A TECHNIQUE FGR 1W WECEFECATEON QF VAREAELH RELATENG 7’0 ELECTMC; E‘QWER NETWORKS must: for ”to Degree cf pl). D. WCEEGAN SHTE WHY ' Maurice rWoIIa 1966 Tunas; W 7 ’1 It! LIBRARY Michigan State University f‘ This is to certify that the thesis entitled A TECHNIQUE FOR THE SPECIFICATION OF VARIABLES RELATING TO ELECTRIC POWER NETWORKS presented In; Maurice Wolla has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph. D. Electrical Engineering degree in A»). \IM’RLVLO Major professor Date May 2: 1966 0-169 A TECHNIQUE FOR THE SPECIFICATION OF VARIABLES RELATING TO ELECTRIC POWER NETWORKS by . .'_ . l‘ I , f r‘ C‘ I Maurice Wolla AN ABSTRACT Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOC TOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Electrical Engineering 1966 ABSTRACT A TECHNIQUE FOR THE SPECIFICATION OF VARIABLES RELATING TO ELECTRIC POWER NETWORKS by Maurice Wolla To effectively plan the current operation as well as the future expansion of electric power systems requires a knowledge of the operating characteristics of the existing and/or proposed systems. Analysis of a class of power system studies utilized in determining the electrical characteristics of a. power system indicates that these studies are essentially problems in the analysis of electric networks. These studies differ from problems in "conventional" network analysis primarily in two aspects: (1) the size and complexity of the network under consideration, and (Z) the type of initial problem specifications. The availability of digital computers has alleviated, but not eliminated, difficulties associated with the size of the network. Problems associated with the initial specification of variables are more fundamental in nature and must be considered within the framework of the network equations since it is mandatory that inconsistencies are avoided. It is logical that a re-examination of the variable specification aspect of these network studies should originate at the level of the correlating graph and associated primary system of equations since they constitute the foundation for electric network theory. MAUR ICE WOLLA The w-domain graph correlates of the networks under consideration are comprised of two general types of elements: relation elements (F-elements) and no-relation elements (N- elements); the latter type is characterized by a lack of any fixed interrelation between the associated V and I variables and furthermore neither of these variables is specified initially. The resulting primary system of equations is homogeneous in form and certainly consistent. Properties of subgraphs of F- elements are subsequently utilized to define classifications of the N-elements such that either, neither, or both of their associated variables can be assigned arbitrary values with no danger of introducing inconsistencies. The investigation clearly indicates that a multiplicity of N-element classification patterns exist for a given graph and provides the basis for new and more general approaches to the analysis of electric networks—- particularly those problems in which it is desired to maintain prescribed operating conditions . A TECHNIQUE FOR THE SPECIFICATION OF VARIABLES RELATING TO ELECTRIC POWER NETWORKS by Mauri c e W ollla A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOC TOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Electrical Engineering 1966 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author expresses appreciation to his thesis advisor, Dr. Myril B. Reed, for his invaluable insight, advice, and guidance throughout the author's graduate program and in the preparation of this thesis, and to the members of his guidance committee for their counsel during the entire program of graduate study. In addition, the author gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness to the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Division of Engineering Research of Michigan State University, the United States Steel Foundation, and the Ford Foundation for their generous support during various phases of this investigation and the author's graduate program ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1. Background........... ..... 1 1.2. Load or Power-Flow Studies. . . . . . . 5 1.3. Another Viewpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 1. 4. A Variable Specification Problem in Network Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Chapter 2. SYSTEMS OF HOMOGENEOUS, LINEAR, ALGEBRAIC, CONSTANT -COEFFICIENT EQUATIONS-00000000000000coo. 15 2.1. Definitions and Fundamental Properties . 15 2. 2. The Complete Solution for a System of HolacEquations 18 2. 3. The Complete Solution -- Another VieWpOinteeoeoooeeeeeoooo 27 Z. 4. Interrelating the Two Viewpoints . . . . 32 Chapter 3. GENERAL PROPER TIES OF SYSTEMS OF NETWORK EQUATIONS . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.1. IntrOdUCtlonoooo-o0000-00-00 36 3. 2. Characterization of the Graph Elements . 39 3.3. Circuit and Seg Equations . . . . . . . . 43 3.4. Primary Systems of Equations. . . . . . 48 3. 5. I-Explicit Primary Systems Associated Wlth Power Networks 0 o o o o o o o o o 51 Chapter 4. MAXIMUM TERM RANK SUBMATRICES OF AND CORRESPONDING F-ELEMENT SUB RAPHS. O O C O O O I O O O O O O O O I O O 67 4.1. Introduction------ooco-ooooo 67 4.2. The Binet-Cauchy Formula. . . . . . . . 7O 4. 3. Nonsingular Submatrices of the Complete Incidence-seg Matrix . and Corresponding Subgraphs. . . . . . 73 4. 4. Maximum Term Rank Submatrices of and Corresponding Subgraphs . . . 82 4. 5. F om Subgraphs to Maximum Term Rank SmeatI‘lceS o o o o o o o o o o o o 93 iii Chapter 5. COMPLETE SOLUTIONS FOR THE PRIMARY SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS. ..... 5.1. Subgraphs and Feasible Proper Partitions . . C . C C C . O O O C O O C 5. 2. Particular Solutions and Specification ofVariables.............. 5. 3. Applications in the Analysis of Electric Power Networks. . . . . . . . . . 5.4. Example. . . Chapter 6. SUMMARY AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH . . . . . . . . . . 6°1'SummarYoeoeoooooooooo 6. 2. Suggestions for Further Research . BIBLIOGRAPHY iv Page 96 96 100 103 109 127 127 128 130 Figure l. 2.1. 3.5.1. 4.4.1. 4.4.2. 5.3.1. 5.4.1. 5. 4. 2. 5. 4. 3. 5. 4. 4. 5. 4. 5. 5. 4. 6. 5. 4. 7. 5. 4. 8. 5. 4. 9. 5. 4.10. 5.4.11. LIST OF FIGURES General Representation of a (M+l)-node Power Network Diagram. . . . . . . . . . Graph Correlate of a Power Network . . . . Vertex Partition Allowable Subgraphs, m ‘- Illustration of Zoning Technique . . Interconnection Diagram for Transmission Network . . Key to Symbols . . . . . . Nodal Diagram - Zone 1 Nodal Diagram - Zone 2 . . . . Nodal Diagram - Zone 3 . . . . Nodal Diagram - Zone 4 . . . . Nodal Diagram - Zone 5 . . . . F-Element Subgraph . . . . . . ....... Subgraphs which Satisfy the 6-Tree Pair criteria 0 C C O . C O O O O O O O O O O Subgraph which Satisfies the 7-tree Pair Criteria . F-Element Subgraph from Zone 4 .. . . . . . Page 60 86 89 105 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 121 121 122 124 Chapter 1 INT RODUC TION l. 1. Background Planning the current Operation and future expansion of a modern-day electric power system is a complex task and one of ever-increasing importance. These systems have grown from small, independent, local units at the turn of the century to the vast, interconnected ”pools" Of today - with still larger interconnections prOposed for the future1'4. It soon became apparent that the ability to Operate the small utilities successfully based primarily upon past experience was not adequate to COpe with the problems associated with these rapidly expanding systems. Advances in analysis and control techniques coupled with the availability of digital and analog computers have provided the system planners of today with the Opportunity to study and plan the Operation of these large-scale power systems. Considerable effort has been directed toward the complete automation of system planning and Operations-9. The components of an electric power system can be divided into three general categories: (1) the generating 2 stations, (2) the transmission and distribution network, and (3) the loads. The basic Operating problem is to schedule the generating stations so as to supply the total load demand, plus losses within the transmission and distribution network, in a manner consistent with dependable and economical performance Of the power system. The planning phase is necessary to insure that the power system has adequate generating capacity and transmitting capability to meet the constantly growing load demands. The effective planning Of the current Operation and future expansion Of a power system requires a knowledge of the performance characteristics of the existing and/or prOposed systems. The very nature of a power system precludes any possibility of "laboratory testing" the actual system as is commonly done with many types of physical systems. Thus the system planners must devise an adequate model for the system and subsequently determine the performance characteristics of this model. The validity of the models used in such system studies is tested by correlating the performance characteristics determined from the model with those obtained from observations made on the actual system. The investigations of this paper relate to those phases of power system studies which are primarily concerned with the steady-state electrical characteristics of the power system. These studies utilize a single-phase network representation of the power system and in general they require a complete steady- state solution for the network, 1. e. voltages, currents, real and reactive powers, power factor, etc. at various points within the network. Thus, these studies are essentially problems in network analysis. However they differ from the "conventional" problems in network analysis in a number of respects. The network to be analyzed is considerably larger and more complex than one might encounter in other areas. In addition, it has generally been the case in the past that the entire network must be considered as a unit for the purposes of analysis. In contrast many communication and control systems are often analyzed on a "piece-meal" basis since signals are channeled along desired paths by the use of uni-lateral devices and/or filtering. Thus as the size of a power system increases due to expansion and inter- connection the additional complexity itself presents a formidable problem and it magnifies the need for a better understanding of the fundamental concepts involved in the analysis of the associated network. Perhaps the most significant difference in this type of study is related to the manner in which the initial problem specifications are given. 4 In power system studies of the type under consideration the specifications are stated in terms of real and reactive powers and voltage magnitudes, whereas the foundations of network theory have been deveIOped with voltages and currents 104 1. Quantities as fundamental or primary variables such as real and reactive power are consequently considered as derived or secondary variables since they are defined in terms of the primary variables. Thus for any particular network element the inter-relation (complex number form) between. the voltage V, current I, real power P, and reactive power Q, is given by the following relation: P+jQ,=v1* (1.1.1) or P = Re {v1*} (1.1.2) O = Im {v1*} (1.1.3) Here one notes that on the one hand if V, I are known, then P and Q are determined; on the other hand, however, if P, Q are known, then neither V nor I is determined. This change in the specification of variables causes considerable difficulty in the attempt to determine a complete network solution. A specific example of this type of problem is considered in a later section. Originally it was felt that the performance of a power system could be best predicted through the use of a miniaturized system commonly referred to as a network analyzer. How- ever, in recent years the digital computer has replaced the network analyzer as the primary tool for large-scale power system studies. By its very nature the digital computer is a more versatile and flexible device. Moreover, it is capable of handling not only all Of the problems which can be solved on the network analyzer, but an almost endless variety of different problems as well. 1. 2. Load or Power-Flow Studies The load or power-flow study exemplifies the general type of problem under consideration in this investigation. A study of this type requires a complete steady-state solution for a single-phase network representation of the power system. The network is made up of generator elements, load elements, and elements corresponding to the inter- connecting transmission and distribution network. The general configuration of this type of network is given in Figure 1. 2. l where the details Of the transmission and distribution network are not shown. For simplicity it is also assumed that each non-reference node is incident to exactly one generator or load element. th gene rator or load element transmis sion and distribution nehnork reference node (ground or neutral bus) Figure 1. 2. 1. General Representation of a (M+l)-node Power Network Diagram. The general nature Of a load or power-flow study can be described as follows?" 12'14: l. The complex number form of the node system of equations for the network of Figure l. 2. 1 can be written as M 1k = - 21 Yann , k=1,2,...,M (1.2.1) 11: where .9k 1k = IIkIeJ (1.2.2) . j¢n vn — anIe (1.2.3) ~0' Ykn- IYknleJ 1‘“ (1.2.4) 7 In the usual load study, three types Of load and generator specifications are considered: A. For all load elements the real and reactive power P+jQ = VI’i‘ (1.2.5) is specified. B. For all generator elements except one, the real power and voltage magnitude P = Re{VI*} and |v| (1.2.6) are specified. C. For the remaining generator element, i. e. the ”slack" generator, the phasor voltage v = |v(eJ'¢ (1.2.7) is specified. The problem then, is to determine a set Of Vk and I k=1, 2, . . . . M, such that the node system k' of equations, (1. 2. l), is satisfied subject to the specifications,(l. 2. 5) through (1. 2. 7), for the appropriate generator and load elements. Once this has been done, then all voltages, currents, real and reactive powers, etc. within the transmission and distribution network can be calculated and the complete solution will have been determined. 8 Unfortunately the load and generator specifications cannot be used directly to obtain a solution to the node system of equations. Rather some form of iteration is used to determine a solution. One such approach proceeds in the following mannerlz'. 1. Initial estimates are made for the Vk' 2. The corresponding Ik’s are found from (1. 2. l), 3. The apprOpriate quantities, (1. 2. 5) through (1. 2. 7) are calculated, compared to the specified values, and the errors are determined, 4. Suitable correction relations are used to determine new estimates for the Vk' Steps 2 through 4 are repeated until (hOpefully) the errors calculated in 3 are less than some prescribed precision index. 2,13,14’ is to Another commonly used technique modify the node equations so as to obtain a system of simultaneous nonlinear equations expressing the real and reactive power for each generator and load element in terms of the generator and load voltages and the node admittance parameters of the transmission system. Since for k=1,2,...,M: Pk+ij = Vka* (1.2.8) then, from (1.2.1) M . _ 9: * Pk+JQk — - nzzlkakn' vn (1.2.9) Also, using (1. 2. 2) through (1.2. 4) Pk +ij = bzglw I I I IV Iej(¢k 44'6an (1.2.10) or Pk = - 112—1|ka IYk nI IVnI cos(k-¢n-trkn) (1. 2.11) ) Qk = 1%: IVkl lYknl IVnl sin (¢k;¢n-¢kn The initial problem specifications can now be inserted directly into any one Of these last three sets of nonlinear "power equations, " (l. 2. 9), (1. 2.10), or (1. 2.11). Each generator element and each load element has four associated variables in this final formulation: . Pk, Qk, I Vkl , (bk ; for each element two of these variables are specified and the remaining two must be determined. Once again an ‘iterative technique is used to determine a solution. In the past the sheer size of the network and the accompanying large number of equations to be solved has been a major-Obstacle in load studies. However, the introduction of the digital computer, as well as specialized programsls' 16, has reduced considerably -- although certainly not eliminated -- this problem. The major difficulties in this type of study are those associated with 10 the iterative methods employed to determine a solution. The key considerations are those relating to existence and multiplicity Of solutions, convergence, rate of convergence, the effect of initial estimates on covergence, etc. In many respects the original problem has been transtrmed from one in network analysis to one in numerical analysis in order to accommodate the initial problem specifications in the form given. Investigations into the problems assoéiated with load studies, as well as other studies of this general type, have been primarily concerned with improving the iterative techniques used to Obtain a solutionlz' 13’ 17-20. As a result Of these efforts computer programs, which are capable of handling large-scale power systems, are avail- able and in use today5'8’ 21. l. 3. Another Viewpoint Studies of the type considered in the preceding section play a major role in predicting the current performance and analyzing the future expansion of a power system. Thus'it is essential that one be able to obtain an accurate numerical solution for a particular study. Moreover, it would be of. considerable benefit to a system planner if the problem formulation and associated solution processes could also be ll utilized as a basis for a theoretical study of the system characteristics. Unfortunately the present problem formulation does not readily lend itself to a theoretical study of system characteristics. Rather, the resulting nonlinear equations tend to shift the emphasis to characteristics of the iterative techniques which are used to obtain a numerical solution for a particular study. A re-examination of the basic structure of a load study, for example, indicates that this study is essentially a problem in the analysis of an electric network and that the major source of difficulty is the form in which the variables for certain elements are specified. In order to avoid nonlinearities at the outset Of the problem it is necessary to reconsider the form in which the variables are specified. Since these are essentially problems in network analysis, it would seem natural to return to the basic structure of network theory and tO give consideration to choosing a form for the variable specifications which is more compatible with the existing theory. Perhaps the most logical choice to consider would be that of the voltage and current variables for an element. This choice can be given initial support by noting that specifying the voltage and current variables for a network element determines the 12 real and reactive power variables for that element - see equations (1. l. 1) through (1. l. 3). Thus this choice would be closely related to the original specifications. Further- more, an extensive body of network theory already exists, in which voltages and currents are considered as fundamental or primary variables, and elements having either their voltage or current variables specified have been considered within this theory. Therefore, consideration of elements having both voltage and current variables specified would be a logical extension of this theory. Also of importance is the fact that this approach provides an orderly and precise formulation technique and thus is well-suited for use in conjunction with the digital computer. Within the area of network analysis little consideration has been given to elements having both voltage and current variables Specified. Undoubtedly this is due to the unlikelihood of finding a correlating physical device in the laboratory. However some consideration has been given to the possibility of synthesizing ”pathological" elements of this type using components such as ideal transformers, ideal gyrators, and 22' 23. IrreSpective of whether or not negative resistances such devices are physically realizable, the fact remains that elements of this type can be useful in theoretical studies. 13 The investigations of this paper are concerned with extending the class Of network elements to include those for which both voltage and current variables are specified and then utilizing these elements in the analysis of electric networks. 1. 4. A Variable Specification Problem in Network Analysis Any investigation into allowable patterns Of element variable specifications must be based upon a study Of the apprOpriate systems of network equations since it is imperative that inconsistencies be avoided. The primary system of network equations“). 16 provides a logical starting point for such a study. This system of equations contains all of the information relative to the element voltage and current variables and ultimately it is the solution of this system of equations which is sought. Chapter II is devoted to summarizing prOperties of systems of homogeneous, linear, algebraic equations with constant coefficients. These equations play a fundamental role in this investigation -- in particular those rank prOperties of the coefficient matrix which define partitions of the variables into dependent and independent sets. Following chapters return to a study of the electric network via the correlating oriented linear graph and 14 associated systems of network equations. Interrelations between subgraphs and the coefficient matrix in the network equations are exploited to interpret rank properties of the coefficient matrix in terms of interconnection patterns of the linear graph and element parameters. In this manner it is possible to determine conditions on the structure of the linear graph and the element parameters such that the graph may contain elements for which both the voltage and current variables can be arbitrarily specified. In addition one finds that still another type of element is required -- one for which neither the voltage nor the current variable is specified and further, the voltage and current variables are not interrrelated in any fixed manner, as is the case for the graph elements correlating with resistors, inductors, and capacitors. Finally, consideration is given to the effect of extending the class of graph elements to include . these new elements. A new approach is suggested for the analysis of large-scale electric networks by utilizing these elements in conjunction with zoning techniques. Chapter 2 SYSTEMS OF HOMOGENEOUS, LINEAR, ALGEBRAIC, CONSTANT-COEFFICIENT EQUATIONS 2. 1. DefinitiOns and Fundamental Properties For reference purposes and to define terminology it is convenient, at this point, to collect certain definitions and fundamental prOperties of homogeneous, linear, algebraic equations with constant coefficients. The proofs of the basic theorems may be found in most texts on matrix theory or linear algebraz‘l.2 , and are not repeated here. In the interest of brevity, and at the same time to be complete, the following abbreviation is us ed: Definition 2. l. l. Holac Equations. The abbreviation holac is us ed to denote homogeneous, linear, algebraic, constant-coefficient. Consider a system of m holac equations in n variables n _ j§l aij xj = 0 , 1=1,2,...,m (2.1-1) or, in matrix form £1: 0 (2.1.2) Definition 2. 1. 2. Rank of a System Of Holac Equations Let the rank of coefficient matrix. a. in (2. 1. 2) be r, then r is said to be the rank of the system (2. l. 2). 15 16 Definition 2. 1. 3. Characteristic Of a System Of Holac Equations Let the rank of the system (2. 1. 2) be r, then the ordered triplet of integers, (m, n, r} is said to be the characteristic of the system (2. 1. 2) and is written wt: 0, {m, n, r,} Definition 2. 1. 4. Linearly Dependent (Independent) Equations The holac equations, QIC= 0, are said to be linearly dependent (independent) if and only if the rows of the coefficient matrix, w, are linearly dependent (independent). Definition 2. 1. 5. Equivalent Systems of Equations Two systems of equations are said to be equivalent systems of equations if every solution of either system is also a solution of the other. Consider a system of holac equations with characteristic {m, n, r} i. e. d1: 0, {m,n, 1'} (2.1.3) Theorem 2. 1. l. A necessary and sufficient condition that (2. 1. 3) have non-trivial solutions is that r 0, then (3. 4. 1) possesses non-trivial solutions and complete sets of independent variables consist of some subsets of n of the element variables. Thus, the number of variables which can be assigned arbitrary values is equal to the number Of N-elements in the graph. Consider- ation of the various combinations of the element variables which could occur within a complete set of independent variables indicates that if V, I, or V and I for an No-element appear within this set then it is possible to replace the 51 No-element by an Ne" Nh" or Nah-element, respectively, with no danger of introducing inconsistencies. In this sense the No-element is used as a "test element" to check whether or not certain patterns of N-elements can be present within a given graph. Furthermore, the number of independent variables is fixed at n regardless of the type of N-elements present; thus, if both variables for one N-element occur in an independnet set then both variables for some other N- element must occur in the dependent set. In a similar manner, if an F-element variable occurs in an independent set then both variables for some N-element must occur within the dependent set. 3. 5. I-Explicit Primary Systems Associated with Power Networks The present section is devoted to a consideration of the w-domain graph correlates of electric power networks of the type discussed in Sections 1. 1 and l. 2. These graphs contain three general types of elements; namely: elements correlating with generators, loads, and the components which comprise the transmission and distribution network. The elements associated with the generators are N-elements, while those associated with the transmission and distribution network are F-elements. Unfortunately the elements 52 corresponding to the loads cannot, in general, be categorized in a clear-cut manner. One is inclined to consider these elements as F-elements and characterize them, in the to -domain, by a complex admittance or impedance. However, more often than not, the load admittance or impedance is either not known or, at best, only partially specified at the outset of a problem. Consequently, these elements do not readily fit into the F-element classification. The specifications for the load elements are Often stated in terms of specified variables such as real and reactive powers; thus they do not immediately fit into the N-element classification, which involves V and/or I specifications. However, based upon the discussion of Section 1. 3, the N-element classification seems more apprOpriate as a general rule. If the load admittance is given, then, as shown next, it is possible to use either classification -- F-element or N-element. Consider an I-explicit primary system for a connected graph Of e elements and v vertices. Let the graph contain n No-elements, and further, suppose that the system of equations has characteristic {Ze-n, 2e, 2e-n} : n e-n n e-n v-l ’- N 1F 0 0 C.) ”"iNT e-v+l 0 0 N 6F 5Q}? e-n o {(F o -%J flN ._ YE L. .J where . complex entries. This system of equations is presented in more do a (3.5.1) F is a non-singular diagonal matrix with tail below in order to cqnsider the most general distribution of element variables within the dependent and independent as ts of a proper partition: ”is? Jim ”am 4N4 “I:1;I_l{l§Z_l§B_N£_F_l_£2_F3J_O_°_° _oI_o_ o- _0_ ran ...1._ EL 3 3 1°_ 1.0.: 344.41.; 44142.3 44. nFlooooFé.looIooooil-Floo ’le anooooIofionIooooIo-fizo 7N2 nF3 o o o 0 I0 0 74.3Io ~o 0 0:0 o—%.3 'flm “ _. £14 VF; frz Lyra where n1+nz+n3+n4 = n, and nFli-an+r1F3 = -n 54 Rearranging the columns to indicate the desired distribution of element variables ream“ t" I/ '- /N1XN2 0 2 Fl 0 I F21? "Q/NZ O 0 N1 N3 0 Fl. 0 F3 71:11 0 o o o ”Flfi‘l: o 0 Wm 0000 OOIFZO F1 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 -%F3_I W171 » . (3. 5. 3) If and only if the coefficient matrix on the left-hand side of (3. 5. 3) is non-singular, then the above partition of the variables is a proper partition into a complete dependent set 55 {‘fl’Nl' ”nil . 7 N2 N3' I 7.4 F1’ F1’ F2’%3'} (3'5”!) and the corresponding complete independent set {7N2 flN3’ 'Q/N4’ 7144’ 7F? £53} - (3.5.5) Suppose that this is the case. Then it is necessary that That is, the number of N-elements having both variables in the dependent set is equal to the number of N-elements having both variables in the independent set plus the number of F-elements having one variable, either V or I, in the independent set. It is noted that it is not possible to have an F-element of the type considered here with both variables in the independent set. However, Specification of either variable for this type of F-element immediately determines the other variable. Thus specifying one variable for an ,,F-element has the same effect as Specifying both variables -- only one of which is arbitrarily chosen. In fact an F-element having one variable in the independent set can also be handled as an N-element with both variables in the independent set -- provided that one assigns values to these variables in a prescribed manner. Consider the coefficient matrix on the left-hand Side of (3. 5. 3.): = 07/722= Jflz L. (3. 5. 7) Since, by hypothesis, the matrix ”A is non—singular then M 11 and 2%22 are non-singular. In fact, due to the nature of ”Z 22, one has thatflb is non-singular if and only if 773“ is non-Singular. Suppose that the last two sets of an + nF3 F-equations in (3. 5. 2) or (3. 5. 3) are deleted; however, the corresponding graph elements are _n_cg deleted -- so the seg and circuit matrices remain unaltered. The only change is that these elements are now classified as N-elements. Thus both the number of equations in the system and the rank of the system are diminished by an + nF3, but the number of variables remains unchanged. Consequently the number of variables in a complete dependent (independent) set is decreased (increased) by “F2 + nF3. If this altered system of equations is now rearranged to include the nFZ variables 57 in oQ’FZ and the “F3 variables in 73:3 in a new set of (potential) independent variables then one obtains (retaining the notation of (3. 5. 2) ): 2 F- N (3. 5. 8) The coefficient matrix on the left-hand Side of (3. 5. 8) is precisely 27111 from (3. 5. 7) and thus has the prOper order and rank if and only if the coefficient matrix fl on the left-hand Side of (3. 5. 3) has the prOper order and rank. 58 Since, by hypothesis, 2h; has the proper order and rank then ~QNl' 7N1, ‘0‘sz N3’ ”aEl'E (3' 5° 9) is a complete set of dependent variables for (3. 5. 8) and {W79 797 N2” iN4’ 7N? F2’ F2’ bQFB’ 711B} .. (3. 5. 10) is the corresponding complete set of independent variables. Although the systems of equations (3. 5. 2) and (3. 5. 8) are neither ichntical nor equivalent systems of equations they are closely related. Every solution of (3. 5. 2) is also a solution of (3. 5. 8) but the converse is not true. However, every solution of (3. 5. 8) for which the variables £172, ”Fa. “0/33. 753 are chosen so that F2 7172 and ”an = %“3 71:3 (3. 5. 11) is also a solution of (3. 5. 2). The transition from (3. 5. 2) to (3. 5. 8) was accomplished by deleting certain F-equations from the primary system of equations; in effect changing the character of the elements involved from F-elements to N-elements, but otherwise leaving the graph unaltered. It is then possible to assign values to the variables associated with these N-elements so as to maintain 59 any desired relationship between them. The admittance coefficients for the ”transformed" F-elements no longer appear within the system of equations; thus it is possible to effectively handle Situations where these coefficients are not completely known, or are variable, without introducing unknown or changing quantitiesinto the coefficient matrix. A distinctive feature of a "per-phase" representation of a power network is the presence of a common node or "ground bus". In particular, within the graph correlate, the N- and F-elements corresponding to the generators and loads are incident to a common vertex--the “reference" vertex. With no loss in generality it is assumed that each non- reference vertex of the graph is incident to exactly one N- element and that all N-elements are also incident to the reference vertex. For the case of a non-generator, non- load vertex, or a load vertex for which the admittance coefficient of the incident load element is known, then the incident N-element can be specified as an Nh-element for which H E 0, i.e., an open-circuit, or possibly an Neh-element for which H "=' 0 and E is an arbitrarily specified complex number. With this assumption the graphs under consideration consist of the union of a v-vertex connected graph of F-elements and a Lagrangian tree of v-l N-elements---see figure 3. 5.1. 60 N-element v-vertex connected graph of elements reference vertex Figure 3. 5.1. Graph Correlate of a Power Network. In the formulation of a primary system Of equations for the graph correlate of a network one has, in general, a variety of basis seg matrices from which to chooselo; in the following sections an incidence—seg matrix a, is used exclusively. There is no loss in generality in this choice, and one has an advantage in that a basis incidence-seg matrix is formed with relative ease from data which is readily available. Furthermore, this matrix is well-suited for formation by a digital computer. 15’ 16 Consider an J-explicit primary system of equations for the v-vertex graph Of Figure 3. 5. l --where n=v-l is the number of N-elements, n is the number of F-elements, the F F-element admittance matrix y} is a complex diagonal matrix, and the subscripts N, F refer to the N-element and F -e1ement subgraphs re Spectively: n nF n nF _ I—°'aNI n I—VF 4F 0 0 'Q/F nF 0 O 5N ”F fN = O, {2nF+n, 2(nF+n), 2nF+n} . nF ° Z{E 0 '%E 7F _. _I _J - (3. 5.12) From (3. 3. 5) £504 N54.][1{N€F1'=.gN+flI. = 0 (3.5.13) or 5N = - a? . (3.5.14) Using the above relation to eliminate KN from (3. 5.12): .. a s 5.91.7 5(N F o 0 .0. F 0 0 ‘4‘F QF «N : 0, { 2nF+n, 2(nF+n), 2nF+n} o ”F o - %. [F (3. 5.15) b "' I. ..l Upon premultiplying the coefficient matrix in (3. 5. l 5) by the following non-singular matrix 0 7E ZCE : 0 W F 0 LQN ‘ 4E yr ‘ 41? (3.5.16) one obtains, after a slight rearrangement Of the variables, the following equivalent system of equations: —- ' hI F Q}. 0 0 ' FaF 7f}. 0 [(F 0 - F ‘QN = 0, {'ZnFi-n, 2(nF+n), 2nF+n} . L0 0 {{N 4F fr 415‘ {N " (3. 5.17) Thus every solution of (3. 5.17) is a solution of (3. 5.12) and conversely. Consider now the last set of n equations in (3. 5.17): [”N 7’] 7N = 0, {n, 2n, n} (3.5.18) N where 7 = a]? % 41:. . First, one notes that each solution of (3. 5.17) certainly determines exactly one corresponding solution of (3. 5.18); second, each solution of (3. 5.18) determines exactly one corresponding solution of (3. 5.17): r— "I r- I £1“ 0 yr 4 F y}; 0 fig" JN j e . (3. 5.19) N {(N 0 %\I q The systems of equations (3. 5.17) and (3. 5.18) are, in a sense, equivalent systems of equations Since each solution of either determines exactly one corresponding solution of the other. Since one of the primary concerns in this investigation is to study the 63 properties of solutions of (3. 5. 12) in terms of the variables associated with the N-elements, then it is appropriate to examine the solutions of (3. 5.18). In order to consider the most general partition of the variables in (3. 5.18) it is necessary to subdivide the set of N- elements into four subsets. Since each N-element is incident to exactly one non-reference vertex then the vertices of the graph are subdivided into five subsets--the reference vertex alone and four additional subsets, each corresponding to a distinct N-element subset incidence - 8 eg matrix: I N1 0 a: o a... I— O 0 0 0 o 0 an" 0 0 an ”N3 0 an i(N4 QF4 and the corresponding changes in (3. 5.18): 2 N2 n3 0 0 ”N3 0 %2 n4 0 O 0 Z(N4 %2 n3 n4 ‘- 713 %4 N3 This necessitates a more detailed partitioning for the (3. 5. 20) = 0 (3.5.21) where fij 64 11 3" ll M4": p—I and n _>_o. ' o o : 4F17F4Fj s 19.]:19 2: 3: 4 Rearranging (3. 5. 21) to indicate the most general partition of the variables: _n1 n2 n1 n3 __ n1 Z{Nl 0 %l %3 n2 0 Z(N2 $1 $3 n3 0 0 31 $3 114 0 O yin %3 E9 1‘ I13 I" 0 0 7.. — 0 OyN4 fi24 ”2 i 2 H ,b. 19$ we” 72 w ,p (3. 5. 22) I—flN; .9 7N 4 Z N 2 ,1; fiLW From Definition 2. 2. 4 it follows that the above partition is a proper partition of the variables in (3. 5.18) if and only if and 7.. 7.. det 741 743 )5 0. If this is the case, then a complete set of dependent variables consists of the n variables: M4 7..7..} (3.5.23) (3. 5. 24) (3. 5. 25) 65 and the corresponding complete set of independent variables consists of the n variables: (firm, 9N4, 74m, /} . (3.5.26) N4 At this point the characterization of the N-elements can be Specified with no danger of introducing inconsistencies; i. e. , the graph can be considered to contain nl No-elements, n2 Ne-elements, n3 Nh-elements, and n4 Nah-elements. AS noted earlier, the condition 111 = n4 requires that for each Neh-element in the graph there must also be a distinct No- element. Moreover, there is a stronger and more useful inter- relation between the Neh-elements and the NO-elements in a graph. Since yin (3. 5.18) is a symmetric matrix, then in (3. 5. 21): _ t . . _ y”. _ %i 1,, _ l,2,3,4. (3.5.27) 731 733 9'13 %4 det - det (3. 5.28) Hence, 74173 73 7 However the necessary and sufficient conditions for {‘Q’Nz' “QN4’ 7N? Z94} (3' 5° 29) to be a complete set of dependent variables for (3. 5. 21) are that r11 = r14 and that the second determinant in (3. 5. 28) be non-zero. Therefore, the set of variables in (3. 2. 25) is a complete set of 66 dependent variables for (3. 5. 21) if and only if the set of-variables in (3. 5. 29) is also. Consequently, within a given allowable classification of the N-elements of a graph into the No-, Ne-s Nb" and Neh-classes, it is possible to interchange the NO- and Neh-classifications. It is worthwhile to note once again that although the preceding discussion is concerned with the variables within a system of equations, it is the cofficient matrix which actually contains the necessary information and properties. In the next chapter these properties of the coefficient matrix are "reflected" back into corresponding properties of the graph. Chapter 4 MAXIMUM TERM RANK SUBMATRICES OF AND CORRESPONDING F-ELEMENT SUBGR HS 4. 1. Introduction In the preceding chapters rank properties of the coefficient matrix are used to define a prOper partition of the variables with- in a system of holac equations. In Section 3. 5 this definition is applied to a general partition of the variables within a system of holac equations associated with the graph correlate of an electric network: I— _ [(6.1% VO/N =0. {n.Zn.n} (4.1.1) 7.. _. _I y, : 4F %F 41; (4.1.2) Of the resulting necessary and sufficient conditions for the where partition of (3. 5. 22) to be a proper partition, the first, (3. 5. 23), insures that the appropriate submatrices have the proper orders, while the second condition, (3. 5. 24), requires that a certain minor from det7/ does not vanish. In a particular case this minor can be evaluated and the corresponding partition checked. Although this procedure provides a definite test, it gives little insight into the reasons why a particular partition either passed or failed the test. 67 68 Now , and hence all properties of yfare dependent solely upon the subgraph of F-elements and the associated F-element admittance coefficients; in (4. 1. 2), £1, can be construed as a basis incidence-seg matrix of order (v-l) by nF for the connected v-vertex, nF-element subgraph of F-elements, and %F is 'the ' diagonal matrix of the F-element admittance coefficients. The partitioning of the N-element variables, as in (3. 5. 22), identifies the corresponding minor from day which must be tested, but this is the extent of the effect of the N-elements in the partitioning and testing process. The following sections of this chapter are devoted to examining the composition of the matrix ?’ in (4.1. 2) in order to establish interrelations between subgraphs of F-elements and non-vanishing minors of det%. In general the expansion of a minor involves a summation of terms; thus a minor can vanish for one of two reasons-~each term in the summation is zero, or the non-zero terms are such that their summation is zero. If the minor does not vanish then the summation of necessity contains non-vanishing terms. As shown later, the presence or absence of non-vanishing terms in the expansion of a minor of det7’ is directly related to the existence or non-existence, respectively, of certain subgraphs of F-elements. In anticipation of this result the following terminology is introduced:30 Definition 4. 1. 1. Term Rank of a Matrix The term rank of a matrix is the order of the greatest minor containing a non-vanishing term in its expansion. 69 The following theorems can be utilized to check the term rank of a matrix: Theorem 4.1. l. The expansion of the determinant of a square matrix m of order r contains non-vanishing terms if and only if any k rows of ”Z include non-vanishing entries mij from at least k columns, k: 1, 2, ..., r. Theorem 4.1. 2. The term rank of a square matrix of order r is less than r if and only if there exists a zero Sub- matrix of order m by n with m+n> r. If a square matrix of order r has term rank r then its determinant may be non-zero for some sets of values for the entries or possibly for all sets of non-zero values for the entries. If the term rank is less than r, then the determinant vanishes for all sets of values for the entries. Consider a minor of order r from det . In either case-- direct evaluation of the minor, or determination of the rank of the corresponding submatrix using Theorem 4.1. l or Theorem 4. 1. 2 it is necessary to form the matrix % or at least the appropriate submatrix, in order to test it; as the size and complexity of the graph increases the formation of the matrix itself becomes a Significant problem. Furthermore this process provides no explicit information about the properties of the graph itself in relation to the partitioning problem although the graph of F-elements determines the properties «7 70 4. 2. The Binet-C auchy Formula A generalization of the Binet-C auchy formula25 provides a technique to establish an interrelation between subgraphs of F-elements and non-vanishing minors of det : Let fl,g be matrices of order r by n and n by q respectively, and let 8 =Qi. Consider an arbitrary minor of order m from dete: 2' m (4.2.1) where 1 n: J13J2,000,Jm 71 Now, let a0 = FfiF (4.2.4) and consider any minor of order m, l _<_ m E v-l, from det? where is given in (4.1. 2). Applying the Binet-Cauchey formula, (4. 2. 2), twice: igigooo,i 1,5. ,...,i det .11.; . = 2 detZ 1.11:2 km Jl’J2"'°’Jm lgkl (4.3.3) 3‘ E m has rank m if and only if Em contains no circuits. Consider an arbitrary m by m submatrix of 4a, limfivo-l: . . 0 V 11,12,00031m m a 2 a (4.3.4) a . . . a E Jl’JZ’...,Jm m 76 where Vrn = {vil'vi2"'°’vim} (4.3.5) E = {e.l,e } . (4.3.6) m j j2"'°’ejm Theorems 4. 3.1 and 4. 3. 2 provide necessary conditions for the submatrix (4. 3. 4) to be nonsingular. Theorem 4. 3. l is certainly satisfied; if the subgraph Em contains no circuits then the Sub- matrix, (4.3.3), of order vo bym has rank m. Therefore there exists at least one mxm submatrix of (4. 3. 3) which is nonsingular. However this nonsingular submatrix may or may not be the one in (4. 3. 4). The following theorem gives necessary and sufficient conditions, in terms of the subgraph Em and the vertex set Vm’ such that the submatrix (4. 3. 4) is nonsingular: Theorem 4. 3. 3. If and only if: (1) Em contains no circuits, and (2) each part of Ern contains exactly one vertex v*€ V(Em) such v*)é Vm, then the submatrix (4. 3. 4) is non- singular. Proof: Let Em and Vm be given, where the subgraph Em consists of m elements, p parts, and the vertex set V(Em) contains x vertices. Let the i-th part of Em contain mi elements and x1 vertices, where m1+m2+...+mp : In (4.3.7) xl-t-x2+...+xp = x (4.3.8) 77 since a part and its complement have no elements or no vertices in common. (a) Sufficient. Let Em contain no circuits and each part of Em contain exactly one vertex v* 6 V(Em) such that v* f Vm' Because Em contains no circuits, then each part of Em contains no circuits and: mi-Xi+l : 0 i=l,zgooo,p (40309) 01' xi = mi+l i=1,2,...,p. (4.3.10) Each part of Em contains exactly one vertex v* f Vm' thus each part contains exactly mi vertices from Vm. From (4. 3. 7) it follows that Vm is a proper subset of V(Em). Construct an incidence-seg matrix 4i of order mi by mi for the i-th part of Em; the omitted row corresponding to that vertex of part i which is not a member of Vm. Since each part is a tree then the rank of ai is mi. By proper ordering of the elements and vertices, an incidence-seg matrix, a *, for Em can be written as a block diagonal matrix: . (4.3.11) * Hence, a is an mxm matrix and has rank m. The no rows of * a5: a correspond to the vertices in Vm, the m columns of a 78 correspond to the m-elements in Em, and aa<:m) = 744*76 (4.3.12) where W , )6 are conformable permutation matrices and thus nonsingular. Therefore, 4a (Em) is nonsingular. (b) Necessary. V m Let aa (Em ) be nonsingular. Since a nonsingular matrix contains m no zero rows or columns, then every vertex in Vm is incident to at least one element of Em and each element of Em is incident to at least one vertex from V . Thus V is a subset of V(E ). m m m Further, the columns of this submatrix are linearly independent, thus Em contains no circuits and x = m+p. (4.3.13) Therefore Vm is a proper subset of V(Em), and V(Em) must contain exactly p distinct vertices which are not members of Vm. There exist permutation matrices fl and 7&4 such that - _ O. 0 “413741404 33 L P. (4. 3. 14) where the mi columns of “1 correspond to the elements of Em in part i and the rows of 41 correspond to the vertices of Vm in part i -- note that at this time the number of rows in 41 is not 79 known to be mi. Suppose that all of the mi+l vertices of part i are members of Vm' Then 41 is a complete incidence-seg matrix for part i and thus the rows of ai are linearly dependent. Therefore the rows of da (Vm are linearly dependent and the Em V matrix is singular. As aa (ELI-11) is nonsingular then gag}; part of Em must contain at least one vertex which is not a member of Vm. But V(Em) contains exactly p vertices which are not members of Vm; since each of the p parts must contain at least one, then each part of Em must contain exactly one vertex which is not a member of Vm' q. 8. d. Subgraphs which contain no circuits, such as Em in Theorem 4. 3. 3, are closely related to another class of subgraphs which are defined as follows:32 Definition 4. 3. l. k-tree A k-tree, Tk’ of a vo-vertex part Go is a subgraph of Go which contains k parts, all v0 vertices of Go , and no circuits. (Note: in this definition one must allow the possibility that a part may consist of an isolated vertex.) Theorem 4. 3. 4. 32 Let Go be a part with vo vertices, then: (1) A k-tree of (30 contains vo-k elements, 15k: v0; (2) A subgraph of Go which contains vo vertices, vO-k elements, and no circuits is a k-tree of Go. Thus, if V(Em) = Vo then Em is a (vo-m)-tree of Go; if V(Em) 80 is a proper subset of V0, then Em differs from a (vo-m)-tree by a set of isolated vertices--namely those vertices of V0 which are not contained in V(Em). Definition 4. 3. 2. Basis for a k-tree The subgraph of a k-tree T consisting of the vo-k k elements is designated as the basis for that k-tree and denoted by T Ev _k). k( 0 Theorem 4. 3. 5. Let G() be a part containing vo vertices then any subgraph of Go containing vo-k elements, 1_<_ k: v() , and no circuits is the basis for some k-tree of GO. In order to characterize the subgraphs of Theorem 4.3. 3, which correspond to nonsingular submatrices of the complete incidence- seg matrix, one additional concept is required: Definition 4. 3. 3. k-tree pair Let G be a part containing v vertices, and V 0 O ”VG-k and E be any subset of v -k distinct vertices and v -k vo-k o .. 0 distinct elements of Go’ respectively. {Vvo-k’ Eve-k} is said to be a k-tree pair if and only if Evo-k is the basis for some k-tree Tk’ and each part of T (EV _k) contains exactly one o k vertex v* such that v* is not a member of VV -k . 0 Therefore Theorem 4. 3. 3 can be restated as follows: 81 Theorem 4. 3. 6. &a (Vin) is nonsingular if and only if { V , E } E m m m is a (vo-m)-tree pair. For a given eo -element, vo-vertex part Go it is of interest to determine the number of (vo-m)-tree pairs that exist for either a fixed set of m vertices of Go or a fixed set of m elements of 60' where 1 _<_ m: vo-l . Theorem 4. 3. 7. Let Vm be any fixed set of m distinct vertices of Go’ 1 j m: vo-l, and let nE be the number of distinct sets of m elements of GO, Emi , for which {Vm, Emi} is a (vo-m)-tree pair, then v E nE: det{ da( m> fi;< °> }. (4.3.15) E0 vm Proof: Using the Binet-C auchy formula: V V Em- m I det { a m Q' 0 } = Z? detd detd 1 a a V E a E a v o m mi mi m (4. 3.16) V = z {det4a< m) }‘2 (4. 3.17) where Em ranges over all distinct m-element combinations of the 1 82 e0 elements of Go' The determinant in (4. 3.17) has the value +1, or -1, if. and only if { Vm, Emi} 18 a (vo-m)-tree pair and hence the result follows. The following theorem is proved in a similar manner: Theorem 4. 3. 8. Let Em be any fixed set of m elements of Go, 1 S m : vo-l, and let nV be the number of distinct sets of m distinct vertices of Go’ Vmi, for which {Vmi' Em} is a (vo-m)-tree pair, then E v nvzdet{d’;< m) aa( °> } . (4.3.18) vo E m As a direct consequence of theorem 4. 3. 2: Corollar_y 4. 3. 9. The number nV in Theorem 4. 3. 8 if zero if and only if Em contains a circuit. 4. 4. Maximum Term Rank Submatrices of yand Corresponding Subgraphs Necessary and sufficient conditions for an arbitrary m by m submatrix of 7’ to have term rank m are stated in Theorem 4. 2.1 in terms of nonsingular submatrices of an incidence-seg matrix. If this theorem is combined with Theorem 4. 3. 6 these conditions can be stated in terms of properties of subgraphs. Let Go be a part containing nF F-elements and v0 vertices; consider an arbitrary m by m submatrix,, 1 _<_ m : vo-l, from the matrix yin (4.1. 2): 83 i1, 12, o o o 3 1m . . . (4. 4.1) J1, J2, o o o ,J The relation (4.2. 9) establishes a correspondence between the row and column indices in (4. 4.1) and two sets of row indices from the incidence-seg matrix; thus one can associate two sets of m distinct vertices from Go with the submatrix in (4. 4.1): Vmi : {Vil’ vi2’ "" vim} (4°4°2) and ij = {vjl, vjz, vjm} . (4.4.3) Theorem 4. 4.1. The mbym submatrix v < mi) (4. 4. 4) Vm. J in (4. 4. 1) has term rank m if and only if there exists at least one m-element subgraph E of G such that {V E } and m o m m.’ 1 {Vm_.: Em} are both (vO-m)-tree pairs for CO. V Corollary 4. 4. 2. The m by m submatrix V(Vmi) has m. V term rank m if and only if 7(ij has term rank m. J mi Although Theorem 4. 4. 1 relates term rank to properties of subgraphs it is instructive to examine the stated conditions in more detail in order to extract additional information characterizing the type of subgraph Em meeting these requirements. 84 The basis incidence-seg matrix a]? in (4.1. 2) is derived from the complete incidence-seg matrix 4a by deleting the row corresponding to the reference vertex r0; thus r0 is never contained in either Vm or Vm, . Therefore, for a given Vm i J i and ij , the vertex set of G0: VO = {v1. v2. .... VVo'l' r0} . (4.4.5) is partitioned into these proper subsets: an Vm- , and the subset 1 J consisting of all vertices of V0 which are not contained in either V or V The latter subset always contains at least one mo' mi J member--the reference vertex r0. Although Vm. contains m distinct vertices, as does ij , it is possible for the composition of these two sets to vary from that of identical sets to that of disjoint sets. If the vertex sets VIni and Vm. are identical, then it is necessary and sufficient that there existls an m—element subgraph Em such that {Vmi’ Em} is a (vo-m)-tree pair: Em must contain no circuits and each part of Em must contain exactly one vertex which is not contained in V For a given graph Go’ and m.° 1 a given vertex set V these conditions can be applied and it can m-' 1 be determined whether or not one or more allowable subgraphs exist. Alternately, one could utilize (4. 3.15) to determine nE, the number of m-element subgraphs such that { VmJ E } isa v 1 m (vb-m)-tree pair. Hence the term rank of 7(Vmi) is m if m. 1 and only if nE )4 0. 85 If the vertex sets Vm and Vm~ are not identical, then i J Go must be searched for allowable m-element subgraphs such that both {Vmi, Em} and {V Em} are (vo-m)-tree pairs. m.' J Unfortunately no formula has been found from which to calculate the number of distinct m-element subgraphs that satisfy both of these conditions. A determinant: det{ 4a (V311) a; (E0) }, (4.4.6) ij E 0 similar to that used in (4. 3. 15), can be formed and evaluated. Application of the Binet-Cauchy formula indicates that the non-zero terms in the expansion, +1 or -1, do correspond to allowable sub- graphs; however, the heterogeneous pattern of signs which may occur allow one to conclude in general that if there are t non-vanishing terms in the expansion, then the value of the determinant might range from +t to -t and including zero. If the value of the determinant in (4. 4. 6) is n, then there are at least I 11' distinct m-element subgraphs Emk such that { Vmi, Emk} and {Vm.' Em } are both (vO-m)-tree pairs. Therefore nfiO 13 J V sufficient for the term rank of V(Vmi) to be m, but it is not m- J necessary. Consider the type of subgraph EIn for which both { Vmi’ Em} and { ij, Em} are (vO-m)-tree pairs when Vmi and ij are not identical. In addition to containing no circuits, each part of E must contain exactly one vertex which is not contained in Vm. 1 . If Vm. and and exactly one vertex which is not contained in ij - 1 86 Vm. are disjoint then, since each part of Em contains at least two vertices, each part must contain exactly two vertices--one from Vmi and one from ij. The m-element subgraph Em must consist of m parts; each part is a single element incident to one vertex from V and one vertex from Vm_. Thus, if Vm- and m- 1 J 1 ij are disjoint, the m-element, m-part subgraph can be viewed as matching the vertices of Vmi onto the vertices of ij in a one-to-one manner? Therefore, when Vm. and Vm. are disjoint, 1 (3:1) has term rank m if and only if at least one such matching] subgraph exists in Go' Suppose the vertex sets Vmi and Vm. are neither identical nor disjoint. Then the vertex set V0 in (4.4]. 5) is partitioned into four mutually exclusive, all inclusive, non-empty subsets: SI, 82' S3, and S4--see Figure 4. 4. 1. V V ~ 0 ' . r0 S4 S3 S1 S2 m V _ Vm‘ Figure 4. 4.1. Vertex Partition. 87 Consider a subgraph Em which contains no circuits; let Pi be any part of Em and V(Pi) be the set of vertices in Pi' If { Vmi’ Em} is a (vo-m)-tree pair then there is exactly one vertex a 6 V(Pi) such that a 6 Vmi; therefore aES1 or aeS2 , (4.4.7) and for any vertex c 6 V( Pi)’ c fi a, then c 6 Vm. : 1 C68 or C654. (4.4.8) 3 If { ij , Em} is a (yo-m)-tree pair then there is exactly one vertex b 6 V(Pi) such that b 6 ij; therefore b6 S2 or b6 S4, (4.4.9) and for any vertex c 6 V(Pi)’ c )5 b , then c 6 ij: ceS1 or C653. (4.4.10) These conditions must all be satisfied if Em is to be an allowable subgraph. Note that a and b are particular vertices from V(Pi) and that c is any vertex of V(Pi)’ c )4 a, c )14 b; therefore: if a=b, then ' . .4. . aeS2 and C683, (411) ifafib, then a6S1 and b6S4 and C653. (4.4.12) In the case where Vmi and ij are neither identical nor disjoint and both {Vmi’ Em} , {ij, Em} are (vo-m)-tree pairs then Ern must contain m elements and no circuits; V(Em) 88 must contain all of the vertices of Vmi' iju-and perhaps other vertices; each part P1 of Em must also satisfy either one of the following criteria: Criterion A: Pi must contain exactly one vertex which is not contained in either Vm. or Vm. , and all remaining vertices 1 J of Pi must be contalned 1n both Vmi and ij ; Criterion B: Pi must contain exactly one vertex which is contained in Vm. but not contained in Vm. and exactly one vertex 1 which is contained in ij but not contained in Vmi; all remaining vertices of P. must be contained in both Vm and Vm. . 1 “" i J Further, if the number of vertices in S4, and hence 51’ is x1, then Em must contain at least x1 parts. The subgraphs of Figure 4. 4. 2 illustrate, for the case m = Z, all possible types of two element subgraphs Ezk such that both { VZi' EZk} and { sz, EZk} are (vo-Z)-tree pairs. The unlabeled vertices in the Figure can be any other vertices of the graph. For subgraphs (a) - (d): V2i = sz = { v1, v2} ; (e) - (h): V21: {v1, v2} , V21: {v2, v3}; (1) and (j): V2.1:{v1’ v2} , sz = { v3, v4} . Consequently, for a connected graph G0 containing at least four vertices: 7(i’ 3 has term rank two if and only if Go contains at least one ,of the subgraphs (e) - (h) of Figure 4. 4. 2. (a) < < < 89 (b) (C) (d) Figure 4. 4. 2. Allowable Subgraphs, m = 2. 90 Assuming that at least one allowable Em has been found for a given Vmi and ij then, using criterion A and B in conjunction with an examination of the allocation of the vertices from Vmi, ij within the parts of Em , it is possible to determine whether or not certain vertices can be interchanged between Vmi, ij and still maintain the (vo-m)-tree pair property for Em. If, for example, in determining the term rank of :’ i) one finds at least subgraph (e) of Figure 4. 4. 2 within 60’ then all of the following submatrices also have term rank two: 76:3). 76:1) . 76:2). 7C: :) , fl :), 74: Z) . (4.4.13) 11', on the other hand, examination of Go indicates that the gag allowable subgraph contained in G0 has the form (h) of Figure 4. 4. 2, then only the first two submatrices in (4. 4.13) have term rank two; the term rank of the last four submatrices is less than We. The existence or non-existence of at least one allowable subgraph Em for a given pair of vertex sets Vmi and ij can be checked by direct inspection of the graph. If the graph contains a large number of vertices and elements then this can become a time consuming process. Various algorithms have been devised 91 and prOgrammed to utilize a digital computer to search for numerous types of subgraphs-strees, k-Atrees, circuits, paths, etc. ----.within a given graph. 36-40 Programs of this type could be modified, or new programs devised, to implement a testing process. Consequently, this aspect is not considered further in this investigation. In the event that all allowable subgraphs have been found-- as might well be the case when a computer search program is used--then (4. 2. 9) can be used to evaluate the minor of without the necessity of actually forming the matrix . On the assumption that (V: 2) has term rank m, then two cases arise: (1) if Vm- and ij . are identical; 1. e. aprincipal minor of 7, then 1 mJ the non-vanishing minors of the incidence-seg matrix in (4. Z. 9) have the same sign within each term and (4. 2. 9) becomes: Vm det? i = z Y(Em ) (4. 4.14) Vm. E k 1 mk where Y(Emk) is the product of the F-element admittance coefficients for the elements of Emk and the summation ranges over all Emk such that { Vmi, Emk} is a (vo-m)-tree pair; (2) If Vrni and ij are not identical then the evaluation of the minor is complicated by the fact that the non-vanishing minors of the incidence-seg matrix in (4. 2. 9) can have either sign within a given term. A formula for the signs of the non-vanishing terms has been derived and the result is given below. 92 Let Vmi = {Viv viz, vim} (4.4.15) and ij - {vj1, v52, ..., vjm} (4.4.16) where ‘ < ° < < ' < - 1:11 12 ... lm-vol < ‘ < ' < < ' < - 1_J1 12 ... Jm-vol Since Vm. and Vm. are not identical, then the subsets S1 and 1 J S4 in Figure 4. 4.1 are not empty. Let the number of vertices in 51’ and hence in S4, be x, and s4 = {vial’ vioZ’ Viax} (4.4.17) 51 = {vflw vjpz, vax} (4.4.13) where oi and Bi are the positional indices of these vertices within Vm. and Vm. respectively and 1 J pl< pz< ...< (3x. Criterion B implies that any allowable Em must contain at least x parts and further, each part containing a single vertex from S4 must also contain a single vertex from 51' Thus this part matches a vertex from S4 to a correSponding vertex from 51' If “k 93 is the number of inversions needed to rearrange the vertices in S1 so that they appear in the same order as their corresponding matched vertices in S4, then for an allowable Em x+2a. 1+2431 )1. data F (1) (-1) 1‘ (4.4.19) Since only pk depends upon EInk , then (4. 2. 9) becomes Vm. x+Z 0.1+}: [ii p. k V E where the summation ranges over all Emk such that {Vm., Emk} 1 and {an Emk} are both (vo-m)-tree pairs. 4. 5. From Subgraphs to Maximum Term Rank Submatrices The preceeding discussion has assumed that the vertex sets Vm. and Vm. were specified initially and thus it became necessary to elxamine th: graph Go to determine whether or not it contained at least one subgraph Emk which satisfied both (vo-m)-tree pair conditions. However, if any subgraph Em, containing no circuits, is selected from Co then it is a simple matter to list all the vertex sets Vmi such that { Vmi, Em} is a (vo-m)-tree pair. Associated with any two of these vertex sets is an m by m 73 = 4a % a; (4.5.1) and this submatrix must have term rank m. Note that the complete submatrix from 94 incidence-seg matrix is used in (4. 5.1) to allow for the possibility that the subgraph contains the reference vertex r0. These results are applicable to the matrix in (4.1. 2) if the vertex sets containing the reference vertex are deleted from the list. First, consider another approach to calculating the number nv defined in Theorem 4. 3. 8: Theorem 4. 5.1. Let Go be a part of V0 vertices and Em any m-element subgraph which contains no circuits. If Em contains p parts and the k-th part contains xk elements; then the vertex set V(Em) can be decomposed into nv : E (xk +1) (4. 5. 2) distinct subsets Vmi of m distinct vertices such that {Vmi’ Em} is a (vo-m)-tree pair, i = l, 2, .. ., nv. Proof: Since Em contains no circuits, then V(Em) contains m+p vertices and each part of Em contains xk+l vertices. Let Vmi be any m vertex subset formed by deleting p vertices from V(Em), one vertex from each part. This can be donein any one of P n = TT (x +1) different ways. Now, E contains no circuits v k=1 k m and each part of Em contains exactly one vertex which is not a member of Vmi . Therefore {Vmi' Em} is a (vo-m)-tree pair for Go' 95 Consequently, if Go is a graph of F-elements such that the F -element admittance matrix, F’ is diagonal and nonsingular, and Vmi, ij are any two of the vertex sets of Theorem 4. 5.1 ( Vm.) % 1 a ij has term rank m. Furthermore, noting that 7421:?) J then has term rank m if and only if 7 (vmj) a Vm. 1 has term rank m, and accounting for the fact that Vm and Vm i J can be identical, there are a total of nv _ 2 2(2)+nv — nV (4.5.3) different In by m submatrices of a associated with a single circuitless subgraph Em, and each of these submatrices has term rank m. Chapter 5 COMPLETE SOLUTIONS FOR THE PRIMARY SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS 5.1. Subgraphs and Feasible Proper Partitions The preceeding chapter provides a basis for interrelating proper partitions of the variables within a system of holac equations associated with the graph correlate of an electric network and classes of subgraphs of that graph. A given partition of the variables is a proper partition if and only if a related submatrix has the proper dimensions and rank; this submatrix, in turn, has the proper m rank if and only if there exists within the graph at least one member of a particular class of subgraphs. An m by m submatrix has rank m only if its term rank is m; consequently the existence of a particular subgraph constitutes a necessary condition for the corresponding partition to be a proper partition of the variables. It is not in general a sufficient condition as certain subsets of values for the F-element admittance coefficients, in conjunction with certain interconnection patterns of the F-elements, can result in the rank of the submatrix being less than its term rank. In certain types of problems this characteristic is desirable-~for example: balanced bridges and resonant networks, while in other types it may or may not be desirable. In recognition of these two possibilities a partition of the variables is said to be a feasible proper partition if and only if the related submatrix has the proper dimensions and term rank. 96 97 As previously noted a complete solution for a system of holac equations can be determined in many forms--for example, any proper partition of the variables determines a corresponding complete solution. Although any complete solution implies all particular solutions it is often the case that certain forms of a complete solution are more desirable than others. The approach considered here allows one to investigate the feasibility of a variety of forms of a complete solution without the necessity of actually formulating the primary system of equations. The only complete solutions which are considered explicitly here are those obtained directly from proper partitions of the variables. The key issue in such an investigation is to determine whether or not a given partition of the variables is a feasible proper partition. If it is, then a continuation of the investigation indicates whether or not it is also a prOper partition. The vertex subsets, 51’ 52’ $3, and S4 introduced in the preceeding chapter play a central role in these investigations. Each non-reference vertex of the graph is incident to exactly one N-element, thus a one -to- one correspondence is established between the vo-l N-elements and the vO-l non-reference vertices of the graph. Recall that 4 3 II (n C‘. 01 (5.1.1) II U) C'. U) Vm (5.1. 2) j 1 3' and that the set 82 contains all other vertices of the graph-- 98 including the reference vertex r0. Permitting S1 and S4, or S3, to be empty allows one to consider within the same framework the possibilities of Vmi and ij being identical, disjoint, or neither. Consider the system of holac equations in (3. 5. 21); the set {J2 J Kn. 7N3} (5.1.3) N1 ’ N2' is a complete set of dependent variables and 19ml... 71., 7N4} (51-4) is the corresponding complete set of independent variables for this system of holac equations if and only if (5.1.5) det?(vmi) = det 31 733 /£ 0. (5.1.6) vmj 41 7’43 Examination of the relationships among the allocation of the N-element variables within (5.1. 3) and (5.1. 4), the row and column indices of the submatrix whose determinant appears in (5.1. 6), and the vertex sets S1 through S4 yields the following conclusions: (1) Each of the n N-elements incident to the 111 vertices l of S1 has both associated element variables within the dependent set (5.1. 3). These N-elements are classified as NO-elements; 99 (2) Each of the n N-elements incident to the n2 2 vertices of 82 (other than r0) has its associated voltage variable within the independent set (5. 1. 4) and current variables within the dependent set (5. l. 3). These N-elements are classified as Ne-elements; (3) Each of the n N-elements incident to the n3 3 vertices of S3 has its associated current variable within the independent set (5. l. 4) and voltage variable within the dependent set (5.1. 3). These N-elements are classified as Nh-elements; (4) Each of the 114 N-elements incident to the n4 vertices of S4 has both of its associated variables within the independent set (5.1. 4). These N-elements are classified as Neh-elements. Thus a partition of the variables, such that n 2 n4, identifies the l vertex sets Sl through S4 and conversely. This information, in conjunction with the developments of the preceeding chapter, allows one to investigate certain properties of a complete solution for the primary system of equations in terms of properties of the graph without the need for explicit formulations of the equations. The classification of the N-elements as No" Ne-, Nh-, or Neh-elements is determined by properties of the system of holac equations and the graph--not by consideration of the correlating electric network. This allows one considerable freedom in the classification of the N-elements since there are often many 100 different proper partitions of the variables for a given system of holac equations. This represents a departure from the usual practice in electric network theory where the inclusion of Ne- and Nh-elements has been generally based upon the presence of regulated voltage and current sources within the correlating electric network. Furthermore, this classification was seldom altered. The general absence of any device in the physical network having terminal characteristics which correlate with the characteristics of No- and Neh-elements has undoubtedly been a major reason for the general lack of consideration given to these classes of N-elements. 5. 2. Particular Solutions and Specification of Variables Once a desired proper partition of the variables has been determined and the corresponding complete solution for a system of holac equations has been obtained then the variables within the independent set can be assigned arbitrary values with no danger of introducing inconsistencies. Each such set of values determines a particular solution and all particular solutions can be generated in this manner. Often it is desired to select from the multiplicity of particular solutions that solution, or solutions, which best satisfy some prescribed criteria. These criteria may be stated directly in terms of the variables within the system of holac equations and/or in terms of other secondary or derived quantities related to these variables. The form in which these criteria are stated is often a deciding factor in the choice of partitions to be checked. 101 The primary variables in the systems of holac equations considered in this investigation are the voltage and current variables associated with each element in the graph correlate of an electric network: V =lV k e =V +jV kl (5.2.1) kZ’ and I-IIIjek-I +'I (522) k‘ ke ‘k11k2 " for element k. The real power and reactive power variables for certain elements comprise one set of secondary variables conunonly encountered in electric power network problems. Again for element k: . W -J'9 Pk'i'JQk - Vka* = lele 1‘ llkle k (5.2.3) _ jO-k _ IVkI llkl e (5.2.4) where Pk is the real power, Qk is the reactive power, and k is the power factor angle. Earlier developments have shown that a complete solution for a primary system of equations can be obtained in terms of certain subsets of the voltage and current variables associated with the N-elements in the graph. Thus particular solutions are obtained by assigning specific values to these variables in terms of magnitudes and angles, or in terms of real parts and imaginary 102 parts. If one or more of the variables within the independent set is not assigned a specific value or is only specified in part--for example, the magnitude is specified but not the angle-~then a family of particular solutions is obtained. These particular solutions contain one or more parameters which can be varied in an attempt to satisfy additional conditions which might have been placed upon the particular solution. Consequently, for a particular proper partition, the N-element falling into the Ne" or Nh-element classification can have at most two parameters, while those in the Neh-element classification can have at most four parameters. By the appropriate specification of the voltage and current variables for an Neh-element it is possible to maintain any desired interrelation between these variables-- for example, specifying the magnitudes of the voltage and current variables and the power factor angle fixes both the real and reactive power for that element yet neither the element voltage nor the element current is completely specified. One further property of a system of holac equations is examined at this point. Consider a fixed system of holac equations; assume that at least two proper partitions of the variables exist and that the corresponding complete solution for the system has been determined for each proper partition. If the variables within the independent set of one of these proper partitions are assigned specific values than a particular solution is obtained. Now if the variables within the independent set of any other proper partition are subsequently assigned the values that they assumed in this 103 first solution then the resulting particular solution is identical with the first one obtained. In terms of the N-element classification defined earlier this means that if a desired particular solution is obtained with a certain pattern of No" Ne-, Nh-, and Nah-elements then this pattern can be altered into any other allowable pattern and it is possible to maintain the same particular solution. For example, established criteria for the consistent location of regulated voltage and current sources within a physical network coincide with the conditions such that the correlating N-elements in the graph can be classified as Ne- and Nh-elements 10’ 11’ 41 However, within the framework 0f the respectively. correlating graph and primary system of equations, one is not in general restricted to this particular N-element classification. Thus if the appropriate conditions are satisfied these particular N-elements can be considered as either Ne- or Nh-elements, as well as No- and Neh-elements. Consequently the use of the NO- and Neh-element classifications in an analysis problem need not be based upon the existence of any correlating physical device. 5. 3. Applications in the Analysis of Electric Power Networks Although the results of the preceeding investigation are applicable to a larger class of network problems they are particularly well—suited for use in the analysis of electric power networks. As discussed in Chapter 1, specifying variables plays an important role in many phases of electric power network analysis. The techniques developed in this investigation permit 104 one to exercise considerably more freedom in the choice of specified variables than was possible before. At the same time one is assured that the chosen variables can be assigned arbitrary values with no danger of introducing inconsistencies into the system of network equations. These techniques are based upon properties of the primary system of equations yet the investigation can be completed without the necessity of actually formulating'the equations. The required properties are stated directly in terms of the graph and thus allow one to interrelate properties of the graph and properties of solutions to the primary system of equations. Theoretically the results of this investigation can be applied to any finite graph of the type considered; however there are practical limitations on the number of vertices and elements that can be accommodated in an effective manner. Certainly the use of a digital computer with a large storage capacity permits one to consider problems associated with larger and larger networks. However this capability, in itself, it not a panacea for all the problems in the analysis of electric networks. There are situations when it is desirable to ”localize" the problem and yet not completely dissociate it from its relative place within a larger problem. The results of this investigation, coupled with a zoning concept described in the 15. 16 provide the means for a new approach to the analysis literature of large-scale electric networks. In the zoning approach16 a large graph is decomposed into a number of subgraphs or zones such that (a) each subgraph is connected and (b) any two subgraphs are element disjoint but have certain vertices 105 called U-vertices, in common. For the class of graphs considered in this discussion it is assumed that the reference vertex is a U-vertex for each zone and that each zone contains at least one other U-vertex distinct from the reference vertex. Once the original graph has been zoned in this manner the zones are then separated and an "external" set of N-elements is added to each zone; these N-elements are incident to the U-vertices only and each non-reference U-vertex in a zone is incident to exactly one of these added N-elements. In addition all external N-elements in a given zone are incident to the reference vertex (which is also a U-vertex for that zone). Figures 5. 3.1 illustrates this for the case of two zones. U-vertices: v1, v2, v3, ro (a) Identification of zone and U—vertices. (b) Graph after zoning and adding external N-elements. Figure 5. 3. 1. Illustration of Zoning Technique. 106 It can be shown16 that if the primary system of equations for the zoned graph, Figure 5. 3.1(b), is augmented with the following sets of auxiliary equations: r 1 PV _ — .1 _ N1 N4 N1 N4 VNZ VNS and N2 INS , (5. 3. l) VN3 VN6 N3 LIN6 then each solution of this augmented primary system of equations determines exactly one solution for the primary system of equations for the original graph, Figure 5. 3. 1(a), and conversely. Thus the augmented primary system of equations for the zoned graph and the primary system for the original graph are essentially equivalent systems of equations. The zoned graph consists of a number of separate graphs, or zones, and for each zone a primary system of equations can be formulated and solved. If, in addition, the auxiliary equations, such as (5. 3.1), are satisfied then a solution of the primary system of equations for the original graph is obtained. This suggests a new approach to the analysis of large complex networks. If zones are so chosen that each of the external N-elements can be classified as Neh-elements then, since both V and I for these N-elements can be arbitrarily specified, one is assured that the auxiliary equations can be satisfied. Once this has been established each zone can be analyzed independently--yet the composite of the zone 107 solutions determines a corresponding solution for the original un-zoned graph. This technique provides considerable flexibility in the analysis of electric networks. For the purpose of illustration consider the two zone case of Figure 5. 3.1 and assume that the original graph has been zoned so that elements N1, N2, and N3 can be classified as Neh-elements for zone 1 and that elements N4, N5, and N6 can be classified as Neh-elements for zone 2. Suppose that one has a particular solution for the primary system of equations associated with the original unzoned graph. Using standard techniques34 the V and I variables associated with the external N-elements are calculated so that the corre- sponding solution is maintained in the zoned graph. Actually the entire solution for the original graph is not needed--only that portion of the solution required to calculate the V, I variables for these N-elements is necessary. Note that this data could be obtained from measurements made in the actual network. Now consider zone 1 and its associated primary system of equations. Any solution of this primary system for which the V and 1 variables associated with elements N1, N2, and N3 remain invariant can be combined with the existing solution for zone 2 to obtain a new solution for the primary system for the original graph. One is assured that the V and I variables for N N 1, 2’ and N3 can be maintained at the desired values since they can be classified as Neh-elements. In this manner the 108 solution for zone 1 can be varied and yet the solution for zone 2 remains invariant. Changes in the solution have been localized or confined to zone 1. When this is applied to a multiZ-‘zone problem the concept represents not only a reduction in the complexity of the problem to be analyzed but also permits one to investigate the possibilities of localizing, within prescribed zones, changes in the operating characteristics. One further application is considered at this time. Again consider a zoned graph. The fact that the external N-elements for a zone can be classified as Nah-elements implies that there exists within the zone an equal number of No-elements; furthermore the No- and Neh-element classifications can always be interchanged. Thus it is possible to obtain a particular solution for the primary system associated with this zone utilizing the maximum number of specified conditions within the zone. This solution determines the V, I variables associated with the No-elements incident to the U-vertices of that zone. Then the auxiliary equations, such as (5. 3.1), are used to transfer this condition to the Neh-elements in the adjacent zones; in this process the effects of the first zone upon the adjacent zones is completely determined in terms of the V and 1 variables associated with the external N-elements. Depending upon the F-element subgraph with a particular zone it is also possible to interchange the No" Neh-element classifications for subsets of the N-elements and thus it is possible to reflect changes in the solution into selected zones. 109 5. 4. Example A portion of an actual electric power system--the Denver area of the Public Service Company of Colorado--is examined in this section to illustrate the preceding developments and at the same time to establish the feasibility of the zoning techniques discussed in Section 5. 3. A network representation of this system contains 33 nodes plus the ground bus, 39 transmission line sections-~each represented by the conventional pi equivalent, 6 generators, and 24 loads. A simplified interconnection diagram representing the transmission network is shown in Figure 5. 4. 1 and detailed nodal diagrams of the individual zones are shown in Figures 5. 4. 3 through 5. 4. 7. The zones in this example were chosen in a somewhat arbitrary manner to illustrate the technique; in general the initial choice of zones would depend upon particular characteristics of the system under investigation. Factors which would influence the choice include geographical distribution of the system, service or load areas, locations of interconnections with adjacent systems, etc. Once the zones have been defined it is necessary to determine whether or not the external N-elements can be classified as Neh-elements. For each zone in this example the external N-elements can be classified as Neh-elements, i. e. both of the V and I variables associated with each of these N-elements can be allocated to the independent set of some prOper partition of the variables within the primary system of equations for that zone. 110 .xnoafioz Gowmmflhmnmnfi MOM Ednmmwfl Gomuoofidoonofifi J .v .m oufiwfim N HZON my 111 0—0 TRANSFORMER O D BUS OR NODE O LOAD g GENERATION W LINE SECTION X ¢ CR CU ND Uij U-VER TEX: ZONE i AND ZONEj Figure 5. 4. 2. Key to Symbols. 112 .H ocoN 1 Emnwma Hmpoz .m .w .m oudmfim 0 E d x/wix/ 113 NH .N oGoN I Emnwsflfl Hmpoz .v.1v.m 6.2:me 0H .ND 114 «L .m oGoN a Enhmmwfl #3002 .m J» .m ouflwwm (a no m.~b (a../V /\U\ C as 115 J... ocoN n Eduwmwfl Hdpoz .ogv .m oafimfim om .¢.m 0.“:th NA x/Fxéx/ Q Q m.~D X X X />\/h\ «Z 117 This fact establishes the feasibility of the zoning approach discussed in Section 5. 3. Consider the subgraph corresponding to any zone and the set of external N-elements for that zone. The graph elements corresponding to the transmission network are considered as F-elements and the graph elements corresponding to the generators are considered as N-elements. If the load admittance coefficients are not known then the corresponding graph elements are considered as N-elements; if a load admittance coefficient is known then the graph element can be handled as an F-element or as an N-element as discussed in Section 3. 5. In this example it is assumed that all graph elements corresponding to loads are treated as N-elements. In addition any non-reference vertex which is not a U-vertex, or is not incident to a generator or load element, is considered to be incident to an N-element--see Section 3. 5. When these steps have been completed it is possible that certain non-reference vertices are incident to more than one N-element; this is the case when a given node is incident to both a generator and a load, or when a U-vertex is incident to a generator and/ or load. Any such parallel connection of N-elements is now replaced by a single N-element. There is no loss in generality in doing this since V for the equivalent N-element is the same as V for each of the parallel N-elements and I for the equivalent N-element is the sum of the 1's for each of the parallel N-elements. Once this equivalent 1 has been determined then any choice of values for the 113 of the 118 parallel N-elements which yields this sum is satisfactory. (Note that if one of the external N-elements parallels another N-element and is subsequently replaced by a single N-element then it is necessary to determine the I associated with the external N-element before the auxiliary equations discussed in Section 5. 3 are used). At this point a vo-vertex zone contains a total of Vo-l N-elements; each non-reference vertex is incident to exactly one N-element and all N-elements are incident to the reference vertex. As discussed in Section 5.1 any partition of the 2(vo-l) variables associated with this set of N-elements into two disjoint sets of vO-l variables each, i. e. a trial classification of the N-elements, defines the distribution of the vertices of the zone into the sets 51’ 52’ S3, and S4 which, in turn, define the two vertex sets Vmi and ij. If the graph contains at least one m-element subgraph of F-elements Em such that both { Vmi, Em} and { ij, Em} are (vo-m)-tree pairs then this partition is a feasible proper partition and the corresponding N-element classification is called a feasible classification. For any feasible proper partition the investigation is continued until all such subgraphs have been determined, then (4. 4. 20) can be utilized to determine whether or not this feasible proper partition is also a proper partition of the variables. To illustrate this technique consider zone 2 as shown in Figure 5.4. 4. The graph for this zone contains 10 vertices in 119 addition to the reference vertex. The F-element subgraph consists of the elements corresponding to the line sections since the generator and all loads are represented by N-elements. Note that the single N-element incident to vertex 10 in the zone graph represents the parallel connection of an N-element corresponding to the load and the external N-element added to this zone by virtue of the fact that this vertex is also a U-vertex. Let the N-elements be identified by referring to the vertex to which the element is incident. . The zone graph is now investigated to determine whether or not N5, N10, N11, and N12 can be classified as Nah-elements. Since a complete set of independent variables for this zone contains 10 variables this choice does not completely determine a trial classification pattern. To complete the trial classification of the N-elements let N5, N9, N10, N11, and N12 be considered as potential Neh-elements; thus N13, N14, N15, N1 6’ and N17 must be considered as potential No-elements. The corresponding vertex sets are {5, 9,10,11, 12} (5.4.1) <1 II (I) ll Si and V. = s {13,14,15, 16,17} (5.4.2) SJ 1 The vertex sets V and V5j are disjoint hence any subgraph of Si F-elements which satisfies the 6-tree pair condition for both vertex sets must consist of 5 elements which match V51 onto V5j in a one-to-one manner. Any such set of 5 F-elements must 120 be included in the subgraph shown in Figure 5. 4. 8. Inspection of this subgraph indicates the existence of exactly two 5-element subgraphs having the desired characteristic. These subgraphs are shown in Figure 5. 4. 9. The existence of either subgraph insures that the partition of variables under consideration is a feasible proper partition. Further it is known that the expansion of det? G?) for this zone graph contains exactly two non-zero terms. Using (4. 4. 20) to evaluate this determinant: V det 51 V -{-YYYYY +YYYY 1 3 7 8 10 1 5 Y9} (5°4°3) = Y1Y7Y 85Y(Y 9- Y3 Y1 o). (5. 4. 4) For the particular system under investigation Y3 = Y and Y = Y (5. 4. 5) 5 9 10’ V and although fi