lilliliiglillililiiliiiiill \ THch This is to certify that the thesis entitled Psychophysical Testing in Cartography: An Evaluation of Methodology presented by Daniel Gerard Cole has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for M.A. degree in Jeogtam ' LIBRARY Michigan State University MAL/(Mp Majoproesfs Date g/g’fli OVERDUE FINES ARE 25¢ PER DAY PER ITEM Return to book drop to remove this checkout from your record. PSYCHOPHYSICAL TESTING IN CARTOGRAPHY; AN EVALUATION OF METHODOLOGY By Daniel Gerard Cole A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS Department of Geography 1979 ABSTRACT PSYCHOPHYSICAL TESTING IN CARTOGRAPHY: AN EVALUATION OF METHODOLOGY By Daniel Gerard Cole Cartographers have employed psychophysical testing to determine the average map reader's perception of the sizes or values of circles, dots, gray-tones and patterns. But numerous variables exist within the testing procedures themselves which have not been examined. Hence, the author uses graduated circle maps in analyzing two variables: short term memory response and task orientation. Ninety-six subjects were tested on their ability to recall or recognize a mapped circle pattern given one of three instructional levels. Several statistical methods were utilized to evaluate the data. The results indicate that there is indeed a significantly large difference between recall and recognition and a smaller but nonetheless significant difference between very specific and non-specific instructional sets. DEDICATION To my parents for their continual support and without whom none of this would have been possible. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I gratefully acknowledge the advisement and assistance received in various forms throughout my program from the following people: Professor Richard Groop who provided the original idea for the tOpic of this paper, numerous suggestions, much patience and an empty red editorial pen; Professor Richard Smith who provided additional ideas and guidance as well as the impetus for my attendance at Michigan State University; Professor Bruce Pigozzi, without whom, the statistical analysis of my data would have been a disaster; and Professor Dieter Brunnschweiler who helped maintain my interest in Remote Sensing such that my dissertation will fall under that heading. I also wish to thank the Department of Geography for the teaching assistantship awarded during all of my attendance. On the lighter side, many of you probably realize that graduate students maintain strange hours and eating habits. In that vein, I must thank Jim Johnson for teaching me that while researching and writing into the late hours of the night, one can survive on nothing more than sandwiches of choke and slide. iii CHAPTER I. II. III. IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Problem Statement Purpose. Importance . . Other Variables. Summary. HYPOTHESES AND METHODOLOGY Introduction Hypotheses . . Testing Methodology. Recall and Replicate Recognition. . . DATA ANALYSIS. Introduction Frequenqyof Choices-—Recognition . Mean Deviation Percent Black Per Quadrant Mean Squared Distance. . CircularNormal Distribution. Centroids. Summary. DISCUSSION Conclusions. Error. Consistency. Recommendations. Further Research BIBLIOGRAPHY . iv 71 71 71 72 73 74 76 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Warrington and Ackroyd's Test of Orientation Tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll 2. Absolute Total and (Mean) Deviations. . . . . 48 3. Summary Table of the Mean Error Terms for all Test Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7O Figure 9a. 9b. 10. 11. 12 (a- h) 13. 14. 15 (a- C) 16. (a- C) LIST OF FIGURES Results of Tversky's Tests. Results of Loftus and Loftus' Tests Hypothesized Difference of Error Between Recall and Recognition. Hypothesized Difference of Error Between Instructional Sets. Hypothesized Progression of Error Terms Hypothesized Differences in Consistency Between Recall and Recognition. Hypothesized Differences in Consistency Between Instructional Sets. Hypothesized Progression of Consistency Stimulus Map Used in the Recall Tests (Reduced 10%) . . . . . . . . . Stimulus Map Used in the Recognition Tests (Reduced 10%) . . . . . . Blank Map Used in the Recall Tests (Reduced 10%) . . . . An Example of a Reproduced Map: Subject #4 in the VST (Reeduced 10%). Distractor Stimuli Used in the Recognition Tests (Reduced 10%) . . . . . . . . . Slip of Paper Used for Ranking in the Recognition Tests . Mental Processes During Recall and Recognition (After Loftus and Loftus, 1976) Rankings for the Stimulus Map First Order Rankings for all Maps vi Page 10 10 18 19 20 20 21 22 26 27 30 31 33—36 37 37 43 45 Figure 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. (a- f) 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. (a- 1) 28. 29. Mean Absolute Deviations of the Percent Black Per Quadrant. Test Group Values of the Mean Squared Distance Before Rotation. Test Group Values of the Mean Squared Distance After Rotation Test Group Values of the Mean Distance From the Origin (r) Test Group Values of the Mean Angular Deviation (s) . . . . . . . Graphic Representations of the Mean Distance From the Origin and the Mean Angular Deviation for All Test Groups Mean Distance From the Origin for Each Circle in the Recall Tests Mean Angular Deviation for Each Circle in the Recall Tests. Weighted (r) Values for All Test Groups Weighted (3) Values for All Test Groups Response Centroid Locations in Relation to the Stimulus Centroid for All Test Groups (Recall x 7; Recognition x 11) . . . Mean Vector Lengths for All Test Groups Weighted Mean Vector Lengths for All Test Groups . . . vii Page 48 50 52 54 55 56 58 58 58 58 60-65 66 67 Chapter I Introduction Over the last 100 years, geographers and others have increasingly relied on thematic maps for the communication of spatial distributions. The thematic map's ...main objective is specifically to communicate geographic concepts such as the distribution of densities, relative magnitudes, gradients, spatial relationships, movements, and all the myriad interrelationships and aspects among the distributional characteristics of the earth's phenomena (Robinson & Sale, 1969, pp. 10-11).” But this objective is not achieved if the map-reader does not understand the data or misinterprets it. Thus, in order to effectively communicate information through maps, cartographers have attempted to standardize symbols, to increase the accuracy of data bases, and most importantly, to understand the process through which spatial information is transmitted from the map to the reader. This latter area of concern has included many tests of map readers' perceptions of cartographic symbology such as circle sizes, gray-tone values, dot densities and pattern correspondence. The present study is directed toward the methodology involved in cartographic perceptual testing. Problem Statement Cartographic perceptual testing methodology usually 1 involves the use of psychophysical techniques. In most non-cartographic psychophysical testing, investigators conduct highly controlled experiments whereby only one or a few variables are scrutinized. This allows an evaluation of responses to simple stimuli and leads to more certainty in analyzing results. Cartographic perceptions, however, are usually much more complex because of the presence of a complex stimulus—-the map. Experiments are less tightly controlled and results are more tentative. But most importantly, the methodology employed in the experiment is more likely to effect the outcome of the psychophysical test. One may assume that if the subject's information output does not equal the cartographer's information input, then error is being introduced into the testing procedure by either the map maker or the map reader. In other words, "the act of testing, per se, appears to alter the behavior it sets out to measure (Cooper & Monk, 1976, p. 133).” The variables which induce this error include: (1) the complexity of the test maps; (2) the map reader's prior knowledge (environmental perception) of the mapped area and/ or topic; (3) the reader's ability to learn over the course of successive tastings; (4) the instructional set (task orientation) assigned to the reader before and during the test; and (5) the reader's ability to either recall or recognize (short term memory) patterns or symbols during the test. To date, little empirical research has been conducted in cartography to evaluate the effects of these variables on the results obtained in cartographic psychophysical testing. Purpose The focus of the present study is to examine two of the above variables, task orientation (specificity of instructions) and short term memory. (Ngtg: Technically, short term memory is immediate memory; but since all of the variables pertaining to it are present in this study and since the use of the subjects' long term memory store was avoided, the term short term memory will suffice here.) These variables are scrutinized in the context of pattern recognition and reproduction on thematic maps. Four critical questions concerning these variables can be raised: What are the factors which influence the map reader's ability to recall or recognize a pattern? How do these factors affect the reader's short term memory? Will the changes of specificity in the instructions create significantly different map reader responses? And will tests involving recall and recognition produce significantly different results? The first two questions are addressed in this chapter while the latter two are dealt with in the following chapters. Importance Prior to considering the above questions, the importance of task orientation and short term memory of map patterns should be addressed by examining the psychophysical studies that have investigated and utilized these procedures. Within cartographic perceptual testing, apparently task orientation greatly influences the amount and type of information accessed by a map reader. Most cartographers assign specific tasks to their test subjects, but few have empirically studied the effects of the level of instructional set on map reader responses. Generated responses from various types of instructions may simulate the information transfer in a "normal" map reading situation. If a map reader merely conducts incidental viewing of a map in an article, the amount of information accessed by him is less than it would be if the author directed the reader to the map or to parti- cular portions of the map. In the same way, given non-specific instructions, the amount of information accessed by a test subject is less than it would be if the testor very specifically directed the subject to the pattern or symbols on the map or indicated a later task to be performed by the subject. The importance of recognition and recall can be seen in most cartographic psychophysical tests since the comparison and discrimination between individual symbols or patterns invariably involves the use of one of these techniques (Flannery, 1956; Williams, 1956; Muehrcke, 1969; Olson, 1970). While recognition has been widely employed in cartographic testing, recall has been limited to test subjects producing cognitive maps of their environment and a single test in cartography in which the subjects attempted to reproduce a stimulus pattern (Downs & Stea, 1973; 1977; Steinke, 1975). But recall is conceptually more important then recognition: In a map reading situation, the reader seldom refers back to a previously viewed map; instead, he probably relies upon his recollection of the map when viewing a secondary stimulus map. Thus, unless the maps are adjacent to one another, recall may assume the dominant position in common map reading tasks. Next, one may well ask: Why examine pattern recognition or recall and not that of symbols? The dichotomy between the study of map patterns and symbols is expressed in the following passage: Maps are communicative devices designed to display spatial information in a two dimensional format. To some map makers and map users these displays are considered to be aerial data banks or storehouses of a myriad of separate and isolated facts. Other map makers and map users turn to the map as a communicative device because the two dimensional format allows them to display, and see, the new information which derives from the juxtaposition of sets of symbols (Jenks, 1975, p. 311). The latter type of map information transfer, i.e., the map reader's ability to recall or recognize the pattern as a whole is the most important in thematic mapping. In fact, the purpose of the thematic map has been defined as that which communicates concepts, not data—-the map conveys a pattern, not the components of the pattern (Gerlach, 1971, p. 194). And the map reader can perceive the pattern as a simultaneous whole on the basis of the interrelation of all of its parts held together in one immediate representation (Blumenthal, 1977, p. 71)." For one to examine patterns, and not the individual symbols within the patterns can be seen in that the map reader seldom searches for value-size relationships between symbols. One might also reason that the map reader tends to group the data into simpler patterns (or rejects it entirely if it is too complex) so that it may be more easily remembered for future use. This mental generalization could be due to the reader's indifference to the task of enumerating symbols or to the lack of time spent by the reader on the map. Recent eye movement studies have tended to confirm the idea that map readers do not ordinarily evaluate individual symbols. For instance, Dobson (1977) noted that the reader spent little time looking back and forth between the legend and the various circles on his test map to check the values. This is not to say that cartographers do not have to worry about the perceptual accuracy of individual symbols; on the contrary, one must still present perceptually accurate symbols because only they will result in perceptually accurate patterns. Fortunately, numerous studies have been conducted in which map readers were tested on their ability to discrim- inate and assign values to individual circles (Flannery, 1956; Meiheofer, 1979) or to individual gray-tones (Williams, 1956; Kimmerling, 1975). Even so, one must remember that the reader will mentally generalize; that is, forget or coalesce part of the pattern or combine some of the symbols. Hence, a number of cartographers have considered pattern analysis an important part of map communication. Castner (1964), Jenks (1975) and Steinke (1975, 1979) have attempted to evaluate the visual comparison and reproduction of graduated circle patterns. Still other cartographers have examined the characteristics of patterns on chorOpleth maps. Several of these people (Olson, 1970, 1972; Monmonier, 1975; Lloyd and Steinke, 1977) set out to measure the effects of class interval systems on the visual correlation (pattern recognition and comparison) of choropleth maps. Other studies (Muehrcke, 1969; Monmonier, 1974; Olson, 1975; Muller, 1976) have been solely concerned with the visual analysis of choroplethic pattern complexity. All of the above studies examined either the subjects' ability to discriminate, compare or reproduce patterns. As a unit, these studies illustrate the manner in which map patterns are processed in the human perceptual system. Other Variables Pattern analysis aside, a number of uncontrollable factors are present within the test subjects which may influence their recall or recognition capabilities as illustrated in the following passage: We have asked the students to produce external representations as sketch maps. Can we judge similarity by comparing data taken from the sketch maps with similar data from a carto- graphic map? If this is an attempt to solve the accuracy question, the answer is no. People vary widely in simple graphic abilities. Age affects basic manual skills involving eye- hand coordination. Both the young and the old differ from our college students. Even discounting this age factor, we have the problem of differential training in both the rationale for and the manual reproduction of sketch maps. Some people, notably artists, architects and geographers are trained in technical graphic skills. One would expect that the mechanical production and accuracy of the sketch maps would reflect this training...Styles of training and thinking affect representations, even if both people are the same age, experience, skill, training, the question of the similarity of cognitive maps cannot be answered definitively. The nearest that we can come to such a goal is as follows: Parts of our cognitive maps are common to all or most members of a large group of people, parts are common to a subgroup of people, while still other parts are unique to each person (Downs & Stea, 1977, pp. 100-103). Equally troublesome is the problem of attitude on the subject's part. Since volunteer subjects may bias the results, "non-volunteers" are usually rendered from classroom settings, however, no one is ever forced to participate. The use of non-volunteers, however, probably involves the use of some students who care little about the experiment. Since this study is only concerned with the responses of the "average" map reader, the effects of the above variables upon the individual reader's expression of short term memory may be offset by the reactions of other subjects in the same test group. Hence, while being aware of the aforementioned uncontrollable variables, they are relegated to a position of minor importance within this study. Of greater importance, however, are the variables that are intimately related to task orientation and short term memory and their effects on the visual comparison or repro- duction of patterns on maps. This relationship may be transformed into the following cause and effect perceptual processes: (1) the test results are dependent upon short term memory and its transmittors (eyesight and/or fine motor skills); (2) short term memory is dependent upon the amount of information received; (3) the amount of information received is dependent upon eye movements; and (4) the eye movements are in part dependent upon the task orientation (instructions) as initially given to the subject, and in part dependent upon the pattern's complexity, the amount of time spent viewing the map, the length of time delay after viewing the map before starting the recognition or reproduction task, and the subject's prior knowledge of the mapped topic and/or area. These processes may be addressed individually. First, a number of studies have established that the type of instructions given in a psychophysical test do indeed affect the subject's performance. Tversky (1973) noted that if the subject was previously informed of the type of task to be performed, be it recognition or recall, he would perform better than one who was not informed or incorrectly informed. In all cases, however, the recognition tasks had a higher response probability than the recall tasks (Figure 1). Even though Loftus and Loftus (1976) agreed with this statement, they found that the difference between incidental (nonspecific) and intentional (specific) types of directions is negligible in recognition tests while the difference is significant in recall tasks (Figure 2). %r 009 0/1/00 9299‘ Response Probabflny l Rec09nmon Recml Insnucfions Figure 1 Results of Tversky's Tests Recognition E‘ E (U .D 8 CL a: \ E’ 9ch O Q (I) <1) (I l l IncMentm knenflonm Insnucflons Figure 2 Results of Loftus and Loftus' Tests 11 Warrington and Ackroyd (1975) tested three tasks: (1) no orientation, (2) relevant orientation and (3) non— relevant orientation. They found no significant difference between the no orientation and the non—relevant orientation tasks but the relevant orientation task produced a signifi— cantly better performance on the subjects' part (Table 1). Table l Warrington and Ackroyd's Test of Orientation Tasks (Mean error) Non-relevant None Relevant Words 9.90 12.60 4.75 Faces 10.00 11.10 7.00 DeLucia also tested three different tasks, but he evaluated the directions in terms of eye movement patterns across a map. His tasks included: (a) no orientation, (b) general orientation, and (c) specific orientation. In the no orientation task, the subjects primarily conducted free scans of the map. In the general orientation task, the subject was "only told what to look for but not where and therefore could not narrow down his search area on the basis of the assigned task prior to commencing his scan,” i.e., the subject conducted a free scan until he found what he thought he was looking for. The specific orientation task was one of comparison: the subject was told what to 12 look for and where to look on the map and therefore the areas not fixated upon ”are avoided by the viewer because they do not contain information relevant to his problem at the moment (1974, pp. 239 and 241).” Unfortunately, DeLucia did not conduct any quantitative analysis of his data. Steinke conducted a test whereby the subjects knew about the eye movement recording part of his experiment before it began because of an earlier class presentation and a brief introduction when they first arrived for the experiment, but they were not aware that they would have to reconstruct the target map body later. That is, Steinke purposely designed his test as non-specific because he wanted to define what people do under a free look situation even though relatively little real map reading occurs in this way. Likewise, telling the subjects before or during the experiment that they would have to reproduce the map body later would no doubt have increased motivation but at the same time would have resulted in very different map reading activity since few people read maps with the idea of reproducing them later (correspondence with Steinke, March 1979). On the other hand, one might reason that for a specific orientation task, the test subject will probably scan a test map in much the same way that the stimulus map was scanned. In other words, if the search pattern for familiarization is repeated for recognition, then the subject will have an l3 easier and faster job of recognizing the correct pattern (Norton and Stark, 1971; Whiteside, 1978). Hence, in preparing a test, one should assign one of three tasks for the subjects: non-specific, somewhat specific and very specific. The specificity of the instructions will at least partly determine the test results. Aside from the instructions given, a number of other variables affect the subject's short term memory. First, the complexity of the pattern must be considered. Phillips (1974) discovered that as the complexity of the pattern increases, the error in short term memory increases. The error may be due to the fact that as pattern complexity increases, the short term memory store becomes overloaded whereby parts or all of the pattern may be forgotten or may not even be initially absorbed (Herriott, 1974). In fact, Kaufman, e3 al.,(1949) provided evidence which indicates that a subject cannot perceive the pattern as a whole beyond approximately eight elements in the pattern. But French (1954) stated that target recognition improved with an increase in target complexity (possibly due to the "uniqueness" of the more complex patterns) and became worse with an increase in visual noise. French's data suggested, however, that this function is negatively accelerated. The recognition of pattern types seems to involve some additional influences of complexity. For example, Fitts 32 a1. studied the effects of redundancy, i e., an inverse measure 14 of complexity, and their results indicated that ”there is no simple relationship between the redundancy of figures and pattern recognition. The introduction of redundancy may either facilitate or hinder pattern recognition, depending on the way in which it is introduced (1956, p. 10).” Fitts, 3; al. also found that "random figures were recognized more rapidly than were constrained figures. Symmetrical and vertically oriented figures were recognized more rapidly than were single or double assymmetrical figures or horizontally oriented figures of the same complexity (1956, p. 10).” And during the time that the subject is viewing the stimulus map and during the delay time between the initial exposure and the recall or recognition task, it appears that the pattern is organized into a coding scheme along horizontal and vertical axes within the human visual system (Dodwell, 1970, pp. 112-13). Given the above, perhaps the short term memory coding scheme is stronger along the vertical axis than it is along the horizontal axis. Obviously, the construction and arrangement of circle patterns influences one's ability to recognize that pattern. Consequently, in constructing a test map, one should try to create a pattern of medium" complexity, i.e., a pattern that has a clearly recognizable shape but has no symmetry and does not contain too few or too many circles, while at the same time keeping that pattern ”realistic” in appearance. The amount of time that the subject spends looking at the map may also affect the amount of information that is 15 being stored. Dobson observed that "the speed at which information was accessed varied from subject to subject (1977, p. 53).” And Steinke found that there was ”little relationship between how much time a person looks at a map and his ability to reproduce it (1975, p. 220)." (Nggg: the amount of time that the subjects were exposed to the stimulus map in each test varied from 12.99 to 32.65 seconds and 12.6 to 40.3 seconds, respectively.) The passage of time between the end of the presentation of the stimulus map and the start of the recall or recognition test may also be a factor influencing what is retained in the short term memory store. ”In general, short term memory is observed as a temporal constraint on recall capacity and not as a constraint on recognition capacity, recognition being a distinct and powerful long term memory ability. An object briefly seen can be totally unavailable to recall, yet days later its recurrence may be recognized immediately (Blumenthal, 1977, p. 72)." Apparently, the specific impressions of a circle pattern disintegrates with the passage of time and one should therefore minimize the delay time in the testing process. Taken one step further, "the last few items presented (or looked at) tend to be recalled first (Baddeley, 1976, p. 103).” But ”elapsed time, per se, does not affect retention at all, and that the retrievability of memory is solely a function of how much interference has occurred 16 at the time of recall (Blumenthal, 1977, p. 72).” Like time, interference is less likely to affect recognition than it will recall (Wicklegren & Norman, 1966, p. 346). But neither recognition nor recall are seriously affected by interference in the short term memory store (Herriot, 1974, p. 6). Mandler (1972) noted that the proportion of information (pattern) which was presented but not recalled had not been organized by some people; and he stated that some of the information recalled was not originally presented. Had his tests included maps, this "new” information was probably derived from past (long term) memory or environmental perception of the mapped area or topic and organized into the stimulus map pattern. Finally, Tulving and Pearlstone (1966) discovered that there was much more memorized material available at the time of recall than can actually be retrieved. This discrepancy may be due to and widened by the use of fine motor skills and eyesight (each of which may or may not be well developed), in the reproduction and recognition of circle patterns, respectively. Summary Given that this thesis is focused upon two important test situation variables, task orientation and short term memory, one finds that not only do these two variables affect test results but a number of other variables also influence the results either directly or indirectly through the above two variables. Many of these variables can be controlled or 17 at least held constant while others cannot and one must therefore be aware of their presence when evaluating the test data. Overall, cartographic psychophysical test results are not merely influenced by the instructional set or the type of memory response being elicited; instead, a myriad of complex variables are present which effect both each other and final test results. Chapter II Hypotheses and Methodology Introduction This section specifically addresses the manner in which three levels of task orientation (non-specific, NST; somewhat specific, SST; and very specific task, VST) should hypothetically affect the test results with either the goal of pattern recognition or pattern reproduction of a graduated circle map. A detailed explanation of the testing methodology will follow since, after all, one of the primary foci of this thesis is to ”test the test.” Hypotheses Based upon the considerations noted in Chapter I, one may make the following general hypotheses: I (a) Error will be less for recognition tasks than for recall tasks (Figure 3). Error l RecaH Recogmflon Figure 3 Hypothesized Difference of Error Between Recall and Recognition. 18 19 (b) Error will decrease from a non-specific to a somewhat specific to a very specific instruc- tional set (Figure 4). Error l l NST SST VST Speaficny Figure 4 Hypothesized Difference of Error Between Instructional Sets. (c) Therefore: (1) The greatest amount of error by the test subjects will come from those who are given a non-specific task requiring a reproduction skill. (2) The least amount of error by the test subjects will come from those who are given a very specific task requiring a recognition skill (Figure 5). 20 RecaH Gmamm Enor (3 (4) (5) RecognMon (& (2) Lwfl er (1) NST SST VST Figure 5 Hypothesized Progression of Error Terms. 11 (a) The stimulus pattern will always be more consistently recognized than it will be reproduced (Figure 6). Consmtency 1 RecaH Recognmon Figure 6 Hypothesized Differences in Consistency Between Recall and Recognition. 21 (b) The consistency with which the stimulus pattern is recognized or reproduced will increase as the task becomes more specific (Figure 7). Consmtency l l l NST SST VST Specnmny Figure 7 Hypothesized Differences in Consistency Between Instructional Sets. (c) Therefore: (1) The test subjects will exhibit the least consistency for a non—specific task requiring a reproduction skill. (2) The test subjects will exhibit the greatest consistency for a very specific task requiring a recognition skill (Figure 8). 22 Recall Least Consistency (2) (3) H) Recogrnfion (4) (5) GmamstConmmmmy (W NST SST vsr Figure 8 Hypothesized Progression of Consistency. These hypotheses may be addressed individually. Based upon the results of Tversky (1973) and Loftus and Loftus (1976), one would expect a higher response probability, or a lower error, for all recognition tests than for any recall test. This difference in error terms between recall and recognition is probably due to the sheer difficulty of recalling and reproducing a mapped circle pattern. And if the test map is to be in any way realistic in appearance, the number of circles will probably exceed the eight element limit that Kaufman, 3; a1. (1949) defined as that which can be efficiently recalled or recognized. Concerning the instructional set, the conclusions of Loftus and Loftus (1976) and Warrington and Ackroyd (1975) indicate that the subject should perform significantly better given a specific task than if they were given a non—specific 23 task. And Loftus and Loftus found that this difference was much more pronounced in recall than in recognition tests. The difference between either the NST or the VST and the SST, however, may not be significant. Even though this difference is not pronounced, the results, nonetheless, should show a progression in the error terms as hypothesized. The reader may note that the slope of the lines illustrating the differences in mean error between recall and recognition (Figure 4) is steeper than that between the different levels of task orientation (Figure 5). Given the above prior research, and due to the fact that reproduction of a circle pattern is more difficult than the recognition of that pattern, the different instructional levels will not produce as much error as the two memory tasks. In regard to the subjects' consistency of response within each test group, one would expect an inverse relationship to that of the error terms (Figures 7 & 8). As with error, a significant difference in consistency between recall and recognition should be evident in the data analysis. A somewhat different reason may account for the discrepancy in consistency, however. In a recall test, given an infinite number of subjects, an infinite variety of patterns could be reproduced; but in a recognition test, the subjects are constrained to whatever choices the researcher gives them. Neither the memory task nor the instructional set appear to have been quantitatively examined in terms of the subjects' 24 consistency. But a descriptive measure of consistency was provided by DeLucia in his tests on task orientation: He recorded the subjects' eye movements after reciting a particular level of instruction; the narrowness of the area scanned decreased as the specificity increased (1974, p. 239; 241). In other words, one may assume that the greater consistency in eye movements over the stimulus map, the greater the consistency of the test subjects in recognizing or reproducing the target map. Finally, in following this line of reasoning, like error, the slope of the lines illustrating the differences of the subjects' consistency is steeper between the levels of memory task as opposed to that between the levels of instructional set. Testing Methodology Six different map oriented tasks were administered to six different groups of sixteen people yielding a total of 96 subjects. The subjects consisted of a variety of under— graduate and graduate geography students (majors and non— majors) at Michigan State University. None of the subjects were tested more than once. Given the range of students tested, the sample population appeared to approximate the "average” map reader, thereby reducing the effects of the problems addressed by Downs and Stea (1977, pp. 100-03). The stimulus map was designed for simplicity, employing standard cartographic principles. The circle pattern on the map consisted of a selected assortment of 20 different—sized, 25 non-overlapping circles. The map as such presents a pattern that is not easy for the subjects to recall while the task required is not impossible. Overlapping circles were not used because the element of overlap introduces additional unwanted variables into the test (GrOOp & Cole, 1978). Nor were county borders, a north arrow or a scale used on the map. Whereas county borders may provide a locational impetus, their presence creates additional background noise——the influence of which is hard to measure; on the other hand, the presence of the latter two items, being merely incidental to the map's message, adds only clutter to the map. However, a source and a legend (adjusted to Flannery's constant) were present on the map because not only are they commonplace but they also provide necessary information to the reader. The stimulus map used in the tests, which appears in Figures 9a and 9b, covered an area and topic which presumably most students from the state of Michigan would be unfamiliar with, i e., ”State Park Attendance in Arkansas.” Supposedly, a map of this sort reduces the effects of previous learning or experience on the test results. Hence, only in those areas of the map that the subject did not look at (pgppg incognita), would one expect great variations in the components of the pattern. In each test, the subjects were given two envelopes: A and B. First, they were told to remove the map from envelope A. Then, one of the levels of instruction was 26 ANS 8385 88a. :88 of E was: as: magnum om ohswflm Aooo—xv mco:m_> Co 52:52 8W:fl-. _ .- Rmp .omcaE_< mmmcuxi Hoot—sow ucomou snap mUZeotooEaz cacao; Raw mOZ ofiu Ca qfi uoomflsm new: poosponaom m mo chmem G< HH ohswflm 809 5 Sill: tcomod 9.0wa Lo conEsz the .omcmEZ £3:me “8.16m hhmw wOZ 12 12 12 S 10 10 10 a; g 8 8 8 If; 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Rank (NST) Rank (SST) Rank (VST) a b c Figure 15 Rankings for the Stimulus Map. Comparing Figures 15a and 15b, one notes that as the task becomes more specific, the number of subjects assigning a first order ranking to the stimulus map increased at the expense of the third order rankings. Further, a distinctive downward trend now appears for the SST group as opposed to the rather even spread of rankings for the stimulus map within the NST group. These rank frequencies indicate that 44 not only do somewhat specific instructions generate more consistent results than do non—specific instructions, but they also convey the idea that progressively fewer people assign the stimulus map to the less similar rankings. Such is not the case when comparing Figures 15b and 15c. Whereas the frequency of first order choices in the VST is greater than that of the SST, the difference between the two is not as great as expected; in fact, it is less than the difference between NST and SST. And the progression through the rankings does not get successively lower for VST. Before postulating as to the reasons why, one should look at Figures 16a, 16b and 16c which illustrate the first order rankings for all maps. No more than five of the eight maps given were chosen in all of the test groups (Figures 12a- 12e). One may assume that the patterns of the three maps not chosen must be, in the visual sense, sufficiently different from the stimulus map. Conversely, one might also assume that the patterns of the maps that were assigned to the first order are visually ”close” to the stimulus map pattern. The term "visual” qualifies the last two statements because, as discussed later, visual rankings are not necessarily equivalent to mathematical rankings. 45 16 16 16 14 14 14 > 12 12 12 g 10 10 10 ‘5’ 8 8 8 E 5 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 < l x A» * < l m < x A NST SST VST a b c Figure 16 First Order Rankings for all Maps. Figure 16 illustrates a variety of responses (non— consistent) to NST. On the other hand, in response to SST and VST, not only do a greater number of subjects choose the stimulus map over all others combined, but fewer of the distractor stimuli are chosen for these two tasks as well. Like Figure 15, however, Figure 16 also shows a greater difference in responses between NST and SST than between SST and VST. One might expect, though, that the error terms calculated for VST are lower than those for SST. But the patterns chosen by the subjects in VST dictate otherwise. Because two of the subjects in VST chose the map symbolized with a triangle (Figure 12d), most statistical measures will calculate the error in that group to be greater than the error in SST. In other words, the progression from high to low mean error terms should be NST-VST—SST, respectively. Had the test sample been larger, the expected progression of error terms might have materialized. These 46 are important points to remember later on when the output of the other statistical procedures are analysed. Mean Deviation—~Percent Black Per Quadrant In this particular statistical test, an x,y grid was laid down on top of each of the reproduced and chosen maps and the percent black per quadrant was calculated for all maps. The absolute deviation of each quadrant of the maps was derived from the difference between the percent black perquadrant of the stimulus map and all other maps (e g., mean deviation of quadrant 1: Q1 = /E(X81_Xil/ ) The / l6 / mean absolute deviation was then calculated for each test B . group (—£%£Z), In effect, what this statistic measures is only the percent black per quadrant; it tells us little about the positions of the individual circles or the patterns. Since a number of small circles in one quadrant can equal one large circle in another quadrant, the interchange of the two would probably result in little or no change in the respective deviations. While a reproduced pattern may look very different in comparison to the stimulus map, the percent black per quadrant could conceivably be equal. The data for each quadrant indicates where the average map reader in a particular test group remembers clustering or blackness to occur and the statistic itself reflects that memory, i.e., the larger the mean deviation, the less the subject remembers about the overall pattern. First, Table 2 47 illustrates that while both the absolute total and mean deviations are less for recognition than for recall, only relatively small variations from the stimulus map occur in any one quadrant for any one test. Overall, Table 2 indicates that the subjects approximately remember the relative amounts of black in each quadrant, regardless of the instructional set. The absolute mean deviation (in parentheses) points out the fluctuations among the different task levels for each quadrant. These fluctuations are rather hard to interpret; however if one examines Figure 17, the overall error for each instructional set is clearly outlined. As expected, the differences between NST and SST for both recall and recognition are less than the differences between SST and VST. But the difference of means test revealed that NST and VST for both recall and recognition are not significant at the a = .05 level, although the difference between recall and recognition are significant at the .01 level. 48 Table 2 Absolute Total and (Mean) Deviations Quadrant 1 2 3 4 Stimulus 17.7 7.1 33.9 31.0 Recall NST 22.2 (5.74) 9.6 (5.14) 26.9 (7.86) 31.7 (3.24) SST 20.9 (5.33) 8.4 (3.76) 30.2 (5.46) 30.4 (6.97) VST 19.7 (3.98) 8.9 (4.47) 34.9 (2.61) 27.0 (5.90) Recog. NST 16.8 (1.80) 8.7 (1.70) 33.1 (1 80) 32.9 (2.15) SST 18.5 (1.06) 7.3 (0.90) 32.1 (1.80) 33.2 (2.20) VST 16.4 (1.26) 8.2 (1.16) 34.2 (0.60) 31.6 (0.70) 6.0 — ‘5 U '5: S 38 — a g t c ‘35 2.4 — 8 m _ 2 °\° 12 _ Necognition 1 l l NST ssr VST Spedficny Figure 17 Mean Absolute Deviations of the Percent Black Per Quadrant. 49 Mean Squared Distance Two related measures of error were on techniques suggested by Sneath (1967). Those measures were used to produce similarity indices, based upon the movement of the individual circles, between the resultant patterns and the stimulus. More specifically, the first of these techniques measured the sum of the squared distances between the circles in the stimulus pattern and the respective circles in the recognized or recalled patterns. In essence, this program performed a comparison between those patterns and the stimulus pattern and yielded the sum of the squared distances which are interpreted as dissimilarity indices. The mean index for each test group was then calculated thereby producing a measure of similarity between the test groups. The large differences in error terms between the recall and recognition groups can be easily seen in Figure 18. As hypothesized, the difference between NST and SST is less than that between SST and VST for recall. With recognition, on the other hand, VST registered a higher degree of error than SST for reasons already explained. A significant difference is present between the means of recall and recognition at the .01 level. NST and VST exhibited a significant difference for recall at the .1 level while no significant difference could be detected between any of the instructional sets for recognition. 50 — T—T“\\\jmw 8— Mean Squared Distance Before Rotaflon (x1000) l 2 — .\\\\\~—"’——Recogmfion 1 1 1L, NST SST VST Spedficny Figure 18 Test Group Values of the Mean Squared Distance Before Rotation. The second of these techniques was attempted to bypass several difficulties associated with the above measure and other analyses conducted by Jenks (1975) and Steinke (1975). In both of these studies, subjects were asked to visually compare mapped circle patterns and to assign a value of similarity to them (1—7 and 1-5, very dissimilar to very similar, respectively). While their results may have been overtly subjective, they provided a basis for comparison between perceptual and mathematical pattern similarity. Jenks also tried to evaluate the similarities between circle patterns by means of a correlation grid. Unfortunately, the correlation between the stimulus pattern and the resultant pattern was either very low or zero. This problem may also exist to a lesser extent in the analysis conducted below. 51 In an attempt to solve this problem, while at the same time maintaining an objective measure of pattern comparison, the following steps were performed: the x,y locations of all the circles, stimulus and resultant, were transformed into standard deviation units. Each resultant pattern was then rotated over the stimulus pattern until the ”best fit" between the patterns was achieved as measured by the least squared distances between homologous circles. The mean deviation of each group was also calculated to compare test groups. While compensating for minor rotational errors on the subjects' reconstructed patterns, this technique introduced a different problem: it rotated the patterns and examined them out of the context of the map. For example, if a subject had chosen the map symbolized by a star (Figure 12h) as the most similar pattern, the index between it and the stimulus pattern was similar to the stimulus pattern (with minor variations when rotated 180 degrees). In other words, this technique overcompensates for the subjects' mental errors in orientation and would subsequently assign a similarity index between patterns that may be significantly different from an index created by a visual comparison of the patterns. That problem aside, when the mean squared distances after rotation were plotted for each test group (Figure 19), surprisingly, the shape of the plots was basically the same as those on Figure 18. The similarity between Figures 18 and 19 may indicate that the average test 52 subject performed very little mental rotation of the stimulus pattern. 40 - a) _ Q g 32 '— \Eeca” ‘27; c ._ 5 9 1:: E 24 '— 93 o m o: g 5 16a m t _ 8 8 — Recognition 2 ’- \/ l l l NST SST VST Specfimny Figure 19 Test Group Values of the Mean Squared Distance After Rotation. A significant difference at the .01 level was found between recall and recognition. The relative significant difference between NST and VST for recall was strengthened, in comparison to the mean squared distance before rotation, in that their difference was significant at the .05 level. No significant differences were noted between any of the recognition tasks. Circular Normal Distribution Based on research conducted by Reyment (1971) and Mardia (1972), several measures of positional error of the reproduced or recognized circles were made. The goal of both of the previous studies was to determine whether or not 53 the data contained in a circular distribution was normal. Of primary interest here, however, are the statistics used to arrive at a determination of normality: the distance from the origin which reveals how close to the stimulus the circles in the resultant patterns come, and the angular deviation which indicates a test group's angular consistency in the positioning and locating of the circles. The distance (r) from the origin (the point of origin is arbitrary, but it must be the same for all circles) is found by the following formula: r = (22 + Y2) where R = E (COS ai) and Y = E (sin ai) N N (Reyment, 1971, p. 23). This statistic establishes the length of the mean vector for a circle. The length is a unit measurement, i.e., as E approaches 1.0, the mean circle location approaches that of the stimulus. The mean vectors for the patterns were also calculated and plotted in Figure 20, illustrating the differences between recognition and recall and between the instructional sets for E- This graph also points out the inverse relationship between E and error. The mean angular deviation(s) is essentially the standard deviation of a test group measured along the circumference of a circle instead of a straight line. It is defined as: s = 2 (l—r) (Reyment, 1971, p. 27). This computation yields the value of g in radians. By converting radians to degrees, one arrives at the mean angular deviation, 54 1.0 E /\Recognition .8 — a, .6~ g '- R ll cu ._ 8C8 2 4 .2 - 1 1 1 NST SST VST Spedficny Figure 20 Test Group Values of the Mean Distance From the Origin (r). i.e.. the angle which defines one standard deviation unit to either side of the mean vector. As p approaches zero, the mean circle location approaches that of the stimulus. The mean angular deviation for all circles in each test group was also computed and plotted in Figure 21 which illustrates the consistency of each group's ability to recall or recognize the stimulus pattern. As anticipated, the mean differences between the recall and recognition test groups for both E and g were significant at the .01 level. But no significant difference at the .05 level could be found between any of the instruc- tional sets in either memory group for both E and p. The relationships between the mean vectors and the spread of the observations within one standard deviation unit 55 80c ,___‘___fmm 64~ (S) 48— : _ 8 32.. Recognition 2 ’— \/. 16— 1 a 1 NST SST VST Specificity Figure 21 Test Group Values of the Mean Angular Deviation (s). underlying those vectors are shown in Figures 22a through 22f. The mean directions of the vectors were determined from the mean x,y positions. Again, the differences between the instructional levels is not as noticeable as that between recall and recognition. 56 .mmsouo omoH Ham pom scamme>om swaswc< coo: osu pcw GHwHHo emu Eosm oocmumflo Cmoz map mo mCOHuMDComouaom oflfimmpo NN ouswflm hw> kmw hmz ZOFEOOUmm no 44 63 .: m— 66 The values of the mean vector lengths of the unweighted and weighted test groups are plotted in Figures 28 and 29, respectively. As predicted, the difference between NST and SST is less than that between SST and VST for recall. This statistic also shows that the recall error in VST is sufficiently less than NST to be significant at the .05 level. Recognition, on the other hand, again exhibited a tendency for the error terms to decrease from NST to SST and then rise from SST to VST, although the difference at the .05 level could be detected between any of the recognition test groups while recall and recognition did differ significantly at the .01 level. 24 — \Recan _ RecognMon 1 'T“'l NST SST VST Specificity Mean Vector Length Figure 28 Mean Vector Lengths for All Test Groups. 67 40- )-— .C :53» 3.2 - 3 ’6 *- Recall 0.: g E? b > fa: 1.6 - c: F 8 8 _ . . 2' \Becognmon 1. 1 1 1 NST SST VST Spedficny Figure 29 Weighted Mean Vector Lengths for All Test Groups. The addition of a weighting factor affected the recall mean vector lengths in much the same way that the weighted p and g terms behaved, i.e., the progression of error terms from NST to VST are reversed from the unweighted terms. Surprisingly, the weighted error terms for recognition did not behave in the same fashion. In fact, the progression resembles that for the mean deviation of the percent black per quadrant (Figure 17). The relationship between the two slopes could mean that since the larger circles are given greater weight in the location of a pattern centroid, their influence also generates a greater percentage of black for a particular quadrant; and since, in VST, the stimulus pattern is chosen more often than in either NST or SST, the ”pull" of the larger circles to the stimulus centroid is that much stronger. But no significant difference for either the 68 weighted recall or recognition test groups could be seen at the .05 level. As in the other analyses, the two memory tasks differ significantly at the .01 level. Summary Table 3 summarizes the relationship between error and consistency for the recall and recognition test groups given the above statistical analyses. All of the tests demonstrated that the error and consistency in recall and recognition are significantly different at the .01 confidence level. The difference between the instructional sets, as expected, was not as great, and in most cases was not statistically significant. Between NST and VST, however, a significant difference can be noted at the .05 level for the mean squared distance after rotation and the mean vector lengths and at the .1 level for the mean squared distance before rotation while no significant differences were found between any of the recognition tasks by any of the above statistical procedures. Due to the choices made by two of the subjects in the very specific recognition task, all of the statistical procedures, with the exceptions of the frequency of choices, the mean deviation of the percent black per quadrant and the weighted centroids, showed VST to possess a larger degree of error and a smaller degree of consistency than SST. But the three recall tasks exhibited either a nearly linear decrease in error terms (mean squared distance after rotation, mean 3) or an accelerated decrease in error terms from NST to SST to 69 VST (mean squared distance before rotation, mean deviation of the percent black per quadrant, mean vector lengths). Consistency, on the other hand, decreased linearly (mean g) or at a decelerated rate (frequency of choices) from NST to SST to VST. 70 NS. mm. mm News. m.mN mmmw. mm.m N.HQ¢H new. Hm> .Apou5wflo3v Luwcoa Hoboo> coo: .LuwcoH Hoboo> cmoz .ApouszoBV coaumw>op smaswcm cmoz .ApoustoBV cHwHHo ofiu Eonm mucmumflp cwoz .cowumw>oprumaswcm cmoz .cwwwno can Eonm oocmumflp Gums .cOAOmuou Houwm moamumwp poemsvm new: .COAOmuou ouomon mocmumwp poemsvm awe: .ucmupmsw Hum xoman ufioouoa can mo SOAOMH>op cmoz mm. mm. mq.m mm.m mm. we. om.H ow.N Ho mm as we nwmq. some. came. Ammo. ©.¢N N.¢m mmmm. omqw. scum. memm. wm.m eq.m mm.Hm q.mHm q.oowH H.mawm m.mmmw qu.H Nmm.H omm.q Hom.m Hmm Hmz Hm> Hmm Cowuwflwoomm Hamomm MH.N mo.m Ne mumm. o.wo mowm. m.mnmw oom.m Hmz wmsouw umoH Ham Mom mEuoH Honpm Geo: oLu wo oHan mpmaabm m seams Chapter IV Discussion Conclusions Error Several questions should be readdressed at this time: First, did the two different memory tasks of recall and recognition produce significantly different results? Regardless of the statistical measure used, there was a highly significant difference between recall and recognition tasks: recall always produced greater response error than recognition. Two basic reasons account for this consistently large difference in error: (1) In order to make the recognition test sufficiently difficult, the distractor map patterns had to be constructed which were similar to the stimulus pattern; so the error of the recognition tasks was expected to be small whereas the subjects in the recall tasks could possibly create a map having close to 100 percent error. (2) The variation in recognition error was limited to the eight maps presented as potential targets; in any recall task, on the other hand, the variance is unlimited because an infinite number of subjects conceivably could create an infinite variety of patterns, given the confines of the map. Second, did changes of specificity in the instructions create significantly different map reader responses? While 71 72 the statistical analysis has proven that no significant difference in the mean error terms exists between NST and SST or between SST and VST, a definite progression from high to low error does exist from NST to SST to VST. One may also assert that there is a significant difference in mean error terms between NST and VST for the recall test groups. But due to the problems concerning the one map that was chosen by two of the subjects, no empirical state— ment, strong or weak, will be recorded about the difference of error between the recognition test groups. Based upon the results obtained in the data analysis, hypothesis Ia, error will be less for recognition tasks than for recall tasks, is confirmed. And while the error terms for each level of instruction may not be significantly different, a trend does exist which supports hypothesis Ib: error will decrease from a non—specific to a somewhat specific to a very specific instructional set. Consistency Finally, did the subjects consistently remember the circle patterns to be a particular shape or in a particular position on the map? From those who responded, apparently a variety of shapes were consciously or subconsciously utilized by the subjects as an aid in remembering the pattern of circles. From the vectors plotted in the circular distributions (Figure 22) and from the vectors plotted to the centroids (Figure 29), one might note that the pattern 73 locations, while probably not being significantly consistent, are at least relatively consistent within a given area. Most of the circles in each pattern were congregated on the left side of the map-—where the greatest amount of blackness was present on the stimulus map. Obviously, the mental coding and organization of the stimulus pattern varied from subject to subject while the regurgitation of that pattern was somewhat consistent within a given test group because the mean vectors indicate that the level of specificity does indeed partially influence the position of the pattern. Given the frequency of responses in the recognition tests, the mean angular deviations and the centroid locations of the patterns for all test groups, one should note that a trend does exist which supports hypotheses IIa: the stimulus pattern will always be more consistently recognized than it will be reproduced; and 11b: the consistency with which the stimulus pattern is recognized or reproduced will increase as the task becomes more specific. Recommendations Given the variables considered in this study, one may put forth the following guidelines for cartographic psycho— physical testing methodology: (1) Even though a strong case cannot be made on the differences between task orientations, a trend did exist such that one may state that the instructions in any testing procedure should be as specific as possible. 74 Indirectly, one might assume that clarity, conciseness and consistency should also be maintained because otherwise, when the tasks are read to all segments of the test population, the level of specificity will either differ from subject to subject or from sample to sample. Thus, inasmuch as a very specific task is required to prevent biased results, it should not be written or verbalized to theextreme that clarity is sacrificed for it. (2) Although recall and recognition are rarely intentionally used together in any psychophysical test, one should be aware of the exact type or combination of memory response(s) being elicited from the subjects on a particular test. Even though some degree of overlap is present between recall and recognition, they are still two different memory responses and the variables that affect them react accordingly. And while the use of recognition is greater than recall in cartographic psychophysical tests, the latter may have greater applicability to everyday map usage; but recall is a much harder response to study given the difficulty of the task for a subject. Further Research Additional testing should be conducted on the types of memory response and instructional set now present in testing methodologies. Concerning this topic alone, the following suggestions are put forth: (1) the sample population should be large enough so that individual variations in 75 the responses do not significantly affect the variations in the mean response; (2) the use of eye movement technology as reported by DeLucia (1974) and Steinke (1979) would present important quantitative and qualitative additions to the measures already used in this study; (3) additional variables, i e., the complexity of the test maps, environmental perception, exposure time, and so forth, could be added into the testing procedure to see what, if any, effects their presence would have on map reader responses. 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