THE CYTOCHEWCAL EFFECT OF FREEZING ON ESCHERICHIA COLI {ATCC#11303) Thesis for the Degree 0! Ph. D. MWHEGAN S'MTE UNWERSE‘FY Eciward F. Gritsavage 1965 mags: LIBRARY Michigan State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled "The Cytochemical Effects of Freezing on Escherichia coli (ATCC#11303)" presented by Edward F. Gritsavage é has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for L Ph.D. degree in Microbiology and Public ‘Health 24 W i Major professor Date November 29, 1965 0-169 THE CIICCHZLICAL 153:0: CF FREEZIze C; ESCIEZICXIA CCLI (ATCC§11303) Edward F. Grits; 35 A; A3ST3ACT CF A THESIS Submitted to Kichifen State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DCCTCZ CF PXTLOSCPHY e Department of Licrobiology and Public Health ABSTRACT THE CZTCCHEIICAL EFFECT OF F” TZI"G Cu ESCEEAICI‘ IIA CCLI (AT CCfi‘ 11 303) by Edward F. Gritsavage When suspensions of microorganisms are frozen and thawed, different percentages of survivors are recovered. Survival is affected by the nature of the uspending fluid and to the th emzi : procedure. Asso- ‘V U) ciated vi t1: this loss in number of cells is the re- lease of intra ellular constituents. Q. Kicroorganisns were suspen ed in various menstrua, J C+ frozen at -87C *b ected o a fast- and slow-thaw, and U) f . C.-.)- the aenstruum analyzed for leakage products. Solutions of mo ovalent cations afforded poor recovery whereas solutions of divalent cations gave med erate recovery. The e: feet f t1".ese cations appears to be related with tne stabilizing effect they have on riboson~s. Suspensions that were slow-thawed gave smaller percentages of recovery than th so that were fast-thawed. A relationship between the percent recovery and the concent :.tion of leakage pr: ducts was estab- lisned. Analyses showed the presence of a protein- like material thou: ht to be low molecule r weight peptides, nentose, and a substance that absorbed ultraviolet light. The U-V absorbin, substance had (- La ”1‘0qu v1 4" .4GJ;-A.. 1‘ absorption at 57 mu. heat-stable, dialyzable, an and recovered from ac: ivated charcoal. assay .1ith bovine pancreatic ribonucle ase 0-3. v {I .‘A " 'W 5 ‘ Q 9-. ' the product was not “Mn. .4.- - '“‘1 - '. eaterial prOViaea recovery in O . Q I‘ . . \ ‘ '~ ' ADSOTpthfi mailma, Jase fir "f an! r~-: '5 Lvozdvo 14b1, (lib. tile ‘g r“ A: 1a VA " Qn, dficateq tize ..C.L€li :s‘:ar: phosphate gave a d could ratio of 1:1:1 Edward F. The product was adsorbed by Ehzymatic ilidicated Fre ct ionation of this a , 3 y a aarium-soluoe irac— iv an K ,3 ratios at ;SO:2oO and “co Jery in t1 is fraction in- al to be the nucleo ide adenine. “entose atin: the ceznaound to be adenos ine- 5' -phosphate. Gritsavage THE CYTOCE—ZE-IICAL EFFECT OF FREEZING ON ESCHERICHIA COLI (ATCC#11303) BY \\" Edward Fl Gritsavage A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial qufillment of the requirements for the degree of DCCTCR CF PHILOSOPHY Department of Kicrobiology and Public Health 1965 AC ZZIC'JLEDGEZ-LEITS ishes to express his sincere The author 3 pprcciation to Dr. F.R. Peabody for his guidance and supoort throughout this work. }Jo U) {J }_J C') O O 3 fi- (D :3 DJ ('3 0.: cf- 0 ’Jo Anorecist on -rce and counsel. “L J *3 :34 F I. U) f) m U) FJ. U) c+ r Dr. W.L. K; mann fo TABLE OF C”?"I-i5 I‘:rj'3f'\OQC-qlfl‘- ¢L¢LUUL¢ Lb.” 00000000000000000000000000000 LIIEZAIUEE TVVIEN '9 h 0 r‘ . ‘fl 0 3 Effects of suspending media fects 0 Effects of Effects of Desiccation .. Effects of Freezing ..... HATERIALS AJD EETXCDS Dacterial Strains ,...... Culture Eaintenance ..... 0.0.... Preparation of Cell Suspensions Assay Of Cells 0000000000 Preparation of Extracts . mialysis of Extracts .... Fractionation of Extract Suspending Fluids ....... FreeZinS and Tm" 1:16 0000 Preparation for Time and Thawing :cperiment ......... Paper Chroma UO rapfly 0000 Electrophoresis ......... Pervaporation ........... Heat Stability Adsorption .............. zymatic Assay ......... Sonic Rupturing ......... RESULTS I. Cccurence of Cell Extracts 1.8at 00000000000000000000 Effects of Ultraviolet Irradiation Chemical Agents ..... Effects of Freezing and Thawing .... Relationship Between fiecovery and Concentration of v J. 1'18. 9 T3 "Q r“ Let'leC-vce PTOdUCtS .0000..... iii page 41 43 page Effects of Thawing Procedure on Recovery ....................... 48 II. Characterization of Cell Extract Effect of Pervaporation on the Absorption Spectrum of Cell EZtr‘aCt 000000000000000000000000 53 Effect of Eeating on the Absorption Spectrum of Cell Extract ....... 55 Effect of Treatment with Horit on the Absorption Spectrum of Cell EZItre.Ct 0000000000000000000 55 Elution of Adsorbed Eateriel from IJOr‘it 0......0......0...‘0...... 58 Fractionation of Cell Extract ....... 63 Effect of Ribonuclease on Ultraviolet Absorbing haterial ............. 66 Electrophoresis of Cell Extract ..... 66 DISCUSSICI: ....0.....0.................000. 69 SL'I'KKW 00000.0...............0.....0...... 82 LITE‘MATU:LE CITED .00000.00.00.000000.0..0.. 85 iv LIST F FICUZES Figure 1. 7. Absorption Spectrum of Cell Extract Obtained fro:n F ozen Suspensions of E: herichia coli (1:5 dilution) ..... Recovery of Escherichia coli Subjected to Freez in5 in Various Eenstrua at -87 C for 4 Hours and Slow-ThaJing at 4C for 12 Hours ..... Concentration of Pentose in Extract Obtained from Escherichia coli Subjected to Freez n5 in various Lenstrua at -87 C for 4 Hours and Slow-Thawin5 at 4 C for 12 Hours .... A Comps Irison of the Eumber of Survivors at Various Time Intervals During Fast-Ila win5 and Slow- Thawin5 of Es herichia col; Frozen '14. ML: -07 C 0000000000000000000000000000 H Absorption Sp ectra of Cell Ex tracts Obtained fr m Frozen Suspensions of Escherichia coli Subjected to Fast- and" Procedures (:5 dilUCiOI’l) 0000000000000000000000 A Go mnper son of Absorption Spectra of Diluted and PeI rvapor ated Samples of Cell Extract Obtained from Frozen Sus>ensions of Es herichia 0011 0.000000000000000.0.0.000......0 A Cor pcrisen of Absorpti on Spectra of heated and Unheated Salnples of Cell Exr act Obtained from Frozen Suspensi ns of Escherichia coli ..... bsorpti on Spectr an of Cell Extract Obtained from Frozen Suspensions of Esc cherichia coli after Ireatment with and Removal of Eorit ........... Absorption Spectrum of Eaterial Adsorbed from Cell Extract Obtained from Frozen Suspensions of Escherichia coli after Adsorption witZI and Lqution fI rem EoI it ......... 45 47 5O 52 54 56 57 59 11. 12. Page _ .o A. In I“ - r‘ 4. Ce parlson oI Absorption opecCra 4" I. r~ 3 — h I ‘2‘ P- I-l " . "- oI C-trav olet AbsoroInL haterial 1 “orit-Adsorbed fr m Cell Extract ined from Frozen cuspensions c .1 1-1 A1: ”I? ': »rIcnIa cCII and vuspenaed r~ LA- :10 SOl‘bltions ..0.0..0.. 6O Absorption Spectrum of Cell Extract Cbtained from Frozen SuspensiOns of a: I .L {An-n ‘xrnJ'p'n V‘ 'Jv-VUV‘ ro'cngs (1:5 dilution .. 62 Absorption Soect Fractions 3 sult nr Ir 5 the Fractionation of Cell Extract Obtained ron Frozen Suspensions Of‘i-i:~ Col-j. 0000000000000O0000 64 I o : ra oI VarIous 0 "I I . ‘ fl ’- Electr pnoretorram of Uell Extract CbCaIned Ire“ :rozen SuspensIons A“ h" .A .0 Q. n O O; L..C.LICI'.I.CIIi.m o.m> o.s I mmnd o.m cow 9.. um: I I mm: m 8.. u .. 8:.” a. 3.06 I I mn.m o I m.. “.m. o.m m I m.4 00.. a I a...» 3 R.— n I «a “Sm 96.. u I >3 an 9.... . . A8353 n a: 35533 3.5%"; E2556 papaya 3- Bw ago 5398 838m m it... .952 ~— sou o 4 a. 335 :3. s: 982. e you c bmc vs .3332. 3.3: 5 «.H..o..o «Evasonoum wan—":96 nevus $260.5 emexeoa uo cowagaceocoo use 9333.9» no omscoouoa one .. canes 45 (I) 0.91 phosphate buffer, pH 5.3 (2; 15% glycerol (3 0.3! nagnesiu acetate (1.) 0.024 magnesium acetate (5 0.0%! nagnesitn acetate (6 distilled water (7 0.024 sedit- acetate (8) 0.3! citrate buffer, #1 5.0 (9) 0.31 eodiun acetate (IO) 0.851 sodiu- chloride solution im 75 1 Recovery 25 IIIIHHIHIHHHIIHIIIHIIIII 11th and concentration 1'13. 2. Recovery of Escherichia £911 subjected to freezing in various nenstrua at -87 9 for 1. hours and slow thawing at l. C for 12 hours. 45 A c 3;:risen of tie two different buffer solutions ;tes the greater effect of the buffer ion than the pH itself. Because earlier data (Figure 1) showed that a relationshi. existed between the proportion of sur- vivors and the concentration of leaks ge products and that the natu re 0. the suspendinz medium also was involved, studies were conducted to determine whether any relationship existed between survival and concen- tration in these various menstrua. Horeover, since a regulatory aechanism seems to be involved and de— gradation of nuclei acids occurs, the various sus- pending :enstrua wer- analyzed for the concentration C: of pentose. The s”'nrnain" licui s in which high percentases of s1r1i1.ors were obta“ ined \r‘ would be expected to snow low concentrations of pentose, and vice versa. The results are shown in Figure 3. The data presented here (Figures 2 and 3) for 091 frozen at -87 C in a variety of renstrza strongly suggests a relationship between death and KIA degradation. While the cells that were suspended in magnesizn solution did not show the rreatest percentage of survivors, the concen— tration of pentese was low. hagnesium , which is Encwn to stabilize Hol ted riboso1x1es, decreased the amount of pentose; whereas, Citrate, which Concentration (ups/I1) ‘8 8 8 47 0.9! phosphate buffer, xi! 5.3 151 glycerol 0.2! magneuul acetate 0.024 magnesiu- acetate 0.0M! Iagnesiua acetate distilled rater 0.03! sodium acetate 0.24 citrate buffer, ii! 5.0 (9) 0.21 sodima acetate 0.851 sodiu- chloride solution AAAAAAAA O Q Own «P U N .. VVVVVVVV (t0) OOOOOO 1" MINI la 5 6 ‘7 8 9 '0 Henstruu and concentration Fig. 3. Concentration of pentose in extract obtained free scherichia coli subjected to freezing in various Ion-true at -87 c for 1. hours and slow thawing at I. 0 for 12 hours. ‘ 1 r e- "h 'r' ‘I. '. rr".: vv‘. fi‘.“l'\ ‘ r v I' ‘ acce-erates rioeeemal oceanaown (undo, 195?; Jade, 611’) 4“'\C f“- fl". , l-C EQSGCL LI:.'.\/ unhoemibo Q ~- . 1» A *~‘L" 1" .1 . ‘-‘,-\ rh,sic e ical saline so Helen ,rovided one recovei; in viable nunbers1while distilled H (T) f) ('1 (F .4 f) ('f' O '3 .. .4. .l: . .0 14 . +.L - and dilute solutions oi sodium acetate pro- : f1 3 ‘A 1 V r i f: 1 r“ J' _ In _‘/1" q Vine; 0;...v.’ .-.C\~ ‘Duue TCCO‘.C- 4.93 Jecause T} saline solution (0.85; KaCl) produced the highest concentration of leaha:e p;odacts, it was selected x'l‘ L'-—.‘ it «(3‘ 0'.“ I, r-fi‘u'.\ ‘ r. e- -“ this stud; whe-e maximum yield of extracts was Effects f t aw’ns prcce: on recovery Since the cell suspensions were subjected to a ra id freeze and slow thaw, the concentration change q in she solute would be rapid and coma eq uentl" would n ects. lhis would suggest, then, manifest no adverse ef that the Hoce; 3 could exert detrimental ‘ p t effects. A slow thaw would subject the cells to longer exposure to the concentrated solute than .0 would a rabid thaw. Susjezsions oi bacteria from he sane pOpulation were frozen at the sage te: perci ture; duplicate samples were removed at various intervals of time and subjected to a rapid and a slow thaw. Cell susoensions from the sane population stored at 4 C were used as conti Hol . The effects of ‘ the storage time and tne type of thawing are given 49 t- id Figure 4. {'1‘ 4L-- see data inaicate that no n st drastic re- duction in numbers occurs durizg the early stages :18 reduction is due to the decreas— in temp-rature and the period of time dur‘n" whi h the organisns ar ezposed to the cr’t‘cal teggeratures in the range of -10 to Hhi e th actual freezing process apnears to ‘. o wan-'1“ 5 ~ 4-: ‘x " " .3 ‘ . ‘ oe r sponsio- lor tne decrease in surViVOFS: tne thaving nrecess can exert effects as well. These D-J 4—“ 51-- t increased p “ Q “ Q‘s -—~ ‘- ‘s - .2 . results Jeald sag,ort tne notio; --\ -1 fl ‘ - .C‘ y -. l concentration oi solute influ uences surVival, as .\ —~. _{‘\_H L -- --- n ‘O W n “‘I" ~—- 1‘ ‘ A. tnese eliects are earneelj manilest eurin thaw; n; nrocess. r-r on 4. -:1 L‘ ,,.-. H ., ,. 1 inc eliects oi bgCJlAV ar- also sh w; in tie q oi ff erences in concentration of lea ; J :age products resulting from thes rrocedures. Cell extract was D 4' -! .4: 'n 'w‘ P. ‘5“ ~ .' a -' tlx ‘- f1. -. - ostainea iron a auSJCMSLOH Ol cells at was civided procedures, one voluze of cell suspension was fast- thawed and the other slow—thawed. SlOJ thawing re- :ireda or0“‘mately 30-45 minutes at room tem- oerature. The cells were removed by cen trifugation, the extract diluted 1:5 with sterile 0.85fi saline solution and an absorption spectrum obtained. Th 50 h A355 8:. Ell 3,2,1.on .ll. 255$»: Ylo H9350 I voaouowahuom J. 1 (0601) 040;qu O— results, shown in Figure 5, indicate that the in- creased reduction in number, a effected by th (0 thazing axocess, is ccooanicn by an i ncreas in .. .. ,_ .o . .0 4.x ,fi-h ,,. . w J. m‘.‘ 1 COncehtraticn oi the leahage phoaucts. inis, t.:en, e is a result of tration of the solu te C”Tl”" the freezin but the effects ar 3 re pronounced during that-rimL These data demonstrate that the loss in viable nunoers duri ’3 freezins is a consequence of the nature of the sus loss of numbers 2 ootained during he early s 0 ‘L‘- .- o- the freezi;1g piocess, resumaoly during the period in "hich the orrrnisrs are exposed to the critical * V“ .f‘ we , ratures iron -10 to ~30 C; that the rate or ('5 J- g ', .. A. n.- #1 ‘~ yo -'- fi ‘, _ UgCW-Lp inilaences survival. Tnis decrease F4) tvne o in viable numbers is accompanied by the release of cell constituents into the me mi”: and he concen- ()4 tration of these leakage products is in direct pro- portion to the numaer of survivors. The leakage of the cell constituents is apoarently due to the in- A crease; te1Tm‘ility of the cy W0 lasnic membrane solute durin; freezing. 2.0 Optics]. Density 52 H S low-thawed 0—0 Fest-thawed A 250 0 O O Henlength (In) Fig. 5. Absorption sprctre of cell extrects obtained fro- frosen suspensions of Escherichia 5911 subjected to fest- end slow-thawing procedures (I: 5 dilution) 53 Characterize tion 9: Cell Extract revious worh by other invesoigators showed that leahar Izoducts exhio ited at least two pro- perties: when added to suspeisions of microorganisms before stress, it exhibited protective properties when added to suspensions of microorxanisns after stress, t exhibited restorative properties. These Droeerties were determined by ir creased responses of he cells in suspension. Treatmeit of the extract by various agents altered these properties but the nature of the active component was not ascertained. Physical- -chemical methods were used in thi study to characterize tie extract and correlate these data with metabolic responses of the cell suspensions Effect f pervaporation on the absorption §P€Ctrum Ten milliliters of cell extract, obtained from freezing and slow thavi;s a concentrated suspension of E. ggli, were pervaeoratedz ccordin; to the pre- viou sly described method. A 1:10 dilution of the same extract was nude with physiological saline solution and the absorption spectra of both made. Figure 6 sho~ a cospsrison of both spectra. From .- ‘-1 this comparison, the ace er es of an absorpt on peak in the region from EO—QoO mu can be seen in the Optical Density 54 «3—0 Diluted extract Pervaporated """ extract 250 250 260 o is u 290 Wavelength (In) Fig. 6. A oouparison of absorption spectra of diluted and pemporated samples of cell extract obtained from frosen suspensions of Escherichia coli. 1.. - ,4. 1 -L. 4. curve for one perv-,oratee eioaaot. 7-— e nffect of ne"tins :n t e adsorption spectrum of cell eit‘ .,_4. lat; A sterile viou-‘r “"J heated) 3v norit ac After re of this thi s plo the regi '— :; dilution of cell extract was plac d in‘ 20x150 mm test tubes and heated in the pre- described manner. A similar dilution (un- e. ‘ as a control. An absorption spectrum ‘ acte was plotted and the results given in . From inspection of the plots, the pre- an absorption Jean in the region from nu can be seen in both the heated and un- ‘ cenparin: the curves for both extracts, it resin: interest to note that the only region wed any decrease in absorption after heatinr La novel of the charcoal, the absorption . '1 . .0 ., ”i.” . J. '1 . "3.2 ,.. . ,. analfs_s are presentea in :i;ure o. From t, the absence of the absorption peak in " “C. A” W.QQ n~ " ', on ffOL apo-a; as can be seen. Optical Density 56 o-—o Unheated extract o—o Heated extract Wavelength (In) ‘ Fig. 7. A comparison of absorption spectra of heated and unheated samples of cell extract obtained from frozen suspensions of Escherichia 9911. I Optical Density 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 57 240 250 270 290 Wavelength (mu) Fig. 8. Absorption spectrum of cell extract obtained from frozen suspensions of Escherichia coli after treatment with and removal of Norit. 58 c .. L".,J—1 fi“ .5 '— nfi \fi-firf r1 ~-r~¢Lrgfi: p1 fi‘flcta Ori t ‘4..- L‘. Ufib‘-- .L Lo My & v L \L ...w- JV‘ .g.»--_'.. .- - --. “ _._ The Iorit removed after treating the cell ex- tract was washed with a mixture con ainins absolute ethyl alcohol- concentrated annoniuri hydroxid e- l.‘ .led water 25: :2' v/v). Ho effort was made ‘5 3 J. QiSu 4. 4L "' F" .r \ U0 heep t-.e volume of the eluit r C ‘ ' '. the volume of the extract that was treated. The ab- L ‘ ~— A .‘ 'o‘ I‘ ~\(‘ h u. sorption suec run oi the elutea haterial (gig‘ee 9) shows the characterist- c abs oration peah in 0 .. acre our. '-,. a M' - . h _,o-i,0 mu. TAG absence of tLlS peak res; n fr V ‘3‘ J“~C'. " ‘0 .‘r‘q ~-J‘“-'V t “5. ~ VA A rm" 3: ‘LO 0“ n .Li'l Una “Quorruu e..-U.' C~C Fl; sie u stain .sbo ”exace— w- V 1‘ v-- ‘5 ‘- -. ' 3‘ {‘4’ J"-r\J‘ 4‘. quen t TGCOvCT’ iron the aorit indicates that unis erial was removed. The eluate containin> the ultraviolet absorbing ,- \1 A‘L ‘3 r- 9 - L q VV 3 material Was.evaporated to or,ness vi crystalline: aterial was dissolved in 0.1: 501, pH 1.0 and in 0. 013 ha H, pH 12. Volumes of naterial Equ unt l the absorption at 300 mu was about the sa e. An absorpti n spectrum for each solution was obtained and nresehted in Figure 10. Laximun absoratioa in acid sol; tion was at 257 mu and in oasic solution at 260 mu. The base ratios 4'" ~ .1 p r r? ’ -.:- A" m . ,r-v— oi aosoroance at 2303200 aha -o0z2o0 nu were 0.9;; Optical Density 59 1.5 0.5 2A0 250 260 O 280 290 Revelength ( nu) Fig. 9. Absorption spectra of nteriel adsorbed fro- cell extract obtained fro- froeen suspensions of Escherichia. coli after adsorption with end elation from Norit. Optical Density 60 ' Spectrum in H 0"“ 861’ w '00 1.5 o—o Spectrum in 0.0121 hon, pH 12 / . '0. 0. 2&0 250 260 270 280 290 Wavelength (nu) Fig. 10. A comparison of absorption spectra of ultraviolet absorbing material Norit—adsorbed from cell extract obtained from frozen suspensions of Escherichia coli and suspended in acid and basic solutions. .~ ’2 f, 4.; l s. s." '1”: 0 3 s “Cr- .' d 3.11» OQL'Z'Y I'eSfiLC U-LV'e LT $.11 C~C_‘-\l ._)O.L.L'. U1 :1 Col. ‘ OQOUD 89;; ’ ~ . V, C _ .L g V' '1 ' e - ‘ e ‘ fi ‘ 3‘ 1' _! FCSLCCU_3C;J in )asic solution. Aosorntion 1%r-v-'1 'efi n‘fl'1 -fififi fi+£y fl yy fl AV QHQI-hlq .5 q 44-”,\ + N (5 “.w‘.._- A” Cn--\~ hat-five rL‘- U‘Ou .401 e \JJA AA-) CO VIJ. U$L ULLCL'Je -‘ . derivatives pre- 'Je (‘ given in a chart or nucleic ac J- I '1 ’ . _" _“ .0 nsrea 33 {1.3100 en Coi‘poratien, Los Angeles, Cali- 9 ‘ ‘ . I. m“ . h ' v 2 sh ' r‘ we: V ‘U 3 ‘A r‘ . I“ 0' 2“ ~\ h ‘ iornia. LMC assorttion malinun in acid and sage 2“ . 1 ‘ ' 3"- #:“l‘ fi-e". .Af-fi-‘e I‘. "r‘ ‘I’ . f‘ coincided ”lb” close presence! ior nucleOSiaes and nueieotid-s of the purine adenine. However, no . ‘.. " \J-- - .._ " s seaween the gas ratios oatainee " --. N -.. .-- m ~ .1- -. -. ~ 1.. r. .3 lo; t.€ czjetelline gas :12 and those p.’ es er tea fl - V." A 3-..: ,-- 1 --~- Q IO.1 3... C‘Ji’l’la CO.-oE3....-l..'.I1. {2064321103. —~«_ ’ f“ r “" ‘- O a-€‘ Queue $L U...C of 0:260 k7] tIe extract at 2 U) and 2C0:2o 2 were 0.90 8rd 0.5 respectively and are in accord with those presented by other inres— ti ators for their extracts. “0 base ratios for eitracts obtained from frozen suspensions of Aerooacter aerOfenes were available or presented. M ‘ 1- w- ~ °-\ v n : ~-+ n ‘- ‘r l“ lo ~etermine ties values an elt°act was prepared 0 O : . O (U I (F *‘5 P) c!- (T) Q: I”) 6 '0 ( ‘. :J I", .Je 0 f5 ['1 O I p- 0 *3 O J T O C O ‘3 1. aeroeenes. The absorption soectrum for this extract is given in Figure 11. taxiaum absorption occurred at 260 mu and base ratios at 250:260 and 280:260 mu were 0.94 an‘ 0.64 respectivel". agreement exists :L‘- ‘ V 4": r 1. e v'-" n . ‘ \ .‘ onlv with tne aasorntlon DCleuL; discrepanCies ll va u—s for base ratios 1 d‘it be AO;L’-- f) ttributed to the assorntion of other leataee products or else to the d \—V Optical Density 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 O.‘ 0.3 0.2 0.1 622 21.0 250 260 270 280 290” ‘Havelength (In) Fig. :1. Absorption spectrum of cell extract obtained from frozen suspensions of.Aerobacter aeggggnes (1:5 dilution) 63 tnat the ultraviolet absorbing r‘teiial in H, go 0 Ct .L‘ .- ,J.. ‘ L _ ‘. .flr- - “4. 0---: CLuI‘CCu -3 C._.L.'.C.."C.'-u. ’3 01\A (‘4‘: ‘ Vrafl- I.“ “N 1‘ 1“ :- peivaporation s »,ests a low mOlCCulur weight com- \ 9~ .r‘ 4-. n 9v w a: ’7 n e -r~‘4- ‘. r- -' fi-x v pound unit would disceane tne pOuSLuilitJ of it ‘ .-_ ~—_-v 361-; ILL.A. ‘1‘ K4 (— i ‘4‘ 1“- -' +5 A ~r+ f‘ Fractionttion oi cell extract Since the act vity of t -e cell extract appears to be related with the ultraviolet absorbing material, acti nat:.on was perforaed using the procedure out- lined in Xanenetric Techniques. Four fractions were 0 U C‘. 3 He :3 I“ {L P) X J i (D (1 L) (n O *‘3 O C". F“ O L) *C; (D O C." E O Pb (D 93 0 LS‘ 5.13 *S {3 O C" F‘ O :3 The presence of he cha acteris tic peak ab- sorption in the region of 250-270 mu in the TOA- soluble fraction gives added evidence that the U-V absorbing material is not REA. The presence of polysacharide material in the extract may exhibit colloidal properties and prevent the precipitation of REA upon tr e addition f TCA. If tni were the case, then it would seem likely hat the addition of barium would result in its precipitation. The absence of any absorption peak in the barium-insoluole Ira ction a;mpe .rs un- likely that REA in any form is present. 0ptice1.Density 64 h... TCA soluble TCA insoluble O—I. n Bariul soluble o—q Barium insoluble 1.5 - 1.0 / .\ 0.5 \ 2‘0 250 2-0 ' 0 2:0 2°. ‘wewelength (nu) Fig. 12. Absorption spectra of various fractions resulting from the fractionation of cell extract obtained from frozen suspensions of Escherichia coli 65 The U- ‘ material is present in the barium- soluble fraction. haxinum absorption occurs at 257 mu with ratios at 250:250 an 2803260 mu at 0.91 and 0.36 respectively. Since the material was in an acid solution, these ratios most nearly approximate those for adenosine noncnuosohate (AHP). Colori- metric analysis for jentose and inor"anic phos- phate gave mola r retios of 0.04:0.033 micronoles/ml which is approximately 1:1. There was no in icrea as c F in the concentration of the phosphate af er acid J ) 1ydrolysis '“ich indicates a nonopimo plate. A re- lationship between color development in the orcinol test and the gosition of the phosphate linkage has been noted. This method can be used for differentia- ting between a 5"linha5e and a3' linkage. A 5' inha: rives maximum color development in a shorter 9. period of time than the 3' linlza e. I-Iaximum color developner t in the pent o: e determination mas a - taine cin 15 minutes, which would indicate a 5' linl :age of th e phosphate. From the data presented in hano etric Techniques the compound present in tne barium-soluble fraction that absorbs ultraviolet light is AhP. On the as- sunption tW1a this was the compound present in the barium-soluble fraction a tcr iractiona tion, the oncentration was estina ted from the spectrophoto- 66 metric data. From the optical densitv at the maximum tion and the extinction coefficient (14,900 A on ), a value of 0.042 micronoles/ml was ob- tain~d. This value coincided with the concentrations of pentose and sho a:hate for this fraction and gives a ratio of 1:1:1 for basezsugarzphosphate-- a model Since 32$ also provi des a model from which a ratio of 1:1:1 for bas :sugar3p tCin ed, the ultraviolet absoroin materia was treated fl wi n bovine pancreatic rioonuclease. An increase in ‘1 C 3; .—. 1 ,, ,. s 1. J- / . Optical censio; as 2c0 mu was used as a measur e;'1ent n O; ribonucleare activity. ho increase was detected which would indicate that the ultraviolet absorbing material is not Du . “1 An ‘I A": '0 1 -v“' n 4' Lioctro.horesis o- cell entraco Present in the extract with th- ultraviolet absorbing 1Ct-rial s a suostance that reacted with A - z. {‘o the Folin reagent. The subs ta nee was cons dered to be protein, but the results of the tr-atment of the cell extract wi h cold 10fl TCA (Figure 10) showed ion of 280 mu .N 1 -‘ Q, ‘. “A J_ .g 7 n _‘ L‘,‘ 1’10 LCCI‘eCLSG in C.JSO-‘uo.LO.l 1:]. the 1‘6 which is characteristic for protein. Also, the 67 N I" Q J tun-.1 precioitate showed no : in this region when it was resusponded aid the spectrum determined. After J. 1e ultraviolet material from the extract h -. ‘ I - -. ‘- \N I‘“ Q n .. '2 ‘ Q ,_ qy‘l‘ ‘- w_th “Ofit, no teal Jas oataiaed at 200 mu. thr&CbS . .1 '2 P-«w ‘Q __-.__-‘ “ " Qv-fi ’ 1 1 ' ‘ V m1 " i.- anj aiiierences e.._suoa bet.-rcen the-i. iae “esults igures 13a and 13b. C}- O C) I Kore bands could be detected in the extrac “ .‘ ‘- f" v‘ ‘l A‘ V r‘ 4' --~ q .r. -\ L J- . ~' -. sp-o O tainea iron esczacoer GHQ tne rsteers diiiered also. ‘5‘ 3 Tnsse diljerences could Jessialy account for the *is- .-,. .- 0, .0... '. . n ..-. - i . O . creuahCles n ted in the ratios at a3‘3260 and 200:260 -. ‘- J- v—, 1" ' ' .3 -. -. 3 . J" , 9-;0 SCU...C .D;- L) U ~.'1“-. ”01"--101‘. ‘10:;1“ .LlLL‘J. C; U8 ‘1'...“ U .v m ~q- H ‘. . 1‘ ‘ r‘ _o ‘q hatciial does a t seen to be tne active snsstance. 68 Fig. t3s. Electrophoretogren of cell extract obteined fro. frozen suspensions of Escherichia coli Fig. 131:. Electrophoretogre- of cell extract obtained from frozen suspensions of ‘erobscter eerogene . DISCUSSICK He I ’J U) F'I‘. \ s . - 4n, . J- u m .. 0 H.-- J..‘-C in r: that resul s we llCl” oorcan .. .0- ,_, , s. . a . in: 2.0 J. 1 . are lfCuC“ and snag d is haniiesoed by losses in . w . ., a 1 , w- s all viaole nu 363 and the leanape oi intracel 1‘ ar con— stituents. Such results can se ettribut ble to two ca“ses: lvsis or ru turinr of tfle cell wall, which in the cell :egbrane, the structure responsible for hi, --+r—-’~--\..-,. L‘a- 4' ~15'4—1v ‘- " 'lue " u--k, -1-u€ 3-9.} OJ. u n .l a. ‘ - P 1 D - "A... “5 . 0 eat . ' . Direct osservation o- irosen cells under 011 inn fSlOfl- and electron icrograghs of frozen and ‘nfirozen cells (heyhnell, 1330) present indirect evidence elimi- e I J‘ I- y‘ r~_ " - y} P. 'Pfi' f: f: ‘ ’1 r‘ . . ofiL-[—'.~A-\_’ l 1 Dig GS be: .LKI’C UCI‘. ma ~ n .-. .r‘ L L.-.‘ C :2 q , ....L r. -. -ie ass;ncs e- a r oeuCCbuDlG ceoiygohto e in ““4 L‘ 1 ,_.L- 4. ,..'\,‘, 4&3: 4. «L‘fl + " the cell -itraco we la als ihai a. ciao lysis did ens ‘- 11 ne-AJ- ‘ ‘ve- 'A’ .‘ not occur. Cells rapsurea 3, scale Vioration "ed the fresence of tlis caroohydrate whic outed to D? . If ‘ no on cells are lye-d or ruptured, they too should liberate DIA. Ions was detected in this studV. As a result, such results would refute theory of death as a result of crushing. frees in: asparently lie in some alters tion of the cell The cell m mbrane not or 1" prevents leakage of the cytpp asnic con- .1. stituents into tie environncnt b o is also concerned 69 70 with the transport of ;-utri e -1ts into tne cell. Any es this scai-permeable no crane by alterin~ its 3 ye ico- chemi al structure will ause disorranization o- cellular function. when its selective jroperties are lost, comionents leak out o; the Call res ltinf in injury or death. Evidence to suowort this view can so obtai11eed iron the data pr--sented on freezing. A rel ati nsl ip has been estaolishe‘ between the viable number of and the loss of internal diifus ib lc cellular constituents. This feet is considered by hitchell and Hoyle (195’) 7 f ferences int: 0 b c int anal osmotic ‘.,‘F\ - VV' L 1 q' 1 4’ + "'3 4' ' sh,ula ve c-ertca tie is: b e ouno 0 stress aid .3 .- .‘r‘ ... ,4. ~4. _._ .. J. a - 1 w .1. 1 ;iven the LBQQUCQU CMOLflu oi recovery. he data oo- f indicate the distilled water These observ tions are also in conflict with those recorded by Harrison (1956) and Cleicnt (1901) who found is fll ed water a relatively innocuous en— H) or frees ing. Csnotic effects can also c}- vircnnen oe eliminated on the basis of recovery after the organisms were frozen in other menstrua. Higher rolarit es 0 ’le 1e solute should have pH‘ov ided the ‘ .‘A ~ ,‘ . 4- . 4‘ 5.1 u.‘ .- ‘ V nignest eeatn rates ll osnetic 3“€SShP€ rere re- t was noted only with sodium Uhen the cells were susoended in the various li:ible period of tine (ape oproxinately 5 minute 3) elapsed before freezing. This would elimi- gossib ilitv OI incubation in the solute or U nate any penetration of the agent. Under such conditions, these results re inconpat ible with a view that any protection provided during freezing requires (a) penetration o; the agent and (b) osmotic dehydration. Postgate and Hunter (1361) obtained equally e fective protection from substances tiat did and did not pene- ,iJ The va ious responses that were ob ained in this study must be attributed to the effect that he par- ticular solute has on the microorga ism. node-ately higli recoveries were obtained with s lycerol. mhe protective action of glycerol was de- monstrated to be conestible with the results obtained by oth r investigators. The protective action is attributed to tne ability of the glycerol to stabi- lize permeability. The losses in number in mens+ rua that should have provided protection nig' process in breparin; the cells for suszension. In this . ’dy, saline soluti ns were used. Hashing Wibfl aline solution Aas been reported to desoro ma e and Snon, 1964) which increased sensitivity to t1- er: 1al stress. T of magne sium reversed these effects. ”Al ’le the cells that were suspended in magnesium olutions did not show the greatest percents e of sur- vivors A, the conceAtration of pentose was low. The ac- tivity of magnesium lies in its staoiliza tion of th :gcgo;c and ribonucleo-protein (Lederberg, 1956; *Jo Neioull, 1:53). Xhen these ons are replaced or re- moved by uonovalent cations, the ribonucleic particles undergo a se“ies of dissociations-— first reversible, then irreversible (Elson and Tal, 1959). This pro- cess could occur either during the wasl ing process or in the final suspension. The degree of dissociation could account for the ability of some a: ents to in- crease the recovery of survivors—- providing the essential nutrients to aid recovery are present. uch an effect on the staoility of the ribo- some can not only be seen witA ma nesium, which de- creased tne amount of pentose, out also with citrate, which accelerates riaosonal brea1fi morn and increased the amount of pentose. Similar effects with citrate were repel ted oy Chao (19 57) and Wade (1961). 73 now an the extreme toxicity of odium be ex- p ained? First of all, the cell monorane fouid to be gerneable to the sodi un ion (hitchell and Loyle, 1959). This would eXplain the breakdown tein and the leakage of the intracellular prolucts. A_s -n (19 So) obtained similar results. The addition of sodium chloride to isolated cule. Secondly, sodium is inoortant in water metabo- lism of cells. It controls the movement of water and sodium intake effects or controls hydration. Replacement of lost electrol"tes dur'n3 the washing procedure with saline solution leads to migration into the cells which would produce profound alteration. .‘J H. H (D c!- (71 7 (x hypotheses might explain the effects on VlCDllit", they do not oxnlain why - 1" '__1 t 1") fl Law arious m .1 O ab e numbers when cells 1* tnere should be reduction in v arJ frozen on menoaanes in the absence of any sus- nending medium. The cells were reported to behave Aini arly to cell: frozen in a menstruum (31etz,1961) in that there was a nutritiolal demand. However, no data were available concernin: leaLa ~. The ensnasis on the behavior of cells that have been xno; ed to sue—zero ten: era In es has been on the freezin3 process. Truly,it should, but he data pre- sented indicates that thawing plays a role in this 74 loss in ;;u-..3ers and l alza3e. L13. ortuna tel;r there is no way to deternine whether the thawing nrocess is in ('3 H. H D- <: i". 5:: I essence tAe facgor r s nonsiole for tne los (J 1'- [J (f- .‘ '4 b (D x: F' f: .. r" O O Q) ct- H 0 f) () cf- Q 0 C) (1‘ U) cf- § a |_Jo (1" F)- I H PJ- :3 I N" I‘ 1 v . 3A A w. 1‘ v' ~ J J.‘ .9. J- .1 v i . Lartial_1 iAvAlv~u, GVCA i1 As is e1ij aecause y .f'i 4.: . . . ... L .. :.. ‘.' t .L‘ , , creases eAe a sane 01 A_Ae durins3 wAicA tAe cells are .-‘ ~~> ! . r0 ‘- ‘.\ I“. -. C ‘ - q ‘ ~ A" ’. AurAA3 tAe ireenin3 process, b4“ meet ~raseAc Q‘ 1". - "f‘ y ' R ‘q -. ~ *"- v red sci A i1 nuAserA ei viagle cells occurs 1ithin ’3 "-"1‘ "‘- “'1 'T'fi" 31 PF‘. LA! -m‘r'_ -A- “A. La; U6... QV - 1".- ,. J. - ". ‘. .L .0 .,. Alicaeion. in AA tiAe studg, a ' ‘ ‘ _' fl! . '"b- '_' ‘3' -fi ‘1 r ~- -' ‘3 tAe cell sea; AAi ns JCPG iztnmn1zuni sampleA reaoved _.,A +~n~r '- he: cc~n~rrs .w v I‘LCNA tire in“‘Nvfls $0.. Uo-‘r‘.'*o-: LV-od ‘v-u»,\¢v" M; ‘10; Cat L) Ugh“ .1... ALIC (Na-.0. AAe suspensions were 0.3 served durin: l eezin” and ,.. .."1 .A , , ‘1 -. 0.. . 4.: samsies rer ed iAAeeiAee v upOA solidi; cation. -1‘~’ A ~"““ 1' P- L! -* ‘. In ‘L“ .7 ‘ ’4'3'" *~ ‘4' 1‘ AAA poiAe Ire-A; WACA as eAe Aero—tiAe ior tne stuej. m“ .Ae results showed AAat tAere was no decrease in ’ " .th - Viaule nun k) *-- ‘ '0' \ fl .«rx 1 n ers aA; AA- tJUC oi tAaw Aad no ac1ditional O r?‘ o effe It ..ould s-eA, then, that the act1m process .AAA'- .L‘- ~ ‘1 .-- . .4. av fl ;.\.’Q UALC QC-LC Men: 113 C—:€:lb0 isle *Jo C C‘I‘. 1e. gust/-1 O p. P. O (D F 'J lsrsest reducti n in nun ers occurred within 30 g: Ainutes fter solidific at; on wi h no signiLican reduction afterwards durin3 stora3e. It appears that the reduction occurs during tAe time that the micro- rganisms were engoeed to t ;e critical ten:_ erature between -10 and —33 C. Why this ee““e”'eure range Acal has not seen ascertained. In as much as *Jo (7 O ’3 [J- (’9' L ‘4 : .I“. ~ I‘“,\ '2 ’- ‘3 . 3 :2 J‘ :_ r‘ '1 ‘. . w .- w. l- * a «:1 i. i 4 . - . enienc studied, and t;:t external ice nas alieady formed, it would lot seen nlikely hat this is the I‘ ‘ .J-agJ-QQ > 4' ~ -'-.-' . eeiel onetltdents co comprise a \’ “‘1 .‘ '__ o - ~ “- _"‘n 4‘ .3 V .. _o 9 .V 1 “1 ‘ conglen linense 0; material JHLCJ surelj rust nave a n ,-. .- ,_ .fl - . 4. -.,. 4. - up .0 4.1- .‘ Ireezln_ goinc tint 1: lower then most oi tne sto- o"'.-‘ r ‘c‘ r: Pa v ‘~‘—-~.~o-‘--n ~q unculceo Lin...€»; (we: ScLS )ElLC 111:..1LL.LJUlL.uo PW" ‘ lne iornetion of intracellular ice 7. uld explcin *ne deterior of cell: frozen on memdrenes. Internal freezin< culd ceuzc the alterations in cell mem- branes since tlese would 30 in direct 001 act with LC frozen mgteriel, whereas they would not in tn- case of eiternel ice formation. The fornletion of intracellular ice would not occur p n initial freezing of the suspending liquid Nh1011 vould account for the high proportion of survivors that were re- covered Eur in: the iirst lornac ion of ice. -I n. The data presented in this stu‘y on the effects of freezing and the r en nses given by the cells in susyension stron“lv su“fest hat the cause of the wienonena is an increase in cell perm aoili ty. Sub- stances that steailizc ~6P'C”blli‘J provided pro- tection while those tLet did not crovi*ed a decree in recovery and an increase in tn~ a cunt of pentose released. Altlou'n there is tuis release of materie H O f ) (7) P) (7 (‘3 OJ L) (I) U) C 3 ‘L O I‘" F* b H ’3' ’t L :3:- f) :5 Q: {'1 C" }-o }_J *4 H 3' (T) C 3 f) H L) J. The leakage material prese-t in the suspendir ed: u; has been reported to possess protectiw and restorative prepe rti»s . Protecti n by the extract ias been denonstrated by Strec ;e a11d anon (1964) with in- .L J. creased resistance of cells that were exposed to heatirg, and to a lesser xcent by Po wtvate and Hunter ( :61) .ho obtained some jrotection f: on free- J.‘ zin; wflen the extra t as added to tne sue diun. Bretz and Ambrosini (1563) obtained a pro- tective factor for the increased s*rvi val of E; coli that were frozen and thEMZGd Survival correlated the extract. Restoration, in the form of stimulation of ac- tivity, has been de: en. trated by DeLamater et. al. (1956) with extract obtained by leaching cell ghospnote buffer solution. The material stir ulated 01:":en uxta:e in tne presence of Cl ucos e. Sinilar ( 1963) who 0‘- results were obtained by Roszman *4 (I) added to suspezsions f frozen and thaaed cel Henler and “artsell (1963) isolated a growth stimu- latin" substance fro; ;._coli that oney termed "Factor 5." The sti ula inn activity of the extract seen: to be related to tLe ultraviolet aosorbing ‘- ‘3‘ 3’, 4- 1- Q J- . o a material aui spectropnctenetric analvses indicates that tle presence of a tea; in the regi n from 250- g 270 mu ccrrespon as with activity. The results ob— tained in tLis study are in direct agreement "ith zese obtained in this stud" by R szman. When the cell extract is treated by the same technioue he " fl used, the presence or essence 0: absorption peaks es in activity of Tao character stics of tne U- Va osorbin: material obtained in this Stud:r differ from those reported by rd Hunter (1962) iso- f‘; C’- O *‘5 m o "d O (D C’- (7 9) c!- (D f.) arved Aerooacter aerosenes '4 ('3 c!- (T) Q. (4 I *1 f) c P' C) ’3 F” {‘1 F.) F "S P x") c+ w th an absorption peak near 260 mu. The compound ('1 was considered to be adenosire triplmo pr ate (ATP). However, this material could not account for all of the U-V adsorption. Str nge and Shon (19 64) ootained a comp un‘ assor sing ra::inally at 255 mu from heated Aerowacter aergjenes that posses.ed characteristics of deaninated hypoxanthine. DeLsmater et. al. (1958) leached a susst:.nce fro: suspensions of sacillus " ”'. n4. 4. , _’ _~.\, g< * ' ph 7.0 case ratios at 23'3200 and 2o0:2c0 nu mere 3 0.89 and O. 50 respectively. Ko loss of -bsorption {a 78 occurred upon dialysis and gyilol' is and cT:1roma- ocrophy yielded the four :.ucleo tides present in KIA. flourish and Xorr (1 957) oatain d extracts from a -I " al.- 11- Q A ‘n4' qr’.‘ - emotical_j disrupted “sot osacter tluu u u strong .‘ l h . . .n. , .,- . .. - . .0 A suzstlnce was dEb ected in lPOZEA suspCASions oi E. 001i. ‘Dfir L122? 8:8.6570 61.26; 1405.8 (1963) t1-8.t slad ..¢a::imum 3 adsorption Lear 260 mu. The 3; se rtm tics o: the con- / -~- f‘. < \ 9 \‘N‘ pound at 250:_oO add 2oO:2cO mu were O.o9 add 0.49 1 ' K. .,.I r- '5 ‘1. T;e Jase ratios at 250:2o0 and 380:260 01 tde J- L-V mote iol obtained from g. coli in this study .1. were 0. SO ord 0.50 respectivel". While these are in agrecmcgt 11th tlcse once inc; by DeLamater for 1'1 3:c_i us mobstcritza and Lir -deberg for‘ oli, up 4.1“... .~‘ - ' »~- "tn” ‘- n ‘. o. ,2 .o 4. tier do act a ree mica tuose ootsincu ior noterial “resent in extracts IFOL Aorooacter thut were used in “ . § 1 ,'- 5" \‘H L v ‘A .1, ’- . ‘ ‘- \ r t;-is stucy. A reeszielw seems to .Je on 5' witn tne Lani— mum sasorotion wavelenctn. ‘ 4. ' H' v.a r- _ .2 _ . AOSZJCH founl not dialysis re sulted ii a loo [0 P1? .0 1, J.'..." n .0 ,... 0 -o J.‘ .4. ,. .4. Ci tne Solulhldtln. acti‘v 'iuy Oi @163"c.Cu. 4.36 L socctrophotonetric result: of 2crvs> rated extracts '5 in this study sho”ed the essence c: any absorption peak in th U-V region. These data are in oo‘osition 1.. with the results of DeLamater nhO reported no loss 7'." the extract. It ausears the n that the d- V material is not tne sane. Since DeLamater obtained the four nucleotides ( "J 01 ext 111 23A upon L"drolysis, it V eems unlikely that the product present in the extract obtained from E. coli that absorbs U-V is RIA. diitiozlal evidence ajafnst tne froduct being 33A is feund in the fractionation procedure. Io U—V material was present in tLe TCA-insoluole frac- tion. Althoujh LIA is insoluole in cold TCA, log'f llen (1:33) resorted an acid-soluble material absorsin; at 260 mu released from E; coli when peni— cillin was added to growing cultures. However, roduct was never identified. Le characterization of the U-Va sorainc material as adenOCine re :oph sphate (AR?) was made on the basis of its solugility in oar i‘un and th ratio 01 the 39.363511 -ar:3nosuuase. The phospliat e concentration -as determ ned oy a seven-minute hydrolvsis in HCl U which we Jld liberate the phosphate groups. .ny in— crease during this hylrolysis would be attributed to the pres enc~ Since no ( D O D- l) p. ' _Jo I O H 0 d *‘5 H I J .3” O 'J (‘3 d‘ (D D) C e was concluded (4‘- increase was obtained, a monopnospne as seine present. ( Tne position of tne uh senate group on the pentose nae seen sLown b0 affect the speed of color develOpment in tr e orcinol reaction. Aloaum and 59:! Unbreit (1347) used this as a method for aiiferenti- 3 - —.- .. ' and 3 linkages. Jith 3' linkages, I ating between 5 maxinun color developnent is attained after approxi— rttely 1 hour a 100 C, whereas wit maximum color devel paent is attained after 15 minutes. Lo increase was evident upon continued neatin of the tubes duriny this deternin cztion. Consequently, it was concluC.ed that th nLospnate was linked to the pentose in a 5' position. From the spectrophotometric data, concentration of pen‘ose and phosphate, and the rate of color development, t1-e corr ound was considered to be adenosine nonsphosphate (ALP). ‘n otner data SUCfeSt that REA is not pre- sent as the U-V ass orbin; material, it does provide a model that fits a 131:1 “atio of base:su phate. Ho ever, the results obtained wi zyne ribonuclea se strongly indi ate tha not present. rm, in material that is apparently considered to be protein might be pep ide. ince no absorption peaks were noticed in the region of 280 mu, which is specific for proteins, it is possible that no protein is present or el se tne protein lacks the amino acids that ive the char elis tic a.3sorption peak-- tyrosine and tryptOphane..The Folin reagent 81 is 10-20 times more sensitive then absorption at 2C0 nu which could so ount lor ne detection colori- v-v- .- ‘-9 ‘fiA q.“ r‘ '1‘: etri sally dd net of absorption. vim, -. ~‘, - 1 —. j v-- ‘. _.4- gnoretic psworn ostlinee -ron the entracts was al- 5.3 :3 I. :3] ’. . 1 . ' ~,—~ ‘1 .J- ,A "_. ways tne sale. lizis uld l-lCl._LCS.L.G tnat t--e mate " f‘, 4' l‘ ‘V‘ f‘ l .1 .6 D n -. "A 4 A .~~ _ w“ tnat leans as a result Cl ireesin; comes from sene cell structure that has a dc fin nite composition. If ‘ '1 r... n 4m. . .. a1- '1 a... .. tne lealuge 0. use protein-line materi ai a...e from 1 -,.£‘ .'. .— .--¢- 1 J-‘ «A . ~ y. . ihQiCCli:.inube sites, tnen an array of patterns would have been obtained. The ribosome would be one . ‘ 4... J... .2‘- 4. . " .,‘ .. 1A0. :4. secs cell structure that would possess a delinitc . 4L: ., ..': ‘ .1 4.‘ . , w, cospotitlon “lion :lVCS furtner evidence tnat this In L.-‘ 9-1" V‘ $‘V‘r‘ ’- v w is u“: stru0nnx:iltolvcd. From these data, it is concluded that the fie ts cf freezin" are due to an increased per- meability of the cell membran and the lea age of material from the cell as a result of the dis- sociation of some cell structure with a defin to composition. SUMHARX Differen percentages of viable cells were ob- tained when suspensions of hieroor anisms were frozen C at ~67 C for four hours and thawed. Survival depended upon the nature of the suspen 113 menstruum. Cells suspended in phosphate buffer solutions (0.53) sur- vived better than cells suspended in 0.85% saline A solution. Crushing as a result of ice formation was elimi- nated as a factor since very few cells were lost upon solidification of the menstruum. The most drastic re- duction in numbers occurred after 1 hour of freezing with no appreciable loss obtained during subsequent The rate of thawing frozen suspensions contri- buted to the decrease in viable numbers. A slow thaw was more detrimental tha a fast thaw. Death of the microorganisns was accompanied by the release of cell constituents into the suspending medium. These products consisted of a protein-like substance, pentose, and a substance that absorbed ultraviolet light. 30 deoxypentose could be detected and paper chromatography showed no free amino acids. Leakare of cell constituents indicated that a per- \a meability control mechanism was affected. A corre- 82 83 lation existed between the perc n age of survivors and the concentration of tne leakage products in the suspending medium.. Absorption spectra of extracts obtained from frozen suspensions of microorganisms showed that the ultraviolet absorbing material had a maximum absorp- tion at 25 mu. Additional spectra of treated extracts showed that the ultraviolet absorbing material was heat-stable, dialyzable, could be adsorbed from solution on Iorit, and could be eluted from tn- Eorit. The reported activity of the cell extract appears to be related with the ultraviolet absorbing material. Fractionation of cell extracts yielded four fractions and absorption spectra of these fractions demonstrated that the ultraviolet absorbing material was recovered in the barium soluble fraction. The behavior of the ultraviolet absorbing material during fractionation lead to the conclusion that this material :as not REA. Later tests with ribo- .54 nuclease confirmed this conclusion. The ratio of the basezsugarzphosphate, obtained by physical and chemical means, most nearly approxi- 1 .ated tnose for adenosine monophosphate. Tie relation- 2 ship between the rate of color development of the pentose in the orcinol test and the Losition of the phosphate linhare indicated that the phosphate was k. 81+ linked to the pentose in the 5' position. aiectrophor ”l of cell extracts obtained from .e*orenes presented patterns Lg 0) *3 both E. coli and g. that differed in both the n‘aber and position of bands. However, the same pattern was obtained for each extract in every instance intimatin J- - 4-. 1 up, bro 1 0 ° .. =5 -n the cell was aiiected by ireesin . Tn U) ( .7 (Q'- J. protection afforded by magnesium salts and tne de- tr Liienta l e fect of citrate and sodium paralleled the behavior reported for isolate d ribosomes. LITERATURE CITE Albaum, 3.3., an .J. Umbreit. 1947. 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