THE EFFECT OF OBESITY IN THE RAT ON THE KIDNEY AN-D URINE Thesis for the Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNTVERSITY JENNY TAYLOR JOHNSON 1972 This is to certify that the thesis entitled A THE EFFECT’ OF OBESITY IN THE RAT ON THE KIDNEY AND URINE presented by JENNY TAY LOR JOHNSON has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for FOOD SCIENGEV fr HUMAN ‘ NUTRITION PH'D’ #degree in? ié’ié/ 22:2 L.¢{Ze-e’1,:____, Anior professor 0-7639 Michigan r, University I“ ‘ my .5 ‘5' llflAB & SUNS’ 800K BINDERY NC. I I LIBRARY amazes . 231“”!!le ' E : IIIII III III! 3 1293 101 II II 5160 gw" TM?”C J§Q149fi\t 9&4}??? We ”“03? I W WWW W77 A . _ 4 My? WI .sesxy, a ma, sasscciated with ziaL-cardicvascula; :zs;iered necessa: :esestate. The f. ’l "; 5" » ...ect of diet 1513103“; in the 1 Obesity was p 3-139 a 60% fat 9. u. bM‘trOls acte A. Neva“? r“or 1.6 ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF OBESITY IN THE RAT ON THE KIDNEY AND URINE BY Jenny Taylor Johnson Obesity, a major problem in the human p0pulation today is associated with an increased incidence of many degenera- tive and disabling abnormalities including those of the renal-cardiovascular systems. Further investigation was considered necessary to evaluate renal function in the obese state. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of dietary obesity on renal function and histology in the laboratory rat. Obesity was produced in Osborne-Mendel male rats by feeding a 60% fat diet with adequate protein, vitamins and minerals. A light microscopy histopathological examination of kidneys from animals at weaning and at 15, 25, 35 and 45 weeks of age, fed either a control grain ration (GR) or a high fat (HF) ration postweaning, was completed. The animals fed HF were significantly heavier than the GR controls after 25 weeks of age. These animals contained considerably more fat than the GR animals, especially in the perirenal-retroPeritonial depots. . v'.‘ c: arterf 3‘3 4 5» 3:3 in. animals '5 3. 3“ Y1 '-:': fire HO 6""8‘ _,. 3?. :3 0‘3?5 at (h ‘ I'n ' O". IA- ezzt'aas Sign...“ " I I, II A‘ ‘ a 2":13 a€c$S c. c u. 'wyl I ‘ . nav :1: .35 slabnltlb a o ' I ‘ - . .esms in me: ' ‘ . H Q 2;.xeruii and t. .':;:e:.ce of legion alizzgl: the lesion :zesevere and CC'-' By 45 weeks of iszs, the kidneys h :5 image than t. 5:335 m the se 32:; at this ace. .. ‘ I .re effect cf £113: of p-azi-nc': :ieterrined us;j emulation of P. 8,; .. 'v *w .ne a? diet 1: .0 '— l -" ri- l or a fee . . vol. I "1 .ML 1 n ’ ._ “CEPERCE: ‘fl' 4‘" ucls I“. w, r: ‘- Y J‘ Hm] 0 ““° Arr ‘ A g a“ «.45.; “Ely prig Jenny Taylor Johnson In the HF-fed group, the right kidney was heavier than the left in animals at 15, 25, 35 and 45 weeks of age. There were no differences in the weights of the two kidneys in the GR groups at any age examined. The total kidney weight was significantly greater in the HF groups at 25, 35 and 45 weeks of age. The kidney weight to body weight ratio was significantly less in HF animals at all ages. Lesions in kidneys from GR and HF animals affected the glomeruli and tubules. Prior to 35 weeks of age, the incidence of lesions in both groups was almost comparable, although the lesions in the kidneys from HF animals were more severe and covered more of the kidney parenchyma. By 45 weeks of age and 42 weeks on the respective diets, the kidneys from the HF animals had considerably more damage than those from GR rats. The total number of lesions and the severity of these was greater in the HF group at this age. The effect of obesity and the HF diet on the accumu- lation of p-aminohippurate (PAH) by renal cortical slices was determined using an in vitro slice technique. The accmmulation of PAH was significantly depressed in animals fed the HF diet used to produce obesity. Accumulation of PAH decreased with increasing age, body weight and kidney weight independent of diet. Exchanging the diets for a few days or a few weeks affected the transport of PAH, but not of NMN. Animals fed GR for any period of time immediately prior to sacrifice had kidneys which 'o‘n V ski" ' A ’0’ V ,... 6.; artifice - D'. ‘Y' 'e: {ate Of P55 1"" n: Tag a 40‘": LY I ‘AOJ no .1: .' d t. ‘0'! . :ov=rp'lt af-lnl\,‘v ..:_~»~r°' 2:.Li12iicate non-c :sen'ed 1r.- P‘l' tra: :53". of differencl rzsiticn of rena :szstert with the 12:9: organic aci '2 :..‘,.,.t I“ was Was add r‘V‘VQ‘I; extend: base inmate the s; ”Ethylnicotinar ; A a ““5' There w I v N .l I: a) H \(I :T r? O H :3 "yet. Age and ':'.‘ . “‘:"Ec t ‘9 ' “sail a” Jenny Taylor Johnson accumulated PAH significantly more than those fed HF just prior to sacrifice. The rate of PAH uptake was determined and analyzed kinetically using a Lineweaver-Burk plot. In GR animals the Vm and Km were less in 60 week old animals and Km ax values less than the respective age controls. The decrease in apparent affinity and maximal velocity with age and diet could indicate non-competitive inhibition. The differences observed in PAH tran5port in the HF animals were not the result of differences in oxygen consumption, histology or composition of renal cortical slices. These data are consistent with the presence of some inhibiting factor (as another organic acid) in the serum. However, stimulation not inhibition was demonstrated when serum from the HF or GR animals was added to the incubation medium. Organic base accumulation was determined in order to demonstrate the specificity of the effect of the HF diet and obesity on organic acid transport. Accumulation of N-methylnicotinamide (NMN) was not different in GR and HF animals. There was no correlation of NMN accumulation with body weight. In HF animals NMN accumulation by renal cortical slices decreased with increased age and kidney weight. Age and kidney weight in the GR animals were not related to NMN accumulation. v. t FL 0 Cu "h. ”I‘ .. . . M a .l t t r “A a at nus M.“ t n r .1 a nus awe 1|. . 'I.‘. THE EFFECT OF OBESITY IN THE RAT ON THE KIDNEY AND URINE BY Jenny Taylor Johnson A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition 1972 Eli it .. t m‘ v .. I. r. is In meteor" O“ 0&9 Ce In memory of my grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Manning Rogers And in honor of my parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Taylor ii .‘CM IIII 32;;crt and f: scentagious int 2:. Zena Cederquis 5:: her 'r.p‘:asis intense Sanger f secticns and, es. :1: a graduate - T l.‘ tr] areid Hafs, Jr. Eans Lillew 31“.: technical a , I I. D. Collin}: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis and research have become a reality only through the assistance and encouragement of a number of persons. Special gratitude is extended to the following: Dr. Olaf Mickelsen for direction, encouragement, and support and for an appreciation of past research and a contagious interest in that of the future. Dr. Dena Cederquist for continued support and concern and for her emphasis on the "human" in human nutrition. Dr. Vance Sanger for assistance with the histological sections and, especially for his genuine concern through— out my graduate program. Dr. Harold Hafs, Dr. Modesto Yang, Dr. E. P. Reineke, Dr. Hans Lillevik and Larry Besaw for helpful suggestions and technical assistance. Dr. W. D. Collings for my initial introduction to Dr. Homer Smith and the marvels of the kidney and for his thoughtful suggestions during this study. Dr. Jerry B. Hook for technical advice and encouragement. Dr. John Gill and Dr. C. E. Cress for advice concerning statistical treatment of data. Mrs. Eleanor Smith for providing the animals used in Part II. iii e 1 sniffiness ' u'-‘ ’pv ‘lance ”:7 8X38; C. 3 C. n t C J. r“ V. .3 e C. e .C e .L e r. .c «C .5 5 a“ . . ..u a a ”a .. . . r. .. . . .2 i .2 . . a. u. r c 1r .. . 4J1! , 12"; Wool cc- t 1’". I d .me .u u]- a! r a. ltural CT. ‘ . at" 3-1-; a O .- ,'- m for i ltlorl ' "n" V .1..- F-» ‘ —, an- a o A. Mrs. Claire Mickelsen for encouragement, concern, and thoughtfulness, expressed in so many ways. Mrs. Grace Scribner, a very special secretary and supporter "par excellance" of graduate students. Dr. Rachel Schemmel for interest and for providing the initial breeding animals for this study. My fellow students, who have provided encouragement during my graduate program, especially Connie Parks, Charlotte Foy, Ivy Woolcott, Sharon Nemeth and Eleanor Schlenker. The Agricultural Experiment Station, the National Institutes of Health, and the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, for financial support. Pat and Al Sculthorpe for helpful technical assistance. A special thank you to my husband, Tom, for his technical assistance and for his continued understanding, encourage- ment and infinite patience. iv ‘0 ea F‘iSI'-‘3':‘J‘Elt..hol Cf Ace. IntrOduC ti C Literature Chang-V53 With Age KidHEy 3 Diet. Part II TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Review of Literature. . . . . . . . . . . . . The Functions of the Kidney . . . . . . . . . The Effect of Diet on Kidney Function, Size and Composition Malnutrition Potassium. Sodium . . Magnesium. Choline. Protein. Fat. . . Vitamin A. Vitamin C. Vitamin D. Vitamin E. . . . B Vitamins, Calcium, Others . . . . . . . . Overweight and Obesity Bibliography. . . . . . . 'Uoooooooooooo m 000.600.000.00... 5" 00000000000 H C m m :3 0.: ho Histopathologic Description of Renal Lesions in Rats Fed a High Fat Diet Through 45 Weeks Of Age 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O I O O 0 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . Changes in Renal Function and Histology With Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kidney Size and Factors Influencing It . . Dietary Nitrogen. . . . Other Dietary Factors . Body Weight . . . Age . . . . . . . Miscellaneous . . Materials and Methods . Animals. . . . . . . Rations. . . . . . . Tissue Preparation . Statistical Analyses Page 10 10 19 23 25 28 30 37 39 40 41 41 42 43 55 76 76 76 77 87 87 90 91 93 94 95 95 96 96 97 »asJ Yi Obesity and Acids and Ba .\\_f\ . f I:::oo..tio. O C . ‘ fin.- fir! d‘v If. v Model of Factors A of Organi Metabc Metabc EleCtr Cease“ Syste: truct Effect The E: Stage Sex . Effects System c Slices Isthcds Accumula Cortical The Effg by Rene: Kinetic Ongen " Slices Renal c Plasma Table of Contents (Cont'd) Part Page Resu1ts O O O O O I O O C I I O O I I O O O O O 9 8 Body Weights . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Kidney Weights and Kidney Weight/Body. Weight Ratios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Histopathological Examination. . . . . . . . 99 Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 III Kidney Function in Dietary Obesity: Effects of Obesity and Diet on Renal Transport of Organic ACidS and Bases O O O O O O O O O O I O O O O O 144 IntIOduCtj-ono O O O O O O C C O O O O O O O O O 144 In vitro Measurement of Renal Transport. . . 145 Model of the Renal Secretory Mechanism . . . 151 Factors Affecting Renal Tubular Transport of Organic Acids and Bases . . . . . . . . . 153 Metabolites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Metabolic Inhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . 154 Electrolyte Composition . . . . . . . . . 155 Compounds Transported by the Same System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Effects of Uremic and Normal Serum. . . . 159 The Effect of Age and Developmental Stage of the Animal . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Effects of Manipulations of Transport System on 02 Consumption by Renal Cortical Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Accumulation of Organic Ions by Renal Cortical Slices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 The Effect of Serum on Accumulation of PAH by Renal Cortical Slices . . . . . . . . . . 170' Kinetic Analyses of PAH Uptake . . . . . . . 170 Oxygen Consumption of Renal Cortical Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 Renal Cortical Slice Composition . . . . . . 172 Plasma Free Fatty Acids. . . . . . . . . . 172 Histological Study of Renal Cortical Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '173 Statistical Analyses . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Accumulation of the Organic Acid, PAH, by Renal Cortical Slices. . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Factors Affecting the Accumulation of PAH by Renal Cortical Slices . . . . . . . . . . 175 Rate of Initial Uptake of PAH. . . . . . . . 176 vi “*5 2:8“ - A a: LA A v .2. c V. ." C S .3 1 S a r n t gt 8 C C I C l M. D... 8 fly 8 a c t. a 71:. :. :. 3 . a... t: f. C T. p. . F9 P. «I: o C 0 PV. 0 C C C C -h l s .1 n s o o e t 6 9.1.1; .1 o.» C e C. C a s :. E S .l p... "1.1 E S \A 13‘ .1.‘ X ‘1“ 3 ~16 Lu Cu \. flu S 31 a- Cu n‘. Na 1'. a.-.» . Null...i.r.rnww~ Table of Contents (Cont'd) Part Page Accumulation of the Organic Base, NMN, by Renal Cortical Slices. . . . . . . . . . . 176 Factors Affecting the Accumulation of NMN by Renal Cortical Slices . . . . . . . . . . 177 Effect of Changing Diets on Accumulation of Organic Acid and Base . . . . . . . . . . 177 Effect of Serum on Accumulation of PAH by Renal Cortical Slices. . . . . . . . . . . 179 Histological Study of Renal Cortical Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Kinetic Analysis of PAH Uptake . . . . . 180 Oxygen Consumption by Renal Cortical Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Renal Cortical Slice Composition . . . . . . 181 Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Speculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 Appendices Appendix A Grain Ration . . . . . . . . . . 244 Appendix B High Fat Ration. . . . . . . . . 245 Appendix C Modified Grain Ration. . . . . . 246 Appendix D Modified High Fat Ration . . . . 247 Appendix E Parameters Evaluated in Histological Sections of Kidneys O O O O O O O O O O O O O 248 vii D . LA #II I.“ w“ - _,_ : :‘fi'.—a-1' C~ obese surge Selected re renal hlstt 33;, weigh soc; weigh 5...: -e- GR (3: 1135135 1 S c “Eight rat Percentace losic kid Lesions c Table 10 ll 12 13 14 LIST OF TABLES Summary of reports of renal function in obese subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Selected reports of spontaneous changes in renal histology in rats. . . . . . . . . . . . Body weight, kidney weight and kidney weight/ body weight ratio of Osborne-Mendel male rats fed GR or HF for varying periods of time . . . Analysis of variance of body weight data . . . Analysis of variance of kidney weight data . . Analysis of variance of kidney weight/body weight ratio data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Percentage of animals in control (GR) and experimental (HF) groups with histopatho- logic kidney lesions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesions observed only in kidneys from animals 45 weeks old and fed the grain or high fat ration post-weaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lesions observed only in kidneys from animals fed the high fat ration. . . . . . . . . . . . Effect of diet on the accumulation (S/M ratio) of PAH by slices of rat renal cortex . . . . . Effect of diet on the accumulation (S/M ratio) of NMN by slices of rat renal cortex . . . . . Accumulation of PAH (S/M ratio) by slices of rat renal cortex in the presence of serum. . . Kinetic analysis of PAH uptake in rat renal cortical slices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Effect of diet on pH of 24-hour urine samples from lO-week old male rats . . . . . . . . . . viii Page 50 84 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 212 213 214 215 216 Q * ' Azsrcxiraxll D h g '- slices ircn fat ration I I ‘IL‘LH‘ ‘- List of Tables (Cont'd) Table 15 16 17 Page Effect of diet on the pH of the medium after incubation of renal cortical slices. . . . . . 217 Oxygen consumption of renal cortical slices from rats fed the grain ration or high fat ration I O O O O 0 O C O O I O O O O O O O O O 218 Approximate composition of renal cortical slices from rats fed the grain ration or high fat ration O I O O O O O O I O O I O O O O 0 O 219 ix . Kidney se Kidney sect (076-304). Kidney seC' H7831?) 5- weeks . . Kidney “0 se I078. I i a 8 Kidney sec weeks old weeks shcn‘ changes weeks old weeks she \ Ch nges , I Kidney 5, weeks 01. I Glonerul. aninal (I ration f: I Tubular a rat (0 32 weeks Additior i glone: In the Kidney weeks C POSI'WQ Figure 10 11 LIST OF FIGURES Kidney section from a weanling rat (078004) 0 I C O O O O I O O O O I O O O O O O Kidney section from an animal 15 weeks old (078017) fed the high fat ration for 12 weeks I O O O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O Kidney section from an animal 25 weeks old (078008) fed the grain ration after weaning . Kidney section from an animal (078010) 25 weeks old fed the high fat ration for 22 weeks showing glomerular and tubular changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kidney section from an animal (078010) 25 weeks old fed the high fat ration for 22 weeks showing glomerular and tubular changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kidney section from an animal (078024) 35 weeks old fed the grain ration for 32 weeks . Glomerular damage in kidney section from an animal (078026) 35 weeks old fed the high fat ration for 32 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tubular changes occurring in the kidney from a rat (078027) fed the high fat ration for 32 weeks 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Additional tubular changes occurring in the same section as seen in the previous figure . A glomerulus from the same section as seen in the two previous figures . . . . . . . . . Kidney section from an animal (080119) 45 weeks old fed the grain ration for 42 weeks post-weaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 103 103 105 107 107 109 109 111 111 113 115 0, 7": ‘00” ' I mi. .c i cm. a. 5.1 C Cal a to . p“)3‘ adv. .o 1“ Ev M“ .c.“a~ $.rpc rwe 3 Sure C V. I 1. a.“ int} Edda ’flf. E a. . .. ‘1‘ I . I: .l a J; (— U ‘Q V‘ ains cux‘ cortic Accu: Cortic a; a crtic h List of Figures (Cont'd) Figure 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Glomerular and tubular changes in a section from an animal (080116) 45 weeks old fed the high fat ration for 42 weeks. . . . . . . High-magnification view of tubular changes occurring in the same kidney section seen in the previous figure. . . . . . . . . . . . Schematic diagram of the p-aminohippurate (PAH) slice incubation system under several conditions 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 Model of the PAH transport mechanism in the renal cortical slice as proposed by Foulkes and Miller C O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Accumulation of PAH (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from male rats of different ages fed the control grain ration (GR) or the experimental high fat ration (HF) . . . . . . Accumulation of PAH (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from GR and HF rats plotted against age 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Accumulation of PAH (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from GR and HF rats plotted against bOdy weight 0 O C I O O C O O O O O O Accumulation of PAH (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from GR and HF rats plotted against kidney weight . . . . . . . . . . . . Effect of body weight on kidney weight in GR and HF rats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kinetic analysis of PAH uptake by renal cortical slices from 12—week old rats fed GR or HF using the Lineweaver—Burk plot . . . Kinetic analysis of PAH uptake by renal cortical slices from 60-week old rats fed GR or HF using a Lineweaver-Burk plot . . . . Accumulation of NMN (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from male rats of different ages fed GR or HP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Page 115 117 165 169 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 . {Figures (C . iV'" “'"l' " Accra lat i cortical s acainst a:_ ‘fifiIOD‘V‘ at] . (Nun's; cortical 5 against ki Accumulat: cortical 5 against bc ACC‘i‘t'Jlat‘ ortical switched GR. . . Accumulat cortical switched f‘ UR. . Histolo: EEd rats Histolo: fed rats List of Figures (Cont'd) Figure 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Accumulation of NMN (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from GR and HF rats plotted against age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulation of NMN (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from GR and HF rats plotted against kidney weight . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulation of NMN (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from GR and HF rats plotted against body weight . . . . . . . . . . . . Accumulation of PAH (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from male rats fed GR and switched to HF or fed HF and switched to GR. . O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Accumulation of NMN (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from male rats fed GR and switched to HF or fed HF and switched to GR. 0 O C O O O C O I O C O O O I O O O O O Histological sections of kidneys from HF- fed rats 0 O C O O O O O C O C O O O O O O O Histological sections of kidneys from GR— fed rats 0 O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O xii Page 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 a1 “—4- a. 1:12;. Th :oet sszciated with o'.'ely (Cord slide changes '1 :1, id adrenal resgizatory disc There have is impaired in ( grelizinary or 15 ESE high inc tariiovascular Eétion was cons v», dua ‘ f“fiction .3; using hung :f P. INTRODUCTION Regardless of the criteria used for overweight, the age group studied, or the country, obesity is a common finding. The metabolic and endocrine abnormalities associated with obesity have recently been reviewed extensively (Gordon, 1970; Sims et aZ., 1971). These include changes in blood lipids, in plasma insulin, gluca- gon, and adrenal corticosteroids, in adipose tissue and others (Sims et al., 1971). Also associated with obesity are a number of abnormalities in organ function and struc- ture. These include diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system, gynecologic disorders, diabetes mellitus, respiratory disorders and gastrointestinal disturbances. There have been some suggestions that renal function is impaired in obesity. Most reports, however, are preliminary or limited in scope. Therefore, on the basis of the high incidence of obesity and associated renal- cardiovascular abnormalities in the obese, further investi— gation was considered appropriate and necessary to evaluate renal function in the obese state. The problems associated with using humans as experimental subjects in an evaluation of the effects of obesity on various physical parameters q“ 1:.- ,4 5.; a ache: of «v! ' £ Atv’arlety 0L zerizental ahim "iiie ccldthic-g'. un‘u‘c- ~‘H‘i‘T.ate ‘ 24'..- at“. army as to t. czi';:ed. Despitl | ::;':e:ical comp: 55::1ated with 1' electrolytic les;| Chesity rescl :3;:t‘.alams in a,“ . ooo.L reverted ? 1’ "7-1923"! Curre: :"‘.‘tL,. . ‘-""“°1a.'?.‘as in 353'}. . u1-1 ls a us 55“: . wars tnat It; Parasitic and physiological functions, however, are numerous. There- fore, a number of animal models have been developed. A variety of chemical compounds when injected into experimental animals can precipitate obesity. These include goldthioglucose (Brecher and Waxler, 1949), mono— sodium glutamate (Olney, 1969), cortisone (Hausberger and Ramsay, 1953), insulin (MacKay et aZ., 1940) and bipiperidyl mustard (Rutman et al., 1966). There is no unanimity as to the mechanism(s) whereby the obesity is produced. Despite their limitations, induction of obesity by chemical compounds appears to have less problems associated with it than when obesity is produced with electrolytic lesions. Obesity resulting from bilaterally lesioning the hypothalamus in rats without hypophyseal involvement was first reported by Hetherington and Ranson (1939). Electro- lytic destruction or electrocauterization by radio frequency current of the ventromedial nuclei of the hypothalamus in a number of species may produce obesity. Several disadvantages exist when hypothalamic obesity is used as an experimental model. These may include changes in organ function, metabolism, and growth. Hypothalamic obesity is a useful model in investigating the neural factors that may regulate food intake of the organism. Parasitic obesity has been produced in mice, rats, deer mice and hamsters. Increased weight gains and growth occurred in mice, for example, after the injection of o w 4 . I! r c . ' _ .— .y ' .--v‘7'.a 0‘ -‘ i.’4 ;..~. I . r: a“: :- 13Vc1\ Bu .;;,;.w"‘” .. ..: '1" been deter a other Of 6; :y? these have 3;; York (19' r atteZPt to 11nd trieties of 1111115 .esea chers fixes which do n :: injections of tine obesity 1' Seeing high cai 22:1: tion of 2:122, 1961, 196 v;.; """L‘l rat h as ésfihh vw¢ated re “~31: S 93161 (3f: .; v. spargana of Spirometra mansonoidee (Mueller, 1963). The mechanism involved in this parasitic-induced weight gain has not been determined. A number of experimental models of genetic obesity exist. These have recently been extensively reviewed by Bray and York (1971). They include the “yellow" obese mouse, the adipose mouse, the ob/ob or A0 mouse, the N20 mouse and the "fatty" rat. These models can be useful in an attempt to understand the metabolic and biochemical varieties of human obesity. Researchers have developed a number of other proce- dures which do not subject animals to operative procedures or injections of chemicals and are perhaps most comparable to the obesity in humans. These include force feeding, feeding high caloric rations, restricting activity or a combination of these (Fenton et al., 1951; Ingle, 1949; Cohn, 1961, 1963; Mickelsen et aZ., 1955). The Osborne- Mendel rat has a propensity for obesity when fed a 60% fat diet. This model had previously been used extensively in the laboratory in which my research was conducted (Schemmel et al., 1969). On the basis of the high incidence of obesity and associated renal-cardiovascular abnormalities in obese humans and of previous laboratory studies of kidney function in the obese animal, further investigation was appropriate and necessary to evaluate renal function in the dietary obese rat. The kidney function tests were selected on the basis of their sensitivity, their applicability to this study, their usefulness in evaluating various parameters of kidney function and the resources available. The experi- ments were designed to test the hypothesis that dietary obesity adversely affects kidney function in the laboratory rat. x or. 9:1.“ :1" ‘- .a ¥4_ W m- ‘1'“: ‘1. {‘1 WC: Q Exciter, G. and S .| :ice due to 5 Proc. Soc. £2. 312, C. 1961. i J. Amer. Die‘ 315-1. C. 1963. l n \v ‘ F , thin. .‘ . Y . r. .5:qu P. F. arki obesity cf y LKP- Biol. 54 Erica, E. S. 1‘. HEtab. Diso' igfiférger' F. 1'.- 5162:3195 i: axinistrat Fxcretion, 563.5. Eridc Ln,“ , I . twotnala: DOC. EXP. ‘ ‘31" E. M 3! . ' ..;;erali?‘€ protamihe accelseh O BIBLIOGRAPHY Bray, G. A. and D. A. York. 1971. Genetically transmitted obesity in rodents. Physiol. Rev. 51:598-646. Brecher, G. and S. H. Waxler. 1949. Obesity in albino mice due to single injections of goldthioglucose. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 70:498-501. Cohn, C. 1961. Meal-eating, nibbling and body metabolism. J. Amer. Diet. Assoc. 38:433-436. Cohn, C. 1963. Feeding frequency and body composition. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 110:395-409. Fenton, P. F. and H. B. Chase. 1951. Effect of diet on obesity of yellow mice in inbred lines. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 77:420-422. Gordon, B. S. 1970. Metabolic aspects of obesity. Adv. Metab. Disorders 4:229-296. Hausberger, F. X. and A. J. Ramsay. 1953. Steroid diabetes in guinea pigs. Effects of cortisone administration on blood and urinary glucose, nitrogen excretion, fat deposition, and the islets of Langer— hans. Endocrinology 53:423-435. Hetherington, A. W. and S. W. Ranson. 1939. Experimental hypothalamico-hypophyseal obesity in the rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 41:465-466. Ingle, D. J. 1949. A simple means of producing obesity in the rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 72:604-605. MacKay, E. M., J. W. Callaway and R. H. Barnes. 1940. Hyperalimentation in normal animals produced by protamine insulin. J. Nutr. 20:59-66. Mickelsen, 0., S. Takahashi and C. Craig. 1955. Experi- mental obesity. I. Production of obesity in rats by feeding high-fat diets. J. Nutr. 57:541-554. Mueller, J. F. 1963. Parasite-induced weight gain in mice. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 113:217-233. ‘I 'P"'.O‘ .. ‘7'), 1:. r1; fiflfl lflw-b-V. . . F'flc Ja- vd . u .4 . .: «Id 3 ‘ ;‘ Olney, J. W. 1969. Brain lesions, obesity and other disturbances in mice treated with monosodium glutamate. Science 164:719-721. Ruhman, R. J., F. S. Lewis and W. D. Bloomer. 1966. Bipiperidyl mustard, a new obesifying agent in the mouse. Science 153:1000-1002. Schemmel, R., O. Mickelsen and Z. Tolgay. 1969. Dietary obesity in rats: Influence of diet, weight, age and sex on body composition. Amer. J. Physiol. 216:373- 379. Sims, E. A. H., E. S. Horton and L. B. Salans. 1971. Inducible metabolic abnormalities during development of obesity. Ann. Rev. Med. 22:235-250. 312' 1. Review ’ I IIII’IE'PIIP. . . “ , A . d 5. u. I PART I . Review of literature. -.. .1' I. Lu‘ - _"'7~ '0' MW. 3r x :-:-,=: :sist be cc. Mn..." :'.'A.“. .r a 1...:1 .uuv b; H I :1: 25.6 may 9051 u- urhh “‘1 fly,- an gnvcrobai en" . 3:331:13 'iaSte Ti; . , . 0A DD. '\ 'A‘ N -- Ii Una: “Gui ’ r J .4 :.:-3c .23 whether ".“v-a F7 .ac‘v ‘ ’- ihe ohysiolo " v J .- 3=:. creatinine had, 3" ' *‘"'-'~3*«t€S. pne: satipatmg 1;; -:‘ 1 p A”) K ‘ I . '~ m1 u‘dlCS; it“. osmotic bala be my" .- :. JaLlOn a.“ m: 325! f‘ “'-Vheh +‘ 3&1: Vb."n as ‘ c. "I F g . The Functions of the Kidney The physiological and biochemical functions of the kidney must be understood prior to selecting tests of kidney function and assessing their results. The kidneys hold the key position in controlling the homeostasis of the internal environment. They accomplish this (1) by removing waste materials and substances that are useless to the body, regardless of their concentration in the blood and whether they are end products of metabolism (as urea, creatinine, etc.) or are exogenous substances (drug metabolites, phenol red, heavy metals, etc.); (2) by Participating in the regulation of the acid-base balance of body fluids; (3) by regulating electrolyte composition and osmotic balance; (4) through the production and release of renin and aldosterone; (5) through the produc— tion and release of erythropoietin; and (6) by the conservation and reabsorption of substances valuable to the 13051)! economy, such as glucose, protein, amino acids, etc- When their concentration is commensurate with bodily Garlands and their quantity does not exceed the maximal ea~P" FF ,o,o-. H17 .,.4:H- 51“ c ‘1’“\ 13,303}. . ~ - d to o a a r I 0' v .a.‘ . ' 1" .hd no in!» d d 1;:ragen. Pt; :23; the nit Lee and Chm :ai a lever r :‘P‘w‘t- “l'iubs Cf t l7 excretion was decreased in the experimental animals in water and osmotic diuresis tests (Hall and Zeman, 1968). Chow and co-workers investigated kidney function in offspring from dams fed, during gestation and lactation, a normal ration restricted to 50% of that consumed ad Zibitum by controls (Lee and Chow, 1965, 1968; Roeder and Chow, 1969). Animals from these underfed dams, although fed ad Zibitum post weaning, excreted greater amounts of nitrogen. Furthermore, there was an abnormal distribution among the nitrOgen-containing components of the urine (Lee and Chow, 1965). Animals from restricted mothers had a lower mean nitrogen retention at 6, 10, 14 and 18 months. Urine from rats born to dams fed restricted amounts of the ration during pregnancy and lactation had a significantly larger proportion of total amino acids and a significantly smaller prOportion of urea, creatinine, and ammonia (Lee and Chow, 1965). This increased urinary eXCretion of amino acids could result from high blood levels of these, or impaired renal tubular absorption. Urine from experimental animals at 3 months of age had a larger percent of ammonia than that from control animals. This suggested to these workers that in the animals from restricted dams there was an impaired acid- base balance or a higher level of circulating amino acids as urinary ammonia comes from hydrolysis of blood glutamine in the kidneys and oxidative deamination of , ’5 . -.o-‘ a P‘. V‘ ..D ,;--.O V-“ . r- A "“5'G'-Po- ,— \ no..v.vutv\'~ . . :III?‘ ‘1‘ 5.. Q C... ‘5' o I‘;' "A 9-.8 lCh: . :hs. ." L. "'-b‘ b." l 'o ‘J .- . ::Yl.' "‘§v Fr A ‘a ‘ p 'h ~A - r; '- ~~~: d' .ty ‘ ' n'afifi‘ ““ud' a x‘ V‘- I' Q d 3- __ "v “‘ :-C*CE: 18 blood amino acids. In later work Lee and Chow (1968) showed that progeny from restricted animals excreted more free basic amino acids, such as arginine and histidine. Recently, Roeder and Chow (1969) looked at the con- centrations of RNA, DNA and activities of glutaminase I and cathepsin in the kidneys from progeny of restricted animals. At 13 months of age there was no significant differences in these parameters. At 19 months, glutaminase I activity per unit wet weight was the same in progeny from dams restricted during gestation and lactation and control groups although both groups were fed ad Zibitum post weaning. When this activity was expressed per unit of DNA to estimate enzymatic activity per cell, the values were lower in the animals from restricted dams. Cathepsin activity per unit wet weight or per unit of DNA was higher in progeny from restricted dams than in control groups. It increased significantly in the restricted animals bet— ‘Wken 13 and 19 months of age. These data suggested the early'appearance of senescent changes in the kidneys from PrOgeny of dams restricted in feed consumption during Pregnancy and lactation (Roeder and Chow, 1969) . Widdowson and McCance (1956) could detect no differ- ences in loss of kidney weight as a proportion of body weight in growing and adult rats subjected to complete Starvation and to undernutrition. Stewart (1919) reported that kidney weights were increased in rats subjected to PAV .-\a .”M AFV . o E 1 AM- . «3 av I . e V 3 ”loo 8 w: "a. ”Mu .nm a“ \nh“ .... .I a. z. . 3., . .. o W—u .uw r“. .: .um . v o v v .nd .o ”a” .0 o o“ u ..-. n J an can I. Iq-HJLI. .\ Kb .3! ESVJ .. i n «W fl u s a . 1-03 I - t. veeb --u- 19 repeated periods of fasting from birth until age 11-22 days. In contrast, Brown and Guthrie (1968) found the absolute weight of kidneys in rats deprived during and after weaning was less than that in control animals. Furthermore, upon refeeding these animals a nutritionally adequate diet for up to 10 weeks, kidney weights were less than 80% of those of control rats (Brown and Guthrie, 1968). As reviewed above, there is considerable evidence that malnutrition affects renal function in animals. Potassium Humans: Renal abnormalities are produced in humans by a potassium deficiency. According to Conn and Johnson (1956), kaliopenic nephropathy should be recognized as an established clinical and pathologic entity. Conn and Johnson (1956) reviewed the early reports 0f renal tubular lesions accompanying cases of chronic difsentery, bacillary dysentery and other chronic intesti— na1 diseases. Perkins et al. (1950) were the first to aSsociate these renal tubular changes with a potassium deficiency. Since then several reports have related the tubular lesions ("clear cell nephrosis" or "vacuolar nephropathy") to the state of potassium deficiency associated with chronic intestinal disease (Keye, 1952; Schwartz and Relman, 1953; Achor and Smith, 1955). ”(I nu. ..‘ .U V L‘ JM‘I" ‘M‘iA SF. 0,4 ' A O . . Q «:15 studiec t .-v%”‘ty to ’ A I" ”ugh. p, ovookaletr; zives prod‘acv Faint, 1953) . Smarts wit. 2:213: lesion : airs"; cases a: resflting from Jzizson, 1956) . 5.2an ai’JOStE 0". ' . “‘55 m an 12‘. ,q It . ;~%'SEgar a“ 0‘ :3: given larc 20 A hypokalemic state resulting from excessive use of laxatives produced impairment of renal function in two humans studied by Schwartz and Relman (1953). These sub- jects had a depressed clearance of p—aminohippurate and an inability to concentrate urine maximally (Schwartz and Relman, 1953). Humans with primary aldosteronism show the same tubular lesion morphologically that have been observed in autopsy cases with histories of potassium depletion resulting from some chronic intestinal disease (Conn and Johnson, 1956). Furthermore, these clinical cases of primary aldosteronism show histoloqic lesions similar to those in animals on a potassium-deficient diet (Schrader et al., 1937; Follis at al., 1942; Follis, 1943; Newberne, 1964; Segar and Schulz, 1965) or fed an adequate diet but given large doses of desoxycorticosterone (Darrow and.Miller, 1942). Muehrcke and Rosen (1964), however, S'llg'gested that the site of alterations in the kidney may TKTt be the same in potassium-deficient humans, as in IKItassium-deficient animals. Whether potassium deficiency Produces changes in urinary diluting capacity is unclear CLevitin at aZ., 1960). Renal lesions resulting from an induced depletion of Potassium in adult humans appear to be reversible (Blahd and Bassett, 1953; Fourman, 1954; Evans et aZ., 1954; Womersley and Darragh, 1955; Clarke et aZ.,l955). Lia w‘f‘.JIfl__I-:_-;_ Lisa FRUJ u (w: L is a result :3: renal C8115 iraze ray resu- . 25:42:33. Toe ‘. IAOADQQQ ‘p‘i ~ {3.13%.‘E Obsbc. guests were \ ii L n 520 varies its: these an it. 'f'xn I '-..:S for GER I ‘v v H Li) CT\ N v C In -".~"=ited Per 1 O< “~- "”99 that “*-.,w dilati :ixtlally VJ" ”“rOSCO‘. "v- a- in A ‘ morokl :EPCI‘. a e“ (Sci: Pall: SI 1943; .fir and Sch «1 21 Animals: As a result of many studies in animals, it is evident that renal cells, eSpecially tubular cells, need adequate potassium to preserve their integrity. In fact, Hollander at al. (1958) suggested that permanent renal damage may result from an acute episode of potassium depletion. They observed that rats after 3 days of potassium deficiency followed by adequate dietary potassium were unable to concentrate urine maximally. In contrast, Holliday and Egan (1962) found that rats on a potassium deficient diet for 30 days had GFR and CH 0 values which were less than those in controls. 2 When these animals were refed potassium for 5-13 days, values for GFR and CH20 returned to normal (Holliday and Egan, 1962). Segar and Schulz (1965), exposed rats to repeated periods of potassium deficiency interSpersed wi'tlhperiods of adequate dietary potassium. They reported that although kidneys from these rats showed tulDular dilation, the rats could concentrate urine maximally. Microsc0pic tubular lesions in rats, mice, dOgS, Cats and monkeys with potassium deficiency have been reported (Schrader at al., 1937; Follis et al., 1942; Follis, 1943; Newberne, 1964; Muehrcke and Rosen, 1964; Segar and Schulz, 1965). ‘“‘-*'Fvhaez-tasgtjtzggnru‘ / V. ‘-.. ‘OH ; Concentrati: ' in “H"dv" .~"\"’) a‘”‘ ‘0 \ ,LUVbu' A --=--~‘:'+ rats |_ 0:.nvev“ . ‘ n ' ‘p I ::.;r;r.a (BI053% mater and g , a Q A n v i " :«Vombatt an“ Wm are C; mic. .6 £233.32! 63 a zezisient an ma renal lesions :3.‘isl 1943) n if! a . ’H ta35mm. p Va...I “Wit lens '1 1., “A. eqemOre 1 ”3"}: . .....r moi '43» iii-6A dete- |_ I'. ‘ ‘ s“ EIYEY' a .1. s nth. _‘ .A n} "1:" My 22 Concentrations of the enzymes, glutaminase and carbonic anhydrase are increased in kidneys from potassium- deficient rats (Iacobellis et aZ., 1954). Polydipsia and polyuria (Brokaw, 1953), decreased creatinine clearance (Muntwyler and Griffin, 1953), renal hypertension (Grollman and White, 1958), increased protein excretion (Morrison and Gardner, 1963), and renal hypertrOphy (Durlacher at al., 1942; Follis et al., 1942; Fuhrman and Brokaw, 1951; Brokaw, 1953; Muntwyler and Griffin, 1953; Perey et al., 1967a, 1967b) also occurred in potassium- deficient animals. Inclusion of rubidium and, to a lesser extent, cesium in potassium-deficient diets protected rats from the renal lesions normally seen with potassium deficiency (Follis, 1943). The distribution, biological properties and excretion of rubidium are very similar to those of Potassium. Rubidium was actively transported into the rabbit lens in competition with potassium (Becker, 1962) . Furthermore rubidium replaced potassium in the activation as Na-K ATPase in this system (Bonting et al., 1963). Whether rubidium acts similarly in the kidney has not beendetermined. Perey and co-workers (1967a, 1967b) induced multiple Cysts in the kidneys of fetal rabbits. A single injection Of a long-acting adrenal corticosteroid (as 9-fluoro- prednisolone) into the rabbits at birth produced cystic changes in the kidneys. These changes could be prevented ,. '3', v a 5: avid inje an, 1957” r.:o;9ic effect :2 causative f: q 9 ' "”""C Ccuyd f. 4 v-v.’,.‘;. of con: to ‘ u =. concent: . .. ‘93-. . .4... ~— :~-,- a "cans: \ Iniomati‘ 23 by repeated injections of potassium chloride (Perey at aZ., 1967a, 1967b). Therefore, the hypokalemia or a general systemic effect produced by the corticosteroids could be the causative factor (Perey at al., 1967a, 1967b). This finding could have great implications considering the problem of congenital polycystic renal disease in man. Additional evidence for the kidney's requirement for potassium comes from tissue culture studies. Crocker and vernier (1970) found that the fetal mouse kidney required a high concentration of potassium for normal development. Sodium Humans: Information concerning various states of sodium status and renal histology and function in humans is Sparse. Black et al. (1950) reported altered tubular function in humans fed a salt-poor diet for only a few days. The reabsorption of sodium by the renal tubules was increased 10-2 hours after hypertonic saline was given intravenously to these subjects. Hypertensive patients on a low salt diet had depressed GFR, RBF and TmPAH values (Chasis et al., 1950). Sodium metabolism in pregnancy relative to kidney function has been inadequately investigated (Robinson, 1958; Lindheimer and Katz, 1970). These authors concluded that further research is needed in this area since now i) {A w '1." A“ ' nun? C-U'..- :15 cows . Q ":sii;:'is salt :.'-;5055 to be .— "" ' n ' . - anaent in kid “"temlar Che :z‘; . v‘L.. lp‘fy “ haebt G ’3 V' eXtErx 1.: a4. so. i‘.. . Ci ester 24 some doctors consider the pregnant patient to be an "insidious salt retainer" while others consider pregnant subjects to be "insidious sodium wasters." Animals : High sodium chloride and low sodium chloride diets produce a number of changes in the kidneys. A common finding associated with high dietary intakes of sodium chloride was renal hypertrophy (Krakower and Heino, 1947; Sapirstein et al., 1950; Auerbach at al., 1953; Fregly, 1960; Dahl and Schackow, 1964; Hall and Hall, 1966) . A number of pathological changes were GVident in kidneys from animals on a high sodium intake. Glcunerular changes in the rat included hypertrophy, lipid deposition and degeneration (Meneely et al., 1953b) . ASSociated with these glomerular changes were edema and p0lyuria (Meneely at al., 1953a) . Krakower and Heino (1947) reported glomerular hypertrOphy and glomerular and tubular degenerative changes in kidneys from chickens on El Iligh sodium chloride intake. Tubular dilation and tieaths from uremia occurred in rats on a chronic excess Se-:Lt ingestion (Dahl and Schackow, 1964) . Among the szt extensive renal lesions observed with a high salt diet were reported by Auerbach et a2. (1953) in rats fed a diet of 7.0 to 9.8% NaCl. Abnormalities included a2Otemia, enlarged glomeruli with swelling and :ee:. different: kosher c as feel sinula Later the so: is: was reSpoi edger e t a ' 4 V. Sodium de 3599 (Cutti: ‘irilaw and p j I! anal hemorrha .m “35), decree 3e:- 25 vacuolation, and dilated tubules. These were present in 15% of the animals studied (Auerbach et aZ., 1953). Hypertension was a consistent finding in animals eXposed to a high salt diet (Meneely at aZ., 1953a, 1953b; Auerbach at aZ., 1953; Dahl and Schackow, 1964). The relationship of the hypertension to the renal changes observed, especially the glomerular changes, has not been differentiated. A number of pathological lesions were reported in rats fed simulated Japanese diets (Hilker et aZ., 1965) . Whether the sodium content or some other factor in the diert.was reSponsible for the lesions was not determined (Hilker et aZ., 1965). Sodium deprivation also produced considerable renal 1948; Marx and Deane, 1963; dainage (Cuttino et aZ., Ganguli et aZ., 1969a, 1969b). WaI‘l‘dlaw and Pike, 1963; ReI‘lal hemorrhage and dilated tubules (Cuttino et aZ., 1948) , decreased proximal tubular lumens (Marx and [Deeéine, 1963), and juxtaglomerular alterations (Ganguli 1963; Wardlaw and e t aZ., 1969a, 1969b; Marx and Deane, P:the, 1963) occurred in rats on low sodium diets. Magnesium deficiency in man was recently reported ( Flink, 1956; Vallee et aZ., 1960); however, renal changes asSociated with this deficiency in man were not described. 'If. I'WJ .flus V ‘i p 3...!“ .~ alt. " iém- 4 5:3.eeberger a Farrell and WT.‘ KR mice 2a.:ificatior. 26 Magnesium deficiency in infants with kwashiorkor has also been reported (Montgomery, 1960), but no effect of a magnesium deficiency per as on kidney function was investi- gated. Animals: Rats fed a magnesium deficient diet developed calcification of soft tissues, particularly renal tissues (Tufts and Greenberg, 1936; Watchorn and McCance, 1937; Greenberg et aZ., 1938; Sullivan and Evans, 1944; Hess et aZ., 1959; McAleese and Forbes, 1961; Welt, 1964; Schneeberger and Morrison, 1965; Jacob and Forbes, 1969; Farnell and Whitehair, 1971). On the contrary, however, Schrader at al. (1937) did not observe calcification in rats fed a magnesium-deficient diet for 34 days. KK mice (unlike ICR, C57BL and CFI mice) showed renal calcification when fed a low magnesium, high phosphorus diet (Hamuro et aZ., 1970). Therefore, Hamuro et al. (1970) suggested that there was a strain difference in susceptibility to the renal calcification produced by the magnesium-deficient diet. Magnesium deficiency and calcification of renal tissue has also been produced in the dog (Featherston et aZ., 1963), guinea pig (Pyke at aZ., 1967) and cotton rat (Constant and Phillips, 1952). A number of other degenerative changes affecting tubules and glomeruli were reported in the early studies (Df magnesium deficiency (Watchorn and McCance, 1937; l Ale" ..a C“ 313. ~. - w u:".—\ ,.->‘"‘ ' . ...pn5 ‘ .‘uV V- n C "d I . I an .rn . . e C FHA hi .FW 8 n. Y. u o 4 S. a: .5 A: L . .3 v. be a. n.“ #0 n v .a a FJ «a V. ol ..u .v.“ qua .L 2. .2. fin...- i . a: . .. 51,}. M3. r _ -3 36:36! W 27 cramer, 1932; Sullivan and Evans, 1944). The diets used in some of these studies, however, were inadequate or imbalanced in respect to some nutrients other than Inagnesium. Also, the changes observed were described primarily as histological changes but no estimation of the functional capacity was made. Other changes seen in magnesium deficient animals inraluded nephrosis (Barron et aZ., 1949); renal fibrosis (Barron et aZ., 1949); increased proteinuria (Cramer, .19132; Greenberg et aZ., 1938); glomerular degenerative Changes (Cramer, 1932; Sullivan and Evans, 1944); and tllkrular degenerative changes other than calcification (Czlramer, 1932; Schrader et aZ., 1937; Greenberg at aZ., 1938; Sullivan and Evans,l944; Hess at aZ., 1959). Whether a magnesium deficiency produces a polyuria (Cramer, 1932; Greenberg et aZ., 1938; Smith et aZ., 1962) or no change in urine volume (Manitius and Epstein, 1963; Schneeberger and Morrison, 1965) has not been easitablished. Manitius and Epstein (1963) found that a potassium depletion can be induced in rats by a magnesium Cieef'icient diet with potassium levels that would normally k3€e considered adequate. This result makes it more clifficult to interpret much of the earlier work concerning 1:11e effect of a magnesium deficiency on renal function andhistology. Renal tubules in rats fed a magnesium—deficient diet with adequate potassium showed significant functional .ve'V'v“:at, “Sic " )Jv , , a. "J ‘ V ..o~fl” (Sr.‘.4 l f‘ :wessmn of e sense to an ‘ ‘4» "now" (1“: "7‘qu v. .p'- 4 " I r .! re:- 1 :2 $ ‘ 3 (h) , ) ‘31 LL) "" v t. n . r‘ “‘1.- lrntlier-CC '."L‘l‘ ‘ "9‘ - any '4‘11' U ..I‘ ‘ ' Q 1., elation (Jac 'Farnell and 1 Eé'fiflt'; of r Q I ChC 113g hig’fiv .. “w; S Lru 'C'A‘,‘ . . -Z/J‘ .ec t}; p ‘ ‘ .td ‘keg *‘ r u 5“ :‘I‘FA . 1" "‘7".- 3'1‘ EVA. eal_“b Q ”In a Q ‘b‘ F.“ up u ‘U“b' b] O P; $.12“, ~ . V s. 28 impairment which closely resembled that of potassium depletion (Smith at aZ., 1962) . Rats showed a 33% depression of concentrating capacity and a decreased reSponse to an acid load when compared with rats on a control diet (Smith et aZ., 1962). The production of calcification of soft tissues, especially renal tissue by a magnesium deficient diet has provided a convenient tool for investigating factors that influence soft tissue calcification (Jacob and Forbes, 1969). L-thyroxine (Jacob and Forbes, 1969); Vitamin D depletion (Jacob and Forbes, 1970) and thyrocalcitonin (Parnell and Whitehair, 1971) prevented or lessened the Severity of renal calcification normally seen in rats on a magnesium deficient diet. Choline \__ fitnmans: Choline may also play a role in maintenance of normal kidney structure in humans. Arends and Nieweg (1954) JIVE—sported two cases of choline-like deficiency with renal Eirld hepatic lesions closely resembling those produced GeJ-cperimentally in animals. Enlarged kidneys, tubular lesions, hemorrhage and casts were observed (Arends and Nieweg, 1954) . , . u' HQ'PV .- - ' '1' .av“ “""‘V‘ I" .IQ':: .«uov‘ : ‘ > ‘ e in ma (ll . u, r' .5: 25:3,“): (uriu. '..-v~P". ’ F u s‘ V ,-lvn~vtl 1 i~:;rvat 5 ’ * .5..'v.. 4 J A u ' 1 ‘ --:v~; la Ph. n-éfl'b u AAV“. o u. '6': Rev," D Mu A. v “I d . 352225. to a cl”. 32.36.11 rd 'n' riPtrted that 2 produced ‘1 ' h all in ~.S 16d to v a... ::L. I f‘. ' “were 4a . q A " REQ‘ ‘! " ere 4 ~\ \“ (v- ' .. "Hn' ‘.V‘5l'c l;- a 1., .A ~ “s 29 Animals: Acute choline deficiency in weanling rats is associ- ated with hemorrhagic nephropathy accompanied by an increase in kidney weight, in part due to cellular proli- 1939; Hartroft, 1948; 1969) . feration (Griffth and Wade, Levenson at aZ., 1968; Parks and Smith, 1968, Monserrat at al. (1968) suggested that, in weanling rats, lysosomal alterations are the outstanding pathological change in choline deficiency renal necrosis. Renal hypertension developed in rats and dogs sub— jected to a choline deficiency (Hartroft and Best, 1949; Grollman and White, 1958) . Nagler et a2. (1968, 1969) rePorted that feeding diets low in choline to weanling rats produced an imbalance in vasoactive mediators due to a fall in tissue acetylcholine. They pr0posed that tl‘lis led to vasospasm, ischemia, vascular rupture and the tubular necrosis seen in the nephropathy of acute choline deficiency (Nagler at aZ., 1968, 1969). Renal tubular degeneration and non-calcified, mucoid structures in the urinary bladder were seen in kidneys fJi‘om rats subjected to diets marginal in choline and methionine (Newberne and Young, 1966) . The "hemorrhagic kidney syndrome" of weanling rats was used as a bioassay to test the nutritional adequacy of various diets in supporting methylneogenesis for the synthesis of choline (Woodard, 1970) . Ettanin B, L b ..;‘r ‘Ett'v' ac)“; "Ab" - ‘ waned the y\ a: fatty live: I 3.3:: and Long d o-.o . , . r ...... 'F‘! V“ voEuv: nha‘a- ‘ . "f.’. ' .ocu-goc ---,n -o-‘..~ . .n?‘ x f“ t.“‘eJ \J A "urn-m1 ‘. "w as: 0;: 4 '9 -‘. 3:9 ““v' Vflcr1ecimens (Lieb, 1929). Furthermore, the urea clearance and phenol red excretion were normal. One subject followed by Newburgh et a1. (1930) consumed 333 g protein Ciatily. Albuminuria occurred after 6 weeks and hyaline and granular casts were evident after 7 weeks on this regimen. The urine was normal after the subject was fed a high carbohydrate diet for 10 days (Newburgh et aZ., l 9 30) . The effect of the protein level on the urea clearance (Curea) in man was extensively reviewed by Schmidt-Nielsen a I s .. url” L 7‘ . ”.1 a r” "v «L S 3. 3. ..,.. l I. 5. - Aid 31 (1958). In general, the Curea varies with the protein content of the diet. When the protein level is low, particularly over a prolonged period, the Curea drops considerably (COpe, 1933; Goldring et aZ., 1934; Nielsen and Bang, 1948, 1949; Pullman at aZ., 1949). Increasing the protein level of the diet will increase the Curea (Addis and Drury, 1923; COpe, 1933; Farr, 1936; Longley and Miller, 1942; Nielsen and Bang, 1948, 1949). Gold- ring et al. (1934) did not report an increased Curea The control protein when the protein intake was increased. level, however, was 100 gm/day which would be considered by some researchers as a high level. The maximum difference in Curea between normal and low protein intakes was found at low urine flow rates (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1958) . Whether the change in Curea is due primarily to a change in glomerular or tubular function has not been established (Nielsen and Bang, 1948; Schmidt- Nielsen, 1958). Bolourchi and co-workers (1968) presented data which S"~lggest that the Curea may be affected by the type, as Well as by the dietary level, of protein. The Specific gravity of urine (Addis and Shevky, 1922) and the GFR (Nielsen and Bang, 1948; Pullman et aZ., l 949) decreased when subjects were fed a low protein diet. The effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) was depressed 2% in females on a low protein diet (Nielsen and Bang, 1948) - ‘ ' V‘ ’- .-,"ye:361\‘ ' tilt w" ‘ .. ~5:a\ ‘ -o' ’ ‘ 15.] ‘l‘, I. f ' . n - ’I ‘I‘ (V 5.3.. 53! J4! '.‘ n rrc*e"‘ ' "Q \- V‘t Ir .0. - J A ‘ ‘ . . . ni- “FRY “’- "y .54”. abec - ‘0' . 4...... ‘ In amine. “vane Pia‘Je a t D u . f‘ ‘ ' .“ ha. (Dar... V55... - Urea Cle K L 4.13.5 was :EZCv-ts ‘ ‘ IE1 5'. 32 Conversely, the ERPF was increased 18% when the protein content of the diet was increased to 200 g/day (White and Rolf, 1948) . An increase in ERPF was also reported by (1949) when subjects were given 2.3 to The GFR was Pullman et a1. 3.0 g protein per kg body weight per day. also increased in persons on a high protein diet (White and Rolf, 1948; Pullman et aZ., 1949). Animals : In animals, especially the dog, variations in protein intake have a greater effect on renal hemodynamics than in man (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1958). Urea Clearance and Excretion: Factors affecting the urea excretion in dogs, seals, ruminants, rodents and other Inanimals was extensively reviewed by Schmidt-Nielsen (1958) . Urea clearance in the dog in the postabsorptive S"Ilate (i.e., 18 hours postprandially) was increased on meat diets when compared with a low protein (cracker meal) or mixed diet (Jolliffe and Smith, 1931a, 1931b). Similar reports relating urea clearance to the protein level of 1ll‘ie diet were published by numerous researchers (Rhoads et aZ., 1934; VanSlyke et aZ., 1934; Pitts, 1935). Herrin et al. (1937) reported that the Curea was increased when dogs were given casein, butter, glycine, alanine, glutamic acid, deaminated glycine, lactic acid, pYruvic acid, acetic acid and prOpionic acid. Gluconic aCid did not elevate the Curea in these dogs. w. W-" v “3:. w‘ 1 Y ' Recently, vl ‘ 51 3 ="‘:';;a..o:‘. O. ‘3' ;: 5:95 or. low Exidt-Sielse: Extermcre, t; 5:: a: the 93351 ;:::ei . 1133§€n Incas. excreuon was 3:23“? . ‘ meal y‘Gr “-. . ""auors 1 [- iv ‘ "afar.” c", : “ \4.“ ‘ ‘4 L- ‘_ Q. h l .4: 33 Recently, workers demonstrated that the site of the accumulation of urea in the renal medulla was different in dogs on low and high protein diets (Truniger and Schmidt-Nielsen, 1964; Schmidt-Nielsen and Robinson, 1970). Furthermore, the excretion of urea is apparently depend- ent on the quality of protein as well as the amount of protein. When rats were fed casein or gluten so that nitrogen intakes and digestibility were equal, the urea excretion was increased in the gluten-fed group (Kiriyama and Ashida, 1964). Glomerular Filtration Rate and Effective Renal Plasma Flow: According to Smith (1951), the most complete study of the effects of protein on renal function in the dog was made by Moustgaard (1948) who showed that after a high protein meal the GFR and ERPF of dogs were increased. No alterations in the reabsorptive capacity for glucose in these animals was reported (Moustgaard, 1948). Smith (1951) reviewed in detail other studies completed by Moustgaard. The GFR increased in dogs (Pitts, 1944; Ayer et aZ., 1947) and in rats (Dicker, 1949) when the protein content of the diet was increased. Glycine when fed or infused produced increases in the GFR and ERPF in the dog (Friedman, 1946). Rats similarly treated showed no changes in the GFR or ERPF. rats were fed azierate till-1L; iii Curtis, 1 grziuced by t 3:133 (Newbu: MEdlar 5 Pittein diet; 3.6 PrOXimal these rats. 34 No changes of an inflammatory or degenerative nature were observed microscopically in the kidneys of rats fed a 75% protein diet (Osborne et aZ., 1923). Some minute tubular and glomerular changes occurred, but these were insignificant (Osborne et aZ., 1927). In contrast, rats fed less than a year a diet con- taining 40% or more liver had "granular" kidneys with degeneration of tubular epithelium and fibrosis (Newburgh and Curtis, 1928; Newburgh and Johnston, 1931). When rats were fed casein at a 75% level, however, only moderate tubular injury was evident at 16 months (Newburgh and Curtis, 1928). A partial explanation for the lesions produced by the liver may be its high content of nucleic acids (Newburgh and Johnston, 1931). Medlar and Blatherwick (1937) reported that high protein diets produced chronic degenerative nephritis in rats. Although there were glomerular and tubular changes, the proximal convoluted tubules were normal in kidneys of these rats. Polvogt et al. (1923) fed rats various proteins at a level of 31 to 41%. The kidneys of the original animals plus 5 of their subsequent generations (ages 5 months to 485 days)were examined histologically. Renal changes observed included hyalinization of glomeruli, congestion, degeneration of the tubular epithelium, glomerular adhesions, and hyaline casts. These researchers 1 ,x a new ‘._ a n 215‘ la! wan ,.n';" ”‘r “H.,: Vitae rats fed an 17: evjence of s; 33:; was repd n», ‘ - . 3:: saw , s v' R... maeoges. The In?» ‘ and?” beCOI‘.’ o. 3:23“ 9 lone 35 ascribed the renal damage to the excessive amounts of the end-products of protein metabolism (Polvogt et aL., 1923). Osborne at al. (1927) observed glomerular and tubular changes in rats fed high protein diets. Renal tubules were dilated throughout the kidneys in rats fed diets containing 70% or more protein. Moise and Smith (1927) examined the remaining kidney of uninephrectomized rats fed an 18% or 85% protein ration. No anatomic evidence of significant renal damage in the 18% protein group was reported. The high protein group, on the other hand, showed significant glomerular and tubular changes. The lesions were conspicuous and relatively wide- spread, becoming progressively more marked with increased time on the diet. Glomerular changes included prolifera- tion of the epithelium of Bowman's capsule with and without glomerular adhesions, fibrous thickening of Bowman's capsule, partial fibrosis of the glomerular tuft and some infiltration of round cells in fibrotic areas (Moise and Smith, 1927). Concomitantly, tubular changes reported were desquamation of the epithelial lining, some dilation and amorphous material within tubular lumina. Moise and Smith (1927) suggested that these changes were late manifestations of injury or irritation to which the kidney was subjected. In contrast, Addis et a1. (1926) reported no difference in the kidneys of control and high- protein or high-cystine fed rats upon microscopical examination. I: F A :r:t=.n Lee 9! iezss;:s. ' f. .‘. A SEIA-CA’V 5;;12'; f'l'ZCCLL o a J ‘ $123.3 and t me was cec vs“. ‘ \ ~vr3:-€d U232 carrot 0: t; .‘r ‘ V ‘ ...e mules : :35: .,y vv “as s; , 4.2. :‘Q‘fi r‘ l H \J o «g 3 36 Hogs fed a 42% crude protein diet had considerable renal damage when compared to controls fed 13.6% protein (Terrillet aZ., 1952). Tubular changes in the high- protein fed group included dilation and amorphous deposits. A deficiency of protein may produce alterations in kidney functions in animals. Dicker (1950) reported that the GFR and clearance of water in protein deficient rats was depressed when compared to controls. The concen- tration and total amount of sodium and chloride in the urine was decreased (Dicker, 1950). Dicker et al. (1946) reported that when rats were fed low protein diets (carrot or turnip diet), some histological changes in the tubules occurred. No glomerular abnormalities were observed. Tubular changes consisted of necrosis and calcification of the broad limbs of Henle. Protein- deficient rats responded less well to urinary concentration and dilution tests than the same animals on a standard diet. The total tubular excretory mass (Tm ) of Diodrast rats on the turnip diet was below control values. In contrast to normal rats, the GFR of the protein-deficient rats was significantly correlated with the rate of urine flow. Guggenheim (1956) reported that protein-deficient rats had normal GFR values, but abnormal responses to a water load. Xylose Clearance: The glomerular clearance of xylose was increased in dogs fed meat or casein (Shannon et al., 1932; Pitts, 1935). q'prfl'ZI .~ w , x . h" V. J 4' ».4 '.- ' 'r . N‘" ' ‘ azsrzrvr)..§ ll. ; b‘ ‘ u.” . :;Sr:‘.:=3d *3 ‘ Y r “ “ CO..C1u in , r ‘ _ r _ "an." fnc P... ‘ y'_.-ne 5V -: 31., 1929) 5:35: fine diet mm." P Leaturia we: Iere further . A. ANA d,‘:rfi 4 ‘." ration ..s:al (30.3.10 V 43:36 . ’ iuafitl :5: I'm-L. “~«ullar : 7..“ ‘ “"~facel 3. {RCA 37 fiypertrophy: High protein levels produced renal hypertrOphy in a number of species. These results are discussed in the section on factors affecting renal size. In conclusion, the quantity and the quality of protein fed may affect renal function and structure. §a_t When rats were fed diets virtually free of fat, kidneys were mottled with surface indentations (McAmis et aZ., 1929). When Burr and Burr (1929) excluded fat from the diet of rats, kidneys were "mottled, spotted, abnormal." Furthermore, concretions in the bladder and hematuria were present. The kidneys from these rats were further examined by Borland and Jackson (1931). Grossly these were pale and larger than controls. No glomerular changes were observed. Lesions included tubular calcification, cortical tubular epithelium degeneration, increased intracellular fat in proximal and distal convoluted tubules, round cell infiltration and large quantities of "fatty or albuminous material" in the medullary area. Addition of lard at a dietary level of 2-20% prevented or cured these renal disorders. In the control animals, changes reported were round cell infiltration, some tubular degeneration and an increase in intracellular fat (Borland and Jackson, 1931). Later Rice and Jackson (1934a, 1934b) determined that the fat accumulation in the kidney was due to the high carbohydrate 1L7:- ‘ T'“. '0“. ‘TL_4 v z... (1929) . 3' Tie C510 1 1 23333515 was 1 2: corn 0‘1 : "is level .1 .u V! I reguirenents . 38 content of the diet and the general state of undernourish- ment and not to the "fatless" quality of Burr and Burr's diet (1929). With the advent of more chemically defined diets, the effects of fatty acid deficiency should be examined anew. The choline requirement necessary to prevent renal necrosis was increased when rats were fed cocoa butter or corn oil at a 40% level (O'Neal et aZ., 1961). Butter at this level, however, did not increase the lipotrOpic requirements. Numerous calculi occurred in kidneys of rats fed methyl esters of fatty acids at a 10% level (Spining et aZ., 1964). Rats fed cyclized fish oil for 19 weeks had signifi- cantly lower urine specific gravities than animals fed a control diet. After 18 hours of water deprivation, the specific gravity of the urine of animals fed the fish oil was significantly less than that of the urine of control animals (Gottenbos and Thomasson, 1965). No histological changes in the kidney function were evident, however. Thomasson et a2. (1966) found no disturbances of urinary concentrating capacity in rats fed hydrogenated fats (soya bean, linseed, olive or butterfat). Furthermore, the urine aspartate transaminase activity, which is increased in renal pathological conditions, was lower in the animals given the hardened oils than in controls fed unhardened soya-bean oil. Eerrin at. - wereased -0. U -. II (I v- v -' * 385325 'WJ. v; £15.12 cement C : 39 Vitamin A Humans: Herrin and Nicholes (1940) reported that the Curea was increased in humans given vitamin A supplements for 2-3 weeks with a maximum response at 8 weeks. Further- Inore, these researchers suggested that individuals with excessive subcutaneous fat are most likely to show an enhancement of the Curea with vitamin A administration. Similar results were reported by Taylor et al. (1943). Human patients given 100,000 to 400,000 I.U. of vitamin A for 5-90 days had increased values for GFR and renal plasma flow. These workers suggested that large doses of vitamin A could be used therapeutically in patients with degenerative renal diseases. Animals: Herrin and Nicholes (1939) observed that diets containing 150 g of butter or cod liver oil produced urea clearances in dogs that were 147 and 130% of control values. When vitamin A was given at a level of 50,000 I.U. daily the Curea increased from 41 to 94% in a week. The maximum increase occurred after vitamin A supplementation for 96 days. In contrast to these findings, Bing (1943) found of dogs no change in the GFR, ERPF, Tm AH' or Tm P Diodrast given daily 5,000 to 50,000 I.U. vitamin A orally. When 200,000 I.U. were added to the diet daily, a significant increase in TmD or TmPAH occurred. The GFR and ERPF were r11 ‘ & :wacts con. ‘- J'! .. H" H.» .evEO inese fliction wher. 7;:snin A we:- ‘fififlafil‘ mm-.. .rate S . 39: T‘ “. “.Q ‘h. I .f‘h. ‘ ~V§~al i ‘- n n L [n 40 moderately increased with the filtration fraction remaining unchanged (Bing, 1943). Rats when given high doses of vitamin A had increased values for GFR, RPF and Tm (Dicker and Heller, Diodrast 1946). Corcoran and Page (1947) reported that when crude extracts containing 2000 I.U. of vitamin A were injected to rats daily intramuscularly, the TmPAH was increased 100%. These investigators found no enhancement of renal function when crystalline vitamin A was given and con- cluded that the changes previously reported to be due to vitamin A were due to some other factor in the commercial concentrates. Corcoran and Page (1947) did not explain what factor in the butter and cod liver oil fed by Herrin and Nicholes (1939) was reSponsible for the increased C Herrin and Nicholes (1939) found that vitamin D urea’ was not reSponsible. Vitamin C Renal function was examined in 14 patients with florid scurvy by Eales (1956). The GFR was slightly reduced. A significant decrease in the ERPF was reported. The most striking change was a decrease in the effective renal blood flow (ERBF). The ERBF was related to a lower hematocrit primarily, but also to a diminution in the ERPF. The total excretory mass as measured by TmPAH was normal in 2 subjects and slightly decreased in a third (Eales, 1956). 3 :9! ‘ ’ ”ArcaLC‘Jr 5 ~ p “1" a. 72:: can lead 'y'itatin ii not inf 1; ”her. high 19': iegressed 423 711.2111 E \— Accordir 31 V'tanin E v-_,‘ u ““4: DOQ+~A ‘ a. "’ univ tn: 3‘] 41 Vitamin D An excess of vitamin D can produce hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, and metastatic calcification in the kidney. This can lead to fatal or reversible renal failure. Dietary imbalances, such as a high-calcium, low—phOSphorus diet, can also lead to renal disorders (Kark, 1968). Vitamin D when administered overseveral weeks to dogs did not influence the C (Herrin and Nicholes, 1939). urea When high levels of vitamin D were fed, the Curea was depressed 42%. Vitamin E According to Herrin and Nicholes (1939) high levels of vitamin E were ineffective in altering the Curea in dogs. Kidneys from vitamin E deficient rats underwent rapid postmortem autolysis (Moore et aZ., 1958; Emmel and LaCelle, 1961; Gyorgy at aZ., 1966). Vitamin E, choline, methionine and vitamin B were active in preventing this 12 tendency to rapid autolysis (Gyorgy et aZ., 1966). Emmel and LaCelle (1961) found that the increased rate of post- mortem autolysis in the kidney was always preceded by a decrease in the renal toc0pherol content. The incidence and morphology of centrioles in the proximal convoluted tubules of rat kidney were altered by the dietary content of vitamin E (Hess and Menzel, 1968). Whether this would affect proximal tubular functional changes was not determined. S "'s \‘ .4 .30: S “ o ' v- ""' "‘X’ '18 a- .Hboev -0 .. 363 water c 33:31:85 120 I ‘fi-P" 3...: or COIt: Lni,howeve “57'. "--e bisone ‘.a 3 P 6 ‘*m%rof “IPQItrophy “Y 1 . “deate cerx ‘ \ 42 B Vitamins, Calcium, PhosPhorus and Others Hamar (1940) reported that the tubular reabsorption of glucose was decreased in dogs fed a vitamin B1 deficient diet. Rats suffering from a lack of pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and riboflavin had depressed values for GFR and a water dilution test (Guggenheim, 1956). These returned to normal when the deficient animals were given ACTH or cortisone. Thiamine deficient rats also exhibited a delayed diuretic response to a combined inulin-water load, however, these were not restored when ACTH or cortisone was given (Guggenheim, 1956). Pyridoxine deficiency in the rat was associated with a number of changes in the kidneys. These included hypertrOphy (Agnew, 1951; Seronde, 1960), calcium or oxalate deposits (Agnew, 1951; Gershoff and Andrus, 1961) and casts (Agnew, 1951). Other workers, however, reported that when the pathologic manifestations due exclusively to pyridoxine deficiency were separated from the effects due solely to undernutrition in rats of similar sex, age, and weight, pyridoxine deficient animals had no renal hyper- trOphy or lesions (Wirtschafter and Walsh, 1964). The effect of folic acid on producing renal hyper- trophy is discussed in the section on factors affecting renal size. ._-1I , ;s a nip-:32”. '-'r-'= fed 6. 16:1 "'5 1: rats fed \— .Lcaroonate} C" (D m D P‘ 1 7 — '? 43 Calcium metabolism and its relationships to the kidneys of humans were reviewed by Kushner (1956). A number of diseases associated with hypercalcemia and metastic calcification produce renal damage. Calcium is a component of most primary urinary calculi. Calcification of the kidneys was produced when rats were fed diets high in calcium, phOSphorus and phOSphoric acid for 3 weeks (Ham, 1940). High levels of phosPhate also produced damage in kidneys of rats (MacKay and Oliver, 1935; McFarlane, 1941). Addis and co-workers (1926) found a number of changes in rats fed acid (calcium chloride) or alkali (sodium bicarbonate) diets. The protein excretion of rats on the acid diets was one half that of controls. Significant hematuria and hydronephrosis occurred in rats on the alkali diet (Addis et aZ., 1926). Overweight and Obesity Humans: The incidence of cardiovascular—renal deaths in over— weight persons is significantly higher than in those of normal weight (Mayer, 1968). The existence of renal and cardiovascular abnormalities among the obese appears to be an important factor responsible for the shortened life expectancy of this group according to Ross (1960). The effects of overweight on kidney function have been investigated less than most other areas. As early " we: 3‘ .11.. - ofifl I. J}: 1: '4b4, 35:53:85 th a t r egarmatlo: d . l' ‘ ' r..- :: 1‘“fi“"" ‘h. “gid-L-n‘b“ v I ‘ :;; anon-c - 3:.+' - r‘flenr 19.1 'T'L ‘ *“e Ea: 44 as 1925, Dublin et al. reported that albuminuria was more frequent in overweight persons than those of normal weight. This was emphasized by Armstrong et al. (1951) who reported that statistical studies of periodic health examination data showed that the proportion of persons with albuminuria and glycosuria of significant degree was higher among overweight persons than among average and underweight persons. The occurrence of granular and hyaline casts was "noticeably greater" among overweights (Dublin et aZ., 1925). Chronic and acute nephritis were also increased in the overweight (Dublin et aZ., 1925: Britten, 1933). The hazardous effects of perirenal fat deposition in the obese has been emphasized by Weil (1955). The pro- posed that in excessive overweight "large deposits of fat cover the viscera and fat infiltrates the parenchyma of vital organs." These morphological changes then could be reflected in a wide variety of physiological aberrations according to Weil (1955). On this basis, perirenal fat deposition in excessive amounts could lead to abnormal kidney function. Table 1 is a summary of reports of renal function in obese patients. The purpose of most of the investigations cited was not related to determining kidney function; therefore, some of the data are incomplete. It is apparent from a number of studies that weight loss improves i. ~-,~\ . .11.); as “.6 r“*,“f‘ed ‘1‘- .5vv. 3- bu: . v I ' I o n _-- Aw— -E.a~=C¢-Do-~ . ' - V \ 23:: me 056 'fvv-~‘ ‘ Iv -6~..4a“1 . I v-o: ‘ ' H . 355-9...5 Inc ~:..: I and ( 52110;; of T 45 renal function in obese subjects (Weil, 1955; Lillington et aZ., 1957a, 1957b). The glomerular filtration rate (GFR), renal blood flow (RBF) and filtration fraction (FF) were significantly depressed in obese subjects (Bansi and Olsen, 1959; Olsen et aZ., 1961). Olsen and his co-workers (1959; 1961), as well as others (Bittnerova et aZ., 1968), have reported that obese persons have disturbances in water metabolism. A recent review (Gordon, 1970) points out that the obese are unable to excrete both salt and water normally. Bansi and Olsen (1959) suggested that in obese patients inadequate renal blood flow might be an essential factor in these disturbances. Triiodothyronine (T3) restored the GFR, RBF, and FF to normal in obese patients (Bansi and Olsen, 1959; Olsen et aZ., 1961). The mode of action of T3 is not apparent since the extracellular fluid volume was normal in these patients both before and after T3 treatment. Some evidence suggests that antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and aldosterone may be related to these disturbances. This suggestion is based on the increased blood levels of ADH (Bansi and Olsen, 1959; Olsen et aZ., 1961) and increased aldosterone levels (Gordon, 1970) in obese subjects. German workers recently reported somewhat different results in obese women. Bittnerova et a2. (1968) found that the GFR was normal in their obese patients. The RFB and renal plasma flow (RPF), however, were depressed. ' “tore! ”.53-, :‘o v (H I) 1. 3dict e: tine? S in -;;:um WEi ECIte dint 46 Furthermore, upon water loading 53% of the obese subjects had a retarded excretion. The absolute values of the body water spaces were increased in the obese. These workers did not find differences in ADH plasma activity between obese and control subjects, however (Bittnerova at aZ., 1968). In conclusion, there is evidence to suggest that some renal functions are altered in obese humans. However, the degree of alteration and the mechanisms responsible for these alterations are not agreed upon by all investi- gators. Animals: The association of kidney damage with increased body weight in animals has been noted by several workers. Benedict et al. (1932) observed "congested and large" kidneys in an Osborne-Mendel rat that had reached a maximum weight of 822 g. Kidney lesions were also re- ported in the first hypothalamic obese rats (Brobeck et aZ., 1943). The obese rats when killed 6 to 9 months after hypothalamic lesioning had advanced kidney disease and excessive proteinuria. These workers observed urinary casts, hematuria and histological glomerular and tubular changes. They called this condition "chronic glomerulonephritis." Kidney damage in hypothalamically obese rats has been confirmed by a number of workers (Brooks and Lambert, 1946; Stevenson, 1949; Kennedy, 1951, 1957; Long, 1957; Hausberger et aZ., 1964). :1. L.“' ' ' .I Jim” 7. p '4 -1- _ .2. _ , V‘ Kenueci I :bser'v‘ed 1“ i 2: ‘Yr‘fise OCC'. HIV 'V‘Y n't‘q‘ -“e rapielj 47 Kennedy (1951, 1957) concluded that the lesions observed in the hypothalamic obese rats were identical to those occurring spontaneously in old rats. Considerable renal damage was observed in obese animals between 12-15 months of age, while no renal abnor- malities were seen in control animals until 21 months. Later, Kennedy (1960) stated that if the protein in the diet had been increased from 15% casein to 20-25% casein, the lesions in the obese animals would have developed more rapidly. Goldblatt (1947) also observed that the changes in renal tissues were the same in obese younger animals as those in older normal weight animals. The clearance of creatinine was depressed in hypo- thalamic obese rats (Stevenson, 1949). Other changes included a retardation in plasma flow and inability to respond to a water load (Stevenson, 1949). Similarly Long (1957) reported that albuminuria, hematuria and renal hypertrophy occurred in hypothalamic obese rats. He observed histological damage to the kidneys including hyalinization and fibrosis of the glomerulus, dilated tubules with thin epithelium and filled with amorphous material. In rats made obese by purely dietary means, kidney abnormalities have been seen by several workers. Barboriak et a1. (1958) observed tubular lesions in rats fed high fat diets. Preliminary studies at NIH (Yamamoto et aZ., 1959) indicated an increase in "so? inure - a.J-E&ub¢-a ‘ D instease 328.5: ;;c:eased pr: grcteins wit': :lchlin of , a ' . \ . UCOCI‘I‘J' 02:6 33 teen t: e m? 1 (1965) These werkel 48 proteinuria in obese rats, with males showing a greater increase than females. These workers attributed the increased proteinuria to an increase in the excretion of proteins with the same mobility as albumin and y- globulin of serum. Craig (1952), using rats from the NIH colony, observed a statistically significant difference between the absolute kidney weights of obese and nonobese animals, but reported an absence of structural and functional alterations upon gross observation although large deposits of fat surrounded the kidneys. Naimi et al. (1965) found no abnormalities in kidney histology when rats became obese on a high-fat (butter) diet. These workers, however, looked at only 6 males at 6 months of age. Rats with unrestricted feed intakes may also have an increased incidence of renal lesions. Berg and co-workers (Berg and Harmison, 1957; Berg, 1960; Berg and Simms, 1960) found chronic nephrosis practically nonexistent in old growth-retarded rats, but found a high incidence and increased severity of glomerular lesions in animals with unrestricted feed intakes. Bras and Ross (1964) found that in normal rats the shortest life expectancy was associated with ad Zibitum food intake and concomitantly the highest incidence of progressive glomerulonephrosis. Genetically obese mice and rats also show considerable renal damage. The hyperlipemic "fatty" rat is frequently nephrotic (Zucker and Zucker, 1962; Zucker, 1965, 1967). , q,“ .1 W" Tze 5.35035 " n u . . 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The objectives of this investigation were to describe the histological changes in kidneys of male rats as they became obese and to compare these changes with those normally occurring in rats with aging. LITERATURE REVIEW According to Snell (1967), literature dealing with the influence of diet on renal lesions is "somewhat contradictory and difficult to assess." These contra- dictory results could reflect differences in the inherited characteristics of the strain of rats, differences in basal dietary components and differences in criteria for evaluation of the sections.' 76 ' 1" . .m‘. cf SpCI 593' cc: exceed: were i: ievelo; while 1 1962). 77 The rat is remarkably resistant to the develOpment of spontaneous renal tumors. These rarely occur in rats fed control rations (Snell, 1965, 1967). Curtis et al. (1931) reported that of 24512 rats of 7 strains investi- gated, only eleven females and 1 male had renal tumors. In another study, the incidence of spontaneous renal tumors was only 5 in 468 animals (Ratcliffe, 1940). Kidney neoplasms occurred in 4 of 1342 rats; however, the ages of the 3 males and 1 female with these tumors exceeded 2 years (Gilbert and Gillman, 1958). When rats were irradiated at 230 or 320 rads, renal tumors developed in 41% and 43% of the animals respectively, while none occurred in the control animals (Rosen et al., 1962). A single pleomorphic renal tumor (Babcock and Southam, 1961) and a renal adenosarcoma (Lillie and Engle, 1935) also have been observed in rats. Changes in Renal Function and Histology with Age Renal function and histology are related to the age of an animal or human. Humans: The newborn infant has impaired renal function (Edelmann and Spitzer, 1969). At the other end of the life span, that of old age, the kidney is also less capable of functioning maximally. In subjects from 20 to 90 years of age, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), the effec- tive renal plasma flow (ERPF) and the excretory capacity {El hereon 9.“; the functi: 7 deca< its fm 78 or tubular maximum for Diodrast (Tm ) decreased 46, Diodrast 53 and 44%, respectively (Davies and Shock, 1950; Shock, 1952, 1956). There was a gradual diminution of the urea clearance and a progressively increased BUN with advancing age (Shock, 1952). In addition, the excretory capacity of the renal tubules for p-aminohippurate (PAH) (TmPAH) and for glucose (Tm ) decreased as age increased (Shock, Glucose 1952). The decreased ERPF cannot be explained fully on a basis of structural changes in renal blood vessels as renal arterioles in the aged kidney were capable of dilating when subjected to a standardized pyrogen test (McDonald et al., 1951). The ability of the distal tubule of the older individual to perform osmotic work when provided with a standardized amount of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) was also impaired (Miller and Shock, 1953). On the basis of the observed changes in a number of kidney functions and the constant ratio between GFR and Tm over 7 decades, Shock (1952) suggested that the nephron loses its function as a unit. In contrast to the other functions described above, normal acid-base balance was maintained in spite of depressed kidney function (Shock and Yiengst, 1950). Acid-base balance, however, is not regulated totally by the kidney. .111 newborn 3 ‘n A. tote I of renal Other wc Ing' “Der E 0 “Ad '.I F 4 Y 0L inf .1- ae» 1C 79 Animals: The kidneys from newborns of a number of species are less capable of transporting organic acids and bases than those from mature animals (Williamson and Hiatt, 1947; New et al., 1959; Rennick et al., 1961; Hirsch, 1970). A number of other renal functions are immature in the newborn (McCance & Widdowson, 1954, 1955, 1957). The kidney of the newborn rat contains a nephrogenic zone with malpighian corpuscles at various stages of formation and incompletely formed proximal tubules (Bogomolova, 1966). Baxter and Yoffey (1948) suggested that only a proportion of renal tubules are fully functional in the rat at birth. Other workers (Enesco and LeBlond, 1962) found that the number and size of renal cells increased in the rat kidney from 7 to 95 days of age. Kunkel (1930) reported that the number, size and capillary surface of glomeruli were more closely related to body surface than any other measure- :ment. There is a progressive decrease in the number of nephrons in the rat kidney after middle age (Arataki, 1926). Kidney cortical slices from old rats were less able tn) transport PAH and a-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) than yrnanger adults (Adams and Barrows, 1963; Beauchene et al., 1965) . Old rats were less able to concentrate their urine than young adults (Dicker and Nunn, 1958) . An intracarotid ijyjection of hypertonic NaCl produced a smaller anti- djnxretic effect in old rats. Dicker and Nunn (1958) -‘. patnolc ‘ 3 inc Y: were “9"v’€*.7er I 80 suggested that this defect was of renal rather than of neurohypoPhyseal origin in contrast to earlier reports by Friedman and Friedman (1957). Histological changes in kidneys from old rats included disintegration of mitochondria in the epithelium of degenerating nephrons, hyaline droplets within tubular cells and hyaline casts within tubular lumens (Bogomolova, 1966). Kennedy (1957) has suggested that although in old age the kidneys differ histologically from the normal kidney of youth, it is not always a simple task to distin- guish the end results of senile atrophy from those of pathological injury. A review of the literature on the effects of various diets on renal histology substantiates Kennedy's suggestion. Saxton and Kimball (1941) reported renal lesions in male Osborne-Mendel rats from 259-620 days old fed regimens including high protein and low protein levels. Forty-four percent of the rats dying natural deaths showed lesions indicative of "chronic nephrosis." The histological observations included hyaline casts in tubules,dilation of glomerular capsules, and hyaline thickening of the basement membranes. Not all tubules and.glomeru1i, however, were affected even in the most seveme cases. Saxton and Kimball (1941) suggested that ‘these lesions constituted a spontaneous disease of rats and were not specifically produced by diet. The lesions, however, were modified by diet as they were more severe in 41.1... D r classif EEphrit is a changes 3PFarer 81 animals fed high protein diets than in those fed low protein diets, in rats fed casein rather than liver, and in rats allowed food on an unrestricted basis when com- pared to those on a restricted regimen (Saxton and Kimball, 1941). Similar lesions in kidneys of rats were described by numerous workers (Moise and Smith, 1927; Blatherwick and Medlar, 1937; Wilens and Sproul, 1938; Simms and Berg, 1957; Andrew and Pruett, 1957; Kennedy, 1957; Gray, 1963; Kennedy and Parker, 1963b; Foley et al., 1964; Bras and Ross, 1964; Gray and Purmalis, 1965; Bras, 1969), and classified under a variety of names including nephrosis, nephritis, pyelonephritis and glomerulosclerosis. Table 2 is a compilation of selected reports of spontaneous changes in renal histology observed in rats. It is apparent from this table that a variety of terms have been used to classify similar changes. Kidneys from rats made obese by a number of procedures show alterations in structure microscopically. Kennedy (1951) described the changes in kidneys from hypothalamic obese rats as follows: "The damage to the kidney appears to fall primarily on the tubules. The epithelium becomes atrophic and the lumen is full of hyaline debris. There is relatively little glomerular or vascular damage until a late stage, and although the animals are sometimes hypertensive, this is not constant. Histologically it has the appearance of pyelonephritis, which Goldblatt has shown to be common with t] . “1 13.1158 or of n J. 7 315C, 1 .I‘ ,. r 4"} 82 in some strains of rats. But none of our controls have shown kidney lesions, and we have found no sign of infection at any stage in the fat animals. Although it might be tempting to regard it as due to a relative deficiency of lipotrophic substances, the slight degree of liver involvement is against this." He suggested that the obesity could be a non-specific stress and that the kidney damage was secondary to over- activity of the adrenals (Kennedy, 1951). The adrenals in these animals were hypertrophied. Brobeck, Tepperman and Long (1943) observed these lesions in hypothalamically obese rats and called the condition "chronic glomerulo- nephritis." Kennedy, after confirming these lesions (1951, 1957, 1960), suggested that they were identical with those that occur spontaneously in senility. Bras and Ross (1964) reported that restriction of intake, whether of protein alone, of carbohydrate alone or of both had a beneficial effect upon the incidence of spontaneous renal disease. The incidence was greatest in rats fed a commercial diet ad libitum. Obesity was common in these animals. The type of fat used to produce dietary obesity could also influence the occurrence of renal lesions. Gydrgy et al. (1966) reported that the renal changes in rats fed lard and cod liver oil were more severe than in those fed Crisco. Kaunitz et al. (1970) suggested that the minor dif ferences in various fats including their methods of processing could influence the incidence of renal lesions. were 3.11 in!" ‘ h l V I y ‘01“ ‘ econ "‘ Duvet X.- 1871) . 83 The histological lesions observed by Kaunitz and co-workers (1970) included renal tubular calcification, atrophy or dilation of tubules by hyaline casts. Glomerular changes were mild and included thickening and calcification of Bowman's membrane. All of these lesions are the same as seen in secondary hyperparathyroidism (Kaunitz et al., 1970). Renal lesions can result from a variety of other dietary manipulations including a deficiency of choline (Hartroft, 1948), potassium (Schrader et al., 1937; Follis et al., 1942; Follis, 1943; Newberne, 1964), protein (Dicker et al., 1946) and magnesium (Watchorn and McCance, 1937; Cramer, 1932; Sullivan and Evans, 1944). WF-erln “'IVI‘ or“ .III .. znfifwul f- A. \P—Vfu F ad a an .4 n.- d rvflna,i...H we. a. Pu «. nu T-uuunh pvnmriv mu ~ . he 3 C F. 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J :nvpdv IN :10 ~ A“ 5.5 85 L i .4. I‘...|II..l Ji‘lL' madmmmo m.cmE30m ou mmooa anusEoHo mo coflmmnpm Hmfluumm can momxdfluam .mmooH mumaaflmmo mo mamow .mcmunEmE ucmEmmmn mo msficmxownu ocwpsaocfl mmmcmco umasumeoaw As moasnsu ocwuowaaoo ca madmwommmm .mUmmo oaaflzmocflmom mswammm Am Apao mmumuuaflmcw mnucoe mHINHV mmma Uflumoosm8>a HMOOM mo mmmum HHmEm Am mumpmmun .mamcH paw Emumaflz enamoumaomounmmze AH meEmm mcflmm mammamuwmma HMHSQSB Aw coaumfiuom ucoomwuo Hmaonmaoau Am mmaonsu a“ mummo mcflam>m AN ommmmflo voma ..N6 96 common mmcpflx mnomsmusomm Ho =mflmounmmze AH much mama mmm mommfiu m>wuomscoo a“ mmmmuocH Av cmuscsamsn .wmscaouumusasumEoHo Am mocmummmm cowumwuommn mHmEflcd 1c.u:oov .~ magma ARV. U-AULUV 0N! CHE-Lara 86 .mmasnsu oopommmm mo mmowumumudw macaw mmumoosmaha mo xoamsfl owDMflOOmmm mung Am mcofiusao>coo Hmefixoum may no can odommmo m.cmfi3om mo .mumsu HMHDHmEon may mo meMHQEmE ucmEommn mo mcflcmxoaze Aw mGpr5H0>coo HmEaxoum ms» mo Esflamnuflmm may no mummadumms: Hmoom was: an mmaonsu on» no mefluuom Hmaaxoum on» ca Hmuma paw Hmumwo may CH coHDMEHom ummu Am moms .msamessm cam mayo msmcnflx man can Accohmoc “mead .mmuo mo =c0wumuocmmmo m>wmmmumoum Oflsougo= AH mwa3malosmmnmm mmmcmgo 3mm I mammmm> poon Am maamo Uflpwoocm8>a mo HUGH meow .coflummcmocoonmmSmmHu HmwuwumnwucH Aw mHHmo Hafiamnuflmm pmswuumHm .mmasnsu pmccmumflo .mummo s mmaonsa Am cofiumEHOM =ucmommno= 080m omcmeflnu mmcmuQEmE undammmn .muwsu umHsHmEoHo oao ca wuflmcmo commmuocwufiasuoeoHu Am mmmo oomaaam mama .mmum Azwmv mush mama am vwma .mmom cam mmum enamousmocoaouwfioam w>wmmmumoum= AH Hm>wm mmaumsu mocmummmm cowumwuommo mamefisd A©.ucouv .N OHQMB 87 Kidney Size and Factors InfluencingIt A number of factors may influence the size of the kidneys. Increased kidney weight may result from an increase in cell number (hyperplasia), cell size (hyper- trOphy), intracellular material or a combination of these. Renal growth may result from subjecting an animal to: partial nephrectomy, nephrectomy serum, ureteral ligation, intraperitoneal injection of a protein, a high sodium diet, a low potassium diet, NH4C1, folic acid, thyroxine, testosterone, cold, growth hormone and mineralocorticoids (G033 and Dittmer, 1969). A number of these will be discussed in detail. DietarygNitrogen The amount and nature of the nitrOgen in the diet may affect kidney weight. with 75% protein of vegetable or animal origin produced kidneys which were 2 times the average weight of those from control rats (Osborne et al., 1923, 1927). No microsc0pic or degenera- tive changes were observed in kidneys from rats fed these diets although the kidney weight/body weight (KW/BW) ratios were twice those of control rats (Osborne et al., 1923, 1927). Other workers have reported increased kidney weights in hogs (Terrill et al., 1952), piglets (Filer et al., 1960), and dogs (Allen and COpe, 1942) with an increased dietary protein intake. Filer et al. (1960) reported increased kidney weights with increased protein j lit-1 first 20- weights 50y pro candy at a le icweve: guinea 88 content in the diet whether it was a high fat or low fat diet. A number of other workers have reported increased kidney weights with a high protein diet (MacKay et al., 1926b, 1926c; MacKay et al., 1928a, 1928b; MacKay and MacKay, 1931a, 1931b; Medlar and Blatherwick, 1937; Chanutin and Ludewig, 1939a, 1939b; Walter and Addis, 1939; McCay et al., 1941). Reid (1963) found that differences in casein levels from 20-70% produced no significant changes in kidney weights of guinea pigs. The kidneys of guinea pigs fed soy protein at a level of 30 to 70% protein were signifi- cantly heavier than those of guinea pigs fed soy protein at a level of 20 or 25% protein (Reid, 1963). Reid (1963), however, emphasized that comparisons between the rat and guinea pig as to effect of protein level of kidney size were not justified. She pointed out that the guinea pig studies dealt only with the early stages of growth (6 weeks) whereas most of the work with rats was with older animals (Reid, 1963). The type of protein may affect the degree of hyper- trOphy. When rats were fed gelatin their kidney weights were significantly heavier than those of rats fed caseinogen or liver (Wilson, 1933). The mechanism for the gelatin effect on kidney weight has not been determined (Halliburton, 1969). The degree of compensatory renal hypertroPhy after nephrectomy was directly proportional to the dietary protein content (Smith and Moise, 1927). 89 MacKay et al. (1926a, 1931) reported increased kidney weights in rats fed urea or urea plus protein. The hyper- trOphy was less than that produced by the same nitrogen consumption obtained by protein alone. Thus, the absolute nitrogen consumption did not explain the hypertrOphy observed with an increased dietary protein intake. In contrast, glycine, glutamic acid and gluten produced increased kidney weights in preportion to the nitrogen consumed (Wilson, 1933). The type of protein or nitrogen source differed in these studies and may partially explain the apparent discrepancy in these results when compared to those of MacKay's group. The hypertroPhy observed in animals fed a high protein diet was apparently not associated with an increased urine volume. The increased urine volume is a concomitant of the high protein intake (Stier and Hayman, 1938). The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of rats increased with an increased protein intake. When the (BUN) 2/3 was plotted against the renal weight per 100 cm2 of body sur- face the relationship was linear (MacKay et al., 1928a). A protein deficiency in the dam may affect the weights of the kidneys of rats in utero. Zeman (1967) reported that kidneys in newborn rats from dams fed an 18% casein diet during pregnancy were 1.014% of the body weight. When dams were fed a 6% casein diet during pregnancy, their offSpring at birth had kidneys which were only 0.788% of the body weight (Zeman, 1967). Other workers have '9 a sorta 931M . rats a 1 at" I 1'1 G 11 FM .c a... m .n .. I a e, {1 Jade.‘ ”a ‘bualui . 90 reported that kidney weights of older rats on diets devoid of protein are almost directly prOportional to their endogenous protein metabolism (MacKay and Cockrill, 1931b). Other Dietary Factors Kidney weights were increased in potassium-deficient rats although body weights were less than those of controls (Follis et al., 1942; Fuhrman and Brokaw, 1951; Muntwyler and Griffin, 1953; Brokaw, 1953). Deficiences of Vitamin 86 (Seronde, 1960) and choline (Griffth and Wade, 1939; Parks and Smith, 1969) also produced kidney hyper- trOphy. Animals on a high sodium chloride intake of dietary origin (food or water) had significantly larger kidneys than control animals (Krakower and Heino, 1947; Sapirstein et al., 1950; Auerbach et al., 1953; Fregly, 1960; Dahl and Schackow, 1964; Hall and Hall, 1966). Whether the increased kidney weight in animals on a high sodium chloride intake is related to the concomitant hypertension in these animals has not been determined. A single injection of folic acid also produces renal hypertrophy (Threlfall, 1969; Hirsch and Hook, 1969). When young rats were fed rations with increased levels of phosphate, kidney weights of these animals were increased (MacKay et al., 1926a). Rats on a fat-free diet also had hypertrophied kidneys at ages 2.5 to 19 months (Borland and Jackson, 1931). There were no Cl !' statisr adult f 13% veg 14% c0‘ 91 statistical differences in the weights of kidneys when adult female rats were fed a 68% sucrose, 18% casein, 10% vegetable oil diet or a 48% cornstarch, 30% egg white, 14% cottonseed oil diet (Peters and Krijnen, 1966). Wierda (1950) reported changes in kidney weights when animals were fed diets that were unbalanced in various nutrients. He reported kidney weights of animals fed a 25% casein, 69% lard diet were greater than those from animals fed a 14% casein, 83% cornstarch ratio. Underfeeding or short periods of fasting also affected the kidney weights (Stewart, 1919; McCay et al., 1939a, 1939b; Widdowson and McCance, 1956; Peters and Boyd, 1965; Brown and Guthrie, 1968). Stewart (1919) reported that underfeeding rats until age 11-22 days by repeated periods of fasting from the day of birth produced a 90% increase in the absolute kidney weight in males and females. The kidney weights were decreased in rats retarded by limiting caloric intake (McCay et al., 1939a). Other workers reported that after two weeks of reduced food intake the changes in kidney weights decreased approximately in pr0portion to changes in body weight (Peters and Boyd, 1965, 1966). Body Weight Absolute kidney weights increased linearly as body weight increased in rats after a body weight of 50 gms (Hatai, 1913). Similar results were reported in rats by Heist! If; CC} .filfitl '04Ulé “I! fly; “nu. v, Lie ‘. “"e A ,.. v _..' We 92 Webster et al. (1947) and Widdowson and McCance (1960). In contrast, Forster (1947) found no close relationship of kidney weights and body weights in rabbits. The relative kidney weight or kidney weight/body weight ratio (KW/BW) ranged from 1.16 to 0.74 and decreased with increasing weight from 50 to 200 g (Webster et al., 1947). Similarly, Widdowson and McCance (1960) reported that the kidneys of rats grew faster than the body as a whole initially and the KW/BW ratio exceeded 1. With increasing age the KW/BW ratio decreased. An increase in the absolute renal weights occurred in obese mice whether the obesity was genetically transmitted (ob/ob), GTG-induced or produced by hypothalamic lesions (Marshall et al., 1957). The KW/BW ratio decreased in these obese animals. Marshall et al. (1957) suggested that the renal enlargement was due to a nonSpecific effect of the hyperphagia and obesity. The kidney weight on a dry or defatted basis was not increased in proportion to increases in body weight as mice injected with GTG became obese (Waxler and Enger, 1954). When these GTG-obese mice were reduced to body weights equal to that of controls, the absolute weights of the kidneys were less than those of control animals (Waxler and Enger, 1954). 'VTJ! “5.3 ls ALI—.- Iv a“ 1 body sux in rela wer‘xers body we Ir portio: {Kiddo It 93 Age MacKay and MacKay (1927) concluded that in the albino rat the kidney weight had practically the same relation to body surface at all ages. Later these workers reported that the kidney weight to body surface ratio fell slightly with increasing age (MacKay and MacKay, 1934). They suggested that this was due to a decreased protein intake in relation to body surface in the older animals. Other workers reported that kidney weights were related more to body weight than to age (Widdowson and McCance, 1960). In humans, kidneys at birth represented a higher pro- portion of the body weight than they did at any other age (Widdowson and Dickerson, 1960). The effect of dietary protein on renal growth may be modified by age. MacKay et al. (1928b) and MacKay and MacKay (1931a) reported that age up to 346 days had no influence on the linear relationship between the renal weight and protein intake. The absolute and relative increase in renal weight which followed a given percentage increase in protein intake, however, decreased as age increased (MacKay et al., 1928b). From 346-400 days of age increased protein in the diet had little effect on kidney size in males (MacKay et al., 1926b). In the female of all ages there was a linear relationship between the renal weight and protein intake (MacKay and MacKay, 1931b). L in! 94 Miscellaneous Kidney weights of rats were influenced by strain and sex (Freudenberger, 1932). Eaton (1938) reported that sex and genetics influenced kidney weights of guinea pigs. Exposure to cold caused hypertrOphy of kidneys in rats of both sexes (Emery et al., 1940). Exercise affected kidney size in rats according to Bloor et al. (1968). When animals were given thyroxin (Walter and Addis, 1939) or thyroid (MacKay and MacKay, 193lc) renal weight was increased above that of control animals. Chronic acidosis in rats also resulted in renal enlargement (Janicki, 1970). Constantinides (1951) reported that stresses (formalin injections, cold, forced exercise) for 20-48 hours duration caused an immediate enlargement of the kidneys. Dinitrophenol produced hypertrOphy of the kidney in albino rats (Murphy, 1938). Kidney weight may be influenced by a number of dietary and nondietary factors (G033 and Dittman, 1969; Halliburton, 1969). The mechanisms reSponsible for the renal hypertrOphy produced by these has not been elucidated. The objectives of this experiment were (1) to describe the lesions occurring in kidneys from animals made obese by dietary means, (2) to compare these lesions with those occurring spontaneously in rats and (3) to determine the influence of dietary obesity on renal weights. f ‘ § '3.“ pdv Cb MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Osborne-Mendel rats bred in the Department of Foods and Nutrition were chosen for this study for two reasons: (1) They are relatively resistant to upper respiratory infection and are thus suitable for long term studies (Mickelsen et al., 1955); (2) They attain a large body size and become obese, as measured by total ether- extractable body fat, when fed a 60% hydrogenated fat semi-synthetic diet (Mickelsen et al., 1955; Schemmel et al., 1969). Within 48 hours after birth, litters were cut to eight pups by keeping all of the males and making the litter to eight with females. If less than eight animals were born, all were saved. Each litter was weaned at an average age of twenty-three days. Grain ration and water were available in the breeding cage at all times. After weaning, males were paired but housed in separate wire-bottom cages in a temperature and light controlled room. One male of each pair was fed a grain ration (GR) and the other a semi-synthetic high fat ration (HF). Females were not used in this experiment. 95 96 Rations The two rations fed in this study were develOped by Smith (1969). They are modifications of a grain ration (Campbell et al., 1966) and a semi-synthetic ration containing 60% fat (Mickelsen et al., 1955). Composition of the modified rations are shown in Appendices C and D. The diets were altered by Smith (1969) so that animals on the grain ration or high fat ration would consume the same quantities of calcium, magnesium, and phoSphorus per week. The calcium to phOSphorus ration in these diets is similar to that recommended for the growing rat by the National Research Council (Committee on Animal Nutrition, 1962). The two rations and distilled water were avail- able ad libitum. Tissue Preparation A total of 73 animals were used in this experiment. At predetermined ages (weaning, nine, fifteen, twenty-five, thirty-five and forty-five weeks), the animals, after being weighed, were killed instantly' by using an overdose of ether in a closed chamber. Kidneys were removed from capsules, blotted, and weighed separately. Kidneys were cut transversely in 1.0 mm sections. Separate pieces were fixed in 4% acetate-buffered formaldehyde, modified Zenker's fixative, or Carnoy's fixative (Lillie, 1965; Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 1968). After 12-24 hours, Zenker-fixed tissues were washed in running ki I"? U) 97 tap water 8 hours, and then stored in 80% ethanol. The sections in Carnoy's solution were fixed for 6-12 hours and then placed in absolute alcohol. All samples were stored at room temperature. The entire cross sectional kidney slices were dehydrated, embedded in paraffin and cut at 5 microns. Hematoxylin-eosin stain was used routinely (Lillie, 1965). Special stains were applied where needed. These included Oil Red 0, PAS, Alcian Blue, and Congo Red. Parameters evaluated in histological sections of kidneys are shown in Appendix E. Statistical Analyses The paired Students "t" test was used to assess the significance of differences between group means. This test was also used to assess the differences in the weights of the right and left kidneys within the same age and dietary group. An analysis of variance (Steel and Torrie, 1960) was used to delineate factors affecting kidney weight, body weight and the kidney weight/body weight ratio. “I run ,e—l r—I RESULTS Body Weights: Animals fed either ration increased in weight as they grew older, but animals fed the HF ration increased their weights at a faster rate than those fed the control diet (Table 3). By ages 25, 35, and 45 weeks, animals fed the HF diet weighed significantly more than animals fed the GR diet (25 and 35 weeks-P<0.001; 45 weeks-P<0.05). From gross observation, the HF animals contained consider- ably more carcass fat than the GR animals, particularly perirenal fat. The effect of age and diet upon body weight were each statistically significant (P<0.01) for all rats (Table 5). Furthermore, the interaction of diet and age was statistically significant (P<0.01). Kidney Weights and Kidney Weight/Body Weight Ratios In the HF fed group, the right kidney was heavier (15, 35 and 45 weeks-P<0.02; 25 weeks-P<0.01) than the left kidney at all ages (Table 3). There was no differ- ence (P>0.05) in the weights of the two kidneys in the GR groups at any age (Table 3). The total kidney weight was significantly greater in HF animals at 25 (P<0.02), 35 (P<0.01) and 45 (P<0.01) weeks than in GR animals (Table 3). The effect of diet was statistically significant (P<0.01) for all rats 98 99 (Table 5). Furthermore, the interaction of diet and age was statistically significant (P<0.05). The kidney weight/body weight ratio (KW/BW) (Table 3) was significantly less in HF animals at all ages (15 weeks- P<0.05; 25 and 45 weeks-P<0.001; 35 weeks-P<0.0l). Diet and age had a statistically significant effect on the KW/BW ratio at the 1% and 5% level of significance, respectively (Table 6). The interaction of diet and age was statistically significant (P<0.05). Histopathological Examination The incidence of lesions observed histologically in kidneys from GR and HF animals is shown in Table 7. Kidneys of weanling animals (Figure 1) had small densely cellular glomeruli. The outer cortex had a nephrogenic zone with undifferentiated glomeruli and tubular cells. No inflammation or degenerative changes were observed in these kidneys. At 15 weeks changes were observed in kidneys from GR and HF animals (Table 7). Kidneys from HF animals (Figure 2) had considerable glomerular damage. Tubules contained some cellular debris. Although there were degenerative glomerular changes in this kidney, there were areas with normal appearing glomeruli. The incidence of different types of lesions was greater in the 15 week GR group than the HF group (Table 7). The lesions observed in the HF group were more wideSpread within the kidney. I'I'I" 100 Kidneys from GR animals at 25 weeks (Figure 3) had large, well-defined glomeruli. Tubules were relatively free of debris or secretion. In the section pictured in Figure 3 no inflammation, edema, fibrosis or hemorrhage was evident. Some kidneys from 25 week old control animals had occasional glomeruli undergoing atrOphic degenerative changes. Glomerular and tubular changes were observed in kidney sections from 25 week old animals fed HF (Figure 4, Figure 5). The tubules in the section in Figure 4 had swollen nuclei and epithelial cells. Tubular lumens contained proteinaceous debris. Tubular cells were swollen. Glomerular changes observed in this section were swelling and increased cellularity. Extensive glomerular changes in this group as seen in Figure 5 were infrequent. Kidneys from GR animals at 35 weeks (Figure 6) had for the most part large glomeruli with open Bowman‘s Spaces. There were some atrOphic glomeruli and cystic tubules in these kidneys. Glomerular changes of considerable magnitude were observed in kidneys of 35 week old animals fed the HF ration (Figure 7, Figure 10). These changes included hypertrophy of the capsular epithelium, swelling of some capillary loops and atrOphy of others. Tubular changes in the kidneys of 35 week old obese animals were extensive (Figure 8, Figure 9). These changes r“! ~ I “‘3' «Um... I ‘ ' 1 lZCll :38 Cane V(‘ l. A! -|-$. 9"“ :j‘ u: d". 101 included amorphous debris and proteinaceous material in the lumens, swelling of tubular epithelial cells and cystic tubules. These sections were negative when stained with Congo Red and Alcian Blue. Glomerular crescents (Figure 10) were observed in kidneys from two experimental animals. These develOped in response to some injurious stimuli. A number of lesions were seen in the 45 week groups of animals fed GR and HF (Table 8) which were not observed in other groups. Kidneys from control animals at 45 weeks (Figure 11) had some degenerative changes in glomerular and tubular structure. For the most part, however, glomerular tufts were distinct with no hyperplasia or swelling. Bowman's space was narrow and Open. The 45 week old animals fed HF postweaning had kidneys with extensive damage (Table 9). This group showed considerably more degenerative changes and of greater magnitude than any other group (Table 7). An example of the extensive glomerular and tubular damage observed in these animals is illustrated in Figure 12. In this section tubules were dilated and contained proteinaceous secretion. Glomerular changes were also visible. A higher magnifica- tion of the tubular changes observed in most of the 45-week HF group is shown in Figure 12. Special staining procedures were inconclusive. Sections as illustrated in Figure 12 were negative when stained with Congo Red, Alcian Blue and 011 Red 0. :5. .REI‘. Figure 1. 'fi “nu-wur ~ lfih— ' Figure 2. 102 Kidney section from a weanling rat (078004). Numerous glomeruli are seen, inactive and active ones. Tubules are open and clear or may be collapsed as a result of inactivity. The brush border of the proximal convoluted tubules is incomplete due to immaturity. No inflammation or degenerative changes were seen in this kidney. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X160. Kidney section from an animal 15 weeks old (078017) fed the high fat ration for 12 weeks. The tubules are functional, but some contain hypertrophied cells. An occasional epithelial cell has become detached and lies free in the tubule lumen. The most significant change is the glomerular degeneration as indicated by glomeruli A and B. Glomerulus A remains only as a dense atrophic mass while B is larger and has blood passing through the capillaries. The entire capillary tuft in B is smaller and is irregular compared to others. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X160. 103 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3. 104 Kidney section from an animal 25 weeks old (078008) fed the grain ration after weaning. Glomeruli are large, well-defined and func- tional. Tubules are normal, Open, and free of secretion or debris. No inflammation, edema, fibrosis or hemorrhage to indicate any disease process was found in this section. Occasional glomeruli were undergoing atrOphic degenerative changes, probably as a result of the normal aging process. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X160. 105 Figure 3 Figure 4. Figure 5. 106 Kidney section from an animal (078010) 25 weeks old fed the high fat ration for 22 weeks showing glomerular and tubular changes. The most prominent change in this section is the swelling of the nuclei and epithelial cells of the tubules (arrow). The tubules contain proteinaceous debris (A) and epithelial cells are swollen. The glomerular tuft is swollen and is more cellular than normal (B). Hematoxylin and Eosin, X270. Kidney section from an animal (078010) 25 weeks old fed the high fat ration for 22 weeks showing glomerular and tubular changes. The glomerular tuft in this photomicrograph remains only as an atrOphic mass floating in secretion (arrow). The capsule is enlarged and Bowman's Space con- tains secretion as a result of blockage below this level. Vacuoles indicate fat and the small dark globules are probably protein of serum origin, although they could be remnants of degenerating cells. The former is more likely. In this kidney section, occasional small lymphocytic foci are present but inflamma- tion and general hemorrhage are not present with the exception of a small amount of edema and serous‘fluid collected around one arteriole. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X270. Figure 5 Figure 6. Figure 7. 108 Kidney section from an animal (078024) 35 weeks old fed the grain ration for 32 weeks. Glomeruli appear normal. There is a fragment of capillary loop lying free in the glomerular Space (arrow). Tubules appear open and normal. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X160. Glomerular damage in kidney section from an animal (078026) 35 weeks old fed the high fat ration 32 weeks. Capillary loops are swollen so detail is obscured. HypertrOphy of capsular epithelium is visible in about half of the capsule surface (arrow). This has not increased to the point that it could be called an epithelial crescent. Other changes seen in this kidney included occasional cystic tubules with secretions or hyaline casts, somewhat shrunken glomeruli probably indicating early atrophic changes. There are a few collecting tubules in the medulla containing hyaline casts. These lesions were not extensive, however. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X270. 109 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9. 110 Tubular changes occurring in the kidney from a rat (078027) fed the high fat ration for 32 weeks. Changes include proteinaceous material in the lumens (arrow), swelling of tubular epithelial cells and amorphous debris in the tubules. There is a small focus of lymphocytes (A). Hematoxylin and Eosin, X270. Additional tubular changes occurring in the same section as seen in the previous figure. A cystic tubule (A) and tubules containing secretion which appears to have coagulated (arrow) are evident. Smaller tubules contain debris in lesser quantities. This section was negative when stained using Congo Red and Alcian Blue. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X160. 111 Figure 9 Figure 10. 112 A glomerulus from the same section as seen in the two previous figures. Glomerular capillary and basement membrane detail are indistinct (arrow) although some loops are functional as indicated by the presence of erythrocytes in the lumens. A large epithelial crescent has formed at one area (A). The remainder of Bowman's capsule appears to be unaffected. Some material, which appears to be protein, is lying in Bowman's space. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X270. 113 Figure 10 Figure 11. Figure 12. 114 Kidney section from an animal (080119) 45 weeks old fed the grain ration for 42 weeks post- weaning. Glomerular tufts are distinct (A), capillary 100ps are well defined and Bowman's Space is narrow and clear (narrow arrow). Bowman's membrane is normal (broad arrow). The brbken capsule at the upper left surface is an artifact. Tubules are open and clear. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X160. Glomerular and tubular changes in a section from an animal (080116) 45 weeks old fed the high fat ration for 42 weeks. Extreme degenerative changes are indicated by the large number of dilated tubules (A) and the obsolescence of glomeruli (arrows) in this section. Dilated tubules were distributed throughout this section extending from the surface throughout the cortex and into the medulla. Most of these tubules were widely dilated and some contained hyaline casts and secretion with protein. Many of the tubules were dilated, but empty. The epithelial cells were flattened and pressed close to the basement mem- brane. This could have been caused by the -retained fluid which escaped when the sections were cut. In other areas the casts have remained and are visible in the dilated tubules. This section was negative when stained with Congo Red, Alcian Blue, and Oil Red 0. Hematoxylin and Eosin, X60. . . 115 Figure 11 Figure 12 7 Figure 13. 116 High-magnification view of tubular changes occurring in the same kidney section seen in the previous figure. The tubular lumens contain protein. Strands of fibrin attach the protein masses to the epithelial cell surfaces. Some epithelial cells have undergone degenera- tion and are no longer evident (arrow). Hematoxylin and Eosin, X270. 117 Figure 13 1' in“... I! «Li... I. I ,Ei‘ 1J18 Aaoo.vmuc “Ho.vmno uNo.vmun “mo.vmnmnlummu sun confine tocfimlosu mucmpsumv .msoum cams on» canvas unmwwz >OCUAx puma scum ucouwwmwp xaucmoflufismam .mucmwuz amccwx unmwu mo ammo cw no mom made no msoum Houucoo EOuw ucdowmwcmwm aaacowumwumum .uouuo cuspcnum .pm>oawu no) masmmmo ecu umuum popuoomu who: mucmwms uoccax u u comic 0 .mucoucoo Hmcuummucwouummm mmvsaoca can named: >002 0>HH ecu on mumwmu unwed: xpomo umu can: umuuaooa may one A .omm menu can» mmoa mxmms m new mumwc new comp can macho mcflacum3 ummoxm mHMEHcd Had xuucmddcc Ammo nodumu xwpcumncv Amo. :ofluou cwmum cowwwpoe on» mum: madame: scum cow macho one a .mowuwuomm um moan puwo.onmom.o cum~.oummm.' mn.o«om~.m buoa.o«omm.~ Mumnnm.mhh m m: Ho.o«nwo.o ~H.ow~ov.n mo.o»~mo.a no.o«-h.a Nana.oam m mo mxmm3 mv owao.ow-m.o uwma.owmmm.m ho.owmvm.a nwmo.ou~mo.~ pmmwwa.moh m m: ~o.oumvm.o mo.ouvm~.n vo.ow~om.a mo.ou~mw.H Hush.omv a mo mxmma mm puao.ou~mm.o amoa.ouv~m.m ho.owmoh.a unvo.osa~m.a pummum.avm w m: Ho.o«vmw.o oo.owaoa.m mo.o»m~m.~ vo.oumhm.a m «~.hvv m mo mxoos mm muaa.ouomo.o Ha.ouohm.~ mo.osohm.a buwo.ouoom.a -ww.wm¢ m m: ~o.ouw~h.o ao.o“vom.~ mo.o~mhm.a mo.owamv.a HNuo.mon m mo mxom3 ma no.0” om.a on.owmno.o vo.ow~vn.o no.o«wmm.o mm «m.~m a u: mcfiHcmox Soc: 03mm fiom 33 53W usowmz >00m ou pucwwmz xocpwx oucofioz atom c human nova pause: access sauce .mswu no woodman mswhud> How m: no mo pow mumu mama HoustImcuonmo mo caumu unwed: apon\unmwoz Soccwx can Davao) accowx .ucmwo3 atom .m manna 119 Ho.ovm «« «ohm «Gmsm mm Lemme uwao x mama n uouum ««~H.m mmmom memmma a swan x mod eepa.~>a mmsmvm mmkmem a umuo mmom mmasm mm Amoco muumm m nouns «« momnoa ommmmo 4 mac m w: mm mo cauumuum> mo mousom .mump unoflmz moon mo mocmaum.» mo mammamqm .v magma 120 mo.ovm « HO.OV& ti va.o mo.m mm Ammmv umflo x Hfimm a Houum «mv.v ~m.o me.m v umao x mac «emm.¢v H~.m H~.o H Doha mo.a ss.m~ om Amado magma m uouum m~.m mm.m a mac m w: mm mo scandaum> mo mousom .mump unmfim3 amath mo mocmflum> mo mammamcd. .m manna 121 mo.ovm « Ho.ovm .. Hmoo. onemo.o mm lemme peso x “sum n nouns «mo.v mmoo. ovmo.o a peso x woe « moms. moma.o H swan memo. momm.o mm lemme musmm m House emm.m mama. mmmm.o 4 mod m m: mm mo coaumaum> mo mousom .mumo oflumu unmade» wtonhfimflme’ .13:on mo mundane; mo mammamfiw .m manna. 122 Table 7. Percentage of animals in control (GR) and experimental (HF) groups with histopathologic kidney lesions. Lesion or Change + Group * q Weanling W 15 weeks-GR (n 15 weeks-HF m 25 weeks-GR H 25 weeks-HP “+ 35 weeks-GR fl 35 weeks-HF a 45 weeks-GR w 45 weeks-HF Kidney Capsule Irregular Bowman's Capsule Thick Fibrosis Hyaline Crescent Necrosis Irregular Glomerular Tuft AtrOphic (Immature?) 88 Adhesions Fibrosis Degeneration Bowman's Space Blood Protein Tubular Epithelium Hyperplasia Degeneration Necrosis Cystic with Filtrate Swelling Cellular Casts Fibrosis Lymphocytes & NeutrOphils Basement Membrane Thickened Henle's Leaps Cell and Protein Casts Hyaline Casts Hemoglobin Casts Oorticomedullary Junction Cystic Tubules with Filtrate Protein Debris in Tubules Tubular Necrosis Collecting Tubules Casts Epithelium Degeneration 13 Hemoglobin and Protein in Lumen 13 Renal Papillae Protein in Tubules Renal Pelvis Hemorrhage Miscellaneous Calcification Cortical Hemorrhage Nephritis Focal Hemorrhage 20 40 60' 60 20 20 20 60 20 20 20 40 20 20 2O 80 100 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 60 20 4O 20 20 60 20 20 20 20 25 50 25 50 25 25 11 56 22 22 67 33 ll 22 44 ll 11 11 ll 11 11 33 11 100 22 ll 11 33 22 33 67 56 33 11 22 90 ll 56 11 44 ll 11 ll Table 8. 123 Lesions observed only in kidneys from animals 45 weeks old and fed the grain or high fat ration post-wean1ng. Hyperplasia of Tubular Epithelium Necrosis of Tubular Epithelium Cellular Casts Fibrosis Lymphocytes and Neutrophils Thickened Basement Membrane Nephritis Focal Hemorrhage Table 9. 124 Lesions observed only in kidneys from animals fed the high fat ration. Casts in Collecting Tubules Hyperplasia of Tubular Epithelium Degeneration of Tubular Epithelium Fibrosis of Tubular Epithelium Thickened Basement Membrane Hemoglobin and Protein in Collecting Tubule Lumens Renal Pelvis Hemorrhage Nephritis Focal Hemorrhage Hyalin in Bowman's Capsule DISCUSSION The Osborne-Mendel male rat when fed a high fat diet has a propensity for obesity (Mickelsen et al., 1955; Schemmel, 1967; Schemmel et al., 1969). Animals in this study fed the high fat diet (HF) were Significantly heavier than controls fed a natural grain ration (GR) at 25, 35 and 45 weeks of age (Table 3). Grossly these animals contained more carcass fat, particularly in the perirenal depots. In most obese animals the kidneys were completely embedded in adipose tissue. No brown fat was observed in the renal area except in the weanling animals. Other researchers have reported that animals made obese by feeding high fat diets contain more carcass fat (Wierda, 1950; Mickelsen et al., 1955; Schemmel, 1967; Schemmel et al., 1969). The body weight was significantly influenced by age, diet and the interaction of these two factors (Table 3). Arataki (1926) reported that the right kidney of female and male control rats was 2.3% and 2.1% heavier, respectively, than the left. Similarly, Wachtel et al. (1966) found that the ratio of the weight of the left kidney to the right kidney was always less than 1.0. In this study, however, there were no significant differences 125 1'»1r'4!1o‘...brl.ues. 126 in the two kidney weights in the GR animals at the ages studied (Table 3). If the differences in kidneys weights are analyzed on a percentage basis, the right kidney was at least 2% heavier than the left in the 15, 25, 35 and 45 weeks groups although these differences were not statistically Significant (P>0.05; paired "t" test). The right kidney was significantly heavier than the left in HF animals at all groups postweaning. Whether this difference is physiologically significant is not known. One could speculate that the hemodynamics are altered in the obese animals and that these changes could lead to the differences observed. Blood flow measurements have not been made in these animals however. The absolute weight of both kidneys was Significantly greater in the HF rats at 25, 35 and 45 weeks of age (Table 3). These differences cannot be explained on a basis of the dietary nitrogen intake. The percent of protein in the HF and GR diets is approximately the same. The GR animals would normally consume more protein per day as their food intakes are greater on an absolute, but not caloric, basis. Thus the endogenous protein presented - to the kidney is greater in the control animals. Some workers have suggested that renal enlargement in obese animals resulted from a nonspecific effect of hyperphagia and the obesity (Marshall et al., 1957). 127 Other workers have reported that in rats absolute kidney weights increased linearly as body weight increased (Hatai, 1913; Webster et al., 1947; Widdowson and McCance, 1960). Obese rats were not used in any of these studies, however, and it is doubtful that the relation of kidney weight to body weight is linear in excessively overweight animals. The relative kidney weight or kidney weight/body weight ratio (KW/BW) ranged from 1.30 in the weanling animals to 0.522 in obese animals (Table 3). This ratio was less than that of controls in all HF groups. Other researchers have reported a KW/BW ratio greater than unity in young animals (Webster et al., 1947; Widdowson and McCance, 1960). In these studies, this ratio decreased as age and body weight increased. Marshall et al. (1957) found that kidney weights of animals made obese by several procedures (genetic, hypo- thalamic, GTG) were heavier than controls. The KW/BW ratio in these obese animals, however, was less than that of controls. Grossly, the kidneys from HF and GR animals appeared normal. No pale, granular, pitted kidneys were observed in any of the animals. Similarly, none of the animals, HF or GR, had hydronephrosis, ureteral blockage or bladder stones. .I~.rblu..5.v 1k! III. lie"! 1.. q . i 128 Kidneys from the weanling animals can best be des- cribed as immature. The glomeruli and tubules appeared undifferentiated in the nephrogenic zone below the capsule (Figure 1). These kidneys were similar to those described in young animals by other workers (Bogomolova, 1966; Hirsch et al., 1971). No evidence of inflammation or degenerative changes were seen in kidneys in this group. The absolute incidence of renal lesions in the 15 and 25 weeks groups of control animals was greater than that of the obese animals (Table 7). The severity of the lesions, however, was greater in the HF groups. By 35 weeks of age the obese animals had considerably more histological renal damage than control animals (Table 7). Glomerular and tubular lesions similar to those described as occurring spontaneously in rats with aging were observed (Saxton and Kimball, 1941; Simms and Berg, 1957; Andrew and Pruett, 1957; Kennedy, 1957; Bras and Ross, 1964; Gray and Purmalis, 1965). Cystic tubules with flattened epithelium (Figure 9; Figure 12) were particularly prevalent in kidneys from the obese animals. Glomerular damage leading to crescent formation (Figure 10) was Similar to that reported by other researchers also (Gray, 1963; Bras and Ross, 1964). The results reported may be complicated by the occurrence of an epidemic in the animal laboratory during 129 the course of this investigation. The etiologic agent isolated was Pasteurella pneumotropica. However, all animals except the weanlings were in the laboratory at the time of the epidemic. In spite of this complication, several conclusions can be made concerning the renal lesions in obese animals, especially as the animals aged. SUMMARY A histopathological examination of kidneys from animals at weaning and at 15, 25, 35 and 45 weeks of age, fed either a grain ration (GR) or a high fat (HF) ration postweaning, was completed. The animals fed HF were significantly heavier than the GR controls after 25 weeks of age. These animals contained considerably more fat than the GR animals, eSpecially in the perirenal-retr0peritoneal depots. Age and diet each had a significant effect upon body weight. In addition, the interaction of diet and age on body weight was statistically significant. In the HF-fed group, the right kidney was heavier than the left in animals at 15, 25, 35 and 45 weeks of age. There were no differences in the weights of the two kidneys in the GR groups at any age examined. The total kidney weight was significantly greater in the HF groups at 25, 35 and 45 weeks of age. The effect of diet on kidney weight was statistically significant as was the interaction of diet and age. The kidney weight to body weight ratio was significantly less in HF animals at all ages. Furthermore, this ratio was Significantly influenced by the diet, age and the interaction of diet and age. 130 131 Lesions in kidneys from GR and HF animals affected the glomeruli and tubules. 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INTRODUCTION Renal tubular secretion, the transport of materials from peritubular fluid to tubular lumen is a process by which many substances are added to the urine. Substances actively tranSported across the tubular epithelium include certain organic acids and bases and hydrogen ions (H+). Many compounds foreign to the body such as penicillin are transported by such a system, which is localized in and restricted to the proximal tubule (Wesson, 1969). Organic ion secretory systems may be studied by at least three different approaches: (1) the intact organism may be used to study various agents and condi- tions that affect secretion, (2) the appearance and approximate concentration of visible dyes in the lumina of isolated tubules can be observed microscopically, and (3) an in vitro slice or isolated tubule technique using a suitable nutrient medium can be used (Wesson, 1969). The first method is limited to circumstances which are tolerated by the animal, and furthermore, extra-renal factors may affect the results. The visual method has the advantage that luminal accumulation of substrate can be distinguished from intracellular accumulation; however, quantitation is less precise and only colored or fluorescent compounds can be studied. The slice 144 145 technique permits the use of a wide range of environmental conditions (pH, temperature, ion concentration, etc.) and permits examination and precise quantitation of a great number of variables. Although the secretory system is incomplete in the in vitro preparation, the advantages of the technique are considerable. For these reasons the in vitro slice technique developed by Cross and Taggart (1950) was used to elucidate the effect of obesity produced by feeding a high fat diet on tubular secretion in the male rat. In vitro Measurement of Renal Transport The technique develOped by Cross and Taggart (1950) has been widely used to study the secretion of organic compounds. Very thin kidney cortical slices are incu- bated in an oxygenated buffered salt medium and the intracellular accumulation of compounds such as p-aminohippurate (PAH) is used as an indication of the activity and capacity of the secretory system. Accumula- tion of PAH and other organic compounds is expressed as the final ratio of concentrations in the slice and medium, or the slice/medium ratio (S/M ratio). The in vitro methods used to study renal tubular tranSport have several advantages (Cross and Taggart, 1950) including the following: permit observation of events that accurately reflect tubular tranSport; can be 0 used to Simultaneously measure transport and certain 146 metabolic activities such as oxygen consumption; permit variation of experimental conditions (pH, ion concen- tration, temperature, etc.) over a broad range which would produce systemic toxicity in the intact animal; make it Simple to rigidly control the chemical composi- tion of the ambient fluid; and allow exclusion of extrarenal factors (hormones, blood flow, etc.) that may alter tubular secretion in the intact animal. The in vitro slice preparation is a useful techni- que even though the secretory system is incomplete. The slice preparation does not allow for a continuous filtration process, with the resulting disturbance of normal concentration relationships between cells and tubular urine. Also, the PAH, once it has accumulated intracellularly in the in vitro technique, is able to diffuse out of the cortical slices back into the medium, in contrast to the unidirectional movement of PAH in the intact kidney. Another disadvantage of this system is the inability to distinguish between the accumulation of substrate within the cells from that accumulated within the tubular lumen. While these differences undoubtedly influence certain quantitative aspects of PAH tranSport, numerous experimental observations suggest that the same biochemical processes Operate in both systems. The slice technique is a reliable estimate of organic acid and base tranSport as shown by a number of 147 reports comparing tranSport in vivo and in vitro. In the rabbit in vivo studies have shown the maximum capacity of the renal cortex to concentrate PAH is 4-5 umoles/g tissue, and similar values have been obtained using kidney slices (Foulkes and Miller, 1959a). Penicillin, PAH, or carinamide, competitive inhibitors of the acid transport system, have similar action, both in vivo and in vitro, on the intracellular accumulation of phenol red (Forster and Copenhaver, 1956). Other inhibitors such as dibenemine and dibenzyline depress N-methylnicotinamide (NMN) tranSport in vitro and in vivo (Ross et al., 1968a). Mudge and Taggart (1950b) demonstrated that acetate and lactate have stimulatory effects on PAH transport in both preparations while succinate and fumarate uniformly depressed transport. Cross and Taggart (1950) and Mudge and Taggart (1950b) presented similar data supporting their conclusion that the accumulation of PAH by kidney slices in vitro and the tubular excretion of this compound in the intact animal are closely related phenomena. A schemmatic representation of the data obtained from the slice incubation system is shown in Figure 14. The S/M ratio develops with time and reaches a plateau after 60-90 minutes. The system may be manipulated employing inhibitors or stimulators so that a wide range of S/M ratios may be obtained. A nitrOgen atmOSphere prevents active accumulation of PAH so that the S/M ratio approaches 1, indicating diffusion only. 148 The S/M ratio is the net result of intracellular accumulation, binding within the cell and extrusion out of the cell (runout). Intracellular accumulation involves an active transport process described below. The efflux mechanism, although incompletely characterized at this time, is distinctly different from the process mediating uptake (Farah et al., 1963; Ross et al., 1968b). Efflux, or runout, is thought to involve passive diffusion. There is also some evidence that an energy- requiring tranSport process may be associated with runout since inhibitors of PAH uptake such as dinitro- phenol (DNP), octanoate, iodopyracet, and probenecid can decrease PAH runout (Kinter and Cline, 1961; Wilbrandt and Rosenberg, 1961). Active tranSport refers to an energy-requiring process whereby a substance is transported across a biological membrane against an electro-chemical gradient. The energy required is obtained from cellular metabolism. Inhibition of a transport process by anoxia or by inhibitors of selective enzymes involved in the energy producing mechanism of the cell suggests that PAH trans- port is active. Low concentrations of azide, cyanide, and arsenite, exposure to cold and anaerobiosis all block PAH uptake (Wesson, 1969). Theoretically, any active transport process has quantitative limits. In defining these limits it is 149 necessary to postulate the existence of some form of carrier system. The number of reactive sites on the carrier system is limited; that is, the system can only be transporting a limited number of molecules at a given moment. The active transport system for organic anions in the kidney exhibits a non-linear relationship between concentration and transport rate. The rate of transport increases as substrate concentration increases until saturation of the mechanism occurs. This fixed maximal transport rate suggests that active transport involves the reversible combination of the transported compound with a carrier system, which is limited. Also consistent with the concept of a cellular carrier of limited capacity is the demonstration of competitive phenomena associated with active transport systems such as penicillin com- peting with PAH for tranSport. Active transport can also be limited by decreasing the energy available to the carrier system. Aerobic metabolism provides energy for the tubular secretory mechanisms for organic acids and bases. Tubular secretion is blocked by anoxia, by inhibitors of the cytochrome electron tranSport system, and of the oxidative reactions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Taggart and Forster, 1950; Shideman and Rene, 1951; Maxild and M¢ller, 1969). The energy-rich phosphates, such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), generated by the oxidative 1..'~P.'.D biz"; .. _ JIM. 150 reactions apparently play a central role in providing energy for tranSport systems and may explain the depend- ence on aerobic metabolism. DNP, which uncouples oxidation and phOSphorylation, depresses PAH transport in vivo and in vitro without affecting tubular reabsorption of glucose or amino acids. This strongly suggests that phOSphate bond energy is involved in tubular secretory transport (Taggart, 1958). Although the carrier system for organic acids has not been isolated and characterized, considerable evidence suggests that proteins are involved in organic ion transport. Ross et al. (1969) and Magour et al. (1969) used a receptor protection technique to provide evidence that the renal carrier of NMN is in the protein fraction. Similar techniques have not been utilized to identify the carrier for PAH since a Specific, irreversible inhibitor of PAH transport is not yet available. The NMN studies were possible because Ross et al. (1968a) demonstrated that dibenamine Specifically and irreversibly blocked NMN transport. That the transport system for PAH is protein is suggested by the work of Hirsch and Hook (1970c) who showed penicillin stimulation of PAH S/M ratios in young animals was associated with enhanced renal cortical protein synthesis. 151 Model of the Renal Secretory Mechanism The secretory mechanism in mammalian renal cortical slices is thought to involve two distinct processes, the transport from peritubular fluid into the cell and the movement from the cell into the tubular lumen (Taggart, 1958). Movement into the cell requires active transport, whereas the step involving movement across the luminal border is downhill and involves diffusion only (Foulkes and Miller, 1959b, Tune et al., 1969). The multifaceted nature of the transport process was elucidated by two groups. Foulkes and Miller (1959b), using renal cortical slices, showed that there are two intracellular fractions of PAH, a fraction which rapidly diffuses and equilibrates with extracellular PAH and a fraction which is slowly equilibrating and is reSponsible for the high slice to medium ratio. Foulkes (1963) and Welch and Bush (1970) also presented evidence for at least two intracellular pools--a bound or compartmen- talized fraction and a freely diffusible pool. 0n the basis of these results, Foulkes and Miller (1959b) proposed a 4 step mechanism of renal tubular secretion of PAH (Figure 15). The proposed steps are as follows: step one consists of diffusion of PAH from the medium to the interstitial fluid; step two involves facilitated diffusion at the peritubular cell membrane from the interstitial fluid into the cell; step three 152 consists of an active accumulation of a high tissue con- centration of PAH; and step four results in the transfer of PAH across the luminal border of the cell into the tubular lumen. Since the S/M ratio is the net result of uptake into the slice, accumulation in the cells and runout back into the medium, uptake may involve the first three steps and runout may involve the fourth. Ross et al. (1968b) presented data suggesting that the uptake of organic acids and bases occurs at the peritubular side and that runout occurs at the luminal side of the proximal tubular cell. Shefikh and M¢ller (1970) reported that, in contrast to earlier views, active transport of PAH ascribed to the rapid component and slow component may be due to intracellular compartmentalization. These workers used separated renal tubules and eliminated the extracellular space and thus the possibility that the slow component of PAH tranSport might be due to a diffusion barrier between the exterior and interior parts of the slices. Both of these occur in the slice technique. Recently, Tune et al. (1969), using isolated tubules, proposed a model similar to that one of Foulkes and Miller (1959b). These workers prOpose that entry into the tubular fluid occurs down a concentration gradient by a process consistent with simple diffusion. 153 Furthermore, active tranSport into renal tubular cells across the peritubular membrane with subsequent diffusion down a concentration gradient into the tubular lumen follows. Tissue PAH levels reach a steady state when passive efflux equals the active influx (Tune et al., 1969). Factors Affecting Renal Tubular TranSport of Organic Acids and Bases A number of factors affect the renal tubular tranSport of organic acids and bases in vitra and in viva. Metabolites Intermediary metabolites may act to stimulate or inhibit the organic acid transport system. For instance, acetate enhances PAH transport in man (McDonald et al., 1951), dog (Mudge and Taggart, 1950b), and rabbit (Cross and Taggart, 1950). Lactate and pyruvate, precursors of acetate, also increase PAH uptake by renal kidney slices in vitra (Cross and Taggart, 1950) and PAH tranSport in viva in man (McDonald et al., 1951). Low concentra- tions of dicarboxylic acids of the citric acid cycle, as succinate and fumarate (Cross and Taggart, 1950), fatty acids of intermediate carbon chain length (CG-Clo) (Cross and Taggart, 1950; Schacter et al., 1955) and the amino acids L-alanine and L-glutamate (Schacter et al., 1955; Cross and Taggart, 1950), markedly depress the uptake of 154 PAH by renal cortical slices. The maximal tubular excretory capacity of PAH (TmPAH) is depressed in the dog by succinate (Mudge and Taggart, 1950b), fumarate (Mudge and Taggart, 1950b) and a-ketoglutarate (Knoefel and Huang, 1959). Balagura-Baruch and Stone (1969) demonstrated that in the dog PAH transport was depressed by a—ketoglutarate when plasma levels of PAH were both greater than and less than the Tm This depression PAH' was not overcome by the addition of acetate. These workers concluded that a-ketoglutarate is a noncompetitive or mixed inhibitor of the PAH tranSport system. Farah at al. (1963) showed that acetate and lactate decreased while succinate and a-ketoglutarate increased the rate of runout of PAH from renal slices. Metablic Inhibitors Metabolic inhibitors also depress transport of organic acids and bases. Taggart and co-workers (Cross and Taggart, 1950; Mudge and Taggart, 1950a; and Taggart and Forster, 1950) have shown in vitra and in viva that 2,4-dinitr0phenol, cyanide, and arsenite depress PAH, phenolsulfonthalein (PSP) and Diodrast uptake. They proposed that these compounds depress organic acid tranSport by acting directly on some component of the cellular transport mechanism, probably by inhibiting aerobic phosphorylation. Maxild and M¢ller (1969) demonstrated that inhibiting the Krebs cycle and 155 carbohydrate metabolism virtually abolishes PAH accumula- tion. Metabolic inhibitors may also depress organic acid S/M ratios by increasing runout (Kinter and Cline, 1961; Farah at al., 1963). As with acids, organic base transport is inhibited by metabolic inhibitors (Shideman and Rene, 1951; Farah et al., 1959). Electrolyte Composition The electrolyte composition of the bathing medium and of the slices influences organic acid and base tranSport. The H+ concentration of the medium may affect the transport system, and the optimum pH for maximum accumulation is Species specific (Copenhaver and Davis, 1965; Ross at al., 1968b; Hirsch, 1970). Potassium is necessary for the transport system to function. Taggart at al. (1953) found kidney slices lost the ability to accumulate PAH in a K+-free medium and suggested K+ was necessary for maintenance of cell integrity. Foulkes and Miller (1960) prOposed that K+ has a Specific role at the cell membrane. They found that adding K+ to K+-deficient slices stimulated PAH uptake prior to a significant increase in intracellular K+. Furthermore, they suggested that K+ is required as a part of the intracellular PAH—concentrating mechanism. Hirsch (1970) found that renal cortical slices from 156 immature and adult rabbits required K+ in order to accumulate PAH. Burg and Orloff (1962a) reported that the digitalis glycoside, strOphanthidin, interferes with PAH accumulation in slices of rabbit renal cortex, pre- sumably by decreasing the K+ content. When K+ was increased in the medium, PAH accumulation was not depressed by strophanthidin. Dantzler (1969) similarly reported that increased K+ in the medium overcame the depressing effects of ouabain, a cardiotonic steroid, on PAH accumulation. Ross et al. (1968b) demonstrated that decreased K+ in the medium depressed uptake of PAH and NMN by dog renal slices without affecting runout. Chung at al. (1970) reported a critical role for Na+ and Ca++ in addition to a requirement for K+ for accumulation of ‘PAH and PSP by rabbit kidney slices. Dantzler (1969) reported that snake and chicken kidney slices were unable to accumulate PAH and urate normally in the absence of K+. If K+ was sufficient, transport of PAH was not affected unless Na+ was greatly reduced. Thus a number of electrolytes have been reported to influence organic acid and base tranSport. Compounds Transported by the Same System Other compounds tranSported by the same system may affect the tranSport of PAH or NMN in the in vitra slice preparation. Chlorothiazide (Beyer and Baer, 1961) pro- benecid (Kinter and Cline, 1961; Huang and Lin, 1965), 157 DNP (Huang and Lin, 1965), free fatty acids of medium chain length (Schacter et al., 1955), Diodrast (Cross and Taggart, 1950), penicillin (Cross and Taggart, 1950), carinamide (Cross and Taggart, 1950), PSP (Forster and COpenhaver, 1956), triiodothyronine (T3) and tetra- iodothyronine (T4 or thyroxine) (Nepomuceno and Little, 1964a; 1964b; Hirsch, 1970), have all been shown to depress PAH accumulation. The PAH transport system in the immature animal may mature or develop at a faster rate if one of these com- pounds which inhibits in vitra is given in utera or shortly after birth. T3 given to weanling rats increased the ability of renal cortical slices to tranSport PAH and increased the kidney weight (Hirsch and Hook, 1969b). Since T3 when added to slices in vitra depressed PAH uptake these workers suggested that the compound is tranSported by the organic acid system and specifically stimulates the tranSport system. Folic acid when administered to rats several days prior to sacrifice also stimulated PAH accumulation by renal cortical slices (Hirsch and Hook, 1969c). Treating nursing rats or pregnant rabbits with penicillin increased PAH accumulation when measured in vitra (Hirsch and Hook, 1969a, 1970a, 1970b), presumably by increasing the synthesis of Specific tranSport pro- tein(s) (Hirsch and Hook, 1970c). NMN transport was 158 unaffected in treated animals, thus the substrates of the organic acid tranSport system were apparently specific stimulators of the PAH system. Farah et al. (1959) reported that transport of NMN by the organic base system in renal slices from dogs was depressed by tetraethylammonium (TEA) and darstine, both bases and both presumably tranSported by the same system. Ross et al. (1968a) found dibenamine and dibenzyline depressed NMN transport in viva and in vitra 80-90% with- out affecting organic acid transport as measured by PAH accumulation. TEA uptake was inhibited by triiodotherprOpionic acid and triiodothyroacetic acid, according to Nepomuceno and Little (1964b). Domer (1960) force fed NMN to dogs at lZ-hour intervals for seven days and determined that renal tubular transport of NMN and priscoline (tolazoline) in viva was increased. Numerous studies have shown that other compounds tranSported by the same system may interfere with organic acid and base transport. Structure Compounds transported by the organic acid transport system may have a variety of chemical structures (Taggart, 1958). There may be intramolecular reactive groups possessed in common (DeSpopoulous, 1965). Weiner at al. (1964) point out that protein binding, acidic strength, lipid solubility, urinary pH, urinary flow, and 159 plasma level all may affect the transport of organic acids in a particular Species. They also state that all acid compounds tranSported are transported as anions. Effects of Uremic and Normal Serum A number of workers have demonstrated that addition of "uremic" serum to the incubation system depressed PAH tranSport (White, 1966; Preuss et al., 1966; Bourke et al., 1967; Hook and Munro, 1968; and Orringer et al., 1971). Hook and Munro (1968) found that fasting rats for 24 hours prior to removing the kidneys for the in vitra study also depressed PAH tranSport without affecting NMN transport. Adding acetate to the slice increased PAH S/M ratios to control values. Serum from nephrectomized animals also depressed PAH uptake but did not change NMN transport. Orringer et al. (1971) found when normal serum was used at high concentrations, accumulation of PAH by rat renal cortical slices was depressed while at low concen- trations it was stimulated. Azotemic serum, at any concentration studied, depressed transport (Orringer at al., 1971). They suggested that, in high enough concentration, some constituent in normal serum com— petitively inhibited organic anion tranSport. Preuss at al. (1966) found that dialyzing uremic serum prior to adding it to the in vitra slice preparation prevented the inhibition. 160 Uninephrectomy in rats increased hippurate tranSport by the remaining kidney transiently while no change was seen in organic base tranSport (Goldberg et al., 1970). These workers suggested the early increase in organic acid tranSport in hypertrophying kidneys is secondary to substrate induction in the growing kidney. The Effect of Age and Developmental Stage of the Animal Barrows and co-workers (Adams and Barrows, 1963; Beauchene at al., 1965) reported depressed transport of PAH and a-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) in kidney cortical slices from old rats. Associated with this depressed transport was a 10% decrease in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and depressed sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphOSphatase (ATPase) activity in the older animals when compared with the younger ones. Kidney cortical slices from the newborn of a number of species are incapable of accumulating as much organic acid and base as those from a mature animal (Williamson and Hiatt, 1947; New at al., 1959; Rennick et al., 1961; Hirsch, 1970). The depth of the cortex from which the slices are taken may also affect the accumulation. The inner slices of renal cortex are more developed at birth than the outer slices of the "nephrogenic zone" (Wachstein and Bradshaw, 1965). In addition, the state of development of the animal at birth influences the transport system. 161 The guinea pig, which can take solid food at birth, has a well developed transport system at birth while the renal tubular transport system in the newborn rabbit is less mature (Hirsch, 1970). The TmPAH was 2-4 times greater in premature infants fed a high protein diet for four weeks than in those fed a low protein diet, suggesting to Calcagno and Lowe (1963) that diet could induce renal tubular maturation. No changes were observed in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) or renal plasma flow (RPF) in these infants, so that the organic acid transport system was apparently selectively stimulated. ES}. Most workers find that sex differences affect the accumulation of PAH by renal cortical slices. Renal cortical Slices from mature male rats had greater PAH uptake than did those from females (Huang and McIntosh, 1955; Ferguson and Matthews, 1963). These workers demon- strated that the sex differences in the PAH S/M ratio is due to the stimulatory effect of testosterone and not to the inhibitory effect of estrogen. Farah et al. (1956) observed no difference between males and females in ability of kidney slices to accumulate PAH. Kleinman at al. (1966), however, reported that transport of PAH in viva and in vitra was higher in males than females. Bowman (1970) also reported increased PAH transport in 162 renal cortical Slices from male rats. S/M ratios for NMN and TEA, however, were the same for male and female rats. Apparently the increased S/M ratios obtained with kidneys from male rats is a result of increased uptake and decreased runout of PAH (Bowman, 1970). Effects of Manipulations of Transport System on 0% Consumption by Renal Cortical Slices Copenhaver and Davis (1965) found no significant changes in oxygen consumption when the pH of the media ranged from 6.5 to 8.5. Taggart et al. (1953) reported similar respiration values for slices developing S/M ratios from 3.8 to 12.6. Although strophanthidin inter- ferred with PAH transport, presumably by affecting the K+ concentration in the medium, no concomitant change in oxygen consumption was observed (Burg and Orloff, 1962b). Bourke et al. (1967) found nephrectomized serum depressed PAH transport in kidney Slices, but did not affect slice oxygen consumption. Chung at al. (1970) did not find changes in oxygen consumption with changes in PAH and PSP + in the transport produced by using Na+, K+, and Ca+ medium in varying concentrations. Huang and McIntosh (1955) reported a marked decrease in PAH uptake and oxygen consumption in kidney slices from hyposectomized rats, but suggested these were second- ary to changes in testosterone and estrogen as a result of the hyp0physectomy. 163 New eL ai. (1959) reported that oxygen consumption based on the nitrogen content of slices was lowest in the newborn, the age group which also accumulated the least PAH. These workers suggested that perhaps oxygen consumption and PAH transport were related. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that renal tranSport capacity is different in animals made obese by feeding a high fat diet. The in vitra slice preparation (Cross and Taggart, 1950) was used since it excludes factors that may alter tubular secretion in the intact animal. The Specific objectives of this study were (1) to demonstrate the effect of obesity on the renal secretion of the organic acid, PAH and (2) to determine factors affecting the accumulation of PAH by renal cortical slices from these animals. 164 .Edflome mnu Ca pan» on moaam mac ca mmm Hmong Emvmxm coHOMQSOCH moaam Amdmv wumusmmflnocHEMIm map mo Emummflo oflumamnom PIIIIIIIJIII. , 5.! .3 833m 165 Zw00¢§2 20.2212. ._O~_._.ZOU 202233.55 ou— SH magmam ?2:£EV m2: ob 00 cm 2 N— OIIVU W/S HVd 166 .m mmum mo Emflcmzowe mcflpmuucmocoo m>Huom may Eouw meauHSmmu mdm mo cofluomum HMHSHHwomHucH mcflumuhflaflsqm mazoamalmdm ocm .mdm mo coHuomuw mHnHmSMMHU maoflmmuuucmm .oHSHw Hmfluflumumucfl on» CH admnum .Edflooe mzu SH admin: .UHDHM umasaamo ImuucHunmoH .oHus HmfluflumumucH|IMmH "pom: mum mcofluma>mubnm mcfl3oHHow one .Anmmmav Hmaaflz new mmxaoom ha ommomoum mm moaam Hmofluuoo Hmcmu ecu SH Emflcmnome unommcmuu mém map mo Hobo: . |.,~. ,Il» 5t...‘fh'i.g . 1. u . i9. .3 933m I .- (IPI .05) from the NMN S/M ratios (6.55:0.40) obtained when slices from HF animals were incubated similarly. Factors Affecting the Accumulation of NMN by Renal Cortical Slices The accumulation of NMN by renal cortical slices was significantly correlated with age (P<0.05) (Figure 24) and kidney weight (P<0.01) (Figure 25) in the HF group, but not in the GR group. When all data were pooled regardless of diet, NMN accumulation was significantly correlated with age (P<.05) (Figure 24) and kidney weight (P<.01) (Figure 25). NMN accumulation was not correlated with body weight (Figure 26) for any group (P>.05). Effect of Changing Diets on Accumulation of Organic Acid and Base Since the previous results suggested that accumulation of PAH by renal cortical slices was depressed in animals fed HF when compared to those on GR, the effect of the diet per 32 was investigated. A summary of the effect of diet.switching on PAH accumulation by kidney cortical 178 slices and its comparison with the standard dietary regimens are given in Table 10. Animals fed HF for any period of time had depressed accumulation of PAH when compared to animals fed GR for any period of time (Figure 16,Figure 27, Table 10). Animals fed GR and switched to HF at least two days prior to sacrificing I had renal cortical slices which accumulated PAH as if the animals had been on the HF ration throughout the ; experiment (Figure 27, Table 10). The accumulation of .9... ,. . PAH by renal cortical slices from HF animals was signifi— cantly less than that by slices from GR animals (Figure 16,Figure 27). When animals were fed HF and switched to GR at least two days prior to being sacrificed, kidney slices from these animals developed PAH S/M ratios not significantly different (P>.05) from those obtained with kidneys from animals fed GR continuously (Figure 16,Figure 27). The accumulation of PAH by kidney slices from animals fed GR or HF and switched to GR.was significantly greater than kidney cortical Slices from animals fed HF or GR and.switched to HF (Figure 16,Figure 27, Table 10). NMN accumulation by renal cortical slices was lnmaffected by diet switching (Figure 28, Table 11). The «effect of diet switching on the accumulation of organic base by renal cortical slices as measured by NMN S/M :natios is summarized in Table ll.‘When animals were fed (SR and switched to HF, accumulation of NMN was not 179 significantly different (P>.05) from that by renal corti- cal slices from animals fed HF and switched to GR (Figure 28, Table 11). Effect of Serum on Accumulation of PAH by Renal Cortical Slices Since the previous results indicated that the depressed accumulation of PAH by renal cortical slices was due in large part to the diet, the effect of serum on accumulation of PAH was determined. To test this, kidney slices from animals fed GR or HF were incubated with the normal media plus serum from GR or HF animals (Table 12). Accumulation of PAH by renal cortical slices incubated with media plus saline was used as a control against dilution effects. In all cases, the accumulation of PAH by renal cortical slices was enhanced by the addition of serum independent of the source of serum or kidneys (Table 12). .Accumulation was unaffected by the addition of an equal volume of saline (Table 12). The PAH S/M ratios deve10ped .by renal cortical slices from HF or GR.animals incubated in HF'serum were not different (P>0.05). Those developed by renal cortical slices from HF or GR animals with the addition of GR serum were not different (P>0.05) . Ihxrthermore, there were no differences in the PAH S/M IHICiOS deve10ped when HF serum was used when compared with GR serum (P>0.05) . 180 The S/M ratios obtained with all serum-kidney com- binations were significantly greater (P<0.05) than those with the dilution control (2.5 ml medium + 0.5 m1 saline) or with the control medium (2.7 m1). There were no significant differences in the PAH S/M ratios obtained in 2.5 ml medium plus 0.5 ml saline when compared with 2.7 ml medium (P>0.05). Histological Study of Renal Cortical Slices The histological sections revealed kidneys in both groups that were normal for rats of the age used (30 weeks old) (Figure 29, Figure 30). No apparent morpho- logical differences were distinguishable between kidney slices from HF and GR animals in histological sections by light microsc0py (Figure 29, Figure 30). In both groups, tubules were normal except for slight dilation. Infre- quent casts were present in kidneys from both groups. No evidence of kidney infection or inflammation was seen. Glomerular changes observed in kidneys from both dietary groups included focal hypercellularity, increased Inesangial tissue, and limited metaplasia. Kinetic Analysis of PAH Uptake The rate of PAH uptake by renal cortical slices from :12 and 60 week old animals on GR and HF was determined. PAH uptake by renal cortical slices from HF animals xmas less than that from GR animals independent of age 181 (Figure 21, Figure 22, Table 13). Kidneys from young animals on either diet had greater uptakes than those of older animals (Figure 21, Figure 22, Table 13). A summary of the kinetic analysis is given in Table 13. Oxygen Consumption by Renal Cortical Slices The oxygen consumption by renal cortical slices from kidneys of rats fed GR and HF is given in Table 16. There were no significant differences in the oxygen consumption on a dry or a wet weight basis (P>0.05). Renal Cortical Slice Composition The fat and water composition of renal cortical slices from kidneys of rats fed GR and HF is given in Table 17. There were no significant differences in the percent of water and total ether-extractable fat of the slices from the two groups (P>0.05). ‘4'...— 182 Figure 16. Accumulation of PAH (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from male rats of different ages fed the control grain ration (GR) or the experimental high fat ration (HF). Each bar represents the mean i (S.E.) obtained from duplicate deter- minations on the number of animals shown in parentheses. The Value obtained from the HF group is significantly less than that of the GR group (P<0.001). IO O~ PAH S/M RATIO 3: I? 21 C) :0 DIET Figure 16 184 .Aao.ovmv coflmmmummu bemoawflcoflm mpmupmcoemo mwcfla wanna Had .mumu HOOOH>HOOH MOM mcoflumcfifi lumumo apnoeamso mo mmmum>m ecu mum mucflom .ompuoam one A! #36 m0 acmocmmmocfl mansion Ham. cam AOOOV mm . A lllv mo MOM mmcHH coflmwmummu omumHOOamo one .mmm umcflmmm omuuoam mumu AOV mm cam An: mm 80.3 mmoaam HOOflpHOO Hmcmu ca Aoflumu 2\mv 53 mo coflumaogooa 1r I'll-l4 .eH magmam 185 r. v nu. I r. ruif: quvl E ha mnsmwm 13.831 mg 8. 8 co ow on m: 0 00000000000 IhOm “6 U Illlllllll D V Ollva w/s Wild 0 186 .Aao.ovmv nOHmmoumou unmoawficmflm oamuuchEoo mocfla oounu Han .mumu Hoopfl>flonfi How mcoflumnflauouoo ouoOHHmsp mo ommuo>o onu one ounflom .oouuon one Allv noflo mo pnoonomooca maofiflnm do can. :01 mm Jul-v mo H8 was: 83833 3316 name one .nanoB moon umnflmmm OouUOHm mumu AOV mm one ADV mo Eouw moOHHm HMOHquO Hmcou SH noflumu 2\mv mdm MO coflumasfisooé .mH ousmflm 187 coop com ma ouamwh 7223 5053 Son coo ooe oou KT— 0 00000000000 IhOm a 0 D llllllllll V OllVH W/S mm 0 o— 188 .Aao.ovmv noflmooumou uceOHMflnmflm oueuumnOEoo monfla oounu Ham .mueu Hesofi>flonfl now mnofluenflauouoo oueOHHmzo wo omeuo>e onu one mucflom .Oouuoam one “Iv uoflo mo unoonomoonfl mHeEHne HHe one A003 mm . All-V mo now won”; coammoumou ooueasoaeo one .uanoB monmfix umnfleme oouuoam mueu AOV mm one any mo Eoum moOHHm HeOHuHOO Hecou SH AOHueH E\mv new mo nOHueHsEOOo< 1‘"..iuunl. . -1”? v . .mH ousmflm 189 ma ousmflm 1.5.23 Eon; E23. 2 m e e u ObOOOOOOOO .00... O 00. 0 0000000000 LI 0 00000000000 IFOQ Q U o n. I. “0 U llllllllll 0.. D D oooano. D U 000 D '¢ Ollva w/s mm ‘0 o— 190 .Aao.ovmv nOHmmoumou uneOflMHcmHm oueuumCOEoo mocfla oounu HH< .mueu Hesofl>flpcfl Eouw meonoflx nuon mo munqfloz onu one munflom .Oounoam one A'v uoflo mo ucoenomoonfl mHeEHce HHe one AOOOV mm . All-v mo How monfia coflmmouoou ooueasoaeo one .mueu 101 am one ADV mo ea £32, >263 so 239., 38. e0 883 . ,.p >.. 1'5-..» 1... a . LIV .om ousmflm 191 000— .gom om musmem 1.523 50.25 50.. coo ooe Azuu a: O I._.Om 10 n. 0 V N (““015) 1H9|3M ASNOIX o— 192 .nmwv Hmm.o one Ammv oom.o one mo>nso onn mo momOHm one .munoEnnomxo m Bonn mneoE on» oneonocn mnnnom one .monsnnfi NH one m nonme nOnueHoEsooe an oononommno onu mcnnsmeoe an oonnEnonoo me3 2 «Ion x m one .v .N no mnOnuennnoonoo mnm ne Ann8\m\mnv oxenms mom no open one .noam nnomnno>eo3onnq onn mono: AOV mm no ADV mo oom muen oHO noose NH Eonw moonam neonunoo Henon en oxenms mam no mnmwaene OnuocHx fll‘ .. M., ne.'|nl'w,..* .Hm onomnm 193 Hm onsmnm 1.7220552”qu _.. “0 D llllllllll 194 .Ammv mam.o one Amov omv.o one mo>nno onu mo momoam one .monna nOnmmonmon ooueasoaeo one monna one .mnnoEnnomxo m Eonm mneoE onu oueononn mnnnom one .mounnne ma one m nonwe nonueananooe nn oononomwno on» mnnnnmeoe en oonnenonoo oe3 z vuoa x m one .v .N no mnonnenunoonoo Ede ne AnnE\m\mav oxenen mdm mo ouen one .noam xnnmuno>eo3onnq e mnnmn AOV no no ADV mo oom mnen ono noo3 om Eonm moOnHm Heonunoo Henon en onenmn mnm mo mnmwaene onuonnm 1.517. ! 5 ‘.l’.' I’IJ .mm onnmnm 195 $.21 20.232328 :3} mm onnmnm m N. mu —. O 0 On 00- O 000 Q. 000 .. ... O... to... O. 0000 00 OQQQQ+ —. ll 0000000 0 0.... w 0000.00 6 H 0000 006 fl coco .6 “0V 9. X 66 o. 69.9 O cocoa-o a H 9‘. 0000 .fl 6 00 6 O 000 / O. 000 . 5 OQOO oooomv m / KT— 0 0000000000. a. 00.0000 W. 30 000000 I.\ “o D Illlllllll b... 3 m—"~;rglufl Figure 23. 196 Accumulation of NMN (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from male rats Of different ages fed GR or HF. Each bar represents the mean : (S.E.) Obtained with duplicate determinations on the number Of animals in parentheses. The values Obtained are not significantly different (P>0.05). 197 10 (15) I ll‘ ll O~ NMN S/M RATIO J} Q :0 HF DIET Figure 23 198 .Amo.ovmv nOnmmonmon uneOnmnnmnm onennmnOEoo monna O3» nonno one .Amo.oamv ome nun3 ooueaonnoo non on mHeEnne mo nn nOnn IeHnEnooe zzz .muen Henon>nonn now mnOnuennEnouoo oueonamso mo omeno>e onn one munnom .oonnOHm one Allv nono mo unoonomoonn mHeEnne fine one A003 mm .AIIIV mo now monna nOnmmonmon ooneanoaeo one .ome nonneme oonuoam open AOV mm one ADV mo Eonw moOnHm Heonnnoo Henon nn AOnnen E\mv 222 no nOnneHnEnoon .em mnaonm 199 00— cm 00 em onnmnm 3831 m3 0? a: O IeOm «0 0 ON Vt Ollva w/s NWN ‘0 O— 200 .Aao.ovmv nOnmoonmon uneOnmnnmnm onenumnOEoo monna Ozu nonno one .Amo.OAmv ome nnnz ooneaonnoo non on mHeEnne mo nn nOnneHnEnooe ZZZ .mnen Hedon>nonn nOw mnOnuennEnonoo oueonamno mo omeno>e onn one munnom .oonuOHm one Allo nono mo nnoonomoonn mHeEnne fine one AOOOV mm .nlllv mu now monna nOnmmonoon ooueanoaeo m5. .232, >263 emanmme e363 33 101 mm cam in: no Eonm moOnHm Heonunoo Henon nn nOnuen Z\mv 222 no nOnueHnEnoon .mm onnmnm 201 2 mm wusmnn 1.2.23 Eon; :28. o e B1 0 00000000000 IeOm “0 D llllllllll O a men n QIIDO nu mi nv v Ollva w/s NWN ~O O— 202 .nmo.OAmv uneOnmnnmnm one mnOnmmonmon onn mo onoz .muen Henon>nonn now mnOnuennenouoo oneonnmno mo omeno>e onu. one mnnnom .ooquHm one Alv nono mo nnoonomoonn maeEnne nae one n00: mm . All-v mo nOw monna nOnmoonmon ooueano Iaeo one .nnmno3 woon nonneme oouuoam mnen AOV mm one ADV mo Eonm moonam Heonnnoo Henon nn nonuen z\mv 222 «O nOnneHnEnoon .om onnmnm 203 000— mN onnmnm 1.523 5033 Son 00w 000 OD? CON m: 0 00000000000 Ihnvm “0 U IIIIIIIIII U U D O U m abme... fl ~O Ollva w/S’ NWN 0— .__n_a Figure 27. 204 Accumulation Of PAH (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from male rats fed GR and switched to HF or fed HF and switched to GR. Each bar represents the mean i (S.E.) obtained from duplicate determinations on the number of animals in parentheses. These values are significantly different from each other (P<0.05). 205 10 0‘ PAH s/M RATIO a» 0 an 1 23 HF —-» GR DIET Figure 27 h "" LL_."—,.v-——d ‘. L, '— Figure 28. 206 Accumulation Of NMN (S/M ratio) in renal cortical slices from male rats fed GR and switched to HP or fed HF and switched to GR. Each bar represents the mean i (S.E.) obtained from duplicate determinations on the number of animals in parentheses. These values are not significantly different from each other (P>0.05). 207 u ._ .0 Full... 1. (3) IO 8 6 4 2 0 0:5. 2} 222 HF-vGR GR-- HF DIET Figure 28 Figure 29. 208 Histological sections of kidneys from HF-fed rats. A&B: Kidneys from typical HF rats 30 weeks of age. Tubules are slightly dilated and lumens contain some proteinaceous debris. Glomeruli have normal basement membranes; Bowman's spaces are empty. Occasional glomeruli Show metaplasia. Measured PAH S/M Ratio: A - 3.75; B - 3.77. PAS stain, X256. 209 Figure 29 210 Figure 30. Histological sections of kidneys from GR-fed rats. A&B: Kidneys from typical GR animals 30 weeks of age. Tubules are slightly dilated and contain some debris. Glomeruli have normal basement membranes and empty Bowman's spaces. Occasional glomeruli exhibit metaplasia, focal hypercellularity, and increased mesangial tissue. Measured PAH S/M Ratio: A - 7.39; B - 8.51. PAS stain, X256. 211 , Figure 30 212 Table 10. Effect Of diet on the accumulation (S/M ratio)a Of PAH by slices Of rat renal cortex. Dietb NumberC PAH S/M Ratiod GR 23 6.96:0.41e HF 18 4.81:0.29e GR+HF 9 4.63:0.30 HF+GR 5 6.48:0.73 aRatios were determined after incubation at 90 minutes, at 25°C under 100% oxygen atmosphere. bDiets used were Grain Ration (GR) and High Fat Ration (HF). GR and HF were fed throughout the study. GRfiHF indicates the animal was fed GR and switched to HF prior to assay. HF+GR animals were fed HF and switched to GR prior to determining PAH accumulation. HF+GR and GReHF animals were on the first diet from 1 tO 45 weeks and on the second diet from 2 days to 3 weeks. PAH accumulation was unaffected by the length Of time the first and second diets were fed; therefore, all values are pooled. C O O I 0 Total number of animals on any regimen lrreSpectlve Of age. d . . . . For each animal dupllcate determinations were made. These values were averaged and used to compute means and standard errors. eSignificantly different from GR (P<0.001). -L erg-altruism 213 Table 11. Effect Of diet on the accumulation (S/M ratio)a Of NMN by slices Of rat renal cortex. Dietb NumberC NMN S/M Ratiod GR 19 6.75:0.33 HF 15 6.55:0.40 GR+HF 7 7.03:0.34 HF+GR 3 8.36:0.65 aRatios were determined after incubation for 90 minutes at 25°C under 100% oxygen atmosphere. bThe Grain Ration (GR) and High Fat Ration (HF) were fed throughout the study. GRfiHF indicates the animal was fed GR and switched to HF prior to assay. HF+GR animals were fed HF and switched to GR prior to determining NMN accumu- lation. HF+GR and GRfiHF animals were on the first diet from 1 to 45 weeks and on the second diet from 2 days to 3 weeks. NMN accumulation was unaffected by the length Of time the first and second diets were fed; therefore, all values were pooled. c . . . . Total number Of animals on any regimen irrespective Of age. dFrom each animal duplicate determinations were made. These values were averaged and used to compute means and standard errors. 214 Table 12. Accumulation of PAH (S/M ratio)a by slices of rat renal cortex in the presence of serum. Incubatéon Serum Kidney Numberd PAH S/M Medium Source Source Ratio fr. 2.5 ml medium HFC GRC 5 15.38:0.Zl: r + 0.5 ml serum HF HF 4 13.45il.27e GR GR 3 l4.73:0.02e . GR HF 3 15.0811.65 2.5 ml medium -- HF 2 4.25:0.02e + 0.5 ml saline -- GR 2 7.28:0.25 2.7 ml medium -- HF 18 4.81:0.29e L -- GR 23 6.96:0.41 aRatios were determined after incubation for 90 minutes at 25°C under 100% oxygen atmosphere. bCross and Taggart (1950) medium with PAH concentration of 7.4 x 10"5 M was used. CDiets used were Grain Ration (GR) and High Fat Ration (HF) . d . . . The number Of experiments each representing one animal as a serum source and another as kidney source. eSignificantly different from control (GR kidneys in 2.5 ml medium + 0.5 ml saline) and from GR kidneys in 2.7 ml standard media (P<0.05). 215 Table 13. Kinetic analysis Of PAH uptake in rat renal cortical slicesa. Dietb Age SlopeC Km c Vm max (wks.) (10"4 moles/L) (ug/g/min)C GR 12 .391 15.62 39.92 HF 12 .360 5.37 14.92 GR 60 .490 6.10 12.45 HF 60 .318 1.47 4.63 a Rate Of PAH uptake (pg PAH/g kidney slice/min) at PAH concentrations Of 2, 4 and x 10 M was determined by measuring the difference in 8accumulation after 2 and 12 minutes of incubation. Triplicate determinations Of uptake for each diet and age were made. bDiets used were Grain Ration (GR) and High Fat (HF) and were fed throughout the study. CValues were Obtained from the Lineweaver-Burk plot shown in Figures and . 216 Table 14. Effect of diet on pH Of 24-hour urine samples from lO-week old male rats. Dieta Number 1 2 3 0—24 hrs 72-96 hrs 96-120 hrs GR+GR 9 8.22:0.42 8.08:0.37c 8.09:0.38C GR+HF 9 8.13:0.39 6.64:0.54 6.39iO.45 aDiets used were Grain Ration (GR) and High Fat Ration (HF). GR+GR indicates GR was fed throughout the study. GRfiHF indicates GR was fed 0-24 hrs and HF afterwards. bThe time the initial urine collection was started was designated as 0 hr. Subsequent collections were timed accordingly. CValues are significantly different (P<0.05) from those Obtained from all animals in period 1 (0-24 hrs). . -—r' "1! lean 217 Table 15. Effect of giet on the pH Of the medium after incubation Of renal cortical slices 91.- . b Diet Number pH g GR 4 7.41:.01 : HF 4 7.36:.01C L2,. aIncubations were for 90 minutes at 25° under 100% oxygen atmOSphere. Immediately after removing the renal cortical slices, the pH Of the medium was determined. bDiets used were Grain Ration (GR) and High Fat Ration (HF) and were fed throughout the study. cSignificantly different from the control (GR) value (P<0.05). 218 Table 16. Oxygen consumption Of renal cortical slices from rats fed the grain ration or high fat ration. Diet Number ul/hr/mg tissue ul/hr/mg (wet) (dry) GRa 4 2.20:0.24 12.84iO.99 HF 4 2.52i0.09 11.97i1.32 Diets used were Grain Ration (GR) and High Fat Ration (HF). Fe 1; ‘HZL 219 Table 1?. Approximate composition Of renal cortical slices from rats fed the grain ration or high fat ration. Diet Number % Moisture % Fat (Dry Wgt Basis) GRa 9 86.56i0.69 8.28:0.60 HF 7 88.46i1.32 9.85i2.33 aDiets used were the Grain Ration (GR) and the High Fat Ration (HF). DISCUSSION Osborne-Mendel rats fed a high fat diet become grossly Obese as determined by increased body weight or body fat (Schemmel et al., 1969). They are useful as an experi- mental model for investigating the physiological effects of obesity which is a problem Of major proportion in the United States. Armstrong et al. (1951), employing the tables of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, esti- mated about 15 million persons in the country were 10% overweight and at least 5 million are 20% or more above normal weight. Obesity has been called the most common nutritional disorder in the United States by Braunstein (1971), who estimates that 30% Of the adult pOpulation is greater than 20% overweight. Recent reports linked Obesity with an increased incidence or severity Of various cardio— vascular, skeletal, metabolic and organ abnormalities (Mayer, 1968; Armstrong et al., 1951). The association Of abnormal kidney function in obese humans was reported by several workers (Bittnerova et al., 1968; Ross, 1960; Mayer, 1968). An association Of kidney damage with increased body weight was reported in hypothalamically Obese rats (Brobeck et al., 1943; Stevenson et al., 1950 and Kennedy, 1957), in rats with unrestricted feed intakes (Berg and Simms, 1960; Bras and Ross, 1964) and in genetically Obese rats (Zucker, 1965). Studies in our laboratory, reported 220 221 in this thesis, suggest that there are alterations in a number of kidney functions measured in viva and as seen in renal histology. Renal transport of organic acids is an important homeostatic mechanism as it is a means Of excretion Of potentially toxic by-products Of metabolism (Pitts, 1968). Selleck and Cohen (1965) suggested that the primary function Of the organic acid transport system is to move specific products Of intermediary metabolism (nonesterified fatty acids, a-ketoglutarate, citrate, etc.) to sites Of dissimilation in the kidney and liver. According to Goldberg et al. (1970), the organic acids (other than amino acids) in the urine are primarily derived from bacterial metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract. These include hippuric acids (Asatoor, 1965) and indolic compounds (Milne at al., 1960). Endogenous production from phenylalanine accounts for a small portion of the hippuric acid in the urine (Armstrong et al., 1955); how- ever, the major portion is derived from dietary precursors (Armstrong et al., 1955). The intestinal bacterial flora play an important role in the production Of hippuric acid from dietary precursors (as benzoic acid and sodium benzoate) (Asatoor, 1965). Organic acid tranSport is a specific function Of the renal proximal tubule. This is in contrast to the renal handling of sodium which involves the entire length Of the nephron. Sodium reabsorption is a general function 222 of the nephron and as such requires considerable expendi- ture Of metabolic energy. Inasmuch as transport of organic acids is limited to the proximal tubule, it probably requires Significantly less energy than sodium handling. Normally the sodium reabsorption mechanism is not Operating at full capacity and is not challenged by the filtered ,gfi sodium load. Thus a small decrement in energy availa- h bility might not affect overall sodium transport. In these experiments, it was possible to challenge the organic acid transport system by measuring uptake in the steady 1; state. The rationale behind this was that when so challenged, subtle changes in this function might be Ob- served prior tO the appearance Of physiological or biochemical lesions Of the renal parenchyma. TranSport of the organic acid, PAH, in vitra was determined in a Cross and Taggart incubation System. Thin renal cortical slices in a salt buffered, PAH-containing medium were incubated for 90 minutes under 100% oxygen at 25°C. Accumulation of PAH was expressed as the final slice concentration/medium concentration ratio (S/M ratio). The accumulation Of PAH (S/M ratio) was significantly depressed in HF animals when compared to GR animals (Figure 16). This was in agreement with PSP excretion in viva in these animals. PAH transport was inversely correlated with age (Figure l7),body weight (Figure 18) and kidney weight (Figure l9)for both diets. Animals fed 223 HF were significantly heavier and had a higher percentage Of body fat than GR animals Of the same age (Schemmel et al., 1969). Kidney weights were positively correlated with body weight in all animals (Figure 20). The depression Of PAH accumulation by renal cortical slices with age confirms work Of Barrows and co-workers (Adams and Barrows, 1963; Beauchene at al., 1965). NO reports regarding the effect of body weight on PAH transport were available in the literature. Numerous workers previously reported an association of a kidney weight with body weight (Hatai, 1913; Webster et al., 1947; Widdowson and McCance, 1960). Since PAH transport was depressed in the kidney slices from the HF animals, it became Of interest tO determine whether other tubular transport mechanisms were similarly altered. Parallel systems for transport Of organic acids and bases are located in the proximal tubules. The importance Of the organic base transport system is less apparent, although a number Of urine and plasma constituents are secreted by this system (Peters, 1960). Thiamine, choline, NMN (a nicotonic acid metabolite), guanidine, piperidine and methyl guanidine are naturally occurring compounds tranSported by the organic base system (Peters, 1960). This system might exist to secrete some unknown 224 substance(s), which because of high toxicity, must be main- tained at very low plasma concentrations (Pitts, 1968). The Specificity Of the depression of transport of organic acids in the HF group was determined using NMN as a prototype to study base transport. Workers have shown that the accumulation of PAH by renal cortical r: slices in the Cross and Taggart incubation system may be r, specifically depressed by a number Of factors without any change in NMN tranSport (Hook and Munro, 1968; Hirsch and Hook, 1969b). Accumulation Of NMN by renal cortical hJ slices from animals fed GR and HF was not different. NMN transport was inversely related to age (Figure 24) and kidney weight (Figure 25) in the HF group. Body weight, however, was not significantly related tO base transport (Figure 26). NO explanation for the differences Observed between the effect Of age, body weight and kidney weight on transport of PAH and NMN in the animals is known. Other workers have suggested that the NMN tranSport system is more resistant to manipulation than the organic acid tranSport system (Hirsch, 1970; Bowman, 1970). These results suggested that the diet per se affects the accumulation of PAH by rat renal cortical slices. When diets were switched, accumulation Of PAH by renal cortical slices from animals fed HF for any period of time and switched to GR for any period Of time just prior to sacrifice (Figure 27, Table 10) was similar to that by 225 kidneys from animals fed GR throughout (Table 10). Animals fed GR and switched to HF for any period Of time had kidneys in which transport of PAH was significantly less than that for animals fed GR prior to sacrifice. Thus diet per se appeared to be a primary factor influencing the final S/M ratio, although age, body FT weight and kidney weight influenced the accumulation Of :3 PAH by renal cortical slices. These Observations suggested E that the effect Of diet on the accumulation of PAH was easily reversible and the time required for this change ii was less than 2 days. Since the effect of diet appeared readily reversible, it was reasoned that a dietary metabolite in the serum might be directly affecting the accumulation of organic acid in the in vitra system. However, when serum was incubated with the kidney slices, PAH accumulation was enhanced. Serum from HF animals stimulated the accumula- tion Of PAH by kidney slices from both GR and HF animals (Table 12) Similarly, GR serum added to the incubation media significantly increased the accumulation Of PAH by kidney slices from both groups (Table 12). These results confirm the effect of normal serum in enhancing PAH accumulation by renal cortical slices reported by Orringer at al. (1971). Thus, if some factor Of dietary origin in the serum of the HF animals is depressing PAH accumulation by renal 226 cortical slices, its concentration is insufficient to produce an inhibitory effect when added to the incubation system. Apparently, the factor(s) responsible for the enhancement of PAH accumulation is in adequate concentra- tion to overcome any inhibitor that might be present in the HF serum. This is in contrast tO reports that "uremic" serum (White, 1966; Preuss et al., 1966) or serum from nephrectomized animals (Hook and Munro, 1968), when added to this incubation system, depressed the accumulation Of PAH by renal cortical slices. The depressed PAH accumulation Of kidney slices from HF rats could be increased to a level equal to that Of slices from GR rats by the addition Of the serum. This suggests that there is no difference in the inherent functional capacities Of the kidneys from the Obese and control rats for PAH transport. Since differences in other kidney functions are reported in HF animals, this is a significant result. The factor(s) in the serum enhancing the transport has not been elucidated. Conceivably, the effect could be mediated by an increased or preferential energy source (glucose, acetate, etc.) and/or a more favorable electro- lyte balance. In addition, the protein in the serum could possibly aid in maintaining the cellular integrity of the Slice during the incubation period. The depressed PAH accumulation in kidneys from HF animals could result from a number Of contributing factors. A "‘1'! 1“ "" 227 These include differences in entry, accumulation and/or runout Of PAH, in non—specific binding Of PAH tO protein, and in extracellular water, intracellular water or protein content of the renal cortical slice. The renal transport system as studied is not a pure system and renal organic acid transport probably does not follow true Michales-Menten (M-M) kinetics. Nevertheless, the Lineweaver-Burk plot remains one Of the most useful tools available to study these transport kinetics (Farah et al., 1959; Nagwekar and Unnikrishnan, 1971; Orringer at al., 1971). An analysis Of the inhibition Of the tranSport system using a Lineweaver-Burk plot is useful in that its findings are consistent with results obtained from the intact animal. Also, it aids in predicting how a new inhibitor may function. The S/M ratio reported in this study was measured in a steady state system and thus represents binding and runout capacity Of the renal tissue as well as transport capacity. Therefore, the S/M ratio is a measure of the ability Of the tissue to maintain a concentration gradient. During short periods Of incubation (as between 2-12 minutes) uptake of PAH is linear, suggesting that intracellular accumulation Of the compound is not sufficiently high to alter the rate of influx. The uptake over short periods of time indicates the rate Of tranSport of a material into the tissue, according to Ross et al. T3. RF..- 228 (1968b). In the Lineweaver-Burk plot, the x-intercept (l/Km) could reflect the relative affinity Of a carrier substance for PAH and the y-intercept (l/Vh , the maximal ax) velocity Of the PAH accumulation process. On the basis Of these assumptions the data presented in Figure 17 and Tab1e13.suggest that the apparent affinity and maximal velocity are both different when values for Older GR animals are compared with older HF animals. These changes in kinetics suggest non-competitive inhibition. Com- petitive inhibition was suggested when PAH S/M ratios were depressed after adding fasting serum to the incuba- tion media (Hook and Munro, 1968). Another interpretation and probably the more likely is that the inhibitor- carrier interaction is nonreversible or slowly reversible and that M-M kinetics are not applicable. This inhibitor may be in such low concentrations that no effect is seen in acute studies. Apparently the inhibitor was not released even after the renal cortical Slices remained in saline or the Cross and Taggart medium for two hours. In the intact animal, an inhibitor could accumulate and eventually impede the transport system. Such a possibility was suggested by Balagura-Baruch and Stone (1969) in dOgs. These workers reported that a-ketoglutarate inhibited PAH secretion by a noncompetitive or mixed mechanism. The possibility that the acidity of the urine could influence PAH accumulation was also considered. This was 229 based on the fact that when the kidneys were removed from the animals, they contained small amounts of urine, the composition Of which was similar to that examined for acidity. Several workers have reported the susceptibility Of the acid tranSport system to the pH Of the incubation medium (Bowman, 1970; Forster and Copenhaver, 1956). A group of lO-week Old animals fed GR for 7 weeks had 24 hour urinary samples with a pH of 8.18:0.37 (Table 18). Nine of the original group after switching to HF for one day had urine samples for the 24 hour collection with a pH Of 6.64:0.54 (Table 18). Recognizing that diets of different composition may produce acid, neutral or alkaline ash, and that urinary pH is not as valid a measure Of H+ secretion as are others (i.e., titratable acidity), the contribution Of urinary pH to the depression Of PAH accumulation in kidneys from HF animals was doubtful. Also, despite these differences in urine pH Of the animals fed the different rations, it is doubtful whether these are responsible for the Observed changes in the S/M when the rations were switched. Furthermore, if tubular urinary pH is important, perhaps the pH of the incubation media is different after incubating HF slices compared to GR. The pH Of the medium immediately after 90 minutes incubation was measured and found to be significantly different (Table 19). However, the physiOlOgical significance Of this difference in pH is 230 questionable. Copenhaver and Davis (1965) reported the accumulation of PAH by rat renal slices was not different between pH 7.3 and 7.4. Differences in accumulation of PAH by renal cortical slices from HF and GR rats was not reflected in changes in oxygen consumption (Table 20). This is in agreement with a number Of reports (Taggart at al., 1953; Burg and Orloff, 1962a; COpenhaver and Davis, 1965; Bourke et al., 1967; Chung at al., 1970). These results are in contrast to those reported by Huang and McIntosh (1955). The fat and moisture percentage compositional changes were not significantly different in the two groups (Table 21) . NO apparent morphological differences were Observed in renal cortical sections from HF and GR animals by light microscopy (Figure 29, Figure 30). Although renal cortical slices from GR animals Obtained PAH S/M ratios which were significantly greater than those developed by Slices from HF animals, the slices could not be distin- guished histologically (Figure 29, Figure 30). Similarly, Hirsch et al. (1971) Observed no histological differences between kidneys from penicillin-treated and control rabbits although penicillin treatment resulted in a significant increase in PAH accumulation. There may, however, be pre- cise differences in ultrastructure or enzyme activity which could be determined by electron microscopy or histo- chemically. SPECULATION Intuitively one would consider that the high fat content of the diet Of the obese animals was the factor responsible for the depression Of PAH accumulation by rat renal cortical slices. Before such an assumption is accepted, it should be recognized that the HF and GR rations differ in other reSpectS. The HF ration is composed primarily Of purified ingredients and a hydrogenated vegetable fat, whereas the GR ration contains primarily corn and soybean meal. Discrete subtle differences in the diets and their effects on accumulation of PAH as determined in these experiments must be considered before the dietary component(s) or metabolite(s) contributing to depression of PAH tranSport can be determined. This could be of special significance if in fact the component(s) is irreversibly binding the sites involved in PAH transport. One Of the problems in attempts to isolate the PAH carrier system has been a lack Of a specific inhibitor which irreversibly blocks PAH transport (as dibenamine blocks NMN tranSport). Characterization of the blocker in the HF diet could conceivably provide a compound useful in the isolation of the carrier system. Nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) from the HF diet could also be affecting accumulation of PAH in renal cortical slices in this incubation system. Inhibitors of 231 232 organic acid transport, probenicid (Huang and Lin, 1965) and Chlorothiazide (Beyer and Baer, 1961), also inhibit net renal NEFA utilization (Barac-Nieto and Cohen, 1968). Cohen (1964) reported that a-ketoglutarate, a inhibitor of organic acid transport (Cross and Taggart, 1950) inhibits net renal NEFA uptake. NEFA are bound tO proteins (Goodman, 1958a), to cell membranes, (Goodman, 1958b), and to intracellular particles (Reshef, 1966). Conceivably, NEFA could be an inhibitor in this study. This should be further investigated. The factor(s) in the serum which enhance the accumu- lation Of PAH by renal cortical slices are unknown. The serum contains energy sources, acetate ions, and electro- lytes known to be involved in the transport process or to stimulate it. Also, whether the addition Of serum or metabolites (as ATP) would overcome the depressed PAH accumulation in slices from Older animals or anoxic Slices is not known. SUMMARY The effect Of Obesity and a high fat diet (HF) on the accumulation Of PAH by renal cortical slices was determined using the in vitra slice technique Of Cross and Taggart (1950). The accumulation Of PAH was significantly depressed in animals fed the HF diet used to produce Obesity. Accumulation of PAH decreased with increasing age, body weight and kidney weight independent Of diet. Similarly, kidney weight was Significantly correlated with body weight in HF and GR animals. The rate Of PAH uptake was determined and analyzed kinetically using a Lineweaver-Burk plot. GR anbmals at 12 weeks Of age exhibited a higher Ymax and Km indica- tive Of greater velocity and apparent affinity. In Older GR animals (60 weeks), the V5 and Km were greater than ax that of the younger and older HF animals, but less than that Of the young GR animals. Organic base accumulation was determined in order to demonstrate the specificity Of the effect Of the HF diet and Obesity on organic acid transport. Accumulation Of NMN was not different in GR and HF animals. There was no correlation Of NMN accumulation with body weight. In HF animals NMN accumulation by renal cortical slices decreased with increased age and kidney weight. Age and kidney weight in the GR animals were not related to NMN accumula- tion. 233 234 Exchanging the diets for a few days or a few weeks affected the transport Of PAH, but not NMN transport. Animals fed GR for any period Of time immediately prior tO sacrifice had kidneys which accumulated PAH signifi- cantly more than those fed HF just prior to sacrifice. Addition Of HF or GR serum to the incubation medium enhanced PAH accumulation by kidney cortical slices from GR or HF animals. The differences Observed in PAH transport in the HF animals did not result in differences in oxygen consumption by renal cortical slices. Histo- logically HF kidney slices were not different from GR kidney slices although PAH S/M ratios were significantly different. 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APPENDICES APPENDIX A Grain Ration (Campbell et al., 1966) Component Amount/100 gm. ground corn soybean meal alfalfa meal fish meal dried whey limestone dicalcium phOSphatel iodized sal mineral mix vitamin mix3 penicillin streptomycin arsenilic acid vitamin A vitamin D2 60.70 28.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 1.60 1.75 0.50 .116 .127 0.20 0.80 96.80 801 I.U. 75 I.U. gisaaaaaaiaai lFeed grade CaHPO4- 22-25% Ca. 2H 0, proximate analysis 18.5% P, 2 2 . . . . Percentage compOSltion Of mineral mix: FeSO4 7H , 40.83; 2.45; Coélz-enzo, CaCO 0.90; I 3K1 15.72; ' 0.43. ZnCO3, 3Percentage composition Of vitamin mix: 55.13; calcium pantothenate, 0.43; riboflavin, 0.26; (0.1% mannitol triturition), niacin, 2.60; vitamin B 0.52; a-tocOpherOl acet lie MnSO4°H20, 32.06; 7.62; CuSOq'SHZO, choline chloride, (250 I.U.P. per gm.), 1.53; menadione, 0.17; DL methionine, 244 39.36. APPENDIX B High Fat Ration (Mickelsen et al., 1955; Schemmel et al., 1969a) Component Amount/100 gm. ea shortening (Crisco) 60.00 gm. :1 casein 25.00 gm. ' non-nutritive fiber 2.00 gm. aureomycin 0.01 gm. T liver mix 2.00 gm. . DL methionine 0.25 gm. sucrose 3.54 gm. 1 mineral mix 5.00 gm. 9 vitamin mix 2.20 gm. T 1Percentage composition of mineral mix: CaCO 21.0; Ca (p04 ), 14.9; CuSO 5H 20, 0. 039; FePO 4H ”8 l. 47; MgSO 04, 9. 00; MnSO 8.0 K 2A1 (504) 24H 20, 0. 009; KCl, 12.0; KI, 0. 805; KH ”9 31. §a01,210. 5; NaF, 0. 057. 2 . . . . . . . Percentage compOSltion Of Vitamin mix: Vitamin A concentrate (200,000 U.S.P./gm.), 0.45; vitamin D con- centrate (400,000 U.S.P./gm.), 0.025; a-tOpocerhOl, 0.50; ascorbic acid, 4.50; i-inositol, 0.50; choline chloride, 7.50; menadione, 0.225; para-amino benzoic acid, 0.50; niacin, 0.45; riboflavin, 0.10; pyridoxine HCl, 0.10; calcium pantothenate, 0.30; biotin, 0.002; folic acid, 0.009; vitamin B, 0.0135; sucrose, 84.75. 245 APPENDIX C Modified Grain Ration (Smith, 1969) . 15% II p" Component Amount/100 gm. ground corn 61.6 gm. soybean meal 28.4 gm. alfalfa meal 2.0 gm. fish meal 2.6 gm. dried whey 2.6 gm. limestone l 0.17 gm. dicalcium phOSphate 1.75 gm. iodized salt 0.5 gm. mineral mix2 116 mg. vitamin mix3 127 mg. penicillin 0.2 mg. streptomycin 0.8 mg. arsenilic acid 96.8 mg. Vitamin A 801 I.U. vitamin D2 75 I.U. lFeed grade CaHPO4-2H20, proximate analysis 18.5% P, 22- 25% Ca. 2Percentage composition of mineral mix: MnSO 'H FeSO '7H 0, 40.83; CaCO3, 15.72; ZnC03, 2.45? CoClZ'GH 0, 0.90; KI, 0.43. 2 4 0, 32.06; 7.62; c3504;5H20, 3Percentage composition of vitamin mix: choline chloride, 55.13; calcium pantothenate, 0.43; riboflavin, 0.26; niacin, 2.60; vitamin Bl (0.1% mannitol triturition), 0.52; a-tocOpherol acetafie (250 I.U.P. per gm), 1.53; menadione, 0.17; DL methionine, 39.36. 246 APPENDIX D Modified High Fat Ration (Smith, 1969) Component Amount/100 gm. shortening 56.6 gm. casein 23.6 gm. non-nutritive fiber 2.0 gm. aureomycin 0.01 gm. liver mix 1.89 gm. DL methionine 0.240 gm. sucrose 1 3.34 gm. dicalcium phosphate 2.97 gm. mineral mix 5.0 gm. vitamin mix3 2.2 gm. metaphosphoric acid 0.27 gm. magnesium carbonate 1.96 gm. 1 Feed grade CaHPO4'2H20, proximate analysis 18.5% P, 22 25% Ca. 2Percentage composition of mineral mix: CaCO 21.0; Ca3(PO4), 14.9; CuSO4 5H20, 0.039; FePO4 4H20, 1. 47; MgSO4, 9. 00; MnSO4, 0. 02; K 22141 (30) H-24H20 0. 009; KCl, 12.0; x1, 0. 005; KH2P04, 31. 0; 2NaC1,410.5; NaF, 0.057. 3 . . . . . . . Percentage compOSltion Of Vitamin mix: Vitamin A concen- trate (200,000 U.S.P./gm.), 0.45; vitamin D concentrate (400,000 U.S.P./gm.), 0.025; a-tocoperhol, 0.50; ascorbic acid, 4.50; i-inositol, 0.50; choline chloride, 7.50; menadione, 0.225; para-amino benzoic acid, 0.50; niacin, 0.45; riboflavin, 0.10; pyridoxine HCl, 0.10; calcium pantothenate, 0.30; biotin, 0.002; folic acid, 0.009; vitamin B, 0.0135; sucrose, 84.75. 247 _.___...- t - ‘.I in!!! 1 J APPENDIX E Parameters Evaluated in Histological Sections of Kidneys Ca sule Thickened Irregular Glomerulus Bowman's Capsule Thickened Fibrosis Hyaline Crescent Necrosis Irregular Glomerular Tuft Broken Thickened Atrophic Adhesions Fibrosis Degeneration Bowman's Space Fibrosis Blood Protein Enlarged Proximal Tubule Epithelium Hyperplasia Degeneration Necrosis Cystic with Filtrate Swelling Cellular Casts Fibrosis Basement Membrane Thickened Henle's Logp_ Cells and Protein Casts Hyaline Casts Hemoglobin Casts Corticomedullary Junction Cystic Tubules with Filtrate Protein Debris in Tubules Tubular Necrosis CollectingTubules _—Casts Epithelium Degeneration Hemoglobin and Protein in Lumen Renal Papillae Protein in Tubules Necrosis Hemorrhage Renal Pelvis Hemorrhage Miscellaneous CaléificatIOn Nephritis Hemorrhage, Focal Fibrosis Infarction ’.‘.'| .r ~03 z NeutrOphils Lymphocytes 248