THE NIAGARAN ROCKS OF DRUMMOND ISLAND, MICHIGAN AND THE RELATED ROCKS 0F THE MICHIGAN BASIN Thesis for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSFFY Thomas R. Mania)! I964- LIBRARY L mrsrs "2 , is ‘ 7" _ .. II (I: ‘ . ‘- I." E- I g I , Michigan Stan .v o O , , .. m I; .; Umvcrsxty t , i.“ If: i‘ I ' I h a! ”I a: ..‘ .411“ .1 :1 h! 111...; n ~A rx 4 ‘ ‘- ‘ ’5; ‘ r . 5 ' Fifi-fl;f\;s.” 5 Y. ‘22!" .8 ,5 \ I! LI.--“ Ii“; {-93 3:“ This is to certify that the thesis entitled The Niagaran Rocks of Drummond Island, Michigan and the Related Rocks of the Michigan Basin presented by Thomas R. Manley has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for ___fl‘;D_-__ degree in_9£°_1082_ Major profeéfir Date MaLZZ, 1964 0-169 ABSTRACT THE NIAGARAN ROCKS OF DRUMMOND ISLAND, MICHIGAN AND THE RELATED ROCKS OF THE MICHIGAN BASIN by Thomas R. Manley Logging of nearly 200 diamond drill holes on Drummond Island, Michigan revealed lateral gradation in the Niagaran rocks of the island. Very light—gray, loosely cemented, goarse-grained dolomite grades laterally into medium to light—gray, dominantly medium—grained dolomite, with the latter grading into more argillaceous, light to medium-brown cherty dolomite. The cherty beds lie toward the interior of the Michigan Basin relative to the gray and very light— gray beds. Regionally, Niagaran dolomites grade laterally into thinner limestones in the interior of the Michigan Basin. These limestones in places are pink to reddish in color, and are more argillaceous than their dolomite time equivalents. In all observed cases, more argillaceous beds occur in the facies nearer the interior of the Basin. This suggests I a "barrier reef,’ with the fine clastics coming through inlets and finally coming to rest in the more interior parts of the Basin. Two definite levels of reddish, more argillaceous limestones may represent two temporary drops in sea level during Niagaran time. Thomas R. Manley Structurally, Drummond Island lies near the edge of the Michigan Basin. Analysis of folding and Joint patterns suggests that the Drummond Island area underwent a general compression which was at right angles to the rim of the sinking Basin. Changes in the angle between joint sets appear related to slight changes in composition, which occur laterally as well as vertically. Finally, inconclusive fabric analyses indicate that there may be a slight preferen- tial fabric in these dolomites, which is parallel to the Joint patterns. THE NIAGARAN ROCKS OF DRUMMOND ISLAND, MICHIGAN AND THE RELATED ROCKS OF THE MICHIGAN BASIN By Thomas R; Manley A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Geology 1964 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research would never had been possible had it not been for the wholehearted c00peration that the writer received from his thesis advisor, Dr. C.E. Prouty, chairman Geology Department, Michigan State University, and the members of the Michigan State Geological Survey. Mr. William Mantek of the State Geological Survey was partic— ularly helpful not only because of his excellent logging of drill holes, but also because of his acquaintance with well locations. Mr. Garland Ells was very helpful in making available up—to-date data, and in discussing the extent and direction of the writer's research. Mr. Harry Hardenberg suggested the original problem of the Niagaran of Drummond Island. Mr. Robert Kelley was most helpful in recommending available literature. A particular note of thanks goes to Arvin Mueller, President of Drummond Dolomite, Inc., for allowing study of the drill cores, free access to the quarry, valuable infor- mation on outcrops located on the island, chemical analyses of the cores, collar elevations, and other information. Gerald Gable, Engineer of Drummond Dolomite, was very help- ful in giving the writer general information and permitting study of the quarry. John Herd, former guide to the' ii backroads of Drummond Island, was very helpful in making available unpublished road maps of the entire southern part of the island. I would like also to give thanks to the officials of U.S. Steel Company, who allowed the writer access to the quarry at Cedarville, Michigan. Dr. John Sanford of Wayne State University has been helpful in direct consultation on Niagaran problems. Discussions with Frank Shelden at Wavne State University have been helpful in formulating some of the interfingering problems of the Niagaran Strata. Dr. D.F. Hewitt of the Ontario Department of Mines has given the writer his kind permission to use his plate on the quarries within the Lockport—Ambel formations of Ontario. Mr. H. B. Willman of the Illinois Geological Survey has given the writer permission to use the cross—section of the Thornton Reef. Finally, the writer wishes to thank Dr. Jane Smith, Dr. James Fisher, and Dr. James Trow of Michigan State University for reading the manuscript, and giving many helpful comments and suggestions. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . ii LIST OF FIGURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . vi LIST OF PLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Chapter I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . 1 Scope of study. . 1 Regional setting of Silurian A Location of materials in area of study 8 History of the Niagaran of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan . . . . . 9 II. STRATIGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . 11 General stratigraphic section of the 11 Silurian of Northern Michigan. . . General stratigraphic section of the 12 Southern part of Drummond Island. . Description of facies . . . . . . 14 Lower Cherty . . . . . . . . 14 Lower Brown. . . . . . . . . 17 Lower White. . . . . . . . . 18 Gray Beds . . . . . . . . . 19 Upper White. . . . . ‘. . . . 21 Dark Gray . . . . . . . . . 22 Upper Cherty . . . . . . . . 22 Upper Brown. . . . . . 25 Maximum composite microfacies. . . 25 Lateral distribution of facies on Drummond Island . . . . . . . 31 III. INTERPRETATION OF SEDIMENTARY AND STRATI- GRAPHIC FEATURES IN THE MICHIGAN BASIN. 40 Major Features. . . . . . . . . ho Chert Wedge. . . 40 Michigan Basin "Barrier Reef Complex" . 43 Minor Features--Drummond Island 51 Chert near top of Manistique 51 Cycles in Lower Brown 51 Chalky white facies 55 iv Page IV. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY . . . . . . . . . 56 General statement . . . . . . . . 56 Southern Drummond Island . . . . . . 56 General structure . . . . . . . 56 Fabric and Structure .‘ . . . . . 62 Regional Structural Geology . . . . . 67 Joint sets at Cedarville . . . . . 67 Joints at Quarry, Wisconsin . . 69 Anticlinal structures of southern part of Basin . . . . . . . . . 69 V. REGIONAL LATERAL GRADATION WITHIN THE MICHIGAN BASIN . . . . . . . . . 71 Cross-sections of Michigan Basin . . . 7l Basinward lateral gradation . . . . . 71 VI. COMPARISON OF MICHIGAN BASIN SILURIAN REEFS WITH DRUMMOND ISLAND, MICHIGAN . . . . 73 The Klint at Cedarburg. . . . . . . 73 Marine City Field . . . . . . . . 7A Quarry, Wisconsin . . . . . . . . 75 Thornton Bioherm. . . . . . . . . 75 VII. COMPARISON OF NIAGARAN REEFS WITH OTHER PALEOZOIC AND PRESENT DAY REEFS. . . . 79 Permian Reef Complex . . . . . 79 Devonian LeDuc field of Alberta. . . . 8O Coral reefs of Australia . . . . . . 81 VIII. SUMMARY - . . . . . . . . . . . 82 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 APPENDICES O O 0 O O O O 0 9 0 O 0 O 0 91 Figure 10. 11. 12. LIST OF FIGURES Index map showing the location of Drummond Island General stratigraphic section of the Silurian strata of northern Michigan Correlation of Northern Peninsula of Michigan with areas to the north, west, and east. General sequence of facies in the Cordell and Engadine dolomites of Drummond Island, Michigan . Index map of Drummond Island, showing forma- tional contacts and area of Figure 6 Structural contour map of Engadine- Manistique contact . . . Fence Diagram of the Engadine Formation of Drummond Island, Michigan. Inset "A" of Figure 6 . . . . . . . Fence Diagram of the Engadine Formation of Drummond Island, Michigan. Inset ”B" of Figure 6 . . . . . Fence Diagram of the Engadine Formation of Drummond Island, Michigan. Inset ”c" of Figure 6 . . . . . . . Fence Diagram of the Engadine Formation of Drummond Island, Michigan. Inset "D" of Figure 6 . . . . . North-South cross section of Niagaran in Michigan . North-South cross section of Niagaran in Michigan vi Page 13 32 33 35 36 37 38 Al 42 Figure 13. IA. 15. l6. 17. 18. 19. 20. Transgression and regression of cherty facies within the Niagaran Formation of the Michigan Basin Geological reference sections and Quarry sections, Lockport-Amabel Formations, Niagara Falls-Dundas-Georgetown Area Chert and associated facies near the top of the Manistique Formation (E9). Change in Joint sets when approaching the southern shore of Drummond Island from the north Petrographic azimuth analysis of fabric within the Engadine Dolomite of Drummond II II Island, Michigan, using c axes of dolomite . . . . . Clinton—Niagaran cross sections of the Michigan Basin. Diagrammatic cross sections of coral bioherms of Eastern Wisconsin. Diagrammatic cross section of the Thornton Reef showing relations of stOps proJected onto west wall of the Material Service Corporation Quarries. vii Page AA 45 53 6O 64 In Pocket 76 77 Plate LIST OF PLATES Old and new quarries of Drummond Dolomite, Inc. , exposing the Gray Beds of the Engadine formation . . . . . . Lateral gradation between Upper Cherty and Upper White facies of the Engadine formation . . . . . . . . . . Change in Joint patterns corresponding with increase in silica in the Gray Beds of the Engadine Formation . . . . Joint patterns near the lateral gradation between the Upper White and Upper Cherty facies of the Engadine Formation. . Dipping Joints at Cedarville and Drummond Island quarries . . . . . . viii Page 20 2A 61 63 68 Chapter I INTRODUCTION Scope of Study The problem regarding the interrelationships of the extremely variable lithology of the Niagaran strata of the Michigan Basin is an attractive and challenging field of endeavor in present—day research. The actual past sedi— mentary environments which developed the interfingering of sedimentary facies are not well understood. This is due, in part, to the lack of closely Spaced drill core data ,within the Niagaran strata. Genuine problems are present because of the rapid basinward changes in the facies of the Niagaran rocks. Reefs and their associated inferred environments are prevalent in the Niagaran strata. Generally, however, the small bioherms that have been referred to as reefs by most geologists are usually less than a mile across. Additionally, they are usually of minor lateral extent within the major formations. It seems plausible that detailed information on the stragraphic thicknesses and sequence of the Niagaran strata should reveal interfingering relationships and the environ— mental factors present in these rocks. Also, the basic prob- lem as to how much of the Niagaran rocks represents ”layer cake" geology or lateral gradations may be answered. It was the good fortune of the writer to be allowed to log about 200 diamond drill cores from the exploratory dril— ling program of Drummond Dolomite Inc. on Drummond Island, Michigan. Figure l is an index map showing the location of the island. In many places the drilling was done on an oneéeighth to one-fourth mile grid, to determine the amount of quarryable dolomite for extended reserves. It was believed that, at least in some places, reasonably close control could be obtained in the variable Niagaran facies. Further, it was suspected that valuable information might be obtained by using nearby outcrOp data in coordination " with the drill core logs. Chemical analyses of these drill cores were made available by Drummond Dolomite, Inc., and were used in formulating a concept of the Engadine Formation. It was hoped that detailed information from these drill cores could answer the question as to how much of the j' Engadine Formation was "layer cake" and how much represented lateral gradations between facies within the Niagaran strata. Finally, it was anticipated that a comparison of these data with published outcrop and subsurface information might resolve some of the interfingering and environmental prob— lems of the Niagaran strata, southward into the Michigan Basin. DRUMMOND ISLAND Figure 1. Index map showing the location of Drummond Island, Stipling indicates general areas of Niagaran outcrop. Regional Setting of Silurian The limits of the Lower and Middle Silurian of Northern Michigan as shown in Figure 2, are very close to the strati— graphic limits set down by Hall in 1843. The Salina of Late Silurian time is not included because it only appears in the subsurface. Most classifications have dealt exclusively with outcrop sections. Figure 3 shows that the Silurian sea extended from Michigan into the Hudson Bay region and Interlake area of Manitoba. The amount of information available in the latter areas is limited due to the relatively isolated geographic locality of these places. The Silurian sea extended to the east towards New York, where the stratigraphic section be- comes much more clastic. The stratigraphic section thins over the Findlay Arch, thereon thickens considerably, and becomes almost entirely clastic nearing the Appalachian mountains. The Niagaran Group in Ontario, divided by Bolton (1957) into the Amabel and Guelph Formations as shown in Figure 3, correSponds to the Engadine Formation of Northern Michigan (Ehlers and Kesling, 1957). The Clinton Group in Ontario correSponds to the Burnt Bluff and Manistique Groups in Michigan. Particularly pertinent to this study is the fact that the blue-gray Crinoidal Amabel Dolomite of Ontario grades laterally into the Ancaster Chert to the east of the 5 Y5 75 M SERIES GROUP FOR/1M T/ON B 0/13 alone 05 VON/AN U/S/P/‘l'an Defra/f River Garden /:/and 8053 Island (‘09 ug an Sa/I'na [ngad/ne , C ordaw Man/J f/que S/L URI/IN ”/09 aran Schoo/craf/ Hendr/rfl‘ Burn} B/U/f Byron L/me IJ/and M053 1 eke Alexandr/hr; Ca/arac f Cabo/ Head Mall/7006.0 Cl'nc/nna/I'an (If/ca ORDOV/C/AN Figure 2. General stratigraphic section of the Silurian strata of Northern Michigan. “mead .msaaacu one anodes 9393 . moo one 3.503 .328 on... o... coon» #33 no 0.“: Ho edifices" 53202 one u« saunas «o soapsaohaoo weapons pause .n cheese V 5:958 5.32.53. 3 N 2.50.3 5.32.52 A..." I V mm w on u , an m an m 3.36.3 coo... .300 A w 0.9: coo... .390 n... W 2.60.3. 2.1.32 3 m. cotoEco. 3.3 n3! 33...:ro 25.3: Saunaoth 53.3.5 Sung-own 53.33 3333‘ 333:) W 2332‘ 53.3: 5:253 hem .10 2.20.3 95.“. 2:3 m. 2.Eo_ou cocci ennui m 0:236: :33: :9... m 5.363. cool... m m B . > .03 cot—:53 22353 M 2.60.2. cocam um SEE—on :35 cm 2.60.8 9.0.. goo: .- 2.6.3:... .o E c m .u. a u on on an! mm. 3.622.. 02:92.4 m 0:235... 33¢ :olzw . o E c.3351 I N as u.Eoo E. no 3.950 :2: u I o o n» r _e <.m n .. . e cu .m b M 2.522. 9.36:2. M :E .2. 33:95: I 5.365.961.5000 a 32.93 35.8323 ... a m m 0 2.53.2. 20539.5 m u 2.60.3 M u b u S D u 8.363. :i :33 s mm m mm a I l. I m. 2.60.2. .3300 am 9 2.528 :380 am s 595:. coo... 2.65 W tonEoE 3m 3300 W v I a 23 0 2:3 395:. :25; H mm 22.5.3. ofuoocm .. .u m .362: 03:65 W mm a c2363. £9030 Queuing: galoxohe‘ 2.60.00 £0.25 9.35:: 335 S S m 9 O o .0 :3 523.226— MW 0 0.0:» cococu :5 .21 .m nee—moE: 09.69303 MW I32: 3:58 A M n u... b 6 u. b D I I o o I. 9 U now u U 2.355... 330 m s o s at O o 3 :3 Etta-£3. mm m. 2.60.8 320. ..m w. loonBc :2: «u t s w a a o. 2.5a 8 .m 2355.. 52:32 :2. 5.: Etc: 35 3.2.2... 5.0! Pa :32... 2.6 9.8.». £32.52 25:5 52:25 249:9! 523:! 32.5! 33:5 52:3: Findlay Arch (Hewitt, 1960). The Findlay Arch is on the eastern rim of the Michigan Basin, which is outlined by structural arches. Briggs (1962) has shown in detail the probable inlets of the Silurian sea into the Michigan Basin. If reefs truly ringed the Michigan Basin at this time, it would be expected that narrow inlets such as those shown by Briggs were actually present. That the dolomites of Niagaran time grade laterally in- to limestones in the Basin interior appears to be an estab- lished fact. The limestones are roughly one-half the thick— ness of the dolomites, and have two or three distinctly more argillaceous beds within them that show the pink to reddish tints of oxidized iron, as indicated in Figure 18. This thinning has been attributed to the Mid—Michigan Ridge by Ehlers and Kessling (1962). However, this thinning toward the interior of the Basin may be due to non—deposition which ' and may have been the factor is the result of "reefing' that restricted the Basin during Salina time, and set the stage for evaporite deposition. This study is mostly concerned with the Engadine Formation and the Manistique Group and their possible extension into the Michigan Basin. Since the Manistique Group has facies that are similar and probably related to the Engadine Formation, it is included in cross-sections of the Michigan Basin. Location of Materials in Area of Study The general area of Niagaran outcrOps of the Michigan Basin is shown by the stipled area in Figure 1. Drummond Island, the focus of this study, is the most easterly exten— sion of Northern Michigan. Figure 1 shows its location with respect to the Great Lakes region. To the west of Drummond Island is the well—traveled Detour Passage, through which freightors from all over the world pass from Lake Superior to the other Great Lakes. To the east of the island is the international boundary between Canada and the United States. First, Cockburn Island, and then Manitoulin Island lie to the east of this boundary. Drummond Dolomite's old quarry lies directly adjacent to Detour Passage, a position convenient to shipping. Their new quarry lies about five miles to the east of this location, and approximately a mile to the north of the southern shore of Drummond Island. Stone is tranSported by truck to the old quarry in order to take advantage of the shipping facilities at Detour Passage. Location of the new quarry site was based on exploratory drilling from about three miles north of the southern shore, to the extreme southern portion of the island. Subsurface well cuttings of the Michigan Basin were used to see if the outcrOp divisions could be followed into the subsurface. \0 History of the Niagaran Nomenclature of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan Bigsby (1821) divided the limestones of northwestern Lake Huron into the Manitoulin Range (Fitzwilliams, Manitoulin, Cockburn and Drummond Islands) and that of Michilimackinac (nowlqunwlas Mackinac Island). He described some of the rock on the southwestern end of Drummond Island as the "limestone of the Manitoulin Range.” Bigsby (1824) described the rocks at Mable Head on the southeastern part of Drummond Island as belonging to the ”Manitoulin limestone. Houghton (1840) divided the limestones and shales of the eastern half of the Northern Peninsula into the "lower limerock and shales” and the ”upper limerocks." Most of his lower and middle portions of ”the upper limerocks" are of Niagaran age. Hall (1851) divided the Silurian of the Northern Peninsula into ”Clinton group” at the base, the "Niagaran group” above and the ”Onondaga Salt group” at the top. These were correlated by Hall with the similarly named divisions of New York State. Many succeeding writers adopted Hall's divisions with but little variation. Lane (1909) noted that the term "Manitoulin limestone” as used by Bigsby (1824) was more or less equivalent to the Niagaran. He also noted that the tOp of the Niagaran was ”peculiarly white” in color and correlated it with the Guelph of Ontario. Smith (1916) I 1O also noted this upper white Niagaran as being equivalent to the Guelph, while the lower grayer Niagaran was Lockport in age. Smith named both the upper white Niagaran and the grayer dolomite beneath it as being the Engadine Dolomite. It is best exposed in the vicinity of Ozark, Aackinac County, but because this name was already preoccupied in the geologic literature, it was named from the village of Engadine, where it is exposed over a large area. In succeeding years, it was referred to as either the Engadine Dolomite or the Engadine Formation. Since it fulfills the requirements for a formation, it is referred to as the Engadine Formation in this study. Smith's original concept of the Manistique Series is obviously incorrect; hence it is referred to as the Manistique Formation, or to its relatively new elevation—- the Manistique Group, (Ehlers and Keeling, I957). Ehlers (193C) divided the Niagaran Series of the Silurian System into the Clinton and Lockport Groups. The contact between the Engadine Formation and the Manistique Formation was taken as the division between the Clinton and Lockport Groups of the Niagaran Series. Since 1930 most of the work on the Niagaran Series of the Northern Peninsula has been done by G. M. Ehlers. CHAPTER II STRATIGRAPHY General Stratigraphic Section of the Silurian of Northern Michigan The general stratigraphic section of the Silurian strata of Northern Michigan is shown in Figure 2. This composite section of Northern Michigan has been described by Ehlers and Kesling (1962). This section has been chosen as a recent work and reference point for study. It is an exposed section with a reasonably firm paleontological basis for the divisions, but lithology is used. The top of the ”Clinton” Group is referred to as the top of the Manistique Formation (now Manistique Group), the top of the first Niagaran shale, or the top of a cherty horizon in the Basin. The typical Clinton of New York State has been correlated with the ”Clinton” of Michigan with the assumption of ”layer cake” correlations, a condition which may not be true within the Niagaran. Oilmen still use the term when referring to the Michigan Basin. Figure 3 shows the correlation of the rocks of Northern Michigan with other parts of the Basin. Again, this has been chosen as a recent work and a reference point for study. The 11 12 Racine Formation of Wisconsin is the same as the Racine of Illinois, both of which correlate with the Engadine Formation of Michigan. Surface nomenclature has been used in referring to the subsurface in the Michigan Basin. However the strong paleontological basis is difficult, if not impossible, to recognize in the subsurface. The drillers terms in the Marine City, Field of Michigan, which refer to the Niagaran— "white," "gray," and "brown," are only useful to designate the general sequence of the color of the Niagaran strata. General Stratigraphic Section of Southern Drummond Island, Michigan This paper is concerned primarily with the detailed facies of the upper section of the Manistique Group and the Engadine Dolomite on Drummond Island, Michigan. Figure A shows the general sequence of facies that were logged from the exploratory diamond drill cores of Drummond Dolomite Inc. This general sequence may be modified in areas where abrupt lateral gradations occur. It should be noted that facies is used in reference to different rock types occurring within a stratigraphic formation of definite recognizable vertical limits. Much smaller litholOgic units of lesser vertical and horizontal extent are termed micro- facies. In this study, the Special terms used in Figure A were adOpmed in order to put labels on the various types of 13 Formation Facies Thickness(feet) ENGADINE Upper Brown 20 Upper Cherty 30 Dark Gray 1-12 Upper White O-5O Gray Beds 40-50 Lower White 1-4 CORDELL Lower Brown 20 Lower Cherty 30 Figure 4--Genera1 sequence of facies in the Cordell and Engadine Dolomites of Drummond Island, Michigan. IA lithofacies. Since all facies are of dolomite composition, it is not necessary to write the word ”dolomite" after each facies designation. These labels are strictly rock types within the Niagaran series. In Appendix "A” the first letters of the rock types are used as abbreviations in the logs of the Drummond Dolomite diamond drill cores. The Niagaran satisfies the requirements for a formation, but the facies within this formation interfinger in such a way as to make member designations unrealistic. Description of Facies Lower Cherty Fine—to medium-crystalline dolomite, medium-to light brown, with one to 12 inch chert bands and nodules every one—half to one foot. The tOp of this facies can be determined by the first appearance of a one inch chert band or nodule, a one inch shaly band, and a one inch thick stromatoporoid layer, all of which characteristically occur within a foot or two of each other. I Within this facies the following cycles repeat them— selves many times, and they are characteristic of this facies. The number one unit is lower stratigraphically in all sections. These repetitions are hemicycles1 as are all the cycles lHemicycle here refers to the incomplete deveIOpment of the sequence. These are not true cycles as the reverse order of the unit does not manifest itself to complete the cycle. The term cycle is used in this sense herein. 15 present within the different facies on Drummond Island. The thickness of these cycles is never more than a few feet. No. 1 type cycle. Thickness Description 3. Fairly closely Spaced shaly partings, spasmotically increasing upward, plus or minus stromatOporoids. l' 2. Chert I” - l' 1. Less shaly partings, with a slight increase in number upward. 3” -'1' No. 2 type cycle. Description 3. Closely Spaced shaly partings 1/2” 2. Chert 1 - 2" 1. Less closely Spaced shaly partings, 1/2 - 3" with slight or no increase upward. No. 3 type cycle. Description 3. Well defined shale parting (l or 2) —- 2. Chert l" 1. Very minor zone of more numerous l” shaly partings upward. The chert in these cycles may have a light-brown, bluish or black core, with chalky white chert generally forming an outer layer of either bands or nodules. The black core chert, however, tends to have a brownish clayey chert surrounding it, and occurs 25—30 feet stratigraphically below the top of the Lower Cherty. Light-brown chert covered with bluish chert grading outward from the latter into a dense white variety, which in 16 turn is covered by white chalky chert, is present in the drill cores. Relatively pure light-brown chert is also present, but a pure chalky white variety is the dominant form of chert in this facies. Some of the beaches on the southern shore of Drummond Island are almost exclusively made up of this white, ashen, chert, which is the only remnant of the former outcrop. This chert seldom crops out because it was probably eroded by the differential freezing and thawing action of ice. Changes in crystal size within a Slight distance are commonly observed above and below a chert band. Above a chert band the crystal size may be relatively coarse or fine, while below the band it generally is significantly different-- either finer or coarser. However, in many cases of the No. 3 type cycle described on the previous page, there is no discernable change in the crystal size. Since recognizable fossils are not commonly found in the chert of the drill cores, it is very difficult to do any paleontological work on the drill cores. Favositid corals and stromatoporoids were about the only recognizable fossils found in the chert. The thickest chert is associated with the thickest shaly zones, and occurs from 10 to 20 feet below the top of the Lower Cherty. 17 Lower Brown Fine-to medium-crystalline, light-brown, with minor chalky white chert and siliceous partings. Occasionally the upper five to seven feet of this facies contains several one inch chert nodules. The determination of the top of this facies is given in the description of the Lower White. Within this facies the following cycle repeats it— self up to four times: Description Thickness A. Dolomite, brown, relatively numerous and narrow silicified partings asso— ciated with relatively common shaly partings plus or minus narrow mottled blackish spots, generally thicker than in No. 1 be ow; plus or minus pyrite crystals. 1' 3. Dolomite, very light-tan, relatively wide bluish—black Spots in the upper part of the underlying subfacies. l - A" 2. Dolomite, very light tan, more coarsely crystalline rock lacking impurities. l' l. Dolomite, brown, relatively infrequent silicified partings or chert, thicker than those in No. A above, associated with less shaly partings, plus or minus thin narrow bluish—black patches, plus or minus rapid changes in crystal size- 2 — A” This facies may have two, three, or four of these cycles that are discernable in the drill core. If there are only two cycles present, they usually occur near the top of 18 the facies. Where the upper five to seven feet of the facies contains one inch chert nodules, the cycles are not present. Silica has its greatest thickness in the form of chert or silicified partings at the bottom of the lowest cycle, while the bluish-black zones are thickest at the top of the upper-most cycle in the section. Silica becomes less and less common upward in the cycles, while the bluish—black mottled patches become larger upward in the cycles. Lower White Medium—crystalline to somewhat coarser, light—gray dolomite lacking chert and with a dense appearance. The bottom of the Lower White is taken as the base of the Engadine Formation because of the persistent color change from brown—to light-gray and the frequent occurence of thin stringers of pyrite crystals within this thin marker zone or in the foot of light—tan to light—brown dolomite below it. Also, the crystal size of the light- gray dolomite is coarser than the light—tan to light-brown dolomite below it. Furthermore, two clay partings varying from six inches to a knife edge characteristically occur close to this contact. In fact, the floor of the Drummond Dolomite Inc. quarry is based on this. It is very easy to blast off the rock evenly along these clay partings. This is the same contact as that determined by Ehlers and Kesling (1962) . 19 Gray Beds Fine—to medium—crystalline dolomite, dominantly medium—crystalline, medium-gray to lighter—gray with very little to no chert and massively bedded. Plate 1 shows the best exposures of the Gray Beds which are found in the two quarries of Drummond Dolomite, Inc. The grayest zones usually tend to be near the middle of the Gray Beds. They are commonly only one to three feet thick, and in several cases these zones are adjacent to Joints. The chalky white variety fades out away from a Joint. Observation of the drill core shows that this same variety of dolomite is also found as a thin surficial layer on the outcrOps of dolomite in the area. Although some stromatolites are present, stromato— poroids are the most frequently occurring fossils that are identifiable in these beds. These can be seen quite clearly in the broken rock from the quarry blasting. In the drill core the stromatOporoids are recognized by the following ”cycle": Description Thickness 3. Grayish zone 1/16” to lO”+ 2. Very light-gray zone, nearly white l/A” to l/2” 1. Green organic or shaly parting ____________ The green organic or shaly parting always occurs on the bottom. It is very consistent in the quarry walls 2O H§m .gd :0: one a." anon mam "radon .5 :8. one 3 on! 3a finance—«henna 33nd .5“. to: B... 5 cameo." poo... n8 25 .535 3.6 on» a." comes.” econ a3 c.59- u gdom obs! 21 and the surrounding outcrops. In order to see it in the outcrop, however, one must usually clear away the over- lying weathered chalky white layer. At approximately ten foot intervals within the Gray Beds, there is a clay parting that is zero to six inches thick, and which usually is not cored by the diamond drill. In the old quarry, Just below these zones at IO and 30 feet above the Engadine-Manistique contact, the number of stromatoporoids increases greatly. Although they increase in numbers at these horizons, they are thinner than the less frequent stromatoporoids below. I Several one to four foot thick beds of finer crystalline blue—mottled brown dolomite may be found within the Gray Beds. These beds have more clay and about twice the silica content of the enclosing Gray Beds. These are thin lens- like bodies which pinch out. They may be in one drill hole, and then not again for several drill holes along a section line. Upper White Coarsely crystalline, very light-gray, with no chert, loosely cemented,sugary dolomite,massively bedded. This facies thins and thickens within a very short distance, and grades laterally into cherty beds. The lower beds of the Upper White have some grayer tones in them near the contact with the underlying Gray Beds. Hence, the contact between the Gray Beds and the Upper White is transitional, but it is definite. Chemically it may be distinguished from the underlying gray beds by its extreme purity. It has less than .5% silica, while the underlying gray beds have more than .5% silica. Appendix "B" shows the silica percentage curves which correSpond to the Gray Beds and the Upper White. In places abundant brachiOpods are found within the Upper White. Only the indistinct pentameroid molds are present, and the Species is very difficult to determine. Outcrop and drill core information indicate that these accumulations are probably less than one-eighth of a mile across. Dark Gray Coarsely crystalline, dark blue—gray to dark blue— gray mottled dolomite, with little or no chert. This facies between the Upper White and the Upper Cherty is not always present. Upper Cherty Finely crystalline, light-brown, with one to four inch chert nodules. In most of the cases, the predominant varieties of chert have chalky white and light-blue cores, covered by the chalky white variety. Some black core chert covered with the light-brown clayey variety also has been observed. The lowest foot of these beds is dark-blue or brown-mottled. 23 Very few shaly partings are present in these beds. This contrasts sharply with the abundant shaly partings in the Lower Cherty. In a few drill cores a one to two inch shaly zone has been observed at the top of the Upper Cherty. Also, a few lightly developed chert cycles Similar to those in the lower cherty have been recorded. Fossils are almost non—existent in the chert found in the drill core. In outcrOp, however, a fossil assemblage which seems to duplicate that of the Lower Cherty is present (Ehlers, 1930). On the southern part of the island it can be shown that the Upper White grades laterally into the Upper Cherty. Plate 2 shows a part of this lateral relationship. A brachiopod biostrome within the Upper White lies below a marker zone, approximately one foot thick, which character- istically weathers with small quarter—inch pits, and has a denser, grayer, more weathered appearance. The surface of the marker zone is highly irregular within a short distance with a vertical relief of approximately three feet. The spaces within the joints in the latter are relatively tight, one—eighth to one—quarter inch. On top of this one foot marker zone lies a one—half to seven foot zone of very light-gray dolomite (Upper White), which weathers with one to two inch nearly round holes. The joints in this layer characteristically Show one to six inch gaps, and they may be wider. This contrasts with the 2A N 393% .gona go 3.3: has on» «c an. shave H.533” .hfifio 9&8 no o a 88 Spam hung no ended pooh moron "’OHON n 0:34 .30» .38th no nos "sou-n .33 A33 5225 3.3: hang "upon! 25 much thinner gaps in the Joints on tOp the one foot marker zone. The light-gray zone grades laterally into the Upper Cherty within the outcrop areas along the southern edge of the island. The number of partings in the Upper White increases slightly upward in the seven feet above the small one foot marker zone. Partings are at least three times more abundant in the lateral equivalent Upper Cherty and they have a sharp increase in number upward in the seven foot ledge above the marker zone. Upper Brown Fine—to medium crystalline, light-brown dolomite with chert nodules less than one inch thick. These beds are similar to the Lower Brown, with the exception that they tend to be more finely crystalline. A few sedimentary cycles similar to those in the Lower Brown were recorded, but they are definitely less common in their occurrence in the Upper BPOI“II1 beds 0 Maximum Composite Microfacies Table l is a measured composite microfacies section of the drill core logs taken from Drummond Island. The preceeding general description of the facies is shown by this composite section. In all cases, cores that indicated the maximum amount of detail were chosen to illustrate the 26 TABLE 1 MAXIMUM COMPOSITE MICROPACIES SECTION OF THE CORDELL AND ENDADINE FORMATIONS OF DRUMMOND ISLAND, MICHIGAN AS DETERMINED FROM DIAMOND DRILL CORES A Upper Erown——Medium crystalline delemite with associated mottling present only in a few drill cores. Facies Thickness 7. Light—to light—medium—brown, domi— nantly finely crystalline dolomite, with minor siliceous partings. 27'+ 6. Dolomite, as above with blue—black _ mottling. 6" 5. Very light-tan, medium—to coarsely crystalline dolomite with blue- black mottling in tOp one inch. 8” A. Dolomite, as unit 7 above, with top four inches mottled blue—black. 2' 3. Dolomite, as unit 5 above, with tOp one inch mottled blue—black. 1' 2. Dolomite, as unit 7 above, plus or minus 1/8 to l/A inch chert nodules. ll' 1. Dolomite, as above, shaly. LU Upper Cherty—-Fine—to fine—medium crystalline, light to light medium—brown dolomite with one to Six inch chert nodules every 1/2 to 1 foot. The chert is dominantly of the white or very light-gray variety. Very rarely, a chert nodule is observed, which has more thin shaly or carbonaceous partings on tOp than on the bottom of the chert. The bottom one to two feet of this facies tends to be blue—black 20' mottled. C. Dark Blue——Coarsely crystalline, dark blue— gray mottled dolomite. Only present above the Upper White beds below, and not present when the underlying Gray Beds are directly overlain by the Upper Cherty. ll' 27 TABLE l——Continued Upper White-—Coarsely crystalline, very light-gray, loosely cemented dolomite; when missing, the underlying Gray Beds are usually in contact with the Upper Cherty. In the latter situation, it appears to pinch out as the Gray Beds retain their approximate thickness. Gray Beds——Fine—to medium, dominantly medium-crystalline, light—to medium— gray dolomite. The grayest sections usually occur near the middle of these beds. This facies grades laterally into finer—grained cherty beds and blue—black mottled, light—to medium-light—brown beds. The mottled phase occurs Sporatically in the upper two thirds of the Gray Beds, and chert nodules occur near the southern shore of the island. The mottled phase locally becomes more coarsely crystalline in the Gray Beds, occuring in up to five zones, eight inches to one foot, locally four feet thick. Lower White--Medium—crystalline, light—gray dolomite, with pyrite stringers in it, and characteristically contains two prominent zero Just to six inch clay partings within it or below it. Lower Brown-—This facies may grade laterally into strata that have none of the 'cycles' described below, particularly when the upper seven feet contains chert nodules. 13. 12. ll. Light-tan, medium-crystalline dolomite. Dominantly finely crystalline, light- brown, blue—black mottled dolomite with thin (less than 1/8 inch) siliceous partings. Medium—crystalline, very light-tan dolomite with the top one to two inches blue—black mottled. Thickness 57' 53' 41 1! 1, 6H 1! 28 TABLE l—-Continued KO Thickness Dominantly finely crystalline, light— brown dolomite, with minor blue- black mottling in the upper foot. Contains thicker siliceous partings (1/8 inch) than in unit 12 above in the upper feet. A' Same as unit 12 above, but with less blue—black mottling. 8" Same as unit ll above, with top inch blue—black mottled. 1' Same as unit 10 above, with top six inches blue-black mottled, and silica in the form of chert about one—quarter inch thick. 5' Same as unit 12 above. 3” Same as unit ll above. 1' Same as unit 10 above, but minor blue- black mottling appears only in upper two inches. 6' 7" Same as unit 12 above. .5” Same as unit ll above. 1' Same as unit 10 above, except for slightly thicker half-inch chert nodules. l' 2 ' 2.5TT H. Lower Cherty; lb. Fine-to medium—crystalline, light- brown to light—medium brown dolomite. More shaly than Upper Brown facies, and contains one inch white chert nodules every foot to half—foot. The first one inch chert nodule occurs 29 TABLE l—-Continued 13. 12. 11. IO. O\‘\]CI)\O U7 at the tOp of this facies, and the first stromatoporoids appear imme— diately or within one foot of this level. Dolomite as in unit 14, but much more shaly with no chert nodules. White chert. Dolomite as in unit 13, but less shaly, and with a slight increase in the number of shaly partings upward. Same as unit 14 above. Same as unit 13 above. Same as unit 12 above. Same as unit ll above. Same as unit 14, except for slightly thicker one to two inch chert nodules. Finely crystalline, medium—brown,i shaly dolomite. Dolomite as in unit 5 above, with 1/2 to one inch black core chert layers with a clayey, medium-brown coating. Same as unit 14 above, except for slightly thicker two to three inch chert nodules. Medium crystalline, very light brown dolomite with one inch white chert nodules every foot to one—half foot. These chert nodules have a small parting below them, with the Spacing between Thickness 5! l, 6H 2H 6H 3' u" 8” l (2” 6H 10' 2t 2! 3! 30 TABLE l-—Continued Thickness the partings decreasing upward to— ward the chert nodule. Above the chert nodule there may occur one well defined shaly parting.* 9' 1. Same as unit A above. A'+ . ' A 4“ Yr Ll 5-5 + Total 263' u"+ *This pattern of shaly partings may be found in any of the overlying beds of the Lower Cherty. However, when it is found, the shaly partings are much more numerous both on the top and the bottom of the chert nodule. 31 composite section. A maximum stratigraphic section of two-hundred and sixty-three feet four inches, was measured for the Upper Cordell and Engadine Formations on the island. The composite microfacies section is a compilation of drill cores which show the maximum amount of detail. Maximum detail in the facies is not always present due to delicate lateral gradations, which may occur only locally. Correlation between drill cores has been done by using the criteria of tOp determination given in the description of facies. Lateral Distribution of Facies on Drummond Island Figure 5 shows the area in which the Upper Cherty is present on the southern part of the island. The contact has been determined by using both outcrop and drill core data. The Engadine-Manistique contact is that described by Ehlers (1930). Figure 5 shows the smaller area that has been enlarged into Figure 6. Figure 6 is, basically, a structural contour map of the Engadine-Manistique contact. It shows the locations and identifying letter-number designations of the well cores that were studied, and Appendix ”A” shows the detailed logs of these holes, including collar elevations. All the letter-number designations of the diamond drill cores that were logged are not shown in Figure 6. The . g «a «on.» on» and 30333 . Hausa—Eon 9.3an .333 duos—5.5 Ho Ada Nada m 039E a! III/II . y IIIII’ I"”"'I zit/wunawozu o .0: no (#2 zeta/413:1! .z . c H r a 11/ Vim}: \\ “xxx a. dud do... \ 2 II I".|\\|II-' ” \\\ 3 ‘ OZO’IU.¢ “Uihuu v.31. 0:95.55 5.05.8“ .8358 0325;016:339: 2: 3 no... .5323 ins—2:5 . upoz I, .o 8 u... .150 \Y .g§.§§ 331-1333.! - hgruuptléfficlfnffiil; 3.2!...» 8.... 3 it. D t c ~ 3 .. ~ u u a 5.68. 12 :5 IEF nil .InP 5 III...) ./|\ at! gin l...:.... gigs-cull]; 73:3 Illl ...—8n.col.x§n!.ul E38 to 1:35 53.50 BZHDUJ 33 BA lettering system covers from A to N, from North to South. Letter "I" is conventionally ommited. The distance between any two succeeding letters is one-quarter of a mile. In other words, line B is one-quarter mile South of A. A double letter such as DD means the drill hole is an eighth of a mile to the south of ”D” line, or half the distance between D and E lines. Numbers following the letters are from 7 to 26 and represent the east-west coordinate. An "A" following the number indicates that the location is an eighth of a mile to the east of that number. There is a break in the numbering system between lines DD and E, be- cause of a change in the drilling program. All the lines beneath DDll, however, are still numbered in sequence. Hence, line DDll lies directly north of E9. Figure 6 not only shows the Upper Cherty-Upper White contact, but also, shows the areas in which the fence diagrams of Figures 7, 8, 9, and 10 were taken. The fence diagrams of Figures 7, 8, 9, and 10 show the complexity of the interfingering facies of these Niagaran strata. Figures 7 and 8 show the usual sequence of facies with- in the Engadine Formation that is found on Drummond Island. Figure 7, however, shows many blue-black mottled brown beds within the Gray Beds. The blue—black mottled beds are usually one foot or less in thickness. When there are five or six of these beds present, they are within the upper 35 (oww .. cocoons-ouc- soc-nouuuco-ooaoo .o 3...: .9 ..< :3... .5255 .23... sgoifiaa so 23:25: 25:25! .32.. E:- 2:935 2: 3 £392.. 3:: s. 05.5 :6... (-55 in... 2a in... g 3.2.: a.» 53 flow ‘26; :38 :3 :85 3:5... 333.36 REE.— -!v-. 82- .33 .3... :35 .12.. v3 3.. vcu :85 3:: b}: :..c :55 E DZMCUJ 36 .w 050$ 3.9.3:. .5022: .23.: vcoEEEo .o cotufiuom .5355 on. so 5290:. coco... .0 .53“. :50. 5.6.5 .02: ES 3-64 p.53 «.2! 5'04 :52 can >50 :63 non Eta {av voEEo «.300 «can :35 v2.35 1093-35 v: 2 u o .. o o a n u h o o c c c F o .. n v a g X Illliéflflfll is .235 D z m 0 m ._ 37 .w 3.3.“. .o .o. .3... £323: .35... ucoEEfo .o cote—=3... oEooocm of .0 E032... oucok .m 3:3... «22.: 5.65 3.3: 9.0 3.54 E :62 2:.) 3-3.. m 3.03 nun >50 D :62 can .55 {on .3550 3500 U 2.3 5.6.5 "3:3... 5292.5 :52 0.2! 502.. «0.06. 2.050 :52 too >05 9:. :35 v3.5 :5. . 520 IE Dzwmum. o.....-o.-. 38 .0 3.5.... 3 b. .3... £935.! .23... 5.3.50“. 3.2.95 2: 3 E33... .23... .o. 3.5.... :39. :on. 39:. 9.5 3.6:. g 3.2: v2. >20 H 3.2: can 35 {as 3550 .230 H 3.02 con :5 can 565 no...- #5153“ :5. .286 E O z m 0 w .. n..~.... 'N 39 two—thirds of the Gray Beds. EBA does not have the Dark Blue facies above the Upper White. The Lower Brown has chert developed in E9 and DDlO. Figure 9 shows an abrupt lateral gradation between the Upper White and the Upper Cherty. In this case, however, the Dark Blue, as is the usual case, is developed between the Upper White and the Upper Cherty. Toward the south, the Upper Brown appears in the stratigraphic section. Figure 10 shows how the Upper White and the Gray Beds interfinger southward into cherty beds with associated brown- colored beds. The Upper White in N23 carries through into N24, where it is located between two chert beds. M23 and M24, which have the Gray Beds developed to their maximum thickness, show the lateral gradation into N24. N24 has chert developed in the upper two-thirds of the Gray Beds, which is associated with brown and blue-black mottled brown beds. This is the only known locality on Drummond Island where the Dark Blue beds do not overlie the Upper White. The slope between N23 and N24 is greater than that between M24 and N24. CHAPTER III INTERPRETATION OF SEDIMENTARY AND STRATIGRAPHIC FEATURES IN THE MICHIGAN BASIN Maior Features Chert Wedge Figures ll and 12 show two sections across the Michigan Basin given by Cohee (1948), and supplemented by Ehlers and Kesling (1962). In Figure 11, the well in Manistee County shows a nearly completely cherty dolomite section for the Engadine and Manistique Formations. Fifty miles to the north, the well near the edge of the Basin in Schoolcraft County shows a rock sequence very similar to that on Drummond Island. However, the chert within the Engadine starts at 140 feet above its base, whereas on Drummond Island, it starts about 40 to 50 feet above the base. The well to the south of Drummond Island in Alpena County (Figure 12) shows a chert section in the middle of the Engadine Limestone. To the south, in Bay County, the section is pure limestone. If the well in Manistee County in Figure ll were placed between the well in Chippewa County and the one in Alpena County in Figure 12, there would be a wedge of chert pointed toward the center of the Basin, which grades into limestone toward the center of the Basin. 40 41 .mmma .mcwamox can 982”. Loam... 533 .8923: 2.3 mo Puma chopmo: as» mo 523mm 3.2:: new .330... of. mo meowubww macho nusomnntoz .3 0.53m N N {'3 E saws! N I 'III HUNG" ~\ i \ \ \\\ \ ’5W""i"°““"‘I|':i"Iu:‘-u:i:l n .!.!.!.!:!:g=9=95§.= ii 9‘, ‘ ”Hill i I, I I II B’.¢.:~.:~.~z 1w ‘ I fi‘fi‘lii HI ' .-."‘E.‘.I'I'.i1'.':!!:!:!i! iHHEiHEn 3‘ I U- Jotu :2... I \“‘II ‘IQ 99 :L \ l'l 5| F!:il::L‘fiI!""‘“'!ESalu“ ‘ I .. w :iiufflmi |”n'i'~‘i'na;'| I'l IIIII ‘I'I'I'I'I'g'l'l a;sa=-~:sa -< 6 3. 42 in. “Inuiiiulflfll. ii 3 . . . 2.. .I!Il'l!-!I'I!v!r I II -'~'-’I‘I!-' n l'll'l'lfl"3.33"'ll 'I'I" Engadine m l a a - North-south cross sections of the Lower and Middle Silurian of Figure 12. (After Ehlers and the eastern part of the Michigan Basin. Kesling, 1962) 43 Further, the two minor interruptions in the chert in both the Manistee and Chippewa County wells indicate a wedge somewhat like the idealized one shown in Figure 13. Figures 9 and 10 show that the gray and white dolomites of the Engadine Formation can grade laterally into cherty beds rather suddenly, or approximately within an eighth of a mile. A similar situation is present in Ontario where the medium to light-gray crinoidal Amabel Dolomite grades abruptly into the Ancaster Chert (Hewitt, 1960). This is shown in Figure 14. This particular lateral gradation does not occur within the Michigan Basin. These two cases of abrupt lateral gradation show that medium to light-gray dolomites can be the lateral equivalents of cherty dolomite. Michigan Basin ”Barrier Reef ComplexH The thickening of the Niagaran strata at the edge of the Basin may be a result of a ”reef complex.” The term "reef" or bioherm has been generally applied to a mound of lithified fossil material, lacking well defined bedding, with more impure flank beds surrounding it. In the Niagaran strata, these are only minor structures which are usually no more than a mile across. A considerable number of these structures might still be called a ”reef complex” or a ' The ”barrier reef complex" may ”barrier reef complex.’ have restricted the seas, and brought about evaporite de- position in Salina time. Within the Engadine Formation, the 44 SCHOOLCRAFT CO. CHIPPEWA CO MANISTEE CO. ALPENA CO. o .'. ....... Dolomite Limestone E Cher f9 carbo/mfe OCEANA CO. BAY CO. 2. L Ighf gray do/omife a" gray fa brawn ”mafia/w — Med/21m fa gray a’o/am/fe ::'-.';';'-' Brown carbonafe Figur- 13. Mansion and r0 salon or chart. 3:111:11 the Niagaran non; of the 45 FEEY .J x: g a b E) q \ g c. 5 . a 2* s x 5 E t a I . 3’ 8 . b ._ I r x E 4 ‘. Ia! § Ed I ‘ ° 3 u 'L_.‘ .1_'J E , >~ w 0 g2 L W L" w a g E! 2’ . mo .3 v: 3 <1 5 ll .- {T g ‘ oo - ,,- ~- I c, > .5 g .3 [:1 :j: : : ':1 nomwnno‘sanuuvno ~ms~33nocz ._ 'J .A . Q l E; ; u- ‘ :‘x a «X «, g .1' ,5 “J ._ i .t I) 3, _ I . 1 - u w {5 U f '_ | r; . 2‘ y 5 , . . ~- ‘30 ‘ , a i o l I . .h "I! mow“ sa-uuvno sumo“ uanm 5| :3 ’4‘ z s “ \ a I: “‘o 0 .- . s3 4 o g, . 5 i g \ a .J \ a :3 93». UVMl‘fl 1S ‘3NOAS causnup mummy: is a: b— ‘ n .u 8 < R Q s: U 0 w} m D t.3 3 ~ / Lg” . . _ a: Z CN‘JJ‘EC'HtN’Hx'Jifs 33h35313b 5‘1“ 53330“ 335 w o L 1“” I w .11 1 7 J I Z ' 4 -'- i a. 3! l '4 b l I‘ ‘_ MJ 2 — - ’ ['4 Fv / l‘ 1 / 5 I o .— 1 / " C. a "1 d ‘ / “’11 O 8 2 l/ / / 2 o , / / Ohf‘ral“ :- g: 2 SEE NW“ om . as 9. {5 m j (I ~_. \ .. _,‘ / $53va 0w 'JHM ~1 v, \ ’. ‘ “I Z 2’ 'l ’: E \ C 3 / b /‘u o 5 4 v « zo“ » ~ / z ‘2 \ ‘1 I ' ~'/ 3 — ' k; 'l f I I la ‘ «L J - \ 10 m ’8’ 9 . “”9"?“ .- ~ . w ) ,A I o SUBMUUB 9’!CB.SflHV$I * v; I C b q C \\ 00 K 1,6", 0 4 ~ “ g :\ :4: /6)‘/ o, ‘1 _) '3 m ; s“. 3‘ 2 \ o \ c- W x 9/ .v Q \ g. I ’1 a ,r e r m \ O \ v!‘ u I Q g 1‘ I o :3: g ‘ ‘39 g / \/ $4 / .11»: ANOLS '§NOS GK: Eta-3) V H i ..' \ _J \\ ;/ ll,’ 1/ u. \ ‘ 9 // I\ X ; .\ / //I \' l— 3 i “x xi // ou ‘_ .. (MATES WING H CC I :1” (I E: Lr< ‘I ’ 11 L J 'uouaaa immauu nag: moms: — ‘x ._ .' .1: " 7 .1 3 » ._ / , m o ‘3 Q a / D ‘ ,1 // \ x 5, . ,. D 4 U a L. ‘ FT 1 1 ] mummy. 10.33% 394353335 133:“5 «mom-«3. z: o 8 u.) A r_.- I .x ., -., I an I o- O :1, / I " 53$35 ‘avoa ”mums s (1‘ ll g} 1.- "‘ f _ 1 - “ '” I I I \ ’ I 1 l I 2 33:1] 103 NCSmd'J‘I‘.) ‘mols causna: 0w: aw; no w:- a s ‘* ‘I “/ Eu ‘ z’ \ l ’ a I I E ‘1 I 13.} nmocualw ‘Aaur‘o wank.- mo t 7 7 7 I ] novr. 'mois causnu; 9.0313“ 'n ‘n ‘0 s 2 O ; [ |~ Dimmm 'samuno awmvno‘l s '0 .. 2 m E : :3 sown ‘samuvno mum r o : ~. n. -J L I ~onm'amsvev1v ouv 3m“ N‘SdA‘) { IL] ‘; "' (D 2 r ] mam memo 'sawmua ououisnuv z 4 € [:3 mououozc‘nnvm cm: cuvs ‘IvmlSnONv I '3 ‘n O S 8 S = 8 2 2 2 3 9 s . .9 c.» o 9 2 s: 9 52 8 e 2 9 L 1 4L g A l l 4 v i l 1 I : 4 l l 1 1 J nus-mm. town . flow are. me cal Reference Section: and Quarry Sections, Inokpo . - Goo]. Mfimr Figure 14. 46 brown cherty, more clay—rich beds may represent the flank beds of a part of the "barrier reef complex." The factor that causes the reversal of the index of clasticity in these small bioherms, is the reversal of the bottom lepe due to the growth of a reef offshore. Clastics can be washed from these bioherms by wave action. Could not tectonic deformation cause a similar slope reversal around the rim of an embryonic basin, which resulted in a reversal of clasticity in the Engadine-Manistique strata? This indicates that the Michigan Basin was forming and sink- ing during Niagaran time. The medium—gray to blue—gray beds within the Engadine Formation may represent a restricted lagoonal environment within the "barrier reef complex.” Referring back to Figure 9, the abrupt lateral gradation of the Upper White into the Upper Cherty may be the result of increased slope conditions, which shortened the lateral extent of a possible lagoonal environment represented by the Gray Beds. Compar- ison of the fence diagrams in Figures 9 and 10 with the structural contour map of the Engadine-Manistique contact in Figure 6 shows that the Upper White tends to grade more abruptly into the Gray Beds where there is a greater slope. If there is a lesser slope, the Gray Beds have a greater lateral extent. If it is assumed that normal erosional processes occurred in a "barrier reef complex" of Silurian time in 47 the Michigan Basin, lagoon and barrier facies might be preserved in these rock strata. If the "barrier reef com- plex" migrated toward the rim of the Basin, and further, if this took place quickly enough, then submergence may have produced a regular and even shoreline bordered by shallow waters. Sediment brought to the sites of deposition could be colloidal and dissolved carbonates. Further, the submerged surface may have had a slope less than that of the profile of equilibrium. Erosion of the "main reef" would ensue, and possibly barrier beaches with lagoons behind them toward the rim of the Basin would form on the landward side of the "barrier reef." These barrier beaches, formed from waves breaking some distance from the shore, may have been heightened by wind action. Assuming a quick enough transgression, calcarenite sands may have progressed Basinward toward the lagoons and buried the latter, if submergence took place before the barrier moved back to the original shore. Also, at this time, sea level must have changed rather quickly, resulting in the protection of the lagoonal carbonate clay sediments. The thickness of the sands would tend to be erratic, be— cause they were formed in stream channels. This sequence of events complies with the interpretation that the Gray Beds of the Engadine are lagoonal clays. Additionally, a marine swamp may have formed in the lagoons, which can be full of sulfates and sulfate reducing 1L8 bacteria. Some of the hydrogen sulfide formed could lead to the formation of iron sulfide. Pyrite is found in the Gray Beds in significant quantities at certain horizons, including the contact of the Engadine-Manistique strata. The gray color may preserve reducing conditions within the initial sediment. The exposed section of the Niagaran of the Michigan Basin consists of an almost entirely dolomite section. These dolomites are crystalline, and have demonstrable lateral gradations within them. The fact that they are visibly crystalline indicates that they are probably not evaporite dolomites. And, since most reef environments today have either limestone or aragonite being deposited in them, as in the Bahamas and the great Barrier Reef of Australia, it might be assumed that the dolomite of the Silurian reefs represents replacement, whether early or late. The almost complete obliteration of fossils indicates the secondary replacement of these former limestones. Furthermore, some of the porosity in these rocks may be the result of epigenetic dolomitization, since dolomite takes up less Space than calcite or aragonite. However, many dolomitized cores of Niagaran bioherms have very little porosity within them. It is thought by some stratigraphers that the Niagaran reef strata have been exposed to erosion many times, and 49 that a subaerial dolomitization may have taken place by ground water processes. On the other hand, since many dolomites tend to occur near the edge of a basin or trough of deposition, the stagnation of near-shore waters and/or proximity to the source of magnesium supply may be the cause of such dolomitization (Prouty, 1948). The stromatoporoids, stromatolites, and algae of the Gray Beds of the Engadine Formation are not incompatible with the interpretation of a lagoonal facies, since the quiet waters of lagoons encourage the growth of much floating vegetation and possible animal life, which tends to be relatively thin and flat lying. The soft, sugary, loosely cemented, coarsely crystal- line, light gray-beds of the Upper White may be calcarenites, although thin sections reveal no positive evidence of elastic origin. The very pure chemical composition of these beds (less than .5 percent silica) lends credence to the concept of a cleanly washed second cycle carbonate sand. Further, the loosely cemented grains have occasional rounded and frosted quartz sand grains and rounded almandine garnet grains within them (Ehlers and Kesling, 1962). This may indicate that the crystalline dolomite is composed of former clastic carbonate grains of sand size. The cherty coralline beds in the Manistique have a different composite animal assemblage from the Gray Bed 5o facies of the Engadine. This may represent the reef detritus of Shelden (1961), and should be quite different in animal assemblage, if it is compared to modern day reefs (Twenhofel, 1950). Also, anthozoan corals would grow in the clearer, more normally saline waters that were more oxidized, as in the Lower Cherty and Lower Brown facies of the Manistique Formation. Silicification in the form of silicified fossils and chert probably occurred before dolomitization of the Niagaran strata. Silicified fossils are usually quite well preserved in contrast to the destruction of fossils by dolomitization. The same type fossils are partially silicified in some beds (Lower Brown and Upper Brown) and completely silicified in others (Lower Cherty and Upper Cherty). For instance, Favosites is completely silicified in the Lower Cherty, while only partially so in the Lower Brown beds. This may be the result of time of exposure of the fossils to normal sea water. The more protected, somewhat deeper waters may have allowed complete Silicification in the form of chert, whereas the somewhat less protected and less deep waters may have allowed only partial Silicification of the outer parts of the organism. The silica had less time to replace in the latter case. In the Upper White and Gray Beds, there may not have been time enough for any 51 Silicification to take place. The waters may have been shallower and in more constant agitation. Minor Features-—Drummond Island Chert Near Top of Manistique The fence diagram of Figure 7 shows the outstanding minor features of the Engadine-Manistique strata. Well cores DDlO and E9, show one inch chert nodules in the top of the Manistique, Just below the base of the Engadine. This chert is erratic in its occurrence. This is shown by the fact that nearly all the drill holes surrounding these two have identifiable cycles which have already been described for the Lower Brown beds. The structural contours of the Engadine-Manistique contact in this area, as shown in Figure 6, indicate the possibility that these were local structural lows. This chert may have been deposited in the more protected, slightly deeper waters of structural lows. Cycles in Lower Brown The question arises as to what the cycles in the Lower Brown actually mean in their sedimentary environment. The small cycles are amazingly similar to the larger cycle in the overlying Engadine. The Gray Beds Upper Whitg Dark Blue;brown, blue—mottled one foot;Upper Cherty sequence correSponds to the some blue-mottling, siliceous;light—tan one foot51atter facies mottled at top brown, blue-mottled and less siliceous sequence in the smaller cycles in the Lower Brown beds. 52 The slightly mottled rock below the coarser, lighter one foot bed in the Lower Brown beds corresponds to the non-mottled but gray beds beneath the Upper White. The larger crystal size of the very light-tan phase is similar to the larger grain size of the Upper White of the Engadine. The coarser part of the cycle might represent small mounds of carbonate sand that accumulated on the seaward side of lagoons. Figure 15 shows a four foot section of rock in well core E9. This may indicate that chert was being deposited at the same time as the coarser one foot of dolomite in the Lower Brown cycles. This requires the assumption that the mottled phase carried through from one facies to the other. Comparison of the fence diagrams in Figures 7, 9, and 10, shows that the mottled phase of the interfingering cherty strata may carry through into the Gray Beds as interrupted stringers. The mottled stringers which occur in approximately the upper two-thirds of the Gray Beds correSpond in position with the mottled beds of the inter- fingering cherty facies. If this interpretation is accurate, the coarser one foot section of the lower brown cycles may be small mounds of carbonate sand that formed at the same time as chert. At the same time these small mounds of sand were accumu- lating, it is possible that the sediment in the slightly deeper waters had a longer contact hdth.1ess agitated sea MOT TLED 9 8” MMWM Figure 15. Brown dolomite, with chert, mottling, and shaly eubfaoiee near the top of the Manistique Formation. . 5H water, and consequently became chertified. Otherwise, chertification may depend on the carbonate sediment being exposed to sea water for a sufficient length of time in a relatively protected location where agitation of the water was limited. The blue mottled phase at the top of each cycle in the Upper Brown becomes thicker and thicker through ascend— ing cycles. This could possibly represent a minor restrict— ed environment similar to a lagoon, which finally culminates in the Gray Beds within the relatively large cycle within the Engadine Formation above. Small bioherms in the Wiarton Member of the Amabel Formation of Ontario have a similar narrow blue-mottled zone which is better developed on the top than on the bottom of these small mounds of fossil organic material. This may parallel the situation found in the Lower Brown beds of Drummond Island. It is hard to believe that these amazing similarities are not related in some way. In Figure 15, the pattern of mottling within the dolomite above and below the chert is similar to the pattern of shaly partings above and below the chert. This suggests that the shaly partings, when present in the cherty beds, may correspond in relative position with the mottled phase. The mottled phase may result from a delicate increase in the agitation of the sea water. It must be noted, however, that the shaly zone is restricted mostly to the Lower Cherty facies. Because of its much greater number of shaly part- ings, it seems that the Lower Cherty represents a time of considerable clay influx, whereas, during the deposition of the Upper Cherty, less clay was coming into the Basin. However, in the latter case, differences in the amount of agitation might still have controlled the type of facies that formed, as mottling is found in the Upper Brown. Chalky White Facies One last minor feature of some interest concerns small sections of rock within the Gray Beds. These con- tain very finely crystalline chalky white dolomite. Several instances were observed in cores where this subfacies was penetrated by Joints. In several instances the chalky white area, which was immediately adjacent to the joint, disappeared about one-quarter to one—half inch away from the Joint. This suggests that the finely comminuted chalky white dolomite may be due to weathering by surface waters. The weathered outcrOp of these strata has a layer of this same chalky white dolomite. This again appears to indicate that surface weathering produced this variety of dolomite. CHAPTER IV STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY General Statement The Michigan Basin trends northwest—southeast in a roughly ovate form. Structure maps prepared from subsurface data of the Devonian and Mississippian formations show dominant northwest-southeast structural trends in the central Basin area. Some known faulting parallels this trend. These structures may be due to a Basinal slump which resulted in tensional faults and consequent minor folding (Lockett, 1947). The studies of Ver Wiebe (1928) and Burns (1962) indicate that some of the areas away from the central Basinal areas toward and near the rim of the Basin may have undergone radial tangential compression as the Basin was sinking. However, the literature is seemingly deficient in studies of Joint analysis in regard to the Michigan Basin. Southern Drummond Island General Structure The structural contour map of the Manistique—Engadine contact of Figure 6 shows two north-south trending synclines, one between Pike Bay and Huron Bay, and the other between Helens Lake and Knutsen Lake. The latter structure 56 appears to have more of a northeast—southwest trend. How- ever, the structural depression containing the cherty beds, trends north-south. In both cases the~Upper Cherty and the remaining Engadine strata are found in structural depres— sions, and this causes the cropping out, or sub—cropping out, of the Upper Cherty. Also, in the more southerly sub- outcrOps, the Upper Brown, which is the highest formation present on this part of the island, is present. To the north of Traverse Point, the structural con- tours of the Manistique—Engadine contact show a small north- south trending anticline. Another small north—south trend— ing anticline was mapped from the outcrOps at Seaman's Point. The structural contours of the Manistique—Engadine contact consist of more gentle rolls to the north of the north-south anticlines and syclines. As the Lower Brown has a very consistent thickness of about 20 feet, and the Gray Beds are fairly constant in thickness throughout the area, it might be assumed that the above mentioned folds are structural arches. Further, it is possible to assume that these strata have been subjected to a northeast-southwest compression which formed the north— west-southeast trending anticlines and synclines. The latter compression is nearly at right angles to the north- west-southeast trending ovate form of the Basin in Salina time. This, together with the many northwest—southeast trending anticlines and synclines within the Basin, suggests 58 that the Michigan Basin was subjected to a dominant north- east-southwest compression from Salina time onward. If this compression deformed the Niagaran rocks, the northeast- southwest compression of Drummond Island may be evidence that radial folding occurred around the edges of the sinking Basin. Figure 6 also shows a number of recorded joint patterns in the area. All strikes were measured with ref— erence to magnetic north. Since a joint angle of less than 90 degrees within rock faces the compressive force in a brittle deformation of rocks, these strike directions are in accordance with a brittle east-west compression. We can assume only that these rocks underwent a brittle deformation. There is a change in the joint pattern from the north of Seaman's Point down to the southern shore of the island. The joint sets change from about N, 50 E. - N. 40 W. to N. 75 E - N. MO W. into the higher strata of the Upper White, and finally into the Upper Cherty. The Upper White--Upper Cherty contact is present along the entire southern shore of the Island. It is possi- ble to judge where the more southerly cherty beds are ap- proached, because the joint pattern progressively changes from N. 50 E.-N. 40 W. to N 70 E.-N. HO-W. and thence to the cherty beds with a N. 75—N. 40 W joint set. Towards the very cherty beds at Bass Cove on the southeastern part of the island, the pattern changes from N. 50 E. - N. 40 W. to N. 70 E. — N. no w. to N. 80 E. - N. 40 w., with the last being in the very cherty beds. Figure 16 shows how this may be interpreted as evi— dence for a east-west compression of brittle dolomite, which becomes more at right angles to a possible northeast—south- west compression of the Basin in situations "B" and "c” of the figure. The latter situation in the cherty beds on the southern shore of the island may, in part, be stratigraphi- cally higher than the Upper White facies. This could pos— sibly represent the start of the northeast-southwest com- pression which formed the northwest—southeast trending Basin of Salina time. Plate 3 shows a lateral change in the joint pattern at the old quarry on the southwestern part of the island. The change occurs entirely within the Gray Beds, and is similar to the one described above. When the joint set changes from N. 45 E. — N. 45 w. to about N. 75 E. - N. 40 w., there is a correspondingly slight increase in the silica content. This slight increase in silica, (.5%), greatly increases the difficulty of drilling. However, the N. 75 E. — N. MO W. joint set, which again indicates a more nearly northeast— southwest compression, appears to be on the same strati- graphic level with the N. 45 E. - N. #5 W. joint set. Chemical composition may have played an important role in 60 4.3.3: on» 50.5 uanmH “Hosanna we gone F8853 on» wudnowgnad non: mpom undo". a.“ 33.98 U hum \\ I I \ “5;.ka AI: . toxnhmxgtob lit. 1' 0k .3 .ma oasmaa \\m$FUW .. < Fum \\ II 61 n 393m .obond 99.53.” no 9: 30.3 "tadon as an...” a 893.8: and. 0.3: :3»:- 5 won 33. using $.39 goon Ghana .25“? 9590.3 no 9» one." .55 go 5 can undo Kinsman a: £58 goon "3H8 u OPOD.‘ 62 controlling the strike directions of the joints. An in- crease in silica may have made the rocks more brittle. Plate 4 shows a local situation at the lateral gradation between the Upper White and the Upper Cherty. The Upper White has a dominant N. 80 W. joint direction with a minor set at right angles to it. The dominant joint direction carries a short distance into the Upper Cherty, as shown in the picture. The Upper Cherty has a dominant N. 70 E. joint direction with a minor set at right angles to it. In one locality a few hundred feet to the west, the "marker horizon" had one minor N. 80 W. dominant joint with subsidiary joints at right angles to it (Figure 6). This may indicate a local wrenching in the stress pattern within the area of abrupt lateral gradation or it may be due to a change in composition. Fabric and Structure Figure 17 shows the results of a study which attempted to determine whether there might possibly be some fabric in the sedimentary dolomites of the Gray Beds of the Engadine Formation. The Spacial orientations of dolomite "c” axes were determined with the universal stage microscope. All sections shown are horizontal, with magnetic north marked on them. In all cases the bottom hemiSphere is plotted. All the thin sections were taken within the Gray Beds, a few hundred feet from well core D9. At this locality, 63 ¢ afidam .83 on 9:533 3 p883: :33 9588 633.“ 3.33 hang. on» no $5.353: 33.53 H335» Indiana can 95% somziuohn fit. was." « ad £33 303 $935 9&8 on» use 33: song 3» . 5253 33:35 #933 on... .38 o3 Paoaom 3 cacao 53.3 953.8 23wa noon: on» can." 0830.3 . 333.23 when» a 9.5380 35% .zomz Ba :3» sonzumoda 3.338 new .53.. somzumoE as 3.5.38 338; 64 o O n .uumfloi .Efifl Egg no 3§H8= .. .5 55:. 39.3 no 3533 5:55 3% 83m .5 993m 65 however, four discontinuous stringers, of finely crystalline, blue-mottled, light-brown dolomite are present within the Gray Beds. These range from one—half to three feet in thickness. Examination of the fabrics reveals that only weak 1% contours plus a very rare 2% contour can be obtained by the usual contour methods. However, there is a very nOtice- able 60 degrees of azimuth concentration in many of the fabrics. Further, in these same fabrics, there are approx- imately 30 degrees of azimuth on each side of the larger concentration, which have a relatively low concentration of dolomite "c" axes. In view of these observations, it appears logical to divide the fabric into 12 equal radial parts, making sure that one 30 degree radial part includes the lowest concentration of axes on the fabric diagram. Figure 17 is the result of this type of azimuthal analysis, which is also a preferential strike analysis. A value of 1.0 in Figure 17 indicates that a particular radial azimuth division has the number of axes that would be ex— pected if there were no preferential concentration. A value of .3 means that the radial division has only .3 the number of axes expected in a chance distribution. A3, B3, and C3 represent a transitional Gray Bed facies, which is actually more blue—gray ”mottled” than the usual Gray Beds. Chemical analysis shows that this facies has a slightly higher acid insoluble and silica content 66 than the usual Gray Beds. Microscopically, the silica content appears to be concentrated in very small and rare patches of crystalline quartz. A7 and C7 are normal Gray Bed strata. AA, B4, C4, A9, and C9 are the finely crystalline blue-mottled more thinly bedded brown beds that occur as relatively thin interrupted stringers within the Gray Beds. A8 and C8 are coarser, medium-crystalline portions of the latter facies. A minor coarser, medium—crystalline section within slide C9 is also plotted. B3, CA, A8, C8, and C9, medium crystalline only, have a 60 degree radial division of azimuthal concentration with a deficient 30 degree division on each side of it. B3, A8, and C8 have the middle of the 60 degree concentration striking N. 70 E. 'The middle of the concentration in C4 strikes N. 77 E., and in C9, medium crystalline only, strikes N. 75 E. From outcrOp data, N. 70 E. is a preferen— tial strike direction of the Joints in transitional facies, of which all these sections are composed. C3 has a N. 50 E. - N. 40 W. preferential strike concentration, which is known in outcrOp as,a Joint set which changes to a predominant N. 70 E. - minor N. 40 W. joint set, to the south on Drummond Island. A3 has a pre— ferential strike direction, which is similar to the set in the slightly more than normal siliceous Gray Beds of the old quarry. Also, as in the old quarry, the facies of A3 has 67 slightly more silica and insoluble residue than the usual Gray Beds of the region. B3 and A8 have a N. 70 E. - N. 20 w. preferential concentration of dolomite axes. On the southern part of the island to the south of Helens Lake, this Joint set occurs close to and within the transitional lateral con- tact of the more siliceous cherty beds. C7, B4, and C9, medium crystalline only, show a concentration of dolomite "c" axes which correlates with this direction. A small 50 foot surface of natural outcrop, adjacent to the place where the microscopic sections were taken, shows a Jumbled assemblage of joints which includes all the directions shown in the preferential strike concentrations of the dolomite axes. Although these data are inconclusive, slight preferen- tial fabric is indicated within these dolomites. The fabrics may be related to the Joint patterns or stress patterns in a rather complicated manner. There is a lateral as well as a stratigraphic change in Joint patterns which may be related to the internal fabric. Future concentrated work on rock with known Joint patterns may produce more definite correlations. Regional Structural Geology Joint Sets at Cedarville Plate 5 shows the dominant Joint set at Cedarville, Michigan, which is about 20 miles to the west of Drummond, 68 m 33m .258.“ ad codename «.3 .93 fine-hug no v.53 €3.35wa . an 353 an 32. $5303 :6 3:25 .nh.u.u§.ono§_uu._o£uuo> no.3: . Hon 5833: .922.H 9:33 «amuum: o 5 .93 as non $53300 an .309 wad—03 "26nd .X “OD .309 .unu mu 55.5 no.3:— hunoxa . an duo Ewe «no . «nu o z Poe 93nd. 352. mfiowofl . If... , .. ...L.n=u..i . .33. 3:371:23; .. cyavICOvquVQ-u..oa-¢:~.~pnc1-§.... .49.:~oocunau .uaa‘oinv-»6Q.‘§.I1_ 1. ¢o.c:r . ..v..c:..‘;ob o... A,Jbr.c-:‘ ; N... pinion». .1 . o D. lac-n s «Av-n -. .. I .MM'II‘ID.w.-raaol_‘¢~rtn.03nwcit'b. . on . ..... .IvO-Vpavttvndul.;-atv‘voaot JI~I. .A..\.ipq...uJ,lme... 69 and within the same sequence of Niagaran rocks. This N. 70 E. — N. 70 W. Joint set indicates an east-west compression for these northern Niagaran rocks. However, the southerly dip of the Joints indicates that the direction of least compression was more upward than lateral. Plate 5 also shows a southerly dipping set of Joints which strike N. 70 E. and are on the southeastern part of Drummond Island. These are near the abrupt lateral gradation of the Upper White into the Upper Cherty. It is difficult to ascertain why the least compression should be slanted upward, but it may be related in some way to the abrupt lateral gradation of these facies. . Joints at Quarry, Wisconsin At Quarry, Wisconsin, Joints are in a facies similar to the blue-gray dolomites of the Engadine Formation. These Joints are only found on the top of the quarry. They have a N. 50 E. - N. 40 W. Joint set, while the floor of the quarry, which is composed of dense brown dolomite, has a N. 25 E. - N. 20 W. Joint set. Again, this may represent compression that is roughly at right angles to the rim of the Basin, and-which occurs near the edges of the Basin. Anticlinal Structures of Southern part of Basin Burns (1962) has plotted the anticlinal structures of the southern part of the Michigan Basin, which are essential- ly perpendicular to the edge of the Basin. These suggest tangential compression of the southern part of the Basin. .70 This concept should be more intensively studied by further mapping of Joints and anticlinal trends throughout the Basin. CHAPTER V REGIONAL LATERAL GRADATION WITHIN THE MICHIGAN BASIN Cross Sections of Michigan Basin Figure 18 shows several cross sections of the Niagaran rocks of the Michigan Basin. The word ”Clinton" is used only to point out a horizon in these rocks, which oil men are constantly trying to identify. In many wells the top of the chert is not identifiable. Basinward Lateral Gradation Well number A has more gray dolomite than well number 3, and well number 7 has more gray dolomite than well number 6. This may indicate that the dolomites tend to become darker in color toward the interior of the Basin. This situation is similar to that on Drummond Island where the rocks grade laterally from light—gray to medium-gray to brown dolomite. Gray dolomite grades laterally into brown dolomite toward the Basin interior. The brown dolomites in turn consistently grade laterally into brown limestones in the interior of the Basin. The index map shows the approximate area of Niagaran limestones within the Michigan Basin. 71 72 Brown limestones grade laterally into gray limestones, which tend to be slightly more argillaceous than the dolo— mites, and are red tinted. Two levels of red tinted, slightly argillaceous limestones may be the result of small amounts of clay coming through the inlets of a barrier reef complex. CHAPTER VI COMPARISON OF MICHIGAN BASIN SILURIAN REEFS WITH DRUMMOND ISLAND, MICHIGAN The Klint at Cedarburg Shock (1939) describes a small reef or klint at Cedarburg, Wisconsin, which has a core of medium-gray dolomite. The flank beds are of unuaual purity, and dip a few degrees away from the "reef" or klint. These flank beds are nearly white in color, coarse grained, and loosely cemented. These factors indicate that the white flank beds probably are or were originally a calcarenite. The most common type of Silurian reef, with the exception of some Guelph reefs in Ontario, has a relatively high purity dolomite core. Flank beds have a higher clay, quartz sand, and chert content. The small klint in Wisconsin, described by Shrock, does not have this common reverse index of elasticity. Possibly it was an erosional remnant that had second cycle sands deposited on tOp of its flanks. This description of the flank beds at Cedarburg is close to that given in this paper for the Upper White of Drummond Island. Drill cores from the Upper White can be broken very easily with one's hands, indicating that it 73 7A breaks around the dolomite grains very easily. This may indicate a calcarenite origin. Marine City Field In outcrop, the Gray Beds are characterized by major clay partings varying from O to 1 foot in thickness, which occur regularly at 10 foot intervals. If these clay partings are the result of original' deposition, this facies is similar to the "gray" Niagaran of the Marine City Field (Alguire, 1962). The "gray” Niagaran shows up as a slightly more shaly zone on the electric logs. However, in the Marine City Field the "gray" Niagaran is underlain by a considerably thick ”white" Niagaran. This is the reverse of the situation on Drummond Island, where the thickest white facies overlies the Gray Beds. In the Marine City Field, the ”brown" facies overlying the ”gray" Niagaran has reefing in it, with up to 300 feet of relief over a horizontal distance of usually less than a mile. The reefs closest to the interior of the Basin have the maximum amount of relief (Ells, 1961). If the lateral change Basinward within dolomites toward deeper water, as previously suggested, is from white to gray to brown dolomite, a possible transgression represented in the vertical sequence in the Marine City Field should be present on Drummond Island. The Upper White does grade upward into a l to 12 foot zone of Dark Gray beds, and thence into the Upper Cherty. This may represent the 75 same transgression as is found in the Marine City Field. In this case, however, the thickness of the gray phase is considerably less than in the Marine City Field, where it is about fifty feet. This could possibly indicate that on Drummond Island the environment of the Gray Beds was closer to that of the Upper White when the transgression occurred. It might also mean that a part of the original Dark Gray beds was removed by erosion. The gradual change from the Lower Brown of Drummond Island upward to the Upper White may be absent in the Marine City Field, due to the fact that this gradual change only occurred near the edge of the Basin. Quarry, Wisconsin Figure 19 shows the bioherm at Quarry, Wisconsin. The chert appears in the flank beds, and this is a similar situation to that of Drummond Island where the portionof the Upper Cherty is Basinward relative to the Gray Beds. Clay partings increase away from the bioherm core. The protected, less agitated waters may have been preferential locations where small amounts of clay could settle in thin layers, and also chert could form. Thornton Bioherm Figure 20 shows a cross section of the Thornton Bioherm. Similarities to Drummond Island occur as chert in the following beds again suggest the possibility of 76 3an .5an not... 3.888: 30 E303 H.930 «0 330000 0020 0.3 n .5333: 50 ad”— .ma 953.. ‘8‘ hulls;— O... {(JL g g B g 20:?) 9849:...— 2; .C230 0032...?! 5:330 ._.< nU¢¢§0 us... ax... z. 5....800 n35 45536.0 .0 . . c 1 C . ¢ ,ouooovov obnooo 000. 6'1 Q 0 , 01000... I on“ o .. oo o o tun"! o e o «twowowoo >t>32“. @O 5.8 ”23:. 256% 5.2000 0039.242 E¢<30 “a... 2. 22303 J<¢OU < LO bx: d 630 .5 MPE‘OJOO z ung duooumuzih «0 -10....» W .8 ”E20400 CHE m32¢u> 335.03%“I‘I1IWIIIII. n ““I c.2300 uuxa . . . . .v . . . . . . . . . . . o 3 34.3 4 4 4 4. 4 I 4 4 o 4 4 4 4 4 4 I I I 4 U I I I h I I I I I I I I I I 4 . . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . . 4 4 . . 4 4 . 4 . 4 4 4 4 . 4 . 4 4 4 4 . . . 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 I vIIIIIIIIuIII. 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Forrest H. Linsay, Anne Kirt No. 1, Permit 22627 6-3ON-llw, Suttons Bay Township, (Leelanaw County) Contractor Union Rotary Corporation. Niagaran Top 3857 feet LGD 323 feet BD 75 LGD 37 CBD 253 BD lZfl' Top Cataract -A7lg Total 862 Total 862 2. Forrest H. Lindsay, Lawrence Wolgamott No. 1, Permit 22639, 19-32N-8W, Banks Township (Antrim County), Contractor Union Rotary Corporation. Niagaran Top 3835 feet ?Top A-l Schj. 3815 ED 20 feet GD 15 LED 15 LGL 5 LGD l5 LGL 3O IGD 235 BD 50 GD 15 LGD 50 CBD 175 BD 45 LCD 50 BD 20 LED 15 BD 5 GD 65 BL 10 '2? 5 BL _gg_ Top Cataract ~46Z5 Total 860 feet Total 860 feet 3. 107 R. G. Lawton, Theodore Romaniak et al. No. 1, Permit number 23304 D.P. No. 1370, 7-32N-4W, Hudson Township (Charlevoix County), Contractor McClure Drilling Company Rotar 4700-5246: Goll, Graves and Mechling, Inc” Cable 0- 700 Top Niagaran 4038 feet BD 14 feet LGD 90 GD 15 ED 309 BL 31 IGD 9 CGD 177 LGD 17 ??? 7 ED 133 GD 58 BD _22 Top Cataract - 4929 Total 889 feet Total 889 feet The Ohio Oil Company, State-Boyne Valley No. 1, Permit 19194, 24-32N-5W, Boyne Valley Township (Charlevoix County) Contractor Gordon"Drilling Company (Rotary). TOp Niagaran 4175 feet Brown Niagaran 4160 ED 15 feet GD 5 feet 9 inches LGD 46 feet 8 inches GD 18 feet LGD 19 feet 8 inches GD 3 feet LGD 2 feet 10 inches GD 4 feet 7 inches LGD 22 feet 7 inches ED 297 feet 2 inches LBD 5 feet BL 24 feet CBL 101 feet ED 145 feet BL 22 feet D0 12 feet BL 12 feet BD 31 feet BL 56 feet GD 3 feet Cataract Top 5006 Total 842 feet 51 inches Total 846 feet 5. Forrest H. 20-34N-EE, 108 Lindsay, Paul Selke No. 1, Permit 22638 Belknap Township (Presque Isle County) Contractor Union Rotary Corporation (Rotary). BL BD BL BD EL BD BL CBL LBL BL BD BL BD BL BD Total Niagaran Top 3355 Brown Niagaran 3330 40 feet 5 c; ’1 5 35 10 110 23 Cataract Top 2830 500 feet Total 500 feet Bell and Marks, Basin Oil Company and Muskegon Development Company, Dale Joe VandeWege No. 1, Permit 23462, 17-4N-15W, Fillmore Township (Allegan County) Contractor Muskegon Development Company (Cable BL BD VLGD GD VLGD CBD BD Total Niagaran TOp 2885 Brown Niagaran 2870 2 feet 6 28 10 15 28 __;§ Cataract Top 2964 94 feet Total 94 feet 109 7. Gene M ller Inc., C F Seaman No. 1, Permit 22918, 15-11N-13 W, Ashland Township (Newago County) Contractor Gene Miller, Inc. (Rotary) Top Niagaran 4937 feet Brown Niagaran 4916 BD 24 feet GD 73 LGD 17 CBD 55 BD 18 Top Cataract 5103 Total 187 feet Total 187 feet 8. Empire 011 Company, Burley Gray @3731. No. 1, Permit 23010, 339N-16W, Norton Township (Muskegon County) Contractor Flory Drilling Company (Rotary o to 549), J. w Lang Co. (Cable 549 to 3636). TOp Niagaran 3460 feet Brown Niagaran 3444 BD 16 feet LED 3 LBL 17 LED 2 ARLBD 19 BLD 10 ARLBD 4 LED 14 ARLB 13 BL 30 CBD 30 BD ._19 Cataract Top 3624 Total 180 feet Total 180 feet 9. C. J. Simpson, Harris-State-Grant No. 1, Permit 23149, 10-llN-12N, Grant Township (Newago County) Contractor Hack Drilling Company (Rotary). Niagaran Top 5261 Brown Niagaran 5247 EL 14 feet ARBL 19 ARBL (Max.) 40 ARBL 15 ARBL (Max.) 20 BL 10 CBD ‘_68 Top Cataract 5433 Total 186 feet Total 186 feet 110 10. Whitehall Oil Incorporated. Sheridan Township No. 1. Permit 22849, 26-12 N-14W, Sheridan Township (Newago County). Contractor Hack Drilling Company (Rotary). TOp Niagaran 4699 feet Brown Niagaran 4670 BL 14 feet BD 15 ARGL 81 Sh 22 ARGL 17 CGL 67 BL 18 Sh 3 BL _17_ Cataract Top 4924 Total 254 feet Total 254 feet 11. Whitehall Oil, Incorporated, Cornelius Siersma No. 1. Permit 22866, 26-13N-14W Dayton Township (Newago County) Contractor Hack Drilling Company (Rotary). Tcp Niagaran 5050 feet Brown Niagaran 5020 ED 13 ARGL 94 CL 13 ARGL l4 Sh 12 CGL 10 GL 6 CGL 8 CBL 12 CGL 23 CBL 7 CGL l6 CBL 20 CBD 22 CL _14_ Top Cataract 5304 Total 284 feet Total 284 feet 13. James 0. Kelley, Howard Dunlap No. 1, Permit 22108 22-lS-5W, Lee Township (Calhoun County), Contractor Union Rotary Corporation (Rotary). Niagaran Top 3204 feet ED 120 VLGD 103 GD 60 Cataract Top 3490 Total 283 feet Total 283 feet ’ 111 14. Davis Drilling Company, Inc. Reardon No. 1, Permit 22110, 27-23-2w, Sanstone Township (Jackson County) Contractor Davis Drilling Company, Inc. Niagaran Top 3052 feet Brown Niagaran 2978 ED 74 feet LGD 156 BD 22 VLGD 215 Top Clinton Cataract 3445 feet Total 467 feet Total 467 feet 15. C. W. Collin, Bidal-Frucher-Levrau No. 1, Permit 23796, lO-3N-15E, Ira Township, (St. Clair County) Contractor C. W. Collin (Rotary 0-2717) (Cable 2717-4494). TOp Niagaran 2587 feet Brown Niagaran 2567 BD 20 feet LGD 106-Clint0n Sh 21 LGD 12 Top Cataract 2726 Total 159 feet Total 159 feet 16. McClure Oil Company and Thomaslmnflc,Victor Jonckhere No. 1, permit 19063, D.P. No. 985 36-3N-3E, Handy Township, (Livingston County), Contractor McClure Drilling Company (Rotary A2240, 2890-5763) (Cable 2240-2890). Top Niagaran 4506 feet Brown Niagaran 4471 RD 35 feet VLPD 110 BD 26 Sh 27 Cataract TOp 4669 Total 198 feet Total 198 feet 17. 18. 19. 112 Sunray Mid-Continent Oil Company, H. G. Richardson No. 1, Permit 22534, 18-6N-12E, Almont Township, (Lapeer County): Contractor Calvert Drilling Company (Rotary). Top Niagaran 4507 feet Brown Niagaran 4499 ED 8 feet GD 90 Sh 22 Top Clinton Shale 4597 feet Total 120 feet 98 Tcp Cataract 4619 Total 120 feet Don Rayburn, Watchorn and Wells, Comm. No. 1, Permit 20209, D.P. Number 1117, D.P. Number 1119 D.P. Number 1122, 5-1ON-9E, Watertown Township (Tuscola CountY): Contractor Gordon Drilling Company (Rotary). Top Niagaran 6836 feet ?Brown Niagaran 6833 feet BL 3 feet ARGL 60 GL 4 Sh 23 GL 9.5 Top Cataract 6933 feet Total 99.5 Total 100 feet C. J. Simson, Peter, and Mary Wisniewski No. 1, Permit 23899, 21-18N-13E, Dwight Township (Huron County): Contractor North American Drilling Company (Rotary). Niagaran TOp 6500 feet Brown Niagaran 6491 ED 9 feet GL 7 ? 3 ARGL 52 GL 6 AOGL 60 CL ._11 Top Clinton Cataract 6639 Total 148 feet Total 148 feet 113 20. The Pure Oil Company, Morton Emery No. 1, Permit 23849, 21-13N-1W, Porter Township, (Midland Cbuntyg Contractor North American Drilling Company (Rotary . Top Niagaran 7916 feet Brown Niagaran 7910 BL 6 feet GL 39 ARGL 30 GL 5 ARGL 7 Clinton CL 23 BL __5 Top Cataract 8025 Total 115 feet Total 115 21. Gulf Refining Company, Wm. Bateson No. 1, Permit 5441, D.P No. 181, 2-14N-4E, Monitor Township (Bay Com any), Contractor Parlser Drilling Company (Cable-Rotary . Top Niagaran 8270 BL 10 feet CL 24 ARGL 45 GL 2 ARGL 4 GL 20 ARGL 20 BL 21 CL _39_ Top Cataract 8446 Total 176 feet Total 176 feet 22. Ohio Oil Company, Reinhardt Consolidated No. 1, Permit 12898, 35-22N-2E, Contractor Ohio 011 Company, (Rotary). Niagaran Top 8547 feet Brown Niagaran 8537 BL 10 feet CGL 8 ARGCL 30 GL 8 ARGCL 27 GL 13 BL 8 CGL 8 CBL 5 CGL _39 Top Cataract 8829 Total 292 feet Total 292 feet 23. 24. 25. 114 Ohio Oil Company, Reinhardt Consolidated No. 1, Permit 12898, 35-22N-2E, West Branch Township (Ogemaw County), Contractor Ohio Oil Company, (Rotary). Top Niagaran 8547 feet Brown Niagaran 8537 BL 10 feet CGL 8 ARGCL 65 CL 13 BL 8 CGL 59 CBL l4 CGL 26 CBL 5O CGL ._39 Top Cataract 8829 Total 292 feet Total 292 feet Charles W Trater, Nevins, No. 1, Permit 2960, 18-32N-6E Long Rapids Township, (Alpena County) Contractor Charles w. Teater (Cable). Top Niagaran 4030 feet BL 85 feet CBL 123 BD 7 BL 225 Top Cataract 4470 feet Total 440 Total 440 feet Brazos O 1 and Gas Company, State-Chester "HE" No 2, Permit 17455, 10-29N-2W, Cherster Township Otsego County), Contractor Slape Drilling Company Rotary). Niagaran Top 6638 feet ?Brown Niagaran 6650' 4" BD 7' 8” ARGD 17 CBD 4' 7” CBL 140' ll'l BL 41' 6" Top Cataract (Not Reached total 6868.6" Total 217' 8" Total 218.2"+ l ,é lo: I lllll its. F5.W ERSITY L BR lllIl 49 2444 M'IIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII 3 1 2 9 3 0 3 1 .L l‘ CLINTON-NIAGARAN CROSS—SECTIONS OF THE MICHIGAN BASIN I I SUPPLEMENTARY MATERI Tao of Niagaran I?) I4 I5 43 2 202i 2223 24 255 I LEGEND E: Shale £3833; Gray dMQnfite I:::] Light gray dolomite :3 ’Very light gray dolomite :jrBrown dolomite E: Lightbtown dolomite I 1.1. l Gray limestone E: Light gray limestone I: Brown limestone 1777—1, Light brown limestone 2 Chert ‘ Red tinted, slightly argillaceous ‘75: Orange tinted, inghtly argillaceous TD Total depth NIAGARAN ' Z .JMESTONE 6 7 8 9 IOII \"4” index Map // 7 Top of Cataract l00 ~“-_‘ Horizontal Scale X5 SCALES A FEET I 11...... .2 . l Figure '8 ‘ 1 (“MILES—L. '00 , d .. 331M“ '2'], 9m. 2"- m), mac uomboiN brm§m233< Stamping? llll lll I ll II III C” I IrlIIA I:- l I ill l 7'! III SHI— f? P; O u 3 ill". 865 ml A” R“ H '1' "II II" n " H I1 ll": H H H 3 1293 03196 3