TLJCQYS u Ll] mun; Jig“!!! 1w ll! all“ mg: n; Ill] l II This is to certify that the thesis entitled STOMATAL RESPONSES TO LIGHT IN XANTHIUM STRUMARIUM AND OTHER SPECIES presented by Thomas David Sharkey has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for ?A.D degreein RMW Mm gum/a. Major professor Date 2‘9 DZC‘ /7"Zj 0-7 639 OVERDUE FINES: 25¢ per day per item RETURNING LIBRARY MATERIALS: Place in book return to remove charge from circulation records STOMATAL RESPONSES TO LIGHT IN XANTHIUM STRUMARIUM AND OTHER SPECIES By Thomas David Sharkey A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Botany and Plant Pathology 1979 ABSTRACT STOMATAL RESPONSES TO LIGHT IN XANTHIUM STRUMARIUM AND OTHER SPECIES By Thomas David Sharkey The stomatal response to light was investigated with detached leaves in an attempt to answer the following questions: l. To what degree do stomata respond to light indirectly via the effect of photosynthesis on the concentration of C02 inside the leaf? 2. How do factors other than light influence the stomatal response to light? 3. what are the photoreceptors involved in the stomatal response to light? Stomatal conductance was monitored by measuring the humidification of air that had passed over a leaf and the water vapor concentration difference between the inside and outside of the leaf. It was shown that stomata of leaves of Xanthium strumarium responded to light when photosynthesis was eliminated by the electron transport inhibitor'cyanazine (2-chloro-4-(l-cyano-l-methylethyl amino)-6-ethyl amino-s-triazine). An analysis of slopes of curves relating stomatal conductance to light intensity and intercellular C02 concentration indicates that the response to light of stomata of g, strumarium, Phaseolus vulgaris, Perilla frutescens, and Gossypium hirsutum is for the most part not mediated by changes in the intercellular CO2 concen- tration. However, in ggg_mays at low irradiance, the light-dependent depletion of C02 inside the leaf provided more than one-half of the 7 opening stimulus. At high irradiance in 5, mays, the intercellular C02 Thomas David Sharkey concentration did not vary with changes in irradiance and since it is known that the stomatal response to 602 is not strong enough to keep the intercellular C02 concentration constant, it is concluded that the stomata were responding directly to light. Although the stomatal response to light generally did not depend on the stomatal response to C02, the stomata of all of the species studied here did open when the C02 concentration was lowered. However, in E, frutescens, E. vulgaris, and 5, strumarium the stomatal response to CO2 was diminished or absent at high irradiance. In 1, strumarium, it was demonstrated that the direct stomatal response to light was dimin- ished at high C02 concentrations. Abscisic acid, humidity, and leaf temperature affected the stomatal response to light in such a way that the various curves were coincident when they were plotted as a percentage ‘ of the conductance at the highest irradiance. Experiments with leaves illuminated on either the adaxial or abaxial surface indicate that the photoreceptor pigment for the direct stomatal response to light is in the epidermis, presumably in the guard cells. An action spectrum of stomatal opening in §: strumarium showed that blue light was very effective, while red light was one-tenth to one-fifth as effective as blue light, and green light was hardly effective at all. The responses of stomata and C02 assimilation to red light had similar action spectra and were both eliminated by cyanazine. This evidence shows that chlorophyll is the pigment responsible for the red light response of stomata. The red light response was not, however, mediated by photosynthesis-dependent changes in the intercellular C02 concen- tration, since the ambient C02 concentration was manipulated to keep the internal C02 concentration constant. Thomas David Sharkey The blue light response of stomata was only slightly reduced by cyanazine. This indicates that a photoreceptor pigment other than chlorophyll is also involved in the stomatal response to light. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I thank the people of the Plant Research Laboratory and the rest of the University for the rich and rewarding experiences I have had while carrying out this research. Each member of my guidance committee, Klaus Raschke, Norman Good, Kenneth Poff, and Jan Zeevaart, has given me thoughtful advice and constructive criticism which has been of great help. I thank my major professor, Klaus Raschke, for providing an environment that was stimu- lating and challenging. . I thank Graham Farquhar for his teaching, advice, and encouragement while I was first learning about measuring gas exchange of leaves. For encouragement, editorial assistance, and typing, I thank my wife, Paulette Bochnig. This research was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract EY-76-C-02-1338. 11° TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF FIGURES KEY TO SYMBOLS INTRODUCTION . The Stomatal Mechanism . Stomatal Responses to Light and Other Environmental Factors Effect of Light Quality on Stomatal Opening . Possible Effects of Light on Guard Cells . MATERIALS AND METHODS Analysis of Slopes Gas Analysis . Light . . . . Plants . . . . Procedure . RESULTS Measurement of Direct and Indirect Stomatal Responses to White Light . . Interactions between Stomatal Responses to White Light and CO . Effect Of ABA, Humidity, and Leaf Temperature on the Stomatal Response to White Light . . Inverted Leaf Experiments . Effect of Light Quality on Stomatal Conductance and Assimilation . . DISCUSSION Direct Versus Indirect Effects of Light on Stomata . . Mesophyll- Dependent Versus Mesophyll-Independent Effects of Light on Stomata . Interactions between Responses to Light and CO2, ABA, Leaf Temperature, and Vapor Pressure Deficit. . . Effects of Light, C02, and ABA on Guard Cells Effect of Light Quality on Stomatal Opening iii Page vi viii (DUINN H 19 29 32 43 43 71 71 73 73 76 Page Action Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . 77 ‘ Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 LIST OF REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . 84 APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Absorption of Light by Leaves . . . . . . . 89 iv Table LIST OF TABLES Effect of light on stomatal conductance and assimilation using cyanazine treated leaves. Effect of light on stomatal conductance and assimilation of leaves. Values for partial differentials. Intercellular C02 concentration, stomatal conductance, and assimilation rate at four light levels. Effect of red or blue light on assimilation rate, inter- cellular C02 concentration, and stomatal conductance in leaves of Xanthium-strumarium. ‘ Effect of DCMU on stomatal conductance and assimilation in red and blue light. Transmissivity, reflectivity, and absorptivity of leaves. Light absorbed by leaves after reflection from the lower surface. Page' 22 ° 24 26 28 51 65 9O 95 Figure 1. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. LIST OF FIGURES Effect of cyanazine on stomatal response to 002. Stomatal response to C02 of leaves of Xanthium strumarium fed cyanazine at three irradiance levels. Stomatal response to C0 of Xanthium strumarium (without cyanazine) at fbur irraéiance levels. Stomatal response to C02 at various irradiance levels for Perilla frutescens, Phaseolus vulgaris, Gossypium hirsutum, and Zea mays. Stomatal response to light of leaves of Xanthium strumarium fed cyanazine at three concentrations of C02. Stomatal response to light of leaves of Xanthium strumarium fed cyanazine and abscisic acid. Stomatal response to light of leaves of Xanthium strumarium at various humidity and leaf temperature combinations. Stomatal response to light of leaves of Xanthium strumarium fed cyanazine showing differences between adaxial and abaxial responses. Stomatal response to light of leaves of Xanthium strumarium as light was increased and then decrease . Stomatal response to light of leaves of Xanthium strumarium in the normal or inverted orientation. Stomatal response to light quality of leaves of Xanthium strumarium. Action spectrum of stomatal opening. Stomatal conductance and assimilation rate in various wave- lengths of red light. Page 21 31 34 36 38 40 42 45 47 49 53 56 59 Stomatal closure in response to turning off the light (674 nm) with the intercellular C02 concentration held constant.‘ vi 61 Figure . - Page 15. Stomatal conductance and assimilation of Xanthium strumarium leaves fed cyanazine and placed in red or bTue light. 63 16. Effect of 602 on the stomatal response to red or blue light. . 67 17. Stomatal response to monochromatic blue or red light in the normal or inverted orientation. 7O l-A. Paths of light through leaves. 92 vii ABA cyanazine DCMU KEY TO SYMBOLS assimilation rate (usual units are umol m"2 sec-1) abscisic acid plants in which the first identifiable product of photo- synthesis is 3-phosphoglyceric acid (All plants reported herein except Zga_mays are C3 plants.) plants in which the first identifiable product of photo- synthesis is a four carbon dicarboxylic acid (Of the plants reported herein, only Zea mays is a C4 plant.) ambient C02 concentration (usual units are p2 2'1) CO2 concentration in the intercellular spaces of the leaf (usual units are um 2'1) 2-chloro-4-(l-cyano-l-methylethyl amino)-6-ethyl amino-s- triazine 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1 dimethylurea conductance to water vapor, inverse of the more common but less appropriate resistance to water vapor (usual units are cmol m' sec' ) irradiance or quantum flux (usual units are w m'2 for white light and uE m'2 sec'1 for monochromatic light) viii PEP phosphoenolpyruvate r resistance to water vapor (usual units are 1112 set cmol'l) RH relative humidity RuBP ribulose bisphosphate VPD vapor pressure deficit (usual units are ml water vapor/l air) A wavelength of light (usual units are nm) (ax/3y)z the slope of the curve of x versus y with 2 held constant ix INTRODUCTION Stomata regulate gas exchange between leaves and their environment. More water vapor diffuses through the stomata than any other gas; on the order of 1000 times more water vapor is lost through the stomata than is carbon dioxide taken up over the life of the plant. Although this water loss is usually seen as a deleterious consequence of sto- matal opening for carbon dioxide uptake, it plays an important role in dissipating the energy received from the sun. Two other important gases diffusing through the stomata are carbon dioxide and oxygen. During photosynthesis, C02 diffuses into the leaf and 02 diffuses out. The 002 concentration difference between the inside and the outside of the leaf can never be greater than 320 um 2'1, since this is the 002 concentration in the air. Since oxygen diffuses faster than 002 (1.17 times faster theoretically). the 02 concentration difference between the inside and outside of the leaf is less than the 002 concentration difference. This concentration difference is insignificant when com- pared to the concentration of 02 in the air (2 X 105 us 2'1) and so stomatal movements do not exert large effects on the 02 concentration. Since water vapor and 002 are the most important gases diffusing through the stomata, it is reasonable to expect that stomatal function will be related to plant water status and photosynthesis in some way. Two reasons to study gas exchange and stomata are the following: first, to develop a basic understanding of stomata and how they move, and second, to understand how stomatal responses to various stimuli allow plants to be successful in diverse environments. This information can be used to determine what, if any, limitations stomata impose on photosynthesis and plant growth. It may also help plant breeders to fit crop plants to the environment, for example, to determine which plants would best take advantage of an irrigated field and which plants would be able to survive a dry land farming situation. There may also be room for improvement by selecting stomatal behavior that is best suited to a large economic yield from crop plants, rather than the stomatal behavior best suited to propagation, which natural selection would have favored. The Stomatal Mechanism Stomata open by filling with salts of potassium which increase the osmotic pressure inside the guard cells (11,37). The resultant increase in turgor pressure allows the guard cells to push the surrounding epi- dermal cells apart, leaving a hole between the two guard cells. Malate and chloride serve as anions and, in epidermal strips of Vicia faba, the proportion of potassium ions balanced by malate depends on the availability of chloride (40,47). The processes initiating the increase in osmotic pressure that leads to stomatal opening are unknown at this time. Stomatal Responses to Light and Other Environmental Factors Stomata open in response to an increase in irradiance, an increase (or decrease {27}) in leaf temperature, a decrease in the water vapor pressure deficit, or a decrease in the intercellular C02 concentration. Studying stomatal responses to environmental factors is difficult because changing one factor often causes changes in other factors. For example, an increase in the irradiance falling on a leaf can also cause at least three other environmental factors to change. They are: increased leaf temperature because of the increased heat load, increased water vapor pressure deficit because of the increased leaf temperature, and finally decreased intercellular 002 concentration because of increased 002 assimilation. After the stomata have responded to these changes in their environment, these factors may again be different. For example, if the stomata respond to light to a large degree, the intercellular CO2 concentration could eventually be higher than before the increase in irradiance. Stomatal responses to environmental variables often show interactions. For example, Hall and Kaufmann (8) found that stomata responded more strongly to humidity when the intercellular 002 concentration was above 200 pt 2'1 than when it was below 100 at 2‘1. Raschke (36) found that stomata of Xanthium strumarium in light of 340 w m‘2 did not close in response to an increase in the 002 concentration unless the leaves had been fed abscisic acid. Similarly, he found that the stomata did not close after feeding the leaves abscisic acid unless there was C02 in the air. Heath and Russell (10) and Gaastra (7) found that stomata responded less to 002 at high irradiance than in darkness. The stomatal response to light can be very complex. In 1932, Scarth (41) proposed that stomata respond indirectly to light. According to Scarth, an increase in irradiance causes an increase in the rate of €02 assimilation, which lowers the concentration of 002 in the intercellular spaces. Stomata respond to the lowered intercellular 002 concentration by opening. There is some evidence that stomata of gga_mays can respond 4 to light in this way (39), and this view has been favored by recent reviewers (24,35). This mechanism for stomatal response to light is feasible in C4 plants where the C02 concentration drop across the sto- mata is large and the stomatal conductance is usually small. However, it cannot be very important in C3 plants, which often have a 002 con- centration drop of 30 uz 1‘1 or even less (6) and very large stomatal conductances. Heath and Russell (10) suggested that there might be "An indirect effect not operating by the reduction of the internal carbon dioxide in the guard cells, transmitted . . . from the mesophyll cells by some agent (chemical or electrical) as yet unknown" (p.290). Wong (54) also suggested that some type of messenger travels from the mesophyll to the epidermis such that the photosynthetic rate controls the stomatal con- ductance. The evidence in favor of this view is primarily the obser- vation that stomatal conductance responds to many environmental factors in the same way as does photosynthesis. The photosynthetic and stomatal responses are so similar that the intercellular 002 concentration remains constant when environmental influences such as light are changed over a wide range. The simplest explanation for stomatal responses to light, however, is that light absorbed in the guard cells themselves results in stomatal opening. The fact that stomata of epidermes stripped from the mesophyll can respond to light indicates that this mechanism of stomatal response to light occurs in at least some situations. Wong gt_al, (53) measured stomatal responses to light and 002 in Eucalyptus pauciflora. They found that the stomatal conductance and the assimilation rate responded to changes in irradiance (in the range of 0.25 to 2 mE m‘z sec'l) in such a way that the intercellular 002 concentration remained constant. In this case, despite the stomatal sensitivity to 002 that they observed, the indirect stomatal response to light mediated by 002 played no role in the overall stomatal response to light. Effect of Light Quality on Stomatal Opening_ Stomata respond primarily to blue light (23). Voskresenskaya and Polyakov (50) found that when blue light was added to red light, the photosynthetic rate gradually went up until it was 2 to 3 times greater than in red light alone, even though the added blue light had an inten- sity of 1% that of the red. The enhancement of the 002 assimilation rate by blue light was correlated with an enhancement of transpiration, which was interpreted as an indication that the blue light effect was caused by stomatal opening. The action spectrum of stomatal opening determined by Liebig (21) showed a relative effectiveness of blue:green:red of 168:42:100. Since she had calculated the absorption of a mixture of chlophyll a and b to be similar, she concluded that chlorophyll was the only pigment involved in light reception leading to stomatal opening. Heath (9) recalculated Liebig's data taking into account that a quantum of blue light has more energy than a quantum of red light and found that the relative quantum efficiency for stomatal opening was blue:green:red, 234:50:100. This relationship he felt was indicative of the participation of carotenoids or xanthophylls as well as chlorophyll. Karvé'(17) criticized Liebig's work and that of many other investi- gators because they used the "steady state" method. For this method, the leaf is put into the light of known intensity and quality and the stomatal response is monitored until it no longer changes; a reading is then taken. Karvé's criticism was that this method does not take into account the power (i.e. dose) received by the leaf. He believed that the reading of the stomatal response to light should be taken after a certain time in the light, regardless of whether the stomata were still opening or not. In this way, the dose received by the leaf at each wavelength would be the same. However, some of the implicit assumptions of this view are unfounded. For example, there is no a_pgiggi_reason to believe that the rate of stomatal opening is related to or controlled by the dose of light received by the stomata. If light is a signal for stomatal opening rather than an energy source, then the rate of stomatal opening need not depend on the light intensity or its effectiveness in causing stomatal opening. Karvé's action spec- trum, nonetheless, was very similar to that of Liebig. Kuiper'(20)determined an action spectrum for the maintenance of stomatal opening with epidermal strips of Senecio QQQEIE: He found that blue light was more than twice as effective as red light in maintaining stomatal opening. Hsiao gt_al, (12) determined the action spectrum for Rb+ (as a tracer. for K+) uptake as well as for stomatal opening. Stomatal opening and Rb+ uptake were well correlated and at low irradiance responded only to blue light. At a higher irradiance, some activity in the red became apparent. Ogawa gt_al, (29) found the action spectrum for malate formation in sonicated epidermal strips to be similar to the action spectra already described except that the peak in the blue was about 10 times higher than the peak in the red. Ogawa gt_al, (29) showed that a small amount of blue light added to a background of red light was much more effective than either the red light or the blue light alone. They postulated that there must be two photoreactions involved in the stomatal response to light: one mediated by chlorophyll and accounting fOr the red peak and part of the blue peak, and a separate blue light photoreaction. They measured the action spectrum of the blue light photoreaction by giving small amounts of blue light in a background of red light. In this way, the peak in the blue was not distorted by the fact that the proposed chlorophyll reaction would absorb some wavelengths of blue light but not others. The resultant action spectrum had two peaks, one at 460 nm and one at 380 nm, which they interpreted as evidence that a flavin is involved in the blue light response of stomata. BrogSrdh (2) also was able to show that stomatal responses to red and blue light are fundamentally different. He found that blue light caused a large, rapid increase in transpiration that quickly fell, i.e. an overshoot. Red light caused only a slow increase in transpi- ration rate. Johnsson gt_al, (14) found that this response was limited to grasses. Skaar and Johnsson (44) determined an action spectrum for the blue light induced transpiration response in Aygna_and fbund a broad peak of activity around 446 nm. Pretreatments (2) or a continuous background (44) of red light enhanced the blue light response. In summary, most action spectra determined since 1940 have been in basic agreement that blue light is 2 to 10 times more effective in causing stomatal opening than red and that green light has very little, if any, effect. Although there is no direct evidence for it, most authors assume that the red peak is caused by the absorption of light by chlorophyll and some (Liebig and Kuiper) believe that photosynthesis is sufficient to account for the entire action spectrum. Ogawa st 31. (29) and Brogfirdh (2) showed, by virtue of their observed "synergistic" action of red and blue light, that the blue and red photoreactions are fundamentally different. As a result, the overall action spectrum of stomatal opening probably does not correspond to any single photo- receptor absorption spectrum. What is needed is the determination of the action spectra of the separate photoreactions as Ogawa et 31. (29) did for the blue light reaction. Possible Effects of Light on Guard Cells Most investigators assume that red light affects stomata via photo- synthesis. For example, Brogfirdh (2) proposed that the only effect of red light was indirect and mediated by changes in the intercellular C02 concentration. Clearly this view is wrong since three separate investi- gators found that red light was active in stomatal opening using strips of epidermis removed from the mesophyll (12,20,29). It is interesting to note, however, that the activity of red light relative to the activity of blue light was usually higher in intact leaves than in stripped epidermis. For example, Heath's (9) recalculation of Liebig's (21) data (intact leaves) gives a ratio of 0.4 to 1 while Ogawa gt_al, (29) (epidermis only) found a ratio of about 0.1 to 1. Part of the activity found for red light in intact leaves may very well be a COZ-mediated effect. It was been proposed that the effect of red light on guard cells is via photosynthesis in the guard cells. Guard cells contain chloroplasts while, in most species, the other epidermal cells do not. Guard cells of Paphiopedilum spp., however, do not contain chlorophyll (26) and still respond to light. Von Mohl (25) suggested in 1856 that photo- 'synthesis in the guard cells could produce the osmotica necessary for stomatal opening. Lloyd showed in 1908 (22) that stomata responded to light in COZ-free air. He also found that the starch content in the guard cells decreased in the light and increased in the dark in air containing C02. This pattern is opposite to that which one would expect for a photosynthetic organ and opposite that which he found in the underlying mesophyll tissue of the leaves he was studying. From his experiments, Lloyd concluded that there was a stomatal response to light, but that photosynthesis occurring in the guard cells was of minor significance in stomatal function. Shaw and Maclachlan (43) found that the rate of carbon dioxide fixation was too low to account for the osmotic pressure increase necessary for stomatal opening. More recently, it has been shown that guard cells do not fix carbon dioxide by the reductive pentose pathway; they lack the ability to convert ribose-S- phosphate to RuBP (38). The C02 fixation that is always found associated ° with guard cells is carboxylation of PEP by PEP carboxylase (30,45,52) with the ultimate formation of malate and aspartate (31,38,42,51). The rate of 002 fixation by guard cells is usually (but not always {421) stimulated by light (38,43,51). Many attempts to determine whether or not chlorophyll is necessary for stomatal opening have involved the use of variegeted leaves, but as Virgin (48) pointed out, "so-called non-chlorophyllous parts of variegated plants contain small amounts of chlorophyll pigments" (p.184). Virgin (48) did find an albino mutant of barley that was devoid of chlorophyll and found no stomatal response to light. He also found (49) that stomata of etiolated leaves of wheat did not begin to respond to 10 light until they had been exposed to light for 2 to 3 hours, at which time chlorophyll was beginning to form in some of the treatments. However, stomatal responsiveness to light was not correlated with the chlorophyll content as he measured it. Kuiper (20) found that stomata of epidermal strips floating on a 5M DCMU, a photosynthetic electron transport inhibitor, solution of 10' closed. Allaway and Mansfield (1) found that stomata of leaves fed CMU, which acts in the same way as DCMU, closed slightly but reopened when COz-free air was passed over the leaf. They criticized Kuiper's interpretation that photophosphorylation was involved in the stomatal response to light, since they felt that the mode of action of inhibitors of photosynthesis was to raise the intercellular CO2 concentration. However, Kuiper had used epidermal strips and so the closure he observed could not have been the result of an increased intercellular C02 con- centration. Perhaps of more importance is the fact that Kuiper used an incandescent lamp for illumination, which should provide primarily red light. Humble and Hsiao (13) showed that stomata of Vicia faba epidermal strips closed only slightly in the presence of DCMU in a nitrogen atmosphere. However, when Cl-CCP, an uncoupler of phosphory- lation, and DCMU were both present, the stomata closed. From these experiments they concluded that "the energy derived from photosynthetic cyclic electron flow can be sufficient and possibly necessary for K+ uptake and stomatal opening in the light" (p.487). This conclusion, however, is no longer certain in view of the facts that there are prob- ably two separate photoreactions responsible for the stomatal response to light and that Cl-CCP upcouples oxidative phosphorylation as well as photophosphorylation. 11 The stomatal response to blue light is clearly not mediated by changes in the C02 concentration in the intercellular spaces (23). Two effects of blue light that may be operating in the guard cells are the blue light stimulation of respiration (15,18,19) and the blue light stimulation of PEP carboxylase activity (15,16,28). Both of these responses have action spectra (15,18,32) similar to that determined by Ogawa gt_al, (29) for the blue light response of stomata. MATERIALS AND METHODS Analysis of Slopes In order to separate and measure stomatal responses to light, I used the method described by Farquhar gt a1. (6), stated briefly here. For the purposes of this investigation, I say that stomatal conductance (g) is a function of irradiance (I) and intercellular 002 concentration (c1) in order to separate responses mediated by C02 from those that are not. Other factors known to affect stomatal conductance, such as leaf tem» perature and humidity, were held nearly constant and so are not consid- ered in this analysis. Therefore the following can be written: g=g