OVERDUE FINES ARE 25¢ PER DAY PER ITEM Return to book drop to remove thié checkout frog your record. My ‘ *dw 51-9932; . M16), t» ‘95:! st .\ to; ‘ill‘f9ifif ' . AN ECONOMIC EVALUATION AND REPLACEMENT MODEL FOR THE LACTATING DAIRY COW INCLUDING BIOLOGICAL COMPONENTS By Joseph G. Hlubik A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Dairy Science 1979 ABSTRACT AN ECONOMIC EVALUATION AND REPLACEMENT MODEL FOR THE LACTATING DAIRY COW INCLUDING BIOLOGICAL COMPONENTS By Joseph G. Hlubik A computer model was developed to estimate the annu- alized net present value of a dairy cow, enabling compari- sons among cows as an aid in determining Optimum voluntary replacement patterns. Expected values (probabilistic sense) were used to account for the uncertainty underlying involuntary culling. Milk production, hence income, is estimated based upon DHIA estimated mature equivalent milk yield, standardized for age and season of calving. Simi- larly, a credit is made for the sale of cull animals. Costs include both feed and nonfeed variable costs. The feed cost component characterizes dry matter intake and nutrient requirements over the life cycle, and within a lactation, based on expected production performance. Feed disappearance is estimated using a linear programming sub- system which balances a diet and, in turn, projects feed disappearance. The model is flexible; additional sub- systems can easily be entered that deal with significant biological and economic factors. DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my appreciation to John and Sarah Dumschat for encouraging me to enter a Master's pro- gram at Michigan State and for their hospitality and friend- ship. Sincere thanks to Winston Ingalls for his much appre- ciated advice and friendship. Special thanks are due to Drs. Russel Erickson and Roy Black for invaluable assist- ance and also to members of the committee: Dr. Roy Emery, Dr. Glenn Johnson, and Dr. Donald Hillman. I am indebted to the Department of Dairy Science for financial assistance during the course of my studies. I would also like to thank Mrs. Mary Hillman and Susan MacMahon for helping prepare and type the manuscript. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 0 O O O O O O O C C O O O O O O O O 0 LITERATURE REVIEW OF REPLACEMENT MODELS . . . . . REVIEW OF IMPORTANT BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS THAT DEFINE THE INPUT-OUTPUT RELATIONSHIPS OF THE DAIRY cow 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Milk Production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Estimating the Lactation Curve . . . . . . Effects of Nutrition on the Lactation Curve Equations for Estimating the Lactation Curve Environmental Factors Affecting the Shape of the Curve . . . . . . . . . . . Lactation Number and Persistency . Season of Calving . . . . . Days Open and the Calving Interval Breeding Problems . . Persistency and the Calving Interval The Dry Period . . . . . . . . . . . Factors Influencing Dry Matter Intake . . . . Energy Content of Feeds . . . Impact of Fermented Feeds . . . . Impact of Crude Fiber . . . . Relative Intake of Forages . . Influence of Protein on Feed Intake . Dry Matter Intake and High-Producing C Seasonal Influences on Intake . . . . Estimating Voluntary Intake . . . . . . . General Observations Concerning Feed Intake During the Lactation Cycle . . . . . . . Nutrient Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobilization of Nutrients from Body Stores Energy and Fiber Requirements . . . . . . Energy Requirements vs. Genetic Potential Protein Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . iv 0 Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . Expected Herd Life . . . . . . . Reasons for Removal . . . . . . . Longevity and High Producing Cows Conclusions Drawn from the Literature Review . . THE DAIRY COW MODEL . . . . . . . . Economic Decision Rules . . . . . Introduction to the Model . . . . Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subsystem: Milk Production . . . Estimating Lifetime Production Subsystem: Dry Matter Intake . . Development of the Dry Matter Intake Impact of Fermented Feeds . . Impact of Energy Density and Crude tent of the Ration . Subroutines: DMILAC and DMIDRY Characteristics of the Diet . Subsystem: Requirements . . . . Protein and Energy . . . Calcium and Phosphorus . Crude Fiber . . . . . . Requirements for Growth . Subsystem: Balancing the Ration RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . . . . . . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . APPENDIX (Computer Program) Equation Fiber Con- O Page 110 114 124 Table 7a 7b 10 ll 12 LIST OF TABLES Review of Replacement Models . . . . . . . . Expected Impact of Alternative Quantities of Fermented Feeds on Daily Dry Matter Intake of Lactating Dairy Cows . . . . . . . . . Mature Equivalent (ME) Factors for Body Weight Derived from Two Studies . . . . . Probability of Failure (Involuntary) of Cows by Lactation Number . . . . . . . . . . . Reasons for Dairy Cattle Replacement . . . . Percent of Total Gulls by Lactation Number . Proportion of Cows Removed from the Herd Dur- ing the Second Through Sixth Lactation When Divided into Four Groups According to First Lactation Production . . . . . . Percent of Cows Removed from the Herd of Those Surviving the Previous Lactation When Divided into Four Groups According to First Lactation Production . . . . . . Average Season Effects on ME Milk . . . . . . Regression Coefficients Defining Dry Matter Intake/Day During the First Twenty Weeks 0: Lactation 0 O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Regression Coefficients Characterizing Intake by Age in Early Lactation . . . . . Milk (Average Daily) vs Milk (Weeks 6-8) . . Regression Coefficients Defining Dry Matter Intake in Relation to Moisture and Time . vi 27 46 48 so 51 52 S2 62 69 71 73 75 Table Page 1} Regression Coefficients Characterizing the In— fluence of Weeks Into Lactation and Moisture Percent of the Ration on DMI/cwt. 76 14 Regression Coefficients Defining Energy, Crude Fiber and Milk per Day on Dry Matter Intake (DMI/th) . . . . . . . . . 79 15 Estimated Maximum Dry Matter Intake . . . . . 82 16 Energy Mobilization in Early Lactation Pro- posed as a Percent of Requirements . . . . 87 1? Restriction on Maximum Energy Mobilization and Re-conditioning During Lactation . . . 90 18 Nutrient Requirement Specifications for Lactating Cows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 19 Nutrient Requirement Specifications for Dry Cows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 .20 Linear Programming Balance Matrix . . . . . . 95 21 Performance Characteristics of Cows of Various ME Milk Production Levels at 3 Different Ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 22 Lactation Feed Summary for Cows Producing Various Levels of Milk . . . . . . . . . . 100 25 Feed Consumption of a Cow Producing 12,100 Lbs 0f 5 O 5% Milk 0 O O D O O O O O O 0 O O 102 24 Feed Consumption of a Cow Producing 14,500 Lbs of 3.5%IMilk . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 25 Feed Consumption of a Cow Producing 17,000 Lbs Of 505% Milk 0 o o o o o o o o o o o o 104 26 Feed Consumption of a Cow Producing 19,400 Lbs Of 505% Milk 0 O O O O O I C O O O O O 105 27 Projected Annualized Variable Net Present Value of Replacement Heifers . . . . . . . 107 vii LIST OF FIGURES The Relationship Between Nutritive Value, Dry Matter Intake ( ) and Energy Intake (- ' -) o o o c o o o o o o o o o Effect of Moisture Content on Dry Matter Intake of Lactating Cows . . . . . . . . Impact of Ration Fiber Content on Dry Matter Intake of Lactating Cows Fed Four Levels of Grain and Two Qualities of Hay . . . . Energy Utilization of Lorna Cow . . . . . . Relationship of Crude Fibre Content (%) in the Ration and pH in the Rumen . . . . . Net Revenue vs Time . . . . . . . . . . . . Flow Chart of the Model . . . . . . . . . . Expected Annualized Variable Net Present value 0 O O 0 O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O 0 viii Page 22 26 28 38 4O 59 108 INTRODUCTION The objective of this research is to develop a dyna— mic macro-level bio-economic model of the dairy cow, inte- grating the following subsystem: 1) milk production; 2) dry matter intake; 5) nutrient requirements; 4) growth; and 5) odds of involuntary individual animal removal from the herd. The model's economic focus is to estimate the ex- pected net present value of a cow at any point in her life- time. Thus, the model can be used or a decision-aid by dairymen when making cow replacement decisions. Questions such as: "Should I replace a four-year old cow whose ma- ture equivalent is 15,000 lbs of milk with a heifer whose mature equivalent is 16,500 lbs?" can be asked. The model has potential for other uses also, includ- ing projection of feed budgets, estimation of variable costs, projection of cash-flow statements, estimation of herd turnover rate, and forecasting herd milk output. Other studies have dealt with the replacement prob- lem, but none have focused on the characteristics of the particular replacement animal or the animal being replaced. Production level is usually assumed at an average herd value, and if genetic improvement is considered it is usually expressed as a yearly rate of herd improvement. Dry matter intake and diet characteristics have been typi- cally considered as fixed factors or modeled in a rela- tively naive manner. Therefore, the focus of this study was on accurately forecasting feed disappearance for cows of alternative mature equivalents. This study is only a beginning point in the deveIOp- ment of a "dairy cow model." As parameters become more re- fined, corrections can be incorporated. The program is com- posed of various subsystems which can be easily added to or deleted. With the age of electronic identification and com- puter analysis upon us it is not difficult to imagine such programs becoming important in dairy management. LITERATURE REVIEW OF REPLACEMENT MODELS Deve10pment of replacement decision theory, computer simulation modeling and refinement in biological conceptual framework and parameters have been concurrent with the evo- lution of models dealing with the question of optimal re- placement of dairy cows. Jenkins and Halter, (1962), Redman and Kuo, (1969), and Giaver, (1966), presented the problem as one involving maximization of present value us- ing a multi-stage decision analysis. Whereas a single-stage decision policy is obtained by looking at each decision in- dependent of other decisions in time, a multi-stage policy can be obtained by looking at all possible decision points for the entire time period being considered (Ahmed, l97#). The policy which yields the maximum net returns will be the optimal sequence of decisions. For example, each year a farmer must decide whether to keep or replace an animal based upon the expected returns of the cow versus her re- placement candidate. The series of decisions which maxi- mizes expected returns over the years considered is re- ferred to as an optimal policy. Solutions obtained by Giaver (1966), Redman and Kuo (1969) involve a Markovian programming approach. A Marko- vian process is a stochastic process where the probability distribution of outcomes at any given stage depends only on the outcome at the last preceding stage (i.e. if we use a Markovian process and know the outcome of the last observa- tion, we can neglect any information we have about previous observations in predicting the future) (Buffa and Dyer, 1977). Hutton (1966) developed a simulated replacement model which was intended for use at the farm level. Inter- ested dairymen filled out a 50-item questionnaire specify- ing conditions present at each particular farm. The com- plexity of the questions made the model impractical. Rundell (1967) examined replacement strategies among 6 operationally practical systems of culling cows. The strategies employed were: (1) mature equivalent (M.E.) milk production, (2) M.E. gross milk income, (5) actual milk production, (4) actual gross income, (5) income over feed cost, and (6) present value of expected gross income of a cow and her subsequent replacement candidate. The ob- jective criterion was maximization of income over feed costs. Results of his study showed no significant differ- ences among the strategies examined. Smith (1971) and Stewart 33 a1. (1977) formulated generalized production prediction models. As the models evolved, levels of vari- ability of the factors advance from discrete to more con- tinuous variation. Table 1 shows a comparison among the various rephace- ment studies. The following observations help illustrate some of the strengths and weaknesses of the models examined and the various factors taken into consideration. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The probability of success or failure of any given lactation was handled as a stochastic fac- tor across the various studies. Smith and Stewart 23 a1. separated the probability of death from the probability of failure in order to more accurately account for salvage value. Production prediction of milk was handled in a variety of ways across the studies. Genetic im- provement of replacement candidates was taken into account by Smith, Rundell and Stewart 23 31. by assuming an increase in production per year of replacements over the herd average pro- duction level. Stewart 33 al. compared cows to an "average" producing replacement candidate to determine whether or not to cull. Except for Stewart gt 31. differences in body weight among cows within any age group were ignored. The calving interval was handled as a stochastic factor only by Giaver and Smith. Season of calving effects on production were not accounted for in any of the studies to date. Feed disappearance was not accurately accounted for in any of the studies. Stewart 22 31. at- tempted to deal with the problem in a more ad- vanced manner but did not include enough flexi- bility in their approach. Since feed costs comprise over 60% of the variable costs of milk production this is a serious weakness of pre- vious replacement models. 1 Keeping the above observation in mind it is believed that the prOper approach is to focus attention upon a more flexible biological model which could be used to predict inputs and outputs for any given cow at any stage of her lifetime. Once the biological model was defined, an econ- omic analysis could then be incorporated and the replace- ment problem considered. Thus the objectives of this study are two-fold: l) to begin the process of deve10ping a biological dairy cow model and 2) to use the model to ad- dress the question of the prOper time to replace a dairy cow and who she should be replaced with. The analysis can . be used in answering questions such as: "Should I replace a 4-year old cow whose mature equivalent is 15,000 lbs with a heifer whose mature equivalent is 16,500 lbs?" The first part of the thesis examines the important biological parameters needed to be taken into considera- tion. Background research findings are presented to make the reader aware of the sources of information used to de- fine the parameters and the controversy that still envel— Opes some of them such as the area of protein requirements. 7 The second part of the thesis explains the economic analysis employed to solve the replacement problem and il- lustrates how the model Operates. The quantitative and qualitative restrictions and parameters used in this par- ticular model are definedthere. The last section presents the results and conclu- sions of this study pointing out the strengths and weak- nesses of the model to date. can» so: caucus. ago: can» can .o>o— u~ do onuso>a use so»: coma a- so concus- 6503 «echo». nou¢e_veau use: case Seas can aco~.og do can: case use: as» ea _o:ao coco coco accuses—ace do -u>ecac_ u.uucou gage. so»: aeocu>ogaw. a. me uo>ogaw. o.uo=ou as ea eonsmn< -v.neou mpo>op n -e—neou upo>op n _o>o. :e.uuaeeca sou mg. mg. coo.m.A «can us“ co co.“ coo.~_ ea ooc.m :eu econ ogu he nap no. amen -ouu._ meals 6:. “Sausages. was» u—.>Loae. nee—uauun— aces. coo.m_.cao.~_ map omc-cmn «sou uses: :6.“ a; com a. 4— emu .negouog we. who: as» e. 4—.3 ma— ooo.~—v an» an. amnv -oaeoca e. cc.» eo.»u=eoca x—.c u:¢.>oca he u-moa uxau aces. cowu "ease "coco «sou do -~.ca> muoe_m=ou u: mus men not men vouaa.amu oz» co vouu.euga --.ua> neo6.mcoo nu.m=ou m—u>o. n copueou n_o>o— n _o>o— ee_uuauosa 9. Sn 3 9. 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Noa— _—oee:¢ conga: ._u as acoxoum :u.sm Lu>a.a cases: a esx Lou—a: a nevaeua 2.3.53 . .033. REVIEW OF IMPORTANT BIOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS THAT DEFINE THE INPUT-OUTPUT RELATIONSHIPS OF THE DAIRY CON Milk Production Estimating the Lactation Curve The output of milk over the lactation cycle is char- acterized by a rapid rise during the first few weeks after calving until peak production per day is reached. Output then begins to decline in a linear fashion. Rate of rise in output, peak production and rate of decline in output vary with individual cows. Ridler and Broster (1969) ex- amined the milk yields of 218 Friesian and Shorthorn first and second-half cows which had been individually rationed and subjected to constant managerial conditions. These re- cords were analyzed to find the major characteristics of variability in the milk production cycle, with a view to prediction of performance. The values for the coefficients of variation were: (1) slope of curve from calving to peak yield, 15%; (2) days from calving to peak yield, 45%; (5) peak yield, 15%; (4) rate of decline per week in the three months after peak yield, 50%; (5) rate of yield de- cline per week in the period from peak yield to M peak yield, 25%; and (6) lactation yield, 20%. Peak yield was 11 12 found to be the dominant feature of the curve for individ- ual animals within groups. It markedly influenced the to- tal output of milk in the lactation and the rate of decline in milk yield in mid-lactation. First lactation heifers were more persistent than cows, and cows calving in the autumn were more persistent than those calving in the spring. Effects of Nutrition on the Lactation Curve Line and Westgarth (1969) showed that the percent- age decline in yield was linearly related to percentage reduction in feed consumed. Hillman 23 a1. (1975) also found that feed intake was linearly related to milk yield. Trimberger 23 31. (1972), in an experiment involv- ing levels of concentrate fed, found that the weeks of peak production for both actual milk and 4 percent FCM were uniform among the different concentrate feeding grougs and fairly uniform for individual cows for the three years, but variations from cow to cow were large. They concluded that peak production was higher in all groups on liberal grain during the three years when compared to the controls with one exception. (The slape of the milk curve with re- spect to days into lactation is an indication of persist- ency. Animals on liberal grain dropped in production slower than those fed limited grain.) 13 Van Ostergaard (1978) studied the effects of feeding different concentrate levels throughout the lactation in- dependent Of daily milk yield. The rate of decrease in milk yield was very dependent upon the manner in which the grain mix was fed. The decrease in milk yield is markedly lower when the grain mix was fed constantly from day to day instead of according to yield. Also, Thomas and Brown (1974) found that switching from a liberal grain feeding ratio Of 1:1 to 1:5.5 pounds of grain per pound of milk caused a decrease in persistency from 92 percent to 79 Per- cent Of the previous month's milk yield. Broster (1974) states that persistency is dominated by the individuality of the cows, but is also influenced by the system of feeding. The ability of the cow to "es- cape" at least temporarily, the effect Of underfeeding, utilizing body reserves to support milk yield, adds to the problem Of variation in persistency. The potentially dangerous situation of low feed in- take at the critically important stage of early lactation is met bya withdrawal Of reserves to meet deficiencies. Broster (1974) determined that the cow's peak milk yield is critical in that her propensity to direct feed to milk in mid-lactation is favored by a high peak yield and reduced by a low one. The total milk yield output in the lactation is dominated by that peak yield. Broster further stated that once the peak yield is established, an Optimal rate 14 of decline in feed intake exists for an Optimal level Of milk production, fertility and refurbishing the bodyweight losses incurred earlier. Equations for Estimating the Lactation Curve Wood (1969, 1970, 1976) has studied the environ- mental factors which affect the shape of the lactation curve and how it varies between parities,of cows and among herds. Also, he assessed the importance of variation in seasonality from year to year with particular reference to herd production forecasts. He found that in general cows calving in the same parity at the same time of year showed similar curves, modified only by total yield and abnormal season of production. He proposed using the following equation to explain the shape of the lactation curve: b on Yn a an e where: Y a yield of milk being measured at time period n of the lactation n a week into lactation e a the base of natural logarithms a,b,c a coefficients defining the lactation curve in question. The curve reaches a turning point at 11p a -(b/c). The turning point is independent of "a" which is the 15 scaling factor. Thus, "b" and "c" define the shape of the curve. It is therefore possible to construct a curve for any given cow in any lactation by choosing the apprOpriate value for "a" provided it possesses the shape defined by "b" and "c" which have low coefficients of variation. Wood (1969) ran a goodness of fit test using a sample of 859 Friesian lactation records drawn from 1964 to 1965. The data consisted Of sets of weekly milk weights from calving to week 44 of lactation, or earlier if the cow went dry. Lactations were classified by parity number (1, 2, 5, 4+) as well as season Of calving. The parame- ters "a," "b" and "c" were evaluated for each curve. At best, the model accounted for 91.2 percent of the varia- tion in the logarithm of weekly yield and, at worst, 78.8 percent, with an average Of 82.5 percent. The model fit best for those lactations beginning during the March-July period and showed the poorest fit during the September- December period. Environmental Factors Affecting the Shape of the Curve Shultz (1974) applied Wood's equation to Holstein Friesian cattle using Wisconsin DHIA records and attempted to determine which environmental factors had an effect on the lactation curve. Lactation number, season of calving, days open, days dry previous to lactation and an indication 16 of the management level of the herd as measured by the folling herd average were investigated. 0f the factors tested, lactation number, season of calving and days Open exerted the greatest affect on the shape Of the curve. Lactatiop Number and Persistency Shultz (1974), in agreement with Wood (1969), Ridler and Broster (1969). Sikka (1950) and Ripley gt a1. (1970), showed that persistency of yield decreases with lactation number. Season Of Calving Season of calving was found by Shultz (1974) to in- fluence the shape of the curve in the following ways: (1) Cows calving during the January-April period tend to be more persistent than cows calving during other seasons; (2) Cows calving during the May-June period show evidence of both a smaller increase in output at the beginning and the end of lactation; (5) Cows calving during the July- October period show a decrease in the relative height of the peak, resulting in a greater persistency than the p0pu- lation average in agreement with Appleven (1969) and Sikka (1950); (4) Cows calving during the November-Decem- ber period produce a larger than normal percentage during mid-lactation with smaller prOportions at the beginning and end, consistent with the findings of Wood (1969). 17 There was a definite seasonal stimulation to milk production, regardless of the stage of lactation, exerted during the March-June period. The shape of the curve was significantly determined by the relative position of these calendar months in the lactation. Days Open and the Calving Interval The calving interval is the sum of the days in milk and the days dry and depends upon how soon cows are re-bred after parturition. Days open refers to the period of time between parturition and subsequent conception. Ideally, to achieve maximum production a cow should calve every twelve months. However, this is usually not the case. Some high producers do not return to estrus soon enough after parturition to achieve a yearly calving interval. Breeding Problems Heritability and repeatability of factors relating to breeding problems are very low. Johansson and Hansson (1940) found a slight tendency of repeatability, .056, of the calving interval. They assumed heritability of the length of the calving interval to be in the range of 0 to 5%. Trimberger 23 a1. (1972) found it impossible to pre- dict the breeding efficiency (the number of inseminations required per conception) of a cow by her previous record. 18 Sonderegger gt gt. (1977) prOpose that excess di~ gestible protein, particularly at levels 250-500 gram per cow per day lengthened the interval between parturition and first service. They also found that an abundant energy supply, particularly during the first 60 days after parturition, decreased the interval from first service to conception and from parturition to conception. Persistenqy and the Calving Interval Sanders (1925, 1950), Gains (1927) and Johansson gt gt. (1940) have shown that persistency of milk yield de- creases for cows with shorter calving intervals. Shultz (1974) found that cows open more than 159 days produced a significantly greater prOportion of their total during months 9 and 10 of lactation than cows Open less than 70 days. Actually, it is not the length of the calving inter- val that affects milk production as much as the stage of pregnancy. Pregnancy begins to exert an effect upon lac- tation approximately 140 days after conception (Foley gt g1. 1972). At this time mammary cell numbers and milk yield begin to decrease, as compared with non-pregnant lactating cows. If the calving interval is 550 days, this means that the cow has become pregnant approximately 550 - 280 a 70 days after parturition since the average gestation 19 length is 280 days. The effects of pregnancy would begin to be noticeable about 70 + 140 a 210 days into lactation. For a longer calving interval of 420 days, the effects Of pregnancy would not become evident until (420 - 280) + 140 a 280 days. This is approaching the time at which she would be dried off to prepare her for the next lacta- tion. Smith (1975) examined lactation persistency and de- rived factors for extending milk production beyond the standard 505-day lactation, accounting for variability in calving intervals. These factors were derived from 61,975 New York DHIA records and were split into 2 categories, lactation l and lactations 1. These factors can be ap- plied to the lactation curve across calving intervals be- ginning 4 months after conception. The Dry Period Cows should be given a rest period of 6-8 weeks be- tween lactations to allow refurbishment of the mammary gland (Foley gt gt. 1972). Shorter or longer periods of time will reduce subsequent milk production. Cows not given a normal dry period produced only 62 to 75 percent as much milk as their twins which were given a rest of 60 days between lactations (Foley gt gt. 1972). 20 Factors Influencing Dry Matter Intake The stimulus initiating feed intake arises from an interaction of environmental and biological conditions mediated through the hypothalamus (Bailey, 1970; Baum- gardt, 1970). These conditions define the physiological and physical status of the animal at any time. Body size, sex, age, species, previous nutritional history and produc- tion state (pregnancy, lactation, growth and fattening, en- vironment and genetics) "set" the energy demands of the ani- mal. Animals attempt to eat to satisfy this demand and achieve energy balance. Animals change voluntary intake in response to a change in energy demands and thus intake can- not be considered a constant attribute of any particular feed (Butler and Bailey, 1975). In ruminants, the rate of energy expenditure, en- vironmental temperature, qualitative characteristics of the diet and the physical effects of food in the gut are significant factors influencing the level and day to day changes in food consumption and therefore the amount of energy. Over a rather wide range of energy concentrations in the ration, animals are able to adjust the amount of feed voluntarily consumed so as to maintain equal caloric intakes (Baumgardt, 1970). Ruminants appear to be exceptions to the energy homeostasis mechanism. Feed intake appears to operate in reverse on many roughage feeding programs. For example, 21 ruminants consume more early-cut immature forage than late- cut mature forage. Since the digestible energy content of the early-cut forage is higher, the animal consumes more energy from the early-cut forage (the energy intake differs between these two forages). This is an example of a break- down in a homeostatic system due to a secondary but potent force. The very low energy concentration in the late-cut forage coupled with its bulky nature results in a filling of the digestive tract capacity at a level of intake below that which is called for by the homeostatic mechanism (Baumgardt, 1970). This phenomenon can be demonstrated in nonruminant species as well as in ruminants if the ration is diluted to a very large extent with indigestible, bulky material. Such a response was demonstrated by Cowgill with dogs as early as 1928 (Balch and Compling, 1962) and has since been shown in many species including chickens, rats, swine, sheep and cattle (Baumgardt, 1970). Feed intake is proportional to body size when eating capacity is restricted by intestinal fill and undigested residue (Conrad, 1964). Mather and Rimm (1958) found the ratio of feed intake to Wo‘73 was equal to the least-squares regression for adjusting intake for differences in body size of lactating cows. Blaxter gt gt. (1961) concluded that voluntary intake in sheep varies with metabolic size (w0'74). 22 Energy Content of Feeds When the nutritive value is high, fill does not limit feed intake and rats, dairy heifers, lactating dairy cows and sheep adjust the amount of feed eaten to regulate energy intake. This explains why it was possible for Blaxter (1950) and Crampton (1957) to claim that the amount of feed consumed in terms of dry matter increases with in- creasing concentrations of net energy in the rations, whereas, Greenhalgh and Runcie (1962) found no causative relationship between feed intake and digestibility. Fig- ure 1 demonstrates the relationship of nutritive value of rations and feed dry matter and erengy intake. o .34 A 65 on 4-? .545 CIA m. HLfi pm a“. 54% (DH) Cfl 43.x pus p‘\~ w T 90 new .6 a: >3 1a H c: 33 175‘ 2.0 2.2 2.5 570 Nutritive value (K cal ME/g DM) Figure l. The Relationship Between Nutritive Value, Dry Matter Intake ( ) and Energy Intake (- - -). _ Source: Butler, G. and R. W. Bailey. 1975. Chemis- try and Biochemistry of Herbage. (Academic Press: ‘New York) Vol. 3, p. 141. 25 Dry matter intake increases with nutritive value until a value of 2.2 Kcal of metabolizable energy per gram of dry matter (65 to 70 percent apparent digestibility) is achieved. Above this value dry matter intake frequently decreases (Butler and Bailey, 1975). Energy intake (Kcal of metabolizable energy per gram of dry matter) also in- creases with nutritive value until a concentration of ap- proximately 2.2 Kcal, after which it is relatively constant (Butler and Bailey, 1975). Digestion of low nutritive value herbage within the gastrointestinal tract seems to form the basis for the con- trol Of intake, while changes caused within the animal's tissues by the absorbed end—products of digestion form the basis of the control of high nutritive value herbages (Baumgardt, 1969). Physical characteristics Of the diet such as volume displacement, surface area of particles, length of cut of forages, pelleting, grinding and heat processing, energy content of the ration, the rate of passage Of digesta out of the rumen and the rate of absorption Of nutrients, all affect the amount Of energy derived from the feed. In order to partially account for these factors, Montgomery gt gt. (1965) prOposed the concept of multiply- ing a measure of digestibility and nutrient density and arriving at a caloric density measurement (Kcal of digesti- ble energy/ml of diet). This provides a basis for estimadng 24 q total dry matter intake. Baumgardt gt gt. (1976) showed that DE/ml (caloric density) accounted for 88 percent of the variation in body weight gains, whereas DE/gm accounted for only 67 percent. Bull gt gt. (1976) studied the rela- tionship between caloric density and energy intake in 24 lactating cows fed five mixed diets of alfalfa hay and concentrate. For the most dilute rations, A and B, physi- cal fill was limiting intake. DE intake of diets of increas- ing energy density, C,{D and E, was similar indicating that gut fill was not limiting intake and that physiological regulation was occurring. In a similar study by DePeters (1975) with lactating cows, physical fill limited the in- take of all four rations of grass and hay. These two data sets were combined by Baumgardt (1977) who found neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and bulk density (gm/ml) highly cor- related with dry matter intake (r = 0.91 and 0.95, respect- ively). Dry matter digestibility was not correlated with intake. Mertens gt gt. (1975) and Thornton gt gt. (1972) found that density, the digestion coefficient for NDF and the rate of NDF digestion are parameters that are related to rumen retention time and rate of passage. The maintenance of relatively constant energy intake may be related to some end product of digestion. In rumi- nants this may be acetate, the major VFA produced in the rumen. Rate of utilization of acetate may limit voluntary intake. Thus, in early lactation there is generally an 25 increase in energy intake which may be linked to an increase in acetate utilization for milk synthesis. Impact Of Fermented Feeds Investigations have shown that the voluntary intake of silage is lower than that of hay made from the same crOp, harvested at the same time. Work by Thomas gt gt. (1975) showed that the lower dry matter content of the silage was not a causal factor per se in limiting intake. This work is supported by Baumgardt and Clancy (1975) who studied intake of alfalfa forage in five forms and found that vol- untary intake was not significantly correlated with dry matter content of the forage per se. However, there was an indication that some chemical compound in the silage juice may have depressed intake. Data of Clark (1972), Thomas gt gt. (1970) and Brown (1965) were analyzed by Hillman gt gt. (1975) to elucidate the effect of moisture content of the ration on intake and are graphically illus- trated in Figure 2. The data show that DMI expressed as a percent of body weight changed approximately -.016 to -.025 per 1% increase in the moisture content of the ration above 20%. Table 2 estimates the percentage decline in intake with increasing moisture additions to the ration (Hillman 23 2.1..- . 1975)- 26 3-5— 5.0L ,\ 3' :5 -.017 (Clark, 1971) 3’3 2.5.. 0 M m 43 a H 5;: 2.0.. .p .p s .2 E (Thomas, G 1970) los— (31‘ W11. 1965) l 11 1 1 J 20 4O 60 80 100 Ration Moisture Percent Figure 2. Effect of Moisture Content on Dry Matter Intake of Lactating Cows. Source: Hillman, D. gt gt. 1975. Least Cost Ra- tions: A Look at the Michigan System. Unpublished. Mich- igan State Univ., East Lansing. 27 Table 2. Expected Impact of Alternative Quantities of Fer- mented Feeds on Daily Dry Matter Intake of Lactat— ing Dairy Cows‘ Percent Moisture Expected Intake Expected Daily Dry in the Ration as a % of Potential Matter Intake for a Intake 1400 lb Cow Producing 60 lbs Milk 20 or less 100.0 45.8 25 96.4 44.2 50 95.0 42.6 35 89.9 41.2 45 84.2 58.6 50 81.6 57.4 ‘The percent moisture in the ration is a proxy for the impact of fermented feeds. It does not depict the impact of wetting dry feeds. Source: Hillman, D. gt gt. 1975. Least Cost Ra- tions: A Look at the Michigan System. Unpublished. Mich- igan State Univ., East Lansing. Impact of Crude Fiber The level Of fiber in the diet affects the energy density of the ration, the pH Of the rumen and the rate of passage of material through the digestive system; thus the percent fiber has an influence on the level of intake. The data in Figure 5 show the impact of varying the roughage: 28 3.2 P -,019 (lepe) 3' tn 5.0 L E5 0 .M w .p 8 2.8 - n (D p 4.? s .5 f: 2.6 '- Q L L L L l V" 20 25 50 35 %»Fiber in Ration Figure 5. Impact Of Ration Fiber Content on Dry Matter In- take of Lactating Cows Fed Four Levels of Grain and Two Qualities of Hay. Source: Hillman, D. gt gt. 1975. Least Cost Ra- tion: A Look at the Michigan System. Unpublished. Mich- igan State Univ., East Lansing, as adapted from: Stoddard and Anderson, J. Dairy Sci. 48:798, 1965. 29 concentrate ratios on daily feed intake based On a study by Stoddard and Anderson (1965). At low levels Of concen- trate consumption, dry matter consumed as a percent of body weight increased by .076 lbs per percent decrease in fiber. From .25 lbs of grain fed above 20 lbs of milk to .5 lbs, the increase in intake as per percent decrease in fiber is .046. The change for the next increment is .019. Relative Intake of Forages Intake of legumes tends to be higher than that of grasses when they are harvested at the same digestibility (Wilkinson, 1976). Since legumes generally contain more protein and minerals than do grasses, they contain more cell contents and a lower proportion of digestible cell walls than grasses when harvested at the same digestibil- ity. Cell contents are believed to be digested at a faster rate than cell walls. Also, the buffering effect Of pro- tein and minerals in legumes which alters rumen pH should give a faster rate of digestion of the digestible cell wall portions. Stage of maturity at harvest influences the digestibility of forages and therefore can influence intake. Its effect on the rate of decline in digestibil- ity differs between forage species, and is greater after seed-head emergence than prior to it (Wilkinson, 1976). 30 Influence of Protein on Feed Intake Rogers gt gt. (1975) have shown in rats that intake is depressed when diets are: (1) low or devoid of a single AA, (2) contain an excess of a single AA, or (5) contain a high level of protein. According to Baumgardt (1969), ex- tremes in protein level have marked effects on intake by ruminants. The low feed intake on a low protein diet is related to the inability of rumen microbiota to function properly and failure of such a diet to support normal growth and milk production. Depressed intake on very high protein rations is due in part to the high Specific dyna- mic activity (SDA) associated with protein metabolism and in part due to a deficiency of enzymes involved in amino acid catabolism (Baumgardt, 1969). Dry Matter Intake and High-Producing Cows For a limited period of time, high-producing cows regulate energy intake in a very acceptable manner. How- .ever, some cows with a lower genetic ability for milk pro- duction and also high-ability cows late in lactation, will deposit body fat at an increasing rate rather than convert the extra energy into milk. Body fat deposition becomes uneconomical, but it does not necessarily mean that the cow lacks the ability to regulate energy intake. At least two other possible explanations are presented by Baumgardt 51 (1969). First, the set point on the cow's energy has been raised to an unusually high level. This can be explained on the basis of selection for high production. Such selec- tion may have resulted in animals that would be considered "pathological." Since lactation has a higher biological priority than fattening, obesity is not observed as often in dairy cattle where limited feeding is practiced. The second explanation involves no change in the set point of the regulator. The main difference is that energy status is monitored on the basis of a circulating metabolite pool or undissipated heat load rather than on the basis of en- ergy balance per se. Thus, increasing enzymatic potential (the level of which is under genetic control) can be visu- alized as removing metabolites from the circulating pool at an accelerated rate in the fattening animal. Intake is related to energy output, but all functions using energy, including fattening, are considered as drains on the energy metabolite pool, which is the parameter being monitored (Baumgardt, 1969). Eckles and Reed (1910) state, "The cause of the dif- ference in the amount of milk produced is the amount of feed that cows are able to consume and use above maintemmre requirements." There is little doubt that high levels of milk production are accompanied by great appetites. It is also true, however, that the variation from cow to cow in this regard is very great. Not all cows that have a greater 52 ability for milk production demonstrate greater appetites. The result is that some cows produce milk with great losses in body weight, while others are able to more nearly meet their energy requirements with increased intake (Flatt, 1967). A Pennsylvania cow (Kreig, 1975) produced over 50,000 pounds Of milk in one lactation. During this time it was calculated that she was consuming over 7 percent of her body weight in DMI per day. Seasonal Influences on Intake Environmental temperatures have predictable results on feed intake. Homeotherms increase feed intake in the cold and decrease intake in the heat. There is a differ- ence in temperature effect on younger and older animals and also between lactating and non-lactating animals (Baum- gardt, 1969). Estimating Voluntary Intake Conrad and his co-workers (1964) at the Ohio experi- ment station published the results of the factors which in- fluence the dry matter intake of dairy cows. The basic equation they derived was: Total DMI a Weight/1000 ' 10.7/(1 - % digested)‘ ‘Percent digested expressed as a decimal fraction. 33 The equation assumes that cows excrete a maximum of 10.7 lbs of indigestible dry matter per day (McCullough, 1975). This estimate has since been challenged by Bull gt gt. (1976) who propose a value of 15.2. Using 10.7 as a base value, Conrad accounted for a major portion Of the varia- bility when requirements for maintenance and milk produc- tion were added to the equation. When this was done, the equation for calculating maximum feed intake was: Max. DMI 310.7-Weight/10004- .58 Weight0'73 + .33 Milk + .53 Brown and Chandler (1978) derived an intake predic- tion equation from data assembled from nineteen experiments conducted at eleven universities across the country. Each observation represented the average daily intake per cow during a twenty-eight day period. The data set included 4,155 Holstein records and 704 Jersey records. The regres- sion equation developed had an R2 value of .74, and an average error or 12. % when predicted values were compared to actual Observed values. The equation reads as follows: ln DMI 2 b0 + Season + b1(DIL) + b2(ln DIL) + b3(ln Milk) + b4(BF) + b5(BW) + b6(CF) + b7(CF)2 where: DMI a dry matter intake,kilograms per day. DIL a the average number of days into lactation for a cow or a group Of cows Milk 2 kilograms of milk produced per day by a cow or group of cows 34 BF a the kilograms of butterfat produced per day BW a the body weight in kilograms CF a crude fiber, percent of ration dry matter CF2 a crude fiber squared Season = season of the year ln a natural logarithm b0 and bl 2 parameters The estimated parameters were: Season = .0418 (Fall and Winter) -.0041 (Spring) -.0576 (Summer) bl = -.oos27 (DIL) b5 . .000675 (3w) b2 . .148075 (1n DIL) b6 = .018001 (or) b3 . .339220 (1n Milk) b7 = -.000557 (CF2) b4 = .099266 (BF) Hillman gt gt. (1975) developed an intake equation using mean data of Slack gt gt. (1960) which incorporates characteristics of the diet such as net energy and mois- ture content of the ration. The moisture factor was in- tended to account for the negative impact Of fermented feed on intake, the quality of fermentation being influ- enced by the moisture content. The equation reads as follows: Y a 1.021 + (-.005)Xl + (.0187)X2 + (1.476)X5 where: Y a dry matter intake/100 lbs of body weight X1 a percent moisture in the ration 35 X2 . lbs of milk X3 2 estimated net energy (ENE) in mcal/lb of DM The R2 value for the equation is .78. General Observations Concerning Feed Intake During the Lactation Cycle Intake is relatively low immediately postpartum. Dry matter consumed can be below 2% of body weight of the ani- mal at this time (Jorgenson, 1978). Intake begins to rise sharply during the first few weeks of lactation and usually peaks between weeks 7 and 12 (Hillman, 1975). At this time it will be 50-40% greater than it was immediately post- partum. Peak intake occurs after peak production, usually following within a couple of weeks. Once peak consumption has occurred, intake progressively declines in a linear fashion with milk yield. The relationship ranges between .02 and .07 lbs of dry matter per lb of milk produced. Nutrient Requirements With the onset of lactation, there is initiated a tre- mendous nutrient sink, the mammary gland, which requires acquisition of energy and protein as well as certain vita- mins and minerals in quantities far exceeding maintenance levels in order to achieve an output of milk commensurate with the genetic ability of the animal. Only that level 36 of milk production which can be supported by the most limiting nutrient available will be attained. Peak production level significantly affects total milk yield of a given lactation. Therefore, attention to the nutritional status of the animal during the period ex- tending from freshening to peak daily production is of cri- tical biological and economic significance. This situation is aggravated by the fact that although early lactation re- quirements are greater than at any other stage of lactation, intake levels are the lowest. Mobilization of Nutrients from Body Stores Animals meet their needs by absorption of nutrients from the digestive tract. However, mobilization of body stores can contribute significantly in meeting certain de- mands, particularly in early lactation (Flatt gt gt., 1967). This is especially true in regard to energy. Energy mobili- zation from fat stores is typical for high-producing dairy cows. It is not unusual_for cows to lose lOO-200 lbs of body weight during the first 75 days of lactation; some cows have been noted to lose over 400 lbs (Moe, 1971). The famous "Lorna" cow (Flatt gt gt., 1967) mobilized an average of 20 Mcal of body reserves per day during the first four weeks of lactation. This quantity represents over 40% of her daily energy requirements during that period. During early lactation (weeks 1—8) her production 57 ranged from 55 to 27 Mcal of milk energy per day. Figure 4 illustrates Lorna's energy balance throughout lactation. Parameters concerning the specific relationship of energy mobilization with genetic potential, body condition and ration composition are not explicitly defined, however the following Observations are presented: (1) Hickman gt gt. (1971) found that animals which (2) (3) lost the most weight or recovered weight most slowly were the higher producers. Poos gt gt. (1978) noted that mature cows lost more weight than first lactation animals. These Observa- tions suggest that higher producers have a greater capacity for fat mobilization.‘ Davenport and Ricks (1969) noted body weight losses in early lactation for cows given a spe- cified feeding level, were greater for fat ver- sus thin cows but not for medium conditioned animals versus thin animals. Flatt gt gt. (1967) related energy mobilization to the roughage concentration of the ration of cows whose peak milk yield ranged from 25 to 40 kg per day. Cows on the high roughage ration (60% alfalfa) mobilized an average of 10.1 Mcal Of body tissue per day during the first 8 weeks of lactation while those on the 40 or 20% alfalfa rations only mobilized 7.0 and 5.5 Mcal respec- tively. Production during this period was 22.4 58 Mcal of milk energy daily for cows receiving the 60%ialfalfa ration as compared with 19.0 and 14.4 Mcal by cows consuming 40 or 20% of the ra- tion dry matter as hay. The average body tissue lost during early lactation was 6.9 Meal/day. The effect of restricting intake during early lactation was to reduce milk yield rather than increase tissue loss. 100i Early “to Ll" -80’ a u 2 160* 2 C - 4- O . "" '°' '3 3- 7: 7? 0w 34010 // ts// ,_ /: // // =3 8‘}; 87; 85; _ Facet .“' 3 / '// // 7"- " / ..Umo 9120 5% M I5 “use-- a ’4/ \I5/7 b \\ =//H‘“ 2 M §\‘ § I.“ O ._ - \\\ \\hmcGan 33 HT- _,\~LO§ qo_[:. C 21 2‘ 39 42 6 -3 Wuhspouparm The utilization of energy by Lorna (cow 3884), :1 hi h roducin dai w She produced 8,768 kg 4% fat corrected milk durifig 31 is 305-dgay 13:51:10}: and her average body weight was 643 kg. Each bar represents the mean of two .b-day total energy balance trials. The extension of a bar below the base line indicates loss of body tissue. Rations D, E and F were 60:40, 40:60 and 20: 80 alfalfazconcentrate respectively. The balance trials were conducted 4, 8, 2|, 24, 39, 42 weeks post partum. The measurements when she was dry and pregnant were made 6 to 3 weeks pro-perm»; Figure 4. Energy Utilization of Lorna Cow. Source: Flatt, W. P. et gt. 1967. Energy Utiliza- tion by High Producing Dairy—Cows. II. Summary of Energy Balance Experiments with Lactating Holstein Cows. Energy Metabolism of Farm Animals. (Oriel Press Limited: New- castle Upon Tyne, England). Edited by K. L. Blaxter, p. 225. 59 Energy and Fiber Requirements Maintenance requirements of lactating cows was found to be 75 Kcal/kg of body weight'75 (Moe gt gt., 1972). Be- cause maintenance requirements depend on the level of acti- vity, an allowance Of 10% is included in the 1978 NRC re- quirements. Blaxter (1962) found that the yield of milk exhibits diminishing marginal return as the level of energy consumed increases. This could be partially due to de- creased digestibility of the ration as the level of energy consumed increases. Reid (1965) and Tyrell and Moe (1974) suggest digestibility of high concentrate rations is inverse- ly related to the level of energy intake, amounting to an average decrease in digestibility of 4% for each multiple of maintenance requirements ingested. The digestibility decreases as the prOportion of grain increases when hay or haylage is the only forage. Cellulose and hemicellulose digestibility appear to be affected most, possibly due to a negative effect on the cellulolytic bacterial pOpulation exerted by a decrease in pH when high levels Of grain are fed (Kaufman, 1976). Decreased pH is also believed to negatively affect starch digestibility (Wheeler gt gt., 1976). According to Kaufmann there is a direct relation- ship between crude fiber in the ration and pH in the rumen as illustrated in Figure 5. Crude fiber is a rough estimate of chewing time of feed or rumination. Chewing in turn results in salivation. 4O 65 :n 0‘ 60 pH . 5.115 + .066 x % Crude Fibre r2 ' 081 55 10 ll 12 l5 14 15 l6 l7 l8 19 20 21 % Crude Fibre Figure 5. Relationship of Crude Fibre Content (%) in the Ration and pH in the Rumen. Ruminant saliva contains large quantities of bicarbonate which acts as a buffer to prevent a decrease in the pH (Emery, 1979). The pH of the rumen influences the ratio Of acetic:pr0pionic acid produced which in turn influences the fat content of the milk (Kaufman, 1976). When the ratio of acetate to propionate decreases as is the case in high grain rations, it is believed to be influential in partitioning energy from milk to body fat synthesis. Thus, ruminal pH is an important consideration in terms of ration digestibility and milk yield. Kaufmann (1976) recommends 41 at least 20% crude fiber (CF) in the ration to maintain prOper rumen function and avoid lactic acidosis. With 2 times a day feeding he lowers the limit to 17.5% of the ration dry matter as crude fiber. Dean gt gt. (1969) used a value of 15% as a minimum level of CF in the California computer ration balancing program but have since changed the limit to 17% as a result of problems with cows going off feed. Along with the quantity of fiber, the quality of fiber must also be considered. Roughages that are finely chapped or fermented exert a less pronounced effect in maintaining an optimally functioning rumen than is indi- cated by the amount of crude fiber contained (Thomas, 1979). The "effective" fiber capacity Of corn cob meal, on the other hand, is greater than that of alfalfa hay, although the actual crude fiber content is much lower (Van Soest, 1969). Energy Requirements vs. Genetic Potential Bath gt gt. (1971) reported that cows with greater inherent potential utilize feed more efficiently and con- sume more feed per unit of body weight than low producers. Their observations are presented in Table . Blaxter (1966) and Broster gt gt. (1969) have also shown that cows with a great capacity for milk production respond by giving more milk per unit of feed as compared to cows of lower capacity. 42 Protein Requirements Protein requirements of dairy cattle are not well de- fined due to the complexity of the digestive process of ru- minants. Proteins entering the rumen can be either digested by the rumen microflora or bypass to the lower G.I. tract. Most bacteria in the rumen first deaminate dietary protein subsequently using the ammonia released in the process to build bacterial protein. Because bacteria can synthesize 'protein from ammonia, non-protein nitrogen (NPN) which is converted to ammonia can be added as a source of nitrogen in some instances to support protein anabolism. The con- centration of ammonia in the rumen is a determinant in the rate of microbial growth when energy is not limiting (Sat- ter, 1978b). However, there is a maximum concentration of ammonia in the rumen after which additional amounts are of no benefit as far as microbial activity is concerned. Satter and Roffler (1975) suggest this maximum is achieved when the ammonia concentration in the rumen exceeds 5 mg %. On typical dairy cattle rations this would be equivalent to 12 to 15% crude protein (CP) in the diet. Huber (1976) proposes NPN to be of benefit for predominantly corn silage rations when requirements are as high as 14 to 14.5% CF. In vitro studies by Helferich gt gt. (1976) have shown that net protein synthesis does not reach a maximum until the ammonia concentration is 15 to 20 mg %. Orskov (1976) has 43 shown that the ammonia level in sheep facilitating optimum rumen synthesis is greater than 5 mg %. The concentration of ammonia from the degradation of dietary proteins will determine the additional amounts of NPN which could additionally benefit microbial protein synthesis. Factors affecting the rate of degradation of dietary protein include: physical characteristics of the protein, the amount of readily fermentable carbohydrates, the pH of the rumen and other factors affecting the nutri- tional environment, as well as retention of the feed in the rumen (Satter, 1978a). Protein requirements are met by microbial protein synthesized in the rumen and undegraded digestible protein that has escaped fermentation and to a limited extent by protein mobilization from body stores during early lacta- tion (Setter, 19786). In the lower GI tract of ruminants the quality or amino acid array presented is important as well as total amounts. Microbial protein has a relatively high biological value in this regard (Satter, 1978) and is therefore an excellent complement to the undegraded dietary protein in meeting the amino acid requirement of dairy cat- tle under most conditions. Foldager (1977) tested the requirements of protein and the efficacy of NPN addition to diets using 68 Holsteins during the first 20 weeks post-partum. Seventeen cows were assigned to each of the 4 treatment groups. The first two 41+ groups received rations of only plant protein containing 12-15%»CP in DM (group NC) and l5-16% (group P0). The other two groups were also fed rations with 15-16% CP, but approximately 25%rof the total nitrogen came from NPN as urea (group U) or ammonia (group AU). It was concluded that high yielding cows fed rations of corn, corn silage and limited hay require no more than 15% CP in DM, which is approximately equal to 80-90% of 1971 NRC standards. Poos gt gt. (1978) found that 11-12% CP is an adequate level to support first calf heifers in early lactation but is not adequate for mature cows. Cressman gt gt. (1977) obtained similar results. Daily body weight losses in Foldager's experiment (1977) averaged -.954, -1.845, -.692 and -l.200 kg for groups NC, PC, U and AU respectively. Taking a value of .954 kg/day of weight loss for the NC groups, it is possi- ble to estimate a feasible amount of body protein that was possibly mobilized based on 1978 NRC. .954 kg/day x 520 g protein/kg body tissue mobil- ized (1978 NRC) - 505 g protein. Estimating intake at 19.75 kgs DM (Foldager, 1977) the following is postulated: 0 rotein 13.75 kg feed consumed ” 1'5% CP This means that the calculation for CP could be Off by 1.5% CP and it would be masked by protein mobilization. 45 Lamb 23 gl. (1975) found that cows fed rations con- taining 15.1 or 16.1% CF in the ration showed no differ- ence in milk yield. Van Horn 33 31. (1968) found no sig- nificant difference in performance between groups of cows fed 15.5% CF and 15.2% CF using soybean meal as a source of protein supplement. Growth Heifers entering the milking herd are still grow- ing, and will continue to do so at a decreasing rate until they approach 84 months of age. McDaniel and Legates (1965) derived a cubic regression of weight on age within-year- season on 1,595 Holstein cows. The equation is: Y . 757 + 20.91 M - 0.2056M2 + .oooeem3 where: Y a estimated weight M 3 age in months Mature equivalent factors relating weight to age can be established by using weight at 84 months as a mature weight to compare with weights at different ages. Data of Matthews and Fohrman (1954) were analyzed similarly. Table 5 lists the mature equivalent factors derived from both sets of data. Almost identical factors result from both studies. 46 Table 3. Mature Equivalent (ME) Factors for Body Weight Derived from Two Studies. _- - v... .1- ..._---_.- -A_-._r-._a_.____._..-.—.~_... *-—--__—.-——— -_.__.-—_. - —-.___ ~_ H.— , McDaniel and Legates Matthews and Fohrman Age Fraction of ME1 Fraction of ME (Months) Mature Wt. (Weight) Mature Wt. (Weight) 24 .784 1.275 .775 1.290 28 .816 1.225 .810 1.255 52 .844 1.185 .841 1.189 56 .870 1.149 .868 1.152 40 .892 1.121 .892 1.121 44 .912 1.096 .915 1.095 48 .950 1.075 .951 1.074 52 .945 1.058 .947 1.056 56 .957 1.045 .960 1.042 60 .968 1.055 .971 1.050 64 .977 1.024 .980 1.020 68 .984 1.016 .986 1.014 72 .990 1.010 .992 1.008 76 .995 1.005 .996 1.004 80 .998 1.002 .998 1.002 84 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 lMature weight a weight at 84 months of age. Sources: McDaniel, B. T. and J. E. Legates. 1965. Associations Between Body Weight Predicted from Heart-Girth and Production. Journal of Dairy Sci. 48:947. Matthews, 0. A. and M. H. Fohrman. 1974. Belts- ville Growth Standards for Holstein Cattle. Technical Bul- letin No. 1099, U.S. Dept of Agric., Washington, D.C. 47 Expected Herd Life The average dairy heifer freshens at approximately 27 months of age and leaves the herd at 65 months, completing 5 lactations. Disappearance of cows from the herd occur as a conse- quence of mandatory (involuntary) or voluntary reasons. Knowledge of removal for involuntary reasons will provide an estimate of the potential lifetime of animals in the herd and thus can be used as a weighting index in determin- ing economic value. Stewart gt gt. (1977) define involuntary removal as that which is due to such reasons as: calving problems, di- sease, foot and leg injury, and reproductive-problems such ag sterility. Voluntary removal includes cows with low milk or fat production, bad temperament, other faults of the mammary system or general confirmation weaknesses. Table 4 presents the probability of failure of cows by lactation number as found by the various studies cited. As indicated in the table the probability of removal in- creases with lactation number in a relatively linear fash- ion. Stewart gt gt. (1977) derived a prediction equation based on data collected by Burnside gt gt. (1971) estimat- ing the probability of involuntary removal as: .0575 + .0170 (Li), where Li refers to the lactation number. Prob- ability of death was estimated separately as: .0075 + .0045 (Li). .mooa>nom m humuqsao> o>wooqoo on onsaaau can pass“ oamhp .moowmmn aoumhm humaawa ..vonm 30H wounded“ Hw>oaon .mam>oaon huuuanao>au no moow>nom m on o>aooaoo o» moaawau msoo covsaonw anasopm .hnmuasao> canovamooo was mansaup moaooonn maa>oaon mo common nuaaann on» mason «mocxoam mu am>osmn humansao>ca nodamcoo uo>mao a an9m 48 .Hm>oaou haupqzao>nw scum haoumnmgom named mnouamnoo pumsopm ammo. msma. méma. Ha mmma. muma. mafia. 0H mama. mama. eaoa. m msma. mama. Hmma. m mama. mama. mmma. mood. nmma. u ones. mad. Hana. mama. mama. omma. mama. o mama. mod. mama. 0mma. mNoH. mafia. mmma. m #H. bead. Nmo. mmsa. coda. ummo. OHHH. mmoa. 3 mo. mmmo. mmo. NNNH. ammo. mmmo. memo. nmmo. n mo. some. mmo. mmmo. ammo. mmoo. #500. name. N no. mono. duo. sumo. memo. mmgo. Hamo. msmo. a mnH omw and oosuomm mmH 0mm uo>nomno copmswumm .oz Ho>og psmuoppsm noHpMpoaq munowom Amhomnohv mmm Amhomnohv N05 munooom 000.0H monooom 5mm.ma “mamawnd , mmm 5 .oz damaged: ddwuoam eaquouuamo macm>ahmnoom «cacao «ooaam $9 $3431 «232;. MN? :3 no unmaomm 335:4 09 H momma HNMH 5qu momA «Reggae nonsdz coaumuowq an mean we Ahuwpasao>sHv mnzafimm mo mafiaanmnonm .¢ canes 49 Reasons for Removal Many studies have dealt with the reasons for disposal of dairy animals including: Arnold gt gt. (1958), Dayton (1966), 0'B1eness and VanVleck (1962), White and Nichols (1962), Renkema gt gt. (1977) and Gurtle and Smith (1970). Table 5 compares their findings. The most important reasons for culling among the studies noted above were: low production, sterility and re- productive disorders, teat and udder troubles and mastitis. Low production is by far the largest single classifi- cation, however this category is frequently used as a catch- all for animals whose production has been reduced by other conditions such as mastitis, milk fever, hard milkers as well as nonbreeders in late lactation (Dayton 1966). Table 6 enumerates the reasons for disposal for dif- ferent age groups found by Dayton (1966). O'Bleness and VanVleck (1962) and Dayton (1966) found that disposal for sterility increases with age. White and Nichols (1962) found only a slight increase due to sterility as age in- creased. The following observations were drawn from these studies: 1) Low production, sterility, udder trouble and dairy purposes are the major reasons for disposal across all age groups. 2) Udder and mastitis troubles become more prevalent with increasing age. 50 .nd. a nwcdn no 033002 30m h 3:32.. 356.5: o 60.3 33 a .32.: a conga—cosmos no 533333 a :3 *md 1533? :< m .533.— ua «50383 0.3.) 0&3 a cook 6 Inc." 3:309 .3333 d .525 .— zananoun nu bemoan". :5 5 .3953: :3: «a. a :33: £4. a :wczouan m .. .Asogoavouaoh 33.20am .nazuguoa + canon; n 536 .05 anon—ac an 3033 on: 0:... uo>oo 2.33.— 033 "nod—:5: =39- Eouufi. go: 0.5: «:33: w €95,330.— uo: no.3: .3 “mm 30.333?" 0.: «Eon. 3 veg—5&3. .— Molfi .2. cos Rood 98 :38. ago 6.8 .._o 93 $.81 - of .2 de~ Q28 {.50 «.6 his 2 @50 _ o.mo Odo :8 0333 mm 9.8 98 6.8 95381. i are 8.8 - «:3 ads 33 2 m.oo bdo census: w.— 3 3.8 .mdo 6.26.8 .556 3 ._.mo . . _ o...o ado 3:3... in: 2 986.8 8:23 m ode £5 a 6.8 ado ".8“ s 33 s Tao 5.3 mdo .332: o «a .919 . .3 92 18 2.35 m «.2 3.8 ms: Din ._ «.3 3 5.6m ~.m~ 0.3 1R so: :3 m 93 3.3 H6“ 33203 ~ mm «.3 , osw . 330.62%: H uzmmyalx . anaflsu =28 union 5:3 :35 «3 new...“ we a»: 1:52 . no: no: so: .5238. m3.» :2; Sm.» Sim [Mafia 2.8 m :a 23: 3583.5 35>." unzum «3&lo 551050: «to» 30: 5338 , :38 :23: 3:33 to; 55 53?: 4 0.3.30 4 0.35» a vHoE< d «unsafe aha—55¢ 5:250:32 0395 Dunn hon 2.840.— .m 93:. 51 Table 6. Percent of Total Culls By Lactation Number. Lactation Number Reason 1 2 3 Dairy 18.1 10.5 6.3 Low Prod 46 47.1 32.1 Physical Injury 10.2 11.6 15.7 Hastitis 4.2 8.6 16.7 Disease 5.8 4.5 2.9 Milk Ability 5.9 2.6 2.5 Sterility 7.9 10.7 12.4 Old Age 0.2 0.1 5.7 Death 5.7 5-0 5-7 Source: Dayton, A. 1966. Differential Removal of Daugh- ters Among A.I. Series. Unpublished M.S. Thesis. Michigan State University, East Lansing. 5) Low production is the major reason for disposal for cows under 6 years of age. After this time, udder and mastitis troubles are the primary rea- sons for disposal. Longevity and High Producing Cows Some dairymen believe that high producing heifers "burn themselves out" early in life. Gibson (1977) examined the records of 317,501 cows to test this hypothesis. The cows were equally divided into 4 groups according to deviations from herdmates during their first lactations. The average percent removed for each class was calculated through the 52 Table 7a. PrOportion of Cows Removed from the Herd during the Second through Sixth Lactation when Divided into Four Groups According to First Lactation Production. :— 1 Percent Lost 81_The No. Having 2nd 5rd 4th 5th 6th Yield Class lst Record Rec. Rec. Rec. Rec. Rec. TOp %. 87,409 16 55 5O 65 78 Third %. 85,467 11 59 57 69 80 Second %. 75,211 25 48 65 75 84 Bottom‘% 75,214 47 68 8O 87 92 Source: Gibson, D. 1977. Green Mountain News- letter. Univ. of Vermont, Burlington. Table 7b. Percent of Cows Removed from the Herd 9; Those Surviving the Previous Lactation when Divided into Four Groups According to First Lactation Production. __ Percent Lost of Those Surviving The Yield No. Having lst 2nd 5rd 4th 5th Class lst Record Rec. Rec. Rec. Rec. Rec. TOp‘% 87,409 16 2O 25 5O 54 Third %. 85,467 20 2O 26 5O 56 Second %. 75,211 25 5O 5O 5O 56 Bottom %- 75,214 45 42 4O 55 38 Source: Meadows, C. July 1977. Cow Losses. Dairy Notes. Michigan State Univ., East Lansing. sixth lactation. The results presented in Tables 7a, b demonstrate that survival is highest in the top quarter and 53 lowest in the bottom. The majority of the culling in the first few lactations is due to low production, therefore Meadows (1977) converted Gibson's values to percent lost of those surviving the pre- vious record. His calculations still show a small trend fa- voring survival of the high group but he concluded there was not much difference in total removals. As expected, as cows get older, a higher proportion are removed. Conclusions Drawn from the Literature Review A biolOgical model employed for the prediction of milk production and feed disappearance is only as good as the para- meter estimates which define the system. From the review pre- sented in the previous pages the following factors should be further investigated to define more precisely the input- output biological relationships of the dairy cow: 1) Prediction of dry matter intake. 2) Prediction of milk yield over time. 5) Protein requirements. 4) Protein metabolism and quantitative limits defin- ing the use of supplemental NPN in rations. 5) The ability of cows to mobilize nutrient stores (particularly energy) in early lactation. 6) The effect of pregnancy on persistency of milk production. The model presented in the following chapter can be easily amended as new information becomes available. Expected herdlife and other variables that will change with time can be updated when necessary. THE DAIRY COW MODEL This chapter presents the specifications of the model and the framework of the subsystems. The Fortran computer code is presented in the appendix. Figure 7 presents a flowchart for the model. Economic Decision Rules One of the important objectives of the dairyman is to maximize average net returns per unit of time. FigureG will be used to illustrate this concept under the assump- tion of nonstochastic relationships. The lepe of a line from the origin to any point on the curve (e.g. line OD) Net Returns 8 Time Figure 6. Net Revenue vs Time. 54 55 gives the average net revenue per unit of time for a pro- cess terminated at that point in time (e.g. cow culled from the herd). The maximum net revenue (e.g. cumulative net returns over the lifetime of a cow) occurs at point "A," while the maximum average net revenue occurs at point "B," where the steepest line from the origin is tangent to the curve. Peint "B" therefore represents the maximum average net revenue per unit of time. As time continues beyond point "B," the decreasing additions to revenue begin to pull down the average net revenue per unit of time. Thus if all cows were of equal ability and if relationships were nonstochastic, they would be culled at the age implied by point "B." Animals are not all of equal ability. Thus, a cri- teria must be developed to compare an existing animal, "the defender," against the potential replacement animal, "the challenger." The rule is: "Keep if the marginal re- turns per unit of time for the defender equals or exceeds the average net returns per unit of time of the challenger, otherwise replace" (Paris 1960). The estimation of the future value of a dairy cow is complicated by their long lifespan. For this reason fu- ture revenues must be discounted using the Opportunity cost of equity capital. For example, if the discount rate were 10%rper annum, the dairyman would be indifferent between receiving 81.00 today or $1.10 a year from now. Therefore 31.10 a year from now is only worth $1.00 in terms of 56 today's dollars. Putting future returns into today's dol- lars is referred to as estimating the "net present value (NPV)" (Nelson gt a1” 1975). Because we are concerned with comparing revenues relative to the present time when the replacement decision is being made, estimated NPV's are calculated. Average revenue per unit of time must be de- termined once the net present value of a cow has been cal- culated, since the choice criteria involves maximizing aver- age net returns per unit of time. The average net revenue per unit of time is comparable to an annuity payment (Paris, 1960). Thus it is possible to compare cows with different expected times in the herd based upon their expected annual- ized net returns. The decision could involve, for example, replacing a 6-year-old mature cow producing 15,000 pounds of milk with a heifer whose mature equivalent is 17,000 pounds. The time for replacement occurs when the marginal revenue of the "de- fender" is less than the annualized net revenue of the challenger. Future gross revenues are projected based on milk production and the milk price subsystems. Costs are pro- Jected based on feed disappearance, price, and other vari- able costs such as veterinary expenses subsystems. Costs and returns considered identical for both the "challenger" and the "defender" are ignored. It is differences in costs and returns that will determine which animal belongs in the herd. Past incomes and expenses are ignored as we are 57 concerned with maximizing future income. The dairy cow replacement problem is complicated by the fact that the relevant relationships are stochastic. In particular, the probability of a cow surviving from one lactation to the next is less than 100 percent (Stewart 23 a1” 1977 ). The rule becomes: "Keep if the expected (in a Probalistic sense) marginal returns per unit of time for the defender equal or exceed the expected (in a probalistic sense) average returns per unit of time of the challenger." The net present value (NPV) and annualized net pre- sent value (ANPV) calculations, in a probalistic environ- ment are calculated as follows: 1. Calculate the NPV and ANPV for each potential lifespan of the cow, 3 - 1, . . ., J. 2. Solve for the age, 3, which maximizes ANPV. 5. Calculate the expected NPV (ENPV)and expected ANPV (EANIW) That is: ENPV J . E21 (NPVJ) (P3) and EANPV - J Z (ANPVJ) (P3) 3-1 where P3 is the probability that the cow will survive J lactations, P3 . l. Salvage values must be included in NPV calculations. However, they are ignored in EANPV calculations for making replacement decisions since either the defender or the 58 challenger will be sold. More generally, their salvage value differential, if any, should be included. Introduction to the Model This program was designed to simulate the costs and returns for individual dairy cows through.time from the present moment onward until the end of lactation 7. The investigator inputs: age, calving interval, mature equivalent milk production, percent butterfat, mature equi- valent weight, milk and feedstuffs prices, opportunity cost on capital and the number of lactations to consider. Model outputs include: predicted milk yield for each lactation and average daily milk for each month within each lacta- tion; amounts of each feedstuff necessary to balance a diet to meet nutrient requirements in a least cost way for each month within each lactation; amount of weight lost or gained for each month within each lactation; net present value of the animal and annualized net present value of the animal. Revenue is calculated for each lactation. Lifetime milk production and feed disappearance are generated and salvage value appropriate variable costs and probabilities of involuntary removal from the herd are accounted for. The model provides an economic basis for making voluntary culling decisions. Past expenses and revenues are ignored as the model is concerned with future revenues. "here: Figure 7 Flow chart of lactation number lactation number the beginning of analysis ultimate lacta- tion number thus far considered maximum number of lactations considered month within the calving-interval number of months at the Enter Age, calving ProJected ME PrOJected ME Feed prices, interval weight milk production, % BF milk price, salvage price, discount rate, M lactations to consider l [box-lsco:.'7>——¢.- ...| Project: 1. 5. 4. Age at calving at the beginning'of lact (1) Body wt of cow at calving during lact (i) I Lact # - 505 day milk of lact (i) within the calving interval l‘ I DO J a 1 to J a n ::>-H6 -I ’ I Project: 1. Body wt during time period (3) I I 2. Ave daily milk (J) I I . , ' .[Estimate daily nutrient requirements (3) ' lProJect potential daily DMI (J) I I . J1 I LBalance a daily diet (3) _*] I if i 4.: I Accumulate to date for all (3) within i: ' . Quantity of each feed consumed I 2. Hilk production T 5. Income and costs I 4. Other variable costs | 5. Discounted net revenue (DNR) l Calculate Cumulative Discounted Revenue to Date - P mm 2:4 l (Zpd DNR) + Salvage Value 1 - NPV for i - d to p | _. ._ ._ -+-—-- _.,__ Accumulate to date for each (i) - (p) Z 7 DNR E::p DNR + Salvage Value ‘ probability of occurrence i-d the model ‘L. / \ 6O Feed and other variable costs are estimated in the subroutine: 9g§§ Other variable costs are based upon production level considering Michigan farm data analyzed by Nott (1974), adjusted to current price levels using a multiplier of 1.75 (Black 1978). Costs are subtracted from milk income to estimate the revenue generated during each lactation cycle. Revenue is discounted using present value factors consistent with the interest rate and the time period being considered. The discounted net returns (DNR) are accumulated for all time periods considered (i.e., if considering a cow which is presently in her third lactation, accumulate the expected revenue for lactation 5, then for the period con- sidering lactations 5 + 4, then for 5 + 4 + 5, 5 + 4 + 5 + 6, and finally for the period 5 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7). The accumulated discounted net returns, including each time period are subsequently weighted by the marginal probability of their occurrence, thus estimating the vari- able net present value for each time period considered. Net present value is converted to annualized net present value using the formula below NPV x rate (1 + rate)I/ (l + rate)I - l where I = lactation number rate a interest rate. 61 Subsystem: Milk Production The model projects average daily milk production of a cow for each month within each lactation from the present moment onward until the end of lactation 7. Factors that are important to consider in projecting milk yield include: 1) genetic potential and environment, 2) age and lactation number, 5) season of calving, 4) feed intake and ration quality and 5) health of the animal. Genetic potential and environment are taken into account using DHIA (1974) mature equivalent (ME milk) fac- tors which project the 505-day yield of the cow if she were mature (approximately 24 mos cf age).\ They are pri- marily used to compare the producing capacity of contempor- ary herdmates during the present year. These factors take into account breed, regional location in the United States and represent the expected phenotypic character of the animal within a given environment. Using these factors thus implies relatively constant environmental conditions across all lactations. Projected mature equivalent milk production is ad- justed by age and season of calving correction factors enabling prediction of the total milk yield for the entire lactation for animals of any age calving at various sea- sons of the year. 62 DHIA (1974) age and season of calving correction factors were fitted to reciprocal curves resulting in equations for total milk with age as the dependent vari- able and read as follows: If age 5 70 months, the mature equivalent (XMEmilk) factor for milk equals: XMEmilk . .809 + (10.68 é age in months)“ If age > 70 and i 94 months: XMEmilk ' '96 If 389 > 94 months: XMEmilk ' '96 + :0016 X (age in months - 94) Table 8. Average Season Effects on ME Milk. Month Jan. Feb. March April May June Factor 0 1.005 1.00625 1.0194 1.0568 1.0719 Month July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Factor 1.09625 1.095 1.0625 1.056 1.0194 1.0156 Adapted from: Norman, H. 23 a1. 1974. USDA-DHIA. Factors for Standardizing 505-Day Lactation Records for Age and Month of Calving. ARS-NE-40. Agricultural Re- search Service, US Dept of Agr., p. 48. The effect of season of calving was adjusted for using DHIA monthly factors averaged across all age groups for the months January through December and are listed in Table 8. 65 Once milk yield for the total lactation is estimated, average daily milk yield for each month within a lactation is projected using Wood's model (1969): Yn a anbe- cn where: Yn a milk yield in week n n weeks into lactation e . base of the natural logarithm a, b, c the parameter estimates Wood's equation (1969) was adapted for use in the model employing Shultz's (1974) standard values for the parameters "a," "b," and "c." (See subroutine: X LACT (AGE, WEEK, SEASON, PRODYR, PRODDY). The parameter "a" defines the level of peak production while "b" and "c" characterize the shape of the curve for the age and season of calving subgroups. The parameter "a" can be estimated for any level of production using the equation: a' a "a" + 1n (Z/Y) In this equation a' is the adjusted value for "a," where "a" is the standard value built into the model. Z is the actual level of production (in our model, Z is the 505-day predicted MEmilk production level). Y is the accu- mulated production level of the standard (in our model Y equals the 505-day total for the standard cow). The following example illustrates these calculations for a 2-year old heifer with a mature equivalent of 64 15,200 pounds of milk and calving in January. Step 1: Divide the mature equivalent by DHIA age and sea- son of calving factors 53, 12,200 lbs of milk/505 days = 12,285 lbs of milk/505 days_ 1. 4 Step 2: The lactation curve parameters applicable to this heifer are within the subclass of age (-2) and season of calving (January-February). The stan- dard value for "a" is 5.574, "b" is (.202) and "c" is (.00562). The adjusted value of "a" equals: 5.574 + 1n (12,258 lbs of milk/12,655 lbs of milk) a 5.544 Therefore, the lactation equation for this particu- lar heifer in her first lactation is defined by the equation: b . n In this case: .202 - .00562) ( ) Yb . 3.544 (n) e ( n Estimating Lifetime Production Production in future lactations is calculated in the following manner: 65 1. Estimate the season of calving. If the calving interval is 15 months, the season of calving shifts one month with each successive lactation (i.e. if the first calving occurs in January the second will be in February, the third in March, etc.). If the calving interval is 14 months, the season of calving will shift 2 months with each successive lactation. 2. Age at second calving is equal to age at first calving + length of the calving interval. 5. Total milk production is projected by adjusting the ME by the reciprocal of the appropriate DHIA age and season of calving factor. 4. The appropriate standard parameters of the lacta- tion curve are now defined by the age and season of calving factors. 5. An adjusted value for "a" is calculated as ex- plained on page 65. 6. The appropriate parameters of the lactation equa- tion are applied and average daily milk is pro- jected for every month of lactation 2. The process is continued for lactations 5, 4, 5, 6, and 7 to calculate weekly production during the lactation cycle. The process is terminated after lactation 7 because the probability of a cow remaining in the herd beyond this length of time is very small (<2%) (Andrus 33 31., 1970). 66 Subsystem: Dry Matter Intake Development of the Dry Matter Intake Equation Equations used in the model are based upon statisti- cal analysis of the experimental data of Foldager (1978) and the literature. Foldager's experiment was designed to estimate protein requirements in early lactation. Weekly intake data for 68 Holsteins during the first 20 weeks of lactation were available. Regression methods were used to estimate the parameters of dry matter intake per day equa- tions including testing hypotheses about linearity of the impacts of milk production potential and weight. Chandler and Brown's (1976) study and the literature were used in the selection of explanatory variables; variables include age, season of calving, milk produced per day and weeks into lactation. There was no evidence to support the hypothesis that weight at calving and milk production potential are nonlinearly related to dry matter intake. The resultant equation when WTCLF2 and MILK2(6-8) are excluded is pre- sented in Table 9. Dry matter intake was influenced by the protein system; cows receiving the 15-15% CP diet unsupple- mented with NPN and both NPN supplemented diets had lower intakes than the cows receiving 12-15% CP diets unsupple- mented with NPN. While the hypothesis that intakes were equivalent was rejected, there was no evidence that a dif- ference existed between 2nd, 5rd and 4th treatments. DMI AGE: AGE 2 AGE 5 AGE 4 TIME: WEEK WEEKZ WEEK5 PRODUCTION: MILK(6-8)i 67 Daily dry matter intake for the ith cow during the jth week, pounds/day if two years old otherwise if 5 years old otherwise if 4 years old otherwise OH OH OH Weeks into lactation Week squared Week cubed Daily milk production for the ith cow during the 6th through 8th weeks, pounds per day, a proxy for production potential. MILK2(6-8)j Milk(6-8) squared MILKi’J MILK21,j WEIGHT: WTCLF WTCLF2 SEASON: SEASON 1 SEASON 2 SEASON 5 Daily milk production for the ith cow during the jth week, pounds per day. MILKi’j squared Weight at one week post partum NTCLF squared if December, January or February otherwise if March or April otherwise if May or June otherwise I OH OH OH 68 I 1 if July August or Sept. SAASON 4 a 0 otherwise , 1 if October or November SEASON 5 a 0 otherwise PROTEIN TREATMENTS: 1 if cow received 12-15% TREAT 1 a crude protein diet; no supplemental NPN 0 otherwise 1 if cow received 15—16% TREAT 2 = crude protein diet; no supplemental NPN 0 otherwise 1 if cow received l5-16% crude protein diet; urea TREAT 5 a added at .65%iof corn si- lage, fresh basis 0 otherwise 1 if cow received l5-l6% crude protein diet; ammo- TREAT 4 = nia added at .40% of corn silage, fresh basis 0 otherwise The initial equation estimated was: DMIi,j a + 2 SEASON 2 + 5 SEASON 5 + 4 SEASON 4 + 5 SEASON 5 AGE 5 + AGE 4 4 TREAT 2 + * 3 + 2 5 + S1 WEEK + $2 fiEEK2 + S3 WEEK5 TREAT 5 + 4 TREAT 4 0 + l WTCLFi’J + 02 WTCLF2i,J . n1 MILK(6-8)i,j + N2 MIL1<2(6-8)i,j * “1.3 where ui,j is a random error. A subsequent model was formu- lated in which the data were divided into two groups, two year olds and cows at least three years old. 69 opeem essences .emenoas .meamnea .m .mamona .n.nm swam Hem nmwoapaz samponmuqoz new musmaesfizvem naeuonm .hpamse>wnb .qowpwpown haamm cw meoo mcaoseoam .uuma .h .Aewwoaom «mossom .mpmd Hmaasw Hmsvabwvsfl we wanna omma no women one mqowmmenmom mooo. mmoo. name we a; mooo. meow. Amnovsaas mooo. 400.. name; mooo. Hmma.u mama; mooo. oomo.m Mom; moo. ommm. m 4 mooo. ammo.a m 4 H00. Scam. m m 0N0. mmnm. e m mam. mmem.n m m mam. ammo. m m mooo. waeu.u e 9 N00. mmmm.n m a mooo. mmmw.n N a 0H0. meom.a psepmqoo He>eq enam> nowpmanomen meadowmaswam psofleflmeoo noEmeHMem maem.m . opsaapmm so songs unseempm 050m. n NW .noapepoeq no @3003 hpsmsa pesam on» meansn hmn\exwpsH Heaps: has madcamen museaoammooo scammenmem .m magma 70 Twenty-two of the 68 cows in the experiment were first calf heifers; previous studies have suggested the intake curve for heifers is "flatter" than that of other cows. Thus, cows were sorted into two groups; cows 2 years of age and cows at least 5 years of age. Table KDdepicts the regression equation for 2, -5, and the combined data, re- spectively. The first step is to test the hypothesis that first calf heifers and cows have equivalent intake equations against the alternative that they do not. The apprOpriate test (Madalla, G. S., 1977, p. 460) is: Q5/ K Q2/(m+n-2E) where Q1 3 SSE of combined data sets 02 . ssE ost-yr olds + SSE orzi-yr olds \fiD I Q1 ‘ Q2 ,# of regression coefficients P1 u (2+3) . # of observations on 2-yr olds (m) + # of observations on 5-yr olds (g). ' The ratio is distributed as an Fd,K,m+n—2K° Here, Q1 " 6947 Q2 - 6205 Q3 3 742 K a 12 m+n - 1560 42 12 F 'W‘ 15-32 a significance level .001. Thus, the hypothesis that the and intake equations are equivalent was rejected. 71 .nmenoHs .mnHmamH .m .mHmeaa .n.nm thmne>HsD mumpm smmHnoHs .soHpMpomH thwm 0H msoo wnHescon anm you nemoaqu sHeposmlsoz 0cm museaesHsaem sHeposm .550H .6 .nomdeom "meadow 0000 500. 005. 0 mm: 0000. 00.H m 00: 0000. :000. 0000. 5:00. 0000. 0500. H00. m:00. 0000. mHHo. mqoe; 0000. m50m. 0000. 000w. 0000. :::m. 0000. :00H. 0000. 000H. A0I0VHHH2 0000. 5:00. 0000. 5:00. 02 0000. H00H.I 0000. HO0H.t N2 0000. 0000.m 0000. 0000.m a 0000. 5:00. 0000. 0000. 02 0000. H00H.I 0000. 00Hm.: m; 0000. 000m.m 0000. 0NHO.m a 0000. 0:00. 0000.0 m000.+ 02 mooo. mmaa.- mooo.o same.. me 0000. 0000.H 0000.0 000:.H 2 H00. 50H0. 0000. H050. 0000. 0:H5. H00. 0:05. mHo. 0005. 0m 0m0. mm5:. 0H0. 0:H0. :H0. 0000. 000. 5:05. H00. 0000. :0 m0m. 0m:m.u :H:. 000H.| 0m:. 050H.| 0000. 0050.H| 0000.0 050H.H mm mHm. mmoo. mam. omeo. 006. 000:. mom. mmmo.u coo.H 0000. mm 0600. mH:5.- mooo. meH5.- mooo. :H50.- 0006. mamm.u 00:. Hmaa. as moo. :000.| H00. :000.1 000. 000:.1 H00. 0m00.| 0H0. 00Hm. 09 0000. 0000.: 0000. ::m5.: 0000. 0H05.| 0000. 50:0.: 0:0. 5:H0. me 0H0. 0:00.H 0000. mm:.m mmH. 0:00. H00. 0:00.0 05H. N:0m.H pneumooo .mHm HHe .mHm Ha: .mam HH< .mam m .mHm m new: oamm. . we once. . mm amen. . mm mmae. . mm same. . mm mHmm.m HH5m.m mm5:.m epwsHpmm esp we momma unwuswpm soprpemH hHuem QH 004 an emanaH mnHNHnepemnmno mpaeHonmeoo sonmeHMmmn .QHeHnea 72 There are several differences in the equations. Protein treatment system had little impact on the DMI of 2-year heifers, as contrasted to a substantial impact on cows at least 5 years old. The seasonal impacts are simi- lar except for the May-June period when the impacts were in the Opposite direction. The most important difference is that the DMI curve is much flatter for the two-year olds than for the older cows. DMI of the older cows was more sensitive to production potential when it was relatively more sensitive to weight for the 2-year olds. The analysis indicated that protein treatments 2, 5, and 4 be combined and that seasons 1 and 2 be combined as well as seasons 4 and 5. This reduced the total number of variables to 8. However, separate equations should be con- sidered for two-year olds vs. older cows. Use of the proxy variable for genetic potential (MILK(6-8)j) resulted in a lower R2 than use of average daily production during the week (MILKi), .588 vs. .6519. These regressions are presented in Table 11. These results must be interpreted with caution, however, since use of MILK];j will result in biased estimators if MILKij and DMIij are simultaneously determined (Dean, et al., 1972). Single equation estimators sometimes result in better forcasts than those derived from systems of equations, even when simul- taneity is present (Madalla, 1977). IHowever, biased estima- tors are inappropriate for managerial decision making. 75 Table 11. Milk (Average Daily) vs Milk (Weeks 6-8). 1560 Cases. Milk Milk (Average 53115) (Weeks 6-8) §2 .6519 .588 Standard Error of the Estimate 2.09 2.27 Constant 1.401 .785 T 2 - .545 - .615 S 5 .190 - .264 S 4 .776 .511 Milk .508 0 Milk (6-8) 0 .245 Weeks 1.161 2.091 (Weeks)2 - .091 - .185 (weeks)5 .002 .0047 Wt at Calf .007 .007 74 The regressions described above pertain to data col- lected over the first 20 weeks of lactation. Extrapolating the regressions beyond that point in time resulted in absurd estimates. Impact of Fermented Feeds The equations presented in Table 12 illustrate the impact of fermented feeds on dry matter intake per cwt. of body weight based on an analysis of monthly treatment mean data from Brown et a1. (1965) involving 40 cows and 4 dif- ferent roughage rations. During the experiment corn silage was fed ad libitum to groups 1, 2 and 5. Average quality alfalfa was fed at the rate of 0, 10, 20 and ad lib pounds to groups 1, 2, 5 and 4 respectively. The regressions involved 2 independent variables: months into lactation and moisture percent of the ration (which is used as a proxy variable indicating the degree of fermentation). The R2 value of the analysis was .95. A second equation was run containing moisture, the square root of moisture as well as months. Including non-linear rela- tionships did not improve the analysis. A second series of regressions were run excluding the first 10 weeks into lactation, thus removing the confounding effects of early lactation on intake. This analysis involved 52 cases of mean data and is reported in Table 15. The results are similar to those presented in Tablel2; however there is 75 .mne .0Hmum: .moamnom hnHwn Ho Hmsnsoh .msoo hnHmn msHuwpowH on nHmso mo mHe>0H anm 09H; hem new ommHHm snoo Ho mHe>eH mac :Hnm> wsteem mo panama .000H .H0 90 ..n .H .ceonm “eonsom .wpmw sees no memes 00 no deems one mQOHmmeHmom .AsoHpes on» He ensanoa 5v nmfienspmHos 0 soHumH on» no onzpmHoa.R n ensumHos soHpmpeeH :H causes a apnea «when; 50H. 050H. 0.esspmHos 000. 0000.: 0000. 05H0.: enzpmHos 0000. 00H0.: 0000. 55H0.: Anne: 0000. 0Hm.m 0000. H050.0 pampmcoo H0>0H Ho>eH meHanHm> cosmoHHquHm eeqmonHanm saw. . mm Ham. . mm eaHa 0cm manpmHoE on qupwHom QH eHMqu Heaps: 5H9 msHaHHen mpsmHonmeoo nonmesmmm .NHmHnwa 76 .eeeeHom thwQ .0 .m90 .0Hmum: .msoo AHHmn msHpmuowH op sHmso Ho mHe>eHIAWH0 thB 500 one ommHHm anoo mo mHe>mH monam> wsteem Ho pommmm .000H .Hm pm ..n .H .03090 “009300 wumn 0000. :000.1 .mHoE x Mme; #00. mQOO.I MOOO. HONO.I mOOO. ©NHO.I MOOO. HmHO.I mOOO. BBHO.I mHSpmHoE GOO. NMBOO.I mOOO. OMNO.I Néo. MONO.I mOOO. :mHO.I MOOO. BBHO.I x003 mOOO. #Bmm.m MOOO. Nmum.m mOOO. mm®m.m MOOO. MO¢B.M mOOO. Hmbw.m pawnmfioo .mam .wam .mHm .mHm .mHm 5000. Nmmo. mmOH. mwmo. BNmO. mpmaflumm 02¢ Ho Henna chewswpm 0H00. 0500. :055. N500. :H00. mm mm ON NH mm @m 00000 soprpomH och 0x00; om MHIOH 0x002 quumpowH opsH mama HH: meme; 0H x002 0cm .mHo§ Ho soHpomheusH mama; oH 0cm QOHpmpomH ousH mxeea mo mosmnHmsH map mGHNHHeuomnmno mpceHonmeoo aonmmnwom .pso\Han so QOHpmm esp mo usoonem enspwHoE .MHQHQMB 77 less evidence for a non-linear relationship. The hypothesis that the impact of fermented feeds might be different at various stages of lactation was ex- amined. The data were divided into 2 periods: WEEKSlo_19 and WEEKS 20. The following hypothesis was tested: Ho ‘ B10.19 ’ B 20 VS HA : Ho false where: B10-19 . regression coefficients characterizing intake during weeks 10-19 of lactation. B 20 . regression coefficient characterizing intake during weeks 20 of lactation. The apprOpriate F statistic is FaQ/k Q27M + N - 2k) where: F . F statistic Q1 . SSE of the regression characterizing intake for weeks 10 into lactation. 02 . SSE of the regression characterizing intake for weeks 10-19 + SSE of the regression characterizing intake for weeks 20. 03-41-03 k . # variables considered in the regression. (M + N) a # cases for weeks 10-19 (M) + # cases for weeks 20 (N). 78 SSE(<10 WEEKS) s .228818 SSE(lO-19 WEEKS) . .096018 SSE(22O WEEKS) - .026088 k a 2 M812 N a 20 F - 12.2556 F critical .05 (2,28) - 4.22 .01 (2,28) . 6.44 F exceeds F critical. Therefore, we can reject Ho (prus .000005); there is not enough evidence contained in Brown's data to show that the regression coefficients are the same for weeks 10-19 and weeks 20 into lactation when characterizing intake by weeks into lactation and moisture content of the diet. The evidence does indeed suggest that the impact of fermented feeds affects dry matter intake and changes with time during the lactation. Impact of Energy Density and Crude Fiber Content of the Ration The impacts of energy density and crude fiber content of the ration on dry matter intake per cwt. of body weight were analyzed using period mean data of Lamb 23 gl. (1975). The regression coefficients are presented in Table 14. Re- gressions including either energy or crude fiber as vari- ables provide similar R2 '3 indicating they are good substi- tutes for one another and are highly related. The best fit regressions included as variables net energy (NEL), (NEL)2 and crude fiber demonstrating a curvilinear response of in- take as energy density increases. 9 7 ..H00 hunn mo HeapsOH Ho museopem 039 wanprcoo nonmauqmoso0 op emsommmm cevzHoX0 0H0 soHpmpowH Ho .HHOu50 .mQOHpmpowq eueHmaoo How 00900 seem pm 000 awepoum seams 0H passe one .0p00 sees no 00000 .Hw pm ..0 .m .080H “meadow .msonmonmms esp seam om no 00000 0H0 onH000a00m 0000. m000.m HH0. H0:0.H 5:0. H0:H. asses 00000 0000. mm:0.05a 0H0. 0m05.MHu mHstqmzv H00. :m50.:5 000. 0H05.H sH\gmz :00. 5:00. H00. m0H0. 0000. mmmHo. 000. 0:H0. 0000. 00H0. sHss 5m0. 0000.0Hu ~00. 0:m0.0 0000. 5mm:.m 000. 00:0.H 0000. 0:5m.m assessoo .040 .0000 .mam .0000 .mam .0000 .000 .0000 .020 .0000 mmqm:Hm:> 0::0. 0H00. 0050. 0050. 0050. epmaHpmm 0:» Ho Henna 09000090 N500. 00mm. 50H0. HmHm. H000. mm H030\H200 sssusH assess sun so Asa 000 sHHs 0am nenHm edsno .mwnenm manHmon mpquoHHmeoo nonmenwem. .:H0Hnme 80 Subroutines: DMILAC and DMIDRY The subroutine: DMILAC (AGE, WEEK, PROD, PRODDY, PRODLG, NEIGHT, DMI, DMILAG) is used to estimate dry matter intake over the lactation. Cows are differentiated on the basis of age (i.e. animals - 2 yrs of age at freshening and those 2 3 yrs old at freshen- ing). The intake equation estimated from the analysis of Foldager's data (1977) was used to characterize the intake response curve in early lactation (weeks i 10). An upward adjustment of .5 was added to the constant providing a more reasonable estimate of intake. It is assumed that peak intake has occurred by week 10 into lactation. Intake for weeks > 9 is projected based on intake during the previous month (DMILAG) and adjusted downward to account for decreasing intake as the level of milk production declines (PRODLG - PRODDY). PRODLG refers to average daily milk produced during the previous period and PRODDY refers to daily milk production per day during the present period. A value of .2 is used as the coefficient character- izing the influence of the change in milk production on dry matter intake. This value was derived from analysis of Lamb's data (1973) presented in Table 14. Hillman's analysis of Slack's data (1973) yields a coefficient of .0187 x milk when expressing intake as a 81 percent of bodyweight. Assuming an average bodyweight of 1550 lbs the coefficient becomes: .0187 x 15.5 a .25245 x (milk, lbs) The coefficient found by analyzing Foldager's (1977) data was 3 IA .2578 x (milk, lbs) for cows 2 yrs old .2740 x (milk, lbs) for cows 3 5 yrs old When estimating lbs of dry matter intake, Broster (1978) found the coefficient of: .158 x milk (lbs) The average of the above coefficients is .228. The value used in the model, .2 x milk (lbs), compares favorably with the average value of the coefficients. Intake during the dry period is estimated in the subroutine: DMIDRY (AGE, NEEK, PROD, PRODDY, PRODLG, WEIGHT, DMI, DMILAG) Maximum intake is defined as being equal to intake one period (month) prior to the dry period. Table Eidefines how maximum intake is estimated in the model. 82 Tablels. Estimated Maximum Dry Matter Intake . For Weeks 1 5 9 into Lactation IV DMI, (lbs/day) . 2.50 + 1.03 x (Age 3 2) + .74 x (Age 5) + .0064649 x (Weight, lbs § 2.2) + .20719 x (Production, lbs of milk per day) + 2.0906 x (Week, into lactation) 2 - .155159 x Week + .0046654 x Week3 x 2.2 For Weeks 10 - 40 DMI, (lbs/day) a Dry matter intake during the previous month (DMILAG) - .20 x Change in milk production, (PRODLG - PRODDY) For The Dry Period DMI, (lbs/day) s DMILAG 83 Characteristics of the Diet The effects on dry matter intake of characteristics of the diet such as fermented feeds and energy density are calculated in subsystem: REQLAC (AGE, NEEK, PRODDY, HEIGHT, GRCMTH, NTCHG, ITPCHG, DMI, EN, GP, GA, PHOS, SALT, XNPN, CAPHLB, CAPHUB, FMIMP, ENIMP, CF) DMI is a function of age, week into lactation, milk produc- tion potential, energy density of the diet, and an index of fermintation. The equation used is -- -- ? NEEK -.007 MOISTURE V -.0059 353K- DMI a MOISTURE % if w’EEK 4o. .‘JTCLF -- -- ? WEEK -.025 if WEEK 40. The impact of the fermentation interaction term is equiva- lent to the most severe declension on intake due to fer- mented feeds noted by Hillman gt a1. (1975). The inter- action term may explain differences in the slope grid: found by Hillman gt 5;. (1975) ranging from -.017 to -.025. In the model the impact of fermented feeds is designated as FMIMP. The relationship of DMI and energy density was de- rived from Lamb's data: It is estimated that This compares with Hillman, gt l.'s estimate of 1.76 when estimated net energy (ENE) was used. 84 The impact of energy density is designated as ENIMP in the program. Energy density does not begin to exert a negative effect on intake until energy density exceeds .72 Mcal NEL/lb of dry matter (see Baumgardt 1970). 85 Subsystem: Requirements Maintenance requirements are estimated as a function .75 of metabolic size, wtk8 , while production requirements are a linear function of milk production and the percent fat contained in the milk. Lactation requirements are described in the subroutine: REQLAC (AGE, flEEK, PRODDY, HEIGHT, EN, CP, XNPN, CA, PHOS, XCAPH, SALT) while dry cow requirements are described by the subroutine: REQDRY (AGE, WEEK, WEIGHT, EN, CP, XNPN, CA, PHOS, XCAPH, SALT). Requirements for growth are based on gain per day. Protein and Energy The protein subsystem is relatively crude. Since there is little consensus upon the appropriate conceptual framework, NRC requirements were used in conjunction with an upperbound on supplemental NPN use and NPN as a percent of the total protein. There is controversy concerning protein requirements and utilization of supplementary NPN as a source of protein for high producing cows in early lactation. As there is no evidence demonstrating beneficial effects of supplemental NPN in rations of cows whose require- ments exceed 14% CP in the ration, supplemental NPN is not permitted as a source of protein if requirements exceed this level. Supplemental NPN was restricted to a maximum 86 of 50 percent of the total crude protein requirement. It is not clearly established that energy require- ments per pound of milk produced decreases as a cow's gene- tic potential increases as proposed by Smith (1975) and Blaxter (1962); therefore constant partial efficiencies are included in the model. High producing cows in early lactation have the ability to mobilize significant quantities of body stores thereby helping to meet energy demands when dry matter in- take levels are low. This ability appears to be related to the level of milk produced (Poos g3 g1. 1978, Flatt 22 gl. 1967). Calculations in tablel6 suggest this relation- ship may be approximated by expressing mobilization capacity as a function of the level of milk produced. Amounts of energy available through fat mobilization are not precisely defined; however, based on experiments of Flatt and Moe (Flatt gt 3;. 1967, Flatt 1966, Moe 1971) as well as general observations of amounts of body weight lost during early lactation (Trimberger 23 gl. 1972), the following assump- tions are incorporated in the analysis: 1. Body fat can be used as a source of energy during the first 8 weeks of lactation with up to 50% of daily energy requirements being met during the first 4 weeks of lactation. During weeks 4-8, 15% of requirements can come from body stores. The body fat used in early lactation must be re- plenished during mid and late lactation. .3305 u!— 50: no 508. 05.5 on on: 0505 I35 v33»: .5 9.5052. 503 59 1:60 .02. 5052.0 9 .555. new 50.0 0535.30 .50 .05 0005 a so 0003 one easel-«5:000 e 87 5.5 50.5 05.5 5.0 50.5 00.0 00 0.5 05.5 00.5 5.0 55.5 00.0 00 0.5 05.5 50.5 5.0 00.5 50.0 00 0.0 00.5 05.0 0.0 05.5 55.0 05 0.0 00.5 00.0 0.0 00.5 05.0 00 0.0 55.5 00.0 0.0 00.5 05.0 00 0.0 00.5 55.0 0.0 55.5 55.0 005 5 .005 5.0: u .005 5.9: x55: «0 IVs-3°5— 0500 00 :5 0.05 0:05.: oueoeeu5eveu 0500 00 e5 0005 0005-: nauseou5sven :3 2:0: 0 0.3 2.3.5 :8. a 5:8 0:33. a: .o as 0.2.. u 5:8 3.3:.» as. so 02 0.0 50.5 00.0 0.0 50.0 05.0 00 0.0 00.5 05.0 0.5 00.0 00.5 00 0.0 00.5 05.0 0.0 00.0 50.0 00 5.0 00.5 00.0 5.0 05.0 00.0 05 5.0 05.0 00.0 0.05 05.0 00.05 00 0.5 50.0 00.5 0.05 55.0 00.55 00 0.5 00.0 55.0 0.55 00.0 00.55 005 5 .005 500:. 5 .005 5.9: x55: . no 000905 05.0 00 e5 :3 2.050.— 3039.505..- .000 00 :5 60.3 2.0503 353059550 :3 2.3.: :3 23.: e 5.6. n 5:3 0333-0 00.. no 505 0.8 u 5:00 03-530 A... no 500 30:35:00: no 000300 I no 30503015 05.5.0 :5 00500055500: 50.300 0. 0.0a... 88 2. Fat is assumed to contain 9.0 Mcal of energy per kilogram. Conversion from fat to milk is con- sidered to be .86 efficient (Moe, P. and W. Flatt 1969); therefore it is assumed to contain 7.56 Mcal per kg or 3.4 Mcal per pound. 3. Moe (1971) states that efficiency of gain in mid and late lactation is the same as for milk produc- tion; therefore Mcal required to replenish fat stores can be estimated using NE. Replenishment of body stores is assumed to occur during weeks 12 to 40 of lactation. By week 12 animals should have reached their maximum dry matter intake, and milk production is beginning to decline. After week 40 the animal is approaching the dry period and fattening in the dry period is not recommended. Fat will be replaced evenly during this period by averaging the amount of weight lost over this 196- day period. Energy requirements can be stated as follows: Period 1: let 4 weeks of lactation NEf - «Bu? + 9 Milk - 2r Body Weight Loss Period 2: Weeks 4 - 8 NEE - «BW'75 + 9 Milk - 3' Body Weight Loss Period 3: Weeks 8 - 12 NEf - «Bw'75 + 9 Milk Period 4: Weeks 12 - 4O 89 NE? -¢during the second to allow for growth. Requirements in this study are based upon the animal's growth rate which is estimated in the subroutine: WT (MNTAGE, WTME, WEIGHT, GROflTH). Values of 2.32 Mcal NE and .50 lbs. protein were used per pound of gain for growing lactating cattle based on 1978 NRC. Tables 18 and 19 show how the model accounts for nutrient requirements. 92 TABLE 18. NUTRIENT REQUI.mm T SPECIFICATIONS FOR LACTATING cows. Daily DMI 2 xj _<. DMIma" ENERGY ZEnjaxJ _>. Enr Milk + Enr Maintenance + Enr Growth .t Rnr A Body Weight CRUDE PROTEIN XCP 5‘ 2 CPr Milk + oPr Maintenance 3‘3 + CPr Growth CALCIUM a. ZCaJax. >. Car Milk + Car Maintenance PHOSPHORUS g I. I. :‘.2I?.hos'j xj Z Phos Milk + Phos Maintenance a 2.5 2 Ca; ‘3 a 2.0 Phos.ax J J SALT :ZSalthJ a Saltr Milk + Saltr Maintenance SUPPLEMENTAL ZXNPNJaxJ. . o if 0P1" > .14 z x. NON-PROTEIN a J NITROGEN ZXNPNJ. x3 5 .5 CPr CRUDE FIBER ZijaxJ 2 .16 xJ. where: The superscript a indicates the amount of that variable in feed xj; x. indicates the amount of individual feedstuffs cansidered dry matter basis; and superscript r indicates the amount of that variable that is required for the function stated. 95 TABLE 19. NUTRIENT REQUI anKENT SPECIFICATICNS FCR DRY COJS Dry Cow Requirements DRY MATTER x. S DMI of ultimate week of lactation INTAKE J ENERGY Enda 2 Enr Maintenance and Pregnancy CRUDE CPJa Z CPr Maintenance and Pregnancy PROTEIN CALCIUM & Cada 2 Car Maintenance and Pregnancy PROSPHORUS PhosJ.a Z Phosr Maintenance and Pregnancy CaJ.a 4 100 g. Ca.a ___J__ Phos.a 4 1’5 J SALT ZZSaltja a Saltr Maintenance and Pregnancy Where: The superscript a above a variable indicates the amount of that variable in feed x3; x. indicates the amount of individual feedstuffs c nsidered on a dry matter basis; and superscript r indicates the amount of that variable that is required for the function stated. 94 §ubsystemz Balancing the Ration Using a linear programming (LP) subsystem titled: BAL (DMI, EN, CP, XNPN, CA, PHCS, XCAPH, SALT, F, P, IOPTI) a ration is balanced to meet the daily nutrient requirements of dairy cattle taking into account the nutrient composition of feedstuffs, feed prices and dry matter intake, and weight change. The source of the nutrient composition of feed- stuffs was Teleplan 31, a computer dairy ration balancing program, developed by Harsh, Hillman and Black (1975). Table 20 illustrates the matrix layout of the ration balanc- ing subsystem and the restrictions that are incorporated. 95 a. to: = 0.0- a. w t... = 0.0 : 05o 80:232.. n 05.5 : .550 305555050: «059. I O00 500: 05 "00 H 100: 05 3:050: u 302. «00500. + 58.0 I 0:55P: o H ax 05.02: 0.5 I 5.x queu 000.0 80.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 005.: 000.0 5050.: 000.5 5500.: 0000.: 030 9:50 no.3: h — — _ — _ - 3500030033310 00 e d _ _ _ 0 M 5:5 e se.: 5 I 0 :5-10 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 505.: 000.0 50.0: 000.0 5500.: 000.: 530 5.560 305: 0300;035:2331“. _ . _ _ _ _ _ 5 _ _ .. cue-e353 nu5em + 5555 00500 M 5.x ”-05.00 000.0—000.0 _ 000.0 _000.5— 000.05 000.0- 000.0. 000.0— 80.0- 000.0. 000.0 0:0 50 cue-:33: .502: + u.55: ~09: M x crop—05 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 005.0 000.0 0000.0 0500.0 0500.0 0500.0 550 _ _ L _ 3: eaeoeamoi 8 _ _ . _ _ _ vacancy—.5!- 500 + .25: 010 M 5.x 00.05 000.0 000.0 80.0 000.0 000.0 505.0 000.0 0500.0 050.0 0500.0 5000.0 530 3: 0.55300 00 a e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 M 5 505. .. e 50: 000.0 000.0 000.0 00.5: 00.5: 005... 005.: 050.- 005.0 0500.0 505.: :8 350 .3050 055.5 00 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ £35.50 . ..500 .0 3:33:51: .15 + :55! B00 In 0x e035 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 050.5 000.0 005.0 000.0 505.0 5500 25 5.5009:— uusuu 0° - _ 5 _ 5 r _ _ _ _ e 539.0 kg + I vac-=35:— wuz + 055- “50: M :0 000 + 00 .0025 0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 050.0 000.0 005.0 000.0 .0 55020 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2:5 at: t. s i t 0. x3520 v 5520 :0 + 5.20.0 + .55 000.0 0 2 000.5 000.5 000.5 000.5 000.5 000.5 000.5 000.5 05 3:00 P _ — b h _ _ _ 3—35 .50qu: 0.5 50 55 05 00 emu-0 .50 00 00 .00 00 50 50 5503.030 Jo: .4 q H S O .5 M n. m m .- .. e e- n. . u.- a. a O D 9 r. .500 l m. r ., ... n. u 7 U 7.. D . . a .. I I u 5.3-: cue-5.0 0.5-leaner— 0350 .ON 0.52.5. 96 635.505 .5 amp: 03-5»: :5 5.0 95.0!- osu sou-055.05 050-5»: I 22x51 :5: unto-non:- ofi. 60:05-55“. 0030:0900 52.05.555.05 05 0° unsol- 05 sou-353.5 : : . x 0000 :5 05035.5!» :5 50 90:0.- 05 non-30:5 I 25.5. :1: 35332.:- 2.: 3:05:30 005- 05: 555055. 25» :5 65009 con-yo: 25» e555: 5001. so: .500 0305:9510 0..- 00055 >550... p.55: 00:55.26 .550”. 00 3005050000000 30:00 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0. 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.5: 000.5...0000 105-051 can 00155- 58 no 003:: _ _ _ — — _ _ _ _ — Lo.— :0 3.55.2:an 05 0.5 M 55:170-55- Sou 00A 9509: .500 0 I Sui. 8.3: .8 02 . 05 Jun: 005.530 :05 0:5 I 0 v Jew: .500 0.0 o . 55.5.0 02 + 35:352.. I 000.5I 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 000.0 x: 0 :5 :05 um: + 555-. 5020 0. v cu: no 0.525 .5050 503: no 0550 “can: 05 .5 anon..— I 0 .0552... : 5:0 505 : 5005 n .505 5 000.0 000.0 000.5. 0 v x I — _ m n n u u u u 0 5.302595 00 03.035 55 I 0 . 0 v 5:520 : 530255. I .5020..— 000.0 000.51 000.0 . 550.5200 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0:02 00 yuan-5 55 _,5 . o : 05 M.E. n 08.0 80.0 08.0 80.0 80.0 08.5.. 53.5 05.2.- 33.- 5.: 5.5 .5. u .5 3 3 w 5.0.5 0. : .555. x: — _ 55 S 050.: 0000.: 555.55 0539.... «5500 "2.52 535.305.5030 05 35.51: 8:15- 05:55035 2.0003030 ON 0.52.5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the simulation model are presented including daily feed requirements for cows with varying productive capacity, per lactation budgets, and ENPV and AENPV. Feed prices per lb of dry matter were: shelled corn, 8.042; corn silage, 8.023; alfalfa hay, 8.050; soy- bean meal 44, 8.090; urea, 3.080; dicalcium phosphate, 81.25; limestone, 8.035; and salt, 8.04. Output prices included the cow's salvage value at 8.40/lb and 3.5%-milk at 89.25/cwt. Before showing expected value results generated by the model, examples of the rations generated throughout lactation as well as across the lifespan of cows with vary- ing productive capacity will be presented. Table 21 presents performance characteristics of cows with various production abilities at 3 different ages. Look- ing across lactation feed summaries presented in Table 22, it was found that as production level increases more corn, soybean meal and alfalfa hay are incorporated in the ration while less corn silage and urea are included. The reason less urea is utilized is due to the restriction that urea cannot be included in rations when crude protein exceeds Lm% of the dry matter. The concentrate to forage ratio also increases with production level, ranging from .29 to .49. 97 98 Beyond a level of 22,000 lbs of milk the computer will not balance for rations during months 2 to 3 into lac- tation. As there are herd averages above this level it is apparent that either parameters estimating intake are incor— rect or energy requirements are not constant for cows of different production levels. The feed summary of the cow producing 12,500 lbs milk includes 69 lb urea. 69 lb urea x 2.81 lb protein/lb urea a 194 lb protein 194 lb protein/.44 lb protein/lb soybean meal a 441 lb of soybean meal that were spared by including urea in the ration. 69 lb urea x $.08/lb = $5.52 for urea 441 lb soybean meal x 3.09/1b 2 839.70 for soybean meal This amounts to a savings of approximately $34.00/ cow/yr. Even at the highest level of production 32 lb of urea were utilized. This amount of urea could substitute for over 200 lb of soybean meal amounting to a savings of ap- proximately 815.80/cow/yr. Thus, contrary to pOpular be- lief, urea serves as a source of protein for cows exhibiting high levels of production. (A note of caution is needed here in interpreting these results; actual farm situations shoukinot permit balancing diets for each month within each lactation.) 99 Table 21. Performance Characteristics of Cows of Various ME Milk Production Levels at 3 Different Ages. Age Week 7 Milk Yieldl (lbs) Projected Milk Yield2 (lbs) ME . 15,000 lbs 52.9 11,962 4 66.0 14,452 70.9 15,625 ME = 17,500 lbs 61.7 13.955 4 77.0 16,966 82.7 18,229 ME - 20,000 lbs 70.6 15,949 4 88.0 19,389 94.5 20,835 ME = 22,5005 lbs 79-4 17,945 4 98.9 21,813 6 106.3 25,458 lWeek 7 milk yield is an indication of peak yield. 2This assumes a 12-month calving interval (production for 305 days). 3The model cannot solve beyond a level of 22,500 lbs, suggesting that the amount of energy required per pound of milk might not be constant as proposed by WRC. lOC> cu madman hopsmaoo on» ”depssapmono>o ma can was» new Hams neonhom mo access 0:95 “3090 naonmsmm .oApcn omenou on sumac .coaumm on» non anyone use money we season a mu Hams amonhom o>«mmo0ko 3 .uowuom has one mashed saunas had we use» a. can m. coesumn essence Haas 6300 can» doacaapmo ma pa ”soapmuosa mcwnsu coaumasmmoo sounds and Havoc vmumaapmmm .s~b>«eoedmen .esmee be uses some beeeu new o.H .o.H .0.” .m. .emm. .Nm. .00. «ea pneumoo mopeds and “mamas can mm as no.0Ac meaufipcaso comm .xaas pou_xm.n mcdozuonm .mna coma meanwaoa own we ask é massage sou douwsaama N .N soapmuoma weaned H as. a o.o . a m. a s.a. a 6.: a m.m ooe.mH ooo.om as an 8H mm ea mm am» coma as am se. a m.m a m. a m.H a b.m a m.m 060.5” oom.ua pH we as as es em as omoa as mm mm. a H.m. a an. a m.” a m.o a m.H oom.sH ooo.m~ be mm as me .eH om as can as so am. a 5.: s 6H. a m.a a m.u ma s.H ooH.mH oom.mH ea mm as an as as es own use on emmmmm beeps: eased aseuen use: Heb: he: omensm uses as“: as“: lucusuu hen toaaq awonhom cuaeua< muoo donowc as nnaooa mucosa loam H :HHS Ho m~o>oq mzowua> mcwozcoum msoo new mnmaasm comm soapsvomq .ANN ounce 101 Looking within lactations presented in Tables 23, 24, 25,;K5 amounts of corn and hay in the diet increase until mid lactation and then begin to decline while corn silage exhibits an opposite trend. Amounts of soybean meal steadily decline as lactation progresses until about mid- lactation subsequently being substituted for by urea. This suggests that cows grouped by stage of lactation could utilize urea in diet formulation for cows producing at high levels of milk in late lactation. Cows producing at 17,500 and 19,400 lb are nearly able to meet calcium and phosphorous requirements during mid lactation with little mineral supple- mentation. The largest amount of weight was lost by the cow producing at 19,400 lbs of milk. This amounted to an average daily loss of -2.33 lb for the first 4 week period and -.95 lb for weeks 4-8. ~2.33 lb x 28 days a 65.24 1b -.95 lb x 28 days a 26:6 lb 91.84 lb Thus 91.8 lb were lost during the first 8 weeks of lactation. This amount of weight loss lies within range of that expected (See Trimberger 32 a1. 1972). 102 .oxmusfi access and asapodu .oxmpcfi sounds and asafixmso .nmupma and mo mdosom mm Umuwafipmm 0mm mommmm .pnwfims Ga omnmzo # .Uaowh xafla mawmv mmmnm>¢m .nowpmpoma opsw 0x00; .mna coma wqwnmfios 000 we men 0 300 m moazmmw macaw m.m s.m mo. ma. em. 0 8.6 m.ma s.0 0 m.mm as m.m m.m 00. 0H. 0m. 0 H.u m.¢a 5.0H mm. 0.5m 5m 0.N m.m ma. 0m. mm. 0 0.5 H.¢H ¢.NH mm. m.H¢ mm m.m m.m 0H. mm. 0:. 0 0.0 b.mH 0.¢H mm. ¢.m¢ 0m 0.m 0.m Ha. mm. Nd. 0 0.0H 0.0 5.5H mm. ¢.mm em m.m m.m 0 0 0 m.m 0.¢H 0.m H.5H mm. 0.0m ma m.m m.m 0 0 0 0.¢ H.ma 0.0 0.5a 0H. ¢.00 ma m.m #.m em. 0 0 0.0 0.5 0.¢H 5.0a 0 u.mm Ha m.m m.m um. mm. o m.m 0.5 H.ma e.ma me. u ¢.mu 0 0.N m.m 0m. 0m. 0 3.0 m.0 ¢.ma 0.0 #0.Ha 5.05 m H20 H20 ocopmmafin Hwosaa son: H802 hum mmwawm 00900 :9; mmgHs mama; N904 0x85 ammnhom mmammad choc 8:2 same so mpg 80.3 mafiosmopm 300 a mo soapmasmqoo 000m .mm magma 105 9008 awmnhom 0900000 9H .9009“ 000 309000 90 009500 0 mm 9090 0:9 0909 03090 00900 ma .009 30.3 a 0009>onq “mna m0.m mm; 90080995009 090909m 0 .090909 909908 had 90:90d3 .090909 909905 and 8589302 0 .909908 390 90 000:09 00 009089900 090 mcommm .900903 09 000090 d .camwh xaaa haamc 00090>,xNREV(I), + DNREV(I) PRINT 640 800 FORMAT(IX,14P8.2) CC 343 MNTAGE-MNTAGE+1 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 190 200 210 220 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 CC 340 CC 300 CC CC CC 807 500 804 CC CC CC CONTINUE AGE-AGE+1 PRINT 640 PRINT 640 CONTINUE EVALUE-OO CUMODD-I. AGE-AGEINT D0 500 I-1,N0LAC J-I-I IF(I.LT.NOLAC)ODDS-1.-(.95-.0183*ACE) IF(I.LT.NOLAC)CUMODD-CUMODD-ODDS IP(I.EQ.NOLAC)0DDS-CUMODD IP(I.EQ.1)xNPV(I)-DNREV(I) IE(I.CT.1)XNPV(1)-xNPv(J)+DNREV(I) xx-(1.+RATE)**I SALVG-WBIGHT*PRSAL/XX ANPV(£)-(XNPV(I)+SALVC)*(RATE*XX/(XX-1.)) PRINT 807,xNPV(I),SAch,ANPV(I),ODDS PRINT 800,(TF(I,K),K-1,8) P0RNAT(1R,5P10.2) EVALUE-EVALUE+ODDS*ANPV(I) ACE-ACE+1 PRINT 806,EVALUE FORMAT(1X,'EXPECTED ANNUALIZED NPV Is:',P10.1) END SUBROUTINE WT(MNTAGE,WTME,WEIGHT,GROWTH) CC CALCULATES WEIGHT BASED ON EXPECTED MATURE WEIGHT(ENTERED BY THE CC USER) AND MONTHS OF AGE. CC BASED UPON:MC'DANIEL,B.T. AND J.E.LEGATES,"ASSOCIATIONS CC CC CC BETWEEN BODY WEIGHT PREDICTED FROM HEART GIRTH AND PRODUCTION,J.DAIRY SCI.,48:947.1965. CC DEFINITIONS: CC CC CC MNTAGE ACE IN NDNTNS NTNE ESTIMATED NATURE NEICRT CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CC CC CC IF(MNTACE.GE.84) GO TO 10 AGE-MNTAGE TEMPI.5161+.01423*AGE-.000139*AGE*AGE+.00000045*AGE *AGE*AGE WEIGHT-TEMP*WTME CC SECTION T0 CALCULATE THE GROWTH RATE, LBS/DAY. CC CALCULATED BY CALCULATING THE CHANGE IN WEIGHT OVER THE CC PERIOD OF A MONTH AND DIVIDING THAT RESULT BY 30 DAYS. CC CC CC AGETMP-AGE-1. TEMP1-.5161+.01423*AGETMP-.000139*AGETMP*AGETMP+ .00000O45*AGETMP*AGETMP*AGETMP WT1-TEMP1*WTME GROWTH-(WEIGHT-WT1)/30. ‘IVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVV 130 CC RETURN 10 GROWTH'O. WEIGHT-WTME RETURN CC END CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUBROUTINE XMATEQ(MNTAGE,MONTH,XMEMLK,XMEFAT) CC COMPLETED ON JULY 4,1978 CC CALCULATES THE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR TO TAKE A COW OF ANY CC AGE AND CONVERT HER TO A "MATURE EQUIVALENT" BASIS. CC BASED ON: NORMAN,P.ET.AL."USDA-DHIA FACTORS FOR STANDARDIZING CC 305-DAY LACTATION RECORDS FOR AGE AND MONTH OF CALVING"ARS-NE-40 CC 1974.THE DATA FOR XMNMLK AND XMNFAT ADJUST MILK YIELD FOR CC MONTH OF CALVING USING JANURARY AS A STANDARD REFERENCE. CC DEFINITIONS: CC AGEMNT: AGE IN MONTHS V CC XMEMLK: MATURE EQUIVALENT FACTOR FOR MILK CC XMEFAT: MATURE EQUIVALENT FACTOR FOR BUTTER FAT CC XMNMLK: MONTH OF CALVING ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR MILK CC XMNFAT: MONTH OF CALVING ADJUSTMENT FACTOR FOR BUTTER FAT CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DIMENSION XMNMLK(12),XMNFAT(12) DATA XMNMLK/0.,.02,.02,.O4,.06,.09,.12,.12,.08,.04,.02,.02/ DATA XMNFAT/O.,.01,.02,.04,.06,.08,.1,1.,.05,.02,.0,.0/ CC AGEMNT-MNTAGE CC IF(AGEMNT.LE.70.)XMEMLKI.809+(10.68/AGEMNT) IF(AGEMNT.GT.70..AND.AGEMNT.LE.94.)XMEMLK-.96 IF(AGEMNT.GT.94.)XMEMLK-.96+.0016*(AGEMNT-94.) XMEMLK-XMEMLK+XMNMLK(MONTH) CC IF(AGEMNT.LE~73.)XMEFAT-.817+(10.276/AGEMNT) IF(AGEMNT.GT.73..AND.AGEMNT.LE.80.)XMEFAT-.96 IF(AGEMNT.GT.80.)XMEFAT-.96+.0014*(AGEMNT-80.) XMEFAT-XMEFAT+XMNFAT(MONTH) ‘ CC RETURN END CC OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CCOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUBROUTINE XLACT(AGE,WEEK,PRODYR,PRODDY) CC“CALCULATES MILK/DAY FROM LACTATION CURVE CC DEFINITIONS: CC AGE LACTATION NUMBER CC WEEK WEEKS INTO LACTATION CC PRODYR ANNUAL PRODUCTION,LBS MILK CC PRODY AVERAGE DAILY PRODUCTION FOR WEEK N INTO CC LACTATION CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DIMENSION A(3,3) DATA A/3.661,.093,.00291, + 3.708,.129,.OO486, + 3.593,.165,.OO486/ DAY.REEK* 7 o IAGE-AGE IF(AGE.GE.3)IACE.3 CC CC ADJUST INTERCEPT OF EQUATION FOR THE PRODUCTION OF THE VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV-VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 630 131 CC COW RELATIVE TO THE "STANDARD - 12,000 LB" COW. SEE: SHULTZ CC A.A., "FACTORS AFFECTING THE SHAPE OF THE LACTATION CC CURVE AND ITS MATHEMATICAL DESCRIPTION,MASTER'S THESIS, CC U OF WISCONSIN,1974. CC TEMP-A(1,IAGE)+ALOG(PRODYR/12000.) CC PRODDY-EXP(TEMP+A(2,IAGE)*ALOG(DAY)-A(3,IAGE)*DAY) RETURN END CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SUBROUTINE DMILAC(AGE,WEEK,PROD,PRODDY,PRODLG,WEIGHT, 8 DMI,DMILAG) CC A CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CC POTENTIAL DRY MATTER INTAKE CC CC CC **** OBJECTIVE **** CC ESTIMATES DAILY DRY MATTER INTAKE.THE REGRESSION ESTIMATING CC INTAKE DURING EARLY LACTATION(WEEKS 1 TO 9),IS BASED ON CC DATA OF: FOLDACER,J."PROTEIN REQUIREMENT AND NON PROTEIN NITROG CC FOR HIGH PRODUCING COWS IN EARLY LACTATION,"PH.D.THESIS,MICH. CC STATE UNIV.,E.LANSING.1977. INTERCEPT ADJUSTMENT(UPWARD)WAS CC INCORPORATED BASED ON: TRIMBERGER,G.W., ET AL. CORNELL BULLETIN CC N008519720 CC BEYOND WEEK 9 INTO LACTATION INTAKE IS ADJUSTED DOWNWARD CC CONSIDERING THE IMPACT OF CHANGE IN MILK YIELD ON DRY MATTER CC INTAKE(DMI).THIS ADJUSTMENT IS BASED ON DATA OF:SLACK,S. ET AL. CC BULLETIN NO.957,CORNELL UNIV.AGRIC.EXP.STA.,ITHACA,NEW YORK CC 1960. FOLDAGER,J.,PH.D.THESIS,MSU,1977. AND LAMB,R.C. CC ET AL.,J.DAIRY SCI.57:811.1973. CC THE IMPACTS OF ENERGY DENSITY AND FERMENTATION UPON DMI IS CC ACCOUNTED FOR IN THE L.P. MATRIX. CC CC **** DEFINITIONS **** CC WEEK NUMBER OF WEEKS INTO THE LACTATION CC PROD MILK PRODUCTION, LES/DAY DURING WEEKS 6 TO 8 CC PRODDY MILK PRODUCTION,LBS/DAY CC PRODLG PRODUCTION IN PREVIOUS PERIOD,LBS/DAY CC WEICRT' COW'S BODY WEIGHT AT CALVING, LES CC DMI DRY MATTER INTAKE, LES/DAY CC DMILAG DRY MATTER INTAKE IN PREVIOUS PERIOD,LBS/DAY CC ACE A2 IS TWO YR OLD CC A3 IS THREE YEAR OLD CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CC CC IP(AGE.LE.2)AGE2-1. IE(AGE.GT.2)AGEZ.O. IF(AGEOEQ03)A683.10 IF(AGE.NE.3)AGE3'O. CC DMI-2.30+1.0S*ACE2+.74*ACE3 6 +.OOO4649*(WEIGHT/2.2)+.ZO719*(PROD/2.2) CC IE(WEER.LE.9.)DMI'(DMI+2.0906*WEEK-.183139*WEEK*WEEK 8 +.0046684*WEEK*WEER*WEER)*2.2 CC IF(WEEK.CT.9.)DMI'DMILAG-.20*(PRODLG-PRODDY) CC RETURN END CC CC VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvvv 640 650 660 670 132 SUBROUTINE DMIDRY(AGE,WEEK,PROD,PRODDY,PRODLG,WEIGHT, 6 DMI,DMILAG) CC DMI-DMILAG CC RETURN END CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CC SUBROUTINE REQLAC(AGE,WEEK,PRODDY,WEICHT,GROWTH, & WTCHG,ITPCHG,DMI,EN,CP,CA,PHOS,SALT,XNPN,CAPHLB, 5 CAPHUB,FMIMP,ENIMP) CC BASED UPON THE 1978 DAIRY NRC CC IMPACT OF FERMENTED FEEDS AND ENERGY DENSITY OF THE CC RATION ADDED DURING OCT.1978. CC IMPACT OF ENERGY MOBILIZATION FROM BACKFAT DEVELOPED CC DURING SEPTEMBER 1978. CC DEFINITIONS: CC EN NET ENERGY FOR LACTATION,MCAL/DAY CC CP CRUDE PROTEIN,LBS/DAY CC CA CALCIUM,LBS/DAY CC PHOS PHOSPHORUS,LBS/DAY CC CAPHLB MINIMUM CALCIUM TO PHOSPHORUS RATIO CC CAPHUB MAXIMUM CALCIUM TO PHOSPHORUS RATIO CC SALT SALT REQUIREMENT,LBS/DAY CC CF CRUDE FIBER,LBS/LB OF DRY MATTER CC FMIMP IMPACT ON DRY MATTER INTAKE(DMI)PER CWT CC OF BODY WEIGHT OF A ONE PERCENT INCREASE CC IN THE MOISTURE CONTENT OF THE DIET.MOISTURE CC ACTS AS A PROXY FOR THE IMPACT OF FERMENTED CC FEEDS.BASED ON DATA OF:BROWN,L.D. ET AL., CC "EFFECTS OF FEEDING VARIOUS LEVELS OF CORN CC SILAGE AND HAY WITH HIGH LEVELS OF GRAIN CC TO LACTATING DAIRY COWS," J.DAIRY SCI., CC 48:816.1965. CC XNPN UPPER BOUND ON SUPPLEMENTAL NPN AS A FRACTION CC OF CRUDE PROTEIN CC FATPCT PERCENT BUTTER FAT IN THE MILK CC WTCHG CHANGE IN THE AMOUNT OF BODY FAT/COW/DAY.THE CC 6 COW IS PERMITTED TO LOOSE WEIGHT DURING THE CC FIRST EIGHT WEEKS OF LACTATION.THE WEIGHT CC MUST BE REGAINED DURING WEEKS 13 THROUGH 40. CC BASED ON:FLATT,W.P. ET AL."ENERGY UTILIZATION CC BY HIGH PRODUCING DAIRY COWS.II.SUMARY OF CC - ENERGY BALANCE EXPERIMENTS WITH LACTATING CC HOLSTEIN COWS."ENERGY METABOLISM OF FARM CC ANIMALS.(ORIEL PRESS LTD.:NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE CC ENGLAND)1967.P.235. AND TRIMBERGER,G.W. CC ET AL."EFFECTS OF LIBERAL CONCENTRATE FEEDING CC ON HEALTH,REPRODUCTIVE EFFICIENCY,ECONOMY CC OF MILK PRODUCTION AND RELATED RESPONSES OF CC THE DAIRY COW."FOOD AND LIFE SCIENCES BULL. CC #8.CORNELL UNIV.ITHACA,NEW YORK.1972. CC ITPCHG FLAG TO DEPICT WHETHER WTCHG IS A GAIN OR LOSS. CC WTLOSS TOTAL FAT LOSS OVER THE FIRST 60 DAYS OF LACT. CC LOSS IS REGAINED DURING THE 196 DAYS OF WEEKS CC 13 THROUGH 40. ~ CC ENIMP IMPACT ON DRY MATTER INTAKE PER CWT OF BODY CC WEIGHT OF A ONE MCAL CHANGE IN NET ENERGY CC OF LACTATION PER LB OF DRY MATTER.BASED ON CC DATA OF: LAMB,R.C. ET AL."RESPONSE TO V V‘IV VVIV V\IV V‘IV V‘IV V\/V V\IV V\IV V\IV V\/V V‘IV.V\IV V‘IV V\/V V\/V V\IV V\IV V\IV V\IV V\/V V\/VV’V 1270 1280 1290 1300 1310 155 CC CONCENTRATES CONTAINING TWO PERCENTS 0F CC PROTEIN FED AT FOUR RATES FOR COMPLETE CC LACTATIONS," J.DAIRY SCI.,57:811.1973. cco0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000oooooooooooooooooo cc cc FATPCT-3.5 NTRc-NEIcaT/2.2 WTMTKG-WTKG**.75 CC EN-.O7996*WTMTKG+(.31+.O429*(FATPCT-3.5))*PRODDY 6 +GROWTH*2.32 CP-.00908*RTNTRC+(.082+.o1o7*(PATPCT-3.5))*PR0DDY 6 +GROWTB*.5 CA-.OOO38*WTMTKG+(.0026+.00022*(FATPCT-3.5))*PRODDY PHOS-.0003*WTMTKG+(.0018+.000067* 8 (FATPCT-3.5))*PRODDY SALT-.00009031*NEICRT+.00022*PRODDT CC IF(WEEK.LE.4.)WTCHG-(EN*.3/3.4) IF(W£EK.GT.4..AND.WEEK.LE.8.)WTCEG-(EN‘.15/3.4) IP(NEER.LE.8.)ITPCRc-1 IF(WEEK0G1080)ITPCHG.2 cc PCTCP-CP/DMI IP(PCTCP.GT..14)XNPN-O. IF(PCTCP.LE..14)XNPN-.3O CAPHLB-2. CAPHUB-2.5 CC IF(WEEK.LE.40.)FMIMP-(.OO7+.OOO39*WEEK)*(WEIGHT/100.) IF(WEEK.GT.40)FMIMP-.023*(WEIGHT/100.) ENIMP-1.76*(WEIGHTI100.) CF-.16 CC CC RETURN END CC CC ' SUBROUTINE REQDRY(AGE,WEEK,PRODDY,WEIGHT,GROWTH, 8 WTCHG,ITPCHG,DMI,EN,CP,CA,PHOS,SALT,XNPN,CAPHLB, & CAPHUB,FMIMP,ENIMP) CC CC VERSION AS OF JULY 26,1978 CC wac-NEICET/2.2 WTMTKG-WTKG**.75 CC ENI.1040*WTMTKG+CROWTH*2.32 CP-.017*WTMTKG+GROWTH*.5 CA-.00066*WTMTKG PHOS-.OOO46*WTMTKG SALT-(.041*WEIGHT)/454. CC WTCHG-O. IF(WEEK.LE.8.)ITPCHG-1 IF(WEEK.GT.8.)ITPCHG-2 CC CAPHLB-1. CAPHUB-1.5 CC XNPN-.3 CC CC ‘IVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV V'vA/v V\IV v IVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 151+ ENIMP-.023*(WEIGHT/100.) ENIMP-1.76*(WEIGHT/IOO.) CF-o 25 CC RETURN END CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000000000000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000000000000000000000000000 SUBROUTINE BAL(DMI,EN,CP,CA,PHOS,SALT,XNPN,CAPHLB, + CAPHUB,FMIMP,ENIMP,WTCHG,ITPCHG,F,P,IOPT1) cc VERSION: JULY 5,1978 CC BALANCES A RATION IN A LEAST COST MANNER CONSIDERING: CC NUTRIENT REQ.,NUT.RESTRICTIONS,POTENTIAL DRY MATTER INTAKE CC (DMI),THE EPPECTS OF ENERGY DENSITY AND PERMENTATION OP PEEDS 0 CC DMI AND TEE ABILITY OP cows T0 DRAW UPON PAT RESERVES IN EARLY cc LACTATION. BODY FAT 13 PRICED AT A RELATIVELY HIGH PRICE AND 13 CC DRAWN IN As A SOURCE 0P ENERGY NREN THE RATION WILL NOT CC OTHERWISE EALANCE(DURINC EARLY LACT.) CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CC CC COMMON/LP/DPM(16,36),RNS(16),ISACOL(16),INACT(16), + IRwTY(16),OEJ(36).ZC(36) COMMON/NUT/A(8.9) DIMENSION 8(16), P(8),P(8),ACT(36) DIMENSION TEMP(16) DOUELE PRECISION DPM,RES,OSJ,zC CC CC“? IS THE 2 OF EACH EEED IN TEE DIET DRY MATTER (8 PEEDS) CC P 18 THE PRICE OP FEEDSTUFF. $ILE CC RECALL, IBM READS DATA ACCORDING TO A(1,1), A(2,1), CC A(2,2),ETC. cc cc *****MATRIX LAYOUT FOR DPM*** cc CC Rows: CC 1 - DM INTAKE, LES. cc 2 - NET ENERGY, MCAL CC 3 - CRUDE PROTEIN, LBS. CC 4 - CRUDE FIBER, LBS cc 5 - CA CC 6 - PROS CC 7 - SALT CC 8 - CALCIUM:PEOSPROROUS RATIO (LOWER BOUND) cc 9 - CALCIUM:PROSPROROUS RATIO (UPPER SOUND) CC 10 - SUPPLEMENTAL NPN:CRUDE PROTEIN RATIO cc 11 - IMPACT OP NET ENERGY/LE ON DRY MATTER INTAKE cc 12 - IMPACT OE PERMENTATED PEEDS ON DRY MATTER INTAKE- CC 13 - UPPER ROUND ON WEIGHT LOSS DURING 1ST 8 NEERS. CC MEASURES WEIGHT GAIN TREREAPTER. CC 14 - CONSTRAINTS ON zACEs 0P CORN SILAGE AND ALPALPA CC IN THE 'ROUGEAGE' cc CC COLUMNS: cc 1 - CORN GRAIN cc 2 - CORN SILAGE CC 3 - ALPALPA cc 4 - SOY 44 CC 5 - UREA cc 6 - DICAL cc 7 - LIMESTONE CC 8 - SALT CC 9 - IMPACT OP PERMENTED PEEDS 0N DRY MATTER INTAKE, LES CC 10 - IMPACT OP NET ENERGY/LR 0N DRY MATTER INTAKE, LES. cc 11 - NEIGET LOSS (GAIN) V\IV V‘IV‘V\IV V‘IV V\IV V\IV V\IV V\IV VNIV V\IV V\IV'K\IV V\IV V\IV’V\IV V\IV V\IV\IV‘VVVIV‘V‘IV\IV\MIV\IV' C C CC 17 155 NROW-16 JREAL-ll JCOL-ll C . C ZERO OUT ACT(J),OBJ(J) DO 17 J-l,36 ACT‘J)-00 ODJ(J)-0o CCTZERO OUT DPH CC CC 20 16 DO 20 [-1.16 DO 20 J-1.36 DPM(I,J)-O. DO 16 J-l,8 OBJ(J)--P(J) IF(ITPCRG.EQ.1)ODJ(11)--.20 IF(ITPCHGOEQ02)OBJ(11)-o20 CC“LOAD DPH CC CC CC CC CC 30 DO 30 J-1,8 DPM(1,J)-A(J,1) DPM(2,J)-A(J,2) DPM(3,J)-A(J.3) DPM(4,J)-A(J.4)-.16 DPM(5,J)-A(J,5) DPM(6,J)-A(J,6) DPM(7,J)-A(J,7) DPM(8,J)-A(J,S)-CAPHLB*A(J,6) DPM(9,J)-A(J,S)-CAPHUB*A(J,6) DPM(10,J)-A(J,9)-XNPN*A(J,3) DPM(11,J)-(.72-A(J,2))/DMI DPM(12,J)-(A(J,8)*100.-20.)IDMI CONTINUE DPH(14,2)--1. DPH(12,9)--l. DPM(1,9)-FHIMP DPM(11,10)-él. DPH(1,10)-ENIHP IP(ITPCHC.EQ-1)DPM(2,11)-3o6 IF(ITPCHC.GE.2)DPH(2,11)--4o8 DPH(13,11)'1. CCTLOAD RESTRICTIONS CC RHS(1)-DMI RNS(2)-EN RBS(3)-CP RHS(4)-0. RBS(5)-CA RHS(6)-PBOS RHS(7)-SALT RBS(8)-0. RBS(9)-0. RDS(10)-O. RHS(11)-O. RBS(12)-O. RBS(13)-HTCHG RHS(16)-O. IRWTY(1)-l IRWTY(2)-2 IRWTY(3)'3 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV'JVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV CC 156 IRNTY(b)-3 IRNTY(5)-3 IRWTY(6)-3 IRWTY(7)-3 IRNTY(8)-3 IRWTY(9)-l IRWTY(10)-1 IRWTY(11)-l IRWTY(12)-1 IF(ITPCHG.EQ.1)IRWTY(13)-1 IF(ITPCRG.GE.2)IRWTY(13)-2 IRNTY(16)-1 DO 93 I-1,NRON CC“B(I) ARE THE RESTRICTIONS 93 CC B(I)-RRS(I) CC‘FILL IN SLACKS AND ARTIFICIALS 90 CC CC DO 90 I-l,NROU CALL RONSET(I,JCOL) IF(IOPT1-EQ.2)CALL LPDUMP(NROW,JCOL) CC‘CALL SOLUTION ALGORITHM(SINPLEX) CC CC“SET 110 100 CC 2040 CC CC CALL LPSOL(NROU,JCOL,ISOLTY,OBJV) ACTIVITIES IN ASCENDING ORDER DO 100 I-l,NROW DO 110 J-1,JCOL IF(INACT(I).NE.J)CO TO 110 ACT(J)-RHS(I) GO TO 100 CONTINUE CONTINUE DO 2040 J-l,8 F(J)-ACT(J) WTCHG-ACT(11) DO 2008 I-lyNRON IF(IRWTY(I).LE.2)TEMP(I)-E(I)-ACT(ISACOL(I)) CCCTEHP REFERS TO TEE AMMOUNT OP REQUIREMENTS DELIVERED 2008 CC CC 2004 2002 CC 2000 2060 CC 2070 CC IF(IRWTY(I).GT.2)TENP(I)-B(I)+ACT(ISACOL(I)+1) CONTINUE IF(IOPT1.LT.2)GO TO 2020 PRINT 2006 FORMAT(/) PRINT 2002 FORMAT(1X,'**RESULTS ARE**') PRINT 2000,ISOLTY,OBJV FORMAT(IX,IS,3P10.3) PRINT 2006 PRINT 2060,(ACT(J),J-1,11) FORMAT(1X,11F7.3) PRINT 2006 PRINT 2070,(B(I),I-1,NROU) PRINT 2070,(TEMP(I),I-1,NROU) FORMAT(1X,14F6.2) PRINT 2006 VVVVVVVVVVVVVV.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVvv 157 2020 RETURN END CCOOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CC0000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CC CC BLOCK DATA CC CC NUTRIENT DENSITY OF THE FEEDSTUFPS CC CONTAINS THE NUTRIENT DENSITY OF THE FEEDS BASED ON: NARSE CC S. ET AL."TELPLAN 31:LEAST COST RATION,"MICH.STATE UNIV.,E. CC LANSING.1971. CC0000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COMMON/NUT/A(8,9) CC PEEDSTUPPS(COLUMNS) cc 1-CORN CC 2-CORN SILAGE CC 3-ALPALPA cc A-SOY 66 cc s-UREA cc 6-DICAL cc 7-LIMESTONE cc 8-SALT CC Rows CC I-NEIGNT cc z-NE CC 3-CP cc 6-CRUDE PIBER CC s-CA CC G-PHOS CC 7-SALT CC 8-MOISTURE CC 9-NPN PROTEIN DATA A/1.000,1.000,l.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000,1.000, 0.950,0.700,0.640,0.870,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000. 0.101,0.080,0.169,0.508,2.810,0.000,0.000,0.000, 0.023,0.259,0.309,0.060,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000, .0002,.0028,0.013,.0028,0.000,0.231,0.338,0.000, .0026;.0020,.0020,.0064,0.000,0.186,0.000,0.000, .00,Oo,00,00.00,00,00,100, 0.140,0.680,0.108,0.100,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000, 0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,2.810,0.000,0.000,0.000/ ++++++++ CC END CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO000000 CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CC CC SUBROUTINE ROWSET(I,JCOL) CC CC CC THESE SUBROUTINES ARE USED IN THE BALANCE SUBROUTINE TO CC FORMULATE A LEAST COST RATION. CC CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CC CC COMMON/LP/DPM(16,36),RHS(16),ISACOL(16),INACT(16), + IRWTY(16),OEJ(36),ZC(36) DOUBLE PRECISION DPM,RES,OEJ,ZC JCOL-JCOL+1 INACT(I)-JCOL ISACOL(I)-JCOL DPM(I,JCOL)-1. IP(IRNTY(I).GT.1) GO TO 202 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 820 830 860 850 860 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 960 950 202 160 200 102 103 106 101 600 112 113 115 120 110 165 158 OBJ(JCOL)-0. GO TO 160 OBJ(JCOL)--(9*(10**S)) IF(IRWTY(I).EQ.2) GO TO 160 JCOL-JCOL+1 DPH(I,JCOL)--1 OBJ(JCOL)-0. RETURN END SUBROUTINE LPSOL(NORON,NOCOL,ISOLTY,OBJV) A SUBROUTINE TO SOLVE LINEAR PROGRAM PROBLEMS DEVELOPED BY STEVE HARSN, DEPT OF AGR. ECON., MICE. STATE UNIV., EAST LANSING, 68826 FOLLOWS BASIC OUTLINE OF CHURCHHAN, ET. AL. COMMON/LP/DPM(16,36),RHS(16),ISACOL(16),INACT(16), + IRNTY(16),OBJ(36).ZC(36) DOUBLE PRECISION DPM,RHS,OBJ,ZC DOUBLE PRECISION COLKEY,R,RMIN,R1,R2,X,ZCHX,Z DIMENSION COLKEY(16) OBJv-O. HXITER'NORO"*6 NOITER'-1 NOITER'NOITER+1 JZCMX'O JZCHx-O ZCMX'O. DO 101 J-1,NOCOL,1 Z'O. DO 102 I-1,NOROW,1 K'INACT(I) ZIZ+(DPH(I,J)*OEJ(K)) ZC(J)'Z-ODJ(J) IF(EC(J))103,101,101 IF(ZC(J)-ZCMX)IO6,101,101 ZCHXIZC(J) JZCMx-J CONTINUE IF(JZCMX .CT. O)Go TO 110 IF(NOITER.GT¢O) GO TO 112 ISOLTY'O RETURN ISOLTY'E RETURN XI-(9*(10**5)) DO 115 I-1,NOROW,1 J-INACT(I) IF(RNS(I).LT..OOOI)GO TO 113 IF(OBJ(J) .EQo X)GO TO 600 IP(IRNTY(I).EO.1)GO TO 115 J-ISACOL(I) ZC(J)'ZC(J)+X CONTINUE OBJv-OO DO 120 I'1,NOROW,1 K-INACT(I) OBJV'OEJV+(RHS(I)*ODJ(K)) ISOLTY‘I RETURN IP(NOITER.LT-HXITER)GO TO 165 ISOLTY'6 RETURN ERIN-9999999999. NKR-O DO 150 I-I,NOROW,1 VV'VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV.VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV CC CC 151 155 156 160 150 169 170 176 175 10 20 30 60 50 60 70 75 120 125 136 135 139 IF(DPH(I,JZCMX))150,150,151 R-RRS(I)/DPM(I,J2CMX) IP(R-RMIN)155,156,150 RMIN-R NKR-I GO TO 150 D0 160 J-1,NOCOL,1 R1-DPM(NRR,J)/DPM(NRR,J2CMX) R2-DPM(I,J)/DPM(I,JZCMX) IF(R2-R1)155,160,150 CONTINUE ISOLTY-s RETURN CONTINUE IP(NRR.GE.1)GO T0169 ISOLTY-3 RETURN INACT