30 I 9 HBWHV: \ mm m x \\ .- -‘Z This is to certify that the thesis entitled Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Studies of Ion Solvation and Complexation in Various Solvents presented by Richard M. Farmer has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree in Chemistry Major professor 0-7639 ,-- n: 'm- ‘ ~. _‘| w .‘C‘ _ ‘ . -" ' Uni“! " ~ \a aim!!! ' a N STATE UNIVER 1' * ,afxil, OVERDUE FINES: 25¢ per day per item RETURNING LIBRARY MATERIALS: Place in book return to remove charge from circulation records SPECTROSCOPIC AND ELECTROCHEMICAL STUDIES OF I ION SOLVATION AND COMPLEXATION IN VARIOUS SOLVENTS By Richard M. Farmer A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Chemistry 1981 Jr/‘/tm.©: m.mm Aomzav obflKOMHSmfithmEfiD ©.o+ . cm 0 w.wm m.mm Ahzmv ooflemshomamcposflm H.H+ . mm o 5.0m o.sH econoo< EHQQ CH Omwfllm . 3 no CH . AWO :ompoosgoo moawammwmapm pcopmcoo popesz bosom pco>aom h oomph cacosmaz . . .> oascooacan Passage .mcomuoophoo thHH a m .n.p oomsm ompocmmz ego moHpLOQOLm pco>aom mEom .HH oHnt 36 . Gm .HOO>Hm ocofimgpo p COH ®% .cze :a smash Hooasoeo some one do cocopcoaco coach pen .h . 216 u _ a _ «68 a agnozvoo x N2.0.8 oo o nHOCdQDQE peoocoo .3 ®%3mflh 37 a .onmconpoo ocofizaoaa oco .o:o»oom .LEQ .OUHESE;Od omzo ca beach HooHEoco meme QN one do occupconop coeco Ugo cofiuwpucoo:oo as u n. o._ 00 .m was: w x. 0.0 _ _ _ «10260 x «26.88 c O. 38 the concentration increases, perchlorate shifts further up— field than the nitrate which is similar to its aqueous behavior. Methanol is generally a weaker donor solvent than water, although there is some disagreement as to the donor number of water (43,52). The extent of ion-pairing Should be greater in methanol, and this can be seen by the behavior of the chloride salt. The chemical shift of cal— cium chloride moves downfield even at low concentrations, indicating a greater tendency towards ion—pairing than in water. In aqueous solutions, the chemical shifts for all salts upon infinite dilution tended to the same value, which is indicative of the free hydrated species (54). Similarly, the infinite dilution chemical shifts in methanol should converge to one value. This can be qualitatively seen in Figure 4. It seems likely that, near infinite dilution, the calcium nitrate and perchlorate shifts will vere sharply downfield, much the same as in water. In methanol, this shift would occur below the limit of detection. The linear extrapolation of the calcium chloride line to infinite dilution will probably more nearly represent the infinite dilution chemical shift in methanol (estimated at 1 ppm). The variation in the chemical shift with concentra— tion for calcium nitrate and perchlorate in ethylene gly— 1- ' —Oairs. 001 solution indicates the formation Of stable ion 1 39 There is an upfield chemical shift with increasing con— centration, with an apparent limiting value of the chemical shift reached at approximately 1 M. While variation in the chemical shift with concentration is too slight to computer fit to Equation (4) (the computed errors in the calculated Ka and dip are much larger than the computed values), it is apparent that most of the calcium ions are ion—paired by 1.0 M. Similar behavior has also been observed in calcium nitrate solutions in PC. Again, the trend is not large enough to analyze the data quantitatively, but it appears that the calcium nitrate is completely ion- paired at concentrations 3 0.25 M. From a consideration of the low donor number Of P0 and low dielectric constant Of ethylene glycol (donor number of which has not been measured), the extent of ion—pairing is not unexpected. Significant ion—pair formation is also indicated by studies in DMSO solution. A limiting chemical shift was obtained at approximately 1 M salt concentration. The chemical shift data have been more amenable to computer fitting to derive Ka and 51 The x§03 was found to be p. ClOu 0.8i0.2 and 6ip is -9i1 ppm, while the Re = 4:2 and Sip = —2i1 ppm. The errors are large, but it can be seen qualitatively in Figure 5 that the perchlorate reaches a limiting behavior before the nitrate. A secondary source of error, not considered in the computer analysis, is in the estimation of of, with the total error rendering the 40 values trustworthy only to an order of magnitude. It must be emphasized that in these studies the Ka determined is a concentration ion-pair formation constant. The study in dimethylformamide (DMF) and formamide Solu— tion are interesting in that interactions with the calcium ion should be present in each solvent, but in DMF these are modified by the presence of the two methyl groups. In the case of formamide, contact ion-pair formation is indi- cated, although the extent Of formation is small. The overall chemical shift range for the concentration study was 1 ppm for the perchlorate and 2 ppm for the nitrate. The counter-ion dependency is also indicated by the pres- ence of two distinct curves representing the concentration dependence of the chemical Shift, separated by 2 ppm. This behavior is due to the strong solvating ability Of the formamide. It has a high dielectric cOnstant, which would tend to minimize ion—ion interactions. The study in DMF produced somewhat unexpected results. There was found to be no concentration or counter-ion dependence of the chemical shift in the 0.2 - 1.5 M concentration range. Therefore, either there is a quantitative formation of contact ion-pairs, or complete dissociation throughout the concentration range. The co-linearity of the lines representing the con— centration dependence of the chemical shift would tend to eliminate the first possibility, as the electron density 41 around the nitrate and perchlorate ions are different; this difference would lead to a different environment experienced by the calcium ion for each ion—pair. The second possibility is somewhat at odds with the current theories of solvation. Bulk solvent properties, such as the dielectric constant and Gutmann donor number, would tend to indicate that DMF will not solvate the calcium ion as we 1 as water or DMSO. Hence, one would expect more ion—ion interactions as the solvating ability decreases. However, neither the Gutmann donor number nor the di— electric constant is, of itself, the best indication of the solvating ability of a given solvent. The anomalous behavior in DMF could indicate that the solvent forms a strong complex with the calcium ion. The keto group of DMF would have a higher electron density than formamide, due to the inductive effects of the methyl groups. This could lead to a strong complex which would be resistant to re- placement of a DMF molecule by the nitrate or perchlorate. Calcium nitrate in tetramethylguanidine solution also shows somewhat anomalous behavior. The linear behavior of the calcium—43 chemical shift with concentration can be explained by ion—pairing, and it has been seen previously in formamide and methanol. However, the direction Of the Chemical shift change with increasing concentration is anomalous. Replacement of the solvent by the nitrate ion is expected to produce an upfield shift, yet in TAG 42 the shift is downfield with increasing concentration. This may be explained by the structure of TMG Kg that of the nitrate ion. TMG is a pure nitrogen donor (as Opposed to a nitrogen and oxygen donor such as formamide), which would have a lower electron density around the coordinating group than an oxygen donor. Hence, although the negative charge is Spread over three oxygen atoms, the donating oxygens of the nitrate group have a higher electron den— sity than the solvent. The result is a downfield shift with increasing concentration. Calcium ion solutions in acetone were also studied. There is evidence for ion-pairing, as seen by the concen— tration dependence of tne chemical shift, but the overall change is slight. Counterion dependency is seen in the dif- ferent lines obtained for the perchlorate and the nitrate. Conductance studies on calcium perchlorate solutions in IJ. acetone (55) indicate the format on U i—IJ }_J O :3 I C so P hS m p) |._._J Cr D" O C 09 D‘ such studies predict a greater degree of ion-pairing than . 4 3 is seen by Ca NMR. In conclusion, calcium-43 NMR studies Show the tech— nique to be very sensitive to the immediate environment of ffects are minimal, which (D the calcium ion. Near-neighbor renders the technique sensitive to contact ion-pairin ()9 r only. This lack of sensitivity to long rang ‘4 (D interactions (. is confirmed by comparing the extent of ion-pair formation as seen by conductance (studies are sadly lacking in most 43 nonaqueous solvents) and NMR. Conductance studies fre— quently indicate a greater extent of ion—pairing than NMR studies. Raman spectroscopy studies of Ca.(NO3)2 solu- tions (46) indicate that this technique is sensitive only to contact ion—pairing. The degree of ion—pairing predicted from Raman spectroscopy studies is closer to that predicted Ll. . from '3Ca NMR than conductance ion—pairing data. 3.5.2. Linewidths Representative linewidths for all solvents studied are presented in Table III. The linewidth is related to the Spin—spin relaxation time through : i6 and = '26 " '— l/T2 l/T2 + yAHO/Z . (7) where T3 is the apparent spin—spin relaxation obtained from the linewidth, T2 is the actual spin—Spin relaxation time, Avl/Z is the full width at half height of the reson- ance signal, y is the gyromagnetic ratio for a given nuclei, and ARC is the contribution to the linewidth due to field inhomogeniety. The contribution due to the field inhomo- geneity is usually negligible for super conducting magnets. 44 Table III. Linewidths of the Calcium—43 Resonance Signal in Some Solvents. Full Width at l/2 Height (Hz) Conc. Solvent (M) Ca(NO3)2 Ca(010u)2 Acetone 0.25 22 14 1.25 ' 49 53 2.7 205 —— DMF 0.3 7 7 1 1 10 15 DMSO 0.4 14 12 1 3 28 51 Ethylene glycol 0.4 40 13 l 2 53 26 Formamide 0.2 17 8 2 0 34 25 Methanol 0.4 6 6 2 2 15 10 PC 0.4 30 ‘— 0 7 36 “ TMG 0.4 37 -- Water 0.3 5 5 45 Since extreme narrowing conditions exist for this nuclei under the conditions of this study (which implies T1 = T2), the observed linewidth is then related toTl (the spin— lattice relaxation time) by 1/2 = l (8) Of the five principle relaxation processes: dipole- dipole relaxation, chemical shift anisotropy, scalar coupl- ing, spin rotation, and quadrapole relaxation, the latter has been found to be dominant for nuclei with a spin greater than l/2 (56). The rate of relaxation is then given by 3 21+ n2 .L : —— __._._.___.___.__ + _...._ f 31 (,0) < 12(21fl fl ><13>2C (9) where R1 is the relaxation rate, I the spin of the nucleus, v the assymetry parameter, Q the quadrupole coupling con— stant, and Tc the translational correlation time. A change in linewidth due to ion—pairing is usually caused by Chang- ing the molecular symmetry (n) and quadrupole coupling constant. The correlation time is related more to a dif- ference in solvation of the ion from one solvent to another. It can be thought of as the time required for a transla— tional movement through the distance of a molecular diameter and is hence related to tne solvent structure as well as ion 46 solvation. Solvents which are strongly bound to an ion tend to have low correlation times with a subsequent narrow linewidth (57). The lack of ion—pairing information from chemical shift data in acetone is compensated by a wealth of line- width information. Acetone will weakly solvate the calcium ion leading to fairly large linewidths at low concentrations, where little ion-pairing is expected. A contact ion-pair, however, drastically alters the symmetry and quadrupole coupling constant, leading to a large increase in line— width with increasing concentration. Hence, while chemi- cal shift data do not seem to indicate significant ion— paiiing, changes in the linewidth with concentration appear to indicate that it is substantial. Such studies under- line the importance of obtaining both linewidth and chemi- cal shift information in an NMR study. The narrow linewidth of the calcium resonance signal in DMSO, methanol, DMF, and water solutions all indicate a symmetrical, as well as relatively tight, solvation. The linewidth data are further evidence for a strong solvation/complexation of DMF with calcium. The study in tetramethylguanidine indicate weak solvation (resulting in a broad resonance signal) with an influence of ion—pairing as the concentration increases. Propylene carbonate, formamide, and ethylene glycol are also weakly solvated, although how much this effect contributes to the linewidth (I! l is unknown. The other contribution in the case of these three solvents is line broadening due to viscosity. The viscosity of ethylene glycol is approximately 10 cp, that of PC 2.5 cp, and that of formamide 3.3 cp at 25°C. When salt solutions are made on the order of 0.5 M in these solvents, the viscosity is further increased. In these three cases, viscosity is certainly a dominant factor in the resultant broad linewidth. 3.6. Gutmann Donor Number Correlation Previous studies in this laboratory (51,58,59) have shown a correlation between the solvent donicity scale of Gutmann (43) and the infinite dilution chemical shift of given nuclei. Since the infinite dilution chemical shift represents the solvation of the bare calcium ion, its value would be a measure of the donating ability of a sol- vent. The infinite dilution chemical shifts for a series of solvents should then reflect the relative donating ability of a given solvent with respect to others. The correlation between the relative donicities expressed by NMR and those formulated by Gutmann are shown in Figure 6. The relatively large errors associated with the estima— tion of infinite dilution chemical shifts in acetone, DMSO, ethylene glycol, formamide, PC, and TMG are due to an uncertainty in the behavior below the limits of flUallifih . .pcacm one MM toQESQ Locoo ccmEpzw ozp mo poag < .w opswflm Hmoasmno soapsaae mpacadca mom: $5232 «0200 24.1.50 m7: on . on nN ON 0— o— . _ L. P . t _ _ .1 l w _ i w i l _ i i i l _ i h i i on- — « 1| 4 _ _ _ a _ f 4| Etombo ozo co boas < N 23.030 05. (how “.0 OPS”. 302 MI... 00; 00.0 00.0 51. 00.N| ll. oQN II 00.0 ll. 00.0? II 006' 00.0 — 00.NN .m otsmfl: °° £73 51 of the calcium resonance between a mole ratio of zero to 0.4. In the 0.4 to 0.6 range a new resonance signal ap- pears approximately 18 ppm downfield. This signal increases in intensity, while that of the free calcium signal de— creases, but the resonance frequency remains constant. Beyond a mole ratio of 0.6, the free calcium signal is no longer detectable. The linewidth of the free (7 Hz) and complexed (8 Hz) calcium resonance remained fairly constant over the entire mole ratio range. The presence of two distinct signals indicates that the exchange process between solvated and complexed calcium is slow on the NMR time 4. scale. Similar results were obtained by Heubel (51) in the study of the magnesium—EDTA system. In principle the formation constant of the complex could be calculated from the areas under the curves, which are proportional to the relative concentrations of the free and complexed calcium ion. In this case, however, the signal-to-noise ratio was not high enough to allow the accurate determination of the area under the peak (see Figure 8). The areas can be approximated by a function of the height of the peak, with the ratio of areas equal to a ratio of peak heights (for approximately equal linewidths). From the ratio of peak heights, the formation constant must 10 be large (it is approximately 10 under these conditions (15)). Within the experimental error, all of the EDTA was complexed by calcium below a mole ratio of one. 52 .+ me he flom w opmsonahco geeteee 6 ton steam eeeofleo eeeEoem meeUOH geeemfloz cs coesopcsoo .ocoo HQOHEmSO cam: :oepocsm m mm m .COHpMLonoCOQ cm « hfiem seasonahoaeflzcmzeeseee hon sneeze mWMWWMOthNHWMMemsoo go 0 I O 0 m 0 am 38 > oHQME :oflILoQCSOo co>em m Lou 2mm: m.ohm.mm m.onm.mm m.oss.mm .mCOszaom eomeSpmmx m.mm mm.o . u . .mm oa.o m o+w . NN @ mm mQ.O are HHNN *M.NN mN.O H.0Hm.mm m.mm mumm *m.mm oa.o 3 NW 3 NW N.NN mooc .weeeneee Q, Wflmm s.mm m.mm mm.c e! H.0Hm.mm .mm aflmm w.mm oa.o w mm 0 mm w.mm no.0 opmconemo ocoammonm Mflmm ompmpzpmm . .em o.mm mm.o mo ohmo.mm m.mm H.Wm *o.mm oa.o m. m H.mm mo.o llltll‘lllllllllnll‘l maespflcouoo< UCm>H0m m sea heenm m . LI Heeesmso cam: emsona>emsamteme eeflsofico meeeOhm eeeeom geesmfloz . . . Q COHP$PQSOO .OCOU fl .UoSSHpCOO .> oHQmB 80 tetraphenylborate, which fall below the NMR limits of detection in most cases, halide salts of the cations were studied. As such, any ion-ion interactions detected would be of a ”worst case" sort, since the bulky, shielded tetra- phenylborate anion would be expected to interact to a lesser extent than a halide ion with the tetraphenylarsonium (or tetraphenylphosphonium) cation. The fact that there is no apparent counter-ion de— pendence for the series chloride, bromide, and iodide in- dicates that the ion-ion interactions have not penetrated to the central atom. If such interactions were significant, the effect of the higher surface charge density of the chloride ion on the observed 31? chemical shift would be the most pronounced, while that of the iodide ion would be the least. This reasoning can be extended to the tetra- phenylborate salt, with the lack of ion-ion interactions between the cation and halide ions leading to the concluSion . - i. - '0' J— '14. that ion—ion interactions are not Slgnlllcanb for most salts Of tetraphenylphosphonium ion. There is a small concentration dependence to the ob— served chemical shift which is probably due to changes in , ‘ . o o -J_- +1 | «L—i n 86" the bulk magnetic susceptibility of the so_ut o ( e ' ‘ ' '4‘ 'ts ‘ lent Section 2-5-)Wlth concentration, with luo subsequ - '-.'- k ' o~ '— effect on the observed chemical shift. The average 00 . . l1 e e m. . ria‘ion served chemical shift varies With the solvent. the va b 81 is 0.8 ppm (pyridine to acetonitrile) compared to a typical standard deviation within a given solvent of 0.1 ppm. The solvent dependence is significant, but not large enough to attempt to correlate the average chemical shift for a solvent with such solvent properties as the Gutmann donor number or the solvent dielectric constant. It is con- cluded that the phenyl rings do shield the cation from the ion-ion interactions, but do not shield the central atom (and hence the charge) entirely from the solvent, although the effects of the solvent on the central atom are minor. 2.3. Arsenic—75 NMR Results The results of an 75As NMR study of tetraphenylarson— ium salts in water, methanol, DMSO, DMF, acetonitrile, nitromethane, propylene carbonate, and pyridine solution are given in Tables VI and VII. Due to a very broad line— width, the accuracy of the chemical shifts are estimated at i7 ppm. Within this error range, our values are eQuivalent to those obtained by Baliman and Pregcsin (109,110). There is no apparent dependence of the ob- counter-ion, served chemical shift on the concentration, or solvent. The average chemical shift is 225il ppm downfield from the reference with all values occurring Within i2 ppm of this average. If the tetraphenylarsonium salts exhibit an NMR be— . ii + havior Similar to the tetraphenylphosphonium salts, the 82 Table VI. The 75As Chemical Shift in ppm (:7 ppm) for Tetra- phenylarsonium Ion as a Function of Concentra— tion, Counterion, and Solvent. Gone. in Gone. in Molarity Chloride Iodide Molarity Chloride Iodide Water Acetonitrile 0.305 227 0.100 225 0.050 225 0.010 224 225 Methanol Nitromethane 0.276 224 0.100 224 0.050 225 224 0.010 226 226 0.010 225 224 DMSO Prqpylene Carbonate 0.000 224 0.101 226 0.050 226 0.050 ' 224 0.010 224 224 0.010 225 224 i DMF Pyridine i 0.102 224 0.100 225 0.050 224 0.050 225 0.010 224 223 0.010 224 83 Table VII. Some Representative 75As Linewidths for Tetra- phenylarsonium Chloride in Various Solvents (:80 HZ). Conc. in Av1/2 in Solvent molarity HZ 2 0.3 3830 0.1 1860 0.05 990 Methanol 0.3 740 0.01 450 DMSO 0.1 1670 0.01 1300 DMF 0.01 800 Pyridine 0.1 2100 . 0.01 1360 i Propylene Carbonate 0.1 1850 l 0.01 1150 an won "1 99...! - . - A . ~n3 ,flvx. J¢¢V -§~- ‘ AA". "v “.c...‘ “— . yen» J»- v. u ’1’” FA 1‘ — he... by ‘- "2 ..-\v Oo~~ ‘ ‘15:- "VVs-r»- -' ‘fir . ‘—».. ‘ 1n.-\y.~‘ . F '— ‘--.-a- V “fin . "V'uu 1 -.., , ‘\'.‘.'"1\ ‘VII““ ‘7‘ ~“‘Y)n » 4 ~-..-_ h I - .33.)“ “4\. I| I\) 84 total extent of change in the chemical shift would be 0.8 ppm. These changes would not be apparent when considering the large error associated with any given chemical shift measurement. The conclusion is that 75As NMR is not an appropriate technique for such precise measurements of chemical shifts. No conclusions on the validity of the tetraphenylarsonium tetraphenylborate single ion assumption 75As can be drawn from NMR measurements. The trend in linewidths (full width at half peak height), shown in Table VII, generally follows solution viscosity trends. As per the discussion in Part I, Sec- tion 3.5.2., the increase in viscosity, whether due to a change in solvent or an increase in the solute concentra- tion, will lead to an increase in linewidth. The trend towards increasing linewidth with increasing solute con— centration is evident in all solvents. A comparison of the linewidths between solvents, at the same solute concentra- tion, shows that the more viscous solvents will tend to have broader linewidths. 2.4. Boron—11 NMR Results The results of the 11B NMR study of sodium tetraphenyl~ borate in water, DMSO, DMF, acetonitrile, nitromethane, propylene carbonate, and pyridine, conducted by Dr. Yukuo Sasaki, are presented in Tables VIII and IX. There is a slight concentration dependence of the observed chemical .. « "Av H\v-‘A .\ —..~\, \) )l \_ (\J h) 85 Table VIII. TheJJTSChemical Shifts of Sodium Tetraphenyl— borate as a Function of Concentration and Solvent in Various Solvents. Gone. in 6 Gone. in 0 Cone. in 6 Molarity in ppm Molarity in ppm Molarity in ppm H29 0.7 -26.26. 0.05 —26;18 0 0025 —26.29 0.5 -26.16 0 025 —26.21 O'OOlu —26.29 0.25 —26.19 0.01 —26.23 5X10" -26.3u 0.1 —26.20 0.005 -26.2u 2M§9 0.7 —25.72 0.05 —25.70 0.0025 —25.70 0.5 —25.70 0.025 —25.70 0.001 ~25.76 0.25 —25.68 0.01 —25.68 5x10“ -25.65 0.1 —25.65 0.005 —25.70 Nitromethane 0.4 —25.00 0.025 —2u.9u 0.001 —2u.89 0.25 —24.98 0.01 -2u.9u 5x10' —2u.85 0.1 —2u.96 0.005 —2u.98 0.05 —2u.9u 0.0025 —24.91 Acetonitrile 0.7 -25.u0 0.05 -25.3u 0.0025 —25 36 0.5 ~25.u0 0.025 ‘25.33 0.001 -25.37 0.25 -25.38 0.01 -25 35 0.1 —25.38 0.005 -25.36 Pyridine 0.u —25.38 0.025 -25.29 0.001] —25.26 0.25 —25.36 0.01 —25.27 5x10" ~25.27 0.1 -25.29 0.005 ~25.27 0.05 -25.31 0.0025 —25.21 fl ”\Y‘f" ‘. ."v'..v . - r s. - .I_ I“ 9“. “no-an .. J ’\ a— 9 I - A _ p‘ . I a 1 ~ ,A - I _ N - x. g _ 86 Table VIII. Continued. CODC- in 5 Gone. in 5 Gone. in 5 Molarity in ppm Molarity in ppm Molarity in ppm Propylene Carbonate 0.7 -25.87 0.05 -25.89 0.0025 -25.86 0.5 —25.89 0.025 —25;84 0.001 -25.89 0.25 —25.8L1 0.01 -25.88 5><10‘LL —25.76 QME 0.7 —25.64 0.05 —25.57 0.0025 -25.57 0.5 -25.63 0.025 —25.55 0.001 -25.55 0.25 -25.59 0.01 -2555 5x10" -2551 0.1 —25.59 0.005 —25.56 u 9". Luv-v - ——- 3‘... .1 -.'.\.‘v ‘7: 4"”.‘yv :- _ -‘- v- V‘.¢\ ' I '1‘.“ - n. _ V‘ "V VIM V-ig 87 Table IX. The Infinite DilutionlJISChemical Shifts, Cor— rected for Bulk Magnetic Susceptibilities, as a Function of Solvent. .Solvent 5m in ppm Solvent 5m in ppm H20 -26.23:0.06 Pyridine -25.72i0.06 DMSO —26.l8:0.05 Propylene —26.23:0.09 Carbonate Nitromethane —26.3li0.04 DMF —26.17i0.04 Acetonitrile -26.l3:0.07 ur‘l '_ C;i_.- J r:.”‘ ’5 ( 1' (I) (I) (h A. 1 R 0 ~-_ 1f‘_ \Q“ -AW“- , .. - , J»...'~d L . ~ 0 Nf‘D— ( \ I h..--4 JyAu. . A a n_ “f. v..\. y.., . A- F‘ N “,“1 ‘.,‘ I \‘V.\ (I) \ . 7'a \ {tfifis ‘tx' 88 shift which may be attributed to changes in the bulk mag— netic susceptibilities of the solution with changes in salt concentration (see Section 2.5.). As can be seen in Table IX, there is a slight solvent dependency of the in- finite dilution chemical shift. As in the case of the 31P chemical shift data, the trend is too slight to at- tempt a correlation between the infinite dilution chemical shift and such solvent properties as the dielectric constant or Gutmann donor number. The conclusion reached is that the phenyl rings do not shield the central atom (and hence the charge on the central atom) entirely from solvent— solute interaCtions. 2.5. Carbon—l3 NMR Results The results of the 13C NMR studies in water, methanol, DMSO, DMF, acetonitrile, nitromethane, propylene carbonate, . . . . . -1 1 and pyridine are presented in Tables X — XVli. The 3C NMR data on sodium tetraphenylborate were provided by Dr. Yukuo Sasaki. A sample spectra of each ion is shown in Figure 10. Studies of tetraphenylphosphonium chloride, bromide, iodide, and thiocyanate salts show that, within the experimental error of i0.03 ppm, there is no effect Of the counter-ion on the observed chemical shift. This absence of counter—ion dependency indicates that in the solvents studied, the anion-tetraphenylphosphonium inter— actions tend to be minimal. 89 Table X. Carbon—13 Chemical Shift Changes with Concentra— tion for Tetraphenylarsonium (As(Ph) +) and Tetraphenylphosphonium (P(Ph)u+) Salts in H20. Cone. in M01. Cl meta ortho para As(Ph)th 0.750 122.81 133.33 135.19 137.04 0.498 122.94 133.36 135.36 137.04 0.252 123.13 133.33 135.52 137.04 0.098 123.32 133.26 135.69 137.01 0.047 123.45 133.27 135.79 136.92 Pu£l 0.400 120.05i0.04 132.73i0.03 136.91i0.03 137.84i0.05 0.301 120.1 io.l 132.66i0.03 136.94i0.03 l37.88i0.03 0.207 120.19i0.02 132.63i0.04 136.97i0.03 137.85i0.07 0.100 120.30i0.03 132.62i0.04 137.1 i0.7 137.76:0.05 0.050 120.37i0.02 132.60i0.04 137.21i0.04 137.8 i0.1 0°1M A5(Ph)u01 with Variable NaCl Concentration 0.101 l23.27:0.02 133.26:0.01 l35.65:0.02 136.97i0.02 0.196 123.25i0,03 i33.27:0.04 135.62:0.02 136.98i0.03 0.299 123.22i0.02 133.26i0.04 135.59i0.02 136.96i0.01 0.405 l23.20i0.01 133.29i0.02 135.60i0.02 136.98i0.03 0.489 123.20:0.03 133.29i0.04 135.60:0.02 136.94i0.03 90 If!!! Iltltllllftrtlll HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH mo. H . .o mO.OHH:.QMH flO.OHm®.NMH HO.OH::.MMH MO.OHON.HNH _HH.O mo.oeom.w H mo.onmm.smfl mo.os::.mmfl mo.oema.amfi mme.c me mo.oe:o.smfl mo.oem:.mmfl c.0hmH.HmH a Hzflnmvm mm.WMWJ.QMH MO.OHmF.NMH :O.OHN:.MMH NO.OH©N.HNH mwm.m Ho.ohme.wMfi so.ohm©.smfi mo.osom.mme HO.OH:N.HNH mom.o HO.O| :.® H NOoOHm®.FMH MOoOHMJ.MMH HO.OHJH.HNH ©M.O +zm wma mo.ohem.smfi eo.oho:.mmH mo.0h©o.ama m . mmeNsavm NO.OMN:.®MH H.0H N.NMH NO.OHm . . l 7. 930.0 . - . : mmfi mo o+ms Hmfl . mm.mmme.wmfi mo.osos.sma Ho.ohm:.mmfl No.0hmm.ema mom.m H.0h e.m H mo.osas.smfi Ho.osme.mms HQ.QH®H.HNH Hom.o mo.oh m.wme no.0hm©.smfl so.0em:.mma :o.OHMH.HmH co . o wme mo.onom.sme mo.oemm.mme Ho.osso.amfi oo: o mmesmmem HmHNMH mfi.mmm mm.mma mfi.:me omfl.o :m.smfi :m.eme on.:ma me.:me omm.o we.smh es.emn es.mmn es.ems Ham.e we smfi :H.mmfl Ho.:mH sH.:mH mom 0 mm Asavma 1411111111111: mete oteto sets He spetsfloz CH .ocoo .mooz CH mpamm A+3A5mvmv Ezflcosamozaamcczmmhpoe new A+3A£mvmul sat. 121.1 i0.1 133.98i0.06 137.96i0.06 138.75i0.04 0.200 121.14i0.02 134.04i0.0 l38.04i0.02 138.73i0.01 0.102 121.2 i0.l 134.1 i0._ l38.11i0.02 138.8 i0.l 0.051 121.2 i0.l 134.0 +0.1 138.20i0.05 138.86i0.06 P(Ph)uSCN 0.106 121.22:0.01 134.0030.02 138.1630.03 138.8830 01 0.052 121.24i0.02 l34.01:0.01 138.14i0.02 138.9 i0.1 0.026 12l.24:0.01 134.00i0.03 138.15i0.04 l38.88i0.01 + As(Ph)uB(Ph)u As(Ph)u 0 in ppm sat (W0.02g)124.61 134.58 136.74 137.86 B(Ph)u- ortho meta para 139.08 128.85 125.07 93 Table XIII. Carbon-l3 Chemical Shift Changes with Concen- tration for Tetraphenylarsonium and Tetra- phenylphosphonium Salts in DMF. Cone. 5 in ppm 111 Mol. 0 Meta Ortho Para As(Ph)th 0.402 124.51 134.29 136.66 137.64 0.301 124.60 134.30 136.69 137.66 0.249 124.42 134.13 136.70 137.61 0.201 124.5 134.20 136 64 137.55 0.150 124.67 134.27 136.73 137.63 0 100 124 54 134.16 136.66 137.51 0.052 124.54 134.13 136.66 137.57 0.040 124.57 134.10 136.60 137.63. 0.024 124.54 134.13 136.72 137.54 P49l 0.402 l21.07i0.02 133.60i0.01 137.79i0.06 138.40:0.03 0.298 l21.15:0.02 133.63:0.03 137.87i0.02 138.36i0.05 0.204 121.2l:0.02 133.62i0.02 137.97i0.06 138.57:0.03 0.097 121.26+0.01 133.6110.01 l38.05:0.05 138.65:0.02 0.052 121.30i0.02 133.6330.04 138.02i0.04 138.50:0.04 BLEElMBZ 0.398 l2l.07i0.02 133.56:0.01 137.81:0.02 138.48i0.03 0.199 121 20:0 O2 133.59i0.02 137.91iO-02 138-50i0°02 0.051 121.28:0.03 133.59:0.03 137.97io 03 138.48i0~08 21210.11 0.201 121.20:0.01 133.5930.O2 137.94:0.01 138.47i0.01 0.098 121.26i0.01 133.61:0.01 138.10i0.06 138.51:0.04 0.047 121.29:0.01 133.58:0.04 137.99:0.03 138 O i9~1 9 4 ' Table XIII. Continued. Conc. in M01. Cl meta ortho para + As(Ph),lB(Ph),l As(Ph)u . in ppm B(Ph)u— 134.11 136.64 137.52 Saturated 128.32 139.11 124.58 r_—_f 95 Table XIV. Carbon-13 Chemical Shift Changes with Concen— tration for Tetraphenylarsonium and Tetraphenyl— phosphonium Salts in Nitromethane. Gone. 6 , in in ppm M01. 01 meta ortho para 591321491 0.399 124.72 134.67 136.89 138.24 0.299 124.65 134.65 136.83 138.18 0.200 124.66 134.57 136.98 138.24 0.151 124.76 134.70 137.00 138.29 0.026 124.70 134.60 136.92 138.24 Pul 0.124 121.70i0.01 133.99i0.03 138.32:0.01 139.0330 05 0.094 121.69i0.02 134.00i0.02 l38.36i0.02 139 06:0.02 0.050 121.71:0.01 l33.98i0.05 138.33i0.03 139.13:0.04 96 Table XV. Carbon-13 Chemical Shift Changes with Concen— tration for Tetraphenylarsonium and Tetraphenyl- phosphonium Salts in Propylene Carbonate. Gone. 0 in ppm in M01. 01 meta ortho para 82132139; 0.3625 123.67i0.01 l33.75i0.02 135.9210.02 137.23i0.01 0.1812 123.74:0.02 133.74:0.02 135.97i0.02 137.25i0.03 0.0906 123.77i0.02 133.76i0.01 135.99i0.01 l37.28i0.02 0.0493 123.76:0.01 133.76i0.01 136.00t0.02 l37.26:0.03 0.0227 123.81i0.02 133.78:0.02 136.02i0.01 137.2710.02 P(Ph>u_g__ 0-3879 l20.61i0.02 133.17i0.02 137.34i0.02 138.16i0.02 0.3020 l20.65:0.02 133.17i0.02 l37.37:0.02 138.17i0.01 0.2019 120.71i0.02 133.15i0.03 137.38i0.03 138.18i0.02 0.0998 120.73:0.02 133.16:0.02 137.43:0.01 138.18i0.02 0.0528 l20.74i0.02 133.16i0.02 137.43i0.03 138.19i0.03 l37.36:0.02 138.15i0.02 137.42i0.02 138.18i0.02 137.43i0.01 138.18i0.02 137.43i0.01 l38.l8i0.02 137.40i0.01 l38.15i0.02 137.42i0.02 l38.l8:0.02 97 Table XVI. Carbon—l3 Chemical Shift Changes with Concen— tration for Tetraphenylarsonium and Tetra- phenylphosphonium Salts in Acetonitrile. Gone. 8 in ppm in M01. Cl meta ortho para 148(1)?”qu 0.412 124.16 134.25 136.54 137.77 0.299 124.14 134.20 136.55 137.74 0.198 124.23 134.29 136.67 137.91 0.149 124.36 134.30 136.69 137.86 0.100 124.34 134.25 136.60 137.68 0.048 124.28 134.25 136.60 137.83 0.024 —————— 134.22 136.57 137.80 P(Ph)u01 0.300 121.13i0.07 133.66i0.03 137.9510.04 138.68i0.01 0.201 121.18: 01 133.66i0.03 l37.95i0.01 l38.68:0.01 0.100 121.22i0.01 133.65i0.03 137.97i0.02 138.61i0.08 0.051 l21.28i0.02 133.72:0.04 138.10:0.01 138.70:0.01 P(Ph)u§£ 0-303 121.1 i0.1 133.6630.05 137.92:0.05 l38.63¢0.01 0.250 l21.19:0.03 l33.72:0.05 l38.00¢0.02 138.7 i0.1 0.200 121.18i0.02 133.64i0.03 l38.01:0.05 138.73i0.01 0.100 121.16i0.0l 133.68i0.05 138.03i0 01 l38.75i0.03 0.051 121.23i0.01 133.71i0.02 l38.10:0.02 138.73i0.03 0.099 121.25i0.0 133.73i0.03 138.04i0.02 138.68i0.01 0.051 121.27i0.0 133.65i0.06 138.10i0.03 138.67i0.01 98 . NH om.smH om.mMH mmo.o mm :mH mo.mmH mm.mmH H.o mm.mmH mm.HmH mm.mmH mo.o mm :NH HH.mmH sm.mmH mm.o mm.:mH mm.me mm.QMH 3.0 111111111111 ow.me mmo.o wmnzmH mm.me :s.mMH mw.o oCHCHLzm HH.:NH e:.me ms.me mo.o mm :NH m:.mNH om.me m.o ms.:mH He.me ms.me H.o ww.:mH m:.mmH om.me s.o mmeOQLmO wC hm em.emH HH.@NH em.mmH mmo.e me.ems ws.mms mm.wms mm.e we eta me.:mH 6H.me Hm.mmH mo.o Hm.:mH Hm.mmH Hq.mmH m.o mm.:mH :m.me mm.me H.o om.:mH mm.me mm.me s.o tHHteH mo.emH ow.smH mo.me H.o eoeto< HQ.:NH OH.mmH mo.wMH mmo.o HH.:NH mm.smH so.me mm.o :o.:mH Hm.smH so.me mo.o mm.:mH mo.me :H.me 3.0 ocmzposossz 11111 mm.smH mm.wMH mmo.o NH.:NH mw.smH mm.me mm.o OH.:NH :m.smH mm.me mo.o mm.emH em.smH ms.me m.o mH.:mH ww.smH em.me H.o ow.:mH mm.smH mm.mmH s.o mza Hm.:mH m@.mmH mm.me mm.o 111111111111 :w.me mo.o mm.:mH mm.mmH mm.mmH m.o mw.:mH ww.mmH Hm.me H.o om.:mH mm.mmH mm.me s.o omzo mH.mmH ms.mmH mm.mmH mmo.o mm.mmH os.mmH m:.me mm.o Hm.mmH mw.mmH om.mmH mo.o mm.mmH os.mmH mm.mmH m.o HH.©NH Hs.mmH Hm.me H.o om.mmH sm.mmH mm.me s.o ow: mute than osuso szsmHoz meme when OCpso szCmHoz pC0>Hom Edd CH m CH .ocoo Ema CH @ CH .oCoo .COHumeCooCoo no COHpoCsm m mm mpCo>Hom mSOHHm> CH opmsonHmCmCanpoB ECHUom Log momCmso pHHCm HMQHfioco MHICooLmo .HH>X mHan Of‘ P? Pk .::‘ “24‘s 1.1 V0 99 OTthOfl meta C. para 1 L1 . a. . . ortho‘ , m ta 1 Ci para 14 L L 1 i 1 a L a 1 a L; 1 a 1 ortho "1713 para C1 A 1 AL I ‘J+14;1-¥A4#_L_1 L__A L+J : - l ' lgure 10. The 30 NMR spectra of: Upper - tetraphenylar- sonium chloride, Middle - tetraphenylphos- phonium chloride, and Lower — sodium tetra— phenylborate in DMSO. . . “n ‘V;. n .4...l 'v I ‘ fi 377 " 7‘ 0'...ch . - 1 w: 1516 ugh-agav-s A :.. ‘nzrfiy‘l .7"! ‘- w vdn- n- w- ...e..., ‘ “FSY‘T' yv..v 4"" 4 g \ narq"’2?"- «\~ 1:“) —...- .u'v«cl q“ 100 As a test of this hypothesis, the concentration of chloride ion was increased in the aqueous solution (while the tetraphenylarsonium chloride concentration was kept constant) by the addition of potassium chloride. The resulting changes in chemical shift (see Table X) are smaller than when the total concentration of tetraphenyl— arsonium chloride is increased. The changes in chemical shifts are within the experimental error of a given measure- ment, with minor corrections for bulk magnetic suscept- ibility changes with concentration (see next paragraph). A further test was to measure the chemical shifts of tetra- ‘ phenylarsonium tetraphenylborate in the DMSO and DMF (Figure 11). The low solubility of tetraphenylarsonium tetraphenylborate in most solvents precludes further NMR studies of this salt. The chemical shifts of the ions together are the same, within the experimental error, as those for the sodium salt of the anion and the chloride of the cation. These data lead to the conclusion that, in our systems, the ion—ion interactions are either absent, 1 or have no effect on the ‘30 chemical shift. There is a slight concentration dependence (a maximum of 0.3 ppm) of the observed tetraphenylarsonium, tetra— phenylphosphonium, and tetraphenylborate chemical shift. A portion of this change in chemical shift is due to the change in bulk magnetic susceptibility of the solutions as the solute concentration is increased. This change in orthc orthc 101 meta ' DMSO orthO‘ ~ or ho‘ . para' meta’ ar 8 . p (g 1 l l . 1 1 1 . DMF ortho' meta‘ para' para’ l3 tetraphenylborate in DMSO and DMF. Figure 11. The C NMR spectra of tetraphenylarsonium S v C w w . 302'“: e .n“ .9 ng‘fic u..\v- V ‘ 0‘ Q C u v—f‘ _:" 2‘ ‘ " _,,‘—~..v u’-\" ~— -.1"\W N vk-.u “2 LAva g.. \ .7. «a we .1.“ .. . 0. .n.. 3.. . as: a.» .7. V1. s\\ a . .. . OI‘ .‘l‘ Nb ‘|‘\ \n¥ 102 the bulk magnetic susceptibility manifests itself as a change in chemical shift through the Live and Chan (37) relationship for a superconducting magnet: = 68 + 2t/3 (Xref _ x ) (11) corr obs sample where the symbols have been defined in Part I, Section 2.5.4. The chemical shift correction due to the bulk magnetic susceptibility for an iron-core magnet is I 6corr = CSobs 4w/3 (Xref — ) (12) (sample The same sample was studied using both an iron-core and a super—conducting magnet. The resulting difference in chemical shifts is 0 — 08 = 2v(x obs obs ref — Xsample) (13) from which the quantity (X ) was determined. ref _ Xsample Using Equation (2), the correction to the observed chemi— cal shift was then calculated. The results of such a study are presented in Table XVIII. Bulk magnetic susceptibility corrections account for an approximately 0.06 ppm change in the observed chemical shift with concentration in range from 0.4 to 0.05 M. The remaining change in chemi— cal shift (0.09 ppm in DMSO) is probably due to solute— .I .r keno—7.7..» «H.209... .h Av :0“ .. C. .2... Ac '- "fl _ I.— CC H .. CL .. :3 320% .0: THC 53..» E I .9. C C _. H L C C C s H -.C_ H 3...»...LCC >.# H, r _ 2 r 3:710 C $.37. .0 h n. CCHLHQZ I .53: . H. H. 55* .10 H. 3 70.5 103 $3 .Homv mw:.ol COHHSHHQ opHCHCCH OH.HmH mm.omH :m.mmH :m.mmH mm.smH mm.HMH Ho.oho:.on mo.ohom.ol mm.me Hm.QMH :mmm.o OH.HmH wm.omH mm.mMH H:.mmH ee.sme me.sms . Ho.ohsm.ou mo.osmm.ou mm.mmH wm.mmH mmzm.o ©0.HmH wm.omH mm.mmH ::.mmH mm.HMH m:.smH Ho.ohem.ou mo.osmm.ou Hw.mmH mm.mmH ms::.o mo.HmH om.omH mm.mmH 0:.mmH :m.HMH sm.>mH Ho.ohmm.ol mo.onmm.ol Hw.mmH sm.wMH woom.o ommlzz >mAmm I va ommlzz och Co omlX oHnt ~CH w.-.“ ...'\A— (K .- p .u- 1 us— n 00"“ c...» W‘- \u..u v‘v Y) — V‘v-ouv- 1Ay~$-~ ‘w-a .. -v“ a V" 9.?“ \AQQV Ya" ;. I . ”c.“ ‘u. I \A ‘\u 104 solvent interactions. A change in the chemical shift upon dilution has been observed previously for some aromatic systems (129),with a changing solvation shell upon dilution used as an ex- planation. However, the chemical shift change is slight, indicating that the forces responsible for the change in chemical shift are weak. Consistent with this explana- tion is the shift of the para carbon resonance upon dilu- tion. This position is the most sensitive to the solvent, while being the least sensitive to electron density shifts in the phenyl rings, since it is furthest from the charge center. There is a small shift, indicating some sclute- solvent interaction, although it is slight. As has been shown previously (l29),the meta position is relatively invariant with concentration, while the ortho position will shift similar to the para. The infinite dilution chemical shifts of tetraphenyl- arsonium, tetraphenylphosphonium, and tetraphenylborate ions in different solvents are shown in Table XIX. There is a definite solvent dependency of the infinite dilution chemical shifts, which implies that a given ion is sol- vated differently in each solvent. These data are con— sistent with the non—zero 05;? determinations of several authors (33,40,42-46) for these ions, since an equivalent solvation in two different solvents implies a transfer free energy of zero. However, the infinite dilution chemical 1. A9 P,“ a. .n-.. 00 -_ 0 A/. at. n _ u u. h“ « [sm‘ru'n-Qhr‘.“ \"' ~1- U¢a~'v 'J~ .v. netfiwiT”: y»u\a‘..--/- - s 1 r q . 9 ac U .0 AC n1 . 1 n” n: C “Eh; Av w. h. n: j. a v e 3 NHL; Qcac a. n PJvL AU “Vsahb Av h. h. AC 3. n 0 105 The Infinite Dilution 130 Chemical Shifts*for Table XIX. Tetraphenylborate, Tetraphenylphosphonium, and Tetraphenylarsonium Ions as a Function of Sol- vent. Infinite Dilution 0 in ppm Solvent C7 meta ortho para P(Ph)u: H20 120.40 132.58 137.20 137.75 Methanol 120.41 132.61 136.89 137.62 DMSO 120.78 133.54 137.69 138.37 DMF 120.71 132.99 137.45 137.94 Nitromethane 120.38 132.64 137.02 137.74 Acetonitrile 120.49 132.92 137.30 137.92 Propylene Carbonate 120.41 132.80 137.09 137.83 As(Ph)u: H20 ' 123.42 133.27 135.78 136.98 Methanol 123.36 133.16 135.32 136.70 DMSO 124.12 134.04 136.32 137.40 DMF 123.95 133.49 136.05 136.93 Nitromethane 123.37 133.27 135.64 136.86 Acetonitrile 123.68 133.54 135.91 137.12 PrOpylene Carbonate 123.44 133.41 135.66 136.92 Bheny1arsonium ion since tetraphenylgermanium 1’ often 5;, v \N 1sed as the neutral analog of the cation (93-9 ). 1 5-00 111 .pcmpmcoo oeppooaofip esp WM :oflcm Uzm COHpmo map coozpon mpeflzm HmoflEozo CH oesopoudflp one no poad < .ma opsmfim ezfimzoo 0.38.65 98 ed» 3K 0.8 0.8 0.0... can T11+lullllullllull“gullllullll8.8 LEO>>H I... 8.2 i v 8 20:09.60 golden—H -.. l N i d d i w 1.. 8.: a: 8 fir "; Y: "-'". .., 02-0. c...e «- can ---- \v I. .~ 9 nag” boivn- ‘ nu. u‘ 1 l nn‘ \\‘~\ n.._ NA. 1133 - 1 a 1 80 W ‘ AG 112 Table XXI shows the results of such a comparison in di- chloromethane and deuterated chloroform solutions. The two molecules are clearly not solvated equivalently, as the peaks for the ortho, meta, and para carbon do not coincide. The conclusions of the carbon-l3 study of the tetra- phenylarsonium (or tetraphenylphosphonium) tetraphenyl— borate single ion assumption are as follows: in the solu- tions studied the ion-ion interactions are negligible, and that tetraphenylarsonium (or tetraphenylphosphonium), tetra— phenylgermanium, and tetraphenylborate are not solvated equivalently. 2.6. Proton NMR Results The proton NMR results from a study of-tetraphenyl- arsonium, tetraphenylphosphonium, and tetraphenylborate ion in water, methanol, DMSO, DMF, acetonitrile, nitro- methane, propylene carbonate, and pyridine solution are presented in Tables XXII—XXIX. The proton NMR data on sodium tetraphenylborate was furnished by Dr. Yukuo Sasaki. The studies of sodium tetraphenylborate and tetraphenyl- arsonium chloride in a variety of solvents are presented graphically in Figures 14—19. The concentration dependence 3f the observed chemical shift of the tetraphenylphosphon— o .H I mfi ium ion as a function of the counter—ion is shown in iables {XII-XXIX. No apparent dependence o: the chemical shlit . 523.. CLC HID TC ”firefly; :0: CE...» 3::I;..::C.L_CHCC x Q I h 0T,~...HCH£.C E: n; _C 33.0. .mxnzmitfw.» 33L. Tia... E: r: SE... C“; .- >.ZC££...L 47...? L C T17; :34. m CC EEGIC Q 03.? . g XX @fiQEQ. ..v.\~. 113 o.oH©©.NMH o.onmw.oma mo.ohmm.mma Ho.owmm.HMH o.ow:m.mma o.onmfi.:ma 0.0Hmm.HmH mo.onmw.mma Ho.oeee.mma Ho.oess.mmfl. Ho.onmw.OMH Ho.owzw.wma o.ow:m.mma o.onmm.wma Hc.owmm.mma Ho.oham.wma Heegeavma :Aemvee Hezflzmvma :Asmveu Esomopoazo Umpmpopsom ocmgpoEOLOHLQHQ mama mums Edd ca 6 ocpso oasooaoz p2o>aom .Epomopoaco oopmposso: SE: C _. m. I||| 11"!" . LC; :3, C F .J .— CL C3 —.. >23: QQL. J UL. 32.3 0 U a L 04.. 3Q 53.52011 QCQQ I_ 22322:; JUL. a .J U ._..H_.C _. EC :2. .123 3... I. _.. >.:....:~;.E..,. a. UL. L CL .1» Q 3: 3L film” 5.30 .fiEQQC COQ 0L1 - H HXX U.fiQfl.b 114 . 005.5 050.5 000.5 000.0 000 5 005.5 250.5 0000.0 005.5 020.5 002.5 000.0 000.5 020.5 0H0.5 000.0 005.5 000.5 202.5 002.0 5:11:20: 000 5 502.5 002.5 000.0 000.0 000.5 502.5 00.0 HO0H5 20H.5 022.5 00.0 000.0 050.5 202.5 0.0 200 5 550.5 002.5 2.0 200.0 200.5 000.5 5.0 2Aemvmaz 055.5 000.5 000.5 000.0 unuwu 005.5 025.5 0020.0 000.5 000.5 002.5 000.0 020 5 000.5 005.5 0000.0 000.5 202.5 200.5 000.0 505.5 200.5 220.5 0000.0 000.5 200.5 000.5 005.0 1322.: m2 mmma mpoE ocppo hpflsmaoz mama mums OLpLO zpflsmfloz CH .0500 CH .ocoo Egg CH 0 Sam CH 0 o 4.)) .10: a. H Jul )33 .1>\JJI K4i4)1.w\un_—.0\I .1) >4: . SC .0. .2 EL. .0 C 0 U C CO C O 5. .0 U a. .H O H, CC 0 w J 05 .U I u moLeflfi edUeEvic CCQCLL .mHSXX 00008 ... mj... 05053—023 :2;.—._..C$..:..-_.>.:C£A,:mlgw3.... LC ,. ._ C C O .0 J C: 3.; 115 525.5 000.5 020.5 002.0 000.0 2000.0 005.5 000.5 000.5 002.0 200.0 HOH.0 005.5 0H0.5 000.5 000.0 000.0 5000.0 005.5 000.5 500.5 00H.0 0000.0 HOH.0 505.5 220.5 5H0.5 HOH.0 0 HOH.0 mCmQ mpoE OCpCo .oCo0 COH thCmHoz CH szCmHoz mUHCoHCo Hmpoe H00 00 .oCoo CH .oCoo Egg CH 0 .CoHmepCooCoo COH mUHCOHCO HmpOB me . H. CC 3: J .02 C .0. .9. Q 0. 1“,... E: H. [0:1 3 0 SC 5, \nC Uigawce Q «0.0. @5004. CC: 3? HL 3 0:3 :2..._ CC 3:300.>.:.n,.ZL..wL2.0.? .HCL 2.1.. E: a; he .3. .5 2.0.0 HEOCU EC QCL; .\,..5.Xv.\ 08.30050 050.0 0H0.0 002.0 0000.0 000.0 052.0 002.0 2HH.0 020.0 502.0 022.0 0000.0 0H0.0 H02.0 0H2.0 00H.0 . 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E0302 2. 205528200 00” 05.0 00.0 00.0 0.70 0nd 8.0 0 F0 00.0 . di- ‘ .. u .. _ Ah- -I— qh ‘— d!- 4- ‘- — uk- " fl 0905 0995 0065 IIIIITIIII 127 09%5 0070 I Illllll Ndd N19 9270 0090 0000 [I'll—rlllliliil oon 005mHh 128 .000000E000H: CH :0H0000C00000 0H0w H0000 MN 00H£m H00H80£0 £00000 000 00 00H0 < . EESOE z. 20:.<~:zm_ozoo 006 0+6 006 and o .6 00.0 — r . 0 _ _ _ 0 — p _ . _ _ 0 _ _ 0 _ 0 a q q _ — 1 _ q — 0 q H _ . 0 0 d H 0 H In , 4+1 H. P. '0' 0 1H. 0'4- 8.3. 000.0 8N6 Oovd 000.0 000.0 0006 0090 . mH 0.030 E. de NI 8 129 00 0000000000000 0H0m H0000 MN 00000 H00H5030 >5_m(._02 z. 20F complex (a deadend inhibitor). The results are consistent with the second mechanism, although the iso- lation of dNMP-PA, which would confirm this hypothesis, has so far eluded investigators. From the proposed mechanism it is evident that pyro- phosphate and PAA act similarly to inhibit DNAHV replica— tion. That is, an increase in the PAA or pyrophosphate concentration should inhibit viral replication. Studies (145) have shown this to be the case, although the PAA Was two or three orders of magnitude more effective than the pyrophosphate. This is seen from the dosage require— ments necessary to produce similar inhibitory effects, with 100 to 1000 times more pyrophosphate required than PAA. fl)!— Fr» fir. . 0.». AC :t. M“ S 10 a 0 Q» “WM 53 “U. — “ll Al/h h .1 0m .ru, .t “L Jl. “L .2. Toxicity of PAA '_1 While it is evident that PAA shows great promise in the treatment of Herpes viruses, it is not free from side effects. Studies by Meyer et al. (143) indicate that intravenous injections of PAA, at the level of 300 mg/kg, in rabbits often produced fatal tetanic muscular spasms, although the same dose given orally or intraperitonally to mice was tolerated (133,138). It was found by Roboz 33 al. (146) that subcutaneously administered doses of 500 mg/kg PAA were lethal to mon— keys within two days. The resultant concentration of PAA in the blood was 0.5 - 3 mg/ml. If the total disage is reduced to 100 mg/kg (subcutaneously injected in 25 mg/kg doses every two hours), the blood level of PAA is reduced to the 1 mg/ml range, which is easily tolerated. For thera- peutic trials the recommended blood level is a continuous 50 mg/ml, which results from a dosage of approximately 230 mg/kg. Carbon-14 studies of labeled PAA by BOpp EE._1- (147) have shown significant bone deposition of this drug in rats, rabbits, monkeys, and dogs. The concentrations found in dry femur after seven days were: 55 mg/g in rats, 62 mg/g in rabbits, 24 mg/g in monkeys, 4 and 57 mg/g in adult dogs and puppies, respectively. Studies on rabbits indicated that the drug, or a metabolite of the drug, was retained in the bone for over two hundred days. 083.156 8‘38 W 30 9.1 trol r ”est PL. .1; Nb 151 These studies tend to implicate a secondary complexation with calcium (aside from the primary inhibitory effect postulated to occur via magnesium complexation), which causes the observed side effects. 1.3. Analogs of Phosphonoacetic Acid The antiviral properties of structural analogs of PAA were investigated to understand the drug mode of action and to attempt to minimize the toxic side effects. Studies by Herrin at _l. (148) and Lee at al. (149), indicate that substitution of functional groups for the carboxylic or phosphono—moiety drastically reduces or eliminates the inhibitory effect. The only two analogs among the many tested which exhibit an inhibitory effect of the magnitude shown by PAA are 2—phosphonopropionic acid and phosphono— formic acid (150). The phosphonoformic acid (PFA) had the same inhibitory effect as PAA, while 2-phosphonopropionic acid was 50 times less effective than PAA. The analog 3-_ phosphonopropionic acid (3—PAA) has no therapeutic effect against Herpes virus (150) and hence it is used as a con- trol for comparison with the physicochemical properties of PAA and PFA. The PFA analog decomposes at low pH values (151,152), which would tend to recommend it over PAA. It is as ef— fective as PAA against Herpes virus of turkey and Herpes simplex virus, but not effective against mutant strains C e 9U nl . PC 1 r . .. . 1 4 n1 0. a. . . Qu )/ T: a; mrh C; O 4.. e an-.. .1 P. Hm .0 3|. Y... AV 0 in... «<4 W. flu Vu .. l. mud n filo 5. . .0 a.» xnU ad «U D. Liv a. .. 10 t .1: J Phys L W318 152 resistant to PAA (150). This implies that it has a mode of action similar to PAA as well as similar biochemical prOperties; its physiological decomposition properties tend to favor its use. 1.4. Chemical Properties of PAA and its Analogs The compounds PAA and PFA, as well as various salts of these ligands, were first synthesized by Nylen in 1924 (34); the 3-PPA molecule was synthesized in 1926 (35). Originally, PAA was used primarily as an extracting agent for rare earth ions (153), with particular interest shown by Elesin (154,155) in its complexing ability with ameri- cium, curium, and promethium ions. The pKa values for this triprotic acid were determined by Elesin (155), Mao gt gt. (156), Heubel and Popov (51), and Stunzi and Perrin (157). The values of Elesin and Mao have been criticized by Heubel (158), while the values obtained by Stunzi gt gt., were reported simultaneously with the article by Heubel (51). The study by Stunzi was conducted at 37°C and I = 0.15 (in order to approximate physiological conditions) and was therefore not applicable to this work (25°C and varying ionic strengths less than 0.15). Heubel and Popov determined the pKés as a function of both temperature and ionic strength, which led to the use of those values in the present investigation. Stunzi , , + +2 +2 and Perron studied PAA complexation With Mg 2, Ca 3 Cu :11 «I... AC 153 +2 . and Zn , although, again, at 37°C and I = 0.15. Heubel conducted investigations of the complexation of PAA pri— marily with Mg2+, while complexations with Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, and Cd2+ were briefly studied. 1.5. Exgerimental Techniques 1.5.1. Calcium Ion Selective Electrodes The prototype of the commercially available calcium ISE was deveIOped by Ross (159) in 1967. The composition of such electrodes (Figure 25) are similar to glass electrodes with the exception that the potential is developed across a liquid ion exchanger rather than a glass membrane. The behavior of the electrode, 312;: the sensitivity, selec— tivity, stability, lifetime, etc., is highly dependent upon the specific liquid ion exchanger used (160—163). The calcium ion selective electrode has been used to determine the dissociation constant of calcium sulfate di- hydrate (164) as well as the formation constants for Ca2+ complexes with the following ligands: thylenediamine tetracetate (EDTA) and nitrilotriacetate (NTA) (165), malate, citrate, and trans—l,2-d,aminocyclohexane-N,N,N',N'— tetracetate (166), tri and tetrametaphosphate (167), adeno- sine triphOSphate (ATP) (168), ATP, EDTA, and ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)—N,N,N',N'-tetraacetate (EGTA) (169), and citrate, malate, malonate, oxalate, EDTA, NTA, electrical contact module housing 27 ,a.. ----- ”at“ / internal " ', internal reference \ , / ’ aqueous element / reference (Ag/AgCl) - ' solution porous \ ~ , / plastic , organophilic ’ membrane ion sensitive area igure 25. A schematic representation of the Orion 90-20 calcium ion selective electrode. sulfate, orthophosphate, tripolyphosphate, and pyrophos- phate (170). In all cases the authors compared the values obtained using a calcium selective electrode to literature values obtained using other techniques (primarily poten- tiometry using a pH electrode). The general consensus was that the calcium ion—selective electrode was a valid analyti- cal tool for the determination of calcium(II) ion aqueous complexation constants. 1.5.2. Manganese Electron Spin Resonance Although manganese(II) ion is of biological and chemi— cal interest, its complexation solution chemistry has not been investigated too thoroughly due to technical dif— ficulties of studying this ion in solution. Direct electro- chemical observation of this ion is difficult due to the very negative electrochemical potential of the Mn2+/O couple and its generally irreversible behavior in aqueous solutions. The difficulty in obtaining an organic ion exchanger that is highly selective for manganese, yet suitable for a membrane, has hindered the development of an ion selective electrode for potentiometric studies. SpectroscOpic studies in the UV and visible region are only plausible in cases where highly colored Mn2+ complexes are formed, and hence, are not universally applicable. Most other common techniques are either difficult destruc- - 9 tive, not applicable, and/or time-consuming. 156 One technique which shows great promise in the study of manganese(II) ion solution chemistry is electron spin resonance (ESR). Similar to NMR spectroscopy, ESR responds to species with an odd spin, except in this case it is the odd spin of an unpaired electron. With five unpaired electrons in a Mn(H20)g+ complex, the manganese ion is ideal for observation with ESR. The similarity to NMR spectroscopy also extends to the wealth of information available from linewidth, intensity, and chemical shift data on an observed manganese resonance. The application of manganese ESR to the study of aqueous solution chemistry was pioneered by Townsend (171) in 1954. The complexation formation constants of manganese with malonic acid, glycylglycine, glucose, and histidine were determined. The behavior of manganese salts in aqueous solutions was then investigated by Hayes gt gt. (172) and Flato (173), while the mixed solvent behavior of salt solutions was studied by Bard gt gt. (174), Vishnevskay _e_t ~i. (175), and Burlamacchi (176). The linewidth and ' chemical shift of the observed manganese resonance were found to be independent of the chloride and perchlorate ion concentration below 0.05M, while the sulfate ion led to a decrease in intensity and an increase in the linewidth even at low concentrations. The conclusion is that, in order to minimize effects due to the counterion, a chloride or, preferably, a perchlorate salt of the manganese(II) ion should be used. Complexation studies since Townsend's have dealt primarily with biomacromolecules. Blankenship and Saver (177) studied the environment of chloroplasts washed in a tris buffer and estimated the dissociation constants for the binding sites to be 1.2 x lO-Ll M. Complexes of manganese with nucleobases, nucleotides, nucleosides, and DNA were studied by Basosi gt _t. (178,179), to obtain structural information on these systems. The effects of substrates, cofactors and substrate analogs on the complexation of man— ganese(II) isocitrate dehydrogenase was qualitatively in— vestigated by Levy and Villafranca (180). Correlations between the appearance of fine structure and the binding of individual substrates were found. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide complexes with manganese were studied by Green and Kotowycz (181), who found two metal binding sites with formation constants of 640:90 and 88:13. Armstrong gt gt. (182) investigated the kinetics and formation constants of manganese binding to adenosine-3',5'—monophosphate de-7 pendent protein kinase from bovine heart. A rapid equi— librium was found with the manganese(II) ion binding to a nucleotide site and a protein site. While most studies have been restricted to biomacro- molecules, there is no g priori reason why this method should not be applicable to the study of smaller ligand complexation reactions with manganese ion. 1.6. Conclusions The biological side effects attributed to the use of PAA as a therapeutic agent would tend to implicate a com— plexation reaction with calcium. It is then of interest to investigate the solution chemistry of the calcium—PAA system to determine the validity of this hypothesis, as well as to elucidate thermodynamic information about the complexation process. Since this drug is of therapeutic value, it is also of interest to study its complexation properties with other biologically important ions, espec— ially manganese(II) ion. Together with the information derived from a study of analogs of PAA it is hoped that the tg vivo behavior of this drug may be better understood from the derived tg vitro models. CHAPTER II MATERIALS AND METHODS 159 2.1. Reagents All reagents and purification schemes are as given in Section 1.2.1. 2.2. Experimental Methods 2.2.1. Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy The aqueous solution chemistry of manganese(II) ion was studied using a Varian E—4 Electron Paramagnetic Reson— ance Spectrometer at a resonance frequency of 9.407 Giga— hertz. The modulation frequency was 100 kHz with a peak— to—peak amplitude of 12.5 gauss. A sweep width of 1000 gauss was used with the midpoint of the range set at 3550 gauss. Ten decibels of power were output to the sample at a detector current of 300 mA, while the first derivative time constant was set at one second. The total sweep time of this continuous wave instrument was 8 minutes. These parameters were the optimized conditions for the maximum sensitivity with a minimal loss due to saturation of the resonance signal. A Wilmad aqueous EPR cell (catalog No. WG-812) was used for all measurements. The cell is made of quartz, with a small path length to minimize dipole absorption 160 from the solvent. Ten solutions were studied to yield one formation constant. 2.2.2. Cyclic Voltammetry Cyclic voltammetric studies were conducted with a PAR Model 174—A polarographic analyzer.and recorded on a Hewlett—Packard x—y recorder. The cell used is shown in Figure 26. The main compartment of the water-jacketed cell was thermostated at 25.0i0.1°C, while the reference side- arm was allowed to equilibrate with the atmosphere. All solutions were degassed for 20 minutes with deoxygenated nitrogen. The nitrogen was deoxygenated by passage through two solutions of ammonium vanadate in H01 (183), which is oxidized in the presence of oxygen. The vanadate was re— generated by reaction with a Zn—Hg amalgam in the solution. The nitrogen was then washed by passage through water. The working electrode was a hanging mercury drop elec- trode (HMDE), the counter electrode, a platinum wire, and a standard calomel electrode (SCE) was used as a reference. The sweep rate was 100 mV/s. The half-wave potential of a metal ion for a given solution was obtained by averaging the maximum current for the anodic and cathodic waves. Five such determinations were conducted on each solution and the results averaged to yield the reported half—wave potentials. Five solutions were required to obtain a formation constant. 162 2.2.3. Potentiometry Potentiometric measurements were conducted with a line; powered Analogic (#AN2546) voltmeter with a range of i2 volts and a stability of iO.l mV. The voltmeter was con— nected to the sensing electrode via a high impedance buffer built locally in the Chemistry Department electronics shop. The sensing electrode was an Orion (93-20) calcium ion-selective electrode with an Orion (90-01) single junc- tion reference electrode. The normal lifetime of the cal- cium ion—selective electrode (ISE) is approximately 6 months due to the deterioration of themembrane ion—exchanger. Normal symptoms of a deteriorating electrode were unstable readings and a decreasing calibration slope. It was also necessary to monitor the pH of all solutions, which led to the use of a Beckman Expanded Scale pH meter and an Orion (91—05) combination electrode. Silver complexation studies were conducted using a silver wire electrode. This electrode was pretreated in nitric acid to roughen the surface. A calibration curve yielded a slope of 63.3:O.6 mV per decade change in the concentration of AgNO3, which is close to the theoretical slope of 59.2 mV expected for a reversible system. It was then concluded that this silver wire electrode ex— hibited Nernstian behavior and was suitable as a specific ' t ' Ole ion electrode. The counter—eleCtrode was the Slno 163 junction reference mentioned above. Titrations were carried out using the cell shown in Figure 26. The temperature was maintained by circulating water through the outer jacket, with a degassing of the solution also possible through the inlet arm. A Teflon cap was used to enclose the cell, cutting down the solu— tion evaporation. Stirring was accomplished with an air- driven magnetic stirrer. The entire apparatus was en— closed in a Faraday cage to reduce the "noise” detected by the voltmeter. The "noise" is random fluctuations in the observed potential due to static charges built up on the equipment (and operator) and 60 cycle line noise from house voltage sources. The fluctuations were on the order of 80 mV outside the cage and i0.1 mV in the Faraday cage. The use of the coulometric equipment (described in the next section) in a pH stat mode caused major fluctuations in the voltage readings from the pH and Ca ISE when a cur— rent was passed through solution. The coulometric cables themselves (due to leakage from the current source) were also a source of noise, even though the current was not switched on. Hence, whenever voltage readings were made (pH and calcium ISE) the coulometric cables were isolated by grounding them. Thermal equilibrium was established initially by wait— ing 20 minutes prior to the first measurement. Upon . . - 1 additions of titrant, the solution pH was coulometrlcal—y 164 Reference Sidearm 1 Water Inlet l Gas - Water Scintered-glass Jacket Inlet Frit t , l 0- Water‘ Outlet Figure 26. A schematic representation of the pyrex glass cells used for A — cyclic voltammetric studies, and B — potentiometric studies. 165 adjusted/maintained (approximately two minutes), the solu— tion allowed to mix and equilibrate (two minutes), and the emf was observed and averaged over 30 seconds. The total time associated with one titration point was then approximately five minutes. At least 30 points were taken to form a calibration curve, and 30 points for the titra— tion curve. 2.2.4. Coulometer The pH of the solution was recorded at the same time the calcium ISE emf was recorded. The pH was maintained at a constant value by the coulometric generation of protons or hydroxide ions. The coulometric electrodes consisted of a platinum rectangle (ml7 x 10 mm) anode and a platinum grid (N30 mm in length, 32 mm in diameter) as the cathode. A 12 mm OD glass tube, 15 cm in length, acted as the anodic compartment. The end of the tube in contact with the solu— tion was closed off by an anion transfer membrane which was held in place with an ”O" ring and Teflon cap (158). The anion transfer membrane was impermeable to the solvent, but allowed the passage of the supporting electrolyte. The electrodes were cleaned prior to usage by immersion in 6 M HNO3 with a current passed through the electrodes for 60 then the other electrode, as the seconds using first one, cathode. 166 The electronics of the coulometer have been mentioned previously (158) and will not be dealt with here. The use of this equipment by Heubel (158) was for the generation of hydroxide ions as a titrant for determinations of the pKa's of PAA. The use of the equipment to adjust and main— tain the pH at a constant value required less stringent demands in performance, with the conclusion that this equipment is more than adequate for this study. 2.3. Sample Preparation 2.3.1. Manganese Electron Spin Resonance A calibration curve of resonance line intensity Kg — —6 concentration in the range of 10 3 - 10 M was prepared by dilution of stock solutions of Mn012 and measuring the intensity of the resonance lines. The effect of a tris buffer at a pH of 8 and the supporting electrolyte tetra— ethylammonium perchlorate on the manganese resonance were then tested, with no change in linewidth or decrease in the intensity of the manganese signal resulting. Complexa— tion studies were then performed at a pH of 8 and 4.5 (ad— justed with tetramethylammonium hydroxide) at various ionic strengths. The manganese chloride concentration was approximately 10"3 M; the ligand concentration was . 7 l varied. In the case of strong complexation (log Hf > 4) - 4 " . l. the mole ratio of ligand—to-manganese varied irom 0 to 167 With weak complexes (log Kf < 4), the mole ratio was in— creased to a maximum of 5:1 and when no complexation was evident, the mole ratio covered the range from 0 to 10. Since the manganese ion can be oxidized in basic solu— tions by dissolved oxygen (184) (although the rate is slow), the solutions were degassed prior to the measurements of the ESR intensity. A comparison of these results to those ob— tained when solutions were not degassed showed no sig— nificant difference in the data sets within the experimental error. The conclusion is that over the course of a single experiment, approximately 3 hours, the oxidation of man— ganese proceeds at a negligible rate. The intensity of an ESR resonance due to the aquo manganese complex was obtained by measuring the peak—to— peak (minimum to maximum) height of the fourth peak from the low field for a first derivative plot of magnetic field Kg absorption and dividing by the receiver gain of the instrument. The error associated with one measurement, which is composed of solution preparation errors, sample placement errors, sample fill factor errors, the change in the cavity resonance with a change in sample, instru- mental errors, etc., is estimated by repetitive measure- ment to be 4% of the intensity. 168 2.3.2. Cyclic Voltammetry Stock solutions of the metal ion and the ligand were used to prepare solutions of varying concentration. The metal ion concentration was on the order of 0.1 — 0.05 mM, and the ligand concentrations was held in excess by a factor of 2 to 50 times the metal ion concentration to satisfy the restrictions of the Lingane and Buck equations. The ionic strength was maintained with TEAP, while the pH was monitored and adjusted with either tetramethylammonium hydroxide or perchloric acid. The alkylammonium cation tends to adsorb on the mercury surface of the HMDE. This creates a positive sheath in the double layer of the elec- trode which tends to repell the positive metal ions. The net effect of this adsorption is to slow electrode kin— etics such that some reactions appear irreversible. For those reactions where this is not a problem, TEAP was used because of its lack of complexation properties. When the TEAP was found to cause irreversible behavior, the sup- porting electrolyte chosen was then LiClOu. It is doubt— ful that the lithium ion would form a complex with the ligand, as it is very small and highly solvated. In cases where metal ions exhibited irreversible be~ havior even in LiClOu solutions, the double layer was altered using para—toluene sulfonate (185). The para- toluene sulfonate (PTS) adsorbs on the mercury surface much as the alkyl ammonium ion does, except that in this 169 case the ion is negatively charged. The double layer is then negatively charged, with the positive metal ions attracted to it. This increases the rate of charge trans— fer to produce reversible behavior. In all cases, with TEAP, PTS, LiClOu, tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, and perchloric acid, there was no shift in the half—wave po— tential of the metal ion upon addition of these species. This implies that these species are inert with respect to complexation with the metal ion, as well as implying no alteration in the charge transfer kinetics of the elec— trode reaction. 2.3.3. Potentiometry The potentiometric cell initially contained 25 ml of supporting electrolyte solution, to which was added 0.05 ml of 0.01 M CaCl2 from a precision buret. Thermal equilibrium was established, the emf recorded, and the next increment of the calcium solution was added as des- cribed in Section 2.2.3. The procedure was continued a total of 4 ml of calcium solution was added. The cali- bration range of emf IE calcium ion concentration was ap— proximately 10"5 to 10_3 M. The metal ion was then titrated with the ligand (approximately 0.005 M) following the pro- cedure of Section 2.2.3. The titration was stopped when the ligand to metal ion ratio was approximately two. In 170 this manner, changes in the liquid junction potential were minimized. The volume correction for solution expansion or con- traction (186) when the system was studied at tempera- tures other than 25°C was found to have a negligible ef— fect on the calculated free calcium ion concentration. The supporting electrolyte chosen was K01. Tetra- alkyl ammonium ions tended to interfere with the measured emf due to interactions with the organic membrane of the calcium ISE, leading to somewhat large errors in the calculated formation constant. Perchlorate ions also inter— fere due to their penetration into the organic membrane. Potassium chloride is the recommended supporting electro— lyte for use with a calcium ISE (187), even though it may potentially compete with the calcium ion for the ligand. A comparison of the results using tetramethylammonium chloride and K01, however, showed that these values agreed within the experimental error of the K01 data. These results suggest that a competition between calcium and potassium ions for the ligand is small or negligible. .0 .L Conductance water obtained rom the laboratory of Dr. Weaver was used in most cases. Some experiments were con— ducted using water distilled from 2 x 1072 M KMnOu and 2 2 x 10' M KOH. When calibration curve results using conductance water and permanganate distilled water were 1 compared to house distilled water, the nou e distilled U) 171 water was found to contain residual calcium on the order of 1076 _ 1077 M. Since the typical free calcium concentra— tion in complexation studies ranges from 10-3_to 1077 M, this represents at worst an error of 1%. The use of con- ductance water is recommended to minimize this source of error. The contribution to the ionic strength from ions other than the supporting electrolyte will cause an error of 5% (worst case with IKCl = 0.02) in the total ionic strength. During the coursecfi‘a single experiment, however, the ionic strength will vary as the concentration of ions in solution changes by less than 1%. The total ionic strength may then be corrected for the complexation reaction by summing the ionic strength due to the supporting electro— 1yte and the average ionic strength due to all other species in solution (as measured over the course of the experiment). The use of the term "constant ionic strength", then, while not strictly valid, is a good approximation. 2.4. Data Handling The computer program KINFIT4 (38) was used to fit the calcium ISE calibration curve data. This is a general purpose non—linear curve fitting routine. The calibration data were then fed to the program MINIQUAD (188) which Cl‘ calculated the complexation formation constan s for the deprotonated ligands with the calcium ion. When mono— protonated ligands were studied, the calibration data were given to the computer program shown in Appendix C, which then calculated the formation constants for these complexes with the calcium ion. Cyclic voltammetry, AG25°C’ AH°, and A80 data were processed using KINFIT4. CHAPTER III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION i_.l ~l UK) 3.1. Complexation Studies of PAA 3.1.1. Manganese Electron Spin Resonance A calibration curve of the ESR resonance intensity IE Mn2+ concentration, resulting from 67 measurements, is shown in Figure 27. The data were computer fitted to ob— tain a slope of 3.04:0.02 x 106 and an intercept of 0.53: 0.03. These values were used to determine the concentra- tion of free manganese(II) ions upon the addition of PAA. he supporting e-ectrolyte or the tris buffer Cl‘ No effect of on the intensity of the observed manganese ion resonance was found. Prior to studies of the manganese—PAA system, the general applicability of this technique to the investiga- tion of aqueous solution complexation was tested. _t was desired to determine the formation constant of a manganese complex with a ligand that was both similar to PAA and well studied. The manganese citrate complex fulfilled these objectives very well. Citric acid is a triprotic acid (as is PAA) with successive pH's (negative lOg of the protonation constant) of pEi3 = 5.78, pK2 = 4.32, and 9K1 = 2.89 (63). The low value of pK3 allows the study of the deprotonated citrate at a pH of % However, the m Hos: mo compocsu m 00.N~ I _ 00.09 175 no zpflmcopCH mmm po>gomoo och 0o +9 x 028 S 08265: 00.0 00.0 004 — — h e-Ib —. S .coapmspcoocoo poad coaumgoflflmo < .sm ogswam 1... 9o... Ll 98. Ill. Odor 0.00N AUSNEUM 883 1.... 0.00m ll. 0.00m n: cos similarity in pK3 and pK2 render the determination of a monOprotonated complex with manganese subject to a large degree of error. Therefore, only the deprotonated complex with manganese was studied. The results, alon with values obtained lrom the litera— ture, are shown in Table XXXIII. The manganese—citrate formation constant was determined using both TEAP and tetramethylammonium cLlo-ide (TMAC). The ion-pair forma— tion constant for manganese chloride was found to be 3.7 from pH studies by Grzybowski gt gt (189). With the excep- tion of reference d, all previous citric acid—manganese (11) ion studies were conducted using chlorides as the upporting electrolyte. A formation constant was determined U) with TJAC as the "inert” electrolyte so as to compare our results with the above values, while a formation constant using TEAP was compared to the data of Grzybowski gt gt. (189). The values agree well when the difference in ionic strength of the two solutions are taken into account. The data of Grzybowski et 1 (189) are considered to be the _——__-——- most accurate, since ion-pairing and manganese hydroxide formation were considered. Our work agrees with that of l. (189) to 0.09 log K units when corrected Grzybowski gt to an ionic strength of 0.1 using the Debye—Huckel equa- tion. (a The value obtained using TMAC is within the range the other literature values. As 1‘.) rather broad range) 0 177 Table XXXIII. Formation Constants of a Deprotonated Man- ganese—Citrate Complex. Supporting log K Electrolyte Method Ref. 3.6 K01 Potentiometry (pH) a and visible spectros- copy'(competition) 3.69 NaCl Radio isotope ion- b exchange 3.83 NaCl Radio isotope c ion-exchange 3.74:0.03 (Me)uNCl Mn ESR this ' work 4.28:0.04 (Me)uN010u Mn ESR this ' work 4.15i0.02 (Me)uNCl Potentiometry (pH) d a I. E. Kalinichenko, Ukrain. khim. Zhur., gt, 92 (1970). b N. C. Li, A. Lindenbaum, J. M. White, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 12, 122 (1959). 8J. S. Wiberg, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 73, 337 (1958). dA. K. Grzybowski, S. S. Tate, S. P. Data, J. Chem. Soc. (A), 241 (1970). a test of self—consistency, the formation constant of the manganese citrate complex using TMAC as a supporting elec— trolyte was corrected for the formation of theMnCl+ ion- pair using the ion—pair formation constant of Grzybowski gt gt. (189). This calculated formation constant agrees with the value obtained using TEAP as a supporting elec- trolyte to within 0.04 log K units. Therefore, the tech- nique is at least self—consistent under different eXperi- mental conditions. This self consistency, together with the agreement between literature values and those obtained in this study, was considered sufficient evidence to indicate the validity of this technique in determining manganese formation constants. In all of the complexation studies it was important to establish that the signal intensity is due only to the free manganeseszo Lozoa a <a50 Lodasv com A hSo Lozofl s<h30 goddsv ondEO0 Kflmioa 8 mo pcmpmsoo coflpwesog one oCHELopop on m<flpmwoc one m> mam CH owcmgo one mo poad < .om osswflt . 02s: 00.. .. 03. 8... one 86 03 88 willlfielllfllillnllllnllI03 1.. 00a . 1.. ll 00.». 3 J- 35: 15 ( 1.. / ll 00* .0 .i 0 7w 1.. 6 1+ l x l. 80 Li 006 190 A .323 UmpmconwopmocoE I 9530 :8on ii UmpfiCOpopgmw I 95:0 .8915 xwaquo 53:59 m go pcwpmcoo COprELA¥ 93 «525.966 on 3.3: moa 9306mm: map a (HEM CH mwcwCQ 93 mo uOHQ < .om mhswflm 3&8..- 00* 0Q* 006 00% CON CON Inuflnfluuunnnnflnuflnflnnuuno3 {8a II 356“ _ 11033 i 2...: 1| ( .3 / llooé.0 1: 0 Z -- m + 1186 I“ II a! 090 191 .meQEoo HBI<flpwwmc map m> mEm :fl wmcmgo map mo poam < .Hm wgzmfih 7)}: 004 I on». 8.» 93 8a on; —|L _ — _ — _ . _ _ — — _ . _ _ — . _ _ OP‘O — _ _ _ — — . q _ _ — . _ _ H _ a _ _ — In one : any . Ln -1 3 II and 3.3 -1 .0 11 08 m w 9 II 8.0 192 Table XXXV. The Change in the Emf of a Pb—PAA Complex as a Function of the Negative log [PAA] at 25°C, I = 0.0 ML C F MHL (Bi/TEi/E) ML (Bi/2132.) “‘%¥%§9%8g— —1og [PAA] "0702958_‘ —log [PAA] 5.73 2.97 1.91 3.17 5-53 2.57 1.89 3.23 5.91 2.69 1.79 3.36 5.38 2.73 1.69 3.28 5.27 2.71 1.30 3... 5.14 2.86 9.911 2.91 4.83 3.10 Table XXXVII. The Change in a Function of the Emf of a the Negative log [PAA] at 25°C, Tl—PAA Complex as 1 = 0.05. (E1/2‘31/2) ML (fin—41m) ML "“UTU§§TE_‘ ~log [PAA] __6765916—_ —log [PAA] 0.20 3.00 0.55 2.u0 0.23 2.92 0.66 2.30 0.25 2.85 0.70 2.26 0.27 2.80 0.79 2.22 0.29 2.74 0.78 2.19 0.31 2.70 0.82 2.15 0.35 2.62 0.86 2.12 0.39 2.55 0.90 2.10 0.97 2.99 Table XXXVIII. Formation Complexes 25°C. 199 Constants of Thallium(1) - PAA at Different Ionic Strengths and Ionic Strength 0. O. 030 040 .050 .060 .070 .090 .110 (\J l\) \51 l\) I\) ML l+ H- H- |+ H |+ H- 0. .07 .07 .09 }._l .08 195 .mecwppm oeCOH esp mo coepoczg m we onQEoo HBI<L50 pesoa .<pzo pogozv Camcoppm OHCOH esp mo coepocsm m mm <Lso gmsofiv Lzo Leggsv < .wpcmpmcoo spHHAQMpm Hmoapaso .Hamptmz .m .< .cpasm .2 .mo A geomav ..epq smaooo a museum: .coecoq .mpcmpmcoo psaapmpm astute: .m .< .cmaaaw .e .nn .Amsmav .spamsm>flc: mpmpm :swazoaz .mammss .Q.:m .prsmm .o .m1.m o m: m m:.m1 s 11 0.1 m.s- n ma mm s.o m s.onm.s1 xsoz mass ma 2H m.owH.H m.oH ©.:1 xmos mesa s.oflz.fim m.onw.o so.onwm.w1 om< 03< 00< w . s m . m m: m I: o a +N 2 1.m scam. so 1: +m - I o 0 w mo o+mm m <1; +m z mo.oamm.m 1.Om no >Qomhzw NIH oodN oo.N F 004 0061 8&7 8.81 IIIIlIITlIlIlII- s... 11 8.~ -1 .l O N+om 9 II OO..v N O -- w. 11 88 . .0 0 N+QQ 11 C. m+so H 11 88 I¥I 00.5: 209 complexes are entropy stabilized, it may be generalized that these other cations might also exhibit an entropy stabilized complexation. (In the case of calcium and mag— nesium complexation, the enthalpy of complexation detracts less than 10% from the overall free energy of complexation. It is expected that the enthalpy will also play a minor role in all complexes with PAA.) This leads to the conclusion that stabilization of the complex is derived from the release of solvent molecules (thereby increasing the entropy) upon complexation. This phenomena is normally associated with the "chelate effect” (201). 3.4. Phosphonoacetic Acid Analogs Microbiological studies (150,199) of phosphonoformic acid (PFA) and 3—phosphonopropionic acid (3—PPA) indicate that the former inhibits the replication of some Herpes viruses while the latter does not. Complexation studies of PAA, PFA, and 3-PPA have shown that the biological in- hibition trends of these ligands are paralleled by the extent of complexation with the magnesium(II) ion (158). To draw further analogies between the biological effects and complexation, the complexing ability of these drugs were tested with manganese(II), thallium(I), and calcium- (II) ions. 3.4.1. Manganese Electron Spin Resonance Manganese electron spin resonance was used to study the complexation of manganese with PFA and 3-PPA at an ionic strength of 0.05. Both PFA and 3—FPA are triprotic acids which will protonate according to equilibria (3), (A) and (5). The protonation constants were determined at I = 0.05 by Heubel (158) and are given in Table XLV, along with those of PAA at I = 0.05. The formation constants for complexes of manganese with these ligands were determined according to the procedures outlined in Sections 2.3.1 and 1:1 3.1 1. The resultant values were: log KgnP‘A = 5.3410.05, log KEHHPFA 2.5710.05, log xgn‘3‘PPA = 3.1510.04, and J. log KMHH‘3‘PAA = 1.610.2. f 3.4.2. Cyclic Voltammetry The pKa’s of PFA and 3—PPA were calculated at a given ionic strength from the appropriate Guntelburg equation using the data of Heubel (158). Formation constants were then determined for a deprotonated thallium—PFA complex at different ionic strengths. There was no evidence of thallium complexation with 3—PPA or the protonated form then used to calculate the thermo- of PFA. Equation (14) was dynamic formation constant from a linear extrapolation to - - ' ' n' . T * lues of zero ionic strength, shown in rigure 38. -he va each point are given in Table XLII. The ion size parameter 211 .meCohpm QflCOfl one mo COApocsg m we onQEoo fi311 001 II 09M. 212 Table XLII. Formation Constants of Thallium (I)—PFA Com- plexes at Different Ionic Strengths and 25°C. Ionic Strength log xii”? 0.030 2 3 1 0 1 0.040 2 27 1 0 09 O. 50 2 2 1 O 1 0.062 2 1 1 0 1 0.070 2 1 1 0 1 0.092 2 1 1 0 1 0.131 2 0 1 0 2 213 was found to be 9.0, again in poor agreement with other calculated values (190,191). The thermodynamic formation constant is 2.65i0.07. 3.4.3. Potentiometry Thermodynamic formation constants for Ca-PFA and Ca—3— PPA were calculated from potentiometric data using a calcium ion selective electrode. The formation constants were determined at different ionic strengths as in Section 3.1.3, then extra_olated to zero ionic strength using Equa- tions (11) and (12). The data are plotted in Figures 39 and 40, with the values shown in Tables XLIII and XLIV. The resulting ion-size parameter of 5il A compares well with the values of Stokes (190) and Kielland (191), as well as with the value obtained from studies of the calcium—PAA system. The significance of the a parameter is seen in the self-consistency of its determination for a series of analogous ligands (PAA, PFA, and 3—PPA) and the agreement in values obtained by very different methods (190,191). While the interpretation of this parameter as the solvated radius may be debatable, these and other studies indicate that it does have a physical significance. The thermo— log KiiA = 4.4010 03, log dynamic formation constants are: K3—PPA _ PFA ,3—PPA = 3910.09, and log q KMHL — 2.610.1, log hML 3 MhL 2.3:0.1. 214 .A<s50 LoSOH ALSo Loomsv newcogpm OflCOH oz» mo cowpocze m we 1 001 215 .A<L:o Losofi A<s30 Locasv Qumconpm oHCOH one go coepocsm o no (3) where XX(2) is the dependent variable from Equation (2). A.2.3. Control Card / 1015 NOPT, IMETH, ITMAX, IWT, IRX, ISMIN, IPLT, NCST, TEST, KVAR Unless specified, all values are set at the default zero. Only those quantities which were not set at the default will be mentioned. NOPT is the number of data points. ITMAX is the maximum number of iterations permitted if convergence is not attained. TEST is the convergence tolerance. A.2.4. Descriptive Title / 704 A.2.5. Constant Card / 8E10.5 CONST(i) \O 224 Initial Estimate Card / 8F10.5 U(i) Data / 8E10.5 XX(1), Blank Card 6 7 89 2(1) ,xx<2), 2<2) APPENDIX B DATA REDUCTION OF A POTENTIOMETRIC TITRATION FOR THE DETERMINATION OF COMPLEX FORMATION CONSTANTS USING THE COMPUTER PROGRAM MINIQUAD DATA REDUCTION OF A POTENTIOMETRIC TITRATION FOR THE DETERMINATION OF COMPLEX FORMATION CONSTANTS USING THE COMPUTER PROGRAM MINIQUAD 8.1. The Scope of MINIQUAD The computer program MINIQUAD is a versatile program which enables the user to determine simultaneously up to 20 unknown formation constants with five reactants from potentiometric data. The program can accommodate up to three known concentrations (the pH, free metal ion con- centration, free ligand concentration, etc.) determined from potentiometric data. The equations describing the equilibria involved are of the form B aA + bB + cC Aa bcc (l) with a formation constant of K, = [AasbcCl/[AlaEBlbIClC <21 In the specific case of complexation with PAA, all equilib— ria can be described in terms of the free metal ion concen— tration, [M], the concentration of the free deprotonated ligand, [L], and the hydrogen ion concentration, [H], with the complex concentration calculated by the program. Hence,the formation constants for equilibria (l) and (2) from Part III, Section 311.1. 225 226 Kf(ML) = [MLl/IMIIL] (3) and Kf(MHL) = [MHLl/[M][H][L] = Kf(MHL)/K3 (4) where K3 is the third acidity constant for the ligand. The acidity constants are written as cumulative B's, i.e., K = [HJLl/[H]2[Ll (5) 2 The computer program will accept the stoichiometric coefficients of the reactants for all equilibria involved. Along with initial estimates (or values obtained from other sources) for the respective formation constants. The user then has the option of refining the formation constants or holding them constant. In the PAA study, the acidity constants were known.(l58% leaving the complex formation constants to be determined by Equations (3) and (4). Both the pH and the free calcium ion concentration were monitored potentiometrically, while the total ligand concentration I was known. Each data point input to the program consisted of a pH and volume of ligand added. The program was modifiad(l58) to include the KINFIT4 program described in Appendix A. This program is a general purpose non-linear curve fitting routine that was used to calculate the slope, intercept, and residual calcium from calibration data for the calcium ion selective electrode. III 227 The data were fit to the equation +2 E = b + M log [(Ca )f + R] _ (6) obs where EObs is the observed emf, b is the intercept, m the slope, (Ca+2)f the free calcium concentration, and R a residual to account for non—linearity in the calibration curve at low concentrations. 8.2. Data Input Format for MINIQUAD B.2.l. KINFIT Calibration Input Control card/815, F10.0, IS/see Appendix 03 I\.) [—1 H A, Section Descriptive title/20A4 B.2.l.3. Initial Estimates/8F 10.5 This card will contain the initial estimates of the slope, intercept, and residual. 2 Data/8F 10.5/log (Ca+ )f, OCa’ Emf, o 1 emi The dataare:1nput as the log of the calcium ion con- centration, its estimated variance, the emf, and its esti— mated variance. The program internally converts the log of the concentration to a concentration, which is then used 228 in Equation (6). There are two data points (X, OX, Y, by) per card. B.2.1.5. Blank card B.2.l.6. 789 card 3.2.2. MINIQUAD Titration Data input Descriptive title/20A4 B.2.2.2. Control Card/8I5/LARS, NK, N, MAXIT, IPRIN, NUMBEO, NCO, I COM LARS indicates the data points to be used in the cal- culation of an unknown formation constant: LARS = 1 means all points are used, LARS = 2 every other point, LARS = 3 every third point, etc. NK is the total number of formation constants input, both refined and constant. N is the number of unknown formation constants to be calculated. I MAXIT is the maximum number of iteration cycles to be i performed. IPRIN will allow the monitoring of the program at each iteration. A value of 1 will print the results at each iteration, 2 will also print each data point and its resi- duals, while 0 is the default with no monitoring done. NMBEO is the total number of reactants for a system. 229 NCO is the number of free concentrations unknown. ICOM will allow the elimination of spurious results. A value of 0 will include all results and a value of 1 will eliminate a point if the normal equation matrix is not positive definite at this point. Temperature compensation/3F10.6, 8X, I2/TEMP, ADDTEMP, ALPHA, NOTAPE TEMP is the temperature of the bulk solution in °C. ADDTEMP is the titrant temperature in °C ALPHA is the coefficient of cubical expansion for the solvent in 0C71. NOTAPE interfaces KINFIT4 to MINIQUAD. NOTAPE = 1 reads the m and b values from the KINFIT4 program, while NOTAPE = 0 will use values given by EZERO and SLOPE. Formation constant cards/F10.6, 7I5/ BETA(I), JPOT(I), JQRO(J,I), KEY(I) The formation constants are input in the form 8i = BETA(I) . lOJPOT(I) The JQRO(J,I) values are the stoichiometric coefficients A. of the ibh species with the formation constant Bi' While .5. the order is arbitrary, the reactants which are measured potentiometrically must come last. In the case of a mono- protonated Ca-PAA complex, the input would be 1 l 1 230 where the first number is the stoichiometric coefficient of the ligand L, the second of the measured calcium ion, and the third of the measured hydrogen ion concentration. KEY(I) indicates if the value is to be refined (=1) or if it is a constant (=0). Control Card/l2I5/NMBE, JNMB(I), NC, JP(I) NMBE is the number of reactants in the equilibria. The JNMB(I) values are the integers assigned to those reactants. The equilibria in Section would have the reactants labeled 1 2 3 NC is the number of unknown free concentrations at any given point in the titration. This can be calculated by NMBE—NCO = NC where NCO is the number of electrodes. JP contains the reactants (as numbered in JNMB) which will be processed further by the subroutine STATS. This subprogram will calculate the relative percentages of those reactants specified by JP and print them out at each point in the titration curve. Reactant titles/5A10/REACT(I) REACT contains the names of the reactants in the order specified by JQRO(I). 231 Electrode parameters/4I5/JEL(I), JCOUL JEL is the number of electrons transferred at each electrode. When pH values are to be read, JEL = 0. The values are given in the same order (lowest number first) as in JQRO(I). JCOUL specifies a coulometric titration if JCOUL = 1 (no volume change). Dilutions will be calculated if JCOUL = 0. Concentrations/8F10.6/TOTC(I), EZERO(I), ADDC(I), VINIT TOTC(I) is the initial millimoles of species I in the order of JQRO(I). EZERO(I) is the intercept of a calibration plot for the 1th electrode (ignored if JEL(I) = 0). ADDC(I) is the concentration of the titrant solution. In all cases, a number must be entered for each species, even if it is zero. VINIT is the initial volume of the solution in milli- liters. B.2.2.9. Slope/8F10.6/SLOPE(I) Slope (I) contains the slope from a calibration curve for the ith electrode (ignored if JEL(I) = 0). 232 Data input/I5, 8F8.3/LUIGI, TITRE(I), EMF(I). LUIGI is a data marker for the end of a data set. If LUIGI = 0, the next card is read. Another data set to follow is indicated by LUIGI = l. LUIGI = 2 that the data are from coulometric measurements, with current and frac— tional efficiency read instead of an experimental point. LUIGI < O signals the end of all data sets. TITRE is the volume titrant added (or the time of cur- rent passage in sec). EMF is the measured potential (or pH) for each electrode. Statistics/I5/JPRIN JPRIN controls the statistical output as follows: JPRIN Statistical Analysis Tables Graphs 0 no no no 1 yes no no 2 yes yes no 3 yes no yes 4 yes yes yes Termination/I5/NSET NSET = l for another set of formation constants, NSET = O for another complete set of data, and NSET = —l for the 233 termination of a run. 78 B.2.2.1U. 6 78 9 APPENDIX C THE USE OF THE PROGRAM FARM2.TSK FOR THE DETERMINATION OF MONOPROTONATED PAA-CALCIUM FORMATION CONSTANTS FROM POTENTIOMETRIC DATA . _.. _. ___—V; THE USE OF THE PROGRAM FARM2.TSK FOR THE DETERMINATION OF MONOPROTONATED PAA—CALCIUM FORMATION CONSTANTS FROM POTENTIOMETRIC DATA C.l. Scope of FARM2.TSK The program FARM2.TSK is a limited-utility computer program designed to solve repetitive formation constant calculations based on potentiometric data. The program evolved to fill the need for the calculation of mono— protonated PAA—calcium formation constants from potentiom— etric data. The program MINIQUAD was found to be unsuitable for these calculations. The program will solve five simul— taneous equilibrium equations to yield an exact solution for the mono—protonated formation constant (with the deproton— ated complex input as a known value) and the resulting standard deviation of that value. 0.2. Program Derivation PAA is a triprotic acid symbolized by H3L in its com— pletely protonated form. The three acid equilibria are + ' "J" ‘* = ' H H (1) H2]; + . H3L Kl [H3L1/[ 2th l — -2 + -— + _ _ 2 HI, 2 + H : H2L K2 _ [H2L J/EHL ][H ] ( ) -2 + _ L‘3 + H+ 2 HL‘ K3 = [HL l/[H ML 3] (3) ' ' f ll arise When PAA complexes With a metal ion, two -orms usua y 234 M+2 + L'3 : ML" K = [ML‘][/[M+2][L'3l (A) M+2 + HL‘2 : MHL K = [MHL]/[M+2]£HL'2] <5) The K1 is such that this equilibria may be ignored above a pH of 4, resulting in the mass balance equations [thotal = [H2L-]+[HI-2]+[L_3]+[MHL]+[ML_] (6) [Mltotal = EM+21 + [MHL] + [ML—1 (7) Subtracting (7) from (6) gives [LlT — [MJT + IM+21 = [H2L_l + [HL‘2] + [L‘31 <8) The right hand side may be restated in terms of only [HL] from Equations (2) and (3) to yield [LIT - [MlT + £M+21 = K2EH+JEHL'J + [HL‘] + [HL-J/ K3EH+1 (9) OZ“ EHLl = ([LlT - [MJT + [M+2])/ (K2[H+l + 1/K3[H+1 + 1) (10) From Equation (A) the concentration [ML] is [ML] = KdEM+21[L‘3J (11) and from (3) [ML] = KdtM+2JEHL‘2J/K3[H+J (12) Then from Equation (7) [M]T = [M+21 + Kdtm+2JEHL']/K3EH+] + [MHL] (13) or [MHL] = [MJT _ [W2] - KdEM+2][HL'J/K3[H+] (1A) The concentration EM+21 was known at any given point in the titration from emf data, with the pH (and hence the [H+]) also measured at each point. Since K3, K2, and Kd were known, as well as the total amount of ligand and metal ion, the equations were exactly solvable at each point. The average Km was then calculated over all the data points, with the standard deviation calculated for this average. Data Input File - the data file was created, named, The C.3. and edited using the programs RXl (202) and TECO (203). reader is referred to these for further information. 237 C.3.l. Descriptive title 0.3.2. Control Data/FlS.7/SLOPE, INTERCEPT, RESID, TOTM, CONCL SLOPE, INTERCEPT, and RESID were the Values derived from a KINFITA plot of the calibration data (see B.l.). TOTM was the total mmoles of metal ion, while CONCL was the concentration of L in molarity. 0.3.3. Data/FlS.5/MLL, EMF, PH MLL was the milliliters ligand, EMF the measured emf, and PH the measured pH. 0.4. FARM2.TSK The program FARM2.TSK was then run. Upon the inquiry "input file?", the file name created in C.3.2. was given. When "output file?" appeared, the desired name of the out—- put file was given. The program may be modified through FARM2.FTN to suit a particular purpose. The file is then compiled and task built to give a new FARM2.TSK. APPENDIX D SOME CROWN AND CRYPTAND COMPLEX FORMATION CONSTANTS WITH MANGANESE (II) ION DETERMINED BY ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE SOME CROWN AND CRYPTAND COMPLEX FORMATION CONSTA _ NTS WITH MANGANESE(II) 10N DETERMINED BY ELECTRON SPIN RESONANCE D.l. Crown Complexes with Manganese (II) Ion. The complexation properties of the crown ethers 1204, 1505, and 1806 (Figure l) with manganese (II) ion were studied using electron spin resonance. The data were col— lected following the procedures outlined in Sections 2.2.1. and 2.3.1. There was found to be no significant formation of a complex within the experimental error. This was evidenced by no change in the intensity, linewidth, or saturation properties of the free manganese (II) ion resonance upon the addition of the ligand. This behavior was exhibited even when the mole ratio of ligand to metal was as high as 10:1. Since the error in the measurement of the free manganese ion concentration was estimated at iA%, approximately 4% of manganese could complex with no effect on the signal intensity (it was probable that there would be no effect an the linewidth or saturation properties either). With 1 total concentration of manganese 10—3 M and a ligand zoncentration of 10‘2 M, this puts an upper limit of ap- >roximately A for the formation constants of l2CA, lSCS, 1nd 1806 with manganese. That is, if a complex exists, rhich is doubtful, it would be very weak. 238 239 D.2. Cryptand Complexation with Manganese (II) Ion The complexation Of C211 (Figure l) with manganese (II) ion was also studied. The experimental procedures were as outlined in 2.2.1 and 2.3.1 with one exception. It was found that the manganese (II) ion oxidation is greatly enhanced by the addition of the cryptand (the rate is dependent on the ligand concentration). However, this prob- lem was alleviated by degassing the solution with deoxy— genated nitrogen (183)for 15 minutes prior to the addition of the ligand. In this manner, the oxidation of manganese (II) ion was negligible over the course of the experi- ment. Such behavior (oxidation enhancement) has been ob- served previously (28), although not specifically for manganese. The cryptand C2ll is a very strong base, with a pKl(BH+) of 11.3 and a pK2(BH2+2) of 8.1 (14). The pH of the solu— tion was adjusted to 8.5 to partially deprotonate the ligand. The formation constant was then found to be log Kf = 1.6 i 0.1. This value is comparable to formation constants ob- tained for other divalent cations (28). The presence of complexation would tend to indicate that the oxidation of manganese (II) ion is occurring through an intermediate :omplex. 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