STUDIES ON THE GENUS COENOGONIUM EHREHBERG Them for Hm Dogma 0? pk. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Flordeliz R. Uyenco 1963 THESIS This is to certify that the thesis entitled STUDIES ON THE GENUS COENOGONIUM EHRENBERG presented by Flordeliz R. Uyenco has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for M degree in % (fir-’5‘? fli 19,44 {’21.}, V “L 4 Major professor V Date 6 me (44} 0-169 LIBRARY Michigan State University ABSTRACT STUDIES ON THE GENUS COENOGONIUM EHRENBERG by Flordeliz R. Uyenco The present work is primarily a study of the morphology and taxonomy of the lichen genus Coenogonium Ehrenberg. This study was undertaken for the purposes of establishing the taxonomic bases on which this genus is placed and the characters by which the species of Coenogonium are separated. It was hoped that a detailed study of a homoiomerous lichen genus where the algal symbiont is more conspicuous than the mycobiont would contribute to the solution of the nomenclatural problems recently raised by taxonomists as to whether lichen names belong to the lichen thalli or to the fungal components. Algal characters such as, the shape and sizes of the cells and the shape of the thallus, have been used in the past to identify the species of Coenogonium. This study was made to determine the value of these characters in the taxonomy of the genus. The specificity requirements of the fungus are established in the study: i.e.. whether the different fungal species are obligately symbiotic with one Flordeliz R. Uyenco algal species, or whether the lichen fungi may have different species of algal symbionts. The disposition of partially lichenized algae and of sterile thalli are also discussed and the role of the lichen fungi in determining the types of thalli is demonstrated. This investigation is based upon a large number of herbarium specimens obtained from different herbaria in the United States, and on fresh material collected in Florida and Panama. The value of cultural work to supplement the classical taxonomic methods is considered in order to establish the role of the phycobionts in the taxonomy of the genus and to determine which species of Trentepohlia grow in symbiosis with the fungus. In this study of the genus Coenogonium, most of the emphasis has been placed on the lichen fungus morphology; i.e., the structure of the apothecia and of the spores. A historical review of the taxonomical, morphological and physiological studies was made and information has been added to these from personal observations. The ecology and distribution of the genus Coenogonium are presented along with a distribution map of the species. Keys to the species of the algal symbionts and of the lichen genus Coenogonium have been written, the latter Flordeliz R. Uyenco based on some characters not previously considered by any author. Six species of Trentepohlia and one species of Physolinum are included in the key. Of the original forty- eight species referred to as Coenogonium by earlier authors, eighteen Species have been recommended for transfer to the genus Trentepohlia as valid algal species or as synonyms; four species are considered as belonging to the Fungi Imperfecti and two species are treated as synonyms of Coenogonium Linkii. Eight species are considered doubtful: fifteen species are recognized and accepted as valid and a key has been made for these. One species is rejected as having been based on two discordant elements. Eleven plates containing forty—five figures, five tables and eight maps supplement the written text. STUDIES ON THE GENUS COENOGONIUM.EHRENBERG BY \(rn (o- Flordeliz RT Uyenco A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Botany and Plant Pathology ‘ 1963 g5 3951‘s 2 wag-ai- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS It is my privilege here to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude for the valuable assistance and criticisms offered by Dr. Henry A. Imshaug under whose guidance this work was carried out. It is equally a great pleasure to thank him for the use of his library and lichen collections from the West Indies. I also wish to thank the members of the Guidance Committee for their interest and cooperation during the progress of this work and for taking the time and trouble to concern themselves with the present problem. I am especially indebted to the Agency for Inter- national Development, U. S. Department of State, under whose training program this investigation was financed and carried out. Grateful appreciations are extended to the Botany Department, University of Florida and to Miss Carol C. Beck, Botanist of the Highlands Hammock State Park, Florida, for providing me their valuable assistance and facilities during my collections trips in those areas. ii I extend my special thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. Craighead who unselfishly gave much of their time to accompany me to the hammocks of the Everglades National Park, Florida. Sincere thanks are due Mr. I. Brodo, Mr. D. Jackson, Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Michigan State University, and Miss Anita Alejo for their assistance in the preparation of the photographs and illustrations included in this paper. Lastly, it is my most important wish to acknowledge the generosity of the curators and directors of the numerous herbaria and libraries who have cooperated with us in supply- ing their materials and important reference books without which it would have been impossible to fulfill and_realize the objectives of this work. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Study Historical Review THE LICHEN THALLUS Morphology of the Thallus Lichen Substances Ecology Distribution THE ALGAE The Lichenized Algae The Algae in Culture .Materials and Methods Observations Results Discussion' Conclusions Taxonomy History Morphology of the Phycobionts Key to Species Systematic List Trentepohlia Trentepohlia Trentepohlia Trentepohlia Trentepohlia Trentepohlia abietina arborum aurea elongata odorata umbrina iv Page H 15 15 17 20 26 34 34 35 38 41 45 45 57 57 57 62 69 71 71 72 74 77 78 79 THE FUNGUS Morphology Thallus Apothecia Pycnidia Taxonomy DISCUSSION SUMMARY General Lichenized Hypomycetes Non-Lichenized Trentepohlia Partially—Lichenized Trentepohlia Lichenized Coenogonium Key to Recognized Species Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium Coenogonium BIBLIOGRAPHY . MAPS PLATES acrocephalum botryosum complexum curvulum disjunctum implexum interplexum interpositum Leprieurii Linkii moniliforme ornatum pannosum tomentosum velutinum Page 82 82 82 83 93 96 96 99 100 101 103 107 110 111 112 113 114 116 118 121 124 132 138 141 142 143 144 146 153 155 170 177 Table LIST OF TABLES Page Distribution of Coenogonium species in the different geographical areas . . . . . . . 32 Summary of phycobiont-mycobiont associations . 46 Comparison of cell sizes in lichenized and non—lichenized phycobionts arranged according to algal species . . . . . . . . 48 Comparison of cell sizes in lichenized and nonélichenized phycobionts arranged according to fungal species . . . . . . . . 50 Data of collections from Florida and Panama . . 55 vi INTRODUCTION Purpose of the Study This study was made for the purpose of establishing the characters by which Coenogonium species should be determined. In the past, workers have used the characters of both the alga and the thallus for the determination of the lichen-fungus. It was hoped that a detailed study of a lichen- fungus where the alga assumed a major role in lichen morphology would contribute to the solution of the nomenclatural problems recently raised by taxonomists as to whether lichen names should belong to the lichen thalli or continue to belong only to the fungal components. Since the form of the thallus is mainly that of the alga itself, it was also the objective of this investi- gation to determine whether the different fungal species are symbiotic with only one definite algal species, or whether these lichen-fungi may form lichen thalli with various species. The species of Coenogonium have been distinguished in large part on the shape and size of the algal cells. It is possible, however, that the "species" named in such a manner may actually include different lichen—fungi, especially since many lichens were described in their sterile forms. It was further necessary to demonstrate whether the fungus determines the shape of the thallus or if different species of algae form different thalli. The extent of the lichenization of the species of algae as well as environmental conditions were studied to determine their role in the different external forms of the lichen thallus. Only if the thallus characters were determined by the fungus could they be used in identification. In addition to the basic questions concerning the nature of the species in Coenogonium, it was hoped that a workable key to the species of this genus could be prepared. Therefore. descriptions and illustrations of all the species examined were prepared. Historical Review The genus Coenogonium was founded by Ehrenberg in 1820 with the single species 9, Linkii which was collected from the bark of trees at Santa-Catharina Island off the coast of Brazil. Ehrenberg observed in the apothecia of this genus the same structures found in the fructifications of Peziza and other fungi: that is, the surface of the apothecium is formed by elongated capsules that are stalked and con- taining spores which are not bare, contrary to what Acharius (1798) had supposed. Ehrenberg further observed in this genus the same organization found in the other lichens. Coenogonium has been shifted in the Plant Kingdom from one group to another, and variously classified by systematists as alga, fungus or lichen. A study of the original descriptions of the forty-eight species belonging to this genus mention Chroolepus as the gonidial (algal) symbiont. Early authors described the thallus as consisting of confervoid or cylindrical cells with yellowish-green contents surrounded by colorless slender threads. Wainio (1890) mentioned Trentepohlia species as constituting part of the thallus of Coenogonium. Much of the early investigations on the genus Coenogonium involved principally the system of classification, treating the algal and fungal symbionts as of equal taxonomic importance. The genus was placed in a confervoid algae by Agardh in 1824, a classification which was considered erroneous by Fée (1824) on account of the organization of the thallus, it being composed of cylindric fibers and attaching itself on the substratum by its side, in a manner of certain fungi. Fee, (op. cit.) after studying the asci, proposed that the Family Corniculariae, previously used by Fries (1825), include the genus Coenogonium. Fries (op. cit.) assigned the genus Coenogonium to the Tribe Coenogoneae and the related genera Collema, Leptogium and Lichina to the Tribe Collemaceae and assembled the whole group under the Family Byssacées. His classification based on the fungus characters of these lichens greatly influenced nearly all subsequent lichen systematists, the first of whom was Endlicher (1836) who included the genus Coenogonium in the Tribe Collemaceae established by Fries, disregarding the Tribe Coenogoneae to which the genus originally belonged. Endlicher then grouped the other genera in his new Tribe Lecidineae. Montagne (1846) considered Coenogonium as a degenerate lichen and therefore an anomalous genus and included it in the Family Byssacées designated by Fries to unite closely the lichens and the algae. Montagne, however, believed that the Family Byssacées emphasized the characters of the fungus too much and suggested that the Subfamily Collémacées be established to define the lichen properties of these plants more clearly. Montagne was the first to separate the plants whose ascocarps are open at maturity from those whose ascocarps remain closed and established the Orders Gymnocarpes.and Angiocarpes to apply to these plants respectively. He extended his analysis of Fries' classification system by reorganizing the genera under the Family Byssacées into three tribes; namely, Collémacées, Cénogoniées and Lichinées. Montagne assigned the genera Collema, Leptggium, Stephanophorus_ and Omphalaria to the Tribe Collémacées: the genera Coenogonium, Cilicia, Ephebe and Thermutis to the Tribe Cénogoniées; and the genera Lichina and Paulia to the Tribe Lichinées. Payer (1850) adopted Fries' classification in part, and included the Tribes Collemaceae and Coenogonieae under the Family Lichens next to the Family Pezizes. The lecidioid characteristic of the apothecium of the genus Coenogonium led Nylander (1858, 1862) to believe in the close relationship between this plant and the Lichineos and, following Payeris scheme, placed the genus in the Tribe Lecideinei under the Series Placodei of the Family Lichenacei. Nylander's classification system and the studies of Schwendener (1860) on the nature of lichens had important consequences on the taxonomy of the lichens. De Bary (1866) considered Montagne's classification as a concentration of these plants in the fungi stressing the significance of the lichen characters that the genus Coenogonium possessed. Thwaites published in 1849 a new genus of minute plants which he called Cystocoleus, to contain a form of Byssus nigra Huds., also called Chroolepus ebeneus. He described the thallus as growing by means of apical growth and consisting of rows -H E 13 O m A H -H .c ,m u u to -a m -H N o m c c m m o s o :x m m a x c .4 m .4 s m o H Pi H o -H 1a) o s o o o o H o o s H m «n a. .4 2+: 6 o :1: z cum on o m n a. a. acrocephalum : E j i0 I i . botryosum : X: 3 i complexum X E X; X~ 0i 3 X : ,‘ . j .' curvulum g j g i disjunctum X X 3X XI X. E implexum X Xi X ; ~ ' X x; f j q I . interplexum X; X. X X X: X 0? X ': g 1 -. interpositum ‘ XS 0 ; X F X; , 3 _ I i ' Leprieurii ! X Xix X X g X x; 0 ! Linkii x; X x 5x x i x xix x? i T l 1 I ‘ ‘n moniliforme X} i X , - 3X5 ornatum : f i j X 5x: I. , 1 :' pannosum ’ ' g E O ' « ? ~ 1 E tomentosum '! ' i 1 I ', t] _, velutinum j 1 - 1 4;#i - X 1 3 Total No. ‘1 5: 3. 1 1; 5 3 2; 8 4 3 5 1 1 4’ J - ‘ i j; . f 4 t v__ of Spec1es ll 22 21 examined 33 moaum< 6mm: pamamwN 3oz w MHHmHuwsfi mmcflsmflanem m>mb COHhmo l mango owsuom 1 sausages OUHm ouuosm moamfimb Huflmm X X omsoamomsw 1; 5' 8 9; 2 1 momsouw l UflHQDQom CMUHQHEOQ mflso mmEmnmm maosnoso> 3i 4g4 4 Emcflusm snow X X X X X X X 2 38 THE ALGAE Trentepohlia occurs in all the species of Coenogonium so far reported except in g, moniliforme where the algal symbiont is Physolinum monil§g(de Wildem.) Printz. The Lichenized Algae The following descriptions refer to the lichenized algae found in the lichen thallus. Trentepohlia: The filaments are generally 14-36 H in diameter with the main axis usually larger than the branches. They are septate and sometimes constricted at the septa. The cells are uniformly cylindrical or barrel-shaped and 1-3 times as long as wide. In some species of Coenogonium, the algal filaments are fasciculate—conglutinate in arrange- ment and the threads are held together by very short funiculi. Branching is less common with lichenized filaments as com- pared to free—living plants whose branches may be dichotomous, one—sided or more commonly, at right angles to the main filaments. The apical cells of Trentopohlia appear to be somewhat longer than the other vegetative cells of the 34 35 filaments and are free from the fungal hyphae. Physolinum: The filaments are branched and consist of torulose or chain-like cells which are globose or elliptic. The globose cells measure about 18 u in diameter while the elliptic cells are 10—15 x 22-32 H in size. The Algae in Culture Since it is not possible to identify the Species of Trentopohlia from the lichenized filaments, it was necessary to study the algae in culture. The culture studies were also designed to: (a) provide a solution to the problem of whether each fungal species is symbiotic with only one algal species; (b) understand the range of morphological variation; and, (c) demonstrate indirectly the influence, if any, of the fungus component on the alga in the symbiotic relationship. Although it was not possible to obtain in culture the algal symbionts of all the reported species of Coenogonium, the knowledge and experience gained from the limited culture study were useful in evaluating the importance of the algae for the identification of the species of Coenogonium, particularly in the case of sterile material that was named by earlier authors solely on the basis of the vegetative 36 morphology of the algal symbiont and the lichen thallus. It is obvious thatplants grow differently in culture media, but it is necessary that one should determine the characteristics which are least variable in relation to the environmental conditions and how these characters behave under laboratory conditions. Trentepohlia has been reported by Collins (1928) to be a very variable genus. Hansgirg (1888) described the extreme variability of this alga in culture and claimed that polymorphism is commOn in Trentepohlia. It is possible that the external environment is partly responsible for the variations in the morphology of the alga in nature. Moreover, one cannot overlook the fact that an alga may exhibit more variable characters once it becomes overgrown with the fungus hyphae. Bornet (1873) gave an excellent description of the algal symbiont of Q. confervoides and illustrated its relation to the fungus constituent in detail. Glfick (1896) in his report on Q. germanicum, stated that the algal symbiont of this lichen is the green alga, Trentepohlia germanicum. Skuja (1933), however, believed that Glfick's description of the alga tallied very closely with that of Trentepohlia aurea. Another attempt at isolating and growing the algal 37 symbiont in Coenogonium has been that of Skuja on Q. niqrum (1933). This plant, which was found growing on bark of trees in Lettland, appeared as a black mass of felted filaments. Skuja cultured the filaments of the thallus in four types of media; namely, distilled water, tap water, Benecke nutrient solution and Benecke agar media. Parts of the bark of Picea, Betula and Corylus were introduced into the nutrient solution and Benecke agar medium before these were sterilized. Skuja observed the development of the alga and identified it as Trentepohlia umbrina. He found in his culture studies of the algal symbiont that differences exist in the vegetative growth of the algae in the four types of culture media. He noted that branches developed rapidly in the filaments of the plants grown in distilled water. Those cultured in tap water measured from 4 to 6 or 8 microns in width and from 14 to 37 microns in length. The end cells were 50 microns long. In the nutrient solution, the cells were 10 microns wide and were relatively shorter than the cells of the filaments grown in the previous two cultures. The filaments were greener, and the cells were longer in the agar culture, while the articulate cells (?) were thinner. The vegetative cells tended to become barrel— shaped in appearance in agar medium. The haematochrome 38 pigmentation was more distinct in the middle portions of the cells, while the light-green chromatophores concentrated at the peripheral part of the cells. The cells grown in agar medium were wider (up to 12 microns), rounder and had thicker cell walls which were layered. Skuja observed akinetes in the filaments, which led him to believe that the algal synbiont he had cultured was Trentepohlia umbrina. Karling (1934) made a similar study on the morphology of g. Linkii collected from Honduras. He cultured the filaments in Detmer's agar and observed the vegetative growth and reproduction of the Trentepohlia. Karling presented very good descriptions and illustrations of the structure and development of the globular zoosporangium (the only type he saw in his cultures), and the behavior of the zooSpores. The structure and morphology of the alga under the cultural con- ditions were, however, abnormal and Karling was unable to identify the particular Species. Materials and Methods Specimens of Coenogonium which have been recently collected from Panama by Dr. G. W. Prescott, Department of Botany, Michigan State University, and from Florida by the writer and by Dr. D. B. Ward, Department of Botany, University 39 of Florida, were used for culture studies in the present investigation. Pringsheim's soil—water biphasic system (1950) and Bristol's inorganic medium (modified) (Starr, 1960) were used for the purpose. Peat and loam soil were employed separately to determine which soil type would best support the normal growth of the alga. For the soil-water experiments, three sets of culture flasks were prepared: for the first set 72 grams of sandy loam soil were placed in the bottom of each of 250 m1. Erlenmeyer flasks, and then 100 ml. of Pyrex distilled water was added. The pH of the mixture was adjusted to 6.2, using NaHCO buffer solution. In another set, a small amount of 3 CaCO (about one-sixteenth of a teaspoon) was placed in the 3 bottom of the flasks before the soil and water were added. The pH was set at 7.5. In the third set of culture flasks, 72 grams of peat-soil were used, adding 100 ml. of the distilled water afterwards, setting the pH at 5.0. The flasks were then plugged with cotton and steamed for one hour on two consecutive days. The purpose of steaming the culture flasks was to kill the micro-organisms in the soil, such as protozoa, fungi and bacteria which might interfere with the growth of the algae. 40 Another type of culture medium, Bristol's inorganic medium with the following modified formula, was also tried. NaNO3 . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘. .. 10.0 g. Cac12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 g. MgSO4'7 H20 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 g. K2HP04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 g. KH2P04 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.0 9. NaCl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 g. Distilled water . . . . . . . . . . 940 m1. Soil—Water (steamed) . . . . . . . 10 m1. pH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.5 To this solution was added 12 grams of agar and subsequently autoclaved for twenty minutes at 15 pounds pressure. The medium was then poured on sterile petri dishes and allowed to solidify. Individual filaments from the thallus were picked by means of fine forceps and were washed carefully in distilled water, using capillary pipettes for the purpose. Equal amounts of the washed fragments were then introduced into the flasks containing the three types of culture solutions, .while the same amounts were plated by means of a sterile inoculating needle on Bristol’s inorganic medium. The flasks and plates containing the isolates were then 41 placed under continuous fluorescent light (approximately 350 foot candles). The cultures were kept in a lighted refriger- ator maintained at a constant temperature of 22°C. The flasks were placed at a distance of about five inches below the source of light. We Two days after the start of the experiments, the cultures were examined for vegetative growth and reproductive structures, if any. Cultures using peat-soil—water medium were filled with profuse growths of fungi, with very little growth of the algae. Therefore, this set of the cultures was subsequentlydfiscarded. The set of flasks containing a small amount of CaCO3 exhibited a good growth of the algae whilerx>appreciable change was noted in the third set of flasks which contained plain loam soil. It seemed evident, from these observations, that a slightly alkaline medium supported a good algal growth and, hence, this type of culture medium was utilized for the rest of the study. The algae were then washed and transferred into new culture flasks containing the small amount of CaCO3 and sandy loam soil and were kept at the same temperature and exposed to constant illumination. The pH was maintained at 7.5-8. 42 The algae were examined periodically to detect the presence of reproductive structures which were needed for the identification of the algae. It was noted that the basic medium inhibited the growth of the fungus While the vegetative growth of the algae progressed. Four days after the transfer of the algae to the fresh culture solutions, the fungus constituent appeared to loosen from the algal threads and disintegrate, leaving the alga to grow independently. The cell walls of the alga thus appeared clear and almost devoid of the surrounding hyphae when seen under the high—power objective of the compound microscope. At the same time, branching tended to become more free. This greater tendency to branch in all directions appears to be associated to a certain extent with the absence of the fungus hyphae around the cells. In the lichenized alga in nature, it has been Shown that the fungus develops strongly around new branches that are just beginning to form. Karling (1934) believed that the fungus mycelia inhibit the development of branches to a certain degree and thus produce the characteristic appearance of the algal filament in the lichen thallus. After a period of one week, round or ellipsoid reproductive structures were found attached either laterally 43 or terminally, to the cells of the filaments. These were either sessile on the vegetative cells or attached to special hooked stalk cells, singly or in a whorl. 'These structures were later determined to be either sporangia or gametangia. The algal filaments continued to produce new branches and the apical cells were much elongated. The cells assumed a brighter green color and the yellow and golden—red globules of haemato— chrome decreased perceptibly. Growth on the agar medium was not evident until seven days after inoculation, at which time the algal filaments started to Show vegetative growth by spreading out on the agar plate. The difference in the rate of growth of the algae in the two culture media may be partly due to the thickness of the agar which presumably hampered the rapid growth of the algal filaments. It was further observed that the characteristic greenish-brown color of the Trentepohlia filaments remained longer in the plants grown on agar medium than on those in the soil—water medium. By subjecting the cultures to alternate 16—hour light and 8-hour dark periods, the liberation of zoo- spores could be induced. Biflagellated zoospores and iso- gametes (in various stages of fusion) were observed in most of the cultures, both in the soil-water medium and in the 44 solid inorganic medium (Pl. 5, Figs. 3 and 4), although vegetative growth in the latter medium seemed to be slower. Reproductive structures and motile cells were observed almost simultaneously in both types of media four to seven days after the transfer of the algae from one culture medium to a fresh one. The cells producing the motile zoospores or gametes, as the case may be, were seen to be much larger and longer than the other cells in the filament. Drawings were made by means of a Zeiss Drawing Apparatus to Show the reproductive structures and cells of each of the Coenogonium species cultured. Measurements were taken of the cells of the filaments bearing reproductive structures and these were compared with those of the filaments supporting the apothecia in the lichen thallus. The ratios of the width to the length of these cells were also determined in order to Show the variations in cell sizes between the algae grown in culture and the algal symbionts as they grow in nature. It is presumed that the cells bearing the reproductive structures in culture would have reached the "peak" of their normal growth and differentiation and thus would serve as a good index for comparison with the cells of the fertile threads of the lichen. 45 Results In the present investigation, six Species of Trentepohlia were isolated and successfully grown to maturity in Pringsheim's Soil—water medium and in Bristol's solid inorganic medium. Trentepohlia arborum was identified as the symbiont of three Species of Coenogonium: namely, 9. Linkii, g. interplexum and g. interpositum. Trentepohlia aurea was observed to be the algal symbiont of Coenogonium Linkii and Q. interplexum. Two cultures of Coenogoneum Leprieurii presented two different algal symbionts; nemely, Trentepohlia umbrina and I. odorata. Trentepohlia elongata is symbiotic with Q. Linkii and g. interplexum while 3. abietina was identified as the algal symbiont of Coenogonium interplexum. Discussion Table 2 lists the species of lichen fungi and their corresponding algal symbionts. It can be seen from this table that there is no Specificity of algal host in the lichen genus Coenogonium. Six different species of Trentepohlia exist in symbiosis with the four species of lichen fungi (Coenogonium) studied for their algal components. Therefore, a fungus can maintain a symbiotic relationship with 46 N mCHHQED .B d N mumuoco .B .M 4 m x N mummcoao .e a. T... O N N mohsm .B W S N N N ESHOQHM .B N mcsumflnm .8 Hfluswflumoq .0 HHNSHA .U Esuflmomuoucfl .O Esxmamumucfl .O mucosnoowz .mGOHUMHUommm Numfiesm .N manna 47 any one of two or three different algal species. This fact strengthens the previous assumption that one should not rely solely on the algal component of the lichen in the determination of the species of Coenogonium. The variable size ratios obtained in the culture studies justify further the opinion that algal cell measurements cannot be a primary characteristic in the identification of the species of Coenogonium, especially when dealing with sterile material. The figures shown on Tables 3 and 4 to describe the sizes of the algal cells represent the average measurements of ten cells taken from each culture flask. The range in size for length and width is also Shown. AS has been previously stated, only those cells bearing reproductive structures as well as those filaments supporting the apothecia in the lichen thallus were measured for comparison of their cell sizes. Table 3 presents a comparison of cell measurement data from lichenized algae and algae grown in culture. An analysis of this table Shows the following differences between species: Trentepohlia arborum, as the symbiont of g, Linkii, g. interpositum and Q. interplexum showed three patterns of growth: 48 Table 3. Comparison of cell sizes in lichenized and non- lichenized phycobionts arranged according to algal Species. Collection Trentepohlia Coenogonium LICHENIZED Number Species Species Average Length x Width (u) 18 T. abietina C. interplexum 50 x 15 17 T. arborum C. Linkii 38 x 17 65 T. arborum C. interplexum 38 x 16 66 T. arborum c. Linkii 38 x 14 67 T. arborum C. interpositum 38 x 16 78 T. arborum C. interpositum 49 x 15 109 T. arborum C. interplexum 41 x 16 64 T. aurea C. Linkii 52 x 15 114 T. aurea C. interplexum 36 x 16 116 T. aurea C. Linkii 35 x 14 117 T. aurea C. Linkii 36 x 17 76 T. elongata C. interplexum ' 35 x 16 77 T. elongata C. Linkii 35 x 15 107 T. elongata C. Linkii 34 x 13 4 T. odorata C. Leprieurii 19 x 5 2 T. umbrina C. Leprieurii 32 x 14 \\ \\ SOiL-WATER MEDILM ALGA RATIOS Min. Max. 66666 x W 191-, BAEIQ§F Ave;_L Average Length X Width (H) Ay§__L 529" W Ave. W 3.3 - 32.6 - 47.6 x 14.4 x 18.6 2.4 39 X 16 2 2 32.6 46.5 X 12 9 - 20.9 ; 4 1 40 X 11 H 34.6 47.4 X 12.7 ~ 18.6 2.4 '. 41 x 16 1‘6 , 24.6 42.6 X 9.3 ~ 17.5 7 i 7 34 X 14 2’4 2 4 . 52.3 65.1 x 13 / 1 ‘7.4 - ” 58 x 15 j°9 3.3 . 40.5 69.2 x 10.9 _ 18.6 3 6 50 X 14 3 2,6 _ 35.2 58.5 x 13.2 — 17.2 2 9 44 X 15 . 3.5 ‘ 31.6 55.8 x 14.2 — 16.1 2 7 41 X 15 . 2_2 . 20.8 48.8 x 9.3 — 20.9 2 3 34 x 15 ° 205 . 19.7 46.5 X 6.6 — 16.9 2 6 34 X 13 4 251 _ 30.6 46.5 X 13.3 — 16.7 2 4 38 X 16 . 3.1 _ 27.9 63.3 X 13.1 — 15.4 3 l 47 x 15 ‘ 2‘3 . 30.2 46.5 X 10 ~ 18.6 2 5 37 x 15 . 2-6 . 37.2 65.1 X 14.5 — 23.5 2 8 53 x 19 . 4 : 1 14.4 23.4 X 3.1 - 5.6 4 . 20 x 5 2,3 . 23.9 48.8 x 11.3 - 18 2.3 34 X 15111 . 7 “a e: AGAR MEDIUM Min Max. Length X W Béglgg Ave. Length X Ave. Width (M) Ave. L Ave. W 26.2 ~ 44.: :29.3 — 13.8 3.1 _ 1 22.6 — 32.: $614.5 - 17.6 2.4 : 1 32.5 - $3.: $513.8 — 16. 2.6 . l 30 — 42$: : 12.5 — 17.1 205 = 1 26.6 - $8.: $411.6 - 20. 2.1 : 1 53.8 — ::.i $411.9 - 16. 4.1 _ 1 32.3 - 33.: $614.5 — 16. 2.4 : 1 31.3 — 2%.: i614 — 17.6 2.6 : 1 20.3 - 32.; $19.2 — 13 2.4 _ 1 29 - 3753 : 12.1 — 18.5 294 : 1 29.1 — 32.: :412.9 — 16. 2.4 _ 1 38.6 ~ 25.: :016.9 — 23. 2_4 : 1 25.7 - 33.: :39.3 — 17.1 2.2 : 1 37.2 - :3 : 12.7 — 16.4 2.5 2 1 13.3 — 12.: z 3.8 — 7.7 2.3 : 1 No Growth 50 Table 4. Comparison of cell sizes in lichenized and non- lichenized phycobionts arranged according to fungal species. Collection COENOGONIUM TRENTEPOHLIA Number species species 18 C. interplexum T. abietina 65 #7 C. interplexum T. arborum 76 C. interplexum T. elongata 109 C. interplexum T. arborum 114 C. interplexum T. aurea 67 C. interpositum T. arborum 78 C. interpositum T. arborum 2 C. Leprieurii T. umbrina 4 C. Leprieurii T. odorata 17 C. Linkii T. arborum 64 C. Linkii T. aurea 66 C. Linkii T. arborum 77 C. Linkii T. elongata 107 C. Linkii T. elongata 116 C. Linkii T. aurea 117 C. Linkii T. aurea LICHENIZED ALGA 51 SOIL‘WATER MEDIUM Average Length X Ratios Min.—Max. L. X Min -MaX Ratios W1dth (h) L/W Ave. Length X Width .0) 33—i—15 3.3 32.6 - :;.: $614.4 — 18. 254 1 EE_X 16 204 34.6 — ::.: $612.7 — 18. 2.6 1’ firx 16 232 27.9 — 23.: :513.1 — 15. 3 1 1 61 X 16 2.6 35.2 — 23.: $513.2 — 17 2‘9 1 :6 x 16 212 20.8 - 42.: :59.3 e 20. 2‘3 1 38 X 16 204 52.3 — 22.: $513.7 - 14., 3.9 1 ::~X 15 3.3 40.5 - 23.: $410.9 1 18. 3.6 1 32 x 14 2.3 23.9 1 32.: $511.3 — 18 2.3 1 19 x 5 4 14.4 - 33.: E 3.1 — 5.6 4 E_ 38 X 17 2_2 32.6 — 23.: $712.9 — 20.9 204 1 33—? 15 3.5 31.6 — 25.: :514.2 — 16.1 2.7 1 3? X 14 2.7 24.6 ~ 32.: :49.3 — 17. 204 1 35 X 15 203 30.2 — $3.: $510 — 18.6 2.5 1 34 x 13 2.6 37.2 — 23.; :914.5 - 23.5 2.8 1 35 x 14 2.5 19.7 — 42.: :36.6 — 16.9 2.6 1 36 X 17 2.1 30.6 — 42.: :613.3 — 16.7 204 1 GAR MED I UM Min1mun~MaX1mum Length X W . .. R'tiuc Average Length X Width (u) a Cg 26.2 — 44.2 X 9.3 — 13.8 . * 1 37 X 12 3 1 32.5 - 44.8 X 13.8 — 16.7 2.6 _ 1 39 X 15 38.6 — 55.8 X 16.9 ~ 23.3 2 - 2.4.31 4/ X 20 32.3 — 44.9 X 14.5 — 16.6 2.4 :1 39 x 16 20.3 — 32.7 X 9.2 ~ 13 26 x 11 2.4-111_-1-_____ __ 26.6 — 40.6 X 11.6 — 20.3 30 x 14 2"l ' 1 53.8 — 65.1 x 11.9 ~ 16.7 .. 2 1 58 X 14 4 1 No Growth ~~~~~~~~~~ 13.3 — 16.1 X 3.8 _ 7.7 2., : 1 14 X 6 3 22.6 — 42.3 X 14.5 x 17.6 2.4 : 1 38 X 16 31.3 — 52.6 X 14 — 17.6 41X16 2‘6'1 3O - 42.6 X 13.5 — 17.1 38 X 15 2‘5 ' 1 25.7 — 33.9 x 9.3 - 17.1 29 X 13 2'2 ' 1 37.2 — 42 X 14.7 ~ 16.4 . 40 x 16 2°5 ' l 29 - 37.2 X 12.1 — 18.5 204 2 1 33 x 14 2.. - ’ . . — . 9 1 35 5 X 12 9 16 4 2.4 = 1 34 X 14 / .651: 4 . . . —c 1" “A o“ r V .o a .au wam ”h nu. n... ..... L ‘ 11'. C1: 9“.“ , ,H .: “~C SN. 9. rs 52 (a) increase in size of cells in both types of culture media, with the same cell length to width ratios: (b) increase in size of cells in soil-water medium and a decrease in size of cells in agar medium; and, (c) decrease in size of cells in soil—water medium and no appreciable change in size in agar medium. Trentepohlia aurea, as the algal symbiont of Q. Linkii showed variations of growth in several ways: (a) decrease in size of cells in both soil-water and agar media, the cells in the former medium being smaller than those in the latter, although their size ratios are nearly the same; (b) lichenized algal sizes are larger than those in culture but the size ratio of the cells in the soil— water medium is larger than those in the agar medium and the lichenized algae: and, (c) cells in the soil-water medium are larger than the lichenized cells and those in the agar medium, the cells in the latter exhibiting higher size ratio than the lichenized cells, although the cells in the agar medium are smaller. Trentepohlia aurea as a symbiont of Q. interplexum showed a decrease in the size of its cells in soil-water 53 medium and a further decrease in cell size and size ratio in the agar medium. Trentepohlia elongata, as the symbiont of Q. Linkii, showed two variations in growth: (a) increase in cell size and ratio in soil-water medium and a decrease in size of cells in agar medium: and, (b) increased size of cells in soil-water medium and in agar medium, the cells in the former being much larger than those in agar medium. As a symbiont of Q. interplexum, Trentepohlia elongata cells showed an increase in length and width in culture, the cells in the agar media displaying a lower size ratio than in the other two. The cells of Trentepohlia abietina decreased in size in culture but have higher size ratio in agar medium. Trentepohlia odorata gave a larger average length in soil-water medium but the average width of the cells in the agar medium were much increased, giving a size ratio lower than in both the lichenized alga and those in the soil-water medium. Coenogonium interpositum is presented here with only one symbiotic algal species, Trentepohlia arborum. It is 54 possible that more collections of this lichen would have yielded more significant results. Collection numbers 18, 67, 77 and 78 (Table 5) present diverse growth patterns in comparison with one another. For instance, No. 18 shows a sharp decrease in average length and width measurements when grown in culture, while No. 67 shows a sharp increase in average cell size in soil-water medium. There is noted a large decline in average cell length in No. 77 when grown in agar medium; while a sharp increase is observed in No. 78 — a distinct contrast to No. 77. While both Nos. 67 and 78 are Trentepohlia arborum, their growth responses differ with respect to the culture media they are grown in. Here is an instance where two lichens with the same algal and fungal components and collected from two separate localities behave differently in culture. Obviously, there are some limiting factors that influence the growth of these four collection numbers in culture and it is possible that nutritional deficiencies in the medium play a role. Collection No. 2 is not represented with any data on growth in agar medium in the Tables. The alga grew very poorly in this medium, being so much reduced in form that the attempt to culture it further in agar medium had 55 .mEmcmm n = = = = : “mug“ 0—H. “HHVFHHHHA 0U FHH = = = = = mmusm .9 flflxcflq .0 baa moma .wa .nmm .00 moan .thm Hmcoflumz mmpmamum>m .xooafimm comm mmusm .9 Esxmamumusfl .0 waa : = = : Edmonum .9 Esxmamumucfl .0 moa mood .MH .Qmm .00 mpmn .xumm Hmsoflumz mommamum>m .xoosfimm mxmcmmauumm mummcon .9 flflxcfln..0 boa = = . . snuonum .e sauflmomumuan .0 ms . . . . mummcoaw .a anuflg .0 up moms .HH .nmm .oo mncmanmflm .mcnunmm .xumm muMpm xUOEEmm nonnasmflm .Hflmn9 “woman mummcoam .9 demamumucn .0 on = = = : = Esuonum .9 Esuflmomnmusu .0 no .- : 3 = 3 EDHOQHM 0-H. flflxcfiq 0 U 00 = .00 mHOCHEwm .puowcmm Home xUOEEmm 30A. Edmonum .9 Esxmamumusfl .0 mo mmma .m .Qmm .00 maocflfimm buomsmm .xUOEemm Eouuom xomam women .9 Hflxsflq .0 so = . = . mcfiumnnm .9 esxmamumucfl .0 ma mmma .m .Qmm .00 mssoma< maafl>mmcflm0 .xUOEEmm ummmonaaflz Edmonum .9 flflxcflq .0 pa = = = . = mumuoco .9 anusmflummq .o w mmoa .wm .own mEmcmm .UsmHmH oomHoHoo ounmm mcflnafis .9 Hausmfinmmq .0 N o o coauomaaoo sofluumaaoo no woman madnommucwu9 Esasom smoo 02 mo mumn mo mwaowmm mo mmflummm coauumaaoo cm mbflnomh EOHM mCOfluomHHoo mo muma .m manm9 56 to loe given up. The writer was unable to determine the limniting factors in this case. It showed significant inczxease in growth in the soil-water medium although the SiZe ratios of the lichenized alga and the filaments grown ill culture remained the same. Collection numbers 67, 76, 78 and 107 grow better iri culture and apparently, no limiting factor is present 9 heaz:e. The extent of the lichenization of the algae may be thought of as one of the factors that slows down or hastens tlie vegetative growth of the thallus. As has been described earlier, one of the first signs of growth of the algae in tflae culture media was the shedding off of the hyphal elements *Enveloping them. There appears to be an inverse relation- ship between the amount of hyphal threads around the alga and the rate of growth of the alga. It might be well to mention at this point that the Egentopohlig species presented here have variable growth requirements and these do not necessarily correspond to the different taxonomic forms, nor do these have significant relation to size measurements. a.“ .6 n I « our t a: 51‘ 57 Conclusions 1. One species of the algal genus Trentepohlia can be associated with more than one fungus species of the genus Coenogonium in the development of a lichen thallus. 2. One species of the fungus genus Coenogonium can be associated with more than one species of the algal genus Trentepohlia in the formation of a lichen thallus. 3. The shelf—form of lichen thallus is a character- istic of the fungal component since both shelf-form (g. Linkii) and non-shelf—form of thalli (g. interpgsitum) have identical algal species. 4. Cell sizes of the alga cannot be used in the classification of the lichen nor in the identification of the species of Coenogonium as evidenced by the polymorphic tendencies shown by both the lichenized and the unlichenized algae. Taxonomy History The species of Trentepohlia are largely polymorphic plants and many of them have been described on characters of little permanence. The genus was founded in 1817 by Martius 58 and was based on Byssus aurea Linn. Agardh (1824), however, included 3. aurea and the unrelated genus Chantransia in his new genus Chroolepus. More species were added to this list by subsequent workers who classified Chroolepus in various ways in the Class Chlorophyceae (green algae). Kfitzing, in 1843, placed the genus Chroolepus, along with the genera Cladophora and Stigeoclonium, in the Family Confervinae based on the organization and shape of their cells. Rabenhorst (1864) added nine species and seven varieties to the list of Agardh, rejecting two of Kfitzing's previously described species. He classified Chroolepus under the Order Nematophyceae and Family Chroolepidae. Gobi published an interesting memoir on the genus Chroolepus in 1871 and a year later, Nordstedt described a new species from Brazil which he named Trentepohlia pleiocarpa. He was the first to recognize the priority of the name Trentepohlia over Chroolepus and this led to the subsequent transfer of the various species named by the earlier authors into the genus Trentepohlia. Wolle (1887) described six species and two varieties which he classified in the Family Confervaceae under the Order Confervoideae. De Wildeman (1888) compiled all the species of Trentepohlia previously described into a new listing and included 16 new Species and one variety. He 59 organized these under the Order Confervineae and Family Confervinees, placing this after the Family Ulotrichiacees. The remaining studies on Trentepohlia were mostly concerned with the description of new species or the re- description of old ones. The use of the vegetative habit of the thallus as the main character in the classification of the genus seemed to dominate the systems of the later authors. Hariot (1889-90), brought together and analyzed the scattered descriptions of the Chroolepus and Trentepohlia species and presented a good listing of these under the name Trentepohlia. His work comprised enumerations and descriptions of the different species but were not fully illustrated and he failed to include keys to the species. Hariot based his classification on the cells of the thallus, their relative dimensions according to the two axes of the filaments, the shape of the cells, whether cylindrical or torulose: the type of extremity of the filaments and of the branches, and the differentiation of the filaments into the creeping and the erect threads, together with explanations on how these arise. He did not consider the structure of the sporangia as a good taxonomic character in view of what he thought was its great variability. Hariot further 60 divided the genus Trentepohlia into two groups: (1) species with cylindrical cells in long filaments; and, (2) species with torulose or moniliform cells in a pulverulent growth layer. Collins (1932) placed the genus Trentepohlia in the Family Trentepohliaceae under the Order Ulotrichales on account of the uninucleate cells and the presence of a single parietal laminate chloroplast in the cells. He listed ten species and five varieties of Trentepohlia from the United States of which one species and two varieties occur in Florida; namely, 2. odorata (Wiggers) Wittrock, .I- odorata var. umbrina (Kfitz.) Hariot and 1. odorata var. ggercina Collins. Printz (1927, 1939) considered the heterotrichous organization of the thallus of Trentepohlia as the main character in the classification of the genus and included it in the Order Chaetophorales. He placed the genus in the Family Trentepohliaceae mainly on the fact that the zoospores and gametes are formed in special cells differing more or less in shape and structure from the vegetative cells. He stated that these characters are important dis- tinguishing features of the genus to justify its separation 61 from the Order Ulotrichales. Printz (1939) has published 7 what is considered to be the first comprehensive monograph of the Family Trentepohliaceae, complete with keys and illustrations. He placed the genera Trentepohlia and Physolinum in the same family and distinguished them by their reproductive structures and vegetative habit. Printz divided the genus into two sections and characterized each thus: (1) Section Chroolepus - plants consisting mostly of free, more or less cylindric or torulose, irregularly branched, erect filaments, attached only at the base and not forming a distinct prostrate tissue: and, (2) Section Heterothallus - plants consisting of distinct basal threads forming a pseudoparenchymatous tissue attached to the substratum on its underside; and, loose, unbranched or sparingly branched, upright threads. The genera included in this study are placed in the Order Chaetophorales of Class Chlorophyceae (green algae) on the basis of the heterotrichous character of the filaments. The Family Trentepohliaceae, to which these plants belong, is characterized by the high degree of adaptability to a terrestrial existence, their sub-aerial habit,the presence of the haematochrome pigment in their cells and the absence of pyrenoids in the chloroplasts. 62 Some species of Trentepghlia and Physolinum occur as symbionts in certain genera of lichens, in addition to Coenogonium. Ahmadjian (1958) lists Trentepohlia as the algal symbiont of Cystocoleus niger (a9, nigrum), Chaenotheca Aphaeocephala var. hispidula, Qpegrapha atra, Graphis scripta and Arthonia radiata f. astroidea. He also listed the genus as occurring in the following lichen families, among others: Cypheliaceae, Arthoniaceae, Chiodectonaceae, Dirinaceae, Rocellaceae, Lecanoactidaceae, Thelotremaceae and Gyalectaceae. Physolinum monilggoccurs as the algal symbiont of .Q. moniforme. General Morphology of the Phycobionts Trentepohlia and Physolinum are sub-aerial plants with decumbent filaments producing erect filaments which are simple or branched, parallel or irregularly arranged, and whose cells may be cylindrical or spherical. In the majority of the species, the Trentepohlia appear as orange— yellow tresses or cushions, although in a few species, like .2. umbrina (Kfitz.) Born., and Physolinum monilia(de Wildem.) Printz, they may occur merely as fine crusts. In many sepcies of Trentepohlia, the thallus shows differentiation into prostrate and erect threads but in g. umbrina the filamentous tn 63 habit is poorly developed. Species belonging to the Section Heterothallus have upright filaments with few or no branches and are gradually attenuated. The basal threads form a pseudoparenchymatous tissue. In most cases, the plants of both Sections Chroolepus and Esterothallus have well-branched filaments, the branches being alternate and arising either from the top of the parent-cell or sub-termin- ally or rarely from the middle. The growth of the filament is apical. The vegetative cells vary greatly in length and diameter, and it is very difficult to identify the species on this character alone. As has been shown in the culture studies, measurements of cells in different parts of the lichen thallus and under different cultural conditions showed a wide range of variation. The cylindrical or barrel-shaped cells have thick cellulose walls which are sometimes plainly stratified, the successive layers being parallel or divergent. In forms showing divergent strata in their cell walls, the free ends of the apical cell are covered by charaCteristic caps of pectose (Pl. 3, Fig. 5), which represents a secretion and serve to restricttranspiration from the exposed tips. In 2. aurea, the caps are commonly pushed aside during the 64 grcwth of the apical cells and the remains of such displaced CE1}95 may be found attached to the lateral walls of the older 3€E1gments: in such cases the apical cell forms new caps (Fritsch, 1956). The characteristic yellowish to red color of the ‘laiving plant is due to the presence in the cells of orange- lted haematochrome globules of various sizes dissolved in :Eat (Geitler, 1923), especially around the discoid and band- shaped chloroplasts. In shaded habitats, the pigment may be masked by the chlorophyll so that the growths appear green. Haematochrome globules accumulate in large quantities in the cells of filaments exposed to well-lighted situations and during dry periods when growth is slowed down, greatly diminishing in size and numbers when the cells are shaded or when placed in nutritive mineral solutions. The septa separating the cells are often provided With a single large pit which is occupied by a protoplasmic strand. A distinct characteristic of this genus is the absence of pyrenoids in the cells. Older cells are commonly multi- nucleated. Irentepohlia and Physolingm_are widely distributed and occur attached to or forming matted layers on rocks, tree—trunks, wood—work, and on leaves and bark of trees. 65 They range from arctic or high mountain regions to the damp tropical or sub-tropical climates where they grow P13f these plants was in tropical regions, and that from there, they either spread to the damp mountainous areas of the temperate regions or they survived in these regions after certain climatic changes. Plants of Trentepohlia and Physolinum can withstand long periods of drying without appreciable change (Howland, 1929), making them suitably adapted to terrestrial existence. Oltmanns (1922) has reported that the highly refractive yellow and golden-red globules in the cells of Trentepohlia act as light filters which enable the plants to withstand the intense illumination of the tropics and thus compete successfully with other algae. A curious adaptation to the terrestrial habit of Trentepohlia is found in the fact that the mature sporangia are frequently shed entire from the filaments and the zoospores are released only when they fall into the water, or are wet with dew or rain. 66 vegetative reproduction by fragmentation is probably C’ii frequent occurrence. Howland (1929) reports that propa— EIEition by swarmers in T. aggea only takes place at certain times of the year. The zoospores are formed in special ellipsoid or ovoid sporangia and are of three kinds: (1) sessile sporangia which may be terminal, lateral, :intercalary, or rarely axillary (Pl. 3, Fig. 2). They are formed merely by the enlargement of a vegetative cell. The zoospores are liberated without the detachment of the sporangium from the main cell. Karsten (1861) reported that such sporangia were soon transformed into globular forms when thalli were grown in water, and that the globular forms occurred most abundantly in moist places. (2) stalked sporangia which appear only as terminal or lateral appendages and are formed by the cutting off of a tubular outgrowth from a somewhat enlarged supporting cell which may give rise to several such sporangia (Pl. 3, Fig. l). The apical part of the outgrowth swells up to form the sporan- gium which is often bent in a characteristic sickle-shaped manner. The stalked sporangia become detached and dispersed by wind, the liberation of the biciliate zoospores taking place on subsequent wetting. (3) funnel-sporangia which are produced terminally from 67 0163 apex of a cylindrical cell and become detached at mali2nrity. Oltmanns (1922) believes that this type of S'EZ'CDrangia is but a modification of the stalked sporangia. It: is not, presently known what kinds of reproductive cells are formed by the funnel-sporangia. The sessile sporangia produce biflagellated zoospores Vflnich have been observed in certain cases to behave as iso- ‘gametes (Wille, 1889). However, they can also germinate ‘Without fusion or may give rise to aplanospores (Meyer, 1911). This type of sporangium is often regarded as a gametangium (Pl. 5, Fig. 1). These structures are commonly produced on the basal parts of the plant, in which case, sexual fusion readily takes place. The stalked sporangia produce a considerable number of bi- or quadriflagellated zoospores liberated through a terminal or lateral opening. The zoospores appear to germinate directly (Karsten, 1891). The usual production of the stalked sporangia on the erect threads facilitates wind dispersal. The zoospores vary in size and shape but are generally flattened and ovoid. The characteristic light green color is more or less diffused in the cells. The two flagella are borne posteriorly and appear to be of equal length and approximately twice the length of the zoospore. They range 68 fr(Dru 6 x 12 u in size to slightly larger after their release f37<>nlthe sporangia. Gametes are smaller, measuring about 4 )< 8 u in size (P1. 5, Fig. 2). Sexual fusion has been Olbaserved in culture, the process taking place especially after the cultures have been placed briefly in the dark {1?i9s. 3 and 4). In many cases, stalked and sessile sporangia occur (Dn the same plant, the sessile sporangia being produced from the cells of the prostrate filaments while the stalked sporangia are developed on the upright threads. This has been reported in T. umbrina (Fritsch, 1935), a fact which the writer considers as questionable since Trentepohlia umbrina has a thallus where there is no distinction between the prostrate and erect systems. Physolinum monilfi;(de Wildem.) Printz grows and develops branches by a process similar to budding and the sporangia produce only aplanospores (Pl. 4, Fig. 5). The vegetative cells are chain—like and moniliform and these bear the sporangia directly. The chromatophore in the vegetative cell is long, narrow and ribbon-shaped, one or several in each cell. Intercalary cell division is not known to occur in this plant and hence, growth is apical. This species is the algal symbiont of Coenggonium moniliforme Tuck. 69 Key to Species .7 The sh: species of Trentepohlia found symbiotic with C3 with fertilization nor with the production of the hymenium. flDrle "central cells" believed by Karsten to be the primordial czealls of the apothecium are nothing else but the cavities ()1? the young branches which are in the form of small tubercles, eacncording to Nylander. The "free endogenous cells" observed 133? Karsten in the cuticle of the young apothecium are not true spermatia. Karling (1934) presented an interesting contribution t:c> the studies on the structure and development of Q. Linkii. 116: described the earliest stages in the development of the aE3othecium is characteristic for most lichens which have a {Dzroper exciple. Whether some cells in the apothecial initials function ans: spermatia, or whether the process of fertilization takes place in the young apothecium of Coenogonium remains to be Iparoven. Meanwhile, the assumption that fertilization of a 3((3ung ascogonium does take place is highly probable and i.t: is hoped that future investigators of this lichen genus vvjmll turn their interest towards this phase of the fungus morphology . Pycnidia The asexual fruiting body of the Coenogonium is the E>§?<:nidium. Two forms were observed among the collections Eitllldied in the present work. One is spherical and the c>ilfler is pear-shaped. These structures occur attached ‘:(3 the filaments of the thallus on either the upper or lower a‘~-‘11:~faces of the thallus. The white color of the pycnidium 13EErsists as such even after it has reached maturity or even 141 the dried condition of the plants. TH! 94 The wall of the pycnidium is made up of an inter- ivc>ven mat of hyphal threads which are thin-walled and septate 'tllroughout. It does not appear to have any markedly different- j_atted layers, since the outer portions of the wall gradually nnearge into the fertile layer beneath. Conidia are formed within the pycnidia in an exo- koaisidial manner. These conidia are fusiform in Shape, straight, Eirud are two—celled. They vary in size from 9-11 x 2-3 u. 'Ifiie conidiophores which bear the conidia are very slender 1:11reads, septate, long and flexuous and have been observed to Ialranch very rarely except near the base (p1, 2, Fig. 7), Sterile filaments, called "anaphyses" and "sterigmata" 13)? various authors, occur between the conidiophores. These Slender filaments are elongated and generally simple, but rnéijg oftentimes be seen to branch. The pycnidia were found in most forms of the lichens tzklialli, from the shelf—like forms to the expanded or l"1<>J:-izontal types of growths. It is obvious that asexual regEbroduction of this type in Coenogonium is not restricted ‘:<3 the type of thallus nor probably to the species of algal stbiont present. In the course of the study of herbarium material, 5‘ number of collections were found with well—developed pycnidia 95 kNJt no apothecia. These collections, therefore, could not be ixientified but are recorded here. Material seen: MEXICO: Cosolapa. 1200 m., Veracruz, G?L1rpus, 3, 1921-22 (us). On bark of trees, 1100 m., La Palma COSTA RICA: Province of Alajuela, Brenes 53, 1925? (NY): de San Ramon, Brenes 14484, February 1931 San Ramon, Province of Alajuela, (IWY); Colinas de San Ramon de San Pedro, Province of Alajuela, Brenes 18998, 18 January 1934. CUBA: Woods, 900 m. alt., Cobre Range of Sierra Leon, Fre. Clement Maestra, Loma del Gato & vicinity, Fre. é; IFre. Roca 10117, 11 July—l4 August 1921 (my). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: In primitive cloud and.rain fC>.J:'est on top of Loma Campana, Province of La Vega; alt. about J-(3136 m., Allard 18709, 1 January 1948 (US); cloud forest, rchSge above Los Amaceyes, 300—3200 ft., Cordillera SeaIptentrional, Imshaug 23305, 2 August 1958 (MSC). PUERTO RICO: Luquillo Mountain, Wilson 125, July J-SBCDZ (NY); on Acrista monticola, Monte Torrecilla, 900-100 m. all‘t., Britton, Cowell & Brown 5666, 20 March 1915 (NY). BOLIVIA: Yungas, 6000 ft., Rusby 280, 1885 (my). BRAZIL: Bahia, Wilson, (No date) (US). AUSTRALIA: Tarwin, Leighton, (No date) (NY). 96 gm General For the taxonomy of the genus Coenogonium, the writer is inclined to Share the views of Santesson (1952) that the spores and apothecial characters, rather than the d ifferent morphology of the symbiotic algae, Should be used as bases for the distinction of the different families and for the establishment of the relationships of Coenogonium with the other genera. It is my opinion, however, that this genus Should remain in the Family Coenogoniaceae and that Racodium be excluded from this family until the apothecial characteristics of the latter are definitely established. It is believed that the effect of the fungus on thealgal symbionts to produce the different types of thalli merits the separation of this family from the Gyalectaceae. The following characteristics are being considered in the present study as of importance in the taxonomy of the genuS Coenogonium: the type of Spores, external features of the apothecia (whether sessile, stalked, flat, convex, lmarginate, etc.), and the special types of thalli formed with the fungus. As to the Spores, it is especially the ir septation, Shape and size as well as their arrangement 97 in the ascus that are of taxonomic importance. The septation of the paraphyses and the Shape of their apices can constitute some of the diagnostically important species characters. Other morphological characteristics, such as, the color of the apothecial disk, the size of the margin, as well as the size of the apothecia are usually not constant to the same degree and are, therefore, being considered here as "erpporting" characters in the delimitation of the different S[Decies of Coenogonium. Before identifications of the material were made, all. the original descriptions of the Species were collected arms a literature key of the whole genus was made. It was hfinped that the descriptions might provide an over—all under— stlandingof the nature and range of variations of the species so that they could be separated on a comparative basis: and a1 so that such a method might serve as a guide in determining t}1€: delimitation of the different species. For this purpose, :11: XNas necessary that large numbers of specimens had to be egamined and studied. The apothecia of the dry Specimens were examined by soaking them in distilled water and teasing the material to separate the asci and the paraphyses from the rest of the fungal tissues. Sections of the apothecia were also prepared 98 for the study of the different anatomical structures. Below is a list of the herbaria from where the dried Specimens were obtained. (Abbreviations according to Lanjouw and Stafleu, Index Herbariorum, Part II, 1954): M0 - Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Missouri NY - New York Botanical Garden, New York, N. Y. US - National Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. MSC - Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan MICH - University Herbarium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan FLAS - Herbarium, Agricultural Experiment Station, Gainesville, Florida TENN - Herbarium of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee Earlier authors in searching for knowledge and experience concerning the disposition of the lichenized Trentepohlia (-Chroolepus) or the sterile forms of Coenogonium, established a large number of species of this genus. Of the original forty—eight species described as and referred to Coenogonium, about, half of this number were found to have been based on Specimens with a sterile lichen—fungus or a lichen-fungus with immature apothecia. Four species were TH! 99 determined as belonging to the Fungi Imperfecti (Santesson, 1952) and Six Species have been transferred to the genus Trentepohlia, three as valid algal species and three as synonyms of Trentepohlia (Hariot, 1890, 1891). Fifteen species are accepted as valid in the present study and a key to these Species has been made. Two species are treated as synonyms of g. Linkii and eight species are considered as doubtful or insufficiently known. Twelve Species are being rejected as nomina dubia and one Spec1es is considered as a nomen confusum. Lichenized Hyphomycetes The species belonging to this group have been observed to be lichenized Hyphomycetes with dark brown hyphae and the fungi probably belong to Racodium or Cystocoleus in the Fungi Imperfecti. 1. Coenogonium ebeneum (Dillw.) Smith, Handbook of British Lichens. 75. 1921. Conferva ebenea Dillw. British Confervae, t. 101; Introd. no. 79. 60. 1809. 2. Coenogonium germanicum Gluck, Flora 82:268—285. 1896. 3. Coenogonium nigrum (Huds.) A. Zahlbr. Ann. Naturhist. .Mns. Wien. 25:241. 1911. Byssus nigra Huds. Flora Anglica. 487. 1762. 100 4. Coenogonium Schmidlei Simmer Allgem. Botan. Zeitschrift. 5:190. 1899. Non-Lichenized Trentepohlia The following Species attributed in the past to the lichen—genus Coenogonium have already been transferred to Trentepohlia as valid algal species or synonyms, presumably on the fact that no trace of fungal hyphae were present on the thallus: 1. Coenogonium deplanatum Krempelh. Flora 59:250. 1876. Treated by Hariot in 1891 as a synonym of Trente- gpohlia setifera Farlow. 2. Coenogonium depressum Mfill. Agr. Flora 64:525. 1881. Transferred to Trentopohlia by Hariot (1890) as a valid algal species. 3. Coenogonium dialeptum Nyl. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. IV. 16:90. 1862. Transferred to Trentepohlia by Hariot (1889) as a valid algal Species. 4. Coenogonium diffractum Krempelh. Flora 59:250. 1876. Transferred to Trentepohlia by Hariot (1891) as a valid algal species. 5. Coenogonium effusum Krempelh. Flora 59:250. 1876. Treated by Hariot (1891) as a synonym of Trente- pohlia setifera Farlow. 101 6. Coenogonium simplex Mfill. Arg. Flora 73:16. 1890. Treated by Hariot (1891) as a synonym of Trente- pohlia dialepta (Nyl.) Hariot. Partially-Lichenized Trentepohlia The following species (or varieties) were described and established by various authors from thalli without apothecia or with only immature apothecia. In the absence of spores, it is impossible to identify these in Coenogonium and although fungal hyphae were present, it is best to treat these species in the algal genus Trentepohlia. 1. Coenogonium afrum Mass. Memor. I. R. Instit. Veneto. 10:43. 1861. Chroolepus afrum Mass. Memor. I. R. Instit. Veneto. 10:43. 1861. - Orig. coll.: Africa australis, E§E£Q. 2. Coenogonium cancellatum Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. London 27:172. 1869. - Orig. coll.: New Eliya, Central Province, Ceylon, Leighton. 3. Coenogonium confervoides var. arborum Nyl. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. 16:92. 1862. Conferva arborum Ag. Syst. Algar. 88. 1824. - Orig. coll.: Marianas Is. and Brazil, Gaudichaud. 102 4. Coenogonium dialeptizum Stirt. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasgow 11:103. (1878) 1879. - Orig. coll.: Upper Amazon, Brazil, Trail. 5. Coenogonium Echinus K. Mfill. Bot. Zeit. 15:387. 1857. Orig. coll.: Brazil, §§r1.Mfiller. 6. Coenogonium heterotrichum Mfill. Agr. Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 32:162. 1893. - Orig. coll.: San Marcos de Dota, Costa Rica, Tonduz 6115. 7. Coenogonium patagonicum Mfill. Arg. Flora 71:47. 1888. - Orig. coll.: Patagonia and Australia, Caracciolo 8. Coenogonium pulvinatum Krempelh. Verh. Zool. — Bot. Gesellsch. 26:445. 1876. - Orig. coll.: Lima, Peru, Barranca, 9. Coenogonium rigidulum Mfill. Arg. Flora 65:490. 1882. 4 Orig. coll.: Queensland, Australia, Wilcox. 10. Coenogonium subtorulosum Mfill. Arg. Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot. 32:207. 1896. - Orig. coll.: New Zealand, Colenso 1656. ll. Coenogonium subvirescens (Nyl.) Nyl. Flora 57:72. 1874. Coenogonium Leprieurii var.subvirescens Nyl. Ann. Sci. Nat. Iv. 16:89. 1862. — Orig. coll.: Rio Negro, Amazon, Brazil, Spruce 28. -103 This species was distinguished from g. Leprieurii on the basis of its thinner algal threads. As Nylander's specimens were sterile, it cannot be proved that this species is not identical to g. Leprieurii. 12. Coenogonium tenuissimum Krempelh. Nuov. Giorn. Bot. Ital. 7:26. 1875. - Orig. coll.: Borneo, (collector unknown), 1886. This species was described by Krempelhuber as a young form of Coenogonium. According to Mfiller (1890), the species resembles g. depressum which was, however, transferred in 1891 to Trentepohlia as an algal species by Hariot. Lichenized Coenogonium The following eight taxa were described from specimens with ascocarps. No material of these taxa, however, were available for study and they are not included in the key. 1. Coenogonium boninense Sato, Jour. Jap. Bot. 8:390. 1933. - Orig. coll.: On bark of tree, Bonin: Mt. Sekimon, Hahazima Island, Japan, Sato 106. Thallus lamellate, spongiose—byssoid, spread in a flabellate form, 10-25 mm. wide and 5-15 mm. long, Sometimes imbricate and overlapping, one margin attached 104 to the bark of tree, ashy-green; alga Trentepohlia, cells 24-30 x 7-9 M; hypha covering algal filaments about 15 0 wide. Apothecia about 10-20 on the thallus. Apothecia round, about 0.5 mm. wide, Situated on both the lower and upper surfaces of thallus: disk flat to somewhat convex, carneous or pale yellow, margin thin, pale; hymenium wine red in iodine; paraphyses wide continuous, 60—65 x 1.5 u, septate, not branching, apex capitate: asci cylindrical, 45-50 x 4—6 0; 8-spored; Spored colorless, ellipsoid, simple, 5-8 x 3.5 u. 2. Coenogonium congensis Dodge, Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 40(4):350. 1953. - Orig. coll.: Belgian Congo, Yangola, 20 km. west of Yangambi, J. Louis 12070. Thallus dimidiate; apothecia convex, sessile, orange— yellow, margin concolorous, slightly dentate: paraphyses unbranched, tips not thickened; spores uniseriate, fusiform, bilocular, 6 x 2.5 u. 3. Coenogonium Deightoni Dodge, Ann. Miss. Bot. Gard. 40(4):349. 1953. - Orig. coll.: Sierra Leone, Njala (Kori), F. c. Deighton M4396 a. Thallus very thin: apothecia sessile, flat, disk cinnamon-brown, margin paler: paraphyses unbranched, congluti- nate, tips moniliform but not thickened; spores fusiform, 105 simple, 6-8 x 2.5 - 3 u. ,4“ Coenogonium epiphyllum Wain. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenrl. 15(6):156. 1921. — Orig. coll.: Luzon, Phillippines, Robinson. Thallus a thin crust, adnate, ashy-yellow; apothecia ndxnate, concave, pale white, margin paler, thin, prominent: Paraphyses wide, septate, apex capitate-clavate: spores uni- tO loiseriate; fusiform to fusiform-elliptic, septate, 6-8 x 2.55 - 3 u. Santesson believes that this represents a good autonomous species. Wainio reported the type as "parce lexztum, duobus apotheciis," and growing on leaves of trees. 5. Coenogonium interplexum f. contextum Stirt. Prtmn Phil. Soc. Glasgow 10:297. 1877. - Orig. coll.: WEllington, New Zealand, John Buchan§3,.§fig. The description given for this species indicated t1lat it is similar to Q. interplexum except for the reaction ‘3f the apothecium to iodine solution (violet-red color). DMD further information was given on the characteristics 0f’the lichen-fungus. Only a study of the Spore characters can the exact relationship of this form of g. interplexum be determined. 106 ES- Coenogonium interponendum Nyl. Jour. Bot. 15:225. 1877 - - Orig. coll.: On trunks and leaves of trees in old forests, Costa Rica, H. Polakowsky 496. Thallus adnate to effused; apothecia yellowish— carneous; Spores 8 x 2.5 H, septate, fusiform; algal filaments 17-20 u wide. Nylander reported that this species is similar to lo interpositum except in the size of the algal filaments 0f the latter which he described as from 14-28 LL wide. If the separation from g. interpositum is actually based only on the algal characters, this Species should be a Synonym of g. interpositum. 7. Coenogonium retistriatum Leight. Trans. Linn. Soc. LOnd. 27:172. 1869. — Orig. coll.: Ceylon, Leighton, s.n. No spore measurements were given in the description Of this species and it is not possible to identify the fuhgus on the basis of its straited fungal elements alone. 8. Coenogonium Tuckermani Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. 7:143. 1857. - Orig. coll.: Venezuela, Fendler, s.n. Based on an imperfect specimen, the description of this species given by Montagne is very inadequate. 107 Key to the Species of Coenogonium Sporessimple.....................2 Sporesone-septate...........’.......6 2 . Thallus thin, circular or spongy—byssoid, imbricate, Shelf-like: apothecia sessile, flat, or convex, margins thin, pale, uneven: spores uniseriate, oblique, ovoid-elliptic to Slightly fusiform-elliptic, 6-10 x 2—4 0; paraphyses apex clavate or capitate . . .lg. Leprieurii 2. Thallus amorphous or adnate to effused, expanded or dense, caepitose—tomentose . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 .Apothecia flat or convex, subsessile, margins thin: paraphyses not septate, apex not wide, subtruncate . . 4 Apothecia flat to concave, sessile, margins thick, entire: spore fusiform: paraphyses septate: thallus dimidiate or caespitose—tomentose . . . . . . . 5 4. Margin entire: spores irregularly biseriate, elliptic and acute on both ends, 6-10 x 2-3 u: thallus adnate, expanded . . . . . .‘g. interpositum 4. Margin wearing away, fringed: Spores uniseriate, narrowly fusiform, 8—10 x 2-4 u; thallus amorphous . . . . . . . . . . . . .g. ornatum 108 Spuores biseriate, fusiform, 7.5-9 x 2.5-3 0; pairaphyses apices abrupt and widely capitulate: triallus dimidiate . . . . . . . . . . . .‘C, acrocephalum SENores uniseriate, 8—11 x 2-2.5 u; paraphyses agpices ob-ovoid; thallus filaments short, (Zaespitose . g. tomentosum ES. Thallus prostrate and thin, or adnate, expanded or spongy—byssoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ES. Thallus shelf—like or crust—like . . . . . . . . 13 Spores uniseriate, thallus adnate to effused, pannose, Gaxpanded or loosely tomentose . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 :Spores sub—uniseriate to biseriate; apothecia sessile: jparaphyses not septate . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . 12 £3. Apothecia sessile, flat, margins thick, smooth, white: Spores ovate or Short—elliptic, 7-12 x 2—4.5 u: paraphyses septate . . . . . . ..g. implexum £3. Apothecia subsessile or stalked: paraphyses septate . . . . . . . .Apothecia flat to concave, margins uneven, pale; Spores fusiform-elliptic, 6-9.5 x 2-3.5 u . ‘9. complexum Apothecia flat to convex, margins smooth, thin or Slightly thickened, white or pale . . . . . . . . . . 10 109 1C). Spores elliptic or fusiform-elliptic . . . . . 11 1C)- Spores fusiform, 6—7 x 1.5-2 0 . . . . . g, pannosum 11. Spores 6.5-10 x 2—3.5 u . . . . . . . . .< C. interplexum ll. Sporelex3u. . . . . . . . . . . . . . _C_.botryosum 1J2. Spores sub-uniseriate, fusiform— elliptic, 9-11 x 3—3.5 u; apothecia concave to barely convex, margins thin, smooth, pale; paraphyses apex not at all wider: thallus spongy-byssoid consisting of short, aggregated filaments . . . . . . _g. velutinum 212. Spores biseriate, curved, 8-9 x 2-3 0; apothecia flat to concave, margins thick, smooth, white: paraphyses apices sub—globose to clavate: thallus thin consisting of long, prostrate filaments . . . . . . . . . . ..g. curvulum 13- Apothecia flat, sessile or rarely sub-sessile, margins thin, smooth, white: spores uniseriate to biseriate, short-fusiform, 9-13 x 3-5 0; paraphyses non—septate, apices, globose—clavate: thallus crust-like, filaments moniliform; phycobiont a Physolingm‘. . . '9. moniliforme 13- .Apothecia flat to convex, subsessile: paraphyses septate, apices sub-globose or globose to clavate: filaments not moniliform: phycobiont a Trentepohlia 14 110 1L4“ Nbrgin thin, smooth or sometimes rugged, pale: spores biseriate, ovate or Short-fusiform, 6.8-12.5 x 2-4 0: thallus shelf—like, imbricate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g, Linkii 214. Margin toothed or slightly toothed, white: spores irregularly biseriate, fusiform, 11-13 x 2-4 u: thallus adnate to effused, pannose, expanded . . . . . g, disjunctum Coenogonium acrocephalum Mfill. Arg. Fflxxra 63:525. 1881. - Orig. coll.: Apiahy, Brazil, P_uigqari 156. Thallus dimidiate, yellow, becoming whitish beneath: algal symbiont Trentepohlia. Apothecia 7.5 mm. in diameter, rc>und, sessile: disk flat to concave, orange-carneous to Palen margin of young apothecium thick, becoming thinner and tjuen immarginate at maturity, entire: hymenium 55 0 high, E3E>Iithecium distinct: paraphyses loose, 3-4 u wide, septate, aFNices abrupt and widely capitulate: asci cylindrical, 8- SENDred; spores simple, biseriate, fusiform, 7.5-9 x 2-3 0. This species is related to Q. Leprieurii but differs from it by its larger spores and wider apothecia with entire margin. The paraphyses of g. acrocephalum are wider, very 111 loo3e and the apices abrupt. Mfiller described the spores of this species as 7-8.5 LL long. In my studies of the specimens from the West Indies, the Puerto Rico material measured 7.4 X 3.3 LL in size, while the collection from Cuba had much longer Spores, up to 9.3 0.. Material seen. CUBA: El Guama, Palmer & §i_l_e_y 33$, 24 March 1900 (US). PUERTO RICO: Luquillo Mts., Film 100, July 1902 (mg). Coenogonium botryosum Knight SYnOps. Queensland Flora. I. Suppl. 74. 1886. - Orig. coll.: On bark of trees, Mt. Perry, Knight. Thallus dense, velvety, consisting of closely aggregated short threads together with a few very slender filaments, both cohering by very short funiculi: yellow- grESn; algal symbiont Trentepohlia, cells of filaments 1—2 times longer than wide. Apothecia sub-sessile, round: disk flat, yellow-orange; margin paler, uneven: hypothecium C01<>r1ess; paraphyses septate, 1.4—1.7 u wide, apices clavate to globose, capitate, 3.3 - 4 11. wide; asci clavate, 8‘Spored: spores one-septate, elliptic, uniseriate, ca. 10 x 3 0.. Some algal cells in the thallus of this species appear 1ike the elliptic cells in g. moniliforme. I found the algal 112 filamuants in the material slightly narrower than the Size repor1:ed for the species by Knight but this character is notza reliable taxonomic difference. Material seen: MEXICO: Veracruz, Turpus 223 (US). Coenogonium complexum Nyl. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. 11:222. 1859. — Orig. coll.: On trees in Bolivia, Weddell. Thallus adnate, pannose, expanded, golden—yellow; alQEfiL symbiont Trentepohlia, filaments fasciculate-conglutinate, SCaInzely branching, cells 2.5 - 5 times longer than wide. APothecia round, subsessile; disk flat to concave, carneous- Yellxmu to yellow-orange: margin paler, thin, uneven: paraphyses sePtate, 1.5 — 2 11 wide, apices sub—globose, capitate, 3.3 - 41L wide: asci cylindrical, 8-Spored: Spores one-septate, oblong to fusiform-elliptic, 6—10 x 2.3-3.2 u. Nylander described the spores as 6-10 x 3-4 u. I found the Spores of the material from Central America and thfii West Indies to have the same range in Size (6e8.5 x 3 u) Enua those from South America to be larger (10 x 3.2 u). Material seen: COSTA RICA: South bank of Rio Pejivalle, 650-800 m., Cartago Province, Dodge & Thomas 4408, 26 September 1929 (MO 70722); forest near farmhouse in Finca 113 CastiIlla, 30 m., Limon Province, Dodge & Groeger 9207, 23 Jilly 1936 (M0 154712). MEXICO: On bark, Cuernavaca, 6500 ft., Pringle, 31 October 1908 (US, MICH). PANAMA: On thig, drowned forest in valley of R. Puente between the Tunnral and Natural Bridge, 70 m., Canal Zone, Egggg & Alleg 8863, 6 January 1935 (M0 154705). COLOMBIA: Rio Magdalena, ngr, (no date) (NY). HAITI: On twigs, elfin woodland forest, north 0f I?oret des Pins (Shada station), near Dominican border, 580C) ft. (Dept. de l'Ouest), Wetmore 2931, 14 July 1957 (MSC). TRINIDAD: On Theobroma cacao, St. Pat's Ravine, AriJna Valley, Fleming (MSC)- Coenogonium curvulum A. Zahlbr. Ann. Crypt. Exot. 1:164. 1928. — Orig. coll.: On leaves, Java, Schiffner 3056. Thallus prostrate, adhering to substrate, green: algal symbiont Trentepohlia, filaments more or less dichoto— mmlsly branched, cells Short-cylindric, 2.5 — 3 times longer tfiuin wide. Apothecia 0.1 - 0.3 mm. in diameter, biatorine, Irc>und, sessile, slightly constricted at the small base: disk slightly concave, pale yellow-carneous: margin white, Prominent, entire; excipulum paraplectenchymatous: hypothecium 114 colorless: hymenium 40 - 55 0 high; paraphyses filiform, Simple, 1.5 u wide, apices distinctly sub—globose to clavate, 3.8 u wide, conglutinate; asci sub-elongate to cylindrical, 8-Spored; spores one-septate, biseriate, oblong to elliptic, round on both Sides, curved or arcuate, 8—9 x 2-3 u. Zahlbruckner described the size of the cells in the algal filaments as 14—16 x 17-19 u. In the single Specimen examined, I found the algal cells to measure 6-8 0 wide and about 2.5 to 3 times as long. This difference in Size is not, however, important in the taxonomy of the Species. The characteristic curved spores are considered the significant diagnostic feature. Santesson (1952) reports this species as probably more or less obligately foliicolous. The material examined in the present work, however, was found on a bark substrate. Material seen: PUERTO RICO: Vicinity of Mayaguez, Britton & Marble, 4—10 March 1906 (MICH 13423). Coenogonium disjunctum Nyl. Bot. Zeit. 20:178. 1862. - Orig. coll.: On trunks and dead wood, Martinique and Cuba (collecter not known). Thallus adnate, pannose, expanded, yellow-green: algal symbiont Trentepohlia, filaments cylindrical, 3—5 115 times longer than wide. Apothecia 0.6—0.7 mm. in diameter, round, stalked; disk flat, carneous-yellow, margin pale, thin, smooth sometimes rugged: paraphyses septate, 1.5 0 wide, apices sub—globose to clavate, 3.5 - 4.5 0 wide; asci cylindrical, 8—spored; spores one—septate, irregularly biseriate, fusiform, 7.5 — 13 x 2-4 u. This species is easily distinguished from g, Ligkii by the effused and adnate thallus and the larger size of the spores. Specimens from the United States and Central America had the same spore sizes (ll-l3 x 2-4 0), while those from the West Indies were smaller, only 7.5 u long. The material examined from the Philippines had relatively the largest size of spores, l2—13.2 x 2.8 - 3 0. Material seen: ALABAMA: (locality and collector not known) (Willey Lichen Herbarium) (US). COSTA RICA: Morpho Valley, alt. 4400 ft., Danilson 51(Date not known) (MICH). HONDURAS: On twigs, Landetilla Valley, Chickering 148 d, June-July 1929 (MICH). MEXICO: On tree bark, Jolapa, Pringle, 25 June 1908 (MICH 15407). PANAMA: Summit forest, Cerro Campana, Bartlett & Lasser, 1 September 1940 (MICH 16936). PUERTO RICO: On twigs, Rio Icaco and adjacent hills 116 altitude 465 to 720 m., Sierra de Naguabo, Shafer 3636, 30 July - 5 August 1914 (NY). PHILIPPINES: On trees,and rocks, 2300 ft. elev., Lamao River, Mt. Mariveles, Bataan, Central Luzon, Williams 05, 2 January 1904 (NY). Coenogonium implexum Nyl. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. 16:92. 1862. - Orig. coll.: On barks among mosses, Tarwin, Victoria, Australia, Egrg. Mfiller. Synonym: IQ. inflexum Hook. Handbook New Zealand Flora 581. 1867. Thallus adnate, pannose, expanded, bright yellow; algal symbiont Trentepohlia, filament cells 2-4 times longer than wide. Apothecia 1 mm. in diameter, round, sessile: disk flat, carneous-yellow: margin white, thin, entire: paraphyses septate, 1.5 - 2 u wide, apices clavate, 2 - 3.5 0 wide: asci cylindrical, 8-spored: spores one-septate, uni- seriate, oblique, short-fusiform, 7—12 x 2.4 — 4 0. This Species resembles g, interplexum except for the larger and wider paraphyses of the former. Nylander gives the measurements of the spores as 8-11 x 3.5 — 4.5 u and the algal filaments as 10-14 u wide. The spores in the 117 material examined had a wider range and I found the algal filaments very variable in size. The size of the algal cells as a diagnostic character cannot be generalized in this case. This species has been reported as foliicolous by Nylander and Santesson but I have not encountered any epiphyllous material. The collections from South America and Australia were identical in their size of Spores, and those from the United States and the West Indies had the same length of spores: the width of the spores in the West Indies collection was smaller (2.4 u). Exsicatti: Malme, Austr. Amer. n. 113. Material seen: FLORIDA: On twig, southeast Florida, J. D. Smith 5;, March 1877 (US); on bark, (no locality), Curtiss, 1879 (US). TEXAS: On bark, Hardin Co., 7 miles south of Silsbee near Bruce Reid's place: alluvial area, longleaf pine belt, Whitehouse 25968, 19 November 1951 (MO 184372). LOUISIANA: On bark of living tree, woods near Varnada, Washington Parish, McFarland 187, 24 January 1953 (M0 184371). BRAZIL: Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre (a), 9 September 1892 (Exp. Regn. I. Lich. n. 478), and Cruz Alta, 17 April 1893 (Exp. Regn. I. Lich. n. 1255), Malme 113 118 (MSC). COLOMBIA: (no locality), Mutis, 1760—1808 (US). JAMAICA: On bark, Kinloss to Barbecue Bottom, 1300 ft., Trelawny Parish, Imshaug 16060 c, 10 May 1953 (MSC). AUSTRALIA: Tarwin, Tasmania, (Collector not known), .gg.._2, 1855 (US): on tree, Mt. Arthur, Tasmania, Wilson 23 February 1891 (MSC 3237); Warburton, Victoria, Bastow, March 1902 (MSC). Coenogonium interplexum Nyl. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. 16:92. 1862. - Orig. coll.: On trunks of trees, Colombia, Lindig 2561. Thallus adnate, pannose, expanded, loosely tomentose, light yellow: algal symbionts Trentepohlia abietina, T. arborum, .1. elgngata, or T. ggrga, cell shape and filament size variable. Apothecia 0.5 - 1 mm. in diameter, round, Sub- sessile: disk flat to Slightly concave, carneous-yellow or orange, margin whitish-carneous or white, thin, entire: hymenium 70-75 0 high; paraphyses slender, about 1 u wide, septate, apices clavate to obtuse, 3.3 0 wide; asci cylindrical, 8-spored: spores one-septate, uniseriate, linear, short- fusiform or fusiform—elliptic, 6.5 - 10 x 2.5 - 3 u. This Species is Similar to g. implexum except for its consistent smaller spores, thinner paraphyses and somewhat 119 longer algal cells. Nylander (1862) described the spores as 8—10 0 long but I found spores that were shorter and slightly wider. Malme (1937) has described the range in length to be 8—11 u. I found the species not to be variable as to spore sizes. Specimens from the West Indies, South America and the United States had the same range, while those from Central America were slightly longer. Mfiller (1893) and Santesson (1952) reported folii— colous specimens from Boruca, Costa Rica, (Pittier no. 6114), but are sterile and unidentifiable. A collection from Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Michigan, reported by Fink (1935) as ‘Q. interpositum, has characters that closely agree with this species. Exsicatti: Malme, Austr. Amer. n. 329. Material seen: FLORIDA: On bark, among mosses at bases of trees, (no locality), Calkins 170, 1889 (MSC 120023); (no locality), Calkins, 1890 (US); bases of trees on moss, Jacksonville, Duval Co., Calkins 963, (no date) (MSC); at base of oak trees, Jacksonville, Duval Co., (collector not known) (Willey Lichen Herbarium) (US); on pine tree near base of stem, Solution Sink, Millhopper's Hammock, 8 miles east of Gainesville, Alachua Co., Uyenco_l§, 6 February 1963 (MSC): on bark of citrus, Low Hammock near Sanford, Seminole Co., 120 Uyenco 65, 9 February 1963 (MSC); on bark of oak tree (Quercus virginiana), Lieder Trail, Highlands Hammock State Park, Sebring, Highlands Co., Uyenco lg, 11 February 1963 (MSC): on bark of Lyssoloma, Rattlesnake Hammock, Everglades National Park, Dade Co., Uyenco 109, 13 February 1963 (MSC); on bark of Lyssoloma, Redd Hammock, Everglades National Park, Dade Co., uyenco 114, 14 February 1963 (MSC). LOUISIANA: Foot of trees in swampy woods around Covington, St. Tammany Parish, Langlois 799, 1894 (US). MICHIGAN: On old trees, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Smith, July 1932 (MICH). ‘COSTA RICA: On tree, Cerro de la Carpintera, Province of Cartago; altitude 1500-1850 meters, Standley 35565, February 1924 (US). GUATEMALA: On twig, Dept. Alta Verapaz: wet forest near Tactic, above the bridge across Rio Frio, altitude about 1400—1500 m., Standley 90425, 30 March 1941 (M0 166103); on twig, Dept. Alta Verapaz: dense wet limestone forest near Chirriacte, on the Peton highway, altitude about 900 m., Standley 19142, 9 April 1941 (MO 166101). MEXICO: Veracruz, Turpus 125, February 1921-22 (US). PARAGUAY: On trees, Grand Chaco: ad Rio Negro. 15 September 1893. (Exp. Regnell. I.), Malme 330 (MSC). BAHAMAS: On bark, Coppice, Stoppes Hill, Crooked 121 Island, Brace 4823, 9—23 January 1960 (NY). JAMAICA: On bark, Dolphin Head, 1750 ft., Hanover Parish, Imshaug 15627 a, 23 April 1953 (MSC). PUERTO RICO: Ravine on estate of H. Guggenbfihl, vicinity of Mayaguez, Britton & Marble 651, 4-10 March 1906 (NY): Quebradillas, Bro. Hioram, January 1913 (NY). Coenogonium interpositum Nyl. Ann. Sci. Nat. IV. 16:91. 1862. — Orig° col.: Reunion (Bourbon) Island, Lepervanche-Mezieres & Louisiana (ex. herb. Tuckerm.). Thallus adnate, pannose, expanded, yellow-green: algal symbiont Trentepohlia arborum, filaments sparingly branched, cells cylindrical, about 3 times as long as wide. Apothecia 0.7 - 0.8 mm. in diameter, round, sub— sessile: disk at first concave, becoming convex, carneous- yellow to pale orange: margin pale, thin, entire, rarely sub-denticulate; excipulum paraplectenchymatous, cells angular; hypothecium yellowish: hymenium 70-75 0 high, colorless; paraphyses simple, conglutinate, 1—1.5 u wide, apices clavate, 2-4 u wide; asci cylindric-clavate, 8-Spored; spores simple, irregularly biseriate, elliptic to fusiform-elliptic, 6—10 x 2-3 u. 122 Zahlbruckner (1909) and Malme (1937) used this name 3f3<3r a species with one—septate spores and it was also cited ]:>jy Fink (1935) in the same manner. Nylander distinguished 1:;his Species from Q. disjunctum by its smaller spores and 1t1hinner algal filaments. The latter species has distinctly <:>ne-septate Spores. The Size of the algal cells, however, ;i_s not believed to be a useful taxonomic character, especially j_n the case of dried specimens where the filaments do not iambibe water easily, thus rendering the measurements of aalgal cells extremely difficult and inaccurate for compara- ‘tive purposes. A comparison of spore sizes among the geo- graphical areas present interesting information. Specimens from the United States and the West Indies were exactly the same in spore measurements; those from the Philippines were 6 x 2.5 u: the collections from Central America were 6.3—8 x 2.8-3 u in size. The Spores in the single fertile collection from Colombia measured 7.5 - 8.5 x 2.2 u. Exsicatti: Malme, Amer. n. 330. Material seen: FLORIDA: On trees (no locality), Sprague, (no date) (MSC 10877); on twig, in hammocks near the Homestead road, between Cutler and Longview Camps, Dade Co., Small & Carter 1347 & 1348, 9-12 November 1903 (NY); on twig, Royal Palm Hammocks, Dade Co., Lowe, 29 January 123 :1-5316 (Tenn.); on bark of trees, Sanford, Seminole Co., Rapp, May 1928 (FLAS 29040); on trunk of live oak, in low hammock, Lake Marion, Osceola Co., McFarlin 8, 21 January $1.931 (MSC); on sweet gum tree, Low Hammock near Sanford, Seminole Co., Uyenco 61, 9 February 1963 (MSC); on bark of ssweet gum tree, Lieder Trail, Highlands Hammock State Park, £3ebring, Highlands Co., Uyenco 18, 11 February 1963 (MSC). MEXICO: On living tree, Chichen Itza, Yucatan IPeninzula, Steere, 13 June 1932 (MICH 1253); on tree in iforest, San Miguel, Cozumel Island, Quintana Rio, Steere, 6-8 August 1932 (MICH 2726). COLOMBIA: On tree trunk, Dept. E1 Valle: Cordoba: altitude 50-100 meters; dense forest, Killip & Garcia 33447, 17 February 1939 (US). BAHAMAS: (no locality), Eggers 4463, (no date) (NY). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: On bark, Santo Domingo, Rose, March 1913 (MICH 8238); in wooded ravines along trail to Goodrich rubber grove, vicinity of Piedra Blanca, Prov. of La Vega: altitude 200—500 meters, Allard 17142, 21 November 1947 (US). HAITI: Mossy tree in deep shade, ravine on east Slope above road NW of Foret des Pins, Dept. l'Ouest, Imshagg_22909, 16 July 1958 (MSC). JAMAICA: Fern gully, near Ocho Rios, 700 ft., St. Ann Parish, 124 M 15797 a, 6 May 1953 (MSC). PUERTO RICO: On twigs, IL'Ei. Romana, Rio Dulce, Johnston, 7 April 1913 (MICH 8269); :EBZI. YUnque, Chamberlain, February 1941 (M0 158071). PHILIPPINES: On bark, Lake Manguao, Palawan, INIKEerrill 9014, April 1913 (US). Coenogonium Leprieurii Nyl. Jerrin. Sci. Nat. IV. 16:89. 1862. Holocoenis Leprieurii Clements, Gen. Fung. 174. 1909. g. Linkii var. Leprieurii hdx>nt. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 16:47. 1851. Orig. coll.: F rench Guiana, Leprieur . Synonyms: Dictyonema sericeum var. camerunense Henn., llitteil. von Forschungsreisend. ind Gelehrten aus dem IDeutsch. Schutzgebeit. 11:144. 1889. .9. Leprieurii var. lamellifera Wain. Ann. Acad. Sci. ‘Fenn. 15(Ser. A). 6:157. 1921. .Q- Leprieurii var. panniforme Wain. Jour. Bot. 34:204. 1896. Thallus spongy-byssoid, thin, circular, extending out horizontally in a prostrate growth, becoming imbricate With one margin affixed to substrate, shelf—like, yellow— green: algal symbionts Trentepohlia umbrina or T. odorata. Apothecia situated on both upper and lower surfaces of thallus, 125 1—‘—-ES mm. in diameter, round, sessile or rarely sub-sessile: d isk flat or somewhat convex, carneous or pale yellow; margin ‘fi7lfitite, thin, uneven: excipulum euparaplectenchymatous: lfiljgrpothecium colorless, partly paraplectenchymatous: hymenium about 60 LJ. high; paraphyses Slender, 0.7 — 2.5 LL wide, £3;j_mp1e, rarely septate, apices capitate, clavate to sub- §321.0bose, 1.7 - 5 u wide; asci cylindrical or cylindric-clavate, 41-..7 - 6.5 u wide, 8—spored; Spores simple, uniseriate, linear, c>1310ng—elliptic or fusiform—elliptic, 5.5 — 10 x (1) 2—4 u. Montagne established 9, Linkii var. Leprieurii on ‘tdne basis of the apothecium being plane from the beginning, {Provided with a rudiment of a stalk, remaining as such or (Seviating to convex shape, and maintaining hardly a trace of a.nargin. He also distinguished this variety from g. Linkii II tree trunk, East of Quimiri Bridge, dense forest, Dept. CIWJnin: La Merced; altitude about 700 meters, Killip & Smith 24039,. May 29-June 4, 1929 (US); on bark, in jungle (seast of Tingo Maria, Dept. San Martin: altitude 625-1100 130., Allard 20797 b, 30 October 1949-19 February 1950 (US). ESURINAM: (no locality), Weigelt, 1827 (MO 25591); Tafelberg (Table Mountain), Maguire_24598 a (B), 1 September 1944 (NY). “JENEZUELA: (No locality), Fendler, May 1856 (NY); on ‘tree trunks in humid forest, Colonia Tovar & vicinity, :in meadows & forest: altitude 1700—2300 meters, State (bf Aragua, Pittier 10033,.28 December 1921 (US); Colonia Tovar, altitude 1800—2000 m., Allart 349, December 1924 (NY). BAHAMAS: On alga, Rifle Range Coppice, New Providence, Britton 564, 6 September 1904 (NY); on wood, Cherokee, Abaco, Brace 1936 & iggz, 30 December 1904 (NY): CUBA: On rocks, Valley of the Rio Bayamita, south slope of the Sierra Maestra; altitude 900-1050 meters, Maxon 3975, 5-7 April 1907 (US): on tree trunk, forest slope, Santa Ana, about 6 miles north of Jaguey, Yateras, Oriente: altitude 600-625 m., Maxon 4194, 25 April 1907 (US); on rock, Loma del Gato, around summit of San Juan in mossy cloud forest with huge boulders and cliffs, Sierra Maestra, \ 130 <2’11‘iente, Imshaug 24695, 12 August 1959 (MSC). DOMINICAN IE§JEPUBLIC: On bark, in ravine near Goodrich rubber groves, "I’icinity of Piedra Blanca, Province of La Vega: altitude 32:00—500 meters, Allard 16915, 16922 & 16962 a, 12 November £1.947 (US). GRENADA: Montane thicket, Summit of Mt. Sinai, 2100 ft., St. David Parish, Imshaug 16180, 13 July 1953 (MSC); <:>n bark, secondary forest, Mt. Sinai Waterworks, 1300 ft., SSt. David Parish, Imshaug 16261, 21 July 1953 (MSC). IiAITI: On base of shrub in thicket, vicinity of Dondon, Dept. (in Nord, altitude about 400 meters, Leonard 8736 a, 8 ~January 1926 (US); base of tree in dense thicket, Pailborean Pass, vicinity of Ennery, Dept. de 1'Artibonite, altitude 325-900 meters, Leonard 9552, 5 February 1926 (NY); on twig, elfin woodland forest, ridge north of Foret des Pins (Shada Station), 5800 ft., near Dominican border, Dept. de l'Ouest, Imshaug 22752 & 22720, 14 July 1953 (MSC); on twig, elfin woodland, ridge about Foret des Pins, 5800- 5900 ft., Dept. de l'Ouest, Wetmore 3178, 18 July 1958 (MSC). JAMAICA: On slopes above Tweedside, altitude 2000—3000 ft., Maxon 969 a, 11 April 1903 (US): on tree, along the trail from Morce's Gap, 5000 ft., to Vinegar Hill (3950 ft.) Maxon 1517, 23 April 1903 (US); on log, vicinity of Hollymount, Mount Diablo, Maxon 1903, 8-9 May 1903 (US); exposed roots of 131 forest tree, deep ravine in mountain forest above House Hill, St. Thomas: altitude 500-700 meters, Maxon 9117, €5-—12 June 1926 (NY & US); Lumsden, St. Ann's, Orcutt 6088, 1928 (US); on twig, Hollymount, Mt. Diablo, 2754 ft., S 1: . Catherine Parish, Imshaug 14227, 28 January 1953 (MSC). P UERTO RICO : Quebrado de Limones, Mesa Mt., vicinity of Mayaguez,. Britton & Marble, 4—10 March 1906 (NY); vicinity of Utuado, Britton & Cowell 53, 15-20 March 1906 (NY); ravine near Utuado,‘ Wheeler 991, 15—20 March 1906' (NY & MICH 13295); Finca Alvarez, Quebradillas, Bro. Hioram 5;, January 1913 (NY); on tree, mountain forest, 905 m. altitude, Barrio des Maizales, Sierra de Naguabo, Britton & Hess 2299, 9 March 1914 (NY): Rio Icaco & adjacent hills, altitude 465- 720 m., Sierra de Naguabo, Shafer 3759, 30 July - 5 August 1914 (NY); on twig, Rio de Maricao, 600—720 m. altitude, Britton & Cowell 4234, 14 February 1915 (NY & MICH 14433): on wood & trees, Yunque, Fink 781, 11 December 1915 (MICH 8558); on trees in forest, Chamberlain, April 1941 (MICH). BORNEO: On twig, Gat, Upper Rej ang River, Sarawak, 3L & M. g. Clemens 5901, 15 July 1929 (NY). CEYLON: (no locality), Thwaites g_34, (no date) (NY). CHINA: On nmssy slope, 480 m. altitude, Ta Chai Shan (Yung Hsien), Kwangshi, Cheo 2622, 26 August 1933 (NY). PHILIPPINES: On 132 thvigs of living Shrubs, Lamao, Province of Bataan, Merrill 35568, October 1903 (US); Apo, 6500 ft., (collector not '}ulol_u co. co. co. oo~ o _ V k P l}! L _ i a q la 4 i l w w 111 l \ 34.303 own ow. oo- Su 8. o _ UJ