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DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 5/08 K:lProj/Acc&Pres/CIRC/DateDue indd FUNCTIONAL AND EVOLUTIONARY CHARACTERIZATION OF ARABIDOPSIS CAROTENOID HYDROXYLASES By Joonyul Kim A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2008 ABSTRACT FUNCTIONAL AND EVOLUTIONARY CHARACTERIZATION OF ARABIDOPSIS CAROTENOID HYDROXYLASES By Joonyul Kim Xanthophylls are a group of more than 500 different oxygenated carotenes that serve a variety of functions in procaryotes and eucaryotes. Xanthophyll composition is highly conserved in photosynthetic tissues of higher plants but how changes in xanthophyll composition occurred in ancestral photosynthetic organisms and why specific changes have been retained in lineages leading to higher plants remain open questions. To study on evolution of the xanthophyll biosynthetic pathway, I focused on the molecular evolution of four Arabidopsis carotenoid hydroxylases (CYP97A3, CYP97C1, CRTR-Bl and CRTR-BZ) that catalyze key reactions in xanthophyll synthesis. The protein encoded by CYP97A3 was identified as the primary (it-carotene [3- ring hydroxylase (Chapter 2). Mutation of C YP97A3 (lut5 locus) caused accumulation of or-carotene but not a-cryptoxanthin and the major route for lutein synthesis to be determined. Lutein synthesis occurred by two successive B- and a-ring hydroxylation from (Jr-carotene give actual sequence of reaction. The susceptibility of a lut5 null mutant to photooxidation under high light stress is likely due to the massive accumulation of or- carotene in this mutant. In Chapter 3, functional divergence of the four carotenoid hydroxylases (CYP97A3, CYP97C1, CRTR-Bl and CRTR-BZ) were assessed based on their different in planta substrate specificities and gene expression profile. Generation of a quadruple mutant in which all four genes are inactive showed these carotenoid hydroxylases represent the full enzymatic complement in Arabidopsis. Phylogenetic analyses suggested that the C YP97A3 and C YP97C1 genes were duplicated before the speciation of Arabidopsis and green algae (of. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Ostreococcus tauri) while duplication of the CRTR-B genes was more recent, after the Arabidopsis/A. palaestina split. Although the four enzymes exhibit some overlap in activities, most notably in hydroxylation of the B-ring of a-carotene, the mode of functional divergence in the two gene pairs appears to be distinct. C YP97 duplicates are strongly coexpressed but the encoded proteins have distinct in planta substrates, likely due to divergence in their putative substrate recognition/binding regions. In contrast, the CRT R-B duplicates are isozymes that show significant expression divergence in reproductive organs. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am happy to have an opportunity to call over the names of the people one after another who helped me to continue my Ph. D. Although, only my name is shown on the cover of the dissertation, I would say that it is impossible to complete my Ph. D. without their supports. I deeply thank to my Ph. D. advisor Dr. Dean DellaPenna for his supports and encouragements during my graduate study. I was lucky to have him who taught me the way of thinking which was the most critical to continue my career as a researcher. I also appreciate him to give me a lifelong word, “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!” I would also thank to my committee members, Drs. James J. Smith, Kenneth Keegstra, Shelagh Ferguson-Miller and Gregory Zeikus for their advices both humanly and scientifically. Some former and current members of the DellaPenna lab should be acknowledged. They are Tian Li, Laura Ullrich, Maria Magallanes, Hiroshi Maeda, Dana Chris, Naoko Kobayashi, and Wan Song. I also thank to Dr. Jongmin Nam in CALTECH, a lifelong fiiend and a collaborator to let me jump into a study on molecular evolution. And also many thanks go to several faculty members in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) and Plant Biology departments for their advices and supports. They are Drs. Daniel Jones, Shin-Han Shiu, Kaillathe Padmanabhan, Michael Feig, and Robert Last. I also appreciate to my graduate fellows in the BMB department and Plant Research Labs for their supports and friendship, especially Hoo-Sun Chung and Colleen Doherty. Many Korean friends helped me to overcome homesickness. They are Namjoon Kim, Seunghoon Song, Sangheuk Park, Seunghwan Yang, Abe K00, and Lace Choi. Most importantly, I have to give a special mention for the support given by my family. Especially, I would like to express my gratitude to my wife, Sangeun for her love and patience. E’éP—I EEMIM are %-?_43l°i 2.51s! $E‘elP—l 7t; ERIE, JEII'. EEJOlI 74W 9’38- mafi'alflll élMSll Dl%§ ESL—IQ. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xii CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1 1.1 General property and biological function of carotenoids 2 1.1.1 Mechanic rigidity 2 Membrane fluidity 2 1.1.2 The unique electron cloud of the carotenoid polyene chain -------- 3 Light absorption 3 Energy transfer between carotenoids and chlorophylls -------- 3 1.1.3 Versatility in carotenoid oxidative cleavage reactions --------- 4 Chromophores 4 Aroma and flavors 4 Hormones 5 Fungal growth regulators 5 1.2 Xanthophylls, structural and functional components of light-harvesting complexes (LHC) in photosynthetic eucaryotes 6 1.3 The xanthophyll biosynthetic pathway in higher plants 8 1.3.1 From colorless to colorful carotenoids 9 1.3.2 From acyclic to cyclic carotenoids 10 1.3.3 From nonoxygenated to oxygenated carotenoids 10 1.3.4 Molecular characterization of carotenoid hydroxylases 11 1.4 Carotenoid hydroxylases as tools to understand evolution of the xanthophyll biosynthetic pathway 13 1.5 General characteristics of P450 and non-heme type carotenoid hydro- xylase gene families 14 1.5.1 Heme-containing cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes (P450)-- 15 1.5.2 Non-heme di-iron monooxygenases (non-heme) 16 1.6 Goals of my research 17 vi CHAPTER 2: DEFINING THE PRIMARY ROUTE FOR LUTEIN SYNTHESIS IN PLANTS: THE ROLE OF ARABIDOPSIS CAROTENOID B-RING HYDROXYLASE CYP97A3 21 2.1 Summary 22 2.2 Introduction 22 2.3 Results 24 2.3.1 The lut5 mutation is in Arabidopsis CYP97A3 and causes accumulation of high levels of a-carotene 24 2.3.2 a-carotene is incorporated into lut5-1 photosystems ---------- 25 2.3.3 The impact of mutating CYP97-type carotenoid hydroxylases on the expression of other carotenoid biosynthetic enzymes ------------ 26 2.4 Discussion 27 2.4.1 At least four enzymes are involved in carotenoid hydroxylation --- 27 2.4.2 CYP97A3, the new type of B-ring hydroxylase in Arabidopsis ---- 28 2.4.3 A model for lutein biosynthesis and regulation in plants ---------- 29 2.5 Material and Methods 34 2.5.1 Plant materials 34 2.5.2 TaqMan Real-Time PCR Assays 34 2.5.3 Isolation of thylakoid membranes and nondenaturing polyacryl- amide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) 35 2.5.4 Structural determination of an unknown monohydroxy or-carotene-35 CHAPTER 3: MOLECULAR EVOLUTION OF CAROTENOID HYDRO- XYLASES IN ARABIDOPSIS 46 3.1 Summary 47 3.2 Introduction 48 3.3 Results 49 3.3.1 Defining the full complement of caroteonid hydroxylases in Arabidopsis 49 3.3.2 Gene duplication of the C YP97 and CRT R-B genes 50 3.3.3 Functional divergence of Arabidopsis CYP97 and CRTR-B enzyme pairs 51 Substrate divergence 51 Expression divergence 55 3.3.4 The impact of functional divergence on plant adaptation under high light 55 vii 3.4 Discussion 57 3.4.1 Gene duplication and in vivo activity of carotenoid hydroxylase genes 57 3.4.2 The evolution of [Fl-xanthophyll synthesis 59 3.4.3 The evolution of a-xanthophyll synthesis 60 3.5 Material and methods 66 3.5.1 The CYP97 and CR TR-B genes used for phylogenetic analyses ----66 3.5.2 Sequence alignments and computational analyses 66 3.5.3 Plant material and pigment analyses 68 3.5.4 Expression data analyses 68 3.5.5 Colinearity of chromosomal segments 69 3.5.6 Measurement of in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence and C02 fixation rates 69 CHAPTER 4: FUTURE WORK 99 4.1 Fitness test of lut5-1 (a3) mutant under low and light condition ---------- 100 4.2 Identification of P450-type carotenoid hydroxylase in C. reinhardtii -------- 100 4.3 In-depth phenotypic analyses of crtr-bI and crtr-b2 mutants ---------- 101 4.4 Identification of the carotenoid cleavage enzymes recognizing the e-ring -- 102 APPENDIX 103 Supplementary data 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY 126 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Pigment composition in the indicated lineages of photosynthetic eukaryote lineages 1 8 Table 2 Leaf tissue carotenoid composition in the indicated genotypes 36 Table 3 Carotenoid composition in photosystems (PS I holocomplex and PS II core com- plex) of the indicated genotypes 38 Table 4 Carotenoid composition in the green and white-colored seedlings which are the progeny from two different parental genotypes, b1b1b2b2c1c1A3a3 and b1b1b2b2C1c1a3a3, respectively 70 Table 5 List of CYP97 homologs used for constructing a Neighbor-joining tree ------- 71 Table 6 List of CRTR-B homologs used for constructing a Neighbor-joining tree ----- 73 Table 7 Carotenoid composition in the leaves of the two wild types (Col-O and Ws) and seven informative genotypes 75 Table 8 Carotenoid composition in the seeds of the two wild types (Col-0 and W3) and seven informative genotypes 77 Supplementary data Table 1 Synonymous substitutions per site (Ks), nonsynonymous substitutions per site (Ka) and corresponding confidence intervals (CL) 122 LIST OF FIGURES Fig. l. Xanthophyll synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana 20 Fig. 2. Pathway showing all possible routes to major xanthophyll syntheses from lycopene in Arabidopsis 40 Fig. 3. HPLC chromatograms of carotenoids extracted from leaves of the indicated mutant genotypes (left panel) and comparison of UV-visible absorption spectra of unknown peaks to those of zeinoxanthin and a-carotene 42 Fig. 4. Non-denaturing gel electrophoretic separation of pigmentzprotein complexes from thylakoid membranes of the indicated genotypes 44 Fig. 5. Expression of carotenoid biosynthetic genes in lutI-4, lut5-I and lut5-Ilut1-4 relative to WT 45 Fig. 6. Neighbor-joining trees of the C YP97 (A) and CRT R-B (B) gene families ----- 79 Fig. 7. The exon-intron structures of CRTR-B genes (A) and the colinearity of chro- mosomal segments including CR TR-B genes (B) in Arabidopsis, poplar and rice ---- 82 Fig. 8 Sliding window analyses of CYP97 (A) and CRTR-B pairs (B) and the site- specific profile of cluster-specific functional divergence (Type II) between the CYP97A and CYP97C clades (C) 86 Fig. 9 Two homology models (open and closed conformations) of CYP97A3 -------- 92 Fig. 10 Expression divergence of duplicates in each C YP97 and CRT R-B gene pair in (A) the indicated tissues and (B) stress conditions in leaf 94 Fig. 11 Non-photochemical quenching (N PO) and maximum photosynthetic efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) in the indicated genotypes 95 Fig. 12 CO; fixation rates of WT and a3 before and after ten hour high light exposure 97 Fig. 13 Two possible scenarios for the evolution of (it-xanthophyll biosynthetic pathway 98 Supplementary data Fig. 1 HPLC chromatograms of the indicated mass ions ------- 104 Supplementary data Fig. 2 Whole-plant phenotype of WT and lut5-I under high light exposure 106 Supplementary data Fig. 3 Amino acid alignments of (A) CYP97 homologs and CRT R- B homologs used for neighbor-joining tree construction 107 Supplementary data Fig. 4 C02 fixation rates of WT and a3 mature leaves as a function of a light level 124 Supplementary data Fig. 5 Signal intensity of CRTR-BI and CRTR-BZ obtained from microarray data obtained from developing seeds 125 xi ABA a—carotene a—xanthophylls B-xanthophylls [LB-carotenoids B,e-carotenoids B-carotene B-cyclase e-cyclase CCD Chl a Chl b GGPP LHC MRCA Non-heme P450 PC Polyene Xanthophyll WT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abscisic acid B,e-carotene or-carotene derived xanthophylls B-carotene derived xanthophylls B-carotene derived carotenoids a-carotene derived carotenoids [3,B-carotene lycopene B-ring cyclase lycopene e-ring cyclase Carotenoid-cleavage dioxygenase Chlorophyll a Chlorophyll b Geranylgeranyl pyrophosphates Li ght-harvesting complex Most recent common ancestor Non-heme di-iron Cytochrome P450 Photosystem core complex Poly-unsaturated organic compound Oxidized carotene Wild type xii CHAPTER 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1. General property and biological function of carotenoids Carotenoids are a group of more than 700 red, yellow and orange colored pigments and are some of the most widespread of all natural products (Straub, 1987; Kull and Pfander, 1995). These features are achieved by Nature’s adoptation of two simple and economical strategies, making use of a universal pathway, the isoprenoid pathway, for carotenoic synthesis and elaborating various downstream modification steps in a lineage- specific fashion (Umeno et al., 2005). The carotenoid backbone is a hydrocarbon chain with conjugated double bonds, resulting from a series of condensations of five carbon isoprene building blocks. Most of carotenoids have a C40 backbone resulting from the condensation of two geranylgeranyl pyrophosphates (GGPP, C20) and only a few eubacteria produce Cgo-based carotenoids (Armstrong, 1997; Umeno et al., 2005). Chemical modifications leading to the diversity of carotenoids in nature include different types of ring cyclizations, oxygenations, glycosylations, prenylations and oxidative cleavages. This tremendous structural diversity that is widely distributed in nature has presumably evolved in relation to a number of independent and interdependent carotenoid biological functions (Vershinin, 1999). In this chapter I summarize the biological functions of carotenoids derived from their general mechanical and chemical properties. 1.1.1. Mechanic rigidity Membrane fluidity The polyene structure of carotenoids provides an extremely rigid backbone in a lipid-soluble environment. This mechanic rigidity may be the basis of carotenoid functions in controlling membrane fluidity (Rohmer et al., 1979). The effects of carotenoids on the physical properties of saturated phosphatidylcholine membranes were also studied with an electron paramagnetic resonance spin-labeling method (Wisniewska et al., 2006). These effects were monitored at the membrane center as a function of the amount of the carotenoid added to the sample and as a ftmction of the critical temperature for fluid-phase transition. This study showd that carotenoids, especially the dipolar, terminally dihydroxylated carotenoid lutein decreased membrane fluidity and increased the hydrophobicity of the membrane interior. 1.1.2. The unique electron cloud of the carotenoid polyene chain Light absorption Oxygenic photosynthesis is an ancient mechanism in cyanobacteria, red algae, green algae, and terrestrial plants that uses light and molecular oxygen to produce ATP and reducing power to drive carbon fixation (Blankenship, 1992; Nelson and Ben-Shem, 2004). The first step in oxygenic photosynthesis is absorption of light by pigments (e. g. chlorophylls and carotenoids) in the photosynthetic complexes. In the light-harvesting complexes (LHCs) and photosystem core complex (PCs) of photosynthetic organisms, carotenoids have slightly different absorption spectra from chlorophylls, the major light-harvesting pigments. This allows the photosynthetic apparatus to maximize light absorption in a gap of the chlorophyll absorption spectra (420600 nm) thus increasing the active spectral range of photosynthesis. In nonphotosynthetic tissues of plants and animals, this feature provides coloration for sexual displays, pollinator attraction and seed dispersal. Many yellow and orange flowers and fruits of plants (Howitt and Pogson, 2006) and various red and orange coloration of male fish and birds are prominent examples (Olson and Owen, 1998). Energy transfer between carotenoids and chlorophylls The unique arrangement of n-electrons in the carotenoid polyene chain allows bidirectional excitation energy transfer between carotenoids and chlorophylls. This property is particularly important for photosynthesis and allows the photosynthetic apparatus to be optimized for light usage: (1) the captured light energy in LHCs is channeled to PCs by virtue of the slightly higher excited state (81) of carotenoids compared to chlorophylls in the PCs (Cogdell and Gardiner, 1993; Liu et al., 2004) and, (2) carotenoids protect chlorophylls from excessive light energy by quenching the excited triplet of chlrophylls directly (Ma et al., 2003; Holt et al., 2005). Many photosynthetic eukaryotes developed these photoprotection mechanisms using carotenoids via xanthophyll cycles (Young and Frank, 1996) 1.1.3. Versatility in carotenoid oxidative cleavage reactions The long polyene chain of carotenoids can be cleaved enzymatically to produce a diverse range of oxidative cleavage products.These carotenoid-derived molecules, so called apocarotenoids, have been identified as bioactive molecules in plants, fungi and animals (Auldridge et al., 2006a). Chromophores In animals, the chromophore of rhodopsins, retinal, is a cleavage product of B-carotene and provide the basis for visual reception. The light- dependent cis-trans isomerization of retinal induces a conformational changes in rhodopsin which is transmited to the nerve cell (Palczewski, 2006). Bixin in bixa seed and crocin in saffron stigma are the cleavage products of lycopene and zeaxanthin, respectively, which are extensively used as food and cosmetic additives for coloration (Bouvier et al., 2003; Castillo et al., 2005). Aroma and flavors B-ionone, B-cyclocitral, damascenones, and theaspirone contribute to the flavor and aroma of flowers and foods. For example, both B-ionone and damascenone are the key fragrant-contributing compounds in flowers (Demole et al., 1970). In fact, the sweet floral smells present in black tea, aged tobacco, grape, and many fruits are due to in large part to apocarotenoids (Auldridge et al., 2006a). Hormones Oxidaized derivatives of retinal are involved in vertebrate morphogenesis, growth, cellular differentiation, and tissue homeostasis by receptor- mediated signal transduction pathways (Mark et al., 2006). In plants, abscisic acid (ABA) is the best studied carotenoid—derived phytohormone, having vital functions in plant adaptation to stressful environments by regulating stomatal aperture and the expression of stress responsive genes, and in plant development such as seed maturation, germination and seedling growth (Leung and Giraudat, 1998). In addition, lateral branching phenotypes shown in two Arabidopsis mutants (max3 and max4) which are dirsupted in specific carotenoid-cleavage dioxygenases (CCDs), suggest a new class of carotenoid- derived mobile signaling molecules involving in controlling branching. Orthologous mutants in pea, petunia and rice exhibit increased branching and some can be restored to wild-type branching if the mutant is grafted to wild-type tissues (Auldridge et al., 2006a), indicating that this carotenoid derived signaling molecule is conserved through angiosperrn. Fungal growth regulators Arbuscular mycorrhizae represent the most widespread symbiosis on the earth and form in association with the roots of more than 80% of land plants. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) fungi facilitate the uptake of phosphate, by plants, and in return obtain carbohydrates from their hosts. Massive accumulation of apocarotenoids including mycorradicin and cyclohexenone derivatives is initiated during root colonization by AM fungi. For instance, strigolactone, previously isolated as a seed-germination stimulant for root parasitic weeds, acts as a chemical signal for arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi during presymbiotic stages. The significance of apocarotenoids in AM symbiosis has been shown by experiments with maize mutants deficient in carotenoid biosynthesis. The maize y9 mutant in which a carotenoid isomerase is disrupted showed remarkable decrease in the mycorrhizal colonization rate and in exudation of strigolactones (Matusova et al., 2005; Akiyama, 2007). 1.2. Xanthophylls, structural and functional components of light- harvesting complexes (LHC) in photosynthetic eukaryotes The more than 700 structurally distinct carotenoid compounds are classified into two subgroups; the carotenes, acyclic or cyclic hydrocarbons and the xanthophylls, oxygenated derivatives of carotenes. The introduction of oxygen functional groups into carotenes seems to be a very ancient event that has been under strong selective pressure during evolutionary time because photosynthetic eukaryotes produce xanthophylls but no organism has been identified that only synthesizes carotenes (Table 1). One important role of xanthophylls is their association with LHC apoproteins to form fimctional light- harvesting complexes. In vitro LHC reconstitution studies with various carotenes and xanthophylls revealed that xanthophyll oxygen as a hydroxyl or epoxi is critical for LHC structure and function (Ruban et al., 1999; Bassi and Cafl‘arri, 2000; Phillip et al., 2002). For example, lutein, the predominant xanthophyll in higher plants has been shown not only to induce correct folding of the LHC II apoprotein (Paulsen et al., 1993) but also to be involved in stability of LHC II trimer (Lokstein et al., 2002). Interestingly, the function of xanthophylls in LHC assembly and function is conserved in photosynthetic eucaryotes but significant structural diversity still exists and fulfills their function in different organisms. For example, red and green algae have a variety of xanthophylls in which the backbone is or-carotene or B-carotene (Table 1), but most brown algae such as chromophytes and dinophytes only produce B-carotene derived xanthophylls (Alberte and Andersen, 1986; Britton, 1998; Pascal et al., 1998). Although LHC apoproteins are one of the highly structurally conserved proteins between taxa with having a flexibility to functionally bind xanthophylls (Bassi and Caffarri, 2000; Grabowski et al., 2001), different binding affinities for each xanthophyll in each LHC binding site suggests that the diversity of xanthophyll is somehow related and perhaps correlated to the evolution of LHC apoproteins. LHC 11 associated with three different xanthophylls (lutein, violaxanthin and neoxanthin) is the most abundant integral membrane protein in higher plant chloroplasts and exists as a trimer which binds half of the chlorophyll molecules in the plastids. Beside light-harvesting, LHC II has also been shown to function in the non-radiative dissipation of excess excitation energy under high light stress. Recently, the crystal structure of spinach LHC II was determined with high enough resolution (2.72 A) to assign all pigments including chlorophylls and xanthophylls at the atomic level (Liu et al., 2004). In the three dimensional structure, the position of pigments provide a rationale for how the rate of singlet excitation energy transfer between xanthophylls and chlorophylls is correlated: two luteins are found to be in favorable orientations and distances to Chl a for efficient singlet energy transfer fiom lutein to Chl a. One neoxanthin is found to transfer its energy mostly towards Chl b. Therefore, lutein and neoxanthin may fimction as effective accessory light-harvesting antennae, absorbing light in the blue-green spectral region as a complement to Chl a/b absorbing in the red region. The photoprotective role by the xanthophyll cycle could be also deduced by pr0posing an efficient non- photochemical energy —transfer pathway. 1.3. The xanthophyll biosynthetic pathway in higher plants The C5 building blocks for carotenoid synthesis are isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and its isomer, dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP). In higher plants, two independent pathways to synthesize these molecules are located in separate intracellular compartments, the cytosol and the plastid. In the cytosol, IPP is derived from the mevalonic acid pathway that starts from the condensation of acetyl-CoA and is used for the biosynthesis of sterols, sesquiterpenes and triterpenoids (Qureshi and Porter, 1981) with few exceptions (Dudareva et al., 2005). In plastids, IPP is formed from pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate via the 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate (DOXP) pathway and utilized for the synthesis of carotenoids (Lichtenthaler, 1999; Rohmer, 1999). In nature, more than two third of carotenoids are xanthophylls (>500) but the initial steps of xanthophyll biosynthesis leading to B—carotene are believed to have been established in very ancient organisms based on the widespread distribution of these compounds in both eubacteria and eukaryotes. In higher plants, xanthophyll composition is highly conserved, generally consisting of three predominant xanthophylls, lutein, violaxanthin and neoxanthin. How changes in xanthophyll composition occurred in ancestral photosynthetic organisms and why specific changes have been retained in lineages leading to higher plants remain open questions. In practical terms, understanding synthesis of the major xanthophylls in plants is an essential component for increasing xanthophyll production or creating new xanthophyll molecules by modifying the pathway (Britton, 1998). The aim of the following section of this literature review is to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge about xanthophyll biosynthesis in higher plants. Fig. l is a schematic diagram to illustrate the synthesis of major xanthophylls in higher plants. 1.3.1. From colorless to colorful carotenoids All C40 backbone carotenoids are derived from phytoene, a colorless carotenoid. The formation of a phytoene is achieved from the condensation of two GGPP molecules catalyzed by phytoene synthase, a 40 kDa protein encoded by PSY in plants and crtB in bacteria. There is significant amino acid identity between PSY and crtB, suggesting the functional conservation of phytoene synthase was established in a very early ancestor. Phytoene synthase in pepper could be partially purified fi'om a multiprotein complex containing other biosynthetic enzymes required for the preparation of GGPP, the substrate for phytoene synthase (Dogbo et al., 1988), indicating substrate channeling for phytoene synthesis in the multiprotein complex. Phytoene is oxidized to the red colored compound lycopene by the introduction of four symmetric double bonds in its polyene chain. Each double bond is introduced in the cis configuration and isomerized to the trans configuration by a pair of carotenoid isomerase (Isaacson et al., 2002; Park et al., 2002) to yield all trans lycopene, which is the prefered substrate for the next reaction step, lycopene cyclization. In higher plants, the two distinct reaction steps from phytoene leading to lycopene, desaturation and isomerazation are catalyzed by two desaturases encoded by PDS and ZDS, and two isomerases encoded by Z-ISO and CRTISO. Interestingly, PDS and ZDS are unrelated to the bacterial desaturase, but CRTISO appear to arise from a progenitor bacterial desaturase (Giuliano et al., 2002; Isaacson et al., 2002; Park et al., 2002; Li et al., 2007). 1.3.2. From acyclic to cyclic carotenoids Cyclization of lycopene is a key step in generating carotenoid diversity as it marks a branch point to two major cyclic carotenoid groups: the B,B- and [3,e-carotenoids. [3,[3-carotenoids (ii-carotene derived carotenoids) contain two identical B-rings formed by the symmetrical action of the B-ring cyclase (B- cyclase) whereas [Le-carotenoids (or-carotene derived carotenoids) contain two different ring structures ([3 and a) formed by the action of the B-cyclase and e-cyclase. B-rings contain a double bond in conjugation with the polyene chain which results in a rigid ring structure with only one conformation. In contrast, the a-ring double bond is not in conjugation and thus has relatively free rotation around the C6'—C7' carbon. Unlike the ubiquitous B-carotene derived carotenoids which occur in archaea, eubacteria and plants, (Jr-carotene derived carotenoids are found exclusively in the green plant lineage (Adams et al., 1993; Schagerl and Pichler, 2000; Yoshii et al., 2004), red algae (Marquardt and Hanelt, 2004b), and one extant prochlorophyte (a cyanobacterium) (Partensky et al., 1993; Stickforth et al., 2003). Therefore, from an evolutionary perspective, e-ring formation and modifications in the (it-carotene derived branch should postdate those of [3- rings in the B-carotene derived branch in evolutionary time and would be expected to have evolved only in this subgroup of s-ring carotenoid containing organisms. Plant 13- and e-cyclases are the archetypal monomeric lycopene cyclases encoded by LYCB and LYCE, respectively. Both enzymes show high similarities in their amino acid sequence and it is very likely they originated from duplication of a common ancestral gene (Krubasik and Sandmann, 2000). 1.3.3. From nonoxygenated to oxygenated carotenoidsThe most common and varied carotenoids among the hundreds of carotenoids are those that have cyclic end groups containing at least one oxygen function. The most commonly encountered oxygen function is a hydroxyl group at C3 (Britton, 1998) because hydroxylation at this position is the initial step in converting carotenes to xanthophylls in eubacteria, fungi and plants. Hydroxylation of the rings of a-carotene and B-carotene is catalyzed by a class of carotenoid hydroxylases. Production of B-carotene derived xanthophylls (B-xanthophylls) require two B-ring hydroxylations while or-carotene derived xanthophylls (or- xanthophylls) requires one [3- and one e-ring hydroxylation. Two successive ring hydroxylations of B-carotene and (it-carotene give rise to the dihydroxyl carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, respectively. Lutein is the most abundant carotenoid in plants, accounting for over 50% of the carotenoids in Arabidopsis leaves while zeaxanthin is only accumulated transiently under stress conditions. The major B- xanthophylls are violaxanthin and neoxanthin resulting from firrther ring modifications of zeaxanthin such as epoxidation and formation of allene group. These account for approximately 30% of total carotenoids in Arabidopsis. Experiments with Arabidopsis carotenoid biosynthetic mutants that have altered xanthophyll compositions make clear this conserved composition of lutein, violaxanthin and neoxanthin is the most functionally adaptive xanthophyll combination (Lokstein et al., 2002; Tian et al., 2003; Tian et al., 2004a; Dall'Osto et al., 2006), however, how this specific composition was established and maintained over evolutionary time remains an open question. 1.3.4. Molecular characterization of carotenoid hydroxylases Many carotenoid hydroxylases have been identified across phyla and all of them showed strong B-ring ll hydroxylase activity with the exception of two e-ring hydroxylases identified in Arabidopsis and rice. With very few exceptions (Blasco et al., 2004; Alvarez et al., 2006), these B-ring hydroxylases have been invariably characterized as members of the non- heme di-iron (non-heme) type carotenoid hydroxylases. Non-heme B-ring hydroxylases are further categorized into at least three subgroups (plant and green algal, non- photosynthetic bacterial, cyanobacterial groups) based on their primary structures. The catalytic mechanism using iron coordinated by histidine residues is the same in all three groups (Tian and DellaPenna, 2004), suggesting the existence of the common ancestral enzyme before the eubacteria and eucaryote split. Molecular characterizations of two e-ring hydroxylases proved that cytochrome P450 (P450) type enzymes are another class of carotenoid hydroxylase in higher plants. Tian, et. a1 (2004) determined the LUTl locus responsible for e-ring hydroxylation by positional cloning. The encoded protein was a P450 type carotenoid hydroxylase (CYP97C1) and suggested that the mechanism of s-ring hydroxylatibn evolved independently from that of non-heme type enzymes (Tian et al., 2004b). In rice, CYP97C2, an ortholog of Arabidopsis CYP97C1, has also shown to be an e-ring hydroxylase (Quinlan et al., 2007). Although three carotenoid hydroxylases had been identified in Arabidopsis (two non heme oxygenases and CYP97C1) it could not be concluded that these three genes represent the full complement of carotenoid hydroxylases in Arabidopsis. When a null LUTI mutant allele (lull-3) was introduced into a Arabidopsis mutant background also disrupted for the two non-heme enzymes, carotenoid hydroxylation activity was still present, suggesting that at least one additional unknown carotenoid hydroxylase activity 12 existed in vivo (Tian et al., 2004b). The isolation and characterization of this fourth carotenoid hydroxylase activity became the major focus of my thesis research. The fact that two P450 types B-ring hydroxylases had been identified in eubacteria and fungi (Blasco et al., 2004; Alvarez et al., 2006) suggested that cytochrome P450 (P450) type [ii-ring hydroxylase might also exist in higher plants. Such a B-ring hydroxylase activity structurally unrelated to non-heme type enzyme had been suggested based on molecular genetic studies (Tian et al., 2003; Kim and DellaPenna, 2006): an Arabidopsis plant in which all non-heme type B-ring hydroxylases are disrupted (crtr- b1 crtr-bZ hearafier b1 b2) still produced B-xanthophylls up to 20% of the wild type (WT) leveL 1.4. Carotenoid hydroxylases as tools to understand evolution of the xanthophyll biosynthetic pathway The ftmctional diversity of xanthophylls produced by plants has presumably evolved in relation to evolution of the xanthophyll biosynthetic pathway. Xanthophylls accumulate in nearly all types of plastids, and are thus found in most plant organs and tissues where they perform several independent and interdependent functions. Xanthophylls are predominant in photosynthetic tissues, accounting for about 80% of total carotenoids in an Arabidopsis leaf. Studying the evolutionary history of carotenoid hydroxylases is one of the most appropriate approaches to understand how xanthophyll biosynthesis and diversity was established because the reaction catalyzed by this enzyme is the first and key step in xanthophyll biosynthesis (Fig. 1). Work to date, including my Ph. D work demonstrated that four carotenoid hydroxylase genes are present in 13 Arabidopsis: two P450-type (e.g. C YP97A3 and CYP97C1) and two non-heme type (e.g. CRT R-BI and CRTR-BZ) genes (Tian and DellaPenna, 2004; Kim and DellaPenna, 2006). The two carotenoid hydroxylases in each class have significant amino acid identity to each other, implying each gene family member occurred by gene duplication and subsequent functional divergence. In addition to Arabidopsis, the rice orthologs CYP97A4 and CYP97C2, have 49% amino acid identity (Quinlan et al., 2007) and two non-heme type enzymes in tomato (75%), pepper (71%) and saffron (77%) were also functionally demonstrated to be carotenoid hydroxylases (Bouvier et al., 1998; Castillo et al., 2005; Galpaz et al., 2006). With these experimental data, firrther molecular evolutionary analyses such as detailed gene phylogeny and inference of an ancestral enzyme may provide insight into how the function of each gene evolved. Specifically, comparison of substrate specificity and gene expression between homologous genes make it possible to delineate the mode of functional divergence from a common ancestral gene. 1.5. General characteristics of P450 and non-heme type carotenoid hydroxylase gene families Gene families arise through a process of duplication of an ancestral gene followed by fimctional divergence (e.g. subfunctionalization or neofunctionalization) or pseudogenization (e.g. nonfunctionalization). Gene families are a basis for classifying proteins based on amino acid similarity, but their broader biological significance is less clear. Our growing knowledge of complete genome sequences and molecular genetics in several organisms now allow us to understand the evolutionary history of gene families 14 such as gene birth-and-death and functional divergence (Zhang, 2003; Taylor and Raes, 2004; Nei and Rooney, 2005). Carotenoid hydroxylase genes can be used as a test case to attempt to reach some general conclusions about the evolution of multigene families because the four known carotenoid hydroxylases show functional conservation and divergence of their activities in viva (Tian et al., 2003). Here, I describe the general molecular characteristics of P450 and non-heme type enzymes as a preface for understanding the molecular evolution of carotenoid hydroxylase genes which will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 3. 1.5.1. Heme-containing cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes (P450) The cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (P450) gene family is the one of the largest superfarnilies of divergent genes encoding ~1% of the gene complement in Arabidopsis and rice. (Werck-Reichhart et al., 2002; Nelson et al., 2004). Proteins encoded by P450 genes are heme—thiolate enzymes that catalyze monooxygenation of a variety of hydrophobic substrates. Catalysis is based on the activation of molecular oxygen with insertion of one of its atoms into the substrate and reduction of the other to form water. RH + 02 + NADPH+H+ H ROH+H20+ NADP+ (R= substrate, ROH= product) The substrates of plant P4503 are diverse, including the precursors of membrane sterols, structural polymers and bioactive secondary metabolites such as pigments, antioxidants and defense compounds. P4503 are also involved in biosynthesis and catabolism of hormones and signaling molecules, thus contribute to the control of hormone homeostasis. In addition to their physiological substrates, exogenous molecules such as pesticides and pollutants are usually detoxified in an organism by P4503 (Werck- Reichhart et al., 2002). Interestingly, known substrates are generally classified along with gene phylogeny of P4503, suggesting the possibility to use P4503 as markers. The CYP97 subfamily, which includes carotenoid hydroxylase genes, is a deep branch of the P450 gene phylogeny in Arabidopsis (Werck-Reichhart et al., 2002), indicating divergence of the CYP97 clade is relatively ancient compared to other P450 clades. Although CYP97 orthologs in other organisms such as nonvascular plants and green algae have not yet been functionally characterized, the function of CYP97 genes are believed to be conserved through plants based on the ubiquitous distribution of their product, lutein. At minimum, the function of C YP97 is very likely to be conserved between monocotyledon and dicotyledon because the rice orthologs, CYP97A4 and CYP97C2 showed the same enzymatic activities as Arabidopsis CYP97A3 and CYP97C1 (Quinlan et al., 2007). 1.5.2. Non-heme di-iron monooxygenases (non-heme) With few exceptional cases (Blasco et al., 2004; Alvarez et al., 2006), all B-carotene B-ring hydroxylases in eubacteria and plants were characterized as a non-heme di-iron monooxygenase (non- heme type), having conserved histidine signature histidine motifs originally identified in membrane fatty acid desaturases. These enzymes require iron, ferredoxin, and ferredoxin oxidoreductase for activity and all ten of the conserved iron-coordinating histidines are required for activity (Tian and DellaPenna, 2004). Arabidopsis, pepper, tomato and saffron contain more than one member of the non-heme CRTR-B family that generally have identical substrates (ii-carotene) but differ in their gene expression patterns. In 16 Adonis aestivalis, two of three CRTR-B homologs have diverged in enzymatic activity and are ketolases that are preferentially expressed in flowers (Cunningham and Gantt, 2005) 1.6. Goals of my research Quantitative measurement to determine how molecular evolution of each carotenoid hydroxylase gene family member contributed to the evolution of xanthophyll biosynthetic pathway in plants is still a difficult task. My research aim was to develop a comprehensive understanding of the mode of functional divergence in each carotenoid hydroxylase gene pair and its biological impact on Arabidopsis. To reach this goal, determining the full complement of carotenoid hydroxylases in Arabidopsis was a prerequisite. Chapter 2 describes the identification of the primary or-carotene B-ring hydroxylase, which represents the last uncharacterized carotenoid hydroxylase in Arabidopsis. Chapter 2 also provided data for the primary route and metabolic channel for lutein biosynthesis to be proposed. In Chapter 3, the function and molecular evolution of each carotenoid hydroxylase gene in Arabidopsis is investigated. In Chapter 4, I summarize future work that could provide additional insight into the evolution of xanthophyll synthesis in photosynthetic eucaryotes. Table 1 Pigment composition in the indicated lineages of photosynthetic eucaryotes. Lutein derivatives include prasinoxanthin, loroxanthin, siphonaxanthin derivatives and lutein 5,6-epoxide etc. The presence and absence of a pigment in the indicated lineage is indicated as Y and hyphen, respectively. Superscript numbers indicate to the reference describing pigment compositions of the corresponding lineages. 1, (Johnson and Schroeder, 1996; Miller et al., 2005); 2, (Partensky et al., 1993; Tomitani et al., 1999; Hess et al., 2001; Chen et al., 2005); 3, (Marquardt and Hanelt, 2004a; Schubert et al., 2006); 4, (Yoshii, 2006); 5, (Thayer and Bjorkman, 1990; Koniger et al., 1995). > > - - - Ecmeomc > > > - - :_£cmxm_o_> vo>cmvcc29moé > > > > - 55:983. . > > > > > acouoamod pogo—.9080 > > - - - wo>zm>zoné§2 > > > - - £05. vo>tmvbc99moé > > > > - 82288 - - - > > u __ c 925 - - - > - o __Eaeo_;o > > - > - a 38530 2358530 > > > > > m __Eaeo_;o ”09cm. new; «mm _m coma mom _m com No 2 222091 .mtofimnocm o o9: EoEmE l9 Fig. 1 Xanthophyll synthesis in ArabidOpsis thaliana. The genes are bold italicized. Carotenoids present at less than 1% of total carotenoids in unstressed WT leaf tissue are shown in gray. R 7',9'-crs-lycopene —> MMM/YWVY CRT’SO trans-lycopene LYCB ZDS \ 9‘—cis-neurosporene wit/SE? I CRTISO B-carotene (22%) LYCB 8. CRTR-B1/B2 7,9,9'—cr’s-neurosporene LYCE H \ R T208 CYP97C1,? @ ‘ :g B—cryptoxanthin 9,9'—di-c/s—t’,-carotene l CRTR-B1/BZ 0H T2430 WEI/W” if \ .RA” - - ” lutein (51°/ ) “0 h' 9,15,9'-tn-crs-:-carotene ° zeaxant rn T... ll antheraxanthin 9.15—c/s-phytofluene lT violaxanthin(12%) p03 Biosynthesis of abscisic acid \ neoxanthin(13%) 15-cis-phytoene T PSY 2 X geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) 20 CHAPTER 2 DEFINING THE PRIMARY ROUTE FOR LUTEIN SYNTHESIS IN PLANTS: THE ROLE OF ARABIDOPSIS CAROTENOID B-RING HYDROXYLASE CYP97A31 1 This chapter was published in “ Kim, J. & DellaPenna, D. (2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103, 3474—3479”. 21 2.1. Summary Lutein, a dihydroxy derivative of or-carotene (Bx-carotene), is the most abundant carotenoid in photosynthetic plant tissues where it plays important roles in LHCII structure and function. The synthesis of lutein from lycopene requires at least four distinct enzymatic reactions: 13- and s-ring cyclizations and hydroxylation of each ring at the C-3 position. Three carotenoid hydroxylases have already been identified in Arabidopsis, two non-heme di-iron B-ring monooxygenases (the CRTR-BI and CRTR-BZ loci) that primarily catalyze hydroxylation of the B-ring of B,B-carotenoids and one heme- containing cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (CYP97C1, the LUTI locus) that catalyzes hydroxylation of the s-ring of B,e-carotenoids. In this study I demonstrate that Arabidopsis CYP97A3 (the LUT 5 locus) encodes a fourth carotenoid hydroxylase with a major in vivo activity toward the B-ring of or-carotene and a minor activity on B-rings of B-carotene. A cyp97a3 null allele, lut5-1, causes an accumulation of (Jr-carotene at a level equivalent to B-carotene in wild type, which is stably incorporated into photosystems and a 35% reduction in B—xanthophylls. That lut5-1 still produces 80% of wild type lutein levels indicating at least one of the other carotene hydroxylases can partially compensate for the loss of CYP97A3 activity. From these data I propose a model for the preferred pathway for lutein synthesis in plants: ring cyclizations to form or-carotene, B-ring hydroxylation of or-carotene by CYP97A3 to produce zeinoxanthin, followed by e-ring hydroxylation of zeinoxanthin by CYP97C] to produce lutein. 2.2. Introduction 22 Numerous studies have shown that a class of non-heme type carotenoid hydroxylases that are present in most carotenoid containing organisms (Tian and DellaPenna, 2004) can efficiently hydroxylate the B-rings of several carotenoid substrates (Sun et al., 1996; Tian and DellaPenna, 2001). Arabidopsis contains two genes encoding non-heme type [3- ring hydroxylases (the CRTR-BI and CRTR-BZ loci) (Fig. 1). Their primary in planta substrates are B-rings' of B-carotene, because a crtr-bIcrtr-bZ (b1 b2) double null mutant reduced B-xanthophyll levels 80% but the level of lutein was slightly increased relative to wild type (Tian et al., 2003). Recently, several P450 type enzymes have been identified as new classes of carotenoid hydroxylases. The archetypal members are the Arabidopsis s-ring hydroxylase (CYP97C1) encoded by the LUTI locus (Tian et al., 2004b) and the B-carotene hydroxylase (CYP175A1) of the eubacteria, Thermus thermophilus (Blasco et al., 2004). Expression of T thermophilus CYP175A1 in E. coli engineered to produce B-carotene resulted in the production of zeaxanthin, a dihydroxy B-carotene, and is a clear example of convergent evolution in B-ring hydroxylases (the non-heme and P450 type). In Arabidopsis, a T-DNA insertion mutant in the CYP97C] (IutI-3) gene accumulates zeinoxanthin (or-carotene with a hydroxylated B-ring) in place of lutein, consistent with CYP97C] being the primary enzyme responsible for s-ring hydroxylation in Arabidopsis (Tian et al., 2004b). In the triple carotenoid hydroxylase mutant, b1b21ut1-3, B-xanthophylls are reduced 80% relative to WT but zeinoxanthin is still accumulated to high levels suggesting at least one additional carotene hydroxylase must exist in Arabidopsis with activity toward the B-rings of B- and or-carotene (Tian et al., 2003). Here, I report that a second member 23 of the Arabidopsis CYP97 family, CYP97A3, encodes a B-ring hydroxylase with a major activity toward the [3-ring of or-carotene. 2.3. Results 2.3.1 The lut5 mutation is in Arabidopsis CYP97A3 and causes accumulation of high levels of a-carotene My initial search for a fourth Arabidopsis carotenoid hydroxylase focused on members of the CYP97 clade because it already contains one carotenoid hydroxylase (CYP97C1, the LUTI locus). Although all three Arabidopsis CYP97 clade members are predicted to be targeted to the chloroplast by ChloroP 1.1 (Emanuelsson et al., 1999), CYP97A3 (At1g31800) was selected as it has the highest (52%) amino acid identity with CYP97C1. To determine whether loss of CYP97A3 activity affected the carotenoid composition in Arabidopsis leaf tissue, five-week old leaves of two independent cyp97a3 mutant alleles were analyzed. lut5-1 contains a T-DNA insertion in the third exon of CYP97A3 while lut5-2 contains a single amino acid change (E283K). Fig. 3 shows the HPLC profiles of leaf extracts from WT, b1 b2, lut1-4 (a cyp97c1 null mutant), and lut5-1. All lines are in the Col-O background except b1b21ut1-3, which are Wassilewskija (Ws). Individual and total carotenoid levels in Col-O and W3 were not significantly different (data not shown) and only Col-0 is shown for WT. WT accumulates four major carotenoids: three xanthophylls (neoxanthin, violaxanthin, and lutein) and one carotene (ii-carotene). Though the total carotenoid level is not significantly different between mutants and their respective WT, the carotenoid composition of each mutant genotype dramatically differs from WT (Table 2). As previously reported (Tian et al., 2003), the b1b2 mutant has lower levels of B- 24 xanthophylls and increased B-carotene and lutein. IutI-4 (a null lutI allele) virtually lacks lutein and accumulates a high level of zeinoxanthin, or-carotene with a hydroxylated [3- ring, and elevated levels of B-xanthophylls (zeaxanthin, antheraxanthin, violaxanthin and neoxanthin) (Pogson et al., 1996; Tian et al., 2004b). lut5-1 has a 18% reduction in lutein and contains two novel peaks (minor and major) relative to WT with retention times (24.3 and 32.7 min), mass and absorption spectra that are consistent with those of monohydroxy or-carotene derivatives (zeinoxanthin and/or or- cryptoxanthin, see Fig. 2) and or-carotene, respectively (Fig. 3). Zeinoxanthin and or- cryptoxanthin cannot be distinguished based on HPLC retention time or spectra. However, carotenoids that have an allylic hydroxyl group, for example at C-3’ of an a-ring, readily eliminate water when positively ionized, while a non allylic hydroxyl group, such as at the C-3 of a B-ring, does not (Pogson et al., 1996). The major ion of the 24.3 min unknown was [MH+-H20] (see Supplementary data Fig. l) and based on this comparatively easy loss of water I can conclude its single hydroxyl group is on the e—ring of a-carotene and hence it is or-cryptoxanthin. Accumulation of high and low levels of or- carotene and or-cryptoxanthin, respectively, occurs in both lut5 alleles, is accompanied by a reduction in total [LB-carotenoids and an increase in total or-carotenoids (Table 2). The lut5-1 phenotype is generally more severe than lut5-2, consistent with lut5-2 being a weaker allele. The lut5 and [at] mutations are additive: the lut5-[lutI-4 double mutant accumulates or-carotene and zeinoxanthin at levels nearly identical to lut5-I and lull-4, respectively. 2.3.2 (it-carotene is incorporated into lut5-I photosystems To determine the location of (Jr-carotene in lut5 I purified thylakoid membranes from WT, Iut1-4 and lut5-I, separated 25 the pigmentzprotein complexes by non-denaturing gel electrophoresis (Fig. 4) and analyzed their pigment compositions (Table 3). Fig. 4 shows that the photosystem I holocomplex and photosystem 11 core complex co-migrated and are well separated from LHC monomers and trimers in all genotypes (Lee and Thornber, 1995; Lokstein et al., 2002). The photosystems are the most likely place for or-carotene incorporation, as they contain B-carotene, a structural isomer of or-carotene (Alfonso et al., 1994; Lee and Thornber, 1995; Croce et al., 2002; Klimmek et al., 2005). Like B-carotene in WT, or- carotene in lut5-1 was localized almost exclusively in photosystems, accounting for 39% of photosystem carotenoids (Table 3). In terms of carotenoid stoichiometry in IutS-I photosystems, the increase in or-carotene was mirrored by a corresponding decrease in [3- carotene. Fig. 4 also shows lutI-4 had a higher level of LHC monomers and lower level of LHC trimers, consistent with a previous report for this mutant showing a key role for lutein in LHC trimerization (Lokstein et al., 2002). lut5-1 also shows an increase in LHC monomers, suggesting the 18% reduction in lutein in the mutant also impacts LHC trimer stability. The faint bands migrating between the photosystem and LHC trimer bands in Iutl and lut5 were variable in occurrence and levels between experiments and presumable reflect reduced photosystem stability in the mutants. 2.3.3 The impact of mutating CYP97-type carotenoid hydroxylase on the expression of other carotenoid biosynthetic enzymes As shown in Table 2, the ratio of total [3,8- carotenoids to [LB-carotenoids in lut5-1 was over twice that of WT, suggesting that [3- and/or s-cyclase activities might be affected in the mutant. Because it is not possible to directly assay carotenoid cyclase or hydroxylase activities in Arabidopsis leaf extracts, 1 determined the steady-state transcript levels of these genes to indirectly assess the impact 26 of the lut5 and [w] mutations on the pathway. As shown in Fig. 5, both cyclase mRNAs are modestly increased in lut1-4 and lut5-I relative to WT, the B-cyclase more so than the a—cyclase, but this increase appears unrelated to changes in the [3,8- to [Mi-carotenoid ratios in the mutants. I also quantified mRNAs for the four known carotenoid hydroxylase genes (CRTR-BI, CRT R-BZ, CYP97C1, and CYP97A3) to determine whether altered gene expression plays a role in compensating for the absence of P450-type carotenoid hydroxylases in the mutants. The detection of each CYP97 gene transcript in the corresponding gene knockout mutant was possible because the real-time probe is positioned upstream of each T-DNA insertion site. With the exception of a slight increase in C YP97A3 mRNA levels, the expression of other carotene hydroxylases is not impacted in the Iut1-4 mutant. In contrast, BI, 82 and CYP97C] mRNAs were all up-regulated in lut5-1 and lut5-11utI-4, most notably CYP97C] mRNA which was more than 4-fold higher than WT. 2.4. Discussion 2.4.1. At least four enzymes are involved in carotenoid hydroxylation The current study and prior work (Pogson et al., 1996; Sun et al., 1996; Tian and DellaPenna, 2001) have defined a minimum of four carotenoid hydroxylase genes involved in xanthophyll biosynthesis in Arabidopsis: two non-heme type B-ring hydroxylases encoded by the CRTR-BI and CRTR-BZ genes, a P450-type s-ring hydroxylase encoded by the CYP97C] (a LUTI locus) and now a P450-type B-ring hydroxylase encoded by the CYP97A3 (a LUT 5 locus). Analyses of mutants defective in one or more carotenoid hydroxylase activities (Table 2) (Tian et al., 2003) provide insight into the specific and overlapping 27 activities of each enzyme in viva. All mutant genotypes exhibit specific alterations in xanthophyll and carotene compositions (Table 2) (Tian et al., 2003), indicating the loss of any single activity cannot be fully compensated by the remaining activities. The degree of compensation observed in a given mutant genotype reflects the preferential activity of the missing enzyme(s) and the regulation and substrate specificities of the remaining active enzymes in the mutant. For example, CYP97C] (LUTl) is the primary s-ring hydroxylase activity in Arabidopsis as lutein synthesis is nearly completely blocked in the null lutI-3 (Tian et al., 2004b) and lut1-4 (Table 2) alleles and the presumed CYP97C] monohydroxy substrate, zeinoxanthin, accumulates. Similarly, disruption of both non- heme type B-ring hydroxylases in the b1 b2 double null mutant reduces B-xanthophylls 76% without affecting B-ring hydroxylation in lutein synthesis, suggesting that the B- rings of B,|3-carotenoids are the preferred in planta substrates for CRTR-Bl and CRTR- BZ. 2.4.2. CYP97A3, the new type of B-ring hydroxylase in Arabidopsis CYP97A3 (LUT5) is a P450 type B-ring hydroxylase with activity toward the B-rings of both or- carotene and B-carotene in vivo. The major impact of the null lut5-1 mutation is an accumulation of (it-carotene at a level equivalent to B-carotene in WT, consistent with the B-ring of (Jr-carotene being a preferred CYP97A3 substrate in planta. Because lutein is only reduced 18% in lut5-I relative to WT, at least one of the other carotene hydroxylases must also be able to catalyze hydroxylation of the B-ring of or-carotene, though less efficiently than CYP97A3. CRTR-Bl and CRTR-BZ may be able to hydroxylate the [3- ring of a-carotene as in the Iut5-11ut1-4 double mutant zeinoxanthin is still present at levels similar to lut1-4. CYP97C1 (LUTl) may also have some level of B-ring 28 hydroxylase activity in viva as CYP97C] expression is strongly up-regulated in the lut5-1 background, as one might expect for a compensating enzyme (Fig. 5), and the level of total hydroxylated B-rings is further reduced in the bIbZIutl-3 mutant relative to the b1b2 mutant (Table 2) (Tian et al., 2004b). CYP97A3 also appears to have a minor in viva activity toward the B-rings of B- carotene as B-xanthophylls (primarily violaxanthin and neoxanthin) are reduced 35% in lut5-1, versus a 76% reduction in the b1 b2 genotype (Table 2). While CYP97A3 is likely to be responsible for synthesis of at least a portion of the B-xanthophylls present in b1 b2, contributions from CYP97C1, an additional uncharacterized hydroxylase activity or indirect impacts resulting from the elevated levels of or-carotene produced in lut5-1 can also not be excluded. Unfortunately, attempts to assay CYP97C1 and CYP97A3 in vitro by heterologous expression in Saccharamyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli (E. coli) and in viva in E. coli engineered to accumulate carotenoid substrates have not been successful (data not shown) and I therefore cannot directly assay potential substrates for the two enzymes. The generation of triple and quadruple mutant genotypes remains would be informative in this regard. 2.4.3. A model for lutein biosynthesis and regulation in plants As shown in Fig. 2, there are several potential biosynthetic routes leading from lycopene to lutein that have only partially been delineated by prior genetic studies in Arabidopsis (Cunningham et al., 1996; Pogson et al., 1996; Pogson and Rissler, 2000). The reactions leading to lutein must be highly efficient or tightly associated as many of the potential pathway intermediates in WT Arabidopsis leaf tissue are near or below the one ng carotenoid HPLC detection limit (Table 2). The activities of Arabidopsis 13- and s-cyclases expressed in lycopene 29 producing E. coli suggested the preferential substrate for the a-cyclase is lycopene rather than y-carotene (Cunningham et al., 1996). Consistent with this, mutation of the Arabidopsis LYCE, s-cyclase encoded by LUT 2 locus eliminates lutein synthesis without causing accumulation of the pathway intermediates rubixanthin or y-carotene (Pogson et al., 1996). These data indicate that e-ring cyclization of lycopene to produce 8—carotene is the first step in lutein synthesis. 8-Carotene is undetectable in WT Arabidopsis leaf tissue but oc-carotene is detectable suggesting the 6-carotene produced by LUT2 is efficiently utilized by the B-cyclase. The isolation and characterization of mutations in the C YP97A3 and C YP97C1 genes now allow us to infer the primary reaction sequence for lutein synthesis in plant tissues from among the remaining possible steps in Fig. 2. The pathway shown in Fig. 2 has two possible routes leading to lutein from or- carotene: B-ring hydroxylation to zeinoxanthin followed by s-ring hydroxylation to lutein or s-ring hydroxylation to a-cryptoxanthin followed by B-ring hydroxylation to lutein. Whether one pathway is favored or both occur depends on the substrate specificities and regulation of the hydroxylases involved, CYP97A3 and CYP97C1. Accumulation of zeinoxanthin in [m] while the or-carotene level remains identical to that in WT is consistent with zeinoxanthin, rather than or-carotene, being a preferred substrate for a- ring hydroxylation by LUTl. If a—carotene were a preferred CYP97C1 substrate the lut5 mutants (which still has CYP97C1 activity) would be expected to accumulate significant amounts of or-cryptoxanthin, which it does not. lut5 instead accumulates an or-carotene level ten times that of or-cryptoxanthin, which is consistent with or-carotene being a preferred substrate for B-ring hydroxylation by CYP97A3 and CYP97C1 having at best a 30 minor activity toward the s-ring of or-carotene. Biochemical regulation (e.g. feedback inhibition by a-cryptoxanthin) may also contribute to the lut5-1 phenotype but this seems less likely as the Iut5-11ut1-4 double mutant, that cannot synthesize or-cryptoxanthin, has a phenotype that is essentially the combination of the 1m] and lut5 single mutants. If or- cryptoxanthin played a regulatory role one would expect a different phenotype when the compound were removed in the double mutant. Together, the data presented are consistent with the preferred pathway for lutein synthesis being two ring cyclizations to yield or-carotene and then proceeding to zeinoxanthin and lutein by the sequential action of CYP97A3 and CYP97C1. The general reaction sequence for lutein synthesis, ring cyclizations followed by hydroxylations, is the same as that of its closest structural isomer, zeaxanthin, a dihydroxy B-carotene derivative. However, zeaxanthin is produced primarily by the action of the non-heme type B-ring hydroxylases (CRTR-Bl and CRTR-B2) while lutein is produced primarily by the action of P450-mediated or-carotene ring hydroxylases and the regulatory mechanisms of these two types of enzymes appear to differ significantly. In lutein synthesis the bicyclic intermediate or-carotene is barely detectable in WT whereas the corresponding intermediate in zeaxanthin synthesis, B-carotene, is 22% of total WT leaf carotenoids. Accumulation of high levels of or-carotene and zeinoxanthin in the lut5 and [w] mutants excludes the possibility these intermediates do not accumulate in WT simply because they are unstable in viva. The high level of or-carotene in Iut5 is especially intriguing as it suggests the presence of CYP97A3 is specifically required for efficient lutein synthesis and that the two non-heme B-ring hydroxylases, CRTR-BI and CRTR-BZ, cannot substitute for CYP97A3 in this regard. 31 Why would two members of the P450 type carotenoid hydroxylases be specifically required for efficient lutein biosynthesis in viva? I propose that in WT the reaction sequence from lycopene to lutein is catalyzed by a protein complex composed of two lycopene cyclases (the B and s-cyclases) and two P450 type hydroxylases (CYP97A3 and CYP97C1) that allows channeling of substrates between reactions. There is precedent for this as cytochrome P450 enzymes are known to form dimers (Scott et al., 2003; Schoch et al., 2004), functionally interact with other cytochrome P450 enzymes (Karninsky and Guengerich, 1985; Dutton et al., 1987; Kelley et al., 2005) or act as anchors for soluble and membrane biosynthetic complexes (Burbulis and Winkel-Shirley, 1999) in other systems. Given the clear importance of lutein in LHC structure and photosystem function (Lokstein et al., 2002; Liu et al., 2004; Wentworth et al., 2004), it is relatively easy to rationalize a strong selective pressure for the evolution of e-ring cyclization and hydroxylation activities for lutein synthesis. However, the forces driving the evolution of different biochemical machineries (P450 and non-heme carotenoid hydroxylases) for hydroxylation of or-carotene and B-carotene are less obvious. Perhaps the answer lies in the need to efficiently synthesize lutein for LHC structure and function while simultaneously tightly controlling or-carotene production, due to the potential negative consequences of producing (it-carotene containing photosystems. Plants produce B-carotene containing photosystems almost exclusively under most environmental conditions (e.g., high light). or-Carotene containing photosystems are also produced in many plant genera but generally only in shade-grown or low light adapted plants, where or-carotene can be present in excess of B-carotene (Thayer and Bjorkman, 1990; Demming-Adams and Adams III, 1992; Koniger et al., 1995). 32 Presumably or-carotene containing photosystems provide a competitive advantage under low light conditions but at higher light levels such photosystems show increased photooxidation, or-carotene levels decrease and B-carotene containing photosystems predominate (Barth et al., 2001). These data suggest tight control of the OMB-carotene ratio is an important adaptive response to low and high light (Krause et al., 2001; Krause et al., 2004). Consistent with this hypothesis, the constitutive production of or-carotene in lut5 renders the mutant much more sensitive than WT to high light exposure (see Supplementary data Fig. 2). CYP97A3 clearly plays a key role in carotenoid synthesis by allowing efficient lutein production while limiting or-carotene accumulation and provides a straightforward biochemical mechanism for producing (rt-carotene and lutein when both are needed under low light conditions: by regulation of CYP97A3. When taken together, the current genetic data in Arabidopsis are consistent with in viva synthesis of the two major groups of xanthophylls in plants being preferentially catalyzed by two different classes of carotene hydroxylases: P450-type enzymes for synthesis of lutein and non-heme type enzymes for synthesis of B-xanthophylls. The evolution of what at first appearance seems to be an unnecessarily complex system can be understood in considering the contrasting needs of plants in response to changing light conditions. In high (normal) light it is competitively advantageous to produce lutein without or-carotene while under low light conditions it is advantageous to produce both lutein and or-carotene. B-Carotene and B-xanthophylls are needed at different levels and ratios under these conditions. Thus the P450 type carotenoid hydroxylases may be best suited to fulfilling these contrasting demands by allowing formation of a separate biosynthetic complex for efficient metabolic channeling to lutein while providing a 33 regulatory mechanism for or-carotene production that is independent of the synthesis and regulation of B-carotene and B-xanthophylls. Such independent regulation of the two branches of the carotenoid pathway allows plants to respond efficiently, effectively and adaptively to ever changing light conditions. 2.5. Material and Methods 2.5.1. Plant materials Plants were grown under a 12 h photoperiod (100-120 umol rn‘2 s", 22 °C) and 18 °C at night. lut1-4 and lut5-1 are T-DNA knockout mutant alleles of CYP97C1 (At3g53130) and C YP97A3 (At1g31800), respectively. lut5—2 was identified by HPLC screening of nine missense mutant alleles isolated by TILLING screening (Till et al., 2003). The lut5-11ut1-4 double mutant was selected by PCR screening of F2 progeny from a cross of lut5-I and lutI-4. HPLC separation, identification and quantification by spectra and retention time were performed as previously described (Tian and DellaPenna, 2001) except quantification of monohydroxy or-carotenes was performed at 475 nm. 2.5.2. TaqMan Real-Time PCR Assays The transcript levels of six different carotenoid biosynthetic genes (,B-cyclase, a-cyclase, CRT R-BI , CRTR-BZ, C YP97C1 and C YP97A3) were quantified by TaqMan real-time PCR using elongation factor 10. mRNA levels for normalization. The CYP97A3 primers and TaqMan probe are: 5'- GTTTGATTGGACTGGTTCTGACC-3' (forward primer), 5'- TTCCGGACCGCCTGAAT—3' (reverse primer), 5'- ACCCCAAGGTTCCTGAGGCTAAAGGCT—3' (TaqMan probe). Primers and probes for other genes are as described (Tian et al., 2003). The relative quantity of transcripts was 34 calculated using the comparative threshold cycle (CT) method (Livak, 1997). 2.5.3. Isolation of thylakoid membranes and nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) Thylakoid membranes from Columbia-0 (Col-0), lut1-4 and lut5-1 were isolated, and the photosystems and peripheral LHCs were separated by non- denaturing PAGE as described (Lokstein et al., 2002). Individual pigment containing bands were excised and homogenized in gel running buffer (Lee and Thornber, 1995) and pigments extracted and analyzed as described (Tian and DellaPenna, 2001). 2.5.4. Structural determination of unknown monohydroxy or—carotene TLC separation on Si250F0PA silica plates (Mallinckrodt Baker, Phillipsburg, NJ) with hexanezisopropanol solvent (9:1) was used to enrich the unknown monohydroxy a- carotene from lut5-1 saponified leaf extracts (Pogson et al., 1996). A band showing the same Rf value as that of zeinoxanthin was isolated and subjected to further mass analysis. The elutant from HPLC was chemically ionized by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and subsequently analyzed by MS. Lutein was used as a control to show water loss from a hydroxylated a-ring when ionized, while zeaxanthin and zeinoxanthin were used to show no water loss from hydroxylated B-rings when ionized (Pogson et al., 1996). 35 Table 2 Leaf tissue carotenoid composition of the indicated genotypes. Carotenoids are expressed as mmol pigment mol'l chlorophyll a + b, with the relative molar percentage of each carotenoid given in parentheses. Each value is the mean result of four experiments i SD. Student's t test for two samples; *, P<0.05. or-crypto, or-cryptoxanthin; VAZ, the sum of violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, and zeaxanthin; neo, neoxanthin; HB, the moles of hydroxylated B-rings; B,a/B,B, the molar ratio of total [Ls-carotenoids to total [3,13- carotenoids. 3 indicates a monohydroxy or-carotene derivative that could not be identified because of the low levels present. n.d., not detectable. 36 . as 88 6: 38 Q8 . . 3.8 m o Sag a an” . . . . . . . . . . a a . . 13:85 seas .e as S .m 3 S. ._ was 9 .m 3w mm .235 . 2: a: 8: a: . . 8: as a _ .38 sham . . . . . . . . e a . . . . was .4 E E .m :4 mm .8 3a mm .w $6 3 .s on m .w :2: . as a: a: as . . as as m N .838 888 . . . . . . . . e a . . . . 7?: .s .3 m. .m as R .w Nam R .5 one a. .s cam m .4 ma 8. . 8.8 a: as :8 as . . 3.8 w o .35 same. . . . . . . . . . . . a a . . 2323 .a of _ .8 3. mm .m 3. 3 m can _ .v is 2: . m one o . 2 8 $8 $8 3.8 68 . . 2.8 e o ~8me a in . . . . . . . . . . e a . . 3.5 .w :a on .12 a S”: a mos: .w 3 8 .213 . 8.: 5 $8 6.8 8.8 as a _ .38 mas...” . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 ._ :3 hrs: .2138 moi: .mofi: 83.22 . a: a: as 6.8 88 A _ 8 _ _ swam area . . . . . . . . . . . . E: m mam mm _ a: mm o is m m can _ .m one a _ a3 5 0:0 0.30 0.3 6.30 E sax adbd n: .532 8: N<> u a .5 Sarge 53:. -m so 653 37 Table 3 Carotenoid composition in photosystems (PS I holocomplex and PS II core complex) of the indicated genotypes. The amount of carotenoid is expressed as mmol pigment mol'l chlorophyll a. Each value is the mean result from three experiments i SD, with the relative molar percentage of each carotenoid given in parentheses. Student's t test for two samples; *, P<0.05. n.d., not detectable. 38 Gas 2.8 88 as . G8 88 . . . . . . . ea . . . . was Same is : .EA 5. .w 3a.? In: 38% Gas 8: $8 3 as .. Gs . . . . . . . . . . a: . . 33 _ 3.3 N we a .a N“: ow moan: .a is E .e 112 8.8 as as E . . . . as w: w: E 233 22.3. Eras: 3am. 888.3 9:383 2.39:8 55:3 cared 53:. -n Id 553 G0: N<> 39 Fig. 2 Pathway showing all possible routes to xanthophyll synthesis in Arabidopsis. Enzymatic reactions are indicated by numbers: 1, s-cyclization; 2, B—cyclization; 3, B-ring hydroxylation of [5,8- and [3,w- carotenoids; 4, s-ring hydroxylation; 5, B-ring hydroxylation of [LB-carotenoids. Reactions blocked by mutation of the indicated loci are shown: cyp97c1 (lutl, s-ring hydroxylase), lyce (lut2, e-cyclase), cyp97a3 (lut5, B-ring hydroxylase), crtr-bI, and crtr-b2 (two B-ring hydroxylases). Solid arrows indicate a reaction sequence that is supported by mutant phenotypes and/or enzyme activity assays in E. coli while dashed arrows are not. Black arrows, compounds and mutant genes indicate major biosynthetic routes. 40 55:38: 55:88.03 :_£:mxm:m£:m :_£:mxmmN «~33? lfil 0 3.53.. cite «Rod»? Set"... cite 0 59:. as. 4.. . Mum-.393 9 “can? G: :EmeoEmN 55:98“an : ”wt. .Lfl Dix/me a mob ........ . .gfisomquo mcmEmolmv 38:9: \ox mmsquo o e mcoSLmore p mmkquo ; / .. ....1- ® :39? AW a ..-.-.-. muks / G ®\_/\/\r\/\ (mg gag / m / / / / / / m 41 Fig. 3 Left panel: HPLC analyses (440 nm absorption) of leaf extracts of the indicated genotypes. N, neoxanthin; V, violaxanthin; A, antheraxanthin; L, lutein; Z, zeaxanthin; chl a, chlorophyll a; chl b, chlorophyll b; zei, zeinoxanthin; B-car, B-carotene. Right panel: an overlay of sections of the lut5-I (black) and Iut1-4 (gray) HPLC chromatograms containing unknown peaks 1 and 2 and UV-visible absorption spectra of zeinoxanthin, oc-carotene and unknown peaks 1 and 2. 42 E: can c3. 23 omn Tut: I. .125 I odN o.mN m .5 oéN EN SE SE an an «N on 2‘ up a an on E“ on or Nw a {d- _ ‘ > 2 QEo ‘— a .5 Nave Z > 0.50 .— ES 5 é. j 43 Fig. 4 Non-denaturing gel electrophoretic separation of pigmentzprotein complexes from thylakoid membranes of the indicated genotypes. PS, photosystem I holocomplex and photosystem II core complex; LHCT, trimeric form of LHC; LHCM, monomeric form of LHC; FP, free pigment zone. Col-0 Iut1-4 lut5-1 PS LHCT LHCM FP 44 Fig. 5 Expression of carotenoid biosynthetic genes in lut1-4, lut5-1 and lut5-11ut1-4 relative to WT. The dotted line refers to the expression level of each gene in WT. Transcripts were quantified by real time PCR using elongation factor 10L as a reference control. 5 3 E 2 3 “5 g 1| I I I (B .................................. 5 ,. I 2 5. a Iut5-1Iut1-4 (.0 _X. I... Incl-II ...... II llllll t'ootullu nnnnnnn I". p-cvc s-CYC 3;“ 332m CYP97C1 CYP97A3 45 CHAPTER 3 MOLECULAR EVOLUTION OF ARABIDOPSIS CAROTENOID HYDROXYLASESZ 2 The part of this chapter was submitted to Plant Physiology. 46 3.1. Summary Xanthophylls are a group of more than 500 different oxygenated carotenes that serve a variety of functions in prokaryotes and eucaryotes. Xanthophyll composition is highly conserved in photosynthetic tissues of higher plants but how changes in xanthophyll composition occurred in ancestral photosynthetic organisms and why specific changes have been retained in lineages leading to higher plants remain open questions. To gain insight into the evolution of xanthophyll synthesis, we analyzed two pairs of duplicated enzymes catalyzing key carotenoid hydroxylation steps in Arabidopsis thaliana. Recent work has suggested that a-carotene hydroxylation is catalyzed primarily by a pair of cytochrome P450 enzymes, CYP97A3 and CYP97C1, while B-carotene hydroxylation is catalyzed primarily by two non-heme di-iron enzymes, CRTR-Bl and CRTR-BZ. We have used a series mutant genotypes null for one to four of these enzymes to demonstrate they represent the full complement of carotenoid hydroxylases in Arabidopsis and to infer the activity of each enzyme in vivo. Phylogenetic analyses suggested that the CYP97A3 and CYP97C1 genes were duplicated before the speciation of Arabidopsis and green algae (cf. Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Ostreococcus taun) while duplication of the CRT R-B genes was more recent, after the Arabidopsis/poplar split. Although the four enzymes exhibit some overlap in activities, most notably in hydroxylation of the B-ring of a-carotene, the mode of functional divergence in the CYP97 and CRTR-B gene pairs appears to be distinct. C YP97 duplicates are strongly coexpressed but the encoded enzymes have distinct in vivo substrates likely due to divergence in their putative substrate recognition/binding regions. In contrast, the CRTR- B duplicates are isozymes that show significant expression divergence in reproductive 47 organs. By integrating the evolutionary history and substrate specificities of each extant enzyme with the phenotypic responses of mutant genotypes to high light stress we propose likely scenarios for the evolution of xanthophylls biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. 3.2. Introduction Prior studies of xanthophyll biosynthetic mutants in Arabidopsis coupled with the genome sequence and associated wealth of gene expression data in this organism have advanced understanding of xanthophyll synthesis at the molecular level. Two classes of structurally unrelated enzymes catalyze ring hydroxylations of a- and B-carotene; P450 type carotenoid hydroxylase (CYP97A3 and CYP97C1) (Tian et al., 2004b; Kim and DellaPenna, 2006) and non-heme type carotenoid hydroxylases (CRTR-Bl and CRTR- BZ) (Tian and DellaPenna, 2001; Tian et al., 2003). Mutation of one or more of these enzymes has shown that CYP97A3 and CYP97C1 are primarily responsible for catalyzing hydroxylation of the B-ring and 8-ring of a-carotene, respectively, for a- xanthophyll synthesis while CRTR-Bl and CRTR-B2 primarily catalyze the two B-ring hydroxylations of B-carotene in B-xanthophyll synthesis. The fact that ring hydroxylations in each branch of xanthophyll synthesis are primarily catalyzed by one of two structurally unrelated enzyme groups (CYP97 and CRTR-B) in viva raises interesting questions about the evolution of the two pathway branches and their associated enzymes. Additionally, that the two successive ring hydroxylations are catalyzed by homologous enzymes in each pathway branch suggests that duplication and subsequent functional diversification of each gene pair has been important for xanthophyll pathway evolution. Therefore, comparing and contrasting the 48 evolution of the CYP97 and CRT R-B genes may provide important insight into the evolution of xanthophyll biosynthesis in higher plants. 3.3. Results 3.3.1. Defining the full complement of caroteonid hydroxylases in Arabidopsis To understand evolution of the xanthophyll synthetic pathway in photosynthetic organisms, I focused on the molecular evolution of carotenoid hydroxylases because the reactions catalyzed by these enzymes are key determinants for xanthophyll synthesis. I selected Arabidopsis enzymes as our model system because four carotenoid hydroxylase genes (C YP97A3, CYP97C1, CRT R-BI and CRTR-BZ) had been previously identified and individually studied in detail (Sun et al., 1996; Tian and DellaPenna, 2001; Tian et al., 2004b; Kim and DellaPenna, 2006). A prerequisite for my study was to first determine whether these four genes represent the full complement of carotenoid hydroxylases or whether additional hydroxylase activities are present as had been previously suggested (Tian et al., 2003; Tian eta1., 2004b; Kim and DellaPenna, 2006). To address this issue, I created and analyzed a mutant genotype that was null for the four known carotenoid hydroxylases. Two different parental genotypes were generated that were homozygous for knockouts in three of the Arabidopsis carotenoid hydroxylase genes and heterozygous for the fourth (i.e., CYP97A3 or CYP97C1). When selfed, the progeny of each line segregated in a 3:1 ratio for green:white seedlings with x2 p-values of 0.50 and 0.26. White seedlings were lethal in soil but viable in tissue culture if supplied with a carbon source (cf. 1.5 % sucrose). HPLC analysis showed that white seedlings from both crosses contained trace amounts of oc- and B-carotenes and lacked all xanthophylls (Table 4). 49 3.3.2 Gene duplication of the CYP97 and CRTR-B genes Having established that CYP97A3, CYP97C1, CRTR-Bl and CRTR-B2 are the full complement of carotenoid hydroxylases in Arabidopsis, the molecular evolution of each gene was assessed. A catalogue of CYP97 and CRT R-B genes in photosynthetic eukaryotes that synthesize both a- and B-xanthophylls (Six et al., 2005; Yoshii, 2006) was produced based on blast searches against publicly available databases (NCBI, TIGR and JGI) using the three CYP97 genes (CYP97A3, CYP97B3 and CYP97C1) and two CRTR-B genes (CRTR-BI and CRT R-B2) of Arabidopsis as queries (Table 5 and 6). tBlastn searches (Altschul et al., 1997) against the full or nearly full genome sequences of Populus trichocarpa (poplar), Oryza sativa (rice) and two green algaes, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (C. reinhardtii) and Ostreococcus tauri (0. tauri) identified the number of CYP97 and CRTR-B homologs in each organism which allowed the pattern of gene duplication in each organism to be deduced. All three CYP97 gene trees (NJ, MP and ML) support the hypothesis that two consecutive duplications of CYP97 ancestral genes occurred before the higher plant/green algae split with further lineage-specific gene duplications occurring in C. reinhardtii and 0. tauri. All three CYP97 gene trees show one to one orthology among Arabidopsis, poplar and rice in each CYP97A, CYP97B and CYP97C clade, and two CYP97A and CYP97B genes in C. reinhardtii and 0. tauri, respectively (Fig. 6A). In contrast, the CRT R-B gene tree (Fig. 68) indicates that duplication of CRTR-B genes in higher plants occured in a lineage-specific fashion with three of four monocots and six of thirteen dicots in the analysis having more than one CRTR-B gene. Interestingly, these gene 50 duplications appear to have occurred relatively recently, after the monocot/dicot and stem eudicot/core eudicot splits, respectively. To assess the mechanisms of these recent duplications I examined the exon-intron structure of each CRT R-B gene and homology between pairs of chromosomal segments encoding CRT R-B genes in the fully sequenced genomes of Arabidopsis, poplar and rice (Fig. 7). In all cases, a significant degree of conservation in CRTR-B exon-intron structure and colinearity in adjacent chromosomal segments was observed, suggesting that duplication likely resulted from whole or segmental genome duplication. The CRTR-B duplication time infered from tree topology (Fig. 6B) and the Ks value (0.45) for Arabidopsis (See Supplementary data Table 1) suggest duplication likely occur 24~40 million years ago (Blane et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2006). 3.3.3 Functional divergence of Arabidopsis CYP97 and CRTR-B enzyme pairs Substrate divergence Having defined four genes as the full complement of carotenoid hydroxylases in Arabidopsis allowed us to use the leaf and seed xanthophyll compositions of various multiple mutant combinations to unambiguously deduce the in vivo activity of the individual carotenoid hydroxylases. The leaf carotenoid compositions of seven such informative mutant genotypes in reference to wild type (Col-0 or Ws) are shown in Table 7. The phenotype of the b1 b2 mutant demonstrated that CYP97A3 and/or CYP97C1 could hydroxylate the B-rings of B-carotene, though at lower efficiency than the CRTR-B enzymes. Likewise, the a3c1 double mutants (homozygous for the cyp97a3cyp97c1 mutations) showed that the two CRTR-B isozymes could hydroxylate the B-ring of a-carotene, though again with lower efficiency than the CYP97 enzymes. The activities of the CYP97A3 and CYP97C1 enzymes were further clarified by two 51 triple gene knockouts: the b1b2c1 (in which only CYP97A3 is functional) and b1b2a3 mutants (in which only CYP97C1 is functional). B—xanthophylls are produced at a much higher level in b1b201 than in b1 b2, indicating the increased activity of CYP97A3 toward the B-rings of B-carotene in the absence of CYP97C1. In contrast, b1 bZa3 only contains 2% of the WT B-xanthophyll level, indicating that CYP97C1 has almost no in vivo activity toward the B-rings of B-carotene. However, lutein levels in b1b2a3 are 74% of WT, indicating that in addition to e-ring hydroxylation activity CYP97C1 also has strong activity toward B-ring of (it-carotene. The carotenoid composition in WT mature seeds differs significantly from that in leaf tissue (Tian et al., 2003) (Table 8). Xanthophylls account for 99% of the seed carotenoids with lutein being the most abundant at 80% of total followed by zeaxanthin. B-carotene accounts for less than 1% of the total seed carotenoids. Despite the differing carotenoid compositions of leaves and seeds, the activities inferred from carotenoid hydroxylase mutant xanthophyll composition in the two tissues are generally in agreement. For example, the B-xanthophyll levels in the b1b2 double mutant (deficient in both CRTR-B genes) are reduced to 50% that of wild type (WT) but lutein is unaffected. Similarly, the cyp97c1 mutation (c1) severely impacts lutein levels without affecting [3— xanthophyll levels while in the cyp97a3 mutant (a3) lutein is unaffected but [3- xanthophyll levels decrease approximately 40%. In the a3c1 double mutant lutein is still severely reduced but B-xanthophylls return to WT levels. In an attempt to delineate any domains/residues in the CYP97A and CYP97C enzymes that may have contributed to their functional divergence at the protein level, I performed two different types of molecular evolutionary analyses. First, I scanned the 52 aligned amino acid sequences of each paralogous CYP97A/C pair in Arabidopsis, rice, C. reinhardtii and 0. tauri using a statistical method that calculates the Z-score from the null hypothesis that the evolutionary rates are the same between two sequences in a sliding window (window size = 30 a.a.) (Nam et al., 2005). In this analysis, it is assumed that diversification of protein function is reflected by the relaxation or intensification of functional constraints at the protein level (Li, 1983). Because the activities of C YP97A and CYP97C are conserved between Arabidopsis and rice (Tian et al., 2004b; Kim and DellaPenna, 2006; Quinlan et al., 2007), one would expect that protein regions important for differentiating CYP97A and CYP97C substrates would occur consistently in Arabidopsis and rice. These regions would likely be shared as well in C. reinhardtii and 0. tauri CYP97A/CYP97C pairs if firnctional divergence were initiated before the speciation of higher plants and green algae. I found only one region (from column 160 to 199) that showed a consistent evolutionary rate difference between CYP97A and CYP97C in all four organisms (Z >1.0, p <0.l6). Fig. 8A shows the average of the four Z-scores of this region is 1.57 (p =0.06). When the same analysis was applied to the three CRT R-B gene pairs from Arabidopsis, rice and pine (Fig. SB), no consistent pattern was observed and the maximum Z-score was 0.94 (p=0. l 7) for any gene pair. In a second approach, I estimated the posterior probability for cluster-specific functional divergence in a given residue (Gu, 2006) in order to identify those that might be critical for functional divergence of CYP97A and CYP97C. Fig. 8C illustrates the site- specific profile calculated from comparison between the CYP97A clade including Arabidopsis, Medicago truncatula, tomato, rice and barley genes, and the C YP97C clade including Arabidopsis, Medicago truncatula, tomato, carrot and rice genes. The estimated 53 coefficient of cluster-specific functional divergence (0”) is 0.29:0.04, indicating the analysis is statistically meaningful. Twenty-nine residues were identified with a 7.1 % prediction error (false-positive rate) and six of these were also conserved in C. reinhardtii and 0. tauri. Based on the structural conservation of the cytochrome P450 superfarnily across phyla (Graham and Peterson, 2002; Schoch et al., 2003; Mestres, 2005), I developed two CYP97A3 structural models (i.e. closed and open conformation) and mapped the single domain and six residues identified from these two approaches onto the three-dimensional structures (Fig. 9). As templates for homology modeling, I used the crystal structures of human microsomal P450 3A4 (ltan) and mammalian cytochrome P450 2B4 (lpoSA) which had the best 3D-jury scores (333.71 and 311.71) in the protein data bank (PDB) for closed and open conformations (Ginalski et al., 2003). The domain identified by sliding window analysis includes the B—strand that sits on the putative substrate access channel (blue in Fig. 9) (Graham and Peterson, 2002). Similarly, one of the six conserved amino acids identified from the second approach was mapped onto the middle of the I helix, (red in Fig. 9, alanine in CYP97A and serine in CYP97C) which has been shown to be important for positioning of substrate aromatic rings in the cytochrome P45 0 active site (Rupasinghe et al., 2003; Schoch et al., 2003). Identified domains and residues are also shown in amino acid alignment which is used for NJ tree construction (Supplementary data 3A). Expression divergence To assess any divergence in gene expression between the CYP97 and CRTR-B duplicates, I determined Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) as an index of expression similarity for each gene pair retrieved from the publicly available 54 DNA microarray datasets (Fig. 10) (Wagner, 2000). Only datasets in which at least one of the two copies for each family was expressed were selected for analysis (Makova and Li, 2003). Because carotenoid hydroxylases are primarily involved in producing pigments for LHCs, I compared gene expression in photosynthetic tissues (shoot apex, leaf and green seedling) and in reproductive organs (carpel, sepal, stamen, petal and seed). r- Values for the CYP97 gene pair are high in nearly all tissues surveyed, indicating that expression of the genes are relatively highly correlated. r-Values for the CRTR-B gene pair are also high in unstressed and stressed photosynthetic tissues, with the exception of cold stress and high light stress, but much lower in all reproductive organs. 3.3.4 The impact of functional divergence under high light To assess the biological implications of carotenoid hydroxylase diversification we examined the biochemical and physiological consequence of various knockout genotypes to infer the impact of the missing enzyme(s) on fitness of the organism. Because xanthophylls play many important structural and functional roles in photosynthesis we measured the response of mutant genotypes to high light stress using non-invasive in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence. Non- photochemical quenching (NPQ) and the maximum photosynthetic efficiency of photosystem II (F v/Fm) are two fluorescence-derived parameters that are routinely used as quantitative measures of photosystem adaptation and response to short-term and long- terrn high light stress, respectively (Maxwell and Johnson, 2000; Holt et al., 2004). NPQ is rapidly induced (< 1 min) in response to high light and increases non-radiative energy (e.g. heat) dissipation within the photosystems. The kinetics of NPQ induction and the maximal NPQ level reflect the coordinate induction of complex structural and functional changes in the photosystems. Fv/Fm is a measure of the maximal efficiency of 55 photosystem II (PS II) and changes to F v/Fm generally occur over a longer time frame than NPQ (hours versus minutes), respectively. The Fv/Fm of healthy nonstressed tissues is 0.8 and approaches zero as PS 11 is progressively damaged. Fig. 11A and 11B show changes in NPQ and Fv/Fm in the indicated genotypes as a function of time. The absence of either class of carotenoid hydroxylases (a3c1 and b1 b2) significantly reduced NPQ and Fv/Fm relative to WT level after high light stress, indicating both the CYP97 and CRTR-B type enzymes are required for high light adaptation. However, within an enzyme class, differing degrees of functional complementation were observed for individual class members. Impairment of NPQ and Fv/Fm in b1 b2 was partially complemented in the b1 or b2 single mutants, consistent with a prior study suggesting functional redundancy (Tian et al., 2003). In contrast, impairment of NPQ and Fv/Fm in the a3c1 mutant is due largely to the cyp97c1 (c1) and the cyp97a3 (a3) mutations, respectively. Fv/F m in the 0] mutant was indistinguishable from WT during a 400 min high light treatment (Fig. 11B) but the kinetics of the NPQ rise and maximal NPQ level was slower and lower, respectively, than WT (Fig. 11A). The impact of the a3 mutation on NPQ and Fv/Fm was opposite to that of the c] mutation. The kinetics of the rise in NPQ in a3 was somewhat slower and more variable than WT but the maximal NPQ achieved after 260 sec was not significantly difl‘erent (Fig. 11A). However, Fv/Fm in the 03 mutant was strongly negatively impacted relative to WT after only 80 min of high light treatment (Fig. 11B). The a3c1 double mutant had significantly slower NPQ induction kinetics, lower maximal NPQ and lower Fv/Fm and is essentially an additive phenotype of the two single mutations. After 10 hours illumination at 16004800 umol-m'Z-s", the a3 mutant had irreversibly reduced C02 fixation rate under 56 100 umol-m'2°s" (Fig. 12). 3.4. Discussion 3.4.1. Gene duplication and in viva activity of carotenoid hydroxylase genes Duplication and subsequent functional divergence of genes are being increasingly recognized as important mechanisms of evolution (Ohno, 1970; Lynch and Conery, 2000; Moore and Purugganan, 2005). Functional divergence can occur in protein coding regions, gene expression patterns or both. Here, I compared the evolutionary histories and in viva firnction of two duplicate gene pairs involved in carotenoid hydroxylation in Arabidopsis, CYP97A3/C1 and CRT R-BI/BZ which together account for the full complement of carotenoid hydroxylases in this organism (Table 4). Our phylogenetic analyses (Fig. 6) showed that the CYP9 7A3/CI genes appear to be the result of an ancient duplication with no further recent duplication (Fig. 6A) whereas the CRT R-BI /BZ gene pair results from a relatively recent gene dupication. The in vitro activities of individual hydroxylases against [3- or s-rings have been studied by heterologous expression in E. coli engineered to accumulate B-, 8- or a-carotenes (Sun et al., 1996; Tian and DellaPenna, 2001; Quinlan et al., 2007). While this approach has been quite informative in delineating the possible in vitro substrate(s) for each enzyme, the approach has inherent limitations. The substrates tested may not occur in viva and the enzymes are produced and assayed in isolation from the other pathway enzymes. Hence, the in viva activity, regulation and role of each hydroxylase in this complex biochemical pathway may not accurately be reflected in the E. cali assay system. In order to better understand molecular evolution of the four extant carotenoid hydroxylases, whether they have distinct or overlapping enzymatic activities 57 in viva and what the forces may have driven their evolution, selection and maintenance in plants we have generated a series of mutant genotypes for one or more of the four genes and assessed their consequences in viva. The two classes of carotenoid hydroxylases share significant overlap in substrate specificities, i.e. all four carotenoid hydroxylases have the ability to hydroxylate the [3- ring of at-carotene, at least to some degree. The CRTR-B enzymes have been previously shown to be isozymes with indistinguishable activities toward B-carotene when expressed in E. coli. In viva analysis indicates the CRTR-B enzymes are most active in the synthesis of B-xanthophylls, but that they also have significant activity toward the B-ring of at- carotene. In contrast, the CYP97 enzymes have evolved to preferentially function in at- xanthophyll synthesis and show substantial divergence in their preferred in viva substrates (Table 7) likely due to changes in substrate recognition and binding (Fig. 8 and 9). CYP97A3 has high activity toward the B-rings of B-carotene and (at-carotene but no activity toward the e-ring of a-carotene. CYP97C1 has high activity toward e-rings (Tian et al., 2004b) and the B-ring of or-carotene but almost no activity toward the B-rings of B- carotene. The activities of the individual carotenoid hydroxylases deduced from xanthophyll accumulation data in seed are consistent with that in leaves with one major discrepancy: there is a virtual absence of zeinoxanthin and a-carotene in seed of all C] and 03 containing genotypes, respectively, while the same genotypes accumulate high levels of these carotenoids in leaves. Rather than postulating a fundamental difference in carotenoid hydroxylase activities in the two tissues it is more likely that this discrepancy is due to differing stability of zeinoxanthin and a-carotene in leaves and seed. The fact 58 that total carotenoid levels in the leaves of nine genotypes shown in Table 7 do not significantly differ while total seed carotenoid levels of the same genotypes are decreased by as much as 85% is consistent with differential carotenoid turnover in seed but not leaves. This is likely due to a combination of carotenoid associations with proteins in leaves but not seed (e.g. LHCs) and enzyme mediated carotenoid degradation. Indeed, a null mutant for carotenoid cleavage dioxygenase 1 has been shown to have significantly increase seed carotenoid levels while leaf carotenoids are unaffected (Auldridge et al., 2006b). 3.4.2. The evolution of B-xanthophyll synthesis B-xanthophylls and CRTR-B-type enzymes are widely distributed in nature and found in all photosynthetic eukaryotes and many photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic prokaryotes. The Arabidopsis CRTR-Bl and CRTR-B2 are isozymes (Tian and DellaPenna, 2001; Tian et al., 2003) and relatively strong expression correlation in photosynthetic tissues (Fig. 10), suggesting their most recent common ancestor (MRCA) had a similar biochemical activities and was expressed in photosynthetic tissues. The b1b2 mutant has negatively impacted NPQ and F v/F m (Fig. 11) suggesting that photoprotection was likely an important function of the CRTR-B ancestor and a strong selective pressure for retention of this activity during evolution. The necessity of B-xanthophylls as substrates for abscisic acid (ABA) synthesis may be an additional selective pressure for retention of CRTR-B activity as the b1 b2 mutant also has insufficient ABA production under drought conditions (Tian et al., 2004a). The retention of CRTR-B paralogs appears to be widespread in higher plants whether underlying selective pressures are common. In Arabidopsis, after duplication of the ancestral CRTR-B gene, most likely by whole genome or segmental genome 59 duplication 24~48 million years ago (Fig. 7 and Supplementary data Table l), the duplicates seem to have diverged primarily at the gene expression level (Fig. 10). Our carotenoid analyses suggest CRTR-B2 is more actively involved in B-xanthophyll synthesis in seeds than in leaves, consistent with the rapidly induced CR TR-BZ gene during seed development (Supplementary material 5). Expression divergence of CRTR-B genes is not restricted to Arabidopsis, as one of the two CRTR-B members in bell pepper, tomato and saffron (C. sativus) also shows preferential expression in flower or during fruit development (Bouvier et al., 1998; Castillo et al., 2005; Galpaz et al., 2006). Unlike Arabidopsis, CRTR-B expression divergence is strongly associated with tissue specific functional divergence in these other organisms. In tomato crtr-b2 mutant results in a colorless petal phenotype with no impact on B-xanthophyll synthesis in leaves (Galpaz et al., 2006). The massive accumulation of [i-xanthophylls during maturation of the saffron stigma was correlated with high expression of a single CRTR-B gene (C. sativus CI in Fig. 6B) (Castillo et al., 2005). Flower development involves the transformation of chloroplasts to chromoplasts (Whatley and Whatley, 1987) and it is likely that the expression divergence of the CRTR-B genes in reproductive organs (e. g. chromoplast- specific expression) provides the biochemical flexibility to differentially regulate B- xanthophyll synthesis in these tissues. 3.4.3. The evolution of a—xanthophyll synthesis Unlike B-xanthophyll synthesis, which is widespread in nature, the synthesis of or-xanthophylls occurs in only a few lineages of photosynthetic eucaryotes, some red algae and all green algae and plants. The prevalence of a-xanthophylls in both green algae and plants suggests that their MRCA synthesized a-xanthophylls and that strong selective pressure has maintained this trait. 60 Four reaction steps are required for the synthesis of a dihydroxy (it-xanthophyll (i.e., lutein): B- and e-ring formations from lycopene by B- and e- cyclase followed by hydroxylation of each ring by B- and a-ring hydroxylases (Fig. 2). Like B-xanthophylls, B-cyclases are widespread in nature and have been recruited for use in at-xanthophyll synthesis. e-Cyclases have only been identified in green algae, plants and Prachlaracaccus (a cyanobacterium) (Partensky et al., 1993; Krubasik and Sandmann, 2000; Hess et al., 2001; Cunningham et al., 2007) and appear to have arisen from B- cyclases by gene duplication and subsequent functional divergence before the green algae and plant split (Krubasik and Sandmann, 2000; Cunningham et al., 2007). They phylogeny of CYP97 B- and s-ring hydroxylases similarly shows that duplication of the MRCA also occurred before he speciation of green algae and higher plants and that the CYP97A and CYP97C genes have been under purifying selection (Fig. 6A). Though these phylogenetic inferences provide insight into when the genetic materials for tit-xanthophyll synthesis were generated they cannot answer when the function of each gene evolved and how each function has been maintained during evolutionary time. However, the numerous mutant genotypes affecting specific carotenoid biosynthetic enzymes in Arabidopsis provide important insights into these questions. The conservation of (it-xanthophyll synthesis during the evolution of green algae and plants suggests strong selective pressures were involved in the generation and maintenance of the necessary enzymatic activites, the e-ring cyclase, CYP97A3 and CYP97C1. To assess these functional constraints, we used several informative carotenoid biosynthetic mutant genotypes to infer the impact that various pathway intermediates have when accumulated by a hypothetical ancestral organism (i.e., B-xanthophyll 6l producing organism) as it acquired one or more of the three necessary enzymatic activities. The Iut2 mutant, which is defective in e-ring cyclase activity, cannot synthesize a-xanthophylls (Pogson et al., 1996) and is a reasonable approximation of a hypothetical B-xanthophyll accumulating ancestral organism. The absence of lutein in lut2 results in elevated levels of B-xanthophylls, partial impairment of NPQ, a smaller photosystem cross sectional area and lower LHC trimer stability . While mature lut2 plants grow as well as wild type under moderate light conditions they are slightly less resistant to high light stress (Pogson et al., 1998; Niyogi et al., 2001; Dall'Osto et al., 2006). The consequences of the hypothetical ancestral organism first acquiring e—ring cyclase activityis approximated by the a3c1 genotype, which has a functional a-ring cyclase, can synthesize at-carotene and has CRTR-B enzyme activity but lacks both CYP97A and CYP97C1 activities. In addition to B-carotene and B-xanthophylls the aid mutant produces a-carotene and zeinoxanthin in approximately equal molar ratios (Table 7), due to inefficient hydroxylation of the [3-ring of the oc-carotene by the extant CRTR-B enzymes present in the mutant background. The a3cI mutant is highly susceptible to photooxidation in high light, more so than any other single xanthophyll biosynthetic mutant. The high light susceptibility of a3c1 is due to the presence of a—carotene rather than zeinoxanthin as the CI single mutant, which accumulates an equivalent amount of zeinoxanthin as a3c1 but lacks tit-carotene, does not exhibit such photosensitivity (Table 7 and F ig. 11). The phentoype of the a3c1 mutant suggests that acquisition of e-cyclase activity by the ancestral organism would have been detrimental under full sunlight and would have set in place a situation that would strongly select for the evolution of enzymes that could efficiently hydroxylate a-carotene. 62 Given the strong selection pressure imposed by (it-carotene accumulation and the presence of CRTR-B-type enzymes in the ancestral organism, it is surprising that the extant CRTR-B-type enzymes have not evolved to more efficiently hydroxylate the [5- ring of (it-carotene. This suggests that there is a structural constraint on the CRTR-B class of enzymes that makes the efficient hydroxylation of the B-rings of both a-carotene and B-carotene impossible. In this light it is possible to understand why and how a separate class of carotene hydroxylases, the CYP97 family, evolved and was selected for in (it-xanthophyll synthesis (Fig. 13). The original CYP97 enzyme acquired by the ancestral organism likely had at-carotene B-ring hydroxylation activity (CYP97A-like activity) as both the extant CYP97A3 and CYP97C1 have this activity. The a3 mutant phenotype suggests the evolution of an eflicient CYP97A-like a—carotene B-ring hydroxylation activity would have been strongly selected for as it would have alleviated a-carotene-dependent photooxidation. Duplication of the ancestral CYP97A-like enzyme and evolution of a CYP97C- like (e-ring hydroxylase) activity would have allowed efficient synthesis of lutein without accumulation of (it-carotene or zeinoxanthin. The driving force for selection of a CYP97C-like activity is efficient photosystem structure and function, which is less intuitive than the a-carotene-dependent photooxidation driving selection of CYP97A-like activity, but no less important. In plants, lutein is essential for the assembly and stability of large light harvesting photosystems and for optimal NPQ kinetics and maximal NPQ. While the impact of xanthophyll alterations on NPQ is most readily quantified under experimental constant high light conditions, such as those used in Fig. 11A, the impact of altering NPQ on plant fitness is most apparent under natural light conditions. Kulheim et. 63 al (2002) showed that NPQ deficiency had no discemable impact on plants grown under constant light in growth chamber conditions but when grown in natural lighting, which has large swings in light intensity occurring on the order of seconds to minutes, the fitness of NPQ deficient plants was severely impaired and the mutants produced 30-50% fewer seed per generation than wild type (Kulheim et al., 2002). Given this fitness impact it is clear how evolution of a CYP97C-like activity would be selected for and maintained. The scenario we have described above (the sequential acquisition of e-cyclase, CYP97A and CYP97C activities in Fig. 13) is not the only possible sequence of events in the evolution of at-xanthophyll synthesis based on the data provided. It is equally probable that a CYP97A-like enzyme was already present in the ancestral organism and along with a CRTR-B type enzyme was involved in [ii-xanthophyll synthesis. In this case, and assuming the CYP97A-like enzyme had at least some endogenous a-carotene B-ring hydroxylation activity, the acquisition of a-cyclase activity would have resulted in monohydroxy a-carotene (zeinoxanthin) production. If the enzyme was inefficient and some a-carotene was produced, this would still provide strong selection for improvement of oc-carotene B-ring hydroxylation activity and against loss of the CYP97A-like gene (which would lead to a-carotene-dependent photooxxidation). Duplication of the CYP97A-like gene and evolution of CYP97C-like activity would then occur as described. Regardless of the exact sequence of events, the phenotypes of mutants defective in extant carotenoid hydroxylases highlight the strong selective pressures that likely operated in the evolution and selection of particular genes and activities that have led to the current biosynthetic pathway found in Arabidopsis. These same strong selective pressures continue to operate today to maintain the suite of carotenoid biosynthetic enzymes that 64 have been shown to be optimal for light harvesting, photosystem structure, NPQ and adaptation of plants to the ever changing light conditions in nature. 65 3.5. Materials and methods 3.5.] The CYP97 and CRTR-B genes used for phylogenetic analyses To search for CYP97 and CRTR-B homologs in photosynthetic eucaryotes, I performed tblastn search using three Arabidopsis CYP97 genes (CYP97A3, CYP97B3 and CYP97C1) and two CRTR-B genes (CRT R-BI and CRTR-BZ) as queries in publicly available databases (NCBI, TIGR and J GI) (E value cutoff = 10'”). To assist in genome sequence annotation, I experimentally determined the full length sequences for two C. reinhardtii homologs (CYP97A5, EF587911 and CYP97C3, EF587910) amplified from cDNA pool as for the CYP97 family members. All sequences used were summarized in Supplementary data 1. 3.5.2. Sequence alignments and computational analyses 27 CYP97 and 33 CRTR-B sequences were aligned by the computer program ClustalX 1.81 with default parameters (Thompson et al., 1997) and alignments further refined manually (Supplementary data Fig. 3A and 3B). Protein sequence rather than DNA sequence was used for alignments, as protein sequence is more suitable for long-term evolution studies (Hashimoto et al., 1994; Russo et al., 1996; Glazko and Nei, 2003; Nam et al., 2003). In the CYP97 sequence alignment (Supplementary data 3A), an alignment block corresponding to columns 160 to 705 was selected for phylogenetic analyses, sliding window analyses and the estimation of cluster-specific functional divergence. In the CRTR-B alignment (Supplementary data 3B), 3 block corresponding to column 1 to 414 was used for phylogenetic analyses and column 134 to 403 for sliding window analyses. For phylogenetic analyses, three different methods were applied: Neighbor-Joining (NJ), Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Maximum Likelihood (ML). To construct NJ tree, I used Poisson correction (PC) distance method with pairwise deletion of gaps was used with the MEGA 3.1 program 66 (Kumar et al., 2004). Each MP tree of C YP97 and CRT R-B gene was generated with the JTT model (Jones et al., 1992), afier removing uninformative residues in the computer program PAUP* 4.0 beta 10 (Swofford, 2003). The ML tree was constructed using the PhyML algorithm with gaps treated as unknown characters (Guindon and Gascuel, 2003). For all trees, branch support was assessed by bootstrapping (500 replicates). The CYP86A1 and C. reinhardtii CRT R-B genes were selected as outgroups for each tree, respectively. C YP86A1 was selected because its substrates, fatty acids with chain lengths from C12 to C18 (Benveniste et al., 1998), are the most similar to carotenoids and the CYP86 clade is the most closely related to CYP97 clade (http://www.p450.kvl.dk/cvp_allsubfam_NJil02103.pdf). All P450 nomenclature follows convention (http://dmelson.utmem.edu/CytochromeP450.html). For sliding window analysis, seven taxa in each alignment block were selected and gaps were eliminated. Rates of amino acid substitutions (p-distance) in each sliding window of two aligned protein sequences with one outgroup (i.e. CYP86A1 in CYP97A/C and C. reinhardtii C1 in CRTR-B comparisons) since their most recent common ancestor (MRCA) were estimated using least-square method and compared using a program developed by Nam et. al (Nam et al., 2005). Because C. reinhardtii and rice have multiple C YP97A and CRTR-B paralogs, respectively, CYP97A5 and CYP97C3 were used for the C. reinhardtii CYP97A/C comparison, and 0. sativa C2 and C3 were selected for the rice CRT R-B comparison. The posterior probability to lead cluster- specific functional divergence was estimated for each residue of CYP97 aligmnent by the DIVERGE 2 program (Gu, 2006) with ten taxa in the angiosperrn lineage. Ka, Ks and confidence interval (CI) were calculated by K-estimator 6.0 software (Comeron, 1999) 67 from the CRTR—B alignment block used for the sliding window analysis. C.I was retrieved fiom 500 replicates.The templates for CYP97A3 homology modeling were retrieved from Metaserver {http://metabioinfo.pl/submit wizard.pl) and the configuration of side chains were determined by the computer program maxsprout (Holm and Sander, 1991) (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/maxsprout/) and scrawl 3.0 (Canutescu et al., 2003). The CYP97A3 homology model was visualized with VMD software available in (http://www.fiks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/). 3.5.3 Plant materials and pigment analyses The leaves of four-week old Ws background and five-week old Col-0 background genotypes grown under 12 h photoperiod (100 umol m'Z-sec'l, 22/18 °C) were used for pigment analyses and high light stress experiment. High light was subjected to plants in the chamber which was set to 1600~1800 umol-m'z-sec", 50% humidity and 22 °C. The seeds were harvested and stored in the box containing a desiccator for one month before pigment analysis (Tian et al., 2003; Auldridge et al., 2006b). HPLC separation and quantification by spectra and retention time were performed as described in (Tian and DellaPenna, 2001; Kim and DellaPenna, 2006). 3.5.4. Expression data analyses AtGenExpress database was the source of expression data for the CYP97 and CRT R-B gene pairs (hinzl/wwwarabidopsis.or2/info/expression/ATGenExpress.isp) with the exception that the data obtained fi'om high-light stressed leaf tissue was provided by Dr. Dirk Inzé (Vanderauwera et al., 2005). Used eight tissue types and stress conditions were independent and nonredundant. 3.5.5. Colinearity of chromosomal segments Protein sequence in Arabidopsis and rice 68 chromosomal segments was obtained from publicly available annotated sequence data. The putative open reading frames in poplar genome sequence were deduced by FGENESH software available in SoftBerry (www.softberrv.com). The proteins in chromosomal segments were compared in a pairwise fashion using bl2seq software available in NCBI. Cutoff for homologous pair was an e-value less than 10'"). 3.5.6 Measurement of in viva chlorophyll fluorescence and CO2 fixation rates To obtain two photosynthetic parameters (NPQ and F v/F m), in viva chlorophyll fluorescence was measured from the dark—adapted intact leaves for five minutes by applying a saturation pulse with and without actinic light (530 i.Lmol-m’2-sec'I ) using the Imaging- PAM Chlorophyll F luorometer (Walz, Germany) (Berger et al., 2004). C02 fixation rate was measured after five minute in Arabidopsis chamber of LI-COR 6400 (Li-COR Biosciences), a gas exchanging system for CO2 and H20 analyses. Reference C02 concentration was set to 400 pmolsec'l (slightly above ambient pressure) by the CO2 . mixer and the temperature in the block was 22 °C. Air flow was set to 100 umol-sec'l. Before C02 fixation rate measurements, 10 h- treated plants were put in dark for twelve- hours, followed by 100 umohm’z-sec'l illumination for seven hours. 69 Table 4 Carotenoid composition (nmol-g'l fresh weight) of green and albino progeny from the indicated genotypes. Green plantsa Albino plantsa Green plantsb Albino plantsb 1.3-Xanthophyllsc 1.00i0. 10 n.d. 0- 10:0-01 n.d. Xanthophylls Lutein 0-61i0-02 n.d. 10130-17 n.d. a-Car-OH 7.18:0.34 n.d. 0.43:0.00 n_d, memo-em, 0.23:0.02 0.72:0.19 3.84:0.67 05320.21 Carotenes pewtm 6.84:0.28 0.171003 1.691024 0.171003 a progeny from b1b1b2b2c1c1A3a3 parent. b progeny from b1b1b2b2C1c1a3a3 parent. ° Sum of zeaxanthin, antheraxanthin, violaxanthin and neoxanthin. NOTE.- n.d., below the HPLC detection limit (0.5 ng); a-Car—OH, monohydroxy 0t- carotene. The values shown are the mean of at least two biological replicates analyzed in triplicate :1: standard deviation. 70 Table 5 List of CYP97 homologs used for constructing a neighbor-joining tree. Organism Gene name Accession #Ilocus name! TC number/JGI annotation # Salanum esculentum Populus tn'chacarpa Arabidopsis thaliana Medicaga truncatula Hadeum vulgare Oryza sativa Ostreocaccus taun' Chlamydomanas reinhardtii Chlamydomanas reinhardtii Ostreacaccus tauri Ostreacaccus taun‘ Skeletanema castatum Chlamydomanas reinhardtii Ginka bilaba Oryza sativa Arabidopsis thaliana Populus tn'chacama Medicaga iruncatula Ostreacaccus taun' Chlamydomanas reinhardtii Oryza sativa Arabidopsis thaliana Daucus carata Salanum esculentum S. esculentum CYP9 7A CYP97A7 C YP9 7A3 M. truncatula CYP9 7A H. vulgare CYP97A CYP9 7A4 CYP9 7A 1 1 CYP97A5 CYP97A6 CYP97B14 CYP97B15 CYP97E1 CYP9786 G. bilaba CYP9 78 C YP97B4 C YP97B3 CYP97B7 M. truncatula CYP9 7B CYP97C12 CYP97C3 CYP97CZ CYP97C1 D.carata CYP97C S. esculentum CYP9 7C 71 TC126862 gw1 87.99. 1 At1931 800 ABD28565 TC76166 AK068163 Ott 3902550 EF58791 1 DNE_DNE_e _wa.42.59. 1 Ot01905440 Chr15.00010014 AF459441 DNE_e_wa.1.53.1 AY601 887 TC299269 AT4G1 51 10 fgenesh1_pg.C_LG_V|000069 ABE94036 0t09902560 EF587910 AK065689 At39531 30 AB 852076 SGN E542349 and E346934 Table 5 can’t Populus tn'chocarpa CYP97C4 eugene3.00280258 Medicago truncatula CYP97C10 DQ335801 72 Table 6 List of CR T R-B homologs used for constructing a neighbor-joining tree. Organism Accession #Ilacus name! Gene name TC number/JGI annotation # Solanum esculentum Capsicum annuum Solanum esculentum Capsicum annuum Gentiana lutea Medicago truncatula Citrus unshiu Caffea arabica Tagetes erecta Arabidopsis thaliana Arabidopsis thaliana Brassica rapa Daucus carota Daucus carota Vitis vinifera Pop/us trichocarpa Pap/us trichocarpa Adonis pa/aestina Adonis palaestina Adonis palaestina Crocus sativus S. esculentum CRTR—B1 CA855625 C. annuum CRTR-B2 CAA70888 S. esculentum CRTR-BZ CA855626 C. annuum CRTR-B1 CAA70427 G. Iutea CRTR-B homolog 1 A8027187 M. truncatula CRTR-B homolag 1 ABE85312 C. unshiu CRTR-B homolog 1 AAG33636 C. arabica CRTR-B1 DQ157169 T. erecta CRTR-B homolog 1 AAG10430 A. thaliana CRTR-BZ AT5652570 A. thaliana CRTR-B1 AT4GZS7OO B. rapa CRTR-B homolog 1 DQ156907 D. carota CRTR-B homo/0g 1 A8852074 D. carota CRTR-B homolog 2 ABBSZO75 V. vinifera CRTR-B1 AAM77007 P. trichocarpa CRTR-B homo/0g 1 estExt_fgenesh1_pg_v1.C_440227 P. trichocarpa CRTR-B homo/og 2 estExt_fgenesh1_pg_v1.C_LG_IVOO7O A. palaestina CRTR~B1 A3193208 A. palaestina AdkeiaZ AY644758 A. palaestina AdKeto1 AY644757 C. sativus CRTR-32 CAC9513O 73 Crocus sativus Narcissus pseudonarcissus Oryza sativa Oryza sativa Oryza sativa Zea mays Zea mays Zea mays Pinus taeda Pinus iaeda Ostreococcus taun' Chlamydomanas reinhardtii Haematococcus pluvialis C. sativus CRTR—B1 N. pseudonarcissus CRTR-B homo/cg 1 O. sativa CRTR-B homo/cg 1 O. sativa CRTR-B homo/cg 2 O. sativa C CRTR-B homo/cg 3 Z. ma ys CRTR-B homo/cg 1 2. ma ys CRTR-B hamolog 2 Z. mays CRTR—B homo/cg 3 P. taeda CRTR-B hamolog 1 P. taeda CRTR-B homo/cg 2 O. iauri CRTR-B homo/cg 1 C. reinhardtii CRTR-B homo/cg 1 H. pluvialis CR TR-B1 Table 6 can’t AAT84408 CAC0671 2 .1 080390125100 031090533500 030490578400 AY844956 AY844958 BQ6 l 95 75 TC67291 T067290 gw1. AAX54907 AAD54243 74 Table 7 Carotenoid composition in the leaves of the two wild types (Col-0 and Ws) and seven informative genotypes. Carotenoid levels are expressed as mmol pigment mol'1 of chlorophylls. Each value is the mean :t SD of at least three biological replicates. The numbers in parenthesis indicate the percentage of total carotenoids 75 3: FdHNd mama“: «.63 “one“: 00mm Neva mm B 03 0.60 808m 300.0 §E.o0mmcmdm0$ 3:302 8:308 6.30m... 6:2. 83500.0 20% 30mm 630085.308 $0.00»... 345003 @802. 6:... $303. $2.03 0.0048. 3.09 35.408 3303 3:905— ES02 $2.03 5302. $3803 $302 205.. $08 6.500883308 A-:~.m0$ 32.03 8:408 €303 @309 5:00;. :03 0.6.08 383053303 8:303 690.908. @303 6:... 8560: $30: 205 30:. 5:338:03? 50.00% 84:803. @302 8:... 3303 3:303 2008 20m: $2.403 $803 88305 $2.03. 3:308 8:30; 8:308 633.0% 20me 308 630.003. 6.3603 30:39.0 c.0309. 8:308 8:0... £94503 3:303 803... $08 €0,000... 8:303 £32080 53.0% 8:... 5303 3:303 .33. 2.29.8-5 10.508 522 555362. 555.83 sficmxflosfi 553x903 76 Table 8 Carotenoid composition in the seeds of the two wild types (Col-0 and Ws) and seven informative genotypes. Carotenoid levels are expressed as nmol pigment-g“l of dry weight. Each value is the mean i SD of at least three biological replicates. The numbers in parenthesis indicate the percentage of total carotenoids. 77 303 8:303 8: 303 E 303 .3 3:308 E 303 Q 303 @303 @7303 3.843 3088 8:303 8:303 E303 .3 888803 8:30: 8:303 8:303 @303 3.3 303 898.803 88.803 .3 88:30? 8:30: 8: 303 83303 8:303 8:303 :32 302 89303 .3 8:303 8:303 8:303 €303 8:303 8:303 8:303 83 308 8: 303 83303 .3 .3 88303 83303 $30: 8: 303 83308... was 30% 83303 8: 303 83803 .3 888.8088 8: 303 $303 8:303 8:30: 3 303 883803 E 303 .3 @303 8: 303 8:303 8:303 883803 3:303 B 308 883.803 83.33 .3 .3 888.003 8: 303 8:303 $303 @303 3 308 883303 8: 303 .3 3 8:30; 8:303 8:303 8:303 8:303 38 . 3228.5 55:96ch 55333 cEmefloficm 55:88.03 78 Fig. 6A Neighbor-joining tree of CYP97 sequences. Scale bar = 0.2 (Poisson distance). Numbers on branches represent neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap support, respectively (NJ/MP/ML); a hyphen indicates support of less than 50%. Bootstrap values are omitted from branches where support was less than 50% in all three analyses. 7» Solanum esculentum Populus trichocarpa CYP97A7 ~—_— Arabidopsis thaliana CYP97A3 Medicago truncatu/a 68/-/- " 95/87/- 100/100/ 100 r.— Hodeum vulgare 100/89/100L— Oryza sativa CYP97A4 87/-/~[ I Ostreococcus tauri CYP97A 11 Chlamydomanas reinhardtii CYP9 7A5 Chlamydomanas reinhardtii CYP97A6 82/60/94 ' Ostreococcus taun' CYP97BT4 F—fi 31/483 4461 Ostreococcus tauri CYP97B15 Skeletonema costatum C YP97E 1 89,7}%:{l _______ Chlamydomanas reinhardtii CYP97B6 i 58H-% 1 1183/53/- r——-————— Ginko bilaba Oryza sativa CYP97B4 71/-/100 100/99/92 94/8 0/_ _____ Arabidopsis thaliana CYP97B3 69/-/55 Populus trlchocarpa CYP97B7 97/74/‘ l— Medicago truncatula Ostreococcus tauri CYP97C12 .. _--- i h:— .0— —-—-v—— Chlamydomanas reinhardtii CYP97C3 88513! ~——— Oryza sativa CYP97C2 81/53/- “4‘ ____ Arabidopsis thaliana CYP97C1 100/100/100Lll 0 r—— aucus carota 98/62/- . 58/-/- l” So/anum esculentum 0 { d_ Populus trichocarpa CYP97C4 0'2 55/'/'L—— Medicago truncatula CYP97C10 CYP86A1 79 CYP97A CYP97B CYP97C Fig. 6B Neighbor-joining tree of CRTR-B sequences. Scale bar = 0.1 (Poisson distance). CRTR-Bl, CRTR-BZ indicates paralogs in an organism that have been demonstrated to have [i-ring hydroxylase activity by assay in carotenoid containing E. coli lines. CRT R-B homolog 1, CRTR-B homolog 2, CRTR-B homolog 3 indicate CRTR-B paralogs in an organism whose functions have not yet been experimentally defined. Numbers on branches represent neighbor-joining, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood bootstrap support, respectively (NJ/MP/ML); a hyphen indicates support of less than 50%. Bootstrap values are omitted from branches where support was less than 50% in all three analyses. 80 0090 :090 .anwocE>O 8.08069: E-Em0 £0.23: 0880233: 3:8 i3 0 022:0: 9E5 33:52 0803:0330 0 83:6: mith :35 03080300 8 003.3: 9:50 :83 was: 1 8:80:80 0 30:6: miEo «88 3s: U N 020:6: mihmo 0:9: mmN 3.823 0 uoBEo: mihmo 30E mmN m 5.2050: 9510 95:0 «Eco 50955. N 020:6: 98.56 95:0 :50 0 83:8: minke 85:0 330 0 33:6: minke 38.930380 028.902 5-”: «0 32:00 300:0 «91.55 03:00 300:0 029.3: 3:030: £33: :8 :02 _ 8293 053:8 :83 328 8:2 Bihmo 0.50020: mEnfi< 0 39:2 35:0 88 8.685 2859 _ .356 30:05 0.38.30; $38.. «95.20 30:05 m..mQ0:.5E< 8:42 Sigma Sgt: 0:3 m 029:0: mismo 5900 30:3 “005 0 33:6: m-Em0 $98 0:33 0 @286: mikmo 8080 90:30:. .0 020:6: 0.55 2:80:95 33%: ilu 8:8 39 F 02050: MAS—to 09:00:95 33:00: _ 0 3203: 3:3 3:23 25.6 i 0 00350: SEED 038:3: 0:00.80 ll Bikmo 8.50:0 00:00]: 5:50 $3: $038 “mihmo Ezzccm anfiqwo «Quito E55380 EzcmBm mm-m.Eo E3230 E32300 Bibs E55380 EzcmBm 8:00:09 I -Iwn 81 Fig. 7A Exon-intron structures of CRT R-B genes in Arabidopsis, poplar and rice. Exons and introns are represented as boxes and lines in scale, respectively. 82 a 33:6: 0.5mm 8;. N 020:6: m.E.mo 8E ........... ! ..--.---.-I- ...... F '1' . 022:0: 95:0 8E “AM llIF-Hl ..... ,w l- l Ill N 022.3: 0.55 Egon. Illllllllllllll . 83:6: miEo .28: llllnllllllllll «9&th 33003.2( .. l " $.55 £38324: Ililllllllll l.- l _ :05 0’2 83 Fig. 7B Colinearity of chromosomal segments containing parologous CRT R—B genes in Arabidopsis, poplar and rice. Syntenic gene pairs (e-value < 10’'0 for amino acid identities) are represented as thick solid bars on the side of chromosomal regions with syntenic partners between regions matched with double-headed arrows. Split arrows indicate instances where apparent tandem duplications have occurred for a syntenic partner. Numbers on the sides of the chromosomes refer to e-value exponents between two syntenic proteins. Note that for clarity annotated genes without syntenic partners are omitted from each chromosomal region. The CRTR-B genes in each chromosomal segment are marked with asterisks. 84 ego: tn§22oxm< 1% of the alpha-cryptoxanthin peak in lut5-1. The mass of quasimolecular ions ([MH+] and [MW-H20]) of the indicated carotenoids are below. a- cryptoxanthin (535.5), zeinoxanthin (553.5), lutein (551.5), zeaxanthin (569.5). Both A and B were separated as described (Tian and DellaPenna, 2001) except that the following gradient was initiated after sample injection: 0—13.0 min, 0% to 66.6%; 13.0—13.2 min, 66.6% to 100%. 104 com 00.3. cow— aadF com mm o no v. Dad. UPC—IF._.__...._...._...._I.PFF_.r......._...._F........_...._.....-.._...P—. .._... ./._... J .34: <1 «(ii-14:31.. n\—.\u 1<<< {4t {4‘0ch . C 8: 5.13389 3.38.: 5.8 88F BJFNFF/meé 388:8 FF8 8.8 «~28 NE Gm 33/ 8F 23 s 2,2. F EE NFF: 55:92.8 n. 2. Down +Q(CMQm . 37E}... u .v 329 8.2. mEFmEF 89898.9 Wt: 8.2 i. as... as 3:: Ed: 52:. m a. 8 F8 . . +ub.1—.>..-.-.-—L.-._...._..... ......... . . 88 A . m. $.33 Fm... N52. rNN— mmfip Qme kmvw ONMV 8.0—. Nam de mmfi h—hhmw momma + C_£quXOC._.®N 08 BF +n_<:m.u.m. _ ..—....—........._...._...._F.»._...._....—...._.p..—.-.._...._.-.._......LF-FLI... Fm: .ENRE $588 $2 89 EFFMMFF 88F Em 8F 88 km Fm: 8n T WW...“ :EmeoEboé o a. +Q <$1...._>:1.LL._.L/PF1_...._....—.>F»—LLL|F<—Pkrp_pn...l.P..«FF...—. ....._. .L . / e . mvd . 8&me FZFJMF 8.9 .8..2.F. 8.9 2.98.9 3: mm a: 8F. 88 8.8.. PT 82.. . 2...... is E 8: 55:92.8. m g. +n~11)1" 7 1\5111’51 £11111111111: 1151 111111 \1\111111’1)\\ \1\1111111),\ ~~-— - \1\1111 111)).5 ‘ 51\51)’1g111111113>\\--- ‘ Supplementary data Fig. 3A con’t 240 ‘\1\ 1W1h111 1_\\1!111111 E cling-i191! :1111. 1111111 111111“ 1111111111 1111111111 11511111 111111 lira-3; ‘ 27-2; 1‘ 1 13131.2, " 1 1:1 “1E11M l1 11,.‘.1.‘)111 l 1 I CYP97B7 7 , 1.! m: 1H. M. truncatula CYP97B .{1! 11111111: --—F 1ghn\1 H011 “111 .H. CYP97B3..11F111\'1.‘1[(1I’11- -' 1II111’ \1'11..]lLi1"11-1a1 CYP97B4 * !\11\1.‘\1(11‘1\‘ "1101 (1 :1 ’11 11ldi1‘111fi11 G.biloba CYP97B h~\1klm\1 ‘ --—F:1wknl‘11)ll |' 10k. CYP97B6 51 7 .111111111111111. CYP86A1 I'= - ‘ ..M CYP97C4 FAI \ll1ll ‘1 ‘11‘11’11’\\‘ 1 ‘1 1'11’1111 1\1 '1\‘1'" 1111211 CYP97C10 FAI \1211.|'1 ‘ 11’11’11‘ \1\1’ ’i1 lllx1€11 ‘11).II '111 1H1-711‘ . D.carota CYP97C FM ‘\1.( M ‘11’11’11’,1’1\1 \1,111\1\) 1,5 ‘11\.ll '11‘15 LHEH S. esculentum CYP97C FAl\Ehil1 ‘RRR\Y\P¢LHKR)1 1\051 11HHH, CYP97C1 FAI\1 :1” 11 ‘11’11’11’ \\’\1’~1,11RR‘11. 1‘1l '1‘\“1-' LHHH. CYP97C2 FAI \F( 1 1‘11 11’11‘11’§"1\ 1’.~1 11111111 \1\10 '1.‘15 1‘1311’.‘ CYP97C3 FAIS 1.117111%111111119121111111111 11111-111111 :51 CYP97C12 1 1911:1111-411 1|11111111111 E1111!” 111111 -‘11111Ro1-211 10111 H. vulgare CYP97A CYP97A4 S. esculentum CYP97A CYP97A7 M. truncatula CYP97A CYP97A3 CYP97A11 CYP97A5 CYP97A6 111’ \1)(1:1\1‘ 11 11’11’1’11\1’.-\1 11'1111 111’\l)(11i1111 11’11’|\’\1 \1’\.‘1| 1E.1\\\ 1 11’\1)(111:liulx:\.1\’1\’\1\1"\|.11:1\)\M‘111 11111111112111111111.1111'1111-1111M111—1.11.1 - 11V\D11L111\ HRHflH 1118.111": 11; 1 11’.\1 1’\1 11| 1\1' ‘ 11>1.:\111111111 111111111111111111'11-‘11 “111111111 11§1 11111111 111131111 1111 \1\1’.\[.IIR11)\ .1111. 1 1.1-1111111511111 1 - 11111111011111 51111111" 109 ’11\'111(1IM 111-11101.“ ‘ ‘11 11111 $11111. “1118 1.11. ‘81)11’1. 1l1| ‘1‘11111 CYP97Bl4 CYP97E1_S.costatum CYP97BlS CYP97B7 M. truncatula CYP97B CYP97B3 CYP97B4 G.biloba CYP97B CYP9736 CYP86A1 CYP97C4 CYP97C10 D. carota CYP97C S. esculentum CYP97C CYP97C1 CYP97C2 CYP97C3 CYP97C12 H. vulgare CYP97A CYP97A4 S. esculentum CYP97A CYP97A7 M. truncatula CYP97A CYP97A3 CYP97A11 CYP97A5 CYP97A6 CYP97Bl4 CYP97E1_S.costatum CYP97815 CYP97B7 M. truncatula CYP97B CYP97B3 CYP97B4 G.biloba CYP97B CYP97B6 CYP86A1 CYP97C4 CYP97C10 D.carota CYP97C S. esculentum CYP97C CYP97C1 CYP97C2 Supplementary data Fig. 3A con’t ‘14"; 1\“I.1\’1\ ‘11’\I1| ‘11'11’ ’11’1’ .11’11‘fl11 ‘1’1‘ .,11"1111 11w l\!lllh\111511 $111"- 1111 n1\.111111..§\1\1¥11s111 "111\ "1‘1.K‘11 111911 1511\1' .111H‘1xg1111111jgm111113 1151». 1N11.11.1 1u11n"1w\1\1111 11 --w ----E|\l11 1»n111h11.11 IM\111H»1 —-——En1111. 1>1111n11w.1111\.n1h>1 :11. 1sm111n11uH11111n1na11¥ :11. 1.3111H11.31"1\1111»11‘w ————En1111 E>H111h111111 1‘1w1h»1\‘w ":11. r>m111n11uk1 "21' M111111 H1 11m111 | 1\111.911111(11“‘1\1\‘111111\1'#.‘1 GGGAA‘1DWI. 1.\W1\11)11h1“. 1111D11a: 5. M111 1“DIP»1H 111HIIMN111\111951 :1n'111h!11|\111' ' ‘171111 ""‘S‘I ‘ 159.1 11.1)‘111‘11 11.1111511u115' “‘“S‘1 M1 5:1111 11“111 1151.1» "“$1 11511 EN -—-- ‘11M1J9‘1111‘111 11111111151. 1i11‘1 ‘11 1911111 ’ H1 _\.|5.'- 1 M1111. 1» 111 - 11111 §"11 111131‘"11.§‘"‘ 11111.1)" 11011.1."1" M11\131‘1_'1‘1 in“ ” ”" . 11' 11 111 a: £1.11I111111 1:11111‘1‘. 11111 '11 110 3A Acon’t Supplementar data Fi_. CYP97C3 ’ N CYP97C12 H. vulgare CYP97A CYP97A4 S. esculentum CYP97A CYP97A7 ———————————— .I’IWKII 1111 '11 1111111111511 1111 JI\I\ I I.\IIII DUI I M. truncatula CYP97A ------------ .I’IW IIEI’I . #:1111111 [MII‘ CYP97A3 ----------- I.\I)I I,I)I)I-I ‘ CYP97A11 ----------- I I ’III IR. \I |~I21~I‘\I)II. III‘II. CYP97A5 ----------- CYP97A6 ------------ IJI’ CYP97Bl4 ———————————— CYP97E1_S. cost atum CYP97B15 CYP97B7 ———————————— M. truncatula CYP97B 1 ' ------------ , CYP97133 ———————————— ’1 ’1 ' 11511.1 111-...I1i111e1 [IN CYP97B4 ———————————— I G.biloba CYP97B ———————————— CYP9786 ——————————— . .121) CYP86A1 1111112 ———————————— IQKAM 1SEI1I1KKWTYMNEA||DAR®13PSMIIISRF I 480 CYP97C4---~—:nII.’11\‘I) 11115111115111 SI'IEIIISBVI‘II.) .111I1 I I 51 II 1 11 ;111: 111. 11 11‘ II 11 CYP97C10 —————— 111111 1151111111 .1>11I131M111I11111511.111;;1111111511 11.11.11 D.carota CYP97C 31111\1 I.)I’SII.I\’III 1Hx11111xx 111111111151111'511111 111; 111.1 1311 s. esculentum CYP97C —————— 1151111111111 11511. 1111 1'51- -E\S\ 11.1I1111IIS111 1.111 11;1.1'111511111111l11 CYP97C1 111111 111).\‘11.1I111.1 11.115151“ .1I1111 1 15111 1' 11 ;111: '11 1:11 "".1111111 CYP97C2 —————— 1312111191 1111\11111-11s111~1rxu111I11 1311111111111 1111 1111 CYP97C3 SAAAAA 111-11 1111\111I1111 '1 151111 11I11111511111111 111%.11111 CYP97C12 ”1111151111“ .1111. 1.1 '55111 ssu1111111111-311111111111. 1. 1.1" H. vulgare CYP97A ——————+1 111\_1 11.115111'11 1.1 1'111111151111 1 1I11 111.111111- 1.11.111; 151111 11111 11 CYP97A4 ——————— 151£.111\111111{fl11*111.1 1'1111111sx11111. 1111111. 111111 111;111 131111 11111 11. s. esculentum CYP97A ——————+.1 5111\Bi1111511i1111. 1'11111.13\K1111I1111 11.1 111 1.11. 1111151111. 11111 11 CYP97A7 ——————— .iIIIIerDI’sIII 111-1.1 111113111111 1I111 1.111..11111;111£:1$.1,11'1.'1‘111111. M. truncatula CYP97A —————— 1111\FI111NII 1111. 1::1; 111111511111. 1I11111 111111 1.11;111~:'15.1.11‘1.11111 11 CYP97A3 —————- ~:1:1.11\B-I1111\‘11+1111.1Is1;_11111s\111111I111 111I1111'111"'R111'1 '11 1311 CYP97A11 —————— ‘51111\ 1111 91111111II1.111111\1I1111I11 1111.1. 1.11;111£11.311111 1111111 CYP97A5 -—~~—— 1£1£1£ £11111511¥1 1.1 1 s1.£111 153111 1.11I11 111. 111.111 111;111-:";.111111.1 1111.11. CYP97A6 ——————— GGGGGSS 11111.1 111; 51.11115 1114111. 1I11111 .111 1.11 11111; 11 .1.1M1.1I1H1.m1 CYP97B14 QN ————— KE111E111I111111111111 .111‘1'1'111'1'111H1 ‘ CYP97E1_S.costatum BE ----- '1hEI)IT\‘l\'Ml.II’I.)I)I .\II\II. I \( III I I. \\III.I CYP97815 ER ————— ‘ {IIIHEIII 1I11111 1.11.111 1.11;1112'1'13I11-1111‘ 1'111 CYP97B7 QQ ————— 1H;11111111111.11I1 1111 111111.1.;-.11111"1"11111'.'11111M111. M. truncatula CYP97B QQ ----- ' 1‘. 1\1’ I. CYP97B3 QE ————— CYP97B4 QQ ----- 831111 .' ll] G.biloba CYP97B CYP97BS cvpsem 1.x ——————————————————— 1RD wmkxmmvwm T 540 CYP97C411.1\||1 1\‘11 ‘ 2‘. . ’ CYP97C10 ““““““““ GRR 1:111 ;HVJ1D1K1 D.carota CYP97C S. esculentum CYP97C CYP97C1 “ CYP97C2 IL 9"11\hh\1! CYP97C3 1 I CYP97ClZ H. vulgare CYP97A 1. ‘ I§=f Ir I 11‘1‘1 1\11a1I 11\ ——-—GRS 11 1w11fl1111fl1 “i11111\1a 1111 i, II ; 1.1,,I .‘ 1a . “1' 1'1 1)1‘1\1\11\1m1\ 111.11\1\K11\1 1 CYP97A4 . 1 Us: S. esculentum CYP97A .Q‘ 1Di CYP97A7 .N 1.1 M. truncatula CYP97A ,T 1m 1EH1 CYP97A3 ‘ 115111511 CYP97A11 CYP97A5 CYP97A6 CYP97Bl4 CYP97E1_S.costatum CYP97315 1 CYP97B7 .‘ .' 1111-1111 M. truncatula CYP97B .‘ “I“! l\151 CYP97B3 . .1‘ l ”11H“ CYP97B4 ‘- v N: H W111§\15 G.biloba CYP97B ‘- ' ““111 L CYP97BG CYP86A1 CYP97C41\\\\ CYP97C10 :1\\1 D.carota CYP97C S. esculentum CYP97C1 CYP97C1 CYP97C2 CYP97C3 CYP97C12 H. vulgare CYP97A CYP97A4 S. esculentum CYP97A CYP97A7 M. truncatula CYP97A 1’111‘1‘\1.11\’1\‘s‘11 311111 111’1’\1.11111e1,1 91111 PNPP\11HH~1 112 '11'1111¥11\\‘1" uliilfl . ‘1\\1‘1111 ‘)1¥:\\1‘111ll\53'\... 1..)1.11¥1\H\\1 1111\\ 311151 1\\1‘1D\1 1‘ ‘ 11.-.111 11W‘1‘ 11'IW1H111 D “1‘1 -111 911111;1W\1HN0P1 ‘ .11 .h51111\\“ 1H101~+ 11911 11 1\111 111111311 1115111119111 11an111>\1 CYP97Bl4 CYP97E1_S.costatum CYP97BIS CYP97B7 M. truncatula CYP97B CYP97B3 CYP97B4 G.biloba CYP97B CYP97B6 CYP86A1 CYP97C4 CYP97C10 D.carota CYP97C S. esculentum CYP97C CYP97C1 CYP97C2 CYP9703 CYP97C12 H. vulgare CYP97A CYP97A4 S. esculentum CYP97A CYP97A7 M. truncatula CYP97A CYP97A3 CYP97A11 CYP97A5 CYP97A6 CYP97BI4 CYP97E1_S.costatum CYP97BIS CYP97B7 M. CYP97B3 CYP97B4 G.biloba CYP97B CYP9786 CYP86A1 CYP97C4 CYP97C10 truncatula CYP97B 1111111111. 1i)”i i)\i 1111.111111 111111111 113111111 1119:1111. 11111111, 1111111111. ‘ 1111111111, 1111111111. 1111111111. 1111111111. 11111_‘ 1111111 1'1 , 71.5111 iiii“. .1 '1 1.1111141 ' 1.1.11. ‘1 1.1 11.11 11.1111 111.111 1.1..1'1111111111 in I iiii\:.i in q IG—LDGPV ———————————————————— 1 11 .1Ill LDGPV ——————————————————— 1 111 1113011 ———————————————————— 11 1 “(I 1‘ i! i‘1'\i' .1 W1 HKiI 3211 ("i v.1 ESIEG-WAGFDPDRS NKGIEG-WAGFDPYRSQG‘-AL SNPDFGGKWAGYRPDAVTGGAAL IC—LDGPV ———————————————————— 1 1 1.. TADGER ———————————————————— mp n '11 q 11:1 i'i.‘i1 1.! 5"1 11111-1111 1 111.511.111.1- 1111111 1. 11111.11 i i\'i\(\.(1i)(.ii" 1i i\’i\(\(1il((i’.‘1. 1i’ix’ i\( 'ii iii 1 1 zifii'x'i" ‘ iiii i .1 *‘i i in 11i'|\i\i\i11(¥i"". iiii'Iii1(1:ii\i\i\(:ii¥i"'i [H (i_. 11 '. i'sii,’7(ii1(1i1i‘i\'i\..((\1i . Q‘Iiii 1’ii(i\(i(1i‘1i-\ ‘1 “‘“i! MIIIH '1i11’ix’i1kiiiiitiW TnWIH‘iiII1uIWu1i1HHF .- 1. .‘1. i!iii'iiii1i151(i\iiiIii'.ii' ..i 111111111~1111111y ‘1 iii (11,111.11 ii“i( 1'\(i-'('i\ii(1i)(}i1 ‘ 1’i( (1(1( .1111 ‘1 i“i(1hmiM|k( (iii'iil (\ii\ ‘i'jjilsi Ifli .iii 11) L‘ iii'1i(1(( 3i\"((11ii(.1i' 1:) 'iii(((ii\11(1(111(i 111H111\11u1 iiiifl'11111' 15”.. Suu lementary data Fi. D12 i (1 (1 1 (PHA(\hhwl. 1 (i 1 \1( MM” " ((1111111111111w11. iiiiixiliii'mii Iiiiii"' ". :iiil 3A con’t i i(i\(.i.(1i)(ii5 i ' 1 EFFZ'?¥!§'53¥3'?JF? -—31—3~1c}21—‘a ll3 D.carota CYP97C u .‘.32 S. esculentum CYP97C 9‘. I CYP97C1 “ ‘ CYP97C2 , q ~ CYP97C3 ‘. ‘ ..I Q. 'IIIIIIIIIII I CYP97C12 i- ‘ ‘I‘IIIIIIIII ‘IIII H. vulgare CYP97A ' ‘ CYP97A4 S. esculentum CYP97A CYP97A7 “‘.EI‘II ‘II'II’II .I M. truncatula CYP97A \IIII\HII ”QL' CYP97A3 IIIII iIIIIIIr IIIIIIIIIIIIEIII I CYP97A11 \§| \‘.I| ‘.IIII IIIII.ESKHIIPDGE O‘IIII t:':IIII||II (I|l\.:'I, I‘ CYP97A5 I {I CYP97A6 ‘ ‘- ,IIIIIEwIIIII. CYP97Bl4 f P we'IIEIIIIIIIflIIW' ‘ CYP97E1_S.COStatum t-i " 7' INIIIIIIIIIII In. CYP97315 I ml '. IMIII CYP97B7 M. truncatula CYP97B \I CYP97B3 CYP97B4 G.biloba CYP97B CYP97B6 CYP86A1 780 CYP97C4 CYP97C10 LTSTFFSHRWQNLLANNYQQD D. carota CYP97C SAAVSSISR S. esculentum CYP97C SVL‘“n CYP97C1 CYP97C2 REPDFALSGSR CYP97C3 ASGSSGVAGGKQL““ CYP97C12 EVPEAERVDWANLMPAKELGGDEWYAPWNQPAPAASGKCPMGH ----------------- H. vulgare CYP97A KPPVIPNLEMKIVS ----- DPEGSTSSTASVAVSTASIASGEGQQVEVSTSQV--—--—- CYP97A4 KPPVIPNLEMKVIS ----- DSPENMSTTTSMPVSAASIASGEDQQGQVSATRI ------- S. esculentum CYP97A RPPIVPNLEMATLE V CYP97A7 RPPIMPKL M. truncatula CYP97A KPPIVPSLQMSTLE ----- VDPSVSISDKTEEIGQKDQVYQAQKS --------------- CYP97A3 KPLDIPSVPILPMD--—--TSRDEVSSALS CYP97A11 ALTELDDVDVVRGS ----- IDAPTASADEVDVLIAEDIDAGTVEKIQRATKIIEEEEARA CYP97A5 VPPTSSGVAETVSTGYAFACGPAVMPVASAEVVAAPATAAGGGCPFHTAAGAAVPAATMS CYP97A6 VPPPAPRAPAAAAG ----- AAAGSCPHAAAAAATAAAAAAVGCPHAAAAATSGAPAGVTP CYP97Bl4 QPVTTATAAAV CYP97E1_S.COStatum TNPIPGTNEWWTKQHLMRGLSSTGRPYTSDEDAAWTTSANGMRP ——————————————— CYP97BlS 114 Supplementary data Fig. 3A con’t CYP97B7 VH M. truncatula CYP97B AH CYP97B3 CYP97B4 G.biloba CYP97B YSESLQ CYP9786 SGGSGSGAPGAAAKVPATV CYP86A1 VLA CYP97C4 --------- CYP97C10 --------- D.carota CYP97C --------- S. esculentum CYP97C ————————— CYP97C1 _________ CYP97C2 _________ CYP97C3 _________ CYP97C12 _________ H. vulgare CYP97A ————————— CYP97A4 _________ S. esculentum CYP97A ————————— CYP97A7 _________ M. truncatula CYP97A --------- CYP97A3 _________ CYP97A11 R ________ CYP97A5 LRPTGPPSA CYP97A6 Q ________ CYP97Bl4 _________ CYP97E1_S.costatum ————————— CYP97815 _________ CYP97B7 _________ M. truncatula CYP97B --------- CYP9783 _________ CYP97B4 _________ G.biloba CYP97B ————————— CYP97B6 _________ CYP86A1 _________ 115 Supplementary data Fig. 3B Amino acid alignment of CRTR-B homolog genes used for NJ tree construction. 6O - sativus Cl ------------ 1.1 *\ PSATTLAAS PSGARIILLSSLPVRRPVE-———RRIR - sativus CZ ------------ ” \ .~ PAATTLAA PAGARVILF SVRRVVD————LWPS . Pseudonarcissus C1 ------------ ‘ '2". AAPPALAISS--APRIRRVILF HSRQIG ________ w . sativa C1 ------------ ALLRLA-—---FA . sativa C2 ———————————— 'x AVPRLR _______ p1 . sativa C3 ———————————— \u ; SGRALP _______ FS mays C1 ----------- AGRALP ----- FS mays C2 ------------- \Xl - AGRALP ------- FS palaestina C2 ---------------- ‘ * ILKPP-—-CLLFSPV palaestina C3 ---------------- Ki” ----- LLLHSKQDILNRP---CLLFSPV . palaestina C1 ------ --MLA fl‘ ----- LFL IRNPP—--CLLFSPL . trichocarpa C1 ----------- ”K “TVPKPFRYNSV----SHLLP AASLF--FPPIRHQ . trichocarpa C2 ------------- ' J;'|TVSKPSGYIFT ----- SHLL ITTTSLS--LPFIRHQ . vinifera C1 ------------ ‘ ‘ u ————— SFTA SVISLS—-SFLTPVT . thaliana C1 ---------- - ’...‘~ i ----- SFSSSSTDFRLRLP -------- rapa C1 ------------- ".‘ , . thaliana C2 ------------ iXT..~ P ----- SFS ISTAVFP ————————— . carota C1 ------------ .1 \J‘ ; IWLFAP-----SVRKL . carota C2 ------------ TE~‘L' f . erecta C1 ----------- n\ " i. ITCH----FPFSF . esculentum Cl ——————————— . s STl‘SH--VSPISPFS annuum C1 ——--TTGRYHYQ ‘x-' > i' PS--VYPITPFS . esculentum C2 ------------ 11 i“ W --‘-PFLSPKSASTAPP--VLFFSPLT annuum C2 ------------ T. ‘1 ‘ \ I . lutea C1 ----------- . . truncatula (:1 ————————— — ' A'I'ILKPYNLLQPSTS—SPSPSPK’ILFFTP—---LRSFPHS unshiu c1 — ———————— :' MIWIQFCLLTMQPSSLLmLFAP ----- m—m . arabica c1 —— ————————— n, -VAAGA(II'VCFRVN-----SFL LVADS--LTLSPLA taeda c1 —-MWSNSSPOGL . DS’ILSPFLAP'I‘KAAGPPPPPGRTASRYYVAFARASSVNRNGLSSG taeda (:2 MGLRSVSSPYGLSKCDSISPPLSS’IKPAAAP"LGRAVYCYYLALARASSVNRNGFRSA . reinhardtii c1 MMLASRPAVALGAR-"AQPQVLR . pluvialis C1 ——————— TF HKPMALPHIGPPPHLHESFAA’I'IMSKLQSISVKARRVELARDITR . tauri C1 120 c. sativus C1 PP-LL ---TA . AEEKTI‘PFLDD ——————————— VEEEKSIAPSN ————— C. sativus C2 ALGQ “ EA -------------------- EKRMAPSN ----- N. pseudonarcissus C1 PPIRNRRKRS----KST 1‘ASDVDVGKSNGGDG--IVDKIERLKKQEQLMISKS ----- o. sativa c1 PLPARRLAVP ————— :- ———————————————————— DARR ———————— o. sativa c2 VAGRRAVAAP---—-TRA ‘. z AGV ———————————————— DAWAWEED--- o. satlva 03 mumsi . ESQQAPAPSPPPTVPVPVPS EAAAAAAR ----- z. mays c1 PLTTARAP 'n EH—--PAAAPAPVAPVPET EARAAAAR ----- 116 Z. A. A. . palaestina C1 . trichocarpa C1 . trichocarpa CZ . vinifera C1 . thaliana C1 9=0ww°9FPowpwfiPP?w> mays C2 palaestina C2 palaestina C3 rapa C1 thaliana C2 carota C1 carota C2 erecta C1 esculentum C1 annuum C1 . esculentum C2 annuum C2 lutea C1 truncatula C1 unshiu C1 . arabica C1 taeda C1 taeda C2 . reinhardtii C1 . pluvialis C1 tauri C1 . sativus C1 . sativus C2 . pseudonarcissus C1 sativa C1 sativa C2 sativa C3 mays C1 mays C2 palaestina C2 palaestina C3 . palaestina C1 . trichocarpa C1 . trichocarpa C2 . vinifera C1 . thaliana C1 rapa C1 . thaliana C2 . carota C1 . carota C2 . erecta C1 Supplementa data Fig. 33 can’t PLASTRAP IIXPQDTAA --------- PAAPVP-- EARAAAAR ----- VIMS GD'OIIE ‘GRTRNLDIPQIEEEEEN ------ LIEQTDSDIV--- OIIEII." LIEQTDSGII--- " VFEQMNSASV--- _ , IEDG---IEIE—DD— ————— SPESSN ---------- ‘ RRQNSPIENDERPES----TSSTNAIDAEYLAL--—- - QRQSSPVDNDERPE —————— RTNVIDPELLAL-——— "“ RNDSSGKPENNADRD——---EVSREEIEAGSCS---— ‘ " NESPVAAAEAEESSR ----- EVEKQI IESFTVAGG— “‘GGDSNSNSNNNSDSNSN ----- NPGLD-LNPAVMNRN-- IEEQILAT---- IEEQISAT---- RIQVEINEEKSLA PTLVPRPGMVSNLRLQPVKIAIPIVASETSQVMEAP —————— I PKVCLHAQRCSLVRLR-VAAPQTEEALGTVQAAGAG _______ 180 - II~ II.1R‘\[\’[\€>ILII‘ I'Il lfl"\\\1>\~|3ql ln‘u} .. III .II‘- III'III. ------------ — II“.- I» IIIIIIIII N11)! I I\“I\ I IIfi I..II Irg-‘III. ———————————— " KmI‘. it??? ' ————————————— -— I ‘l ‘93: .‘II GNTPSPNSRSHLT ——- .I‘ ‘ 1\I\\II\|1|II\\‘\‘1\;IArIN~KI ' ,. ———————————— — EI‘I\1H*\I\KI‘I-1IEIIII‘ \\‘I\‘11In15” ’ \KKYIIKHIII\II\I\ Ihled ‘ g .;'{n ------------ —— I I/eII I"'IIII IE1“ “I 5 ’l ‘I :1 ———————————— ‘— HI Ibhhil .“:I\gl I“ . .‘ 1 H ‘ 1 ------------ - i\'\.\lrl \1\MI \HI‘II 1111““ ‘.1 liIi‘I- ------------ K\WII mKIh1[1“1III\\II\ II II‘I‘I.\\IIK‘iuiLhL ------------ ‘ EHII\II‘HIIIIIII\\\I\|‘|!”\IIIIIHI limb ------------ - I" \Kld\" l\ I I1‘ \ J 1I] I\ II II \\II|\\ 'Hah ------------ —-KL aKKK41K§IIII\'”' \i§ .3"f ‘rT‘FEJ.EfI ------------ - _ ‘I " IIIIII‘Isllfin-J ------------ — Mi K‘zKIIIwHI‘I {II I\\\ [I W 1%:\.'\‘I“Ii\'i \“5- W: ------------ — ’ I \NKKIIKt[Il‘\“l\ IIIlli' ‘ " i i” ------------ 117 . esculentum C1 annuum C1 . esculentum C2 annuum C2 . lutea C1 . truncatula C1 . unshiu C1 . arabica C1 . taeda C1 . taeda C2 . reinhardtii C1 . pluvialis C1 . tauri C1 . sativus C1 . sativus C2 . pseudonarcissus C1 . sativa C1 . sativa C2 . sativa C3 mays C1 mays C2 palaestina C2 palaestina C3 . palaestina C1 . trichocarpa C1 . trichocarpa C2 . vinifera C1 . thaliana C1 rapa C1 . thaliana C2 . carota C1 . carota C2 . erecta C1 . esculentum C1 . annuum C1 . esculentum C2 annuum C2 . lutea C1 . truncatula C1 . unshiu C1 . arabica C1 . taeda C1 . taeda C2 . reinhardtii C1 . pluvialis C1 — m \1Kl1Rkks1Rl11|V\\§15\mIllwm \\3n\\\(lnw‘d \\I"\\\( . i; "1‘. ”n1 \1\1\1\‘EN "1\11;§\1 \IIII1€\1'II#‘II.\"I 11' ‘ ‘.[l 118 Su I I lementa data Fig. 33 can’t HI\H\\IIKI~IUHMM ------------ i H ———————————— IIxHI'1\I\IR1 WIIHI ———————————— lwl\I'EIIIhl IHIIH [::‘:‘«‘I()I[‘(I HJII: ‘.IIhI a HlKh W'1\IIKI¥ IIIIfl-L III IIIJII \I‘ ".III I-\EIII\:§I‘1iIII_‘HIIIII’- -\\0u‘1\\\l I I1KIL'9\1 "’..S\U\\\IW1 I R.1\HH\11H\ . 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CHIPV’ 1‘ fIIquIIII IIIIIIIII uI II: := '5\l\\I\I\IdlII\P“\hK IIHIs .flIgfii IIsIIIIIuIII IIIIHIfiyInIs ILl”\l 3118\h1\\h‘ IIIRIIHIIMH u11§ 7\L%\h\\\thFfi\R1\HR\11H\> IuII‘I 'IIIsIm\IIuIIIIIRIIHHIIIHIs .I\§III "7118\h\\\(IHV"1R11HH111HEw hLlP .. .q" ’\]\\I\\\hWII‘ IIIHEIIIHIs iE\Pl\lHI\llelfli IIInIII IHIIHEIIIHE~ nIII LMJII[I\lSII1\\IAII\I\RM'\HQ\1%H\S IIIIIIIIEI'I '\]5\h III WIIJIR‘HHII‘WIV hh\PrSEHFh1-\1$\hI\\h1111\[ IHKI11H\I uh\PISEH!\IIEIRFMI\\MHFIIII IHKIIIHI> JIEPJSEHIEIFII;3}I\I'III"MIR"HNIIIHIs ‘ IIIIn' IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIxHfiIIIHI» HFCII\LS\h\1\IIHLIW1\R1IHEELIHIb HIC1F\I\\U\\\CHEI”W\I IIIIIIIHI. : II. 5118\u\\\hUFIM‘ ‘1‘ILI1‘HII EWIhlIgln\hIfi\hWEIR‘IIIXHRIIAHX\ I="' K‘I IHLI (W1111h1\HR\IfiHII $§.II3 II ;‘\K‘\NRH'”‘ . quII M1.I\K\\lk I I E I ”h\> ‘ll\> \ 5 O panvoozmowowaPP>w>>?wwpppzpn .tauri C1 sativus C1 sativus C2 pseudonarcissus C1 sativa C1 sativa C2 sativa C3 mays C1 mays C2 palaestina C2 palaestina C3 palaestina C1 trichocarpa C1 trichocarpa C2 vinifera C1 thaliana C1 rapa C1 thaliana C2 carota C1 carota C2 erecta C1 esculentum C1 annuum C1 esculentum C2 annuum C2 lutea C1 truncatula C1 unshiu C1 arabica C1 taeda C1 taeda C2 reinhardtii C1 pluvialis C1 tauri C1 sativus C1 sativus C2 pseudonarcissus C1 sativa C1 sativa C2 sativa C3 mays C1 mays C2 palaestina C2 38 can’t P IIIIIHIIII IIHI.IIKIHIHIG$ Supplementar data Fi ———————————————————— PWWMMNEI 300 IIHIIIIIIIISIIIIRI’R IIGI’I II ,\I)\I7IIII\I.\'PII \I IN; ‘I7I7II1\GI l I’GI LII II.GI III'H - IHMHRSHP IH SS \D\III IVI\PIIIII IHRGILPIIIIIIGIGIII I IHIHHZSIRIKIII ' 5 |I\IRI III' I\I\IJII ‘II iIIIII RI I I'IIIIWII (IJIIIIII'II IMIHWHSWHPR AI\I\\HH\ NIH PPHPIHIIIIIP IVINIIII NPIIEIIEI GIII‘GIGIGI P- PHRHI75HHRPR “ 7 " |IV)\I\IE\I\R\I5II IIIIHRII I\’GIII GIGIGIH IIPPPI5PPPNPIIPPP IIVDIIII\\\\’II IPIIIPIP \RGIIIIII PIP P)i \PIIII I\INP I§II MIPIIWPP II’GIIIIIGIGIH It. 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