3-PuGLYCERATE PHOSPHATASE 1N LEAVES Thesis for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY DOUGLAS DEY RANDALL 1970 LIBRARY Michigan 3:2 I: University This is to certify that the thesis entitled 5-P-Glycerate PhosPhatase in Leaves presented by Douglas Dey Randall g has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry “NEW Major professor Date W 7.!970 J / 0-169 arr ”‘7' , L r ”I ‘ ‘ h “ ‘I B'NDWlG BY none 5 sons' 3; _auqv yunggvtnc.3“; 3.1)-*;l- ’. ‘. on: La rs '. m . m. “.W't "' * ' |‘ l .. l \ . . ‘1‘_ l. r 7.- - :- . v _ M 1.. 9 ' ‘ towsntnrc opus.“ mu «tun-.1 fiifi‘ and the . tow» . r . Egon-ulna tr. 3 owe“ as. 5?". tw- “out”- " 3' 6‘37". K, .'_ . ‘ . , t~ _ . z ' .' {la-2:337- ' ' ‘ ‘ ,.. ‘ ._; _. ._ >» ‘w- T (4...” nu}; .A?‘ V ‘ . __ , _. ‘ 4 . .- s, , . i -€’ __s v}? ‘ c? ..‘, |"t . _ '>. ., .‘n.-:,,_m1,-.~ .- ‘ , ‘f‘ , ' , ‘ t . . a . w . ‘ rash..- .«x- c . I A . \ a 22‘7“?!"‘17i5 "" ABSTRACT 3-P~GIJCERATE PHOSPHATASE IN LEAVES by Douglas Dey Randall A BAP-glycerate phosphatase was purified from sugar— cane (Saocharium officiarum) leaves by a sequence of pH fractionation. acetone and ammonium sulfate precipitations, and chromatography on G-200 Sephadex, phoSphocellulose and carboxymethyl Sephadex. The purest preparations were 2530- fold enriched with 4.h% recovery and had a Specific activity of 7%. The phosphatase hydrolyzed stoichiometrically 9.3.?- glycerate to_y-glycerate and inorganic phOSphate. Between pH #.5 to 7.0 the phoephatase was stable at 4° and -18° and at room temperatures for brief periods. It was irreversibly inactivated at alkaline pH. The activity of the purified enzyme was optimal between pH 5.7 and 6.0, but in crude leaf extracts the optimum was at pH 6.3. No requirement for any cofactor was detected. The Michaelis plots for 3-P-glycerate phoephatase activity were hyperbolic. The apparent Michaelis constant for 3-P-g1yoerate ‘was 0.28 mM. The temperature optimum was about #2° and the enZyme was 50% inactivated in 3 minutes at 50°. The isoelec- ’tric point was at pH 6.8. . The enzyme was most active toward 3-P-glycerate. Phos- " éphhenolpyruvate was the only physiological substrate which “She hydrolyzed at a rate greater than half the rate for Vi Douglas Dey Randall BAP-glycerate. p—Nitrophenylphosphate was hydrolyzed at 0.66 of the rate with BAP-glycerate. 0f #1 other phosphate esters, none were hydrolyzed at rates more than 0.50 that for 3-P- glycerate. The nucleotidase activity was low. No diester— ase activity and limited pyrophosphatase activity were observed. The enzyme did not hydrolyze the C-P bond of phos- phonic acid derivatives. The purified enzyme was believed to be free of other phosphatases, since the relative speci- ficity did not change during the last four steps ofpurifica- tion. Only one phosphatase was detected by isoeleotric focusing, cation exchange columns. and kinetic analysis. The onlyme activity was not affected by extended dialysis against buffers or 1 mm EDTA. passage through 6-25 Sephadex or treatment with nine metal complexing agents. Host divalent cations were partially inhibitory. ZnT+. Cu++. Pb¢+ and sg++ at i uh inhibited the phosphatase greater than 50%. na+, KT. NH¢+ were without effect. The 3-P-g1ycerate phosphatase was inhibited by typical phOSphatase inhibitors, fluoride. molybdate, L(+)tartrate and arsenate. Iodoacetate, arsensite. and p-ohloromecuribenzoate inhibited 13$. 17%. and 2hfl. or the large number of metabolites. analogs or related compounds which were examined as possible effectors. dihyd- roxytartrate. (aaino-oxy)acetate. NaBo3. Nazco3. NaHCOB. and Na303 partially inhibited. L—aaAIanine and L-asparate at 1 In stimulated the activity about 105. Glycidol phosphate was not hydrolyzed and was an irreversible competitive inhibitor. Three derivatives of phosphonic acid stimulated Douglas Dey Randall L the enzymatic hydrolysis of 3-P-glycerate by 10%. From gel filtration and sucrose density oentrifugation, the molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be in the range of 160.000 to 200.000. 0n sucrose density grad— ients aggregation of the protein occurred at low ionic ; strength. but with 0.25 M KCl in the sucrose one form of the enzyme was obtained. Two polypeptide bands were observed on SDS—polyacrylamide electrOphoresis. The molecular weight of E the major band was about 51.000 and the minor band 62,000. The molar ratio of the two peptide bands was 3.621. 3-P-Glycerate was found in the mesophyll cells of sugarcane leaves. Non-aqueous isolation and density centri- fugation procedures indicated the phOSphatase was in the cytosol. It was not found in isolated peroxisomes, chloro- plasts or mitochondria. In etiolated tissue there was 1/10 the ph08phatase activity on a weight basis and 1/# the activ- ity on a protein basis. Upon exposure to light. the increase in phosphatase activity paralleled the greening of the tissue, such that in #7 hours the activity was 87% that of normal green leaves. The 3aP-glycerate phoSphatase activity exhib- ited a diurnal variation. During days of high sunlight it increased 50% and 60% on a protein and chlorophyll basis, reapectively. late in the afternoon and early darkness. The amounts of 3-P-g1ycerate phOSphatase and P-glyco- ~1ate phosphatase were determined in to plants. Non-C02- _ yphotcrespiring plants with the 64-dicarboxylic acid cycle. ._&§enarally had more 3-P-glycerate phOSphatase than P-glyoolate Douglas Dey Randall phosphatase. The opposite was the case for C02-photoreSplr- ing higher plants or C3-pathway plants. The C3-p1ants how— ever. had sufficient 3-P—glycerate phoSphatase to account for glycerate formation. Algae were typical of C3-pathway plants, as were most trees and aquatic plants. The non-vascular Liverwort, Marchantia, had more 3-P-glycerate phoSphatase than P-glycolate phosphatase. The amounts of 3-P-glyoerate and P-glycolate phOSpha- tases were determined in 15 soybean varieties (Glycine max. L. Merrill) with known net C02 fixation rates. The amount of P-glycolate phOSphatase correlated positively with increasing 002 fixation rates; the amount of the 3-P-glycerate phoSpha- tase correlated inversely with C02 fixation. Assays for these enzymes may be useful as an index of photosynthesis potential. About 30% of the 3-P-glycerate phoSphatase activity in spinach leaves was bound to the "starch particles" pelleted through sucrose density gradients. The particulate 3-P-gly- cerate phoSphatase activity had a specific activity 46—fold greater than the activity of crude spinach extracts. The starch particles were so designated because they stain with KI-Iz, their density was greater than 2.5 M sucrose, and the phosphatase and reducing sugars were released upon incubation ‘with B-amylase. The phOSphatase could also be released from " .the particles by 0.35 M Mg012 or extend sonification. Activ- '.gty was not solubilized by changes in pH, dialysis with or Douglas Day Randall through French pressure cell or homogenization. The 3-P- glycerate phosphatase solubilized from the particles was further purified 384-fold to a specific activity of 10.8 with a 3&5 recovery. The pH optimum,the absence of cofactors and the enzyme kinetics of the particulate enzyme were similar to the properties of the soluble phosphatase from sugarcane. A possible role for this phosphatase in regula- tion of starch formation or degradation is discussed. Functions of the soluble 3-P-g1ycerate phosphatase from sugarcane leaves are unknown, but some possibilities were considered. The phosphatase may be involved in (a) regulation of the photosynthetic carbon pathways, (b) serine, glycine and 01 synthesis as an alternate to or in addition .to the peroxisomal—glycolate pathway. (c) starch synthesis, or (d) carbon transport between mesophyll and parenchyma sheath cells. 3-P-GLYCE2ATE PHOSPHATASE IN LEAVE By Douglas Day Randall A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of 1130108 01" PEIIDSOPH! Department of Biochemistry 1970 G- bee/73 x—n’“ 7/ Dedicated to My wife. Shirley and our children. Troy and Reyna 11 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Professor N. E. Talbert for his enthusiasm,advice and counsel during my research and graduate training. I also thank Professor Tolbert for his invaluable contribution towards my development as a bio- chemist. My thanks to Dr. Robert Barr and Dr. Robert Kieckhefer for introducing me to research, biochemistry and entomology and for the encouragement to enter graduate study. 0 For their superior technical assistance, my thanks to Fraulein Angelika Oeser. Mrs. Sandra Wardell and Dennis Gremel. My thanks to Professor R. H. Hageman for his person— al and professional counsel. The cooperation of Professor R. H. Hageman, and the personnel and the facilities of the USDA Regional Soybean Laboratory at the University of Illinois. Urbana for the investigations on the soybean varieties are gratefully acknowledged. I appreciate the advice and assistance of my thesis committee members. Dre. J. L. Fairley, Phil Filner. Cliff Pollard and John Wilson. My thanks also to various faculty. staff and students who have contributed immeasurably by their friendship and interest. My thanks to all those who participated in the hours of discussion and analysis of the issues of biochemistry as well as issues of a broader scope. The encouragement and faith of my parents and my wife's parents is appreciated. Finally. my most sincere thanks and appreciation to my wife, Shirley, who typed so very many theses and drew so very many figures to make this final thesis possible. With— out her love. encouragement and spirit this thesis and research could not have been done. I thank my son. Troy. for his endless patience and for his help in caring for his sister, Reyna. The financial assistance of the National Science Foundation and the Department of Biochemistry. Michigan State University is appreciated. iii rp———' TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRO wCTION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The cCg-Photosynthetic Carbon Reduction I I I I 1 o The C -Dicarboxylic Acid :Pathway of Photo- s thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Location of C-4 Pathway . . . . . . . . . 15 leaf Anatomy and Chloroplast Structure . . . 18 Photosynthesis Rates . . . . 19 C02 Compensation.Point and Oxygen Inhibi- tion of Photosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . 20 Environmental Correlations . . . . . . . . . 20 Glycclate Pathway . . . . . 22 3-P-Glycerate Metabolism and. Glycerate Fomtlon I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2? Glycerate Formation . . . . . . . . . . 29 Acid Phosphatases from Leaves . . . . . . . . 32 nTERan AND mfioDs I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 38 P nuts I I I I I I I I I 38 Chemicals . . . Protein and Chlorophyll . Phosphate Determinations Glycerate Determinations Enzyme Assays . . . . . Substrates . . . . . . Isoelectric Focusing . Gel Filtration . . . . . Ion Exchange Chromatography Paper Chromatography . . . Preparatory Methods . . . . “Mme I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PART A: 3-P-GLJCERLTB PHOSPHLTASE PROM SUGARCANE LENVES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 51 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I e I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I I I I I 6;? I I U! ps I. Purification of Sugarcane 3-PuGlycerate P haunt... I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 51 Extraction from Sugarcane Leaves . . . . . . 51 pH PrIItlonItlon e o e e e a e e e e e e e e 53 iv II. III. PART B: I. First Acetone Fractionation . . . Ammonium Sulfate Fractionation . Second Acetone Fractionation . . Sephadex G-200 Gel Filtration . . Chromatography on Phosphocellulose . Chromatography on Carboxymethyl Sephadex Concentration of Enzyme. . . Discussion of the Purification Procedure Biochemical Properties of 3-P-Glyoerate The Enzyme Assay . . . . pH Optimum . . . Kinetic Characteristics . Effect of Temperature . . Isoelectric Point . . . . Effect of Ionic Strength . Substrate Specificity . . . . Effect of Metal Complexing Agents . h Effect of Cations . . . . . Effect of Related Compounds and 0t e Inhlbl t Ors I I I I I I I Inhibition of Glycidol-P . . Effect of Phosphonic Acid Derivatives Products of the Enzyme Reaction . . . ofieeeeeeeee e e 0 e e e e e e e a e Physical Characteristics . . . . . . . Sucrose Density Gradient Centrifugation BBS-Polyacrylamide Electrophoresis . . . . . Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis . . . . . Physiological Considerations of 3-Phospho- glycerate Phosphatase in Sugarcane Leaves . . Location in the Sugarcane Plant . . . Localization of the Sugarcane 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase in leaf Tissue . . . . Localization of 3-PuGlycerate Phosphatase by NonnAquecus Density Fractionation . . . Development of the 3-PdGlycerate Phosphatase in Etiolated Sugarcane After Illumination. Diurnal Variation of the Enzyme Activity . . THE DISTRIBUTION OF 3-P-GLICERATE AND P-GLICOLATE PHOSPHATASE IN VARIOUS PLANTS . Special Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . Relative Levels of 3-P-Glycerate and P-Glycolate Phosphatases as a Function of the Rate of Photosynthesis in Soybeans . . . V 11? 120 120 121 126 127 131 136 137 138 M9 PART C: FROM SPINACH LEAVES . I A PARTICULATE 3-P-GLYCERATE PHOSPHATASE PuGlyoolate Phosphatase in Chloroplasts . . BdeGlycerate Phosphatase in Starch Pellet pH Optimum Kinetics of Enzyme Effect of Divalent Cations Substrate Specificity . . I Solubilizing the Particulate BlP-Glycerate Phosphatase Purification of the Starch Particle Glycerate Phosphatase DISCUSSION . . . SUMMARY . . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . APPENDIX A . . . APPENDIX B . . . V11 3-P- 177 201 205 215 216 Figure LIST OF FIGURES Schematic Representation of the C -Dicar- boxylic Acid Pathway of Photosynthetic C02 ‘ssimi lat ion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I G 1y°°1£t° P athway e e c s o e e e o e o e a Schematic Relationship Between Chloroplasts, Peroxisomes and Mitochondria with Regard to Glycolate Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . The Elution Pattern for Sephadex G-200 Gel F 1 1trat ion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Eluticn Pattern of the Phosphccellu- lose Ion Exchange Column . . . . . . . . . . The Elution Pattern of the Carboxymethyl- Sephadex Ion Exchange Chromatography . . . . The Percentage of the Enzymes Solubilized as a Function of Homogenization Time or U80 Of the Roller M111 I I I I I I I I I I I The Stability of 3un61ycerate Phosphatase as Function of pH and Ionic Strength . . . . 3-P-Glycerate Hydrolysis by the PhOSphatase as a Function of Time and EnZyme Concentra- tion I C . C C I I I O I I I I I O I I I I C The pH Activity Curves for 3-P-Glycerate Pholphatase.o.............. The pH.Activity Curve for 3~P-Glycerate Phosphatase and PuGlycolate Phosphatase Using First Acetone Fractions . . . . . . . The Relationship of Substrate Concentration to Reaction Velocity and a Lineweaver-Burk Plot for 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase . . . . . Effect of Temperature of 3-PaGlycerate PhOBphItIBI Stability and Rate of Hydroly- 8180f3-P-Glycorat9............ vii Page 25 56 59 61 65 73 76 78 81 an T"'_————— Figure Page 14 The Isoelectric Focusing Profile of 3-P- Glycerate Phosphatase . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 15 The Effect of Ionic Strength on 3-P- Glycerate Phosphatase Activity . . . . . . . 90 16 Lineneaver-Burk Plot of L(+)Tartrate Inhi- bition I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l 1 on 17 Time Dependence of En2yme Inactivation by GmidOI-Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee106 18 Lineueaver-Burk Plots of Glycidol-P Inhi- bition I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 107 19 The Michaelis Curve for 3-P-Glycerate Phos- phatase in the Presence of Phosphonic Acid Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 20 Sucrose Density Gradient Profiles . . . . . . 113 21 Gel Scan of SUB-Polyacrylamide Gel Electro- phoresis of 3-P-G1ycerate Phosphatase . . . . 118 22 Molecular Weight of Polypeptide Chains of 3spsslycerate Phosphatase . . . . . . . . . . 119 23 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase Deve10pment from Etiolated Sugarcane Tissue Upon Illumination. 130 2“ Diurnal Variation of 3-P-Glycerate Phospha- tase Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 25 Extraction Time Versus Percent of the Phos- phatase Activity Sclubilized for 3 Types of Plants I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1&5 26 The Activities of 3-P-Glycerate and P-Gly— colate Phosphatases Versus Rate of Photo- synthesis in Soybean Varieties . . . . . . . 151 27 The pH Activity Curve for 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase in Starch Particles . . . . . . . 161 28 Linearity of the 3-P-G1ycerate Phosphatase ‘ss" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 61 29 Kinetic Plots for the Spinach Particulate BqP-Glycerate Phosphatase . . . . . . . . . . 163 30 Solubilization cf the Starch Grain 3-P- Glycerate Phosphatase as a Function of pH . . 169 viii pd‘ I Solubilization of the Starch Grain 3-P- Page Glycerate Phosphatase by B-Anylase . . . . . 169 Solubilization of the Particulate 3-P- Glycerate Phosphatase as a Function of Salt Concentration . Proposed Intercellular Movement of Newly Fixed Carbon Between Bundle Sheath and Mesophyll Cells . 172 . 192 II III VI VII VIII XI Table LIST OF TABIES Acid Pathway Between Two Typ s of Chloro- Looation of Enzymes of the 03-Dicarboxylic ph8t8(16.u1)eeeeeeeeeeeeeo Summary of the Purification of 3-P-Glycer- ate Phosphatase from 840 g Sugarcane Leaves Specificity of 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase . Relative Specificity of 3-P-G1ycerate Phos- phatase at Various Stages of Purification . Activity of 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase with Two Substrates Present . . . . . . . . . . The Effect of Metal Complexing Agents on 3-P-G1ycerate Phosphatase Activity . . . . Effect of Metal Ions on 3-P-Glycerate Phos— thase I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Effects of other Inhibitors and Related C amp ound s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hydrolysis of Phosphonic Acid Derivatives and Their Effect on 3-P-Glycerate Hydrolysis by 3-P-G1ycIrItI PhOSphatase e e e e e e e Stoichicmetry of 3-P-Glyceric Acid Phospha- 88' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Distribution of 3-PuGlycerate Phosphatase in Sugaroam P but I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Distribution of 3-PaGlycerate and P-Glyco- late Phosphatase in Isolated Sugarcane Chloropla8t8.........o....o Fractional Centrifugation of an Isotonic Extraction of Sugarcane Leaf Tissue . . . . Distribution of 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase After Fractional Centrifugation for Isola- tion of Percxiscmes . . . . . . . . . . . . I Page 17 52 91 93 95 97 98 101 109 111 120 123 125 126 r.___—_ Table Page XV Distribution of Chlorophyll and Encymes after NonpAqueous Isolation and Density Fractionation of Destarched Corn Leaves . . . 128 XVI The Levels of Activity and the Distribu- tion of 3-P—Glycerate Phosphatase and P-Glycolate Phosphatase in Various Higher Plants, Algae and Liverwort . . . . . . . . . 139 XVII Correlation of 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase and P-Glycolate Phosphatase Activities with Photosynthesis in 15 Soybean Varities . . . . 153 XVIII Phosphatase Activity of Isolated Spinach Chloroplasts Prepared in Sorbitol Medium as Described in Materials and Methods . . . . 15? XIX Distribution of 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase in Peroxiscme Preparation . . . . . . . . . . 159 XX The Effect of Divalent Cations on the P BAP-Glycerate Phosphatase in Starch Particles 165 XXI Substrate Specificity of the Starch Particle 3-P-Glycerate phosphatase . . . . . . . . . . 167 XXII Purification of the Particulate 3-P-Glycer- ate Phosphatase from 300 g of Spinach Leaves. 175 xi Ax c-KG AMP . ADP . ATP Chl CM- DEAE- DHAP BETA f.c. Hepes PEP P-Glycolate BAP-61 cerate (3sPGA) VP. P1. PPi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Absorbance at wavelength 1 a-Ketoglutarate Adenosine mono-. di-, and triphosphate Chlorophyll Carboxymethyl- Diethylaminoethyl- DihydroxyacetOne phOSphate Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (disodium salt) Foot candles N—Z-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethane sulfonic acid Michaelis constant 2—(N-morpholine)ethanesulfonic acid Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide (reduced) Nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate (reduced) Oxaloacetate Phosphoenol pyruvate Phosphoglycolate 34Phosphoglycerate PhOSphorous, inorganic phosphate. pyrophOSphate Ribulose-1.5-diphosphate xii Specific activity Trichlorcacetic acid 1;] ” Sodium dodecyl sulfate ‘ 7 if" ‘1“ ms- .Triethylamino ethyl— . 1 his N-tris( hydroxymethylhethylglyc ine . f ’1 . ‘ L If 'y . ,' i - J *' - t It“ ;>‘A"-'...‘E?.\I‘§“:1 r 1". ‘ ~ $6,; ' i ; . . . .‘M’é'fifihé "52% $33.» 3"5' "-11:33 1‘ y . rm.» mam: its}; If someone tells me tmt in making these conclusions I have gone beyond the facts I reply: 'This is true. that I have freely put myself among ideas which cannot be rigor- ously proved. That is my way of looking at things. Every time a chemist concerns himself with these mysterious phenomena and every time he has the luck to make an impor- tant step forward he will be led instinctively to attribute their prime cause to a class of reactions in harmony with the general results of his own researches. That is the logical course of the human mind, in all controversial matters.’ .. Louis Pasteur, 1857 xiv INTRODUCTION The last quarter century of research in photosynthe- sis since Calvin's group envisioned and proposed the "path of carbon in photosynthesis" (1, 2, 3) has seen the elucida- tion of many of the enzymes. intermediates and products of the pathway (1+, 5. 6. 7). The process has subsequently been called "the photosynthetic carbon cycle," or Calvin's cycle. or more recently the c-3 pathway. The kinetic isotope tracer studies allowed the determination of the sequential formation of intermediates and products. Enzymological studies have revealed substrates (NADPH and ATP) which were unlabeled in radictracer eXperiments and provided information regarding regulation of the pathway (8, 9. 10. 11. 12). The initial product of the Calvin cycle is the 03 acid, 3-P-g1yceric acid (13). The subsequent metabolism of 3-P-glycerate regenerates the cog acceptor. ribulose—i,5-diphosphate. through a sequence of reactions involving the sugar mono- and diphos- phates. This pathway of photosynthetic 002 fixation was considered to be ubiquitous in higher plants and algae. However the 63-pathway has failed to explain all the products formed during 11"002 incorporation by many photosyn- thetic organisms. The novel pathway of 602 fixation which involves the ferridoxin dependent reductive carboxylation cf eestyl-CoA and succinyl-CoA to yield pyruvate and a-keto- 1 r,.__— 2 glutarate is termed the reductive carboxylic acid cycle and appears to be limited to two heterotrophic photosynthetic bacteria (14). The very early and rapid incorporation of 1”c02 into the dicarboxylic acids, malate and aspartate, of sugarcane and corn was initially ignored. but the persistence of this occurrence stimulated a thorough investigation of the photosynthesis of sugarcane and corn (15. 16. 1?. 18). The subsequent radiotracer experiments and enzyme studies have confirmed that a second unique process of 002 assimilation } termed the Cu-dicarboxylic acid pathway (Cu-pathway) is cperative in the tropical and sub-tropical grasses such as } sugarcane as well as in other species (Figure 1) (16). The C3-pathway of C02 assimilation also fails to explain the early and rapid incorporation of 1“,002 into glycolate (d-hydrcxy acetate) (5. 19. 20). The amount of newly fixed carbon dioxide found in glycolate and the "glycolate pathway" (Figure 2) ranges from 0 up to 92% of the total carbon fixed (21, 22), and is dependent on several physiological and photosynthetic conditions to be cited in the Literature Review. The accumulation of glycolate and its products is observed especially with young or rapidly growing tissue. Thus it seems that glycolate should have a very significant role in photosynthesis. V Glycolic acid is believed to be biosynthesized from some intermediate(s) of the C3-pathway and its metabolism is closely related to photosynthetic conditions (22). P-Glyco— late is believed to be the immediate precursor in the u. .s‘ t ‘1 n .p stir. .. . t . T. ..... r. . 3n... ..v r ‘ I . s o x (M r.1 n a . . .. .- - -f 3292: 23;.fiawm one... 3.7.35»; . ...w.....n.. as. :2 . 1. .. «m8! . .... a .L.... m A 9.00 Indonesians. u 1......”1 96 .. m»a_w Ens . . . . . a . . a4. . .10 . vat .. . 3 . - .. . t can _........ :L....n:u:.w.r.5!1..n. WC .7- 435230.30: churn? .1 i .3... ». isnpnoo ohuauanmeuwafumln ht. rmcm WW 3..."an 633A 1.... .. \_\ . . n L A \ .- .... .vnu“. . A .|.|T...LCQ= .. |\ ~ . .x...‘..~.. . v and. mafia. Tess-25¢ betas: .ASV .flm Hm madam an demoQOHm 5332534 «8 2329:3035 . no mesnpcm 30¢ oaamxonaeoaneo can .wo soapepsemcaaem capes—econ .a shaman 3382 m esopeoehwohchedn emoposem Basswosaaue. a on»: 03 9305.3 emonosam nosnmon mum H22 n m 3232 can omen... m «mamas .; openeohflw endgame: mun nonsmonflonm. a 322: m I 1+ and mad \ 9: .54 \ mas \ $3.30? on mun E \j ./ evesamo: mum evdsamosm encvooehwohphnan : connocaeneohawosneo: min 342 . as «mass opsnooaewozanocaaoun. a a3 a: a: .54 \ .l I I I IV «omnn gouache V. va\ . zhopacoodz ‘\ _ , Bax «mane: 13538 onus I evens: (evapooeoaewo [IA / as opfififia moo z luv Begun.» 1 mum «a + 2.4424 + a an 3A8 magnuamozam momma mowmo . u _ Nmzmmw Amy 4"- onw mooo moon 5 Non a Ho . 3V TIIII IAILI ‘ .. suede: T T epebshhm @oumov Mg 9 — mono scan 9. . some 9 _ momma a omw some IIIILv . IIIILv v _ at All... momw E AIII mono AS All mono. . _ moon moon one. can momma @095; ...... . as. .muuuunnllun. _ Ase .muununnnnnu .. _ as“ aw mooo moon soon. a .n.. , C ,...... w¥..._\ hes-3e.” epsucohao .N can»: ta, ..4.. I! "i 6 biosynthesis of glycolate, since it is hydrolyzed by a specific P-glycclate phosphatase in the chlorOplasts (23, 2h). Recent investigations in this laboratory on glycolate metabo- lism have established that some of the glycolate metabolizing enzymes are compartmentalized in microbodies termed leaf percxisomes (25. 26). Available evidence strongly supports the view that the leaf peroxisomes and the glycolate metabo- lism therein are responsible for the Cog—photorespiration (peroxisomal reapiration) observed with many higher plants. A survey of both COz-photOFOSplrlng and noanOZ-photcrespir- ing plants was made by Tolbert's group (26) for peroxisomes and glycolate metabolizing enzymes. P-Glycclate phosphatase was included in the survey since the phosphatase is presumed to be necessary for glycolate biosynthesis. When surveying for P-glycolate phosphatase. 3-P-glycerate was used as an indicator of substrate specificity and relative phosphatase levels. Sugarcane, a nonpcoz-photorespiring plant. possess- ing the 04-dicarboxylic acid pathway of 002 fixation. had low levels of P-glycolate phosphatase paralleling the low levels of the other glycolate metabolizing enzymes and peroxiscmes. However. extracts of the sugarcane leaves hydrolyzed 3-P-glycerate much more rapidly than P-glycolate. Hydrolysis of 3-P-glycerate in crude extracts of other plants (cog-photorespiring plants) was usually at a rate 25 to 30% of that found for P-glycolate. Since glycerate is a major product of glycolate metabolism (27) and the glycolate metabolizing enzymes were low in sugarcane. we felt that the .‘it ..i .3, '0‘. a!- u. {M s.- 7 rapid enzymatic hydrolysis of 3-P-g1ycerate might be indica- tive of a bypass of the glycolate pathway. A 3-P-g1ycerate phosphatase would also eXplain the lacoz incorporation into the carboxyl position of glycerate during photosynthesis giving an isotOpic distribution inconsistent with the glyco- late pathway (28, ‘29). The carboxyl-labeled glycerate found during photosynthesis experiments had previously been attributed to inadequate killing procedures of the experi- ment and was believed to be insignificant, even though in some leaves large metabolically active reservoirs of glycerate were present (7, 28, 29). The following points suggested that an investigation of a BAP-glycerate phosphatase would contribute significantly to the understanding of the path of carbon in photosynthesis and photorespiration. (a) Glycolate metabolism and P-glyco- late phosphatase activities were low in sugarcane. (b) Enzy— matic hydrolysis of 3-P-g1ycerate by sugarcane extracts was unusually rapid. (c) Sugarcane is a non-Coz-photorespiring plant with a C02 assimilation process differing from the normal Calvin cycle from which glycolate is made. (d) A BJP-glycerate phosphatase would provide a bypass of the gly- colate pathway (negating the need for it). thus bypassing the source of respired 002 and 02 uptake of Cog-photorespira- tion and explaining the low level of glycolate metabolism. (e) A 3-P-g1ycerate phosphatase would explain the appearance of carboxyl-labeled glycerate (and serine) in 14002 photo- 'synthesis experiments. 8 The purification and characterization of 3-P-glycer— ate was undertaken to determine if this enZyme was similar to P-glycolate phosphatase with reapect to such parameters as specificity. location and cofactor requirements. Such similarities would support our conclusion that 3-P-glycerate phosphatase was a substitute for P-glycolate phosphatase and in addition provide possible information useful in under— standing the function of both phosphatases. Studies directed towards the formation. location. and physiological changes in activity would be useful in delineating whether or not the 3-P—g1ycerate phosphatase was involved in photosynthetic processes. Studies comparing the distribution of both phosphatases in the plant kingdom should help to elucidate their true function(s). This thesis describes the study of 3-P-g1ycerate phosphatase of sugarcane leaves. Procedures for the partial purification of the enzyme and some of its biochemical and physical properties are described. The distribution of this phosphatase. as well as that of P-glycolate phosphatase among many plants, is also presented as well as some physio- logical studies of its presence in leaves. A study attempt- ing to correlate the relative levels of 3-P-glycerate phos- phatase and P-glycolate phosphatase to photosynthetic rates in soybeans is presented. The discovery and partial charac- terization of a particulate (probably starch grains) 3-P- glycerate phosphatase from spinach leaves is also presented. LITERATURE REVIEW The studies on 3-P-glycerate phOSphatase are directed ultimately towards determining its function as a part of the photosynthetic process of green plants. Since the source of this enzyme is the photosynthetic tissue of sugarcane. and its substrate is the first or one of the first major inter- mediates of photosynthetic C02 assimilation. the two major pathways of photosynthetic carbon metabolism will be reviewed. The functions to be attributed to the 3-P-glycer- ate phosphatase require a review of the glycolate pathway and photorespiration. Consideration of the importance of the 3-P-glycerate to the carbon metabolism of the leaf requires a review of 3-P-g1ycerate metabolism and glycerate formation. Obviously, Justice cannot be done to each of these exciting and dynamic research areas without writing a very large book: however, the author feels a brief review of these areas will facilitate the discussion of the studies on BAP-glycerate phosphatase in leaves. The reductive assimilation of free atmoSpheric carbon by photosynthetic organisms through utilization of light energy is summarized by the equation: hv nco2 + anszo ———> n02 + (0320):: + nHZO .....s. .I. I ... 10 and is termed photosynthesis. This complex process entials converting light energy to chemical energy of excited chloro— phyll molecules. converting this chemical energy to reducing equivalents. NADPH and high energy pthphate, ATP, and reduc- ing 002 to carbohydrate. using the reducing power and ATP. The "path of carbon in photosynthesis" describes how the ATP and NAIPH are used for 002 assimilation in green photosyn- thetic organisms (30). The C3-Photosynthetic Carbon Reduction Cycle Radicautography of chromatographed extracts from the green algae, Chlorella and Scenedesmus, which had been supplied with luccz for less than 5 sec during steady state photosynthesis, revealed carboxyl-labeled 3-P-glycerate as the first labeled compound of photosynthesis (13). Since 002 is the only source of carbon, the acceptor molecule must be regenerated, thus a cyclic pathway is inherent. Through an elegant series of experiments (13. 31. 32. 34) involving light and dark transitions coupled with a knowledge of metabolic pathways of glycolysis and pentose phosphates, Calvin's group established that the carbon reduction cycle involves (a) the carboxylaticn of ribulose 1.5-diphosphate to give two molecules of 3-P-glycerate [or 3-P-glycerate and triose phosphate (3h)], (b) the reduction of 3-P-glycer- ate to triose phosphate. (c) the condensation and conversion of triose phosphates to hexose phosphates and pentose phos- phates, and (d) the regeneration of ribulose diphosphate 11 from pentose phosphates and ATP (30). The adequacy of the 03-pathway as a means of 002 fixation was presented by Bassham and Kirk (35) who found that upwards of 85% of the C02 fixed by Chlorella could be accounted for by the C3- pathway and its immediate products. Massive evidence for the C3-pathway has been accumulating since the pathway was proposed in the early 1950's (3“, 38). The isolation of intact spinach chlorOplasts capable of C02 fixation and carbon cycling at close to 12.3112 rates has been instru- mental in localizing the C3-pathway in the chloroplasts (36. 37. 38). The enzymes for the C3-pathway have been found sup- porting the radiotracer experiments (10. 11. 30. 38). The nonaqueous isolation and density gradient centrifugation studies by Stocking (39), Smillie (40) and others (#1) have provided excellent evidence for the localization of the C3- pathway enZymes and intermediates in the chloroplasts. Con- trol of the 03-pathway is manifested through light dependent activation of enzymes, formation of metabolites or changes in the energy charge. Control is also manifested by changes in substrate or cofactor levels (feedback inhibition and hcmotrcpic interactions) (12). The function of the C3-cycle is to provide carbon compounds to the plant. Although the chloroplast is capable of making all the major types of compounds. there are some priorities necessary in the photosynthetic products in order for the plant to be able to survive. Except for the formation m New. I‘i. .Nfil ”I‘ve 12 of glycolic acid, some amino acids and certain carbohydrates which will be discussed later in the review, sucrose and starch (a-glucan) are the major immediate products in the photosynthetate. Sucrose and starch represent a sink or reservoir for carbohydrate produced from the energy and reducing power provided by the photochemical event. Both are made in the chloroplast (#2, 43, an). Sucrose is the chief carbohydrate transported elsewhere in the plant (nu). Chloroplast starch or assimilatory starch is used during low light periods or darkness for biosynthesis and energy. Starch synthesis is regulated by intermediates of the 03- pathway, 3AP-glycerate and fructose-6-phoSphate, at the AIP- glucose pyrophosphorylase level (12). The C3-pathway has been found in numerous higher plants, green algae and photosynthetic bacteria. The C3- pathway was assumed to be ubiquitous, until evidence for the reductive carboxylic acid cycle in some photosynthetic bacteria was recently reported (14), and a second major pathway (Cu-pathway discussed below) was proposed for higher plants (16). The belief that the C3-pathway was the univer- sal pathway was partially due to geography and choice of plant material. Most research was done in the temperate geographic zones, using easily manipulated tissue such as spinach, soybeans, and green algae. These plants give perfect examples of the C3-pathway. It is almost incredible as one reads the literature of photosynthesis with the present information that 99% of the earlier photosynthesis 13 research was done using a limited number of temperate zone plants. Corn and sugarcane, which are extremely important economic crops, and should have been studied, were too dif- ficult to use in photosynthesis experiments because of their tough leaf tissue and consequently were assumed to possess the C3-pathway of 002 assimilation. Sugarcane and corn have an exceptional capacity for producing dry matter (#5) and are capable of photosynthesis rates much greater than most other plants (46, #7). The Cu-Dicarboxyl Acid Pathway of Photosynthesis Tarchevskii and Karpilow (50) in 1963 and Kortshak. Hartt and Burr (15) in 1965 noted that aspartate and malate were the first compounds labeled during 14002 experiments with corn and sugarcane.* Hatch and Slack extended these experiments and added oxaloacetate to the list of initially labeled compounds (17). Using sugarcane, corn and sorghum leaves, radiotracer photosynthesis studies by Hatch and Slack showed that: (a) Incorporation of 1“C into oxaloacetate, aSpartate and malate was linear with time, light dependent luCOZ-fixation (17, 18, and occurred first during 51). (b) The 1“c labeling into c-u of dicarbcxylic acids was faster than the C-1 labeling of 3-P-glycerate (51). *Calvin's group back in the 50's had similar data, _ but ignored it! (Personal communication from one who was . _ present.) \A’ 3.! in (c) The 14C in C—4 of the dicarboxylic acids became the C-1 of 3-P-glycerate in a light dependent reaction, and then flowed sequentially through dihydrcxyacetone-P, the hexose phosphates, and the pentose phosphates to sucrose and d-glucan in a manner consistent with their role as inter- mediates in the fixation cycle (51). 1“'0 accumulated in Hull3 when leaves fixing 11+C02 (d) were placed in COZ-free air (51), thus suggest- ing it was the 002 acceptor from the C-# of the dicarboxylic acid or an immediate precursor. With the above evidence Hatch and Slack proposed the cyclic Cu-dicarboxylic acid pathway in Figure 1. The mode of transferring the C-h of the dicarboxylic acids to C-1 of 3-P-g1ycerate is uncertain at this time. The enZymes for all the reactions except the "transcarboxylase" reaction have been established as being present in adequate amounts (1+1. 52. 53. 51+. 55). The enzymes found include three enZymes unique to the 04-pathway of photosynthesis, phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) carboxylase for the primary carboxylaticn reaction (52); pyruvate, P1 dikinase to regenerate the primary C02 acceptor, PEP (5#, 56); and NMIP-malate dehydrogenase to reduce oxalo- acetate (41). Attempts to isolate an enzyme catalyzing the proposed transcarboxylation have been unsuccessful (16. 57). Andrews (5h) proposes that the transcarboxylation process is the 15 coordinated result of malic enzyme (52, 55) and RuIP carboxyl- ase. The oxaloacetate made by the PEP carboxylase would be converted to malate by the NADP—malate dehydrogenase. The malate would be decarboxylated in the presence of RuDP car- boxylase by malic enZyme (NAIF-malate dehydrogenase decar- boxylase). The C02 (possibly enzyme bound) would be refixed by the RuDP carboxylase to yield 3-P-glycerate. The RuDP carboxylase activity, which was initially reported as being too low to have an important role in the Cu-pathway, has been found to be adequate and to possess even better kinetic parameters than the enzyme in C3-pathway plants (5“. 58). Location of C—# Pathway Corn, sugarcane and other Cu-pathway plants differ from C3-pathway plants in that they contain two morpholog- ically distinct types of chloroplasts. Roades and Carvalho (#8) and Brown (119) noted that panicoid grasses had two different types of chloroplast containing cells. These chloroplasts were of two distinct types with differing ‘starch storing capacities (#8, #9), but the significance of this to the photosynthetic process in these plants was not considered until recently when the Cu-pathway was thoroughly investigated. The two types of chloroplasts have been designated mesophyll chloroplasts and bundle (parenchyma) sheath chloroplasts by their presence in these cells. The bundle sheath chloroplasts contain the assimila- ~tcry starch. Using nonpaqueous isolation and density 16 fractionation techniques, Slack and associates (#1, 59) were able to separate bundle sheath chloroplasts and mesophyll chloroplasts by their differences in starch content. This permitted him to distinguish en2ymes of mesophyll chloro- plasts from bundle sheath chloroplasts and also chlorOplas- tic enzymes from cytosol. This same procedure could be used to localize labeled intermediates produced in 1“C02 experiments. The results of these experiments are summar- ized in Table I. All the enzymes of the regular C3-pathway of photosyn- thesis plus malic enzyme are located in the bundle sheath chloroplasts (Table I), while the enzymes of the Cu-pathway are localized in the mesophyll cells. According to Andrews (5#), the fact that malic enzyme (high activity only in C#' pathway plants) was located in the bundle sheath chloroplasts supports the proposal that it is part of the transcarboxyla- tion mechanism. It would also provide half of the reducing power needed to convert 3-P-glycerate to triose phoSphates, since there appears to be a low level of reducing power in the bundle sheath cells (57). The 11*c labeled intermediates of the Cu-pathway were located in the plastids with their respective enzymes. 3éP-Glycerate and DRAP were distributed fairly evenly between the two types of chlorOplasts (#1). In sumary the investigators in Australia have pro- vided the following evidence for the Cu-pathway of photo- synthesis in a large number of plants (57, 60). causes ouwuooaau Aomcahwcnumowvv unmade seam: eceusnamosaouhm comamwocumoumnsm omwcwx ouoahccv< ouocHnguomoHscam emmcaxwv «m .eus>suhm emwuosomw euonamcna seesaw emwuesomfiumneuonam emmuommscnuocwsmuuuwuuwam< om eeomoceioodkdfiz on 32.13% mam 8: 8:4 oeeeomoueaeoe 32.31.32 some“: ouoHoOhHonmum emmHoma< mam oneflhwonueoumum oumcaacuoaso nuom mumwaaouofiso nomenm cannon mummaa0p0aso Hflmnaooez . .AH: «may mumsaaonoHno mo mocha 039 socsuem Assnuwm mwo< owazwonucoanneo one mo meshucu mo ccfluoooq .H eHeeH ['1‘ u. 18 (a) The labeling of the primary carboxylaticn products were light dependent and showed the necessary kinetics of labeling. (b) The 1["0 flowed sequentially through the proposed cycle. (o) The labeled intermediates were found in the chloroplasts. (d) The enzymes necessary were present in adequate amounts and were in the plastids. (e) The enzymes were synthesized during the biogenesis of the chloroplasts in corn plants. (f) The pathway operates in a cyclic manner to regen- erate the CO2 acceptor moiety. It has been mentioned above that there are certain morphological, physiological, and environmental correlations between which plants have the C3- or Cu-pathway. leaf Anatogz and Chloroplast Structure Three sub-families of Gramineae, Panicoideae, Aristoideae and Chloridoideae, have their leaf vascular bundles sheathed by large, chloroplast-containing, parenchyma sheath cells which are surrounded in a radial fashion by meso- phyll cells (with small and numerous chloroplasts) (#8, #9). The chloroplasts of the bundle sheath cells accumulate con- siderable starch. Dicctyledons such as the Amaranthus of the Amaranthaceae and some Atriplex of the Chenopodiaceae possess the same leaf anatomy (61). Without exception, 19 plants with these features that have been investigated have the Cu-pathway. For intragenera exceptions such as Panicum of the Panicoideae in which the Cu-pathway was missing and only the Cg-pathway was present, the bundle sheath cells lack developed chloroplasts (57). The chloroplasts of the mesophyll cells have the familiar grana stacks. Chloroplasts of the bundle sheath cells in the Panicoids are without grana but grana are present in the bundle sheath chloroplasts of some other Cu-pathway plants. The two types of cells of the Ch-pathway plants are connected by numerous plasmadesmata (62). A well developed peripheral reticulum linked directly to the bound- ing membrane of the chloroplasts was also noted by Laetsch (62) and others (63) and it has been suggested that this peripherial reticulum may interconnect the two types of chloroplasts (57, 62). Photosynthesis Rates Photosynthesis rates of Cu-pathway plants are high, averaging 60-70 mg 002 per dm2 per hour as opposed to 5-30 mg 002 per dm? per hour for C3-pathway plants. The photo- synthesis of 03-pathway plants in air is saturated at less than 50% of full sunlight while photosynthesis of the C#' pathway plants remains unsaturated even at full sunlight (#6). .f‘. 20 002 Compensation Point and Oxygen Inhibition of Photosynthesis The 002 compensation point is the 002 concentration at which the rate of photosynthesis equals the rate of car- bon dioxide released by respiration. Cu-pathway plants show a C02 compensation point of less than 5 ppm 002 (6M) and can reduce the 602 concentration of a closed system nearly to zero (65). C3-Pathway plants show a finite value in the 15-150 ppm 002 range, however at low 02 pressures their com- pensation point approaches that of 04-pathway plants in air (65). Photosynthetic coz fixation in plants with the C3- pathway is inhibited by 02 at its concentration in air (21%) (67). This inhibition decreases with decreasing oxygen con- centrations (67) and has been attributed to Cog-photoreSpira- tion which will be discussed below with glycolate metabolism. In the 04-pathway plants there is no effect of oxygen on rates of net photosynthetic C02 fixation (65). Environmental Correlations Plants with the Cu—pathway inhabit high sunlight areas of the world, such as grasslands, open forests and arid or semi-arid regions (#9. 57). The inter— and intragenera exceptions to the Cu-pathway distribution support this corre- lation. The Panicum of the Panicoideae inhabits the shaded rain-forest floor and is a C3-pathway plant instead of a Cu- plant as are most other panicoids (57). Bamboo occurs in high sunlight and tropical regions but is a C3-plant (57). 21 However, the habitat of bamboo receives adequate rainfall distribution over the whole year. CuéPathway plants would definitely have an advantage in areas of frequent or annual drought. Their more efficient net 002 fixation (no loss of 002 from photorespiration) permits much shorter periods of open stomata from which vital water would tranSpire. The examples of the above correlations are plentiful and such data are increasing. There is no taxinomic evi- dence for the Cu-pathway in primitive plants or algae. The Cn-pathway plants are located among the most highly evolved plant species. The fundamental differences between the Cu-pathway and tin C3-pathway are the reactions involving the incorpor- ation of C02 into 3-P-g1ycerate, the location of the carboxy- lation reactions, the correlation between the C3-pathway and C02 photorespiration, the lack of the C02 photorespiration in Cu-plants, and possibly the stoichiometry of the pathways with regard to ATP and NAIPH2 requirements which has yet to be resolved (16, 57). The major, quantitative and products of both pathways are sucrose and assimilatory starch. In both the 03— and Cu-pathway, 3-P-g1ycerate is a major early product of photosynthesis which is then photo— synthetically reduced to sugars. What we believe to be the reasons for its hydrolysis by a specific phoSphatase have already been presented. First it seems necessary to under- stand the properties of this phosphatase and some of its physiological characteristics. This is the objective of this thesis. I. n- 22 Glypolate Pathway Any consideration of compounds resulting from photo- synthesis certainly must include the glycolate pathway. The glycolate pathway describes the metabolic sequence from P- glycolate and glycolate through glyoxylate, glycine, serine and hydroxypyruvate to glycerate (22, 27). Glycolate and the intermediates of the pathway (Figure 2) are rapidly -.Av .._. a- u—a. _‘ ...—N‘— labeled during lucoz photosynthesis experiments using C3- pathway plants, however this 1""C incorporation into glyco- late and products cannot be explained by the C3-carbon reduction cycle. The mode of glycolate formation during C02 fixation in photosynthesis remains unknown although 10 to 90$ of the total carbon may be passing through it (21, 22, 69). The kinetics of the 140 accumulation in glycolate indicate that it is formed from an intermediate of the C3-pathway (5). The immediate precursor of glycolate is believed to be P-glycolate formed in the chloroplast (22) which is hydrolyzed by a specific P-glycolate phosphatase located in or on the chloroplast (23). Glycolate and the immediate products formed from short time (#-11 sec) photosyn- thesis experiments with 11‘002 are uniformly labeled and its metabolites should subsequently be uniformly labeled. 3-P- Glycerate and glycerate are carboxyl—labeled at these times. Feeding experiments with glycolate—1-1% produced glycine-1- 1%, serine-1-1% and glycerate-1-1%. with glycolate-2-1% produced glycine-Z-luc, serine-2,3-1uc and g1ycerate-2,3-1”C and hBZOlO- with serine-3-140 yielded glycerate- 23 3-1% and hexose-1.64% (27, 71, 72, 73), Glycolate formation is definitely linked to photosyn- thetic conditions. It is favored by low 002 concentration, high 02 concentrations (20%) and high light intensity (21, 22). Inhibition of photosystem‘ II and manganese deficien- cies curtail glycolate formation (22, 74). Several of the enzymes of the glycolate pathway are absent or greatly reduced in activity in etiolated tissue (75) and develop during greening (76, 7?). However the manner in which gly- colate is biosynthesized is a major unresolved part of photosynthetic carbon metabolism. This in turn contributes to the fact that the function of glycolate metabolism is unknown. Although for 20 years glycolate and its metabolism have been the subject of intense research by several labor- atories, its role and function in the metabolism of plants have never been established. The glycolate pathway is gluconeogenic, ultimately producing sucrose in the light but yielding malate in the dark (22). Glycolate contributes to the serine pools of the plant (29) but as will be dis- cussed later, is not the only source of serine. Glycolate metabolism appears to be responsible for photorespiraticn. Photorespiration occurs in the light and is usually measured as light dependent C02 evolution or increased 02 uptake. The rate of photorespiraticn has been estimated at 5 times the dark respiration (78) and is inhibited by inhibitors of glycolate oxidase (79). The 02 uptake of photorespiraticn is attributed to glycolate 24 oxidation by glycolate oxidase (80), and the C02 released is attributed to the direct enzymatic conversion of two glycines to one serine. This gas exchange is the reverse of that which occurs during photosynthesis. During the last h years most of the glycolate metabolizing enzymes (Figure 3) have been found compartmentalized in leaf microbodies, called peroxisomes (25, 26). Thus glycolate metabolism has been designated as photorespiraticn or peroxisomal respiration. The glycolate pathway in peroxisomes and photoreSpiration is still gluconeogenic with glycerate and C02 as major products. Glycolate is itself a major product of the C3-pathway of photosynthesis; it is the substrate for photorespiraticn (peroxisomal respiration) and it is a major source of glycer- ate,hexose phosphate and sucrose (27) in C3-pathway plants. Electron micrographs indicate a close physical association between chloroplasts, peroxisomes and microbodies (81). It has been estimated that peroxisomal en2ymes are capable of as much carbon metabolism as there is C02 fixed during photosynthesis in the chloroplasts (82). It seems rather a waste to respire 25$ of the newly fixed carbon, thus reduc- ing the net photosynthetic 002 fixation and efficiency. However, no judgment is legitimate until the functions of glycolate formation and peroxisomal respiration are estab- lished. A perusal of the glycolate pathway (Figures 2 and 3) in C3-pathway plants reveals that a 34P-glycerate phosphatase would be capable of bypassing the glycolate pathway, elimin- ating the 02 uptake, the 602 evolved and still produce ... ...; ; .. m. 5 r. .. k , ...u . V... n -- . - _ m .«z: I09. . v \ - . 2v .ICQME nit as82m~4;4mm .mcmnxflo4nnlo Sawiac Munr.cthh¢h Ohubllifim. can oem-pm ceedeeee. :u o4.mAfi anal enuanoao ......e ... 7.3““. .. en. .4 $1... .33..“ ..LDLLLCGH ....» ..Q N ..I‘Hb pedahoah ’5‘. a u I ,Iflmoa_ . S uhsndrflderetmm use,» an, “csmamau s4u.3as.. .in. «shear. eulllCIHm » a < . eases . .ectnmwso — q..- as. 0.8!: :33. ...prwvl Vsaflc Mumaueaaaa an. .eumse ..uesuoans: woem ecu one woman cofiumowmwuod m Hmswm onu Scum muHomou onH .oEmuco ecu mo mcowumumaoua oo>om mo owmuo>m one one woomsaom oomuu swoousu uomuuxo moose ecu scum macaw coeumuwmwuoo ecu mo nuances osH* ®.o OMmm :.: one 00m cameos poumuuoooooo m.H OJNH >.m mm: one moacuwoumsouso wopmsaomnzu m.m moms no no: oms.s asasumoonsouro ceosssscoosaeosa ----w ......... -------mnwsw----------mm:-:----mmmi:----mmm----------.msmwmammmwwflawwmwm mm o.~:m m: 0.0m Omowm oceucooauomum osouoom usooom on o.oHs mm H.mm omm.m concesoaooeum commaemzv cow 0.:: Fm om.o owwwm oowumooauomum ocouooc umufim 0mm.m e.m mm Om.o omm.s oceanscssoeuu ma Omawnm o.H OOH Hm.o owman uomuuwo ensue Awav Aswe\eoaoaiv cwououm choa uooaaouuom macaw & .uod .am mums: scauooum *mo>ooq oecouowom w cow scum oecucoamosm oumuoomawumum we monocoawnuom can mo humsssm .HH canes 53 layers of cheesecloth. Extracts of 600-800 g of leaf tissue were pooled quickly in the wine press and the brei squeezed as dry as possible to yield the crude enzyme extract. pH Fractionation As rapidly as possible after the extraction, the pH of the crude extract was adjusted to 4.5 with 1 N HCl and centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 30 minutes. The precipitate was discarded and the supernatant was readjusted to pH 6.3 with 1 N NaOH. The pH stability of the crude extract and the Specific activities of the crude extract and the Specific activities of the crude enzyme after treatment at the various pH'S are shown in Figure 8. First Acetone Fractionation To the acid fractionated enzyme, a volume of reagent grade acetone equal to 35% of the enzyme volume was added through 4 polyethylene tubes (1 mM I.D.) at approximately 5 ml per minute. The solution was stirred continuously and the acetone was kept at -5° by the use of a salt bath. After the acetone had been added, the mixture was equilib- rated by slowly stirring for an additional 30 minutes and then centrifuged at 14.000 x g for 20 minutes. The precipi— tate was discarded and to the supernatant was added acetone, as before, equal to 35% of the starting enzyme volume. The resulting suSpension was equilibrated for 30 minutes, cen- trifuged at 14,000 x g for 20 minutes and the supernatant was discarded. The precipitate was suSpended in a solution 54 of 20 mM sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 6.3. and 1 mM EULA equal to 20% of the acid fractionated enzyme volume. The use of a glass Potter-Elvejehm homogenizer was necessary to adequately resuSpend the precipitate. The suSpension was stirred for 2 hours to ensure that the enzyme was dissolved completely and then centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 30 minutes to remove the insoluble material. The supernatant was designated the first acetone fraction. Ammonium Sulfate Fractionation To the first acetone fraction was added 33 g solid (NH4)2804 per 100 m1 of first acetone fraction enzyme. The solution was equilibrated by slowly stirring for 20 minutes after the (N34)2304 had dissolved. The solution was centri- fuged at 14.000 x g for 20 minutes and the precipitate dis- carded. To the supernatant, 22 g more solid (NH4)2304 per 100 ml of the first acetone fraction was added, the solution equilibrated and centrifuged as for the first precipitation. The precipitate was dissolved in 20 mM sodium cacodylate buffer pH 6.3 and 1 mM EDTA equal to 10% of the volume of the first acetone fraction. This was termed the ammonium sulfate fraction. Second Acetone Fractionation In a manner Similar to the first acetone fractionation, the second acetone fractionation was carried out by addition of acetone at -5° equal to 63% of the volume of the ammonium sulfate fraction. The system was equilibrated, centrifuged 55 at 14,000 x g for 15 minutes and the precipitate was dis— carded. TO the supernatant, another volume of cold acetone equal to 47% of the volume of the ammonium sulfate fraction was added. After at least 30 minutes of equilibration the precipitate was collected by centrifugation at 10.000 x g for 10 minutes and the supernatant discarded. The precipi- tate was suSpended in 5 ml of 20 mM cacodylate buffer, pH 6.3 and 1 mM EDTA. The suSpension was centrifuged at 40,000 x g for 20 minutes to remove insoluble material, and the resulting supernatant was designated the second acetone fraction. Sephadex 0-200 Gel Filtration Solid sucrose was added to the second acetone fraction to make it a 10% (w/v) sucrose solution. The enzyme-sucrose solution was layered under the tOp buffer of a 2.5 x 46 cm 0-200 Sephadex Column Operating in a descending manner and equilibrated with a solution of 20 mM cacodylate buffer, pH 6.3, and 1 mM ETTA. The column was eluted with the same buffer with a flow rate of 20 ml per hour and fractions of about 5.0 ml were collected. Figure 4 shows the 3-P-glycer- ate phOSphatase activity and 280 nm absorbance profiles. The fractions with improved Specific activity (hatched area) were pooled to yield the 0.200 Sephadex enzyme preparation. Chromatography on.PhOSphocellulose The G-200 Sephadex fraction was dialyzed for 36 hours against 40 volumes of 0.05 M sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.5. 56 ooom :meHoQ ofiam XIIIx a: cam oesopnomnq ell.- Ommposamosa opoHOOhHwImIm 4|..l4 .omé mos o>\o> one one aflobdpooamoa moon omopdsamosa one need. sonpwmn scam on» mo 03m wzdosoomo one we psdoaoaa one no Sconce owes Ac: moszaob soapsHo one A03 ossaob 30> one dance one on Hooapscg accede m 5 cognac mos ooom essence csam one .ooaooa underused seconds on» ad scene we .apdbapoo 0:25am omcpganona “smegma: mo meodpoonm .oopooflnoo one: escapees.“ do w one access each use so? posses no: defies use 4.8m as H one .mo ma access ceuaaeoeoo season as on can: ocsoaosassoc does our use» assaoo oomuo woomsacm So m: N m.m m on cognac no: .8933 a." A»): “no.“ .sodudzodpoonm Ozopooo 9.803 on» no.5 soaponQOAa oodpmsamosa oudhoohflwlmlm o mo HE m.m 0:9 coascasfla Hoe oomuo homeroom. ace succeed 333m use .3 enema 57 U”u 093V) mews 8. 8 3 8 8. 93. O O O O O O 1 l I I l I”! cu Nb MMNOV omoeds § 3; § § § ° as . gr; I I I E E. ‘8’. ' fix": .1. It'li‘l: ‘5’ ‘ ‘03 e’ /\" K I A ‘ \“v. \e ‘/\\\ V \ -’ / \\\\,./ \ :23, 7.}“\ r 5-\_,-o"" x 4 Blue Dextran a.“ 2400 - #0 60 80. 20 24 28 Fraction Number l6 58 and 1 mM EDTA. The dialyzed enZyme was then adsorbed on 1.4 x 10 cm phOSphocellulose ion exchange column which had been equilibrated with 0.05 M acetate buffer. pH 4.5. The flow rate of the column was about 1 ml per minute and 10 ml fractions were collected. Following enzyme adsorption, the column was washed with 240 ml of 0.05 M acetate buffer, and then the column was eluted with a 500 m1 linear gradient from 0 to 0.5 M NaCl in 0.05 M sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.5 (Figure 5). The fractions of higher phOSphatase Specific activity were pooled (hatched area) to yield the phOSpho- cellulose enzyme preparation. Chromatography:on Carboxymethyl Sephadex The enzyme preparation from phOSphocellulose chroma- tography was dialyzed for 18 hours against 40 volumes of 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 5.0. and 1 mM EDTA. The dialyzed enzyme was adsorbed on a 1.4 x 10 cm CM-Sephadex column. previously equilibrated with 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 5.0. The column was washed with 200 ml of buffer and eluted with a 500 ml linear gradient 0 to 0.5 M NaCl in 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 5.0. The column was Operated with a flow rate of 1 ml per minute and 10 ml fractions were collected. The phOSphatase activity and 280 nm adsorbance profile are shown in Figure 6. The pooled fractions of highest Specific activity were dialyzed against 40 volumes of 0.02 M sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 5.9. with 1 mM EDTA to yield the CM- Sephadex, 3eP-glycerate phOSphatase preparation. 59 so omm senescence eIIIo endogenosa cpdhoohamimim 4|..I4 .ooHooa ones coed oceans: one ea msodpooam .ooaommm omoQoSAmosa on» one moasHob as on as possesses sacs esoasceae are .m.: as .aeeocc compose a mo.o use as soda 2 m.o cs o co escsoeam access can: mosses some one access no as can sens oozes: cues menace one Oshawa oonnomoo one .m.: we .aouman opopooo z mo.o and: oopoanaadsoo soon on: some sasaoo omoasaaooonamosa Be ed M :.H o O» oesaaac can ease: on com «one as a one m.e me access monsoon season a mo.o co headaob o: pmaaomo oouaaoao mos noun Nooosaom comic Moshe Oahuno one ossaoo cmsosowm nOH omoasaaooosamoam use mo saoppom.eoapsam one .m oaswdm 60 (“‘U 093 V) UIaIOJd mooEoz cozooi mm mm we on. mm mm m_ w _ fl ... . " Econ loom /\ (e _ < <\\ _ mo 0 I /W4 m Iooe <\ u m_ .o I ,W " smmzumnm I 08 4\ Inc; mmumom I / omoxocomocd \ “4 ill. 03 osoeoozodm W I 8 I08 m I «.0 W oNoI e I m.o_IN 1000. I v.0 emol I no IooE I_uILIJ x d On 61 a: owm oesonnoone. all. omoposaoosa. opohoOhHMImIm sz rods mouuom / loom x 1 LXIIIJ ..o w. . loom U no N .... D no .0 looo. so .N 63 Concentration of Enzygg The pooled enzyme fractions from CM—Sephadex column were concentrated by vacuum dialysis. A dialysis bag was attached to the stem of a 40 mm funnel by co-insertion through a rubber stOpper that was the size of the neck of a 2 liter Buchner flask. The enzyme was continuously added to the dialysis bag through the funnel. The vacuum was drawn on the system by a Cenco Hyvac-2 pump until bubbles were Observed in buffer that had been added to the bottom of the flask. The flask was closed by a stopcock connection between the pump and the flask and the system was held at 4°. Enzyme was added as the level receded in the system and the vacuum was renewed about every 3 to 4 hours. It was possible to concentrate 100 ml of enzyme to 5 ml in 24 hours or 5 to 10 ml in about 90 minutes. The inside surfaces of the dialysis tubing were rinsed with buffer to help reduce the loss of enzyme. The concentrated enzyme was removed from the sac by either pouring the enzyme out or using a long tip pipette. Discussion of the Purification Procedure Grinding Procedures: The age of sugarcane leaves was a factor to be considered only with regard to the breaking of the leaf tissue. Initial efforts to purify the enzyme utilized sugarcane leaves flown in from Canal.Point, Florida. The leaves obtained in this manner were used 8-36 hours after harvesting, but still resulted in yields of enzyme on 64 a per gram fresh weight basis that were comparable to plants grown in the greenhouse. Older leaves, low on the stock, were so woody, stiff, and dry that they could not be properly homogenized by the equipment available. Even the young, relatively tender leaves were difficult to break completely, and it was necessary to grind small pieces of them for 2 minutes in the Waring Blender at high Speed to solubilize about 80-90 percent of the total activity (Figure 7). With shorter grinding periods very poor recoveries were Obtained. This procedure extracted most of the P-glycerate phOSphatase activity, which is mainly in the mesophyll cells, but not only about half of the P-glycolate phOSphatase and glycolate oxidase activity of the bundle Sheath cells, which could be completely broken only by further grinding in a roller mill (Figure 7). The significance of these results will be elaborated in Append ix A. The most satisfactory grinding procedure started with 60 g of diced sugarcane leaves, which had been soaked in the grinding medium for 15 minutes. They were ground for 120 seconds in 350 ml of grinding medium (20 mM cacodylate, pH 6.3. and 1 mM EDTA, 20 mM ascorbate and 1% Polyclar AT) and the homogenate was squeezed through 6 layers of cheese cloth. In the large scale preparations this was repeated numerous times. However, this step plus the pH 4.5 fractionation had to be completed within one hour to prevent accumulation of excess phenolic oxidation products which could not be removed from subsequent enzyme fractions. Rapid performance of these 65 Figure 7. The Percentage of the Enzymes Solubilized as a Function of Homogenization Time or Use of the Roller Mill* Triplicated samples (30 g) of leaves were extracted by the Waring Blendor at high Speed in 150 m1 of 20 mM cacodylate buffer, pH 6.3. and 1 mM EDTA. At the designated times an aliquot was removed and filtered through 6 layers of cheese cloth. After 120 see the homogenate was squeezed through cheese cloth and the residue passed repeatedly through the roller mill while being mixed with the same buffer. Total enzyme activities, protein and chlorophyll were calculated from the sum of the two extraction procedures. e———e 3AP-glycerate phOSphatase I—l P-glycolate phOSphatase X---X ChlorOphyll 0---O Protein AF——A. Glycolate oxidase *A description and use of Roller Mill is found in Appe nd 1x A e by Ate % of Total‘ Activity "/0 of Total Activity IOO ll Sugar Cane H 80- e H .3 Chl h ”‘0 ,IX ll .. 3-P-25‘320‘r'ote x ’....0 ll 3 60-— 45°" " 5 lg’ll’K Protein . H 43 d c 1; e/./' ll ‘2 \‘3 S 40" 3’ o \ a § / '\ (1 \gr: 5' ’ P-Glycolate I0 \ftrff 20 F"/ I \ 1:233 p a I I l I g\\1§12313 IOO w " Corn / H 80— ' ‘ II ‘3 3.3 ll '6 :9 "S-P-Glycerote ll 2. 5 60 A H a» . "’ A o. ‘- z/Glycolote Oxidose ll ‘g . I: 2 4(3)" --""'" II 2 "0.. /\ " s. ...... 20 /' any“... :I as 3 II 0'. ...... II In =§s§s§s§sf== I l I I II ease; __I 30 60 9O |20”Roller MIII 66 Waring Blendor (sec) 67 initial steps yielded a clear, almost colorless supernatant devoid of chlorophyll after the pH fractionation, and subse- quent precipitations were also almost colorless. Other methods of breaking up the sugarcane leaves were tested and found unsatisfactory. The mortar and pestle was very limited in its capacity and exhaustingly slow. In the large commercial Waring Blendor inadequate breakage occurred as well as rapid heating of the extraction medium. The use of a large Hobart meat grinder, although efficient in macerating the leaf tissue, resulted in accelerated poly- phenol oxidase activity, which interferred with subsequent purification of the phoSphatase. When sugarcane leaves were ground in the Habart grinder without buffer and the macerated tissue then placed in extraction medium, the phenolic oxida- tion was severe. As described above, soaking the leaf tissue in the extraction medium before homogenization in the small Waring Blendor resulted in almost complete extraction of enzyme without heating the medium or allowing unnecessary oxidation. Since the phenolic oxidation hindered subsequent purification of the phOSphatase, 2% Polyclar AT was added to bind phenolic and phenolic like compounds so prevalent in plants (132). Likewise ascorbate was added to reduce unneces- sary oxidation. Since in preliminary eXperiments the enzyme indicated no requirement for metal cations and was inhibited by various divalent cations, EDTA was routinely added. The EDTA also slowed the phenolic oxidations. 68 Acetone and ammonium sulfate fractionations: Complete equilibration during the precipitating procedures always resulted in improved yields. When considerable amounts of phenolic material were in the starting enzyme solution, the first acetone fractionation removed a large portion of them. Although.P-glycerate phoSphatase was soluble after acetone precipitation, the bulk of the insoluble sticky protein had to be diSpersed by a glass homogenizer and prolonged stirring times were used to ensure complete suspension. In scaling up to 800 to 1000 g of leaves for the final two large enzyme preparations, the yields from the first acetone fractionation were around 50% as compared to 80-90% in smaller runs. It is thought that a change in the precipi- tation pattern occurred and that more acetone should have been used to precipitate the enZyme. Results from ammonium sulfate fractionation were often inconsistent for reasons unknown. The purification was either very good at this step or quite low with a parallel poor recovery. The rate of addition of the (NHh)230u was not critical, but complete equilibration after addition of the salt always improved the results and yield by at least a 2-fold purification. The second acetone fractionation resulted in a 2 to 5 fold purification with good recovery and served to concentrate the enzyme for the 6-200 Sephadex gel filtration. The pre- cipitated enzyme was collected in one centrifugation and then dissolved in a small volume of 20 mM cacodylate buffer, 69 pH 6.3. and 1 mm ETTA. Good recovery required careful and complete resuSpension of the precipitate. The insoluble material was removed by centrifuging at 40,000 x g. Solid sucrose up to 10% (w/v) was added to the second acetone fraction for efficient sample application to the Sephadex gel column. The enzyme-sucrose solution was layered on a 6-25 pad on tOp of the 0-200 Sephadex column in order to prevent disruption of the G-200 gel by the heavy solution. A longer column should have improved the results. but ascending column equipment was unavailable at the time. A Blue Dextran sample through the 0-200 Sephadex column permitted estimation of the void volume for an approx- imate estimate of molecular weights. The enzyme activity was slightly retarded by the gel giving a ratio of the elution volume to void volume (Ve/Vo) of 1.36 (Figure ii). The fractions were pooled. as indicated. on the criteria of a higher specific activity than the applied fraction. The phosphatase was completely excluded from.G-100 Sephadex. Ion exchange chromatography: It was at this point in the purification that difficulties arose. Since the enzyme from the gel filtration step was diluted. it was felt that adsorption on an ion exchange column would be desirable. DEAE-Cellulose or DEAE-Sephadex was picked as the most likely exchanger. but this was a most unfortunate choice. The 3-P-glycerate phosphatase activity gave a different pattern for every DEAE column attempted. Some- times it was adsorbed entirely and other times only partially. 70 The enzyme activity was eluted in 2.? peaks depending on pH. type of gradient. or concentration of applied enzyme. Rechromatography of that enzyme not adsorbed gave a pat- tern similar to the original attempt--some unadscrbed and the remaining eluting in several peaks. Rechromatography of individual, separated peaks gave the original peak and any that followed in the original column, but none preceed- ing it. Because of the potential of DEAE exchanger. consid- erable effort was expended in trying to perfect the process and determine the causes of multiple peaking and adsorbing properties. In the pH range of 5.6 to 7.0, it was not possible to elute the enzyme from DEAE-cellulose in a reproducible manner. Below pH 5.6 increasing amounts of the enzyme came through without sufficient purification. Above pH 7.0 one peak was obtained but only 10-20% of the activity was recovered with equally poor purification. The multiplicity of the enzyme peaks from DEAE columns suggested the possibility of a number of phoSphatases or isoenzymes being present. Since specificity data was inconclusive. an isoelectric focusing experiment was per- formed in a pH range of 3 to 10. The isoelectric focusing resulted in only one peak of enzyme activity (see Figure in, Section II). Since the isoelectric point (pI) of the phos- phatase was about 6. a plausible explanation for the multiple peaking may be the running of the IEIE columns too close to the pI. Any slight differences in extraneous material or 71 other proteins with the enzyme or bound to it could cause a "different" enzyme to elute just by slight charge differ- ences. At the higher pH'S C>7.0) the differences would become negligible but the enzyme stability then became a problem. At pH's less than 6.0. the enzyme became positively charged and more of it came through the column in the void volume. Therefore. further purification attempts were directed towards cation exchangers. Phosphocellulose chromatography: The phosphocellu- lose cation exchanger was tried with the idea that the phos- phate group on the cellulose might bind the enzyme quite preferentially. A 3-fold purification was obtained (Figure 5 and Table I). The amount of buffer used to wash the column had no effect on the elution pattern nor did the type of gradient. For either a linear and concave gradient the enzyme eluted at about 0.2 M NaCl. CM-Sephadex chromatography: The protein profile from the phosphocellulcse elution suggested that a second cation exchange column could give further purification. The CM- Sephadex cation exchange column proved to be most useful at pH 5.0 from which the enzyme eluted at about 0.25 M NaCl (Figure 6). The fact that very little 280 nm absorbance was found anywhere on the column made protein determinations very difficult. and probably greater in error. For more accurate determination of protein and the fact that enzymes are fre- quently unstable when very dilute, the enzyme was concen- trated by vacuum dialysis before characterization. Concen- 72 tration of the enzyme also resulted in increased Specific activity (Table II). Some other purification procedures which were tried and proved unsuccessful in addition to the DEAE-cellulose were: TEAE-cellulose: positive or negative absorption on alumina CY gel: heat fractionation: ethanol precipitation; and calcium phOSphate gel. Stability: In a crude extract of sugarcane leaves BAP—glycerate phoSphatase was stable at no for about a week before microbial growth destroyed the preparation. The activity in crude leaf extracts was completely stable to -18° for at least 6 months. A reason for not storing the enzyme in the crude extract was the slow continuous oxida- tion of phenolic compounds which interferred with subsequent purification of the enzyme. The pH stability curve for the crude extraction of 3sP-glycerate phosphatase and the 0-200 (Figure 8qA) indi- cates that it was unstable to the high pH and quite stable to low pH. The stability of the enzyme at low pH was util- ized for the acid fractionation step in purification. The Specific activity of the enzyme at the various pH'S after removal of precipitated protein is also shown in.Figure 8-A. The pH stability was unaffected by increasing ionic strength. However. enzyme from.G-200 Sephadex fractionation was rapidly inactivated by (NHu)2304 and (N34)280u precipitation around pH 6.0. Partially purified enzyme was completely stable at 73 Figure 8. The Stability of BAP-Glycerate Phosphatase as Function of pH and Ionic Strength A. Aliquots of 20 ml of crude enzyme were adjusted to indicated pH with 1 N NaOH or 1 N H01. The volumes were then adjusted to 25 ml and incubated at no for u hours. Aliquots of the samples were assayed and compared with controls (0———O). The crude enzyme at the various pH's was then centrifuged and adjusted to pH 6.3 with 1 N HCl or 1 N NaOH and their volumes equalized by adding 20 mM cacodylate buffer. pH 6.3 and 1 mM EDTA. Aliquots of 100 ul of the Sephadex G-200 fraction of 3-P-glycerate phosphatase were diluted with 0.9 ml of 0.1 M cacodylate plus 0.1 M acetate buffer or 0.1 M cacodylate plus 0.1 M glycylglycine buffers at indicated pH. After 4 hours incubation at U° the samples were assayed and relative 3-P- glycerate phosphatase activities were determined (A—A). B. Aliquots of 50 ul of G-200 Sephadex fraction at the various pH's were diluted with NaCl or sodium acetate solu- tions of ionic strengths of 0.4 M (A). 0.6 M (0). 0.8 M (I), and 1.0 M (X) and assayed after 4 hours. “‘4" "=- =- “- ~ -200 _. I 00 L— \‘* . .~\~A~~‘ / graction /o 0 ~\‘(l-t hr) ... . \‘ . . ‘ 'E 80*— \O ‘\‘ "l E A . ‘. x 60- Specific “\ gm \. d O. Actwlty °\~O ‘A 3‘ 40— I”"°“°~. ' __ ‘0‘ g 20— A pH of Extraction ‘0~~o_. L l l l l l l 400 k /Control "" 3"‘1-83'13162-1- - a. fc: 300— x I? x zoo- 0.. 3’ loo— 8 I J I I I I 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 pH .51 o .5 A N oo 01 i\) Specific Activity N m 75 pH 5.9 and b0 for several weeks or as long as it was kept sterile. Less than 5% of the activity was lost after stor- ing at -18° for up to 3 months. The most purified enzyme preparations were stable for at least 2 months at #0 at concentrations so dilute the 280 nm absorbance readings were negligible. II. Biochemical Properties of 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase The Enzjme Assay EnZymatic hydrolysis of 3-P-glycerate was linear over the time period used and was also a linear function of the enzyme concentration (Figure 9). The amount of enzyme used in the enzyme assays was selected so that the phOSphate released in a 10 minute period was between 0.2 umole and 1.2 umole. These conditions of linearity over the assay time and enzyme concentration were checked frequently and at each purification step of the enzyme isolation. pH Optimum The pH activity curves for BAP-glycerate phoSphatase are in Figure 10. These curves were determined using the highly purified enzyme after CM-Sephadex fractionation. The pH optimum in the 5 buffering systems was between 5.7 and 6.0. When the activity values from the different buffer systems were normalized to their highest value and then averaged, the optimum pH was 5.9. The addition of the divalent cation, Mg++ did not change the pH Optimum in any 76 .¢ posses an oozashopoo mm: oommoaoa endgamosa we assess one .odod capoodoaoHSoaap Rea Ha mm.o mo soavaoom an pondsaanop was soapomoa on» mopssaa oH mound .oon pm opmnoohawlm1m moHoa: 0H 90 escapades an oopmapasa mos scapomon ofianso one .oom pm mopsnaa w you cesspoosa one: omdpmsamosa opmaoomawlmwm mo ussoad concedes“ asp one .m.m ma .opmaaooomo ssdoom moaosn ooa wadsamusoo Ads om.ov mthpNaa soapodom .m .4 venues an pondsaopoo mos commoaoa endgamosa no pssosm one .oaom oapoomohoanodap Roa Ha mmd do 23236 an confidante .235 com um condensing s8 wags sweeten» spas ommpmzamona opmaoomawum1m H3 om mo soapapom an oopddpdsd one: msoapoooh one .oom op oopmapafiasoo one: .o.m ma .athsn opoamooomo Beacon moHoan ooa .oponoomflwumwm moaoan 0H madcamusoo Aas mm.ov moHSpNua soapomom .4 scapmApsoosoo manusm mam made we soapossm m mm ommpmsnmo drone mp mamaaoaomm onshooaflolm1m .m ohswdm 77 CV Om 956cm 3 ON 0. m. $32.2 N. m _ ‘ ... \I N._ m.. pesoeleg d selouIrt 78 .osam> amonmdn haonp op aopmmm acumen nomo no menace on» wnandamaaon an monnmpno poaa emanate no ma m pace .mmz z N.o hoe Axlllxv one “opgmooomo a N6 no.“ Aapod me one .oa ohswam 79 MAHOV eMIoIas s e 8 s e i i T I i \L‘d 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 o/.--4 ’9’ 0"“. ' _ <\,\ o\. -: \H m X c o/o—I . 3549K if?” '. 1 °\. ‘° \.\\-1 dozonaq or» one .memmmm condoaaaahp no amenabm on» as andoa nomm .nodp tandsaopoo openemona you poms one: a: cod no mposdaa< .m oonpoa en» en ponds Iaopoo no: oomooaoa opmnamona no unseen one .opsnda H no asap nonpodoa a nun: pan eczema pudendum on» an oohmmwd mos oompmnamone onshooeawlmtm one ommpmnamonm_opmpooeaulmim you poam.nnsmunobmo3onaq m and mpaooao>.nonpomom op.noapmannoonoo opmapmnsm no canmnoapmaom one .NH ohswam EEHB o. L m m e _ N7_ _ _ _ 7.2 amiu 83 e. s... e. e. ..a 0203...: e. l euletleueddoooeej III.II.II Am: .2 to. x .o.~ . Ex .... ....g ( “O‘CIC‘CO . \\e.\e\\e.\.e AA: V (I) N (O |_qu1 x sa|owu ‘OJL 8h .1 m census .3 efiaanmpme was «passage 29 .89 mg as mm.o no nonuaoum an oopmndsnop mos nonpomoh one opsnns a nmpm4 .QOApOmHm Hoomnnomlzo an» acne oEeNno no H1 m we n0apaoom an oopmdpana nodpomoe on» one moaspmnoasop penance one no oopmnsona one: .m.m me no heaven opoaeooooo Beacon 2 ate .opmaooeawumnm :8 OH wnanddenoo .onspxds nonpomoa no as me.o no $35.0. die «69 e3 as 3.0 no 533?. so confident» max consume.“ on» one opsnas H was mad» nonpooom .oHSpmnoasop came on» as opdaoomawum1m mo moHoen m.e no acnpdnom an abandoned was nodpodoa cabana one .onspdnoasop nonsense“ pm .m.m ma .noceso mpaaaeooao season 2 a.o no as m.o an tongues ma non teaspoona one: mopmnowoson mood Bonn osmuno ocean mo moaasem .m .poemmmm one on on numn can no an eoHooo maopmneossa non» one: moaasmw one .mopsnaa m you wannanpm msosnapnoo nuns when» oHon one menopauoasop concedes“ op copoon one; mono» poop HmoHnoo nu oaeuno mosao mo Ads OHV moaasom oopmoaaaaae .4 opmaoohacnmim no mammaouoem no open end mpnaanoum ammumnamonm opmaooaautmnm mo chapmaoaaoe no poommm .ma onsmHm 05 0° .oLEanEoe om on on on ON ,0. o 7 A 08:23.. _ _ n // m n” V. a O 0 cl 19M / .. 0A0 100— CI. (N. . .08. ¢.m.omn\ . o/.\o o . Ioom <\ 0 o\4o/m .(.\ m Loom (quI/pesoeIeJ d Dd) sIsAImpAH 40 mpg 00 .222an8. 0e on on n _ n ' O N O V O (I) (0 MIAIIov Ionibuo I0 % 8 86 buffer and substrate at the desired temperature and the reac- tion.run for 1 minute. The rate of BAP-glycerate hydrolysis was maximal about h2°. The enzyme stability declines rapidly after 50° but is quite stable at 30° where the enzyme was assayed in the standard procedure. From the Arrhenius plot (insert Figure 13) the activation energy was found to be about 9.8 Kcal. The Q10 value for the enzyme activity in the 15° to 35° range was about 1.7. Isoelectric Point The isoelectric point (pI) of 3-P-glycerate phoSpha- tase after the CM-Sephadex step of purification was about pH 6.8 (Figure in). Nearly an identical profile was obtained with the enzyme obtained from the 0-200 gel fil- tration step, except that the pI was near to pH 6.5 (data not shown). About 60% of either enzyme preparation that was applied to the column was found in the peak, and 20-25% of the activity trailed the peak in the fractions towards the acidic side in the elution profile. The reason or sig- nificance for the long trailing pattern is not known. It is possible that some of the enzyme adhered to the sides of the column or that the manner of draining the column did not ensure even removal. The results are consistent with the probability that only one 3AP-glycerate phosphatase was present. Effect of Ionic Strength When the purified enzyme from the CM-Sephadex frac- tionation was assayed in the presence of NaCl or sodium 87 ma 4III< omoponemone oponoomawlmum QIIIO .xooe omoponamona oponoonamueum on» no unnoaona on» no none» was pndoa onnpooao Icon one .opnnna non HE A no open o no npnbonw an nanaoo on» no 809909 one Bonn oonnono one: encapoonn an N .0: one mpnob com um nonponnnaanoo no onson we no»: .323: out 33,832 E oofinoooo no 3 on n no owoon we not. wnoos omonoSmnonnHonas<.onp Bonn oononona mox.nanaoo one enasaoo wnnmnooh onnpooaoomeumnq on» no nnn no: mnonaono ssnomb an ooponnnoonoo one nope Hoomnaomuzo on» nwnonnp oonnnnsa componnoonn opmnoonawnmvm no cannon 4 omoponnmonm oponoomaoimum no oHnnonm wnnmnoom onnpooaoooe one .en onnwnm N0 in. nMo:E:Z mcozooi ”0.0.00“.0.0.0.“.0.0.0.mulo\o O0 Aw: om TI 33:04 0.0 omonozamoca Ho 0 L O :Ifil‘ / {4:4} 100 .100. Loom flown. 48.. |_quJ x d on 89 acetate there was a slight (12-15%) loss of activity above 0.3 M salt (Figure 15). When the enzyme was diluted 10-fold at low ionic strengths G<0.05 M) in buffer at pH 5.9 and held at room temperature for 5 hours before assaying about 30% of the activity was lost. However the enzyme was perfectly stable to dilution and room temperature at an‘ ionic strength of 0.2 to 0.5 M (Figure 15). Prolonged stability of the enzyme at u° with various ionic strengths was excellent with essentially no loss of activity until the pH was increased above 7.5 (Figure 8-A). Substrate Specificity The substrate specificity for 3-P-glycerate phOSpha- tase was examined using hh substrates of which very few (phosphoenol pyruvate and p—nitrophenylphoSphate) showed activity greater than 50% of that for 3AP-glycerate hydrol- ysis (Table III). For physiological reasons (Literature Review) the functions of 3oP-glycerate phosphatase and P-glycolate phosphatase may be related. P-Glycolate phos— phatatase was Specific, but no absolute substrate specificity was found for BAP-glycerate phosphatase. Since the purity or homogenity of the enzyme has not yet been established, one cannot state that the non-specificity is due to only one phosphatase. However, the single peak in isoelectric focusing would support only one enzyme. .Also the Lineweaver— Burk plots indicate only one enzyme acting on BAP-glycerate. During purification of the enzyme, the relative activ- ity for BAP-glycerate hydrolysis increased through the 90 Control _ ‘7 ' 6° “‘8'. 33‘: :‘P. ...-”I'm. .5 / .. ...... ‘. ..... . ...-A. ...... ‘ E . ‘ Assay " 4° "\ le Dilution 0. +5 Hr Before Assay Sean - l J L l 1 m 0.2 w 0.3 0.4 0.5 Ionic Strength (NaCl or No Acetate) Figure 15. The Effect of Ionic Strength on 3-P-Glycerate PhOSphatase Activity The Cid-Sephadex fraction was assayed in the presence of either NaCl or sodium acetate of indicated ionic strength. This standard assay was initiated by addition of a small aliquot of enzyme (A—A). Also the activity in the CM-Sephadex fraction was diluted 10 fold into 0.01 M sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 5.9. containing NaCl or sodium acetate of indicated ionic strengths, and allowed to stand 5 hours at room tempera- ture before assaying at standard considions (0—_0). Table III. 91 Specificity of 5-P-Glycerate Phosphatase All substrates were present in 10 pmole amounts in the standard assay described in Materials and Methods. used (1 pl). Activities are shown relative to 5-P-glycerate at 100. A Enzyme purified through CHrSephsdex and concentrated was Substrates Rel. Act. Substrates Rel. Act. 3-P-glycerate lOO Nicotinamide adenine 7 dinucleotide-P DL-glyceraldehyde-j-P hl Nicotinamide adenine 11 dinucleotide-P reduced 2-P-glycerate 2h aePhenylphosphate h8 P-glycolate 11 biafpfiNitrophenylphosphate 0 P-glycoaldehyde .15 .2:Nitrophenylphosphate 66 Phosphoenolpyruvate 6h Phenophthalein diphosphate h8 Dihydroxyacetone phosphate 2h Pyridoxal-S-phosphate ll a-Glycerol phosphate 1h Phosphocholine l B-Glycerol phosphate 16 Glucose-6-phosphate 7 Phospholactate ll Glucose-l-phosphate O Propansdiol phosphate 37 Fructose-6-phosphste 6 Phosphossrine 10 Pructosesl,6-diphosphste 51 Phosphohydroxypyruvate 17 Ribose-S-phosphate 7 Phosphoethanolamine 2 Ribulose-l,5-diphosphate ll Adenosine triphosphate 57 6-P-Gluconate l7 Adenosine diphosphate 18 Carbsuyl phosphate 0 3'-Deoxysdanosine monOphosphate O Creatine phosphate 0 j'quenosine monophosphate 9 Pentaphosphata O 5'-Adenosine monophosphate 2 Decaphosphate O S'-Uridine monophosphate 1h Pyrophosphate 9 5'-Guanosine triphosphate 26 Phytic acid 5 5'-Cytosine triphosphate 28 5'-Cytoaine monophosphate 5 92 ammonium sulfate fractionation step to 110-fold purification (Table IV). However further purification of the phOSphatase to 2530-fold did not significantly alter the ratio of activ- ity toward the various substrates. Consequently it is probable that one phosphatase is present which catalyzes the hydrolysis of these various substrates. After the initial steps of the purification, rates of hydrolysis of P-glycolate, ‘p-nitrophenylphoSphate, and pyrophosphate decreased and rates of hydrolysis of ATP and fructose-1,6-dipho8phate increased relative to 34P-glycerate. During one purification attempt the specificity of 3-P-glycerate phosphatase was checked immediately after the second acetone fractionation and then rechecked after the enzyme had been stored in the coldroom for 2 weeks and then for another 2 weeks at -18°. The rate of hydrolysis of 34P-glycerate remained unchanged, but the rate of hydrolysis of several other substrates had increased for the enzyme stored at no and -18°. Thus there appeared to be a loss of specificity with aging. EDTA (1 mM) was used in the isolation procedure and should inactivate divalent cation requiring phosphatases such as P-glycolate phosphatase. The results in both Tables III and IV were from assays without added Mg”, and thus the activity of other phosphatases would be minimal. .Addition of MgClz to the assays with purified P-glycerate phosphatase did not alter the activity ratios for P-glycerate and the other substrates, suggesting that the purified enzyme did not contain other divalent cation requiring phosphatases. 93 .munoEnnoaxo wcnmsuom unnuuonoOon aonu oonooa osmunmt no :0 I I I I I I ouo>snma Honoonauonm I I mn I I I I I ouonaoona nonoozano I I en I I I I I ouonaoona nonoomanm we we a: :m am so mn mn ouonaaonano oaouusnm on an I am mm mm mm mm onnnomonaaonm 3 mm mm mm. 6 mo mm mm 3 ssaaosa to «3832 I I I Am mm mm mm mm ouunaaonano onnaoooo4 I I mm ma 0n 0n n: on ouonauonaonmm - - m m m o m m 3 Ba 3.1-0-3836 3 mm - .3 oo on ow : anowwnfiflfiwmfi oo oo on an on ma. o9 own ooosaoosa .naosaononza no am 2 we in a 2 S ousnoonnmInIm : Z n s 3 3 om no mm 338.3»-.— 02 8 a 02 8a 02 03 OS 02 so on sonannIn Ina xooonaom xooanaom , oncuou4 vomNAvnzv encuou4 nonuannuuanm oosno ousnuonom no 8.0.6 saw a: ma .anofinsnunounou I: On an mononuonsm nuns homes omoumnaaona ouonoumanmIn onoonoum any menu: oomooas one: sounauansa uncano> one neonuoonmnusm mo sowoum noonno> um autumnaoonm ouonoomnuImIm no aunonunooam o>nuonon .>H canoe 90 According to Thorn (133) and Dixon and Webb (13h) one means of determining whether the activity toward two sub- strates is due to one or two enzymes is to compare the activity with such substrate Separately against the sub- strates together. If two enzymes were present, the activ- ities should be additive, and if one enzyme was present, the activity would be the average of the two separately. When this was done (Table V) the activity with 3aP-glycerate alone was always greater than with BAP-glycerate plus a second substrate. Thus the activities were not additive. but neither were they the average of the two alone. Since the rates were not additive for 3aP-glycerate with 11 other sub- strates, one enzyme is suggested. A basic assumption for this type of eXperiment is that the apparent Km's for the two substrates should be about the same (13h). Although the apparent Km's for the other phoSphate esters were not determined, different values mhght well be expected and probably could account for the varying results. In other phases of this investigation we have been concerned with activity ratio of P-glycolate phoSphatase to BAP-glycerate phosphatase and with the physiological func- tion of these two phOSphates. Consequently, the P-glycolate phOSphatase activity in the first acetone fractionation of the 3éP-g1ycerate phoSphatase was examined. This activity did not have the properties of the Specific P-glycolate phOSphatase (23, 2h), but rather it appeared to be a non- Specific Mg++-dependent acid phoSphatase. The pH cptimum 95 Table V. Activity of 5-P-G1ycerate PhOSphatase with Two Substrates Persent PhOSphatase activity was determined using the substrate alone (10 umoles) and for 5-P-glycerate (10 umoles) plus a second phosphate ester (10 umoles). m Activity (nmoles P released/10 min) Ph08phate Ester Alone + PGA Calculated* Control, 5-P-g1ycerate 700 700 700 P-Glycolate 88 #76 59h 2-P-Glycera te 155 585 tau a-Glycerol phOSphate 78 661 589 PhOSpholactate 58 595 579 PhOSphoserine 78 661 589 Phosphoethanolamine 15 662 559 PrOpanediol phOSphate 252 680 h76 G1ucose-6—phosphate 10 661 * 555 PhosPhocholine 78 6H2 589 Ribose-5-phosphate 97 718 599 Fructose-1,6-diph08phate 550 AMT 515 *The calculated value is based on the average of the activities of the Substrates alone. 96 for P-glycolate hydrolysis was around pH 4 (Figure 12), where as the Specific P-glycolate phOSphatase has a pH cptimum of 6.3. The difference in rate of hydrolysis by the first acetone preparation of the two substrates and the pH optimum are emphasized in.Figure 12. Effect of Metal Complexing Agents Dialysis of BAP-glycerate phosphatase at each stage of purification against #0 volumes 10"3 M EDTA at 9° for 48 hours did not cause any loss of activity. It was initially concluded that the enZyme had no easily removable metal cation, and EDTA was employed in the isolation proce- dure for stability of the protein and for inactivating other phoSphatases. In order to determine whether or not the enzyme had a metal requirement, a number of metal com- plexing or chelating agents were incubated with the enzyme for 15 minutes under assay conditions and then the enzyme reaction was initiated with substrate (Table VI). None of the complexing agents, even at 10‘“2 and 10"3 M showed sig- nificant inhibition of 3-P-glycerate phoSphatase that had been purified 17h0-fold through the CM-Sephadex step of the fractionation procedure. Effect of Cations The effects of various metal cations on 3-P-glycerate phoSphatase activity are shown in Table VII. Enzyme (5 ul) with a Specific activity of 562 purified through the 97 Table VI. The Effect of Metal Complexing Agents on 5-P-Glycerate PhosPhatase Activity The enzyme was from CM-Sephadex fractionation. The activities were calculated relative to the control (no additives) at 100. Final Concentration of Complexing Agent Complexing Agent During Assay 10’2 M 10'8 M 10‘4 M DithiothreitoI 109 101 102 EDIA 107 102 102 ‘g-Phenanthroline * 95 10h m-Phenanthroline * 100 100 8-Hydroxyquinoline 100 102 10h 8-Hydroxyquinoline-5- sulfonic acid 102 100 100 oo-Dipyridyl * 96 106 Diethyldithiocarbamate 92 98 100 Sodium azide 99 101 100 *Formed a precipitate with reagents for determining phOSphate. S98 mnuomvozz om we en moz +++on Inc so no we -no 1++no mm we on mom ++on Hen nan am -no +oaz am an em mom ++nz OOH n0n oon Ioowosoa _+oz mm an m Ioosooo< ++sn Inc moz OOn oon mm mom +n om mm on -no ++oo ”no now no mm a won an mm as am ooz so Iousuuu4 .++ Inc ++ Sm no men Inc on om mm mm Inc a: ++ ouauoo4 ++ no 2. a so a... - ++ Iououoo4 mm on n Ioooooo< as am no no -no as -no ++ mom ++ en en a mom ++so 00n ecu OOH nonoaoo z v-3 n 92 n «IS 2 38 x 0-2 2 «I3 sonsoo sonsao anonuoo mo nonuonunousou dough anonuou mo canuenusoonoo Hanan .mosua on» new ooas one: KooonaomIzu nwsonnu nonunnoa oanwno.mo AH: mv auosvnn4 .ouaonnawnu an oouoSAubo on: ones noon .oowano>a anon acnuou nooo mo ounce osouns> scnw aonuw>nuos one .nouuso manna onu an senuso onu nuns unease onu mo nonuensonn ounces ma 0 nouns ouonuan:a nuns oouonunSn was nonuooon oseuso 0nu usnu uaouwo soonuoz one unannouax on oonnnuuoo as uso oonnnoo onus anonuooom autumnaaonm ouonouhAuImIn no anoH nauoz mo uoowmm .HH> onnme 99 CM-Sephadex was used. Each of the salt forms of each divalent cation was added to a reaction buffer to give final concen- "2 M, 10"3 M and 10'“ M. The enzyme was added trations of 10 and the solutions were incubated for 15 minutes at 30°, before the reaction was initiated by the addition of sub- strate. None of the cations resulted in any significant stim- ulation of the BAP-glycerate phoSphatase activity. Most of the cations caused at least some inhibition at the highest concentration except for the monovalent cations and 10"2 M strontium. Hg++, CuI+, Pb¢+, Fe++, Fe+++, Zn.*'... and Sn?"+ '2 M and in some cases at 10‘3 M, but were inhibitory at 10 no significance is attached to these facts, because of the high concentrations. Cu++ and Zn‘"+ ions were inhibitory at 10'“ M. Zn++ ion was of particular interest because P-glycolate phoSphatase had previously been found to be the most active in the presence of Zn'H' at 10"2 and 10'3 M, as are other phoSphatases. Effect of Related Compounds and Other Inhibitors The effect of a series of compounds which are either inhibitors of other phOSphatases, structural analogs of BAP-glyceric acid, inhibitors of the glycolate pathway, compounds of the glycolate pathway, possible glycolate metabolites or amino acid modifying reagents was determined on 3-P-glycerate phOSphatase of hhgh Specific activity from the CM-Sephadex fractionation step. An aliquot of the 100 enzyme (5 ul) in 0.10 M sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 5.9 was treated as in the standard assay (0.75 ml final volume) with the indicated compound (Table VIII) at three final concentra- '2 M, 10-3 M and 10*“ M for 15 min at 30°. Then tions of 10 substrate (5 umoles) was added to initiate the reaction. 0f the amino acid modifiers only‘p-chloromercuribenzoate showed inhibition (29%) at 10-2 M. Sodium fluoride and molybdate exhibited the typical phoSphatase inhibition but inhibition by L(+)tartrate was less than for other phoSphatases and was only 29% at 10'2 M. Lineweaver-Burk plots of Lt+)tartrate inhibition, as shown in.Figure 16, indicated that it exerted a typical competitive inhibition. Two inhibitors of the glycolate pathway, hydroxypyri- dinemethane sulfonate and isonicotinyl hydrazide, were inef- fective in reducing 34P-glycerate phOSphatase activity. None of the metabolites of glycerate or the glycolate pathway affected the enzyme. 0f the structurally similar compounds, only arsenate, bicarbonate, carbonate, borate, dihydroxy tartrate, and amino-(oxy)acetic acid showed some inhibition. Isocitrate, cis-aconitate and citrate, which stabilizes the P-glycolate phoSphatase (114) and which are also competitive inhibitors of P-glycolate phoSphatase, were only slightly inhibitory at 10"2 M to BaP-glycerate phOSphatase. It seems character- istic of BAP-glycerate phOSphatase to be stable and insensi- tive to most of the usual inhibitors. 101 Table VIII. Effects of Other Inhibitors and Related Compounds A 5 p1 aliquot of enzyme (S.A. = 562) in a final volume of 0. 5 m1 of 0.1 M.pH 5. 9 sodium cacodylate and 102 M. 10 3 M, and 10 4 M in effector reagent were incubated 15 min at 50. PhOSphatase activity was determined by adding 5 umoles 5-P-glycerate (6 7 mM final cone) and incu- bating 10 minutes more at 500. The reaction was terminated by the addi- tion of 0. 25 ml 10% TCA. The activities were stated as percent of con- trol. Concentration of Effector Effector 10'2 M 10'8 M 10'4 M Control 100 100 100 Amino Acid Modifiers ‘p-Chloromercurobenzoate 76 86 98 Iodoacetate 85 102 102 N-Ethyl maleimide 100 98 95 PhOSphatase Inhibitors KF . 7 55 95 L(+)Tartrate 71 9h 98 Oxalate A 95 95 86 Ascorbate 100 97 95 Cysteine 98 100 100 Glutathione 99 96 95 NaMoO4, 2 28 us Sodium arsenite 87 96 98 Inhibitors of Glycolate Pathway Hydroxy-pyridine methane sulfonate 100 100 98 Isonicotinyl hydrazide 91 98 100 102 Table VIII. Continued Effector io'a‘M. 10'3 M 10'4 M Structurally Similar or Related Compounds* Sodium arsenate 66 9O 96 Glycidol 91 101 100 Glycerol 100 109 100 Pyruvic acid 105 100 98 B-Chloropropionate 100 97 96 L(+)Lactic acid 9h 100 95 D(-)Lactic acid 92 102 99 L-awAlanine 110 107 109 BaAlanine 115 101 109 Di-Hydroxymalic acid 100 95 92 Di-Hydroxytartaric acid Sh 65 75 meso-Tartric acid 81 99 101 (Amino)oxy-acetic acid 5h 100 100 Malonic acid 85 92 96 NaBo3 26 78 90 Products and Related MMtabolites DL-Glyceric acid 97 97 97 DL-Serine 9h 95 97 Glycine 91 97 97 Glycolic acid 100 102 100 Glucose 109 102 97 Sucrose 111 105 101 Nanco8 79 89 96 103 Table VIII. Continued Effector 10'2 M 10'3 M 10'4 M Maleic acid 90 100 100 Malia acid 98 10A 101 ASPartate 106 110 109 Other Possible Effectors Succinic acid 105 98 99 Phlorizin 89 100 100 Thioglycolate 112 107 102 DL-Hydroxybutyric acid 100 96 96 Isocitric acid 99 98 102 Citric acid 85 105 ioLI cis-Aconitic acid 72 95 98 Citraconitic acid 96 96 102 *See mixed substrate assays for phOSphorylated compounds. 10b Tartrate “J c I .. ‘ 40 E 20 I— ‘/ X / 20 mM 7 ‘ I " Iiit' 'anx'550r"’ g o“ /X,o Control 1 MW. ,; I2 - ._:E? i L I 200 400 600 it's": M“ Figure 16. Lineweaver-Burk- Plot of 1.(+) Tartrate Inhibition The BAP-glycerate phoSphatase used had a Specific activ- ity of 562 after CM-Sephadex fractionation. The standard assay was used except that the reaction time was 1 minute, and I.(+) tartrate at 10, 20, and #0 mM final concentration was added as indicated. The phoSphate released was determined by method B, using 100 ul aliquots of the reaction mixture. 105 Inhibition by GlycidoléP GlycidolpP (1,2, epoxipropanedioleP*) has been reported to be a potent inhibitor of rabbit muscle triose phOSphate isomerase and enolase (135). When glycidoléP and P-glycerate phoSphatase were incubated together at 23°, the enzymatic activity was inhibited about 50% in 15 minutes and. 75% in 1 hour (Figure 17). At 9° this inactivation was much slower, but after 5 hours the enzyme was 75% inhibited. This loss of phOSphatase activity was not reversible by an 18 hour dialysis of the inhibited enzyme. This slow but irreversible inhibition probably was due to binding of the inhibitor at or near the active site. This idea is consistent with the kinetics of inhibition by glycidol phoSphate, which appear to be competitive (Figure 18). Effect of Phosphonic Acid Derivatives Three derivatives of phoSphonic acids** were selected on the basis of structural similarity to BAP-glycerate. The phoSphonic acid derivatives were examined with the idea that one of two effects might result. First, we looked for inhi- bition of the phoSphatase since the CAP bond is supposed to be resistant to normal phoSphatase action (136). And secondly, we looked for an effect on the enZyme by Compound III that would be analogous to any effect produced by the structural *The sample of glycidoléP was the gracious gift of I. A. Rose. H The phoSphonic acid derivatives were the gracious gift of I. F. Isbell, Texas A & M University. 106 8 8 °/o of Original Activity 0: O N O Time, Hours Figure 17. Time Dependence of Enzyme Inactivation by Glycidcl-P 3-P-Glycerate phosphatase (3 units) was incubated with it mM P-glycidol in 10 mM sodium cacodylate buffer at pH 5.9 and 1 mM mm at u° and 23°. Aliquots from the enzyme-inhibitor incubation were removed at indicated times, assayed, and phoSphate determined by method A. 0—0 Incubated with glycidol-P at 4° o—o Incubated with glycidol-P at 23° A—A Incubated without glycidol-P at u° v—w Incubated without glycidol-P at 23° 107 ‘d(4»nflu GMyckhM-tKDq m (n l 2.nflw N is l .\. \- \. , (umoles x mind)"l m C) W 5% l J. v A// I I I I -3oo -|00 l00 soo soo 700 900 l -l fé’l’ M Figure 18. Lineweaver-Burk Plots of Glycidol-P Inhibition The enzyme (purified through the CM-Sephadex step) was assayed in 0.3 ml reaction volumes containing the indi- cated concentrations of 3-P-glycerate, 0.1 M sodium caco- dylate buffer, pH 5.9. and o. 1, 2 or u mM glycidoléP. The reaction time was 1 minute, terminated by the addition of 0.3 ml of 10% TCA. The amount of phoSphate released was determined by method B. 108 analog aSpartate, which is a major product of the photosyn- thetic Cu-dicarboxylic pathway in the same mesophyll cell with the phoSphatase. COOH COOH COOH l l H-CAP03H2 HzN-C4P03H2 HzN-C-H I l I H H H-'C-P03H2 H I II III PhOSphonO- Z-Amino phOSphonc- 2-Amino, 3-phoSphono- acetic acid acetic acid propionic acid The enzyme did not hydrolyze the phoSphonic acids to orthophOSphate (Table IX). The phOSphonates did not inhibit 34P-glycerate phoSphatase from sugarcane leaves. However the phOSphonates at 1 mM final concentration stimulated enzymic hydrolysis cf BAP-glycerate, which was at a 10 mM concentra— tion. In a more detailed experiment (Figure 19), the phos- phonic acid stimulation became maximum as the amount of the 34P-glycerate substrate approached a saturating concentration for the enzymatic hydrolysis. At low concentrations of BAP-glycerate, stimulation did not occur. The significance of this stimulation is not known. The stimulation was reproducible but not great. Similarly aSpartate, also at 1 mM concentration, stimulated (10%) the phOSphatase (Table VIII). 109 Acnnv mmm Anesv cam Amoco sum conIn so On + :5 n.o .onoc onsocaoocn Amoco 0mm amnnv snm nnmnv mom cenIn so On + 26 H nonoo unnonaoonm Amenv sum AHOHV new Ammo own cenIn so 6n + no on .onos onsoaacosn o o 0 Ana Onv enno onus uncondoonm sow com sow Annso eonIn as One nonoaoo nonunoo nonunoo nonunoo mo $ nns\mw1 mo & nna\mw1 «o R nn8\mw1 ouonondonaononamonmIn ououoooononaocnm ououoooononaoonm onn84im onns4IN mousnuonsm mo>nuo>nnoo once uncondoonm .oounu one mSOnumnunoonoo Henge .mw: mos mun>nuuo unmnuoao onons nonuoonm sooonaomIzU m was onenno one .mommo osmnno onoonoum onu on ooooo ono3 consonaoo ononaoona one ooouonamonm ouonoomnoImIn an anomnonohm ouonoomnuImIn no uoonmm unone one uo>nuo>nnon ono4 uncondoonm mo unmenononm .NH onnme 110 .b 8 i l S 8 3 :‘ i!§ I“; ll: 05‘ \l \! .‘a pg P x mIn'”l 8 C) 1 \.°" 7 2 4 6 e 0 l5 [S], mM {I '1 l I I I I I _.,_I_I Figure 19. The Michaelis Curve for 3-P-Glycerate PhOSphatase in the Presence of PhOSphonic Acid Derivatives The activity of 3-P-glycerate as a function of sub- strate concentration was determined using 0.3 ml reaction volumes containing 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer at pH 5.9, 2 mM of phOSphonic acid derivative and indicated concentra- tion of substrate. The amount of phoSphate released was determined by method B. .0-—0 Control A---A PhoSphonoacetate In . nl 2-amino-phoSphonoacetate X-a-X 2-amino ,3-phOSphonopropionate 111 Products of the Enzyme Reaction Enzymatic hydrolysis of 3-P-g1yceric acid with the 2530-fold purified phOSphatase was complete and yielded stoichiometric amounts of glycerate and inorganic phoSphate under the conditions described in Table X. Table X. Stoichiometry of 5-P-Glycerate Phosphatase The reaction mixture contained in 2 ml: 0.52 units of 5-P- glycerate phOSphatase, 100 umoles of Sodium cacodylate buffer at pH 5.9, and 5-P-glycerate as indicated Substrate Hydrolysis Products 5-P-G1ycerate PhOSphate (nmoles) Glycerate (nmoles) (nmoleS) Method A Method B Method C 1.0 0.80 0.95 1.05 1.50 2.0 1.85 1.80 2.02 2.15 5.0 5.20 2.90 5.21 5.50 u.0 h.17 5.85 5.8h u.10 6.0 6.50 5.95 6.50 6.00 8.0 7.85 8.00 7.82 7.90 10.0 10.00 9.h5 10.ho 10.10 In another experiment reaction mixtures of 2 ml, con- taining 20 umoles BAP-glycerate at pH 5.9. and 1.06 units of enzyme, were allowed to react for 0, 2, A, 6, 8, and 10 minutes. The reactions were stepped by placing the tubes in a boiling water bath. The cooled samples were converted to 112 acid form by passage through 0.3 mm x 20 mm Dowex 50 (H+) columns and aliquots were Spotted on Whatman No. I paper. The chromatograms were developed and compounds located as described in Materials and Methods. The chromatograms showed that the hydrolysis products of BAP-glycerate chromatographed with the Rf's of glycerate and orthophos— phate, and that the amount of these products increased with increasing hydrolysis time. III. Physical Characteristics Sucrose Density Gradient Centrifugation* To estimate the Size of 3-P-glycerate phoSphatase, sedimentation.ve1ocity experiments were run with sucrose density gradients. A sample of the purest enzyme (CM- Sephadex preparation) was layered on a 5-20% sucrose gradient prepared in 20 mM cacodylate buffer, pH 6.3, and 1 mM EDTA. Crystalline bovine catalaee (Worthington) was used as a marker enzyme with a known 820,,' value of 11.3 S for a molecular weight of 250,000 (155). PhoSphatase and catalase were placed in separate tubes (Figure 20-A) and in the same tube (Figure 20-B). When run separately 3-P- glycerate phOSphatase was distributed in a very broad peak with a maximum around 13.6 S. A significant portion of the enzyme had been pelleted to the bottom of the tube. About *The author would like to thank Dr. John Boezi for his assistance and counsel on this part of the investiga- tion. 113 .pnonoenw ono no oooean one: one ceases ones on» nu one: moannno neon nano .0 me osem .n .4 anon on .835» ones neeme one_noapooHHoo cannon .noapewnnanpnoo .HUM z mN.o one 469m an H .m.0 ma .nonnsn opeahoooeo ennoom .n «0.0 n« oonenonn manoaoenm soononn Roman as w.: no oonsnea on0s pass one nonnsn Heoannoon nn oeeaeueo endpon ownHHeponno no Ads o«.ov causes c one 3n n no use «So as n .mo ma .nonnss 33333 532.. .3 So no 8338 s 5 oossssaoosa SensonannIn case as» no as 3.3 unease 4 .o .pnoaoenw ones on» no oooean one: omeaepeo one onenenneonn npon hano .4 me osem .m ooesssnoosn BenoohoInIn 0|]. ooeaeueo .drlla‘ .onnoooonn oneonepo en ooneeee cannons on» one oopooaaoo one: mnono Ham no enonpoenm .ownnnnunoo mun Hooon confine e n« sen ooo.mm Se nopon Ammuzm e nn o: no onnon on non oownnnnpnoo one: apnonoenw one .«gnm as a one .m.0 me .nonnsn opeanoooeo annoom 2 «0.0 na ooneeonn apnoaoenw coonono Roman .Hs m.s openero no oonohea one: nonnsn Heoapnoon ne nn oeeaeveo anabon onnHHeuebno one 4690 £8 a one nonnnn .m.0 me .opeahoooeo annooo .2 «0.0 na nonpe Inonpoenn Nooennomlzo Bonn omepenneonn openoohawlmtm no nan oa.ov moanaem .4 moannonm anonoeno_hpnonom onononm .om onnwnm 11h '_qu x pascaIaa d on Pugw x pasoaIaa d brI Pqu x $8|0uJU ‘asolmog 1-qu x seIowu ‘asmmog o g g g g 8 s: g g 8 w 2 a I I I I I I ‘ I g? I I I r i“) g N 0% , .g / ./. d. / :\ N g ' 'x‘ h \ .’ " --—¢""‘” I ' ‘ “--.--.--— ‘0 {if """ t-" ‘ (1" .. (a- --------‘------ ’ ..... "'“V‘--.. _ §/ 4 ~‘~\ fl 57 ~ 3 g on 8 \ . ED ' ~. CD I “7'1, I I I L I I I I I T I I I I I 7 I 2y I I I 7 m i ‘ N 0 . i \ .-—________.—./ § ./. ls .\. 8 ./ \. a o/ ....4‘" \’ I! A.::-—‘ ..... .. -..-v' " o = «“3“ ‘ m 4..-——-“"‘" .— 3‘3."“ ‘ -------------- ‘ 2 “‘----__-‘ '5 "“‘n "“---- N - \ / «i j ‘-‘s - \.\ g? 2 .\ 0 2 -~.. 55 - w i ?< \K i? 8 o\ % " 0. -- e < '° \ 3.3 O I j* J I I I I I I (1) ooeu muw>fluoe mo unmuuom* an o.mn mm. o.m o: as. sonsoo wt 0.0 9 . a. m we mm. oommnoooH *nm m.o mm. *o.mm oo e.n oomomooooom nonuemnmwuuneo mafimnen m.H m.o: mo. N am : ueaaea m x 000: mm on m.mm mm NNH mma unnumnneanm ooH om m.nnn OOH so was ooouoxo neonwnoo a .<.m mos x none: a .<.m men a mono: omeuenaoonm eueaocmHuIm emeuenamoom eueneomaoumin H E .aeomm oueoneum ma oonwsnoueo ones mmauw>wuue ooeuenamcna enH .snwoes nonmnoamsm on ooonoamnmon ones mueaaea omosH .oousnas m now w x 000: an oewnmwnuneo one mwoes nonmnwamom nuns oeunaao mumeaaouoaao one one oeueueaeo ones onemea 058 .w x 000H ue mouanns om now oewnmnnunoo one menu owsmwnunco ooeaw e na anemone A3\3v $Om no as on no oenemea ones away .000: xmsooneo an one oueHoomeoHnu as H .euennoomeoea 25 m .m.m ma .uommoo ooonmooooo an em .mnown 2s m .mnonzflzs m .anom 2s a .Hoonouoo n mn.o no an OH on ooonedmnmon ones mueaaea umeaaonoHao enH .nowuewnmnnuneo cusses H .w x 000: e an oeueaaea ones mueefiaouoHno any .uoonon wnwnez ecu n“ oeean awe: um nonooom w new Naowznfla one .m.m ma .nommnn eueamoooeu anaooe 2 No.0 .Houannoe z mn.o we as con nuns onnonw ones unwga Inna mo ounce o umuwe oeume>uen ee>eoH eneunewso mo Anoem m omv mafiasen oaueUfiHaanH mueeaaonoano oneonewnm oeueHomH on emeueaamonm oueHoozfiwum one muonoozaoumum mo nowusonnuman .HHx enema ll 12h considering that this phosphatase is probably in the very tough bundle sheath cells (Appendix A), and this supports the conclusions tint P-glycolate phoSphatase is in or on the CB-type chloroplasts, as observed with Spinach leaves (Literature Review). A second method for examining the localization of the 3aP-g1ycerate activity was by fractional centrifugation (Table XIII). The 3éP-glycerate phosphatase was found almost entirely in the soluble fraction and this distribu- tion strongly supports the conclusion that the 34P-glycerate phoSphatase is a soluble, cytoplasmic enzyme. Only 4% of the P-glycolate phosphatase was in the chloroplast fraction isolated by these grinding and centrifugation procedures. This is consistent with observations that this phosphatase is readily solubilized from the chloroplasts (76). Similar results were obtained when sugarcane leaves were ground in a medium used for the isolation of peroxisomes from leaf tissue by Tolbert gt a}. (25, 26). No significant amount of 3AP-glycerate phosphatase activity was found in any particulate fraction (Table XIV). Only 6.3% of the 3-P- glycerate activity was found in the fraction which contained 26% of the glycolate oxidase as a peroxisome marker. The percentage of the cytochrome.g oxidase activity, which was a marker enzyme for mitochondria, was 3.6 times greater than the BAP-glycerate activity in the mitochondrial frac- tion. Again there was no evidence to suggest that the sugar— cane 34P-glycerate phosphatase is particulate. 125 .< awoneaan new Hans neanon mo nOwuaanomeo nom* an oeMemoe ones memeuenamona may w swscnnu owneuawm ones oeuenewoso; one e nuns oeuoeuuwe mes enemwu oeueucoms one mm mm o.ma a.mm mm: oo.mmm oomooooooom ooo.omn o -- o m.o n.@ m. moannoov as m .w x ooo.oms o -- o m.n m.mn mo.m Amnuoaoeooonav one om .oonnoo w x ooo.mm : an m.H m.o N.H wm. AmuoefiaonoHnov ans n .oonnoo m a ooo.n~ o -- o m.o mm mH.n Aaososov see On .oonnoa w x OOH OOH mm m.ma OOH man oo.mmm uooooxo Hmonmnuo & .....m non a mono: om .<.m mg n ounce nofiuuoum oueaoomfioim oneneohauimun H .ennoeucnm oneoneuo .ooueoaonw me oowsmwnunmo one nano sneeze mo mneaea .mHowzn&H one m.@ an .nemwne eueamooomo Heaven .2 no.0 .HOannom.z mn.o mnnnweunoo Ammav .mm.mm.hnoamm mo senoos noHueHonH uoeaaonofino .mHHeo summon oaonnn one Hamnaones nucn snout ou *HHHE noaaon oeuennem one swoops» oommea mums Aw mav mundane mmoH ooumuwaawua enmmHH meeg unmouewnm mo nowuoenuxm ownOuomH nm mo nowuewnwfiuuneu Henowuamnm .HHHx eHoeH 126 Table XIV- Distribution of j-P-Glycerate Phosphatase after Fractional Centrifugation for Isolation of Peroxisomes IAn 80 g sample of sugarcane leaves was ground in 200 ml 0.5 M sucrose in 0.02 M glycylglycine, pH 7.5, for #5 seconds at high Speed in the Haring Blendor. The extract was squeezed through 8 layers of cheese cloth and centrifuged as described. B-P-Glycerate Glycolate Cytochrome g Fraction PhOSphatase Oxidase Oxidase % of total % of total % of total Original 100 100 100 80-100 x g (nuclei, whole chloroplasts) 1.2 0 - 6000 x g (broken chlorOplasts, peroxisomes) 6.3 25.7 7.8 39,000 x g (mitochondria) 2.9 u.u Io.u Supernatant 89.6 70.0 81.8 Localization of 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase by NonpAqueous Density Fractionation Samples of destarched maize leaves which had been freeze-dried and fractionated non-aqueously by the method of Smillie (#0) were obtained from Dr. J. J. Andrews. These dried, nonpaqueous fractions were reconstituted in 5 ml of 20 mM sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 6.3, and 1 mM ETTA and the BAP-glycerate phosphatase and P-glycolate phOSphatase activities determined. The results of this experiment, along with some of the results from Dr..Andrew's investiga- tions on these same samples are presented in Table XIV. 127 The fraction of density <1.30 is supposed to represent the chloroplasts with some also in the 1.30 to 1.33 fraction. The other 3 fractions are considered to be non-chloroplastic or cytoplasmic. The BAP-glycerate phosphatase activity does not cor- relate with chlorophyll or chloroplast marker enzymes. It correlates very well with the acid phosphatase distribution reported by Slack gt 2;. who located an acid phoSphatase in the cytoplasm (#1). If the fractions of <1.30 to 1.33 are chloroplasts and 1.33 to >1.“0 are cytoplasmic the cytoplasm has 89% of 3-P-glycerate phOSphatase while 87% of P-glycolate phOSphatase is with the chloroplasts. Our investigations (Appendix A) have shown that, in corn and sugarcane, 3-P- glycerate phosphatase and P-glycclate phOSphatase are present in the mescphyll and bundle sheath cells reapectively. The P-glycclate phosphatase distribution (Table XV) again confirmed the conclusions that the enzyme was attached to or in the chloroplasts with the Calvin pathway. The conclusion that 3éP-glycerate is a soluble, cyto- plasmic enzyme was strongly supported by all four approaches to particle isolation. This conclusion also is in agreement with the fact that the pH cptimum is below 7.0 as are most non-chloroplastic enzymes. Development of the 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase in Etiolated Sugarcane after Illumination Nodes of sugarcane stalks were held for 21 days in the dark at 23° and in.vermiculite moistened with Hoagland's 1253 .AH: ...flm. We! xumamv mummHQOHoHSU Hahnmomwa Luis vouwwoommm manna nauoe Heuoa w m : Om m oa.H A mm me o on on 3.7%; m «a S m m on. Tom; in on an m o Redo; 0m mm mm n no on; v. **omenomonomnon **msmunm *omeuenaeonm *eneuenaeonm Aaeuoa mo av mowenea o woman: mnez e owaez eueaoomfioum ouanooaauImun **Hamnaouoano noauoeum g .mnonuoeum Hmnoa>eonn one mo son ecu one uoeonoo HamnaouoHno Heuou onu one oamuno some mo huw>wuoe Heuou any .hufi>wuom season now oomeooe one oounuwumnooon ones mnowuoenm muwmnoo onoonVeInoz om>eoq nnoo oononmuoen mo nowuenonuoenm muflmnon one nowuonomH mnooovarnoz noome noahwnm one Hannaonoano mo nonusewnunna .>N canes 129 nutrient solution. Etiolated sugarcane "leaf" tissue grew from these nodes, and at the time of harvest the etiolated tissue of the poorly developed leaves was approximately to cm in height. Tissue samples from the top of the tissue spikes (3 g) were ground in a mortar and pestle with washed Ottawa sand, squeezed through 6 layers of cheese cloth and centrifuged at 14,000 x g for 10 minutes. 3-P- Glycerate phoSphatase activity was determined over a 2 day period during exposure to 1800 foot candles of incandescent white light in the plant growth chamber (Figure 23). Some P-glycerate phoSphatase activity was present in the etio- lated tissue. This amounted to about 65 units per g fresh weight, whereas a green leaf of the same age contained about 620 units per g fresh weight. It is not known whether this activity of 11 or 12% of the level in normal green tissue represents non-Specific phOSphatases or is the same 3AP- glycerate phosphatase of the green leaf. After 2h hours of light a small amount of chlorOphyll could be seen in the tissue, but it was too small to be measured after extraction. Between 12 and 2% hours of light, 3aP-glycerate phosphatase activity about doubled. After 47 hours of exposure to light, 34P-glycerate phosphatase activity had increased at least h-fold, and on a gram fresh weight basis it was about h6% of that in greenhouse tissue of the same age. The tissue was still very light green in color. During greening. the protein in the leaf tissue also increased in parallel with the phosphatase activity, and after 1+7 hours of light 130 7 / 1c?» 4 ' 7o .53 EEKDEE; ‘: 3 4 s ..C. 2407 -60 9 of» / . a u. 200? ’—I§0 T .. / g ' / 8’ |607// ‘40 " >< ,/’ EB P g «30 "’ a '20/ 8 8 / '65 _ , a: d? so , . -20 a a. 2‘19 a. 3‘ 40— --IO :1 iii 1 l l l l o 8 IS 24 32 40 48 Hours in Light After Etiolaticn Figure 23. 34P-Glycerate Phosphatase Development from Etiolated Sugarcane Tissue Upon Illumination Samples (3 g) from etiolated sugarcane leaf tissue (21 days old) from stem nodes were extracted before and after exposure to 1800 foot candles of light. The 3—P- glycerate phosphatase activity is expressed on the basis of g fresh weight (0—0) and mg protein (An-A). Enzyme activity of greenhouse grown sugarcane of same age from same source of stem nodes was 620 units 1 g"1 fresh weight or 63 units x mg"1 protein. 131 there was 87% as much protein as in the comparable green leaf. It can be concluded that P-glycerate phosphatase develops in light and, therefore, possibly functions in a manner related to photosynthesis. This result is similar to the light catalyzed deve10pment of P-glycclate phoSpha— tase in etiolated wheat leaves, which does not have 3-P— glycerate phosphatase activity (76). or the develOpment of glycolate oxidase which is at a level of about 10% of nor- mal in etiolated cereal leaves (75, 77). Diurnal Variation of the Enzyme Activity A distinct diurnal variation in 3éP-glycerate phos— phatase activity in sugarcane leaves was found when total activity was expressed either on a protein or chlorophyll basis (Figure 2“). High sunlight intensity was required for this phenomenon, and when light intensities were reduced by heavy cloud cover, as on the second day of the experiment shown in Figure 2“, BAP-glycerate phosphatase activity did not increase. In these experiments the day preceding also had at least 8 hours of strong sunlight. 3-P-Glycerate phoSphatase activity rose in the late afternoon, reaching a maximum in early darkness and then decreased by midnight. The maximum increase in late afternoon was about 50% on a protein basis and 60% on a chlorophyll basis. Interpretations of these results will require more physiological experiments. Careful attention was taken to assure that the plants had sufficient water to prevent 132 .Aelllov HInns N nnoponn flIwa H oomeoaon a w: no A- III I V Inn: on Hamnnonoano HIwa N oooeoflen m m: we ooppoan one spasmom .onem eseppo oonmes_npaz oapnoa one nepnoa_na wnaondnm an ognm 2a a one .m.o me .eoeeso opsaaooooo aseooo an em no as meaon sons ooeoonpwo one: muneaa omnonnoonw Bonn Anoeo w my moansem need oopeodaadna mpabdpoo owepennmonm openoomHoImIm no nonsense; Hennnan .em onnwdm 133 e-—e IqucJquQ “cm x .-UflN x d on one 0 In K) O In (0 Own. 00m. 00m 0. ‘60 two 9.5% Estes N e o_ m :00... Nee. I \\ . rive w J u I! 308700. _ _ o... o... 4 3301.9.) x/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d] {00 Its: .520 _ woe ooo.o- n E :csmiv .m .109 d x JONN W m“ JO®N x m. loom ... d m. loom m. 10mm H 134 , water stress, which would have occurred during middle of the day rather than at the end of the day. The diurnal cycle for photosynthesis would have risen in the morning, peaked before noon, decreased around noon to 1:00 pm and peaked a second time in early afternoon (144). P-Glycerate phospha- tase activity began to increase when the photosynthetic rate was decreasing and in the evening when the least photosyn- thetic activity was expected the most phosphatase activity was found. The results suggest that the phosphatase may not be directly associated with 002 fixation, but possibly is involved in regulating starch formation (or breakdown). It is late in the day that starch formation may be occurring in mesophyll chloroplasts (62). Perhaps the phosphatase is an enzymatic mechanism for reducing the rate of 002 fixation or making it more efficient (no carbon through glycolate). There may also be a need based on permeability for the glycer- ate to be in a non-phosphorylated form. Certainly the hydrolysis of 34P-glycerate, the first product of photosyn- thesis would drastically curtail the 03-photosynthetic car- bon cycle. However neither of these hypotheses is supported by the fact that the phosphatase is located in the mesophyll cells and the C3-carbcn cycle and the starch containing chloroplasts are located in the bundle sheath cells. The diurnal variation in BAP-glycerate phosphatase activity occurs in spite of the excellent stability of this enzyme in homogenates or when partially purified. These facts suggest that the regulation of the phosphatase activity 135 {22;1312 is probably by some effector rather than by protein turnover; but protein turnover cannot be ruled out with the present information. Because of the diurnal variation in 3-P-glycerate phoSphatase activity, plants, whenever possible, were har- vested in the afternoon for enzyme preparations. My major professor was not sure that this was a valid excuse for not coming to work until noon, but he was unavailable for comment after midnight. PART B: THE DISTRIBUTION OF 3-P-GLKCERATE.AND P-GLICOLATE‘PHOSPHATASE IN VARIOUS PLANTS In the Literature Review of this thesis is cited some of the evidence for similarities between the glycolate path- way, peroxisomes and photorespiraticn. Investigations to establish the extent of this correlation are underway in numerous laboratories. One of the approaches initiated by us in 1966 was to determine the relative amounts of P-glyco- late phosphatase and 3aP-glycerate phoSphatase activities in different leaf tissues. Since P-glycolate seems to be the precursor of glycolate (22), then.P-glycolate phosphatase should be present in those cells or C3-plants with the glyco- late pathway, peroxisomes and cog-photorespiraticn. Likewise non-COg-photoreSpiring Cu-plants or cells would be expected to have less‘P-glycolate phosphatase and perhaps more 3-P- glycerate phosphatase, if it were substituting for the other phOSphatase. This hypothesis was supported by our initial investigations with sugarcane (145). Sugarcane leaves had low levels of peroxisomal enzymes (Appendix A) and also rela- tive low levels of P-glycolate phosphatase (Table XV). How- ever we did find in sugarcane leaves a large amount of phos- phatase activity towards 34P-glycerate. These findings prompted the isolation, partial purification and character— ization of 3AP-glycerate phosphatase from sugarcane as pre- sented in.Part A. 136 137 A survey of plants for the two phosphatases was based upon the hypothesis that other COz-photorespiring plants should have hhgh levels of P-glycolate phosphatase activity relative to the levels of BAP-glycerate phosphatase. Non- COz-photorespiring plants it was postulated would have high levels of BAP-glycerate phosphatase and low levels of the P-glycclate phOSphatase activity.* .Another purpose of the survey was to determine the feasibility of using the rela- tive levels of the two phOSphatases as one criterion for distinguishing between C02-photorespiring and non-COZ-photo- reapiring plants. We have been intrigued by the fact that glycerate is a major product of the glycolate pathway, but it can also be formed from enzymatic hydrolysis of 34P- glycerate, a major photosynthesis product, essentially by- passing the glycolate pathway (Figure 2). I. Special Materials and Methods The plants used for the survey were all obtained locally in the greenhouse or from field plots. They were harvested during the middle part of the day and assayed within an hour of harvest. The washed, deribbed leaf tis- sue was diced into 2 x 2 cm pieces and homogenized at high speed in a Waring Blendor for 2 minutes in 4 to 5 volumes of *Initially the survey was aided by the diligent efforts of Dennis Gremel, an Honors College student at Michigan State University, who is now in graduate school in Biochemistry. 138 grinding medium at 4°. The grinding medium was 20 mM sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 6.3, and 1 mM ETTA. For some plants (where noted) 2% Polyclar AT and 20 mM ascorbate were added to protect against the oxidation of the phenolic compounds. The homogenate was filtered through 6 layers of cheese cloth and the phOSphatase activities determined in the crude plant extract by Method A. For data in Experiment II, Table XVI, the residue remaining in the cheese cloth after the Waring Blendor homogenization was re-extracted by putting it repeatedly through a roller mill (described in Appendix A) while washing the residue as it was squeezed on the rollers until the chlorophyll was visually all extracted from the tissue. .All enzyme assays were at least duplicated and most plants were examined using triplicated samples and extractions. II. Results and Discussion During part of the survey for the two phoSphatases (Experiment I, Table XVI) only the extract from Waring Blendor homogenate of whole leaves were assayed. Later, from our own work (Appendix A) and from ngrkman's (58) . it was realized that in the Cu-plant the bundle sheath cells required vigorous grinding by mortar and pestle or roller mill for complete breakage. A differential grinding procedure was developed (Appendix A) employing first the Waring Blendor to break mainly mesophyll cells and then a roller mill extraction to break the remaining bundle sheath 139 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILIIIIIII .................................... I ..... I: ................................. I canoe-s onauuu ~.~\e Anny om Amsv m o.e\~ flame ea “one as m.e\n one 001 maaqquqa I on o on o s\s ooe oon ooe oon nxm.m men mam ao.nuoouv goon. I I I I - I I I - I m.n\n new and soooaon I I I I I I I I I I :.~\H we no ounces I I I I I I I I - I m.w\s new we ounonn< I I I I I I I I I I m m\n as» one soon uses» 0 so on A3 o en: 38 3.. So: on an: on en :25 I I I I I I I I I I a\n wnn on soreness» e.m\e Anne mm and ms N‘s Ammo non Ammo ma m\n mam mm goddamn I on o on o m.:\n oon nan Aooev «a a.o\n one ea noun-non I I I I I I I I I I a\n omn non souuoo zonaeauemnuoaonn mane Own-d R .<.m % .‘.m 0*“: % .<.m t“ .im 0%“: .‘.m .<.m oaamomu¢umIn omuqu «gain onquuu4qun eunuIa cunIn chqumudqun onnuIa ¢umIn nunwam noise-noun dud: usage: . ncnuoeuuwu ucone~n anus-3 ncuuoeuuwn neonean wanna: + HM uni-«non: H unusual—In .nOuuu-wuwo nooeodn noun-3 on» no snow-en suede oeeeao osu no nouns-nuns maul nuance an oesonaou cease-nuns noonoun undue: casual N on HH unusuuoaxn .noauoeuuwe noose: undue: 395' N his use: H ugh—saw. .A.<.mv “Hmoacucuno as non carnal non one-snow a a: no oeuneueua one noduw>nuoe one .uuosuo>aa one .eeua< .oueeam noon“: ocean-b nu coco-aneoan eu-aoomduim one unwound-cam ouuuoohqumIn no nonueauuuuwa can one hua>uuu< uo o~e>ea can .u>u canny .n wuoneaa<.na one nus-a we coins cannon-aomo .Anneuuu-uuwe anal sudden one noduoeuuwe wooded. menu-3v huuewuue deuce we «neonate .uweu eee eeluu sauna-wane Doom no veneeuuuqnu nu sequels-ea: eaeaeohduiue Nxa a.m\~ a\~ a.n\n n.n\s o.n\n none Aoav Aonv Anne Anny Anny “we as Nu on «N e. ~\:.~ «.mxa ~\~.4 s\m.m n\a.n _\a.n lees loos none Awmv Anne “rev on w: 0: Away Asmv Aoov flame Anne Away neg wha and r...............--....--'. ..... -..-.-..'.......- «.mxn sxm.s o.s\n «as men one am %*§* . IIIIIIIIIII - ......... ----U---l uxh.h «\m.~ m.~\n axo.w n\0.~ nxm.~ nxm.n n\m.m m on no ma nn Nw own mm and mmu Nod um ocean same scene: seen. une- ee-u- ooh ...». .os-uon rIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII cacao Acne diam” muquamum shoe us-ouqeea neurone uses» ussuuon noose noose sumac-HAo-luaalh loo Ban-Hun Table XVI. Continued ilhi Waring Blendor Extraction -- Experiment I Plants B-PGA P-glyc 5-PGA/P-glyc S.A. S.A. Ratio Aquatic Plants Elodea 25231 #6 1h2 1/5.1 Sagittaria 1h 46 1/5.5 Algae ahidmxdomonas reinhardtii 1h 11h 1/8.1 Ankistrodeemus braunii 15 54 1/2.2 Chlorella Ezrenoidosa 7 117 1/16.7 Scenedeamus 12 207 1/17.2 Crassulacean Plants Kalanchoe vulcanb 15 26 l/l.7 Br 0 llump 5 9 1/1.8 Sedum apectabileb 98 180 1/1.8 Liverwort Merchantiab 126 he 5/1 Trees White oakb 15 150 1/10 Red III-pie" 5 23 1/h.6 Mountain ashb 240 187 1.5/1 Cottonwoodb 11 176 1/16 American slap 52 87 1/2.7 ‘ aed spruceb 9 31 1/3.h b20 In.aacorbate and 2$ (w/v) polyclar AT added to grinding medium. 142 cells (Experiment II. Table XVI). The phosphatase specific activity is reported on a per mg chlorophyll basis, since we felt the plant's photo- synthetic ability is more closely related to its chloro- phyll content than protein. The data was summarized by grouping the plants in.Table XVI according to their ability to photorespire or by their general type. The data is also summarized by the relative ratio of 3éP-glycerate phospha- tase activity to P-glycolate phosphatase. In general C3— plants known to have 002-photore8piration had very high P-glycolate phoSphatase activities, 3 to 23 umoles phos- phate released per mg chlorophyll per min. Rates of 002 fixation probably and photcphosphorylation rates range between 2 to 6 umoles per mg chlorophyll per min. Thus in general the P-glycolate phosphatase activity considerably exceeds maximum photosynthetic rates. In these C3-p1ants BéP-glycerate phoSphatase activity was 1/2 to 1/8 as much as the P-glycclate phOSphatase. In a group of known C4“ plants without 002-photorespiration there was more 3-P- glycerate phosphatase and much less P-glycolate phosphatase, so that the 34P-glycerate:P-glycolate phosphatase ratios in these plants were nearer 2/1 to 4/1. This approximate cor- relation was valid for the two well-studiedIAtriplex species (58). For;A. patula with Goa-photorespiraticn the 3éP-glycerate:P-glycolate ratio was 1/1.2 while for'A, £2522 without cog-photorespiraticn the ratio was 2.9/1. However the phoSphatase activities in the 03-bundle sheath cells of 143 A. £2232 had a ratio of 1/2 favoring‘P-glycolate phoSphatase as predicted by the peroxisomal activity in these CB-cells within this (tn-plant. Spinach and sunflower are good sources of stable peroxisomes (26) and contain high levels of P-glycolate phoSphatase in comparison to the BAP-glycerate phoSphatase. Likewise wheat, tobacco and soybean contain high levels of glycolate pathway enzymes and high Specific activity of P- glycolate phoSphatase. In all of these CB-plants the Waring Blendor adequately broke all the cells (EXperiment II, in Table XVI) and no further release of enzyme occurred with the roller mill. In contrast, sugarcane, sorghum, sudan grass and pigweed which are low in peroxisomes and glycolate pathway enZymes (26), had low levels of P-glycolate phospha- tase and relatively high levels of 3eP-glycerate phosphatase. In addition it was necessary to use the roller mill to break the bundle sheath cells to release much of the P-glycolate phosphatase activity. From leaves of 15 soybean.varieties, C3-plants, the P-glycerate phosphatase to P-glycolate phosphatase ratio also varied as predicted from 1:2 to 1:5 (Figure 26). Bush beans (Phaseolus vulgaris, v. Sanalac) are characterized by having large amounts of both phosphatases. Beans appear to be an exception (Table XVI) to this hypothesis. In this bean leaf both phoSphatases were equally as active, and BAP-glycerate phosphatase activity was almost double the activity in sugarcane. The P-glycolate phosphatase was 144 almost double the activity in sugarcane. The P-glycolate phosphatase was partially inactivated by the routine long extraction time (Figure 25-A) which.was employed to solu- bilize the phoSphatase from corn or cane (Figure 25-C). After 30 seconds of grinding of Sanilac bean leaves the amount of both enzymes was about equal. and in Experiment II (Table XVI) both phOSphatases had the same activity after 2 minutes. P-Glycolate phosphatase from tobacco leaves undergoes similar inactivation, but not to such a degree that the ratio is greatly affected. The extraction time versus percent activity plots (Figure 25) were done on a large portion of the plants examined, especially those that did not seem to follow the predicted pattern. Figure 25-B and C, were typical of the plots for other plants examined. In extracts of bundle sheath cells of Cn-plants obtained by the roller mill, there was more P-glycolate phosphatase activity than 3aP-glycerate phosphatase. This distribution of the phosphatases is in complete agreement with the concept that enzymes for the glycolate pathway and the C3-photosynthetic carbon cycle are located in the bundle sheath cells and the Cg-photosynthetic carbon cycle in the mesophyll cells (Table 1). It is from such results that it is postulated that plants which utilize the Cn-acid pathway will have higher levels of BAP-glycerate phosphatase. Plants or cells utilizing the 03- or Calvin cycle pathway will have higher levels of P-glycolate phosphatase activity. Some plants have not been characterized by the plant 145 Figure 25. Extraction Time Versus Percent of the'Phosphatase Activity Solubilized for 3 Types of Plants* A. Bean (phaseolus vulgaris, V. Sanalac) showing inac- tivation of P-glycolate phosphatase (A—A) after 30 seconds of homogenization and 3eP-glycerate phosphatase (e__.e) which was stable. B. Typical extraction time versus percent activity solubilized from leaves of C3-type plants (e.g.. spinach), showing no inactivation of the phOSphatase. C. Typical extraction time versus percent activity solubilized from leaves of a Cu-plant (9.8.. corn), showing no inactivation of enzyme but incomplete extraction.** tAll points are obtained by averaging duplicate assays of triplicated samples. **Figure 7-B shows results of roller mill extraction after incomplete Waring Blendor extraction. IOO /3K:I:_‘ so . \‘ S-P-Glycercte / 6° P-Olycolate 4o .. ZO-A. Bean >. 1 l l l __ .1: > I: IOO - ____. 80- e ./ ‘ :5 6° F. e 3-P-6cherate 8 40 a P-thcclcte ~g 2° 8. Spinach . l L I l 0 °\ " e '°° 0. Corn ,/ 80 60 4O 20 146 .. o ' _ fl-Gucerate O '- h A / :/‘ \ P-Glycclate I I l I 30 60 90 I20 Seconds 147 physiologists according to their manifestation of cog-photo- respiraticn. Some of these plants are in a third group in Table XVI. According to their phoSphatase activities Bermuda grass and Bent grass should not have Cog-photores- piraticn. Indeed they are in sub-familiar of Chlorideae and Agrostideae of which there are many examples of the C4- pathway (57). On the other hand Poa and Merion bluegrasses with high P-glycolate phosphatase are of sub-families of the Festuceae which is generally considered to be comprised of C3-pathway plants (57). The two aquatic plants examined had phosphatase activities of typical C3-pathway plants. The unicellular algae examined all actively biosyn- thesize glycolate and have high levels of P-glycolate phos- phatase. These algae are considered non—photoreSpiring however, since they either excrete glycolate or metabolize it slowly by a glycolate dehydrogenase (146). The primitive, non-vascular liverwort (Marchantia) however had higher levels of 3eP-g1ycerate phosphatase. Other investigators in Tolbert's laboratory also find low levels of glycolate oxidase (no glycolate dehydrogenase) in this tissue (8. Wardell and N. E. Tolbert, unpublished). The crassulacean plants with their B-carboxylation system for acid accumulation might be thought of as Cu-plants, yet they appear to be C3-pathway plants according to their relative phOSphatase activities. Among the Cu-plants without photorespiration, corn leaves was an exception to the above hypothesis. It had 148 relatively low levels of BAP-glycerate phosphatase activity, and even the amount of extractable P—glycolate phosphatase was low. However the BAP-glycerate phosphatase was located primarily in the Cu-mesophyll cells and the P-glycolate phOSphatase in the C3-bund1e sheath cells (Appendix A). This distribution is consistent with the hypothesis. The reason for the lower levels of total 3-P-g1ycerate phoSpha- tase activity is not understood. Leaves of trees are grouped separately. The 002 compensation point of these leaves is as high as 150 ppm. and. as such. tree leaves (North.American. temperate zone trees) are in general the most actively photorespiring leaf tissue known. As predicted, they have high levels of P- glycolate phosphatase and low levels of P-glycerate phos- phatase. These values must be qualified by the difficulty in obtaining adequate amounts of active enzymes from homogenate of tree leaves. The tree leaves were ground. in the presence of Polyclar AT in order to reduce the tanning action. These homogenates were still so full of tannic material that all particles and most of the protein were coagulated and enzyme assays could only be run on the small portion of the protein which is not precipitated. Because of this problem with tree leaves many enzymes, including the peroxisomal enzymes, cannot be detected in tree leaf extracts (Tolbert. unpublished). Likewise unknown and different amounts of the phosphatases may have been precipitated by the tannins and the levels reported in Table XVI can only M9 be considered as exploratory values. The fact that high levels of P-glycolate phosphatase was present in plants which have high peroxisomal reapira- tion (oxidation of glycolate in the light = photoreSpira- tion) supports the conclusion that P-glycolate is the immediate precursor of glycolate. The fact also that 3-P- glycerate phosphatase was present at relatively high levels (except corn) whenever the Cu-dicarboxylic acid path_ way is present supports the conclusion that its presence is related to the Cu-pathway. III. Relative Levels of 3aP-Glycerate and P-Glycolate Phosphatases as a Function of the Rate of Photosynthesis in Soybeans The initial results of the survey of plants for the relative levels of BAP-glycerate and P-glycolate phospha- tases activities supported the conclusion that 3aP-glycerate phosphatase was the more active in Cu-plants (e.g.. sugar- cane. sorghum) which are considered more efficient or have a lower 002 compensation point than 03-p1ants (Literature Review). In an attempt to apply this hypothesis it was postulated that the relative levels of the two phoSphatases might be a criterion of photosynthetic efficiency or growth. Professor R. H. Hageman suggested to us that varieties of soybeans which had a range of known €02 fixation.rates (1&7), would fit the requirements for such an experiment. Through the cooperation of Dr. R. H. Hageman of the Agronomy 150 Department and w. L. Ogren of the U.S.D.A. Regional Soybean Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois, Urbana. the activities of BAP-glycerate phosphatase and P-glycolate phoSphatase in 15 varieties of soybeans (Glycine Egg. L. Merrill) were determined. The soybean varieties had rates of photosynthesis from in to 2# umoles 002 fixed per minute per square decimeter of leaf tissue (1h7). All of the varieties were planted at the same time in the same field plots. Three. 20 g leaf (7-9 leaves) samples of each of the varieties and 2 complete replications were used for each experiment. The activities of the phoSphatases were determined in June on small plants (5-10 cm in height) and in July on large plants. Just before the onset of flowering. The results of the July experiment are presented in Figure 26 in which the phosphatase activities are expressed on a per mg protein or chlorophyll basis. Although there is considerable scatter in the points. a regression analysis (Table XVII) of the data showed that they were significant at the 0.05 level. Soybean varieties with increasing rates of 002 fixa- tion had higher levels of P-glycolate phosphatase and lower levels of BAP-glycerate phosphatase activities. The initial hypothesis was that plants with higher rates of 002 fixation would have relatively more 34P-g1ycerate phosphatase as do sugarcane and sorghum.while those plants with low C02 fixa- tion rates would have more'P-glycolate phosphatase. because considerable amounts of the 002 fixed would be respired by 151 sameness .ma spam nomad .sa psox pzoho .mH upoom no somoaam .NH no sumac so ozoaaano .HH moouoo "oho oodpodno>_soonmoo one .HoboH .Aeeav .wm.mm happen scum mosaob ono osoodp moofl ho noposdooo oposeo non opssda you ooxah moo ho ooHosn one .psoaanoawo mash ca oopoobhos moapodnob ma no .0H .m .w .m .w no.0 on» as nnaodcneoda as «one use ochoz soanaom oQH mm omoxzom ooosow m d m .N .H sooo you moaaaoo oopooaaadnp suds osodpooaaaou m Hone ono mowonobo one modpodno>.soonmow ad mamospsAmoponm_mo ovum osoho> monoponaoosm opoHoomHonm use oponoomaolm1m wo moduabdpo< one . wm opswam Mudommo |”bu: x I”uguJ x’ d se|owr1 88.530 x 75.2 x poxE ~00 36E: N . vN NN ON 0. m. S cm NN ON 0. w. v. _ L d _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ «.4 /§‘ M 0‘. .I m‘ T1 :‘w’«/m‘ n‘ % 0‘ fl /:1 a 329.99... 22§.ond-n «4 ‘ £4 ..4 329.325 oaoooozwuap _< w 1 822329. 2285.... e e 32282... 2285.... c» l m. \ no“ no You. T. \‘u. .0 _. N_. C. N.. F. i .. \nk \ O. a. _.O Nd md ¢.O 0.0 ugeimd I__buJ x Fugw x d se|oum 153 Table XVII. Correlation of j-P-Glycerate PhOSphatase and P-Glycolate Phosphatase Activities with Photosynthesis in 15 Soybean Varieties _____.——-——-—'—_ =—‘ 3-P-G1ycerate PhOSphatase June July P-Glycolate Phosphatase I II I II June July I II I II Prot. s.A. -.755** -.625* -.u85 -.363 Chl. S.A. -.681** -.522* -.h13 -.57o June AVg. July Avg. PrOt. SOAO '0702** -0hh1 Chl. S.A. -.660** -.399 Overall Avg. Prote 80A. '0580* Chl. Se A. -0512 .5A6 .20} .506* .572* .585 .19h .558* .h15 June Avg. July Avg. .285 .596* -296 .ugu Overall AVg. .552* .h77 +Replications I and II were run with 3 samples each time in both June and July. *Significant at .05 level (.51h). **Significant at .01 level (.6h1). 15a the flow of carbon through the glycolate pathway and peroxi- somal reSpiration. The results were Just the opposite. There are some qualifications to the results which could have a considerable influence on the validity of the relationship indicated. First of all. the data of Curtis 22 gl. (1“?) for the photosynthesis rates were considered to be absolute. However investigators at the University of Minnesota and Iowa State disagree with the rates of some of the varieties (R. H. Hageman. personal communication). Secondly. the rates that Curtis reported were from seedlings grown in a growth chamber whereas field grown plants were used for the phoSphatase assays. Third, the genotypes used are quite variable, with regard to maturity types, growth requirements and grain composition. Certainly the metabol- ism must also vary with genotype. Considering these factors it is amazing that any relationship or correlation was found at all. The initial hypothesis for this experiment had assumed that the higher the net rate of 002 fixation the more efficient would be the net photosynthetic growth and peroxisomal or glycolate metabolism would be less. The assumption was based upon the fact that glycerate. glycine. serine and Cl-moieties are all products of the glycolate pathway which starts with the hydrolysis of two‘P-glycolate (Figure 2). During this conversion of two P-glycolates molecules to one molecule of glycerate. considerable energy is lost and one 002 is respired. To make glycerate 155 by the hydrolysis of one BAP-glycerate molecule is much more efficient, both from the standpoint of a carbon conservation and of phoSphorylation. From the data in Figure 26 this assumption appears to be in error. The original hypothesis would have been reversed to accomodate this data to state that soybean.plants with.more P-glycolate phoSphatase activ- ity and presumably peroxisomal respiration are photosynthe- tically more active. If peroxisomal metabolism is essential for photosynthesis and polysaccharide synthesis, then increasing capacity for glycolate metabolism should coincide with increase rate of photosynthesis. PART C: A PARTICULATE 3éP-GLYCERATE PHOSPHATASE FROM SPINACH LEAVES During my thesis research. isolation and characteri- zation of leaf peroxisomes has been in progress by others in the laboratory (25, 26, 82). The metabolic sequence of the glycolate pathway associated with the peroxisomes begins with glycolate and ends with glycerate (Figure 2). Consequently the cellular location of P-glycolate and 3-P- glycerate phOSphatase activities have been of particular concern to the peroxisomal investigations. Neither phos- phatase was found in the peroxisomes, but rather P-glycolate phOSphatase is located in the chloroplast and part of the BAP-glycerate phosphatase in an apparent starch grain from spinach leaf extracts. wcohte PhoSphatase in Chloroplasts P-Glycolate phosphatase was first reported to be associated with the chloroplasts of spinach by In 33 a}. (76). Thompson and Whittingham (70) confirmed by non- aqueous density gradient techniques the location of the P-glycolate phosphatase with the chloroplasts (89-97%). Using an aqueous sorbitol medium we also concluded that the enzyme is with chloroplasts (Table XVIII) but that the BAP-glycerate phosphatase did not appear to be with the chloroplasts. The recovery of only 12% of the P-glycolate phosphatase in the chloroplast fraction indicated that the 156 157' enzyme was loosely associated with the plastids. However the advantage of sorbitol medium over NaCl or sucrose iso- lation medium was that most of the P-glycolate phOSphatase activity with the chloroplast fraction remained with the chloroplasts upon repeated washings which completely removed other glycolate metabolizing enzymes. Table XVIII. PhOSphatase Activity of Isolated Spinach Chloroplasts Pre- pared in Sorbitol Medium as Described in Materials and Methods I I: P-Glycolate E-P-Glycerate PhOSphatase PhOSphatase Fraction Units % Units % Original extraction 11,350 100 2,h80 100 Supernatant 8,580 77 1,080 A; Chloroplasts 1,h00 12 (100)* #5 2 1x Washed chloroPlasts 1,500 9.1 (7h) Trace 2x washed chlor0p1asts 950 8.h (68) Trace 5x Washed ‘ chloroplasts 916** 8.1 (66) Trace *Values in parenthesis are percent of enzyme in chloroplast fraction after the first centrifugation. **Equiva1ent to 39.6 umoles of phOSphate released x minute-l x mg-l chlorophyll. 158 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase in Starch Pellet During the isolation and characterization of the spinach leaf peroxisomes from the 6000 x g fraction by Tolbert gt_al. (25), the various fractions from the iso- pycnic sucrose density gradients were assayed to determine the activities of the 3-P-glycerate and P-glycolate phos- phatases. Neither phoSphatase was found in the peroxi- somal. mitochondrial. or chloroplast fractions under these conditions. However as much as 38% of the 3-P-glycerate phosphatase activity was in the 6000 x g pellet (Table XIX). About half of this activity was apparently soluble enzyme and remained on the top of the discontinuous sucrose gradient. The other half of the activity pelletted to the bottom of the sucrose gradient through 2.3 to 2.5 M sucrose. Microscopic examination of the small pellet indicated that the major constituent was small starch-like grains, although the pellet was somewhat gray in contrast to the usual white expected from starch. The fact that it gave a blue-purple stain with iodine and KI agrees with the idea that the only logical particle which could pass through such high.density sucrose would be starch or a similar polysaccharide. Thus the particle has been termed the starch particle and the pellet, the starch pellet. The few whole cells. cell fragments and broken chloroplasts that were present in the pellet should not have been able to sediment through the 2.5 M sucrose and probably moved down the side of the centrifuge tube. The nature and composition of the starch 159 pellet and the BAP-glycerate phoSphatase with it were sub- jected to further investigation because the phOSphatase activity in the pellet appeared to be a new discovery. Table XIX. Distribution of j-P-Glycerate PhOSphatase in Peroxisome Preparation The peroxisomes were prepared by the method of Tolbert SE 11. (25) from 500 grams of Longstanding Bloomsdale Spinach. The gradient pellet was resuSpended in 0.8 M sucrose containing 20 mM sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 6.5, and 1 mM EDTA. E-P-Glycerate PhosPhatase Fraction Units % of Total % of 6000 x g S.A. Pellet Original 7,280 100 -- 0.027 6000 x g fraction 2,850 58 100 0.265 All gradient fractions Trace -- -- -- Gradient supernatant 1,200 18.5 #2 -- Gradient pellet 1,370 18.h hB 1.280 The stability and storage characteristics of the 3-P- glycerate phoSphatase of the starch pellet were very good. The pellets from the preparation of peroxisomes on sucrose gradients have been stored frozen for as long as 3 months before resuspending without loss of BAP-glycerate phoSphatase activity. The resuspended particulate enzyme was stable at 0° until microbial growth started (several weeks) and the frozen suspensions were stable indefinitely. Preparations 160 of the solubilized phosphatase or partially purified enzyme from the starch particles were stable and could be stored frozen at -18°. pH Optimum The pH activity curve for the 3-P-glycerate phoSpha- tase in the Spinach starch particles had a sharp optimum around pH 5.8 (Figure 27). The addition of Mgi+ did not effect the optimum or the activity in any way. The pH optimum is very similar to that of the soluble sugarcane BAP-glycerate phosphatase (pH 5.9). The enzyme was stable at 4° at pH 6.3 or 7.0. Kinetics of Enzyme The particulate BAP-glycerate phoSphatase activity was a linear function of enzyme concentration.(Figure 28). The particulate enzyme. the dialyzed particulate enzyme and acetone precipitated enzyme from the particles all showed a linear function with enzyme concentration. Normal enzyme saturation kinetics were obtained with the particulate enzyme (Figure 29qA) and the apparent Km for B-P-glycerate was 9 x 10-4 M (Figure 29-3). Effect of Divalent Cations The 3-P-glycerate phosphatase in the starch particle did not show any requirement for a divalent cation (Table XX). The addition of 1 mM EDTA or dialysis against 20 volumes of 1 mM EDTA did not inhibit the enzyme activity, 161 Figure 27. The pH Activity Curve for 3-P-Glycerate Phospha- tase in Starch Particles The enzyme activity was assayed in the particulate form and in 3 buffer systems: 0.1 M sodium cacodylate + 0.1 M sodium acetate; 0.2 M sodium cacodylate: 0.1 M sodium cacodylate + 0.1 M glycylglycine. The activities in the different buffers were averaged for the overlapping points. Figure 28. Linearity of the BAP-Glycerate Phosphatase Assay Increasing amounts of the enzyme in.3 forms were assayed. The particulate enzyme (0———O) was suSpended in 0.8 M sucrose. 1 mM EDTA and 20 mM sodium cacodylate buffer at pH 6.3. The particulate enzyme was dialyzed against 20 volumes of 20 mM sodium cacodylate and 1 mM EDTA for 20 hours and then assayed.(a———e). The acetone fractionated enzyme (I-——I) had been solubilized by sonification of the starch particles and precipitated by acetone as described in the text. Relative Activity umles Phosphate x min" a fl 30- l. 60— ‘. \ l 40— \ . 20~— \ 1 1 1 ~o 1 4 6 8 l0 pH "6_ Acetone I Fmtion7/ l.2-— I ’ ......l /‘ /./ Particulate l l J 20 30 40 pl of Enzyme 163 Figure 29. Kinetic Plots for the Spinach Particulate 3-PuG1ycerateIPhosphatase A. The initial velocity as a funetion of substrate concentration was measured in 0.3 ml reaction mixtures cone taining 0.1 ml substrate of indicated concentration. 0.15 ml 0.2 M sodium cacodylate. pH 5.9 and 0.05 ml of suspended enzyme. The reaction.was terminated after 1 minute with 0.3 ml.10$ TCA. The phosphate was determined by method B. B. A Lineweaver-Burke plot of initial velocity versus substrate concentration. The apparent Km is about 9 x 10’“ M for the particulate enzyme. 161i E A /.r ‘e x 6 /.’. e i F V" _ 4»— a? I °' 2 3 x 1 L L A l l ‘B 2 4 6 8 l0 - [8], mM 9 32.. B {E / E x 24- ! ./e U) .93 g '61.. ../ a l" 8 Km=9x|O-4_M_ l-. .5 1 l 1 l 1 0.4 0.8 I .2 LG 2.0 I/[s]. .m_M_" 1165 Table XX. The Effect of Divalent Cations on the B-P-Glycerate Ph03phatase in Starch Particles Aliquots of the particles which had been dialyzed against 1 mM EDTA were equilibrated at 500 for 15 minutes in 0.5 m1 of a solution con- taining 0.15 M sodium cacodylate buffer, pH 5.9, with 5 mM or 0.5 mM cation. The reaction was initiated b the addition of 0.25 ml substrate (10 umoles), ran for 10 minutes at 50 and was terminated by the addition of 0.25 ml of 10% TCA. Relative Activity Addition 5 x 10-3 M.Cation 5 x 10'4 M Cation Control 100 100 Control + EDTA 102 100 2nso4 5 15 Coso4 78 85 CuSO4 1h 15 Pb(Acetate)2 10h 99 CaClg 98 101 MnClg 102 101 Mgso4 10h 101 Niso4 80 101 166 but. in fact, increased the activity about 10%. As observed for the soluble sugarcane BAP-glycerate phoSphatase, Zn++ was inhibitory at 1 mM and Cu?"+ also caused considerable inhibition. greater than 50% even at 0.5 mM. Substrate Specificity The relative Specificity of the starch particle 3-P- glycerate phoSphatase (Table XXI) was similar to that for the soluble phoSphatase from sugarcane leaves. The sub- strates were also assayed in the presence of 1 mM MgSOg. with no effect on the hydrolysis of BAP-glycerate and mixed effects on the other substrates. The partially purified particulate enzyme was not Specific for 3-P-glycerate, but it is probably the preferred physiological substrate. Since there was a possibility that the nuclei of the cells may have been part of the particles. the nucleotidase and dies— terase activities were investigated. but no significant activity was found by the assays used. However. the par- ticulate enzyme may not be completely free of other phoSpha- tase activity. Solubilizing the Particulate QaP-Glyoerate Phosphatase In order to adequately resuSpend the starch particles, it was necessary to use approximately 0.8 M sucrose and buffer. “When the particles were suSpended in buffer alone and sonicated for 20 minutes. only 50% of the BAP-glycerate phoSphatase was solubilized to the extent that it was not pelleted by a 10.000 x g. 20 minute centrifugation. However 167 Table XXI. Substrate Specificity of the Starch Particle 5-P-Glycerate Phosphatase en umoles (15.5 mM) of all substrates were used in the assays. The Mg was equilibrated 15 minutes with the enzyme before the reac- tion was initiated with Substrate. The enzyme was used in the resus- pended particulate form. Relative Activity Substrate - Mg++ +~Mg++ 5-P-Glycerate (control) 100 100 P-Glycolate h 5 2-P-Clycerate 1h 15 G1ucose-6-ph03phate A7 to Fructose-1,6-diph08phate 67 66 B-Glycerol phOSphate 50 56 ‘B-NitrophenylphOSphate 96 112 bisjp-NitrOphenylphOSPhate 9 8 Adenosine triphosphate 70 52 Adenosine diphOSphate 67 62 5'2Adenylic acid 60 59 5'-Deoxyadeny1ic acid A h 5'-Adenylic acid 50 52 3"Deoxyadenylic acid 3 8 168 if the starch pellet was suSpended in 0.8 M to 1.3 M sucrose. 90 to 94% of the phoSphatase was solubilized when sonicated. Homogenization in a glass Potter Elvejehm homogenizer did not release the enzyme from the particles. nor did repeated passage through a French pressure cell. Repeated freezing and thawing did not solubilize the enzyme. Dialysis of the suSpended particles against 20 volumes of 20 mM sodium cacodylate buffer. pH 6.3. and 1 mM EDTA did not release the enzyme but did result in about a 10% increase in the activ- ity; These procedures succeeded in breaking all whole cells and chloroplasts in the suSpension. Limited solubilization of the phoSphatase from the starch grains seemed to be favored at pH values above 7 (Figure 30). .At pH 7.0 to 7.5 a maximum of 36% of the enzyme was released from the particles. Above pH 7.5 the stability of the particulate phoSphatase began to decrease with a parallel decrease in the activity that was solubilized. Incubation of the starch particle suSpension with B-amylase at 4° in sodium acetate buffer at pH 5.5 resulted in solubilization of the BAP-glycerate phoSphatase and the concomitant release of increasing amounts of reducing sugar (Figure 31). These results tend to support the idea that the particle contains some form of starch or similar poly- saccharide. The reason for loss of activity at 48 hours is not known. The effect of salt concentration on the solubiliza- tion.of the particulate (starch grain) BAP-glycerate phos- 169 Figure 30. Solubilization of the Starch Grain 3-P-Glycerate PhoSphatase as a Function of pH The resuSpended particulate enzyme was diluted 5 fold into 0.2 M buffers (cacodylate, acetate or glycylglycine) of the indicated pH and incubated for 1 hour at 4°. The particle suSpension (0—0) and the supernatnat (0---0) of 10.000 x g for 20 minutes centrifugation of the suSpension were assayed. Figure 31. Solubilization of the Starch Grain 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase by B-Amylase Samples (0.5 ml) of the particulate 3-P-glycerate phos- phatase were incubated in 50 mM acetate buffer. pH 5.5. with 700 units of B-amylase (Worthington) at 4° for a 48 hour period. The phoSphatase activity of theresuSpended particles (0—0) and the supernatant (h—‘) after 10.000 x g for 20 minutes centrifugation of the suSpension were assayed. Reducing sugar (...-I) was determined by Nelson's test (120). pg P Released x min"I pg P Released x min" 8 (D 0 § 400 § 170 _. Suspension ./ .~.~ .- Solubilized E 4.5 . 5.5 6.5 75 8.5 pH l" I 530/ \ Solubilized 0 I2 24 36 48 Hours pg Reducing Sugars 171 phatase is not completely established (Figure 32). Incuba- tion of the starch particles in 0.25 M MgClz solubilized 100% of the phoSphatase (Curve II. Figure 32-B). However as the MgC12 concentration was increased to 0.35 M MgC12 or greater, the total soluble activity (supernatant) increased 15 to 20% over the total activity of the unclarified sus— pension in 0.35 M MgClz (Curve I. Figure 32-B). NaCl was not as effective as MgClz. At 0.30 M NaCl. 55% of the phos- phatase had been released from the particle but only 10% more of the phOSphatase was solubilized even up to 0.8 M NaCl. The ionic strength of either salt for 50% solubiliza- tion of the phoSphatase was the same but solubilization above that point did not coincide. PhoSphatase released seems to be more dependent upon the divalent cation. The signifi- cance of the increase in activity at high MgClZ concentra- tions after the suSpension is clarified is not understood. However it may be indicative of some control mechanism on the enzyme by the particle. Purification of the Starch Particle 3-P-Glycerate Phosphatase In the isolation of the starch pellet by sucrose density gradients the 3AP-glycerate phoSphatase on the starch particles was enriched 46 fold. Further purifica- tion of the starch particle 3aP-glycerate phoSphatase was done using solubilized enzyme, because of the large amount of information already gathered on the soluble 3-P-g1ycerate phoSphatase from sugarcane. The starch particle enzyme was 172 Figure 32. Solubilization of the Particulate 3AP-Glycerate PhoSphatase as a Function of Salt Concentration To samples (0.10 ml) of the starch particles in 0.8 M sucrose. 1 mM EDTA and 20 mM cacodylate buffer. pH 6.3. were added 0.10 ml NaCl or Mg012 to give the final salt concentra- tion. The samples were incubated for 30 minutes at 4°. Total enzyme activity is shown for the suSpension (0——40) and for the supernatant (A—A) after removing particles by centrifug- ing at 10.000 x g for 20 minutes. 173 is E IOOL'—.—.—'—-.—1—.—r-.—.—IIF-L ..x 1. Suspension/ x 0- 2 A K Supernatant,11 . Le". . . .1, . 3‘ O.l 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 [NaCl ]. M x IOOng—O—OJ7‘CO:OTO-C . Suspensioml E ‘ "\ Supernatant. n “c; 20— / 1 1 ““65 02 01.3 014 0%5 0.6 which L M 174 solubilized by sonification for 20 minutes at 4° in 0.8 M sucrose, 20 mM cacodylate buffer, pH 6.3, and 1 mM ETTA. After partial purification (Table XXII) of the particulate (starch grain) phoSphatase the Specific activity was 10.75 (enriched 384 fold) compared to a Specific activity of 740 (enriched 2530 fold) for the most pure preparations of the soluble phoSphatase from sugarcane leaves. Fractionation by acetone precipitation was performed in the same manner as that for the soluble sugarcane enzyme. A volume of reagent grade acetone (-5°) equal to 40% of the volume of the solubilized particulate 34P-glycerate phos- phatase was added dropwise to the enzyme at 4°, the system equilibrated for 20 minutes and then centrifuged for 10 minutes at 14,000 x g. The precipitate was discarded and cold acetone, equal to 20% of the volume of the solubilized enzyme, was added and the system equilibrated and centri- fuged as before. The supernatant was discarded and the precipitate resuSpended in 20 mM cacodylate buffer, pH 6.3, and 1 mM EDTA. The recovery of the enzyme was 61% with about a 7.5 fold enrichment. The addition of 40 g of (NH4)2504 per 100 m1 of acetone-fractionated enzyme precipitated about 25% of the enzyme with no purification. Addition of more (NH#)280u equal to 20 g per 100 m1 acetone-fractionated enzyme pre- cipitated 34% of the enzyme with about 2-fold enrichment. A summary of the purification of the particulate 3-P-glycer- ate is presented in Table XXII. Further attempts to purify 1175 em. smm Aesm V o.n me.0a m.m soaooooaooono sommasmzv ow. mmm Afimm v m.HH mm.m :.® scauoaowuoouw odouoos e.oH o: AaOOHV s.ms mm.a m.~s Aeooeoaeoov sonoooasaooaom m.oH o: ©.mH mN.H 0.:H uoaaoa uaofipouw muwoaoa one m.m mm mom. o.mm nonsoa w x oooo oom.sm s OOH mmo. o.mse oooooxo sooamano Amsv Aaws\moaosiv swououm Houoe usossofiuam pHofie m .uu< .am mugs: coauooum oo>ooq \ somewam mo w 00m souw ommuosamocm oumuoomawumum ouoasowuuom one mo :oeumuwmwusm .HHNN oHooe 176 the enzyme have not been made. Attempts to purify the par- ticulate form of the enzyme as a particulate enzyme should be considered as well as purification of the enzyme after removal from the starch particle. Further characterization of the starch-like particle itself is a definite requirement. MicroscOpic examination should be extended to electron microscopy, staining proce- dures and chemical composition data. The distribution of the starch particle must be examined eSpecially since it was not found in all Spinach leaf preparations. At present it is thought that the starch pellet could actually be residues of the starch grains which are resistant to further breakdown in the aged and stored Spinach leaves from which the particles were isolated. DISCUSS ION 3-P-Glycerate phosphatase from sugarcane leaves has been purified 2530-fold with about 5% overall recovery. The enzyme stoichiometrically cleaves 3-P-glycerate to produce glycerate and inorganic phoSphate. The purification of the enzyme was hampered initially by the phenol oxidases and phenolic oxidation products as well as inefficient extrac- tion procedures for tough sugarcane leaves. The use of Polyclar AT, acid pH. EDTA and rapid acid fractionation were the molt effective means of controlling the interference of phenolic compounds. The acetone, (NH),)ZSOI+ and Sephadex G-200 fractionation steps were optimized with regard to pH and ionic strength so that most of the extracted protein was removed along with probably all other phoSphatases, since the relative Specificity did not change after the 0-200 gel filtration step (Table IV). The instability of the enzyme alkaline pH and an isoelectric point of 6.8 pro- hibited the use of anion excharge columns for purification. Cationic exchange columns were most effective for further purification. The P-cellulose column could be operated at pH 4.0 with an additional 6-fold purification y_s 3-fold at pH 4. 5. but recovery was very poor and afterwards the enzyme was unstable even when the pH was adjusted to 5.9. The multiple peaks of phoSphatase activity observed with DEAE- 177 178 cellulose or CM-Sephadex columns. It was felt that the multiple peaking on DEAE-cellulose columns was caused by cperating too close to the isoelectric point. Stability During purification the enZyme was stable if the pH was kept below 7. Above pH 7 the enzymatic activity decayed rapidly and irreversibly. Unlike P-glycolate phoSphatase, BAP-glycerate phoSphatase did not require a tricarboxylic acid for stability, and no tricarboxylic acids were found bound to the enzyme as with P-glycolate phoSphatase. Pro- longed dialysis against 1 mM EDTA or passage through.G-25 Sephadex did not inactivate the enzyme at any point in the purification. It was concluded that no easily removable, small molecular weight molecule is necessary for enzyme stability. High ionic strength (NaCl or Na acetate) did not effect the activity or stability, however for some unknown.reason the enzyme was inactivated by (NHu)ZSOu pre- cipitation after the 0-200 Sephadex filtration step. The enzyme was reasonably stable for short times at room tem- perature, both in the crude state and purified. The enzyme was very stable at all states of purity at 4° and also stable at -18° except in the (NH4)280u fraction. BAP-Glycer- ate phOSphatase was rapidly inactivated at temperatures above 40° with 50% loss of activity after 3 minutes at 50° compared to only 10% loss of the tobacco leaf P-glycolate phoSphatase activity at 75° (Randall and Tolbert, unpublished results). 179 Eggymatic Properties The sugarcane leaf BAP-glycerate phOSphatase is simi- lar to other leaf phoSphatases in many of its biochemical properties. Activity of the most pure enzyme was optimal at pH 5.7 to 6.0 depending on the buffer systems, while preparations of low purity had a pH optimum around pH 6.3. This higher optimum with the crude extract may be more char- acteristic of the in _v_i_y_o_ situation. The apparent Km of 2.8 x 10"+ M for 3AP-glycerate phoSphatase was similar to that reported for most other leaf phoSphatases. There was no evidence for sigmoidal or multiple enzyme kinetics. The enzyme was most active at 42° which is low compared to the optimal temperature of P-glycolate phOSphatase at 70°. The effect of ionic strength on the enzymatic reaction was negligible up to about 0.5 M. The Specificity of the enzyme was not absolute, but it has been designated as 3eP-glycerate phoSphatase because the rate of hydrolysis of BAP-glycerate was greater than for all other substrates examined. BaGlycerol phoSphate, a typical physiological substrate used for phoSphatases, was hydrolyzed at 1/8 the rate of 3eP-glycerate. PEP was the only physiological substrate which was hydrolyzed at a rate greater than 501 the rate for 34P-glycerate. The use of 'p-nitrophenylphosphate (hydrolyzed at 66% of 3aP-glycerate rate) as a substrate for phoSphatases is considered to be of little value to understanding their characteristics. 180 3AP~Glyoerate is unlike the typical non-Specific acid phos- phatase in.p1ants (99. 112) or‘§.,ggli (148), which hydro- lyze most carbohydrate esters at about equal rates and at lower rates than for the nonpphysiological substrate, Ip-nitrophenylphoSphate. The plant acid phOSphatases dis- cussed in the Literature Review usually had a preference for hydrolyzing either 3'- or 5'-nucleotides. 3AP-Glycerate phoSphatase however did not rapidly hydrolyze either 3'- or 5'-nucleotides nor did it show much preference for either. The terminal pyrophoSphatase activity of the phoSphatase was about 1/3 or less of that for 3éP-glycerate. ATP hydrolysis at 37% of the rate BAP-glycerate was 4-fold greater than the hydrolysis of pyrophoSphate. The enzyme was inactive towards polyphoSphates and it did not have an appreciable activity for converting NAIP(H) to NAD(H). The diesterase activity, as measured by bisgp-nitrOphenylphos- phate, was zero. however RNA or me were not tried as sub- strates. The 3éP-g1ycerate phoSphatase was not able to hydrolyze the CAP bond of three phoSphonic acid derivatives. The Specificity of the enzyme showed no significant change after the second acetone fractionation. The greater than 3-fold increase in activity towards fructose-1,6-diphos- phate after the first acetone fractionation could be explained as a result of removing some inhibitor. However, the enzyme lost Specificity. but not total activity during aging, suggesting that some as yet unknown changewas occur- ring in the enzyme. This phenomenon could be due to some 181 unfolding or proteolytic action on the enzyme thereby caus— ing alterations in the properties of the substrate binding site. Some constituent of the enzyme preparation might also cause a conformational change in the enzyme which would open or "loosen" the active site. Since the Specific- ity at the various purification steps was not determined on a preparation made in a very short period of time, it is difficult to assess the changes in Specificity. Experiments with mixed substrates and with various amounts of P-esters indicated that the other phoSphophate esters, when present with 34P-glycerate, were slightly inhibitory with regard to total phoSphate released. The experiments using mixed substrates gave no indi- cation of mmre than one phoSphatase being present. The isoelectric focusing of the 0-200 Sephadex fraction and the most pure enzyme resulted in only one phoSphatase peak. The Lineweaver-Burk plots indicated that only one enzyme was present. These facts in addition, to the lack of change in the relative Specificity during the latter stages of purification. support the conclusion that one phoSphatase was present. It was not possible to demonstrate any cation require- ment by the enzyme. Nine cation complexing reagents did not significantly reduce the activity of 3AP-glycerate phoSpha- tase. In fact, there was a Slight tendency for activity to increase with these substances. The addition of various cations did not stimulate or increase the phoSphatase activity. 182 Most divalent cations were inhibitory. eSpecially'an+, SnI+, cu++. and 006+. Inhibition by Zn.'"+ has been used as a char- acteristic feature of this particular phoSphatase, when com- paring it to P-glycolate phoSphatase or alkaline phoSphatase which are most active with Zn”. The salts of Pb” and Hg“ were typically inhibitory. The monovalent cations had no effect and no anion effects were detected. With reapect to divalent cations, BAP-glycerate phoSphatase is probably more like the typical acid phoSphatases of‘g..ggl; and yeast, which do not require cations for activity. It does pose an interesting mechanistic question why two phoSphatases, such as 3éP-glycerate phoSphatase and.P-glycolate phoSphatase (requiring a divalent cation). each Specifically hydrolyzing closely related substrates, can be so different. The 34P-glycerate phoSphatase was not greatly affected by alkylating agents. Only‘p-chloromercuribenzoate at 10'3 M gave as much.as 24% inhibition. The phOSphatase was typically inhibited by fluoride, L(+)tartrate and molyb- date. The tartrate inhibition was competitive. L(-)tar- trate and.meso-tartrate were not significantly inhibitory. It appears that L(+)tartrate inhibits those phoSphatases without cation requirements, perhaps suggesting some unique nature of the active site. In contrast to P-glycolate phos- phatase, cysteine and glutathione did not inhibit the 34P- glycerate phosphatase. The tricarboxylic acids were also slightly inhibitory. Inhibitors of glycolate metabolism were ineffective 183 on 34P-glycerate phoSphatase activity. The use of a-hydroxy- 2-pyridinemethanesulfonate.$3;y£yg usually results in an accumulation of glycolate by inhibiting glycolate oxidase. This compound caused an accumulation of glycerate in photo- synthesis experiments in sugarcane (74). However, our attempts to find a glycerate oxidase in sugarcane or corn leaves were negative. A number of analogs of BAP-glycerate were investigated in attempts to find an inhibitor of the enzyme which might be usable for physiological studies, but none were found. A number of metabolites of glycerate and BAP-glycerate in addition to the products of the photosynthetic Cu-pathway were not effectors of the phoSphatase. L—ASpartate at 10-3 M provided a 10% stimulation of the phoSphatase activity. PhoSphonic acid derivatives (Table IX) also produced a 10% stimulation at saturating substrate concentration. The reasons for the slight stimulation by L-aSpartate and the phoSphonic acids are not known. One would reasonable expect the phoSphonic acids to inhibit competitively. The stimula- tion by L-aSpartate might be indicative of some means of g 112 control since both 3-P-glycerate and L—aSpartate are major, initial products of Gag-fixation in Cg—plants. The kinetics of inhibition by glycidoléP were typical of competitive inhibition. but no phoSphate was released from glycidoléP. The enzyme was irreversibly inhibited by glycidolAP. .Alkylation of the active site by the glycidol or epoxide moiety must prevent the enzyme from completing 184 the hydrolysis, thus, this compound appears to bind at or near the active site. The inhibition and alkylation may indicate a similarity of enzymatic mechanism for the phos- phatase and for triose isomerase and enolase reactions which are also inhibited irreversibly by glycidoleP (135). wsical Properties 3AP-Glycerate phoSphatase is quite large. It was slightly retarded on.G-200 Sephadex with a 1.4 to 1 ratio of the elution volume to void volume. from which a molecular weight is estimated to be in the ISO-200.000 range. The sucrose density gradients with low ionic strength produced evidence of a range of active forms or aggregating forms. The system.was probably in a rapidly associating-dissociat- ing state, and the most prevalent form.was around 13 S or around 300,000 deltons. Increasing the ionic strength to 0.25 M with KCl resulted in only one form of the enzyme with a 8.0 S value or around the 160.000 molecular weight range. This latter value is in agreement with the estimate from the 6.200 Sephadex column. Whether or not the multiple aggregates or the associating-dissociating phenomenon is significant is difficult to predict at this time. The phenomenon could be due to low protein concentrations or some interferring protein that has not yet been removed. The tendency to aggregate may conceivably have physiological significance. lg;ygyg_aggregation could control the rate of hydrolysis of the substrate, although the enzyme in the 185 various forms was active. Some undetected factor may also be necessary for such a control mechanism. The diurnal variations in the enzyme (discussed below) could possibly be a manifestation of this aggregation phenomenon. one form predominating during the more active period for the enzyme. The effects of various metabolites on the aggregated forms has not been examined. The SUB-polyacrylamide electrophoresis experiment produced two polypeptide bands from the most pure enzyme preparation. The major band had an approximate molecular weight of 51,000 and the minor band was about 62,000. The molar ratio of the two bands was 4.3 to 1. If both of these were subunits, it is difficult to imagine a combination of these two units that would give a molecular weight in the 140-200.000 range. One polypeptide could be a contaminant. If this were the case, one would have a tendency to pick the 51,000 unit chain as the phOSphatase polypeptide. This would suggest an enzyme of 3 or u polypeptide chains. If the smaller peptide chain was the result of cleavage of a 10-11.000 molecular weight peptide from 62,000 pieces. one wonders at the incompleteness of the process. Non-identical 'subunits in a ratio of h to 1 or 3 to i is not impossible, but an odd number of subunits (h to 1) would be very unusual. The fact that the enzyme will not migrate on regular poly- acrylamide gel electrophoresis (5% gels) can be considered to support the idea that the enzyme is quite large (aggre- gated) at low ionic strength. In the three systems tried 186 there were no detectable protein bands on the gels. even though standards were easily detected. The lack of detect- able protein on the gels indicates that the BAP-glycerate phoSphatase preparation was probably quite pure but not necessarily homogeneous. This suggests that two small polypeptide bands in the SDS-polyacrylamide were from one enzyme or the contaminating protein was bound closely to the phosphatase. Eggsiological Considerations The results of the survey for the phoSphatases showed that the BAP-glycerate phosphatase was most active in Cu- plants but was also found in significant amounts in 03-plants. The rate of BAP-glycerate hydrolysis in C3-p1ants was 0.7 to 9 umoles per mg chlorophyll per minute as opposed to 002 fixation rates of 1 to h umoles 002 per mg chlorophyll per minute (16). Thus there is enough BAP-glycerate phosphatase even in C3-plants to hydrolyze most of 3-P-glycerate formed. In the 04-p1ants the enzyme is consistently 2- to 3-fold more active than the 03-plants and still as great as, or greater than the rate of photosynthesis. These facts support the idea that the BAP-glycerate phosphatase is closely involved in the photosynthate metabolism in 04-plants. The enzyme seems to be localized in the leaf tissue and is 20-fold more active there than in the stem and root. The very low levels of BAP-glycerate hydrolysis by extracts of stem.and roots can easily be attributed to acid phospha- tases of these tissues. Limiting the enzyme to leaf tissue 187 does not necessarily link the enzyme to photosynthesis. Therefore the specific location in the leaf may help deline- ate its function. As described in the Literature Review, sugarcane has two types of chloroplast containing cells, the mesophyll cells and parenchyma or bundle sheath cells. Appendix A presents the results of experiments that con- cluded that the BAP-glycerate phosphatase is mainly in the mesophyll cells as compared to the bundle sheath location for the P-glycolate phosphatase. The mesophyll cells con- tain the chloroplasts with enzymes unique to the Cu-pathway of 002 fixation (Table 1). Different lines of evidence were presented to indicate that the phosphatase was not in any particulate fraction from sugarcane leaves. Chloroplast isolation procedures specifically designed for sugarcane leaves were unsuccessful in localizing the 3-P-glycerate phosphatase with the.mesophyll chloroplasts. Other differ- ential centrifugation procedures in buffered, isotonic media failed to locate the enzyme with peroxisomes or any other subcellular body. These results contrast with those of Matile gtflgl. (149) who have presented evidence that there is considerable acid phosphatase in spheroscmes or dictyo- somes of higher plants. Non-aqueous density fractionation procedures located the BAP-glycerate phosphatase in the non-chloroplastic fractions of the leaf, in complete agreement with the acid phosphatase distribution in sugarcane leaf tissue report by Slack 3.? 21.. (#1). This does not necessarily mean that the 188 enzyme is not involved in the pathway of carbon metabolism during photosynthesis. There is increasing evidence (5#, 57, 150) that the flow of carbon between the chloroplasts of the mesophyll cells and chloroplasts of bundle sheath cells is very rapid and obligatory to the total photosyn- thetic process. PEP carboxylase is believed to be located in the peripheral reticulum of the mesophyll chloroplasts for easy access to the 002 and to facilitate the transport of oxaloacetate or malate to the bundle sheath chloroplasts. Triose isomerase and glyceraldehyde-P-dehydrogenase are in both types of chloroplasts. BAP-Glycerate, the product of the "transcarboxylation reaction," is distributed about evenly between the two chloroplast types. These facts all lend support to rapid movement of carbon compounds between the cells. A phosphatase could conceivably regulate the direction of carbon flow or create a concentration gradient of a particular compound in a metabolic sequence. Further evidence for the involvement of the BAP-glyc- erate phosphatase in photosynthesis or in related metabolism in eggplants is supported by its formation during the bio- genesis of the chloroplasts. The enzyme activity increased 10-fold on a fresh weight basis and h—fold on a protein basis after etiolated tissue was illuminated. Slack'gg‘g}. (151) reported very little change in acid phosphatase levels in etiolated corn and sorghum.leaf after exposure to light but the enzymes involved in photosynthesis increased h- to 12-fold. The increase in BAP-glycerate phosphatase activity 189 during greening of etiolated tissue is the same phenomenon as increases in P-glycolate phosphatase activity (76), which is found on or in the chloroplasts. The evidence supports a function for BAP-glycerate phoSphatase in the photosynthesis of Cu-plants. §peculations on the Function(s) The exact function of BAP-glycerate in leaves is not known. Since this phosphate ester is a primary product of photosynthetic C02 fixation and a key intermediate in glucose synthesis and photosynthate metabolism, numerous regulatory functions for the phosphatase can be invisioned. Regulation of the photosynthetic carbon pathways: Certainly any hydrolysis of 3-P-glycerate as it is formed during 002 fixation will curtail the rate of photosynthesis by slowing the regeneration of RuDP. BAP-Glycerate also could exert product inhibition on the RuDP carboxylase; thus, hydrolysis of BAP-glycerate in this case could epped- up photosynthesis. Whether the phosphatase functions for such regulation in 1.312 he not been tested. It is known that during short-term luCoz photosynthesis by many plants, considerable carboxyl-labeled glycerate is formed. Serine formation: P-Glycerate and glycerate are metabolic precursors for serine formation in plants. Aside from synthesis in the glycolate pathway, evidence supports the predominance of the nonpphosphorylated pathway of serine synthesis in green leaves. Serine, besides being an essen. tial amino acid, can be a precursor of glycine and C1 syn- 190 thesis. A major flow of carbon to the C1 pools must occur during plant growth. Regulation of starch synthesis: 3-P-Glycerate is an allosteric activator of Arr-glucose pyrophosphorylase (152) which forms the substrate the starch synthetase. Regulation of the pool size of BAP-glycerate should have a profound influence on the rate of starch formation. Carbon transport: BAP-Glycerate phosphatase may function as part of a transport mechanism for photosynthate between the two different cell types in leaves of Cu-plants such as sugarcane. Several additional factors must be considered for such a function. (1) BAP-Glycerate phosphatase is generally more active in Cu-plants than in C3-plants. (2) BAP-Glycerate phosphatase and glycerate kinase in Cu-plants are primarily located in the meso- phyll cells, along with the enzymes for the Cu- pathway of C02 assimilations (Table 1). (3) According to Andrews (5“) the "transcarboxylation" reaction and BAP-glycerate should be formed in the bundle sheath chloroplasts where there is inadequate reducing power. (#).At least half of the BAP-glycerate produced by "transcarboxylation" in Cupplants is found in the mesophyll cells along with about half of the NAIF -glyceraldehyde-P -dehydrogenase and triose isomerase (#1). 191 The BAP-glycerate could be moving to the mesophyll cell and/or chlorOplast for further reductions or metabolism to regenerate the primary C02 acceptor (PEP) for the Cu- pathway. With.regard to this, I would like to postulate that BAP-glycerate phosphatase may be a part of a permease or transport system to move carbohydrate from the bundle sheath cells into the mesophyll cells or mesophyll chloro- plasts. This scheme is represented in Figure 33 in combin- ation.with.part of the data from Hatch and Slack (16) con- cerning the two photosynthetic pathways in different types of cells. BAP-Glycerate phosphatase would be part of a facilitative diffusion process by hydrolyzing BAP-glycerate thereby creating a natural diffusion gradient for carbon flow towards the mesophyll cells and chloroplasts. The concentration of BAP-glycerate, an inhibitor of RuDP car- boxylate, would be kept low in the bundle sheath preventing inhibition of the carboxylase, and the carbon would be moved to the location of adequate reducing power in the meso- phyll cells. If the mesophyll chloroplasts are more permeable to glycerate than 3éP-glycerate, the phosphatases would be facilitating transport into the chloroplast as well as the cell. Glycerate in the mesophyll chloroplast would be phosphorylated by the glycerate kinase located in the chloroplast and then reduced and isomerized to DEAF. The IEMP would then be available for conversion to the other intermediates of the Cuppathway. Hatch and Black (16) have 192 Figure 33. Proposed Intercellular Hove-ent of New Fixed Carbon Between Bundle Sheath and Heeophyll Cel HESOPHYLL CELLS BUNDLE BREATH CEIlS C02 II II 0AA = Malate iii ; Malate NADP*< \ H II II AMP ATP n NADPH PEP (—>—<—— Pyruvate ‘4 yr Pyruvate H ’\ PP P i l H \ H [002] ll RuDP II \ ATP P1 :1 I‘ ., ADP l 3-P-Glycerate {-4- Glycerate 3-P-Glycerate \— ATP II AT? H 3-P-Glycerate H AIP ll ATP H II ADP 1.3-d1-P-Glycerate H H NAIPH ll 1 ,3-d i-P -Glycerate ‘ ll < ‘ j w ~ C C H \L > j H 3‘Pfilyceraldeh 4* \ [J yde (—-> DHAP .r I DHAP 3-P-Glyceraldehyde H V H C6-P CS-P ll :: A3 \> .... .7... /’ I I . Sucrose Starch 193 suggested on the basis of other data that DHAP could be a major transport form of carbon from the mesophyll cells to the bundle sheath cells. Substitute forgglycolate pathggy ingperoxisomes: DeDuve (153) has emphasized that peroxisomes occur in tissue capable of gluconeogenesis, though how the particle functions in this manner is not known. BAP-Glycerate phosphatase in the Cueplants could be a substitute for a gluconeogenic function of the glycolate pathway or plant peroxisomes. Glycerate is the major product of the glycolate pathway in leaf peroxisomes and the glycerate is subsequently converted to sucrose. Through the action of the BAP-glycerate phos- phatase, photosynthate can be converted directly to glycer- ate. In effect the phosphatase has bypassed the glycolate pathway and the loss of 251 of the carbon as 002 via peroxi- somal.respiration and the hydrolysis of an extra phosphate ester, since two P-glycclate molecules must be hydrolyzed to make one glycerate. If glycolate metabolism or peroxisomal metabolism.is essential for photosynthesis and polysaccharide formation in C3-plants, then BAP-glycerate phosphatase could be serving this same essential function in a more efficient manner for Cir-plants. The reciprical relationship between 34P-glycerate and P-glycclate phosphatases in the soybean varieties also would support BAP-glycerate phosphatase as a substitute for the glycolate pathway as a glycerate forming system. The total possible glycerate formation by both systems is about the same among the 15 soybean varieties. 19# Diurnal Variations in Activity The diurnal variations of the phosphatase activity may also be reconciled with an enzyme involved in photosyn- thesis. Phosphatase activity increased 50% in the latter part of the daylight when the photosynthetic activity has decreased. Even at the periods of lowest BAP-glycerate activity, this activity was as high as the PEP-carboxylase activity reported by Ratch.and Slack (16). The 50% increase in the phoSphatase activity late in the afternoon could be indicative of its role in regulating the metabolic fate of photosynthetic carbon pools. There are several possible implications of the diurnal variation in the 3-P-glycerate phosphatase activity. During the waning hours of daylight the plant could be recalling carbon from storage (i.e. assimilatory starch) for further metabolism.for maintenance, growth and additional tranSport. The assimilatory starch is mainly located in the bundle sheath chloroplasts and when the carbon from this starch is reassimilated into the metabolism of Cu-plants, the soluble phosphatase could be instrumental in creating a gradient for BAP-glycerate flow from the bundle sheath cells to the meso- phyll cells. This flow of BAP-glycerate out of the bundle sheath chloroplasts would also reduce the concentration of BAP-glycerate and in turn starch formation should be our- tained. The mesophyll cells must also have a large portion of the enzymes for further metabolism of the carbon from starch, to such metabolites as pyruvate or acetyl 00A for 195 the Krebs cycle and lipid synthesis. Glycerate is also the major product of the glycolate pathway and assuming that there is significant metabolism through this pathway in Cupplants, the condition favoring glycolate biosynthesis decrease in the later part of the day. Thus it is reasonable that the need for glycerate formation could be covered by increased hydrolysis of 34P- glycerate. Since the glycerate from the glycolate pathway is probably metabolized to sucrose (73), the increased phosphatase action late in the day would also permit sucrose formation and continue the drain of carbon out of the photo- synthetic fixation cycles. Photosygthetic Efficiency Photosynthesis is obviously a major determinant of crop yield. Crop species with the highest rates of photo- synthesis (sugarcane, sorghum) are also the highest yield— ing species. Photorespiration or peroxisomal respiration (82), which does not appear to be coupled to any energy conserving mechanism, reduces the net photosynthetic effi- ciency of a plant. Consequently the efforts of investiga- tors attempting to use C02 fixation rates as an index of yield potential are often inaccurate. P-Glycolate phospha- tase provides the substrate for photorespiraticn and there- fore has the potential of being the limiting enzyme. Glycolate oxidase, as shown by Curtis _e_t 2;. (1&7), is probably not a limiting enzyme in photorespiraticn. 196 The results of our survey for the two phoSphatases in various plants appeared sufficient to support conclusions that these two enzymes could be indicative of photosynthetic efficiency. 34P-Glycerate phosphatase appears to be more important to the metabolism of the photosynthate of Ch‘ plants than 03-plants. It is reasonable to believe that the two phosphatases are reciprocally related in function in the two types of plants. The BAP-glycerate phOSphatase could be considered a marker for the more efficient photo- synthesizing plants or plants having lower levels of C02- photorespiration. These conclusions coupled with the evi- dence that BAP-glycerate phosphatase action may substitute for the glycolate pathway were the basis for experiments with the soybean varieties. Soybeans have high levels of activity for both phosphatases. The soybean plant is a typical C3-plant with photo- respiraticn which supposedly makes it less efficient. The hypothesis was that BAP-glycerate phosphatase would be a marker for more efficient soybean plants. The relative activities of the phosphatases might provide a biochemically based index for yield potential of a plant in early stages of varietal development by the plant breeder. The results of investigations on the 15 soybean varieties were the opposite to those predicted. With increasing photosynthetic rates the level of P-glycolate phosphatase activity increased and 3AP-glycerate activity decreased. Hopefully, this correlation may yet provide a 197 biochemical index for photosynthetic potential. Efforts to substantiate the correlation are hampered by lack of fully established functions for both glycolate metabolism and the 34P-glycerate phosphatase. The results of this soybean varietal experiment are inconclusive by itself but it does provide a basis for fur- ther experiments such as similar assays for the peroxisomal enzymes. The relative levels of the phosphatases may pro- vide a rapid enzymatic assay for determining relative photosynthetic or growth efficiency. Dr. W: L. Ogren at the University of Illinois is pursuing this idea, and from other physiological variations he thinks there is a positive cor- relation between growth and amount of peroxisomal activity (personal communication). The function of P-glycolate hydrolysis (glycolate pathway) versus 3eP-glycerate hydrol- ysis and the differences in subsequent metabolism are confus— ing. But if the differences in metabolism that result can be linked to grain output or composition, an additional method can be added to the means of evaluating new varieties. There is precedent for linking enzyme levels with grain out- put. Bageman 33 §_]_.. (154) have found that the level of nitrate reductase in the wheat leaves is positively corre- lated with protein levels in the grain of the wheat. Discussion of the Particulate géP-Glycerate Phosphatase Investigation of the particulate or starch grain 34P- glycerate phosphatase is being continued. The biochemical 198 properties determined to date are essentially identical to those of the soluble sugarcane BAP-glycerate phosphatase. The known.properties of the particle itself are limited. The particle is probably polysaccharide in nature in that its density is greater than 2.3 M sucrose and because 8- amylase released reducing sugars concomitant with the release of the enzyme. The binding of the enzyme is likely to be ionic, since the high ionic strength solubilized it. But the high ionic strength also could possibly be instru- mental in.p1asmalyzing some closed membrane system. Either possibility could be reconcilable with the fact that the enzyme can also be solubilized by extended sonification. The question still to be answered is whether or not the particulate form of the enzyme is of physiological origin or an artifact of isolation such as non-specific binding. If the particulate form of the enzyme is of _i_n 133.9. origin. its possible function(s) is highly speculative. A possible function of the particulate 3eP-glycerate phosphatase is an involvement with the regulation of starch synthesis or degradation. Such a function is based upon reports that the control of the biosynthesis of assimilatory starch in spinach leaves is mediated by BéP-glycerate (152). Arr-Glucose pyrophosphorylase, the enzyme which makes the substrate for the starch synthetase. is an allosteric enzyme activated 50-fold by 2 x 10-5 M BAP-glycerate (152). The BAP-glycerate concentration thus becomes the fine control on starch synthesis. If the concentration drops due to 199 curtailment of photosynthesis which provides the 3-P-g1ycer- ate and ATP. starch synthesis stops and will not begin until the pools of the intermediates of the carbon reduction cycle are full. Hydrolysis of 34P-glycerate by the phosphatase would lower the concentration of BAP-glycerate, inactivate the synthetase and provide P1 for a phosphorylase degradation of starch. Inorganic phosphate also inhibits the ALP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (152). The effect of BAP-glycerate on starch.phosphorylase is not known. Whether or not the par- ticulate BAP-glycerate phosphatase does function in this manner to control starch formation and degradation is admittedly Speculative at this time. For plants there is lack of knowledge with regard to regulatory mechanisms and intermediates such as cyclic AMP. Key phosphate esters such as BAP-glycerate and specific phosphatase and kinase sys- tems could possibly be a manifestation of the plant's regu- latory requirements. Best success in isolating the starch-like particles with phosphatase activity was obtained with stored spinach leaves in which starch.rich.particles should have been depleted. Normally destarching of leaves is accomplished by 3 days of darkness. Little is known about any residual particle with primer starch and the necessary enzymes for starch synthesis. As isolated from old stored leaves the particle carrying the phosphatase could be the primer or limit dextrin of the starch grain or the membrane surround— ing the starch grain or both. Regulation of the phosphatase 200 may involve the physical properties of particle, and perhaps the enzyme is inactive‘in vivo in either the bound or soluble form. SUMMARY 3-PaGlycerate phosphatase from sugarcane leaves was isolated and purified 2530-fold. The purity of the enzyme is uncertain, but no protein bands could be detected using three different sets of electrophoresis conditions. The enzyme stoichiometrically hydrolyzes D-3eP-glycerate to Ibglycerate and inorganic phOSphate. The enzyme was not absolutely specific, but it was at least 2—fold more active with.34P-glycerate than most other substrates. PEP was hydrolyzed at 0.66 of the rate of BAP-glycerate. Optimal enzymatic activity was between pH 5.7 and 6.0. The enzyme required no divalent cations or other detectable cofactors nor was it inhibited by EDTA. The apparent Michaelis COD! stant for 3éP-glycerate was 0.28 mM. The purified phospha- tase had an isoelectric point at about pH 6.8 and did not electrophorese in 3 different buffering systems and pH'S. The enzyme was stable at -18° or 4° indefinitely, and at room temperature for brief periods. Over 50% of the enzyme was inactivated by incubation at 50° for 3 minutes. The 3eP-glycerate phosphatase was inhibited by typical phosphatase inhibitors, L(+)tartrate, molybdate and fluoride.. GlycidoleP inhibited the enzyme irreversibly without concomitant release of inorganic phosphate. Three phosphonic acid derivatives, phosphonoacetate, 2-amino 201 202 phosphonoacetate and 2-amino-3-phosphonopropionate were not hydrolyzed by the enzyme but stimulated (10$) the enzymatic activity with substrate at saturating concentrations. LnAspartate stimulated the phosphatase to a similar degree as the phosphonic acids. The enzyme showed an.aggregation phenomenon on sucrose density gradients of low ionic strength. On high ionic strength sucrose gradients, the enzyme centrifuged in one form at approximately 8.0 S, with an estimated molecular weight in.the 160.000 unit range. SDBAPolyacrylamide elec- trophoresis yielded a major band at 52.000 molecular weight units and a minor band at 62,000. The molar ratio of the two bands was 3.6 to 1. The enzyme is located in the leaf tissue of sugarcane. [Afferent lines of evidence localized the sugarcane 3-P- glycerate phosphatase in the cytoplasm of the mesophyll cells and there was no evidence of the sugarcane enzyme being par- ticulate. The enZyme activity increased at least a fold on a protein basis and 10 fold on.a chlorophyll basis during the greening of etiolated tissue. On sunny days the enzyme activity displayed a diurnal variation with at least a 50% increase in activity during the late daylight hours and early darkness. The BAP-glycerate phosphatase was generally more active in plants with the Cu-pathway of C02 assimilation but the activity in C3-plants was enough to account for any glycerate formed. P-Glycolate phosphatase was generally 203 most active in plants with the C3-pathway of 002 assimilation but significant and sufficient activity was found in Cu-plants to account for any glycolate formed. The levels of the activities of P-glycolate phosphatase and 3éP-glycerate phos- phatase were correlated positively and negatively respectively to the rates of 002 fixation in 15 varieties of soybeans (Glzgine'geg. L. Merrill). These phosphatases may be used as indices of photosynthetic potential. A particulate or starch grain 3-P-glycerate phospha- tase from.spinach leaves was discovered and partially char- acterized. The enzyme was pelleted through the 2.3 M or 2.5 M sucrose layer of discontinuous sucrose gradients used for preparation of peroxisomes. Because of its density, a positive reaction of the material to KI-Ig reagents and the release of the phosphatase and reducing sugar by B-amylase, the pellet and particles to which the enzyme was bound were tentatively termed the starch pellet and starch particles. The biochemical characteristics of the particulate 34P-glycerate phosphatase were similar to the soluble enzyme from sugarcane leaves. Optimal activity was around pH 5.8 and it required no divalent cations or other cofac- tors. The enzyme exhibited normal hyperbolic kinetic plots with an apparent Michaelis constant of 9 x 10"“ M for 3-P- glycerate. The phosphatase was not absolutely specific but hydrolyzed BAP-glycerate about 1.5 times faster than the other physiological substrates. The particulate phosphatase was enriched #6-fold over the crude spinach extracts. 20h Solubilization of the starch particle 3eP-glycerate phosphatase was possible by extended sonification treatment, 0.35 M MgClz or incubation with B-amylase. Passage through a French pressure cell. homogenization in a.Potter—Elvjehm. repeated freezing and thawing, changing the pH and extended hydrolysis were ineffective inreleasing the enzyme from the particles. The solubilized BAP-glycerate phosphatase from the starch particles was partially purified by acetone and (NH4)2304 fractionation. 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Crabgrass Digitana sanquinalus -..- Burmuda Cmodogrgactzlon (L.) --- Bluegrass 1192 cogpressa L. --- Bent Grass Aggostis tenuis --- 216 Plant Merion bluegrass White oak Red maple Mountain ash Cottonwood American elm Red spruce 217 Poa pratenis Querus alba L. 522; rubrum L. Sorbus americana marsh Pcpulus‘ggl toides marsh 211mg americana L. Picea rubens saxy Variety