FOREST SUCCESSION ON‘ THE POORLY-DRAINED SOILS IN THE HIGGINS LAKE AREA OF MICHIGAN Thai: for flu Degree of Ph. D. MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE Tap Ku I954 This is to certify that the thesis entitled ”CREST SUCCESSION 0N POORLY DBAIm SOILS IN HIGGIRS LAKE AREA 01' MICHIGAN" presented by TAO EU has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for __2h.D_._ degree in M ____.—-‘——-— AUG I475: 01 y 03 OVERDUE FINES: 25¢ per day per Item RETURNING LIBRARY MATERIALS: Place In book retum to remove charge from c1rcu1at1on records Ill ‘llfl'll' l'lllll‘i'lvlll, IX '1 FOREST SUCCESSION ON THE POORLX-DRAINED SOILS IN THE HIGGINS LAKE AREA OF MICHIGAN I" ’5 I A 1 BY TAO*KU .- A THESIS Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Forestry 1954 y. . l“ n o s. .11: n‘noa F ..‘e‘ “abfio a: r: R i (11 fl: Tao Ku Candidate for the degree of Doctor of PhilOSOphy Firual examination, Friday, July 30, 1:30 P.M., Forestry Building Dissaertation: Forest Succession on the Poorly-drained Soils in the Higgins Lake Area of Michigan. Outline of Studies: Major subject: Forestry Minor subjects: Soils, Geology B iographic a1 Items : Born, March 26, 1925, Chaochow, Kwangtung, China High School, Nankai Middle School, Chungking, Szechuan, China, 1943 Undergraduate Studies, University of Nanking, Nanking, China, 1943-1948-B.S. degree,Forestry Graduate Studies, Michigan State College, 1949-1950 - M.F. degree, Forestry 1950-1954 - Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan Experience: Member, Chinese Youth Expeditional Army (203D), 1945 Member of Xi Sigma Pi 343484 The anti: itpreciation to I Farestry, uniep ‘ I 1.1 . , 3113‘s; tars i} n. “.8 val‘lab‘£ :clr. Egbert E "”39 Of he . u, IVntlcted. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to exPress his sincere thanks and appreciation to Dr. T. D. Stevens, Head of the Department of Forestry, under whose inspiration, supervision, guidance and orifizicism this investigation was undertaken and completed. The writer is further indebted to Dr. William B. Drew, Dr. lKirk Lawton, and Dr. Stanard G. Bergquist for their kind guidance, helpful suggestions and criticism in the conduct of this work. . Grateful acknowledgment is also due to Dr. C.L. Gilly, for his valuable help in identifying the vegetation specimens; UDIDr. Robert E. Dils, for his criticism in the manuscript; and for the assistance received fromer. H. V. Borgerson, in dharge cf the Higgins Lake State Forest where this study was conducted. The investigator extends his sincere thanks to Mr. Kim K. Ching, who is working on Forest Succession on the Upland Soils in the same area, for his helpful assistance and BuSgestions in the field, and the continuous discussion there- after in conducting this investigation. To my wife, Victoria Ku, who contributed to certain PhaBes of the manuscript, and her continuous encouragement and Support, grateful acknowledgment is given for her patient effOrt. FOREST 5'; IN THE ‘ V“. ~‘ .LI‘ Dyed FOREST SUCCESSION ON THE POORLX—DRAIMED SOILS IN THE HIGGINS LAKE AREA OF MICHIGAN By TAO KU IAN ABSTRACT Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Forestry Year 1954 Approved /{ he leéfiéfi/I ' a testifv the vari iraized soils in ;::table trend of The H13? Ital part of the .. is within the 21:: as defined F Soils 1 TV ~¢3W3ap COTij ‘§« I kaI‘azs 0O “ ‘ ‘ D “H, 1/”; acre. o‘t Ag? , ‘ 5r}; Vere t it v I O_" ‘q ‘Fly 3 \- , Q ‘3 n‘qfi‘,\c ‘4. \ e,‘ (3., “- who ‘ y“e‘2t ‘ ‘ A; ‘ “n‘JI V The objective of this study is to distinguish and identify the various types of vegetation found on the poorly— drained soils in the Higgins Lake area and to determine their probable trend of succession upon the ecological basis. The Higgins Lake area is located in the northern cen— tral part of the lower penisula of Michigan. Ecologically, it is within the Hemlock-White Pine-Northern Hardwoods Forma— tion as defined by Nichols (1935), Braun (1950), among others. Five types of vegetation were recorded on the poorly- drained soils in the area. They were: (l)The Marsh or Open- meadow type, (2)the Swamp Shrubs of Sglig:00rnus-Alnus Associ— ation, (3)the Lowland Aspen of Populus-Salix Association, (4) the Swamp Coniferous forest, and (5)the Swamp Hardwood forest. Quadrats of three sizes were used for the vegetation study, 1.9-, 1/5 acre quadrat for tree vegetation; 1/10 acre quadrat for Shrub vegetation; and l/lOOO or milacre quadrat for vege- tation below six feet tall, the herbaceous layer. Ecological factors were considered in three groups: (1)311matic, (2)Edaphic, and (3)Biotic. Among the climatic factors discussed, evaporation is believed to show the com- tfined effect of the other three, temperature, relative humi- dity, and precipitation. Data of evaporation rates in three 2m , o‘U A :‘Iff‘erent veze' ."\W‘ G “ " i...-3.e.5 . :1 ,Ifi. I uni- he iitars h M. . i A: g “a. ‘nu-ca.‘es -. ‘ 51:7 . n 4? .4 "Elna. \ 801:: ‘e \- ‘11! a vi TAO KU ABSTRACT different vegetation types were obtained by using Livingston atmometers. Results show that the evaporation rate decreases fronxthe Marsh to the Swamp Shrubs type and to the Swamp Forest. This indicates that although the forest cover may be the cause of the lower evaporation, the higher evaporation rate in the Marsh may still be an important factor in retarding the estab- lishment of forest cover on that area. Soils Of all the quadrats were investigated. Samples of seven soils were collected by horizon to determine their Characteristics. Statistical analyses were applied to analyze all the laboratory data. Results show that there were no dif- ferences between the volume weight and the total porosity of the soils. Only the Newton sand had a lower cappilary poro- Bity than the others. Results of field determinations of soil mollture leads to the belief that soil moisture content decre- ases from the Marsh to the Swamp Shrubs and to the Swamp Coni- rePous Forest. The peaty soils had higher organic contents than the mineral soils. Soils of the Marsh type were strongly ‘Old in reaction, followed by the two Rifle peat soils of the Swamp Shrubs and the Swamp Conifers. The Bergland soils of the Swamp Hardwood type were almost neutral in reaction. Biotic factors are not believed to be of great signi- ficance to influence the forest succession on the poorly- whmined soils in the region. Fire which is usually caused by man is probably the most important factor that will induce secondary succes s ion . uflain this a: efsmzession is Slants to Swamp arelativel; lo: :Iiax type of 1 labiland Asm 33%: [porary t to! V1 '4 375-“ 0? otherwi: vii TAO KU ABSTRACT Diagrams of forest succession on the poorly-drained soils in this area is shown in Fig. 12. The principal trend of succession is believed to be that from Marsh to the Swamp Shrubs to Swamp Conifers to Swamp Hardwoods and finally after a relatively long period of time to the upland, mesOphytic, climax type of the Hemlock-White Pine-Northern Hardwoods. The Lowland Aspen type is most commonly thought to be the fire or temporary type after the original forest has been burned over or otherwise denuded. The Swamp Hardwoods, the Swamp Conifers of Thgjgrépigg-giggg, and the Marsh type are all believed to be the physiographic subclimax type to the area. TABLE OF CONTENTS LISTFOF'TABLES ........................................ LIST OF FIGURES ....................................... LISTIOF PLATES ........................................ INTRODUCTION .......................................... REVIEW OF LITERATURE .................................. A.ECOLOGICAL CONCEPTS ................................ B.CLIMAX FOREST OF THE NORTHERN LOWER MICHIGAN ....... C.PERTINENT LITERATURE TO THE STUDY OF VEGETATION ON POORLY'DRAINED SOILS eeeeeooeeeoeoeocoo-0000000...o DESCRIPTION OF THE REGION eeeoeeeooooooooooeoooeoeoooeo A0HISTORY AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION 00000000000000.0000. B’sLIMATE oeeSeeoo0000.00.00.00.coco-09000000000000... C .GEOLOGY OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCO00...... D ‘SOIL 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.0000 TYPE VEGETATION ANALYSIS ................................... A.FIELD PROCEDURE .................................... B-OFFICE PROCEDURE ................................... C-VEGETATION INVENTORY ............................... 1.8WAMP HARDWOODS OF BLACK ASH-AMERICAN ELM-RED MPI—E ASSOCIATION 00.0.90...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCO. 2.3WAMP CONIFERS OF BLACK SPRUCE-BALSAM FIR-NORTHERN WHITE CEDAR ASSOCIATION 00.0.00... BOLOWLAND ASPEN OF POPULUS’SALIX.ASSOCIATION 0000000 4.3WAMP SHRUBS OF SALIX-CORNUS-ALNUS ASSOCIATION ... SQMARSH Page xiii XV ID 10 15 24 24 30 34 2+3 47 2+7 51 56 68 80 88 A'fH'fl I ? imam. R99“ . HIT .V“.‘Ad ‘ ”1 'v... ‘ > Q 0. u'u u 2 :wv F p. I hth. 1x Page ECOLOGICAL FACTORS 99 IL.CLIMATIC FACTORS .................................. 99 _1.TEMPERATURE ..................................... 1OO 2.RELATIVE HUMIDITY ............................... 103 3.PRECIPITATION ................................... 104 4.EVAPORATION ..................................... 106 B.EDAPRIC FACTORS ................................... 113 1.SOIL PROFILE DESCRIPTION ........................ 114 2.SOIL VOLUME'WEIGHT .............................. 118 3.SOIL POROSITY ................................... 121 4.SOIL.MOISTURE ................................... 127 5.SOIL TEMPERATURE ................................ 132 6.SOIL ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT ..................... 133 7.SOIL REACTION ................................... 138 O.SIOTIC FACTORS .................................... 143 1.1NSECTS AND DISEASES ............................ 143 2.ANIMAIS.......................................... 146 3.MEN ............................................. 147 FOREST SUCCESSION .................................... 149 sIINICULTURAL CONSIDERATIONS ......................... 162 SUMMARY 165 APP‘j-‘TI-N’DIX 169 BIBLIOGRAPHY o00.00000000000000000000000.000.000.000... 179 PIATE 0......0.000.....00.00....COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... 190 . . O - p v Nut 0'“ \1‘ \11 M "i Q Weather I Sumzarize Stands 1 Sumzary 1 0f the : centaqe '1'! 9.88899 Summary by 3129' Snmnary 0f the SUEIapy 0f the tags of 3138895 Sumzary by SIZe sumlarv by 591; Sullary Of the Plants J NqueP SUmlar @1an S Secorie °tems Suziary ‘ Pf the ; dePe Hal or 516:; Table 10 ll 12 LIST OF TABLES Weather Data of the Higgins Lake Area ........... Summarized Data of Four l/5 Acre Swamp Hardwood Stands by Size Classes ......................... Summary Data of the Vegetation in Milacre Quadrats of the Swamp Hardwood Stands as Recorded in Per- centage of Coverage or Number of Stems by Height Classes Summary Data of Four 1/5 Acre Swamp Conifers Stands by 8126 Classes O... Summary Data of l/lO Acre Quadrats by Height Classes of the Swamp Conifers Stands ................... Summary Data of the Vegetation in Milacre Quadrats of the Swamp Conifer Stands as Recorded in Percen— tage of Coverage or Number of Stems by Height Classes 00...... Summary Data of Two 1/5 Acre Lowland ASpen Satnds by 3126 Classes .OCCOCCOOOOCOOCCCOOCOOOCOQOOCOOO Summary Data of TIO l/lO Acre Lowland Aspen Stands by Height Classes 000000000000000000000000.0000. Summary Data of the Vegetation in Milacre Quadrats of the Lowland Aspen Stands by Height Classes. Plants Vere Recorded in Percentage of Coverage or Number Of Stems 0000000000.0.0000000000000000... Summary Data of the Four Milacre Quadrats in the Swamp Shrubs Stand by Height Classes. Plants Were Recorded in Percentage of Coverage or Number of Stems 0.00....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOOOO Summary Data of the Vegetation in Milacre Quadrats of the Three Marsh Stands by Height Classes. Plants Were Recorded in Percentage of Coverage or Number Of Stems 000000000000.0000000000000000...00.0000 Weekly Averages of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Accumulated Precipitation During the Period from July 20 to October 4, 1952. Compiled from Data Obtained at Weather Bureau Stations near the Higgins Lake Area 000.000.0000.. Page 32 63 64 75 76 77 83 . 83 89 96 101 ......... ...... ..... ...... mayorati of Three Period f Analysis from Th: July 2C Volume 'a': Soils Result 0 Volume PEPCenta Horizon ‘n31YSis and T01 Pore 3?. 80115‘] Distri 3011 KO f9 Pen+ “uly 2 u w‘-__ Table 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 xi Page Evaporation Rate as Recorded by Week at Stations of Three Different Vegetation Layers During the Period from July 20 to October 4, 1952.......... 106 Analysis of Variance of the Evaporation Data Obtained from Three Different Stands During the Period from July 20 to October 4, 1952 ..................... 108 Volume Height of Each of the Three Horizons of Six 80118 .0...0..00...0.....00.0.. 120 Result of the Statistical Analysis of the Soil Volume Weight Data 120 Percentages of Soil Porosity of Each of the Three Horizons Of 51X 80118 00.000000000000000000.0000 122 Analysis of Variances for Non-Capillary, Capillary and Total Porosity of Six Soils ................ 123 Pore Space Distribution in Percentages of the Six 80118 by Horizon 0.000....0.0.....0...000..00... 125 Analysis of Variance from Data of the Pore Space Distribution of the Six Soils by Horizon ....... 126 Soil Moisture Data of Rifle Peat Soils in Two Dif- ferent Stand Types, Obtained During the Period from July 20130 OCtOberz", 1952 .000000.. 128 Analysis of Variance of the Moisture Contents of the Two Rifle Peat 50118 0....00.0....0...0..000 130 Soil Temperatures of the Two Rifle Peat Soils Which Were Measured Once Every Week During the Period from Ju1y 20 to OCtOber 4, 1952 0000000000000... 132 Organic Matter in Percent of Seven Soils by Horizon as Determined from Dry Combustion Method ....... 135 Analysis of Variance from the Data of Organic Con- tent of Seven Soils by Horizon ................. 136 Soil Reaction (pH Values) of the Seven Soils by Horizon .C....................0.000.....0000..00 139 Analysis of Variance for the Soil Reaction Data of Five Soils by Horiaon .......................... 140 Composite Summation of Edaphic Characteristics of seven 80118 by Horizon .0.00.0........0...0....0 142 ‘‘‘‘‘‘ xii Table Page 29 Data of Relative Frequency, Relative Density, and Relative Basal Area of the Dominant Compo- nents of the Swamp Hardwoods ................... 157 13m 1 X5? 0? lov Khulna] While F11 Relation 9 3‘18:- or s: Cary N11 Kslkasks 5 3'99 or L: Weather lake Ar Study , )5? of i Surface 5 1"1519 or SSPVln Veek1y Recori leathe t0 03f "eek1y from. weekly Reaic f3? ‘ weekly Eels: Ferl< 8011 1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Map of Lower Michigan Showing the Location of the Higgins Lake Area in Relationship to the Hemlock- White Pine-Northern Hardwoods region and also Its Relation to Some of the Tree Ranges and Soils .. 25 22 Map of Higgins Lake State Forest Showing Its Boun- dary Within the Four Adjoining Counties:Missaukee, Kalkaska, Crawford and Roscommon................ 26 :5 Map of Lower Michigan Showing the Location of U. S. Weather Bureau Stations in and near the Higgins Lake Area Whose Weather Data Are Used in This StUdy 000000000ooooeoooeoooeeoooeoooooeoeooooooo 33 ‘1 ‘Map of the Higgins Lake State Forest Showing It8 surface GeOIOgy 0.00.00.............000.......0. 36 5 Map of Lower Michigan Showing Drainage Basins serVIHS the Higgins Lake Area cocoon-0000000000. 37 5 weekly Data of Maximum and Minimum Temperatures as Recorded at the Higgins Lake and Houghton Lake Weather Stations During the Period from July 20 to OCtObeP 4, 1952 00000000000000.00000000000000 102 7 Weekly Accumulated Precipitation During the Period from July 20 to October 4, 1952 ................ 105 8 Weekly Evaporation in Cubic Centimeters in Open- Meadow, Swamp Shrubs, and Swamp Conifers Stands for the Period from July 20 to October 4, 1952 . 107 9 ‘Weekly Evaporation (Average of Three Stands) in Relation to Temperature and Precipitation for the Period from July 20 to October 4, 1952 ......... 112 10 £3011 Moisture Curves for the Two Rifle Peat Soils 129 11 Weekly Data of Soil Moisture Content in Percent of the Two Rifle Peat Soils by Horizon ......... 131 12 ?Diagram Showing Successional Relationships exhibi- ted Between the Associations of Poorly-Drained Soils in the Higgins Lake Area ................. 150 "wise it’vl D Phytogre Conifer M Phytogrs Herivo< xiv Figure Page 13 Phytographs of the Important Species of the Swamp Coniferous Forest Type ........................ 156 11+ Phytographs of the Important Species of the Swamp Hardwoods Type ................................ 159 """"" llllllllllllll 1R9 Iv \VJ-l (1‘ 11'.) Set Up of Inflores: the Uppe: xinstely Set Up 3h”ubs 5- Above tn! nance of by T'ein « “round . in the E 5P9 Grow Pance 1 S A Shin».., K 1): e“ -_’1 es \(3 C 8' l5” GPOURd 3011 Prof n LIST OF PLATES Plate 1 Set Up of the Livingston Atmometer in A Marsh Stand. Inflorescences of Sgirpus cyperigus Can Be Seen on the Upper Part of the Photograph. Bulb Was Appro- ximately 18 Inches Above the Ground ............ 2 Set Up of the Livingston Atmometer in A Swamp Shrubs Stand. Bulb Was Approximately 18 Inches Above the Ground ...0......0.0.0..0.0.0...0....0 3 A Sgirpus-Typha Stand of the Marsh T pe. The Domi- nance of Cat-tails (Iypha 1§tifolia Is Indicated by Their Numerous Flowering Stems in the Fore- Ground. An ASpen (Pogulug tremuloides) Stand Is Page 109 110 in the Back Ground. In Betfieen, Willows (Salix sp.) Are Grown in Low Bushes to Give A Patchy Appea- rance 0....0....0....0.0.........0...0..00..0.0. 4 A Salix-Calamagrostig Stand of the Marsh Type. An Aspen (Popglus tremuloides) Stand Is In the Back Ground 00000000000000000.000000000000000...000700 5 Soil Profile of the Newton Loamy Sand In A Salix- Cglamagrostis Stand of the Marsh Type During the Dry Season in October. The Water-table Was Down to A Depth of Approximately 2 Feet. The Organic Peat Layer Reached Down to About 1% Feet........ 5 A Typical View of the Swamp Coniferous Forest ... 7 External Appearance of the Elm—Soft Maple Stand of the Swamp Hardwoods Type .................... 8 Ground Vegetation of the Elm-Soft Maple Stand of the Swamp Hardwoods Type Showing Seedlings of Maple, Elm, and Ash. Carex intumescens Can Be Seen In the Fore-Ground With the Inflorescences Shown In the Center Of the Picture.............. 9 Soil Profile of the Bergland Loam In the Ash-Red Maple-Elm Stand of the Swamp Hardwoods Type. Water-Table Was At Approximately 10 Inches ..... 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 I: A}; “_ w- “er"“y- boae 1 1 "e‘ ‘ ‘ 32.193 801‘s 1 ‘I'.-\n‘ ‘ NAM trend '51“ 0. .‘A..S S ,v ‘ .1 AA 3%?“ 80118 i: “me?! for ad ~4 A a, II, _‘ .V‘ea US not e: F: ‘ 'fi.3 7.33 A. §§ “0'” a :: Herero +4., 3"‘5 h‘ is esdiv .§;1 . v.1. It 18 1 .531 and 8‘ +e U u - Lfike INT RODUC‘T I ON The objective of this study is to distinguish and identifygthe various types of vegetation found on the poorly— drained soils in the Higgins Lake area and to determine their PPObable trend of succession upon the ecological basis. This study was begun in 1952. At that time, this study "as intended to be entitled: "Forest succession on the poorly- drained soils in the Higgins Lake State Forest, Michigan." However, for administrative reasons, the H ggins Lake State Forest is not existing at the present time. It has been divided into two parts which belong to two separate State Forests: The AuSable State Forest and the Houghton Lake State Forest. The area formerly of the Higgins Lake State Forest in Roscommon C°unty and Missaukee County is now a part of the Houghton Lake State Forest, whereas the area in Crawford and Kalkaska Coun- ties is now a part of the AuSable State Forest. Therefore "the Higgins Lake area" as appeared in the ti'C-le is equivalent to that of the former Higgins Lake Forest P981cm. It is for the same reason that some of the maps pro- du°ed and statements made remain to be referring to the Higgins Lake State Forest area. ideological C Before “'3! 0f veget iii :‘elimitati Warmly {fetter records ‘.' REVIEW OF LITERATURE A.Ecological Concepts Before the establishment of Ecology as a science,the study of vegetation was unchanging. It was a mere description and delimitation of plant communities as absolutely static. Warming (1909) made a great advance by gathering to- gether records of vegetative change or succession. He stated that "In early times plant societies were looked upon as stable groups which were in a state of quiescence, complete in their development, and peacefully living side by side. In reality no such relations exist in the plant world. Everywhere and continuously there is going on a struggle between plant societies; each individual society constantly strives to invade the field of others, and each small change in the living conditions immediately produces shiftings and changes in the mutual relations of these group. This dynamic view leads to the aarly works of Cowles (1899,1901, 1911), who conceived the modern concept of suc- c‘Pvlaion. He stated that "At the close of the vegetative cycle there is the final vegetative aSpect varies with the climate, and hence is called a climatic formation. -e- The ultimate ~stage of a region is mesbphytic. The various plant societies pass in a series of successive types from the original conditions to the mesophytic forest.’ q Beginni Sleients includ :epts of once 3 isirgle climax other permanent Tiltion to 011 carted aub- or itiah between I 5913! those on “flied soils . Nichols 3 Beginning at about the same time, the publications of Clements included much that served to shape our present con- cepts of succession. His "monoclimax" theory is that "only a single climax exists in a given climatic region, although other permanent communities determined by other factors in addition to climate may occur there also; these would be termed sub- or proclimaxes." He also attempted to distin- Q‘Jish between primary and secondary succession, the former being those on newly formed soils, and the latter these on denuded soils. Nichols (1923) has defined plant association as "a SPOup or community of plants which occupy a common habitat, “1d are essentially similar throughout its extent in physio- Bnomy, ecological structure, and floristic composition." this concept of "association" is used in this the - anthor applying to the various associations encountered. Nichols recognized the plant association as the fundamental unit, of vegetation whereas it parallels to the'Climax“ or ”7°Pmation“ by Clements. NichOls described succession simply ‘5 “the replacement of one plant association by another: and pI‘QGelded to classify successions into progressive and retro- 8x‘eesives in regard to "Trend”; whereas there is no such a t‘hing as retrogressive succession in Clement' concept. In‘ relation to “Climax", Nichols' idea was that the nature of cliliiax in any area is controlled by geographic conditions, 9 both the 1 magnized by l ' "a. 156 British :. 5329169 (1935) At the "histwas heli h3‘48?» 29 to 9. the teachings ”u “me “Ion t 999% . 33.1021. 51 Emellier Sc 10" v 't HO on 9395 the “91‘; 3s» ‘ ‘ai’ep 0P 32:12:.“Qr (1r‘ , -- ‘Of‘lall. L «e 1 a“ n ‘{t We? to. 4 thus both the climatic climax and physiographic climax were recognized by him. This is essentially the same as that of the British "Polyclimax' position under the leadership of Tansley (1935). At the donference of Plant and Animal Communities, which was held at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York, August 29 to September 2, 1938, Conard (1939) brought together the teachings of various schools which have had special in— fluence upon the description and classification of'nature Vegetation. Six schools were considered by him: (l)The Zflrich- Montpellier School :IKerner (1863) sketched with permanent Precision the major lineaments of central Eiropean vegetation. The conspicuous feature was the stability of the magnificent Plant mosaic of central Europe and Alps when left undisturbed, and the concept of association was developed. It was defined by its floristic composition as a unit actually found in nature, and upon which all phytosociological study centered. (2)1113 Scandinavian School: Influenced by its geographical 1°°Iltion where the vegetation is that of the marginal lands, Ttwfi oft repeated emphases were developed: (a)The soil is the product of vegetation, and is independent of the nature °f the substratum; (b)the foundamental unit of vegetation is the layer or synusia“ (Conard, 1939). (3)1’he Danish School: R‘unkiaer (1934) divided the species of the world into ”life- r“fins". The percentage of species in each.,.;;roup drawn from “‘11 over the earth gave the "normal spectrum" for the earth 99 a whole. T2 cal treatment 1 i193?) quoted : phytosociologi: zegetation ni the first to r. :9th 5 due Sur‘r ‘330c1at s Bear“ 1,, is 5 as a whole. Thus, the statistical method of phytosociologi- cal treatment was developed. (4)The Russian School: Conard (1939) quoted as Sukatchew (l93#) summarized that "Russian phytosociologists were primarily interested in the Steppe vegetation and its relation to forest“. The Russians were the first to recognize the relation of soils to vegetation and climate (Glinka, 1914). (5)The Chicago School: The con- cept of succession dominated the Chicago School under the leadership of Cowles (1899, 1901). Its prime object of the study of vegetation was an explanation of the causes and Processes of vegetational change. (6)The Nebraska School: The concept of succession was deve10ped under the inspira- tion of Clements, with its extensive terminology. During the Conference, Gleason (1939) defended the Individualistic Concept of the Plant Association. He stated that the fundamental question basic to all ecological work is, "what is a plant association?" In answering to this A question hepresented his theory: ”The vegetation unit is a temporary and fluc- tuating phenomenon, dependent, in its origin, its structure, and its disappearance, on the selective action ofthe environment, and on the nature of‘ the surrounding vegetation. Under this view, the association has no similarity to an organism and is scarcely comparable to a species." In defense this theory, the so called Individualistic Concept, Gleason presented a series of theses, the main paints were: (1)? were in excess 93:9 nethod of '2 char station is taticnal unit :39 theappearance 0 existing associa 531213 to clarif. n . F1?3b,3.‘ detached pie community, ‘. dimensions 1 119 its a: theless 9. v; Surveyed, :3} area it cal: uniformity : poiths were: (1)Every species of plant has reproductive Powers in excess of its need; (2)every species of plant has seine method of migration; (3)the environment in any parti- cular station is variable; and (4)the development of. a vege- tational unit depends upon one or the other of two conditions, the appearance of new ground, or the disappearance of the existing association. Two general statements were introduced by him to clarify these theses: "First,an association, or better one of those detached pieces of vegetation which we may call a community, is a visible phenomenon. As such it has dimensions and area, and consequently boundary, Ihile its area may be large, the community is never- theless a very tangible thing, which may be mapped, surveyed, photographed, and analyzed. Over this area it maintains a remarkable degree of structural uniformity in its plant life. Homogenity of struc- ture, over a considerable extent, terminated by definite limits, are the three fundamental features on which the community is based. Without these three features, Grisebach would never have published his statement a century ago; without them, all of our studies of synecology would never have been developed. Also besides its extent in space, every community has a duration in time. Uniformity, area, boundary, and duration are the essentials of a plant community. Second, every community occupies a position in two series of environmental variation. In the space series, as the community exists here, in this spot, it is part of a space-variation, and its environment differs from the adjacent communities. In the time series, as.the community exists pg! , at this time, it is part of a time-variation and in its environment differs from the communities which proceeded it or follow it.“ ~ The climax and its complexities have been ably dis- cussed and summarized by Cain (1939). In his paper, he made the following 8‘ 'hlmlimax' t‘n. "Since Rietz, Ric Scharfette on the rec be atresse Climaxes 1 Clement hF‘POthesis different rfixiizttions chl‘onologi disposed c DOBtCIimay pm381Ve I climatic c different °" t0 dirt Phillips. ( “”1. 9st things w} the following statements concerning the "Monoclimax" and "Polyclimax" theories : "Since support of the polyclimax hypothesis (Du Rietz, Nichols Tansley, Game, Gleason, Nordhagen, Scharfetter, xen, Domin, Conard) rests largely on the recognition of "edaphic climaxes", it should be stressed that Clements too recognizes edaphic climaxes in the concept of 'seration’.fl Clements has met exponents of the.polyclimax hypothesis in the following ways: (l)chorologically different stable communities are considered to be faciations and lociations of an association; (2) chronologically different stable communities are disposed of as subclimax, proclimax, preclimax, postclimax, held in stability by a continuing re- pressive factor; (3)stable communities not of the climatic climax but due to biotic factors are dis- climax, in part; (4)topographically different stable communities, different because of continuing edaphic factors are called serations; (5)variations due to different soil types within a geological formation, or to different geological formations, are recognized (Phillips, 1934), apparently under the name of locia- tion. The polyclimax view includes many different things, while Clements uses a different term for a different thing." In his concluding statement, Cain pointed out the difficulties in description and classification of vegetation ‘8 a result from lack of a standard terminology with the following statements: ' ----- Clements' disposition of the variations w1thin the climax (or climax region) through the concepts of faciation and lociation, through sub- climax, preclimax and serclimax, through aeration, ItDd through preclimax and postclimax presents a- 8°ientifically and phylosophically sound system. A.doscription and classification of all the stable climax) communities of a region might necessitate d°¢ling with all the above concepts. A very large munberef investigators have chosen not to follow 1’" H O ('0 fl\;‘) [-9- O a: Clements' in this but to treat all such cover types as 'associations‘ The plant sociologists go even farther and include successional communi- ties (associes) under the term. This may have some Justification if the seral nature of the communities is not proven. The result, however, is to include many different things under the ‘ term, whereas Clements has a different term for a different thing.“ ‘ Curtis and McIntosh (1951) have prOposed the Concept of"Vegetation Continuum for the upland forest of southwest ‘Wiaconsin. In their paper: "The relative ecological importance of each tree species in each stand was eXpressed by a summation index of the relative frequency, rela- tive density, and relative dominance herein called the importance value. Climax adaptation numbers were used to weigh the importance value of each species in a stand. The summation of these weighted numbers resulted in an index which served to locate the stand along a gradient. ----- the entire series of communities formed a Continuum in which a defi- nite gradient was exhibited from initial stages composed of pioneer species to terminal stages composed of climax species.” Q . .Braun (1935. 1950) has developed an interpretation “ fill-Bax vegetation, the 'association-segregate' . It is a climax'unit, which refers to space-time segregates of the ‘flncient mixed forest evolved by conditions of the environ- “Wnt. and it includes consociation, faciation, and locia- tion, regardless of the number of dominants in a stand. 1‘ h0P.Dociduous Forests of Eastern North America, Braun has devoted a chapter to Forest Ecology and Terminology because of the la forest ecology . Dansereau tescription and r basis. He sugges tie: in floristic 51:91 classifioat Wear shape , (5 because of the lack of uniformity in the terminology of forest ecology. Dansereau (1951) has proposed a new system for the description and recording of vegetation upon a structural basis. He suggested six criteria for the stddy of vegeta- tion in floristic mapping, life—form statistics, and ecolo- gical classifications: (l)life-form, (2)size, (3)function, (4)1eaf shape, (5)1eaf texture, and (6)coverage. ilhoax forest ( There ar- heatate of £13? sc‘itzem lower it Firiuoodi Forest :ezinsula and th The 501“. 41561113 reoogni: at 19 also 002120! ‘ shame '9 °r this than . The fores 23:9 4‘ «0pm a Part a 93.“: ’52:: rOI‘mgtion b h lO 3.31imax forest of the northern lower Michigan I There are two types of climax forest vegetation in ‘Une state of Michigan: the Deciduous rorest rormation in the scuxthern lower renisuia, and the Hemlock-White Pine-Northern Hardwoods Forest Formation in the northern part of the lower peninsula». and 1~ throughout the upper. peninsula . The boundary between these two formations is general- ly"being recognized as near the latitude 43 degrees North. It is also commonly described as a line running from Saginaw to NMskegon. This boundary is not sharply defined and is re- presented by an "ecotone" or a zone of tension. Baal and Wheeler (1892), livingston (1903, 1905), Quick (1923), Gleason (1924), Veatch (1952), Darlington (1945), Potder (1946, 1948), Braun (1950), and others have pointed out the Prosonce of this tension zone between the two forest formae tions. The forest vegetationwhuoh lies north’tension zone forms a part.oftthe‘mixedfconifcntnonthern hardwood forest formation. A number of descriptive names have been given to thi' formation by many ecologists and botanists. The region t° b0 studied in this paper lies within the "northern hard- w°°d” r°egionolerothingham(1915), the northeastern "tran- lition forest“ region of Nichols (1918), and the "Great lake" . . 0 v 33m poofioaonoo 83183.80 5323: use .3» new M5102» uuoaom madam o .23 .92 assesses .32 Joanne...“ .835 an .5 of 2: no as. .e a: 36 1.3] 4.~‘\‘\‘\\‘\ \\ w$§§§ \ < moxx \Ae' a \ l .0593: \\\\\\§ \ sou—1H U 25.8 2:. W 3.25 \YX! ...... I mammal... . . 33m 83 can; g mxsm 37 Might /.__-__-__..____,__- m MUSKEGON AUSABLE Fig. 5 Map of Lower Michigan showing drainage basins serving the Higgins Lake area. 38 are two large lakes and a few smaller ones in the Higgins Lake area. Houghton the largest inland lake in the State of Michigan. It has an area of approximate thirty-one square miles and is more than eight miles long and over four miles wide. It is a shallow lake which does not exceed 25 feet in depth, and has heavy growth of vegetation. In con- trast, Higgins Lake, which has an area of about 15 square : miles is deep and is fed by springs. It also isslocated on a higher elevation, 1,160 feet above the sea level, as compared to 1,125 feet of Houghton Lake. The general elevation of the region ranges from 1,000 to 1,400 feet above the sea level or about 400 to 800 feet above the level of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. Elevations of the level plains vary from 1,000 to 1,200 feet, while the hilly lands usually reach an elevation of 1,150 to 1,300 feet and may reach as much as 1,400 feet at places. v .4 .. ' ' q o a" '\ ’l- 1 a. D.Soil The soils of Michigan are developed from the materials deposited by repeated glaciers which covered the state at the close of the Tertiary. This glacial drift, which covers so deeply much of the rock surface of the lower peninsula has an average thickness of about 300 to 600 feet (Leverett, 1915). The soil conditions are chiefly determined by the sur- face geology and the topography. The original character of the soil, whether rock, sand, clay or marl, depends upon the geological relations. From the vegetation standpoint the to- pographic relations are much more important, since they con- dition the presence or absence of drainage and cause variations in aeration and humus contents. The soils in the Higgins Lake region can be classified into two major divisions: Those deve10ped under conditions of good drainage and medium moisture and those developed under poor drainage or excessive moisture. In this paper only that of the latter are to be discussed. Poorly-drained areas or the swamp land makes up a considerably large portion of the land area in the northern counties of lower Michigan. The soils develOped under condi- tions of poor drainage in the area of this study are grouped into three series. They are the Newton soils, the Bergland soils, and the organic soils. General descriptions of these soils are as follows: 40 l.Newton soils These soils occur on poorly-drained sand plains, on the flat wet borders of shallow lakes and swamps.They consist of a dark layer of loamy sand or sandy loam soil underlain by gray or dingy-white wet sand. The dark color, due to organic matter accumulated under wet conditions extends to a depth ranging from 3 to 15 inches. Most of these soils are medium or strongly acid in reaction. The original tree growth consists mainly of white pine (2iggg,ltrobus) with more or less northern white cedar (Iggjg gccidentalis), black spruce (Picea mariana), and balsam fir (Agigg‘balsamea) (Soil Survey of Roscommon County, Michi- gan, 1924). At the present time, most of the land is covered with a dense growth of alder, willow, and aspen. 2.Bergland soils These are the heavier mineral soils which have devo- leped under conditions of poor drainage. They occur only in small areas as swamp lands in swales and on the borders: of peat and muck swamps. These soils are nearly neutral in re- action. The surface soil is dark gray or nearly black loam or clay loam with high content of organic matter. It is under lain by a gray or drab plastic clayey layer, mottled with yellowish or rust-colored spots showing the typical charac- teristics common to clay soils existing under permanent wet conditions. 1 ¢ ‘ e . . r v - v . g l . ‘ . . , v ‘ . I . I I . ' . " ‘ . s i . ‘ ‘ u . ,o . 9 _ e s ‘ vs ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . v ‘ ' ' ‘I . ' ' e . l 1 v a ‘A . . _ _, '- my .a .- " .... o , V \ O ' , - - o. .f . . - e ' \ _ . ' s g r . . . , ‘ e ' 1 , ,_ v s e e a“- ‘n a A s 41 The native vegetation consists mainly of elm and ash, with smaller amount of red maple (Acer rubggg), basswood (Tilig amegicana), spruce, balsam fir, northern white cedar, hemlock (Egggg canadensis), and white pine. 3.0rganic soils The organic soils are composed dominantly of plant remains, and constitute a distinct class in comparison with soils which are composed principally of mineral or inorganic matter. In this region, the organic soils occur in swamps, bogs, and marshes. The deposits have accumulated in permanent wet situations such as in irregular shaped flat areas where the under drainage is obstructed, in stream valleys, and in certain types of lakes, some of which have been completely filled by vegetation. The organic deposits range from one foot to as much as 40 feet. Based upon the vegetational ori- gin of the organic deposits, and the degree of its decomposi- tion, the organicsoils in this region are further grouped into the following types: a.Riflo peat Rifle peat is brown or dark brown, coarse, woody or loamy muck or peat very rich in organic matter, which is underlain at a depth ranging from six to 20 inches by fibrous or coarser textured plant material with very little decomposi- tion. The average depth of the water-table is about 10 to 20 inches. This organic soil is acid or nearly neutral in reaction. It occupies the largest aggregate acreage of the amp land in t: The veg; northern white its; Elsi; Whom the swamp Brown up in dens birch, whereas t Erowth of sedges b.6reenwood This is 1‘ mt in which th even at the surf “id in reaction Except, during ve‘ H'uCh of Subs tut“ . T L. 42 swamp land in this region. The vegetation consists of a dense swamp growth of northern white cedar, black spruce, balsam fir, and tamarack (L§§;;,lar1cina), with occasional hemlock and white pine. Where the swamp land has been logged and burned over it has grown up in dense thickets of aspen, alder, willow, and birch, whereas treeless open areas are covered with a heavy growth of sedges and bluejoint (gglamagrostig canadenglg). b.Greenwood peat This is fibrous or coarse-textured, loose, brownish peat in which the plant material is only slightly decomposed, even at the surface. This kind of peat is uniformly strongly acid in reaction. The water—table is at or near the surface, except during very dry periods. Much of the Greenwood peat land has a semi-floating substratum. The Open heath bogs support leatherleaf (Chamae- daphne calygglata), labrador tea (LQQEQ groeglandicum), blue- berry (Vggcinium sp.) and Sphagnum moss (Sphagnum sp.) with occasional growth of tamarack and black spruce (Soil Survey of Roscommon County, Michigan, 1924). Some of the more open land is marsh grown up chiefly to sedges. 43 E.Covor type In the northern counties of Michigan, swamp land makes up a considerable portion of the land area. Most of the timberod swamp lands at the present time are occupied by coniferous swamp species; the rest of the areas are occu— pied by the swamp hardwood species and in some open places, marshes and bogs. The swamp forest growth varies considerably in age and size. Many areas have been closely cut over and are now occupied by dense reproduction. Other areas are well along the second growth stage and a few lightly out or virgin stands still remain. Generally speaking, the swamp stands are nearly all well stocked. This may trace_back to the fact that.the swamps are usually wet, their cover has suffered less from fire than that of the uplands. The poorly-drained or swamp land in the Higgins Lake area can be grouped into the following vegetation types (Land Economic Survey Reports of Roscommon, Crawford, and Kalkaska Counties, Michigan.): l.Swamp Hardwood type The major species of this type are elms, black ash (W gm), red maple, and yellow birch (m M). On the better-drained areas, aspen, white birch (Betulgppgpze rifogg), and alder may enter, while poorer drained sites include so mi tamara lowlands t Q‘dently wh. 8011. The “fining 1 areas of 3‘ types of PE 44 include some balsam fir, black spruce, northern white cedar, and tamarack. The Swamp Hardwood type is usually found on areas of lowlands that possess a very moist mineral soil or more fre- quently where a shallow muck layer overlies a wet sandy sub- soil. The usual location for such site is the swamp margins bordering the highlands. It also occurs commonly on those areas of swamp land that are occupied by better decomposed types of peat and muck of relatively shallow depth on a mine- ral substratum. ‘ The Swamp Hardwood type usually exists as an uneven aged stand and rarely attains the volume produced by the up- land hardwood type. 2.8wamp Conifer type Northern white cedar, black spruce, balsam fir, and tamarack predominate the Swamp Conifer type with the associa- ted species of red maple, yellow birch, elm, black ash, and aspen. g This mixture of species will vary in composition with the site on which the stand is found. 0n better drained sites balsam fir, northern white cedar, red maple, and yellow birch predominate, while black spruce and tamarack become more pro- minant on the poorly drained sites. Between these two extremes are found many variations in composition depending on drainage, depth of the peat, acidity, and soil temperature. 45 The majority of the stands have been cut over, or at least culled over once or several times. Cut-over areas re- produce themselves woll, while the severely burned over areas are occupied by a dense growth of alder and willow which offer much opposition to the coniferous reproduction. 3.Lew1and Aspen type Aspen stand is found to occur on nearly every class of soils and site, from the denuded hardwood and pine uplands down to the swamp lands.‘ On most of the soils it exists as a temporary cover and is quite easily replaced by other species 1h gimo,fllHowever,*repeatedlyv' burned over areas generally restock the aspen type because of its ability to reproduce from sprouts. . Trembling aspen (Pogglus tremuloides) is the major species in the Lowland Aspen type. The most important inva- ders are northern white cedar, balsanlfir and spruce, black ash and American elm (Egggg americana). 4.3wamp Shrubs of §2;;ngornus-§;ggg type This type consists of a mixture of §g;;g, Cornus, and A;ggg.orranyIOne species alone. It occurs frequently on swampy or poorly drained areas which have been subjected to repeated burning, in addition to be a common associate in the Swamp Hardwood and Swamp Conifer types. It is also the principal growth along narrow stream bottoms. ...a poorly-‘ mars of " 1‘. ten 111.”? OH ' I a I‘ H the n llow I a i c 46 5.Marsh and Bog types These are the vegetation types which occur on open poorly-drained land. a.Marsh In this region, there is one considerably large area of marsh, among other places, located just west of the Hough- ton Lako along Highway US-27. These marshes occupy the low flat lands which are wet but have a surface drainage outlet, principally along narrow winding streams. Sedges (Egggg), bluejoint. and other grasses form the principal vegetation. The wettest sites usually contain some cattails (Typllg 2511391194) while the relatively better drained areas have more lgraSs;.i . A patchy growth of .willow (§§;;§ sp.) is often associated with this type. b.Bog This type occurs on the bog areas and has a growth that consists mainly of leatherleaf, with a mixture of Sphagnum moss, labradorrtea, and Iaccinium. These bogs are usually treeless but in case the drainage is somewhat better, an Open stand of black spruce or tamarack may be present. VEGETATION ANALXSIS A.Field procedure l.The field work was conducted during the summer of 1952. A preliminary reconaissance was made to investigate the areal extent, gross aspects of vegetation cover, associated soils, tepography, and other local conditions of the entire region. Typically representative stands were chosen as sample plots based on the vegetation and soil type and the considera- tion that they had the least disturbances either due to na— tural or human causes, such as fire, destructive cutting, etc. _ Five types of vegetation were recognized on the poorly drained soils in the Higgins Lake area: a.The Swamp Hardwoods of Elm—Black Ash-Red Maple Associ- ation. b.The Swamp Conifers sf Black Spruce-Balsam Fir-Northern. White Cedar Association. c.The Lowland Aspen of Populus-§§;;;_Association d.The Swamp Shrubs of Salig-Cornus-élgug.Association. c.The Marsh or Open-Meadow Association. 2.3ampling method Quadrats_were used in sampling the vegetation in order to obtain maximum accuracy. The quadrats were placed in each vegetation type according to the various successional 48 stages. This would probably give a better interpretation for the objective of this study, forest succession. Sample plots were established depending upon the ex- tent and configuration of the stand, and are laid in such a way so as to avoid the border effect. They were being dis- persed and randomly distributed in the entire region. Iow- ever, stands which were located too deep‘in the swamps, too re- mote from the roads, or too widely scattered were avoided so as to reduce much of the travelling time especially during the period of collecting instrumental data. The number of sample plots in each vegetation type were determined by the homogenity of stand composition, the extensiveness of the type refering to the region as a whole, and in some instances, the accessibility of the stands-': Nested quadrats were used in this study. The sizes of different quadrats were: - a. 1/5 acre quadrat for tree species more than six feet tall, and shrub species more than 25 feet tall. b. l/lO acre quadrat for shrub species or any vegetation from 6 to 25 feet tall. c. l/lOOO or milacre quadrat for all vegetation below six feet tall. This classification is a common practice in forestry research work. The principle is to select the right size plot 49 which is small ornugh to work with, and fairly effective in representing the pepulation and to achieve the objective of the study. Individual r. tree species, on 1/5 acre plots, were tallied and recorded according to the size classes desig- nated by Weaver and Clements (1938), with a slight adjust- ment in the size class 2: Size class 2. Medium reproduction ----- tree species more than 6 feet tall or up to 0.9 inches 0.3.3.. Size class 3. Large reproduction ----- 1 inch to 3.5 inches D.B.H.. Size class 4. Small trees ----- 3.6 to 9.5 inches D.B.H.. Size class 5. Large trees ----- 9.6 inches or more D.B.H.. Individual shrub species on 1/lO acre plots were tallied according to Height classes arbitrarily set up by the author based on the natural height growth of the shrubs in the region. Two classes Iere used in this study: Height class 1. Vegetation from 6 to 15 feet tall. Height class 2. .Vegetation over 15 feet and up to 25 ft.. In the milacre plots, all vegetation was recorded by 1 classes arbitrarily designated by height in order to show their stratification as occurring in nature. Three classes were used: Class 1. Plants up to 0.9 feet tall. Class 2. Plants from 1 foot to 3 feet tall. Class 3. Plants over 3 feet and up to 6 feet tall. 5.9 50 Tree and shrub species were recorded by number of stems into their corresponding height class in the milacre plots, with a few exceptions where some of the shrubs were difficult to count and therefore were recorded by"coverage§ Cayerage in this paper is defined as the ocular estimation‘ of the plants which cover the ground surface in vertical projection as expressed in percentage. All herbaceous plants W** 1"" t "— and pteridophytes were tallied by coverage.. 51 B.0ffice procedure ..1.Summerization of field data .a.Concerning tree species as ----- The objectives are to provide data which upon processing will yield the following lndices for the tree components of the stand. 1(1)Frequency--- a measure of dispersion eXpressed as If the percentage of quadrats in which: t .(a)a given species occurs (i.e., frequency per species) Fq of sp. A = No. of uadrats n which s . A occurs 100 Total no. of quadrats examined .(b)a given size class of a given species occurs (i.e., frequency per size class per species) F of sp. A = No.ggugd. in which size class n of A occur x 100 Total no. of quadrats examined i(0)R61&t1ve.froquency--~-~ a relative expression as a percentage of the frequency value for a given species and based on the total of the frequency values for Spec 1‘. s Fr of sp. A = Freguency of species x 100 Sum of frequency values for all sp. .(2)Density—--- a quantitative measures of the number of individuals of a species per unit area. D of .113. a : Igtaino. of.indiv.iduals‘ orsp. A counted xioo Total no. of quadrats examined -(3)Relativegdensity~--- a relative index of plentifulness expressed as the percentage representation of ' 52 (a) each species, based on the total number of indivi- duals counted (i.e., relative density per species) Drs of sp. A = Totgl no. of individuals ofggp. A counted x100 Total no. of individuals of all species (t0 each size class of a species, based on the total number of individuals in that size class (i.e., “.-fi relative density per size class per species) L Dr of sp. A = Totgl no. of size class n stems of s .A x 00 Total no. of size class n stems of all species (4)Basa1 area ----- a quantitative measure of dominance as expressed by summation of the area occupied at breast height by holes of a given species. (5)Relative basal area ----- a relative index of dominance eXpressed as the percentage of basal area occupied by a given species. Br of sp. A = Total B.A. occgpied by individualgfiof sp.A x100 ' Total B.A. occupied by all species (5)1mportance value ----- a summation index indicating overall importance of a given species and calculated by adding the separate values for relative frequency, relative density, and relative basal area for that species. ‘Inportance Value of sp. A 8 Fr + Drs + Br ILConcerning shrub species ----- the following indices are produced from field data: LIJFrequencyj (8) a given species occurs (Fq) (b) a given height class of a given species occurs (F) (9) relative frequency (Fr) (2)Density (D) (3)Relative density (a) of each species (Drs) (b) of each height class of a species (Dr) (4)Abundance (A) ----- the average number of individuals '9 ~ ’I of a species per quadrat considering only quadrats in which the species is presented. A of sp. B 8 Total number of individuals of sp. B counted No. of quadrats in which sp. B occurs But D 3 Total individuals Total quadrats And Fq = Quadrats of occurrence_g5100 Total quadrats Therefore A = lOOD/Fq (SNRelative abundance (Ar) ----- a relative index of abundance expressed in percentage Ar of sp. B 3 Abundance_of sp. B Abundance of all sp. ¢.Concerning herbaceous species ————— All plants below 6 feet tall were grouped into form groups of Tree, Shrub and Vine, Fern and Fern-like plants, and Herb. They are listed by species alphabetically by percentages of coverage accord- ing to the three classes designated. .- 54 2.0911ection, identification and nomenclature of the vegetation Specimens of all plants found in the quadrats were collected and deposited in the Herbarium of Michigan State College. Nomenclature for the trees and part of the shrubs {I ‘ i W. ‘ j- are following the "Check List of Native and NaturalizedrTrees of the United States (Including Alaska)" (U .s .D mums. Agr. Handbook No. 41, 1953). All other planta follow Gray's Manual of Botany (Fernald, 1950). A check list of the plants encountered in this study is supplemented in Appendix, listing 171 species of which there are 20 trees, 51 shrubs, lO pteridOphytes, and 90 herbaceous species. 55 C.Vegetation inventory As mentioned previously, five different vegetation types were found on the poorly-drained soils in this region. vegetation inventory was carried out in 1952, from June to October. An increment borer was used in the field to deter— mine treo age. The largest tree was selected in order to determine the sequence of ecesis of various species in each 1/5 acre quadrat. To each of the 1/5 acre quadrats, four milacre plots were set up to study the ground vegetation. Plants in the milacre quadrats are grouped into four presence classes as following: Abundant ----- Plants present in all four quadrats. Frequent ----- Plants present in three quadrats. Common ——————— Plants present in two quadrats. Rare --------- Plants present in one quadrat. Summarized data of tree species by size classes, and glants of the herbaceous layer by height classes, and, if there is any, the shrub species by height classes are com- piled and summarized for each vegetation type. 0 d .p , 0 .~ \ v I o ‘ . -.n. .} .-efi-v‘ -. ~ .- . --.»... ox - Y t-. 56 1.Swamp Hardwoods of Black Ash-American Elm-Red Maple Association The principal hardwood species to be found in this type were the black and green ash, red and silver maple, American and slippery elm, basswood, and yellow birch. ; Northern white cedar and balsam fir were the associated {I coniferous species. Four stands were selected as sample plots: A a.B1ack Ash-Northern White Cedar-Balsam Fir stand Location ----- Roscommon County, Markey Township, mm, R331, 33 1/4, Section 24. Soil type -§--- Rifle peat. This stand was a mixture of hardwood and coniferous species. Black ash was the predominant species which was associated with northern white cedar and balsam fir. A few green ash, red maple, yellow birch, hemlock, American elm, and black spruce complete the tree speCies found-in the quadrat. Speckled alder (Alggg rugosa) was the only shrub species present. The largest tree was a northern white cedar, 13.5 inches D.B.H., 160 years old.- The remaining species of balsam fir, red maple, green ash, and yellow binch were all about the same age, around 60 years. Black ash and balsam fir were reproducing well, followed by northern white cedar. Reproduction of red maple was abundant, but almost all were one year Old seedlings. 57 Plants of the herbaceous layer were grouped separate- ly into tree, shrub and vine, fern and fern-like plants, and herb groups according to the four presence classes, with the number of tree seedlings also listed: Tammi Abundant --- Acer rubrum (299) Abies balsameg (l8) Frequent --- Fraxinus ni ra (18) leus rubra (3) Common ----- Thuja occidentalis (10) fistula lute; 10 Rare ------- Quercus rubra (l) §hrubs and Vine; Abundant --- Rubug pubescens Common ----- Alnus rugosa ‘ Clematis virginiana , Ilex verticillata Mitchella repgns Rare ------1 Lonicera canadensis Ribes lacustro Rubus ideaus Ferngfiand Fern-like Plants Common ----- Dryopteris spinulosa Dryepteris cristata Onoclea sensibilis Sedgeg, Grasses and Herbs Abundant --- Galina triflorum Carex intumescens Frequent -—- Agrostis hyemalis Aster lategizlorug Cornus canadeggis Galium trifidum Lgcopus americanus Maianthemum canadensis Mitella nudg Common ----- ggalia nudicaulis Gjyceria striata Lisimachia thyrsiflora Viola blends Rare ------- Aster pgniceus Rannuculus sp. chtellaria lateriflora Solidago ulmifolia Thalictrum dagycarpum “so; “ .- w. .. .... - .o _ out .1 nu 58 b.Ash-Red Maple-Elm stand Location ----- Roscommon County, Lake Township, T23N, R4w, NW 1/4, Section 3. Soil type ----- Bergland loam. This was a well stocked stand composed of black and green ash, red maple, American and slippery elm as dominant i species, which associate with northern white cedar, balsam L fir, and a few basswood. A few shrubs were the Amelanchier sp. and Corylus cornuta. The largest tree was an American elm, 20.1 inches D.B.H., 160 years old. Many large red maple were present in the stand. The largest one, 13.5 inches D.B.H., was 70 years old. Black ash ranked next in age being about 45 years old. Reproduction of both black and green ash was abundant. Red maple, northern white cedar, and balsam fir were also doing well. Plants of tho herbaceous layer were: 12221 Abundant --- Agg§_ggpggm (341) Common ----- Frgxinug nigg; (2) Rare ----~~- Apia; balsamea (9) Ulmus thgmasii (22) Betgia‘ifiigngi) _ Sbrubs and Vines Frequent --- Parthenocissus inserts Rare ------- Amelanchier intermedia Corylus cognuta Nemoganthus muoronata Rhus radicans Ribes lacustre Pteridonhytes Common ----- Dgyopteris spinulosa Rare ------- Botrychium dissectum DryOpteris thelypteris Onoclea sensibilis Sedseg. Grasses, and Herb; Abundant --- Lysimachig terrestrig Maianthemum canadensis Viola blanda Frequent --- Carex intumescens Cornus canadensis Fragarig vigginiana Common --—-— Agrostis hyemalis Carex trisperma Coptis groenlandica Galium obtgsum Glyceria pallida Rare ------- Solidago ulmifolia c.Ash-Elm-Basswood stand Location ----- Roscommon County, Lake Township, T23N, RAW, SE 1/4, Section 33. Soil type ----- Bergland loam. Predominant species in this quadrat were the green and black ash, slippery and American elm, and basswood. Few birchos (Betula 1233; and Betula lgntg) and northern white cedar, one small red maple completed the stand composition. Three or four medium sized hemlock were dead and remained standing. The largest trees were found to be mostly ash and elm, both approximately 60 years old. Plants in the four milacre wuadrats were listed as: ... 'V‘ Frequent -—- Common ----- Abundant -—- Frequent —-- Common ----- Abundant --- Frequent --- Common ----- Abundant --- Frequent —-- Common —---- Careximiusssssns 6O Trees Fraxinug pennsylvanica (l4) Fraxinus nigrg (10) Acer rubrum (l) Betula lute; (2) Shrubs and Vine; _ ~q..lona Parthenocissus inserta y Rubus pubesceng . Ribes americanum Cornug stolonifera Ijex verticillata massages Pteridophytes Dryopteris thelypteris Onoclea sensibilis Eggisetgm sylvaticum Sedges, Grasses, and Herbs [mpgtiens pallidg I Lycepus rubellus Lysimachia thyrsiflorg Calamagrostis canadensis Ehpatorium purpureum Galium obtusum Glyceria pallida Viol; blandg Bidens cernua Carex trisperma Fragaria Virginian; var. illinoensis Lysimachig nummularia {Lemma minor Agrostis hyemalis Scutellarig lateriflora Lemna Erasulcd. it Solidago ulmifolia Spircdela polyrhiza Agter lateriflorus Maianthemum canadensis Sium suavg - - u - a — a ... , a - H 1 61 d.Elm-Maple stand Location ----- Roscommon County, Lake Township, T23N, R4W, SW 1/4, Section 13. Soil type ----- Bergland clay loam. Red maple, silver maple (Acer saccharinum),and slippery elm were the dominant species with both black and green ash as associate species. Two American elu. one balsam fir com- pleted the tree species of the quadrat. A few Carpinus caroliniana and one Amelanchier canadensis were the only occurring shrubs. The largest tree was a red maple, 26 inches D.B.H., about 90 years old. A 19.9 inches D.B.H. silver maple was approximately of the same age. A 10.8 inches green ash, the largest among the ashes, was about 60 years old. The American elm was the oldest in the stand at 100 years. Vegetation of the herbaceous layer were: 2222s Abundant --- Acer rubrum (962) Ulmus sp. (451) Fgaxinus nigrg (35) Common ----- Fraxinus pennsylvanica (3) Shrubs and Vines Rare ------- Smilax tamnoides var. hispida Pteridophxteg Abundant --- gnoclea igngipilig Common ----- Osmunda regalis ——~ 62 Sedges,gGrasses, and Herbs Carex intumescens Lemng trisulca Cicuta bulbifera 'Spirodela polyrhiza Lycogns americanus Abundant --- Bidens frondosa iLemna minor Frequent --- Agrostis hyemalis Galium obtusum Impatiens capensis Lysgmachia thyrsiflora Common ----- Geum aleppicum var. strictgm Rare ------- Coptis greenlandica Glyceria striata Maianthemum canadensis, Sium suave Viola blanda 88 —— — :hn‘ _ .l’:' .es — ties balsa k5? Nbrum 3 3” 011nm F"Hr‘nl'l‘lls n1 . p'pemsYlv - or“ F awe‘ maria: :1” “(qua Decid' ‘ 9h “‘1‘ “EM Table 2. Summarization data of four 1/5 acre Swamp Hardwood stands by size classes. Size Classgg Totals 47 ' Impor- §pecies greg. Dgnséiv §reg° Dingéiy g TFrgguqugr TSDgpgity Dr Ft6§§§21.A8:7acre Vgigge Abies balsamea 3 75 17 11.4 .2 50 42 10.0 2 50 20 6.1 3 75 7-9 79 19.8 8.2 4.5 3.2 5.6 19.3 Acer rubrum 3 75 14 9.4 3 75 34 8.1 3 75 29 8.8 2 50 26 41.3 4 100 10.5 103 25.8 10.7 36.2 26.0 45.2 47.2 Acer saccharinum 1 25 2 1.4 1 25 2 0.5 l 25 1 0.3 1 25 5 9-5 1 25 2.7 11 2.7 1.2 10.2 7-3 12-8 11-2 Alnus rugosa 1 25 2 1.4 l 25 3 0.7 l 25 2.6 5 1.2 0.5 ~—-- -—- ———- 3.1 Amelanchier'sp. 1 25 4 2.7 2 50 6 ‘1.4 2 50 5.3 10 2.5 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 6.4 Betula lenta 1 25 l 0.2 1 25 4 1.2 1 25 2.6 5 1.2 0.5 0.8 0.6 1.0 3.7 giggiguiutea 1 25 3 2.0 1 25 3 0.7 2 50 13 3.9 2 50 5.3 19 4.7 2.0 3.0 2.2 3.7 9-5 caroliniana 1 25 8 1.9 1 25 2.6 8 2.0 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.3 3.6 Corylus cornuta 1 25 8 5.4 1 25 2.6 8 2.0 0.8 —-- --— --— 3.4 Fraxinus nigra 3 75 53 35-8 3 75 145 34.8 4 100 81 24.5 3 75 5 7.9 4 100 10.5 284 71.0 29.6 19.9 14.3 24.9 54.4 F. pennsylvanica 2 50 24 12.6 3 75 58 13.8 4 100 58 17.5 2 50' 5 7.9 4 100 10.5 145 36.2 15.1 17.7 12.7 22.2 38.3 Picea mariana 1 25 1 0.3 4 1 25 2.6 1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.8 Thuja occidentalis l 25 16 10.8 3 75 71 17.0 3 75 64 19.3 1 251 3 4.8 3 75 7.9 154 38-5 16.0 14.4 10.3 18.1 34-2 Tilia americana l 25 2 1.4 2 5O 14 3.3 2 50 14 4.2 1 25 1 1.6 2 50 5.4 31 7.8 3.3 3.7 2.7 4.6 11.4 Tsuga canadensis l 25 1 0.2 1 25 4 1.2 1 25 V 2.6 5 1.2 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.6 3.5 Ulmus americana 1 25 1 0.7 3 75 3 0.7 2 50 4 1.2 3 75 7 11.1 4 100 10.5 15 3.8 1.6 11.6 8.3 14.4 20.4 Elgnggrubra 1 25, 2 1.4 3 75 28 6.7 3 75 38 11.5 3 75 10 15.9 3 75 7.9 78 19.5 58.1 16.2 20.3 20.3 27.6 ____1 — —- 148 15.4 - -- 419 43.6 — -- 331 34.4 - 7’ 63 6.6 - 950 100.0 961 ‘--- 100.0 139.2 100.0 173.9 300.0 II-'|‘ 64 Table 3. aummary data of the vegetation in milacre quadrats of thetfiump ng§vood stands as recorded in percentage of coverage or number of stems by height classes. Total Black Ash-Wbite Cedar—Balsam Fir Ash—.Red M. 1e- Stand Ash-ElmBasswood Stand male M Freq. 1 2 5 214 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 11. 15 16 Species (5) 0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1—3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0—1 l~3 0.1 1—3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0—1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1—3 0—1 1-3 Reg; 1 Abies balsamea 31.2 6 6 2 h 1 9 Acer rubrum 81.2 109 76 52 62 68 75 68 130 1 172 221 317 252 Betula lutea 31.2 5 3 2 1 2 Fraxinus nigra 68.8 7 6 A 1 1 1 2 3 4 1 10 2 8 9 5 1 Fraxinus pennsylvanica 43.8 5 7 5 2 6 1 1 2 Quercus rubra 6.2 1 Thuja occidentalis 18.7 1 8 1 Ulmus rubra 18.7 1 l 1 Ulmus thomlsii 31.2 ’22 1&0 126 2 112 A 67 Shrubs & Vines W 18.7 3 3 1 T 1 Amelanchier intermedia 6.2 ‘ 22 Clematis Virginians 12.5 T T t Cornus stolonifera 12.5 ' 1 l 2 Corylus cornuta 6.2 4 flex verticillata 25.0 1 1 3 2 5 Lonicera canadensis 6.2 1 Mitchella repels 12.5 2% T Nemopanthus mucronata 6.2 1 Parthenocissus inserts 50.0 3% 3% 2% 6% 2% 2% T T 10% Rhus radicans 12.5 ‘ :AA'IIU ' .I fill. J \|.|I I'. Ali ‘Iiv Ifl‘i‘l‘ I . ~ . 1 In, . u r vl - . N- u .7 . I ' x u -. r . I . . - I. 1 .- 7 n1 . O U . -. . . . \ I .1 \ l I O \ . l v , I 1 . - . or u. . I . ; . . 041. 1 . .l. u . .0 2 .. n I _ l 1 . . .. I r r . . . . p . o . . O O . C O I I . C . . .. . r .‘u 1 1 I . " v r“ ____‘ _=—‘_“ #3 Total Black Ash-White Cedar-Balsam Fir Ash-Red Ms 1e—E1m ___________.______.._________._... 2 Stand Ash-ElmrBasswood Stand Elm-MB ls 65 ‘ St d 32.3.1” Fag“ 0_1 3’3 '04 1-3 0-131-3 04414 02151-3 04 1__‘3 15933—3 0-1 1-3 0-1'1-3 0-1 1-3 0—1 1-3 0—1 1—3 04 143 0.1 1—3 03—1 1—3 Ribes americanul 18.7 2 5 Ribes lacustre 18.7 T T T Rubus ideaus 6.2 T Rubus pubescens 50.0 T 5% 5% T 8% 2% Smilax tamnoides vamhispidug.2 T Pteridophzges Botrychium dissectum 12.5 T T Cystopteris bulbifera 6.2 5% Dryopteris cristats 12.5 T T Dryopteris spinulosa 25.0 5% 3% 3% 25% Dryopteris thelypteris 31.2 15% T 3% 10% Equisetum sylvaticum 12.5 10% Onoclea sensibilis 62.5 3% 2% 10% 10% 5% 20% 5% 3% 3% 1% T \ Osmunda regalis 12.5 35% 105‘ -S—=-—-—-———i;:.::.f:;:;:i.i .2. 1. 2,. 5. 1. 1. . 2% 1% 3“ Calamagrostis cahadensis 18.7 T 1% 5% Carex intumsscens 81.3 2% 8% 1% 3% 1% 3% 3% T 3% 15% 1% 5% Carex trisperma 25.0 T T 3% Glycerin pallida 31.2 10% 2% 15% T 1% T Glycerin an... 18.7 1% 3% 1% T Aralia nudicaulis 12.5 5% 10% Aster lateriflorus 25.0 1% 2% 1% T T Aster puniceus 6.2 T a UL. .cry..---.* 5 O a . \. . . . | . . 't‘ H-'« ... r ' .'. g I 'l 1 i I ‘ I ' I A o r , 1 ‘ ~d‘§‘-. 'v' - n v . . l' t q. l' (‘9‘ . .. 1.; .- v . . C . p . , k f ‘ . o ,. - - I: I“ - . ~ ...I ~,. I " O. .. I u ' 0 .I o T h l I - -— '9 -o .‘l’ 1 - , t o. . . . 2‘ . .. , n (O O l. .' .I . . rut) . . . 'Q ... Inn 323019: ! i 66 Bidens cemua Lemna minor Lema trisulca Mitella nuda Rannueulus sp. To.“ Ash-Red 1.— maasawood Stand Elm-Ma. 21 e Stand Frog. 2 3 7 8 9 1o 11 12 13 11. 15 '13“ (1) 9-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1.3 0-1 1.3 0—1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0—1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1—3 0-1 1-3 0—1 1—3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1.3 0-1 1.3 0-1 1—3 12.5 7! T 1% T Bidens frondosa 25.0 7 1% T 1% 1% 1% Cicuta bulbifera 25.0 T T T 1% Coptis groenlandica 18.7 2% T 5% Comus canadensis 37.5 3% T T 2% 3% T 2% Eupatorimn purpureun 18.7 ‘ T 2% T 2% Fragaria Virginians. 18.7 T 1% T T 12'5 T T F. Virginians var. illinoensis Galium obtusum 50.0 T 1% T T T T T T Galium triflorun 25.0 2% T 1% T Galium trifidun 18.7 '1' 1% 1% Geun slappiun .m..strictu312.5 T T Impatiens capensis 18.7 T T T Impatiens pallida 25.0 3% 1% 3% 15‘ 25‘ 1% 2% \\ 37.5 5% 1% T T T '1' Spirodela polyrhiza Lycopus emeticanus 75.0 2% 5% 5% 1% 1% 2% T T 3% 3% 2% 2% 1% Lycopua rubellus 25.0 5% 2% 3% 1% 3% 1% 5% T Lflimchia mammal-1a 12.5 1% T Lysimchia thyrsifipra 68.8 T T T T 1% 3% 1% T 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% T T 1% Msianthemm canadensis 56.2 T T T T 1%. 1 T T T T 18.7 T 10% 1% 6.2 T Scutellaria laterifolia 13.7 T 1 5% T J 67 Total Black Ash-White Cedar-Balsam Fir Ash-Red Ma le- Stand Ash—Elm*Basswood Stand Elm-Maple Stand Freq. 1 2 3 1. 5 —7_—T" W 13 11. 15 T Sgecies (%) 0-1 1—3 0—1 1-3 0—1 1—3 0—1 1-3 0—1 1-3 0—1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1—3 0—1 1-3 0-1 1-3 '0-1 1-3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1—3 0—1 1-3 Sium suave 12.5 I T T Solidago ulmifolia 25.0 T 1% I 1% T Thalictrum dasycarpum 6.2 1% T Viola blanda 62.5 1% 2% 1% 1% . 1% T 1% 2% T T T --- Denotes "Trace" which indicates less than 1% Coverage. ‘ 1 1 ‘ ‘ ...-o‘ ..-- " 68 2.8wamp Conifers of Black Spruce-Balsam Fir-Northern White Cedar Association Dominant species in this type were the balsam fir, northern white cedar, tamarack. and black spruce. Red maple and yellow birch.were the associate hardwoods. Four quadrats of this type were studied: a.Tamarack stand Location ----- Crawford County, Beaver Creek Township, T25N, R3W, SE i, Section 29. Soil type ----- Rifle peat. T Tamarack was the only tree species. The average age of the stand was approximately 30 years old, with the largest individual measured 9.6 inches D.B.H., and the smallest 1.3 .inches D.B.H.. One important fact was that no tamarack re- production has been observed in the quadrat. There was a dense shrub growth of green alder (Alnus sinuata) and red osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera). Some swamp birch (Betula pumila) and Labrador tea (ledum greenish- giggm) were also present. Sphagnum moss (Sphagnum sp.) was abundant with a coverage of approximate 40 percent. Soils were very wet and spongy with most of the herba- ceous plants grown on the hummucks. Plants in the milacre quadrats were: A Irees Rare ------- Quercus rubra (l) —~ 69 Shrubs and Vines Abundant --- Rubus pubescens Frequent --- Betula pdmila grunus Virginians Logicera villosa var. solonis Rare ------- Alnus sinuata Cornus stolonifera ledum groenlangicumj i Prunus‘avium _ Spiraea latifolia Pteridophytes Common ----- DEXOpteris cristata Sedges,_Grasses, and Herbs Abundant --- égrostis hyemalis Bromus ciliatus Calamagrostis canadensis Carex intumeggens Galium aparine Maianthemum canadensis Solidago uliginoga Solidago ulmifolia Frequent —-- Campanula aparinoides Rare ------4 Coptis greenlandica 'Lycopug americanus Mitella nuda b.Balsam Fir-Tamarack stand Location ----- Crawford County, Beaver Creek Township, T25N, R3W, SW 1, Section 35. Soil type ----- Newton loamy sand (approximately 8 inches layer of organic soil on top). This stand was composed mostly of smaller trees. Balsam fir was the predominant Species with the largest one, 8.4 inches D.B.H., about 40 years old. The largest of the five tamaracks was 917 inches D.B.H., only 25 years old. The only northern white cedar, 7.8 inches D.B.H., was 36 years of age. Although there were nine different species present in the quadrat, six of them were represented by a single tree. ...-... -,. - ‘0‘.- - ~— --.4- V 1 a ‘ 70 The predominant shrub species was the speckled alder (Algal gugosa). Fire cherry (Prungs pensylvanica) and choke cherry (grunge Virginians) were also abundant. These formed a very dense growth. large number of plants were present in the four mil- acre quadrats. They were: 2:221 Abundant -—- Abigg balsamea (27) Frequent --- Acer gubrum (15) Ulmus Sp. (6) Rare ------- Betula lutea (ll) Quercus rubra (2) Thuja occidentalis (2) Shrugs and Vines Abundant --- Cornus alternifolia Ilex verticillate IThnnsflvigginiana-;fiN‘-Rnbugfpgbescens Frequent~-- Alnus rugosa Rubus ideagg var, acglegtigsimus Common ----— Goran; stolonifega Lonicera villosa var. solonig Nemopanthus mucgenata Ribes lacustre Rare ------- Ribes americgggm Ptegidophytes Abundant -—- Dryopteris cristata var. clintoniana Rare ------- Drygpteris spinulesa SedgesI Grassesll and Herbs Abundant --— Agrostis hyemalis Bromus ciliatus Calamagrostis canadensis Carex intumescens Fragaria vegca ggligg trifloggm Glycegia boggalis Glyceria striata Lycopus americanus Maianthemum canadensis Mulenbergia racemosa 7 ‘ . . .t _“ h. I ._ - 9 ‘. “ h - e . .o .' _‘ .a. . ., 4 ' c “v ' ,. a 'I I , w‘ . e 71 Common ----- Aster sp. Geum aleppioum var. strictum Impatiens capensis Lysimachia terrestris Mitella nuda Ranuuculus sp. Solidago ulmifolia Vina blanda Rare ------- Aralia nudicaulis Coptis greenlandica Goodyear pubescens Iris versicolor Scutellaria lateriflora Solidago canadensis Solidggo patula c.Black Spruce-Balsam Fir stand Location ----- Crawford County, Beaver Creek Township, T25N, 34w, SE 1, Section 34. Soil type ----- Rifle peat. - This was a well stocked stand in which black spruce and balsam fir were dominants. Some northern white cedar, a few red maple and yellow birch completed the tree species of the stand. The largest tree was a northern white cedar, 15.8 inches D.B.H., and the largest black spruce was 9.6 inches D.B.H.. The stand was composed of 85 years old northern white cedar, 50 years old balsam fir, and 40 years old black spruce. The balsam fir had far more reproduction than the others. Some seedlings of black Spruce were also present. A few speckled alder were the only shrub species which located at an opening in the stand. Vegetation of the milacre quadrats were: Trees Abundant --- Abies balsamea (#0) Ace; rubrum (341) Quegc gs rubra W(10) Rare ------- Pinus Strobus (1) , -. ._, e A . .4 u 7 1 ‘7 . a . .0 . .3 4' iv 4 . _.--_ -fl—-b-* 72 Shrubs and Vines Abundant --- Vaccinium myrtilloides Frequent -—- Rubus pubescens Common ----- Ilex verticillata Linnaea borealis var.americana Mitchella repens Rare ------- Gautheria procumbens Lonicera villosa var. solonis Prunus virginiana Ribes trieste Pteridgphytes Frequent --- gguisetum sylvaticum Rare ------- Dryopterig cristata Dryopteris.§pinu19sa Dryepteris thelypteris Sedges. Gragges, and Herbs Abundant -—- Aralia nudicaulis Carex intgmescens Clintonia borealis Ceptis groenlandica Cornus canadensis Glyceria borealis Glyceria striata Maianthemum canadengig gyrola seounda Trientalis borealis Frequent --- Aster sp. Habenaria obtusata Viola blanda Common -—--— Mitella nuda Solidago uliginosa Rare ------- Galium asprellum Geum aleppicum var. strictum d.Northern white Cedar-Balsam Fir stand Location ----- Roscommon County, Gerrish Township, T24N,'R3W, NW &, Section 2. Soil type ----- Rifle peat. This stand was densely stocked with northern white cedar and balsam fir as the dominant species, which associated with black spruce and yellow birch. .— . 4 “e 4>- \- -.l ‘,__« ~—-—..¢.—-..l I up...- . ,.' -\-H -—‘-—... .-‘ - ‘ -..- 73 The largest tree was a 10 inches D.B.H. northern white cedar. The stand was uneven—aged, consisting of 65 years old northern white cedar, 50 years old balsam fir, and 40 years old black Spruce. Both northern white cedar and balsam fir were well represented in different diameter classes and were well reproduced. Seven black Spruce were tallied in the quadrat, all of them fell into size class 4 with no re— production to be found. A few red maple and cherries were scattered in the stand to complete the composition of tree species. A considerable number of Speckled alder was the sole representative of shrub Species. Plants in the four milacre quadrats were: Trees Abundant --- Abies balsamea (47) Acer rubrum (35) Rare ------- Quercus rubra (l) Shrubs and Vines Frequent --- Lonicera canadensis Fubus pubescens Common ----- Linnaea borealis var. americana Rhus radicans Rare ------- Acer spicatum Corylus cornuta Ilex verticallata Mitchella repens Ribes lacustre Pteridophytes Frequent --- Dryopteris thelypteris Rare ------- Dryopteris Spinulosa 1) 74 Sedpes, Grasses, and Herbs Abundant --- Acrostis hyemalis Carex intumescens Galium triflorum Mitella nuda Frequent --- Coptis groenlandica Cemmon ----- Cornus canadensis Prunella vulgaris Viola blanda Aralia nudicaulis Clintonia borealis Glyceria borealis Eyrola secunda Maianthemgm canadensis Trientalis borealis Table 4. Summarization data of four 1/5 acre Swamp Conifers stands by Size classes. SIZE CLASSES TOTALS 2 3 4 5h m Impor— 5mm fl W 1.55% %—-%1- §——% Dan-$61- .§-“% 19%?” Triliuenéif T D9331” Tm a~§§-%_;T%‘%%%7x viii? Abies balsamea 5 75 42 75.7 5 75 301 60.0 5 75 94 24.5 5 75 15.6 437 109.2 45.9 21.5 26.6 26.6 86.1 Acer rubrum 1 25 3 5.3 l 25 1 0.2 2 50 15 3.4 1 25 1 12.5 3 75 15.6 18 4.5 1.9 3.1 3.9 3.9 19.4 Betula lutea 1 25 5 1.0 2 50 11 2.8 1 25 2 25.0 5 75 15.6 18 4.5 1.9 3.1 3.9 3.9 19.4 Fraxinus nigra 1 25 1 0.3 1 25 4.6 1 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 4.8 Larix laricina 2 50 45 9.0 2 50 100 26.0 2 50 2 25.0 2 50 9.1 147 36.8 15.5 19.0 23.7 23.7 48.3 Plcea mariana 1 25 2 3.5 1 25 20 4.0 5 75 41 10.7 1 25 1 12.5 3 75 13.6 64 16.0 6.7 9.7 12.1 12.1 32.4 Pinus Strobus 1 25 l 0.33 l 25 4.6 l 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 4.8 Prunus serotina 2 50 7 12.2 2 50 8 1.5 2 50 9.1 15 3.8 1.6 0.1 0.1 0.1 10.8 Thuja occidentalis 1 25 5 5.3 2 50 122 24.3 3 75 122 31.7"2 50 2 25-0 3 75 13.6 249 62.2 25.2 23.3 29.1 29.1 68.9 Ulmus americana l 25 l 0.1 l 25 4-5 l 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 5.1 _ __ 57 6.0 _ __ 502 52.8 - _- Egg 40,4 - —- 8 0.8 —550 100.0 951 --—- 100.0 80.1 100.0 100.0 500.0 75 76 eofi 0.09 4.03 o.ooa .....IL «8 c.0223“ .. cane Ra ....L .. mum. we.“ .... .. Imlljjqujw no a 1 «mo a 3 a 382.... 3a....» 8H was. 0.3 3. ads 3 E. «a a 6.8 3 mm a n.» mm 3 a 33332. 395 R .3 .2. «.m fin 3 4.3 R a flu .. on N «J. 2 an a 3331.8 88cm 3 «J Sm o; m; a. 4.3 R a n: a. R a £3333. 558 a v.0 a; do m6 a E. 3 a «.o a «a a .... 2223...: 3a «3“ 0.2. «.9 «.8 co 5. mm a 5.3 cu mu a 93 2. «a a 335. 2:5 2.3 mg. 0.2 0.2. «.93 an 5.8 8H 4 «.3. can 03 a «J.» 03 2.: 1. Some» use: a «A o.~ m6 To a 5. mm a ...o 3 a seasons .31 .33.... -l - i - - so: out was T .7 ass. T M 9.64 T 7 EN» gee-eve 53sec mg on» we see-ea. .532. no 39336 ease OQH no ease sedoeuwaelsm .n edges ...“ ... ——~_ 4, . . . —. -0.-sa n a ans—...... -. ... a. u. “v.- -..--... -- -.-—...- ...- --.~-.._.. - ...-~- . -¢ .u- .-.. -..- ”.fi n o ' '_.-h.§—-- .. ‘0‘“- ~w- .-...I. .. l 1 I I x ;. l"- I!) . 5-. -_—.e- .‘~--—-— . - -....LA— .. .-. ._ . .. w 1'... -..-.... r\----- —-.. ._ van Table 6. Sum 3931" g '22: 7'; balsamea :2.- mm ’11! lutea I533 Strobus "9”“ rubra liji "adultelis 7’4 thou.“ W or 'Picstu. Q“ "goes 2“?“ 'hmta T‘ble 6. 77 Summary data of the vegetation in milacre quadrats of the Swamp Conifer stands as recorded in percentage of coverage or number of stems by height classes. Total Tamarack Stggg Balsam Fir-Temarack 7 sgand Blagk Sgruceigalsam Fii Signd Whit; Cedarelesam Fi§5 Siand §£ecies Fig? 0411.3 0-1 1-3 0431-3 0411.3 0-151-3 0-1 1—3 0-1 1—3 0-1 1—3 o~1 1—3 0—1 1.3 0-1 1.3 0—1 1-3 0—1 1—3 0-1 1—3 0-1 1—3 0~1 1—3 ggffi balsamea 75.0 1 l 11 1h 10 18 8 h 5 10 16 . 16 Acer rubrum 68.8 11 2 l 1 90 128 Al 82 10 9 l2 1 3 Betula lutea 6.2 11 Pinus Strobus 6.2 l Quercus rubra h3a8 l 2 5 l 3 l 1 Thuja occidentalis 6.2 2 Ulmus thomasii 18.7 3 1 1 samba & Vines 1 ‘ Acer spicatum 6.2 Alnus rugosa. 18.7 7 1 2 1 Alnus sinuata 6¢2 l Betula pumila 18.7 7 l h s“~_‘_“‘ Cornus alternifolia 25.0 15 21 20 5 3 3 14 4 Cornus stolonifera 18.7 3 1 5 1 Corylus cornuta 6.2 1 Gautheria procumbens 6.2 T Ilex verticillata h3o8 2 3 1 2 l A l Ledum groenlandicum 6.2 2 Linnaea borealis T T T T var. americana 25.0 Lonicera canadensis 18o7 1 3 1 1 L. villosa var. solonis 37.5 2 1 1 2 1 1 Mitchella repene 18.7 1% T T --- o .. .-. . ..f ‘ a ') . ' u ‘ . ., ' F o . r t ' f o o - —— -‘- v . o- I ‘ c ’ v ’ T O .‘ r . ‘7. r.q is. ' l . ' » v '\v\'} ‘ . ‘ l . ‘1 ,. . ‘ r7 '- . o. . e . -, v V'H A , l o , . I ( f l ‘ , . h e I “ 1 e a K , . 1. I {If‘v'a\. * . -‘ r . .. ' > ‘v f 1‘ a ‘ r. :1. 1 \ agecies 78 Prunus avium Rhus radicans Ribes lacustre Ribes trieste Rubus ideaus Pteridophztes Herbs Aster sp. Fragaria vesca Galium aparine Galium asprellum Total Tamerack Stand Balsam F535EEEEFack Stand Black.SEruce-Balsam Fir Stand N. fiiite CedarnBalsam Fir Stand Freq. ‘3“ 2 3 T 7“"?- 1 e 9 10 11 12 13 u, 15 16 (2:) 0—1 1—3 0-1 1—3 0-1 1—3 0-1 1—3 0—1 1-3 0—1 1-3‘ 0-1 1-1 0-1 1-3 0—1 1-3 0~1 L3 0-1 1—3 0—1 1—3 0—1 1—3 0-1 1—3 0-1 1—3 0-1 1—3 Nemapanthus mueronata 12.5 1 3 1 1 6.2 2 Prunus virginiana 50.0 2 l 3 3 5 l l 1 1 12.5 3% T Ribes americanum 6.2 1% 18.7 1 1 l 6.2 1 var. aculeatissimus 18.7 3% 5% 10% 5% Rubus pubescens 87.5 15% 10% 20% 15% 10% 5% 10% 10% 15% 15% 5% 15% T 40% 2% 30% T 3% Spiraea latifolia 6.2 1 Vaccinium mtilloides 25.0 25% 1% 1% T 2% Dryopteris cristata 18.7 T T 1% ”12518333323? 25.0 1% 1% 3% 1% Dryopteris spinulosa 18.7 T 1% 1% ‘~—— Dryopteris thelypteris 25.0 5% 2% T 2% Equisetum sylvaticum 18.7 5% T T ma nudicaulis 56,2 1 T 10% 5% 5% 10% :51. 5% 5% 31% 31% 5% 152% 5% 8% 31.2 T 1 T T T 1% Aster junciformis 18.7 T T T Clintonia borealis 50.0 l 1% 2% 2% T 3% 3% 3% 3% Coptis groenlandica 56.2 T 3% L 2% 1% 3% 1% 5% T 1% Cornus cenadensis 37.5 E1 T 1% T T 3% T T 1% 25.0 } 1% 3% 1% T 25.0' 10% 20% 15% 10% , 6.2 i T 79 - ‘16; 01% IF“ nun- Galium triflorum Geum aleppicum Iris versicolor Mitella nudl Pyrola secunda Rannuculus sp. Solidago patull Viola blanda Sedges & Grasses Bromus ciliatus Glyceria strilts Iotal EggggggL Stggg 001eez;g£¢Teeareek Stcnd Black Sgruce~Balsam Fir Stand N fiilte Cedareaaleam Fir Eiiii ?ren. 1 2 ‘3 1 “”'?‘"fl '7§‘""""7“""“§“‘ 3.._. 10 11 12 ’a"i5'""'"1Zf’—""15_-‘_'_'ig—' (£J 0~1 1—3 0~1 1.3 0~1 1_3 ~~1 1—3 ,-1 T-j 5-1 Tug. 0-1 1—3 0-1 1.3 0—1 1—3 0-1 1~3 0-1 1-3 0-1 1.3 0-1 1~3 0-1 1—3 0—1 1.3 0-1 mes 50.0 1% T 2% 1% 3% 1% T T var. strictum 18.7 T T T Goodyear pubescens 6.2 T Habeneria obtusata 18.7 T 3% T Impatiens capensis 12.5 T 1% 6.2 1% Lycopus americanus 31.2 10% 3% 1% 25% 2% 15% 2% 2% Lysimachia terrestris 12.5 T T Maianthemum canadensis 100.0 1% 1% 2% 1% T T T T 1% 1% T 1% 2% T T 1% 56.2 1% 5% L T 1% T 10% 2% 5% 2% Prunella vulgaris 12.5 r 3% 3% “3.8 T T T T 1% T T ~ 12.5 T T Scutelllris lateriflora 6.2 T Solidago canadensis 6.2 1 T 1% “‘“— 6.2 T Solidago uliginosa h3.8 T T T T T 1 T 1% T T Solidago ulmifolia 37.5 T 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% T T T 2% 2% Trientalis borealis 50.0 T 1% ' 2% 3% 2% T T 1% 13.8 T A T 2% T T T 2% T W. W 28:8 éiéééfi/Wé//¢¢¢¢¢¢¢//////é}W?éWéf?W???éflfflfifiéfiéfiflffi Agrostis hyemnlis 75,0 20% 30% 35% 10% ///// /////////////// / ///////// O - % 3331-1313322??? 13223 /////////// /////////////////////// 25" 50% W 2% 1% 1% 2% T 3% 27 3 32:8 éfiéfiéfiéfléfléfiféfifiéflfléfifléfl //////////////////////////////////MW555?fléfiéfifiéflffléfié/fi Muhlenbergis rscemosa T --— Denotes "Trace" which indicates less then 11 coverage. 115.35.... .. _ - 80 3.Lowland Aspen of Pepulus-figlig Association Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) was the major species in the type, with figlin élgug, and Cornus as the dominant shrub species. Two stands were selected for quadrat study. On the region as a whole, this type does not occupy extensive area but occurs in small tracts here and there bordering marshes or brooksides. a.Trembling Aspen-Longebeaked Willow stand location ----- Roscommon County, Lake Township, T23N, R4W, SW i, Section 16. Soil Type ----- Newton sand. ‘ This was a poorly—stocked trembling aspen stand of approximately 30 years old. One birch was the only other tree species found in the quadrat. Alggg ruaosa and gall; bebbiana were the dominant shrubs. A few red osier dogwood were also present. Plants in the four milacre quadrats were: ‘ 11:929. Abundant --- Betula lutea (21) Acer rubgum (l) Quercus rubra (l) Shrubs and Vines Abundant --- Cornus stolonifera gig; verticillata Eggug pubescens Frequent --- glad; rugosa ‘figlig bebbiana Common ----- 512g; lacustre Rare ------- Lonicera oblongifolia Rhus radicans Rubus ideaus var. aculeatissimus Vaccinium vacillans "S O . ‘ ‘ . ~“. -- .-_- ‘——.._ 81‘ Pteridophytes Common --——— Eguisetun palustre ' Drxopteris apinulosa Rare ------- Onoclea sensibilis Badges. Grasseg. and Herbs Abundant --- Carex diandra Glyceria borealis Lysimachig terrestris licoous americanug Frequent --- Campanula aparinOides Fr aria Virginians Pyrola rotundifolia Vio a blanda Common ----- Aster lateriflgrus Galium sp. Mentha grvensis erola secunda Solidaao ulmifolia Rare ------ - Agrostis hxemalis Epilobium glandulosum var. adenocaulon .~ Maianthemum canadensis Scutellaria epilobiifolia Smilacina trifolia figlidazo caesia E. b.Trembling Aspen-Heartleaf Willow stand Location ~e--- Roscommon County, Markey Township, T23N, R3W, SE &, Section 1. Soil type ~---- Newton sand. Trembling aspen was the only tree species found in this quadrat. This was a better stand than the first one with more trees and better growth. The largest one was 7.7 ' inches D.B.H., 35 years old. The Speckled alder and the heart-leaf willow (gall; griocephala) were the dominant shrub species. . Components of the herbaceous layer were: 22222 Rare — ------ Populus tremuloides (l) . o . Y ' . . , ----— . . . -- ... ., m 7. - - --. ..-)-4 I . ~ ‘ ...- -..... a .- .4 .. .; _ . H - . - . . ‘ V I . __._. . 7 u— . . . - . | o . . ' ., . r .. . . . . _ . s } , - . . . . , . i.-.” - -. . .. . . . I ~ r ‘ . ‘ . I , . ‘ ‘I._ » 4 . . .. . . , . . . . - ,- < . - . . a . u. i../ n v >- ... - ' v - c~-—o “‘D O ' _ 4‘ . . --‘-- , 1‘ ‘ " . ‘~ . . - . - .7 _ - o O .. . _ _ , A ,- . . t . , I - ~ . _ ~ . 1 . . , ‘ L _ . .a .... l 9 l I ‘ l O ‘ . . . , _ r. .. ,_ .. .. .-..- ..- . . . . ‘ ' , o . Y . ‘ - L ’- d 4 . '> . --—-— ‘ . 1 . g .' . A . . I i . I e t ‘ s v ., ‘ Q ‘ l --a-O-— ‘ , . u , C ' v 1 ‘ , :- ' . ‘ v . . _ u. . . . _ 'r .f I - ~ A , .- , . C ‘ . n , . . .. ‘ o v ‘ ‘ .0 e ' o . J‘ . U D O O N ‘ l ‘ - . ‘ 4 ' A - ‘ U . _ . I . l x ‘ ‘ . l o « - - . q ‘ l I ‘ . . \ . ‘ . —..--—.-—- Frequent -—- Common ----- Abundant --- Frequent -—- Common ———-- 82 Shrubs and Vines Salix alba var. vitellina Alnus rugosa Cornus stolonifera Salix ggyzdaloideg Asclepias incarnata Eteridophytes Drxopteris spinulosa Sedaes. Grasses. and Herbs Carex intumescens Lysimachia terrestris LxcoEus americanus Scutellaria epilobiifolia Calamagrostis canadensis Galium trifidum Agropyron repens Campanula aparinoideg Cicuta bulbifera Epilobium leptophxllum Junous canadensis Lysimachia thyrsiflora Scirpus experinus Aster juncigormig Eupatorium perfoliatum Fragaria Virginians Rumex verticillatus -.. “.-. ...‘_ ~~._-_._ .'--D-.— ... . . -—-——. _—‘---‘- § 83 W Table 7. Summarization data of two 1/5 acre lowland Aspen stands by size classes. sxzs CLASSES ' TOTALS Impor- Betula lutea 1 50 1 1.7 ; 1 50 33.3 1 0.5 1.2 0.120 1.2 0.30 35.7 Populus tremuloides 2 100 24 100 2 100 58 98.3 2 100 66.7 82 41.0 98.8 9.543 08.8 23.86 264.3 — --— 21+ 20.0 - ~—- 59 71.0 — 150 100.0 83 —_—- 100.0 9.663 100.0 24.16 300.0 Table 8. Summarizstion data of two l/IO acre lowland Aspen stands by height classes. HEIGHT CLASSES 'M TALS 6—15 Feet 15-25 Feet Abun- §pecies giggg; i%§2§l%%- A§£§%; _§g§§i%%_ TEE§%%3§%%§_ 53‘2§%§l£1656” dance Ar #/AOPe Alnus rugosa 2 100 157 80.5 2 100 246 66.8 2 100 33.:3 403 201.5 71.6 201.5 56.6 2015 Cornus stolonifera 2 100 11 5.6 - -—— —-— —-—— 2 100 33.3 11 5.5 2.0 5.5 1-5 55 Salix bebbiana 1 5o 7 3.6 1 50 80 21.7 1 50 16t7 , 87‘ 43.5 15.4 87.0 24.5 435 I Salix eriocephala 1 50 20 10.3 1 50 42 11.5 1 50 16.1 i 62 31.0 11.0 62.0 17.4 310 . 'I - --- 195 100.0 - —-— 368 100.0 - 300 100.: 563 ———— 100.0 356.0 100.0 2815 84 nnbm aldddowab ohm» onadiuduom RN an «3 an 0.8 3882: 259m a N noNH oasauuwaaoasod .umb undouw nannm a a a oomN announce gonad mm n.NH alsodvauausm H “.3 63.3933. 28:3 o . H a a 0.0m «soaaaoaauo>_H¢AH N a m H n N 0 comb oueuwnedoau nuance n moNA duonuuocd nuanedon< a 4 N n H m 4 A moN¢ daemon uammm nona> a onshnm H moNa nanny nachosd a mJNA nooaodslbua snagged n m w 2 5 0.0m cod-d daoaom a moNA Iahnsh ueo< scope [a 3 wun «A. __ «no MA To -JOLZ..- Md. « .0 ; ii mmmwuuw welt». no 99319: no undue».- uu endanoouom Ia couscous one: canddm coo-undo ¢auaos ha nowadaooou< IUAu< endured 03¢ we nauuviuu Quandal Id niwaaaeuob 0:» no ¢4uo_huulism .0 canon ii." 85 a as as «3 m3 m8 mma mm A m as; We mam TH To A mu mad RE mm A m N. E “A To do a a 3 can .52 a.” 3303an yea: 0.91. .9535 ugom ounN aqua-6on3 nun-uh. Ra an an 3 mm mm mm 0.9“ madden-o, dag-ohm mom 0.0m canon-.505 No.30 mm mm a. 9 RN mm RN 0.0m «€136 No.25 m3 «.3 awn-ova 03:93:38 9 a noNa uni—eh: ads-eh: conN anon: sunken: annex a 323.5 flaw. mm n.NH mafia-non dado-no ma mu ORN annual gueuascm 8 RH u." n 4% duegflummflwmmmnm ma n.NH candied» 5553.2, a H H «Km £11.39!» 833 can 833%»? ~38 .5“; 30.! .. Md. ta. {COMP N Hi0.“ rullnn'llll I ' I'll... i.l". {I'El' 'l'l’.|l.ll' I! ' «I I mama: Yasnumndtfifie 9:35. .a :3. -1. ‘I.III.I.II.I|\III'I'|I.|I|.I I ! I'l'l' ulw‘. -'i 86 um ma 5 an a a a 5 ma 3 S 3 mm a 5 a ... 3 a a a a 5 a a a a 5 a 3 ... a ma 9 3 mm “2 3 a mm mm an an no» a ma ... ... ma 9 3 a as 3 3 ... ... a i I, +i| 333.3 Q5335 315333. $341.58 33:33.": gm 39o: dag Aachefiafi £95 ounce?»- 323: 3236.33 5355:: guacamole 25093 95395... 5.25.3 «235.3 53.33 5.38 .3 I53 canard» duh-mam 3:33qu ganglia Bambi-anon I: nod-m {Hanson-co on: 5.56.3» a: .315 93:52. 33.3 cage-«ale Gaol-undo a l..- I. "!'Jnl" -.I'l'l’ -I‘in . i o t t ' I v .0 l ' , .U a! l \ | I I Q a I: I. .‘II .tl. 1.. t c It. I- II. III - ' .0 It... ..|., a A- ‘2! 0'. ' I . I I Q l! . I - ‘ O I Q q ‘I I . I ...-U - I I». -.- I ‘I.‘l‘ .0 I I -1 -Is a t n I ..1 It I.- t'l' II n . i I..... I l. . O y a I | " .- c 0'. 3--.- oomwhm>00 NH fiwflu mmmfi mmwwOfiUQfi flown; SmthB: wmpofimfl IOI .H. u: a a 3n 353 so: a u. OumN $.33 omduddom m.” («...-o omawuom GU lg 0g 30.— II}. III!“ --. l. 01!: "Y‘v‘lu 88 4.3wamp Shrubs of figlig-Cornus-Alnus Association This type consisted a mixture of willow, dogwood, alder, swamp birch, etc., to form a dense thicket growth. Only one stand was selected for quadrat study. It was bordering a tamarack swamp and along the stream. All plants were below 6 feet in height, therefore only milacre quadrats were being studied. Location ----- Crawford County, Beaver Creek Township, T25N, 33w, Nw i, Section 33. Soil type ----- Rifle peat. Plants in the four milacre quadrats were: Trees Rare ------- Betula lutea (6) Shrubs and Vines Abundant --- Alnus rugosa Betula pumila Cornus stoloniiera Lonicera villosa var. solonis Potentilla fructicosa Rubus hispidus Sajix petiolaris §piraea alba Frequent --- Aronia nigrg Common ~--—- Ribes trieste Rare ------- Cornus alternifolia PteridODhyteg Rare ------- Dryopteris cristata Sedges, Grasaes, and Herbs Abundant --- Azropyron repens Bromus purgens Muhlenbergia racemosa Solidago canadensis Pregnant --- Galium asprellum Solidago uliginosa Solidago ulmifolia Common ~--~- Aster juncoformis Rare ------- Aster novae-aggliag Circium muticum -~'_-- . A: , u . ' ' I A _...--—“"' L ...... --- r _-'- “...-M —s_-‘.‘ Table 10. Summary data or the feur milacre quadrats in the Swan Shrubs stand by height classes. Plants were recorded in percentage ef severags er number of atoms. W Total 1 2 '3 A Freq. HEIGHT CLASSES Species (5) 0-1 1.3 1—6 0-1 1;“; j-é 0-1 1-3 3—6 o-1 1-13-6 (Trees) Betula lutea 25 6 (Shrubs and Vines) Alnue rugeea 100 3 2 ' 1 2 2 2 1 Arenia nigra 75 5% 10% 1% 5% 5% Betula manila 100 10% 15% 1% 15% 5% 10% 2% 10% Cornus alternifelia 25 5% Cernus stelsnifera 100 5% 10% 1% 5% 10% Leaicera villesa var. selenis 100 2% 3% 5% 20% 2% 10% T 5% ' Petentilla fructicesa 100 15% 25% 20% 15% Ribes lacustre 50 '1‘ T Rubus mm... 100 5% 5% 10% 3% Salix petielaris 100 1% 1% 5% 1% 5% 1% 1% 3% Spiraea alba 100 5% 5% 15% 10% 5% 5% 5% (Sedgee, Grasses 8: Herbs) Aer-Hr» rom- 100 ~81; —~ ---- 5% --- -- 5% --- --- 10% -- Brem pursue 100 ~------ 8% ---- --- 5% --- --- 2% -- --- 10% --- Glyéeria berealie 75 --- 5% --- ---- 5% -- --- 5% “- lluhleabergis racemesa 100 -- 5% ----~- ---- 2% -- ---- 8% ~— --- 10% -- Aster Juseinerlis 50 T T Aster aevae—aaglhe 25 1% Circiul autism 25 1% Galin- aeprellu 75 2% 1% 1% - te be eentisued .. ‘-—-‘- ---‘- Preq. HEIGHT ~__ CLASSES sponge fi (29) A 0-1 1-31-6 0-1 1-3 3-6 0-1 :3 3-6 04 1-2 27-6 Selidage canadensis 100 T T T T Selidage uliginesa 75 . T T T T Selidage ulmifelis 75 T T 2% 1% ( Pteridephitee) Dgzezgegis cristataw 25 T T -- Denetes "Trace" which indicates less than 1% severage. w v—— v— run-0‘ ,.- T . . . ~ . . . - . . . .. . -. . v . —~a -—.- ~~ ' 1 i ' 9 -' - f A. V. ..."..- - A-‘ , . ’«-9 .‘o-o-u - ._, ‘ . I I l" a . a ‘ ‘_ . ' l! I I . . , . . . ‘ f I r . ' . I - r ' I I. I ‘ - ' 1 ' . , Q . —« ~¢ -- a. - L. «s - . .... -.- h- 91 5.The Marsh or Open-Meadow type Davis (1906) has defined the "marsh" and "bog" as: \ ”The 3bogi is an area of wet, porous land, on which the soil is made up principally of decayed and decaying vegetable matter, so loosely conso- lidated, and containing so much water, that the surface shakes and trembles as one walks over it. The vegetation upon the surface is characteristi— cally either some species of moss or sedge, or grass, or a combination of two or more of these with shrubs and even smill trees. A 'marsh' has a firm soil, it may be soft and very wet, even submerged, and the vegetation upon it is principally grass-like. Shrubs may occur but are not infrequently form thickets" Three stands were selected for sample plotsjin this type. Two were bogs and one was the marsh. The bogs were found on Greenwood peat; and the marsh was on Newton sand. a.Scirpus- ypha stand Location ----- Roscommon County, Lake Township, T23N, R4w, NE &, Section 21. Soil type ----- Greenwood peat. Dominant species of this stand were the grassy vege— tation consisting of Scirpus cyperinus, several species of Carex, and Calamagrostis canadensis. Juncus canadensis, Eleocharis obtusa, Glyceria canadensis were also present with the former two found on very wet sites. The water-table of the soil was very near the surface to form an almost permanent wet condition, as indicated by such partly submerged plants as : Scirpus cyperinug, Carex iasiocarpa, Eleocharis obtusa, Juncus canadensis, Typha {I} . i . In . . .’ ...—-...— ...—..--- 92 latifolia, £21; versicolor, Bidens cernua, Alisma triviale, and gagittaria montevidensis. Davis (1906) has classified such type as the "Rush Swamp'. ” The secondary species were Typha latifolia, 12;; versicolor, Sagittaria montevidensis, Qiguta bulbifera, §;3m_§g§1gJ Lysimachia terrestgig, Eidens cernua, Hypericum boreale, Lycopus americanus, Rumex vertigiliatus, etc., One Species of willow (gall; sp.) was the only shrub present in the stand. The occurring plants in the four milacre quadrats were: Shrubs-and Vines Common ----- Salix sp. SedgesLGrassesl and Herbs Abundant --- ggdens cernua Calamagrostis canadensis Carex lasigcarpa Cicuta bulbifera Galium trifidum Lysimachia terrestrig Sagittarig montevidensis Scirpus cyperinus Slum suave Iypha latifolia Frequent —-- Carex crinita Carex comosa Eleocharis obtusa Glyceria canadensis Hypericum boreale Iris versicolor Juncus canadensis Lycopus americanus Rumex verticillatus Rare ------- Alisma triviale Scutellarialepilobiifolia b.0alamaerostis-Scirpus stand Location ----- Roscommon County, lake Township, T23N, RAW, SW %, Section 21. Soil type ----- Greenwood peat. This was an ecologically slight more advance stand than the previous one, as indicated by the increase of galamagrostis canadensis, the presence of Agrostis h emalis, Aster, Solidaqo, and the absence of such partly submerged species as glisma, Sagittaria, Typha, Eleocharig, etc.. Willow (Salix discqlgg) remained to be the only occurring shrubs but was more frequent in presence and also increased in its coverage. vegetation in the four milacre quadrats were: Shrubstand Vines Frequent --- gall; discolor Sedges,_Grasses, and Herbs Abundant —-- Aarostis hyemalis Calamagrostis canadensis Carex lasiocarpa Cicuta bulbifera Lysimachia terrestris Scirpus cyperinus veronica scutellaria Frequent --- Galium.trifidum Hypericum‘boreale Scutellaria epilobiifolia Slum suave Common ----- Carex tenera Epilobium leptophyllum Eupatorium perfoliatum Lycopus americanus Rare ------- Aster Junciformis Aster sp. Bidens cernga Carex comosa Galium tinctorium Solidago rugosa Solidaqo uliginosa Rumex verticillatus a u a. l .q ' ...-— .c.§gl;§-Calamagrostig stand Location ----- Roscommon County, Lake Township, T23N, R4W, NW %, Section 21. Soil type ----- Newton loamy sand. This was a more advanced stage of the marsh type. Although the soil is somewhat different than the peat, but a relatively thick layer of organic soil on top of the wet sand makes it similar to the peat. Water-table was very near or at the surface during most part of the growing season. However it draped to as deep as 24 inches in a dry period. The increase of willows in tumber of species and in coverages indicated a drier condition than the preceeding two stands. This invasion of shrubs into the wet marsh area is slow and may last for a long period of time. ' §alig petiolaris and Salix gegissimg were the domi- nant shrubs which formed dense bushes. The diameter of their spreading crown ranged from less than one foot to as large as six, seven feet or more. Most of the willows attained a height from 3 to 5 feet, a few also reached 6 feet or more. The following data shows the height and diameter of the crown of shrubs over 6 feet tall in a l/lO acre quadrat: Height Diameter of Species £Ft.) Crown LFt.) Salix petiolaris 7 6 6 6.5 5 7 Salix serissima 5.5 6 Vegetation in the four milacre quadrats were: Trees Common ----- Betula lutea (6) Rare ------- Populus tremuloides (l4) Shrubs and Vines Common ----- Salix alba var. vitellina Salix serissima Rare ------- Alnus ruqosa Salix lucida Salix petiolaris Spiraea alba Rubus flagellaris Sedges, Grasses, and Herbs Abundant --- Agrostis hyemalis. égter Junciformis Calamagrostis canadensis Carex lasiocarpa Carex tenera Iris versicolor Lyccpus amergganus Lysimachia terrestris Scirpus cyperinus Frequent --- Cicuta bulbifera Solidaeo uliginosa Common ----- Eupatorium perfoliatum Galium trifidum Hyfiericum boreale Rare ------- Campanula aparinoides Solidago graminifolia Solidago missouriensis and mm $3 an m3” mm mm an 5.3 sdfiofiogn so»: a n.» .... .3»: an as .35.: 33am . . 3.3: e a.» 31.85% m m e 5.: 3.3.3. 53 m n «6 .133»... $3 a n.» .32: 53 N u o o 0.3 .385. .38 u m e3? . ..iflfiszfidfln. and. 53 an an 5.3 , .9 “has um . n6 windowed 85m H . 3 a «a 3. 33°38: 845%." n m 3: 8s: E :95. A ..H T“ To .. To A a ..H a A a ..o m To u an. ILI IE Dal mlll thst shuns 9% null .E. minnow .SSQE scams «Wining...» :38 238 33.333” ~33 ...-ten .3 songs so onshore» no omsasooaoa 5 couscous 0.33 avg ouonusdo £33: .3 8:3. fins. 82» 2s so newness 833a 5 83st»: 2.» .3 38 balsa .: one: . \ ... ‘. . . 4 . a I . . .v . .....u 0“ o q. .u}. . n. I ~a ‘ . on 7“ H) «a sum). .v.«s. & v . v . . u . I _ O QC “ r, . . I: .e .... .9 we. all .... , . .1 ox I a..|"l.l.-'!l'lnll ’In'llut. I" 1.." sill..c| ---!l‘ 'I r-’ . ..- .lnu‘II."a. l.. .. . . III ‘ . II... ..4 ‘0‘.ll..ll ’3.‘.l \Ic... I29 ll‘. 1!. I .O‘ ' Y.‘I.I.ll . I'lj' ‘ . -,.IDIII"II'-,c u’. ':(- It I.’l.‘l.ul‘10 . II: . ‘3' I. l . I1 I -I I‘s‘1'll-.. .Icll ‘iIs. fl... ,I'I I I .‘ -...‘u- .l ..‘u'l...’ I.I Itiulll: .- . ,l}!.l’,\cIIIIIO.I In: I I‘lai 0.. .../l- .lluil. I iII. .‘Ill. III! .. Ollii' l..- ‘.u l. . ‘IIIIIII‘CIII. . I . . . . . v a . It ll . . 1: u ..a .\. n .. ... .‘.\ h. 1.. v..w. 1“ . . ‘ . . 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'1 . .. u. l.- I “J I: u u s, . o . . . . u ECOLOGICAL FACTORS Ecology is the study of organisms in relation to their environment. Therefore, in making an ecological study of forest succession, it is necessary to investigate the environment in addition to plant communities. The site factors which are essential for the ecolo- gical description and characterization of associations are best considered under three groups:(l)Climatic or atmospheric factors, (2)Edaphic or soil factors, and.(3)Biotic factors or the effects of the living environment. These factors are responsible not only for the ecolo- gical characteristics of the present vegetation but also for successional changes of the plant communities. A.Climatic factors The climatic facters relate to atmospheric conditions and include all factors influencing plant life which are associated with the atmosphere. Four factors are being con- sidered in this paper. They are: temperature, relative humi- dity, precipitation, and evaporation. Climatological data pertaining to the region are shown in Table l. . , . , , » , . . , t I 0 O , . n , , . . ... 0 . . - a —- , ,, . O O J . v lOO l.Temperature Meriam (1898) stated that air temperature is the most important factor in fixing the limits beyond which particular species and particular communities can not extend. Weaver and Clements (1938) have stated that "Temperature is like water in its action upon plants in that it has more or less to do with nearly every function, but as a working condition and not as a material." Observations indicate that the various tree species can live only at temperature of a certain range, which may be termed their critical temperatures. However, within a rela- tively small, climatically similar area, such as the region of this study, local variations in temperature are very little which can be disregarded in their'direct'éffect on ve- getational changes. Yet, vegetation tends to moderate the temperature. This equalizing effect increases with number and height of the layers (Braun-Blanquet, 1932). Therefore temperature is being considered as an influencial factor to the evapo- ration rates of different vegetation types in this study. Average weekly maximum and minimum temperatures for the period from July 20 to October 4, 1952, as recorded from the Higgins Lake and Houghton Lake Weather Bureau Stations are shown in Table 12. Graphical presentation of the data is shown in Fig. 6. 101 Table 12. Weekly averages of temperature, relative humidity, and accumulated precipitation during the period from July 20 to October 4, 1952, compiled from data obtained at Weather Bureau Stations near the Higgins Lake area. Temperature UF. R. H. %' Precipitation-Inches Week Hi%§;:s Hoigggon Ave- Rose Cit Higgins Houghton Ave- (Ended) Max. Min. Max. Min. rage jlupton __Lake iggge rage July 26 82.6 61.1 82.7 61.7 72.0 51.4 1.63 2.79 2.21 Aug. 2 76.8 51.6 77.0 54.3 64.9 59.1 0.19 0.12 0.16‘ ‘9 75.1 51.1 76.3 53.7 64.0 65.3 2.24 2.27 2.25 16 78.4 53.1 78.4 55.3 66.3 58.7 ' 0.12 0.06 0.09 23 73.8 48.8 75.4 53.0 62.8 51.4 0.42 0.04 0.23 30 83.0 51.8 84.7 53.7 68.3 62.1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sept. 6 72.7 53.1 73.3 51.5 62.7 65.7 0.98 1.19 1.08 13 83.3 51.1 81.8 51.8 67.0 54.7 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 68.3 46.1 70.3 47.3 58.0 68.1 0.21 0.48 0.35 27 63.8 38.6 65.2 38.0 51.4 65.0 0.56 0.47 0.51 Oct. 4 62.4139.8 65.8 40.0 552.0 57.0 0.26 0.23 0.24 Temperature 0?. 102 90 70 soy 50 ‘ ,’ \ hoe \ \ ’ 35 1 1 1 L 1 1 1 L 1 1 20—26 27-2 3-9 10-16 17-23 Zip-30 31-6 7-13 ELL—20 21—27 28-1. July Aug. Sept. -. "Oct. 0 ...—... Maximum temperature ----- Minimum temperature Fig. 6. Weekly data of maximum and minimum temperatures ae recorded at the Higgins Lake and Houghton Lake Weather Statione during the period from July 20 to October 1., 1952. .-- r“ 5"; 103 . 2.Relative humidity The only available data of the relative humidity obtained from the Weather Bureau Stations near the Higgins Lake area was the one at Rose Lake (Lupton), Ogemaw County. Percentages of relative humidity were transformed from wet I and dry bulb readings. Weekly averages of the period from July 20 to October 4, 1952 were derived from daily data and are shown in Table 12. Humidity is affected by temperature, wind, altitude, exposure, cover, and soil moisture content (Weaver & Clements, 1938). High temperatures lower the relative humidity; wind has a powerful effect upon humidity in that dry winds lower the amount of air moisture and promote transpiration, whereas the moist winds exert an opposite influence; exposure affects humidity through the action of sun and wind; cover increases humidity by reducing the influence of both temperature and wind; and evaporation from the surface of moist soils increases humidity. Generally speaking, forested regions have high humi- dities; while the humidity of open area or graBSIand‘is low. Lowlands are more humid; and tablelands and mountains usually less humid. 104 3.Precipitation The water requirements of plants are chiefly met by the precipitation of the water vapor of the air in the form of rain, dew, or snow. The atmospheric precipitation is of particular importance in its effect on vegetation, owing to its relation to atmospheric humidity and soil moisture con- tent. In general, fluctuations in soil moisture are direct- ly traceable to variations in precipitation. Toumey & Korstian (1948) stated that "Variations in geographical distribution of precipitation influence markedly the distribution of forest. With the same amount of annual pre- cipitation the character of a forest depends upon whether the rainfall is in the growing season or in the cold season; whether it is evenly distri- buted or confined to a few months of the year. In fact the distribution of precipitation through out the year, especially when rainfall is not heavy, may determine whether a forest is present or a type of vegetation needing less water." However, in this study, precipitation would not be an important factor in influencing the soil moisture because - of the fact that the soils of the swampy lands are almost continuously wet throughout the year. The annual precipita- tion of about 30 inches in this region could not possibly be responsible alone; edaphic factors must also be considered. Weekly precipitation data at the Higgins Lake and Houghton Lake Weather Stations during the period from July 20 to October 4, 1952 are shown in Table 12. Graphical pre- sentation of the data is shown in Fig. 7. Precipitation - In Inches JJl 20-26 21-2. 3-9 )0-16 ”-23 “-30 31-6 Jutg Aug. 1.13 14-20 21-27 26-4 Sq». Oct. Fig. 7. Weekly accumulated precipitation during the period from July‘ZG to October 1., 1952. 106 4.Evaporation Braun-Blanquet (1932) stated that "the evaporation rate is the combined effect of humidity, temperature, wind, atmospheric pressure, and radiant energy." Evaporation markedly determine the efficiency of rainfall, especially where the annual precipitation is less than 30 inches (Weaver and Clements, 1938). Table 13. Evaporation rate as recorded by week at stations of 3 different vegetation layers during the period from July 20 to October 4, 1952. -_ Evaporation in C.C. of Water Date of Salix-Cornus- Thuja-Abies Measurement Marsh Stand _§1nus Stand Stand July 26 65.5 49.3 43.1 Aug. 2 98.6 57.7 48.5 9 37.7 16.2 1.3 16 77.7 30.8 28.0 23 91.6 35.4 30.0 30 85.5 50.8 43.1 Sept. 6 54.7 32.3 27.8 13 93.3 61.6 44.7 20 74.3 40.0 35. 27 55.3 28.5 17.7 Oct. 4 93.6 72.8 47.8 evaporation rate at three stands of different vegetation layers in this study. Livingston atmometers were used to determine the The three stands selected for the 107 100 .. CD 0 l O\ O 40- Weekly Atmometer loss — c.c.'s m. 0 J; ‘I O A K A a A A 1 1 L 20-26 27-2 3-9 10-16 17-23 24-30 31-6 7-13 14-20 21-27 28-1. July Aug. Sept. Oct. Harsh type Swamp Shrubs type .1- S.... Swamp Conifers type Fig. 8". Weekly evaporation in cubic centimeters in Marsh type, Swamp Shrubs type, and Swamp Conifers type for the "peridd from July 20 to October 1., 1952. 1.51‘ .. ...-.- 108 experiment were: (l)The Marsh. (2)The Swamp Shrubs of Sgllg- Cornus-Alnus stand. (3)The Thuja-Abies stand of the Swamp Conifers. Photographs of atmometer set up in the first two stands are shown in Plate'lwand 2. All atmometers were set up with bulbs about 18 inches above the ground surface. Weekly readings were recorded during the period from July 20 to October 4, 1952, as shown in Table 13. Graphical presentation of the data is shown in Fig. .8. Table 14. Analysis of variance of the evaporation data obtained from three different stands during the period from July 20 to October 4, 1952. Source of Degree of Sum of Mean Variation Freedom Sguares Sguare F Total 32 19505.33 609.54 Between stands 2 10584.32 5292.16 lOO.l4** Between weeks 10 7864.00 786.40 14.88** Error 20 1057.01 52.85 **Denotes significant at 1% level. Statistical analysis in Table 14 shows highly signi- ficant differences between the evaporation rates of the three stands. The evaporation rate decreases.from the Marsh t0 the Swamp Shrubs and to the Swamp Conifers. Although the forest vegetation may be the cause rather than effect of the lower evaporation, but the higher evaporation rate in the Marsh may still play an important role in retarding the establish- ment of forest cover on the area. 109 \ Plate 1. Set up of the Livingston atmometer in a. Marsh stand. Inflorescences of Scirpus cypgrinus can be seen on the upper part of the photOgraph. Bulb was approximately 18 inches above the ground. Plate 2. Set up of the Livinyton atmometer in a Swamp Shrubs stand. Bulb was approximately 18 inches above the ground. 111 Weekly averages of temperature and precipitation are plotted against the average evaporation rate of the three stands during the 11 week period from July 20 to October 4, 1952, in Fig. 9. From the graph, we may observe that the evaporation rate serves as an indicator of temperature and precipitation, 1.9., the higher the evaporation rate, the higher the tem- perature and the lower the precipitation will be; whereas the reverse will be true with the lower evaporation rates. ’ 5m Atlometer Loss... c.c.'s 112 (8 s P c: 1 Temperature °F. 20.4 70 - \J’I v: 1 l / v1 0 1 Temperature ----- Evaporation* --- Precipitation /' '\ .\/ \p//’ l\\ ‘\J/ I j\L//’.’T’.-/"\.\\+O Fig. 20-26 27-2 3-9 10-16 17-23 2h-30 31-6 7—13 1h-20 21-27 28-40 Jul! 29. Aug. Sept. Weekly evaporation (Average of three stands) in relation to temperature and precipitation for the period from July 20 to October 4. 1952. * Denotes evaporation of the average of 3 stands. Oct. Precipitation-... Inches 113 B.Edaphic factors A soil is the product of its environment. The most important-factors in determining the character of the soil are the climate, living organisms, relief, time and parent material (lutz and Chandler, 1947). The interrelationships between the vegetation, soil, and climate are inseparable. Although climate is most important inkdetermining the range of a species, or broadly speaking, a formation; the condi- tion of the soil is often responsible for limiting its occurrence. In other words, climate determines the climatic climax of a region. And soil condition within the climatic region will limit the vegetation either to be that of the true climax which occurs on the mesophytic, well-drained, upland soil; or the subclimax (physiographic climax as call- ed by others) which occurs on either excessively wet or excessively dry soils. Therefore in the study of vegetation, soil is one of the most important factors to be taken into consideration. The soils in the Higgins Lake area falls into the Podzol group (Soils and Man, USDA Yearbook 1938). Soils of three series were encountered in this study. Due to the excessive moisture contents and the high percentages of organic matter presented in the soils, only limited labora- tory experiments were being carried out in the study of their physical and chemical prcperties. 114 A spade and an auger were used in the field to examine the soil profiles by way of digging. Soils of all the quadrats were investigated. As a result, seven soil samples belonging to five different soil types were en- countered. They have been coded numerically as follows: Code No. Soil Type Cover T123 1 Newton loamy sand ggiig-Calamggrostig stand 2 Greenwood peat Scirpus- zyphg stand 3 Rifle peat figlix-Cornug-Algug stand 4 Newton loamy sand ébiggegggi; stand. 5 Rifle peat ghulg-épieg stand 6 Bergland loam Fraxinus-Ulmus-Iilig stand 7 Bergland clay loam 'ngugegggg stand Soils of same type, such as l and 4, 3 and 5, taken as samples are due to the fact that different types of ”Vegetation have been recorded. Samples from depth of six inch intervals were taken IFor each soil. This demarcation has been set up arbitrarily because of the lack of zonation in the organic soils. In Order to obtain a favorable comparison, mineral soils were Else being divided in the same manner disregarding their natural depth of horizons . 115 1.5011 profile description a.Newton loamy sand De th pH Soil Color Soil Texture Very 4.96 dark Sandy loam “ brown 6 Dark 4.60 grayish Loamy sand brown 12“ Grayish or 3.70 dingy white sand wet_sand 18" - . -..- -..- 24" _. (Water-table) Cover Type ----- Marsh (Salix-Calamagrostis stand) Physiography --- Flat t).Greenwood peat Depth 93 Soil Color Soil Texture W 4.55 Dark Fibrous brown peat 6"_.__. (Water-table) 4.43 Brown Fibrous peat 12" 4.27 Brown Fibrous peat 18" . ...//"’f-J Cover Type --- Marsh (Scirpus-Iypha stand) Physiography --- Flat c.Rif1e peat Depth I 6n 12" 18“ 116 EH Soil Color Soil Texture Very 6.21 dark Woody brown peat 6.09 Dark Woody brown peat (Water-table) 5.78 Dark Woody brown peat Cover Type ----- Swamp Shrubs Physiography --- Flat d.Newton loamy sand Depth f 6" 8'0 12“ 18‘ n3 3011 Color 3011 Texture Very 5.60 dark Woody brown peat (Water-table) 6 32 Grayish Wet sand ' brown Grayish Wet sand 6.35 brown Cover Type ----- Swamp Conifer forest of Balsam Fir-Tamarack. Physiography -—- Flat e.Rifle peat Depth pH Soil Color Very 6.15 dark brown 60: Bank 6.08 brown 12“ (Water-table) Dark 5-32 brown 18" Physiography --- Flat fuBergland loam 117 Soil Texture Woody peat Woody peat Woody peat Cover Type ----- Swamp Conifer forest of Balsam Fir-N. White Cedar. Depth EH 5011 Color 3011 Texture 1 Very 5.32 dark Loam " brown 6 5-54 Gray Clay ....... 10" (Water-table) 12' Gray with Loamy sand 6.00 yellowish with clay streaks pockets & 8" gravels l' ’ Cover Tyne ----- Swamp Hardwoods of ' Ash-Elm-Basswood Physiography --- Flat 118 g.Bergland clay loam Depth EH Soil Color Soil Texture 5.73 Very ° dark Loam brown (I! 6.30 Gray Clay -------- 10'? —— (Water-Table) 12" 6.50 Gray with yellowish Clay stains 18“ Cover Type ----- Swamp Hardwoods of ] Elm-Soft Maple Physiography --- Flat 119 2.8011 volume weight Lutz and Chandler (1947) have defined 'volume weight as "the ratio between the dry weight of a given volume of undisturbed soil and the weight of an equal volume of water." It is evident that the volume weight is greatly influenced by soil structure, therefore the deter- mination should be based on the volume of soil in its natural field condition. Soil samples of this study were collected in situ by means of the.soil core sampler (Cylinder of 3' x 3" in dimension which gives a volume of 347 cm.). Soil cores of each horizon were collected in duplicate and placed in ice— cream containers in order to retain their natural condition. In the 1aboratory,'a”diSk'ofifilter~paper andzcheeseé cloth'were.fastenedct010nefend of the"cylinder with a:rubber band.«They~wbre;;105°“C.u£or,24—.: hours and calculation was made on oven-dry basis. .Results of laboratory determination are shown in Table 15. Statistical analysis has been made which shows no significant difference between either different soils or different horizons of the soil (Table 16). ~ However, from the data, conclusions can be drawn: (l)The volume weight increases with increasing depth below the surface; and (2)1ower volume weight in soils of higher content of organic matter (also see Table 15). These ar‘l 12G essentially coincideswith-the statement made by Lutz and Chandler (P. 238, 1947). Table 15. Volume weight of each of the three horizons of six soils. 3011 Type —Code Oven-dry Wt. Volume No. Horizon in Grams Weight Newton sand 1 0"-6" 56.5 0.163 6"-12" 143,3 0.413 12“—18" 549.4 1.583 Greenwood peat 2 C"-6" 63.4 0.183 6"-12' 100.3 0.289 12"-18" 105.8 0.305 Rifle peat 3 0"-6" 75.4' 0.217 6..-].2. 114 o} Oo329 12'-18" 129.6 0.373 Newton sand 4 0"-6" 73.8 0.218 6"-12" 568.5 1.638 12"—18“ 601.7 1.734 Rifle peat 5 0"-6" 55.8 0.160‘ 6'-12' 61.7 0.177 12"-18" 65.1 0.187 Bergland loam 6 0"-6" (55.6 0.160 , 6"-12" 78.1 0.225 12..“18" 174 oz OoSO} Table 16. Result of the statistical analysis of the soil volume weight data. ource o egree o um of Mean _!ariation Freedom Squares Sguare 5_F Total 17 49893.11 2934.89 Between ' Soil Types 5 23183.78 4636.76 2.89 Between Soil Horizons 2 10720.44 5360.22 3.35 Error 10 15988.89 1598.89 -—o.— 121 3.Soil porosity Most soil porosity measurements are based upon determinations of volume weight of the soil at some arbi- trary moisture content (Baver, 1948). In this study, the total porosity is based on weight of soil at oven—dry, 105°C., whereas the separating moisture content between the capillary and non-capillary porosity is at the tension equivalent to 60 cm. of water (pF 1.6). a.Capillary, non-capillary, and toatl porosity Eighteen samples in duplicate were collected in situ using core sampler. They were taken from each of the three horizons of six soils. A disk of filter paper and cheesecloth were fastened to one end of the cylinder with a rubber band. Cylinders were then placed into a pan of water such that the water is level with the top of the soil and allowed to stand for 24 hours. After the cores were saturated, they were removed from the pan, let drain freely for one minute, weighed, placed on a tension table, allowed to drain for 24 hours, and weighed. Tension tables of four different tensions which have the equivalent to 10 cm., 20 cm., 40 cm., and 60 cm. of water were used. Data obtained from the tensions of 10 cm., 20 cm., and 40 cm. were used to calculate the percentages of pore space distribution. Cores were placed on the 10 cm. tension table first for 24 hours and weighed. The same procedure was 122 repeated for the remaining three tension tables. Cores were oven-dried after removed from the 60 cm. tension table. Percentages of the non-capillary, capillary, and total porosity of the six soils are shown in Table 17. Table 17. Percentages of soil porosity of each of the three horizons of six soils. Code Percentage of Porosity Soil Typg No. Horizon Non-capillary Capillary Total Newton.sand l 0"-6“ 37.70 53.66 91.36 6'-12" 13.06 66.94 80.00 l2“-18" 13.78 31.55 45.33 Greenwood peat 2 0"-6" 36.29 56.48 92.77 6“-12" 24.76 63.21 87.98 12"-18" 17.67 67.11 84.78 Rifle peat 3 0“-6" 28.88 53.33 82.21 6"-l2' 15.39 67.46 82.85 12'-l8" 13.04 68.57 81.61 Newton sand 4 o“-6" 39.04 53.03 92.07 6F-12" 16.69 21.26 37.95 12*-18" 8.67 23.49 32.16 Rifle peat 5 08-6” 31.57 59.65 91.22 6'-12" 25.79 62.77 88.56 l2“-l8" 16.92 72.01 88.93 Bergland loam 6 0"-6" 22.74 67.69 90.43 6'-12" 19.42 74.87 94.29 __, 12”=18" 14.58 60.95_ 75.53 The data shows that the percentages of non-capillary porosity are lower than the capillary porosity in all the soils. This proves the fact that all the soils are poorly- drained, as Lutz and Chandler (1947) have stated that soils which possess a low non-capillary pore volume and high capi- llary pore volume will have high field capacity but the a. I E Z - 1 . 1» f 3 . 'I t n 1 7 , infiltration of water will be slow. 123 The high percentages of the total porosity of all the soils are no doubt due to the high content of unincorporated organic matter which is very highly porous in nature. Table 18. Analysis of variances for non-capillary, capillary, and total porosity of six soils. ggurce of Degree 0? Sum off; Mean 2' Variation Freedgp_fi Sguares Sguare F ‘_ Non-capillary porosity Total 17 1483.78 87.28 Between Soil Types 5 137.78 27.56 1.14 Between Soil Horizons 2 1104.78 552.39 22.90** Error 10 241.22 24.12 Capillary porosity Total 17 4329.78 254.69 Between Soil Types 5 2671.11 534.22 3.39* Between Soil Horizons 2 87.11 43.55 0.27 Error 10 1571.56 157.16 Total porosity Total . 17 5773 .78 339 .63 Ebtween Soil Types 5 2221.11 444.22 2.07 Ebtween Soil Horizons 2 1408.78 704.39 3.28 ..Ek-ror 10 2143.89 214.39 *“Denotes significant at 1% level “Denotes significant at 5% level 124 Results of statistical analysis are shown in Table 18. There are no siginificant differences between the total porosity of the six soils. For the capillary porosity, slight differences (significant at 5% level) exist between the six soils. Result of the t—Test proves that soils of code number 2,3,5,6 have higher percentages of capillary porosity than Newton sand type. The Newton soil has a sub- soil of wet sand which will certainly be less porous than the other peat 0r clayey soils. As for the non-capillary porosity, there are no significant differences between the six soils. However, highly significant differences exist between the three horizons. Results of the t-Test show that the 0"-6" hori- zons have higher percentages of non-capillary porosity than the lower two horizons, whereas there is no difference be- tween the 6"-12" and 12"-18" horizons. This is rather typical for most of the soils whose sub-soils are less aerated due to compactness. As in this study, the conti- 1nuous wetness should account for the poor aeration which in turn explains the incomplete decomposition of the organic :remains and causes the formation ofpeat 125 b.P0re space distribution Percentages of pore space for the six soils by horizons were determined from the volume weight of the soil at moisture content of the saturated soil core drained for 24 hours under tension equivalent to 10 cm., 20 cm., 40 cm., 60 cm. of water, and oven-dry conditions. The percentages of pore space distribution serve to give a better picture of the pore space under different moisture content. Results of laboratory determinations are shown in Table 19. Table 19. Pore space distribution in percentages of the six soils by horizon. --.. ,.___5_ - —- --.r— ...v -»~- -——._. --. ._ --.--. _,____ _. .. _.__..._ -..... ...... Tension EQuivalent to cm. of Water Soil Type_Code No. Horizon 10 cm. 20 cm. 40 cm; 60 cm. Oven-dry Newton sand 1 0"-6” 21.17 25.22 33.57 37.70 91.36 6"-12" 8.69 9.30 11.38 13.06. 80.00 12"-18" 3.60 4.73 9.54 13.78 45.33 Greenwood 2 0”-6” 21.53 23.66 30.86 36.29 , 92.77 peat 6"-12" 15.30 16.71 21.01 24.76 87.98 ‘ 12"—18" 11.18 12.48 15.65 17.67 84.78 Rifle peat 3 o"-6" 22.74 24.09 27.00 28.88 82.21 6'-12" 10.69 11.61 13.66 15.39 82.85 12'-18" 9.10 9.91 11.73 13.04 81.61 Newton sand 4 O"-6" 28.02 31.55 36.73 39.04 92.07 6"-12" 4.21 6.28 13.11 16.69 37.95 12“-18” 3.17 3.40 6.59 8.76 32.16 Rifle peat 5 0“-6" 24.45 26.51 29.93 31.57 91.22 6"-12" 19.31 21.32 24.29 25.79 88.56 12“-18" 11.58 12.97 15.30 16.92 88.93 ‘Bergland 6 o“-6' 15.01 16.51 19.45 22.74 90.43 loam 6"-12' 11.30 12.94 16.63 19.42 94.29 12"-18" 10.29 11.21 13.11 14.58 75.53 ‘g 126 Statistical analysis, as shown in Table 20, indicates highly significant differences between the different soil types and between the different soil horizons. The following statements were drawn from results of the t-Test: (l)The Greenwood peat and the Rifle peat (Code No. 5) have higher pore space percentages than the other four soils. (2)The pore space decreases as depth of the soil increases. Table 20. Analysis of variance from data of the pore space distribution of the six soils by horizons. Sources of Degree of Sum of Mean Variation freedom Squares Sguare_ F Total 71 5685.87 80.08 Between Soil Types 5 429.45 85.89 21.00** Between Diff. Tensions 3 740.37 246.79 60.34** Error (a) 15 61.38 4.09 0.18 Between Soil Horizons 2 3514.58 1757.29 77.79** Interaction Between T a H 6 36.42 6.07 0.27 Epror (b) 40 4903.67 22.59 **Denoted significant at 1% level. .>’.v.. 127 4.3011 moisture In many regions, the occurrence of forest types is controlled by the supply of water. Generally speaking, site quality improves with increasing amount of available soil moisture. However, there is a limit to the amount of soil moisture which is desirable. Lutz and Chandler (1947) pointed out if the soil water exceeds a certain limit, unfavorable conditions for plant growth result because of deficient aeration and related phenomena. In this study, the swampy soils are wet throughout the year or at least for part or all of the growing season. This makes the accurate determination of soil moisture ip pipp difficult to accomplish, because most of the methods in use are not designed to measure soil moisture in very wet conditions. Nevertheless, the "electrical resistance method" (Bouyoucos and Mick, 1940, 1948) was used to determine the moisture content of two soils. Both of them are Rifle peat, but the stands are of two different types: a Swamp Conifers, and a Swamp Shrubs of gpllg-Cornps-Alppg Association. Soils of these two stands are comparatively drier than soils of the Marsh and Swamp Hardwoods which at the time of setting ‘up the experiment were both under water-logged conditions. I) 128 Nylon blocks were buried at 6 inches and 10 inches depth into the soil column. The lower depth of 10 inches was selected because the water-table in both the soils were at about 12 inches. Weekly measurements were taken by means of the Bouyoucos' Bridge during the period from July 26 to October 4, 1952. Soil temperatures were also measured at the same time in order to correct the resistance readings of the nylon blocks against the room temperature of 76°F. (Bouyoucos and Mick, 1948). The soil moisture curves for the two soils, which have been caliberated in laboratory at room temperature of 76°F. are shown in Fig. 10. (Bouyoucos and Mick, 1940, 1948) Table 21. Soil moisture data of Rifle peat soils in two different stand types, obtained during the period from July 26 to October 4, 1952. éggik —62;Tnche§0 flgoéiich:ig- _%2linche§;ié 10N18c§eiflg Aug. 2 1.9x103 232 0.92x103 252 2.1x103 199 1.6x103 205 9 4.6x103 209 2.1x103 229 2.9x103 191 2.0x103 200 16 2.9x103 220 1.4x103 240 1.7x103 204 1.4x10: 208 23 2.0x103 250 0.96x103 251 1.5x103 207 1.3x103 210 30 4.2x103 211 2.71103 222 5.41:103 178 4.1xlO3 183 Sept. 6 2.7x103 222 1.2x103 244 2.8x103 192 2.1x103 199 13 5.0x103 207 1.8x103 233 3.8x103 185 3.0x103 190 20 4.0x103 213 2.4x103 225 7.0x103 172 5.03103 179 27 2.2x103 228 0.92x103 252 4.3::103 182 4.011103 184 th. 4 2.8x193 221 1.05x103 24s 5,0x103 179 4.5::103 181 x ----- Corrected resistance reading in ohms. MC ----- Moisture content in percent. i"- 129 £30» used 033 or» on» new 0050 8338. flow .oa .wwm accuses 0.50302 How 3N Rm 0am 0mm omm SN com co.” - n p o - r p n L b p - 00> 6.33:8 “Helm one no .309 ocum . as» 335 9.5m 25 co soon 3.3m ...--- / noom I 08; - 8o.~ . ooo.m coo... (ouqo) couscous}; 130 Weekly data of the moisture contents of the two soils are shown in Table 21. Graphical presentation is shown in Fig. 11. Analysis of variance (Table 22) shows highly significant difference between the moisture contents of the two soils as well as between the two different horizons. Table 22. Analysis of variance of the moisture contents of the two Rifle peat soils. Source of ' Degree of Sum of Mean Variation Freedom uares S uare F Total 39 21099.78 541.02 Between Dates 9 3143.03 349.22 2.74 Between Soil Types 1 14478.03 14478.03 113.88** Error (a) 9 1144.22 127.13 Between Soil Horizons 1 1600.23 1600.23 193.26** Interaction ' Between T d H 1 585.22 585.22 70.67** lgyror (b) 18 149.05 8.28 it“Denotes significant at 1% level. Further t-Test shows that the moisture content of tdao soils of the Swamp Shrub type (Code No. 3) is signifi- c=antly higher (at 1% level) than the soils obtained from tdse Swamp Conifer forest stand (Code No. 5). Whereas in Ouch soil the lower (10 inches) layer has a higher moisture 'than the upper (6 inches) layer. - , a r l . \ . r \ , .1 a . h ‘ . , ' .. - , . I ‘ .q. 9 - . , . . . 3 l . . r 1 . I . n ' a f . . I r” I ‘u l' ‘ . . ' 1 4 . . I . _ . i . r '7 , . .. ~‘o 1 I Q h - 1 . o . I 8 ~- ‘o . o " ' ’ . "‘l -‘ " .- ..-. .C- . . ': . ‘ _...“."_._.. -.. .‘ ‘... ‘ f.+. .-. - r a , t r . . ‘ , - .1.... ...-1.. .- ....-. — ... ..-.... . . .. _ ..-—-.‘_. ‘ ,.- 3 . . r u - ' ‘ . . ' . | ' l \ . .- 1 , . , . I‘ . . « e ( ' ' v , . O , ‘ 1 . . n "v ‘ "‘ . , _- . . .2.. .. 1 ._ «2 ......— -~e.-—- oa'O- . , . 0. ~ . e . ' w . l , . . o I ‘ O . . V . A o '. ‘ _ l . . 7 . . 7" _ . . o I a Soil Moisture Content in Percent 260 240 "‘ 220 .. 200 — 180 -1 160 * August 131 L I l ‘ _ r 2 5. ~+ -9 16 23 30 76 13 20 27 4 6“ layer of Swamp Conifer stand ——--—12" layer of Swamp Conifer stand —---'—-—‘7 6" layer of Swamp Shrubs stand ------ “12" layer of Swamp Shrubs stand Fig. 11. Weekly data of soil moisture content in percent of the two Rifle pest soils by horizons. v . u o . l o l x . I. 1 1. +1 . l . .l ....m.\,. .... ....h .. .T“. ..n... .. . x .. < I: v v 1 1 yr slq ... It. I...) . , -| 0 ll .. 3,1 :9 .u‘ .1: '1‘. 53’ \‘n'oé’t {I x v. . r I. z \ a o . \ . . .\ 1 . s . v 4. l y .. . . s r, l I \. . \ 7 . . x s . v v \ . I ., . l I . I . . . l I A I .- .4 / . a t / 1 I . . . . . r . I A 7 . .o . .. .-.. 132 5.8011 temperature Soil temperature is important because it affects the biological, chemical and physical processes in soils. Weaver and Clements (1939) have stated that color, texture, structure, water content, amount of humus, slope and aspect, and the presence or absence of vegetation cover are among the factors that directly affect soil temperature. According to them, water content is the most important because it has a specific heat about five times greater than the solid constituent of the soil. Therefore, the poorly-drained soils, under dense vegetation cover, of flat and low ground, are colder than sandy or loamy soils of the uplands. Table 23. Soil temperatures of the two Rifle peat soils which measured once every week during the period from July 26 to October 4, 1952. 5011‘““xeeeésature‘ “§L Date a. Code No. 3; . Code No, 5 July 26 -- 66 Aug. 2 61 61 9 6O 61 16 60.5 60 23 57.5 55 30 60 62 Sept. 6 58 58 13 61.5 62 20 52 53 27 49.5 49 got. 4- 47‘ 46 .7 w l . . .. . . . . . A 1 . . , . h, 7» . .. n o c , . _ .4 , . o . , a to: o w o‘ p . . e i . : 4 l . A . .c t w c . I 14 .. u . . .. w . ‘ ' . . 1 .li a. 133 In this study, soil temperatures have been measured in only two of the sample plots (shown in Table 23), as a supplementary procedure in measuring the moisture contents of the soils. No significant difference has been found between the two sampling areas, the Swamp Shrub stand and the Swamp Conifer forest. 6.0rganic matter The effect of organic matter or humus on forest. vegetation has been discussed by Toumey and Koretian (1958). They stated that the humus is a source of supply of both ash and non—ash nutrients. They also stated that the effect of organic matter will improve the physical properties of soil. For example, the incorporated humus improves the soil structure, increases water holding capacity, decreases the volume weight, increases the activities of soil organisms, and has a high exchange capacity; and the unincorporated organic matter will protect the soil from the compacting effect of heavy precipitation. . Decomposition of plant remains is much retarded in 'tho poorly-drained soils duo to the cool climate, excessive loisture, poor aeration, and unfavorable microbiological conditions. The litter of the swamp vegetation such as £1325, ngig, Vaccinium, Lgdgm, 9232;, etc., is highly acid in reaction which upon accumulation is readily formed into peat. 134 Braun-Blanquet (1932) has segregated the humus substances into two qualitatively different groups: the neutral, mild, saturated; and the adsorptively unsaturated humus. He stated that ” ----- the interior surface of the unsaturated humus (of this, peat belongs to) is very great, involving a large water fixation; hence very acid humus soils are physically dry." Twenty-one samples in duplicate from each of the three horizons of seven soils were used to determine their organic matter content by the Dry Combustion method. To 2 grams of finely ground air-dry soil (0.5 or 1 gram for some of the soil whose organic matter is very high) were added 0.25 gram manganese dioxide and 5 grams 60 mesh carbon free alundum. They were mixed well and placed in alundum combustion boat and the boat was in- serted directly into the hot silica tube offurnace, pre- viously heated to operating temperature of about 950°C. The flow of oxygen was adjusted to about 100-200 c.c. per minute. Carbon dioxide evolved in combustion passed thru 'tho purifying section of the train, and was absorbed in a jpreviously weighed tube filled with ascarite. Grams of carbon (dioxide evlved was calculated and then converted to percent of organic matter by using the converting factor 0.471. Results from the laboratory determination are shown in Table 24. 135 Table 24. Organic matter in percent of seven soils by horizon as determined from Dry Combustion method. Organic Matter in Percent Code ; . Replications Soil Type__ No. Horizon I _, II Average Newton sand 1 0'-6” 59.24 40.38 49.81 69-12" 16.49 18.90 17.69 12“-18" 1.52 1.00 1.26 Greenwood peat 2 0i-6" 67.68 66.62 67.15 6"-12" 78.08 71.98 75.03 12'-18" 33.77 50.29 42.03 Rifle peat 3 0'-6"‘ 51.91 48.75 50.33 6"-12“ 63.23 53.32 58.27 12"-18" 41.40 44.373 42.88 Newton sand 4 0'-6' 47.82 48.55 48.19 6“-12" 0.79 1.30 1.04 12'-18" 0.99 0.79 .0.89 Rifle peat 5 0“-6' 42.41 46.01 44.22 12"-18" 40.40 43.38 41.89 Bergland loam 6 0“-6" 46.12 30.47 38.30 6"—12" 32.24 21.57 26.91 12”-18" 1.33 1.82 1.58 Bergland 7 "-6“ 38.49 42.14 40.31 clay loam 6"-12' 3.72 3.37 3.55 _p 12"-18" 1.35 1.29 1.32 Statistical analysis which is~ shown in Table 25 shows that there are highly significant differences (at 1% ‘level) between the organic matter of the different soil ‘types, different soil horizons, and also the interaction of soil type and horizon. 136 Table 25. Analysis of variance from the data of organic matter of seven soils by horizons. Source of Degree of Sum of Mean Variation Freedom Squares. Sguare F Total 41 22913.62 558.87 105.85 Between Soil Types 6 12168.12 2028.02 75.42** Between Replications 1 27.52 27.52 1.02 Error (a) 6 161.31 26.89 Between Soil Horizons 2 6135.05 3067.52 105.85** Interaction Between T d H 12 4015.95 334.66 11.55““ Error (9) 14 405.67 28.98 *“Denotes significant at 1% level. The following observations are drawn from tho t-Test: a.For different soil types h-—-- The Greenwood peat has the highest organic matter content, followed by the two Rifle peat types. Next comes the two Newton sand types and both the Bergland soils. The high percentages of organic matter in all the {peaty soils can well be expected as the result of vegetative accumulation in the peat. The greater amount of coarse woody materials in the Rifle peat should account for the lower organic matter content than found in Greenwood peat which is composed of mostly finer textured materials. The lower organic matter content of the Newton and IBergland soils is due to the fact that they are mineral 137 soils whose substrata are low in organic matter, in spite of the high content of organic matter in the t0p layer of the two soils. b.F0r types at same horizon (l)O"-6" Horizon ----- Greenwood peat has the highest organic matter; and the Bergland loan has the lowest. The rest of the soils are in between without differences. (2)6"-l2" Horizon ----- Organic matter in soil code No. 2 3 5. 6,1 4,7. The higher organic content in the first three soils is attributed to the characteristic of peat which is naturally high in organic matter. The decreases in organic content of these soils account for the fact of vege— tational changes from Marsh to Swamp Shrubs and to Swamp For- est vegetations. The lower organic matter content of the Newton and Bergland soils is due to the mineral origin of the subesoil. The differences between them are probably due to the variation in thickness of organic surface soils. (3)12'-18' Horizon ----- Results of the t-Test show that the three peat soils are higher in organic content than the Newton and Bergland soils. This coincides with the dif- Irerence between the pest and mineral soils. 138 7.Soil reaction (pH) Most forest soils have an acid reaction. Acidity of the soil may affect tree growth. However, certain species particularly of the family Ericaceae, growbest on acid soil. Under conditions of poor drainage, highly acid con- ditions are apt to develop. Weaver and Clements (1938) stated that ”In soils of organic origin, basic salts are present in only small amount. The soil develops more or less marked acidity as the result of the accumulation of humus under conditions of poor aeration and sometimes by the setting free of acid from the mineral constituents of the soils." The Beckman pH meter was used in the determination of the soil acidity in this study. Twenty-one samples in duplicate were tested. For the organic soils, soil-water ratio of 1:10 by weight, and 5 grams air-dry soil samples were used. For the mineral soils, 10 grams of soil at soil- water suspensions of 1:5 by weight were employed for the determination. .The higher soil-water ratio for the organic soils was necessary to make better contact between the soil iamd the glass electrode. The use of a small amount of <3rganic soil for samples was made possible by their high 13ercentages of organic content. A series of soil samples were weighed up.and to such sample the required amount‘ofrwster weseddedw Thor soil sus— 'Dénsioasawore stirred for'one.minuteg and the pH determined. Laboratorygresults are shown in Table 26. 159 Table 25. Soil reaction (pH values) of the seven soils by horizon. Code - 5gplicationg Soil Type_ No. Horizon I II ' Average Newton sand 1 0"-6" 4.98 4.95 4.96 6"-12“ 4.65 4.55 4.60 12"-18' 3.75 3.65 3.70 Greenwood 2 0"-6" 4.55 - 4.55 4.55 peat 6"-l2" 4.48 4.38 4.43 12"-l8” 4.22 4.32 4.27 Rifle peat 3 0"-6” 6.20 6.22 6.21 6"-12" 6.06 6.12 6.09 12"-18' 5.78 5.78 5.78 Newton sand 4 o“-6“‘ 5.65 5.56 5.60 6“-12" 6.40 6.25 6.32 12"-18" 6.45 6.25 6.35 Rifle peat 5 0"-6" 6.15 6.15 6.15 6"-12“ 6.02 6.15 6.08 12"-18" 5.35 5.28 5.32 Bergland loam 6 0“-6' 5.75 5.70 5.73 6"-12" 6.25 6.35 6.30 12"-18" 6.40 6.60 6.50 Bergland 7 0"-6“ 5.25 5.20 5.23 clay loam 6”-12" 5.52 5.55 5.54 . 12"-18" 5.85 6.15 6.00 Statistical analysis has been carried out for five of the seven soils tested. The arbitrary horizons of 6 inches interval in this study are set up primarily for the organic soils (Azonal) which are undifferentiated in natural horizons. In this experiment, if both the Bergland soils are thrown in for statistical analysis, erronous results would 9‘" 140 be produced because of the different thickness in the correspoding horizons of these two structurally similar soils. Therefore, only one of the two is being analyzed. The same applies to the Newton soils. Table 27. Analysis of variance for the soil reaction data of five soils by horizon. ‘ource of Degree of Sum of Mean Variation Freedom Sguares Sguare F Total 29 2200.97 75.90 Between , . Replications 1 0.04 0.04 0.11 Between Soil Types 4 1848.14 462.04 l248.76** Error (a) 4 1.46 0.37 Between Soil ' Horizons 2 112.27 56.14 93.57** Interaction Between T e H 8 233.06 28.51 47.52** Error (b) 10 6.00 0.60 ‘senenotes significant at 1% level. Analysis of variance in Table 27 shows a highly signifiCant difference between the five soil types as well as between horizons. The t-Test gives further results as follows: a.Eor different soil types ----- The two soils of the Open-meadow type (Greenwood peat and Newton sand) were strongly acid in reaction, followed by the two Rifle peat soils. No difference was found between the former two soils, whereas the Rifle peat of the Swamp Conifer Forest stand was 141 slightly more acid than the soils of the Swamp Shrub type (significant at 5% level). The Bergland soil of the Swamp Hardwood stand was the least acid and almost neutral in reaction. b.For different horizons ----- The l2“~18" horizon was significantly more acid_(at 1% level) than the top two layers, while there was no difference between the latter two horizons. This was true for the organic soils and was probably due to the excessive moisture present in the lower layer which in turn caused poorer aeration and less decomposition of plant remains. As for the Bergland soil, the pH value increased with increasing depth. This is typical to podzel soils as stated by lutz and Chandler (1947): . “The H layer or the A horizon in odzols is commonly most acid and the maximum values are commonly encountered in the lower part of the B horizon." A- composite summerization of all the edaphic characteristics for the seven soils by horizon is shown in Table 28. Table 28. Composite summation of edaphic Soil Type Newton sand Greenwood peat Rifle peat' Newton sand Rifle peat Bergland loan Bergland clay loam characteristics of seven soils by horizon. Code Capil— 142 Porosity in Percent Organic Volume Non-Ca- Matter. pH No. Horgzon Height pillar: lary Total percent 1 0"-6' 6"-12“ l2"-l8” 077-6'.‘ 6“—l2“ 12'-18' 08-6" 6"-l2' l2"-l8" 0.8-6'. 6“-12' l2"-18' Ou_6u 6"-12" '12'-18" 0.163 0.413 1.583 0.183 0.289 0.305 0.217 0.329 0.373 0.218 1 o638 1.734 0.160 0.177 0.187 37.70 13.06 13.78 36.29 24.76 17.57 28.88 15.39 13.04 39.04 16.69 8.67 31.57 25.79 16.92 "‘ ----- 53.66 66 o94 31-55 56.48 63.21 67.11 53.33 67.46 68.57 53.03 21.26 23.49 59.65 62.77 72.01 91.36 80.00 45.33 92.77 87.98 84.78 82.21 82.85 81.61 92.07 37.95 32.16 91.22 88.56 88 o9} 49.81 17.69 1.26 67.15 75.03 42.03 50.33 58.27 42.88 48.19 1.04 0.89 44.22 44.15 41.89 38.30 26.91 1.58 4.96 4.60 3.70 4.55 4.45 4.27 6.21 6.09 5.78 5.60 6.32 6.35 6.15 6.08 5.32 5-73 6.30 6.50 5.23 5.54 6.00 143 C.Biotic factors In this paper, biotic factors are considered under three groups: (1)1nsects and diseases, (2)Animals, and (3)Men. No attempts have been made toward detailed studies of these factors because they were not believed to signifi- cantly influence forest succession on the poorly-drained soils of this region. Onlthhose observed to be relatively important were covered. l.Insects and diseases Generally speaking, most of the insects and diseases have species preferences or at least do not injure all species equally. This may be due to the composition and age-pattern of the forest. Therefore swamp forests which are mixed in composition and uneven-aged in most cases probably will not be subjected to great insect damage. Some of the insects and diseases have had their epidemic periods. However, unusual damages were not reported in this region. Some of the common ones have been observed ‘but were not to be considered destructive, at least from the ecological standpoint.' Important ones encountered in the field were: a.Insects (1)8pruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clem.) The spruce budworm is native to North America. Destructions caused by this pest to the spruce and fir have 144 been great according to Brown, MacAloney, and Dowden (USDA Yearbook, 1949). Outbreaks of this insect has been recorded in Maine in 1910, in Minnesota in 1913, and more recently in Canada in 1935 and 1944. No report of unusual abundance of the budworm has been received from the Lake States. However, light defoliations caused by this insect has been noted in the Higgins Lake region. Upon the study of the biology and feeding habit of the spruce budworm, white and black spruce appeared to suffer less from attack than red spruce and balsam fir. And because spruce is far more valuable for lumber and pulp than balsam fir, it has been cut more heavily and its proportion in the forests has thus been reduced. Balsam fir is far more aggres- sive than spruce in seeding-in after logging operation, fire, or wind damage. Man's activity and the spruce budworm, there- fore have often contributed to a gradual conversion from a forest containing a high percentage of spruce to one in which balsam fir predominates and which is far more favorable for the spruce budworm. Three silvicultural practices can be done to increase the resistance of the forest to spruce budworm attack: (a)To clear cut mature and over-mature balsam fir stands, (b)To Operate balsam fir stand on a short rotation, and (c)T0 try to increase the proportion of spruce in the stand. 145 (2)Larch sawfly (Iygaeonematus erichsonii) I The larch sawfly is the most important sawfly to attack conifers. From time to time, it appears in destructive numbers, defoliating extensive areas of tamarack, and it may also attack some other trees and shrubs. Westveld (1949) and others have stated that the tamarack type was almost completely destroyed by this insect many years ago. In this area, some of the tamaracks in the Swamp Conifer Forests are the victims of this_pest. According to Doane (1936): "Little can be done toward controlling this insect in the swamp areas. ----- Importation of one of the European parasites has been evidently proved successive in Manitoba (Watson, 1931).“ b.Diseases - The important diseases pertaining to the swamp forests can be grouped into decay (or rots) and cankers. Fungi are the causal agents for both groups. In addition to the loss of merchantAbale timber, trees weakened by the rots or cankers are much more easily broken off and therefore these diseases indirectly disturbs the original stand characteristic and composition. The common diseases either being observed or believed to be present in the swamp forest of this region are listed by their causal agents and the host Species: Ogcanism Armillaria melea Formes igniarius Formes pini Polyporus balsameus Polyporus schweinitzii Perla subacida Stereum sanguinolentum Hypoxylon pruinatum Nectria sp. 2.Animals In general, the wildlife. When there is wildlife population and 146 Damage caused by organism and host species Occasionally cause rot in black spruce, yellow birch, and American elm. lost important in aspen, also attacks yellow birch, to cause white heart rot. Cause red ring rot in tamarack and black spruce. Cause brown butt rot in balsam fir, northern white cedar, and hemlock. Cause red brown butt rot in black spruce. Attacks balsam fir especially. Cause red heart rot in balsam fir and spruce. Common and sometimes fatal in aspen. Common in yellow birch, occasional in red maple, basswood, and American elm. forests provide food and cover for a reasonable balance between the food supply from the forests, there will be no damage to the forests. However, repeated browsing by over-p0pulated wildlife definitely damages reproduction. Swift (1949) reported that reproduction used most heavily as food by deer was that of maple, oak, northern white cedar, basswood, ash, birch, elm, etc., with prevalence in that order. Of these, northern white cedar, ash, elm, and maple are the important components of the swamp forests. 147 3.Men The effect of man's destruction upon vegetation is visible everywhere. The most important associates of man in the destruction of vegetation are "fire" and "cutting". Although fire occasionally may be caused by lightning by‘ far the greatest number are man caused. In the early lumbering period, general cutting practice was clear-cutting. Actual evidence supports the fact that in certain sections of the state fires destroyed more merchantable‘timber than was out during that period. However, the swamps have not been subjected to burning nearly so often as the uplands. This may attribute to the fact that the swamps are usually wet with less chance for fire to occur. This does not mean there are no fires in the swamps. As we can see during the dry season, the water-table in a coniferousswamp may drop to a low level and this plus the fact that the litter of the swamp stands become readily flammable, may result in fire doing great damage. Clear-cutting was the common practice in early lumbering period. This will eventually result in a shrubby growth on the site before the reproduction of the original Species can re-establish; and this may not be accomplished for a considerable long period of time. 148 Unfavorable cutting sometimes may alter the stand composition, as for 'example, when selective lOgging is employed to remove valuable large black spruce from a coni— ferous swamp. This will result in the stand being dominated by inferior species such as balsam fir and culled northern white cedar. Eventually the unsuitable cutting operation will disturb the natural sequence of succession either pro- gressively or retrogressively. Secondary succession begins when the original stands are burned or otherwise denudated through some other agents such as destructive cutting, epidemic insect or disease damages etc.. Generally speaking, on lightly burned areas, original species such as black spruce or balsam fir of the Swamp Conifers may easily be reestablished in a short time because of favorable regeneration characteristics. On severely burned areas succession may initiate from the sedgeegrass stage, the swamp shrub growth of figlingornus-Alngg associa- tion, or the Lowland Aspen type. In either case, the sub- climax type of Swamp Conifers or the Bwamp Hardwoods will replace the temporary types depending upon the original composition and the nature of the soils. On shallow peat with mineral substratum, Swamp Hardwoods will have better chance in succession; whereas on bog or peat soils, Swamp Conifers probably will succeed. Repeated fire generally favors the continuance of Aspen type (Gates, 1930). FOREST SUCSESSION Cooper (1913) has divided succession into a series of two types, the xerarch and hydrarch. Hydrarch succession initiates from hydrophytic habitats such as lakes and ponds and becomes more and more mesephytic in its successive stages. This, the hydrarch succession, is the type to be discussed in this study. Five vegetation types were found on the poorly-drained soils in the Higgins Lake area. They were the Marsh, the Swamp Shrubs, the Swamp Conifers, the Swamp Hardwoods, and the Iow- land.Aspen. A diagram showing successiohal relationships be- tween the different vegetation types is shown in Fig. 12. Trends of succession are based on the characteristics of the soils and the occurring vegetation. No attempts were made to study the succession prior to the Marsh type. A.The Marsh (or Open-Meadow type) Marshes were found on two types of soils, the boggy Greenwood pest and the Swampy Newton loamy sand. These two soils have the common characteristics of being strongly acid in reaction; but they do differ in moisture and organic con- tents. The Greenwood peat is comparatively wetter than the Newton loamy sand because the former has a lower volume weight 150 Hemlock-White Pine-Northern Hardwoods (Upland Climax Type) \ \ Swamp Hardwoods of Fraxinus-Ulmusrloer (Subclimax 4LType) Swamp Conifers of Thuja-Picea-Abies (Subclimax Type) / 1"- \ ’./ Lowland Larix v Swamp Shrub Denudation of , /" Swamp Forests ,,’~ by destructive cutting, fire, ‘ \ & other causes. '“~\, Fig. 12. Diagram showing successional relationships exhibited between the associations of poorly drained soils in the Higgins Lake area. An arrowhead indicates the direction of succession. 151 and higher capillary porosity, which indicates a higher water holding capacity. This wetter condition can also be verified by the fact that the water-table in the Greenwood peat is very near to the surface as compared to the lower water-table, at about twenty-four inches, in the Newton soil during the drier season. The organic content of the Greenwood peat is con- siderably higher than that of the Newton sand. This should be as eXpected due to the difference between organic and mineral soils. The shallower organic layer on top of the wet sand of the Newton soil indicates its better-drained condition than the Greenwood peat which has a deep peat soil column. The difference in vegetation components is another indication that the vegetation on the Newton soil belongs to a later stage. The plants found on the Greenwood peat are more hydrOphytic such as Sggittaria, Alisma, Juncus, Eleocharis, Typhg, and the abundance of §igm suave and Cicuta bulbifera. On the Newton soil there is a more luxi- rant growth of Sglgg and the presence of such shrubs as Alggg, S iraea, and nggg, Continuous filling-in onto the harsh site by the mat forming plants such as sedges, rushes, grasses, cat- tails, etc., will result in one of two possibly successional stages: (K 152 l.The Swamp Shrubs, or the Swamp Conifers will succeed on the poorly-drained boggy sites. 2.The Lowland Aspen may succeed on relatively better drained sites as a temporary type and later give way to the Swamp Hardwoods or the Swamp Conifers. B.The Swamp Shrub type As the sedge mat gradually invades the poorly-drained peat, shrubby species will invade the Marsh to form a shrub stand which is principally composed of Species of Salix, Alpgg, and Cornus. Plants such as Aronia nigra, Potentilla fructicosa, Betula pumila, Spirggg alba, and Rubus hispidgg etc., are the indicators of the bog sites. Consequently, the Swamp Conifers of ggpea-gbieg, or ngig, or a mixture of these species will succeed this type in a longer or shorter period of time. ,However, the Swamp Shrubs may also give way to the Swamp Hardwoods of Fraxinus-Ulmggngggg community on the better drained sites, or on soils of mineral origin. 153 C.Swamp Coniferous Forest The principal tree species of this type are Thpjg occidentalis, Picea mapgana, Abies balsamea, and ngig laricina. The Thglg, ggpggJ and L321; may occur in almost pure stands, on the other hand, they may occur in mixtures of any prOportions. This type may directly replace the Marsh vegetation whenever it is able to become established. However, it is more apt to succeed the Swamp Shrub type. _ L531; is a rapid growing, short lived, deciduous coniferous species. It usually invades the cpen, burned over boggy sites as a pioneer species due to its shade intolerant character. Generally the ngig forms a pure stand, and an abundant growth of shrubs usually is found in the stand be- cause they are less densely shaded. In succession, this type will be followed by other tree associations which are able to shade it. The usual ones are the giggg marigpa on very wet sites, or the Thglgegigggrépigg_type on comparatively drier sites. The black spruce (giggg mariana) is the most common tree species to follow the Swamp Shrubs or the ngig in succession due to its ability to withstand shade, excessive soil moisture, and soil acidity.It usually associates with balsam fir and northern white cedar and later as the stand advances will be replaced by the northern white cedar (Gates, 1942). u.- 154 The Swamp Coniferous forest, especially the Thuja, when left undisturbed and fully developed, will attain a very dense growth so that almost no ground vegetation grows in its shade. However, in openings, a great number of plants of different genera do occur. Th2}; is a subclimax typo in the region, considering the Hemlock-White Pine-Northern Hardwoods being the climax type on the well-drained, mesophytic, uplands. Without pro- nounced changes in drainage, Thuj; would probably maintain its composition for some time to come. As Gates (1942) has stated the 1334; association is the subclimax type in boggy areas. He pointed out that the ultimate outcome would be the upland vegetation if the addition of soil material or a lowering of water-table converts the site to that of the upland. Zassda (1952) in study the reproduction on cut over swanplands in the upper penisula of Michigan, has come up with the conclusion that " ----- the important species in the peat swamp was black spruce, but after logging reproduction of black spruce is poor. Reproduction on the muck soils con- tains much less northern white cedar than the original stand. On the wet mineral soils, the stocking of conifers is decided- ly lower than the original forest. ----- Hardwood invasion is common on all swamp soils. ----- ' 155 Westveld (1948) stated that the black spruce and northern white cedar are suffering from competition of hardwoods when the latter do appear in the composition because of the fast growth of the hardwoods in the early stage which more or less supresses the reproduction of the conifers. These lead me to the believe that, on the Swamp Conifer sites, as time goes on, the Swamp Hardwoods, pro- bably the Fraxinus-glmggyépgg community, will eventually replace the original conifers before reaching the meso- phytic climax type of the upland. Results from the vegetation analysis of the Swamp Conifers (Table 4) show that the balsam fir is the prede- minating species, followed by the northern white cedar, tamarack, black spruce, red maple, and yellow birch in that order. Phytographs of these dominant species are shown in Fig. 13. 156 a, <7 o Balsam Fir N. White Cedar Tamarack e 0 Black Spruce Red Maple ® Yellow Birch Black Cherry OA --- Percentage of relative density OB --- Percentage of total frequency CC --- Percentage of Size Class distribution OD --- Percentage of relative basal area Fig. 13 Phytographs of the important species of the Swamp Coniferous Forest type. 157 D.Swamp Hardwoods of Fraxinus-Ulmus-Acer association The Swamp Hardwoods in this region occurs commonly on those swamp areas that are occupied by soils which have a better decomposed, relatively shallow, peaty organic layer on a mineral substratum. These soils are better-aerated and less acid than those of the bog sites. The stands contain species of both the swamp conifers and the upland hardwoods, generally with the hardwood species dominating. Table 29. Data of relative feequency, relative density, and relative basal area of the dominant components of the Swamp Hardwoods.** Si;:i§§==========:"_1: Re1.Freg. Rel.Den. Rel::S.A::=IT7fi Black and Green Ash 21.0 44.7 27.0 92.7 . Red and Silver Maple 13.2 11.9 33.3 58.4 American & Slippery Elm 18.4 9.7 28.6 56.7 Northern White Cedar 7.9 16.0 10.3 34.2 Balsam Fir . 7.9 8.2 3.2 19.3 Yellow & Sweet Birch 7.9 2.5 2.8 13.2 Basswood 5.4 3.3 2.7 11.4 Hemlock 2.6 0.5 0.4 3.5 *‘Produced from Table 2. *Designates Importance Value which is the sum of relative frequency, relative density, and relative basal area. ‘ Table 29 shows the result of a vegetation analysis of the Swamp Hardwoods. The ashes (Black and green) are 158 predominating, followed by the maples (red and silver), the elms (American and slippery), northern white cedar, balsam fir, the birches (yellow and sweet), basswood, and hemlock in that order. Phytographs of these dominant species are shown in Fig. 14. From the standpoint of soil development, the Swamp Hardwood is more apt to be an advanced type that succeeds the Lowland Aspen or the Swamp Shrubs of the relatively better-drained mineral soils of the river and stream banks. In many cases, the Swamp Hardwoods are found on depressions or flat areas bordering the swamps and bogs and connected on the other side to the uplands. Therefore, geographically, it occurs on sites which are intermediate between the swamps and the uplands. Whereas from the standpoint of the vegeta- tion itself, the Swamp Hardwood type is composed of both the swamp coniferous species and the upland hardwood species which shows a true transition between the Swamp Conifers and the Hardwood Upland. Gates (1942) pointed out that " henever boggy or wet ground has been cut over or burned over there is a possibi- lity of the development of the lowland forest association of Fraxigps piggg and Apgg_rubrum. Only those of Thglg.gccid§p- 351;; are expected to result in succession, unless the area is being changed from a lowland to upland. In the latter case the upland hardwood species more frequently invade and attain dominance." ifi Black Ash 159 Red Maple Green Ash N. White Cedar Slippery Elm American Elm O V Balsam Fir OA --- Percentage OB --— Percentage OC --- Percentage OD —-- Percentage Basswood Yellow Birch of relative density of total frequency of Size Class distribution of relative basal area Fig. 14 Phytographs of the important species of the Swamp Hardwoods type. 160 Braun (1950) has discussed the Swamp Hardwoods as the river swamp community occurring on the wet but better drain- ed habitat, and stated that on better-drained sites, a few additional hardwood species may enter into the present Elm- Ash-Maple communities, suggesting its replacement under good drainage conditions by mesophytic hardwood forest. It is probable that the Swamp Hardwood type will succeed the Lowland ASpen or the Swamp Shrubs of Salix-Cornus- Alggg type on better-drained mineral soils of the swamps (Gates, 1942). And it may also invade the Swamp Conifers of Egglg-Apiggeglggg stand when the drainage improves and soil reaction is not too acid. The Swamp Hardwoods type is a subclimax on the poorly drained sites of the region. Without pronounced changes in climate and drainage, this type will perpetuate and remain for a relatively long period of time before the upland hard- woods can be established. 161 E.The Lowland Aspen type This type is characterized by the dominance of Pppulus tremulques, the trembling aspen. Inception of this type can be of two possibilities: l.It succeeds the Marsh on the relatively better-drained soils, as a temporary type. After a relatively short period of time it will give way to either the Swamp Conifers or the Swamp Hardwoods. 2.It is established as a temporary fire type after an area of swamp forests, most commonly the Swamp Conifers, is burned over. Gates (1942) stated that an ASpen association developing on an area following one or two fires usually givesplace to a higher genetic association in a comparatively short time. While further fires favor the continuance of the Aspen association. He pointed out the Thglg association may enter immediately and replace the Aspen association in twelve to twenty years, or a mixture of spruce-balsam fir will succeed in an even shorter time. The Swamp Hardwoods of Ash- Elm community may also replace the aspen sometimes. Usually the original type previously occupying the site will replace the aspen in scoondary succession. SILVICULTURAL CONSIDERATIONS Five types of vegetation were recognized on the poorly-drained soils in the area: The Swamp Hardwoods, the Swamp Conifers, the lowland Aspen, the Swamp Shrubs, and the Marsh. Silvicultural treatments are here considered only for the former three types. Since both the Swamp Hardwoods and the Swamp Conifers are the physiographic, subclimax type, they are able to per- petuate easily if they be left undisturbed and without pro- found changes in environment. However, men are? interested in growing and harvesting the desirable species for use, suitable silvicultural treatments must be adapted in order to do so. A.Swamp Hardwood type The Swamp Hardwoods type is being recognized as the 'most advanced forest type on the poorly-drained soils in the region. The major species of the type were the American and slippery elm, red or silver maple, black and green ash, with some associated species of basswood, northern white cedar, yellow birch, among others. Due to the excessive moisture of the soil, these species were not as well deve10ped as those on the upland sites. At the present time, most of the stands were uneven-aged, mature, and well stocked with advance growth of red maple, ash and elm. 163 In the past, logging was carried out on a selective basis to remove merchantabale and desirable Species. Due to the fact that this type occurs mostly in small tracts bordering larger, conifer swamps, intensive silviculture will probably not pay. Westveld (1949) suggested clear cutting followed by improvement cutting or thinning for this type. It was based on the easiness of the establishment of reproduction. More recently, Eyre and Zilligitt (1953) proposed partial cuttings for Northern Hardwoods in the Lake States which I believe can well be applied to the Swamp Hardwood type. However, due to the shallow root systems of some of the species, resulting from excessive soil moisture, only light partial cuttings should be employed. B.Swamp Conifers type The Swamp Coniferous stands occurred both as even- and uneven-aged in the area. Due to the generally high den- sity of the even-aged trees, there was a wide variation in the size of individual trees, giving an uneven—aged appearance. The principal Species of this type were the black spruce, balsamfir, and northern white cedar. Black spruce and balsam fir are chiefly used for pulpwood, and the northern white cedar is mainly used for poles,posts and shingles. The associated species of tamarack and hardwoods have little commercial value.. 164 lebarron (1948) suggested clear cutting in strips, the removal of 50 to 75 feet strip along the leeward side of the stand at l to 3—year intervals, for the even-aged, thrifty, black Spruce stands. As for the defective, over—matured stands, clear cutting was suggested. He stated that reproduction is usually adequate, and it can be improved by slash disposal as piling to expose more soil surface, and by prevention of logg- ing damage to advance reproduction. C.Lowland Aspen type This is a temporary, or fire type on the poorly-drained sites. In this area, the stands were even—aged and mostly under-stocked. Eventually either the Swamp Conifers or the Swamp Hardwoods will replace this type depending on the available seed trees near by or the advanced reproduction already on the site. The Aspen usually lasts for a single generation be- cause it is very intolerant and easily susceptible to disea- ses. Therefore, on stands having advanced growth, clear cutt- ing is probably the only method to regenerate this type. Whereas on stands lacking desirable advanced reproduction, conversion of the stand to that of desirable Species by clear cutting and planting was suggested by Westveld (1949). SUMMARY The Higgins lake area is located in the northern cen- tral part of the lower penisula of Michigan. Ecologically, it is within the Hemlock-flhite Pine-Northern Hardwoods Forma- tion as defined by Nichols (1935), Braun (1950), among others. General description and history of the area is review- ed. Climate, geology, soils, and cover types of the area are also discussed. Five types of vegetation were recorded on the poorly- drained soils in the area. They were: (l)The Marsh or Open- meadow type, (2)the Swamp Shrubs of the Sglig—Cornus-Alggg Association, (3)the lowland Aspen of Pogulus-_§;ig Association, (4)the Swamp Coniferous forest, and (5)the Swamp Hardwood forest. Vegetation inventory was carried out in the summer of 1952. Quadrats of three sizes were used for the vegetation study, i.e., 1/5 acre quadrat for tree vegetation; l/lO acre quadrat for shrub vegetation; and l/lOOO or milacre quadrat for vegetation below 6 feet tall, the herbaceous layer. Ecological factors were considered in three groups: (1)Climatic, (2)Edaphic, and (3)Biotic. Among the climatic factors discussed, temperature, relative humidity, precipita- tion, and evaporation, evaporation is believed to show the combined effect of the other three. Data of evaporation rates in three different vegetation type were obtained by using Livingston atmometers. Results show that the evaporation 166 rate decreases from Marsh to Swamp Shrubs and to Swamp forest. This indicates that although the forest cover may be the cause of the lower evaporation, but the higher evaporation rate in the Marsh may still be an important factor in retarding the establishment of forest cover on that area. Soils of all the quadrats were investigated in the field, seven soil samples belong to three soil series were encountered and were taken into laboratory. They belonged to. five soil types: the Newton sand, Bergland loam, Bergland clay loam, Rifle peat, and Greenwood peat. On each of the two sam- ples of the Newton sand and the Rifle peat, different types of vegetaion were found. Samples of each soil by horizon were collected to determine their characteristics. The following properties were determined in laboratory experiments: (1)8011 volume weight, (2)8011 porosity, (3)0rganic matter content of the soil, and (4)3011 reaction. Soil temperature and soil moisture were determined in the field. Statistical analyses were used to analyze all the laboratory data which give the following results: l.No differences between the volume weight of the soils. 2.No differences between the total porosity of the soils. 3.The Newton sand had a lower capillary porosity than the other soils. 4.3011 moisture content is believed to be very high in the Marsh type which has a water-table near the surface. The 167 available data from the field determinations for the two vegetation types show that the_moisture content in the Swamp Shrubs type was higher than in the Swamp Coni- for type. This leads to the belief. that soil moisture content decreases from the Marsh to the Swamp Shrubs and to the Swamp Forest. 1 1 5.5011 temperature was relatively constant between the Swamp Shrubs type and the Swamp Coniferous forest. 6.The peaty soils had higher organic matter contents than the mineral soils, with the Greenwood peat of the Marsh- type having the highest percentage. 7.Soils of the Marsh type were strongly acid in reaction, followed by the two Rifle peat soils of the Swamp Shrubs type and the Swamp Coniferous forest. The Bergland soil of the Swamp Hardwood type was the least acid and almost neutral in reaction. Biotic factors are discussed under three groups: (1) Insects and diseases, (2)Animals, and (3)Men. Biotic factors are not believed to be of great sifnificance to influence the forest succession on the poorly-drained soils in this area. The most important one is probably the fire which will induce secondary succession. Diagram of forest succession on the poorly-drained soils in this area is shown in Fig. 14. The principal trend of succession is believed to be that from Marsh to Swamp Shrubs type to Swamp Conifers to Swamp Hardwoods and finally 168 after a relative long period of time to the upland, meso- phytic, climax type of the Hemlock-White Pine-Northern Hard- woods. The lowland Aspen type is believed to be the fire or temporary tyre after the original forest has been burned-over or otherwise denuded. The Larix type is believed to be a temporary type prior to the Swamp Conifers. The Swamp Hardwoods, the Swamp Conifers of Thgjaegbiegfgigeg, and the Marsh type are all to be the subclimax type to the region. Silvicultural treatments are considered for the three forest types, the Swamp Hardwoods, the Swamp Conifers, and the lowland ASpen type. Light partial cutting is believed to be a good measure for the Swamp Hardwood type. Clear cutt- ing in strips is suggested for the Swamp Conifer type. Clear cutting is probably the only method for the Lowland Aspen type. APPENDIX A List of common names of plants used with scientific equivalents Alder, green ---- Alngg sinuats (Reg.) Rydb. Alder, speckled ---- Alggg rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng. Ash, black ---- Fraxinus giggg Marsh. Ash, green --—- Fraxinus pgnpsylvanica Marsh. Aspen, trembling ---- Porulus tremuloides Michx. Basswood -—-- Tilig americana L. Birch, swamp ---- Betula pumila L. . Birch, sweet ---— Betula lenta L. Birch, yellow —--- Betula lutea Michx, f. Bluejoint —--- Calamagrostis canadengig (Michx.) Nutt. Cat-tail ---- Typha latifolia L. Cedar, northern white ---- Thuja occidentglig L. Cherry, black -—-- Eggnus gerotigg Ehrh. Cherry, choke ---— Prunug Virginiana L. Cherry, fire ---- Prunus.pensylvanica L. f. Dogwood, red osier -~-- Cornus stolonifera Michx. Elm, American ---- glmus americagg L. Elm, rock --—- Elma; thomasi; Sarg. Elm, slippery ---- glmgg ggpgg Muhl. Fern, royal ---- Osmunda regalis L. Fir, balsam ---- Abies balsamea (L.) Mill. Hemlock -—-- Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. Hornbeam, American -—-- Carpinus caroliniana Walt. 170 Maple, red ---- Acer rubrum L. Maple, silver Oak, northern Pine, eastern Spruce, black Tamarack ---- Tea, Labrador Willow, heart- ---- Acer saccharinum L. red ---— Quercus rubra L. white ---- Einus Strobus L. ---- Picea mariana (Mill.) ESP. larix laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch ---- Ledgg groenlandicum Oeder. leaf ---- Salix eriocephala Michx. Willow, long—beaked---- Salix bebbiana Sarg. 171 APPENDIX B List of plants encountered in making the vegetation study in the Higgins Lake area. TREES 1.A§ig§'balsamea (L.) M111. 2.Acer rubrum L. B.Agggygaccharinum L. 4.Betula lgngg L. *fi5.Betula lutg§,Michx. f. 6.Ca;pinus caroliniana Walt. 7.Fraxinus,gig§g,Marsh. *8.Fraxinus pennsylyanica Marsh. 9.Lg§i; laricina (Du Roi) K. Koch 10.2iggg mariana (Mill.) ESP. 11.21nus Strobus L. l2.P0pulus tremuloides Mickx. 13.Prunus serotina Ehrh. *14.Qg§rcus rubra L. 15.2hglg occidentalis L. 16.1111; americang L. l7.Tsuga canadensis (L.) Carr. 18.leus amerigana L. 19.leg§ thomasii Sarg. 20.Ulmus rubra Muhl. **Betu1a alleghaniensig'Britton in ”Check List of Native and Naturized Trees of the United States (Including Alska)‘ *After the "Check List" (U.S.D.A.F.S. Handbook No.41,1953) ggggss AND vgggg 1.Acer spicatum Lam. *2.§;gg§ ginuata (Reg.) Rydb. 3._;ng§ rugosa (Du Roi) Spreng. 4.Amelanch1er arborea (Michx. f.) Fern. B.Amelanchier intermedia Spach 6.Amelanchier sp. *7.Aronia nigra.Britt. B.Asclepias incarnata L. 9.Betu;a pgmila L. 10.Clematis virginiana L. 11.Cornus alternifolia L. f. l2.Co;nus gtolonifera Michx. 13. gulps cornuta Marsh. 14.G§gthgria procumbens L. 15.Ilex verticillata (L.) Gray 16.Ledum groenlandicum Oeder. 17.L1nnaea borealis var. gmericana (Forbes) Rehd. 18.Lonicera canadensis Bartr. 19.Lonicera oblongifolia (Goldie) Hook. 20.Lonicera villosa var. solonis (Eat.) Fern. 21.Mitche11a repens L. 22.Nemopanthus mucronata (L.) Trel. 23. agthenocissus inserts (Kerner) K. Fritsch. 24.Poten§111a fructicosa L. 25.Prunus ayium L. *After "Check List". ‘ 172 26.Prunus pensylvanica L. f. 27.Prunus Virginiana L. 28.3Qus radicans L. 29.Ribes 30.Ribes 31.Ribes 32.3222; 33.3gpgg 34.Rubus 35.3222a 36.3222a 37-.éll£ 38.§alie 39.§all£ 40.§§11; *4l.§aliz 42.§g;;g. *4}.§a11£ 44-éalia 45.§allz émericana Mill. lacustre (Pers.) Poir. trieste Pall. flagellaris Willd. hiaaidaa L- ideaus L. ideaus var. aculeatissimus Regel & Tiling pubescens Raf. alba var. vitellina (L4) Stokes amygdaloides Anderss. bebbiana Sarg. discolor Mflhl. eriocephala Michx. lucida Muhl. petiolaris J.E.Sm. gerissima (Bailey) Fern. Sp. 46.Smilax tamnoides var. hispida (Muh1.) Fern. *47.Sorbus americana Marsh. 48.321raea alba Du Roi 49.Spiraea latifolia (Ait.) Borkh. 50.Vaccinium myrtilloides Michx. 51.Vaccinium vacillans Torr. *After "Check-List". 173 174 PTERIDOPHYTES 1.Botrychium dissectum Spreng. 2.Cystopteris bulbifera (L.) Bernh. 3.Dry0pteris cristata (L.) Gray 4.Dr10pteris cristata var. clintoniana (D.C.Eat.) Underw. 5.Dryopteris spinulosa (O.F. Muell.) Watt. 6.Dryopteris thelypteris (L.) Gray 7.§ggisetum Lalustre L. 8.§ggisetum sylvaticum L. 9.0nac1ea sensibilis L. 10.0smunda regalis L. SEUGES, GRASSES,7AKD HERBS l.Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. 2.Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) Beauv. 3.Bromus ciliatus L. 4.Bromus purgans L. 5.0a1amagrostis canadensis (Michx.) Mutt. 6.Carex comosa Boott. 7.Carex crinita Lam. 8.Carex diandra Schrank 9.Carex intumescens Rudge 10.9aggz,lasiocarpa Ehrh. 11.Qa§§1 tenera Dew. 12.Carex trispermg Dew. 13.Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schultes l4.Glyceria boreglig (Nash) Ratchelder 15.Glyceria canadensis (Michx.) Trin. 16.Glyceria pallida (Torr.) Trin. 17.glygeria striata (Lam.) Hitchc. 18.ggpcus canadensis J. Gay 19.Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) ESP. 20.Scirpus cyperinus (L.) Kunth 21.Alisma triviale Pursh. 22.Aralia nudicaulis L. 23.§§tg§¢1gnciformis'Rydb. 24.A§tgg lateriflorus (L.) Britt. 25.Agter novae-angliae L. 26.A§ter puniceus L. 27 .Agtgg sp. 28.Bidens cernua L. 29.§idens frondgga L. 30.0ampanula aparinoideg Pursh. 31.91guta bulbifera L. 32.Circium muticum Michx. 33.9;gntonia borealis; (Ait.) Raf. 34.Coptis greenlandica (Oeder) Fern. 35.Cornus canadensis L. 36.§pilobium glandglosum var. adenocaulon (Haussk.) Fern. 37.Epilobium leptonhyllum Raf. 38.Eupatorium perfoliatum L. 39.Eupatorium purpureum L. 40.E§agaria vesca L. 41.Fragaria virggniana Duchesne. 42.Fragaria Virginians var. illinoensis Gray 43.Galium aparine L. 44.9glium asprellum Michx. 35.Galium obtusum Bigel. 46.Galium tinctorium L. 47.Galium triflorum Michx. 48.Galium trgfidum L. 49.Galium ep. 176 177 50.Geum aleppicum var. strictum (Ait.) Fern. 51.Goodyear pubescens (Willd.) R. Br. 52.Habenaria obtusata (Pursh.) Richards. 53.Hypericum boreale (Britt.) Bickn. 54.;mpatiens capengig Meerb. 55.;gpatiens pallida Nutt. 56.;gis versicolor L. 57.Lemna minor L. 58.L§mna trisulca L. 59.Lycopus americanus Muhl. 60.;gpopus rubellus Moench. 61.Lysimachia nummularia L. 62.Lysimachia terrestris (L.) ESP. 63.1gsimachia thyrsiflora L. 64.Maianthemum canadensis Desf. 65.Mentha arvensis L. 66.Mite11a nuda L. 67.2;pnellg vulgaris L. 68.Pyrola rotundifolia (L.) 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A Sglix-Calam roetis stand of the Marsh type. An Aspen (Popglus tremuloides) stand is in the back ground. 192 Plate 5. Soil profile of the Newton loamy sand in a Salix—Calamagrostis stand of the Marsh type during the dry season in October. The water-table was down to a depth of approximately 2 feet. The organic peat layer reached down to about 1% feet. 193 A typical view of the Swamp Coniferous Forest. Plate 6. 194 Plate 7. External apperance of the Elm-Soft Maple stand of the Swamp Hardwoods type. Plate 8. Ground vegetation of the Elm-Soft Maple stand of the Swamp Hardwoods type showing seedlings of maple, elm, and ash. Carex intumescens can be seen in the fore-ground with the inflorescences shown in center of the picture. 195 Soil profile of the Bergland loam in the Wateritable was at approximately 10 inches. Ash-Red Maple-Elm stand of the Swamp Hardwoods “Plate 9. type. A-» =5 wt u “'l . I‘l' “ll‘lllflllllfllll“Ellis