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I I...I.I..¢| I {II}!!! I! i1 , . I ...--...~II.3&.III.II(II.I....IIIIII$..I I..I..1.II.IIII....IoII (In, I {III .L’chciI‘oI’XIigtflt‘.’ 'i: II V . Iol‘nollr411IIl..II.-. ODIII. knit-IO... ..Q It $1.3“ I Ewan-.1: I... III .‘III....UI..III.H.I.II....|\ Elli. II...I(..|14H..IIII .I...) III I|I.II.|.II|.II . “VISIIUOIVIIIHMQ‘III It’ll.) kn‘fifirfl! a v fillil‘ll", . .Iuhflunurnl. 33.2.3143, X ‘1 ‘ 'Ilvil . . . . . ;. 1" .ylt I 4 .‘I l I 1 4 . . .Ifi.....I..J wwumo. onmm omnnmnm H: N mnmno: nonmnmnwoam #.m. m.¢ ¢.m u.m m.o ©.m D M mm mmmmmeme w e N H e e.ee o.me Abosv Hn>.weumo u Hm HH.bu H.0m Amwmwv mH H H m Ho.Hm N.p~ m» H N m m Ho Ho mo o.wo b.wp m.eu .zHaumeman 42 Hmch m. mfimncm50% UHmnnwuanOSm mou mnma_pmHomunmmm mnmfinr nonnmdn No Umwm >mnmd mHHmn wHozmH H5 memanm mam aw omSmHmnHodw w: m OHOmm umnSmmD Ho> wwgmo mad mommmnofl. nHmmm nonnoflm Ha wmnnmdnmmm mnmun: 88888888688 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 88.8 88.8 88.8 88.8 s x m8 88> 88886 8 8 8 8 8 88 88.88 8.88 Amwmrv mommmumn u w m H o 8.88 o.mo 3.9.88 . 88 8 8 8 8 88 8 8 8 8 88 8.88 8.88 zHQummHmsn 0.88 43 amuHm a. muoncm50< cwmnnwucnwosm mon mnma wannmSnmmm manner nounmsn no Guam mmnmn arm MHNmn mHozmn H: mundane. mH man u» mmnmnmnwoam H3 m oNOmm cmntmms meNHHnN mam wmarHoca. onmm omanmnm H: N mnmno: anamnmnHosm H.m N.a u.m a.¢ m.m a.o 8.m m.a e.o Ho.a HH.¢ HN.¢ Hu.m H>.m 3 N mN wnmNHHuN H H a H a HH Ho.88 w.~c Amwmrv 8888.888 8 8 . 8 8 8 88 8.88 8.88 Arozv mH N H H H a N H HN Ho.mb m.bo mm H H H a w 8 b m m o H N mo o.mm m.H¢ zHaummHmsn c.8u 44 In the cross between Brazil-2 (high) and Redkloud (low), the F1 mean value was slightly but not significantly higher than the high parent (Table 6). There may be therefore some degree of heterosis expressed in the F1 of this cross. This was also observed in the growth of the F1 plants of this cross. By visual observations, the plants in this cross showed a high vigor in growth and had very large leaves as compared to their parents. So the heterosis in stem starch content could be a reflection of high leaf area which would imply a higher source of photo- synthates for transformation into starch. High x High Cross: The cross involving parents which were both high in percentage stem.starch was that between Michigan 41228 and Swedish Brown. The difference between the cultivars in percentage stem starch was not significant. The F2 was variable (Table 7). One thing observed in this cross was that, whereas the crosses of low x high or high x low parents indicated the F1 and F2 values tending towards the parent with high percentage stem starch, the situation in this cross was rather quite different. About 73% of the F2 individuals had starch values tending towards low values. Since the cross does not involve a low parent, the varia- tion observed would suggest that the parents used were genet- ically different. That is, they do not have the same allelic content for starch accumulation expression and this might have 45 HmuHm 8. MHmQCmdnw uHmnnwuanodm mow mnma monomSnmmm mnmfior nonnmdn No Umwm mmnmd mHHmn mHosmH H5 memSHm mam wN GmSmnmnwonm Ms m OHOmm umnSmms Sworwmms bHNNm mam mamawmr wHozs. OHmmm nmsnmnm H5 N mnmunr 88864888688 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 88.8 88.8 88.8 88.8 8 a 88 38688888 88888 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88.88 8.88 Amwmwv mSmaHmr wHozd H N u u H N w Hm Ho.mN b.om Amwmrv 88 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 88 8.88 8.88 88.88 ZHQumemdn 46 led to combinations that gave values in F2 generation which were beyond either parent. In other words, this indicates a probable transgressive segregation towards low values of percentage stem starch. Low x Low Cross: Table 8 shows the frequency distributions for the percentage stem starch in the parents and F2 generations of the cross of low x low type between Seafarer and 61356. In this cross the F2 generation was less variable. In fact, it was even less variable than one of the parents. The low variability observed in this cross may not be strange be- cause not much variability is expected from such a cross especially if the two parents have the same genes for the expression of stem starch accumulation ability. A closer look at the distribution of the F2 reveals observations which are rather intriguing. The mean of the F2 generation is well below that of either parent, an observation not expected. The possibility of parents differing genetically for genes controlling starch accumulation should not be ruled out. Summary of the Three Types of Crosses: Starch accumulation is a complex character and it appears to be inherited in a quantitative manner. The recovery of both the parental types within the size of the F2 populations studied, as well as the range of F2 segregates beyond both the parental ranges in Redkloud (low) '47 amva m. mnmacmsow uwmnueuanoSm mow mama wmnomsnmmm mnmdor nonnmSn No swam mmnmu mwnmn .mHOSmH H: wmnmsnm mad m omdmumnwonm H5 m nHOmm unnamo: mmmmmdmn mum onmm. N nHmmm omnnmnm H5 N mnmflnr 88888888688 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 88.8 88.8 8 a m8 mmmmmHmH u o 8.mN o.mo Arosv 88888 8 8 8 8 8 88 8.88 8.88 Afiosv 88 8 88 88 88 88 88 88 888 8.88 8.88 8.88 SwaimemSH 48 x Michigan 41228 (high) and Brazil-2 (high) x Redkloud (low) indicated that these parents had manh genes in common. How- ever, it appeared probable that some parent combinations differed in some genes conditioning stem starch accumulation. Thus, plus and minus gene effects conditioning stem starch accumulation in different parents permitted a complementary type of gene action in the F2 segregates. This explains the indicated transgressive segregation observed in the F2 of the low x high and high x low crosses. In contrast, the transgressive segregation observed in crosses of the low x low and high x high cannot be explained by complementary tyep of gene action alone: since most of the segregates tended to be towafds the low side of starch values it could probably be due to other genic interactions. Midparents Values: Midparent values when compared to their respective F2 values may in general indicate the type of gene action prevailing for the character of interest. Comparison between parental, midparent and F2 values of percentage stem starch in the five dry bean crosses is presented in Table 9. In general crosses involving parents with low and high propor- tion of percentage stem starch produced F2 populations with the mean values which were not significantly different from their respective midparent values. This would suggest a preponderance of additive gene action. However, this was not clearly evident for crosses involving high by high and low '\ 49 Table 9. Comparison between Parental (P1, P2) Midparent (MP) and F2 Values for the Dry Bean Stem Starch Content 20 Days after First Flower in five Dry Bean Crosses. Z starch Cross P1 P2 MP F2 Brazil-Z/ Redkloud 10.46 8.43 9.45 9.66 Redkloud] Mich 41228 8.43 11.60 10.02 10.76 Seafarer/ ICA Pijao 7.52 11.48 9.50 9.29 Mich 41228/ Swedish Brown 11.60 10.78 10.89 7.43*' Seafarer/61356 7.52 8.56 8.04 4.35* *F2 values significantly different from their respective MP values at the .05 probability level. 50 by low parents. In these types of crosses the F2 values -were significantly different from.their respective midparent values. In both type of crosses the F2 values were towards the low starch values. This indicates a negative departure from.midparent value which may be due to genic interaction. Hence, as discussed above, this indicates some parent combinations in this study do not have the same allelic con- tent for genes conditioning stem starch accumulation. E) Heritability Estimates: Effective selection of desired genotypes when condi- tioned by quantitative inheritance usually is difficult in segregating generations if the heritability is low. Hence, it may become desirable to determine genotypic variance in a segregating population in order to estimate the magnitude of the heritable fraction. In this study, heritability of percentage stem starch is used in the broad sense and indicates the extent to which expression of the percentage stem starch is under genic control. The heritability for percentage stem.starch was calculated as the percent genotypic variance of the total F2 variance. Table 10 shows the heritability estimates for percentage stem starch for one high by low and two low by high crosses. In all three crosses the heritability estimates proved to lie in the intermediate range. The values ranged from.51 to 60%. These heritability values indicated that some of the differences observed in the dry bean genotypes 51 for stem.starch accumulation levels were due to genetic influence. Plant breeders should have no great difficulty in recognizing genetic differences among parental stocks. However, more information is needed on the extent to which the genetic differences observed can be used for selection purposes. That is, heritability in the narrow sense must be determined. This can be calculated from the regression of F3 values into F2 values in which the heritability is largely due to additive genetic effects transmitted from parent to progeny such as F2 - F3. It was not possible in the present study to get information concerning narrow sense heritability of percentage stem starch from the regression of F3 family values into respective F2 values due to mis- classification of parents selected for that study by the use of IKI solution as a starch indicator. 52 Table 10. Broad Sense Heritability (BSH) estimates for stem starch content for the F2 progeny of three dry bean crosses. Cross Heritability (BSH) Brazil-2 x Redkloud .60 Redkloud x Michigan 41228 .51 Seafarer x ICA Pijao .60 GENERAL DISCUSSION As far as techniques for estimation of starch content in dry bean stem are concerned, it appeared that the IKI solution as starch indicator cannot estimate starch levels efficiently. Since IKI apparently is sensitive to only one component of starch - the amylose, the status of starch quality in beans needs to be pursued so that efficient techniques for estimation of starch content can be employed. Use of the near infrared reflectance spectroscopy utilizing Grain Quality Analyzer (GQA-41) appeared to be efficient in estimating starch content, at least as compared to the IKI starch score system, but it lacked the rapidity of the IKI starch score system. From the inheritance studies of stem starch accumulation it was found that frequency distributions for all the segre- gating generations were continuous and serve to indicate that quantitative inheritance is important in determining differ- ences in starch accumulation levels in the stems of dry bean cultivars at least for the populations studied. Trans- gressive segregation was indicated in both directions of low and high starch values. It is concluded that the parents probably differed in relatively few genes, with sufficient plus and minus gene effects present to account for trans- gressive segregation on all the three types of crosses 53 54 since all parental ranges and beyond were recovered in F2 populations. _ Although major genes were not detected, the moderately _ high broad sense heritability values obtained indicated that ‘at least the stem starch content is genetically controlled, and more information is required on how much of this heri- tability can be used to identify desirable lines in a culti- var development program. The low x high and high x low crosses indicated that a substantial fractional variability of stem starch accumulation was additive in nature. Although results of crosses between low x low and high x high were rather intriguing, the nature of inheritance of stem starch accumulation as revealed in the current study suggests the use of recurrent selection as means of concentrating favor- able alleles in a breeding pOpulation. As noted in a previous section, the study of starch accumulation is a rather complex subject. The accumulation of stem carbohydrates as a whole results from a phase differ- ence between the ability of the plant to produce carbohydrate and the requirement for it (assimilate sinks). Thus, al- though cultivars have been reported to show differential starch accumulation in stems and roots, some of these differ- ences, in addition to genetic reasons, could be due to differences in the sink size. That is, if a cultivar has more pods much of the starch or stem carbohydrates will be reallo- cated to seedfilling. On the other hand, presence of fewer pods (small sink size), will mean much of the stem carbohydrates 55 will remain unallocated. Hence, accumulation in this case will be due to slower removal of photosynthate from the production or storage sites by translocation. WOrse still, these differences can occur within a plant depending on what section of a plant is sampled. waterseuzal, (1980) reported a decline in concentration of starch in the middle and upper sections of bean stems where most of the pods concen- trated, whereas the concentration was raised in the lower sections of stems with few pods as pod fill proceeded. This emphasizes the consistency of the section of the plant that is sampled for study. On the contrary, some varieties may not divert their nonstructural carbohydrate in storage to the reproductive organs because their leaf photosynthetic rate increases to match or else to exceed seed sink demand. Peet et a1, (1977) showed that the leaf photosynthetic rates increased by 132, 408, 873 and 21 percent, from flowering to early pod set respectively, for Redkote, Redkloud, Swedish Brown, and Black Turtle Soup. So most of the NSC in storage for these cultivars might be of use under stress conditions. In fact, Kabonyi (1981) indicated that Black Turtle Soup appeared to be the best remobilizer of NSC in a stress situation. Beevers (1969) discussed the biosynthesis of starch. There is indication that when provided as uridine diphosphate- glucose or adenosine diphosphate-glucose units of glucose are added to pre-existing starch or smaller molecules by starch synthetases. Starch may also be synthesized directly .56 from sucrose. Some cultivars may not store NSC in the form of starch, they may store it in the form of sucrose or other NSC polysaccharides. The fact that this study has singled starch accumulation does not mean that other constituents of NSC are not important. ‘In actual fact, any form of NSC which would be the abundant carbohydrate reserve in any cultivar at any stage in the plant's onto- genetic development might serve as the source of the carbohydrate to be translocated to needy sinks, either under stress or normal growth when sink demand exceeds current photosynthate production. APPENDIX 57 APPENDIX Table 1. Multiple linear regression analysis for K—values for calibration of the neotec Grain Quality Analyzer- (model 41) using Hal Stat 4 program. ITLE BEEN STRRCH LESUILD)FREEJNU.5)DRTIN'SGQR =R.BS.C:D.BERN STRRCH FIRST CREE a - as c .0 BB%ISWRC 1 2 , 3 4 s -.882458 -.ee4988 .012140 .883310 3.298888 8 t * 09TH INPUT TERMINRTED B? END-OF-DRTR CHRD NUMEER OF CHEES REED 43 DROPPED 3 END RETRINED 43 SEEN ETHRCH EIHELE PRECISION FILE OF 43 CRSES END 5 URRS. CRERTED ON DZF/M12f32 NON- SUM OF MISSING U99 MINIMUM HHXINUM HEHN SQUHRES ELEMENTS 33 2 -.33? “.333 -.335 .331 43 C 3 .339 .318 .314 .333 43 D 4 .332 .334 .333 .333 43 558% STEEC 5 .393 15.443 5.639 2313.925 43 SEEN STRECH SINELE PRECISION FILE 0F 43 CRSES END 5 USPS. CRERTED OH DZT/N12f33 IST CRSE RETHINED R 83 C D BERN STRRC “.332453 ‘.334933 .312143 .333313 3.293333 HgHEEP OF CRSES REED 43 DROPPED 3 END RETRINED 43 T H B L E H - - STRTISTICS ON TRHNSFORMED URRIRBLES SUM OF SQURRED STRNDHRO SUM OF DEUIRTIONS “R? DEUIHTIOHS SUM SOURRES FROM THE MEHN 1 .3316?3 -.3754 .3302 .3331 2 .0313?2 -.2312 .3313 .3333 3 .332463 .5353 .3382 .3333 4 .333649 .1349 .3334 .3333 3 3.923936 242.4733 2313.9245 646.6756 SIMPLE CORRELHTIONS UHF: HO . 58 Appendix Table.1' (Continued) 3? a 1 1.88888 35 2 .51793 1.88888 8 5 .1282 -.78832 1.88888 8 4 -.333.6 -.42651 -.14842 1.88888 esnw STHRC 5 -.19474 -.63?28 .59688 —.18159 1.88888 1 2 3 4 5 8 as c o BERN STHRC BERN STRRCH 8885LE Peso MRTRIX FOR 45 cases END 5 URRS. CRERTED 0H 027/M12/82 L3 2 837212 FOR 45 88555 RND 5 URRS. CRERTED on 027/M12"32 SIMPLE CORRELHTIONS OF 3(1) MITH HLL OTHER URRIRBLES. (THESE URLUES NH? 8E FOUND IN THE XCI) ROU RND COLUMN OF THE INPUT MRTRIX.) H as c D BERN STRRC 1 2 5 4 5 1.888888 .517934 .1212? W35 51 -.194?43 PENDENT UHRIRBL E--N(5) BERN STHRC ROU FOR OUERHLL REGRES SION sum OF DEG 0F mean SOUHPES FREEDOM SQURRE F SIG 9529555 CH 4?2.3913 4 118.2228 25.3583 '8.8885 “REJUT ”ERW‘ 5=92= 125.73428522 52 .5755 'FiiUT mean. TD'H- 542.278641?c 42 :5353 IULTIPLE CORP 885 F5 STRHDRPD ERROR R2 . R ERR 2 R 888 OF ESTIMHTE 45 .2515 .3551 .785 8 .3584 2.1555288 PEGPEEEIOH ‘ STD. ERRORS BETH STD ERRORS 88: COEFFICIENTS OF COEFFICIENTS wEIGHTs 0F BETHE 8 ?.8321332? 3.2663879! 8.88888 8.88888 1 ~1882.9:9828?2 453.?4661891 -.42686 .19525 2 -5555.52&: 5:5 82?.1445 8941 -.91523 .2258: : 24..5°2:::’:E~ 310. 29512 C- -o11619.13‘e14 4 —5225 .88745255 958.: ?2?932? -.3é4:1 1=2=* I-J .Appumndia: Table 1. 59 (Continued) consrawt 83 C D L! 9 5(4fJMQ 2.1679 -bolsss -4.0566 -0 5954 -5.6160 TB RN 52909 110 ON LFN 00TH FILE IS NOT OPEN. .G R... S 08.HDDRESSB BERN STRRCH SINGLE PRECISION FILE 0F m 22735 4. 699., 4.7797 16.4553 (0.0005 .555 - 31.5399 (0.0005 - 43 CHSES HHD SIG one? COEFS .036 ' .035 - -.5497 5 URRS. R E S I D U R L S BERN STHRC H I79 '0 0) '4 '3‘ 0| 1‘4 H In) H yo“ V 8 3(5) 3.2988888 5.2288888 18.2888888 9.2388888 8.6?88888 5.8288888 16.4488888 15.8688888 13.?388888 2.8688888 13.1288888 8.9888888 4.6888888 3.9188888 4.8288888 4.4488888 2.8488888 6.2388888 4.6588888 4.4888888 4.3588888 8.6188888 8.2388888 4.5188888 6.2888888 3.5888888 4.6888888 3.9688888 2.?888888 2.4988888 1.1888888 .7988888 3.3288888 2.2888888 2.8888888 4.9988888 1.8688888 2.3888888 1.1488888 3.9688888 ESTIMRTED V 6.4429739 6.9142518 11.0527812 9.2515501 9.6330161 7.3959583 12.7271453 11.1553600 10.9619794 9.1366152 10.9291641 9.8321335 .0363533 066370 539412 . 326937 ’. 121439 .5706205 .642538 5560796 ‘- 4?:05'52 .2611323 .4931410 1.9059187 3.3270573 .2.4471251 2.4420625 .986822? -.9745239 3.3603502 7 a»? '1 H. 2‘dU2°" 2.0224663 3. 385724 5.4175214 2.683172 2.8970701 .74‘4357 3660 ‘l H 0‘ '4 m RD J 560 '0 It. ”I 3' (050113013313 ‘7 7" u o 9.“. .3318 .3343 .0961 .6735 VDELETES .6988 .6975 .6149 .7288 .5032 CRERTED 0N 027/M12/32 V - ESTIMRTED V -3.1529739 -1.6942518 -.??2?812 -.8215581 -.9638161 -1.5T59583 3.?128547 3.9841488 2.?688286 3.7233848 2.1988359 -.1321835 —4.4863533 -3.3339412 -1.9926937 -.8688394 -1.1321489 -.9286285 -..642538 -2.286£T86 3.7682649 1.7569343 .2438177 -1.7131418 1.5948813 ’5‘9427 . ‘35" .5 23749 .2579375 1.5039773 2.0745299 2.4296499 .0916737 0:9”r?9 ‘5 C Onqu ‘Ih"-‘a. -1.1335724 -.4275214 -.3231720 -.5970701 “375643- 0"- o é'21.3:4"3 Page 3 Appendix Table 1. 4x 42 43 fLMEER 0F CRSES REHD SUN V 242.47000000 sscv‘e 2013.92450888 P889. 0F URRIRTION EPPLHINED EV COEFS .73126511 EH8 STRT PERCY 15.33.82 CRTALOG.E’88.38F38. 88*8L88.5588.JOE38. FEED? 15.34.01 60 (Continued) 1.1700000 3.2700000 '.3900000 43 DROPPED SS