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(2 $347!. to. *‘11- r.vl.4,..¢ .. . .31. 1. 3.1, if: .4 I.) 1.a..’.l¢.«! ;Af.¢vav;4)!¢eav.4r .. ryr‘...1f...,.». 1:2 . ..r../.V 354w as: . . . , v 533%, . .,e...£.,. f .r..... l r .i‘ This is to certify that the thesis entitled Microsomal mixed—function oxidases of the house fly, Musca domestica (L): Endogenous factors affecting their isolation and stability presented by Daune L. Crankshaw has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for PhD degree in Entomology 60‘ Major rofessor ' Date Ma 14 1975 0-7639 ABSTRACT MICROSOMAL MIXED—FUNCTION OXIDASES OF THE HOUSE FLY, MUSCA DOMESTICA (L): ENDOGENOUS FACTORS AFFECTING THEIR ISOLATION AND STABILITY By Daune L. Crankshaw The mixed-function oxidase NADPH-cytochrome c reductase has been shown to be tightly bound to the mammalian microsomal memgrane. House fly microsomal NADPH—cytochrome c reductase activity was extensively solubilized during the isolation of the microsomal fraction from mortar- and-pestle homogenates of whole house flies. In 23 isolations, only 20 i 24.5% 5.0. of the microsomal and soluble reductase activity was recovered in the pellet. Phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride, a protease inhibitor, and EDTA did not decrease the observed solubilization. The specific activity of the reductase was not significantly altered by these treatments and was 0.025 i 0.008 pMOIES 8.0. of cytochrome c reduced/min/ mg protein. Microsomal fractions isolated from 30 abdominal homogenates prepared by glass-Teflon homogenization contained 80.3 i 21.3% 8.0. of the micro— somal and soluble reductase activity recovered in the 105,000 xg pellet. The specific activity of the reductase for these isolations was 0.050 t 0.025 moles 3.0. of cytochrome c reduced/min/mg protein. The above dif- ferences obtained with the two methods of homogenization were significant Daune L. Crankshaw at the 0.0l and 0.05 level for the percentage of the reductase isolated in the microsomal fraction and its specific activity, respectively, when subjected to the Student's t-test. The aldrin epoxidase activities of the homogenates and microsomal fractions from glass-Teflon preparations were unstable. The homogenates lost 68% of their initial epoxidase ac- tivity in 30 minutes and the frozen microsomal fractions lost 50 to 60% of their activity within 24 hours. Since the phenol oxidase complex has been implicated in the loss of aldrin epoxidase activity when whole southern armyworm homogenates were used, the effect of this system on rat liver microsomal mixed-function oxidases was examined. Phenol oxidase and its substrates are present in house fly homogenates and microsomal fractions, but have not been de- tected in rat liver microsomes. The incubation of rat liver phenobarbital- induced microsomes with tyrosinase and catechol at 4° C caused a signifi- cant decrease of cytochrome P-450 content, aldrin epoxidation, and NADPH— cytochrome c reductase activity. When rat liver microsomes were incubated with either cyanide-inhibited tyrosinase and catechol, tyrosinase alone, or catechol alone, the same enzymatic activity and cytochrome P-450 con- tent as the untreated control was observed. Erythrocyte lysis,used as an indicator of the occurrence of free radical reactions, occurred when red blood cells were incubated with tyrosinase and catechol at 4° C. There was no lysis when they were incubated in the presence of tyrosinase alone or catechol alone. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophor- esis of rat liver phenobarbital-induced microsomes incubated with tyrosin- ase and catechol indicated that cross-linkage of the proteins had occurred, since much of the sample failed to migrate into the gel. When a sample of microsomes incubated with cyanide-inhibited tyrosinase was electrophoresed, Daune L. Crankshaw it gave the same banding pattern as the untreated control. The addition of catechol, a tyrosinase substrate, to the 10,000 xg supernatant of house fly homogenate gave a microsomal fraction without detectable cytochrome P-450 or P—420. Addition of cyanide to house fly homogenate significantly increased the cytochrome P-450 and aldrin epoxi— dase activity of the microsomal fraction. The aldrin epoxidation activity of the cyanide—treated microsomal preparation decreased 22% in 24 hours compared to 56% for the catechol—treated and untreated microsomal frac- tions. The glass—Teflon homogenization method is superior to the mortar—and— pestle method for isolating house fly microsomes because of the extensive solubilization of the NADPH—cytochrome c reductase that occurred with mortar-and-pestle preparations. Microsomal aldrin epoxidation activity in house fly preparations obtained by glass-Teflon homogenization was unstable. The effect of tyrosinase and catechol on the rat liver micro- somal mixed-function oxidases and of catechol and cyanide on house fly microsomal preparations indicate that the catechol oxidase complex may be an important factor involved in the instability of house fly micro— somal mixed-function oxidases. The use of inhibitors and polymers to eliminate the effect of this complex should be a key factor in obtaining stable microsomal mixed-function oxidases from house flies. MICROSOMAL MIXED—FUNCTION OXIDASES OF THE HOUSE FLY, MUSCA DOMESTICA (L): ENDOGENOUS FACTORS AFFECTING THEIR ISOLATION AND STABILITY By \L‘ ‘ Daune L? Crankshaw A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Entomology T975 To my wife, Jacqueline and our daughters, Carolyn and Nadia ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Looking back over the time that I have spent at MSU, there are many people who have helped me during my doctoral program and deserve special thanks. Dr. Norman Leeling advised me during the first part of my re- search and also provided financial support for which I am grateful. My major advisor, Dr. Matthew Zabik, generously supported the latter part of my research. A special thanks goes to Dr. Stephen Aust, Biochemistry Department, for tolerating a “super fly” buzzing about his lab. His advice and encouragement helped me through the difficult and sometimes discouraging parts of my research. My association with the members of Dr. Aust's laboratory was a stimulating and helpful experience. The members of my advisory committee, Drs. A.w.A. Brown, Roger Hoopingarner and Robert Cook gave freely of their time and I appreciate their advice and help. Drs. Gordon Guyer and James Bath, the former and present chairmen, respectively, of the Department of Entomology, provided funds for assistantships and research for which I am grateful. Research that utilizes house flies as the experimental animal gen— erates a great deal of routine work in maintaining the colony and pre— paring them for use in experiments. The cheerful and conscientious assistance in such work of Mr. David Cushman, Miss Joella Herwaldt, Mrs. Belinda Giessel, Miss Barbara Goelling, Beth Hockman, Carolyn Crankshaw and Judy Herwaldt is deeply appreciated. Mrs. Janise Ehmann earned a special thanks by being a good critic while this dissertation iii was being written. The invaluable help of the Pesticide Research Center secretaries, Mrs. Rose Magistro and Mrs. Phillis Stasik is deeply appre- ciated. Mrs. Jane Fortman deserves a special thanks for donating her expertise in the typing of the final copy of this dissertation. Without the love and support of my wife and daughters the completion of this degree would not have been possible and I appreciate their encouragement very much. These individuals and many others have become our friends, given generously of their time, and made our stay in East Lansing a richly rewarding one. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Components of the Microsomal Mixed-Function Oxidase System 5 Induction of the Microsomal Mixed-Function Oxidases . . . . . . 7 Fractionation of Tissue Homogenates . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Effect of Isolation Procedure . . . . . . . . 9 Endogenous Inhibitors of Insect In Vitro Preparations . . . . . ll Biochemistry of Catechol Oxidase— . . . . . . . . . . . . l5 Phenols and Quinones in Biological Systems . . . . . . . . . . l8 The Effect of Free Radicals in Biological Systems . . . . . . . 20 MATERIALS AND METHODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 The House Fly Strain and its Culture . . 23 Isolation of the Microsomal Fraction from House Fly Homogenates 25 Distribution Studies of Marker Enzymes in MP Homogenates . . . 25 Sucrose Density Gradient Centrifugation . . . . . . . . . 26 Isolation of the Microsomal Fraction from Abdominal GT Homogenates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Enzyme Assays and Solution Preparation . . . . . . . . . . 28 Assays of NADPH- Cytochrome c Reductase Activity . . . . . . . . 28 Assays of Cytochrome Oxidase Activity . ..... . . . . . . . 28 Microsomal Pesticide Metabolism Assay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Extraction of Pesticides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Gas Liquid Chromatographic Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Microsomal Cytochrome P- 450 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O Assay of Tyrosinase Activity . . . 30 Treatment of House Fly Homogenates with Catechol and Cyanide . 31 Incubation of Rat Liver Microsomes with Tyrosinase . . . . . . 3l Erythrocyte Hemolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Other Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Marker Enzyme Distribution Patterns of Mortar-and-Pestle Homogenates . . . . 33 Density Gradient Centrifugation of Mortar— Pestle Homogenates . 40 Inhibition of Enzyme Solubilization in Mortar Homogenates . . . 42 Glass- Teflon Homogenization and Solubilization . 48 Effect of Endogenous Tyrosinase on House Fly Microsomal Enzymes 56 Effect of Mushroom Tyrosinase on Rat Liver Microsomal Enzymes . 57 V DISCUSSION . . . . . . SUMMARY ....... BIBLIOGRAPHY ..... ............ ............ ............ vi ........ Page 7] 88 91 Table LIST OF TABLES Comparison of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity in microsomal fractions from mortar-pestle homogenates of abdomens and whole flies . . . . NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity in microsomal fractions from whole house fly mortar-pestle homogenates of the larval and adult stages ..... The distribution of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity following sucrose density gradient centrifugation of the 800 xg supernatant of MP homogenate ................... The effect of isolation conditions on the percent of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity found in the microsomal fraction from house fly homogenates . . The effect of isolation conditions on the specific activity of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase in the microsomal fraction from house fly homogenates Individual isolation of the microsomal fraction from MP homogenates of whole house flies. The effect of PMSF, DTT, and EDTA on microsomal NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity ..... The effect of the homogenization method on the percent of the microsomal and soluble NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity detected in the microsomal fraction ......... The effect of the homogenization method used to prepare house fly homogenates on the specific activity of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase in the microsomal fraction .......... The effect of the protease inhibitor, DFP, on the NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity in the microsomal fractipn of house flies using the glass-Teflon homogenization method ...... Page 34 35 43 44 45 46 49 50 52 Table 10. Mixed-function oxidase activity in microsomal fractions isolated from house fly homogenates treated with either catechol or cyanide . ll. Effect of tyrosinase on cytochrome P-450 and enzymatic functions of liver microsomes from phenobarbital—pretreated rats . . . . . viii Page 55 64 LIST OF FIGURES Figure l. The mixed-function oxidase electron transport system 2. Reactions of tyrosinase complex . . 3. Distribution of cytochrome oxidase in subcellular fractions of rat liver and whole house fly homogenates . 4. Distribution of marker enzymes in subcellular fractions of rat liver and whole house fly homogenates . 5. The distribution of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity and protein profile following sucrose density gradient centrifugation of the 800 xg supernatant of MP homogenate . 6. Effect of homogenization method on the percent of NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity found in the microsomal fraction of house fly homogenates . . 7. The stability of aldrin epoxidase activity in glass-Teflon homogenates of house fly abdomens . 8. The effect of tyrosinase concentration on NADPH- cytochrome c reductase activity of rat liver microsomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. The effect of tyrosinase plus catechol on rat liver microsomal NADPH— —cytochrome c reductase activity: effect of tyrosinase concentration . . . . . . TO. The effect of tyrosinase plus catechol on rat liver microsomal NADPH— ~cytochrome c reductase activity: rate of inhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . ll. Effect of mushroom tyrosinase on cytochrome P—450 of liver microsomes from phenobarbital—pretreated rats l2. The effect of tyrosinase and catechol treatment on the SDS- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis protein profile of the liver microsomal fraction from PB- pretreated rats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 36 38 4T 5T 54 58 6O 62 67 69 INTRODUCTION The role played by mixed-function oxidases in the detoxification of pesticides has become apparent only in the last decade. Insect de- toxification systems are of special interest to man because they enable pest species to circumvent control measures and continue to compete with man for a limited food supply. The importance of microsomal mixed- function oxidases in pesticide detoxification is still being defined as more basic knowledge of this system accumulates. Insecticide resistance is a complex phenomenon with factors, both enzymatic and non-enzymatic, contributing to the overall resistance of a species. Genetic analysis of susceptible and resistant insect strains has helped to characterize the factors involved. In_vitrg_experiments employed to elucidate specific enzymatic detoxification mechanisms uti- lize subcellular fractions prepared from homogenates of insects. In addition, comparative studies using enzyme preparations from insect and mammalian sources can detect similarities and differences in the mech- anisms utilized. Information of this nature aids in the design and deveTOpment of pesticides that are less toxic to non-target organisms. The importance of developing less toxic compounds lies not only in the fact that the use of pesticides has been growing nearly l0% a year, but in that some of the newer compounds being utilized are considerably more toxic to humans. With the recent banning of several persistent pesticides, such as DDT, there has been an increase in the use of the less persistent organophosphorus compounds. These, although environ- mentally less persistent, are general biocides with some of the most widely used ones, such as parathion and azinphosmethyl, being quite toxic to man and other vertebrates. The occurrence of resistance has been detected throughout the world and has appeared in most pest species of insects and acarines. Resistance has been demonstrated for each category of pesticides used to control these species. The recent development of insect hormone mimics as con- trol agents was stimulated by the ubiquitous occurrence of insecticide resistance. It was hoped that the utilization of compounds which mimicked the actions of naturally occurring growth regulators would circumvent the problem of resistance. Such compounds would also be quite selective for the target organism. Research in this field has focused on the growth regulator juvenile hormone and its mimics. Evidence is beginning to ac- cumulate that insecticide resistant species show cross-tolerance to juve— nile hormone and its analogues. There are also reports of non-insecticide resistant strains developing tolerance to these compounds. The exact role that microsomal mixed—function oxidases play in the metabolism of juvenile hormone mimics is still unclear. The problem is complicated by the fact that esterases also have the capacity of deactivating these chemicals. Due to the lack of a standardized method for the preparation of in- sect subcellular fractions to be used for in_vitrg_studies, greater dif- ficulties are encountered in trying to understand and interpret the impor— tance of each detoxification mechanism. The great number of problems en- countered in preparing enzymatically active fractions from insect homogen— ates, indicates that an optimum method of preparing these subcellular fractions is a prerequisite for the most accurate picture of the mechanism involved. The Optimum isolation procedure devised for each insect must take into consideration endogenous inhibitors and/or other unresolved factor(s) known to cause enzyme instability of ifl_vitro_preparations. The majority of these have yet to be completely identified and controlled in homogenates of insect tissue. The standard methods of analysis being used in related mammalian systems that are currently yielding the most significant information about microsomal enzymes demand stable prepara- tions. Since insect homogenates lack this stability, the resolution of this problem is the major challenge facing researchers utilizing insect microsomal preparations. LITERATURE REVIEW The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of certain tissues, such as liver of mammals and fat body of insects, contain enzymes that metabolize fatty acids, steroids and numerous xenobiotics (l). The homogenization of these tissues disrupts the ER, resulting in the formation of small mem- branous vesicles which can be isolated from other subcellular components, eLg;_mitochondria, by differential centrifugation of the homogenate. The pellet of membranous vesicles obtained by high speed centrifugation of the microchondrial supernatant is called the microsomal fraction (2). This fraction contains two electron transport systems. One, com— posed of NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase and cytochrome b5, is involved in fatty acid metabolism. The other is a mixed-function oxidase system which is involved in the detoxification of drugs and pesticides. This system is the one investigated in the research presented in this disser- tation. Its composition, as currently understood, consists of NADPH- cytochrome c reductase and cytochrome P-450. This enzyme system requires atmospheric oxygen and reducing equivalents from NADPH. The electrons and oxygen are utilized in the hydroxylation of a wide variety of sub— strates. The mixed-function oxidases of mammals have been reviewed by Mason (l,3,4), Gillette (5,6), Orrenius gt_al, (7) and Siekevitz (8), and of insect systems by Terriere (9), Casida (10), Perry and Agosin (ll), and Wilkinson and Brattsten (l2). The role of cytochrome P-450 in insecti- cide resistance (l3) and the induction of insect mixed-function oxidases by pesticides has also been assessed in recent years (14). Components of the Microsomal Mixed-Function Oxidase System: The mixed-function oxidase components are diagrammatically represen- ted in Fig. l (l5). The flavoprotein, NADPH-cytochrome c reductase (often referred to as the reductase) accepts electrons from NADPH and reduces the cytochrome P—450. The exact mechanism of electron transfer is not completely understood. In studies with the purified enzyme, one electron at a time was transferred (16), however, the transfer mechanism for the second electron required per mole of substrate hydroxylated is still to be precisely identified, and the question mark in Fig. l indi- cates this area of uncertainty. The reductase is tightly bound to the microsomal membrane and is used as a marker enzyme for the microsomal fraction (l7). In_yitrg_assays for this enzyme employ electron acceptors such as cytochrome c and certain dyes. Klingengberg (l8) and Garfinkel (19) first described a unique cyto- chrome that appeared in difference spectra of the microsomal fraction of liver homogenates when it was flushed with carbon monoxide (CO) and re- duced. Its unique spectrum shows only one, sharp maximum absorbance peak at 450 nm. Omura and Sato (20) have further characterized this cytochrome as a hemoprotein with several unusual properties; one property being the conversion of its typical P-450 form to a spectrally distinct form with its maxima at 420 nm by several reagents including deoxycholate (21,22). Conversion of cytochrome P—450 to P—420 was paralleled by the loss of enzymatic activity with the solubilized P-420 being extremely labile when reduced in the presence of oxygen. The biological function of this cyto- chrome was suggested by such observations as the inhibition of the steroid E53 .Eommz/EH 29385 $338 28522-8tz m=.:. ._. 9:5: mm. om: IN 01m... mm10m¢a fl|i+i \ 4/m l0 18193.me «0-9.8-83. N Iom / O o mzomzootro maozmooxm ._. a 1» on. 1005. m uom¢ n... V/ m N+m n. THI a Inul z_mkomao>., E‘ P—i > H E3 .< 75‘ LL] (I) < G 1—4 >< O 0.. LL] 2. 50 4 1—4 CZ Q ._.1 < 25 4 O v v . 0 15 30 45 MINUTES AFTER HOMOGENIZATION THE STABILITY OF ALDRIN EPOXIDASE ACTIVITY IN GLASS-TEFLON HOMOGENATES OF HOUSE FLY ABDOMENS Equal quantities of the abdomens were homogenized in 0.2 M K2HPO4, plus 1 mM DFP ( ------- ). Aliquots for aldrin epoxidation pH 8.0 (- . ) and 0.2 M K2HP04, pH 8.0 assays were taken after homogenization at the times in- dicated and preincubated at 210 C for 5 minutes in the assay mixture. Aldrin was added to initiate the reaction. 55 Table 10 MIXED-FUNCTION OXIDASE ACTIVITY IN MICROSOMAL FRACTIONS ISOLATED FROM HOUSE FLY HOMOGENATES TREATED WITH EITHER CATECHOL OR CYANIDE House fly abdomens were homogenized by the glass-Teflon method in either 0.2 M K HPO pH 8.0 or in 0.2 M KZHPO with 10 mM KCN, pH 8.0. 2 4’ 4 The preparation treated with catechol was homogenized in 0.2 M KZHP04, pH 8.0, with catechol being added to the 10,000 xg supernatant. NADPH-cytochrgme Cytochrome Aldrin Treatment c reductase P-450b epoxidationC CONTROL 0.095 0.197 0.046e 0.020f Catechol 0.081 NDd 0.067e 0.029f KCN 0.124 0.397 0.237e 0.185f a umoles of cytochrome c reduced/min/mg protein b nmoles of cutochrome P-450/mg protein c nmoles of dieldrin produced min/mg protein d Not detected e Assays done as soon as the microsomal fraction was isolated f Assays done the day following the isolation 56 Effect of Endogenous Tyrosinase on House Fly Microsomal Enzymes: One isolation was made to see if the stimulation and inhibition of tyrosinase activity in house fly homogenates would affect the activity on stability of microsomal enzymes from the house fly. Catechol was added to the 10,000 xg supernatant of a glass-Teflon abdominal homo- genate, since it is known to stimulate the hydroxylation of tyrosinase, and cyanide, an inhibitor of tyrosinase, was added to another (Table 10). Addition of catechol reduced two of the parameters assayed when compared to the control. NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activity was reduced by 15%, and the preparation had no detectable cytochrome P-450 content. Aldrin epoxidation was slightly higher than in the control. The NADPH- cytochrome c reductase activity in the cyanide-treated preparation was 30% more than in the control and 35% more than that observed in the catechol-treated preparation. The aldrin epoxidation of the cyanide— treated preparation was 5 times that detected in the control and 3.5 times that of the catechol-treated isolation. Of significant interest was the fact that the control and catechol- treated isolations lost 56% of their aldrin epoxidation activity by the next day. For the cyanide treatment the loss of activity in one day was 22%. Assays made 3 weeks later gave the same amount of aldrin epoxidation as observed the day after the isolation. These results suggest that the phenol oxidase complex did decrease the activity of microsomal enzymes. 57 Effect of Mushroom Tyrosinase on Rat Liver Microsomal Enzymes: Using catechol as the substrate tyrosinase activity was detected in house fly microsomes but not in the rat liver microsomal prepar- ation. The effect of mushroom tyrosinase plus catechol on rat liver microsomes was examined to see what effect exogenous tyrosinase would have on their enzymatic activities. Looking first at NADPH-cytochrome c reductase, increasing concen- trations of tyrosinase, in the presence of catechol, gave a correspon- ding decrease in reductase activity (Fig. 8). Activity decreased with time following an initial lag period (Fig. 9), with the lower concen- tration of tyrosinase used in the incubations. The rate at which ac- tivity was lost also increased with a rise in temperature (Fig. 10). Whereas at 4° C 10% of the activity was lost in 20 minutes, at 13° C almost 50% of the original reductase activity was lost in 10 minutes. The effect of tyrosinase on different microsomal parameters fol- lowing a 22 hour incubation on ice is shown in Table 11. The reduction of cytochrome c by NADPH-cytochrome c reductase was not affected by catechol alone, but it was stimulated 12% by tyrosinase, when compared to the control. Potassium cyanide reduced the reductase activity by 17%. In the presence of tyrosinase and catechol, the activity was reduced from 0.204 down to 0.026 umoles of cytochrome c reduced per minute per mg protein. The reductase activity was 26% greater than the control for microsomes treated with cyanide-inhibited tyrosinase plus catechol. The Carbon monoxide difference spectra were essentially the same for all treatments except for the tyrosinase plus catechol (Fig. 11). This treatment reduced the cytochrome P-450 to 36% of the control value (Table 11). The difference spectrum of the tyrosinase Figure 8. 58 THE EFFECT OF TYROSINASE CONCENTRATION 0N NADPH-CYTOCHROME C REDUCTASE ACTIVITY OF RAT LIVER MICROSOMES Liver microsomes (6.0 mg/ml) from PB-pretreated rats were suspended in 0.1 M KZHPO4 with 2.5 mM cate- chol and incubated on ice for 15 minutes. At the end of the incubation period, the reductase activity was assayed. The following concentrations of tyrosinase were used: 1. 0 pg tyrosinase/mg microsomal protein 2. 0.31 pg tyrosinase/mg microsomal protein 3. 0.62 pg tyrosinase/mg microsomal protein 4. 1.25 pg tyrosinase/mg microsomal protein 5. 2.50 pg tyrosinase/mg microsomal protein 59 100 m0 mu mu mu 8 r0 4 2 pr>wuom chwmwco Go pcmogma xpw>wuom wmmpusuwc o meoczoouxonzaowpom chwmwgo we pcmocma xpw>wpom mmmposumc o mecc200p>ouzaowuom _mcwmwco we pcwocma zu_>_pua mmmposuwc u mEog;ooy>o-xmmwpum mmmposumc u mEoc:uoa>u-:aow4 mkH4 no monHuzzm UHH<2>sz oz< omqum mzomIUOH>u zo mmH mo Hummum .FF OanH 65 ewepeee mE\cwE\eee:eeLe :wLe—ewe we meweEc e cwmuece mE\eEeL:eeu>e we mewesc e ewepeee mE\:wE\eee:eec e meecceepae we mewese e N._ _.N wmm.e zex + weeeeeme + emmcwmecse .e e m.e eme.e _e;eeeee + eme:_meexe ..m w.w _.N om_.o zux .e w.m N.N eom.o weceeuee .m N.N m.m mmm.o emecwmecxu .N _.N N.N eom.o weeeeee eepeeepc: ._ Usfiwmgu gamma . gammmmfiez :39: FF m_nww 66 plus catechol-treated microsomes had a small shoulder at 420 nm in 30 minutes, but with time it did not increase in proportion to the decrease of absorbance observed at 450 nm, as it had been reported to do in the presence of proteolytic enzymes (94). Aldrin epoxidation was the same for control, tyrosinase-treated, and catechol-treated microsomes (Table 11). The cyanide and cyanide- tyrosinase plus catechol treatments reduced the epoxidation from 2.1 down to 1.7 nmoles of dieldrin produced per minute per mg protein, a 20% decrease. Tyrosinase plus catechol completely inhibited aldrin epoxidation. Another effect of tyrosinase on membranes was observed in an ex- periment using erythrocyte lysis as an indicator of the occurrence of free radical reactions. The 1200 xg supernatant of washed red blood cells had a 3.5-fold more hemoglobin than red blood cells alone or red blood cells plus tyrosinase or catechol, following centrifugation after a 15-minute incubation with tyrosinase and catechol at 0 to 5° C. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of rat liver PB induced microsomes incubated with tyrosinase indicated that cross linkage of the proteins had occurred, since much of the sample failed to migrate into the gel (Fig. 12). A sample of microsomes incubated with cyanide-inhibited tyrosinase when electrophoresed gave the same banding pattern as un- treated rat liver PB microsomes. Figure 11. 67 EFFECT OF MUSHROOM TYROSINASE 0N CYTOCHROME P-450 0F LIVER MICROSOMES FROM PHENOBARBITAL-PRETREATED RATS Liver microsomes from PB-pretreated rats were suspended in 0.0 M KZHP04, pH 7.0 and incubated for 22 hours on ice. Microsomal samples, 1.3 mg protein, were flushed with carbon monoxide, reduced with sodium dithionite, and scanned at different times during the incubation. The treatments are the same as l and 5 listed in Table 11. The other treatments did not dif- fer significantly from the spectrum of 1 during the incubation period. ABSORBANCE 68 450 nm 390 nm 450 nm 390 nm - 0.2 OD --0.1 0 HOURS 0 T - 0.2 0.5 HOURS -0.1 V - 0.2 22 HOURS - 0.1 0 1.- MICROSOMES ALONE MICROSOMES + CATECHOL + TYROSINASE Figure 11 69 .ewesem empeecpce one we eEem esp ewe; meeemecewe eepeeepnweceepee use -emeCwmeexu mew .Aomv cepwez he eeeweemee we mwmegeseecueewe Fem eewEe -wxceexwee-mom Lew emceeege ewe; mmwesem ecw .u oe we mepecwe mp Lew A22 m.mv wegeepee Le\ece Aswepece wesemegews ms\mn Fm.ov emeCwmecxp new; eeueeeecw wee; Awe\me 0.0V mesemecewe eeeeecw1me Le>ww pea mwHe mzw no meweome szHome mwmmmozeomwumem ewe mowzmu<>eoe-mom mzw zo wzmzww do womeam mzw .N_ eagewa 70 N_ eE:e_e Azee mez