(Jeymm 3“"”7“"“Ft-‘é‘f‘flifi‘t3%:‘111‘5: I ' I‘Vfi'f‘fi'fifv'ztsh 6 ".1! """ "_v‘ I n ma mmmm “,2;me n _, , \\\\\ . Them for (me, Degree «my. Mam STATE UNWERSW . WW WELUAM GOLES ‘ ' 19:71 This is to certify that the thesis entitled The (p,t) Reaction On Rare Earth Nuclei presented by Ronald William Goles has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for __Ph.._D_.__degree in Minu— Major professor Date 7 I 26 I 71 0-7639 LIBRAR y ‘ Michigan Stan; University ABSTRACT THE (p,t) REACTION 0N RARE EARTH NUCLEI By Ronald William Goles The (p,t) reaction on 141Pr, 159Tb, 165Ho and 169Tm has been carried out for the purpose of studying the general systematics of the (p,t) reaction on rare earth nuclei. All experiments were conducted at the bombarding energy of 30 MeV with the exception of the 141Pr(p,t) experiment which was carried out at 40 MeV. The (p,t) reaction on 141Pr was found to strongly populate collective vibrational states in the more or less spherical 139Pr nucleus. Angular distributions of states populated through this reaction were collected between 15° and 65° at 5° intervals and have been compared with distorted wave calculations. In each of the remaining deformed nuclei studied, a strong population of the ground state rotational band was observed with at least six band members being excited in each case. Moreover, a B vibrational band in 157Tb and y vibrational bands in 157Tb and 163Ho were also found to be strongly excited through this reaction. Angular distributions of states below 1.25 MeV of excitation populated through 159 the Tb(p,t) reaction were taken between 10° and 75° at 5° intervals and have been compared with distorted wave predictions. 1 7 In addition, y ray experiments involving the £/B+ decay of 6 Yb were conducted in order to complement the 169Tm(p,t) experiment. This decay scheme study has established the existence of twelve new excited Ronald William Goles states and the probable placement of a thirteenth in the daughter nucleus 167Tm. Moreover, these thirteen states together with the well established low energy level structure of the 167Tm nucleus form a consistant framework for the placement of 52 new Y rays associated with the decay of 167Yb. THE (p,t) REACTION ON RARE EARTH NUCLEI By Ronald William Goles A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Chemistry 1971 K, 7) 771 For my mother 711$ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Dr. Wm. C. McHarris for suggesting this very interesting area of study. His patience and help during the experimental work and the preparation of this thesis are sincerely appreciated. I would also like to thank Dr. W. H. Kelly, Dr. B. H. Wildenthal and Dr. J. A. Nolen for their valuable advice concerning many aspects of experimental work. A very special thank you is extended to Dr. R. A. Warner for his invaluable suggestions and experimental assistance. Dr. B. Preedom, Mr. I. D. Proctor, Mr. J. A. Rice and Dr. G. F. Trentelman are gratefully acknowledged for their help in data acquisition and/or analysis. I acknowledge the financial assistance of the National Science Foundation, U. 8. Atomic Energy Commission and Michigan State University. Finally, I wish to thank my scientific assistant, Mary, who always cheerfully found time to help her husband in his scientific endeavors. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION . . . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . LIST OF TABLES . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . Chapter I. INTRODUCTION . . II. NUCLEAR MODELS . 2.1. Shell Model 2.2. Liquid Drop Model 2.3. Unified Model . . . . . . 2.3.1. Rotational Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.2. Vibrational States . . . . . . . . . . III. DWBA SCATTERING THEORY . . . 3.1. Basic Theory . . 3.2. Differential Cross Section . . 3.3. Form Factor . . 3.3.1. Cluster Transfer and Zero Range Approximation 3.3.2. Two Nucleon Matrix Element . . . . . . 3.3.3. Finite Range Correction . . . . . . IV. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS AND METHODS . . 4.1. The (p,t) Reaction . 4.1.1.. 4.1.2. Cyclotron and Beam Transport . Target Fabrication . iv ii iii viii ix Page 13 14 17 20 23 24 24 24 24 Chapter 4.2. 4.1.3. 4.1.4. 4.1.5. 167Yb 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3. 6/8+ 4.1.2.A. 1“Pr Target . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.2.B. 159Tb Target . 4.1.2.C. 165Ho and 169Tm Targets . . The Faraday Cup and Charge Collection . . lulPr(p,t) Experiment . . . . . . . . 4.1.4.A. The Scattering Chamber . . . . . . 4.1.4.B. The Detector Telescope and Monitor Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.4.C. Electronics and Particle Identi- fication . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.4.D. Dead Time Correction . 159Tb(p,t), 16SHo(p,t) and 169Tm(p,t) Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1.5.A. The Magnetic Spectrograph Monitor Counter . . . . . . . . . 4.1.5.C. Plate Reading . . . . . . . 167Tm Experiment . . . . . . . . . Source Preparation . . . . . . . . . . y-Ray Singles Experiments . . . . . . y-Ray Coincidence Experiments . . . . V. DATA REDUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1. 5.2. Peak Areas and Centroids . . . . . . . . . . . (p,t) Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1. 5.2.2. Energies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2.1.A. 1°1Pr(p,t) Experiment . . . . 5.2.1.B. Spectrograph Experiments . . Cross Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 29 32 32 34 35 35 35 35 36 37 4O 4O 4O 4O 41 41 42 Chapter Page 5.3. y-Ray Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5.3.1. y-Ray Energies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 5.3.2. y-Ray Relative Intensities . . . . . . . . . 43 VI.”lPr(p,t)RESULTS.................... 45 6.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 6.2. DWBA Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 6.3. ll”Perfit) Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 6.4. Angular Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 6.5. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 54 VII.159Tb(p,t)RESULTS.................... 57 7.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 7.2. Spectral Results . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 60 7.3. Angular Distributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 7.3.1. DWBA Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 7.3.2. Ground State Rotational Band . . . . . . . . 63 7.3.3. 7 Vibrational Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 7.3.4. B Vibrational Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 7.3.5. Other States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 7.4. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 VIII. 165Ho(p,t)RESULTS.................... 73 8.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 8.2. Spectral Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 8.3. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Ix. STATES IN 157Tm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 9.1.159Tm(p,t)Results................. 80 9.2. y-Ray Studies of 167Yb Decay . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 vi Chapter Page 9.2.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 9.2.2. Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . .'. 89 9.2.3. 167Yb Decay Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 9.3. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 X. CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 LIST OF REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 APPENDICES A. 1L‘lPr(p,t) Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 B. Tabulation of lL*1Pr(p,i‘) Differential Cross Sections . 117 C. 159Tb(p,t) Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 D. Tabulation of 159Tb(p,t) Differential Cross Sections . 129 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 5.1. Y—Ray Calibration Standards. ......... . ................. 44 6.1. Optical Model and Bound-State Well Parameters used in the Distorted-Wave Analysis of the 1H1Pr(p,t) Reactions 48 . 6.2. States Populated Through the ll‘lPr(p,t) Reaction....... 55 7.1. Multipolarities of y Rays Deexciting the Y Vibrational Band in 157Tb .................... ....... .......... ..... 59 7.2. Multipolarities of Y Rays Deexciting the Vibrational Bands in 157Tb... ...... ................. ..... .......... 59 7.3. States Populated Through the 159Tb(p,t) Reaction....... 62 7.4. Rotational Parameters Associated with Bands Populated Through the 159Tb(p,t) Reaction........................ 64 7.5. Optical-Model and Bound-State Well Parameters used in the Distorted-Wave Analysis of the 159Tb(p,t) Reaction. 66 8.1. States Populated Through the 165Ho(p,t) Reaction....... 77 8.2. Rotational Parameters Associated with Bands Populated Through the 165Ho(D,t) Reaction... ..... . ............... 78 9.1. States Populated Through the 169Tm(p,t) Reaction ....... 83 9.2. y—Ray Transition Data for the 167Yb Decay .............. 92 9.3. Results of Integral Delayed Coincidence Study on 167Yb Decay.... ................. .......... ................. .. 96 9.4. Relative Feeding Intensity Data to Members of the Ground State Rotational Band..................................100 9.5. Theoretical vs. Experimental Reduced Transition Proba- bilities. ..... .........................................102 viii Figure 2.1. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.4. 7.1. 7.2. LIST OF FIGURES Page Coupling scheme for deformed nuclei .......... ...... ..... 6 Michigan State University Cyclotron, beam transport 25 system and experimental areas.... ................ . ...... Detector telescope summing circuit ..... ................. 30 Experimental Electronics associated with the E—AE detector telescope .............. .. ................. ..... 31 TOOTSIE two dimensional E-AE display illustrating three particle bands.......................................... 33 Experimental apparatus associated with y ray anti- and delayed coincidence experiments.. ...... . ......... ....... 38 Decay schemes of 139”Nd and 139gNd. ..... ................ 46 lulPr(p,t) triton spectra taken with an E-AE detector telescope........... ........ ...... ...... ................ 50 Angular distributions of states populated through the lulPr(p,t) reaction. Theoretical two neutron pick-up and cluster transfer calculations are represented by continuous and broken curves respectively. Relative cross sections have been normalized to reflect measured absolute values......................................... 51 Angular distributions of peaks which might have a com- posite nature. An i=6 angular shape has been included for comparison sake only............... ...... ........... 53 Partial level structure of 157Tb. Arrows represent deexciting y rays observed when various states are fed by the s decay of 157Dy................................. 58 Log and linear displays of the 159Tb(p,t) spectrum taken at the laboratory scattering angle of 20°........ ....... 61 ix Figure 7.3. 7.4. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. 9.1. 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. 9.5. 9.6. 9.7. Page States populated through the 159Tb(p,t) reaction........ 65 Angular distributions of states populated through the 159Tb(p,t) reaction. Theoretical two neutron pick—up and cluster transfer calculations are represented by continuous and broken curves respectively. Relative cross sections have been normalized to reflect measured absolute values..... ........... ..... ................... . 67 Partial collective level structure of 165Ho ............. 74 Log and linear displays of the 165Ho(p,t) spectrum taken at the laboratory scattering angle of 20°.... ....... .... 75 States populated through the 165Ho(p,t) reaction........ 79 Log and linear displays of the 169Tm(p,t) spectrum taken at the laboratory scattering angle of 20°............... 81 States populated through the 169Tm(p,t) reaction........ 84 Low energy rotational structure of 167Tm... ............. 86 167Yb singles y ray spectrum taken with a Ge(Li) detec— tor using a graded lead absorber........................ 90 167Yb low energy y ray spectrum taken with a high resolution Si(Li) x-ray detector ........ ....... ......... 91 Spectrum of 167Yb y rays involved in delayed coinci- dences.................................................. 95 Decay scheme of 167Yb. All energies are given in keV, and (total) transition intensities are given in terms of + percent per disintegration of the parent. The B Is ratios are calculated values and the log ft values are calculated on the basis of on 18 min half-life.... ...... 98 Chapter I Introduction The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the general systematics of the (p,t) reaction on rare earth nuclei. Until quite recently this area of study has been left literally unresearched, although the (p,t) reaction work that has been done on intermediate to heavy mass nuclei (Ba64, Ba68, Bj66, Re67, Ma66) has served to establish the direct nature of this reaction at moderate bombarding energies. Direct reactions are particularly useful in the study of nuclear properties since their associated mechanisms are simple and are easily understood. Models of direct reaction mechanisms have been developed and from these have come computer codes (B362, Ku65) which are capable of predicting quite accurately observed experimental phenomena such as angular scattering probabilities. Pick-up reactions are a general type of direct nuclear reaction which are characterized by the transfer of a nucleon or group of nucleons from the target nucleus to an impinging, interacting projectile. To be more specific, the (p.t) reaction is pictured as proceeding through a one step transfer process in which the incident proton plucks out an ordered pair of neutrons from the target nucleus and scatters away in the form of a triton. The particular target nuclei used in this study are: 11+1Pr, 159Tb, 165Ho and 169Tm. The 11‘1Pr(p,t) reaction was chosen to initiate this study, because the spherical shape of the 1“Pr nucleus together 2 with the well known level structure of the residual nucleus, 139Pr, allowed a straight forward analysis of the experimental data. The results of this analysis then served to establish the basic character- istics of the (p,t) reaction on rare earth nuclei. Having completed the 1L‘lPr(p,7‘;) study and knowing a little more of what to expect, the (p,t) reactions on the remaining strongly deformed nuclei were conducted. In addition, Y-ray experiments involving the €/B+ decay of 167Yb were carried out to complement the 169Tm(p,t) reaction experiment. The results of these studies have shown the (p,t) reaction to be a very powerful tool for probing the collective properties of nuclei, two neutrons removed from stability. Chapter II. Nuclear Models The interpretation of experimental results obtained for the (p,t) reaction on rare-earth nuclei leans quite heavily upon the use of several models of the nucleus. In this chapter, those nuclear models which are to be used in the following chapters will be reviewed. 2.1. Shell Model One of the most successful models of the nucleus is the shell model with spin-orbit interaction (Ma55). In this model individ- ual nucleons are considered to move in stationary orbits determined by an effective spherically symmetric potential which is meant to approxi- mate the nucleon-nucleon interactions occurring within the nucleus. Moreover, within the nucleus these orbiting nucleons are pictured as being paired off in such a way that values of many nuclear parameters are determined solely by a single unpaired nucleon. The great success of this model lies in its ability to predict nuclear properties such as "magic numbers", nuclear isomerism, and ground state spin systematics for even and odd mass nuclei. However, because of the simplifications used, the simple shell model cannot describe correlated or collective motion of nucleons within the nucleus and is therefore incapable of describing the collective properties exhibited by nuclei such as large quadrupole moments and low lying collective excited states. 2.2. Liquid-Drop Model The collective model of the nucleus (Pr63) separates the nucleus into a core and extracore nucleons. The core is treated macroscopically as a deformable drop of nuclear liquid in interaction with the few extra-core nucleons that occupy unfilled shell model orbitals. Such a system can undergo two types of collective motion - surface vibrations in which the shape is distorted in an oscillatory fashion with preservation of volume and volume vibrations with preserva- tion of shape. Since the nuclear fluid is nearly incompressible, the lowest excitations are associated with surface vibrations. Clearly, this model of the nucleus is extremely useful in describing vibrationally excited states of spherical nuclei. For instance, in odd mass spherical nuclei, low lying vibrational states are pictured as being constructed from the various possible couplings of the vibrational angular momenta of the core A, called the multipole order, with the spin, I, of the ground state. Thus, in the case of a quadrupole vibration, A=2, one would expect to observe a multiplet of vibrationally excited states with spins ranging from II-ZI to I+2. To first order, this multiplet of core excited states are degenerate; however, residual interactions between the odd nucleon and the core in practice lifts their degeneracy. In spite of the success of the liquid drop model in explaining the low lying excited states associated with spherical nuclei, it is inadequate to explain the level structure exhibited by permanently deformed nuclei. Clearly the nuclear system is capable of motions not envisaged by the simple liquid drop model. 2.3. Unified Model Bohr (3052) and Bohr and Mottelson (B053) tried to fuse the individual-particle and liquid—drop aspects of the nuclear system into a single "unified" model. Briefly, the model consists of a deformed rotating-vibrating nuclear core which provides a non-spherical field in which individual nucleons move. The quantum state of the model is —> -> defined by the quantum numbers I, K, O, and.M, where I is the total core plus odd nucleon(s) angular momentum of the state, K is the _) projection of I on the symmetry axis of the body-fixed frame, M is .) the projection of I in a fixed arbitrary direction (the laboratory Z axis)and D is the component of the total angular momentum of the ..) odd nucleon(s) j along the symmetry axis of the body-fixed frame. For nuclei with cylindrical symmetry, which is true for low-lying rotational + states, the angular momentum of the core R will be perpendicular to the symmetry axis and X will equal 9. A vector diagram relating the quan— tities just described is illustrated in Fig. 2.1. 2.3.1. Rotational Spectra The unified model of deformed odd mass nuclei predicts that for each vibrational state of the even-even core and for each assignment of the odd nucleon to a deformed single particle state, rotational energy states characterized by quantum number K=Q will be produced by the rotational motion of the core. The energies of these rotational states are related to the total spin of the system through the following rela- tionship, I+1/2 EI = M2/21[I(I+1) + (-1) a(I+1/2)6 1 + E, (II—l) I.1/2 with I taking on values K, K+l, K+2, . . . 2.3.2. Vibrational States As in the previous model of the nucleus, the liquid drop picture of the deformed vibrating nuclear core is assumed. However, the phonon Fig. 2.1. Coupling scheme for deformed nuclei. angular momentum Ais no longer a good quantum number, since in general it is coupled to the rotational motion of the core. Nevertheless, v, its projection along the body fixed symmetry axis may still be used. A vibrationally excited state built upon the ground state is characterized by a K quantum number which is related to the ground state projection number K0 and projection number v by the following relationship, K = Ixo +vl (II-2) There are two exceptionally simple low energy vibrational modes of excitation which are common to most deformed nuclei: 8 vibra- tions whose angular momentum is perpendicular to the body fixed symmetry axis of the nucleus and Y vibrations whose components along the symmetry axis are :2. From above arguments, the unified model of the nucleus would predict that a B vibration would give rise to a single excited band characterized by the K quantum number K=K° while the Y vibrations can give rise to two bands characterized by K quantum numbers IKoiZI. Chapter III. DWBA Scattering Theory The general formalism of DWBA scattering theory has been pre- sented in detail in several excellent references (Ba62, Sa64, SaA65). It is the purpose of this chapter to outline this theory briefly in order to present the basic assumptions and approximations used in the analysis of the present experimental results. 3.1. Basic Theory Consider the general reaction, A(a,b)B, which is symbolic for the following nuclear reaction expression: A + a + B + b (III-l) where A, a, B and b represent the target, impinging particle, residual nucleus and scattered particle, respectively. Following Satchler (SaA65), the total Hamiltonian for this system, H, can be expressed in terms of either colliding pairs of particles, as is shown below. H = B = H (III-2) Furthermore, the prior and post forms of the total Hamiltonian HAa and HBb’ respectively, can be expressed as = + III-3 HM HA+Ha+TAa VAa ( ) and H =H +H +T +V Bb B b Bb Eb where, if G and g are allowed to represent either A and a or B and b, HF and Hg are the internal Hamiltonians of these particles, TGg is their relative kinetic energy operator, and VCQ is the interaction potential acting between the two particles. The total wave function of the system V is thus defined by 09 the equation (H (i) + _ _ Gg - E) WGQ (E 6 r ) - 0 (III 4) ’0 9’ 09 where E represents the total energy of the system, gr and 59 are the internal coordinates of G and g respectively, and the (+) and (-) designate the usual outgoing or incoming wave boundary conditions. If it is assumed that the internal coordinates of "g" are independent of those for "G", the total wavefunction of the system may be factored and written as follows, _) + ng = o (:G,gg) ¢ = ¢G¢(rng) (III-5) where ¢F and ¢g are eigenfunctions of the internal coordinates of G and g, respectively, and satisfy the following eigenvalue equations H0 $0 = E0 In and (III-6) H = E g ¢9 9 ¢9 The total energy of the system may now be written as E = E + u 2 09 KGg/ZUGQ or (III—7) 7: 22 E E0 + E9 + H K Cg/ZUCg 10 where KFg is the wave number of the relative motion of the pair 0 and g and p is their reduced mass. 09 Having the expression for the total eigenfunction of the sys- tem, the transition amplitude for the reaction A(a,b)B can be represented exactly by (T061, G064): a: <+> =<¢>Be B BIvBI‘Pa > (III-8a) or + —+ _ (-) 1K 'r t-<‘i’8 Ival‘i’ae a a> (III 8b) where the abbreviations aEAa and BEBb has been used. The subscript a on Va(+) signifies the solution with incoming waves in the a channel only but outgoing waves in all open channels. Thus, asymptotically, the wave function Va(+) will have the form ..) ‘i’(+) _> (be eiKa ra +ZYfO‘ ye?” r1) ‘i’ (III-9) a a y where the sum is over all Open channels 7 and + -> . . (+) fay °= (Wyeus I’Blvslwm > (III-10) (i) If the entire wave function ng were known, then the problem of calculating the transition amplitude and thus the scattering reaction cross section would be solved. However, since the interaction potentials vAa and va of Eq. III-5 are not known, approximations must now be made in order to solve the transition amplitude equation. At this point in the analysis a second potential US in the 8 channel together with its eigenfunction x8 are usually introduced, where 11 X8 satifies the time independent Schrodinger equation, + + -)' [(E—E’B) - TB - U8] x’é (r8,KB) = O (III-ll) The potential U which has been introduced is quite general in form 8 and is subject to only two basic restrictions: it is required that U8 + O as r8 + w and that UB be diagonal in the 8 system. Using the Gell-Mann-Goldberger relation (T061, G064, SaA65) for scattering by two potentials, Eq. III-8a can be transformed as follows: ++ _ - _ + - iK °r _ t - (:oBXB Ive UBIWG:>> -+ <<:¢Bx8 lUsloae a €:> (III 128) Similarly, the transformation of III-8b has the analogous form, ++ t - < (“)l -U| + + eiKsmslul +> (III-12b) _ W8 va a ¢axa ;> <: $8 a ¢axa Now, since the arbitrary potential U or Us is assumed to be diagonal in 8 the B or a system, the second term in these expressions for the transition amplitude will be zero except for the case of elastic scattering. Excluding this possibility, the exact expression for the post and prior interaction forms of the transition amplitudes become .. (r) _ (+) tpost ' <:¢BX8 Ive ”alwo 3’ (III-13a) and = (wé‘) Iva-Ual °oX§+) > (III-13b) prior In order to evaluate the transition amplitudes in III-l3, one has to choose a U or Ua which will make possible the replacement of B + W(_) by some computable quantity. The distorted-wave Born approximation 12 (DWBA) follows from the observation that elastic scattering is usually the dominant process occurring in any scattering situation. In other words, this observation implies that the optical potential that describes elastic scattering will be the dominant part of the interactions vAa and va' Clearly then, if Ua and U8 are chosen as the optical potentials for describing the scattering of a on A and b on B respec- tively, the expressions va-Ua and v -U8 will become small perturbing 8 residual interactions responsible for the reaction, and the problem can clearly be treated by perturbation techniques. Radial eigenfunc- tions of optical model potentials satisfying Eq. III-ll can easily be 4. calculated. The perturbation expression for Ta thus becomes (+) e (+) " Va ~ ¢oxa (rm) (III-l4) while the distorted-wave approximation to the post interaction form of the transition amplitude III—13a is _ (—) (+) tpost (DW) “<3thB [VB-UB|¢axa ;> (III-15) The analogous prior interaction form of this amplitude can be written as (-) + tprior(DW) = <:¢BXB [VB—Ueloaxi ):> (III—l6) It is useful at this point to separate the integrand of the transition amplitude into factors which are dependent upon internal and relative coordinates. Letting v represent either the post or prior interaction potentials, one can express the transition amplitude corresponding to the reaction A(a,b)B as follows: 13 t = J I tips I drB xé'NKBmB) x§+)(ta,pa) (III-l7) + —> Here ra and r8 are vectors connecting the centers of mass of A and a and B and b, respectively, while J is the Jacobian of the transformation to these relative coordinates. The distorted waves X0 and x8 are elastic scattering wave functions calculated from Eq. III-ll which de- scribe the relative motion of the pair a, A(asymptotically with relative momentum :a)before collision and the pair b, B (with :8) after colli- sion, respectively. The remaining factor in the amplitude III-l7 is the matrix element of the interaction causing the inelastic event taken between internal states of the colliding pairs < B,b|v|4.a> = I ¢2¢Zv¢A¢adg (III-18) where 5 represents all pertinent internal coordinates. This matrix element or form factor contains all the information regarding nuclear structure, angular momentum selection rules and even the type of reaction being considered. 3.2. Differential Cross Section Having obtained an expression for the transition amplitude, t, connecting two non-identical nuclear states A and B via the A(a,b)B reaction, one has the tools for calculating the differential cross section for the scattering between these two states. For unpolarized projectiles and target nuclei, the expression relating the differential scattering cross section to the transition amplitude can be shown (Sa64) to have the following form: 14 do‘ _ UGUB :_B_ thlz do ‘ (2m)2 ta (2JA+1)(ZSa+l) and” where JA and SA are the spin quantum numbers of the target and projec- tile respectively and where the sum is taken over all spin projection numbers of the impinging particle, target, residual nucleus and scattered particle. Thus, in order to obtain theoretical differential cross sections for a scattering event, one has now only to evaluate the appro- priate form factor < B,blle,a > . 3,3, Form Factors for Pick-up Reactions Pick-up reactions are a general type of nuclear reaction which are characterized by the transfer of a nucleon or a group of nucleons from the target nucleus to an impinging particle with which the target interacts. In order to adapt the previously developed DWBA formalism to the particular case of pick-up reactions, one has to make the following assignments to the components of the general reaction A(a,b)B: b = a + x and (III-20) A = B + x Here x denotes the nucleon or cluster of nucleons plucked out of nucleus A by the incident interacting particle a. As was shown in Section 1 of this chapter, the prior inter- action form of the form factor is given by f = (BvaAa-UAaIAa> (III-21) 15 In order to evaluate this matrix element, some explicit form for the interaction potential responsible for the reaction must be derived. Since the target nucleus A is pictured as being composed of a core "B" and a bound particle or cluster "x", the interaction potential v Aa may conveniently be written as a sum of two terms vAa = vxa + VBa (III-22) The perturbing interaction responsible for the reaction may be written as = v + (v VAa-UAa ma Bb-UAa) (111'23) It is customary at this point to take vxa as the important interaction responsible for pick-up, since from previous arguments one would expect cancellation of VBa with UAa' Furthermore, it is generally assumed + that an is central, that is, scalar in Ema so that "a" and "x" are in an S-state of relative motion within b. The nuclear matrix element III-21 may now be written explicitly as: + —+ f = ”Lbs (e; B)¢;(aa F )v (5.5.1: )¢> (a Na A<£Bax.r3x)daadz;xd€b mxaxxaxaaxaa (III-24) —> where 5i represents the internal coordinates of particle i while rij is the vector joining the centers of mass of particles i and j. Since the interaction potential an is independent of EB, the matrix element III-24 may be simplified by integrating over this variable. The overlap of the target with the residual nucleus, , projects out the bound state wave function of the particle or cluster. 16 This overlap is usually evaluated by expanding ¢A in terms of ¢B and ¢x° B A =J‘E;(JB.jM MB. MA M>¢JBM (£3)flfl (Ex .rB x) MB (III-25) where J8 and Mb are the spin and projection numbers of B, j and u are the angular momentum and projection numbers of x, ¢B(€B ) is the wave- function of nucleus 8 with internal coordinates EB and quA is the wave function of the bound particle or cluster x. Substituting this expression of ¢A into the overlap integral, one has 4’3""? = Z (J8,j,B M ,fi.A MBIJA MA ”25; Axe; ”'3 x) (III-26) j The indexes B,A are carried as a reminder that 9 depends upon the initial and final nuclear state. The angular dependence of 935A may now be removed by expanding in Spherical harmonics 34,2 “:9; mix” (eBxchxMS u_ Mo- 5 )(25M u- Mlju) (III-27) where S is the intrinsic spin of particle x. 3 need not be single valued if x is a cluster. Upon substitution of III-27 into III-24, one obtains the following general expression for pick-up form factors: l7 __ . . 2 . f- 22 (JB’J’MB,MA-MB|JAMA)(1’) YZ(er)(lSM,U-MIJU) j SM 2. —> —> BA, J —> If ¢b(gagx’rax)vxa(€a€x’rax) $5,ueM(€x’er)¢a(ga)d€adgx (III-28) The above equation marks the point of departure for two different approaches which are commonly used in the evaluation of the form factor III-28. A brief description of each method along with the additional assumptions and approximations which characterize each will now be discussed. 3.3.1. Cluster transfer and Zero Range Approximation. The cluster model of two neutron pick-up reactions treats the two neutrons as a structureless elementary particle of spin 0 and mass 2. In parti- cular, the (p,t) reaction is pictured as proceeding through the transfer of a "dineutron" from the target nucleus to the interacting incident proton. Because the two neutrons are treated as being elementary, cal— culation of the (p,t) form factor proceeds exactly as in single nucleon transfer reactions such as (p,d) reactions. Upon adopting this approach, one may immediately simplify the matrix element III-28 by expanding ¢b in terms of ¢a and ¢x as follows (Db = Z (Saija’MxISbe)¢S M (Ean M (gxa’gx) saijh a a x x (III-29) 18 Substitution of III-29 into the matrix element contained in Eq. III-28 one arrives at the following expression < blvxalx,a>= Z (s j M ,M 'Sbe) a x a x SaJxMo ABRj x ¢ ¢- V ¢ ¢ _ [I SéMa JxM; xa S,u-M’ JaModgadgx (III 30) Noting that the cluster assumption has eliminated the depen- dence of Yxa on the internal coordinates and using the orthogonal properties of the oa's, the integration over Ea yields the result = BA lj + < blvxalx’a> (SanMa’ MxISbe) x f ¢SxMxvxa ¢’S‘.:I-1M(1fi.7z.'cz, Eaway: (III-31) where the sum over jx has been reduced to a single term with Jx=3x, since "a" and "x" are assumed to be in a relative S-state. Furthermore, for the dineutron transfer Sx=0; however, Si will be carried along for generality. The remaining integral of Eq. III-31 can easily be carried out by noting that since "x" is considered an elementary particle, ¢AB’£j (E F ) will be factorable into functions dependent upon S,uwM x’ Bx internal and relative coordinates as is shown in Eq. III-32. BA, 94' ¢S,u-M = R2j(er)wS,ueM(gx) (III-32) 19 Similarly, ¢>j M (éxmw) = 0(rawaM (ax) (111-33) .2: (If x .2: Substituting the above quantities into equation III-31, one obtains the following result: < blvxalxa> = (SanMa’MxleMmej (er)vax(rax)O(rax) <3 6 X 536,8 MT, u-M (III-34) Finally, using this result in Eq. III-28, one has the following expression for the cluster transfer form factor: f = Z (JBJMB,MA-MBIJAMA)(SanMa,Mb-MaleMb) 3‘9, . 1 M . x (7,) Y2 (er)vm(rax)e(rax)(RSxm,MxI,7MA—MB) (III-35) where m = M + m - M - M In the above expression, the radial functions R1. are assumed to be proportional to shell model eigenfunctions and are taken to be the bound state wave functions of the dineutron in a Woods—Saxon well. The form of this well in which the cluster is bound is given by U(r) = V (——1———) ; a: = (r-1.25A1/3f)/0.65f (III-36) o 1+ex 20 where A is the mass number of the residual nucleus and V6 is chosen to reproduce the experimental two neutron separation energy. The zero range approximation, which has been used with this cluster transfer approach, consists of setting a = - V(rax) (ram) 006(rax) (III 37) where Do is a constant characteristic of the reaction being consid- ered. This rather extreme approximation is imposed in order to reduce the six-dimensional unseparable integral of Eq. III-17 to a three-dimensional one which can be handled easily by present DWBA computer codes. The effect of this approximation (SaA65) is to intro— duce correlations between the various functions which are varying rapidly in the nuclear interior. This phenomenon in turn tends to overestimate the contributions to the scattering cross sections from the interior of the nucleus. Combining the zero range approximation, III-37, with equation III-35, one obtains the general result that the form factor corresponding to a particular RsJ cluster transfer will be proportional to the bound state wave function of that cluster. 3.3.2. Two nucleon matrix element. As an alternative to the gross approximations inherent in the cluster transfer formalism, one can attempt to calculate the form factor corresponding to two neutron pick-up through direct use of Eq. III-28. In this approach, one gives up the idea of further simplifying the two neutron matrix element expressions and instead attempts to approximate the functional quantities 21 present within it realistically. Rewriting the two nucleon matrix elements contained in Eq. III-28, _ BA,2j _ < blVaxlx,a>— H‘bb(gb)vax¢s,p-M¢a (III 38) the functional quantities which are used by the distorted-wave code DWUCK (Ku71) in the finite range evaluation of this expression will now be outlined. For ¢b(€b), the internal wavefunction of the triton, a Gaussian form is assumed (Ku71, Ch70) ¢ (g ) = Nexp(-n2[r2 + r2 + r2 ]) (III-39) b b 12 1a 2a where n is the size parameter of the triton, N a normalization constant, + + + and r.. = r. — r.. tJ 1 J Since two neutron pick-up is now being considered, the inter- action potential, de, becomes the sum of two terms = + - de Val de (III 40) where again a Gaussian form for these nucleon-nucleon interactions, Vdi, is assumed and has the form, V.. = U exp(-822". .2) (III-41) 13 0 LJ where B is the reciprocal of the range of the nucleon-nucleon inter- action, while ”0 determines the strength of this interaction. . B,A£j The two neutron wave function ¢S H’M determined from the over— 9 lap of the target and residual nucleus is usually expressed in terms of 22 single neutron wave functions as follows 2152.2 = Z (PLA (r1,r2) A1A2(2122A1A2|LA)¢£1A1(r2)¢£2A2(r2) (III-42) The wave functions of the two initially bound neutrons ¢ and ¢£ A 2 2 21M are then taken to be those of a particle bound in a Wood-Saxon well of the form, U(r) = —V01/(1+ex) + (“Z/mfloc)2V31/r %; (1+:x E°§ ] (III-43) where x' = (r-roA1/3)/a (III—44) In the above expression, E and E are the orbital and spin angular momenta of the neutron, A is the massof the target nucleus less one, PC is the real nuclear radius parameter, a is the diffusivity parameter, V8 is the spin—orbit well depth and V6 is the real Woods- Saxon well depth which is adjusted so that individual neutrons are bound by one—half the two neutron separation energy. Having made these substitutions in the two neutron matrix elements, one has only to integrate this expression in order to obtain an expression for the form factor III-28. The methods employed in integrating Eq. III-38 are the subjects of several papers (Ku7l, Ch70, B367) and will not be dealt With here. 23 3.3.3. Finite Range Correction. Once an expression for the two neutron matrix elements and the resultant form factor III—28 is ob- tained, one is faced with calculating a six—dimensional integral III-17 in order to evaluate the expression for the transition amplitude. This procedure, if carried out, involves rather excessive computational difficulties and is unsuitable for present DWBA computer programs. The distorted wave code DWUCK employs an approximate correction factor A to the usual zero range approximation in order to correct for the effects due to the finite range of the nucleon-nucleon interactions. This factor has the form MbM R2 M.) = {1. 7L. -1 2 WI) (r)-Ua (m‘Ux (r)—BEx]} M M a (III-45) where Ui is the optical model potential for particle i, M; is the mass of particle i, BEx is the magnitude of the binding energy of the parti— cle x and R is the range of the interaction. It has been shown (Ku7l, Ch70) that with the correction factor III-45, the zero range code approximates fairly well the correct finite range calculations for two neutron transfer reactions. CHAPTER IV Experimental Apparatus and Methods 4.1. The (p,t) Reaction The investigations of the (p,t) reaction on 1M1Pr, 159Tb, 165Ho and 169Tm have not all been carried out using the same methods and apparatus. As a result, Sections 4.1.1. through 4.1.3. will deal with matters common to all experiments, while Sections 4.1.4. and 4.1.5. will deal with the details of specific experiments. 4.1.1. Cyclotron and Beam Transport The experimental proton beams were provided by the Michigan State variable-energy sector—focused cyclotron. Through use of quadru- pole focusing magnets located at appropriate positions along the beam line, the transport system illustrated in Figure 4.1. focused the ex— tracted beam on slits SI and 53 whose apertures determined the beam energy spread on the target. The proton beams were energy analyzed and dispersed by bending magnets M3 and M4, each of which turns the beam through 45°. The magnetic fields of these analyzingymagnets were measured with NMR probes placed in the central fields of M3 and M4. Bending magnet M5 was then used to deflect the beam into the desired experimental area. Additional quadrupole focusing just prior to the experimental areas allowed one to vary the beam dispersion on target. 4.1.2. Target Fabrication In conjunction with experiments concerning the (p,t) reaction on rare-earth isotopes, thin metallic targets of lulPr, 159Tb, 165Ho and 169Tm have been prepared by vacuum evaporation at the Michigan State 24 J1 \\ 9\\I,\\\\ { I'l E \ f E / '. I .‘ \\\\\\\\\ \ II ' 3 .— 5 ////// /// ///M2I/ K\\\\\\\I\\i ”I fix r: m 00 H .C: I .-i Q oh H In beam trans University cyclotron, State 26 Cyclotron Laboratory. The details of the vacuum system used are de- scribed elsewhere (6069). The foils themselves were prepared by evaporating the 99.9% pure metallic rare earth from a S-mil tantalum boat onto a ZO-ug/cm2 carbon backing. In order to insure a good uniformity of the foils, the carbon backings were always placed 4-6 in. above the evaporation crucible or boat. The carbon backings used in the fabrication of targets had no observable effects on the data taken since their thinness precluded significant beam degradation, while their high (p,t) Q value disallowed any possibility of interference. Target thicknesses of fabricated targets were determined through use of an 2“Am a gauge. This apparatus measures the energy loss suffered by 35.5 MeV a-particles as they traverse a target. This information can then be directly related to the target thickness through use of range-energy tables (Wi66). A precision of i5% is assumed for this method of measurement. 4.1.2.A. 1“1Pr Targets 1H1Pr targets readily oxidize when exposed to air. As a re- sult, these targets were stored under vacuum. The target thickness of the foil used in obtaining the triton angular distribution was 793-ug/cm2. 159Tb Target Studies of the (p,t) reaction on 159Tb were all conducted using a 454pg/cm2 target. Although 159Tb does not oxidize readily, this target was also stored under vacuum to minimize the effects of long term exposure to air. 27 4.1.2.C. 165Ho and 169Tm Targets Target thicknesses of 165Ho and 169Tm used in this experiment were :3OO-ug/cm2. These targets showed no signs of long term deteriora- tion from prolonged exposure to air and were not stored under vacuum. 4.1.3. The Faraday Cup and Charge Collection The beam used in irradiating rare-earth targets was stopped and collected by either an aluminum or a carbon Faraday cup. The differential and integral charge collected during an experiment was monitored with an Elcor model A3103 current digitizer and integrator. An aluminum beam stop has the advantage of only producing short-lived activities upon being bombarded by the beam. However, sig- nificant y-ray backgrounds are produced during the periods of bombard- ment which makes this beam stop unsuitable for experiments involving photographic plates. During such runs, a carbon Faraday cup was used which produced lower radiation levels during bombardment. 4.1.4. 1L'lPr(p,t) Experiment In the study of the (p,t) reaction on 1“Pr, an Z800-pg/cm2 target of metallic 1“Pr was bombarded with SOO-nA beams of 40-MeV protons accelerated by the Michigan State University sector-focused cyclotron. An E,AE detector telescope was used to measure the energies of the tritons produced while a monitor counter kept track of the number of protons elastically scattered at right angles to the beam direction. 4.1.4.A. The Scattering Chamber The 36" scattering chamber used in this experiment was equipped with a central, remotely rotatable target ladder capable of holding a scintillator and several targets, a remotely movable arm capable of 28 mounting a detector telescope at various radial positions, and an unmotorized arm capable of mounting a stationary detector or monitor, again, at several radial positions The target and detector angle readout device was reproducible well within a i0.15° limit. A plexiglass window in the scattering chamber together with a closed circuit television system allowed the beam spot to be observed on a scintillator and finely adjusted with quadrupole focusing. The Detector Telescope and Monitor Counter The AE-E detector telescope used in this experiment was com- posed of two cooled Si surface barrier detectors. The AE detector is a thin diode incapable of stopping the least energetic particle of interest and is always placed closest to the target. The E detector, which is placed behind the AE counter, is a much thicker diode which is chosen so that the total thickness of the two detectors, E+AE, is sufficient to stop the most energetic particle of interest. The AE and E detector thicknesses chosen for this experiment were 925 u and 2025 u, respectively. The solid angle subtended by the detectors was determined by a collimator slit placed directly in front of the detector package and the radial position of the detector telescope. In this experiment a llO~mil thick tantallum collimator with an oval aperture of 0.120"XO.260" was used at a :10" radial distance from the target. Cooling of the detectors was achieved by circulating ethanol at dry ice temperature through a cooling plate in contact with the copper detector mount in the telescope. This was done in order to reduce elec- tronic noise within the detectors to a minimum. 29 A NaI(Tl) detector placed at right angles to the beam was used to monitor elastically scattered protons. The number of elastic events recorded for a given irradiation is proportional to the product of the effective target thickness and the total charge collected during the irradiation. As a result, relative cross-sections may be obtained which are independent of the errors associated with target thickness measure- ments, target nonuniformities,beam drift, and target deterioration. The monitor output is also a very sensitive means of determining analyzer dead times. 4.1.4.C. Electronics and Particle Identification Having described the hardware associated with the detection system, the electronic methods used to measure energies and identify particles will now be discussed. For each particle "seen" by the detection system, three signals are received from the detector telescope: A pulse "AE" from the AE detector proportional to the differential energy loss of the particle, a pulse "E" from the E detector proportional to the energy of the parti— cle emerging from AE detector, and a pulse, "2", proportional to the total energy of the particle, obtained by summing the "E" and "AE" pulses at the detector telescope. The summing circuit which produces the 2 pulse appears in Fig. 4.2. The A5, E and Z pulses taken off the detector telescope are then passed through charge sensitive preamplifiers and sent on to the data acquisition area. Here they go through the electronics setup illustrated in Fig. 4.3 which, in addition to amplifying and shaping the pulses, requires the simultaneous presence of Z and AE signals before these latter two pulses are sent on to a coupled pair of 8192-channe1 digital to analog convertors (ADC's). The computer code .uasoufio wcHEESm oncommamu nouomumn .~.c .mwm .2205 ”TI madam”... 05m» 0 u 220...... ml mammal; ._167Tm Experiment The states of 167Tm have also been investigated through the e,8+ decay of 167Yb. Gamma-ray singles and coincidence experiments have been conducted in order to construct the 167Yb decay scheme. 4.2.1. Source Preparation Samples of the 18.5-min 167Yb were produced by bombarding the oxide of 100% abundant naturally occurring 169Tm with 23.5-MeV protons accelerated Eur the Michigan State University sector-focused cyclotron. 36 Samples were bombarded for approximately 3 min with average beam currents of Z-MA, and the resulting activities were counted for periods not exceeding 3 half-lives The 167Yb activity produced by the (p,3n) reaction is extremely clean since the major competing reactions Qp,2n) and (p,n), lead to stable and relatively long—lived isotopes respectively. Furthermore, the relatively long-lived 167Tm activity decays almost entirely to a single state in 167Er, giving rise to only 2 significant Y rays. Y rays not associated with the decay of 167Yb were identified through a crude half—life study and from the Y-ray spectra of residual activities left after all 167Yb had decayed away. The only major con- tamination identified in the 167Yb Y-ray spectra were the 207.9-keV and 531.8—keV Y rays from the 167Tm decay. 4.2.2. Y-Ray Singles Experiments The energies and relative intensities of Y rays associated with the decay of 167Yb were determined by a series of Y-ray singles experiments. The low energy portion (EY <200 keV) of the Y-ray spectrum was taken with a Si(Li) x-ray detector. This detector easily resolved several closely spaced low energy Y rays allowing accurate relative intensity measurements to be made. Spectra above 200 keV were taken using Ge(Li) detectors with and without Pb absorbers. Graded lead absorbers placed between the source and the detector were used to discriminate against low energy, high intensity Y rays so that "hotter" sources could be counted in order to bring out the high energy, low intensity y rays associated with the 167Yb decay. Spectra taken without Pb absorbers were used for relative 37 intensity and energy measurements of the stronger Y rays in the spec- tra and also served to establish a correspondence between spectra taken with and without Pb absorbers so that corrected relative intensities of weaker Y—ray lines could be obtained. Electronics components used with all Y-ray singles experiments included an FET preamplifier and high voltage supply, a pulse shaping linear amplifier with pole-zero compensation, an analog to digital con- verter (ADC) and multichannel analyzer. 4.2.3. YfRay Coincidence Experiments Y-ray cascade relationships were established through anti— coincidence and delayed coincidence experiments. These studies were conducted using a Ge(Li) detector in coincidence with an 8"X8" NaI(Tl) split annulus and a 3"XB" NaI(Tl) scintillation counter. A complete description of this coincidence system and its capabilities are dis- cussed elsewhere (Au67). The electronics used in these coincidence experiments is illustrated in Fig. 4.5. In the anti-coincidence experiment, 167Yb sources were placed at the center of the annulus tunnel which was then blocked by a 3"x3" NaI(Tl) detector at one end and by the Ge(Li) detector at the other. The source in effect was completely surrounded by detectors and repre- sented a very efficient counting system. The single-channel analyzers associated with the NaI(T1) detectors were set to accept all Y rays above 70 keV. The coincidence resolving time used in this experiment was 100 nsec. With the exception of the operating mode of the linear gate and the delay of 250 nsec added to the Ge(Li) side of the coincidence 38 .mucoafiumaxm moamvfiocaoo vo%mamv cam nausm has > sues wouMfioommm msumumamm Hmuamawuomxm .m.q .wfim , 3295 03 3A“ 33 III 52.2.2... 252... 232... :32. 232... 35.2.... 2.3 1d I .d 3203 32362.3 «minis... m .33. 252... N p . N . u s ..u u 5 1T IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4 .m 0 U .m m 3 n . _ m 0 wt 8 O _ «on» $11 curing... 5.6.39. . a 4. _ 2523 302:0 . v a m a. v w . I _ fl 8 n... x N 3 _ . a a. m s. .a . . _ I..I - I I .4 H v w u _ 2.3 223...: 52639. n M 3 4|] mz m.mum> ou mucoammuuoo mNuH mo msam> 03H Am mst .mmm HN noun .mwm AH mN.H omo.o m~.H munx mcouusmz m~.H omc.o m~.H couusocao oq.H «mm.o wq.H man.c «H.H oo.~H o.oea Naouwue m~.H wmn.o omo.H mo.o o~m.a mn.o 0H.H «0.0 oo.m um.« ma.m¢ accuoum CV CV CV CL Ce 3. CC 9sz £65 92... 9sz 30.3.81 uo.H m o.H .m mu m o.H m> a: 03 o> coauomom ah.mvumH:H man mo mfimszq< m>m3lvouuoUmHa msu cw pom: muouoEmumm Hams ouMumlvssom was Homozlamowuao .H.o manme 49 taken at 25° and 35° are illustrated in Figure 6.2. A complete compila- tion of spectra taken in this experiment together with the pertinent extracted data appears in Appendexes A and B respectively. 6.4. Angular Distributions The experimental angular distributions together with their distorted wave predictions are displayed in Figures 6.3-6.4. Figure 6.3. exhibits those states populated through 2 value transfers from 0 to 3. The angular distribution corresponding to the 5/2+‘+ 5/2+ ground state transition clearly corresponds to an apparently pure £=0 transfer. The finite range calculation of the transfer of two d3/2 neutrons fits the lower angle data much better than does the cluster transfer analysis; however, the latter calculation does a better job of predicting the positions of therelative maxima occurring at 55° than does the finite range approach. The overall agreement between theory and experiment is good, and, since the angular shape of an i=0 transfer is sufficiently different from all other R-values, the ground state of the residual nucleus 139Pr appears to be populated by a pure i=0 wave. The five angular distributions appearing below the £=2 designation in Figure 6.3 all exhibit a characteristic i=2 angular shape. Again, at lower angles the finite range (d3/2):=2 calculations fit the data much better than do the cluster predictions, although beyond 25° both theoretical curves are remarkably similar. Moreover, since the states populated through these i=2 waves have all been previously (Be69) classified as being collective in nature, the purity of these experimental £22 curves are assured (Pe63). 50 33 .oaoommaou Houomumv mdum am :uHs smxmu muuommm souwuu Acqmoummvw .~.o .wwm mumsSz ..uzz4xo $9232 dzsz 8mm ommm. o umumr oomn o a. . . 2 H .. . .o .o 1.. . .r t a \l’ . . a 0 mm . . . 1 . 2 no XII fl AVWH. mmum mm ll??? 3 ”6.. 272 s a» m a m _I m a m a g 1??? u 6 I: _ 9%99 -..oo. Wm . I .18. m 1 1 1} .00 can . .30 m w 0.3 . .30 g100N LIOON .2350QO .5...» 2.3.1... '13NNVHO 83d SlNflOD 51 1:0 loo I V Y I : Grnd. State 1 p 4 A lo-I ~ E 3 <’ E a .D : a E ’b + 3 ‘° E a E : : 1: _ fi 10" 0 so ‘0” 9:3 2:: Y 1 Y Y T Y T fir T T r T— V f 1 11111 ,’\\ E‘s l.62 MeV 1 1 1111111 1F\\§ I E; 0.83 MeV . t \ a A " 1""; 4 «7: ‘ j ‘\ \ 4 .0 i \JI‘ E 3 //’\\ EX: 2.05MeV i c \I ‘ '13 E \ \ ‘_ 4 B I m. . .\\\ i U j A 1: \ .4 L. "' \ r " :1 m .. ~’ \ 4 E \ ‘h dp A :4 D '0'. \\ A 1 1 l 1 :‘L l 1 E E -.- 2J6 MeV 4 20 no so 00 V \ X 1 a G \ A . GCM (deg) H 'o ‘ 3 B 10'2 .\} 3 4 13 3 E 3 3 3 a 4 1 O 20 '40 $0 00 O 80 9m(deg.) chweg.) Fig. 6.3. Angular distributions of states populated through the 141Pr(p,t) reaction. Theoretical two neutron pick-up and cluster transfer calculations are represented by continuous and broken curves respectively. Relative cross sections have been normalized to reflect measured absolute values. 52 The remaining angular distributions appearing in Figure 6.3 correspond to four states populated through i=1 and/or i=3 transfers. The 1620-keV and ZOSO-keV states clearly exhibit an odd-2 character; however, unique R assignments cannot be made on the basis of shape alone, since both 2:1 and i=3 angular predictions fit the experimental points equally well. However, because these relatively low energy states are pOpu- lated by odd 1 waves, their origins can only be explained in terms of an octupole core excitation or in terms of a transferred hll/Z neutron. The former explanation of course immediately eliminates the possibility of any i=1 strength in the angular distributions of these states. If, on the other hand, an h11/2 neutron participates in the pick-up process leading to these excited odd parity states, then of the possible even parity orbitals available, energetics alone makes a d3/2 neutron the most probable candidate for the second neutron transferred. Assuming this transfer configuration, one finds that of the two possible 2 values associated with these two states only the £=3 value is allowed by the conservation of angular momentum. This pick-up mode, moreover, is consistent with the shell model configura.“ tions assigned to states of similar energy characterized by radioactive studies (Be69, MC69) - The remaining two states in Figure 6.3 appear to exhibit a unique i=3 shape, although the limited number of experimental points in these distributions make these assignments tentative at best. Figure 6.4 exhibits two angular distributions which probably represent more than one excited state each. An i=6 angular shape has 53 .xaao oxmm somfiumnsoo you wowsaocfi coon mm: oamnm umaawam end :4 .ousumo mufimonEoo m m>m£ uswfia gowns mxmma mo mcoqusnwuumwv umanma< .¢.o .me oOnx .rU. .DwD 0 4» 4? «RA 4 Oh 4 f $. 04m 0 0 TOW. 0 a g 4 WOW » II,/ . // A, / I/ L // U _ / U // He //*/ n/ l“ + .17“: \ S 4 a. 7T /fi A / U l/ J A, w .. 7/ xx / + H m // i. it. + u, l . V i l / {nuo— .4 wNJ // 4 wHJ A .>mx ommfiuxm it .>mx ommfiuxm l e “l a l l. 1xb_ . m u ._ mzo_5m_Em_o $3824 :3 .3 i A vvvvw v f v ’|O~ $0. to. (is. 8H) UHOIS 54 been included for comparison sake only since both angular shapes are believed to be a composite of several z values. 6.5. Summary A comparison of the results of our (p,t) data with the pre- viously described decay scheme studies appears in Table 6.2. The first thing to be noted is that the g values assigned to the transitions to the various states in 139Pr are in every way consistent with the spin and parity assignments of the corresponding states established through radioactivity studies. Furthermore, the 2=2 assignments for the five states listed further corroborate the collective vibrational character previously ascribed to them. Since unique spin assignments have not been made for most of these collective states, an attempt was made to clarify this situation through use of the weak coupling model of collective nuclear motion. Since these states are presumed to be members of a multiplet constructed from the coupling of the d ground state with 5/2 the first excited 2+ state of the core, the weak coupling model would predict the presence of five pure collective excited states with spins ranging from 1/2 to 9/2 whose relative cross SECtiODS are in a ratio of 1:2:3:4:5, respectively, and whose energy center of gravity corre- sponds to the first 2+ excitation in the 138Ce nucleus. Although several combinations of these six states would satisfy the latter energy constraint, the former cross sectional relationship expected for pure vibrationally excited states cannot be satisfied by any com— bination of these states indicating that much mixing within and possi- bly outside the multiplet must occur. 55 Table 6.2. States Populated Through the lulPr(p,t) Reaction ( This work ) ( Beery ) Energy 2 Energy Jn Classification (KeV) value (KeV) 1 o 0 0. 5/2+ ("45/2) 2 —1 — — 113.8 7/2+ (“as/2) ("97/2) 1 405:10 2 405.0 3/2+,1/2+ (“d5/2) (2+) 1 590:10 2 589.2 5/2+ (nd5/2) (2+) 1 — — 821.8 11/2- (“hJI/z) 1 828.1 7/2+,9/2+ (:d5/2)1 (2+) 830:10 2 { 851.9 9/2+,7/2+ M/2)1(2+) 918:15 2 916.8 1/2+,3/2+ (n 025/2)1 (2+) 1010120 2 1024.0 7/2+,9/2+,11/2+ Collective 1311.8 1/2+,3/2+,5/2+ 1330:20 ? 1328.2 5/2+ 1369.6 9/2+,11/2+,13/2+ 1501.2 1/2+,3/2+ 1520120 2 % 1523.2 (+) 1623+20 1 3 1824 5 9/2— 11/2— (nd )1(vd )”1(vh )’1 _. ,. . 9 5/2 3/2 1.1/2 -1 «1 2050130 1,3 2048.8 9/2-,ll/2— (11d6/2):(\)d3/2) (thI/Z) . . 1 .—z 2160:50 3 2174.5 9/2~,11/2— (nds/z) (vd3/2) (thl/z’ 2240 3 — — — 2660 - - — - 2740 - - ~ — 2800 ~ - ~ - 56 Finally, in agreement with the model of direct nuclear reactions, only those excited states corresponding to excited neutron components or core excitations were populated by this reaction. Con— spicuously absent are the 113—keV 7/2+ and the 821.8-keV 11/2- proton states even though neutron and core excited states of similar spin and parity were observed to be strongly populated by this reaction. Additional 1L*1Pr(p,1b) experiments conducted at bombarding energies of 35 MeV and 30 MeV further established the direct nature of this reaction at these relatively high proton energies. Chapter VII. 159Tb(p,t) Results 7.1. Introduction 0f the three deformed residual nuclei studied, 157Tb is the best characterized. From radioactivity studies involving both conversion electron and y—ray work (Pe62, B167), the partial level scheme illustrated in Fig. 7.1. was developed. The main features of this level structure are the identification of a rotational band built upon a B vibrational excitation of the K=3l2I4ll] ground state and the characterization of a K=l/2 band based at 598 keV. Several investigators (Pe62, 3167) have differed as to their interpretation of the rotational band based at 598 keV. There are two possibilities for the origin of such a K=1/2 band. It can be explained as a rotational band superimposed either on the 1/2+[411] single parti- cle proton state expected from the Nilsson diagram in this region, or on a y vibrational state based on the K=3l2 ground state. The vibra- tional origin of these states is strongly suggested from both systematics and the very small decoupling parameter associated with this band. The empirical value of this decoupling parameter is ml/ZO of the theore- tical value (3167) based on a nuclear deformation of ”=5 and is of opposite sign. However, experimentally determined K conversion coefficients imply significant Ml admixtures in transitions deexciting this band to the ground band (see table 7.1 and 7.2); these should be formally completely forbidden for states having a vibrational origin, although band mixing could easily account for this phenomenon. In light of the established directness of the CP,t) reaction at the 57 58 .mnmwN mo %moov o onu >9 vow mum moumum msOfium> sm£3 vo>pmmpo mums > wafiuaoxoov ucmmwuamu msouu< .AH mo musuusuum Hw>mH Hmfiuumm .H.n .mHm has «m mm when" Hl_:H~\n 0.0 H .181 1. a1, 118 a a, in» .wxm m.om a .m1 a11 law 147. .Nxm HmmmH~\m :.mwm a -~\m mxslam: mémm 4 .NZ m.smm .~\m 3.8mm .Nxm magi—an m.wmm .Nxm m.::o«1 .~\m :.umo_ -AN\m.N\m.N\~. 59 Table 7.1 7 Multipolarities Of Y rays Deexciting the Y Vibrational Band in 15 Tb Transitiona Bandb State Fed Grnd. Suggested Energy Type Depopulated Member Multipolarities 554t2 Y 697 143.8 M1,E2 57712 Y 637 60.8 M1,E2 597t1 Y 597 Grnd. Ml,E2 637 Grnd. 636t1 Y { 698 { 60.8 M1,E2 a) Ref. Fe 62 b) Our assignment. Table 7.2 Multipolarities OfY'rays Deexciting The Vibrational Bands In 157Tb Transitiona Bandb State Fed Grnd. Suggested Energy Type Depopulated Member Multipolarities 553.1t0.8 Y 697.4 143.8 M1 576.6i0.8 y 637.2 60.8 Ml 597.5t0.6 Y 597.5 Grnd. M1 931.7t0.8 B 992.6 60.8 E2 984.0t2 B 1044.5 60.8 E2+EO 992.812 8 992.6 Grnd. E2+E0 a) Ref. 8167 b) Our assignment. 6O bombarding energies used in this study, the presence of these K=l/2 states in our triton spectra would be a sufficient condition for establishing their collectivity. 7.2. Spectral Results The 159Tb(p,t) triton spectrum taken at the laboratory scattering angle of 20° appears in Fig. 7.2. The most striking feature of this spectrum is the strong population of the ground state rotational band, with members certainly up to 13/2+ and possibly as high as l7/2+ being excited. At 598 keV of excitation one finds three states which, within experimental uncertainty, correspond to the first three members of the previously discussed K=l/2+ rotational band. In addition, if one generates the 7/2+ and 9/2+ members of this band by parameterizing the simple rotational energy relationship, one finds two additional states populated by this reaction which appear to be the next two higher members of this (Y vibration) band. The set of three states based at 994 keV of excitation pos- sesses relative intensity characteristics which are remarkably similar to those exhibited by the first three members of the ground state rotational band. If the simple I(I+l) energy spacing is assumed for these levels and one solves for I, one obtains a value remarkably close to 3/2. Thus in addition to the two previously known members of the B vibrational band, a third has been observed to be populated through this reaction. The results obtained from this spectrum are summarized in Table 7.3. The theoretical values for the members of the various rotational bands have been calculated using the rotational energy TRRCKS PER l/BHH IRRCKS PER l/BHH 61 EXCITRTION ENERGY (HEV) 1.8 1.8 I.“ 1.2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.2 0.0 500 9 t : : 1 a A. : 4 a ”a “’18! P.1 l 30 no: ”’ 400 . 20 use . 300» J 312“ an" 712 200 '- 4 112" 100 + m ‘ ”[2 I112 . 312‘ . 012 712' 512' ”2 '3’: o . Lil 930 l 130 1330 1530 DISTRNCE RLONG PLRTE (l/Bflfl) EXCITRTION ENERGY ("EVI 1.8 1.8 I.“ 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.“ 0.2 0.0 10 ’ : a : 1 1 ¢ 1 a 4 1* 512312 I "’18! PJ 1 3 ”2:12 30 HEV n: q .. 20 DEC n: a 4 1° 2 on 3 3 4 l “’2 4 : "I! 0’”. .4 l "2. $12 In“ J n m: " *- f 7”. 4 10 ' 1. l .. I I y- d p- .4 r- 4 ~ 4 10 ° L . 930 1130 1330 1530 DISTRNCE RLONG PLRTE (l/BHHI Fig. 7.2. Log and linear displays of the 159Tb(p,t) spectrum taken at the laboratory scattering angle of 20°. .vcmn Hmcowumupw>lm exam mo uwpame a ..H .ccmn HacOHumupH>I> mnoxux mo umpEme u .H “vamp Hmcofiumuou mumum vcnouw mo umnEmE u an .Hmmumom £8: ..de .93.“ .322 .noflmfiz .3 .n 28 :35 .o .m .umoeuupmfifim .x .mm 1:: nus owoa nun III aqua +..N\m In: m.qqoa wqoa 1: Ii 33 +. .~\m :1 93¢ «mo nun In: omoa In: 1:: new In: In: HmoH +m\na mmm an: mam an: an: NooH +.~\m mom In: cow nun III mnma +.N\n nmn nun mom nun III mmma +.m\m In: q.~mo mac 9. -1 .1 $3 1.2m 1- mine 0% In: In: qmqa +.~\H In: m.mmm mom 1:: In: naqa +N\ma mmm in: mam nut 11: Nmma +N\HH «mm an: omm In: :1: mama nun In: mmm In: In: omma +N\m «mm :1: «mm A+..N\mv HQNH an: wmma +~\m In: m.mqa «ea In: In: Roma +m\m nun w.oo Ho +..N\n qNHH In: QNHH +m\m In: m 0 m 0 en A>mxv A>mxv A>mxv sq A>mxv A>mxv A>mxv nucmecwwmm< muomLH mzwumcm mmumam nucmecwfimm4 muomnH mxwumcm mwumcm .COfiuummm Au.nvnhmmH mLu zwsouse wmumasaom mmumum .m.n manmh 63 formulas given by equation 2.1. The rotational parameters used in these calculations are tabulated in Table 7.4. A level scheme of states populated through 159Tb(p,t) reaction appears in Figure 7.3. 7.3. Angular Distributions .Because the selection rules governing the (p,t) reaction on odd-mass nuclei will usually allow states to be populated by several a—value transfers, angular distributions of all the known states excited by the 159Tb(p,t) reaction were obtained in order to determine whether this type of experiment could be profitably used in the analysis of odd-mass nuclear states. The spectra collected in this experiment were taken between 10° and 75° at 5° intervals and appear in Appendix C. The differential cross sections extracted from these spectra are tabu- lated in Appendix D. 7.3.1. DWBA Analysis The distorted wave predictions for the various SL—value trans- fers were calculated as described in section 6.2. The optical potential and bound state parameters used in this analysis appear in Table 7.5. The h9/2 spherical shell model orbit was used in calculating the bound— state wave functions of the transferred neutrons, since the least bound pair of neutrons in the 159Tb nucleus occupies a Nilsson orbit derived from this spherical state. Again, the finite range and cluster transfer calculations are represented by continuous and broken curves respectively when compared with experimental data. 7.3.2. Ground-State Rotational Band The angular distributions of the ground state rotational band members appear in Fig. 7.4. 64 Table 7.4 Rotational Parameters Associated With Bands 159 Populated Through The Tb(p,t) Reaction. Band fig/2 J a E (keV) (keg) Grnd. 11.98 - -44.57 V 12.90 0.086 589.43 B 10.80 — 953.50 65 .coauommu Anqmvan mnu nwoounu wmumaoaom mouMum .m.n .me mm .so~_ .o H_~:_rw\m .omw— ..u .mxm .Qhw— .33— ..N\h .c~n_ .Nmn_ .:m~ .~\m .mwn a .mnn q~\__ .5 3%. .sm:_ .uw:_ .uwm o~\m_ .omm .wx. .mmm. .osu .wxm .onm. .mmu 1~\n .wou. ..mm. .mma .wxa mmu. .umo . .wxm .mmu. «Na .s:m 1~\s~ .:ma 1wxn .035. .o3c— owxm .owo. .ON—u 9N\h .mow. 66 m + H o E m + H .xw m + H :x no u m .x a o x o o 20 .0. lllll I I 1 .H fl .H 1 w A H v v H > Nolmlv + H A w as 3v H > A V > H v : .>mz m.wum> ou mucommmuuoo mmux wo osHm> may Am asmH .mmm AN scum .mom AH m~.H no.0 m~.H mNuH mcouusmz oq.H mmn.o «H.H couusocHa oq.H «mm.o wq.H mmn.o «H.H oo.NH o.moH NcouHuH m~.H wm~.o omo.o mo.o Onm.H mn.o 0H.H «0.0 oo.m mm.e Hm.~m Hcouonm Hue Hue Hcv Adv Hue Adv Adv A>mzv H>mzv H>mzv H>mzv mHUHupmm oo o o o m a o o u m u m u m u > 3 3 > .aoHuummm As.mvnemms mnu mo mHm5Hma< m>m3|wmuuoumwn mnu CH vow: mumumsmpmm HHQB mumumlwcsom can HmwoZIHmoHuao .m.n mHnme dU/dn (mb/sr) 67 ‘0'. Y T—Yfi 7 ‘fi 7 Y ; : 7’Bom1 : . i to“. 1 F 1/2 4 C I I .- . 4 , i . . 1' II ,. Q .§’ '4 at ’ * ma ”"1 : I 1 > 4 r I '°": : E I 3/2 5 C ' i L 'Ii’.ll I, :E: . § 10* 1 E : f 1 I 4 no“: I . 1 z - 5’2 3 y . 4 A . * a t ' I" ', i B i! 1 4 : E «t 4 V ’ 1 3 ..-1 1 U 9’2 4 \ : 1 "I. n ‘ >- 4 a » 7/2 . . . .00... 1 .8 p 1 .. Z i- * J J r 2 i 4 no" : 0, 3 In“ . : g 1 3 I 1? : m . . 012 3 Hi 1 | 1 ' '- 3 a; 1 1 ‘ '°':- 1 '0. 1- 4 0 '3/2 i E I 9V2 I I. . 1 > .. o . II 1 ‘ I '.§ .5 i -0 ... , 1- Q ! fi 10 ’ i i,’* i 1 no“: 3 4 E j c . r- .4 '°’ m2 1 » . I r 4 . o.,.ou.... 1 I0“ 1 A A L A L L A L '0" J 4+1 J 14 A j o 20 so so on Inc 0 20 n so to Oh.(deq) €%“(de91 Angular distributions of states populated through the dU/dn (mb/sr) da/dn (mb/sr) J_1L1mn 411‘] A j A Ajlln |°JVL411111L+ o m w a u no CHIRROJ Oflnrtfloms 104 7777777777 5,3325 Kev 1 ID" ,. . 1 1’;* 1 #LLAAI 111111; AAAAAAAAA 159 Theoretical two neutron pick-up and cluster transfer calculations are represented by continuous and broken curves respectively. Relative cross sections have been normalized to reflect measured absolute values. Tb(p,t) reaction. 68 As in the previous case of the (p,t) reaction on the spherical ll+1Pr nucleus, the 3/2+ + 3/2+ ground-state transition proceeds through a strong dominant 2:0 transfer. The theoretical 2:0 curves predict the positions of the relative maxima and minima quite well but clearly underestimate the strength of the experimentally observed diffraction pattern. This Phenomenon was also observed in the 11*1Pr(p,i:) experiment and is in marked contrast to the i=0 ground state transition accompanying the 176Yb(p,t) reaction (A571, Hi70), where the angular dependence on cross section is not so pronounced. Again, the finite range, two- neutron pickup calculation does a much better job of fitting the lower angle data than does the cluster transfer prediction, although both approaches do a respectable job of reproducing the experimental i=0 angular shape. The 5/2 and 7/2 members of the ground state rotational band have very similar angular shapes. The positions of the relative maxima occurring in these curves are reminiscent of i=2 angular shapes; how- ever, the deep minimum occurring at 30° along with the unusual strength of the observed diffraction pattern makes the £=2 assignments for these states extremely uncertain. The remaining members of the ground state rotational band populated through the (p,t) reaction on 159Tb exhibit angular distribu— tions which cannot be explained in terms of any single dominant angular momentum transfer. 7.3.3. YJVibrational Band The angular distributions of the various members of the K=l/2 Y vibrational band are also illustrated in Fig. 7.4. The angular shapes 69 exhibited by the first three members of this vibrational band are, within statistical uncertainty, identical, indicating a complete absence of i=0 strength in the transition to the 3/2 member of this band. More— over, the angular shapes exhibited by these three states, as well as the remaining two members of this band indicate that these states are populated by a complex mixture of several allowed l-values rather than through a single dominant angular momentum transfer. Possibly this phenomenon can be understood and explained in terms of band mixing which from previous arguments certainly must be occurring in this Y vibrational band. Qualitatively one wouldn't expect complex mixed states to be populated through simple, pure angular momentum transfers, and perhaps this is just the underlying reason behind the complex angular shapes exhibited by these states. 7.3.4. B-Vibrational Band The angular distributions of the members of the B-vibrational band are illustrated in Fig. 7.4. Unlike the y-vibrational states, the members of this collective band appear to be populated through a single dominant angular momentum transfer. As in the ground state rotational band, the 3/2+ band head appears to be populated by an 2=O wave; how- ever, unlike the ground state transition, the agreement between the experimental angular distribution and theoretical i=0 curves are some- thing less than spectacular. The positions of the experimental maxima and minima appear to be systematically shifted from their theoretically predicted positions, indicating the possibility of small contributions from higher allowed a values. Nevertheless, the overall shape and underlying strength of this experimental curve undoubtedly express its dominant i=0 character. 70 The angular distributions of the remaining two members of this band exhibit a characteristic i=2 angular shape. The positions of the relative maxima of these curves are predicted quite well by the theory although their relative strengths are once again underestimated. Recently' there has been considerable speculation as to the reality of B vibrational shape oscillations. The very unsystematic disappearance of these bands in some deformed even-even rare-earth nuclei has cast some serious doubts upon the simplistic origin associated with B vibrational bands in general. However, previous y-ray and conversion electron work (3167) have shown that the first two members of this band behave in a classic manner characteristic of pure 8 vibrationally excited states. Perhaps the simple manner in which the (p,t) reaction populates these states is a measure or signature of their collective purity. This statement although speculative is con- sistent with previous arguments surrounding the complex nature of 2 transfers leading to the previously discussed Y vibrational states and indirectly implies mixing in excited members of the ground state rota- tional band. 7.3.5. Other States Angular distributions of two additional states of unknown origin were also determined in this study and appear in Fig. 7.4 under the heading:"0ther States". The 325 keV state appearing in 159Tb(p,t) spectra is a rela- tively low intensity peak which exhibits no apparent relationship to any other peaks in this energy region. Its angular distribution is flat, unstructured and is in no way related to any single angular 71 momentum curve. Its angular shape, however, is much like those exhibited by the members of the K=1/2 Y vibrational band. Perhaps this peak is the K=5l2 Y vibrational state; however, this is only mere speculation. The 1238 keV peak on the other hand is a highly intense, strongly populated peak which might have a composite nature. The angular distribution of this peak appears to have a dominating i=2 angular shape. However, since this peak occurs at or above the pairing gap in this nucleus nothing really can be said about its origin based onthese data alone. 7.4. Summary As was expected from the previous 11+1Pr(p,t) results, the (p,t) reaction on 159Tb was found to populate collective excited states within the residual nucleus 157Tb strongly. With the exception of a few extremely low intensity states, the entire triton spectrum below the pairing gap was totally accounted for in terms of B- and y- vibra- tional and ground—state rotational band members. Angular distributions of the collective states populated by this reaction showed absolutely no general simplifying tendencies. With the exception of the ground state and the members of the 8 vibrational band, states were observed to be populated by complex mixtures of angu- lar momentum transfers. Why a very few states should be populated by the lowest possible 2 value while all others are not is not immediately clear. Before concluding this chapter, something should be said about the strange 20° differential cross section behavior exhibited by many of the states studied. This strange behavior is manifested in 72 angular distributions by an apparent discontinuity at 20°. Both the 15° and 25° degree points are commonly much smaller than the 20° value, which cannot be understood in terms of any single theoretical curve. This effect, however, appears to be very real since three independent sets of specta taken at 15°, 20° and 25° all reproduce this behavior. Chapter VIII 165Ho(p,t) Results 8.1. Introduction In the interpretation of the 165Ho(p,t) spectra, liberal use has been made of the well established level structure of 165Ho (Le68) since experimental facts concerning the residual nucleus of this reaction, 163Ho, are all but nonexistent. A partial level structure of 165Ho appears in Fig. 8.1 where only pertinent states of interest have been included. 8.2. Spectral Results The characteristics of the triton spectra obtained from 165Ho are very much like those exhibited by the previous 159Tb(p,t) Spectra as is graphically shown in Fig. 8.2. In this spectrum, one finds a strong population of the K=7/2-[523] ground state rotational band with level spacings similar to those occurring in the same band in the 165Ho nucleus. From Coulomb excitation experiments conducted on 165Ho by Seaman g£_al_(Se67) one would expect from systematics to observe the K=3/2_ and 11/2- 7 vibrational bands at :500 keV and :900 keV, respec- tively. And indeed one does observe a set of states originating at 562 keV of excitation which appear to have some intensity interrelation— ships. If one assumes that the 562-keV and the 618~keV states are the first two members of the K=3/2 y vibrational band and one generates higher members by parameterizing the simple I(I+1) energy relationship, one finds convincing evidence for the presence of additional members 73 74 11/2’ 507.0 17/2' 872.0 7/2' 5/2' 3/2' 15/2' “99.0 13/2' 305.0 11/2' 209.0 9/2' 99.7 7/2'1523] .0 185 87H098 Fig. 8.1. Partial collective level structure of Ho. 165 830.0 500.0 519.0 TRHCKS PER 1/8HH TRHCKS PER [/8101 75 EXCITQTION ENERGY ( HEV 1 1.0 0.8 0.8 0 1 '4 1.2 .N 0.2 0.0 50° 1 ¢ 4 1 1 1 1 1 7/2 "’HOIPJ) 30 NEV 20 DEG U00 1- H u: “[2 300 - rm 1 Ill2 200» 1 1”: 100 -' 1512' 13/2' J o 1 an” 1 L 1080 1280 1'480 1880 DISTRNCE RLONG PLRTE (1/811111 EXCITRTION ENERGY (HEV) S 1.“ 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.11 0.2 0.0 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 +1 m m : “5HOIP.T 1 j 30 nev ”’1 . 20 DEC ‘ 13/2 -‘ 2 . 10 3/2 :1 5/2' 1:12 1 1512' . : 7/2 . 1112 d 0/2 I 1112‘ ‘ 10 1 _ “I ma“ -< .. 1 4 10 0 I ‘i. l ._J L 1050 1280 1950 1680 OISTRNCE RLONG PLRTE (1/811111 Fig. 8.2. Log and linear displays of the 165110 (p, t) spectrum taken at the laboratory scattering angle of 20°. 76 up to a spin of 15/2. However, no evidence for the presence of a K=11/2 Y vibrational band could be found in our spectra. The results of the 165Ho(p,t) spectrum are summarized in table 8.1. Rotational parameters used in the theoretical calculations of rotationally excited states are listed in Table 8.2. A level scheme composed of all states popu- lated through the 165Ho(p,t) reaction appears in Fig. 8.3. 8.3. Summary As in the case of 159Tb, the Qp,t) reaction on 165H0 is found to p0pulate rotational as well as vibrationally excited states in the residual nucleus strongly. The present study has identified six members of the K=7/2 ground state rotational band and seven members of the K=3/2 Y vibrational band. Moreover, with the single exception of the 791-KeV peak, these states completely exhaust the (p,t) reaction strength occurring below the pairing gap in the 163Ho nucleus. The origin of the strongly excited 791-KeV state cannot be determined from our data since it doesn't appear to have any relation- ship to any other states in our spectra. Being below the pairing gap, this state certainly must be a collective excitation, but whether it be a B, Y or octupole state is not clear from our data alone. 77 vamp HmCOHumunH>u> mnoxnx mo umnfima m .H ”vamp HchHumuou mumum mason» mo umnEmE n H m I.N\MH NwOH mmOH III oooH |.N\HH Hmm omm In: mHmH III NH0 1:: nqu :11 wow In: quH II: omm 1:: quH I.~\o «om mow III mNMH 1:: Hon 1:: mQMH III mmn III wOMH IN\~H man can III omNH |.~\m moo moo u.~\mH omNH mmNH I.~\m III mHo In: quH I.N\m It: own In: NmNH IN\mH mmn mmn In: cmHH |~\MH mom mom :1: mNHH IN\HH mum «mm In: omHH Im\m nun ooH nun NHHH Im\n cu: m 0 ea $8: 93: 1% 99: 38: mucmacmem< xuomza amumcm mucmeomem< muomnH mwumcm .coHuummm Aw.mvom,p mnu swsoune wmumHnaom moumum .H.m mHan me 78 Table 8.2. Rotational Parameters Associated With Bands Populated Through the 165Ho(p,t) Reaction. Band - H2/23 a E0 (REV) (keV) Grnd. 11.11 - -175.00 y 11.60 - 516.50 .coHuommu Auqmvommmm mnu swoops» vmumHoaoa mmumum .m.m .me 79 .uwm uwxnn . mm r9 .o 33:": .omo. .muo. uwme -Nxm .uH—H .umHH .msHH -~\HH .:mH_ .~m~_ . _ .mmw awxmn .mow. -~\m~ .oom. .msmH .nun. .aHsm. .H::H -Nme .cum. .on. .mmm. .muym. .mHmH uwst .mmh. ........ .wwu uwxm -Nxm uwxs -Nxm Chapter IX States in 167Tm The level structure of the 167Tm nucleus has been studied through the (p,t) reaction on 169Tm and through the e/B+ decay of 167Yb. It was hoped that the collective characteristics of the (p,t) reaction coupled to the single particle aspects associated with s/B+ decay would lead to a more or less complete low energy characterization of the 167Tm nucleus. This chapter will discuss and compare the results ob- tained from each of these independent but complementary means of inves- tigation. 9.1. 169Tm.(p,t) Results The triton spectrum obtained at 20° from the 169Tm(p,t) reaction appears in Fig. 9.1. As in the previous results, the ground state rotational band of 167Tm is found to be strongly excited by this reaction; however, due to the rather large decoupling parameter asso- ciated with this K+=ll2+[411], the first two members of this band have not been resolved in this experiment. Nevertheless, at least six members of this rotational band are found to be populated through the (p ,t) reaction. Coulomb excitation experiments conducted on 169Tm (Se67) have identified a K+s3l2+ Y vibrational band at 571 Rev of excitation in this nucleus. Based on this information and the previous results obtained for 157Tb and 163Ho, the series of three-states originating at 600 keV of excitation have all the appearances of being members of a Y vibrational band. However, a consistent energy relationship cannot 80 TRRCKS PER J/BHfl TRRCKS PER 1/8HH 81 EXCITRTION ENERGY (HEV) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.8 1 u 0.9 0.2 0.0 200 1 1 1 1 ,1, 1 1 1 . 312.1/2 5/2 "‘1n1?.11 30 nev 150* 20 DEC ‘ III? III! 112 III! ‘ 1180 1380 1580 DISTRNCE RLONG PLRTE (l/BHH) EXCIIRTION ENERGY (HEV) 3 1.8 1 u 1.2 1.0 0.3 0.8 0.9 0.2 0.0 ‘0 1 1 1 1 1 1 4. 1 1 t 2 1- H p- !lZ.I/2 -4 p 4 C m j "’1n1P.11 - 30 HEV W2 . 20 DEG 10 2 j 4 -4 4 11/2 ‘ 10' . 1 .1 10 °. 4 l54l|| h} l 980138 DmlSTRNCE RLONG PLRTE (1/8HH1 1580 Fig. 9.1. Log and linear displays at the 169Tm(p,t) spectrum taken at the laboratory scattering angle of 20°. 82 be established between these states for an assumed band head spin of either 3/2 or 5/2. Because of their extremely low intensity, it is entirely possible that only one or two of these states belong to the K=3l2 y vibrational band expected in this region. If this is indeed the case, the present data are insufficient to make a judgement one way or the other since a minimum of three states is required in order to make the spin assignment. At 1000 keV of excitation, one finds a series of highly excited, closely Spaced peaks whose doublet nature defies all attempts at sorting these states into groups of common origin. Without higher resolution, a meaningful interpretation of states in this region cannot be made. The series of three states originating at 1380 keV of excita- tion appears to have some type of common origin. The energy spacings between these peaks suggest, although not too strongly, a K=5l2 rotational band. Since these states appear to be above the pairing gap in this nucleus, one can only speculate as to their K=5l2 Y vibra- tional origin. The results of the analysis of the 169Tm(p,t) spectrum are summarized in Table 9.1. A level structure reflecting the states populated through the 169Tm(p,t) reaction appears in Fig. 9.2. 9.2. y-Ray Studies of the 167Yb Decay The states of 167Tm have been investigated through the y-ray studies of the e/B+ decay of 167Yb. This study has firmly established the existence of twelve new excited states and the probable placement of a thirteenth in the daughter nucleus 167Tm. Moreover, these thirteen 83 Table 9.1. States Populated Through the 169Tm(p,t) Reaction. Energy Energya Assignmentb (keV) (keV) J" c s 1/2+ 10.4 3/2 117 116. 5/2+ 142 142. 7/2+ 329 326. 9/2+ 374 371. 11/2+ 470 --— --- 604 --- --- 624 --- --- 663 —-- --- 682 --- --- 706 -—- --- 1010 --- --- 1092 —-- --- 1154 --- _-_‘ 1192 -—- ~-- 1210 --- --- 1283 —-- --- 1320 --- --- 1380 ——- 5/2'“+ 1404 --- 7/2"'+ 1434 1435 1457 --— ——— 1486 --- —-- 1526 --- --- 1574 --- --- 1598 -—- --- 1625 --- -—— 1655 --- --- 10 + OU'I§O‘ D O \ N + a) Ref. Wi69 b) I and I"' are members of the ground and y vibrational bands respectively. c) Energy calculated from the first two members of this band. 84 .GOfiuommu Anqmvaam mw mnu nwsounu vmumasaoa monoum .~.m .mHm .o_o_ a .wmo. .:m~. .wm.. .o_~_ .now. .owa. .oon. cmxm .20:— ¢~\6 .:n:. o~\m .sm:_ .00:— .mwm. .ssm_ .omm. .mwu. .mmu. .o H..:H.~\. .o. .wxn .n__ .wxm .~:_ .wxu .mmm. .Nxm .:sn .~\~_ .ou: .yom .:~u .muu. .wom .uos roa— 85 states, together with the well established level structure below 300 keV of excitation in the 167Tm nucleus, form a consistent framework for the placement of 52 new y-rays associated with the decay of 167Y1). 9.2.1. Introduction In 1954 the 18.5 min. 167Yb activity was first produced (Ha54). Since then a number of studies involving both conversion elec- tron (Ha59, Gr65) and y ray work (Ha59, W160, Gr65, Ta65, P367) have contributed to the now well known low energy level scheme of 167Tm which is illustrated in Fig. 9.3. Significant new data have now been obtained regarding this decay system through use of high resolution, high efficiency Ge(Li) detectors. The decay of 167Yb is characterized essentially by two distinct groups of y rays. The first group is composed of a series of low-energy, high-intensity and closely spaced cascade y rays associated with the well-established low energy rotational states in 167Tm. The second group, on the other hand, is composed of a series of high-energy, low- intensity and closely spaced y rays originating from high—energy excited states in 167Tm which feed the aforementioned low—energy rotational states. Because of the low intensity characteristics of the high energy y rays and the relatively short 18-min half-life of 167Yb, the only practical coincidence experiments which could be conducted on this sys- tem within a 24-h period would have to involve a high efficiency NaI(Tl) detector coupled with a high resolution Ge(Li) detector, however because of the high density of y rays characterizing this decay, gated experi- ments involving a NaI(Tl) detector would be all but impossible to in- terpret. 86 572-15321 321.7 772-15231* 292-7 7/2‘19091 179-" 7/2‘ 1Q2.3 5/2‘ 118.5 3/2‘ 10.“ 172°[u111 .0 1137 89TH98 Fig. 9.3. Low energy rotational structure of 167Tm. 87 On the other hand,the shortcomings of the Ge(Li)-NaI(T1) coincidence configuration could in theory be eliminated through the use of a Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) two-dimensional megachannel experimental system (D069). However, on the basis of a Ge(Li)-NaI(Tl) integral coincidence experiment performed on the decay of 167Yb which is discussed later, it was estimated that a minimum of 4-5 days of continual cyclotron use would be required to perform this experiment. Moreover, because of the high dead-time which would be necessary in conducting this experi- ment, the number of y rays above the x-ray threshold which could be cleanly gated would be small at best. 0n the brighter side of things, the 167Tm ground state rotational band is based on the l/2+[4ll] Nilsson single particle state. As a result, one might expect to find very characteristic reduced transition probabilities associated with the y-ray transitions connecting various excited states to the members of this ground-state rotational band. This feature arises from the fact that the fully anti-symmeterized wave functions of all odd-mass deformed nuclei for which vibrational motion is neglected and a strong coupling model is valid have the following form: 1/2 _ 1’ (IKM) = 1%] “7131: (0) x: N) + (-nIi JerKm) x: (x')} where x(x') describes the intrinsic motion of the odd "optical" nucleon in the deformed field of the core, while 0(0) describes the rotational motion of the deformed core. For a more thorough discussion of the collective model, see Ref. (Pr63). 88 The energy-independent probability of a Y-ray transition between an initial state i and final state.f via a multipolarity A, (called the reduced transition probability), is obtained from the ma- trix element of the field operator M(>.,11) between the wave functions of the initial and final states which has the following form: < wfaMK) |M(1,u) | Wi(I'K'M') > This matrix element will, in general, be composed of a direct term as well as a cross term contribution. However, only when (Ki+gf)il will the cross term contribution be non-zero, in which case the expression for the reduced transition probability will take on the following form: I K B().:Ii—>If) = A{C(IiAKi(Kf-Ki)|Ifo) + b(-1) f+ f C(IilKi-(Ki+Kf)lIf—Kf)}2 where A and b are constants characteristic of the initial and final intrinsic states and are determined empirically from observed transition data. It is the coherent sum of Clebsch-Gordon coefficients in the above expression which is responsible for the very characteristic transition probabilities most often associated with K=l/2 rotational bands. Because of the technical difficulties involved in conducting a prolonged two—dimensional Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) mega-channel coincidence ex- periment and the doubtful value of such an experiment on the 167Yb system, the approach taken in this study involved carefully measuring energies and intensities of the y rays associated with the 167Yb decay, conducting all pertinent Ge(Li)-NaI(Tl) coincidence experiments, and using the unique properties of K=l/2 rotational bands as a handle along with log ft values in determining the spins and parities of the states 89 proposed on the basis of the singles and coincidence experiments. 9.2.2. Experimental Results Samples of the 18.5-min 167Yb were produced by bombarding the oxide of naturally occurring 169Tm with 23.5-MeV protons. Samples were irradiated for approximately 3 min with average beam currents of 2 0A, and the resulting activities were counted for periods not exceeding 3 half-lives. The y-ray spectrum of 167Tm above 500 keV taken with a 2.5% efficient Ge(Li) detector with resolution of 2.3 keV FWHM on the l332-keV y-ray of 60Co is shown in Fig. 9.4. The low energy spectrum of 167Tm was taken with a newly acquired "super-high" resolution Si(Li) x-ray detector and appears in Fig. 9.5. A total of 110 y-ray transitions have been observed to follow the decay of 167Yb and are listed in Table 9.2 along with their relative intensities. y—ray energies appearing in brackets in Table 9.2 correspond to low-intensity Y rays which only appear after long periods of counting and may very well not belong to the 167Yb decay. The results of an anti-coincidence and integral coincidence experiment using an 8"X8" NaI(Tl) annulus with a 2.5% efficient Ge(Li) detector confirmed the previously described decay characteristics of 167Yb but yielded no important additional information other than placing a lower limit on the amount of time required to perform a two-dimensional Ge(Li)-Ge(Li) mega-channel coincidence experiment. Since the 179.4-kev 7/2+[404] and the 292.4-kev 7/2+[523] states have been previously determined (Ta65) to be isomeric, a delayed integral coincidence experiment was conducted utilizing an 8"X8" NaI(T1) annulus and a 3"X3" NaI(Tl) scintillator together with a newly acquired 90 O 1 h 8 . 6W”?! «5:; V 9 W21- ‘ . ' °") . ‘ I281, .. 29a .3 "f 96Uh. 15% 5 1S; 1290 :} 01 I; '0 901” to: 96901)} E 9‘90'2 osom-\ 2817819539“ 35 02901 —~ _ .. 4. O ‘4 O 2 9ZO| 8:881 1 l8 .3 ‘1?) b866 N $410 9... ¥ 6b69|n§ ' 1891 99264 239:? ”it 0: 10 2026*98906; ..' 08 Lu _ 9906 O 6’2091~... ..m 8 068 1 8 8 I991.“ .. 2 g 9 — 2.619!" '.".:‘1‘ '0 3 __ 13 3' 2 U) A 89178. 22891. “1* _, 5 x " 9mm~ uf' uJ D 698 23x1 . 3% >- LU f 92991 " 9’91! .4 <[ < GHQ --.-.‘1' 3:1, “3 06091 818691... :2; ’8 0 S'98bl'89 281:1 .. - 01917”? L'bgbl «91:. .." ' I'QQH-~-- : ..‘J 9889 8;,“ _. $8881”. |!_89. STEM [1391...2' . M 1. ‘ 319 O 6'lObl . 9011: If 0 O .| £693..- .‘L. ' O ff) . I 989'“ -.. 1m - 9’ 992' ~_ 6 69Ch~L ..' .. 4‘; N sn99~1= :“m 9 2179186 69914- ‘ 8 299m 8 02:. v s .323; O 8' ”09' w... . . I . . : :$:4 -0 92119 08821 - -' -' ."."' o g 1 13 i- m l 1 l -A, l l l J l!) O O <3 C) o C> o o o o (mu 0 O <3 o C) o o o 0 C2 C2 “3 10 a) 10 (n q- '~ 0 O N m N — q— ._ WBNNVI D / Si NflOC) Yb singles Y ray spectrum taken with a Ge(Li) detector using a graded lead absorber. 167 Fig. 9.4. 91 .uouomumw moulx Aegvfim cowusaommu :wwn m :ufi3 amxmu Enuuommm mm» > kmuwcm 30H n» .m.m .mee mmw $55.32 1622410 OOO1Nr 00m.» 08"» COM 0 _ ..Q 9.40. ._ 3., at. * l a l l gm 1 a l . l 1 ...e . 30. 9.3 2 no. fl “4 a... 4 11.0. To. $0.15 tee» to 221986.98 155033 Sr. x 1mm 83d SleO 92 Table 9.2. Y—Ray Transition Data for the 167Yb Decay Energy Photon Energy Photon (keV) Intensity (keV) Intensity 25.90:0.10 --- 794. 2:0. 5 0.27 37.03:0.05 --- 815. 9:0. 3 0.94 x-rays 27200 829. 3:0. 3 1.69 62.88:0.05 524. 832. 9:0. 3 1.23 106.14:0.05 4770 846. 2:0. 2 2.50 113.3Q:0.05 10900 903. 3:0. 3 1.01 116.55:0.05 565. 905. 3:0. 3 0.49 l32.01:0.05 479. 920. 3+0. 2 18.01 l43.4l:0.05 337. 923. 5+0. 3 1.07 (150.5 :0.3) 4.65 933. 5:0. 3 1.27 (156.5 :0.5) 6.01 936. 5+0. 3 1.40 (162.6 :0.6) 25.12 970. 8:0. 4 0.76 (169.7 :0.5) 25 998. 4:0. 2 0.85 l76.31:0.10 2420. 1009. 0:0. 2 0.83 (184.0 :0.5) 1.75 1022. 8:0. 2 1.50 (198.3 :0.5) 1.68 1026. 2:0. 2 0.70 218.6 :0.3 11.54 1037. 0:0.1 3100.00 225.7 :0.4 14.48 1048. 7:0. 2 2.93 282.1 :0.2 12.88 1050. 3:0. 2 5.25 290.0 :0.5 14.43 1067. 6:0. 3 0.96 343.3 :0.2 3.11 1069. 5:0. 3 1.01 (351.8 :0.2) 2.15 1110. 4:0. 2 1.76 405.6 :0.2 2.02 1137.1:0. 5 0.59 441.2 :0.2 1.36 1139. 6:0. 2 7.47 447.1 :0.3 0.92 1165. 7:0. 4 -—- 457.0 :0.5 2.05 1213. 2:0. 2 1.32 460.4 :0.4 3.66 1217.1:0. 2 1.13 470.6 :0.2 2.29 1234. 6:0. 1 27.71 511.01 (7:) 431.05 1241. 9:0.1 2.98 541.5 :0.3 0.81 1288. 0:0. 3 6.81 547.6 :0.2 2.48 1304. 8:0. 2 5.94 (665.1 :0.5) 0.7 1320. 8:Q 2 2.34 (672.1 :0.3) 1.07 1332. 8:Q 2 0.95 (680.4 :0.3) 0.6 1336. 7:Q 5 0.21 687.1 :0.2 0.6 1339. 9:Q 4 0.33 (688.6 :0.4) 1.4 1342. 3:Q 4 0.78 (694.1 :0.4) 0.8 1355. 3:0. 3 0.35 695.6 :0.4 0.5 1358. 3:0. 4 0.13 697.3 :0.4 1.09 1361. 6:0. 2 2.96 707.7 :0.4 1.08 1365. 5:0. 5 0.48 719.7 :0.4 1.17 1369. 9:0. 2 1.97 733.1 :0.3 1.01 1385.1:Q 2 1.33 791.6 :0.2 1.84 1393.1:0. 2 1.05 93 Table 9.2. Continued Energy Photon Energy Photon (keV) Intensity (keV) Intensity 1401.910.3 0.55 1511.9:0.3 2.44 1410.4:0.3 0.57 1517.310.3 1.56 l427.7:0.2 0.65 1525.510.3 0.28 1433.5:0.4 0.29 1533.6:0.3 0.20 1438.4:0.1 4.00 1537.6:0.3 0.44 1455.1:0.1 4.11 1570.5:0.1 5.38 1460.7:0.4 0.31 1587.2:0.1 4.97 1464.7:0.3 0.91 1619.2:0.2 2.13 1481.0:0.3 0.42 1631.9:0.2 0.36 1486.5:0.3 0.83 1643.910.2 2.65 1487.6:0.2 1.26 1681.0:0.5 --- 1498.1:0.2 0.79 1694.9:0.5 ——— 1509.0:0.5 0.32 1808.0:0.5 --- 94 3.6% efficient Ge(Li) detector. The coincidence timing resolution was set at 100 nsec and a delay of 2200 nsec was added to the Ge(Li) leg of the coincidence circuit. The resulting spectrum is shown in Fig. 9.6. Several peaks were found to be enhanced up to two order of magnitude relative to the 132.0-keV peak, which is not found to be involved in any delayed coincidences. The results of this experiment are summarized in Table 9.3. Based on these results and sum and difference relations, states at 1216.4, 1229.9, 1318.9, 1527.6, 1534.7, 1580.8, 1597.5, and 1654.5 keV have been proposed. The energy of the 9/2+ member of the 7/2+[404] rotational band was established empirically by adjusting its calculated energy determined from the moment of inertia of the same rotational band in neighboring 169Tm. Both the 1216.4-keV and 1318.9-keV states were found to feed the 7/2+ band head state strongly, and, in addition, y rays were found that fit the calculated 9/2+ state within 0.6 keV. Moreover, both of these y rays, when subtracted from the excited states from which they presum- ably originated, gave results which were consistent within 0.03 keV. This energy consistency, along with the expectation of an observable feeding to the 9/2 member of this K:7/2 rotational band if the band head member is strongly fed, led to the establishment of the 296.1-keV state. A search for the 9/2 members of the K=1/2+ and K=7/2- bands was made in a similar manner without any apparent success. However, recently (W169) these levels were reported to have been populated through the (a,2ny) reaction on 165Ho. The reported energies of these states differed markedly from what one would predict from simple first—order rotational model calculations. Since no really strong evidence exists + that these states are populated by the e/B decay of 167Yb, they have 95 .mmoamwwocfioo ummmamv :H vm>ao>afi who» > nwumm mo Esuuooam .©.m .me mmmEDZ IEZZ58 Ear 8 5.258% Em; 8285260 8:38 L ...O. ‘IBNNVHO 83d SlNflOD 96 Table 9.3. Results of Integral Delayed Coincidence Study on 167Yb Decay y-ray Energies Relative Intensities (keV) Singles Delayed Coin. 106.1 996.11 1607. 113.3 2277.66 28382. 132.0 5100.00 3100.00 142.4 70.46 159. 150.5 0.01 113. 162.4 0.05 3102. 169.7 0.05 602. 176.3 505.99 868. 218.6 0.02 275. 225.7 0.03 128. 447.1 0.001 47. 920.3 0.04 923.5 0.002 117° 1037.0 0.21 423. 1050.0 0.01 18. 1086.2 ----- 47. 1139.6 0.02 33. 1234.6 0.06 185. 1241.9 0.01 24. 1288.0 0.01 51. 1304.8 0.01 28. 1346.5 ----- 8. 1358.3 0.001 [ 20. 1361.6 0.01 97 been put into our decay scheme with dotted lines. This work also served to confirm our placement of 9/2+ member of the 7/2+[404] rotational band. The remaining high energy states were established mainly through restrictive energy sums and feeding consistencies within the various known low-energy rotational bands (Fig. 9.3) of 167Tm. 9.2.3. 167Yb Decay Scheme The decay scheme developed from our work is illustrated in Fig. 9.7. The resulting level structure forms a consistent framework for accommodating 96% of the observed y-ray intensity associated with the 167Yb decay. A large portion of the unplaced intensity resides in a single 143.4—keV y-ray transition. In a recent study of the (0,2ny) reaction on 165Ho (W169) an undocumented decay scheme of 167Yb was in— cluded for purposes of comparing the results of the two methods of investigation. Besides confirming our placement of several excited states, this decay scheme indicated that the 143.4-keV intensity arose from the feeding of the 9/2- 285.9-keV member of a 1/2-[541] rotational band by the 7/2_[523] Nilsson state via a 6.9-keV transition, which presumably was measured with a B-ray spectrometer. However, the 285.9-keV state plays no other definite role in this decay scheme other than providing a source of the 143.4-keV radiation. One is also struck by the fact that although much effort must have been expended in setting up an experiment for measuring such a low-energy 18-min activity, the very intense 10.4- keV transition conversion line was completely neglected. If the 285.9-keV state is introduced into our decay scheme, one finds no additional corroborating evidence to support its placement. This fact coupled with the absence of explicit experimental information 98 I61 "’91 _,_ 118m) 0tc Isa-m «nm‘uu (LI no'um (“no") 1.0 tum‘nu «Ln-Yum _-______-__,____-__.__sgq"/(um‘uu mom's!» (sanctum «ts-Io mu _ w: unruly I-l $l .MII'I O I Fig. 9.7. Decay scheme of 167Yb. A11 energies are given in keV, and (total) transition intensities are given in terms of percent per disintegration of the parent. The B+le ratios are calculated values, and the log ft values are calculated on the basis of an 18 min half—life. 99 concerning the 6.9-keV conversion line led us to exclude the 143.4-keV transition from our decay scheme temporarily. Although the 25.8—keV and 37.1-keV Y rays have been seen in spectra taken with our Si(Li) x-ray detector, reliable intensities for these transitions are not available, since massless sources of 167Yb were not used in our primary investigation. The intensities of the 25.8—keV and 37.1-keV Y rays used initially in determining the decay scheme of 167Yb were theoretical ones based on the relative electron intensities of Harmatz (Ha59), the multipolarities of Gromov (Gr65), and the theoretical conversion coefficients of Sliv and Band (S165). However, the results using these values led to inconsistent B+/e feeding to the 5/2+ and 7/2+ members of the ground-state rotational band. As a result the feedings to these states have been temporarily set equal to zero until accurate intensity measurements of these y rays are made. The preliminary assignments of spins and parities have been based primarily on log ft values and reduced transition intensities where they apply. Five newly established excited states of 167Tm were observed to feed the 1/2+[4ll] ground state rotational band with remarkably simi— lar transition intensities. In each case oscillatory transition inten- sities were observed in the feedings of the 3/2 through 7/2 members of the ground state rotational band. These facts are summarized in Table 9.4. In order to explain this oscillatory feeding behavior exhibited by these five states, calculations of the reduced transition probability ratios corresponding to the feeding of the K=ll2+ rotational band were made on the basis of all reasonable values of the K projection number and spin of the depopulated state and on several assumed multipolarities. 100 Table 9.4. Relative Feeding Intensity Data to Members of the Ground State Rotational Band State Spin of State Being Fed (keV) 3/2 5/2 212 1527 1.5 0.6 1.3 1580 5.4 0.9 4.0 1597 4.9 0.4 4.1 1627 2.1 —-— 1.3 1654 2.6 0.4 2.6 101 A comparison between experimentally determined reduced transition probability ratios and these calculations for the 1654-keV state appears in Table 9.5. The results of these analyses appear, if one neglects second order effects, to determine uniquely the spin of these five states to be 5/2 and in addition strongly suggest a K=l/2 projection number in each case. All other possibilities lead to absurd contradic- tions between experimental results and theory. In addition, it is found that the log ft values associated with these excited states of spin 5/2 are all closely clustered about a value of 6.0. Since one would expect much larger log ft values for first forbidden decays with zulflm-forbiddenness associated with them,the a decay to these 5/2 states appear to be allowed l-forbidden, which establishes negative parities for these five states. Moreover, these negative parity assignments are consistent with the strong observed feedings to the 7/2-[523] state which is a common feature of each of these states. The spin assignments of the remaining states are based pri- marily on log fi values and feeding characteristics of these states. 9.3. Summary A comparison between the states populated through radioactive decay and (p,t) reaction processes reveals similarities only for lower members of the ground state rotational band and for states occurring above 1300 keV of excitation. Unfortunately, no evidence for direct or indirect feeding of the states based at 600 keV of excitation is found from this decay scheme study leaving unanswered the question of whether a y—band exists in this region. The series of three states based at 1380 keV of excitation 102 Table 9.5. Theoretical vs Experimental Reduced Transition Probabilities Members of the Ground State Rotational Band Being Fed by the 1654 keV State. A1) 2) 3) EXPerimental Theoretical K J 3/2 5/2 7/2 1/2 3/2 5/2 7/2 9/2 11/2 2 1/2 3/2 1.00 0.23 1.40 1.94 1.00 1.17 1.40 --- --~ 1 1/2 5/2 1.00 0.20 1.18 ---- 1.00 0.11 1.18 ---- ---- 2 1/2 5/2 1.00 0.23 1.40 0.37 1.00 0.06 1.40 2.73 ---- 2 1/2 7/2 1.00 0.23 1.40 ---- 1.00 0.02 1.40 0.003 3.77 2 3/2 3/2 1.00 0.23 1.40 17.2 1.00 24.5 1.40 ---- —--- 1 3/2 5/2 1.00 0.20 1.18 ---- 1.00 1.14 0.36 ---— ——-— 2 3/2 5/2 1.00 0.23 1.40 0.58 1.00 0.99 1.40 0.04 -—-- 2 3/2 7/2 1.00 0.23 1.40 ---- 1.00 1.05 1.40 1.01 1.28 2 5/2 5/2 1.00 0.23 1.40 0.88 1.00 0.56 0.17 0.02 ~--— 2 5/2 7/2 1.00 0.23 1.40 ---- 1.00 1.78 1.33 0.48 0.07 3 7/2 7/2 1.00 0.27 1.66 0.75 1.00 0.75 0.36 0.11 0.02 1) A=y—ray multipolarity 2) K=K—projection number of 1654 keV state 3) J=spin of 1654 state ~_. _. _——.——___._ 103 which exhibited some K=5/2 band characteristics are also found to be unfed in this decay. This is a little surprising if the spin assignments of these states are correct since the decaying state has spin and parity of 5/2_. Again the combined results of these two studies are insuffi- cient to resolve the questions regarding the spins and origins of these three states. Chapter X Conclusion The study of the general systematics of the Qp,t) reaction on spherical and deformed rare earth nuclei has shown that this reac- tion at the very least is a potent and powerful tool for probing the collective characteristics of nuclei. The lulPr(p,t) experiment illustrated how the Qp,t) reaction on spherical nuclei might be used in selectively identifying states having a vibrational origin. Moreover,(p,t) differential cross section measurements can in theory be used to determine the spins of these vibrationally excited states. The (p,t) reaction on deformed rare earth nuclei clearly established the collective strength associated with this reaction. In each of the deformed nuclei studied, at least six members of the ground state rotational band were found to be strongly excited through this reaction. In two of three deformed nuclei studied, Y vibrational bands were identified, with five members in 157Tb and possibly seven members in 163Ho being populated. In addition, a B vibrational band strongly populated through the l59Tb(p,t) reaction was also identified. However, only three members of this band could be identified because of high background problems. The power of using this reaction to identify collective states selectively in deformed nuclei is enourmous. This has clearly been shown in the 159Tb(p,t) experiment where the disputed origin of the K=1/2 band based at 598 keV in the 157Tb nucleus was resolved. 104 105 Our data unequivocally indicated that these states had large collective amplitudes in their wave functions and were correspondingly identified as members of a y-vibrational excitation of the K=3/2 ground state of 157Tb. This assignment has since been corroborated by the recent identification of a rotational band based on the K"=l/2+[4ll] single particle proton state located at 923 keV of excitation through 1560d (3He,d) experiments (3071). It should be noted that the experimentally determined decoupling parameter associated with this K=l/2 rotational band is consistent with theoretical predictions (B071). 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APPENDICES APPENDIX A 11‘1Pr(p,t) Spectra The following pages contain 1“‘1Pr(p,t) angular distribution spectra taken with an E-AE detector telescope. 110 COUNTS/CHRNNEL COUNTS/CHRNNEL 100 80 80 90 20 0 125 100 00 Ln ‘0 Ln C3 Ln 0 111 EXCITRTION ENERGY (HEV) L0 L8 L2 Q8 00 00 1 11 l l 1 fi I I I r ‘b Lab. ] 1].] k l l l . l 3300 3900 3500 3800 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV) an 2J3 L8 1.2 Q8 0J4 00 L 1 1 1 1 1 L 1 I I I I f I W F = 20° 0 Lab. 1 L I 1 J 3250 3350 3950 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER COUNTS/CHBNNEL COUNTS/CHBNNEL 250 200 150 100 50 100 “Q J: 07 CO C3 C3 C3 C3 0 112 EXCIIRTION ENERGY (MEV) 2.9 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.9 0.0 L- OLab.=25° fl .4 L J L- J M i 1 L 3250 3350 3950 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV) 2.9 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.'-| 0.0 L OLab.= 300 J t J L 4 ..J L L 1 1 . .81- .. .l 3250 3350 3950 3550 CHQNNEL NUMBER COUNTS/CHENNEL COUNTS/CHBNNEL 113 EXCITRTION ENERGY [MEV) 2." 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.9 0.0 150 1 1 1 i + 1 ‘ 120 L OLab.= 35° .1 90L J Got 1 30* I 1 U L 1 L-A. . , 3250 3350 3950 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITHTION ENERGY (MEV) 23 20 L8 1.2 011 0A 00 80 i 1‘ i 41 + 1 1L OLab.= 40° 40 - l| .. 20 *- ‘ .1 0_ 1 1 j ' 1110' .LJ 1‘ - _ 1 3250 3350 3950 3550 GHRNNEL NUMBER COUNTS/CHRNNEL COUNTS/CHRNNEL 114 EXCITRTION ENERGY (REV) 21 20 L8 1.2 013 0A mo 80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 so 1 OWE 45° 1 J u01 . 1 201‘ 1 i w .. . 11 1 3250 3350 3150 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV) 21 an L8 1.2 011 DA mo 60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 )I.:1b.= 50° 110 1— -1 201 1 0 ,1 1 L1. .7 -1111“ . , 3250 3350 31150L 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER COUNTS/CHRNNEL COUNTS/CHRNNEL 100 80 80 H0 20 0 125 100 no L” ‘d L“ CD UN 0 111 EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV) 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.8 D.“ 0.0 ‘ GLab.= 15 4 1- 1 ' __ J_ L L L L 3300 31100 3500 3600 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV) 2.11 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.11 0.0 L- OLab.= 20° ..1 L 1 3250 3350 31150 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER COUNTS/CHRNNEL COUNTS/CHRNNEL 100 80 .4: 07 C3 C3 “Q CD CD 112 EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEVJ 2.11 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.11 0.0 p OLab.=25 fl 4 .1 J W L L 3250 3350 3950 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV) 2.11 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0." 0.0 L OLab.= 30° 4 L 4 J L 1 1 > 1.“-.. 1 3250 3350 3050 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER COUNTS/CHRNNEL COUNTS/ CHRNNEL 113 EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV1 2.11 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.11 0.0 150 1 1 +1 1 +1 1 120 1.. 011111.: 35° 1 .1 90 L 1 .1 601 J 301 ’ I 1 D L 1 ‘ L-A. . , 3250 3350 31150 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEVJ 2.11 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.11 0.0 80 1 fi1 1 1 1 41 1L OLab.= 40° l10 ~ l| —1 20L 1 _ 1 U 1 1 ' ‘111 .111 1.1 - . 1 3250 3350 3150 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER COUNTS/CHRNNEL COUNTS,“ CHRNNEL 114 EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEVJ 2.11 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.11 0.0 80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BO __ C-)Lab.._- 45° 1 .1 L10 1 J 20 1— 1 I 1 1 0 L L111 ’ 1.1. 3250 3350 31150 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV1 2.11 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.11 0.0 80 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ”1.111).: 500 LID 1- 1 .1 20 1.. .1 0,1 i 7 L1- -111“ . , 3250 3350 31150 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER COUNTS/CHRNNEL COUNTS/CHRNNEL H0 30 20 10 25 20 IS 10 s , 0 115 EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV) CHRNNEL NUMBER 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.11 0.0 OLab.= 55° 1. .1 1.. .1 l 1 a 11.1.: ual .1511 1 3250 3350 3HSO 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITRTION ENERGY [MEV1 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.11 0.0 L GLab.= 60° 3 1- -1 1. 1 .1 1 1 L . . 4 _ 11'. 1.1. 1.1 1 1 1. 1 1 3250 3350 BHSO 3550 COUNTS/CHRNNEL COUNTS/CHRNNEL 116 EXCITQTION ENERGY (MEV) 1.2 0.8 0.11 0.0 20 1 1 1 1 + GLab.= 65° 15 1- .. 10 h ' 1 ' 11 51‘ "‘ U 1 1 ‘111111 1; 1 i1 , 3250 3350 31450 3550 CHRNNEL NUMBER EXCITRTION ENERGY (MEV) 2.0 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.” 0.0 25 1 1 1 1 1 20 1' 11Lab.= 75° 1 ...1 IS 1— -1 10 1 . 5 1 "1 U 1 “11111 I“ 1‘ 2| 1 1 3250 3350 3950 CHRNNEL NUMBER APPENDIX B Tabulation of 1L’lPr(p,1:) Differential Cross Sections The following pages contain listings of the center-of-mass differential cross sections and scattering angles for the various states populated through the 1111Pr(p,t) reaction. A11 cross sections are relative and have been normalized to reflect the magnitudes of measured absolute values. The listed errors are purely statistical. 117 118 P9141(PoT) P91“1(P:T) Ex. .ooo Mgv fix- .405 MEv ANG(CN) SIGNA1CM) ERRaR ANGCCN) SIGMA1CM) ERRfiR (DEG) (MB/SR1 1x1 (DLG) (MB/591 1%) 15°21 1-3SE-c1 «.2 15.21 6-caE-ca 35-3 20°28 6072E'02 309 20028 903QE-03 12.7 25'35 9.a7E-03 8.2 25.35 1.486-02 603 300h1 3.38Eo02 «.3 30.41 3.07E-03 1705 35.47 1.87E.og 3.1 35.47 2.17E-03 17'9 #0053 1.«4E.og 6.3 40.53 3.62E.03 13'6 “5'58 1005E~02 808 “5058 “0515-03 1“.“ 50063 1084E-02 507 50063 1037E-03 20‘9 55067 10h3E-02 6.9 55068 5.21E-cu 50'? 60071 2.66E-03 10.9 60.72 9.81E-04 1803 65.71 3.465-03 14.7 65.75 1.05E-03 26'7 PRI#1(P:T) PR1“1(P:T) EX: .590 MEV EX! 0830 MEV AmGtCN) SIGHA(CM) Enngn A~G1CN1 szGMA1CM) £5939 (DEG) (MB/SR) 1x) (DEG) (MB/SR) (x, 20028 10115-03 11.: 15022 4.36E-02 10'3 25035 2.165-02 5.1 20.25 5.47E-02 404 309kl 5.36E.o3 12.1 25.35 9.73E-02 2'3 35048 3.37Eoo3 14.3 30.“? 2.QSE-02 5'1 “0'53 5096E'03 1006 35048 IOSOE-OZ 5'3 «5059 5.64E-o3 12.5 no.54 2.34E-02 50a 50'6“ 10735'03 1806 #5059 30385-02 “'3 55068 1-PIE-03 30.5 50.64 6.96E-03 902 60072 1.115-03 16.9 55.65 6.25E-03 10's 65.75 9003E-04 2808 60.72 4.495-03 8'« 65.75 5.19E-03 12's 119 FR141(P.T1 PR1#1(P,T) Ex. .910 mgv gx-1oolo MEv ANGtCM) SIGNAccm) ganaa ANG(CN, SIGMA1CM1 ERRaQ (DEG) (“B/SR) (21 (DEG) (MB/SR) (1) 20°29 1.24E-32 10.0 20.29 6.575-03 15'? 25035 2072E-02 #.u 25.35 1-OSE-02 7'4 30.43 5.95E-03 10.9 30.42 3.54E-03 15'» 350k8 3.18E-o3 13.5 35.48 1-06E-03 25'7 #0'54 4008E¢03 1208 #0054 2068E-O3 15.3 #5059 8.765-03 9.3 «5.59 4.98E-03 13'8 50'6“ 2062E-03 1501 60072 “0745-04 25.8 55068 1.50E-03 ?7.7 60072 8.22E-04 19.5 65076 2.41En03 17.7 PR1411P.T) P91“1‘P'T’ Ex.1.333 up. :x-1-bao HE» AwG SIGHA(CM) FRRQR ANG(CM1 SIGMAth) ERRaR (DEG) (VB/SR) (x) (DEG) ("B/SR) (2) 10013 60o9E-00 12.2 10013 1078E-o3 7'1 15019 1.93E-oa 7.9 15019 5.356-oh “'8 20025 3069E-04 10.1 20025 6042E-04 7'6 25.31 30115-0“ 7.2 25031 30055-0“ 7'3 30037 2.62500. 8.. 30.37 2.99:.ou 709 35'“? 3051E‘0Q 1501 35042 4003E-O“ 13.3 #0007 2.04E-oa 11.3 #0047 2.76E-o4 906 “S058 1.91E-ou 11.5 45.52 2.67E-ou 903 50056 1.53E-04 12.6 50.56 3.68E-ok 8') 55060 1.29E-04 13.9 55.63 2.84500“ 9'3 6006“ 1.44E-Qu 13.2 60.60 2.00E-04 11'1 65066 6.30E-05 200“ 65.67 2.36E-ou 1005 70069 1.46E-04 16.2 70.69 2.7oE-04 1109 75071 1.07E-oa 16.7 75.71 2.34E-ok 1103 132 78159190T) T8159(F:T) Ex. .660 HEV éXI 0699 MEV ANG