SOME RELATIONSHIPS IN F, STRAINS OF A—TEETER YELLOW DENT CORN THESIS PUB THE DEGREE 0F M. S. Kishan Singh Gill 1930 .57; (I . ,IIImIIaEI. “I I r I II Ii}! v I F. r?! (I 2.? . m} I. .t I II. I. . I I . I .I _ I ~, I I I. I A . I. . I. . .I I, I I I I . I I I I I I 1 I . I .I . I .. I. “ I d I. I ‘ (. v » rI I I I .‘. . I I II I I II .I.. I. I n 4 . I- a I / 1W. .. . I v. I I I u I (I. “I. I» I I I I , . . I I flI... I I.I .I I ,.; I . II ,er In. I I I . T I . 1.4.. .. I I II I .I I I III I . . .\~II I I. I I I I I . II I I “I I." I n.. .II II I I I. \ . , II II II r . . . I I‘ I. b . A t I I u - .Ir , I . I I. J . I I ’rl I... . u I I .I .. I II.I I . fix . .I I I I . a I I . I I I1 . I VIVA... I .1 I I I. . I. I I IIIIEIIIIKILIIiggAI. kiriw? Ell. fI » . ‘l I ' . I1\ "hr A I I" 'I _ V “S L.- -m-I'I~I. . (-1 w J- --- 'v -: ra‘fi edmmar; ol relati )HS hip a netneen Lelgnu 11 15 24 21 26 29 41 of dry ears her ml._It 31d other eiIr cters--§5 VIé-SUi’IImRY AND con CLUS IO.S----—---------- —————— VIIi-ACKNO LfiDGu.“NI--— ........... -_---- ______ __ ‘JIII--BTRLIOG‘:;‘LPTTKI ----------- n-—----—-¢---—-—--——-— £400 57 59 {c I INTRODUCTION The improvement of self-fertilized crops is much in control of the breeders, because such crops can easily be selected and isolated for homozygous charac- ters, and if carefully handled can be kept relatively pure for these characters. But in the case of cross- fertilized crops, such as corn, the control of the male parentage is not so easy and for this reason, the im- provement of such crops is rather difficult. Corn is considered one of the most important crops of the world, especially of the United States of North America, and of Punjab, India. Because of its greater utilization in the United States, the plant— breeders in this country have been directing their at- tention for the last sixty years towards its improve- ment. Before this time only a few varieties of corn were known. Since then, hundreds of new varieties have been developed. This increase in the number of varieties is most probably the result of artificial mass selection in conjunction with natural selection. But for the last twenty or twenty-five years this system seems to have had a limited effect on the further improvement of corn. Various other systems have been tried out on adapted varieties, but none of them have proved to be of much value from.a practical sta dpoint. The most efficacious [0 method of further increasinr the yield 0: adapted varie- ties is yet unknown. From the results of experiments obtained by Williams and Telton {‘7}, in 1““?, end Olson, 7ull and Hayes (21), in T?‘“, we learn that selection of corn for e7r type is not a means of improving yield. The sta- tistical studies made by Richey and Hillier (Zj), in 1925, do not show any significant relations between the ear characters and yield. Garrison and Richey (9), in U.S.D.A. Pulletin i341, reveal the fact tlat a decrease in vigor and pro- ductiveness similar to that following inbreeding may result from too close selection for a particular type of ear. In I?“7, Hayes and Gerber (11:2 9) said, "Un- der cert7in conditions, selection of some particular characters ?PDears worth while ....It is doubtful , how- ever, whether under any circumstances continued selec-- tion for any particular ear type is desirable? It is also known that but very little actual increase in production can be brought about and main- tained permanently on improved varieties by ear-to-row breeding. Richey (33:10) declares, ”It seems Quite proba- ble that the yield of an entirely unselected or unadapt- ed variety could be improved by a few years' intelligent ear-to-r w selection. However, in view of the expense,the uncertainty with which loraer yields have been obtained, .55.; and the small increases secured during a series of years in the most favorable cases, so far, there appears to be little to recommend ear-to-row breeding as a practical method of corn improvement". Results of experiments conducted by Smith and Brunson (24) do not Justify the use of ear-to-row breeding 9': as a means of increasing the yielding ability oi a well adapted variety of corn. In 1376-72, Beal (2) of the Yichizan State Collej of Agriculture at East La sing, advocated the utilisation of hybrids between varieties as a means of obtaining more vigorous types. This idea was strongly supported by HcCluer (if) in 1792, by Horrow and Gardner (20) in 179$- 94, according to Hayes and Garberhby East in i9o8 and by Shull in TQQm-9, and by Collins (4) in 1309-13. Hayes d- and Alexander (22) tested five Fl crosses between Flin and Dent varieties of corn for four years, 1915-17 inclu- sive. Their results su”aest that F1 varietal crosses are a means of increasing yielding ability of corn. In 1920, Griffee (13) made a review of the re- sults of 146 F, crosses made at different stations in the country, and found that 53 per cent of these crosses out-yielded the higher-yielding parents. He states , ”(p.26), " The results of the test of F1 crosses here reviewed are conclusive evidence that under present methods of corn breeding F1 varietal crosses are a means of obtaining increased yields". Jones, (14) at the Connecticut experiment sta- tion, tested 59 F1 crosses and reports that 66 per cent of these crosses out-yielded the more productive parent. Collins, (4) from F crosses of the Hopi, Hairy Iexican 1 and Rrownsville varieties with Chinese varieties obtained increases from 133 to 126 per cent above the average of the parent production. In 1§28, Jones outlined the ex- planation of he increased vigor in FA crosses in a very I descriptive way. In 1;?7, Hayes and Gerber (11) pointed out that in other tests by Hayes and Olson the F, crosses did not I yield significantly higher than the average of the parents. They say, "Txcept for some special conditions, it apnears that F, varietal crosses are of no material value as a means of increasing yielding ability, provided a broad method of breeding is used by the corn breeders without too close selection to type". Tt is a well-known fact the the inbreeding of any open-pollinated corn usually results in a reduction in vigor and yield, and that cross s from such strains fail to retai , or maintain, the increased yield and vigor of the F.i in the following generations. It is oo- vious therefore, that to use Fl crosses most effectively there is a demand for a system by which the increased 3 hybridization can be fully maintained. The present-day breeders have come to realize -5- that it may be possible to approach this end by making sintle and double crosses each year between the standard inbred strains of corn. But it is advisable to determine the value of the F1 crosses (strains) of the inbred parents before the double crosses are made, for all the F1 crosses do not exceed the high-yielding parent. So far a the writer knows, there is only one way of de- U) termining this value. This is known as the variety test, which involves much time, labor and money. The necessity of some better system than this to determine the value of F1 crosses is therefore obvious. The purpose of this investigation is to determine some such system. It was thought that in the corn plant there might be a bond between certain of its physical charac- 1 ters by virtue of which,.if one character varies, the other characters tend to move in the same or opposite directions,and that there mig.t be a bond between a character aticertain stage of its development and the same character at another stage. If such a bond should exist, the characters would be said to be correlated (co-related}. Such relationships (correlations) in F1 strains of A-Tester Yellow Dent corn were determined with the hope that it might be possible to predict from the presence or value of certain characters in the early develowment of the p ant the most probable alues of associated characters, especially of vield, in its later development. -6- I] PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS So far as the writer is aware, very little work has been done on the study of physical characters of the corn plant at different stcges of its development for the purpose of determining whether there is any associ- ation of these characters from one stage to the next, with each other, and with the yield. However, in recent y ars some work has been reported on several characters, a few of which have some bearing on the problem under discussion. A brief review of these characters will be given. Davenport (6) reported a correlation coefficient of .083.005 between weight of ears and length of ears in Leaning corn. According to Ewing (72,3ri3ham cancluded that in the Lonsfellow variety of corn there is a relationship between the yield of corn and the weirht of the plant, number of kernels, length of ear, and weight of cob, hushs, suckers and leaves. He also found a correlation between yield and length of leaf and breadth of leaf. Furthermore, he reports that high yield was correlated with smaller number of inter-nodes and with thicker under and somewhat thicker upper nodes. that the weisht of plant is correlated with weixht of -7- ,ars, and weight of grain per plant is correlated with Weight of plant, number of inter-nodes, and the length of ear. Kempton (15), in 1926, found that there is a relationship of .e37+.814 between the length of central J— spire and the height of p ant in an F1 cross of Algeria x Jala. He also reports a relationship of .3461.C44 be- tween height of plant and length of ear. Craig,fis cited by fixing (8},reports a correlation between percentage of grain and total weight of plant. In this investigation the weight of plant was estimated by measuring the height of plant, diameter of stalk, and length and breadth of leaf. Ewing at Cornell (8) made some studies on re- lationships in Punk's Ninety-Day corn, a yellow dent va- riety, and announced that there is a relationship be- ) tween weight of grain(yield and: length of leaf............................3931.020 diameter of sta h.........................2921.321 height of mature plant....................202g.625 height of seedlings. .....................219t.c37 number of inter-nodes.....................2281.02 N \N\N date of appearance of tassel............-11533.O date of appearance of silk........,.....-.262t.023 Q U number of branches in the tassel........-.009t. d‘ O (D p: Brunson and Uillier (3) have recently re or on.the degree of relationshmps of yield with length of L d '1 ear (.QQi), With circumference of ear (-.Q56), With cil- cumference of cob (-.C 4), with re 3 of1 :ernels (-.Q50 ), 'With eight of 100 kernels LQ34), with length of kernel (aUZS), with breadth of} cernel LQQl), and With thiczness of kernel (.025). Jenkins (13) reports the relationshi lie of charac- ters in inbred lines and 31 crosses of corn as follox.'s: Yield with: : Inbred lines 7 F1 crosses : __ : ate of tasseling ; -.15 4.5 X 3.3. : &.id )> 6 X P.B. : 3 date of silking : -.26 > 5 X ”3.3. : «$.16 > 5 X P.1J. : : _ height of 1) ant : {.20 ) 3 X 13.33. : «$.33 >1Q X P.F. number of suckers : : per 1Q: ulaW1t : +.1Q.(_5 X P.E. : ..0 length of ear : +.33 )»7 X 3.3. : +.42 ) 1Q X P.E. diameter of ear : +.32‘)10 X P.E. : +.35 >. C X P.Z. Smith and Walworth (25) made a study of the re- lationshi p of seminal root develo3ment with yield of corn. A significant difference of 3.61.6 pounds was found be~ tween the mean yield of 15 ears With hirh nun ber of seminal roots and that of 15 ears with law unmber of seminal roots. The value of ”r” was renorted as .5Q+.Q9. From these re- - roots sults they concluded that the number of s minal ma; be used as a criterion for seed selection. Tliis conclusion vas questioned by Collins (3) and diSSE; roved on the Rround that the application of statistical: aeth ads in calculating the coefficient of correlati n on the da as obtained,was incorrect. The criticism was accepted -9. by Smith (25), but he still considered that the results suggested some positive relationshig hetWeen number of seminal roots and yield. Wanfelsdorf and Goodsell (17) have recently summariued the conclusions on their exgeriments as follOWsz- 1. The number of seminal roots degends on the po- sition of the seed on the ear, and the temperature and moisture during germination. 2. Four tests out of five showed no relationshig be- tneen Yield and seninal roots, thile the fifth eXhibited a slight derree of relationship (-.21t.06) 9. There is no relationship between the number of seminal roots and the height of slant in the greenhouse. In summing uy the study of the previous in- vestigatiois mentioned here in this thesis it may be said that some of the results are of little real value, as no correlation coefficients ar given; others, though the values of the coefficients are given, are not sig- nificantly greater than their probable errors; and the remainder though much larger than their probable errors are yet too small for predictable purposes. lost of the I‘ C!) cults, however, though unable to he used as criteria for selection, do indicate trends of relationshi; which 1 may be of greater value with increased information. In 1922, Professor Spragj of this college ob- tained a variety of corn called n-Tester from frofessor R.A.Emerson of the University of Cornell with the idea of producing pure strains of A-Tester Yellow Dent corn, which it vas thought might be used for the development of a commercial variety of such corn for Hichigan. Such Vstrains were derived by Dr.K.H.Liu(iG) at this station from crosses made between the A—Tester corn of Trofessor Emerson and some strains of Michigan-grown corn. The A-Tester of Professor Emerson was an inbred white flint corn. Its genetic constitution was aaCCRRyi. The Nichigan strains used were yellow dents whose genetic constitution was AACCrrYY, AACcrrYY or AAccrrYY. The resulting strains of A-Tester Yellow Dent have the composition aaCCR in- herited from the A-Tester and the yellow character YY from the mother strains. Their total number is 33, and they have been inbred continuously for four gener- ations. ( It is an interesting fact that if these A-Tester Yellow Dent strains are pollinated by pollen from any common corn, the resulting hybrid seeds will become colored. This is due to the presence of A, C, and R factors in the hybrid kernels, where A comes from the pollen parent. Most Of the commercial varieties of corn have the A factor present). In the summer of 928 these 38 strains were crossed among themselves and the F1 -11- crosses of these strains were given to the writer for this investigation. The total number of these crosses was 67}. 11v EXPER 113mm TTETHODS 1. Method of handling the material. In winter of 1929 the best looking car from each cross was selected, out of which fifteen kernels were taken. Care was eXercised in taking the kernels from different rows and different places on the cir- cumference, yet leaving the butt and tip ends out, so as to have a representative sample of each strain. Ten of these kernels were put in one envelope and the re- maining five in another envelope. Each of the envelopes was given the number of the cross which it contained. All of the 673 crosses were handled in this manner. The envelopes with five kernels were put in one box and the ones with the ten kernels into another box. Each of the samples was carefully weighed in grams, and the averase weight per kernel was obtained for later computations. The five-kernel lot was used for the greenhouse experiment and the ten-kernel lot was saved for the field experiment. The greenhouse planting was made on a bench filled with a uniform grade of garden soil. Before Ha General picture of the center of the field, showing the layout of planting. The stakes are on the check rows. The two rows on the left of the center check are much shorter than the adjacent plots while the two plots to the right of the center check are as tall as their adja- cent plots. This difference in height was due to inherit- ance. The deficiencies in stand were caused by crows and pheasants early in the season. -13- planting, the soil was thoroughly moistened and worked, so as to ensure a high precentage of termination, Be- cause of lack of space two greenhouse plantings were 3 made, the first on January 20, and the second on farch 2, 1fl2?. Tigure 1 represents the general layout of greenhouse planting. The rows were made from east to west, four inches apart, with a hand-marker, and the kernels were placed two inches apart in the row. Shite. celluloid pot stakes were used to indicate the position (of each strain on the bench. Checks of H.A.C. Yellow Dent were planted in every eighth row. The seedlings were visited every morning and care was taken to supply them with an optimum amount of moisture. The temperature I l U ‘u was kept between 68 and 80 F. throughOut the entire growing period. Veasurements on height of plant were taken 15 days after planting, 15 days after germination (24 days after planting), 20 days after planting, and I / 30 days after germination (3) days after planting). The height was jUdTBQ to be the distance, in inches, from the ground line to the highest leaf-tip when the leaves were stretched upward. On the 30th. day after germination the plants were pulled, roots freed of soil by shaking and the entire plant weighed in units of grams. All measurements were made on individual plants. Strains that had less than three plants in the greenhouse were discarded from the data and were not used in the field enperiment. -15- The field planting was done on May 2, 1929, in a field that was thought to be fairly uniform in type and fertility with the exception of uneven topography, which in the later development of the plants proved to affect the results seriously. The general layout of the field planting is shown in figure 2. The field was di- vided into series each 11feet and 8 inches wide, with 14 inches of alley between the adjacent series. Each strain was planted in 1-row plots 42 inches apart with kernels 14 inches apart in the row. Checks of M.A.C. Yellow Dent were planted in every third plot. Unfortu- nately, many of the kernels were dug out by birds, and for this reason a number of strains failed to produce any plants. U0 data were taken on strains that produced less than four plants. The crop was given thorough cul- tivation throughout the early part of the growing season. The plants were visited every day durinf the entire period of tasseling and silking. The following individual plant notes on the field experiment were taken:— Height of plant from ground—line to the base of tassel at emergence of tassel, to the tip of the largest lea (as in the greenhouse) at emergence of tassel, and to the base of tassel at full maturity; and the dates of emergence of tassel and silk. The tassel was regarded "emerged" when its base could first be seen. and the silks were considered "emerged" when they began to ap- pear out of the husks. The date of ripening was also .' -11- o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O O O O O O I O O 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 o O 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o O 0 O O O O O O o o 0 0 o o 0 1 1 1 1 o o o o a o o o 0 o o o o o o o o co. 0 o o o o 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o 1 1 1 1 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 Figure 1 showing the general layout of greenhouse planting. The sijn (') indicates the position of stak bearing the number of the cross planted after it. edge check cross 11 check CI‘OSS check Sign ('1 ‘v 1 ‘7‘ l . .——.._. _ - - . o‘m—- a". . ,.-. - - v - - ~-~--._- - - I ‘ , -.. . _.- -..4-..~ _ _- .- .qw.. _. ,-l_',_. O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O D O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O C O O O I O 1 1 1 C O O O O O O C C O O O O O O O C C 0 O O C O O O O O C O O I O O C O O O O C C C C C 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O I O O O O O O I O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C igure 3 Showing the arranjenent of field EICHEiES- indicates the position of stake showin: the location of the check rows. 14a .vu ..5_\ W12”. u in The ro plots to the \n those on the ield. he two elf of f T is check. icture of south h P ith st ~ General the center, v axe left of the center show a better stand thy right 0 -15- taken but was not used in the calculations because of its uncertainty. The crop was husked during the first and second weeks of October. The ears were put into white cloth bags of uniform size, The bass with ears were then weighed (correction for weight of bag made) and taken to the laboratory, where they were hung on wires and left until the ears were air dry. This required about four weeks. The ears were then weighed and shelled. The weight of shelled grain wa also taken. On account of dry weather throughout the season many of the strains on the high spots in the field re- mained barren. Strains that failed to have four plants with good ears were discarded from all calculations. A great deal of damage was done to the ears of some of the strains by blackbirds, crows and squirrels. All of those plots which had ears that were badly eaten were omitted from the yield calculations only. 2. Xethod of computing the relationships. All of the data on individual plants in each cross were first added and then divided by the number of plants in that cross. The resulting average values per plant were then transferred onto individual cards. The cards were sorted into groups according to the magnitudes of one of the characters. Each of these groups was again sorted into further sub-groups ac- cording to the classes of the other character being -16- considered. The frequencies of these sub-groups were then directly recorded on a coefficient of correlation table. The relationships were computed by the use of the diagonal method as outlined by Crum and Patton (6) and modified by the Farm Crops department of Michigan State College. The computations were carried to five decimal places but are reported to only three places for the sake of brevity. Because of the fact that there was a radical difference in the amodk of sunlight during the period in which the two plantings in the greenhouse were grown, the individuals of the second planting grew decidedly taller and more vigorous than those of the first planting. This difference was big enough to confuse the intra- class and intergclass coefficients, if the two planting had been considered as a single group. In order to avoid this sort of confusion, the data of each planting were computed separately. The average value of relationship was then determined by the super-imposing-the'means method. This method was recently worked out by the -arm Crops department of Michigan State College, and in its application requires (1) that the tables to be combined must involve the same characters and must give a orie- ally homoreneous population, and (2) that the mid-class values of the dependent variable in all of the populations combined must be equal or pertain to the same series, -10- I with a s‘“‘l“r condition holdiij for the independent variable, There are two naysof: er-‘Hicsi j-the-neans, which may be named as method-A and method-B. ethod—A consists of combining two or more groups of data by transferring the frequencies from the different tables onto a single table by putting the classes containing the means at the sane point and from the combined table computing the value of "r" in the usual manner. In table 1 parts a and b are the two tables representing the two different groups of data, firs planting and second planting, respectively. Part 0 represents the combined pepulation of two groups of data by method-A of super-imposing—the-means. In other words, this method reouir s the use of another table and the lengthy process of determining the value of "r” for the combined data. Pee use this difficulty was realize d,and in order to avoid this,a simpler procedure .00, was outl fur combining populations czhose coeiiicients had already been calculated and is here distinguished as method_-B. In the following steps the deviations, d" I all. or d , are consicered to be from their respeCtive means, if ‘x and Ev. If the originsl calculati: ns \.ere mad by 0 using the guess method, then the corrected values of ~the summed squared-deviations are used. From the separate tables we have 2 2 2 1 fl( . ‘ " D I (*7 sub. ; g 4‘1); 3.1). -- ”(ma)”..uomkfi : ...-_._.m . I‘ J U) DJ \J R) d 2 '2 3 <- sur )- c, , a , S.D., : c J 2, S.D. ; “g 42), ....S.D., ; :1_in), and :2 2 2 2 2 sz ) - 0(ch > ' ‘- SEdz )1- SODOZ - 4—1.1, SQD. : L)! .22, .0. 8.1). - :1 ’ - Z‘ Z - 1 n1 2 ha m n},l in which m indicates the number of tables or gogulations combined, and n1, nq,....nm the numbers of individuals 5, . in each sub-gopulstion. Since by hypothesis H 3 Mi E.......§ M did 1 2 m I): Z {I 2........:1T - 0000 = 9 ‘- Ly1 _ 132 _ _ ‘ym and n. 4 n2 + & nm N tnei 2 (a2 ) ("2 ) (c12 ) (d2) _ C‘ Q on... ,, O s . 3.3.x ; S< Km “( X2) ” ” Si “31) .-_- Shin, n1 + no .......+ n N _ m and ( o ) (dt— ) ( 2 ) (10) 2 C‘ db *ooooo* 6- ( 3.1). : Bryn ‘ S( 3’2; 3027.111): __L__is ‘ . y 111 4 nj .......9 A N Similarly 2 2 2 2 8.13.2 Z ( 1) ( Z“) ' i m) 2.1—1- n1 + n2.::::.,..+ nm 3 for each direction in which 2 is calculated. Considering only the diagonals with negative slope the value of "r" for one of the seperste tables is r? ‘ : —"—”E~ ' 1 . -‘_EJ)mJ Substituting the 314/.1 2 8.1). .. 3,: 8.1) new values for the standard deviations the value of the -19- coefficient becomes ry ‘1 3r 1 : —N -I_~~_'_(."(- T\ . .‘, fl 2 I.)....J.. 4'. DQJJ. r‘ ’ 'v ‘ \ .0 ‘1 -= ;- . --_ . ' . Siril rly when the slo e or the die;onuls is yOSlClve, : o 1- L. 6“ P1 (130D. " SQU.‘ - {30;}. I‘ ( X J \ Z 3"], - -—’- ~— —. --———-~—— . Evemple 1 shows a convenient method of arranging the necesssr date which, in this case are taken from ) teble 1, parts a and b. The value of the coefficient by method-A (table 1, part c ) was .5o21, and by method-B (example 1) .5143. The difference between the two coefficients is due to the error introduced into metLodaA by the fact that actually the mid-classes containing the means are super-ingosed and not the actual means, while in method-B the means are actual y suger-imposed. The difference is slight when compared to the probable error and of not enough im- portance to warrant correction. o 41 1 .1 44K!“ )a. )WJ...) .1 JJ n; it it. J was so u aflac czcso>s was ocfioc somsm ms) mataosscu Jo paras: ownsosaisomrpoa CflxmsOHpuHom O --‘_ T ao'V’U-o rd womanWHm a , mwN N O mH n3 MN Hv Nw mm m NH O N H H mm H H hm .N H H mm m H N H H mN D H N H N H wm AuH H m N N H H mm mH N H N N w w NN NH N w H H H H H N UH H N o N m 6 N w N H H H m 0 b m H 3H NH H H m H m NH. mH N N H m b w H H DH mN H w H m w m m N CH wm N N n m m o m m 0 mm N N n 6 HH H flH NH H N N m H H mH w H H w m n H N b H w H H H HH m n H H OH 771 fir n f m.mH with @3th DIN m.HH m.oH m6 m.m mg m6 m.m mfiv My 0 4 «nsflwsnao pmsflm V Soapssflisom seams menu ma pssam mo pdvflon omsso>d r f r a pugs .H oHpsa 0 ea m OH pH Cu? LG IL 0Q.(.H p. .414. H... WHO 9... .HmW 3. H E ALE...“ t. o c J c O . soonpcp 4.- . I.” J»). x .q- pr.aor o:;;c:a \, i (Q m we OH 08 um 5H Hm MH 5 H rh4r4 NH H H H memH.m H m NHH HHH H HEQNN H (—1 0.} 01 C3 <1” t") N N If) H L") NHHmemsfiHt‘DHNN H chu HHH H HHH H <:‘C\?‘q p pang .H manna ‘1. 0.. ..1 C ‘2‘ n... on. (.(c Q 0C om \.)M “.0 ‘1. CC )4 C on ma OH DH 0 t 0H wH 3H n... v. T L f. r. _.. E TL: .. . “L A... TL. r . v. v C... A . .2. J.c .fu ‘ 8 . U 1; .1 r4 V \ ..\ w), .L IL - TIL W t C . “ VI; a. 7L v; 5J- flC. 4H moosm Hmpmw Q3 U) «(‘H (O D~r—{OQ UZHmocans )11 Q: S'TZ Q'QI A 0 r4 r4r1Ar4 9°08 Q'QT 9 P CH 60 m»....... 0 DH P [:3 H (\YHL‘DNHC‘JH H p s Onmflrm H. wnMH. HOC. «anr %O HN on N N H n m m w H H H N s N m N m N ¢ N N TL I . .i 03 n: TV 9 TL TL m. w. 0: n3 ) Bro .O f f 0’ NFDLDtQLQLOOCDt‘DLDEQYf‘ 9'9I S'IT 8 .mssmu oCHDfiCO n:.P1sH m wsooom ass pmsflm r «mo. n... Nu). up .mmdog I... . IL sou No pdsflo: onsso>s 1:3 SOprsHSH.r .ro mm14o>s secs on cHsmsoHpc Hem 00 am a om as ma 0 H 1 H mm. W» m . .1 H m H mm. .. H H H mm. .. w m m H em. m. n m H s m. , e m m H m H mm. ms e s m H Hm. .u m w s m H om. .. m a n H H as. MN m m s m m H ma. mm n as e H m n ea. H- o as m m n ed. a m OH OH m o H ma. m n e m ma e m m H «a. .s n m s m n H a 0H. . m n m e s m ma. w H m n n m HHH w m m H H OH. T. TL .L TL .L T. . N Mu; ”V ML mo ML MU MU one .5 Cu 04 C._ C.— C._ g g C. C4 9 MB T. mu .u a m. m. by .w m mcuw HO ”D .8 o/u W. n: :7: C... 9 Q. g Q Ma Mb scapssasHam nevus misc mH pssHm mo pswflor mzwpm>4 o and H.H oHpju vv .1 A ' ’ o I- ' QTVJ( go xv 11 roux: .\II I. xlo . + ... A. x .. .I -. IL l .4 FL. ' c J H .J .u) ' .4 ‘ .4 4 4 ' . l 44 .4 4 .(. . ' P .I t l Put. r: I 1.)\J~ .10) ‘2\.|.03 I". ««:. I. . ulvxLuaL I. .\ l n 4 \ (v II ...\ I. 11". i} 4 ‘4'1 ' ‘ I'll-... 4'." x. .4 J..... 1* - .J\ a 0 ¢ ll \.- -. “I141 .4 \o O .. 4\.1. ' _.. . II. I _ r: t fl. .. lier uyrk IL! II. . r 4.x! g. r/.\ It. + \In( 4 4. A .. L... )....4..4.._).'. 4 .‘IOWJ «I. \JI.) .Wu” .«IO 0) Fl PL r.. .144 ll .7 I.. ll .4. -\ t I. lull 4"r'll-l II'III'I‘II. III-I'llb-IIIIIII‘III'I'III I'll. ’n'l"4'4"'44142'.4 IIV‘IIIIII'III'IIIa '4 . .4 .J . .04.1\. W4“: .x. 0144“. 1...... «1.44) 0.x... «. .y.\4.w .) 0.).4fl «4.).-. .4 .. 4. I II I ['7‘ I. u... -. rlk .. P4 444. .. fl! r 4‘. .4 4.4; r ...\ IL (I '4» I I“ 0.. It . l -\ .rr A: .. It .' - '¢ I ’ ’. I.l~‘ Ia lll.!I lt.~tni I..I. l 'I‘I‘QJ I'l“ ‘l-l!!l!.‘l‘l"' ". l'-l"ll"l ‘-'l.l'.'.|‘" . . . c _ . .4 , 4 .4. . II 4 .. . . . x .. \4..4_‘ . )1)... H73». 133?... .n .....)....o. _ 4.... .2 . J .94 {\(f\ 4...-..L - 1 null. r .4 (KIIL .f¢ ll far!» 0\ . . 4 l. _ _ ‘r4_./\(4 F4... L—t”u.r\— _ ll‘ll'lll'l'llu'l'n' l'l'il'll'I'TlI"ll' VI. . .4 To . w . _- . 4 \ \_. o. -. .. J4 - 3.. 0.3). 41. 4444. .4. .. 07.... ”1.- .4..Js DIEM \. .. 3H 0.4.44 \o x 4.) 04141).) _\J«J14 . HO [bxu. . .. . . . . .. a . I. - . -4 . .- LL . I... .L FL. f 4(. r. &«(.L if KM hr 2 m {1.4. . r._,..L..L.\ FrLL .-..-.L _..4 It _ _ _ n _ _ 3.)). 04...... . ....-_\ Ox; «4...... 4.4.)..3034114. a). o.) x...\.. $0.4. )4 I... 4.... _\J40 ...\\.1o I\ Ix L Ter . HI4: L ”h. “In I\ I4 '. rm‘ foL .l.‘ - r f. '. .r\ [Pl O —L rl~ N .l\. L (Ix .\. f. u L Q t.- I H I45. m V C . C r “I nlL TS r . _ . _ _ u y u _ . _ _ . M . m H m _ _ _ N _ _ ng'v ~. . —-o-—o—o—----'.t—-—-.-—l—-—_.—-.—— .- - .—-—-——-~ . I. _ . _ _ _ .. - H "m.. nfl _ _ . 4L _ m h L - #44... ~ ~.~ . J _ 4. _ . _ m .4 g x. I. L N . _ . f _ TL _ «4. . .J . N \n .4. . . _ H «in. _ a .vn... H H .93 _ .._ _ H ,m -.. _ .... . - r .. . . r. .. . .4 . _ .. _ 4. _ T u .3 _ 4. . 3 7... _ I v . 3 o _ c . c _ _ : _ H d. 3 . w w . . . _ . . r . _ ,. . . . 7h . m m _ . U " C ”4+ .. . U . _ 4.. . _ . . 4 44 \ 4)“!~...11 “ m n. u .~ _ MC». _. -. H70 .ULPH 3.. TIC a». . _ . . .7» _ 41.. J1; I4..4_...JI.) 4/ . — . _ _ . Fl uflfn. HG “.94 .r........... rkaIf‘lll'l'!‘hllll\'lclll...-'II"'I'—ll'"I'IIIIIIL'II'I'DI'I'II. I..- U I_1_\.v 4. 4 \I... I; .J--. o _ .; _.:oH...HH a» ..Hc-u .mw- J _ AKAOJIW. _ ..4»).|.... .4 . r _ ., l. 44 .14) .(\... . .. . ‘1'- 4.. \,44 ' 444 1.1 .v ).. 4444\ 4 - — z 4.. L P. — LP- P .P. H. .4.. I. L..r PfoJJ. OI.......H4.. _. .\4.._ _ PH». 4m.(_4..v HOH..P.-.IJVH II 4 _. — .L ‘ q C U I O O I I O I O D l O h a . ""'"ll"""I'IJ""'l'l"'l"'||'ll"'lll1. I 0.. .u! 'I | . I Q4do:.ou hm :fiofi esp Han .144MUpfin no- H OHQyP Comm spam 0 pqafl 0 p14 H m_Hmmflu1. .p--. -A.'——-—-'-‘p-.-——~.o— ..._--L. +. _. I I I I l I l I l 4. I I l I l l I L I I I I l l ._ ..~-.—»4¢‘- —J——--—---‘ I I -.T.... I I ~r «. '\ o ‘T‘ ."'\ ‘_l D ; '—-——.—.-.-.~-—...»._...,.. ..—.————.—.—~-'. -r.”‘~~ ,_._ L4. .. I I A“ .3 n k‘.’ K d _-—-—__H.O'-~"'u.°- . HILIOLD‘ 9., Avril" This is a View of the north end of the field. The row on the extreme left was an edze row: the next was a check. Then twairows of crosses end another check. The effects of soil variability and the long dry spel are shown in this picture; the plants were spindling and not nearly es thrifty as those at the south end of the field. This was true of both checks and crosses. 23a -24- V RELATIONSHIPS 1. Relationshig between everzge weight of kernel planted in the greenhouse and SVGTQTG weight of kernel planted in the field' (Table 2) 0— In order to determine the difference between the two samples of seed the correlation coefficient was Px found to be .975£-04d. (/2 determined and the value of "r” we This indicates that the two semples of seed were so very much alike that the investigetor mev use either kernel weight for subsequent calculations. The weight of kernel glanted in the fireenhouse wes used in cementing the re- lation of weight of seed kernel with other characters. .4: 4 :>\,. I 4 trilH » 3 . dis;sH; _ . .7. x, O \J . II .L. V .-.. f .. t . .-.Vl. ‘ . Y. . ' cl - C t c r. \v‘ . 1) . l1. \1 \‘ In). 4 44 (/\1 «4J\; .54 t: ) xi: { . g .1‘4 w 4 4H,» 3 ,L a a, 0 .rl:._. H.4nc . H gaggi.. . L .. 1 , . , , . . . r . I (I f \r x) .1 3.‘) 1,, i drill/x); .-\J\/..3\\J ‘CHA.7.HOJ.)I) t).4 1.1. y! ,I \ Jl s- _ . , ,r ,, r . . _ . . .L.4 ‘yJ‘ J\l/ w» it» Hid v. 9 AI u r! ..o AKIY~. at. 4.... _ p. 1P (1 o r.n rlr n . .I. . . r :1 r He mm mm bH one H m e e m mH mm mm on em an mm mm be we on em Hm eH s w m H H . mm Mm H H mm H_ s H m m H H m re o H n H H mm “A om H b s e H em Hw 0H 5 0 w mmrf. mm m... 0 .0H m. mmlnm. em n a HH m H mm: mm e OH 0 s H omrm we H 0 NH mm H H mHmJ mm H OH om b mHsHH mm H m mH NH w H eHzm an H a em e H 0H m Hm 0H mm s 0H T? W NH m wfl Rd N rhfi . I NH H H a P4MCDK) r! PHDCDWr4 r1 FHDUD F; N T: Hm om 0H mH sH.oH mH eH mH NH HH OH w n cH e mm mm um mm mm Hm mm mm . o hp wmpdsHm Hocnox Mom panes mmwno>< . .1“ J jIVV‘ 4 . A.. q. H y . , p26— 2. Relationships between weight of seed kernel and plant characters other the yield._fTable 3) Looking at table 3, showing the relationships between weight of seed kernel and plant characters other than yield, we find that in the first planting the re- lationship is smaller at 15 days after planting than it is in the succeeding stares. This may be due to the fact that the food requirement of the plant up to this time and state of its growth is comparatively less than later, and that there is a sufficient amount of food present in both the smaller and after planting up to ship tends to become the seed the greater the.larger kernels. From 15 days 30 days after planting, the relation- stronger, showing that the larger the gro th of the plant, and that those p ants that still get some of their food nutrients from the seed grow taller than those plants from whose kernels the food nutrients have been exhausted. By 30 days after germination the relationship begins to become less pronounced, which may be due to the fact that all the food nutrients the were present in the seed have been used up before this time, and that the root system is So fully established that the plant draws all its food , nutrients from the soil. Tne same is true in the second planting, except that in this case, the growth of the plants, due to the increased amount of sunlight, seems to have been so much more active than in the first planting, that the giant root system became established at an earlier -27- Table 5. Relationships between weight of kernel and plant characters other than yield. Teight of seed kernel : Greenhouse plantiuss with : 3 "” :Est.a.un : n t. : ind. :comiize 2 Averase height of plant: : _, : , ; __- 15 days after planting : .306t.o39 : .4Z7t.J3§ : .57o1.02 15 ” " _:arnination: .5553.oa : 4373.o_2 : .51Sprm 5; ” " slanting : .5,7+.;27 : .1;5+.o : .so5&.o_a as ” ” Serni ation: .57o+.oi7 : .i1~g.o~£ : .éi7t.v_ Average weight of slant : : : 30 days after gern.(2) : .4,i+.o35 : .r1u+.e5/ : Average height of ulant: -------------------- (‘3 ci- emerrence of tassel --- --‘ ----- .209+.o31 / at full naturity- --.,----_----____ ,1A9+,;3 (1) The two populations were combined hy the R-method of sneer—imoosinr-the-meens. (2) These two petulations could not be combined because of the fact thet their class intervals mere not the same. time, and that the food nutrients in the seed became exhausted somewhere between 15 days after germination and 30 days after planting. In summing up the relation of size of seed kernel to height of plant in the greenhouse we may say that the weight of seed has some influenCe on the size of plant so long as the food nutrients present in the former are not exhausted. But as soon as the plant be- gins to live wholly on the soil nutrients, the size of the seed ceases to show its influence on the gr wth of the plant. The weight of seed kernel and the weight of plant at 50 days after germination exhibited a coefficient of correlation of .491:.O§3 in the case of the first planting, and of .413t.039 in the case of second planting. This result shows that there is some relationship be- tween these two characters. In field planting the coefficient of correlation obtained between weight of seed kernel and height of plant was .ZO/t.0%1 at the time of emergence of tassel, and .169g.057 at the time of maturity. From the field data we find that the relationships between seed reight and p ant height, though statistically significant, are too small to justify the selection of seed on the basis of its weight. 7 y. Inter-relations between heights._ (Table34-13 inclusive) The relationship of height of plant 15 days after planting to the height 15 days after germination was .315:.O15 (table 4); to height 50 days after plant- ing .79Q_.C16 (table 5); to height 50 days after germi- nation .767t.013 (table 6); to height at emertence of tassel_e.003t.052 (table 7); and to height at maturity .3133.osa (table 9). From table 4,5, and h, we may safely say that the height of plant 15 days after planting as a marked influence on the height up to the 30th. day after germi- nation, although the degree of influence tends to drop down from one stage to the next. Tables 7 and 8 show no evidence of relationship between height at 15 days after planting and the height at emergence of tassel or height at maturity. In fact,in one caseDthe "r” is negative though not significant. Averare height 15 days after planting gave a correlation coefficient of .815f.015 with height 15 days after germination (table 4). Height 15 days after germi- nation exhibited a relationship .3413.od5 with height 3o days after planting (table 7). Height 3d days after planting with heifiht 5Q days a ter germination gave a co- efficient of correlation of .9d2g.oo5 (table 10). A re- ‘A lationship of .142+.O5O vas found between height 53 days after germination in the greenhouse and height to tassel base at emergence of tassel in the field (table 71). Height to tassel base at emergence of tassel was found to exhibit a relationship of .384:.309 with height to leaf tip at emergence of tassel (table 12),'and of .943£.3T4 with height to tassel base at maturity (table 15). The results indicate a strong bond between heights of plant from one stage to the next in the greenhouse. A similar hond exists between the heights of plant in the field. But the results offer no evidence of bond between last stage of growth in the greenhouse and first stage of growth in the field. No better explanation for this fact can be offered than that.of environmental factors, such as seasonal variation (temperature, moisture, hu- midity, light, etc.), place variation, and daiage by mice, squirrels, blaCkbirds and crows. _____.. :1-4 HNtQH Hr-{r-‘l O H LOd‘tON 3 ML \ all.) . + 3'4“. . I )1 v ‘ Al F r... I P“! .) Sil.‘ 110 )1I\ll1 l \ \’ .J 1.1).» J.) jl‘ ) 4 )4) I\ Fr. - ‘ fl 3... ti.» f I. l1 I \J ' I ‘ II) 113‘ N JI l.‘ \J \n" ‘3 Ia): (i f‘ t . I\ rkp .(. mm mm (GOOD 0} ma ma m ¢ m ma ma 0 (D'LOQJ'd'OJ m H N {O H H LO r-‘I [DlON H mth at: m.o.m 0.0 m.® mg m6 .cofipmqflzsem mopmw mane mH pcwag mo pmmamn mmemm>4 a 303m. 0 O O O 00.... HNNSE¢¢LOLQ¢Os was mchQsHm pmpws whee mH panm mo pamflog ouwsm>s semapmp QHSmCOHpeHem H w w 0 NH 0H N 0N on on mN 0N pH 5 m H N H H H H N N H N N H H H H H N H N N ¢ u H H H n n b o b o m o N 0 GH wH m ¢ H m. N. CH 0H 0H0 N N o w OH HH 0 H n w w N H H H H m.NN n.0N m.mH m.oH m.¢H m.NH m.QH 03m méw 0.5 m.mN m.HN m.mH m.bH m.mH m.mH m.HH m.m Amhapqsam panama < mcflpceHm popmw muse om pcsHm>mo mmmne>d unswes o OHQsUI l bNDOIDNbNDNDND r-‘NNPQCQd‘fi‘lOKDKOtODb O 0 O o o k I QT QUEtd JO 1 .Kv. ‘flE-f‘E.‘ .I.. II!. is- I...I|| Er lllulllliriL. ’ mHo. .7 bob. n a .aofipssflfipmm pm mm mung on pcme we paw oscowwpo>w ins wsflpmsHQ gamma mung mH panm No panama amoupmm mammcoflpwHom i, ., «Henna. NWN 0 NH ON NM mw Nm we mN o N n H H H H H H m H m H m m N H HN n n m p m cm N 0 NH N N om . H w m 5H HN m N Ne w OH NN Mm n 50 N m o @H n m N o n N H N Hm 0N 5N mN wN HN mH 5H mH NH HH M .zofipscflspmm seams whom on pssHQ mo pAmHom mmepm>4 ‘ O O O O O O O O :Bcunlflnflxfiduouocnoc~b- O O O O O fiNl‘NL‘NL‘NL‘NbNfi. I. I. II I) ‘1. ). l.4 I WHO. .4. D01..." .H rmnn.,1.m.1 .HO 30,1,U.,-_9HO,..O JO) unOHm Mo pAoHJJ nowuo>¢ dun oquunHm Huphw ' '2 r 0?: 1 .1, h 1 .) ) 3 1 I 'ktc Lu OH “(H .H/tf Ho PHM.QH-K1H1H Q. JJOHWgIPJAu flHDDu‘1‘vD.OH\J QH4‘MJHHOHQJHUHNJNH LI) Yi‘ H n N NE on no om mu no mm ON m n O H. H H m.HH OH e.» m .I N. 00H m N o O "11” N1. O H H H m.OH O b.O THO m H . H s.O e m.m Mww. s H e H H m.O o s.O J r OH H m H e m b.m m m.O ado. OH H H H O H H n m.O w e.m Hwy m1 m m O O H n m s.s m m.m 31, be m H OH O O OH 5 m m H m.s m s.w my; OO H O O O O HH H O m H m b.O H m.eiw¢1 mm H H b O OH ON OH OH O O H N,O H s.m ”Mm OOH H H n O OH eH Hm 5H OH O a b.m H1 m.n m mm O O s HH » O e w H H m.m m1 s.m 2 m H m O O 1 O m s.e O1 m.m Mu OH H H m n m H e1 b.H n. O m m H H m1 a H C O- 6.1.. NO Ow Ow. we ow en HO HO mm mm mm H Hemmnp mo .momomnoflm as pmsHm mo pflmHm: mnmmo>d '<fi '0 H (I) if) m LO .b mHOeO LO <1" Ozo530c>oln lri <0 D Q to \T' N H r‘i C HNLOLD H NHQ..+ 0H0. H H haHudpgA pm 1unHm mo ponod oojmo>n can manaJHm Hopmn J]: 1 .1 411) c \J .1 , . a. \J I) )1) . 1411.4 .)t. “111.31 mHJs OH Hean no a 1us>a 1;; ..x ,O. o1si H1r N m HH 0N mm fim ¢o NO on 0% m t“) NH 0 w H C O O C C 0 O O O O 0 his. 'd'c—l O HNt‘DXflLO'AOD m HH OH NH NH OH NH 2 O H 0.2 CO to 1;") s1 \H 10 u‘) :o =0 k r-l H l bNE‘NfiQIDNBNbNB O O H H HN'd‘r—lr-‘l HH Nd‘G'OEQO 1201—1 r-l'd‘v—H’D ,_| H H sflbLOb-N L*‘)~>d o Darla)‘. . m n\ (r .:rL 9 l r- n 1-7». ( I‘ ' . J -1 T OY- .1... . a. -.-.., 7 fax mu. 3» mw mm x... N. NH ' fwd) o .T H40 . n .H 01H t0 V4 r-‘INCO m ..,_. g, 4 w. ,af HH om totem NLOONr—I H ‘ n1 ‘0 J1 ) «(I 4. ,‘J '(J K. ; \‘J \ I; i 7 vm \J. ) o._-\ > I rl » 4! l. r No ) ‘ I ‘1 ‘ ’ ‘ WI I) J x. _ D J k Jx) 1 1) \ ‘ J ‘W v(\l I; x; {I '3 pH 4 F _, I, .‘(~ ~ :! J . (O 03 L\ H b t’) H (\2 H mm om wn on mm m.wa a m.nH p H m.mH D Ha OH H m.HH r n ma ma ¢ m m.oH on a wa ma o m.m u a HH «H Ha H m.m w m m Ha Ha fl m.b a m m m m m.o J H H H m . m. f a H m.w WM N m M. n.5H m.HH m.a m.b w m.oa .va m.oa m.m m.m w m. U .mnflpsmHm pmpmw mzam on pade mo pnwflmn mmmpm>4 ‘7’)7" \l ’J ',_:A:' Irv 'CJ. 9 18! f; O 1 {if .‘ gt nfifitu r—{Nlflth—g Hmbm bem r—IH \. I) .I \ V 1. . . . n. .. \n ‘ . J -t .~,a _ . 5‘) a .c 2 , n . ..-\ . . _ .. \J , “la 4 J ”- ‘ v f O V O \. HH N wH m mm b 5 0H m 0H b m wH FHOdH>D~m mm am ma §H ma ma Ha » .QOprmHfihom popmw mmww on ”28.2M mo pmwflog mmwnm>4 0 1| ) ;)l. 3.”. JHDrJrV LOLOLOLO 10500) v 4 t ‘J T“. T3 ,. J 9 [a C/‘ L .13 TO q.v-‘ \. T. i. ‘1". I/ ‘ “1 1' 5L I dUTQUm*1 of‘ I f‘ 4.) On “u;- .Hommwp mo flomomnoum pm pmmflod m 3 ; ,:_o. 1+. m3”. :9 p ‘ dnmrm and SOHPAQHAMmm +o pxuflmn mnnpmhw Hopmw use d puan mmofipon mflmmsofipmem H I .I m o b o OH Hm mm OH 08 wH mH mH w H H H Hm m HmH HH HnHHH mmmmmH 03 H Hfi‘OJ OJLOOJr—{LONr-l rfiribtoalrh4 HlDLO‘Tfi‘J'“ t0r4rh4 H C‘Q rill—{LONDBKOH r—l r-Ir-‘IE’DDNtON r-lr-thCQN 60 mo 00 mm wm #0 mm on aw 0% #6 mw Ow mm mm wm mm on W .Hmmmnp mo Nomwmpmmm pm Hommmp m mmdpoflp 0p pmnHm mo pzwwmn Omahm>4 .aa manna _ ma 0H wa Q ..I Q» W2 A f. C .. a TM 9,? C nag J n... .UL 8 Q J w‘Lo mm. "L. C 1. J. v.0 ~15. — 0“ 1. TL I. .7: O U U n..r . Oh flu -L.‘J- \ .‘w‘.f'_._{ r4r'4r . ‘1. 0!. l. \J). )4 ~ T ' x. J 3 o. O f 3. w r ‘ ‘ 71. )Ji 2 r. v .c Ql' I... H D 3. 4 r Harir; 1 H H R?) 1.. \I. O . J \a .1- J- 1 i .- rt ~\Ia \- . .\». s. .\O .-l Ilu I.L '1 I ¢ \I P. 4D 3.. 4 -14 . . x y t p 4 r . r r4 _ u. (3 l0 q£ 3 0 LO [‘3 03 LO (0 L\ LQIDCDLOBLOCDLOCDCICULQr—i woo. +u mam. up .mpH93pm2 pm pHnHm mo pgmHm: and Hmmmnp mo mommmmmfim ‘ mo pmmHox dmmfipwp OHSQQOprHom AT m m HH mm mm wm Ho mm on aw mm vH m w H 1 .CT H HVO an“. m H Ho ”Wm m H ”a H mm a m, H mm «3H Q H m 0 rs“. m m mm mH NuoHc.g m mH m om H owihwa m HH 3 Hm m 31?». m mfi mm m nwm mph N 0 Hum mm m OWE TL , m“ mH 0H m bmwmvy H m m. H wm u:; m H m HQ. 3 T H H m H mm M ,J. 1, a E. 2. 50 H5 H0 8 mm. mm 3“ Q 3 3 S Hm Hm mm H m, 0 .thhfipdfl p3 Hommdp mo mmwn map 09 pmem mo panmu mwnpo>w nH oHpum -41- 4. Relationship between heifiht of plant K3 Pys after germination and weight of plant xo days after germinationt_ (Table 14). A coefficient of .328+.01% was found to exist between height of plant 30 days after germination and green weight of plant 30 days after germination. These data indicate that vigor of plant as measured by weight of plant is dependent upon the height of plant to an extent of about 70 per cent. The rest of the meixht depends on other characters,such as root development, lenrth of leaf, breadth of leaf, and number of leave.. NO. LL ow 7» 0 m6 mm .‘HJ. m). H H \lnn ..... as , l 5H- J a wlx, g. 4 ,;4;t r \L w ..... m» me a )J\- _ in ,5 n H m H m m mH 5H fin H m H H H H m o H H H m w m w m N m OH w m NH m m H H H bH mH nH bm mm mm Hm mH AQOdesHflmmm Rouge whee onv OH NH .mH HH pmm>pwn pm ...‘I\) ~I pcmHm mo psmHma comma omapm>4 .wH,anwH . fion¢2H4maw magma HHHnZJdeHnfl mm pm mH b Hm mm um m mm 0H m mm mH NH Hm DH mH m 0H m 0H um H pH H n m mH H H mH w HH N m b m an N etd JO QUSIBH GQBJSAV n h 'uoxieutheS ledge sflep 02 ,u -43- 5. Relationship between weight of plant 50 days after germination and height of plant \ at maturity._ (Table 13). A coefficient of correlation between averag weight of plant 30 days after Termination and average height of plant at maturity was found to be only .079:.031, which indicates no relationship between teight of plant in the greenhouse and height of plant at maturity in the field. We may again conclude here that the vi or of plant as measured by its weight in the greenhouse can- not be used as means of determining the height of the plant at ma uritv in the field. Hmo. o use. u A .mnwoa nHonp wnHmomaHupmmam hp coanaeo mmanach uncoom and pmHHm one m m HH mm am an we mm on we no eH a H H H H m 4 s m H H o n H H H m m H e . H H H n.«m a «N n m m a m H m n.0m n omeHHomosmeH 9on mm o a HH a mH mH H HH m m.mH H oeH H H m a HH HH 0H mm on mm «H m H H m.m .2 be m m 0H nH nH 0H s s s e m u see. H- me a s 5 NH 0 a m H H m- mH H H m H n n H H mu m H H H w- H or be «0 Ho mm mm mm ow we n¢n0¢ an en Hm mm.m .thndpma pd Hound» no omen on» op andHn no panoa owanobd .nH OHDwE m.m¢ n.¢¢ m.o« m.on n.em m.oH m.mH m.¢ O (aseAaeq tmzas I813? 959p og quetdiueals JO aqfiteu ISBJSAV 193 notqeu 145? 6. Relationships between weight of dry ears per plant and plant characters._flTable¢iG-24 inclusive). Weight of seed kernel with weight of dry ears per plant (table 16). The coefficient of correlation be- tween these two characters is .1643.057, which indicates only a slight relationship between yield of dry ears per plant and Weight of seed kernel. This table represents the data of both plantings which were combined direct y. The average dry weight of ears per plant showed a relationship of .lijf.053 with height of plant 15 days after planting (table 17); of .1543.050 with height 15 days after germination (table 1?): of .206:.C§3 with height 33 days after planting (table i3); of.2321.347 with height 30 days after germination (table 20); of .4613.o43 with height to tip of leaf at emergence of tassel (table 21); of .4533.653 with height to base of with height to tassel base a These results indicate that there is some re- lationship between height of plant and weight of ears per plant. The weight of plant 3; days after germination exhibited a correlation of .3621.053 with weight of ears per plant (table 24). This shows that there is some re- , lationship between vigor of plant as measured by its weight (‘0 .nd the weight of ears per plant, though not gr at enough to be considered of much value for predictable purposes. n .. ‘ So. H EH. up pamHm pom mace no mane mac mo pzmHea mwmno>e was @Hon on» cH dopnAHm Hoeaox mo pmmHoe smoapop mHnmeoHpsHmm Nmm H I H H m b m 5 0H HH mm Hm mv we om mm NH m H H H mm o e H H N am. e H H m H H mm. H N N mm. mH H m m n m H H em. eH H H H H H m e H H H m. mm m H m H e H m w n m mm. mm H m w H m m m n n m Hm. 0H H m m H o w om. m H H H m n m m o w m m mH. mm H H m H m m H o m. w H mH. mm H m H a. H» e m H sH . Hm H H m m m m w m b w n mH. mm H H H H w h b b n mH. mm H H H H n w m m m H H wH. 5H H H n H m m n m H nH. mH H H H H m w H H H m . MH H m H w H m H HH. 0 H w H OH. H. H6 H6 H6 H6 mo 7o TL TL T. T. _L HL /4 Cu .V O“ T5 O 8 L C _ 32L 5 I 00 Dc 0. H .2 0g 8 A no A 8 /u 8 la 8 /.~ ”6 l.” 8 A no A .3 A 8 /.. M» .1. 4. 4 y .1 . c) . 3... pea+z ago name has no an.Hor saxassz 0H mHneg - A “h. TTV‘ \ {l-chuMI"; V f T .I? 11‘ r3“ 9. 2: s..‘. h- s T 5 I I 0T; ,,F To 1 Q} (. Ii L A- TC\‘J I. '0 Leu - VI‘ Ox? Cf) v OJ (—1 CK? anH H 1‘. m ‘j4 \‘fi [0,... C1? H H r103 H{*'DODFO*14CT>C\IKDCDC\IHC\2H r-i C‘Q uszu ma pmena oonpmbj wad wasHu .um en Haw owsaobs Hoonson mHAmuonnHufi HH Hm «w om mm m H me msH eoH me ewH mHH on m as H gm ‘ QNHH \ r .73 m b O 0.: o H m H r—h—i x. 3 ‘ H «H ,H 02 O) LO *1) *1) t”) o.) H LO H .\ ‘I .w v.0. m....0 RUN mtm 5H. NH. 5. m. .H . .maHpaw 9 mmpr mass 0H pguHa no gane: evens 4 J EH oHpaa -43- ‘ )1, ..... .0 NJ .. II \J .1. .. . \ 0‘1 III‘ J... 1.“J .CJ .) .. _ .u. aciptnuflrmez.axt. A n.«n_ 1H cz.e . .H. pr.Hw.. oven.azu wss [\ CDOJHC‘Jc—I V?‘ (O H ‘. . ... ‘1 45‘) 5 {J 4|J ) 44. J. . 1.. \.. .. ’1‘ 3 S \ \n .v. \I \l.) d4H‘41JWKIJ I. ) IJII \l. H _ v..n. rH .. Lr. . c._.i. . . _. .v . .u. r.| _. F. ..4 .. . u... a! -.. 3)... p .. film“ . C P p l . K» C H H NHHHN e”) NEDLONNN Natiwmlommr—l H NocstiH H H 02th HmHH wabnNHH r-‘th’Jthb'd‘u—l H CJCULOtOOEQ r-l mH HH NH NH HH OH 0 w W C 7 {5 to L0 .moHpsuHFHem hogan J- C. L mH paeHm no paoHox emshe>d w . .0 H O 4m) 3W. r (a mbH on NHH wm mHH 60H N) (\II 3 no f. [L we 3 HH H ‘ \1/ \II 4- " ) l ‘ I ‘ ‘I 4“ . \z u ‘ t‘\\ n:4u . pad); no u .Hau\>d 5mg m23.; . t I O t , (O NH *4 V #1 r4r4m HtQCDQ‘d‘f‘JCJCDCD‘Nr-{NH N10 r ' 34 495 nagnn>x dun pa: m)Hp3amw wma mba r; V I; j ._ HF. H 0 J H ) (H V H V“m'f* )r-’E.“) r—{r—Ir—iH C '3 H t”) H '3 J". ozvaownm H r4C3010K33CQr1 Cl L3 L0 CO r" LO H a '1‘“ U3 "1’“ L H C} “Ii" L0 L\ "W (‘14 HH\‘fi\f"333®L'QORr-IHH >< om ma 0H «Lu ma 9H m N M pagan manoon pqmam mo pgwflmm r-I (\ wH Oflfldw HLQCD'T"? *3" C17? 01 (I) CO Cir-{NH d ’17 4‘4 75.1 A L) ‘Wfio rfi .‘ F) .I ‘3 O (.I. H‘ 7"- T ta u . ‘ n .'.«.‘v‘. - Q ’ O '7'» . f ! pl- r‘i r4 r'4r4r4 n—lr- 1: r4 "3 f“ LJr ‘ F“:' {\Jfllflljj 11) \J). ‘1 {\Jc.‘u/. W14.“- 4...) m.I.II1‘ P... (o . . a p \ . . I o a. n. . \J‘ \l 00: M1 [\l .xpfic. .n . .. 4.) W13 .3 a .4... 4 g4 4 .._ .5; ....1.). d .. ... . ._. , 4 . . .r. r. ' h - o C .r \ ‘au‘... \I‘tlonJHT ‘4. \J,.3\), 4.44 .-{‘JJ.) .. . .)..4 . .,_ . C rm .~O.t~..+ Car .. _._. . . . I O a 4‘ r . 1/7. )JI .) l...- \J\... 1.7. \o )3. 3.. IX... \ .10 f '- \ .... r.C .l\. r. P.‘ U .1 «I... - r .3. LI 'I 4 2. r M- \/ I! < . r .\o . T. i \. ._- s M- o L r .r: r v. . I1- 01. J! V .. J1 x). \c I ll 3 I: a .,. .t ~\ I . r ,I. r . W. U‘. 1 4-4 .\I. «J v 3.. r ... K ,1 .y C ‘ ‘1 'fll V. _\:o ‘1: \J .J out. . r I... ‘L U x |\. as. .D I- x... i. t r. H {a r .f. ‘ 3.. H 3 ). _I|— ‘ All I. v r .r ‘¢\ 1 .1 1 \ w ) \I .J a) J I \r 1..J x. x \ .f \1 i .1 . . ¢ . L :1 |I . L It r . . o l! H. .334. .3 J ..|.) . ) \J) 1 \ J..J Etc)? 4‘. \l) {->li .. I. r . I1 ~ . 1 .1 nl. . v o l r ff .. O .1114 A}. 1|.) (i f. .r {. .t _r r . .r n03.fln30fl. n m Hanmdp do a! »;13-)+)::, )5 )n3<4 £))o<5 A)» 3-:{‘A 4; 3-2);04 w44)40>#.«43) .. _ . . . , . _ y, k . . K . .. I . . V. a .. ( o. 3‘; 3. K . ..,«:...1r. .n‘. L. .. . r. I: r- . . A. 4.. J. x. .r. r C J . t r , In 4 ) \a 1.. - I, 4 -.‘ .I‘ 14. l.‘ \. :1 .w. 5s) .1. {i‘ \I .‘ I. \. p) 1.1x!» I) 4 . 4\./ ‘_ 3 \J . \Ia . .). I) \I. ”WA.IH‘”H_... .‘Of‘. mun-H.....L. PHD 0.. r. 4.5 7,. . n J 0.: ... .41.»)! r. (v.5 ( H....rfl: nvflrfl.._‘rOHJ-flL u\ , _ C ‘ ‘ OJ L\ 03 O H (33 H 05 H O} H N H ”3 wba H u - m o p 0 OH H 51’} N H 03 H H r—{tQCOCOq‘Nt"CI¢ fl .mm mandm 60H 95H 30H mva wma mHH 60H mm 4. .3 mm «w om va LY- d 1U?I L\ I...‘ CO LO <14 03 r-{ HEQCD~’D'~HU)C\?KO(WNHCQH Vi‘ ‘0 u. :i.‘ t 5 III)‘ \1 ‘45-. I. ’0 *3 \I.“ ‘ )DJ .1 JJ. lrpd’flln ..... . 3... FIR: rujp 03W. Dar.r~ rm.“ 0!. J p.4rur..lm..fl Jr 1 . ..-(.H.D>l.. I. .1 3 «.1 ,\J I. c 4 . G III‘ \I ‘. '3 l1 -- . \l ‘. 1" \IV \J n‘ \. ‘ II “)-‘ ‘) 5 4 d ‘4) pH4J) . r’ r4./ ..... Ml! .. . J 0.4.) ) . A o- wit. ”(5.. (a. 4p~«)r DH #0 .U r 4. Jrlr : . ' In I ma ma 6H ma wm NH uH om NH m o N H H r-i I H (D LO H , fima H mba wwa mwa H wma mHH w)H H mm #5 mm m ww mama HH (\1 HD wm wamnaa H wwaaa Hmmaa mmonma mmwa Hanna a Hd‘COtOr-i a nmma Hawa H n N wa am we $0 mo 00 mm mm wm mm om ww mu ww mw 0% mm mm wm m M .mpHHSpwfl pa pswam mo pflwflofl mumpm>< 3; \l ()3 Q». ”(uHQr~.FL. ’L l T ‘ 8.1”???) 7- Jam qurId -54- omo. « «on. u n noSunEnow gonna «mac on pnon no panoB macaw omwnopa can aqum you ammo mac yo panoB omwnwbw nonspon anmHOHpmHom «pH n n m m m 0H mH mm o¢ mm 5H m H H H «0H m H H mbH H ¢wH m H H H m¢H m H m m H ¢NH 0H m H H n m m ¢ m mHH mm m n m p H m «0H 0* H H m n m HH m n H H mm «m n m n «H nH ¢ ¢ wb mm H H ¢ ¢ 0H m m m an m H m m n ¢¢ n H N mm H H wH HM mm mm ¢N mm om wH 0H «H N H O H (I) 0 fi' N N.% QOHvquanom nopuw nhuo on on panm hon aanos noonw owwhobd .«N 0Hn¢9 guard Jed SIBO JO gusto; fizp SSPIGAV .03)-: 7. Summary of relationshigs between weight of dry ears per plant and other characters._ (Table 25) Lookin: at column four in table 25 we find that the yield of dry ears per slant is correlated significantly and positiVely with the height of plant at different stages of its growth, and with weight of plant at 50 dsys after germination. These results it ed results obtained by Brigham, agree with the of Craig, Fruwirth end Ewing. The weight of dry ears yer plant give a nega- tive and significant correlation with number of days from planting to emergence of tassel (-.j56:.oj§), and with number of days from planting to euergence of silk (-.467+.C3C). These results indicate that there is some relationship between these characters. Ewing (3) has likewise found some association be- ‘1 tween these characters. JMoa msoHpsHsPom cap om mdm «NV {4 f' \A t I 1... '. “o'll. ‘l -|'I . 'Il. ‘ . ' 'II ‘8.“09H0HMHU.0.HO‘ DQPHGPQH QMflHO .megne OmHHdOOd UOLHQHHOO 30.. b mmWO.+v mv.ln mno.+0mmoln dd0.+m0t cl“ WSHHHHM i z _ : _ H onmo.* wwo.+mm¢. H mwo.+owm. I“ nuHHmmmsp mo whee mo pepsin mmm .+umvn. H mmo.+0Hn. H ono.+qu. H mpwsdpdx pd anon Hmmmjp oa : _ . ammo.+Hwom. H Hno. New». H fio0.+onu. H Ho up Mo monorp>2> H H H Pu Hmmmsp mo omdp Op i . s . H wwo.+ooL. H ouo.*How. H A *vHoa up mo oosmmmoxm H u H as s OH do an 0» r 2 passes W 33141. .“140W.f3. O u A)?“ OH . a. o u W4 0*- . u w). c 0 a . no ...\ CF. 0 [LU Orvn. . J 0 o F. H ». om pl 5 piflfuuwmbfi M ...O +v . .fifiooh..- 1.9. . bu C.*mq.mtw. . H HHOHPJHHHHHMHQU . : Om... . z : rm «\Po.+‘1wi. H Hmo.*smH. H omo.+oom. “c manmem . r on s r r r) . . . — I! \J H 3 ‘NJ 7. H J '1 H N: " Q.MHQOH. . muo.+UH . . uQ.+¢.H. . soHpsmHHHo: r : mH : r : pH. H qu.+oom. H omo.+mHH. H mmeuJH mEQs mhsw 0H pflsHm mo panon H smonfl¢©H H Homsox wmmm mo put. as mseom o: . . . >5 dmmHoaoo H Hmemer H UszzuHr H ”emanobm man m;.oHH;H u . . nsroc :po_w H wzooom H pmrwm H pinm mom mmno was go panmD ommpo>4 { . . -17“. mpopospsmo Hogpo and stH9 Hem made tsw mo oHoH: map soospon mpHflmmoHpMHos Ho hndfifljm m2 mHodH -57.. VI SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The purpose of this investigation was to de- termine some system of testing the producing power of F1 strains of corn by growing the strains in the green- house. It was thought that there might be a close re- lationship between certain of the physical characters of the corn plant at different stages of its develoPment, and that these characters might be associated with high yielding power. In order to determine such relationships 67} F1 strains of A-Tester Yellow Dent corn were planted in the greenhouse and also in the field. In the greenhouse, on account of lack of space, two plantings were made. Because of the greater amount of sunlight the plants of the second planting grew much taller and more vigorously than those of the first plant- ing. For this reason the data of the two plantings were computed separately and the average value of ”r" was ob- tained by super-imposing-the-means method. Positive and statistically significant correla- tions were found to exist between weight of seed Kernel and the plant characters concerned, but the relation- ships were not strong enough to warrant the use of seed selection on the basis of its size. However, the data suggest that the larger size of seed would be of some value to the plant up to about 30 days after planting. lull-"1141 I ILIIIII. 453- The data presented here show that there is a relationship between height of plant from one stage to the next in the greenhouse. These data also show a great degree of relationship between heights of plant in the field. But there is no evidence of relationship between heights in the greenhouse and heights in the field. Hence the height of plant in the greenhouse cannot be use as a criterion of selection for height of plant in the field. The yield of dry ears per plant shows a posi- tive and significant correlation with height of plant at different stages of its growth in the greenhouse, but the degree of relationship is not great enough to be considered as an index for selection. A correlation of .534:.028 between the heifht of plant at emergence of tassel and dry wei ht of ears sugrests that this height may be of some value for the elimination of low-yielding crosses hefore pollination. The dates of appea ance of tassel and silk ‘ snow some relationship with weight of ears, but the k 1 value of "r" is not great enourn to he used for predict- able purposes. The study of the F1 strains of corn in the greenhouse could not be used as a means of determining the value of such strains in the field. The writer is of the opinion that a similar -59- study, under field conditions,might reveal the true value of these characters. ACKNOWLEDGEXEHT Acknowledgements are due to Professor 3.3. Down and Ir. H.H. Brown for valuable s ”gestions on the layout of the experiment,for source of material and for criticisms and suggestions throughout the work. The author is indebted to Fr. F.H. Clark for criticisms on the manuscript: to Xr. J.A. Thompson for assistance in carrying out of the experiment. Thanks are due to Professor E.E. Down, Hr.H.M. Brown and Ur. F.H. Clark for the final review of the thesis. 4. U1 G\ o \) Cabcock,3.?. Penal; Clousen,T.E. Beat]. ’13:... J . ? grunson,A.I. and Iillier,J.G. 41 Collins, Crum,W.L. and :L-.;C~tton ’o'Al-O C O havenport,3. -6;_ VII, BIBLIOGRAPHY 1927. 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