I“!HIWWWHUWWHHWNW)HIWWW! (04 GOLD O 3 _{ (f) THESIS rzkfislurmxunh w '1 ~ A" This is to certify that the thesis entitled Cytogenetics of Haploids and Hybrids from the Cross, Hordeum procerum X Hordeum vulgare presented by Jeffrey Dean Griffin has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for M.S. - degree in Botany Major professor 0"] 639 IV1ESI_] RETURNING MATERIALS: Piace in book drop to LJBRARJES remove this checkout from ”- your record. FINES wit] be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. CYTOGENETICS OF HAPLOIDS AND HYBRIDS FROM THE CROSS, HORDEUM PROCERUM X HORDEUM VULGARE By Jeffrey Dean Griffin A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Botany and Plant Pathology 1981 Abstract Hordeum_procerum_Nevski (2n=6x=42) was crossed with three cultivars of barley, fl, vulgare L. (2n=2x=l4). Based on cytological and morphological evidence, two classes of plants resulted. Crosses made with 5, vulgare cv. 'Larker' resulted in polyhaploids (2n=3x=21). while crosses made with other cultivars resulted in hybrids with variable chromosome numbers, 2n=23=29. The presence of genetic factors in the E, vulgare genome for resistance to chromosome elimination is proposed. Microsporogenesis was studied in the polyhaploids and hybrids, as well as in both parental species. fl, procerum is considered a segmental autoallohexaploid. In addition, a mechanism for the genetic control of meiotic pairing was inferred, which causes fl, procerum to behave cytologically like a diploid. It is suggested that there is no appreciable homology between the genomes of 3, procerum and fl, vulgare. ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. William Tai for serving as my major professor, and providing me with the facilities, as well as the opportunity, to undertake this research. Thanks also to Drs. Peter S. Carlson and Stephen Stephenson for serving on my guidance committee, to Dr. Joanne Nhallon for her encouragement and support, to fellow graduate students Gary Bauchan and John Blackson for their helpful suggestions, and to Liu Zhiwu for his friendship. Finally, I wish to express my sincere thanks to my parents, whose support made it possible for me to finish this work. ii Table of Contents Page List of Tables ....................... iv List of Figures ...................... v Introduction ....................... 1 Materials and Methods ................... 4 Results .......................... 9 Discussion ......................... 41 Appendix A ......................... 51 Appendix B ......................... 52 Bibliography ........................ 53 Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table 10 ll List of Tables Page Crosses Performed With Hordeum procerum as Female Parent ....................... lO Chromosome Numbers of Progeny of Interspecific Crosses (fl, procerum (6X) X M, vulgare (2X) 12 Summary of Metaphase I Chromosome Associations in Hordeum vulgare cv. 'Larker' and in Hordeum procerum ...................... 18 Summary of Post-Metaphase I Chromosome Behavior for All Plants Studied ................. l9 Pollen Stainability ................ 22 Summary of Metaphase I Chromosome Associations in Two Polyhaploids from the Cross 5, procerum X M, vulgare cv. 'Larker' 23 Summary of Metaphase I Chromosome Associations in l-4 (fl, procerum X E, vulgare cv. 'Coho') Summary of Metaphase I Chromosome Associations in 4-2 (5, procerum X 5, vulgare cv. 'Coho') Summary of Metaphase I Chromosome Associations in 4-8 (5, procerum X H, vulgare cv. 'Coho') Summary of Metaphase I Chromosome Associations in 14-2 (M, procerum X E, vulgare cv. 'Beacon') Summary of Metaphase I Chromosome Associations in 14-7 (5, procerum X E, vulgare cv. 'Beacon') . . . . 28 iv List of Figures Egg; Figure l Mitotic chromosomes of the polyhaploids and hybrids. 29 Figure 2 Spike and spikelet morphology ........... 33 Figure 3 Microsporogenesis in M, vulgare cv. 'Larker' and in H. procerum ................... 35 Figure 4 Microsporogenesis in polyhaploids from the cross, fl, procerum X M, vulgare cv. 'Larker' ....... 37 Figure 5 Microsporogenesis in 5, procerum X 5, vulgare hybrids ...................... 39 INTRODUCTION The study of interspecific hybrids may yield information about taxonomic and evolutionary relationships between plants; and, when one of the species involved is an agronomically useful one, may lead to the transfer of genes which contribute to increased crop yields, improved quality, resistance to environmental stress, or resistance to pests. This generalization can be applied to most previous interspecific hybridization work in the genus Hordeum (Schooler and Anderson, 1979; Steidl, 1976; Starks, 1976; Morrison gt_gl,, 1959). The most ambitious program of Hordeum interspecific hybridization to date was that initiated by D. G. Hamilton and carried out by J. N. Morrison and others at Ottawa, Canada. They attempted 111 interspecific cross combinations, about half of which involved cultivated barley, fl, vulgare. They were able to produce fourteen viable hybrids by using embryo culture techniques (Morrison gt_gl,, 1959). All hybrids between 5, vulgare and species outside section Cerealia were sterile, and studies of meiotic pairing indicated no homology between the parental genomes (Morrison and Rajhathy, 1959). Nilan (1964) and Price (1968) reviewed the interspecific crosses attempted in Hordeum. They also pointed out that hybrids between barley and distantly-related species are sterile and exhibit no homology between genomes. Schooler and Anderson (1979) have taken a somewhat different tack. Utilizing a fertile amphiploid from the cross (fl, brachyantherum X H, bogdanii)(2n = 6x = 42) as the female parent and H, vulgare cv. 'Traill' (2n = 4x = 28) as the male parent, they were able to produce F1 hybrids with a chromosome number which varied from 21 to 35. After backcrossing to diploid H, vulgare (2n = 2x = 14) and recovering diploid progeny, they reported some preliminary observations of gene transfer. This same general approach, that is, crossing an amphiploid of a hybrid between two wild species to barley, followed by a backcrossing program, has been attempted by previous workers at this university (Huang, 1975; Steidl, 1976) without any appearance of startling success. Genome relationships have also been studied between Hordeum species, and between Hordeum and Agropyron species, by previous workers in this laboratory (Murry, 1975; Huang, 1975; Starks, 1976). In the fall of 1978, I began a crossing program in an attempt to generate hybrids between H, vulgare and diploid wild species. This program was later expanded to include tetraploid and hexaploid species or cytotypes of species. 0f the 74 crosses attempted, only those between cultivars or species from section Cerealia produced fully developed, viable seeds. Some other cross combinations did set seed, but although they included a reasonably well developed embryo, endosperm development was poor and the seeds did not germinate. Attempts to save some of these embryos via embryo culture, using Norstog's Barley Medium II (Norstog, 1973) were wholly unsuccessful. In the early winter of 1980, an encouraging development appeared which was to lead to further research. A hybrid seedling was obtained from the cross, H, procerum (2n = 6x = 42) X H, bulbosum (2n = 2x = 14) using a modified version of Norstog's medium. This led to the consideration of the possibility of producing and studying hybrids between H, procerum (2n= 6x = 42) and H, vulgare (2n = 2x = 14). Subrahmanyam (1977) reported that this cross resulted in tetraploid hybrids, as well as triploid polyhaploids of H, procerum. The questions which it was hoped the study would answer were: 1. Would the cross, H, prOcerum (6x) X H, vulgare (2x) yield hybrids and polyhaploids, as other workers have reported? 2. Would there be differences between barley cultivars in the degree and frequency with which their chromosomes were eliminated by the H, procerum genome? 3. What would cytogenetic studies of H, procerum hexaploids and polyhaploids reveal about the nature of its three genomes? 4. What would cytogenetic studies of the hybrids reveal about the degree of homology, if any, between the genomes of H, procerum and H, vulgare? MATERIALS AND METHODS PLANT MATERIALS Two Hordeum species were used in this study. The first was a wild species collected in Argentina, Hordeum procerum (PI No. 266196), which was obtained as seed from the USDA Cereal Crops Research Branch, Beltsville, Maryland. Previous reports (Covas, 1950; Bowden, 1965) indicate a chromosome number of (2n = 6x = 42). The second species was barley, Hordeum vulgare L. (2n = 2x = 14) and three cultivars were used; lCoho', 'Larker', 'Beacon'. CROSSING TECHNIQUES In all crosses performed as a part of this study, H, procerum was the female parent, and one of the three barley cultivars was the male parent. No reciprocal crosses were done because earlier experience with these plants indicated that the cross was more likely to be successful with H, vulgare as the male parent. This was also the case for similar interspecific Hordeum crosses (Steidl, personal communication). For all crosses, the female parent was emasculated by first removing all spikelets above and below those judged to be at the right stage of development. Generally, this meant that only florets with pale-green to yellow anthers were used and the rest discarded. Lateral florets were removed from the remaining spikelets. The lemma and palea of each remaining floret was then cut off just above the anthers with scissors, and the anthers removed with fine forceps. The spikes were then covered with a thin, cylindrical cap of aluminum foil. Aluminum foil was superior to other coverings, because it keeps the spikes cool, prevents dehydration, and prevents contamination by stray pollen. For a source of fresh pollen, barley spikes were selected in which the anthers were just about to dehisce. The tops of the florets were cut off just above the anthers and the spike was placed in strong light, either sunlight or in close proximity to an incandescent bulb (about 50 cm.). This caused the anthers to be extruded from the florets and to dehisce. Pollen was collected by inverting spikes inside a small bag fashioned from dialysis tubing and tapping it to release pollen into the bag. Previously emasculated spikes with receptive stigmas (stigmas spread out and florets open) were then inverted in one of these bags containing pollen, the opening of the bag was held closed, and the spike was returned to an upright position. This inversion-reversion process was then repeated until most of the pollen had come to rest on the florets; this resulted in the deposition of massive amounts of pollen on the stigmas, thus insuring that each stigma had an ample supply of viable pollen. This is also the quickest and simplest way to do these pollinations. After pollination, the aluminum foil cap was replaced. EMBRYO CULTURE Spikes were cut from the plants and taken to the laboratory for embryo culture 12 to 14 days after pollination. The percent seed set was also scored at this time. All embryo culture work was done in a laminar flow hood using standard sterile techniques. The seeds were removed from their respective florets and sterilized in a 20% solution of commercial bleach (corresponding to a solution of roughly 1% sodium hypochlorite) for 20 nfinutes, then washed briefly in sterile, double-glass-distilled water. The embryos were dissected from the caryopses, and placed scutellum side down on a modified Norstog's medium, (Norstog, 1973; Taira and Larter, 1978; Appendix A) in slanted culture tubes. The embryo cultures were incubated in the dark at 27°C, then transferred to a lighted culture room at 25°C when they showed definite root and shoot (cotyledon) development. Some embryos produced only very short roots and shoots (about 2 - 5 mm) in the incubator, as if development was arrested at that point. These were transferred to a callus regeneration medium, designated B-5R (Orton, 1978; Appendix B), and placed in the lighted growth room to induce them to germinate further. When the seedlings reached the three leaf stage, they were potted in plastic cups filled with vermiculite and placed in a growth chamber with a 16 hour day length and a 19° - 14°C day-night temperature regime. The plants were later transplanted to soil in clay pots and placed in the greenhouse. CYTOLOGICAL METHODS Mitotic material was pretreated in two ways. Healthy root tips of growth chamber-grown plants were excised and pretreated in a solution of .01% colchicine at room temperature for 4 hours. Root tips from greenhouse-grown plants were excised and pretreated in distilled water at 2 - 4°C for 24 - 48 hours. In all cases, the root tips were fixed in 3:1 ethanol-acetic acid (Farmer's solution) at room temperature for 12 - 24 hours and then rinsed and stored in 70% ethanol at 4°C. Root tips were prepared for squashing by hydrolyzing in 1N HCl for 10 minutes at 60°C, rinsing with distilled water, and staining in Feulgen's solution for 2 hours in the dark. Root tips were then rinsed with distilled water and further softened in 5% pectinase (SIGMA) for one hour at 30°C in a water bath. The pectinase was rinsed out with distilled water. The root tips were either squashed immediately or stored in 70% ethanol at 4°C until needed. For observation of meiosis in pollen-mother-cells (PMC's), anthers were dissected from central florets and squashed in aceto-carmine stain. Good cytological preparations were documented by photographing them with a Zeiss Photomicroscope II using Kodak Panatomic-X film in the built-in 35 mm camera. Pollen stainability was determined by squeezing pollen out of mature anthers in a drop of IzKI stain. Only darkly-stained grains were scored as stainable; a minimum of 300 grains per plant was scored. RESULTS A total of 19 spikes of H, procerum were pollinated by 3 different barley cultivars. The results of these hybridizations are presented in Table I. H, vulgare cv. 'Larker' was the male parent in 7 crosses, and the cultivars 'Coho' and 'Beacon' were used in six crosses each. A total of 242 florets was pollinated, 172 of which set seed; this is an average seed set of 71%. All of these seeds contained embryos, indicating there was no parthenocarpic fruit set. In all cases, also, the endosperm which developed was watery, and had begun to collapse by the time the embryos were excised for culture. One hundred and forty embryos were placed on embryo culture medium, and 21 were placed on callus initiation medium as part of another study. Eleven embryos were either too small to culture, or were damaged in the process of excision from the caryopsis. Seventy embryos, or 50% of the total, germinated almost immediately and were transferred to the lighted growth room for further development. Seventeen embryos seemed to stop development after only a day or two. Previous experience indicated that these would simply remain dormant, and eventually die. These were transferred to the B-5R medium, normally used for regeneration of plantlets from callus. All seventeen of these embryos germinated. In all, 87 embryos, or 62% of those cultured, germinated and were transplanted to vermiculite as seedlings, and placed in a growth chamber. In the late summer of 1980 a growth chamber malfunction, resulting in extremely high temperatures, killed approximately one-half of these lO mm mm oep oop-o Pm NNP New pouch ucmgw we om me oo_-o mo mm mm pouch m op am up m— coommm mm o op mm Pp mp :oomwm cu m NP Fm mp my :oummm Np o o o 0 mp coommm m— m op cop op o_ :oomwm ep P P NF _ m :oomwm mp mm _m we oop-oe ow em om pouch m mp on mp up gmxgmo —F m m em up ep Loxgmo op m m we m m_ Loxsmo m e m mm mp «p smxemo m m e oop e e gmxgmo m m m cop op op gwxgmo o m o mu m w soxgmo m mu mm me am um no mm mm page» o o m p mp ozoo mm m m em n FF ozou mp m mp em op up osou op FF NP mm mp ep ogou e m w mm m up ozou N N op on FF ep ogou p x umpcmpamcmcp umgzupau moan; a * uwpmcwppoa “coca; emassz mmcwpummm moxgnsw “om mcmwm mumgopu umz mmogu pcmgma umemd mm Eagmoqum Ezwugo: saw: cmsgomgma mommoeu — m4mmsmm meomoEoggu H mmmgqmuwzuumoa mo zgm553m e m4m