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DAIEDUE DAIEDUE DAIEDUE 6/07 p:/ClRC/DateDue.indd-p.1 STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF VERTEX COVER By Charles W Pay IV A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Physics and Astronomy 2007 ABSTRACT STATISTICAL MECHANICS OF VERTEX COVER By Charles W Pay IV Vertex cover is a member of a class of problems that is known to be computa- tionally hard, and includes the spin-glass and the hard-core lattice gas problems. In computer science this class of problems is known as NP-complete. NP-complete problems display a phase transition between easy and difficult instances. In the worst instances these problems can require a number of operations that scales ex- ponentially in relation to the size of the input. The class of NP-complete problems provides one of the main motivations for quantum computing, and they impinge on nearly every area of physics. This dissertation presents an investigation of computational techniques to sim- ulate and analyze the behaviour of vertex cover in two and three dimensions. First, the method of reducing a graph by removing small cliques, known as core perco- lation, is presented. Core percolation by leaf removal is analyzed on the Bethe lattice. The percolative behaviour of the ErdOs-Réyni random graph, the triangu- lar lattice, the square lattice and the FCC and simple cubic lattices are examined after leaf removal and after triangle removal. The scaling is found to be in the same universality class as standard percolation. Then a novel approach to finding a near ground state at zero temperature is found for vertex cover, by the analysis of local structure. The behaviour of this algorithm is compared to the replica method and some exact methods. The data generated compares favorably to methods for finding exact covers © Copyright December 13, 2007 by Charles W Fay IV All Rights Reserved ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank my wife Angela, and my family for all of their encourage- ment. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES ix 1 Introduction 1 2 Physics of Hard Computational Problems 4 2.1 Spin glasses ................................... 4 2.1.1 Frustration ................................... 13 2.2 Hard core lattice gas .............................. 14 2.2.1 A physical example .............................. 16 2.3 Diluted anti-ferromagnet and the hard-core lattice gas ........... 18 2.4 Spin glass applications ............................. 19 2.4.1 Neural networks ............................... 19 2.4.2 Protein folding ................................ 21 2.4.3 Combinatorial optimization ......................... 21 3 Computational Complexity 22 3.1 NP-completeness ................................ 23 3.1.1 P to NP transition ............................... 24 3.1.2 The traveling salesman ............................ 27 3.1.3 3-SAT and K-SAT ............................... 28 3.1.4 Vertex cover .................................. 29 3.1.5 Maximum independent set ......................... 31 3.1.6 NP-complete games ............................. 32 3.2 Mappings .................................... 33 3.2.1 Mapping K-SAT to vertex cover ....................... 33 3.2.2 Mapping vertex cover to the hard core lattice gas ............ 34 3.3 Analytic results for VC: vertex cover on trees ................ 35 4 Algorithms 38 4.1 Exact algorithms ................................. 39 4.1.1 Divide and conquer ............................. 40 4.1.2 Branch and bound .............................. 42 4.1.3 An algorithm by Tarjan and Trojanowski ................. 44 4.2 Reduction of diluted graphs .......................... 45 4.2.1 Core percolation by leaf removal ...................... 45 4.2.2 Leaf removal on the Bethe lattice ...................... 50 4.2.3 Core percolation by triangle (and leaf) removal .............. 52 4.3 Heuristic algorithms .............................. 54 4.3.1 Greedy algorithms .............................. 55 4.3.2 Random selection algorithm ......................... 55 4.3.3 Vertex-Local Probability Recursion (vLoPR) ................ 56 4.3.4 Analytic solution of vLoPR ......................... 59 4.3.5 The vertex-LOPR algorithm ......................... 60 4.3.6 DIG ....................................... 62 4.3.7 Bond-LOPR (bLoPR) ............................. 63 4.3.8 Analytic solution of bLoPR ......................... 65 4.3.9 The bond-LOPR algorithm .......................... 67 4.3.10 Convergence of vertex and bond LOPR .................. 69 5 Core Percolation 76 5.1 Core percolation by leaf removal on random graphs ............ 77 5.1.1 Generation of random graphs ........................ 77 5.1.2 Random graph results ............................ 78 5.2 Core percolation by leaf removal on regular lattices ............ 84 5.2.1 Graph generation ............................... 90 5.2.2 Leaf removal on 2-d lattices ......................... 90 5.2.3 Leaf removal on 3-d lattices ......................... 98 5.3 Summary of core percolation by leaf removal ................ 100 5.4 Core percolation by triangle removal ..................... 104 5.4.1 Triangle removal on a random graph .................... 115 5.4.2 Summary of triangle removal ........................ 115 6 Local Probability Recursion 121 6.1 LOPR on the triangular lattice ......................... 123 6.2 LOPR on the square lattice ........................... 127 6.3 LOPR on the FCC lattice ............................ 134 6.4 LoPR on the simple cubic lattice ........................ 135 6.5 LOPR on the random graph .......................... 138 6.6 Summary ..................................... 141 7 Conclusion 143 7.1 Conclusion .................................... 143 7.2 Further Work .................................. 144 APPENDICES 146 A Percolation 147 A] Introduction ................................... 147 A2 The infinite cluster on the Bethe lattice .................... 148 A3 Mean cluster size ................................ 150 AA Finite-size scaling in percolation ....................... 150 A5 Bond percolation on regular lattices with free boundary conditions . . . 151 B Replica Symmetric Calculations 159 B] Replica Method on the Ising Spin Glass [83] ................. 159 B2 Replica solution to the lattice gas [94] ..................... 165 vi BIBLIOGRAPHY 172 vii LIST OF TABLES 4.1 Solution frequency for LoPR algorithms ................... 75 5.1 Critical exponents for core percolation on random graphs ......... 84 5.2 Percolation thresholds for bond, and core percolation ........... 85 5.3 Core percolation exponents for 2-d lattices .................. 97 5.4 Comparison of exponents for 3-d lattices after leaf removal ........ 99 5.5 Comparison of exponents after triangle removal .............. 114 A.1 Standard percolation exponents ........................ 151 A2 Comparison of percolation exponents .................... 152 viii LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 AC susceptibility of dilute magnetic alloys ................. 5 2.2 Order parameter distribution for a spin-glass ................ 10 2.3 RSB and its ultrametric structure ....................... 11 2.4 Frustration .................................... 13 3.1 A solution for VC and M18 on two clusters ................. 31 3.2 Mapping K-SAT to vertex cover ........................ 33 3.3 Representation of a Bethe lattice ........................ 35 4.1 Core percolation by leaf removal ....................... 46 4.2 Percolation Thresholds of bond, core and triangle percolation ...... 47 4.3 Percolation Thresholds of bond, core on the random graph ........ 48 4.4 I n ......................................... 50 4.5 Xn ......................................... 51 4.6 [C ......................................... 51 4.7 XC ......................................... 52 4.8 Visualization of LOPR and DIG solutions .................. 58 4.9 Convergence of LOPR .............................. 69 4.10 Convergence of vertex-LOPR .......................... 70 4.11 Convergence of bond-LOPR .......................... 71 4.12 Convergence of LOPR using a single randomized node list ........ 72 4.13 Convergence of vertex-LOPR using a single randomized node list . . . . 73 4.14 Convergence of bond-LOPR using a single randomized node list ..... 74 5.1 Giant cluster probability for a random graph ................ 79 5.2 Number of edges in giant cluster for random graph ............ 80 ix 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 Connectivity of the core of a random graph versus connectivity. ..... 81 Finite size effects of core percolation on random graphs ........... 82 Finite size scaling of giant cluster in a random graph ............ 83 P5 and P00 vs connectivity for core percolation on a triangular lattices. . 86 P5 and Poo vs connectivity for core percolation on square lattices. . . . . 87 P3 and P00 vs connectivity for core percolation on FCC lattices ....... 88 P5 and Poo vs connectivity for core percolation on a simple cubic lattices. 89 Log-log plot of the width of P5 transition vs L on 2-d lattices ........ 91 Plot of p l as a function of tip, for 2-d lattices ................. 92 Higher order finite size scaling for 2—d lattices ................ 93 Scaling of Poo on 2-d lattices .......................... 94 Average cluster size on approach to p l for 2-d lattices ........... 95 Cluster size distributions for 2-d lattices ................... 96 Log-log plot of the width of P3 transition vs L on 3-d lattices ........ 100 Plot of p I as a function of 5p, for 2-d lattices ................. 101 Higher order finite size scaling of 3-d lattices ................ 102 Scaling of P00 for 3—d lattices .......................... 103 Average cluster size on approach to PI for 3-d lattices ........... 104 Cluster size distribution for 3-d lattices ................... 105 P3 and Poo vs connectivity on a FCC lattice after triangle removal . . . . 106 P5 and P00 vs connectivity on a FCC lattice after triangle removal . . . . 107 5m as function of L after triangle removal on triangular and FCC lattices 108 pt versus (5;); after triangle removal on triangular and FCC lattices . . . . 109 Higher order finite size scaling after triangle removal ........... 110 Scaling of Poo after triangle removal on the triangular and FCC lattices . 111 Average cluster size after triangle removal on triangular and FCC lattices 112 Cluster size distribution for the triangular lattice after triangle removal . 113 5.30 Giant cluster probability for a random graph after triangle removal . . . 116 5.31 Number of edges in giant cluster for random graph ...... ~ ...... 117 5.32 Connectivity of the core after triangle removal of a random graph. . . . . 118 5.33 Finite size effects of core percolation on random graphs ........... 119 5.34 Finite Size Scaling of core after triangle removal on a random graph. . . 120 6.1 Histogram of vertex probabilities in LOPR on triangular lattice ...... 124 6.2 Size of MIS and frozen fraction on a triangular lattice ........... 125 6.3 Histogram of vertex probabilities in LOPR on a square lattice ....... 128 6.4 Size of MIS and frozen fraction on a square lattice ............. 129 6.5 Histogram of vertex probabilities in LOPR on an FCC lattice ....... 132 6.6 Size of MIS and frozen fraction on an FCC lattice .............. 133 6.7 Histogram of vertex probabilities in LOPR on a simple cubic lattice . . . 136 6.8 Size of MIS and frozen fraction on a simple cubic lattice .......... 137 6.9 Histogram of vertex probabilities in LOPR on a random graph ...... 139 6.10 Size of MIS and frozen fraction on a random graph ............. 140 A.1 Log-log plot of the width of PS transition vs L for bond percolation. . . . 154 A2 Plot of Pb as a function of (Spb for bond percolation ............. 155 A3 Average cluster size on approach to Pb for bond percolation ....... 156 A.4 Cluster size distribution for bond percolation on 2-d lattices ....... 157 A5 Cluster size distribution for bond percolation on 3-d lattices ....... 158 IMAGES IN THIS DISSERTATION ARE PRESENTED IN COLOR xi Chapter 1 Introduction In recent years we have seen an explosion in the crossover of scientific disciplines. One area that has seen a large amount of interest is the area of computational op- timization. As computer simulation becomes increasingly important for a wide variety of disciplines, it becomes necessary to do simulations as quickly and ef- ficiently as possible. A large number of common problems have been found to map to known computationally difficult problems. Among these problems are the ground state of the spin-glass, protein folding, neural networks, time table design, and games like Tetris and Sudoku. In physics, much work has been done on the ground state of spin-glasses. It is known that finding the ground state of a spin-glass is computationally hard. In the second chapter of my thesis I will review the basics of the spin-glass problem, out- lining the replica method, replica symmetry breaking and the rough free-energy landscape this implies. I will outline similar problems known to physicists, that can be mapped to a spin-glass, such as the hard-core lattice gas, protein folding and neural networks. These systems can be modeled with statistical mechanics and display glassy behaviour. These problems also map to the computationally hard class of problems known in Computer Science as nondeterministic polyno- mial complete (NP-complete). In the third chapter, I will review the concept of computational complexity in NP-complete problems, outlining some basic NP-complete problems. I will map the hard-core lattice gas to the NP-complete problems Of vertex cover, and maxi- mum independent set. NP-complete problems display a phase transition, between regimes where is it commonly easy to find a solution and regimes where it is dif- ficult to find a solution. As physicists we can apply what we know about phase transitions to study and classify the transition region. I will review the replica sym- metric solution to the hard-core lattice gas to find a solution to vertex cover, and compare this to our analysis of the solution on the Bethe lattice [37]. Chapter 4 will examine algorithms I used in generating my numerical results. First, I will present some basic algorithms used to find exact solutions on vertex cover. I will also present the leaf-removal and triangle procedures which are a subset of the minimum vertex cover algorithm by Tarjan and Trojanowski [87]. Leaf removal was previously utilized by Karp [46] in a study of matching, and Bauer and Golinelli [4] for calculating the maximum independent set on a random graph. Leaf removal has also been used by Correale et. al. to study core percola- tion in Boolean networks [15]. I will analyze leaf-removal on the Bethe lattice [38]. Since exact solutions of NP-complete problems can handle no more than a few hundred sites, we often have to resort to heuristics to find near optimal solutions. A good heuristic will give some insight into the actual solutions and the nature of the ground state. Two common heuristics for vertex cover are greedy and random selection, I will outline these two before presenting and analyzing a new heuris- tic for vertex cover, that we have termed LOPR, which relies upon local cluster geometries [40] [37]. Chapter 5 is devoted to analyzing the percolative results of leaf removal on the random graph, and the triangular, square, simple cubic and FCC lattices. Here we Show that leaf removal is in the same universality class as standard percola- tion. The results for the triangular lattice have been published [40], while a paper detailing the results on the other regular lattices is in preparation [37]. Chapter 5 also contains the results of triangle removal on the FCC and triangular lattices [38]. Triangle removal is also in the same universality class as standard percolation. The sixth chapter presents the approximate solution of maximum independent set problems using our LOPR procedures, on the triangle, square, FCC, simple cu- bic lattices and the random graph. LOPR shows good results on finding the car- dinality of the maximum independent set, but fails to fully represent the frozen fraction. Results for LOPR on the triangle lattice have been published [40], a paper detailing the results on the other lattices is in preparation [39]. Chapter 2 Physics of Hard Computational Problems 2.1 Spin glasses A spin glass is a collection of spins that in its low-temperature state has a back- bone of frozen and disordered sites [22], the Sites not residing on the backbone are allowed to fluctuate. In order to construct such a phase two ingredients are necessary, disorder and frustration (see section 2.1.1). In the nineteen-fifties and early nineteen-sixties, measurements were made on alloys such as AuFe and CuMn that exhibited unusual properties in the AC mag- netic susceptibilities. The experimental properties as listed by Chowdhury [13] are: (i) the ac susceptibility Xac(T) exhibits a cusp at temperature T3 at low-frequency and in low magnetic fields see Fig. 2.1, (ii) no sharp anomaly appears in the specific heat (iii) below T3 the magnetic response is dependent upon previous magnetiza- tions, (iv) below T3 the remnant magnetic field decays very slowly over time, (v) below T3 a hysteresis curve, laterally shifted from the origin appears in the mag- netization, (vi) below T3 no magnetic Bragg scattering is observed, demonstrating an absence of periodic long range order, (vii) the susceptibility begins to deviate from the Curie law at temperature T > > T8 [13]. Physical systems that have been associated with spin glasses include, dilute magnetic alloys (such as AuFe and CuMn mentioned earlier) and amorphous mag- netic systems (such as FeMn, CoMn and CrSnTe4). Chowdhury, [13] contains a description of many physical SG systems. sob 9",; 'o.4{\Ag:-:10% Mn 4.0% ” ' . 9 o. : : «f ’9 L. ’3: O O“‘ .0 o I Pl ‘. \a. Au-0.2°/o Cr go 30L .' ', \‘f’ (xm) E o. 0 no b / O . . é ',Au-0.S% Mn a . 32 2.0L- '.. 0.. L / .‘o. Ag-0.5%Mn "0., I 0 / h ° F Cu-0.1% Mn )- 0 IL.I.ILI.4LIJ_IJLL1.J l 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 70‘) Figure 2.1: Cusp in the AC susceptibility of dilute magnetic alloys [22] Progress toward a mean field solution for spin glasses began in 1975, with the Edwards-Anderson model (EA), [19] ; 1 a _. H = —-2- E11751” Sj (2.1) (11) where lij is the magnetic coupling between sites i and j, if Iij > 0 the coupling is ferromagnetic and if Iij < 0 the coupling is anti-ferromagnetic. The spins are classical dipoles free to point in any direction. Edwards and Anderson introduced the spin-glass order parameter defined by, (IE/l“) = l5i(t)’5i(0)lave, (2.2) where the square brackets ( Have), denote the time average. The EA model’s order- parameter is a measure of the long-time auto-correlation [13]. In the long time limit as t —> 00, we expect Eq. (2.2) to be equal to the static EA order parameter, qEA = [[silzlave, (2.3) (2.4) the brackets ([]) denote the thermal average. In the spin glass phase, because of a lack of long range ferromagnetic order, the magnetization is m = [81'] : 0, (2.5) while the spin-glass order-parameter is non-zero. The random spin interactions are given by a Gaussian distribution of, P o< exp(—I?,-/212po). (2.6) where I2 2 iii [12]. and p0 is the density of bond occupation [19]. Sherrington and Kirkpatrick [83] solved an Edward-Anderson type system with Ising-spins, having N infinite range interactions. Moreover, in terms of the free energy, it has been shown that as the dimension, D, of the EA model in- creases [78], lim EA(D) = SK. (2.7) D—>oo The SK model is important because it was the first spin-glass system solved, giving mean-field values for the spin-glass. The disorder and frustration is supplied by the parameter Iij which can vary randomly between positive and negative values. The Hamiltonian of the SK model is Similar to the EA model, containing Ising spins in place of the vector spins, 1 H : —E Z Iijsisj (2.8) (11) with a Gaussian distribution of Iij given as, (Iij - I0)2) PUij) = [Ti—fie”) (- le (2-9) with IO and I scaled, to meet the requirement that the free energy is extensive, by, 10:70/N and [=f/N1/2 (2.10) where 70 and I are intensive and N is the number of spins in the system. The relative magnitudes of [0 and f determine if spin-glass ordering or ferromagnetism occur at low temperatures [50]. The partition function of the SK model is, z = gem-g- }: Iijsisj), (2.11) Si (17') from which the physical properties may be calculated for example the free energy, P = —kBTan. (2.12) In systems that are highly disordered like spin-glasses, it is often difficult to calculate quantities like the free energy that are dependent upon the averaged log- arithm of the partition function. The replica method allows us to determine the logarithm of the partition function by the expansion of a replicated partition func- tion, (2.13) (an) = < lim Z" —1>, n—rO Tl the brackets (()) signify an average over the disorder. Eq. (2.13) is derived from the expansion [53], z" = 1+n1nZ+O(n2). (2.14) For a more detailed derivation of the replica method on the SK model see Ap- pendix B. In the replica method, the partition function is copied n times. To av- erage over the quenched couplings, one takes the thermodynamic limit N —) co, and then uses the mathematically dubious process of doing analytic continuation on integers, to take the limit as n —-+ 0. The order parameter is now a matrix with elements, 40,5 = (sf .315), (2.15) a and B are replica indices. If all overlaps between replicas are assumed to collapse into a steady state value, q 2 (MB-1 if“ 71" fl (2.16) This is known as the replica symmetric solution. After a bit of work we arrive at the order parameter and the magnetization from the SK model (see Appendix B), _ _ _1_ —22/2 2 I 1/2Z +_I_0m q — 1 m fdze sech (k—Tq +kTm (2.17) _ _1_ ~22/2 I 1/2Z +_I_om m — _Zn/dze tanh (k—Tq +ka (2.18) m = 0 and q 75 0 indicates the spin-glass phase. Almeida and Thouless showed that the SK model was correct above the critical temperature Tg. At low temperatures, the entropy calculated from the symmetric SK method becomes negative and the solution becomes unstable. The entropy calculated from the symmetric SK model is [16] [50], S ‘2 H K, ——— —[’—g'.f,i +<4,{T-—2)<1—q)<1+3q>——;"- +k(27r)—1/2fdzexp(—%)ln(2coshZ). (2.19) This entropy is negative and nonphysical when T —+ 0, H = 0, m = 0. In finite fields, H > 0, the onset of replica symmetry breaking (RSB) defines the Almeida- Thouless line [16]. In 1977, Thouless, Anderson and Palmer (TAP) generated mean-field equations for the SK model [88]. The TAP equations describe a ”many valley” picture of the rough free-energy surface defining the solution space. The lowest valleys corre- spond to stable thermodynamic states, the vast majority of valleys are meta-stable states [9]. The number of solutions (stable and meta-stable) is exponential in N (exp(aN)). We can imagine the surface as a series of valleys separated by barriers that become infinitely tall in the limit N becomes large. In these valleys, we may have local minima that are separated by finite barriers, any valleys not correspond- ing to global minima would be meta-stable states [22]. Replica symmetry breaking is evident in the order-parameter, in the RS solution 2.5 Err. Wm“ 0.5 ..-..... -1 -0.5 0 - 0.5 1 Figure 2.2: The order parameter distribution, P(q) = (P](q)) for a Spin-glass [78]. there is one spin-glass order parameter, while in the RSB solution there exists an infinite number of order parameters [74] [75] [76] forming the matrix in Eq. 2.15. The Parisi method of symmetry breaking proceeds by starting with the replica symmetric matrix and dividing it into (n x ml) x (n x ml) blocks, see Fig. 2.3. The off-diagonal blocks are left unmodified with a value of ‘70 and the diagonal blocks are assigned a value of 41- The diagonal blocks are further subdivided iteratively [58]. Breaking the symmetry of the order-parameter into an infinite number of matrix elements makes the determination of a solution Significantly more difficult [62]. This matrix is associated with a function q(x) describing the order parameter [75]. This function exists on the interval [0 —- 1] and is defined by, q(x) = ql- if m,- < x < mi+1 (220) The sum is done over all n(n — 1)/ 2 pairs of replica indices, the normalization insures (1(0) 2 1 [74] [62]. Parisi lists some interesting qualities of the function 10 q(x); (i) q(x) is piecewise constant under K-step symmetry breaking taking on K+1 values, (ii) x(q) the inverse function is discontinuous, and gives the order parameter distribution, PM) = 5' (2.21) (iii) q(x) is continuous in the K —> oo limit, leading to continuous replica symmetry breaking [78]. The function P(q) has the form of two delta functions at ten; A with a flat region in between in zero magnetic field [78]. Figure 2.2 shows the order parameter distribution for a spin glass. The quantity P] (q) is the ”probability distribution of the overlap among two equilibrium states” [78]. When we average P](q) over the disorder, we arrive at the mean field approximation of the order parameter distribution, P(q) = O), and chemical potential It. "i represents the occupancy variable, "i = 1 indicates an atom at site i, and a value of "i = 0 means the site is vacant. By adjusting the chemical potential we can control the number of atoms. At low temperatures for y > 0, I —> co and y/ I —> 0 the lowest energy state corresponds to the maximum density of atoms on the lat- tice, with the constraint that no two atoms occupy nearest neighbor sites. The max- imum density is equivalent to the NP-complete problem of maximum independent set and is related to the vertex cover problem. I will define N P-completeness and discuss it in more detail in Chapter 3. The Hamiltonian for the hard-core lattice gas can be transformed to the Ising model by the substitution of, n1, : Si 5‘ 1, (2.25) which yields the diluted anti-ferromagnetic in a field, H = )2 Iijsisj — Ehini. (2.26) if The lattice gas often differs from the Ising model by placing a constraint upon the 14 number of atoms in the lattice. The equivalence breaks down for random systems when the chemical potential and the magnetic field involve the quenched coupling [82]. However by using the replica method on the hard-core lattice gas a glass state can be shown [82] [81] [69](see appendix B). Disorder in this model may be introduced through the turning off or on of the interactions Iij- Frustration is introduced by the geometry of the lattice, provid- ing the elements of possible glassy behaviour. The hard-core lattice gas has been studied in relation to glasses [82] [92] [77] and vertex cover [94] [34] [2] [93]. Once we have a description of the system we need a set of observables; physi- cally, we analyze the following quantities; 0 Density, p o Degeneracy, entropy 0 Frozen fraction We will be doing our work with the Helmholtz free energy, F, F = E — T5 = —kT1nZ. (2.27) The thermal average of the density is defined as, p = [£032.01 = @371,- Zniexm—fiHn. (2.28) "i Which we can see is, 1 a exp(—BH) _ _I_dan zgfigfi z _ ,BN—ry . (2.29) At T = 0 the density corresponds to the normalized cardinality of the maximum independent set, and 1 — p gives the density of the vertex cover. The disorder 15 average of the free energy, F , (F), is equal to (F) = —kBT(ln Z), (2.30) and we may use the replica method to solve for (In Z), in systems where a standard formalism is very difficult. 2.2.1 A physical example A physical example of a lattice gas arises in the modeling of a nano-structure made up of 2 types of atoms, A and B. Because of the relative sizes of A, and B, there are favorable combinations, so we define (observe) occupancy rules. 0 A-B=Good o B-B=GOOd o A-A=Bad This would be the case if A were too large to occupy adjacent sites without distort- ing the lattice. This can then be modeled by the hard-core lattice gas where atoms of type A are the particles and B are vacancies. This is the case with Xenon on Graphite. Xenon takes the role of the atom of type A, and the vacancies are analogous to the atoms of type B. Graphite forms a hexagonal lattice, the minimums of the potential energy fall in the centers of the hexagonal lattice (forming a triangular lattice). The noble gas prefers to sit in the energy wells, the difficulty arises because the size of the deposited atoms is larger than the cell spacing, making it impossible to occupy nearest neighbor sites. We know that the maximum independent set corresponds to the densest packing in the first layer. 16 In the Xenon and graphite system experimentally several things happen. At low temperature and pressure Xenon has a incommensurate configuration. As pressure is increased the system under goes a transition into a commensurate phase [41] [43] [65] [70] [42] [36] [72]. This results from the \/3 x \/3 spacing 4.26 A, being slightly smaller than the spacing for the lowest Xe-Xe energy, 4.40 A [41]. loos et al. calculated the maximum allowable compression, by minimizing the enthalpy per atom of a double layer. The potential for a Xe atom above a graphite layer can be given as, V(r =V0(z) 2V8 (z) exp(i§ . 7’). (2.31) f? The 57' are the reciprocal lattice vectors for the two dimensional graphite surface. Vg decreases rapidly with increasing height. Periodic lattice structures were relaxed to strain-free configurations. The sur- face coverage of n for a compressed configuration of hexagonal symmetry on the J3 x \/§ plane can be given by, nHC _ 912—9l+3 no 912—151+7' (2.32) where l is the number of atoms per side of the hexagon. For expanded configura- tion of hexagonal symmetry, nHE _ 912—9l+3 _ . 2.33 no 912 — 31+ 1 ( ) For striped compressed and expanded. n SC 3i —— = —— . 4 no 31 - 2I (2 3 ) "s_E __ 3’ n0 _— 31 + 2' (2°35) The coverage is obviously just an expression of the density. loos et al. then calculated the energies per atom of striped and hexagonal con- figurations. These show curves that give an energy minimum for a particular frac- tional coverage, with the minimum energy corresponding to the maximum cover- age. This idea can also be extended to the formation of a second layer providing a threshold coverage of the first layer before the second layer begins to form. 2.3 Diluted anti-ferromagnet and the hard-core lattice gas A direct mapping exists between the hard core lattice gas and diluted antiferro- magnets in a field (DAFF’S). The Hamiltonian of the DAFF is, H = I E €i€ijSj — Bzé‘isi, (2.36) (if) i where, B is the applied magnetic field, 51’ are Ising spins, and 6i represents the dilution. Sites are present, 61- = 1, with probability p and absent, 51’ = 0, with probability 1 — p. DAFF’S were originally studied as the experimental mapping of the random field Ising model, a fundamental model of disordered materials. This mapping applies for DAFF’S on bipartite lattices as occurs for the system PexZn1_xP2 [71] [48] [30] [3], and hence the hard core lattice gas on diluted square and cubic lattices map to the random field ising model. In the DAFF a domain state (DS) that is similar to a spin glass has been shown, this state is characterized by ”domains, metastability and slow dynam- ics" [71]. In the H, T plane, the DS region occurs between the long range ordered anti-ferromagenetic phase and the paramagnetic phase [71], above a critical field. 18 Glaser et. al. examined the phase diagram in the B, x plane [30], showing the onset of glassy behavior at a critical concentration, and field. In the B, x plane the low concentration, low field state is the paramagentic phase and followed by the onset of the DS state and the long range anti-ferromagnetic state [30]. More recently the issue Of geometrical frustration has gained attention [79]. The hard core lattice gas on triangular, face-centered cubic and random graphs is geometrically frustrated due to odd loops in the graph. Frustration due to odd loops is common to the hard core lattice gas and Ising antiferromagnets. 2.4 Spin glass applications 2.4.1 Neural networks Spin glass theory has also found applications in biological systems such as neural networks, and protein folding. The Hopfield method of modeling neural networks can be described by the Hamiltonian [62] [35], H = E IijSl'Sj. (2.37) i 11(7):]. p( WW...) 2.. .) where, dp E Cmdmsé(32 — m). (3.13) The partition function in Eq. (3.12) is the same as ZTSP in the limit, . 1 . 2 2m, = ’jlglofivlgnoo’r—N. (3.14) 3.1.3 3-SAT and K-SAT Satisfiability (SAT) is a logical problem that asks if a set of N Boolean variables organized into M clauses, can be satisfied simultaneously [59]. A clause is a set of K literals that may be a variable (1;, = 1') or a negated variable (1;, = '1'). Variables . . . . . . . _ 1 2 3 form a clause by bemg In dISjunctlon (loglcal OR), Cp — lp V II) V l p [34]. The Boolean formula can be expressed in conjunctive normal form as, F = (x1 v :53 v 364) /\(x'1 v x2 v :64), (3.15) /\ is a logical AND. The example given in Eq. (3.15) is 3-SAT with M = 2 clauses and N = 4 Boolean variables. 3-SAT was shown to be NP-complete by Cook in 1971 [14], with a transition near a 2 4.2 [49], where a = M / N. When K = 1, or 2 the problem can be solved with a polynomial time algorithm. The general case, K-SAT, where the number of variables in each clause is allowed to vary, is NP-complete if K 2 3 [29]. Monasson et al. [64] studied the onset of the transition from P to NP using a mixture of 2 variable and 3 variable clauses. They showed 28 for this (2 + p)-SAT model the transition between polynomial / exponential occurs near the critical value of p > p0 ~ 0.4, where the formula contains M clauses, (1 — p)M two variable clauses and pM three variable clauses [64] [51]. K-SAT is important because it is very general and many other problems have been transformed into K-SAT to prove N P-completeness. A Hamiltonian for K- SAT may be written such that the energy is a measure of the unsatisfied clauses, and solved with the replica method. Then E = 0 signifies a satisfied instance [63]. Recently, K-SAT has been the subject of interest in statistical physics [61] [54]. Kirkpatrick and Selman showed that the transition in K-SAT is similar to the spin glass transition, they applied finite size scaling to find scaling exponents for 2§K26H% 3.1.4 Vertex cover The vertex cover (VC) problem is a graph theory problem that was identified by Karp as NP-complete [44]. Before we formulate vertex cover, I should define some basic concepts in graph theory. A graph is a set of vertexes V and a set of edges E. For the purpose of this thesis each edge is defined by a pair of vertices (i, j) which are connected by an edge, we might also think of this as a bond. We define the cardinality of a set as the size of a set, for example, the cardinality of the set of vertexes V is the number of vertexes, N. The average number of edges incident on a vertex can be found by, 2 | E c:— N , am) where I E | is the cardinality of the edge set. There is are critcial coordinations, c*, changes in the lattice occur. For example, we might talk about the coordination where percolation of the lattice occurs, see appendix A. The probability a bond 29 exists is, c P = ‘1 (3.17) z where z is the maximum coordination of the lattice. Thus the corresponding critical probability occurs at, (3* In general, covering can be formulated as: given any graph G = (V, E), what is the minimum number of vertexes that need to be covered such that a particular fraction of edges are covered? An edge (i, j) is said to be covered if at least one if its end points is in We, the set of covered nodes. ch C V and is a full vertex cover if and only if all edges in G have at least one endpoint in ch. The minimal vertex cover problem consists of finding a full vertex cover We with the smallest cardinality, | We |. In the remainder of this dissertation, we will assume that the fraction of covered edges is set to one. The fraction of covered nodes is, l l’vc I —_ —. .1 xc N (3 9) The decision variant of the problems asks; can a full vertex cover be constructed with a fixed fraction, x, of covered nodes? For those unfamiliar with graph theory, vertex cover can be visualized by the analogy of a museum, with a series of hallway and the junctures where the hall- ways meet. The museum has a number of guards that stand in the junctures and protect any hallway they can see down. Then we can pose vertex cover, by asking how many guards does the museum need, such that there is at least one guard looking down all hallways. Vertex cover can be shown to be equivalent to the ground state of the hard core lattice gas [94], and shows a second order phase transition in a random graph [34]. Using the equivalence to a hard-core lattice gas and the replica method Weigt and 30 Hartmann showed that the replica symmetric solution was accurate to c* = e on a random graph [94] [33], here c* is the replica symmetry breaking critical point. Hartmann and Weigt also calculated a typical time to find a solution for vertex cover using a backtracking algorithm [91]. W Figure 3.1: A solution for VC and MIS on two clusters. The solid vertexes are in the minimum vertex cover, while the open circles are in the maximum independent set. Figure 3.3 shows two clusters with a calculated minimum vertex cover. In the left cluster, all the edges can be covered by selecting the three solid vertexes. This cover is denegerate however as several of the covered vertexes may be swapped for the uncovered (open) vertexes. The addition of a new edge in the right cluster, requires that one more edge must be covered, increasing the cardinality of the VC by one. 3.1.5 Maximum independent set The Maximum Independent Set(MIS) problem is closely related to VC. We define and independent set (IS) by; given a graph G = (V, E), a set of vertexes V15, where V15 C V, is independent if no vertex in V15 is connected to another vertex in V15 by an edge. The maximum independent set involves finding the independent set with the largest cardinality (known as the independence number), the fractional MIS is given by PMIS = LKAfiII-IS—I. (3.20) 31 The MIS and the minimum VC are related by, 1 = xc+pM15, (3.21) so that, VMIS + We = V. (3.22) Physically, we find that the maximum independent set is the same as the maximum density of the hard core lattice gas, at T = 0. Again we may pose a decision problem: Given graph G is there an independent set of size p greater than or equal to some maximum, p 2 pmax; or an optimization problem, what is the maximum size for an independent set in Graph G? Throughout the course of the work done for this thesis we concentrated on the optimization form of the VC and MIS problems. Figure 3.3 shows two clusters with a calculated maximum independent set, the Open vertexes. In the left cluster, three vertexes is the maximum number of ver- texes that may be found without a connecting egde. This MIS is denegerate how- ever as the location of some open vertexes may be moved. The addition of a new edge in the right cluster, requires that one more edge must be covered, decreasing the cardinality of the MIS by one. 3.1.6 NP—complete games To illustrate the commonness of N P-Complete problems, here is a small list of com- mon NPC problems, for a more extensive list please see the book by Garey and Johnson [29]. 0 Tetris [17] [10] o Minesweeper [47] 32 o Sudoku (Latin Squares) [96] o Mastermind [86] o Timetable design [21] o Multiprocessor scheduling [29] 3.2 Mappings 3.2.1 Mapping K-SAT to vertex cover One can map a K-sat instance to vertex cover by placing a pair of nodes in the graph for each variable. An edge is placed in the graph connecting the node rep- resenting variable, xi, and the node representing the negated variable, xi. For each literal in a clause we place a node into the graph (K nodes for each clause, a} to dig), with edges connecting each of these nodes. Then the clause nodes are connected to the nodes representing the variables that occur in the clause. Thus for a 3-SAT in- stance involving N variables and M clauses, there will be a total of 2N + 3M nodes in the graph, and 6M + N edges. The resulting graph for eq. 3.15 is displayed in Figure 3.2.1 x16 6 Q Q 6 Q *3 GI 63 Gy a3 82 Q9 Figure 3.2: This is the mapping of Eq. 3.15 to a graph for vertex cover. Figure and example taken from Hartmann and Weigt [34]. 33 3.2.2 Mapping vertex cover to the hard core lattice gas Having defined both the hard-core lattice gas and the vertex cover problem, we would like to show how vertex cover may be encoded as a hard-core lattice gas. We will be using Weigt and Hartmann’s notation [94]. First we need to define the site occupancy variables, 0 if i is covered yi = . (3.23) 1 if i is uncovered The constraint that no two adjacent sites may be occupied is enforced by the indi- cator function, X0?) = 1'I(1 — I/fljl (3.24) (if) When the indicator function is one, the set x’ = (x1, . . ., x N) corresponds to a ver- tex cover. This allows us the write the grand partition function, E = Z eXP(rZyz-)x(f)- (3.25) yi=0,1 i Weigt and Hartmann found the replica symmetric solution for this expression [94]. Here I will state the solution, see Appendix B for the full treatment. The density of the vertex cover is, 2w + w2 2c (3.26) xc=1 Note: W(c) is the Lambert function and is given by the solution to WeW = c. The fraction which is always covered (frozen covered), xfC -_- W/c (3.27) 34 The fraction which is sometimes covered (degenerate), xd = WZ/c. (3.28) The fraction which is never covered (frozen uncovered), xfu = 1 — (w + W2)/c. (3.29) 3.3 Analytic results for VC: vertex cover on trees As an approximation to this problem, we consider Bethe lattices. A Bethe lattice or a Cayley tree is a lattice, where a node at each level, I + 1, is connected to at most a nodes at the next lower level, 1. Each node then has a maximum connectivity of z = or + 1. The structure looks like a tree branching out toward the lower levels. The center node connects 2 tree structures. Figure 3.3: The center node and first 2 levels of a Bethe lattice where z = 3. 35 The limiting probability that a site is part of the maximal independent set, Px, is given by the equation, Pj‘ = (1 — ppf)“ (3.30) where p is the probability a bond exists. A site is independent if none of its con- nected neighbors are part of the MIS. In the random graph limit, this yields, Pf = exp(—ch‘) = WEC). (3.31) The probability that a site is degenerate, Pd, meaning that it is sometimes part of the cover and sometimes not is given by, 2 Pd = 0.pr (1 — pr)“_1 = cpj‘ exp(—cpf) = C(Pj‘)2 = [Vic—)- (3.32) A site is degenerate if it is singly connected. The degenerate sites have probability 1 / 2 of being on the minimal vertex cover, so on average, the probability that a site is on the minimal vertex cover is, _ W(c) W(c)2 PU — 1 c ——2—C—— (3.33) and the probability a site is in the MIS is, P —W(C)+W(C)2 (up MIS — C 2C ' Note: PC = W(c) / c. Since the maximum independent set, or the repulsive lattice gas, on random graphs is highly degenerate, we may define three types of sites: the fraction that is always covered x fc, the fraction that is always uncovered, x fur 36 and the fraction that is sometimes covered xd as, xfC : W/c (3.35) xfu = l—pb—pezl—(W+W2)/C (3.36) xd = Wz/c (3.37) For a given random graph, all of the degeneracy occurs due to rearrangements of the atoms on the sites with volume fraction (xd). One can also define the probabil- ity that a site is frozen Pf szxfc+xfu =1—W2/c (3.38) The results for xd, x fc and x fu on trees reproduce those found by Hartmann and Weigt using the replica symmetric theory Eqs. (3.27)-(3.29) (see Appendix B) [33] [94]. However, the Bethe lattice approach generalizes their analysis to random graphs with maximum coordination, z = a + 1. 37 Chapter 4 Algorithms One principle difficulty in examining NP-complete problems is the inability and perhaps impossibility of constructing algorithms that are efficient for large sam- ples. In physics, typically we prefer to work at or near the thermodynamic limit, which is nowhere near the sizes that can be efficiently examined with exact algo- rithms. The best exact algorithms typically top out around a few hundred sites. This has channeled research for efficient solvers in several directions. One avenue, the development of exact algorithms is slowly becoming more efficient. The con- jecture in computer science is that no algorithm capable of solving the worst case in less than exponential time will be found. Another avenue, centers around heuristic algorithms of polynomial complexity that provide near optimal solutions, for large lattices. Often, it is sufficient to get near the ground state, though in physics the structure of the ground state and subsequent excitations are the meat of our meal. Heuristics can illuminate behaviour that might be exploited in exact algorithms, and give a rough idea to the energy landscape. The push for new solvers has also generated interest in quantum computers where the multiplicity of states might be exploited. Another important question is the difference between the worst case scenario 38 and the average behaviour of the problem. Often the typical time to find a solution is less than the exponential time of the worst case scenario. In this chapter, we will examine some exact algorithms provided by Alexan- der Hartmann, and an exact algorithm of complexity O(2N/3) by Tarjan and Tro- janowski [87]. The algorithm of Tarjan and Trojanowski leads to the graph re- ductions by leaf and triangle removal (the two simplest cases in their algorithm). Linear reduction of graphs has long been understood as a way to reduce the size of a problem by removing easy elements from a more complex graph. Karp ap- plied leaf removal to matching [46]. Bauer and Golinelli applied the first case of Tarjan’s algorithm, as core percolation by leaf removal, to the problem of VC on random graphs and found a phase transition at c* = e where a core of nodes that could not be resolved by leaf removal emerged [4]. This is of interest as c* = e is the replica symmetry breaking point on a random graph [4]. This phase transition will be examined in more detail in chapter 5. Recently, Correale et. al. applied leaf removal to simple Boolean networks [15]. We applied leaf removal to some regular lattices and have begun to examine triangle removal on the FCC lattices, triangular lattices and random graphs [38] [39]. After examining the exact algo- rithms, we will examine several heuristic algorithms. The two simplest heuristic algorithms, greedy and random selection will be examined briefly, followed our by local probability methods centered on node probabilities and edge probabilities. 4.1 Exact algorithms Exact algorithms for NP-complete problems are an area of intense study. The most naive algorithms resort to exhaustive search, which is very inefficient. It is widely conjectured that no exact polynomial time algorithm exists, so there has been interest in super-polynomial time algorithms [95]. One important aspect of 39 the search for faster exact algorithms is proving performance bounds of particular algorithms. We are not going to go into a lot of detail here on the fastest algorithms currently being used. There is a good review of exact algorithms for a variety of NPC problems by Gerhard Woeginger from 2003 [95]. We will discuss two ba- sic method, branch_and_bound and divide_and_conquer, then the exact algorithm by Tarjan and Trojanowski, which has a complexity of O(l.2599N ), and leads to some polynomial time graph reductions. Alexander Hartmann kindly provided us with a program that finds exact ground states using a combination of branch_and-bound and divide_and-conquer methods [94]. Both algorithms yield a solution tree where every vertex is either covered or uncovered, this tree has 2N possible leaves. This type of tree is called a binary backtracking tree, at each step there are two branches; one where the rele- vant node is covered and one branch where it is uncovered, vertexes that have not been reached in the solution tree are left free. 4.1.1 Divide and conquer A divide and conquer algorithm is based on the concept that a vertex cover can be constructed from the covers of sub-graphs of graph G [94]. The goal then is to split G into sub-graphs and solve them individually. If the graph has a low connectivity, this works well, allowing it to be easily divided. At each step as edges are covered, they are removed allowing for more subdivision of the graph. As the graph moves toward higher connectivities, the graph becomes difficult to subdivide and the al- gorithm is less effective [94]. A pseudo-code for divide and conquer is given below. DIVIDE-AND_CONQUER (G) 1 get a free vertex i of largest current degree d,- 2 marki as covered 40 \0m\]O\U1rl>UJ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 numcoverl +— 1 remove all edges { i, j} from E calculate all connected components{Ci} of graph built by free vertexes for all components C,- do numcoverl <— numcoverl + divide.and_conquer(Cl-) insert all edges{i, j} which have been removed mark i uncovered, £2 <— xl- +— 0 numcoverz +— 0 cover all nodes 1' adjacent to i and remove incident edges { j, k} calculate all connected components {Ci}; for all components C,- do numcoverz = numcoverz + divide_and.conquer(Ci) for neighbors j of i do mark j as free insert all edges { j, k} which have been removed mark i as free if numcoverz > numcoverl then return (numcoverl) else return (numcoverz) 41 The divide and conquer algorithm initially will find a greedy cover (see section 4.3.1) based upon covering the highest connected nodes (at each call of the func- tion). This function searches every possible branch, returning the best solution. 4.1.2 Branch and bound For graphs with higher connectivities, branch and bound methods are better. In the branch and bound algorithm sub-trees of the binary backtracking tree are trimmed when they cannot lead to a better solution. The bounding is controlled by keeping the size of the smallest found vertex cover, we will call this ”current-min”. The current-min is initialized to the number of nodes in the lattice. Nodes are covered (as we descend in tree) and the number of currently covered nodes is kept in X. At each step we choose the highest current degree node to cover, this means that the first descent through the solution tree is a greedy cover (see section 4.3.1). At any step, if we want to improve on or match the current_min, we need to cover P S current-min — X nodes further down in the tree. The boundary is enforced if the number of free (uncovered) edges is greater than the sum of the degrees of the F highest degree free nodes, then a cover smaller than curreanin cannot be constructed. This sub-tree is trimmed and the algorithm backtracks to find the next possible sub-tree [94]. The advantage to such an algorithm is that it can clearly provide the cardinality of minimum vertex cover and all associated ground states. A pseudo code for branch and bound is provided below. BRANCH_AND_BOUND (G, current-mi n, X) 1 if all edges are covered 2 then 3 if X < best 4 then 42 \oooucnm 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 current_min +— X return calculate P +— current_min — X, D <— 2:11: d,- if D < number of uncovered edges then return I> Bound take one free node i with largest degree d(i) cover i X +- X + 1 remove all (i, j) from E branch_and_bound(G, current_min, X) insert all (i, j) X <— X —- 1 if X > number of current neighbors then uncover i for for all neighbors j of i do mark j as covered X <— X + 1 remove all incident edges { j, k} from E branch_and_bound(G, current-mi n, X) for for all neighbors j of i do mark I as free X4—X—1 43 32 insert all( j, k) that have been removed 33 34 mark i as free 35 return Hartmann implemented this algorithm to analyze vertex cover for con- nectivities in the regime 4 < c < 10, and N S 140 nodes. The DIVIDE_AND_CONQUER and BRANCH-AND_BOUND pseudo codes are taken from Hartmann and Weight [94]. 4.1.3 An algorithm by Tarj an and Trojanowski Tarjan’s and Trojanowski’s [87] algorithm for finding a MIS is a branch and bound style algorithm for finding a maximum independent set on a N —vertex graph with complexity O(2N/3) [87]. Tarjan’s algorithm identifies the degree of a vertex, up to d S 6, makes a de- termination of the structure around the vertex, from this one can determine the possible independent sets. The algorithm is recursive, often there exists a choice of independent sets, which need be evaluated as the algorithm progresses. From these independent sets the MIS can be determined. One subset of cases is Simple to analyze; this subset is comprised of complete sub-graphs that subtend on the boundary. This is far simpler to state than to imple- ment as finding complete sub-graphs of a graph is in itself an NP-complete problem known as clique [29]. A complete graph is a graph where every node is connected to all other nodes, sometimes in graphs, there may be a sub-graph that is com- pletely connected, this is known as a clique. Finding cliques in a graph is a difficult problem. However, small cliques remain accessible, such as leaves and triangles. On lattices though this may be made simpler as the possible cliques are limited 44 by the geometry, such as the absence of triangles in cubic or square lattices. Once a clique that subtends the boundary is identified, the boundary node is placed in the independent set and all other nodes in the clique are covered. This procedure is exact for the cardinality of the VC but may not take into account all degenerate states, ie. a vertex cover is found but not all vertex covers are found. 4.2 Reduction of diluted graphs Often when working with slow algorithms, a certain amount of preconditioning can speed up the calculations. Preconditioning sometimes known as reduction, has long been a way of attacking difficult problems. Sometimes preconditioning may simply involve sorting the list and gathering information that will be necessary for the exact algorithm. An example would be finding the connectivities and sorting them. The sorting of data may lead to an exponentially large gain in the running time [95]. Other times preconditioning may involve a reduction in the complexity of the instance, as in the case of the leaf and triangle removal algorithms featured below. The reduction removes the easy parts of the problem so that the exact solver may concentrate on the difficult problem, but one that is smaller than the original instance. 4.2.1 Core percolation by leaf removal A leaf is defined as a node with connectivity one, leaf removal is the removal of the node with connectivity one, its adjacent node and all edges connected to the two nodes. We will refer to the node of connectivity one as the”leaf node”, its adjacent node as the ”root node” and nodes adjacent to the root, excepting the leaf, we will simply call the ”adjacent nodes”. When a leaf is covered the root node is placed in We, or equivalently we place the leaf node in the VM I 5. When a 45 Figure 4.1: Illustration of leaf removal. The dashed edges were originally present, but were removed during the leaf removal process. (a) shows a small graph with 2 leaves when one is detected the root is covered and the dashed edges are removed. (b)-(d) are 100 node planar triangular graphs before and after core percolation. (b) Initial bond concentration of c=1.0, leaf removal removes all bonds from the graph. (c) Initial concentration of c=3.0, after leaf removal a percolating core remains; thus p > pc (d) Initial concentration of c=4.5, there are no singly connected bonds; thus leaf removal is ineffective in reducing the graph. Note that c 2 pz, where p is the bond probability and c is the average connectivity of nodes in the graph. 46 lllllllllllllllll I '77“:- I I I a) ' I 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 I 1 1 ._ 1 =1141 DJ 0.2 0.3 0.4 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII llllllllllllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllllll 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 O O L é== _ 0.5 0.4 0.2 l l l l I l l l I I l I I I I I I l l I I l l I P Illlllllllllllllllllllll 0.] 0.2 0.3 0.4 C .9 Ln Figure 4.2: The spanning cluster probability of the triangular lattice (a) and FCC lattice (b) for N=1,000,000 node graphs. The black line corresponds to bond perco- lation, the red to core percolation, and the blue to triangle percolation. 47 I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I j l I I T T 0.8 erjIII 0.6 lJJilIIlLIJJII I I I I 0.4 l 0.2 — I l l I I l l l l I l I l 1 I J O N w— b (J! C Figure 4.3: The largest cluster probability of the random graph. The black line corresponds to bond percolation, the red to core percolation, and the blue to tri- angle percolation, for N=1,000,000. Triangle removal and leaf removal coincide on random graphs as N —> oo. leaf is removed, the connectivity of the adjacent nodes are reduced. The algorithm in its most basic terms is then identify a leaf, cover the leaf, remove the leaf, and examine the adjacent nodes for newly generated leaves. Below is a pseudo-code for leaf removal. LEAF REMOVAL(G,5c’) 1 Make list L of leaves 2 while L > 0 3 do 4 Choose leaf i from list L 5 Find j the root of i (j = A(i)) 6 x,- <~— 1,x]- <— O 7 for all neighbors k of j 48 8 do 9 Remove edge { j, k} 10 Adjust Ck the connectivity of k 11 remove i from L 12 if ck = 1 13 then 14 L <— k 15 return When the algorithm is finished the number of nodes covered is | x | and the remaining part of the graph is called the core in G. In Figure 4.1(a) we see the results of leaf removal on a small graph with two leaves. When one leaf is chosen (say i or j) then k is covered and the dotted edges are removed, leaving a core. As we show in chapter 5, below the percolation threshold for the core, the core clusters are logarithmic in size and VC on the core can be solved by an exponential algorithm in polynomial time. The core percolation threshold corresponds to the onset of replica symmetry breaking which sheds some light on the issue of where graphs become difficult to solve. The core has a minimum connectivity of two showing it is the onset of loops (leading to frustration) that creates the computa- tional difficulty of MIS. Figure 4.2 shows the position of the transitions of standard bond percolation, pb, core percolation by leaf removal, p1, and core percolation by triangle removal, pt, on the FCC and triangular lattices. The evolution of the core occurs in three regimes. In the first regime, the con- nectivity is very small and so there is no core. In Figure4.1(b) we see the com- plete removal of the edges of a triangular lattice with initial bond concentration of p = 1 / 6. As the connectivity is increased, small clusters begin to form in the core. We see the emergence of a giant percolating cluster, as in Figure4.1(c). Finally, the 49 graph has no leaves on a triangular lattice with connectivity p = 3/ 4, Figure4.1(d). The algorithm runs in polynomial in time, which means that it is efficient on low connectivity graphs and we gain some advantage on intermediate connectiv- ity graphs. This implies that one should construct exact solvers that begin with leaf removal before fully exploring the more highly connected nodes. 4.2.2 Leaf removal on the Bethe lattice We would like to determine the concentration where the core percolates after leaf removal. To do this we will define four probabilities; In 2 A site is part of the MIS and is not the core, Xn = A site is not part of the MIS and is not on the core, IC 2A site is part of the MIS and is on the core, X5 2A site is not part of the MIS and is Figure 4-41 In on the core. These probabilities need to have the following properties; In + X11 + IC + Xc 2‘ 1, (4.1) and [C + IN = PI (4.2) Where PI is the probability a site is part of the MIS as found Eq. (3.30) from section 3.3. The probability a site is on the core is, PC = Xc + Ic. (4.3) For each of the four probabilities we can construct what may occur in lower levels of the tree. To make this easier to visualize, we provide 2 levels of the tree: the top level node in question and the types of connections to lower level nodes, 50 including the possibility of an absent bond (dotted). Bonds will be crossed out when they are explicitly forbidden, and red when they are explicitly needed. In: For a node to be independent and not on the core (see Figure 4.4); 1. it must not be connected to a node on the core, 2. it cannot be connected to another independent site. This means the node can only be connected to another site that is not indepen- dent and not on the core. We write this probability as, In = (1 — r + Mn)“. (4.4) Xn: In order for a node to be covered and not on the core it must be connected to a minimum of one site that is independent and not on the core (see Figure 4.5). Thus we write the probability, Xn as, X f(“)(1)’(1—I>“" (45) n [=1 l Pn Pn I - 1 — (1 — pIn)“". (4.6) Here we notice that In and Xn form a closed set of equations. In may now be solved for analytically. Let us continue, however to the probabilities for Xc and lg. lg: All adjacent sites must be unconnected or con- nected and covered (see Figure 4.6). Figure 4.6: [C (X 19 = )2 (007x010 ~ PXc — PIn — plc)“”’, (4.7) 1:1 a a l a—l = E (,)(ch) (1—p—an) . (4.8) ~ H H 51 Ic = (1 — p + an + ch)“ — (1 — p + an)"(.4.9) Xc: at least one site must sit on the core and be in the MIS, all other s1tes must be dlsconnected or connected Figure 4.7: Xc and covered (see Figure 4.7) . IX Xe = 2 (0011010 — PIn — Weld—Ir (4-10) 1:1 (I = 2 (0011010 - r + P(Xn + Xc))“", (4.11) l=1 = (1 - pIn)“ - (1 — PIC — p1n)“- (4.12) Eqs. 4.4, 4.6, 4.9, 4.12 satisfy Eq. 4.1 as required. These equations may now be solved numerically. 4.2.3 Core percolation by triangle (and leaf) removal After leaves, triangles are the next clique. Triangles are identified by finding boundary nodes of degree two, the adjacent nodes are then tested for a connecting edge. If a triangle exists, the boundary node is placed in the IS, all other nodes in the triangle are covered and all edges contained in and incident to the triangle are removed. Figure 4.2 shows the position of the transitions of triangle removal, leaf removal and bond percolation on the FCC and triangular lattices. Triangle removal is slower than leaf removal due to the step taken in testing for a connection between the adjacent nodes. As stated previously any clique sub-tending on the boundary may be removed with a similar procedure, however as the cliques become larger the number of nodes that need to be tested grows. 52 On regular lattices however, simple geometry determines the cliques that might be present. For example, on a bipartite lattice such as a square lattice a triangle cannot exist. While, on a lattice such as the triangular or FCC lattice all cliques are size 3 or smaller, so we need not search for anything larger than a triangle TRIANGLE(AND LEAF) REMOVAL(G, Newer, 51’) 1 Make list L of singly connected and doubly connected nodes 2 while L > 0 3 do 4 Choose node i from list L 5 if Ci = 1 6 then 7 Find j the root of i (j=A(i)) 8 xi 4— O,x]- +— 1 9 for all neighbors k of j 10 do 11 Remove edge { j, k} 12 Adjust connectivity of k, Ck 13 ifck=1||ck=2 14 then 15 add k to L 16 else Ci 2 2 17 if i part of a triangle 18 then 19 Findj the roots of i (j = A(i)) 20 xi +— O,x]- +— 1 21 for all neighbors k of j 53 22 do 23 Remove edge 0', k) 24 Adjust connectivity of k 25 ifck=1||ck=2 26 then 27 add k to L 28 else remove i from L 29 return 4.3 Heuristic algorithms For larger samples where it becomes impractical to use exact solvers, it is often sufficient to find a near optimal solution. In this case, we can employ a heuristic algorithm [93]. Ideally a heuristic will run in polynomially bounded time. From a physics stand point it should demonstrate some flavor of the actual ground state. I will outline the simple heuristics of greedy cover and random selection, then I will discuss the local probability methods we have developed. 4.3.1 Greedy algorithms The simplest heuristic is a greedy algorithm [33]. In this case, the algorithm is predicated on the fact that highly connected nodes are more likely to be covered. At each step the highest connected node is covered, when a node is covered the connectivity of adjacent nodes is adjusted. Lovasz [52] showed the greedy algo- rithm gives an upper bound on hypergraphs of xN g (1 + 1nd) | v... |, (4.13) 54 x is the fractional cover, N is the number of nodes in the lattice, d is the maximum degree and | We | is the cardinality of the minimum vertex cover. GREEDY COVER(G,1?) 1 56' <— 0 2 while Edges are uncovered 3 do 4 choose node i with largest connectivity 5 cover i; x,- <— 1 6 update connectivity of i and neighbors of i 7 8 return 4.3.2 Random selection algorithm Another simple heuristic is the random choice algorithm, here the algorithm chooses one edge randomly at a time and covers each end, because of this property the algorithm has an upper bound of, xN S 2 | We |, (4.14) RANDOM SELECTION ALGORITHM (G, 56) 1 J? <— 0 2 while Edges are uncovered 3 do 4 choose edge E = {i,j} 5 cover i,j; x,- +— 1,xj <— 1 55 6 deletes edges incident to i and j 8 return 4.3.3 Vertex-Local Probability Recursion (vLoPR) By examining a local area on a graph, we can see that the probability a vertex is covered is dependent on the probabilities of the surrounding vertexes. If there is a vertex i with v,- neighbors, and every neighbor j is covered then every edge (i, j) is covered and i need not be covered. If, however, any one (or more) of the neighboring nodes is uncovered, then i must be covered. The probability a vertex i is covered, xi, exists on the interval [0, 1]. When xi = 1, the vertex is covered and when x,- = 0 the vertex is uncovered (in the MIS). We can assume that a vertex i may not be covered (or uncovered) in all possible so- lutions, this node would then be degenerate and its probability would lie between 1 and 0. Imagine a barbell graph (two nodes with one connecting edge), by inspection we can see that each vertex would be covered exactly one half of the time, so each x,- = 1/ 2, with a degeneracy of 2. Another simple case is chain of three nodes, with two bonds. Here the degeneracy is 1, both outside nodes have x,- = 0 and the central node is xi = 1. This algorithm can be expressed mathematically in a very simple formula; vi x,- = 1 — H xj. (4.15) i=1 This equation can be used to solve for x,- recursively. The average probability (x) = flxi/N appears to be at worst an upper bound for the minimum frac- 56 tion of vertexes covered (xc). We call this type of procedure Local Probability Recursion(LoPR). In the cases, of the barbell, or the 3 node chain, it can be shown that if one begins with the correct probabilities for all the vertexes except one, the correct probability can be calculated for that node. The second case can be generalized to any chain consisting of an odd number of nodes. The algorithm also finds the correct value for the cover probability for a 4-node chain and a square, (x4—chain) = 0.5, (xsq) = 0.5. If we were to use a triangle, three vertexes and three edges, then by inspection the cover probability of each x should be 2/ 3. However, if we place values of x = 2 / 3 on two of the vertexes and calculate x,- on the third vertex we find that x,- = 5 / 9 after the first iteration and it does not converge to the correct value. In fact, the limiting probability for a triangle is (xtri) = 0.61803. This probability is a function of the algorithm and not the precision of the machine, as the same result was obtained on a 32-bit Pentium chip running Linux and a 64-bit Turion chip running Linux. 4.3.4 Analytic solution of vLoPR Now if we want to find an analytic solution for the vLoPR algorithm, we make the probability x,- a constraint on the probability P of a vertex having a particular cover probability, x. For a vertex with v neighbors this will be written as; U Pv(x) = j dxl . . . j dva(x1)...P(xv)6(x — 1 + 11:11 xj). (4.16) 57 A‘ A A 5‘ Figure 4.8: The minimum vertex cover on a 100 node diluted triangular lattice. a) The probabilistic solution found using the vertex-LOPR algorithm. The solid circles are nodes where a guard is necessary, the hatched nodes are ones, where the node is degenerate, and the open nodes are where a guard is not necessary. b) A specific minimum vertex cover generated from the vertex-LoPR probabilities using DIG. (c) The probabilistic solution found using the bond-LOPR algorithm. (d) A specific instance generated from (c) using DIG. The minimum cover for this graph is 54 as was confirmed by finding the exact cover using an exact solver, and found by both bond and site algorithms. 58 Using the identities, P(x) = go" of P600 (4.17) (x) = /()1xP(x)dx, (4.18) We can now write, 00 1 e—ccv oo 1 e—ccv A xvg U! Pv(X) = A xvgo U! fdxl... 0 /dx0P(x1)... P(xv)6(x — 1 + f1) xj , (4.19) i=1 and co e—C (x) = / xdxvé;0 v /dx1 fdva(x1)...P(xv)6(x — 1 + 121 xj), (4.20) i=1 Now, performing the integration over x on the right hand side to get, c v e c v! /dx1 C I I /dx0P(x1)...P((1xv) -j]:[1xl‘). (4.21) (X) 00— The integrals can now be separated, and since each integral is identical they can be written as a product, (x) = 1— E0 3:: CU 11:1[fdxjjx ~(xP (4.22) = 1_ foe—1:606)”. (4.23) v: So what we finally get is, (x) = 1 — e_C+Cexp(—c+c(x)) + fiexp(—c+c(x2)). (4.47) Equation (4.47) involves the higher moment (x2), so it is useful to examine other moments. The higher moments can be calculated by multiplying Eq. (4.45) by 66 h f x“ dx and integrating to get the at moment, 2 _ _ 2exp(——c+c(x)) 2exp(—c+c(x2)) (x ) — 1 (x) + (x2) 9X — 3 8X — 4 _ P( (ago D P( 42:1;(96 >) (4.48) 3 _ _ exp(—c(1 + (20)) 9exp(—c(1 + (x2>)) (x ) — 1 3 (x) + 2 _4exp(—c(1 + (x3))) 9exp(—c(1 + (x4))) (x3) 4(x4) _3exp<—c<1 + >> exp<—c(1 + 1x6)» 4(x5> 8 (x6) (4.49) = 1 _ 4eXP(-C(1 + (10)) + 88XP(-C(1 + (362») _ 106XP(-C(1 + (X30) (96> (x2) (x3) +17exp(—c(1 + (x4))) _ 5exp(—c(1 + (x5))) + 2exp(—c(1 + (x6))) 206“) (x5) 806) exP(-C(1 + (x7>)) exP(-C(1 + (968») _ 2(x7) 16(x8) ' (4'50) These as yet have resisted our attempts to write them in a general form. 4.3.9 The bond-LoPR algorithm BOND LoPR(G, 51') 1 Randomize node list 2 while (15x1) 2 BOUND 3 do 1 4 fori +— 1 to N from Randomized list 5 do 6 xlprevzous (_ xi 7 S <— 1 8 S) <— 5k +- 1 67 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 for all neighbors j ofi do for all neighbors k ofi do if k 7E j then S, <— 8, x xk for all neighbors k of j do if k 7E i then Sk +— 5k x xk S<—S+Sl—O.5XSIXSk x,- <— 1 — S revious (5xl- +— x1- — x1? SLIM <— SUM + 5x,- (5xi) = SUM/N return 4.3.10 Convergence of vertex and bond LoPR In order to examine the convergence and performance of the LoPR algorithms we tracked three quantities; The first quantity is the fraction of covered nodes (x), the second is the difference between the average fraction of covered nodes and its value for the previous run 5(x) = (x) — (xprevious> , the third quantity is the aver- 68 0.55 . l I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I T I I I I I l- 0.54 - — A - X a V : 0.53 T 0.52 - l l l 1 l l l l 1 l l l l J l l l l l I l l l l l l l I l I I l l l I l [A 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 iteration Figure 4.9: The minimum vertex cover as a function of iteration for a specific 10000 node triangular lattice, using the site (thin line) and bond (thick line) LOPR algo- rithms, while randomizing the ordering of nodes every iteration. age of the differences between the site probability xi and its value in the previous run (5x) = (x _ xpreviousy As a measure of the stability of the algorithm, I also tested running the algo- rithms with the node list randomized before the while loop, and samples where the node list was re-randomized before each pass through the lattice. Figs. 4.9-4.14 show the convergence of the site-LOPR and bond-LOPR algo- rithms on an arbitrary N = 10, 000 node triangular lattice with connectivity, c = 3.0. All simulations were started with the same initial conditions, and run on the same lattice. In Figs. 49- 4.11, we see the convergence profiles for the al- gorithm when the node list is randomized on each pass through the lattice. Figs. 4.12— 4.14 shows the convergence profile when the node list is randomized once. Figs. 4.9 and 4.12, show that the algorithm converges very quickly to the neigh- 69 0 10 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIW—IFTITITII—rIII 8,<6x> ._. v—- C O 00 \l “ -( IIIIIJ IIIIIJ IIII lllll‘ IIIIIJ IlllI‘ lllll‘ IIIIIJ lllll‘ IIIIIJ Illll‘ III 10‘ . W W w 10'9 1 1 l ‘l 1 ll 11 10-10 ; 10-11 10'12 I I I I I l l I I I I I I I I I I l I I I 1 I l I I l I I l I 1 I l I I l I I l J 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1terat10n Figure 4.10: 6(x) (orange) and (5x) (blue) as a function of iteration for the same 10000 node triangular lattice and initial conditions, as the previous figure, using the vertex-LOPR algorithms, while randomizing the ordering of nodes every itera- tion. borhood of the correct value. We can see that as (x) converges it often does in a stepwise fashion, the value of (x) changes quickly. This indicates an avalanche where the probabilities over a significant portion of the graph change dramati- cally. The algorithm mathematically need not be stepwise since x is continuous. Convergences for these tests were run to a BOUND = 5 x 10-9. For all samples we studied, in chapter 6, convergences were done to a BOUND = 5 x 10‘8, where the frozen fraction is largely set. The value of (x) over the whole graph converges much faster than the values at individual vertexes. This can be understood by re- membering the barbell graph. If one end is covered the other is uncovered (x) = 1, but if we flip the values of the nodes then (x), (6(x) = 0) remains unchanged but (6x) = 1. The convergence profiles for vLoPR, as shown in Figure 4.10 and Figure 4.13, 70 I—l H o. o . o 1'). J:- LL: o IIIIII‘ [III-'1‘ IIIW In"! I'll-l1 [”1”qu IIIIIl‘ IA!” 5,<6x> _. -_n llllld IIIILIJ Illll‘ IlllllJ IIIIIIJ lllll‘ Illll‘ llllllJ Illl|d llllllJ Illll.‘ llLl l I l I I I l I l I AI—l l I 209 _ 400 1terat10n Figure 4.11: 6 (x) (orange) and (6x) (blue) as a function of iteration for the same 10000 node triangular lattice and initial conditions, as the previous figure, using the bond—LOPR algorithms, while randomizing the ordering of nodes every itera- tion. illustrate that in this instance the algorithm proceeds through cycles of relaxation followed by reorganization. This continues until the system is unable to drop into a new lower state. This does not mean, however that the final state found is nec- essarily the global minimum energy state, it is possible that we have found a local minimum. The single list case, is similar to the re-randomized case, but there is a complete lack of noise on the quantities 6 (x) and ((5 x). Both variants seem to be ro- bust enough to pass over several energy barriers. The noise in the standard version of the algorithm does not have a large effect on the overall covered fraction. In the bond algorithm, Figs 4.11,4.14, The convergence is comparatively fast taking roughly one third of the iterations of the site algorithm. We see the same ability to pass over some energy barriers that was exhibited by the site algorithm though the effect on the measured values was less drastic, this is due to the fact, 71 0.55 x I I I I I I I I I I ‘I I I I I I I I I I .1 0.54 — A _ >< V .. 0.53 ~- — I _ 0' 2 I I I I J L I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I 5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 iteration Figure 4.12: The minimum vertex cover as a function of iteration for a specific 10000 node triangular lattice using the site (thin line) and bond (thick line) LOPR algorithms generating one node list used for every iteration. that in the bond algorithm significantly larger numbers of nodes are ”degenerate”. All four convergence tests were run on the same lattices with the same initial node probabilities. The final values converged to in Fig 4.9 are (x) = 0.52424 for the site algorithm, and (x) = 0.530982 for the bond algorithm, in Fig 4.12 the sim- ulations run with one node list converged to (x) = 0.524401 for the site algorithm and (x) = 0.530678. Neither algorithm correctly counts the degeneracy, this im- plies that neither algorithm fully explores the whole energy landscape, as such we cannot say they converge to global minima. The practice of repeated reordering of the node list, makes it easier for the algorithms to avoid local minima making the final value of (x) much less affected by the initial conditions. It however, does increase the running time, and also makes it less likely to converge to a 6 (x) value of much less than 5 x 10‘9 on a N = 10,000 node graph. In general, good per- 72 0 I IIII I I I II IIIII IIIII I I ITT rl 10 = F I I I I 10' ? 8,<8x> _A O llIlIJ IIIII‘ Illfld lIlIIJ IIIIIJ Illll‘ IIIIH llll I' ! lllld IIIIIJ LLLIIJ ll I I I I I I I I I I I L I l 1 l l I l l I I I I l l l I I I l l 200 400 . 900 800 1000 1teration o IIII‘ Inn” III-"‘7 III-I" FIN“ III“! III"! III] I Figure 4.13: (5 (x) (orange) and (5x) (blue) as a function of iteration for the same 10,000 node triangular lattice and initial conditions, as the previous figure, using the vertex-LOPR algorithms generating one node list used for every iteration. forrnance was found with both algorithms and with both methods of ordering the node list. In order to more fully compare the effect of ordering the node list, the algorithm was run over 105 configurations for the N = 100 node triangular lattice displayed in Fig 4.8. Table 4.1 shows a histogram of the results comparing the sin- gle ordered nodes list algorithms and the re—randomized node list algorithms for a lattice with a known exact solution, we can clearly see there was no apprecia- ble difference between the methods of ordering the node list. Using the single list LoPR a slightly higher percentage of solutions, about one percent higher, found the correct ground state. 73 8,<6x> Figure 4.14: (S (x) (blue) and (6x) (orange) as a function of iteration for the same 10000 node triangular lattice and initial conditions, as the previous figure, using I I l 209 . iteratlon L I I I I 400 the bond-LOPR algorithms generating one node list used for every iteration. Table 4.1: Percent of occurrence of solutions for the LoPR algorithms on the 100 node triangular lattice shown in Figure (4.8). The results are averaged over 10,000 runs. The exact solution for the lattice (x) = 0.54. Standard LOPR Single List LoPR (x) vLoPR DIG bLoPR DIG vLoPR DIG bLoPR DIG 0.53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.54 55.975 56.66 0 68.505 56.7 57.65 0 69.17 0.55 39.555 40.965 0 31.495 39.02 39.985 0 30.88 0.56 4.365 2.275 100 0 4.2 2.28 100 0 0.57 0.1 0.1 0 0 0.085 0.085 0 0 0.58 0.005 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 74 Chapter 5 Core Percolation Preconditioning of graphs is a time-honored method of simplifying an instance. This chapter deals with reductions of a graph brought about by the removal of leaves, and triangles. The subsequent remaining graph is known as the core, it is this part of the graph that contains the higher connectivity nodes, and remains computationally hard. In this chapter, we will discuss the results of leaf removal and triangle removal. First, we will discuss the results of core percolation by leaf removal on an Erdos- Rényi style random graph, the 2-dimensional triangle and square lattices and the 3—dimensional FCC and simple cubic lattices. Then we will discuss the results of core percolation by triangle removal on the random, triangular and FCC lattices. The results of leaf removal on the triangle lattice has been published [40]. The results for leaf removal on the other lattices are in preparation [37] as are the results of triangle removal [38]. 75 5.1 Core percolation by leaf removal on random graphs As stated previously, leaf removal is a partial application of Tarjan and Tro- janowski’s algorithm for finding an MIS. It was first applied by Karp and Sipser to matching in 1981 [46]. Subsequently, Bauer and Golinelli [5], analyzed the be- haviour of leaf removal on a random graph. Leaf removal has also been applied to simple Boolean networks [15]. Bauer and Golinelli found that above a critical concentration of bonds, there remained a core of nodes and edges that could not be removed by leaf removal. They observed that the core percolation threshold for leaf removal on a random graph occurs at the same critical concentration as replica symmetry breaking. In their paper, they analyzed behaviour at the critical point and drew the conclusion that core percolation is in a different universality class to that of standard percolation [5]. This section will draw an alternative conclusion, namely that core percolation by leaf removal on a random lattice is in the same universality class as standard percolation. 5.1.1 Generation of random graphs All calculations on random graphs were made using the Erdos-Rényi model. In the Erdos-Rényi model edges are placed at random into the graph with the probability, p = c/ N. (5.1) Where, N is the number nodes, and the connectivity, c = 2E/N, is the average number of edges per node. Simulations were done with sample sizes of N = 100, N = 1000, N = 104, N = 105, N = 106 all samples N _<_ 104 were averaged over 104 configurations, 76 graphs of N = 105 were averaged over 1000 configurations and graphs of N = 106 were averaged over 100 configurations. 5.1.2 Random graph results Figs. 5.1-5.3 show the results for the giant cluster after leaf removal. Figure 5.1 is the probability of a node in the graph being on the giant cluster, and Figure 5.2 is the number of edges in the giant cluster as a fraction of the number of nodes. The probability a site is on the largest cluster, and at percolation the number of edges in the largest cluster, EC, scales in standard percolation as, EC w—l PC N N , (5.3) where in standard percolation w takes a value of 2 / 3 [6]. Figure 5.3 shows the connectivity of the core as a function of the original connectivity of the graph. The connectivity of the core scales as [20], cc — 2 ~ N—‘P (5.4) The graphs of PC, EC and cc are in agreement with the results of Bauer and Golinelli [5]- In Figure 5.4, we apply the scaling relations to find w, 42. Here we make the ob- servation that the widths of the mean scale as the mean, thus we find w = 066(2) and 4) = 022(1), which are very similar to the values obtained by Bauer and Go- linelli [5] (see table 5.1). Figure 5.5 shows finite size scaling collapse in the critical regime of the giant 77 0.8 I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1% ’ 3 . i - 0.6 ~ _ ' - I. . .. I a . I - : Q ~ A 1 0.2 — — l- .. A? A A ‘ O . . l l l l_ I l l L l 2 3.5 4 Figure 5.1: Plot of the probability of being on the core versus connectivity for random graphs. Sample sizes and number of realizations, starting from the top trace: N=100(10,000), N=1,000(10,000), N=10,000(10,000), N=100,000(1,000), N=1,000,000(100). 78 I S I I I I I I W I T I r I I I I I I I a _ i _ i I- . -I h- . c-I I — i A _ i .1 E I- I 0 :5. LL] I I ‘ . -I -I 0 ‘ . ._ :: 3 § .. 1 1 1 I I I I 1 2 2.5 3.5 4 3 C Figure 5.2: Plot of edges in the core cluster versus connectivity. Sample sizes (num- ber of realizations), starting from the top trace: N=100(10,000), N=1,000(10,000), N=10,000(10,000), N=100,000(1,000), N =1,000,000(100). 79 4 I r l' T r I I I I I I T I I I I T b + r- - -1 b I 3 S F I - .. l q - H - L g a l- . -‘ o O 3 " g " . i a ~ i P - 2.5 -- — A: A a ‘ 26—8—3—a—a—8 I l 1 . . 2 . 3.5 4 Figure 5.3: Plot of connectivity of the core versus connectivity of original graph. Sample sizes (number of realizations), starting from the top trace: N=100(10,000), N =1,000(10,000), N =10,000(10,000), N=100,000(1,000), N=1,000,000(100). 80 I fTW TTII ~ ‘- .~.. ‘-. ‘- \‘. \“ '- ‘0. ‘0 .‘.- \ ..... ‘l s‘. h‘. s‘. §‘. \‘. llllLLJ I ..‘l .‘.' ..... l 3 10 I TIITIII 11111111 104 N T J I rTIIIIl 1 1111111 105 I I I IIIIII -I d i Figure 5.4: Finite size effects of connectivity (+), Edges in core (V), PC (a), the vari- ance the connectivity (x), variance in the number of edges in the core (V), vari- ance of the probability of being on the core (I) at the transition, c = e. Sample size (number of realizations), N=100(10,000), N=1,000(10,000), N=3,000(10,000), N=10,000(10,000), N=300,000(10,000), N =100,000(1,000), N=1,000,000(200). 81 L- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f Ij fI T +I I _ 0 a no - 6 ’- Can _ + 000 O a u on“ ° 0 r- on o -1 a N 4 l— _ G 00 Z t ° ° L " 0:0 ~ A U >- - Du gap 1 ° _ 2 l—. L" _ up + c: - P #9??? - t . .... 9 / - ofi 1 39 [$5 ‘3 I 131“: 11551 0 1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 9 (p-pc) N ' Figure 5.5: Finite size collapse fit with 91 2 035(2), 62 = 033(3). Sample sizes (number of realizations): N = 100(10,000)(A), N = 1,000(10,000)(<>), N = 10, 000(10, OOO)(D), N = 100, 000(1, 000)(o), N = 1, 000, 000(100)(+). CILISIIEI' using the scaling ansatz, P N 61 N p — p N 2 5 5 C ( C) - ( ' ) Traditionally, 01 = 02. Here, 91 and 62 were allowed to vary independently to give a check in relation to the standard scaling ansatz, and to allow more freedom to find a good collapse. The collapse we found is good for values of N > 105, and adequate for N = 104. It is hard to fit smaller samples because of increased finite size effects. Upon collapse we have 91 2 035(2) and 92 2 033(3), verifying the scaling ansatz. In standard percolation, 6 = 1 — w (5.6) The exponents we measured are listed in table 5.1. We see that our value of (p = 82 0.22 is close to Bauer and Golinelli’s which they believe to be 1 /5 and given their relation of, (021—24), (5.7) convinces them that w is closer to 3/ 5, placing core percolation by leaf removal in a new universality class rather than that of standard percolation. It is not simple to say that core percolation is not a new universality class, it is easy to say that what we have observed is consistent with leaf removal on a random graph being in the same universality class as standard percolation. It is likely that higher accuracy experiments in the future will deal with this question in more detail. ohs Table 5.1: Critical Exponents for core percolation on random gra] exp. standard Bauer and Golinelli Fay 9 1 / 3 2/5 033(4) Figure 5.5 w 2 / 3 3 /5 066(2) Figure 5.4 4) 1 /5 022(1) Figure 5.4 5.2 Core percolation by leaf removal on regular lat- tices In this section we study the percolative properties of core percolation on regular lattices, specifically, the triangular, square, simple cubic and FCC lattices. First we will examine the properties of 2-d lattices and then the properties of 3-d lattices. We focused on three percolative properties: (i) the spanning probability, PS, the probability that a core cluster spans the sample, (ii) The probability a node is O on that spanning cluster Poo, (iii) the core cluster number 115(3, p) and the aver- age cluster size (s). The scaling behavior of these quantities near a second order transition is given by [84], P509) N fswPLl/V) 83 (5.8) I78 SSIA'Z z a 99152: x a 001 01de wopuei ’9 ’31 99 ’zn ‘10 ’ds — (1)9690 881720 3mm (z)8zz0 (UZOZ‘O 6110 33:1 — (928890 000090 3112an (2)0890 (9269170 sumo Jalnfiuem ‘d ’zu. 1d ’211 4d as 3311491 '(Hl) [mower 313mm pue (3'1) [mower 5931 Kq uouqoo dad 3103 pure ((5) uogqoolad puoq piepueis Jo; spmqsanp uopemmad :zg aneL 'uoue[o3iad [euopuaAuo3 ueq; sagIApoauuoo 19148111 q3nLu ie .In33o spquanp uopqooiad 3.103 3111 mm 339 um 3M 'saomeI IBInBaJ uQ '9'17 pue z}; 'SBH pue 6'9 ’8'9 ’[9 ’9'9 315 ur paiuasaid 312 93311121 mo; am 10; amp MPH '39 3mm in 1811 are spmqsanp uope[o3.tad 3111 '[179] 339321 :3qu adults e no ggpz'o = 4d pue ’a3p421 33:1 am no 6110 = ‘Id ’a3m21 3.19an am no so = 4d ’aomeI mmBuem am no 621.1790 = qd in Burnmoo pmqsann uoue[o3iad puoq piepueis am 1mm ’99 ane; u; 9 = p 10; pue 9'9 ane; u; paisn are 3 = p 10; siuauodxa [123141.13 uope[o3iad piepueis aqL z—lg I—ld (zrs) v—z=np’z=k+dz+v’ — ’Aq pomp; are A3111 pue ’iuapuadapur are siuauodxa 3111 Jo 0M4 A1110 aouIs pauuoyad aq Aeux suopeIn3193 sq; uo >paqa V 'hi :9 mun 3313.421 anugu; am 11; .1. iuauodxa am auruuaiap 0; sn smone (01:9) 'b3 '4, pure g ’n ’siuauodxa aqi aunmaiap 0; sn M0119 091:; pure ’sonAeqaq Suneos azrs 31mg sq; uieiuo3 v] ’14] ’00] ’Sf ’suou3un; 81111939 aql '[PAOUIBJ 3931 .10} iqud [2311113 am 51 1d pue ’| 1d — d |= d9 aJaqM (II'S) (11 NW) ”1 119 ~ <9) (01's) 00 <— 7(d9fl9) “f 1_9 ~ (609“ (69) (a/ 17"?) “ya/91-7 N (d)°°d 0 . v>> ‘9 _ a) 5%, a _ 0.8 - > up I — .— ’1’» :- ‘ .. I 9b ’ s ‘ . I. a 0.6 - -1 - ‘ .4 ‘4 *9 an face: I _ ++ 5 - 0.4 — I ; ‘8? — Figure 5.6: Plots of leaf removal on bond diluted triangular lattices. a) Span- ning probability P5 as a function of the bond concentration p. b) The infinite cluster probability as a function of p. Sample sizes and number of configura- tions, N = 1,000,000(100), N = 500,000(2,000), N = 250,000(1,000), N = 100, 000(10, 000), N = 50, 000(10, 000), N = 40, 000(10, 000), N = 10, 000(20, 000), N = 5, 000(20, 000), N = 3, 025(10, 000), N = 1,000(20, 000). 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I _ I I fiffi‘mlfi‘ ‘ : ) :<:>>D 5’ _ _ a 3.; p _ 0.8 — a» f - _ 5, . _ ' .5 ++ ' _ 4. - _ a» _ 0.6 — -‘ _ 3 _ v: - , - Q4 _ J6 - — w — —_ +fl _- 0.4 _ 3"? _ _ + > _ _ ++ b ..a‘ _ .. 1 _ + p A __ 0.2 I— :1 D» ‘ 4 :1 _ I- 3" DD A 4:: ‘ _ + by; AA 4! - _ ++ _ I W”? “MI E q . I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 (I) 5 0.55 0.6 0 0 75 I- I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I T f I I I I I I _ .. I 0.8 - b) — I. .. I _ 0.6 "‘ "‘ m8 I I 0.4 - — 0.2 '_ +++ _‘ I. ............... 'v """"" .. ”H". I 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 - %.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 Figure 5.7: Plots of leaf removal on bond diluted square lattices. a) Spanning prob- ability P5 as a function of the bond concentration p. b) The infinite cluster prob— ability as a function of p. Both graphs were done over a range of graph sizes, N, and averaged over a number of configurations. Sample sizes and number of configurations, N = 1,000, 000(100), N = 250, 000(1,000), N = 102,400(1,000), N = 40, 000(10, 00), N = 10, 000(10, 000), N = 3, 025(10, 000), N = 1, 024(10, 000). 86 I - I I I I I I I I I I , 2. _' i a) I e 2 6:8 I‘ ‘9‘ 0.8 — 5° .4 :- — : g3 fl I 0 6 ; °Il f —_ . 8‘ I; _ (h - .. a. - g a _ _ I _ 0.4 — 5f —— _ £5 _ _ $§ " _ {‘3’ _. 0.2 '- 1; cm": _ _ 3!: , : 4 I 1 L I 1 l l 1 I 1 1 J_ 1 0 l 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0 35 0.8 l L . _ J I- -1 0.6 — . i F - 8 L _ 0.4 -- — n. . _ T .. L _ 0.2 — _ 0"“ 0.1 015 02 0.25 03 035 Figure 5.8: Plots of leaf removal on bond diluted FCC lattices. a) Spanning prob- ability P5 as a function of the bond concentration p. b) The infinite cluster, Poo, probability as a function of p. Both graphs over sizes N = L3(and number of con- figurations) of L 2 5(10, 000), L = 10(10,000), L 2 15(10, 000), L 2 20(10, 000), L 2 30(10, 000), L = 50(1,000), L = 70(1, 000), L : 100(100). 87 I I I I I r ——_ I fiwé #A A l I I I W ‘7' Iv : Z): 3’ ,"I W“ _ _ a) 21.1: X _ _ .M: a" f _ 0.8 — ..f: f — L “a: 9 : 9,; j _ 0 6 L 9‘: I a; - ' . a? .. . (I) I- ." '3 _ 9-. _ oi‘ : _ - I." 4 0.4 -— g; — _ :2- .4 - 3‘0 -1 0.2 — i :38 — I _ i _ 5.0 _ I I” .2; : _ 5g . 1 I I l I l I I 1 1 4 1 (I) 2 0.3 0 4 0 5 lJllIllllIllllIllllIll- NIIIIIl‘l’TfiITIIfirIIIIIIIIIII Figure 5.9: Plots of leaf removal on bond diluted simple cubic lattices. a) Span- ning probability P5 as a function of the bond concentration p. b) The infinite cluster, Poo, probability as a function of p. Both graphs over sizes N = L3(and number of configurations) of L = 5(10000), L = 10(10000), L = 15(10000), L = 20(10000),L = 30(10000), L = 50(1000), L = 70(1000), L = 100(100). 88 5.2.1 Graph generation All lattices were generated with free boundary conditions. The two-dimensional lattices were generated on an L x L substrate, where L = \/N. If \/N was not an integer then L was rounded up (ie. \/1_000 = 31.6 => L = 32). The final row in the sample is missing the number of nodes necessary to give the desired N. Thus an N that is a natural square such as 10, 000 is an 100 x 100 lattice, while a 1000 node lattice is 32 x 32 with 24 nodes missing in the final row. There was no difference in the results calculated on lattices constructed in this manner and lattices constructed from perfect squares. The FCC lattices and the cubic lattices were constructed in an L x L x Lbox, such thatN = L3. On all lattices edges were placed by the random insertion of bonds, each bond has a probability of, cN = 5.13 ” zemax ( ) of being present. Ema x is the total number of edges that would be present in the lattice if there were no dilution, this number is dependent on the geometry of the lattice. Each bond is assigned a random probability, which if less than p, the edge is inserted into the graph. The FCC lattice is generated along the 1,1,1 direction by stacking triangular lattices. The average connectivity of a site for the lattices is c = zp, where z is the coordination number, 2 = 6, for triangular and cubic lattices, z = 4 for the square lattice and z = 12 for the FCC lattice. 5.2.2 Leaf removal on 2-d lattices In Fig 5.10, an unbiased estimate of the exponent v is found by using, (5 p12 = (p12) - (pl)2 ~ L’Z/V, where (p1) is the average value of PI found by (P1) = f pddes /dp and its second moment(p12) = f pzddes /dp. Fig 5.10 is a log-log plot of (5p, vs L from which we find that v 2 134(3) for the triangular lattice, and v = 139(3) 89 I I f I I I I r I I I I I l T j I E\. "l \\ \0“. .- ‘t- I _. ‘0 \\\'\ s"\ .. ss ‘i l .t' x x t;\ \‘. ‘ C it. x 10'2_ - \ \ )- “'\ at L- ‘\“* J x F d s N l'\. and '- ‘s‘. q s w )- ‘. -I \‘x. \ x . — ‘\‘ d 0‘. \‘o - “ " d ‘0- x “i >- 4 10'3 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 I Figure 5.10: Plots of (51212 2 (p2) — (p)2 as a function of lattice size L on a double logarithmic graph. The triangles are data from the triangular lattice, the dashed line is a best fit from which we extract the estimate 11 = 137(3). The boxes are data from the square lattice from which we extract the estimate 1/ 2 139(3). for the square lattice. The values for v are similar to each other, though the square lattice value is slightly higher than the conventional value for percolation. A sum- mary of the exponents found can be seen in Table 5.3. Determination of the critical threshold is presented in Fig 5.11. As the sam- ple size increases, the value of PI( L) approaches the infinite lattice value and the width of the spanning probability (5p, approaches 0 [85] [32]. By plotting Pl (L) as a function of 5p, (L), we can make an estimate of p I (00). To determine a value for the intercept, the triangular lattice data was fit with a line, and the square lattice data was fit with a quadratic. From this fit we find the threshold for the triangular lattice at P1 2 0.4690(4), and the threshold for the square lattice at p, 2 0.6384(4). In Fig 5.12, we analyze the finite size scaling behavior of the infinite cluster us- ing higher-order finite size corrections. In correlated percolation problems, [3 can be sensitive to these corrections [66]. We now analyze the infinite cluster probabil- 90 0.470 0.469 0.468 0.467 0 0.466 > N 9" 0.465 0.464 0.463 0.462 0.461 0.639 0.638 0.637 0.636 3V6 0.635 0.634 0.633 0.632 L7. _ r- ‘Q‘é‘é - . “4. _ — kk\‘ -— r- —- 1 “‘~ - )— “‘s“ _— . ‘ ‘ _ ~~4 I — “““‘ _‘ 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 \“~ 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 5p, I I I I I I I I I I T I“ - _ ‘49 ._ I- ‘+. — ._ 2k _. __ "‘11" - _ . +‘ 's, _- _ ................ 4.-.? 1 1 l l 1 1 1 l l l 1 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 p1 Figure 5.11: Plots of the average value of PI as a function of 6p], for each sample size we find pl(L) and (5p1(L). 5p, goes to 0 as L goes to co. This allows us to extract the infinite lattice critical point. (a) Corresponds to the triangular lattice from which we extract p I = 0.4690(4). (b) Corresponds to the square lattice from which we extract P1 = 0.6385(2). 91 _ _ q —1 _1 .1 l llllllllIlI“ 0.25 r- 0.2 ln(P)/ln(L) 0.15 F- I l l J l I I 0.1 l l l l I L l l I l l 1 0 0.1 I 0.2 l/ln(L) Figure 5.12: Analysis of the infinite cluster probability using a next to leading or- der finite size correction, as given by equation 5.14. The triangles are the data for the triangular lattice at P1 = 0.4692. The + are data for the square lattice at P1 = 0.63825, and in both cases a fit can easily be made for the standard perco- lation exponent B/v = 0.104. The triangular lattice has a correction to scaling exponent of w 2 035(5). The square lattice has a correction to scaling exponent of w = 042(5). Sample sizes and number of realizations for the triangle lattice, N = 1,000(20, 000), N = 1,600(20, 000) N = 3, 000(20, 000), N = 4, 900(20, 000), N = 10, 000(20, 000), N = 16, 900(20, 000), N = 30, 000(40, 000), N = 62, 500(20, 000), N = 100, 000(10, 000), N = 160, 000(10, 000), N = 300, 000(5, 000), N = 1,000, 000(1,000), N = 2,560, 000(1,000), N = 10, 240, 000(100). Sample sizes and number of realizations for the square lattice, N = 1,024(10, 000), N = 3,024(10, 000), N = 10, 000(10, 000), N = 40, 000(10,000), N = 102, 400(10, 000), N = 250, 000(1,000), N = 1,000, 000(1, 000), N = 10, 240, 000(100). 92 0 IN L 5p, Figure 5.13: A scaling plot for the infinite cluster probability. (a) The best collapse for the triangular lattice was found with P1 = 0.4692, B/v = 0.163, v = 1.35. (b) The best collapse for the square lattice is found with Pl = 0.3825, B/v = 0.146, v = 1.37. 93 I I I I I I II I I I I I I II I If 5 _ _ 10 ‘x : ‘+\‘;\_‘ i Z .3944 . 4 _ £2». _ 10 E 10:. E E ‘Ii. 5 : '1’ ‘ A 3 _ ‘tfik Kl) 10 ‘tfl 1:: 3 I51- 1 I. \;“-‘_ '1 2 A 1 E" 31“ g 0 E ‘3}. E i it I 1 " _ 1°? “4% L- l l l l I [II J l l l I l I II I H1 2 -2 -1 10 10 lp-pll Figure 5.14: Plots of the average cluster size on approach to p1 from below for lattices of size N = 10240000 sites, from this plot we extract the exponent 'y. The triangles correspond to the triangular lattice at P1 = 0.4692 yielding 7 = 216(3). The circles correspond tot he square lattice at P1 = 0.63825 yielding 'y 2 219(3). ity using the form [18], P... = aL—fi/Vu + bL—w). (5.14) Afitofthe data is then madeusing —lnPoo/lnL = B/v — lna/ lnL — bL‘w/lnL. It is difficult however to find the ”best fit” for our samples, as any number of y-intercepts yielded reasonable fits. We proceeded on the assumption that core percolation was in the same universality class as conventional percolation. With that assumption, both the square and the triangular lattice can be fit [with the stan- dard percolation exponents ,6/1/ = 0.104, the correction to scaling exponents are then, w 2 035(5) for the triangular lattice, and w 2 042(5) for the square lattice. However, both lattices can be easily fit for a range of B/v, implying that while this is consistent with the universality class of standard percolation, it is not suf- ficient to rule out a new universality class. In order to get more exact results, it 94 I 111 I TnII ,v I I llllI p—d C, III I I V 11111111I I— I-d 0_ ON I I I ITI l I 43" D I l l I I‘ll]! A A“ 0 -— A 10 l [I 1 I l l I 1 I LI 1 I 1 2 3 10 10 10 S :K‘ I I I I I I I I I I I I 4 ~\ 10 E— b) ‘4‘ : u. C \‘1‘. 3 \ 10 I“... N ‘4" :w 4. M l: “#11:.- 10"? . , * 101 102 103 S Figure 5.15: Double logarithmic plots of the cluster size distribution for lattices of N = 10240000 sites. (a) For a triangular lattice the dashed line has a slope of —2.09(5). (b) For a square lattice the dashed line has a slope of —2.07(2). 95 Table 5.3: Comparison of Core percolation exponents and Standard Percolation exponents for 2-d lattices. * values measured without the use of corrections to scaling. exp. (i=2 triangular square comments 11 4/ 3 ~ 1.33 1.37(2) 1.39(1) Figure 5.10 v 4 / 3 135(4) 137(4) Figure 5.13 [3 5/36~ 0.139 *0.20(2) *0.20(2) Figure 5.13 7 43/18 ~ 2.39 *2.16(3) *2.19(3) Figure 5.14 T 187/91 ~ 2.05 209(5) 207(2) Figure 5.15 will be necessary to run larger sample sizes, but that becomes difficult as sizes of N = 10,240, 000 with 100 realizations takes several days to run on our com- puters, and getting results for sizes even an order of magnitude larger becomes prohibitively difficult. The scaling behavior of Poo may also be determined by the collapse of data in Fig 5.13. A very good collapse for the triangular lattice of sizes N 2 40000 (L 2 200) sites, may be found with pc 2 0.4692(2), [3 = 020(2), and v = 135(4), And for the square lattices over the same range of sizes for pc 2 0.3825(2), ,8 2 020(2), and v 2 137(4). The [5 found from the finite size collapse is higher than expected, and is explained by the difficultly in determining [3 in correlated percolation problems. The cluster statistics are presented in Figs 5.14 and 5.15. The value of '7 we find is smaller than the conventional percolation value of 'y = 216(3) for the triangular lattice and, 'y 2 219(3) for the square lattice (see table 5.3). To find T, one sample of L = 3200(N = 10, 240, 000) was run as near to P1 was possible. The quantity n5 is defined as, number of clusters of size 5 And the average cluster size (S) is defined as, "552 (5) = Z (5.16) From Fig 5.15 we find that r 2 209(5) for the triangular lattice and T = 207(2) for the square lattice, which are consistent with the conventional value. Core percolation on the 2-dimensional lattice is shown to be consistent with the universality class of standard percolation. The largest deviation from standard percolation is in the value found for '7 (see Figure 5.14), which is significantly lower than the standard value. 8 is also a difficult prospect but the higher-order scaling corrections show that our results are consistent with the conventional value, simi- lar finite size corrections occur in standard percolation (see appendix A). 5.2.3 Leaf removal on 3-d lattices Leaf removal on 3-dimensional lattices shows behaviour similar to the 2-d lattices. On the 3-d lattices most exponents are close to the standard percolation values, however, 1! for both lattices and B for the cubic lattice show deviations from the standard values. Fig 5.16 gives an estimate of v 2 100(5) for the simple cubic lattice and v = 0.982(5) for the FCC lattice. These values are higher than the conventional 3-d value of 0.88. Appendix A presents the bond percolation results for the FCC and cubic lattices with free boundary conditions. The bond percolation results give v = 093(4) for the cubic lattice and 1/ = 092(2) for the FCC lattice (see table A2). A comparison of exponents can be seen in table 5.5. The critical threshold for the FCC and cubic lattices is shown in Fig 5.17, giving a value of P1 = 0.202(2) for the FCC lattice and P1 = 0.393(1) for the simple cubic after quadratic fits. The higher-order finite size scaling plots of the FCC lattice and the cubic lattice appear in Fig 5.18, again with a fit constrained to intercept at the conventional value of 8/1/ = 0.4659, they both show fits that appear reasonable, with the FCC lattice needing no corrections to scaling. From a linear fit we find 8/1/ = 0.471 (6) for the FCC lattice. The simple cubic lattice has a correction to scaling exponent of 97 w = 0.4(3). The scaling plots for the collapse of the infinite cluster probability appear in Fig 5.19. For both lattice types we were able to find a reasonable collapse. Fig 5.19(a) shows the collapse of the FCC lattice at p I = 0.2023, and the conventional percolation values of 8 = 0.41(2), v = 0.88(4) this collapse is for the 5 largest samples L 2 20. Fig 5.19(b) shows the collapse for the same sample sizes of the cubic lattice at P1 = 0.3921. In this case, we see that the value for 8 2 061(2) is higher than the standard value, while u = 088(4) is equal to the conventional value. When the results obtained here for the leaf removal and the results for standard bond percolation are compared, on 3-d lattices with free boundary conditions, sim- ilar values are obtained implying that the deviation seen in v is related to finite size effects and the boundary conditions. The cluster statistics are presented in Figs 5.20 and 5.21. In the 3-d case, the value of 'y we find is much closer to the conventional percolation value of 'y = 1.80, than we saw in the 2-d cases. We find '7 = 1.74(2) for the FCC lattice and, '7 = 1.7(2) for the cubic lattice. Likewise, we find that T = 2.17(8) for the FCC lattice and T = 223(6) for the cubic lattice, which are consistent with the conventional values. A summary of the exponents on the 3 dimensional lattices can be found in table 5.5. Table 5.4: Comparison of core percolation exponents and standard percolation ex- ponents for 3-d lattices exp. d=3 FCC cubic comments 1! 0.88 0.982(5) 100(5) Figure 5.16 0.88 088(4) 088(4) Figure 5.19 0.41 041(2) 061(2) Figure 5.19 1.8 1.74(2) 1.7(2) Figure 5.20 2.18 2.17(8) 223(6) Figure 5.21 '1th 98 10- __ I I T I I I I fii I I I I I I I _ >- l‘.‘x,‘_‘ a tax _ I- “~‘ _ ."*I“ r K. "'~x U s \_ Q 2 _ I _ to 10 : ““ x : I- ‘v‘\ x . .. ‘~‘\ Xs. .. \“ "x p "“ H \‘v“ '3 I I I I L l I I I l I I I I I 10 1 2 10 10 Figure 5.16: Plots of 61912 = (p2) — (p)2 as a function of lattice size L on a double logarithmic graph. The down facing triangles are the data from the FCC lattice with give an estimate of v = 0.982(5). The cubic lattice data is the crosses which give an estimate of v 2 100(5). 5.3 Summary of core percolation by leaf removal On all lattices studied core percolation by leaf removal appears to be in the same universality class as standard percolation. The exponent 8 was difficult to obtain because of finite size effects, but higher-order scaling corrections showed it to be consistent with the standard percolation value. The value for 11 found is close to standard percolation. On the 2-d lattices 1! was measured as slightly higher than the standard value. On the 3-d lattices the value of 11 measured in Figure 5.16 was significantly higher than the standard percolation value. However, the value of v extracted from the finite size collapse was equal to the standard percolation value. The discrepancy is believed to be a product of edge effects from the free bound- ary conditions and finite size effects, as shown by similar results in Appendix A. The exponent ”r as calculated for the triangular and square lattices was low, but it 99 I I I f I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I 0.21 — ’1’ v _‘ a) . ,I I— II ‘ I I I I I- I -‘ I I I I -I " I I ’I 0.205 — ,' — Q) " > I m“ _ I, q r. ‘ ' ‘v. x" l 0.2 — “‘v\ ’1” —‘ I- “‘\\ ' It’ll '4 "‘~~~¥ ..... ” i F I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I 0 0 01 0.02 0.03 p1 0.405 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I . l x I I- ’ -1 I b) " _ II -I III III _ [I -I I I 0.4 — ,’ d [’1 F I, II —I o " ,’ > 1' CU " 1' . o. - x’ 0.395 — _ I _ IR ’1” - l- ‘93 x x ‘ x--. ”,“x 0.39 ‘2" - L I l I I I I I I I J_ L L I I A I I I I I I I I O 0 01 0.02 0.03 0 O4 0 05 pl Figure 5.17: Plots of the average value of PI as a function of 5p], for each sample size we find pl(L) and 6p, (L). (a) Corresponds to the FCC lattice from which we extract Pl = 0.202(1). (b) Corresponds to the cubic lattice from which we extract p, = 0.3925(5). 100 In] - I I I I I I I I I I T I T T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "(T d I ,Jr’ 2 — ’ -l I I— -‘.’-‘:I t .-X'” I 0.9 — ”,3 rrrr .3 A >- .r',”' _. d : «*5? ' 1 c: 0.3 r— ,x/V’ j < I: "xx 1” -1 A8 : ’x-fi.x I ' : m 0 7 _ xi ’ — v L: ,x '1 .. I: ' y" ‘ ~ I- ” -4 0.6 — J I _ P d 0.5 —.£"’ —‘ 3’ I 0.4 _ I L I I I l I I I I I I I I I l I I I I l l I I I I I I I I l I I I - 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 l/ln(L) Figure 5.18: Analysis of the infinite cluster probability using a next to leading order finite size correction, as given by equation(5.14). The triangles are the data for the FCC lattice at Pl 2 0.2023. The crosses are data for the cubic lattice at P1 = 0.3928, and in both cases a fit can easily be made for the standard percolation exponent 8/1/ = 0.4659. A linear fit for the FCC lattice gives 8/1/ = 0.471(6). The correction to scaling exponent for the simple cubic lattice is w = 0.4(3). Sample sizes and number of realizations. L = 5(10, 000), L 2 10(10, 000), L = 15(10, 000), L = 20(10,000),L 2 30(10, 000), L 2 50(10, 000), L 2 70(10, 000), L = 10(1,000),L = 200(100). . 101 I o Duo ' ‘ v 000 " .. a) A ' DD 0" A a q- . A . no - DO. I’m?) A 'no ' “Om' " ‘8. 3%.? . 8 "a n. .39 '5‘- .3 .—l _ i _ '0 + f « M? “M o I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I l 1 05 0 05 1 UV L 5p, 3 I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I. '0. - . '5 _ «- .00 l- b) ‘ .‘9 _ .39 ‘A.Dd 2" .‘bo. —l Al) 9.8 b If I 2 " (3' n4 - ‘5 t 3 a!" - g? _ 39 . $33.83 prfifl J I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I -2 -1 0 1 2 UV L 5pI Figure 5.19: A scaling plot for the infinite cluster probability. (a) A good collapse for the five largest FCC lattices was found with P1 = 0.2023, 8 2 041(2), 11 = 088(4). (b) A good collapse for the five largest cubic lattices is found with P1 = 0.3921, 8 2 061(2), 1/ = 088(4). 102 : . up I I I I I I I I I l fl T I rI I I I I : : 'V. i v\._\. ......I. x _1 "XX )- v X .x- _ 3 — ‘3‘ . _ 10 : '1 fig 5 E V. 'x. : F IV.‘ ”Io; : A . ‘v‘ ”‘8‘. - Kl) 2 ‘._ 10 E" "a I 2 E \‘ '.. x x E F '7‘ xxx,“ “ll : ’- l l I I I I l I I 4 1 I I I I I‘I" I I ‘ -3 -2 -l 10 10 10 Ip-p 1' Figure 5.20: Plots of the average cluster size on approach to P1 from below for lattices of size N = 8 x 106 sites. Plots for the FCC lattice (v) yield 7 = 1.74(2). (b) Plots for the square lattice (x) yield '7 = 1.7(2). was very close for the FCC and cubic lattices. T was found to be consistent with standard percolation values on all graphs. 5.4 Core percolation by triangle removal Core percolation by triangle removal appears to be in the same universality class as standard percolation. Figure 5.22 and Figure 5.23, show a typical second or- der phase transition in Poo. The transition on the triangular lattice occurs at pt = 0.580(2) and at pt = 0.228(2) on the FCC lattice (see Table 5.2). Figure 5.25 shows the approach to pt(oo) as a function of ((5pt(L))2 = (pt(L))2 — (pt(L)2), from which an estimate of the critical point, pt is extracted. Critical exponents were determined using the same procedure as for bond per- colation and core percolation by leaf removal. Figure 5.24 shows the plot to extract the exponent 11 which gives a value of v = 133(6) for the triangular lattice, which 103 E‘ II I I I I I I I II T I l I I I I II E 5‘ V I .. \ _ \\ :— a) E E V\ E \ r- \ - ‘\ E— ‘yt —E E ‘1' E : "V i I \ I r:— -= E v E P V W“ V V ‘ _ v ”('7 IN V F V WV :1 I l l l l l I I [I I l I l I I 1 II : 1 2 3 10 10 10 S _‘\II I l I I I I I II I I I I I I I II 8‘ i _— \ -: E \ E _ b) .\ _ l- \ .- \ I E- \X ‘5 I Xx 2 - "x _ E— ‘Q‘ "5‘ : ”not 1 : \l“ 3 _ x _ :— ‘X _: : “06‘ : 3 xx} x I x a: 3 - xfi‘xnoot :- - - Intuit): 3:00: — E xxx \ l l I l l l I [I l I I l l l 11“ l 2 3 10 10 10 S Figure 5.21: Double logarithmic plots of the cluster size distribution for lattices of N = 8 x 106 sites. (a) For a FCC lattice we find a T 2 220(7) at pa. = 0.2023 (b) T on a simple cubic lattice is 223(6) at pc 2 0.3928. 104 l r I I if I I I I ’ P : “dd » W : _ d4 “4"” _‘ - a 1.134 A‘ +5” _ o 8 — :54 f 9 w“ - ' :4 A pp» 3"; ' - A + — .. ‘ p: ++++ —I - ’ ‘ p f q o 6 — a ‘ > x ~ . g ‘ b + In - I: ’4' 1 _ ++ . Dd — £9. :+ -I 04' 3““ ‘ - E: } " I o .. ++ ‘ D 0.2 — a?“ “a - « _ ##9‘: a o‘ _ + .X : +,»“” a; A“ j 0.. : _ ”fig-I f ff." _ 01 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0-8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. ”#d-i . b) 4+” _ ,_ #4» - _ #43”? - 4+“ 0.6 '-- “a — L J" -1 93'” J _ +++¢ — + 4 8 .. _ a“ 0.4 — - I. 0* _ ,_ + 43+" - _ “:1” 9"" - o_2 — »*’+# f 4 _ - IMM 4 ' - W” <1 _ .. W ,( W M if .. 0 I L l IQ; I I J I I P I l 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 Figure 5.22: Plots of the core after triangle removal on a bond diluted triangular lat- tice. a) P3 as a function of bond concentration. b) Poo vs connectivity. Sample sizes and number of configurations, N = 1,000, 000(100), N = 250, 000(1,000), N = 102,400(1,000), N = 40, 000(10, 00), N = 10, 000(10, 000), N = 3, 025(10, 000), N = 1,024(10, 000). 105 I - I I I I I I I jiT I Ifi - E a) 3 0.8 — _ : a j _ .3! , _ .. I‘o ‘ f _ 0.6 — I: i f _ m I £3 j 9-: L 1 I; r - e? «I 4 0.4— f j I f _ _ a» _ 0.2 _— _- 0('- I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I l J - 53 a. 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.8 l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I l l I I I I b) 0.6 0.2 I I I I I I I I I I I I—I I I I I I I I I I I I j I I I I l l I l I I I l 0‘ 1 I I I 1 1 1 1491 I l I I I l L 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 Figure 5.23: Plots of the core after triangle removal on a bond diluted triangular lat- tice. a) R; as a function of bond concentration. b) Poo vs connectivity. Sample sizes and number of configurations, L 2 5(10, 000), L = 10(10,000), L = 15(10, 000), L = 20(10,00), L = 30(10, 000), L = 50(1,000), N = 70(1,000), N = 100(100). 106 - I I I I T I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I—r 10 I; I ‘\ I I-I \ L. \s K \\\ .. x P- V\'\ ‘*\ '\ ‘\\ \‘\ \*\ ‘K ‘\\ \. 1‘ a '\ \‘x‘ Ga ‘2 _ \V ‘; _. 0° 10 "x \“k \ -4 ‘\ ‘s‘ " ‘. L ‘ \ \‘ 1‘ ~\ ‘ .‘v \~ \- \. .. V. \ .\ \ 1‘3 IIIII l I llIlllI \'x1 I IllIllI 0 1 2 3 10 10 10 Figure 5.24: log-log plots of (5 p t as function of L on after triangle removal on the tri- angular and FCC lattices. A value of v 2 133(6) was measured for the triangular lattice, and 1/ 2 092(2) was measured for the FCC lattice. matches exactly the standard value for II. On the FCC lattice we got a value of v = 092(2), which is higher than the standard value of 1/ = 0.88, but equal to the value measured for standard percolation in Appendix A. Figure 5.26 shows the correction to scaling analysis of the infinite cluster. The triangular lattice may be fit with values consistent with those of standard perco- lation, as with leaf removal there is a great deal of freedom in the fit. Lattices up to the size of N = 106 nodes were run, which is an order of magnitude smaller than those run for leaf removal (for leaf removal N z 107). This is due to the time required for triangle removal on lattices near N z 107, with one realization taking several days. Finite size scale collapses are shown in Figure 5.27, which show that for the FCC and triangular lattices, the value of I! obtained for the best collapse is equivalent to the standard percolation value. As in the collapse for core percolation by leaf removal, it is observed that the value for ,8 is higher than the standard value. The 107 0.595 I I I I l I I I I I I T I l I I I I fl I I ” r I- ‘ q I- a) ’1’, -I 0.59 - ,I’ - 2 . - cu Q. ’ ‘ 0.585 — — I- A ,” -I 0.58 ~.-‘ ‘ ’’’’’ _ _ ““A-"t ---- A . I l I I I I I l I I I I I I I l I I J I I I I I 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.238 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .F I I I E b) ,1"! v 3 0.236 — _ 0.234 - _‘ : .1" 1 g t .1". j a 0.232 — _ Q: ' ."’ 1 I j - ‘1' .. 0.23 '— .1" _ 0.228 :- v _ .. "K." I, . "l .. t- Y‘ ............. ’"r .4 0.226 I k I I I I I I I 4] I I I I l I I I I I I I I 0 0 005 0 01 0.015 0.02 0.025 Figure 5.25: Plots of pt as a function of 5m after triangle removal on the triangular and FCC lattices From (a) we extract a value p t = 0.580(2) for the triangular lattice and on the FCC lattice (b) a value of pt = 0.228(2) is obtained. 108 I T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I j 1 1 I 1 _ ‘5‘ .. a) x. .J u- """" -1 0.3 — x," _ P ”a" -I t ,A . ’l"’ - A " ‘," ‘ ,4 0.25 — ._ v - ,1 a A _ I," _ D48 0.2 — _ v : x” 1 .s. - . — I, .1 0.15 "- I!” —‘ .- I a: I I- I, c ’I I- I a- I 5’ ‘ 7 0.1 — — '- I I I I I I l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I q 0 0 05 0 l 0.15 0 2 0.25 1.4 I f I I I I I I I I I f I u L- -. r V - l- b) - 1.2 —- -* h "= 3 ' """" - v I- V. - = l- "’ d Q ' ,y’” 3 A u- '7’ —4 m _ "1 I1 : 0.8 — ’,.v _ —0 F ”,7 " F- "a' '1 0.6 _ I”” — I- ’I” n: I— ’I d I, V -4 — -+ I I I I I I I J I i I I I I 0.4 0 0.5 l 1.5 1/ln(L) Figure 5.26: Higher order finite size scaling after triangle removal. a) Results for the triangular lattice. b) Results of the FCC lattice. 109 .4 q —1 ‘l — d '1 ‘ .1 —4 q .4 _ A _ .1 u- - O.- v IIIIIIIIIIfIIIIIIIjII’I N L. o ... m Figure 5.27: Finite size collapse of Poo on the FCC and the triangular lattice after triangle removal. (a) The collapse for the triangular lattice was obtained for values of pt = 0.579, )3 = 0.27, v = 1.33. (b) The collapse for the FCC lattice was obtained for values of pt = 0.228, ,8 = 0.61, 1/ = 0.88. 110 10 i: ‘k‘ I I I I I l l I 1 f I I I I I I I fl T a I A I 104 :— 1 A . 'i I ‘ A 2‘ l- ‘ -t -. at: I h.‘-‘.‘ ‘ q 3 __ .‘.“s_ K _ A 10 E "v.‘.'\' E m I ‘V 3 V “ "W ‘ 2 x 10 ;- . xx 3 : ‘V- i ‘1 - *y“ ‘L‘ j .. '0” ‘ - 101 E— m? t x: 0 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 l I.""\ 1 1 10 -2 -1 10 10 p pt Figure 5.28: The Average cluster size on approach to p t after triangle removal. For both lattices each point represents one realization of lattices of size N = 106 nodes. (a) Shows the triangular lattice with pt = 0.580 giving a value of 'y 2 213(4). (b) Shows the FCC lattice with pt = 0.228 giving a value of 7 2 161(3). 111 I I I I I I I II I I I T I I I I 1‘ « 3 \\A 10 T \ 3 _ s : : a) ‘ \\ " h- \ q A P- \\ '1 2__ ‘x _ 10 5 \\ E ”.4 E “‘6 5 :m r- ‘\ ‘ -1 T \\\Q -. 1 “s 10 E’ ‘QA A A — r - ; *3AAA‘ 3 .. A‘« A . . ‘\‘ AA AA 4 \ 0 “ “WAA 10 r 1 1 41 1 1 1 1 1l 1 1 1 1‘4 1 1 1 l 2 3 10 10 10 S +II I I I I I I rII l I I I I r I I \ . \ 103 ~ Y“ “ u- \ " : b “ I : ) x 2 r- “ -4 . ‘ a \ _ \ 3 ‘v 102:— '5 m : 9\ : r- \ " A”) : '\\‘ : 1:: pr .- V‘Y ‘ 1_ 3. _ 10 5 O" E . V V I ,_ y ' " i- Y -4 p VJ w v . 0'- \ 10 : I I I I I I I I II IVWI~\\I I I I ‘ I 2 3 10 10 10 S Figure 5.29: Cluster size distribution for the triangular lattice after triangle re- moval. (a) Gives the value of T 2 198(8) for the triangular lattice of size N = 106 at pt = 0.580. (b) Shows the cluster size distribution for an FCC lattice of size N = 106 at pt = 0.230 giving a value of T 2 207(8). 112 values found from triangle removal are higher than those found by leaf removal. The triangular lattice sees an increase in 8 of roughly 40% and increase of 50% on the FCC lattice, over the leaf removal values. The value of 8 for triangle removal on the FCC lattice compares favorably to the values of 8 on the cubic lattice for leaf removal, this of course is only a valid comparison if as for standard percola- tion, only the dimensionality of the lattice matters in the universality of the critical exponents. As stated previously it is difficult to obtain 8 in correlated percolation problems. The value of 'y is obtained from Figure 5.28. On the triangle lattice a value of 7 = 2.13(4) is observed, which, while lower than the standard percolation value, compares favorably to the value of '7 for the triangular lattice from leaf removal. The value of 'y = 1.61 (3) on the FCC lattice which is slightly lower than the values obtained for leaf removal and for standard percolation. This exponent is sensitive to the critical point, pt, used in its calculation, which may account for the discrep- ancy. Finally, T obtained for the triangular lattice and FCC is consistent with the values for bond percolation and leaf removal. On the triangular lattice it was nec- essary to increase the box size of the histogram, in order to reduce the noise enough to generate a fit. Table 5.5: Comparison of Core percolation exponents and Standard Percolation exponents after triangle removal exp. d=2 d=3 triangular FCC v 1.33 0.88 133(6) 092(2) Fig 5.24 1! 133(4) 088(4) Fig 5.27 8 0.139 0.41 027(2) 0.66 (2) Fig 5.27 ’7 2.39 1.8 2.13(4) 161(3) Fig 5.28 T 2.05 2.18 198(8) 207(8) Fig 5.29 113 5.4.1 Triangle removal on a random graph Triangle removal on a random graph resulted in an extremely small shift of the critical point. This is due to the very small number of triangles present in a random graph. Figs. 5.30-5.32 show the results for the giant cluster after leaf removal. From Fig 4.2 we can see that the difference between triangle removal on a random graph and leaf removal is minimal at best, as expected. In Figure 5.34, we see the collapse of triangle removal data is similar to the collapse obtained for the leaf removal data, Figure 5.5. Figure 5.33(a) shows the finite size effect of the connectivity just as we had in the leaf removal case, with similar fits. Figure 5.33(b) shows the deviation between the leaf removal and triangle removal at small sample sizes, indicating an increase in the finite size effects This supports our claim that as the dimensionality increases the difference between the transitions for leaf removal and triangle removal disappears. 5.4.2 Summary of triangle removal Core percolation by triangle removal appears to be in the same universality class as core percolation by leaf removal and standard percolation. For all types of core percolation it is difficult to obtain values of 8 consistent with standard percolation, this is believed to be due to a lack of larger samples and the difficulty in determin- ing 8 in correlated percolation problems. At lower dimensions, there is a sizeable difference between the leaf removal critical point and the triangle removal critical point, as the dimensionality of the graph increases the difference between the two goes to zero. 114 0 8 I I I T I I r I I # I "' I A U A '- a A 0.6 — '3 — >- 0 A '1 _ B x . U Q‘ 0.4 :- 8 p j >- A b- 0.2 - _ “ . _: 3 .. 3' “‘- 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 C Figure 5.30: Plot of the probability of being on the core verses connectivity af- ter triangle removal for random graphs. Samples sizes and number of real- izations. N=100(10,000), N=1,000(10,000), N=10,000(10,000), N=100,000(1,000), N=1,000,000(100). 115 Is I I I I I I I I I a t a 1:. p— a .5 U .«3 1... U a .— 0 a m” 9 0 [1 A 9 {:1 —1 -I I I I I 1 4L I 3.5 4 Figure 5.31: Plot of edges in the core cluster verses connectivity after triangle re- moval. Samples sizes (number of realizations), N=100(10,000), N=1,000(10,000), N=10,000(10,000), N=100,000(1,000), N=1,000,000(100). 116 4 I I I I I I I I T $ . 3‘11 0 A * r- -1 3 S A .~ I- o A -I U Q - l" 11‘; -‘ 0.. ... a 9: _ Q .. q .4 I J I I I I 3.5 4 Figure 5.32: Plot of connectivity of core verses connectivity of original graph after triangle removal. Samples sizes (number of realizations), N=100(10,000), N=1,000(10,000), N=10,000(10,000), N=100,000(1,000), N=1,000,000(100). 117 I ITIIIIII I I IIIIIII I I IIIIIII r I IIIIIII ‘ l u 5 ..... ‘. --. -5, \~' “- “. §~. \~. ‘\ ‘5. ‘Q 10 _- ............... U '- """""" g. _ +- 1027 a) l“I I I IIIIIII I I IIIIIII I 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 _I T I IIIIIII I I IIIIIII I I IIfiIII I I IIIrII‘ ;.\.‘.‘ d o "M‘. -1 K“. _ 10 E r... . r- \_ _ o I ‘N I m _ ~.\ . p "I’ .4 .- -\.‘.‘.. _ 102: b) “i I I IIIIIII I l I4I_I_III I I IIIIIIL I I Illlllfi 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 Figure 5.33: a) Finite size effects of connectivity (+), Edges in core (V), PC (a), the variance the connectivity (x), variance in the number of edges in the core (7), variance of the probability of being on the core (I) at the transition, c = e. b) shows the finite size effects of the probability of being on the core after both tri- angle removal (black) and the leaf removal (green). Samples sizes (number of realizations), N=100(10,000), N=1,000(10,000), N=3,000(10,000), N=10,000(10,000), N=300,000(10,000), N=100,000(1,000), N =1,000,000(200). 118 7 I I I I I I I I j I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I : 0 - t O ‘ 6 — a — - 0 an 0'1 '_ u 0 _‘ 5 _ b a _ U .— a O _ n- o D 1- — D - CIDz * °° ‘ '- ‘b I. Q'- 0 t :0 o z. ‘ 3 m 3 ‘— A A A —" I- f‘. .4 q ~ ~ 3 h- d 2 — — 1 _ _ . a of -a -6 -4 4 6 8 9 (p-p.) N ‘ Figure 5.34: Finite size collapse of the core after triangle removal on the random graph, fit with 61 2 035(2), 92 = 033(3). 119 Chapter 6 Local Probability Recursion Hard computational problems, like the hard-core lattice gas, display glassy be- haviour. The aspects of the hard computational problems that are important phys- ically include the onset of glassy behaviour, and degeneracy of ground states. The issue of degeneracy brings forth the ideas of fluctuations, the frozen fraction, and clusters. We know that in spin glasses and frustrated lattice gases there are a large number of ground states. The frozen fraction is defined by the overlap of the states, the nodes in the frozen fraction, are nodes that are in the same state (covered or un- covered) for all ground states. (P), which measures the density of the MIS, is the coarsest measure of the lattice gas, corresponding to its density. The Hamiltonian of the lattice gas is, H: {giijn-nj —y2ni. (6.1) {1] The density of the lattice gas within the replica symmetric assumption is, _e___> [Iij'lil o a 1—0-1 0 *—’-H3 I—o—lE |-——o—{'; 1. .01 pi 0.4 on I Ir I I I I T T I 0.2 1)) ion : DD 00 i a : O 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 I1 I 1 I. 1 11] 10° 0 0-2 P1304 91 9.0.6 ‘ 5.58““ ‘1 P Figure 6.2: (a) The average MIS per site (P) and (b) the frozen fraction of sites (P) for N=10,000 triangular lattices averaged over 100 configurations. The data are for site LoPR(A), bond LoPR (El), transfer matrix in (a) (x), the symmetric Bethe approximation for z=6 (dotted line) and exact results on 64 node lattices (0) averaged over 10 configurations, vertex LoPR on 64 node lattices (O) and bond LoPR on 64 node lattices (V) . In this figure, Pb is the connectivity percolation threshold while PI is the leaf removal threshold, and pt is the triangle removal threshold. 124 method as prepared by Ji—Wu Liu, another student working with Dr. Duxbury. The figures contain the results of the symmetric Bethe lattice (z=6) result of Eqs (3.35)- (3.37), and the exact and LoPR results for N = 64 nodes lattices. The average value of the MIS was calculated for N = 105 with the MIS averaged over 100 instances. The exact values on the 64 node lattice, and their corresponding LoPR values, were carried out with free boundary conditions, and the results were averaged over 10 realizations. We can clearly see that when p < 0.3 the vLoPR and the transfer ma- trix results are very close, while the bond algorithm is slightly lower than either vLoPR or the transfer matrix for nearly all values of p. When one compares the LoPR algorithms on the same lattices as the exact solver (64 node lattices) (solid circle, solid diamond, solid triangle) we see a similar result, with the LoPR algo- rithms only at most a few percent different. LOPR is also a significant improvement over the symmetric Bethe approximation. The average fraction of frozen sites as calculated on triangular lattices is pre- sented in Figure6.2(b). Again we have the results of the site, bond, Bethe lattice and exact results on small lattices along with results for LoPR on N = 10, 000 node triangular lattices. We can see that as the connectivity increases the frozen fraction for the site algorithm decreases to a minimum near the bond percolation thresh- old, then increases over the rest of the connectivity range. This increase mirrors the decrease in degeneracy that was observed in the histogram of site probabili— ties for the site algorithm. For the bond algorithm the frozen fraction decreases, corresponding to the increase in the degeneracy on Figure 6.1(b). In the frozen fraction, as calculated by the bond algorithm, there are two inflection points. The first appears near the bond percolation critical point and the second near the core percolation critical point. It is interesting to observe that while the value of the MIS found from the LoPR algorithms is quite close, the frozen fraction is not close to the correct value. This implies that the LoPR algorithms do not fully explore the 125 solution space, yet the algorithms are able to find near optimal states. 6.2 LoPR on the square lattice The histogram of site probabilities of the square lattice were calculated on N = 40, 000 node lattices with free boundary conditions, with one realization for each value of average coordination number. In Fig 6.3(a) behaviour similar to the tri- angular lattice is observed, namely a decrease in the degenerate continuum and an increase in roughness with an increase in average coordination. The primary differences are the absence of a peak near P = 0.4, and that Frequency(P) appears symmetric around P = 0.5. The first of these differences speaks to the lack of tri- angles and odd numbered loops, and the latter to the bipartite nature of the lattice. The main structure that is apparent is a slight arch centered around P = 0.5. In the bond algorithm, Fig 6.3(b) the degenerate continuum increases as the connectivity increases from c = 1.0 to c = 2.0 and then decreases as the connectiv- ity increases to c = 4.0, This can be understood by examining the frozen fraction (F) in Fig 6.4(b). At c = 1.0 there is a high level of roughness that is likely due to the small number of edges relative to the number of nodes. When there are small clusters the bLoPR algorithm is able to resolve the small clusters, leading to spikes in the Frequency(P) related to recurring structures. We can see that as the number of edges increases the roughness tends to decrease. Fig 6.4 shows the value of the M15 and the frozen fraction on a square lattice as calculated by the two LOPR procedures. Results for N = 105 node square lattices averaged over 100 realizations at each connectivity are presented. The exact and vLoPR and bLoPR results from N = 64 node square lattices averaged over 10 configurations are also shown, along with the Bethe lattice calculation for z = 4. For most values of p the probability of a site being in the MIS calculated by 126 a) "'l n.- 1111]“ w‘ y—. u A vvlll I—lvl I III” Frequency(P) )— O b) :3 .— O pfn run-'- w l lvnll u Frequency(P) Figure 6.3: Distribution of the MIS probabilities Frequency(P) for square lattices of N : 40, 000 sites with free boundaries at c=1.0(><), c=2.0(El), c=4.0(o): (a) vertex LOPR and (b) bond LOPR 127 I I I I I I I I I I I III I I I rI IIITI I IILIILIIJ_LI .9 o I s \ \ s \ s 5 ~ § ‘ ‘\ ~ ~ “ ‘~ ~ ‘s ~ ~ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘- ‘s ‘s ‘s - ‘s ~~ ITrIIIII 0.5 99 ‘12 3) “222322.31 O4 1 1 1 l 1 1 l 111 1 I I l 1 1 1 1 - '0 02 O4 Pb 061’] 08 l P lffiI Ifi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I :‘h\ i AiAAAAKq . a A A“ a 0.8” ‘h. EAAAE 00000: C b} AAAA ODD : _ Ibfigé‘EAAAAAAAAAf i noun _ _ D ............ a -4 A06: .Douaiua-fi-fii'fi'afl ‘9' """"""""""""""""""" 1 If; C o o o 1 0.4; 5 C i r- . 0.2? 1 t b) 3 O’- I I I I I I I I J I I III I I I I I L L1+L J - O 0.2 0.4 Pb 0.6131 0.8 1 P Figure 6.4: (a) The average MIS per site (P) and (b) the frozen fraction of sites (P) for N=10,000 square lattices averaged over 100 configurations. The data are for site LoPR(A), bond LoPR (Cl), transfer matrix in (a) (x), the symmetric Bethe ap- proximation (dotted line) and exact results on 64 node lattices (a) averaged over 10 configurations, vertex LoPR on 64 node lattices (O) and bond LoPR on 64 node lat- tices (V). The solid line is the lower bound MIS found through leaf removal. In this figure, Pb is the connectivity percolation threshold while p, is the core percolation threshold. 128 both LoPR algorithms are close to the exact values, with the bond algorithm being slightly lower for smaller values of p and being better at higher values. bLoPR performs better than vLoPR when p > Mr The Bethe lattice with z = 4 deviates significantly from the LOPR values. From the geometry of the problem, we know that once the graph has its full complement of edges the fraction of independent sites is P = 0.5 exactly, and the frozen fraction is P = 0. The lattice is bipartite, without disorder and with sub-lattices of identical cardinality. In this case a maximum independent set may be constructed from one of the two identical sub-lattices. Each sub-lattice has a cardinality of N / 2. As such, there are no intersecting solutions and P = 0. We expect that as p increases the cardinality of the MIS should tend to P = 0.5 and the frozen fraction should go to 0. We see that the bond algorithm trends toward the correct answer for the MIS at high connectivity, just as it did on the triangular lattice. To find the size of the MIS using core percolation on a bipartite lattice two things need to be known. The first is that when leaf removal is applied the cor- rect value for the MIS of the removed parts of the lattice is known. The second issue is how one finds the lower bound on the core. As such we make the follow- ing conjectures, about the cardinality of a dilute hypercubic lattice. 1. The MIS of hypercubic lattices without leaves is unfrustrated and equal to the cardinality of the largest sub-lattice of the graph. 2. The MIS on site or bond diluted hypercubic lattices is frustrated, and this frustration is due only to the leaves. Leaf removal reduces the graph to those treatable using conjecture 1. 3. conjectures 1 and 2 imply that asymptotically the exact MIS of a diluted hy- percubic lattice is equal to the number of leaves removed, plus 1 / 2 the num- 129 ber of vertices in the core. The MIS should be a monotonically decreasing function for all connectivities, one cannot add edges and increase the number of independent nodes. Also, on a bi- partite graph, (P) should never be below (P) = 0.5. The max independent set is bounded below by the larger of the two sub-lattices. To be fully accurate we need to consider that the graph is constructed such that it is a loose connection of bipartite clusters; the MIS on each cluster being the largest sub-lattice of that clus- ter. Then the MIS is the sum of the IS for each cluster. Using this information we can construct a lower bound by adding the number of independent nodes found through leaf removal to one-half the number of nodes in the core. This gives a lower bound without measuring the size of the sub-lattices, and is expected to be a good approximation as illustrated by the solid line in Figure 6.4(a). The frozen fraction as calculated by vLoPR does not go to 0 as p —> 1. (F) for the site algorithm displays similar behaviour as on the triangular lattice. However, unlike the triangular lattice the minimum in (F) does not occur near the bond percolation threshold. The frozen fraction of bLoPR, in contrast to its behaviour on the triangular lattice, decreases to a minimum near the bond percolation critical point before increasing. The shape of the frozen fraction as calculated by bLoPR is similar to that calculated by vLoPR, though with a broader peak. The exact results for (P) on the N = 64 node lattices is significantly lower than either of the LOPR results on the same lattices. At the highest value of p on the 64 node exact lattice we see the frozen fraction go to 0, while large sections of the lattice in the LoPR algorithms remain frozen. At the maximum connectivity all bonds are present in the 64 node lattice. 130 5 10 ‘1 fl fi‘r 1 l rij 1 a) a 1) HA In vllllll JD- "'1 I ... O b.) Frequency(P) S N llllll O" v Frequency(P) Figure 6.5: Distribution of the MIS probabilities Frequency(P) for FCC lattices of N=64,000 sites with free boundaries at c=1.0( x ), c=2.0(D), c=4.0(o): (a) vertex LOPR and (b) bond LOPR. 131 1. i 1 0.8 - 0.4 I I I I l 1 I 1 I II I l I I l l l l I I I I l I I l I l 0'20 9b pipt 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1’) ii 1..!“ 0411 I III I 141—L1-L111 14_1_1 Pb PlPt 0.4 0.6 0.8 l Figure 6.6: (a) The average MIS per site (P) and (b) the frozen fraction of sites (F) for N=8,000(L=20) FCC lattices averaged over 100 configurations. The data are for vertex LoPR(A), bond LOPR (El), the symmetric Bethe approximation (dotted line) and exact results on 64 node lattices (o) averaged over 10 configurations, vertex LOPR on 64 node lattices (O) and bond LOPR on 64 node lattices (V). In this figure, Pb is the connectivity percolation threshold while pl is the leaf removal threshold, and pt is the threshold for triangle removal. 132 6.3 LoPR on the FCC lattice Not surprisingly, the behaviour of the degenerate continuum on FCC lattices is similar to its behaviour on the triangular lattice. In Fig 6.5(a) we see that the degen- erate continuum decreases with increasing connectivity when using vLoPR. This is also accompanied by an increase in the roughness of the Frequency(P). There also exists a peak near P = 0.4 that appears only for the FCC and triangular lattices. The other smaller peaks seen in the triangular lattice are not observed. An exami- nation of the distribution of site probabilities from the bond algorithm, For bLoPR, Fig 6.5(b) shows the three peaks related to dangling ends. An increase in the de- generacy in the Frequency(P), as the connectivity increases, is also observed. On the FCC lattice the degenerate continuum appears to increase as we traverse the connectivity from c = 1.0 to c = 2.0, then it appears to level out for c = 4.0. These calculations were performed on N = 64, 000 node FCC lattices with free boundary conditions, over one configuration at each value of p. Fig 6.6(a) shows the fraction of nodes in the MIS for all values of p. Here, the LoPR results are close to the exact values, the bond LoPR algorithm being slightly lower. The first deviation of LoPR from the exact solutions appears to be near the bond percolation critical point, Pb' At higher connectivities the bond based proce- dure improves its performance, giving the correct answer on fully filled lattices. (P) for the FCC lattice behaves as it does on the triangular lattice, like the tri- angular lattice the FCC lattice shows a minimum in (F) for vLoPR near the bond percolation threshold, 1912- At p z Pb / 2 the frozen fraction from the LoPR algo- rithms begins to diverge from the frozen fraction on the Bethe lattice. The frozen fraction calculated by bLoPR shows the first inflection point near Pb- Unlike the triangular lattice, the second inflection point of the bLoPR frozen fraction point not appear to be near the leaf removal threshold, p I- These calculations were carried out on N = 8000 node FCC lattices with free boundary conditions averaged over 133 100 configurations. The exact results are for N = 64 node lattices averaged over 10 configurations. 6.4 LoPR on the simple cubic lattice On the cubic lattice the degenerate continuum decreases as a function of connec- tivity for the vLoPR algorithm. There is also a small increase in the roughness of Frequency(P), as can be seen in Figure 6.7(a). The cubic lattice shows the same apparent symmetry and slight arch about P = 0.5 that the square lattice shows, though the arch is narrower on the cubic lattice. In Figure 6.7(b) we see that as the connectivity increases the degenerate continuum of bLoPR increases for c = 2.0, then decreases again for c = 4.0. This is mirrored as we expect in the (F), in Figure 6.8(b), since the degenerate continuum is related to the number of frozen nodes. The calculations were carried out on one configuration of a N = 64, 000 node sim- ple cubic lattice, with free boundary conditions. The results for (P) and (F) as shown in Fig 6.8, were calculated for N = 8000 node lattices averaged over 100 realizations, exact, vLoPR and bLoPR calculations from averages of 10 realizations on N = 64 node lattices and the replica symmetric solution for z = 6. Examining the results (P) in Fig 6.8(a) one sees the diver- gence between vLoPR and bLoPR begins near the leaf removal threshold, m. (P) on the cubic lattice like the square lattice also deviates below the correct value of (P) = 0.5, and the deviation from the exact value occurs at some point after the leaf removal threshold. Like the square lattice, the geometry of the lattice tells us that at high connectivities the covered fraction P1 = 0.5 and the frozen fraction (F) = 0. The simple cubic lattice also displays the same behaviour in the MIS as compared to the lower bound on the MIS from leaf removal, deviating significantly at higher connectivities. The frozen fraction from the bond algorithm on the cubic lattice 134 1m; Illll w" a) fin uvlli ..n—l I p—n O Frequency(P) v lulu! 11111 “A 1—1 0 I I Frequency(P) Figure 6.7: Distribution of the MIS probabilities Frequency(P) for simple cubic lat- tices of N = 64,000 sites with free boundaries at c=1.0(x), c=2.0(El), c=4.0(o): (a) vertex LOPR and (b) bond LOPR. 135 I I I I I j.— = IILJI ~~~ ~~ V 7 ~. is---‘ D a) Raggggfinuuuoaumufiuanqgf? : A “AAA “MAMAAAIN; l L L I l 1 L 11 . . 1 . . P1 0.6 0.8 1 P "....11111. 0'40 0.21)b find 1 _( _. q l 1l|11 0.9 ‘. i ”Awta‘au‘éfiéé an 0.8: 0 7 :— EM"33:23“ Ml ' : n “~~~- n 0.6 ' uni ---- ° IIIII up D PD 9 P H'FH D "it “‘3' a D D 1l|111l111 LL. 0.5;— —_ 0.4:— —: 0.3:— —: 0.2 :— —f 0.1 :— b) 0‘111 ll111ll1111l111g1l1111 0 I 0.21%, pI 0.6 0.8 1 P Figure 6.8: (a) The average MIS per site (P) and (b) the frozen fraction of sites (P) for N=8,000 (L=20) for the simple cubic lattice averaged over 100 configurations. The data are for site LoPR(A), bond LoPR (Cl), the symmetric Bethe approximation (dotted line) and exact results on 64 node lattices (0) averaged over 10 configura- tions, vertex LOPR on 64 node lattices (O) and bond LOPR on 64 node lattices (V). The solid line is the lower bound MIS as calculated by leaf removal. In this fig- ure, Pb is the connectivity percolation threshold while PI is the core percolation threshold. 136 demonstrates a similar increase near the leaf removal threshold, p 1, although with a more pronounced cusp. At high connectivities, the bond and vertex algorithm approach the same value for the frozen fraction. LoPR nearly freezes the entire lattice at the highest connectivity N = 64 node lattice, where the exact solver gives a (F) = 0. This implies that with the greater number of solutions and high en— ergy barriers between solutions, the LOPR has difficulties finding all ground state configurations. 6.5 LOPR on the random graph On the random graph we see that as the connectivity increases the degenerate con- tinuum decreases for the vertex algorithm and increases for the bond algorithm, Fig 6.9. Examining the results from the vertex algorithm, we observe dips in the Frequency(P) near P z 0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8. This is likely due to the increase in the number of loops interfering with the tree like structure of the clusters. The results from the bond algorithm shows that the roughness which is present at c = 1.0 has largely disappeared by c = 2.0 and diminishes even more by c = 4.0. The degen- erate continuum appears to be roughly symmetric about P = 0.5 as on the square and cubic lattices. This is likely due to the bipartite tree like structure of dilute random graphs. The calculations were performed on N = 40000 node random graphs, with one configuration at each connectivity. Displayed in Figure 6.10 are the results for the probability of a site being on the MIS and the frozen fraction. Here, we see very good results for the vertex algorithm and bond algorithm as compared to the exact results. The random graph is different from the previous lattices since the connectivity range tested never gets close to ”filling” the lattice as such there are less short range loops in the graph. The deviation between the replica symmetric solution and the LoPR solutions occur 137 a) "IMIIIILI w‘ u g A kul— u l l 111” Frequency(P) . s 1 ,a a .. ~12"? ' , .‘. '. ”-2" u . - ‘0‘ ' u . at". - .0" .1 j I. w flay!» . . '- 4 ’ v ‘ 1)) p—n A A "pl 111111 V U" Frequency(P) Figure 6.9: Distribution of the MIS probabilities Frequency(P) for random graphs of N=40,000 sites at c=1.0( X), c=2.0(El), c=4.0(o): (a) vertex LOPR and (b) bond LOPR. 138 l.- I I T I I f1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I r I .4 E" : 0.9 _—'~‘ 1 I -b : 0.8 _— x T 0.7 — 53” .: 6 E a, I 0.6 "_- j 3 1 0.5 — a... j i N 113 j i I‘m if“- . 0.4 E ) $81355! a - 0.3 P 1 J m 1 l 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 l 1 l 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 d 0 Cb=1 2 C] 3 4 5 6 C If I I ' l I l T I F I I I I IT I I I I l l I 1 I I l l 1 7 r _ 1 .. 3 ‘° 1 1.11;. .— i A AAAAAAAAAAA 0'8 T . AAAAAAA?AAAA AA A? E T j . fees. “W i . b “no - i ___-__.‘ '- D ----------------------------------------- .1 0.6 — 0000 D _ [5) 1 I : V +- aon I 1 0.4 — an 1 " c1 - ”no i 0000 - _ Duo “ 0.2 — 0000000000 Donal: . b) i I . O ’- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I L L I d 0 cb=1 2 c, 3 4 5 6 C Figure 6.10: (a) The average MIS per site (P) and (b) the frozen fraction of sites (P) for N=10,000 random graphs averaged over 100 configurations. The data are for site LoPR(A), bond LoPR (D), the symmetric Bethe approximation (*) and exact results on 64 node lattices (o) averaged over 10 configurations, vertex LoPR on 64 node lattices (O) and bond LoPR on 64 node lattices (V). In this figure, Pb is the connectivity percolation threshold while p l is the core percolation threshold. 139 near the leaf removal threshold, CI- The replica symmetric solution is good until the Cl = e, above the leaf removal threshold we find that both LoPR algorithms give a better solution. The LoPR calculated frozen fraction appears to have more in common with the triangular and FCC lattice than with the square and cubic lattices. This is likely due to the omission of triangles and odd loops from the square and cubic lattices. The data does not show the increase in the frozen fraction from the bond LoPR algorithm that we see in triangular and FCC lattices, at high connectivities. The random graph displays a similar two inflection point curve in the frozen fraction as calculated by bLoPR. Similar to the triangle lattice the first inflection point appears around the bond percolation threshold, Cb and the second after the leaf removal threshold, CI- The calculations were carried out on N = 10000 node random lattices averaged over 100 configurations, and the exact results on N = 64 node random lattices, averaged over 10 configurations. 6.6 Summary On all lattices we see individual node probabilities are affected by the type of algo- rithm, the specific geometries of the lattice, and the occurrence of small structures specifically, dangling ends and triangles. vLoPR appears to be affected by trian- gles, but not leaves, while bLoPR is affected by leaves. Triangles give rise to a peak in the order parameter distribution near P z 0.4 for the FCC and triangu- lar lattices on vLoPR. There also appears to be a small amount of structure in the Frequency(P) on the cubic and square lattices near P z 0.5, due to small complete bipartite structures. vLoPR is less sensitive to leaves, but more sensitive to small loops such as triangles, as the individual probabilities are affected by highly cor- related sites. bLoPR includes a more complex treatment which is dependent upon 140 the next nearest neighbor. In the calculation of the probability of a site being in the MIS, the bond LoPR procedure shows better performance at high connectivities than the vertex algo- rithm, with both the vertex and the bond algorithm out performing the symmetric Bethe approximation. On random graphs, LoPR methods yielded values for the average MIS that are precise for p < pl, where the symmetric Bethe approxima- tion are expected to be exact [94] and are accurate to within a few percent for p > p l where replica symmetry breaking is important. The LoPR method provides a good lower bound on the MIS. In terms of finding the MIS on bipartite graphs, a lower bound may be found most easily using leaf removal, where the lower bound is equal to the number of leaves removed, plus 1/ 2 the number of vertices in the core. Estimating the frozen fraction is more difficult, as neither the site nor the edge algorithm provides correct predictions. The site algorithm consistently over es- timates the frozen fraction, while the bond algorithm generally underestimates the frozen fraction. The exception to this being at high connectivity on bipartite graphs, where both algorithms freeze more nodes than the exact solution. 141 Chapter 7 Conclusion 7.1 Conclusion In this thesis, we have examined the ground state of the geometrically frustrated hard-core lattice gas. Geometrical frustration on diluted lattices leads to glassy behaviour. On bipartite lattices, the hard-core lattice gas maps to the diluted anti- ferromagnet in a field. Finding the ground state of the hard-core lattice gas is difficult and has been found to map to the computationally difficult class of prob- lems known as NP-complete. In order to model the ground state we reduced the complexity of the lattice by removing small cliques, such as leaves and triangles. Further, we found that a local heuristic can model the density of the ground state, and reproduce the non-trivial order-parameter distribution. We have examined the percolative properties of leaf and triangle removal. Both leaf-removal and triangle removal run in polynomial time. Similar methods for larger cliques would exist, though they would eventually become prohibitively difficult to solve, because clique is also NP-complete. For core percolation, there exists a series of transitions, for each order of clique removed, that appear to co- alesce as the dimensionality grows. The results of core percolation in Chapter 5 142 show that triangle and leaf removal are in the same universality class as standard percolation. Nevertheless, several exponents showed deviation from the standard values, but these compared favorably to bond percolation calculations made on similar lattices (see appendix A). The LoPR algorithm was shown to be robust, providing near extremal values for the Vertex Cover. The algorithms run very quickly by limiting the number of times the order of iteration is randomized. The bond algorithm generally out performed site LoPR. Larger numbers of nodes were frozen by the site algorithm. Neither algorithm correctly captured the frozen fraction. This means that the al- gorithm is able to find near optimal solutions, but does not explore the complete solution space. This doesn’t appear to have a major effect on results of the MIS as the correct solution appears to be found over 50 percent of the time, after a distinct instance is generated for the N = 100 triangular lattice tested. Both the site and bond algorithms out perform the replica symmetric solution. In general, the LoPR family of algorithms provide a quick method to get the ground state of MIS/VC within a few percent. 7.2 Further Work One of the things that needs to be done in the future, is to continue the analysis of core percolation by studying in more detail the effects of the boundary conditions on the critical exponents. This .would be particularly useful for the three dimen- sional lattices. Larger sample sizes for the lattices already studied may be come accessible as computer speed increases. This would allow greater examination of the critical exponents affected by finite size effects, particularly B. The analytic evaluation of the bond-LOPR method needs to be examined in still greater detail to determine if a generalized equation can be written to describe 143 higher moments. Analytic work on the LoPR algorithms might also provide rigor- ous lower bounds on MIS. There are several possible extensions to LOPR; the algorithms could be tested on different lattices. Perhaps a hybrid algorithm joining site and bond LoPR might have a better approximation to the frozen fraction and find the correct probabili- ties on a triangle. An algorithm built on finding the correct probability of triangles, might provide interesting results. We might try constraining the covered fraction in the LoPR algorithms. This might allow us to more fully explore the solution space, by comparing the frozen nodes over a number of similar solutions. Site- LoPR with a single randomized node list runs quickly and could be used to gen- erate a ”solution”. We could then flip the probabilities and converge to a second solution, which could be continued until a ”best” solution is found. This would likely increase the probability of finding a true minimum. This might also be used to explore the free energy landscape of the LOPR algorithms. It would be interesting to examine the behaviour of core percolation and the LoPR method on scale free random graphs, and small world graphs. 144 APPENDICES 145 Appendix A Percolation A.1 Introduction Percolation is a process where nodes in a lattice are joined randomly. This is a growth process by which elements of a graph (such as edges or nodes) are placed into a lattice with some probability p. In bond percolation, the probability, p, is a function of the average coordination of a site, c, and in the case of a regular lattice, the coordination of the lattice, 2, C The average coordination can be calculated by, c = —, (A.2) where, E is the number of edges in the lattice, and N is the number of nodes in the lattice. At any concentration there will be a finite probability that the largest cluster 146 will span the sample, P5. For an infinite sample, the probability, 0 p < pc P307) = (A-3) 1 P 2 Po 9 For finite systems there is a transition region between 0 and 1. We can also define a probability that a node is on the spanning cluster, Poo, the infinite cluster probability. A.2 The infinite cluster on the Bethe lattice Here we will approximate the infinite cluster near the transition point using a Bethe lattice. The Bethe lattice has a connections to each subsequent layer, and the total coordination of each level is z = a + 1. Each bond occurs with probability p and is absent with probability (1 — p) Then we can write the probability, Pk+1 that a site at level k+1, is connected to the boundary as, a Pk+1 =1; (,) (pPk>’(1 — paw-P (A.4) Where, pPk is the probability that the kth level is node is connected to the boundary and the bond to the k+1 level is present (with the zeroth level being the boundary). As the size of the lattice goes toward infinity, the probability converges to a steady state value that we will call, P. P = f (“)( P)’(1— P)“" (A5) 121 l p p I . = 1—(1—pP)“, (A.6) _ apP 0t - 1—( ‘7) ‘ (A7) (A8) 147 If we take the limit of a as it goes to infinity, P = .tm..(1-( 1%)“), M = 1—exp(—rxpP). (A.10) Then if we make an expansion of the exponential to , (0:17P)2 _ WP? + 2' 3' ..., (A.11) exp(—apP) = 1 — apP + taking the first three terms and substituting them into our probability, we have, P=1—1+acpP—Q£%1!12 (A.12) = P(ap — 9’23), (A.13) This leads to, 1 2 up — (jig—23. (A.14) Which has the solution, p = —( — bi? (A.15) Thus the probability of a node being on the infinite cluster scales as, P... o< (p — pat, (ms) with pc 2 %, and B = 1 for the Bethe lattice. 148 A.3 Mean cluster size Besides the infinite lattice probability, Poo( p) there are three other quantities of interest; PS( p), the spanning probability, ns(p), the normalized cluster number, and (S) the mean cluster size. The normalized cluster distribution is defined as the number of size 5 clusters per lattice site. This leads to the definition of the mean cluster size as; 2 <5) = E £5585. (A.17) A.4 Finite-size scaling in percolation Making the finite size scaling ansatz, we may say that any property of the graph x(p, L) scales as, m. L) = (p — pc)—XX((p — pew/V). (A18) We use finite size scaling to relate the behaviour at the critical point infinite samples to the behaviour of finite samples [23]. Some scaling relations that we have used in this dissertation are [84] [12], "5(PC) °< 8"Tfn(5"(p-pc))L—>°°, (A19) (5) o< P-P-C_7fa((P-Pc)L1/V)r (A20) P006012) o< L“fi/V/oo(L1/V(p—pc)) (A21) MAL) o< fs(L‘1/"(p-Pc)), (A22) A o< LUV, (A.23) Poo °< (P—Pclfi, (A24) (A25) 149 where A is the width of the transition in P3, A2 = (192) -

2- (A26) A simple power law gives a straight line on a log-log plot, but for some cor- related percolation processes, like rigidity percolation [66], we need to examine a next to leading order correction of the form. x(pc, L) = C1L‘3(1 + ch—w) (A27) The scaling functions f5, foo, fn, fa include the finite size scaling behaviors and enable determination of B, U, and '7. Eq. (A.19) also gives the scaling behaviour in the infinite lattice limit at pc and will enable determination of 1'. Only two of the exponents are independent, as such a check can be provided by various exponent relations. =§:::,a+2B+7=2,dv=2—xx, (A28) where d is the dimension. A.5 Bond percolation on regular lattices with free boundary conditions Table A.1: Standard Percolation Exponents exponent d=2 sq triangular d=3 cubic FCC v 4/ 3 135(1) 137(3) 0.88 093(4) 092(2) '7 43/ 18 226(7) 228(7) 1.8 1.7(1) 1.76(8) T 187/ 91 206(1) 208(2) 2.18 224(1) 224(2) Here we present bond percolation values calculated for simulations run under similar conditions to those in Chapter 5. The accepted values of standard percola- 150 Table A.2: Comparison of Percolation Exponents Vb VI Vt Sq. 135(1) 139(1) — Tri. 137(3) 137(1) 133(6) Cubic 093(4) 100(5) - FCC 092(2) 0.982(5) 092(2) ’71; ’Yz ”rt Sq. 226(7) 219(3) — Tri. 228(7) 216(3) 213(6) Cubic 1.7(1) 1.7(2) — FCC 1.76(8) 1.74(2) 161(3) Tb T I T! Sq. 206(1) 207(2) — Tri. 208(2) 209(5) 198(8) Cubic 224(1) 223(6) - FCC 224(2) 2.17(8) 207(8) tion, may be easily looked up in any number of books, including ”Introduction to percolation theory” by Dietrich Stauffer and Amnon Aharony. The primary reason for doing these calculations was to examine the critical exponents v, T, and ’y, of the 3-d lattices for free boundary conditions. Figure A.1 provides an unbiased estimate of the exponent v by using, 5p? = (p?) — (pg)2 ~ L‘z/V. The results are recorded in Table A.2. The value of u measured for the 2-d lattices is consistent with the standard percolation value and the leaf removal values. The values of u calculated for the 3-d lattices are between the standard values and the leaf removal values. The values are very close to the value of 11 found for triangle removal. In Figure A.3 we calculated the exponent "y from the average cluster size, S, on approach to pc from below. The value of 7 calculated in the 3-d cases are consis- tent with the standard percolation value of 7 = 1.8 (d = 3). In 2-d, he standard percolation value of ’y = 2.38 is higher than the values measured 73" = 226(7) and 'l’tri = 227(7). The values measured here fall between the standard value and the core percolation values. The values for "y are strongly affected by finite size 151 effects, as the slope is dependent upon the transition point which in finite samples is a function of the size of the samples. Figs. A.4 and A.5 show the plots of us Ld verses 3 used to calculated T For the 3-dimensional lattices we measure a T 2 224(2) for bond percolation, which is consistent with the leaf removal values of T = 2.17(8) for the FCC and T = 223(6) for the simple cubic lattice. This suggests that the value we calculated for leaf removal is consistent with standard percolation. The value of T for triangle removal on the FCC lattice is lower than both the standard quoted value and the value calculated here, it is however consistent with the standard value. The 2-d values are consistent with the leaf removal values. After examining the critical exponents obtained by the same methods as used in the core percolation calculations, we can see that the values are similar. Any discrepancies between the standard values and the values measured here, and in core percolation, can be explained through finite-size effects and the results of the boundary conditions. 152 )- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I d _ x‘ q v ‘ ‘\‘8 ‘A‘..' " \\\ ‘ \+-. " ‘~x A‘- x + -2 1“ A _ _ ". ~x x. -- .( ' \s ‘. 00 _ v . ._'+.. - _ ~ '~. . '4!“ - x\\‘\ “\_.. ' ‘x‘ ‘ .j ‘ ‘ ‘ ' A, '+-. '- ‘\_ ‘8 “‘ - .v.‘ -3 . 5". - _ v. '— 10 I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - l 2 3 10 10 10 Figure A.1: Plots of 61212 = (p2) — (p)2 as a function of lattice size L on a double logarithmic graph. The A are data from the triangular lattice, the dashed line is a best fit from which we extract the estimate 11 2 135(1). The + are data from the square lattice from which we extract the estimate 11 2 137(3). The V are data from the FCC from which we extract the estimate u = 092(2). The x are data from the cubic lattice from which we extract v 2 093(4). 153 I F I T I I I I l I I I I I I I j T I I I I I : I 05 -_...._..,++++ ............. + .................... + ............................. + .......................... 1 0.4 _— -: "-A-AA-A ------------------ : «>3 A A ------ A- ____________________________ . w 0.3 — .......... I Q I : “x ...... x ...... x- -.-.-.x ................. x . ................. -l 0.2 L .-.-._._.-._.-._.-.-.-.-.__i “...? ....................... O l :- V V v .................. v. ............................................ —“‘ : 1 O L 1 l 1 l 1 1 I 4 1 l L 1 ‘ 7 0 0.01 0 02 0.03 0 04 0 05 5pc Figure A.2: Plots of the average value of PI as a function of 617,, for each sample size we find Pl (L) and (5p, (L). (5)91 goes to 0 as L goes to co. This allows us to extract the infinite lattice critical point. 154 10 1¥\r..'1 11111] 1 1 111111] T \'. I IIIIII I 104 I I IIIIIII 103 IjIIIIIII I I)‘IIIIID I II D 0 +1 I IIIIII 102 I IIIII Ti I IIIIII 101 I I I IIIII 0 1 L 1 1 1 111l 1 1 1 1 1 111l..\- 1 10 - - _ 103 102 101 Ip-pcl Figure A.3: Plots of the average cluster size on approach to P1 from below for lattices of size N = 10, 240, 000 sites, from this plot we extract the exponent ’7. The A correspond to the triangular lattice yielding 'y = 228(7). The + correspond to the square lattice yielding "y 2 226(7). The V correspond to the FCC lattice yielding '7 = 1.76(8). The x correspond to the cubic lattice yielding 'y = 1.7(1). 155 10-‘ 1 1 lllllll T Ifrrllll 1 I lllIllI IIIII l I lIlIIIl I I IIIIIII I I IIIIII IIIIIIII I I IIIIIII I I IIIII'II l l I l I IIIIIIIJ I lIlIIIlI V L I IIIIIIl l I lllllll I llIIIIIl 100 101 10 103 fl 0 'I III ‘I I IIIIIII I llllllII I IIIIIIII 3 )—1 O .p 'l lllLLLlILJ 1111111l 11111111l 111 I I IIIIIIl 10 ;— l I I I IALII I :I 100 101 102 103 S Figure A.4: plots of the cluster size distribution for lattices of N = 8, 000, 000 sites. (a) The FCC lattice yields T = 224(2). (b) The cubic lattice yields T 2 224(1). 156 l I IIIIIIT l I IIII'II I I‘I’IIIIII III . lIlIllll 4IIIIIIII lIlllllll llIIIIlII l llIIIlIl I II \ )—1 O IIII'I I lllllllI I IIIIIIII I lllllll' I IllllIll IIIIIIIII l llJ I IIIIlIl I IIIIILII I I IIIIIII m‘ m2 m 3 ... O o .4 .( .4 —( _. [III I lllllllI l llIIIlII I IIIIIIII l lIlIIllI I II ”"l l lllllllI I lIlIIlIl I IIIIIIII I lllllllI l lllllllI I II Figure A.5: plots of the cluster size distribution for lattices of N 2 10,240,000 sites. (a) The triangular lattice yields 1’ 2 208(2). (b) The square lattice yields r=2%u) 157 Appendix B Replica Symmetric Calculations This appendix contains an expansion of the math done in Sherrington’s and Kirk- patrick’s paper titled ”Solvable Model of a Spin-Glass” [83] and the application of the replica method to the lattice gas [94]. B.1 Replica Method on the Ising Spin Glass [83] We start with the Ising Model Hamiltonian with zero field, the system has N Ising spins, S,- = i1, % )2 [ii-sis) (3.1) 1'70 At this point we make u replica’s of the partition Function, which we denote with the label a, NITD : ZeXP( E Elijsasa)‘ (8'2) Sf“ iyéj 0‘ The average over the disorder for Z n is, (2") = / P(Iij)Z"d]l-j. (3.3) 158 We need the average value of the replicated Partition function in order to utilize the replica trick, _ . <2") - 1 (1n Z) — 111% n . (3.4) The form for the Probability density P ( I,- j) for a specific [if is a Gaussian, _ 1 (Iij -10)2 1301]) — mam—T)- (35) With the Product of the probability densities for all unique (ij) pairs giving, 2 .. = ; (n(n—1)/2) _ M P(I,,) ( 1727:) exp( 1% 2], ), (3.6) 2 : 1 (n(n—1)/2) (Iij‘ [0) (———N2—n) exp(— 2 1;,- _212 ). (37) Combining (B.2),(B.3) and (8.7) we get, [2 (2") = (17—) ‘2‘ :fznexp( (——%) Sf‘ 11 [3 exp (4];2 —- —— +(— 231,154+ 2]?__2)]ij)d]ii. (3.8) and using the Gaussian identity, °° 2 b d — ” b2 B 9 [_mexm—ax + x) x — 5 exp(4—a-). ( . ) we can evaluate (Z ") to get our replicated partition function, and the free energy now looks like, 12 (2")- — =EHIex p(4 (kT)2(s “51.) )2+-2——k0T£sf‘s¢)I. (13.10) S‘?‘ 1] 159 Now, rearrange the sums in the exponential, 2(2) 5“5“)2 — 2 2 (25951- Sp); + Nzn — an. (3.11) 2'21 After this the partition function becomes, (1.1)]2N2 (”,2 2N ION" ZR: Wsl xp(l 4(kT)2 (4(kT)2 ( 2kT ) (20602 “11:30.15? (2_I_k0T )(ZsaflH. (3.12) The terms with N are dropped because they vanish in the thermodynamic limit to leave our partition function as, 2. = 6.023.212 M .222? ) 5‘?‘ “<5 IJexp (%(ES?)2 )I. (B.13) Which is the result arrived at by Sherrington and Kirkpatrick. Decompose this using Eq. (B. 9), where for the yafi integralI a — N / 2 and b2: —kL21%IZ(E,I 80‘8"; )2, and for the xa integral, a— — N / 2 and b2: ( k1") £0351 S“)2, to get, 2. Mai—.32 29/ [Hf—21%.] / [0921/72] “(5 lyz j" (exp(—N ; ¥+ +;. 2 2,3538%...) 2 l3 2 .. +exp(—Nzx—2“— +(%)1::E)jsf‘x.)). (3.14) a a i 160 Where i = I N 1/ 2, f0 = ION. At this point we choose to solve for the replica symmetric solution, which means setting all ya); ——> y and xa —-> x. Now we make the statement, “2N N ZR : 8Xp( all(TTTnZH _I:7I;)dl/2dy]/[1;I(§7—i)1/2 __ 2 dx] exp (— N<£17m— + n—:—-)) (Z?)N. (B.15) Where 25’ is equal to, a m(%%)1/2 this gives, =f[H(2n)1/2(k_l;_2_)2dq][[1:1(51%QT.)1/2dm 2 ,, f2 exp(—<.’.%<1-(>++’—-—3.:m>>ex)pi.( ”’3 2(2) +ex Nln 1/2/ j—ql “2 I—O— n p (2n) dze '2' 2cosh(k qu z+k m) (B.20) . . _ (Nf F = —kT11mOn 1[/[p(Nn)1/2—(——k:)2dq (dug/FR2 —k—n9r)1/2dm] 03 szn 2 12an 2 8XP(-<.(k.)2<1—q> +— 3k?“ .2)pr(4(” ) z2 +exp [Nln(27r)_1/2/dzexp(——2—) (2C05h(klfq1/ZZ-l- +15%,” )) nI—l]. (B21) 162 Now we do the integrals by the method of steepest descent to get the coupled equations, I N ” amz" ——2—(E’f)2(1—q)+N Bql = 0, (3.22) b amzf —N(fi_)m+N am = 0. (3.23) where we define, Z", = (2n)—1/2/dzex (——ZE) 2cosh(] 1/22 +1—0m)n (B 24) 1 p 2 H" +kT ' ' Then q = 1 — 712—7:fdzexp(—zz/2)sech2(k—Lqu/ZZ—F +10 m) (3.25) kT m = _I_/dzexp(—zz/2)tanh -]—q1/2z+ I—Om (B.26) v27: kT +ka The free energy becomes, _ _ _ flN _ 2_Efl[2 F _ kT[ 4(kT)2(1 ‘0 2kTm ) +N1n(27t)-1/2/dzexp(—zz/2) I uzz +h 2cosh(k—Tq +kT m.) (3.27) and the entropy is, 2 _ _ 1212. F _ _ 22 _1/2 1 +k(27r) [dz exp(——§)1n(2cosh Z). (8.28) 163 The entropy W111 be nonphysical when T -—> O H O m = 0 We define an indicator function B 2 Replica solution to the lattice gas [94] x= H< (1 _yiyj) (3.29) (if) and a partition functlon E = Z Xexpwzyil- (8'30) yi=0 1 The average density at a srte 18 _1a_:: Usmg the ident1ty [Illl >-‘ (8.31) -— —limn_,OE n— 1 [I] l r. we shall find the average value of p, by averaging Eq (B 31) usmg (B 32) The average replicated partition function IS given by, (3.32) = 2 exp (qu?)(H[(1N— — )+fiH(1 —y” yf=0,1 1,11 iyéj a where a — 1 ' ' exponentiate to find (3.33) 1 ) n 18 the repllca index. Since we are interested in c . I an ' z 1, we can 2 8XP(1¢Zy§-’ - (cN/2)+ yfzog i,a ()c/N )2 “(I — yfyj)) iaéf“ (13.34) 164 Now introduce the variable, - 1 N x(y) = if .2 Hay”. (13.35) with ):x(9) = 1. (8.36) Notice that we have defined a special notation for 37, = {y},.. .y“,. ..,yi ".} It is a vector of replicated variables at a single site and thus has 11 components, each of which can take on the values 0 or 1. The order parameter x(_17) is the fraction of sites which are in configuration 9’. It is a functional order parameter as each of the 2" components of x can take on a continuum of values between 0 and 1. Using this order parameter we rewrite the partition function as, ‘51—": f0 yaH dx(y “)(exp —NF[x(37)]). (3.37) where + Ex(y)1nx(g‘) + A(E x117) — 1). (8.38) 9' .17 In this expression y’ - T = 22:1 y“. Eq. (8.38) includes the combinatorial factor N! / Hy[x(37) N ]! due to the permutations of x(g’). We now use the method of steep- est descents with x(g') being our set of continuous variables. We have, 3%:-#9’-T—c2x(i’)H(1—y“y“')+1nx(g')+1+x=0 (3.39) .1/ 165 The symmetric ansatz assumes that x is invariant under permutations of the com- ponents of 9'. This implies that N x(.17) -+ x( E y”) (1340) a=1 It is useful to define the exponential transform, 8° e 301 EN_ y“) x 3 = dh h “-1 3.41 (y) L... ( > (1 +213 < > which ensures that the constraint (8.36) holds, provided, 00 / g(h)dh = 1. (3.42) —00 Within the symmetric assumption, the average density p is the same for all replicas, so we have, ex h p=Hy1=ZX(yw=y1 f: thIg )1+——E-—x(p2h-) (8.43) Defining s = )2“ y“ and rearranging equation (8.39) yields, _. I x(9') = eXPl-A - 1 + 38 + c 2366’) H(1 -— yay“ )] (3.44) " I y, Using Eq. (8.41), we have, /dh8(h)(1:xg;(l:1(sz))n = exp [—A+1+ys+c/dh'g(h’) exp (—sln (1 + exp(h')) >] (8.45) The only puzzling piece of this expression is the last term in the exponential on the RHS. To see how this arises start with the last term on the RHS of Eq. (8.44) (the 166 one proportional to c), I I) exp( (5,7, I) gfdh 801) (1 ())+exp(h’ '1 H0 ya’) __ —/dh’g(h) )(1+ex1p(h’))"n 2 exp(h’ya)(1—yaya) (8.46) a’ ya’ =,01 Each term in the product can be summed to give 1 + (1 — y“ )ehl. This term is one if y“ = 1, and it is 1 + eh, if y” = 0. Using this information, Eq. (8.46) reduces to, _ I I (1+9XP(h’))n—S —/dh g(h) (1+exp(h’))" , (3.47) which is the same as the last term in the exponential on the RHS of Eq. (8.45). Now we take the limit 11 —+ 0 to find, / dhg(h)eh8 = exp[—/\ + 1 + 1s + c / dh’g(h') exp(—sln(1 + exp(h’)))1)1 (3.43) Note that ifs = O, we must have, c — A + 1 = O, which implies that, A = c + 1 (8.49) It is useful to make the following changes of variable, k=h/y ; 02514 (8.50) We then have, 11 [0” dkg(ky) exp(kv) = exp(v — c + cz(v)) (3.51) where v) = 2 / dk’g(k’2)exp<—-;§ln11 +exp(k’2>1> (3.52) 167 ”H.411 E 2 m“ ;__ Now note that in the limit 14 —+ 00 we have, 5m + exp(k’m —» k’9 y/_: dk’g(k’y)exp(—k’v9(k’)) = °° I I I 0+ I I 11 [0+ dk g(k y)exp(—k v) + 14 /_oo dk g(k 11). (8.54) Now we assume that, 00 g(k2)=;1,- )2 gm6(k+m). (8.55) m=—1 Substituting into Eq. (8.51) (and using Eq. (8.54)) we have, )2 gm8Xp(-mv)=exp(v-c+c[g_18XP(-v)+go+ 2: M) (356) From the normalization condition on g(h) (Eq. (8.42)), we obtain, 00 00 [.00 g(h)dh = 1 =2 g_1 + g0 + )3 gm = 1 (3.57) m=1 Using this result and expanding the g_1 term on the RHS of Eq. (8.56) yields, if (cg_1)’ exp((1 — 0v) XI gmexp(-mv) = exp(—cg_1) I ' (8.58) In=—J 1:0 ' To ensure that this equation holds, we need to have, (Cg—1 )"1+1 gm = exp(—€34) (m + 1)! (B59) 168 Once we know g_1 then all of the other gm are found from it. The equation for 8—1 is, g_1 = exp(—cg_1). (8.60) We define W(c) = cg_1, so we have, C = Wexp(W). (8.61) This is the definition of the Lambert function. We can now find the average density on each site of the lattice. The density is given by (see Eq. (8.43)) 1 8° exp(ku) = — dk k p 14 [0 g( 3) 00 0° 1 + exp(ku)’ _ eXP(k#) - [0 dk E gm6(k+m)1+exp(ky), 1 1 ) + 580 _.. 8—1 + 82-802 (362) where the last expression on the RHS applies as we are interested in the limit 14 —> 00. From Eq. (8.59), we have, W2 30 = 8XP(—cg—1)cg_1 = C(g_1)2 = 73—. (3.63) The density of the vertex cover is xc = 1 — p which is , _2w+w2 22 (8.64) xc=1 There is more information in the solution above, than just the average cover. 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