A CORRELATION OF SERUM.AGGLUTINATION REACTION, FATE OF FETUS, CONDITION OF FETAL MEMBRANES, AND BREEDING HISTORY OF THE BOVINE THESIS Submitted to the faculty of the Michigan State College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree or Master of Science. Major - Animal Pathology Minor - Bacteriology by Donald Blaire fieyer 19 32 Thtb's CONTENTS Introduction Technical Methods Tabulated Summary of Records of Cows Individual Records (Animale are listed in nunerical order.) Discussion ‘ Conclusions Acknowledgements Bibliography INTRODUCTION - Early in the year 1926 advantage was taken of the opportunity to carry on extensive studies of the reproduc- tive organs of cows in e Brucella abortus infected dairy herd consisting of approximately 150 animals. Dr. E. R. Carlson carried on the work until June, 1927, after which the author took up the studies and continued them through to June 1, 1929. The work consisted of a regular monthly serum-agg1u- timtion test of the entire herd, recording of each breeding and calving or abortion date and history of the calves, cul- turing the organs of each fetal cadaver, gross examination of each fetal membrane and charting all that were of special interest, treatment of cases of retained membranes and sterility, and post mortem stuiy of the genital organs of cows slaughtered. Following are sons of the many questions which were in the author's mind and which served as a stimulus and guide in carrying on the work: What per cent of fetal membranes show indications of a pathological condi tion, and what 'cmditions shall be consi— dered as indicative of disease? What are the etiological i‘actors involved in each of the various pathological condi- tions? Does each of these factors, or does any one of them, cause cfimcteristic lesions? that is the significance of these various abnormalities with special reference to the fate of the fetus and subsequent health of the reproductive system of the cow? fi—Hng—W *‘m Records of only the animals, sixty in number, which were of particular interest are included in this thesis. or the total of 60, '28 were classed as negative, 12 as suspi... cious, and 20 as positive to the serum—agglutination test for Bang's disease. The proportion of positive and suspi- cious animals of the unrecorded group was about the same as given above . ‘ TECHNICAL METHOD S For the diagnosis of Bang's disease the rapid or plate serum-agglut ination test was used (The Huddleson method). In cases of questionable reaction or decided change in titer from the previous test the serum was also tested by the slow or tube method. In order to be certain of securing all fetal membranes, the perturient cow was tied after the calf was delivered, and as soon as the membranes were expelled they were placed in a refrigerator until examined, which was usually done within 24 hours. To facilitate a complete and systematic examination, the membranes were spread out on the floor and with a pair of scissors opened by cutting either way from the cervical region to the apex of both horns parallel and close to the ' two umbilical blood vessels. After examination of the amnion, the membranes were then turned with the chorion up so that the placental areas could readily be studied by the aid of a gentle stream of water. If the membranes proved to be of special interest, they were charted. A large framed glass was placed over the membranes which were carefully spread out on the floor, and then tracing paper was laid on the glass covering the membranes from end to end. By this means structures were recorded in their actual, relative position and size. Each structure and pathological condi- tion was designated by a particular color. Photographs were made of these painted charts. The photographs were then painted for use in this thesis. Material for histological at my and guinea pig injec- tion was taken from the manbranes following the examination. The tissues were prepared for guinea pig inoculation by thorough washing in sterilized physiological salt solution and then ground with sterile quartz send by means of mortar and pestle. The material was then washed with sterile salt solution and about one cubic centimeter injected subcu- taneously. After six weeks the pigs were killed and an autopsy made; the lungs, liver, spleen, and kidneys were cultured; and the blood tested for 133. abortus agglutinins. 62:33 - a :HfiHeon . n e .n .m Cb H. mom: 333a .. n s m m H n n 9 5w: .Moms comes I e* .mmmonoen . n n* .mwm0hoo: 0>Hmnmpxo n ma m n H N e a emu: 238a .. m s H a .m .H n H. m mHm mHmOHMMm pgmHHm : m W333 .. H H m m m Sm spHeE . m . .wofimmvmh I\W £ .n .H H ¢ “m\ N fl 0 #Hm cosHapoa I w s n m nwvmw mm a NH oom Efieoa . n .3888 .. a... a.n.m.H a s 3H nSeoHEoo 28308 n n s m a .m .H n e «H 2H mHmonomn n e* .mHmOMOMm eme . unomao .. min .EpHams n as s H n H H. m a 0 SH 2333 .. a s o m a J m .m m .H @ @ m DH 03 hQFHwofl I b .UoflHwHOH . a a E: . o no .. o a o a m a 3 AU a «N 5 . nc>o me cam Hem mmoH .oz wonHaaMm monsunaoz no o o» o» no .pnsm .wyem Hence .8 no fiasco me... a an as no flutes immflTlfihl so .02 oz :8 Adana msoaoammSm mmdemEmE Adewm mo ZOHBHQZOU 92¢ .ZOHBdeHG mo meozmq .Qmoomm UZHQHHmm ho wmdfifipm HHH HAMdB BREEDING RECORD COW N O. 19 Breed Holstein Name Date Born Oct. 27 , 1916 Reg. NO. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Darturition 1 5/18/18 12/20/18 278 MI Died - Hernia 5/ 7/19 2 5/27/19 10/24/19 211 F Aborted 12/17/19 5 - 4/ 1/20, 1/ 2/21 277 M * 4 5/ 1/21 2/ 7/22 285 F 151 i 5 7/14/22 4/15/25 276 M 6 10/50/25, 7/27/24 271 F 202 7 1/15/25 10/10/25 269 F. 10/21/25 Killed 8 1/25/26 10/17/26 266 x Blind & deformed 1/12/27 2/ 5/27 5/51/27 4/28/27 '6/17/27 9 8/ 5/27 5/ 1/28 269 F 10 9/ 6/28 6/ 1/29 268 E 8/ 7/29 9/25/29 11/15/29 2/21/50 5/21/50 4/12/50 Pregnant at slaughter, t/4/50 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. * Unless otherwise recorded, the calf was normal. i Thig hllthT‘ “it: +hc: Wwo'r‘rfis ‘nnva'ho'n aria-ran +‘Hn nvwimn1 t PARTURITION RECORD Cow NO. 19 Partnrition No. 9 Date of conception: 8/5/37 Date Of calving: 5/1/38 Gest. in days: 369 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 2 Treatment for retention: Description. Of membranes: Date of examination: 5/ 2/28 Diffuse placentae over the entire membrane. No apparent indications of necrosis. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF 59’“ 1" 9111810 Weight: * Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause Of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: ll“Unless otherwise recorded the condition of the calf was normal . TV “vw-‘- <_ __ i PARTURITION RECORD COW NO. 19 Parturition No. 10 Date of conception: 9/6/28 Date Of calving: 6/1/29 Gest. in days: 268 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date Of examination: 6 / 3/ 29 One half of non pregnant horn covered with diffuse placental tufts in addition to usual number of placental areas. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause Of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease - "mu.” 0 H “ ’ Cow NO. 19 } Year 193.2. ----.1..9..9_9.- ....}.9__2_9_ .. -5 I Jan. ++++P +PT-.. Feb. ++++P ++P.... Mar. +PT-u- +PPT- Apr. ++ + +- 4- HP? May +++T.. ++P..- +++PT 3 June +++PT +PT-.. July +++.... ++T-- Aug. ++PTT ++P-- * Sept ++P T‘I‘ +PT -- l Oct. ++PPT +P--- Nov. ++PP- ++P-- I Dec. +1++T ++P-- Remarks: Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow NO. 4'7 Breed Holstein Name Date Born Oct . 18 , 1919 Reg. NO. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges.inDays Sex of Calf 1 Sequel of Parturition 1 1/ 9/21 10/ 1/21 265 , M; Aborted dead 2 11/19/21 8/25/22 280 M" 94 lbs. 5 5/14/25 12/11/25 272 2 r 76 a 77 1/2 lbs. 1/17/24 twins £23131 neigdafterbirt] 5 / 21/ 24 4/10/24 5/22/24 6/ 4/24 4 7/25/24 4/50/25 279 M 117 lbs. 12/ 1/24 . 12/17/24 . 5 8/ 6/25 5/ 4/26 271 F 97 lbs. 6/18/26 7/ 8126 7/51/26 8/15/26 10/ 4/26 10/29/26 6 11/18/26 8/25/27 280 F 88 lbs. Died, 9/1/27, enteritis 10/ 6/27 7 10/27/27 8/ 1/28 .278 N 101 lbs. 10/26/28 1/7/29 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. v PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 47 Perturition NO. 6 Date Of conception: 11/18/26 Date of calving: 8/35/ 2'7 Gest. in days: 280 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 3 Treatment for retention: Description Of membranes: Date of examination: Normal Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: 88 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause Of death: 9 /1/ 2'7 , Ent eri tis RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow NO. 47 Parturition NO. 7 Date of conception: 10/27 [2'7 Date of calving: 8/1/ 28 Gest. in days: 2'78 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 3 Treatment for retention: Description Of membranes: Date Of examination: Part of non-gravid horn was absent. There were 50 large, uniform, healthy cotyledons arranged in four'reguler rows. 8/22/28, two small pieces of afterbirth were noticed as .being passed. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: 101 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 'Yau Record of Serum-Ag'glutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 4'7 Jun be. khan .Apr. Rwy June July Oct. New [he Aug. San. +T--- +---- +---- +---- +---- P---- Pm.-- T---- PT--- T---- T---- T---- Remarks : Jan. 11, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. Post mortem findings: Gross examination: Cervix - 4 inches long. Right uterine horn — 22 inches long, 2 1/2 inches wide. Left uterine horn - 20 inches long, 1 1/4 inches wide. Uterine mucosa appeared normal. . Upon the vaginal and cervical mucosa.were numerous hemorrhagic areas indicating recent heat period. The cultural findings fer the right and left horn were negative. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow NO. '71 Breed J 91‘ say Name Date Born Aug . 30 , 1920 Reg. N 0. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 12/ 6/21 9/16/22 284 2 5/27/25 1/ 4/25 285 5 4/26/24 1/28/25 277 Died 5/10/25, pneumonia 4 5/51/25 5/ 8/26 281 n 4/12/26 I 5/ 5/26 5 k 6/ 4/26 5/10/27 279 M 6 5/12/27 2/18/28 282 n 7 . 4/15/28 1/20/29 282 F 8 5/18/29 12/27/29 282 F 1 9 2/25/50 12/ 1/50 279 M ‘ ? 2/17/51 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD COW N O. 71 Parturition No. 6 Date of conception: 5/12/ 37 Date of calving: 2/ 18/28 Gest. in days: 282 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date Of examination: Healthy Placental areas arranged in four very regular rows. Pregnant in right horn. Reference to other records: 7 5 RECORD OF CALF Sex: Eel 9 Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD COW NO. Parturition N O. 7 Date of conception: 4/13/38 Date of calving: 1/30/29 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 2 Treatment for retention: Description Of membranes: Date Of examination: Healthy e Placental areas arranged in four very straight rows. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent tO parturition: Parturie n1; paresi s. ‘71 282 Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. '71 Year -_--.1.9._3..7.-.. ..... 1- .9. .35. ............... J an. ----- P --- Feb. PT---- PT--- Mar. T---- ----- Apr. pr..- ----- May T---- ----- T---- June ----- ----- July --'--'- “rm-'- Aug. Tu" """ Sept. "" “" """ Oct. """’" PT""’ NOV. """" T”"" Dec. """"’ +T“" Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1 / 50, 1 / 100, 1/200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow NO. 83 Breed Guernsey Name Date Born Dec. 28, 1916 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 4/22/18 2/ 2/19 287 F Normal 2 5/19/19 1/21/20 505 F " 5 5/ 5/20 2/10/21 285 M n 4 6/26/21 4/ 7/22 280 M 9 5 5/51/22 5/11/25 285 M 9 6 6/11/25 . 9/ 5/25 6/16/24 287 F Died 6/29/24 7/ 2/24 7 8/15/24 6/ 1/25 295 M Nommal 6/24/25 8/ 5/25 8 10/21/25 8/15/26 297 M Normal 9 10/15/26 8/ 1/27 292 9/11/27 12/10/27 10 2/11/28 11/26/28 288 F 1/25/29 2/14/29 5/ 5/29 7/26/29 8/20/29 9/10/29 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N O. 83 Parturition NO. 8 Date of conception: 10/31/25 Date of calving: 8/13/ 26 Gest. in days: 297 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 83 - 1 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membrane. A. Naked area of non-gravid horn. B. Necrotic tip. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Note: Chart for photograph and data.for'this parturition were furnished by Dr. E.R.Carlscn PARTURITION RECORD Cow N O. 83 Parturition No. 9 Date Of conception: 10/13/26 Date of calving: 8/1/27 Gest. in days: 293 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph 53 83 - 2 Reduced to 1/9 the size of the membrane. A. Naked chori on of non-gravid horn. Yellow indicates areas in which the villi are short—tufted and of a dull opaque appearance indicating necrosis. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: F emal e Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: ‘J PARTURITION RECORD Cow NO. 83 Parturition NO. 10 Date of conception: 2/11/33 Date of calving: 11/25/28 Gest. in days: 388 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 5 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 82 - 3 Reduced to 1/8 the size of the membrane. A. Area of placenta showing typical necrotic tufting of the villi. 1/5 of the villi of nearly all 57 cotyledons present branches which are slightly matted together and of a yellowish opaque appearance. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of; death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: ‘z Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease . i“ CowNo. 83 1 V i Year _-__.1.2.z_z __--i9._2s ..... i 93.9. ................... _ _____________ ' . ‘ . Jan. In...- Tune... ' Apr. +PT-- +1.--- ‘ , May PTv-O T-v-O ----- . T-..- inn-un- ( ‘ Sept '1‘ 1 ,2; ‘ Oct. _..-- ----- I (I NOV. --"- To--- Dec. T-w- Tun--- 4: Remarks: Sept. 18, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. August 2, 1929, a guinea pig was inoculated with a salt suspension of , — ground placental tissue which was obtained from a diseased area. . Six weeks after injection the pig's serum reacted negative and 1 cultural findings were negative. Jan. 15, 1929, expressed a corpus luteum from either ovary. 7 ,‘a 1 ———~.‘~a’.r I Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. fig BREEDING RECORD Cow No, 128 Breed Holstein Name Date Born MEI-‘0}! 15 g 1930 . Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Cal! Sequel of Parturition 1 10/ 4/21 6/26/22 266 M 12/14/22 2 1/ 6/23 10/ 7/23 274 M 3 1/ 6/26 9/15/24 252 F Aborted 4 11/13/24 8/22/25 277 M 5 10/ 1/25 6/28/26 270 F 10/18/26 12/ 1/26 6 12/24/26 9/25/27 214 F Asorted 12/17/27 7 1/ 7/28 10/13/28 279 8 12/19/28 9/18/29‘ 272 M 95 lbs. 10/ 6/29 10/28/29 9 5/1/30 11/16/29 9/ 9/30 297? F Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. fit". "Ktfisr PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. Parturition No. 6 Date of conception: 12/34/35 Date of calving: 9/25/27 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Normal Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female ‘ Weight: Condition at birth: Normal, apparently. Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 128 214 PARTIIRITION RECORD Cow No. 128 Parturition No. 7 Date of conception: 1/ '7 / 28 Date of calving: 1.0/13 / 28 Gest. in days: 2'79 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: 10/1'7/28. B . coli septicaemi 8. RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 128 Year ”19.3.7... ”$9.28.- ”1:939. ................ Jan. +PP..- +++P- Feb. ++PT- +++T.. Mar. +PT-- ++P-- Apr. ++P-- ++PT- May ++T..- ++P-.. «MM. June ++T-- «ta-PT... July +++T— ++PT- Aug. T-T—- ++PT- Sept. ++T-- ++T-- Oct. PP -- ++P- Nov. ++P -- ++PT- Dec. +PT-- ++P- Remarks : Sept. 29, 1930, the cow was slaughtered. Oct. 17, 1928, a guinea pig was injected with whole blood from calf of parturition number '7. Cultures from the liver, spleen, kidney, and lung of the pig on Nov. 28 showed pure growth or escherichia 00110 . Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 137 Holstein Feb. 13, 1921 Breed Name Date Born Reg. N o. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 11/18/25 7/14/22 8123/22 9/11/22 9/30/22- l/ll/2j 2/ 2/2 3/19/24 5/22/24 9/ 4/2 11/12/23 11/18/24 10/13/25 8/ 1/23 7/31/2o 8/20/26 8/10/27 6/25/28 7/18/28 7/26/29 9/14/29 e/17/29 10/ 6/29 12/31/29 3/ 5/30 7/ 3/23 6/10/25 5/ 5/26 5/18/27 5/12/28 4/23/29 Pregnant 277 280 271 275 275 279 at 31 an M M M ghter, 5 Normal, sold Normal, died 1/8/2 Normal /2o/3o. Abbreviations: Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. /.5’I' i PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 137 Parturition No. 3 . Date of conception: 8/1/25 Date of calving: 5/5/ 26 Gest. in days: 2'71 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph 54 137 -. 1 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. Numerals small accessory placental areas are present in the non-gravid horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Note: The chart for the photofirafihC and1 data for this parturition were furnished by Dr. Clar son. ~ - O... . on... . C‘ZSC CW. e.:.nao £C-vO. \xuwun .. no ..W. o.... at»... C... PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 137 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 53/10/37 Date of calving: 5/12/ 28 Gest. in days: 2'75 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph 5 137 - 2 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. A - A' Areas of interplacental necrosis. B - B' Areas of placental necrosis. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male . Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: / I! 1': PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 137 Parturition No. 6 Date of conception: 7/ 18/ 28 Date of calving: 4/23/ 29 Gest. in days: 279 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Normal Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 137 - 3 Reduced to 1/12 the size of the membranes. A. Area of placental necrosis. B. Area or interplacental necrosis. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 137 Year -1921... ”2.928"- -1932 ................................... Jan. +++++ ----.. Feb. +++++ T++++ Mar. +++ ++ TPPPT Apr. +++ +P -P +PT May +PPT- ----- TPT-.. June +++++ .._....- July ++++- -........ Aug. ++ +PT on--- Sept. ++++T mu.-- Oct. + ++PT --....- Nov. PPT-- ----- Dec. +++PT --..-.. Remarks : * May 20, 1930, the cow was slaughtered. The right uterine horn contained a 75 day fetus. Rest of the 45 placental areas Which were arranged in 4 regular rows extending well into the apex were attached. There were 41 placental areas in.the left horn arranged in 4 regular rows and extending to the apex. All structures appeared normal. April 25, 1929, 2 guinea pig injections were made of a soft suspension of ground placental tissue obtained from.the fetal membranes of the sixth parturition. Both pigs died.within 24 hours after injection. * These data were furnished by Dr. C. F. Clark. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 143 Breed Holstein Name Date Born Aug. 2, 1921 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. 1n Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 3/21/23 12/27/23 281 r 7/ 4/24 2 8129/24 6/ 8/25 283 M 9/ 8/23 ' 3 10/ 7/23 7/11/26 277 F” ‘ Died 10/9/26 9/30/26 1/29/29 4/ 1/27 4 4/27/27 1/30/28 278 M 2/18/28 3/12/28 4/ 7/28 7/16/28 5 9/12/28 6/15/29 276 M ;2/ 9/28 : 9/27/29 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 143 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 10/7/35 Date of calving: 7/11/26 Gest. in days: 277 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 143 - 1 Reduced to 1/13 the size of the membrane. Note the irregularity in placental arrangement. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: NOW: The chart for this photograph and the data for parturition No. 3 were furnished by Dr. E. R. Carlscn. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 143 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 4/37/27 Date of calving: 1/ 30/ 28 Gest. in days: 278 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 12 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in left horn. See Photograph # 143 - 2 Reduced to 1/15 the size of the mmbrane. Note very numerous accessory placental areas. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex : Male Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow N o. 143 Year ”129.31.-- “1.92.8" “ ................................. Jan. mu.-- ..... Feb. T--- -1.-- .. Mar. - --—- ‘1‘...— Apr. Tm.-— u.--- May ---—- ---- ----- June ----- ----- July PT-.- -..--.. Aug. +T—- - u.-- Sept. ----- ----- Oct. P---- ----- Nov. ----- “n-“ Dec. "m -- "r-- Remarks : Dec. 4, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. Dilutions : 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 150 Breed Name Date Born Feb . 2 , 1922 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 8/20/23 3/28/24 220 M 2 6/22/24 3/24/25 275 M 3 8/27/25 3/28/26 274 M 4 5/ 8/26 2/ e/27 275 r 5 5/ 6/27 2/ 6/28 276 r 3/23/28 ' o 5/ 4/28 2/ 6/29 275 M 4/30/29 5/24/29 7/ 1/29 7/21/29 8/13/29 10/ 2/29 2/24/ 30 ' 3/20/30 4/ 8/30 5/ 9/30 Pregnant at time of slaughter, 9/9/30. Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. 4. 05/ PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 150 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 6 / 2'7 / 25 Date of calving: 3/ 28/ 26 Gest. in days: 275 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph 2;" 150 .. 1A to B Reduced to 1/9 the size of the mmbrane. Note numerous accessory placental areas and naked apex in non-gravid horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Note: The charts for the photographs 150 .. 1A a; B and the data for this parturition were furnished by Dr. E. R. Carlson. CC. . ofi. .l...-I RAMS 1N 0.. .3. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 150 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 35/5/27 Date of calving: 33/5/38 . Gest. in days: 275 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 3 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 150 - 3 Note that there is an absence of visible indications of disease and naked areas. However, the cotyledons are not arranged in regular rows as usual. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 150 Parturition No. 6 Date of conception: 5 / 4 / 28 Date of calving: 2 [6/ 29 Gest. in days: 275 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 5 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Not charted. 83 healthy placental areas in both horns arranged in four fairly regular rows. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight : Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 150 Year ”“- ..... l 99-81---1--9-.2--9---_ -------------- Jan. ++++P ++++P Feb. ++PT.. ++P-- Mar. ++PT ++PT- Apr. +++T.. +++-- May +PT-- ++P-- ++T..- June +PT... +++P- July +PPT- +++T- Aug. +13--- +++PT Sept. +P'l‘..- +++++ Oct. +++PP +++PT Nov. ++P++ +++++ Dec. +++PP +++++ Remarks: Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Breed 15018 t sin Name Date Born F 9b 0 6 Q 19 33 Reg. N 0. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 8/30/23 slag/24 266 u need at de1. 2 7/26/24 4/10/25' 259 'n w n w 6/26/25 3 8/12/25 4/24/26 256 I! Developed norm al 137 9/ 3/26 6/26/26 9/16/26 4 11/ 8/26 6/ 7/27 211 Dead at del. 5 8/ 3/27 6/ 4/29 273 F 6 7/12/28 4/16/29 279 n ‘ 5/27/29 ' 7/ 2/29 7 8/ 2/29 6/ 1/30 271 n a/ 5/30 Abbreviations: Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. J a l 1.. .42... PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 151 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 8/13/35 Date of calving: 4/34/35 Gest. in days: 356 ' RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 151 - 1L Non gravid horn. Reduced to 1/5 the size of the membranes. Note the necrosis of the numerous accessory placental areas as indicated by the yellow. See Photograph 7? 151 - lB Gravid horn. Reduced to 1/6 the size of the membranes. Note that in the gravid horn necrosis is very extensive In the interplacental tissue as indicated by the white. The yellow indicates necrosis or the placental areas. Reference to other records. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM . Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Note: The chart for photographs ,4! 151 - 1A 8r. B and the data for this parturition were furnished by Dr. E. R. Carlson. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. Parturition N o. 4 Date of conception: 11/8/36 Date of calving: 6/7/37 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: No examination of membranes. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Dead at delivery. Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 151 211 PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 151 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 8/3/27 Date of calving: 6/ 4 / 28 Gest. in days: 273 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: In the interplacental tissue of the non—gravid horn there was a group of thick, leathery, necrotic areas about 6 in number and about the size of a 50 J piece. There were numerous accessory cotyledons. Otherwise there was no indication of disease. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: F emle Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 15]- Parturition No. 6 Date of conception: '7/13/38 Date of calving: 4/ 16/ 29 Gest. in days: 279 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 5 01' 4 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Large healthy appearing cotyledons See Photograph # 151 -. 2 Reduced to 1/7 the size of the membranes. Note the absence of all indication of disease. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 151 Year wig-.21.- ..... 1 9.3.8. ”wig-.219. ................. Jan. +++++ +++++ Feb. +++++ +++++ Mar. +++++ +++++ Apr. +++++ +++++ May +++++ ++++P +++++ June +++++ ----- July +++++ +++++ Aug. +++++ +++++ Sept, +++++ +++++ Oct. +++++ +++++ Nov. +++++ +++++ Dec. +++++ +++++ Remarks: Sept. 9, 1930, the cow was slaughtered. Dilutions : 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 153 Breed H018 tein Name Date Born May 5 , 1922 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date (368. in Days Sex of Cal! Sequel of Parturition 1 9/12/23 6/13/24 275 M 2 8/19/24 5/18/25 273 :5 53/20/25 5/21/26 274 M Veale d 7/ 3/26 7/24/26 8/28/26 9/21/26 4 10/11/26 7/14/27 276 F 5 9/ 2/27 6/ 5/28 276 F 6 8/13/28 5/17/29 277 F 9/23/29 10/22/29 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 153 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 9/2/2'7 Date of calving: 6 / 5/ 28 Gest. in days: 27 6 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Many accessory cotyledons 1n gravid horn. In the non-gravid born there were four complete rows of almost entirely diffuse placental areas. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Fem 16 Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 153 Parturition No. 6 Date of conception: 8/13/23 Date of calving: 5/17/29 Gest. in days: 277 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: The placental areas of non—gravid horn were somewhat diffuse, while there was no indication of diffusion in the gravid horn. Reference to other records: ' RECORD OF CALF Sex: Femle Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Year ----n--—------- Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 153 -------—_---_-—- Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ‘- PT—-- P-.-. T...- P’--. +P--- PT--- T...- T---- T---- Remarks : Nor. 12, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. Gross post mortem findings: * The placental areas of the anterior one half of each uterine Dilutions : horn appear nonnal as to size, number, and arrangement. From the middle of each horn to the posterior extremities the number and size of the placental areas decrease so that they are nearly absent in the posterior one fourth. * These data were furnished by Dr. C. F. Clark. 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. _.., w- — .- _ ._ - W" s -- - La. ~ - — .- ~¢ .- . ..__. -. . _ . . — _- .- l . u— - n— A. .g.. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 155 Breed Holstein Name Date Born July 10 g 1923 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days 861: of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 8/27/23 5/26/24 273 F 2 7/19/24 4/20/25 275 r 3 7/ 7/23 4/ 8/26 275 F 4 6/25/26 4/ 1/27 280 M, Died of pneumonia 7/5/27 5 5/ 7/27 2/12/23 281 M 3/25/27 6 7/20/28 4/24/29 278 F 7 6/23/29 4/ 2/30 283 r Abbreviations: Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. Parturition N o. 5 Date of conception: 5/7/27 Date of calving: 3112/38 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: M818 Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 155 281 PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 155 Parturition'No. 6 Date of conception: 7/ 20/23 Date of calving: 4/34/29 Gest. in days: 278 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: The placental tissue of the non-gravid horn was diffuse so as to form nearly complete rows of placental tissue. The areas of the gravid horn were diffuse but not so continuous as in the non- gravid horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow N o. 155 Year -_-19.2..'Z-- -19. 2.8.--- ..-19.3_9 ................ Jan. PT-m- ---..- Feb. ----- ..... Mar. ----- '1‘...- Apr. -~ -- ~---- May ----- ---- T---- June ----- ----- July '13-..- ----- Aug. --'-- "u"- Sept. -'-"" ""- 0... 12..--.. ----- Nov. "u" '''' Dec. --'--"' ----- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1 / 100, 1/200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 159 Breed H01 stein Name Date Born Sept . 21 , 19 22 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 4/15/24 6/22/24 11/10/24 1 12/ 5/24 9/ 7/25 279 r 12/ 7/23 2 2/18/26 11/14/26 269 r 3 { 3/18/27 12/21/27 279 r 2/ 4/28 4 , 3/2s/2s 12/25/28 272 n a F Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 12/5/24 Date of calving: 9/7/35 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Arte rbirth normal. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 159 2'79 .d.1 E... :3... .4 ; I‘ll-till"! v. 2,1866 1-. AC/ PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 159 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 2/18/25 Date of calving: 11/15/‘35 Gest. in days: 3'70 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 159 - lA Non-gravid him. See Photograph i‘r’ 159 - lB Gravid horn. Reduced to 1/6 the size of the membrane. Note the extensive necrosis of the placental tissue of both cornut as indicated by the yellow. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause-of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 9 - 1A 8:. B and the data for 5 y Dr. E0 R0 CflI‘lBOne Note: The chart for the photographs {7" 1 this parturition were furnished b PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. Parturition N o. 3 Date of conception: 3/ 18/ 2'? Date of calving: 12/ 21/27 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Pregnant in right horn. See Photograph # 159 - 2 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. No indications of disease. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 159 279 PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 159 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 55/ 28/ 38 Date of calving: 13/25/35 Gest. in days: 373 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: 12/27/28, oil and iodoform injected into right horn. 12/29/28, all of the membranes cleaned away in nice shape. Description of membranes: Date of examination: Two teparate fetal membranes. The membranes of the left horn were passed immediately. Tm right horn was retained. See Photograph 2? 159 - 3 Reduced to 1/7 the size of the membranes. Note the large area of necrosis of the interplacental tissue as indicated by white. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male and female Weight: 90 8c 80 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: 1/4/29 Male died. Septicemia resulting from generalized peritonitis. RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: The cow died Jan. 1, 1929. Death was due to septicemia following udder infection. Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 159 Year 1.119%?“ Mil-.9129. ................................................. Jan. +++PT Feb. ++PT- Mar. . +4» +13- Apr. +++T- May ++PT- ++P-.. June +++P- +PT-- July ++PT- PPT-- Aug, +++ -- ++P.... Sept.‘ ++T-- ++T..... Oct. +++-- ++P-- Nov. ++P-- _ ++PT- Dec. +PT-u- ++T-- Remarks : Jan. 1, 1929 - Cow died due to septicemia following udder infection. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200. 1/500- BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 162 Breed mshire Name Date Born June 10 9 1920 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 4/19/22 1/27/23 282 n 7/20/23 s/ 6/23 e/23/23 s/ e/23 1/26/23 10/31/23 12/ 7/23 12/27/23 2 3/15/24 12/26/24 279 M Died 12/as/24 3 4/ 4/25 1/13/23 385 r 4 4/ 5/26 1/11/27 282 r 3 4/ 2/27 1/13/28 287 F a l 3/ 5/28 12/ 4/2e 274 F Killed by 1 igh t en in g 7 1/25/29 11/ 3/29 282 r 1/ a/3o 8 2/15/30 11/22/30 280 F Died. jbbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 4/2/27 Date of calving: 1/13/23 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy. There were no accessory cotyledons. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: F emal a Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 162 287 PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 162 Parturition No. 6 Date of conception: 3/5138 Date of calving: 12 /4/38 Gest. in days: 274' RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 3 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 162 Year -1921. .._..19.2.&. -1929.-- ................................ Jan. . +++++ +++++ Feb. +++++ +++++ Mar. + ++++ + +++T Apr. +++++ +++++ May +++PT +++PT +++++ June +++++ ++++P July ++++P ++++P Aug. +++++ +++++ Sept. +++++ +++++ Oct. ++++P +++++ Nov. +++++ ++++P Dec. +++++ +++PT Remarks: Jan. 13, 1928, a guinea pig was injected with salt suspension of ground placental tissue obtained from a diseased area.’ pig was killed on Feb. 24, 1928, and gave negative serum agglutination reaction and cultural f indings. Dilutions : 1/25, 1/50, 1/ 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. The BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 163 Breed H01 stein Name Date Born Jan. 9, 1923 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 8/28/24 1 11/ 3/24 8/ 4/25 274 r 103 lbs. 2 10112/25 8/16/26 271 M 11/ 9/23 10/11/26 11/30/26 12/15/26 1/ 6/27 1/28/27 2/ 5/27 2/17/27 3/14/27 3 4/ 5/27 1/12/28 282 M 4 2/21/28 11/29/28 272 M Died 48 hours after birth 0 3/ 6/29 a 4/ 6/29 1/16/30 285 M Retained.fetal membranes. Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 168 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 4/5/27 Date of calving: 1/12/28 Gest. in days: 282 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 8 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: He alt hy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 168 Parturition No. 4: Date of conception: 2/21/33 Date of calving: 31/29/38 Gest. in days: 272 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Normal 0 Four regular rows of cotyledons. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 168 Year - 191.27 ....... 1 .932}? .................................... Jan, +++++ +++++ Feb. +++++ +++++ Mar. +++++ +++++ Apr. +++++ +++++ May +++++ +++++ +++++ June +++++ +++++ July +++++ +++++ Aug. +++++ +++++ Sept. +++++ +++++ Oct. +++++ +++++ Nov. +++++ +++++ Dec. +++++ ++++P Remarks: April 8, 1930, the cow was sold. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 1'71 Breed H018 130111 Name Date Born Feb' 7 a 1923 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 7/7/24 4/15/25 283 M 7/20/23 2 8/16/25 4/15/26 243 Dead at del. Fetal pneumonia. 5/31/26 6/24/26 3 8/13/26 5/ 6/27 264 F 4 8/25/27 6/ 2/28 281 M 3 8/10/28 5/ 5/29 268 M a F 7/16/29 l Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PART URITION RECORD Cow N o. 17 1 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 8/16 /25 Date of calving: 4/15/26 Gest. in days: 243 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Right (gravid) horn passed in 10 hours. Left (non-gravid) horn retained and treated with oil 8: iodoform See Photograph ,{i‘ 1'71 - 1 Reduced to 1/6 the size of the membranes. Yellow indicates necrosis of the placenta. T:"Ihite indicates necrosis of the chorion.laeve. The small, dark, unpainted specks are petechial lesions on the chori on.laeve. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Note: The chart for the photograph and data for this parturition were furnished by Dr. E. R. Carlson. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 171 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 8/15/26 Date of calving: 5/6/27 Gest. in days: 264 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 171 - 2 Reduced to 1/8 the size of the mbranes. Note that one half of the chorion is void of placental tissue leaving a total of 24 areas in the gravid horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: 9 Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 171 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 8/25/37 Date of calving: 6/2/% Gest. in days: 281 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 171 - 3 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. Note that except for two placental areas there are no indications of disease. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: M81 6 Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 1'71 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 8/10/23 Date of calving: E5/5/29 Gest. in days: 268 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 3 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in left horn. See Photograph 1‘? 171 — 4 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. Note that except for one placental area there are no indications of disease. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male and Female Weight: 61 and 54 lbs. Condition at birth: Small Date and cause of death: Female autopsied. Repmduc tive organs undeveloped. RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow N o. 171 Year -1231... -1939. ml???- _________________________________ Jan. +++PT +++P- Feb. ++++P ++PT- Mar. +++P- ++..-.. Apr. ++PT- + +P- .. May +++T- -....-.. +T--- June ++PPT '13---- July ++PPT -..-..- Aug. ++++T +PT..- Sept. ++PT- PT-m-V Oct. ++ +PT m.--- Nov. ++ +PT +PT-u- Dec. ++PPT ++P -- Remarks : Oct. 2, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. A guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground placental tissue-obtained from diseased area of membranes of the fourth parturition. The pig died within 24 hours after injection. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, .1/100, 1/200, 1/500. p.4— _—-.- BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 173 Breed Hols 136111 Name Date Born April 8 , 192 3 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Cal! Sequel of Parturition 12 / 32/241 1 1/ 7/25 9/22/25 259 F Dead at de1. 2 11/ 5/25 8/ 6/26 275 M. Vealed 10/7/26 5 9/ 1/26 5/25/27 266 F Dead at de1. 9/12/27 4 10/ 1/27 6/27/28 269 F 9/17/28 10/ 9/28 5 12/17/28 9/20/29 277 F Retained fetal membrane 3 . 6 12/ 2/29 9/ 2/30 274 M Retained fetal membrane 3 . 2/ 7/30 2/11/30 3/11/30 :5 / 21 I5 0 6 [12130 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 1'73 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 11/5/35 Date of calving: 3/5/26 Gest. in days: 375 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 173 .. 1 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. Note that the anterior 1/3 of the non.gravid horn was entirely void of placental tissue. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Note: The chart for the photograph and the date for this parturi- tion were furnished by Dr. E. R. Carlson. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 173 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 10/1/27 Date of calving: 6/2'7/ 28 Gest. in days: 269 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Normal 0 Normal arrangement of placental areas. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Femle Weight: Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Year o-_- -——------“- Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow N o. 173 Jan. Feb. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. ----- Remarks : Sept., 1930, the cow was sold. It is quite interesting to study the history of the reproduction of this animal. The length of her gestation periods are below the average; two of her six calves were dead at rather premature delivery; the fetal membranes were retained following the last two parturitions; her breeding efficiency has been below average. In spite of the fact that many would attribute such history to Br. abortus infection, this cow has never shown the slightest reaction to the test for that disease. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. ~ . .. a. —— ‘- -. ~ 0 -o .. .— «.— u _._.—.. - ..a.. - BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 174 Breed H0137” 1 n Name Date Born May 28 , 19 23 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 3/10/25 12/ s/25 274 F 3/14/26 2 5/16/26 2/21/27 279 F 3 6/ 7/27 5/ 9/28 275 M Dead at del. 4 5/11/28 2/17/29 282 8/11/28 8/ '7/29 Found pregnan t at slaughter 1/8/30. Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 174 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception:6/7/27 Date of calving: 13/9/28 Gest. in days: 275 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 4 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Only the gravid horn was obtained. 52 cotyledons varying in size from 1 1/4 to 6 inches in diameter and arranged in 4 very regular rows. A few villi of 6 cotyledons in the apex of the gravid horn and of 2 cotyledons in the ventro-cervical region showed a bleached appearance which was in contrast to the rest of the placental areas which were of a decided blood-red color. These villi were neither matted or tufted as indicative of necrosis. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Dead Date and cause of death: Posterior presentation. Very large fetus . RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 174 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 5/11/ 28 Date of calving: 2/1'7/ 29 Gest. in days: 292 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn. Gravid horn appeared nonnal. About one-half of the chorion of the non-gravid horn was covered with diffuse placental tissue. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Cow No. Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease 174 r... -1931- ..... .1. 22.8.. -2939. - Jan- +PT +++++ Feb. PT".- + ++++ Mar. PT-u— +++++ Apr- T---- +++++ May T'~- ++P-- +++++ June w--- ++P.... JUIY +P--- +++++ A118- T---- +++++ Sept. T-uu- e++++ Oct. To-.. +++++ Nov. T-m +++++ Dec. Tm.-.- ++++P Remarks : A guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground placental tissue obtained from fetal membrane of the third parturition. April 23, 1928, the blood reaction and cultural findings were negative. * Upon slaighter it was found that the right uterine horn (post pregnant horn) carried a fetus of 150 days gestation. Some of the placental areas near the anterior extremity of the right horn were diseased. * These data were furnished by Dr. C. F. Clark. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. “fi‘-— —_-—.._. .a...... _ . BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 179 Breed Brown Swiss Name Date Born Sept. 38 a 1922 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Cal! Sequel oi Parturition 12/ 6/24 1 8/ 6/25 5/24/26 291 F 2 12/22/26 10/ 2/27 284 F 11/18/27 2/20/28 3 3] 6/28 12/10/28 280 M 4 4/ 6/29 1/20/30 292 F Retained fetal membrane 5 9/24/29 3/24/60 % 4/21/30 6/29/30 7/21/50 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 179 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 13/ 22/ 26 Date of calving: 10/2/ 27 Gest. in days: 284 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: The interplacental area of the gravid horn was most completely covered with accessory cotyledons. Non-gravi d horn mi ss ing . Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: 1/ 6/ 28 , pneumonia . RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 179 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 2/ 20 / 28 Date of calving: 12/ 11/ 28 Gest. in days: 294 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: The entire gravid and much of the non-gravid horn were most completely covered with accessory cotyledons. 'Pregnant in right horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex : Male Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 179 Year --19-27_-- 1928---- -4929 ................ Jan. ++PT- T-..” Feb. ++PT- Tun-- Mar. +++T- PT—o Apr. ++P-— +13..- May ++++T ++PT- -..--... June +++PT +P--- July +—--- ++P-- Aug, +++P- ++P..- Sept. +++—— ++T-.. Oct. +PT-u- ' +PT-.. Nov. +++-- +13--- Dec. ++P-- +P--- Remarks: Sept. 9, 1930, the cor: was slaughtered. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. 7.. _. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 180 Breed Guernsey Name Date Born Sept . 23, 1923 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 4/10/25 4/30/25 6/ 3/25 1 9/25/25 7/14/26 290 2 9/28/26 7/21/27 294 M 9/26/27 8 10/19/27 7/29/28 288 n 4 10/ 9/28 7/24/29 288 9/28/29 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 180 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 9/ 28/ 26 Date of calving: ‘7 / 21/27 Gest. in days: 294 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 10 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Distributed throughout the interplacental area of the entire membrane were found diffuse yellow mottled areas. Also there were found in the cervical portion of the non-gravid horn three cotyledons showing much necrosis of the tips of the 71111 0 Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. Parturition N o. 3 Date of conception: 10/19/27 Date of calving: '7/ 29/ 28 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: He 81thy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 180 283 Year -_.1.9.-§.'.7,_ Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 180 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. T-..— P---- Tu.--- T---- T-o-o- -“-- Remarks : Nam, 1929, the cow was sold. A guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground Dilutions : 1/25, parturi t ion . placental tissue from the fetal membranes of the second Cultural findings of the pig were negative. 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 184 Breed Guernsey Name Date Born Dec ' 18 9 1923 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Cal! Sequel of Parturition 4/17/25 6 / 28 / 25 1 9/ 5/25 6/14/26 282 M Normal 10/26/25 9/ 7/26 2 9/28/26 7/17/27 292 M 3 10/ 1/27 7/18/28 290 4 9/27/27 7/15/29 291 M Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. I . .li‘ll .1111. .. If . illltu Ill. Iii:l PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 184 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 9/ 28/ 26 Date of calving: '7 / 1’7/ 2'7 . Gest. in days: 292 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 24 Treatment for retention: Oil and iodoform. Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph 1‘} 184 - l Rec‘mced to 1/8 the size of the membranes. Note the location and extension of placental necrosis as indicated by yellow. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 184 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 10/1/27 Date of calving: 7/18/23 Gest. in days: 290 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 13 Treatment for retention: Taken away manually. Was not unusually difficult to remove. Description of membranes: Date of examination: Membranes were badly torn so that a real systematic examination and charting were impossible. There were no signs of disease present in the portions examined. Culture made from one cotyledon which was removed showed staphylococcus and streptococcus. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 184 Year "ml-9.3.2... ....... 1: 9.3.9. .................................. Jan. ++PT- +PT-.. Feb. +PT-u- ++T-- Mar. +++P- «HP..- Apr. - +++P- +PT... May +PT-- +++P- ++T-- June +PT—- «HP--- July +P--- +P--- Aug. +T-- +PT-— Sept. +T--- +13--- Oct. +T--- +T--- Nov. +13 T-- +P--- Dec. +---.. +‘1‘--- Remarks : Nov. 12, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. No gross pathological ccndition was noted in the genital organs. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 187 Breed Holstein Name Date Born J an. 7, 1924 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Cal! Sequel of Parturition 1 4/14/25 1/ 9/26 270 M 2 3/27/26 12/27/26 275 5 3/17/27 11/14/27 222 F Retained fetal membranes 12/50/27 3/ 8/28 2/ 7/28 4 3/20/28 5/ 5/28 2/ 8/29 279 M Vealed. 5/26/29 ' '5 5/20/29 2/27/50 285 M 4/ 4/50 Pregnant at slaughter 9/9/30. Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 187 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 3/17/27 Date of calving: 11/14/ 27 Gest. in days: 222 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 5 a” 3 Treatment for retention: I 11/15/27 injection of oil and iodoform. 11/18/27 H 7 n n w 11/20/27 membranes were removed. Description of membranes: Date of examination: No examination because of retention. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Dead. Sea remarks. Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: P ARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 187 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 5/5/33 Date of calving: 33/8/29 Gest. in days: 279 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 3 or 4 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Fetal membranes appeared healthy in every respect with the excep- tion of six areas of interplacental. tis sue. These areas varied from the size of a 50 ‘ piece to a dime. They varied in appearance from a decided yellowish, dull, opaque necrosis to a homogeneous white, glistening appearance. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 187 Year 1-13.3.7 “lg-3.8.-- "-119.3- 9. ------.._-----_ Jan. +++++ +PT-.. Feb. +++.++ ++PP.. Mar. +++P- Apr. ++++T +PT-- May ----- ++++T ++T-.. June "m" *1)"- July --—-- ++PT- Aug. T""’" 'HP" Sept. ""'"'" "’ +"'T"" Oct. """""" H'P“ Nov. "’ "’ " ++PT' Dec. +++++ +T1'... Remarks : Nov. 14, 1927, the fetus which was delivered dead was cultured, and the cultures of all fetal organs showed Brucella abortus. Dilutions : 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 191 Name Breed Guernsey Date Born May 7 , 1924 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf ' Sequel of Parturition K 8/9/27 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. 9/28/25 11/22/25 2/20/26 11/19/26 2/15/27 5/28/27 6/25/27 1/ 6/28 5/ 8/28 2/ 2/29 4/ 2/29 8/ 7/26 5/ 3/28 2/12/29 198 251 280 Aborted dead. Died 3/13/29 [PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. ‘ 191 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 5/25/ 3'7 Date of calving: 3/5/ 28 Gest. in days: 251 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 8 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph fi 191 - 1 Reduced to 1/7 the size of the membranes. Note the necrosis of the inter placental chorion indicated by White and the diseased placenta indicated by yellow. Note the unusually small prOportion of placental tissue. Reference to Other record“ Guinea pig inoculation -— see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex : Kale Weight : Condition at birth: Dead Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 191 Parturition No. 3 Date Of conception: 5/8/28 Date of calving: 2/12/29 Gest. in days: 280 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 30 Treatment for retention: A few placental attachments were loosened manually to remove the membranes. Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn. Fetal mmbranes were badly torn and some of the cervical region was missing. It appeared healthy in every respect. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: March 15 , 19 29 . Acute pleuri sy and peri carditis. Pneumonia of long standing. RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 19 1 Year -1227...- ----l-.9§§ ..... 3. 9.9.9:- ................... __ Jan. +++++ +PT-- Feb. +++PT PTT-- Mar. +P-- TPT-.. Apr. +P--- PTP... May Frr-.. +P~-— +++PT June ++++T PT..- July +++P- --..;... Aug. +++PT mu... Sept. +t+PT C---- Oct. +++PT '1'...- Nov. +++PT “mu"- Dec. +++++ -..-- Remarks : July 26, 1926, the cow was eliminated. Mar. 5, 1928, the fetus which was dead at delivery was cultured, and the cultures of all organs were found to be negative. Mar. 4, 1928, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground placental tissue taken from the fetal membranes of the second parturition. April 16, 1928, at autOpsy of pig no indication of Brucella abortus infection was found, the serum agglutination reaction and cultures being negative. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. ._.- BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 192 Breed Jersey Name Date Born May 12 , 19 24 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 7/27/25 10/25/25 11 / 12 / 25 1 1/17/26 lo/27/26 285 2 1/28/27 11/ 4/27 280 M 5/22/27 5 12/ 9/27 9/20/28 285 M 4 12/17/28 9/26/29 285 M 57 lbs. 11/11/29 5 12/ 2/29 9/ 9/50 281 6 10/27/50 8/ 6/51 285 M 60 lbs. Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD ‘ Cow No. Parturition N o. 2 Date of conception: 1/28/27 Date of calving: 11/4/37 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 4 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healt hy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female ’ Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 192 280 PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 192 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 12/ 9/ 27 Date of calving: 9/20/28 Gest. in days: 285 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 2 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 192 Year ...... 1: 22.3.7 wig-“2.5.-- - Jan. ----- ----- Feb. ..---... ---..- Mar. ”-w- - - "'- Apr. v---- ----- May ----- ~--- -- --- June "7""- “W'- July "u" 'm" Aug. --..-.. """" Sept. ”""’ m” Oct. """""’ m“ N ov. """’" """" Dec. ”u" m"’ Remarks : Dilutions: 1 / 25, 1 / 50, 1/ 100, 1/200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 195 Breed Holstein Name Date Born J une 18 , 1924 Reg. No. Pat. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition doles/25 1 1/51/25 10/26/26 268 F 2 1/14/26 8/10A27 208 F Dead 5 10/ 9/27 6/15/28I 257 F Dead. Retained fetal membranes . Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 195 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 1/14/26 Date of calving: 8/10/27 Gest. in days: 208 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 24 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See PhotOgraph # 195 - 1 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. Note the extensive interplaoental necrosis as indicated by white and the few areas of placental necrosis. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Dead Date and cause 0f death: Pneumonia. The cardiac lobes show much consolidation. RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 195 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 10/9/37 Date of calving: 5/13/33 Gest. in days: 357 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: 01]- and iodoform, 6/14/ 28. Description of membranes: Date of examination: Not examined because of retention. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: De ad Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 195 Year 1.1.93 '7 ----l.-9.3§.- Jan. + ++++ Feb. 4» +++ + Mar. ++++ + Apt +++++ May -- -..... +++++ June ......- .. ++++ + July mu. -- Aug. ++++T Sept, +++++ Oct. +++++ Nov. +++++ Dec. +‘H'PT Remarks : June 27, 1928, the cow died. Aug. 11, 1927, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground normal placental tissue taken from fetal membranes of the second parturition. Sept. 9, 1927, the pig showed a positive agglutination reaction in l 500 dilution. 24 hours following the bleeding from the he art the pig died and was not obtained for culturing until after de— composition had started. Aug. 11, 1927, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground, diseased placental tissue taken from fetal membranes of the second parturition. Sept. 29, 1927, the pig showed a positive agglutination reaction in 1/500 dilution. Sept. 30, 1927, the guinea pig was autopsied. The surface of the liver was covered with small grayish feel. The spleen was 5 or 6 times normal size as were the inguinea, intestinal, and mediastinal lymph glands. The right epididymis was abscessed. Brucella abortus was cultured from all organs and glands mentioned above. June 13, 1928, Brucella abortus was isolated from the lung, liver, spleen, kidney, and stomch contents of the fetus of the third parturition. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 198 Breed Jersey Name Date Born June 27 , 1924 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 10/ 5/25 10/29/25 12/ 7/25 12/25/25 l/15/26 2/22/26 4/ 6/26 1 4/28/26 2/ 1/27 279 F 55 lbs. 2 5/ 5/27 2/ 5/28 274 M 64 lbs. Retained fetal membrane 8 5 5/26/28 1/25/29 242 M 4 4/24/29 2/ 6/50 288 :M 5/29/50 4/16/50 5/ 6/50 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 198 Parturition N o. 2 Date of conception: 55/5/27 Date of calving: 2/3/38 Gest. in days: 274 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES ‘ Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: 2/4/28 injected oil and iodofo rm. 2/6/28 w w . 2/9/28 " 1 liter of .7 % pepsin solution. Description of membranes: Date of examination: No examination because of retention. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight; 64 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 198 Parturition -No. 3 Date of conception: 5/35/38 Date of calving: 1/33/29 Gest. in days: 343 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 3 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 198 - 1 Reduced to 1/7 the size of the membranes. Note the extent of interplaoental disease as indicated by the dark, unpainted area. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation. See remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex : M319 Weight : Condition at birth: Died four hours following delivery. Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 198 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 4/ 24/ 29 Date of calving: 2 / 6/ 30 Gest. in days: 288 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: * Gravid horn,50 placental areas in four semi- parallel rows. All material examined, normal in appearance. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: 53 lbs- Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: * These data were collected by Dr. C. F. Clark. Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 198 Year -1932... --.1_9§§_- .15.! 23 _____________________ Jan. +++++ +++++ Feb. . +++++ -..--- Mar +++PT +++++ Apr. ++++P +++++ May +++PT ++++P June +++++ +++++ at: -..-..- July Hem. ++++P at +++++ Aug. “'TTT +++++ Sept. 'H '“T 4PT.... Oct. ++T-- +++PT Nov. *+*+"’ ++++P Dec. ++PPP +++++ Remarks: May 27, 1950, the cow was eliminated. Jan. 24, 1929, Br. abortus was cultured from the liver, lung, spleen, and kidney of the fetus of the third parturition. Feb., 1929, the cow was re—bled and the blood retested to eliminate the possible chance of error. January 24, 1929, guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of gravid placental tissue taken from fetal membranes of the third parturition. Culturalfindings of the guinea pig were all positive to Br. abortus. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD. Cow N o. 20 6 Breed Holste in Name Date Born Sept . 5 . 1924 Reg. No. Pat. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. inDays Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 1/ 7/26 9/15/26 251 M 2 11/ 4/26 4/25/27 170 5/2 5/ 27 6/20/27 8/12/27 9/11/27 9/16/27 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD ’ Cow N o. 206 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: l/ 7 / 26 Date of calving: 9 /15/ 26 Gest. in days: 25 3 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: There were indications of disease of the periphery of one half of the placental areas. 15 if: of the interplaoental chorion was necrotic. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Under $1 zed . Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Note: The data for this parturition were mrnished by Dr. E. R- Carlson. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 305 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 11/4/25 Date of calving: 4/ 23/37 Gest. in days: 170 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: All of the placental areas showed sons necrosis of the villi. An area in the cervical region which was one foot in width and extended entirely around the membrane exhibited necrosis of both the inter— placental and placental tissue. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Dead at delivery. Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Note: The data for this parturition.were furnished by Dr. E. R. Carlson. Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 206 Year ”1.922... .......... - ...................................................... Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May +++++ June +++++ July +++++ Aug. +++++ Sept. +++++ Oct. +++++ Nov. Dec. Remarks : Oct. 6, 1927, the cow was slaughtered. Oct. 7, 1927, the uterine horns were apparently of normal size. Both fallopian tubes appeared normal. The uterine horns con- tained only a small quantity of sero—mucous fluid. The amount was only slightly in excess of the normal amount. The gland mucosa of either horn was of a rather uniform light color, resembling that of a heifer. The placental areas were distinct, slightly raised, not exceeding 1/4 of an inch in diameter and of a lighter, more glistening color than that of the gland mucosa. There were only a very few petechial hemorrhages in the gland mucosa of each horn; otherwise there were no indications of pathological condition except the cloudy fluid exudate. Pure cultures of Brucella abortus were isolated from either uterine horn. Br. abortus was isolated from fetuses of parturitions number 1 and 2 by Dr. E. R. Carlson. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 209 Breed Holstein Name Date Born March 7 s 1924 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 6/ 1/25 7/31/25 10/ 3/25 1 10/25/25 6/11/26 229 n Aborted a/zs/zc 9/14/26 2 10/ 5/26 7/12/27 280 M 3 8/30/27 4/88/28 241 M Aborted. Retained fetal membrane 3 . 9/17/27 4 6/11/28 2/23/29 257 M: Aborted. Retained F dead fetal membranes . 4/18/29 9/ 2/29 fiAbbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 209 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 8/50/27 Date of calving: 4/2'7 /% Gest. in days: 241 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: 41/27/23 tried to remove but no result. Injected oil and iodoform. 5/ 1/28 removed most of the remaining membranes. Injected into right horn oil and iodoform. Description of membranes: Date of examination: Membrane from non-gravid horn (left horn) and a very snail piece of membrane from gravid horn were passed with fetus. The non—gravid portion was void of placental areas. On the small piece of membrane from gravid horn were six placental areas. The villi of three of these six areas showed indications of necrosis at the base of the villi, being matted somewhat. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks RECORD OF CALF Condition at birth: Dead Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 209 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 6/ 11/ 28 Date of calving: 42/23/29 Gest. in days: 257 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: 1000 cc. of .7 % pepsin solution were injected 2/25/29. 2/2'7/29 membranes were easily removed. Uterus was drained with syphon. Description of membranes: Date of examination: The manor portion of the membrane has been expelled while small portions of either horn seem to be holding. There are a few firm placental attachments in the right horn while in the left born there seems to be a strong adhesion between the endometrium and chorion in the apical region. This area feels thick, rough, ard leathery. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Twins, M 8:. F Weight: Condition at birth: Male - normal. Female - died immediately . Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 209 Year nil-.932... --l_9..2.§.--- .1232"--- Jan. +++T- +++PT Feb. ++PT- 4444’. Mar. +++T- +39-.- Apr. +++- +PT-- May ++PT ++T- +13--- June ++--- ++T-- July +13--- int-T.- Aug. ++P- ‘ ++P-- Sept. +P-- ++P- Oct. ”PT- ++T-- Nov. ++P—- R ++PT~ Dec. +++- «HP- Remarks : Sept. 19, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. April 28, 1928, cultural findings of fetus were negative to Br. abortus. Streptococcus organisms were isolated from liver and kidney. April 28, 19 28, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of placental tissue taken from fetal membranes of the third parturition July 9, 1928, cultural findings and agglutination reaction of the pig were negative. April 28, 1928, a guinea pig injection was made of fluid obtained from uterine cavity three hours after third parturition. July 9, 1928, cultural findings and agglutination reaction were negative. Feb. 24, 1929, the cultural findings of all organs and appearance of stomach contents of the fetus of the fourth parturition were not indicative of Br. abortus infection. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. .0- BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 214 Breed Ayr 8h ire ’ Name Date Born Feb ° 249 1925 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 10/10/2o 12/ 9/26 12/27/26 1/16/27 5/27/27 4/15/27 1 5/ 4/27 2/10/2a 282 'M 69 lbs. Retained fetal membranes 2 6/16/28 5/18/29 275 F 3 6/26/29 alas/30 275 F Del. dead. re- . tained fetal membrane 3 . 5/10/30 7 / 21/3 0 4 8/13/30 5/18/31 279 r Retained fetal membranes Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 214 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 5/4/27 Date of calving: 2/10/28 Gest. in days: 282 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: 2/13/28 injected 1000 cc. of pepsin solution. 2/21/28 removed membranes. Description of membranes: Date of examination: Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: 69 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 21-4 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 5/15 /28 Date of calving: 3/ 18/ 29 Gest. in days: 275 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 24 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Small membrane 54 placental areas Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Femlg Weight: '75 1133' Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: 3/22/29 . Apparent ly due to over feeding and B. coli infection. RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 214 Year ---.1.-.?.§7 $9.32.-- Jan. PT---- '1‘...- Feb. PT--- '1'...- Mar. +++T- -- m.- Apr. PT-o- ----- May +++++ PTu- T..-- June *‘l’PT- ---- July ++T- PT-.- Aug. ++PT PT"- Sept. +PT-n- PT-.- oa. +--- a..- Nov. if"? ""’"’"’" a... TT-- T---- Remarks : June 12, 1988, a corpus luteum was expressed from right ovary. Dilutions : 1/25, 1/50, 1/ 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. -. ~ -- -— u.-- .. ~ F... .. - .a —. . - m- -‘Q M o - . - Breed HOlatei H Date Born Apri l 20 , 1935 Name BREEDING RECORD Reg. No. Cow N o. 217 Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Cal! Sequel of Parturition 7/13/26 8/ 4/26 9/14/26 1/ 5/26 12/14/26 10/27/27 10/10/28 10/28/28 12/ 7/23 2/ 5/29 3/ 2/29 3/27/29 4/18/29 9/23/27 7/29/28 Pro gnant at slang}: 283 27 5 in righi Lter 5/24 t horn L/29. Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 31" Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 12/14/26 Date of calving: 9/33 /27 Gest. in days: 283 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 5 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Normal Reference to other records: RECORD or CALF Sex: Female Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: - PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 217 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 10/37/37 Date of calving: 7/29/m Gest. in days: 275 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Membranes appeared healthy in every respect with the exception of four areas on the interplaoental tissue in the apical and of the non-gravid horn. These areas were each about two inches long and one in width lying close together. They were of a mitish yellow, thick necrotic appearance. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remrks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow N o. 217 Year ..-.l.9.§.7.--- .1236“ ................................ Jan. ---- +T--- Feb. *T-uu- +P-u... Mar. ++T-- +15..- Apr. +P-m- PT--- May ----- +T-- +T-- June ---- +P--- July T--- +PT-- Aug. ---- Tm- Sept. ----- Tm- Oct. T”"' T""" Nov. -"'"' +T""' n... ----- +T--- Remarks : Mar. 27, 1929, both uterine horns were well irrigated with a liter of physiological salt solution. The return flow from the left horn was of the appearance of hemolyzed blood. July 30, 1928, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground placental tissue obtained from fetal membranes of the second parturition. The pig died within 24 hours. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. d~——- . . .— _ .- .~—. --- c -4 0 .~. ——~--. —.-¢-- ~--- -- BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 2'18 Breed Holstein Name Date Born May 16 , 1925 Reg. N 0. Pat. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 10/ 4/26 1 12/14/26 9/17/27 277 F 11/15/27 2 12/15/27 9/18/28 277 5 11/22/2a 8/24/29 275 M 95 lbs. 11/ 5/29 4 11/26/29 a/29/3o 276 M 12/22/29 10/50/30 Abbreviations: Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 218 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 12/ 14/ 26 Date of calving: 9 / 2'7/ 27 Gest. in days: 277 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 4 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 218 Parturition No. 2 Date Of conception: 12/15/27 Date of calving: 9/ 18/ 28 Gest. in days: 2?? RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF. Sex: Mal e Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 218 Year 1-1.23.2.-- ” ........ l. 9&9. .................. Jan. ---- -- --- Feb. T...- ----- Mar. T...- ..---- Apr. Tm.-.- ----- May ?PT-- ----- T.- -- June +---- .. --- July +P--- PT...- Aug. ----- ---- Sept. +--- ----- Oct. ++P- ----- Nov. +T--- - ---- Dec. ----- ----- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1 / 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 219 Breed Holstein Name Date Born May 18 , 19 28 Reg. N 0. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Cal! Sequel of Parturition 1 10/11/26 7/15/27 278 M 65 lbs. 2 9/ 4/27 6/ 4/28 273. r 84 lbs. 3 7/19/28 4/15/29 272 r 4 6/ 1/29 5/ 4/30 276 r alas/so f Abbreviations: Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 219 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 9/4/27 Date of calving: 5/4/28 Gest. in days: 273 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female . Weight: 84 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 219 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 7/19/28 Date of calving: 4/15/39 Cost. in days: 373 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 4 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex : Fm. Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 219 Dilutions: 1/25. 1/50. 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. Year 1.9.31...- ”1.9. 28 _ ”-1.939-- ---------------- Jan. ---- PT-..- Feb. ----- T...- Mar. +T-- '1'...- Apr. PT-" ----- May PT..- ......- ..-..-- June P--- ---- July Tm.-- ---- Aug. T---- ---- Sept. '1'...» ----- Oct. Tm- ---- Nov. ---- T..-- Dec. ----- ----- Remarks : Breed Date Born Guernsey 1925 BREEDING RECORD Name Reg. N o. Cow N o. 331 Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition l. d2/13/27 t 1/ 6/27 3/ 5/27 4/20/27 c/11/27 7/ 4/27 8/24/27 9/19/27 10/10/27 11/21/27 1/25/28 10/16/28 264 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 231 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: l/ 25/ 28 Date of calving: 10/ 16 / 28 Gest. in days: 264 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 3 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 231.- 1 Reduced to 1/8 the size of the membranes. Note the naked area of chorion in.apex of non—gravid horn and the slight irregularity in arrangement of placent al areas . Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remrks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: F emle Weight: Condition at birth: Dead Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: pyomtra Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 231 Year "-1922.-- -.l.9.2.8.--- w#19339 ................................... Jan. ++++P +++++ Feb. +++++ +++++ Mar. +++++ +++++ Apr. +++PT +++++ May +++++ ++++P +++++ June +++++ ++++T July +++++ +++++ Aug, ++++T +++++ Sept. +++++ ++++P Oct. +++++ +++PT Nov. +++++ +++++ Dec. ++++P +++++ Remarks: June 19, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. Oct. 17, 1928, Br. abortus was isolated from the lung, liver, spleen, kidney, and stomach contents or the fetus. Oct. 17, 1928, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground placental tissue taken from the fetal membranes of parturition number 1. Jan. 3, 1929, the pig was killed, and Br. abortus was cultured from its organs. Jan. 20, 1929, the cow was injected with 10 cc. follicular fluid subcutaneously. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 232 Breed Holstein Name Date Born NOV . 25 , 1924 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Gas. in Days Sex 0! Cali Sequel of Parturition 3/ 4/26 3/27/26 5/ 8/26 1 6/22/26 1/27/27 219 M. Aborted 3/16/27 2 4/ 8/27 1/ 6/28 273 F 3 2/27/28 12/ 4/23 280 M 4 3/ 5/29 12/11/29 281. M 5 3/ 4/30 12/10/30 279 r Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 4/8/27 Date of calving: 1/6/28 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 14 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: , Date of examination: Normal Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex : Femal. Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 232 273 PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 232 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 2/ 27/ 28 .Date of calving: 12/4 /28 Gest. in days: 280 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: M319 Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 333 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 3/4/30 Date of calving: 12/10/30 Gest. in days: 2'79 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 2 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: F anale Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 233 Year ABE].-- 1938 “4.9.8.? .................. Jan. a...— +PT- DPT-«- Feb. “++- '“WPT PPP-u- Mar. +++++ +++.... PT... Apr. HM +PT-a- PPPT- May 4"“?‘1’ +P-o-o— PPT-— June *‘NPT Tm- July *PP-u- m... Aug. *PT- Ta...- Sept. ‘WT-u- PT“- Oct. *"’PT- Nov. ++PPT PT..- Dec. *‘PT- ”m Remarks: Jan. 19, 1928, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground placental tissue obtained from the fetal membranes of the second parturition. The pig died two days after injection. The cultural findings were negative . It Br. abortus was isolated from the fetus of the first parturition. " This data was furnished by Dr. E. R. Carlson. Dilutions : 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 335 Breed AM: 8111130 Name Date Born Jan . 15 , 1926 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 4/25/27 1/31/28 281 M 2 3/24/28 52/30/28 281 3 2/14/29 11/22/29 281 r 4 2/18/30 11/30/30 285 Mi Retained fetal membranes . 3/20/31 4/28/31 5/22/31 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. Parturition N o. 1 Date of conception: 4/ 25 / 27 Date of calving: 1/31/28 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 12 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: He althy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: M319 , Weight: Condition at birth: Norma], Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 235 281 PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 55/34/23 Date of calving: 13/31/23 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 16 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF SEX: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 235 281 Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for ‘ Bang’s Disease Cow No. 235 Year “ ”lg-.933 "319.39.-.. ................ ._ .............. Jan. -—--- --..-- Feb. ----.. ----- Mar. an.-- .. --..... Apr. nu.-- ..- -..- May +PT-- ----- T---- June +---- ----- July +---- -..--.. Aug. +T-- u... Sept. ----- T---- Oct. T --- O---- Nov. T---- -- "- Dec. T---- ----- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/ 100, 1/200, 1 / 500. . D. .C‘o'. Breed Holstein Date Born April 8, 1926 BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 233 Name Reg. N 0. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Cal! Sequel of Parturition 1 10/20/27 5/16/28 208 F Aborted 2 ' e/11/2e 5/12/29 274 '7 l 21 /29 10/17/29 f Abbreviations: Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 238 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 10 / 20/ 2'7 Date of calving: 5 /1 6/28 Gest. in days: 208 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Gravid horn was passed with fetus. Non.gravid horn not found. A very few of the cotyledons indicate slight disease. Much of interplaoental area in the cervical region shows necrosis. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Dead Date and cause of death: See remarks for c ulturel findings . RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 238 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 8/11/28 Date of calving: 5/12/ 29 Gest. in days: 274 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Normal . Pregnant in left horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 238 Year ---]..92'Z..- -l9.28_--- ---1929--- ............................... Jan. +PT-- +++++ Feb. +++++ +++++ Mar. ++++ + +++++ Apr. +PPTT +++++ May ----- +++ +13 ++++ + June Tun-- +++PT July PT--- ++PPT Aug. ++++T ++++P Sept. +++ ++ ++PTT Oct. +++PP +++Pp Nov. +++§P +++PT Dec. ++++P ++++P Remarks: May 16, 1928, Br. abortus was isolated from the liver, spleen, lung, and stomach contents of the fetus of parturition number 1. Dilutions : 1/25, 1/50, 1/ 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 350 Breed Hols to i :1 Name Date Born 0012 . 25 , 1925 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date G68. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 3/24/28 1 3/ 7/28 2/ 3/29 272 M 5/ 2/29 6/ 1/29 6/21/29 Pregnant in left horn at time of elimination. Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. 250 Parturition No.‘ 1 Date of conception: 5/7/28 Date of calving: 2/3/29 Gest. in days: 373 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Fetal membranes appeared healthy in every way except that the anterior one half of the non-gravid horn was entirely void of placental areas. In the gravid horn and posterior half of the non-gravid the cotyledons were arranged in four regular rows. Pregnant in left horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 250 Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. Year 42.2.2-- _-.1.2.2.§ ....... 1.. 9.23.? ___________________ - Jan. .......... P---— Feb. ---—- 1‘".-- Mar. P---- I'm.-- Apr. T——-- l mu... May ---- - 13--.... June -........ July ----- Aug. T---- Sept. ----- T---- Oct. FL"- Nov. ----- Tm- Dec. PT--- Remarks: BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. C 16 Breed Nolste in Name Date Born 00’0 - 34. 1925 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 12/19/25 1 1/ 9/26 10/14/26 278 2 1/27/27 10/21/27 267 F NOrmal 11/10/27 3 11/29/27 9/15/28 290 4 11/17/28 8/19/29 275 F 84 lbs. 12/24/29 jbbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. C 15 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 1/2'7/27 Date of calving: 10/21/27 Gest. in days: 357 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 2 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Normal Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. C 15 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 11/39/37 Date of calving: 9/15 /38 Gest. in days: 290 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy 80 cotyledons Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Cow No. Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease 016 Year -19 .21. “19-28.- -1929..-- ................ - --. Jan. ----- ----- Feb. ----- ----- Mar. ---- - - ---- Apr. ----- ----- May ----- ----- ----- June ----- ----- July “m'v- “ur- Aug. -"""' "u" Sept. "m "' """ Oct. """"" """'" Nov. "’ """"" '“""" Dec. """" """" Remarks : Dilutions : 1/25, 1 / 50, 1 / 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. C 46 Breed Hols t e in Name Date Born March 29 , 1925 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Gas. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 12/ 6/26 1 12/30/26 9/23/27 271 F 2 1/12/28 10/15/28 276 F 3 1/13/29 10/24/29 282 M 11/28/29 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. . . On I' PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 12/ 30/ 36 Date of calving: 9/25/27 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 3 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn. See Photograph # C 46 - 1 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. Note the scarcity of cotyledons and their comparatively small size. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Blind and unable to stand. Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: C46 271 PARTURITION RECORD ' Cow No. C 46 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: l/ 12 / 28 Date of calving: 10/1-5/ 28 Gest. in days: 276 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 5 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph i} C 46 — 2 Reduced to 1/11 the size of the membranes. Note the scarcity of cotyledons and their comparatively small size. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD COW No. :C 46 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 1/15/ 29 Date of calving: 10/ 24/ 29 Gest. in days: 282 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right uterine horn. * Only the membranes from the pregnant horn were examined. Many of the cotyledons had.matted, tufted villi indicating necrosis. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: * These data were furnished by Dr. C. F. Clark. Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow N 0. C46 Year 1-1.9.27.--- “19.38.-- -1929 ------------------- Jan. Tm.-- PT--- Feb. T--—— PT--- Mar. -....-- Tm.-- Apr. Tam-- T..- .. May ‘I‘ ---- ----- P---- June ---- T-.. .. July --—-- -......... . Aug. Tu...- T -........ Sept. T---- mu.-- Oct. ----- ----- Nov. ----- ----- Dec. PP”- PT--- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/ 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. C 50 Breed Hols te in Name Date Born 19 24 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 5/25/25 2/12/27 253 Dead at delivery 2 7/13/27 4/21/28 283 3 7/21/28 4/23/29 277‘ M 12/10/28 8/ 9/29 8/15/29 9/ 1/29 4 9/24/29 8/15/30 282 M 9/16/30 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. C 50 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 7/ 21/ 28 Date of calving: 4/23/29 Gest. in days: 277 ‘ RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: 106 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: 12/ 5/ 29 , Hydrocephalus . RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. C 50 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: '7/15 /2'7 Date of calving: 4/31/38 Gest. in days: 283 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: The villi of one quarter of one placental area in the gravid horn were tufted close to their base and had a slight appearance of necrosis. In a placental area, adjacent to the one Just described, the villi constituting an area about the size of a 25 I piece showed somewhat of a matting. Accessory cotyledons almost completely covered the non-gravid horn and a considerable portion of the gravid. Otherwise the membrane appeared healthy. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks RECORD OF CALF Sex: M519 Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Year -1922...- ou--—-—-——----- Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. C 50 Jan. Feb. Apr. June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. —---- Pm..- ++--- +T-.. +9--.. T-..- T w--- Remarks : April 21, 1928, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspensiai of ground placental tissue obtained from fetal membranes of the second parturition. July 7, 1928, the serum-agglutination reaction and cultural findings we re ne ga tive . Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. F 1 Breed Hols ts in Name Date Born 1924 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 11/24/26 8/20/27 269 M 2 12/21/27 9/ 6/28 258 3 12/20/28 9/17/29 270 m E i Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. F l Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: ll/ 24/ 26 Date of calving: 8/ 20/2'7 Gest. in days: 269 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: 8/23/27, 011 and iodoform. 8/26/27, " a a Description of membranes: Date of examination: Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex : Male Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. F l Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 12/21/27 Date of calving: 9/ 6/ 28 Gest. in days: 258 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 24 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn. The membranes were torn badly and some were missing. In what appeared to be the gravid horn the cotyledons were few. Near the apex of this horn, in the interplaoental portion, were two areas (each about 2 inches in diameter) which were necrotic. Placental areas were healthy in appearance. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Appears healthy Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease CowNo. F l Year nil-9.3.5---- “119.39 ................................... Jan. T---- PT..- Feb. +PT-u- '1‘---- Mar. T—--- T"... Apr. T..-- - T---- May ---------- June -- -- - ----- July --—-- u..- .. Aug. ----- - --- - Sept. ----- ----- Oct. ----- ----- Nov. ----- "u"- Dec. +P-- ----- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1 / 50, 1/ 100, 1/200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. G 1 Breed Hols to in Name Date Born NOV' 15 a 1925 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 2/ 3/27 1 2/21/27 11/23/27 273 F 2 3/ 2/28 11/27/28 270 2/13/29 3/29/29 3 4/18/29 1/21/3o> 278 M 3/28/30 3/21/30 4/23/30 4 6/24/50 2/28/31 249 F Retained fetal membranes 5/13/31 3/ 3/31 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. G 1 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 2/ 21/ 2'7 Date of calving: 11/23/27 Gest. in days: 2'75 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: 50 % of the maternal placenta of the non-gravid horn was removed attached to the fetal placenta. Pregnant in right horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal (strong) . Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. G 1 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 5/ 73/33 Date of calving: 11/2'7 /28 Gest. in days: 270 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: 11/29/28, oil and iodoform 48 hours after calving. Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Strong and heal thy. Date and cause of death: 48 hours after birth . RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. G l Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 4/18/39 Date of calving: 31/31/50 Gest. in days: 3'78 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: * Gravid horn has 77 placental areas and 5 accessary placental areas arranged in 5 fairly regular rows. The non-gravid horn is entirely void of placental tissue except in the cervical 1/4 where there are 20 placental areas. All placental areas appear nornal. Pregnant in right horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex : M519 Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: * This data was furnished by Dr. C. F. Clark. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. G 1 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 4/ 18/ 29 Date of calving: 1/21/ 30 Gest. in days: 278 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: * Gravid horn has 77 placental areas and 5 accessary placental areas arranged in 5 fairly regular rows. The non-gravid horn is entirely void of placental tissue except in the cervical 1/4 where there are 20 placental areas. All placental areas appear normal. _ Description of membranes: Date of examination: Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: " These data were furnished by Dr. C. F. Clark. Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. G 1 Year ---1921-- -1928--- 1929---- ................................ Jan. -....- .. ----- Feb. -..-.. .. T..- .. Mar. ----- Tm... Apr. _--,_, T---- May ..---- ---.... ----- June --.. .. ---..- July ---- - ..... Aug. mu.-- -........ Sept. u.--- -......... Oct. um .. - ---.... Nov. ----- mu.-- Dec. --—-- ----- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1 / 50, 1/ 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. G 2 Breed Hols 1:9 in Name Date Born Nor . 1 2 , 1925 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 2/22/27 11/26/27 277 F 3/19/27 2 2/20/28 11/23/28 276 4/20/28 2/ 1/29 3 3/ 5/29 12/ 4/29 274 M 9/15/29 10/ 7/29 2/5/30 2/25/30 3/16/30 :bbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. G 2 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 2/32 /3'7 Date of calving: 11/26/37 Gest. in days: 2'77 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. G 3 Parturition No. 2 Date Of conception: 3/ 30/ 28 Date of calving: 11/23/38 Gest. in days: 276 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Non-gravid horn was missing. With the exception of two, the 38 placental areas of the gravid horn are of large even size, arranged in four regular rows and very healthy appearing. There are two cotyledons in the dorso-cervicsl region which present no healthy villi, all being shortly tufted and of a grayish opqaue color. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Normal appearing in all respects. Date and cause of death: 36 hours after birth. B. coli cultured from kidney only. RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. G 2 Year "-193.7- ------ 1 9.3.8.- ”-19.39.-- ---------------- - -------------- Jan. --..-.. ..'..- .. Feb. ----- ----.. Mar. ----- ----- Apr. ----- ----- May ----- ----- ----- June ----- ----- July ----- ----- Aug. -----' ----- Sept. ----- ---'- Oct. --"""" ""- Nov. *'-"-'- " ”m" Dec. ---- mum- Remarks : Dilutions : 1/25, 1/50, 1 / 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. u 4 Breed Hols to in Name Date Born Dec . 28 , 19 25 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 2/ 8/27 3/18/27 4/ 4/27 4/25/27 1 5/12/27 2/12/2e 276 M 79 lbs. 3/15/25 4/ 6/28 4 / 28 / 28 . 5/19/28 2 7/ 2/28 4/15/29 287 81 lbs. 3 7/17/29 4/27/3o 284 M 7/25/30 8/16/30 9/ 7/30 4 alas/so 6/24/31 269 F Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. G 4 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 5 / 12 / 27 Date of calving: 2 / 12 / 28 Gest. in days: 27 6 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Pregnant in left horn Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: M316 Weight: '79 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. G 4 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: '7/ 2/ 28 Date of calving: 4 / 15 / 29 Gest. in days: 287 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: 81 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM ' Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. G 4 Year 49.22... ----- .1- 935- ............................... Jan. .. .... T..-.. Feb. --...- +PT-.. Mar. m..-- PT--- Apr. Tun- - T..- -— May ----- ---- T--."- June —----— --....- July -.... .. -........ Aug. --.... -..... - Sept. Tu..- mu.-- Oct. - mu - mu.-- Nov. ----- our.-- Dec. —--- P-.- .- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1/ 50, 1/ 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. .._-_ .. --.-.- .-.- - u... - .~ -_-. N . ._.- - ._ H —1_.h~.—.. . . - .. - 9‘ .. ~——_.. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. G 5 Breed H01 stein Name Date Born Jan. 51 , 19 25 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 2/20/27 4/ 1/27 1 4/21/27 . 1/24/28 278 F 87 lbs. 2/10/28 ' 3/10/28 4/21/28 2 5/31/28 3/ 5/29 278 M 95 lbs. 7/11/29 10/ 5/29 3 10/26/29 8/ 4/30 282 M Retained total manbrane s . 12/30/30 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. G 5 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 4/ 21/ 3'7 Date of calving: l/ 24/ 28 Gest. in days: 278 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 2 'h‘eatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn. Healthy. On each of three or four placental areas were from 6 to 12 villi which were calcified. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: 87 lbs . Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. G 5 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: - 5/ 31/28 Date of calving: 3/ 5 / 29 Gest. in days: 2'79 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in left horn. Heal thy. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: ’ Male Weight: 95 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. G5 Year ---.1.9.3-.Z 1.93.3- --19-3.9.---- --------------- Jan. -..-.... T -...... Feb. -......... --........ Mar. -.......- T---- Apr. P---- T—--- May m"...- ..... on--- June ..-....... --...... July mu.-— -...... Aug. —---- -......- Sept. ----- mu.-- Oct. T-—-- mu.-- Nov. ----- ---.. Dec. -«-—-- mu.-- Remarks: Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1 / 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. M 317 Breed Hols 1:9 in Name Date Born Aug. 20 , 1922 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 1/ 2/24 9/25/24 266 2 12/13/24 9/20/25 279 3 1/19/26 10/22/26 276 1/28/27 4 2/19/27 11/29/27 283 F 3 2/27/28 12/ 5/28 281 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 21-7 Parturition No. 4 _ Date of conception: 33/19/27 Date of calving: 11/29/ 27 Gest. in days: 285 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 4: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex : Fema le Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: 12/ 29/27 , pneumonia. RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 217 Parturition No. 5 > Date of conception: 2 / 2'7/ 28 Date of calving: 12/ 5 /28 Gest. in days: 281 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Norma], Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. M 21'? Year "-1932.-- ”19-3.8.--- -19-3-9 --------------------- Jan. PT--- Feb. +T--- PT--- Mar. T ---- Apr. ‘ T --- May ---------- June ----- T-..- July T ---- '1’...- Aug. T---- PT--- Sept. ----— PT»- Oct. T--- TT--- Nov. ----- Tr»- Dec. P-.- - T- --- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. Feb. 20, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. BREEDING RECORD CowNo. M 221 Par. means parturition or calving. Breed H01 stein Name Date Born 0013 0 13 . 1923 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition ' 1 12/23/23 7/20/24 209 Aborted,B. abo rtus infe ct i on 2 1/ 7/25 10/ 7/25 273 Normal calf 3 2/19/26 11/17/26 271 " n 4 3/ 7/27 12/ 2/27 270 " " Abbreviations : Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 221 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 3/7/37 Date of calving: 1335/2/27 Gest. in days: 3'70 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 4 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn. Two cotyledons of the gravid horn contain a few necrotic villi . Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: M313 . Weight : Condition at birth: ' Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. M 221 Year _--1._‘9.§Z.- ----.-]:-9-.2--8-- ___].___g__2_9_ --------------------------------- Jan. +++++ Feb. Mar. Apr. May +++++ June July +++++ Aug. +++++ Sept. +++++ Oct. + + ++ + Nov. +++++ Dec. +++++ Remarks : Feb. 11, 1928, the cow was slaughtered. Dec. 2, 1927, two guinea pig injections were made of a salt suspension of ground placental tissue obtained from.fetal membranes of the fourth parturition. Feb. 5, 1928, the cultural findings and serum-agglutination reaction of the pigs were negative. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. M 322 Breed Hols to in Name Date Born Oct . 14, 1922 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Gas. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 1/10/24 10/19/24 282 Delivered dead. 2 12/30/24 9/17/25 261 Normal calf. 3 1/12/26 lO/18/26 279 n n 1/31/27 4 3/17/27 12/18/27 276 M n " 3/21/28 5 4/17/28 1/23/29 281 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 222 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 3/1'7/2'7 Date of calving: 12 / 18/ 2’7 Gest. in days: 2'76 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: , Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn. Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex : Male Weight : Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 222 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 4/17/38 Date of calving: 1/23/29 Gest. in days: 281 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Taken away following an immediate prolapse of the uterus. Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: ' Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Prolapse of the uterus. Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No; M 222 Year --1.9--2:-7-. ”-19- 32.5 1.9.219- ----------------------------------- J an. '1'...- Feb. ----- T ---- Mar. -- --- ----- Apr. ----- May ----- ----- June - ---- ----- July ----- ----- Aug. ----- ----- Sept. ----- ----- Oct. ----- ----- Nov. 212..--.. ----- Dec. +1..- ---- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1 / 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. -- . . u - .- - .— - p.‘ . ‘— -. . ~. . ~—- .-~—-. —.- .. _ .0 --. -w - . .. . - h_~—u .- e ‘ n. w ‘0 H ‘ —- o ‘3‘- - -- w... BREEDING RECORD .Cow No. M 227’ Breed H013t 3111 Name Date Born Dec‘ 33: 1922 Reg. No. . Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 4/17/24 1/12/23 271 Normal 2 4/22/23 1/ 3/26 266 Wed: calf 3 4/ 6/26 1/ 9/27 278 Normal 4 4/28/2'7 2/ 1/28 279 M Normal Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. QLzZW. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 227 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 4/ 33/25 Date of calving: 1/3/36 Gest. in days: 256 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: _ Date of examination: membranes retained 6 hours. See Photograph #'M 227 - 1 1 Reduced to 1/7 the size of the membrane. Note the placental necrosis as indicated by yellow and the chorionic necrosis which is indicated as white. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Calf weak . Date and cause of death: Died 1/9/26, ascites 8:: co 1: ltls. RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: The chart for the photograph and the data were furnished by Dr. E. R. Carlson. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 227 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 4/32/35 Date of calving: 1/3 /26 Gest. in days: 356 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # M 227 - 2 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. Note the very small amount of necrosis and a few accessory cotyledons. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Note: The chart for the photograph and the data were furnished by Dr. E. R. Carlson. s“? PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 227 Parturition NO. 4 Date of conception: 1/38/27 Date of calving: 2/1/38 Gest. in days: 279 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in.right horn. See Photograph # M 227 - 3 ‘ Reduced to 1/11 the size of the membranes. Note the naked apex of non-gravid horn and absence of other indications of disease. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALIF. Sex: Mal. ' Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. M 227 Y... -__}._9.§z_- 3299 ________ 4 929. __________________________________ Jan. +T--- Feb. +++P- Mar. ++PT- Apr. be +T--- June July Aug. “'5'" Sept. 'H’"' Oct. ++T"’ Nov. 4""- Dec. *"’"’PT Remarks : April '7, 1928, the cow was slaughtered. Feb. 2, 1928, a guinea pig injection.was made of a salt suspension of ground placental tissue obtained from fetal membranes of the fourth parturition. Feb. 28, 1928, the pig died. Extensive necrosis was present at the site of injection. The cultures made of the guinea pig organs were negative. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. M 234 Breed 3018 ‘39 in Name Date Born Apri 1 6 , 1925 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 5/24/24 3/27/25 276 2 7/14/25 4/16/26 275 3 7/18/26 4/21/27 265 4 7/19/27 4/19/28 274 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 234 Parturition No. 4 . Date of conception: 7119/37 Date of calving: 4/19/ 28 Gest. in days: 274 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 4 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: In the gravid horn were two placental areas which contained only a few villi which were white in appearance. Otherwise the manbranes look healthy. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. M 234 Year -1933?!“ ”19.3.8--- "-1929.-- - Jan. +++++ Feb. +++++ Mar. +++++ Apr. ++PT-— May ++ +++ +++++ June +++++ +++PT July +++++ Aug, +++++ Sept. +++++ Oct. + ++++ Nov. +++++ Dec. +++++ Remarks : July 5, 1928, the cow was slaughtered. The genital organs appeared normal 0 April 20, 1928, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground placental tissue obtained from fetal membranes of the fourth parturition. May 23, 1928, the pig died. The blood reacted positive to the agglu- tination test. The cultures of all organs show only strepto- coccus colonies. There appeared to be an abscess formed within the peritoneal cavity adjacent to the liver, and many adhesions were present. The liver was 4 or 5 times its normal size and has a greyish mottled appearance. The spleen appeared normal. The lungs showed 4 or 5 small grey foci. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. M 242 Breed Hols te in Name Date Born May 17 : 19 23 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 10/10/24 7/13/25 276 Normal calf 11/ 9/24 2 11/ 1/25 7/ 3/26 264 Calf weak. 10/14/26 died of pneumonia. 11/12/26 3 e/24/27 5/25/28 274 2/17/29 Pregnant in left horn. at alsught er 3/21? /29 . iAbbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. M 343 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 8/34/27 Date of calving: 5/ 25 / 28 Gest. in days: 274 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Scattered throughout the non-gravid horn were accessory cotyledons. Placental areas were arranged in four regular rows. No indication of disease. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. M 242 Year ”ll-9&7.-- ”.1935"-- --].:.9.-23-9_- ................................... Jan. -..--. T---- Feb. +PT- PT--- Mar. Tm.-- i ......- Apr. T -..-- May ----.. '----- June m.--- ----- July ..... mm...- Aug. - --- - ---- Sept. ----.— _-..-- Oct. ----- mu... .. Nov. ---.-- u»...- Dec. P--- T--- Remarks : Feb. 13, 1929, a corpus luteum was expressed from the right Dilutions : 1/25, ovary. 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. M 253 Breed Hols 1:8 in Name Date Born Oct . 19 , 1923 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 1/15/25 10/ 7/25 267 Strong 2 1/ 7/26 10/ 5/26 271 n 1/ a/27 4/28/27 1/26/28 275 F Normal 4 4/26/28 2/17/29 297 rAbbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD COW NO. M 253 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: ‘1/28/27 Date of calving: 31/25/38 Gest. in days: 373 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: ' 3 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Pregnant in right horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. Parturition N o. 4: Date of conception: 4/26/28 Date of calving: 2/16/29 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: He althy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Fame Weight : Condition at birth: Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: M 253 297 Year Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease “wlfigé- -1939m“ Cow No. M 253 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. T---- T..-- T---— T-..- T--’- T---- Remarks : April 24, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. Dilutions : appeared normal. 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. The genital organs BREEDING RECORD Cow No. M 257 Breed Ho ls to in Name Date Born ROI" 22 3 1923 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. 1n Days Sex of Cal! Sequel of Parturition 1 2/ 3/25 11/ 6/25 276 2 2/ 2/27 11/11/27 282 m 5 1/27/28 10/29/28 276 M jbbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 257 Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 2/2/37 Date of calving: 11/11/27 Gest. in days: 283 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: He althy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. Parturition N o. 3 Date of conception: 1/27/ 38 Date of calving: 10/ 39 [33 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 9 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Male Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: M 257 275 Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. M 257 Year ”-1.932 ........ 1.: 9.2%---.1932 .................................. Jan. T---- ....--- Feb. ++PT- Mar. +P....- Apr. +P--- May PT-nu- +T-- June PT-—- +T--- July +T-- Aug. PT--- +PT-- Sept. PT-u +PT-- Oct. +T--- PT--- N ov. T---- PT-..- Dec. +---- PT-..- Remarks: Jan . 4 , 1929, the cow was slaughtered. The genital organs appeared normal . Cultures of the ut erine horn s were negative to Br. abortus. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/ 100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow NO. M 258 Breed Hols tein Name Date Born Dec . 2 , 19 23 Reg. N 0. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Gas. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 4/26/25 2/ 1/26 281 2 4/19/26 1/24/27 280 3 5/ 5/27 2/11/28 282 4 5/ 3/28 2/ 3/29 275 7/22/28 8/ 5/28 jbbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow NO. Parturition N o. 3 Date of conception: 5/5/27 Date of calving: 2/11/28 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Pregnant in right horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: LI 258 282 PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 258 Parturition NO. 4 Date of conception: 53/3/38 Date of calving: 3/3/39 Gest. in days: 275 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Pregnant in right horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF 59": Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Year Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease --------— _ _--—-- Cow No. M 258 Jan. Feb. Dec. P---- Remarks : Dilutions : appeared normal . were negative to Br. abortus. 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1 / 200, The cultures of 1 / 500. April 8, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. The genital organ 3 the uterine horns a-ao-‘n BREEDING RECORD Cow No. M 259 Breed 11013 139111 Name Date Born Dec ‘ 18 : 1925 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 4/ 2/25 11/26/25 248 B. coli infection 2 4/ 4/26 1/10/27 282 a 5/ 4/27 2/11/28 283 5/ 7/28 4 6/28/28 4/15/29 290 Twin,F jbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 259 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 5/4/27 Date of calving: 2/11 / 28 Gest. in days: 283 A RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 259 Parturition No. 4 Date of conception: 6/28/28 Date of calving: 4/15/ 29 Gest. in days: 390 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: 4/16/29, injected 1000 cc. of a .7 % pepsin solution 4/19/29, membranes removed. Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn. Left, non-pregnant horn passed. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female twins Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Has not acted normal for a couple of weeks prior to calving. Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. M 259 Year ”-19.37.--" ”-1.999- .................................. Jan. +T--— PT--- Feb. ++PT- +PT-.. Mar. +T—-- PT..-- Apr. PT--- +T--— May Tm.-- ..---- P---- June +P--.. July ++PT- m.--- Aug. ++PT~ ++P-- Sept. +++T- +P-... Oct. +PT-u- +P--- Nov. ++P-- PT-..- Dec. ++P-- PT-u- Remarks: June 24, 1929, the cow was slaughtered. Much pus was present in the right uterine horn. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD CowNo. 111255 Breed Holste in Name Date Born Jan . l 2, 19 24 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Gas. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 4/17/25 1/20/26 278 Delivered dead 4/29/26 2 5/28/26 1/29/27 275 M Strong 3 4/19/27 1/20/28 276 4 4/24/28 1/26/29 276 F 5/16/28 5 5/ 1/29 1/28/30 272 F :5/ 21 la 0 5/ 5/30 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD ' Cow No. M 266 Parturition No. 3 . Date of conception: 4/19/27 Date of calving: l/ 20/ 28 Gest. in days: 276 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Pregnant in right horn See Photograph # M 266 - 1 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the membranes. Note the extensive area of chorion of the non- gravid horn which is entirely void of placental tissue. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 265 Parturition No. 5 Date of conception: 5/1/29 Date of calving: 1/ 28/30 Gest. in days: 272 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 2 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: * In the gravid horn.there were 63 placental areas arranged in 4 semi-parallel rows and about 110 accessory placental areas. In the non-gravid horn there were 34 placental areas arranged in 4 regular rows and about 260 accessory placental areas. All placental areas appeared healthy except one large one in the non-gravid horn which contained a few tufted villi. Pregnant in right horn. Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: 88 lbs. Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: * These data were collected by Dr. C. F. Clark. Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. M 266 Year --.l.9.3.7.--- --__l.9_2._8._- ”-1939--- ................................ Jan. ---.... ----.. Feb. -..-.... --....- Mar. a--- Apr. T--- Tm... May Tm... ----- '1’...— June ----- ‘1'...- July ----- -..-.... Aug. T...- mu..- Sept. P-u- -......- Oct. T-m -....-... Nov. ---- ----- Dec. +PT-- m.--- Remarks: Iziay 8, 1930, the cow was slaughtered. Genital organs appeared normal . Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. c—w-cn.‘ H-_'. __,. n he “-— - a.._.._. BREEDING RECORD _ Cow N o. M 335 Breed HO lste in Name Date Born Mar 7 3 1926 Reg. N 0. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. 1n Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1 5/10/27 1/31/28 266 F Normal 2 4/20/28 1/20/29 275 F 5 4/11/29 1/11/50 275 F 5/29/50 4/11/50 4 5/51/30 2/19/51 254 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. ‘ Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. M 335 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 5/10/2'7 Date of calving: 31/31/28 Gest. in days: 356 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healt hy Pregnant in right horn Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex : Male Weight : Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. Parturition N o. 2 Date of conception: 4/20/28 Date of calving: 1/19/29 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 7 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Pregnant in right horn Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Female Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: l: 335 275 Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. M 335 ~ Year ”19.2.7.-- ”019.38.- ”-1939.-- ................ .. Jan. 0’---- '13---- Feb. ---.... ....---' Mar. ---.... -..--.. Apr. --...... --...... May ----- --- ----- June ---- -........ July ----- -........ Aug. — ---- .......... Sept. ----- -m- Oct. ----- --..... Nov. ----- u..-- Dec. —--- -m- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1 / 50, 1 / 100, 1/200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. 06 Breed Hols lie. in Name Date Born 19 25 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. 1n Days 88): of Calf Sequel of Parturition 8/ 5/27 1 9/13/27 5/22/2e 251 2 7/13/28 4/17/29 278 7/17/29 8/ 6/29 9/27/29 3 10/17/29 7/14/30 270 F Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. I. I II! I I l l PARTURITION RECORD Cow No'. 06 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 9/13/ 2'7 Date of calving: 5/22/28 Gest. in days: 251 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Small, Weak, and blind. Date and cause of death: Killed and autopsied May 22 , 1928 . RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 06 Parturition No. 3 Date of conception: 7/13/ 38 Date of calving: 4/17/29 Gest. in days: 278 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 2 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: Healthy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 06 Year -19.37---- ”-1938.” “ ................................... Jan. --....- ......-- Feb. ..--..... -....-.. Mar. --...... ----.. Apr. -......- --...... May -- --- -....... ---..... June -..-.. - -.......- July ----- -..- .. Aug. ----- ---.... Sept. ----- -...-.. Oct. — -- — n--- Nov. - um - -......... Dec. P---- —......... Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/ 100, 1 / 200, 1 / 500. BREEDING RECORD CowNo. HT. 10 Breed Jars oy Name Date Born Feb ° 11:. 1923 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 9/11/29 m Normal 12/ 4/29 12/27/29 2/21/30 3/10/30 4/ 1/30 12/ 6/30 249 Dead 6/ /31 Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. HT 0 10 Parturition No. Date of conception: 4/1/30 Date of calving: 13/5/30 Gest. in days: 249 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: Passed W1 th fetus. Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: In the gravid born there were numerous small accessory placental areas scattered throughout. A majority of the placental areas of this horn showed indications of necrosis, varying from a yellowish dull appearance of.the villi to a tufting. There was sore indication of disease in the non-gravid horn as indicated by slight necrosis of the interplaoental tissue immediately surrounding the placental areas. Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: De ad Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. HT° 10 Year 1930 19 31 __-----------_..- ----—------——--- --—-—---—.------ --_----..__-__--_ Jan. ----- ++++P Feb. no- a . Apr. PT--- +++PT May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. ++++P Nov. Dec. Remarks : Dec. 7, 1930, Br. abortus was cultured from the liver, lung, spleen,. and kidney of the fetus of the 1929 parturition. The guinea pig which was injected with 1 cc. of the stomach contents of the fetus reacted negative to the agglutination test and cultural findings, as did the cultures made directly of the stomach contents. nee. 6, 1930, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground, diseased placental tissue obtained from.the fetal membranes of the 1929 parturition. The guinea pig gave posi- tive agglutination reaction and cultural findings for Br. abortus. Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow No. HT 0 45 Breed Guernsey Name Date Born 19 2'7 Reg. N 0. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition e/22/2a 10/ llaa 11/ 5/29 11/26/2 12 / 12 / 23 1 4/21/30 12/30/30 253 Dead * Numerous service dates but failed to conceive. Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow N 0. HT. 46 Parturition No. 1 Date of conception: 4/31/50 Date of calving: 12/30/30 Gest. in days: 353 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: There was only slight indication of disease as indicated by tufting of a few of the villi at the periphery of two of the placental areas . Reference to other records: Guinea pig inoculation - see remarks. RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Dead Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. HT. 46 Year .. 1939 1931 -_-—-------- ---.._..----_..__.._ —-----------——-- ----—-..------u- -----—_———~—.-—-- Jan, +++PT +++++ Feb. Mar. TTPP- +++++ Apr. -........ +++++ May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. ----- Nov. Dec. Remarks : Jan. 2, 1931, Fr. abortus was cultured from all organs of the fetus. Jan. 2, 1931, a guinea pig injection was made of a salt suspension of ground, diseased placental tissue obtained from the fetal membranes. The guinea pig gave positive reactions to the agglutination test and cultural findings. _ Dilutions: 1/25, 1/50, 1/100, 1/200, 1/500. BREEDING RECORD Cow N o. 155913 Breed HO 13 lie in Name Date Born Sept ‘ 2 ! 19 25 Reg. No. Par. No. Heat Dates Dates Bred Sire Par. Date Ges. in Days Sex of Calf Sequel of Parturition 1/24/26 1 4/19/27 1/24/28 280 Normal 2 3/17/28 2/23/29 283 m Normal 5 i Abbreviations : Par. means parturition or calving. Ges. means gestation or number of days carrying calf. PARTURITION RECORD Cow No. 16 59D Parturition No. 1 Date‘of conception: 4/19/ 27 Date of calving: 1/ 34/28 Gest. in days: 280 RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 1 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: See Photograph # 1659D - 1 Reduced to 1/10 the size of the nembranes. llote the extensive naked area of chorion in the non-gravid horn. Reference to other records: ' RECORD OF CALF Sex: Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: PARTURITION RECORD Cow N o. Parturition No. 2 Date of conception: 3/17/28 Date of calving: 2/23/29 Gest. in days: RECORD OF FETAL MEMBRANES Hours before passing: 2 Treatment for retention: Description of membranes: Date of examination: He althy Reference to other records: RECORD OF CALF Sex: Isl 6 Weight: Condition at birth: Normal Date and cause of death: RECORD OF DAM Condition prior to parturition: Condition subsequent to parturition: 16 59D 283 Record of Serum-Agglutination Tests for Bang’s Disease Cow No. 1659D Year "1.937.-.. ”1.91.28.-- "7:92.91--- --.. Jan. -....... -......- Feb. a”.-- nun... Mar. ......... -..-...- Apr. ----- May -..... mu.-- June ----- -........ July ----- ----- Aug. ----- em.-- Sept. ----- ----- Oct. ----- mu.-- Nov. ----- ----- Dec. - ---- ----- Remarks : Dilutions: 1/25, 1 / 50, 1 / 100, 1 /200, 1 / 500. DISCUSSION Because of the probable fact that certain pathological changes of the endometrium and maternal placenta are dupli- cated in extent and character upon the corresponding fetal structures (chorion) it is possible to make detailed studies of various pathological conditions of the endomotrium at the time of each parturition by means of the chorion. By estab- lishing a permanent, complete, and accurate record of each consecutive afterbirth it is possible to study the signifi- cance of each condition with reference to its effect upon the subsequent health of the uterus. During the two years that the author carried on these studies, 1’74 fetal membranes from 101 cows were examined. Following 2'7 parturitions of 21 cows the fetal membranes were retained; consequently not examined grossly. Of the 174 examined 127, or 73 per cent, were considered healthy; 26, or '15 per cent, were classed as atypical; and 21, or 12 per cent, were considered as diseased. Since retained membranes are generally considered to be the result of a diseased placenta, the 27 membranes which were retained can justly be classed with the 21 which were found diseased upon gross examination, raking a total of 48 diseased membranes of a grand total of 201 (1'74 examined and 27 retained). Computed on the basis of these new figures, the percentages become: normal 63.2 per cent, atypical 12.9 per cent, and diseased 25.9 per cent. Since there is not a recognized definition of an atypi- cal fetal membrane, the question will quite naturally arise as to what are the various abnormalities which the author has used as criteria fcr his classification. The answer to this question may be learned by studying the photographs and descriptions, using the Tables I, II, and III aeran index for classification of the membranes. A very interesting and lengthy discussion could be developed.following a.study of the recorded data of a majority of the 60 cows listed in.this thesis. Since limited space'will not permit the presentation of such a discussion, only a few of the representative cases are discussed. The first pregnancy of cow number 151 terminated pre- maturely with the delivery of a dead.fetus. At the first service two months.later’she conceived, and again pregnancy ternunated abnormally with the abortion of a dead fetus. She became pregnant as the result of a second service four months following the second parturition. In 256 days the third pregnancy ended with the delivery of a living bull calf and badly diseased afterbirth. The calf developed normally. The placental.tissue of the chorion.from.the non-gravid horn exhibited no indication of necrosis. Scattered among the cotyledons on either'side of and adjacent to the umbilical vessels were approximately 200 accessory placental areas, all of which on gross examination showed necrosis of the villi. The chorion of the gravid horn was affected with extensive disease involving approximately one- third of the total of each of the placental (*l and inter- placental (#l areas. Conception resulted from.the fourth ." The tenmfiplacental area" is usedwsynonomously'with "coty- ledon" or "chorion.frondosum". # The term "interplaoental" is used synonomously with "intercotyledonous" or "chorion laeve". service nearly seven months after the third parturition. Two hundred eleven days later a dead fetus was aborted. The afterbirth was not examined. The fifth and sixth pregnancies were the results of one service each and terminated in 273 and 279 days respectively. An apparently healthy female calf was delivered at the fifth parturition, and the membranes showed a mall amount of necro sis of the chori on 1aeve and numerous accessory cotyledons. The results of the sixth calving were a healthy calf and an apparently normal fetal membrane. The data furnished by the six parturitions of this cow constitute an exceedingly interesting study, especially in view of the opinions advanced in the writings of Williams, Udall, et a1. (2) "The placental side of the chorion is always a faithful replica of the endometrium, and fetal mem- branes examined under an adequate technic largely reveal the breeding efficiency of the cow, forecast her reproduc- tive future, and furnish important knowledge of the probable health of her young. A uterine cotyledon once destroyed vanishes forever. The records of such lesions are as indelibly written as thbugl chiselled in marble, and, mes disease has invaded the cotyledon of a cow, the proof of such changes will be authentically recorded on the fetal membranes of each conception as long as she breeds." The recorded data on each of the first four parturi- tions of cow No. 151 are indicative of existing pathological conditions during those pregnancies. This isparticularly true of the third parturition when extensively diseased membranes were expelled. In spite of the severe endometritis which had previously existed the cow delivered, within twentybtwo and one-half months after the day of her fourth parturition, two strong, healthy calves. These two preg- nancics resulted from one service each. The fetal membranes of the fifth parturition showed only limited indications of disease and those of the sixth parturition were entirely normal in appearance. (See photograph No. 151 — 2) Cow No. 171, through her five parturitions, presents data.for a very interesting study. Her first parturition was nonmal in every respect as indicated by conception as a result of one service, full term gestation, and a healthy calf. Her second pregnancy resulted from the second service four months following the first calving and terminated in 245 days with delivery of a dead fetus. The mmmbranes of the non—pregnant horn were retained while those of the gravid horn were passed within ten hours. Very extensive disease of the cotyledons and chorion leave was present as pictured by the photograph No. 171 - l. Conception for the third time took place in.four'months on the third service and tar. minated in 264 days with the delivery of a living calf which developed normally. The membranes were passed normally and upon examination exhibited no cotyledons upon the chorion of the non-gravid horn and 24 very large healthy ones on the chorion of the gravid horn. The fourth and fifth‘pregnancies were normal in every respect except that the fifth parturi- tion.termunated with the delivery at 268 days of a pair of twins which were small and weak. The membranes of these two parturitions were healthy except for one or two very small areas of placental necrosis on each. This cow presented an extremely diseased chori on at her second parturition and at the third a chori on which appeared healthy but atypical in that the chori on of the non-gravid horn was entirely void of placental tissue. In the opinion of Williams, Udall, et a1. (2) this naked condition of the non-gravid horn was the inevitable result of previous exten- sive disease, as also was the unusually short gestation period. Contrary to the belief of'the authors cited (2) and Williams (3), the animal conceived normally within three months and gave birth to a strong healthy calf after a gas... tation period of 281 days. The afterbirth was normal except for a small amount of necrosis which involved one and one- half small cotyledons. A rather common abnormal condition of the chori on is the absence of cotyledons over areas of chori on of unusual extent. Generally when this condition is present, the apex of one or both uterine horns is involved. In regard to this condition Williams, Udall, et a1. (2) made the following . statement. "The total destruction of a few uterine cotyle- dons is a very common occurrence; not uncommonly all coty- ledons in one or both cornua are destroyed by necrosis. In those cases where the lesions do not bar conception, the evidence as recorded upon the chori on is convincing." Further on in the same paper they state, with regard to naked areas, "In all our observations this condition has been associated with other extensive lesions and with an unfavorable termination of pregnancy." The observations of the author substantiate their statenent only to a certain degree. While naked areas are generally preceded by or associated with a diseased condition of endometrium, such is not always the case. Furthermore, a diseased endometrium is not always, in fact only occasionally, succeeded by a chorion exhibiting a naked area. The termination of pregnancy in such cases is usually favorable unless the nakedness is to the extent of one—third or more of the entire chori on. Cow No. M266 calved for the first time 278 days after one service. There is no record of the calf except that it was dead at delivery. On the second service within four months, the cow conceived, and pregnancy terminated in 2'75 days with a normal calf. The membranes were not examined following those two parturitions. Conception took place following the first service with in three months, and 2'76 days later a normal calf was delivered. The anterior two- thirds of the non-gravid horn was void of placental tissue as indicated by photograph No. £5266 - 1. Again following one service the cow became pregnant and calved normally. The membranes were not obtained for examination. The result of the first service following the fourth parturition was pregnancy which resulted in delivery of a normal calf at 272 days gestation. The membranes of the pregnant horn exhibi- ted 63 normal cotyledons arranged in four semi-parallel rows and about 110 accessory cotyledons, while the non-gravid horn presented 54 normal cotyledons arranged in four regular rows and 260 accessory cotyledons. Cow No. 250 failed to conceive at her first service but did at the second, and gestation ended in 2'72 days with the delivery of a normal calf. The fetal membranes appeared healthy in every respect except that the anterior one-half of the non-gravid horn was entirely void of placental tissue. In the gravid and posterior half of the non-gravid hom the cotyledons were arranged in four regular rows. As a result of three services she became pregnant again but was elimi- nated from the herd before termination of gestation. 'lhe two pregnancies were both in the left uterine horn. In this case the naked condition of the chorion occurred at the first parturition of an animal which had previously shown no clinical indications of endometritis other than the fact that she failed to conceive as a result of the first service. Cow No. 171, which is discussed above, is a good example of nakedness of an entire horn succeeding extensive disease while the two following parturiti ons and membranes were normal excepting a very few villi. The presence of diffuse placenta is not exceptionally rare in the bovine since four cases have been found among the 174 membranes examined by the author. There seems to be very little reference in the literature to this condition in the bovine. A study of the records of cows No. 19, 153, 155, and 174 will serve to demonstrate that there seems to be little or no evidence that this condition is in any way associated with other abnormal or with pathological condi- tions and that it is not hazardous to the health of the fetus. Accessory cotyledons or adventitious placental growths are commonly found to be present upon the chori on 1aeve. Their significance is still debatable after a study of the rather limited data presented by several pathologists. Williams (3) and Hellman (4) consider them as nature's reserves, to be called forth whenever needed to furnish more blood supply following the destruction of placental.tissus by disease. Williams states, "I have Observed cases in which essentially all the cotyledons of the entire uterus have been destroyed, and after a long interval the cow again became pregnant. But such is a very frail fetus, and I have yet to see the pregnancy endure to the 280th day and a vigorous calf be produced." Williams, Udall, et a1. (2) state that accessory coty- ledons are very common in cows and very uncommon in heifers and that they indicate the prior existence of an endomo— tritis. ' Cows No. 179, C50, and 1415 present evidence which fails to support the theories of Williams at al. (2) The membranes of the second and third parturitions of cow No. 179 exhi- bited excessive numbers of secondary cotyledons, however, each of these as well as the first and fourth pregnancies persisted until the 280th day; and strong, healthy, vigorous calves were delivered. Cow No. C50 delivered her first fetus dead at 263 days gestation.and the second at 283 days. The membranes of the second parturition showed very slight indication of necrosis in two small areas of placental tissue. The entire chorion 1aeve of the non-gravid and much of the gravid horn was covered almost completely with accessory cotyledons. The calf of the second parturition was strong and healthy as were those of the third and fourth parturitions. The mom. brenes of the third parturition were normal in every way. The chorion leave of the afterbirth of the fourth preg- nancy of cow No. 145 was thickly dotted with accessory coty- ledons throughout both uterine horns, yet a strong healthy calf was delivered at 278 days of gestation. Table IV includes the data on 226 pregnancies of 59 cows with reference to the breeding efficiency as indicated by the average number of services per pregnancy, and the length of gestation. All the pregnancies included terminated with the birth of an apparently healthy calf which lived at least one month after birth. The animals are divided into three groups according to their reaction to the serum-agglu- tination test for Bang's disease. The figures appearing in the columns under the heading ”Length of Gestation in Days" indicate the per cent of total parturiti one of that particu- lar group, which terminated within the designated number of days. TABLE IV Total-_Tl’fotaifihverage A mmStation in Da 8 Group No. of No. of No. of km or 261 to or Services Part. Servicgs less 271 over Neg. 232 116 2.0 1.72% 9.48% 22.41% 26.72% 59.68% P08. 192 55 2.9VV 3.05% 13.84% 33.84% 27.69% 21.53% Sus. 113 45 2.5 O 8.88% 30. % 40. % 51.11% All 337 225» 2.4 2.38% 10.73% 25.42%31.47% 30.77% Williams, Udall, et a1. '(2) state that a calf born prior to 280 days of gestation is prematurely born and is abnormal. Accepting this statment as correct, Table IV would indicate that approximately 60 per cent of all living calves from the cows of the negative group, 7.8 1/2 per cent from the posi- tive group, and 69 per cent from the suspicious group were 31.1 11...! lle‘l‘lf: I‘wfllllr...&:l.l It'll-Ill: .: l .l‘ abnormal. There is little doubt but that many were abnormal since, as a study of the individual records will show, many were accompanied by fetal membranes which were diseased.‘ However, abnormality to the extent of 60 to 70 per cent of all living calves hardly seems likely. In view of this, one might conclude, with regard.to the animals studied, that the average normal gestation is less than 280 days. Data pre- sented by the animals included in this man. indicate that there is considerable variation of the average length of gestation between the various breeds as a whole. CONCLUSIONS These studies indicate that the endometrium.of the bovine uterus possesses a great deal of reparative power in that it can apparently return to its nonnal state of health and carry on all its functions normally following disease, which may vary in extent from slight necrosis of a small area of placenta or interplaoental tissue to complete necro- sis of the cotyledons. Disease of the fetal membranes seems to be more common and more extensive in the cotyledonous portion of the chorion than in the intercotyledonous area. The study of the fetal membranes from cows, which were negative to the serumpagglutination test for Bang's disease indicates that both the extent and the prevalence of disease of the fetal membranes of such cases is slight. This would seem to indicate that _B_l_;. abortus was either directly or indirectly the etiolbgical factor involved in.a very high per cent of the cases of disease of the interplacental portion of the chorion, fetal and maternal cotyledons,-and endometrium studied in this work. The presence of diffuse placenta does not seem.to be extremely rare in the bovine, or to be associated with any pathological condition of the endomstrium, or hazardous to the health of the fetus. I A condition of comparative nakedness of a considerable area of the chorion (absence of placental tissue) is common in both negative and positive reacting cows, occurring most often and to a greater extent in the latter. Indications are that this absence of placental tissue often accompanies, or is sequel to, disease of the endometrium. While accessory cotyledons are not uncommon as a sequel to endometritis, their presence either in large or small numbers seems in a majority of cases to be quite independent of any previously existing pathological condition of the uterus. Furthermore, the presence of these accessories is not characterized by any consistent variations in the normal course of pregnancy. ACMOWLEDGMT With pleasure I express my appreciation to Doctor E. T. Hellman.of the Department of Animal Pathology for his assistance in the pathological phase of this work, to Doctor I. F. Huddleson of the Department of Bacteriology for his assistance in all bacteriological and serological work, to Messers C. F. Huffman and George Taylor of the Department of Dairy Husbandry for their assis- tance in the collection of material and.data, and to Doctors E. R. Carlson and C. F. Clark of the Department of Animal Pathology for the data which they loaned me. 1. 3. BIBLIOGRAPHY Hagan, Wm. Cornell Vet., OCte, 1926e Williams, Udall, et a1. Cornell Vet., Williams, t. L. Cornell Vet., Hallman, Ee Te Cornell Vete, OCte, 1924e July, 1927. July, 1924. MW USE ONLY c. m1.“- k-L"......1wT-lh ....... initmufil‘a‘fi' I RI" " U" Hag T” 177 4270 H mmmwut 93 03 31