 5.62 14.0 558 6.1 ' 0.30 1.72 2.02 6. 5.74 12.7 558 6.5 -0.32 1.88 1.56 . 1.93 26.7 1026 7.5 . 0.31 1.64 1.95 8. 1.99 30.5 1019 4.2 0.27 1.42 1.68 9. 4.21 21.6 1017 6.9 0.35 1.98 2.33 10. 3.87 21.6 995 12.5 0.27 1.81 2.08 11. 6.12 17.8 1030 8.1 0.26 2.57 2.83 12. 6.31 17.8 1037 3.8 0.15 2.92 3.05 13. 14. 2.78 19.1 782 0 0.24 1.65 1.90 15. 5.76 15.2 785 0 0.22 2.22 2.43 16. 5.40 12.7 789 0 0.23 2.68 2.99 17. 7.73 12.7 782 0 0.09 2.74 2.83 18. 7.52 12.7 784 0 -0.12 3.02 2.91 19. 3.91 5.1 0 0 2.34 0 2.34 SP . Specific Tab1e 6.3.2 Specific Power(Kw/cm) Requirements for the PTO Driven Disk Tiiier 62 research) increased with ground speed and was a significant factor in the reduction of tillage depth and the poor performance of driven disks at higher ground speeds. Perhaps this finding should now be seriously considered in future research in order to gain a clearer understanding of force reactions with respect to tillage depth. The reorientation of the lift forces from positively upward acting to negatively downward acting forces was also thought to be a significant factor in the increase of drive wheel slip with increasing ground speed, by reducing traction (as the vertical lift forces increased negatively). Figure 6.3.3 Shows the lift force at 760 rpm was constantly pushing up on the three point hitch with an average force of -417 N. This confirms the Observation that tillage depth variation was significantly influenced by the lift force. As the lift force remained constant so did the tillage depth. It is however not clear as to what caused this condition (negative lift force reaction); the test procedure employed at 760 rpm PTO speed or the 760 rpn PTO speed itself. Increasing ground speed had no significant effect on PTO torque requirenents as shown in Figure 6.3.4. The high torque value of 476 N-m at 540 rpm. could have been due to a clay type soil strip encountered for the length of that particular test run. stars go sauna negate to “gate“ _.m.e og=a_c SE23 V 1 a N I J 4 ‘63 ._ A! .! .II ....m w all. 2.!!! o is. It! 1 3.83 a ...: I. 64 seam: oaoppph :o tooam acaogw mo uuouuu Saunas-(g ~.n.o mgampm ... « JN .- 4n 4: 49 ...!I! .7... aux-2. . in... .53... I 0‘) H1430 39mm. 65 Ba... .2595 3 £35352.-.” 2: .a .3389. .8322, 2953.. «.3 23: . on m un'm .58.: o - 8.5.35 4. .53 a .A ...-m 66 50:: are 53.5 a: as... *o usagah oh; co gouam acaogu .o gumg$u _¢.m.o ogaa.u Saunas-Eu .- v N u ‘ 1 d a an».-. o 8&8» ¢ La 35.3 a .4- In 11. 4|. 4! In mmou 67 6.3.2 FPO Speed: Drawbar Power and PTO Power Requirements Increasing PTO speed: 1. 2. Had little effect on PTO torque; torque remained nearly constant at approximately 420 N-m as PTO speed increased (Figure 6.3.5) . Decreased drawbar power requirement sharply by 73% (from 4.24 Kw at 555 rpn to 1.13 Kw at 783 rpn) , then increased as sharply and by the same magnitude from 783 rm to 1024 rpn at constant ground speed of approximately 7.75 Km/h, as shown in Figure 7.3.6. This defined the point of minimun drawbar power at 783 rpm (a peripheral disk velocity of 20.2 Km/h) and ground speed of 7.75 Km/h; a peripheral disk velocity to ground speed (pdv/gs) ratio of approximately 2.5 (Figure 6.3.7). Increased PTO power requiranents proportionately; doubling PI‘O speed, doubled PI‘O power, as shown in Figure 6.3.8. This was logically expected as PTO torque had ranained fairly constant with increasing PTO speed. Increased the total power requirements almost proportionately, see Figure 6.3.9. Total power was defined as the sun of the drawbar power requirements and the PTO power requirements. Increasing ground speed had little effect on total power requirements. 68 2.7.3 2... co A»8_uo_o> x..a ..roga.r~av emoam ch; as squat“ m.m.o ut=a_a g nummm DE 8..."— in i 3 av — # J. 1 d 4.! 3 P53 in: 1.5—”ESE.— 3 a «N _ m— I— n + . fi 1 d (I: .6 a mdillill 5 m6 9.. ndll..flnfl (I: Id 2. m." .1 I! (90 mo; Old 1 69 3:28:33 .838 Lax-:95 :0 A3530.) 8.2: 2.8.3783 3QO PE be ”Batu odd 8.6.: 230 P5849, 3m:— gum”. «m a «N m— In W q J1 4 J] d J. g g Obn— s- an a a g d 1 d H J ..3. a... 2 as --l--.... :3. n4 2 halal... L2 ..3. as 2 r... ~— ("D W 8mm 70 swung .mo\>vav woman ucaogw on u».uo.o> guy: .msmga.g~a 5o cowuucau a «a magmaog_:ao¢ Luzon scares: “.m.o or:a.u .unhaau mnyx>nru v— Nu I“ a o v N I d 8 4 d 4 J L 4 . l I\|||\x1 ol..\l\l.|u!| I! o r 2.335 < .4 3.203.. a _-— Na (‘30 name WM 71 tu__.h x._a. 53.5 a: 2: no 3:95:33. .339. a: :0 team 332$ new 25% EA. $0 333 Q66 953... gamma—wot S .6 a ad 5 n4 3 mdllill. SIN 2. n4 x (‘30 W Old 72 t~__.p ¥m_= =~>.Lo aha «so to mucusat.=aa¢ razoa page» go soaam assets cc. sauna aha co “outta .\A“““uo ...\.\ {Ix Id 2. ad 3'3]. 5 m4 2. mdl.|ll 3 IN E. méllllnl L a.n.m ur:m_a .— 03) 83W ‘IVLOJ. 73 6.3.3 Power Components: Drawbar Power, Pro Power and Total Power. Figure 6.3.10 shows the available power canponents as they were transferred to the PTO driven disk tiller from the engine. Increasing ground speed at constant PTO speed , i.e. lowering the pdv/gs ratio: 1. Decreased drawbar power requirauents; the lowest value of drawbar power of 1.13 Kw occurred at a pdv/gs ratio of 2.5, 2. Increased the PTO power requiranents to a maximun value of 34.8 Kw at the same pdv/gs ratio of 2.5; total power was 35.9 Kw. These changes are only significant in relating drawbar power to PTO power with respect to the pdv/gs ratio. The pdv/gs ratio of 2.5 is a divergent point; drawbar power drops to its minimun value while PTO power increases to its maximun value. Equally important, shown in Figure 6.3.10 was the split into the respective forms of the total available power to the PTO driven disk tiller; 97% of the total power was transferred through the PTO and 3% was drawbar power. Power was proportioned nearly the same at 540 rpn and 1000 rpm. 74 23. 82.... 25.5 3 5.8:; .....E SEES; 2: .3 .8383. mu mucasog_=ao¢ Lorna page» vac Luzon aha .guxoa snares: o_.n.c mesa.“ o~h<¢ mux>am a a v u u 4 q 1 I |\ 4 2 ..N J a +ltl:lll.llll. all] '17]. T . :U ‘ ..Iv 5.5.. .52 --l..l muzr_obmnl.llll mu:r.¢5l2¢anlllll. lam .ra_n¢u_amrmwobm (‘M2 Halfld 75 6.3.4 Specific Power Requirements Tillage depth was an uncontrolled paraneter in the field tests and it influenced the power requirements of the PTOdriven disk tiller. Relating ground speed and PTO speed to specific power (Kw/on) effectively eliminates the variability of these parameters brought about by the variation in depth. Specific power is defined as the power required to manipulate the soil per unit depth. Normally, specific power is expressed as power required per unit area, however in this study, specific power was expressed in Kw/cm form because the effective width of the PTO disk tiller was kept constant at 200 cm during the tests. Figure 6.3.11 relates ground speed to specific drawbar power. As the ground speed increased specific drawbar power decreased. This may have occurred because less energy was required to break and invert the loose top soil than it was to till soil at the firm lower layers. Thus, at lower ground speed (where the implement was deep in the soil), there was greater demand of energy per centimeter of soil depth Figure 6.3.12 shows that the most efficient drawbar power requirement point occurred at a pdv/gs ratio of 2.5. Any deviation from this point either way increased the specific drawbar power requirements. Increasing the peripheral disk velocity from 20.2 Kmyh to 26.6 Rm/h (a 23% increase), increased the specific drawbar power requirements 150%. Decreasing the peripheral disk velocity by 29% increased specific drawbar power requirements by 200% at 7.75 Kth ground speed. The increases in specific drawbar power (from the flexion point) were gentler at lower ground speeds (2 to 4 Km/h) than they were at the 76 mucueogvacmz taro; Loazuga u_»_ooam co vooam vcaogo to gummy“ .-.n.m og=o_e 215935255 0 v N I J 41 d In. i. 4N. In. ...!!— o ant-ob < 1’. 3.8.3 o (“x-:0 83!“ mm 31.41336 xa.uc_m> ¥m_a .atoga.taa *0 5.525... a ma Haw—5:33: 528.. 53395 3:83 256 953“. cxxiae. err—unwdu>.vaw~n_.4,S-Y- THEN 2302 PRINT asIINPUT'DO YOU HAvE TRANSDUCERS PARAMETER FILE 2(Y/N)-;ANSUe IF ANsus--Y' THEN 2450 IF ANSHs<>-N' THEN 2310 COUNT-0 00508 8690 IF COUNTCHANx THEN CLOSEea:00TO 9060 ON ERR OOTO 2550 COUNT-0 FLAG-0 READe3;X,Y,2 FOR I-I TO'CHANZ 109 2530 2540 2550 2560 2570 2580 2590 2600 2610 2620 2630 2640 2650 2655 2658 2659 2660 2670 2680 2690 2700 2710 2720 2730 2740 2750 2760 ' 2770 2780 2790 2800 2810 2820 2830 2840 2850 2860 2870 2880 2890 2900 2910 2912 2914 2916 2913 2920 2930 2940 2950 2960 2970 2930 2990 3000 30:0 3020 .3030 3040 3050 3052 3055 3060 IF XICODEZ(0,I) THEN PARA(0,I)=Y:PARA(1,I)=Z:FLAG=I:COUNTICOUNT+1:I=C HANK . NEXT IF FLAG-0 THBI OFF ERRICLOSEH3:GOTO 9060 IF COUNT30 THEN PRINT'ERROR I '; ERR;' DETECTED. TRY AGAIN.':GOTO 2930 OFF ERR ON ERR GOTO 3170 OPENH3 AS OUTPUT,REFILEO PRINT'I AM SAVING DATA, IT HILL TAKE ABOUT 4 MINUTES. DON’T DISTURB ME. PRINT'YOU CAN GO TO FINISH YOUR COFFEE NON.’ HRITEHBICHANZ 110 3070 3080 3110 3120 -3130 3140 3150 3160 3170 3180 3190 3200 3210 3220 3230 3240 3250 3260 3270 3280 3290 3300 3310 3320 3330 3340 3350 3355 3360 3370 3375 3380 3390 3400 3410 3420 3430 3440 3460 3470 3480 3490 3500 3510 3520 3530 3540 3550 3560 3570 3580 3590 3600 3610 3620 3630 3640 3650 3660 FOR I-I TO CHANX HRITEe3;COOEx<0,I> FOR J-I T0 SETx URITE433FORCE(I,J) NEXT NEXT CLOSEISIOFF ERRIHOME PRINT'SAVE SUCCESSFUL !!!':FLAO-1:OOTO 2760 CLOSE03:OFF ERR IF ERR-34 THEN PRINT'OISK FULL I'IGOTO 2920 PRINT'ERROR e '; ERR;' OETECTEO.‘ INPUT'OO YOU UANT TO TRY ASAIN 7(Y/N)';ANSNO IF ANsws--Y- THEN 2920 IF mw-N-Tsmzno PRINT asIPRINT-PLEASE ANSUER Y OR N'IGOTO 3200 REM CHECK THE RESULTS HOME PRINT BSI'PLEASE SELECT ONE OPTION :' PRINT' 1 - CHECK PARTIAL RESULT OF ME CWEL' PRINT' 2 - CHECK PARTIAL RESULT OF FIVE CWEL' PRINT' 3 2 CHECK ALL RESULT OF ONE CHANNEL' PRINT' 4 - CHECK ALL RESULT OF FIVE CHANNEL' PRINT' 5 - OUIT CHECKING' PRINT'YOUR OPTION IS I';IOET OPT PRINT OPT ' IF OPT-I:CHECK-I:I-CHANXICOUNT-COUNToi NEXT IF CHECK-0 THEN PRINT OsIPRINT-YOU SIvE ME URONS CHANNEL NUMBER, TRY AS AIN'IOOTO 3430 IF COUNT , SEPARATEO BY COMMA' INPUT SESIN,LAST IF LAST THEN SICOUNT+II=I:CHECK-I:I-CHANXICOUNT-COUNT+I NEXT IF CHECK-0 THEN PRINT BOIPRINT'YOU 01% NE URONS CHANEL NIMSER, TRY AS AIN'IGOTO 3950 IF COUNT+CHRs<34)+CHRs<27)+CHRs<66> PRINTue N00ICHR$(27)+CHR$(89) IF NIMS<9 OR Nina-I6 THEN PRINTI4;CHR$(27)+CHR$(69):OOTO 4150 IF NUM8(11 THEN PRINTR4;CHRs<27)+CHRs+CHRs ON NUMB SOSUS 5000.5100.5200,5300,5400,5500,5600,5700,5800,5900,6000,61 00,6200,6300,6400,6500 PRINTe4;CHRs+CHRs<99) CLOSEne SOTO 3740 REM PROGRAM FOR GETTING RESULT FILE ON ERR GOTO 4300 HOME 112 4260 4270 4280 4290 4300 4310 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 4380 4390 4400 4410 4420 4430 4440 4450 4500 4510 4520 4530 4540 4550 4560 4570 4580 4590 4600 4960 4970 4980 4990 5000 5010 5020 5030 5040 5050 5080 5090 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 5170 5180 5190 5200 5210 5220 5230 5240 5250 5280 5290 5300 5310 5320 5330 PRINT B$;'PUT RESULT DISK IN DRIVE‘ INPUT'GIUE ME THE RESULT FILE PATl-NN'IE PRECEDED BY DRIVE 11 :" ;REFILES LOCK REFILES GOTO 4330 PRINT BSIINPUT'SORRY, I COULDN’T FIND THE FILE. DO YOU UANT TO TRY AGAI N ?(Y/N)';AN8HS IF ANSHSI'N' THEN END GOTO 4250 OFF ERR OPENH5 AS INPUT,REFILES READI5;CHANZ,SETZ DIM CODEZ(1,CHANZ),FORCE(CHAN%,SETZ),S(CHAN%) FOR 181 TO CHANZ READH53CODEZ(0,I) FOR J'I T0 SETZ READIS;FORCE(I,J) NEXT NEXT CLOSEI5 FLAG-1 GOTO 2750 REM ENDING THE PROGRAM IF FLAOII THEN 4600 HOME PRINT BSIINPUT'YOU DIM’T SAVE THE RESULTS, OUIT WY ?(Y/N)';MSJS IF ANSH‘I'Y' THEN 4600 IF ANSH’I'N' THEN 2900 PRINTIPRINT'PLEASE ANSHER Y OR N'IGOTO 4560 REM SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING RESULTS OF ONE CHANNEL PRINTU43'RESULT OF CHANNEL '3CODEZ(0,S(I)) PRINTU43NOS FOR I-8EGIN TO LAST PRINTI4;FORCE(S(1),I), NEXT RETURN REM REM SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING RESULTS OF THO CHANNELS PRINTU4 USING 5160;'CH.',S(1),‘CH.',S(2) PRINTI4INOS FOR I-BEGIN TO LAST PRINTI4 USING 5170;FORCE(S(1),I),FORCE(S(2),I) NEXT RETURN IMAGE 3X,4A,28,3X IMAGE 1X,6I.2R,2X REM REM SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING RESULTS OF THREE CHANNELS PRINT84 USING 5160;'CH.',S(1),‘CH.',S(2),'CH.',S(3) PRINTI43NOS FOR IIGEGIN T0 LAST PRINT84 USING 5170;FORCE(S(1),I),FORCE(S(2),I),FORCE(S(3),I) NEXT RETURN REM REM SUBROUTINE FOR PRINTING RESULTS OF FOUR CHANNELS PRINTH4 USING 5160;'CH.',S(1),‘CH.',S(2),'CH.',S(3),‘CH.',S(4) PRINTI43NO$ FOR IIBEGIN TO LAST PRINT84 USING 5170;FORCE(S(1).I).FORCE(S(2).I).FORCE(S(3).I).FORCE(S( 113 5340 5350 5380 5390 5400 5410 5420 5430 5440 5450 5480 5490 5500 5510 5520 5530 5540 5550 5580 5590 5600 5610 5620 5630 5640 5650 5680 5690 5700 5710 5720 5730 5740 5750 5780 5790 5800 5810 5820 5830 5840 5850 5880 5890 5900 5910 5920 5930 5940 5950 5980 4),I) NEXT RETURN REM REM SU8ROUTINE FOR PRINTING RESULTS OF FIVE CHANNELS PRINTU4 USING 51603'CH.',S(1),‘CH.',S(2),'CH.',S(3),‘CH.',S(4),'CH.',S( 5) PRINT843NOS FOR I'BEGIN TO LAST PRINTH4 USING 5170;FORCE(S(1),I),FORCE(S(2),I),FORCE(S(3),I),FORCE(S( 4),I),FORCE(S(5),I) REM SU8ROUTINE FOR PRINTING RESULTS OF SIX CHANNELS PRINTH4 USING 5160;'CH.',S(I),'CH.',S(2),'CH.',S(3),'CH.',S(4),'CH.',S( 5),“CH.',S(6) PRINTH43NOS FOR IIBEGIN TO LAST PRINTI4 USING 5170;FORCE(S(1),I),FORCE(S(2),I),FORCE(S(3),I),FORCE(S( 4),I),FORCE(S(5),I),FORCE(S(6),I) REM SUSROUTINE FOR PRINTINS RESULTS OF SEVEN CWELS PRINTH4 USINS SI60;'CH.',S(1),‘CH.',S(2),'CH.',S(3),‘CH.',S(4),'CH.',S( 5),“CH.',S(6),'CH.',8(7) PRINTI4IN0$ FOR I-SESIN TO LAST PRINTH4 USINS 5I7O;FORCE(S(I),I),FORCE,I),FORCE(S( 4),I),FORCE(S(5),1),FORCE(S(6),1),FORCE(S(7),I) NEXT RETURN REM REM SUSROUTINE FOR PRINTINS RESULTS OF EISHT CHANNELS PRINTH4 USINS 51603'CH.',8(1),'CH.',8(2),‘CH.',S<3),‘CH.',S(4),'CH.',S( 5),'CH.',S(6),'CH.',S(7),'CH.',S(8) PRINTHA;NOS FOR I-SESIN TO LAST PRINTH4 USINS 5I7O;FORCE,I>,FORCE,FORCEmm TAILS-MI)aN+SnN<3)+<3>aH TA1L4-A(2)lN(4)+8(2)IN(4)-A(4)lM(2)-8(4)HM(2) FOR I-I TO SETX FORCE3015K§F0RCE(6,1)IRE" DISK SPEED 585 FORCE(18,I)IFORCE(17,I)/FORCE(9,I)IREM PDV/GS RATIO 590 NEXT 790 FOR III TO 18 800 PRINT'I AM SORTING CHANNEL '31 810 SUM-0' 815 SSIO 120 820 830 840 850 870 875 880 890 892 894 900 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1110 1120 1150 1160 1170 1180 1190 1200 1210 MAX(I)I-99999 MIN(I)I99999 FOR JII-TO SETX IF FORCE<1,J)>MAX(1) THEN MAX(1)IF0RCE(1,J) IF FORCE(I,J),CU(I) HRITEHS;MAX,AUERASE CLOSEH2 CLOSER: END 121 APPENDIX D 122 APPENDIX D : STATISTICAL ANALYSIS REULTS Subroutine ANALYZE.TEMBO was a specific statistical program in the processing program AI13.TEMBO (Appendix C) which suunarized the 700 data points recorded per variable into: Maximun values Minimun values Average values Standard deviation and Coefficient of Variation (% basis). All calculations were based on average values. Maximun and minimun values occured at different times, therefore calculations and/or comparisons based on the maximum and minimun values would be incorrect. For example in the first table (Test Run 1), Net Draft (12 547.1 N) is the sun of theaverage Right Draft and Left Draft (2 $41.66 N + 10 005.4 N). Calculations of all derived variables are outlined in Appendix A. The head line at each table lists: the test nuuber, drive gear selected, test site, average soil moisture content of field tested, average tillage depth and date of field testing, in that order. T3.L03.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C II6Z.TILLAGE DEPTH I19.05CM.10/16/85. RIGHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RIGHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) TOP TENSION (N) ENGINE RPM PTO RPM HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) GROUND SPEED (Kn/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPAGE (Z) DRAH POHER (Kw) PTO POHER (Kw) TOTAL POHER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Km/h) PDV/GS RATIO MAXIMUM 14155.90 14099.80 4608.66 33.93 '247.59 1991.41 565.98 4.54 4.16 518.91 20748.00 2164.04 19.51 21.64 30.41 45.11 14.62 4.00 T4.LO3.SHINE BARN FIELO.SOIL M C RISHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RISHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) TOP TENSION (N) ENSINE RPM PTO RPM _ HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) SROUND SPEED (Km/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPAGE (X) DRAH PWER (Kw) PTO POHER (Kw) TOTAL POHER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Km/h) PDV/GS RATIO MAXIMUM 17593.60 22004.20 5393.07 3738.06 -29.97 1995.72 567.21 4.60 4.19 584.46 27103.70 3083.94 15.67 29.70 34.43 56.33 14.65 3.84 123 MINIMUM -5132.73 -14367.60 -240.26 -6711.13 '8081.98 1934.83 549.90 4.27 3.55 254.77 -14594.60 -2325.86 4.84 -15.26 14.80 0.83 14.20 3.46 MINIMUM -6384.79 -5060.19 -3843.08 -3996.23 -5230.38 1934.83 549.90 4.27 3.75 195.00 -8125.41 '2112.88 5.12 -8.99 11.40 12.80 14.20 3.46 AVERAGE 710.92 4844.40 1765.79 -1817.40 -I796.21 1964.59 558.36 4.41 3.89 391.21 5555.32 -51.60 11.72 5.95 22.87 28.82 14.42 3.71 AVERAGE 2380.45 6579.44 2086.62 -2014.06 -1748.33 1965.38 558.58 4.44 3.97 435.05 8959.89 72.55 10.59 9.91 25.45 35.36 14.43 3.63 STD. DEV. 3319.99 3008.40 873.01 694.44 800.75 10.81 2.96 0.05 0.12 42.19 4706.31 661.56 2.62 5.01 2.44 5.43 0.08 0.10 I16%.TILLAGE DEPTH =19.05CM.ID/16/85. STD. DEV. 3544.53 3714.72 867.41 701.91 796.68 11.68 3.42 0.06 0.09 59.63 5637.63 775.02 2.00 6.27 3.48 6.58 0.09 0.07 COEF. VAR. 467.00 62.10 49.44 -38.21 -44.58 0.55 0.53 1.24 3.02 10.78 84.72 -1281.99 22.39 84.16 10.68 18.83 0.55 2.75 COEF. VAR. 148.90 56.46 41.57 -34.85 -45.57 0.59 0.61 1.38 2.14 13.71 62.92 1068.19 18.83 63.24 13.69 18.61 0.65 2.02 T5.LO4.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C II6Z.TILLAGE DEPTH II3.97CM.10/16/85. RIGHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RIGHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) TOP TENSION (N) ENGINE RPM PTO RPM HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) GROUND SPEED (Km/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPAGE (Z) DRAH POHER (Kw) PTO POHER (Kw) TOTAL POHER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Km/h) PDV/GS RATIO MAXIMUM 11678.00 9805.31 6636.83 -301.59 -367.66 2022.78 574.90 6.62 6.00 596.03 12488.00 1870.84 20.86 19.29 35.64 46.32 14.85 2.86 T6.LO4.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C RIGHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RIGHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) TOP TENSION (N) ENGINE RPM PTO RPM WHEEL SPEED (Km/h) GROUND SPEED (Kn/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPAGE (Z) DRAH POHER (Kw) PTO POHER (Kw) TOTAL PWER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Km/h) PDV/GS RATIO MAXIMUM 7490.72 16114.50 4365.48 1665.10 -225.08 1971.12 560.21 6.70 5.95 601.82 17035.00 1607.28 16.30 26.92 34.89. 43.00 14.47 2.63 124 MINIMUM -4035.87 ~16692.60 -114.09 -6370.33 -7984.42 1827.81 519.48 5.81 5.03 114.02 -11898.20 -2526.83 6.05 -18.84 6.62 -0.48 13.42 2.43 MINIMUM -8558.03 -I9731.00 -2237.84 -6817.84 -6483.58 1944.06 552.52 6.33 5.46 77.39 -28289.00 -2678.18 8.44 -44.30 4.49 -26.96 14.27 2.42 AVERAGE 1869.37 854.54 2280.41 '2592.28 -2813.06 1961.75 557.55 6.34 5.62 411.12 2723.91 -311.88 11.42 4.24 24.00 28.24 14.40 2.56 AVERAGE -835.97 -1742.52 2343.01 -2714.59 -2410.81 1955.89 555.88 6.51 5.74 411.17 -2578.49 -371.58 11.83 -4.13 23.93 19.81 14.36 2.50 STD. DEV. 2307.95 3167.48 921.82 588.18 816.18 42.93 12817 0.15 0.21 54.50 3798.62 763.78 2.78 5.93 3.17 6.86 0.32 0.08 I16Z.TILLAGE DEPTH I12.7CM.10/16/85. STD. DEV. 2030.16 3433.62 855.87 667.52 896.00 4.77 1.58 0.06 0.09 54.79 4239.93 741.65 1.41 6.76 3.17 7.16 0.04 0.04 COEF. VAR. 123.46 370.67 40.42 -22 I 69 “29.01 2.19 2.18 2.41 3.80 13.26 139.46 '244.90 24.39 139.90 13.20 24.29 2.19 3.13 COEF. VAR. -242.85 -197.05 36.53 -24.59 -37.17 0.24 0.28 0.87 1.59 13.33 -164.44 -199.60 11.94 -163.77 13.26 36.16 0.27 1.49 125 T7.L01.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C I167..TILLAGE DEPTH I26.67CM.10/16/85. MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE STD. DEV. COEF. VAR. RIGHT DRAFT (N) 23298.80 -2683.49 2692.34 2875.28 106.80 LEFT DRAFT (N) 18156.90 3263.74 12545.90 2524.77 20.12 RIGHT LIFT (N) 3136.06 -162.85 869.15 541.25 62.27 LEFT LIFT (N) 480.99 -2871.35 -713.05 534.11 -74.90 TOP TENSION (N) 1035.63 -4134.77 -1028.23 596.48 -58.01 ENGINE RPM 2128.57 2101.51 2113.79 4.78 0.23 PTO RPM 1033.29 1020.15 1026.11 2.53 0.25 HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) 2.34 2.11 2.22 0.05 2.36 GROUND SPEED (Km/h) 2.04 1.82 1.93 0.05 2.50 TOROUE (N-M) 507.34 281.76 407.46 36.96 9.07 NET DRAFT (N) 37578.20 1550.92 15238.30 4347.98 28.53 NET LIFT (N) 2680.87 -1611.35 156.10 488.68 313.06 SLIPPAGE (X) 19.79 5.91 12.91 2.82 21.86 DRAH POHER (Kw) 20.50 0.80 8.17 2.33 28.49 PTO POHER (Kw) 54.64 30.29 43.78 3.96 9.05 TOTAL POHER (Kw) 67.92 36.98 51.95 4.64 8.92 DISK SPEED (Kn/h) 26.69 26.35 26.50 0.06 0.23 PDV/GS RATIO 14.59 12.96 13.73 0.34 2.47 T8.LOI.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C MXIMLM MINIMLM AVERAGE STD. DEV. COEF. VAR. RIGHT DRAFT (N) 17059.20 -2667.26 2860.30 2836.07 99.15 LEFT DRAFT (N) 16750.10 2570.39 11814.80 2457.11 . 20.80 RIGHT LIFT (N) 3345.12 1.62 1044.68 699.90 67.00 LEFT LIFT (N) 769.78 -2929.53 -737.95 610.71 -82.76 TOP TENSION (N) 517.84 -4877.68 -1138.31 713.72 -62.70 ENGINE RPM 2110.12 2083.06 2098.26 5.33 0.25 PTO RPM ‘ 1024.33 1011.19 1018.57 2.87 0.28 HHEEL SPEED (Kn/h) 2.33 2.09 . 2.20 0.05 2.36 GROUND SPEED (Km/h) 2.12 1.87 1.99 0.05 2.70 TOROUE (N-M) 561.33 293.33 405.66 42.62 10.51 NET DRAFT (N) 33031.80 1209.32 14675.10 3888.64 26.50 NET LIFT (N) 2215.35 -1206.98 306.73 545.08 177.71 SLIPPAGE (X) 16.74 1.35 9.56 2.90 30.34 DRAH POHER (Kw) 18.01 0.70 8.12 2.15 26.47 PTO POHER (Kw) 59.97 31.24 43.27 4.50 10.40 TOTAL POHER (Kw) 68.08 36.71 51.38 4.86 9.46 DISK SPEED (Km/h) 26.45 26.12 26.31 0.07 0.28 PDV/GS RATIO 14.07 12.42 13.21 0.36 2.69 =16Z.TILLAGE DEPTH I30.48CM.10/16/85. ‘T9.LO3.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C I16Z.TILLAGE DEPTH I21.59CM.10/16/85. RIGHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RIGHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) TOP TENSION (N) ENGINE RPM PTO RPM HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) GROUND SPEED (Kn/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPAGE (X) DRAH PNER (Kw) PTO POHER (Kw) TOTAL PNER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Kn/h) PDV/GS RATIO T10.L03.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C I167..TILLAGE DEPTH I21.59CM.10/16/85 RIGHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RIGHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) TOP TENSION (N) ENGINE RPM PTO RPM HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) GROUND SPEED (Km/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPAGE (Z) DRAH POHER (Kw) PTO POHER (Kw) TOTAL POHER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Km/h) PDV/GS RATIO MAXIMUM 9777.14 20136.40 5562.23 1158.20 1283.27 2127.34 1032.69 4.98 4.39 603.75 19999.40 2276.44 17.72 23.82 63.91 77.34 26.67 6.50 MAXIMUM 5948.40 15453.80 3432.33 419.64 878.04 2124.88 1031.50 4.95 4.34 549.76 18543.10 1736.40 38.31 21.44 55.74 65.77 26.64 8.81 126 MINIMUM “6517.17 -12930.70 -873.19 -6456.10 -7871.86 2065.22 1002.53 4.62 4.05 129.44 -18237.50 -3069.35 7.17 -20.50 13.62 10.21 25.89 5.92 MINIMUM ‘6878.64 ‘5199.61 ‘600.73 “3416.08 ‘3504.41 1835.81 891.17 4.11 2.73 218.13 '9031.19 '1868.75 8.35 -10052 22.83 26.04 23.02 6.07 AVERAGE 874.11 5604.40 1945.54 -1782.97 -1172.12 2092.07 1015.57 4.80 4.21 401.65 6478.51 162.57 12.26 7.58- 42.70 50.28 26.23 6.23 AVERAGE -1349.87 6786.12 1012.79 -1230.10 -1049.19 2049.43 994.87 4.70 3.87 376.25 5436.25 -217.31 17.82 5.84 39.11 44.95 25.69 6.71 STD. DEV. 2992.64 4087.00 994.30 856.08 902.09 18.68 8.89 0.07 0.07 56.42 5167.21 795.68 1.65 6.05 5.93 8.86 0.23 0.11 STD. DEV. 2387.43 3622.77 829.99 763.25 728.95 80.01 38.86 0.20 0.43 60.03 4080.05 586.10 6.97 4.47 5.84 6.76 1.00 0.64 COEF. VAR. 342.36 72.92 51.11 ~48.01 -76.96 0.89 0.88 1.50 1.58 14.05 79.76 489.44 13.49 79.78 13.89 17.61 0.89 1.72 COEF. VAR. -176.86 53.39 81.95 -62.05 -69.48 3.90 3.91 4.21 11.04 15.96 75.05 -269.71 39.13 76.58 14.93 15.04 3.91 9.53 - 127 T11.LO4.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C II6Z.TILLAGE DEPTH I17.78CM.10/16/85. MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE STD. DEV. COEF. VAR. RIGHT DRAFT (N) 13125.30 '-6600.87 965.30 3506.80 363.29 LEFT DRAFT (N) 12422.90 -16131.10 1758.22 4244.10 241.39 RIGHT LIFT (N) 7034.22 -497.28 2254.77 1296.43 57.50 LEFT LIFT (N) 609.71 -6355.86 -2345.55 912.28 -38.89 TOP TENSION (N) 315.23 -8209.55 -1558.71 1073.47 “68.87 ENGINE RPM' 2162.40 2003.10 2122.68 30.59 1.44 PTO RPM 1049.71 972.38 1030.42 14.86 1.44 HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) 7.25 6.63 7.07 0.11 1.53 GROUND SPEED (Kn/h) 6.47 5.60 6.12 0.18 2.89 TOROUE (N-M) 628.81 187.29 423.91 62.70 14.79 NET DRAFT (N) 14242.40 -13406.60 2723.52 4401.13 161.60 NET LIFT (N) 2658.68 -2738.73 -90.78 895.15 -986.07 SLIPPAGE (X) 21.27 9.55 13.47 2.33 17.29 DRAH POHER (Kw) 25.04 '23.21 4.64 7.46 160.86 PTO POHER (Kw) 68.93 20.40 45.71 6.55 14.34 TOTAL POHER (Kw) 87.84 19.11 50.35 10.43 20.72 DISK SPEED (Km/h) 27.11 25.11 26.61 0.38 1.44 PDV/GS RATIO 4.76 4.15 4.35 0.11 2.62 T1.LO4.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C =16Z.TILLAGE DEPTH II7.78CM.10/17/85. MXIMLH MINIMLH AVERAGE STD. DEV. COEF. VAR. RIGHT DRAFT (N) 9908.52 -6464.35 1645.16 2996.18 182.12 LEFT DRAFT (N) 11730.90 -11272.70 -279.60 3484.47 -1246.22 RIGHT LIFT (N) 5054.65 -1057.97 2599.65 993.78 38.23 LEFT LIFT (N) -64.65 -5089.90 -2952.71 689.15 -23.34 TOP TENSION (N) 1395.83 -5350.45 -1154.74 915.89 -79.32 ENGINE RPM 2178.39 1916.38 2136.05 52.28 2.45 PTO RPM 1057.47 930.28 1036.92 25.36 2.45 HHEEL SPEED (Kn/h) 7.18 6.16 6.95 0.18 2.61 GROUND SPEED (Kn/h) 6.65 5.61 6.31 0.20 3.23 TOROUE (N-M) 671.23 247.06 479.17 73.57 15.35 NET DRAFT (N) 12883.00 -10747.80 1365.55 3920.60 287.11 NET LIFT (N) 1744.07 -2945.30 -353.06 815.92 -231.10 SLIPPAGE (2) 15.10 5.10 9.12 1.89 20.76 DRAH POHER (Kw) 23.57 -19.26 2.43 6.90 284.48 PTO POHER (Kw) 72.96 27.02 51.95 7.54 14.52 TOTAL POHER (Kw) 81.80 21.19 54.38 10.16 18.68 DISK SPEED (Km/h) 27.31 24.03 26.78 0.66 2.45 PDV/GS RATIO 4.46 4.07 4.24 0.08 1.92 128 T3.LOI.(TH10).SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M CBI6Z.DEPTH I19.05CM.10/16/85. RIGHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RIGHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) TOP TENSION (N) ENGINE RPM PTO RPM HHEEL SPEED (Kn/h) GROUND SPEED (Km/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPAGE (Z) 0W PWER (Kw) PTO POHER (Kw) TOTAL PWER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Kn/h) PDV/GS RATIO MAXIMUM 13553.40 14701.40 4560.10 152.10 938.07 1624.84 788.76 3.17 2.94 509.27 21398.00 1779.41 11.87 16.02 42.02 53.44 20.37 7.67 MINIMUM -7180.66 -498.36 '5825.30 -6761.24 1595.32 774.43 2.81 2.65 164.15 -8875.01 -2546.11 0.77 '6.93 13.48 9.77 20.00 6.85 AVERAGE 1034.35 4940.90 1471.98 -1896.05 -566.52 1610.21 781.65 2.97 2.78 385.03 5975.25 -424.07 6.35 4.60 31.51 36.12 20.19 7.27 STD. DEV. 3855.96 3304.33 796.66 644.87 741.48 5.54 2.79 0.06 0.06 46.00 5768.69 820.15 2.09 4.44 3.73 6.06 0.07 0.14 COEF. VAR. 372.79 66.88 54.12 -34.01 -130.88 0.34 0.36 2.09 1.99 11.95 96.54 -193.40 32.98 96.55 11.84 16.78 0.34 1.95 129 T4.LO3(TH10).SHINE EARN FIELD.SOIL M CI16Z.DEPTH I15.24CM.10/17/85. MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE STD. DEV. COEF. VAR. RIGHT DRAFT (N) 13547.50 -7816.24 2259.39 3540.24 156.69 LEFT DRAFT (N) 8404.80 -19918.20 -205.91 3701.55 -1797.67 RIGHT LIFT (N) 8010.00 -898.69 2336.48 1015.30 43.45 LEFT LIFT (N) -432.58 -8246.29 -2744.29 698.15 '25.44 TOP TENSION (N) 727.96 -7106.43 -1018.38 818.62 -80.38 ENGINE RPM 1769.38 1535.05 1616.84 61.68 3.81 PTO RPM 858.92 745.17 784.87 29.99 3.82 HHEEL SPEED (Kn/h) 6.24 5.85 6.07 0.06 1.02 GROUND SPEED (Kn/h) 5.89 .5.61 5.76. 0.05 0.95 TOROUE (N-M) 584.46 193.07 411.52 54.85 13.33 NET DRAFT (N) 12980.50 -14718.50 2053.48 4564.54 222.28 NET LIFT (N) 1876.30 -2912.59 -407.81 887.53 '217.63 SLIPPAGE (X) 8.10 2.01 5.09 1.01 19.80 DRAH POHER (Kw) 20.63 ~23.81 3.28 7.31 222.70 PTO POHER (Kw) 47.73 17.17 33.77' 4.30 12.74 TOTAL POHER (Kw) 58.47 3.48 37.05 8.42 22.71 DISK SPEED (Km/h) 22.18 19.24 20.27 0.77 3.82 PDV/GS RATIO . 3.89 3.32 3.52 0.14 3.90 T5.L03.(TH10).SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M CII6Z.TILLAGE DEPTH I12.70CM.10/17/85. MAXIMLH MINIMLH AVERAGE STD. DEV. COEF. VAR. RIGHT DRAFT (N) 13604.50 -6661.90 3851.77 3574.67 92.81 LEFT DRAFT (N) 14935.10 -13316.30 -1295.31 4527.05 -349.50 RIGHT LIFT (N) 5701.07 -905.07 2759.96 1064.52 38.57 LEFT LIFT (N) 867.00 -5673.37 -3112.49 830.09 -26.67 TOP TENSION (N) -14.96 -4457.45 -1251.77 758.35 -60.58 ENGINE RPM 1653.14 1602.09 1625.07 9.79 0.60 PTO RPM 802.49 777.71 788.87 4.74 0.60 HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) 6.34 5.72 6.11 0.14 2.28 GROUND SPEED (Kn/h) 6.01 5.41 5.79 0.14 2.42 TOROUE (N-M) 655.80 100.52 411.35 65.55 15.94 NET DRAFT (N) 20882.60 -15435.00 2556.46 5693.47 222.71 .NET LIFT (N) 2609.45 -3670.68 '352.53 996.40 '282.64 SLIPPAGE (Z) 8.08 2.44 5.24 1.02 19.41 DRAH POHER (Kw) 32.85 -25.63 4.06 9.12 224.50 PTO POHER (Kw) 54.29 8.34 33.97 5.34 15.73 TOTAL POHER (Kw) 74.18 6.13 38.03 9.76 25.67 DISK SPEED (Kn/h) 20.73 20.09 20.37 0.13 0.63 PDV/GS RATIO 3.81 3.37 3.52 0.10 2.81 130 T6.LO4(TH10).SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C II6Z.DEPTH I12.7CM.10/17/85. MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE STD. DEV. COEF. VAR. RIGHT DRAFT (N) 15739.30 -6040.95 4032.42 3856.30 95.63 LEFT DRAFT (N) 15818.10 -38641.00 -3496.83 4914.92 '140.55 RIGHT LIFT (N) 9289.61 -458.91 3123.66 1203.80 38.54 LEFT LIFT (N) 667.89 -12698.20 -3541.02 1014.46 '28.65 TOP TENSION (N) 1388.33 -13455.00 '1824.48 1093.65 -59.94 ENGINE RPM 1638.99 1592.25 1611.36 9.39 0.58 PTO RPM 795.63 772.94 782.21 4.64 0.59 HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) 8.59 7.48 8.15 0.22 2.68 GROUND SPEED (Kn/h) 8.09 7.07 7.73 0.20 2.60 TOROUE (N-M) 586.39 17.62 424.44 60.66 14.29 NET DRAFT (N) 22571.30 -29612.10 535.59 5012.06 935.80 NET LIFT (N) 1993.26 -3503.99 -417.36 984.84 -235.97 SLIPPAGE (Z) 7.40 2.82 5.25 0.75 14.25 DRAH POHER (Kw) 49.54 -65.15 1.13 10.77 950.88 PTO POHER (Kw) 47.98 1.44 34.76 4.91 14.13 TOTAL POHER (Kw) 77.89 -42.31 35.89 11.18 31.15 DISK SPEED (Km/h) 20.55 19.96 20.20 0.12 0.61 PDV/GS RATIO 2.83 2.50 2.62 0.07 2.75 T7.LO4.(TH10).SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M CI16Z.DEPTH I12.7CM.10/I7/85 MAXIMU‘I MINIMU‘I AVERAGE STD. DEV. COEF. VAR. RIGHT DRAFT (N) 19420.50 -5319.60 4411.06 4128.46 93.59 LEFT DRAFT (N) 9257.67 -20126.70 -5062.72 5158.50 -101.89 RIGHT LIFT (N) 7899.76 -1022.00 3268.23 1300.92 39.81 LEFT LIFT (N) 387.99 ~7143.87 -3747.43 879.61 -23.47 TOP TENSION (N) 1966.15 -4720.10 -1339.09 1046.85 ~78.18 ENGINE RPM 1673.43 1563.34 1614.50 31.48 1.95 PTO RPM 812.35 758.90 .783.74 15.32 1.95 HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) 8.35 7.40 7.90 0.23 2.96 GROUND SPEED (Km/h) 8.02 6.98 7.52 0.24 3.22 TOROUE (N-M) 725.21 218.13 467.70 83.08 17.76 NET DRAFT (N) ' 21531.80 -14639.50 -651.65 6308.76 -968.12 NET LIFT (N) 4000.88 -3839.34 -479.19 1265.85 -264.16 SLIPPAGE (Z) 7.84 2.55 4.91 0.87 17.72 0W PNER (Kw) 42.38 -31.28 -1.46 13.19 -903.02 PTO PNER (Kw) 59.94 18.04 38.41 7.00 18.22 TOTAL POHER (Kw) 85.53 -6.32 36.95 13.79 37.33 DISK SPEED (Kn/h) 20.98 19.60 20.24 0.39 1.95 PDV/GS RATIO 2.96 2.50 2.70 0.12 4.29 T1.LOI.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C =16Z.TILLAGE DEPTHI21.59CM.10/16/85. RIGHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RIGHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) TOP TENSION (N) ENGINE RPM PTO RPM HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) GROUND SPEED (Km/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPAGE (Z) DRAH POHER (Kw) PTO POHER (Kw) TOTAL PNER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Km/h) PDV/GS RATIO MAXIMUM 20810.30 14676.30 3886.85 46.29 953.08 1976.04 561.61 2.14 1.98 592.18 33725.60 2436.08 16.82 17.61 34.00 47.62 14.50 8.24 T2.LOI.SHINE BARN FIELD.SOIL M C RIGHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RIGHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) _TOP TENSION (N) ENSINE RPM PTO RPM HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) SROUND SPEED (Km/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPASE (X) DRAH POHER (Kw) PTO POHER (Kw) TOTAL POHER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Km/h) PDV/GS RATIO MAXIMUM 14580.20 18146.80 3780.74 385.12 555.36 2011.10 571.58 2.16 1.96 613.39 23848.30 2054.93 17.57 11.68 35.57 43.81 14.76 8.62 131 MINIMUM -7507.49 3084.12 -388.39 -2515.78 -4007.20 1926.22 547.45 1.83 1.72 339.60 '2611.32 -1487.42 -0.40 -1.31 19.83 20.53 14.14 7.28 MINIMUM -5170.03 4297.48 -365.54 -2282.76 -2956.61 1937.90 550.77 1.87 1.67 291.40 1415.99 -1153.39 0.47 0.73 17.23 22.23 14.22 7.47 AVERAGE 2541.66 10005.40 1432.15 -1106.98 '395.97 1952.71 554.98 2.02 1.86 476.31 12547.10 325.18 8.15 6.47 27.68 34.15 14.33 7.73 AVERAGE -112.90 12056.20 634.38 -799.78 -1158.89 1977.17 561.93 2.01 1.82 427.78 11943.30 -165.40 9.51 6.03 25.16 31.19 14.51 7.99 STD. DEV. 5051.23 2291.48 841.74 547.31 497.18 11.30 3.15 0.05 0.05 39.95 5638.15 668.25 3.12 2.92 2.29 3.70 0.08 0.21 =16Z.TILLAGE DEPTH I21.59CM.10/16/85. STD. DEV. 3404.66 2700.88 871.65 556.76 586.52 14.69 4.12 0.05 0.05 54.24 3513.07 519.43 3.18 1.78 3.07 3.75 0.11 0.23 COEF. VAR. 198.74 22.90 58.77 -49.44 -125.56 0.58 0.57 2.61 2.84 8.39 44.94 205.50 38.23 45.15 8.29 10.83 0.58 2.71 COEF. VAR. -3015.67 22.40 137.40 -69.61 -50.61 0.74 0.73 2.72 3.01 12.68 29.41 -314.05 33.43 29.50 12.18 12.02 0.72 2.93 132 L03.(TH10).PTO DISENGAGED.SHINE BARN FIELD.M CII6Z.DEPTH I5.08CM.10/17/85. RIGHT DRAFT (N) LEFT DRAFT (N) RIGHT LIFT (N) LEFT LIFT (N) TOP TENSION (N) ENGINE RPM PTO RPM HHEEL SPEED (Km/h) GROUND SPEED (Km/h) TOROUE (N-M) NET DRAFT (N) NET LIFT (N) SLIPPAGE (X) DRAH POHER (Kw) PTO PNER (Kw) TOTAL POHER (Kw) DISK SPEED (Km/h) PDV/GS RATIO MAXIMUM 8475.38 16758.90 2064.95 1681.68 -7841.84 2212.22 0.00 5.09 4.28 0.00 16796.60 80.25 23.10 19.36 0.00 19.36 4.28 1.00 MINIMUM -4704.90 ' 873.45 T2048.79 -2176.64 12554.50 2075.68 0.00 4.72 3.68 0.00 1134.19 -2562.05 11.91 1.26 0.00 1.26 3.68 1.00 AVERAGE 464.82 10446.50 -874.24 '227.18 -9765.09 2139.10 0.00 4.86 3.91 0.00 10911.30 -1101.42 19.55 11.88 0.00 11.88 3.91 1.00 STD. DEV. 2210.55 2624.52 554.31 549.26 793.13 46.04 0.00 0.10 0.12 0.00 2842.87 552.99 1.77 3.19 0.00 3.19 0.12 0.00 COEF. VAR. 475.57 25.12 -63.41 -241.77 -8.12 2.15 0.00 2810 3.07 0.00 26.05 -50.21 9.05 26.84 0.00 26.84 3.07 0.00 APPENDIX E 133 APPENDIX E : RAW DATA PRINTOUT The printout shows the anerical values of the parameters instrunented. These values were collected in ASCII code, then converted into Voltages and finally into the present form using the calibration response equat ions . The negative horizontal force values indicate that the implenent was pushing the tractor 3-point-hitch in the direction of travel and the positive values indicate that the implanent was pulling on the 3—point-hitch; in the opposite direction to forward travel. Negative vertical forces indicate that the implanent was pushing the ' tractor 3-point-hitch vertically upwards and positive vertical forces indicate that the tractor 3-point-hitch was pushing the implement vertically downwards; aiding penetration. Negative Pro torque indicates that the torqueneter was loaded in the opposite operating rotational direction during calibration. The negative sign is software corrected and should be ignored. 134 In the printout: Channel 1 was Right Horizontal Force (N) Channel 2 was Left Horizontal Force (N) Channel 3 was Right VErtical Force (N) Channel 4 was Left vertical Force (N) Channel 5 was Top Link Force (N) Engine Speed (RPM) Rear Wheel Speed (Km/h) Rront Wheel (Ground) Speed (Km/h) Channel 6 was Channel 8 was Channel 9 was %%%%%%%%% Channel 10 was PTO Torque (Nm) There were 19 sudh printouts for the field tests carried out and Appendix D lists the analytical summary of these tests. ELE flLo§5 ELJ___ELJ___EL: 4 an umuuuuw .«mnnmnnnuwnng 23 qunnau ounsannn an «nnsvmuumunnunmmmnzmaunusnnu» 55 I9 731 mmw wmmmmm mmmwmm mmmmS zqu mwmmqnu44mwwmuum mmmmm4mmm4mm4 msaflfl . 3% “$5. 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IIIJ IIIIIIIIIIIII-oa 223 IIIIIIII 4114114111 mmmn namunnnw ”547n7nnuumnaannznnmwmnuwo unnfiunnnnuuuu7 9:nmw snuvsaumnnauumnnwm7 7anammm..ann :8 m“ m6flnnw7 .flMflEM3flu .Sfin3fl3flflflfluflflflflwflflfiflflflflflmmflmwwnmaflwmwflnwmINMNIIIIINNNIIWINImaflnflfllflmfi mmmmmmmmmmmmm mamm999mmmmnnzmmmmm9MMMMMWM9mmHzmmmammmmmmmmmmmmm m99mm9 9MMMWM9mmmMMMM999m 111 11111111111‘1111‘11111!11111...!1111111111‘b1 111.1!1‘111111111111!‘ mmuunflSflhfiufi7fi5W3nwn6wwsfluQIa7 9flfl739WW$IN3flaflnmunu%W6 OISQMI2RNNMMNI I:«a 6fl$uuflfln6u2n fimsm 999mm mm9mmwmmmmmm mzmmmmmmm .mmmmmmm ummmmm mm% mMMMWM9m wwumn9999 M9mmm.. mmmmmmmum 11‘! I‘m 142 Sflflwfiflflufiflz «mg mg ngnflflflumw , 11‘11‘1‘11‘0 .flgflmuflflflufl 41152221112 4aavvnnauuu mnnmmmmmmmm ngwuumufl mmmmmfi mmmm .MWNMWNWMENN n‘7omu ummmmm$ —m i1‘11‘1‘l _mmwm mamnmmm 143 APPENDIX F 144 APPENDIX E. SOIL DATA SOURCE : Soil Survey of Ingham County, Michigan. SOIL NAME : Riddles (Fine loamy, mixed Mesic Typic Hapludefs) PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES: ‘Depth : 0 to 22 inches Pemiability : 20 to 60 in/hr Available water capacity: 0.13in/in EWINEERIM; PROPERTIES: USA Texture : Sandy loam Liquid limit% : 20 to 30 Plasticity Index : 2 to 10 BIBLIWRAPHY BIBLICERAPHY Abernathy, G. H. 1976. Draft requirements of self-powered disk. ASAE Paper NO. 76-1021. ASAE' St. Jam, "I 490850 Affeldt, H.A. Jr. 1984. Digital Analysis of the Dynamic Response within Trunk Shaker Systems. Unpublished M.S. Thesis. Michigan State University. ' American Society of Agricultural Engineers, 1984. American Society of Agricultural Engineers' Year Book of Standards. Thirty-first Edition. ASAE, St. Joseph, MI 49085. Anderson, C., E. Rowe, H. Spencer. 1974. A tractor rear wheel torque meter. Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research, 19: 365-369. Bedri, A. A., S. J. Marley, W.F. Buchele and T. A. Shay. 1981. 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