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Pretest versus Posttest answers, questions 17 though 21: Nutrient Cycles. (n=34) taking the time during quizzes to look up answers they didn’t know. Some of them had excellent notebooks with the missing answers right in front of them, but they were not 32 using this resource. I was able to guide a few students at different times through this process, but they readily reverted. However, most results showed vast improvement from the Pretest to the Posttest. Because I am aware of the middle school curriculum in our district, I can safely say this improvement was mostly due to the students learning new topics to which they had not previously been exposed. Once we completed the lessons in class they showed competency in most areas. On the topic of succession and animal niches, over half of the Practical Biology students left this entire section blank on the Pretest even though it was a matching exercise. However, they showed understanding during class which was reflected on the Posttest questions. The two tall peaks on Figures 15 and 16 for questions 27 through 36 signify that almost everyone lefi these questions blank on the Pretest and Succession and Animal Niches 3° 27 27 27 23 27 33 25 a E 20 8" £2 15 91 0 g 10 E = z 5 o 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest Question Number - Correct a incorrect I no answer Figure 15. Pretest versus Posttest answers, questions 27-31: succession and animal niches. (n=34) 33 Succession and Animal Niches 30 23 23 ,7 ,7 23 ,7 23 ,7 Number of Responses 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest Question Number incorrect no answer - Correct Figure 16. Pretest versus Posttest answers, questions 32-36: succession and animal niches. (n=34) the majority of students got them all right on the Posttest. Occasionally, there was a question or two that was poorly worded or excessively specific, and the students struggled with these. Question number 22 was one that asked for the vocabulary word “fixation” or that bacteria “fix” nitrogen. Many students put that bacteria change nitrogen or implied that they do something with it, but couldn’t come up with the specific term. Therefore, this was one question that did not show positive improvement from the Pretest to the Posttest. Question ten was part of a small matching section on the Pretest which about half of the students got right. On Posttest Quiz 4 (Appendix B“), this same term was part of a larger matching section including a similar term. The two comparable words were “heterotrophy” and “consumer,” and the descriptions given by me were not 34 sufficiently different enough for the students to tell them apart. Consequently, more people got the question wrong on the Posttest than on the Pretest (Figure 17). 35 Question 10: Vocabulary and Question 22: Nutrient Cycles 30 29 25 3 E’ 20 O 5‘: E 15 "5 B 10 g . 5 . :1 .. 2 Z : fl ‘ 10 pretest 10 posttest 22 pretest 22 posttest Question Number - Correct . incorrect no answer Figure 17. Results from poorly written questions. (n=34) A few questions produced unexpected difficulties for the students, and I’m unsure as to the explanation for this. The first small section of questions was about symbiotic relationships. On the Pretest, most everyone lefi this section blank as they did many others. However, on the Posttest, even with their notes, many students could not correctly choose which situation represented parasitism, mutualism, or commensalism (they had little problem with predation). I found this interesting because if you had asked a student in class for the straight definitions of these relationships, they probably could have told you the correct answers. When faced with examples instead of definitions, they faltered and could not make the connection. This inability of the students to apply knowledge is typical in both Practical Biology and the regular Biology class. Figure 18 shows the results of the symbiotic relationship questions as well as questions 47 and 48 35 about the Climatogram. Question 47 asked students to use provided data and graph a Climatogram from it. Question 48 then asked the students to identify what biome the data could have come from based on the graph. Only 3 students attempted to draw the Climatogram on the Pretest, and yet 14 attempted to answer question 48 and identify the appropriate biome. Eleven of their responses were based on a graph they didn’t draw. It is possible that students could figure out what the data meant without knowing how to plot} it on the graph. However, this hypothesis is thrown out in light of the fact that 12 of the 14 who attempted to identify the biome did so incorrectly. On Posttest Quiz 8 (Appendix B45), only about 60% of the students drew the Climatogram correctly, but they did a much better job of correctly identifying which biome the data correlated with. The follow-up questions about the climates of the various biomes showed the typical improvement fiom Pretest to Posttest. The completion of the unit’s activities should have given the students the appropriate knowledge to succeed on topics that were largely new to them. Thus, the remainder of the Pretest versus Posttest improvements was as anticipated. Out of the remaining subjects, the most impressive in terms of student achievement was the last question assessed. It was a short answer about alien species in the Great Lakes area. On the Pretest, only one student answered the question correctly and the rest didn’t even attempt it. After the Alien Species PowerPoint (Appendix C14) presentation in class, it was clear that the students actually had extensive knowledge and experience with local alien species like lampreys, zebra mussels, and purple loosestrife. Most of the students were aware that these species are not native to Michigan. When asked during lecture about their reason for not answering the question on the Pretest, they responded that they 36 didn’t know these organisms were referred to as alien species. The students were actually very interested in this topic and offered stories and information during class discussion. This was a “new” topic about which they had previous knowledge. This Symbiotic Relationships and Climatogram 31 Number of Responses '5 ”J. 'J! O 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 47 47 48 48 pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest pretest posttest Question Number - Correct incorrect $23 no answer Figure 18. Pretest versus Posttest, questions 23-26, 47, 48: Symbiotic Relationships and the Climatogram. (n=34) was empowering to students who normally struggle with written responses, as was reflected in their answers on the quiz. There were still two students who did not answer the question, but every person who attempted it got it right. Final Assessment: Pory'olio The final assessment was the Portfolio (Appendix B4h). Though grading them was a daunting task, overall the outcome was positive. It took a lot of prodding to get students working on this project, but once they had chosen the ten pieces they wanted to include, the rest went pretty smoothly. The normal difficulties when doing a large project with forty individuals were a small factor during the last week of the unit. There were 37 some printing issues and some lost assignments, but in the end a large majority of the students turned in good quality work. Students made positive comments about the portfolio project in place of a test on the Post- Unit Survey (Appendix B3). Many students felt that it gave them a better chance of doing well since so many of them have difficulty taking tests. One girl reported, “I really liked the portfolio. I don’t think I would rather have a test because I blank out when I get a test in front of me. And I feel like I could show more on the portfolio...” Another student commented that the Portfolio was a great tool for reviewing. “It allowed you to look back on all of your work and see if you need to improve. .. and overlook it for the exam.” Almost every student had good things to say about the Portfolio, even those that ended up not getting full credit. Most of their comments alluded to the fact that they thought they wouldn’t have done as well on a big unit test. I only received one survey response fiom a student who said he would have rather had a test, and there were a few comments about needing more time or requiring fewer assignments in the PorU’oIio. 38 Discussion and Conclusion General Discussion For this study, I had two classes of students with a wide range of abilities and behaviors, and no idea how I was going to effectively teach them the basic ideas of ecology that the State of Michigan deemed necessary for all high school students. The literature suggested that Special Needs students require definite structure in the classroom with daily routines. Sources also indicated that I should vary activities to fit a diverse set of learning styles. I ultimately decided upon integrating some constructivist methods in with traditional practices. I believe I found a good balance of individual and group work. Students completed the reading and book assignments by themselves, and there were several classroom group projects like BioBottles and Community Studies. There were also a few assignments that combined writing and pictorial requirements like The Water Cycle and Traveling to the Biomes, which gave students who like to draw a chance to show their skill. In retrospect, I do wish I had found a few more activities where the students could move around like in 0H DEER !. Interactive activities such as 0H DEER! and Carrying Capacity Lab: Owls as Predators gave the students the opportunity to simulate an environmental process and make their own conclusions about the outcome. ' Community Studies is a great example of an activity that paired traditional instruction with constructivism. I used lecture notes to provide the students with the overall picture of a food web and some basic vocabulary. Then, they had to create an appropriate food web that showed how organisms in an ecosystem interact and label their project using the vocabulary I had given them. It was great to watch the students figure out where animals, plants, and fungi all belonged on their posters. 39 I was most pleased with the numerous structural components of the unit. I don’t think the students or I have ever been more organized! Instead of using the textbook as a primary resource, we developed an organized notebook of vocabulary lists, activities and labs, and used them as reference tools during projects and quizzes. I certainly noticed a difference from the previous year in terms of lost papers and missing assignments; there were fewer this time around. Weekly Assignment Sheets provided a place to write down a class-starting Question of the Day and homework assignments. I also provided the students with fill-in—the-blank notes. Previously, they were so busy trying to keep up with the writing that they were not focused on what I was saying. This way, when we came to a blank, as a class we would try to figure out the missing word (usually a new vocabulary word) together. Leichart Scale Analysis Upon reading through the Post- Unit Survey responses of the students, I determined that the habits of the students hadn’t changed that much in general, but there were a few improvements in specific areas. The same questions on the Pre- Unit Survey about being prepared for class were asked of the students on the Post- Unit Survey, and those responses did not change (See Figures 7 and 8 for Pre-Unit Survey results). Those who exhibited individual responsibility in bringing their planner and writing down assignments continued to do the same, and those who habitually forgot their writing utensils hadn’t gotten much better at it. However, there was an upward trend in the number of students who regularly claimed to bring their notebook to class (Figures 19 and 20). Since it became such an integral part of our daily routine, this was a positive result. Also, those students who said they “never” brought their planner to class or 40 always usually lsometimes .never 26 Bring my Write Have a Make up Keep an Bring my Use my planner to assignments writing utensil absent work organized notebook to notebook as a class down in my for class as soon as notebook class reference to planner possible study from Figure 19. Students’ Post-Unit Survey responses to how often they employ positive organizational skills. (n=31; some surveys had no response) always usually .sometimes .never Shove notes or Have missing Forget to do my Choose not to do Forget to take my worksheets into assigmnents homework my homework planner home my textbook Figure 20. Students’ Post-Unit Survey responses to how often they employ negative organizational skills. (n=3 1; some surveys had no response) 41 “usually” forgot to write down the assignment in their planner were doing that by filling out their Weekly Assignment Sheets. Since most students got full credit on those each week, I can assume that they were, in fact, filling out their planner in a different format. Home study habits and the environments students set up for themselves did not seem to change, but in retrospect there was nothing in my unit specifically targeted to that area of their academic lives. I would like to work on this as they will not always be allowed to use their notes as a crutch and need some better techniques for preparing for tests and quizzes. However, a lot more of the test-taking strategies were checked off on the Post- Unit Survey than on the Pre- Unit Survey (Table 4). Going through the checklist at the beginning of the unit and then emphasizing these skills during the quizzes yielded some positive results. Whenever a student handed in a quiz in what seemed like record time, I would ask him or her a few questions. Did you answer every question? Did you read the directions to make sure you did each part correctly? The most common response was, “oh yeah. . .,” and then the student would head back to their desk to try again. By the end of the unit I didn’t have to remind students so much about these strategies, and several of them asked for help to make sure they did everything right without being prompted. Table 4. Pre-Unit versus Post-Unit Survey responses: test-taking strategies. Q1=31) look answer make make sure for and easy sure ALL answers maintain a read use questions questions eliminate are neat proofread positive directions clue first, hard are wrong and for attitude carefully words later answered answers legible mistakes Pre . Unit 22 25 23 17 14 24 17 16 Post Unit 27 28 25 25 28 22 21 19 42 Student Opinions and Written Responses In addition to questions about their organizational and study habits, the students were asked to give their opinions about the structure of the unit and its activities on the Post- Unit Survey. The students written responses indicated that their favorite and most helpful assignments while learning ecology were OH DEERI, the Owl Carrying Capacity Lab, and Traveling to the Biomes. They liked the first two the best because both activities involved getting up and moving around with each other and the students were ‘- #:H also able to see the point behind them. Many students also listed these as the most helpful to them, saying that when things were fun, they were easier to remember. I é... agree! According to Post- Unit Survey responses, the Traveling to the Biomes project was a favorite more among the females because they liked the groups they had picked and enjoyed doing more artsy projects. Some of the boys agreed, but they were more likely to cite the previous favorites as their own (they got a little rowdy and enjoyed running around outside). Traveling to the Biomes was also listed as one of the most helpful projects, along with the BioBottle, because it allowed students to see how everything worked together. There were also activities that the students did not like or didn’t think were very helpful. The Tree Tops Valley activity and the dichotomous key work were not well-received by the students. Many students (n=15) noted that the Tree Tops Valley article on succession was too long and boring; therefore it was their least favorite and not very helpful because they got lost in it. I was surprised by the dichotomous key response because we did an online example together in class and then the students got to classify sharks; usually predatory animals elicit a positive response no matter what you’re doing 43 with them. However, several students’ written responses indicated that they never really understood the point of the dichotomous key or how it worked. The basic dichotomous key on Posttest Quiz 4 (Appendix B4,) was simple enough for students to manage, and it was not part of my Pretest/Posttest analysis. Consequently, I was not aware of the students’ misunderstanding until I read the students’ responses on the Post- Unit Survey. If I decide to keep this topic in the unit, these activities will need to be revised to be more helpful to the students. Conclusions Taking a look back at the entire ecology unit, there are some activities I would keep as well as those I would change. Starting the unit with the Ecology Concept Map (Appendix C6) was a good activity, because it allowed students to see the scope of learning about organisms and their environment. The BioBottle was a great project, but it should be moved to later in the unit. According to the conclusions on their lab write-ups, not enough students understood the point of the project. They likely would have after learning more about ecology. The modified lecture notes were very helpfiil. Even with few words for the students to fill in, a small group of kids couldn’t keep up because their abilities were so low. The contrast between the typed notes and their own handwritten vocabulary words in the blanks also allOwed for easy retrieval of information during quizzes. Interestingly, there was an additional longer reading assignment that not many students commented on in the Post- Unit Survey. The article entitled How Many Species Are There? was lengthy, but students did not react negatively to it as they did the Tree Tops Valley piece. The topic of all the various diverse species in the world and just how numerous they are was more appealing than the story of how a mountain recovered from 44 a forest fire. I will keep the species article in the unit, but will replace the Tree Tops reading. As previously mentioned, more time needs to be spent on the topic of classification, particularly the use of the dichotomous key, with modification of relevant activities. We need to do more examples or even add a lab activity where students go out and find a few leaves they don’t know and then use the online key themselves. After working in class groups on this subject, students should meet with success on an individual assignment such as the shark dichotomous key I used this time. The most successful topic within the unit was definitely food webs and ecological relationships. The students brought in previous knowledge on the subject and were eager to show what they knew. This, coupled with some new information, provided excellent results on the weekly quiz (Figures 15 and 16). During the Community Studies activity, most students seemed to enjoy making the food web posters and successfully labeled different types organisms as well as various trophic levels. I would not change a thing in this section. Nutrient cycles brought the most challenging information with an onslaught of new vocabulary. The students performed well on the Posttest questions (Figures 13 and 14) concerning the water cycle due to previous knowledge, a diagram, and the Water Cycle Game (Project Learning Tree, 1993). However, I was lacking in appropriate activities for the carbon and nitrogen cycles, and this was apparent on the Posttest (Figures 14 and 17). Students had lecture notes and a diagram to consult, but were confused on the overall paths of different molecules in the cycles. The activities in population growth and succession produced mixed results. As discussed earlier, 0H DEER! was very successful, as was the Owl Carrying Capacity 45 Lab. Both activities allowed the students to be interactive, and they analyzed the data afterward for an overall picture of what was happening as a result of their behaviors during the activity. Other assignments included the Tree T ops Valley article (already on the chopping block) and the presentation of alien species. I was excited about the students’ enthusiasm toward the topic of alien species, and I will do more with it in the future. In the spring garlic mustard sprouts in our outdoor lab forest and takes over. It would be a great project for all of my classes to clear the forest of this alien species. The last section before the portfolio project was biomes. I gave students the rubric for their Traveling to the Biomes project (Appendix C16), showed them how to make a Climatogram (Appendix C13), and then sent them on their way. At this point in the year, students were familiar with the classroom resources and knew exactly what was expected of them by the eighth week of the marking period. A few groups needed to be prodded into using their classroom time wisely, but overall the students’ projects turned out well and can be left as is. The students’ portfolios and their comments on the Post- Unit Survey indicate that I made the right decision in using them in place of a unit test, but there are some aspects that should be changed. I would like to find a way for students to make comments on their work without being quite so structured. I read the same strengths or weaknesses many times over in one person’s portfolio. Also, from a time perspective, I think it would be more useful and less of a chore if I reduced the number of required portfolio pieces. Using the last week of the marking period in class was sufficient time for the students to complete this project, and it was a good way to review and wrap up the unit. Overall, the students succeeded at displaying their knowledge of ecology, and performed 46 much better on the portfolio than they would have on a comprehensive unit test. From observing my students on quiz days, it seems they come to class with a lot of anxiety and preconceived notions of failure upon encountering larger tests. I can only speculate this is from past experience, and it would explain their enthusiasm at doing a project in place of a test. After the end of the ecology unit, all of the structural elements I had put in place remained with the exception of the weekly quizzes. I had basically run out of detailed lesson plans at the end of the first marking period and found myself improvising through the next unit. I just didn’t have enough time over the summer beforehand to plan out more than the nine week study period, nor did I know whether or not such planning would be useful. Having completed this study, I would definitely like to do the same things for the rest of Practical Biology: plan out varied activities, modified lecture notes, etc. for the remaining units in the class. My reason for this is the let down of the students in Practical Biology once the second marking period began. Though the number of things we did during the first marking period seemed intense, it really kept the students’ interest and they became used to the routine. I actually had students disappointed that the second marking period was “normal,” without the weekly quizzes. The general consensus was, and I agree, that they performed better on the shorter topics and integrated projects than when several things were put together in a unit test. The smaller number of concepts covered on the quizzes was met with more positive student attitudes; the lesser amount of questions seemed doable in comparison with a large test. With all the accommodations necessary for the Special Needs students in Practical Biology, creating an entirely constructivist classroom would not be appropriate. 47 True constructivism focuses on the students as the cultivators of information, with the teacher acting as a guide rather than a fountain of facts. This method of acquiring knowledge is very powerful, but also lends itself to longer activities as students seek to gain understanding. Unfortunately, many of the students' disabilities make it difficult to concentrate on one problem for a long period of time, and extended group projects turn into behavioral issues. My ultimate conclusion is that structural integration of organizational skills and some constructivist practices such as alternative assessment is the way to go with At Risk students. Our Qrestion of the Day and the Weekly Assignment Sheets brought routine to the class for those who needed it. The class notebook and assignment bin for turning in papers helped keep the students organized. The adults in the classroom provided more assistance than hoped for in a constructivist setting, but it was necessary in order to help struggling students. Traditional testing was kept to a minimum with small weekly quizzes. Instead, group projects, posters, notebooks, and ultimately a portfolio were used to assess student understanding. There was, and will continue to be, a wide variety of learning styles in Practical Biology. Though a few activities need improvement, the overall implementation of this study was a success. I look forward to adjusting all of the units in Practical Biology to reflect these methods of learning. 48 APPENDICES 49 Alternative Assessment in Ecology Parent Consent and Student Assent Form Purpose: I am currently enrolled as a graduate student in Michigan State University’s Department of Science and Mathematics Education (DSME). My thesis research is on using alternative assessment in ecology as a way to help the students in Practical Biology succeed. “Alternative assessment” simply means I will be using organizational tools, labs, projects, short quizzes, and finally a portfolio to assess your child’s knowledge rather than the traditional large unit test. Data Collection: Data for the study will be collected from standard student work generated in the course of teaching this unit such as pre and post tests, lab activities, notebook checks, quizzes, and surveys. I am asking for your permission to include your child’s data in my thesis. Your child’s privacy is a foremost concern. The consent form will be collected by the teacher in the next room and sealed in an envelope until grades for the marking have been posted. Only then will I know whose information I may use so that the results of the study and your child’s evaluations are not biased in any way. Your child’s identity will not be attached to the data in my thesis paper or in any images used in the thesis presentation. Your child’s privacy will be protected to the maximum extent allowable by law. Participation: Participation in the study is voluntary. Students who do not participate in the study will not be penalized in any way. Students who do not participate in the study will still be expected to participate in class and complete assignments. Students who participate in the study will not be given extra work to complete. You may request that your child’s information not be included in this study at any time and your request will be honored. Risks/Benefits: There are no known risks associated with participation in this study. Your participation in this study may contribute to the understanding of the relationships in the ecosystem around you, and how you interact with that environment. You will also take with you the skills to organize your schoolwork and keep track of assignments, as well as some valuable studying and test-taking strategies. If you are willing to allow your child to participate in the study, please complete the attached form and return it to me by September 12, 2006. If you have any questions about the study, please contact me by e-mail at tinak@dexter.k12.mi.us or by phone at (734) 424-4240 x7304. Questions about the study may also be directed to Dr. Merle Heidemann at the DSME by e-mail at heidema2@msu.edu, by phone at (517) 432-2152, or by mail at 118 North Kedzie, East Lansing, Michigan 48 824. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s rights as a study participant, or are dissatisfied at any time with any aspect of this study, you may contact- anonymously, if you wish- Peter Vasilenko, Ph.D., Director of Human Research Protections by e- mail at irb@msu.edu, by phone at (517) 355-2180, by fax at (517) 432-4503, or by mail at 202 Olds Hall, East Lansing, Michigan 48824. Thank you, Tina Kopinski Biology Teacher Dexter High School 50 I do not wish to have my child’s work used in this thesis project. I acknowledge that my child’s work will be graded in the same manner regardless of participation in the study. Child’s name: (print student name) (Parent/Guardian signature) (Date) I voluntarily agree to allow to participate in this study. (print student name) Please check all that apply. I give Ms. Kopinski permission to use data generated from my child’s work in Practical Biology class to be used in the thesis project. All data from my child will remain confidential. I-‘fi law—- A. I I give Ms. Kopinski permission to use pictures of my child during her work on this - thesis project. My child will not be identified in these pictures. I do not wish to have my child’s picture used at any time during this thesis project. (Parent/Guardian signature) (date) I voluntarily agree to participate in this thesis project. (Student signature) (date) 51 Ecology: Pre-Unit Survey You are not required to put your name on this assignment Circle the answer that fits you best. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Do you plan to continue your education after graduating from Dexter High School? Yes No Not sure If you answered yes to the previous question, please indicate where you will continue your education. College/University Trade School Military On-the-job training/ Apprenticeship If you plan to continue your education, will you need to take another biology course? Yes No Not sure Do you plan to have a career that is related to science? Yes No Not sure If you answered yes to the previous question, please list what career you are considering. My favorite class is Math Science English Foreign Language History/Social Studies Other (please list which one) My least favorite class is Math Science English Foreign Language History/Social Studies Other (please list which one) My usual grade in science classes is B C D F > When you have trouble in a class, what do you do? Please number your choices with 1 being the first thing you do and 6 being the last thing you would try. _ Read the book _ Talk to the teacher __ Talk to a fiiend who has the class _ Go back through the class notes _ Ask questions in class _ Other (please describe) 10) When you get ready to study, which of the following do you do? Please number your choices with 1 being the thing you are most likely to do and 6 being the thing you are least likely to do. __ Listen to music _ Turn on the TV for background noise __ Go to a friend’s house _ Go to the public library __ Find a room in the house that is quiet __ Other (please describe) 52 11) When you’re actually studying the material for a test/quiz, which of the following do you do? Check off all that apply. look up hard vocabulary words to understand meanings outline main ideas reread chapter summaries review all illustrations review previous test/quizzes for mistakes make flashcards apply memory devices rewrite definitions 12) When you take a test, which of the following do you do? Check off all that apply. __ maintain a positive attitude read directions carefully before trying to answer questions identify and use clue words _ proofread for mistakes write answers neatly and legibly __ eliminate wrong answers answer easy questions first, difficult last make sure you’ve answered every question 13) Which part of science class is most helpful to you? Lecture/Class discussion In~class work Homework Labs Quizzes/Tests Other (please describe): 14) Which part of science class is least helpful to you? Lecture/Class discussion In-class work Homework Labs Quizzes/'1‘ ests Other (please describe): 15) What is your favorite part of science class? Lecture/Class discussion In-class work Homework Labs Quizzes/Tests Other (please describe): 16) What is your least favorite part of science class? Lecture/Class discussion In-class work Homework Labs Quizzes/Tests Other (please describe): 16) What kind of assignments do you typically do the best on? Notes/worksheets in class Posters/projects Homework problems Labs Quizzes/'1‘ ests Other (please describe): 17) Do you prefer working alone or in groups (please circle)? Alone Partners/ group of 3 Big groups of 4-6 Why? 53 18 Please shade the box that most fits how often you do the following things. Bring my planner to class Always Usually Sometimes Never Write assignments down in my planner Always Usually Sometimes Never Have a writing utensil for class Always Usually Sometimes I’lCVCI' Make up absent work as soon as possible Always Usually Sometimes Never Keep an organized notebook Always Usually Sometimes Never Bring my notebook to class Always Usually Sometimes Never Use my notebook as a reference to study from Always Usually Sometimes Never Shove notes or worksheets into my textbook Always Usually Sometimes Never Have missing assiments Always Usually Sometimes Never Forget to do my homework Always Usually Sometimes Never Choose not to do my homework Always Usually Sometimes Never Forget to take my planner home Always Usually Sometimes Never 54 Name: Practical Biology Pretest: Ecology Unit 1. What is ecology? (1 pt.) 2. Name three jobs a person might have if they were interested in ecology.(3 pts.) a. b. C. Multiple Choice. Write the correct answer to the left of each question. 11 pt. Each) 3. Organisms that can make their own food are called: a. Autotrophs b. heterotrophs c. eutrophs d. none of these 4. A cell that has a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles is a: a. Prokaryote b. eukaryote c. akaryote d. symkaryote Short Answer. 5. Give the kingdom for each of the following (1 pt. Each): A. ancient bacteria . multicellular eukaryotes, all autotrophic . filamentous eukaryotes, use absorption . insects, mammals, heterotrophic . “true” unicellular prokaryotes ”UNDOL'D . uni- or multicellular eukaryotes; hetero- or autotrophic 6. The following is the classification of the Monarch butterfly. Kingdom: Animalia Family: Danaidae Phylum: Arthopoda Genus: Danas Class: Insecta Species: plexippus Order: Lepidoptera Use this information to write the scientific name of the Monarch here (2 pts.): Vocabulary (1 pt. Each) Match each word with its definition: 7. population A. Many species of organisms interacting. 8' community B. Unit of the biosphere in which 9. ecosystem living and nonliving things interact C. organisms that must eat others for food 10. consumer D. organisms that are the base of the food chain 11. Producer . . . E. Group of organisms of one specres in an area 55 l2. (4 pts.) Draw a food web below that includes the following organisms: grass, deer, wolf, rabbit, lettuce plant, mouse, snake, owl 13. (2 pts.) Put the following in order of energy flow: consumers, decomposers, producers, sun Water Cycle (7 pts.) Label the following diagram of the water cycle with these words: transpiration, precipitation, evaporation, collection, infiltration, percolation, and condensation. 2225???? ”Maui 18 soil :IIIIIII . seen 'lllllllli Fill in the blanks, 1 pt. each. 2 1. One loop of the carbon cycle works because plants take in and give off while animals take in and give off . 22. In order to be useful to plants and animals, nitrogen must be by bacteria in the soil. 56 Fill in #23- 26 with the correct relationship: mutualism, commensalism, predation, parasitism 23. What type of relationship is there between first and second level consumers? 24. What type of relationship is there between bats that fly from plant to plant and eat some of the fruit/ nectar? 25. What type of relationship is there between you and a mosquito? 26. What type of relationship does a bird have with the tree it nests in? (1 pt. each) Vocabulary Matching. Please write the letter of the word that corresponds to the definition, description, or example in the blank to the left of each question. 27. This occurs on a piece of land that has been cleared by a glacier. 28. The different array of plants and animals in an ecosystem. ' 29. A species that depends almost solely on one food source, such as the panda bear that feeds on bamboo. 30. This can happen as a result of a tornado, forest fire, or human destruction. . Primary succession a b. Secondary succession c . Estivation d. Hibernation e . Biodiversity f. Generalized species 31. This type of community is one that has g. Pioneer community reached full maturity and cannot develop h Climax community any further. ' 32. An animal’s rhythm that is dependent on i. Circadian Rhythm the length of the day. 33. A period of inactivity brought about by 1' Specralrzed SPCCICS cooler temperatures; the animal does NOT wake up during this time for anything. 34. A species that has numerous food sources, such as a great white shark. 35. The type of community that would be the first to colonize a new area. 36. A period of inactivity in an organism brought about by high temperatures. Fill in the Blank. (1 point each). 37. The number of organisms an area can support is called its 38. Bacteria in a Petri dish will grow according to a(n) curve until they run out of space. 39. Disease is a density- factor in a population. 40. You as an owl in the carrying capacity lab were competing with other owls for rodent food. This is an example of competition. 41. A population of deer out in the wild have a natural carrying capacity, and their population will grow according to a(n) curve. 57 42. During the owl lab, the green “rodents” were harder to find in the grass; this was due to a defense known as 43. In nature, poison ivy and poison sumac both have red stems (and branches in the case of sumac) to let others know to stay away from their noxious chemicals. This is an example of 44. The weather is a density- factor in a population. 45. In the African savanna, lions and hyenas often go after the same food source. This is an example of competition. 46. The availability of food, space, water, and shelter, as well as the incidence of disease and predation, are all when it comes to how well a population will grow. 47. Use the following information to plot a Climatogram on the graph provided below. (5 pts.) J F M A M J J ' A S O N D T 24.6 25.1 26.4 28.5 r 30.6 . 31.9 31.1 30.1 31.1 28.8 26.5 25.1 ' ’ P 0.8 0.5 1.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0 . 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 cm celsius 36 36 34 32 32 28 30 24 28 20 26 16 24 12 22 8 20 4 18 O 16 -4 14 -8 12 -12 10 -16 8 -20 6 -24 4 -28 2 -32 0 -36 JFMAMJJASOND 58 Multiple Choice. Write the correct answer to the left of each question. Use the Climatogram that you drew above to answer the following: 48. Looking at the temperature and rainfall of the Climatogram, which biome does it best describe? a. Desert b. tundra c. tropical rainforest d. deciduous forest 49. Which of the following biomes is known to have various types of pine trees? a. Coniferous forest b. tropical rainforest c. prairie d. tundra 50. Which of the following biomes has trees that lose their leaves in the fall? a. Deciduous forest b. coniferous forest c. tropical rainforest d. tundra 51. Which of the following biomes would have the most rainfall AND have a very warm climate? a. Deciduous forest b. tropical rainforest c. tundra d. Chaparral ~ 52. Which of the following biomes would be the most likely to have all four seasons? a. Deciduous forest b. tropical rainforest c. tundra d. desert 53. Which of the following biomes would have the least rainfall AND have a hot, dry climate? a. Tundra b. tropical rainforest c. prairie d. desert 54. Which of the following biomes would have the least rainfall AND have a cold, dry climate? a. Tundra b. tropical rainforest c. prairie d. desert Short Answer: Please answer the following in complete sentences. 55. (4 pts.) Pick two of the alien species in the Great Lakes area and describe why they are “bad.” 59 Ecology: Post-Unit Survey You are not required to put your name on this assignment 1. Please shade the box that most fits how you feel. Taxonomy- 1 could I could explain the I know some of I know I’ve never the ex lain the main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of heard of that classification to i: in detail a picture with but I couldn’t the key t ic before of living thing P labels explain them words °P I could I could explain the I know some of I know I’ve never Dichotomous ex lain the main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of heard of that Keys to i: in detail a picture with but I couldn’t the key to ic before p labels explain them words 1) Food Chains/ I could I could explain the I know some of I know I’ve never Food Webs/ ex lain the main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of heard of that Energy .p . . a picture with but I couldn’t the key . . topic in detail . topic before PEamld labels explarn them words I could I could explain the I know some of I know I’ve never Symbiotic ex lain the main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of heard of that Relationships to i: in detail a picture with but I couldn’t the key t ic before p labels explain them words op I could I could explain the I know some of I know I’ve never . main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of Water Cycle explaln the . . , heard of that topic in detail a plcture wrth but I couldn t the key topic before labels explaln them words Carbon] I could I could explain the I know some of I know I’ve never oxygen and ex lain the main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of heard of that Nitrogen t if: in detail a picture with but I couldn’t the key t ic before Cycles 0p labels explain them words op I could I could explain the I lmow some of I lmow I’ve never Population ex lain the main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of heard of that Growth to i]; in detail a picture with but I couldn’t the key to lo before P labels explain them words P I could I could explain the I know some of I know I’ve never . main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of Succession explain the . . , th k heard of that topic in detail a picture wrth but I couldn t e ey topic before labels explaln them words I could I could explain the I know some of I know I’ve never . . main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of Climatograms explarn the . 'th b ldn’ th k heard of that topic in detail a PM“ W‘ “t 1 9°“ ’ C ”Y topic before labels explaln them words I could I could explain the I know some of I know I’ve never . . main ideas/ draw the main ideas, some of Biomes explaln the . . , heard of that topic in detail a picture wrth but I couldn t the key topic before labels explaln them words 2. How did you like the portfolio? Would you rather have had a test at the end of the unit? Do you think the portfolio allowed you to truly show what you had learned about ecology this marking period? Explain. 60 3. Rate the activities from this unit by shading the box that best fits how you feel. Ecology Concept Map Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Bottle Biology Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Levels of Classification Chart Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Tree Leaves Dichotomous Key Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Sharks Dichotomous Key Very Helpful Somewhat Helpfill Not Helpful Community Studies: FOOd Web Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Posters Identifying Symbiosis in a movie Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Nutrient Cycle Diagrams Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Water Cycle Game Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful OH DEER! Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Tree Tops Valley Story Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Alien Species PowerPoint Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Population Density Laboratory Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Owl Carrying Capacity Lab Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Traveling to the Biomes Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Making Climatograms Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Not Helpful Consider the above list when answering the next set of questions. 4. Which activity was the most helpfill to you in learning and remembering the information? Why? 5. Which activity was the least helpful to you in learning and remembering the information? Why? 6. What activity was your favorite? Why? 61 7. What activity was your least favorite? Why? 8. Which activity did you do the best on? Why do you think that is? Have your habits changed? 9. When you have trouble in this class, what do you do? Please number your choices with 1 being the first thing you do and 6 being the last thing you would __ Read the book _ Talk to the teacher __ Talk to a fiiend who has the class _ Go back through the class notes __ Ask questions in class __ Other (please describe) 10. When you get ready to study, which of the following do you do? Please number your choices with 1 being the thing you are most likely to do and 6 being the thing you are least likely to do. _ Listen to music __ Turn on the TV for background noise _ Go to a fiiend’s house _ Go to the public library __ Find a room in the house that is quiet __ Other (please describe) 11. When you’re actually studying the material for a test/quiz, which of the following do you do? Check off all that apply. look up hard vocabulary words to understand meanings _ outline main ideas _ reread chapter summaries __ review all illustrations _ make flashcards __ review previous test/quizzes for mistakes __ apply memory devices _ rewrite definitions 12. When you take a test, which of the following do you do? Check off all that apply. maintain a positive attitude eliminate wrong answers read directions carefully before trying to answer questions identify and use clue words proofread for mistakes write answers neatly and legibly answer easy questions first, difficult last make sure you’ve answered every question 62 “Please shade the box that most fits how ofterLyou do the following things. ** Bring my planner to class Always Usually Sometimes Never Write assrgnments down m my Always Usually Sometimes Never lanner Have a writing utensil for class Always Usually Sometimes Never Keep an organized notebook Always Usually Sometimes Never Make up absent work as soon as Always Usually Sometimes Never ossrble Bring my notebook to class Always Usually Sometimes Never Use my notebook as a reference to Always Usually Sometimes Never study from Shove notes or worksheets into my Always Usually Sometimes Never textbook Have missingassigments Always Usually Sometimes Never Forget to do my homework Always Usually Sometimes Never Choose not to do my homework Always Usually Sometimes Never Forget to take my planner home Always Usually Sometimes Never 63 Name: Practical Biology Quiz #2: Life and Introduction to Ecology (15 points) 1. What is ecology? (1 pt.) 2. Name three jobs a person might have if they were interested in ecology.(3 pts.) a. b. c. 3. Name one major problem humans could fix/avoid if they knew or cared a little more about ecology. (1 pt.) 4. Write a letter to R2D2 explaining to him that he cannot be a Jedi because he is not a living being. Give him at least 5 reasons and explain them; he is, after all, only a robot. (10 pts.) Dear R2D2, Name: Practical Biology Quiz #3: Taxonomy Multiple Choice. Write the correct answer to the left of each question. (1 pt. Each) 1. Which characteristic(s) best describes the kingdom Plantae? a. Multi-cellular 0. includes bacteria b. Unicellular (1. none of these e. both a and b 2. Which organism best fits in the Fungi Kingdom? a. Cat c. AIDS virus b. butterfly d. mushroom e. none of these 3. Organisms that can make their own food are called: a. Autotrophs b. heterotrophs c. eutrophs (1. none of these 4. A cell that has a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles is a: a. Prokaryote b. eukaryote c. akaryote d. symkaryote 5. Linnaeus’ classification system was based on: a. Common names c. Common ancestors b. Genetic differences d. Structural similarities Short Answer. 6. Give the kingdom for each of the following (1 pt. Each): A. ancient bacteria B. multicellular eukaryotes, all autotrophic C. filamentous eukaryotes, use absorption D. insects, mammals, heterotrophic E. “true” unicellular prokaryotes F. uni- or multicellular eukaryotes; hetero- or autotrophic 7. Give one example of an organism that would fit into the Kingdom Protista (1 pt.). 8. The following is the classification of the Monarch butterfly. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthopoda Class: Insecta Order: Lepidoptera Family: Danaidae Genus: Danas Species: plexippus Use this information to write the scientific name of the Monarch here (2 pts.): 9. True or False? (1 pt.) The greater the number of taxa two organisms have in common, the more closely related they are. 65 Practical Biology Quiz #4: Symbiotic Relationships and Food Webs Leftover from last week-) (5 pts.) Dichotmous Key! KeLout the 5 following “organisms.” 1 2. 3 4. 5. 1a. Has no sharp edges .......... Cornelius 1b. Has sharp edges ............... go to 2. 2a. Has four sides ................... go to 3. 2b. Has sides that number something other than four ....... go to 4. 3a. All sides are equal in length .......... Bob 3b. Sides unequal in length ............... Francesca 4a. Having 3 sides ............... Leo 4b. Having 5 sides ............... Gertrude Vocabulag (1 pt. Each) Match each word with its definition: ____1. autotroph A. Many species of organisms interacting. _2. heterotroph B. Organism that must consume others for energy ___3. population C. Unit of the biosphere in which living and nonliving things interact __4. community D. An organism that can make organic compounds using sun energy _5. ecosystem E. Group of organisms of one species in an area ____6. herbivore F. heterotrophs that eat plants and animals __7. carnivOre G. organisms that must eat others for food __8. omnivore H. heterotrophs that feed on plants _9. consumer I. heterotrophs that feed on animals ___10. producer J. organisms that are the base of the food chain 66 11. (4 pts.) Draw a food web below that includes the following organisms: grass, deer, wolf, rabbit, lettuce plant, mouse, snake, owl 12. (2 pts.) Put the following in order of energy flow: consumers, decomposers, producers, sun Fill in #13-16 with the correct relationship: mutualism, commensalism, predation, parasitism 13. What type of relationship is there between first and second level consumers? 14. What type of relationship is there between bats that fly from plant to plant and eat some of the fruit/ nectar. 15. What type of relationship is there between you and a mosquito? 16. What type of relationship does a bird have with the tree it nests in? 17. Give an explanation that would justify the following statement: “The most efficient way to feed the world population is to promote the eating of plants or plant products.” (5 pts.) 67 Name: Practical Biology Quiz #5: Nutrient Cycles (26 points) Water Cycle (7 21322 Label the following diagram of the water cycle with these words: transpiration. precipitation. evaporation. collection, infiltration, percolation, and condensation. 3 / Into th / "I'lfil'l‘l'li lake 6 5 ' ’ ”’ 555451”: 'i’I’I’Ili 'i’liililq "”””I4 "I’llllit 'I’I’Iiil4 was” 'lllllllli Carbon Cycle (6 98.2 (2 pts.) What are two sources of C02 for the carbon cycle? 8. 9. Fill in the blanks, 4 pts. 10. One loop of the carbon cycle works because plants take in and give off while animals take in and give off Nitrogen Cycle, (3 QUIZ Fill in the blank, I pf. each H. In order to be useful to plants and animals. nitrogen must be by bacteria in the soil. 12. The nitrogen from dead organisms or animal waste gets back into the atmosphere because bacteria turn it back into N2. 13. (I pt.) What is a major industrial or chemical use of nitrogen in the U.S.? *Note: There was an additional diagram that encompassed the water. nitrogen. and carbon cycle all at once. but it was drawn by hand and not in good condition to reproduce for this thesis. 68 (25 points) LT pt. each) Vocabulary Matching. Please write the letter of the word that corresponds to the definition, description, or example in the blank to the left of each question. 1. 2. 3. 4 >090 10. This occurs on a piece of land that has been cleared by a glacier. The birth rate of a population. The death rate of a population. The different array of plants and animals in an ecosystem. A species that depends almost solely on one food source, such as the panda bear that feeds on bamboo. An animal that is active primarily during the day. This can happen as a result of a tornado, forest fire, or human destruction. An animal that is active primarily at night. This type of community is one that has reached full maturity and cannot develop any further. An animal's rhythm that is dependent on the length of the day. l l. A period of inactivity brought about by 12. l3. l4. l5. 16. 17. cooler temperatures; the animal does NOT wake up during this time for anything. A species that has numerous food sources. such as a great white shark. The movement of organisms into an area. The movement of organisms out of a population. The type of community that would be the first to colonize a new area. Using one organism to try and get rid of another. A period of inactivity in an organism brought about by high temperatures. Short Answer: Please answer the following in complete sentences. (4 pts.) Pick two of the alien species in the Great Lakes area and describe why they are “bad." (4 pts.) Explain what happens during migration and why it is considered a type of periodicity. l. 2. 69 Practical Biology Quiz #6: Succession and Alien Species . Primary succession . Secondary succession . Natality . Mortality . Immigration . Emigration . Estivation . Hibernation Biodiversity Diurnal . Nocturnal . Generalized species . Pioneer community . Climax community . Circadian Rhythm . Biological control . Specialized Species Name: Practical Biology Quiz #7: Population (18 points) Fill in the Blank. (1 point each). 1. The number of organisms an area can support is called its 2. Bacteria in a Petri dish will grow according to a(n) curve until they run out of space. 3. Disease is a density- factor in a population. 4. You as an owl in the carrying capacity lab were competing with other owls for rodent food. This is an example of competition. 5. A population of deer out in the wild have a natural carrying capacity, and their population will grow according to a(n) curve. 6. During the owl lab, the green ”rodents” were harder to find in the grass; this was due to a defense known as 7. In nature, poison ivy and poison sumac both have red stems (and branches in the case of sumac) to let others know to stay away from their noxious chemicals. This is an example of 8. There are some bright red berries in the forest that are perfectly edible, but most people avoid them because there are others that are bright red and poisonous. The ”fakers” are using mimicry to fool us. 9. The weather is a density- factor in a population. 10. In the African savanna, lions and hyenas often go after the same food source. This is an example of competition. 11. A honeybee is a mimic of the wasp (and vice-versa), since both share similar appearance and coloring, and both are capable of stinging. 12. The availability of food, space, water, and shelter, as well as the incidence of disease and predation, are all when it comes to how well a population will grow. Essay: Answer the following question in complete sentences on the back of the quiz. (6pts. 1 Discuss two things from the ”Carrying Capacity Lab: Owls as Predators” activity we did 111 class that made it difficult to get ”rodents. ” What does each difficulty represent in the wild? How might it affect a real owl population? Make sure you answer ALL parts of the question for full creditil 7O {Tainan-nu” 1. Name: Practical Biology Quiz #8: Biomes! Use the following information to plot a Climatogram on the graph provided below. (5 FMAM 71 pts.) J F M A M J J A S O t N D 24.6 25.1 26.4 28.5 30.6 31.9 31.1 30.1 31.1 28.8 26.5 25.1 0.8 0.5 1.3 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 cm celsius 36 36 34 32 32 28 30 24 28 20 26 16 24 12 22 8 20 4 18 O 16 -4 14 -8 12 -12 10 -16 8 -20 6 -24 4 -28 2 -32 0 -36 Multiple Choice. Write the correct answer to the left of each question. Use the Climatogram that you drew above to answer the following: 2. 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. Looking at the temperature and rainfall of the Climatogram, which biome does it best describe? a. Desert b. tundra c. tropical rainforest d. deciduous forest In which biome would you most likely see a polar bear or an arctic fox? a. Deciduous forest b. tropical rainforest c. savanna d. tundra Which of the following biomes is known to have various types of pine trees? a. Coniferous forest b. tropical rainforest c. prairie d. tundra Which of the following biomes has trees that lose their leaves in the fall? a. Deciduous forest b. coniferous forest c. tropical rainforest d. tundra Which of the following biomes would you most likely see elephants, tigers, giraffes, and zebras? a. Deciduous forest b. trapical rainforest c. savanna d. tundra Which of the following biomes would have the most rainfall AND have a very warm climate? . a. Deciduous forest b. tropical rainforest c. tundra d. Chaparral Which of the following biomes would be the most likely to have all four seasons? a. Deciduous forest b. tropical rainforest c. tundra d. desert Which of the following biomes has many types of grasses and flowers, but has few trees? a. Deciduous forest b. tropical rainforest c. prairie d. desert Which of the following biomes would be located in Africa where you could go on safari? a. Deciduous forest b. coniferous forest 0. savanna d. tundra Which of the following biomes has many cacti? a. Tundra b. prairie c. desert d. savanna Which of the following biomes would have the least rainfall AND have a hot, dry climate? a. Tundra b. tropical rainforest c. prairie d. desert Which of the following biomes would have the least rainfall AND have a cold, dry climate? a. Tundra b. tropical rainforest c. prairie d. desert Which of the following biomes has the largest biodiversity in the world? a. Coniferous forest b. scrub forest 0. deciduous forest d. tropical rainforest In which of the biomes would you most likely see rabbits, chipmunks, snakes and lizards all at the same time? a. Tundra b. Chaparral c. desert d. savanna 72 Ecslsgy Partfslis: A Final Assessment This Portfolio will be used as an alternative to the traditional unit test that students would normally take at the end of a unit. Instead, you will pick out a collection of assignments, quizzes, projects, etc. that you think BEST represents what you have learned about ecology. You will be asked to give a brief description of each assignment you choose, reflect on why you chose each piece, list the key words or phrases that you learned about the topic by doing the assignment, and give some tasks that you were able to do as a result of completing the assignment. To make it a little easier for you, all possible assignments that could be included in the Ecology Portfolio will be listed, and you can pick from those. There will also be a standard format that you can follow to write up each piece so that they all look the same. We will be taking digital pictures of big projects and things done in groups so that they, too, may be included in your portfolio. It is important to do your best (as you always should ©) throughout the entire unit on these assignments so that you don’t have to rewrite things. You don’t want to put sloppy pieces into your portfolio, so do them right the first time!! You will be producing a final product that you can be proud of- it will allow me to see what you’ve learned about ecology this year and showcase your best work at the same time. Therefore, you should make sure that you’re using in-class time wisely throughout the unit to write up rough drafts, and then all you’ll have to do is type up the final copies during our last week. Your final draft of the Ecology Portfolio is due NOVEMBER 3, 2006. It will be the final grade of the 1St Marking Period, worth 175 points! Picking Portfolio Pieces: Your EcologyLPortfolio must contain 10 total focus pieces-9 1. Pick 2 from each of the following major topics: a. Taxonomy b. Ecological Relationships c. Nutrient Cycles (1. Populations 2. Pick 1 from each of these topics: a. Introduction to Ecology b. Biomes 3. Of the ten that you choose: a. 2 must be Quizzes (underlined): and b. 2 must be Homework (HW) or In-class worksheet (Wksht) assignments: and 1 must be one of our major projects (denoted by a *): 5 others of your own choosing 9'9 73 Putting it all together: Use the following as a checklist for when the final copy of each requirement is done! Overall Document '___. 1. Cover page: a. Title b. Name and Teacher’s Name c. Subject and Hour (1. Date e. Illustration — 2. Table of Contents 10 total Portfolio Pieces: 1. Pick 2 from each of the following major topics (circle the ones you choose): a. Taxonomy i. HW: p. 212 vocabulary and review questions ii. HW: Levels of Classification iii. Quiz #3: Taxonomy iv. HW: Shark Dichotomous Key b. Ecological Relationships i. *Community Studies: Food Web Poster* ii. Wksht: Ecology Trophic Levels and Energy Flow iii. Wksht: Study Skills Worksheet 46-1 iv. Quiz #4: Symbiotic Relationships and Food Webs 0. Nutrient Cycles 1. Wksht: Water Cycle notes and diagram ii. Water Cycle Game iii. Wksht: Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen Cycles iv. Quiz #5: Nutrient Cycles (1. Populations i. HW: Chapter 50 and 51.1 Vocabulary ii. OH DEER! iii. Tree Tops Valley iv. Quiz #6: Succession and Alien Species v. Population Density Lab vi. Owl Carrying Capacity Lab vii. Wksht: Critical Thinking Diagram Worksheet 47-1 viii. Quiz #7: Populations 2. Pick 1 from each of these topics (circle the ones you choose): a. Introduction to Ecology i. Ecology Concept Map ii. *Bottle Biology* iii. Quiz #2: Life and Introduction to Ecology b. Biomes i. *Traveling to the Biomes“ ii. Wksht: Climatograms iii. Quiz #8: Biomes! 74 Portfolio Piece Write-Up 1. Title of Assignment should be at the top of the paper 2. Give a brief (2-3 sentences maximum) description of what you were supposed to do for the assignment. 3. Tell the reader your reason for picking this piece. This part should be 3-5 sentences. a. Example starters might be: “I chose this piece because...” or “I included this project because...” 4. What are some of the strengths of the piece- what did you do well? What are some things you would redo or could do better of you were to do the assignment over? (“Get a higher score/ grade” or “Get more right” doesn’t count!) 5. Ligt as many key terms learned or used during this assignment. EVERY assignment has at least 5, and you should try to get 5-10 (especially for larger projects) for each piece. 6. L_is_t 3-5 major objectives you accomplished as a result of completing this assignment. a. Example: Objectives As a result of this assignment, I can: - Distinguish between biogenesis and spontaneous generation - Explain how Pasteur disproved Spontaneous Generation - Understand and describe the emergency routes for Room 304 b. Words to use when writing objectives: - classify — analyze - compare - design - explain - describe - understand - distinguish - calculate - identify - demonstrate - label - interpret - contrast - predict - discuss - apply - illustrate The following is a sample write-up. Follow the format, but you may NOT copy it! Quiz #1: Introduction to Practical Biology The purpose of this assignment was to assess my knowledge on things taught in the first week of class. Topics covered were: emergency routes, safety procedures, test- taking skills, spontaneous generation, and biogenesis. I decided to include this quiz because I got an A on it. I studied really hard and made sure I paid attention in class when the teacher was telling us about the safety procedures. I completed the homework assignment on spontaneous generation and biogenesis, and those helped as well. Some of the things I did really well on the test were the multiple choice and the short answer question where you had to list the steps of cleaning up broken glass. 1 was able to eliminate wrong answers pretty well on the multiple choice and ended up getting most of them right. I didn’t do so well on the explanation of Pasteur’s experiment ' because I didn’t use complete sentences. Next time I will be sure to read the directions more carefully. 75 Key Terms Biogenesis spontaneous generation safety procedures Safety equipment emergency route Redi Spallanzani Pasteur Latin M As a result of this assignment, I can: - Distinguish between biogenesis and spontaneous generation - Explain how Pasteur disproved Spontaneous Generation — Use my Language of Science Packet to define new words . - Understand and describe the emergency routes for Room 304 Ecology Portfolio Grading Rubric: Overall: >10 errors 9—10 errors 6-8 errors 3-5 errors 0-2 errors Spelling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Overall: Not Typed Some parts not All typed Typed 0 1 2 In paper . Overall: Not covered folder, flimsy In bmgezézjheet Presentation cover p 1 Cover Page: Don’t have it Have it Large print Title 1 2 Cover Page: , . . Name lteach Don t have it Haxlle 1t er Cover Page: , . . Subject/Hon Don tgiave 1t Hail/e 1t r Cover Page: Don’t have it Have it Date 1 Cover Page: Don’t have it Have it Desctrépive 0f Illustration 1 P Table of Don’t have it Incomplete Complete list Complete 11“ w1th page #5 Contents 1 2 3 Piece 1: Don’t have it Have it Title 0 1 Piece 1: Don’t have it 1 sentence 2-3 sentences Description » Piece 1: Don’t have it 1-3 sentences 3—5 sentences Reason Piece 1: , . .. , , Only strength OR Both Strengths/ Don t have 1t aren t any’ weakness descriptions Weaknesses Piece 1: Don’t have it l-3 terms 3-5 terms >5 terms Key Terms 1 2 3 Piece 1: Don’t have it 1-2 objectives 1'2 with 3-5 objectives 3'5 W1 . . descriptors descriptors Objectwes 4 76 Class Notebook Table of Contents Date P Assignment Score Hi—l HOOCDVO‘Ul-PLUJNHF: H N H U) H .h H U1 H O) H \l H 00 H \O N O N H N N N 00 N .h N U1 N O3 N \l 77 Weekly Assignment Sheet “These will be collected every Monday for the week before. ** Directions: As soon as you come to class each day, copy down the day’s objectives, the Question of the Day, and the homework assignment. All homework is due the next day unless otherwise indicated. For the Question of the Day, you must write down the QUESTION AND ANSWER Test and quiz questions can come from the Q of D, and if you only have an answer, you won’t know what to study! Week of: Date: M Objectives: n Question of the Day: a ’ Homework: T Date: Objectives: e Question of the Day: a Homework: 78 Date: e Objectives: n Question of the Day: e S a y Homework: Date: I Objectives: U Question of the Day: I" ' S a y Homework: Date: I Objectives: i Question of the Day: y Homework: 79 How Can I Do Better In Science Class? 1. BE ORGANIZED- Set up a science assignment book, notebook, and folder for keeping papers. 2. USE YOUR TEXTBOOK- Read the objectives at the front of each chapter; read the questions and problems at the end of the chapter- be sure that you really understand these and can answer them completely. Now you know what thw author wants you to learn. 3. PAY ATTENTION TO CONTENT OF ASSIGNMENTS- What does the teacher want you to take away from the assignment? What terms are in bold? What were the major ideas? 4. TAKE GOOD NOTES- If the teacher writes it down, you are expected to know something about it; write down examples that are given- they will often help you remember concepts. When you get home THAT DAY... read through your notes and fill in parts that are not complete, you will not remember all of the details if you wait until test day. 5. Review each night— study vocabulary daily. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE NIGHT BEFORE TO CRAM FOR TESTS. Doing this only uses your short term memory, and you will not be able to demonstrate a true understanding of the material. 6. Review with a partner— read your notes to them to be sure they are understandable. Make flashcards for vocabulary. Quiz each other, practice explaining concepts to each other; you have truly mastered the material when you can explain it to someone else. 7. Become an Active member of the class- Follow the lesson. ASK QUESTIONS if you do not understand. Use class time to start homework. Come to class prepared to discuss reading from the night before. 8. MAKE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE PURPOSE OF EACH LAB- Labs are used to reinforce or demonstrate concepts we are studying... be sure you understand what we are trying to do. You are expected to know what happened in labs. 9. Use your study sheets- If the teacher gives you a study sheet, fill it in before we go over it in class. Be sure to correct all answers. STUDY those correct answers. Just because the sheet is filled out does not mean you are finished. Use your work! 10. STUDY FOR TESTS— Study noted, study sheets, labs, and homework, Go to the front of the chapter and answer objectives. Go to the end of the chapter and answer questions. ** USE YOUR RESOURCES- Ask friends to study with you...use the classroom resources...ask the teacher to clear up confusions... seek extra help before/after school...** 80 Checklist of Study Habits and Test-Taking Skills While studying for a test, do you: Yes No - set up a quiet, comfortable area conducive to studying? - gather and organize all study materials before beginning the study process? - find out exactly what will be covered on the test? - find out what kind of test it will be (essay, multiple choice, etc.)? - develop a study plan, deciding objectives for each projected study session? - look up hard vocabulary words to understand meanings? - skim chapter headings to recall the overall ideas in each chapter? - reread chapter summaries? - review all visual illustrations when studying? - space studying over an extended period of time rather than cramming? - review previous tests and quizzes to determine test-taking errors? - apply memory strategies (pneumonic devices, keywords)? During tests, do you: - maintain a positive attitude? - understand directions before answering questions? - identify and carefully use clue words? - use strategies such as eliminating wrong answers, etc.? - answer easy questions first, difficult last? - write answers neatly and legibly? - carefully record answers? - proofread answers, checking for errors? STUDYING . If, after completing this checklist, you realize you have more “no” answers than Wes,” you may need to change your studying habits. Use the checklist as a set of guidelines for changing your study behaviors in order to be well prepared for your next test or quiz. 81 TEST TAKING Knowing the material and understanding the topics is only half the battle. Some of the brightest students struggle when it comes to taking tests, simply because they’ve never learned how. Fifty questions in a short amount of time can be quite overwhelming if you’re not sure where to begin!! The following page has some strategies for attacking different types of test questions head on-) use them as guides and good luck! How to Take a Test! Overall Test-Taking Strategies 1. Read directions and underline key phrases and words; then do the same as you read each question. Answer questions that you are sure of first. Place a check by questions that you are unsure of and skip these. Review a test and check answers after finished. Place an “X” on pages that you have reviewed so you do not waste time. Find out the following before test day: What is on the test? What was on the previous test? Set up and follow study procedures. Know the test terms Develop a positive mental attitude 9‘5”!“9’5" sue-99‘!» Different Kinds of Questions on a Test Multiple Choice 1. Formulate an answer after reading the questions and before reading the answers. 2. Read each answer as though it were true or false. 3. Draw a line through inappropriate answers. 4 Know the rules of grammar, such as when to use will begin with a vowel or consonant sound. 5. Use other questions in the test as clues. Matching 1. Begin with the first term in the column and scan the other colurrm for the answer. 2. Write the answer in the blank and cross off that choice in your answer column. 3. Skip terms or items that you are unsure of and return to them after all questions are answered. True or False 1. Become familiar with the vocabulary of these questions: all, some, never, always, every, none, sometimes. 2. Look at all parts of the questions; all parts must be accurate to be true. 3. Use other questions on the test as cues to possible answers. 6‘ a” and“ ”to determine if the answer 1. Develop a rough outline and verbalize thoughts while studying. 2. Develop a key-points outline, put main ideas in order, and then fill in the facts. 3. Answer an opinion questions with the way you feel about the questions. 82 Name: Date: Pg: What is Life? How do you determine if something is living, dead, or never alive? All living things tend to share the same or similar fundamental characteristics. These characteristics of life are used to determine if something is living or not living. Think about characteristics that are common to all living things. Answer the following questions before beginning the lab. 1. List as many processes as you can that occur while an organism is alive but stop when it is dead. 2. Two groups of living organisms are called plants and animals. List a few ways in which life activities differ between plants and animals. 3. How does an organism’s growth compare to the grth of an icicle? Procedure: In a certain area outside pick out ten specimens to observe. Of the specimens that you choose, try to find things that for all the life categories (living, dead, and never alive). As you look at each specimen, ask yourself if it has some or all of the characteristics of a living organism. Record any characteristics you observe that would classify each specimen as living or no- living 1n the data table on the back of this sheet. Also indicate which category of life you would classify the object. 83 LIFE CATEGORIES: LIVING DEAD BUT ONCE ALIVE NEVER ALIVE/NON-LIVING Smecimen Life Category Characteristics lO. 84 $3620 cm 2353 can mwfiafic Box 8 ~28 Ba .85me 2.50» no; 3:: 5E» 8:0 338 V3: can .838 So» 8862: 8 £38.? 88 $5386 .383 33 d8: E0280 5 85 vogoumfims “man so» 38 550m8 8:8 05 En .335 .N .393 we 08$ 98% a :o 805 8E 88 so» 230.8 Bacon 05 5:5 838 Ecumfifim .358 3822 $208 an x85 3% “m5 950% .>.H Ho .8308 £26: 05 5 $55 .«o MGEH A no. .._ .6. 3o...— mwtoB 38 05 3 com: 3 mm Bow mow mummwofiooo cc 3:? :5 98% $3511 .«o 38m 08 £32: $23.91 Nausea a .23 85 Name: Bottle Biology: An Ecosystem in a Bottle. "Allzdeas bonmradfiodetleBzdom SMEaLter, dezdcpailytbqunmmrtquWParhdog); Umwszzyq‘W/zsmmMadson Formezdeas, gotomuohxtlebidogzorg" Purpose: 1. To observe changes in an ecosystem contained in the classroom. 2. To practice comparing variables in a scientific setting. 3. To use everyday materials in constructing a smaller version of a large ecosystem Materials: This really depends on what type of bottle you decide to build, but everyone will need some of the following things from the classroom: clear book-binding tape, Bunsen burner, probe, scissors, razor blade, heavy cotton string or felt, fillers for your column. Once you have decided on a project, list the additional materials you will need below: Procedure: 1. In groups of two or three, decide what type of Biobottle you would like to make. (Each individual needs to fill out a handout, though.) You may choose one from the packets of directions the teacher has, or you can just use them as guidelines and come up with your own. Get together with, another group that wants to do the same kind of bottle and figure out an experiment you could do together. Example: Try 2 Terraqua columns, one with store bought materials and one with outside materials. See which one does better over the course of the unit. Once you have decided what you will compare, make your own individual hypothesis and write it here (remember not to say “I think”). Hypothesis: Compleme read through ALL the directions for constructing your Biobottle. Decide who will be responsible for each thing that you need, and then put that person’s initials next to it on your list of materials? don’t forget to bring in your own bottles! Once you have collected your materials, follow the directions given to you by the teacher for your particular column. Pay attention to any notes written in on the directions by the teacher, because she’s done all of these before! After construction and filling of your Biobottle is complete, set it up in the back of the classroom to be observed for the remainder of the ecology unit. Be sure that 86 your bottle is secure and won’t tip over, they tend to get top—heavy. Take a “before” picture of your Biobottle when it’s ready to go. 7. Make an observation chart for yourself to keep track of your Biobottle’s progress. Make sure you write something down for every daywe have class until the end of the ecology unit. If your bottle needs to be watered, be sure that you do that- don’t let yourself be the reason your Biobottle “didn’t work.” It might be a good idea to take a picture of you column once a week to document your progress as well. 8. At the conclusion of the unit, several things need to happen: a. Take an “after” picture of your Biobottle. b. Make a final observation and determine if your hypothesis was correct. c. Decide whether or not you want to keep your column going and make arrangements for that. 9. Clean up!! © Safem. 1. Be careful when using razor blades. Only use them to make an initial cut into the bottle and then use scissors for the rest. 2. Tie back long hair and roll up long sleeves when using the Bunsen burner. 3. Try to make all your holes at once so you can turn the burner off when you’re done. Melting plastic doesn’t smell good- open a window or make your holes in a fume hood so you don’t inhale noxious odors. Obseryations/Dgga; Use a separate piece of paper for you day-to-day observations. Be sure to attach photographs of your Biobottle as it progresses! Conclusion: Write a short paragraph here that summarizes your experiment. Be sure to include whether or not your hypothesis was correct along with any reasoning you may have for that. Also, if anything went wrong during the course of the experiment, this rs the place to explain that. 87 Taxonomy: The Classification of Living Things Aristotle- Greek philosopher, over ago, developed a classification for plants and animals. Split plants into three groups: herbs with soft stems, shrubs with several woody stems, and trees with a single woody stern. He divided animals into dwellers, dwellers, and dwellers. Carolus Linnaeus- 18th century Swedish botanist who set up a classification system based on structural similarity. Human Classification Kingdom— highest level: Phylum (Division in plants)- Class- Order- Familv- Genus (plural genera)- Species (plural species)- Binomial Nomenclature- System of naming organisms; first name= genus, second name: species. This is written in italics, with the genus name capitalized. If it is handwritten, the genus I still capitalized, and the whole name is underlined. Ex. Homo sapiens or (handwritten): Vocabulary: Eukaryote- a cell that has a and other membrane- bound like chloroplasts and mitochondria (we’ll learn about these later ©). Prokaryote- a cell that has or other membrane-bound organelles- all the “stuff” in the cell is just randomly throughout. Autotroph- an organism that Heterotropg an organism that gets its food fi'om Unicellular— made up of cell Multicellular- made up of cells Terrestrial- 88 Aquatic- Sexual Reproduction- males and females must mate, and unite for reproduction to take place. Asexual Reproduction— reproduction is possible ; the organism can reproduce on its own. Kingdoms BACTERIA: ALL bacteria are . They are unicellular and obtain their nutrients mainly through . They live in terrestrial and aquatic habitats, and are divided into two kingdoms-> Archaebacteria: bacteria that live in conditions like deep-sea vents, J and hot springs. Eubacteria: most bacteria are in this kingdom; bacteria living virtually everywhere! PM made up of organisms that can be unicellular, J or multicellular. They lack specialized systems and obtain their food by absorption, ingestion, or . They reproduce sexually or asexually. Fungi: made up of unicellular and multicellular organisms. Fungi absorb their nutrients rather than ingesting them. Most species are terrestrial, and they reproduce Plantar; make up of eukaryotic organisms, most of which are . They can reproduce sexually or asexually. Animalia: made up of multicellular heterotrophic organisms that obtain nutrients by food. They are terrestrial and aquatic, and most reproduce (though they are some that can reproduce asexually). 89 Food Webs and Symbiotic Relationships food chain: the transfer of the sun’s through many organisms food web: a system of existing within an herbivores: heterotrophs that feed on carnivores: that feed on other (meat) : organisms that eat both plants and animals scavengers: an animal that feeds on organisms; eats decomposers/ saprobes: an organism that helps dead t:- organisms and their nutrients I symbiotic relationship: a relationship that exists between two ‘ , 1 typically between two species. parasitism: a relationship in which one organism ( ) obtains its nutrients at the expense of another ( ), but usually doesn’t __ it (+/ —) Example: flea on a dog; tick on a deer mutualism: a relationship between two species in which both from living together (+/ +) Example: barnacles on a whale, shark and remora commensalism: a relationship where one organism and the other is (+ / 0) Example: bird nesting in a tree; algae riding on a turtle’s back : the use of or defense of a resource by one individual that reduces the availability of the resource to the other individual Example: two owls fighting over who gets a mouse for dinner Predation (predator / prethhe type of interaction in which one animal ( ) seizes another animal ( ) and it is for food. Example: lion killing and eating a zebra 9O Community Studies Make a poster of a food web-) choose from the following organisms, and show them in the correct producer/consumer relationships. Cut out pictures from magazines if possible, and draw something in if you can’t find it. Rules: - You must have at least 5 food chains within the web. - You must have at least two 4-creature food chains. - You must have a scavenger and a decomposer. - Label each organism as a producer, herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, scavenger, or decomposer. green algae frog mold raccoon bacteria grass mountain lion rose black bear hawk mushrooms turkey vulture cardinal human opossum snake coyote grasshopper owl sparrow deer maple tree petunia wolf fox mice rabbits woodchuck Don’t forget to take a picture of your food web for your portfolioll © Check out the back of this worksheet for the grading rubric. Make sure you make a nice, neat, legible poster that meets all the requirements for a good gradell 91 Making a Poster: Community Studies Teacher Name: Ms. Kopinski Student Name: CATEGORY 4 3 2 1 Title Title can be read Title can be read Title can be read The title is too from 6ft. away from 6ft. away from 4ft. away small and/or and is quite and describes and describes does not creative content well. content well describe the content of the poster well. Label Clarity All items of Almost all items Several items of Labels are too and Size importance on of importance on importance on small to view the poster are the poster are the poster are OR no important clearly labeled clearly labeled clearly labeled items were with labels that with labels that with labels that labeled. can be read can be read can be read from at least 3ft. from at least 3ft. from at least 3ft. away away awaL Labels- All the Most of the Some of the Less than half of accurate organisms are organisms are organisms are the organisms ’ labeled correctly labeled correctly labeled correctly are labeled and in the right and in the right and in the right correctly or in spot on the food spot on the food spot on the food the right spot on web; arrows web; OR arrows web; arrows the food web; going the right going the wrong might be going arrows going the direction. direction. the right right or wrong direction. direction. Number of Has five (or Has four food Has three food ’ Has one or two Food Chains more) food chains. chains. food chains chains Type of Food Has two food Has one food Has no 4- Chains chains with 4 chain with 4 organism food flanisms. l organisms. chains. Scavenger] Has a Has a Has neither. Decomposer scavenger AND scavenger OR a a decomposer decomposer Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly attractive in terms of design, L attractive though messy or very terms of design, layout, and it may be a bit poorly designed. layout, and neatness. messy. It is not neatness. attractive. Date Created: Jun 30, 2006 12:37 pm (CDT) Copyright © 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001 Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortia ALTEC 92 Ecology Trophic Levels and Energy Flow producers: organisms that make their own food mimary consumers: 1st level is an herbivore secondary consumers: 2"“ level is a carnivore tertiary consumers: 3'“ level consumers, typically “top carnivores” with no natural predators Biomass: the amount of matter that is living Productivity: the amount of energy that is accumulated in an ecosystem Law of Conservation of Energy (and Matter): Energy (Matter) cannot be created nor destroyed; 'it can only be changed. ENERGY The SUN is the ultimate source of energy for almost all organisms on Earth. Ex. Plants and green algae convert solar energy to chemical energy (stored in SUGARS) during PHOTOSYNTHESIS This makes them AUTOTROPHS/PRODUCERS because they are able to capture and change their own energy. HETEROTROPHSICONSUMERS have to eat other organisms because they cannot capture energy in this way. 93 ENERGY FLOWS FROM THE SUN TO PRODUCERS TO CONSUMERS TO DECOMPOSERS AND BACK TO PRODUCERS PYRAMID MODEL OF ENERGY FLOW: ENERGY is LOST at each step of a food chain (trophic level), most is lost as heat during RESPIRATlON (breakdown of food inside organisms) *p. 730 in your book 94 Water Cycle Vocabulary - the area of land that guides water through small streams toward a major stream or river. - release of water vapor through stomata in plants - molecules at the surface of the water have enough energy to escape the liquid and turn to vapor. - water vapor loses energy and turns to liquid - rain, sleet, hail, snow-) forms of water falling from the sky - slow movement of water downward through rock - slow downward movement of water through layers of soil - exchange of gases in the lungs, gills, etc., which includes exhaling water vapor - getting rid of waste! 95 EGG- .wamH .Eoo.m=_EeoAcB§:oam.BBB\\n85 .magoq Bufinocm .ewficeoh .30 _eesumE::N® Amy souemcoccoo .aouoozoo .coumhamnub doufiongo £38883 ” ”EON EUKMUNQ 0w: Ow mgoumo ummih 96 Chapter 50 and 51.1 Vocabulary: Introduction to Population Growth “Those with a star are not in your book— we will define them in classM Biotic community- Habitat- Niche- *Specialized species- *Generalized species- Diurnal- i Noctumal- Periodicity- Rhythmic type- Circadian rhythm- Tidal rhythm- Annual rhythm- Hibemation (give conditions too)- if *— Torpor- Estivation- Migration- *Natality- *Mortality- *Immigration- *Emigration- Succession- Primary succession- *Secondary succession- Pioneer (species)- *Climax (species)- *C1imax community- 97 Io 54;: T -' x: . ~-”~~$a£:‘ furnish-iz.»: Invasion of : Alien Species ' unwise-pod... irvnohg. muxdmmmnmwma UHW- :. _.._ _... “and .. _. Wmsvmg‘IDOS) WWW-pod. Wlmmmmtlnod «muddynflcd-dby-Ibnm ”Hut-AH. "huh-1 hath-u— ~— Inn-V!“ ~111- Water Hyacinth Garlic Mustard Zebra Mussels Emerald Ash Borer Purple Loosestn'fe Gypsy Moth mmZO ti-m rr-i .5 98 ET? assay; :-,;;~~..:.5«-:, .r :11? at“: sit. +4 :2 m&:..mi+msasaafiu hue-51mins“ um'Jszam. dmodrndmdu.wucan.mfla.mdomortood am wm.mm.mmmoetmprmmmm mgr-mutt " ”rye-MUSBCtM) ' _W male-ah mm n.0- " -' m j u... ncfinlhn inn-arm ' .14. a my ' " 4 79m Jduaivump-iodmrooomeoi. .y AMP .,p 1,3,4 .1} ~.,<. Dutch Elm Disease We“ mfiéiw The BIG OINES Water Hyacinth Garlic Mustard Zebra Mussels Emerald Ash Bore Gypsy Moth Purple Loosestrife Lesser Known: Starlings Rlngneck Pheasant Canada Thistle Chestnut Blight funp‘til’lmmwoummw.wbmmnm main." “ " ‘-— 4 ‘ 4 W. '- 2 _‘ii— Duo—«H —_Wm 99 Thanh:- muaalls hlmllr bivalve MIWMOGrul Lakes abou 1006. mwmz- 3min munch ("mm mum-dam mmmmm (W Wilda) hNomm-rlu. Memorize-1mm. plea. Mnmlndneil. llllllI-K- mania. nomh-rumrmmuh Ind wraith-Immmrimmwnm .- n__ .4 "Wu , , .- Mbhmtnthofirulum. bhmrnprodudlvaproblum. 'deyhmrmmm.ann~mnmu . - - .l a . .L. r. u... . A - W p Wk: orwnlc side products. .- ,. wm-w‘ui-QUIIMTM) I—- _u ... AL Ll hhlh ‘ "g: ‘ h z-mmuuimmmmnu—memawnweuam: ., 1907. ".4 1 u"..— . ._.L . J . . “4’3y‘w.” ' i Emerald ‘3 As" 3,, Borer m..- _w— 5‘ ”mammalian-wry“ MMM nudyrbgndo Lem M.WMWMMIPIWLWWMMN up...“ ,,..mudmdmwmmmmm r Hm :* W. '-*-U - K T. ' ”MM A III-0M I, mmmuozdmw. ' 101 mmmmmunwmmmouma DOLEMU'IQM“ A“ -. .4. Mum...- ,_ ' - 1 “MRMWdWW‘I Miranda-”W. Laue-We. Mignon. TheNpIItbaeefl:PrqeuHe¢nob- warm. rub-MM“ ”moment Heel-61w MOM. w.ueww.nmmwmmm mob-imam; .. '— .’ u-ryuuluvul Iii cow-en. mnmegypeymm urv 33m. Theeemleaemlditbeplailcuuee. arm-dwelt. we ‘11th "“i’ke' m ”NM. _-... ”M3,, . t at. warm. .4: r r: , 9r 9’ ufiim’ ’MA‘M‘W- r ' L eeertweproblun.lnhenny10me.etedenlmm\eweefle;dm at... 41 . , "H! W‘. at”)! ,‘Z'fnl'o‘. i Starlings Ringneck Pheasant E” Canada Thistle 5‘ Chestnut Blight i; Dutch Elm Disease 102 F pl -: MImfiF-ttg-L" "uAblrudlheplelneendlaeeteeabee WWW-Jmmy . Winn Chine. mmm ‘ ‘becomeepopthrgemem-lend ellea 103 RESOURCES AND CARRYING CAPACITY LAB: OWLS AS PREDATORS INTRODUCTION All organisms require certain things for their existence. Food, water, cover, and living space are necessary for animals to live. The environment in which the animal is living, that is, its habitat, must supply these resources. Because of limited supplies of resources, a habitat can only support a certain number of animals. This number is called the environment's carrying capacity. Fortunately, different species of animals are able to take advantage of different kinds of food, thus the environment is able to support a much greater number of animals than if they all ate the same food. For example, in a forest you may find birds that eat seeds and benies, birds that eat worms and grubs, birds eating insects, birds that eat meat and so on. In each of these cases, the birds have different roles in the ecosystem food web; this role is known as the animal's niche. The owl is a woodland predator that feeds on small animals. The number of owls an ecosystem can support is determined by the amount of food available for the owls to eat. Thus, the carrying capacity of the habitat for owls is directly related to the availability of small animals for food. To demonstrate this principle, each class member will become part of an owl family, and will be responsible for feeding the family members. PROCEDURE: 1. Each class member will be assigned a family group. Each cup represents a member of the family. Some families will have two parents and offspring, while others will have only one parent to feed the offspring. Additional factors may come into play and the teacher will explain these. (Some owls may be missing a foot or some talons.) 2. The food you will gather is rodents, represented by M&Ms candy. Class members will gather the M&Ms using forks, which represent the owl's claws. A minimum number of rodents are necessary to prevent starvation, but this number will be revealed only after the hunt is over. In addition, the rodents must be evenly distributed among family members. When hunting, you may carry only one M&M at a time on the fork. If you drop the M&M, you must get another. 3. After the hunt is over, data must be collected and recorded in Table I (one per family). Information to be written down includes the total amount of rodents eaten by each family member, as well as the colors eaten by each. 4. Data from all the different families is next collected and entered into Tables 11 and III. From this information, you will be able to compute the survival rates for the owl population. To determine the rate of survival, divide the number of surviving owls by the original number of owls in each family. DATA ANALYSIS: Using the data collected on Tables I, II and III, answer the following questions. Rodent Population: 1. How many rodents did the owls eat? 2. How many rodents survived predation? 104 Owl Population: 1. How large was the initial owl population? 2. How many owls were killed by starvation? 3. How many owls were killed by contamination? 4. How many owls survived? CONCLUSION QUESTIONS: 1. Did the number of adults in the family influence the number of fledglings that survived? What evidence do you have to support your answer? 2. Did the owl with the broken claw provide for its family as well as the owls without this condition? What is the evidence to support your conclusion? 3. Did the number of fledglings in each family influence the survival rate in the family? What evidence would support this answer? 4. If we had played his game with only 100 rodents, would this have influenced the outcome? Explain your answer. 5. In the natural environment, the number of rodents and owls in a given area stays relatively the same from generation to generation instead of "dying out." Explain why this happens. 6. How do humans and their activities influence the populations of owls? ‘7. A beetle enters the forest where the owls are nesting. The beetle carries a firngus that destroys the trees where the owls build their nests. Predict how this event may influence the populations of the owls and rodents in this area. 105 Zm._.< E... m. 33825.5 mezmooy. .4 ”.98 no ummzaz mo§m>< m4... 8 ..>>o\zm.2m_ $288. m «Boo to mmmznz mo§m>< m3 III m. SszEm. mezmoom N ”.98 to «$232 $552. at m. EQzEfi. 9280... H «98 “.0 mmmzzz mo§m>< mze m. .56 awn. szm. 538. “.0 $5232 mo§m>< at l m. 5.25 m5 .5. szm. mezmaom ".0 $8.32 .59 $2. .59 5505 S... 4 :3le Zo=w> 09.9.0 up. .59 F. m-.. m-.. .5. ma. N-.. H-.. 33%... mi... «98 szm. 3238. A $2385“. “.0 a 9.59. “.0 ii... 5.2.: 3.. u4m http:/ /www.mbgnet.net/ 2. Pictures of my biome and its animals / vegetation: you may print pictures off the intemet, cut them out of magazines (ask first!), use clip art, or draw them and then paste them on if you are artistically inclined! © 107 3. Descriptions of the climate and what to pack: online is probably the quickest- try the DNR and National Parks Services 4. For all your National Parks needs: try this website with A LOT of information about US. National Parks-) http: / / gorp.away.com / gorp / resource / us_national_park / main.htm, or try Googling ”National Parks” if your biome is not in the United States 5. To get the data for your Climatogram: go to this link-9 httpz//www.worldc1imate.com/, and type in a city within your biome. Click on ”Average rainfall” for the precipitation and ”24-hour Average Temperature” for that part of your graph. When is all this due? , 1. The posters are due within the first ten minutes of class on Friday, October 27, i 2006. You will be working on them with your small group all week and NOTHING leaves the classroom so that all the posters will be turned in on time, finished or not! (I’m hoping for finished ©.) . 2. Posters/ brochures will be set up at each lab station where students can browse them and take notes on important information. ALL students are responsible for the major things on your ”Biome Project Notes Sheet” for the quiz on Monday over ALL the biomes, so do a good job taking notes!! Grading... Overall Poster Worthiness 9 Neatness and Legibility (large print) .................................. 5 pts. Logic (makes sense, information is relevant to audience) ...... 5 pts. Creativity (use of color, nice pictures, definite effort) ............ 5 pts. Spelling and Grammar ................................................... 5 pts. Total Poster Worthiness ................................................. 20 pts. Required Con tent 9 Picture of biome ........................................................... 5 pts. Description and recommendations for packing .................. 5 pts. Climatogram and recommended time for visit .................. 10 pts. National Park location, map, and activities ........................ 10 pts. Five unique animals and five possible types of vegetation .....5 pts. Title for vacation and easy to find / marked sections ............ 5 pts. Extra information, pictures, etc ....................................... 5 pts. Total Content ............................................................. 45 pts. GRAND TOTAL ...... 65 points 108 Biome Project Notes Sheet 1. Tundra General Location Climate Description Animals Plants National Park and its location 2. Coniferous Forest (Taiga) General Location Climate Descn'ption Animals Plants National Park and its location 3. Deciduous Forest General Location Climate Description Animals Plants National Park and its location 4. Tropical Rainforest General Location Climate Description Animals Plants National Park and its location 109 5. Desert General Location Climate Description Animals Plants National Park and its location 6.Savanna General Location Climate Description Animals Plants National Park and its location 7. Prairie General Location Climate Description Animals Plants National Park and its location 8. Chaparral General Location Climate Description Animals Plants National Park and its location 110 Climatogram! 1. Use the following information to plot a climatogram on the graph provided below. J F M A M J J A S O N D T ,25.6 25.6 24.4 25.0 24.4 23.3 :23.3 24.4 24.4 25.0 25.6 25.6 P 25.82 24.9 31.0 16.5 25.4 18.8 16.8 11.7 22.1 18.3 21.31292 cm celsius 36 36 34 32 32 28 30 24 28 20 26 16 24 12 22 8 20 4 18 0 16 .4 14 -8 12 -12 10 -16 8 -20 6 -24 4 -28 2 ~32 0 -36 JFMAMJJASOND * *Now that you know how, find climate data for your biome and construct a climatogram for your project! it: * 111 WORKS CITED Aefsky, F. (2000). Making Decisions about Diverse Leames: A Guide for Educators. Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education, Inc. Barton, A. C., & Osborne, M. D. (2001). Teaching Science in Diverse Settings. New York: Peter Lang, Publishing, Inc. Bates, K. L. (2004, February 14). Introductory Biology— without the massive textbook. Retrieved June 20, 2006, from Introductory Biology the massive textbook: http:// www.umich.edy/~urecord/03 04/February1 6_O4/02_shtml Department of Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (2003). Bottle Biology, Second Edition. 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Retrieved June 20, 2006, from NSTA- NSTA Background Paper on the Use and Adoption of Textbooks in Science Teaching: http://www.nsta.org/textbooks Pearson School Systems. (2006). PowerSchool: Enrollment Summary. Retrieved June 7, 2007, from Enrollment Summary: breakdownhtml Project Learning Tree. (1996). Tree Tops Valley. In chondary Environmental Education Program (pp. 74-81). Washington, DC: American Forest Foundation. Project Learning Tree. (1993). Water Cycle Game. In Environmental Education PreK-8 Activity Guide (pp. 142-147). Washington, DC: American Forest Foundation. Project Wild. (1992). OH DEER! In K-12 Activity Guide (pp. 146-147). Bethesda, MD: Western Regional Environmental Education Council, Inc. Spinelli, C. G. (2002). Classroom Assessment for Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Tangley, L. (1997, August 18). How Many Species Are There? US. World Report . Tapp, M. (2005, October). 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