_ i .. V . . ‘ . . . . . u . '4 u v . — .. , . . . . - . u . . g V . . . T V ._ . . A n v r V H latv . , _. _ . , _ . _ n . < . . ‘0. H. . . . . . faET v {6. T v . 0 cl“ . _ . ' R9M TH OREGON ,_ TDHHTT BOUNDARY” 9‘ h: Si‘ u OR? OR {1.9 RA -F Thesis for the Degree of s? ECQL .9 R TE UNIVE H 3TH FALSE) 7 ‘HTHHEHT: sui-HEH CREEK FL * 1971 AND v LYHGLOG‘ MIGHT H . T T ,r ‘ . . u h .. . ... 7 . I . . . . . 5.5.4... 3"»! 1., . .. . .. . - ”NW? .,... Luv? . v. fish. Hon lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllfl “3“”: 3 1293 10099 1904 Michigan State»* University? b92611 w Jaw. ".4. and «Prat Law. ABSTRACT PALYNOLOGY AND PALEOECOLOGY OF THE MIOCENE SUCKER CREEK FLORA FROM THE OREGON - IDAHO BOUNDARY BY Ralph E. Taggart Three geological sections in the Sucker Creek area of Malheur County, Oregon and Owyhee County, Idaho were measured and sampled for palynological analysis. The study sections comprise approximately 400 feet of composite section representing a sedimentary interval during which most or all of the macrofossil-bearing beds of the Sucker Creek flora were deposited. Although the sites of the study sections are included in the mapped extent of the Sucker Creek Formation, the sediments are not correlatable with those of the type section for the formation. The plant-bearing sediments appear to be somewhat older than the Sucker Creek type section and it is suggested that the Sucker Creek Formation, as mapped, is in need of revision. The floristic and faunal evidence suggests a late Miocene age for the Formation as a whole and, at present, late Barstovian is the most precise age determination which can be made. Ralph E. Taggart The pollen profiles from the study sections suggest two distinct episodes of vegetation development. The beginning of the composite sequence is characterized by an equilibrium between two major forest types, a mesic deciduous forest, probably cool temperate in aspect, occupying the lowlands of an inter-montane valley system and a montane conifer forest on the adjacent uplands. The lowlands were apparently well drained at the beginning of the depositional interval but this situation was followed by extensive impoundment of water, probably in the form of ox-bow lakes. Infilling of the lake systems with both organic and detrital sediments resulted in a successional series involving marsh and swamp communities. Distinct flood-plain communities were also in evidence at this time. Following this phase, a major shift in the pollen record indicates a significant change in the nature of the source vegetation. Many of the mesic deciduous genera and all of the montane conifer genera disappear from the record. The remaining pollen types suggest a comparatively depauperate riparian forest in a region of predominantly xeric aspect. It is postulated that this shift in vegeta— tion types was due to an interaction of local and regional factors, including destruction of the existing forest Vegetation due to local volcanic activity, a regional warming trend, possibly coupled with a decrease in thermal equibility, and the decreasing rainfall brought about by the Ralph E. Taggart gradual uplift of the Cascades to the west. It is not possible to determine, on the basis of data presently available, whether this shift in vegetation dominance was a pivotal one for the region or if it represents a shorter term successional sequence or small-scale oscilla- tion. Several new microfossil records for the flora are des- cribed including the alga Botryococcus, several new spores, and pollen including a new Abies type, several new Pinus, Podocarpus, Castanea, Mahonia, several Compositae, Elaeagnus, Ilex, two Onagraceae, fiymphaea, Nyssa, Capri- foliaceae, Pachysandra, and several unusual although unidentified pollen and spore types. PALYNOLOGY AND PALEOECOLOGY OF THE MIOCENE SUCKER CREEK FLORA FROM THE OREGON - IDAHO BOUNDARY BY 1' ‘1 Ralph E? Taggart A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Botany and Plant Pathology 1971, .: r-.. .. t a. . . ..T . , L a. n... S at O. . v .5 C . C TV a D. 1 LL a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Of the many individuals and institutions which contributed in some way to the advancement of this study, I would like to single out a small number for special mention at this time. Foremost among these is Dr. Aureal T. Cross, Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology and Geology at Michigan State University. Dr. Cross, in serving as major advisor for this dissertation, provided encouragement and material assistance during all phases of this study. His continual efforts over the past years, both as an advisor and teacher have, above all else, pro- vided the atmosphere and incentive that is indispensible for graduate research. I would also like to extend my sin- cere thanks to the members of my Guidance Committee, Dr. William B. Drew, Dr. John H. Beaman, Dr. Stephen Stephenson and Dr. Melinda Denton of the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology and Dr. Robert L. Anstey of the Department of Geo- logy, for their critical evaluation of this manuscript and their efforts on behalf of my doctoral program. I would also like to thank the many members of the Department of Botany aand.Plant Pathology and the Department of Geology who Iuaver failed to give of their time in providing advice and ii w FL ~D « . . q I C . \ cw» v.- .,_ w L V - ‘ IT. 7.. 5 I .. .... w. .T. .L E .t .... T. .l .G .. a Pm .s.. w»; MT. CC m, A I ”I. .T« assistance during various phases of this study. In this regard I would particularly like to acknowledge the assistance of Dr. Chilton Prouty of the Department of Geology for his discussions of some of the stratigraphic implications inherent in this study. I was fortunate to receive generous financial assistance from a number of sources. During the period from September of 1967 through August of 1970 I studied under the auspices of a Graduate Traineeship funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration which provided support for tuition, fees, and a monthly stipend. The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology provided support for the 1970-1971 academic year in the form of a Teaching Assistantship. These sources of financial aid removed the hardship of that aspect of graduate work and I would like to express my appreciation. During the Spring of 1971 I received two awards whose proceeds were applied to defray the cost of prepar- ing this manuscript. The first was a Distinguished Gradu- ate Student Award provided by the Society of the Sigma Xi and the second was the Ernst A. Bessey Graduate Student .Award tendered annually by the Department of Botany and IPlant Pathology. I feel honored to have received both of these prizes. Finally, I would like to express my deep thanks to nu! wife Alison whose untiring encouragement and assistance iii stu- L p is. ! “In: provided the essential background that can make graduate study a continuing adventure. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS O O O O O 0 O O O O O O 0 ii LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii LIST OF PLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii Chapter I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II 0 METHODS O O O O O O O C O 0 O C Q 6 Field Procedures . . . . . . . . . 6 Laboratory Procedures . . . . . . . 8 III 0 GEOLOGY O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 l7 Physiography . . . . . . . . . . 17 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . l8 Stratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . 19 IV. STRATIGRAPHIC PALYNOLOGY . . . . . . . 35 Valley Section . . . . . . . . . 35 Shortcut Section . . . . . . . . . 42 Rockville Section . . . . . . . . 46 Comparison of Study Sections . . . . . 49 V. PALEOECOLOGY . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Patterns of Vegetation Change During Sucker Creek Time . . . . . 65 VI . SYSTEMATICS O O O O O O O O O O O O 84 Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . 84 Systematic Descriptions . . . . . . 92 Page LITERATURE CITED . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 APPENDIX 0 O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 165 PLATES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 vi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Outline map of the study area showing the location of sites discussed in the text . . 3 2. Correlation chart of the Cenozoic formations of eastern Oregon . . . . . . . . . . 21 3. Stratigigraphic terminology . . . . . . . 22 4. Generalized diagram of the rock units of each of the study sections and the proposed correlations . . . . . . . . 24 5. Relative frequency pollen and Spore profiles from the Valley section . . . . . . . . 36 6. Relative frequency pollen and spore profiles from the Upper Swamp Series in the Valley section . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 7. Relative frequency pollen and spore profiles from the Shortcut section . . . . . . . 43 8. Relative frequency pollen and spore profiles from the Rockville section . . . . . . . 47 9. A generalized ecological classification of selected pollen types found in the Sucker Creek sediments . . . . . . . . 59 10. A list of selected Sucker Creek macrofossil genera and their occurrence in the upper and lower portions of the composite regional section . . . . . . . . . . 69 ll. Oligocene—Miocene temperature trends postu~ lated on the basis of (A) ecological analysis (Axelrod and Bailey, 1969) and (B) leaf morphology (Wolfe and Hopkins, 1967 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 vii LIST OF PLATES A View of the valley system formed by the rocks of the Rockville section . . . A view of the Shortcut section . . . . Figures 1 through 19 . . . . . . . Figures 1 through 10 . . . . . . . Figures 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . Figures 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . Figures 1 through 8. . . . . . . . Figures 1 through 21 . . . . . . . Figures 1 through 13 . . . . . . . Figures 1 through 15 . . . . . . . Figures 1 through 16 . . . . . . . viii Page 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 . lint. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The Sucker Creek flora of southeastern Oregon and southwestern Idaho is only one of a complex of floras and florules from the Columbia Plateau and adjacent regions in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. An extensive record of the Tertiary flora of the general region is preserved in a variety of sediments derived from widespread regional volcanism in middle and late Tertiary time. As pointed out by Chaney (Chaney and Axelrod, 1959), the large volume of sediments and extensive impoundment of local basins produced ideal conditions for fossilization of plant material at many locations in the Pacific northwest dur— ing Miocene and Pliocene time. The Sucker Creek flora is actually a composite entity built up from data acquired from approximately a dozen florules from localities in the general vicinity of Sucker Creek in southeastern Oregon. The center of the fossil—bearing area is located approximately 35 miles southwest of the town of Nampa, Idaho and most of the localities are accessible by means of Sucker Creek Road, a graded dirt road which branches northward from U.S. 3v Route 95 approximately 0.1 mile southwest of the highway bridge across Sucker Creek and about 2.3 miles southwest of the point where Route 95 crosses the Oregon - Idaho state line. Figure 1 shows the general location of the region in relation to an outline map of the states of Oregon and Idaho and also indicates the geographic relationships of the various localities which will be discussed in this paper. The first known collections in the Sucker Creek area were made by Lindgren and the material appeared in a report by Knowlton on the Payette flora (1898). Accord- ing to Graham (1965), Chaney and Berry both made small collections in subsequent years. The largest of the early collections, reportedly consisting of several hundred specimens, was made by HinShaw in 1923. This material was deposited in the Carnegie Museum and was studied by Brooks in 1935. Smith collected in the area during several field seasons in the early 1930's and reported on the material in 1938 and 1939. About 1935 Percy Train collected approximately 750 specimens in the area on consignment to the University of Michigan. Some interest- ing specimens from this suite were described by Arnold in a series of papers (1936a, 1936b, and 1937). The flora was briefly considered by Chaney and Axelrod (1959) in ‘their monographic treatment of the Miocene floras of the (Ralumbia Plateau. The most definitive treatment to date was presented by Graham (1965). Graham undertook a revi- sitnn of all of the macrofossil material from the various OREGON ' l # @ROCRVILLE SECTION ROAD OR TRAIL ~ @SHORTCUT SECTION PERMANENT STREAM o-"--..--" @VALLEY SECTION INTERMITTENT STREAM @OUARRY LOCALITY @MAPLE RIDGE LOCALITY @PINE LOCALITY FIGURE 1, Outline map of the study area showing the location Of sites discussed in the text. I9L Lu TrI. .¢ -. Cr... «C MAJ Si. collection Sites and made numerous new collections in the area. In addition to this conventional paleobotanical treatment, Graham also described the pollen grains and spores preserved in the rocks at some of the macrofossil collecting localities. This initial study of Sucker Creek palynomorphs added a number of new taxa to the flora in addition to confirming the presence of taxa previously established on the basis of fossil leaves or seeds. Graham considered the flora to represent a warm temperate lowland deciduous forest complex which graded into communities of cooler aspect at higher elevations. Axelrod (1969) includes the Sucker Creek flora in his analysis of the topographic history of the Snake River Basin. On the basis of the macrofossil assemblage, Axelrod classified the flora as a mixed deciduous hardwood Slope forest. One of the principal limitations to our present understanding of the nature of the Sucker Creek flora is the complete lack of any stratigraphic control between the various collecting localities. The various florules are assumed to represent the same floristic entity and are considered together in any discussion of the fossil .flora of the area. Such a practice is often resorted to ir1 studying Tertiary floras of the Western interior where -the isolated nature of the depositional basins makes (norrelation between localities difficult or impossible. In light of this problem, the present study has tum) main objectives. The first of these is to describe the stratigraphic interval during which most or all of the plant fossil-bearing beds were deposited with a goal of properly intercalating the various collecting localities into this local sequence. Once the stratigraphic sequence was established, the second major Objective involved samp- ling the entire study interval and evaluating the quantita- tive and qualitative distribution of the various palyno— morphs. The bulk of this paper is devoted to describing the methods, results, and conclusions arising from this study. ahe— -~i—gn fiH i. u'lll . CHAPTER II METHODS Field Procedures The author made an initial field reconnaisance of the Sucker Creek area in 1969 during a collection trip in the company of Dr. Aureal T. Cross. Dr. Cross had made additional collections in the area during the 1962 and 1965 field seasons and his familiarity with the area, both on the basis of his own experience and various published reports, was of great assistance. The bulk of the field work was undertaken during the summer of 1970. The initial stages involved a careful reconnaisance of the area with the aid of aerial photo- graphs, a preliminary version of the U.S. Geological Survey 15 minute Rockville Quadrangle Sheet, and previous reports and field notes. The purpose of this phase was to loCate as many of the plant-bearing localities as possible and to choose geological sections which would be suitable for detailed study. The assistance of Dr. Cross, who joined the author in the field for a week during this phase of the study, was invaluable in helping to define the stratigraphic relationships of certain of the produc- tive megafossil localities. u-.r\ t. "y: The final phase of the field study involved the measurement and sampling of three geological sections. The first of the measured sections is located in the NW%NW% of T285 R46E, approximately 1.5 miles NW of the Rockville Schoolhouse which is located at the junction of Sucker Creek and Shortcut roads in Malheur County, Oregon. This section will be referred to as the "Rockville section" throughout this paper. The location of this and the other study sections is indicated on the map in Figure 1. The second section, to be referred to as the "Short- cut section," is located in the NW%8W% TlS R5W, approxi- mately 1 mile north of the junction of Shortcut Road and Route 95 in Owyhee County, Idaho. The third section, called the "Valley section" outcrops along the course of a small intermittent stream in the NE% T27S R46E. This stream crosses Sucker Creek Road from the southwest approximately 0.25 miles from that road's intersection with Route 95 in Malheur County, Oregon. The Rockville and Shortcut sections were measured 'with.a Brunton Pocket Transit and tape, while the Valley exaction was measured by means of paced traverse with the Iarunton compass. In an attempt to document most strata vwithin the study sections, samples were collected from eauzh lithological unit. Some particularly thick or \nxriable units were sampled more than once. Two ten- fobt intervals in the Valley section, each consisting (3f 53 complex of organic siltstones, mudstones, and lignite, I“; O-" L; w 0 ‘AL ‘ m nx~ 1C: nc‘ Q \. were sampled at close stratigraphic intervals in order to document any changes in the pollen flora within that par- ticular facies. Samples for maceration were also collected at several of the macrofossil localities. Fossil plants, petrified wood, and fossil animals of interest were assigned field collection numbers and returned to the laboratory for detailed study. Laboratory Procedures The field descriptions of rock units were recorded in the laboratory and the field measurements reduced to absolute stratigraphic thickness. The composite strati- graphic sections were plotted and the location of each field sample was intercalated into its proper section. All samples for maceration were assigned to Michigan State University Palynology Laboratory maceration number con- sisting of the prefix Pb, (paleobotanical), followed by a four digit number. These maceration numbers were cross- indexed to the original field collection numbers in the master maceration index on file in the Palynology Labora- tory at Michigan State University. Sample Processing.--The prime objective of pro- cessing the rock samples from the field is to free the eenclosed palynomorphs in such a form that they are amenable to qualitative and quantitative study. An ideal Iorocessing regime would not only free all types of pollen Land spores, regardless of their relative degree of . .4 V. c fk ui‘ I . u < 4 1r - uhin h” “Ls . . l. . L at v I C E H C. d C .I. on. R ,C a 7.. mm. IL I O at .C .m I. a e 2r n “4 e h t E .3 I9. .. I. E ht Au Rf Wu. 5.... Pu v 1 C Ln UN. H t L. C t... vi C. .L C t.. /I\ t Cu 8 . U .Vx YQL .2 . .. C AN» me «Q C b be «\u \PVM I. preservation, but would also introduce no bias in the quantitative representation of each of the entities as originally contained in the parent rock matrix. There are no techniques which will completely satisfy these rigid requirements and those which come closest are not appli- cable to a wide variety of sediments. Thin—sectioning where the palynomorphs are observed in EEEE within the parent matrix probably introduces a minimal bias and such techniques were used by Wodehouse (1933) in his study of the Eocene pollen of the Green River oil shales. Unfor- tunately, the limited occurrence of rocks with the requisite high pollen concentrations and suitable optical qualities in thin section greatly limits the scope of such techniques. A more commonly used approach involves the chemi- cal or physical disaggregation of the rock matrix to free the enclosed material for study. Brown (1960) and Gray (in Kummel and Raup, 1965) present useful summaries of the techniques now in use. Most laboratories employ relatively standardized techniques for treatment of various types of samples, but such procedures are, at best, guidelines from which optimized techniques for specific samples must be developed as the need arises. Samples from the Sucker Creek area vary considerably in their lithology and pollen and spore content and considerable time was devoted to the {problem of developing a processing regime which would be Isatisfactory for a majority of the samples. Lignites, 10 lignitic shales, and highly organic Silt and mudstones were usually characterized by high concentrations of well preserved palynomorphs and presented no particular sensi- tivity to details of the extraction procedure. The various volcanic shales, bentonites, and sands, which comprised the bulk of the measured sections, usually had low pollen and spore concentrations coupled with marginal preserva— tion. Any procedure involving treatment with strong bases, boiling in acid with subsequent oxidation at the air-liquid interface, or attempts to refine the organic fraction by treatment with oxidants such as nitric acid (HNO3) or Schultze's reagent, a mixture of nitric acid and saturated potassium chlorate (KC103), tended to result in either barren preparations or slides of poor quality with skewed palynomorph distributions. Although there is no empirical way to judge the effectiveness of any pro- cessing schedule, other than by comparison with the results of other techniques, the procedure to be described was successful in producing useful pollen and spore pre- parations from the greatest number of samples. A typical sample consisted of either 10 or 20 grams of sediment. The decision as to the weight of samples to be processed was based on an intuitive evaluation of the probable productivity. The sample was crushed in a mor- tar vdth a pestle until the largest fragments were approxi- xmately pea-sized. A sample of the parent rock was tested witji a 10 percent solution of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and .I L ... 3 a p a CC Q» 11 if any effervescence was observed, the sample was soaked in 5 percent HCl for 12 hours and then washed with water several times to remove any trace of acid. Samples which were not reactive to HCl were immediately introduced into the next stage in processing. A 200 ml polyethylene beaker was filled to 1/3 capacity with crushed ice and 70 percent reagent grade hydrofluoric acid (HF) was added until the beaker was filled to the 100 ml mark. The beaker was placed under a fume hood and the entire sample was immediately poured into the acid-ice Slurry and stirred with a plastic stir- ring rod. The purpose of this procedures was to completely eliminate the possibility of the solution boiling when the sample was added. Most of the Sucker Creek samples were highly reactive when placed in HF and the elimination of boiling appeared to significantly increase the yield of pollen and spores in marginal samples. The samples were allowed to stand in HF overnight under the fume hood. The next morning the excess acid was decanted and the samples were washed several times in water to remove all traces of the acid. Polyethylene beakers and centrifuge 'tubes were used until the final water wash, after which tflne samples could be transferred to glassware. The samples were washed once in 5 per cent HCl and 'the excess acid was decanted off. Approximately 25 m1 of sen:urated zinc chloride (ZnClZ) solution (Specific gravity J“.95) was added to the centrifuge tube. The sample was 12 suspended in the heavy-liquid and given several seconds treatment in a Branson Instruments model PZ—150 "Sonogen" ultrasonic generator to homogenize the suspension. Treat- ment in excess of 30 seconds was avoided as more lengthy treatment tended to fragment vesiculate pollen types. The sample was then centrifuged for 15 minutes at 1550 r.p.m. and the floating and suspended organic fraction was decanted into a clean centrifuge tube. The tube was filled with water and the contents were carefully mixed so that the organic material could be spun down on a sub- sequent run on the centrifuge. The organic fraction was washed several times in water to remove all traces of zinc chloride. The zinc chloride solution is corrosive to pollen grains and spores and care was taken to limit the time during which the samples were exposed to this reagent. Samples of sufficiently high quality at this stage in the processing were stained and stored in vials of glycerin jelly for later mounting. Most samples how— ever had sufficiently high concentrations of clay particles ennd fine organic detritus to justify further processing. (Phese samples were sieved through a Buckbee Mears Company IflHC Micro Mesh screen with a nominal mesh size of 20 nd13rometers. Any material remaining on the surface of the scnneen was transferred to small glass sample vials. A ndxzroscopic examination of the <20pm fraction was made and if'eany pollen grains were noted, the fraction was re-sieved 13 with a BMC 10 micrometer sieve and the >10 fraction was added to the >20 material in the sample vials. The use of the micro-sieves was resorted to only when debris made observation of the palynomorphs difficult due to mechanical interference or dilution effects. The residue was stained and stored in glycerin jelly for later mounting. A drop of the glycerin jelly residue was mounted on a standard microscope Slide and cover slip. The cover glass was ringed with clear nail enamel to prevent drying. Four slides were prepared from each vial of residue where volume permitted. Excess residue from each sample was stored in tightly capped glass vials. All slides used in this study are on file in the Palynology Laboratory at Michigan State University. Analytical TechniqueS.-—A Leitz Ortholux micro- scope (serial number 599742) was used for all observation and photography during the study. All of the Slides available were examined for the occurrence of new palyno— morphs or specimens of particular interest. The location of such specimens was recorded using the coordinates on the calitmated mechanical stage. In addition, each slide was given a small cross to the right of the cover slip using a dianwnd marking stylus. At the conclusion of the study, tine location of all described specimens was computed on time basis of the distance above or below and to the left 14 of the reference mark. A given taxonomic description might include the following information under the loca- tion heading: Pb-930l-3 +5.6X9.1 The specimen in question would be found on the third slide prepared from residue PB-9301. The specimen could be located on this slide by centering the reference mark in the low powered field and moving the stage 5.6 mm above the reference mark and 9.1 mm to the left. The horizontal coordinate always represents the distance to the left of the reference mark, while a + or - Sign next to the verti- cal coordinate indicates a distance above or below the reference mark. In all cases, the slide is placed in the stage holder with the label to the left of the observer. Specimens were photographed using a Leitz Orthomat microscope camera system. Both Kodak Plus-X and Panatomic X films were used. Processing and printing followed standard techniques. Enlargements were adjusted so that the effective magnification on the final plates was 1000X. Identification of the various palynomorphs was enscomplished by comparison of the unknown Specimen with iJIformation from three sources; standard reference texts SLuzh as Wodehouse (1935) and Erdtman (1943, 1966, 1969); ptflolished papers; and modern pollen reference slides. Tfiue latter source is the most definitive and was used pref- (arenntially whenever adequate material was available. 15 A quantitative evaluation of the palynomorph assemblage of each productive sample was made by making systematic traverses of the slides, tallying the pollen grains and spores encountered until a total of 200 palynomorphs had been counted from each sample. Occa- sionally a smaller sum had to be used due to low pollen and spore concentration, but every attempt was made to tally 200 grains if adequate material was available. In order to eliminate size bias from the counts, only those grains whose geometric centers were included in the field of view were counted. Detached bladders of vesiculate grains were not tallied, while the bodies of such grains were counted as a Single grain, regardless of the number of attached bladders. Algae, fungal entities and bryo- phyte spores, while included in the qualitative evaluation of the samples, were not included in the sample counts, which included only those forms which could safely be considered either pteridophyte spores or gymnosperm or angiosperm pollen grains. Those palynomorphs of vascular origin which were poorly displayed or too poorly preserved to permit either identification or consistent recognition ‘were tallied as "Undifferentiated Unknowns." Entities vfliich could not immediately be identified but which were sufficiently distinct to allow consistent recognition were (given numerical designations and tallied separately. In tjqis manner, data were not lost in the event the entity ccnild ultimately be identified. The relative percentage 16 for each entity in any given sample was calculated from the following formula: % = EBx 100 where Np is the number of grains of the type in question and FS is the fixed sum or total number of entities counted for the sample in question. The total array of all rela— tive percentages for any given sample constitutes the pgllen spectrum of the sample. For an entire section, the data from the various pollen Spectra are arrayed ver- tically in the form of a saw-tooth graph to Show the Shifts in relative per cent contribution of each entity throughout the entire section. Pollen profiles constructed from the study data appear in Figures 5 through 8 and are discussed in the chapter on stratigraphic palynology. CHAPTER III GEOLOGY Physiography The Sucker Creek area is considered part of the Owyhee Upland region of the Columbia Plateau physiographic province and is located just north of the Great Basin province (Dicken, 1955). The region's complex surface features are developed on basaltic and rhyolitic Sheets which range from Miocene to Recent in age. Permanent and ephemeral streams have formed numerous gorges in the region with a variety of land forms produced as a result of the differential rates of erosion of intrusive, extru- sive, and sedimentary rocks. Virtually all of the sedimentary rocks in the area consist of reworked clastic material of volcanic origin. Relief varies from 2,230 feet at the level of the Snake River (Kittleman, 1962) to 8,065 feet in the Owyhee ranges near Silver City, Idaho. Elevation in the fossil leaf area is in the order of 3,500 feet with the adjacent Mahogany Mountains reaching (5,500 feet. The Owyhee Upland is drained by the Snake Ikiver which has two main tributaries in the study area, 17 18 the Owyhee River, now dammed as an irrigation reservoir, and Sucker Creek. Sucker Creek drains the east slope of the Mahogeny Mountains and carries water throughout the year. McBride Creek and Carter Creek are the two main tributaries of Sucker Creek in the study area. In both of these there is very little water flow during the warmest months. According to Kittleman (1962), the pro- file of the valley of Sucker Creek suggests at least one cycle of erosion Since the inception of the present drain- age system. Structure Folding in the area is comparatively gentle. The only feature of any note in the study area is a small anticlinal ridge near the point where Sucker Creek crosses Route 95 (Kittleman, 1962). Assessment of regional dip is difficult due to the lenticular nature of most strata, but appears to average 1—3 degrees westward. Locally dips may be as great as 500 when beds are disturbed by tilting of fault blocks or localized warping. No dips in excess of 100 were noted in measuring any of the study sections and .in almost all cases these dips tended west. The numerous faults in the area tend north—south and are, according to Icittleman (1962), indicative of at least four periods of (Leformation. 19 Stratigraphy The stratigraphic relationships of the rocks of the Owyhee Upland area in general and the Sucker Creek area in particular have undergone varying degrees of study through- out the years, but even the most recent work in the area has failed to completely unravel the complex relationships of the many isolated basins in which sediments were accumu— lating during late Tertiary time. Cope defined the Pliocene Idaho Formation in the area on the basis of fossil fish in 1883. Lindgren defined the Payette Formation in 1898 and considered it to be Upper Miocene in age on the basis of the fossil plants studied by Knowlton (1898). Both the Payette and Idaho Formations were recognized in the map- ping of the Nampa and Silver City areas by Lindgren and Drake (1904, 1904a), but no clear distinction between them was made at that time. Both formational names were used by Kirkham (1931) working in the western part of the Snake River Plain east of the Owyhee Upland, but again, the formations were poorly defined. Kirkham did note that the Miocene Payette is often separated from the Pliocene Idaho by a rhyolite which he called the Owyhee Rhyolite. Locally, a basalt, which he called the Owyhee Basalt, is (Often present above the Owyhee Rhyolite. Additional map- 15ing and work in the area by Bryan (1929), Renick (1930), (Borcoran (1953), and Doak (1953) clarified the relation- :Ships of some of the interbedded rhyolites and basalts kNit retained the Payette - Idaho nomenclature for the major 20 sedimentary units. Chaney (Chaney and Axelrod, 1959) considered the plant-bearing beds of the Sucker Creek area to be of essentially the same age as the Payette of Kirkham (1931) but felt that they represented a distinct facies which, when more fully understood, might justify the application of a new formational name. Kittleman's thesis (1962) on the geology of the Owyhee Reservoir area redefined the nomenclature of many of the units in the area. Kittleman felt that, Since it was not possible to directly correlate the rocks in the Owyhee Reservoir area with those definitely known to belong to the Payette and Idaho sequence, the use of new names for these units was justified. The history of the stratigraphic terminology for the rock units in the area is summarized in Figure 3, while Figure 2 summarizes the regional correlations of these units with sections in other parts of Oregon. Kittleman proposed the name Sucker Creek Formation for beds presumably equivalent to the Payette and renamed the overlying rhyolite the Jump Creek Rhyolite since the name Owyhee had already been preempted for the basalt. The old.Idaho equivalents were elevated to group status and rue proposed the names Deer Butte and Grassy Mountain Ekarmations for the two component units of the new group. All of the fossil plant localities occur in the aixaa which Kittleman maps as the Sucker Creek Formation (1962). Kittleman defines the formation as consisting of aguoroximately 1,600 feet of interbedded volcanic and 21 .Em x00. sexuam .E& 0. «DO .2“. c300 E .Emé. 30 “oceanic: 5.2:: a w>.¢ mmI>>>O .coootO LU $50». 5 u_O>.c.<< 2003 .6“. 0.33:... 2...»...4 (mm< («DhZDq .2»: memhm c.0300 .0 0.:Oxgt ._0m0o “coo.m .Eu. ftowcoo o: .8". >050... «occud «30: 5.1.21: Z_m w 2m00 :50q uzwuo.$ on 9. uses... .8”. 20:02 .6; 0405.02.01 mZmUOSm meUOhm_m._m to .05.;o_ a hszua E=_._.__< >wd..(> >.0n0u 00.1)0 0... c. >00_0:_E..0. 02000030.: .0 .coEn—o_0>0a >OOJOZ_E¢wh U_:a<¢0_h<¢hm .n w¢:0_m IEL w 400.5 0.3.6 .5; 0:0x0m .Eu 0:0»00 I. “0:02.205: M x 0. .0 30:53.01; .0 .0 0 _ J0M¢CUdE u Wlnllto EWEBEV 0.29::— 00...tsO 33%“..0}... I. m m _ 1 H _ .1 m w . u. a 0 m. 2000: 00.130 0 u n u 000 00 >3 .0 I W Iowan u a ._0m0m 00.130 u . _ n s O W .030. .E“. 0:0 0.. m. 00,130 a m. 230‘ 0.007.003 n u : _ _ _ : _ _ :1: 1...; IR. . I l .5”. 0:00. d .E; w. r .500 0.00.25” :33 >30. m.._0m0n.c.<00m .u. . 603300.023n03 .l «30$ :0 .0005... W E: _>:__ 0 M. E32420 U E:_>a:0 W Eats—.0 m. . . . . moo—.4000 n —. 3:0 «00— c0802.; onop c_30_0n nno— .c0._00._oU Mum—.Hoxhn gilt «(A V‘ a... 23 arkosic sandstones, arkosic conglomerates, and carbona- ceous volcanic shales. There is a tuff member, the Leslie Gulch tuff member, to the east and a poorly known basalt near the base of the formation. The base of the formation is not exposed in the area. Unfortunately, the type section consists of approximately 400 feet of sediment at the top of the sequence. The type section is located considerably to the north of the plant fossil area in 8% SW% Sec. 28, T.24S., R.46E. in Malheur County, Oregon. The relationship of the study sequence to the Sucker Creek formation (sensu latu) of Kittleman will be discussed later in this chapter. Graham (1965) does not discuss the stratigraphic relationship of any of the plant localities in his treat- ment of the flora. Detailed data on each of the measured sections is contained in Appendix A. The following discussion will involve somewhat more generalized comments on the nature of the section at each locality with reference to the generalized correlation diagram in Figure 4. Rockville Section.~-The Rockville exposure is easily accessible from Sucker Creek Road just north of its Junction with Carter Creek Road (Figure l). The upper part of the sequence is exposed along the east flank of a ridge directly west of Sucker Creek road at this point and the entire section is exposed in the valley system IN FORMAL LGray sha 2.0ranic 3.50nd 4.White as 5.Green 6. Insect be ROCKVILLE l U 24 h d interval shale 7.0rgonrc interval 8.Valley plant beds 9. Upper swamp series SHALE SAN DSTONE [IGNIYE OR ORGANIC SEDIMENT 50 FEET FIGURE 4. Generalized diagram at the rock units correlations. line A—A' marks present at each section. of each of the the base of the prominont study sections and white ash bed -' ‘ ~-‘ —, snoarcur .'.:e :. 0:0 0?: " $‘fif'.-°3:'- 2 ° 00 . ... 0' ‘ .":‘°.°.’0" ee Gee e O :z..:’..e:..o: ’.::"e.9.e.. F.:.:::.:.:.. I::.‘::...O:e:: 000 e- 0 ‘ . . z 3 .-.--:2-.-,:-';: VA L l E 1 co: e.e:... : '.e: :e;:e°:.. .::e' e}::::::.e::...e. .:O.;. ::.:.0 .0 ? ':'-'3-'-.:'-°.-:-.-. _.:.. - - - - - - — —__- ___. 0::e:‘.ee..‘.e 14“ _; : 7—.— e . I“ e... e .— —r —. »;J"— _-—-._-"_ :1- "' ' .— P' ‘ in“ 4 .- .....—"" ‘ .g—. 7...;_ . -—' 4 -— ——c- F- _’ .1 a ‘ ' ~ -' f : "..." A “7-1; :- 7 -V- ;- u- a... ‘ ‘ ? ~ ~ :" ..‘.e:.. \ J —--1 \ ;—‘ .ee.O:ee:e..e. \ r. '- -- e ' 'oo 0- l" _. '.. .0. e e e ' p .9 O... 0.. \ _- UNITS 1.5:25;.::;:::; __ -- "axis-r" \ - .- -. \ _-- _--- _. - .. '5 \? - Z. . \ " —-‘;" .. _é_,..4 \ I _. - '- 9 \ ____. .02.}:. ::'J '01:...:..:::' e ::. :ee.,'.‘.0.ee:e: .ee...eel.0. uee'..e‘..e.' .00... 0.. a 000.00. .0- .oeeeee‘..e. . 0...... .0. . .. 0::e°.e..: 0:! . .,e ..e.e..0n I a... .0. . ee'.ee.e ...:‘ I..O.e .e ee. 0 .‘l .00....0 0.0:...e.:..: 0:...0':‘.... ':°:'1'.'-:~.':: :".:::°:‘$1 .::. . ' 0.0:. . .e':‘..."‘.e.' .0 I e .‘o e e C C O 0.0. 1.00. n---4 the proposed that In 'TS 25 behind this ridge. A photograph of this latter exposure appears in Plate 1 and was taken facing northwest from the top of the ridge paralleling Sucker Creek Road. A small dirt road branching off of Sucker Creek Road just beyond the ridge offers convenient access to the entire valley system. The oldest sediments in the section outcrop at the base of the knoll to the far right in Plate 1 and consist of approximately 5 feet of greenish bentonitic shale overlain by approximately 1 foot of sandy shale, also somewhat green in color. Several feet of organic shale overlie the sandy shale. The lower part of the sequence is highly fossiliferous and numerous very fine fossil leaves have been collected. The matrix is a fine shale with a very light maroon color. The leaves are predominantly of the Quercus consimilis type and the stem tips of Equisetum octangulatum. The top of the unit con- sists of a light brown highly fissile shale containing numerous plant fragments and insect parts. This very characteristic bed will be referred to as the "Insect Bed." The Insect Bed is overlain by a thin green bentonitic shale which in turn is overlain by a prominent white ash bed approximately 22 feet in thickness. This ash weathers to a pure white color but on close examination can be seen to contain tiny black mineral inclusions and carbonized plant fragments. This bed is a very prominent.marker in the section and is easily visible in Plate 1 wherever it (Jutcrops. The white ash is overlain by approximately 35 .. 4". - f? t ,I 26 feet of cross bedded, poorly consolidated sand. The sand is overlain by another sequence of organic shales. This shale sequence contains entire petrified tree stumps rooted in place. Numerous pockets of fossil wood, repre- senting weathered tree stumps can be seen along the top of the ridge paralleling Sucker Creek Road and a number of intact stumps may be seen in £352 on the northwest slope of the hill located behind the prominent ridge in the center of Plate 1. There are several feet of sand overlying the shale sequence followed by a thick shale with little organic material. This shale grades from gray or brown at its contact with the sand to a highly indurated form at the top of the section which weathers to tan or rust brown along exposed edges and contains seeds of Cedrela trainii. These beds may be traced laterally to several outcrops along the upper part of the cut-off trail from Sucker Creek Road. The lithology and fossil content of these beds is identical to that of the Specimen Ridge (Quarry), and Pine localities while the Maple Ridge beds (Figure 1) would appear to represent an even more indurated form of the same shale sequence. 'The uppermost Rockville shale bed would appear to be the stratigraphic equivalent of all three macrofossil locali— ‘ties. The Rockville section consists of approximately 95 fee¢.of sediments which were deposited under conditions :ranging from stagnant swamps through quiet water and main rdnver channel environments. (in 27 Shortcut Section.--The Shortcut section is clearly exposed and easily accessible from Shortcut Road across McBride Creek approximately 0.5 miles from the junction of Shortcut Road and Route 95. The section consists of approximately 115 feet of sediment and is illustrated in Plate 2. The base of the section consists of approximately 20 feet of poorly consolidated green sand with thin bands of organic material toward the top of the unit. Overlying the sand is a series of organic shales, mud and siltstones, and lignite. Fossil wood fragments are found weathering out of this zone. At the top of this unit is a bed of thin fissile brown shale with insect parts. This bed is identical in all respects to the insect Bed of the Rock~ ville section. Immediately above the insect layer is a thin green bentonitic shale overlain by a prominent white ash bed, apparently identical to that of the Rockville sequence. A poorly cemented cross-bedded sand overlies the white ash. This sand has water~worn pebbles up to 3 inches in diameter in the upper two feet. The sand is overlain by a thin shale and approximately 2 feet of addi- tional sand. An organic shale layer overlies this sand and Contains pockets of fossil wood which are apparently derived fronlthe weathering of logs or stumps. Depositional environ- Hmnnts represented in the section appear to include stagnant VWiter, relatively quiet water, and major distributary Cheuinels. The presence of the larger pebbles at the top of .Ilkll'fi... 28 the sand unit would appear to indicate an environment of fairly high energy. Correlation of the Rockville and Shortcut Sec- tions.--The Rockville and Shortcut sections correlate quite closely on both lithological and fossil criteria. The vertical sequence indicated below is common to both sec- tions. The numbers assigned to these units correSpond to those of Figure 4. l. gray shale 2. organic interval (wood) 3. sand 4. white ash 5. green shale 6. insect bed 7. organic interval TTKB lithological character of each unit as well as their :relxative positions match perfectly between the two sec- ticnis. The general patterns of the correlations are indi— catxai in Figure 4. The only uncertainty regards the perZiSe point where the oldest sediments at Rockville fit 3.. .0 &L 29 into the Shortcut complex and where the youngest Shortcut beds fit into the upper Rockville sequence. There is little doubt that the two sections represent virtually the same sedimentary interval, overlapping in such a way that the very oldest sediments are found at the base of the Shortcut section and the very youngest rocks are found at the top of the Rockville section. Valley Section.--The Valley section is exposed along the course of a small intermittent stream near the junction of Sucker Creek Road and Route 95. The base of the sequence consists of approximately 5 feet of gray clay-shale which is overlain by a thick sand varying in color from rust-brown to olive green, depending on the degree of weathering. The cement exhibits weak efferve- scence with HCl. Approximately a third of the way up this unit there is a thin limey layer of very hard rock. This layer is gray in color and is rich in organic material. The sand continues up to the 165 foot layer where it is overlain by a brown shale containing numerous plant fragments and a few fossil leaves. This shale is overlain by a 10 foot sequence of lignite and organic Inudstone and siltstone. Small varves of sand and mica flakes are common in this unit. Above this unit is a sandy brown shale which is overlain in turn by another (organic unit much like the first. Above this unit is a 'thick series of fine-grained shales of a very light maroon all!“ 02: 30 color. Fossil leaves of extremely high quality are very abundant in the lower part of the shale sequence. Of all of the leaf-bearing beds in the Sucker Creek area, these beds are unsurpassed in the number and quality of the leaves, fruits, and seeds which can be collected here. Particularly fine specimens of Glyptostrobus, including branches with attached male and female strobili, Quercus, Aggr, Salix, and a variety of other deciduous leaves have been collected. Another organic series overlies the shale sequence. A thin green bentonitic ash overlies the organic sequence and is overlain in turn by a white ash typical of the Rockville-Shortcut complex. Above the white ash there appears to be an unconformity which may represent the contact between the Sucker Creek formation and later Miocene sedimentary rocks and flows as mapped by Kittleman (1962). The correlation between the Rock- ville and Shortcut sections and the Valley section is difficult on lithological grounds alone. The white ash and underlying green shale appear identical to similar 'units in the other study sections and the correlation of 'those beds is indicated in Figure 4. The top of the white gash at the Valley section is probably truncated by ero— ssion and may not represent the total thickness originally «deposited. The complex organic beds characteristic of kxath Rockville and Shortcut are difficult to relate to tflue Valley sequence and the correlation indicated in Ftigure 4 is largely based on palynological data and is Vb is 31 fully discussed in the following chapter on stratigraphic palynology. Relationship of the Study Sections to the Sucker Creek Formation.--There is little doubt that the composite stratigraphic sequence described in the present study represents a well defined and mappable unit. The diffi- culty is in relating this unit to the Sucker Creek Forma- tion as defined by Kittleman (1962). As stated previously, only approximately 400 feet of section are expressly defined in the type section, with the majority of the mapping of the full extent of the formation carried out using topographic criteria. The sediments of the study sections appear to contain most or all of the fossil plant beds but do not have any lithological similarity to the type section to the north. The fact that all of the study sections are truncated and overlain by flows younger than the Jump Creek Rhyolite might tend to indicate that the study sequence represents an older unit than the type section. Within the study sections, progressively younger sediments are exposed when traced northward, a trend which, if continued, would also indicate a younger age for the sequence to the north at the type locality. The presence of a tilted fault block in which progressively older sediments are exposed southward is a distinct possibility. Kittleman (personal written communication) feels that this is a viable hypothesis. Hills to the ESE of the junction 32 of Route 95 and Sucker Creek Road have exposed sediments which seem to be similar to the beds of the type section, even to the presence of well-defined opaline layers, which are lacking in any of the study sections. If the study sections are part of a fault block, a fault associated with the anticlinal ridge near the junction of the two roads is required to explain the close juxtaposition of otherwise unrelated sediments. A provisional assessment, in the absence of further work in the area, would at least tend to indicate that the sedimentary interval represented by the study sections is older than that of the type section. The problem of the proper nomenclature of this and other units in the area is not as easily solved. Repeated traverses from the plant-bearing beds to the south and the type section to the north failed to indi- cate any lithological connection between these important units. On the basis of such a lack of direct correlation, there appears to be no valid reason for including the plant-bearing units to the south within the Sucker Creek Formation. There is little doubt that the complex of sediments mapped by Kittleman as the Sucker Creek Forma- tion is in need of redefinition and possible modification of nomenclature. The type beds to the north contain a fauna which has been referred to in the literature as the £3ucker Creek fauna and any nomenclatural change should, .if possible, retain some reference to the term Sucker 33 Creek for both the flora and fauna. One alternative might be to raise the present Sucker Creek Formation (sensu latu) to group status and redefine the type section and the sedi- mentary interval of the present study as separate formations, provided the relative stratigraphic relationships could be determined with somewhat more certainty than they are known at present. Giving both units member status within the Sucker Creek Formation as presently mapped is untenable for two reasons. First, as discussed previously, there are at pre- sent no grounds to consider the present formation, as mapped, to have any stratigraphic continuity, and secondly, both of the units to be included are composed of diverse lithologi- cal constituents while members, in the commonly used sense, are usually of relatively homogeneous composition. In any case, the plant-bearing beds in the Sucker Creek area would appear to belong to a definable strati— graphic interval. A task remaining for future investiga— tion is the relationship of this unit with other sedimen- tary intervals on a broader scale to more clearly define the late Miocene sequence in the area. Age of the Flora.--Based on the evidence of the fossil plants of the macroflora, Chaney and Axelrod (1959) considered the flora to be late Miocene in age. Graham (1965) concurred in this view. According to Kittleman (1962) the sediments in the type section are late Barstovian 34 in age based on the fossil mammals recovered from those rocks. Evernden et_al. (1964) gives a date of 16.7 million years for a plagioclase sample from the Sucker Creek region. Although precise collection data was not available, James, one of the authors of the dating paper, recalls that the sample was collected approximately 9 miles north of Sheaville along U.S. Route 95 just east of the point where the road curves sharply to the northeast (personal written communication to Dr. A. T. Cross). This sample was interbedded with ash beds and evidently represents an isolated flow structure too small to be marked on Kittle- man's map (1962). Although the collection site is located not far from the Valley section (Figure 1) it is in an area where fault activity is suspected and its relation- ship to the study sections is not clear. Barring a closer correlation of dated material with the composite study sequence, a late Barstovian age for the leaf—bearing sediments is the best approximation that can be made at present. ,_, .mv ‘.\ CL f'fi in CHAPTER IV STRATIGRAPHIC PALYNOLOGY The material in this chapter will consist of a description of the patterns exhibited by the relative frequency pollen profiles from the study sections. The ecological implications of the profiles will be discussed in the following chapter. Valley Section The sediments of the Valley section are character- ized by relatively productive samples with the general exception of the poorly cemented sand which comprises the lower 180 feet of section. The only productive samples in this interval were derived from a clay-shale at the base of the section and a thin limey layer at the 275 foot layer. The quantitative data for the entire section are summarized in Figure 5. The pattern on palynomorph distribution appears to be relatively consistent from the base of the section up to the 150 foot level where the first of the extensive swamp deposits appear. The most jprondnent component of the microflora throughout this interval is the pollen of the genus Picea, which varies in 35 ‘m- «- ' -_. e. 36 Figure 5.--Re1ative frequency pollen and spore profiles from the Valley section. Relative frequency, in per cent, is indicated in a horizontal direction while the level within the section is indicated on the vertical axis. VALLEY SECTION NMONINfl {NMONlnn um ‘ DSIVI (On IVINIWVIO 3 vstSOawO) Iv 'ONIHD 3'33"”va vuul N01 JDOWVIOJ lvl)v:vuewsu IVJ)VNOVIVH IVIJVIOVNO luvs smnaoa SON!" Vl‘ll $030300 VAIVDOIIIJ snvtonr IVIVOInOtI SDOV4 VINVASVJ vslv) SflNlel'3 V101 !. SflNtv IIDV WIIJSONIAO JLVH‘IJIS IA SflNld VOflSl VI 3“ CIIIV It 31”] II I IONOW AOO'ONUI allrtvelnao not: 333 0300"": IO ‘01 you; till 37 IIlAYIVE FIIOUENCY NONI?! OI OIOANUC SIDIIENI In III-l G = en te- 38 relative percentage from 25 to 35 per cent. Pings pollen, ranging from approximately 30 percent at the base of the section and maintaining a level of approximately 10 per- cent throughout most of the interval, is second in importance closely followed by Alnus, Abies, and Ulmus. Pollen of Tsuga, the Taxodiaceae (TCT), Quercus, Fagus, Pterocarya, and the Gramineae are consistantly present in the range of 1-2 per cent, while monolete and trilete spores, and pollen of Carya, Juglans, Tilia, and Acer are consistantly present, but never exceeding approximately 1 per cent. Other taxa are sporadic in distribution and of little quantitative importance. A major feature of the profile at the 150 to 145 foot level is a pronounced peak in Alnug pollen in excess of 40 per cent. This peak is roughly coincident with a drop in Pigga to somewhat less than 10 per cent. ééifié and Tsuga also exhibit decreases at this point, but the other components of the profile are comparatively unaffected. Above this point in the section additional taxa appear, but do not attain any great quantitative importance. These include Betula, Carpinus, Castanea, Liquidambar, Populus, Salix, and a number of irregularly distributed forms. In addition to the appearance of these new taxa, the upper half of the section is also characterized by an overall increase in the relative importance of glmus and Quercus pollen grains. A small peak in Abies preceeds a pronounced £3333 peak of approximately 50 percent at the 125 foot level. 39 A very pronounced peak in taxodiaceous pollen (TCT) cul- minates at the 70 foot level and is accompanied by a decrease in Pigea and Abies and the disappearance of Tsuga. The TCT peak appears to coincide with a slight drop in the relative importance of Quercus and glans pollen. From the 70 foot level to the top of the section there are two small TCT peaks and two peaks in Pigea and Abies, with a similar pair of peaks in the glmus curve. The uppermost productive sample in the section is charac— terized by slight declines in the importance of Pigga, Abies, Pinus, and Ulmus. and a slight increase in Alnus, the Compositae, and the Gramineae. In addition to examining the profile for the entire Valley section, it was decided to study a single facies in some detail to determine if small-scale suc— cessional events were resolvable and to see to what extent the patterns revealed by detailed sampling were discernable in the large—scale profile. In order to gather data on this point, a 10 foot sequence of lignites and organic silt and mudstones was sampled in detail and a pollen profile prepared. The sequence is located in the 142 to 132 foot interval and the profile appears in Figure 6. In spite of the slightly jagged profile, the overall impression is one of uniformity in the representa- tion of the various pollen types throughout the interval. There are only three points in the curves which depart fronlthis overall uniform aspect. The first of these is 40 Figure 6.—-Re1ative frequency pollen and spore profiles from the Upper Swamp Series in the Valley section. Relative frequency, in per cent, is indicated on the horizontal axis while position in the section is indicated on the vertical axis. Qfiblcc SECTION — UPPER SWAMp VALLEY VALLEY SECTION 'UPPER SWAMP SERIES 41 SNMUNINII VSSAN av;)v)laa xin JVJNIWVUO JVLISOGWO) WV ONJHD JVJDVAIVW VN‘AA NOIJOOWVIOd AN JVJVNOVQVla 3V RELATIVE FUEOUENCV XI SI’HHJOd llGNITE 0R SEDIMENI VAIVDOI 31d IVIWVOIHOI‘I SNVIOOI SnDVi VJNVLSV) VAIV) SandIV) Vlnlil WlidSONWAO ilVIODISSA SJIIV alillll 31;IONOW ADOIOHIII Gill ”IVAIlilNI OilnSV FIGURE 6. I W0!!! 1]]! 42 a pronounced glmus peak at 3.5 feet and the second is a smaller peak in Quercus at 0.5 feet. The third point is a rather pronounced and uniform increase in the rela- tive percentage of taxodiaceous pollen (TCT) toward the top of the sequence. This increase corresponds to the beginning of the major TCT peak in the curve for the entire section and it would appear that the trends within this small lithological unit are in accord with the large- scale but more poorly defined patterns throughout the entire section. Shortcut Section The pollen profile for the Shortcut section is diagrammed in Figure 7. The profile is characterized in its lowest levels by a high percentage of Pigea pollen, ranging from slightly more than 50 per cent at the 108 foot level to about 1 per cent at 75 feet. There is a secondary peak at 72 feet and the pollen disappears from 'the record by the 62 foot level. Abies and Tsuga occur in moderate numbers in the lower portion of the section but disappear by the 72 foot level. Alnu§_pollen occurs at.levels of 1-5 per cent in the lower part of the section ‘with a peak of 59 per cent at the 75 foot level. There is a rapid reduction to approximately 2 per cent at the 72 foot level, with this low percentage being maintained through- (Jut the remainder of the section. Of the remaining angio- sfipermous pollen types, glmus is probably the most impor- tarfly ranging from 2 to 12 per cent in the lower portion 43 Figure 7.--Relative frequency pollen and spore profiles from the Shortcut section. Relative frequency, in per- cent, is indicated on the horizontal axis while position in the section is indicated on the vertical axis. 44 SNMONan ”not area a >U2w30wxm w)...(.u- “2...... priawm U_2flm m Ce pcmmoum poc wane Swap é .munofiflpom xoouu Hoxosm one cfi pcsom momhu coaaom popooaom mo COHpMOHMHmmMHo HMUflmoHooo pomflamumcom «1|.m ousmem >< IC‘ol I IO-II I I IC‘OC‘OII I x I x I x I xcnl IIIIC‘oC‘o rho-xtfi>:x>¢Xtwm ummnom ummuom mmoam who oQon pamHEOuuom Demo: ummnom Demo: semam mEm3m swam: paom IUOOHh no oxen memoseasmoq omoomnucmnmee 10mmUMHpomocmsu mmocHEmnw mmuflmOQEou mmmmw momflmflmm coamdemuow '1'] 1!. matfisnrom Hmnfimpadmaq mcmamzh msmmm mmcmummu MNHMU wasuom mscam H004 oweomepoxme mdcam mmSmB mmoam l mmflna 60 classify the more common components of the Sucker Creek microflora in terms of the presumed ecological affinities of the source plants. Taking the flora as a whole, there are several distinct community types whose presence is indicated. Each of these will be considered in detail. Lakes or Ponds.--Potamogeton and Nymphaea are both genera which are indicative of ponds or lakes. In addi- tion to these plants, algal material referable to the genus Botryococcus, as well as a number of unassignable algal cells and cysts, would strongly suggest the presence of impounded water in some configuration. Botryococcus is restricted to such environments and it is present in virtually all productive samples from all three study sections. The nature of the biotic evidence supports the hypothesis that most of the plant-bearing sediments accu— mulated in lacustrine basins, despite the fact that Kittleman (1962) considers most of the Sucker Creek sedi— ments to have been fluviatile in origin. The individual basins may have been limited in extent but they must have been widespread in their occurrence to account for the lithological correlations which it is possible to make. Detailed study of the organic-rich sediments of the Valley section indicates that there were periodic incursions of coarser clastic material in the form of sand and mica flakes. Although it is possible that such material could accumulate in the marginal swamps associated with a single 61 large lake, periodic breeching of natural levees in a series of oxbow lakes closely associated with a large river system would appear to provide a more satisfactory model which would account for both the lacustrine and fluviatile nature of some of the Sucker Creek sediments. Marshes.--Small numbers of Typha_pollen grains are the only unequivocal evidence available for the existence of this community type. The poor representation of these pollen grains would indicate that large stands of the plant were not common and it seems reasonable to envision small marshy pockets, almost certainly associated with the oxbow ponds or lakes, as the likely habitat for the source plants. Swamps.--Pollen grains of the Taxodiaceae are the only common type which are at all characteristic of this plant community. The presence of lignites, organic silt and mudstones, and highly organic shales at various levels in the study sections provides subsidiary evidence for the existence of localized swamps in which organic material was accumulating. It seems possible that both swamps and marshes were a natural consequence of the hydrologic succession developing from the ponds or lakes discussed previously. Equisetum, commonly found in many of the Sucker Creek sediments, may have played a role in the filling in of lake margins just as it does in parts of North America today. 62 Floodplain.--The existance of a major river system in the Sucker Creek area strongly suggests the existence of floodplain habitats. Populus and §E$i§ would almost certainly be important members of such communities. Abundant leaves of Platanus from several localities, most notably the Maple Ridge site, provide subsidiary evidence. Leaves of §Eli§ are extremely common at all localities. Aigug was probably associated with either a floodplain or lake-side community, for at times extremely large clumps of several hundred pollen grains can be noted in the organic facies. Such large aggregations suggest that alder clumps grew close enough to the water for entire catkins to drop directly into the basin. Mesic Bottomland and Slope Forest.--The division between these two forest types is not clear and a grada— tional situation probably existed. These two forest types appear to have served as a source for the majority of the plants indicated from both the macrofossil and microfossil record. A diverse assemblage of maple, chestnut, beech, sweetgum, oaks, basswood, walnut and elm probably covered much of the lowlands, extending upward onto adjacent slopes. Soil and moisture patterns and varying slope exposures probably served to partition off the complex into a mosaic of community types. Podocarpus and Cephalotaxus, two genera native to the mountains of central and western China, are new records for the flora 63 and probably occurred as very rare plants in the lowland or slope forest. Dry Slope Forest.--Drier sites, particularly those which might result from complex topographic relief, might be expected to support a somewhat less mesic oak-hickory forest complex which might tend toward pine dominance on sites where moisture was more limited. The Pine locality (Figure l) is characterized by large numbers of pine needles, indicating that this genus may have formed extensive stands, but the sites were probably removed from the depositional basins at most locations since the plant is otherwise quite rare in the macro—fossil record. It is also possible that pine, in company with oaks and hickories may have played a successional role in the development of a more mesic forest community. Xeric Communities.--The existence of certain xeric community types, either local or regional in extent, is suggested by the presence of pollen types such as the Compositae, Gramineae, Malvaceae (cf. Sphaeralcea) Chenopod- iaceae-Amaranthaceae (cf. Sarcobatus), and pollen, thorns, and pods referable to the Leguminosae. The presumed distribution patterns and significance of this community type will be discussed in detail when the overall patterns suggested by the stratigraphic pollen sequence are con- sidered in detail. 64 Montane Conifer Forest.——The presence of large numbers of spruce pollen grains in company with those of fir and hemlock suggest a community type of boreal aspect. Since the bulk of the flora is decidedly temperate, although probably cool temperate, in aspect, the only reasonable model that would permit the close spatial association of a temperate deciduous forest and a forest of boreal affinities is the existence of diverse topo— graphy in the immediate area of the depositional basin. Although hemlock often occurs in relict enclaves in the Appalachians today (Braun, 1950), its most logical habi- tat in the Sucker Creek landscape was as a part of a slope transition forest tending into a spruce-fir forest at higher elevations. Aigus and Betula may have been part of this complex. It is also possible that aspens may have grown in this upland forest, but the fragile nature of Populus pollen makes it likely that most of the Sucker Creek Populus pollen was derived from cottonwoods along a floodplain near the depositional basin. This classification of the macro-community types indicated by the Sucker Creek pollen record is completely compatible with the broad regional picture outlined by Axelrod (1968) who recognizes the following major forest types from the Miocene of the Snake River basin: I. Sub-alpine Conifer Forest II. Conifer-Hardwood Forest III. Mixed Deciduous Hardwood Forest 65 In his treatment of the Miocene Trapper Creek flora from southern Idaho, Axelrod (1964) recognized virtually the same array of major community types outlined in this chapter. Since the Trapper Creek flora consists primarily of fossil leaves, which presumably have limited dispersal capabilities, the consistent representation of the upland conifer forest suggests that the Trapper Creek sediments were deposited at a somewhat higher altitude than those of Sucker Creek, but that the regional flora may have been somewhat similar. Patterns of Vegetation Change During Sucker Creek Time During the earliest part of the depositional inter- val, represented by the sediments at the base of the Valley and Shortcut sections, the pollen profiles suggest an extensive development of the mesic lepe and bottomland forest types. A rich forest of oak and elm with maples, hickory, chestnut, beech, sweetgum, walnut, basswood, and wingnut (Pterocarya) probably covered much of the valley floor and extended upward onto adjacent slopes. The record of aquatic vegetation is meager and this, coupled with the coarse nature of the sediments suggests that deposition was probably confined to well—defined stream channels with relatively well-drained conditions through— out much of the valley bottom. The scarcity of Sgiii and possibly P0pulus pollen suggests that true floodplains may have been somewhat rare. The scarcity of taxodiaceous pollen suggests that swamps were not common. Somewhat 66 drier conditions probably existed on some slope exposures with oak-hickory forests grading into pine stands. These drier areas were close enough to permit relatively large quantities of pine pollen to enter the record, but not sufficiently close for deposition of other pollen types indicative of similar conditions. A montane conifer forest of spruce, fir, and hemlock undoubtedly covered extensive upland areas, extending down quite far toward the depositional basin. The fact that these pollen types are large and heavy, particularly the grains of fir, suggests that the high percentages contributed by these genera are a result of wind and water transport from extensive stands not far removed from the sites of sedi- ment accumulation. The abrupt change in the nature of the Valley and Shortcut sediments from coarse sand to shales and highly organic mudstones and siltstones suggests that extensive impoundment of water into ponds or lakes occurred at the time the sediments approximately half—way up the Valley section were deposited. The introduction into the pollen record of Potamogeton and Typha support the hypothesis that extensive quiet water conditions existed at this level in the section. At this point there begins a gradual rise in the percentage of taxodiaceous pollen suggesting that normal hydrologic succession was beginning to fill in the impound— ments, producing swamps. An increase in the percentage of willow pollen, followed by a later increase in Populus, along 67 with a series of pulse-like increases in oak, might well represent a more extensive flood—plain component in the vegetation of the valley floor. The entire deciduous forest mosaic was probably developed on a more poorly drained landscape than had been the case previously and many small lakes may have been present. These lakes began to fill with both organic and detrital sediments, producing swamps and wet areas of increasing extent as the area of open water was reduced. The relatively short persistence of Potamogeton in the central part of the sequence, coupled with a slight increase in cattail and a continued rise in the taxodia- ceous pollen percentage all serve to indicate that such a successional sequence was occurring on the valley floor. Alder was probably part of this sequence and the major Aiggs peak in all sections was probably a result of exten— sive development of shrubs on the wet margins of the lake basins. The rather sharp drop in spruce pollen which appears to be coincident with the alder peak in both the Valley and Shortcut sections requires careful analysis. In general, the deciduous pollen types drop only slightly or remain unchanged, suggesting that the rather precipi— tous drop in spruce pollen may reflect an upward with- drawal of the montane conifer forest, rather than a mere depression of the spruce curve due to the interactive nature of relative pollen diagrams. It is possible that there was a slight warming trend during this interval, 68 but this is hard to determine. The relative extent of both the montane conifer forest of the adjacent uplands and the deciduous forest of the valley floor undoubtedly underwent oscillations of varying magnitude depending on the local climatic pulsations during the interval in question. During the time represented by the upper third of the Valley section strata taxodiaceous swamps were quite extensive locally, probably as a result of filling of the local ponds or lakes. These extensive areas of shallow- ing water with a steady accumulation of mud and organic material resulted in ideal conditions for the preserva- tion of fossil leaves and it is from these beds and their presumed equivalents in other isolated localities that the finest macrofossil record of the lowland deciduous forest complex is preserved. Figure 10 is a list of the various macrofossil taxa which are character- istic of this level in the section. It is also interest- ing to note that the finest specimens of Glyptostrobus, complete with attached male and female strobili, occur in these shale beds in the Valley section at the same stratigraphic level as the main peak in taxodiaceous pollen. Aside from the presumed oscillations in the rela- tive extent of the lowland deciduous and montane conifer forests and the apparent hydrologic successional sequence occurring in and around the depositional basins, the overall vegetation mosaic suggested by the pollen 69 Lower Upper Genus Section Section Equisetum X X Cephalotaxus X Picea X* Pinus X* X* Glyptostrobus X* ?* Thuja X Cyperacites X* X* Typha X* ? Acer X* X* Ailanthus X Alnus X* * Arbutus X Betula X* X Castanea X* X* Cedrela X X Cornus X Crataegus X Diospyros X Fagus , X* Fraxinus X Ilex ?* X* Mahonia X* X Nyssa X* Oreopanax X Ostrya X Platanus X X Populus X* X* Ptelea X Quercus X* X* EYfipHEficarpos x Salix x* X* Tilia X* Ulmus X* 9 Figure 10.--A list of selected Sucker Creek macrofossil genera and their occurrence in the upper and lower portions of the composite regional sec— tion. An (X) denotes the presence of the genus while a (?) indicates uncertainty due to poor preservation and a limited amount of material. An asterisk (*) indicates that pollen of the taxon also occurs at the indi- cated level. The list was compiled from Graham (1965) and material in the Michigan State collections. 7O preserved in the Valley and lower Shortcut and Rockville sections appears to have been relatively consistent in composition. The profound change which occurs in the nature of the pollen curves in the lower Shortcut and Rockville sections implies a significant change in the nature of the source vegetation. As previously stated, the pollen flora prior to the dominance shift is perfectly in accord with that of the entire Valley section, but in the green shale overlying the last of these beds the nature of the pollen flora is abruptly changed. Spruce pollen, previously so abundant,is reduced to insignifi— cance or disappears entirely. Fir and hemlock pollen disappear as well. The pollen record of the montane conifer forest ceases to have any significance for the remainder of the sedimentary interval studied and it seems reasonable to assume that the entire forest type dis- appeared from the general area in which deposition was taking place. The deciduous forest growing at lower elevations appears to have undergone many changes as well. Elm, which had previously dominated the deciduous tree pollen complex disappears entirely, as do other mesic forest types such as birch, hornbeam, chestnut, beech, sweetgum, and walnut. Wingnut (Pterocarya) disappears from the Rockville area but persists in much reduced num- lmers at the Shortcut site. Alder and taxodiaceous pollen axre both present, but at reduced numbers. Oak pollen may 71 be somewhat reduced in importance or may even increase, while willow, poplar, and maple also persist. The over- all picture is one of reduced diversity in the deciduous forest component with the remaining types quite possibly associated closely with the drainage system. The local lowland flora may well have consisted of a riparian community with willows, poplars, maples, oaks, and syca— mores as the major components. The latter is not present in the pollen record but its leaves are a common fossil of beds assigned to the upper portions of the Rockville- Shortcut complex and their equivalents. Figure 10 con- trasts the somewhat limited macroflora of the beds of the upper part of the composite section with those of the lower section. The preponderance of willows, syca— mores and oaks, particularly of the scrub—oak type, support the hypothesis that the upper Rockville and Short~ cut beds record the presence of a comparatively depau— perate flora of riparian aspect. Swamps were still present and a number of exotics, such as Cedrela and Glyptostrobus, continued to grow in the area, but in general, the diversity of the woody forest vegetation was :much reduced. An entirely new complex dominates the pollen above the transition level, indicating that a new series of cxnmnunity types was becoming important in the region. I; variety of composite pollen grains, including a high Exarcentage of grains of sagebrush (Artemisia), pollen 72 of the Malvaceae, including one type resembling Sphaeralcea, and the pollen of the Chenopodiaceae- Amaranthaceae strongly suggest a herbaceous component of decidedly xeric aspect. Pollen and thorns assignable to the Leguminosae and the pollen of grasses reinforce the concept of distinctly xeric communities that were pro— bably somewhat removed from the stream valleys but still close enough to dominate the record at two of the three localities. The overall aspect of the region at this time may have been very much like that of the same area today. The dominant vegetation of the drier lowlands is sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), but if one travels from 3500 feet, typical of the fossil localities, to 6-7000 feet in the Owyhee mountains in the Silver City, Idaho area, the vegetation shifts from sagebrush dominance up through a juniper transition zone into a spruce forest zone on the higher peaks. In the case of streams however, the local vege- tation consists of a riparian flora of willow, poplar, and oak, as well as numerous herbs, in very close association with the drier sagebrush community and within site of the spruce forest of the upland. A similar situation, IMith a somewhat more diverse riparian community, may well have existed in the area in late Miocene time. Pine pollen is very important in the upper part of tine Rockville - Shortcut complex. The type characteristic of the lower part of the section is replaced by several 73 new types above the transition interval where the overall importance of pine pollen appears to gradually increase, barring small fluctuations, as one approaches the top of both the Rockville and Shortcut sections. The very high percentages, occurring in a sample collected several feet above the top of the measured Rockville section, corres- pond in their stratigraphic position to the beds of the Pine Locality (Figure l) where numerous fascicles of pine needles have been found. A number of pine species were probably present in the area at this time occupying sites of varying elevation and exposure depending upon the tolerance levels of the various species. The abrupt change in the nature of the pollen record in both the Rockville and Shortcut section undoubtedly represents a significant change in the nature of the source vegetation as outlined previously. Before the regional significance of this change can be assessed however, three factors must be considered: 1. How much time was required for the shift in vegetation types? 2. What was the lateral extent of the modi— fied community mosaic? 3. How long did the modified community struc— tures persist in the area? These questions are all critical to any discussion of the Imechanism and significance of the observed shift in pollen dominance . The amount of time required to bring about the sflmift is extremely important. The change may have been a 74 gradual one with the vegetation responding to long-term changes in climatic patterns, or it may have been rather abrupt. As previously stated, the observed shift in the pollen curves occurs abruptly in the sedimentary record but this in itself is not conclusive. A gradual shift may appear to be abrupt if there is a depositional hiatus or diastem in the sedimentary record. Unfortunately, there is little stratigraphic data which can be brought to bear on the problem. No evidence for such a deposi— tional break was observed in the course of measuring and sampling the study sections. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, it must be assumed that there is no prominent break in the record at the critical level. Sedimentation may have been slow, but in geological terms the time interval during which the shift occurred cannot have been very great. Such a comparatively rapid shift would appear to favor a mechanism involving the action of local factors rather than the slower, long—term phenomena associated with widespread cliseral changes. The question as to the lateral extent of the vege~ tation change can be answered with more precision. Both the Rockville and Shortcut sections clearly show the shift, while the Valley section, located to the south (Figure 1), shows little change at levels assumed to be (of comparable age. There is a slight increase in some xeric forms, but the major displacement of the more mesic forest elements is not observed. If the beds at the top 75 of the Valley are contemporaneous with the critical strata at Rockville and Shortcut, then the changes occur- ring in the vegetation to the north are only slightly reflected in the sediments in the Valley area. It was not possible to locate conformable beds above the white ash layer in the Valley so that it cannot be said whether the shift in pollen dominance was a progressive one which worked its way south at a later time or if the situation recorded in the upper Valley beds and the middle of the Rockville-Shortcut complex represents a fairly stable readjustment of the aerial extent of the various community types. There is no pollen evidence available to attempt an assessment of the length of time the new pattern of vegetation distribution may have persisted in the area. There is some indirect evidence available from fossil mammal remains from the type section of the Sucker Creek Formation, presumably of a somewhat younger age than the composite study sequence. According to Kittleman (1962) the mammals represent both streamside browsing and ‘various grazing types. Such a fauna would be perfectly consistant with the environment postulated on the basis of the upper Rockville — Shortcut pollen profiles, but *would be somewhat anomalous in the mesic deciduous— xnontane conifer forests of the early part of the sequence. The mammalian evidence would seem to provide a tentative basis for assuming that the modified riparian - xeric 76 complex of the upper part of the study sequence probably persisted at least until the end of Sucker Creek time (sensu latu). In summary then, the change in dominance in the local flora occurred during a relatively short interval. The change was synchronous in an east-west direction but is only slightly reflected in the record an equal distance to the south. There is evidence that the change in the nature of the flora may have persisted at least through the remainder of Sucker Creek time. The principal ques- tion at this point is whether or not the observed changes in the nature of the vegetation in the Sucker Creek area are consistent with any of the hypothesis which have been advanced to describe the patterns of climatic change in the Pacific northwest during middle and late Tertiary time. Since most of the studies of fossil plants in western North America have been oriented toward recon— structing the environments under which the ancient floras grew, there is a great deal of data which can be brought to bear on the problem. Two principal theories regarding late Tertiary climatic trends have emerged. The first of these, summarized by Axelrod and Bailey (1969), theorizes that there has been a steady decline in effective temp- eerature throughout the western United States since Imocene time and that the regularity of this decrease is iJTterrupted at intervals by very sudden drops in effective txunperature which are attributed to uplift activity. 77 Graphs which they have prepared for both eastern Oregon and western Nevada are reproduced in Figure llA. These graphs were prepared on the basis of an exhaustive ecolo- gical analysis of a large number of Tertiary floras from the areas concerned. In Axelrod and Bailey's view, the major cause of variation in composition between floras of similar stratigraphic position is a result of altitu— dinal differentiation and the thrust of their paper is that a careful analysis of the composition of a flora may be used to determine the elevation at which the source plants were growing. Axelrod applies this technique in his treatment of the topographic history of the Snake River basin (1969). The second theory, perhaps best exemplified by the work of Wolfe and Hopkins (1967), hypothesizes that the pattern of temperature change from Eocene to the end of the Pliocene was a somewhat aperiodic oscillation from periods of relative warmth to significantly cooler inter- vals. The latter part of their paleotemperature curve for northwestern North America covering the Oligocene and Miocene is reproduced in Figure 118. The curve is con— structed on the basis of a morphological analysis of the various leaf types using as evaluative criteria many of the observations originally made by Bailey and Sinnott (1915, 1916). Such a morphological approach to paleo- environmental analysis was initially used by Chaney and 78 (A) OLIGOCENE MIOCENE 0 3 — 0 60~\ 0 A" -..“‘l'/- [\l a O. - N~”‘JVC»C!Q E \ 0 A ._ ‘ “g- .— u- R O a); v '7 “cm LIE- 19:43: - a I: H‘s‘q‘k :; ~ ... : I..- 4;’R%WL ‘7 “'3? 134:4 3 "‘ -.._z-_._._h . -13 E 5 5 -— (3 I s mmer "we: ”3‘23?" OLIGOCENE MIOCENE m IE d t— a: 2 2 <( < in 0'- I- x NJ 3 ifp§§. g < a. .I~ It“; ’5’ {at}. a 2 l h f \r. “J .1. If ’ \zh. .— \\ / l 4 u. \‘wfim'f/ \‘n y?” m .J g g H (3 u: < O a. .i a: u 2 o g 0.1 O 2 I— L’ m .— F|GURE II. Oligocene—Miocene on the basis of I969)and (8) leaf (A) ecological temperature trends postulated analysis (Axelrod and Bailey, morphology (Wolfe and Hopkins, I967). 79 Sanborne (1933) and the method is discussed in some detail by Dorf (1969). In addition to temperature, another factor which must be considered for floras of late Tertiary age from both the Columbia Plateau and Great Basin provinces is the ever-decreasing rainfall resulting from the developing rainshadow which was a consequence of the gradual uplift of the Cascades to the west during the middle and late Tertiary time. Whatever the pattern of temperature change during this interval, a pattern of decreasing moisture availability must be superimposed upon it in order to arrive at some approximation of the general climatic regime under which a flora such as the Sucker Creek must have grown. In comparing the nature of the change observed in the Rockville and Shortcut sections with the relatively uniform temperature and moisture declines which are a consequence of Axelrod and Bailey's model, it is apparent that major local factors would have to come into play to cause the shift in pollen dominance observed in the Sucker Creek sediments. In contrast, the temperature fluctuations inherent in Wolfe and Hopkin's model could, in company with declining moisture availability, provide sufficient climatic variability to be an important factor in causing the type of vegetation changes observed in the Sucker Creek area. The low temperature interval in late Miocene time (Figure 11B) is consistent with the presence 80 Of a montane conifer forest in close proximity to a low- land deciduous forest of possible cool temperate aspect, characteristic of the lower part of the composite study section. Under such cool conditions, provided there was sufficient thermal equibility throughout the year, the ever increasing-moisture stress brought about by the uplift of the Cascades would have only a limited effect on the flora. An abrupt rise in temperature, such as that indicated on the graph following the late Miocene minimum, particularly if accompanied by a decrease in equibility, would certainly cause moisture availability to become a factor of increasing importance. As long as the various plant communities were able to maintain their integrity, microclimatic amelioration may have been sufficient to overcome the gradual increase in moisture stress, but any local events which would disrupt community integrity might well serve as a triggering factor resulting in a comparatively sudden shift to communities of decidedly more xeric aspect. It seems quite possible that the fac— tors which could cause such local disturbances might be linked to the volcanic events which produced the sediments iJi which the flora was preserved. One such effect might be the damming and diversion of subsidiary drainage channels, resulting in pronounced moisture deprivation le areas downstream from the diversion. A second and probably more significant factor might Ihave teen the localized destruction of vegetation due to gas 81 venting and ash falls. Such an effect was noted by Dorf (1945) in a study of the ash falls in the Paricutin area of Mexico. He noted that most of the forest vegetation within three miles of the cone was killed and that the resulting ash blanket ruined cultivated fields within the same radius. The extent to which the Sucker Creek forest may have been affected would depend on many fac- tors but it is quite likely that re—establishment of the original vegetation on denuded sites might be much delayed and, in fact, might never occur if water availability were sufficiently critical. The Valley section might repre- sent a more protected site further from the source of the ash where the original vegetation may have persisted with little change. To what extent the vegetation was altered over the entire region and whether we are observ- ing just a small portion of a progressive decrease in the extent of the mesic forest vegetation can only be deter- mined from additional studies in the same area. The pattern shown by the Sucker Creek pollen pro- files would appear to be consistent with the somewhat irregular temperature regime postulated by Wolfe and Hopkins (1967) rather than the uniform deterioration theorized by Axelrod and Bailey (1969). Both of these models are, by necessity, highly generalized and the extent to which short-termed variability played an important part cannot be determined due to the limited "resolving power" provided by paleobotanical studies within the region. 82 Situations such as that exemplified by the Sucker Creek pollen sequence almost certainly represent the product of the interaction of both local and long-term regional climatic factors. Viewing the patterns of distribution of the various taxa from the leaf localities and comparing them to the picture provided by the pollen record provides a useful insight into the kinds of problems likely to be encountered in studying middle and late Tertiary floras. The relatively smaller number of taxa recorded from localities such as Specimen Ridge (Quarry), Maple Ridge, and the Pine Locality (see Figure l) is not a matter of chance representation or poorer preservation characteris- tic of these highly indurated beds, but is, in fact, a faithful representation of the plants which were growing around the local basins. They do not reflect the more diverse flora of the lower part of the composite section but rather the comparatively depauperate riparian assemb— lage characteristic of the upper Rockville and Shortcut sections. Although this is clearly evident when the complete pollen profile is examined, it was not possible for Graham to recognize this because the rocks of the plant-bearing beds themselves are barren of pollen and these were the only strata examined in his study (1965). It is highly undesirable to consider the plants from a number of florules to be representative of a single flora unless a number of conditions are satisfied. First, the 83 relative stratigraphic position of all of the important localities should be known. Secondly, the extent of variation in the composition of the various florules must be analyzed to determine, if possible, to what extent the variation reflects normal variability in representation and preservation or a significant difference in the nature of the source communities. Examination of the pollen of the leaf-bearing beds is not conclusive unless all localities are represented by pollen spectra. Macrofloral analysis provides a high degree of taxonomic resolution as well as providing representation for those taxa that would not otherwise appear in the pollen and spore record. Microfloral analysis can however resolve changes in the regional flora which might otherwise be masked in the comparatively localized representation provided by macro- fossil deposits. Both approaches to floral analysis are complementary and both are preferred whenever possible. It is encouraging that such synthetic approaches are being increasingly applied to a number of the "well- studied" Tertiary floras. The end result can only be a more complete understanding of the patterns of distribu- tion and dynamics of the vegetation of a particularly critical period of earth history. CHAPTER VI SYSTEMATICS Nomenclature The problem as to what constitutes a suitable system of nomenclature for Tertiary pollen and spores is a complex one for which a number of alternative sugges- tions have been proposed. An excellent account of the current status of the problem is summarized by Traverse '(1955). Tertiary material is particularly difficult in a nomenclatural sense because it is amenable to treatment by either or both of two diametrically opposed approaches to the problem. The first approach is most commonly applied to Paleozoic and Mesozoic pollen grains and spores where the source plants can either be assumed to be extinct or at best, only distantly related to extant taxa. In such cases a system of form nomenclature, based primarily on the morphological attributes of the pollen grains or spores, can be used to good effect. Such nomen- clature has been developed to a high degree of precision and.is specifically provided for in the International Code 84 85 of Botanical Nomenclature (Lanjouw, 1966). Such systems are particularly useful for the stratigraphic palynologist and permit ready identification within the framework of the system. A fossil spore "species" in such a system is not equated with a biological species concept but is simply a convenient level of classification which could include one or more taxa of one to several ranks if it were possible to examine the source plants with the same degree of precision used for extant material. The vast literature on Mesozoic and Paleozoic palynology uses form taxa almost exclusively. The second basic approach to the problem is encountered in pollen analysis of Pleistocene and modern materials where all of the pollen grains and spores encountered can be assumed to have been produced by plant species still recognized in the world's flora. The level of taxonomic precision which can be obtained in such studies is to some extent governed by the type of pollen and spore material being dealt with and the goals of the particular study. Studies dealing with the broad pat- terns of Pleistocene forest development for example might deal primarily with forest tree and shrub pollen identified 1x: the generic level, while herbaceous plants might be identified only to family unless particularly distinctive forms were present. Other studies, such as unraveling tflue patterns of Pleistocene tundra development might require careful evaluation of herbaceous pollen at the generic and 86 even the specific level where possible. In all cases how- ever, the prevailing nomenclatural practice is to assign the material to the lowest rank to which it can be identified with certainty. Alder pollen which could not be assigned to a modern species would be called Aiggs or élEEE sp(p). Under no circumstances would an organ species be created to cover the pollen grains, for it is obvious that they are derived from a modern taxon already described under one or more binomials. The creation of a separate binomial to cover the pollen alone would be superfluous and such a practice would certainly be rejected by any competent pollen analyst. It is in the treatment of Tertiary material that these two rational approaches often are ignored or are altered in a most confusing fashion. Part of the problem may be traced to the transitional nature of the Tertiary flora. Although most families and many genera of modern dicots are well established by Paleocene and Eocene time, it is highly unlikely that many "modern" species have persisted since the early Tertiary. Extensive analysis (If late Miocene floras by Chaney and Axelrod (1959) indi— cates that many of the temperate plants are either morphologically indistinguishable or extremely similar to extant species. By Pliocene time most gymnosperms and woody dicots probably belonged to extant species. While the case with herbaceous dicots is less well understood, due to their poor representation in the fossil record, the 87 increasing weight of pollen evidence indicates that at least many modern genera and virtually all the typical herbaceous families were present by late Tertiary time (Leopold, 1969). In View of this pattern of development, a very persuasive case can be made for assigning most early Tertiary palynomorphs to form taxa in view of the uncertainty regarding the antecedents of the source plants. Since the rates of evolution of different taxa are likely to be different, numerous exceptions to this general practice can probably be justified, but in general assignment of angiosperm pollen from early Tertiary deposits to form taxa would appear to be a sound practice. An equally persuasive argument can also be made for assigning late Tertiary palynomorphs to modern taxa when- ever possible (see Traverse, 1955). Unfortunately, the situation is made somewhat complex by the existence of systems which attempt to combine the virtues of the two basic approaches outlined above. Systems such as that of Potonie', Thompson, and Thiergart (1950) involve the extensive use of organ genera which are linked etymologically with various modern taxa. Genera such as Alnipollenites are created to which any number of "species" may be assigned. Such a name represents a legitimate organ genus in the sense discussed by Schopf (1969) and is intended to indicate that the pollen included within the genus has the charac— 'teristics of Alnus. The practice of applying such names 88 to pollen from a late Tertiary flora such as the Sucker Creek is questionable at best. The genus Aiggs is unequivocally present in the world's Miocene flora and the problem is reduced to the rather simple question of whether the pollen grains in question do belong to that genus. If, in the opinion of a competent researcher the material can be so assigned it is best referred to as Aigg§_and not to an artificial construct. Most modern plant taxa are rigorously described on the basis of their floral morphology, yet few taxonomists would consider modern binomials to represent "flower species" for the names have a much wider connotation. A modern plant taxono- mist would have little hesitation about identifying a leaf of Aiggg for example and few Tertiary paleobotanists would call a Miocene alder leaf Alniphyllites. Such a leaf would be referred to as Aigg§_with the same confi- dence that a pollen analyst would recognize dispersed Aiggg pollen. The only realistic reason for assigning material to an organ genus is if the identification is suspect, and here we return to the nub of the problem. If, in the case of our hypothetical fossil pollen, the material cannot confidently be assigned to the genus Aiggg, only two alternatives are possible. Either the material may be described as a member of the Corylaceae with uncertain generic affinities, or it must be assigned a form name. In either case, the use of the name Alnipollenites is Ipatently misleading and should be avoided. Such use of 89 organ genera and the distortions of form systems such as the halbnaturlische system of Potonié imply a degree of taxonomic precision which is not present. Placing the pollen grains in question within the Corylaceae and indicating the extent to which they resemble and differ from Aiggs pollen is a far better alternative and clearly states the degree of taxonomic uncertainty. If the grains cannot be assigned to a family then the application of a form name is certainly the only approach that does not imply more than is warranted based on the nature of the material. Once the decision is made to assign the material to the lowest taxon of the lowest taxonomic rank, the problem of the application of binomials to fossil pollen material arises. Traverse (1955) assigns most of his Oligocene pollen to extant genera and erects new specific epithets for each type. The use of such a jprocedure in a flora such as the Sucker Creek where a 'well-studied macroflora is present provides a number of unique problems. Using the pollen of Quercus as an example, two or three distinct types of oak pollen may 1x3 recognized in the microflora but the status of these tijas is difficult to evaluate since most modern oak Exillen cannot reliably be assigned to specific rank. If, after a review of the literature one were to decide that all. three types of pollen were distinct from oak pollen prenniously described, then one approach might be to erect 90 three new species within the genus Quercus to describe the pollen in question. The subsequent problem is two-fold. First, there are between four and six well authenticated species of oak present in the macroflora. Due to the nature of the material and its close resemb- lance to modern species, assignments on the basis of the leaves are likely to be fairly reliable. Since all of these six species are likely to have produced pollen which would enter the record, it becomes obvious that one or more of our pollen "species" is composed of pollen pro- duced by more than one "biological" species. Extensive study of leaf material over the years has resulted in the creation of fossil species which probably parallel a modern population concept quite closely. In the case cited above, there is no clear way to separate the "leaf" Species from the "pollen" species although the two represent entirely different concepts. Rather than take a step backward and assign each type of material in the flora a different organ designation, the developing rationale has been to reserve binomials for material which is subject to rigorous analysis and to use less precise assignments to material that cannot be analyzed with the same precision. As mentioned previously, it is possible to assign the leaves to taxonomic categories closely paralleling a modern Species concept and the use of binomials is entirely apprOpriate. Twigs and acorns caf oaks cannot usually be separated with such precision 91 and is usually the practice to refer to them simply as Quercus Sp. or spp. thus avoiding an unnecessary prolifer- ation of names. The pollen presents the same problem as these less easily identified plant parts and rationally can be treated the same way. Oak pollen can be assigned to the genus Quercus and the various morphological types discussed in terms of their probable or possible affini- ties within the genus without creating "species" which have little biological integrity. Similar problems arise if the material is assigned to pollen "species," within an extant genus, previously described in the literature. The use of the same binomial for material from two different floras implies a biolo- gical equivalency despite the fact that the "species" is based purely on morphological grounds. The morphological species concept is the core of paleontological practice in the widest sense, but is valid primarily in the frame- work of a form or organ nomenclature. If a morpho- species is erected within an extant genus, there is no imay, based on the form of the name, to differentiate this "species" from those erected on a firmer systematic basis. :Lf a flora consists of several species, some of which puzrallel and probably correspond to a modern population cxnncept and others erected on morphological grounds, the stxrtus of the genus within the flora becomes more confused rather than clearer . 92 In order to eliminate such ambiguities as much as possible, the following system will be adhered to in treating the Sucker Creek palynomorphs. First, material will be assigned to the lowest taxonomic rank where identi- fication is reasonably certain, usually a genus. If the pollen grains or spores resemble those of a still lower rank but problems exist in that placement, they will be dis- cussed under the designation of the higher rank. Pollen grains or spores which were not identified to an extant family or genus are treated at the end of the systematics chapter under their survey designations. In the event that the material assigned to a given family or genus is widely known under a binomial or form designation, this will be mentioned in the discussion of the taxon in question. Systematic Descriptions ALGAE Division CHRYSOPHYTA Genus BOTRYOCOCCUS Kfitzing (Plate 3-18) The interconnected cup-like waxey bodies constitut— 11“; the remains of this alga are identical in every respect to those of the extant species B. braunii. This genus has not previously been described from the flora altJuJugh it has been found in Tertiary deposits from most cxnrtinents. Traverse (1955) gives an excellent summary 93 of the Tertiary distribution of the genus as well as dis- cussing its pre-Cenozoic record. The genus has an exten- sive fossil history and appears to have been one of the prime constituents of boghead coals (Bertrand, 1927, 1928). Colonial masses of Botryococcus are the most common fossils of non-vascular origin in the Sucker Creek sediments and are often preserved when fossil pollen grains and spores are either absent or highly corroded. They appear to occur in small numbers in the fine-grained organic beds of the Valley and lower Shortcut and Rock- ville complex. Location: Pb-9245-l V+4.7le4.8 Algal Remains of Uncertain Affinity Tree}. (Plate 3-16) This cellular filament is morphologically similar to those of various filamentous Chlorophyta but it can- not.be stated with certainty that it is not a septate lnycelium. Filaments of this type have not previously been described from the flora. Location: Pb-9211-1 V+4.6le0.0 Type 3 (Plate 3-17) These filaments of spherical cells resemble those of certain of the Nostocaceae in the Cyanophyta but such 94 a placement is tentative. Filaments of this type are a new addition to the flora. They are comparatively rare. Location: Pb-9l9l-3 V+6.2lel.5 $192.3. (Plate 3-14) These entities consist of short uniseriate fila- ments with rounded cells at their ends. They compare quite closely with hormogonia produced by members of the Oscillatoriaceae in the Cyanophyta. They are found throughout the study sections but are usually somewhat rare. Remains of this type are a new addition to the flora. Location: Pb-9l96—1 V—2.9xH9.5 Tvpe 4 (Plate 3-9) Only a single specimen of this type was noted dur— ing the study. It may represent an algal hormogonium but the assignment is highly tentative. Location: Pb-9l96-l V+8.4xH25.9 FUNGI The role and utility of fungal spores in palynology :is discussed by Graham (1962) but in actual practice little Luna is made of fungal material. The principal problem lies le the identification of dispersed spores. The morphology of’rmost fungal spores is so generalized that identification txp.any'meaningful level is usually not possible. Somewhat 95 more complex structures such as sporangia, fruiting bodies, or differentiated hyphae may be somewhat more diagnostic. Fungal bodies are found throughout the study sections and are among the more common palynomorphs. Genus ALTERNARIA Nees emend Wiltshire (Plate 3-11) The characteristic conidiophores of this member of the Monoliniales are the only fungal entities which can confidently be identified to the level of genus. According to Alexopoulos (1952) the genus causes leaf spot diseases in several crops. Various leaf spots, probably of fungal origin, may be noted on many of the fossil leaves in the macroflora and it is possible that the genus may have played a role as a leaf parasite in the Sucker Creek forest. According to Johnson and Sparrow (1961), members of the genus are commonly found growing on submerged wood in fresh and mildly brackish water. Pady and Kapica (1954) reported Alternaria conidiophores in over 2 per cent of the air samples obtained <3ver the open ocean. In view of these observations, the genus is likely to be well represented in a variety of deposits and its presence is not likely to have any envi ronmental signi fi cance . Location: Pb-9l9l-3 V-5.4xH27.0 96 Fungal Remains of Uncertain Affinity Tree}. (Plate 3-1) Spores of this type are not common and appear to be confined to organic sediments. The general aspect of these spores is similar to that of Cladisporium in the Monoliniales. Cladisporium is a genus of stem parasites. Spores of this type have been previously described from the flora by Graham (1965). Location: Pb-9lS7-1 V+7.4xH15.8 $132 3 (Plate 3-2) This body resembles the terminal chamber of an elongate conidium similar to Type 19 illustrated in Plate 3-12. This form is found in small numbers through- out the section. Location:. Pb-9157—2 V+5.6le4.8 Eras. .4. (Plate 3-3) This spore superficially resembles those of Type 7 (except that it lacks the fine wall markings. The biologi- caJ.aaffinities are unknown. Spores of this type are found in the organic beds of all sections studied. Location: Pb-9157-l V-O.8le7.3 2292.5. (Plate 3-15) The botanical affinities of this body are obscure. It occurs in the organic beds of all three study sections and is easily recognized. Location: Pb-9157-2 V+3.7xH25.6 m9 (Plate 3-7) This body probably represents a two-chambered ascus. Remains of this type are found throughout the study sections. Location: Pb-9158-1 V+4.lel6.l $11921 (Plate 3-5) The botanical affinities of this spore are unknown. It is easily recognized by its somewhat tear-drop shape and the fine radial striations on the wall. It is found in the organic facies of all the study sections. Location: Pb-9158-6 V+4.0le7.8 Type 9 (Plate 3-6) This spore is a larger variant of Type 1 and may also represent Cladisporium. Its distribution in the study sections is essentially the same as that of Type 1. Location: Pb-9157-6 V-l.9xH8.7 (Plate 3-4) This type is comparatively rare and confined to the organic facies of the study sections. It may repre- sent a two-chambered ascus but this is a tentative assignment. Location: Pb—9158-7 V+9.6le3.5 Tree .13. (Plate 3-13) The botanical affinities of this interesting two- chambered structure are unknown. The complex pore-like perforations in the end walls may represent a dispersal mechanism or they may have been produced as a result of differential decay. Only a single specimen was noted. Location: Pb-9165-6 V+7.3XH11.8 Trail. (Plate 3-8) Only a single specimen of this type was found and its botanical affinities are unknown. Location: Pb—9182-l V+8.3xH5.0 Type i6 (Plate 3—10) These small spherical spores have a minutely spinulate spore coat which is quite characteristic. They undoubtedly represent the dispersed spores of some 99 basidiomycete. Spores of this type are rare but may be found throughout the study sections. Location: Pb-9186-l V0.0xH14.2 $1223 (Plate 3-12) A single specimen of this type was noted. It appears to be a septate conidium and its affinities are probably with the Monoliniales. Location: Pb—9211-l V+6.6xH23.4 Teal (Plate 3-19) Only a single specimen of this highly characteris- tic form was noted in the course of the study. The specimen was recovered from the lower Valley section and its botanical affinities are unknown. Location: Pb-9260-l V+5.4le3.7 100 Division TRACHEOPHYTA Sub-division LYCOPSIDA Genus LYCOPODIUM L. There are two distinct types of Lycopodium spores present in the flora. The types are morphologically dis- tinct and would appear to indicate the presence of at least two species. 219.21 (Plate 4-3) The spores of this type measure from 35 to 45 micrometers from an apex to the center of the opposite side. They are sub-triangular in shape and have a rugu— late surface texture similar to the living i. inundatum. This type of spore is a new record for the flora and it is found in the Valley and lower Shortcut and Rockville sections. Location: Pb-9223-1 V+l.le21.3 2x22 .2. (Plate 4-9) These spores appear identical with the Lycopodium spores previously described from the flora by Graham (1965). They are sub-triangular in shape and measure 30 in) 40 micrometers from apex to the center of an opposite side. The surface is strongly reticulate and the spores appear similar in all respects to those of the extant i. alpinum and i. complanatum. Spores of this type are not 101 common and occur in the Valley and lower Shortcut and Rockville sections. Location: Pb-9263-l V+10.4xH9.4 Sub-division PTEROPSIDA Class FILICINEAE Family OSMUNDACEAE Genus OSMUNDA L. (Plate 4-8) Only a single spore referable to this genus was found in the course of the study. The specimen was recovered from the Valley section and it seems probable that the source plants were present in only small numbers and in particularly moist and favorable habitats. The specimen is similar to a specimen figured by Graham (1963) which he calls 9. claytonites. It is sub—spherical meas- uring approximately 40 micrometers in diameter. The rays of the trilete scar measure approximately 16 micrometers in length. Spores of similar size and morphology have been isolated from a variety of western Tertiary sediments and.are commonly referred to as Osmundacites wellmanii in the palynological literature. Location: Pb-9322-l V+7.2xH12.7 102 Family POLYPODIACEAE Genus POLYPODIUM L. (Plate 4-2) These spores are quite similar to those produced by the living 2. vulgare and are the only ones within the family that can be assigned to a genus with some degree of certainty. The spores are monolete and reniform, rang- ing in size from 35 by 45 to 50 by 70 micrometers. The single scar is 30 to 40 micrometers in length and the surface of the spore is characteristically rugulate. Spores of this type were previously described from the flora by Graham (1965). They are very common in some beds at the middle of the Valley section and comparatively rare elsewhere. Location: Pb-9268-3 V-3.7xH10.6 Polypodiaceae Spores of Uncertain Generic Affinity izei (Plate 4-7) These small reniform monolete spores average 17 by 26 micrometers in size. They represent the smooth endo- spore which remains after the sculptured exospore has been shed. Because of their generalized features they can- Iubt be assigned to any particular genus. Spores of this typeeoccur in small numbers throughout the study sections. Location: Pb-9157-l V-8.le12.5 ire; (Plate 4-1) These spores are uniformly larger than those of Type 1, averaging 30 by 45 micrometers in size. They are monolete with the smooth reniform shape characteristic of endospores within the Polypodiaceae, but cannot reliably be assigned to any particular genus because of their generalized morphological features. Graham (1965) identified spores of this type as Woodwardia on the basis of the occurrence of Woodwardia fronds in the macroflora. Although such occurrences are useful in indicating possi- ble affinities of the spores, the use of such a procedure in identifying the dispersed spores is completely inadmissable. There is at present no unequivocable evi- dence for the presence of Woodwardia in the microflora although it is likely that some of the spores of this type may have been produced by the genus. Spores of this type are found in small numbers throughout the study sec- tions, particularly in the organic facies. Location: Pb-9157-l V—8.7xH12.6 VASCULAR PLANT SPORES OF UNCERTAIN SYSTEMATIC POSITION Monolete Type i (Plate 4-4) The spores of this type are reniform, ranging in Size from 25 by 42 to 30 by 50 micrometers. The surface 104 is densely fimbriate but it has not been possible to determine if this is the original condition of the spores or whether it is the result of differential decay or the accumulation of organic debris. The spores occur in small numbers in the Valley and lower Shortcut and Rock- ville sections. Location: Pb-9308-3 V+7.4xH14.6 ire; (Plate 4~5) Only a single specimen of this type was noted in the study. It is ovate, 34 by 44 micrometers in size and has a single scar which is visible on the upper surface in the illustration. The surface is verrucate. The spore was recovered from the organic beds near the center of the Valley section. Location: Pb—9324-3 V+9.7lel.l Trilete Eras}. (Plate 4-10) The spores of this type are sub-triangular, meas- uring approximately 36 micrometers from an apex to the center of the opposite side. The surface is coarsely granulate and the trilete scar is bordered by a thickened ridge with a rugulate texture. It was not possible to relate this type to any particular modern group. A small 105 number of specimens were observed in preparation from the organic beds at the middle of the Valley section. Location: Pb-9158—7 V+l3.5xH16.l 2222?. (Plate 4-6) Only a single specimen, recovered from the base of the Rockville section, was noted in the course of the study. It measures approximately 26 micrometers in dia— meter and has a smooth surface somewhat pitted by differ- ential corrosion. Location: Pb-9182-l V+7.9lel.6 Class GYMNOSPERMAE Family PINACEAE Genus ABIES L. (Plate 5) Two types of Abieg pollen were observed during the study. Pollen of the genus is characterized by large size, a pronounced resentrant angle between the bladders and cap, and a sharp transition in sculpturing between the cap and bladders. Graham (1965) considered Abigs pollen to be relatively rare in the Sucker Creek micro- flora but this is definitely not the case. Abigs pollen is confined to the Valley and lower Shortcut and Rockville sections but where it is present it often reaches levels of 10 percent of the total number of pollen grains and spores. The pollen grains of Agigg are quite large and heavy and representation at a level of up to 10 percent 106 would indicate that fir stands were often present near the depositional basin. reel (Plate 5-1) This is the most common type accounting for over 95 percent of the fir pollen counted during the quanti— tative phase of the study. The cap is thick and measures between 120 and 140 micrometers across. The bladders are attached with a pronounced re-entrant angle and measure between 85 and 100 micrometers in diameter. The cap is rugulate while the bladders have a reticulate pattern superimposed on a rugulate surface texture. This type appears identical to the form described by Graham (1965). The various modern equivalents of the various fir species described from the Miocene of the Columbia Plateau inter— grade to such a degree in their pollen morphology that it is not possible to make a specific determination on the basis of the fossil pollen. Location: Pb-9157-1 V+9.4XH17.5 ire—22. (Plate 5—2) This pollen type is comparatively rare and appears to be confined to the Valley section. The cap is quite thick and measures approximately 90 micrometers across with a finely rugulate surface texture. The bladders are coarsely reticulate and measure 58 to 65 micrometers in 107 diameter. Grains of this type have not previously been described from the flora and it has not been possible to relate the pollen to any modern species. Location: Pb-9158-l V-5.2XH16.0 Genus PICEA L. (Plate 6) Pollen of spruce is one of the most significant components of the microflora and is dominant at many levels in the Valley and lower Shortcut and Rockville sections. The pollen occurs in two forms which can usually be readily differentiated unless the orientation of the grain is extremely poor. 2x221 (Plate 6—1) This grain is the larger of the two types and is generally the most common. The grains commonly measure between 100 and 130 micrometers across the cap with the entire grain measuring 130 to 150 micrometers in length. Both the cap and bladders are rugulate. Although not figured, this is undoubtedly the larger of the two types discussed by Graham (1965) in his treatment of the spruce pollen of the microflora. Grains of this type are quite similar morphologically to those of the living P. likiangensis. Location: Pb-9157-l V+10.2xH19.l 2292.2. (Plate 6-2) This pollen type is typical of that illustrated by Graham (1965) and is quite similar to that of the living 3. engelmanni. The bladders are commonly folded quite close to the body of the grain, the latter measuring from 96 to 120 micrometers in length. The cap and bladders range from verrucate to rugulate in surface texture. Location: Pb-9158-7 V+18.0xH5.3 Genus PINUS L. Pine pollen is a major constituent of the pollen spectra at all levels in all sections. Five morphological types (1, 2, 4, 5, 6) are recognized in the present study. Type i (Plate 7-2) The bodies of the grains measure 45 to 55 micro- meters across and have a finely rugulate surface texture. \b—J: The bladders are finely reticulate and usually somewhat flattened. This appears to be the same type as illus- trated by Graham (1965). It strongly resembles the pollen of P. strobus and g. monticola, both of which are similar in their vegetative morphology to g. wheeleri, a widely distributed species in the Miocene of western North America. This type reaches its greatest numbers in the Valley and lower Shortcut and Rockville sections, but may be found in the upper part of the latter two sections 109 in somewhat reduced numbers. P. baileyana, a pollen type described by Traverse (1955) from the Brandon lignite of Vermont (Oligocene?), is almost identical to this pollen type. Location: Pb-9169-3 V+20.lell.4 "£11222 (Plate 7-6) Pollen of this type appears confined to the lower part of the Valley section. The cap averages approxi- mately 35 micrometers long and is quite thick for its size. The bladders vary from 25 to 34 micrometers in diameter and are often somewhat flattened with an auri- culate margin where they are folded against the body of the grain. Pollen of this type has not previously been described from the flora and it has not been possible to relate it to a species within the genus although the grains resemble those of g. remorata of the western United States. Location: Pb-9157-l V+6.2xH14.6 was. (Plate 7-4) Grains of this type range in size from 30 to 40 micrometers across the cap with the bladders averaging approximately 25 micrometers in diameter. The bladders are coarsely reticulate and the body ranges from granular to finely verrucate. This pollen type has not previously 110 been described from the flora and its affinities within the genus are not known. It is a comparatively rare pollen type which is distributed throughout the study sections. Location: Pb-9157-6 V+l.le7;9 we: (Plate 7-5) This pollen type closely resembles the pollen of the living 2. muricata and is characterized by a shallow re-entrant angle at the point of attachment of the bladders and cap. The body measures 50 to 60 micrometers in length with its texture ranging from verrucate to rugulate. The bladders are coarsely reticulate and average approximately 30 micrometers in diameter. This pollen type has not previously been described from the flora. Morphologically it is identical to P. pristipollinia, a pollen type des- cribed by Traverse (1955) from the Brandon lignite of Vermont. It is found in the upper half of the Rockville and Shortcut sections. Location: Pb-9191-3 V-5.2XH13.0 2x229. (Plate 7-3) This pollen type has a body ranging from 45 to 55 micrometers in length with bladders averaging 33 micro- meters in diameter. There is a sharp re-entrant angle at the point of attachment of the bladders and cap. The body 111 is granular to finely rugulate and the bladders are coarsely reticulate. This pollen type is a new addition to the flora and strongly resembles the pollen of the extant g. contorta. It is found in the upper half of the Rockville and Shortcut sections. Location: Pb-9l9l-3 V+6.3lel.5 Genus TSUGA L. (Plate 7-1) The hemlock pollen observed during the study is spherical, ranging from 70 to slightly over 100 micro- meters in diameter. The surface is convoluted and one side of the grain tends to be collapsed due to a thinning of the exine in that area. The exine often becomes some- what separated from the body of the grain giving it the appearance of being surrounded by a sac-like bladder. This pollen type was first described from the flora by Graham (1965) who considered it to resemble the pollen of T, heterophyila, an extant species growing in western North America. Pollen of this type is confined to the Valley and lower Shortcut and Rockville sections. It may reach relative percentages as high as 5 percent but values of 1-2 percent are more common. Location: Pb-9158-1 V-6.1le6.8 112 Family PODOCARPACEAE Genus PODOCARPUS L'Herit. ex Pers. (Plate 7-8) Pollen of this genus is a new record for the flora and may represent the youngest known record of the genus in the Tertiary of North America. The cap ranges from 30 to 40 micrometers across and is deeply convoluted, characteris- tically staining very deeply. The bladders are large in relation to the body of the grain and are coarsely reticu- late. The length of intact grains varies from 68 to 82 micrometers. The grains are apparently confined to the Valley section where they occur at levels of 1-2 per 1000 in the organic sediments in the middle of the section. Podocarpps has long been considered to have had only a Mesozoic distribution in North America but recent studies indicate that it may have had a distinct if somewhat limited role in various Tertiary floras. The first authenticated occurrence of Tertiary leaf material was reported by Dilcher (1969), who was able to recover Podocarpus cuticular material from the Eocene deposits of Puryear, Tennessee. This find, coupled with occurrences of pollen of the genus in Tertiary deposits (Sparks, 1967 and Leopold, 1969) would appear to indicate that the genus was present and somewhat widespread in early Tertiary time in North America. The presence of pollen of the genus in the Miocene Sucker Creek flora probably represents the latest record of the genus in North America. Although 113 it cannot be demonstrated with certainty, the overall patterns of derivation of plants from temperate Tertiary floras in western North America would favor the hypothe- sis that the source plants for the pollen were probably derived from temperate Asian forms rather than sub-tropi- cal or southern hemisphere species. 2. macrophylla of Japan and g. neriifolia of mainland China are two species which appear likely as possible analogues of the Sucker Creek source plants. g. neriifolia is widely distributed from the Himalyas to southwestern China (Lee, 1935), while P. macrophylla is to be found in warm-to moderate temperate areas in Japan. It is possible that Podocarpus occupied habitats of a somewhat sheltered nature and was probably to be found in small numbers in the more mesic lowlands rather than the more rigorous sites on the higher slopes. The trees may have persisted in the areas as relicts, only to be eliminated during the drying interval indicated during the latter part of the Rockville - Shortcut sequence. Location: Pb-9157-3 V-4.6xH7.l Family TAXODIACEAE (Plate 7—7) Identification of pollen assigned to the Taxodiaceae (TCT) cannot be accomplished at the generic level with any degree of reliability using the light microscope. Criteria for distinguishing individual genera (see Traverse, 1955) will partition out the various morphological types present 114 in the flora but these various types have no consistent relationship to the identity of the source plants. Taggart (1967) applied the criteria outlined by Traverse (1955) to the range of variability presented by Taxodium pollen preserved in modern sediments in southern Illinois cypress swamps. Based on their morphology: it was possible to recognize the presence morphological analogues of Taxodium, Glyptostrobus, Metasegpoia, and Seguoia. Since TaXodium was in actuality the only source plant, it was felt that the mOrphological criteria resulting in such incorrect deter- minations should be rejected. On the basis of plants known to have been growing in the Columbia Plateau region during Miocene time, two genera, Taxodium and Glyptostrobus emerge as the two likely possibilities for the Sucker Creek source plants. Glyptostrobus is found in the macroflora while Taxodium, although widely distributed in floras of similar age, is not. On this basis alone, it is highly likely that a great deal of the taxodiaceous pollen is derived from Glyptostrobus. In addition, the peak in TCT pollen in the Valley section corresponds to a peak in the occurrence of Glyptostrobus macrofossils. At least some of the fossil wood in the upper Rockville organic beds is assignable to the Taxodiaceae and provisionally has been placed in the genus Glyptostrobus. Although it must be admitted that Taxodium or even other genera in the family may have grown in the area without being represented in the macroflora, it appears probable that much of the TCT 115 pollen in the Sucker Creek sediments was derived from Glyptostrobus. It must be emphasized however that this conclusion is inferential and is in no way based on the morphology of the fossil pollen grains. The grains themselves are typically 25 to 32 micrometers in diameter and may assume a variety of forms, all of which are ultimately derived from an original spherical form. The specimen illustrated shows a gaping ruptured sphere with a small germinal papilla, typically assigned to the form species Taxodiaceaepollenites hiatus (Pot.) Kremp. Another form, often referred to the genus Sequoia or its "form" equivalents, consists of unruptured grains with a somewhat longer papilla. Another common configuration consists of collapsed and folded grains, often referred to as Glyptostrobus. The form illustrated is the most common, but a complete series of gradational forms may be found reinforcing the authors opinion that no valid distinctions within the family may be made on the basis of pollen morphology observed with the light microscope. Location: Pb-9158-l V+4.lel7.3 Class ANGIOSPERMAE Sub-class MONOCOTYLEDONAE Family GRAMINEAE Grass-like pollen is a common constituent of the microflora but the generalized morphological features of 116 the pollen grains do not permit them to be identified with any precision below the level of family. Pollen of the family typically has a thin hyaline exine with a single pore. (The latter is often surrounded by thickened annulus. In the fossil material the pore is rarely observed due to the ease with which the grains are collapsed and torn. Tearing commonly involves the pore structure and it is not possible to demonstrate its presence in all cases . Eras}. (Plate 9-2) This is the most common type encountered, compris- ing over 90 percent of the grains assigned to the family. The hyaline exine is typically folded and torn. The grains range in size from 30 to 50 micrometers. Due to the distorted nature of most of the material it is possi- ble that some grains belonging to the Cyperaceae may have been tallied in this group. Location: Pb-9157-l V+8.6le4.0 nee; (Plate 9-3) In this form the pore is commonly preserved, prob— ably due to the thicker and somewhat more resistant exine. In the specimen figured the pore is visible in optical section at the top of the pollen grain. The grains are somewhat ovate measuring 25 to 35 by 35 to 45 micrometers. 117 The pore is approximately 4 micrometers in diameter. This form is not common and is confined to the upper Shortcut and Rockville sections. Location: Pb-9230-1 V-5.8XH9.3 $222.3. (Plate 9—4) This form is somewhat smaller than the previous types ranging from 22 to 28 micrometers in diameter. The pore is usually visible and the grains are rarely collapsed, probably due in part to their smaller size. This type is rare and only a small number of grains were observed in the upper Rockville section. Location: Pb-9l9l-3 V-5.9xH27.4 Family POTAMOGETONACEAE Genus POTAMOGETON L. (Plate 10-5) Pollen of this genus was first described from the flora by Graham (1965). The grains are spherical, inaperturate, and have a well-developed reticulum. They range in size from 30 to 35 micrometers. It is not possible to relate the fossil material to any extant species due to the generalized nature of the pollen within the genus. It is found in the upper Valley and lower Shortcut and Rockville sections and is one of the types used as an indicator of open water habitats. Location: Pb-9158-l V-2.7le7.0 118 Family TYPHACEAE Genus TYPHA L. (Plate 10—10) These grains are typically spherical with a single aperture. The borders of the pore are somewhat diffuse and the grain has a reticulate exine structure. The grains range from 25 to 30 micrometers in diameter. Pollen of this type was previously described by Graham (1965). It appears to be most closely allied to T. angustifolia, based on the fact that the grains are shed singly rather than in rhombohedral tetrads. Grains of the latter type are characteristic of T. latifolia. The pollen is found at intervals throughout all of the study sections but the grains are never very common. Location: Pb—9158-1 V-2.0lel.8 Sub-class DICOTYLEDONAE Family ACERACEAE Genus ACER L. Maple pollen is relatively common in the macro- flora and two general types are recognized. There are undoubtedly more than two taxa represented, but separation .-~ \ ...-......fin .. “2'3.