MSU LIBRARIES “ RETURNING MATERIALS: P1ace in book drop to remove this checkout from your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. 0911 1:; THE REPRODUCTIVE ECOLOGY OF A RANID FROG COMMUNITY IN POND HABITATS OF WEST JAVA, INDONESIA ' BY DEAN BARRETTE PRENO A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Zoology 1985 ABSTRACT THE REPRODUCTIVE ECOLOGY OF A RANID FROG COMMUNITY IN POND HABITATS OF NEST JAUA, INDONESIA BY DEAN GARRETTE PREMO This dissertation reports a year-long study of the reproductive biology of five ranid frog species in human-disturbed habitats of aseasonal west Java. Field observations and laboratory dissections were conducted on mw.&w.&m. hm mdQQLLQQmeJJm- Field observations revealed no seasbnal partitioning in calling or mating behaviors. Genetic isolation was promoted by temporal (over a 24-hour cycle) and microhabitat partitioning, body size differences and distinctive mating calls. Dissections of monthly samples were performed. Sexual size dimorphism was present in all species (females larger than males). within the community, the possession of large fat bodies was not related to size, sexual maturity, reproductive readiness of females or time of year. External secondary sexual characteristics of males were an accurate indicator of sexual maturity. An interspecific positive correlation existed between female body size and ovum diameter when four of the five species were considered. An intraspecific positive correlation between female body size and ovum diameter existed in two of the species. Intraspecific positive correlations between live weight and ovarian weight were present in all five species. An interspecific positive correlation between mean live weight and mean ovarian weight was present. Mean percent body weight contributed by ovarian weight in reproductively ready females ranged from 6.5% to 11.7% for the five species. This percentage was not significantly correlated with body weight among the species. Mean clutch sizes ranged from 434 to 13,611 for the five species. There was a pattern of increased clutch size with increased, species size. No seasonality in male or female reproductive characteristics was observed. Four of the five species had large clutch size when compared to temperate zone Bang or Bornean tropical rainforest Bang. Net reproductive rates for the west Javan ranids are likely higher than those of their temperate zone relatives. Indirect evidence suggested that females produce more than one clutch per year. In view of their reproductive characteristics, the five species were relatively aligned on the 'r-K' selection continuum and their position on this scale was considered in relation to the zoogeographical range of each species. The degree of 'r' selectedness was not perfectly related to large. geographic range among the species. ACKNONLEDGEMENTS Many people are due gratitude for their part in the development, execution and completion of this study. Special thanks are extended to Dr. SetiJati Sastrapradja, Director of Lembaga Biologi Nasional, and Dr. Soenartono Adisoemarto, Director of Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, for their advice, courtesy and friendship during my stay in Indonesia. My days in the museum were made enjoyable by many friends and colleagues there, especially Arie Budiman and Pak Boeadi. Dr. Mohammad Eidman, Dean of Fisheries Faculty at Institut Pertanian Bogor, granted permission to work at the Darmaga Field Station and always displayed interest in my work. My life in Bogor was greatly enriched by the friendship and kindness of the Samsoedin family. I am indepted to Robert F. Inger, Curator, Division of Amphibians and Reptiles, Field Museum of Natural History for valuable discussions during the planning stages of my research and for the opportunity to view specimens at the museum. Dr. Inger’s impressive contributions to the herpetology of Southeast Asia were my constant reference. Bruce Jayne offered valuable advice concerning herpetological field work in the tropics. I wish to thank J. A. Holman, C. D. McNabb, James Edwards and M. M. Hensley for serving as my doctoral committee and for their contributions to this work. Dr. McNabb provided my wife and me with the opportunity to live and work in Indonesia and gave us our first introduction to the country. For the many and varied experiences that came with our stay in west Java we will always be grateful to him. As chairman of my doctoral committee, Professor Hensley demonstrated patience and provided friendship, moral support and many hours of discussion. Immeasurable quantities of support were offered by my family and friends at 'home' through their frequent letters and words of encouragement. To them, I offer deep thanks. The greatest thanks is owed Dr. Bette J. Premo, my wife and friend. Bette spent many hours with me discussing the course of my research and commenting on techniques and interpretations. She provided financial support throughout this study, assisted in nearly every trip into the field, constructed and typed tables, and critically reviewed various drafts of the manuscript. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST or TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . g . . . . . . x INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I DESCRIPTION or THE STUDY SPECIES . . . . . . . . Bag; ghglggggtg (Schlegel) . . . . . . . . Qggiggzzgg,llmg Kuhl and van Hasselt. . . Ban; ggzthggga (Schlegel). . . . . . . . . Ban; gangrivorg Gravenhorst. . . . . . . . 1 Rana llmgggngnig Boie. . . . . . . . . . . 11 DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY SITES . . . . . . . . . 13 OOGO-B Bogor Botanical Garden (BBS) . . . . . . . 18 Cibodas Botanical Park (CBP) . . . . . . . 21 Darmaga Field Station (DFS) . . . . . . . 23 METHODS AND MATERIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Breeding habitat partitioning and courtship behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Body size relations . . . . . . . . . . . 41 F.t bOdi .s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 53 Male reproductive characteristics . . . . 62 Female reproductive characteristics . . . 70 iv Seasonality of reproductive characteristics . . . . . . . . . DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reproductive biology . . . . . . . Reproductive isolation . . . . . . Reproductive potential . . . . . . Natural selection and zoogeography SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . 109 I45 I45 I49 158 164 173 I78 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Habitat type and species assemblages of the study sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 2. Anuran species associations at each ’tUd)’ ‘i t.I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 3. Matrix for species calling sympatrically and synchronously. . . . . . . . . Table 4. Monthly calling record for males of the five study species. . . . . . . . . . . . Table 5. Monthly calling record for males of the five study species with reference . . . . . Table 6. Shout-vent length data (in mm) for mature frogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 7. Live weight data (in grams) for mature frogs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 8. Product-moment correlation between snout- vent length (SUL) and live weight (Lw). . . . . . Table 9. Relation between live weight and live volume for the five study species. . . . . . . . Table 10. Body size differences and body size ratios between sexually mature males and females of each species. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 11. Results of Mann-whitney tests checking species differences of mean snout-vent length and mean live weight for mature frogs. . . . . . . . Table 12. Test results checking differences in mean snout-vent length (SUL) between frogs with large fat bodies (LFB) and those without (w/o LFB). Table 13. Product-moment correlation results for testis weight vs. testis length and testis weight vs. calculated testis volume. . . . . . . . . . . vi Table 14. Mann-Nhitney test results for difference between mean testis volumes of mature and immature ”.1.‘I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 15. Egg diameter data (in mm) for all ova ‘t.°.‘ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . Table 16. Nonparametric test results for comparisons of ovum diameters between ova stages. . . . . . . . . Table 17. Mean volumes (in cu mm) of the five stages of ova and increase in volume from one stage to the next. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 18. Ovarian weight (in grams) for all 00. ’t.°.'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 19. Nonparametric test results for comparisons of ova weights between ova stages. . . . . . . . . . Table 20. Snout-vent length data (in mm) for ova stage 1-5 females for the five study species. . . . . Table 21. Nonparametric test results for comparisons of snout-vent lengths among females of different OVI ‘t.°.sI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 22. Results of Mann-whitney tests for differences in ovum diameter between species. . . . . Table 23. Product-moment correlation analysis of snout-vent length and ovum diameter of stage 5 females. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 24. Left and right ovary weights (in grams) for reproductively ready females. . . . . . . Table 25. Product-moment correlation between live weight (LN) and ovarian weight (ow) and between live weight and percent live weight contributed by ovaries (ZOO) in reproductively ready females. . . . Table 26. Live weight in grams (LN), ovarian weight in grams (0“) and percent live weight contributed by ovarian weight in reproductively ready females. Table 27. Results of Mann-Uhitney tests for differences in percent live weight contributed by ovaries (Z ovarian weight) between species. . . . . . Table 28. Clutch sizes in females with countable ova. vii 69 77 79 BI 82 B4 85 BB 91 93 94 97 9B 101 Table 29. Table 30. Results of Mann-Uhitney tests for differences in clutch size between species. Product-moment correlation between snout- vent length (SVL) and clutch size (N of Ova) and live weight (LN) and clutch size. . . . . Table 31. Snout-vent length (SUL) and live weight (LN) countable ova. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 32. size factors (OSF) for the five species. Table 33. Mean monthly testis volumes (in mature male Qgglgglzgg 11mg, . . . . . . Table 34. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths mature male Qgglgglzg; llmg. . . . . . . Table 35. Mean monthly testis volumes (in mature male ggng limnggharig. . . . . . . Table 36. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths mature male Ran; limngchargg. . . . . . . Table 37. Mean monthly testis volumes (in mature male Egg; £gztngggg. . . . . . . . Table 38. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths mature male Bang ggztngagg. . . . . . . . Table 39. Mean monthly testis volumes (in mature male Bag; gaggglggga. . . . . . . 'Table 40. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths mature male Egg; 5535212953. . . . . . . Table 41. Mean monthly testis volumes (in mature male Egg; gnalggggtg. . . . . . . Table 42. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths mature male 35;; ghglggnoga. . . . . . . Table 43. Kruskal-wallis test results for in millimeters in grams of females with Ovarian weight factors (OUF) and ovarian cu mm) for (in mm) for cu mm) for (in mm) for cu mm) for (in mm) for cu mm) for (in mm) for cu mm) for (in mm) for differences in mean monthly testis volumes and mean monthly snout- vent lengths in mature males. . . . . . . Table 44. Table 45. MI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I viii Monthly percentages of mature males. . . . Mean monthly clutch sizes for Qgglgglzg; 102 104 105 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 124 126 128 Table 46. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female Qg;ldg;zgg,llmg with countable ova. . . . . . Table 47. Mean monthly clutch sizes for Ban; MI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 48. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female Bag; lflmnggnggls with countable ova. . . . . . Table 49. Mean monthly clutch sizes for Egg; ”MI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 50. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female Bang.;£zthgggg with countable ova. . . . . . . Table 51. Mean monthly clutch sizes for Bang MI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 52. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female Bang Englggngtg with countable ova. . . . . . Table 53. Mean monthly clutch sizes for Rang MI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 54. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female 353; gaggglggng with countable ova. . . . . . Table 55. Kruskal-wallis test results for differences in mean monthly clutch sizes and mean monthly snout- vent lengths of females with countable ova. . . . . . Table 56. Monthly values of number of mature females (N mature), number of reproductively ready females (0 repro) and percent of reproductively ready females (2 repro) for all species. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Table 57. Summary of reproductive isolating mechan- isms for species by species combinations. . . . . . . Table 58. Comparison of predicted and observed CIUtCh "2.’I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Table 59. Correlates of 'r' and 'K' selection (from Pianka, 1978) and characteristics of the five study species. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :29 130 131 132 133 134 I35 136 137 141 143 155 161 166 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Location of Java in Southeast Asia (from Bartstra and Casparie, 1975). . . . . . . . . . Figure 2. Mean monthly rainfall and temperature (Fontanel and Chantefort, 1978), total monthly rainfall and mean monthly maximum-minimum temperatures (1983-84) for Bogor, west Java. . . . . Figure 3. Mean monthly rainfall and temperature for Cipanas, Nest Java (data from Fontanel and ChIHtIfort, 1978) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 4. Total monthly rainfall and monthly mean maximum-minimum temperatures for Darmaga Field StItIOh (‘983-84)e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e a Figure 5. Temporal aspects of advertisement calling behavior including time of commencement, peak period (broad portion of trace) and time of completion for each 24-hour observation bout. . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 6. Average time of commencement, peak period (broad portion of trace) and time of completion of advertisement calling behavior for the five study species. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 7. Means (vertical lines), ranges (horizontal lines) and 95% confidence intervals (horizontal bars) of snout-vent length of male and female frogs. . . . Figure 8. Distribution of large fat bodies (LFB) across size classes of male frogs of the five study ‘p.CI.‘I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 9. Distribution of large fat bodies (LFB) across size classes of females of the five study .p'Ci.‘I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 10. Percent frogs with large fat bodies in matures and immatures of both sexes for the five study species. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 11. Percent reproductively ready and non- reproductively ready mature females with large f‘t bOdi.’I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I4 19 22 22 40 42 46 54 55 5B 60 Figure 12. Figure 13. Size-frequency distributions of mature and immature males of the five study species. Distribution of testis volumes for mature and immature males of the five study species. Figure 14. Figure 15. lines) and 95% confidence rectangles) for ovum diameters of the five ovum stages. Figure 16. Figure 17. Size-frequency distributions of mature and immature females of the five study species. Means (vertical bars), ranges (horizontal intervals (horizontal Relationship between mean ovum diameter and mean snout-vent length for stage 5 females of the five study species. Relationship between mean live weight and mean ovarian weight of reproductively ready females (ova stages 4 and 5) for the five study species. Figure 18. Relationship between mean live weight and mean clutch size for the five study species. Figure 19. Relationship between ovum size and clutch size for the five study species. Figure 20. (vertical Lime- - Figure 21. mn r Figure 22. (vertical SIOELLEQCI- Figure 23. 122102311- Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges lines), and 95% confidence (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for Qggigggzg; Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines), and 95% confidence (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for Bang Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges lines), and 95% confidence (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for Bag; Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines), and 95% confidence (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for gang xi intervals intervals intervals intervals 64 68 71 76 90 96 106 108 121 121 122 123 Figure 24. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines), and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for Rang gnglggngtg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 25. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines) and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for clutch size for Qggigggzgg 11mg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 26. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines) and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for clutch size for Ban; llmngghgglg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 27. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines) and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for clutch size for gang inglggggtg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 28. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines) and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for clutch size for Egg; Ir: thrllsI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 29. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines) and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for clutch size for Bag; Slug? ngse I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Figure 30. The relationship between ovum size and body size in some frogs (from Salthe and Duellman, 1973), including the five study species. . . . . . . . . . . Figure 31. Range of Qgglggzzga lime. Figure 32. Range of Bag; gangrigorg. . . . . . . . . . Figure 33. Range of Ban; gn5lggngta. . . . . . . . . . Figure 34. Range of Bag; ggztngggg. . . . . . . . . . Figure 35. Range of Ban; 11mgggngglg. . . . . . . . . xii 123 138 138 139 139 140 147 168 168 169 169 170 INTRODUCTION In west Java, several species of ranid frogs co-occupy pond and flooded rice field habitats. The basic question of this research was: what reproductive isolating mechanisms and reproductive biology differences among these frogs allow them to coexist in apparently homogeneous environments? To answer this question, four species of Bag; and one species of Qgglggzzgg (Family Ranidae) were examined in their natural habitat and by laboratory dissections. The great biotic diversity in the world’s tropical areas has evoked much scientific interest. Java is a tropical island that is heavily impacted by humans and their agriculture. This has resulted in decreased diversity of the biotic communities, including the anurans. The pond frog communities of Nest Java are composed of species that have tolerated human activities. In fact, some of the frogs have prospered in conJunction with humans. Scott and Campbell (1982) predict that future herpetological community studies will inevitably be more concerned with anthropogenic effects and will focus on such areas as the impacts of habitat simplification. In the scramble to study the anuran fauna of the remaining pristine tropical areas, communities 2 of anurans living in close association with humans have been neglected. This study focused on such a community. West Java is an aseasonal wet tropical area and conditions favorable to anuran reproduction prevail year-round. This study was based on data collected over a complete annual cycle, from October 1983 to October 1984. Previously, year-long studies of anuran reproductive biology in the Asian tropics number only eight: Alcala (1962) and Brown and Alcala (1970) (Philippine Islands); Berry (1964) (Singapore); Inger and Greenberg (1963) and Inger and Bacon (1968) (Borneo); Church (1960a,b) (Java) and Zeller (1960) (Java). Of these studies, only Inger and Bacon (1968), Berry (1964) and Alcala (1962) studied the reproductive biology of a community of frogs; all others were studies on single species. Other anuran community studies in Asian tropics have examined community organization in relation to environmental gradients or competition (Brown and Alcala, 1961; Inger, 1969; Inger and Colwell, 1977; Inger and Greenberg, 1966). Studies with a community approach to the reproductive biology of frogs in other tropical localities are also rare, with Crump (1974), Caldwell (1973) and Bowker and Bowker (1979) being noteworthy contributions. Five species of ranid frogs were examined to ascertain their reproductive coadaptations for life together in disturbed pond habitats. Seasonal, temporal and spatial breeding habitat partitioning and reproductive isolating mechanisms were investigated through field observations. 3 Dissection of monthly samples of males and females allowed examination of: (1) body size relations, (2) fat body occurrence, (3) sexual maturity, (4) testis size and relation to maturity, (5) ovum and ovarian characteristics, (6) reproductive readiness in females, (7) clutch size and (8) seasonal aspects of reproductive characteristics. This information led to a consideration of the species that departed somewhat from the general reproductive patterns and an interpretation of anti-mating and courtship isolating mechanisms. Further, the reproductive potential of the west Javan species was compared to Bornean rainforest ranids and temperate ranids, and the relative position of these frogs on the 'r-K' selection continuum was outlined along with its relation to the zoogeography of each species. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY SPECIES Five species of frogs in the family Ranidae were studied. A description follows along with a brief review of the published ecological literature for each species. Unless otherwise cited, the morphological descriptions follow Inger (1966) with some additional information from the present work. Bag; ghglggngt; (Schlegel) Adult Egg; gnalggggt; have a slender body and legs. The head is triangular and has a pointed snout and a conspicuous tympanum. The fingers and toes are dilated into distinct disks with the disks of the outer fingers at least twice as wide as the phalanges. The toe disks are smaller than those of the outer fingers and the web reaches the disks on the outer edges of the first three toes and on the inner edge of the fifth toe. The fourth toe has one or two phalanges free of the broad web. Both an inner and outer metatarsal tubercle are present. The dorsal skin of B, gnalggngta is granular and a dorsolateral skin fold is present although sometimes obscure. Several small glands occur behind the rictus. A supratympanic skin fold is absent. The skin of the 4 5 posterior half of the abdomen is granular or rugose, but the rest of the venter is smooth. The color of live individuals is yellowish green to brownish green on the dorsum and cream colored on the venter. The ventral surfaces of the thigh, groin and tibia are reddish. The upper lip and glands behind the rictus are white or yellowish. The most obvious sexually dimorphic character of B, gnglggngta is size. Adult females are much larger than males, often four to six times the mass. The tympana of males are visibly larger than those of females and males have paired subgular vocal sacs. The nuptial pads in males are clusters of yellowish spinules on the mediodorsal surface of the first finger. The species occurs from peninsular Thailand to Java, Bali, and Celdbes (Mertens, 1930). The published literature on the ecology of 3, 511.115.932.11 is quite mug... It is an inhabitant of small streams in primary forest and secondary growth and around swampy areas at edges of clearings (Berry, 1975; Dring, 1979; Grandison,1972; Inger, 1966). Berry (1975) observed that it is the upland ecological counterpart of Ban; gazinggga, but gave no data for support. Inger (1966) stated that E; ghglggnotg is most abundant below. 300 meters elevation but has been recorded up to 900 meters in Borneo. Inger (1966) further reported that females with enlarged pigmented ova were collected in all months from 6 April to August. In a study of community organization of frogs along small rainforest streams in Sarawak, Inger (1969) classified 3; ghglggngta as a riparian species with strong clumping tendencies and found that the maximum distance from the streambed that adults occurred was ten to twenty feet. Liem (1971) reported that, in contrast to the Bornean forms which are forest dwellers, Javan B, ghglggnota do not occur in forests except in UdJung Kulon. On Java, the species is found in vegetation up to 1.5 meters high and occurs from sea level to 1500 meters (Liem, 1971). Liem (1959) studied the breeding habits of this species in Bandung, West Java, from January to July of 1958. He found eggs were laid in a thin surface layer on water, but never out of water. This refuted Dunn’s (1928) statement that‘fi, gnglggggtg lay their eggs out of water on vegetation; In conjunction with Schistma’s (1932) findings of tadpoles in Bogor, Java, from October to January, Liem (1959) concluded that eggs are laid in Java_ throughout the year. Liem (1959) also gave data on clutch size and egg diameter. Qggiggzzga,llmg Kuhl and van Hasselt Members of the species Qggiggzzgg lima are small aquatic frogs with a maximum size of about 39 mm. The tongue is elongate and extensively free (Taylor, 1962). Uomerine teeth are absent and the head is small. The snout is quite pointed and the nostrils are located on two 7 elevated swellings, raised above the level of the snout. The tympanum is large and covered with skin (Berry, 1975). The fingers are slender and acutely pointed. The toes are entirely webbed (Kampen, 1923). The dorsum, lower surfaces and legs have numerous small, conical tubercles of unequal size, the largest ones forming a few longitudinal rows on the throat and belly (Kampen, 1923). The color in life is greenish brown above, with small darker markings. Sometimes a light yellow or green vertebral stripe is present. The venter is yellow to cream colored with a dark brown band on the arm and along the back side of the thigh. Sometimes a brown L-shaped mark is present on each side at the base of the thighs (Berry. 1975). Male Q; llm; have an internal vocal sac (Kampen, 1923) and mature females are considerably larger than males. Nuptial pads are present in males. The species occurs in Thailand, Burma, Indo-China, Hainan, Malaysia, and Java (Taylor, 1962). The number of reports that even briefly mention the ecology of Q, lflmg are few. Berry (1975) characterized the species as small aquatic frogs found in lowland swamps and pools. Schistma (1932) found the tadpoles in rice fields during October and December in Bogor, west Java. Inger and Colwell (1977) characterized Q, lime as riparian-aquatic and nocturnal. The mating call has been 8 described by Heyer (1971) and Heyer (1974) briefly discussed the ecology of the tadpole. Egg; grztgragg (Schlegel) ngg ggzthraga is a slender-bodied (males) to moderately robust (females) frog. The head is longer than broad, with a pointed snout. The tympanum is distinct and about three-quarters of the eye diameter. The tips of the fingers are dilated into disks with circummarginal grooves. The largest disk is about half of the tympanum diameter, but less that twice the width of the phalanges. The disks of the toes are smaller than those of the fingers. The web usually reaches the bases of the disks on the outer edge of the first three toes and on the inner edge of the fifth toe. The fourth toe has two phalanges free of the web. An inner and, usually, an outer metatarsal tubercle are present. Ventral and dorsal surfaces are smooth. A broad dorsolateral fold is present. Color in life is usually bright green above and on the sides, with a bright yellow dorsolateral fold. The upper lip and ventral surfaces are white. The limbs are olive above with longitudinal black stripes or rows of dots. As with 3‘ ggalgongtg, adult female 3; ggzlggggg range four to six times the mass of males. Males have a relatively larger tympanum and have nuptial pads on the first fingers and clear asperities on the chin. 9 The geographic range of the species includes eastern India and Burma to Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Celebes, and the Philippine Islands (Boulenger, 1920). Somewhat more literature is available for 3‘ mm than for figmor him-g. It is a common frog found in rice fields, water around human habitatations, and swamp forests at low elevations (Berry, 1975; Brown and Alcala, 1961, 1964; Heang, 1972; Inger, 1966; Matsui, 1979; Taylor, 1921, 1962). Inger and Colwell (1977) classified 3; grzthgggg as a riparian-aquatic and nocturnal frog. Alcala (1955) studied 3; erzggraeg on Negros Island, Philippines, and found males to call throughout the night and frequently during the day. Eggs and embryos were collected in all months in permanent ponds, ditches, shallow creeks, marshy areas and semipermanent shallow ponds. Eggs were deposited on the leaves of aquatic plants and he inferred that all eggs were not deposited in one mass. Brown and Alcala (1970) published on a more extensive study of the population ecology of B; erythraeg on Negros Island using mark-recapture techniques. They reported maximum sizes for males and females and growth rates for the two sexes. Inger and Breenberg (1963) reported on the breeding ecology of B; ggzlggggg in Borneo. Monthly collections were obtained for one year and they reported on sizes for 10 males and females and on the state of sexual readiness. They encountered no seasonal patterns. Egg; §;n§giggr; Gravenhorst Egg; g;ggglggg; has a stocky body and is a medium to large-sized frog. The snout is rounded and the tympanum clearly visible. Limbs are moderate to heavy and fingers and toes are pointed, without disks. The web reaches almost to the tips of the first, second, and third toes and to the middle subarticular tubercle of the fourth toe. An elongate inner metatarsal tubercle is present, but there is no outer metatarsal tubercle. Irregular skin folds are present on the back and a supratympanic fold extends from the eye to the axilla. Color in life is brownish-green above with irregular dark markings. The lips have vertical dark brown bars and the limbs have dark crossbars or irregular markings. The venter is marbled with light and dark pigment. Females are larger than males and males have median subgular vocal sacs and black patches at the corners of the throat. Males also have nuptial pads on their first fingers. The species is distributed in Thailand, Malaysia, the Indo-Australian Archipelago and the Philippines (Taylor, 1962). 11 E; ggggriggrg is an economically important species as it is collected in large numbers to be sold for human consumption. The species is closely associated with humans and is found mainly at low elevations, but never in the" rainforest (Berry, 1975; Brown and Alcala, 1964; Inger, 1966; Liem, 1971). The species has a good tolerance for salt water and is often found feeding on crabs in tidal areas (Taylor, 1962). Despite its abundance and economic importance, very little ecological or reproductive information has been reported. Alcala (1962) reported some information on the species in the Philippines. It is a seasonal breeder on Negros, avoiding the dry season. Egg masses contained from 50 to 70 ova, but the clutch size in dissected adults was more than 2000. Church (1960b) reported on the breeding biology of E; ggncrivggg based on weekly collections of males and females for one year near Jakarta, Java. The testes of males and ovaries of females were examined and measured and body sizes reported. Church (1960b) suggested that part of a batch of maturing eggs could be ovulated and oviposited. Ovaries in all stages of development were found in each month, although a degree of seasonality was reported. MW Boie The adult Egg; limgggggglg is a moderately stocky frog with short limbs. The head is longer than broad and 12 the snout is rounded. A tympanum is visible. The limbs are short and moderately heavy and the finger tips are pointed and not expanded into disks. The web of the foot leaves at least one phalanx of each toe free. Both inner and outer metatarsal tubercles are present. Irregular skin folds are present on the back and a supratympanic fold runs from the eye to the axilla. The color in life is grey or brownish above, with darker spots or patches and often a green or tan vertebral stripe is present. The underside is white and immaculate, except for the male’s dark throat patch. Usually three dark brown vertical bars on upper and lower lips are present and the dorsal surfaces of the limbs have dark crossbars (Liem, 1971). Adult female E; Luggggggfig are larger than males. Males have a.mmdian subgular vocal pouch and a black M-shaped band across the throat. Nuptial pads are present on the first fingers. The species is found in Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, China, Japan, Malaysia, and Indo-Australian archipelago (Taylor, 1962). The species is also found on the Philippine islands (Inger, 1954). E; limggsgggig is found in cleared areas where humans has destroyed the original vegetation and therefore is restricted to fairly low elevations (Berry, 1975; Dring, 1979; Dunn, 1928; Brandison, 1972; Heang, 1972; Inger, 1966). Taylor (1962) noted its importance as a human food 13 source in much of its range, although it is generally not used in this way on Java. It shares the same habitats with E; ggggglgggg and is never found in the forest (Liem, 1971). Inger and Colwell (1977) classified E; 11mgggggglg as terrestrial and nocturnal and Heyer (1971) described the mating call. In Thailand, Heyer (1973) noted mating calls in September, October, July, April, and August and found larvae during October, September, June and August. Schistma (1932) found tadpoles near Bogor, Java, from October through April. In Singapore, Berry (1964) noted calling males with developed nuptial pads in every month. Enlarged oviducts were found only in February, March, June, July, August, October, November, December, and January. The monthly average numbers of pigmented ova ranged from 504-2259. The most‘extensive work on the reproductive biology of E; 11mgggggg;g has been carried out in Taiwan by Paul Alexander and g1 g1; (1963, 1979). These papers discussed the sex ratio, body size and age distribution, growth rates, life expectancy and reproductive biology of the species. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY SITES The study sites for this research were in the vicinity of Bogor, west Java, Indonesia. Before describing the actual sites in detail, geographic, biogeographic, I4 aw I... ' I I ..' CHINA ( p THAILAND 10 ’6. 500'" cm». sn ‘9 2 z a “moon: . 1V .. PHILIPPINES ' . I I '1 MALAY PENINSULA BORNEO INDIAN 06f“! Figure 1. Location of Java in Southeast Asia (from Bartstra and Casparie, 1975). 15 paleogeographic, climatologic, and agricultural attributes of Java will be outlined. Java’s location is approximately 7 degrees south latitude and between 95 and 115 degrees east longitude.‘ The island is approximately 1100 kilometers long and 100 kilometers wide. Its surface area is 126,501 square kilometers (Hammond Atlas, 1980). Java is part of the Republic of Indonesia as are the islands which flank it: Sumatra to the west, Borneo to the north, and Bali to the east (Figure 1). These islands and approximately 14,000 1 others form the world’s largest archipelago (Draine and Reed, 1982). Javan soils are nutrient-rich because it is an area of intense volcanism. Java has 121 volcanos, 25 of which are active (Fontanel and Chantefort, 1978). Indonesia is the fifth most populous country in the world and sixty percent of the population lives on Java, which has 70 million people (Hammond Atlas, 1980). Java is in an extremely interesting and dynamic region of biogeography and biogeographic history. It is a “continental island'I which has had connections with the mainland as recently as the Pleistocene Epoch and is part of the Eurasian tectonic plate (Brown and Gibson, 1983). A. R. Uallace (1876) designdted Java as part of the Oriental Biogeographic Region. During the Ouaternary Period in Southeast Asia, arid and semiarid periods alternated with periods of more humid conditions very similar to events in Africa and Latin 16 America (Uerstappen, 1975). However, Steenis (1935, 1947, 1961) emphasized that the Dipterocarpaceae, typical representatives of the equatorial rain forest, have occurred uninterruptedly in Sumatra and Borneo at least since the Miocene Epoch and cores of tropical rainforest have persisted throughout. According to Uerstappen (1975) three factors have exerted a great influence on the climatic conditions of the Pleistocene Epoch in S.E. Asia. First of all, marked changes in the distributional pattern of rainfall occurred during the glacials and a drop of 30% in precipitation was likely. Second, the world-wide decrease in air and sea temperatures during the Quaternary ice ages caused a lowering of the snow and forest lines and affected the altitudinal zonation of vegetation in the area. Finally, emergence of the Sunda shelf during the glacials due to lowering of sea levels probably produced increased dryness. During the last glaciaton, the sea level was about 100 meters lower then presently and the land surface area was much greater. Continental connections existed during this period (Verstappen, 1975). Over 90% of the Indonesian Archipelago, the mean temperature of the coldest month is over 20 degrees C, the total annual rainfall is more than 2000 mm and the dry season is absent. Over half of the archipelago receives. more than 3000 mm of rain annually (Fontanel and Chantefort, 1978). Monsoon effects are felt more in the east than in 17 the west. The constancy of temperature is remarkable, with the mean thermic amplitude only about two degrees C for most of the archipelago. December and January are the coolest and wettest months. Diurnal temperature amplitude is quite high and ranges between seven and ten degrees C for the entire area (Fontanel and Chantefort, 1978). The mean thermic gradient for Java is 0.6 degrees C for each 100 meters; thus it can be estimated that the mean temperature of the coldest month becomes less than 20 degrees C towards 900 to 1000 meters and 15 degees C towards 1700 to 1800 meters (Fontanel and Chantefort, 1978). Java’s natural vegetation is tropical rainforest (whittaker, 1975) and is dominated by the Family Dipterocarpaceae. However, the natural vegetation is heavily impacted by human activities and, according to Uerstappen (1975), massive deforestation on Java has occurred in the last 200 years. Because human activities have had great impact on the frog fauna of Java (approximately 30 species), it is important to briefly characterize the history of Em ggglggg and agriculture on Java. Hominids have occupied Indonesia since two million 8P (Jacob, 1975). Around 10,000 years BP, vegetable and root plants were first domesticated and between 10,000 and 3,000 years 8P, rice and cattle were domesticated. From 3,000 to 1000 years 8P, culture developed further and settlements increased in size and number (Jacob, 1975). For the past two hundred years a colonial presence has brought about increased agriculture of 18 coffee, tea, and rubber (Draine and Reed, 1982) and an accompanying deforestation. These factors have contributed to the success of a few frogs species that do well in the presence of human agriculture. More recently, the increased use of pesticides and heavy collection of edible frogs may affect even these anthropophilic species. Three specific study sites were utilized in the data collection for the present study. They were Bogor Botanical Garden, Cibodas Botanical Park and Darmaga Field Station. A description of each site is presented below. 0 or hi i rden (886 The Bogor Botanical Garden (888) is a 200 hectare park located near the center of Bogor, west Java. It is approximately 250 meters above sea level. Bogor has an extreme rainforest climate with mean monthly temperatures varying only between 24.3 C in February and 25.3 C in October (waiter, 1979). Annual rainfall is approximately 4300 mm with 450 mm in the wettest month (April) and 230 mm in the driest month (August) (Figure 2). On cloudy days daily temperature variation is small (two degrees C), but on sunny days temperature variation may reach nine degrees C. Rain usually falls at mid-afternoon in the form of short downpours, after which the sun shines. Clear days are present in Bdgor even during the rainiest months (walter, 1979). The days are about 12 hours long throughout the year (ca. 0600-1800 hours) (Church, 1960a). 19 70- 60- Total rainfall} E {j 50- H \ "c? A ’\ “E 40- --_ // \\ [I \\\ I; \\// g...“ \ \ m Mean monthl rainfall” ‘ H 30- y [I *0 g \‘ ~ ” F36 '° W - 3 20... :32 ,9. ......... Mean mo‘nihly temp\ ____‘____..---.. :28 E, — Am ~24 “’ lO-i Min-temp/ :20 2» I I I I I I I I T I I Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Figure 2. Mean monthly rainfall and temperature (Fontanel and Chantefort, 1978), total monthly rainfall and mean monthly maximum- minimum temperatures (1983-84) for Bogor, West Java. 20 According to the Schmidt and Ferguson (1951) classification system, Bogor has on the average 11.5 wet months (where precipitation is greater than 100 mm) and 0.3 dry months (precipitation less than 60 mm). Fontanel and Chantefort (1978) classified Bogor as a hot-hyperhumid bioclimate which lacks a dry season. Figure 2 also includes rainfall and temperature data for Bogor for the duration of this study. within the 886 are more than ten ponds, several small streams and a maJor river (Sungai Ciliwung). Most fieldwork time was spent in the vicinity of Mesjid Pond. This pond had a surface area of 528 square meters and a maximum depth of 70 cm. It was surrounded by high ground and trimmed grass. On the east side of the pond, water from a small stream entered over a one-meter waterfall. 0n the north side, overflow water exited by way of a small stream. The water source was rich in nutrients from human use and this aided in the production of large amounts of filamentous algae and an aquatic weed, EZQLLLLQ vggtigillggg. The pond had up to 40% of its surface area covered by large water lilies (Ezmggggg‘gg;). On the west side of the pond, the strip of clipped grass was approximately ten meters wide and this gave way to leaf litter and brush along a small ravine and stream. MesJid pond was flanked on the north and east by two other small ponds which shared the same water source. On the south side of the pond, the clipped grass extended 40 meters up a slope to an access 21 road. MesJid Pond was a permanent pond although the water. level was lower in September and October, when its maximum depth was about 30 cm and the surface area of the pond was reduced by about 50%. i oda nic l Park (C P) The Cibodas Botanical Park (CBP) is an area of approximately 50 hectares. It is located on the slopes of Gede Mountain at the edge of a national forest preserve of 15 square kilometers. CBP is approximately 1400 meters above sea level. Schmidt and Ferguson (1951) gave a 20-year average annual precipitation for CBP of 3380 mm and furthur indicated that, on average, CBP has 1.4 dry months annually and 8.5 wet months. Average monthly temperatures hover around 20 C and diurnal fluctuations range about ten degrees (from 14-24 C). A climate diagram for the nearby town of Cipanas (elevation 1070 meters) is given in Figure 3. Current climate data were not available for CBP. Fontanel and Chantefort (1978) characterized CBP as a moderately cool, hyper-humid and montane bioclimate which lacks a dry season. CBP contains several ponds and small streams, but field work was concentrated on a large pond called Papyrus Pond. This pond had a surface area of 3850 square meters and a maximum depth of 80 cm. On the south side of the pond, a brook entered from the adjacent rainforest. Overflow water .22 Rainfall (cm) -24 10 u mean monthly temperature _ _2., F'ZO 1 "18 I T f I T If r fi fi T T F Oct liov Dec Jan Feb liar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Figure 3. Mean monthly rainfall and temperature for Cipanas, West Java (data from Fontanel and Chantefort, 1978). Dashed segments of lines indicate 50 4 months when data were not available. ao-i \ ,\ \ Total monthly rainfall 8 V 30“ \ H ‘ ~..~ H ~~‘~ {u ‘u ‘64 _§ 20- “ WW ------ ———\_.._ "“ -32 10- -28 -___\ M1n-temp___-_—__-- {-24 T I r I I 1 r i y T r—T‘ Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Figure 4. Total monthly rainfall and monthly mean maximumrminimum temperatures for Darmaga Field Station. (1983-84). (30) Sinusiadmal (3°) Sinusiadmal 23 exited in a small stream at the east end of the pond. The‘ water source was cool and clear and Papyrus Pond had relatively little filamentous algae and aquatic macrophytes. The water of the pond was generally clear except after hard rains when suspended sediments sometimes clouded the water. Aquatic macrophytes in the pond included small patches of lilies, Nzgghge; 3g; and the submergent weed, Egratoghzllum g2; §ggittarig gg;_was an emergent plant near the perimeter of the pond and patches of cattails, 112g; gg;, were located at the ends of the pond. A large patch of nggrus pagzrus was located near the bank of the north edge. Clipped grass and shrubs surrounded the pond. On the north edge, large dipterocarp trees bordered the pond and on the south edge of the pond, the clipped grass extended 30 meters, giving way to second-growth rainforest. The ground surrounding the pond was steep and well drained. The pond was permanent and held its maximum amount of water in January through March and its lowest water levels occured June through October. D r Fie t tio ( F ) The Darmaga Field Station (DFS) is a fisheries field station and laboratory owned by Bogor Agricultural University. It is located ten km west of Bogor at an elevation of 220 meters above sea level. This area consists of 40 artificial ponds of various sizes. The total surface area of the ponds was approximately 13,000 square meters. 24 Some of the ponds were used in fish culture, others were allowed to grow up in natural vegetation. DFS receives, on average, 3552 mm of rain annually and it has 11.2 wet months and 0.3 dry months (Schmidt and Ferguson, 1951; twenty-year average). The mean monthly temperature and diurnal variations are similar to 88G. Fontanel and Chantefort (1978) classified the DFS area as a hot-hyperhumid bioclimate which lacks a dry season. The temperature and rainfall data over the duration of this study are presented in Figure 4. Much of the DFS area was vegetated in grass. The area was surrounded by agricultural land (mostly ricefields) and kampung (village) areas. The water source for these ponds was a small stream which flowed through a village area and was rich in nutrients from human use. The water hyacinth, Eigggggig gragsiggg, was a common floating vegetation in many of the ponds, along with some emergent grasses. Coconut and banana trees were the only larger vegetation in the area. The ponds at DFS were permanent although fluctuations in level occured as result of research programs at the laboratory. METHODS AND MATERIALS Field work at the three study sites was carried out from October 1983 - October 1984. At 888 and DFS, one 24-hour observation period was conducted each month. These observations were supplemented by more frequent, but shorter visits to both sites. At CBP, one 24-hour observation period was carried out on an average of every six weeks. For CBP, all months exceptDecember, April, June and October were included. A total of 940 worker hours was accumulated during 50 nights in the field for nocturnal and 24-hour observation periods. Species present, relative abundance of each species and male calling activities were recorded on each outing. Observations were made on temporal and spatial taspects of the frog community. Observations on behavior of females and males were recorded. On daytime visits to the study sites, pond dimensions and characteristics were measured. The predominant aquatic plants present at the sites were identified using Pancho and SoerJani (1978). Maximum-minimum air temperatures in the‘ shade and rainfall accumulation were taken daily in Bogor and biweekly readings were taken at DFS (no data were taken at DFS for April and May). weather data were not taken at CBP. 25 26 Frogs were collected for dissection usually between 1700 and 2400 hours. Each month an attempt was made to collect ten individuals of each sex of E; ggzgggggg, E; iimgogggrig and Q; ling. The same number of E; ghglggngt; was collected approximately every six weeks. The field technique was to collect the first ten of each sex that could be located and captured. A long-handled net with a 14 cm diameter hoop was used. The frogs were processed within two hours of capture. In the case of E; gggsgivgrg, 20-30 live frogs were purchased every three weeks at the local market. Each batch of frogs was purchased at 0700 hours and had been collected by a professional catcher the previous night and early morning. Information on the collection locality was obtained from the vendor and in all cases the collection site was within 25 kilometers of Bogor. It was assumed that the professional collector captured adult frogs without bias as to size as frog prices at the market were calculated per frog, not by weight. These frogs were processed within two hours of purchase. E; ggggglgggg_were difficult frogs to capture because of their wariness. They were purchased in order to obtain adequate numbers for dissection without inordinate time ouput. Over the 12 months of this study, a total of 1328 frogs was dissected. The counts for each species were: E; ggggigggg, 534 (ca. 45 per month); E; ggglgggggg, 198 (ca. 17 per month); E; grzthrggg, 211 (ca. 18 per 27 month); E; limnogharig, 21? (ca. 18 per month); and Q; ligg, 168 (ca. 14 per month). Frogs were relaxed in an aqueous chloretone solution. Each was blotted dry and weighed using a ten gram Pesola scale calibrated in tenths of a gram or, for larger frogs, a 300 g Pesola scale calibrated in grams. An individual field tag was then attached to each frog. Snout-vent length (distance from the tip of snout to farthest extent of the ischium) was measured with a spreader and millimeter rule while the relaxed frog was held flat. The volumes of a subsample of frogs were measured by water displacement. After measurements were made, the E; ggglgggota, E; grzgggaeg, E; limnggharig and Q; ling were fixed and preserved in 4% buffered formalin. The measurements and the fixing procedures were conducted at the field collection site. These frogs were dissected within a few days. The E; ggncrivora were dissected fresh but the gonads were placed in 4% formalin for one or two days before further measurements were taken. This procedural difference was because their large body size made fixing and storing a slow and space-consuming process. The gonads were preserved in formalin to be consistent with the way the other five species were processed. In males, the presence or absence of secondary sexual characteristics was noted. The left testis was removed from each male and its length and diameter measured. Testis 28 volume was calculated by assuming it to be a cylinder. The presence and relative size of fat bodies were noted. Each ovary was weighed on the 10 g Pesola scale. The diameters of ten ova from each frog were measured using a dissecting microscope fitted with an ocular micrometer. The ova were staged according to the following scheme after Church (1960b): Stage 1 - small, unpigmented ova; Stage 2 - ova small and pigmentation variable; Stage 3 - almost all ova pigmented, but no animal-vegetal hemisphere apparent; Stage 4 - a difference in pigmentation between animal and vegetal hemispheres beginning to develop; Stage 5 - ova with clearly distinguishable animal-vegetal poles; and Stage 6 - post-ovulation, distinguished by the condition of the empty ovary which usually contained some unovulated Stage 5 ova. It was not possible to categorize Q; lig; ova in Stages 4 or 5 because heavy pigmentation obscured the animal-vegetal hemispheres. In this case a size criterion (explained in text) was used to determine ova stage. In females with sufficiently large ova, fifty ova were teased from the ovary and their volume measured in a burette calibrated to hundredths of a milliliter. It was found that the weight in grams of an ovary was not significantly different from its volume in milliliters (t-test, 95% level of confidence, n=15). Using the combined weight in grams of left and right ovaries and the volume of 50 ova, the total number of enlarged ovarian ova (clutch size) was calculated. This procedure was biased in that it could result in a 29 slight overestimate of clutch size. Supportive tissue in the ovary, as well as a small developing set of ova, added some weight to the total ovarian weight. This was not appreciable in an ovary with enlarged ova. The small clutch size of Q; lim; permitted a direct count. The size and convolutions of the oviducts were recorded and the presence and relative size of the fat bodies noted. Most statistical analyses and tests were performed using an Apple IIe computer. Prior to use of a parametric test, variables were tested for normality (Kolmogorov- Smirnov Test for Goodness of Fit) and homogeneity of variances (F-max Test and Bartlett’s Test for Homoscedasticity) (Sokal and Rolhf, 1981). If normality and homoscedasticity were not demonstrated, nonparametric tests were applied. Statistical tests used in this research were Kruskal-wallis Test (nonparametric test for differences among groups), Mann-whitney Test (nonparametric analog of the t-test), linear regression, t-tests, product-moment correlation, F-max Test, Bartlett’s Test for homoscedasticity, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test for goodness of fit. RESULTS The data collected in this study generally fell under two main categories: (1) qualitative data collected by field observations and (2) quantitative data collected through measurements of dissected specimens. The results section. reflects these two main areas with the first subsection reporting field observations and the later subsections reporting quantitative data. r in i r tioni n court hi eh v'or It was hypothesized that mechanisms existed to prevent interbreeding and minimize other interspecific interactions such as competition for food or space at breeding sites. Breeding habitat partitioning and discriminatory courtship behaviors are two potential mechanisms that can be studied in the field. Observations pertaining to both were made at the breeding sites of the five species. Breeding habitat partitioning can take place on three levels: spatial, seasonal and temporal. Spatial partitioning can be of two types: (1) coarse spatial partitioning, which refers to the use of completely different breeding ponds by different species, and (2) fine spatial partitioning, which refers to species preferences 30 31 for specific microhabitats within the same breeding pond. Seasonal partitioning refers to weekly or monthly differences in breeding activities, for example, dry-season breeders and wet-season’breeders. Finally, temporal partitioning refers to breeding activity differences on a 24-hour cycle, for example, day-time breeders and night-time breeders. Both coarse and fine spatial breeding habitat partitioning were apparent within the community. Coarse spatial partitioning was evidenced by the fact that distinct species associations occurred at each of the three sites. Table 1 presents characteristics of the three study sites, including species assemblages. Only the five study species were included in Table 1, but each site had larger species associations (Table 2). The five study species were selected because of their close taxonomic relation and their great abundance in the community. E; ggglgggggglwas the only study species present at Papyrus Pond at CBP. MesJid Pond at 888 had four of the five study species present. ‘E; ggngcivogg and E; ggglggggig were not present at every observation period, whereas E; ggztgrggg and E; limngcharig were always present. Q; liga was never found at MesJid Pond. The maximum number of study species calling synchronously at MesJid Pond was four. Considering only the study species, the ponds at DFS had E; erythraea, E; Limggggggig, 0; 11m; and E; cangrivgr; present and 32 Table 1. iiabitat type and species assenblages of the stsdy sites. CD 888 IFS Habitat type then area Open area ilpen area, and elevation at forest edge adjacent dis- adjacent 1m neters tnrbed forest agri-land m gig; m netgg iii-her of ponds one pond, one pond, nany ponds, and approxinate 3,850 se.n. 528 se.n. 13,100; grface area an, Pernanence semi mung; ”Eggs; Total noeber of species found 1 4 ii at site lotal amber of species calling 1 ii 4 a ite ‘ iiaxinine iii-tier of species calling 1 4 t synchronously at site ll, cancrivggg if Q AP ll. linnocliaris l0 AP AP , it. erzthraea ill AP AP ii. chalcongtg AP 3’ if 0. lig Elf; i0 AP 'CI” =- Papyrns Pond at Cibodas Botanical Part. 'HS' =- liesjid Pond at Bogor Botanical Garden. 'DFS' 8 easy ponds at the Darnaga Field Station. 'AP' indicates alvays present. '0!” indicates occasionally present. “ll” indicates never present. 33 Table 2. Anuran species associations at each study site. Locality Family Species Bogor Botanical Garden, Mesi id Pond Bufonidae Microhylidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae E219 mglanggtigtgg E; gipgrgatgg am H 351mm Rgga cangrivggg E; chalggnotg E; erzthraea E; limnochari; E; macrodgg WW Darmaga Field Station Bufonidae Microhylidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae Bufo melggggtigggg E; bipgrcgtg; Miggohzla achggiga e lima i an 52mm . erztgrae; limnocharis . macrodon ' ob r' W01 at was; E PPPI” Cibodas Botan- ical Park, Papyrus Pond Bufonidae Microhylidae Pelobatidae Ranidae Rhacophoridae Egig|melanggtigggg Miggohzla gghggina [13.293.953.293 flegophrz; mggtigglg' hal nicogarigggig Polypeggggs lgggggzglg; E; reinwgrggi Rhagophogg; jgvagus FIFE 34 calling synchronously at every visit to the site. E; ggglggg93g was never observed at DFS. Over the course of this study, all combinations of species pairs were observed calling sympatrically and synchronously at the same site except for Q; ligg/E; ghgiggngta (Table 3). Fine spatial habitat partitioning was maintained both in situations where only one species called alone and where two or more of the species called simultaneously. Microhabitat preferences were most readily observed by noting the calling sites of the males. Male E; grzthrgea preferred positions over the water and usually perched on floating Ezgggggg pads or on emergent Eiggggnia leaves up to 25 cm above the water surface. Individual male ‘E; grzghrgeg were fairly evenly spaced, although male-male interactions to maintain specific calling sites were not observed. Male 9; 11g; called while floating in open water or on mats of floating algae. water depth at the calling sites ranged from 5 to 30 cm. Individual males were spaced over the entire pond. Male E; ggglgggggg most frequently called from emergent vegetation up to one meter above the water surface or from the grassy banks of the pond up to three meters from the water’s edge. Occasionally they called from floating Ezggggg; pads and frequently formed dense aggregations of 20-100f individuals calling from the same patch of papyrus or cattails. Male E; gagggivora called from ground level on exposed mud flats 35 Table 3. liatria for species calling synpatrically and synchronoesly. SPECIES 5m 1m 1m Mm SPECIES mscim limits stalemate ML!!! line i. memos! X + . i i 1.. new i X t t t I. missed; * t X t N 1.. cumin * . i X t 9.. lies * + N t X Ratio: in m m m 313 m Percent: my 1m 1m my not 'N' indicates that the tun species nere never observed calling at the sue site. '0' indicates that the bio species were found calling synpatrically and synchronously. 'AP' indicates the ratio of acteal species associations (idiere species called synpatrically and synchronously) to potential species associations (where species called at the sue site but nere segregated seasonally). 36 or clumps of grass on the pond’s perimeter. They were not observed calling while sitting in water and sometimes called several meters from open water. Males were evenly spaced, but behavioral interactions between males were not observed. Male E; limnoggggis called from exposed positions on mud flats or short grass on the edge of the pond. Like male E; ggggg;ggg;, they did not call from the water or from elevated positions. They were usually located within one or two meters of open water and called while facing the water. Males were fairly evenly spaced. For the five study species, breeding ponds were also the living and feeding areas. All five species were observed at the ponds during daytime visits. During periods of non-calling (daytime), microhabitat preferences were also observed. E; ggncrivgrg and E; lignocharis hid in damp grass or in soil crevices and depressions, E grzthraea and E; chalcgnggg perched above the water in vegetation in hidden positions and 9; 11m; were partly submerged in wet mud or floating algae. Field observations at CBP, BBB and DFS and other areas in the Bogor area indicated that E; grzthraea and E; £legggg$g most frequently utilized permanent ponds as living-breeding habitat whereas Q; ligg, E; im ris and E; ggnggivorg were frequently observed in the more temporary ricefield habitats. Males of all five species gave advertisement calls in every month of the year (Table 4) when the three study sites 37 were considered collectively. The gap in Table 4 for E; chglggggg; resulted from a month where no observations were made at CBP. when studied from the viewpoint of individual sites (Table 5), no seasonality was observed in calling behaviors at CBP or DFS. E; chglggnota were heard calling each month that observations were made at CBP. E; erythraea, E; leggggggig, E; gancrivgr; and Q; 11g; were present and calling at every visit to the DFS site for nocturnal observations. At MesJid Pond in 886, some seasonality was observed. E; grzthrae; and E; limnocgggig were present and calling during each month, but E; gggcgivora and E; ggalcgnota were not present at all times. E; gancgigora was observed calling at BBB during September, October and July. E; ghalcongt; were present and calling at 888 during March, April, May, June, July and August. Figure 5 illustrates the temporal patterns of advertisment calling behaviors for each of the study species. Each trace in Figure 5 represents calling commencement time, peak calling period and calling completion time for each observation bout. Because the twelve-hour pattern of daylight and darkness varied only a few minutes on an annual cycle, it was possible to use absolute time. Generally, the calling activities of all species were restricted to the hours of twilight and .darkness. E; ghalggnot; had two rather equal periods in 38 Table i. Nonthly calling record for nales of the fine study species. 2&5 Nonth fig; l igmgh er i g .5392... 93;an Mil-gem k tober i e f i e None-her : t f i i Decenher f f f N i January i f + i f february f f i i f March 0 f f f i “N l t f e f f Nay e f f e i hine f i f f f July e i f f f Myst e f f i e Septenber e f e f f 'f' indicates nale frogs called airing the nooth. 11' indicates no record for the nooth. Table 5. reference to locality. 39 Noethly calling record for sales of the fine study species uith egos Lane to; 1m to: Mt Lil: gagging: ligggharig gm; chalcongta jig; 888 e e - .. ET DFS f f - f m .. .. - 4; .. BS - e f - W DFS f e s - E - - - i 888 - f f - - EC DFS I I 0 .- g 99! N N N N m - f i - - JAN OPS f f f - e E! .. g - - nee - i i - - FEB DFS f f - m - - - Q - 188 f f f Mil DFS e e - fl - - Q - BBS - e e e - A°it DFS t i i - t 99!! N N N N N I88 - f t e - MY DFS e e f - f 92 . - - p - 386 - f f p - Mi DPS e f i - - 993 N N N it N 188 f i e i - Jll DFS e e f - i Q! - - .. g - 886 e f f e - AB N8 0 i e - e m - - .. s - I86 f f i - - SEP DFS e e e - e m - - - g .. '386'= Bogor Botanical Garden; 'DfS'a Darnaga Field Station; 'CD'I- Cibodas Botanical Part. 't' indicates nale frogs called during the nonth. '-' indicates nales uere not heard calling during the nonth. 'N' indicates no record for the nonth. 40 Rana cancrivorq Rana Zimnocharis ana erythraea Rana chalconota —*—- -—-————— Ooeidozyga Zima -———: IIITIFIIIIIfiIIIIFsIIIIrI OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NMQMO-NwC‘OF‘NMQHNMQVIONQQOH e—tr-iF-tn—te—ir—fv—iv—iNNNNNOOOOOOOOOHH Time of Day Figure 5. Temporal aspects of advertisement calling behavior including time of commencement, peak period (broad portion of trace) and time of completion for each 24-hour observation bout. 41 terms of calling activites during a 24-hour cycle. At Papyrus Pond (CBP), calling usually occurred from Just before sunrise and continued until mid-morning. At MesJid Pond (886), E; chalgongt; called during an evening period only. Temporal partitioning of calling activities was present in the community. Figure 6 is a composite of the individual species traces of Figure 5. The single trace for each species was generated by averaging calling commencement time, peak calling period, and calling completion time for each species over all observation periods. E; ligngghagis and E; gaggcivora had nearly complete overlap in their calling periods. Q; lig; and E; chglconota also showed great overlap in the evening calling period. E; erzghraea essentially called from dusk until dawn and therefore overlapped all four species to some extent. However, there was a period from midnight to 0300 hours when the peak calling period of E; grzggrggg did not overlap that of the other species. E; cancrivora and E; chalconota, E; limnocharis and E; chalconota, Q; LEE; and E; cancrivora and Q; Lia; and E; limnocharis had fairly distinct peak calling activity periods. Eggz gig; relations The five species ranged over a large spectrum of sizes. ‘ Tables 6 and 7 give snout-vent length (SUL) and live weight (LN) data for sexually mature individuals of each sex and 42’ l Rana cancrivora ———@E- emthmea Rana chalconota ——-—— —_——— __—____ Ooeidozyga Zima \ VIIjITIII'jI'IIWIIIVT—vvr UUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NMQMONQC‘O—dNMQ-HNMQIAONQO‘C—f e-(e-tr—tn—tn—(r—ir—te—fNC‘JNNNOOOOOOOOOo—d—dy Time of Day Figure 6. Average time of commencement, peak period (broad portion of trace) and time of completion of advertisement calling behavior for the five study species. Table 6. Snout-eent length data (in I) for nature frogs. 43 Species Se: N- llean 952 6.1. Range M then m m ' ii 99 76.7 75.5-77.9 59.1-17.1 7.9 YES M M F 68 91.9 95.6-112.1 61.1-119.1 13.6 YES 3.1!! 111111.!!! ll 64 42.1 41.3-42.9 36.1-51.1 7.7 YES Lag; 1:23.131! F 39 66.7 65.3-61.2 56.1-78.1 6.7 YES 211.! 11.11.539.11 if 61 43.3 42.3-44.2 35.1-53.5 1.5 YES M $1115.11!!! P 64.2 61.9-66.6 52.1-77.7 11.7 YES m m; if 61 45.6 44.1-46.4 35.5-51.5 6.1 YES M W F 27 52.5 51.4-54.6 41.1-62.5 11.1 YES m Lia if 44 24.9 24.4-25.5 21.1-29.5 7.4 YES m jig; F 29 31.1 8632.9 25.5-36.5 9.4 YES 'c.l.' is confidence interval. 'M' is coefficient of variation. ‘Norn' is nornality as deternined by Kolguoron-hirnoe test. 44 Table 7. Line ueight data (in was) for nature frogs. Species Se: N- iiean 95% 1.1. Range M then Egg gangrieggg ll 99 41.1 38.3-41.8 21.1-61.1 21.7 YES Egg gangrivorg F 68 97.8 88.6-117.1 29.5-216.1 39.2 YES gm 1.2M N 64 4.6 4.3-4.8 2.7-6.7 21.8 YES Lag; m P 39 21.4 19.2-21.7 11.1-31.6 19.1 YES 35;; My}; if 61 4.7 4.4-5.1 2.4-7.9 23.6 YES itgn; ghalconota F 35 18.6 16.7-21.5 9.5-31.5 31.1 YES 3g; iinnggharis if 61 7.8 7.4-8.1 3.8-11.3 15.9 YES 3113 HMS F 27 13.5 12.1-15.1 8.1-21.1 14.8 YES Mag; ijg; if 44 1.8 1.7-1.9 1.1-2.6 19.3 YES My; jig; F 29 3.7 3.3-4.1 2.1-5.4 27.6 YES 'c.I.' is confidence interval. 'M' is coefficient of variation. 'Norn' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-fiirnoo test. 45 each species (sexual maturity is defined on pages 62 and 70). The SUL data are presented graphically in Figure 7. The data for these measurements were normally distributed, but variances among the groups were unequal. Nonparametric statistics were used for comparative description. SVL and Lu were highly correlated in males and females of all five species (Table 8). A one-to-one relationship existed between L“ and live volume for all the study species (Table 9). All five species demonstrated sexual dimorphism in size (both SUL and LN), with statistically significant differences between the sexes (Table 10). In all cases, females were larger than males. The sexual dimorphism ratios (female size/male size) for each species are given in Table 10. Shine (1979) reported that female anurans grow to a larger size in 89.6% of 589 anuran species that he reviewed and species where males were larger than females tended to be those where male-male combat takes place. Both Shine (1979) and Crump (1974) outlined possible reasons for female anurans being larger than males of a species. Both authors suggested that, since larger females can accomodate more or larger eggs, there should be selective pressures for females to be large. Shine (1979) suggested that female fecundity increases more rapidly with increasing body size than does male reproductive success and Crump (1974) stated that there is an energetic advantage for being small. These two 46 Rana cancrivora (females) + Rana cancrivora (males) IL Rana erythraea (fem.) It ——dh—- Rana erythraea (males) Rana chalconota (fem.) ————4lhr————- ._—_‘}———— Rana chalconota (males) * Rana limnocharis (females) -———4I——- Rana limnocharis (males) -——IP—-Ooeidozyga Zima (females) -I- Ooeidozgga Zima (males) 2316 I 2b ' 50"46 ' 56 ' 60 ' f0 riéoj 9b ‘166 'ifo '120' Snout-vent length (mm) Figure 7. Means (vertical lines), ranges (horizontal lines) and 95% confidence intervals (horizontal bars) of snout-vent length of male and female frogs. 47 Table 8. Product-nuent correlation betueen snout-vent length (M) and live ueight (111). Species Sex 11- SA. 111 it 3mm ii 51 YES YES 1.12“ M51191!!! F 58 YES YES 1.93 as MW if 51 YES YES 1.75 ea mm P 27 YES YES 1.91 as mm ll 51 YES YES 1.75" 818.158.153.931 F 35 YES YES 1.94" Egg rae ii 51 YES YES 1.72 it 3m erzthrge; F 39 YES YES 1.91“ mm ll 44 YES YES 1.74" mm; P 29 YES YES 1.96" 'Norn' is nornality is as deternined by iiolguorou-hirnou test. 'fl' indicates simificant at P(1.11. 48 Table 9. Relation between live weight and live volume for the five study species. Species N 8 Regression Equation R - Oogigozzg; 11g; 9 Y = -0.04 + 1.00 X 0.97 in Egg; grzthrgg; 10 Y = _0.08 f 0.99 X 0.98 an Egg; iimggghgrig 11 Y I -0.21 + 0.99 X 1.00 an Egg; ggggrivgr; (males) 11 Y = -0.26 f 1.00 X 0.99 an Egg; gangrivorg (females) 11 Y 8 0.82 f 0.97 X 1.00 an Egg; Egglgggggg 11 Y I 0.08 e 0.99 X 1.00 as 'ii' indicates significant at P(0.01. 49 Table 11. Sudy size differences and body size ratios betueen sexually nature sales and fenales of each species. '0' '0' Se: Range 931 81 Sex Range 951 CI Species value value Ratio of Sex of Sex Ratio of Sex of Sea (1.11) (Sit) Peel Ratio Ratio Feel Ratio Ratio liale (1.8) (111) liale (941) (971.) (Of) (801.) mus; 333: 331: 2.1 1.3-4.9 1.7-2.4 1.3 1.9-1.7 1.2-1.4 mm; 313: 342: 1.7 1.3-5.5 1.5-2.1 1.2 1.3-1.3 1.1-1.2 mm 411: 411: 3.9 1.2-13.1 3.3-4.7 3.9 1.1-2.2 1.4-1.1 il_an_a__e_i;Ltggg_;_a_ 401: 411: 4.4 1.1-11.3 4.1-5.1 4.4 1.1-2.2 1.5-1.6 Mimi-avg; 349: 354: 2.4 1.5-9.3 2.2-2.3 2.4 1.3-2.1 1.2-1.4 '0 value' indicates Nann-ihitney test statistic for checking for significant difference in size betueen nature males and nature fenales; '1' indicates significant at P(1.15 (2-tailed test); 'Lii‘ is live Heidit; 'M' is Soont-iient Length; '951 01' is 951 confidence interval. 50 factors, combined with a potential for reduced competition for resources between a male and female of different sizes, may contribute to selection for sexual dimorphism in size with the female being larger than the male. Shine suggested, as an alternate or contributing factor, that males probably die younger (and therefore smaller) because of the I'high risk' mating strategies they employ. This suggestion would seem to be supported by Turner (1960) for Egg; grggiogg, but Brown and Alcala (1970) found a similar longevity for male and female E; grztgrge; in the Philippines. Shine (1979) and Crump (1974) came to opposite conclusions regarding the relationship of sexual size dimorphism and taxonomic relatedness. The former author concluded that the direction of sexual size dimorphism does not follow taxonomic lines, whereas the latter author suggested that sex size dimorphism is determined more by systematic relationships than by reproductive considerations. Undoubtedly, both sexual size dimorphism and reproductive attributes of species are influenced by systematic relationships. In this study, the sexual size dimorphism ratio for the five species was not correlated with mean clutch size, mean ovum diameter, mean female size, ovarian weight factor or ovarian size factor. A Kruskal-Uallis test indicated that both LN (H-83.4**, P(0.01) and SVL (H-87.3**, P(0.01) were significantly different among females of the study species. The order of 51 increasing mean size (SUL or LN) for mature females is Q; lima (.3; limnochgris ( E; chalconota ( E; erythraea ( E; cancrivora. Mann-Nhitney tests for adjacent frogs on the SUL or LN spectrum (Table 11) indicated that female E; ghglconota and E; grzthraea were not significantly different from each other, but the pairs Q; llgg/E; limnocharis, E; limnocharis/E; chalgonoga, E; erztgraga/E; cancrivora, and E; limnocharis/E; erythraea were significantly different. A Kruskal-Nallis test indicated that both LN (H-89.5**, P(0.01) and SUL (H-81.4**, P(0.01) were significantly different among males of the study species. The order of increasing mean size (SUL or LN) for mature males is Q; 11g; ( E; erythraea ( E; chalconota ( E; limnocharis ( E; Eggsglgggg; Mann-Nhitney tests (Table 11) indicated that male E; chalcggoga and E; iimgggharig were not significantly different in SUL, but were different in LN. Male E; grzihgge; and E; ghglggnggg were not significantly different in LN, but were different in SVL. The pairs Q; leng; r rae , E; limnocharis/E; cancrivora, and E; limnocharisAE; erythraea were significantly different in SUL and LN. In effect, mature males of each species were significantly different in either SUL, LN or both. It is possible that species differences in size within thb community are determined, in part, by interspecific partitioning of food resources based on size, as has been 52 Table 11. Results of Nann-hhitney tests checking species differences of nean snout-vent length and nean live ueidit for nature frogs. Species pair . '8' value for '1' value for for cnparison of cnparison of cuparison Se: live ueidit snout-vent length Mm _l_iga_ - Egg; linngghggig F 411 I 411 I Eggligggharig-Emgggigm F 336! 383! Egg; ghglcggotg - Egn; MILE! F 214 NS 223 NS Egg gthgggg - Em gancrivgg F 411 i 392 I has m - Em mum F 35' ' ' 391 ' 9911112111! lg; - Egg; 121111.111 if 411 s 411 1 Egg 9111.113; - Egg; gigggggig ii 311 e 214 NS Egg; giglgongtg - Egg 1mg 11 251 NS 391 3 Egg; linnociiarig - Egg; gggrivga ii 411 e 411 I Emligigiarig-Eggggziigm N 331: 399i '3' indicates significant at P(1.15 (tun-tailed test). 'NS' indicates not significant, ”-1.”. 53 suggested by Caldwell (1973) and Toft (1980). However, Inger (1969) found only a weak correlation between frog size and prey size in Bornean ranids. Species recognition is also a potential factor involved with evolution of species size differences within a community, with such differences contributing to maintenance of species isolation. Fgg gogigg Each frog was qualitatively scored as to whether the fat body associated with the gonad was large (usually whitish in color and often larger than the gonad) or small (usually yellowish in color and smaller than the gonad). Fat bodies are presumably energy-storage tissue and it could be hypothesized that younger frogs store energy in these fat bodies until it is needed in the production of gametes at sexual maturity. To test this, male and female frogs were scored on their SVL (an indicator of relative age) and size of fat body, and size-frequency histograms were plotted for each sex and species (Figures 8 and 9). The assumptions of normality and equality of variances were met on the SUL data for all groups except male Q;,l;gg and male E; ligngggaris. In general, large fat bodies were distributed across all size classes of the frogs with no significant differences in mean size between frogs with large fat bodies and those without large fat bodies (Table 12). However, in female E; grzghrge; and E; gggggiggg; and in male E; ggggrivora, there was a 54 A. Rana chalconota B. Ooeidozyga Zima : w/LFB ; w/LFB 14: 14; 10- 10 : F ,3 62 1' .3 6 1 g 2‘ , W1 :3 21 F a “a 2; J 'O 2; L-i w-i g ”'1 .1 73 6: r5 6: ,5 10: ,fi 10 3 J «1414‘ “-4141 c j _ 0 j - 3 :8‘ 5 18 q 2- 22 - .o ‘ -° . S 26- 5 2 4 z “ z -4 30j 30 : 344 34 - . _ . 383 w/o LFB 38 1 w/o LFB IlrlIl'III IIIIIIIFTT 30 50 10 30 .S Shout-vent length Snout-vent length D. Rana Zimocharis 30j w/LFB 261 22: .318: "l .E.’ 314- 3 3 3 3 > 10- F > '9'. 6-1 H 'o 1 'o F 2. c '1'. h '1 ‘1'1 n4 2. “{JLL+ _] a. o 4 o u 6: 3 3 ' 3 Iz 14? L =2 18: * 22- 26; 3° w/oLFB ri'i'i'rrfi 15 35 55 Snout-vent length Number of individuals C. Rana eggthraea w/LFB p—n .I.\ JLAL 0‘ IILI 3.1 b J H (I) L4IJILJAIIILLJIIJJ La w/o LFB I I rW ITI 35 45 55 Snout-vent length E. Rana cancrivora 30 26 22 18 14 10 : w/LFB _ 1 j i" I a . LJLLL J—I I L .i 1 iw/oLFB " T'lfil'i‘i'l’i 4O 60 80 100 Snout-vent length Figure 8. Distribution of large fat bodies (LFB) across size classes of male frogs of the five study species. Snout-vent length in mm. 55 A. Rana limnocharis B. Ooeidbzyga Zima C. Rana chalconota m 22 w/LFB m w/LFB m w/LFB ”.314; "3143 7.314; 310: _. €102 3103 H 3 — H .3 63 >' 6- >' 6- '0 d :3 4 J :8 d g 23 mn-n— "L 5 2~ g 22 I}. O 6‘ L c: 6‘ o» 6' 4 -w ‘ E102 310« L 310« 1 .0 1 .0 " 314: 314 glé‘ 218‘ w/o LFB 218;w/o LFB 2.13: w/o LFB ‘I‘T'I'T'l' IfiTTr 1 WWW 20 40 60 15 35 30 7o Snout-vent length Snout-vent length Snout-vent length D. Rana erythraea E. Rana cancrivora m l w/LFB a: I w/LFB "3143 1.3142 €103 €102 w-l ‘H d 23 2 H“ 5 2‘ [-111th "I E‘ 2‘ ['1 “-0 d “-0 q o 6- o 5. _ “10‘ “101 3 J ,2 . L. 51": 91“: L. 218‘ w/o LFB _ 218-4 w/o LFB 'ITng-JWI' 'I'IFWI'I‘IFIFAUI 25 4 65 25 45 65 85 1 5 Snout-vent length Snout-vent length Figure 9. Distribution of large fat bodies (LFB) across size classes of females of the five study species. Snout-vent length in mm. 56 lable 12. Test results checking diiierences in nean snout-vent length (811.) hetueen frogs with large iat bodies (LFB) and those nitlioot (in/o LFB). Mean 81L ltean 81L F-nax Test Species Sex vith LFB NI Nora u/o 1.178 N- Norn stat stat (I) (In) W Lin 31.2 24 Y8 28.4 24 Y8 1.7 NS 1.88 N8 m Lia 24.6 32 Y8 24.4 31 Y8 2.2 s 287 us 888.! 1.11M 46.1 21 Y8 42.7 36 Y8 1.8 148 1.18 118 Lug m 45.7 38 Y8 43.8 53 Y8 7.8 as 213 148 M M 63.3 5 ,Y8 61.8 33 Y8 1.7 118 1.83 148 393 m 46.2 13 Y8 44.8 78 Y8 1.8 N8 1.61 NS 33;; 2838—“; 81.8 13 Y8 63.1 48 Ml 1.6 NS -3.87 as 33;; m 41.7 23 Y8 41.9 56 Y8 1.2 N8 -.24 us 320—! mm 88.3 64 Y8 88.6 99 Y8 1.4 N8 2.68 as m m 76.2 96 Y8 72.7 111 Y8 1.2 148 2.94 as 'Norn' is nornality as deternined by Kolguaorov-Sairnov test (Y8Iyes). 'F-Iax stat' checks for equality oi variances; us indicates variances are equal; I! indicates variances are onegoal at “8.81; s indicates variances are vnequal at No.85. 'Test stat' is Student’s 't' test in all cases except nale 8,, fig and nale L linnocliaris where a Hann-ilitney '8' is presented, NS indicates not significant at PH.85; *5 indicates significant at “8.81 and 5 indicates significant at P(8.88. 57 significant difference in mean SUL between the frogs with large fat bodies and those without (Table 12). In female 3; grztgrggg, the group with large fat bodies had a smaller mean SVL. In both male and female 3; gancrivorg, the frogs with large fat bodies had a higher mean SUL. By this analysis, it seems the hypothesis of large fat bodies in young frogs is generally not supported (with the exception of female 3; erzthraeg). Working with Taiwanese B; limggghggig, Alexander g5 $1; (1979) reported a large variation in fat body weights among individuals of a sample and found no correlation between fat body weight and SUL in mature individuals. To determine whether there was a relation between the existence of large fat bodies and sexual maturity (defined on pages 62 and 70), percentages of mature and immature individuals possessing large fat bodies were calculated (Figure 10). In female 8; gancrivgrg, B; limnoghgris and Q 11mg, a small percentage of immature females possessed large fat bodies. This supported rejection of the above hypothesis. However, in female 3; r h a, a large percentage of immatures (53%) possessed large fat bodies when compared to mature individuals (11%). In B; chglgonotg, mature females possessed a comparable percentage of large fat bodies (13%) to mature female 3; erzthrgeg, but no immature female 3* gnglgonota were available for comparison. 58 I | l l immature n852: m a e mature In=155 Rana cancrivora l | immature ln=92 | female ‘71 mature In- | I I l I I immature I n=10 l male I =73 mature n | Rana limnocharzs I I ' immature n=26| female n=31| mature I I l I I immature n=1 l I I a1 m e mature =78I | Rana erythraea I f 1 immature n=15 ema e mature I n=46I I I I I . I | immature n=0 I male I | mature n=83| I Rana chalconota . l | f l immature ‘n=0 I | ema e mature I n=38| | ' I I immature n=4 male _— mature n=59 Ooeidozyga Zima i I 11 I mmature n= | IIIIII female mature n=37l l I l l l I I l I I I 6 I"I I 20 40 6 80 Percent with large fat body Figure 10. Percent frogs with large fat bodies in matures and immatures of both sexes for the five study species. 59 Immature and mature male 3; ggngrivgrg possessed similar percentages of large fat bodies (48% and 46%, respectively). In male 3; limnogharis, a small percentage of immatures possessed large fat bodies (10%) when compared to matures (40%). In male 9; limg, a large percentage of the immatures had large fat bodies (75%), compared to matures (49%). when comparing mature males between the five species, high percentages of B; ggngrivorg (46%), B; iimgggngrig (40%) and Q; llm£_(49%) possessed large fat bodies, whereas relatively small percentages of B; grzthrggg (28%) and B; ghglcongtg (16%) possessed large fat bodies. In 3; gingcivorg, g; limnggharig and Q; llmg, very similar percentages of mature males and females possessed large fat bodies (differences range from 2-13% of the total), whereas in mature fig grzthrgg; and 3; ghglggngta, quite different percentages of males and females possessed large fat bodies (23% difference in 3; ghglgggotg and 173% difference for 3; erythpaga). To examine the relation between fat body size and reproductive status of females, 'reproductively ready' females for each species were scored as to possession of large fat bodies and percentages were calculated (Figure 11). Criteria for Judging reproductively ready females are described on page 83; essentially these females have mature or nearly mature egg clutches. No clear trend was evident. A higher percentage of reproductively ready female 3; Rana cancrivora Rana limnocharis Ooeidozyga Zima Rana erythraea Rana chalconota non non DOD non non 60 repro-ready repro-ready repro-ready repro-ready repro-ready repro-ready repro-ready repro-ready repro-ready repro-ready I n=53 I I n=18I I I | I I I n=29 l I I I n=2 I | I I I I n=26 l I I n=11 ' | I I I I n=37 I I ln=9 I I I I I | In=38 I I n=0 I l I I I I I I I r f I 1 I I T 20 40 60 80 Percent with large fat body Figure 11. Percent reproductively ready and non—reproductively ready mature females with large fat bodies. 61 ggngniggpg contained large fat bodies than non-reproductively ready 3; ggncrivgra. In 3‘ limgoghggig and Qg_lim;, the reverse situation occurred. Perhaps the most obvious features of this histogram are the low percentages of reproductively ready 3; erythrggg and g; gnglggngtg that had large fat bodies. Very little study has been done on the possession of fat bodies in relation to sexual maturity or reproductive readiness of frogs. Alexander gt 5;; (1979) stated that a negative correlation existed between fat body weight and reproductive maturity in female 3; Iimggghgrig, although no data were presented in support. In a west Javan study of g; ggncrivorg, Church (1960b) reported that there was great variation in possession and size of fat bodies in females and no correlation between the presence of fat bodies and the stage of the ovaries was found. In the present study, it did not appear that younger frogs stored energy in fat bodies to be used later in the production of gametes. Perhaps the young frogs utilized all available energy in body growth and had none to spare for an energy reserve tissue. Further, it did not appear that females necessarily depleted their fat body reserves with the‘ production of an egg clutch. Both Alexander g; gig (1979) and Church (1960b) demonstrated seasonality in the size and presence of fat bodies and this aspect will be examined in a later section. 62 We Males were considered sexually mature if they possessed secondary sexual characteristics. Specifically, mature male B... W and it limmshatia possessed dark-pigmented throat patches and nuptial pads on their thumbs. Mature male 3; gnzth;ggg and 3&Icnalggnogg possessed nuptial pads on their thumbs and mature male Q; llm; had nuptial pads on their thumbs and yellowish, distended and wrinkled throats. Inger and Greenberg (1963) found all Bornean male 3; ggzgngggg_with secondary sexual characteristics had active sperm production. Alexander 1; 3;; (1979) reported that male 3‘ llmgggngnlg without secondary sex characteristics had small, white testes compared to the larger, yellowish testes of frogs with secondary sex characteristics. The same relationship was evident in the present study. Androgens secreted by testes influence neuro-effector mechanisms for mating calls and nuptial pad development (Rabb, 1973; Lofts, 1974), which indicates the direct relationship between testis “maturity“ and presence of secondary sexual characteristics in males. This Justifies the use of secondary sexual characteristics as easily recognizable indicators of sexual maturity. Figure 12a presents a size-frequency histogram of mature and immature male 3; ggnggigggg. The largest immature male was 86 mm 80L and the smallest mature male was 59 mm SVL. There was great overlap in SVL of mature and 63 immature male 3; gangrivgrg. g; ggggrivgrg metamorphosed from the larval state at approximately 16 mm va. Figure 12b presents the size-frequency histogram for mature and immature male 3; limngghapig. The largest immature was 40 mm SUL and the smallest mature male was 35.5 mm SUL. Alexander :1 $1; (1979) found the smallest mature male 3‘ lfmggghgrig in Taiwan was about 28 mm SUL. The Taiwanese males reached a size of sexual maturity about two months after metamorphosis and were about 17 mm I SUL at metamorphosis. B&_limnocgaris in West Java metamorphosed at about 16 mm SVL. Figure 12c is a size-frequency distribution for mature and immature male 3; grzthgggg. The largest immature individual was 48 mm SOL and the smallest mature male was 36 mm SVL. .8; enghrggg metamorphosed at approximately 20 mm SVL. Brown and Alcala (1970) considered 34-35 mm SUL as the approximate minimum size for sexually mature males in Philippine 3; gczthrgeg and, based on mark-recapture technique, determined that males reached this size in approximately 6-7 months post-metamorphosis. Brown and Alcala (1970) found all males between 35 and 48 mm SUL possessed well-developed nuptial pads and those 26-33 mm long did not. Inger and Greenberg (1963) found secondary sex characters and active spermatogenesis in all male 3‘ gnztnnggg collected in Sarawak, Borneo (SUL 31.6-44.7 mm). A. Rana cancrivora 68: Mature 601 52‘;I 441 q 36: 28: 20 .22 4+ 4. 12‘ 20 Number of individuals .3 .J' “LLIII Immature 2. r7 2'0” 183' " Snout-vent length C. Rana erythraea : Mature 38: 34: 30‘ 263 221 131 143 10- I-I Number of individuals Number of individuals LJ’ 2 Immature 3‘brl 8458 lT Shout-vent length Figure 12. males of the five study species. 64 Number of individuals D. Ooeidozyga Zima - 38- 34: 30: 26: 22‘ 183 11.3 10: 5. 2% Mature "I r. 24 6: 10“ TiJJ Immature Ill '.2'4' Snout-vent length B. Rana limnocharis 34: Mature so? P 263 22? 18- 141 d 101 'I LLL-J r4“ “LI—T Immature T'l‘ IIT 'IVTFIT 21133145 57 Snout-vent length E. Rana chalconota : Mature 382 32.1 .I 30: 26: 22- '— 18: 14- 10“ 63 2. ,. Number of individuals 2. 6: 4 Immature 10 2' r2! r'S'o’“ Snout-vent length Size-frequency distributions of mature and immature Snout-vent length in mm. 65 Figure 12d is the size-frequency distribution for mature and immature male 9; ling, The largest immature male was 19.5 mm SUL and the smallest mature male was 20.8 mm SUL. Q;_llm3 metamorphosed at approximately 13 mm SUL. Figure 12e is a size-frequency distribution for mature male 3;,gnglggggtg. Only mature males and new metamorphs were found at the pond. The smallest mature male was 35 mm SUL. B; ggglggngthmetamorphosed at approximately 20 mm SUL. Subsamples of testes from each species were weighed on a Hettler electronic pan balance. The relationship between testis weight and calculated testis volume was not one-to-one and in all cases calculated testis volume overestimated weight. The testis shape was slightly flattened and departed from a cylindar, thus contributing to the overestimation. Product-moment correlation was performed to determine the relationship between actual testis weight and the variables testis length and calculated testis volume (Table 13). All data sets were distributed normally. Correlation between testis weight and length and testis weight and calculated testis volume were significant in all species except Qg_llm;. However, the correlation was greater between testis weight and calculated volume and therefore calculated testis volume was considered a better index of actual testis size. 66 Table 13. Proud-scent correlation results for testis veidIt vs. testis length and testis weight vs. calculated testis vol-e. '8' valve for '8' valve for testis veifit testis newt Species vs. vs. N :- testis length calc. test. vol. 3.18.! caucuses '-75 *8 0-39 5* 53 BE! linnghggig 8.62 as 8.86 as 31 m m 8.49 s 8.79 a 18 388.! m 8.78 as 8.78 as 27 W li_a 8.87 NS 8.17 NS 17 'fl' indicates significant at P(8.81. '5' indicates significant at P(8.85. 'NS' indicates not simificant, ”-8.88. 67 Figure 13 presents size-frequency distributions of calculated testis volume for mature and immature males. No immature male 3;,gnglggggtg,were available for this analysis. There was a significant difference in testis size between mature and immature males (Table 14). Inger and Greenberg (1963) and Alexander gt gl; (1979) reported histological data on testes for mature males only and no histological examination was performed in the present study. However, since the small testes of the immature males were not producing sufficient androgens for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, it is quite likely that they contained only early stages of spermatogenesis. The fact that there are different distributions of testes sizes for frogs with and without secondary sexual characteristics lended further support to the use of secondary sexual characters as criteria for judging sexual maturity. In a later section, testis size will be examined as to any seasonality the males display in reproductive readiness. There was significant positive correlation (P(0.01) between SUL and calculated testis volume in mature 3; ggzthgggg (R-.43), 9; 11m; (R-.46), 3‘ gnglggggtg (R-.52) and B; ggncrigggg (R-.63). There was no significant correlation found in mature B; llmnggngglg (R-.18, P>-0.05)). 68 A. Rana limnocharis B. Rana cancrivora : Hatu_re _I Nature, 30 "‘ 60-1 m 26 - H m 523 .-I :1 r-I ._ g 22 -+ I— gm} L 3414 « 3. 28~ "2 - 'g 2 r .5310 2 .,.I 20: “a 6 ‘ —I‘I—I “a 12; Tl-L-rLI-L : _ 7' 3 2 f k 3 4 - — 2g 2: g 41 L. z 6 : 2:12: 10:I 20: ._II‘ 14.: Immature 28: Immature 'I'I'ITF I‘I'i'riTT'lriT 4122028 15 45 75 135 195 Testis volume Testis volume C. Ooeidozyga Zima D. Rana chalconota E. Rana erythraea _ Mature. 2 Mature .. Mature 38- .. 38* 38-I m 343 «:341 m 341 7 H J I; a '3 d 3 26- 326- 3 26-1 I‘ 5 .1 .5 ‘ 5 ‘ -o 22. .022: .0 22: 5181+ 518j 5113f 11.. 14- 4.1144 11.14- 0 '1 ' 0 d O -l I”.10:I I“10" H 10. o o 1 o r g 2-I - .3 2* g 2- z 2; g 2; z 2‘LI‘ 63 6d 6- ~ . I -I "i I . 10 Immature 10'1 Immature. 10 Immature Irl‘I' 'I'I'I'I'lri P'Irlfi 2610 4 81216202428 26101418 Testis volume Testis volume Testis volume Figure 13. Distribution of testis volumes for mature and immature males of the five study species. Testis volume in cu m. 69 Table 14. lane-timer test results for diiiereece beteeee eeae testis values at nature and i-ature sales. lbae Testis Heaa ‘lestis Hane- Species Volt-e VON-I Ilium Mature Hale l-atere Hale '0' (ca D) (co I) m 5.19.91!!! 94.0 24.7 395! Mm lie! 5.: - 0.9 m m; 11m 15.3 2.3 200! m m 7.7 0.! 20! m mum 9-6 “- “- 'e' indicates significant at NO.” (tun-tailed test). '--' indicates no data for imtere 3m ml - 70 r h t r' t Following Inger and Greenberg (1963), female frogs were considered immature if their oviducts were not convoluted. Females with oviducts convoluted such that loops folded back and contacted each other were considered mature. In the five study species, only females with convoluted oviducts carried enlarged ova. Figures 14a-e present size-frequency histograms for mature and immature females of all species. The largest immature female 3; gangrivgrg was 106.5 mm SUL and the smallest mature female was 68 mm SUL (Figure 14d). There was considerable size overlap between mature and immature female 3; ggngnlggni. This reflected natural variation in the population and indicated there was not an absolute size at which female 3; gagcriggcg became mature. The largest immature female 3; limnggnggig was 51 mm SUL and the smallest mature female was 41 mm SUL (Figure 14a). There was somewhat less overlap in size of mature and immature female 3; limnggngglg then there was for g; gggggiggng. In Taiwan the smallest mature female 3; llmggsngnlg were 30-34 mm and the largest immature was 49mm (Alexander et al., 1979). The largest immature female fi&_gnztn£ggg was 65.5 mm SUL and the smallest mature female was 56 mm SUL (Figure 14e). As with B; limnggngcig, very little overlap in size between mature and immature females existed. In Borneo, Inger and Greenberg (1963) found all female 3; Number of individuals Number of individuals 71 A. Rana Zimnocham's B. Ooeidozyga Zima C. Rana chalconota 16: .Mature 161 Mature l6: Hhture -i q 12* 212- 2312. 1 T 'U -1 'C q 10: :10; 2101 s « S 84 33 8- 1 1: ' a q 6 *1 61 *1 63 4‘; t3 4: t3 44 2- —t1 La 2‘ L1 2.1 ' m f: 7 2: '2 2: "LUA g -: 4. g 4: z 4: 6 « 6: 5: 8: Immature 34 Immature 3< Immature I T1 I I l I I l l l I TI [ii I 7' T] T I Y—IV I I 20 40 80 15 35 55 75 Snout-vent length Snout-vent length Snout-vent length D. Rana cancrivora E. Rana erythraea 12 . Nature 12 : Mature “ 1"" 10} 310 1 81 cg 8: 6 1 A :3 6 j 4 1 n—J‘ 3; 4 : 2 . _ E 2 - w-i zj “U I” m 2: 4 at A O 4 .- . _ H a 6: ~ — 3 6: 8 - g Sid a L— z j 10‘: _ 10 . 12 ‘ Immature 12 - Immature 14 . 141 I It r I1]! r T [T4 '5 TT' l T J) 6 ' do oo'ufo 25 's ' 8'3 Snout-vent length SnoutA—vent length Figure 14. SiZe—frequency distributions of mature and immature females of the five study species. Snout—vent length in mm. 72 ggztngggg larger than 59 mm were mature and the smallest mature female was 48.2 mm SVL. The largest immature female 9; 11m; was 27.3 mm SUL and the smallest mature female was 25.5 mm SUL (Figure 14b). Sexual maturity in female 9; 119; was reached between 25 and 28 mm SUL. There was little overlap in SUL of mature and immature females. No immature female 3; gnglggggtg were collected during any month. Figure 14c presents a size-frequency histogram of mature female 3‘ ghglggngtg. The smallest mature female was 52 mm SVL. It is not known why smaller females were not found at the pond. Only mature and newly metamorphoslng frogs of both sexes were found near the pond. The immatures either selected another habitat or behaved in such a way as to be less suseptible to collection. As previously outlined, ova were classified into five stages based primarily on pigmentation (and a sixth stage based on whether or not ovulation had occurred). A female’s ovaries were accordingly classified depending on the predominant egg stage they contained. 3; cancrivora,.§; limnocharis, B; erythraea and B; chalconota had normally pigmented eggs with a clear distinction evident between animal and vegetal hemispheres in enlarged ova. Large Q; 11m; ova were uniformly dark and no clear distinction between animal and vegetal hemispheres was evident. This made it impossible to differentiate stages 3, 4 and 5 for Q; limg based on pigmentation. 73 Egg deposition site and presence of egg pigment are often associated. Pigmented eggs are usually deposited in sites that are exposed to sunlight. The dark pigmentation may function in protection from ultraviolet radiation or absorption of infrared radiation (Salthe and Duellman, 1973). Oviposition sites of 3; cancrivora,_ig4 limnocharis, .34 erzthraga and 3; chalconota were often exposed to direct sunlight and each of these species showed pigmentation in the animal hemisphere. The exact oviposition site of Q; 11m; is unknown, but the ponds utilized for breeding were totally exposed to direct sunlight. why the ova were completely pigmented is a mystery. It is possible that a countershading function is also adaptive in frogs with distinct animal-vegetal hemispheres. g, cancrivora, g; limnocharis, 3; erythraea and g; chalconota laid their eggs in masses near the water surface. After fertilization, the eggs rotate so the darker animal hemisphere is uppermost. Potential egg predators viewing from beneath would have to detect the light vegetal hemisphere against a light sky background and those viewing from above would have to see a dark egg against a dark substrate. If the highly aquatic g; ‘lflmg deposits ova at the sediment surface or at a mid-depth, perhaps a uniformly pigmented ovum provides better concealment. In all species, ovaries with a complement of enlarged, pigmented ova also contained numerous small, unpigmented ova. These small ova were presumably the next developing 74 clutch. In stage 4 and 5 ovaries, the small white eggs were hardly detectable, being obscured by the larger, developing ova. Frogs which had ovulated, but not yet oviposited (that is, contained a clutch of eggs in the oviducts), were never encountered in 3; erythraea and were found in only one instance each in 3; limggchgri; and Q, limg. In these two cases, the ovaries contained stage 1 ova. Seven 3; gnglggngtg had oviducal ova and in these individuals the ovaries contained stage 1 or 2 ova. These were the newly developing clutch. Five individual 3; ggngciggra had oviducal ova. One of these had ovaries that contained stage 2 ova and another had stage 3. Three of these 3; ggngrigggg had ovaries with stage 4 ova, suggesting that partial ovulation had occurred. In other words, female 3; gangrivgc; were apparently able to ovulate and oviposit part of a clutch of eggs. Ovaries with two or more stages of developing ova have been noted in several tropical frogs (see Alexander :1 al;, 1963; Church, 1960a; Duellman, 1970; Inger and Bacon, 1968; Inger and Greenberg, 1963). Partial ovulation is likely in female figglzgnnlg galligrzag (Duellman, 1970) and was a common occurrence in Taiwanese B; 11mggghgrig (Alexander gt al,, 1963). The observations on west Java ranids suggest that ovarian cycles occurred continuously and provided some indirect evidence for multiple breeding per female in an annual cycle. 75 Egg stages 1-5 were based on pigmentation, but analysis of the diameters showed that the egg stages were distinctive based on size as well. Figure 15 illustrates the means, 95% confidence intervals and ranges for ovum diameter of each stage in all five species. In general, the ova diameter data were not normally distributed (Table 15) and nonparametric tests were used. Kruskal-Nallis analyses (Table 16) indicated significant differences in diameters among the egg stages of each species. Mann-Whitney tests for egg diameter differences between adjacent egg stages were significant in all cases where sample sizes were sufficient (Table 16). In a few cases, egg diameters for ovulated eggs (stage 6) were available. On average, little growth occurred between a stage 5 and a stage 6 ovum. Five individual 3, nc iv r stage 6 ova measurements (mean = 1.44 mm) were Just slightly outside the 95% confidence interval for stage 5 B; gansrivggg egg diameter. In seven individual a; gnglggggtg, the egg diameters of two ova were outside the 95% confidence interval for stage 5 a; chglgongtg egg diameter, but the mean for all seven (8 1.46) was inside the confidence interval. In single observations for B, Limnggngnlg and Q, 11mg, the stage 6 ovum measurement (1.37 mm and 1.13 mm, respectively) were Just outside the confidence intervals for stage 5 ova of these species. These data indicated that a stage 5 female of any species was very close to ovulation. 76 5 Hana cancrivora - -————E$E+———- 4 - -————————45$Ee—————- 3 ' ———-£EE$EEs——————- 2 - -—-—£EE$EE!* 1‘4 5 Rana erythraea - -——————4E$a———————— 4 - ,___+___, 3,. C———===__——:|' 2 - -£E§EB— 1- Eli— 3 5 Hana chalconota ' —$——— 314% ———~EE——— ‘531- + s 2 ' i 51" " 5 Rana limnocharis - -—+:E$EE§——— 4. —¢—-—. 3 . __p_ 2- l 1. $— 5 Ooeidozyga Zima 1 - —_$__ 3- $— 2 b fEEEFEEB—-——— 1- $— ' I’j’I ' I ' I ' I ' I I I I I7'7I’r I I I ' I ' I ' l I I ‘ I r“I 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 Ovum diameter (mm) Figure 15. Means (vertical bars), ranges (horizontal lines) and 95% confidence intervals (horizontal rectangles) for ovum diameters of the five ovum stages. 77 Table 15. Egg dineter data (in I) for all oea stages. lbaa Species Stage 00- Dia 9510.1. ltaege M finality gm cancrim! 5 14 1.29 1.25-1.34 1.13-1.44 5.6 ill he; cancrivora 4 43 1.05 1.01-1.10 0.77-1.26 13.2 M Mgaecrieorg 3 13 0.74 0.66-0.03 0.54-1.01 10.4 00 £00.! cangrivga 2 14 0.51 0.43-0.59 0.32-0.07 20.4 Ml £20.! ‘00:"!!! 1 90 0.16 0.14-0.17 0.05-0.37 44.2 ill malimggbaris 5 11 1.24 1.16-1.32 1.11-1.41 9.2 101 3.40! limgharis 4 22 1.04 1.01-1.00 0.05-1.17 6.6 ill 33E limnocharis 3 2 0.51 - 0.46-0.55 12.6 - gm limggm’s 2 1 0.32 :-- -- -- - Mlimgbgis 1 32 0.12 0.11-0.12 0.11-0.2 17.0 ill Mgrztbrna 5 30 1.50 1.46-1.54 1.27-1.75 7.0 ill _ii_a_n_a_ erzthraga 4 10 1.14 1.03-1.25 0.77-1.27 13.3 YES 3.0!! erzthraea 3 3 0.79 0.40-1.09 0.60-0.92 15.5 - 3m erzthrgeg 2 7 0.50 0.44-0.56 0.40-0.50 12.3 ill gag; erzthrag! 1 22 0.12 0.10-0.13 0.11-0.21 23.6 00) Mchalcmgta 5 14 1.44 1.30-1.50 1.27-1.67 7.2 M m; chalcmotg 4 13 1.20 1.09-1.30 0.09-1.44 14.0 00) BM; chalcgggta 3 2 0.62 - 0.57-0.67 11.5 - EB chalconota 2 3 0.53 0.15-0.90 0.37-0.67 20.6 - Lag; sgalgongtg 1 1 0.27 - - - - My!” 5 32 1.04 1.01-1.07 0.06-1.13 7.0 00 Ooeidozzgg ii 3 5 0.66 0.54-0.79 0.59-0.04 14.9 - ggidozzgg ii 2 9 0.43 0.34-0.52 0.33-0.66 27.0 ill 9931932213.! 1 13 0.13 0.11-0.14 0.11-0.21 25.1 Ml '0.I.' is confidence interval. 'M' is coefficieet of variation. 'Nnrsality' is as deternined by Kolguorov-aeirroe test. '--' indicates ssall saple si 78 Mean ovum volumes for each egg stage were calculated from egg diameters, assuming an egg to be spherical (Table 17). Ovum volume changes drastically from stage 1 to stage 2 (mean for the five species is 37 times). The change from stage 2 to stage 3 (mean I 3x), stage 3 to stage 4 (mean I 5x) and stage 4 to stage 5 (mean = 2x) is smaller and fairly consistent among the species (Table 17). Despite absolute differences in egg size between species, the ova of each species matured in a similar manner in terms of pigment deposition and size increases between stages of development. Presumably, these were characteristic egg maturation patterns of ranids in general. As eggs mature and increase in mass there should be a concomitant increase in the mass of the ovaries. Ovarian weight data for the five ovum stages are presented in Table 18. The data were not normally distributed. The weight of each stage ovary was significantly different from the adjacent stages for all species (Table 19). The only exceptions were in instances where sample size was small. These findings paralleled the differences between stages of egg diameter. It is important to consider frog size when analyzing egg diameters and ovarian weights because there is frequently a positive correlation between body size and these reproductive parameters (Kaplan and Salthe, 1979; Salthe and Duellman, 1973). SUL data for females containing each egg stage are presented in Table 20. The data were not 79 Table 16. Nonparaetric test results for cuparisoos of ova diaaeter betueee ova stages. Krvslal-tiall is Test Hun-Hitoer Test Statistic Species Stages '0' Stages Stages Stages Stages statistic 4/5 3/4 2/3 112 mm 1-5 73.42' 269! 2454163! 200! BE lisogllgis 1-5 40.3 I 214 l 40 I --- 20 2 M m H 47.4 a zoo in 29 e 21 a 140 a 3,9; mm 1-5 22.3 e 162 as 26 a 5 a -- ggggmg L113 14,: 41.3 a m a 41 a m a 'l' indicates simificant at P(0.05 (two-tailed test). '--' iedicates saall sable size. First haee-thitoey cuparisoo for m 1.5;! is between stages 3 ad 5. 80 Table 17. been values (in ca u) of the 5 stages of one and increase in value iru one stage to the neat. Species Stg 1 Stg 2 Stg 3 Stg 4 Stg 5 Val Inc. Vol lac. Val Inc. Vol inc. Val Val Val val Vol 1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 mm 2.141147 1.21 1.32 1.14 33.» 3.0x 3.0x 1.011 mm 1.911 1.12 1.17 1.59 1.» 22.3: 3.33 0.4a 1.7: mm 1.91. 1.17 0.26 0.70 1.77 77.11: 3.7x 3.0x 2.3x 03115331593933 1.11 1.111 1.12 1.91 1.56 0.0x 1.5x 7.6x 1.7: mm v.94: e.e4 11.15 -- 1.59 43.0: 3.3: 13.9111 'Stg' indicates stage; 'Val' indicates value. .'1nc.' indicates increase. 'e' indicates naltiply the preceedieg 11qu by 0.001 for the actual value. '1 l'; Vol.1nc. fru stage 3-5 for My; lina 81 Table 10. Ovarian neigbt (in was) for all ova stages. Species Stage li- llean 952 0.1. Range 002 Narnality Lag; cancrivorg 5 14 15.9 11.2-20.6 5.6-40.0 51.2 ill gm cancrivora 4 43 9.1 6.7-11.4 0.7-42.7 04.1 ill m; gacrivgfl 3 13 2.9 1.6-4.2 0.7-6.6 73.1 ill 30!! cgncrivggg 2 14 1.1 0.6-1.6 0.2-2.9 75.9 ill 39; m 1 90 0.2 0.2-0.3 .02-1.0 01.4 M £00! linnggliaris 5 11 1.4 0.9-1.9 0.5-3.1 52.5 M 3m linnocnarig 4 22 0.9 0.7-1.2 0.4-2.5 63.0 10) BE! linngbari; 3 2 0.4 -- 0.2-0.7 70.7 -- 39.03. linnggharig 2 1 0.1 - -- - - In; linnghgis 1 32 0.1 .04-.07 .01-0.2 7 .7 ill li_ang erztnrgea 5 30 1.6 1.4-1.0 0.9-2.7 31.0 ill no; erzthragg 4 10 0.0 0.7-1.0 0.4-1.0 23.9 10) Lan_a erztltraeg 3 3 0.6 - 0.3-0.0 45.6 - fig; erztnrggg 2 7 0.4 0.3-0.5 0.2-0.5 35.6 ill Lag; erztbragg 1 22 .06 .04-.00 .01-0.1 73.2 ill Lam chalcongtg 5 14 2.7 2.2-3.2 1.6-4.5 32.0 Ml fig; chalconota 4 13 1.6 1.2-2.0 0.6-2.0 41.5 140 fig; chalconota 3 2 0.6 -- 0.5-0.6 12.9 - Lag; chalconota 2 3 0.3 0.1-0.9 0.3-0.6 32.7 N0 m; chglcongtg 1 1 0.3 - -- -- - m ii; 5 32 0.3 0.2-0.3 0.1-0.5 7.0 010 m l!!! 3 5 0.3 0.1-0.4 0.1-0.4 47.0 - hidozzga Li; 2 9 0.1 .04-0.1 .04-0.1 52.5 ll Qgidazzgg li_a; 1 13 .03 .02-.04 .02-.04 35.5 00) '0.1.' is confidence interval; 'M' is coefficient of variation. 'anality' is as deternined by Kolguorae-uirnav test. '--' indicates snall suple size. 82 Table 19. Nonparaeetric test results for cuparisons of ovarian newts betveee ova stages. Kreslal-tiall is Test Hann-tibitney Test Statistic Species Stages '0' statistic Stages Stages Stages Stages 4/5 3/4 2/3 1/2 mm 1-3 60.0! 24111 2411 15011 2354 3311; linnacbaris 1-5 41.3 a 162 1 34 us «- 17 4 mm 1-5 52.31 1331 22113 16145 67! gm 5131:9961; 1-5 19.7 a 1511 4 26 1 4 a -- m m; 1-3,5 36.0 a 52 113 43 a 112 a '1' indicates significant at P(0.05 (two-tailed test). 'NS' indicates nan-significant at ”80.05. '--" indicates snail sable size. First Hann-tluitney cuparisan for W 112; is between stages 3 and 5. 83 distributed normally and Kruskal-Uallis and Mann-whitney tests were used for comparison (Table 21). In general, Stage 2, 3, 4 and 5 females did not differ in SUL (except for stage 3 and 4 g; caggriggrg). Stage 1 and 2 frogs usually differed significantly in size because the stage 1 group also contained immature females which were of smaller size. Any correlation between frog body size and ovarian weight or egg diameter would be evident only in frogs with enlarged ovarian eggs. The fact that stage 3, 4, and 5 frogs were similar in size within each species allowed an unbiased analysis of egg diameters and ovarian weights between the egg stages with frog size controlled. Female frogs were classified as 'reproductively ready“ if their ovaries contained predominantly stage 4 or 5 ova. In Taiwan, Alexander gt film (1979) used a similar staging process for ovaries with their classes 4 and 5 roughly equivalent to stages 4 and 5 of the present study. These workers designated females of classes 4 and 5 as reproductives based on the fact that pituitary injections induced ovulation in class 5 females, resulting in class 4 or 5 ovaries. Further, their class 4 females contained eggs that were under 0.8 mm diameter. Stage 4 female 3; limngsngnlg in the present study had a mean ovum diameter of 1.04 mm, considerably larger, and presumably closer to breeding than the class 4 Taiwanese frogs that were considered reproductives by these researchers. Inger and Greenberg (1963) designated female 3‘ ggztnnggg as 84 Table 20. Scoot-vent length data (in u) for ova stage 1-5 fenales for the five study species. Species Stage N- ltean 952 0.1. liange 1100 than RA; cancrivggg 5 14 107.9 102.1-113.0 00.0-119.0 9.4 M 3333 cangrivorg 4 43 90.0 94.2-101.9 75.0-110.0 12.7 M 3m cancrivorg 3 13 00.6 77.7-99.5 62.0-110.0 20.3 ill 5m cancrivgg 2 14 90.6 04.0-97.2 76.0-114.5 12.6 10 gm cangrivggg 1 90 72.0 60.0-75.2 29.0-100.0 21.1 10 5;” linnocbggi; 5 11 54.6 49.0-59.4 41.0-62.5 13.0 10) m linnacngis 4 22 51.0 50.5-53.1 47.0-57.0 5.7 M 3.92! linnocbarig 3 2 56.2 -- 53.5-59.0 6.9 -- 33g; linnacbaris 2 1 44.0 - - - - gm linnggbggis 1 32 35.4 32.2-30.6 10.0-51.0 25.1 10) Lag; erythraea 5 30 67.3 65.7-69.0 50.5-70.5 6.6 ill gm erzthragg 4 10 67.6 64.4-70.0 60.0-72.0 6.5 ill erzthraeg 3 3 65.7 44.5-06.0 56.0-72.0 13.0 - £02! erzthrggg 2 7 64.4 59.2-69.6 55.0-69.0 31.5 140 EL! erztbrgea 1 22 39.5 33.9-45.0 21.0-65.5 31.0 10) 300.4. ctalcggtg 5 14 66.7 62.4-71.0 56.0-77.7 11.3 no 3M! chalcgotg 4 13 63.0 60.3-67.4 53.6-72.5 9.2 ill £0.02 chalgonotg 3 2 61.0 -- 57.0-65.0 9.3 - 90.4 chalgggta 2 3 67.2 60.0-73.5 65.0-70.0 3.0 - 3m cbglcgggtg 1 1 70.5 -- -- -- -- My; 1.!!! 5 32 32.6 31 .0-33.4 27.2-36.5 6.0 ill Mm Ii 3 5 31.3 25.3-37.3 25.5-36.5 15.4 -- Mm ii 2 9 29.9 27.2-32.7 26.5-35.0 12.7 101 Mm ii 1 13 22.0 20.0-25.5 14.0-29.5 21.1 101 '0.I.' is confidence interval; 'M‘ is coefficient of variation. 'Narn' is nornality as deternined by llalguarov-uirnov test. '--' indicates snail suple size. 85 Table 21. Nonparuetric test resalts for cuparisans of snout-vent lengths uoeg fenales of different ova stages. Krastal-lfall is Test Hann-tibitney Test Statistic Species Stages '0' statistic Stages Stages Stages Stages V5 3/4 2/3 1/2 Lag; gggrivora 1-5 33.3 I! 177 NS 202 I 101 NS 227 4 11333111111951.3113 1-5 34.3 a 149 143 34 143 -- 16 11 0433222112313 1-3 37.413 1211143 16143 14143 1364 m; 91.1ch 1-5 3.3 143 1111 14s 17 143 -- -- m li_na 1-3,5 24.3 as 61 NS 20 NS 102 a '50' indicates significant at P(0.01. '3' indicates significant at P(0.05 (tun-tailed test). 'NS' indicates non-significant at 9180.05. '--' indicates snail suple size. First Hun-Unite" cuparison for m Hg is between stages 3 and 5. 86 'ready to breed' if they contained “enlarged ova" (using four stages of egg size). The criteria for judging reproductively ready females are obviously artificial, but hopefully follow some law of parsimony. Designating stage 4 and 5 females as reproductively ready was justified because the polarized ova are easy to recognize, appear in coloration and size as the ova that will be deposited during breeding and, based on the work of Alexander gt 5;, (1979), are close to breeding time. The actual time until breeding for a stage 4 femaie is not known and would be difficult to determine without surgical techniques. Further, the surgical technique itself would undoubtedly affect the egg maturation process as part of the frog’s available energy would be devoted to wound repair. As previously mentioned, separation of stages 3, 4 and 5 in Q‘,llm; was precluded because of heavy ovum pigmentation. As a result, female 9; 11m; were categorized as reproductively ready based on ovum diameter. The criterion for this classification was determined as follows. For B; cancrivora, g; limnocharis, 3; erythraea and fl; chalcgnota, the ovum diameter of the lower end of the stage 4 95% confidence intervals (Table 15) is an approximate ovum size at which these frogs enter the reproductively ready category. A relative index of this size is a percentage of mean stage 5 ovum diameter for each species (Idlameter of lower end stage 4 95% CI] / (mean 87 stage 5 diameter) x [100]). The percentages for g; cancrivora, 3; limgocharis, 3, gnztnnggg and B; gnglggngtg are 78%, 81%, 69% and 76% respectively (mean for all four is 76%). The largest Q; limg ovum diameter was 1.13 (from Table 15), and 76% of this diameter is 0.86 mm. Thus, any female Q;_llm; with ova whose mean diameter was equal to or greater than 0.86 mm was considered reproductively ready. These ova were designated as stage 5 and no stage 4 category was applied to Q; 11mg. The mean stage 5 ovum diameters in ascending size (Table 15) were Q; 11m; (1.04 mm), B; limnocharis (1.24 mm), 3; ggncrivora (1.29 mm), 3; chalconota (1.44 mm) and 3; erythraea (1.50 mm). Ovum diameters were significantly different for the five species (Kruskai-wailis test, H I 61.23, P(0.01), but pairwise comparisons using Mann-whitney tests (Table 22) showed that mean ovum diameters were not significantly different for the pairs 3; limnocharis/B; cancrivora and 3; erythraea/B; chalconota. It would appear that ovum diameter similarities between these species followed taxonomic relatedness. Terentyev (1960), working with Eurasian 3533, and Salthe (1968, 1969), working with saiamanders, demonstrated interspecific positive correlations between female body size and ovum size. Salthe and Duellman (1973) found that, within a reproductive mode, a positive correlation existed between ovum diameter and SUL among anuran species. Figure 16 is a plot of mean stage 5 ovum diameter against mean 88 Table 22. Results of Mann-Uhitney tests for differences in ovum diameter between species. Species Compared U 8 Qogidggzga lima / Rana limnogharis 209.0 * Bgna limnocharis / Rang gangriggr; 101.5 NS Rana cancrivgrg / Rgng ghglcoggtg 178.5 a Rgna gnalcoggta / Ran; erzthrgea 182.0 NS 'e' indicates significant at P(0.05 (two-tailed test). 'NS' indicates not significant, P>=0.05. 89 stage 5 female SUL for the five study species. Considering all five, the product-moment correlation coefficient is 0.47 and not significant (P>-0.05). The point for g; ggngnigggg lies along quite a different line than that for the remaining four species. In fact, the correlation coefficient for g;_limnocharis, 3; erythraea, B; chalconota and Q; leg_aione is 0.98 and significant (P(0.01). The regression line and equation for these four species are also presented in Figure 16. Crump (1974) stated that, within the generalized reproductive mode (frogs that deposit eggs directly in water), species with the largest clutch sizes also have the largest ovum diameters and that this relation was probably due to larger body size. In contrast, 3; gangrigor; is by far the largest frog in this study, yet its ovum diameter is not significantly different from the second smallest frog (Bl MW)- Salthe and Duellman (1973) stated that an intraspecific correlation between body size and ovum size must precede an interspecific correlation of the same kind if the notion is accepted that intrapopuiation variability is the ultimate source of raw material for adaptive evolution. To check for an intraspecific correlation between body size and ovum size, product-moment correlation analysis was performed on SUL and ovum diameter of stage 5 females of each species (Table 23). B; limnggharig and Q; lima were the only species that showed a significant positive correlation. Ovum diameter 90 _ Dotted line is the // 1-60‘1 regression for all spp. / 4 except Rana cancrivora / 1.50-1 y = 0.61 + 0.01(x) +/ Rana erythraea ' 7+’Rana chalconota 1.40 - / 1 / 1.30 - // Rana cancrivora + ' /'-f Rana limnocharis 1.20 - /r ‘ / 1.10- / - .f/'Ooeidozyga Zima *‘1 1' r 1 1 r T 1"r T'1 i i l i T l T I l i T’T 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 Snout-vent length (mm) Figure 16. Relationship between mean ovum diameter and mean snout-vent length for stage 5 females of the five study species. 91 Table 23. Product-moment correlation analysis of snout-vent length and ovum diameter of stage 5 females. Species N- R- Significant ‘ggg; limnocharis 11 0.75 ** YES Egg; ghalcgnotg 14 0.34 N8 N0 3911; erzthragg 30 0 .20 NS N0 gggg caggriggra 14 -0.23 NS N0 Oogiggzzga 1393 32 0.41 * YES 'nn' indicates significant at P(0.01. '4' indicates significant at P(0.05. 'NS' indicates not significant, P)=0.05.~ 92 McAlister (1962) showed that larger female Egg; gigiggg have larger ova within a given population. In two species of hylids, Crump (1974) found a significant intraspecific negative correlation between body size and egg diameter. Table 24 summarizes ovarian weight data for reproductively ready females of the five species. The data were not normally distributed. In 3; cancrivora,.3; limnocharis, B;_erzthraea and 3; chalconota the left ovary was frequently larger than the right, but the mean weight of left and right ovaries was not significantly different in any of the species (Table 24). Working with g; ggngcivgrg, Church (1960b) also found the left ovary was heavier than the right in most instances. These findings indicate the importance of measuring both ovaries when calculating clutch size or total ovarian weight. Inger and Bacon (1968) assumed left and right ovaries equal in size and used only the left ovary volume when calculating number of ova in Bornean frogs. Had the same assumption been made in the present study, it would have would resulted in up to a 17 percent overestimation in clutch size. Correlation analysis was performed between body weight and ovarian weight for reproductively ready females of each species (Table 25). The correlation was positive and significant for each species, indicating that a larger individual was able to accomodate a larger mass of eggs. This relationship was also examined among species, using mean live weight and mean ovarian weight for reproductively 93 Table 24. Left and riut ovary heights (in mus) for repradnctively ready fenales. itt.or Lt. lfean 21H» Tines 14-41 59. W01" 14' “1’0 WEI. I” MI L72 L32 UR I hump-11m L 57 3.9 4.7-7.1 1.4-24.9 14a 46 4 11 224.518 3.14% it 57 4.9 3.0-5.9 0.3-19.7 16 13931111951311; 1 33 .51 .4o-.72 .22-1.6 14a 61 27 1. 227.5143 mm R 33 150 .39'.“ 120-416 m mm In 27 412 19‘74e3 .34'2.3 m 74 4 22 235.506 m m R 27 41‘ 183-1 e2 .39'1 n, m 11mm 1 41 1.3 .67-.07 .21-1.4 14a 09 5 15 253.0045 mm R ‘0 0.7 157’s?“ e45-1e3 m 0111112221111!!! 1 32 .14 .12-.1s .13-.21 140 22 63 16 2.6.4045 mm R 32 e13 n42‘e15 .45'.” m 'Sp.‘ indicates species; '01. or Lt.‘ indicates right or left ovary. '0.1.' indicates confidence interval. 'Norn' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-Sairnov test. '11-0 0' is the liann-thitney test 11, 16 indicates not significant at ”-0.05. 94 Table 25. Product-moment correlation between live unight (LH) and ovarian weight (0") and between live weight and percent live weight contributed by ovaries (ZOU) in reproductively ready females. Species N- LU vs. 0“ Lu vs. 20“ Egg; gbalggngta 27 R I 0.618 ** R =-0.270 NS By”, ggncrivgrg 57 R =- 0.692 *4! R = 0.219 NS 55g; limngchgrig 33 R a 0.647 in R a 0.276 NS 33.0.! grzggrgeg 40 R = 0.512 5* R a 0.093 NS Qgglgggzgg_llmg, 32 R = 0.815 in R 8 0.325 NS 'ii' indicates significant difference at P(0.01. 'NS' indicates no significant difference at P(0.05. 95 ready females. The data were transformed to their natural logarithms to minimize the spread of data points. There was a significant positive correlation (R-0.99, P(0.01) and the regression line is plotted in Figure 17. The larger species accomodated larger egg masses. Crump (1974) reached a similar conclusion in a community of Ecuadoran anurans. The percent body weight contributed by ovarian weight (“percent ovarian weight') was calculated for reproductively ready females. The order of increasing mean percent ovarian weight was: L ggzthgagg (6.57.) ( _O_L lim; (6.87.) < B; limnggharis (7.9%) < 3‘ gangrivgrg (10.1%) < B; chglcgnggg (11.7%). The data are given in Table 26. The mean percent ovarian weights are significantly different for the five species (Kruskal-wallis test, H - 25.3 is, P(0.01). Pairwise comparisons using Hann-Uhitney tests indicated that B; gnzthgggg, g;_llmg and a; limnggngcig are not significantly different in percent ovary weight (Table 2?). 3; limggcharig and 3; ggggnlggra are significantly different, but 3; gancrivgr; and 3; snglgggota are not (Table 27). Percent ovarian weight was not significantly correlated with body weight in any of the five species (Table 25). Further, mean percent ovarian weight was not significantly‘ correlated with mean live weight (R=0.43 NS, P>=0.05) among species. This contrasted with Crump’s (1974) findings where there was a significant negative correlation between body size (SUL) and percent clutch volume among species. She ‘96 : Regression equation: 7 ; y = -2.82 + 1.12(x) j R a 0.99 2.0‘1 «l 1 1 e ovarian weight (a) P i- c> c> Log I H O .nIALnnLLuLLJaJLlnieeILLn l / Rana chalconota '1’ Hana limnocharis / Rana cancrivora '1’ .f "1' Ooeidozyga Zima 4' Hana erythraea 'f""rT"IU_T—_FITIII‘ITVI 1.0 Figure 17. Relationship between mean live weight and mean ovarian 2.0 IIUITT'UIUU'IT'V 3.0 Loge live weight (g) Ulf 4.0 rrfl'nfi weight of reproductively ready females (ova stages 4 and 5) for the five study species. 97 Table 26. Live ueifit in was (Lil), ovarian ueidit in gras (ill) and percent live weight contributed by ovarian ueifit (1110f) in reproductively ready fenales. Species 11- Variable hean 9502.1. Range Nasal 310.1. cangrivgg 57 LB 102.4 92.6-112.3 42.0-206.0 101 gm linngtgrig 33 Lil 13.3 12.1-14.5 0.1-21.0 ill 33g; erythraea 40 Lil 21.3 20.1-22.6 14.0-33.0 M £10.! 9.3199393! 27 Lil 19.1 16.6-21.6 9.5-35.0 ill Mm flu 32 Lil 3.9 3.6-4.2 2.3-5.4 ill M cgngrivgn 57 02 10.7 0.6-12.9 0.7-42.7 ill £00! lisngglgig 33 (II 1.1 0.0-1.3 0.4-3.1 Ml Lag; erzthrae; 40 ill 1.4 1.2-1.6 0.4-2.7 101 gm chalcgggtg 27 (It 2.2 1.8-2.5 0.6-3.0 110 mm Lia 32 W .27 .24-.30 0.1-.45 M) 3m gancrivgg 57 mi 10.1 0.7-11.4 1.7-26.5 10) Lap; linnocbari; 33 2111 7.9 6.5-9.2 11.5-19.2 ill Lag erythraea 40 lef 6.5 5.7-7.2 2.3-10.0 10 gm cbalcongtg 27 ZN 11.7 10.3-13.2 3.2-16.3 110 Mm fig 32 201 6.0 6.3-7.3 3.4-9.1 YES 'CJ.’ is confidence interval; 'M' is coefficient of variation. 'Noreal' is nornality as deternined by Kolgnorov-hirnov test. 98 Table 27. Results of Mann-Hhitney tests for differences in percent live weight contri- buted by ovaries (Z ovarian weight) between species. Species Compared U =- 34.0.1 gczthragg / Ooeigggzgg j_i__rn_a_ 228.5NS Oogidgzzga 11m; / Egg; limggchgrig 212.0 NS Egg; limggghgrig /‘g;gg gangrivgrg 282.0 ! figgg ggggrivor; / gig; ghglconota 229.5 NS $.03 grzthrgga I 3m limnggharis 243.0 NS 'i' indicates significant at P(0.05 (2-tailed test). 'NS' indicates not significant, P>=0.05. 99 concluded that, as body size among species increased, proportionately less of the total frog volume was devoted to egg mass, reasoning that larger species had proportionately larger amounts of supportive tissue. In contrast, in the present study, the largest frog (3; gangcivgra) had a percent ovarian weight that was not significantly different from the frog with the highest percent ovarian weight (3; gnglggggtg) and the smallest frog (Q; limg) had a percent ovarian weight that was not significantly different from the frog with the smallest percent ovarian weight (3; erzthrgeg). The west Javan ranid frogs did not follow the same relationship noted by Crump (1974). Two other studies that presented information for percent ovarian weight were Alexander :3 3;; (1963), working with g; i no r , and Church (1960b) working with 3; ggnggivorg. The Taiwanese 3, limnggngpig had a mean percent ovarian weight (8%) very similar to the Nest Javan g; limnggnggig, Church studied 3‘ gangglgggg from Jakarta, Nest Java and reported a mean percent ovarian weight (4.3%) that was considerably smaller than for the Bogor area 3, 5535512923. This small value resulted from Church using all classes of females in his calculations. In the present study, only reproductively ready females were used. Table 28 contains means and other descriptive statistics for clutch size (number of enlarged ovarian ova) 100 for each species. The order of increasing mean clutch size was: 9; lim; (434) < 34 erythraea (1,304) < B; limnocharis (1,750) < 3; chalconota (2,207) < 3; cancrivora (13,611). The data were not normally distributed. A Kruskal-wallis test indicated that clutch sizes for the five species were significantly different in terms of number of ova (H - 75.3**, P(0.01). Pairwise comparisons using Mann-Whitney tests indicated that the pairs 9, Lima / 3; erythraea, B; Limnggngplg / 3; ghalconota and B: chalconota /.§; cancrivora were significantly different in mean clutch size, but 3; erythraea and 3; limnocharis were not (Table 29). Little information is available from the literature on clutch sizes for the five study species. Berry (1964) reported a range in clutch size of g; limnocharis in Singapore of 504-2259, similar to the range of west Javan E; 1i ggcharig. Alexander ;; 5L; (1963) reported that .3; limnoghgrig oviposited between 30 and 2400 ova. Liem (1959) gave a mean of 1575 and range of 1000-3250 for clutch size of West Javan 3; chalcongta and Alcala (1955) reported that Philippine 3; erythraea had a clutch size of 1200 to 1900. These figures are similar to the present study’s finding of clutch sizes for 3; chalconota and B; r hr , respectively. The coefficients of variation for clutch size (Table 28) indicated that 3; cagcrivora, B; limnocharis and Q; ling had high variability in the clutch size, 3; 101 Table 20. Clutch sizes in feeales vitb covntable ova. Species 10- ilean Clutch Size 9510.1. Range Noreal M 3m gangrivora 59 13611 11733-15409 3333-35503 Ml 52.9 3:3 mm; 26 1750 1368-2132 667-4167 101 54.0 M Eli-”LE! 34 1304 1154-1454 503-2400 ill 33.0 5.000 13.33321! 30 2207 2030-2383 1417-3000 10) 21.4 M1291!!! 11;; 23 437 353-515 150-900 101 43.0 '0.1.' is confidence interval; 'LVZ' is coefficient of variation. 'liornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolgcnorov-hirnov test. 102 Table 29. Results of Mann-Whitney tests toe differences in clutch size between species. Species Compared . U i agglgggzg; lima / gang grzthrgg; 279.5 a 3193, 32.23.0133 / Rgng lignggharis 216.5 NS ggng limngchggig / 3391 ghalggggt; 272.0 ! Bang ghalgonotg / 33g; gangriggrg 400.0 3 'i' indicates significant at P(0.05 (2-tailed test). 'NS' indicates not significant, P)-0.05. 103 gnglsgngt; had the lowest variability and 3; ggztnngg; was intermediate. Within a population, increasing female size is often associated with increased clutch size (Henderson, 1961; Kaplan and Salthe, 1979; Oplinger, 1966; Pettus and Angleton, 1967), but Crump (1974) found a significant positive relation between female body size and clutch size in only 11 of 41 species she studied. In the present study, 4 of 5 species had significant positive correlations between body size and clutch size (Table 30). B; cangpivgrg, Q; Lim; and fl; erythraea demonstrated a significant . positive correlation between clutch size and both LN and SUL, 3; limgggnggig had a significant positive correlation between clutch size and LN only, and 3* gnalggngtg showed no significant relationship between clutch size and body size (Table 30). Table 31 presents the data on mean SUL and Lu for females with enlarged ova that were used in these correlation analyses. Clutch size-body size relationship can also be examined among species. Salthe and Duellman (1973) concluded that, within a reproductive mode, larger species produced more eggs and Crump (1974) supported their conclusion with her work. Figure 18 is a plot of the regression between mean live weight and mean clutch size for each species. Data were transformed to their natural logarithms to reduce the .spread of data points. The correlation coefficient was positive and significant (R - 0.97**, P(0.01). Thus, these 104 Table 30. Productfimoment correlation between snout- vent length (SUL) and clutch size (0 of Ova) and live weight (LH) and clutch size. Species 30L vs. 0 of Ova LU vs. 0 of Ova 31g; giggrivgr; R I 0.62 n! R I 0.66 *5 355; linngghgrig R I 0.31 NS R a 0.44 !! Rgga grzthrggg R 8 0.37 e R I 0.42 O m; 5313352093.! R --0.07 NS R --0.01 NS 0211991191131 R=O.55es Its-0.513 'i!‘ indicates significant at P(0.01. 'n' indicates significant at P(0.05. 'NS' indicates not significant, P)=0.05. 105 Table 31. Scoot-vent length (311.) in nillineters and live weight (Lil) in was of feeales vitb countable ova. Species ii- Uar iable hean 9540.1. Range lioreal M m M 59 ill 100.2 96.0-103.6 76.0-119.0 ill 13.1 m linnggbarig 26 M 53.0 50.9-55.1 41 .0-62.5 101 9.0 li_ag grztbrgeg 34 svc 67.0 65.5-60.4 60.0-72.0 Ml 6.2 gm cgalcongtg 30 30. 64.2 61.4-66.9 52.7-77.7 N0 11.3 Qidozzga ii 23 311. 31.7 30.4-32.9 25.5-36.5 141 9.3 £a_ng sancrivgg 59 Lil 102.4 92.6-112.2 42.0-206.0 no 36.0 BE! linnocharis 26 1.0 13.9 12.4-15.4 0.1-21.0 ill 14.5 m erzthrgeg 34 Lil 20.0 19.6-22.0 15.0-30.7 101 16.0 8303. ghalcmgt! 30 Lil 10.9 16.7-21.1 9.5-31.5 NO 35.5 m L191 23 Lil 3.7 3.3-4.1 2.3-5.2 YES 25.2 '0.1.' is confidence interval; 'M' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-Snirnov test. 106 Rana cancrivora 4* \O O lull:tJiltiiJlitJillittliitiltnitltjtilt;tiliiii m N 8.0 "-4 m 1 Rana cnalconota ': e 1 e 3, Hana sznocnarts '1- .3 U + Rana erythraea w 7.0 a o p: 4F Ooeidozyaa Zima Regr9951°n equation: 6.0 y = 4.6 + 1.02(x) R = 0.97 TVTITT'IIII'TTIIIrY'lItrITrrllrIrrlfiIIrIYrtv'vvifi 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 Loge live weight(g) Figure 18. Relationship between mean live weight and mean clutch size for the five study species. 107 pond-dwelling Asian ranids followed an interspecific pattern of increased clutch size with increased body size. It is interesting to note that the slope of the clutch size-LN regression line (Figure 18) is very similar to the slope of the ovarian weight-Lu regression line (Figure 17). In fact, the slopes of each of these regressions do not differ significantly from 1.0. This indicates that clutch size and ovarian weight were quite similar measurements for reproductively ready individuals of these five frogs. Salthe and Duellman (1973) predicted that within a given range of body size, species with relatively large ova produce relatively few eggs at each reproduction. This also occurs in salamanders (Kaplan and Salthe, 1979; Salthe, 1969). Figure 19 plots the 95% confidence interval of number of ovarian ova and ovum diameter for each species. The relationship suggested by Salthe and Duellman (1973) did not seem to hold true for the five study species. Perhaps the body size range is too great and the range of ovum diameters is too small for the relationship to become evident. Duellman and Crump (1974) presented an index called the 'ovarian size factor“ which is an index of egg mass relative to body size. The ovarian size factor in its original form was t(CS)(OD)1/SUL in which CS - mean clutch size, OD I mean ovum diameter and SUL = mean snout vent length of gravid females. Since live weight is a more realistic measure of actual frog size than SUL, live weight was used to construct Loglo 95% confidence interval clutch size 108 L 1 Hana cancrivora b w Rana chalconota l ‘ [ 1 Hana limnocharis 7 Hana erythraea PiJniitltlTLIIliitJifit'iiii Us) [:3 Ooeidozyga Zima N U1 LIIILJLIJIIILILILIL 5?. 111‘r111 11'1’111’1111'Ifr1 1111*111 '111’1111 1111 111 1111’111 1111* 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 95% confidence interval ovum diameter (mm) Figure 19. Relationship between ovum size and clutch size for the five study species. 109 a similar index, called, for convenience, the ovarian weight factor. Table 32 gives the computed ovarian weight factor for each species as well as Crump and Duellman’s (1974) ovarian size factor. Using LN instead of SUL in this index causes a switch in the relative positions of Q; limg and 3‘,g:zghr§ea. 11 r 'v rl Seasonality in male reproductive characteristics was examined by using mean monthly testis volumes for mature males. Since testis volume was correlated with SUL (page 67), it was necessary to analyze the mean monthly SUL for mature males. Data for mean monthly SUL and testis volume of the five species are presented in Tables 33-42 and illustrated in Figures 20-24. In general, the data were not normally distributed and a Kruskal-uallis test was used to check for significant monthly differences (Table 43). Mature male 9; 11m; showed no significant differences in testis volume or SUL during the 12 months of this study (Figure 20). B; limggghgris (Figure 21), B; sanscigm (Figure 22>. B... macs». (Figure 23> and 3;,gnglggngtg (Figure 24) each demonstrated significant monthly differences in testis volume; however, all, except fi‘_limnggngnig, also showed significant monthly differences in mean SUL. Examination of Figures 22-24 suggests that the monthly peaks and troughs of SUL and testis volume coincided for each of these three species. 110 Table 32. Ovarian veigbt factors (ill?) and ovarian size factors (03’) for the five species. Species llean Egg Din. liean Clntcb llean all. llean Lil If 05F Stage 5 Size 0ravid Fee. 0ravid Fee. 31;; ggcrivgfl 1.29 13611 100.2 102.4 171 175 Lag! mm 1.44 . 2207 64.2 10.9 160 50 393 linnglmig 1.24 1750 53.0 13.9 156 41 992.199.2200 Lia 1.04 434 31.7 3.7 122 14 32; £210.02; 1.50 1304 67.0 20.0 94 29 '0ia.‘ indicates egg diaeter in II. 'Sil' indicates snout-vent length in n of gravid fesales ('Fes.'). '111' indicates live weight in grass of gravid fesales ('Fen.'). 'N'-linen civtcb size)(nean egg dimstage 5)) / (eean 31L gravid Fem). 'M'riinean clvtcb size)(nean egg dia.stage 5)] / (nean Lii gravid Fem). 111 Table 33. Mean monthly testis volumes (in cu mm) for mature male Ogeiggzzggllflmg. Mo. N- Mean 9528.1. Range CUZ Normal OCT 10 5.1 3.1-7.1 1.8-11.4 54 NO NOV 16 5.3 3.8-6.7 3.1-13.5 53 NO DEC 5 6.9 2.9-10.8 2.8-11.3 46 YES JAN 8 4.0 2.5-5.5 1.8-6.3 44 NO FEB 6 3.6 3.3-3.9 3.2-4.0 8 NO MAR 10 4.2 3.0-5.4 1.7-7.5 39 NO APR 8 3.7 2.7-4.6 1.8-5.0 31 NO MAY 6 3.8 2.6-5.0 1.9-5.0 30 NO JUN 10 3.5 2.4-4.6 1.4-4.4 45 NO JUL 6 4.1 2.2-6.1 2.0-6.3 45 NO AUG 12 3.8 2.5-5.0 1.4-8.6 53 NO SEP 12 4.2 3.2-5.3 3.2-8.0 39 NO 'No.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.l.' indicates confidence interval. 'CUZ' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornai' is nornality as deternined by iiolgunorov-kirnov test. 112 Table 34. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for mature male Mme ___iima- Mo. N= Mean 95%C.I. Range CUZ Normal OCT 10 25.8 24.2-27.3 22.5-29.0 9 NO NOV 16 25.6 24.7-26.4 22.3-28.5 6 NO DEC 5 24.9 22.6-27.2 23.0-28.0 8 NO JAN 8 24.0 21.6-26.6 20.8-29.5 12 YES FEB 6 24.9 24.1-25.8 24.0-26.0 3 NO MAR 10 24.3 23.7-25.3 22.5-26.2 6 NO APR 8 24.5 23.0-26.0 22.0-28.0 7 N0 MAY 6 26.7 23.6-29.8 22.5-30.0 11 NO JUN 10 25.3 23.8-26.9 22.0-29.0 8 NO JUL 6 24.6 21.0-28.2 20.5-29.5 14 NO AUG 12 25.2 24.0-26.4 21.5-29.0 8 NO SEP 12 24.8 23.9-25.8 23.0-28.0 6 NO 'Ho.’ indicates nonth. 'C.i.' indicates confidence interval. 'DUZ' is coefficient of variation. 'Noreal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-hirnov test. 113 Table 35. Mean monthly testis volumes (in cu mm) for mature male 33n;,limngghgri . Mo. N= Mean 95%C.I. Range CUZ Normal OCT 10 18.6 12.6-24.6 10.4-32.9 45 NO N00 11 13.5 11.2-15.9 8.0-18.1 26 NO DEC 3 13.0 4.4-21.6 9.0-15.0 27 NO JAN 15 17.9 14.3-21.5 10.7-29.5 36 YES FEB 11 15.4 13.6-17.1 11.6-20.1 17 NO MAR 11 16.0 12.0-20.1 9.8-27.7 38 NO APR 10 12.7 10.4-15.1 8.4-19.3 26 NO MAY 12 14.5 11.5-17.5 9.9-26.7 32 NO JUN 9 11.9 9.3-14.5 5.8-16.0 28 NO JUL 9 21.0 15.0-27.0 12.0-29.5 37 NO' AUG 9 16.7 12.7-20.7 11.3-28.4 31 NO SEP 8 13.4 8.2-18.5 6.4-25.6 46 NO 'No.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.l.' indicates confidence interval. 'OUZ' is coefficient of variation. 'tfornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolgtmorov-fiirnov test. Table 36. Ran; limnocharis. 114 Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for mature male Mo. NB Mean 9520.1. Range CV2 Normal OCT 10 47.5 46.0-49.0 44.0-50.5 4 ‘NO N00 11 44.6 42.2-47.0 40.0-51.5 8 N0 DEC 3 45.2 36.0-54.0 41.0-48.0 8 YES JAN 15 45.7 44.2-47.2 41.5-49.3 6 N0 FEB 11 47.0 45.8-48.3 44.2-49.7 4 NO MAR 11 44.4 41.2-47.6 35.5-51.0 11 N0 APR 10 45.6 44.3-46.8 43.0-48.0 4 N0 MAY 12 46.2 44.2-48.2 42.0-49.5 7 NO JUN 9 43.4 40.7-46.1 37.5-49.0 8 N0 JUL 9 45.2 42.6-47.8 40.0-51.0 7 N0 AUG 9 46.1 44.3-48.0 43.0-49.5 5 NO' SEP 8 45.9 43.3-48.5 43.0-51.7 7 N0 'No.’ indicates nonth. 'C.I.' indicates confidence interval. 'OUZ' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolgnnorov-Sirnov test. Table 37. male Rgng grzthraga. 115 Mean monthly testis volumes (in cu mm) for mature Mo. NB Mean 952C.I. Range C02 Normal OCT 8 7.9 5.3-10.5 4.1-12.8 40 NO N00 16 8.3 6.9-9.7 4.5-13.5 31 NO DEC 10 7.5 4.5-10.5 2.0-16.9 56 NO JAN 9 6.8 5.7-7.8 4.5-8.8 20 NO FEB 12 6.8 5.5-8.0 4.2-10.7 29 NO MAR 12 6.0 3.6-8.3 2.3-15.8 62 NO APR 9 7.4 6.7-8.1 6.2-8.9 12 NO MAY 10 9.2 6.7-11.8 6.2-16.3 39 NO JUN 10 4.1 2.9-5.3 2.0-7.9 40 NO JUL 8 6.1 3.7-8.6 2.8-10.4 48 NO AUG 13 5.5 4.4-6.6 3.4-8.5 32 NO SEP 9 6.0 3.9-8.0 2.6-10.5 45 NO 'Nb.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.1.' indicates confidence interval. 'Ufl'iscuflfkhmtofvufiafidm ‘Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolgworov-tirnov test. 116 Table 38. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for mature male Rana erzthrgg . Mo. N= Mean 952C.I. Range CU2 Normal OCT 8 40.5 37.8-43.2 36.5-45.0 8 NO N00 16 41.2 40.4-41.9 39.0-43.5 3 NO DEC 10 41.0 38.8-43.1 36.0-46.0 7 NO JAN 9 ‘ 41.7 39.9-43.5 39.0-46.0 6 NO FEB 12 43.6 41.4-45.7 37.7-49.2 8 NO MAR 12 41.0 39.0-43.1 38.0-48.5 8 NO APR 9 44.3 41.1-47.6 40.0-50.0 10 NO MAY 10 40.3 38.7-41.9 36.0-44.0 6 NO JUN 10 37.1 34.5-39.7 29.0-41.0 10 NO JUL 8 39.1 36.8-41.3 35.0-42.5 7 NO~ AUG 13 38.7 36.9-40.4 35.0-45.5 8 NO SEP 9 39.4 36.6-42.2 32.5-46.0 9 NO 'Nb.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.l.' indicates confidence interval. '002' is coefficient of variation. 'Norsal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-hirnov test. 117 Table 39. Mean monthly testis volumes (in cu mm) for mature male Rgng ggngrivgrg. Mo. N- Mean 9520.1. Range CU2 Normal OCT 55 74.5 63.2-85.8 27.1-203.1 56 NO NOV 17 98.1 77.5-118.7 37.3-158.9 41 NO DEC 22 50.4 41.3-59.5 15.9-79.2 41 NO JAN 17 72.7 55.0-90.5 31.1-152.9 47 NO FEB 17 77.0 59.3-94.7 27.0-120.6 45 NO MAR 6 71.7 37.6-106.0 43.2-132.2 45 NO APR 10 69.5 47.2-91.8 32.0-119.5 45 NO MAY 24 63.9 53.6-74.1 28.7-131.2 38 NO JUN 13 75.8 65.5-86.2 46.9-102.0 23 NO JUL 40 71.0 60.9-81.1 29.4-199.1 44 NO AUG 18 81.4 64.0-98.8 41.9-151.5 43 NO SEP 12 80.7 61.0-100.4 36.1-143.8 38 NO 'No.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.1.' indicates confidence interval. '002' is coefficient of variation. 'lfornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-Gnirnov test. 118 Table 40. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for mature male Rgng gangrivorg. Mo. N: Mean 952C.I. Range CU2 Normal OCT 55 75.1 73.0-77.1 63.0-92.5 10 NO NOV 17 78.6 76.2-81.0 66.7-85.5 6 NO DEC 22 75.3 72.8-77.7 66.0-85.5 7 NO JAN 17 77.2 74.0-80.5 66.5-85.0 8 NO FEB 17 76.8 74.2-79.5 66.0-83.5 7 NO MAR 6 79.4 75.2-83.7 74.0-86.5 5 NO APR 10 80.3 78.4-82.1 76.0-83.5 3 NO MAY 24 79.7 77.1-82.3 71.0-88.0 8 NO JUN 13 78.0 75.0-81.1 69.5-86.5 6 NO JUL 40 76.9 74.8-78.9 64.9-94.0 8 NO AUG 18 79.5 77.1-81.9 73.0-90.0 6 NO SEP 12 79.2 75.0-83.4 70.0-89.5 8 NO 'llo.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.1.' indicates confidence interval. '002' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolgtmorov-Sirnov test. Table 41. Mean monthly testis volumes (in cu mm) for mature male Rgna chalcoggtg. Mo. 1*! Mean 952C.I. Range C02 Normal OCT 11 14.3 12.4-16.2 10.2-19.5 20 NO NOV 18 12.1 10.5-13.7 7.2-18.7 26 NO JAN 12 13.6 9.4-17.7 6.2-24.8 48 NO FEB 13 7.1 5.9-8.4 4.2-11.1 29 NO MAR 19 9.9 8.5-11.1 5.7-14.8 28 NO MAY 20 17.4 15.2-19.6 12.6-26.3 27 NO JUL 11 11.2 8.8-13.3 6.2-17.3 30 NO AUG 10 20.8 15.8-25.6 11.9-35.0 33 NO 'No.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.1.' indicates confidence interval. '002' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolganorov-Snirnov test. 120 Table 42. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for mature male Rana chalconota. 'Mo. N= Mean 952C.I. Range CU2 Normal OCT 11 48.4 46.6-50.3 44.0-52.5 6 NO NOV 18 43.7 42.2-45.3 35.2-48.7 7 NO JAN 12 43.5 41.3-45.7 37.0-46.6 8 NO FEB 13 41.2 39.1-43.4 35.0-49.0 9 NO MAR 19 44.3 42.3-46.3 39.0-53.5 9 NO MAY 20 46.8 45.2-48.5 41.0-54.5 8 NO JUL 11 45.2 43.3-47.2 41.0-50.5 6 NO AUG 10 48.6 46.8-50.4 43.5-52.5 5 NO 'Ho.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.i.' indicates confidence interval. '002' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-Snirnov test. 121 28:3 ’3 C265. 5 15. I 4 3 _24,, 3 .2253, m IOJ P, g. g F. in ° 9- : 5- ii ‘51 i. A 2: 3 {ii 1‘3 it a U) v 0) E" 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 l l l r F Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul A23 §g2| Figure 20. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines), and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for Ooeidozyga Zima. 30 J [4 7 _.__ 1- 323\//\/\/fl/ :45 25 4 i; :43 20 q i F1 (mm) qnfluat nuaA-unous 10' Testis volume (cu mm) p—n U1 r-4——1 L—f—l l 1* r—t—t L—Qf—J i E;, r —1 .J } 5‘ L. I I I l l l 1 l I l T F Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep]. Figure 21. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines), and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for Rana limnocharis. 122 :82 ‘é’ :30 5. K76 g 1 ’74 H '3 3° 8 A 150‘ E A s E U V V 4 0) M *3 .—i F0 g 100‘l Tr- 0‘) ma °r-i U uni-I . * ~~+— 1} i} H H 504 {} L L H U I V I I T I I I T U ' Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Se Figure 22. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines), and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for - Rana cancrivora. 123 I 8 r 8 “:45 n ,.204 . A E t a a ”:40 315- . '5' . 5 <1) .. 3; ,5 P35 3' 010'1 A > .E&' {h- .4} {3. g 0‘) v wt 0 $4 5 l I r v n v T I —T I 0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Figure 23. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines), and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for Rana erythraea. ' 3 35 :47 3 it '45 T 25- " ~43 3 - :41 3 e .. e _ l-‘ 3 20. “HP 39 g U 39 v F" g. 3 11 Li A o 15- a '3 ]. ‘€}. ~4+ El > .5 104 Li 1H- } U U) 01 Ft 5! ‘— T I T T l r' ’1 *1 1’ I r Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Figure 24. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines), and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for testis volume and monthly mean snout-vent length (upper line) for Rana chalconota. 124 Table 43. Kruskal-Uallis test results for differ- ences in mean monthly testis volumes and mean Inonthly snout-vent lengths in nature males. Species Kruskal-Uallis 'H' testis volume Kruskal-Uallis 'H' snout-vent length Whigs 9 mum 19 MW 38 Egg; gczghraeg 27 33g; gingrivgrg 22 NS s as as {NI 18 24 18 NS NS *5 ifi *I’ 'NS' indicates not significant, P>-0.05. 'i' indicates significant at P(0.05. '**' indicates significant at P(0.01. 125 Between species, the peaks and troughs showed little coincidence. It was concluded that no seasonality in testis volume occurred for the five study species. Table 44 gives numbers and percents of mature males collected each month. The majority of males collected in this study were mature. In 3; ggztnnggg and 3; gnglggngtg, nearly 100% were mature. In a; limnggngglg and nglimg, approximately 90% of those collected were mature. In 3; ggggglgggg, 74% of the males collected were mature. Some monthly variation of percent mature males occurred in B; gaggcivgra, B; limgoghgcig and Q; ling but these fluctuations did not coincide. Apparently, no large influx of immatures occurred during any month that would have influenced the percent mature frogs and indicated seasonality in breeding. It is possible that the high percentage of mature males found was not a true reflection of the respective population percentages. This would be true if the immature frogs had different habits or habitat that rendered them less susceptible to collection. Church (I960b) found an increase in mean testis volume from March to July in west Javan 3; gangcivorg, however, he did not document the body size of the males and this may have been a factor in the observed trend. working with 3‘ grithrggg in Borneo, Inger and Greenberg (I963) found that all males collected were sexually mature and every testis examined from each month showed all stages of 126 labie 44. Monthly percentages of nature sales. Species mummmrsammmvmmmsvmu 31113111111111 11.111113517221717 1112413411112231 11111111212723229213321472212327 z 911312747712491941131211177 121mm leatvre i. 12 3 15 ii ii 10 12 9 9 9 8 119 111111 11 14 1 11 11 12 11 14 11 11 11 9 131 211111319411192111111291911911 82111213313 1mm 1 11 11 9 12 12 9 11 11 1 13 9 121 111111 11 12 11 9 12 12 11 11 11 11 13 9 132 z 11 94 111 111 111 111 91 111 111 11 111 111 95 3.111111111111211 1mm 11 11 12 13 19 21 11 11 114 Total 1 11 11 12 13 19 21 11 11 114 z 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 99019222931121 11111111111 5 1 111 1 11171212111 111111 1119 1 9 111 1 711 11212117 1 111 14 13 19 111 111 111 11 111 11 111 111 94 127 spermatogenesis, indicating these frogs had the ability to breed year-round. Alexander g3_;l& (1979) found that male 3; limnocharis in Taiwan did not differ significantly in mean testis weight each month nor did secondary sexual characters regress totally in the off-breeding season. They concluded that, on the population level, males were reproductive year-round, even in Taiwan’s seasonal climate. Seasonality in the female reproductive cycle was examined by analysis of mean monthly clutch sizes. Since clutch size and body size were correlated (page 103), it was necessary to analyze the mean monthly SUL of females. The data for the five species are presented in Tables 45-54 and data for clutch size are plotted in Figures 25-29. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to check for significant differences among the monthly means (Table 55). Only 3; ghglconotg showed significant differences in monthly SVL means, so significant differences in clutch size can be considered as independent of female size in 9; 1.1.1111. B... sanctum. B... __z_t____er bran and 8.4. n ri . As previously stated, 3; ghglggggt; showed no significant correlation between body size and clutch size, so significant differences in mean clutch size can be considered independent of body size in this species also. 94 Ling, g; chalconota, 3; erythraea and B; limnocharis showed no significant differences in mean monthly clutch 128 Table 45. Mean monthly clutch sizes for W Ml- Mo. NI Mean 9520.1. Range CV2 Normal OCT 6 408 274-542 165-540 31 N0 NOU 9 420 302-538 250-666 37 NO DEC 4 450 88-812 150-700 50 N0 JAN 3 355 --- 195-496 43 YES FEB 4 615 240-990 360-900 38 YES MAR 6 454 293-615 195-566 34 YES APR 2 333 218-447 ' 324-342 4 YES MAY 4 421 99-744 268-716 48 N0 JUN 6 464 327-600 317-668 28 YES JUL 6 489 360-618 345-715 25 N0 AUG 5 423 218-629 265-700 39 YES SEP 5 348 157-539 185-585 44 N0 'No.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.I.' indicates confidence interval. 'M' is coefficient of variation. 'Noreai' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-hirnov test. 129’ Table 46. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female gogidgzzga lima with countable ova. Mo. N= Mean 9520.1. Range CV2 Normal OCT 6 29.2 24.7-33.6 25.0-33.0 14 N0 nov 9 32.4 30.4-34.5 30.0-36.5 3 N0 DEC 4 32.0 24.2-39.1 25.5-36.5 15 N0 JAN 3 30.0 23.6-36.3 27.2-32.2 3 YES FEB 4 31.6 ‘ 29.6-33.6 30.0-33.0 4 N0 MAR 6 32.6 29.0-36.2 26.5-36.0 11 N0 APR 2 30.2 --- 23.5-32.0 8 --- MAY 4 34.4 31.8-36.9 32.0-35.5 5 YES JUN 6 32.5 30.6-34.5 31.1-36.0 6 N0 JUL 6 34.6 33.0-36.2 33.0-37.0 4 N0 AUG 5 32.3 29.7-35.9 29.0-35.5 7 YES SEP 5 31.4 27.5-35.3 26.5-34.0 10 N0 'Nb.‘ indicates nonth. 'C.I.' indicates confidence interval. 'UUZ' is coefficient of variation. 'Noraal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-Sairnov test. 130 Table 47. Mean monthly clutch sizes for figgg_ligng§ngglg. Mo. NB Mean 9520.1. Range CV2 . Normal OCT 9 1481 1221-1742 1125-2083 23 YES N00 4 996 427-1565 733-1500 36 N0 DEC 4 2661 931-4391 1583-4167 41 YES JAN 5 1428 463-2394 667-2667 54 YES FEB 6 1511 646-2377 667-2583 55 N0 MAR 4 2375 446-4304 1833-4167 51 YES APR 3 1722 1090-2355 1500-2000 15 YES MAY 4 1344 871-1817 1083-1750 22 N0 JUN 4 1354 556-2152 917-2000 37 YES JUL 6 1625 675-2575 625-3000 56 N0 AUG 5 979 706-1252 750-1250 22 YES SEP 6 1569 1093-2046 917-2125 29 N0 'Ho.‘ indicates nonth. '0.I.' indicates confidence interval. 'OUZ' is coefficient of variation. ‘Nornal' is nornality as deternined by itolgaaorov-Sairnov test. 131 Table 48. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female Ring limnogharis with countable ova. Mo. N- Mean 9520.]. Range CUM Normal OCT 9 52.5 49.7-55.3 47.5-58.0 7 N0 N00 4 48.0 37.4-58.6 41.0-57.0 14 N0 'DEC 4 53.8 43.5-64.0 48.0-62.5 12 YES JAN 5 52.9 48.7-57.2 50.2-58.3 6 YES FEB 6 53.3 48.9-57.7 48.0-59.0 8 N0 MAR 4 54.6 46.6-62.6 52.0-62.0 9 YES APR 3 56.0 41.0-70.9 50.0-62.0 11 N0 MAY 4 50.5 48.4-52.6 49.0-52.0 3 YES JUN 4 54.5 47.5-61.4 54.0-60.5 8 N0 JUL 6 52.0 48.7-55.3 48.0-57.0 6 N0 AUG 5 50.0 43.3-56.7 42.0-57.0 11 N0 SEP 6 51.2 48.3-54.0 49.0-55.0 5 N0 'No.‘ indicates nonth. -c.1.' indicates confidence interval. 'GUZ' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-Sairnov test. 132 Table 49. Mean monthly clutch sizes for Rana erythraea. Mo. N= Mean 95%C.I. Range CUZ Normal OCT 7 1345 1204-1487 1167-1571 11 NO NOU 7 1044 727-1361 719-1469 33 YES DEC 4 1390 1291-1490 1312-1458 4 NO JAN 4 1214 763-1665 938-1607 23 YES FEB 4 1117 532-1701 900-1667 33 NO MAR 7 1160 819-1502 821-1929 32 NO APR 8 1715 1365-2137 1100-2400 26 NO MAY 4 1214 903-1525 1063-1500 16 NO JUN 3 1361 1045-1677 1250-1500 9 YES JUL 6 1137 838-1437 708-1500 25 NO AUG 5 1400 1201-1599 1167-1583 11 YES SEP 7 1583 1320-1847 1250-2000 18 NO 'No.’ indicates nonth. '0.I.' indicates confidence interval. 'CUZ' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-Birnov test. 133 Table 50. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female Rang erythraea with countable ova. Mo . NB Mean 957.0 . I . Range W7. Normal OCT 7 61.1 56.2-66.1 53.0-68.0 9 NO N00 7 66.0 62.5-69.4 62.0-71.5 6 NO DEC 4 67.9 62.6-73.2 64.5-72.0 5 YES JAN 4 64.5 59.2-69.7 60.0-67.5 5 YES FEB 4 65.8 54.6-76.9 62.0-74.5 11 NO MAR 7 69.9 65.3-74.4 62.0-78.0 7 NO APR 8 66.7 65.0-68.4 64.0-70.0 3 NO MAY 4 69.9 59.3-80.5 63.5-71.5 10 YES JUN 3 70.3 66.5-74.2 69.0-72.0 2 NO JUL 6 63.2 55.4-70.9 57.0-73.0 12 NO AUG 5 67.6 65.6-69.5 65.5-69.0 2 NO SEP 7 67.4 63.9-70.8 64.0-70.5 6 NO 'No.’ indicates nonth. 'C.I.' indicates confidence interval. 'DUZ' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-Sairnov test. 134 Table 51. Mean monthly clutch sizes for Rang ghglggngta. Mo. N= Mean 95%C.I. Range 00% Normal OCT 10 2749 2289-3210 1857-3917 23 N0 NOV 8 2075 1473-2677 1417-3550 35 N0 JAN 6 2270 1810-2728 1500-2800 19 NO FEB 9 2159 1762-2556 1550-3000 24 NO MAR 7 2508 2208-2809 2000-2917 13 NO MAY 5 2123 1570-2675 1813-2813 21 NO JUL 6 2602 2147-3059 2000-3167 17 NO AUG 5 2898 1811-3984 1833-3857 ‘ 30 NO 'No.‘ indicates nonth. '0.l.' indicates confidence interval. 'OUZ' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolgaorov-Sairnov test. 135 Table 52. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female Rgna ghglgonot; with countable ova. Mo. NB Mean 9520.1. Range 0U2 Normal OCT 10 66.7 64.2-69.2 62.0-72.5 5 NO N00 8 70.7 67.5-73.9 64.0-75.5 5 NO JAN 6 61.3 55.3-67.2 52.7-67.5 9 NO FEB 9 61.5 55.3-67.6 53.6-77.7 13 N0 MAR 7 62.6 56.3-68.8 52.0-71.0 11 NO MAY 5 69.5 62.5-76.5 64.5-78.0 8 NO JUL 6 68.5 64.4-72.6 63.0-75.0 6 NO AUG 5 68.1 61.9-74.3 61.5-74.5 7 YES ’No.‘ indicates nonth. '0.1.' indicates confidence interval. '002' is coefficient of variation. 'Nbrnal' is nornality as deternined by Kolgonorov-Snirnov test. 136 Table 53. Mean monthly clutch sizes for gang gancrivora. Mo. N= Mean 9520.1. Range 0U2 Normal OCT 23 10942 7938-13946 4667-33833 64 NO NOV 2 13000 --- 6500-19500 71 --- DEC 13 13724 8902-18546 5333-35583 58 NO JAN 5 18422 6030-30814 5000-28571 54 N0 FEB 8 16093 11400-20788 10500-25000 35 NO MAR 5 16202 9950-22454 8500-22333 31 YES APR 3 15041 9213-20871 12500-17125 16 NO MAY 2 9625 --- 6000-13250 53 --- JUN 3 7528 2558-12498 5250-9000 27 YES JUL 6 17660 9459-25861 9000-32000 44 NO AUG 11 9993 8374-11611 5167-13500 24 NO SEP 9 13107 8520-17695 6500-23667 45 NO 'No.‘ indicates nonth. '0.l.' indicates confidence interval. '002' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolgneorov-fiirnov test. 137 Table 54. Mean monthly snout-vent lengths (in mm) for female 33;; gangrivgra with countable ova. Mo . N- Me an 9520 . I . Range 0U2 Normal OCT 23 94.6 88.9-100.4 74.5-119.0 14 N0 NOV 2 102.0 --- 97.7-106.4 6 --- DEC 13 103.5 95.3-111.7 80.0-119.0 13 NO JAN 5 98.0 76.3-119.7 68.0-110.0 18 YES FEB 8 104.5 95.2-113.9 86.0-118.0 11 N0 MAR 5 104.8 95.6-114.0 96.5-112.0 7 YES APR 3 111.2 99.1-123.0 107.0-116.5 4 NO MAY 2 98.5 --- 94.0-103.0 6 --- JUN 3 109.2 93.2-125.2 102.0-114.5 6 NO JUL 6 105.4 92.7-118.1 90.5-119.0 11 NO AUG 11 103.2 96.9-109.5 84.0-114.0 9 NO SEP 9 96.7 89.1-104.3 80.5-112.0 10 NO 'No.‘ indicates nonth. '0.1.' indicates confidence interval. '002' is coefficient of variation. 'Nornal' is nornality as deternined by Kolguorov-birnov test. Clutch size Clutch size 138 1000- F1 800 1 F F 600- -»L Ff M 400- ““- - #- Jem- cit-1T. 200- ‘ - .1 L ‘ U V I V f I 1 I r T I r Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Figure 25. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines) and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for clutch size for Ooeidozyga Zima. 5000- 40004 30001 fl” F” .1... .. 2000- $ q-I‘F --__ dihh 1000- J _H1 .. 1 I r r I T I I I l I I I Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Figure 26. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines) and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for clutch size for Rana limnocharis. Clutch size Clutch size 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 Figure lines) clutch 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 Figure lines) clutch 139 3 L A‘A‘ l r f T I V T U 7 T Jan r r Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 1 1 Oct I Nov Dec 27. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for size for Rana chalconota. l 1 as; 1 I I I U I' r j F r I 1— Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 28. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for size for Rana erythraea. Clutch size 140 40000 35000- ' 300004 1 25000- 7 +0 20000- “i 3 [-1- Inm- qp-n-I- 1'1" 4""- all-L41- 15000- - F -—o— 11“- L ""'"’ 1 1 1 ~ 1 1. £1 1 5000‘ ' fl I I I I I I I I I I I Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb far Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Figure 29. Monthly means (horizontal bars), ranges (vertical lines) and 95% confidence intervals (vertical rectangles) for clutch size for Rana cancrivora. 141 Table 55. Kruskal-Uallis test results for differences \ in mean monthly clutch sizes and mean monthly snout-vent lengths of females with countable ova. Species Kruskal-Nallis 'H' Kruskal-Nallis 'H' clutch size snout-vent length Ogeidgzzga 11!; 5 NS 5 NS figg; limngghgris 12 NS 7 NS Egg; ghglgongtg 6 NS 12 ! gggg erzthrggg 13 NS 9 NS Bang gangrivgra 17 11 1 12 NS 'NS' indicates not significant, P>=0.05. '4' indicates significant at P(0.05. 142 size and this is taken as evidence of non-seasonality. B; ggngrivggg did show significant differences in mean monthly clutch size. A decrease in mean clutch size occurred from April to June. Unfortunately, these three months were represented by small sample sizes and it is possible, since 3; ggngciggrg may partially ovulate (Church, 1960b and the present study), that, by chance, the females obtained during these months had already oviposited part of their clutch. In Church’s (1960b) study of west Javan 3L ggngniggng, he cited high ovarian weight (an indicator of clutch size) in September through November as indicative of the peak breeding season for this species. However, both ovarian weight and clutch size are positively correlated with body size and Church did not account for this in his analysis. In fact, during the months that Church found high ovarian weight, he also had females with high body weights. A further problem, and perhaps more critical, with Church’s analysis was that he included all ovarian weights (mature and immature females), so the number of frogs with stage 1-3 ovaries (and therefore small weight ovaries) in his sample would have effected his results drastically. His data on relative abundance of the five egg stage ovaries in each month indicate that this probably was the case. The percentage of mature females that were reproductively ready (Table 56) was high for all species in almost all months, although some fluctuations occurred. The 143 Table 56. Monthly valves of n-ber of natvre fenales (I nature), nder of reprohctively ready fenales (I repro) and percent of reproductively ready fenaies (2 repro) for all species. becies MWDECMFHNMMYMMMSEPTMM Museum Imatvre 28 3 13 5 11 5 3 5 5 9 11 9 188 I repro 22 2 13 4 4 5 3 2 2 6 11 9 fl Zrepro 79 67 188 88 36 188 188 48 48 67 188 188 77 323W Inatere II 4 5 5 6 5 3 4 5 6 5 65 I reprn 9 4 4 5 6 4 3 4 4 6 5 6 56 Xrepro 98 188 88 100 188 88 188 188 88 188 III 86 86 Merztbrgg Inatvre 1| 7 6 6 6 7 8 7 4 8 8 7 84 I repro 7 7 4 4 4 7 8 4 2 6 5 7 65 2 repro 74 111 67 67 67 188 188 57 58 75 63 188 77 83315131131931 I natvre 18 18 6 18 9 6 18 15 76 I repro 18 8 6 9 7 5 6 5 56 1 repro 188 88 180 98 78 83 68 33 74 99311911131131 Inatvre 6 9 4 4 5 5 2 8 8 7 5 6 69 I repro 5 8 2 3 4 5 1 4 5 6 5 5 54 Irepro 83 89 50‘ 75 88 1“ 58 58 62 86 180 83 78 144 high percentages indicate that in most months the majority of mature females was ready to breed. The overall annual percentages of mature females that were reproductively ready were also high (Table 56). Several researchers (Alexander g; 51;, 1979; Church, 1960b; Inger and Bacon, 1968; Inger and Greenberg, 1963) have presented information on the percent of reproductively ready females out of the entire sample of collected females, without regard to sexual maturity. Any influx of immatures into the population would tend to depress these percentages. In the current study, a more accurate picture of the portion of the breeding-age frogs (i.e., sexually mature) which are ready to breed is presented. This information is more valuable in discussing the reproductive potential of a population. The percent of males and mature females with large fat bodies was calculated for each month to check for seasonality. All species showed fluctuation from month to month, but peaks and troughs did not coincide between the species. DISCUSSION r iv iol The present study has taken a close look at a community of frogs within a narrow range of reproductive diversity. The five study species all have a 'generalized mode' of reproduction (Crump, 1974; Salthe, 1969; Salthe and Duellman, 1973). That is, their eggs are deposited in open water and the larvae develop in this environment. This reproductive mode places similar restrictions on the frogs, but each species has a distinctive set of reproductive characteristics to meet these restrictions. Salthe and Duellman (1973) and Crump (1974) made cergain generalizations regarding reproductive patterns of frogs that are within a single reproductive mode. The frogs in the present study did not always fit these patterns. Salthe and Duellman (1973), Salthe (1969) and Kaplan and Salthe (1979) presented evidence that suggested that an interspecific increase in body size is accompanied by an interspecific increase in ovum size for frogs and salamanders. However, they pointed out that inclusion of data from a variety of reproductive modes disrupts this pattern. 3; gggggigggg is a standout from this pattern in that it has a large body size, but small ovum diameter. 145 146 Salthe and Duellman (1973) noted that the genera figig and 33g; are in the same reproductive mode yet figig have consistently smaller ovum diameters at all body sizes than 3‘33. Associated with this, is the fact that, at all body sizes, the clutch sizes of 9912 are consistently larger than 355;. figig have a reproductive strategy that involves many more smaller ova than Eggs. Salthe and Duellman (1973) even suggested the possibility of subdividing the general mode of reproduction based on these differences. 3; cgggrivgrg more closely follows the reproductive strategy of ggig and 34 Limgggngnig, B; grzthrgga, B; chalconota, and Q: Lia; fall within the Egg; group (Figure 30). If body size is held constant, reducing ovum diameter is one way of increasing fecundity. Natural selection has presumably favored, in 3; ggggrivgrg, a small ovum diameter (and smaller energy investment per ovum) and an increased clutch size. It may be that B; ggggnlgggg is approaching maximum clutch size (or ovarian weight) allowed by body size constraints, as was postulated for em2113gmg,tlgglggm,by Kaplan and Salthe (1979). fig gnztngggg has also departed somewhat from the reproductive strategy of the generalized mode frogs. Crump (1974) found that ovarian size factor increased with increasing female size within a reproductive mode. In general, this occurred with the five species in this study (Table 32) with the exception of g; ggztngggg which was 147 Helioporus EZeutherodactyZus Ansonia Pseudophryne - Bufb Ascaphus Barbourula Pond Hyla AgaZychnis - Rana Platymantis Rana cancrivora Rana limnocharis Rana erythraea Ooeidozyga Zima OOG$QIO<>§ODME§HHI Rana chalconota ! 2 . "is- 4;: T: - Ovum diameter (mm) l a l n I I l I 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Female snout—vent length (mm) Figure 30. The relationship between ovum size and body size in some frogs (from Salthe and Duellman, 1973) including the five study species. The data for various species of Bufg are plotted as unshaded rectangles for individual species. 148 the second largest frog, but had the smallest ovarian weight factor value, or in other words, the smallest egg mass relative to body size. The lack of reproductive seasonality that is evident from both field observations and dissection of adults was striking. One could go into the field on any night of the year and expect to find all of the five species breeding. Darlington (1957) considered the tropics as the center of origin for the anurans and Inger and Greenberg (1963) suggested that an acyclic reproductive pattern (possible only in a uniformly equable climate) may represent the characteristic pattern of most stocks from which modern frog species have evolved. The latter authors stated further that the cyclic behaviors of species in the temperate zones and of seasonal tropics can be considered derived patterns. 3; limggghagig has been studied in the seasonal environment of Taiwan (Alexander gt gl, 1963, 1979), as well as in aseasonal tropics (Berry, 1964; and the present study). This species demonstrates that breeding seasonality can be variable within a species depending on the environmental conditions of a specific locality. It is interesting that, in Taiwan, the females display a distinct seasonality in their reproductive biology, but the males are apparently ready to breed at any time, even in that seasonal climate. Following Inger and Greenberg (1963), if the aseasonal pattern was the original pattern for B; in ari , it may represent a reproductive phenomenon 149 which has had a differential rate of evolution in the two sexes. Perhaps the selective pressures were stronger for female 3; limggghgcig to become seasonally reproductive than they were for males. Certainly the energy investment is greater in females. An alternate explanation is that cyclic reproductive behavior is environmentally produced and not genetically set. The remaining four species have not been studied in seasonal environments, but perhaps future studies will reveal a similar intraspecific variation in breeding seasonality. R r ti e ' ti n The obvious fact that distinct species existed in this community indicated that mechanisms were operative which maintained genetic isolation. Fouquette (1960) presented a classification of anuran isolating mechanisms which has three major categories: (1) anti-mating isolating mechanisms, (2) courtship isolating mechanisms and (3) post-mating isolating mechanisms. In the present study, anti-mating isolating mechanisms and courtship isolating mechanisms are examined for their relative contributions to maintaining genetic isolation. Under the category of1 anti-mating isolating mechanisms are five criteria: (a) geographic isolation (allopatry), (b) habitat isolation (differences in breeding site), (c) seasonal isolation (differences in breeding season), (d) temporal isolation (different times of day when breeding occurs) and (e) 150 psychological or climatic isolation (differences in response to climatic or physical environment). Under Fouquette’s category of courtship isolating mechanisms are two main criteria: ethological isolation (differences in courtship behavior) and mechanical isolation (structural differences which prevent interbreeding). Duellman (1967) outlined four criteria under the category of ethological isolation: (I) calling site of male, (2) mating call, (3) position of amplexus (axillary or not) and (4) ovipostion site. The ranges of the five study species overlap extensively, so geographic isolation was not operative in maintaining genetic isolation among these frogs. Habitat isolation (coarse habitat partitioning) was operative only between 3; ghglcgngtg and Q; lymg in the cases studied. All other species were found together in the same breeding habitat. A frequently observed type of habitat partitioning by breeding frogs is seasonal partitioning. This is especially evident in temperate and seasonal tropical environments (for examples see Blair, 1961; Heyer, 1973; and wiest, 1982). However, a main feature of the West Javan community was its lack of reproductive seasonality. All five species were heard calling in all twelve months of the year. A sufficient rainfall and suitable temperature in all months allowed continuous breeding by the populations. On a site-by-site basis, Mesjid Pond in BBC showed the only seasonality, with g; ggngrlvorg and a; gnalggngtg 151 not present in all months. flgpgggggigggg called at the site during times of relatively low water levels. Exposed mudflats at these times provided desirable microhabitat for the calling males. The reason for the absence of 3‘ gnglggngtg during some months is unknown. In general, seasonal habitat partitioning was not operative in maintaining specific isolation among the five species of frogs. The most evident temporal aspect of the community members was the general avoidance of daytime hours for calling and other breeding activities. The high daytime temperatures are likely a primary factor involved. During daytime rain storms, calling was sometimes stimulated, but usually these storms took the form of hard downpours of short duration. There was likely not enough time for breeding activity other than calling during these periods. Approximately 18 hours of the 24-hour cycle were used by the frog community members for calling. Each species demonstrated a preferred time for the peak calling activity and no species used the entire 18-hour segment. Psychological or climatic isolation was not detected in the community. Calling activites of the study species were observed on nearly every nocturnal visit to the ponds, regardless of prevailing weather. Fine spatial habitat partitioning in calling site preference was evident among all community members with 152 little overlap in calling site preferences except between 3; limgggngglg and 3; ggncrivorg. Advertisement calls were not electronically analyzed, but a few observations are worthy of mention. An acoustical partitioning of the breeding environment was apparent. Both 3; grzthrggg and 3; chalcongtg had high-pitched calls with a low intensity (loudness). The calls of neither species carried very far, at least to the human ear. Neither B; ggzthrgeg nor 3; chglggngtg had apparent organization to the chorus. Individual males called frequently. The calls of 3; ggggrivggg, 3; l’ n c r’ and Q; 119; were quite loud and were heard at great distances (ZOO-300 meters). Male g; called non-synchronously, but often the calls of a few males stimulated calling by many males. Male 3; limggghgrig called in bursts of synchronous calling lasting several minutes, followed by periods of silence. Male 3‘ ggggrivgrg did not call synchronously, but the calls of one male often stimulated other males to call and individual male Bg‘gggggigggg seemed to take turns calling. Being predominantly inhabitants of permanent water sites, 3; ggzthrggg and B; chglconotg were probably more concerned with advertising their relative position within the pond to females and not in attracting females from great distances to come to the breeding pond. 1n the case of Q; 11mg, 3‘ limngcnggig and 3; cangrigogg, which tended to utilize transient, non-permanent breeding sites, 153 their loud and synchronous calls were perhaps important for advertising a new site to individuals that were some distance away. Axillary amplexus was observed in all five study species. Oviposition was so infrequently observed that analysis of oviposition site differences was not possible. Mechanical isolation by way of size differences is likely operative in the community. The five pond-dwelling ranids formed a continuum of sizes from a very small species to a relatively large one. This size partitioning may have resulted from selection for partitioning of food resources according to size (Caldwell, 1973: Crump, 1974: Toft, 1980) or through selection for the mechanical isolating mechanism itself. whatever the origin, the size differences were presently an effective cue available for species recognition. Correct species recognition is more important to the female since the energy loss for her, in the event of a mismating, is higher than for the male. Mature males of all five species were significantly different in either SUL, Lu or both. 3; chglgggota and 3‘ grzthcggg males were not significantly different in Lu, but were significantly different in SUL. 3; ghglggnotg and 3* limggghggig males were not significantly different in SVL, but were in Lu. Females presumably had to assess SVL V in order to discriminate between male 3; grzthggeg and ,nggnglggngtg, and consider Lw in order to discriminate male 3; ghglgonota and B; limnogharig. 154 Table 57 presents a summary of isolating mechanisms between all combinations of species pairs within the community. Factors included in this matrix are adult size, temporal habitat partitioning, coarse and fine spatial habitat partitioning and advertisement calls. It is interesting to note that there was little temporal overlap between the peak calling periods of B; ghglsgggtg and g; ggzthrggg. These two species were similar in size and shape and had quite similar advertisment calls. They apparently relied on temporal differences and a degree of fine spatial habitat partitioning to maintain isolation. B; chalggggta had a distinctive odor and this could have been involved in species recognition. Further, male 3‘ grzthraeg had small asperities on their chins and it is possible that these were used as a tactile cue in species recognition. As previously stated, SUL separated 3; grzthraea and B; chglgonotg males as a size cue. ' The pairs 3; erythraea/34 limnocharis and B; erythraea/B; cancrivora had high temporal overlap in their calling periods and apparently relied on fine spatial habitat partitioning, size differences and distinct advertisment calls to maintain isolation. .33 [imngchgrig and 3; gancrivgrg were greatly overlapping in their peak calling‘periods and in microhabitat preferences for calling site. Both species had skin rugosities which eliminated possible tactile ‘E’ 15555 Table 57. Smary of reproactive isolating nechanisns for species by species cubinations. it. chalconota 1. size sinilar 2. little temp. overlap 3. found at sue site 4. partial fine spatial part. 5. call inil claim-3.3 spatial part. spatial part. R. m R. cancrivora o, Iina 1. size differs 1. size differs 1. size differs 2. tenporal 2. temporal 2. little ten. overlap overlap overlap 3. found at 3. found at 3. found at sane site sue site sane site 4. conpiete fine 4. conpiete fine 4. cuaplete fine spatial part. _§;_ggll differs, 5. call differs 5. call differs 1. size differs 1. size differs 1. size differs 2. little ten. 2. little tenp. 2. temporal overlap overlap overlap 3. found at 3. found at 3. not found at sue site sue site sane site 4. conpiete fine 4. caplete fine 4. conpiete fine spatial part. spatial part. spatial part. 5, gall giffgrs 5. call differs 5. call differs 1. size differs 1. size differs 2. tenporal 2. little tenp. B!!! overlap overlap . - 3. found at 3. found at 11312513112 sane site sane site 4. little fine 4. conpiete fine spatial part. spatial part 5. call differs, 5. call diffg;g_q 1. size differs 2. little tenp overlap 352’ . 3. found at 53555139£3 sane site 4. conpiete fine 5. spatial part. call differs 156 recognition other than size. Size and call differences likely function to maintain genetic isolation. 3, ghglgoggtg and Q;,llm3,were completely isolated by coarse spatial habitat partitioning, that is, they never occurred at the same site. Beyond this, microhabitat preferences, advertisement calls and size were also distinctive. The combinations of BJ gnalggngta/BJ limnocharis, 3; ghalgonota/B; cancrivora, B; erythraea/Q; lima, g; limnocharis/9h lim§_and B4 cancrivora/Q4 leg_were well isolated by fine spatial habitat partitioning, temporal habitat partitioning, size differences and distinctive calls. In a study of ten sympatric hylid species, Duellman (1967) concluded that, although mechanical isolation (principally size) between some species was obvious, the most important isolating mechanisms were behavioral. He reasoned that even though each species had characteristic calling and oviposition sites, the sites were not exclusive and could not be regarded as primary ethological isolating mechanisms. Duellman (1967) concluded that the distinct mating calls of the species were the 'primary' isolating mechanisms. Among the five species of west Javan ranids studied, mating calls were certainly an important isolating factor, but to call them the primary factor may not be Justified. Certainly all reproductive isolating mechanisms within the available repertoire were important from the standpoint that precious time and effort was not wasted in 157 attending to a frog of the wrong species. The breeding call is but one of these. Several other investigations have examined existing reproductive isolating mechanisms in frog communties. Bowker and Bowker (1979) evaluated spatial and temporal habitat partitioning for ten species of African anurans. They concluded that, because these explosive breeders were restricted to breeding within a short time period of available water, seasonal isolation did not occur. Habitat isolation (Ifine spatial habitat partitioning) and temporal isolation were present in the African frog community. Temporal separation of breeding activities was not complete, but it reduced the number of frogs breeding at any one time from ten to five. when spatial and temporal aspects were considered together, the four most abundant species were completely separated. Heyer (1973) reported that the rainy season frogs he studied in Thailand subdivided the available breeding sites by (1) utilizing different ponds, (2) occupying a single pond at different times and (3) dividing up the living space within a pond spatially. Channing (1976) concluded that three species of South African Kgsgin; depended primarily on differences between mating calls and calling sites of the males for premating reproductive isolation, but did not examine the other anti-mating isolating mechanisms such as temporal or spatial factors. In the present study, each species exhibited continuous breeding and the densities of breeding frogs were never as 158 high as might be encountered at the breeding congresses of explosive breeders. Breeding was not a frenzied activity and some breeding behaviors (especially vocalizations) were observed on every nocturnal trip to the ponds. Because the species live and breed at the same site, it is doubtful that the carrying capacity of the habitat in terms of availabilty‘ of food and space is exceeded as it might be at the temporary breeding habitat of an explosive breeder. Crump (1982) stated that, in the Ecuador frog community she studied, calling site specificity seemed to be less rigid when many species called sympatrically and synchronously. if this is generally true, then the calling microhabitat specificities observed in the present study, where the densities were consistently low, were probably the true preferences of the frogs. A suite of variables were involved in maintaining reproductive isolation among these five secies. The relative importance of each is difficult to assess, but it is likely that temporal habitat partitioning, fine spatial habitat partitioning, body size and breeding call acted in concert in maintaining genetic isolation among these five ranids. WM; Pianka (1978, p104) defined net reproductive rate as 'the average number of age class zero offspring produced by an average newborn organism during its entire lifetime.‘ 159 Margalef (1963) generalized that an inverse relationship exists between species diversity and reproductive rate. Inger and Bacon (1968) tested Margalef’s generalization using Bornean rainforest 3553. They made the basic assumption that the tropical rainforest contains the most diverse faunas and used an empirical relationship (Terentjev, 1960) between clutch size and female size for predominantly temperate zone 33g; to generate expected clutch sizes for the Bornean 353;. The expected clutch size was always greater than the observed for the rainforest figg; and the authors considered this evidence in support of Hagalef’s generalization. Inger and Bacon (1968) did acknowledge that the possibility of multiple clutches per year was an additional unknown factor. In fact, mean clutch size and mean number of clutches per lifetime are equally important in consideration of net reproductive rate. Even though the five species in the present study were tropical species, they differed from the rainforest frogs that Inger and Bacon (1968) studied in that they were from disturbed, human-impacted habitats. Margalef (1963) generalized that in such changing, early-successional environments, the reproductive rate should be high. For purpose of comparison, TerentJev’s (1960) formula was applied to the west Javan ranid frogs to determine their expected clutch sizes. The formula is: log N - -1.7423 + 2.1670 log L where 'N' - number of ova in thousands and 'L' - maximum 160 size of female in centimeters. The maximum sizes of the females were taken from Table 31. In contrast to Inger and Bacon’s (1968) findings, the mean observed clutch size was the same (in 3; erzthraga) or greater than the expected clutch size (3.5 times greater for 3, gangriggrg). The data are shown in Table 58. For these five west Java species the potential for high reproductive rate is present and this supports Margalef’s generalization. Actual data on number of clutches per lifetime are not available, but can be estimated using information from the literature. The clutch sizes of the west Javan ranids are high compared to their temperate zone counterparts, but how do their net reproductive rates compare? Growth to maturity and longevity were not examined in this study, but information is available from the literature for B, grzthragg and B; limnggnggls. Female 3, ggztngagg in the Philippines reached sexual maturity in approximately nine months post-metamorphosis and males in six to seven months after metamorphosis (Brown and Alcala, 1970). In the same study, the maximum life span for 3, ggzjnnggg_was determined to be three to four years. Alexander ;; Ala (1963) reported female 3, - llmnggnggig in Taiwan reached sexual maturity in four months after metamorphosis and survival fell off drastically after the second and third years of life. In the present study, male 3,,gnalggggta reared from fertilized ova in 161 Iahie 5C. Cuparison of predicted and observed clutch sizes. Species Predicted tbserved Clutch Size Ratio of ibsereed to Clutch Size! lfean 951 C.I. Predicted Clutch Size 3.14.! SMELL!!! 3871 13611 11733-15489 3.5 m M 959 1750 1368-2132 1.8 M m 1303 1304 1154-1454 1.0 m m 1537 2207 2030-2383 1.4 m m 299 437 353-513 1.5 il’redicted clutch size uas deternined b7: log N 8 4.7423 f 2.1670 log i. den N is umber of ova in thousands and i. is naxinu size of fenale in centineters (Terentieu, 19ft). 162 \ Bogor, west Java had secondary sexual characteristics, including vocalization, in approximately six months. No information is available for 3; ggggglggga or Q, 11mg, but it is reasonable to assume that they reach sexual maturity within one year or less. Even the large introduced species, gang gggggggiana, which is cultured in Java, reaches sexual maturity in less than one year post-fertilization. The overall and monthly percentages of mature females that were reproductively ready (Table 56) were surprisingly high in all of the species. These percentages can be interpreted to mean that, on average, 77% of the population of mature female 3; ggggrigora are reproductively ready at any given time. Samples of females were taken at regular monthly intervals in order to obtain a realistic picture of the reproductive readiness of the populations. Individual females were not followed over time to determine what percentage of an annual cycle they were reproductively ready, but an indication of this percentage can be extrapolated from the population data. In order for the populations to demonstrate such high percentages of reproductively ready females during all 12 months of the year, individual females in each population would have to spend a large portion of their time in the reproductively ready state. Unfortunately, the number of clutches produced per year, the time it takes for one clutch to become mature (reproductively ready), or how long a female with a 163 reproductively ready clutch goes before ovipositing, are unknown. However, it seems implausible that an individual female would spend the major portion of a year carrying the same clutch of mature ova. Therefore, these data lend evidence for the probability being high of more than one clutch being produced by a female on an annual basis and perhaps several actually being produced. 'Double clutching" has even been reported for some temperate ranids (Emlen, 1977; wells, 1976). Multiple clutches per year are probably the rule rather than the exception in the west Javan species, which start breeding at an earlier age than their temperate zone counterparts. However, temperate zone frogs tend to live longer and therefore net reproductive rate, ggggg Pianka (1978), of tropical and temperate ranids may be nearly equal. At least the picture is more complicated than a simple comparison of clutch sizes. Demographic information from the literature allows comparisons to be constructed between the west Java ranids and their temperate counterparts. These comparisons require several assumptions, as actual data are lacking, but provide some interesting questions for future work. Longevity data for anurans other than captive animals are rare, but Hartof (1956) reported a maximum life span of three to six years for 359; glgmitans in Michigan and Turner (1960) reported that female 353; grgtiosg can live ten to twelve years in the wild. If six to ten years is allowed as 164 a maximum life span for temperate Bang, the potential exists for five to nine clutches being produced per reproductive life time (assuming a single clutch per year and sexual maturity at age one). It is likely that all of the west Javan ranids breed for the first time before or at age one and if we allow a maximum life span of four years (Alexander :3 31;, 1963; Brown and Alcala, 1970), this gives a maximum breeding lifetime of three years. In order for the net reproductive rate of the west Javan ranids to equal that of the temperate ranids, the tropical forms would have to produce only two or three clutches per year (assuming equal clutch size). However, four of five of the Nest Javan ranids have larger clutch sizes than similar-sized temperate forms, so it is likely that their net reproductive rate exceeds that of the temperate ranids in general. N r l i an o o r The model of 'r and K selection“ can be used for comparing the members of the west Javan ranid frog community. MacArthur and wilson (1967) used the terms 'r selection' and 'K selection“ after the two terms in the logistic equation for population growth where 'r' is the intrinsic rate of natural increase and 'K' is the carrying capacity. Pianka (197B) stressed that an organism can be considered an 'r' strategist or a 'K' strategist only relative to some other organism. Based on several I65 generalized attributes of 'r' and 'K' selection, the five Nest Javan species can be relatively aligned along the 'r-K' continuum. Crump (1974) used clutch size alone to position Ecuadoran anurans on this spectrum. Clutch size is a very important criterion in this regard, but actually several factors should be considered together as criteria. Clutch size alone may not be adequate information if the frogs being compared differ as to number of clutches per year or per reproductive life time. Table 59 outlines some of the characteristics of the five species in relation to 'r' and 'K' strategies. Based on the information in this table, 3; ggnggigggg should be positioned as the most 'r' selected species and B, ggztnnaga as the most 'K' selected. B,_llmnggflgLLg falls into the 'r' selected part of the spectrum and 3‘ ghglggngga is more 'K' selected. Information is limited for Q; llmg, but it is placed near B;_1lmng§ngglg. Salthe and Duellman (1973) considered the goal of any reproductive strategy to be the production of adequate genetic variability per unit time. One characteristic of 'r' selected organisms is that they are opportunistic forms, that is, good colonizing species rather than 'equilibrium' type species. Inherant variability would be a favorable attribute to a colonizing species which encounters new environmental conditions. 3; ganggivgca, B, limngghgcig and Q; lflma all have high coefficients of variation (CUZ) for clutch size (Table 28) when compared to 166 .2. To 83.... 5...... a... a... .33.... a... to... $.32... .3... z... .2. a: .8 .8 2.... a a .2. z... 9.2.3... 9......3. £32.... a .2. .39... :3. t... .3... 8.... c... .3... to... .23.. :3. 2.. 3.2.3.. .8 .233 2.32.... .9... 2.. .. .z. .2. 2mm: 3...... 8...... 1...... 8...... 5...... .23.. 5.... s: 2.3.. +3.... 2. .2. G. 8.. .7... J... 2 ...:... .84. .3... .7... 82.82.... 82.82.... 8.3.52... .... ...a..... .339... .8... :3. I... .3 .33... 2...... 2.... 3. .. 3. .K53 .8...- .3 .3...- o :3.- ..a....x... .828... s .8 o .3. .2. .3. .. as s 3... .2...— G. .o. c .3... -3 6...... .33.. ..2...... 3 3:... ._ 2....- ........ .8 2...... 3.... .22.... 2.8.2:... .3 . 2....- ..g... 88.... .82.. .. 2 3:... 2...: .8...- ....s a... .33.... 3: .8 i 3. .. 3:32.... .32 .8338... 2...... x. z. .2... a. .2... .e... .23. .58.. .. 2.... .5 .2... no... 8:238. .. 3...... .3. so... 3 1...... .. .32.... 32...... .o 3.... 3...... 9.... 3...... .2 32.1.5... 323...... .3... to. -3... .. 2... .3... 33...... .23.... .2. -2... 3.38... .8. so... 8. 33.2.8. 3. 232...... ..8........ :5... a .52.... 5. 2.3.2.... 3...... E... .55.... 3...... -23.... .53.. .3... £9.33... 23...... .3 a... 2.3.... 2...... 62.23.... 3......- z. 83...... 2. 3...... 2... 3...... t. 3:38.. .9... .2... 63...... .8. .3... .. .. . 13...... 3... .2... 2.3.2.. .u... .38.... 2.. 8.3.8... .22.... .3332... .8- 83.8.... .23.... 33...... a... 9.8.2.. mama...“ an. Hm . _ .. . . an $3395.... 2.3.952... .83.... a... .3... 5.8.2... a... .3 is... a... 2.: z. 2 .2. a... 5...... s... 82...: .... .5 ... 3 5:58 .3 .2: 167 3; gnglggflgtg and g, grzthraga. This may indicate more variability within their populations and lends extra support for designating them as relative 'r' strategists. Can the extent of the ranges of each of the five west Javan ranids be explained by their relative 'r' selectedness (that is, their 'weediness' or colonizing ability)? Species that are 'r' strategists tend to be good colonizing species and it could be hypothesized that this attribute should allow these species to disperse and extend their ranges more readily. Range maps for each of the five species (compiled from previously cited literature) are given in Figures 31-35. Peninsular Thailand and Malaysia are near the center of distribution of each species, so many of the same physical barriers to dispersal have confronted these frogs. The five species should also be comparable from the standpoint that they are all generalized mode breeders (Salthe and Duellman, 1973) and therefore have similar requirements for breeding habitat. Inger (1966) designated Q, Li a (Figure 31) as a transitional species probably of Indo-Chinese origin, 3, gaggriggrg (Figure 32) a transitional species probably of Malaysian origin, 3; ghalggngta (Figure 33) an exclusive Malaysian species, and B; grzthragg (Figure 34) and 3, limggcngrig (Figure 35) shared species between Malaysian and Indochinese areas. Inger (i966) designated several members of the Bornean frog fauna as 'commensals of man", including 3; cancrivora, fl; iimnogharig and g, erythraea. 168 40° -_ ’ 3ooh- ”’ a [I I ’I/ A .- ///Mé¢, ii: ”’ 10° P-- _.-.— — --"é$ 0°. 10° Figure 31. Range of Ooeidozyga Zima. 40° 30° 20° 10° 0° 10° Figure 32. Range of Rana cancrivora. 169 40° ~_ 30° ~- 20° — _ _._ 10° ~— .. 0°’ 10° Figure 33. Range of Rana chalconota; 30° ~.- _.‘ 20° ~ _ //‘/ 10...._/._ 0 oo ______ _ _ ____ -— 100 ___________ Figure 34. Range of Rana erythraea. 170 V, ([4 7 400‘... ,/ U%’/ 30° 20° V/a " I 9" - ” 10° “ -fi’ ’ .. 0° L—- 10° ../ ”in ////’,;// / v I ,o’ Figure 35. Range of Rana ‘Zimnocharis. 171 g; ghglgongt; did not behave in this way in Borneo (lnger, i966), but it did in Java, occurring frequently in disturbed habitats near human habitation. 9; lim; also occurred most frequently in flooded agricultural fields. For these species, it is likely that human-induced environmental perturbations have not provided a dispersal barrier and, in fact, with the possible exception of B; ghglggnotg, the dispersal of these frogs has probably been enhanced by humans. Inger (1954) suggested that a; grzthrae; has probably reached Celebes and the Philippine islands through accidental human transport. Alexander ££.LL; (1979) noted that g; limgggnarig in Taiwan has a strong attraction for freshly plowed and flooded soil and this phenomenon is also evident in west Java for 3; limggcharig and g; giggcivorg. This is probably an adaptive characteristic for living in close association with humans. 3; limnocharis (Figure 35) has, by far, the most extensive range. It extends to 36 degrees north (Pope and Boring, 1940) and eastward to Flores. 3; erzthrag; (Figure 34) has the next most extensive range; however, if Celebes and the Philippines are disregarded as areas of possible accidental introduction by man (Inger 1954), the longest axis through the total range is not much greater than that of B; gangrivgca or Q; 11mg. ‘3; ggnggiggng (Figure 32) and g; Lia; (Figure 31) have quite similar-sized ranges although 9; lima has extended 172 farther north into Asia and 3‘ gaggnigggg has extended further east into the Indonesian archipelago and north into the Philippines. The existence of Q; llm; in Sumatra has not yet been reported. 3; ghglconotg has the least extensive range, although interestingly it was able to cross the Makassar Straits from Borneo to Celebes. The relationship between degree of 'r' selectedness and large range is not perfect. However, the second most 'r' selected species (3; limngghggig) has the largest range and the second most 'K' selected species (B; gnglggggtg) has the smallest range. 3, erzthragg, the most 'K' selected species, has a fairly extensive range, but if areas of probable anthropogenic distribution are disregarded, the range is quite similar to Q; llmg_and 3; cggcrivgrg (both 'r' selected species). Perhaps the tendency for 'K' selected species to be good competitors has allowed them some advantage in becoming established in new localities. This may have tended to equalize the dispersal abilities (those related to 'r-K' selection attributes) between 'r' selected species and 'K' selected species (thus, the relatively large range of 3; .ggztngggg). Assuredly, other physiological, behavioral and ecological factors are involved with the dispersability of these species. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Five species of ranid frogs living in pond habitats of West Java were studied through an annual cycle to ascertain their mechanisms for reproductive coexistence in relatively uniform, man-impacted environments. Both field observations and dissection of monthly samples of each species provided information for evaluatLon of their reproductive biology. west Java has an aseasonal tropical climate with a natural vegetation of tropical rainforest. However, its natural vegetation has been heavily altered by human and human agriculture. Field studies elucidated seasonal, temporal and spatial attributes of the community members’ reproductive behaviors. No seasonality was observed in the calling activities of males. Every month was utilized for breeding. All five species called predominantly between the hours of dusk and dawn, but temporal partitioning of calling activities was apparent. Species divided the available habitat on both a coarse level (different species choosing different ponds) and a fine level (each species having characteristic microhabitat preferences within a pond). An evaluation of anti-mating and courtship isolating mechanisms revealed that temporal partitioning, microhabitat partitioning, body size differences, and distinctive mating 173 174 calls acted together to maintain genetic isolation. Quantifiable variables were recorded from dissected specimens. The results are summarized as follows. I. - Shout-vent length and live weight were highly correlated for each species and a one-to-one relationship existed between live weight and live volume. 2. - Sexual dimorphism in size was present in each species (males smaller than females). Female live weight was greater than male live weight by 1.7 to 4.4 times depending on the species. Possible reasons for sexual size dimorphism . are discussed. 3. - Mean sizes for males of all five species were significantly different. Mean sizes for females of the five species were significantly different except for the pair Bag; chalconota and 3; grzghrgga. 4. - Large fat bodies were distributed across all size classes of male and female frogs. There was no apparent trend for small or large frogs to more frequently possess large fat bodies. In either sex, no clear trends were present among the species as regarded possession of large fat bodies in relation to sexual maturity. In three of five species, similar percentages of mature males and females possessed large fat bodies. In the remaining two species, a higher percentage of mature males possessed large fat bodies. No trend was observed between possession of large fat body and possession of enlarged ovarian ova in any of the species. Seasonality with respect to possession of 175 large fat bodies was not observed. 5. - It was concluded that external secondary sexual characteristics in males were accurate indicators of sexual maturity, as Judged by testis size. Calculated testis volume (assuming cylindrical shape) was Judged to be a more accurate index of actual testis size than was testis length alone. There was significant positive correlation between testis volume and snout-vent length for four of the five species. 6. - Partial ovulation occurred in Bag; gancrivora, but was not observed in the other four species. 7. - Developing ova and ovaries were classified using an egg pigmentation criterion, but it was found that the ova stages were distinctive on a size basis as well. 8. - An interspecific positive correlation existed between female body size and ovum diameter for four of the five species. 35g; cancrivora did not follow the same relationship. Two of the five species showed a significant positive correlation between female body size and ovum diameter within the species. 9. - In most cases the left ovary was found to be heavier than the right ovary in four of the five species. 10. - Intraspecific correlations between live weight and ovarian weight of reproductively ready females were present in all five species. Larger females carried larger egg masses. An interspecific correlation between mean live weight and mean ovarian weight existed among the five 176 species with the larger species accomodating larger egg masses. 11. - The means for percent body weight contributed by ovarian weight (percent ovarian weight) for reproductively ready females ranged from 6.5% to 11.7%, depending on the species, and the mean percent ovarian weights were distinctive for each species. Percent ovarian weight was not significantly correlated with body weight within or among species. 12. - Mean clutch size ranged from 434 to 13,611. Four of five species demonstrated a significant positive correlation between body size and clutch size. Among species there was a pattern of increased clutch size with increased species size which was very similar to the ovarian weight-live weight interspecific relationship. 13. - No seasonality in testis volume occurred in males. No seasonality in clutch size or in the percentage of mature females that were reproductively ready was observed. A consideration of the quantitative variables indicated that 353; gaggrivgrg is more similar to the ggig mode of reproduction than it is to the Bag§_mode. It tends to have a large clutch size composed of small ova. 3553 grzthgaea also stands out in that it devotes a relatively small proportion of its body mass to egg mass. Ban; limgggharig is a species that demonstrates reproductive seasonality in parts of its range that are 177 seasonal and does not in areas where equable conditions exist year-round. The five frog species studied do well in disturbed, early successional habitats. They have a high fecundity when compared to temperate zone Egg; or Bornean tropical rainforest Rana. Reproductive rates of the west Javan ranids and their temperate zone counterparts were compared. It is likely that net reproductive rates for the west Javan forms are higher. 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