SE (“WWI}!IWIIHIWIWWIIIJIHJHHWW‘JIM THS Iflfi' unmn I 9.. Michigan State J? 0 0 5? University This is to certify that the thesis entitled INVESTIGATIVE STUDIES INTO THE RECOVERY OF DNA FROM IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE CONTAINERS presented by Shane Gregory Phillip Hoffmann has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the MS. degree in Forensic Science Major Professor’s STgnature 5/30/05 Date MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opponunily employer PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE DATE DUE DATE DUE 5/08 K:lProj/Acc&Pres/CIRCIDateDue indd I_'_/_’_________r____,__——-———r—/ INVESTIGATIVE STUDIES INTO THE RECOVERY OF DNA FROM IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE CONTAINERS By Shane Gregory Phillip Hoffmann A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Forensic Science 2008 ABSTRACT INVESTIGATIVE STUDIES INTO THE RECOVERY OF DNA FROM IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE CONTAINERS By Shane Gregory Phillip Hoffinann Combating improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and apprehending those responsible have become national priorities due to their use in the Middle East and the threat they pose domestically. IEDs are often concealed in containers (e.g., a backpack, box, or briefcase), as was demonstrated in the Centennial Olympic Park and Madrid train bombings. The goal of this research was to identify the person(s) responsible for an IED through post-blast DNA recovery from IED containers. Eight study participants were asked to use backpacks in everyday activities for eleven days, after which they served as containers for pipe bombs. Regions likely to be handled by the study participants were swabbed, and DNA recovered was amplified and typed using miniSTRs. Handler profiles were called blindly using data from all swabs. Profiles compiled for seven of eight backpacks matched the handler’s at all nine loci, with DNA recovered fiom all swabs producing at least the handler’s partial profile. Overall, higher yields of DNA and more loci with handler alleles were obtained from the straps, top handle, neck region, and front middle. Recovering DNA fiom IED containers is a practical approach that that can easily be implemented in IED investigations and vastly improves upon the discriminatory power achieved in previous studies that concentrated on collecting DNA from IEDs themselves. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My sincere appreciation is extended to my committee members for the time they have devoted to assisting me throughout the research and writing process. To my advisor, Dr. David Foran, I would like to thank you for three semesters of financial assistance and for the continuous support of my research. Also, thank you for the valuable insight you contributed to the project and your many hours of revisions. My gratitude is extended to First Lt. Shawn Stallworth, who, along with other members of the bomb squad, put their lives in harms way to make this research possible. Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Sheila Maxwell for volunteering to serve on the committee of a student she had just recently met. My thanks extend to my peers who directly assisted in the project. To Ms. Stefanie Kremer, whose patience and guidance was instrumental in familiarizing me with the lab and my research. To Ms. Kamila Gomez, for her assistance in collecting and separating post-blast fragments. Also, to the study participants who graciously volunteered to carry around the backpacks for a week and a half. I would further like to thank my classmates, friends, and teachers who have all contributed to making my experience at Michigan State one that I will hold fond memories of. I came here for an education, but am leaving with so much more. Finally, my gratitude is extended to my family for all the years of unwavering support and always believing in my abilities despite some difficult times. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................................. v LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... vi INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 1 Past research in identifying IED handlers using DNA ................................................... 4 miniSTRs ........................................................................................................................ 7 Analysis of trace and low copy number DNA ................................................................ 9 PCR inhibition and DNA quantitation .......................................................................... 10 Analysis of mixtures ..................................................................................................... 12 Study aims: A new approach to identifying those involved in IED campaigns ........... 14 MATERIALS AND METHODS ...................................................................................... 17 Backpack preparation and distribution ......................................................................... 17 Pipe bomb preparation .................................................................................................. 19 Backpack collection and bomb handling ...................................................................... 20 Bomb deflagration and collection ................................................................................. 20 DNA recovery and extraction ....................................................................................... 21 Amplification of miniSTRs using the MinifilerTM kit .................................................. 23 Capillary electrophoresis and miniSTR analysis .......................................................... 24 DNA quantification using real-time PCR ..................................................................... 25 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 27 Deflagration observations ............................................................................................. 27 Swabbing backpacks to recover shed cells ................................................................... 28 Isolating DNA from recovered cells ............................................................................. 28 Analysis of STR electropherograms ............................................................................. 29 Categorizing loci based on the presence of handler alleles .......................................... 30 Peaks attributed to increased stutter and the occurrence of mixtures ........................... 34 Comparing regions based on the number of loci with the handler’s alleles ................. 34 DNA quantification ...................................................................................................... 35 Amounts of DNA added to PCR reactions ................................................................... 38 Detection of PCR inhibition via the internal positive control ...................................... 43 DISCUSSION ................................................................ ‘ ................................................... 44 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................. 57 APPENDIX A. Allele calls and loci categorizations ........................................................ 59 APPENDIX B. DNA quantitation data ............................................................................. 70 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 74 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1. A review of reported miniplexes. ......................................................................... 9 Table 2. Identifiers for labeling swabs .............................................................................. 19 Table 3. Consensus handler profiles obtained from backpacks and the study participant to which they corresponded. ................................................................................... 30 Table 4. Number of loci with handler alleles broken down by backpack region. ............ 35 Table 5. Quantities of DNA recovered from backpack swabs. ........................................ 37 Table 6. DNA quantity added to PCR reactions. ............................................................. 38 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Regions of the backpacks targeted for DNA collection. ................................... 18 Figure 2. Crate used to retain backpack and IED fragments. ........................................... 21 Figure 3. Backpack fragmentation. ................................................................................... 27 Figure 4. Percentage of loci placed in each of the six locus classifications. .................... 31 Figure 5. Examples of four locus classifications from backpack 6 samples. ................... 32 Figure 6. Number of loci containing handler’s alleles from backpack swabs. ................. 33 Figure 7. Electropherogram from 4Z1 UP, representing the recommended amount of input DNA for typing. ................................................................................................ 40 Figure 8. Electropherogram from 3ZSP, representing LCN typing. ................................. 41 Figure 9. Electropherogram fiom 8LSP, representing too much DNA being added to the PCR reaction. .................................................................................................... 42 Figure 10. Quantitation results for 3RSP. ......................................................................... 43 Images in this thesis are presented in color. INTRODUCTION Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have gained publicity due to their use in ongoing conflicts in the Middle East as they have become the weapon of choice for terrorists. As of November 2007, IEDs have been responsible for 70% of American combat casualties in Iraq and 50% of combat casualties in Afghanistan (Wilson 2007). Their effectiveness in the Middle East has caused concern over their implementation world-wide, especially in the United States. In October 2007, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Michael Chertoff addressed the Center for Strategic and International Studies regarding IEDs. He emphasized the Department’s focus by saying, “Our office is 100 percent committed to protecting the people of the United States from IEDs. All of our counterterrorism efforts focus directly or indirectly on bombing prevention...” (Chertoff 2007). This concern is well justified as the USA has shown vulnerability to attacks by IEDs in the past. An IED is “an explosive device that is placed or fabricated in an improvised manner; incorporates destructive, lethal, noxious, pyrotechnic, or incendiary chemicals; and is designed to destroy, incapacitate, harass, or distract” (National Research Council 2007). Counterterrorism consultant David Williams defined IEDs based on their components and stated that an IED is “any collection of components that are compiled in conjunction with a power source, an initiator, and an energetic material used as a main charge” (personal communication). The definitions are rather broad, but they are reflective of the fact that IEDs can take any form and are only limited by the ingenuity of the developer. Besides the flexibility in design that IEDs allow, they have become a p0pular weapon for a variety of other reasons. The Counterterrorist Handbook (3012 et a1. 2005) lists the following reasons as to why IEDs are so appealing: l. The media flocks to events involving IEDs, drawing attention to the administering group and their cause. 2. The actual bombing can be accomplished by a limited number of people. 3. There is minimal risk of the bomber being detected. 4. IEDs are inexpensive and cost effective compared to other tactics (kidnapping, etc.). 5. Random bombings have a considerable psychological impact on the population. 6. Materials are often readily available and IEDs can be constructed through the use of legitimately purchased products. IED components can be brought to the target and assembled on-site. 8. IEDs can be readily concealed and easily transported and delivered. >1 As is indicated in the last point, IEDs are often concealed and delivered in a secondary container such as a backpack, purse, or suitcase, as these items do not draw attention (Burke 2000). Some of the more notable IED events in recent history involved the use of backpacks to conceal IEDs. For instance, on July 27, 1996, during the Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, a suspicious green backpack was noticed underneath a bench in Centennial Park. Authorities observed wires and pipes in the bag and assumed it was a bomb. As the area was being cleared a bomb threat was called in that warned of a device like the one that was found. Shortly after 1 am. the bomb inside the backpack went off, killing two people and injuring 111. The backpack contained three pipe bombs along with nails and screws to increase the shrapnel (Noe 2007). Another highly publicized IED attack in which the devices were concealed in backpacks occurred in Madrid on March 11, 2004. Thirteen IEDs were placed on four commuter trains during morning rush hour. Ten of these exploded, resulting in 191 deaths and over 1,800 injuries. The three IEDs that did not go off were detonated by police in a controlled environment (Timeline: Madrid investigation 2004). The flexibility permitted in IED design allows terrorists to continually adapt to countermeasures. For example, jarnmers have been developed to block the signals of radio controlled IED detonators such as cellphones (Wilson 2007). Two such jammers, the IED Countermeasures Equipment (ICE) and the Warlock, hamper radio controlled explosive detonators using low power radio fi'equency energy. Terrorists responded to these countermeasure by simply making bombs with more powerful radio triggers or by using infiared triggers, rendering the jarnrners less effective (Atkinson 2007a). Complicating matters more is the fact that the time it takes terrorists to adapt is usually shorter than the time involved in implementing new countermeasures (National Research Council 2007). It will be up to the nation’s science and research community to continue to deveIOp new countermeasures that can detect the most recent IED advancements (Chertoff 2007). In an ideal world, all IED events would be impeded before activation of the device. Consequently, the majority of US research and funding has been targeted for developing preventive measures against IED attacks (Wilson 2007). However, the continuous evolution of IEDs, combined with the unlimited number of targets, makes complete IED prevention impossible. If an IED is activated, focus must turn to mitigating the effects and apprehending those responsible. As mentioned, IEDs have become popular weapons among terrorists because there is very little risk of the perpetrator being detected. Many IEDs can be set to detonate via a timing device, or their detonation can be controlled from a remote location. Since terrorists are outnumbered by the forces they are up against it is critical to the longevity of their campaign that they remain elusive. This is especially true for terrorists who possess bomb making knowledge (Atkinson 2007a). Not capturing terrorists leads to fear of more attacks among the targeted population, and gives justification to the success of the attack in the minds of the terrorists, prolonging the campaign. On the other hand, the capture of one terrorist can drastically alter a group’s campaign as it often leads to the arrests of other group members (Sageman 2004). With this in mind, there has been an increased focus on the forensic analysis of recovered IEDs (Atkinson 2007b). As of September 2007, FBI director Robert Mueller said that 2,500 latent prints had been developed fiom non- detonated IED components recovered in the combat theaters, resulting in 60 identifications and more than 1,000 forensic matches among IEDs (Mueller III 2007). To firrther aid in identifying IED perpetrators, forensic scientists have sought alternative methods for identifying the manufacturers of IEDs. Past research in identifizing IED handlers using DNA Van Oorschot and Jones (1997) found that brief contact between a person and an object is sometimes all that is needed to recover the handler’s DNA profile fi'om the object. Since then, scientists have examined the feasibility of recovering DNA from a variety of objects ranging from shoe insoles (Bright and Petricevic 2004) to deflagrated pipe bomb components (Esslinger et a1. 2004; Gehring 2004; Kremer and Foran 2008), the latter which directly pertains to the work presented here. The ability to obtain and type DNA from pipe bombs is largely dependent on two factors, the number of shed epithelial cells deposited on the bombs, and the level of DNA degradation. Research has shown that individuals vary in their tendency to shed epithelial cells (Lowe et al. 2002), hence, a ‘good’ shedder may leave enough cells to produce a full profile, while a ‘poor’ shedder will leave behind enough cells to produce a partial or no profile. When it comes to the integrity of the DNA, it is very likely that DNA from the shed cells has already experienced some level of degradation depending upon the conditions to which it has been exposed (temperature, moisture, etc.). DNA on an IED is prone to further degradation due to the heat produced during the explosion, which is problematic when performing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based assays, as the fragmented DNA prevents recovery of larger arnplicons. The initial attempt to obtain DNA profiles from exploded pipe bombs investigated the prospect of typing recovered DNA using short tandem repeat (STR) methodology (Esslinger et al. 2004). This study had minimal success as only one full profile (10 loci) was obtained after typing DNA from twenty pipe bombs using Profiler PlusTM (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA). A likely explanation for the results was that not enough nuclear DNA was recovered, given that DNA quantitation using Quantiblot® indicated that DNA samples from all twenty bombs were below the lowest quantitation standard (.03125 ng/uL). Figuring the DNA in the samples was too dilute, they were concentrated from 80 - 140 uL to 10 uL. This led to the one full profile observed, however, the rest of samples still resulted in partial or no profiles. Attempts to obtain DNA profiles from deflagrated pipe bombs turned to the analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) (Gehring 2004). Features of mtDNA, including high copy number and resistance to degradation (Foran 2006; Holland and Parsons 1999), made it a promising alternative to nuclear DNA testing. Robin and Wong (1988) estimated the number of mitochondria per cell in mammals ranges fiom 80 — 680 depending upon cell type, and that the total number of mtDNAs can range from 200 — 1700 per cell. Foran (2006) examined features of mtDNA that make it a better alternative than nuclear DNA when working with forensic samples that are likely to contain degraded DNA. He found that mtDNA’s cellular location plays a substantial role in slowing the rate of degradation, and that the transcriptional activity of the loci being assayed may also influence their rate of degradation. Using mtDNA to identify IED handlers allowed for 18 out of 38 bombs to be correctly assigned to a single donor (Gehring 2004). Further, seven bombs were correctly assigned to a subset of donors, while twelve and one bomb(s) were not assignable or incorrectly assigned, respectively. These results were further supported by mtDNA work performed by Kremer and Foran (2008) where 11 and 10 bombs (n = 34) were correctly assigned to a single donor or subset of donors, respectively. Despite improved success in identifying IED handlers through analysis of mtDNA recovered from deflagrated pipe bombs, the results were not as individualizing as those obtained using STRs. To try and enhance the discrimination power, Kremer and Foran (2008) used two sets of ‘miniSTRs’ (see below), NCOl (Coble and Butler 2005) and miniSGM (STRBase), to obtain handler’s profiles from deflagrated pipe bombs. In this way, eight bombs were correctly assigned to a single donor while nine bombs were correctly assigned to a subset of donors. The other 17 bombs in the study were either incorrectly assigned (14) or not assigned (3). Their results shadowed those obtained using mtDNA in regards to correctly assigning handlers, as no significant difference was observed when comparing handler assignments using mtDNA and miniSTRs. miniSTRs Since their introduction into the field of forensic biology in the early 1990’s STRs have developed into the standard marker for human identity testing (Butler 2006). In 1998, the FBI selected thirteen STR loci to be used in their Combined DNA Index System (CODIS), a national database dedicated to storing DNA profiles from convicted offenders and forensic casework (Budowle et al. 1999). By incorporating multiply dyes and carefully designing primers, commercial multiplexes containing as many as 16 loci (including the 13 CODIS loci) have since been developed (Collins et al. 2004; Krenke et al. 2002). These multiplexes perform well for DNA typing of non-compromised samples, however, their performance is hindered with degraded DNA (Butler et a1. 2003; Coble and Butler 2005). Fragmented DNA often results in the inability to amplify larger STR amplicons, preventing a full profile from being obtained due to allele and/or locus drop-out (Whitaker et al. 1995). Researchers found that redesigning primers so they were closer to the core repeat resulted in increased success in typing compromised DNA samples (Ricci et al. 1999; Wiegand and Kleiber 2001; Yoshida et al. 1997). The reduced sized amplicons became known as miniSTRs (Butler et al. 2003). The flexibility in designing primers that allows for creation of 16 locus multiplexes is lost when working with miniSTRs (Butler et a1. 2003). However, researchers were still able to create “miniplexes”—combinations of primers for amplifying multiply miniSTR loci at one time (Butler et al. 2003). Using redesigned primers for 16 loci (including 12 CODIS loci) they created five miniplexes (miniplex 1 — 5) consisting of three loci, and one miniplex (Big Mini) containing 6 loci (Table 1). The different combinations of primers were successfully used to amplify the targeted loci and produced allele calls that were concordant with those obtained using commercial STR kits. They also proved effective in amplifying degraded DNA samples. Additional miniplexes consisting mainly of CODIS loci have since been described including a 6 locus miniplex (Grubwieser et al. 2006) and 5 — 7 loci miniplexes (Parsons et al. 2007) (Table 1). In 2007, Applied Biosystems released the largest miniplex to date, MinifilerTM, a miniSTR kit consisting of eight autosomal loci (seven of which are CODIS loci) and the sex determining locus arnelogenin (Table 1). The kit was marketed for amplification and typing of compromised (degraded and inhibited) DNA samples. Despite progress in multiplexing miniSTR loci, the discriminatory power obtained with commercial STR kits was still lacking. In order to increase the power of discrimination, Coble and Butler (2005) created two more miniplexes (mini01 and mini02), each consisting of three non-CODIS loci (Table 1). An additional 20 non- CODIS miniSTR loci have recently been described in hopes of creating larger multiplexes (Hill et al. 2008). Table l. A review of reported miniplexes. Number Name of loci Loci included Source(s) Miniplex 1 3 csrrpo, THOl, TPOX 1311;30:th Miniplex 2 3 D58818, D881179, D168539 “ Miniplex 3 3 FGA, D78820, D21811 “ Miniplex 4 3 VWA, D138317, D18851 “ Miniplex 5 3 PentaD, PentaE, D281338 “ Bi Mini 6 CSFlPO, THOl, TPOX, FGA, “ g D78820, D21811 . . Coble and Butler M1n101 (NCOl) 3 D1081248, D14Sl34, D2281045 (2005); STRBase Mini02 (NCOZ) 3 DISI677, D28441, D482364 “ . . THO], Amelogenin, D281338, M‘mSGM 6 D1885], D168539, FGA STRBase MiniSTR- 6 THO] , Amelogenin, D281338, Grubwieser et a1. multiplex D18851, D168539, FGA (2006) MP1 7 THOl, D2181 1, D1885], D168539, Parsons et a1. Amelogenin, FGA, PentaD (2007) MP2 6 D21811, D138317, D78820, “ CSF 1P0, D881179, VWA FGA, CSFlPO, D2181 1, ,, MP3 5 PentaD, PentaE D13S317, D78820, D281338, A lied Bios stems MinifilerTM 9 D21811, D16SS39, D1885], pp (2007)y CSFlPO, FGA, Amelgenin Bold indicates a non-CODIS locus. The miniSGM miniplex and the miniSTR-multiplex consist of the same loci, however, some primer sequences varied. Analysis of trace and low copy number DNA There are other concerns with recovering and analyzing DNA from IEDs besides degraded DNA, including working with trace amounts of DNA, PCR inhibition, and mixtures. Isolating DNA from shed epithelial cells usually results in the recovery of small quantities of DNA, referred to as trace DNA (W ickenheiser 2002). The term low copy number (LCN) has been coined to describe analysis of less than 100 pg of DNA (Gill et al. 2000), which is ten times less than the 1 ng of input DNA that many multiplexes call for (Gill 2001). Hence, working with and analyzing LCN DNA has proven to be problematic as analyses can lead to increased allele drop-out due to stochastic sampling effects, increased stutter, heterozygote peak imbalance, and are more prone to sporadic contamination (Budowle et a1. 2001; Gill 2001). Researchers have found ways to combat problems associated with the analysis of small quantities of DNA leading to increased sensitivity of STR assays (Budowle et al. 2001). By reducing the overall PCR volume while maintaining the amount of input DNA, the amplification product is more concentrated, resulting in greater peak heights. Sensitivity can also be increased by filtrating the product after STR amplification, which removes ions and other small molecules that may be preferentially injected into the capillary during electrophoresis, interfering with the injection of the STRs. Using deionized formarnide (required to keep the DNA denatured during capillary electrophoresis) also helps ensure that DNA will be preferentially injected. Two additional means of increasing sensitivity with LCN DNA samples include adding more amplified product to the forrnamide and increasing the injection time. It is also advised that replicate analyses be performed when working with minute quantities of DNA in order to confirm allele calls (Gill et al. 2000). PCR inhibition and DNA quantitation PCR inhibition is another potential problem when working with DNA recovered from deflagrated pipe bombs. It is not uncommon for forensic samples to include substances that co-extract with DNA and inhibit amplification (reviewed by Bessetti 2007). Heme and humic acid, found in blood and soil respectively, have been shown to 10 cause inhibition (Akane et a1. 1994; Watson and Blackwell 2000), and could be sources of inhibition in the analysis of deflagrated IEDs. Although not documented, another potential source of inhibition when dealing with IEDs is residue resulting from the explosive material. STR electropherograms with small or absent peaks may be indicative of PCR inhibition. One method to identify PCR inhibition involves spiking the potentially inhibited sample with high quality DNA before performing PCR (e.g., Shutler et al. 1999). If a PCR product is not obtained it can be concluded that the sample was inhibited. If product is observed the assumption can be made that the initial PCR contained insufficient template, meaning that the DNA was of poor quality (degraded) or that there was no DNA. Building on this approach, a method to recognize PCR inhibition has been developed using an internal positive control (IPC) incorporated into DNA quantitation via real-time PCR (Green et al. 2005). QuantifilerTM (Applied Biosystems) is a standard kit for the quantification of human DNA using real-time PCR. Quantifying DNA is a routine and integral step in the processing of DNA samples, and is usually performed before STR analysis so the optimal amount of DNA can be added to the PCR reactions. In addition to quantifying DNA, the kit also contains a synthetic strand of DNA as an IPC. Failure of the IPC to amplify is an indication of the presence of inhibitors. If inhibition is detected, various measures have proven successful in overcoming it. Supplementing the PCR reaction with adjuvants such as bovine serum albumin (BSA) or betaine has been effective in alleviating inhibition caused by heme (Al-Sound and Radstrom 2000; Kreader 1996). Bourke et al. (1999) found that purifying DNA in the 11 presence of sodium hydroxide leads to improved amplification which is likely due to neutralizing inhibitors of T aq polymerase. Further, adding aluminum ammonium sulfate during the extraction of DNA fiom soil samples was shown to reduce the co-purification of inhibitors (Braid et al. 2003). There are also numerous ways to overcome PCR inhibition that do not involve additives (reviewed by Radstrom et a1. 2004). Performing PCR using a diluted DNA sample results in increased amplification efficiency due to a reduction in inhibitors. However, this remedy is limited by the amount of DNA recovered, as diluting the sample too far may lead to an insufficient amount of template. A common method for reducing the effects of inhibitors is to purify (or repurify) the sample. Some purification options include spin columns, gel filtration, and DNA binding beads. Oftentimes multiple measures are utilized to decrease the chances of PCR inhibition (Radstrom et al. 2004). Analysis of mixtures A DNA mixture occurs when two or more genotypes are present in an electrophero gram. Mixtures complicate the analysis of both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers, leading to results with lower discriminatory power, or in some cases, no evidentiary value. The first indication of a mixture in an STR profile is the observation of three or more alleles at a locus (Clayton et al. 1998). However, there are a variety of circumstances that can lead to extra peaks in an electropherograrn besides the presence of multiple individual’s DNA (Clayton et al. 1998). Stutter is the most common cause for extra peaks, which is caused by slippage of the polymerase during replication of the STR. Stutter of tetranucleotide STRs results in peaks that are four nucleotides smaller (most 12 common) or larger than the true allele. The height of stutter peaks is usually less than 15% of the height of the main peak, however, when working with LCN DNA stutter peaks have even been reported to be larger than the peak from the true allele (Gill et al. 2000). ‘N’ peaks, which are generated when T aq polymerase adds an adenine residue to the terminal end of a newly synthesized DNA molecule during PCR, are another source of additional peaks. Incomplete addition of the nucleotide gives rise to peaks that are separated by one base, however, both peaks represent the same allele. A further cause of extra peaks stems from non-specific priming of the DNA. Such artifacts can usually be easily distinguished as they tend to be off ladder, are not reproducible, and have low intensity. Sporadic contamination also results in superfluous peaks and is exacerbated when working with LCN DNA. The additional alleles produced have been denoted ‘drop- in’. It is crucial to account for sources of additional peaks when analyzing STR data to ensure the proper labeling of a sample as a mixture or non-mixture. Mixture analysis can be a tedious and time consuming task. To help streamline the process Clayton et al. (1998) proposed six steps that should be implemented when interpreting mixtures. Identify the presence of a mixture. Designate allele peaks Identify the number of potential contributors Estimate the relative ratio of individuals contributing to the mixture Consider all possible genotype combinations Compare reference samples P‘V‘PP’PT‘ Additionally, if mixtures are anticipated, steps can be taken to reduce their likelihood during the processing of the evidence. For example, it has been proposed that portions of evidence be swabbed independently (reviewed by Wickenheiser 2002), which reduces the chances of obtaining mixtures and increases the likelihood of deciphering the profiles of 13 the perpetrator(s) and/or victim(s). This methodology aided in the recovery of perpetrator profiles from a hot dog used in a sexual assault and an electrical cord used in a strangulation (Wickenheiser 2002). A study involving mixture analysis from trace DNA produced an interesting finding that has proved beneficial in the interpretation of mixtures. Van Oorschot and Jones (1997) showed that when swabbing a surface that had been touched by two people, a mixture was obtained, but the major profile was that of the second person. This finding was supported by an observation made in a criminal case where a swab taken from the steering wheel of the victim’s car produced a mixture of the victim’s and suspect’s DNA, with the suspect being the major contributor (Wickenheiser 2002). However, despite success in analyzing mixtures from trace DNA, caution is still urged. When quantities of DNA approach LCN status, mixture analysis is increasingly difficult due to the characteristics of LCN DNA outlined above. Study aims: A new approach to identzfiing those involved in IED campaigns Past approaches aimed at obtaining handler DNA profiles from deflagrated pipe bombs have been moderately successful, but they have lacked the discriminatory power desirable from forensic DNA analyses. To improve the success of identifying those responsible for IEDs, a new approach was sought. In discussions held with First Lieutenant Shawn Stallworth of the Michigan State Police Bomb Squad, he noted that IEDs the Bomb Squad encounters are often concealed in some type of container (personal communication). It was thought that obtaining handler DNA profiles could be enhanced if DNA recovery was targeted on these containers, and four reasons were hypothesized as 14 to why this might be a better alternative. First, a perpetrator is likely to have extended contact with the IED container, allowing ample opportunity to deposit shed epithelial cells. Second, based on work done by Kisilevsky and Wickenheiser (1999), porous surfaces of IED containers may retain shed cells better than the smoother surfaces of pipe bombs. Third, DNA on the container might be less degraded than the DNA on bomb components leading to improved amplification. Finally, as opposed to the small size of IED fragments recovered in previous studies (Gehring 2004; Kremer and Foran 2008), fragments of the container might to be larger and easier to collect. Potential complications that needed to be considered included the possibility of encountering LCN DNA, mixtures, degraded DNA, and PCR inhibition. LCN difficulties can potentially be lessened by implementing LCN procedures described by Budowle et al. (2001; detailed above). The chance of mixtures can be reduced by independently swabbing multiple areas on a container instead of using a single swab for all regions. Processing multiple swabs from the same IED container can also be viewed as running samples in ‘replicates’, fiilfilling a recommendation for working with LCN DNA. Degraded DNA and PCR inhibition can potentially be addressed by using Applied Biosystem’s MinifilerTM kit. The kit was specifically designed for amplification and typing of degraded DNA, while the buffer (proprietary) was formulated to help overcome common PCR inhibitors such as heme and indigo (Applied Biosystems 2006). In the research presented, study participants were asked to use backpacks in everyday activities for a period of one to two weeks. Backpacks were collected and served as containers for pipe bombs that were deflagrated in a controlled environment by members of the Michigan State Police Bomb Squad. All fragments of the backpack were 15 brought to the Michigan State University Forensic Biology Laboratory for DNA isolation. DNA was extracted from swabs and subsequently amplified, quantified, and typed. Handler genotypes were predicted blindly and checked for concordance with participant’s known STR profiles to see if the correct handlers of the backpacks could be identified. 16 MATERIALS AND METHODS Backpack preparation and distribution Ten backpacks (LEED’S, Pittsburgh, PA) designated BP3 — BP12 (BP1 and BP2 were used in preliminary studies for feasibility and optimization purposes) were autoclaved for 45 minutes at 135°C, followed by a 45 minute drying time at 100°C. The backpacks were placed in a Spectrolinker XL—1500 UV Crosslinker (Spectronics Corporation, Westbury, NY) for 15 minutes per side (approximately 7.5 J/cmz). Plastic shaft, cotton swabs (860PPC, Puritan Medical Products Co. LLC, Guilford, ME) were used to swab backpacks in areas that were targeted for post-blast DNA recovery. The double swab technique (Sweet et al. 1997) was incorporated in which a swab moistened with 150 uL of digestion buffer (20mM Tris, 50mM EDTA, 0.1% SDS, pH 7.5) was thoroughly passed over the targeted region, followed by a dry swab that was immediately applied to the same section. Eleven areas were swabbed (Figure 1) including the five zippers (comprised of the base, metal pull, string, and plastic tab), the top handle, the left and right strap, the neck region, the front middle region, and the front tab. Swabs were labeled with the backpack number followed by an identifier for the location swabbed (Table 2). These swabs served as controls and were stored at -20°C, however, the need did not arise for analysis. 17 Figure 1. Regions of the backpacks targeted for DNA collection. JOZ ' SO'ZO STRING Eleven areas of the backpacks were targeted for post-blast DNA recovery. Identifiers are detailed in Table 2. (A) Front view showing the five zippers, top handle, front tab, and front middle region. (B) Rear view showing the left and right straps and the neck region. (C) An intact zipper with all four components labeled. Table 2. Identifiers for labeling swabs; Swab location Identifier Zipper 1 Z1 Zipper 2 Z2 Zipper 3 Z3 Zipper 4 Z4 Zipper 5 ZS Top handle TH Lefi strap LS Right strap RS Neck region N Front middle FM Front tab FT Swabs were labeled with the backpack number followed by the identifier. Swab locations are illustrated in Figure 1. Backpacks 3 — 10 were randomly distributed to eight participants who used them in everyday activities for a period of 11 days. BPll acted as a positive control in which a participant handled the eleven areas in Table 2 three times a day for three days, alternating the order in which the regions were handled each time. BP12 served as a negative control. The use of human subjects followed guidelines established by the University Committee on Research Involving Human Subjects (IRB # 07-577). Pipe bomb preparation Ten pipe bombs (five galvanized steel and five PVC) were assembled. Bombs were 1 foot in length, one inch in diameter, and had a pair of end caps, one of which had a ‘A inch hole drilled in the center for fuse placement. Pipes and end caps were soaked for 1 hour in 10% bleach, rinsed with distilled water, and were placed in a UV crosslinker for 10 minutes, turning half way through. ELIMINase® (Decon Laboratories, Inc., Bryn Mawr, PA) was applied to all surfaces according to the manufacturer’s instructions and 19 rinsed twice with sterile water. Pieces were dried in a laminar flow hood. End caps without the hole were affixed to PVC pipe bombs using PVC cement. Steel end caps were not fastened. Pipe bombs were individually placed in new paper bags. Steel bombs were assigned numbers 3 — 7, while PVC bombs were assigned numbers 8 — 12, corresponding to the numbers given to the backpacks. Backpack collection and bomb handling Upon collection of the backpacks, participants were asked to close all the zippers so the tabs were to the left when looking at the backpack from the front. The eight participants were randomly assigned a letter (A, B, E — J) that was not known by the main investigator. A second individual recorded the backpack numbers of the participants. Subjects were asked to mock assemble, for 30 seconds, the pipe bomb that corresponded to their backpack number. Participants who handled the steel pipe bombs were instructed to securely fasten the end caps without the hole. Buccal swabs were obtained from the participants for DNA reference samples. Bomb deflagration and collection Backpacks and pipe bombs were transported to the Lansing Fire Fighting Training Facility (Lansing, MI), and deflagrations were conducted in the facility’s smoke room. Immediately preceding deflagration a member of the Michigan State Police Bomb Squad filled the pipes with 1.5 ounces of Green Dot Smokeless Shotshell Powder (Alliant Powder Co., Radford, VA) and affixed the end cap with a hole to the device. A firse was inserted in the hole and the pipe bomb was placed inside the main pocket of the 20 corresponding backpack with only the fuse showing. The same bomb squad member placed the backpack bomb inside a steel crate (Figure 2) and lit the fuse via the circular hole in the front of the crate. After deflagration, bomb and backpack fragments were collected and placed together in a new paper bag. Between deflagrations the steel crate and the smoke room were swept to remove any uncollected debris. Upon returning to the lab, pipe bomb fragments were separated from the backpack fragments for use in other studies. All investigators involved in the deflagration process were sleeves, facemasks, and gloves. Figure 2. Crate used to retain backpack and IED fragments. The crate was designed to limit the dispersal of IED and bomb fragments. Walls were constructed of steel with holes cut in them to relieve pressure from the blast; the floor was made of wood. DNA recovery and extraction Backpacks were processed separately to minimize the chance of cross contamination. Areas targeted for DNA recovery were individually swabbed in a laminar 21 flow hood that was thoroughly wiped down with 10% bleach and UV irradiated for 10 minutes. Potential DNA contamination of the swabs themselves (860PPC, the initial swabs utilized), discovered during the research, resulted in backpacks 3 — 6, 8, and 9 being swabbed with different cotton swabs (25-806 2PC, Puritan Medical Products Co.). These were designated in the same manner as control swabs (above), except that a ‘P’ was added to the end. Also, if the original location of a zipper was unidentifiable, a ‘U’ was incorporated (e.g., the first unidentifiable zipper from BP3 was labeled 3ZlUP). Both swabs (wet and dry) were placed in the same 1.5 mL tube and stored at -20°C until extractions were performed. A reagent blank consisting of two unused swabs was also created (designated by backpack number and the identifier RBSWAB). DNA extractions were performed by adding 350 uL of digestion buffer (total volume of 500 uL including the 150 pL previously added to the swabs) and 6 11L of proteinase K (20 mg/mL) to tubes containing the swabs, which were vortexed and incubated overnight at 55°C. A second set of reagent blanks was initiated (designated by backpack number and identifier RB). After incubation, spin baskets were inserted into 2.0 mL tubes. One swab per extraction was centrifuged for 1 minute at 13,000 revolutions per minute (rpm) and discarded. The process was repeated with the second swabs using the same spin baskets, after which the baskets were removed and the liquid was pipetted back into the original tubes. An equal volume of phenol (500 uL) was added to the samples, vortexed, and centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 6 minutes. The aqueous layers were transferred to new 1.5 mL tubes and equal volumes of chloroform were added. The tubes were vortexed and centrifuged for 6 minutes at 13,000 rpm. The aqueous layers were transferred to Microcon® YM-30 spin columns (Millipore 22 Corporation, Billerica, MA), and 100 11L of TE (10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.5) were added. The columns were centrifuged for 12 minutes at 14,000 x g and the flowthrough was discarded. The columns were washed with 200 11L TE, with the centrifugation time reduced to 8 minutes. Twenty microliters of TE were added to the column membranes and left for 5 minutes. Columns were inverted into new tubes and centrifuged for 3 minutes at 1000 x g. DNA samples were stored at -20°C. Reference buccal swabs were extracted using a ChargeSwitch® Forensic DNA Purification Kit (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) as per the manufacturer’s protocol, and stored at -20°C. Amplification of miniST Rs using the MirrifilerTM kit DNAs extracted from the backpack swabs were amplified using an AmpFlSTR® MiniFilerTM PCR Amplification Kit (Applied Biosystems). Reactions were carried out in 10 pL volumes, including 2 11L of the MiniFilerTM primer set, 4 11L of the MiniFilerTM Master Mix, and 4 11L of DNA template. Reactions of reference samples contained 1 uL of DNA diluted 1:100 in TE, and 3 uL TE, while positive controls had 3 11L of 007 control DNA (0.1 ng/uL) and 1 uL of TE. All reagents were briefly vortexed and centrifuged before use. Amplifications were performed using the following thermal cycling conditions: an 11 minute incubation at 95°C, followed by 30 cycles consisting of a 20 second denaturation at 94°C, 2 minutes of annealing at 59°C, and a 1 minute extension at 72°C, followed by a 45 minute final extension at 60°C. 23 Capillary electrophoresis and miniS T R analysis Two microliters of amplified product (1.5 11L for reference samples) were combined with 24.5 11L of deionized forrnamide and 0.5 11L of GeneScanTM 500 LIZ® Size Standard (Applied Biosystems) in 0.5 mL tubes. Allelic ladders contained the same volumes of forrnarnide and size standard in addition to 1.5 11L of the MinifilerTM allelic ladder DNA. Tubes were incubated at 95°C for 3 minutes and then placed on ice. Caps were cut off and one drop of mineral oil was added. Electrophoresis was performed on an ABI PRISM® 310 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems) using the GS STR POP4 (lml) G5 v2.md5 run module. Runs were conducted using POP4 (performance optimized polymer 4; Applied Biosystems) and 1X buffer with EDTA (Applied Biosystems). Parameters included a 5 second injection at 15 kV, a 28 minute run time at 15 kV, and a temperature of 60°C. Data were analyzed using GeneMapper® ID software v3.2.1 (Applied Biosystems). Panels and bins were downloaded and imported into GeneMapper fiom (Support > Software Downloads > GeneMapper® ID Software v3.2 >Updaters & Patches). The analysis method was MiniFiler__G8500_HID_v1, the panel was MiniFiler_G8500_v1, and the matrix was DS-33 Matrix 7-12-07. Electropherograrns were manually reviewed and callable alleles were recorded. A threshold of 50 relative fluorescence units (RF Us) was used. Handler profiles were compiled blindly using the complete set of swabs from a backpack, and checked for concordance with the known (buccal) swabs by a second individual. After the handler’s profiles were known, results for each locus were placed in one of six categories: 24 p—a . The locus contained only the handler’s correct alleles. 2. The locus had multiple allele calls, but the handler’s alleles constituted the major profile. 3. The locus had multiple allele calls, but the handler’s alleles could not be distinguished as the major profile. 4. The locus had at least one of the handler’s correct alleles. This involved instances where there may have only been one allele called, or there may have been multiple alleles called, but only one matched the handler’s profile. 5. None of the alleles matched the handler’s profile. 6. No alleles were called at the locus. The number of loci from each swab that contained the handler’s correct alleles was counted; a locus met this criterion if it was in one of the first three categories described above. Swabs were then classified as producing all 9, 8 or 7, 6 or 5, or less than five loci with the handler’s correct alleles. The number of swabs in each category was compared among backpacks. Additionally, the average number of loci with the handler’s correct alleles was calculated per region swabbed. Loci in categories two or three above (excluding amelogenin) were reviewed to see if increased stutter could have accounted for the extra allele calls; if extra peaks were one repeat unit before or alter the peaks attributed to the handler’s alleles, the locus met this condition. Finally, electropherograms with six or more loci that had, allele calls in addition to the handler’s were designated mixtures. DNA quantification using real-time PCR DNAs were quantified using a QuantifilerTM Human DNA Quantification Kit (Applied Biosystems). Amplification and detection were performed on an iCyclerTM thermal cycler and an iQ5 multi-color real-time PCR detection system (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA), respectively. Dye calibrations were completed for VIC and FAM as instructed in the iQTMS Optical System Instruction Manual (Bio-Rad). The VIC 25 calibrator consisted of a labeled oligonucleotide (VIC-CATTTCCTTC) (Applied Biosystems) diluted to 300 nM. The FAM solution was from the calibration kit (Bio- Rad). Calibrations were performed using 15 uL volumes in 0.2 mL dome cap tubes (Dot Scientific, Burton, MI) and 96 well, half skirted, Thermowell® Gold PCR plates (Corning Inc., Corning, NY) sealed with microseal® ‘B’ film (Bio-Rad). The 200 ng/ 11L human DNA stock solution supplied with the QuantifilerTM kit was serially diluted as per the manufacturer’s protocol providing eight standards ranging from 50 ng/uL to 0.023 ng/uL. PCR reactions were carried out in 15 uL volumes consisting of 6.3 uL primer, 7.5 11L reaction mix, and 1.2 11L DNA. Reactions were set up using 96 well plates and then sealed. Standards were run in duplicate and unknowns in triplicate. Thermal cycling parameters included a 10 minute incubation at 95°C followed by 40 cycles of 15 seconds at 95°C and 1 minute at 60°C. Real-time data were analyzed using software generated thresholds for each fluorophore (PCR base line subtracted curve fit mode). Threshold cycles (CT) for IPCs were reviewed and any values above 30 were noted. The software created a standard curve used to determine DNA quantities and calculated average DNA concentrations and standard deviations for all replicates. 26 RESULTS Deflagration observations Backpacks serving as containers for steel pipe bombs suffered more damage than those concealing PVC pipe bombs (Figure 3)—evident by an average of 4.7 zippers, or pieces thereof, recovered from backpacks subjected to PVC pipe bombs as opposed to 2.8 for backpacks containing steel pipe bombs. The majority of backpack fragments (zippers being the exception) were retained within the crate. Areas of the backpacks that were stitched or made of stronger material, such as the top handle, withstood the blast better than others. Backpack 8 briefly caught on fire after the pipe bomb was deflagrated, with flames shaken out by a member of the bomb squad. Figure 3. Backpack fragmentation. Examples of post-blast backpacks after serving as containers for PVC (A) and steel (B) pipe bombs. 27 Swabbing backpacks to recover shed cells The number of regions swabbed per backpack ranged from seven on backpack 7 to eleven on backpack 10, with most of the variability caused by the failure to retain all the zippers. Twenty-eight of the forty zippers were recovered, of which only four were intact. The remaining 24 zippers included: seven that were missing the tab, four that were lacking the base, six that were missing the base and tab, four that had only a tab, and three consisting of only a string. The original locations were identified for 7 of the 28 zippers collected due to many becoming detached from the backpack during deflagration. The fiont middle region of backpack 3 was the only non-zipper portion not swabbed as it was unable to be identified. Isolating DNA from recovered cells A total of 75 swabs was obtained fiom the eight backpacks handled by participants. However, DNA from swab 8F MP was not included in the study due to a malfunction in the spin column during processing. Some swabs were soiled with residue from the explosives resulting in discoloration of the digestion buffer after incubation, most of which disappeared during the extraction process. Initially, a second chloroform treatment was administered for those samples in which discoloration persisted (performed on backpack 11 swabs), however, this was not beneficial and all subsequent samples were subjected to only one chloroform treatment. 28 Analysis of ST R electropherograms Handler profiles were compiled for backpacks 3 — 10 after electropherograms from all the samples were reviewed and allele calls were made (Table 3; Appendix A). Seven of eight profiles matched a participant’s reference sample at all nine loci (Table 3); the lone exception was backpack 9, which matched a reference profile at eight loci. This stemmed from the inability to distinguish between a 30, 31 and a 30 homozygote at the D21 locus, where thirty was the sole allele in three samples, and 30 and 31 were present in six samples. In only one instance were 30 and 31 the only two alleles present. The correct call was later found to be 30, 31. Reagent blanks that were processed with backpack 3 —- 10 produced a total of 7 callable alleles, with peaks all below 150 RFUs (Appendix A). The swab ‘reagent blank’ for backpack 10 had peaks matching alleles 12 and 48.2 at CSF and FGA, respectively, as well as alleles X and Y at amelogenin, and a 10 called at CSF. The other two alleles in reagent blanks came from backpacks 8 (12 at D13) and 4 (11 at D7). 29 Table 3. Consensus handler profiles obtained from backpacks and the study participant to which they corresponded. Backpack Locus 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D13 8,12 8,11 11,12 12 11,12 8,12 8,14 11,12 D7 10,11 9,10 11 10,11 8,12 8,11 8,10 9,12 Amel. X X X X X X X X D2 23 ,24 20,25 23 ,24 20,24 20,21 20,21 17,20 19,25 D21 27,30 27,30 29,32 31,31.2 31,0L 28,30 * 29,30 D16 11,13 12,13 10 9,11 9,11 9,11 12,13 11 D18 15,17 13,16 16 13,14 17 15,16 13,16 13,16 CSF 11 12,13 11,12 11,12 10,11 11,13 12 12,13 FGA 21,24 21,25 21 20,25 22,23 .2 18,24 20,22 22.23 Participant B E G I J F A H A consensus handler profile was determined for each backpack using allele calls from the complete set of swabs (see Appendix A). *—could not distinguish between a 30 homozygote and a 30, 31. (OL)——the off ladder allele was 33.1. The ten swabs from positive control backpack 11 led to a profile that matched the handler despite two samples (11Z2UP and 11Z4UP) experiencing a high level of drop- out (Appendix A). Negative control backpack 12 had nine swabs that were analyzed. One full profile (nine loci) was obtained from sample IZZlUP that could not be matched to anyone directly involved in the study (researchers or participants). The rest of the samples from backpack 12 produced a total of ten callable alleles, all of low intensity (Appendix A). Categorizing loci based on the presence of handler alleles All 666 loci reviewed were placed in one of six categories (see Materials and Methods) based upon the extent to which they contained the handler’s alleles (Figure 4; Appendix A). Examples of four categories can be found in Figure 5. Five hundred and 30 ninety-one loci (88.7%) contained the handler’s actual alleles. Of these, 295 (49.9%) had callable alleles besides those of the handler. One of the handler’s alleles (for heterozygotes) was present at 41 loci. For 27 of these the correct allele was the only one present, while 14 had additional, incorrect alleles. Thirty-one loci did not have any callable alleles, of which 16 occurred at the D7 locus. Three loci contained only alleles that did not match the handler’s. Figure 4. Percentage of loci placed in each of the six locus classifications. .9 .3; 4:. \r :0 , . 9 El Only handler's alleles were present .fi 0 :0. o o 9 020203 - ‘v '0 .. :‘ .9 O .0. ‘0 .9 O O .0 v.’ 0 6 A .9 .6 O o o 20 .9 A. Handler‘s alleles constituted major profile , 9 0’0 '9 o O. at: O 12.6 A I Handler's alleles present, but did not constitute major profile IE Only one of the the handler's alleles was present Alleles called, but none matched the handlers a No alleles called The first three categories represent loci in which the handler’s alleles were present in their entirety (88.7%). The second and third categories indicate loci that had callable alleles besides the handlers (44.3%). The last three categories represent the lack of recovery of handler alleles (11.3%). 31 Figure 5. Examples of four locus classifications from backpack 6 samples. ILL; iva, ,i, ,# v_; E ,,V v ’v,v,__,,,,, .60 1m in m 21 150 In) no 1') II) 2 13m A 1‘” B m: rfi‘itt’dII-I IHA‘LJJVI Iv-””*W:*" m: C‘ZETEM I». ~’\WI:\~"IIJ I”; ‘**""“e 5 E s a s 3 1 5 s E a a 8 J , Inhaler. .,..w~v-..-t :WMW WWWWWN Ii FGA locus from four backpack 6 samples. The handler’s correct alleles are 20 and 25 (shaded). (A) Only handler’s alleles present (B) Handler’s alleles as a major profile. (C) Handler’s alleles present, but did not constitute a major profile. (D) Only one of the handler’s alleles present (drop-out). The other two categories (alleles called but none matched the handler’s, and no callable alleles) represent cases of complete drop-out (not shown). 32 Swabs were categorized based upon the number of loci that contained the handler’s alleles, and then further analyzed on a per backpack basis. Forty-six of 74 swabs had the handler’s alleles at all 9 loci including ten from backpack 4 and nine from backpack 8 (Figure 6). Backpack 6 had the lowest number of swabs with the handler’s alleles at all loci (three), but four swabs had the correct alleles at seven or eight loci. Eleven swabs produced the handler’s alleles at six or fewer loci, with seven coming from backpacks 9 and 10. Figure 6. Number of loci containing handler’s alleles from backpack swabs. 10 Nurrberof 8 lociwith é 11311116le 5 6 alleles “5 I9 3 4 B7or8 E 2 BSor6 EI<5 0 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Backpack number The majority of swabs (63) had the handler’s alleles present at a minimum of seven loci (black and gray bars). The highest percentage of swabs with the correct handler alleles at all loci came from backpacks 4 (100%) and 8 (90%). Eleven swabs had the handler’s alleles at six or fewer loci (striped and white bars) with seven coming from backpacks 9 and 10. 33 Peaks attributed to increased stutter and the occurrence of mixtures Eighty-two of 193 loci (42.5%) classified as containing the handler’s alleles as the major profile (excluding amelogenin) had their extra peaks at positions indicative of increased stutter. The same analysis performed on loci classified as containing the handler’s alleles, but not as the major profile, found that 36 of 79 (49.4%) loci had their extra peaks at stutter locations. Eighteen samples were classified as mixtures based on at least six loci containing more than two alleles (Appendix A). The most mixtures came from backpacks 6 and 8 as they had four and five, respectively. Comparing regions based on the number of loci with the handler ’s alleles The top handle proved to be the most effective area for recovering a handler’s alleles as all swabs produced the handler’s full profile (Table 4). Other non-zipper regions ranged from an average of 8.88 loci (neck region) to 7 loci (fi'ont tab). Overall, swabs of the zippers averaged the handler’s alleles at 7.35 loci, with intact zippers producing 8.75 loci and zippers missing both the base and the tab having 5.3 loci. 34 Table 4. Number of loci with handler alleles broken down by backpack region. Number of loci with handler alleles Swab location 9 7 or 8 5 or 6 <5 Average Zippers Intact 3 1 - - 8.75 no tab 3 2 2 - 7.43 only tab 2 2 - - 8 only string 1 2 - - 7.67 no base 3 - l - 8 no base or tab 2 1 1 2 5.3 Top handle 8 - - 9 Left strap 6 2 - — 8.75 Right strap 4 2 1 1 7.75 Neck region 7 1 - - 8.88 Front middle 5 1 - - 8.83 Front tab 2 3 2 1 7 Total 46 17 7 4 7.97 The number of loci containing the handler’s alleles varied based upon the components of the zippers that were recovered. Intact zippers averaged the most loci with the handler alleles, while zippers missing the base and tab averaged the fewest. Less variation was seen in swabs of non-zippers as the top handle averaged 9 loci with the handler’s alleles while the front tab averaged the fewest (7). DNA quantification DNA quantities were determined by taking the average of three real-time PCR replicates, and ranged from 1.41 pg/uL (lOFTP) to 1.25 ng/uL (4NP) (Table 5; Appendix B). Fifty-three of 74 samples (71.6%) had DNA quantities less than 0.2 ng/uL, while 11 had quantities above 0.4 ng/uL with nine coming fiom backpacks 4, 7, and 8. The majority of samples from these backpacks had DNA quantities above 100 pg/uL, with only three samples below this value (7FTP, SZ4P, and 8FTP). In comparison, no samples from backpacks 6, 9, and 10 had a DNA quantity in excess of 100 pg/ 11L. The top handle, straps, and neck region had the highest average DNA quantities (approximately 300 pg/uL), while the front tab averaged the lowest of the non-zipper 35 regions (66.9 pg/ 11L). DNA amounts recovered from zippers averaged 91.3 pg/uL. The most DNA was obtained from zippers missing just a base (162.3 pg/uL) and having only a tab (150.5 pg/uL), while swabbing merely the string produced 41.0 pg/ 11L. The four zippers that were recovered intact averaged 61.5 pg/ 11L. 36 .530 8: 03 AL $5082 0000525. :80 macaw com 8083.0 .5082 :05 :80 095. a 0%: no: 20 #8963 e020 2: :20 mofio€fil+v .030: mm 530 80 800525 =< 088:0»: ooh: 0o 008020 20 2.3802 800530 0000.0 5 50.0 0x. 5.0 005.0 0000.0 0 500.0 005.0 000 .0 0000.0 0.70 50.0 005.0 0000.0 - 000.0 0000.0 00v0.0 05.0 - 02.0 000.0 0000.0 0000.0 50.0 00 v.0 500.0 005.0 000. _. 000.0 AZ 50.0 0000.0 0000.0 E00 0 P00 0000.0 005.0 000. _. 0 5.0 00% 000.0 0000.0 «000.0 000.0 00 9.0 55.0 00 _..0 000.0 00.0 mm..— 000.0 500.0 0000.0 000.0 000.0 0000.0 .000 000.0 0 _.0.0 mm: :Fd 005.0 - 000.0 - - - - 0000 “EN 0000.0 0000.0 0000.0 - - - - - 00 _..0 EN 0000.0 0000.0 - - - - - - - mmN .. - - 0 50.0 - - - _.00.0 - mDvN r - 00000.0 03.0 - - - 03.0 005.0 mDmN .. 00 5.0 00 5.0 000.0 - 00000.0 00000.0 000.0 0000.0 mDNN a 0000.0 005.0 00 P0 5rd 00000.0 00000.0 00.20 500.0 03 _N swag... S a w n e m a. m exam xommxoem 60.0.5. zone—25 :8...— 03332 <75 he SEES—O .0 03:. 37 Amounts of DNA added to PCR reactions Once DNA quantities per uL were known the values were multiplied by four to obtain the amount of DNA that was added to PCR reactions. Five of 74 reactions had DNA template quantities that were within the recommended range of 0.5 — 0.75 ng for the MinifilerTM kit (Applied Biosystems 2006a) (Table 6; Figure 7). The majority of reactions (45) had input amounts below 0.5 ng. Table 6. DNA quantity added to PCR reactions. Total DNA added to . . Number of reactrons PCR reactrons <.1* 17 0.1 — 0.3 23 .0.3 — 0.5 5 0.5 — 0.75** 5 0.75 - 1 6 1 — 1.5 6 >15 12 DNA quantities are given in ng. Total DNA amounts were obtained by multiplying the amount of DNA per sample by the number of microliters added to the reactions (4). *— indicates low copy number. **— indicates the recommended range of input DNA. Seventeen reactions were designated as LCN, accounting for 49 of the 75 (65.3%) loci that were categorized as having complete or partial drop-out. Twenty-one of the remaining 26 cases of drop-out were from reactions in which DNA input averaged 169.6 pg. Three LCN samples did not experience drop-out, producing full handler profiles. Twelve reactions contained more than 1.5 ng of input DNA, or 2 — 3 times greater than the advised amount. Ten of these were from backpacks 4 and 8. Electropherograms from all 12 reactions produced the handler’s profile. Excluding amelogenin, greater than half (55.2%) of the loci had more than two callable alleles. 38 Full profiles were obtained fiom 42 of the 69 (60.9%) PCR reactions where input DNA was outside the recommended range. However, as the amount of DNA added to the reactions deviated from this range electropherogram quality was compromised. Electropherograms fiom reactions with less than the suggested quantity of DNA were characterized by increased stutter, allele drop-out/drop-in, heterozygote peak imbalance, and peaks of low intensity (e. g., Figure 8). Electropherograms produced from reactions in which too much DNA was added had features such as split peaks caused by incomplete ‘A’ addition, baseline noise, pull-up, and increased stutter (e. g., Figure 9). 39 .00Q 00 00000.8 05 88 00088 .8088 800808 080088 8: :5 :38? 8.0 080 $0000 .8080 8 00080.80 00 03680 :00 £00 a 00 05 2Q 00 00 880800000020 80 8 020:0 860 83 0:0. 020:0 886.8008 80300 000 .0050; EM 0803 .3000 0000200 058 08 08808000800000 8000008 000 8 A0: 00.0 1 0.00 00000 83 <75 00 8:080 00058888 05 e003 .0008m 03 020:0 820003 800008 M00 08 8 00000 <75 00 m0 000 000 0D~Nv 20800 a a 8 m. E 4 l o q 080 008 0 r r 8 r 8 00 En! 0v~ Dom Our 09. 0:. 000 60v Sr 00— 00.. do; _ . < I a. a. 1 0 . 00 _ d. 0 0.80 8... 000—. 008—. 3.0 000 000 00.. at. Sr one 30 Sr 000 0: 8w 8 00 E E E E < 4‘s c 080 003 0.0 000 :9. cap a: 00? 00,—. Div 009 our 0:. our 8 8 E a _H_ 4 .. 000 000' Door 080 05 SN 00.. 00v 0:. 00.. 00v a: one 00— 0: 5.. 8 no .0805 .80 <75 808 00 8880 00.808838 05 08:80.80.— .0Dva 880 88082—08805 .5 0.8000 40 .8 000 0 08:00.0 8 m030> 3.00 3038 0008008 hob 03003 80 8.000 8 088.000 0000 0>00 200 > 80 no 00:0; Dumm— 80 .80 >000 008 000000 8000 008 00000 0000 802 0000888 0000 32 000 Ann— 800: 80080 00000 .ANQ 8000 00000080 0000 800008800 .90 00:80 0000808 .3 0000808000 803 0805 20..— 880 08000800080005 000000 80 000000 00000000 800008 000 05 8 00000 <75 00 00 0.00 000 0mNm 0.0800 «8 “a E E < . * 9' 80 8Nv 80v DVN 8N car 00.. 8w ONr 0:. Our 00 8 — E 4t u 4: < 1‘ ¢ j( < Ii 1 11 111‘ d4< a 8 Our 000 OHM o—N 8N 8r our our our 0: 00.. on 8 _ "ban—a ooh-Una mm H c 8‘ 02001052.: 08 0000 8: arN 8N car car our 90—. c: 8r ONr a: Oar on 8 nun—E _ 4.. <1 k c 8N 80-080 . 8 SN 8N 8r our 05v 0!. am- Qwr Dar our a: car 8 8 _ E5 _\ a 080.3 2010 088009.00.— .0mNm 880 88080008000E .0 0805 41 .Ai 00080 80000000 000 A800 00 00 0000? 000 220 829 P00 002 a? 308 .0220 88 2 05800 as: 2.082 .50 8-0.0 .000 0.08 0% .8 .305 83205 .3 0000808000 803 08000800080005 000000 80 02000 0000000.— .000008 ~50 05 9 00000 10 ng) as competition between the genomic DNA and the IPC leads to the suppression of IPC amplification (Applied Biosystems 2006a; Katz 2007). Initially, inhibition concerns centered on post-blast residue, but inhibition most likely would have been more prevalent if that was the cause. Inhibition in samples from right straps suggests that there was some feature about the straps that hindered PCR. Straps were made fiom a different material than the rest of the backpack, and pre—blast control swabs of straps sometimes turned black. This substance may have been deleterious to PCR, although the left strap samples did not show any signs of inhibition. The exact reasons for PCR inhibition were not resolved, but its low occurrence in general resulted in minimal impact on the study. However, this does not mean PCR inhibition will be absent in all analyses of IED containers. Variation in the composition of containers (e. g., 55 cardboard, fabric, wood, or metal), and the elements to which the containers have been exposed to before and during deflagration (e.g., soil, blood, water), provide many diverse situations, each with the potential of producing different PCR inhibitors. 56 CONCLUSIONS The impact that IEDs have had in the Middle East has caused growing concern that these devices will become more prominent domestically, with the potential to have profound implications on American society. Two experts, counterterrorism consultant David Williams and Michigan State Police Bomb Squad Commander Lt. Shawn Stallworth, both say that they have already seen an increase in IED usage in the United States (personal communications). Even with the lack of a large scale domestic IED event since 9/11, IEDs are implemented daily throughout the United States. Results of this study show that post-blast DNA recovered from IED containers can be used to correctly identify the handler. Analyzing multiple samples from the same backpack and creating a consensus profile proved to be an effective approach to identifying handlers and was necessary to circumvent drop-out and mixtures. All areas targeted for swabbing produced a handler’s full profile from at least one backpack, but overall, regions that were larger and likely used more often resulted in higher quantities of DNA and more loci with the handler’s alleles. With this in mind, it is recommended that swabbing first be directed towards areas that are likely to be handled, particularly larger areas initially and then smaller regions (e. g., zippers), as need, resources, and time permit. However, if only small pieces of a container are available, these should not be deemed irrelevant because they can still produce informative data. The research presented offers a feasible and practical approach towards national efforts aimed at countering lEDs, and answers DHS Secretary Chertoff 5 call to the scientific community to develop means to counter IEDs (Chertoff 2007). Although much 57 of the focus of countering IEDs has been on developing measures to prevent them from detonating, the fact that this research focused on post-blast analysis does not take away fi'om its value, as it is unlikely that IED countermeasures will ever thwart all IED events. This study demonstrated an effective way to identify those responsible for IEDs, and aids in their apprehension, which will most likely prevent future attacks and allow citizens to feel more secure. By disseminating the findings of the research to law enforcement personnel and emergency responders, the importance of properly collecting post-blast fragments can be stressed, and DNA analyses of IED containers can become a valuable tool in IED investigations. 58 APPENDIX A. Allele calls and loci categorizations The tables show allele calls made for the backpacks involved in the study. Tables for the control backpacks (11 and 12) are included, however, they served solely as references and their data were not incorporated into analyses. Loci from each sample are colored to signify the category they were placed in (see Results). DNA profiles ‘Call’ were blindly made based upon the review of all loci, and checked for concordance with reference profiles from study participants ‘Subject’. The following key is for interpreting all tables. S mbol Description The locus contained only the handler’s correct alleles. The locus had multiple allele calls, but the handler’s alleles constituted the major profile. The locus had multiple allele calls, but the handler’s alleles could not be distinguished as the major profile. The locus had at least one of the handler’s correct alleles. None of the alleles matched the handler’s profile. No alleles were called at the locus. BOLD Peak was between 100 and 149.9 RFUs " Peak was between 50 and 99.9 RFUs + Classified as a mixture 59 0m. 5. I. 5.6—. mt: omKN 0N a mlm 3.2 Nfim 0 50.330 0N. _.N I. Nfimr mt: 8K0 VNdN :dr Nwd =00 0:03 m xomaxomm 6O .rrrmmaw 00:0 mim— mfimw 0000 0:00 mfimw mtmw omKN omKN dem 0050 x x otm one .PF :6 :6 008.. m «00.305 =00 w xowaxomm 61 FN N..._._. or o_. VNdN C. 00: 0 8.330 Fm mm: 9. or vmdm I. N...:. :00 0:00.. mmm m<>>mmmm n_._h_m n=>_n_m mZm mmmm mmrfi n_I._.m mDNNm m3 _.Nm ntm m xooaxomm 62 mNdN mNdN Ni: NP...— 3.2 032. :6 Sum 0.00.00 0;0;0 vmdm cmdm x x 0000 000— w... NF 0:00.. _ «003.0 =00 mmo m<>>wmm© nzkw +n=2n_o +n_Z® +mwm® +1040 n_I._.o 0:0N0 anrNo 0020 0 xomaxomm 63 #00 00 2 0000.008 003 0.2.0 .0000. to 05 .0000: 40.00 000 mm 00.2.0 .2 00.0 05 0002000 0: 003000 2.020.008 0.0.2.... NMNNN :6F 5 :6 1.00.5 ONKF x Nfim NF. : 0 80.300 NdNNN :dw 5 Sum :00. 5 ON: x Nfim N—.: :00 mmh m<>>wmmn 0003 n 0.000008 v0.0. 00: 9...: :0 v0.2 00: 002 2.0 omdw PNdN X :6 N _._m u. 50.33m omfim FNdN x :d N; :00 mmm .N _. m<>>mmmm mhuw me mwmm +n_m._w +n=.....m mmNm +n.30Nm +08% 020.00 +0: £0 £5 0:00.. 0 xomaxoam 65 .3 6m 0 0o Bomzuoaoa em 0 0003000 0008 00 30000908 80 0:50 36': dem N? w flaw m .._N_. 5.0m CNN: x 0 Wm v in < «003.5 0 - . ilwume - n — NNON NP ormw mwNF =mooz 0N: x owm 3.0 :00 mmm m<>>wmmm mbum 120m mmmm +n.m1.m 1:5 +n_va 038.. m xomaxomm 66 mwmw 000, 0000 PF 0000 0000 x 000 0000 0.00030 0N00 000? 000F PF 0000 0N0? x 000 00;? :00 .OF >xx 000. .000 0r 902.0002 00000 02000 020_ +mmmow +quow 0:Fo_ 0000_ 00000 00000 03009 anrNoF 0020 030°; owxumaxomm 67 0002000 20. 000000980. 80 000; 0.009.000 0.5 E0: 0.00 062 vaM 00 0F 00: 0. F0 00.00 x 000 2.0 .220: 0.0.00 00 0F 00: 0. F0 00.00 x 000 2.0 :8 00: 055000: at: 02“.: a2: 0003 004: 0:0: 030: 0:00: 0:00: 020: 0020 0:004 .0008 + 2 0.0000000 68 0002000 20. 00.05980. .00 0002, xo0ax000 0.5 So: 0.00 ”062 *om mm. 5. <0“. 0:. .3 «to? n50 000...? 9. 00...: Sum 30 000 Pndm FNO 0:004 3. 9. vududv No .> >.X ..m.S.< «or no .2. 3 9.0 mmmw m<>>wmmmw QENF n=2u.N_. QZNF awmmv awqmr QIPNP QVNNF QDNNNF 05 .NN.. 0.03m .9008 .. NF x00200m 69 APPENDIX B. DNA quantitation data DNA samples were quantified in triplicate using QuantifilerTM. The averages and standard deviations were calculated for all samples and are reported in nanograms. Reactions in which the threshold cycle of the internal positive control was above 30 are noted. Areas swabbed were labeled as; backpack#/identifer/P. The identifiers used were: Z# for zippers (# replaced by 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 depending upon the zipper’s origin; if the origin of the zipper was unidentifiable a ‘U’ was added after the number), TH for top handle, LS and RS for left and right strap, respectively, FM for front middle, FT for front tab, and N for neck region. For example, 3THP indicates the swab is from the top handle of backpack 3, while BZlUP indicates that the swab is from the first unidentifiable zipper of backpack three. Backpack 3 Replicate Standard Swab 1 2 3 Average Deviation 321 UP 0.113 0.0874 0.0970 0.0991 0.0129 322UP 0.0689 0.0909 0.0461 0.0686 0.0224 3Z3UP 0.0451 0.0671 0.0310 0.0476 0.0184 3Z4P 0.0943 0.116 0.118 0.109 0.0131 3Z5P 0.0389 0.0160 0.0189 0.0246 0.0125 3THP 0.196 0.271 0.179 0.215 0.0490 3LSP 0.238 0.241 0.192 0.224 0.0275 3RSP 0.641 0.347* 0.267“ 0.418 0.197 3NP 0.322 0.302 0.251 0.292 0.0366 3FT P 0.0416 0.0172 0.0248 0.0279 0.0125 *—IPC had a threshold cycle of 37.3 1. **—IPC did not reach the threshold cycle by 40 cycles. 70 Backpack 4 Replicate Standard Swab 1 2 3 Average deviation 4Z1UP 0.154 0.152 0.188 0.165 0.0202 4Z2UP 0.427 0.387 0.364 0.393 0.0319 4Z3UP 0.153 0.192 0.103 0.149 0.0446 4Z4UP 0.291 0.202 0.261 0.251 0.0453 4THP 0.803 0.650 0.743 0.732 0.0771 4LSP 0.926 0.963 0.787 0.892 0.0928 4RSP 1.25 1.16 1.29 1.233 0.0666 4NP 1.06 1.62 1.07 1.25 0.320 4FMP 0.895 0.890 0.759 0.848 0.0771 4FTP 0.410 0.369 0.375 0.385 0.0221 Backpack 5 Replicate Standard Swab 1 2 3 Average deviation 521 UP 0.00638 0.00972 0.01 19 0.00933 0.00278 522UP 0.00660 0.00915 0.0129 0.00955 0.00317 5THP 0.326 0.339 0.306 0.324 0.0166 5LSP 0.152 0.187 0.208 0.182 0.0283 5RSP 0.0596 0.0466 0.0402 0.0488 0.00989 5NP 0.0171 0.0194 0.0143 0.0169 0.00255 5FMP 0.0633 0.0285 0.0388 0.0435 0.0179 5FTP 0.0300 0.0173 0.000 0.0158 0.0151 Backpack 6 Replicate Standard Swab 1 2 3 Average deviation 621 UP 0.00221 0.0104 0.0131 0.00857 0.00567 622UP 0.00270 0.000 0.00419 0.00230 0.00212 6THP 0.0554 0.0476 0.0681 0.0570 0.0103 6LSP 0.0524 0.0279 0.0400 0.0401 0.0123 6RSP 0.0538 0.061 1 0.0438 0.0529 0.00869 6NP 0.0651 0.0735 0.0537 0.0641 0.00994 6F MP 0.0484 0.0320 0.0172 0.0325 0.0156 6FTP 0.000 0.0211 0.00320 0.00810 0.0114 71 Backpack 7 Replicate Standard Swab 1 2 3 Average deviation 721 UP 0.0846 0.132 0.0955 0.104 0.0248 7THP 0.293 0.280 0.347 0.307 0.0355 7LSP 0.182 0.187 0.198 0.189 0.00819 7RSP* 0.260 0.162 0.217 0.213 0.0491 7NP 0.158 0.238 0.180 0.192 0.0413 7FMP 0.368 0.536 0.618 0.507 0.127 7FTP 0.0907 0.0522 0.0482 0.0637 0.0235 *——IPC did not reach the threshold cycle by 40 cycles for all three replicates. Backpack 8 Replicate Standard Swab 1 2 3 Average deviation 821 UP 0.214 0.158 0.124 0.165 0.0454 822UP 0.260 0.265 0.202 0.242 0.0350 8Z3UP 0.150 0.146 0.152 0.149 0.00306 824UP 0.0559 0.125 0.0939 0.0916 0.0346 825P 0.282 0.273 0.334 0.296 0.0329 8THP 0.404 0.595 0.699 0.566 0.150 8LSP 0.775 0.874 0.767 0.805 0.0596 8RSP 0.271 0.221 0.322 0.271 0.0505 8NP 0.573 0.487 0.541 0.534 0.0435 8FTP 0.0245 0.00489 0.0180 0.0158 0.00999 Backpack 9 Replicate Standard Swab 1 2 3 Average deviation 921 UP 0.0105 0.0252 0.0182 0.0180 0.00735 922UP 0.0171 0.0151 0.000 0.0107 0.00935 923UP 0.0109 0.0101 0.000 0.00700 0.00608 924P 0.0332 0.0312 0.0161 0.0268 0.00935 9THP 0.0492 0.00866 0.0326 0.0302 0.0204 9LSP 0.0560 0.0735 0.0308 0.0534 0.0215 9RSP 0.0429 0.0306 0.0332 0.0356 0.00648 9NP 0.0529 0.0860 0.0348 0.0579 0.0260 9FMP 0.0520 0.0269 0.0287 0.0359 0.0140 9FTP 0.0241 0.0199 0.00759 0.0172 0.00858 72 Backpack 10 Replicate Standard Swab 1 2 3 Average deviation 1OZIUP 0.0457 0.0160 0.0152 0.0256 0.0174 1022UP 0.0209 0.00918 0.00752 0.0125 0.00729 1023P 0.0147 0.0436 0.0276 0.0286 0.0145 1024P 0.0188 0.0229 0.0493 0.0303 0.0166 1025P 0.0139 0.0208 0.00486 0.0132 0.00799 10THP 0.0606 0.0725 0.108 0.0804 0.0247 10LSP 0.0817 0.0564 0.0593 0.0658 0.0138 10RSP 0.0341 0.0490 0.0888 0.0573 0.0283 10NP 0.0315 0.063 0.0815 0.0586 0.0253 10FMP 0.0150 0.0326 0.000 0.0159 0.0163 10FTP 0.000 0.00422 0.000 0.00141 0.0024 73 REFERENCES Akane A, Matsubara K, Nakamura H, Takahashi S, Kimura K. 1994. 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