giant‘- 1 1.3.1 .l...l.«!t¢(rl$ a. {:1 .1}: 3%... y N l . :3 ' ' km a». «a ti mm Mathis“ 5““ University This is to certify that the dissertation entitled WOMEN, WORK AND CHILDBEARING presented by MARY K. HAMMAN has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for the Industrial Relations Ph.D. degree in and Human Resources iii/T, (EM Major Professor’s‘fignature AW \9; 2,008 Date MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer PLACE IN RETURN BOX to remove this checkout from your record. To AVOID FINES return on or before date due. MAY BE RECALLED with earlier due date if requested. DATE DUE I“\TE DUE DATE DUE WOMEN, WORK AND CHILDBEARING By Mary K. Hamman A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Industrial Relations and Human Resources 2008 Women, Work and Childbearing BY Mary K. Hamman The growing work-family literature provides extensive workplace level evidence of positive relationships between working-time flexibility policies and practices and work and family outcomes. Yet, little is known about the role of flexible policies and practices in the labor market as a whole or with respect to behavioral rather than psychological outcomes. This dissertation investigates relationships between availability of paid and unpaid leave and expected and actual childbearing, maternal employment and early investments in child health through well-baby care. In Chapter 1, I provide a broad, cohort level analysis of birth expectations. Birth expectations may foreshadow future fertility and shape current behaviors, including early career and educational choices. Chapter 1 evaluates these two possibilities. Findings indicate women do not anticipate their future childbearing very well. Also, the marked differences in occupational characteristics between mothers and non-mothers, which are well known in the literature and apparent in my analysis, indicate many women do eventually sort into more “family friendly occupations”. Yet, my findings imply sorting occurs after childbearing rather than before. Chapter 2 extends the findings in Chapter 1 by examining relationships between availability of paid and unpaid leave in the pre-birth job and other job characteristics and mothers’ decisions to maintain or quit those jobs. I examine all quits from one year prior to pregnancy through 1.5 years following the birth and distinguish between quits to leave the labor force and quits to start a new job. Findings indicate most labor force exits are concentrated in the three months either side of the birth. Most job changing happens just before and during early pregnancy and would be missed in a shorter analysis interval. Women eligible for FMLA leave are less likely to quit their jobs for any reason prior to the birth and those who work part-time are less likely to change jobs before the birth. I do find women without paid vacation are more likely to change jobs prior to the birth but overall the evidence of pre-birth sorting into jobs with paid leave is not very compelling. Chapter 3 also examines the effect of paid and unpaid leave on mother’s behavior, but in this chapter my focus shifts from employment decisions to child outcomes. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends children receive eight well-baby visits at regular intervals over the first two years of life. I estimate the average baby receives just over 2. Cost sharing for well-baby care under public and private insurance is very low. The fact that compliance rates are so low despite the low cost of care suggests other factors, such as time constraints, may be especially important. In general my findings imply the type of job a mother holds matters; paid and unpaid leave may enable mothers in certain types of jobs to take their babies to the doctor but in others they appear to have no relationship or even a negative relationship with well-baby care use. In total, the results of this dissertation suggest access to paid leave may help women to maintain job matches during childbearing years and improve health outcomes for young children by encouraging mothers to take their children to well-baby care. Yet, the extent to which paid and unpaid leave influence outcomes of interest may depend on the context of the job. Furthermore, despite the potential benefits of paid leave, I find little evidence to suggest women actively seek jobs with paid leave before they have a child. Dedication This dissertation is dedicated to my grandmother, Bea Hoffman, who was a single, working mother in the 19505. Acknowledgements This dissertation was supported in part by the Health Institutions and Policy Initiative and the Family Research Initiative at Michigan State University. I thank my committee, Peter Berg, Dale Belman, Mark Roehling, Steven Haider and Stacy Dickert-Conlin, for their support and guidance. In particular, I thank Peter Berg, my committee chair, for teaching me to apply my interdisciplinary training to my research and Dale Belman for his guidance since I first began my doctoral studies. Successfully completing an interdisciplinary degree requires the support and cooperation of other departments. I am indebted to the students and faculty of the MSU Economics Department, who welcomed me in their classrooms and shared their resources and expertise with me. I especially thank Steven Haider and Stacy Dickert-Conlin for their invaluable feedback as external members of my committee. I thank my friends and family. My husband, David Hamman, spent countless hours talking through ideas and reading drafts for me. I look forward to returning the favor as he completes his degree. My friend Gregory Derr provided much appreciated moral support and editing assistance. I thank my parents, Dennis and Cynthia Hoffman, and brother, Robert Hoffman, for their love and encouragement. Finally, I extend a special thank you to my Arizona State University “extended family”, Arthur and Candace Blakemore, Michael and Aileen Ormiston, Stuart and Debra Low, Paul and Marie Burgess, John McDowell, Roger Faith, Edward Schlee, Jerry Kingston, Lee and Leslie McPheters, Jose and Nancy Mendez, Bill Boyes, Susan Boyes, Don Schlagenhauf, Betsy Smith, Gerry Keim and Amy Hillman. They have supported my educational and career aspirations from the very beginning and are the reason I decided to become a professor. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................ vii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................... x INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1 Summary of Dissertation Research ................................................. 1 Trends in Women’s Education, Employment and Childbearing ............... 7 US. Public Policies Related to Employment, Childbearing and Childrearing 12 Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit and Flexible Spending Accounts ........................................................... 13 The Pregnancy Discrimination Act ........................................ 14 The Family and Medical Leave Act ....................................... 16 International Policy Comparison .................................................... 19 Employer Flexible Working-Time Policies and Practices .................... 21 What are Flexible Working-Time Policies and Practices? .......... 22 Prevalence of Flexible Working-Time Policies and Practices ........................................................................ 26 Empirical Evidence of Relationship with Family and Health Outcomes .............................................................. 29 Figures and Tables ................................................................... 32 CHAPTER 1 EXPECTATIONS OF EXPECTING: WOMEN’S ACTUAL AND EXPECTED FERTILITY OVER THE PAST HALF CENTURY ........................................................................................ 37 Introduction .............................................................................. 38 Conceptual Framework ............................................................... 39 Previous Research ..................................................................... 41 Data ....................................................................................... 42 Results .................................................................................... 46 Discussion and Conclusion .......................................................... 53 Figures and Tables .................................................................... 56 Appendix A1 ............................................................................. 64 Description of Data Sources ................................................ 64 Source and Use of Expectations Data ................................... 64 Construction of Actual Cohort Fertility Data ............................ 67 Source and Use of Occupational Characteristics Data .............. 68 CHAPTER 2 JOB CONTINUITY AMONG EXPECTING AND NEW MOTHERS ........................................................................................ 73 Introduction .............................................................................. 74 Conceptual Framework ............................................................... 75 Previous Studies ....................................................................... 78 Empirical Strategy ..................................................................... 82 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Data ....................................................................................... 83 Results .................................................................................... 85 Discussion and Conclusion .......................................................... 93 Figures and Tables .................................................................... 95 CHAPTER 3 MAKING TIME FOR WELL-BABY CARE: THE EFFECT OF MATERNAL EMPLOYMENT AND PAID AND UNPAID LEAVES ............................................................................. 107 Introduction ............................................................................ 108 Background and Previous Studies ............................................... 110 Conceptual Framework ............................................................. 1 15 Empirical Strategy .................................................................... 1 18 Data ...................................................................................... 122 Results .................................................................................. 125 Discussion and Conclusion ........................................................ 137 Figures and Tables .................................................................. 140 Appendix A3 ........................................................................... 154 CONCLUSION ................................................................................. 160 Summary of Findings ................................................................ 160 Implications for Future Research ................................................. 163 Policy Implications ................................................................... 166 Current and Future Public and Workplace Policy Trends .................. 171 REFERENCES ................................................................................. 180 LIST OF TABLES Table I.1 Estimated Demand for and Availability of Part-Time Work, Paid Leave, Schedule Flexibility and Other Employer Policies ..................... 33 Table I2 Reasons Given for Working Longer Hours than Ideal ..................... 35 Table I3 Barriers to Working From Home ................................................ 36 Table 1.1 Sample Statistics for Chapter 1 ................................................ 61 Table 1.2 Estimated Average Differences in Labor Force Participation And Occupational Characteristics by Expected and Actual Motherhood and Timing of First Birth ....................................................................... 62 Table 1.3 Self Reported Influences Affecting Birth Expectations ................... 63 Table A1.1 Selected Occupational Categories and Mean Characteristics ....... 70 Table A1.2 Means, Standard Deviations, and Sample Sizes for Occupational Characteristics Analysis ..................................................... 72 Table 2.1 Characteristics of Analysis Samples in a Selection of Previous Return to Work and Related Studies ............................................ 96 Table 2.2 Comparisons to Previous Estimates of Job and Employment Continuity .......................................................................................... 98 Table 2.3 Potential Omission and Misclassification at Different Intervals For 21 Month Jobs .............................................................................. 99 Table 2.4 Descriptive Statistics by Interval for Jobs 21 Months Before Birth ............................................................................................... 100 Table 2.5 Job Continuity Results for 21 Month Jobs at 21 Months before to 18 Months After Birth ..................................................................... 102 Table 2.6 Changes in Estimated Relationships Before and After Birth .......... 104 Table 2.7 Characteristics of New and Old Jobs Among Job Changers ......... 106 Table 3.1 Estimated Compliance with the AAP Visit Schedule .................... 141 Table 3.2 Replication of Previous Compliance Estimates ........................... 142 viii LIST OF TABLES (Continued) Table 3.3 Sample Means and Standard Deviations for Selected Variables 143 Table 3.4 Base Model Results by Maternal Employment ........................... 144 Table 3.5 Sensitivity of Estimated Cross-Wage Elasticities to Measure of Wages ........................................................................................ 145 Table 3.6 Estimated Effects of Maternal Employment and Paid Time Off ...... 146 Table 3.7 Results for Paid and Unpaid Leave and Other Job Attributes ........ 147 Table 3.8 Results for Paid and Unpaid Leave and Other Job Attributes by Work Schedule and Wage Level ...................................................... 149 Table 3.9 Results for Paid and Unpaid Leave and Other Job Attributes by Occupation and Work Schedule ........................................................ 151 Table 3.10 Probability of Weekend, Weekday (Except Friday) and Friday Visits by Employment Status, Paid Leave and Occupation ........................ 153 Table A3.1 Equation for Predicted Wages for Non—Employed Mothers ......... 155 Table A3.2 Equation for Predicted Out-Of-Pocket Cost ............................. 156 Table A3.3 Means and Standard Deviations of Independent Variables by Maternal Employment .................................................................... 157 Table C1 Comparison of Flexible Working-Time Policies at the Working Mother Magazine “100 Best Companies” and the Average Company ........... 179 LIST OF FIGURES Figure |.1 Classification of Flexible Working Time Policies and Practices ........ 32 Figure 1.1 Data Coverage Across Secular Trends in Family Size and Birth Timing ................................................................................. 56 Figure 1.2 Expected and Actual Motherhood Across Cohorts ....................... 57 Figure 1.3 Expected and Actual Timing of First Births Across Cohorts ........... 58 Figure 1.4 Expected and Actual Family Size at Age 20 to 23 ........................ 59 Figure 1.5 Expected and Actual Family Size by Education .......................... 60 Figure 2.1 Monthly Hazard Rates for Job Changes and Labor Force Exits for Jobs Held 1 Year before Pregnancy ............................................ 95 Figure 3.1 Correspondence between AAP Recommended Care Intervals and Distribution of Actual Visits ............................................................ 140 Introduction Summary of Dissertation Research Across the labor supply, fertility, and child development Iiteratures, researchers acknowledge the interrelationships between women’s employment, childbearing and Childrearing decisions. Women who have more children also tend to spend less time in paid employment. Those who have access to affordable childcare are less likely to work outside the home than those who do not. Maternal employment may improve child outcomes by increasing household income but it also reduces her time available to spend with children. Numerous studies examine these tradeoffs. Yet less is known about the role of governmental and workplace policies that may help women to combine work and non-work roles. The growing work-famin/work-life literature provides extensive case study and empirical evidence of positive relationships between work outcomes, such as job satisfaction, employee retention, and family outcomes and the availability of flexible working-time policies and practices such as paid time off, part time work and flexible schedules. Most of these studies are at the individual workplace level; less is known about the role of these policies and practices in the labor market as a whole or with respect behavioral rather than psychological outcomes. The fact that the work-family literature presents workplace level evidence of the importance of flexible working-time policies and practices and finds linkages between flexible working-time policies and practices and psychological outcomes suggests these policies and practices may influence employment decisions in the labor market as a whole and objectively observable behaviors, as well. This dissertation investigates relationships between availability of paid and unpaid time off, including FMLA leave, and expected and actual childbearing, maternal employment and early investments in child health through well-baby care. In Chapter 1, I provide a broad, cohort level analysis of birth expectations. Birth expectations may foreshadow future fertility and shape current behaviors, including early career and educational choices. Chapter 1 evaluates these two possibilities. Substantial changes in childbearing behavior, and fertility timing in particular, occurred across cohorts born in the early 19405 through the 19705. I examine the trends in actual and expected childbearing across these cohorts to determine whether or not secular changes in childbearing behavior were anticipated. Although individual cohorts’ expectations of completed family size approximate their actual completed family size, I find the trend in expectations across cohorts does not anticipate trends in actual childbearing. Furthermore, cohort expectations did not foreshadow the increases in childlessness and single child families or the extent of fertility delay. To examine the relationship between expectations of future childbearing and current behavior, I hypothesize birth expectations influence early occupational choices. To test this hypothesis, I compare the characteristics of chosen occupations among childless women by expectation of future fertility to otherwise similar women who have already had children. Occupational characteristics considered include mean weekly wages and hours worked, percentage of part-time workers and percent of weeks per year worked part time, average days worked per week, availability of flextime and the concentration of women and mothers with young children in the occupation. In total, I find the largest differences in occupational characteristics exist between women who have children and those who have not; I find little evidence of systematic differences in occupational characteristics by expectations of future childbearing. In all, Chapter 1 concludes women, at the cohort level at least, are not very forward looking with respect to their future childbearing behavior. Furthermore the marked differences in occupational characteristics between mothers and non-mothers, which are well known in the literature and apparent in my analysis, indicate many women who become mothers do eventually sort into more “family friendly” occupations. Yet, my findings among childless women imply the bulk of this sorting occurs close to and after childbearing. Chapter 2 extends the findings for occupational sorting in Chapter 1 by examining relationships between the characteristics of mothers’ pre—pregnancy jobs and their decisions to maintain or quit those jobs from one year prior to pregnancy through 1.5 years following the birth. While the premise of this study is similar to many existing analyses in the return to work literature, my work differs in four fundamental ways. First, most empirical studies in the return-to-work literature and related literatures rely on data for women who gave birth in the 19705 and 1980s and many rely on the NLSY, which is a powerful longitudinal data set but is not nationally representative. I provide updated estimates of job continuity (exits from the initial job) using a nationally representative sample of women who gave birth between 1993 and 2005. Second, while most studies examine the decision to exit the labor force only, I separately examine the determinants of labor force exits and job changes. Third, I include all quits which occur in the year preceding pregnancy through 1.5 years after the birth. Although most labor force exits are concentrated in the three months periods either side of the birth, most job changing happens just before and during early pregnancy and would be missed in a shorter analysis interval. I also provide a detailed discussion highlighting the importance of interval studied and sample designation in general in the return-to-work literature and related studies. Fourth, I focus on the relationships between job characteristics and employer paid leave policies which may influence not only leave taking behavior associated with the birth itself but also the ongoing arrangement of work and non-work time. My findings suggest women who are eligible for FMLA leave are less likely to quit their jobs for any reason prior to the birth and those who work part-time are less likely to change jobs before the birth. I do find women without paid vacation are more likely to change jobs prior to the birth but overall the evidence of pre-birth sorting into jobs with more family friendly policies is not very compelling. After the birth, household income and demographic variables explain more of the variance in quit behavior than working time policies and practices and other job attributes. Chapter 3 also examines the effect of paid and unpaid leave on mother’s behavior, but in this chapter my focus shifts from employment decisions to child outcomes. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children receive well-baby visits at regular intervals over the first two years of life. The relevant AAP policy for survey respondents recommended children receive at least eight visits between birth and age 18 months, however, I estimate the average baby received only 2.25. While as with any form of healthcare, cost and access are important determinants of demand, federal and state policies have made well-baby care virtually free for all publicly insured infants. Furthermore, cost sharing under private insurance is also very low. The fact that compliance rates are so low despite the low cost of care suggests other factors, such as time constraints, may be especially important. The goal of Chapter 3 is to determine why compliance is so low. Findings suggest out of pocket cost of care and household income have the expected relationships with receipt of care and contrary to previous studies, I find the price elasticity of demand is relatively high. My estimates imply a 1 percent increase in the out-of-pocket cost of well-baby care (around $1 at the mean) is related to a 10.6 percent reduction in the likelihood of receiving a given recommended visit. For paid and unpaid leave, I find large differences in well-baby care use between low wage women who work long hours who are eligible for FMLA leave and those who are not. For higher wage women and those working a more conventional firll-time schedule (fewer than 40 hours per week) FMLA eligibility does not seem to matter. Furthermore, the relationship between well- baby care and paid leave varies by occupation and is even significantly negative in certain occupations. Thus, my findings imply the type of job a mother holds matters; paid and unpaid leave may enable mothers in certain types of jobs to take their babies to the doctor but in others they appear to have no relationship or may even serve to ration work absences and reduce the amount of care received. In total, this dissertation contributes to the understanding of complex relationships between childbearing and women’s employment by highlighting the potential importance of flexible working time policies and practices and empirically investigating relationships between paid and unpaid leave, job continuity among new and expecting mothers and babies’ receipt of medical care. Although paid and unpaid leave can potentially help women to combine paid work and care for a new baby, I find little evidence to suggest women actively seek jobs with paid leave. Furthermore, the fact that women do not appear to anticipate future fertility well at the cohort level implies the ability to do so at the individual level is limited as well. This may explain why I find little evidence of early sorting into more “family friendly” occupations. In Chapter 2 I identify cluster of job changing activity around 1 year prior to the birth but I do not find compelling evidence to suggest these job changes are motivated by search for paid leave. However, I do find women who will be eligible for F MLA leave when they give birth are more likely to keep their jobs prior to and during pregnancy. Together, the findings in Chapters 1 and 2 indicate women’s employment behavior around childbearing may have little to do with the availability of paid leave. This could be because other aspects of the job, and wages in particular, are more important. Or it could be because women who currently do not have paid leave are unlikely to obtain it in any other jobs available to them and, vice versa, among those who currently have paid leave most other jobs available to them will also offer paid leave. More generally, their employment behavior may be more reactionary than forward looking. These propositions are more thoroughly considered in the conclusion. Before delving into the specific analyses presented in Chapters 1, 2 and 3, I want to make some key points regarding the trends in childbearing, the web of public and employer policies and practices that may influence women’s employment and childbearing behavior in the US. and existing empirical evidence of their effects on employment behavior and health outcomes. Throughout this discussion, I stress the contrast between the institutions which govern work and family life in the US. with the institutional context in other developed countries. Compared to other developed nations, in the US. the proportion of flexible working time policies which are legislated at the federal level rather than determined at the workplace level is very low. In this sense, the US. is a special case and some of the findings of my analyses might not apply beyond the US. context. However, since other developed countries (EU. countries in particular) have more governmental policies that intervene in the arrangement of working time and issues of work-life balance arguably attract more attention in current public policy debates, a sizeable proportion of the studies that are similar to my research and much of the audience interested in the questions 1 pose are from substantially different policy regimes. The international comparisons provided here are intended to position my research in the broader international context of work-family research. Trends in Women’s Education, Employment and Childbearing Most of the analyses in Chapter 1 focus on the cohorts for which I have expectations data, which include women born in the 19405 through the early 19705. But the trends presented in that chapter are part of a longer series of changes in childbearing throughout the twentieth century. The latter half of the twentieth century ushered in a period of substantial economic and social change for women and families. While somewhat exaggerated in popular accounts of the 19405 and 19505, the dominant family form at that time was a nuclear family headed by a primary male earner who earned a “family wage”. Mothers tended to stay at home, especially when children were young (Rindfuss et al 1996). Childbearing and sex were socially unacceptable outside of marriage, men and women were expected to marry and have children as soon as financially feasible, women might work outside the home but not when children were young, and parents were expected keep the marriage in tact at all costs for the sake of the children (Rindfuss et al 1996). Since the 19505, the social and economic lives of men and women in developed nations have changed drastically. Between 1969 and 1994, women’s real wages increased by 31 percent while men’s wages rose by only 3 percent (Blau 1998). This reduction in men’s relative earnings led to the end of the “family wage” (Oppenheimer 1994). In the 19705, divorce rates more than doubled, average age at first marriage increased and premarital cohabitation became more socially acceptable (Cherlin 1992; Bumpass and Sweet 1989). The increase in earnings power and labor market opportunity and the growing instability of marriage as a social institution coincide with a 23 percentage point increase in female labor force participation between 1970 and 1995 (Blau 1998). This increase in women’s labor force participation began among older women who had finished childbearing. By 1970, however, the labor force participation rate among women with children under age 6 was 30.3 percent up from 18.6 percent in 1960 and by 1995 had reached 63.5 percent (Blau 1998). Whereas previously women would take years out of the labor force to care for young children, as of 1987 more than half of all mothers returned to work before their child’s second birthday (Klerman and Leibowitz 1990). By the 19905, 40 percent of mothers with 1 month old children were employed (although 60 percent of these women were on leave) and 60 percent of women who worked full time prior to the birth returned to their pre-birth employers (Klerman and Leibowitz 1999). Intrigued by these striking trends in women’s behavior, many researchers have attempted to explain the causes. Some have argued that as men’s real wages were falling, women entered the labor force to help maintain family income. However, the data do not support this contention. The greatest increases in labor force participation were among the wives of high earning, well educated men (Blau 1998). Therefore, it seems women respond more to changes in their own wages than to any cross wage effect (Mincer 1980; Juhn and Murphy 1997). Given that average educational attainment across women was rising, the observed changes in wages and participation could be due to compositional changes in human capital across cohorts. However, comparing cross cohort and within cohort trends by educational attainment, this story does not hold either. There were real wage and participation gains within educational groups and within cohorts (Blau 1998). For example, between the graduating classes of the mid 19505 and those of the 19705, the primary returns to a college education shifted from leverage in the marriage market to leverage in the labor market (Goldin 1997). Whatever the causal ordering of events, the trends outlined above have helped to shrink the gender wage and experience gaps and break down gendered occupational barriers. Yet despite this progress, few women have attained both a career and a family (Goldin 1997). After the post war baby boom, which lead to unprecedented high rates of marriage at young ages and early family formation, the long term trend towards smaller families and later childbearing reemerged. Delayed fertility, among other factors, allowed women to take advantage of labor market opportunities available to them in the latter half of the twentieth century. From 1973 to 1988, the proportion of women who had their first child between the ages of 20 and 24 declined by 7 percent (Rindfuss et al 1996). At the same time, the proportion who had their first child between ages 25 and 2'9 remained roughly constant but between ages 30 and 34 and ages 35 and 39, first birth rates rose by 33 percent and 26 percent respectively (Rindfirss et al 1996). These changes in the timing of births coincide with large increases in labor force participation among younger women. However, fertility delay has also been linked to higher rates of childlessness and longer intervals between births, which in turn lead to forgone fertility (Morgan 1982). Indeed average completed family size declined from a high of 3 to 4 children during the baby boom, dipped below 2 in the mid 19705 and then stabilized at 2 by the 19905 (Van Horn 1988; Brewster and Rindfuss 2000). Also, although women on average have come closer to economic equality, the distribution of earnings, labor force participation rates and patterns of family formation among the most and least educated workers have become increasingly disparate (Rindfuss et al 1996). From 1979 to 1999, real earnings increased by nearly 22 percent among college educated women and 3 percent among women with some college but earnings stagnated among women with only a high school education and fell by 15 percent among female high school dropouts (Bowler 1999). Although women’s overall labor force participation rate increased by 23 percentage points from 1970 to 1995, the labor force participation rate among female high school dropouts increased by only 4 percentage points and the incidence of female headship among dropouts increased by 12.2 percentage points as compared to 6.5 percentage points among all women (Blau 1998). Yet, since there has been an upward shift in the educational distribution, the average education of mothers has increased. The proportion of all babies born to college educated mothers has increased from 8.6 percent in 1970 to 25.9 percent in 2002 whereas the proportion born to mothers with less than a high school education fell from 30.8 percent to 21.5 percent (National Center for Health Statistics 2007). Nonetheless, more educated women still bear fewer children on average than less educated women; the ratio of average births per college educated women to average births per high school drop out fell from 0.97 among women born in 1925 to 0.69 among women born in 1953 (National Center for Health Statistics 2007). Trends in fertility timing also differ by educational attainment. College educated women under age thirty had the greatest decline in birthrates from 1975 to 1995 and were more likely than less educated women to remain childless (Martin 2000). Yet some of the decline in childbearing during their twenties was made up in their thirties (Martin 2000). However, women with less than a college education, who make up the majority of those who postpone first births, do not appear to be catching up in their thirties (Martin 2000) The patterns of delay and decline are not unique to the US. Japan, the EU. countries and Australia all experienced their own baby boom after WWII, but generally not to the extent that the US. did, and the booms were then followed by busts of varying degrees (Brewster and Rindfuss 2000). Mediterranean countries have settled into some of the lowest childbearing rates; average completed family size in the mid 19905 hovered just above 1 (OECD 2007). Interestingly, women’s labor force participation is lower in Mediterranean countries whereas in Nordic countries where participation rates are quite high, women have sustained childbearing rates more comparable to the US. Although the relationship between labor force participation and childbearing is negative at the individual level, from 1970 to 1990 the correlation between country level female labor force participation rates and fertility rates changed from negative to positive (Brewster and Rindfuss 2000). But in the other high participation/high fertility regimes, part-time work among women is much more common, presumably because part-time work often .. A has the same benefit status as full-time work in those countries (Hoem 1995; Stier et al 2001; Brewster and Rindfuss 2000). Societal norms also play an important role in determining cross-country work and childbearing patterns. For example, in Germany maternal care is strongly preferred to other child care and therefore labor force participation rates among mothers of young children are very low and the market for outside child care is quite thin (Brewster and Rindfuss 2000). Many factors, including social norms, wealth, and the cost of raising children, contribute to the differences in fertility between the US. and other developed nations. The following sections examine public policies in the US. and other countries that likely influence childbearing decisions, and more precisely, the coordination of paid employment, childbearing and Childrearing. U.S. Public Policies Related to Employment, Childbearing and Childrearing Across developed countries there is a wide variety of policies targeted at families with young children. These policies can be classified into three broad types: transfer payments (i.e. tax credits and subsidies), paid and unpaid leaves, and other regulations of the employment relationship and working time in particular. In the US. most policy intervention is in the form of transfer payments. Arguably any policy that transfers income from persons with children to persons with children potentially affects employment, childbearing and Childrearing decisions. However, I restrict my attention to those that are likely to have more direct effects on the coordination of work and non- work time. The following sections review the set of US. policies that relate to the arrangement of work and non-work time and contrast the evolution of the US policy approach with that of other developed nations.l This discussion underscores the limited governmental intervention in the coordination of employment, childbearing and Childrearing and in and working time issues more broadly. Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit and Flexible Spending Accounts Enacted in 1976, the Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC) reduces tax liability by up to 35 percent of child care expenditures (less for higher income families) for individuals who incurred child care expenses while working or looking for work. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) allow employees to set aside a pre-tax portion of their income to pay for child care expenses. FSAs, unlike the CDCTC, are only available to workers whose employers offer them as part of their benefit plan. The CDCTC is the largest policy that addresses child care costs in terms of benefits claimed (Maag 2007) but FSAs are likely to be more important for higher income families. Still, in 2005 only 27 percent of employers with ten or more employees offered a dependent care FSA and only 14 percent of eligible employees used the benefit (EBRI 2007). Across states, the average annual cost of full time center based child care for a four-year-old ranges from $3,380 to $10,787 and full time infant care is even more expensive (National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies 2007). FSAs are currently limited to no more than $5,000 per year. In 2005, the average contribution among employees with dependent care FSAs was $2,630, which for an employee making $35,000 a year would have yielded a net tax savings of $770 (EBRI 2007). Parents filing in 2007 are eligible for up to $2,100 through the CDCTC on their ‘ My focus in this section is on the evolution of the institutional framework in place in the US. today. For a detailed discussion of the particulars of current policy initiatives in the US. and other countries see the conclusion to this dissertation. federal return but the credit is not refundable. 28 states provide child care tax credits for state tax liability, and in 13 of the 28 states at least some of the credit is refundable. Labor supply elasticity estimates with respect to child care costs vary from near zero (Michalopoulos et a1. 1992; Hotz and Kilbum 1992) to -0.78 (Averett et al 1997). Policy simulations conducted by Averett et al (1997) suggest eliminating the CDCTC would reduce hours of work by 15 percent. Despite empirical evidence of the positive effects of the CDCTC on labor supply, it is slated to be phased out because of its interaction with the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) (Maag 2007). Currently there is a patch in place that allows families to claim CDCTC against both regular and AMT liability but if that patch is not extended, there will be a discrete drop in the assistance provided under the CDCTC in fiscal year 2008 (Maag 2007). To claim benefits under the CDCTC, state versions of the CDCTC and FSAs, parents must incur child care expenses for center-based care or for in-home providers who are willing to report their income. Low income families, such as those on or transitioning from Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) may qualify for direct subsidies of child care costs to enable parents to work or attend school, but again in some states the provider must be licensed. Most child care centers are licensed but they tend to be more costly than home-based care, and certainly more expensive than relative care. Furthermore, many center—based care facilities are ill equipped or charge additional fees to serve children under two. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 Prior to 1963, dismissal of pregnant women was legal and not uncommon. The Equal Pay Act of 1963 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 made discrimination on the basis of sex illegal. However, equal treatment policy has a disparate impact on female workers because the physical burdens of childbirth are not shared equally by men and women (Guthrie and Roth 1999). Under equal treatment, the courts upheld differential treatment for male and female workers in general and differential health insurance coverage for pregnancy related conditions in particular. Two notable class action suits (Geduldig v. Aiello 417 U.S. 484 [1974] and General Electric v. Gilbert 429 U.S. 125 [1976]) were brought against employers who failed cover pregnancy related conditions under disability policies but the Supreme Court found in favor of the employer because the exclusion of pregnancy conditions from disability coverage is differential treatment by pregnancy status, not sex per se (Williams 1984). The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) was a direct response to the debate inspired by these controversial rulings. The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) of 1978 amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to require pregnancy and childbirth related disability be treated in the same manner as any other disability under policies upheld by employers with 15 or more employees (Guthrie and Roth 1999). At the time the PDA was enacted, an estimated 60 percent of female workers were covered by disability policies that granted an average of six weeks of leave and approximately 50 percent had employer provided insurance (through their own or their husband’s employer) which treated pregnancy and childbirth related health expenses differently than other similar health expenses (Gruber 1994; Trzcinski and Alpert 1994). The FDA did not qualitatively alter the equal treatment approach to pregnancy. In fact, by equating pregnancy with other disabilities, it reinforced this perspective. Under the PDA, after the immediate postpartum period and physical recovery, new mothers are to be treated as any other employee. Provision of leave or other benefits beyond that due to other disabilities was at the discretion of employers. In fact, a Montana law which set aside separate requirements for “reasonable leave of absence” for pregnancy was found to be unconstitutional.2 Furthermore, since new fathers do not experience any physical disability at the birth of a child, they receive no mandated access to leaves at the onset of new care—giving roles under the PDA. The treatment of pregnancy as a physical condition without regard to the emotional transition and assumption of new care-giving responsibilities has lead to a system in which expectant mothers (and to some extent fathers) bank leave time available to all employees to obtain a leave for childbearing. As of 1998, one third of full-time private sector female employees of medium and large establishments were offered unpaid maternity leave and only 2 percent were offered paid maternity leave (Ruhm 2004). Instead, women use paid vacation, sick and personal leave days, to obtain paid leave at the time of childbirth. 74.9 percent of women with children under six-years-old have paid vacation through their employer with an average of 10.3 days per year and 67.8 percent have paid time off for personal illness.3 Until the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, women without paid leave whose short-term disability time had expired presumably faced a stark choice: return to work or lose the job. The Family and Medical Leave Act The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 was specifically targeted at the needs of working families at the time of birth or adoption or for their own or a family 2 Miller-W011! Company, Inc. v. Commissioner of Labor & Industry 515 F. Supp. 1264 (D. Mont. I981), vacated, 685 F.2d 1088 (9‘h Cir. I982) 3 Author’s tabulations of the National Study of the Changing Workforce. See Table I. 1. l6 members’ illness. Unlike the PDA, the F MLA distinguishes between those with family responsibilities and those without and thus extends beyond addressing the physical burden associated with childbirth itself to the time demands new parents face. Furthermore, the FMLA mandates a benefit of up to twelve weeks of leave regardless of other employer policies whereas the PDA simply required existing employer disability policies be extended to pregnancy related conditions. FMLA leave may be used at the birth of a newborn, to care for a new baby or newly placed adopted or foster child, to care for an immediate family member with a serious health condition or to take medical leave for one’s own serious health condition. The definition of “serious” health condition is ambiguous and likely depends on the employers’ interpretation of the law and employee’s ability to provide medical documentation. In the strictest sense, FMLA leave does not cover well-baby care visits. However, 6 of the 8 recommended visits occur within the first year of life and those that fall in the same calendar year as the birth should be covered under FMLA. Importantly, F MLA need not be used for one lump sum leave. Employees might negotiate to use FMLA leave to achieve shorter work days following the birth of their new baby or to take part of a day off to take a child to the doctor. However, there is no remuneration required during FMLA leave and it applies only to full time employees with at least one year of tenure who work for employers with at least 50 employees within a 75 mile radius of the employee’s workplace. Given the coverage limitations of FMLA, the public debate inspired during the 1992 presidential campaign and after the enactment of the FMLA was probably more effectual than the provisions of the law itself (Ruhm 1997). The lack of remuneration requirement means, for many workers, using F MLA leave to extend parental leave beyond any paid maternity or sick leave they already possess is cost prohibitive. Employees who have accumulated paid time off (sick time, vacation days) may apply it towards the twelve weeks of FMLA leave to receive some compensation and, in fact, employers may require employees to use all accumulated paid time off (sick days and vacation days) to access FMLA leave (Guthrie and Roth 1999; Ruhm 1997). Yet, the F MLA specifically states that “nothing in this title shall require an employer to provide paid sick leave or paid medical leave in any situation in which such employer would not normally provide any such paid leave” (Guthrie and Roth 1999; Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993; Sec. 102[d][2][B]) Immediately following the enactment of the FMLA, the Commission on Family and Medical Leave ordered two surveys to measure the effects of the law, one employee survey and one establishment survey, and the results were presented to the Commission in a 1996 report. The report found the F MLA had indeed increased the provision of family and medical leave among covered establishments and there was little evidence of any adverse business effects (Commission on Family and Medical Leave 1996). However, they also found only 46.5 percent of private sector employees worked for covered employers and were eligible for leave and among those covered, 41.9 percent were not familiar with the law. Further, many employees stated they needed more leave but did not take the full twelve weeks because they could not afford it. Other studies have found similar positive results for expansion in coverage of leave policies but confirm that changes in leave use were limited, which suggests there are important financial and other barriers to use by employees (Walfogel 2001). Follow up establishment and employee surveys conducted in 2000 found non-covered establishments were more likely to offer benefits similar to covered establishments than they had been in 1996, however the gap between covered and non-covered was still substantial (Cantor et al 2001). Thus, although FMLA provisions appear to have increased the incidence of leave benefits and set a minimum standard for leave, there is still substantial diversity in benefits across employers and employees, both due to variation in F MLA coverage and to employers’ voluntary provision of more generous policies. International Policy Comparison The fact that the U.S. intervenes in ongoing work and family arrangements primarily through the tax code and on the side of child care arrangements rather than hours of work is in stark contrast to the approach of other OECD countries. In general, the U.S. policy regime is reflective of a decidedly different view of the normative role of government in work and childbearing and care decisions. European public policies strongly reflect the assumption that children are public goods. Furthermore, they hold that the time parents spend caring for children should not only be heavily publicly subsidized but should also be facilitated by enabling institutions which directly affect the organization of work and non-work time, and in some cases augmented by public child care programs (Gomick et al 1997). Many European countries mandate paid leave benefits for both new mothers and fathers and leaves may be paid at rates as high as 85 percent of wages and extend to as much as a year with unpaid leaves available beyond that (Brandth and Kvande 2002, 2001; Perrons 1999; Ruhm 1998). Indeed throughout the A EU, eligible and actual maternity leave lengths are generally measured in months and even years rather than in weeks as in the U.S. However other developed countries have very low birth rates whereas the U.S. has maintained above replacement level fertility rates. The 2007 estimated total fertility rate in the EU. is 1.5 births per woman, ranging from 1.21 in Lithuania to 1.99 in the Netherlands, whereas the U.S. estimate is 2.09 (The World Fact Book 2008). Even in Nordic countries, which have maintained higher birth rates than the rest of Europe and are notorious for their generous maternity leaves and working time policies, the current total fertility rates range from 1.66 in Sweden to 1.78 in Norway (The World Fact Book 2008). Yet, the history of policies in the EU. suggests the differences in policy regimes cannot be entirely explained by differences in fertility rates. Although Nordic countries have used working time policy to achieve equality since the early 20th century, most industrialized nations were not active in intervening until labor shortages following WWII necessitated female entry into the labor force. While the laissez faire approach to employment relations has been credited with maintaining the competitiveness of the U.S. economy and promoting innovation and growth, it has also contributed to growing economic inequality. In the case of workplace flexibility, a worker’s ability to negotiate flexible working-time arrangements with her employer will depend on her strategic position in the production process and overall economy. Core jobs will come with good working time benefits, periphery jobs will offer little flexibility to meet the needs of the employee and may require a lot of flexible accommodation of the employer’s needs (e. g. through acceptance of layoffs, overtime and seasonal and temporary positions) (Kalleberg 2003; Grimshaw et al 2001; Kalleberg 20 2000). Although the FMLA grants a subset of the workforce the right to a set amount of time off, the very same workers who are disadvantaged in bargaining for that time absent the law are likely to be those who cannot afford to take an unpaid leave. Furthermore, workers on the fringes of the labor market who are unable to find continuous full—time employment are not covered by the FMLA. One final crucial difference between determination of working time in the U.S. and other developed nations is the tying of health insurance benefits to full-time employment. In the U.S. health insurance coverage for an employee and his or her dependents is often only offered to core (full time, permanent) employees. As the cost of healthcare soars the purchase of individual coverage is cost prohibitive and Americans who might otherwise prefer to work a reduced schedule and could afford to do so may find themselves holding full time positions to obtain health insurance benefits. Indeed, Buchmueller and Valletta (1999) find women who have health insurance coverage through their husbands’ employers work 15 percent fewer hours than those who do not. The tying of health insurance to full time employment in essence places a large penalty on reduced work schedules. This peculiarity of the U.S. system provides one explanation for the fact that many European women seek accommodation of care giving responsibilities through part time work but relatively few American women do so. Employer Flexible Working-Time Policies and Practices Although the U.S. does reduce parents’ opportunity cost of work through child care tax credits and does engage in some, albeit limited, intervention in leaving taking at the time of a birth, the ongoing arrangement of work and non work time in the U.S. is largely left to the discretion of employers, employees and households. As is generally the 21 case, workers’ “discretion” is greatly limited by their labor market options and power to negotiate individually or collectively with their employers (Berg et al 2003). Since 1988, the incidence of unpaid maternity leave has increased sharply, especially after the enactment of the FLMA, but at the same time the incidence of other types of paid leave appears to be declining (Ruhm 2004). This trend assessed alongside relatively high labor force participation rates for both men and women suggests the time crunch for working families may be worsening. What are Flexible Working-Time Policies and Practices? In Chapters 2 and 3, I focus on employer provided paid leave and eligibility for FMLA leave because these policies are observable in my data. The web of flexible working-time policies and practices that may influence job continuity or the ability to take a child to the doctor is much broader. Figure 1.1 categorizes various flexible working-time policies and practices by the way in which they affect the organization of working time and activities and the magnitude of their influence. Flexible working-time policies and practices affect decisions regarding work and non-work time and activities through the temporal and spatial boundaries of work. By temporal boundary I mean the division between work and non-work time and by spatial boundary 1 mean the division between work and non-work space. For example, a flexi-time or flexible schedule policy generally allows employees to select their own start and end times within a set range; under this policy, the duration of work and nature of the job generally do not change but the boundary of work and non-work time is more flexible. Both on—site child care and telework influence the boundaries between work and non-work space. The former takes 22 a portion of work space and dedicates it to non—work activities whereas the latter does just the opposite. Policies are further classified by the degree to which they alter the temporal or spatial boundary. F lexitime, overtime and compensatory time or “comp-time”, which allows workers to bank overtime hours as future time off rather than accept overtime wages, are classified as the most flexible working time policies because they allow for day to day and week to week variation in the work schedule. Maternity leave on the other hand is less flexible because it generally provides a fixed allotment of time off at the time a child is born. Similarly compressed work week and other paid leave alter the boundary of work and non-work time but generally operate under a fixed arrangement. Job sharing and gradual return also tend to be more flexible because arrangements are often tailored to the needs of the individual rather than dictated by a universal policy. Among policies which operate at the spatial boundary, telework generally provides a more flexible boundary than on-site childcare because the employee is usually telecommuting from his or her home or a space in which they are not visually supervised. Thus he or she may switch between care-giving or other non-work activities and work at his or her own discretion. The opportunity to see one’s child during the day even at an on-site facility may be restricted to breaks and lunch time. The fundamental nature of the job a person holds and the informal support he or she may receive from supervisors and coworkers may also alter the arrangement of work and non-work time and space. For example, a professor has substantial control over her hours of work and, depending on the culture of the department, can often choose fieely to work a substantial portion of hours at home because of the nature of the job. These job 23 characteristics afford her control over working time that may make orchestrating work and family roles easier. In other professions, an employee may have an especially understanding supervisor who informally allows him to come in late or leave early when child care arrangements fall through. It is important to note that more flexible policies are not necessarily “better” policies. Many flexible arrangements require continual negotiation and, depending on the balance struck, can tend to favor employer needs for flexibility more than employees. The use of paid vacation time, sick time or even banked compensatory time is generally governed by formal and informal rules and doled out by the day or negotiated to obtain a leave of fixed length. Although approval may be required before a leave begins, once in place a paid leave or reduced hours arrangement is less likely to be altered to accommodate the employer. In a study of paternity quota and time account usage among Scandinavian men, Brandth and Kvande (2001) show men were far more likely to use the paternity quota and other “compulsory benefits”, presumably because the quotas are subject to less negotiation. As stated previously, of this broad set of policies, I am only able to include paid vacation and sick leave and eligibility for FMLA leave in my empirical analyses in Chapters 2 and 3. This is a common drawback among existing nationally representative surveys. Furthermore, large scale surveys are rarely able to capture informal flexibility. Even when surveys do include information about formal and informal employer working- time policies and practices, the wording of the questions often inhibits desired inference. For example, many surveys which ask about employer policies and practices structure questions as follows: “Do you have flexible work hours that allow you to vary or make 24 A changes in the time you begin and end work?” (May Current Population Survey 2004). Questions like this confound availability and use. Respondents could answer no either because they do not have the option to work a flexible schedule or because they were offered a flexible schedule and refused it. Assuming the intent of studying workplace policies and practices is to infer the likely effect on behavior if the policy or practice were extended beyond the current covered population, questions of this sort will lead to overestimates of the true effect. With respect to paid time off, the question “Do you have paid vacation leave?” is also problematic. An employee who receives an allotment of days each year but has already used them all may respond no. Furthermore, survey data cannot measure the availability of informal flexibility among employees who never attempt to use it. Sometimes they may know of others in their department or workgroup who have made informal arrangements for greater flexibility but this knowledge is tied to their colleagues attempt to use flexibility and it does not necessarily mean the individual surveyed had the opportunity to obtain similar flexibility and declined it. There are ways to structure questions about formal flexibility that measure availability separately from use. For example, Berg and Kossek’s (2006) battery of workplace flexibility questions includes separate questions for availability and use and possible responses for availability are “yes”, “no” and “don’t know”. This structure allows the researcher to observe offer and use separately, to identify persons who enjoy a given form of flexibility informally (without a policy in place) and persons who probably have not tried to obtain the benefit or accommodation in question and therefore don’t know if it would be available to them. Also, their survey includes a probe for reasons why an employee does not use policies available to him or her. This sort of information 25 helps the researcher to infer the potential cost (either real monetary costs as associated with unpaid leave or sacrifice of future opportunities or intangible penalties imposed by superiors and peers) to the employee of using a policy or practice. The National Study of the Changing Workforce (N SCW) is a publicly available survey that also has many questions design to measure availability apart from use. Yet relative to similar publicly available data sets the NCWS is small and it is cross-sectional. Thus the costs of using it for many detailed analyses of labor market behavior, including those in this dissertation, outweigh the benefits. Prevalence of Flexible Working-Time Policies and Practices The distribution of flexible working-time policies and practices throughout the labor force is very unequal. Only 27 percent of the workforce reported they had schedule flexibility in the 1997 Current Population Survey and availability varied from 12 percent of the workforce to over 50 percent of the workforce across occupations with lower incidence among female employees (Golden 2001 ). Table 1 uses NCWS data to tabulates the availability and excess demand for part time work, paid leave and other workplace policies and practices among workers in general, men and women, mothers and fathers and parents with children under five-years-old. The first row of Table 1 shows part-time work is relatively scarce but disproportionately concentrated among mothers with young children. Only about 20 percent of all employees work part-time, but 30 percent of mothers with young children and only 6.89 percent of fathers with young children do. Among those working full-time, about 15 percent would prefer to work part-time and among full-time mothers with young children over 20 percent would prefer to work part-time. However, the ratio of mother’s 26 ideal to actual hours of work is generally closer to 1 than for fathers and the average ratio among mothers with young children is actually above 1. Thus it seems mothers have a higher demand for part time schedules and are more likely to obtain schedules that satisfy their preferences than fathers. The majority of fathers (64.70 percent) would prefer shorter hours. Over 41 percent of employees, and 64.29 percent of mothers with young children, claim they could arrange part time work. Table 2 provides tabulations of a multi-punch question about barriers to part-time work, which are suggestive of the implicit and explicit costs of part-time schedules. The vast majority of firll-time who would prefer part time work (82.32 percent overall and 88.16 percent of mothers with young children) cited reductions in income among the reasons why they do not work part-time. Income reduction was a more common reason among mothers than fathers, perhaps because families where mothers are working full-time are more likely to have lower other sources of income or be single parent families. Fathers, on the other hand, were more likely to cite effects on personal and organizational success and achievement as barriers to part- tirne work than mothers. This was also true of male relative to female employees overall. In general, Table 2 suggests current household income constraints are the most common barrier to part-time work among all employees and adverse affects on long term career opportunities and earnings grth are relatively more common concerns among men than women. Returning to Table 1, men and women also differ in the availability and demand for working from home and the availability of paid leaves. Overall, only 9.90 percent of all employees claim they do some work from home. Importantly, this figure represents 27 employees who have an arrangement to complete a portion of their paid hours of work while at home; this figure does not include the 23 percent of employees who regularly take work home with them but are not paid for the extra time. Men and fathers are slightly more likely than women and mothers to work from home but more women who do not work from home would like to than men. Among young parents, the proportion of mothers who would like to work at home is nearly 20 percentage points higher than the proportion of fathers who would like to work at home. Mothers are also less likely than fathers to have access to paid vacation leave and those who do have vacation leave receive fewer days on average than fathers. Yet fathers, and those with young children in particular, are more likely to be unable to use all of their vacation time and more mothers than fathers have access personal days. Somewhat surprisingly, mothers are substantially less likely to have paid holidays than fathers. This could reflect their relatively higher concentration in service occupations. Most differences in the availability of flextime, reduced or compressed schedules and childcare assistance across genders and by parental status are less pronounced. However, father’s flextime policies appear to be more flexible on average than mothers, meaning they are more able to vary start and end times of work daily rather than have their chosen schedule remain fixed. Also, mothers are far more likely than childless men and women and fathers to be able to arrange a part year work schedule. This could be because they count maternity leave arrangements as achieving part year work. Cash or in-kind assistance with childcare appears to be relatively equally distributed across parents and non-parents. This finding indicates the survey did elicit the availability of policies rather than use. 28 In summary, the patterns in Table 1 reflects the uneven distribution of workplace policies and practices across the workforce and highlights differences between men and women in general, and mothers an fathers in particular. The only policies which come close to universal coverage are paid vacation and paid holidays. Yet there are still marked differences in availability between mothers and fathers. Thus, for U.S. workers, the options available for managing work and non-work time and combining childbearing and rearing activities with paid employment largely depend on the job. Chapter 3 provides further evidence of the importance of job context. I find the relationship between paid leave and compliance with recommended well-baby care differs substantially across mothers’ occupations. But again, the common theme of high variability across workplaces and jobs holds. Empirical Evidence of Relationships with Family and Health Outcomes The empirical literature on working time policies and practices is vast and crosses disciplines including psychology, sociology, management and economics. In the economics literature, maternity leave has received the most research attention. Empirical studies have found leave provision increases the instance of leave taking and duration of leaves (Berger and Waldfogel 2004; Waldfogel 1999) and may have some positive employment effects. However, employment effects are at least partially offset by wage reductions (Ruhm 1998; Gruber 1994). For work schedules, in a convenience sample of 324 women who were employed during their first trimester, Glass and Riley (1997) find mandatory overtime decreases the likelihood of return to the pre-birth employer. They also find length of leave, flexibility, hours worked at home and perceived supervisor and coworker support all increase the 29 likelihood of return. Part-time work is related to lower levels of work-to-family conflict and mothers who work part-time report more success in balancing the demands of their work and family life (Hill et al 2004). However, part-time work may come at a cost. Comfort et al (2003) find only 17 percent of employees working part-time received a promotion during their tenure with their current employer. Also, they find only 2 percent of male and 5 percent of female part-time workers are managers. Errnisch and Wright (1993) find evidence of lower wages for part-time work even after accounting for self- section into full-time and part-time jobs. For FMLA leave, as stated previous, empirical findings show evidence of expanded leave coverage but little change in leave taking (e. g. Waldfogel 2001). This may be because many employees are not familiar with their rights under the law (Waldfogel 2001). Two years after FMLA was passed, only 63 percent and salaried and 50 percent of hourly employees said they had heard of the law (Budd and Brey 2003). A small number of existing studies examine relationships between flexible working—time policies and practices and child health outcomes. In a study of breast feeding behavior among working mothers, Jacknowitz (2004) finds provision of on site child care and ability to work eight hours at home increases the likelihood of breastfeeding at six months by 59 percent and 21 percent respectively. 78.7 percent of employees who took F MLA leave said it had a positive effect on their ability to care for family members and, among those who reported positive health effect, 93.5 percent indicated FMLA leave made it easier for them to comply with doctors’ instructions (Waldfogel 2001). These finding invites similar analysis on other child outcomes. 30 In total, flexible working-time policies and practices appear to improve family outcomes and enable mothers to manage work and care-giving roles. Across the work- family literature, most evidence for the effects of working-time policies and practices is at the workplace level. While national surveys cannot match the rich detail of many of these primary data studies, the growing evidence of the importance of working-time policies and practices invites large scale analyses to develop nationally representative and policy relevant estimates of relationships. Although the richness of the workplace context is missed in large scale surveys, the need for nationally representative estimates based on more robust statistical inference to verify findings in smaller scale studies justifies their use. This dissertation is aimed at meeting that need. The following three chapters contain the specific analyses I have introduced and provided background for here. I conclude with a discussion of policy implications of my findings in the context of current policy initiatives and highlight my contributions to existing literature and directions for future research. 31 Figures and Tables Figure |.1 Classification of Flexible Working Time Policies and Practices On-Site Childcare Work Boundary Fixed Flexible Temporal l , ’ I F l l 1 Reduced Work Hours Sick Days Overtime Maternity Leave Vacation Days Flextime Compressed Work Week Job Sharing Compensatory Time Gradual Return Flexible Fixed Spatial l l l l | l T | Telework Notes: The policies and practices I am able to study in Chapters 1, 2 and 3 are in bold italics. I am only able to consider fiextime in Chapter 1. 32 HmEm ... 9:330... 0032... .2 man >025. £0} :05 oh» Poo ob; oh. 93 9.3 .bA A98. A99... 803 A98. A98. 8.0... 8.2.. e\.. in. Eon. «<0... :95 macs. >25. 93.8 .88 mchwfie 8.3.x. mmhufi: mnhofi. 3.8.x. mmbéx. mmbwox. 3m: .. 8.03 A. .3. A78. A. be. A. .3. Auras. 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In order to maintain employment women may seek out jobs with flexible working time policies and other family friendly characteristics, and they may need to trade off wages, advancement potential, or both to get them. Mother’s employment behavior may also influence child development. A substantial body of empirical evidence suggests a positive relationship between household income and child outcomes. A mother’s ability to maintain paid employment over the course of her pregnancy and while her child is young will affect the level of household income. However, maternal employment reduces the amount of her time available to care for her new baby, which may in turn have negative effects on child development. For example, Waldfogel et al.(2002) and Baum (2003) find children whose mothers worked in the first year after they were born have lower standardized test scores through preschool and elementary school. From the employer’s point of view quits can be costly. If flexible working time policies and practices such as paid and unpaid leave improve job continuity and lead to a 74 net reduction in costs, then offering such policies would be efficient. Yet if the offer of flexible working time policies leads women with a high demand for flexibility to seek employment with the firm (adverse selection) then the costs of flexible policies and practices may outweigh the benefits. Findings in Chapter 1 suggested women who expect to have children are no more likely than those who do not expect to have children to select occupations with family friendly characteristics early in their careers. However, selecting out of less family friendly jobs and into more family friendly jobs may occur closer to the time of birth or within occupations. This paper addresses the following two questions: First, how prevalent are quits prior to and just after having a child? Second, are women less likely to quit jobs which provide paid or unpaid leave or a part-time work schedule? Of women employed one year before pregnancy (or 21 months before birth), my estimates suggest 57.4 percent remain in the same job 18 months after the birth. Of the remaining 42.6 percent, approximately one-third leave their pre-pregnancy job for a new job and two-thirds leave the labor force. Findings suggest women who are eligible for FMLA leave and those whose pre-pregnancy jobs were part-time are less likely to change jobs between the twenty-one months preceding and eighteen months following a birth. Those eligible for FMLA leave are less likely to quit for any reason prior to the birth. Although women who change jobs are more likely to obtain paid leave on the new job than to lose it, I do not find any evidence of higher quit rates among women without paid leave. Conceptual Framework Job continuity, in this study, is defined as maintaining the same job with the same employer across a specified interval of time. The decision to stay in one’s job (maintain 75 job continuity), change jobs, or leave the labor force can be conceptualized as follows. An individual chooses between non-employment and a set of job opportunities; which are characterized by combinations of wages, hours, and job attributes to maximize utility. U=U(C,l,A;x) (1) C is the quality adjusted level of consumption of both market and home produced goods and services, which is determined by income and time spent in home production as well as productivity in home production. I is the amount of leisure and x is a vector of taste shifters. A is the level of amenities associated with the utility maximizing choice of job or non-employment. Amenities for workers include job attributes J and other non- monetary benefits of work such as socialization and self-efficacy. Amenities for non- workers include utility from being at home, for example, value of greater flexibility and autonomy over time and activities. Increased quantity or quality of home produced goods when not working or when working a reduced schedule are captured in the level of C associated with that choice. Utility is maximized subject to budget and time constraints: Th+Y2w(T—h)+Ek (2) T = h +1 + k (3) Y is income, w is the wage and Ek is the monetary expenditure on child related goods and services. T is the total time available for market work h, leisure l and home production of goods and services including child care k. I assume the value of a unit of leisure is constant across job and employment choices and home production technology exhibits increasing returns to scale, but does not differ across jobs and employment status. Thus, for a given individual, the differences in the levels of k and 1 between jobs and when employed and not employed will be 76 determined by h alone. Time allocation across individuals will of course depend on the value of leisure and relative productivity in home production. Given these assumptions, the individual’s gains to changing jobs V(Chg) can be expressed as a fimction of the hours, wages, and job attributes associated with the current and alternative jobs, full income I, and the mobility cost Mchg associated with job change (Altonji and Paxson 1988). The individual’s gains to leaving the labor force V(Lv) can be expressed as a function of the hours, wage and job attributes of the current job, amenities associated with non-employment A h and full income. Labor force exits are assumed to carry no mobility costs. V(Chg) = U(hl,wl,Jl,I)-U(h0,W0-,.J091)-Mchg (2) V(Lv) = U(A,,,1) — U(h0,w0,J0,I) Mothers will choose change jobs if V (Chg) is greater than zero and greater than V (Lv). Similarly, mothers will choose to leave the labor force if V(Lv) is greater than zero and V(Lv) is greater than V(Chg). Based on this framework, 1 choose to focus on quits (job changes and labor force exits) as opposed to re-entry into the labor force or duration of leave as many previous studies have done. Focusing on quits is advantageous because quits are invariant to the interval studied so long as the quit itself is observed in the data. Conversely, a simple re- entry measure would code women who begin a job with little or now employment interruption the same as women who return to the labor force in a new job months later the same way. Since pervious studies have shown women who maintain employment continuity do not experience a motherhood wage penalty (Waldfogel 1997; Fuchs 1995), such a measure is undesirable. Furthermore, most women who return to work at all in the 77 first year after having a child do so within the first three months (Klerman and Leibowitz 1990, 1994, 1999; Smith and Bachu 1999). Arguably the decision to maintain employment or one’s current job with a brief leave will have a greater impact on long run employment outcomes than the decision to take a one month versus three month leave. Previous Studies Although, there is a vast literature on the employment decisions of new mothers, few studies have considered job continuity in particular. Still, since the decision to stay in the same job, change jobs, or leave the labor force entirely is closely related to the timing and duration of leaves or labor force separations, the broad return to work literature is relevant to the present analysis. Return to work studies differ with respect to the employment behavior studied and the sample design. Table 2.] summarizes key characteristics of a subset of studies in the broader literature that were selected to demonstrate these differences. As I will explain, given these differences it is difficult to infer overall conclusions about women’s employment behavior, or job continuity in particular. In the existing literature, employment behaviors studied include employment at a point in time, leave duration in general, instance and duration of unpaid leave in particular, occupation changes, job changes, work schedule changes (for example, part- time to full-time), time of re-entry into the labor force, labor force participation, whether or not a woman returned to the same job, and whether or not she experienced any employment interruption. The employment behavior considered, at least to a certain extent, determines the sample design. For example, Bumpass and Sweet (1980) are interested in employment. They measure employment at specific points in time, rather 78 than transitions in and out of employment, and can therefore include non-employed women in their sample. Conversely, since both Desai and Waite (1991) and Han and Waldfogel (2003) examine leave duration, they exclude women who are not employed and must designate a time from which to measure leave. These details are especially important for studying job continuity. Choice of time from which to measure behavior, which I will refer to as the “initial state”, determines which women, jobs, employment, and non-employment spells are in the sample. The last job or employment state (employed, unemployed, out of the labor force) observed during pregnancy or the year prior to birth are common initial state choices (e.g. Han and Waldfogel 2003; Joshi and Hinde 1993; McRae 1993; Waldfogel et al.1999). By defining the initial state close to the birth, these studies may miss early job changes or transitions in and out of employment. Omitted transitions will clearly affect estimated job or employment transition rates. Given enough information, studies with different sample designs can be comparable. For example Glass and Riley (1997) define the initial state as all women working during pregnancy and estimate 84.2 percent of women who gave birth in 1991 and 1992 and worked during pregnancy were employed one year following the birth. Waldfogel (1997) estimates employment one year after the birth among a similar sample of women, but includes non-employed women. She finds 54 percent of all women who gave birth were employed one year following the birth. 63 percent of women in Waldfogel’s sample were working during pregnancy. Using this figure to convert Glass and Riley’s estimate to the percentage of all women working one year after birth yields 53 percent (84.2 x 0.63 = 53), which is nearly identical to Waldfogel’s estimate. This 79 example is a best case scenario. The initial state definitions were clear, and comparable estimates could be constructed from available information. Estimates from studies which use more complex or ambiguous initial state definitions are harder to interpret and compare. Finally, sample design may also differ with respect to the start and end times of the interval over which employment behavior is observed. Whereas the definition of the initial state designates which women or jobs are included in the sample and which previous transitions are excluded, the definition of the interval determines which subsequent transitions are measured. The beginning of the interval need not be the same as the time at which the initial state is measured, although it often is (e. g. Han and Waldfogel 2003; Wenk and Garrett 1992). Even if two studies use the same definition for the initial state, they may arrive at drastically different estimates of transitions in employment or job changes if they measure transitions over different intervals. Differences in interval studied generally produce sets of estimates that are more easily comparable than estimates produced by studies with different initial state definitions, because they represent different regions of the same distribution of transitions (assuming the sample populations are otherwise comparable). Excluding potentially relevant job changes before the birth is not only problematic because the behavior is omitted but also because it may lead to endogenous regressors. For example, in a comparative study of women in the U.S., Britain, and Japan, Waldfogel et al. (1999) consider the effect of family leave coverage on the likelihood of returning to the pre-birth job within six months of the birth, and they find family leave coverage is positively associated with returns to work in all three countries. 80 Yet women may have changed jobs to obtain leave coverage before the initial state was measured (six months prior to the birth). If so, family leave is endogenous in their model. The extent to which women are selecting into jobs with family leave coverage or paid leave is unknown, in part because very few studies differentiate between returns to the pre-birth employer and job changes. Klerman and Leibowitz (1999) estimate about 60 percent of women return to work in the year and a half following a birth and of those, approximately one-third have changed jobs. However, their sample is drawn from women in the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, which covered births in the 19805. Using the 1969 NLS covering births during the 19705, Glass (1988) finds 53.5 percent of women who became pregnant during survey waves left the labor force and 12.3 percent changed jobs as compared to 16.4 percent exiting the labor force and 26.5 changing jobs when there was no family transition (pregnancy or marriage). The findings in both Klerman and Leibowitz (1999) and Glass (1988), and in most of the studies in Table 1.2 are all based on data from the 19705 and 19805 and thus their findings may not generalize to more recent employment behavior. Between 1975 and 1996, the labor force participation rate among all women rose from 45.9 percent to 58.8 percent; and among women with children under age six the rate rose from 38.8 percent to 62.3 percent (Hayghe 1997). This striking change in labor force participation among mothers with young children suggests employment behavior may have been changing during the months preceding and following a birth as well. The subset of return to work studies which have estimated relationships between employment behavior and availability of part-time work and paid and unpaid leave have 81 found women with paid leave are likely to work longer into their pregnancy and to return to work later (Joesch 1997), and the availability of liberal unpaid leave and part-time work increases the likelihood of returning to the pre-birth employer (Hofferth 1996). For FMLA, Han and Waldfogel (2003) and Waldfogel (1999) find limited impact on the instance of unpaid leaves, and no evidence of a net change in women’s employment. Empirical Strategy . As stated previously, contrary to most studies in the return to work literature, the dependent variables in my analysis are binary indicators of job changes and labor force exits. These measures follow directly from the conceptual framework laid out in the previous section. They also have practical advantages given common limitations across relevant data sets. The timing of quits is generally easier to assess than the timing of re- entry. Most surveys do not distinguish between time spent on leave and time spent at work. Therefore, many respondents do not report a gap in employment around childbearing or a measured state of non-work to re-enter from (Klerman and Leibowitz 1994). If there is no gap in behavior observed in the data, then the designation of a re- entry time is arbitrary and the term “re-entry” itself is somewhat misleading given what can feasibly be measured. Even if the measure used in the analysis is a discrete indicator of transition behavior rather than duration of leave or time to quit measure, timing must be clearly defined in order to appropriately designate the initial state and determine which transitions fall within the analysis interval. Although the conceptual framework I have laid out generally leads to multinomial probit or logit estimation, it can also be operationalized in a competing hazard model. Since quitting one’s initial job to leave the labor force precludes a quit to change jobs and vice 82 versa, quit behavior can be modeled in a competing hazard framework where the hazard of each type of quit can estimated separately using Cox proportional hazard estimation and defining jobs that end in labor force exits as censored in the job change estimation and vice versa (Prentice et al 1978; Moeschberger 1978; Cox 1959). As will be explained in the following section, the complex structure of the data make hazard estimation more appropriate than multinomial probit. To create the dependent variable, I define the initial state as employment in a job that existed at a given previous point in time and in addition to I choose the specific point in time based on patterns in the data which will be presented in the next section. In doing so, I allow each woman who is employed at the time the initial state is defined to contribute at most one observation.9 This sample design allows me to compare differences in quit rates and relationships between each type of quit, paid and unpaid leave and part-time work schedule in a well defined set of jobs at different points in time. To make such comparisons, I estimate piecewise proportional hazard models allowing the estimated effects of paid and unpaid leave, part-time work schedule and other covariates pertaining to the job to differ before and after the birth. Data The analysis sample is drawn from the 1996 through 2005 Household Components of the Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys (MEPS). The MEPS sample is a sub-sample of households participating in the National Health Interview Survey (N HIS). The NHIS is a nationally representative sample of the U.S. civilian non-institutionalized population and includes over-samples of blacks and Hispanics. The MEPS also over 9 Multiple job holders contribute only the current main job (according to the Current Population Survey definition). The incidence of multiple job holding was quite low (less than 1% of jobs in any initial state definition considered). 83 samples Asians and low income households. The MEPS consists of five rounds of data collection over a two year period. The Household Component contains socio—economic data including job characteristics of the Cm'rent Main Job (analogous to the Current Population Survey definition) and documents other “miscellaneous” jobs held. Start and end dates for all jobs are recorded. Initially, the sample includes all jobs for all women who had a birth during the survey, have a child age 2 or younger, or have their first prenatal exam during the survey. Not all of these observations are used in all parts of the analysis; again the intial state and interval will determine which jobs are included and excluded. For any jobs that end during the survey, a reason is recorded. I exclude jobs that ended due to dissolution of the business, retirement or layoff. Only those quits for which the respondent indicated she quit “to take another job” were coded as job changes. Quits the respondent identified as due to “illness or injury”, “to have a baby”, “to take care of home/family” or “because wanted time off” were all coded as leaving the labor force. Illness or injury quits are included because they likely relate to pregnancy related conditions. The ability to maintain employment through a complicated pregnancy is likely to depend in part on flexible working time policies and practices, especially paid _ leave. However, these observations constitute fewer than 5 percent of all quits (including dissolution of businesses, retirements and layoffs) and quits to have a baby, to take care of home or family, or to change jobs comprise 86 percent of all quits. The MEPS is a relatively short panel. Respondents are surveyed five times over the course of two years. Since births happen at all points during the survey, the quit data is constructed of overlapping panels with time measured relative to the birth. Job tenure 84 information is used to backcast employment behavior. For example, women need not be observed in the panel at 21 months prior to the birth in order to contribute an observation to the analysis sample when the initial state is the job held 21 months prior to birth. However, women who enter the sample at six months after the birth would only contribute observations to the 21 month analysis sample if they were still in their 21 month jobs. Women who quit early and do not enter the sample until six months after the birth would be excluded from the sample, that is, they are fully left censored. As is generally the case, little can be done to recover information about those short spells but given the overlapping panel structure of the data, I have no reason to believe the spells I do observe have a different hazards than the ones I do not. Late entrants are treated as left-truncated spells and their survival rates are adjusted for time at risk but not observed in the data. '0 Results Figure 2.1 displays the estimated monthly hazard rate of changing jobs (the broken line) and combined hazard of changing jobs or leaving the labor force (the solid line) among jobs held 21 months prior to the birth over the interval from 21 months before to 1.5 years after the birth. The distance between the two lines represents the hazard of leaving the labor force. The job change hazard is bi-modally distributed with the first peak around one year prior to the birth. Job changes become increasingly rare throughout the pregnancy and the hazard rate does not reach pre-birth levels again until 1.5 years following the birth. Conversely, the hazard of leaving the labor force increases drastically just before the third trimester of pregnancy and peaks at birth. There is a '0 Specifically, I use the stset command in Stata and specify the “origin” as the time defined as the initial state and the “entry” as the time at which an individual enters the survey. 85 slight peak in the combined hazard around the start of the pregnancy which is due to a higher rate of job changing one year prior to the pregnancy than during the pregnancy itself and a higher rate of labor force exits at the beginning of the pregnancy than in the second trimester. Table 2.2 compares estimates of job continuity across different sets of jobs and intervals to estimates provided in previous studies. Overall, I find 57.4 percent of jobs held at 21 months prior to the birth continued on through 18 months after the birth. Of the remaining 42.6 percent, approximately two-thirds left the labor force and one—third changed jobs. The first row in Table 2.2 compares my estimates to Klerman and Leibowitz’s (1999) estimates of job continuity for jobs held twelve months prior to the birth over the year before and 1.5 years following the birth among women who had a child between 1978 and 1990. Taken at face value, these estimates indicate women who gave birth more recently are more likely to stay with their pre-birth employer but, among those who quit their jobs, fewer change jobs. Comparing my estimates of job continuity among jobs held at birth from birth to 1 year after to Desai and Waite’s (1991) estimates, which were based on births between 1979 and 1985, also suggests the likelihood of remaining with the pre-birth employer has increased over time. The differences in job changing and labor force exit estimates may be due, in part, different definitions of job changes. Klerman and Leibowitz (1999) code any women who are working in a different job 1.5 years after the birth as having changed jobs, even if they transitioned through non-employment first. My estimates code quits as job changes only if the respondent indicated she was quitting to start a new job. She may or may not be employed at the 1.5 year mark. Also, a respondent who said she was quitting 86 her job to leave the labor force and was coded as such in my data may have returned to a new job by 1.5 years after the birth. In Klerman and Leibowitz’s data, that individual would be coded as a job changer. Unfortunately, because my data are constructed of short overlapping panels, it is not possible to construct a more comparable measure. Thus, from this comparison one may infer job continuity has increased over time but inferring any change in the distribution of quits between job changes and labor force exits is less appropriate. The differences in hazard rates in the months preceding and following the birth shown in Figure 2.1 and the difference in my own and others estimates of job continuity across sample designs in Table 2.3 highlight the importance of sample design. Table 2.4 provides a comparison to make this point even more clear. Consider a simple data set containing all jobs held 21 months prior to the birth without the overlapping panel structure and truncation in the actual data I use. If we choose to examine quits from 21 months prior to the birth through 18 months following, we would infer 57.4 percent of women kept their jobs, 13.6 percent changed jobs and 29 percent left the labor force over the interval. If instead we considered 21 month jobs from 12 months before the birth to 18 months after, we would omit 5.9 percent (4.6 + 1.3) of 21 month jobs because they had already ended in a quit. Note that in Table 2.3, the first and last row of figures seem to suggest we miss little by looking at jobs from 12 months to 1.5 years versus 21 months to 1.5 years. Indeed the estimated percentage of job changes is 12.8 percent in the shorter interval and 13.6 percent in the longer interval. However, this comparison is not based on a well defined population of jobs. The 12 month to 1.5 year estimates are based on all jobs held 87 12 months prior to the birth whereas the 21 month to 1.5 year estimates are based on all jobs held 21 months prior to the birth. Returning to Table 2.4 and looking at 21 month jobs only, the estimated percentage of women staying in their initial job over the 21 to 18 month interval is 57.4 percent as compared to 61.0 percent over the 12 to 18 month interval. Moreover, approximately one-third of all job changes are missed when the interval is shortened from 21 months before to 12 months before. Looking only at the interval from birth to 18 months after, we would omit over 25 percent of 21 month jobs which constitute 52 percent of all job changes and 65 percent of all labor force exits among 21 month jobs between 21 months before and 18 months after the birth.. Clearly these omissions change the estimates of job continuity based on remaining jobs in each interval but as long as the intervals are reported and the number of jobs remaining is reported, these differences are interpretable and the only source of misclassification is due to truncated spells. However, if instead of analyzing the remaining 21 month jobs only at each interval we were to examine the number of total jobs which exist at the beginning of each interval, misclassification becomes a problem. Of the original 1,922 women employed at 21 months prior to the birth 88 have new jobs by the year prior to the birth and these jobs are now at risk for a quit. If the relevant quit was the first quit these women will be misclassified. Similarly, at birth, approximately 7.1 percent (or about 136) of the original 1,922 women have new jobs and could end up in any of the three categories by the 18‘h month. Those who previously exited the labor force may also be re-employed by the beginning of the next interval, although since the intervals considered here all begin at or before birth, re-entry is unlikely. 88 For these reasons, I define the initial state for the remainder of my analysis as jobs held 21 months prior to the birth. Since one of the main purposes of this study is to examine the relationships between paid leave and job changes, and since a large amount of job changing occurs prior to the pregnancy, defining the initial state as jobs held 21 months prior to the birth is more appropriate than jobs held closer to the birth. In particular, it captures the initial peak in job changing, but does not extend so far prior to the pregnancy that it contains employment behavior that is more likely to be unrelated to the birth. Table 2.5 presents estimated availability of paid leave, means of other job attributes, and socio-demographic characteristics of remaining 21 month jobs at various intervals. The changes in means over time suggest women are more likely to stay in jobs that offer paid leave or in which they are eligible for FMLA leave. However, they appear to be less likely to stay in part-time jobs. Table 2.6 contains the results of Cox proportional hazard estimation for each type of quit (job change vs. labor force exit) reported as hazard ratios. The point estimates for paid leave are less than 1 and thus imply that women with paid sick leave or paid vacation leave are less likely to change jobs or leave the labor force than those without but neither reaches statistical significance. F MLA eligibility, however, reduces the risk of job changing by 37 percent. The risk of exiting the labor force does not appear to differ among women who are eligible and those who are ineligible for F MLA leave. Having a part-time work schedule differentially predicts job changes and labor force exits. Women who work part-time have a 52 percent lower risk of changing jobs but a 28.7 percent higher risk of leaving the labor force. Among women in general, not 89 just pregnant women and new mothers, labor force attachment tends to be lower among part-time workers than among full-time workers (Blank 1989). Interestingly, wages and income do not appear to have much impact on job changing or labor force exits. Point estimates for wages imply women are less likely to quit higher wage jobs for either reason. Point estimates for wages imply a 1% increase in wages is related to a 20 percent reduction in the risk of changing jobs and a 10 percent reduction in the risk of leaving the labor force but only the first estimate is statistically significant and only at the 10 percent level. However, women who work in salaried jobs have a 45 percent lower risk of leaving the labor force and that estimated effect is significant at the 5 percent level. Point estimates for household income are very close to 1, meaning there is no difference in job changing or labor force exit likelihoods by income after other factors are controlled for. Table 2.7 presents the estimates of piece-wise proportional hazard estimation, which allows the estimated relationships between each type of quit and paid and unpaid leave and part-time work schedule to differ before and after the birth. Paid leave still does not appear to have any affect on quits either before or after the birth. However, the estimated effect of F MLA leave in Table 2.6 appears to be entirely primarily due to a reduction in job changing behavior prior to the birth. Prior to the birth, women who are eligible for FMLA have a 52 percent lower risk of changing jobs relative to those who are ineligible whereas after the birth the estimated difference is only 21 percent and is not statistically significant. Similarly, the risk of changing jobs among part-time workers is over 80 percent lower than among full-time workers before the birth but there is no significant difference in behavior after the birth. Interestingly, the entire positive 90 relationship between part-time work and labor force exits shown in Table 2.6 is due to labor force exits prior to the birth. After the birth, part-time workers are no more likely to exit the labor force than full-time workers. This finding is interesting because, as stated previously, part-time workers in general have lower labor force attachment than full-time workers. Blank (1989) finds, among all female workers, those initially working part-time were approximately twice as likely to be out of the labor force when observed again two years later. Thus, part-time may have no impact on labor force exits after the birth because there are benefits to working part-time at that point in the lifecycle that lead to a higher level of job continuity than is typical in that segment of the labor force. Throughout the analysis I have assumed women change jobs around the time of a birth to achieve more flexibility. Thus far, findings suggest FMLA eligible women and those with part-time work schedules are less likely to change jobs prior to the birth. Table 2.7 further investigates the claim that women change jobs to obtain flexibility by comparing the availability of paid and unpaid leave, part-time work and other job attributes in old jobs and new jobs among all women who change jobs. Due to the short panel structure of the data and missing data for some of the covariates among newjobs, only 273 matched old and new job pairs could be identified. Although having access to paid vacation or paid sick leave did not appear to influence job changes (or labor force exits) in the competing hazard analysis, women who changed jobs were more likely to obtain access to paid leave than to lose it. 19.19 percent of all job changers (or 37.14 percent of those who did not have it initially) gained paid vacation leave on the new job. Figures for sick leave also imply a higher likelihood of obtaining than losing sick leave but are not as pronounced as for vacation leave. 91 Although the hazard analysis suggested F MLA leave eligibility and part-time work schedule deterred job changes, the tabulations in Table 2.7 seem to indicate those who do change jobs are not seeking out FMLA covered employers or part-time work schedules. Only 10.26 percent of all job changers entered a part-time job whereas 16.48 percent left part-time jobs. Additionally, there is virtually no difference in the proportion of old and new jobs in which the employer is covered by F MLA. However, in the piece- wise proportional hazard estimation, it became clear that the relationships between FMLA eligibility, part-time work, and job changing was strongest prior to the birth. The figures in Table 2.7 include all job changes between 21 months prior and 18 months after the birth. Although the sample sizes get quite small, when only oldjobs changes that occurred prior to the birth are considered, 13.24 percent of job changer entered a part- time job and 14.71 percent left a part-time job. Considering that only 37 percent of all jobs held by women in the MEPS between 21 months prior to the birth and 18 months and only 33 percent of those that began prior to the birth were part-time jobs, the roughly equal transition rates in and out of part-time work among job changers are notable. Still, this evidence is based on only 68 matched old and new job pairs. Similar findings hold for transitions in and out of jobs with FMLA covered employers. F MLA leave is likely to be most valuable at the time of the birth but eligibility requires one year of tenure. Thus if selection into jobs where the employer is covered by F MLA occurs it should occur between 20 and 12 months prior to the birth. Comparing job changes in that six month window to those that occur after it, only 24 percent of jobs that were left during the six month window (old jobs) were covered by FMLA as compared to 48 percent after the window. Furthermore, 28 percent of new jobs that started during the six month window were covered by FMLA as compared to only 17 percent of those started after the window. Discussion and Conclusion Employment decisions associated with childbearing influence lifecycle earnings, may affect child development, and may contribute to the gender and family wage gaps. This paper analyzed the patterns in job changes and labor force exits among expecting and new mothers and assessed the possible effects of paid and unpaid leave and part-time work on these decisions. I contribute estimates of job continuity using a new and more recent nationally representative sample of births, and examine not only transitions from employment to non-employment but also job changes (job-to-job turnover). When compared with previous estimates of job continuity, my estimates suggest women who gave birth in more recent years have been more likely to stay in their pre- birth jobs than those who had children in the 19705 and 19803. Comparisons of the difference in the distribution of quits between job changes and labor force exits are more tenuous, because my definition of job changes differs from previous studies and construction of a more comparable measure was not feasible. However, taken at face value, the estimates imply fewer women change jobs around childbearing in 1996. to 2005 than in the 19705 and 19803. Estimates for labor force exits, however, are very similar. This paper also highlights the importance of sample design in the return to work literature, and studies of women’s employment behavior around childbearing in general. The interval over which employment behavior is evaluated and the designation of the initial state from which employment transitions are measured vary greatly across studies. 93 My findings suggest there is relevant job changing behavior occurring as early as 21 months prior to the birth (1 year before the pregnancy). Studies that examine job continuity among jobs that exist closer to the birth or at the time of the birth miss these changes. Furthermore, estimated relationships between job characteristics, and paid and unpaid leave availability in particular, differ before and after the birth. For example, early job changes are significantly less likely among FMLA eligible women when quits before and after birth are analyzed together. But when analyzed separately, the overall relationship is due to a large negative relationship between FMLA eligibility and job changing before the birth; there is no significant relationship after the birth. The same is true of part-time work. Overall, I find no relationship between access to paid leave (either vacation or sick leave) and job changing or labor force exits. However, I do find women who change jobs are more likely to gain access to paid leave than lose it. Admittedly, they moved into higher wage jobs that were more likely to offer health insurance and retirement plans as well. In short, the possibility that women changed jobs for other reasons and happened to obtain paid leave cannot be ruled out. 94 Figures and Tables Figure 2.1 Monthly Hazard Rates for Job Changes and Labor Force Exits for Jobs Held 1 Year Before Pre .nancy SI(21 Months Before Birth) 1'? ~ ’ '51“ EflifiiFiff If I. at!" 3: .4: £9 £1”! Hazard of Quitting to Leave the Labor Force or Change Jobs ' 5 y ----- Hazard of Quitting to Change Jobs is? .., . . ‘4‘; .1. Jr -. ‘i 3".“ V; W “$713; w l 95 406.0 N... 2 >:0.<0.0 m030.00 .: 0 m0.00..o: 2 0.05000 .0203 .0 <00.w.0.0 >00.v.0.0 0.. 62.2203. 60.0%. .2260 30.0600 €030: ”0.0.0 .6... 30.00.00 0.. 0.. 506020.. 56010.. O 0 00 2. 2. 21. £01.03 3.20. .06 0.. 020.. .0 .0026... 030.830... 000.. .0030000 22.30. m0..<0v. 0.. .000 I .00.. m30.8.302 <00 20 w2.0..0 N 0.00.0 010.. .0 02. m€02 003.... 03.2.6 303.0000 .00. 3.02.06 .000 Al0m0 .6. 6...... 0000. 0:6 26m< .000 .000 I .006 00.2.0: 00 .1000 a: 20 .00. .06 0600200 . 0.000 N «0000 0:2 €020 .00. .20. 02. $03 .60 62.00 .60 6....6. 62.00 0.0.... :0: 02. m.00 .00. I .000 30.0600 02. 00.2.0: 0.. 20 .06 60.6 0 30260 .0 30260 0 30260 0.0. 20.26.00. .06 03.00.06 C600... 62.20 66.6 02. 62.00 6....6. 66.6. 308. .t00<0. 30.20.:06 .630m6 us 30260 0.400. .00006 meo .000 I .06.. 00.2.0: 0.. 6000.00 20 >. 00000060: .02. 0 30260 0.00. 060020.. .00.. 300. 60<0 $0060.. .: 62.20 66.6. 0.02.... 60. .60 ..06 0. 0.0338. 00.. 060022.30 0.0 2 .000. 6 30260.. 00:00.2. 60.0.00: 6 30260 0:6 0 N020 00.0. 66.6. .006. 0:6 ZmIU .006 I .06. m30.8.30:. 02. .: 030.8.302 .100. ..06 60...:m w....6 .6 0.0000 0:00 1360 .000 02. .06. I 000002.30. O60:m0 v.00. .: 0003.38. .60 66.6. .00.. 000002.30. 000002.30. 30.5.0 060:W0 030.. :0. .2230: zrm< .000. .0:0 .00.. I .000 08:02.30 603.00: <00 20 .~ 30260 .0 30260 06.0.. 0:6 00m .060 02. 60.000: 62.0.0 6....6. 6....6. 62600.3 m30.8.302 02. 20:- 2000. 030.8.302 60. 00...- ..30 0:6 00..-..30 m.0.00 2.0.00 22.30.... .00.. I .00.. ”0-028.. .0023. 2 20 .00. .06 60... 600.:m w....6 N0 200.. 0:00 .00. 0000002270 30.. 2..-..30 0002038. 6....6. 0028.. 26.0. 96 ._.06.0 N. 0. >:0_K0.0 m030_00 .: 0 m0_00..0: 0. .u..0<.000 .0203 .0 <<02 0:0 20.200 200.00 8023000. 0600.3 0:0 Zrm< .060 .060 I .000 .0600 0080 <00 20 .0 30260 .N 30260 00.0.. 7.0.. .000 02.0.0000: 62.08 6...... 6....6. 20.00000. 2rm< .000. .000 I .000 20.0.: .0 0030 .06 20 P00. .06 00.00 .0 6....6. 9.3 .N 30260 2.2 0. 0.. 2000. 2000. 000 2.0.. 66.6 00.. c0. .000 I .006 0:0 Ck. NA 8.0.. 30260 2.2 .000 COP05 6....6 00.. .0000. 200.. 0:0 Zrm< .000 .000 I .006 >8. 030.8.302 20 00:82.0: 0 30260 . 0.00.. 00.0.. 00.8.. 3.03.0000: 0:0 3:0. 60008 66.6. 66.6. .00~ 030.8302 0.200. 000” 00.82 0000.000: 0.020.. 2000. 22.0:0. 06:0 0 08 003.0... 20.00” 22.0:0. 0....0 00830302 0.00.... . .20.. 2605 22.0:0. 60:0..0030. 0028. 0.. <00... I .400. 00 30.00.00 206.0. 22.02.. 0023 00 003.... 032.6 20:0. 20:02.. 00200. 00 200:6 0:0 008.00302 .C..A.. 0mm” 00:0. 003.0% 0: 0030303 2000:. 0.00. 0028. 0.. .:0030 0:0 0.0083 02.0.0000: . 7.00. 020 00.0 00 :0. 0:0... .60 8000860.. .0 05082.20 60.200: £030: £60 08 030.8.00 0:0 0: 30.03.... .008 6.03 .6000 :60 08 030.8.00 0:0 0. 20.... 0.608008 .008 .0 00:000.... 02.300 00 0: 0:020 0600:00 #03 20.... 00 000.00 0.. :0:..030.8.302. 000 0:0 60.60.20 3003 00.. 0 00.0..00 0.000003: 0.. .60 0:008:00 620.00: 0.0.... 0:0 030.8302 0.0.00 00:80.30 06:06.36. 97 32m NM 0033230: 8 @8305 mmaamfimm 0* gov man m3u_o<3m3 003352 3,285 mEEnm Zw mmzamfim Amem warm :23 I NoemV 203 .85 B 5833 63.38 41 l,[l It! ,I S 783:; 629.0 8 E 39:3. ~59, 8:32am m8 85533 $2.: 81328 98:32. 5 +8.0 _ 3.5035: 25 55025 :83 no32 Awmfi. 20.x. safe mnbfo\c 39X. Cog :05 5 3833 8298 was 8 5 78:25 >mmn «when. 98.x. Sufi. :8 $5 a was $9.. 2.x. 2 78:25 ammo?” 8 a 32:3 >mo~ Em 3.3.x. 58.x. No.9,} :03 Sum 8 38. was 8 5 52:3 ~52. own—swam who 3me o: 08”: SE 238 Coo: no253? >~ mom “38:8 anwnlvzo: 3. 9:3. .2035: BE romvoifi 05308le gov armammzm 8 335 m E2083 gov E :w 3025 ~32 En En: 3m: 2 5 39:2; ~32 :8 E33. mo”: 523m: 25 r1833 :83 Ba Ummmm 85 (5:8 :00: 3328 :89. moan» 33.88 mm woman 9: 3. En Econ 38¢ a 30 28 83:0 318 cm 38238:. Zw maniac—a Saran s83»: Eco o<2 an :5: 55m: 86 8.. m :92 .86 2 i8 3:: 312.8 8 _nw40 Hrs 0.016 0.014 0.014 per Week) (0.023) (0.025) (0.038) % Work Days Missed -0.065 0060 Last Round (0.042) (0.067) Visits Received Last 0215* 0263* Round (0.014) (0.023) Observations 8 7 O 6 8 6 4 3 4736 1937 Note: All regressions also control for race/ethnicity, mother’s marital status, mother’s education, number and ages of children, recommended care interval, region, characteristics of the usual care provider, insurance coverage, and objective and subjective infant health measures. 148 Table 3.8 Results for Paid and Unpaid Leave and Other Job Attributes by Work Schedule and Wage Level Note: All regressions also control for race/ethnicity, mother’s marital status, mother’s education, number and ages of children, recommended care interval, region, and insurance coverage (uninsured, privately insured or Medicaid). Usual care provider variables, insurance coverage variables and characteristics of the employer were collapsed due to the small number of observations in some wage/schedule groups. Below and above median wage designations are with respect to the occupation. As before, characteristics of the main job are used for multiple job holders. 1 Excludes self-employed. I49 Table 3.8 Results for Paid and Unpaid Leave and Other Job Attributes by Work Schedule and Wage Level Part Time Full Time Over Time (> 40 Hours) Below Above Below Above Below Above Median Median Median Median Median Median Out of Pocket -0.018* -0.028* -0.014* -0.013* -0.044* 0031* Cost (0.005) (0.006) (0.004) (0.004) (0.01 1) (0.007) Out of Pocket 0000* 0.000* 0000* 0000* 0001* 0000* Cost2 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) Full Income (10 0028* -0.009 0.004 0.009 -0.031 0003 Thousands) (0.009) (0.010) (0.006) (0.006) (0.034) (0.009) M, Income? (10 0001** 0.000 0000 0000 0.001 0000 Thousands) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.001) (0.000) Ln (wage) -0.0 l 3 -0.068 0.015 0.046 0124+ 0217+ (0.019) (0.089) (0.025) (0.060) (0.068) (0.1 17) Salaried -0.092 0.148" -0.011 0.015 0.027 0.020 (0.058) (0.070) (0.038) (0.034) (0.109) (0.066) Paid Sick Leave 0.113 0.034 0.068 0.040 0.166 -0.150 (0.099) (0.1 18) (0.064) (0.050) (0.152) (0.132) Sick Leave to -0.019 -0.019 -0.030 -0.061 -0.1 16 0.054 See Doctor (0.091) (0.097) (0.059L (0.045) (0.1 15) (0.089) Paid Vacation 0027 -0.075 0.029 0.065 0.147 0070 Leave (0.043) (0.077) (0.033) (0.045) (0.1 19) (0.089) -0.088** -0.023 0.295** -0.037 FMLA (0.038) (0.037) (0.120) (0.101) # Employees (in -0.009 -0.047 0.029 0.019 -0.322** 0.079 1005) (0.048) (0.059) (0.035) (0.038) (0.156) (0.102) # Employeesz -0.003 0.008 -0.007 -0.002 0.062" -0.010 (in 1005) (0.010) (0.012) (0.007) (0.007) (0.029) (0.017) Union Member 0.127 0.054 —0.001 -0.014 -0.006 -0.211** (0.1 10) (0.079) (0.059) (0.045) (0.239) (0.090) Managerial -0.020 0.135 0.028 0.029 -0.075 -0.092 (0.076) (0.1 12) (0.059) (0.070) (0.145) (0.127) Professional 0038 0.069 0.043 0.029 -0.1 12 0.159 (0.049) (0.090) (0.060) (0.066) (0.180) (0.132) Sales 0064 0.133** 0.056 -0.025 0.004 0.160 (0.040) (0.060) (0.062) (0.049) (0.284) (0.123) Clerical 0.013 0.039 0.027 -0.031 -0.068 0.093 (0.048) (0.085) (0.047) (0.044) (0.177) (0.126) Production 0134+ 0293+ 0.080 -0.107** -0.305 -0.031 (0.072) (0.155) (0.057) (0.043) (0.249) (0.137) Other 0.147 -0.030 0.136 -0.215+ 0.024 -0.310* Occyation (0.168) (0.247) (0.1 17) (0.1 17) (0.189) (0.099) Private Sector 0006 -0.028 0.029 0.002 -0.244** 0.124 Employee] (0.059) (0.067) (0.043) (0.042) (0.098) (0.077) More than 1 Job 0082 -0.050 0.015 0.025 0190 -0.090 (0.050) (0.074) (0.075) (0.072) (0.212) (0.105) Tenure -0.018 -0.012 0.017 0.021“ 0.051 0.003 (0.015) (0.016) (0.010) (0.010) (0.051) (0.026) 2 0.001 0.002 -0.00 l + -0.001 -0.006 0.001 Tenure (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.004) (0.002) Observations 1622 1 l 15 2152 2696 366 692 150 Table 3.9 Results for Paid and Unpaid Leave and Other Job Attributes by Occupation and Work Schedule Managerial Professional Service Sales Clerical Production Out of Pocket -0.060* -0.030* -0.013* -0.01 l** -0.007+ 0022* Cost (0.009) (0.004) (0.004) (0.005) (0.003) (0.008) Out of Pocket 0001* 0.000* 0.000* 0.000** 0000+ 0.000** Costz (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) Full Income (10 0.005 0.007 0.013+ 0023* -0.002 -0.006 Thousands) (0.004) (0.007) (0.007) (0.008) (0.007) (0.007) Full Income2 0000" -0.000 -0.000 -0.000** -0.000 0.000 ('0 Thousands) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) In (wage) -0.071* * 0,070+ -0.002 -0.039 0.006 0.102 (0.032) (0.037) (0.023) (0.032) (0.031) (0.080) Salaried 0108+ -0.005 -0.026 -0.042 0.050 -0.209* (0.062) (0.038) (0.043) (0.068) (0.045) (0.028) PT 0336* 0.017 0.026 0123+ 0.025 -0. 178* (0.1 1 1) (0.091) (0.039) (0.063) (0.067) (0.052) OT 0102 -0.123 0.007 -0.046 -0.1 17 -0.454* (0.219) (0.208) (0.077) (0.143) (0.172) (0.041) Paid Sick Leave -0.040 0.136 0087 0169+ 0.064 -0.015 (0.180) (0.1 15) (0.072) (0.102) (0.082) (0.061) Paid Sick -0.534* -0.072 0.106 0.140 -0.263** 0789* Leave*PT (0.094) (0.181) (0.164) (0.166) (0.115) (0.113) Paid Sick 0380+ 0.016 -0.267* 0167 -0.359* -0.123 Leave*OT (0.215) (0.231) (0.014) (0.149) (0.035) (0.148) Sick Leave to 0.144 0 140+ 0.077 -0.104 -0.043 0077 See Doctor (0.131) (0.076) (0.082) (0.080) (0.071) (0.065) Doc Leave*PT 0.025 0.145 -0.076 -0.003 0.507“ -0.121 (0.218) (0.138) (0.1 17) (0.148) (0.205) (0.150) Doc Leave*OT -0.421* 0.1 16 0.777* 0.258 0.406** 0.714* (0.161) (0.100) (0.012) (0.233) (0.166) (0.144) Paid Vacation 0.036 0.068 0.022 0.043 -0.093 0.077 Leave (0.121) (0.071) (0.049) (0.084) (0.074) (0.054) Paid Vacation 0.215 -0. 142 -0.038 -0.144 -0.017 -0.146 Leave*PT (0.170) (0.109) (0.070) (0.092) (0.1 17) (0.170) Paid Vacation 0.192 -0.071 —0.090 0.109 0540* 0.891 * Leave*OT (0.238) (0.1 14) (0.1 18) (0.181) (0.191) (0.016) FMLA -0.1 10 -0.058 0.015 0.201" —0.027 -0.141** p (0.078) (0.050) (0.064) (0,097) (0.050) (0.057) * -0.238** 0.174** 0.351" -0.108 -0.070 0774* FMLA OT (0.108) (0.084) (0.175) (0.119) (0.099) (0.077) # Employees (in 0123+ 0075+ -0.022 0.013 -0.029 0,085+ 1005) (0.069) (0.045) (0.047) (0.050) (0.042) (0.050) # Employees? 0019 0.011 0.006 0002 0.004 0014 (in 1005) (0.012) (0.008) (0.009) (0.010) (0.008) (0.009) Union Member 0323* 0094+ 0.063 -0.050 0131” 0.088 (0.1 13) (0.052) (0.064) (0.101) (0.065) (0.075) Private Sector 0,165+ 0.010 -0.024 0.000 -0.020 0.074 Employee] (0.095) (0.039) (0.052) (0.143) (0.062) (0.066) Tenure 0.217** -0.1 15+ 0072 0.018 0.128 -0.005 (0.104) (0.067 ) (0.047) (0.091 ) (0.087) (0.147) 151 Table 3.9 Results for Paid and Unpaid Leave and Other Job Attributes by Occupation and Work Schedule (Continued) 2 0.005 0.003 0000 0041** 0063* 0007 Tenure (0.019) (0.013) (0.01 1) (0.017) (0.013) (0.016) Obs in Group (Total 8,514) 870 2152 1814 1203 1732 755 Note: All regressions also control for race/ethnicity, mother’s marital status, mother’s education, number and ages of children, recommended care interval, region, and insurance coverage (uninsured, privately insured or Medicaid). Usual care provider variables, insurance coverage variables and characteristics of the employer were collapsed due to the small number of observations in some wage/schedule groups. Below and above median wage designations are with respect to the occupation. As before, characteristics of the main job are used for multiple job holders. Women working in “other occupations” (farming and construction) are omitted due to small sample size. I Excludes self—employed. 152 Table 3.10 Probability of Weekend, Weekday (except Friday) and Friday Visits by Employment Status, Paid Leave and Occupation (Multinomial Probit) Weekday Friday Friday Weekend Employed -0.03 0.08 0.02 (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) Employed 35 hours or -0.04** 0.03* 0.01 more per week (0.02) (0.01) (0.01) Employed with Paid 007“ -0.05* -0.03* Vacation Leave (0.022) (0.02) (0.01) Employed with Paid 0.056 -0.06* 0.01 Sick Leave (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) Employed with Paid -0.15** 0.13** 0.02 Leave to See Doc. (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) Employed with FMLA 0.01 -0.01 0.00 Leave (0.02) (0.02) (0.01) Employed in 0.04 -0.01 -0.03** Management Occ. (0.02) (0.03) (0.01) Employed in 0.03 0.00 -0.04** Professional Occ. (0.03) (0.03) (0.01) Employed in Service 0.04 -0.02 -0.02 Occ. (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) Employed in Sales Occ. -0.06+ 0.05 0.01 (0.03) (0.03) (0.02) Employed in Clerical 0.05+ -0.03 -0.02+ Occ. (0.03) (0.02) (0.01) Employed in -0.03 0.03 -0.00 Production Occ. (0.04) (0.04) (0.02) Employed in Other -0.05 0.05 -0.01 Occupation] (0.07) (0.07) (0.03) Observations 6,440 6,440 6,440 Notes: Significance is for 2 tailed Z test I . . . . Other occupation includes farm and construction occupations. 153 Appendix A3 Prediction of Time Cost for Non-Employed Women To predict the time costs for non-employed women used in the analysis in Chapter 3 I use an OLS regression of wages among employed women on maternal education, age, region of residence, number of children, race, ethnicity and marital status. The results of this estimation are presented in Table A3.]. Using these covariates, I obtain an R-squared of 0.29. Although these estimates are based on a selected sample, there are no readily apparent valid exclusion restrictions to enable selection corrected predictions. Prediction of Out of Pocket Cost for Infants who do not Receive any Visits As explained in the text, 50 percent of infants do not receive any well-baby visits during the survey. Among infants who do receive at least one visit I can use price data from past visits as a proxy for price of visits not received but I must predict out of pocket costs for infants who did not receive any visits. To do so, I restrict the sample to infants who have a usual care provider and received one office based medical visit of any kind within the past year. Without doing so, the amount of variation in the cost of visits I can explain is too low to convincingly predict missing out of pocket cost data (R-squared = 0.02). With these variables I can explain approximately 25 percent of the variation in out of pocket costs. The out of pocket cost regression is reported in Table A3.2. Because of the highly right skewed distribution of out of pocket costs I omit the top 1 percent. The high proportion of 0’s in the actual price data preclude a log transformation. Also, since cost sharing was eliminated under Medicaid in 1996, I assign $0 out of pocket cost to all Medicaid infants with missing price data from 1997 forward. 154 Table A3.1 Equation for Predicted Wages for Non-Employed Mothers: OLS ln(wage) Less than High School 0148” 0.015 GED -0.086** (0.023) 4 Year College Degree 0.484" (0.016) Graduate Degree 0732“ (0.022) Mother’s Age 0.059" (0.008) Mother’s AgeT '0'001" (0.003 Urban 0.] 15** (0.013) NE 0043* (0.018) MW 0064" (0.016) S 0070" (0.014) Number of Children -0.008 (0.006) Number of Children < 6 -0.017* (0021) Black 0091 ** (0.015) Asian, American Indian, Pacific Islander 0.017 (0.021) Hispanic -0.040** (0.015) Non-English Speaking -0.176** (0.020) Married 0090" (0.013) Observations l 4,3 70 R-squared 0.290 155 Table A3.2 Equation for Predicted Out of Pocket Cost Out of Pocket Cost Recommended Care Interval (e.g. 1 month) 0,26]+ (0.145) Private Insurance through Employer -0.862 (1.000) Private Non-Group Insurance 3.184 (2.141) Private Insurance through Self Employment 2.270 (3.457) Other Private Group Insurance 5.715 (7.684) Other Private Insurance 13.235 (9.659) Usual C are Provider is: (Omitted C ategory is Pediatrician) General Practitioner -2.016 (1.266) OB/GYN 3.779+ (2.138) Other Medical Doctor -4.713 (8.879) Nurse Practitioner 2.914 (6.750) Physician’s Assistant 18.693“ (7.133) Type of Practice: (Omitted Category is Individual Doctor in Group Practice) Individual Doctor’s Office -1 .084 (1.152) Group Practice -2.500* (1.003) Average Cost per Office Based Visit (Visits of Any 0.444** Type Received During the Year) (0.077) Urban 1.266 (0.952) NE -1 .928* (0.835) MW 2386* (1.097) S 1.394 (1.019) Constant 6.022 (1.619) Observations 3,935 R-Squared 0.253 Note: The distribution of out of pocket costs is very skewed to the right. To predict missing price data I exclude the top 1% of observed out of pocket costs. Also, out of pocket cost is not predicted for those covered by Medicaid; due to the elimination of cost sharing under Medicaid/SCHIP a $0 out of pocket cost is assumed. 156 Table A3.3 Means and Standard Deviations of Independent Variables by Maternal Employment Employed Non-Employed Received Visit in Care 0.33 0.26 Interval (0.47) (0.44) $9.92 $5.55 Out of Pocket Cost (18.64) (15“) Household Income $35,712.09 $38,038.51 (31,189.70) (34,465.60) Wa e $12.54 $8.50 g (8.44) (3.78) . 0.25 Salaried (0.43) Paid Sick Leave (3'33) Sick Leave used to See 0.48 Doctor (0.50) . . 0.63 Paid Vacation Leave (0. 48) FMLA Eligible (3'32) # Employees (in 100s) (: 2;) 2 . 5.64 # Employees (in 100s) (9.39) . 0.09 Union Member (0.28) . 0.10 Managerial (0.30) . 0.25 Professmnal (0.43) 0.14 Sales (03 5) . 0.20 Clerical (040) Production (3'32) Other Occupation (3(1)?) Self Employed (3'33?) Federal Govt Employee (3"); State Govt Employee (8'33) More than 1 Job (3'23) 3.20 Tenure (3 78) 2 24.55 Tenure (5297) Part Time (< 35 Hrs per 0.32 Week) (0.47) 157 Table A3.4 Means and Standard Deviations of Independent Variables by Maternal Employment (Continued) Over Time (>40 Hrs per 0.12 Week) (0.33) % Work Days Missed Last 0.08 Round (0.22) Visits Received Last Round 0.43 0.34 (0.70) (0.63) Private Employer Provided 0.56 0.25 Insurance (0.50) (0.43) Private Non-Group 0.01 0.01 Insurance (0.10) (0.1 1) Medicaid 0.34 0.62 (0.47) (0.49) UCP is General Practitioner 0.1 1 0.12 (0.31) (0.33) UCP is OB/GYN 0.00 0.00 (0.05) (0.06) UCP is an Individual Doctor 0.25 0.28 in Own Office (0.43) (0.45) UCP is Group Practice (No 0.62 0.64 Individual Doctor) (0.49) (0.48) Diagnosed with Serious 0.22 0.21 Condition (0.36) (0.37) Subjective Health Rating = 0.52 0.49 Excellent (0.50) (0.50) Subjective Health Rating = 0.29 0.27 Very Good (0.46) (0.44) Subjective Health Rating = 0.03 0.04 Fair (0.17) (0.19) Subjective Health Rating = 0.00 0.01 Poor (0.07) (0.08) Mother Has Less than High 0.16 0.42 School Education (0.36) (0.49) Mother has GED 0.05 0.05 (0.22) (0.21) Mother has Bachelor‘s 0.19 0.09 (0.39) (0.28) Mother has Graduate Degree 0.08 0.02 (0.27) (0.14) Number of Children Mother 1.71 2.21 has Ever Had (1.25) (1.45) Number of Children Ever 1.28 1.59 Had Currently Under Age 6 (0.98) (1.15) Mother’s Age 28.46 26.82 (5.83) (6.34) Mother’s Marital Status 0.68 0.64 (0.47) (0.48) White 0.75 0.81 (0.43) (0.39) Black 0.18 0.13 (0.39) (0.34) Hispanic 0.25 0.46 (0.43) (0.50) 158 Table A3.4 Means and Standard Deviations of Independent Variables by Maternal Employment (Continued) Non-English 0.09 0.29 (0.29) (0.45) Urban 0.80 0.80 (0.40) (0.40) NE 0.15 14.07 (0.36) (0.35) MW 0.25 15.05 (0.43) (0.36) S 0.37 0.37 (0.48) (0.48) Observations 8,706 9,687 159 Conclusion Summary of Findings This dissertation examined the actual and expected childbearing, employment behavior and compliance with well-baby care visit schedule the relationship between access to paid and unpaid leave and other job attributes and these behaviors. Chapter 1 provided an examination of the cross-cohort trends in expected and actual childbearing and compared the characteristics of women’s chosen occupations prior to the birth of their first child by their childbearing expectations. Previous studies that examine subsets of the cohorts studied in Chapter I conclude expectations are a fairly good approximation of actual fertility at the cohort level. However with few exceptions, the cross-cohort trends among women born in the 19305 and 19405 through the 19705 do not approximate the cross-cohort trend in actual fertility. While the proportion of women who expected to become mothers was increasing from the 1947 through 1972 cohorts, the trend in actual motherhood was flat or even negative. In nearly all cohorts expectations underestimate the likelihoods of postponing first births and having more than three children. The only group among whom the trend in expected fertility appears to lead the trend in actual fertility is college educated women born after 1950. Chapter 1 also compared occupational characteristics by expected and actual motherhood and first birth timing as a first step towards understanding relationships between childbearing expectations and early employment behavior. For all occupational characteristics considered, the largest differences existed between childless women and mothers. I found no evidence of systematic differences between childless women’s occupations based on their birth expectations. From this finding I infer the differences in 160 mothers’ and childless women’s occupations are due to sorting at and around the time of the first birth rather than early in women’s careers. Chapter 2 directly examines job changing and labor force exits among women up to 1 year before pregnancy and eighteen months after. Although Chapter 2 focuses on job quitting rather than returns to work it is closely related to the return to work literature. Most return to work studies have used the NLSY 1979 and have not examined job changing behavior; women in the NLSY 1997 are not yet far enough into their childbearing years to support this kind of analysis. Chapter 2 uses the Medical Expenditure Panel Data Surveys from 1996 through 2005, which constitute a more recent and nationally representative sample of expecting and new mothers. Based on this sample, I estimate approximately 55 percent of mothers remain in the jobs they held 1 year before pregnancy through eighteen months after the birth, 16 percent change jobs and 35 percent leave the labor force.‘2 Compared to Klerman and Leibowitz’s (1999) estimates of job continuity among women who had children during the 1980s, fewer women who had children between 1993 and 2005 quit their jobs. Most labor force exits are clustered within the three months preceding and three months following the birth but job changes occur prior to the pregnancy, in the first trimester and after the baby is twelve weeks old. Very few women change jobs with the months immediately preceding and following the birth. This finding indicates future studies need to consider a wider time frame than is customary in existing literature in order to capture all relevant employment behavior to correctly classify women as having stayed in their job, changed 12 . . . . . . . . Estimates are based on surv1val probabilities and use sample weights to generate estimates of population parameters. They do not sum to 100% due to estimation error. 161 jobs or left the Iaborforce and more plausibly assume the jobs observed are not a selected sample. As expected, wages in the prebirth job decrease the likelihood of quitting to change jobs or leave the labor force. In general, differences in employer provided benefits, including paid leave, explain more of the variation in quit behavior prior to the birth than after whereas differences in occupation, sector of employment (public or private) and wages appear to matter most for quit decisions after the birth. In Chapter 2 the overall evidence for sorting to obtain paid leave is weak. While I do find women without paid vacation leave are more likely to change jobs prior to the birth, I find no significant differences among women with and without sick leave. Furthermore, having paid vacation does not appear to deter quits after the birth. In my descriptive analysis of old and new jobs among job changers, I do find women were more likely to acquire paid leave of either type (sick or vacation) than to lose it. However, they also moved into higher wage jobs that were more likely to offer health insurance and retirement plans. In short, the possibility that women changed jobs for other reasons and happened to obtain paid leave cannot be ruled out and the results as a whole suggest wages are a more important determinant of quit behavior than paid leave. In Chapter 3 I estimated compliance with the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended schedule of well-baby care visits and attempted to explain why compliance rates are so low. Well-baby care is preventive care for children from birth through two years of age (when it becomes well-child care) and includes vaccinations, health screenings, physical examination and anticipatory guidance for parents. An estimated 52 percent of infants do not receive their first well-baby care visit at age one month and 162 compliance rates fall from there. Out of 8 recommended visits over the first 18 months, the average baby receives just over 2. This is somewhat surprising considering the low level of cost sharing under both private and public health insurance plans and the high level of insurance coverage among very young children. Thus, I examine the relationships between well-baby care, maternal employment and paid and unpaid leave available to mothers to see if time constraints and competition between work and taking one’s child to the doctor can explain low compliance rates. Even after controlling for maternal employment and access to paid and unpaid leave, copays do reduce the likelihood of receiving a given recommended visit. A 1% increase in copays, which would be about $1 on average, reduces the likelihood of receiving a given visit by 19.6 percent. Among children whose mothers work outside the home, mother’s access to paid vacation, sick or F MLA leaves does increase the likelihood of receiving a visit but only in certain types of jobs. For example, effects of FMLA are large among mothers in long hours, low wage jobs but insignificant across all jobs. Paid sick and vacation leave matter most for women in professional, clerical and production occupations. In other occupations mothers’ access to paid leave is negatively related to receipt of well-baby care. These findings suggest paid leave may act as a rationing policy rather than a flexibility enabling policy in some jobs. Additionally, I find mothers who enter or leave the labor force are less likely to take their children to visits during recommended care intervals when they are employed. However, cross- sectional estimates of relationships between maternal employment and well-baby care were inconclusive. Implications for Future Research 163 Job changing behavior has largely been ignored in the return to work literature. The findings in Chapters 1 and 2 indicate job continuity among women of childbearing age and new mothers may be more complex than a simple model of compensating wage differentials and lifecycle labor supply would imply. In Chapter 1 I find no evidence of sorting into occupations with more family friendly benefits and characteristics prior to the birth and my analysis of expectations suggests women may not have enough information to accurately anticipate their fertility and engage in efficient sorting. But there could still be important sorting behavior occurring within occupations. In Chapter 2, using availability of paid and unpaid leave and other attributes of women’s pre-pregnancy jobs, .I find mixed evidence regarding sorting behavior in the months preceding and following a birth. Availability of paid and unpaid leave do not appear to influence job changing behavior in the regression analysis but simple tabulations of the characteristics of old and new jobs are suggestive of sorting into jobs with paid leave. Further analysis of job changes before and after births as the NLSY 1997 becomes available and with other data sets which contain information about recent employment and childbearing behavior is needed to better identify the sorting that is occurring and the influence of family friendly job characteristics. Additionally, Chapter 2 demonstrates that the time interval over which employment behavior is observed may lead to misclassification of employment behavior and in turn affect the estimated relationships between employment behavior and variables of interest. Also, relationships between key covariates and employment behavior may change over the months preceding and following a birth. For example, I find F MLA leave eligible women are less likely to quit their jobs before giving birth but their quit 164 behavior after the birth does not differ from the quit behavior of women ineligible for F MLA leave. The distribution of job changes and labor force exits suggests future research should aim to analyze behavior from at least twelve months before and preferably twenty months before the birth and be cognizant of the potential for misclassification when shorter intervals must be used. Furthermore, separately estimating relationships of interest before and after the birth or over even more targeted intervals may provide a richer understanding of the interaction between key covariates and employment behavior. Findings in Chapter 3 suggest there may be competition between maternal employment and well-baby care. However, the identification strategy used to estimate the effect of maternal employment on well-baby care is not ideal. Further examination of the relationship between compliance with well-baby recommendations and maternal employment is needed to confirm the results found in Chapter 3. If there does in fact seem to be competition between maternal employment and well-baby care, one might wonder about the relationships between employment and other health behaviors including adults’ compliance with their own preventive care schedule. Timing and adequate preventive care may help to ward off more serious and costly future medical conditions and thus lower healthcare costs. Rising healthcare costs are a focal issue in current policy debates and a challenge to employers attempting to manage benefits costs. Finally, one of the important barriers to empirically analyzing the relationships between family friendly workplace policies and practices and any behavior is the lack of detailed information about workplace policies in most large scale surveys. Indeed, the only policies I was able to consider in this dissertation were paid vacation and sick leave and 165 FMLA leave. Even then I had information about the availability of paid and sick leave but not the amount available or rules for accumulation and use. Short of having better questions in the large scale national surveys, researchers may be able to make use of the quality of questions available in smaller surveys such as the National Study of the Changing Workforce, which is still nationally representative and has richer information regarding workplace policies and practices. Policy Implications As stated in the introduction to this dissertation, in the U.S. there are few public policies aimed at reconciliation of work and family time and no universal entitlement to paid leave. This contrasts sharply with nearly all other developed countries. In the U.S. employer policies and practices determine the organization of work and non-work time with very little intervention from the government or organized labor. This institutional structure has lead to disparities across jobs and occupations in the availability of paid leaves and family friendly policies. Yet even among jobs which offer paid leave or in which workers are eligible for F MLA leave, Chapter 3 suggests the relationships between paid and unpaid leave and care-giving behavior may vary greatly across jobs. In short, in the U.S. there is substantial inequity in access to paid and unpaid leaves and may also be important differences in the terms and conditions of paid and unpaid leave policies among those who are covered. Given the disparities in access to and characteristics of paid and unpaid leave policies, we might expect to see workers with a high demand for these benefits sort into jobs with the best paid leave policies. The birth of a child and associated acquisition of time intensive care giving responsibilities should increase the demand for these benefits 166 and, if mobility were costless, should lead to sorting. Yet job changing can be costly in terms of destruction of specific human capital, mobility costs and forfeiture of any accrued non-transferable benefits. A rational agent would only change jobs when the benefits of doing so outweigh these costs. Furthermore, a rational agent with perfect foresight would choose to pursue a sequence of jobs which maximized utility over her lifecycle. Thus a woman who knew she was going to have a child in the next five years should be less likely to take on a job with any sort of deferred compensation scheme or specific human capital investments if the job has a schedule that will not be workable after she has her child or if she intends to quit for other reasons. Or a woman who knew she was going to have multiple children and require repeated labor force absences should select into an occupation with less skill atrophy. Early sorting behavior need not contribute to differences in lifecycle earnings between mothers and childless women; it could help to reduce them. The fact that cohort level childbearing expectations, and expectations of first birth timing in particular, were found to have a poor correspondence with actual cohort fertility suggests a poor correspondence at the individual level as well. If women cannot predict their future fertility with reasonable accuracy then the employment decisions they make may be optimal in the short run but suboptimal over the life cycle. Indeed, the fact that there are no observable differences in the characteristics of occupations chosen by childless women who expect to become mothers and those who do not only suggests women are not sorting in to lower wage jobs before having children on based on the expectations of becoming mothers. It suggests that they are not sorting prior to thebirth at all. Certainly the results of Chapter 1 are far from definitive and there could be a large 167 amount of sorting that occurs within occupations. But these results do warrant further investigation of common assumptions about women’s job changing behavior. If in fact women do not seem to have enough information to accurately anticipate their fertility and sort efficiently, less diversity in working time policies and practices across jobs and a broader set of basic entitlements and policies regarding the combination of work and non-work time might help to alleviate some of the uncertainty women experience when attempting to plan childbearing and make career decisions. If there is excess mobility, more workable and stable employment relationships and childcare strategies should improve children’s well-being, promote gender based pay equity and increase household incomes. Findings in Chapter 3 have strong implications for child health and development, and more broadly management of public health. Public policies already provide widespread subsidies to reduce the cost of well-baby care and promote compliance with recommended care schedules. Yet compliance remains appallingly low. Among women with the longest hours, my findings indicate women with FMLA leave eligibility are substantially more likely to take their children to recommended visits. Furthermore, I find women with paid sick or vacation leave and those eligible for F MLA are more likely to schedule weekday rather than weekend doctors visits than those without paid and unpaid leave. However, women who indicate their paid sick leave “can be used to see the doctor” are less likely to schedule weekday appointments and, throughout the analysis, this response was often negatively related to receipt of care. One explanation for this finding is women answered the question “must you use your paid sick time to visit the doctor.” I68 Based on tabulations in the NSCW (see Introduction Table 1.1) Only 68 percent of mothers with children under age 5 have any paid time off to care for their own illness and only 45 have paid time off to care for a sick child. Of those who have paid time off for their own illness, 23 percent state they do not receive enough. Similarly, of those who have paid time off to care for a sick child, 17 percent state they do not receive enough. If paid sick leave is scarce, parents are unlikely to be willing to use it to take a healthy child to the doctor. Although “intermittent FMLA leave” (use of F MLA to obtain part of a day off or arrange a reduced schedule for a qualifying purpose) is permitted for FMLA eligible employees, paid sick and vacation days are often doled out by the day or half day. Furthermore, employers may require employees to use all banked sick and vacation time before using FMLA leave. Arguably this creates a disincentive to use because parents may wish to reserve their sick time for illnesses and their vacation time for vacations or unforeseen needs for time off. A separate entitlement to FMLA leave would resolve this disincentive. Finally, under the strictest interpretation of the law, F MLA does not extend to preventive care or minor illnesses, except as related to pregnancy or in proximity to the birth. Although my findings for well-baby care use imply substantial non-compliance . with recommended well-baby care, full compliance may not be an appropriate policy goal. Preventive care is often proposed as part of the solution to rising medical care costs (Hensrud 2000; Fries et al 1993). However, not all preventive care is cost-effective (improve health enough to justify their cost) and even those which are may result in a net increase in medical care costs (Russel 1993). For example, Tucker et a1 (1 998) evaluate the costs and benefits of introducing universal vaccination for rotavirus (the most 169 conunon cause of severe diarrhea in children). Rotavirus vaccine costs $20 per dose and they estimate the cost of universal immunization would be $289 million and would prevent 1.08 million cases of diarrhea, 34,000 hospitalization, 95,000 emergency department visits and 227,000 doctors visits among children age 5 and younger. Assuming vaccination rates similar to those for DPT (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus), The medical costs associated with rotavirus include increased doctor visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations and medical costs associated with death. Societal costs of rotavirus include caregivers’ loss of earnings and lifetime productivity loss due to deaths. Costs of the vaccine program include both administrative costs and the $20 cost per dose. In total, they estimate the program would result in a net reduction of $296 million in societal costs and a net gain of $107 million in medical costs. There are few studies that estimate the cost-effectiveness of well-baby care or other preventive care visits, probably because anticipatory guidance and other less objective aims of care are not as easy to quantify as immunization and the incidence rate of unhealthy behaviors in the absence of anticipatory guidance is difficult to measure. Using the 1992 Pennsylvania Port Authority Transit strike as a source of identification, Evans and Lien (2005) attempt to provide estimates of the causal effect of prenatal care on pregnancy and infantoutcomes (birth weight, gestation, maternal weight gain and smoking) among black inner-city women. The find missed visits early in pregnancy negatively affect some outcomes but late visits appear to be less influential. Hoekelman (1975) compares the gain in maternal knowledge, level of maternal satisfaction, degree of compliance and attainment of planned health supervision between infants who receive 3 and 6 well-baby visits in the first year of life and finds no significant differences in these 170 measures between the two groups. Gilbert et al (1984) conduct a similar study in Canada where they compare infants who were assigned to receive 10 well-baby visits over the first two years of life (the current recommended number in Ontario) and 5 well-baby visits. They find no differences in the incidence of illness or prevalence of undetected abnormalities between the two groups. However, babies in the 5 visit group received an average of 4.77 on-time visits. My estimates suggest American children receive 2.03 visits on average by age 12 months and 2.25 visits by age 18 months, including unscheduled visits. No study has compared outcomes for reduced care at that level. Current and Future Public and Workplace Policy Trends Issues involving working families and children continue to be at the forefront of policy discussions in the U.S. and other OECD countries. Yet other OECD countries have more policies currently in place and work-family issues receive more attention in current policy debates. Japan and Korea are especially concerned with the reconciliation of work and family life because of their extremely low fertility rates. In countries with higher fertility, concerns over female labor force participation tend to receive more attention than levels of fertility but both are important issues. The EU, for example, has set a female labor force participation rate target of 60% in each member state by 2010 (OECD 2007). European countries are currently debating individualization of parental leave benefits with the specific aim of promoting gender equity at home and in the labor force (OECD 2007). Since paid parental leaves are generally state financed in European countries, many countries grant a certain portion of maternity leave to mothers and additional amounts of leave are transferrable between parents but fathers have no separate I71 right to parental leave. Most Scandinavian countries have already adopted individualized benefits. Iceland, for example, has individualized rights to parental leave; mothers and fathers are each separately entitled to three months of parental leave and jointly entitled to an additional three months which may be divided in any way the couple chooses (Rostgaard 2002). If individualization reduces the differences in leave taking behavior between mothers and fathers it may reduce gender inequality in the labor force. Scandinavian countries have the most generous family policy in the world and in order to finance those policies they also have some of the highest tax rates (OECD 2007). Among EU. countries, the policy regime and fiscal perspective in the U.K. is probably the most similar to the U.S. Yet even in the U.K., all working mothers are entitled to job protected leave of up to 26 weeks and 60% are entitled to some form of maternity payment based on their work history (Hudson et al., 2004) and pay is replaced at 90% for the first six weeks (OECD 2007). In 2003, the U.K. introduced “right to request” legislation which granted employees with young or disabled children the right to request “flexible working” (Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 2008). Flexible working requests may include but are not limited to changes in hours of work, changes in times when required to work or working from home (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service 2007). When presented with a request, employers are required to consider it and either agree to the proposed work schedule changes or provide a business rationale for refusal. Employees have protection from reprisal or dismissal for filing a request, the right to appeal refusals, and in some cases the right to bring a refusal before a tribunal. 172 Although the U.S. has historically provided significantly less public support for the reconciliation of work and family time than most other developed countries, recent policy changes and current initiatives may begin to close this gap. For example, in 2002 California passed the first paid family leave law in the nation. The law went into effect in 2004 and provides up to 6 weeks of leave with 55 percent pay up to a maximum of $728 per week to both male and female employees who have a new child either by birth or adoption or need to care for a seriously ill family member (Milkman and Appelbaum 2004). These benefits are entirely employee financed through Califomia’s existing State Disability Insurance program (Milkman and Appelbaum 2004). The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has sponsored a National Initiative on Workplace Flexibility. The goals of this initiative is to make workplace flexibility “the standard of the American workplace” and the Sloan Foundation has sought to accomplish this goal by providing funding for projects at the national, state and local level which advance flexible work arrangements (Christensen 2004). The Workplace Flexibility 2010 policy initiative, which one of the projects funded by the Sloan Foundation, has set forth the ambitious goal of creating consensus based national policy solutions in the areas of flexible work arrangements, time off and career exit/reentry by the year 2010 (Workplace Flexibility 2010, 2004). In the 2008 election, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has laid out a platform which would introduce new policies and expand the FMLA to address work-family issues. He states he would work to enact an employer mandate that would require the provision of seven paid sick days per year. A similar proposal was previously introduced as “The Healthy Families Act” by Senator Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and 173 Representative Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) in the 108th, 109th and 110th Congresses but never made it to the floor ( 2007). Furthermore, Obama says he would support the expansion of FMLA, which currently covers businesses with 50 or more employees, to cover businesses with 25 or more and to extend coverage for more purposes including time parents choose to spend participating in their children’s academic activities. (Obama’08 2008). No mention is made of providing pay during F MLA leave but Obama does propose federal funds would be allocated to assist states with the establishment of paid-leave systems, presumably similar to the California system. Although unionization rates in the U.S. are generally quite low, the labor movement has taken up the issue of workplace flexibility and achieved some important benefits for their members. For example, in 1999 UAW negotiations with the Big Three automakers established the Alliance for Children and Working Families which included funding for training of child care providers, summer camp, after-school programs, and back-up child care (Lazarovici 2000). District 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) negotiated 1 day of work at home per week for new parents with children less than one year old and hotel and members of Hotel and Restaurant Employees Local 2 in San Francisco negotiated a child and elder care fund and flexible paid-time-off policy in their 1994 contract (Lazarovici 2000). Many private sector employers are choosing to provide their employees with policies that help to reconcile work and family roles as part of an attraction and retention strategy. However, those with the most generous policies disproportionately employ highly paid professionals. This tendency leads to disproportionate access to flexibility I74 throughout the labor market by pay grade. For example, companies who made Working Mother Magazine’s 100 Best list for fifteen years or more were primarily large financial companies, including Bank of America and Citi, pharmaceuticals like Merck & Co. and Procter and Gamble and high tech corporations including IBM and Hewlett-Packard. Yet in 2005 IKEA, as large Swedish owned retail store, made a notable appearance on the list as one of the few companies in the retail industry to offer medical and dental coverage to all employees, including part time workers (Business Wire 2005). Table C 1 compares the family benefits provided in the 2007 Working Mother Magazine’s 100 Best companies to the national availability of benefits as measured in the 2007 benefits survey of the Society for Human Resource Management members (SHRM). The membership of SHRM is disproportionately made up of human resource managers and executives from larger companies and thus the differences in Table Cl , although striking, likely understate the true differences between benefits available in jobs at the100 Best and the average U.S. job. Future advances in public and employer flexible working-time policies will depend on many factors, perhaps the most important of which is the strength of the economy. Flexibility can be costly to employers, employees and taxpayers. Even in Europe, where willingness to pay appears to be quite high, tension over the costs family friendly benefits impose upon employers is an important public concern and has lead to “flexicurity” initiative. F lexicurity is a policy strategy aimed at enhancing the flexibility of labor markets, work organizations and labor relations while ensuring employment and income security for workers (European Comission 2008). More directly, flexicurity would allow employers to more freely hire labor than under existing life-long I75 employment regimes in order to compete in changing global markets. The “security” component of flexicurity is the govemment’s commitment to providing worker retraining and income support to ensure employment and income security in the face of lessoned job security. Flexicurity is a highly contested issue in the EU. and in particular between employee and employer organizations. But, since many family benefits are delivered through public entitlements and funded with public dollars rather than through employment contracts, reduced job security may not have much effect on a new mother or father’s ability to take leave and arrange for on-going care. The U.S., on the other hand, faces many of the same economic pressures but has a much less developed social safety net. Furthermore, unlike in Europe, family benefits are almost entirely determined by one’s current employment contract and eligibility for F MLA leave is contingent upon having worked at least one year full-time with one’s current employer. In this regime, increased job insecurity may lead employees to experience substantial changes in working-time arrangements and access to flexible policies as they transition through jobs and more workers may find themselves in the periphery of the labor market without access to FMLA and other benefits contingent upon continuous, full-time job tenure. This possibility, along with the marked inequalities under the current employer provided benefit regime, point to the need for public entitlement to flexible working-time arrangements. Furthermore, while the focus of this dissertation has been the need for work and family time reconciliation among new parents and mothers in particular, parents are not the only persons in need of flexibility. As the baby boom generation ages a large proportion of the working population will take on elder-care duties that will need to be 176 reconciled with their work schedules. Also, the baby boomers themselves may seek a more flexible transition into retirement. As people live longer, the pursuit of portfolio careers (careers which include various jobs and work arrangements to suit each stage of the lifecycle) may increase (Platman 2004). Indeed there is some suggestive evidence to indicate paid work may actually increase longevity. In a study of cohorts affected Social Security benefit reform Snyder and Evans (2006) find cohorts who received lower benefit payments had significantly lower mortality rates. One explanation for this finding would be these cohorts had to wait longer to retire and work may have actually improved longevity. Future research can help to inform work and family reconciliation policies through better understanding of the choices and challenges women face when making employment and childbearing decisions over the lifecycle. A key goal of this research should be to further investigate the role of workplace policies and practices in shaping those decisions. Furthermore, although much of the existing literature and this dissertation focused exclusively on women and childbearing, the influence and importance of flexible working-time policies and practices extends to fathers and other care-givers as well. Since the dual earner family has become the standard and since demographic trends will lead many American workers to take on elder-care responsibilities in the future, new studies of the effects of workplace and public policies on fathers and other care-givers are needed. In conclusion, there is vast need for better reconciliation of work and family time in the U.S. and to date public policy intervention is minimal. The conflict between work and family time may contribute to gender inequities in the labor market and negatively 177 affect the health and development of young children. The results of this dissertation suggest access to paid leave may help women to maintain job matches during childbearing years and improve health outcomes for young children by encouraging mothers to take their children to well-baby care. The findings invite further investigation of the extent to which women are able to optimally plan their childbearing and careers over the lifecycle and further analyses of flexible working—time policies and practices and their effects on fathers and other care-givers as well as mothers. 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