Composing in public
The central premise of this project is that researching student communication and composing actions in light of audience will illuminate particular features of student composing processes in 21st century interdisciplinary contexts. Students in this study took part in a six week inquiry unit about their local area. Data generated included student interviews and collection of student work. Data analysis used themes from the organizing frame for research, audience theory, along with emergent categories to determine patterns of student action. This study discovered that during networked composing an enduring audience of peers influences how students draw upon their personal experiences, interact with and address an audience of peers, and imagine and interact with distant audiences. This study demonstrates how educational drama, which also takes place within an enduring audience of peers, is a tool that can be used to demonstrate effective principles of composing in light of 21st century audience needs.
- In Collections
Electronic Theses & Dissertations
- Copyright Status
- In Copyright
- Material Type
- Authors
Heintz, Anne
- Thesis Advisors
Juzwik, Mary M.
- Committee Members
Certo, Janine
Hart-Davidson, Bill
Hartman, Douglas
Mishra, Punya
Troia, Gary
- Date Published
- Subjects
Action research in education
Audio-visual education
Communication--Technological innovations
Drama in education
- Program of Study
Educational Psychology and Educational Technology
- Degree Level
- Language
- Pages
- vii, 211 pages
- Permalink