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I..x‘4,t‘ ”1."...tfiazuu‘ri: A ‘ J . . .. 4 .Jn‘.wnn,)1fl11.. y}: 313-431}. .1 2:39.253:3.7.3.:311vr5n {ENJ- . . . . , .04 V43. .5 .3... .‘... jHEslS This is to certify that the thesis entitled The Almond Moraine of the Western ‘ ' Finger Lakes Region, New York presented by G. Gordon Connally has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph. D. degree in Geology 77%, 1/» WP ' ’Major professor M . M . Mi 1 l e r Date May 15, 1964 0-169 LIBRARY Michigan State University ABSTRACT THE ALMOND MORAINE OF THE WESTERN FINGER LAKES REGION, NEW YORK By G. Gordon Connally The purpose of this dissertation is to delineate the border of what has been referred to as the ”Binghamton Drift Sheet" in the western Finger Lakes region. The region is located in south—central New York State; from the Genesee River on the west to Seneca Lake on the east. Field work, consisting of reconnaissance of all roads, stratigraphic description of critical drift exposures, and collection of samples for laboratory analysis, was performed during the summers of 1960 and 1961. Laboratory work consisted of disaggregating the samples, separating the heavy minerals, and counting and recording heavy mineral relative frequencies. From the raw data, garnet ratios (ratios of purple garnet to red garnet) and stability ratios (ratios of unstable: hornblende, hypersthene, and monoclinic pyroxene; to total garnet) were computed. Three major morphostratigraphic units were identified. These are, in ascending order, the Almond Moraine, the Arkport Moraine, and the Valley Heads Moraine. The oldest drift in the region is Olean till; its terminal G. Gordon Connally moraine is south of the study area. The Almond Moraine is tentatively correlated with the Kent Moraine of northwestern Pennsylvania and Ohio, while the Valley Heads Moraine is correlated with the Lake Escarpment complex of the same area. The Arkport Moraine may be either recessional- Almond or advance—Valley Heads. Possible correlations with New England by other workers are noted, Previous attempts at rock—stratigraphic correlation are discussed and evaluated. Two new formations are defined as the Olean Formation (older) and the Canaseraga Formation (younger) on the basis of garnet ratios. The Olean Formation contains appreciable red garnet, indicating a provenance in the central Adirondack Mountains while the Canaserage Formation shows a dominance of purple garnet, suggesting a provenance north of Montreal and Ottawa. The term Binghamton is redefined as a magnafacies, of both formations, in which conglomeritic lenses of bright, valley—fill deposits are common. In the Olean Formation these lenses are named the Chenango member and in the Canaseraga Formation, the Goff Creek member. At present, the Canaseraga Formation appears to have the Almond Moraine as its southern boundary (or the Valley Heads Moraine where it overrides the Almond). A composite time—stratigraphic column is adopted from many sources. It divides the Wisconsinan glacial stage into five glacial substages separated by four intraglacial sub— stages. G. Gordon Connally Valderan substage Two Creeks intraglacial substage Woodfordian substage Farmdalian intraglacial substage Southwold? substage Port Talbot intraglacial substage Dunwick? substage St. Pierre intraglacial substage Basal Wisconsinan substage Using published dates, the Almond Moraine is interpreted as marking the maximum Woodfordian advance except where it is overridden by the Valley Heads Moraine (in general, a recessional Woodfordian Moraine). Thus, the Canaserago Formation was deposited during Woodfordian time. The Olean Formation was probably deposited during Basal Wisconsinan time and its terminus represents the maximum Wisconsinan glaciation in the area. The Dunwich, Southwold and Valderan substages are not represented by glacial deposits. Stability ratios were not found to be useful in correlation, refuting a suggestion made previously by the writer. THE ALMOND MORAINE OF THE WESTERN FINGER LAKES REGION, NEW YORK By G if Gordon 0 onna lly A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Geology 1964 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer is especially indebted to the New York State Museum and Science Service for two Graduate Student Honoraria which partially supported field work during the 1960 and 1961 field seasons. The writer is also indebted to them for the loan of a blood cell counter which was used during laboratory investigation. Thanks are also due to C. E. Prouty, Chairman, Department of Geology, and Irving F. Schneider, Department of Soil Science, Michigan State University for the loan of equipment during the field seasons. Appreciation is shown to the members of my Guidance Committee; William J. Hinze, Maynard M. Miller, C. E. Prouty, Bennett T. Sandefur, and Justin Zinn who read pre— liminary drafts of this dissertation and made many helpful suggestions. Particular attention should be given to Dr. Miller, chairman of the committee, who was instrumental in helping me to obtain the Honoraria. In addition, I would like to thank Norman Wingard who acted as field assistant to the writer during the 1961 field season. Also, to my wife Libby, who acted as field assistant, scout, camp cook, and everything else; while taking care of two children in a tent, at the same time. ii During the field season I was privilaged to work with, talk to, and learn from many fine geologists. Among these men I single out Ernest H. Muller of Syracuse University for special recognition. His interest, advice, help and encouragement were a source of stimulation throughout this study. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii IlST> QOOZmemQ w44_>m44u>> HZOZJNQ N—o! __OV- o_u¥ mux mt! Nu! ZUJO PCOQ WZ_K.P<>> quZOEE ZZUQ mMJm<>> m:o> v . // \\\\\\\ .mpomnm humane o>ammooo§m wo mpflmooop o>ammohwoh 6cm acoBLHmog oflzqmswomw «anonymOQOp coozpop aflzmcoflpmHos osenn.m m.me .03.... >o__o> II I‘ II II I Iv V” . m I I O o I I u 0 o D . 1 O a 5 00 I I ~ - . a v I | II ' II _ kv-Lo nll II ‘ ‘/ [ooh-Q 0 .0. so. a . 0°C - o- to. . .o°_\.o‘.oco .0. no. .0. .o.o.°o . . '0. 00° .00600 10400.)! a I v D n I o ""“nll'll N @W-ho Illl'o II 9". to s o I o a 0 o 0 c o o 0'. ° a 0.. 01.0 .00 o u a 0 00.000 000 .9 OOIVI- I °n 0! union I I o 00.0 3’. II I' O Q I Q n O o a 0 a r I O o o O o o u .o c ' a u -O\/ u 4 u I O O. b l to. o .ODOOo-oc I O I ‘ I ' I I ' ‘ - o, '0 o o o o o o o O n a u I a o a t o v I v u I I a Q t D I I 10!: ' II III II II n b&.bo IIOII ‘0‘ III II ’0. Q Q o oOOOQ 0.5000 c aboOOa°¢HOOOOoOJOOOOWO .- 0 v o\ / o o a I. o O a n n c n v a p I g 0 I o v I 1 V. o a l I o a t ‘ I I a a u o C I a II-“ II “.II ' hb-bo "O" o I 0 ll ’0 0‘ 0.. 0 b o O 0.0 ‘0 o .D 0 0° 0° 5 0 O I N o O 0 ll 0 o t a \ n I. II II II II ' O o 0 v V °o°H°\ Io 0. '90: Old. 0“! all In... C 0\ —hl 00000 A b c II . s ’ s ’ s \ / . x z a \ I I I I a e k a . \ r i I \ i x. I \ .2 s p \ \ 1| cacti: 023:0 use; ecoID coEoo_oaQ< umhommna 61 Merritt and Muller (1959) have Shown that the depth of leaching is inversely proportional to the carbonate content of the drift. Thus, depth of leaching merely re— flects part of the lithology of the drift, as used by Mac— Clintock, and therefore describes a rock unit rather than a time unit. Merritt and Muller also suggest that the car- bonate content of the pebble fraction is not necessarily a reflection of the total carbonate content of the drift. Holmes (1952) and Moss and Ritter (1962) have illu— strated the progressive dilution of the coarse carbonate fraction as one travels down current (down glacier). Merritt and Muller also illustrate progressive dilution of the finer fractions, as distance from the carbonate source increases. This variation in total carbonate content is due not only to dilution by materials which are being added to the glacial load by erosion at the base of the ice, but also by depletion of the carbonate due to deposi— tion. Therefore, depth of leaching within the Binghamton magnafacies should prove to be essentially the same for all rock units in a given geographic area. Texture Texture has come to be used in a very restricted sense by Pleistocene stratigraphers. Pettijohn (1957, p. 13) states that the texture of a sedimentary rock includes the size, shape and arrangement of the constituent grains. 62 However, texture has come to be used in the restricted sense of the soil scientist, meaning size only. Holmes (1960) has done an excellent job of demon— strating the evolution of till stone shape, working partic— ularly in western New York. However, the coarse fraction of till does not necessarily define shape for all fractions. In a stratifiedfacies Shape is more variable than in till, owing to the further complication of water rounding. The importance of arrangement (frabic) is discussed below, under a heading of its own. Due to many complicating factors, texture is further restricted to mean till texture; and even within this narrowed definition, till texture is further restricted to mean till-matrix texture. Texture is generally reported using the designations of the soil scientist (see Millar, Turk and Foth, 1951, p. 48) or as ratios between sand, silt, and clay. White (1960) has summarized the classification of glacial deposits in northeastern Ohio using texture as one of his key criteria. Shepps, et al. (1959) has illustrated this technique in Pennsylvania, as has Muller (1964) in extreme western New York. In the dissected plateau area of New York the writer has shown that the texture of a till matrix is a direct reflection of the material immediately below the till (Connally, 1962). Street (1963) has also shown a vertical variation within a related sequence of 63 tills in the region in question as well as relating texture to underlying deposits. Although texture, in its restricted usage, may be helpful in local correlation of the unstratified facies of some formations, it cannot be adopted as a definitive characteristic for rock units in this region. Heaverinerals Heavy minerals have been used to define rock units in the past. Heavy minerals are restricted to the inter- mediate, sand fraction of a deposit. Unlike pebble litho— logy, texture, color, and fabric they may be used in both the stratified and unstratified lithofacies of formations. For this reason, and those that follow, the writer prefers using heavy mineral assemblages in attempting to define rock units. Heavy minerals survive long distances of transporta— tion with much less loss than rock fragments (Plumley, 1948, pp. 570-576). Their provenance can therefore be used to infer a distant source area, and hence to determine the regional direction of former glacial movement. Another ad— vantage is that they are not bulky, being easily stored and worked with. Fortunately, in the western Finger Lakes region there are no sources for non—opaque heavy minerals (Connally, 1962, p. 262) which would dilute the assemblage. 64 Garnet Ratios Dreimanis, Reavely, Cook, Knox and Moretti (1957) made initial examinations of tills in Ontario and adjacent areas in Canada. Their results indicate that heavy minerals give evidence of the source of the glacier which deposited these tills. They used heavy minerals to differentiate tills and to infer glacial ”flow lines.” In a later report Dreimanis (1960) clearly established a source for red and for purple garnets found in Ontario and in New York. A dominance of red garnet illustrates a source in the central Adirondacks or in the Lake Superior ”Province” north of Lake Huron. A dominance of purple garnet indicates a source north of Ottawa and Montreal. Lewis (1960) has also worked with garnet ratios in tills of western New York. The writer worked with garnet ratios in stratified drift of the same general area (Connally, 1960). The results of these investigators, and Dreimanis (gpyg) are consistent in defining two distinct source areas for the drift in this study. In the northern, post—Olean, drift sheets a dominance of purple garnet is well established. The ratio is usually 1.4 or greater for known Classical Wisconsinan deposits. The ratio is usually 1.2 or less for Olean deposits in this region. Thus, regional ”flow lines” can be established which suggest that earlier, Olean, glaciation had a center of outflow in the Adirondack Mountains, the ice moving from 65 northeast to southwest. This interpretation is consistant with the conclusions of Moss and Ritter (1962) based on striae and fabric studies. The later glaciations (Almond and Valley Heads) had sources in the region north of Ottawa and Montreal and entered New York State from the Lake Ontario basin. 1 The results of the present analyses, which are reported below in Table 3, Figure 6, and the section on "Rock Units,” fully support the above interpretations. More recently Wingard (1963) has attempted to estab— lish trends for heavy minerals in the western Finger Lakes region. He reports ratios of purple garnet to red garnet (clear/red) that are anomalously high for all areas. When subjected to some reinterpretation, however, his other data support the flow directions noted above. As all Wingard's ratios are dominated by purple garnet he treats the rest of his data as though all samples have a common provenance. If two sources are recognized in terms of the morainic boundaries which are established in this study (see Figure 6), then his data may be reinter— preted. Wingard's southern tier of sample sites are all south of the Almond—Valley Heads Moraines. If these sites (at least 9, 10, 14, 15, 16 in his Plate 15) are thereby taken to represent a separate source area, not related to the more northerly sites, then a progressive dilution of the heavy 66 Table 3.-—Purple garnet/red garnet ratios. Sample Sample Number Purple/red Number Purple/red 60—l7a 1.3 61-3 0.9 60—l7b 1.7 61-5 1.2 60—19 0.7 61-8-2 1.5 60-21 1.4 61-9-1 1.4 60-23 1.6 61-9-2 1.1 60-24 1.4 61-10 1.5 60—30 2.0 61-11 1.2 60-32 1.5 61—14 2.0 60-37 1.4 61—15 1.1 60-41. 1.9 61—18 1.9 60—45-1 1.6 61-19 2.4 60-45—11 1.6 61—20—1 1.9 60—46-1 1.6 61—20—2 1.6 60-46-2 1.5 61-21 1.0 60—52 0.7 61—23 2.3 60-56 1.4 61—24 0.9 60-57-1 1.0 61-25 1.0 60-57-2 1.5 61—27 2.2 60-60-1 0.1 61—28 1.5 60-60-2 0.1 61-29 1.5 60—61 1.3 61—30 1.4 60-62 0.7 61-39-1 2.0 60—63 1.4 61—39-2 1.8 60-65 1.0 61-42 1.8 60-71 1.0 61—45-1 2.5 60-72 1.8 61-45-2 1.5 60-73 0.8 61—47 1.1 60-75—1 1.2 61—49 1.9 60-75—2 1.3 61—50 1.8 60—76 1.1 61-55~1 2.7 61-55—2 1.i 1. 61—58 67 Adirondack MOUH'GIHS P — Purple Gornel Dominance ——)- "Flow lune" lor posI-Olenn R— Red Garnet Dominance (Almond 5 Valley Henrls) __——> I'Flow line" for Olean glacuer glacuers Fig. 6.--”Flow lines” established from garnet ratios. Modified from Dreimanis (1960a, 1960b) 68 fraction takes place from two different directions for the separate deposits. The dilution takes place from north to south behind the Almond and Valley Heads Moraines. In the Olean drift to the south, the dilution takes place from east to west. A similar pattern may be recognized with respect to other of Wingard's data; namely the percent of garnet (his Plates 12 and 15) and the percent of magnetics (his Plate 6). Again, by reinterpretation these data would appear to support the previously mentioned directions of former ice disbursement. Coated Heaverinerals Moss and Ritter divided the heavy minerals into uncoated opaque minerals, uncoated non—opaque minerals, and grains coated with iron oxide. These authors found few coated minerals (less than 24%) in Valley Heads till, but over 74% coated grains in the Olean till. Intermediate percentages were found within the lenses of Hbright gravel” in the Olean. Coates (1963) states: ”The author is very surprised that all Olean samples of Moss and Ritter Show coated heavy minerals greater than 74%.” In view of the following, the writer is not at all surprised at the results of Moss and Ritter. The key to the heavy mineral coatings lies in the statement of Moss and Ritter that: ”Because till cuts extending into the unoxidized zone could not be found in the H uplands, a constant depth of 4 to 6 feet was adopted. 69 Because of the low percentages of carbonates in the upland facies and the higher percentage in the bright gravels of the lowland, one should expect upland samples to be well within the zone of oxidation. Lowland samples should also be much fresher at the stated depths. In fact, the high carbonate content of the Valley Heads drift precludes much oxidation at depth. In these terms, coating ratios for heavy minerals probably reflect the sampling technique employed. In this instance, they are not suitable as a stratigraphic tool. 9219.: Color, like texture, is used in a restricted sense to designate the color of the matrix of till. For this reason color is of little value in defining a glacial formation which may contain coarse, stratified members. Although previously the writer (Connally, 1962) has described the Olean till as having a consistant ”olive” or greenish color, it is realized that this notation is extremely subjective. The descriptive term ”olive” (actually, olive—drab) has been agreed to by other workers (Street, personal communication) and in this case is considered to denote a useful disting- uishing characteristic. Generally color is not thought to be definitive of an entire till unit, but it is consistant enough to be sugges- tive for correlation within local areas. Figure 7 (in 70 Volume 2) shows the limit of olive till in the western Finger Lakes region. It will be noted that this till is confined to the area south of the Almond and Valley Heads moraines. Exceptions to this are the tills at sites 60—63 (near Casaseraga Creek) and 61-3 (near Seneca Lake). These were originally considered to be older, overridden deposits when visited in the field, before a color relationship was established. Fabric Wright (1957) and MacClintock (1958) have illustrated the tendency for ice to cause the alignment of pebbles parallel or perpendicular to the direction of glacier move— ment. Moss and Ritter (1962, Fig. 7) Show the parallelism of striations and fabric between the Finger Lakes and the Catskills. North of the Valley Heads border the trend is south—southeast, while south of the Valley Heads border the trend is southwest. This means that the northerly trend is almost perpendicular to the southerly trend in the Olean drift. The trends of Moss and Ritter suggest only two glaciations in the eastern Finger Lakes region. Their initial glaciation is the Olean, coming from the Adirondacks; their second being the Valley Heads, coming from the Lake Ontario depression. This is in agreement with the above noted trends established by garnet ratios, and would appear 71 to preclude the presence of Almond ice in this region, south of the Valley Heads Moraine. Although fabric studies include more than just the matrix of a rock unit, they are applicable only to tills. Furthermore, in such a completely dissected area they should be restricted to upland tills. Lowland tills and stratified deposits tend to be channeled by pre-existing valleys as shown by the more southerly extension of ice in valleys than on uplands. Though fabric studies, supported by observations on striations underlying the drift, are probably the most in- formative studies in this region and adjacent ones, they can not be used to define suitable rock units. Rock Units Krumbein and Sloss (1951, p. 27) state that: "A formation is a genetic unit and represents a response to an environment, or a series of environments, and such en- vironments must be limited geographically as well as tem— ” formations should be porally.” They also state: distinguished as much as possible on the basis of lithologic unity " and "Formations should be established with boundaries that may be readily traced in the field " It is obvious that the glacial deposits of the western Finger Lakes region fit into the first statement. They are limited geographically by definition and most certainly 72 represent a response to particular environmets. The tem— poral limitations are also present and are dealt with under the section "Time Stratigraphy" below. Many investigators have attempted to establish litho- logic properties that are essentially uniform. From what has been discussed, however, it is evident that all attempts at field definition have failed and that such attempts are either to be abandoned or criteria will have to be employed which are not recognizable in the field. Definitions The writer has ad0pted the latter view, and therefore will attempt to define formations on the basis of heavy minerals. Specifically, ratios of purple garnet to red garnet are proposed as definitive characteristics for two formations. The problem of a type section for Pleistocene deposits is a complex one. The units which lie beneath the extensive basal unconformity are too variable to be useful, while the unconformity itself is understood. In a regressive glacial sequence there is seldom an identifiable overlying unit, thus the upper and lower limits of the formation are useless concepts. Another complication is that suitable exposures must be fresh. This means that they are being vigorously eroded at present. Because of the ephemeral nature of most outcrops only a type area is designated. While garnet ratios are the 73 definitive characteristic, other pr0perties will be men— tioned. The other properties may vary beyond the limits to be mentioned without affecting the usefulness of the definitions based on garnet ratios. The writer proposes that all of the Wisconsinan deposits of this region be called the Finger Lakes Group (new). This includes all unconsolidated rock units above the pre—Wisconsinan unconformity. The basal formation of the Finger Lakes Group is the Olean Formation (redefined) while the upper one is the Canaseraga Formation (new). The type area for the Finger Lakes Group is the Finger Lakes region of western New York State. The Olean Formation includes all of the glacial drift and associated glacio—fluvial deposits between the uncon— formable contact with bedrock at the base, and the discon- formable overlying contact with the Canaseraga Formation. The Olean Formation is named for exposures of till and gravel exposed near Olean, New York as described by Mac— Clintock and Apfel in 1944. The unstratified facies of the Olean has a clay or clay loam matrix with a typical olive color. Till stones are common, and may either be local or exotic, although they are of local derivation in the type area. The till is only Slightly calcareous as determined with 1N HCl, and may be leached as much as 12 feet below the surface. The definitive characteristic of the Olean Formation, in the 74 western Finger Lakes region, is the dominance of red garnet over purple garnet. Although the ratio (purple/red) is usually less than 1.0 it varies locally to 1.2. The stratified facies of the Olean may be locally important, as in the region between the Finger Lakes and the Catskills. It is found in valley bottoms and may ex- hibit exotic pebbles. It forms a series of discontinuous lenses within the Olean, of which the one in the Chenango River is probably typical. Although this type area is outside the western Finger Lakes region, it has been well described by Moss and Ritter. This lense phenomenon is therefore named the Chenango member (new) of the Olean Formation. The upper formation in the Finger Lakes Group is the Canaseraga Formation. The Canaseraga includes all of the drift between the Olean (or bedrock where the Olean is absent) and the present erosion surface. The Canaseraga is named for exposures of till on tributaries to upper Canaseraga Creek, in the vicinity of the village of Can- aseraga, New York. The unstratified facies of the Canaseraga has a silt or silty clay matrix and is grey or blue-grey in color. Till stones are common, and are usually more exotic than those of the Olean Formation. The till is calcareous below the zone of leaching, which is usually not more than 4 feet in depth. The definitive characteristic is a dominance of 75 purple garnet over red garnet. Although the garnet ratio (purple/red) is typically greater than 1.4, it can be as low as 1.2. The stratified facies of the Canaseraga forms an im- portant part of this formation. It is usually found in valley bottoms and tends to exhibit many exotic pebbles. It forms a series of discontinuous lenses, of which the ones in Goff Creek, west of Bath, New York are thought to be typical. These discontinuous lenses are referred to as the Goff Creek member (new) of the Canaseraga Formation. The geographic division between the Canaseraga Forma— tion and the Olean Formation, from which it has regressed, is the Almond Moraine. East of Prattsburg where the Almond system has been overridden, the Valley Heads Moraine is the dividing line. At present, the drift north of the Valley Heads border is included in the Canaseraga Formation because it cannot be differentiated rock stratigraphically. The only difference between the Canaseraga drift and Valley Heads drift is that they are separated by a morphostrati- graphic unit; the Valley Heads Moraine. Correlations Following the definitions established above, the morphostratigraphic borders must be altered somewhat from the original field correlations. Table 3 lists the garnet ratios for the field sites; Figure 8 (in Volume 2) shows 76 the aerial distribution of red and purple garnet dominance. The two principle changes based on heavy minerals are in the Canisteo River valley south of Hornell (K—9) and on the Naples—Prattsburg interfluve (J-lO). Purple garnet is found to dominate in till samples from sites 61—30 and 61-42 (K-9). This correlates them with the Canaseraga Formation and necessitates the extension of the Almond Moraine into the Canisteo valley. The second change in interpretation is necessitated by finding the samples at sites 60—73, 61—21, and 61—25 (K-lO) dominated by red garnet. This evidence, supplemented by the striae direction of N 72° E at 60-74 suggests the conclusion that this area is only vaneered with Olean drift and that it was probably not glaciated after the Olean glaciation. This evidence further suggests a change in the interpretation of the Almond Moraine as discussed with respect to the Cohocton Valley section (K-lO). TIME STRATIGRAPHY Theoretically a time—stratigraphic market is a dis— tinctive deposit, desposited synchronously all over the world. In practice, however, a time—stratigraphic marker is any recognizable deposit which is laid down more or less contemporaneously within a large area. In glacial stratigraphy there is much doubt concerning the degree of time equivalence represented by the various deposits of a single glaciation. Depending on which figures are adapted ikm'the rate of glacial advance (see Flint, 1955) deposits in Canada are a few hundred to a few thousand years older than the deposits in the United States. Presumably, deposition could have begun beneath the ice in Canada, long before the glacier reached the United States, pre—dating the southerly deposits. Therefore, interglacial or intraglacial (see Leighton, 1960) deposits have become the dominant time stratigraphic markers. As climatic conditions affect a large area contem- poraneously, deposits are sought which are climate-sensitive. Thus far, only lacustrine or paludal sediments offer real hope. Antevs (1945) has shown how inorganic sediments may be used to advantage in limited areas, however many problems arise in counting varves, the solution of which seems to 77 78 require too much subjective interpretation. Organic sedi— ments are a more reliable tool of the glacial stratigrapher. The first reason for this is that pollen profiles (see Darrah, 1961) may be obtained and correlated on a regional basis. Secondly, radiocarbon dates may be obtained from a sequence and from these, a finite time scale may be established. Radiocarbon Dates Radiocarbon dates may actually be of two kinds. The first is as noted above where a deposit of organic sediment, usually peat, yields a date for an interglacial or intra— glacial age. This date is then used as a limit for the underlying or overlying deposits. The second type of date is much rarer and for some interpretations more satisfactory. It is obtained from organic material, usually trees, incor— porated in glacial deposits by the overriding of a glacier. This date is then a very close approximation of the glacial advance. Unfortunately, none of the latter type have been found in New York State. Pleistocene Chronology The Pleistocene Epoch has been divided by many workers into four glacial stages (see Flint, 1957, pp. 335—341) separated by three interglacial stages. There is little agreement at present on the absolute chronology of the time units, but recent finite dates suggest that the Wisconsinan 79 stage commenced about 70,000 years before present. The names for the Pleistocene stages are listed below. Wisconsinan stage Sangamon interglacial stage Illinoian stage Yarmouthian interglacial stage Kansan stage Aftonian interglacial stage Nebraskan stage The Wisconsinan has further been subdivided into at least five substages. Recently, Frye and Willman (1960) have redefined the nomenclature for the classical deposits of the Lake Michigan lobe. In Figure 9, the Frye and Will— man classification is illustrated along with its more familiar predecessor. In this study the writer adopts the post—Altonian part of this classification. The first reason is that it represents the doctrine of the Illinois State Geological Survey in describing the type localities for Wisconsinan time—stratigraphic units. A second reason is that the philos0phy behind the proposal of the Woodfordian substage cannot help but be adopted by a worker in New York State. Their discussion might well be about New York when they say: ”The Woodfordian substage . . . contains about 30 recognized end moraines. Although recording in minute detail the suc— cessive configurations of the limit of glacial ice, the individual moraines cannot be traced with certainty across re—entrants within the lobe. They are not adaptable to 80 Former Clossnfncouon Frye a Wlllnwut Recent Sioge Recent Stoqe Volderon Moumoio _______ Two Creeks Cory WOOdfOI’leH TozeweH Iowan _______ Formdole Formdolnon Songomon Alfonifln Sioqe Fig. 9.—-Classification of the Wisconsinan Stage after Frye and Willman. 81 treatment as time-stratigraphic units both because of the extremely short time Span represented by an individual moraine and their lack of sufficient continuity." In the Lake Erie-Ontario lobe the Altonian substage of Frye and Willman apparently should be further subdivided. Dreimanis (1960) reports a range of dates for the Plum Point ”interstadial” (intraglacial substage) beds which correlate them with the Farmdalian of Frye and Willman. Below the Plum Point beds, in descending order is, the Southwold drift, the Port Talbot ”interstadial” beds, and the Dunwich drift. Recently, Dreimanis (personal communi- cation, 1963) has discovered more ”interstadial beds” beneath the Dunwich drift, and a basal, red till beneath them. This lowest intraglacial deposit would presumably be correlative with the St. Pierre ”interstadial” beds of Terrasmae (1958). In terms of the foregoing, the composite Wisconsinan column adopted by the writer is listed below. Wisconsinan stage Valderan substage Two Creek intraglacial substage Woodfordian substage Farmdalian intraglacial substage Southwold? substage Port Talbot intraglacial substage Dunwich? substage St. Pierre intraglacial substage Basal Wisconsinan substage Sangamon interglacial stage 82 Time—Stratigraphic Correlations The Olean Formation The lower limit for the Olean Formation is the Sangamon interglacial stage. Frye and Willman place this stage at 50,000 to 70,000 years before present. As the St. Pierre beds date at 66,000 and there is apparently Wiscon- sinan drift beneath this, the lower limit of 70,000 is accepted here. Thus, the Olean is at least 70,000 years old. The upper limit for the Olean Formation may be a finite date of 64,900 :_l500 years (GRN 3213) as reported by Muller (personal communication), from the Otto intra- glacial site. The Olean till is reported by Dreimanis (1960) to underly the Otto peat. There is also a possi— bility that Olean Formation overlies the Otto peat as reported earlier by MacClintock and Apfel (1944). Drei— manis, however, feels that the overlying gravel is associated with the peat rather than with subsequent glaciation. Lewis (1959) has shown that the basal unit at Gowanda, New York is also Olean. This unit incorporates shells that have been dated at greater than 35,000 years. If a finite date should be obtained which is correlative with the Otto intraglacial; then the Olean would also be equated to the Southwold drift of Dreimanis. This relationship is depicted in Figure 10. 83 AGE SUBSTAGE NEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE Z 9 '2: Valderan Absent 2 CC 0 LL. r ll,OOO Fl2,OOO Two Creeks. Lake lroquous _/ Umdenhtted Recessionat Moraines g Woodfordian Valley Heads Moraine <1 Arkport Moraine E Almond Moraine (f) -22,000 2t 4 O. Farmdalian ? '0 8 —28,000 -r Ci 0 (f) 2 'lfi Southwold? Olean at Gowando. X 2 <1' __I 9 t... <[ e44,ooo E E Port Talbot ? CD (9 n47,500 LL 2 LL ‘2 <1 El" Dunwtch? At: 1 sen O ~64,800 P66,OOO St. Pierre Otto Peot ,H) Bosot *7 Wisconsmon Olean ot Otto 1.70,000 ———- Fig. lO.--Diagramatic representation of the Wisconsinan Column for New York State. 84 The Canaseraga Formation The Canaseraga drift also has only limiting dates, from neighboring areas. The only finite lower limit in New York State is the previously mentioned 64,900 years. If the inference drawn by White (1960) is correct that the Kent till of northeastern Ohio is equivalent to the Cary Moraine in Illinois, then this gives a much younger limit to the Canaseraga. The Kent Moraine in Ohio has been assigned to Cary time by MacClintock and Apfel (1944), MacClintock (1954), and White, §t_al, (1957). It has been assigned to early Cary by Muller (1957, 1964) and Shepps, §t_g;, (1959). The New York equivalent (Almond) would also be Cary or early Cary. The Almond Moraine (as well as the Arkport and Valley Heads Moraines) is superposed on the Canaseraga Formation. Indeed, thelhhmnmlMoraine appears to be the southern limit of this formation. Thus the entire Canaseraga appears to have been deposited during Cary time. Subsequent to the aforementioned assignments, Frye and Willman re-evaluated the type area. According to these authors, the term Cary merely denotes a morphostratigraphic unit of Woodfordian age. Thus the lower limit becomes 22,000 years. The upper limit for the Canaseraga drift is any date for Lake Iroquois (Hough, 1958; Fairchild 1932a). Lake 85 Iroquois wasthe pre—Ontario lake in the Lake Ontario basin and as such is the latest glacial event to affect western New York. According to Karrow, et_al,(l96l) Lake Iroquois must have been in existence during latest Woodfordian and Two Creeks time. This would place an upper limit of about 12,500 years on the deposition of the Canaseraga Formation. Another significant date is 14,000 :_350 for the upper limit of the Kent till in Ohio and Pennsylvania. This date is from basal peat and marl in a Kent kettle. This dates the recession of the Woodfordian glacier from the Kent Moraine and therefore probably from the Almond Moraine also. The age of the Valley Heads and Arkport Moraines is uncertain, however, the Valley Heads was assigned to Cary by Flint (1957), Holmes (1952), and MacClintock and Apfel (1944). It has been assigned to late Cary by Muller (1957), White, et_al, (1957), and White (1960). This positions it as another recessional Woodfordian deposit, younger than the Almond Moraine. Stability Ratios Previously, the writer has suggested that heavy minerals could be used as a time—stratigraphic indicator (Connally, 1960). He used ratios of unstable minerals (Hornblende, Hypersthene, and Monoclinic pyroxene) to stable minerals (all garnet) to characterize deposits having a common 86 provenance but differing in age. These were termed stability ratios. It was found that younger deposits had higher ratios and the inference is that they have retained more unstable material due to their youth. Independent physical evidence (Connally, 1960, Plates 8 and 9) sug— gests that the instability is due to intrastratal solution. During the present study the writer has again com— puted stability ratios for hornblende, hypersthene, and monoclinic pyroxene for the Canaseraga Formation. The purpose is to compare values from the proximal sides of the various moraines in order to examine the age relationships. These values are recorded in Table 4. No laterally consistant variations are indicated for any of the stability ratios computed. A similar decrease in the ratios is again noted for any given north-south traverse. However, the ratios vary from one point to another along each of the three moraines. Although this is not thought to invalidate any of the writer's previous conclusions, it does refute the suggestion that stability ratios might be used as a tool in time—stratigraphic correlation. 87 TABLE 4.-—Stability ratios for hornblende, hypersthene, and monoclinic pyroxene. Sample Hornblende Hypersthene Monoclinic Pyroxene Number Garnet Garnet Garnet 60-l7a 2.02 0.76 0.29 60-17b 0.40 0.12 0.05 60-23 1.42 0.63 0.23 60—24 1.39 0.39 0.19 60-30 1.45 0.38 0.14 60-32 2.33 0.54 0.37 60-37 1.13 0.21 0.26 60—41 0.83 0.27 0.27 60-45-I 0.78 0.35 0.49 60—45—II 1.07 0.23 0.33 60—46-1 2.12 0.67 0.62 60-46-2 1.75 0.68 0.32 60-56 1.39 0.5 0.14 60—57—1 1.49 0.39 0.23 60-57-2 1.41 0.45 0.24 60-61 2.23 0.36 0.48 60—63 1.41 0.45 0.24 60—72 0.63 0.24 0.21 60-75—1 1.54 0.15 0.15 60-75—2 1.00 0.29 0.00 61-5 0.52 0.08 0.22 61—8—2 0.96 0.23 0.20 61—9 0.43 0.15 0.13 61-10 0.90 0.32 0.20 61—11 1.04 0.32 0.24 61-14 0.74 0.11 0.15 61-18 0.5 0.19 0.08 61—19 0.85 0.25 0.22 61-20—1 1.30 0.27 0.18 61-20—2 1.16 0.27 0.21 61-23 0.47 0.09 0.08 61—27 0.66 0.13 0.16 61—28 1.26 0.61 0.30 61—29 0.45 0.16 0.06 61-30 1.21 0.42 0.26 61—39-1 1.40 0.20 0.12 61—39-2 0.85 0.-4 0.11 61—42 0.65 0.20 0.08 61-45—1 1.10 0.33 0.10 61-45-2 0.67 0.22 0.10 61-49 0.90 0.22 0.12 61-50 1.48 0.42 0.19 61—55—1 0.70 0.30 0.18 61—55—2 0.87 0.21 0.17 61—58 0.63 0.15 0.13 CONCLUSIONS The name ”Binghamton" should be restricted to, and used as, a rock—stratigraphic term. It should be used to designate the magnafacies in the drift in which lenses of bright, valley- fill, gravel are present. The name Almond should be adopted for the morphostratigraphic equivalent of the old ”Binghamton Moraine” in the western Finger Lakes region. There are three morphostratigraphic units in the western Finger Lakes region; the Almond Moraine, the Arkport Marine, and the Valley Heads Moranie. These moraines trend East—West across the region. The Almond Moraine is the oldest. It is quasi—continuous from the Genesee River to the vicinity of Bath, New York and is the southernmost moraine in this region. The Arkport Moraine is intermediate in age and position. It is continuous from Bennett Creek, near Canaseraga, to the Cohocton River. It cannot be traced east or west of these points 88 89 This moraine could be either an advance phase of the Valley Heads glaciation or a reces— sional phase of the Almond. No evidence has been found to favor either alternative. The Valley Heads Moraine is the youngest moraine and is continuous from the Genesee River to Seneca Lake.‘-East of Bath the Valley Heads glacier evidently overrode the Almond deposits. In this area the Valley Heads Moraine is the southernmost. On the basis of distinctive ratios of purple garnet to red garnet, the glacial drift can be divided into two formations. The older formation, termed the Olean, exhibits ratios that are usually 1.2 or less. The younger formation, termed the Canaseraga, exhibits ratios that are usually 1.4 or higher. The provenance of the Olean Formation is in the central Adirondacks, as indicated by the presence of appreciable amounts of red garnet. Thus, the Olean glaciation may have originated in the Adirondack Mountains, or been abetted by ice from this region. In any case, it had the Adirondacks as a disbursing center. In the area occupied by Olean drift, the valleys are filled with gravel lenses. These form a 10. ll. 12. 90 sequence of discontinuous lenses in the Olean Formation and are named the Chenango member of the formation. The provenancefor the Canaseraga Formation is probably north of Ottawa and Montreal. The glacier is presumed to have traversed the St. Lawrence lowland and moved into western New York State via the Lake Ontario depression. The Canaseraga Formation has a discontinuous sequence of lenses similar to the Olean form- ation. These are named the Goff Creek member of the Canaseraga Formation. Although "stability ratios" may be related to the age of drift deposits, they do not appear to be useful in correlation. SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE STUDY The Prattsburg valley, and the adjacent upland, should be studied in detail. The many morainic ridges that loop across this valley should be correlated with their equivalents in the Keuka Lake valley to the east and the Naples valley to the west. In this manner it will be possible to locate the exact point at which the Valley Heads glacier overrode the Almond Moraine. The upper Canisteo River valley, west of Hornell, should also be studied in detail. In this study an attempt should be made to establish the age relations for the abundance of water—laid drift present. It should be possible to differentiate between Almond and Pre—Almond deposits, thus positioning the Almond Moraine more definitely. A trend surface analysis Should be made for the heavy minerals in both the Olean and the Canaserage Formations. In this study ”flow lines" might be established more definitely and local sources of contamination detected. 91 92 As an extension of the present aerial study, the southern tier of quadrangles should be mapped in order to locate any other Olean morainic segments which may be present. As another extension of this study, the more northerly quadrangles should be investigated in order to depict the reces— sional history of the Valley Heads glacier. REFERENCES CITED Anteus, Ernst. 1945. Correlation of Wisconsin glacial maxima. Am. Jour. Sci., v. 2 3A, p. 1—39. Broughton, John G., D. W. Fisher, Y. W. Isachsen, and L. V. Rickard. 1962. The Geology of New York State. N. Y. State Museum and Science Service, Geol. Survey, Map & Chart Ser. No. 5, 42 p. Chamberlin, T. C. 1883. Terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch. U.S.G.S., Third Ann. Rpt. Coates, Donald R. 1963. General geology of south— central New York. N.Y.S.G.A. Guidebook,pp. 19—35. Connally, G. Gordon. 1959. Heavy minerals in the drift of western New York. Unpublished M.S. thesis, U. of Rochester, 72 p. . 1960. Heavy minerals in the drift of western New York, Roch. Ac. of Sci., Proc., v. 10, pp. 241- 278. . 1961. The glacial geology of the western Finger Lakes region, New York, Progress Report I. Ms. Rpt. to N. 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Closing stage of New York glacial gigtory. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 43, pp. 600- 2 . . 1932b. New York moraines, Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 43, pp. 627-662. Flint, R. F. 1955. Rates of advance and retreat of the late—Wisconsin ice sheet. Am. Jour. Sci., v. 253, pp. 249-255. . 1957. Glacial and Pleistocene Geology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 551 p. Frye, John C. and H. B. Willman. 1960. Classification of the Wisconsinan Stage in the Lake Michigan glacial lobe. 111. State Geol. Survey Circ. 285, 16 p. Glacial map of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. Geol. Soc. Amer., 1959. Gravenor, C. P. and W. O. Kupsch. 1959. Ice-disintegration features in western Canada. Jour. Geol., v. 67, pp. 46—62. Holmes, 0. D. 1952. Drift dispersion in west-central New York. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., v. 63, pp. 993—1010. . 1960. Evolution of till—stone shapes, central New York. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 71., pp. 1645-1660. Horberg, Leland and R. C. Anderson. 1956. Bedrock top— ography and Pleistocene glacial lobes in central United States. Jour. Geol., v. 64, pp. 101-116. Hough, Jack L. 1958. Geology of the Great Lakes. U. of I11. Press, Urbana, 111., 313 p. Karrow, Paul F., J. R. Clark, and J. Terasmae. 1961. The age of Lake Iroquois and Lake Ontario. Jour. Geol., v. 69, pp. 659—667. Krumbein, W. G. and F. J. Pettijohn. 1938. Manual of Sedimentary Petrographi. Appleton—Century Co., Inc. New York. 529 p. .. 95 Krumbein, W. G. and L. L. Sloss. 1963. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation. 2d. ed., W. H. Freeman and Co., San Francisco, 660 p. Lawler, Thomas. 1962. A field study of local magnetic disturbances from glacial drift in Michigan. M. S. thesis, Michigan State U. Leighton, M. M. and J. A. Brophy. 1961. Illinoian glaciation in Illinois. Jour. Geol., v. 69, pp. 1-31. Leverett, Frank. 1902. Glacial formations and drainage features of the Erie and Ohio basins. U. S. Geol. Survey, Mon. 41, 802 p. Lewis, D. W. 1960. Heavy mineral content of tills in western New York. Compass, V. 37, pp. 162—173. Lewis, H. C. 1884. Report on the terminal moraine across Pennsylvania and western New York. Second Geol. Survey of Penna., Rpt. Z. MacClintock, Paul. 1954. Leaching of glacial gravels in eastern North America. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 65, pp. 369—384. 1958. Glacial Geology of the St. Lawrence Seaway and power projects. New York State Museum & Science Service, Bull., 26 p. and E. T. Apfel. 1944. Correlation of the drifts of theSalamancaIkrfimmrant, New York. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 55, pp. 1143—1164. Merritt, R. S. and E. H. Muller. 1959. Depth of leaching in relation to carbonate content of till in central New York. Am. Jour. Sci., v. 257, pp. 465-480. Millar, C. E., L. M. Turk, and H. D. Foth. 1958. Soil Science. 3rd. ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 526 p. Moss, John H. and Dale F. Ritter. 1962. New evidence regarding the Binghamton substage in the region between the Finger Lakes and Catskills, New York. Am. Jour. Sci., v. 260, pp. 81—106. Muller, Ernest H. 1957. Glacial Geology of western and central New York. Ms. Rpt. to State Geologist, N. Y. State Sci. Service. 96 Muller, Ernest H. 1964. Pleistocene geology of Chautauqua County, New York. N. Y. State Museum Bull., in Press. Pettijohn, F. J. 1957. Sedimentary Rocks. 2d. ed., Harper Brothers, New York, 739 p. Plumley, William J. 1948. Black Hills terrace gravels: a study of sediment transport. Jour. Geol., v. 56, pp- 526-577. Shepps, V. C., G. W. White, J. B. Droste, and R. F. Sitler. 1959. Glacial geologic map of northwestern Pennsyl— vania. Pennsylvania Geol. Survey, Bull., G—32, 59 p. Street, James S. 1963. Significance of variations in till constitution in the Rush Creek area, New York. Unpub— lished M. S. thesis, Syracuse U., 72 p. Tarr, R. S. 1905. Moraines of the Seneca and Cayuga Lake Valleys. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 16, pp. 215— 228. Terrasmae, Jan. 1958. Non—glacial deposits in the St. Lawrence lowlands, Quebec. Geol. Surv. Canada, Bull., 56, pt. II, pp. 13—28. Thornbury, W. D. 1940. Weathered zones and glacial chronology in southern Indiana. Jour. Geol., v. 48, pp. 449—475. Upham, W. 1879. Terminal moraine of the North American ice sheet. Am. Jour. Sci., v. 18, pp. 197—209. White, G. W. 1960. Classification of Wisconsin glacial deposits in northeastern Ohio. U. S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 1121—A, pp. A—l——A—l2. , J. B. Droste, R. F. Sitler, and V. C. Shepps. 1957. Glacial deposits of northwestern Pennsylvania. Geol. Soc. America, Bull., v. 68, pp. 1902—1903. Wingard, Norman E. 1962. A heavy mineral investigation' of glacial tills in western New York. Unpublished M. S. thesis, Michigan State U., 81 p. Winters, Harold A. 1961. Landforms associated with stagnant glacial ice. Prof. Geographer, v. 13, pp. 19-23. 97 Woodrow, Donald L. and R. C. Nugent. 1963. Facies and the Rhinestreet Formation in south—central New York. N.Y.S.G.A. Guidebook, pp. 59—86. Wright, H. E., Jr. 1957. Stone orientation in Wadena drumlin field, Minnesota. Geog. Annaler, v. 39, pp. 1—31. S E C I D m P P A 98 APPENDIX I A DESCRIPTION OF THE FIELD SITES CITED IN THE TEXT Each field site is identified by a combination of numbers and letters. The first set of numbers indicates the field site number as cited (described on page 13 The second set refers to the map grid number (described in Figure 4) preceded by the ninth 0f the map in which the Site is located. The last set is the approximate elevation of the field Site. For the sake of brevity, common symbols for feet and inches are used. In addition, all numbers are given by digits. 60-32; SW, J-9; 1480 There is 0.5' of firm, brown, calcareous till on bedrock. The till contains a great deal of ”bright” gravel and either lies on, or incorporates, lacustrine sediment which is found at the base of the till. The till caps a bench of Chemung—type sandstone which crops out in the adjacent roadcut. This lithology evidently caused the resistance of the ledge. In places the till has been washed away and prominant striae are revealed 99 100 60-63; NE, K-8; 1500 A cutbank in Slader Creek exposes a till with ”bright" gravel. The till is apparently north of the Almond border but is not the characteristic blue color. The color is the olive of the pre-Almond drift seen at other sites south of the Almond Moraine. The till is stoney, firm and calcareous with a silty clay matrix. At one point it grades up into an oxidized zone which is overlain by calcareous alluvium. This may be a truncated paleosol. The sample was taken from beneath the oxidized zone. 60-73; C, K-lO; 13OO A gravel pit in kame-type outwash is apparently the terminus of the Valley Heads Moraine in the Fivemile Creek valley. At this time (July, 1960) I have an inkling that this is pre—Valley Heads. The sample is from the base of a 50‘ face which reveals sand and gravel which is almost rhythamically bedded. The lithology of the gravel is Olean and the bedding is from the east. 60-74, NC, K-lO; L1800 This is an abandoned quarry in a flat potato field. The cap rock, beneath the soil, is a polished and striated siltstone. The striae trend N 720 E and are well exposed. There are two prominant joint sets at N 840 E and N 120 W. 101 61-3; NW, K-12; 1260 A gravel pit, 1/2 mile E. of North Beaver Dams School reveals a 12' face of unoxidized, calcareous, gravel over olive, silty clay, gravelly till. The till appears to be oxidized immediately below the gravel and blends into olive at the base. This is tentatively interpreted as the Valley Heads terminus overlying Olean till. 61-6; NC, K-ll; 1440 Striae are observed on a polished, ripple marked, siltstone which trend N 150 E, parallel to the Keuka Lake valley. 61—7, 0, K-11, 1420 Two observations were made, about 60' apart. Both recorded striae trending N 20° E. 61-11; SC, K-12; 1300 A roadside ditch exposes a loam till. The till is bluish-purple, stoney (”bright”) and leached for almost 5'. It is calcareous for 2' above bedrock, where it was sampled. A fabric determined from a few stones gives a direction of N 450 E, indicating deposition from the Catherine Creek lobation. 102 61-21; NW, K-lO; 1300 This is a gravel pit on the Tenmile Creek valley wall. The pit is Olean in every respect and is probably a kame terrace remnant. The sample is unleached at about 15' beneath a stripped surface but there are leached pebbles at this depth. 61-25; C, k-10; 1320 This is an active gravel pit with a 60' face. The gravel is foreset and "bright” but it is imbedded in an oxidized sand. The bedding is from N 165° E and the sample is from a 15' sand lense. 61—30; SC, K-9; 1500 A cutbank on Cunningham Creek Shows 2-3' of blue, silty clay till. The till is very stoney with limestone present in sub—Binghamton (less than ”bright") proportions. The till is firm and fresh. The upper 8” is oxidized to yellow brown below which the blue is mottled with olive. The till is overlain by 6H of finely laminated sand. 61-42; SC, K-9 1400 A gravel pit reveals bright, kame-type gravels with the bedding obscured. Room USE ONLY ”7 ‘4" M'llllllllllillillllfillfllllllllllflllll'“