EFFECT GF 5 PERCENT PECTIN N. F. OR 5 PERCENT PECTEN L. M UPON GROWTH. EXCREYION, SERUM PRQTEMS, AND MENERAL CGNTENTS EN LEVER AND KIDNEY FESSUES OF WEANLING MALE RATS OF THE SPRAGUEQAWLEY HEAEN Thesis for flu Degree, of pit. D. fiECHIGkN STATE UNEVERSiTY Norma Magnus Gilmore 1965 THESIS LIBRARY Michigan Stave Universit I ’ I ’491. 31133 ~ ABSTRACT EFFECT OF 5 PERCENT PECTIN N. F. OR 5 PERCENT PECTIN L. M. UPON GROWTH, EXCRETION, SERUM PROTEINS,”AND MINERAL CONTENTS IN LIVER AND KIDNEY TISSUES OF WEANLING MALE RATS OF THE SPRAGUE-DAWLEY STRAIN by Norma Magnus Gilmore Pectic substances are one of the least investigated and understood classes of carbohydrate in the human dietary. They are often classified as part of the non-caloric fiber content of the diet for want of a better place to put them. Investigators have suggested (1) that ingested pectin passes through the animal body until it reaches the large intestine where it is attacked and digested by the flora; or (2) that as pectic substances are water soluble com- ponents of plants, they may be digestible carbohydrates and hydrolyzed and utilized in the animal body. Little quanti- tative evidence is reported in the literature to support one or the other of these assumptions. As it would be of interest to know whether the feeding of a constant quantity of different pectins could produce differences in growth and Specific cellular constituents and functions, pectins similar in molecular weight but signifi- cantly different in methoxyl content were fed to 150 wean- ling male rats of the Sprague-Dawley strain. The basal diet 1 Norma Magnus Gilmore contained 25% casein and in the 2 experimental diets, 5% citrus pectin N. F. (10 to 12% methoxyl) or 5% citrus pectin L. M. (5 to 5% methoxyl) replaced 5% of the sucrose. After 2, 4, and 6 weeks of feeding, animals were randomly selected from each diet for sacrifice, with the final group at 8 weeks. Furfural determinations were done as an in- direct measure of possible absorption of pectins. The pectin N. F. fed animals consumed less diet and gained less weight. The pectin N. F. in the diet appeared to share responsibility for slowing down the rate at which these animals added weight to the body, and it was necessary for animals to consume this diet 5 weeks or longer before this was evident. The feces were the major route of pectin excretion. There was a sharp difference in the quantity of uronic acids as galacturonic acid recovered in the excretory products. Less than 1% of the pectin N. F. consumed could be recovered while 20 to 25% of the pectin L. M. consumed was recovered. Although the furfural yielding substances (FYS) determined in the liver, kidney, and spleen did not suggest that either pectin was deposited in these tissues, there was a small but steady trend in the FYS of the liver that material capable of yielding furfural was increasing in the livers of the pectin N. F. fed animals and decreasing in the livers of pectin L. M. fed animals. The FYS per 100 ml of blood paralleled these patterns, respectively. At 2 weeks, the sera of both pectin fed groups had increased serum albumin (paper electrophoresis) coupled with a de- crease in alpha-2 globulin. At 6 weeks, the serum albumin of pectin N. F. fed animals had decreased, alpha-2 and gamma globulins had increased, and there was marked retention of copper (emission spectrograph) by the kidneys. Serum albumin in rats consuming pectin L. M. tended to decrease throughout the study and at 8 weeks the alpha-2 globulin was markedly increased. Magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc in livers of the pectin L. M. fed rats increased during the study's last 4 weeks coupled with marked accumulation of copper in the kidney and later in the liver. Differences in metabolic response appeared most pro- nounced for the pectin N. F. fed animals at 6 weeks while those of the pectin L. M. fed animals seemed to evolve more slowly and after this point in time. The differences appar- ently were related to the methoxyl content of the pectins. There is no strong indication supported by data that pectins were absorbed and/or hydrolyzed but the metabolic responses observed cannot be easily explained solely by action of the microflora upon pectins. More refined techniques need to be applied to this problem. EFFECT OF 5 PERCENT PECTIN N. F. OR 5 PERCENT PECTIN L. M. UPON GROWTH, EXCRETION, SERUM PROTEINS, AND MINERAL CONTENTS IN LIVER AND KIDNEY TISSUES OF WEANLING MALE RATS OF THE SPRAGUE-DAWLEY STRAIN BY Norma Magnus Gilmore A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Foods and Nutrition 1965 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance and cooperation given her throughout this study by Dr. Dorothy Arata, and the graduate students in the Departments of Foods and Nutrition and Food Science for their help, interest, critical comment, and encouragement. A special thanks are extended to Dr. A. L. Kenworthy of the Department of Horticulture for his help and assistance in the elemental analyses, and Mrs. Grace Scribner, secretary of the Department of Foods and Nutrition, for a multiplicity of activities. The author knows of no way other than by saying a most humble thank you to acknowledge Mrs. H. B. Magnus, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Major Jeanne Sherburne, Dr. Esther L. Brown, Dr. Abigail Hobson, Dr. Seshu Krishna Das, and Dr. Maurice Richardson for their wonderful and sustaining encouragement in the face of all difficulties. And long in the author's memory will remain Dr. B. Elaine Rutherford, who guided the master's degree, Dr. Beulah Wester- man, who wished for the author a grand adventure, Dr. Dena Cederquist, for faith and courage, Dr. Clifford L. Bedford, who always took time to listen and counsel, and that select few who remembered red roses. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . Pectic Substances of Plants. . . . . . Definition and Structure . . . . . Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . Plant Pectic Substances in the Body. . Digestion. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pectin Sol Infusion Studies. . . . Animal Studies with Pectic Substances. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . Preliminary Five Week Study. . . . . . Eight Week Study . . . . . . . . . . . Methods of Analysis. . . . . . . . . . RESULTS OF FEEDING STUDIES . . . . . . . . Preliminary Five Week Study. . . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . Discussion and Summary . . . . . . Eight Week Study . . . . . . . . . . . Two Week Metabolism Period . . . . Results. . . . . . . . . . . . Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . Four Week Metabolism Period. . . . Results. . . . . . . . . . . . Summary. . . . . . . .“. . . . Six Week Metabolism Period . . . . Results. . . . . . . . . . . . Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . Eight Week Metabolism Period . . . Results. . . . . . . . . . . . Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . iii Page 12 12 12 19 23 25 51 41 46 46 47 49 55 55 55 61 65 64 64 68 68 68 72 72 72 8O 80 80 86 TABLE OF CONTENTS - Continued Page RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF EIGHT WEEK FEEDING STUDY . 87 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 iv TABLE 1. 2. 10. 11. 12. 15. LIST OF TABLES Composition of the Basal Diet. . . . . . . . . . Average Total Food Consumed in Grams by Animals Fed for 5 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feces, urine and urinary Furfural Yielding Sub- stances (FYS) Excreted in 5 Days (TS) by Animals Fed for 5 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Furfural Yielding Substances (FYS) in Fresh Liver Tissue from Animals Fed for 5 Weeks. . . . Furfural Yielding Substances (FYS) and Uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in 5 Day Urine Sam- ples (TS) and Fecal Excretion of Animals Fed for 2 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Furfural Yielding Substances (FYS) in Fresh Liver Tissue from Animals Fed for 2 Weeks. . . . Protein Components Separated from Sera of Animals Fed for 2 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . Furfural Yielding Substances (FYS) and Uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in 5 Day Urine Samples (TS) from Animals Fed for 4 Weeks. . . . uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in Dried Feces Excreted in 5 Days (TS) by Animals Fed 4 Weeks . Furfural Yielding Substances in Fresh Kidney and Liver Tissue of Animals Fed 4 Weeks. . . .1. . . Average Total Weight Gained and Food Consumed in Grams by Animals Fed for 6 Weeks . . . . . . . . Fresh Kidney, urine Excreted, Furfural Yielding Substances and Uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in 5 Day Urine Samples of Animals Fed for 6 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feces Excreted, Uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in Dried Feces Excreted by Animals Fed for 6 weeks 0 O O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O Page 46 55 59 60 65 66 67 7O 7O 71 73 75 76 LIST OF TABLES - Continued TABLE 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ii. iii. iv. Fresh Liver, Furfural Yielding Substances in Fresh Kidney and Liver Tissues and Blood of Animals Fed for 6 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . Protein Components Separated from Sera of Animals Fed for 6 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . Emission Spectrograph Data from Liver and Kidney Tissues of Animals Fed for 6 Weeks . . . . . . . Urine Excreted, Furfural Yielding Substances and Uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in 5 Day Samples from Animals Fed for 8 Weeks . . . . . . Feces Excreted, Uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in Dried Feces Excreted in 5 Days by Animals Fed for 8 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Furfural Yielding Substances in Fresh Kidney, Spleen, Liver, and Blood of Animals Fed for 8 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Protein Components Separated from Sera of Animals Fed for 8 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . Recovery of Uronic Acids (GACU) as Galacturonic Acid in Urine and Feces Excreted in 5 Day Metabolism Periods by Animals Fed for 4, 6, and 8 Weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX TABLES Emission Spectrograph Data for Pectin N. F. and Pectin L0~ M. O O O O O O 0 O O O O C O O O O O 0 Emission Spectrograph Data of Diets Used in the Eight Week Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weekly Protein Efficiency Ratios of the Basal Fed Animals of Each Metabolic Period in the Eight Week Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weekly Protein Efficiency Ratios of the Pectin N. F. Fed Animals of Each Metabolic Period in the Eight Week Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weekly Protein Efficiency Ratios of the Pectin L. M. Fed Animals of Each Metabolic Period in the Eight Week Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Page 77 78 79 82 85 84 85 155 154 155 156 157 LIST OF TABLES - Continued TABLE vi. vii. viii. ix. xi. Emission Spectrograph Data from Animals Fed Four Weeks. . . . . Emission Spectrograph Data from Animals Fed Six Weeks . . . . . Emission Spectrograph Data from Animals Fed Eight Weeks . . . . Emission Spectrograph Data from Animals Fed Six Weeks . . . . . Emission Spectrograph Data from Animals Fed Eight Weeks . . . . Milligrams of Nitrogen per Gram from Animals Fed Eight Weeks. . vii Page Livers of . . . . . . . . 158 Livers of . . . . . . . . 159 Livers of . . . . . . . . 140 Kidneys of . . . . . . . . 141 Kidneys of . . . . . . . . 142 of Dried Liver . . . . . . . . 145 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. 2. 5. Hydrolysis of pectic substances. . . . . . . . . Weekly weight gained in grams by animals fed for 5 weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average total weight gained in grams by animals fed for 8 weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of average weekly total weight in grams of animals fed diets containing 5% citrus pectin N. F. or L. M. for 5 weeks and 8 weeks. . Milligrams of furfural yielding substances as percent of basal in 100 mls blood and total fresh liver tissue from animals fed for 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percent of serum albumin and gamma globulin separated from sera of animals fed for 2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts per million of copper expressed as percent of basal in kidney tissue from animals fed for 6 and 8 weeks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parts per million of copper and zinc, percent of phosphorus and magnesium expressed as percent of basal in liver tissues from animals fed pectin L. M. for 4, 6, and 8 weeks. . . . . . . . . . . viii Page 15 57 88 91 98 101 105 106 APPENDIX METHODS Page Specifications of Pectin N. F. and Pectin L. M. . . 126 Method of Preparing Diets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Carbazole Method. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 ix I NTRODUCTI ON Undoubtedly the diet of the average American will under- go change in the next fifty years. In light of the expanding population, Americans by necessity may consume more plant products in the future. The effect of type, quality, and quantity of carbohydrates on nutritive status which has been somewhat ignored by nutrition investigators until recent years will assume more importance in dietary studies. Pectic substances are one of the least investigated and least understood classes of carbohydrates in the human dietary. This group of high molecular weight structural poly— saccharides is found in the parenchymatous tissues of fruits and vegetables such as apples, oranges, turnips, corn, beets, peas, and beans. Although pectins are recognized constituents of plant cell walls and tissues and a normal constituent of food, the contents of the pectic substances are largely un- known in food materials. Hardinge et a1. ('65) have compiled the mono, di, and polysaccharide content of a variety of foods as they are known today and published tables which should serve as a useful starting point for estimating the amount of pectic substances ordinarily consumed in the human diet until knowledge in this area is more complete. The United States is the largest world producer of pectin followed by West Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, and Switzerland. The major source of pectin is fresh peel and membranes of lemons and oranges followed by apple pomace and sugar beet pulp. There are two general production methods for the purification of pectins extracted from these source materials. One leads to liquid pectin and the other to a dry pectin. In the latter, pectin is precipitated as a gel by means of ethanol, calcium carbonate, copper sulfate, or aluminum chloride and aluminum sulfate. In addition, an alkali or alkaline salt is added to produce the required pH for gelation. Thorough washing is necessary to remove accompanying non-uronide sugars, residues of extraction acid, salts, fruit oils, acids, and other organic compounds, as well as metals. The purified pectic substance is then neutralized with calcium carbonate or ammonia so that a one percent solution of the product has a pH of 5.5 to 4.0. This pH appears to provide the greatest stability as long as the product is kept dry. Bender in 1959 and Kertesz ('51) have provided excellent summaries of the many production techniques and testing methods in use by producers and com- mercial investigators in this field. Because of outstanding colloidal properties, pectins have been extensively investigated as by-products. They have application in such diverse areas as production of jams and jellies, emulsifying agents for rubber products, stabilizing agents for ice cream, and coatings for foods, paper, fibers, and metals. (Kertesz, '51; Stoloff, '58). Their ability to slowly imbibe water has made them attractive carrying agents for items which it is desirable to have act over a period of time. Therefore, they have found applica- tion as coating materials for pharmaceutical preparations. Hoffman-LaRoche Inc. ('61) received British patent approval for a pectin colloid which will contain either an aqueous solution of vitamins, flavoring agents or growth stimulants. Pectins are often classified as part of the non-caloric fiber content of the diet accompanying cellulose (the most important of the so-called structural polysaccharides), hemicelluloses, and lignins for want of a better place to put them. Kertesz ('51) in his review suggests that ingested pectin passes through the animal body until it reaches the large intestine where it is attacked and digested by the microbial flora. But Manville et al. suggested in 1956 that as pectic substances are water soluble components of plants, they may be digestible carbohydrates and hydrolyzed and utilized in the animal body in a manner similar to other poly- saccharides. Little specific and quantitative evidence exists in the literature to support one or the other of these assumptions. However, the literature does describe numerous “beneficial" therapeutic applications of which anti-diarrheal and anti-cholesterol are the oldest and the newest. The apple diet, the oldest therapeutic application of pectin in this country, was imported from Germany in the 1950s', investigated into the 1940s', and used in the treat- ment of diarrhea. A variety of reasons were offered for its effectiveness, and pectin was most often suggested as the effective agent. Some thought that pectin was bactericidal, that it could absorb toxins from the intestinal canal, that released galacturonic acid would be a detoxifying agent, and that it would be soothing and healing to the inflamed and ulcerated gastrointestinal tract (Kretscher and Blumberg, '59). In 1955 Birnberg treated diarrheal conditions in children with scraped raw apple. Seventy cases were studied in this way over a year's time in children ranging from nine months to 12 years of age. The patients exhibited enteritis, dyspepsia of various origins, or subacute colitis. Of these cases 88 percent showed marked and rapid improvement in symptoms in from three to 56 hours. The treatment appeared to alleviate the symptoms permanently and appeared safe and practical to use. Block, Tarnowski, and Green ('59) in studying remedies for chronic bacillary dysenUary fed six tablespoons of dry pectin to patients three times a day, and noted that there was no reduction in temperature and that the course of the disease was either unaltered or adversely affected. They concluded that pectin did not serve as a detoxifying agent in the body. However, when nickel pectinate was administered to patients suffering from bacillary dysentery at Elgin State and Dixon State Hospitals, definite improvement was observed in every patient in appearance and general condi- tion. Acute symptoms disappeared and patients gained weight. Attempting to find a more precise means of studying why the apple diet was effective against diarrhea, Kertesz, Walker and McCay ('41) formulated a diet which would produce diarrhea in rats. Weanling animals were used and when fed 10cc of milk containing one gram of lactose every day for a few days, at least one-half of the animals developed diarrhea. After the diarrhea persisted for three days, ten grams of applesauce or another preparation derived from it was added to the milk-lactose diet. Gross examination of fecal con- sistency after two days on the diet was used as a yardstick of cure. Four different supplements were tested for their effectiveness against the experimentally induced diarrhea. A. commercial canned applesauce which contained about 0.62 percent pectic substances B. commercial canned applesauce, pectic substances of which had been completely hydrolyzed to galac- turonic acid and methyl alcohol by enzymes C. pectin extracted from the canned applesauce by hot water and alcohol, dried, and reconstituted D. the cellulose—lignin left after the pectin ex— tractions. When the various preparations were fed to animals suffering from experimentally induced diarrhea, 84 percent of the animals receiving supplement A were cured or greatly improved, but only 59 percent of those on supplement B. C was 50 percent effective, and D, 25 percent. The authors concluded that pectin and not galacturonic acid was the most effective anti-diarrheal agent in the apple diet. The latest suggested therapeutic application of pectic substances is concerned with chronic degenerative disease rather than acute states. Diet has been among the many variables investigated in the etiology of atherosclerosis. Keys and his associates at Minnesota pointed out in 1960 that one of the major differences between the American and Italian diets was in the complexity of the latter's dietary carbohydrate. Two diets of natural foods containing 15 per- cent protein and 16 percent fat in which one had 17 percent of the carbohydrate calories exchanged in fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes, were fed to middle-aged male patients of Hastings State Hospital. These patients ate first one diet and then the other for six weeks at a time, and the diet in which part of the sucrose and milk carbohydrate had been replaced with fruits, vegetables, and legumes, con- tained on the average three times more fiber. During the six weeks in which the men were on the high fiber diet, their serum cholesterols were lowered, and the difference was statistically significant. The authors suggested that the most likely cause of this dietary anti-cholesterol effect appeared to be the nature of the carbohydrate or some factor associated with it such as cellulose or pectins. In order to examine further the effect of these struc- tural carbohydrates upon serum cholesterol levels in man, Keys et al. ('61) again fed diets of natural foods to physically healthy, middle-aged, male patients maintained under completely controlled conditions in the metabolic unit at Hastings State Hospital. One series of the study tested the effect of including 15 grams of cellulose daily in the diet while another tested the effect of including 15 grams of citrus pectin N. F. daily. All the diets were similar in calories, types of fat and cholesterol content. The pectin or cellulose was incorporated into special biscuits, and during the control periods, the men ate biscuits similar in appearance and equivalent in calories. ”When serum cholesterol data were analyzed, no difference was found in serum choles— terol level when the men were consuming cellulose supple- mented diets. However, the serum cholesterol level of these men was lowered 5 percent when they were consuming pectin supplemented diets. The anti-cholesterol effect of pectin was statistically significant at the 0.1 percent level when the quantity of sucrose consumed was small in relation to the quantity of legumes and pectin consumed, and was significant at the two percent level when the ratio was reversed. The effect of pectin upon the serum cholesterol levels was appar- ent within three weeks on the diets. It should be remembered in evaluating this effect of pectin that 15 grams per day may be at the upper limits of the average dietary consumption or beyond it. No long term human feeding studies with pectin have been reported as yet so no statement can be made as to whether pectin is effective in maintaining lowered serum cholesterol levels. Animal studies have also lent support to the apparent ability of pectic substances in the diet to influence the levels of serum cholesterol. Wells and Ershoff ('61) main- tained weanling male rats of the Holtzman strain four to six weeks on a diet containing 24 percent casein, 61 percent sucrose, 10 percent cottonseed oil, 5 percent salt mix, and 5 percent citrus pectin N. F. with or without the addition of 1 percent cholesterol. When the pectin N. F. was fed in conjunction with 1 percent cholesterol, there was a signifi- cant lowering of the plasma and liver cholesterol and total liver cholesterol and total liver lipid in contrast to the levels found in animals not receiving pectin N. F. This effect was apparent whether the animals were maintained on the diets four or six weeks or received the supplements each day or on alternate days. A 5 percent level of pectin in the diet was found to be more effective than 2.5 percent pectin N. F. incorporation. The presence of 1 percent sulfasuxidine and 0.05 percent streptomycin in the rat diet did not alter the effectiveness of the pectin. There has been as yet no acceptable explanation why pectin in the presence of other dietary components exhibits therapeutic action in either treatment of diarrhea or lowering of serum cholesterol levels. In 1965 Ershoff suggested since a 10 percent incorporation of pectin N. F. in the diet of the rat will prevent experimentally induced atherosclerosis and Keys et al. ('60; '61) have shown similar cholesterol lowering effects for man with pectin-containing diets, that pectin may be an agent for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. He has suggested that it may be possible to prepare pectin in suitable concentrates to be used in this manner. The suggestion must be viewed with caution and is pre- mature. Pectin is a variable entity, and its reactions, because of unique physical qualities and chemical structure, are influenced by the specific situation in which it is placed. Relatively little is known about the scope of meta- bolic effects to be derived from pectin as a dietary con- stituent. There is uncertainty about the degree to which pectin may be hydrolyzed in and/or absorbed by the body. Practically nothing is known about its effect within the body upon absorption and utilization of other nutrients and upon cellular activities. In 1942, Hueper studying experi- mentally induced cardiovascular pathology, listed pectin as a macromolecular substance capable of producing undesirable changes within the cells and organs of the body. Possibly, before there is any unrestrained movement to add pectin concentrates to the long list of vitamin, mineral, and protein concentrates available to the consumer, the nutritional 10 aspects of pectin in the animal body should be clarified. This study was designed to explore metabolic effects which might be induced by incorporating dry pectin into the diet of rapidly growing weanling animals. An optimum diet, similar to that used by Wells and Ershoff, was fed but no attempt was made to follow the anti-cholesterol effect which they described. Since it would be of interest to know whether the feeding of a constant quantity of different pectic substances could produce differences in growth and specific cellular constituents and functions, pectins simi- lar in molecular weight but significantly different in methoxyl content were fed. The preliminary five week study was designed to determine whether high and low methoxyl pectins in the diet of weanling male albino rats would be excreted in the urine, increase the bulk of the feces, be deposited in the liver, produce alterations in plasma pro- tein pattern, or affect excretion of vitamin C which may be synthesized in rat tissues from galactose and galacturonic acid. It was followed by an eight week study in which animals were sacrificed at two, four, six, and eight weeks. As there are no specific chemical methods available as yet for isolation of pectic substances in biological materi~ als, the furfural method of Bryant, Palmer, and Joseph ('44) was used as an indirect assay for possible absorption of these substances. It was hoped that application of other 11 methods now available, such as paper electrophoresis and emission Spectrograph, would enable some clarification of the nutrients and pathways influenced by these substances in the body. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Pectic Substances of Plants Definition and Structure Pectic substances were first recognized and investi- gated by the early French chemists, pharmacologists, and botanists. Braconnot, a French medical doctor, is generally credited with first suggesting the therapeutic use of pectic substances in 1825 (McCready and Owens, '54). Later Swiss, German, English and then American chemists began investi- gations into the structure and functions of pectic sub- stances. Kertesz ('51) in his comprehensive book lists over 2000 published reports directly concerned with them. This group of structural polysaccharides is composed of long chains of predominately d-galacturonic acid units joined together by alpha 1-4 glycosidic linkages, and is collectively referred to as pectic substances. In 1944 the American Chemical Society established a formal nomenclature for them based upon the recommendations of Baker et al. Until then terms were often used indiscriminately and inter— changeably in the older literature so confusion may arise when reading it today. Protopectin is the name given to the parent substance which when acted upon by protopectinase gives rise to pectinic acids. Other members of the pectic 12 15 substances then result from pectinic acids by chain splitting and splitting-off of branch chains by chemical or enzymatic means with accompanying production of methyl alcohol. Eventually, mono, di, and tri-galacturonic acid units and various non-uronide materials may be obtained. Enzymes present in plant tissue, fungi, and some bacteria are capable of splitting the pectic substances into component parts. Figure 1 with accompanying definitions now in common use may help clarify the variety of pectic substances. An extensive literature review concerning the structure of pectic substances has been done by Joslyn ('62). He sum— marized the present tentative positions regarding (1) the structure of the galacturonic acid unit within the chain, (2) how the side chains may be formed, and (5) how linear chains may be joined together in the macromolecule. (1) The hydroxyl groups on carbon atoms C-4 and C-5 of the galacturonic acid moiety are masked by glyco- sidic and ring formation; the carboxyl group on C-6 is either free, esterified with methyl alcohol, or esterified with araban, galactan, or other polysaccharides; and carbon atoms 2 and 5 may be free, esterified with acetyl groups, or linked by ether-like linkage to polysaccharides or lignins. 14 Definitions | | \ Pectic substances: A group designation for those complex, colloidal carbohydrate derivatives which occur in, ‘ or are prepared from, plants and contain a large proportion of anhydrogalacturonic acid units which are thought to exist in a chain-like combination. Some of the carboxyl groups of polygalacturonic “ acids may be partly esterified by methyl groups'or partly or completely neutralized by one or more bases. Protopectin: The water-insoluble parent pectic substance which occurs in plants and which, upon restricted hydrolysis, yields pectinic acids. Pectinic acids: Colloidal polygalacturonic acids contain- ing more than a negligible proportion of methyl ester groups. Pectinic acids, under suitable conditions can form gels (jellies) with sugar and acid or, if methoxyl content is low enough, with certain metallic ions. The salts of pectinic acids are either normal or acid and called pectinates. Pectin: Water-soluble pectinic acids of varying methyl ester content and degree of neutralization which are capable of forming gels with sugar and acid under suitable conditions. Pectic acids: Pectic substances mostly composed of col- loidal polygalacturonic acids and essentially free from methyl ester groups. The salts of pectic acid are either normal or acid and called pectates. 15 Figure 1. Hydrolysis of Pectic Substances Parent: Protopectin (upon restricted hydrolysis or enzymatic attack yields) Pectinic acids such as Pectin (High methoxyl pectin or pectinate) Higher molecular weight >= Low ester pectin + methyl alcohol (Low methoxyl péctin'or pectinate) Lower molecular weight / Pectic acids (Pectates) + methyl alcohol Polygalacturonic acids + methyl alcohol Galacturonic acids + Methyl alcohol + Non-uronide sugars: arabinose galactose rhamnose xylose + Metallic ions 16. (2) Side chains may be formed by occasional ester linkages between carboxyls and free hydroxyls of polysaccharides; by hemi-acetal linkages between terminal reducing groups of a polysaccharide chain and the free hydroxyl of the polygalacturonide; or by ether linkages between hydroxyls of poly- saccharide and polygalacturonide. (5) Linear chains within the macromolecule may be joined together by hydrogen bonding between two carboxyl groups; by bonding between non-uronide sugars; by calcium or other metal ion bonding; and by bonding of secondary hydroxyl groups by formaldehyde. The reader is referred to the review for more extensive discussion of these structural aspects of the pectic sub- stances. As a group then, the pectic substances are hetero- genous. Protopectin is not water soluble and the other components are, the molecular weights vary considerably. there are differences in chain lengths, various suspected non-uronide materials within the chains, a variety of attached reactive groups, and differing degrees of methyl- ation. Kertesz ('51) reports molecular weights of from 20,000 to 280,000. Accurate molecular weight values are difficult to obtain because the values fluctuate with the plant tissue used, ease of extraction, amount extracted, 17 chemical and molecular composition of pectic substances in the tissue, conditions of plant growth, stage of maturity, storage, enzyme activity, temperature, mechanical injury, and the method of determination (Joslyn, '62; Joslyn and Deuel, '65). In 1949 Jansen and Ward demonstrated that a basic chain complex contains a minimum of 50 galacturonic acid units. But there is still question today of whether the molecular chains are composed strictly of uronic acids or if there are non-uronide sugars Spotted within the main chains. McCready and Gee ('60) using thick-paper chromatograph and x—ray powder diagrams have been able to demonstrate alpha-d- galactose, beta-l-arabinose, alpha-l-rhamnose, and alpha- d-xylose in apricot pectin which were apparently incorporated within the main chain of the polymer. The presence of non- uronide sugars in the chains would help explain why a gram of pectinic acid, for example, rarely assays more than 75 to 86 percent galacturonic acid. Various reactive groups may be attached to the carbons of galacturonic acid. According to work done by McCready and McComb ('54), the pectic substances of fruits consist principally of unbranched chains of galacturonic acid units which have 80 percent of the carboxyl groups esterified with methyl alcohol and the remaining 20 percent as free acids or salts. On the other hand, root vegetables are more apt to contain pectic substances with free acid groups and 18 polyvalent ions such as calcium, magnesium, or iron. Acetyl groups may be attached to secondary carbons and McComb and McCready ('57) have described methods for their characters ization. A further measure of pectic substance diversity is in the degree of methylation. .The ability'of the hydrdgen of the hydroxyl of C-6 to be replaced by a methyl group has furnished a convenient criteria by which pectic sub- stances can be classified and labeled commercially. The National Formulary defines pectin as a purified carbohydrate product obtained from the dilute acid extract of the inner portion of the rind of citrus fruits, or from apple pomace which consists chiefly of partially methoxylated polygalac— turonic acid. In order to be classified as a high methoxyl pectin by their standards, the pectin must contain more than seven percent methoxyl on an ash and moisture-free basis. A low methoxyl pectin by definition contains from three to seven percent methoxyl. If it were possible to completely esterify polygalacturonic acids, the maximum possible methoxyl content would be approximately 16 percent with what is known concerning the molecule itself. But as Figure 1 suggests, small amounts of non-uronide materials which may be attached or within the chain affect this value so that even with the greatest of care in analytical and extraction procedures, the upper practical limit of methoxyl content is 11 to 12 percent. 19 Investigators have begun to answer the questions of the methyl group precursors and the source within the plants of the carbon skeleton for pectin synthesis. Sato, Byerrum, and Ball ('57) showed that the tissues of month old radish plants would synthesize pectinic acid with over 90 percent of C-14 from administered methionine-C-14 in the methyl ester on C-6. Using the same plant material, Wu and Byerrum demonstrated in 1958 that formate-C-14 and glycine 2-C-14 could account for 70 to 80 percent of the C-14 found in the methyl group on C-6. Seegmiller and co-workers ('56) using radioactive mono-saccharides observed that the plant may use either the intact skeleton of glucose or galactose for synthesis of pectin or a variety of pentoses. So pectic substances appear to be derived from either galactose or glucose as the plant tissue undergoes development, and the methyl groups which give such distinct character to pectic substances appear to evolve from methyl synthesis and/or transmethylation. Function It has been generally held that pectic substances are the "cementing" material of plant tissues. As such they are known as the major constituent of the middle lamella, an amorphous material between primary cell walls. In this capacity, they supposedly lend additional structure and support by binding the cellulose walls. Because of their hydrophilic properties, they could also lend a plastic 20 quality to the cell walls which helps explain the ability of the cell to expand and elongate. Now that the electron microscope is available and more specific histochemical methods can be utilized, it is hoped that the true nature of the middle lamella and function of pectic substances can be defined. Reeve ('59) has reported histochemical and hiStOr logical observations of immature and ripening Clingstone and Free-stone peaches in which the cell walls were carefully measured as the fruit developed. The degree of methylation of the pectic substances was estimated histochemically using the reaction of pectin with hydroxamic acids and ferric chloride developed by McCready and Reeve ('55). The cell walls of the fruit thickened after mitosis and as the cells of the fruit enlarged to full size; after which they began to decrease in thickness as the fruit ripened and softened. Prior to the end of mitosis, there were no pectic sub- stances present in the fruit tissues. But as the fruit enlarged pectic substances were found, and the degree of methyl esterification remained between 75 and 80 percent until the green fruit was nearly full size. Just prior to first stage of ripening, the degree of esterification approached 100 percent. At the same time that methylation was maximum, the cell wall thickness was also maximum. Then as the fruit softened, the cell walls became less thick, and the degree of methylation among the pectic substances returned to the earlier level. 21 Using an entirely different approach, Ginsburg ('61) in some exacting studies on Alaska pea seedlings measured the degree of cell separation produced by agents such as EDTA. He has suggested that the middle lamella is a pectin gel which contains an internal structure of protein mole- cules cross-linked by two types of metallic ion, the metal- lic cross-linkage being "chelate in character." He feels that the stabilization of the middle lamella results from the protein-metal complex and involves two active sites, one occupied by monovalent ion, such as potassium, while the other may contain predominately divalent ions. Calcium, magnesium, iron, and copper were found to be the best pos- sible combination for re-cementing separated cells. Wallace and his co-workers at Purdue ('62), from studies with Golden Delicious apples, have suggested that instead of a protein-metal-complex within the gel structure that the middle lamella may be stabilized by a pectin-metal or a protein-metal-pectin complex. They determined the con- tent of amino N, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, sodium, and potassium in the water insoluble pulp of fruit picked at different stages of maturity, and found that magnesium, iron, and copper as well as calcium were exchanged with potassium during fruit maturation. At harvest time the de- crease in polyvalent cations was roughly proportional to the decrease in protein content. The authors suggested that the softening associated with ripe fruit may result from 22 dissociation of the protein-pectin-metal complex, whereby the divalent ions are replaced by hydrogen and potassium. This would give rise to shorter chains and a less stable structure. In process of the Studies with Golden Delicious apples, Wallace et al. ('62a) inoculated 15 to 20 apples on the trees with fungi at each harvest period. These fruit were care- fully watched for the first appearance of rot and this was recorded as the maturation stage at which the fruit was sus- ceptible to fungal attack. Interestingly, after the fruit was susceptible to rot, the insoluble pulp did not contain the same pattern of metals as pulp from fruit when more resistant to rot. The quantity of protein, calcium, mag- nesium, iron, and copper remained higher in the more re- sistant pulp although the levels decreased as the fruit matured. The susceptible fruit, however, had a lower protein level and higher potassium content both of which remained constant throughout maturation. The activities of the pectolytic enzymes produced by the fungi were measured using the dried insoluble pulp of the fruits at each stage of maturation as the sole carbon source in the mineral media. The fungi were unable to produce detectable levels of extra- cellular pectolytic enzymes during growth on the insoluble pulp from resistant fruit as quickly as on the same pulp from more susceptible fruit. The authors suggested that the hypothesized pectin-protein-metal complex in the walls would 25 offer more resistance to hydrolysis by fungal pectolytic enzymes, and Since the fruit would not be readily available as a food source, the middle lamella complex could be an important defense mechanism for immature fruit. Future investigations may Show that pectic substances are not inert "cementing" substances but are intimately re- lated to hydration of the cell walls and tissues and to other physiological changes associated with growth and which in- fluence the ripening process of fruit and vegetable tissue. Plant Pectic Substances in the Body Digestion As components of the fruits, vegetables, cereals and roots of the diet, one takes into the gastrointestinal tract a cross-section of pectic substances. They are difficult to isolate and quantify in food materials, and investigators must eventually evaluate the effect of mixed components as well as individual components of this group upon cellular function and on other nutrients and their digestion. But any investigation into the dietary effects of pectic sub- stances is faced with the question of whether the higher mole- cular weight pectic substances are broken down and absorbed by the body. E. C. Schneider, under the guidance of L. B. Mendel, published in 1912 the first nutritional studies of these 24 polysaccharides in the United States. He separated the water-insoluble components of two kinds of apples and from this marc prepared pectin by hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid which yielded 56 percent pentosan and 46 percent galactan. The mare and the prepared pectin were used by Schneider in bacterial, enzyme, and human diet studies. To cultures of peptone, sodium chloride, and two to three percent marc or one to two percent pectin, Schneider added one—half to one ml of bacteria suspension prepared by stirring fresh human feces in sterile water and allowing the larger particles to settle out. These were cultured anaerobically or aerobically and allowed to grow for three to seven days. The cultures showed growth and gas production, and the bacteria appeared to utilize the pentosan and galactan fractions of the pectin almost equally well and more effectively than the marc. The in vitro enzyme studies were carried out at body temperature with pectin and crude enzyme preparations including filtered human saliva, diastase, and alcoholic extract taken from a dog's intestine. No reducing sugars were found when the mixtures were tested with Fehling's solution. In the diet studies, Schneider fed three subjects a diet free of cellulose for two days, followed by two days on the same diet supplemented with 40 grams of the raw marc, then back to two days on the original cellulose free diet. No other components of the diet were reduced when the marc was 25 added and feces were collected from the subjects for each of the periods. ‘Since the raw marc was fed rather than the prepared pectin, Schneider measured the amount of hemi- celluloses remaining in the feces by assaying for reducing sugars. Approximately 50 percent of the ingested marc had disappeared during its passage through the digestive tract. The urine during this period did not contain reducing sugars and gave negative tests for pentose. Schneider concluded from fecal bacterial and enzyme studies, that pectin could not be broken down by enzymes endogenous to the human digestive tract and suggested that the apparent hydrolysis observed in the human feeding studies was due to action of bacterial flora in the intestinal tract. Further experimental work was delayed in the digestion and utilization of these polysaccharides until interest was stirred in the pros and cons of the apple diet in the treat- ment of diarrhea. So it was in the 1940's that attempts were again made to ascertain the metabolic fate of pectic substances. Kertesz and others used a comparative nutritional approach in studying this problem with rabbits, mice, dogs, rats, guinea pigs, as well as human subjects. For in vitro and in vivo studies with dogs and human subjects, Kertesz ('40) used a high methoxyl pectin containing 88 percent uronic acid and 10.5 percent methoxyl. During the in vitro experiments, pH was controlled at 5.4 or 6.4 to avoid,hydrolysis of the pectin by the medium and the temperature 26 at 500C rather than 570C in order to slow down heat denatur- ation of enzyme protein during prolonged digestion. Saliva collected from human subjects, dogs, and cows, did not decompose pectin at either pH during several days of incu- bation as measured by calcium pectate method. Jejunal secretions, collected from dogs and very active in sucrase, amylase, and peptidase, gave no indication of the slightest digestion of 1.5 percent pectin solutions. Trypsin, pepsin, rennet, and pancreatic amylase when incubated 12 days did not decompose pectin. Kertesz also studied the effect of feces on pectin by using an aqueous suspension of human or dog feces and incu- bating it with 1.25 percent pectin solution. At intervals up to 8 hours, an aliquot taken from the mixture was assayed for pectin by the calcium pectate method. The majority of the pectin was rapidly digested by the fecal suSpension although a small quantity of material would not decompose after additional prolonged incubation with pectinase. No other pectolytic enzyme was examined. From his studies, Kertesz concluded that pectin passes through the digestive tract without decomposition only to be completely hydrolyzed by enzymes of the microflora in the large intestine. Werch and Ivy ('40; '41) studied the fate of ingested pectin by examining for pectin or its degradation products in the urine and feces from animal and human subjects on con- trolled feeding studies. Citrus pectin was fed which yielded 75 percent uronic acid and 9.5 percent methoxyl, and feces 27 were analyzed for uronic acids, furfural, and for pectic acid by the calcium pectate method. In the animal studies during the seven day control period, four dogs were fed a mixed diet consisting of milk, hamburger, and liver. During the second seven day period, 20 grams of pectin were added daily to the mixed diet. Pectin alone was fed during the third seven day period. The feces were pooled from dogs in each period, dried and then analyzed. The fecal and urine furfural and uronic acid data obtained when the dogs were in the control period were subtracted from the values obtained during the experimental period. Ninety percent of the pectin disappeared during digestion when it was part of the mixed diet, and during the third period when pectin alone was fed, only 50 percent dis- appeared. In this third period, if the animal defecated frequently only four to 24 percent of the pectin disappeared during digestion, whereas, if the animal had defecated only once, 70 to 98 percent of the pectin disappeared. This same pattern of results was obtained when apple pectin was fed. In the human studies, six individuals were given a mixed diet low in crude fiber containing such foods as egg, white bread, spaghetti, lamb chops, beef steak, potatoes, and apple pie in the first period. During the experimental period (all periods were three days), 50 grams of pectin was added daily to the mixed diet, and in the third ppriOd,,50‘ grams of pectin was taken without food. Since this was a 28 high intake of pectin, the subjects complained of colonic flatulence, and there was an increase in fecal material. The data, however, were similar to those obtained with the dogs. When fed with the mixed diet, 90 percent of the pectin disappeared during digestion and when fed alone, 85 percent disappeared compared to 50 percent with the dogs. Werch and Ivy suggested that pectin decomposition in the intestinal tract is carried further when pectin is part of a mixed diet, and that if pectin is retained for a time in the digestive tract that pectin might have some nutritive value. Werch and Ivy ('41a) also fed six young men a mixed diet as previously described but supplemented with 50 grams of citrus pectin daily. Urine and feces were collected and one or both were analyzed for volatile acids, total reducing sugars, and uronic acids. No detectable increase in galac- turonic acid, reducing sugars, or acetic and formic acids was found in the urine. There was a tendency toward in- creased excretion of volatile acids in the feces but they did not consider this to be significant. No nitrogen determin- ations were done, but Murer and Crandall had reported in 1940 that normal dogs given doses of 20 to 25 grams of pectic acid did not excrete increased urinary nitrogen or glucose. As Werch and Ivy ('42) repeatedly verified the pecto- lytic activity of fecal suspensions in pectin solutions in previous studies ('40; '41; '41a), they attempted to isolate and identify the active bacteria from the materials excreted 29 by animals fed a general diet supplemented with pectin or fed pectin alone. Interestingly enough, Werch and Ivy noted that fecal suspensions obtained from dogs on mixed diets actively decomposed pectin or galacturonic acid but when individual bacteria isolated from these feces were incubated with pectin or galacturonic acid, only small quantities of formic and acetic acids were detected. Although some bacteria required another carbohydrate source as energy before they could degrade pectin or galacturonic acid in the culture media, others required a low oxygen tension. The authors concluded that the colon was still the most favorable segment of the gastrointestinal tract for any degradation of pectin. They attempted to define the nature of the bacterial enzymes sus- pected responsible for pectin degradation but were unable to determine whether exo or endo enzymes or both were involved. One of the curious aspects of the metabolic studies with pectin was that other investigators were suggesting that pectin destroyed bacteria rather than the reverse. Haynes and co-workers ('57) were among those presenting data which suggested that "pectin" had bactericidal properties. They prepared a two percent "pectin" solution, added this to Difco heart infusion broth, adjusted the pH to 5.0 and 5.4, and after autoclaving inoculated the medium with E. coli. In 48 hours the broth with "pectin" contained no organisms or the number had decreased at least 98 percent. Various other ‘pHS were tested, and "pectin" showed no inhibitory action 50 above pH 5.5. In 1941 Steinhaus and Georgi verified the work of Haynes et al. ('57) demonstrating that pectin solu- tions above pH of 7.0 would not inhibit growth of organisms of the colon-dysentery-typhoid group. They suggested this lack of inhibitory ability might be explained by the rapid decomposition of pectin when it is in weakly alkaline solu- tion. A similar but slightly different aspect of this conflict was reported by Wooldridge and Mast in 1949. They had noted in some of their clinical work that pectins, pectinates, and uronic acids when given alone by mouth possessed no potent in vivo antibacterial properties but became extremely power- ful bactericidal agents in the gastrointestinal tract when given together with oral streptomycin. The combination of pectic substances and streptomycin far surpassed the ability of streptomycin alone to eliminate intestinal organisms. They decided to compare the effect of specific pectic sub- stances alone and in combination with various antibiotics in vitro. Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, Staphlococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aerugenosa, and E. coli were tested in culture media containing varying concentrations of either seven per- cent or five percent methoxyl pectins, bismuth, aluminum, or silver pectinate, or galacturonic acid. All organisms grew well at pHs of 4.0 or higher. These investigators found that all compounds tested possessed anti-bacterial activity and that the cidal effect was not dependent on pH as Haynes et al. ('57) and Steinhaus et al. ('41) had suggested. 51 Of the agents tested, the most effective were silver pec- tinate, followed by galacturonic acid, seven percent and five percent methoxyl pectins. Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus would not grow in even small concentrations of any of the pectic substances. When the above substances were set up with all possible combinations of test organisms except Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus, and four antibiotics: strepto- mycin, penicillin, fibacitracin, and.tyrothricin, the combi- nation of each antibiotic with these compounds did produce a mild degree of synergism but it did not approach that which had been observed clinically. The authors emphasized that this synergism between pectin and antibiotics needed a great deal more evaluation in order to clarify why pectin in pres- ence of another orally introduced component enhanced the latter's activity at all. Pectin sol infusion studies As World War II was in progress, many macromolecular substances were suggested as plasma substitutes to increase blood bulk in the treatment of shock. Studies were under- taken to determine what happened to large infusions of pectic solutions in the human body and their degree of safety. Figueroa and Lavieri reported in 1944 that the infusion of one percent pectin sols would prevent the onset of experi- mentally induced shock in dogs for a longer time than would physiological saline or isotonic glucose solution. There- were also no after effects observed when one percent pectin 52 sols were administered during appendicitis and gall bladder operations. Adrenal cortical extract, serum, or pectin sols sustained blood pressure equally well and a combination of pectin and adrenal cortical extract was almost as effective in an animal's resistance to induced shock as serum and adrenal cortical extract. Meyer, Kozoll, Popper, and Steigmann ('44) reported that pectin sols were effective in the treatment of 60 human patients with shock with no undesirable side effects save for increased sedimentation rate and pseudoagglutination of some red blood cells. These studies on the use of pectin solutions for treat- ment of shock suggested that the solutions might not be harmful to the body, but the question of their safety neces- sitated study at the cellular level. Hueper ('42), investi- gating the use of macromolecular substances as agents for development of experimentally induced cardiovascular pathology, included pectic substances among the molecules tested. From his extensive studies he developed a "concept of macromole- cular diseases" with the following "symptom complex": first, were the evidences of hemodilution which included (1) the reduction of red blood cells and hemoglobin, (2) increased sedimentation rate, (5) transitory leukopenia, and (4) per- sistent leukocytosis or leukopenia; and second, were other effects, such as (1) impaired coagulation, (2) reduction of serum proteins, sometimes hyperglobulinemia, and (5) possible 55 development of storage in internal organs depending upon stability of injected macromolecules. A detailed discussion of Hueper's ('42) concept was adequately presented by him elsewhere and only those aspects pertinent to the immediate study of pectic substances in digestion and the body will be discussed here. Hueper ('42a) intravenously injected a one percent buffered solution of high molecular weight pectins into the jugular veins of three dogs. One animal received 100 mg of pectin, another 200 mg of pectin, while the last received 550 mg of the high methoxyl pectin. In the first fifteen minutes following the injection, there was an increase in the number of red blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood followed by a drop to below the original count in four hours. The red blood cell count than returned to normal levels within the first 24 hours following injection in animals receiving 100 or 200 mg of pectin but the red blood cell count of the animal receiving the 550 mg of pectin continued a downward trend during the 14 days the animals were under observation. The sedimentation rate markedly increased after injection, returned to normal levels within eight hOurs only to reach high levels again within the next 12 hours and re- main so for another six to eight days. By the 14th day, the sedimentation rate was normal again. Prothrombin time re- mained unchanged, but a moderate shortening of coagulation time was noted immediately after injection which lasted for several days. The white blood cells dropped sharply after 54 injection in animals receiving 200 and 550 mg of pectin but no change was noted in the white cell count of the animal receiving 100 mg of pectin. In a second study, three dogs, two of which had been used in the first study, were given repeated injections of pectin solution over a 14 week period until the total pectin received was 25 grams. The animal which had received a 200 mg pectin injection in the first study, showed the same initial blood picture in this study but while the hemato- logical pattern returned to within normal limits in the first two weeks, the sedimentation rate continued at very high levels throughout the 14 weeks. In a third study, Hueper studied the effect on tissues of high molecular weight pectin and depolymerized pectin solutions. Four dogs and six rabbits received the high molecular weight pectin solution and another group of three dogs and Six rabbits received injections of depolymerized pectin solution. The total pectin received within each group varied from a minimum of 550 mg to 1580 mg of pectin within three to 12 weeks. Four of the rabbits who received the 550 mg of pectin died, and when posted, these animals had spleens four times the normal size and enlarged and mottled livers and lungs. The remainder of the animals, when sacrificed, had moderately enlarged spleens and lymph nodes but all other organs were normal in size, consistency, and color. 55 Tissues were stained with ruthenium-red for histo- chemical demonstration of pectin. This method indicated pectin-like material in distended pulmonary capillaries, foam-cell intima of the aorta, parenchymal and Kupffer cells of liver, giant cells of the spleen, glomular capillaries and tubular lumen of the kidney, reticulum cells of the bone marrow and adrenal. More detailed study of the pulmonary vessels, renal, myocardial and hepatic arterioles and art~ eries showed irregular distorted nuclei with thickening and swelling of the lining due to foam-cellular transformation of endothelial cells. In some instances necrosis of the foam cells was followed by calcification with or without thickening. These atheromatous formations apparently result- ing from the retention of pectin by the endothelial cells of the arterial intima were less permanent than those previously observed with cholesterol. The cells appeared to lose their pectin-like content rapidly and then undergo necrosis or become fibroblastic. So the primary atheromatous lesions of which pectin appeared to be a part were rapidly transformed into secondary sclerotic lesions. The thyroid, parathyroid and pancreatic tissues were normal and the stomach and intestines were normal in all animals except one which possessed several mucosal hemorrhages in the small intestine. No lesions were found in the cerebral parenchymal or the vascular system of the brain. Liver, spleen and aorta tissue Stained for fat with Sudan III were 56 "practically free" of that substance. The hepatic and splenic cells showed varying degrees of pectin-like storage and cellular transformations. The changes were more marked in rabbits than in dogs. In the kidneys, lesions resembled those seen in certain types of human kidney inflammation. Swelling and thickening of cortical and tubular tissue and deposit of pectin-like material accompanied by red blood cells and other hyaline material was noted in capsular Spaces. The tissues from animals receiving the depolymerized pectin solution Showed almost a complete lack of pectin-like material in the internal organs and only minor vascular degenerative changes. The reduction in molecular weight of the pectin appeared to be of primary importance in the ex- tent and degree of tissue effect. Hueper noted that the higher molecular weight pectins have a higher degree of stability in blood and when absorbed in the cells, may be somewhat protected for a time against the activities of cytoplasm. Apparently cells can Slowly remove high molecular pectin material as long as it has not become too extensive in the tissues and has not interfered with the normal func- tioning of the organ. However, he suggested that there is limited reversibility of macromolecular storage diseases and other disorders precipitated by macromolecules. If the deposit persists at an excessive rate or if the arrest of this process comes too late, the changes in cellular metabol- ism will be irreversible. 57 In 1945 Popper et al. studied pectin as plasma sub- stitute according to Hueper's "symptom complex" and in addition noted that pyrogenic reactions and antigenicity must be explored also. A total of 155 patients received injections of from one to nine liters of a one percent buffered citrus pectin with a molecular weight of approxi- mately 55,000 (this was thought to be similar to depolymerized pectin solution used by Hueper in his studies). One-half of the patients were not in shock and were used as controls, while the other one-half were in various degrees of surgical, traumatic, hemorrhagic, and medical shock. Liver biopsies were obtained from three patients and autopsy material was obtained from ten patients. Pronounced evidences of hemodilution were registered in patients in shock after administration of 1000cc of pectin solution. When a second liter was administered little change was recorded and relatively none was noted with a third liter. So the initial hemodilution effects were not compounded by additional pectin in the blood. At the same time the investigators noted that hemodilution effects attributable to the initial 1000cc of pectin solution con- tinued long after it was suspected that pectin had been excreted by the kidneys. The authors attempted to explain these findings by suggesting that a "certain percentage" of pectin might remain in the circulation with the first in- fusion and be maintained by subsequent injections. Or, they 58 suggested that the pectin might start the hemodilution effects and be replaced by something else which could maintain them for a longer period of time. As patients with anemia or hypoproteinemia did not register pronounced hemodilution effects as did patients with normal blood counts and adequate protein reserves, they suggested that pectin might initiate an "autotransfusion" of plasma protein for this mechanism. Heart, lung, spleen, liver, pancreas and kidney tissue changes were more pronounced in patients who had received pectin solutions in excess of the 1000cc ordinarily given for shock. Splenomegaly and deposition of a peculiar pectin-like material was observed in phagocytic cells, capillaries, tissue spaces and around reticulum fibers in the spleen, kidneys, liver and lungs. Dilatation of glomerular spaces and tubular lumens of kidneys was noted but the authors sug- gested that this was a transient Sign and probably insignifi- cant. Attempts were made to histochemically characterize the pectin-like deposits in the tissues but no reaction for amyloid, iron, or calcium was obtained. The pectin solutions used for infusion in this study resulted in tissue changes similar to those demonstrated by Hueper in dogs when much higher molecular weight pectin was injected. The authors wondered if the pectin-like tissue deposit seen in this study might not be an admixture of protein, pectin, and other sub- stances which would have had a higher combined molecular weight than the pectin injected. 59 In 1944 Bryant, Palmer, and Joseph published a method designed to determine the quantity of pectic substances present in biological materials by analyzing for furfural yielding substances. The method enabled good recoveries of pectic substances added to biological materials and with this method, it was possible to follow the transport and deposition of pectin after large infusions in a more defined manner. As a follow-up to their earlier study, Kozoll et al. ('46) determined the furfural yielding substances in blood and urine of 26 patients who received 15 to 45 grams of pectin intravenously. Furfural yielding substances in the blood were determined before the infusion, after adminis- tration of each 15 grams and at 24 hour intervals thereafter during the three day observation period. The blood pectin levels were proportional to the quantity of pectin adminis- tered being higher in those patients in shock probably due to their depressed renal function. Hematological changes previously described somewhat paralleled the level of pectin in the blood and were maintained much longer than blood pectin levels. Pectin excretion through the kidneys started rapidly but decreased after the first day. Those receiving 15 grams of pectin excreted 48 percent of the pectin injected while those receiving 50 grams, excreted 45 percent by the end of the three day observation period. 40 Since these studies, Richter ('50) has described Splenomegaly and focal lesions in liver parenchyma cells, pectin casts in collecting tubules of kidney, and focal degenerative changes of various degrees in the renal tubules of mice injected with high methoxyl pectin and depolymerized pectin. Small et al. ('50) have described the effect on rabbit tissue of infusing pectins with molecular weights varying from 55,000 to 45,000. Animals were killed at inter— vals varying from one to 122 days after the last injection of buffered or unbuffered pectin. Lesions, in opposition to other stadies, caused by treatment with pectin, appeared to be transitory. They were not seen in tissues beyond the fourth day after the last injection of buffered pectin and "slightly longer" with unbuffered pectin. Hartman ('51; '52) verified Richter's findings using mice who received lower molecular weight pectin solutions every third day for 21 days. He found that storage of pectin—like material began promptly and first appeared in the liver, followed by tubular epithelial of kidney, reticulo-endothelial cells of lymph nodes, alveoli of lungs, and endothelium of blood vessels. As the safety of pectin infusions in the body was questionable, they were not often recommended by the majority of investigators for use as plasma substitutes. Just defining the most beneficial molecule size, degree of methylation, and best sterilization method would have required much additional study. 41 Animal Studies with Pectin Substances AS previously described, pectic substances are composed of galacturonic acid and these have been Shown to play a role in mucin formation. Kobren et al. ('59) postulated that in- gested pectin might therefore contribute to maintenance of mucus membranes chemically as well as physically. In order to test this possibility, diets containing 18 percent casein both adequate and deficient in vitamin A and containing three, six, or 12 percent pectin were fed to female white 'fats to evaluate whether pectin could retard keratinization of the mucous epithelium and other typical symptoms attributed to vitamin A deficiency. The animals were examined daily for Zerophthalmia, and vaginal smears were done to detect the earliest possible gross cellular changes. When Zerophthalmia was found, animals were sacrificed and histological studies were done on eyelids, nares, vagina, liver, esophagus, small intestine, and kidney. The pectin supplement did not delay the onset of Zerophthalmia. Marked changes were found in mucosa and submucosal coats of vagina, nares, and eyelids of animals on vitamin A deficient diets. However, these changes were not so marked in animals receiving pectin. The authors suggested that pectin might be of limited benefit in a vitamin A deficient diet for maintenance of mucosal integrity. Several studies were done to ascertain the protective effect of adding apple to a diet containing lead and/or arsenic. Among these was a study reported by Murer and 42 Crandall ('42) who used four litter mate pairs of rats to examine the effect of feeding diets containing 5 percent low methoxyl pectin upon the excretion of radioactive Pbelo. The diets contained not more than 0.04 ppm of szlo, and one member of the pair received 5 percent pectin. Animals were sacrificed as soon as they consumed 200 grams of diet. The control animals retained 15.8 percent of the radioactive lead, excreted 10.9 percent in the urine, and 71.7 percent in the feces. The pectin-fed animals retained only 11.8 percent of the lead in their body, excreted less in the urine, 7.9 percent, and more in the feces, 79.8 percent. AS lead will precipitate pectin in solution, the authors suggested that the mechanism involved here could be one of inhibiting lead absorption in the intestine. While Nath and Meghal ('61) were studying the intestinal synthesis of thiamine, they fed rats a thiamine-free basal diet containing 80 percent casein and no carbohydrate and thiamine-free diets in which 10 percent of the protein was replaced with 10 percent carbohydrate. Pectin, cellulose, glucose, sucrose, or honey comprised the carbohydrate content of the various experimental diets. The weanling rats were fed for six weeks and the last three days of each week, urine and feces were collected for thiamine determinations. During the second, fourth, and sixth weeks, coliform counts were done on the feces of three rats from each group. Animals were sacrificed at end of the sixth week and thiamine contents of liver, kidney, brain, and thigh muscle determined. 43 The data from animals fed the various carbohydrates were compared with data from the honey-fed group rather than the non-carbohydrate fed group. The coliform count in the feces of pectin-fed animals was higher during the first four weeks. The animals receiving pectin were excreting more thiamine in the urine and feces after the second week. The thiamine contents of the liver, brain, kidney, and muscle tissue were increased at Six weeks, and the differences were statistically significant. The authors interpreted their data as indicating that pectin in the diet enhanced the bio- synthesis of thiamine. They suggested that pectin undergoes hydrolysis during digestion and that the degradation products must favorably effect an increase in the intestinal flora. And they in turn produced more thiamine, some of which was excreted in the urine and feces. This additional thiamine was also available to the rats as coprophagy was not prevented. Had the authors compared the data of the pectin-fed animals with that from animals on the carbohydrate-free diet, they would have reported that there was increased thiamine excretion in the urine only during the third week followed by decreased urinary excretion of thiamine; there were no dif- ferences in thiamine excretion in the feces throughout the Six week period; and that there was significantly less thiamine present in brain and liver tissue and more present in kidney tissue. 44 Although there is much in the literature concerning the pectic substances, there is little concerned with whether they are digested and absorbed by the body, their relationship with other nutrients, and effect upon nutritional status. The many descrepancies in the literature may be ascribed to feeding periods often too short to allow for adequate adaptation to experimental diets; some lack of ade- quate and suitable controls; emphasis upon proteolytic enzymes or those known to attack fat or starch which could only be of negligible importance in the breakdown of macro- molecule of pectin; no clear-cut defining of the bacterial flora and bacterial enzyme systems suggested responsible for pectin degradation in the intestinal tract; a histological picture of undesirable tissue changes based upon a staining technique, ruthenium red, which has since been replaced by more specific histochemical techniques for locating pectin in tissues; and assumptions made without adequately defined data to back them up. The disappearance of pectin substances from the gastro— intestinal tract may be more complex than Schneider's work indicated. There is some suggestion in the studies of Wool- dridge and Mast ('49) and Hueper ('42) that the degree of methylation may be important in the body and cell response to pectic substances. More recently, Ershoff and Wells ('62) and Wells and Ershoff ('62) demonstrated that feeding one per- cent cholesterol in conjunction with 5 percent pectin to the 45 rat was without effect upon plasma and liver cholesterol and lipids unless the methoxyl content was 10 percent or higher. Since the rat and not the rabbit, guinea pig, or hamster was the only animal registering an anti-cholesterol effect, Wells and Ershoff suggested that the metabolic activities of pectin may also be species specific. Fausch and Anderson ('65) have very recently reported that swine fed 5 percent pectin showed significantly increased concentrations of serum cholesterols, triglycerides, and phospholipids which are in complete oppo- sition to studies reported in man and rat. Any study of pectin substances will be hampered by inadequate methodology, but as new methods become available and are applied to this problem, they can shed light on the questions surrounding the digestion and functional aspects of pectic substances. The preliminary five week study and the eight week study reported here made use of some of the newer methods. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Preliminary five week study The preliminary study was made during November and December using 26 weanling male albino rats of the Sprague- Dawley strain with an average weight of 48 grams. The animals were randomly distributed to individual wire bottom cages and housed in animal quarters where the temperature averaged 250C. Ten animals received the basal diet, eight were fed the basal diet containing 5 percent citrus pectin N. F., and eight the basal diet containing 5 percent citrus pectin L. M. The pectin in the experimental diets replaced 5 percent of the sucrose. The composition of the basal diet is given in Table 1. Table 1. Composition of Basal Diet Percent (w/W) * Vitamin-free casein 25 Corn oil ** 10 Mineral Mix 4 Sucrose 61 Vitamin mix, containing the following amounts of vitamins: 20 mg thiamine-HCl, 80 mg riboflavin, 20 mg pyridoxine-HCl, 60 mg calcium pantothenate, 100 mg niacin, 4 mg biotin, 10 mg folic acid, 400 mg para-aminobenzoic acid, 800 mg inositol, 5 mg menadione, 2 g chOline chloride, 5000 USP units of vitamin A, and 5000 USP units of vitamin D was added to each kilogram of the diet mixture. * Vitamin-free casein was supplied by General Biochemi- cals, Chagrin Falls, Ohio. ** Wesson's salts were obtained from Nutritional Bio- chemicals Corp. of Cleveland, Ohio. 46 47 The citrus pectins were obtained from Sunkist Growers, Ontario, California, and the descriptions and specifications of these two pectins may be found in the appendix, page51126—127. Diets were made fresh every seven to ten days, and method of preparation is given in the appendix, pageiUfl3£ The animals consumed diet and ordinary tap water ad libitum throughout the five week feeding period. They were placed in metabolism cages seven days prior to the end of the study, and urine and feces were collected. A three day pooled urine sample from each animal was used for the determination of furfural yielding substances. Individual urine samples collected from the animals the last four days on metabolism were diluted with 0.5M oxalic acid or four percent trichloro- acetic acid, and frozen for later assay of ascorbic acid by method of Schwartz and Williams ('55). Animals were sacri- ficed, and blood and tissues were taken and analyzed as will be described in the eight week study. Eight week study In the eight week feeding study, 150 Sprague-Dawley male albino weanling rats averaging 45 grams were randomly dis- tributed to individual wire bottomed cages and fed diet and ordinary tap water ad libitum. They were housed in quarters where the temperature varied between 25°C and 260C during the eight week study period in the months of July, August, and September. Fifty animals received the basal diet, another 50 48 received the basal diet containing 5 percent citrus pectin N. F., while the last group of 50 were fed basal diet con- taining 5 percent citrus pectin L. M. as described in the preliminary five week study. Daily food intake records were kept and weekly weight gains calculated. At the two, four, six, and eight week periods, animals were randomly selected from each diet for study. Thirteen animals were selected from each diet at two and four week periods, while at the last two periods, 12 animals. During the last three days of the period these animals were placed in metabolism cages and urine and feces were collected daily. The urine excreted was collected into a vessel which contained one ml of toluene. The 24 hour urine sample of each animal was refrigerated at 4°C until the total collection period was completed. Then the three samples of each animal were pooled, frozen, and stored for later analysis. The feces collected from each animal were allowed to air dry, then were sealed in glass jars and stored in a dry, dark area. Animals were weighed the last day of each period and sacrificed the following day. After anesthetizing the animals with ether, blood samples of three to 10 mls were drawn from the abdominal aorta with clean, dry five or 10 ml glass syringes using #21 or #22 gauge needles. Whenever the quantity was sufficient, serum and/or potassium oxalated blood were obtained. Animals were then killed by a blow to the head, the neck broken, and liver, kidneys, and spleen were excised. 49 The tissues were rinsed in distilled water, blotted dry with filter paper, and weighed. The spleen and right kidney along with the small tear-drop caudate lobe situated to the left beneath the two upper large lobes of the liver were fixed in 10 percent formaldehyde for future histological studies. The remainder of the liver tissue was homogenized with a Potter- Elvehjem homogenizer using sufficient deionized water to give a final volume of 25 to 55 mls. The homogenates were refrig- erated at 4°C until the end of the sacrifice day, then were frozen and stored at 0°C. At four and six weeks the left kidney was homogenized, frozen and stored, and at eight weeks, the spleen was homogenized, frozen, and stored. A final volume of 10 ml was used for kidney and spleen tissues. At the end of the sacrifice day serum was carefully de- canted from the blood clot, centrifuged at 1000 rpm until clear (about 20 minutes), stoppered, frozen, and stored. Protein-free filtrates were prepared from the oxalated blood samples according to the method of Bryant, Palmer, and Joseph ('44). After the filtrates were centrifuged clear, they were stoppered, frozen, and stored for later analysis. Methods of Analysis The method of Bryant, Palmer, and Joseph ('44) for determining pectin in biological materials was used with a few modifications in distillation apparatus and procedure. Urine samples were thawed and filtered after removal from frozen 50 storage, and pectin was precipitated with 95 percent ethanol. The tissues homogenized and frozen at time of sacrifice were removed from storage in a random manner, thawed, and protein- free filtrates were made from aliquots at room temperature as described in the method. “ Liver protein-free filtrates were made in triplicate whereas single filtrates were made from spleen and kidney homogenates. These protein-free filtrates were then frozen and stored at 0°C until removed at random for assay. Furfural yielding substances were determined in the following tissues and fluids: at two Weeks: liver and urine at four weeks: liver, left kidney, whole blood, and urine at six weeks: liver, left kidney, whole blood, and urine at eight weeks: liver, left kidney, spleen, whole blood, and urine. During the preliminary studies, sufficient samples were distilled to establish the volume of distillate required to obtain all furfural yielding substances. For urine and liver protein-free filtrates all furfural yielding substances were distilled over in the first 100 mls. Those substances present in the whole blood distilled over in 25 mls, while 50 and 45 mls were required to obtain all furfural yielding substances in spleen and kidney tissue, respectively. An additional 10 mls of distillate was collected from each sample and checked as to completeness of distillation. All tissue protein-free 51 filtrates and urine samples were run in triplicate. Two per- cent aqueous solutions of each pectin were used as standards. Furfural yielding substances from pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. averaged 158 mg per gram. Maximum absorbancy was obtained at 520 mu using the Beckman DB spectrophotometer set at narrow slit. Standard furfural curves were linear between 0.001 and 0.020 mg of furfural per 10 ml of solution. Aniline for these determin- ations was purchased in one lot, separated into three dark brown glass bottles, tightly resealed, and a new bottle was opened at first indication of deterioration. With each new aniline, standard curves were re—checked, and the K values were 0.01756, 0.01772, and 0.01880, respectively, for the three bottles of aniline. Urine and feces were analyzed for anhydroglacturonic acid according to the original method of Dische ('47). The modified uronic acid carbazole reaction suggested by Bitter and Muir ('62) was studied but for the particular biological materials analyzed in this study, the sodium ion seemed to be more critical than the borate. Therefore, Slight modifications were made in the reading out procedure of Dische and extraction procedures were altered to include the sodium ion only. Refer to appendix for method, page 129. The uronic acid carbazole determinations were read using the Beckman DB spectrophotometer, narrow Slit. Maximum \ absorbancy occurred at 556 mu, and the standard curves were 52 linear between 6 and 40 micrograms per ml of uronic acid. The carbazole method is sensitive to chloride ions and necessitates caution in handling of glassware and reagents. The same lot of concentrated sulfuric acid was used for all determinations as control on this source of possible impuri- ties. Standard anhydrogalacturonic acid curves were checked with each of the new carbazole preparations, and K values were 98.72, 101.72, and 102.95, respectively. Pectin N. F., as fed in the five and eight week studies, assayed by this method contained 845 micrograms of anhydrogalacturonic acid per mg or 84 percent, while pectin L. M. contained 705 micro- grams per milligram or 70 percent. Urine and fecal samples were run in triplicate wherever possible. uronic acids were determined in urine collected for all periods, but fecal uronic acids were not determined on those collected at two weeks. The remainder of the homogenized liver and kidney tissues were dried at 1000C for 11 hours for moisture deter- minations and elemental analyses. The kidney tissues were ground by hand in mortar and pestle, and the dried liver tissue was first ground in a Wiley Mill using a #40 mesh screen and then reground with a mortar and pestle. All equipment was thoroughly rinsed in triple distilled and de- ionized water to eliminate ion contamination. Five-tenths of a gram of dried liver tissue from animals sacrificed at the four, six, and eight week periods and 55 0.2 g of dried kidney tissue from animals sacrificed at six and eight week periods were ashed at 5500F for 12 hours in a muffle furnace. The ash was diluted 1 ml for every 0.1 g of dried tissue ashed with 1.8N HCl-Co-Li-K solution and analyzed for phosphorus,sodium, calcium, magnesium, man- ganese, iron, copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum, and aluminum by emission spectrograph.* Five-tenths of a gram of each diet and each of the citrus pectins were similarly treated and analyzed for the above elements (appendix, pages 155-154). Dried liver tissue 'waa assayed in triplicate for total nitrogen by the boric-acid modification of micro-Kjeldahl- Gunning method (A.O.A.C., '60). Blood sera from the animals at all periods were assayed for protein components by paper electrophoresis using standard Spinco apparatus and procedure using a current of 10 milliamps for 16 hours. Strips were stained with bromphenol blue and scanned in Beckman analytrol.' Slight hemolysis was present in some serum samples on a random basis but this did not appear to influence the data obtained. Sera were run in ' triplicate and data for each component were averaged. No sera were stored more than two months prior to electrophoretic' separation. Statistical analysis of the data included standard error of mean and T-test (Snedecor, '56). In addition, some data were evaluated by analysis of variance and simple correlation. A . 1 'Q *- 1.5 meter "Quantograph" (trade name) photoelectric spectrometer produced by Applied Research Laboratories, Inc. Glendale, California. 54 Differences at the 5 percent but not the 2 percent level of probability were interpreted as indicating a tendency toward or a trend. Differences at the 2 percent and 1 percent level of probability were interpreted as indicating significance. Since throughout the study pectin fed groups were compared with basal fed groups, Significant differences between pectin_ fed groups will be specifically mentioned. RESULTS OF FEEDING STUDIES Preliminary Five Week Study Results The protein level of the basal and pectin containing diets used in the five week feeding study averaged 25.6 per- cent. The animals accepted the diets well, and there was no evidence of diarrhea. In the first two weeks of feeding, the pectin N. F. fed animals tended toward a lowered food intake. But during the third, fourth, and fifth weeks of the study no differences in food consumed were noted, and the total food consumed was not Significantly different. The food consumption at two weeks and the total food consumed by the pectin L. M. fed animals was also comparable to that of the basal and pectin N. F. fed rats (Table 2). Table 2. Average Total Food Consumed in Grams by Animals Fed for 5 Weeks _ —— Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. *- At two weeks 152;i 5' 158 i 5 152 i 6 At three weeks 254 i 6 241 i 8 252 i 7 At four weeks 565 i 12 549 i 19 564 i 15 At five weeks 466 i 15 451 i 21 449 i 16 Standard error of mean * P < .05 > .02 55 56 The basal fed animals averaged a total weight gain of 41 i 1 grams per week during the study period, while the pectin L. M. fed animals averaged a total weight gain of 40 i 1 grams per week, and the pectin N. F. fed animals, 57 i 2 grams per week. The initial average weight of each group was 48 grams but the pectin N. F. fed animals weighed on the average 17 grams lighter than the basal fed group at the end of the five week study. The differences in final weight were not significant. When the average weight gain per week of each group was plotted (Figure 2), the pectin L. M. fed animals failed to gain weight during the second week comparable to the other four weeks on the study. The pectin N. F. fed animals, however, having reached an average weekly weight gain similar to that of the basal and pectin L. M. fed animals at three weeks, returned to a level similar to their initial average weekly gain at four weeks, only to return to the former level at five weeks. No significance could be attached to these changes in weight gain pattern, however, except to sug- gest that some adaptation may have taken place at the second week for animals consuming pectin L. M. and at the third or fourth week for pectin N. F. fed animals. Any adaptation may have been concerned with alteration in the microflora profile introduced by the pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. Feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratios when ex- amined on a weekly basis, decreased as would be expected with rapidly growing weanling rats. The PER of animals fed 57 mxmmz mamfiflcm m e m m a 4. 0 o u T 0 :0d .m .2 .2 .A 41l1+. :ON Hmmmm I l I L.om cow +om .mxmm3 m How pom >9 madam CH Uwcflmm psmflm3 wameB mmmuw>¢ .m mudmflm smexs ur urea abexenv 58 the basal diet decreased from 2.80 i .05 to 1.55 i .07 at the fourth week while the PER of pectin N. F. fed animals decreased from 2.70 i .05 to 1.57 i .09. At the fifth week, the PERS of pectin N. F. and basal fed animals were 1.65 i .08 and 1.67 i .09, respectively. The PER of pectin L. M. fed group, however, decreased from 2.71 r .06 at the first week to 1.58 i .19 at the second week, maintained this level through the fourth week, then increased to 1.97 i .11 at the fifth week. This tendency toward increased weight gain per gram of protein consumed by the pectin L. M. fed animals between the fourth and fifth weeks, was noted whether the data were compared with basal fed or pectin N. F. fed groups. Whatever the nature of the possible adaptation at the second week, it did not alter the ability of the pectin L. M. animals to utilize their diet for growth as efficiently as other animals. The fecal and urine excretion of these animals and the furfural yielding substances contained in the urine are given in Table 5. The quantities of feces excreted by animals consuming the two pectin diets were comparable and were greater than the quantity excreted by basal fed animals. No observable gross differences were noted in the feces excreted by the animals on the basal and pectin containing diets, and no attempt was made to determine the nature of the increased bulk. Schneider ('12) while studying the effect of feeding apple marc primarily composed of pectin to three 59 Table 5. Feces, urine and urinary Furfural Yielding Sub- stances (FYS) Excreted in 5 Days (TS) by Animals Fed for 5 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. *** Urine excreted (ml) 27 i 2.5' 21 i 5.0 17 i 1.0 urinary FYS(mg/TS) 2.05 i .11 2.15 i .19*** 1.91 i .04*** Feces excreted (g) 2.75 i .18 4.52 i .55 4.68 i .57 Standard error of mean *- P < .01 ** human subjects noted that the apple marc increased the total amount of feces. Werch and Ivy ('42) suggested from their feeding studies with citrus pectin N. F. that the pectin escaping decomposition in the gastrointestinal tract of human or dog led to increased fecal bulk. Although the urine excretion appeared to be lower for pectin N. F. fed animals, the difference was not significant. The urine excretion of the pectin L. M. fed animals was significantly depressed after 5 weeks. As no differences were noted in the weights of fresh kidney taken from the basal and the pectin fed animals, the depressed excretion may have resulted from altered function or blockage of tubules by pectin-like material. No increase in furfural yielding sub- stances was found in the three day urine samples obtained from the basal and pectin fed animals. As the latter animals had free access to pectin-containing diets during the metabolism period, each group consumed 22.5 grams of pectin 60 during the study, and pectin is water Soluble, it was expected that if pectin is absorbed to a limited extent that furfural yielding substances presumably due to pectin would be present in the urine of these animals. However, as the differences in fecal quantities excreted by animals on the pectin diets were statistically significant, the intestinal tract may be a preferred route for pectin excretion in the rat rather than urine. ‘ Ascorbic acid was determined in urine samples collected the last four days of the feeding period. There was a sug- gestion that pectin fed animals excreted more ascorbic acid per 24 hours but additional data must be obtained to establish and verify this excretion pattern. Ascorbic acid levels in other body tissues during pectin feeding need to be determined. before any relationship can be suggested. No significant differences were found among fresh liver weights and the spleens were not enlarged in pectin fed animals. Table 4. Furfural Yielding Substances (FYS) in Fresh Liver Tissue frbm Animals Fed for 5 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Fresh liver (9) 10.59 i .52' 10.75 i .46 10.11 i .45 FYs(mg/g) 1.55 i .09 1.96 i .15* 1.75 i .15 FYS(mg/total fresh 15.95 i1117‘ 20.87 11149**' 17.66 11185‘ liver Standard error of mean *- P < .05 > .02 ** P < .02 > .01 61 Per gram of fresh liver (Table 4), the pectin N. F. fed animals tended toward increased content of furfural yielding substances at five weeks. When the furfural yield- ing substances were calculated for the total liver, the pectin N. F. fed animals showed increased furfural yielding substances significant at the two percent level. Livers from animals receiving pectin L. M. contained somewhat higher values for furfural yielding substances per gram than the livers of basal fed animals but the difference was not sig- nificant. The increase in furfural yielding substances observed in the liver of animals consuming pectin N. F. may be due to deposit of pectin-like material, but other uronic acids, pentoses, and a few sugars may have contributed. Another effect of feeding pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. was noted in the serum proteins separated by paper electro- phoresis. A tendency toward decreased serum albumin was observed in the serum proteins of both pectin fed groups as compared with those from basal fed animals but no trends or significant differences were noted in other serum protein components. Discussion and summary The preliminary study enabled the refinement of metho- dology and called attention to the need for additional information. The growth‘Curves obtained from all three groups were linear, although pectin N. F. fed animals gained at a 62 lower increment than basal or pectin L. M. fed animals. There was only a suggestion based upon the changes in aver- age weekly weight gain pattern that animals consuming pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. showed some manner of metabolic adaptation at the second, third, or fourth week. The lack of furfural yielding substances in the urine and the depressed urine excretion suggested that the kidney may not excrete pectin-like material and that kidney function may have been affected. As the bulk of the feces was Significantly in- creased, the animals may have excreted pectin in the feces. The increase in liver furfural yielding substances suggested that some pectin-like material was being deposited in the liver. Coupled with this was the tendency toward lowered percentage of serum albumin as measured by paper electro- phoresis, which may be indicative of some alteration in liver cell function. On the basis of the data obtained in the preliminary study, a feeding study of longer duration was undertaken to verify and define the tissue deposit and excretion pattern in more detail in rats fed 5 percent pectin N. F. or pectin L. M. AS furfural yielding substances are a relative assay of pectin and may not detect minor differences in the quantity of these substances in biological materials, uronic acid carbazole determinations of urine and feces were included for comparison and correlative purposes. Although the carba- zole method is not specific for pectin, it measures uronic 65 acids which are the basic units of pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. Therefore, the method should be somewhat more indi- cative of pectin and detect differences in uronic acids in excretory products of pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. fed groups if they exist. The method does not measure the uronic acid of ascorbic acid. In addition to the liver tissue, kidney and spleen were assayed for furfural yielding sub- stances. With the assay of urine, feces, and the principle tissues suggested in the literature as deposit sites for pectin-like material, it was hoped that some pattern of total elimination and deposit in relation to pectin consumed could be established for this group of animals. As the major structural difference between the pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. is in the methoxyl content, the chelating ability of these two compounds might be quite different. Therefore, the second study included a mineral assay of liver and kidney tissue. The weanling animals were fed eight weeks to encompass the most rapid growth phase, and were sacrificed at two week intervals to more accurately pin-point a possible point of metabolic adaptation. Eight Week Study The diets fed in this study supplied a lower protein level than those of the five week preliminary study. Kjeldahl nitrogen determinations of the diets indicated a protein level of 21.7 percent for the basal and basal containing 64 5 percent pectin N. F. and 22.0 percent for basal containing 5 percent pectin L. M. The basal diet contributed 4.60 calories per gram while the pectin N. F. or pectin L. M. diets contributed 4.58 or 4.57 calories per gram, respectively. As animals were sacrificed every two weeks during this study, the diet groups (basal, pectin N. F., or pectin L. M.) will be referred to by metabolism period, such as, basal fed animals of the two week metabolism period. In order to avoid confusion, the findings of each metabolism period will be reported separately. Two week metabolism period Results. Those animals randomly selected from their respective groups for sacrifice at the close of the two week metabolism period, Showed no significant differences in total weight gain or in total diet consumed. Over the two week period, the basal fed animals averaged a weight gain of 56 i 2 grams per week, the pectin N. F. or pectin L. M. fed animals averaged 58 i 2 grams per week. The total food consumed by each group ranged from 115 i 4 grams for the basal, to 120 i 4 grams for pectin N. F. and 125 i 5 grams for the pectin L. M. groups. No differences were noted in food efficiency or in protein efficiency ratios. Furfural yielding substances were determined on the urine samples collected during the three day metabolism period. and these and the uronic acid data on the same urine samples 65 are given in Table 5. No significant differences were noted in the fresh kidney weight or in the quantity of urine excreted by the animals on the three diets, but differences were noted in quantity of furfural yielding substances and uronic acids excreted. Table 5. Furfural Yielding Substances iFYS) and uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in 5 Day Urine Samples (TS) and Fecal Excretion of Animals Fed for 2 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% ‘Qiet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. urine excretion (ml) 11.0 i 1.5' 15.0 i 2.4 10.0 i 1.5 FYS (mg/TS) 1.47 1 .10 1.98 i .12*** 1.89 1 .19 Uronic acids (mg/TS) 0.90 i .17 2.84 i .42*** 1.99 i .56** Feces excreted (g) 0.65 i .05 1.10 i .05* 1.56 i .09*** Standard error of mean *- P < .05 > .02 ** P < .02 > .01 *** P < .01 The pectin N. F. fed animals excreted significantly more pectin-like material in the urine whether measured by furfural yielding substances or uronic acids. Whereas, the furfural yielding substances in urine of pectin L. M. fed animals was not significantly different, the uronic acid excretion was significant at the two percent level of probability. The quantity of furfural yielding substances or uronic acids ex- creted by these animals on pectin diets is small in comparison with the pectin consumed by them during the two weeks of feed— ing. During the collection of urine and feces these animals 66 consumed on the average 1.5 grams of pectin. The pectin N. F. fed animals tended to excrete increased quantities of fecal material, and the pectin L. M. fed group showed increased excretion of fecal material, statistically Signifi- cant, when data from these two groups were compared with those from basal fed animals. No uronic acid determina- tions were done on this material but on the basis of uronic acid data from four, six, and eight week metabolism periods, the increased bulk can be assumed to result from presence of pectin in the diet. The feeding of either pectin N. F. or L. M. did not influence the weight of fresh liver or the milligrams of fur- fural yielding substances in the liver (Table 6). The lower furfural yielding substances per gram of liver tissue of animals maintained upon pectin N. F. or pectin L. M. is of interest although not significant. Table 6. Furfural Yielding Substances (FYS) in Fresh Liver Tissue from Animals Fed for 2 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. FYS (mg/g) 4.95 i .59' 4.51 i .45 4.54 i .27 FYS (mg/total fresh 52.61 i 5.4 27.25 i 5.1 28.05 i 2.2 liver) Standard error of mean 67 The animals studied at this metabolism period were .experiencing rapid growth and liver glycogen stores were being actively transformed for energy. Pentoses and occasionally sugars yield furfural substances, and the values obtained may be reflective of different concentrations of five and six carbon tissue components and may be indirectly indicative of a slower mobilization or faster utilization of energy yielding material in the liver tissue of the pectin fed animals. No significant differences were found in the proteins separated by paper electrophoresis from sera of pectin L. M. fed animals. But thelsera obtained from pectin N. F. fed animals Showed a significant increase in serum albumin at the two percent level of probability, coupled with a tendency toward decreased alpha-2 globulin (Table 7). Table 7. Protein Components Separated from Sera of Animals Fed for 2 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Albumin (%) 48.6 4 .6 51.5 4 .9** 51.2 4 1.4 Alpha-1 globulin (%) 14.4 4 .4 15.0 4 .5 14.8 4 .4 Alpha-2 globulin (%) 12.6 4 .5 11.2 4 .5* 11.9 4 .7 Beta globulin (%) 16.1 4 .4 15.5 4 .5 15.6 4 .5 Gamma globulin (%) 8.5 4 .8 7.5 4 .8 6.5 4 .6 I Standard error of mean *p < .05 > .02 *‘X' p < .02 > .01 68 The percent gamma globulin appeared to be lower in the pectin N. F. fed animal sera and still lower in the pectin L. M. fed animal sera in comparison with the percent found in the sera of basal fed animals but neither difference was statistically significant. Summary. At the two week metabolism period of the eight week study the pectin N. F. fed animals showed a significant increased excretion of furfural yielding substances and uronic acids in the urine, tendency toward increased fecal excretion, significant increase in percent serum albumin, and lowered percent serum alpha-2 globulin. Data from the pectin L. M. fed animals, however, indicated only increased excretion of uronic acids in the urine and increased excre- tion of fecal material, significant at two percent and one percent level, respectively. Four week metabolism period Results. Animals maintained for four weeks on the basal and pectin N. F. or pectin L. M. diets Showed no dif- ferences in final weight nor in the total quantity of food consumed. The average weight gain per week for pectin N. F. animals was 56 i 2 grams the first and second week, then decreased to 52 i 1 grams by the fourth week. The weight gain of basal fed animals averaged 56 4 1 grams while the pectin L. M. fed group averaged 57 i 1 grams for each of the four weeks. No differences were noted in the quantity of 69 food eaten weekly nor in food efficiency among the three diet groups. The PER of the basal group decreased from 5.15 i .07 at first week to 1.81 i .11 at the fourth week while the PER of pectin N. F. fed group decreased from 5.01 i .07 to 1.65 i .08, and PER of pectin L. M. fed group decreased from 5.05 i .09 to 1.72 i .11. No significant differences were noted in the quantity of urine excreted by the animals of the three diet groups or in the weight of fresh kidney. The pectin N. F. fed animals, however, excreted increased quantities of furfural yielding substances, significant at the one percent level of prob- ability (Table 8). The quantity of uronic acids excreted in the urine of pectin N. F. fed animals was also Significantly different at the one percent level. Correlation coefficient of results between these two methods for this group was 0.89. The pectin L. M. fed animals, although still not showing dif- ferences in urine furfural yielding substances did show increased excretion of uronic acids significant at the one percent level of probability. Both the pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. fed animals ex- creted twice the quantity of feces excreted by the basal fed animals (Table 9). The uronic acids determined per gram of dried feces tended toward increased significance in the pectin N. F. fed group but was Significant for the pectin L. M. fed group. 70 Table 8. Furfural Yielding Substances (FYS) and uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in 5 Day Urine Samples (TS) From Animals Fed for 4 Weeks Basal } 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. FYS (mg/TS) 1.41 4 .12' 2.15 4 .15*** 1.86 4 .15 Uronic acids (mg/TS) 1.22 4 .16 5.62 4 .52*** 2.59 4 .59*** Correlation coef. 0.50 0.89 0.82 Standard error of mean * P < .01 ** Table 9. Uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in Dried Feces Excreted in 5 Days by Animals Fed 4 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. H- .08' 1.62 i .14*** 1.55 1 .Q7*** .29 6.67 i1.39* 188.94 112.0*** .15 8.59 11.51*** 295.91 124.8*** Feces excreted (g) 0.82' H- Uronic acids (mg/g) 5.55 Uronic acids (mg/TS) 2.68 |+ .Standard error of mean *- P < .05 > .02 *** P < .01 Of the 15 pectin N. F. fed animals, there are three not in- cluded in the averages reported in Table 9. These three animals excreted 2.55 i .10 grams of feces which contained 51.69, 60.51, and 122.44 milligrams of uronic acid per gram of dried material. When these values were converted into 71 milligrams of uronic acid per total fecal sample excreted during the three day metabolism period, values of 75.84, 155.00, and 254.68 milligrams, respectively, were obtained. These three animals excreted four to 15 times more uronic acid in feces than the other 10 animals of their group, and were more comparable to animals of the pectin L. M. fed group. The latter animals showed significantly increased excretion of uronic acids per gram of dried feces and in- creased quantity of uronic acids in the total fecal sample. Furfural yielding substances determined on the kidney and liver tissue taken from animals sacrificed at this metabolism period showed no differences in the quantity of furfural yielding substances. The data are reported in Table 10. Table 10. Furfural Yielding Substances in Fresh Kidney and Liver Tissues of Animals Fed 4 Weeks ll Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. FYS (mg/g kidney) 0.12 i.005' 0.12 i .005 0.11 4 .006 FYS (mg/g liver) 2.09 4.19 1.88 i .15 1.98 i .14 FYS (mg/total fresh 18.80 41.8 16.56 4 4.5 17.57 41.2 liver) Standard error of mean No differences were found in the moisture content of liver 'tissue, nitrogen per gram of dried liver, milligrams of furfural yielding substances in 100 ml of blood, serum pro— tein components, nor in the quantity of phOSphorus, sodium 72 calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, molybdenum, copper, boron, zinc, or aluminum determined by emission spectrograph in liver tissue. Quantity of calcium, however, was decreased, significant at the two percent level of probability, when the values obtained from pectin N. F. fed animals were com- pared with those of pectin L. M. fed animals. Percent calcium in livers of pectin N. F. fed animals averaged 0.17 4 .01 while that in livers of pectin L. M. fed animals was 0.20 i .006 and in basal fed animals, 0.19 i .01. Summary. At the four week metabolism period, both pectin fed groups were excreting increased quantities of feces and uronic acids in both urine and feces and the dif- ferences were statistically significant. The average weekly weight gain of pectin N. F. fed animals decreased during the four weeks feeding but was not significant. The only other difference at this metabolism period was the decreased per- cent calcium in livers of pectin N. F. fed animals compared with pectin L. M. fed animals. Six week metabolism period Results. Findings of the preliminary five week study suggested that pectin fed animals may have undergone some manner of metabolic adaptation prior to sacrifice. In the eight week study this point of metabolic adaptation or altered response appeared to center near the sixth week of the study. The pectin fed animals selected for sacrifice in 75 this metabolism period reacted differently in several ways from animals sacrificed at two and four week metabolism periods. After six weeks of feeding (Table 11), the final weight of the pectin N. F. fed animals was considerably lower than the final weight observed in the basal fed and pectin L. M. fed animals and was statistically significant at the one percent level of probability. Directly related to this was a lowered food consumption, also significant at the one per- cent level. Table 11. Average Total Weight Gained and Food Consumed in Grams by Animals Fed for 6 Weeks * - Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Weight gained 225 4 11' 174 4 8*** 204 4 8 Food consumed 524 4 19 426 4 17*** 501 4 17 Standard error of mean *** P < .01 When the total weight gain and food consumption data of the pectin N. F. fed group were broken down into two and four week feeding periods, the same high degree of signifi- cance was found for weight gain and food consumed, indicating that the animals of this metabolism period consumed less food and gained less weight throughout the feeding period. When feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratios of the pectin N. F. fed group were calculated weekly, there was a tendency 74 toward decreased food efficiency ratio and a decreased protein efficiency ratio significant at two percent at the second week. However, no differences were noted in these ratios the other five weeks. Except for the second week, the randomly selected animals on pectin N. F. diet sacrificed at the sixth week, apparently utilized the diet as efficiently for growth as basal and pectin L. M. fed animals throughout the study. Data comparing the protein efficiency ratios of the basal, pectin N. F., and pectin L. M. groups at two, four, six, and eight week metabolism periods, may be found in the appendix, pages 155-157. The pectin N. F. fed animals of the six week metabolism period also tended toward decreased urine excretion coupled with a decrease in kidney weight. No differences were noted between groups in the milligrams of furfural yielding sub- stances in the urine samples, but differences were found in the uronic acid values (Table 12). The pectin N. F. fed animals were still excreting an increased quantity of uronic acid in the urine which was statistically significant, while the pectin L. M. fed animals were showing increased urinary uronic acid excretion only tending toward Significance. The results of the two methods did not show a good degree of correlation but the uronic acid data were consider- ed of more importance in measuring the excretion pattern of pectin-fed animals. 75 Table 12. Fresh Kidney, urine Excreted, Furfural Yielding Substances and uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in 5 Day Urine Samples of Animals Fed for 6 Weeks m Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Fresh kidney (9) 1.02 4 .04' 0.90 4 .05* 0.97 4 .02 urine excreted (ml) 54 4 6 18 4 5* 27 4 4 FYS (mg/TS) 1.72 4 .19 1.90 4 .11 1.95 4 .11 Uronic acid (mg/TS) 1.16 4 .22 2.65 4 .25*** 1.91 4 .21* Correlation coef. 0.66 0.66 0.55 .Standard error of mean * P < .05 > .02 *- P < .01 ** In contrast to the two previous periods, the pectin N. F. fed group of the sixth week metabolism period did not excrete in- creased quantities of feces while the pectin L. M. fed group maintained the same pattern of excreting increased quantities of feces (Table 15) as previously observed. Although the pectin N. F. fed animals were not excreting increased amounts of feces, they were still excreting increased quantities of fecal uronic acids as were the pectin L. M. fed animals. AS in the four week metabolism period, there are two animals out of the 12 fed the pectin N. F. diet that are not included in the averages in Table 15. These two animals excreted 1.67 4 .10 grams of feces which contained 55.6 4 .5 milli- grams of uronic acid per gram. For the total feces excreted during the three day metabolism period, these two animals 76 excreted seven times more uronic acid than the other members of the group. Table 15. Feces Excreted, uronic Acid as Galacturonic Acid in Dried Feces Excreted by Animals Fed 6 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Feces excreted (g), 1.19 4 .09' 1.40 4 .10 1.96 4.15*** uronic acids (mg/go 2.05 4 .25 6.21 4 .60*** 146.52'46;6*** Uronic acids (mg/ ' 2.51 4 .45 8.01 4 .68*** 295.09 45.1*** total sample) 'Standard error of mean. *- P < .01 ** No differences were observed in the liver weights, and the quantity of furfural yielding substances in tissues and blood presented in Table 14, were not significantly different. The tendency toward increased furfural yielding substances per gram of fresh liver in pectin N. F. fed animals noted in the five week study was not found in the six week metabol- ism period of this study, although the average furfural yield- ing substances in the animal tissue from the two studies was the same, 1.96 4 .15 and 1.95 4 .15. Since pectin N. F. animals of this particular feeding period did not consume as much diet and they weighed 16 grams less at six weeks than the preliminary study group did at five weeks, the average liver weight was 1.28 grams less. When the total liver furfural yielding substances are calculated for the pectin N. F. fed animals of the six week metabolism period, they 77 are lower than those of the pectin N. F. fed animals of the preliminary five week study. Therefore, the deposit of a pectin-like material suggested by the findings of the pre- liminary study is not verified by the data obtained'at the six week metabolism period of the eight week feeding study. Table 14. Fresh Liver, Furfural Yielding Substances in Fresh Kidney and Liver Tissues and Blood of Animals Fed for 6 Weeks ll —__ Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Fresh liver (9) 10.89 4.78' 9.47 4 .51 9.87 4 .29 FYS (mg/g kidney) 0.15 4.006 0.15 4 .007 0.14 4 .005 FYS (mg/g liver) 1.71 4.22 1.95 4 .15 1.70 4 .14 FYS (mg/total liver) 20.15 4.5.5 18.45 41.4 16.84 41.5 FYS (mg/100 ml blood) 6.17 4.96 5.55 4 .64 5.41 4 .80 Standard error of mean The percent of serum protein components in the sera from animals fed pectin N. F. also showed differences although the serum protein components:in the sera of pectin L. M. fed animals did not (Table 15). The percent serum albumin of the pectin N. F. fed animals was decreased significantly greater than at the one percent level of probability. Coupled with this lowering of the serum albumin was a tendency toward increased alpha-2 globulin and an increase in the percent of gamma globulin. Although a casein diet promotes formation of body proteins (Allison et al., '59), in general more efficiently than formation of plasma albumin, the presence of pectin N. F. in the diet intensified this effect while it 78 apparently stimulated an increase in the alpha-2 globulin component which represents among others, iron and copper- protein complexes and lipo-proteins. In addition, presence of pectin N. F. in the diet of these animals stimulated an increase in the extra-hepatic component, gamma globulin. Whether these changes in protein components are indicative of altered liver cell function and true production of anti- body or of non-specific gamma globulins needs additional examination. Table 15. Protein Components Separated from Sera of Animals Fed for 6 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Albumin (%) 50.2 4 .56' 45.7 4 1.1*** 49.8 4 1.0 Alpha-1 globulin (%) 16.7 4 .4 15.5 4 .6 16.5 4 .6 Alpha-2 globulin (%) 10.2 4 .2 11.4 4 .5 10.7 4 .5 Beta globulin (%) 14.5 4 .2 15.8 4 .4 14.6 4 .5 Gamma globulin (%) 8.5 4 .4 11.7 4 1.0*** -8.4 4 .7 'Standard error of mean -)(- P < .01 ** Both liver andjkidney tissue from these animals were analyzed by emission Spectrograph (Table 16). No differences were found in the quantity of elements in the livers of the pectin N. F. group but the percent magnesium tended to in- crease in the livér of the pectin L. M. fed group. The kid— neys of both pectin fed groups contained increased quantities of copper, significant at the one percent level, but no other differences were noted. 79 Table 16. Emission Spectrograph Data from Liver and Kidney Tissues of Animals Fed for 6 Weeks - Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Liver calcium (%) 0.20 4 .01' 0.17 4 .01 0.19 4 .01 Liver magnesium (%) 0.0714 .002 0.0744 .005 0.0824 .004* Liver copper (ppm) 25.5 41.4 26.6 41.6 27.5 41.8 Kidney cepper (ppm) 59.4 41.5 61.6 44.9*** 56.4 45.7*** Standard error of mean *- P < .05 > .02 *- P < .01 ** As pectic substances are known to chelate calcium, this was the element which had been expected to Show change within the tissues if any change could be precipitated by feeding these two pectins of substantially different methoxyl content. The pectin N. F. could not be expected to chelate the same quantity of divalent ion as the pectin L. M. because it con- tains so many less available hydroxyl groups capable of losing hydrogen. Therefore, the highly significant increase in copper rather than calcium in the kidney tissue and by both pectin fed groups was unexpected. The basal diets con- tained 15.7 ppm of copper, the pectin N. F. diet 1925 ppm of copper, and the pectin L. M. diet, 21.5 ppm of copper. These are not high dietary levels of copper for the rat (Mills and Murray, '60), and the rat is capable of concen- trating many times the quantity of copper from a diet con- taining normal levels of copper without exhibiting any signs 80 of toxicity (Boyden et al., '58). Complete emission Spectrograph data obtained from livers and kidneys of animals of each diet group sacrificed at four, six, and eight weeks will be found in the appendix, pages 158-142. Summary. The most significant changes noted in the six week metabolism period, involved the animals consuming the pectin N. F. diets. These animals consumed less food and gained less weight, excreted small quantities of pectin-like material in the urine and the feces but did not appear to be depositing, as determined by furfural yielding substances, pectin-like material in the liver or the kidney. The percent of serum protein components in the sera of these animals sug- gested a reverse albumin-globulin ratio, and there was accumulation of copper in the kidney tissue, statistically highly significant. The animals consuming pectin L. M. diets were still excreting quantities of feces containing increased amounts of uronic acids, significant at the one percent level, and for the first time findings from these animals indicated increased accumulation of magnesium in the liver and copper in the kidney, Significant at two percent. Eight week metabolism period Results. The pectin N. F. fed animals of the six week metabolism period gradually consumed less food and gained less weight, but this was not the pattern found with the 81 pectin N. F. fed animals of the eight week metabolism period. The pectin N. F. fed animals of this period ceased gaining weight during the eighth week so that the final weight of this group (262 4.11) was lower and statistically significant. No differences were found in the quantity of diet consumed during the first seven weeks nor the eighth week of the period. Prior to the eighth week food efficiency and protein efficiency ratios Showed no differences but at the eighth week both ratios were significantly decreased. The pectin L. M. and basal groups consumed the same quantity of diet and their final weights were 289 i_11 and 298 4.10 grams, respectively. A tendency toward a decrease in protein efficiency ratio was noted for pectin L. M. fed animals at the first and third weeks (appendix, pages 155 and 157),.but no differences were found among the other weeks of the period. The decrease in average weekly weight gain observed in the preliminary study at the second week was not seen in pectin L. M. fed animals of the eight week metabolism period just as it was not observed in the two, four, or six week metabol- ism periods. The pectin N. F. fed animals no longer excreted in- creased uronic acids or furfural yielding substances in the urine (Table 17). No significant differences were noted in kidney weight or in the milliliters of urine excreted. The furfural yield- ing substances and uronic acids in the urine of the pectin 82 Table 17. urine Excreted, Furfural Yielding Substances and Uronic Acid as Galacturonic Acid in 5 Day urine Samples from Animals Fed for 8 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Urine Excreted (ml) 44 4 9.0' 55 4 8.0 51 4 8.0 FYS (mg/TS) 1.65 4 .16 1.66 4 .14 2.12 4 .14* uronic acids (mg/TS) 1.51 4 .22 1.95 4 .27 2.69 4 .51* Correlation coef. 0.85 0.88 0.95 Standard error of mean * P < .05 > .02 L. M. fed group tended to increase but this may have been more indicative of the somewhat increased urine excretion rather than true excretion of pectin-like material. For all practical purposes, the animals consuming pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. diets were no longer excreting pectin-like material in the urine after eight weeks of consuming the respective pectins in the diet. The pectin N. F. fed animals did not excrete increased quantities of feces at the eight week metabolism period but the pectin L. M. fed animals were still excreting increased quantities of fecal material (Table 18). The increased fecal uronic acids as determined in both pectin fed groups were still statistically significant. In this period none of the animals in the pectin N. F. fed group were excreting quantities of uronic acids similar to those of the pectin L. M. fed group. 85 (Table 18. Feces Excreted, Uronic Acids as Galacturonic Acid in Dried Feces Excreted in 5 Days by Animals Fed for 8 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Feces excreted (g) 1.40 .09' 1.58 .12 2.52 4 .18*** i .22 4.50 4 .44*** 102.86 46.8 *** .29 7.06 41.05*** 258.27 421.9*** Uronic acids (mg/g) 1.89 Uronic acids (mg/TS) 2.59 l+ |+ H- Standard error of mean *** P < .01 No differences were found in the fresh liver or Spleen weights or in the quantity of furfural yielding substances in the liver, kidney, and spleen or blood. However, this was the first period in which the milligrams of furfural yield- ing substances per gram of liver tissue of pectin L. M. fed animals did not compare more favorably with the quantity found in the livers of pectin N. F. or basal fed animals. The liver furfural yielding substances of pectin L. M. fed animals appeared to be inversely related to those values found in liver tissue of basal or pectin N. F. fed animals. The high degree of individual variability shown by these animals throughout the study was especially evident in tissue assays and has made interpretation of data somewhat difficult (Table 19). 84 Table 19. Furfural Yielding Substances in Fresh Kidney, Spleen, Liver, and Blood of Animals Fed for 8 Weeks‘ Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet f Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. FYS (mg/g kidney) 0.15 4.008' 0.14 4 .05 0.15 4 .006 FYS (mg/g liver) 1.87 4.16 1.81 4 .26 1.45 4 .20 FYS (mg/total liver)20.98 42.0 20.70 45.8 15.59 42.5 FYS (mg/g spleen) 0.0624.006 0.0654 .008 0.0674 .005 ' FYS (mg/100 ml blood)5.24 4.74 4.60 4 .42 4.06 4 .58 Standard error of mean When the sera obtained from both pectin fed groups were separated into protein components by paper electrophoresis, the most significant change was noted in the percent of alpha-2 globulin (Table 20). A tendency toward increased alpha-2 globulin was noted in the sera of pectin N. F. fed animals at the six week metabolism period but in the eight week metabolism period this trend was highly significant. No differences were noted in any of the other protein com- ponents. until this particular period there had been no observable changes in the serum protein pattern shown by the pectin L. M. fed animals. However, at the eight week metabol- ism period, the percent of alpha-2 globulin in the sera of pectin L. M. fed animals was significantly increased at the two percent level of probability. There was a suggestion of lowered percent serum albumin but this was not found to be significant. 85 Table 20. Protein Components Separated from Sera of Animals Fed for 8 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Albumin (%) 48.0 4 .75' 46.7 4 .92 45.8 4 1.0 Alpha-1 globulin (%) 15.6 4 .5 15.6 4 .6 16.5 4 .6 Alpha-2 globulin (%) 11.5 4 .4 15.4 4 .5*** 12.8 4 .4** Beta globulin (%) 15.1 4 .5 15.1 4 .2 15.5 4 .5 Gamma globulin (%) 10.0 4 .6 9.5 4 .7 9.8 4 .6 Standard error of mean :**P < .02 > .01 *** P < .01 The most interesting differences among the animals of the eight week metabolism period were noted in data obtained by emission spectrograph. The liver tissue of the pectin L. M. fed animals contained increased quantities of phos- phorus, sodium, and magnesium significantly greater than one percent and increased quantities of copper and zinc, signifi- cant at the two percent level of probability. The liver tissue of the pectin L. M. fed animals contained increased quantities of calcium which were significant when compared with the percent present in liver tissue of pectin N. F. fed animals. The tabulated data may be found in the appendix, page140. . The pectin N. F. and L. M. animals contained an in— creased quantity of copper in the kidneys at the Six week metabolism period. A comparable quantity of c0pper was still 86 evident in the kidneys of the pectin N. F. fed groups at the eight week metabolism period although no longer significantly different from the basal fed animals. The kidneys of the pectin L. M. group, however, contained a quantity Similar to that found in the kidneys of the basal fed group, but the livers of this group, which were also producing increased alpha-2 globulin, showed an increase in quantity of copper at this period, Significant at the two percent level. Summary. The data obtained during the two, four, and six week metabolism periods showed most significant changes occurring in pectin N. F. fed group with a suggestion that the pectin L. M. fed group might be slower to register change. At the eight week metabolism period the decreased weight of the pectin N. F. group was still evident and there was no excretion of pectin-like material through the urine and no increase in bulk of feces although the feces still contained increased quantities of uronic acid. At this period, how- ever, the pectin L. M. fed animals, who had consistently excreted quantities of feces containing increased amounts of uronic acids throughout the study, showed significant changes in the quantity of magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, and zinc in the liver and kidney coupled with a significant increase in the percent of serum alpha-2 globulin. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF EIGHT WEEK FEEDING STUDY The five week feeding study suggested that there was a point in time at which the metabolic responses of weanling male albino rats consuming diets containing 5 percent pectin N. F. (high methoxyl) or 5 percent pectin L. M. (low methoxyl) differed in the parameters tested. In the eight week feeding study differences in metabolic responses were evident at the sixth week for pectin N. F. fed animals but those of the pectin L. M. fed animals seemed to evolve more slowly and after this point in time. As the pectins in the diets of these animals, theoretically, differed only in methoxyl con- tent, the time oriented differences in metabolic responses observed between these two groups must be related to the methoxyl content of the pectins. One of the first indications of difference in response noted with animals in this study was the final weight achieved by the pectin fed groups after six or eight weeks of consum- ing pectin N. F. or L. M. (Figure 5). Arnold ('59) reported that rats with initial weights of 60 grams showed no differ- ences in final weights between control and those fed low methoxyl pectin with 18 percent casein after eight weeks. The data obtained from pectin L. M. fed animals in both the 87 88 h m m w m N I w _ _ w _ -o .m .z .2 3H lIllT \\ Hmmmm III... ,‘\\ [OOH .\\ ICON \ \. \\\ \\ \‘ loom .mxmm>.m How pom mHmEHcm an mfimum SH pmcamm uanGB Hmuou mmmnm>¢ .m Guzmam smexs u: qureM 89 preliminary five week study and the eight week study reported here are in agreement with this. However, the pectin N. F. fed animals of the eight week feeding study did not achieve a final weight similar to that of the basal fed animals, just as they did not in the five week study, although the latter difference was not significant. Wells and Ershoff ('61) using male rats of the Holtzman strain gave no indication in their report that animals con- suming 5 percent citrus pectin N. F. gained less weight dur- ing the six week feeding study. Those pectin N. F. fed animals reached an average final weight of 279 grams compared to 284 grams by the basal fed animals. These weights are similar to the 262 grams and 298 grams achieved by the pectin N. F. and basal fed animals, respectively, in this study but at eight weeks rather than six. It appears that the presence of 5 percent citrus pectin N. F. in the diet shared responsi- bility for slowing down the rate at which the animals of the Sprague—Dawley strain used in this study added weight to the body, and it was necessary for these animals to consume the diet five weeks or longer before this was evident. Zucker ('52) emphasized that two things can lead to errors in interpretation when one uses the commonly accepted "rate of gain" in analyzing growth data. First, rats of different "inherent size“ characteristically have different growth rates on the same diet. Second, the most rapid rate of gain is not in a rat with a fully normal history, but in the 90 rat recovering from some setback, such as may occur in the preweaning period. As the preweaning history is not known for these animals, little consideration can be given to this point. Consideration should be given though to the dietary protein level consumed by the animals. In the five week study the protein level averaged 25.6 percent while in the eight week study, diet of similar composition averaged 21.7 percent. Wells and Ershoff ('61) used 24 percent casein but did not report the protein level of the diet as determined by Kjeldahl procedure. The rats on the five week study had initial weights of 48 grams, those of the eight week study, 45 grams, while animals of the Wells and Ershoff study had initial weights of 45 to 55 grams. Although neither the dietary protein level nor the initial size as described by weight alone would be of Significance in the growth rate of these animals, the animals on the eight week study were initially somewhat smaller and did consume a diet containing a slightly lower protein level for a longer period of time. On the basis of Zucker's comments the animals on the eight week study could show a rate of growth different (Figure 4) from those animals of the five week study although they were of the same strain. Fisher et al. ('64) reported that two year old cockerels fed a standard diet containing 5 percent pectin N. F. for 18 months gained one-third as much weight as the control birds. It would be of interest to know whether a 10 percent casein Weight in Grams Weight in Grams Weight in Grams 500‘ 200 100‘ 45 91 ..—v Basal 47/ 1’ [459’ Figure 4. Comparison of average weekly total ;9’ weight in grams of animals fed diets 48+{7' containing 5% citrus pectin N. F. or L. M. for 5 weeks and 8 weeks 500' 200) 100 48 45‘ r Pectin N. F. 500 i 200‘ 100 4. 48 451 Pectin L. M. Hi) N1)- (N .45.. ()1 O) ‘N CD1: Weeks 92 diet containing 5 percent citrus pectin N. F., would result in still greater decreased final weights when fed to weanling rats, and whether the initial size as described by the weight of the animals does affect the animal's ability to fully utilize a diet containing pectin N. F. for growth. A second indication of difference in metabolic response exhibited by the pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. fed animals was in the pattern of eliminating these pectins from the body. Kertesz, in 1940 stated that "all investigators who have studied this question agree that pectin added to the diet of animals and human subjects cannot be recovered from the feces." In 1941 Werch and Ivy analyzing the feces excreted by dogs and human subjects on pectin N. F. diets found that 10 percent could be accounted for in the feces when this pectin was part of a mixed diet. One of the objectives in the eight week feeding study was to measure the possible absorption of pectin N. F. or L. M. eaten by the animals. If it is assumed as Werch and Ivy ('42) did that pectins in vivo may hydrolyze to uronic acids as galacturonic acid in the same magnitude as in vitro, then a relative measure of the degree to which pectin con- sumed is excreted can be calculated by determining the quantity of uronic acids as galacturonic acid excreted in the urine and feces. Since the animals essentially ate the basal diet altered only with 5 percent citrus pectin N. F. or L. M., the uronic acids as galacturonic acid in excretory products 95 of animals maintained on basal diet should be subtracted from those values obtained from excretory products of animals maintained on the pectin diets. The resulting differences should be due to presence of pectin in the diet, and these data are presented in Table 21. There was a sharp difference in the quantity of uronic acids as galacturonic acid recovered in the excretory products from animals eating these two pectins. Less than one percent of the pectin N. F. fed could be recovered which is in agree— ment with Kertesz's statement but not with the findings of Werch and Ivy. However, differences between species may be part of the explanation for the lack of agreement as well as the accuracy with which the methoxyl content of that diet was defined. As so little of the pectin N. F. was accounted for in the excretory products, the pectin N. F. fed to these animals could have hydrolyzed completely in the gastroé intestinal tract to substances other than uronic acids, been excreted, and undetected by the methods used; or, the macro- molecule or its products could have been absorbed, utilized and/or deposited somewhere in the body. Twenty to 25 per- cent of the pectin L. M. fed was recovered, so the pectin L. M. was not fully hydrolyzed in the gastrointestinal tract. What did "disappear" during the passage of the mixed diet through the digestive processes may have also been degraded, absorbed, utilized and/or stored in the body. 94 Table 21. Recovery of Uronic Acids (GACU) as Galacturonic Acid in Urine and Feces Excreted in 5 Day Metabolism Periods by Animals Fed for 4, 6, and 8 Weeks Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diet -Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Periods Four weeks Diet (a) GACU, mg 1680 1597 urine GACU, mg 1.2 5.6 2.4 Fecal GACU, mg 2.7 8.6 294.0 Total, mg 5.9 12.2 296.4 Total Recovery,% 0.5 21.0 Six weeks Diet (a) GACU, mg 1421 1260 urine GACU, mg 1.2 2.6 1.9 Fecal GACU, mg 2.5 8.0 295.1 Total, mg 5.7 10.64 295.0 Total Recovery,% 0.5 25.0 Eight weeks Diet (a) GACU, mg 1278 1289 urine GACU, mg 1.5 1.9 2.7 Fecal GACU, mg 2.6 7.1 258.5 Total GACU, mg 5.9 9.0 241.0 Total Recovery,% 0.4 20.0 (a) Pectin N. F. consumed was 2.0, 1.7, and 1.5 grams and Pectin L. M. consumed was 2.0, 1.8, and 1.8 grams for the 5 day metabolism period of the 4, 6, and 8 week periods, respectively. The basal diets were not assayed for uronic acids. One gram of pectin N. F. contained 84% uronic acid, and one gram of pectin L. M. contained 70% uronic acid. 95 Trying to correlate the degree of disappearance of these substances from the intestinal tract with frequency of defe~ cation as Werch and Ivy ('42) reported seemed of somewhat minor importance and certainly no records of this kind were kept. Since they found that greater quantities of pectin-like material were excreted in the feces when pectin N. F. was fed alone, it would seem more practical to suggest that it took longer for the pectin N. F. containing diet to take up water in vivo and to proceed through the digestive processes. If the mixed diet delayed gastric emptying time, the animals may have been less hungry and therefore, consumed less diet, and the pectin N. F. when present in the gastrointestinal tract may have had increased opportunity to influence other nutrient absorption, as Fisher et al. ('64) suggested, or to be hydrolyzed or absorbed, or acted upon by enzymes of the microflora. Rosenthal and Nasset ('58) reported that fresh banana used as the carbohydrate source instead of dextrin in 18 percent casein diets produced a slowdown in gastric emptying time in adult rats. According to Kertesz ('51) banana contains about 0.59 percent pectic substances on fresh weight basis, and would have contributed approximately 1.5 percent to the diet used by Rosenthal et al. ('58). The diets used here contained 5 percent pectic substances. The pectin L. M. fed animals though, ate quantities of diet comparable to the quantity consumed by basal fed animals, and they did consistently excrete more fecal material which 96 contained approximately 21 percent of the pectin consumed. This picture seems to agree better with increased-defecation increased pectin-like excretion but may also be related to solubility of the pectin. Kertesz ('51) states that "a de- crease in the proportion of esterified carboxyl groups re- duces the solubility of pectinic acids, although little quantitative information is available on this point. Pectic acid, the end product reached upon complete demethylation, has often been regarded as insoluble in water." The pectin L. M. fed in this study was esterified with 5 to 5 percent methoxyl, and had only a few of the unesterified galacturonic acids chelated calcium, for instance, then portions of the pectin L. M. could have been insoluble and probably quickly passed out of the body. The pattern of uronic acids as galacturonic acid in the urine and feces of pectin fed groups indicated that the feces were the major route of pectin excretion for animals in this study (Table 21). Both pectin fed groups excreted twice as much fecal material as the basal fed groups during the first four weeks. The last four weeks of the study, the pectin N. F. fed groups were no longer excreting increased amounts of fecal material but the fecal material excreted contained a similar quantity of uronic acids. The pectin L. M. fed animals excreted increased quantities of fecal material throughout the eight weeks which also contained a relatively constant quantity of uronic acids. Some pectin- like material was excreted through the urine but for the 97 animals consuming pectin N. F. diets, this mode of eliminat- ing pectin was of no consequence by the sixth week on the diet. The pectin L. M. fed animals, excreted a somewhat constant but small quantity of uronic acids through the kidneys throughout the study. AS the nature of the fecal material was not character- ized beyond its uronic acid content, there is no way of knowing at the present time what other constituents were in these feces. Lin et al. ('57) reported increased lipids and cholesterol in the feces of rats fed cholesterol and pectin diets as did Fisher et al. ('64) after feeding standard diets containing pectin to fowl. Although the furfural yielding substances (FYS) in the liver, kidney, and Spleen do not suggest that either pectin was deposited in these tissues, a third indication of dif— ference in metabolic response between the pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. fed animals was in the contents of furfural yielding substances in blood and liver tissue (Figure 5). For clearer presentation, the quantity of FYS per 100 ml of blood and per total fresh liver at two, four, six, and eight weeks were converted to percentage using the FYS found in blood and liver of basal fed animals as 100 percent. There was a small but steady indication in the FYS of the liver that material capable of yielding furfural was increasing in the livers of pectin N. F. fed animals. It was not, however, until the eighth Week that the contents of FYS in the livers of this group reached the level of FYS 98 .mxmm3 N um Omcflfiumump Do: OOOHQ Ca mum "muoz mxmm3 .z “a ceuomm .4 .2 season m m 4 N m m 4 N m m 4 N O O 4 N OOH umsaq oooam no>aq oooam mmocmumnsm OCHUHGHM Hmnsmndm .mxmmB m paw .m .4 .N 90m pom mHmEHGM Eoum 05mmflu nm>HH nmmum Hmuou paw UOOHQ mHE OOH ca Hmmmn m0 pcmuumm mm mwocmumnsm msflpawflm HMHSMHDM m0 mamumflaaflz .m madmam {9383 go aueolaa 99 present in the liver tissue of the basal fed group and thereby, overcame the initial drop in FYS noted at two weeks. At the present time, it is not possible to state whether the suggested increasing content of FYS was due to deposit of pectin in the liver tissue or due to changes in other constituents capable of yielding furfural. Hueper ('42) found histological changes in the liver tissue suggestive of pectin deposit in both dogs and rabbits injected with 0.55 grams to 1.4 grams of high methoxyl pectin over a three to 12 week period. The animals of this study received pectin orally and might not be expected to Show histological changes as rapidly. But tissues from animals of both the five and eight week studies were saved for histological examination. Possibly when these data are available, they will clarify the nature of the furfural yielding material that appears to be increasing in the livers of the pectin N. F. fed group, and the nature of the material which was deposited in livers of this group in the five week study. The FYS in the liver tissue of pectin L. M. fed animals showed the reverse trend. The content of these substances in the liver were also lower than those of the basal fed group at two weeks; at four weeks the content of FYS in the liver had increased slightly but for the remainder of the study, steadily decreased. Therefore, this pectin was not deposited in the liver tissue of pectin L. M. fed animals. 100 The decreased quantity of FYS in the livers of pectin L. M. fed animals also raises a question as to the nature of the carbohydrate in the liver tissue. These animals were gain- ing weight and growing at a rate comparable to the basal animals. It may be that other constituents in the liver capable of yielding furfural were being metabolized quickly in the livers of these animals in order to maintain this favorable growth picture and were not available for determin- ation as pentoses. until longer feeding studies and more detailed chemical examination of liver tissue is done, there can only be speculation as to whether the patterns noted in FYS in the liver tissue from these animals fed pectin N. F. or L. M. are transitory in nature or indicative of changes within pentose and uronic acid components of the liver. An additional indication that the data of FYS in liver tissues of the pectin fed animals may be of some significance although not so statistically, is found in the data from FYS of the blood at four, six, and eight weeks. (These sub- stances were not determined at two weeks). The FYS per 100 mls of blood parallel the increasing or decreasing pattern of FYS in the total fresh liver, respectively, in pectin N. F. and pectin L. M. fed animals. The changes in serum protein pattern provide a fourth indication of difference in metabolic response between these two pectin fed groups (Figure 6; alpha-2 globulins are not shown). At two weeks, the sera of both pectin fed groups had increased serum albumin coupled with a decrease in 101 O O 4 N 4. w a .t mo .2 .A .T+LIT+. CHHSQOHO mEEmw Lim .wma . w 4404 GHEDQHM Esumm .iII.l ""I all). iyom .mxmm3 m Ucm .O .4 .N wow wow mHmEHcm m0 whom Eoum Umumummmm :HHSQOHm mEEmm paw cafidflam Edumm m0 pcmoumm .m musmam 102 alpha—2 globulin. The percent of gamma globulin was lower in sera from pectin N. F. fed animals and still lower in the sera from pectin L. M. fed animals. At the sixth week the serum albumin of pectin N. F. animals had decreased and alpha-2 globulin and gamma globulin had increased. The pro- tein components in the sera from pectin L. M. fed animals were undergoing gradual change and presented no outstanding differences until the eighth week when the only difference found in sera of either group was an increase in percent of alpha-2 globulin. Both hepatic and non-hepatic cells are involved in the synthesis of the serum proteins. The majority of the serum proteins are synthesized by the parenchymal cells of the liver but the reticuloendothelial system, which is concentrated in cells of the spleen, the lymph nodes, the bone marrow, and the lungs, synthesize gamma globulin. Weanling rats apparently do not begin to synthesize gamma globulin until the twentieth or twenty-first day of life (Engle and Woods, '60). It may be of some interest that the animals consum- ing pectin N. F. showed a somewhat lower percent serum gamma globulin at two weeks and greatly increased percent serum gamma globulin at Six weeks. The concentration of gamma globulin in human plasma, for instance, varies more widely under normal and pathological conditions than that of any other group of proteins. Janeway and Gitlin ('57) list the major causes of hypergammaglobulinemia as: antigenic stimu- lation; infection; hypersensitivity reaction due to the 105 presence of, for instance, foreign material and hepatic damage- If as Hueper ('52), Popper ('45), Richter ('50), and Hartman ('51; '52) have suggested, pectin can be stored in the reticuloendothelial cells of the body and hepatic parenchymal cells, then the hypergammaglobulinemia noted at six weeks in this study, could be an indication of such storage. Or, the hypergammaglobulinemia may be simply a transitory phenomenon indicating a hypersensitivity reaction by these animals to a foreign material: pectin N. F. The increase noted in alpha-2 globulin also needs ad- ditional clarification and is of further interest because of its possible relationship to changes which were demonstrated in the liver and kidney tissueHH ca Amman mo usmuuwm mm pmmmmumxm Esammcmme paw msuonmmosm m0 ucmonmm .ocHN paw Hmmmoo mo COHHHHE mom muumm .m musmflm Tessa ;O iueoled 107 eliminated any influence upon the accumulation of copper in the livers of rats fed even high levels of zinc, 1000 ppm, and.it is unlikely that the level of dietary zinc in this study could influence the deposition of copper to any great extent. The percent phosphorus and magnesium in the liver tissue of pectin L. M. fed animals increased during the last four weeks of the study. No other minerals evaluated in liver tissue of pectin L. M. fed animals showed changes in deposition, and the liver tissue of the pectin N. F. fed animals at four, six, and eight weeks presented no changes in any of the elements. This last indication of difference in metabolic response between these two pectin fed groups may be summarized by pointing out that each of the elements which accumulated in the tissues of the pectin L. M. fed animals and not in the tissues of pectin N. F. fed animals, is essential to the electron transport system and carbo- hydrate metabolism. It is difficult on the basis of the findings of this study to fully explain the changes noted in FYS, serum proteins, and mineral contents of the liver and kidney tissue without suggesting that pectic substances in some form may have been absorbed. It seems possible that metabol- ism of these substances, exhibiting the heterogenity that they do, is more complex than can be attributed to the action of microflora alone upon them. The role of the microflora 108 needs to be defined, however. The urinary uronic acid values.suggest that at least a small percentage of the pectins were absorbed and filtered through the kidney during the first four weeks for the pectin N. F. fed groups and throughout the study for the pectin L. M. fed groups. However, the percentage is so small that it is difficult to equate with the magnitude of the changes. Methodology was a constant problem in this study. It may well be that the livers of the pectin fed animals con- tained more furfural yielding substances than were determined. The tissues were homogenized at the time the animals were sacrificed, and although they were sealed and stored at 4°C until they were frozen, ascorbic acid and hydrogen peroxide present would have had ready access to any pectins in the tissues. A better procedure might have been to homogenize the liver and other tissues just prior to making the protein- free filtrates. Although the method enables very good recovery of pectin when it is added to tissues and fluids, there is no way of knowing just how completely one can recoVer pectic substances which have undergone the rigors of digestion and been deposited in tissues. For one thing, if pectins can form complexes with protein in vivo, they could be precipitated along with protein during the extraction procedure. But there is also reason to believe that the furfural values reported here are dependable. The FYS values of the blood are most comparable with those reported by 109 Kozell ('46) who used this method. And Bryant, Palmer, and Joseph ('42), after injecting rabbits for seven weeks with six percent pectin sols, sacrificed the animals, froze the liver and kidney tissue whole, homogenized them just prior to making protein-free filtrates with trichloracetic acid (instead of sodium tungstate and sulfuric acid as the later method describes), were still not able to show accumulation of pectin in liver and kidney tissue by the furfural method. There is little question that more refined methods will be necessary in order to define whether pectic substances can be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and if so, in what proportion and form, and where they go. Isotope studies could be of immeasurable value in answering these basic questions concerning the metabolism of pectins. The anti-cholesterol effect in man noted by Keys et al. ('61) and in rats by Wells and Ershoff ('61), and the pro- cholesterol effect in swine reported by Fausche and Anderson ('65) can not be overlooked. Possibly pectin N. F. if it is not absorbed exhibits not so much a species specific effect as suggested by Wells and Ershoff ('62a) as its presence in a mixed diet influences the absorption of monosaccharides and minerals from the gastrointestinal tract which leads to a change in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Although pectin L. M. in the diet has not been shown to have any effect upon serum cholesterol levels, its enhanced chelating ability may also be important in altering the 110 absorption of amino acids, minerals, and monosaccharides from the gastrointestinal tract. And possibly the differ- ences in metabolic responses evident in this study are the result of altered absorption. Hollman ('64) recently reviewed knowledge of the non- glycolytic pathways of metabolizing glucose and lists concen- tration of cofactors and inorganic ions and the composition of the diet as important regulatory factors which may in- fluence the direction in which glucose breakdown occurs. Besides glycolysis, two further possibilities for glucose breakdown in animal metabolism are known. One of these is the hexosemonophosphate shunt, the other is the glucuronic acid-xylulose cycle, and the components of both would yield furfural. If the pentose phosphate cycle does contribute 10 to 50 percent of the glucose breakdown as Hollman states in his review, then a change in regulation of the three pathways might reduce, for example, the activity of the hexosemonophosphate shunt which could result in reduced generation of NADPH. As NADPH serves as an essential hydro- gen or electron donor, its decrease or increase would influ- ence the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol and the resynthesis of hexoses from pyruvic acid in the liver, among others. It seems of more than passing interest that the total phosphorus content of the livers from pectin L. M. fed animals was elevated, and Hollman lists increased concen- tration of inorganic phosphorus as an inhibitor of the hexosemonophosphate shunt. 111 For a food component which has been so quickly classi- fied as part of the~non-nutritive bulk of the diet, a great deal remains unknown in the metabolism of pectic substances. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSI ONS One hundred and fifty weanling male albino rats were used in this study. They were individually housed in quarters where the temperature varied between 250 and 260C during the eight weeks in the months of July, August, and September when this study was done. Fifty animals received the basal diet containing 25 percent vitamin-free casein, 10 percent corn oil, 4 percent Wesson salt mix, 61 percent sucrose, and vitamin mix. The remaining 100 animals randomly distributed into two groups were fed basal diets containing 5 percent pectin which replaced 5 percent of the sucrose. One group of 50 animals was fed basal diet containing 5 per- cent citrus pectin N. F. This is a high quality product of 10 to 12 percent methoxyl content, commonly referred to as a high methoxyl pectin. The third group of 50 animals received the basal diet containing 5 percent citrus pectin L. M. This is also a product relatively free of impurities containing only three to five percent methoxyl, and can be called a low methoxyl pectin. The animals consuming one or the other of the pectin diets will be referred to as pectin L. M. fed rather than low methoxyl and pectin N. F. fed rather than high methoxyl. Daily food intake records were kept and weekly weight gains recorded. After two, four, and six weeks of feeding, 112 115 animals were randomly selected from each diet for sacrifice, with the final group sacrificed at eight weeks. At the end of the first two periods, a total of 59 animals were sacri- ficed, while at the last two periods, 56 animals. They were placed in metabolism cages for three days prior to sacrifice and urine and feces were collected. Blood samples were drawn from the abdominal aorta. Then the livers, kidneys, and spleen were excised. The furfural method of Bryant, Palmer, and Joseph was used to identify possible pectin-like material in biological tissues and fluids. The feces were analyzed for uronic acids by modification of the carbazole method of Dische. Serum proteins were separated by paper electrophoresis Spinco procedure, and strips were scanned by Beckman analytrol. Dried liver and kidney tissues were analyzed by emission Spectrograph for phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, boron, aluminum, calcium, and molybdenum. The data were statistically evalu- ated by T-test and analysis of variance. The initial weight of each of the groups was 45 grams. The final weight of the basal group averaged 298 grams, the pectin N. F. group averaged 262 grams, and the pectin L. M. fed group, averaged 289 grams. The basal and pectin L. M. fed groups consumed Similar quantities of the respective diets. The pectin N. F. fed animals, however, gained less weight and the difference was statistically significant at the one percent level of probability. There was an indication 114 by the fourth week of the study that pectin N. F. fed animals were gaining less weight. ‘This pattern was pronounced at the Sixth week, and the pectin N. F. fed animals failed to gain weight during the eighth week. The pectin N. F. fed animals consumed less diet but when food efficiency and protein efficiency ratios were calculated weekly, the only difference found was in the eighth week. Although consuming less food and gaining less weight, the pectin N. F. fed animals appeared to utilize the diet for growth with the same relative efficiency as the pectin L. M. and basal fed animals. During the first four weeks of feeding, no differences were found in the quantity of urine excreted, and both pectin L. M. and N. F. fed groups were excreting significantly in- creased quantities of uronic acids in the urine. However, after six and eight weeks of consuming the respective pectins, these animals no longer excreted pectin-like material in the urine. During the first four weeks both pectin fed groups were also excreting twice as much fecal material as the basal fed groups, and these feces contained a significantly in- creased quantity of uronic acids per gram. During the last four weeks, the pectin N. F. fed group were still excreting increased quantities of uronic acids in the feces, but the amount of fecal material was similar to that of the basal fed animals. The pectin L. M. fed group eliminated increased quantities of feces high in uronic acids throughout the eight weeks. In this study, the feces rather than the urine 115 appeared to be the primary route of pectin excretion, especially for the pectin L. M. fed group. There was a sharp difference in the quantity of uronic acids as galacturonic acid recovered in the excretory products of these animals with regard to quantity of pectin N. F. or L. M. consumed by them. Less than one percent of the pectin N. F. fed to these animals could be recovered while 20 to 25 percent of the pectin L. M. fed was recovered. As no dif— ferences were found in the furfural yielding substances in the blood, liver, Spleen, or kidney tissue of the pectin fed animals at the two week intervals of the study, the body apparently did not deposit these pectins. At two weeks, the sera of pectin fed animals showed a significant increase in percentage of serum albumin coupled with tendency towards a decrease in the percentage of alpha-2 globulin. The percentage of gamma globulin was lower in the sera of pectin N. F. fed animals and still lower in the sera of pectin L. M. fed animals but these were not statistically significant. At the sixth week the percentage of serum albumin of the pectin N. F. fed animals had decreased signifi- cantly greater than at the one percent level of probability and coupled with this was a tendency toward increased per- centage of alpha~2 globulin and a significant increase in the percentage of gamma globulin. By the eighth week, the only difference in the serum proteins was an increase in alpha-2 globulin in sera of both pectin fed groups. 116 The major difference between the pectins fed to these animals was in the methoxyl content and possible chelating ability. Theoretically, there should be more replaceable hydrogen in the low methoxyl or pectin L. M. The divalent ion most commonly associated with pectins is calcium, and this was the ion expected to Show change within the tissues if.any change in tissue content could be precipitated by feed- ing these two pectins. The data obtained were not signifi- cant for calcium. The kidney tissue of both pectin fed groups contained significantly increased quantities of copper at six weeks. By eight weeks the kidney tissue of the pectin N. F. fed animals still showed an elevated quantity of copper although it was no longer significant, and the kidney tissue of the pectin L. M. fed animals contained ppm of copper Similar to that found in the tissues of basal fed animals. But the liver tissue of the pectin L. M. fed animals was now showing at the eighth week a Significant increase in copper content. The ppm of zinc found in the liver tissue of the pectin L. M. fed animals showed no differences during the four and six weeks of feeding but did show an increase at eight weeks significant at two percent level of probability. The percent phosphorus found in the liver tissue of the pectin L. M. fed animals gradually increased during the last four weeks of “the study as did the percent of magnesium, and by eight weeks, the increased content of both was statistically Significant. 117 No differences were found for any of the elements assayed in the liver tissue of the pectin N. F. fed animals after four, six, or eight weeks of feeding. The weanling male albino rats consuming diets contain- ing 5 percent pectin N. F. or high methoxyl, or 5 percent pectin L. M. or low methoxyl showed differences in metabolic response in the parameters tested centered near the sixth week of the eight week feeding study. While these differences in metabolic response appeared to center at this point for the pectin N. F. fed animals, those of the pectin L. M. fed animals seemed to evolve more Slowly and after this point in time. The differences in metabolic response were apparently related to the methoxyl content of the pectins. A diet containing pectin N. F. or L. M. did not appear to be harmful to the rat but the metabolic responses observed in this study cannot be easily explained solely by action of the microflora upon pectins. Whether or not pectins taken orally, can be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and by the cells of the rapidly growing body, is crucial to a full understanding of the different metabolic responses ob- served between the two pectin fed groups. Important, also, is whether pectic substances in a mixed diet can influence the absorption of amino acids,monosaccharides, and minerals from the gastrointestinal tract, possibly through biological chelation (Rubin and Princiotto, '65), which might lead to a suggested change in the regulation of carbohydrate 118 metabolism, and/or the differences in metabolic response observed in this study. Considering the heterogeneity of pectic substances, they may exhibit more than one mode of action. More refined techniques need to be utilized to define the metabolic fate of pectic substances. LITERATURE CITED Allison, J. B., R. W. Wannemacher, Jr., E. Middleton and T. Spoerlein 1959 Dietary protein requirements and problems of supplementation. Food Tech., 15: 597. Arnold, L. 1959 The influence of the ingestion of nickel pectinate upon growth of young rats. Am. J. Dig. Dis., 6: 105. Baker, G. L., G. H. Joseph, Z. I. Kertesz, H. H. Mottern and A. G. 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Sunkiet Brand Pectin N. F., High Viscosity (product No. 5442) This is a high viscosity product that may be of value to pharmaceutical manufacturers. It meets all National Formulary Specifications and is a yellowish-white, practically odorless product. It is almost completely soluble in twenty parts of water at 25°C, forming a viscous, opalescent, colloidal solution which flows readily and is acid to litmus. It is insoluble in alcohol or in dilute alcohol, and in other organic solvents. There is not more than: 10% loss on drying (1050C for 2 hours) 4% ash 0.4% acid-insoluble ash 5.5 ppm arsenic 5 V ppm lead Not less than: 7% methoxyl content on a moisture and ash free basis, approximately 9 to 11.5% 78% galacturonic acid content on a moisture and ash free basis. Pectin N. F. No. 5442 contains not more than 20 milli- grams of sugars and organic acids per 125 milligrams of pectin, and it passes National Formulary test for starch. 127 The product is especially adapted to liquid prepara- tions where a high viscosity product is indicated and may possibly reduce or eliminate non-therapeutic viscosity agents such as gums. The Sunkist Growers did not supply a similar listing for the Pectin L. M. but the Specifications should be some- what the Same. The major difference between the two pectins is in methoxyl content, and the pectin L. M. contains a much lower percentage. The supplier did send the following description. Exchange Brand Pectin L. M. (a low methoxyl pectin, Product No. 5466) This pectin is described as a pectin with a low ester content which can be standardized for its calcium gel form- ing ability. It will form gels with milk or fruit juices and in the dietetic field, is incorporated with foods and beverages, particularly in diets where sugar is replaced by non-nutritive sweeteners. Approximate methoxyl content is 5.5 to 5%. ' - *AOA'J— 128 METHOD OF PREPARING DIETS Preliminary work with the diets indicated that pectins tended to form hard balls unless the diet was mixed in a Specific manner. The following procedure for incorporating the various components of the diets was found to give the greatest uniform quality and diet was totally acceptable to the animals. They were unable to distinguish pectins from the balance of the diet and ignore them. ., ‘ i .Miillim Corn oil and fat soluble vitamins were allowed to mix in bowl of an 8 kilogram Hobart mixer. Sucrose was added, mixed in well, then aqueous solution of choline chloride, water soluble vitamins, and approximately 50 cc of distilled water were added. When these were well mixed, Wesson's salts and casein followed. After these were adequately in- corporated, the appropriate pectin supplement was slowly added while the mixing continued. All diets were refriger- ated in glass or metal containers. When metal containers l were used, they were lined with cellophane or plastic bags E so diets were kept as free from contact with metal as ! possible. 129 CARBAZOLE METHOD Extraction of urinary Uronic Acids The pectin—like material present in two, three or four mls of filtered undiluted urine*was precipitated with 95 percent ethanol as described in the furfural method of Bryant, Palmer and Joseph ('44). The precipitation and the subsequent extraction of urinary uronic acids were carried out in 50 ml centrifuge tubes and in triplicate wherever there was sufficient quantity of urine. The urine-ethanol mixture stood at room temperature for at least two hours, and during this period, the tubes were vigorously Shaken by hand three times to aid the clumping of flocculant material. After centrifuging the tubes at 1000 rpm for 50 minutes, the supernatant was decanted and discarded. Five mls of 60 per- cent ethanol were then mixed with the precipitate, and after standing 15 minutes at room temperature, the tubes were recentrifuged at 1000 rpm for 15 minutes. This procedure was repeated, the supernatant being decanted and discarded each time. After the second ethanol wash, the tubes were turned upside down on filter paper to drain. The precipitates were redissolved in three mls of triple distilled water, shaken vigorously, and allowed to stand for 15 minutes before centrifuging at 1000 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant was decanted into a 10 ml volumetric flask. This procedure was repeated twice, once with four ml of 0.05 150 N NaOH and finally with two mls of triple distilled water, and then the flask was made up to 10 mls with triple dis- tilled water. A small amount of precipitate which could not be solubilized by the procedure was negative for galacturonic acid when tested with basic lead acetate. The 10 mls of extracted uronic acids were stoppered and stored in the refrigerator overnight and read in the manner to be described. Extraction of Fecal Uronic Acidsi The feces, which were air dried following collection during the three day metabolism periods, were finely ground in a Wiley mill using a #60 mesh screen, redried in a 1000C oven for two hours, and stored in a dessicator until weighed. Weights of the fecal samples used for uronic acid extractions from animals on pectin containing diets varied between 100 and 150 mgs and from animals on basal diets between 160 and 200 mgs., and samples were set-up in triplicate._ The feces from basal fed animals were so low in uronic acids, that it was necessary to determine the fecal uronic acids by the addition of one mg of pectin L. M. or pectin N. F. to each sample. The uronic acids contained in the pectin were then subtracted from the total uronic acid values found in the feces containing the added pectin. Triplicates checked within five percent. The weighed feces (in 50 ml centrifuge tubes) were moistened with three ml of 60 percent ethanol. Ten ml of 151 triple distilled water was well mixed with the feces and after standing 50 minutes, the Sample was centrifuged for 15 minutes at 1000 rpm. The supernatant was decanted into a 100 ml standardized graduated cylinder. This procedure was repeated twice using 10 mls of triple distilled water each time. Samples were then treated in the same manner with 10 or 20 mls of 0.05N NaOH until a final volume of 70 i to 150 mls was extracted. The fecal uronic acids from basal fed animals were collected in 50 mls. A final 10 mls ) was collected in the same manner from each sample, stored separately, and analyzed for uronic acids to be sure that all uronic acids had been collected in the 50 or 70 to 150 ml extractions. A 20 ml aliquot from each collection was decolorized with 500 mg of a 1.5:1 mixture of charcoal and celite, and refiltered. The latter was used for carbazole determination of uronic acids by the method of Dische ('47). Modification of Dische Procedure L The procedure as described by Dische was essentially i A; followed. The sulfuric acid was stored at 40C throughout the running of the samples. The tubes were packed in ice during the addition of all reagents and were returned to an ice bath following the 20 minute boiling period. Carbazole was not added until the samples were at room temperature. The samples were stored in the dark for two hours and then read using the Beckman DB spectrophotometer set a narrow slit 152 with maximum absorbancy obtained at 556 mu. Spot check of these samples-with 5.8cc of distilled water as well as by color verified the presence of uronic acids rather than hexoses.. As much as 60 gammas of glucose were not found to interfere in the range of anhydrogalacturonic acid standards used. 155 Table 1. Emission Spectrograph Data for Pectin N. F. and Pectin L. M. Elements Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. %~Phosphorus 0.027 0.025 ppm Sodium 5120 2568 % Calcium 0.15 0.10 % Magnesium 0.00 0.00 ppm Manganese 8 8 ppm Iron 72 59 ppm Copper 57.0 7.6 ppm Boron . 5.5 2.2 ppm Zinc 15 9 ppm Molybdenum 0.9 0.7 ppm Aluminum 1659 865 + Values beyond the highest point of the curve. 154 Table ii. Emission Spectrograph Data of Diets Used in the Eight Week Study Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Diets Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Elements % phosphorus 0.624 0.646 0.582 ppm Sodium 2080 2016 2192 % Calcium 0.58 0.58 0.57 % Magnesium 0.05 0.05 0.05 ppm Manganese 18 16 12 ppm Iron 56 72 62 ppm Copper 15.7 19.5 21.5 ppm Boron 4.0 5.5 5.5 ppm Zinc 17 22 17 ppm Molybdenum 2.8 2.8 2.6 ppm Aluminum 50 60 44 155 Table iii. Weekly Protein Efficiency Ratios of the Basal Fed Animals of Each Metabolic Period in the Eight Week Study u I! Groups Period Two Weeks Four Weeks Six Weeks Eight Weeks First week 5.254.06' 5.154.07 5.294.06 5.284.08 Second week 2.524.12 2.714.11 2.784.05 2.714.05 Third week 1.984.10 2.044.06 2.024.06 Fourth week 1.814.11 1.854.09 1.864.06 Fifth week 1.544.07 1.574.29 Sixth week 1.054.11 1.264.16 Seventh week 1.224.12 Eighth week 0.594.07 I Standard error of mean. 156 Table iv. Weekly Protein Efficiency Ratios of the Pectin N. F. Fed Animals of Each Metabolic Period in the Eight Week Study Groups Period Two Weeks Four Weeks, Six Weeks Eight Weeks First week 5.294.06' 5.014.97 5.164.07 5.204.05 Second week 2.624.07 2.524.12 2.554.07 2.604.11 Third week 2.104.08 1.904.10 1.964.11 Fourth week 1.654.08 1.644.11 1.554.15 Fifth week 1.564.11 1.424.11 Sixth week 1.054.11 1.084.11 Seventh week 1.124.08 Eighth week 0.024.17 'Standard error of mean. 157 Table v. Weekly Protein Efficiency Ratios of the Pectin L. M. Fed Animals of Each Metabolic Period in the Eight Week Study Gropps - Period Two Weeks Four Weeks Six Weeks Eight Weeks First week 5.254.06' 5.054.09 5.174.05 5.074.06 Second week 2.544.08 2.654.09 2.684.07 2.724.09 Third week 2.064.05 1.974.06 1.784.09 Fourth week 1.724.11 1.664.08 1.754.10 Fifth week 1.584.05 1.574.10 Sixth week 1.024.12 1.044.17 Seventh week 1.074.10 Eighth week 0.554.14 'Standard error of mean. 158 Table vi. Emission Spectrograph Data from Livers of Animals Fed Four Week-s~-~~~ Diet. Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Elements Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. % Phosphorus 1.6924.08" 1.5624.05" 1.6594.07" ppm Sodium 56564206 54474142 55424152 % Calcium 0.194.01 0.174.01 0.204.006 % Magnesium 0.0794.005 0.0754.002 0.0744.004 ppm Manganese 204.7 194.6 194.5 ppm Iron 485428 450415 597422 ppm Copper 29.945.5 26.041.2 25.04.9 ppm Boron 9.2 8.4 9.2 ppm Zinc 9545 9145 9645 ppm Molybdenum 0.954.06 0.924.08 0.994.06 ppm Aluminum 1556 1589 1506 'Extrapolated portion of curve. "Standard error of mean. +Values beyond the highest point of the curve. Table vii. 159 Fed Six Weeks Emission Spectrograph Data from Livers of Animals Diet. Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Elements Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. % phosphorus 1.5454.08' 1.4594.12' 1.5044.12' ppm Sodium 50294512 52414251 54294198 % Calcium 0.204.01 0.174.01 0.194.01 % Magnesium 0.0714.002 0.0744.005 0.0824.004 ppm Manganese 204.9 184.7 194.6 ppm Iron 545450 471450 567445 ppm Copper 25.541.4 26.641.6 27.541.8 ppm Boron 9.94.8 8.14.45 8.84.5 ppm Zinc 9948 8844 9945 ppm Molybdenum 1.064.06 1.054.06 0.924.05 ppm Aluminum 1659 1659 1659 'Extrapolated portion of curve. "Standard error of mean. +Values beyond the highest point of the curve. Table viii. 140 Fed Eight Weeks Emission Spectrograph Data from Livers of Animals Diet. Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Elements Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. % phosphorus 1.4774.07' 1.5724.08' 1.7754.06' ppm Sodium 29974111 27174125 5488475 % Calcium 0.184.01 0.154.01 0.214.01 % Magnesium 0.0704.002 0.0714.002 0.0794.002 ppm Manganese 1841.0 184.8 204.9 ppm Iron 567441 485455 614450 ppm Copper 21.041.2 22.541.0 24.44.6 ppm Boron 8.44.5 7.24.55 9.54.05 ppm Zinc 8442 8745 9644 ppm Molybdenum 1.074.09 .924.07 1.074.06 ppm Aluminum 1559 1659 1659 'Extrapolated portion of curve. "Standard error of mean. +Values beyond the highest point of curve. Table ix. 141 Fed Six Weeks Emission Spectrograph Data from Kidneys of Animals ¥ 4— Diet Basal + 5% Basal + 5% Elements Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. % phosphorus 1.7224.055' 1.7594.055' 1.7844.044' ppm Sodium 4527 4995 5020 % Calcium 0.214.01 0.224.01 0.214.01 % Magnesium 0.0794.001 0.0804.001 0.0804.002 ppm Mangesium 174.8 1941.0 184.6 ppm Iron 478452 512451 520444 ppm Copper 59.441.5 61.644.9 56.445.7 ppm Boron 9.741.6 9.141.0 8.740.7 ppm Zinc 9741.5 10445 9545 ppm Molybdenum 0.974.08 1.074.08 1.124.08 ppm Aluminum 1659 1659 1659 'Extrapolated portion of curve. "Standard error of mean. +Values beyond the highest point of the curve. 142 Table x. Emission Spectrograph Data from Kidneys of Animals Fed Eight Weeks Diet. Basal + 5% Basal + 5%77 Elements Basal “Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. % phosphorus 1.6554.057' 1.6674.055' 1.2104.052' ppm sodium 5120 5120 5120 % Calcium 0.224.02 0.214.01 0.254.01 % Magnesium 0.0774.001 0.0774.001 0.0774.001 ppm Manganese 2041.4 1841.0 194.7 ppm Iron 559456 474454 495454 ppm Copper 49.545.1 60.445.2 49.742.4 ppm Boron 10.14.8 9.64.9 9.14.4 ppm Zinc 9545 10445 9844 ppm Molybdenum 1.154.07 1.004.08 1.214.06 ppm Aluminum 1659 1659 1659 'Extrapolated portion of curve. "Standard error of mean. +Values beyond the highest point of the curve. 145 Table xi. Milligrams of Nitrogen Per Gram of Dried Liver From Animals Fed Eight Weeks Diet Basal + 5%» Basal + 5% Groups Basal Pectin N. F. Pectin L. M. Two weeks 102.642.1 106.242.6 106.142.0 Four weeks 104.242.7 108.141.7 104.941.5 Six weeks 108.842.6 107.141.6 109.141.5 Eight weeks 107.142.1 106.645.1 111.741.6 'Standard error of mean.