0 SYSTEM EFFECTS ON INNOVATNENESS AMONG TNDTAN FARMERS Thesis for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNNERSTTY ANANT P. SAXENA 1968 LI 8 72 -14 n " Michigan ante Um E‘s/f. £sz ty 1m mquLTITLTITTTT TMTLTTTT ' 31 This is to certify that the thesis entitled SYSTEM EFFEC'I‘S ONI'LINNOVATIVENESS AMONG INDIAN FARMERS presented by 0 . Anant' P . Saxena has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Eh.D degree in Jammication I Major professor | Date Novwber 2O . 1968 0-169 .//\ ABSTRACT SYSTEM EFFECTS ON INNOVATIVENESS AMONG INDIAN FARMERS by Anant P. Saxena The present study focused on the simultaneous and systematic consideration of individual variables and system variables in accounting for more variance in individual innovativeness than previously. Individual variables are operations of the communication, social and psychological behavior of the individual. System variables are the aggregative measures of individual variables for each sys- tem. Innovativeness was operationalized as having ever used (or tried) lO innovations, regardless of when it was adOpted and whether its use was continued. The present data were part of the Diffusion Project, conducted in India by the Department of Communication at Michigan State University. The social systems in the study weré’eight Indian villages selected randomly to represent a range in village modernization. The sample numbered 680 farmers in these eight systems. The major objectives of the study were threefold: (l) to ascertain the degree to which system variables affect the innovativeness of individual members of a system, (2) to determine the extent to which system independent variables affect individual innovativeness when the effects of indivi- dual independent variables are controlled, and (3) tol understand the way in which system variables affect individual Anant P. Saxena ixunrvativeness under Specified situations when interactions among the independent variables are controlled. The data were analyzed, first, by means of zero-order correlations between each system variable and individual innovativeness. Our analysis produced significant correla- tions for 14 of the 15 system variables. In most cases, both individual and system-level measures of an independent variable were related to innovativeness. Thus, we encountered system effects on individual innovativeness. §ystem effects are the influence of systemic structure and/or composition on the behavior of the members of a social system. Not only did we find system effects, but also that system effects made a unique contribution beyond individual effects in explaining innovativeness, i.e., the system effects occurred even when the corresponding individual-level variables were controlled. All of the 15 partial correlations for the system variables showed a significant relationship with innovativeness, except two. Even clearer support of system effects beyond individual effects was found when eight independent variables (both individual and system measures) were combined in a series of multiple correlations. The simultaneous consideration of both individual and system variables explained 62 percent of the variance in innovative- ness, an increase in eXplained variance of 1a and 21 percent over that eXplained by individual and system variables, respectively. In general, the relationship of all the individual variables with innovativeness is linear. Contrarily, all Anant P. Saxena the System variables were found to be curvilinearly related with innovativeness with "take-off" occurring at different points, depending on the variable. System effects tend to predominate somewhat over individual-level effects. Predominance of system effects was visualized in the sequential interaction analysis, and also in a series of two-way analyses of variance. In the sequential interaction analysis, we observed that the total sample initially split on a system variable. Also, it provided us with a configuration of variables organized in such a way as to demonstrate how variables combine to max- imally explain variation in innovativeness. As a result of the configurational analysis, three typologies (most, moderate, and least innovative) of innovativeness emerged. A simultaneous consideration of bgth individual and sys- tem variables in the configurational analysis yielded a greater range in means, and a much reduced standard devia- tion around the means, for all the typologies, than when either individual or system variables were considered separately. A substantial degree of interaction between individual and system variables was also evident in the configurational analysis, eSpecially in the case of the less innovative reSpondents. For an analysis within a balance theory framework, the dichotomization of individual and system variables into high and low levels were used to construct four typologies of reSpondents. These were (1) modern individuals living in modern systems, (2) modern individuals living in Anant P. Saxena traditional systems, (3) traditional individuals living in modern systems, and (4) traditional individuals living in traditional systems. Within each of these typologies, three. types of pressure (internal, individual and external) on individuals were assumed to be Operative. The results of the two-way analysis of variance illustrated our concern with the process by which social systems generate dissonance in individuals. We found that farmers high on both individual and system variables were more innovative than when they were high on one type of variable and low on the other, or when they were low on both individual and system variables. In the case of im- balanced situations, system effects seemed to predominate over individual effects, and the dominance was greater when individual effects were lower. Our results document the existence of system effects on individual innovativeness, and warrant further considera- tion of system effects to building a more adequate theory. The study augurs the beginning of research designs which consider simultaneously and systematically both individual zxnd system variables in predicting individual innovativeness. Accepted by the faculty of the Department of Communication, College of Communication Arts, Michigan State University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree. I Director of Thgsigé Guidance Committee: 4’ “IL: , Chairman Ari/am SYSTEM EFFECTS ON INNOVATIVENESS AMONG INDIAN FARMERS By (5“‘ Anant P. Saxena A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Communication 1968 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to eXpress his appreciation to his advisor, Dr. Everett M. Rogers for his considerable assistance and support throughout the writer's disserta- tion and entire graduate program. The author also extends his appreciation to Drs. Duane Gibson, Vincent Farace, and Larry Sarbaugh, who served as members on the doctoral guidance committee and who offered valuable suggestions and comments in regard to the present thesis. Data for this thesis were gathered as a part of a larger research project, the Diffusion of Innovations in Rural Societies. The author is indebted to the United States Agency for International Development for the finan- cial support which made the present project possible. Many persons have substantially assisted the author during the course of the dissertation. The author is jparticularly indebted to James P. Bebermeyer and Joseph .Ascroft for the helpful suggestions they contributed to- Imard the improvement of the present thesis. To Mrs. Irene Ascroft, the typist, for her many hours cxf work, especially at the "eleventh hour," the author eXpresses his thanks . ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS . . . . . . . ii LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . iv LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . v CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ‘2. . . . . . 1 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . . 16 III METHODOLOGY . . . . . . 30 IV FINDINGS . . . . . . 52 V SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION . . . . 81 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . 103 APPENDIX . . . . . . . 108 111 Table l. 9. 10. 11” :12. JLB. LIST OF TABLES Correlations of Individual and System Variables with Innovativeness . . Multiple Correlations of the Eight Individual-level and System-level Variables with Innovativeness . . Testing for the Linearity of Relationships between the Dependent Variable and the Independent Variables . . . . Mean Levels of Innovativeness and Independent System Variables by Villages Configurational Typologies of Innovative- ness . o 0 Mean Innovativeness and System Measures Mean Innovativeness and System Measures Scores Across Individual of Education . . Scores Across Individual of the Value of Agri— cultural Products sold . . . . Mean Innovativeness and System Measures Mean Innovativeness and System Measures Mean Innovativeness and System Measures tion . . . Mean Innovativeness and System Measures Mean Innovativeness and System Measures Mean Innovativeness and System Measures Scores Across Individual of Credit Orientation Scores Across Individual of Urban Pull . Scores Across Individual of Deferred Gratifica- Scores Across Individual of Extension Contact Scores Across Individual of Level of Living Scores Across Individual of Mass Media Exposure iv Page 56 59 61 62 71 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 Figure 1. LIST OF FIGURES Normative and Deviant Behavior as Explained by Individual and Social System Modernization Types of Balanced and Imbalanced Situations Involving the Individual and His Social syStem o o o o o o o o 0 An Illustration of System Effects . . Hypothetical Example of the Blau Technique in which the Dependent Variable (W) is Related to the Individual Variable Z and the System Variable ng . . . . Typologies of Analyses on the Bases of Unit of Response and Unit of Analysis . . Typologies of System Effects Configurational Analysis of Prediction of Individual's Innovativeness with Individ- ual Variables . . . . . . . Configurational Analysis of Prediction of Individual's Innovativeness with System Variables . . . . . . . Configurational Analysis of Prediction of Individual's Innovativeness when both Individual and System Variables are Combined . . . . . . Page 10 17 24 44 49 65 66 67 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ... Any system not only bears in itself the seeds of its change, but generates the change inces- santly, with every act, every reaction, every activity it discharges (Sorokin, 1961, p. 1312). The Problem The basic problem of the present thesis is focussed on the simultaneous and systematic consideration of a set of concepts, 2222 in individual and aggregate (system) forms, in accounting for more variance in individual innovativeness* than previously. Past work considered a set of independent variables either as properties of the individual or properties of the system of which he is a part. None attended to both conceptual forms simultaneously. It is hoped that this approach will provide a more precise picture of the relationships among the dependent 'variable of innovativeness and certain independent variables .in.both individual and system forms. Such a set of independent ”variables relate to the communication, social, and psycho- Jmogical behavior of the individual and of the system of which tie is a member. ‘ *Innovativeness is "the degree to which an individual is relatively earlier in adopting new ideas than other members or his social system" (Rogers, 1962, p. 20). 1 In approaching the present problem, one must attend to the question of whether or not the properties of a social system have influence over the behavior of its members. Further, given such influence, what is its nature and direc- tion? Such influence may be conceived as springing either from aSpects of systemic structure* such as system norms, or from system composition** with reSpect to members' attri- butes, or from both. Similarly, the prOperties of a system may be classified . as (l) aggregate properties, which are based on character- I istics of smaller units within the system being described, and (2) integral pgoperties, which are not based on smaller units.*** Thus, an aggregate property of a system is its *Blau (1957 and 1960) and Campbell and Alexander (1965) refer to such effects as "structural effects." **Davis and others (1961) call these phenomena "composi- tional" rather than "structural" because they think there is only a partial overlap between these relationships and what sociologists consider to be social structure. Our pretensions here are not so much that of ending the semantic debate but rather of striving to search for the existence of such effects relative to systems under the label of "system effects." So we subsume both structural and compositional variables under system variables. ***Lazarsfeld and Menzel (1961) used the term "analytic" and "global" in place of "aggregate" and "integral", to describe the properties of a system as used by Selvin and Hagstrom (1963). The latter authors do not agree with the terms used by the former authors and feel that "global" falsely suggests an overall description of the system, and "analytic" emphasizes the decomposition of system properties into individual data, rather than the combination of individual data into system properties. Cattell (1951) Provides a threefold classification of system variables: Szntality variables which describe the performance of the System.acting as a whole (e.g., some kind of social program mean on some attribute (e.g., X on education), which is an aggregation of the behavior of the individual members. In contrast, whether or not the system has an educational institution to impart education is an integral character- istic which is not derived directly from the behavior of the individual members or of any subsystem. Another example differentiating the aggregate and integral properties of a system is found in the Diffusion Project;* the Phase I variables are measured at the village level and describe the "integral" prOperties of the village. The Phase II data were gathered from farming heads in from 8 to 20 villages per country, and thus the village mean that the system undertakes); structure variables are based on.particu1ars of internal structure and interaction (e.g., average number of friends chosen from within the system); 20pmlation variables are characteristics of the distribution (If personality, status, and attitude-interest variables ennong the members of the system (e.g., prOportion interested 111 campus politics). Cattell h0pes to explain variations in Syntality as functions of pOpulation and structure variable. *The Diffusion of Innovations in Rural Societies Research szaject, a three-phase study conducted since 1964 by the Department of Communication, Michigan State University, under contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development, 1n3ed.survey research and multivariate analysis to explore Tale diffusion of agricultural innovations in India, Brazil. and Nigeria. Phase I of the study used the village as the Inxit of analysis in order to explore the system effects of ‘Willage environments on villagers' behavior. Phase II used the individual as the unit of analysis to explain variability in innovativeness of individual farmers. In Phase III, controlled field experiments were designed to compare the effectiveness of such inputs as adult literacy PI‘Ogram, animation (leadership clinics for informal leaders), zuui radio forums in diffusing information about techno- logical innovations. values of variables represent the "aggregate" properties of the system.* Our assumption is that the_prgperties of a system will exert influence over an individual member's behavior. This assumption is made because the value system and normative milieu of the system typically influence the behavior of individual members by means of rewards and sanctions. Also, other possible constraints of a system limit alternatives that are open to their members. Thus, if there is no electricity in a village the question of adOpting electrical equipment by the individuals of that village does not arise. We are also assuming that individual behavior (on some dependent variable such as innovativeness) depends, or is in part a function of, the individual's position on a number of independent variables. Based on these assumptions, the main thesis we advance is that more variance in individual behavior can be explained by utilizing 39m individual and system variables inman.by using only individual variables.** Thus, an individ- Iual's innovativeness may well depend in part on his literacy, kar example, but also in part on the percent literate in the Village in which he lives. Why would we expect these SYStem effects? _ *In the present study we intend to use only "aggregate" SYStem variables. Details of our limitation to use only aggregate system variables may be found in Chapter V. **Because very few studies, as we shall show later, utilized system variables. Normative and Deviant Behavior Through past interactions, individuals have organized themselves into social systems and, through ongoing inter- action, they maintain and adapt that organization. The system includes norms which affect the behavior of individ- uals. Norms have such effect when they become embedded into the life patterns of individuals through the life- long process of socialization. Socialization, the teaching of norms and their later enforcement, is done in part by\ certain members of the system who transmit messages of approval or disapproval to other members. Thus, socializa- tion is accomplished through communication, the transmission of messages with the intent to affect individual behavior. This kind of socialization may be regarded as within-system socialization. To the extent that a social system enters into inter- raction.with other systems, all of which, when put together, turn be considered to form one larger social system (e.g., regional communities comprising a nation state), a similar type of "socialization" for each individual social system lmay occur. This type of socialization may be regarded as lxstween-system socialization. Facilitating this kind of Socialization is communication, just as in the case of ixuiividual socialization within a system.* k *Direct measures of interaction among individuals within a System and between systems would have been desirable and likely would have been highly related to our dependent variable. However, lacking such direct measurement, we The research question generated by these observations is: What are the effects of between-system socialization upon within-system socialization?* What happens to an individual who is already socialized in a particular social system when that social system enters the process of being socialized to norms of yet a larger social system? In broad outline, we can conceive of two opposing forces acting upon such an individual: (1) an internal source of influence to maintain an existing normative structure (within-system socialization), and (2) an external source of influence act- ing upon the system to either reinforce or change its norm- ative structure (between-system socialization). To inves— tigate the manner in which these two forces interact with each other, let us arbitrarily create dichotomies of social systems and individuals as to whether they are modern or traditional, and cast these in a two-by-two table as in liigure l. (ubnceive our individual and system variables as indirect Imeasures of interaction in that individual behavior and Systemic norms may well be considered as products of human communication. *Our usage of the word "socialization" is slightly cl .2 .3 on 05 (P) iFigure 3. An Illustration of System Effects Past Studies on System Effects The phenomenon of system effects is not new. Its origin may be traced to Durkheim (1897) who noted not only that suicide rates varied censiderably among different religions, 18 but also that suicide rates for a given religion are much lower when its adherents are in a distinct minority in the society. Similarly, Groves and Ogburn (1928) showed that the marriage rates for men and women vary in opposite directions with the sex ratios of the communities in which they live. Studies by Faris and Dunham (1939) on psychosis rates, and Stouffer and others (1949) on U.S. soldiers, were similarly concerned with system effects. A number of more recent studies also demonstrates the presence of system effects: 1. Berelson and others (1954) demonstrated the effects of community composition in terms of party affiliation on voting behavior. 2. Lipset and others (1956) found system effects in their study of a labor union. 3. Wilson (1959) showed systemic influences on the aspirations of high school students. 4. Blau (1960) observed that prevailing values in work groups had system effects (in a public assistance agency) on the conduct of the individual. In some cases, the group ‘values and the individual's orientation had similar but independent effects; in other cases, they had opposite effects; and in still other cases, the effects of the individual's orientation were contingent on the prevalence of this orientation in the group, a pattern which identifies characteristics associated with deviancy. 5. Davis and others (1961), in a study of the Great Books reading program, encountered system effects. 19 A number of research investigations have examined system effects in formal organizations. Becker and Stafford (1967) conducted a mail survey of 140 saving and loan associations in Illinois to explain variation in organizational efficiency and innovativeness. Five independent variables explained 40 percent variance in organizational efficiency and innovative- ness. The independent variables included the size of the organization in terms of assets, the growth rate of the sur- rounding community, the adoption of innovations, size of the administrative component, and the management's leadership style. Sapolsky (1967) studied nine retail organizations in six department stores. He found that three major innovations suggested by store executives were not implemented because of the nature of the stores' organization and reward systems. Similarly, in a study of factors associated with the success or failure of various innovative staff proposals, Evans and Black (1967) found that the nature of the staff-line relation- ships affected the innovation acceptance. Further evidence of the existence of system effects may be found in a number of studies dealing with the diffusion of innovations. Marsh and Coleman (1954) indicated that both socio-economic characteristics of farmers and their neighbor- hood of residence are significantly associated with the individual farmer's innovativeness score. Even when the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers are held con- stant, the differences attributable to differences in 20 neighborhoods still exist. In their Kentucky restudy, Young and Coleman (1959) also found that farmers in modern neighbor- hoods had a more scientific orientation toward farming matters than those in traditional neighborhoods. Duncan and Kreitlow (1954) matched and compared 19 pairs of rural neighborhoods on the adoption of 30 school practices, using an index of 25 farming practices and four elements of organizational participation. They used neighborhood as the unit of analysis, and the mean score of 10 respondents in each neighborhood as the acceptance level of the entire neighborhood. They found that heterogeneous neighborhoods were consistently more favorable toward a majority of the innovations than were homogeneous neighborhoods. In a study of 47 Wisconsin townships, van deanan (1960) A classified the townships into four categories according to the average adoption scores of the farmers. He observed a significant difference among the four categories in the pro- ;portion of high adOpters, after controlling the effects of :such variables as education, 4-H Club membership, size of faxmn and net worth. He then made case studies of two town- :ships, one modern and one traditional, and concluded: 'UDifferences 1n the adoption of new farm practices between the townships studied can be only partly eXplained by clifferences in individual characteristics or by values directly affecting farming. Differences in social structure sauem.to be more important." Faced with the problem of low prediction level, allegedly 21 due to exclusive emphasis on the individual, Rogers (1961) 7; included a community variable, "norms on innovativeness," in his analysis. He found that the prediction of the innovative- ness of truck farmers much improved because of the inclusion of this previously-unused variable. Coughenour (1964) analyzed the data on the diffusion of five farm practices in 12 Kentucky localities. He found that speed of diffusion is related to socio-economic and attitudinal resources of each locality and also to the nature of social relationships with information sources and media contacts. Qadir's analysis (1966) of data from some 600 villagers \’ in 26 Philippine neighborhoods, on the other hand, revealed that compositional system variables (e.g., mean neighborhood education, mass media eXposure) are about as effective as jpredictors of individual innovativeness as are individual 'variables like education, mass media exposure, etc. Opera- tionalizing "differentiation" as the adoption of modern jpractices, he concludes: The composition of the more differentiated localities shows a concentration of individual households with high education, modern orienta- tion, media contact, material possession, and communication facilities, which together generate a social climate in favor of adoption of modern practices [like our cell I in Figure l].* Under such a climate, even individual households lacking high education, modern orientation, etc., act like adopters [like our cell 111 in Figure 11‘.“ On the other hand, the less differentiated locality *Parenthetical comments are provided by the present author. 22 has a generally low level of education, modern orientation, media contact, material possessions, and communication facilities, which together account for the rigidity of the social structure [like our cell IV in Figure 1]. As a result, individual households even with a high level of education, modern orientation, are found to fall behind those with low level of education, modern orientation, etc., in the more differentiated locality in the adoption of change[:like our cell 11 in Figure l]. The foregoing account of past research on system effects illustrates that the bulk of such studies have been completed (1) in more developed countries, eSpecially in the U.S., (2) in formal organizations or small group settings, and (3) with the objective of identifying only the presence or absence of system effects. How to Determine System Effects Some 60 years ago, Durkheim (1951) demonstrated the method of isolating system effects by ascertaining the relationship between the distribution of a given independent variable in various systems and a dependent variable, while holding the independent variable constant for individuals. If a system effect is found, it will provide evidence that differences in the system variable are responsible for the variation in the dependent variable, since individual dif- ferences on the independent variable have been controlled. The strategy of Blau (1957) is similar; he characterized an individual in terms of his score on variable Z, and his systemic score on variable ng. As shown in Figure 4, this strategy involves (l) determining 23 an empirical measure, Z, relative to some characteristic of the individual member of a system, (2) combining the scores for measure Z, into an index for each system (ng) to refer to the characteristics of the system, and (3) determining the relationship between the systemic attribute (ng) and some dependent variable, W, while the corresponding characteristic of the individual (Z) is held constant. Thus, the effect of ng on W will be a "pure" system effect, with the effect of the individual level of the independent variable removed. This strategy has two severe limitations: (1) the problem of contaminating individual differences (within-column in Figure 4) with system effects, and (2) the problem of contaminating system effects with individual effects. While Blau dichotomizes both the individual and the system variables (Z and ng), the strategy employed by Davis and others (1961) dichotomizes only the Z variable. Thus, the systems are Spread out along a horizontal axis accord- ing to their ng scores. This procedure eliminates the problem of contaminating individual differences with system effects, but the problem of eliminating individual effects in the systemic remains. 24 Individual System Low ng High ng High 2 *fi *fi Low 2 *W *W Figure 4. Hypothetical Example of the Blau Technique in which the Dependent Variable (W) is Related to the Individual Variable Z and the System Variable ng. *Cell entries indicate the mean W for all individuals in that cell. To the extent that individual variables involved are truly dichotomous, the problem of contamination does not arise. But this is not true in the case of most social science variables which are continuous. Thus, Tannenbaum and Bachman (1964) propose several modifications of Blau's (1957) or Davis and others' (1961) method. One modification is to achieve less within-category variance on the individual variable (Z). This objective can be accomplished by using a larger number of categories for the individual variable (Z). Then, the technique of Blau may be used except that it will have an Nx2 rather than Blau's 2x2 form, in which N is the number of categories used for the individual variable (Z). This technique will culminate in holding individual 'level effects more or less constant. This technique can further be modified to cover a borader range of group 'variables (ng), as suggested by Davis and others, in order to (1) hold systemic characteristics strictly constant and 25 thus avoid the problem of Spurious individual effects, and (2) achieve statistical efficiency. Another method proposed by Tannenbaum and Bachman consists of correlating the system variable (ng) with the dependent variable (W) at each of the N levels of the individual variable (Z). Such procedure requires that each individual be assigned a ng score according to the system in which he is located as well as his own individual W score. These correlations do not provide information about individual level effects. The individual effects might be detected through the use of intersystem correlations (i.e., by correlating Z and W separately within each system, and thus holding system effects constant), or by the technique of partial correlation. Thus, a system effect can be measured by correlating ng and W with Z partialled. Like- wise, an individual level effect can be determined by the, correlation of Z and W with ng partialled. Multiple regression techniques may also be used. Thus, the change in W eXpected with a unit change in ng and Z, provides a measure of the system and individual effects, reSpectively. The effects of variables correlated with each other :may pose the problem of confounding. For example, Davis and cnfliers (1961) classified his systems according to the pro- portion of members who were new to the system, the proportion having contact with other members outside of the system, and the proportion who were active in discussions. 26 These three characteristics are confounded in that the individuals who are new to the systems are likely to have few outside contacts and to be inactive in discussions. Thus, the characteristics of the system formed from these individual variables are probably associated, and if so, the effects attributed to one of these variables are really, at least to some extent, the effects of all three variables. Selvin and Hagstrom (1963) therefore prOpose two solutions to solve the problem of confounding. One is to make the univariate description adequate by removing the unwanted variables eXperimentally or statistically. The other solution is to abandon entirely the effort to describe the systems according to a single characteristic and to construct a multivariate description. These authors use factor analysis to solve the problem of confounding.‘ Systems are classified by means of factor scores, which are then used in the analysis of system effects. Valkonen (1966) suggests use of the factor scores of systems as the properties of the system in correlationsal techniques. A variable which has a high loading on the factor may be chosen to represent each factor. If an orthogonal rotation is applied, the factor scores will be relatively uncorrelated 'with each other. Instead of factor scores, a set of the cxriginal variables could also be used to characterize the systems. 27 Procedure To Be Used in the Present Study We propose to use all the aforementioned techniques of matching, correlation, and multiple regression in the present study. 1. Multiple correlation will be used to predict individual innovativeness by assigning two values to the same attribute for every individual (one to represent his individual score, and the other to represent the score of the system on the same independent variable) for each of the independent variables. 2. First-order partial correlations will be used to hold constant either individual or system level variables and to assess the relative contribution of each in eXplain- ing the dependent variable. 3. Multiple correlation analyses with all the independent variables will be computed to determine the variance in innovativeness that can be eXplained by individual and system variables in their separate and com- bined form. Thus, there will be three multiple correlation analyses: one with independent individual variables, the other with the independent system variables, and one with both independent individual and system variables. 4. Individual and system variables will be matched on each of the independent variables to form the four possible situations (balanced and imbalanced) discussed in Chapter I: (1) modern individuals living in a modern system; (2) modern individuals living in a traditional system; (3) traditional 28 individuals living in a modern system; and (4) traditional individuals living in a traditional system. A two-way analysis of variance design will be used to test the signi- ficance of differences in innovativeness attributable to differences in individuals, systems, and their inter- action. Then, hypotheses will be tested in respect to the innovativeness for each of the four situations. In order to provide a meaningful interpretation of the results of our correlational analyses, two assumptions must be satisfied. One assumption is that the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables is linear. A second assumption, which is a.m3§£ for the comparison of partial correlations, is that there is no interaction. That is, the various levels of the independ- ent variables do not interact with the dependent variable. It is necessary, therefore, to test whether or not these assumptions are met. To test the linearity of the relationship between the dependent variable and the independent variables, the zero-order correlations will be compared with the corresponding eta. If the difference 'between the two is small, a linear relationship may be assumed. For testing the presence of interaction, a two- way analysis of variance design will be followed wherein differences among individuals and systems will correspond to row and column differences reSpectively. If the two assumptions are not met, the technique of sequential interaction analysis (Sonquist and Morgan, 1964) 29 will be followed. This technique is the only multivariate analysis that does not impose the assumption of additivity (linearity) and allows one to observe interaction effects. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY* The Data Data gathered from eight Indian villages in Phase II of the Diffusion Project will be used in the present analysis. The two phases of the Diffusion Project differ mainly in respect to the unit of analysis. In Phase I, the village is the unit of analysis; data from 108 villages were collected from the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and West Bengal. These states were selected to represent different modes of involvement of local self-government in development administration: (1) Andhra Pradesh, to represent locally elected people at the block level, (2) Maharashtra, to represent locally elected people involved at the district level, and (3) West Bengal, to represent the control over development administration coming mostly from the state level (as the emphasis on local self-government has only recently been introduced in this state). Two or three villages were randomly selected 111 each district and certain restrictions were imposed to :represent a more or less normal distribution of villages :nanging from least to most successful village in terms of *The earlier part of this section was drawn heavily from Roy and others (1968) . 30 31 the adoption of agricultural innovations. The emphasis in Phase I was to investigate the integral properties of the villages as related to their innovativeness. Of the 108 Indian villages, eight were selected in Phase II. The unit of analysis in Phase II is the individ- ual farmer, 680 of whom constitute the sample. The emphasis in Phase II was to eXplain the variance in innovativeness of individual farmers. Questionnaire Construction A questionnaire was designed to use in personal inter- views with the farm Operators. It had both structured and Open-ended questions. The questionnaire was first trans- lated into Telugu and the format was given a substantial pretesting in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Questions which obviously were not understood were revised. After the first revision, the questionnaire was also translated into Marathi and Bangali, the languages of the other two states. The questions were then pretested again in.all three languages and revisions were made. Final :reproduction of the questionnaire resulted in three sets of 'bilingual instruments, corresponding to the three regional languages, with English as the common language. We paid jparticular attention to the translation in order to use «expressions familiar to the farmer and to maintain identity of‘ineaning across the different languages. The questionnaire so designed was used by teams of four 32 interviewers led by a supervisor in each of the three states. All team members had prior field interviewing eXperience and had participated in Phase I interviewing. Field Work Personal interviews were conducted during March and April of 1967 by teams of four interviewers led by a supervisor in each of the three states. The teams worked from a temporary residence in a sample village. They prepared lists of eligible respondents by consulting registration lists and knowledgeable people in the village. On the completion of the lists, they interviewed eligible reSpondents. In most cases, the interview was conducted in private and lasted about one hour and fifteen minutes. The general purpose of the study was known to the interviewee from the earlier visits made during Phase I of the study. Interview schedules were checked by the supervisor in the field, making it possible to return to the respondent if one or more questions had been ommitted. Two weeks were expent in each location obtaining the individual reSpondent data. Sample As mentioned earlier, three states were selected to represent different modes of involvement of local self- government in development administration. Two or three 33 villages were selected in each state from the 108 villages which had been included in the first phase of the Project. Selection of the villages was restricted to a single development block in each state to minimize travel costs. In selecting villages, we imposed the same restrictions as in Phase I of the study to select villages that represented a distribution of villages ranging from least to most successful village in terms of adoption of agricultural innovations. We selected only farm operators, those who actually made the day-to-day decisions on the farm and who were farming at least 2.5 acres (one hectare) of land at the time of the data-gathering. ReSpondents could own or rent the land they farmed. We excluded the smallest farmers and landless laborers, because either many of the innova- tions are not applicable to them or they are not involved in making decisions regarding the adoption of farm innova- tions.* By doing so, we were dealing with the farmers who utilize most of India's agricultural innovations. We selected only those farm operators who were heads of farm households and were 50 years of age or younger at the time of the data-gathering. This restriction was *The India Census of Agriculture (1965) states that about 24 percent of the village pOpulation in the nation consists of landless laborers. The figures are 42, 34, euui 28 percent for Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, and West jBengal, reSpectively. Of the farmers who own some land, 60 percent own 2.5 acres or more and cultivate 93 percent of the total arable area in the country. 34 imposed to avoid the ambiguous decision-making situation in which the older generation is gradually transferring responsibility for farming decisions to the younger, making it difficult to determine who in fact makes farm decisions. From each state we interviewed 200 to 250 farmers who fitted the size of holding and age specifications. Three villages from each state were selected, except Maharashtra in which case we felt two villages will be sufficient to provide enough cases. Since we imposed a number of restrictions on our sample, it is not "representative"* in a statistical sense. However, it does permit the kind of statistical analyses we want to make. Our analyses are mostly correlational and hence we purposively included farmers covering a wide range in agricultural modernization. Operationalization of Variables We turn now to consideration of the manner in which the dependent and independent variables were indexed. The 'valdous techniques of scoring, weighting, and scale analysis sure documented here. Appendix contains the scale items insed in the present analyses, and Specific questions asked ix; secure responses to these items. Innovativeness The dependent variable in the present study is iruuyvativeness. The conventional definition of *Of all of village India, at least. 35 innovativeness is the degree to which an individual is earlier than others in his social system in adopting new ideas. Though problems of weighting, validity, reliability, and internal consistency were considered in general, more Specific considerations were given to (1) include items that were applicable to the farmers in all three states, (2) the unidimensionality of the items, and (3) examine the distribution of the final measures to ensure a somewhat normal distribution. The final interview schedule obtained after two pre- tests contained ten innovations that were equally app- licable to all the farmers in the sample and were related ‘to fertilizers and manures, new seed varieties, insect- icides and pesticides, and the breeding and protection of cattle. All ten items were used and scored as a simple unit-weighted index. This procedure of unit-weighting was felt to be simpler (and not much different) than either determining scale types for each farmer or factor weighting of items for each farmer. For each innovation, the questions "Do you know any- ‘thing about ...?" "Have you ever used ...?" and "Are you :rtill using ...?" were asked to elicit responses at three stages in the innovation-decision process which are ccurventionally referred to as knowledge, trial and adoption. One of the techniques used to test the scalability of time ten items in terms of the three variables (knowledge, 36 trial, and adoption) was Guttman scaling. The Guttman scale for the knowledge measure showed the highest degree of uni- dimensionality (the coefficient of reproducibility is .94), but in order to meet the second criterion of marginal frequencies being more than 10 percent, a number of items would have to be dropped. The trial measure showed an acceptable level of scalability (the coefficient of reproducibility is .90), and on the second criterion of the marginal frequencies only one or two items were borderline cases. The adoption measure was below the acceptable level (the coefficient of reproducibility is .88), and about three items were rejected to meet the criterion of marginal frequencies. Thus, among the three measures of innovative- ness, the trial measure* was regarded as the best measure. Factor analysis was another method used to test the unidimensionality of the ten items. The three inter- correlation matrices of ten items for knowledge, trial and adoption were subjected to factor analysis to determine the amount of variance that any single dimension would eXplain and to extract the principal component factor. The results of the factor analysis were well in accord with those of the Guttman scaling and hence the trial measure was finally selected as the best measure of innovativeness. In addition to unidimensionality, certain other considerations were given some attention in determining *We term this a "trial" dimension in that the respondent was asked if he had ever tried the innovation. 37 the best measure of innovativeness. One of these was the distribution of scores for all the three measures. The knowledge and adoption curves were skewed to the left and right, respectively, while the trial curve had a more nearly normal, though a somewhat flattened, distribution. In terms of variation in the scores, the knowledge scores varied from a high of 9.85 (out of a possible 10) to a low of 6.03. The adoption scores varied from 5.41 to 1.62. The trial scores had a wider variation ranging from 2.56 to 7.33. Another consideration was more of the way in which questions were phrased. The question "Are you still using ...?" often unjustly penalized farmers who had essentially used and had adOpted an innovation, but for reasons of non-availability or crop rotation, or for some other reasons, were not using the innovation currently. Thus, "Have you ever used ...?" might be a more reliable indicator of innovativeness than "Are you still using ...?" Thus, for the purpose of the present investigation, we Operationalized innovativeness as the trial of an innova- tion regardless of when it was adOpted, and whether its use was continued. Independent Variables A large number of variables were selected as possible correlates of innovativeness. While selecting these variables, a number of criteria were employed. One was 38 previous research findings relative to individual innovative- ness, eSpecially in less developed countries. The other criterion was more intuitive and intellectual, which was felt necessary because of the paucity of research on system effects in the research tradition on the diffusion of innovations. Inclusion of system variables was mainly guided by the consideration that any type of human behavior can be partitioned in terms of "within" and "between" variance. One can visualize more homogeneity in human behavior within social systems than between social systems. Besides eco- logical reasons (such as the similarity of climate, soil, heredity, and so forth), it is interpersonal communication, the informal exchange of information and ideas, that brings greater homogeneity among system members over time. Thus, if a system has a greater proportion of individuals who are literate, eXposure to print mass media is facilitated, and one would expect a substantial amount of information exchange in the system as compared to the system in which there are very few individuals who are literate. Trans- actions of messages about innovation decision and re- inforcement of systemic norm will undoubtedly form an important part of this information exchange. On the basis of the aforementioned criteria, the following independent variables were selected and included in the data analysis. 1. Education of the Respondent. Education can enable 39 farmers to perceive the relative advantages of innovations more readily and can assist in breaking traditionalism. It is expected that education of the respondent will be positively associated with innovativeness. In a recent compilation of studies found in the Diffusion Document Center of Michigan State University, Rogers and Stanfield (1968) found that more than three-fourth of 193 publica- tions indicated a positive relationship of education with innovativeness. 2. Value of Agricultural Products Sold. This index is a measure of farm Operation size, which takes into account differences in the value of crOps. These ranged widely in our sample from a very low return per acre of pulses to a high return of sugar cane and cotton. Roy and others (1968) computed six different measures of farm size and found that this index of value of agricultural products was the most direct and reliable measure, and that it was highly related to innovativeness. 3. Credit Orientation. Borrowing credit for commercial purposes presupposes an ability to have con- fidence in the future. This orientation becomes more important in a traditional subsistence system where deci- sions for agricultural alternatives are based not on monetary gains, but rather on the protection of one's livelihood. We, therefore, eXpect a positive relationship between credit orientation and innovativeness. This index was measured by responses given to the questions "Did you 40 use any credit for farm purposes last year?" and "Would you have used some more had it been available at reasonable interest?" 4. Social Participation. Individuals who more actively participate in the activities of the social system are more likely to be innovative. We expected that membership and office-holding in formal organizations would relate positively with innovativeness. Roy and others (1968) found that holding office in a formal organization was conducive to higher levels of innovativeness. 5. Urban Contact. This variable is an operational measure of one's cosmopoliteness, defined as one's orienta- tion to the larger society which lies beyond one's immediate surroundings. To measure this concept reSpondents were asked whether they had previously lived in another place, and also how frequently they visited any town or city in the past year. Ryan and Gross (1943) found that hybrid corn innovators travelled more often to urban centers such as Des Moines than did average farmers. Menzel and Katz (1955) confirmed this finding among the more innovative medical doctors. Thus, we eXpect that urban contact will be positively associated with innovativeness. 6. Urban Pull. One's motivation to migrate to a city indicates that one's reference group is no longer only his village. We call this motivation to migrate to a city "urban pull." We measured this concept by responses given 41 to the question, "If you were Offered a job in a city with double your present income, would you go?" The economic incentive mentioned in the question was deliberately used in order to balance the higher cost of living in cities. 7. Educational Aspiration. Educational aSpirations are defined as the level of education desired by parents for their children. In the Indian settings, education is a dubious venture as it cuts down on the family labor and is most often associated with out-migration to cities. However, it reflects a more modern outlook, and hence, it is believed to be positively related to innovativeness. 8. Deferred Gratification. Deferred gratification is defined as the postponement of immediate satisfaction in anticipation of future rewards (Rogers, 1965). We eXpect, the greater postponement of immediate satisfaction accompanies greater innovativeness. This concept was measured by an open-end question, "Suppose that your cash returns from the farm last year had been twice your actual income, what would you do with the extra money?" The responses were scored depending on the nature of the grati- fication exhibited in the response. 9. Extension Contact. Contact with change agencies has been found to be positively related to innovativeness. Rogers and Stanfield (1968) found that over 90 percent of the 136 studies dealing with the relationship between extension contact and innovativeness was positive. We used four measures Of extension contact. They are: (1) the 42 number of times talked with the block development officer, (2) times talked with village level worker, (3) times seen a block film, and (4) times seen a demonstration. The codes for these measures were summed to form an index of extension contact. 10. Level of Living. As indirect measures of wealth, we constructed indices of material possessions and housing, and then summed these two into what we call a level of living index. We eXpect a positive relationship between level of living and innovativeness. 11. Political Knowledge. Political knowledge was measured by an informal knowledge test asking the respondent to identify by name (1) the prime minister of India; (2) the chief minister of the state; (3) the elected representative to the state legislature from that area. Since political knowledge is one manifestation of the respondent's participation in the body politic of the larger society, we eXpect a positive relationship between political knowledge and innovativeness. 12. Secular Orientation. Secular orientation was measured by a set of questions with paired alternative answers, one favoring tradition and the other non-tradition. Of ten such questions, only eight were retained in the final index. The items retained refer to two most important elements of the village society, the caste system and norms surrounding the cow. 13. Empathy. Empathy was defined by Lerner (1958) by 43 various descriptive terms such as ability to take others' roles, the capacity for rearranging the self-system on short notice, psychic mobility, etc. We measured it by a set of questions in the form, "If you were ... then what would you do ...?" The roles suggested were those of the district administrative officer, the block develOpment officer, village president, and a day laborer. l4. Caste Rank. Caste rankings were obtained by ask- ing knowledgeable reSpondents in each village to rank photographs of people at work in caste occupations in terms of ritual status for that village. Ritual status is defined on the basis of interdining and sharing of water. It is expected that higher caste status would be related to higher innovativeness. 15. Mass Media Exposure. Four separate measures of mass media exposure were used. Two of them related to radio listening; one for respondent listening, and the other for family listening. The third measure was the number of commercial films seen in the past year. The fourth measure was whether neWSpapers were either read by the reSpondent or were read to him. We combined these four measures into a mass media eXposure index. We eXpected a positive relationship between mass media eXposure and innovativeness. The Present Plan of Analysis In the foregoing discussion it was pointed out that past analyses of the diffusion of innovations lacked 44 attention to social system variables as explainers of differences in individuals' innovativeness behavior. We, therefore, conceptualized a farmer's innovative behavior, the dependent variable, as explained by two types of indepen- dent variables: (1) the individual's social, psychological and personality variables; and (2) the characteristics of the system, or village properties, in which the individual lives. The first class of variables are individual, the second are system. Thus, there may be four possible typo- logies of analyses, as depicted in Figure 5. Unit of Unit of Response Analysis Individual System Variable Variable Individual Variable l 2 System Variable 3 h Figure 5. Typologies of Analyses on the Basis of Unit of ReSponse and Unit of Analysis. 1. 'Individual-Individual -- When data are gathered from individuals as the units of reSponse, and the unit of analysis is the individual also. 2. System-Individual -- When data are gathered from the social system as the unit of response, and the individual is treated as the unit of analysis. 3. Individual-System -- When data are gathered from the 45 individual as the unit of response, and the social system is used as the unit of analysis. 4. Syppem-System -- When both the unit of response and the unit of analysis are systems. Type 1 is the most frequently-used approach in diffusion research. The Phase II study of the Diffusion Project represents this typology. Over 95 percent of the diffusion studies found in the Diffusion Document Center* used this type of analysis. Type 2 and 3 are neither very common nor encouraging because of the possible fallacies associated with them. When using system variables (aggregate data) in the Type 2 approach, and if one infers about individuals, he commits the "ecological fallacy" by assuming the individual regression slope and the aggregate regression slope (or their analogies) are equal (Robinson, 1950). If Type 2 is subject to the "ecological fallacy," Type 3 is eXposed to the "system fallacy" in that the individual relationship is incorrectly assumed to hold up for all social systems (e.g., modern and traditional systems). There are not very many studies that fall in Type 4. Most of the studies in the anthropology diffusion research ‘tradition and the Phase I study of the Diffusion Research ZProject represent this typology. i"The Diffusion Documents Center, located in the IDepartment of Communication, Michigan State University, (contains studies, both empirical and non-empirical, cievoted to the diffusion of innovations. At present 'the DDC contains over 1,500 such studies. 46 In the present study we propose a combination of Types 1 and 2, i.e., the independent variables will include both individual-level variables and system-level variables. Thus, the plan of analysis of the present study proceeds in four stages. 1. Use of zero-order and first-order partial correlations. 2. Use of multiple correlation techniques. 3. Formulation of typologies of innovativeness based on both individual and system variables. 4. Hypothesis testing concerning the innovativeness of balanced and imbalanced conditions. 1. Use of zero-order and first-orderjpartial correla- Elgpg: First of all, zero-order correlations will be computed between innovativeness and all other independent variables (both individual and system). Then, first-order partial correlations between the dependent variable (innovativeness) and each Of the individual variables will be computed, keeping constant the effects of their respective system variables, and vice-versa. The partial correlations thus obtained for individual-level and System- .1evel measures will be compared for each of the variables to assess the relative contribution of each in eXplaining innovativeness. 2. Use of multiple correlation techniques: Only those independent variables that have been found to be the best jpredictors of innovativeness will be included in a multiple 47 correlation analysis. An aggregate measure of individual scores by using the village mean on that variable will be used to represent the system variable. Thus, each of the independent variables will be included in the multiple correlation analysis as follows: I13 = a + bl X13 + r1213 where Yij is the innovative behavior of ith individual in jth community, X13 is the score of the ith individual in the jth community on individual variable X, X13 is the score of the ith individual in the jth community on community variable X, a is constant, and b1 and r1 are coefficients. Thus, the amount of variance in Y (the dependent variable, innovativeness), eXplained by X and X (the individual and system independent variables,respectively), will be attributable to individual and system effects, respectively. The variance explained jointly by both the individual and system variables will be the combined contribution of both (X + X), plus their interaction effect, if any. 3. Formulation Of the typolggies Of innovativeness: This approach is similar to the graphic presentation used by Davis and others (1961) in demonstrating the typology of compositional effects (as shown in Figure 5). These authors classified different types of effects on the basis of: (1) their linearity or non-linearity, (2) whether such effects have a direct or indirect relationship with the 48 individual-level dependent variable, and (3) their positive or negative direction as indicated by the sign of the regression coefficients. Thus, Type III A (in Figure 6) and our example of the regression equation (cited just previously) indicate that Y can be eXplained by an individual level variable X (b1 s 0) and, additionally by x, the system variable (r1 # O) and also that these variables affect the dependent variable in the same direction, since b1 and r1 have the same positive signs. If these signs would have been different, the individual-level and system-level variables would affect the dependent variable in an opposite direction éither Type III B, or any other relationship in Type IV). Similarly, if bi = 0 and r1 # 0, only the system variable will affect the dependent variable (Type II); if b1 # O and r1 = 0, only individual-level (Type I) will affect the dependent variable. However, our typologies of innovativeness are different from the typologies of system effects presented by Davis and others (1961) in that these authors classified variables while we propose to classify individuals considering system effects on them. We propose to use sequential interaction analysis for establishing typologies of innovativeness. In these typo- logies, we will take into account both individual and system variables, i.e., how the system and individuals stand in relation to each other. 49 Individual InterL System Level Effect Level Action EffeCt No Yes Type 0 [ Type II ‘(A NO NO [A a; ‘2: Type I Type IIIA Type IIIB Yes NO A ”"‘ A Type IVA Type IVB » I I, [z / I I /’ A Logically // impossible Yes Yes \ Type IVC \ A \ \ \ \ \ .— AA Figure 6. Typologies of System Effects.* *AdOpted from Davis and others (1961). 50 4. Hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing regarding variation in system effects will be accomplished by a two- way analysis of variance design, wherein differences among individuals and systems correspond to the differences in rows and columns. Further tests for the significance of the difference in innovativeness in different systems will be accomplished by use of the test for difference in means. In drawing conclusion from the results of these proced- ures, multiple correlation techniques will be used to explain variance in the dependent variable (innovativeness) attributable to a set of linearly-related independent variables, both individual and system. Partial correlation will be used to explain variance in the dependent variable attributable to system variables, controlling the effects of individual variables, and vice-versa. From the results obtained from sequential interaction analysis, certain typologies of innovativeness will be formulated considering both individual and system variables and their interaction. It is through the analysis of variance design that hypothesis testing concerning the variation in system effects on differing systems (balanced and.imbalanced) will be put to test. The unique contribution of the present research is in advancing a more adequate and refined conceptualization and methodology to predict system effects on individual's innovativeness in adopting farm innovations. This research is not primarily a methodological study but refinement in 51 the methodology is unavoidable in providing answers to the research problem at hand. CHAPTER IV FINDINGS As stated earlier, the dependent variable in the pre- sent study is innovativeness, defined as "the degree to which an individual is relatively earlier in adopting new ideas than the other members of his social system" (Rogers, 1962, p. 20). An individual's innovativeness score is the total Of his responses regarding time Of first use of ten agricultural innovations investigated in the present research. Fifteen independent variables were selected as possible correlates of innovativeness. Two measures Of each in- dependent variable are used to predict individuals' innovativeness; one involves individual-level measurement of variables based on the communication, social, and psycho- logical behavior of the individual; the other involves system-level measurement of the same independent variables which are meant to represent the characteristics of the systems. The former are termed individual variables, the latter as system variables. The system-level measures are designated as the norms of the systems and are computed as the central tendency for each system on the individual-level measures. Accordingly, every individual in a social system is assigned the same score for the system variables, but these scores differ from system to system depending upon the 52 53 central tendency of these systems on individual-level measures. The relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable will be examined in this chapter. It should be noted that while stating the problem of this thesis, we assumed that the eight social systems under considerations are marked by different norms which will exert varying amounts of influence on the individual's innovativeness.* It is on the basis of this assumption that we eXpect system effects on the individual's innovativeness. Objective 1 Presence of System Effects Our first Specific objective is to ascertain the degree to which system variables affect the innovativeness of individual members of a system. Evidence bearing on this objective is develOped by means of a series of zero-order correlations. The correlation coefficients between 15 independent variables and the dependent variable are presented in Table 1. These coefficients are Pearsonian product-moment correlations, which measure the association between two variables. Inspection of Table 1 indicates that the zero- order correlations of all individual variables with innovativeness are significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level except those with credit orientation and of *There is variation in the aggregate means on our eight independent variables, although the variance is quite restricted in the case of education. 54 deferred gratification. Similarly, the zero-order correla- tions of all system variables with innovativeness are significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level except that with caste rank. In general, both individual and system variables are related to innovativeness as shown in Table 1. In the case of mass media exposure, secular orientation and social participation, the t-values for the differences between the correlations Of individual variables and of system variables with innovativeness are not significant at the 5 percent level. Thus, the individual and system measures of these three variables are about equally related to innovativeness. The system-level measures of value of agricultural products, credit orientation, urban pull, educational aspiration, deferred gratification, and empathy explain more var- iability in innovativeness than their individual-level measures.* However, individual measures of such variables as education, urban contact, extension contact, level of living, political knowledge, and caste rank explain more variance in innovativeness than the corresponding system- level measures.** *The t values for all of these six variables are significant at the 5 percent level. **The t values for all of these six variables are significant at the 5 percent level. 55 The pattern of significant, zero-order correlations of independent variables with innovativeness suggests a three-fold categorization of independent variables: 1. Those whose individual and system levels are both related to innovativeness, i.e., all except the three named below (in #2 and #3). 2. Those whose individual levels are so related i.e., caste rank. 3. Those whose system levels are so related, i.e., credit orientation and deferred gratification. Objective 2 System Effects Beyond Individual Effects Our second objective is to determine the extent to which system independent variables affect individual innovativeness when the effects of individual independent variables are controlled. Partial correlation: We expect, within the second objective, that system effects make a unique contribution to explaining individual innovativeness. This notion is examined by comparing the first-order partial correlations with the zero-order correlations. Such comparisons indi- cate the extent to which each independent system variable exerts influence on the dependent variable, independent of the correSponding individual variable. The partial cor— relations are given in Column 5 of Table l. The difference between Columns 3 and 5 indicates how much of the relation- Ship>between each system independent variable and the dependent variable is due to the influence of variance in 56 amoem H. ooeeopwawosm om Hsaamowocwdcemp encased .cws .mma .mws .zos .moa w.mms w. oemowe OBMdedeos .Hw .zw» .om .mmr .zws m.mHs :. moowmp wmodwowomdwos .mca .Hms .MHs .st .mqs H.mm m. Cdoms OOSfimOd .wo» .wos .mrs .om .wws M.m:a m. Cdoms wCHH .Hma .mm» .0: .mm% .mm& 0.:ms q. macomawonmw >mpwomdwos .st Typos .Hos a.mma .mws q.qms m. commence mdmawmwnmdwos u.om u.m a .Hqs |.wme .mms Hm.mos m. mxdmsmwos oosdmoa .zma .rms .qu .mqs .mcs n.0ws Ho. bm<| ll H zoem" flamedo q. lhellr TL! mewn w ocwacemw wooecoa x m.om z u now common w+ mmwn m ospdcemw weOQCOd x 98 z n is 088" o. H. o e rmmdwu Hp neededmw weoocoa x u w.om z u Hum momma" H. w rmompmewn Ho ospacdmp peOQCOd w. PS 2 u we Common 0 J'lul‘llil'l 66 . commence q meHI w ommdwmwomawos ocHdcemH I. wooocoa x u :.Hm z n Hmm .xun For ooamn" a. a. z n MHo :.H ooaom" q. o. . Ho -III . : mowu OCHacemH H wHOQCOH . H H .I HsoomSHI we memawmwomdwoo OSHdcemH . I. encased x u w.He z n mm m." w.ww msHI m ooommH w.q z n zoo OCHacomH noaom" H. m. . encased w m m mem.mo Ooomm" m m wwmcoo m. ooomwmcomawosmH >amHmSHI OCHHCde pdoocoa I. m.me z n wHo ooomm" e. m. zmmm zmaHm HH Ho mSHI ocHdcemH pacenoa I. w.wa I are x ooomm” H. m. w ooomHmcSdeost >smHSm oosoHsmo. zoam" Hzmmsm emvdmmmSH dam mnemooco.m ammo < ll ooamm" m. Ho wocodeos m :.qm z N am em . Hm N6Pl M." m OH ncHacemH z H mm decodes momma" mIm m." a.na z u we noomm" o 0 Po aH swam zooam m." m.aa z n or common OI: . HM mewi aH OCHacomH deddOd mxdmomHos q I. nonemOH x n m.MH z u was m.” m.ms ooomm" cum 2 n w: m oooom" Ho+ rmmAmvs mH maHvss H.:w e.mm we ho mAHV ro zmon mprHv H.mo m.mm m: EH zmon mprHV mH mx oosdnHv H.qm e.Hm cm Hsts Ho mx nonnaHV H.:H o.on co m. r0 mAmV mH bHm zH bHm 1H rHm H.e: m.©w mm 3H m H.mm w.mm me a. ho m H.mo m.mm MHo ho m mH m m.wm m.mo mm: ho m mH com meme H.qm :.Hm How be com meme H.m: w.Hq we aamv HooHomamm mwmama 3 - 1, and 4-3>4 - 2). . Again, this eXpectation is supported by all eight variables in the analysis except education and mass media eXposure. System effects seem to make a bigger difference than differences in individual levels of the variable. Emerging from this hypothesis is another proposition which suggests that even if an individual is low on a variable but lives in a system that is high on that variable, he will be more innovative than someone who is high on the variable but lives in a system that is low on that variable, given that the variable under consideration is related to innovativeness. CHAPTER V SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION Summary The present study focussed on the simultaneous and systematic consideration of individual variables and system variables in accounting for more variance in individual innovativeness than when either individual or system variables are considered alone. Individual variables were related to communication, social and psychological behavior of the individual. System variables were the aggregate measures of individual variables for each system. Innovativeness in the present study was defined as "the degree to which an individual is relatively earlier in adopting new ideas than the other members of his social system" (Rogers, 1962, p. 20). We operationalized innovativeness as having ever used (or tried) an innovation regardless of when it was adopted and whether its use was (mantinued. As such, an individual's innovativeness score 153 the total score based on his reSponse regarding all ten aagricultural innovations investigated in the present re- Semarch. The scalability of the ten innovations was deter- mined by Guttman scaling and factor analysis. 81 82 The social systems in the study were eight Indian villages from the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and West Bengal.hfl1flfixlcertain restrictions, these villages were selected randomly to represent the range in village modernization. The sample of 680 farmers was also drawn randomly. The major objectives of the study were threefold: (1) To ascertain the degree to which system variables affect the innovativeness of individual members of a system. (2) To determine the extent to which system independent variables affect individual innovativeness when the effects of individual independent variables are controlled. (3) To understand the way in which system variables affect individual innovativeness under specified situa- tions when interactions among the independent variables are controlled. In order to achieve these objectives, we raised a series of logical questions. These questions are: (1) Are there system effects? Do the properties of Exystems affect individual innovativeness? How much irrfluence does the system exert over the individual's behavior? (2) Are there system effects beyond individual ef‘It‘ects (differences among individuals)? What is the nature of the relationship of individual and system 83 variables with innovativeness and with each other? Can these relationships of system effects on innovativeness be regarded as linear? (3) Does the strength of system effects vary with different combinations and levels of independent system variables and independent individual variables? Do system effects tend to predominate in these combinations? Presence of System Effects System effects are the influence of systemic structure and/or composition on the behavior of the members of a social system. One of the objectives of this study was to "ascertain the degree to which system variables affect the innovativeness of individual members of a system." Our analysis produced correlations of 14 of the 15 system variables with innovativeness which were significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level. Further analysis indicated that correlations of all but two of the 15 individual variables were significantly different from zero at the 5 percent level. The exceptions were credit orientation and deferred gratification. In the case of mass media exposure, secular orientation, azui social participation, the "t" values for the difference between the correlations of an individual independent variable and a system independent variable, respectively, with innovativeness were not significant, and hence the 1ru11vidua1 and system level measures of these variables 84 were equally good predictors of individual innovativeness. In most cases the "t" values for the difference between the correlations of individual independent variables and the system independent variables were significant; in six cases system variables predict innovativeness better, and in another six, individual variables predict better. The pattern of significant, zero-order correlations of independent variables with innovativeness suggests a threefold categorization of independent variables: 1. Those 12 variables whose individual and system levels are both related to innovativeness, i.e., all except the three named below (in #2 and #3). 2. Those whose individual but not system levels are so related, i.e., caste rank. 3. Those whose system but not individual levels are so related, i.e., credit orientation and deferred gratification. We conclude, on the basis of the zero-order cor- relations, that the system-level variables are related to innovativeness. gaystem Effects Beyond Individual Effects Our second objective was "to determine the extent to Rfllich system independent variables affect individual 1runovativeness when the effects of individual independent Variables are controlled." Within this objective we had exIbected that system effects make a unique contribution 85 beyond individual effects in explaining innovativeness. In general, the partial correlations of the system variables (when the individual independent variables are controlled) showed a significant relationship with innovativeness. We also had eXpected, within the second objective, that more variance in individual innovativeness would be explained by simultaneous consideration of both individual and system independent variables than by considering only individual-level variables. Multiple correlations of innovativeness with both individual and system measures of the same attribute were run. A comparison of these multiple correlations with the zero-order correlations of system variables with innovativeness indicated that the former were larger for all 15 variables. Even clearer evidence of system effects beyond individual effects was provided when eight independent variables, both individual and system measures, were combined in a series of multiple correlations. A multiple correlation of individual measures resulted in explaining 48 percent of the variance in innovativeness. The equation involving system level measures explained 41 percent of the variance in innovativeness. But computing bgt_h 1rniividual and system-level measures in a multiple cor- relational equation accounted for 62 percent of the variance. Our eXpectation was that the relationship between 1n