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PALYNOLOGY AND PALEOBOTANY OF THE JAVA AND LOWERMOST CANADAWAY FORMATIONS, UPPER DEVONIAN (SENECAN/CHAUTAUQUAN) NEW YORK STATE By Gordon Daniel Wood A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Geology T978 ;/ ‘u’ ABSTRACT PALYNOLOGY AND PALEOBOTANY OF THE JAVA AND LOWERMOST CANADAWAY FORMATIONS, UPPER DEVONIAN (SENECAN/CHAUTAUQUAN BOUNDARY), NEW YORK STATE By Gordon Daniel Wood Forty-two palynomorph genera are described and figured from the Senecan age Java Formation (Pipe Creek Shale, Hanover Shale Members) and the lowermost Chautauquan age Canadaway Formation (Dunkirk Shale, Gowanda Shale Members), Upper Devonian, from l6 localities in south- western New York State. Twenty-three genera are spores: Anapiculati- sporites, Ancyrospora, Apjculiretusispora, Auroraspora, ?Baculatisporites, ?Biharisporites, Calamospora, Convolutispora, Emphanisporites, Endosporites, Geminospora, Grandispora, Hymenozonotriletes, Hystricosporites, Leiotri- letes, Lgphozonotriletes, Nikitinisporites, Punctatisporites, Retusotri- letes, Spelaeotriletes, Spjnozonotriletes, Stenozonotriletes, Verru- cosisporites; seventeen are acritarch genera: Baltisphaeridium, DiexalIOphasis, Gorgonisphaeridium, Micrhystridium, Multiplicisphaeridium, Ozotobrachion, Cymatiosphaera, Muraticavea, Navifusa, Estiastra, Evittia, Veryhachium, Polyedryxium, Maranhites, Leiosphaeridia, Lgphosphaeridium, Tasmanites; and two are chitinozoan genera: Angochitina and Sphaerochitina. Gordon Daniel Wood This assemblage generally may be characterized as having poor preservation and apparently infrequent representation of certain taxa. Plant macrofossils, occurring as coalified compressions and calcium carbonate-iron pyrite petrifactions, are discussed and figured. Two petrifactions from the Hanover Shale were positively identified as Callixylon. This is the first reported occurrence of identifiable plant macrofossils from the Hanover Shale. Four coalified compressions were tentatively identified as Callixylon from the Dunkirk and Gowanda Shales. Secondary wood cells of Callixylon are illustrated by scanning electron micrographs. Insufficient representation of certain taxa, the recovery of numer- ous new forms, and the presence of long ranging taxa with little strati- graphic merit preclude the construction of a sound biostratigraphic zonation at this time. Comparison with spore and acritarch suites of similar age indicates relationships at the generic level; however, few conspecific taxa exist between these described assemblages. Qualitative palynological data were used for paleoenvironmental interpretations. Abundance of microspores, anchor-tipped spores, acri- tarchs with processes and/or membranes, and Scutellomorphitae/Sphaero- morphitae/Tasmanititae was computed from samples of three essentially complete geologic sections and displayed as histograms. The final paly- nological assemblage is extensively controlled by sedimentological and depositional factors related to sea-land oscillations in a deltaic environment. The nearshore marine-deltaic deposits (calcareous siltstones Gordon Daniel Wood and gray shales) are dominated by microspores, and subordinate numbers of acritarchs with processes and/or membranes, and anchor-tipped spores. Samples characterized by anchor-tipped spores often contain plant detri- tus with structure preserved also indicative of a nearshore environment. Anoxic shelf-basin and destructive deltaic environments (represented by black shales) are dominated by the acritarch subgroups Scutellomorphitae/ Sphaeromorphitae/Tasmanititae (Leiosphaeridia sp., Lophosphaeridium microgranifer, Tasmanites huronensis, Maranhites brasiliensis). This microplankton assemblage is believed to typify a recurrent species grouping. Amorphous organic debris recovered from these black shales by maceration represent the bacterial degradation of fungal, algal, and terrestrial plant materials in an anaerobic, stagnant, bottom environment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer expresses sincere appreciation to Dr. Aureal T. Cross for giving unselfishly of his expertise throughout my tenure at Michigan State University and for his trenchant encouragement during the course of this study. Constructive suggestions and commentary by my disserta- tion committee, Drs. Robert L. Anstey, James H. Fisher, and Chilton E. Prouty, of the Department of Geology, and Dr. Ralph E. Taggert of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, is gratefully acknowledged. Dr. Leonard E. Eames (Amoco Production Company-Tulsa) was very helpful and generous in his discussions concerning Upper Devonian palyno- morph assemblages. Dr. Eames, Dr. John A. Clendening (Amoco Production Company-Houston), and Dr. Cross worked with the author in the field to collect rock samples. The author is indebted to Drs. Charles F. Upshaw, Daniel Beju, and D.R.F. Mischell of the Amoco Production Company-Tulsa, and Dr. Irving Tesmer of the State University at Buffalo for their help in various facets of this study. All text figures and tables were drafted by Art Schwenk and Jim Allen, and the manuscript was typed by Cindy Wilson, Amoco Production Company-Houston. Lastly, to my wife, Cathy, and our respective families my deepest thanks for their continued support throughout my college career. All field work and laboratory costs were defrayed by the Department of Geology, Michigan State University, the Amoco Production Company-Tulsa, and a research grant from the Society of Sigma Xi. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION NORTH AMERICAN PALEOBOTANICAL STUDIES REVIEW OF UPPER DEVONIAN PALYNOLOGICAL STUDIES United States Canada United Kingdom and European Mainland Australia South America Africa Russia GEOLOGICAL OVERVIEW Stratigraphy Java Formation Pipe Creek Shale Hanover Shale Canadaway Formation Dunkirk Shale Gowanda Shale Local Geological Setting COLLECTIONS AND PREPARATIONS Sample Collection Preparation of Samples Microslide Preparations Light and Scanning Electron Microsc0py SYSTEMATICS: PLANT MACROFOSSILS Doubtful and Uncertain Plant Macrofossil Forms SYSTEMATICS: PALYNOMORPHS Spores Acritarcha Chitinozoa Scolecodonts COMPOSITION OF ASSEMBLAGES General Statement Comparison of Palynomorphs from the Walnut Creek, Eighteenmile Creek, and Cazenovia Creek I Sections Biostratigraphy ii 125 126 126 128 133 COMPARISON WITH OTHER ASSEMBLAGES Spores Acritarchs Discussion PALEOENVIRONMENTAL INTERPRETATIONS Introduction Results Discussion and Conclusions REFERENCES APPENDIX 1: SAMPLING DATA APPENDIX 2: SPORES APPENDIX 3: ACRITARCHS PLATES Page 138 138 141 143 145 145 152 153 150 183 193 195 198 Text-Figures 1 Tables LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Chart of previous age assignments and strati- graphic nomenclature for rocks of southwestern New York State. Postulated paleogeographic map of Hanover- Dunkirk time. Highly generalized stratigraphic cross sections showing facies relationships of the uppermost West Falls Group and lowermost Arkwright Group of New York State. Outline map of study area showing collection sites discussed in the text. Presence and inferred stratigraphic range of selected spore and acritarch taxa from the Walnut Creek section (locality l0), Chautauqua County, New York. Presence and inferred stratigraphic range of selected spore and acritarch taxa from the south branch of Eighteenmile Creek section (locality l2), Erie County, New York. Presence and inferred stratigraphic range of selected spore and acritarch taxa from the Cazenovia Creek I section (locality l5), Erie County, New York. Range of selected spores and acritarchs plotted by latest occurrence employing all localities. Range of selected spores and acritarchs plotted by earliest occurrence employing all localities. Comparison between spore genera recorded in the present study and Upper Devonian spore assem- blages from other geographic areas. iv Page 11 16 17 22 129 130 131 134 135 139 10 Comparison between acritarch genera recorded in the present study and Upper Devonian acritarch assemblages from other geographic areas. Histograms showing relative palynomorph frequency from the Walnut Creek section (locality lO), Chautauqua County, New York. Histograms showing relative palynomorph frequency from the south branch of Eighteenmile Creek section (locality 12), Erie County, New York. Histograms showing relative palynomorph frequency from the Cazenovia Creek I section (locality 15), Erie County, New York. Page 142 146 149 151 INTRODUCTION One of the thickest and most complete sections of Devonian rocks in North America lies between east-central Pennsylvania and southwestern New York state. In New York, these Devonian sediments range from approxi- mately l0,000 feet in the Catskill Mountain area to 2,500 feet at the Lake Erie shoreline (southwestern New York). This essentially complete sequence is presently accepted as the reference standard for the Devonian System of North America. The Devonian of this area has long been a focal point for coupling geological field observations with theoretical analysis. This was initiated by James Hall's paleontological and stratigraphical observa- tions on Devonian strata, which ultimately led to the concept of the geosyncline. Hall's research was subsequently elaborated upon in the 1920's and 1930's in the classical “facies" papers of Chadwick, Caster, and Cooper on the Middle to Upper Devonian sediments of the Catskill Delta complex. Although this area is well studied geologically and paleontologic- ally, Upper Frasnian (Upper Senecan)/Lower Famennian (lowermost Chautau- quan) paleobotanical and palynological studies are lacking. The objec- tives of this study were: (1) Identification, description, and illustra- tion of spores, acritarchs, chitinozoans, scolecodonts, and plant macrofossils from the Java and lowermost Canadaway Formations, upper Senecan/lowermost Chautauquan, southwestern New York State; (2) Discern- ment, if possible, of the Frasnian/Famennian boundary using palynomorphs; P.) (3) Study of the relationships between spores and acritarchs from south- western New York state and palynomorph assemblages of comparable age from other regions; and (4) Paleoenvironmental analysis of the study area using abundances of palynological subgroups with corroborative evidence from related fields. NORTH AMERICAN PALEOBOTANICAL STUDIES The Devonian sediments of New York are noted for a diversity of Devonian plant megafossils. However, the majority of these are from mid-Frasnian or older strata. Larger plant fossils of Upper Frasnian through Famennian age are only sparingly reported. Upper Frasnian fossil plants have been figured by Arnold (1930, 1935, 1939), Grierson and Banks (1963), Krausel and Weyland (1949), and Fry and Banks (1955). Callixylon erianum (Arnold, 1930), from the Gowanda Shale, is the only plant macro- fossil described from the units under investigation. Heterosporous plants and a cupulate seed have been described from the Oswayo Formation (Famennian) of Pennsylvania (Pettit, 1965; Pettit and Beck, 1968). The Hampshire Formation (Famennian) locality of Valley Head, West Virginia, has been the focal point of several studies (Krausel and Weyland, 1941; Andrews and Phillips, 1968; Phillips, et al., 1972; Cornet, et al., 1976). Several major contributions concerning Upper Devonian floras based on permineralized wood and other vascular tissue have been published. These include papers by Arnold (1931, 1934), Cross and Hoskins (1951 a, b), Hoskins and Cross (1951, 1952), Phillips, et a1. (1972), Niklas (1976), Niklas and Phillips (1971), Read (1936, 1937), Read and Campbell (1939), and Schopf and Schwietering (1970). Upper Devonian-Lower Carboniferous floral assemblages were reviewed by Cross and Hoskins (1951, a, b) and Hoskins and Cross (1951, 1952). -_—.-.-— u...»— f nu» They detennined that the genera Lepidodendron, Lepidostrobus, Cladoxyjon, and ClepsydrOpsis spanned the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary, whereas Protolepidodendron, Reimannia, Protosalvinia (Foerstia), and "Sporangites" were characteristically Devonian forms. REVIEW OF UPPER DEVONIAN PALYNOLOGICAL STUDIES There are numerous publications concerning Upper Devonian palyno- morphs. Many of these studies deal with Devonian-Carboniferous transition assemblages. This review of palynological literature is not intended as an exhaustive overview. The more important Upper Devonian references are presented here by geographic region. UNITED STATES Norton (1970) and Norton and Allen (1970) published preliminary studies on the Frasnian rocks from the New York Finger Lakes region. Their study noted that the palynomorphs exhibit poor preservation and high levels of carbonization. Von Almen (1970 a, b), Curry (1973, 1975), and Wicander and Loeblich (1977) have described Frasnian spore and/or Famennian acritarch assemblages from Oklahoma, Virginia, and West Virginia, and Indiana, respectively. Famennian acritarchs have been illustrated by Boneham (1967, 1970) from Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, and from various midwestern localities by Wilson and Urban (1971). Upper Devonian-Lower Mississippian assemblages have been reported by Winslow (1962), Eames (1974), and Wicander (1974), from northern Ohio. Warg and Traverse (1973) studied assemblages of similar age from Pennsylvania, Bharadwaj, et al. (1973) from Kentucky, and Sanburg, et al. (1972) from Montana and Illinois. LAO—“.3. Numerous detailed contributions have been published on Upper Devonian palynology by Canadian workers. Frasnian spore assemblages have been des- cribed from Alberta (McGregor, 1964) and eastern Quebec (Brideaux and Radforth, 1970). Boneham (1967) reported the occurrence of Tasmanites from the Famennian of southwestern Ontario. Several studies spanning th Frasnian-Famennian have focused on the Canadian Arctic Islands and the District of Mackenzie (Northwest Terri- tories). Spore assemblages have been reported from Melville Island (Chi and Hills, 1976, a, b; Hills, et al., 1975; McGregor, 1960; and McGregor and Uyeno, 1972); from Prince Patrick Island (Chi and Hills, 1976, a, b; Hills, et al., 1975; Owens, 1971); from Bathurst Island (Chi and Hills, 1976, a, b; Hills, et al., 1975; Kerr, et al., 1965; and McGregor and Uyeno, 1972); from Banks Island (Chi and Hills, 1976, a, b; Hills, et al., 1971; and Hills, et al., 1975); from Ellesmere Island (Chaloner, 1959; Chi and Hills, 1976, a, b; Hills, et al.,1975); and from Helena Island (Kerr, et al., 1965). Assemblages from the District of Mackenzie have been described by Chi and Hills (1974, 1976 a, b), Hills, et a1. (1975), and McGregor and Owens (1966). United Kingdom and European Mainland In the British Isles, Frasnian assemblages have been described by Clayton and Graham (1974) from Ireland, and Mortimer and Chaloner (1967) from England. Devonian-Carboniferous assemblages have been illustrated from Ireland (Clayton, et al., 1974; Dolby, 1970; Higgs, 1975); and from England (Clayton, et al., 1977; Dolby, 1970; Dolby and Neves, 1970; Neves and Dolby, 1967; Utting and Neves, 1970). Famennian acritarchs have been reported from German deposits (Jux, 1975). Gorka (1974 a, b) has described and illustrated Famennian acri- tarchs from Poland. Upper Devonian-Carboniferous acritarchs and spores have also been reported by Turnau (1975) from northern Poland. Bouckaert, et al. (1972) and Stockmans and Williere (1962 a) have described spores and acritarchs from strata near the Frasnian-Famennian boundary. Several studies have concentrated on Famennian (Bouckaert, et al., 1968; Bouckaert, et al., 1960; Caro-Moniez, 1962; Stockmans and Williere, 1962 b, 1969), and on Devonian-Carboniferous boundary assem- blages (Alberti, et al., 1974; Becker, et al., 1974; Paproth and Streel, 1970; Streel, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1974). Australia Balme (1960) and de Jersey (1966) have described Frasnian and/or Famennian spore assemblages. Studies concerned with Upper Devonian- Carboniferous palynofloras of the Canning Basin have also been published (Balme and Hassell, 1962; Playford, 1976). South America The Algomycetes and Tasmanaceae from the Devonian sediments of the Parana Basin, Brazil, have been summarized by Sommer and van Boekel (1967). Daemon, et al. (1967) also described a palynoflora from the Upper Devonian of the Parana Basin. Brito (1967) has reported acritarchs of probable Upper Devonian age from the Maranhao Basin, Brazil, and Stover (1967) figured a Devonian-Carboniferous acritarch assemblage from eastern Venezuela. Africa Frasnian and/or Famennian palynomorphs have been illustrated from Ghana (Bar and Riegel, 1974; Anan-Yorke, 1974), and Libya (Massa and Moreau-Benoit, 1976). Lanzoni and Magloire (1969) described Upper Devonian palynomorphs from Algeria. Russia The Upper Devonian palynomorph assemblages of Russia have been the subject of numerous publications. Unfortunately, the majority of these are short papers, usually consisting of species lists and illustration of only characteristic spore types. Accounts of Frasnian spore assemblages have been published by Mikhailova (1966), Ozolinya (1963), and of Famennian assemblages by Nadler (1966), Rashatova (1966, 1973), and Naumova (1960). Devonian- Carboniferous palynofloras have been reported by Kedo (1962) and Umnova (1971). 10 GEOLOGICAL OVERVIEW STRATIGRAPHY The Upper Devonian marine sediments of New York are restricted -essentially to the southwestern portion of the state, and are divided into two series; an older Senecan (= European Frasnian) and a younger Chautauquan (= EurOpean Famennian). In southwestern New York, the uppermost Senecan is represented by the Java Fonmation (Pipe Creek Shale, Hanover Shale) of the West Falls Group, Cohocton Stage. The lowermost Chautauquan is represented by the Canadaway Formation (Dunkirk Shale, Gowanda Shale, Laona Siltstone, Westfield Shale, Shumla Siltstone, and Northeast Shale Members) of the Arkwright Group, Cassadaga Stage. This study is limited to the strata of the Pipe Creek and Hanover Shale Members of the Java Formation, and the Dunkirk and Gowanda Shale Members of the Canadaway Formation. Previous age assignments and stratigraphic nomencla- ture for the rocks of southwestern New York State are summarized in Text- Figure 1. Java Formation The Java Formation was proposed by de Witt (1960) to include three members: the Pipe Creek Shale, Wiscoy Sandstone, and Hanover Shale. The type locality is the exposure along Beaver Meadow Creek, above Angel Falls, Java Township, Wyoming County, west-central New York. However, in the study area of study, only the Pipe Creek Shale and Hanover Shale Members are present. The Wiscoy sandstone, absent in southwestern New 11 .2me in; 262 5333538 3 8.2: .3 8329583 2.329223, can 355:9me mam 3235 B :25 ._ Sails“: 338 r m 8 w 38 r m s :58 r s :58 m3. . .8 3.88 w 348 v.88 3.88 a... m .18. m w 358 a... m m m v.88 8... mm ES 8... m $8.; a: w a... V 11. V 31. 3.. 3 , :48 3 w w m 358 a m w :38 w w :38 v :8 a :58 w :58 $872: .w m. N N $872: .w m N 852% . N 882% w 882$. w $824: m 8824: 34.8 .358 M 38 M 38 38 u :38 :28 £3.28 w 55.28 w 8328 8328 w V5228 3 .A A w w w :38 w :48 m 338 w .348 mm 38 Una $2; .8 m m 82; .8 3 W 8:; .8 Una :58 m 9 SEES w w m M 2338 mm m :48 3 m m :«8 WW w 348 a 22558 W mm m w .w w m. 22438 .w W W $338 w mm 3338 w m V “758:8 m m s m “288:8 w m 858:8 mm “288:8 w m w “208:8 288:8 w 283 w w m. «.33 mm <29: w N $33 A m. <29: «.33 w 3 .1. S :58 m w :38 w m :58 w m :38 w w m. :58 82:83 . w W. 32:83 . .8 32:8; 32:83 355; w H 238:8 m m “288:8 858:8 “758:8 358:8 3558 w w 5558 52:8 3558 5558 :38 :48 :38 3.8 :38 83582 83582 83:58 8558: 831:8 ~;.ww.swz,imv 23> 252 3% , 12.19352 Ems ,2?» 262 3w. 135» E521 Ewe» 25: >83 31.9,. mam. 1‘98 5.2.. 8:: 2. 82 58: N89 .228 .52 .838. 22.82 86:5 88: m2: .835; 8.: .8555 8.8: 28 8:38 82 .E33 .5525 as 5&8 .22 35.338 12 York, is the dominant stratigraphic unit of this formation in central New York State (Tesmer, 1967; de Witt, 1960). Pipe Creek Shale The Pipe Creek Shale was named by Chadwick (1923) for an exposure in Pipe Creek Glen, Colden Township, Erie County, New York, approximately 15 miles west of Java Village. This black shale unit ranges from less than 1 foot to as much as 28 feet in the study area (Pepper and de Witt, 1950; Pepper, et al., 1956; de Witt, 1960; Tesmer, 1963; Buehler and Tesmer, 1963). Fossils previously reported from the Pipe Creek include fish (Carter, 1945) conodonts (Hass, 1958), brachiopods, and fragments of carbonized wood (Tesmer, 1963; Buehler and Tesmer, 1963). Hanover Shale The Hanover Shale was initially designated the Silver Creek Shale by Hartnagel (1912) for gray shales below the overlying black Dunkirk Shale in exposures near Hanover, Chautauqua County, New York. Chadwick (1933) renamed this unit the Hanover Shale, and it was subsequently measured and mapped extensively in western New York by Pepper and de Witt (1950). The Hanover was redefined by de Witt (1960) to include interbedded gray and black shales and calcareous siltstones exposed along Silver Creek, in the town of Silver Creek, Hanover Township, Chautauqua County, New York (see Plate 1, figures 1 and 2). In the area of investigation, the Hanover ranges up to approximately 90 feet in thickness. Regionally, the Hanover thickens from central to western New York. 13 Fossils reported from this member include cephalopods (de Witt and Colton, 1953), conodonts (Hass, 1958), and gastropods (Tesmer, 1963). Trace fossils including pascichnia (grazing traces), fodinichnia (feeding traces), and domichnia (dwelling traces) were commonly found in the gray shales (Plate 1, figs. 5-6). Canadaway Formation The term Canadaway was initially applied as a group name by Chadwick (1933) for the strata from the base of the Dunkirk Shale to the base of the Cuba Sandstone as exposed in Canadaway Creek, Chautauqua County, New York. Pepper and de Witt (1951) subsequently recognized the 'Perrys- burg" Formation (= lowermost Canadaway Group) in which they included, in ascending order, the Dunkirk Shale, South Wales Shale, and Gowanda Shale Members. Tesmer (1955) suppressed the name “Perrysburg” Formation and transferred the Canadaway to formational rank. In southwestern New York, the Canadaway Formation is comprised of six members: the Dunkirk Shale, Gowanda Shale , Laona Siltstone, Westfield Shale, Shumla Siltstone, and Northeast Shale (Rickard, 1975). Dunkirk Shale The Dunkirk Shale (Plate 1, figs. 2-3) was named by Clarke (1903) for dark-gray to black shales exposed between the strata presently con- sidered the Hanover and Gowanda Shale, in a declevity at Point Gratiot, in Dunkirk, Chautauqua County, New York. In southwestern New York, the 14 Dunkirk ranges from approximately 47 to 70 feet in thickness. Regionally, this member generally thickens from central to western New York. Fossils previously noted from this unit include conodonts (Hass, 1951) and carbonized plant remains (Pepper and de Witt, 1951). Gowanda Shale The Gowanda (Plate 1, figs. 2-3), as originally described by Chadwick (1919), consisted of interbedded gray to black shales and cal- careous siltstones situated between the Dunkirk Shale and Laona Siltstone. The type locality was designated by Chadwick (1924) for a section on Cattaraugus Creek, in Gowanda, New York. Pepper and de Witt (1951) sub- sequently divided this unit into an older South_Wales Shale Member and a younger Gowanda Shale Member. They designated an exposure in a small tributary of the east branch of Cazenovia Creek, three miles south of South Wales, Erie County, New York, as the type section of the South Wales Member. Tesmer (1963), noting that the upper and lower contacts of the Gowanda could not be ascertained on Cattaraugus Creek, proposed that an essentially complete section exposed on Walnut Creek, near the town of Silver Creek, Chautauqua County, be assigned as the redefined type section of the Gowanda (sensu Pepper and de Witt, 1951). Recently, however, Rickard (1975) suppressed the name South Wales and included these strata within the Gowanda. The Gowanda (sensu Rickard, 1975) varies from approximately 210-300 feet in thickness in southwestern New York. Regionally, this unit thickens from central to western New York. Plant macrofossils, Callixylon erianum Arnold (1930), conodonts 15 (Hass, 1951), gastropods, and pelecypods (Tesmer, 1963) have been described from the Gowanda. Local Geological Setting During Middle Devonian time, carbonate deposition prevailed over most of the western New York area. Deltaic sedimentation prevailed during the Late-Middle Devonian when rivers prograded west-northwest from the Acadian orogenic belt which lay east of the present day Catskill Mountain area of southeastern New York (Text-Figure 2). This deltaic sequence exhibits a complex lateral and vertical gradation of sedimentary facies consistant with_patterns of similar environments in modern deltas (Friedman and Johnson, 1966; Roe, 1976). Text-Figure 3 shows the lateral facies relationships during the upper- most Senecan-lowermost Chautauquan of New York State. The easternmost facies of this complex is an association of red, green, and gray shales, and blue-gray sandstones that have been interpreted as subaerial and fluvial floodplain deposits (Thayer, 1974; Sutton, et al., 1970; Woodrow, et al., 1973). Woodrow, et a1. (1973) concluded that the Catskill coastal plain nearest the sea was marked by meandering streams, indistinct shoreline, and low relief of 0.3-1.0 m per km (1-3 ft. per mile). Successive depositional facies in the direction of progradation are composed predominantly of fine sands, coarse to fine silts and clays generally associated with delta platform, prodelta-shelf, and shelf- basin deposits (Sutton, et al., 1970; Thayer, 1974; Roe, 1976). 16 33...... 8 32:83 a... 2.28:8 =8 :8 .33 2.5 €2.55 1.26.3: 3 =2: fiauaeoaasa .5532... .N 23:18:. On: .— 96.. “a .3390 :56 3 82 & 17 .632 5. :. s... 3...... .82.... .. 8.... ....3......... .8.- I 38...... I... 31...... .8... I. .2. ................”n.. 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