.WF ,_ “THE EFFECT OF TIME ON ISOTHERMAL DECGMPOSITION OF RETAINED AUSTEENITE IN CASE CARBURIZED LOW ALLOY STEELS IN THE RANGE 450““) 800° FAHRENHEIT" Thai: for fine Dogma of M. S. MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Donald Adrian Boa-9h I948 ’g H r-Z'S-I 5 This is to certify that the thesis entitled “mmror mmoumEIsomERmL DECOMPOSITION or RETAINED AUSTENITE IN CASE CARBURIZED LO! mar 3mm IN THE RANGE 450° 10 W! I presente I] Donald Adrian Bergh has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Mg__degree mmc‘l mn- coring Ffléd- Major professor Datem 1: 19418 n ”-795 "THEEFFECTOFTIIEOETHEISOTHERIAL DECOIIPOSITION or RETAINED AUSTENITE IN CASE CARBURIZED Low ALLOI STEELS II THE RANGE 450° 1'0 800° FARRENI-IEIT " By Donald Adrian Bergh a Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of EASTER OF SCIENCE 'Departnent of Chemical and lbtallurgical Engineering 1948 W Introduction kperilental Procedure ' Part I Part II Diagram Carburising bomb apparatus Carbon train apparatus Tampering apparatus Experimental Results Outline Carbon Gradient Data Graphs of Carbon Gradient Photonicrographs for Part II Isotherlal Decomposition Data Graphs of Isothermal Decomposition Discussion Conclusion Possible future nor]: Selected References 9.11 11-13 15 16 17 23-27 23-51 52-60 61-69 70-74 75 76 77-79 INTRODUCTION Austenite, so named by Osmond in honor of the late Sir Killian Roberts—Austen, is a solid solution in which face-centered cubic gamma iron is the solvent and carbon is the solute. (16, l) The solid solution austenite is formed by heating a steel containing between 0.05% and 1.7% carbon to the austenitizing temperature. This austenitizing temperature is influenced by the alloys added to the steel and varies from 155003“. for eutectoid steels to 20759F. for hyper-eutectoid steels. The austen— itic range is important because practically all heat treating starts from this solid solution range. Retained austenite, the austenite remaining at room temperature after rapid cooling, is very detrimental due to its soft and plastic nature when found with hard martensite, which is the rapid transforma- tion product. The subject of retained austenite reached new importance during the war and in recent years has been very carefully studied. (21, 14) The decomposition products have been classified in three general groupings-—pearlite, bainite, and martensite. Of the three decomposition products only bainite has received scant attention. Some of the factors affecting the retention of austenite are as follows: (1) Carbon content (2) Quenching rate (quenching media) (5) Austenitizing temperature (4) Sub-atmoSpheric cooling (5) Cold working (6) Tampering temperature and time at temperature (7) Alloy Content (8) Stress conditions This retention was first noted in the higher alloy steels-— especially those containing high manganese, nickel and chromium. This untransformed product or retained austenite problem has been attacked from many angles. Investigation with a Tukon micro-hardness tester and many types of quantitative analysis have been tried. Some of the study methods used are dilatometric, magnetic (20-25), electrical resistance (24), X—ray (6), Specific volume changes, hardness, and a combination photographic point counting and 15.3%; analySis (25 . The first inves igators thought that more austenite was retained when the more drastic quenches were used. However Saveur noted nearly twenty years ago that oil quenches seem to give more of the untransformed product (17). many investigators noted hat quenches near the critical cooling rate or those that were just fast enough to yield all martensite- gave the largest amounts of the retained austenite. The suggested explanation for this phenomenon was based primarily on the effect of stresses and stress distribution during quenching. This bei 3 a very controversal problem, the ideas presented have been numerous. Since austenite has a greater density than martensite, compressive stress should promote the retention of austenite while tensional stress will promote its decomposition. However all evidence does not support this View; it has been shown that oil quenching leaves more austenite at the center while water quenching retains more on the outside surface. (30) Still Scott reasons that oil quenching allows the martensite to temper while cooling, which allows it to contract and thus sets up compressive and tension stresses. This holds up the austenite transformation. Epstein feels that water quenching sets up sharper temperature gradients giving rise to higher thermal stresses and greater deformations which tend to promote the transformation of austenite. (50) Early investigators noted that austenite was usually retained with high carbon and alloy content. However X-ray studies by Wever and Engel showed cubic faced—centered austenite in 0.6% carbon. Davenport and Bain reported austenite present at 0.54 percent carbon, while Tamaru and Sekito also using X-rays found evidence of retained austenite at 0.4% carbon. However nearly all investigators reported very minute amounts at these lower percentages and indicated that as carbon percent increases the per— cent of retained austenite is greater. (50) Many previous and all the present investigators also found that retained austenite was found in greater amounts when cooled just.above the critical cooling rate. Therefore oil quenches always gave more re— tained austenite than water quenches.) When quenches were rapid enough to cause cracking no austenite was retained. This cracking is due to stresses set up upon quenchi-c and when the cracking starts the structures seem to be relieved of their internal stress and all austenite changes to marten~ site. However this cracking also depends to some extent uponhS or the starting temperature for the martensite formation. MS is in turn a function of the alloy content, and does not vary with tie austenizing temperature. Higher temperatures for quenching indicate smaller amounts of retained austenite (so-51) . Sub—atmOSpheric cooling tends to decompose some of the retained emistenite. The amount decomposed depends upon the time the Specimen was zit room temperature, the quenching temperature, and temperature of the sub- cooling (7-50). Tammann and Scheil found that transformation starts at —°0°C. (40°F.) for a 1.7 plain carbon steel and that nothing happens again until the temperature is lowered. Gordon and Cohen indicate hat stopping the quench at room temperature seems to stabilize the austenite and that the longer it is held at room temperature the smaller is the amount that transforms on cooling to ~2109F. They also have dilatometer, magnitic and specific volume data which indicates this stabilization for approxi— mately three minutes at room temperature. Here again it was indicated by Krivobok and Gensamer that the cha "e f austenite to martensite takes place through the strains which arise. All indicators are that cold work- ing the steel tends to cause decomposition of the retained austenite. Here again the internal stresses are great after deformation (50—7). In transforming retained austenite, Dowel, Harder, and Van Vleet and Upthegrove (55) state that in most cases the retained austenite de- composes to a martensite which is very similar to martensite before going forward with the transformation. Chevanard and Portevin (34) believed that the austenite decomposed to cementite and an austenite with less carbon; however, more recent data by Antia and Cohen (52) states that austenite decomposes to an acicular transition precipitate (55—32—50). Honda and Nishiyama (52) also:howed that with change from tetragonal martensite to a cubic form of martensite there was a definite switch of the position of the carbon atom. However Hagg indicates that a cubic form of martensite is hard to discern with X—ray and Cohen points out fiB -martensite is harder than the original tetragonal a; -martensite. There has been a great deal of discussion aboutfiB-muudensite and a number of recent investigators wish to refer to this product as cubic ferrite plus cenentite. This for- mation is also accompanied by a transition precipitate which accounts for the darkening of the original martensite (52-55). The second step of tempering, presumed to be the step where austenite decomposes, occurs at about 450 to 5509F. The decrease in the intensity of austenite diffraction lines in this range seems to verify this point. This decomposition can take place either isothermally or upon heating through this range. The product appears to be somewhat similar to a bain- itic structure and shows no curie point until nearly all austenite is de— composed. This would indicate that this product is not a ferrite-cementite mixture. It is more of a bainitic structure. However to call it a secon- dary martensite product may be off, as 450°-550°F. is well above the formation point of martensite and by now the structure has softened up quite a little. However there are indications of secondary hardening in high alloy steels due to the decomposition of austenite. (52—55) The third stage in tempering which occupies the range of 550°F to 7500F. is fundamentally the cementite formation range. The microstructure indicates that ementite particles develop and grow out of the decomposi- tion products of austenite and martensite. This would indicate that ferrite and cementite develOp over both a period of time and temperature range. Much o the softening going on around the first and second stages is thought to be due to stress relief, as both are hardening reactions. These facts are borne out by magnetic change in cyclic heating and by checking the magnetic field reading of steels having varying amounts of retained austenite and martensite. Those having the most martensite showed the bigger changes in reading, indicating more stress relief since there is no structual change. Properties of steels containing retained austenite have not had too much attention; the results usually looked on as unpredictable. However French says that small amounts up to 5% retained austenite did improve the endurance limit and resistance to overstress. He considered the aus- tenite to having a cushioning effect. He also indicated that high carbon manganese and nickel tend to give a structure of nearly all retained aus- tenite (so). In this paper the primary purpose is to discover how long it takes retained austenite formed in carburized low alloy steels to decompose isothermally in certain temperature ranges and to record these changes in both structure and percent by means of photomicrographs. EXPERTISE-HAL PROCZSDUPE Part 1 Determination of Carbon in Case Five steels were chosen for the eXperimental work, one plain carbon S.A.E. 1010 and four low alloy steels: S.A.E. 2015, 2540, 5145, and 4640. The analysis of the five steels are as follows: Table I lo: 6: '1 .0. rm .2 m. in S.A.E. 1010 0.15 0.55 0.016 0.045 S.A.E. 2015 0.55 0.54 0.017 0.024 0.55 0.75 S.A.E. 2540 0.297 0.71 0.011 0.017 0.22 5.42 S.A.E. 5145 0.40 0.72 0.016 0.020 0.69 1.59 S.A.E. 4640 0.40 0.65 1.82 0.25 The bars were cut to six inches, center drilled and then turned to the largest possible diameter which would give a taper of no more than 0.001 of an inch from one end to the other. This was checked with taper gages and the lathe was recentered before the Operation. The carburizing was done in a 5.00 inch steel pipe carburizing bomb, using a commercial solid carburizing mixture. The bomb was develOped with the idea of checking time and temperature lags. A one-half inch pipe (welded together on the internal side) was in turn welded through one of the ends of the bomb so that a thermocouple could be placed into the center of the bomb and readings taken to check (1) the temperature of the bomb vs the furnace and (2) the time lag that is taken for the bomb to come to temperature. Later a hole was drilled next to the pipe and the thermocouple fastened to the bars to see if the bar temperature and lag were the same as the bomb temperature and lag (see Figure l). The analysis of the commercial carburizer may be found in Table 2. Table 2 Ba 005 10-12% Naacos 2- 5% Caz CO:5 2__ 5% Coke 25--50% Charcoals (Type F.S.R.) Balance The bars were carburized in groups of two each except for the 4640 bar which was much larger. The bars were carefully placed in the bomb in such a manner as to give an evenly distributed case to all areas. The bomb was sealed and placed in a muffle type furnace which was controlled at 1725-17550F. The lag in the 5.00 inch bomb was about one hour and the difference of temperature between bar and furnace was about 25°F. for several hours. The cycle of carburizing was about 16 hours with three hours being allowed for heating the furnace to 17259F. After 15 hours at 17250F. the furnace was turned off and the bomb allowed to cool to room temperature in the furnace. The carburized bars were then placed on the lathe centers again and checked for possible warping by use of the dial indicator. If the bars had warped slightly they were aligned again by pr0per hammering on the lathe centers. The larger bars showed very little warping. After thorough checking by the dial indicator the bars were ready to be machined. The tool was ground with a negative rake to give finer shorter ships, and the bar was thoroughly washed with alcohol and also parts of the lathe, tool rest, and tool. The entire length of the bar was turned except the stud which was used for heat treating and metallographic Specimens. The chips were collected free of oil and dirt in a Specially prepared cardboard box. The first cut was 0.002 of an inch and the rest were 0.005 of an inch until the core was reached. Each cutting was placed in a prOperly labled envelOpe which was designated both by tool rest travel and by the change of diameter of the bar. Bar diameters were determined by micrometer readings. The steel chips were analyzed for carbon content in a carbon train (see Figure 2). The carbon train was checked by using Bureau of Standard samples and the results were very good being well within the allowable error of t 0.05 percent (slide rule error). The steel chips were now analrzed for carbon content in a carbon train. The graph of carbon content vs. distance from edge gives a good indication of the carbon gradient and depth of case. Part 2 The studs which were all between 0.8 and 1.0 inch long were cut into 0.4—0.5 inch pieces and then quartered across the case. These Spec- imens were now divided into two groups each having an equal number of samples of the five steels. After carefully marking they were heated to 17250F. throughout,and four samples of each steel quenched into both agitated heated water (lZOQF.) and agitated heated oil (lZOOF.). All of the Specimens were tempered for 1.5 hours at 400°F., except the S.A.E. 4640 which showed some decomposition at 400019“. However 1.5 hours at 550%“. gave the desired transformation of the tetragonal martensite to a dark etching constitutent in the S.A.E. 4640 steel. The samples were mounted in steel clamps, very carefully rough ground on the emery wheel, the three stages of the belt grinder, and the #400 set emery paper. Polishing was completed roughly in four steps depending upon the scratches which were present. First after careful cleansing of the cleup and sample in water and alcohdl, 'I l the lead lap was resurfaced and impregnated with 302% Buehler lapping compound. The sample was carefully polished until the entire edge near the case was flush with the clamp. Best results were obtained with lead lap when polishing was completed simultaneously with the drying up of the wheel. The lowest possible number of revolutions per minute of the Slow Speed wheel was used. The Second step involves polishing with #1576 microcloth and £1549 micropolish. The micrOpolish gives variable results depenling upon the quantity of polish on cloth and amount.of knap on cloth. Best results were obtained on these edge polishes by using worn knaps and pasty micro- polish before the first etch with 5% nital. However just before the second etch usually about five seconds on the wheel with very little micropolish present gave the best results. To test the validity of the etch, each Specimen was polished and etched at least twice with 5% nital before tak— ing the final photomicrograph at 1500 diameters. In order to keep photo— graphing the same area continuously it was necessary to mark the surface with a hardened tool steel Scribe, or use tukon hardness tester points with a 20 gram load. At 600°F. and eooQF. tempering treatments it was necessary to start on the lead lap after each tempering interval, thus it was necessary to notch the Specimen on the edge of the cases. Photo- micrographs of the 5 steels were taken at intervals developed through eXperience for each tempering range. The first picture was taken in the as-received condition, the second after blackening the tetragonal marten— site at 550 deg. F. for 1.5 hours in the lead bath, and the rest at l, 5, 10, 15, and 20 minute intervals for the 450 deg. F. treatment (see Figure 5)- At 600°F. and 800°F. the intervals were much shorter using 50 seconds and of this interval 20—25 seconds were involved in coming to 12 the constant temperature of the lead bath. hese times varied depending upon the Specimen Size and were checked by drilling holes into the sample and placing the thermocouple inside. Alundum cement was placed around the bottom insulation piece and allowed to dry for txo days over a Steam rati- ator. Then it was immersed in the lead and the time recorded to reach nine tenths of the lead—bath temperature and the final temperature. It took about 15-17 seconds to reach this first temperature and 5-10 seconds more to reach the lead-bath temperature. After finding the row of marks all pictures were taken in the area of heaviest austenite concentration and at a standard interval from the edge (0.20 mm). The metallograph was set with a constant field and aperture Opening to give better time adjustments and similar contrasts. The method of "Point Counting" was used to determine the quantity of retained austenite present after the individual heat treatments. The method consists of placing a grid on tOp of the plate and then over ex- posing the plate to give a good black and white contrast. The next step involves counting the number of intersections of the white and then check- ing these against counting the black intersections. The value obtained is the number of points per square inch which in turn can be transferred to percent of retained austenite for that particular square inch by a simple formula. (Ho of points shonins austenite per sqJ inch) (100?! Total points per sq. inch = Percent austenite in area Graphs of temperature vs. log of time were plotted to indicate graphically the positions of cifferent percents of retained austenite at the various temperatures. 13 FIGUREI The apparatus used for the carburizing of the steels E! A— 3" pipe 3- Furnace C— Potentioloter n- Internally welded 1/2 - pipe 3- Bench 14 FIGUREZ The apparatus use for the carbon determinations .— A- Onset! supply tank B- Gas pressure regulator (13- Combustion furnace D- Oxygen washing bottle (cone. 32804) E- Ascarite tube ((302 removal) !'- Conlmstion tube (3- Zinc pellets H- 002 and 02 washing bottle (cone. 112804 and Cr 03) I- 002 and 02 washing bottle (cone. 32804 ) J- Ascerite weighing bottle I— Balancing Bottle 1'..— Bench I- Alundul end escarite bottle 1* liekle boats 15 FIGURE 3 The apparatus used for tempering steels E! A- Furnace (lead bath) 3- Innuslly controlled potentioneter c. Bron automatic potentioneter D- Bench E- Cover mm RESULTS The experinentel results were divided into two IaJ or divisions: Part 1 (s) Cerbon gradient date. for surmised an 1010, 2015, 2340, 3145, end 4640 (1)) Graphs of the date. for the five steels listed Part 2 (s) Photonicrographs of listed steels-st 1500 dis-store (b) Isotherlel decomposition date. for the- various steels (c) Graphs of the isotherlsl deco-position date. l7 Table‘z Data of barbon Gradient in Carburized SAE 1010 Steel Feed Readings In Sample It. Grams MEL-MW 1111112. ML * 1 .130 - .135 0.6 0.0289 1.345 2 .110 0.6 0.0257 ‘ 1.165 3 .145 0.7 0.0253 1.03 4 .150 0.7 ‘ 0.0280 1.08 5 .155 0.7 0.0242 0.940 6 .60 0.7 0.0218 0.845 7 .165 0.7 0.0185 0.722 8 .170 1.5 0.0199 0.362 9 .175 1.5 0.0265 0.482 10 .180 1.5 0.0178 0.323 11 .185 1.5 0.0105 0.296 * All readings were checked with a micrometer. 18 Ipb1044 Data of Carbon Gradient in Carburized SA! 2015 Steel Reading of Iicrameter E .577 - .566 .557 .549 .539 .530 .523 .511 .502 @QQOWbWNH ~.486 11 .480 H O * Diameter Change Of Bar h‘ F4 r4 54 ta ta k‘ +4 rd H H Sample Wt. £3.12202241. ..Jh:g§L__. l9 'te 602 . .QIana_. 0.0444 0.0362 0.0360 0.0329 0.0305 0.0288 0.0262 0.0232 0.0229 0.0205 0.0166 Garbo 1.195 0.986 0.978 0.895 0.829 0.783 0.713 0.632 0.621 0.558 0.452 E Iab1e.2 Data of Carbon Gradient in Carburized SAE 3145 Steel Reading of Micrometer Sample fit. Wt. 002 In nghgg * Gramg _§§§!§__ Garbo 1 .688 - .681 1 0.0548 1.49 2 .661. i 1 0.0401 1.09 3 .653 1 0.0391 1.063 4 .644 1 0.0360 _ 0.978 5 .640 1 0.0324 0.882 6 .629 1 0.0318 0.865 7 .621 1 0.0287 0.782 8 .612 1 0.0259 0.704 9 .604 1 0.0246 0.669 10 .597 1 0.0222 0.604 11 .589 1 0.0205 0.557 12 .579 1 0.184 0.501 * Diameter Change In Bar 20 333.3122 Data of Carbon Gradient In Carburized SAE 2340 Steel Reading of lierometer Sample Wt. Wt. 002 t o. In Incheg * 0mg m M 1 .580 - .570 0.7 0.0298 1.160 2 .560 0.7 0.0340 1.320 3 .550 1 0.0426 1.060 4 .540 1 0.0357 0.961 5 .530 1 0.0255 0.694 6 .521 1 0.0253 0.688 7 .511 1 0.0244 0.664 8 .502 1 0.0218 0.594 9 .491 1 0.0172 0.467 10 .480 1 0.0170 0.462 11 .470 1 0.0160 0.435 12 .460 1 0.0147 0.40 13 .450 1 0.0110 0.30 * Diameter Change in Bar 21 kble 1 Data of Uarbon Gradient In Carburized SAE 4640 Steel Reading of Hicrometer Sample Wt. It. 002 t No a Incgeg * Gramg Grams & 1 1.011 - .969** 1 0.0339 0.924 2 .966 1 0.0327 0.891 3 .956 1 0.0246 0.670 4 .946 1 0.0196 0.534 5 .937 1 0.0193 0.525 6 .927 1 0.0156 0.425 '* Dianeter Change In Bar ** Bumped Head of T001 in Traverse 22 Pm II he photonicrogaphs in this section represent steels that were all subjected to the following treatment and specification 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. carburized at 1725°lI for 13 hours. Carefully sectioned and four samples of each steel were quenched free 1700”!" into agitated water at 120°! and sauna 011 at 130°! . SAE 1010, 2015, 2340, and 3145 were tempered for 1.5 hours at 400°! . 811: 4640 was tempered at 350°1r for 1.5 hours. Etchant- 3 percent nital (used with and without swabs). Alchol was used for the rinse. Transverse sections were used. lagnification used was 1500 diameters. the tempering tine and temperature will be listed on the page Just preceding each page of pictures. All pictures were taken at a standard distance fro- the edge (0.20 II) . The isothermal decomposition data follows the photonicrographs. 10. Graphs of the isotherlal deco-position data follow last. 28 mm 35 45 29 HI deJ11QUA 0 41111: 40 1414803801831039 LLI-ei‘ij 0.E.LI.~£LLL1AD (.3101 Lin; dilirfeilfl 37111411? .nim 31 .1d 6 bevteoefl BA 0 .30001 .19’ .1112: 89 .1111}! BE .0111: EE .1002; .HUOEA .3002; .033 03 .nim S .098 03 .nlm ELI .30000 .10006 .HOOEA rC ‘ ’A .Jlm 70 "'0. ,r’\.‘ e1 U'Vo .oea 0k .10008 .093 63 .nim AS .&°uoo .053 00 .90008 e O .12 (0 9m C10 (XS/‘0 5'"!':i Ié'l"’-"“ .1. a“... u 11 7., ,3 F .1712“ \J. .ri‘dxbd‘h .flim a? rroprx . *1 0C.) .093 OE .ulm S .30000 MI .131 1.13.1}... T '7!!! - "*I. ea‘~' “‘4.th \J‘i'.) .Lu'g. ‘an'llfiTiL-ZI 4‘3 a";i‘inid‘ifDIL'LI’JTL'HCI 3 C101 Cit-1:: 0.1 1371113,) .110 .‘Ifi aeI 1191,19333 3A .9000; .uim BE .mlm EC .HooaA .10061 .093 06 .nim 811 .30006 .30031 8. (M 3 min. 30 sec. 24 min. 55 sec. 67 min. 600°F. 600°F. 600°r. 30 sec. 60 sec. 90 sec. 800°F. 800°F. 800°F. '59 .nim Yd .093 BE .nim n§ .098 CE .nim S .choa .1“000 .30000 .098 00 .093 00 .080 03 .50008 .“voos .19008 .1;- a a. . as N u 33 'T "13'1‘ :x'r' ”17'? ,f. .1 1. 50.1”? N vs (‘11 (1%-- s 1; .AUA huLi'- 41...)". 1U 1.611: 1001-.5'111111111111q JEJTd QESIRUEPLD E103 Had UAEUMEU) JIO .nim 0; .ud E.I bevIaUSH 8A .KVUQA .10001 .uim COS .nimIOSI .uim 01 .10081 .30081 .10031 .003 DE aim S .093 01 .nim_1 .003 06 .30000 .38000 .10000 if s... 1.0%.“... a: .2. % .093 ?§ .nim 11 ~o~ ‘ .008 01 rO‘ ' .1 008 #3 .008 OS .01m E .9‘000 PHOTOMICROGBAPHS 0F RETAINED AUSTENITE IN WATER QUENCHED SAE 2340 CARBURIZED STEEL As Received 1.5 hr. 20 min. 4000?. 4500?! 3.0 . ‘ ' ‘ 50 mine 60 111111. 4503f.l 450°F. 450°r. 120 min. 150 min. 180 min. 450°F. 450°F. 450°F. XI iTlfldngA GddIuTEE 30 dHQA;DVEOIoOTqu JIMTJ (131121138810 0.15:9. 3,12 ~-:310.1330 231...": .nim 03 .10 2.1 b9vie0efl 8A .HQOQn .HOOCn .011 Lo .01m 08 .mjm cg .nifi 05$ .nim OBI ’fliijLI 390514 54002.: . 0 02.1 0.... mafia. .fifi. . ..fi... . .. figs...“ fleafifififimagfia . Elfin“. .mfifi. p e a“. W. 40 :2 4 36 E i '~" as; ~ 37 NE As Received 40 min. 450°F. 110 min. 450°F. PHOTOMICROGRAPHS OF RETAINED AUSTENITE IN OIL QUENCHED SAE 4640 CARBURIZED STEEL 1.5 hr. 350°F. 60 min. 450°F. 450°F. 30 20 min. 450°F. 80 min. 450°F. 170 min. 4500?. .nim OS .HUOQA .I‘IIm (4 0.. ,_ eq LJCH /(X .mim OVI .KCOEA ‘fw‘ '. “"T." )Y'r ‘7 ”'qTPmil" 1'“. I‘ve] , we, [\C.‘-P‘ 3'71""; :11 QILBMLLAVAUIL 11414111.... 4.1 ‘1'? -01;itl)1L)\J-JK)J.‘I'\J‘:./I”q 13:31.: Gd"l.‘33&b’0 0.10.1 5.18 0.130.113.) .110 .1d 3.1 bevlsoefi 8A .HOCQE .nlm 00 .nim 01 .HOOEA .1003 .ulm 011 .nkm OII .ROOEA . {510065 .033 a: .90000 .008 BE aim Q 0 390110 e? MI ETIJQILfiUkllinnfiu 0T0”? 1"- ',.'.‘_; T 1.. "T '1'.» .113 111¥1U\,EJJ..‘ .1. 41313 1131;3dfi53 0101 [A3 Han313UD J13 .ulm 003 filfl 003 .30031 .5003; .093 a .ulm 08E -1C000 .13081 .003 2 .31m E .093 EA .nim I .30000 .qogad 40 .003 01 .093 E .003 OS .sim POI 30008 ."10008 . “10008 PHOTOMICROGRAPHS OF RETAINED AUSTENITE IN OIL QUENCHED SAE 2340 CARBURIZED STEEL A8 Received 105 hr. 20 Mill. 400°F. 4500?. 30 min. 50 min. 60 min. 1.50%“. 450°F. 450%. :20 min. 150 min. 180 min. 1.50%“. 450%. 1.50%. 41 QUITE} OS .EUOEA .nim 06 .O;_. .i UCA Al ngugija &_JIAT4£ 13 :P%niumflfilfiOT3Eq JdfiTd dfifllfiUHflAD GAE: End GifiCJiUQ J10 .1d_E.I b9v19°9h 33 .1000; .fiim OE .nlm OE ro‘- r .1 OCA .1006; .Him 061 .Him .051 .1003; .3006A lP 1.!pqm ..- X; LI. . in: A g $5... ”a . .. b, Lllllvf {Kl ‘II\ 1 1 240 m. 450°F. :— ac . . ggos. 3 min. 10 sec. - 600°F. 270 min. 1.50%. 1 lin.'30 sec. 600 O 4 n1n.. 600°r. ‘42 300 m. 1.50%. 2 min. 40 sec.- 600°! 9 sin. 20 see. u 600° F. ‘- ‘ 0 arm 00E .1003; .993 0A .91m S .10006 .093 OS .ntm 9 .13005 .nim 0T3 .q°oaA .393 CE .nlm I .i°ooa .01m A .30006 S+~ .mim OéS .HOOEA .098 0a .3 006 .993 CI .111!“ E .30005 ‘." ;!._ EE‘nfi , ‘1 “an aria; , I:I' 5:: in! ..:.I m M. m n 43 .098 OS .nlm GS .998 EA .nim 8L .HOOOG .qoooa .09a 01 .098 a .10003 .30003 .098 OS .nlm 93 .09a EA .nim 81 .qoooo £0006 .oea OI .098 a 30003 (10003 Ce gfi my? ‘ QUINCHED SAE 3145 WRIZED PHOTOIICROGRRPES 0? RETAINED AUSTDl 9n. ’AI Liflidiqud Ii; LI.1TT.1.‘1 "13 ‘il-iCIMETDV’riDIL’a-‘I'ST‘J’EH JEJTJ H34ITUQJAO E$IE 335 filfivflfiUD JIO .nfm 03 .1d E.I bevleosfl 8A 0 '3 ()06A oqc£)0 £3 .nim OLI .nim 06 .nim 0A .3003; .EOCQA .i°oaA .nim OSE .nim OES .nim COS .HOOaA .1003; .1003; y» x -. . : '11:..1:\ "v.‘€‘1~"f.,,’£‘:f ".c ..A f? ‘ L. \ ‘1. . \..¢ .1» A I . V: v '4’ . ,. . . ; t x. o .‘ 46 FTC) ;\ ' f- ‘ “ o 1 OK} 0 iJOCJO .053 El .993 OI .09d 3 .EOOUd .30003 .30008 0+: As 30001306. 200 I111. 450%. “.u... ”pa-.51. .uv- k 47 [II &:.L:-;-1-‘..U.; "13.15311. '33 JEI’IA'.ufisiiIJZi;C:l‘Oliq JHIK; managing am: .:..:. J-ifijn‘ifii fii‘I‘F-{v‘i aim 03 .1d 3.1 bsvieoeh 3A .HOGQA .1900; .uim DOS .nim 0:1 .nlg CA .3066. .1006; .3 ca; .993 Qfi .nim S .398 0A .nim I .933 0% .19006 .39006 .fioové w 3 an. 6000!. 5 ac. .098 VS .nim AA .998 OS .nim i .993 OI .999 a .1000 .HOCGS C43 I ‘ , m , . . h v m ,. u , .. mm . , .9 . . . . . A .. . h . . 4 ,. . .n «H. .:.:L‘.. u .1 u '4. . 49 MI d‘l'lvld'i’glfA (Idathkii‘fLfii "10 huff-LL}:.J|'-)".34T.hl‘..xT-.)Hq ddflTd £3915U54A3 391a ind a; ggHUJ fianw CS .Td E.I b9v1999fi 8A .H‘O&$ .EJOUA .nim OAI .nim 06 .nlm 0A .HOOQA .30033 .3003; .nlm ~9E .nlm 0S3 .nim 003 .3003A .1003; .3003A 8+5 #3343 .41 "I ‘l .nhu 0&6 i°oeA .393 OS .nim S 10006 999 O€ .mImB 30906 .aim OVA 1°oaA .093 DE .aim I 30006 aim A 10006 .aIm OLA 1°03; o 393 03 10006 .998 OI .nim E 30006 13 min. 30 sec. 18 min. 20 sec. 600°P. 600°F. 5 sec. 10 sec. 15 sec. 800°F. 800°F. 800°F. .993 “S .nim EI .993 CE .nim {I .30003 .39003 .993 EI .993 CI .993 a .30003 .30908 .30008 1C VIII-F . G‘ 1 I‘len I I ‘l Retained Austenito in water Quenched SAE 3145 Carburized Steel Experimental Data For Isothermal Decomposition 0f Iable g 30 2O 10 30 20 Tampering Temperature Corrected Wm n19. _....__.._'rime 400 1.5 hr. -- 450 20 min. -- 450 40 min. ... 450 60 min. —- 450 120 min. -—- 450 200 min. -- 450 230 min. -- 450 ' 320 min. —- 450 410 min. -- 450 470 min. -- 450 530 min. -- 600 1 min. 15 sec. 50 sec. 600 2 min. 20 sec. 1 min. 600 3 min. 35 sec. 2 min. 600 4 min. 50 sec. 3 min. 600 6 min. 5 sec. 4 min. - 600 11 min. 8 min.“ 600 16 min. 25 sec. 13 min. 600 21 min 40 sec. 18 mio. 800 30 sec. 5 sec. 800 60 sec. 10 sec. 800 90 sec 15 sec. Percent_Re~ tained Austenite 13 Picture SOC. sec. 800‘ BBC. sec. sec. 58% 28% 20% 19% 19% 10% 12% 10% 7-5% 11% 4-5% 37% 20% 16% 25% 12% 10% 2-3% 1% 2-3% Doubtful Overall Percent 53% 2—3% 1% 2-3% Salt and Pepper Effect gable 2_ Experimental Data For Isothermal Decomposition Of Retained Austenite In Water Quenched SAE 2015 Carburized Steel Tampering Temperature °£ggreg§ei§ §§§§§§§ . 15 sec. 2 min. 30 sec. 3 min. 45 sec. 5 min. 47 min. 30 sec. 60 sec. Corrected Time 50 sec. 1 min. 2 min. 3 min. 44 min. 5 sec. 10 sec. 40 sec. 30 sec. 20 sec. 27 sec. Percent Re- tained Austenite Overall 12.212M991..___. 1223330; 29% 29% 10% 10% 10% 10% 34% 3-45: 1—?% 1% 19% 19% 5% 5% 1-2% 1-2% 1-2% 1—2% Little if any Salt and Pepper Effect Table :_1_<_)_ hperinental Data For Isothermal Decomposition 0f Retained Austenite In Oil Quenched 3145 Carburized Steel Percent Re- Tenperature Corrected tained Austenite Overall ° Pahrgggeit 2.2119. Time ficture 132.133.2311. mo 1.5 hr. -—-- 1.8% 48% £50 20 min. -- 37% 37% 450 40 min. --- 36% 36% 450 60 min. --- 20% 20% £50 120 min. --- 17% 17% 1.50 200 min. -- 16% 16% [.50 230 min. --- 12% 12% 1.50 320 min. -- 12% 12% 450 410 min. ‘ . -- 13% 8-10% 450 470 min. --- 10% 4-85 1.50 530 min. --- 3-5% 14% 600 1 min. 15 sec. 50 sec. 37% 37% 600 2 n19.20seec. l min. 30 sec. 23% 23% 600 3 min. 35 sec. 2 min. 20 sec. 26% 26% 600 4 min. 50 sec. , 3 min. 10 sec. 38% 38% 600 6 min. 5 sec. 1. min. 12% 12% 600 11 min. 20 sec. 8 min. 50 sec. 17% 17% 600 16 min.» ..‘5 Sec. 13 min. 30 sec. 36% 36% 600 p 21 min. 40 sec. 18 min. 20 sec. 1% 1% 800 3038963 5 sec. 24% 2-3% 800 60' see; 10 sec. Some Some 800 90 sec. 15 sec. 2 ‘2 3 \ll I ll"! («I‘ll // (Table 1;; Experimental Data For Isothermal Decomposition 0f Retained Austenite In Oil Quenched 2340 Carburized Steel , Percent Re- 3.33123th 2112 0°33?“ $313333; mm 32.3; 400 1;- hr. --- 52% 52% 450 20 min. --- 47% 1.7% 450 30 min. --—- 1.0% 40% 450 50 min. —- 45% 45% 450 60 min. -- 41% 41% 1.50 120 min. --- 45% 45% 450 150 min. -—- 36% 30% 450 180 min. -- 36% 20% L50 240 min. -- 36% 15% 1.50 270 min. --- 30% 10% 1.50 300 min. ~- 28% 340% 600 1 min. 15 sec. 50 sec. 65% 65%. 600 2 min. 20 sec. 1 min. 30 sec. 45% 45% 600 3 min. 55 sec. 2 min. 40 sec. 55% 55% 600 4 min. 50 sec. 3 min. 10 sec. 33% 38% 600 6 min. 5 sec. 4 min. 42% 42% 600 11 min. 20 sec. 9 min. 20 sec. 25% 25% 600 21 min. 40 sec. 18 min. 45 sec. 22% 10% 600 32 min. 40 sec. 29 min. 20 sec. 3’5%. 3-5% 800 30 sec. 5 sec. 14% 14% 800 60 sec. 10 sec. 3-5% ? 55 Retained Austenite in Oil Quenched SAE 4640 Carburized Steel Tampering Temperature oFagrgggeit 350 450 450 450 450 °8°°8°§§§§§§§ 339g; 1.5 hr. 20 min. 40 min. 60 min. 80 min. 110 min. 140 min. 170 min. 200 min. 260 min. 320 min. 380 min. 30 sec. 1 min. 3 min. 6 min. 12 min. 112 min. 30 sec. 60 sec. ' Table 13. 45 sec. 45 Sec. Corrected Time ~ -- ..- ..- 5 sec. 55 sec. 1 min. 5 min. 9 min. 109 min. 5 sec. 10 sec. 56> Experimental Data For Isothermal Decomposition Of Percent Re— tained Austenite Overall in Picture 'Eggggnt 39% 39% 16% 16% 17% 17% 9% 9% 7% 7% 5% 5% 5% 3-5% 5% 3-5% 5% 3-5% 5% 3—5% 5% 3-% Salt and Pepper Effect 29% 29% 17% 17% 45 sec. 9% 7-9% 5 sec. 17% 7-8% 55 sec. 3-5% 1—2% 30 sec. Salt and Pepper Effect 5-6% 1-2% Salt and Pepper Effect Tablellz Experimental Data For Isothermal Decomposition Of Retained Austenite in Water Quenched SAE 2340 Carburized Steel Tampering Percent re- gemperature Corrected tained Austenite Overall Fahrenheit 115; Time 1g Picgye m 400 1.5hr. ~— 48% 48% 450 20 min. -- 40% 40% 450 30min. —-- 43% 43% 450 50 min. -- 31% 31% 450 60 min. ~— 35% 35% 150 120 min. --- 40% 1.0% 450 150 min. -- 30% 30% 1.50 180 min. --- 33% 33% 450 21.0 min. --- 23% 23% 450 270 min. -—- 22% 16~12% 450 300 min. -- 3-10% 3-10% 600 l min. 15 sec. 50 sec. 30% 30% 600 2 min. 20 sec. 1 min. 30 sec. 30% 30% 600 3 min. 35 sec. 2 min. 20 sec. 24% 24% 600 4 min. 50 sec. 3 min. 10 sec. 25% ~ 25% 600 6 min. 5 sec. 4 min. 13% 13% 600 11 min. 20 sec. 8 min. 50 sec. 22% 3-5% 600 21 min. 40 sec. 18 min. 40 sec. 1~3% 1-3% 600 32 min. 40 sec. 29 min. 20 sec. 1-3% 1-3% 800 30 sec. 5 sec. 10% 10% 800 60 sec. 10 sec. Trace Trace 57 Igble 14, Experimental Data for Isothermal Decomposition of Retained Austenite in Oil Quenched SAE 2015 Carburized Steel Tampering Tenperature Eissssagsah Jase. 1.5 hr. 20 min. 40 min. 120 min. 200 min. 1 min. 2 min. 3 min. 5 min. 47 min. Boasec. 60 sec. Corrected Tine 15 sec. 50 sec. 30 sec. 1 min. 45 sec. 2 min. 3 min. 44 min. 5 sec. 10 sec. 58 Percent Re- tained Austenite Overall 13 P;gture 28% 15% 10% 3% 1-3% 30% 40 sec. 14% 30 sec. 13% 20 sec. 5% 27 sec. -~ 17% EENBQE 28% 15% 10% 8% 1-3% 30% 14% 13% 1-5% 10-17% Salt and Pepper effect Experimental Data For Isothermal Decomposition Of Retained Austenite in Oil Quenched SAE 1010 Carburized Steel Tampering Temperature oiggggggeig 400 450 450 450 450 50 ;~ §§§§§§i§§ .1131 1.5 hr. 15 min. 35 min. 85 min. 95 min. 145 mini. Table‘li Corrected Time “- l min. 50 sec. 50 sec. 3 nine 45 Sec. 5 min. 27 min. 67 min. 30 sec. 60 sec. 90lsec. 2 min; 3 nine 24 min. 5 sec. 10 sec. 15 sec. Percent Re- tained Austenite in Picture 30 sec. 20 sec. 55 sec. 19% 17% 15% 3-5% 3-5% Trace 4~5% 7-8% 2 11% Trace Overall Percent 19% 17% 15% 3—5% 3-5% Trace 4~5% 3-5% ? 3—5% Trace Salt and Pepper Effect Experimental Data For Isothermal Decomposition Of Table Jhé Retained Austenite In water Quenched SAE 1010 Carburized Steel Tempering geeperature Lahggggeig §§§§§§§§§§§§§§ Corrected 13251 Time 1.5 hr. -— 15 min. -- 35 min. -—- 85 min. --- 95 min. -- 145 min. -— 1 mine 15 ”Ce 50 8630 3 min 45 sec. 2 min. 5 min. 3 min. 27 min. ' 24 min. 67 min. 15 BBC. 63 min. 30 sec. 5 sec. 60 sec. 10 sec. 90 sec. 15 sec. 60 Percent Re- tained Austenite in Picture 30 sec. 20 sec. 55 sec. 42 BGCe 15% 16% 11% 10% 10% 1—3% 5-6% 3-5% 4% 1% Trace 20% Trace Overall Percent 15% 16% 11% 3-5% 3-5% 1% 5-6% 3-5% 1.4% 1% Trace 10% Trace Salt and Pepper Effect Retained Austenite In water Quenched SAE 1010 Carburized Steel Tablgllé, Tempering gelperature '- Corrected W 11:19. .1112... 400 1.5 hr. -- 450 15 min. --— 450 35 min. ~- 450 85 ltn. --- 450 95 min. -- 450 145 min. ... 600 l min. 15 sec. 50 sec. ‘ 600 3 min 45 sec. 2 min. 600 5 min. 3 min. 600 27 min. 24 min. 600' 67 min. 15 sec. 63 min. 800 30 sec. 5 sec. 800 60 sec. 10 sec. 800 90 sec. 15 sec. 0C) Experimental Data For Isothermal Decomposition Of Percent Re- tained Austenite in Picture 30 BGCe 20 sec. 55 sec. 42 sec. 15% 16% 11% 10% 10% 1-3% 5-6% 3-5% 4% 1% Trace 20% Trace Overall Percent 15% 16% 11% 3«5% 3-5% 1% 5-6% 3-5% 1.4% 1% Trace 10% Trace Salt and Pepper Effect qt- FIGURE9 . TABLES .50 71:1.» mu m .1 V’SFJ/x’4/217/C/V 111115161 V 0? RETAINED'AUSTENITE IN WATER QUENCHH) SAE 311,5 CARBURIZED STEEL ()1 C.) O 5 WWI/m 712.425 ,_ f1. 11111 11111 1711111 111111 1111111 i ; __ l ._.1 i 3 1 1 1 3 E 1 1 i 1 I i l I I canoe 1 E 1 \\ 1 1 . ‘ \‘K . —— E ‘L\ 1 3153””? “ 31 ; z I T \E\‘ /%\\\ 3 1 1 1 . ‘\ \\ 1 . ! 1 ‘1}; "“ ‘— 1 a ‘ I 1 1 1 a 1 -1 1,111; a ‘23» 112., , = 1 , 1 53% 3 1 T l _ 3 ' i ; t 1 J l 1 t 1r 7 11r 1:7 z 1 1 > i?! ‘31 ~‘ ‘ a 1 ‘ z 11 9 r? 'y '- 5 E . ’11: E): 1:1' C3 1 1 ' 1 “1 I 1 .1111111 111111 111111| 1 11111111 111111 1 ‘r, f , (‘3 1 (Z , if 1 a $3 1"; 4 I ‘ V ‘J ‘ j k F, p r 4 I] \) (S3 ‘13 7/5 ’1‘ ' 5f;- Lit/111190 61 bl U -.11 -1. 1.111 ,1 9.5 1 _ _ _ _ — fl fi _ cane \m use 5.1: puke? D 1“ A711 k; 090 ON ‘\ O / 117/1 7,5171 fl 1 77/27. \" 1 1 1 I 1111 l l IND/i L, l 1 1111,]-1’1 - 1111,11 . |1|i1Jlll '11:11-111\111 1 1.111 ..... 11!. lLr. V FIGURE 10 TABLE 9 Th 1 H” I H ‘A ’3 11" l f“ ’5 7i- 1‘] (550 7'7 0F RETAINED AUSTHITE IN WATER QUENCHED SAE 2015 CARBUBIZED STEEL w \ 1 .1 .l W \ H I. -11-. . .. . 11.11AT. 1.11111111111IJII111111 1111-..- -11“ 1 . 111 - .111: 11 1-1 41' JT 111-11 1. ‘ [.511 l1.|.}. ..Y‘Illl’l .' #11 1. . I! Pl [4611 250 m 3.9:: CC 50 'V 1r '3 / e an“ L I [2 M C c 0 It Air 4 x 71. /0 Neat WQNQXMK. c 50 , '11 1);} r’.‘ L. I ” 55¢ 62 77/11/15- FIGURE 11 TABLE l0 1’53 THC-'1" 1H 7 .1 . 4 I DMG/rm fi- ~'1'91’.-‘1.’\1.f.7/- 1,7.”1W1', 1 «'75; V OIL QUENCHED 3145 CARBURIZED STEEL H1 _ fi _ _ fl :31 {mm 1: .. 1 U Q 5 1 11 1 11 11111.1 11111.1 1 1 1 1 .1111 1. 11 11 1. .1 . .11 A Mr H . n» 1 C a. : 1m 111.11 1 1 \ 3.3. mm \\ WM % 11. 1x..\ r m \ e ”w m 1 1 1. 11 1. Nix 1 \ j 99b: .114 ..II 14 \ Wm. -1 :2: n x. . 32:1 1”. \ ~ W .3»... 1 11“.. V90 11 x ..1 w 1 .1 1. H \ \ H 14711 11 111 #11 1| 1111111.1\1.11 % .1 111 1 111 1 1 11 111 11. 11 1 ”114W“ \ w x . 1 a1: 111 . \ , 1 1 M11... 1 l- 1 1111. 1 1T 11111111 .1. 1 . .\ 1 _ +1 :1 1111 3,1 A n W11 A. 1111 . 11 .1er fl :1 1 2 H _ g _ _ _ _ 1 1 0F :1 1. 800— 1.1-... "fL‘U KC‘C 1— ”AA I‘W 61”.? ~ 1 A I001; 0AA L VV _ m 500-— 4. . 1.11031: :mmwoxvfik 1C ..J\.1aJ. 5:. 1- ' ”xi/[U 7M?” FIGURE 12 TABLE 11 DA4G/1’21 *7! ID" 231.0 CARBURIZED STEEL O,» V $157 / A, ~\& 1" 3/5 * ‘ UV ) \' " I ' I I ‘ 4 .1 4‘ i 1 5,- I 53 :71 OF RETAINED AUSTENITE IN OIL QUENC ' Illiblt III.‘ MWQ m4; 4 \ 453% T- I; y w l . . IL TII. 1 A i ll 5.3+ 1 u Fr - luncli F) .. 4 VII. ._ i; M 7 _ _ # IL T. . . IJ _ >J Ol'll I-1|iT-ln1:+ 11+ III: 4| lint+ .JLUI‘IIL .\ r 7 m l - Vlln _ J T. I. ll 1 , . P 4 +1 4 m3 F \I’ , .. III. C. 1' fl '1 TI 1 rlollli: I 1+! {I :1 l l. - T: Y z 1 IIIIIH 1 T .1 £4 rfc - I Arlo I IT I l : Av : Ill: 4 / ' \ ,% I ‘~’( {,1 80C - c . -‘ . ‘1 ~ .4300 (ECU *- 000 600 600 _ 0. A. . M 500 >— 506 *— iUmXVJLm w.\n¢\. VQEUAK "4‘ 1L/ CL; fl at. (. 7.4%? w ()4 TEWIA’A 70/95 ' FIGURE 13 ' TABLElZ /50 THERMAL TRANSFOA’MA 770M D/AGA’AM 7 OF RETADIED AUSTENITE IN OIL QUENCHED SAE 4640 CARBU'RIZED STEEL °C_» °_F H I”! H H T! IHI II HT ll razor». " ‘8" l 400» 517'“ “\\ ’ \ v—- \ \ \ I’% \‘x 2b. 300— 25'” ”\\‘ \‘\\J L. \ \\ \\ 33. r\3 fl..- L I 200—7 Y \ _. i 7%“ ’00t‘2 V) 3 w. 9g ‘ ) 5 ‘1 $ § 5.‘ b 0 h“ . 3‘ ‘ n I ”t g ' ‘0 "a \ ‘Q L... 0 V L1H“ 111m 11 111 l 1h nu 1h ) ‘ N V) D ‘3 {3 <3 F (r; c C) B <_. D n ‘V '> r“; a, 8 :3 a a 7M If — SE (LO/V05 63 . 7EMPf/17/4 7095 °C 600 Ug O 0 (a (3 (3 me 0 A50 71/1531 MTV. FIGURE 11.- TABLE 13 7 FILMS/1 VFW '1 7 / 01V [DA/169A M’ bF RETAINED AUSTENITE IN WATER QUENCHED SAE2340 CARBURIZED STEEL OF 17 H” H “H 11 HH 1] ”H H H11 A$0 \ — "' ——J P— i _ _. 1 1 ~— 1 —-1 1% ~ 1 L— \ ‘-\\ ‘L .. \ .. :\\1~ ’\f\ 11 Si” ~43 A _60C BU “EEK; h\\ :r TNL‘N ‘\\ 1 _. . '\~ 7N ___‘ 3 o 339 w’w :2. ——2r v5 ._ E § 3 g g g gi "j 3% E i? \ 1— 11 1111 11 1111 11 1111 10 11191111 111311 b ‘0 N h D Q Q 0 8 9 0 p D c . “J 1;) SJ 0 P Q Q J 8 Q 1 “ 6 5 R 3 5 8 R g L‘A/f “ SEC 67/1/05 66 OF RETAINED AUSTENITE IN OIL QUENGHED SAE 2015 CARBURIZED STEEL [/50 77%}? M 11' FIGURE 15 TABLE 14 IRAJ/N’S/‘CZR‘IM/q 7 / 19W n, .. A , , , 1,”, IO/RA'L/ o C °F H 1111 H 1111 1T 11” 1111111 If, 1. 1 1 800— ? fl fliél ‘ 7bc- " 9 i _T 1 1 17171" 5 1 6CC1— _. , _ 1 [mo 1 N f Q: 5 S 00—- __ .— 1: 1 %4oo— \\ 1 Lu 1-— \\ 1 i K \\‘ 1 1 — 6 0 :\ ‘_. A\ A 1' 300:9 31» 13mm ' 1 1 ' __ {\\‘J ‘W \‘1\. 1 1 \ 1 \k 1 '“ i \ \ 1b - \l-JQ I 2A6 _~vt'u E J‘ f lg?” 3‘ ; " 1 1 1m 1 1 _ 1 1 1’ 1 l i ‘ _ 1 1 1 I /oo ~2w l i 1 i 1 1 T 7,7 'I > >‘ CT 1’ . 1.— 1 E E 5! § ‘9 ‘ g \\ h“ “:3“ \ SD]: \ 0- ' 11 1111 11 111 111111 11 111 1111 111111 J) \ (\4 ‘q S 1) (3 Q (3 (‘3 C .2, r3 -, Q P C1 (3 , w 21 a 9 9 >3 9 R :3 R 4 A i LY «j :1 g 16 f/Aff “ SECONDS b7 axe/w f”1‘7 an.” m, 3:: .1H ll. // V a. / A, 1‘7/7175) 1 /, 3 7'7- ~ k - 33.5”)! ; \ w. 1 1 1 TABLE 15 FIGURE 16 'l‘lf“ _,, 4 1 5.11 ‘ ”L 11,15 Out K, 7% f1} " 66 h“ I.» / ["50 77‘ OF RETAINED AUSTENITE IN OIL QUENCHED SAE 1010 CARBURIZD STEEL C . G C u A 6 ”W W “W 0% .V 2 _ _ _ _ F _ p .( 0 0 C O O an m a m a m NGRK SKVQ§MN 1“ '1 FIGURE 17 TABLE 16 D/: 1679/1”), 0F RETAINED AUSTENITE IN WATER QUENGHED SAE 1010 CARBURIZED STEEL .113, V, '1 T/C’A/ 5%“ Hum W41 ' 1 ." . ,__. ,1. ’50 TH DDS DQQ. .«Wuorq \ 1.1 I L11. _. 1 b .11 1 fl f 1 1.1169916 . n 5. .0 .1 1H 1 1 1 17 1 1.11 1 1 1i- 1 1 1+1 - 1 11+ : 111..-..11 11111 991.1% I ” HM I I 1, 1 L 1 I 1 . ,\ m. H1111- 11 #11111 1 1111 111 1111 11. 11 @M 1 111141 1:11 . -11. 1.4 by... 111 . W Ir. TV: .14“ -0 .1 1 11.-Js1w1,...,H11 8% VII. 2 1 ‘ H M >>; w 11“ v.00, 11' . III. .1 111.11 11 11 l 1 1 1 1111 1 T1 1 11141111 1111 SW... 1. m 1 1 1L _ H 1 11151 11111111,! 1 111 11V 11.. “,1 P I 01‘ III 1 11 o. H 1 111.1% 1% 1 1.1111- -1 1 1 1. IT. 1 111- A1 _ _ F _ _ F a m a m w a « Mg 0 _ a _ m _ m _ a_ a. J a r c v m c o a r c a 8L .7! C “W an. Amy I... ..M . MHNK IQNQREK. 1,- " 55 60/1/05 , ’5 f, .1. 69 Discussion Sons of the problems which were encountered have already been discussed lightLy in the procedure. Etching in itself was one of the big factors and was seriously affected by the temper- ing temperature and time. Figure 24 shows a 2015 structure etch- ed short and is contrasted with a 2015 etched long as in figure 25. It is apparent here that the etch needs to be standardized if possible. ‘usually from 5 to 10 seconds was long enough in lost cases, but at 600°? it was apparent that the same structure could be etched to 7 three different results. Here again the etching time had to be increased slightly over the tine used at 450°F. the above facts would seem to show why everything was double etched before pictures were recorded. The lethod of point counting has certain limitations. The person who is taking the pictures is the biggest variable and he lust be careful to choose representative sections. If at all possible more accurate results could be obtained if the same area was photographed continuously and more than one picture recorded near that area to give a better average. Also small percentages are hard to count and do not give reliable results. However the method is far above visual estimation and would be very good in structures where the constitutents do not vary; With this in mind it is not hard to see that the variable carbon case present in this problem conplicated things no end. 70 Even though very good checks were obtained on the carbon train the results indicate that there might have been some contamination of some samples. This could be due to a slight amount of oil or other carbonaceous material in the high results while incomplete combustion could account for the low results. however this last factors was held to a minimum by a three hour preheat period.with oxygen slowly bubbling through the system and then checked against ASTM standards. One other problem was that of plotting the results. the percent carbon present was over an interval of distance and thus was plotted against the mid point of each cut. This yields a curve which is more representative of the actual carbon gradient.. The plot of the isothermal curves should not be taken as absolutely true as all points were obtained from only one set of results. Even though the same area was apparently photographed over and over in.the SA! 1010 steel; the pictures which were record- ed gave no indication of likeness. At 1500 diameter one millimeter makes quite a difference in the picture obtained and consequently a change in results. One of the big factors in doing the experimental work was control of carbon and alloy content of the various steels. Since it was impossible to control any of the alloys except carbon and carbon was only controlled between limits it is difficult to draw valid conclussions. In all of the steels the amount of retained austenite varied directly with the carbon content and showed fairly homogeneous areas of austenite whenever the percent of carbon present was close to the eutectoid carbon content or higher. At lower percentages it was Spotty depenCing upon alloy segregation and varied in persistence to tempering along these same lines. For instance some of the longer tenpering treatments showed groupings of the austenite, Where the amount present in the photonicro- graph taken was nearly equal to the original structure. This was esocc- ially true in SAE 5145 and 2540. The plain carbon steel decomposed faster than the other steels, but did however Show areas where the austen— ite was slow to break up. It s>ens that as the austenite decomposes (a) the martensite needles develop little warts and grow wider and (b) at the same time there is a divisionirg of the austenite present with fine needles develOping and slowly spreading out (figure 19, 21, 22). Figure 18 shows the structure just after darkening of the martensite needles and .15 note how sharp and clear they are in contrast to libure 20 where the needles seem to shade and contain a lighter etching area. Figure 19 shows the start of divisioning and it continues on and at about 500 minutes at 450 deg. F. in both SAE 2540 and 5145 the lines have developed into needles and the austenite seems to be quartered away. Now in figure 25 you have the end result of all the different heat treatments thich yields nearly a perfect salt and pepper effect for 550 min. at 450°F. for the SAE 5145 carburized steel. To reach this last step in 800°F. tempering it is only a matter of seconds and in GOOOF. it taxes only a few minutes to yield this similar structure. 7'2 Figure 18 2340, 011 Quenched 1.5 hr. 450%. Figure 21 2340, Oil Quenched 300 min. 450%. Figure 24 2015, Oil Quenched 100 min. 450 0?. Figure 19 2340, Oil Quenched 60 min. 450°1I'. Figure 22 3145, Oil Quenched 320 min. 450°F. 75 Figure 20 2340, Oil Quenched 105 min. 1.50%. Figure 23 3145, Oil Quenched 530 min. 450°F. Figure 25 2015, Oil Quenched 80 min. 450°F. Time is very in ortant and one second at 8009F. or one minute at P "a BOOOF. is as good a retained austenite decomposer as 40 to 60 minutes at 45OOF. It should be noted here that just heating through the higher temperature ra ges tends to rapidly decompose the retained austenite. hhether this decomposition is a matter of stress relief or carbon move- ment is beyond the scope of this paper. However either would be possible in the range of temperatures used. Perhaps this paper vould give further evidence to the support of many old and recent investigators that austenite seems to be sensitive to decomposition at about 450°F. and increas s in Speed of decomposition for the next 400°. However on interrupted quenching to determine S—curves some investigators found austenite to stablize itself at 800°F. and they developed neuer C-curves showing this. Retained austenite indicated none of this stability at ggOOF. In fact the SAE 2015 and 4640 carburized Specimens indicated some decomposition at 400°F. and a loner honing temperature for the martensite was used. The 1010 carburized Specimens were checked for the effect of the 400° treatment in darkening the<7L —martensite and indicated no effect whatsoever as the end decompositions came at exactly the sane time. Just why the 2015 and 4640 should be more sensitive to 400°F. is hard to say, unless it be from an alloy standpoint. But then, he 1010 would also be affected in the same way. The 4640 does yield a loner carbon case upon examination and carbon seems to be the most powerful influence present in the alloy field in this problem. Conclusions The amount of retained austenite varies directly vith the carbon content, higher carbon yielding more retained austenite, when the other factors have remained cons ant. Oil quenched steels give slightly more even distributions of retained austenite. however, the total percentage difference is not great. The three tempering emperatures 450°F., 6009F., and SOOOF. all yield the same end result if tempering times are long enough at the lower temperatures. The retained austenite seems to decompose upon going through a range of temperatures as well as decomposing at temperature. High all y steels retained the most austenite upon quenching. '»r alloy steels. U) Id. [1 (+ 9 5.) (‘1' He :5 (‘1' :fi (D p. 0 :3 (3 The retained austenite is more per The point counting method can be readily applied and is more accurate than visual estimation. he isothermal diagrams should not be accepted as absolutely true. ‘7 Future Work This problem presents many possibilities for future nork: A. Develop a method to center Specimens so that the same area can be photographed continuously. Use smaller specimens so that more accurate estimates can be made of time at temperature for the 6OOQF. and BOOOF. temper— ing temperature. Use specimens that are carburized all the way through; thus, technique more valuable. Treat samples from higher temperature to coarsen structure. This would then allow a smaller magnification, better ability to stay in the same area, and more representative percentages by point counting. DevelOp a method to give data showing the rate of cooling. Shorten the increments of time in the high temperature treatments. 70 l. 10. 11. Selected References Dowdel, R. L. and Harder, O. 3., "The Decomposition of the Austenitic Structure in Steels", Transaction for Steel Treating, 1927, Vol. II April, P. 585. Meh1,R. F. and Roberts, G. A., "Hechanism and Rate of Formation of Austenite from Ferrite-Cementite Aggregates: Transactions ASH, V01. 51, 1945, P. 615. Digges, T. 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