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' LIBRARY Michigan State 9 0 0 7 University This is to certify that the thesis entitled A Systematic Review of Neurodevelopmental and Cognitive Outcomes in Premature Children Born with Germinal Matrix and lntraventricular Hemorrhage (GM/IVH) presented by Jun-tsui Fan has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the MS. degree in Epidemiology i. ~ ' \ l “‘ t“ 7F N \ - '.—-—-~'-"~-~- , ._,.*' \-’\._. {1&5 J B“ Major Professor’s Signature 3.1/1 s /0 5, Date MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE JUN 2 2 200 V r» u I.’ A; 1‘ ; OI: «,V '5 i '-‘ o I, 2/05 p:/C|RC/Date0ue.indd-p.1 A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF NEURODEVELOPMENTAL AND COGNITIVE OUTCOMES IN PREMATURE CHILDREN WITH GERMIN AL MATRIX AND INTRAVENTRICULAR HEMORRHAGE By J un-tsui Fan A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Epidemiology 2006 ABSTRACT A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW OF NEURODEVELOPMENTAL AND COGNITIVE OUTCOMES IN PREMATURE CHILDREN WITH GERMINAL MATRIX AND INTRAVENTRICULAR HEMORRHAGE By J un-tsui Fan To determine whether isolated GM/IVH is associated with neurodevelopmental and cognitive abnormalities, I adopt a systematic review approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods in this thesis. MEDLINE and 181 Web of Knowledge are the main sources for literature searches. A ranking of importance for the selected studies is provided after combining the evaluation with causal criteria and study quality criteria. The studies of van de Bor et al. (1988, 1993, and 2004) are regarded as important studies according to the ranking. Weighted OR shows that children with GM/IVH have a 2.5 times higher risk of abnormal neurodevelopment and abnormal general cognition than those without. The differences in weighted means of neurodevelopmental and cognitive tests range from 1.2 to 3.3. The results suggest that GM/IVH may slightly impair children’s special cognitive outcomes, while its effects on children’s abnormal global cognition is not significant. In addition, GM/IVH in preterm infants leads to an increased risk of adversely affected neurodevelopmental performance. The effect of GM/IVH on school performances of children or adolescents is unfavorable. This thesis is dedicated with love to Moi-kien Yi, Li-Tai-moi Y1, Ngiuk-Siuk Y1, Yang-tse Fan, J un-huei Fan, Kai-hui Chang, and Yen-yi Ho. III ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis originates from a lot of people’s wisdom, enthusiasm, and aspiration. I wrote it down with a great hope of contributing the organized knowledge and interesting discovery to people who want to do further relevant explorations. I feel very glad for the accomplishment of this thesis and have an immense gratitude to people who have helped, supported, and took care of this work. From the bottom of my heart, I thank Dr. Paneth, my advisor, for your enlightened teaching, generous assistance, and admirable patience. In the past two years, my abilities, confidence, and enthusiasm for researches were all elevated miraculously because of working with you. I appreciate Dr. Kama and Dr. Breslau, my committee, for your valuable suggestions and nice comments. Thank you so much. Thank Mom for always being my strongest supporter either for my spirit or my daily life. \Vrthout you, I cannot achieve this challenging mission. Thank grandfather and grandmother for your encouragement and love. Thank Jun-huei, my twin sister, for always making me happy and cheering me up. Thank Yang-tse, my brother, for taking care of our family and allowing me not to won'y about anything. Thank Yen-yi for answering all my research questions. Finally, I would like to thank Kai-hui for editing and formatting my thesis, helping me prepare the defense, taking care of my daily life, and giving me perpetual love and happiness. I am sincerely grateful for all that you have done. Thank you very much. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................. VI Chapter One Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1 I. Research Purpose ........................................................................................................ 1 11. Background ............................................................................................................... 1 111. Definition of GMH/IVH .......................................................................................... 2 IV. Classification of IVH in the Premature Infant ......................................................... 4 V. Diagnosis of IV H ....................................................................................................... 7 Chapter Two Methods of this Research .................................................................................. 10 I. Hypothesis ................................................................................................................ 10 11. Literature Search ..................................................................................................... 10 1. Sources for the Literature Search ........................................................................ 10 2. Determining Key Concepts and Generating Search Terms ................................ l4 3. Strategies for Performing MEDLINE! PubMed ................................................. 15 III. Literature Selection ................................................................................................ 16 1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria ......................................................................... 16 2. Selection with Titles, Abstracts, and Texts of Literature .................................... 17 IV. Literature Analysis ................................................................................................. 18 1. Determining the Type of Literature Review ....................................................... 18 2. Methods for Summarizing Evidence .................................................................. 21 Chapter Three Results ............................................................................................................. 26 1. Studies Identified ...................................................................................................... 26 II. Introduction of Birth Cohorts .................................................................................. 26 III. Measures and Classification of IVH ...................................................................... 28 IV. Follow-up and Assessment Rates in Studies .......................................................... 29 V. Study Quality Evaluation ......................................................................................... 31 VI. Ranking of Importance for Selected Studies ......................................................... 35 VII. Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Developmental Abnormalities ......................... 36 VIII. Averages and Standard Deviations of Developmental Tests .............................. 38 IX. Overall Evaluation and Interpretation ................................................................... 39 Chapter Four Discussion ......................................................................................................... 42 1. Evaluation of Causal Criteria .................................................................................... 42 11. Limitations ............................................................................................................... 44 III. Strengths ................................................................................................................. 46 IV. Conclusions ............................................................................................................ 47 V. Further Discussion ................................................................................................... 47 TABLES .................................................................................................................................. 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................... 90 LIST OF TABLES Table l-A (l of 2): The Numbers, Gestational Ages, and Birth Weights of Baseline Cohorts in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group ....................................................................... 50 Table l-A (2 of 2): The Numbers, Gestational Ages, and Birth Weights of Baseline Cohorts in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group ....................................................................... 51 Table l-B (l of 2): The Numbers, Gestational Ages, and Birth Weights of Baseline Cohorts in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group ............................................................................ 52 Table l-B (2 of 2): The Numbers, Gestational Ages, and Birth Weights of Baseline Cohorts in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group ............................................................................ 53 Table 2-A (1 of 2): Follow-up Rates, Assessment Rates, and Number of Assessment in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group ........................................................................... 54 Table 2-A (2 of 2): Follow-up Rates, Assessment Rates, and Number of Assessment in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group ........................................................................... 55 Table 2-B (1 of 2): Follow-up Rates, Assessment Rates, and Number of Assessment in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group ................................................................................ 56 Table 2-B (2 of 2): Follow-up Rates, Assessment Rates, and Number of Assessment in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group ................................................................................ 57 Table 3-A (1 of 2): Study Quality Evaluation ...................................................................... 58 Table 3-A (2 of 2): Study Quality Evaluation ...................................................................... 59 Table 3-B (l of 2): Study Quality Evaluation ...................................................................... 60 Table 3-B (2 of 2): Study Quality Evaluation ...................................................................... 61 Table 4 ( l of 2): Ranking of Importance for Selected Studies ............................................ 62 Table 4 (2 of 2): Ranking of Importance for Selected Studies ............................................ 63 Table S-A (1 of 2): Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Abnormal Outcomes in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group ..................................................................................................... 64 Table S-A (2 of 2): Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Abnormal Outcomes in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group ..................................................................................................... 66 Table 5-B (l of 2): Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Special Cognitive Outcomes in a Study with a Full-Term Control Group ............................................................................................. 68 Table 5-B (2 of 2): Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Special Cognitive Outcomes in a Study with a Full-Term Control Group ............................................................................................. 69 Table 6—A (1 of 2): Means and Standard Deviations of Developmental Tests in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group ........................................................................................ 70 Table 6-A (2 of 2): Means and Standard Deviations of Developmental Tests in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group ........................................................................................ 72 Table 6-B (l of 2): Means and Standard Deviations of Cognitive Tests in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group ........................................................................................................ 74 Table 6-B (2 of 2): Means and Standard Deviations of Cognitive Tests in Studies with a VI Full-Term Control Group ........................................................................................................ 75 Table 7-A Weighted OR for Abnormal Neurodevelopment ................................................ 76 Table 7-B Weighted OR for General Cognition .................................................................. 76 Table 7-C Weighted Means for Neurodevelopment: Motor Abilities ................................. 77 Table 7-D Weighted Means for General Cognition ............................................................. 77 Table 7-E Weighted Means for Special Cognition - Language ........................................... 78 Table 7-F Weighted Means for Special Cognition— Reasoning & Memory ....................... 78 Table 8 ( l of 2): Causal Criteria for Selected Studies ......................................................... 79 Table 8 (2 of 2): Causal Criteria for Selected Studies ......................................................... 80 Appendix Table l (l of 2): Measurements and Classification of IVH ................................ 81 Appendix Table 1 (2 of 2): Measurements and Classification of IVH ................................ 83 Appendix Table 2 (l of 2): Measurements of Outcomes ..................................................... 85 Appendix Table 2 (2 of 2): Measurements of Outcomes ..................................................... 87 VII Chapter One Introduction I. Research Purpose Many studies have discussed the relationship between severe brain damage (germinal matrix and/or intravenuicular hemorrhage (GM/IVH) with parenchymal lesions/ ventricular enlargement (PUVE)) and developmental abnormalities in premature children. However, the influence of GM/IVH alone on the outcomes of premature children has been insufficiently studied. The purpose of this research is to compare the outcomes of premature surviving children with and without GM/IVH in order to determine whether isolated GM/IVH is associated with neurodevelopmental and cognitive abnormalities. 11. Background Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) may affect newborns of all gestational ages and is often clinically silent. Germinal matrix hemorrhage and intraventricular hemorrhage (GMH/IV H) are most common in the premature population. Estimates of GMH/IVH frequency in preterm infants have declined from 30 to 40% in the early 19805 to less than 20% in the 19908 [1]. GM/IVH was once found in about 40% of very low birth weight (V LBW; birthweight< 1500 grams) infants [2]-[7]. However, a recent study suggests that 25-35% of extremely low birth weight (ELBW; birthweight< 1000 grams) infants will have some degrees of IVH identified in the early newbom period [8], and the prevalence in infants whose gestational age are less than 32 weeks is about 15% [6]. 1 Many studies have reported the relationship between premature infants and disabilities. Nearly 8% of VLBW infants have disabling cerebral palsy (CP) at age 2 [9] [10]. 5% of VLBW infants have severe (moderate to profound) mental retardation at school age [11] [12]. The percentage of VLBW infants -— who have learning difficulties, attention deficit disorder and strabismus - has been estimated to be as high as 40%, 30% and 15%, respectively [13]. Several studies have reported that 30% to 50 % of prematurely born children who display impaired academic achievements and/or behavioral disorders require additional educational resources [14]-[ 19]. However, the association between GM/IV H and developmental outcome in premature born children is still uncertain and controversial. It is unclear whether GM/IVH leads to children’s developmental disabilities. Therefore, the topic is worthy of further investigation. III. Definition of GMH/IVH Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage (GMH): Understanding the anatomy and neuropathology of germinal matrix is essential, because majority of the intraventricular hemorrhage originates from the germinal matrix [20]. Gerrninal matrix tissue is found mean the caudate nucleus [13] [20] directly ventrolateral to the lateral ventricle [20]. The germinal matrix is a temporary embryonic structure of the telencephalon existing before 36 weeks of gestation. It not only serves as the source of cerebral neuronal precursors from 10 to 20 weeks of gestation but also plays a role in the 2 formation of cerebral oligodendroglia and astrocytes. Cells for the pulvinar (dorsal and posterior portions) of the thalamus originate from the caudothalamic germinal matrix [21] that provides the neuronal cell clusters for cortical association regions to connect with the thalamic nuclei [22]. The germinal matrix from 28 to 32 weeks is noticeable on ultrasound (US) in the thalamostriate groove at the level of the head of the caudate nucleus at the site, of or lightly posterior to, the foramen of Monro [23]-[28]. That is the most common site for germinal matrix hemorrhage [20]. The germinal matrix is surrounded by, and is divided from, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the lateral ventricles by a single layer of ependyma. Once the ependymal lining breaks, intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) occurs through extension of the bleeding into the ventricles. The definition of germinal matrix hemorrhage is based on US diagnosis, and it is described as follows: on at least one ultrasound scan, there is a focal echodensity in the thalamocaudate groove that is just lateral to the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles. It sometimes extends to the head of the caudate nucleus [12]. The germinal matrix generally has involuted by the 32nd to 34th week of gestation [13] and is essentially exhausted by term [20]. That is the reason why the incidence of GMH among term neonates is rare but this type of intracranial hemorrhage is commonly seen in preterm infants [13]. lntraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) 3 In accordance with the above statement, intraventricular hemorrhage is a further pathological progress usually originating from germinal matrix hemorrhage. The most general source of intraventricular hemorrhage is rupture of the ependymal layer and extension of bleeding into the lateral ventricles [13]. It is difficult to ascertain the origin of bleeding in terms of the specific germinal matrix location [l3].The following is a brief definition of IVH based on US diagnosis: on at least one ultrasound scan, there is an echodense focus or foci within the lateral, third or fourth ventricles separate from the choroid plexus, and it must be at least as echodense as the choroid plexus [12]. It can also be diagnosed when inequality of the choroid plexus margin reveals adherent intraventricular blood [12]. IV. Classification of IVH in the Premature Infant Papile, Burstein, Burstein, and Koffler advanced the first classification strategy for intraventricular hemorrhage in 1978 [2]. Although Papile et al. used computed tomography (CT) scan to describe the results of brain imaging [2], their classification system provides the most common and widely used set of terms to describe ultrasound images of brain damage in preterm infants. lntraventricular hemorrhages have been classified into four separate grades in a hierarchical scheme numbered from Ito IV based on the CT abnormalities to describe the “varied natural history of IVH” [2]. Grade I: Subependymal hemorrhage Grade 1]: lntraventricular hemorrhage without ventricular dilatation 4 Grade HI: lntraventricular hemorrhage with ventricular dilatation Grade IV: lntraventricular hemorrhage with parenchymal hemorrhage The classification of Papile and her coworkers is based on the location and amount of bleeding in an infant’s brain. In addition, whether the hemorrhage enlarges or not is also important for the grades of severity of intraventricular hemorrhage. Neonatal cranial ultrasound (US) scanning was introduced in the early 19803, which enabled people to obtain more knowledge about the anatomy and neuropathology of an infant’s brain. Volpe in 1987 provided a classification of IVH modified from that of Papile et al. In accordance with neuropathologic findings, Volpe suggested that the presence of parenchymal lesions (IV H grade IV in Papile’s category) should be noted separately. That is because periventricular hemorrhagic infarction or other parenchymal lesions usually do not only result from extension of GM/ IVH into normal brain parenchyma. Therefore, there are three grades for IVH and a separate notation for periventricular echodensity in Volpe’s classification [20]. The basis of Volpe’s classification is the occurrence and proportion of blood in the germinal matrix and lateral ventricles [20]. Grade I: Gerrninal matrix hemorrhage with no or minimal lntraventricular hemorrhage (10% of ventricular area on parasagittal view) Grade II: lntraventricular hemorrhage (10%-50% of ventricular area on parasagittal view) Grade 111: lntraventricular hemorrhage (>50% of ventricular area on parasagittal view; 5 usually distends lateral ventricle) Separate notation: Periventricular echodensity (location and extent) Although Papile’s system is widely used, Paneth in 1999 indicated it has some weaknesses. First, it is cumulative. As a result, entities such as isolated ventricular enlargement or isolated parenchymal hemorrhage fall nowhere in Papile’s system, because each grade that is above grade II includes the entities below it in the hierarchy [29]. Second, it lacks strong pathologic proof to indicate that grade IV hemorrhage is usually an extension of subependymal hemon'hage [29]. Preterm infants’ parenchymal hemorrhages tend to be a component of white matter damage (WMD). For instance, bleeding into a pre-existing infarction, or microscopic hemorrhage presents together with periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) [29]. In addition, so-called “grade IV hemorrhage”, which on US is an extensive echodense region in white matter surrounding the lateral ventricle, is sometimes not bleeding at all [29]. Many interpretations about “grade IV hemorrhage” based on ultrasound images are not appropriate for natural history of IVH [29]. Therefore, Paneth addressed the following three general categories involving not only GM/IV H but also the common brain lesions in premature infants. These categories are more concordant with neuropathologic discoveries. 1. WMD 2. Hemorrhages in non-parenchymal areas of the brain 3. Lesions in other brain locations: cerebellum, basal ganglia, brain stem, etc [29]. 6 Whitaker (1996, 1997) et al. and Pinto-Martin (1999) et al. published studies that did not grade the severity of IVH in a hierarchical scheme numbered from I to IV. Instead, there were only two groups in their studies: (1) Isolated germinal matrix hemorrhage and/ or intraventricular hemorrhage (GM/IVH). (2) Parenchymal lesion and/ or ventricular enlargement (PUVE) with or without GM/IVH [lO]-[12]. The two groups correspond to grades I/ II IVH and grades HI/ IV IVH respectively. This thesis discusses the outcomes in premature children with germinal matrix and intraventricular hemorrhage (GM/IVH). “Grade HI/ IV IVH” or “PUVE” are not studied here. Therefore, the term “GM/IVH” will be utilized consistently in the thesis, which would not conflict with the different terms such as “grade III] IVH” but specifically excludes “grade III/ IV IVH” and “PUVE” as described above. V. Diagnosis of IVH Ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the primary methods currently used in the evaluation of premature infants’ brains [30]. CT has been available for the past three decades [30]. US scan has been widely used since its introduction in the early 19805 [10][14]. Although MRI has been shown to provide superior images of IVH, particularly after the first few days of brain hemorrhage [31]-[34], it currently cannot supplant US in the evaluation of IV H [20]. This is because MRI has some disadvantages: (1) it requires transporting the infant to the scanner, (2) it has a relatively long data acquisition time, (3) it prevents use of metallic materials found on standard neonatal 7 monitoring and support equipment, and (4) it is expensive [20]. Therefore, the following discussions exclude MRI and only focus on US and CT whose principles, strengths, and weaknesses are described. Computed Tomography (CT) Computed tomography (CT) is sometimes called CAT scan. Special x-ray equipment is used to obtain many images from different angles and then these images are combined to show a cross-section of body tissues and organs [30]. CT scan is able to demonstrate the site and extent of intraventricular hemorrhage effectively [2] [4] [20] [35]-[42]. CT scan provides a poorer image of the precise details of soft tissues (particularly the brain) compared with MRI [30]. On the other hand, it is more sensitive than ultrasonography in cases where extra axial (subdural, subarachnoid) or posterior fossa haemorrhage is suspected [20]. However, CT scan has major disadvantages: (l) the infant is required to be removed from the intensive care unit (ICU), and (2) the brain and eyes of the infant will be exposed to ionizing radiation [20] [30]. In addition, it is not a portable technology and is thus gradually replaced by US scan [20]. Ultrasound (US) Brain Scan Ultrasound scan has high reliability and versatility in identifying the degree of severity of IV H, which ranges from isolated germinal matrix hemorrhage to major degrees, with or without periventricular hemorrhagic infarction [20]. Most cranial ultrasound studies in neonates utilized a sector or linear-array transducer with a frequency of 7 MHz or higher 8 [43]. Images of ultrasound scans are collected through the anterior fontanelle, in both the coronal and sagittal planes [13] [20]. The posterior fossa and midbrain can be imaged well through the posterior fontanelle [13] [20]. Performing three US scan at 4 hours, 24 hours, and 7 days of life can improve the sensitivity of US detection to more than 75% for GM/IVH [13]. The screening examination at 7-14 days of life can detect more than 80% of GM/IVH which may result in post-hemonhagic hydrocephalus [20] [30] [43]. Furthermore, the sensitivity of ultrasound for detecting white matter abnormalities can be increased further by performing weekly scans after the first month of life [43]. Later scans at 36 to 40 weeks postrnenstrual age are recommended by the Committee of the American Academy of Neurology and the Child Neurology Society to evaluate infant prognosis [30]. The major advantage of US is its portability [30]. This is because US can be performed without moving infants from the intensive care unit (ICU) [30]. In addition, it is safer and cheaper than CT and MRI [20]. Chapter Two Methods of this Research I. Hypothesis This study has a null hypothesis: there is no significant difference for premature children’s neurodevelopmental and cognitive outcomes between the group of infants who have GM/IVH and those who with normal results of ultrasound scanning. On the other hand, an alternative hypothesis of this study is that there are significant differences for those outcomes between GMH/IVH group and normal ultrasound scanning group. I here extract evidence from the literature to evaluate and ascertain this hypothesis by systematic literature review in this thesis. 11. Literature Search 1. Sources for the Literature Search ( i ) Bibliographic Databases on the Internet Search engines or bibliographic databases on the Internet are the major sources of literature that will be analyzed in this thesis. These sources store most of the current research and are convenient for literature search. These sources include MEDLINE/ PubMed, ISI Web of KnowledgeSM, electronic journals, and a powerful searching engine “Scholar Google”. MEDLINE] PubMed— MEDLINE is a comprehensiveand cross-referenced database of citations provided by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) [44]. It includes medical lO literature from 1966 to the present. Searching MEDLINE through PubMed provides researchers several advantages such as a user-friendly interface, cosmopolitan search resources, and access to full-text articles [45]. The following components are included in the MEDLINE database: Title, Author(s), Affiliation, Abstract, Language, Publication Date, Journal Title, and Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms [46]. NLM defines the MeSH terms chosen from 22,568 descriptors and continually updates them [46]. The PubMed tt ://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. ov/entrez/ ue .fc i?db=PubMed provides a typical single search window (Figure 1). By entering keywords in that window, a link to the full-text of more than 4,400 journals will be provided by the PubMed searches [47]. Results of the literature searches from PubMed include literature ( l) with free full texts, (2) with abstracts but without free full texts, or (3) without abstracts and free full texts [44]. For literature with abstracts but without free full texts, usually only subscribers of those journals can access the full text. However, non-subscribers may still access those articles by paying a fee [44]. Once a useful literature is found but cannot be downloaded from PubMed, other sources and search methods will need to be used. ISI Web of KnowledgeSM— ISI Web of KnowledgeSM is another electronic academic literature source, which is as important as MEDLINE] PubMed for this thesis. It enhances the function of ISI Web of Science and provides three major databases: “Science Citation Index Expanded”, “Social Sciences Citation Index” and “Arts & Humanities Citation Index”. For this thesis, we only use Science Citation Index Expanded for literature search in ISI Web 11 of Knowledge“, because it provides articles that belong to various science fields. Through ISI Web of Knowledge“, it is possible to search for articles from more than 8,500 journals in different fields of science. In addition, it has a unique function, called “Cited Reference Searching”, which provides an easy pathway of cross citation. However, it is not convenient for individuals because the use of “ISI Web of SM” Knowledge needs to be licensed through academic registration. Therefore, people with no “ID” and “Password” from an academic register cannot access “ISI Web of SM”. For this thesis, literature searches from ISI Web of KnowledgeSM are Knowledge administered by registering via the Proxy Server of Michigan State University Libraries. Electronic Joumals— It is possible that people obtain only abstracts without full-text articles while searching for articles on MEDLINE/ PubMed or ISI Web of Knowledge“. Under this circumstance, searching for literature from electronic journals is an appropriate and practical solution. The results of literature searches fiom MEDLINE/ PubMed or ISI Web of KnowledgeSM do not always provide the address of a joumal’s website. Therefore, the best way to search a joumal’s website is through the libraries’ networks of academic institutions, such as universities, colleges, or research centers. In this thesis, I access individual joumal’s website through the homepage of Michigan State University Libraries (http://www.lib.m_su.edu/). Scholar Google— Scholar Google (http://scholangooglecofl) is a very powerful and useful search engine similar to Google (http://wwwgooglecofl). The difference between 12 Scholar Google and Google is that Scholar Google focuses only on academic papers and books but not on other irrelevant links. Obtaining the knack of how to effectively and efficiently utilize this public search engine is crucial for literature retrieval [48]. The main advantage of using Scholar Google for literature search is that it not only combines several academic databases but also provides links of citations. Scholar Google is a valuable source for literature search in this thesis because it can find literature that cannot be found from PubMed or 131 Web of Knowledge“. ( ii ) Medical or Epidemiological Journals in Libraries The medical or epidemiological journals stored in libraries are other important literature sources for this thesis. Databases on the Internet are convenient sources for searching recent publications. For epidemiological observational studies, however, only some of the relevant articles can be found by a computer-aided literature search [49]. The reason is that academic websites do not always provide the complete databases, and the searches may not return all relevant literature. In addition, some of the full-text literature published a long time ago may not be in the databases. Therefore, printed journals in libraries still have a great value and cannot be replaced or ignored. In this thesis, some articles are from printed journals such as Joumal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Pediatrics, Archives of General Psychiatry, Seminars in Perinatology, Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, the Journal of Pediatrics and Early Human Development. Most of these journals were found in libraries of 13 Michigan State University (MSU) and University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. If a journal could not be found in these two libraries, I asked the librarian to recall the journal from other libraries, or I recalled the journal on the website of MSU library by myself. 2. Determining Key Concepts and Generating Search Terms The research question of this thesis is: “Is GM/IVH causally associated with neurodevelopmental and cognitive abnormalities in premature children?” Breaking down the research question into some key concepts and then generating useful search terms is the first step to perfonning a literature search [46] [50]. (1) Concepts about exposure include the following terms: germinal matrix hemorrhage, subependymal hemonhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular hemorrhage, periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage, mild brain damage, and intracranial hemorrhage. (2) Concepts about other risk factors include the following terms: low birth weight, low—birth-weight, low birthweight, preterm, preterm infant, premature and, prematurity. (3) Concepts about outcomes include the following terms: neurodevelopment, neurodevelopmental, neurodevelopmental outcome, neurodevelopmental performance, cognition, cognitive, cognitive outcome, cognitive performance, learning, behavior, outcome, and school performance. To perform the literature search effectively, I chose two or more terms from different concept groups and then typed them in the search box. The results are shown after clicking 14 the “Go” button on the PubMed web page. MeSH terms lead retrievals into limited records on that specific topic [51] and may improve the specificity of literature searches [52]. On the other hand, a free-text search, which is searching through generic words, retrieves records including the given word anywhere in the title or abstract even if these records are not essentially related to the subject [53]. To obtain optimal results, therefore, free-text search needs to be performed with a MeSH search [54]. Finally, it is very important to note that English is the sole language adopted by MEDLINE field contents [46]. Hence, all keywords have to be in English for any literature search through MEDLINE. 3. Strategies for Performing MEDLINE/ PubMed MEDLINE allows Boolean operators [55] to combine keywords for the searches [46]. AND, OR, and NOT are the connectors which may improve search specificity [53] [55]. All the connectors have to be capital letters in MEDLINE [55] [56]. To retrieve a set of records simultaneously covering all given search terms, the AND operator should be utilized [46]. On the other hand, records contain any of the given terms can be retrieved by the OR operator [46]. By using NOT operator, only records that involve the first key word will be returned, and those related to the second will be excluded [46]. In addition, utilizing the truncation function (*) can increase the search recall due to synonyms (e.g., hemorrhage and bleeding) and variants (e.g., behaviour and behavior) of a term [46]. For a multiword keyword, typing the keyword in quotation marks (e. g., “low birth weight”) is appropriate 15 and beneficial [46]. Following these strategies may help researchers to conduct efficient and effective literature search. 111. Literature Selection 1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria Any review paper should have explicit inclusion and exclusion criteria in order to appropriately select all relevant studies [56] [57]. The criteria of this review are listed as follows. (1) Only published papers written in English are included. Published papers written in other languages, such as Chinese or Spanish, are excluded. (2) This thesis includes only relevant papers published after 1980 and excludes papers published before 1980. (3) The included studies should involve GM/IVH (IVH Grade VII) and have a clear classification of IV H. Studies are excluded if the authors only address PUVE (IV H Grade III/IV) or combine GM/IVH with other types of brain damage (e.g. PINE). (4) Included studies must involve preterm (gestational age g 37 weeks) or low birth weight (birthweight< 2.5 kilograms) subjects. (5) Studies included in this thesis must have a premature normal-ultrasound group to compare with the premature GM/IV H group. (6) All the included studies should be related to neurodevelopment, mental development, school performance, behavior, or cognition. 16 (7) Sample size is an important criterion for selecting literature. The sample size of each study group in the included papers has to be larger than 10. (8) The age of assessment has to be equal to or older than 10 months and equal to or younger than 18 years old. (9) All the included studies should provide the number of surviving infants. 2. Selection with Titles, Abstracts, and Texts of Literature The next step for literature selection is scanning titles and abstracts once an acceptable number of abstracts have been found [52]. During the literature selection of observational studies, investigators may find that the titles of the publications usually have clear descriptions of the subjects, exposure, outcome, or research method. The information provided by those titles should be examined through the inclusion and exclusion criteria. It is really a quick and initial measure for literature selection. However, the major misgiving during the scan of study titles is that authors and selectors may differ in how they define concepts [58]. These differences in defining concepts are important causes for failed database searches and selection [59]. A literature selection relying on keywords in the titles of studies will result in the neglect of many relevant publications [58]. For instance, some publications related to the topic of this thesis have different keywords for the ultrasound scan results in their titles, such as “intraventricular haemorrhage”, “periventricular-intraventricular haemorrhage”, or “cranial ultrasound abnormalities”. If a study selector has different definitions of those key terms, many useful relevant publications 17 may be missed. Therefore, good literatures may not be selected if only the titles of the papers are scanned. Scans of abstracts are also important and necessary. Structured abstracts usually consist of one or more of the following components to assist in the selection of relevant publication: background, objective, design, methods, results, and conclusion. Nevertheless, few abstracts address all the essential information, and the study method or design is sometimes missing [58]. Therefore, a researcher should select literature not only through scanning titles and abstracts but also through carefully reading the texts of publications. IV. Literature Analysis 1. Determining the Type of Literature Review Literature reviews can be classified into at least four types: (1) qualitative and narrative reviews, (2) quantitative reviews of published data (usually called meta-analysis), (3) meta-analyses with individual data (usually called pooled analysis), and (4) prospectively planned pooled analyses [57]. Each type of literature review has its own strengths and limitations. Clearly evaluating those strengths and limitations is an inevitable stage in determining the type of literature review that is appropriate for the research in this thesis. Traditional narrative reviews only present qualitative results [57]. Publication bias [60][6l], often called “file-drawer” problems [62], is the main limitation of traditional narrative reviews. The “file-drawer” problems arise because the results of unpublished literature are imagined to be guzzled in investigators’ file cabinets [62] [95]. To avoid l8 subjective judgments of the selected studies, an a-priori strict protocol for the review is absolutely necessary. Following the indication of the explicit protocol, an extensive overview of the included studies can be done within a short period of time and at a low cost [57]. Meta-analysis from published data has several main limitations. First, publication bias cannot be avoided because some epidemiological researches may be adventurously done, and the positive results are more likely to be published. Therefore it is possible that meta-analysis provides an overestimation of the risk estimate [57]. Second, the included studies may differ in their design, assessment of exposure or outcome, and definition of confounder variables. Adjusting for different confounders in separate studies is very difficult for meta-analysis [57]. In addition, reliable results cannot be derived from meta-analysis if the heterogeneity among included studies is high [57]. Meta-analysis with individual data can avoid some of the problems that arise with meta-analysis from published data. This type of analysis may eliminate publication bias because it includes unpublished data. With individual data, investigators can conduct a statistical re-analysis and reduce some errors in the analysis [57]. Furthermore, it is feasible for investigators to examine the effect of rare exposures with a large sample size from several separate studies [57]. However, this type of literature review has its own limitations. It takes a lot of time and money to do the analysis [631-[65]. In addition, the direct cooperation between study coordinators is necessary [63]-[65]. l9 Prospectively planned pooled analysis requires a joint core protocol for data collection and analysis between separate studies to eliminate their large heterogeneity [57]. However, it is very time-consuming and difficult to perform. In addition, prospectively planned pooled analysis may multiply errors in the design of single studies [57]. The literature review method used in this thesis does not belong to either meta-analysis review or prospectively planned pooled analysis review. The main reason is that the heterogeneity among the included studies is very high. Although most of the included publications use cohort study design and adopt ultrasound scan to measure the exposure, the assessed age and the measurement of outcomes among those studies are highly different. Therefore, it is inappropriate to classify this literature review method as meta-analysis. In addition, this thesis presents only the published data, and it excludes unpublished data or primary data from all included studies. For this thesis, it is impractical to obtain the original data from the coordinators of the included studies due to the lack of financial support, scanty manpower, and limited time. In the thesis, published data from the included studies were carefully organized and synthesized. The relevant components of each study, including authors, publication year, study design, sample size and assessment procedures, are carefully tabulated. Procedures for summarizing the Evidence among studies include: (1) systematic organization and clear presentation for the statistical data, and (2) objective judgment and logical explanation for the results. Methodologic guidelines were adopted for this literature review [56][57]. 20 By generalizing the above statements, as well as considering the materials, characteristics, and sources of included literature in this thesis, I decided to use a review strategy that combines qualitative and quantitative methods and called this a “systematic” review. 2. Methods for Summarizing Evidence A review published by Breslow et al. indicated that having clear methods for summarizing evidence among studies is essential [66]. Pooling of odds ratios, relative risks, and methodologic quality ranks are some of the quantitative methods adopted by most of the review papers examined by Breslow et al. [66]. I observe that the validity of individual studies can be appropriately assessed through the study-quality evaluation process. Therefore, I apply two methods in this thesis to obtain high-quality literature summaries, including evaluations using causal criteria and study-quality criteria. (i) Evaluation with Causal Criteria Two series of review papers, which were reviewed by Weed et al. [67], evaluated the study of causation using causal criteria [68]. Most of those review papers used Hill’s causal criteria [69]. Those criteria provided a practical method to judge whether causation, which is based on the evidence that appeared in research, exists [70]- [72]. Therefore in this thesis we adopt and administer an evaluation using Hill’s causal criteria for literature analysis. Hill’s nine causal criteria are strength, consistency, specificity, temporality, biological 21 plausibility, biological gradient (dose-response), experiment, coherence and analogy [69]. Parts of the nine criteria are established through the review process and are used to evaluate the 16 selected studies in order to approach the possible existent causation. Strength— All studies selected in the thesis adopt a cohort study design. For cohort studies, strength is a useful criterion to evaluate the extent of association between exposure and outcome. The association is achieved by comparing the outcome of an exposure group with that of a non-exposure group. Strength can also be used to examine the association in case-control studies by comparing the exposure of a disease group with that of a non-disease group. Causal inferences are more likely to be derived from strong associations than from weak ones [73] [74]. However, it does not mean that weak associations cannot support the establishment of causal association. Sometimes the strength of association is small because of the effects from other risk factors or bias. Therefore, third variables and bias have to be seriously estimated when researchers find weak associations in their studies. Consistency— This criterion is used to evaluate whether the association has been repeatedly observed by different persons, in different places, at different times, and under different circumstances [69] [73]. Specificity— This criterion means that a specific exposure results in a specific outcome. If specificity is established, stronger case for causation may be made [73]. In this thesis, however, specificity cannot be established because the included studies have various 22 outcomes, even if they have the same exposure (GM/IVH). Temporality— This criterion is established in all selected studies because they all adopted prospective cohort study design. In addition, GM/IV H always occurs before children’s developmental conditions can be examined. Since temporality is established in every selected study, this criterion is not useful for judging the causation in this thesis. Biological plausibility— This criterion means that there is a coincidence between the observed associations and current biological knowledge [69] [73] [74]. It is useful to consider biological plausibility because biases or confounding factors may be easily identified by this criterion [74]. Many clinical or bio-medical studies use biological markers to establish biological plausibility. In this thesis, however, no study adopted biological markers or similar relevant methods to establish the biological plausibility. Biological gradient (dose-response)— This thesis discusses the causal association between GM/IVH and children’s neurodevelopmental and cognitive outcomes. There is no biological gradient established in this thesis since the results of more severe brain hemorrhage are not included and discussed. Experiment— It is impossible to split subjects into different groups and then expose them to a risk (GM/IVH) or non-risk (no hemorrhage) condition. This criterion is not used, because all included studies use a non-experimental design. Coherence— Coherence means there are no irreconcilable conflicts between causal associations derived from study data and general epidemiological, medical, or biological 23 knowledge [69] [74]. Most included studies comply with this criterion. Analogy— The criterion is not used in this review because of limited evidence with other kinds of subjects (e.g. assessing the outcomes of adults’, elders’, or rats’ brain bleeding). In this thesis, a criterion that is established in all or none of the studies is not useful for judging causation. As a result, it is not useful to adopt a criterion established in all selected studies such as “temporality”; similarly, it is not useful to adopt criteria that are not established in any of the selected studies, such as “specificity”, “biological plausibility”, “biological gradient”, “experiment”, and “analogy”. Since only the criteria that are established in part of the selected studies can show the difference of causation, I use strength, consistency and coherence to evaluate the causation in this research. (ii) Criteria for Evaluating the Quality of Each Study Setting criteria for study-quality evaluation [56] is essential for systematic literature reviews. In this thesis, we first consider several aspects of a study and then provide a study quality checklist [52]. The criteria used in this thesis to evaluate study quality include: (1) whether the follow-up rate is equal to or larger than 90%, (2) whether the assessment rate is equal to or larger than 85%, (3) whether the mean of gestational age between the study groups is not significantly different, (4) whether the mean of birth weight between the study groups is not significantly different, (5) whether US brain scan was used for GM/IVH diagnosis, (6) 24 whether the study has a full-term control group, and whether the full-term control group is well-matched, (7) whether the sample size is equal to or larger than 30, (8) whether it has careful or standard measurements of outcomes, (9) whether key confounders are mentioned and adjusted, (10) whether the other risk factors are mentioned and controlled, and (11) whether it has a clear conclusion about GM/IV H. Based on the above criteria, a study will be given one point if its answer for a criterion is “yes”. On the other hand, it will be given zero point if its answer for a criterion is “no”. The more points a study receives, the higher study quality it has. In addition, the age of assessment is the twelfth criterion. A study with an older age of assessment is regarded as a higher quality study. The age of assessment is divided into five ranges, and the score for each range is determined as follows: (1) _2_ 10 months & g 1.5 years: 1 point; (2) >15 years & 3.3 years: 2 points; (3) >3 years & $5 years: 3 points; (4) >5 years & g 10 years: 4 points; (5) >10 years & —_<— 18 years: 5 points. 25 Chapter Three Results 1. Studies Identified Two hundred to three hundred publications were reviewed. By verifying these publications against the inclusion and exclusion criteria, almost 90% of them were excluded. Initially, twenty-three publications were identified to be useful. However, some of them did not meet all the inclusion criteria: three of these publications combined GM/IVH with other types of brain damage and had no clear IVH classification; two of these publications assessed the subjects at the age of three months; one publication had no premature normal ultrasound group; one publication did not provide the size of the birth cohort. Therefore, seven of the twenty-three publications were excluded. Finally, sixteen journal articles were selected for this thesis. 11. Introduction of Birth Cohorts All included studies adopted the cohort study design. Tables l-A and l-B present the essential information about the birth cohort of each included study. The information includes: study location, number of birth cohort members, admission criterion (i.e. gestational age and birth weight), average of gestational age and average of birth weight in each group. Table 1-B provides the information on the birth cohorts with both a premature group and a full-term control group, while Table l-A includes studies with only premature groups. Three studies conducted by van de Bor et al. (1988, 1993, and 2004) were from 26 the same birth cohort (Table 1-A). Two studies conducted by Ross et al. (1992; 1996) were from the same birth cohort (Table l-B). In addition, studies conducted by Pinto-Martin (1999) are of the same birth cohort as the study conducted by Whitaker et al. (1996; 1997) (Table l-A). Therefore, eleven birth cohorts are represented in the sixteen selected studies. Ten of the studies were conducted in six different cities or counties in the United States [10] [12] [14] [75]-[81]. Of the other studies, three were conducted in the Netherlands [1] [82] [83], two in Australia [84] [85], and one in the United Kingdom [86]. The gestational age of the premature birth cohort is not uniform but is generally less than 34 weeks for all included studies. However, nine studies did not provide the range of gestational age for recruiting the cohort [10] [12] [14] [75] [76] [78] [81] [85] [86]. Table l-A shows that gestational age is significantly different between the GM/IVH group and the premature normal ultrasound group in eight studies [1] [10] [12] [14] [76] [78] [82] [83]. Overall, the mean gestational age of the GM/IVH groups of all studies is 29.6 weeks (SD: 1.9). The mean gestational age of the premature normal-ultrasound groups of all studies is 30.7 weeks (SD: 1.9). The mean gestational age of subjects with GM/IVH is significantly different than those with normal ultrasound (P: 0.01). This means that gestational age may be a confounding factor for the relationship between GM/IVH and children’s developmental outcomes. In addition, the mean gestational age of the full-term control group of all studies is 39.4 weeks (SD: 1.1). Birth weight is classified into three ranges: low birth weight (LBW, (2500 grams), very 27 low birth weight (VLBW, <1500 grams) and extremely very low birth weight (EVLBW, <1000 grams). Four studies involved the LBW cohort [10] [12] [14] [77], nine studies the VLBW cohort [l] [75] [76] [78] [81]-[83] [85] [86] and one study the EVLBW cohort [84]. Two studies did not provide the enrolling criteria of birth weight for their cohort [79][80]. From Table l-A, I observe that in four studies [10][12][l4][78], the birth weight is significantly different between the GM/IVH group and the premature normal ultrasound group. Overall, the mean birth weight of the GM/IVH groups of all studies is 1300.5 grams (SD: 274.2). The mean birth weight of the premature normal ultrasound groups of all studies is 1393.] grams (SD: 282.5). The mean birth weight of subjects with GM/IVH is not significantly different than those with normal ultrasound (P: 0.08). Furthermore, the mean birth weight of the full-term control group of all studies is 3719.3 (SD: 349.7). 111. Measures and Classification of IVH Appendix Table 1 summarizes the measures used and classification system of IVH in the studies. From this table, I observe that the measurement of IV H tends to be consistent among the included studies: fifteen studies utilized ultrasound scans to examine the infant’s brain pathological status. But, two studies published by Papile et al. (1983) and Ment et al. (1985) adopted both ultrasound scans and computed tomography brain scans to examine their subjects, while one study, reported by Lowe et al. ( 1990), utilized only computed tomography brain scans to measure the subjects’ IVH status. Times and timeframe of IVH measurements among the included studies are not 28 uniform but are very similar. IVH status was exarrrined at least two times and at most four times. The initial examination was conducted right after birth or right after the subjects were admitted into the intensive care unit of hospitals. The timeframe of the last examination was slightly different among studies; however, it was never longer than the first two months of life. Various terms and abbreviations were adopted by the included studies for the classification of NH. Eight of the studies directly used Papile’s system for classifying the IVH [1] [75] [76] [78] [81]-[84]. The other studies utilized a modified classification to assign the subjects into the study groups. The IV H classifications are all compared in Appendix Table 1. In general, “Grade I/II IVH”, “Grade I/II CIVH”, “Grade I/II PIV H”, “Low-grade hemorrhages”, and “S/IVH” are uniformly called “GM/IVH” in this thesis. IV. Follow-up and Assessment Rates in Studies Tables 2-A and 2-B provide important statistical information about assessed children: the age of assessment, the follow-up rate, the assessment rate, and the number of children who successfully completed the developmental tests (i.e. number of assessment). Table 2-B summarizes information about studies that assessed children with a premature groups and a full-term control group. In Table 2-A, studies include only premature groups. The neurodevelopmental and cognitive outcomes were assessed at different ages in the selected studies. Five studies had one or more ages of assessment [10] [75]-[78]. The ages of assessments were classified into five ranges in this thesis to analyze the potential 29 heterogeneity: (1) 10 months to 18 months, (2) 18 months to 3 years, (3) 3 years to 5 years, (4)5 years to 10 years, and (5) 10 years to 18 years. Five studies were in the range from 10 months to 18 months [75]-[78] [80]. Seven studies were in the range from 18 months to 3 years [10] [75]-[79] [82]. The range from 3 years to 5 years included three studies [83] [85] [86]. The range from 5 years to 10 years included five studies [10] [12] [14] [81] [84]. There was one study in the range from 10 to 18 years [1]. Overall, the mean age of assessment of all studies is 4.5 years which is larger than 3 years and is sufficient for high study quality. Follow-up rate and assessment rate of the selected studies were extremely different, ranging froml9% [81] to 100% [80]. This thesis emphasizes the follow-up rates of the premature groups, and does not focus on those of full-term control groups. This is because most studies with a full-term control group did not recruit the full-term subjects at birth, except the study published by Sherlock et al (2005). Follow-up rate represents the percentage of children who were still alive in the age of assessment and were contacted successfully. Assessment rate means the percentage of follow-up children who accepted the given developmental tests and could complete the tests successfully. Therefore, the assessment rate is usually lower than the follow-up rate. Higher follow-up and assessment rates are better. In this thesis, if a selected study has a follow-up rate higher than 90% and has an assessment rate higher than 85%, it is regarded as a study with high quality. Based on Tables 2-A and 2-B, eight studies reported respectively 30 by Kitchen et al. (1990), van de Bor et al. (1988, 1993 , and 2004), Levene et al. (1992), Sherlock et al. (2005), and Ross et al. (1992; 1996) met this criterion. Overall, the mean follow-up rate and the mean assessment rate among studies are 83% and 75%, respectively. Although the mean follow-up rate and the mean assessment rate do not meet the criteria of high study quality, they are still acceptable and can provide some evidence for this research. In addition, “number of assessments” provides a clear picture of the composition of study groups that indicate the number of children who successfully completed the various development tests. Table 2-B shows that Lowe et al. (1990) and Ross et al. (1992; 1996) conducted studies focused on GM/IVH but did not focus on PUVE. V. Study Quality Evaluation In this review, the main quality variation of the included publications is caused by difference in follow-up rates, assessment rates, sample sizes of study groups, age of assessment, and adjustments for key confounders and other risk factors. Any variation in one or more factors affects the quality of the included publications. A study whose follow-up rate and assessment rate are equal to or higher than 90% and 85% respectively is recognized as a high quality study. Table 3-A shows that half of the 16 included studies meet the former criterion. On the other hand, 10 studies meet the later criterion; in other words, that the assessment rate is equal to or higher than 85%. Birth weight and gestational age, combined with cranial ultrasound findings, are the 31 most sensitive predictors of sensory, cognition, language, psychomotor and academic performance in early school-aged children as well as in younger children [87]. As a result, if there is a significant difierence in mean birth weight and gestational age between premature children with GM/IVH and those without GM/IV H, the birth weight and the gestational age may confound children’s developmental outcomes. Therefore, a study is regarded as high quality if its enrolled infants, with and without GM/IVH, had no significant differences in mean birth weight and mean gestational age. Based on Table 3-A, I observe that seven studies had no significant difference in mean gestational age and twelve studies had no significant difference in mean birth weight. Ultrasound brain scan is a reliable and standard technology for examining the presence of brain hemorrhage. The study reported by Lowe et al. did not utilize ultrasound for brain screening and thus does not meet the criterion of high-quality study (Table 3-A). Five studies reported by Lowe et al. (1990), Levene et al. (1992), Sherlock et al. (2005), and Ross et al. (1992; 1996) had matched full-term control groups (Table 3—A); therefore, they are regarded as high-quality studies. Those full-term control groups matched the premature groups in different dimensions such as race, age, gender, and parents’ socio-economic status (T able l-B). Through a careful match, the effects of those variables can be controlled. Although premature normal ultrasound group already plays the role of control group, a study with a matched full-term control group still provides additional valuable advantages. With a full-term control group, the effects of birth weight and 32 gestational age on outcomes can be investigated. On the other hand, studies without a full-term control group can only investigate the effects of GM/IVH on the outcomes. In addition, the external validity of a research can be increased by the comparison between the full-term control group and the premature group. A larger sample size can lead to a more robust result. Based on the Central Limit Theorem [88], a distribution with a larger sample size is closer to a normal distribution. Usually, a sample size larger than 30 is assumed to result in an approximately normal sampling distribution. Table 3-A shows that three studies reported by Sostek et al. [77], Lowe et al. [81] and Ross et al. [79] do not meet the criterion of high study quality because some of the groups in those studies have sample sizes smaller than 30 (Tables 2-A and 2-B). If a sample size is very small, confidence interval will become so large that the Central Limit Theorem cannot be applied. In this case, no difference will be found between the GM/IVH group and the normal ultrasound group. Ross at al. obtained some significant findings when they administered the special cognitive tests (i.e. invisible displacement tasks and object discrimination reversal tasks), but Sostek et al. and Lowe et al. did not find any significant results. This rrright be due to their different sample sizes of groups: the group sizes in studies of Ross et al. are close to 30 (N=27 and 28), but those in studies of Sostek et al. (N=23 and 20) and Lowe et al. (N=22 and 11) are much smaller than 30. Obviously, further evaluation of the results from these studies is necessary because of their small sample sizes. 33 Several different measures were administered in the sixteen included studies, reporting a variety of developmental outcomes (Appendix Table 2). Attempting to design related studies with a uniform measurement is often challenging because human development and cognition are complex and comprehensive processes. As a result, they cannot be fully studied by evaluating any single outcome. Therefore, in this review, any study I administering careful or standard measurements of outcomes is recognized as a hi gh-quality study. All selected studies met this criterion (Table 3-B). To explore the long-term neurodevelopmental and cognitive outcomes, a study with the age of assessment larger than 3 years is regarded as a high-quality study in this review. Three points were given if a study had the age of assessment between 3 and 5 years. Four points were given if a study had the age of assessment between 5 and 10 years. In addition, five points were given if a study had the age of assessment between 5 and 18 years. Table 3-B shows that 9 studies receive at least three points due to the criterion of the age of assessment. Other risk factors and key confounders have to be either controlled while the researchers design a study or adjusted while the researchers do the statistical analysis [89]. Confounding may cause errors when estimating the association between a typical exposure (e.g. GM/IVH) and its outcome (e.g. cerebral palsy) [89]. Other risk factors, which may be precursors or mediators, also need to be recognized in order to estimate their influence on the outcomes. Six studies in Table 3-B identified and adjusted for the key confounders 34 such as gestational age, birth weight, Apgar score at 5 minutes < 7, small for gestational age, respiratory distress syndrome, seizures of all origins, apnea (more than 15 sec. and/ or bradycardia), hyperbilirubinemia (maximum neonatal serum total bilirubin > 200 a mol/l) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia. On the other hand, nine studies mentioned and adjusted other risk factors such as social disadvantage, gender, outbom, assisted ventilation and multiple gestations (Table 3-B). These studies meet the study quality criteria. Table 3-B reveals that four selected studies emphasized the outcomes caused by severe brain damage (e. g. ventricular enlargement and/or parenchymal lesion) and did not make a clear conclusion for the effects of GM/IVH. Therefore, these studies did not meet the criterion of high study quality. VI. Ranking of Importance for Selected Studies Every study was evaluated by the study quality criteria (Tables 3-A, 3-B). When a study met any of the first eleven criteria, it would obtain one point. In addition, a study with an older age of assessment would receive more points. After the evaluation, a study receives a total score that represents its quality (Table 3-B). Table 4 is created to provide the ranking of importance for selected studies by combining the evaluation of causal inference with that of study quality. The study of van de Bor et al. (2004), which is on the first place, is the most important study. On the other hand, the study of Sostek et al. (1987), is on the last place, showing that it is the least important study (Table 4). Studies of Kitchen et al. (1990), Levene et al. (1992), Sherlock et al. (2005), and Ross et al. (1992; 35 FF? {7" 1t 1 I P. ‘_ ' 1996) tied as fourth place winners (1’ able 4). Eight studies, listed from the first to the fourth places, were regarded as important and reliable studies. VII. Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Developmental Abnormalities In Tables 5-A and 5-B, the data used to calculate the frequencies of abnormal or special cognitive outcomes were abstracted from twelve of the included studies, and the percentages of outcomes were calculated manually. In Table 5-A, the frequencies of abnormal outcomes in the GM/IVH groups and the normal ultrasound groups are compared. Table 5-B compares the GM/IVH groups with not only the normal ultrasound groups but also the full-term control groups. In Table 5-A, eight studies [1] [12] [78] [81]-[85] had one or more abnormal outcomes with higher frequencies in the GM/IVH groups than in the normal ultrasound groups. The frequencies of abnormal outcomes in the GM/IVH groups were at least twice as high than in the normal ultrasound groups in the eight studies. Take the study reported by Kitchen (1990) for instance, the prevalence rate of cerebral palsy (CP) in the GM/IVH group is 18.18%, and in the normal ultrasound group is 3.13% (Table 8-A). As a result, the CP rate in the GM/IVH group is six times higher than in the normal ultrasound group. Performing the same comparison for the study published by Ross et al. in Table 5-B, I observe that the abnormal rate of children who habituated in the GM/IVH group (46.67%) is significantly lower than the normal ultrasound group (96.67%), as well as the full-term control group 36 (90.00%). In addition, the frequency of failed reversal trials in the GM/IVH group (73.33%) is significantly higher than not only the normal ultrasound group (56.67%) but also the full-term control group ( 16.67%). Based on the comparison of frequencies, I may infer that there might be significant differences in the outcomes between the GM/IVH groups and the normal ultrasound groups. Odds ratios (OR), 95% confidence intervals (CI) and p-values were provided by the authors in five studies [1] [12] [14] [82] [83]. In the rest of the studies, those statistic results were calculated using the SAS program. Significant differences between the GM/IVH groups and the normal ultrasound groups existed in six studies [1] [12] [78] [82] [83] [85] for twelve abnormal outcomes in Table 5-A. Children with GM/IVH had more disability than those with normal ultrasound in two studies [83] [85]. In 1988 and 2004, two studies reported by Van de Bor et al. showed that children with GM/IVH had more handicap than those without GM/IVH at the age of 2 (OR=2.10; 95%CI=1.30-3.30; P<0.01) and 5 (OR=2.70; 95%CI=1.21-6.08; P=0.01), respectively. Based on the odds ratio and 95% CI in the study of Kitchen et al., cerebral palsy prevalence (OR=6.89; 95%CI=1.62-29.39; P=0.003) was regarded as significantly different between the GM/IVH group and the normal ultrasound group. Mental retardation (OR=5.00; 95%CI=1.50-16.80; P<0.01) was significantly elevated by GM/IVH in the study of Whitaker et al. (1996), and abnormal neurodevelopment (OR=4.90; 95%CI=1.96-12.27; P=0.0003) was significantly elevated by GM/IVH in the study of Hanigan et al. (1991). In the study of van de Bor et al., 37 which was reported in 2004, the risk that children needed special education at 5 (OR=3.04; 95%CI=1.24-7.43; P=0.01), 9 (OR=2.72; 95%CI=1.26-5.88; P=0.009), and 14 (OR=2.10; 95%CI=1.01—4.35; P<0.05) years old were all significantly high. In Table 5-B, the study reported by Ross et al. showed that there were significant differences for children who habituated between the GM/IVH group and the full-term control group (OR=0.1; 95%CI=0.02-0.39; P=0.0003). This means the GM/IVH group (N=14) had significantly smaller number of children who habituated than the full-term control group (N=27). The significantly different results in Tables 5-A and SB were consistent with the above comparison of frequencies. On the other hand, studies reported by Papile et al. (1983), Lowe et al. (1990) and Sherlock et al. (2005) showed no significant difference in the abnormal outcomes between the GM/IVH groups and the normal ultrasound groups. VIII. Averages and Standard Deviations of Developmental Tests Tables 4—A and 4-B listed the means and standard deviations (SD) of various neurodevelopmental or cognitive tests. In Table 3-A, Sherlock et al. (2005) found that the normal ultrasound group had significantly lower scores than the GM/IVH group in Wide Range Achievements Test (WRAT3). The p—values for reading, spelling, and arithmetic were 0.004, 0.048, and 0.026, respectively. The results derived from WRAT3, which were reported by Sherlock et al., do not conform to common anticipation. The rest of the studies 38 in Tables 4-A showed that there were no significant differences between the GM/IVH groups and the normal ultrasound groups. Table 3-B lists the means and standard deviations (SD) of various cognitive tests in studies with a full-term control group. Ross et al. (1992) reported that the GM/IVH group had significantly lower scores on Bayley Mental Developmental Index than both the premature normal ultrasound group and the full-term control group. In addition, Ross reported that there were significant differences between not only the GM/IVH group and the premature normal ultrasound group (P<0.03) but also the GM/IVH group and the full-term control group (P<0.05) on the habituation test. Ross et al. (1996) found that the GM/IV H group had significantly lower scores than both the premature normal ultrasound group (P<0.01) and the full-term control group (P<0.01) for the invisible displacement trials score of invisible displacement tasks. On the other hand, they reported that the GM/IVH group had significantly lower scores only than the full-term control group for the systematic search trials score of invisible displacement tasks (P<0.05). For the object discrimination reversal task in the same study, the CW group had significantly lower scores than both the premature normal ultrasound group (P<0.05) and the full-term control group (P<0.05). The study published by Lowe et al. (1990) did not show any significance for all of the cognitive tests between the GM/IVH group and the premature normal ultrasound group, as well as the GM/IVH group and the full-term control group. IX. Overall Evaluation and Interpretation 39 In order to overcome the limitation due to lack of specific outcomes, I aggregated various outcome variables that appeared in the selected studies into three categories: neurodevelopment, general cognition, and special cognition. Because of the high heterogeneity among the included studies, it is infeasible to utilize meta-analysis. Therefore I calculated the weighted odds ratios (Tables 7-A and 7-B) to find a trend of the effect of GM/IVH on children’s development and cognition as follows. Firstly, a sum-of-product is generated by adding each odds ratio of the outcome variable in a specific category multiplied by its sample size. Secondly, the sum-of-product is divided by the total sample sizes of the outcome variables, which produces the weighted odds ratio. In addition, the median and the range of the ORs were given, because the median of ORs can reduce the effect of extreme values of ORs, and the range of the ORs can be used to estimate the difference among the ORs. Furthermore, the weighted means of developmental tests were provided through similar methods (Tables 7-C, D, E, and F). Eleven outcome variables (e. g. handicap, disability, and cereme palsy etc.) that belonged to neurodevelopment were aggregated (Table 7-A). The median of ORs is 2.1 and the range of ORs is 5.96. In addition, weighted odds ratio is 2.53. I observed that the weighted OR slightly differs from the median of ORs. This means the weighted OR is slightly influenced by the extreme value of ORs. That the weighted odds ratio is 2.53 means children with GM/IVH have a risk of abnormal neurodevelopment 2.53 times higher than those without. 40 To evaluate the effect of GM/IVH on children’s general cognitive outcomes, Table 7-B shows that the median of ORs is 1.4 and the range of ORs is 4.23. In addition, the weighted odds ratio is 2.49. I observe that the weighted OR differs from the median ORs, suggesting that the weighted OR is influenced by the extreme value of ORs. Based on the weighted OR, children with GM/IVH have a risk of abnormal general cognition 2.49 times higher than those without. Tables 7-C, D, E, and F present un-weighted means, weighted means, and differences in weighted means. With the differences in weighted means, the effect size of GM/IV H can be inferred. In Table 7-C, the weighted means of the GM/IVH group and the normal ultrasound group in children’s neurodevelopment are 97.4 and 100.7 respectively. Table 7-D shows that the effect size of GM/IVH on children’s general cognition and the difference in means is between 1.2 and 2.0. In addition, Table 7-F shows that the effect size of GM/IVH on children’s reasoning and memory and its difference in means is 1.98. The results show that it is possible that GM/IVH has some unfavorable influence on children’s neurodevelopment, general cognition, and reasoning and memory. However, Table 7-E provides an opposite result that children with GM/IVH may obtain higher scores than those without. The difference in weighted means of beneficial effect size of GM/IVH is 2.42. 41 Chapter Four Discussion I. Evaluation of Causal Criteria By applying Hill’s causal criteria to evaluate the selected studies, I found that five of the criteria (i.e. specificity, biological plausibility, biological gradient, experiment, and analogy) were not established and one (i.e. temporality) was established in all studies. The other three criteria, strength, consistency and coherence, were thus adopted to evaluate the causal nature of the association between GM/IVH and developmental outcomes in the selected studies. Table 8 shows the evaluation of causal criteria for each included study. Strength— “Strength” is established by eight of the selected studies [1] [ l2] [78]-[80] [82] [83] [85], and it means that children with GM/IVH have higher risk than those with normal ultrasound for the abnormal outcomes. The results abstracted from the studies of van de Bor et al in 1988, 1993 and 2004 reveal that the odds ratio from handicap in children with GM/IVH is twofold (OR=2.1) to threefold (OR=2.7) the odds ratio in children with normal ultrasound (Table 8-A). In Kitchen’s study, the odds ratio from cerebral palsy in children with GM/IVH is over six times (OR: 6.89) the odds ratio in children with normal ultrasound (Table 8-A), while that from disability is fourfold (OR: 4.04). From the comparison between the GM/IVH group and the premature normal ultrasound group (Table 8-A), I found that the odds ratios from mental retardation (OR=5.0) and abnormal neurodevelopment (OR=4.9) are both fivefold the normal group, as reported in studies of 42 Whitaker [l2] and Hanigan et a1 [78]. In 1992 and 1996, Ross et al. conducted studies to evaluate special cognition (i.e. habituation test, AB task, and invisible displacement task) for infants, and they found that the “strength” existed when the GM/IVH group was compared with the normal ultrasound group (Tables 3-B and 4-B). Based on Cohen's scale [94] and Hopkins’s scale [96], an OR that ranges from 1.5 to 3.5 is regarded as having a “small” effect size, 3.5 to 9.0 has a “moderate” effect size, and 9.0 to 32 has a “large” effect size. Therefore, the included studies, whose strength criterion is established, have the effect size between small and moderate levels. Strength was established among half of the 16 included studies, and it may support the causation between GM/IVH and developmental outcomes. Because these selected studies lack sufficient evaluations for specific outcomes, their various outcomes were aggregated into three categories: neurodevelopment, general cognition and special cognition. By evaluating the pooled outcome variables in each category, the causal criterion of strength is moderately established, and it is necessary to obtain more evidence from related studies to further strengthen causation. Consistency— Table 8 shows that children’s disability reported by Kitchen et al. [85] was consistent with that reported by van de Bor et al. [83] (Table 8-A). In addition, studies performed by van de Bor et al. (1988; 2004) also show consistent results (Tables 3-A and 5). Furthermore, the results of children’s neurodevelopment reported in the study of Hanigan et al. [78] agreed with that of van de Bor et al. [82] (Tables 3-A and 5). This observation 43 shows that the outcomes of the GM/IVH groups are significantly different from those of the normal ultrasound groups. Due to the lack of sufficient evaluations for specific outcomes, the causal criterion of consistency was built in the selected studies only to a certain extent. Cohemnw— While most included studies revealed that either GM/IVH is not associated with children’s developmental outcomes or the GM/IVH group has a higher risk for developmental outcomes than the normal ultrasound group (Table 8), Sherlock et al. (2005) found that the normal ultrasound group had significantly lower scores than the GM/IVH group in Wide Range Achievements Test (WRAT3) (Table 3-A). This result did not conform to the common anticipation. However, fifteen of the sixteen selected studies produced results which conformed to the general epidemiological and medical knowledge. Therefore, the causation of coherence was strongly established among these fifteen studies. Overall, the studies conducted by Kitchen [85], van de Bor [82] [83] and Hanigan [78] et al. included the most evidence to support the causation because “strength”, “consistency” and “coherence” were all established (Table 8). Therefore, the causation between GM/IVH and developmental outcomes in these four studies is stronger and more credible than the other studies. II. Limitations That it is difficult to obtain a larger number of publications for the topic of this thesis is the first limitation. Previous researchers did not give enough attention to the effect of GM/IVH on children’s development and cognition. Therefore, the lack of abundant 44 literature undermines the establishment of stronger inference for the association between GM/IV H and neurodevelopment, as well as the association between GM/IVH and cognition. Secondly, publication bias, one type of selection bias, is a major limitation for systematic reviews [90]. This is because studies with statistically significant results are more likely to be published than those without significant results [90]. This review included relevant published studies but could not include unpublished studies; therefore, it is difficult to minimize the publication bias. In addition, language bias, another type of selection bias, is manifested because all included studies in this research were published in English [91]. Selection bias, including publication bias and language bias, may threat the internal validity of this research. Neurodevelopmental and cognitive outcomes, which were investigated in this research, exhibit various and comprehensive conditions. Based on previous studies, GM/IV H did not have significant influences on any typical outcome. As a result, most researchers selected some of the outcomes that they were interested in. Therefore, it is hard to pool a large number of publications for a typical outcome, such as intelligence deficiency or cerebral palsy. A similar limitation for this review is that it is not easy to collect studies approaching long-term developments such as school performances or learning abilities. In this review, only one selected study assessed children at the age of 14. Therefore, evidence for the need of special education is very limited because of insufficient relevant studies. 45 The heterogeneity among the selected studies is a generic problem for this review. The differences in age of assessment, follow-up rate, assessment rate, and various developmental outcomes are the main causes of heterogeneity. In addition, due to various measurements used in the selected studies, this review lacks efficient and practicable methods to evaluate the validity and reliability of their outcomes. Similarly, various methods of statistic analyses in the selected studies lead to the heterogeneity that threatened the comparability. Because of heterogeneity, I tend to use descriptive statistic methods to analyze the results of the included studies in this thesis. III. Strengths This research is the first systematic review to study the effects of GM/IV H on neurodevelopmental and cognitive outcomes. It is not only a beginning for studying related issues but also a valuable guide for further investigations. \Vrth this systematic review, the neglected links between GM/IVH and children’s development were explored. Consequently, more reliable evidence of association was established in this thesis. Because this is a systematic review, it provides an improved reflection of reality [92]. Applying explicit scientific principles such as quantitative methods, selection criteria, causal criteria and criteria of study quality, the random and systematic errors of bias is likely to be reduced [93]. Therefore, this thesis not only avoids the disadvantages of traditional reviews but also provides more accurate inferences. Several high quality studies were pooled in this thesis, and highly credible interpretations were presented. 46 In order to overcome the limitation that no specific outcome was evaluated by sufficient studies, I tried to pool the various outcomes into larger categories. With this technique, a trend was found and possible inferences were derived. IV. Conclusions After evaluating the selected studies with quantitative methods, causal criteria and criteria of study quality, 1 summarize the results as follows. Firstly, GM/IV H does seem to slightly impair children’s special cognitive outcomes, especially special mental performances, such as infants’ attention for an object, infants’ development of memory for the location of an object, and children’s reasoning and memory. Secondly, general cognitive tests (e. g. the Full-Scale IQ from the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children- Third Edition and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence) show that there is no significant difference between children who were with GM/IVH and those without it in global cognitive performances. However, GM/IVH seems to have certain effects on children’s general cognition. It still needs more evidence to provide stronger support. Thirdly, GM/IVH in preterm infants leads to an increased risk of adversely affected neurodevelopmental performance, including CP, disability, and handicap. In addition, the effect of GM/IVH on school performances of children or adolescents is unfavorable. Finally, a conclusion is made that the older the age of assessment, the better the evaluation. V. Further Discussion 47 I observed that the rates of handicap and/or abnormal neurodevelopment differ between the GM/IV H group and the normal ultrasound group, but there is usually no difference in general cognitive scores, such as the mean IQ. In order to explain this phenomenon, I list some possible reasons as follows: 12 studies examined both outcomes except the studies of Papile et al. (1983), van de Bor et al. (1988; 1993), and Ment et al. (1985). Therefore, this phenomenon is not due to that the outcomes were examined by different studies. Ross et al., in 1992 and 1996, conducted the studies that excluded “infants with congenital malformations, moderate to severe neurosensory deficits, or possible exposure to substance abuse in utem”. They found the effect of GM/IVH on children’s cognition is significantly unfavorable. The study of Pinto-Martin et al. (1999) excluded children with major motor or cognitive disability, and they did not find any cognitive outcomes that differ between children with GM/IVH and those without. Other studies that examined both outcomes did not provide the exclusion criteria for enrolling children. Therefore, it is hard to know whether the following two explanations caused this phenomenon: (1) children with developmental abnormalities were excluded in cognitive scores, and (2) the number of children with abnormal development was too small to affect the overall cognitive mean. A possible supposition is that GM/IV H may influence various neurodevelopmental functions. In addition, the assessment rate may affect the reliability of a study: it is possible that the loss-of-follow-up children had poor cognitive performance or abnormal 48 neurodevelopment. To find the correct answer to this question, more relevant researches need to be conducted. 49 TABLES Table 1-A(1 of 2): The Numbers, Gestational Ages, and Birth Weights of Baseline Cohorts in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Year of Study Location Number of Number of who Admitted Publication Being Admitted survived and can Criterion: Cohort be contacted. GA (wks) Papile! 1983 Albuquerque, 260 232 N/A N.M., U.S.A. Ment/ 1985 New Haven, CT, 218 164 N/A U.S.A. Kitchen/ 1990 Melbourne, 227 154 N/A Parkville, Australia. Sostek/ 1987 Washington, DC, N/A 113 § 34 USA. van de Bor/ 1988 Netherlands 484 294 < 32 van de Bor/ 1993 Netherlands 484 304 < 32 van de Bor/ 2004 Netherlands 484 304 < 32 Whitaker/ 1996 New Jersey, 1105 898 N/A U.S.A. Whitaker/ 1997 New Jersey, 1105 898 N/A U.S.A. Pinto-Martin! New Jersey, 1105 Age 2: 887 N/A 1999 USA. Age 6: 873 Age 9: 868 Hanigan/ 1991 USA. 459 336 N/A GA: Gestational Age; BW: Birth Weight; SD: Standard Deviation; wks: weeks; g: grams; N/A: Not Available; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; 1‘: Significant; 1: Slightly significant. 50 Table LA (2 of 2): The Numbers, Gestational Ages, and Birth Weights of Baseline Cohorts in Studies without a Full-Term Control Grorm Author/ Year Admitted GA of Groups: BW of Groups: Criterion: MeaniSD (wks) MeaniSD (g) BW (g) Papile! 1983 < 1501 *Normal: 30.2 *Normal: 1180 GM/ IVH: 29.3 CM] IVH: 1086 Ment/ 1985 g 1250 *Normal: 29.7 i 2.3 *Normal: 1020 i 165 All IVH: 28.5 i 1.7 “t AllIVH: 1007 i 154 Kitchen/ 1990 500 to 1500 All preterm: 29.3 i 1.9 All preterm: 1179 i 214 Sostek/1987 <1750 *Normal: 29.9 i 2.14 *Normal: 1262 i 291 GM/ IVH:29.2 i 2.21 3'; GM/IVH: 1193 i‘ 306 van de Bor/ 1988 <1500 *Normal: 29.7 i 1.5 *Normal: 1298 i 319 GM/IVH: 29.2 i 1.5 i GM/IVH: 1261 i 278 van de Bor/ 1993 < 1500 *Normal: 29.7 i’ 1.5 *Normal: 1298 i 319 GM/IVH: 29.2 i 1.5 'i GM/IVH: 1261 i 278 van de Bor/ 2004 <1500 *Normal: 29.4 i 1.5 *Normal: 1297 i 329 GM/IVH: 28.8 i 1.5 i‘ GM/IVH: 1258 i 291 Whitaker/ 1996 501 to 2000 *Normal: 32.1 i 3.0 *Norrnal: 1529.5 i 342.9 GM/IVH: 30.1 i 3.0 i GM/IVH: 1339.2 ’1 367.0 f Whitaker/ 1997 501 to 2000 *Normal: 32.1 i 3.0 *Normal: 1529.5 i 342.9 GM/IVH: 30.1 i 3.0 i GM/IVH: 1339.2 i 367.0 T Pinto-Martin/ 501 to 2000 *Normal: 32.1 i 3.0 *Normal: 1529.5 i 342.9 1999 GM/IVH: 30.1 i 3.0 t GM/IVH: 1339.2 i 367.0 ”t Hanigan! 1991 < 1500 *Normal: 30.5 i 0.17 *Normal: 1208.95 i 16.1 GM/IVH: 29.2 :1: 0.34 '3‘ GM/IVH: 1150.72 i 34.8 T GA: Gestational Age; BW: Birth Weight; SD: Standard Deviation; wks: weeks; g: grams; N/A: Not Available; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; T: Significant; 1:: Slightly significant. 51 Table l-B (l of 2): The Numbers, Gestational Ages, and Birth Weights of Baseline Cohorts in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Study Location Number of Being Number of who Admitted Admitted Year Admitted Cohort survived and can Criterion: Criterion: be contacted. GA (wks) BW (g) Lowe/ Albuquerque, FTControls: N/A FT Controls:N/A FT Controls:N/A FT Cont: N/A 1990 N.M., U.S.A. Preterm: 260 Preterm: 198 PretermzN/A Pretermz<1501 Levene! U.K. FT Controls: N/A FT Controls:N/A FTControlszN/A FTCont: N/A 1992 Preterm: 200 Preterm: 155 PretermzN/A Preterm:<1501 Sherlock] Victoria, FTControls: 265 FT Controls: 262 FT Controls:N/A FT Contz>2499 2005 Australia. Preterm: 568 Preterm: 298 Pretermz<28 Pretermz<1000 Ross/ New York, FT Controls: 30 FT Controls: 30 FT Controls:N/A FT Cont: N/A 1992 U.S.A. Preterm: 60 Preterm: 60 Pretermz28~32 Preterm: N/A Ross/ New York, FT Controls: 30 FT Controls: 30 FT Controls:N/A FT Cont: N/A 1996 U.S.A. Preterm: 60 Preterm: 60 Pretermz28~32 PretermzN/A GA: Gestational Age; BW: Birth Weight; wks: weeks; g: grams; SD: Standard Deviation; N/A: Not Available; SES: Socio-Economic Status; FT: Full Term; Cont: Controls; *Normal: premature normal-ultrasound group; GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage. 52 Table LB (2 of 2): The Numbers, Gestational Ages, and Birth Weights of Baseline Cohorts in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group Author/ GA of Groups: BW of Groups: Match Year MeaniSD (wks) MeaniSD (g) Lowe! 1990 FT Controls: N/A FTControls: N/A Race; age; gender; SES. *Nomral: 30.4 *Normal: 1157 GM/ IVH: 30.5 GM/ IVH: 1137 Levene! 1992 FT Controls: N/A FT Controls: N/A Age; class; school. *Norrnal: N/A *Normal: N/A GM/ IV H: N/A GM/ IVH: N/A Sherlock! 2005 FT Controls: 39.3 $1.4 FTControls: 3407 i 443 Gender; the mother’s All preterm: 26.7 i 2 All preterm: 883 i 162 country of birth; health insurance status. Ross/ 1992 FT Controls: 39.4 i0.9 FT Controls: 3875.2 i 321 GA; birthweight (within *Normal: 30.5 i 1.5 *Normal: 1494.7 i 256 100 g); days of assisted GM! IVH: 30.2 i 1.4 GM/ IVH: 1431.1 1’ 226 ventilation (within 1 week); SES; gender“, race. Ross/ 1996 FT Controls: 39.4 10.9 FTControls: 3875.8 i 285 GA; birthweight (within *Norrnal: 30.5 i 1.5 GM/ IVH: 30.2 i 1.4 *Normal: 1483.6 i 266 GM/ IVH: 1432.8 i 227 100 g); days of assisted ventilation (within 1 week); SES; gender", race. GA: Gestational Age; BW: Birth Weight; wks: weeks; g: grams; SD: Standard Deviation; N/A: Not Available; SES: Socio-Economic Status; FT: Full Term; Cont: Controls; *Normal: premature normal-ultrasound group; GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage. 53 Table 2-A (1 of 2): Follow-up Rates, Assessment Rates, and Number of Assessment in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Age of Assessment Follow-up Rate (%) Assessment Rate (%) Year Papile/ 1983 12 or 24 months 198/ 232: 85.34% 197/ 232: 84.91% Ment/ 1985 12, 18, and 30 142/ 164: 86.59% 142/ 164: 86.59% months Kitchen/ 1990 5 years 139/ 154: 90.26% 135/ 154: 87.66% Sostek/ 1987 Mean age at 12.6 months and 21.5 At 12.6 months 89/ 113: 78.76% At 12.6 months 89/ 113: 78.76% months At 21.5 months At 21.5 months 86l113=76.11% 86/113=76.11% van de Bor/ 1988 2 years 294/ 294: 100.00% 294/ 294: 100.00% van de Bor/ 1993 5 years 304/ 304: 100.00% 301/ 304: 99.01% van de Bor/ 2004 14 years 278/ 304: 91.45% 278/ 304: 91 .45% Whitaker/ 1996 6 years 685/ 898: 76.28% 597/ 898: 66.48% Whitaker/ 1997 6 years 685/ 898: 76.28% 564/ 898: 62.81% Pinto-Martin/ 1999 Motor Ability Motor Ability 2 years 777/ 887: 87.59% 462/ 887: 52.09% 6 years 685/ 873: 78.47% 538/ 873: 61.63% 9 years 658/ 868: 75.81% 487/ 868: 56.11% General Cognition General Cognition 2 years 777/ 887: 87.59% 611/ 887: 68.88% 6 years 685/ 873: 78.47% 538/ 873: 61.63% 9 years 658/ 868: 75.81 % 488/ 868: 56.22% Hanigan/ 1991 18 months and 219/ 336: 65.18% 216/ 336: 64.29% 3 years N: Number; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; GM/IVH: Genninal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; VIE/PL: Ventricular Enlargement and/or Parenchymal Lesion; N/A: Not Available. 54 Table 2-A (2 of 2): Follow-up Rates, Assessment Rates, and Number of Assessment in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Number of Assessment Year Total N *Nonnal GM/ IVH VE/ PL Papile! 1983 197 115 51 31 Ment/ 1985 142 94 62 8 Kitchen/ 1990 135 96 33 6 Sostek/ 1987 89 36 23 30 86 36 20 30 van de Bor/ 1988 294 225 52 17 van de Bor/ 1993 301 234 50 17 van de Bor/ 2004 278 216 45 17 Whitaker/ 1996 597 468 83 46 Whitaker/ 1997 564 454 78 32 Pinto-Martin/ 1999 462 382 61 19 538 449 70 19 487 402 65 20 611 504 83 24 538 449 70 19 488 403 65 20 Hanigan/ 1991 216 153 47 16 N: Number; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; VIE/PL: Ventricular Enlargement and/or Parenchymal Lesion; N/A: Not Available. 55 Table 2-B (1 of 2): Follow-up Rates, Assessment Rates, and Number of Assessment in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Year Age of Follow-up Rate (%) Assessment Rate (%) Assessment Lowe/ 1990 From 5 to 6 FT Controls: N/A FT Controls: N/A years Preterm: 38/ 198: 19.19% Preterm: 38/ 198: 19.19% Levene/ 1992 5 years FTControls: N/A FT Controls: N/A Preterm: 152! 155: 98.06% Preterm: 140/ 155: 90.32% Sherlock/ 8 years FT Controls: 221/262=84.35% FT Controls: 221/262: 84.35% 2005 Preterm: 275/ 298: 92.28% Preterm: 270/ 298: 90.60% Ross/ 1992 10 months FTControls: 30/ 30: 100% FT Controls: 30/ 30: 100% Preterm: 60/ 60: 100% Preterm: 60/ 60: 100% Ross/ 1996 2 years FT Controls: 27/ 30: 90% FT Controls: 27/ 30: 90% Preterm: 55/ 60: 91.67% Preterm: 55/ 60: 91.67% FT: Full Term; N/A: Not Available; N: Number; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; GM/IVH: Gernrinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; VIE/PL: Ventricular Enlargement and/or Parenchymal Lesion; T: the sum of prolonged flare (PF) group and GM/IVH with PF group. 56 Table 2-B (2 of 2): Follow-up Rates, Assessment Rates, and Number of Assessment in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Year Number of Assessment Total N FT Controls *Normal GM/ IVH VE/ PL Lowe/ 1990 60 22 27 11 N/A Levene/ 1992 284 144 64 54 22T Sherlock/ 2005 491 221 180 72 18 Ross/ 1992 90 30 30 30 N/A Ross/ 1996 82 27 28 27 N/A FT: Full Term; N/A: Not Available; N: Number; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; VFJPL: Ventricular Enlargement and/or Parenchymal Lesion; T: the sum of prolonged flare (PF) group and GM/IVH with PF group. 57 Table 3-A (1 of 2): Study Quality Evaluation Author/ Year Follow-up rate Assessment rate Ms of GA are Ms of BW are ; 90% g 85% NS. NS. Papile/ 1983 O 1 Ment/ 1985 Kitchen/ 1990 Sostek/ 1987 van de Bor/ 1988 van de Bor/ 1993 van de Bor/ 2004 Whitaker/ 1996 Whitaker/ 1997 ooo—-—-—-o-—o ooo——~—o-—— cooooco—o— ooo——-—-—-—-—-—- Pinto-Martin/ 1 999 Hanigan] 1991 Lowe/ 1990 Levene! 1992 Sherlock/ 2005 0 0 0 l 1 l 1 l 1 1 Ross/ 1992 0 I 1 l 1 1 Ross/ 1996 1 1 1 1: Its answer for a criterion is “yes”; 0: Its answer for a criterion is “no”; Ms: Means; GA: Gestational Age; NS: Not Significant; US: Ultrasound; FT: Full-Term. 58 Table 3-A (2 of 2): Study Quality Evaluation Author/ Year Utilizing US scan Has well matched Sample size of each FT controls study group (case) g 30 1 Papile! 1983 Ment/ 1985 Kitchen] 1990 Sostek/ 1987 van de Bor/ 1988 van de Bor/ 1993 van de Bor/ 2004 Whitaker/ 1996 Whitaker/ 1997 Pinto—Martin/ 1999 Hanigan/ 1991 1 0 Lowe! 1990 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OOOOOOOOOO l 1 0 l l 1 l l l Levene! 1992 Sherlock/ 2005 Ross/ 1992 Ross/ 1996 l l 1: Its answer for a criterion is “yes”; 0: Its answer for a criterion is “no”; Ms: Means; GA: Gestational Age; NS: Not Significant; US: Ultrasound; FT: Full-Term. Or—nr—tr—no— 59 Table 3-B (1 of 2): Study Quality Evaluation Author/ Year Has careful or standard Age of Assessment Key confounders are measurements of mentioned and outcomes adjusted. Papile! 1983 0 Ment/ 1985 Kitchen/ 1990 Sostek/ 1987 van de Bor/ 1988 van de Bor/ 1993 van de Bor/ 2004 Whitaker/ 1996 Whitaker/ 1997 —l———I—n————— #A-RMUJN—WNH Pinto-Martin/ 1999 Hanigan/ 1991 Lowe/ 1990 Levene! 1992 Sherlock/ 2005 Ross/ 1992 N—‘AUJ-bN OOOOOO Ross/ 1996 1: Its answer for a criterion is “yes”; 0: Its answer for a criterion is “no”; GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage. Age of assessment: (1) g 10 months & $1.5 years: 1 point; (2) >15 years & $3 years: 2 points; (3) >3 years & g5 years: 3 points; (4) >5 years & :10 years: 4 points; (5) >10 years & g 18 years: 5 points. 60 Table 3-B (2 of 2): Study QualitLEvaluation Author/ Year The other risk factors are Has a clear conclusion Total scores mentioned and adjusted about GM/IV H of study quality Papile! 1983 0 1 8 Ment/ 1985 0 1 8 Kitchen/ 1990 0 0 10 Sostek/ 1987 0 0 4 van de Bor/ 1988 1 1 11 van de Bor/ 1993 1 1 12 van de Bor/ 2004 l 1 14 Whitaker/ 1996 1 1 10 Whitaker/ 1997 1 1 10 Pinto-Martin/ 1999 1 0 9 Hanigan/ 1991 0 0 5 Lowe/ 1990 1 1 10 Levene! 1992 0 1 12 Sherlock/ 2005 0 1 13 Ross/ 1992 1 1 11 Ross/ 1996 1 1 ll 1: Its answer for a criterion is “yes”; 0: Its answer for a criterion is “no”; GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage. 61 Table 4 (1 of 2): Ranking of Importance for Selected Studies Author/ Year Ranking of Importance Total scores of study quality van de Bor/ 2004 1 14 van de Bor/ 1993 2 12 van de Bor/ 1988 3 11 Sherlock/ 2005 4 13 Levene/ 1992 4 12 Ross/ 1992 4 11 Ross/ 1996 4 11 Kitchen! 1990 4 10 Whitaker/ 1996 5 10 Whitaker/ 1997 6 10 Lowe/ 1990 6 10 Pinto-Martin/ 1999 7 9 Papile! 1983 8 8 Ment/ 1985 8 8 Hanigan/ 1991 9 5 Sostek/ 1987 10 4 Ranking of importance from 1 to 10 (1 means the most important study; 10 means the last important study). Plus mark (+) means the criterion is established. Minus mark (—) means the criterion is not established. 62 Table 4 (2 of 9: Ranking of Importance for Selected Studies Author/ Year Ranking of Causal Criteria Importance Strength Consistency Coherence van de Bor/ 2004 1 + — + van de Bor/ 1993 2 + + + van de Bor/ 1988 3 + + + Sherlock/ 2005 4 — - — Levene/ 1992 4 — —- + Ross/ 1992 4 + — + Ross/ 1996 4 + — + Kitchen/ 1990 4 + + + Whitaker/ 1996 5 + — + Whitaker/ 1997 6 — — + Lowe! 1990 6 — — + Pinto-Martin/ 1999 7 — — + Papile/ 1983 8 — — + Ment/ 1985 8 - — + Hanigan/ 1991 9 + + + Sostek/ 1987 10 — — + Ranking of importance from 1 to 10 (1 means the most important study; 10 means the last important study). Plus mark (+) means the criterion is established. Minus mark (—) means the criterion is not established. 63 Table 5-A (1 of 2): Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Abnormal Outcomes in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Year Abnormal Outcomes GM/ IVH (%) Papile! 1983 Bayley Scales of Infant Development Abnormal outcome 5/51= 9.80% Neurodevelopmental Examination Minor handicap 21/51= 41.18% Major handicap 5/51= 9.8% Kitchen/ 1990 CP 6/33= 18.18% Disability 6/33= 18.18% Sostek/ 1987 At 12.6 months Mental Delay 8.6% Motor Delay 30.5% van de Bor/ 1988 TNeurodevelopmental outcome (Handicap) 19/52= 36.5% van de Bor/ 1993 :EzDisability (including Handicap) 21/50=42% iTotal Handicap 13/50= 26% van de Bor/ 2004 Disability or Handicaps at 5 Years Overa_ll None 29/45= 64.44% Disability 16/45= 35.56% Handicap 11/45= 24.44% School Performance at 5 Yefi Mainstream 31/40= 77.5% Special Education 9/40= 22.5% School Performance at 9 Yea_rs Normal 22/40= 55.0% Slow Leamer 5/40= 12.5% Special Education 13/40= 32.5% School Performance at 14 Yea_rs Normal 25/45= 55.6% Slow Leamer 10/45= 22.2% :EISpecial Education 10/45= 22.2% Whitaker/ 1996 iBorderline Intelligence 5/83= 6.0% iMR 5/83= 6.0% Whitaker/ 1997 TAny disorder in DISC 2.1 P 17/7 8: 21.8% Hanigan/ 1991 Abnormal Neurodevelopment 12/47= 25.53% 64 Lowe/ 1990 Abnormality on McCSCA 4l11=36.36% Abnormality on TERA 5/11=45.45% Abnormality on DT-VMI m1 8. r 8% Sherlock/ 2005 Abnormal Movement ABC 17/64: 26.56% CP 9/72= 12.50% Major neurosensory disability 10/72= 13.89% GM/ IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; CP: Cerebral Palsy; MR: Mental Retardation; DISC 2.1 P: the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children-Parent version 2.1P; McCSCA: the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Ability; TERA: the Test of Early Reading Ability; DT-VMI: Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration; N/A: Not Available; Movement ABC: the Movement Assessment Battery for Children; OR: Odds Ratio; CI: Confidence Interval; NS: Not Significant; T: significant; The frame mark ( [:1 ) means it contributed to the cell of two-by-two table has a expected count less than 5; T: the odds ratio, 95% Confidence Interval, and p-value were provided by the publication itself. 65 Table S-A (2 of 2): Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Abnormal Outcomes in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Year *Norrnal (%) OR; (95% CI); P-value Papile/ 1983 1 1/1 15: 9.57% OR=1.03 (0.34-3.13) NS 46/115= 40% OR=1.05 (0.54-2.05) NS 12/115= 10.43% OR=0.93 (0.31-2.80) NS Kitchen/ 1990 13%|: 3.13 % 0R=6.89 (162-2939) P=0.003T 5/96= 5.21 % OR=4.04 (1.15-14.29) P=0.02T Sostek/ 1987 16.7% N/A 22.2% N/A van de Bor/ 1988 40/225= 17.8% OR=2.10 (1.30-3.30) P<0.01T van de Bor/ 1993 57/234: 24% OR=2.20 (1.12-4.40) P<0.05T 31/234= 13% OR=1.90 (0.81-4.34) NS van de Bor/ 2004 164/216: 75.92% 49/216= 22.68% OR=1.88 (0.95-3.74) NS 23/216= 10.65% OR=2.70 (1.21-6.08) P=0.01T 178/195: 91.3% 17/195= 8.7% OR=3.04 (1.24-7.43) P=0.01T 107/ 193: 55.4% 57/ 193: 29.5% OR=0.34 (0.13-0.91) P=0.02T 29/193= 15.0% OR=2.72 (1.26-5.88) P=0.009T 97/2 16: 44.9% 93/216: 43.1% OR=0.38 (0.18-0.80) P=0.009T 26l216= 12.0% OR=2.10 (1.01 -4.35) P<0.OSrL Whitaker/ 1996 26/468= 5.6% OR=1.10 (0.40-3.10) NS 6/468= 1 .3% OR=5.00 (1.50-16.80) P<0.01T Whitaker/ 1997 93/454: 20.3% OR=1.40 (0.70-2.70) NS 66 Hanigan/ 1991 10/153= 6.54% OR=4.90 (1.96-12.27) P=0.0003T Lowe/ 1990 5/27=18.52% OR=2.51 (0.52-12.04) NS 14/27=51 .85% OR=0.77 (0.19-3.16) NS 8/27=29.63% OR=O.53 (0.09-3.01 ) NS Sherlock/ 2005 39/173= 22.54% OR=1.24 (0.64-2.40) NS 12/180= 6.67% OR=2.00 (0.80-4.98) NS 28/180= 15.56% OR=0.88 (0.40-l.91) NS GM/ IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; CP: Cerebral Palsy; MR: Mental Retardation; DISC 2.1 P: the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children-Parent version 2.1P; McCSCA: the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Ability; TERA: the Test of Early Reading Ability; DT-VMI: Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration; N/A: Not Available; Movement ABC: the Movement Assessment Battery for Children; OR: Odds Ratio; CI: Confidence Interval; NS: Not Significant; T: significant; The frame mark ( I: ) means it contributed to the cell of two-by-two table has a expected count less than 5; i: the odds ratio, 95% Confidence Interval, and p-value were provided by the publication itself. 67 Table 5-B (l of 2): Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Special Cognitive Outcomes in a Study with a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Measures GM/ IV H (%) *Nonnal (%) FT Controls (%) Year Ross/ Children who habituated l4/30= 46.67% 29/30= 96.67% 27/30= 90.00% 1992 Response on AB tails (a) Failed reversal trials 22/30= 73.33% 17/30= 56.67% 5/30= 16.67% (b) AB error without delay 6/30= 20.00% 8/30= 26.67% [1733: 13.33% (c) 1-3 seconds delay ”Q 6.67% @ 13.33% 17/30= 56.67% (d) g 5 seconds delay IW 0.00% "17371 3.33% [W]: 13.33% GM/IVH: Gemrinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; FT: Full-Term; OR: Odds Ratio; CI: Confidence Interval; T: significant; T: slightly significant; NS: Not Significant; The frame mark ( E] ) means it contributed to the cell of two-by-two table has a expected count less than 5. 68 Table 5-B (2 of 2): Frequencies and Odds Ratios of Special Cognitive Outcomes in a Study with a Full-Term Control Group Author/ OR; (95% CI); P-value OR; (95% CI); P-value Year (Compared with *Normal) (Compared with FT Controls) Ross/ OR=0.03 (0.004-0.25) P<.0001T OR=0.10 (0.02-0.39) P=.0003T 1992 OR=2. 10 (0.71 -6.22) NS OR=13.75 (3.92-48.27) P<.0001T OR=0.69 (0.21-2.30) NS OR=1 .63 (0.41 -6.47) NS OR=0.46 (0.08275) NS OR=0.06 (0.01-0.27) P<.0001 T OR=0.32 (0.01-8.24) NS OR=O.10 (0.01-1.88) P=0.04T. GM/IVH: Gemrinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; FT: Full-Term; OR: Odds Ratio; CI: Confidence Interval; T: significant; it: slightly significant; NS: Not Significant; The frame mark ( [:1 ) means it contributed to the cell of two-by-two table has a expected count less than 5. 69 Table 6-A (1 of 2): Means and Standard Deviations of Developmental Tests in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Year Measures and/or outcomes GM/IVH Mean (SD); N Kitchen/ 1990 WPPSI Full Scale 107.50 (11.85) N: 33 Ment/ 1985 Bayley 12 Mental 93.05 (15.23) N: 49 Bayley 18 Mental 88.93 (17.37) N: 42 SBIS 30 Month CA 87.02 (14.85) N: 40 PPVT 30 Month CA 88.58 (17.86) N: 35 Sostek! 1987 At 12.6 months Bayley Scales of Infant Development (a) Mental 105.80 (16.10) N: 23 (b) Motor 93.60 (22.60) N: 23 At 21.5 months Bayley Scales of Infant Development (a) Mental 105.20 (16.90) N: 20 (b) Motor 96.40 (20.50) N: 20 Whitaker/ 1996 language (a) Overall (TOLD SLQ) 94.60 (18.40) N: 73 (b) Receptive (FOLD LIQ) 95.50 (15.20) N: 73 (c) Expressive (TOLD SPQ) 94.50 (19.60) N: 73 (d) Verbal reasoning (SB area score) 102.90 (10.50) N: 73 Short-term memory (SB area score) 99.20 (11.00) N: 73 Quantitative reasoning (SB area score) 107.20 (9.10) N: 73 Visual perceptual organization (a) Abstract visual reasoning (SB area 101.20 (10.40) N: 73 score) 92.20 (10.70) N: 73 (b) Vrsual-motor integration 105.70 (20.60) N: 71 (c) TVPS perceptual quotient Pinto-Martin/ Motor Ability 1999 Age_2 98.90 (15.80) N: 61 Agfl 7.00 (2.90) N: 70 Age_9 7.90 (2.80) N: 65 General Cognitive Ability Age_2 105.20 (18.80) N: 83 70 Age_6 102.90 (10.40) N: 70 Age_9 99.40 (12.80) N: 65 Levene/ 1992 TOMI- Overall: Median (Ranges) 3.00 (0-13) N: 54 WPPSI (vocabulary): Mean (SD) 19.20 (6.64) N: 54 Sherlock/ 2005 Cognitive and educational outcomes (a) For IQ Score 104.17 (15.32) N: 72 (b) For WRAT3 Reading 100.85 (14.80) N: 69 Spelling 96.85 (11.55) N: 68 Arithmetic 93.10 (12.75) N: 68 GM/IV H: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; SD: Standard Deviation; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; N: Number; WPPSI: the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence; SBIS: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test; PPVT: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; CA: Corrected Age; TOLD : Test of Language Development; SLQ: speaking quotient; LIQ: listening quotient; SB: the Composite Index of the Stanford Binet; TVPS: the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills; IQ: Intelligence Quotient; SAS: Standard Age Score; ECA: Expressive Communication Age; RCA: Receptive Communication Age; TOMI: the Test of Motor Impairment; WRAT3: Wide Range Achievements Test; NS: Not Significant; T: premature normal ultrasound group had significantly lower score than GM/IVH group. 71 Table 6-A (2 of 2): Means and Standard Deviations of Developmental Tests in Studies without a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Year *Normal Significance Mean (SD); N Kitchen/ 1990 106.30 (14.20) N: 96 NS Ment/ 1985 95.5 (13.1) N: 65 NS 90.9 (16.0) N: 5 NS 88.2 ( 17.2) N: 47 NS 88.2 (17.0) N: 36 NS Sostek/ 1987 105.20 (23.50) N: 36 NS 96.40 (25.00) N: 36 NS 103.10 (27.50) N: 36 NS 93.70 (24.80) N: 36 NS Whitaker/ 1996 95.60 (16.10) N: 429 NS 97.20 (13.70) N: 428 NS 94.70 (17.10) N: 432 NS 104.30 (10.90) N: 436 NS 101.40 (1 1.40) N: 436 NS 108.80 (10.00) N: 436 NS 102.10 (13.00) N: 436 NS 93.10 (10.70) N: 431 NS 106.90 (19.70) N: 421 NS Pinto-Martin/ 1999 101.70 (14.80) N: 382 NS 7.00 (3.00) N: 449 NS 7.80 (3.00) N: 402 NS 106.20 (19.80) N: 504 NS 103.70 (12.10) N: 449 NS 72 99.10 (14.50) N: 403 NS Levene/ 1992 2.25 (0-16) N: 64 NS 19.30 (5.82) N: 64 NS Sherlock/ 2005 104.19 (15.35) N=180 NS 95.20 (15.70) N: 172 P=0.004T 93.60 (12.40) N: 172 P=0.048T 88.30 (14.30) N: 170 P=0.026T GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; SD: Standard Deviation; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; N: Number“, WPPSI: the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence; SBIS: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test; PPVT: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test; CA: Corrected Age; TOLD : Test of language Development; SLQ: speaking quotient; LIQ: listening quotient; SB: the Composite Index of the Stanford Binet; TVPS: the Test of Vlsual Perceptual Skills; IQ: Intelligence Quotient; SAS: Standard Age Score; ECA: Expressive Communication Age; RCA: Receptive Communication Age; TOMI: the Test of Motor Impairment; WRAT3: Wide Range Achievements Test; NS: Not Significant; T: premature normal ultrasound group had significantly lower score than GM/IVH group. 73 Table 6-B (l of 2): Means and Standard Deviations of Cognitive Tests in Studies with a Full-Term Control Group Author/ Year Measures Lowe/ 1990 (a) McCSCA Mean (Range) (b) TERA Mean (Range) (c) DT—VMI Mean (Range) ((1) BFL R Mean (Range) L Mean (Range) Ross/ 1992 (a) Bayley MDI (b) Bayley PDI (c) Habituation- Trials to habituation (d) Habituation- Increase in % time looking at novel face Ross/ 1996 Bayley MDI Bayley PDI Habituation- Trials to habituation Habituation- Increase in % time looking at novel face Invisible displacements task- ID trials score (maximum of 8.0) Invisible displacements task- SS trials score (maximum of 4.0) Object discrimination reversal task (Number of reversals) GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; SD: Standard Deviation; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; FT: Full-Term; McCSCA: the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Ability; TERA: the Test of Early Reading Ability; DT-VMI: Developmental Test of Vlsual-Motor Integration; BFL: Benton Finger Localization; R: Right; L: Left; Bayley MDI: Bayley Mental Developmental Index; Bayley PDI: Bayley Psychomotor Development Index; ID: Invisible Displacement; SS: Systematic Search; NS“: No significant difference on the test between GM/IVH and *Normal groups; NSb: No significant difference on the test between GM/IVH and FT Control groups; T: there is a significant difference on the test between GM/IVH and *Normal groups; thhere is a significant difference on the test between GM/IVI-I and FT Control groups. 74 Table 6-B (2 of 2): Means and Standard Deviations of Cognitive Tests in Studies with a Full-Term Control Grou Author/ GM/IVH *Nonnal FT Controls Significance Year Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Lowe/ 95(71-120) 97(75-123) 117(89-141) NS3 1990 90.8(66-126) 82.6(55-110) 104.1(79-139) NS“ 10.8(5-15) 9.4(4-15) 11.9(9-16) Nsa 7.3(3-10) 7.6(5-10) 9.2(8-10) NS“ 7.1(3-10) 7.0(3-10) 9.1(7-10) Nsa Ross/ 104.4 (18) 113.4 (11) 110.0 (12) P< 0.057;: 1992 94.3 (14) 99.7 (16) 102.8 (13) NS“; Nsb 25.2 (6) 20.3 (6) 21.2 (7) P<0.03T; P< 0.053,: 6.2 (4) 6.8 (2) 6.3 (3) NS“; Nsb Ross/ 101.8 (16.2) 105.2 (19.1) 109.4 (20.0) Ns“; NSb 1996 98.2 (19.0) 97.1 (15.5) 106.3 (16.3) NS“; NSb 21.6 (5.7) 20.6 (6.4) 20.6 (6.9) NS“; Nsb 6.4 (10.2) 12.2 (12.4) 13.4 (15.1) NS“; Nsb 3.9 (1.7) 5.2 (1.3) 5.3 (1.6) P<0.01"; P<0.0l:]: 1.5 (1.2) 1.6 (1 .2) 2.4 (1 .2) NS“; P<0.055r 1.52 (0.5) 2.0 (0.6) 2.1 (0.5) P<0.05“; P< 0.05:: GM/IVH: Germinal Matrix and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; SD: Standard Deviation; *Normal: premature normal ultrasound group; FT: Full-Term; McCSCA: the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Ability; TERA: the Test of Early Reading Ability; DT-VMI: Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration; BFL: Benton Finger Localization; R: Right; L: Left; Bayley MDI: Bayley Mental Developmental Index; Bayley PDI: Bayley Psychomotor Development Index; ID: Invisible Displacement; SS: Systematic Search; NS“: No significant difference on the test between GM/IVH and *Normal groups; NS": No significant difference on the test between GM/IVH and FT Control groups; T: there is a significant difference on the test between GM/IVH and *Normal groups; thhere is a significant difference on the test between GM/IVH and FT Control groups. 75 Table 7 -A Weighted OR for Abnormal Neurodevelopment Author/ Year Measures/ Outcomes OR Papile! 1983 Major handicap 0.93 Kitchen/ 1990 CP 6.89 Kitchen/ 1990 Disability 4.04 van de Bor/ 1988 Handicap 2.10 van de Bor/ 1993 Disability (including handicap) 2.20 van de Bor/ 1993 Handicap 1.90 van de Bor/ 2004 Disability 1.88 van de Bor/ 2004 Handicap 2.70 Hanigan/ 1991 Abnormal neurodevelopment 4.90 Sherlock/ 2005 Abnormal movement ABC 1.24 Sherlock/ 2005 CP 2.00 Median of 0R8 2.1 Range of ORs 5.96 Un-weighted OR 2.80 Weighted OR 2.53 Table 7 -B Weighted OR for General Cognition Author/ Year Measures/ Outcomes OR Whitaker/ 1996 Borderline intelligence 1.] Whitaker/ 1996 Mental retardation 5 Whitaker/ 1997 Any disorder in DISC 2.1 P 1.4 Lowe/ 1990 Abnormality on McCSCA 2.51 Lowe/ 1990 Abnormality on TERA 0.77 Median of 0R8 1.4 Range of ORs 4.23 Un-weighted OR 2.20 Weighted OR 2.49 76 Table 7 -C Weighted Means for Neurodevelopment: Motor Abilities Author/ Year Measures/ Mean of the Sample size of the Mean of the Sample size of Outcomes GM/IVH group GM/IV H group *Normal group the *Normal group Sostek! 1987 Bayley PDI 96.4 20 93.7 36 Pinto-Martin/ Bayley PDI 98.9 61 101.7 382 1999 Ross/ 1992 Bayley PDI 94.3 30 99.7 30 Ross/ 1996 Bayley PDI 98.2 27 97.1 28 Un-w Means 96.95 98.05 W Means 97.40 100.70 D in W Means 3.3 Un-w Means: Un—weighted Means; W Means: Weighted Means; D in W Means: Difference in Weighted Means. Table 7 -D Weighted Means for General Cognition Author/ Year Measures/ Mean of the Sample size of Mean of the Sample size of Outcomes GM/IVH the GM/IV H *Normal the *Normal group group amup group Kitchen/ 1990 WPPSI Full 107.5 33 106.3 96 Scale Ment/ 1985 SBIS 30 87.02 40 88.2 47 Month CA Ment/ 1985 PPVT 30 88.58 35 88.2 36 Month CA Sostek/ 1987 Bayley MDI 105.2 20 103.1 36 Pinto-Martini WISC-HI 99.4 65 99. 1 403 1999 Sherlock/ 2005 IQ Score 104.17 72 104.19 180 Lowe! 1990 McCSCA 95 11 97 27 Ross/ 1992 Bayley MDI 104.4 30 113.4 30 Ross/ 1996 Bayley MDI 101.8 27 105.2 28 Un-w Means 99.23 100.52 W Means 99.46 100.67 D in W Means 1.21 Un-w Means: Un-weighted Means; W Means: Weighted Means; D in W Means: Difference in Weighted Means. 77 Table 7-E Weighted Means for Special Cognition - Language Author! Year Measures! Mean of the Sample size of Mean of the Sample size of Outcomes GM/IVH the GM/IVH *Normal the *Normal group group group group Whitaker/ Overall TOLD 94.6 73 95.6 429 1996 SLQ Sherlock/ WRAT3 100.85 69 95.2 172 2005 Reading Sherlock! WRAT3 96.85 68 93.6 172 2005 Spelling Lowe! 1990 TERA 90.80 11 82 27 Un-w Means 95.77 91.6 W Means 97.05 94.63 D in W Means 2.42 Un-w Means: Un-weighted Means; W Means: Weighted Means; D in W Means: Difference in Weighted Means. Table 7 -F Weighted Means for Special Cognition— Reasonin & Memory Author! Year Measures/ Mean of the Sample size of Mean of the Sample size of Outcomes GM/IVH the GM/IVH *Normal the *Normal group group group group Whitaker! Short-term 99.2 73 101.4 436 1996 memory Whitaker/ Quantitative 107.2 73 108.8 436 1996 reasoning Whitaker! Abstract visual 101.2 73 102. 1 436 1996 reasoning Sherlock/ WRAT3 93. 1 68 88.3 170 2005 (Arithmetic) Un-w Means 100.18 100.15 W Means 100.30 102.28 D in W Means 1.98 Un-w Means: Un-weighted Means; W Means: Weighted Means; D in W Means: Difference in Weighted Means. 78 Table 8 (l of 2): Causal Criteria for Selected Studies Author] year Strength Consistency Coherence Specificity Temporality Papile! 1983 Ment/ 1985 Kitchen! 1990 Sostek] 1987 van de Bor/ 1988 van de Bor/ 1993 van de Bor/ 2004 Whitaker] 1996 Whitaker] 1997 Pinto-Martin] 1999 Hanigan] 1991 Lowe! 1990 Levene! 1992 +++++++++++++ Sherlock] 2005 Ross/ 1992 + +++++++++++++++ Ross] 1996 + + Plus mark (+) means the criterion is established. Minus mark (—) means the criterion is not established. 79 Table 8 (2 of 2): Causal Criteria for Selected Studies Author] year Biological Biological Experiment Analogy Plausibility Gradient Papile! 1983 - — — — Ment/ 1985 — — — — Kitchen] 1990 — - — - Sostek] 1987 — — -— — van de Bor/ 1988 —- — — — van de Bor/ 1993 — — — — van de Bor/ 2004 — — — - Whitaker] 1996 — — — - Whitaker] 1997 — — — — Pinto-Martin] 1999 — — — — Hanigan] 1991 — -- - - Lowe] 1990 — — — — Levene] 1992 - - — - Sherlock] 2005 — — — — Ross! 1992 — — - — Ross] 1996 — - — — Plus mark (+) means the criterion is established. Minus mark (—) means the criterion is not established. 80 Appendix Table 1 (1 of 2): Measurements and Classification of IVH Author] year Times and Timeframe of Exposure Measurement Papile! 1983 Examined twice. I“: performed CT between 3 and 10 days of age. 2'“: performed CT or US one week after the initial scan. Ment/ 1985 Examined at least 3 times. Performed CT scans within the first three weeks of life. Performed US scans ; twice in the first eight weeks of life. Kitchen] 1990 Performed US several times between birth and after discharge until any ventricular dilation had either resolved or stabilized. Sostek] 1987 Examined four times: performed US at the time of birth, on days 1 and 7, and at discharge. van de Bor/ 1988 Performed US at least four times. 18‘: as soon as after admission. 2"d-3'd: within the first week of life. 4‘“: after the first week of life until discharge. van de Bor/ 1993 Performed US at least four times. 18‘: as soon as after admission. 2"“-3“: within the first week of life. 4'“: after the first week of life until discharge. van de Bor/ 2004 Performed US at least four times. 1‘”: as soon as after admission. 2““3'“: within the first week of life. 4"“: after the first week of life until discharge. Whitaker] 1996 Performed US 3-4 times. 1“- 3'“: 98% of the cohort was examined at least one time at 4 hours, 24 hours, and in 7 days of life. 4'“: 47% of the cohort was examined between the third and fifth hospital week and] or before discharge. Whitaker] 1997 Performed US 3-4 times. 1"- 3'“: 98% of the cohort was examined at least one time at 4 hours, 24 hours, and in 7 days of life. 4‘“: 47% of the cohort was examined between the third and fifth hospital week and] or before discharge. Pinto-Martin! l 999 Performed US 3—4 times. 1‘“- 3rd: 98% of the cohort was examined at least once at 4 hours, 24 hours, and in 7 days of life. 4‘“: 47% of the cohort was examined between the third and fifth hospital week and] or before discharge. 81 Hanigan] 1991 Performed US 4 times. I“: at 12 hours of age. 2%“: at 2, 3, 7, and 14 days after birth. Lowe! 1990 Performed a CT brain scan at 5 to 10 days of age. Given infants with PIVH weekly CT brain scan until the hemorrhage resolved. Levene] 1992 Examined at least twice: weekly performed US for the first month and then every week until discharge. Sherlock] 2005 Performed at least one US in the first week of life, at 28 days, and prior to discharge. Ross] 1992 Performed US three times. 1": at two weeks from birth. 2"“: at before discharge. 3'“: at 1 month after birth. Ross/ 1996 Performed US three times. 1": at two weeks from birth. 2'”: at before discharge. 3'“: at 1 month after birth. IVH: lntraventricular Hemorrhage; CT: Computed Tomographic; US: Ultrasound; CIVH: Cereme lntraventricular Hemorrhage; GMH: Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage; GMH/IVH: Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; CVH: Cerebroventricular Hemorrhage; ICH: Intracerebral Hemorrhage; VD: Ventricular Dilation; PIVH: Periventricular-lntraventricular Hemorrhage; PUVE: Parenchymal Lesion and/or Ventricular Enlargement; PVH: Periventricular hemorrhage; FT: Full Term. 82 Appendix Table 1 (2 of 2): Measurements and Classification of IVH Author] year Classification of IVH Papile! 1983 CIVH: grade from I to IV. Grade I: isolated GMH. Grade H: IVH with normal ventricular size. Grade 111: IVH with ventricular dilation. Grade IV: IVH with parenchymal hemorrhage. Ment] 1985 GMH/IVH; grade from I to IV; according to the Papile classification. Kitchen] 1990 CVH and ventricular dilation were defined as follows: (1) GMH: “hemorrhage, usually less than 1 cm diameter, confined to the germinal matrix.” (2) IVH: “all hemorrhages within the lateral ventricles, regardless of size, but not extending into brain parenchyma.” (3) ICH: “any hemorrhage extending into or originating in brain parenchymalateral or superior to the lateral ventricles.” (4) VD: “width of the lateral ventricles exceeding 3 mm in the coronal view at the level of the foramen of Monro.” Sostek] 1987 IVH; grade from I to IV; according to a modified Papile classification. Grade I: GMH without ventricular blood. Grade H: IVH in the lateral ventricles without ventricular distention. Grade III: IVH with ventricular distention. Grade IV: IVH extending into the brain parenchyma. van de Bor/ 1988 PIVH; grade from I to IV; according to the Papile classification. van de Bor/ 1993 PIVH; grade from I to IV: according to the Papile classification. van de Bor/ 2004 PIVH; grade from I to IV; according to the Papile classification. Whitaker] 1996 Three study groups: (1) No abnormality (NA) (2) GMH] IVH (3) PUVE Whitaker] 1997 Three study groups: (1) No abnormality (NA) (2) GMH] IVH (3) PUVE Pinto-Martin] 1 999 Three study groups: (1) No abnormality (NA) (2) GMH] IVH (3) PUVE Hanigan! 1991 PVH; grade from I to IV; according to the Papile classification. (1) Low-grade hemorrhages: Papile’s classification Grades I & II. 83 (2) High-grade hemorrhages: Papile’s classification Grades III & IV. Lowe! 1990 PIVH; grade from I to H; according to the Papile classification. Levene] 1992 Five study groups: (1) Premature normal ultrasound group (2) Prolonged flare (PF) (3) GM/IV H, without parenchymal hemorrhage, but no evidence of PF. (4) Both GM/IVH and PF (5) FT Controls group Sherlock] 2005 IV H; grade from I to IV; according to the Papile’s classification. Ross] 1992 Three study groups: (1) Premature normal ultrasound group (2) Subependymal and lntraventricular Hemorrhage (S/IV H) (3) FT Controls group Ross] 1996 Three study groups: (1) Premature normal ultrasound group (2) Subependymal and lntraventricular Hemorrhage (S/IV H) (3) FT Controls group IVH: lntraventricular Hemorrhage; CT: Computed Tomographic; US: Ultrasound; CIVH: Cerebral lntraventricular Hemorrhage; GMH: Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage; GMH/IVH: Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage and/or lntraventricular Hemorrhage; CVH: Cerebroventricular Hemorrhage; ICH: Intracerebral Hemorrhage; VD: Ventricular Dilation; PIVH: Periventricular-lntraventricular Hemorrhage; PUVE: Parenchymal Lesion and/or Ventricular Enlargement; PVH: Periventricular hemorrhage; FT: Full Term. 84 Appendix Table 2 (1 of 2): Measurements of Outcomes Author] Year Outcome Papile! 1983 1. Overall development. 2. Neuromotor. 3. Vision and hearing. Ment/ 1985 1. Development (IQ) 2. Development (IQ) Kitchen] 1990 1. Vision, hearing, and the central nervous system (i.e.: Spastic CP; Ataxic CP) 2. Psychologic assessment Sostek] 1987 1. Mental and motor development 2. Muscle tone, primitive reflexes, deep tendon reflexes, protective and equilibrium reactions, and range of motion. van de Bor/ 1. Neurodevelopmental outcome 1988 van de Bor] 1. Mental development 1993 2. Abnormalities of gross and fine motor function 3. Neurological status 4. Minor neurological dysfunction 5. Central motor deficit 6. Vision and visual functions. 7. Hearing 8. Speech and language development van de Bor/ 1. Neurodevelopmental outcome was assessed during a home visit at 5 2004 years (including neurological status, vision and visual function, hearing, and language and speech). & Mental development. 2. School performance at 9 years of age. 3. School performance at 14 years of age. Whitaker] 1996 Age 6 years 1. Global cognitive outcomes 2. Specific cognitive outcomes (a) Language; (b) Short-term memory; (c) Quantitative reasoning; (d) Visual perceptual organization. Whitaker] 1997 Age 6 years 1. DSM-HI-R psychiatric disorders; Behavior problems (i.e.: children with ADHD) 2. Intelligence 3. Motor problems Pinto-Martin] Age 2 years 85 1999 1. Neurodevelopmental status 2. “Standardized assessments of infant development”; “Examinations of vision, hearing, and CP” ,Age6 years 1. Psychopathology 2. “Standardized assessments of general intellectual and motor functioning” Age 9 veala 1. School performance 2. “Standardized assessments of general intellectual and motor functioning” Hanigan] 1991 1. Neurodevelopment_al outcomg Ex: “Abnormalities in muscle tone, reflexes, postural reactions and motor patterns” 2. Cogai'tive status 3. Developmen_tal quotieng: Ex: Visual motor] problem-solving skills, receptive language, and expressive language Lowe! 1990 1. Cognitive performance 2. Early readying skills 3. Visuomotor integration 4. Reading potential Levene] 1992 1. Motor functions 2. Vocabulary Sherlock] 2005 1. CP; blindness; deafness 2. Intellectual impairments (IQ score< -1 SD.) Ross/ 1996 1. Motor & Mental. 2. Three special cognitive abilities. Ross] 1992 1. “Infants’ information processing” 2. “The development of memory for location of an object” 3.Motor & Mental. 86 Appendix Table 2 (2 of 2): Measurements of Outcomes Author] Year Measurements of Outcome Papile! 1983 1. Bayley Scales of Infant Development (including mental (MDI) and motor (PDI) scales). 2. Neuromotor examination 3. Ophthalmologic and audiologic examinations Mentl 1985 1. BSID at 3, 6, 12, and 18 months. 2. SBIS and PPVT-R at 30 months. Kitchen] 1990 l. Diagnosed by the developmental pediatrician. 2. WPPSI (a test in English) Sostek] 1987 1. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Bayley, 1969) 2. An extensive neurologic examination based on Anriel-Tison and Grenier (1980) van de Bor/ 1988 1. Gesell test van de Bor/ 1993 1. A language and speech test 2. DDST 3. Part of Touwen’s standardized and age-specific neurological examination 4. Observation of its presence 5. SRCMDASID 6. Physical, motor, and functional examination of vision 7. Puretone audiometry with a hand-held audiometer (Hortrnann DA 323) 8. Screening test developed by Gerritsen (1989) van de Bor/ 2004 l. Validated standardized tests (was assessed at 5 years). Registration of school attendance at 5 years of age. 2. Using questionnaires to be filled by parents (outcomes: (1) normal, (2) slow learners, and (3) special education). 3. Using questionnaires to be filled by adolescents (outcomes: (1) normal, (2) slow learners, and (3) special education). Whitaker] 1996 Age 6 years 1. SB fourth edition composite score (for general intellectual functioning); VABS composite score (for overall adaptive functioning). 2. (a) TOLD (for overall, receptive, expressive language); SB verbal reasoning area score (for verbal reasoning); (b) SB short-term memory area score (for short-term memory); (c) SB quantitative reasoning area score (for quantitative reasoning); ((1) SB abstract visual reasoning area score (for abstract visual reasoning); VMI (for visual motor integration; TVPS (for visual perceptual skills). 87 Whitaker] 1997 Age 6 years 1. DISC 2.1 P (the children’s version was not used). 2. SB 3. RMPI Pinto—Martin] 1 999 AgeL'eara 1. Motor outcome measure: Bayley PDI(Bay1ey 1969) 2. General cognitive outcome measure: Bayley MDI (Bayley 1969) and SB3 (Tennan and Merrill 1960). Age 6 years 1. Motor outcome measure: RMPI (Riley 1976) (assess fine, gross, and oral). 2. General cognitive outcome measure: SBzFE (Thorndike et al. 1986) Age 9 years 1. Motor outcome measure: RMPI (assess fine, gross, and oral). 2. General cognitive outcome measure: WISC—III (Wechsler 1991) Hanigan] 1991 l. The Peabody DMQs 2. A nonstandardized battery of items taken from Gesell, Cattell, and Bayley. BSID (for the 18-month visit). SBIS (for the 3-year visit). Lowe! 1990 1. McCSCA 2. TERA 3. BDTVMI 4. BFL Levene] 1992 1. T‘OMI (Stott et al., Henderson) 2. WPPSI 3. A number of measures of basic literacy, language, representational and mathematical concepts and skills (Tizard et al.). 4. A checklist of behavioral statements. Sherlock] 2005 l. Diagnosed by pediatricians; Movement ABC. 2. WISC-III; Several special cognitive tests (including VCI, POI, FDI, PSI, TOL, RCF, WRAT3) Ross] 1996 1. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Bayley, 1969) 2. A habituation/novelty preference task (Janowsky, 1985); an object displacement task; an object discrimination reversal task 88 Ross] 1992 1. A habituation/novelty preference task (J anowsky, 1985) 2. The AB object permanence task (Diamond, 1985) 3. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Bayley, 1969): Bayley MDI, PDI. N: Number; DDST: Denver Developmental Screening Test; SRCMDASID: the Standard Recording of Central Motor Deficit and Associated Sensory and Intellectual Deficit; Movement ABC: the Movement Assessment Battery for Children; WISC-III: the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition; VCI: Verbal Comprehension Index; POI: Perceptual Organization Index; FDI: Freedom from Distractibility Index; PSI: Processing Speed Index; TOL: Tower of London; RCF: Rey Complex Figure; WRAT3: Wide Range Achievements Test; CP: Cerebral Palsy; Bayley PDI: Bayley Psychomotor Development Index; Bayley MDI: Bayley Mental Developmental Index; SB3: the Stanford Binet Third Edition, Form L-M; RMPI: the Riley Motor Problems Inventory; SBzFE: the Composite Index of the Stanford Binet: Fourth Edition; WISC-III: the Full-Scale IQ from the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children- Third Edition; DISC 2.1 P: the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children-Parent version 2.1P; SB: the Composite Index of the Stanford Binet; VABS: Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale; TOLD: Test of Language Development; VMI: the Developmental Test of Visual Motor Integration; TVPS: the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills; The Peabody DMQs: the Peabody Developmental Motor Quotients; BSID: the Bayley Scales of Infant Development; SBIS: the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale; WPPSI: the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence; K-ABC: the Gestalt Closure subtest from the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children; HVOT: the Hooper Visual Organization Test; GP test: the Grooved Pegboard test; ROCF: the Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure; McCSCA: the McCarthy Scales of Children’s Ability; TERA: the Test of Early Reading Ability; BDTVMI: the Beery Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration; BFL: Benton Finger Localization; SBISFE: the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition; VR: Verbal Reasoning; AN R: Abstract] Visual Reasoning; STMSSAS: Short Term Memory Subscale Standard Age Scores; SICD: the Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development; ECA: Expressive Communication Age; RCA: Receptive Communication Age; TOMI: the Test of Motor Impairment; WPPSI: the vocabulary subscale of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence; SBIS: the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale; PPVT-R: the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised. 89 I? l BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. van de Bor M and Ouden L. 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