‘-’ '1 "'~ an MAI- “H ‘ h mmn —I_x_. “ Imo “ (1)0101 \ SOME EFF-95C? «‘DF 3 VETRG ENDUCEDF PEEKEECSLLN RESES‘FANCE 0N MECRQQQCCLES “2:33; may. AL‘REUS Thais Ear {Jae fiwm é R5“ S. MQCE‘EEGAR STAKE? CGLLEGE figba-s? iémas Cat“: W54 302m EFFECTS OF 111 VI’I‘f-LO moms) EMICILLIN masxermcz ON MICRCCOCCUS PYOGENiS VAR. AUHEUS by HOdEnT JAMES COLLINS v A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MudTEd OP SCIENCi Menartment of Bacteriology 1954 THESIS ,1. an: .9,4.tfli NIIQ/ . , . t To My Wife 6 V U 3385‘ I I INTRODUCTION HISTORICAL SURVEY CULTURES USED IN THIS MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS . . DISCUSSION . SUMMARY . . REFERENCES CITED ACKNOWLEDGMENT TABLE OF STUDY CONTENTS Page . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . lb 111 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Method Used for Determining the M.I.C. of Sensitive Strains . . . . . . . . .- . 16 2. Results of Direct Cell Counts Calculated in Bacteria per m1 of Cell Suspension Standardized to 60 per cent Transmission on the Ph 0t omet er 0 O O O O O O O O C 2O 3. Results of Drop Plate Counts Calculated in Bacteria per ml of Cell Suspension Stand- ardized to 60 per cent Transmission on the Photoneter . . . . . . . . . . . 20 h. M.L.D. Determinations of Sensitive Parent strains 0 O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O 23 5. Results of M.I.C. Determinations of Sensi- tive and Resistant Cultures . . . . . . . 29 6. Results of Direct Cell Counts on Resistant Cultures Calculated in Bacteria per ml of Cell Suspension Standardized to 60 per cent Transmission on the Photoneter . . . . . . 31 iv Table Page 7. Results of Virulence Tests on Resistant Cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 8. Results of Biochemical Reactions of Sen- sitive and Resistant Strains . . . . . . 37 9. Results of the Measurement of Size of Sensitive and Resistant Cultures . . . . . 39 FIGURE Figure Page 1. The Development of Resistance of Four Strains of 5, ongenes var. aureus to Penic111m G c s s s s s s s s s s 28 INTRODUCIIMN Resistance of microorganisns to penicillin is of importance to the clinician, the geneticist and the liocienist. Except for penicillin resistant micrococci, the development of resistant microorganisms in the course of treat ent of Facterial infections with penicillin has been rare. The steady increase in these forms among the micrococci has, however, definitely limitei the usefulness of penicillin in the treatment of micrococeal diseases. In an effort to iefine the nature of resistance to penicillin many investigators have successfully produced resistant .forms by repeated subculture in increasing quantities of the drug. Authors have reported on the characteristics of these resistant variants, often with conflicting data. For examnle, there is lack of agreement as to the pathogenicity, coagulase production and biochemical and gram stain reactions of micrococci made resistant in_vitro. Further, because some resistant micro- cocci have been reported coagulase negative, nonhemolytic and poorly pigmented, it has been assumed that they are no longer pathogenic. True, this is indicative of avirulence tut nrcof lies in pathogenicity tests on suitable laboratory animals with com- parable numlers of the sensitive and resistant teeteria. However, the information gained by a study of resistance proiuced in cul- ture may not be entirely applicable to micrococci which have acquired.resistance luring treatvent of a patient with penicillin. This is because the characteristics of 12.11222 produced resistant strains may not be the same as those of strains which have acquired resistance ig’zigg. Resistance of bacteria to penicillin is important to the geneticist. Geneticists are concerned with the origin of bacterial resistance and the changes produced in bacterial populations by penicillin. biochemists use cultures of bacteria which are resistant to penicillin to derive information about intermediate steps in metabolism and mode of action of drugs. The objectives of this study were to investigate some of the changes produced in Micrococcus pyogenes var. aureus by repeated subculture in penicillin. Particular emphasis has been placed on changes in virulence because the literature is not in agreement as to whether resistant cultures remain virulent or become avirulent. HISTORICAL SURVEY Pasteur and Joubert (1877) made what was perhaps the first recorded observation of antagonism between microorganisms. They noted that broth cultures of Bacillus anthracis which recame contaminated failed to grow. While investigating staphylococci, Fleming (1929) noted that a mold growing as a contaminant on a plate caused the staphylo- coccus colonies to become transparent and then undergo lysis. When the mold was grown in a liquid medium the inhibiting sub- stance was found to diffuse into the broth. Further, a broth .filtrate, even when greatly diluted, would inhibit the growth of many pathogens. The substance was no more toxic for rabbits than ordinary broth. Later, the mold was identified as Penicillium notatum and Fleming called the inhibiting substance penicillin. Cutterbuck, Lovell and Raistrick (1932) attempted to extract penicillin from a purely synthetic medium on which they grew the mold. During the extraction penicillin was found to be unstable and further work was abandoned. Penicillin was largely forgotten until 1938 when Florey and Chain at Oxford reexamined the possibilities of isolation and concentration of penicillin (Florey 1944). In the next two years the Oxford group succeeded in purifying, concentrating and testing bacterial spectra and tissue toxicity of penicillin. Proof of the efficacy of the antibiotic came when human patients 3 were successfully treated in the winter and spring of 19hO-h1. Thus, the Oxford group proiuced penicillin as a proved chemother- apeutic drug. The problem of proiucing penicillin in large quan- tities still remained. Due to the war, England was unalle to provide facilities for large-soale production, so Florey and Heatley came to America. Here development of high-yielding strains of E. notatum and modification of the culture medium ‘ played an important part in volume production. Once the new drug became available research was begun on its mode of action on the bacterial cell. Gardner (19tO) stud- ied the changes induced in bacteria by growth in concentrations of penicillin insufficient to cause complete inhibition. En- largement, pleomorphism and imperfect fission were observed in micrococci, streptococci and gram positive bacilli. Swelling and sometimes bursting was noted in gram negative bacilli like Escherichia coli and some of the salmonella. In contrast to this, no morphological changes were seen in penicillin sensitive meningococci. Gardner thought that penicillin might cause in- complete fission leading to cellular enlargement and, in some cases, lysis. Hobby, Meyer and Chaffee (1942) subjected susceptible Lacteria to penicillin and determined the number of surviving organisms at different time intervals. They found that a straight {line was obtained if the log of the number of surviving organ- isms was plotted against time until approximately 99 per cent «mf‘the organisms were dead. The remaining one per cent were killxni at a slower rate. Bigger (194A) found that the number of h orgarisms able to survive inhibitory concentrations of penicillin was increased if their rate of growth was slowed down or stooped. For example, penicillin in a concentration of 10 units per ml caused death of all micrococci in a culture at 37 C, allowed a few organisms to survive at room temperature, and caused no re- duction in the number of viable bacteria at h C. In similar ex- periments it was found that micrococci, placed in broth diluted 1:800 with distilled water or sutjected to bacteriostatic con- centrations of boric acid, showed higher survival rates in in- hibitory concentrations of penicillin than micrococci grown in plain broth. Bigger stated that these 'persisters' were cocci with no greater resistance than normal organisms but that they hermened to be in a non-dividing phase in which they were in- suscentible to the action of penicillin. Kirby (l9hu), by turiiiimetric readings, found a period of rapid growth followed by a period of equally rapii lysis at a concentration of 0.1 unit of penicillin per ml. with concen- trations of from 1.0 to 100 units per ml a period of slow wrowth was follow;i by slow lysis. This phercmercn occurred with each of 100 strains tested. hirny attributed the more rs-id lysis in small rather than large concentrations to greater initial growth in the former. Parker and Marsh (1946) and Eriksen (lQAéa) obtained the same initial growth as did Kirby when using small concentrations of penicillin but found the lethal effect to be immediate with large concentrations. Erihsen's technique was interesting. He added penicillin to a solid medium.and inoculated 5 it with micrococci. By placing small squares of the meiium on a slide anl oiserving one area with a microscope it was possible to tell whether growth or lysis of the bacteria hai occurrei. 'These authors concluded that penicillin was active only against those bacteria which were iiviiing; that is, it was effective in stopping some mechanism which the cell needs for division. However, their results would also support the hypothesis that penicillin blocks some mechanism involved in food metalolism, because an active metabolism must arecede growth and division. Bacteria able to grow in concentrations of penicillin great- er than can he maintained in the human boiy are termei insensitive or resistant to the antibiotic. Strains of micrococci which are resistant to penicillin are occurring more and more frequently. Spink, Ferris and Vivino (l9hb) reported 12 per cent of 68 strains of ccagulase positive micrococci to be resistant to between 0.4 and 0.8 unit of penicillin. Bondi and Dietz (19h5) found that approximately lb per cent of llS recently isolated strains were able to Withstand O.h5 unit of the antibiotic. The figure had risen to 21 per cent of 79 cultures as reported by Blair, Carr and Buchmann (1946). Their strains required from 0.3 to 50 units for inhibition. Roundtree, Barbour and Thompson (1951) ran sensitivity tests on staphylococci frzm patients at a hos- pital and reported 53 per cent resistant. Miyahara 22.31- (1953) reported the amazing total of 76 of 100 coagulase positive micro- cocci to be resistant. An even more striking example of the increase in resistant micrococci was that reported by Barber and \ ‘ ' [';x‘.-.i V. “5.4 s Rozwaiowska-Dowzenkc (1948). They found, in the same hospital, it per cent of the strains to be resistant to nenicillin in lots, 38 per cent in 19h7, and 59 per cent in l9t9. In an attempt to define the nature of resistance numerous workers have developed bacteria in culture which are resistant to penicillin. The first of these were Abraham, Chain 31 §l° (19Al). By subculturing a strain of E. pyogenes var. aureus for 16 weeks in increasing quantities of penicillin they obtained a culture 1000 times more resistant than the parent strain. Rammelkamp and Maxon (1942) raised two strains of staphylococci to a 6A ; fold increase in penicillin resistance in eight weeks. Eriksen (l9h6b) obtained 12 strains of E. pyggenes var. 235323 which showed a 500 fold increase in resistance. 0n solid media resis- tant cultures showed small colonies with poor pigmentation. Four of five subcultures on media without penicillin brought normal sized colonies into predominance. Bellamy (19A8), Bellamy and Klemik (1948), Klimek, Cavallito and Bailey (l9h8) and McVeigh and Hobiy (1952) reportei on the morphological and biochemical changes produced in 5. pyogenes var. aureus by repeated subculture in a medium containing penicillin. All of trese authors observed about the same changes in morpho- logy. At first, exposure to penicillin resulted in an increase in size of the cells. After considerable resistance had been attained the cells became highly pleomorphic, varying from cocci to cocco—bacilli, rods and diphtheroid forms. As resistance increased the gram stain reaction became negative, the cells became smaller and more uniform in size. Increased resistance was accompanied By a progressive loss in ability to ferment sugars, reluce nitrate and grow in high salt concentrations. For example, the resistant micrococci of bellamy and Klimek (19h8) were unable to grow in broth containing 6.5 per cent sodium chloride at 1000 times, unable to ferment sucrose and mannite at 4000 times, and unable to ferment lactose or reduce nitrates at 60,000 times the resistance of the parent sensitive strain. Bellamy (19h8) and McVeigh and Hobdy (1952) found no decrease in resistance of their resistant micrococci on an enriched medium. However, highly resistant strains could be made much more sensi- tive by subculture on a deficient medium devised by Bellamy. In contrast to the complete loss of ability of carbohydrate fermentation observed by the above investigators, Abraham, Chain 32 E1. (19hl), Spink, Ferris and Vivino (l9hh) and Blair, Carr and Buchman (19h6) reported a decrease in the rate of fermentation. Since all authors, who have worked with organisms resistant to penicillin, have found a decreased rate of growth the fermentation reactions would be expected to proceed at a slower rate. Authors also disagree on the coagulase reaction of micrococci made resistant in culture. Spink, Ferris and Vivino (19hh), and Blair, Carr and Buchman (l9h6) found their resistant micrococci to be coagulase positive. Klimek, Cavallito and Bailey (19h8), Suter 811d Vischer (19A8) and McVeigh and Hobdy (1952) reported that in vitro produced resistant strains became coagulase negative. Rake et_al. (l9uh) were the first to report on virulence of pathogens made resistant in culture. They succeeded in leveloping resistance in a type III pneumococcus culture, a Streptococcus pyogenes culture ani three cultures of E. pyogenes var. aureus. Over fifty transfers of a type I and a type II pneumococcus culture resulted in only a slight increase in resistance. Virulence for mice of the resistant cultures was reduced. Cultures, which -7 consistently killed mice at a dilution of 10 before penicillin passage, killed only irregularly at a dilution of 10.1 after passage. The types I and II oneunococci, which had acquired little resistance, were only slightly less virulent. Miller and bohnhoff (1945) made seven strains of meningococci resistant to penicillin in vitro. Virulence was determined 1y inoculating nice intraneritoneally with mucin suspensions of meningococci. Six of the seven strains, which had acquired varying degrees of penicillin resistance up to five units per ml, lost very little or none of their original virulence for mice. The seventh strain which was able to grow in the presence of 14 units of penicillin remained highly virulent. However, when the strain had acquired resistance to 18 units per ml, virulence was lost and could not be restored by mouse passage. Llair, Carr and Euchman (19A6) ieveloned penicillin resis- tance in four strains of staphylococci by passage in a solid meiiuWL containing increasing quantities of the antiliotic. Virulence was deterrined by the intravenous injection in mice ’1 weighing lb trans of 0.5 nl c‘ 1 suspension a" nu ‘9 hour slav+ .g 1 r a . - ‘ a . -: v m :- ~ . « ~ ~ . : -. - ' \r 1‘ x n .. culture, W bbei sires times uni resu» Ohio! 17 all .1 of u.“5 r , J. in '7‘- m, i" . n .,_f in _. \ r. ,.'. . pe cett ulllth. Lures o: the four ut'~-'n showed a considerible loss of virulence after the ninth subculture. The four strains were then maintained at room temperature and transferred to fresh medium every seven or eight weeks. Their resistance tr penicillin and virulence for mice was determined at the end of the second and eighth month. At the end of the second month the three strains which had previously lost most of their virulence now became completely avirulent. The fourth strain remained virulent. Surprisingly enough the resistance of the strains increased con- siderably in the atsence of penicillin. At the end of the eighth month all strains showed a loss in resistance to penicillir and the fourth strain became avirulent. Next, the four strains were subjected to serial daily transfers in broth without penicillin with the result that the sensitivity of three of the four strains was within the 'normal' range while one strain retained a consid- erable degree of resistance. Virulence for mic- was again tested. Collectively, the four strains caused death in eight of 36 inocul— ated mice while at the begining of the experiment the parent sensitive cultures had killed 30 of 36 mice. Suter and Vischer (1948) tested the virulence of cultures of micrococci made resistant to penicillin in zitrg. They in— jected mice with 16 hour broth cultures of sensitive and resistant micrococci suspended in mucin. The penicillin resistant cultures 10 remained as virulent as the sensitive ones. -Matsui (1950) reportei that streptococci male resistant in vitro became avirulent for mice. Several authors have reported on pathogenic cocci which have acquirel resistance in 3212. Rammelkamo and Maxon (19L2) recovered four strains of penicillin resistant fl. pyogenes var. aureus from fourteen patients treated with the antibiotic. Cul- tures of the four strains obtained before and after treatment disclosed increases of from 16 to lhO fold in resistance. Schmidt and Sesler (19h3) developed two resistant strains of pneumococci by serial passage in mice treated with penicillin. The resistant variants appeared stable. Thirty serial passages of one strain in normal mice produced no loss of resistance. Flair, Carr and Buckman (l9h6) obtained resistant fl, Byogenes var. aureus from nine of hl patients undergoing penicillin treatment for chronic osteomyelitis. As with strains made resistant in culture these resistant forms showed a tendency toward loss of pigment and retardation of metabolic processes. The coagulase reaction was unchanged. No loss of resistance occurred over a period of from five to sixteen months. Six of the nine strains showed no change in virulence for mice when compared with the parent sensitive strain. The other three showed an appreciable loss of virulence. North and Christie (19h6) obtained three isolates of E, pyogenes var. aureus at weekly intervals from a leg wound in a patient being treated with penicillin. The first isolate' TeQUired 0.6 unit per ml for inhibition, the second 2.5 units per 11 ml, and the third 10 units per ml. The three isolates were believed to be of the same strain because all belongel to the same phage type and all were culturally identical. Mice were inoculat- ed with a broth culture of the resistant micrococci diluted in saline to contain four billion organisms. Twenty-five thousand units of penicillin failed to protect a group 0” mice injected with the culture resistant to 10 units of penicillin. The same has. dose of “enicillin protected all mice injected with the culture 3 requiring 0.6 unit for inhibition. i Some organisms have been shown to be able to destroy pen- icillin. This is due to the elaboration of an enzyme called penicillinase. Abraham and Chain (1940) first demonstrated its presence in Escherichia £21; and Micrococcus lysodeikticus. A crushed extract of the cells was capable of destroying penicillin as evidenced by the growth of a sensitive micrococcus in the pre- sence of enzyme-treated penicillin. Penicillinase producers have been found widely distributed in nature. Woodrurf and Foster (194A) found an intracellular enzymatic substance destruc- tive to penicillin in cultures of spore-forming bacteria, other bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and yeasts. They found no corre- lation between the resistance of a microorganism to penicillin and its ability to produce penicillinase. Bondi and Dietz (19hha) found the enzyme amoung coliforms, aerobic-sporeformers and in the genus Shigella. In another publication (lQhLb) they reported no penicillinase activity in Salmonella, Pseudomonas or Frucella although organisms in these genera were not susceptible to the 12 ‘1. u? Airy/.- “ action of penicillin. By sulculturing F. nvogfnes var. aureus, Salmonella typhosa ani Proteus vulgaris in increasing quantities of penicillin, resistance could le increased tut no nericillirsse activity could be detected. The authors ccncluiei that the in- ability of ;n orcanism to proiuce penicillinase is not necessarily a determining factor in its sensitivity to penicillin. However, in the genus Nicrococcus the ability to produce penicillinase is directly correlated with resistance acquirei lg XEXQ‘ Kirby (194%) usei Harper's acetcre—ether extract or method to demonstrate penicillinase activity of micrococci. Seven resistant strains isolated from patients proiuced the in— activator while seven sensitive strains showed no penicillinase activity. Eonli ani Dietz (lQhS) tested 115 strains of micro- cocci 16 of which were resistant. Only the resistant strains produced the enzyme. Apoarently strains cf micrococci made resistant in_vitro do not produce penicillinase. Spink and Ferris (lQhS) and North and Christie (lQAb) found no penicillinase activity it micrococci made resistant by subculture in increasing quantities of penicillin. 13 '- CULTURES UQED IN THIS ’TU]! Received in lyonhile from the Michigan Department IX) (3 \O "U of Health in 1953. N Isolated from a lesion on the face of a man at the Department of Yacteriology and Public Health, Michigan T-L a State College in 19A9. The strain was maintained in i 3 stock culture at room temperature with occasional : transfers until used in this study. . f C Isolated from the vagina of a mare during an examination e————-w at the Department of Bacteriology and Public Health, Michigan State Collene in 195A. RF Isolated from a lesion on the arm of a student at the Department of Bacteriology and Public Health, Kichipan State College in 195h. The above organisms were typical of E. pyogenes 223' aureus in every respect. All produced a golden-yellow pisment, were coagulase positive and hemolytic. Throughout this study the letter 3 after the name of an organism such as N-S was used to designate a parent sensitive :strain. Any number occurring after the name of a strain indicates tflrat the strain has been cultured in the presence of penicillin enui is resistant. The number indicates how many times more .resisteuit the culture was than its parent sensitive strain. 1h MATERIALS AN) iJTHCJS Sensitivitnyests Ani Development Q£ Resistant Cultures Buffered crystalline penicillin G potassium obtained from E. H. Squibb and Sons was used throughout this study. The vials of penicillin were reconstitutei with 0.95 per cent sterile saline, and stock solutions, also diluted with saline, were prepared from these. Such solutions were maintained under re- frigeration and used for a period of no longer than four days. Penicillin now is a chemically defined, pure product. For this reason the quantity'pg instead of units of penicillin was used throughout this study. One unit is equal to 0.667 pg. The medium chosen for stock cultures, sensitivity tests and development of resistant cultures was Penassay broth, Difco. This medium does not inhibit the action of penicillin and pro- vides the essential growth requirements of g. pyggenes var. aureus. before attempting to develop resistant strains it was necessary to determine the smallest Quantity of penicillin which inhibited parent strains. The lowest concentration of penicillin ‘which completely inhibits the growth of an orwanism will hereafter be referred to as the minimum inhibitory concentration (M.I.C.), after McVeigh and Hobdy‘(l952). Table I gives the amount of broth, and the amount of culture added to sterile four-inch culture tubes to produce the final concentration of penicillin shown. 15 F.u l.’.‘. v Diluted culture usei is the inoculum in sensitivity tests was prepared as follows. 1 2; hour culture was st nlvriigel in a Cenco Iniustrlal type 12 photometer using a rei filter to give a transnission of 60 per cent. The stariardizei culture wa< then diluted 1:10 with Penassay lroth. One-tenth ml of the dilutei 6 culture contained approximately 10.6x10 organisms as deter inei by direct microscopic counts. TABLE I METHOD USED FOR DETEHMINING THE M.I.C. CF SENSITIVE STRKIHS M1 Penicillin M1 M1 Diluted Final Concentra- from stock Broth Culture tion Penicillin solution Added Added in pg/ml 0.02 1.9 0.1 0.01 0.0h 1.9 0.1 0.02 0.06 1.8 0.1 0.03 0.08 1.8 0.1 0.0h 0.10 1.8 0.1 0.05 0.12 1.8 0.1 0.06 0.1h 1.8 0.1 0.07 0.16 1.7 0.1 0.08 0.18 1.7 0.1 0.09 0.20 1.7 0.1 0.10 The lowest concentration of the antibiotic in which no turbidity was evident at the end of 48 hours incutation at 37 C ‘was considered the N.I.C. The M.I.C. of penicillin for resistant l6 Cultures was determined in the some manner except that more. concentrated stock solutions were used in order to oltair ir- hibition. Preliminary observations revealed that cultures which had attained considerable resistance lty repeated subculture on a medium containing penicillin grew very slowly. Eellamy and k... Klimek (1948) attributed the slow growth of such resistant cul- tures to their inability to grow anaerobically. It seemed rea- 1; 1- sonz—ible that any method that would provide aeration would increase the rate of growth of resistant cultures. Shaking proved to be the needed stimulus. No studies of comparative turbi-‘iities of 5...... shaken ani unshaken cultures were undertaken. However, the rate of growth of shaken cultures was at least doubled over un- shuken ones for any given incubation period. Shaking cultures had no effect on resistance attained lgy organisms. l‘enicill in sensitivity tests on resistant cultures were performed in iupli- cate. One set was shaken at 37 C while the other set was placel in the 37 C incubator. The I“..I.C. recorded at either 2A or [,8 hours was invariably the same. Shaking was accomplished with a Eurrell Moied 012 shaker adjusted to move the culture tubes two cm in a vertical plane 180 times per minute. This moverrent agitated the cultures as vigorously as Possible without wetting the plugs. The method used for development of resistant cultures was the same as that used for testi‘ g the M.I.C. of cultures. The only differences were that the inoculum was not standardizei or 17 diluted and shaking was employed. Results were recorded after 2h hours incubation at 37 C. The culture containing the high- est concentration of penicillin in which good growth occurred was used to inoculate a new series. When a strain grew in broth containirg 5, 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000 times more penicillin than was required to inhibit the sensitive parent strain it was sub- cultured at that concentration two or three times until maximum growth was attained. The M.I.C. of penicillin for that culture was then tested sad the culture served as an inoculum for studies of virulence, coagulase production, pigment production, hemo- lytic activity, biochemical reactions, gram stain and morphology. During frequent subculture any microorganism may undergo changes in virulence, biochemical reactions, etc. To control this variable the sensitive parent strain was subcultured on Penassay broth each time s subculture was made of the resistant strain. Any differences between sensitive and resistant strains could then be attributed to growth of the resistant strain in the presence of penicillin. Preparation 9; Standard Suspensions Twenty-four hour cultures grown in Penassay broth were centrifuged in an International refrigerated Model PR-l centrifuge equipped with an angle-head for one-half hour at 3500 rpm. Under'these conditions the centrifuge developed a relative ' centurifugal force of 1670 times gravity. The supernatant broth was removed and the cells were washed three times by centrifuga- tion in 0.85 per cent saline. The bowl of the centrifuge was 18 maintained at A3 F when the centrifuge was in operation. To break up clumps of cells after centrifugation saline suspensions were placed in 250 ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing about 20 glass beads, six.mm in diameter, and shaken in the Furrell shaker for one hour. Microscopic examination of shaken suspensions revealed that all large clumps were broken up but approximately 10 per cent of all bacteria were still in groups of two, three or four. For the purpose of clarity, saline suspensionscfifmicrococci after washing and shaking, will hence-forth be referred to as the crude suspension. A portion of the crude suspension was diluted with 0.85 per cent saline to give a reading of 60 per cent transmission in a Cenco Industrial type 82 photometer with a red filter. The standardized cell suspension was diluted 1:50 in saline and a por- 'tion used to fill a Petroff-Hausser bacteria counting chamber. Counting was best accomplished with an American Optical Co. microscope equipped with phase contrast, using the oil immersion objective and a magnification of 970 diameters. The bacteria in one-half of the #00 squares of the chamber.were counted and this number was multiplied by five million to give the number of bacteria per ml of standardized cell suspension. Two counts were made on each suspension. From the results of the cell counts the number of organisms per m1 contained in the crude cell suspen- sion was calculated. These data are given in Table 2. The number of viable micrococci contained in cell suspensions standardized to 60 per cent transmission on the photometer was 19 also calculated using drop plates. One-tenth ml of a 1:1 million dilution of a standardized cell suspension was pipetted in four equal portions on the surface of a tryptose agar plate. Colony counts were made after 18 hours incubation at 37 C. Drop plates were made in duplicate. The results are shown in Table 3. TABLE 2 RESULTS OF DIRECT CELL COUNTS CALCULATED IN BACTERIA PER ML OF CELL SUSPENSION STANDARDIZED TO 60 PER CENT TRANSMISSION ON THE PHOTOMETER Strain Cell Count (1108) Average N-S 1 .50 9.65 x 108 , 3.90 r 209P-S 10.60 9.55 x 103 5;— 3.50 0.3 2.80 9.93 x 108 10.00 s RF-S 10.30 ‘~ 10.73 x 10 11.15 TABLE 3 RESULTS OF DROP PLATE COUNTS CALCULATED IN BACTERIA PER ML OF CELL SUSPENSION STANDARDIZED TO 60 PER CENT TRANSMISSION ON THE PHOTOMETER Strain Colony Count Average per m1 of Suspension N-S 1}, 7.2 x 108 71 20919-5 69 6.7 x 108 7h 8 C-3 9!.- 608 x 10 7S 8 RF-S 10. 70" x 10 78 20 Virulence Rabbits vary greatly in their susceptibility to g. 2*ogenes 13;. 235223. Julianelle (l9hh) inoculated 10 rabbits with 0.5 m1 of a 16 hour broth culture of a highly virulent micrococcus. Of these, four became ill and recovered, three died of septicemia in 72 hours and the remaining three died after 12 days. In con- trast to the results Obtained by Julianelle, it was found possible to produce death in rabbits quite consistently if relatively large numbers of micrococci were injected. Rabbits used for virulence tests on sensitive and resistant micrococci were approximately two months old and weighed between two and three kilograms. Before injection the rabbits were weighed to the nearest 10 grams. The smallest number of micro- cocci, per kilogram of rabbit weight, required to cause death of all injected animals in one to six days was considered the minimum lethal dose. The M.L.D. of each strain was determined seperately because strains differed markedly in virulence. The number of cells per m1 contained in the crude cell suspension was calculated from the results of the direct cell counts. A rabbit could then be inoculated with any desired number of bacteria from the crude cell suspension. Rabbits were properly restrained and injected via the marginal ear vein with a syringe and a 21 gauge hypo- dermic needle. Observations of injected rabbits were made at least twice daily and the time of death to the nearest one-forth day was recorded. 21 The technique outlined above for preparing a standard inoculum and for testing virulence of sensitive cultures was followed in detail when testing resistant cultures. The results of M.L.D. determinations on sensitive strains are shown in Table A. Coagulase Production Equal one-half m1 quantities of fresh rabbit plasma and a 21. hour broth culture of the test organism were mixed in three inch tubes. The tubes were incubated in a 37 C water bath for :— 21. hours. Distinct coagulation of the plasma within three hours i was considered positive. agent Production and Hemolytic fictivity , Staphylococcus medium number 110, Difco, was used to de- termine the pigment producing ability of both sensitive ans resis- tant cultures. Petri dishes containing the medium were streaked with the organisms and incubated at 37 C until colonies were visible. The medium was then incubated at room temperature for four days and the color of the colonies was recorded. When resistant organisms would no longer grow in 6.5 per cent sodium chloride the staphylococcus medium number 110 was prepared with (3.5 per cent sodium chloride instead of the 7.5 per cent which it normally contains. Blood plates containing 5 per cent sterile defibrinated horse blood in a tryptose agar base were used to determine hemolytic activity of sensitive and resistant cultures. The plates were streaked in such a manner as to obtain isolated colonies and results were read after two days incubation at 37 C. 22 TABLE h M. L. D. DETERMINATIONS OF SENSITIVE PARENT STRAINS N0. of Bacteria Wt. of Time in Days Strain Injected (x109) Rabbit to Death-D or per Kg Rabbit Wt. in Kg. Survival-S 1.50 2.35 2.75-D 1.50 2.50 1.00-D 0075 2.20 5075'D N-S 0075 2023 15025.1) 0.38 2.3) 6.25.D 0.38 2.50 30.00-3 [$050 2.10 1.CX)-D 30m 2.00 3050.D 209P-5 3.00 2.30 MOO-D 1.50 2.60 h.506D 0.75 2.90 30.00-3 [$050 2095 0050.1) 3.00 2.50 0.75-D 1050 2060 1000-D C-S 0075 2030 1075’D 0.75 2.22 2.00-D 0038 2010 30.00-3 L.50 2.15 1.00-D 1.50 2.15 1.75-D ”‘3 0075 2063 1».st 0075 2010 5OSO'D 0.38 2.33 13.00-D 23 Biochemic§1_Reactions Purple broth base, Difco, containing brom cresol purple as an indicator was used as a base medium for carbohydrate fermen- tation studies. The carbohydrate was added to the base medium to a one per cent concentration tubed in three ml quantities ani autoclaved for 15 minutes at 121 C. Cultures were tested for their ability to ferment dextrose, lactose, maltose, mannite, sucrose and glycerol. The tubes were inoculated and incubated at I 37 C for one week. The long period of incubation was necessary because resistant cultures often fermented the carbohydrates slowly . To determine the ability of an organism to reduce nitrate to nitrite, tubes of Nitrate broth, Difco, were inoculated and incubated at 37 C for four days. The medium was tested for the presence of nitrite by adding a few drops each of sulfanilic acid and a,-naphthy1-amine reagent solution. A distinct cherry red color indicated the presence of nitrite resulting from re- duction of nitrate. Gelatin liquefaction was determined on the staphylococcus medium number 110 used for chromogenic studies. The organism to be tested was streaked on a plate of the medium, incubated at 37 Citnrtil colonies were visible and then incutated at room temper- ature for four days. The plate was then flooded with a saturated solution of ammonium sulfate, placed in the 37 C incubator for 10 minutes and examined. Any clear zone around colonies indicated 2A gelatin liquefaction. Ability of an organism to grow in the presence of 6.5 per cent sodium chloride was tested by inoculating a tube of Prain Heart Infusion broth, Difco, to which 6.5 per cent sodium chloride had been added, and incubating for one week. Any visible tur- bidity was considered positive. Reaction £9 Gram's Stain “up. 7 W” The organisms to be stained were dried on a slide and fixed by heat. The slide was flooded with a one per cent aqueous solution of crystal violet and three or four drops of a five -x.‘ Jugs-.-me.-m.) -. _. per cent solution of sodium bicarbonate were mixed with the dye. p After allowing the preparation to stand two minutes, the slide was washed with water and flooded with Lugol's iodine solution. After one minute the slide was washed with water and blotted with tissue paper. The preparation was decolorized with acetone for about five seconds, washed and counterstained with a two per cent solution of safranin O for two minutes. Morphological Variation Unstained wet mounts of resistant strains prepared from a 2L hour Penassay troth culture were examined with the phase contrast microscope for evidence of pleomorphism caused by repeat- ed subculture in penicillin. Mounts of the sensitive parent culture of each resistant strain were also made for the purpose of comparison. Unstained preparations examined under phase con- trast were found to be superior to stained smears because the cells 25 appeared larger and were not altered 1y fixing and staining. Measurement of the diameter of a representative sample of sensitive and resistant cultures was undertaken. A Filar ocular micrometer equipped with a moving scale was calibrated with the aid of a stage micrometer. Using the oil immersion objective and a total magnification of 970 diameters each division on the drum dial of the Filar micrometer was found to equal to 0.0909 microns. Twenty-five bacteria selected at random were measured. The diameter of the largest and the smallest bacterium measured as well as the average diameter of all 25 was recorded. 26 .. Lv-_‘_- ._-.. _ a ' 1w -- ‘w-ncfiupx. RESULTS Development 93 Resistant Cultures and Sensitivity Tests Figure 1 shows the pattern of development of resistance to penicillin G of the four strains of E. pyopenes m. M. Two of the strains, 209? and C, acquired resistance at a more rapid rate than did strains N and RF. After 50 daily transfers in broth containing penicillin strain 209? grew well in the presence of 200 pg while strain N grew in the presence of 1.0 pg of the antibiotic. After 1.2 transfers strain 0 became resistant to 200 fig while strain RF was able to grow in only 30 pg of pen- icillin. The M.I.C. of penicillin for each resistant culture was tested at approximately each ten-fold increase in resistance except for the first variants isolated which were tested after a five-fold increase in resistance was attained. These results are shown in Table 5. The number of times the variant culture was more resistant than the parent strain was found by dividing the M. LC. of penicillin for the resistant cultures by that of ‘ the parent strains. Resistant cultures will henceforth be iden- tified by a number after the name of the strain which will indi- cate how many times more resistant it was than the parent strain. I Preparation pf Standard Suspensions It was expected that bacteria grown in broth containing penicillin would undergo changes in size and morphology. Because 27 Ha}. '. ani.‘ ‘l r~ a_- I 000 10¢) Micrograls Penicillin per .1 '0 .10 .02 #7’ 7d? F WT /-’\I FIGURE 1 THE DEVELOPMENT or RESISTANCE OF FOUR STRAINS or g. PYOGENES Lip. AUREUS TO PENICIEi'm""c—' Key 209? —N --—-RF -—-—-0 IO 20 30 '+0 50 Tile in Days :‘mrmzavgrm—h - - 1 f TABLE 5 RESULTS OF M.I.C. DETERMINATIONS OF SENSITIVE AND RESISTANT CULTURES Strain M.I.C. Number of Times More Resistant than Sensitive Parent Culture 209P-S 0.03 - 209? 0.15 13.3 1.00 33.0 6.00 ' 200.0 50.00 1666.? 300.00 10,ooo.0 N-S 0.01 - n 0.30 7.5 0.90 22.0 n.00 100.0 50.00 1250.0 0-3 0.01 - c 0.20 5.0 2.00 ' 50.0 6.00 150.0 50.00 1250.0 300.00 7500.0 RF-S 0.0a - as 0.20 5.0 ’ 3.00 50.0 7.00 175.0 no.00 1000.0 29 of these changes it seemed reasonable that a saline suspension of a resistant culture standardized to a reading of 60 per cent trans- mission would contain a number of bacteria significantly different from that of a similar standard suspension of the parent culture. For this reason suspensions of resistant organisms were standard- ized to a reading of 60 per cent transmission in the photometer and direct cell counts made of them. Contrary to what was expected there was no significant increase or decrease in the number of bacteria in such suspensions when compared to the number of organ- isms found in suspensions of sensitive micrococci. Results of direct cell counts on resistant organisms are shown in Table 6. Virulence 9__f_ Resistant Cultures As the four strains of £1. plogenes y_§_r_'. m3 became resist- ance to penicillin there was a rapid and progressive loss in viru- lence for rabbits. Resistance cultures produced from strains C and RF failed to cause death in any injected rabbits, even when they were only five times as resistant as the parent strain and when five M.L.D. were inoculated. Culture Nx7.5 caused death when two and five M.L.D. were inoculated but not when l M.L.D. was used. Cultures of strain N more resistant than Nx7.5 failed to cause death in any injected rabbits. Resistant cultures produced from strain 209? maintained their virulencelonger than those of other 8trains. Culture 209Px13.3 killed only the rabbit receiving 5 M.L.D., 209?x33 killed at 1, 5 and 10 M.L.D. and 209?x200 killed at 10 H.L.D. Cultures of strain 209? more resistant than 209Px- 200 Were avirulent. Factors other than the injected bacteria may 30 TM¢E6 RESULTS OF DIRECT CELL CCUFTS CN RESISTANT CULTURES CALCULATED IN BACTERIA PER ML OF CELL SUSPENSICN STANDARDIZED TC 60 PER CENT TRANSMISSION ON THE PHOTCMETER 31 Resistant Culture Cell Count (x108) Average 209Px13.3 8.85 9.33 x 108 9.80 R 209Px33 10. 0 10.55 x 10' 10.50 8 209Px200 11.20 11.08 x 10 10.95 8 209Px1667 8.25 8.h8 x 10 8.00 209Px10,000 10.55 10.55 x 108 10.55 Nflos 8.22 90108 X 108 10.00 8 Nx22 8.70 9.15 x 10 9.35 8 leOO 8.25 8.35 x 10 7.75 8 Nx1250 2.00 ' 9.15 x 10 9.30 0x5 11515 10.58 2:108 10.00 8 Cx50 8.50 9.25 x 10 10.00 8 0x150 11.00 11.25 x.10 11.50 8 Cx1250 11.00 11.30 x 10 11.35 8 0x7500 2.60 9.85 x 10 10.15 RFxS 11.0 10.83 x 108 1o. 0 8 Rrxso 11.85 11.13 x.10 11.00 8 RFx175 10,50 11.00 x 10 11.50 8 RFxlOOO 2.80 10.35 x 10 10.90 have contributed to the death of the rabbit receiving one M.L.D. of 209Px33 since death occurred in only one day. Each time the virulence of a resistant culture was tested the sensitive parent strain which had been subcultured a number of times equal to that of the resistant culture was used as a con- trol. The only control culture which showed a loss of virulence was strain N-S. The N-S control on Nx22 required seven days to cause death of a rabbit while the N-S control on leOO survived. In the next series of rabbits injected with Nx1250 and N-S as a control it was necessary to double the number of micrococci con- tained in a M.L.D. in order for the N-S control to cause death in from one to six.days. Table 7 shows the results of virulence tests. Coagulase Production The coagulase test was performed on all resistant cultures produced from the four sensitive parent strains. A coagulase negative microorganism and a tube containing undiluted plasma were used as controls. Throughout the experiment all sensitive parent and all resistant cultures were coagulase positive. Pigment Production and Hemolxtic Activity Resistant strains showed little or no loss of pigment pro— ductixni. The pigment of all resistant cultures appeared identical ‘to that of the sensitive parent strains. As each strain became more resistant to penicillin its hemolytic activity was decreased. Two of the most resistant cultures, 32 TABLE 7 RESULTS OF VIRULENCE TESTS OR RESISTANT CULTURES Time in Days to Death-D or No. of Bacter a No. of Wt. of Culture Injected (x10 ) M.L.D.s Rabbit per Kg Rabtit Wt. Injected in Kg Survival-S 2090-3 control 3.00 1 2.1L 2.00-D 209? 3.00 l 2.2h 30.00-S x13.3 . 6.00 2 2.70 30.00-S 12.00 5 2.96 3.00-D 209P-S control 3.00 l 2.3h b.50-D 209? 3.00 l 2.82 1.00-D XBB 6.00 2 2.16 30.00-S 15.00 5 2.35 11.00-D 209P-S control 3.00 l 2.h0 3.50-D 209? 30.00 10 2.35 8.00-D x200 209P-S control 3.00 l 2.52 2.50-0 209? 30.00 10 2.35 30.00-S x1667 209P-S 3.00 l 2.30 3.00-D control x10,000 N—S control 0.75 l 2.38 h.50-D 33 TABLE 7 (CONTINUED) 3h No. of Bacter$a No. of Wt. of Time in Days ' Culture Injected (x10 ) M.L.D.s Rabbit to Death-D or per Kg Rabbit Wt. Injected in Kg Survival-S Nx7.5 1.50 2 2.63 6T50-D 3.75 5 3.16 1.50-0 N-S contrOI 0075 1 3 .00 7.00-D Nx22 0.75 l 3.00 30.00-S 1.50 2 2.20 30.00-S N-S control 0.75 1 2.h1 30.00-S Nx100 7.50 10 2.20 30.00-S ~__ N-S control 1.50 1 2.h8 3.50-D le250 15.00 10 2.50 30.00-S C-S control 0.75 1 2.9h 3.25-D 0x5 0.75 1 2.25 30.00-S 3075 5 2.65 30.00-S C-S control 0.75 l 2.53 2.25-D 1.50 2 2.30 30.00-S C-S ' control 0.75 1 2.25 1.50-D TABLE 7 (CONTINUED) No. of Bacteria No. of Wt. of :Time in Days 35 Culture Injected (x109) M.L.D.s Rabbit to Death-D or per Kg Rabbit Wt. Injected in Kg Survival-S 0x150 7.50 10 2.12 30.00-S C-S control 0.75 1 2.30 2.00—D Cx1250 7.50 10 2.65 30.00-S C-S control 0.75 l 2.53 b.00-D Cx7500 7.50 10 2.66 30.00-S RF-S control 0.75 l 2.00 2.50-D RFxS 0.75 l 2.h0 30.00-S 1.50 2 2.01 30.oo-s 3.75 5 2.hh 30.00-S RF-S contra]. 0075 1 2089 1.75‘D RFxSO 0.75 l 2.51 30.00—S 1.50 2 2.30 30.00-S 3075 5 2060 30.00-S 7.50 10 2.37 30.00-S RF-S control 0.75 1 2.50 2.25-D RFx175 7.50 10 2.22 30.00-S RF-S control 0.75 1 2.53 h.75-D RFxlOOO 7.50 10 2.76 30.00-S produced from strains 209? and C, became completely nonhemolytic. Resistant cultures developed from strains N and RF still retained some of their hemolytic activity at the end of this study but they did not reach the same degree of resistance as did strains 209? and C. Resistant cultures produced from strains 209?, C, and RF showed increasingly smaller zones of clear hemolysis as resis- ”__ tance increased. Resistant cultures produced from strain N did 1 not behave in this manner. The size of the zone of hemolysis I remained about the same but as resistance developed hemolysis { within the zone became less complete. On a tlood plate the L hemolytic zone of Nx1250 was just discernible. 0f the sensitive strains that were subcultured in broth each time a culture was made of a resistant strain only strain N-S showed a change in hemolytic activity. The zone of hemolysis it produced became less complete in a manner similar to that of the resistant cultures produced from strain N but not to the same degree. Biochemical Reactions The biochemical reactions of cultures resistant to penicillin .are shown in Table 8. All resistant cultures fermented dextrose, lactose, maltose, mannite and sucrose. The ability of resistant cultures to ferment glycerol was lost when they became about 1000 times more resistant than the parent. When strains acquired :resistance, growth in the presence of 6.5 per cent sodium chloride became scant and finally ceased altogether. The capacity of the 36 TABLE 8 RESULTS OF BIOCHEMICAL REACTIONS OF SENSITIVE AND RESISTANT STRAINS Culture Dext. Lact. Malt. Mann. Glyc. 3.3: N03 Gelatin 2099-5 ‘ / / ¢ ¢ ‘ / / / 209Px13.3 7‘ / 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ ¢ 7‘ 209Px33 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 209Px200 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 209Px1667 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ - - 7‘ - 209Px10.ooo 7‘ 7‘ / 7‘ - - 7‘ - N-3 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ ‘ Nx7.5 7‘ ‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ / / 7‘ Nx22 / # 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ / leOO 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ Nx1250 7‘ ‘ 7‘ 7‘ - - 7‘ c-s / / 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ I 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 0x5 7‘ ‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 0x50 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ ‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 0x1250 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ - - 7‘ Cx7500 7‘ / 7‘ / - - % " RF-5 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ / RFxS 7‘ / 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ ‘ RFx50 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ ‘ 7‘ 7‘ 121-“7:175 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ - 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ 7‘ RI-‘xlooo 7‘ 7‘ # 7‘ - - 7‘ K 7‘ 7‘ 37 four strains to reduce nitrate to nitrite was unaffected by their becoming resistant to penicillin. Gelatin liquefaction of resis- tant cultures was reduced to some extent and cultures 209le667 and 209Px10,000 became gelatin negative. Reaction £2 §5§313_§t§ig Burke's modification of the gram stain was used to stain preparationscfi'sensitive and resistant cultures. Only cultures Cx7500 and 209Px10,000 showed a change in reaction to the stain. In culture Cx7500 about 25 per cent of the cells stained gram negative. Many of the gram positive cells seemed to retain the' crystal violet sparingly. Gram stained slides of culture 209Px- 10,000 revealed that approximately 75 per cent of the cells were negative while 25 per cent were positive. In this culture the individual cells appeared either distinctly gram positive or gram.negative with no intermediate forms. Morphological Variation ‘Wet mount preparations of resistant micrococci were examined .for evidence of pleomorphism. In most wet mounts a small number of cells, usually less than one per cent, could be found which were liot cocci. These forms varied from coccobacilli to short rods, diplococci and diphtheroid forms. Penicillin also affected a change in the size of resistant cultures. These changes are shown in Table 9. As resistance to penicillin increased there was an increase in size of the cells in the culture. This continued until each culture became approxi- :mately 1000 times more resistant than its parent strain. At this 38 Q.-. L-a 7 7.7...115' 4 a I . ”4.1.14 .7 i TM¢E9 RESULTS OF THE MEASUREMENT OF SIZE OF SENSITIVE AND RESISTANT CULTURES Culture Average Diameter Diameter of Largest Diameter of Smallest 39 in Microns in Microns in Microns 209P-S 1.33 1.6 1.2 209Px13.3 1.3h 1.6 0.8 209PXB3 1.3h 1.7 1.1 209Px200 1.63 1.9 1.2 209Px1667 1.63 1.9 1.1 209P110,000 1.h6 1.8 1.2 N-S 1.23 1.h 1.0 Nx7.5 1.15 1.h 0.9 Nx22 1.89 2.6 0.9 leOO 1.83 2.1 1.1 N11250 1.33 1.5 1.2 “(ifs 1.58 1.4‘“ 1.1 0x5 1.26 1.5 1.1 Cx50 1.h9 1.9 1.2 0x1250 1.75 2.0 1.h Cx7500 1:23 __7 1.6 019“ RF-S 1.25 1.L 1.1 RFxS 1.28 1.6 1.2 RPx50 1.62 1.8 1,1 RFx175 1.61. 2.0 1.2 RFxlOOO 1453 1.8 0.9 time the average diameter of the cells of the resistant cultures was akout 0.4A microns larger than that of the sensitive cells. On further increase in resistance the average diameter of the cells tecame smaller. Table 9 also shows that resistant cells are more variable in size than are the parent sensitive cells. While the average difference between the largest and smallest cells measured was 0.3 micron for the four sensitive strains, the value was 0.7 micron for the four resistant cultures which had attained a 1000 fold increase in resistance. 40 DISCUSSION The present investigation indicates that cultures of E. pyogenes 335. 225535, when subcultured in the presence of penicil- lin, became increasingly tolerant to it. All the strains appeared capable of acquiring a higher degree of resistance than they at- tained. One can only speculate on how resistant an organism could become if subcultured in the presence of penicillin for an extended period of time. As a culture acquires resistance, growth becomes less luxuriant. Eventually, this would be a limiting factor in its ability to acquire further tolerance to penicillin. Nevertheless, it is a tribute to the versatility of a bacterium that the descend- ants of a culture are capable of living and growing in the presence of a comparatively large amount of a toxic substance which, a few weeks previously, would have been lethal in a very high dilution. There are two theories concerning the mechanism whereby bacteria acquire resistance to penicillin‘ig'ziggg. The first is that acquired resistance is only an adaptive change on the part of the organism, that is, a result of interaction between the antibi- otic and the bacterium. The second, as first presented by Demercc (l9h8), postulates that resistant bacteria arise by.a process of spontaneous mutation, the penicillin acting only as a selective agent by the destruction of sensitive cells. According to Demeree's hypothesis, resistance to penicillin acquired EBHXEEES could be expected to proceed in a stepwise fashion. Figure l, which shows hl the pattern of development of resistance of the four strains used in this study demonstrates no such stepwise increase in resistance. However, a strain would often grow in the presence of a certain concentration of penicillin through several sub- cultures, then suddenly become tolerant to much larger concentra- tions. When comparing the virulence of sensitive and resistant bacteria it was necessary to consider all the factors which affect virulence. Factors such as volume of inoculum, suspending medium, route of inoculation, size, age, weight and species of animal can be easily controlled. To a less extent the log phase of the organism can be regulated. However, in zitgg produced resistant micrococci exhibit a slower rate of growth than do sensitive cultures. This slower rate of growth naturally affects virulence. An organism that divides slowly will have less chance to produce a fatal infection because the host's defensive mechanism will have more time to destroy the parasite. Certainly some, and possi- bly a considerable part, of the decreased virulence of resistant micrococci is due to this decreased rate of growth. Then, loss of virulence may not be due entirely to dissociation phenomena brought on by the organisms having acquired a resistance to penicil- lin. On the other hand, the argument mdght be presented that this slowed rate of growth should not be considered in evaluating the results of virulence tests on resistant micrococci. It might be said that this is one of the ways in which the organism was changed 42 by subculture in penicillin and that this was one of the character- istics of the resistant organism which was altered. Micrococcal infections are usually localized. In a localized infection the slow rate of division of a resistant micrococcus might not be important from the point of view of virulence because the organism is usually comparatively well isolated from the defensive mechanisms of the host. However, when the virulence of a resistant micrococcus is tested by intravenous inoculation of rabbits whose defensive mechanisms have ready access to the injected bacteria the results can be far different. It is difficult to control or to evaluate the effects of this slow rate of growth when comparing the virulence of sensitive and resistant organisms but it must be taken into consideration. #3 S UMMA RY In vitrc induced resistance of g, pyogenes var. aureus to penicillin is accompanied by changes in virulence, hemolytic activity, some biochemical reactions, gram stain reaction and morphology. The most striking change was in virulence. All four strains lost their virulence for rabbits as penicillin re— sistance was acquired. 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