A STUDY 0:“: me Pmaucnom mm WW 0? RESONANT STATES IN PERIPHERAL HIGH ENERGY commons Thesis fer the Degree of Ph. D. MECHEGMé STATE umwzasm " GLENN T. wmmow 1969 u .4...‘.... I Huts LIBRARY Michigan State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled A STUDY OF THE PRODUCTION AND DECAY OF RESONANT STATES IN PERIPHERAL HIGH ENERGY COLLISIONS presented by Glenn T. Williamson has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree in Physics «] Major professor Date May 1141 1969 0-169 ABSTRACT. A STUDY OF THE PRODUCTION AND DECAY OF RESONANT STATES IN PERIPHERAL-HIGH ENERGY COLLISIONS By Glenn T. Williamson The current theoretical situation in phenomenological analysis of high energy scattering is reviewed. Various attempts are made to improve upon several models. In particular, the effect of form factors and Regge treatment of propagators on Born amplitudes is examined. Higher order exchange contributions are considered as possible solutions to the problem of energy dependence of higher spin exchange amplitudes, It is found that a combination of the absorptive peripheral model and the Regge pole model is the most successful approach,-in that energy dependence difficulties are eliminated as is the need for conspiring trajectories. A STUDY OF THE PRODUCTION AND DECAY OF RESONANT STATES IN PERIPHERAL HIGH ENERGY COLLISIONS BY Glenn T. Williamson A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Physics and Astronomy 1969 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank Professor Hugh McManus for his guidance assistance and support throughout my graduate studies. I wish to thank Professor Walter Benenson for his critical reading of the manuscript. My thanks are due to Mrs. Julie Perkins for her assistance in the typing and preparation of this thesis. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O The Exchanged Particle Decay of the Resonant State THE GLAUBER FORMALISM FOR HIGH ENERGY SCATTERING AND THE BORN APPROXIMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABSORPTIVE CORRECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘. . .. FORM FACTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A REGGE MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONE-MESON-EXCHANGE CALCULATIONS AND COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Born Term Model (BTM) Absorptive Corrections ANOTHER APPROACH TO ABSORPTIVE CORRECTIONS. . . . . . . . OTHER MECHANISMS O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O C Vertex Correction Mechanisms Two-Pion Exchange ABSORPTIVE REGGE MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX I. NOTATION AND KINEMATICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. CALCULATION DETAILS: OME AND MODIFICATIONS FOR TT+n+wp I O O O O O I I O 0 O O O O I O O O 0 iii 15 18 23 25 30 44 52 64 76 78 86 III. TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) BVB VERTEX CORRECTIONS . . . . . . . . . IV. TWO MESON EXCHANGE IN PB+VB . . . . . . V. 4TH ORDER PARAMETER FUNCTIONS FOR PB+VB. iv 90 94 98 TABLE I. LIST OF TABLES Predictions of the BTM for Density Matrix Elements I I I I I I I O I I I I I I I I I I I 14 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. The reaction ab+n particles in the region where the final state is dominated by production of two resonances is approximated by a sum over all allowed one particle exchanges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 2. The two body scattering ab+cd in the center of mass and the orientation of the x and z axes . . .. . FIGURE 3. The two body scattering ab+cd in the rest frame Of partiCle do I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURE 4. The decay products g and h of the resonance d in its rest frame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 5. The absorptive model diagram for the scattering ab+Cdo o o o o o I o I o o o o o o o I o o o o o o o 0 FIGURE 6. Qualitative sketches of the t—angular distributions for (a) Hp+pp at 4.0 GeV/c and (b) fln+wp at 3.25 GeV/c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 7. Sketch of s-dependence of the total cross section in a quasi two body high energy scattering involving quantum number exchange. . . . . . . . . . . FIGURE 8. Comparison sketches of the BTM and experiment (EXP) for (a) np+pp and (b) fln+wp. . . . . . . . . . . vi 18 31 31 32 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) FIGURE 9. The Twp-vertex in the p—meson rest frame. . . . 32 FIGURE 10. Sketches showing the experimental decay distributions for the decay p+nn in the reaction np+pp+nnp assuming 0- exchange (a) W(cosa) (b) W(8). . 34 FIGURE ll. Sketches showing the experimental decay distributions for the decay p+nn in the reaction fip+pp+nwp assuming 1- exchange (a) W(cosa) (b) W(B). . 34 FIGURE 12. Sketches of the experimental decay distributions of w in the reaction nn+wp (a) W(cosa) (b) W(B). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 FIGURE 13. Comparison sketches of (a) BTMF and (b) BTMR Wlth experiment for the reaction np+pp. The dashed curves are the experimental results. 3%(t=0)is matched to the theoretical calculation at t=0. . o . 37 FIGURE 14. Comparison sketches of (a) BTMF and (b) BTMR with experiment for the reaction nn+wp. The dashed curves are the experimental results. 3%(t=0) is matched to the theoretical calculation at t=0. Theory and experiment are on the same scale. . . . . . . . . 38 FIGURE 15. Comparison of theory and experiment for the reaction pp+nA3/2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 FIGURE 16. Comparison of pp elastic scattering with theory giving best fit to panA 51 3/'ZI I I I I I I I I Vii LIST OF FIGURES (continued) FIGURE 17. Diagrams showing (a) the BTM and (b)+(c) some vertex corrections to the NpN vertex for fin+wpI I I I O I ‘l I O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FIGURE 18. The real part of the structure function K[yz] over the physical range of t for the reaction TTIT'NDp. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o o o 0 FIGURE 20. Simple two pion exchange diagrams for the reaction nn+wp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (I) l of t for the reaction nn+wp at 3.25 GeV/c. . . . . . FIGURE 21. Re 1:1) and Im I over the physical range FIGURE 22. Re(Il-Il) and Im(Il-Il) over the physical range of t for the reaction nn+wp at 3.25 GeV/c. . . FIGURE 23. §% vs. t for the reaction Hn+wp assuming 2n-exchange as the dominant mechanism. . . . . . . . FIGURE 24. Sketches of (a) n pole amplitude and (b) experimental t angular distribution for np+pn at 8 GeV/Co I I I I I e I G I I I I I O I I I I I I I FIGURE 25. Sketches of p and A contributions to (a) 2 n=0 and (b) n+0 amplitudes in the reaction np+pn. . . do FIGURE 26. H? VS' t for np+pn at 8 GeV/c. (Data are from G. Manning et al A.E.R.E. Harwell, England. . . . . FIGURE 27. %% vs. t for pp+nR at 7 GeV/c. (Data are from P. Astbury et al. Phys. Lett. 16(1965)328). . . . . . viii 52 54 57 60 61 62 68 69 72 75 LIST OF FIGURES (continued) FIGURE 28. Feynman diagram of OPE contribution to ab+cd scattering. . . o . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 FIGURE 29. The s-channel center-of-mass system for ab+cd scattering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 FIGURE 30. Coordinate system for OME calculation Of fl+n+wpe I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 86 FIGURE 31. Diagrams giving vertex corrections to NON pOint verteXI I I I I I I I I I I I I C I I I I I 90 FIGURE 32. Two pion exchange graphs for N+n+wp. . . . . 94 FIGURE 33. Configurations for two-meson exchange graphs for n+n+wpI I O I I Y‘3 C I I I I I I I I I I I 99 FIGURE 34. Configuration of NeN-vertex correction graphs for nn+wp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 ix INTRODUCTION In a large class of inelastic elementary particle reactions the experimental data reveal the following promo- nent general features: 1. One can usually group.the final particles into two quasi-states, the center—of—mass of each one nearly maintaining the direction of one of the incident particles, RRCM is strongly peaked either in the forward or backward direction or both. The reaction ab+1+2+3+...appears-as if there were only two particles-in the final state.~ Examples of such reactions are Np+nnN +HUHN KN+KHN +KHNN We refer to these-”particles" as c and d and consider quasi two-body interactions ab+cd-in which c or d may be multiparticle states.- They are,.in fact, the decay products of resonant states and are no different from the resonances themselves kinematically. The higher the inCIdent particle energy and the simpler the compOSItion of c and d, the more evident the forward or backward peaking becomes. 2. -In almost every case,-at-certain energies the final states do not appear to be directly produced.- The reactions proceed via the production of strongly inter- acting-(and very short-lived)~resonant~states which under- go strong decay-into the final state.- For example HN+ON+HHN KN+K*N**KHNN 3. The total cross-section O (s+w) behaves like tot s-n for small positive n.- While.the density of experimental data available over a wide range of reactions and energies is light, it is possible to note a rapid decrease (in most cases) in the total resonance production cross-section with energy. As we shall see later it is this fact that proves to be the most difficult to handle theoretically. These are peripheral collisions, and for lack of a better definition we shall call theoretical models for these processes peripheral models. The idea is that a and b do not collide head on; they undergo a glancing collision in which the two particles barely touch each other. We do not expect the trajectories of either of the final particles to deviate from the directions of the incident particles. One expects these peripheral processes to be dominated by long range forces. Because of the energies involved the treatment must be relativistic and there is no reason to suppose that we can ignore the intrinsic Spin of the particles. From the point of View of field theory these reactions proceed via the exchange of the virtual quanta that will induce the longest range force, the quanta of lightest mass. The problem has been reduced to consideration of a sum of one particle exchange graphs as indicated in Figure 1. Q m Figure l. The reaction ab+n particles in the region where the final state is dominated by production of two resonances is approximated by a sum over all allowed one-particle exchanges. In its simplest form, this "Born Term Model" leads to a matrix element of the form = Baec(t’mc);:Lm—Z Bbed(t,md) e for the production of the intermediate resonant states where t=-(b-d)2 is the invariant 4-momentum transfer, p/(t-mi) is the prOpagator of the exchanged particle and Bi (t,M ) is the vertex function. At t=M2, B (M2, M2) en n e zen e n is the matrix element for the physical process 2+e+n. If one regards n as a particle, B is equal to the (Zen)- coupling constant multiplied by a known kinematical factor. These vertex functions.are obtained in the usual way from interaction Lagrangians or by writing down the most general function consistent with Lorentz invariance and then using hermiticity, CPT.and other strong interaction invariances to limit the form.further. Since small physical values of t correspond to small center-of-mass scattering angles it is clear that if the vertex functions are not pathological in their behavior this Born approximation ought to beta good start to explaining peripheral collisions. And because of the "factored" structure of we have a basic test 229. d9 between the planes defined by ac and bd. of the model: should be independent of the angle The Exchanged Particle Consider any specific reaction and the usual invariance principles determine which exchanges are allowed. Example: KN+KN* 1. Conservation of baryon number tells us that e cannot be a baryon. 2. None of K,N,N* are eigenstates of the G—parity Operator so we obtain no Specific information from G- parity conservation: Ge is arbitrary. 3. Since strangeness is conserved at both vertices the exchanged particle must not be strange: Se=0' 4. Isotopic Spin conservation at the NeN* vertex requires l/2+I=3/2, which gives Ie=1,2. Consistency with the KeK vertex requires that the exchanged quanta be a member of an I-Spin triplet: .Ie=l. 5. Consider angular-momentum and parity conserva- tion at the KeK vertex in the outgoing K-meson rest frame. The K has Jp=0- so the addition theorem requires (_)£+l _ 1 _ _ 0 +2( ) +J§e=0 . This reduces immediately to £ +Jge=0 . Je Clearly we must have £=Je and pe=(-)£=(-) which means that Jge=0+ or l-,2+,... Examination of the NeN* vertex provides no information which further restricts Jge. In summary, for KN+KN* the exchanged quanta must be a non-strange member of an isospin triplet of mesons with Jp=J(-)J. We choose from among the known low lying meson states and conclude that 0 exchange is likely to dominate. One proceeds in just this way, applying the conser— vation laws at each vertex in.turn for each reaction to be considered. This procedure rarely limits the exchanged quanta to a Single state. Decay of the Resonant State Recall that particles c, d or both in the reaction ab+cd are in most cases pseudo-particles, resonant inter- actions of several elementary particles. So far we have discussed in general terms the amplitude for the production of the resonant state, particle d. (For the moment c will be just another elementary particle, eg. HN+NN*). We will consider decay into two particles: d+fg. If we had particle d, with Spin Sd at rest in the labor- atory, its decay would be governed solely by the transition matrix for the process d+fg: <§§> ~£ |2. decay fgdl Given an ensemble of states d at rest with Spin polulation A we have no reason to expect that the popula- d tions of each projection state are different. It is clear that this is not the case in our Situation. We do not start with particle d; we actually observe the process ab+cfg which proceeds via the intermediate state d: ab+cd+cfg. In contrast to the above, we do not expect the resonance d to be produced with an isotropic spin distri- bution. It must be assumed that the production matrix elements are spin dependent until we know otherwise. One can still obtain the decay angular distribution from the formula given above, but the initial state for the decay matrix element must be weighted by the probability for production of the Spin state =X S - deca |d>fg Z*gga b* p p Considering only the angular part H of the decay matrix element and normalizing, we arrive at a formula for the expected angular distribution of the decay pro— ducts f, g of the resonance d produced in ab+cd. For convenience everything is done in the d rest frame. W(a.8) = N ZH(fgd)*H(fgd')odd. where pdd' = N Z* 2 1 determines N2 Various symmetries can be used to obtain relations Trp among the production density matrix elements pmm" To find these it is necessary to examine W(a,B) in more detail. Coordinate system Since it is convenient to do calculations in the center-of-mass frame, we start there.. In all of our cal— culations we have defined the production plane to be the X2 plane with the momentum vectors aligned as Shown in Figure 2. [—I |>> Dr) d TB :74“ Figure 2. The two-body scattering ab+cd in the center-of—mass and the orientation of the x and z axes. Because it is easiest to look at the decay of d from its rest system, we perform a Lorentz transformation into this system as indicated in Figure 3. Figure 3. The two body scattering ab+cd in the rest frame of particle d. The 1 direction, the normal to the production plane, is axc defined by j_ = TERI" The decay angular distribution Now add the decay products f and g to the diagram, and delete a and c to get them out of the way as indicated in Figure 4. LI I a r I / x I I l l l l l r: IX) Figure 4. The decay products g and h of the resonance d in its rest frame. Two angles are needed to locate the decay products. Momen- tum conservation requires f and g to move in opposite directions. We use a polar angle a, which measures devia— tion of the line of motion from the]; direction, and an azimuthal angle 8 measuring deviation from the production plane. These definitions correspond to the usual definihg angles for the spherical harmonics Y£m(a,3). AS long as we choose the x axis to be the spin quantization axis for the resonant state d of Spin jd' the angular part of the decay matrix element will be |2m> coupled to jf+jg to form jd. An Example: This is a l-+0—+0_ transition. In the p rest frame the intrinsic spin of the p meson becomes the relative orbital angular momentum of the two pions. The angular part of the decay matrix element is proportional to Y£m(a,B). We write W(a:8)”1§mqum(arB)Yimu(01:8)Dmm. where we normalize fanpW(a,B)=l. Symmetries of pmm' It is useful to take advantage of available symmet- ries to simplify the density matrix as much as possible. We require that p be hermitian, p+=p. Application of parity conservation to ab+cd leads to additional relations among the production amplitudes. Substitution of these relations into the formula fortnimmediately Shows that =(-)’“"“' D 0 mm' -m-m' These two relations plus the trace condition enable us to write a TD i’1/2(1"’oo) 010 p1,-1 J=1 _ * _ * pmml _ p 10 poo p 10 01,-]. -p10 l/2(1-p00)-J 10 Using this matrix we obtain an expression for Wp+2"(a,8): i 0+O_3 _ _ 2 _ . 2 _ W(Q,B)-EEI3/2(l p00)+1/2(3p00 l)cos a pl’_131n acosZB V2Rep1051n2acoss] One also obtains an expression for the polarization of particle d by using P=Ter Px and P2 are found to vanish, d' so the polarization vector of d is perpendicular to the production plane. The decay of a spin jd into spins jf and jg can be analyzed in a similar way but it is necessary to use the angular momentum addition theorem to write the prOper angular functions. Once one has an expression for W in terms of density matrix elements, he again examines the effect of invariances at the vertices on the density matrix elements to obtain model dependent predictions for the angular distributions, assuming a jge for the exchanged quantum. To Show the method and complete the p-production example, we look at the p+wn decay. Assume the dominant contribution to nN+pN is the pion exchange force and ask what this means for the decay distribution of the produced mesons. Consider the vertex in the p-meson rest frame. A unit of orbital angular momentum is picked up in p-formation as intrisic spin and jz for the 2H system is zero. Note that parity is conserved. Conservation of Jz implies Jz=0 and the jz=l Spin projections of the p are not produced at all.‘ The only non-vanishing density matrix ll element is p00 which, because of the normalization condi- tion, must be unity. Substitution into W(a,B) gives deW(o,B) = 3/2 cosza W(a,B) = 3/4ncosza W(a) W(B) l/Zv We look for this behavior in the experimental data as evidence for n-exchange. This result is quite general; any reaction of the form PB+VB proceeding via pseudo- scalar exchange will lead to the above angular distri- butions for the decay of the produced V-meson. Similar analyses may be performed for the other allowed spin-parity assignments of the exchanged quanta and for arbitrary Spin of the produced resonance. Table A summarizes the results of analyses for other relevant cases. When doing calculations helicity eigenstates are used rather than spinors quantized relative to the z-axis.]'These are states in which each spin is quantized relative to its own direction of motion. Such states have very simple Lorentz transformation-prOpertieS-making-them very easy to use. We calculate amplitudes and cross-sections in the production center—of—mass system and decay angular distributions in the decay-center-of—mass system. ‘Before we can use the-density matrix it is necessary to perform ‘a rotation so that spin-quantization is relative to the z—axis, a more transparent-situation for comparison with experiment. 12 In the production CM, the angle of rotation for c,d is clearly 6cm' In the C(d) rest.system we have "I =g_- ' ' I. = . Sinwc ac Sinecm (sinwd %a81n6cm) . _ 2 2 2 where, With A(x,y,z) - x +y +z -2xy-2xz-2yz q=-l-%l/2(s,m:,m§) An incident channel CM-momentum 2fs'.‘ production process 1 A'l/2(t m:,m2 ) ac=2mc momentum of a in c rest system _1 1/2 2 2 . g p. _ bd-Efi—A (t,mb,md) momentum of b in d rest system d This transformation formula for the angle is very easy to derive. The component of a 4-vector perpendicular to the direction of a Lorentz transformation is unaffected by that transformation. 5(J) Let %EL be the helicity state density matrix for production of the resonant state c of Spin jc. The density matrix for quantization along the Z-axis in the c rest system is then given by (J) J C d? (-w) A lAl c which is a function of s and t for the production process. (J) c J p .=dC (11))01 AcA c ' AcAl c All 1 It is this pmm' that goes into the angular distribution formulas. 13 A look at the experimental data provides clues to the production mechanism. We invent a model, calculate production angular distributions, total cross—sections, production density matrix elements, and compare with the experimental-data. Proceeding in this manner, it has been possible to explain a-large-number of high energy-reactions, though in most cases not-without modifications, to the basic Born Terms. 14 TABLE I Predictions of the BTM for Density Matrix Elements 1. Vector Meson Production (Jp=l-) [decay:1'+O-+0-] significant density matrix elements: ”900:01 -l'plO I (p10 is complex). a) Pseudoscalar exchange (Jp=0-) prediction: p00=l, others zero. _J b) Natrual parity exchange (JP=J< ) ) 'arbitrary,.others zero. (_)J+l) redictio : P n - p1,-1 c) Unnatural parity exchange.(Jp=J noeprediction. 2. N*3 production (Jp=3/2+) [decayz 3/2++1/2++o'] Significant density matrix elements: 033’03—1'031 com 1 x (03,-1'031 P e ) a) Pseudoscalar exchange (Jp=0_) Prediction: all above elements are zero. b) Vector meson exchange (Jp=l-) prediction: Rep3l=0, p33=3/8, Rep3 _l=3/8. I THE GLAUBER FORMALISM FOR HIGH ENERGY SCATTERING AND THE BORN APPROXIMATION We start with a potential V(£) of finite range dnd use the Schroedinger equation to solve for the wave function, assuming high energy for the incident particle. By high energy we mean the incident particle energy e is much greater than the absolute magnitude of the potential V0, and that the wave length is much shorter than the range r of the potential: 0 V0<M<_r_'>d£' |£-1"| €10“? ”li'l—Zi) , - l-Al-r: V<£-_r_l>M<£-_r_ lldil 15 l6 2 l ldrld(cose)dp. Assuming V where d5 =r OM changes appreciably over distance d but varies slowly over a wave length, we obtain by partial integration 2 eikrl(l-cos6) cose=l 1 M(£)=1+Afdrlrld6[IEE——- v<57£l)M(£g£1)1 +6.2)=e19~'£e'”/q dz Vi(]2+iz_ ) i—— —00 18 19 We use these wave functions to calculate first order contribution to the inelastic scattering: iO-b Zfd2bdze — -e —iA/qudz'Vi-iA/q'fmdz'Vf ~00 z ZZHfjbde (6b)ei/2xi(b)B(b)ei/2Xf(b) where B(b)=fmsz(b+£z) and gag—3' —a> The range of V is assumed much smaller than Vi or Vf and the phase shift of wave traveling through V at impact parameter b is given by xn = Z(£+l/2)M£ P2(cose)=fxdxM(x)JO(wx) (w=25in8/2) , 2 Note that the expansion in impact parameter is approximately equivalent to the partial wave expansion. To obtain a relativistic version of this formula and include spin, we assume that the partial Born amplitude , where Ai is the helicity of the 1th particle, .J..' is replaced by el/ZXIMJel/ng. We start with the relativistic partial wave expansion A=Aa-Ab _ , j j — §<3+1/2>d Au(e)'u=x _( C . d invert it to obtain Mj =fd(cose)dj (e). b Au 20 Including the distorted wave correction DWj and resumming the‘serieS'we'obtain | . ‘ =2. ' V. ' j(j+l/2){Dijd(cose)dAu(e)}dAu(e)' In actuai practice this procedure is avoided when- ever possible by making use of a few mathematical tricks. For Single—quantum exchanges, retaining only the two lowest terms in n=|u-AI, the amplitudes can be put in the form a' _" l . Mnfe 2‘(xanw +x w ). It is possible to write l='l' 1 t-m: qq' €2+w2 where 82 is composed of angle independent kinematical quantities. Then using n w €2+w2 — e foxden(wx)kn(ex) we are able to write each amplitude as a partial wave sum and all that need be done is to insert the distorted wave factor DW(X) under the integral. It should be mentioned that for all of these high energy reactions, large numbers of partial waves contribute. Since we are limited to small 6C we can make use of the M approximation j ~ 2 _ dAu(8)~Jn«J+l/2)w) n In A Substituting in the Jacob-Wick Expansion and approximating the sum by an integral we obtain n = f xdxan(wx). Jo 21 Comparing this formula with the one obtained by using the approximate amplitudes M: and using the integral formula above,we write wn a _ 6 n- Mn I qu[(xan€ 232an):2:;7 + w x an] 9 = §§T[(x -62§an)foxden(wx)Kn(ex)+wn§an]. Adding DW(X) under the integral in M is essentially the correct procedure for adding the distorted wave correc— tions. It is possible to write the absorptive amplitude for a process in a way that explicitly separates the correction term from the Born exchange contribution. We begin with the Sopkovich formula for absorptive correc- tions: A _ ° . _ e jn - +iNF. E (2. +1)dj (e) jAlA2 2 +iNI z (2. +I)dju (e) jAlA2 j d 2 a b _ j NiNF 2(2j+1)dM1 (6)+. .. I|l{1JI \‘I‘ 22 where the Jacob-Wick expansion has been used to obtain the full amplitude. If we approximate the initial and final state elastic scattering amplitudes by spin-independent functions we recover our simpler, less general, formula 2(2.+1)[1+iTFNF+iT¥NI-TFT¥NFNI+...] j J 3 J 3 3 A , B j dAu(6) g(2j+l)DWjdgu(6). The general formula is useful as a starting point for more sophisticated calculations, eg. spin-flip in the elastic scattering which would allow one to take into account the non-zero polarization found in many elastic collisions, and to see more clearly the effects of absorp- tive corrections on the exchange amplitude. In practice, calculations using this form require large quantities of computer time. FORM FACTORS One of the first ideas for improvement of the Born Term Model was to replace the simple point vertex functions and the propagator by functions which incorporate higher order effects. The existence of such effects was used to justify replacement of the Born amplitude B by BF, where F is some-phenomenological function depending on t and the masses and as few arbitrary.constants as possible. If one chooses such-a function and obtains a best fit to the data at some incident energy and then-uses-this function to calculate at other energies, he hOpes—to succeed in comparing with experiment. -If-success-does come, one has a-very simple method of calculating. J. D. Jackson and H. Pilkuhnfsused an exponential -form factor eAt-to improve the angular distribution in fits to KN+K*N and K*N* over that obtained from simple vector meson exchange.— Later we will see-that such a form factor works well for flN~inelastic-collisions~dominated by vector meson exchange, but that another form-factor F(s) is necessary to fit the energy dependence. 23 24 Form factors are also able to improve on the Born modelfor reactions dominated by the exchange of pseudo- scalar particles. Amaldi and Selleri,‘5 two of the early investigators of peripheral collisions, were successful in fitting the data on np+pp with.the function F(t)- 0572 2 + ‘0528 2 2 l+(Mfi-t)/4.73M1T l+[(Mfl-t)/32Mfl] A REGGE MODEL Another approach based on an idea-first suggested by Gell-mann, Frautschi, and Zacharisen,7 draws on the Regge Model of high-energy~scattering. One starts with the t-channel process, writing down a partial wave expan- sion for the amplitude.- Assuming a~resonance in a partial wave one performs an analytic continuation via the Sommerfield-Watson transform to the 5 channel. This amplitude, the contribution-to the s channel amplitude due to the virtual exchange of the t—channel resonance, is used to calculate cross-sections.~ One obtains a one-meson exchange model in a different way; the exchanged particle has a spin a(t). One can show-that the characteristic prOpagator form 1 2 is contained in the amplitude. t-M * ' e Many authors have done calculations based on this model.8 The-idea is to replace the faCtor —E—§-in the one- . “ t-M e meson exchange amplitude, the one obtained field theoreti- cally and not the one crossed-from t channel by a phenom- enological function of Regge form: -ifla(t) , , d(t) , d(t) F(t)' K(2d§t)fl)(l+Te»A )[s—u I .[qtqt t-M: 2 sideTr 4qtqé Ma/MbMd 25 r T“ w .fllLfifl 26 The trajectory d(t) is determined experimentally. This is done for each exchanged particle. The extra factors have been introduced to make the formula dimensionally simple. The basis for this replacement is that had we started with the t-channel amplitude Tt(s,t)=k§(2£+l)T£(st)P£(coset), assumed dominance of a resonance of spin R, performed the Sommerfield-Watson transform and continued tO the 5 channel we would not get a factor —%—-. Instead we would have M -t obtained-something like t) -6(t)- 5°“ A _ _ 2 Slnfla(t)(§6) where J—Red(Meh where (t) will have the-behavior 2,prOVided it is not t-M e destroyed by other factors in 6. This does happen occaSion- ally. Starting with the Regge Form 7 _ I . P ( xt)+Pa(xt))-(qtqt . )aét) 2 sinna M JM'M a d ~(2n+1)( where q ,q' are initial, final cm momenta for t-channel; t t using s-u s—l/2(M:+M:+M:+M§) Xtzcoset=4qtq£ 6>>t 2qtq£ and d . . T + _ Pa(xt)~ (a l/2)2 X:(t) _ Cx:(t) P (-Xt)=te lNaPa( t) VFT(d+l) we write _ -iwa(t) .QAQ' d(t) B(2d(t)+l)%:;:fla(t) x: —E727——] where have put Ma/MbMd cB=§ and T is the signature of the exchanged trajectory. 27 E is determined by-requiring this expression to coincide with the field theory propagator at the-pole t=M: -l+tefifla(t) d(t)[]a(t)_ 2 sinna(t) Xt ’ 2. - 6354: [B (2a (t) +1) t-M e Near the pole (at to) a(t):a(to)+a'(to)(t-t0) sinna(t) : sinnd(t0)+nd (t0)cosnd(to)(t—t0) z sinnj+wa'(t0)cosnj(t-t0)2na'(t0)(t-t 'cosnj 0) ~ Nd (t0)(t t0)( ) . j . , t t0 2(-)3na'(t0)(t—t0) t t"to from which we readily obtain "_ l -j‘ _j‘ B - Zfla (t0)xt /[(r+( ) )(23+l)] 2na'(t0) , s-l/2(M:+M:+M:+M§)} -j = , 1 _ J (2j+1)[T+( ) ] 2Mav/MbMd Example: For J=l exchange the propagator is replaced by _ i-e’l"a(t’ s-l/2(M:+M:+M:+M§) “(t’ R(t)=B(2d(t)+l) A _ { m“ } 251nna(t) ZMa/MbMd where E is given by s- l/2(M:+ +M2+M2+M2) d(t) -_ TT l Mb C (21 2M aVMbMd A 1— ._........_:_..r-— J‘ 28 The procedure is to calculate the cross-section and density matrix elements with this form.for the-propagotor using the experimentally determined Regge trajectory apprOpriate to the exchanged state.‘ Since.the~Regge model is known to give the correct asymptotic energy dependence for cross- sections one hopes that this phenomenological ansatz based on the Regge idea-will show similar soc1ally acceptable behavior when it comes to energy dependence. The problem of correct energy dependence is one of the chief diffi- culties of the other methods-of-calculating peripheral reactions. As a derivation of one-particle—exchange Via the Regge approach makes clear, the energy dependence is intimately connected with the.spin of the exchanged quanta. In the Regge approach, exchange of a spin j does not lead to amplitudes which go as s3 but as de(t) where dj(t) is' the trajectory of the exchanged quanta. We might wonder why the field-theoretic t-channel amplitude is not used and explicitly continued to the s-channel rather than making this prOpagator replacement. Such calculations are being-done and they are more compli- cated than the replacement procedure. Starting With the t-channel exchange amplitude,.the kinematical Singularities introduced by spin are explicitly removed and the amplitude is continued analytically to the physical s-channel region. 29 Again, the residues are determined by requiring equality with the Born term at the pole. »As an example of such calculations, the reader is referred to the recent work of Griffiths and JabburS on N*3.production, in KN collisions. Recent calculations on np charge exchange combining the absorption model with a-conSistent treat- ment of spin in the Regge model will be outlined later in this paper. ONE-MESON-EXCHANGE CALCULATIONS AND COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENTS Most of the basic approaches to theoretical analysis of peripheral collisions have been discussed. To familiar- ize the reader with the general picture before describing present attempts to find improvements to OME models, ! . consider two reactions. «One, nN+pN, is dominated by pseudoscalar meson exchange, the other, fin+wp, by veCtor meson exchange. We discuss them in terms of the models just outlined. This discuSSion will be qualitative. The figures show general 5 and t-behavior only. Notation and conventions are detailed in Appendix I. The first of these reactions has been studied by many high energy theorists 3 and summarizes the successes of the models. This is both good and bad. It is good that everyone can invent a model, but bad because there is no resultant discrimination among ideas. The second reaction has been chosen because none of the models already discussed can explain all of the data. Some models give correct angular distributions and others handle the energy- dependence. 30 31 . do Figure 6 shows dfi a linear scale of arbitrary normalization. ; %' $fi? fl— » a, _ o ' 't if ' on (a) , 25- ‘ b) 4'. Figure 6. Qualitative sketches of the t-angular distributions for (a) wp+pp at 4.0 GeV/c and (b) nn+wp at 3.25 GeV/c. Notice the peaking, particularly strong for flp+pp, in the forward direction. This peaking is characteristic of peripheral processes. The angular distribution for n+n+wp, dominated by-p exchange, is less peripheral than the n-exchange reaction, as is to be expected since mp is much larger than m”. In each case the total cross— section drops quickly with increasing energy as indicated in Figure 7. 015) 4 ¥ S 3 Figure 7. Sketch of s—dependence of the total cross-section in a quasi two body high energy scattering involving quantum number exchange. 4F vs t for each of the reactions on 32 Data on the production density matrix are meager. Because of invariance principles, there are only three elements of interest and they are the same ones for each reaction: The element 010 is complex but poolplolpl'_l° we need only the real part for the decay distributions W(cosa) and W(B). For wp+pp at 4.0 GeV/c the available data are (000) = 0.53:0.12, (pl,-l> = 0.16:0.10, > = -0.06i0.05. Similarly, for fl+n(p)wp at 3.25 GeV/c ‘fi' _ = 0.5 and at 1.7 GeV/c he gives J“ ' Va; Pin._‘: ’31 “ > = 0.6:0.12, > = 0.0i0.712, > = -0.06i0.08. L to produce Ilm>w. Again by the rules for adding momenta we see that the state llmgilO>L contains only ilzl>w ie. the mw=0 state is not produced. Therefore we can conclude that Dmo = pom = 0. Substituting in the decay angular distribution formulas we obtain W(cosa,B) = 3/4 (l/2-p Cos2B)s1n2d n l,-l or W(cosa) = 3/4sin2d W(B) = 1/4 :(l+20l _ c0528}. I 1)'491,—1 (These formulas are valid for w decay even though it is a 3n resonance if the angles are redefined such that d is the angle between the incident n+ and the normal to the n—w° decay pion plane; 8 is then the corresponding aZimuthal angle). v.2 m .nin——— 36 We see immediately that for vector meson production in PB collisions the decay angular distributions are distinctly different for pseudoscalar and vector exchange dominance. (Actually the above analysis is valid for an exchanged state Wlth Pe=(-)Je, Je>l; these are called natural parity states. For unnatural parity, Pe=(—)Je+l we get no restrictions). Figure 12 shows the experimental W's for n+n+wp. Van-n moat-5 q It is clear that the evidence is strong for the exchange of a natural parity state. The simplest possible exchange candidate is the p-meson, a member of the 1- octet. / /‘ ‘ \ ."\\ (f~‘ I I ‘ \ I \JI \ l 2 ‘1 o i -w 0 fi‘ $.20“: ct E" Figure 12. Sketches of the experimental decay distri— butions of w in the reaction nn+wp (a) W(cosa) (b) W(B). Multiplicative Form Factors and Reggeized Propagators Both of these approaches involve replacing the EXF(s,t), where F(s,t) is a exchange amplitude MEX by M suitable function with as few aribtrary parameters as possible. Figure 13a shows the effect of the Amaldi— Selleri form factor on the n-exchange BTM cross-section for flp+p-p. The effect is to damp the amplitude at 37 larger values of t. This model compares favorably with experiment for incident pion momenta from 3.0 to 8.0 or 9.0 GeV/c in the lab. The same information is given in Figure 13b for the Regge propagator model. ‘0) \ a) Figure 13. Comparison sketches of (a) BTMF and (b) BTMR with experiment of the reaction np+pp. The dashed curves are the experimental results. %%(t=0) is matched to the theoretical calculation at t=0. One can see that the results are favorable. Again, the effect of this modification is to damp the Born amplitude at larger values of t, which is the desired effect. There is some arbitrariness in the pion tra- jectory; since it is difficult to isolate experimentally one determines the form from general principles. 38 For vector exchange reactions, Jackson and Pilkuhn improved the BTM angular distributions with an exponential form E(0)e->‘t (usually normalize form factors to l at the 2 exchange pole: F(t=m:)=l; E(0)=le Ame). Figure 14a shows the effect of such a factor with )\=2.5(GeV/c)'-2 on the n+n+wp reaction. We see an improve- ment in the angular distribution. There is, of course, E“ not any improvement in the energy dependence. We could Z always add a factor S_n and adjust n for a best fit. The Regge propagator result is shown in 14b. The trajectory used in the calculation is dp(t)=.57+l.08t; the parameters are from eXperiment. The energy dependence also consider- ably improved. (m (b) Figure 14. Comparison sketches of (a) BTMF and (b) BTMR with experiment for the reaction fin+wp. The dashed curves are the experimental results. ‘ %%(t=0) is matched to the theoretical calculation at t=0. Theory and experiment are on the same scale. 39 Neither of these modifications to the BTM affect the density matrix predictions; no spineindependent modifications can do so. To see this we look closely at the definition of pmm" assuming a resonant state d: * = N2 Trp=l c a b c . a p b mm' where are the production helicity amplitudes. Eh If M denotes the BTM amplitude and F a function, independent of spin, then the form factor modified or reggeized pro- pagator amplitude is MF. Since F factors we have p = N|F|22<|MI>* = NiFIZA'l and we see immediately that Trp =1 gives N=AIF|—2 and p , is unaffected. mm Absorptive Corrections By the same kind of argument, it is apparent that the absorptive corrections will_modify the denSity matrix elements because the effective function F is different for each spin amplitude. However, since absorption usually damps down contributions to the lower partial waves much more than the high ones for each amplitude one expects the modifications to 03$? to be small for most of the elements--exactly the experimental situation. 40 For the w—exchange reaction it is difficult to distinguish between the absorptive and Regge calculations. The results are not identical but they are close for scale and angular distribution. The density matrix predic— tion of the absorption model is good, while the BTMR calculation gives the same prediction as the BTM. The situation is somewhat different for the p-exchange reaction, n+n+wp. Again the absorptive model does well with angular distribution and density matrix elements but the absolute magnitude of the total cross-section prediction is too high. In this regard, the Regge propagator form does much better. Because the meager data we cannot say just how much better; it is pOSSible that the prediction is low. As in the p-case, this Regge model gives no improve-7 ment in the production density matrix prediction over that of the BTM. The absorptive corrections for these calculations were obtained from phenomenological fits to experiment according to the prescription of Jackson and Gottfried4 (1964). This approach is quite successful and is used by most everyone dOing absorptive calculations. The idea is too obtain from the latest experimental data a best fit to the elastic scattering amplitude and invert it to obtain the elastic phase shift which is then used to correct the inelastic amplitude. 41 Recall the DWBA formula for the elastic scattering amplitude: _i 'or fEL = -Afd£ e 9 —V(£)x(£) Substituting the high energy approximate expression for x(u) we obtain 2 _' U. ' . _'A U | fEL = -Ajd£ e lg £V(£)ela E lqif: V(b,z ) _',Z\_ l | - . _ -' -iqudbd6dz%§ e 1 [:2 V(b,z )elé g A—q q (for 6<<1 A a = 251 so 9'5: 9'2) -iA/qf dz'v(b,z')_l= —CD The integral over 2 gives e elxDW. Ai helic1ty of 1 particle J The Jackson-Gottfried correction function has been parameterized as -2/q2 2 2/q3] 2 -Y2 J + ‘Y 3 (DWj) =[l-c+e + ][l-c_e - i refer to incident and final channels, respectively. 47 The parameters Ci,yi are derived from elastic pp scatter— ing data to be: Ci=1 Y+=-24 GeV/c y_=.10~GeV/c In the model based-approach, the absorptive function used is 2 V _ 2 , 2 , _ _ 2 . (DW.)2= exp(-£: e J /4a uq+)exp(-§-—Ie J /4a uq_) J U n We used the same value for the slope of the Pomeranchuk trajectory as Frautschi and Margolis: '=o,82(GeV/c)-2. Also, their fits to the elastic pp data 2 at 20 GeV/c with this value of the slope and s =lGeV 0 yield E=7. Starting with €£=7 this parameter was varied over a wide range to get a good fit to the pp+nA;;2. Also, some calculations were done to determine the effect of different 0' on the result. The initial appeal of Frautschi‘s elastic scatter- ing model for absorptive corrections is the logarithmic 'energy dependence which shows up in the expression for the phase shift. Absorptive model calculations a' la' Jackson-Gottfried at several energies show that the amount of absorption necessary to get a good phenomonological fit to the data decreases slowly with energy. It was hOped that the Frautschi parameterization of elastic scattering might allow for this decrease. 48 92 dt' particular energy there is trivial difference between the It is possible to get a good fit to but at a different approaches as shown in Figure 15. Differences in the predicted density matrix elements are easier to see-- as a function of energy; the Frautschi model corrections give pmm' which change more rapidly. Unfortunately there will not be enough good data until the summer, at which time comparison from 6-30 GeV/c should be possible. There are other objections to this approach. From a phenomenological point of View it would be better to use the energy dependent corrections. But values of the absorptive parameters necessary to fit the inelastic data do not provide a satisfactory fit to the elastic scatter- ing. Figure 16 compares a theoretical curve of the Frautschi model, using the parameters that provide a best fit to pp+nA with the elastic scattering. It is not clear that the model is internally consistent.- Sums of t-channel exchange diagrams can show a Regge behavior; the Frautschi model probably "double counts" contributions to the amplitude. Also, one can show that resonance behavior at low energy can be deduced from a Regge amplitude at high energy. Resonance is a prOperty of amplitudes not potentials. The Frautschi model says that Regge exchange in one channel generates potentials in the crossed channel rather than amplitudes. This seems inconsistent with the other result. 49 We must conclude that the Frautschi model is probably not correct. It-is-possible~to-generate absorp- tive corrections containing a small energy dependence (anyRegge-model of-elastic scattering can work) and improve, if only slightly, the fit to experiment. We are being drawn to simultaneous use of the Regge model and absorp- tive corrections. The only obstacle is the question of double counting--a question that can_be answered in favor of combination of the models. 50 20-0 l I 1 T FIG. l5 ‘ pp—'-nA3/2 pmcf 55 GeV/c I60 7 ——— ABSORPTIVE - '- JACKSON- GOTTFRIED —-— ABSORPTIVE- FRAUTSCHI {=25 I2.0 - —- wREGGE - " do --; TRAJECTORY d—Q: “ g at=a‘(t-m%) \é mb/sr 1‘: 8.0 — (g i ‘3 i 1rREGGIE Tauscroav _. V: ' _ 4.0 .\ w M L.\\ m {=25 I. \\r 1 t : fiq‘g1 "1‘ --‘ r-.. 00 l Kn; ' .‘ 1““ '~--J ' .95 9 .85 .8 cosecm Figure 15. Comparison of theory and experiment for the reaction pp+nA3/2. ‘1‘ U \ > 8’ 5a _ I I I 'j I I 5 FIG. I6 3|; 0 pp ELASTIC SCATTERING I92 GeV/C IOZS _ — FM MODEL {=7 — --- FM MODEL {=20 I626 =a°+a'1=l+082I T ‘x :p- 1 . |(527__ \ o- -41 111111 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 IIIIGeV/C) Figure 16. Comparison of pp elastic scattering with theory giving best fit to pp+nA3/2. OTHER MECHANISMS With the successes and failures of'one-meson-exchange in mind, we focus now on vector meson exchange and investigate improvements to OMB models. As an example-of a vector exchange dominated process we continue examination of nn+wp. Vertex Correction Mechanisms The use of phenomenological form factors to improve simple OME was based on the assumption-that-other.more complex diagrams contribute to the scattering amplitude, and that such factors (functions of t) improve the angular distribution over the BTM prediction for both pseudoscalar and vector meson exchange dominated reactions. We ask.if it is possible to get a better clue as to the functional form of such factors by looking at other diagrams.which can contribute. Figure-l7 shows the diagrams for.the BTM and lowest order corrections for n+n+wp. 1r\\\ u ‘\][,I‘ I / \ n I’ “my Figure 17. Diagrams showing (a) the BTM and (b)+(d) some vertex corrections to the NpN vertex for nn+wp. 52 53 In addition there can be graphs where the virtual nucleons are replaced by nucleon resonances. We concentrate on diagrams 17b as the next simple cases after the BTM. Using the Feynman rules for forming the S-matrix, we obtain the transition amplitude assuming this diagram to be the dominant contribution (detailed. calculations can be found in Appendix III. We obtain f _ 2 vvp 1 (AcAdIMIAb>n— 2cgNngpV Mc m2_t€uvpca ep€o(c’xc) U(d.Ad)Y5AuY5U(b.Ab) where __ (3) - (3) _ (3) ysAuys— 213anu (Mp)+21YA[LAu (Mp) LAu (Mn)] 4 1 £ (n) d l A u L (M)=[dsf —-—~ A =M -M A“ (211)Z 122-22pz+Az]n “9 n P All of the terms inllare finite, if one allows a liberal interpretation of the rules for manipulating infinite quantities. It is interesting to note that if we neglect the neutron-proton mass difference for internal lines the amplitude vanishes. After very involved algebra, one obtains a compact expression for the helicity amplitudes n = iK M2 K[yz] -t p Here Ac’Ad'Ab refer to the helicity quantum number of the w,p,n respectively. {Ad'kb} is shorthand for the spinor product 6(p,x )u(n,l ), K contains coupling constants d b lo and miscellaneous factors, and B comes from the rpm vertex. ConSider first the energy dependence. Refering 54 to the BTM calculation one easily finds that the calculated gg~sz. We saw earlier that this result conflicts with the experimental evidence. Turning now to the vertex correction contribution, B and {Ad’xb} go as s3/2 and s respectively (k~so). The energy dependence of K[YZ] is the only unknown. Should this factor, which comes from the closed loop in the diagram be independent of energy, we will obtain the same-energy dependence of %% as the BTM.' This will turn out to be the case. To see this we look more closely at the algebra. K[yz] can be expressed as a sum of three terms: 1 2M 2 2 2 K[yz],=>K [yz] + —9-VK'[y z ] + 2K"[yz ] 1 Anp l 1 Where the first term comes out of L(3)(Mn) and the others from 2iY1[L(3)(Mn )- -L(3)(M )]. Rewriting in terms of the fourth order Feynman parameter functions Fi(x,z) defined in Appendix III we have 2 l- K [yz] = dz F (l,z)M l (2“) I 3 n 2 2 2 l Ki[y z ] = 73—;1-£ dz z[F5(l,z)Mn-F5(l,z)M ] n l KinzZ] = 4 f dz 2 [F3(1,z)Mn-F3(l,z)M ] (2N) ° This extra algebra proves very convenient; these functions Fi(x,z) characteristic of fourth order diagrams in the nN channel. Again refering to Appendix V , examination of the functioneri(X,Z) shows clearly that all s-dependence vanishes at x=1: Fi(1,z) are independent of s. 54 .03+c= cofluommu ecu How u mo mmcmn H00fim>nm on» Hm>o HN>Hx cofluocsw mnnuosuum mnu 00 when amen one .ma gunman Eommoo 0 _- 0.0- 0.0 no 0.. . mud IIIIRIIIIII .I 0.. N. 11111111111111/1/11/ l/l/ Ilhflq // o . 1 ¢Lov 5 s 1 gum , Qm . a . n.2— o\>u0 mmv mun- a i 9901:...» I m. .9... 8 _ _ _ o.» 55 Figure 18 shows ReK[yz] for several values of incident pion momentum over the physical range of t. (ImK 10"3 ReK) Notice the similarity in the curves for different energy and the forward peak. Since the scattering amplitude is prOportional to wnK[yz] we can understand I the peaking of %% at non-forward t. Assuming that these vertex correction type graphs are the dominant production 'mechanism for wn+wp the cross section was calculated, and is shown in-Figure 19. The angular distribution is not bad and the-absolute magnitude is more in_line with experiment.~ Keep in mind that no absorptive corrections have been added. Addition of such corrections would shift the peak more toward the forward direction, but also would 'damp the absolute magnitude far to much. For comparison 'Figure'l9 also shows the result of an absorptive BTM calculation at the same energy.. Also, these graphs cannot improve the fit to the w production density matrix elements; indeed the prediction is the-same as the BTM. '- Another approach would be to interpret these fourth order corrections in a strictly field theoretic sense as next order corrections to the BTM and assume \ \( n = BTM + ’\ + - /—\ ' 55 .ds+c: MOM gamma cofluomuuoo xmuum> may H00 unmeflummxw 0cm muomru mo QOmAHmmEou .ma musmam Eommoo :1» m. 0.“. 02.8% as _ _ _ _ _ / \ 4N. ESE at 56 Here we can have interference and reference to the calculational details for the separate terms shows that the corrections to the BTM helicity amplitudes are such that we could obtain a prediction for the denity matrix elements. However, absorptive BTM gives us this already and there is still the problem of energy dependence. There are, of course, still the other fourth order contributions of this type, diagrams 176: for example, as well as others. These other graphs are plagued by severe divergence problems and the non-divergent terms show no improvement in the energy dependence. The conclusion is that vertex corrections are not the answer to the energy dependence problem, so one must try other things. There is currently much interest in the relation- ship between absorptive corrections and Regge poles; most of it devoted to justifying simultaneous use of the two models. The idea is to write a Regge form for the inelastic- interactions and apply absorptive corrections. We will see that such calculations can be successful. There is,however, one other alternative to be considered. Two-Pion Exchange We abandon the BTM and guess, perhaps, that only pions can be exchanged in the interaction. Thetnresonance is assumed to be produced by sequential pickup of two virtual pions. The simplest relevant Feynman graphs are shown in Figure 20. Note that this time we have 6 contributing graphs. Figure 20. Simple two pion exchange diagrams for the reaction fln+wp. As before, using the usual rules, one obtains expressions for the-matrix elements: n =2/2'G 2M:€ elvpo aAq a; (c, A)u(d,u‘ )YSA: y5u(b,u) q=b-d (All. IMIfilJ>n= _________________________________ Ag]: * _ n= ----------- axrvso(d,l)u(c,u')Y5A iIIY5u(b,u)r=b- c with 4 I ‘ d e e o no I _ . (2") [e2 +M 2+M][(a+e)2 :I[(q-e)2+Mi][(b-e)§+M2] + other terms and obtain II by the replacement a+-c in AI and III by the replacement q+r in AI It is necessary to be very careful when making approximations to be sure the dominant contributions are 'retained. We assume, however, that the contribution from III can be neglected relative tO'I and II. Reference to Appendix IV shows that we.can write (using the same notation as for the vertex-correction ‘calculation) - AI -11 14> .- <4) _ (4) Y5 st- nPLuv (Mp)+1YX[LW(Mn) LW (Mp)] p o p___ L(n) (M)=fds"9§ 4 p u ‘ (2“) [e2 -Zepz+pz]n 58 A seemingly endless number of algebraic manipula- tions leads to a compact form for the scattering amplitudes. We obtain . I A I < Wu'u A n=iKB {u',u}I[yz]-1KB E———I3-KMu,uJ/Anp I=Il-I2 np Similar expressions can be written for the TII and TIII terms. Here K contains coupling constants, and miscellaneous factors of- and has the same definition as in the vertex correction amplitude. The other factors are "A i . .- B =—qq' Slne 6 w . =1U(d,u')#U(b,u) /2 cm A,il u u _ A — , A {min} = U(d,u')U(b,u) Mu'u=U(d'“ )N U(b,u) N=€Avpo aAqv€§(C'A) Rewriting in terms of the fourth order parameter functions Fi(x,z) for convenience in investigating the energy dependence, we have. I - "2 1.(2")4 [dzdx22(l-z)Fi(x,Z)Mp M 4 fdzdx23(l-z){[Fl(x,z)+Z—E F2(X,Z)]n ' (2N) M np [F1+Z—B- F2(x,z)1Mp} nP _ n I2— 2 2 2 13=73373 Idzdxz (l-z) (1‘X)[Fl(xrz)Mn—F1(X’Z)Mp] 2 w J +7;;TI f dzdx(1-z)z[F4(x,z)Mn-F4(x,z)Mp] The energy dependence of the F's is discussed in the Appendix, as is that of the other factors. We find that F s“2 and F ~s’1 so I, I I ~s’2 and J~S-l. Fl' 2 4 2' 3 59 Similarly, examination of the expressions for Wu. and M3,“ gives S1 and 83/2 dependence. (Mu.u~S0 ). Therefore we can-write ,-respectively, for the energy I T = al+a2%§' =Squaring, etc. leads to an expression for %%~-~ I _ ' b C 0 ' 0 1 ENT'- a+——' E const. (one can obtain Similar resuits fl? for-I and III). This result is obviously much more pleasing that the BTM and its-simple vertex corrections;w there is at least some~reason to be optimistic about-ZW-exchange. The t-behavior can be seen easily in Figure 21, which shows ReIl(I) and ImIl‘I) as a function of CM scattering angle for incident pion momenta of 3.25GeV/c. Note the predominant forward peak and absence of any backward ‘peak. It should be noted that-the peak in the cross section will be shifted away from the forward direction because of the influence of angular factors in the kinematics. Figure 22 shows the same information with the T(II) contribution added, eg. Re(Il-Tl) and Im(Il-f1)' The T(II) contribution is about 1/30 of T‘I) in magnitude. It is clear that T(II) could have been neglected. The term proportional to J (J looks like I but is of Opposite-sign) provides a small correction which additively effects the helicity amplitudes and can there- fore give a non-BTM density matrix-prediction, but at- these energies this correction is not noticable. Figure_23 60 .o\>mw mm.m um m3+c= cofluommu wnu How u mo mmcmu Hmoflmxcm may um>oAHWH EH pew AHWH cm .HN musmflm QT 60080 M? 9 i. NV no “w t a m. q_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I III” “PIPIVIIHHHIIIII I I l/ l 0.0 / _E_ / i . / i , _ I ,_o i . i . I Nd _ o\>momm.m .2 H a3 :8 c +k I am: Ind _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ _ 61 .0\>m0 m~.m um ms+ce cowuommu on» How u wo mmcmu HMUHm>£m may Hm>o AHMIHHVEH can AHMIHvam .NN musmflm E0080 0..- 0.. 0.. «V N.. 0.0 N0 «.0 0.0 0.0 0._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “HunnHHHthHHHHHMHHHhMhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMHHHHHHMMHWlulfl:lll Ilnru :III///._mm/, // / .5. x J / I l _.0 ii. __ _ _ _ l N.0 $88.» 2 Z aaakmv c+h NN.0_.._ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ .Emficmnomfi ucmcHEOU may mm mmcmsoxmipm #0 mcHESmmm ms+c: cofluoomu on“ How u .m> op . mm 83m: 800.80 62 535 8 l O.— o\>mo mNM QSAIctF N._ mN .GE _ _ _ _ _ L — _ _ r ¢._ 63 shows the angular distribution assuming 2” exchange for the production mechanism. Absorptive corrections have been included, the result is acceptable. The conclusion isthat~2Tr exchange can work and give an acceptable energy dependence.v Cursory examination of final states containing higher spin resonant states shows that 2N exchange will break down, ie. predict an incorrect energy dependence, but that nTr exchange for some apprOpriate n will restore the prediction to an acceptable value. It is interesting that sums of exchange graphs can give Regge energy behaVior.‘ Also absorption is clearly a different physical effect from multiparticle exchange. The argument that the physical effects behind-Regge exchange and absorption are distinct has-recently been-given in detail by Marc Ross, Frank Henyey, and-GordonKane.ll ABSORPTIVE REGGE MODEL We accept the qualitative arguments against double counting and apply absorptive corrections to the Regge exchange amplitudes for the reaction np+pn assuming. dominance of the 1r,p,A2 trajectories. This reaction is interesting because of the availability of experimental data for the cross section and an experiment now in progress to measure the final neutron asymmetry, ie. a polarization. If the cross section for this reaction (and related reactions) can be fit in a consistent manner then one obtains a prediction for the polarizations. Regge poles have definite spin and paritylzand the Regge model tells us that the trajectories with the largest a(t) will dominate the amplitude at high energy. The conservation laws tell us that the exchange quanta must be members of non-strange isotopic Spin triplets of mesons; 1r,p,A2 are acceptable candidates. We must determine how these trajectories contribute to various t-channel helicity amplitudes. Expanding in t-channel partial waves we have ndi (6t) 13> j nt tut 64 65 At=A1'A3 utzxz’M n = — At ut t In np charge exchange A =A2=A3=A4=l/2, giving a 1 total of 16 helicity amplitudes. Application of parity conservation and time reversal invariance reduces this number to 6. Further, strong interactions are I-spin invariant so we neglect the n-p mass difference and kinematically we have identical particle scattering which gives one more relation and so reduces the number of independent helicity amplitudes to these five: ¢§=O ¢§=<1/2 1/2|T|-1/2-1/2>O ¢§=O ¢§=<1/2-1/2|T|-1/2 1/2>2 ¢§=<1/2 1/2|T|1/2-1/2>l To determine the Regge contribution to each amplitude we write the amplitudes as linear combinations of parity conserving amplitudes (Regge poles have definite parity), expand these into partial waves (definite spin assoc. with each trajectory) and perform the Sommerfield-Watson transform to obtain the appropriate Regge forms. After removing kinematic singularities we obtain (after long and tedious algebra) 66 t_ 1+ i- ai ¢1—1/2E(BOO+BOO)Ci(S/SO) t_ i+_ i- ai ¢2-1/2§(800 BOO)Si(s/so) t_ Z i+ i- ai ¢3-l/2iqi(811+Bll)si(s/SO) t__ 2 i+_ i- ai ¢4— l/ziai(Bll Bll)si(S/SO) t- - 1+ ai-l ¢5—1/251net§8108i(S/SO) th where Ci is the usual signature factor, ai(t) is the i '+ Regge trajectory, and the 8%; are the residue functions, natural (the i refer to (unnatural) parity). We see immediately that the p and A2, both natural parity particles, can contribute to all of the amplitudes.’ The n, unnatural parity, contributes only to 836 and twpole_ therefore only to ¢§ and ¢§ such that ¢l --¢;flp°1e. With faith that our ¢§ contain only dynamical singularities 13 we apply crossing to obtain the s-channel amplitudes: s_ 1/2 1/2 _ 1/2 ,_ (Acxle'AaAb> —XdA' A (Xt)dA' A (" Xt)dA' A (" Xt) a a b b c c 1/2 I I I | t dA' A (Xt)<*c*a|T'Ad*b> d d where cosxt=[s/(s-4M2)]]'/2[t/(t--4M2)]1/2 After much calculating we obtain 67 2 s_ . 2 t t t t t _l+cos ¢1—l/25in xt[¢l+¢2+¢3+a¢4+4b¢5] a— . Sln x s_ . 2 t_ t t_ t t ¢2‘1/251n Xt[¢l a¢2+¢3 ¢4+4b¢sl b=cotx t s ¢§=l/Zsin2xt[¢§+¢§-a¢§-¢:+4b¢ ] t t t t ¢j=1/2sin2xtta¢1-¢2-¢3+¢4-4b¢§1 t t' t t 2 t l+¢2+¢3-¢4)+2(l-b )¢S] s_ . 2 ¢5-l/281n xtl-b(¢ Reference to the expressions for ¢§ shows that; only ¢§ and ¢2 contains the-n pole. One readily obtains snpole= supole ¢2 ¢4 =1/2'é'"sfl(s/so>°‘Tr Now, ¢Z is an n=2 amplitude, ie. net helicity transfer from the incident to the-final state-is 2 units of angular momentum, and must therefore vanish like (-t) as t+0. Therefore we conclude that B”=<-t)8" and the n pole cannot possible contribute to the experi- mentally observed forward peak.' In Figure 24a we see the ”pole amplitude as a function of t. 68 190“ do. ¢ 5; \mb T : ea _ N no; -t 00‘1 t Figure 24. Sketches of (a)n pole amplitude and (b) experimental t angular distribution for np pn at 8 GeV/c. Since the n pole is nearest to the physical region it.is expected-to be the dominant contribution to the cross;i- section. The conclusion is that the Regge pole~model;- predicts a dip in the forward direction in np charge exchange. (Figure 24b shows the shape of the experimental do/dt.) . rThere is-a way around thisvdifficulty}4 Until-now_rw the solution has been to assume the existence of a parity doublet for the n. We require a second n trajectory,wd, of positive parity which-conspires with the n such that d ¢2+fl =0, as required by conservation of angular-momentum, without the necessity for ¢g+fl =0. The Nd contributes to ¢§ and $2 with opposite sign so we obtain 5 + d _ fl _ d d ¢2" " =1/ZBNSN(S/SO)Q +1/2eTr swim/so)OUT d n d d Sfi+fl _ -N a _ —fi an - ¢4 —1/28 sfi(S/SO) 1/28 Snd(s/so) s —Snd 69 Now angular momentum conservation gives d ¢ifl+fl (t=0)=0 (the p and A2 contributions vanish at t=0) + §" dn(t=0)=dfld(t=0) and we see that ¢§fl+fld need not vanish at t=0 and the existence of the n pole at t=M§ZO insures a large contri- bution in the forward direction. It is true that the p, A2 contributions to ¢f, and ¢§ do not have to vanish in the forward direction as indicated in Figure 25. However, the amplitudes are rather smooth and flat, slowly decreasing, functions of t. When ‘the w pole is added and the other amplitudes um (a 0‘1. 9' A7. ‘23 wmro Ln: 6} .5; 't .63 ‘t Figure 25. Sketches of p and A contributions to (a) n=0 and (b) n+0 amplitudes in the geaction np+pn. Etre considered the combined effect is to produce a dip iri the forward cross section; the presence of the Nd tJrajectory remedies this defect. 70 One problem with the conspiracy solution is that the Nd is not observed so its introduction becomes a non-physical extension of the model. We will seecthat application of absorptive corrections introduces-cuts, associated with each pole, each containing positive:and’ negative parity parts, and that the behavior of the;n, cut in the forward direction is effectively that of:the- conspirator so we explain the data in a physical-way.; We look at the absorptive formula-derived earlier: A _ B (ACAdIT |)‘a)‘b>n-<)\c>‘le l)‘a>‘b>n . z ,, j +iNj(23+l)dAu(6){ +} ----- where, as is usual, the absorptive interactionsin the incident and final channels are-assumed equal. Using of the Jacob-Wick expansion and the elastic scattering parameter— ization L 2 . At/Z - =-4q (i+p)0 p a 6 where c d a b T ACAa Adlb 0T=total cross section and p=ReTEL/ImTEL are experimentally determined as is A. one obtains At/ZIO At'/2 ip _ 00 A . . n =n+K dt 9 In(A/tt ) d|"B b B . __ OT _. n With Kl— 4nA(l ip). 71 The Born pole term or Regge pole term TB enters. in the second term which is a superposition of several. poles, ie. a cut.- Thus to each pole there is associated a cut generated by the absorptive correction to the ;. amplitude. The cut is not a parity eigenstate and so. contains both natural and unnatural parity parts.. This. means that we can have interesting polarization effects,- "self-conspiracy" etc. The important point is-that the cut term could, and so we-shall see does, have the same. - effect as the introduction of conspiring-trajectories. eg., np charge-exchange: the ¢2°ut need not vanish at t=0. We fix the n-residue by equating, in the high energy limit, the Born term to the Regge contribution at the n pole. With n pole + n-cut most of the very forward. cross section is reproduced. Figure 26 shows %% vs t at 8 GeV/c with the experimental data}5 The same procedure of equating Regge form and Born term at the pole for the p meson is used. First we look-at nN charge- exchange and use factorization of residues to determine the ratio of non-flip to flip p residues. Extrapolation. to the Born term of np charge exchange then fixes the. , magnitudes and signs of the residues in a consistent manner in terms of the vector and tensor coupling constants of vector mesons to baryons. (np~charge exchange Born term is enough by itself but nN charge exchange allows separation 'of residues into vertex parts and provides a consistency check). 72 Atacamcm .Hamzhmm .m.m.m.4 an no mcflccmz .0 EOHM mum mummy .o\>w0 m um chmc How u .m> mm .mm musmflm :80 moo 9v. O¢. mm. Om. ON. ON. 0.. 0—. no. _. _ _ IL _ i i _ _ _ + / 1N. / I I / / 1?. / no. / um. // I». / 1m. / lm. / xx 10.. //J l _._ o m , . Raped” ell/.1. N _ 8.0... I». 1V; In; To: liaalll‘! Ilv..l"l|l I I! III III- I‘l‘llllll‘ ‘1 I'll-I. ’llahlul Illu|u Iii! II III 73 We set the relative sign of the p and A2 by requiring the (p+A2) contribution to an amplitude by predominantly ., real. (The p and A are treated as exchange degenerate._ 2 Experimentally %%(np+pn) holds its shape to low energies, ie. no resonance formation). Since the signs of the n and p are fixed by the Born terms, all signs are determined absolutely. [The procedure was to fix n pole + n cut~to reproduce 99. dt 2 the overall t-distribution by varying the values of G the break in and add p and A ~to get a best fit.to~ V . and GT for the p and A within physically acceptable... 2 limits. The procedure uniquely fixes the polarizations. . The experiment now in progress measures the recoil neutron asymmetry by using a polarized proton target. ~A simple calculation determines this polarization in terms of the ¢i to be do | 2 — dt _ s-* s s s_ s —l_ s s 2 s 2 s 2 A—2NIm¢ 5<¢l+¢2+¢3 $4) N —[I¢l +I¢2| +|¢4| +|¢51 ]a A close look at the contributions of the various poles and cuts to the expression shows s~ _ s 10 ¢5—/-E¢5 2. ¢i+¢§+¢§—¢i does not contain the n pole We expect the w cut to dominate at small t because. of the proximity of the n pole to the physical region, and therefore attribute the sharp forward peak to this contribution. We suspect that gE-A/Jtflwill be relatively flat. Calculations clearly support these conjectures. Figure 27 shows the results of the calculations. 74 There is one last point to be examined.- Analysis Of the reaction, pp+nn shows that it has the same t-channel as np charge exchange, and therefore must be dominated- by the same poles. Application of the G-parity operator to the two reactions shows that we obtain the pp+nn. amplitudes by changing the sign-of the p contribution to. the charge exchange. Consistency-requires a good fit to p§+nn with the same parameters. - Figure 28-compares the theoretical fit to the experimental data for ppenfi at 7 GeV/c176 The fit is quite good so we conclude that this model is a good one. While other approaches to this problem of np-charge- exchange can be successful,-we believe-that-absorptive corrections to Regge pole amplitudes has strong appeal from a physical point of view. -It is certainly a more satisfying explanation than introduction of spurious trajectories and arbitrary vanishing of residues to satisfy experiment. We have faith that attempts to fit other high-energy-inelastic-reactions with this model will prove successful. Only time will tell. 75 .Ammm immmac mm .upmq .mmzm .Hm um husngmd .m EOHM mum mummy .0\>m0 n um MG+MQ How p .m> vo. meo. 90. 600. Pm . 00 mm muswflm :80 moo mw_. e;. mWfi five Mwnv mwnv _ _ _ _ _ _ II: . «III, . +li+rll+lthII*I.+ + o\>oom amloc NMw guru — ¢\ _ _ l QQN‘QOTON-to 10. ll. 12. REFERENCES M. Jacob and G. C. Wick, Annals of Phys. l,(l959)404. R. J. Glauber, Lect. in Theo. Phys. Vol. 1, Boulder 1958, Interscience Publishers. J. D. Jackson, J. T. Donohue, K. Gottfried, R. Keyser, B. E. Y. Svensson, Phys. Rev. 139(1965)B428. J. D. Jackson, Rev. Mod. Phys. §1f1965)484. J. D. Jackson and H. Pilkuhn, Nuovo Cimento, Series X, 33(1964)906. A. Amaldi and F. Selleri, Nuovo Cimento fil,(l964)360. S. C. Frautschi, M. Gell-Mann, F. Zachariasen, Phys. Rev. l26(l962)2204. B. Margolis and A. Rotsstein, Preprint McGill Univ. 1968. D. Griffiths, R. J. Jabbur, Preprint Wayne State Univ. 1968. S. Frautschi, B. Margolis, CERN Preprint Th.909, 1968. F. Henyey, G. L. Kane, Jon Pumplin, M. H. Ross, Univ. of Mich. Preprint, 1969. M. Gell-Mann, M. L. Goldberger, F. B. Low, E. Marx, F. Zachariasen, Phys. Rev. l33(l964)Bl45. 76 13. 14. 15. 16. 77 References (continued) T. L. Trueman and G. C. Wick, Annals of Physics 26(1964) 322. L. Bertocchi, Heidelberg International Conference on Elementary Particles, North-Holland Publishers, 1968. J. V. Allaby, F. Binon, A. N. Diddens, et al., Submitted to XIII Int. High Energy Conf., Vienna 1968. E. W. Anderson, E. J. Bleser, et. al., Submitted to Phys. Rev. Letts. APPENDIX APPENDIX I Notation and Kinematics 1. For the diagram shown in Figure 28,a4b,c,d,e are the 4-momenta of the particles of mass Ma' Mb’ Mc’ Md’ Me' respectively. The metric is such that scalar products are written ab= -a b +a-b = a4b +aéb. o o —-— 4 — — a c e b d. Figure 28. Feynman diagram of OPE contribution to ab+cd scattering. 2. Whenever convenient we use the Mandelstam variables s,t,u given by s = -(a+b)2 = -(c+d)2 t = -(b-d)2 = -e2 = -(c-a)2 u = -(a—d)2 = -(c-b)2. These variables are not independent; energy-momentum conservation leads to s+t+u = M2+Mg+M2+M2 a c d 3. Figure 29 shows the orientations of the 4-momenta relative to the coordinate axes in the s-channel center- of-mass system 78 79 h II.) II I70 3‘ I») I; ,c I2 Figure 29. The s-channel center-of-mass system for ab+cd scattering With this orientation, the 4-vectors for the momenta take the form a = (a0,o,o,-q) c (c0,-q'sin8,o,-q'cose) b = (b0,o,o,q) d = (d0,q'sin6,o,q'cos6) 4. It is convenient to define the complete symmetric function A(x,y,z): A(x,y,z) = x2+y2+22—2xy-2xz-2yz. Using this function we obtain 1 q= 27$ Al/2(s,M:, Mg) = incident channel CM momentum l Q'= 278 Al/2(slM:,M§) = final channel CM momentum 1 ac: 2MC Al/2(t,M:,M:) = magnitude of 3-momentum of a in 0 rest frame —l—- 1/2 2 2 ; bd= ZMd A (t,Mb,Md) = magnitude of 3-momentum of b in d rest frame Other useful kinematic quantities are easily cast into this compact form. I 80 5. We write the Dirac equation for spin-l/2 particles as (iy-x+M)U=0 and normalize the spinors as UU=2M.- The y-matrices are defined such that y+=y and y5=yly2y3y4= 1Y17273Y0‘ The quantity cu =-1[Yu,Y ] is also used frequently. Using these 7's and referring to the CM- coordinates we obtain the following positive energy spinors: (U(X,Ax)=pos. E. spinor of 4-momentum x and . . = _ 1/2 heliCity Ax) N(x) (x0 Mx) l l l l U(b,l/2) = N(d} 0 ENUD) g =N(b'b£+——xl 2 b + 0 O ’b / Jfib t 0 Mb 0 Mb 0 l 0 l U(b.-l/2) = N(b _q = N(b)_ q x_1/2 b0+Mb 1 Lb +Mb l U(d,l/2) = N(d) _q (xl/zcose/Z + x_l/zsin6/2) dO+Md U(d,-l/2) = N(d - (X_l/2C059/2‘X1/251n9/2) l U(a 1/2) = N(a X 81 l U(a.-l/2) = N(a)- X a +M 1/2 0 a l U(c,l/Z) = N(c — ' (x cosB/Z—x Sine/2) c +M —l/2 1/2 0 c l - U(cl-l/Z) = N(c - ' (xl/Zcose/2+x_l/2sin8/2) CO+M We use these spinors to calculate useful scalar products: (a) (Ad.Ab) = U(d,Ad)y5U(b.Ab) (l/2,l/2) -(-l/2,-l/2) = -c-cosa/2 (1/271/2) (-1/2,l/2) = C+Sln9/2 = Q+w/2 (b) {Ad'kb} = U(drxd)U(br>‘b) {1/2,1/2} =I-1/2,—1/2} =w_cose/2 {l/2,-1/2} =-{-l/2,l/2} = Q+Sln6/2=w+U/2 where 1/2( 3 q bO+Mb d0+Md §:=[(bO+Mb)(dO+M ) dII _ 1/2 r q Q' ¢ '-[(b +' .)(d 444 )1 (l. ) t 0 Mb 0 d b0+Mb dO+Md Similar quantities c1,¢' can be defined for scalar products involving spin 1/2 particles a,c 82 (c) The following products are also useful: 1) wxdxb= iU(d,Ad)¢U(b,Ab) W++=W__=(a0w+-qg+) W+_=-W_+=(-a0w_+qc_)w/2 AC _ A A * 2) M =U(d A )N CU(b A ) with N C=€ a e e (c A ) Adxb ' d ’ b n Avuo A o ’ c The 4-vector Eu is a spin 1 polarization vector. It is discussed in Section 6. l l _. __ I _ : I " l, M++—M__—/§-C+(qc0+q a0)w 72 C+an w7§w+qq w 0 O 2 M++— M__ -§§+qMcw l -l_ l _ _l — , M..-M-- - /3¢.qcowvzw.qq w 1 -l l 2 l 2 -l M =-M =/2C ( c - 'a )--——-C a q'w +———w qq'w =-M +‘ ‘+ ‘q0q02f2"0 2J2" ‘+ O _ 0 __ M+_-M_+— qMO;_w MIE=-ME+=-i- c-qcow2+-l—I_qq'w2 2/2‘ 2/2 All of these expressions are small angle approximations; only the lowest powers of ware retained. 6. Specification of spin—l states is in terms of polar- ization 4—vectors €U(c,AC) subject to the subsidiary condition C°€=0 and defined such that €u(C,X)€u(C,X )zéAA' €u(c,A)ev(c,A)=6uV+—§—— 83 Refering to the CM coordinates, if (a) particle c is spin 1 e (c,+l)=—];[o,co§,-i,-Sin6] €(c,o) = ozle h [q',-cosin6,o,—cose] e(c,-l)=—l[o,cose,—i,-sin8] .72— (b) particle d is spin 1 E(d,+l)=—l[O,-COSG,‘l,Sln8] J2 €(d,o) =fii[q',dosin6,o,d0cose] £1. e(d,-l)=—l[o,cose,-i,—sin8] f2— 7. For particles of spin greater than 1, we use the Rarita- Schwinger formalism and construct high spin wave functions by the angular momentum addition theorem subject to subsidiary conditions: Example: spin 3/2 Up(d,Ad)=<1A1/2AI3/2Ad>€u(d,A)U(d,A) 7 U =0 d U_=0 IJIJ UH Expanding, we obtain Uu(d’3/2)=€u(d'+l)U(dll/2) Uu(d,i/2)=—_l_e d,+l)U(d,-l/2)+/§eu(d,o)U(d,l/2) «3 “( The other two spinors can be obtained by changing the Signs of the helicities. 84 8. We rewrite the propagator % -to make the dependence M -t e on w=25ine/2 more transparent: 2 _ 2 _ 2__ _ 2 _ . 2 , 2 2 Me t—Me+(b d) — (bO do) +(q q ) +qq w +Me now S=(a+b)2=(a0+b0)2 so write 2 (bO-d0)2= [2(b0-d0)(a0+b0)] Ere brd 2T: so[(b -dO )(a H+b0+c0+d )]2 using a0+b0=co+d0 S-[(b d) (b+d)+(c- a) (c+a)]2 2 2 2 2 2 s[(Md-Mb)+(MC-Ma)] .3). which leads to M2- -t= M2 e+(q- q ')2 MM§)+(M -M: )] 2+qq' w2=qq' €2+qq' 'w2 which defines £2 —1_ 1 1 I qq €2+w2 absorption calculations of OPE diagrams. and gives us [Mi-t] which we use frequently in One can procede in the same way for u-channel exchanges to obtain 2_ , 2 2 Me U qq €u+wu with , 2_ 2 _ , 2_l 2_ 2 2_ 2 2 qq €u-Me+(q q ) E§[(Md Ma)+(Mb MCI] 85 9. For cross section calculations we use 0 4 - 1 I S=l-i(2n) 6(pf-p.)[n(2E.)] M as our S-matrix l. i l and obtain do_ 1 g; l 2 z || (28a+1)(28b+l) spin and APPENDIX II Calculation Details: OMB and Modifications for n+n+wp In the center-of-mass we arrange the coordinate system as shown in Figure 30. 91") Figure 30- Coordinate system for OME calculation of n n+wp. ‘ Using this geometry we easily write the energy- momentum 4—vectors of the particles. a=(a OIOI—q) OI b=(b0l)l)lq) c=(cO,-q‘Sin6,O,-q'cos6) d=(d0,q'sin6,O,q'cose) Application of the Feynmann rules leads to an expression for the helicity amplitudes M: n n=|(Ac—Ad)+xb| - "Ow _ A C '. w GVZU(d,Ad)AuNU Ukb,lb) 86 87 where Z=[M§-t]_1, fflpw is the PVV coupling constant and GV is the vector BVB coupling constant. _. . _ —1 Au-1Y0[nYu+21Andu] A—(Mb+Md) N =8 a 5* (c A ) '=l+El =l+fi u quc V00 0 ' c ” GV ” GT=tensor BVB coupling €(c,AC) is the w-meson polarization 4-vector Expanding and using the center-of—mass vectors a,b,c,d, we obtain A * _ * * N —-A a c e +Al(a a C163 * u u o 3 1 2 3°o’aoc3)€2+A2[(aoc3'a3co)€1 o * * +a3cle ]+A3a0cle2 So one can write A ' I I I ~ {-Au “EX+AU uFA+AU “GX+A“ “H ] 0 l 2 3 where Au'“-fi(d ')A U(b ) n " I“ n I“ It is necessary to calculate only half of the amplitudes because <—A-u'|M|-u> =-(-)n which comes from invariance principles. (Inversion of the y-axis in connection with parity conservation gives this relation) The factors A are easily evaluated: AS+ : A6-=i[-n'¢++2Anw_d0]cose/2 A3- =-A6+=i[-n‘w_+2Anw+dOJSin% AI+ = A1-=i[4Anq‘w_coszg—n'C+]sin% A:_ =-A1+=i[4Anq'w+sin2%+n'C_]cos% 88 ++__ --_ , . 3 A2 - A2 —n ;+Sin2 +-_ —+_ , 3 A2 - A2 —n 2;_cos2 ++.. --=° I _ I 3 A3 — A3 i[2Anq w_cose n c+]cos2 +"__ -+= l _ I ° 9 A3 - A3‘ i[2Anq w+cose n z;__]Sin2 also: E =5—qq'sine=-§—Ht E0=FO=HO=0 G0=-quSln9 5 o _L' _I i=l- _ I F —/§ch0 q aocose] G i/§[qc0cose aoq ] It is convenient to rewrite all of the angular factors in terms of w=25in§. Then we form the amplitudes 2 as =6 A = u I In n Z uNu BZ§_ x —n where the index a numbers amplitudes of a given helicity 'transfer n and It is now a simple matter to obtain the scattering amplitudes in a particular model. 1. The Born Term Model (BTM) Calculate the cross section using the amplitudes as they stand. 2. Born Term with Form Factor (BTMF) Let Z=(M§-t)-1F(s,t) and calculate using the BTM expression for the amplitudes. 89 3. Reggeized PrOpagator Model (BTMR) Follow the procedure discussed in the Regge Model section; let , _ -ina(t) Z: 27”). (t0) j (2a(t)+l)]2-Seinna(t) (2j+l)[T+(-) 1 2 2 2 a(t)-l S-l/2(M2+M +M +M a C b (1)} 1/2 2Ma(MbMd) and use the BTM expression. 4. The Absorptive Model (BTMA) Let DW(X) be the absorptive function. Then, neglecting terms in w higher than wn+2, Xu Ba=———[(X -€2§ )enf xde (wx)k (ex)DW(x) n . an . n n qq . 30 n— +w XanDW(JO)] n where we have used the identity —%——5- E +w oo =€n f xdx J (wx)K (ex). J n n O In an actual calculation the upper limit will have to finite--one simply chooses xu large enough to get most of the amplitude. J is the lowest allowed partial wave: 0 J0=Max[|AC-Ad|,lla_lb|]. The error in this change is small. This short cut as mentioned already is only good for modifications to the plain BTM. APPENDIX III BVB Vertex Corrections We consider only the two Simplest graphs as shown in Figure 31. r\\\ U) *T W \ \‘s./ l 9 he '5' \r “I n ///r_F_\\\\ n P h ? Figure 31. Diagrams giving vertex corrections to NpN point vertex. Using the Feynman Rules we obtain an expreSSion for the helicity amplitudes: f _ 2 VVP 1 fl *. <)‘c>‘cilM|)‘ b>_/§CNNPgPPV MC M2_t°uvpoavep€o(c'xc) p U(d,Ad)75Auy5U(b,Ab) where 4 22 A =f d 2 ii, u { l _ l } “ (2n>z<22+M§)<(e-2)2+M§> 1(b-Z)+Mp 1iyzU(b> -MbyzU(d)U(b)-(Mb—Md)(l-Y)zU(d)U(b) = -Mdyz -Ansz(d)U(b) Using this expression we obtain M —. ' _(_i_ I 2 2 - II _ 2 __ - Au— ZlbUAnP{K1[yZ]+2Anp Klly z ]+2Kl[yz ]}- ZibuAnpK[yz] with 1T2 A . . Kl[yz]=————IJdZF3(l,z)M (2”) p 2 2 n2 I _ .- _ . , Kl[y z ]—_ 4fdz zLF5(l,z)M F5(l,z)M 1 (2n) n p K"[ 22]— ”2 {dz z[F (l 2‘ —F ‘l 2) ] Y ‘ 4) 3* ' ’M 3‘ ' 'M 1 (2n) n P (the y integrations have been performed analytically. Please refer to the discussion of the parameter functions Fi). 93 Substituting, we obtain A e=27§CZg§—Anp n=iBZB {Ad'xb}K[yz] c 2 -l Z=M-t [ p 1 x b b * A B N=e11va navcp€o(c' c) * =-qq'/§s2(c,k) in CM syStem which gives <0 l/2|T| 1/2>O=0 l w2 <1 1/2|T|-1/2>O=———ew+/ —§——7 K[yz] 2/2 a +w l =0 <1 1/2]T| 1/2> =l—ew_/ -§9—§K[yz] l /2 e +w l=l <1-1/2|T| 1/2>2=-<1 l/2|T|-l/2>0 These amplitudes can be used to calculate cross sections in the usual way. APPENDIX IV Two Meson Exchange in PB+VB The relevant diagrams (the simplest) are shown in Figure 32. 1t “"4, e I w -- V l. I l \ / 11 Iw ;X\\ n :4, l ' P / 1 “W 1:. I Figure 32, Two pion exchange graphs for n+n+wp. Using the Feynman rules and proceding in the usual manner we obtain f I_ 2 new *, - I . _ _ T —2/2 GNNngnanc Elvpo axqveo(c)U(d)ysAuy5U(b) q—b d TII=-2/2 <32 Sip—“ls a 6*(c)t-J(d) AII U(b) NngnanC Avpo Aqv 0 Y5 u Y5 TIII=-2/2 <32 f—T‘we a r 6*(d)U(c) AIII U(b) r=b-c NNngnand Avpo A v 0 Y5 u Y5 94 95 4 e AI=A d e u “ “P (2n)2f [e2+M:][(a+e)2+M:][(q-e)2+M:][(b-e)2+M:] +iy d4e euex -{ 1 4 (2n)4 [e2+M:][(a+e)2+Mfi][(q—e)2+M:] b-e)2+Mi _ l } (b-e)2+M2 P one obtains Ai by the replacement a»-c in Ai and AiII by the replacement q*r in Ai We rewrite Au and compress it by the use of parameter . . l_r 1 integrations Ebbfidfaf+b l-f) to obtain (4)(M )- L‘4’(Mp )1 _ (4) YSAu Y5- A an (M p>+iYA[Lm n where 4 ere l L(4)_st I d e4 2 H v 2 4 ds'=————zdxdydz 2(1-2) (2n) [e -2ePZ+PZJ (2w) iPz=iqZ+idyZ—ia(l—x)(l-Z) performing the loop integration we have (using the Dirac equation to simplify) L(4)(Mp )= -idurds ——X——— C2 (Mp ) o (4) 9 z o Ill. 2 ' iyu L (M) =id Ids ——X—— i? +l—lY g ers— ds=n ds u C2(M) z 2 A Au C(M) 96 One can write U(d,Ad)iPzU(b,A8=-AanUU-MpyzUU-W A (l-x)(l-z) 4d b w =ifi¢U 4d4b Putting all of the terms together we finally obtain 6(d, A iZ):5AIYSU(b, A b): [Ids-3x——— -fdsyz2 <1+YAP)(12 — 21 ) “p c (Mp ) np c (Mn ) c2 (Mp ) w A A - db bfdayz<1~ x)<1~z)( 21 — ‘21 )1 np C(an)C(M) -—U(d, A du)y U(b, A b)fds(CTM;7_ C(Mp) which we rewrite as dexb idpAnp{Ifl 2"A“‘ I3 }- %U(d, A du)y U(b, A b)J where the definition of Ii and J is clearo Substituting into the expression for TI we finally obtain W A A A I _. Ac _. k d b . kM C —iKB {Ad'Ab}I lkB I3- Z——AdAbJ nP AC_ 1 ' - ' ' where B -—;qq Vs Slnebdéxc,il (in the CM) {A Ab }— —U(d, A d)U(b, A b) MAc =6O — KMl/Z l/ZJ/Anp Vs 2 K ,- W1/2 1/2 B =-—+qq'/sw w[I-———————— I ] 1 1 g~ - w A 3 /2 - np - 1 1/2 KMl/Z l/ZJ/Anp ~S (a w -q ) =' K Q'/§¢_w[I-. 2 + + I3] ~sl/2 J? w— np _ l , 1/2 KMl/Z 1/2J/Anp ”5 1 , __ 0 0 Bl <0 l/2|T|l/2>l— KM_l/2 l/ZJ/Anp ~s APPENDIX V th 4 Order Parameter Functions for Pb+VB h 1. All of the 4t order virtual momentum integrations can be reduced to the form 1 o Cn(M) where ds = dzdxdy z(l-z) n = positive integer N(x,y,z)= polynomial in kinematical variables and x,y,z and E(M) = A(x,z)y2+B(x,z)y+C(x,z) M=mf The 4th order functions Fi(x,z) are the result of performing the y-integration analytically: l = w = .1; 2A+B — . : F1(X’Z)M g 52 Q[A+B+C BF4(X'Z)M] G12(X'z) F (x z) —111391 — l[- B+2C + 2CF (x z) 1 - G (x z) 2 ' M ‘0 62 ‘ Q A+B+C 4 ' M ‘ 22 ' F3(x,z)M = 98 I ‘ |Il|u| llxl 99 l _ _ F4(x,z) = I 91 = —3{tan 1 2A+B - tan 1 E— M .— __ o c /6 /Q /5 F (X z) _ 2Ily2dy __ 3:23 10 A+B+C + Bz-ZAC F (X z) ] 5'M'zo-‘2AA9C A 4'M 2 -1 ma Q = 4AC—B G (x,z) = j X——X— nm n O C (M) N(x y 2) can always be written in the form 2 A xfiymzp ' ’ £mp imp ' Therefore we write 1 .1 Km P , f dS N(XQY'Z) 3 I ds'dyfim aimpx n z = Empjélis.X ZPG (x'z)M 0 c o p c (M) 0 It is usually necessary to perform the x,z integrations with help of a computer. 2. The denominators C(M) There are three topological diagrams to consider as shown in Figure 33. k a -- I k ' C a.-W-.__c Q——- ' C. I I | 3\/C &! ,1 ti 3 j/ “ - K b a b 4. ‘ wt a ----— A I ‘E. EL Figure_33. Configurations for two—meson exchange graphs for n+n+wp. 100 (a) EI(X.z) = AI(x,2)y2+BI(x,z)y+CI(x,2) AI(x,z) - Mgz2 BI(x,z) = (Mg—Mg-t)zz+(Mg+M:-s-t)z(l-z)(l-x)-(M§-t)z CI(x,z) = tzz+(M:-M:+t)z(l-z(l-x)+(M§-t)z +[(Mfi-M:)(l-x)+M:x](l-z)+M:(l-x)2(l-z) (b) EII(x,z). Detailed examination of diagram II shows that exchange of a<->-c in I will give II This leads to AII(x,z) I 3 N II _ 2_ 2_ 2 _ 2_ _ _ _ 2_ B (x,z) — (Mb Md t)z +(s Mc M )z(l z)(l x) (Mg t)z (LN II 2 2 2 2 C (x,z) tz +(MC-Ma+t)z(l-z)(l-x)+(Mg-t)z +[(M§—M:)(l-x)+M:x](l-z)+M:(l-x)2(l-z) (c) EIII(x,z). Similarly we get III from I via t+u and keeping labeling defined as in I (remember c,d masses interchanged here) This gives (alternatively: use I with 6=6bc instead of ebd AIII(X,Z) = M222 d III 2 2 2 2 2 2 B (x,z) — (Mb Md u)z +(Mb+MC s u)z(l z) (1 x) (Mg u)z 101 III 2 C (x,z) = uz +(Mi-M +u)z(l-z) (l—x)+(M§-u) 2 d +[(M§-M:)(i—x)+M:x1(i-z)+M:(1-x)2(1-z)2 Remember that only two of s,t,u are independent variables because of the relation 2 2 2 2 2 = Z = s+t+u lMl Ma+Mb+Mc+Md we use 5 and t 3. Energy Dependence We use s and t as the independent variables. Examination of the denominator polynomials CI(M), CII(M), CIII(M) gives us the s-dependence of the functions FE’II’III at fixed t. (a) Graphs I. AI(x,z)~sO BI(x,z)~s CI(x,z)~sO +Q=4AC—B2~sz So we conclude I -l F4(x,z)~s (b) Graphs II. Same as Graphs I. (c) Graphs III. AIII(x,z)~s0 BIII(x,z)~s CIII(x,z)~s +Q~asz+bs and therefore FIII(X,2)~s--l so FIII(x,z)~s—2 FIII(x,z)~s0 4 l 3 F:11(x,z)~as_ +bs-3 FEII(x,z)~s 102 (d) Vertex Corrections (BVB) The Diagram for this correction is shown in Figure 34. &.\\\ 0 ”Gig; hr \% w t 5/ \CL Figure 34. Configuration of NeN-vertex correction graphs for nn+wp. 0 O 0 Since AI(l,z)~s , BI(l,z)~s , CI(l,z)~s , we conclude that any energy dependence vanishes from the F's at x=l: I 0 Fi(l,z)~s , and therefore, that the triangle 100p cannot change the energy dependence relative to the simple BTM. IE “nu'ryuflgflmflm' (I)? 3 1293 0 Vl Nm U" m H m H ”I