“.5“: .\€.\ ”k” Lanfi n k a a Wu ’5‘: “J: ‘ :‘u . S‘fli'.‘ 5;.235‘ Ev)" ”,3... :::f\' «:3: r: .i’ ALLESGN EL‘Y‘EKE S? 1975 lllllllzlllflllllllllllllllllll(llfllllfll This is to certify that the thesis entitled mar/"W Enhancement of Female Sexual Arousal Through Hypnosis presented by Allison Blake Stern has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degree in Psychology Jos eph R eyher Major professor 0-7 639 - ' Ewale'l/ ”GET"! if JAN 3 1 2002 - 0108 02 ABSTRACT ENHANCEMENT 0F FEMALE SEXUAL AROUSAL THROUGH HYPNOSIS By Allison Blake Stern Two treatment groups were compared with a placebo group on the effectiveness of hypnotic suggestion for enhancing female sexual enjoyment. The effects of relaxation via post-hypnotic suggestion, desensitization under hypnosis, and practice attending to and enjoying tactile sensations were compared with those obtained when subjects interacted with a hypnotist on a task irrelevant to sexual behavior. All subjects used in the research were highly susceptible to hypnosis and subjects volunteering for this research were more susceptible to hypnosis than normative groups (p<.00l). Sexual enjoyment was defined by a variety of dependent meas- ures: a) orgasm consistency, b) self-observed estimates of arousal, c) self-observed satisfaction with coitus irrespective of sexual arousal, d) interpersonal gratification derived in the sexual relation- ship, e) reports of change in sexual functioning. All dependent meas- ures but the last were assessed by forms subjects completed following coitus during their three months of participation in the research. Subjects did not return the forms in a consistent manner and the only Allison Blake Stern dependent measure available to assess the hypotheses was the women's reports of change at the end of participation. Two thirds of the women reported some positive change in their sexual behavior. The women in the treatment groups reported significantly more change than those in the placebo group (95.05). The two treatment groups did not significantly differ from each other. Pre- treatment subject characteristics were not associated with change. The results of the present investigation were evaluated as well as the implications of the degree of hypnotic susceptibility demonstrated by the women in the present investigation. ENHANCEMENT OF FEMALE SEXUAL AROUSAL THROUGH HYPNOSIS By Allison Blake Stern A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Psychology T975 To Don Your warmth, integrity, sincerity, optimism and humor have made me want to share myself with you ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Dr. Joseph Reyher, my friend, chairman and supervisor, helped me understand human nature and gave me the hope that research will lead somewhere. He set my foot on the road I wish to follow, and I will carry his influence with me for the rest of my life. Dr. Donald Grummon gave support when needed, listened, laughed and always gave me good advice. He, like Dr. Reyher, was more than an advisor, but was an individual who gave of himself. I love these men. Dr. Albert Aniskiewcz's participation on my committee was greatly appreciated. He has all the qualities I respect in a faculty member. In addition to being smart, he is flexible and calm. ,He was interested in what I had to say and added constructive suggestions. ' Dr. Barbara Riemer was enthusiastic and stuck with me for thrée years. Her participation, too, was greatly appreciated. JoAnne Etkin, Beth Oleshansky, Marc Oleshansky, Rita Bohn, Janice Radabaugh and Al Ochalak worked harder than I had any right to expect. They provided the data and kept the project going. I wish, also, to thank the women who let me be involved in their lives. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ........................ v LIST OF FIGURES ....................... vi INTRODUCTION ......................... 1 METHOD ............................ 8 RESULTS ........................... 27 DISCUSSION .......................... 36 SUMMARY . . . . . . ..................... 45 REFERENCES .......................... 47 FOOTNOTES ................... . ....... 52 APPENDICES A. Group Subject Data and Individual Subject Data . . . . 54 B. Lecture Advertisement and Newspaper Articles ..... 154 C. Treatment Procedures ........ i‘. . . ...... 162 D. Background Information Form, Sexual Description Form and Change Form ................ l82 E. Apperson SM-PT and Interpersonal Gratification Scale ....................... l87 iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Summary of treatment procedures ........... 21 2. Changes reported by subjects at end of treatment . . 29 3. Comparison between the present investigation (A) .and Bentler and Hilgard's (B) on scores of hypnotic susceptibility as determined by the HGSHS .................... 32 4. Comparison between the present investigation (A) and Neitzenhoffer and Hilgard's (B) on scores of hypnotic susceptibility as determined by the SHSS:C .................... 32 5. Comparison between the present investigation (A) and Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard's (B) on scores of hypnotic susceptibility as determined by the SPS:II .................... 34 6. Pearson product-moment correlations between scores obtained on the HGSHS, SHSS:C and SPS:II ..... 34 7. Rank of experimenter liking for treatment groups . . 35 Al. Age of subjects ................... 54 A2. Number of years the women had had coitus ...... 55 A3. Number of partners in coitus reported by the women . 56 A4. Types of relationships reported by the women . . . . 57 A5. Frequency of coitus per month ............ 57 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page l. Histogram of susceptibility scores on the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility ....... 31 Al. Histogram of orgasm percentages during the baseline . . 58 vi INTRODUCTION The incidence of female hyposexuality is generally agreed to be high. Estimates include Davis' (1929) finding that nearly fifty per cent of 2,000 married women reported they were "inadequately prepared for the sex side of marriage"; Rainwater's (1966) data that fourteen per cent of middle-class women and fifty-four per cent of lower-class women are "negative towards sex" or "reject sexual relations entirely”; and Masters and Johnson's statement (Lehrman, 1971) that “one out of every two marriages is a sexual disaster area." On a more objective level, Kinsey's §t_§l. (1953) demographic data indicated that eleven per cent of married women never.experience orgasm in coitus even after twenty years of marriage. More extreme reports exist. Yarros (1933) reported that as many as fifty per cent of married women do not achieve orgasm more than occasionally. Hunt's (1974) recent survey indicates that nearly one-Sixth of the married women he sampled have few or no orgasms. Although orgastic capacity and sexual satisfaction are not strictly comparable (Kinsey gt_al., 1953; Chesser §t_al,, 1957), the association between the negative effects of sexual dysfunction and marital happiness or duration is generally accepted. Clark (1961), Davis (1929), Hamilton (1929), Hollis (1949), Terman (1938), Locke (1951), Gebhard (1966) and Appel (1957) have all produced data that indicate a strong relationship between marital happiness and sexual 'satisfaction, regardless of the method of the latter's assessment. 1 Given the deleterious effects upon marriage and the personal dissatisfaction engendered by hyposexuality, clinicians have sought methods to treat sexual problems. The treatment approaches have varied with the therapists' views as to the causes of hyposexuality. An easy classificatory scheme of the wide variety of approaches to the treat- ment of hyposexuality is one that considers the amount of direct inter- vention in the sexual lives of the clients. Those therapies which propose little direct intervention are usually done by clinicians who consider sexual dysfunction a symptom reflecting unconscious conflicts, pregenital fixations, and unsuccessful resolution of the oedipal situation. Therapy is nondirective and sexual behavior is viewed as changing when the dynamic reasons for its form have been worked through (Fenichel, 1945). Those holding psychodynamic views may see individuals or couples but usually emphasize insight, affect and interpretation as their therapy tools. Therapy is often of relatively long duration. For instance, Bergler (1947) recommended an appointment several times a week for a minimum of eight months to treat "frigidity." Recently, therapists holding more dynamically oriented views have made more direct interventions (e.g., Kaplan, 1974). Those therapists proposing more direct treatment of sexual behavior usually view the sexual response as learned behavior. In this view, sexual dysfunction is considered to be maintained through the reinforcing contingencies of the present environment. Social learning theorists have stressed the importance of classical conditioning of negative affects towards sexuality (Holpe and Lazarus, 1966). Therapists using direct treatment usually see couples and see them for a relatively short duration. ’ Therapies emphasizing direct intervention can themselves be dichotomized into those proposing anxiety reduction and those focusing upon skill training. In the former, the conditioned anxiety which is theorized to inhibit sexual responsivity may be extinguished in a fash- ion analogous to Nolpe's (1958) systematic desensitization of phobias. The woman and her therapist construct an anxiety hierarchy and she then visualizes items from the hierarchy while in a state of deep relaxation induced by muscle training (Glynn and Harper, 1961; Lazarus, 1963) or chemical agents (Brady, 1966; Kraft and Al-Issa, 1967). I vivo desen- sitization may be used with the sexual partner as a therapist (Madsen and Ullman, 1967; Wolpe and Lazarus, 1966). The skill training therapists emphasize that in a culture such as curs, the skills and attitudes associated with adequate sexual expression are hard to develop. Clinicians with this view re-educate those with sexual dysfunction through reading and lecturing (Ellis, 1960; Hastings, 1963). Some emphasize masturbation as a way to learn about one's own sexual response (Ellis, 1960; Hastings, 1963; Dearborn, 1967; LoPiccolo and Lobitz, 1972) and may teach physical exercises to improve pelvic vascularity and muscle tone (Kegel, 1952). Skill train- ing therapists educate individuals about Sexual communication and train in sexual technique (Masters and Johnson, 1970). Masters and Johnson's (1970) treatment of hyposexuality is probably the most widely known direct interventiOn approach. They did not originate all the techniques they use. For instance, in the mid eighteenth century, Sir John Hunter (cited in Comfort, 1965) described a treatment for impotence that is nearly the same as theirs. But they did outline a plan (1.11319. desensitization, skill training and direc- tive marital therapy), dealt withlarge numbers of people, and provided outcome data. Their success rate (defined as orgasm during fifty per cent of coital experiences) is high (eighty-one per cent), but their work suffers from a lack of a control group. Presumably, couples will- ing to pay their prices and travel to their clinics are a highly moti- vated sample. The effective ingredients of their program still need further research. Likewise, those employing direct skill training and systematic ' desensitization have provided what seems to be effective treatment, but the available findings consist mainly of case reports. Those employing relatively nondirective techniques (e.g., psychoanalysis and psycho- therapy) have also provided what seems to be effective treatment (O'Connor and Stern, 1972), but, similarly, there is a lack of controlled experimentation. Another sexual therapy along the lines of direct intervention that may promise to yield beneficial results is hypnosis. Richardson (1962), using direct suggestion under hypnosis with sixty-one females, obtained an average increase in orgasm from a mean pretreatment percent- age of twenty-four per cent to a mean posttreatment percentage of eighty- four per cent in an average of 1.53 sessions. He reported that all but two women maintained this average frequency (length of follow-up unspeci- fied). Richardson's results are difficult to evaluate for a variety of reasons. He had the women receiving treatment recall their orgasm percentage before and after intervention. Recollection of orgasm is subject to the vagaries of memory. Recollection can also be modified by the woman's desire for better functioning following treatment and wish to avoid alienating or desire to enhance her interpersonal rela- tionship with her physician. Since he did not assess hypnotic sus- ceptibility, [some] women may not have been hypnotized, and because no control was included, placebo effects could not be evaluated. "Direct suggestion” was not defined except as symptom removal. Thus, the variables that were manipulated are unclear. The present investigation was an applied-clinical attempt to replicate Richardson's findings by augmenting female sexual enjOyment through hypnotic suggestion. Hypothesizing that anxiety inhibits sexual arousal and that women with sexual dysfunction are usually anxioUs, the direct suggestion of relaxation was employed in order to reach the broadest segment of women while retaining experimental control of the variables manipulated. In addition, desensitization was compared with a skill training treatment. The latter involved practice in attending to and enjoyment of tactile sensations. A control group of insusceptible subjects was not employed because subjects in such a group would know that they were insusceptible and their reasons for participating in the experiment would be entirely different than the subjects in the other two groups (Reyher, 1971). Also, susceptible and insusceptible subjects might have different personality characteristics (Hilgard, 1974), and if differences between treatment and control groups were obtained they would be difficult to interpret. Rather, a placebo group was developed (Goldstein, 1962). Hence, the effects of: a) the direct suggestion of relaxa- tion, b) the direct suggestion of relaxation plus desensitization, c) the direct suggestion of relaxation plus strengthening of attention to and enjoyment of tactile sensations were compared with d) the effects of interaction with a hypnotist on a task irrelevant to sexual behavior. Female sexual enjoyment is complex and not necessarily reflected in one measure. The criteria used to evaluate sexual enjoy- ment were: a) orgasm consistency, b) self-observed estimates of sexual arousal, c) self-observed satisfaction with coitus irrespective of A sexual arousal, d) interpersonal gratification derived in the sexual relationship, e) reports of change in sexual functioning. Hypotheses I. Direct post-hypnotic suggestions of relaxation and enhancement of sexual pleasure increases the sexual enjoyment of women highly suscep- tible to hypnosis. II. Direct post-hypnotic suggestions of relaxation and enhancement of. sexual pleasure plus desensitization increases the sexual enjoyment of women highly susceptible to hypnosis. III. Direct post-hypnotic suggestions of relaxation and enhancement of sexual pleasure plus focusing attention on enjoyment of tactile sensation increases the sexual enjoyment of women highly susceptible to hypnosis. IV. A task done during hypnosis which is irrelevant to sexual behavior does not increase the sexual enjoyment of women highly susceptible to hypnosis. METHOD Subjects The criteria of selection of female volunteers were: 1. An age of at least eighteen years in order that no minors were included in the experiment. 2. Coital experiences with a frequency of approximately once per week. This frequency was to increase the likelihood of an adequate number of sexual experiences to evaluate for treatment effects. 3. A minimum of six months' participation in coital relations prior to beginning the experiment. Kinsey et_al, (1953) reports that sixty- seven per cent of married women in his sample had made at least some response to orgasm within the first six months of marriage. He states that by this period of time the requisite learning thrOUgh experience and freeing of inhibitions was accomplished for a majority of females. Though this subject pool was not limited to married women, Kinsey's et_al. findings imply that a period of sexual acti- vity is important in achieving some stability of sexual response. 4. Post-hypnotic amnesia and a score of ten or above on the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility (HGSHS; Shore and 0rne, 1962). One hundred sixty-five women met criteria 1—3 and volunteered for hypnosis. Fifty-three subjects met criterion 4. Fourteen of these subjects dropped out of the project before their first individual hyp- nosis session and nine subjects discontinued following an individual hypnosis session. Therefore, thirty subjects met all subject selection criteria and completed the research. The first fifty per cent of subjects entering the research were randomly assigned to one of three groups with the restriction of an equal number of subjects per group. Subsequently, subjects entering the research were assigned to groups on the basis of group size. A subject was placed in the group with the fewest subjects. This proce- dure was necessary because the investigator never knew if more subjects meeting all criteria for selection could be obtained following the initial Surge of applicants. Group size was therefore equated during the running of research in case more subjects did not volunteer. Thirty-nine subjects, or thirteen per group, were available for the first individual hypnosis session. However, one experimenter erred and ran a subject assigned as a Group III subject as a Group I subject. Hence, the number of subjects assigned to the three groups was fourteen, thirteen, twelve, respectively. Subjects dropping out of the research after their individual contacts were distributed as follows: Group I, gel; Group II, fl?53 Group III, flf3. Hence, of the thirty sub- jects completing the research, there were thirteen subjects in Group I, eight subjects in Group II, and nine subjects in Group III. Materials 1. Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility (HGSHS; Shor and Orne, 1962). 2. Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale Form C (SHSS:C; Neitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1962). lO 3. Stanford Profile Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility Form II (SPS:II; Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1967). 4. Apperson Sexual Motive Projective Test (SM-PT; see Appendix E). 5. Sexual Description Forms. The form requests the subject to describe her thoughts and feelings about each sexual experience, whether or not she had an orgasm, her estimate of her arousal level, and her satisfaction with the experience (see Appendix D). 6. Background Information Form. This form covered a range of data regarding the subject's sexual activities and personal experiences. The subject also was requested to state why she wanted to partici- pate (see Appendix D). 7. Change Form. This form asks the subject if she noticed any changes in her sexual relations as a result of treatment and whether the changes she wanted to make by participating in the experiment were realized (see Appendix D). 8. Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking_(Torrance, 1968). Verbal (tasks from booklets A and B); figural (booklet B). Experimenters Four female and three male experimenters were selected to run this research project.1 The criteria for selection were upperclassman status, a high grade point average (>3.5), psychology major and/or several courses in psychology, plans to attend graduate or medical school, a "neat" appearance and ability to maintain a poised demeanor, and a capacity for interpersonal warmth. 11 While some of these criteria are only subjectively documented, the investigator selected these experimenters from thirty-five applicants. Care was taken in selection in order to insure ethical and responsible behavior toward subjects and no misuse hy the experimenters of their knowledge of hypnosis. One female experimenter left the project after Six months because she graduated. She had been primarily involved in the pilot study. One male left the experiment after nine months. He also graduated. One male was :terminated shortly after he became an experimenter because of irresponsible treatment of one subject. The rest of the experimenters were involved with the project approximately one and one-half years. They received course credit initially, but remained because of interest when the credits they could earn reached their limit. At first, training sessions were frequent (approximately three hours per week). The experimenters had to master the numerous forms, hypnosis, and a nondirective interview. They were tested by the primary investigator on their knowledge of the methods of the research and their ability to perform an interview before beginning subjects. They were given suggestions about what to do if sessions deviated from the norm (e.g., if the subject came out of hypnosis) and learned to recognize when and if they should call a clinician. (They had phone numbers to call of experienced therapists with knowledge of hypnosis.) Training emphasized respect for the subjects and how to con- vey this respect. Personality theory of a psychodynamic nature was included as a broad base with which they could understand certain phenomena displayed by their subjects. They were cautioned against 12 giving advice, interpreting sUbjects' behavior to them or, in any way, playing "amateur therapist." It took approximately twelve hours of class meetings before experimenters were ready to run subjects. The meetings continued over the duration of the experimenters' participation but lessened in fre- quency. (The average frequency was three hours every other week.) After the experimenters mastered the research methods, the meetings covered topics of interest to them (e.g., projectives tests: TAT, Rorschach; the NAIS; psychodynamic therapy techniques and personality theory). The rationale for the treatment groups was not explained to the experimenters until the project ended. They were discouraged from speculating about the hypotheses or treatment methods. DiscuSsions about therapy were psychodynamic in nature and sex therapy was not discussed. Each subject had the same hypnotist for each session after assignment to groups to maximize subject perception of a relationship with her hypnotist. Experimenters did not work with subjects who had been in group hypnosis with them in order to equalize contact time, and they did not work with any subjects with whom they had been previously acquainted. Procedure The women volunteered for research on "Increasing Sexual Arousal in Women Through Hypnosis." During the course of the experi- ment, the method of publicizing the research varied (e.g., advertisements 13 posted in lecture halls, newspaper articles, television).2 The different methods of publicity were used to make the research known to a large number of women in an efficient fashion. Women who were inter- ested in participating either called an advertised phone number or wrote to the primary investigator. All subjects were contacted directly when research matters were discussed. No phone messages were left with subjects' associates. The subject's confidentiality was given utmost priority. When first phoned about the research, the following format was used: ' Hello, my name is . I am calling you about Allison SternTSTresearch project on increasing sexual arousal through hypnosis. I want to answer any ques- tions you might have and determine if you qualify for parti— cipation. First, the purpose of the project is to increase sexual arousal. Three or four sessions of hypnosis are involved, spaced one month apart. The first hypnosis session may be in a group, subsequent sessions will be on a one-to-one basis. During the first hypnosis session, we will try to ascertain whether or not you could possibly get anything out of the treatment program. Of course, we can't possibly guarantee positive results for you, but we want to try to eliminate people in the first session whom we have reason to believe won't get anything out of the project. We don't want to waste your time. Our criteria will be explained to you after the first meeting. Now, about the hypnosis sessions. Nothing specifically sexual will be done during them. They will take place over a three-month period of time. The appointments will be made for you when you and your hypnotist can get together. If you wish to participate, what it will involve for you is coming to the hypnosis sessions and filling out count- less forms, the most demanding of which is a form that asks you to describe each sexual experience you have and mail it in to Dr. Joseph Reyher, the person who is supervising this research. 14 Are you interested? Okay, as you know, there are certain requirements for participation. Are you at least eighteen years old? Do you have intercourse approximately once a week? Have you been having intercourse for at least six months? Subjects restating that they met the requirements for subject participation and who did not anticipate their sexual lives changing were scheduled for group hypnosis. Occasionally, subjects did not show up for their initial session or could not be scheduled when other sub- jects were run. Hence, the "group" sessions were sometimes conducted with one woman. The groups were never larger than ten, and the average group Size was three subjects. Following completion of the HGSHS (Shor and Orne, 1962), experimenters scored the forms and determined the sub- ject's level of hypnotic susceptibility.3 Women meeting the hypnotic criteria for subject selection then filled out the Apperson SM-PT and the Background Information Form. Following completion of these forms, subjects were given their Sexual Description Forms in a large manila envelope with enough stamped and addressed envelopes for them to mail back their forms once per week. They were instructed how to fill out the forms, the importance of return- ing them once per week, and that they were not to look at or copy their preceding forms. Subjects' Sexual Description Forms were mailed directly to Dr. Joseph Reyher and experimenters did not have access to these forms in order to maintain subject confidentiality. One month following the group hypnosis session subjects were contacted for the individual hypnosis sessions. Subjects in Group I were given relaxation instructions and the posthypnotic suggestion that 15 deep relaxation could occur to the subject's own count from one to three in French (ug_deux trois) in future sexual situations. The choice of counting in French was based on the popular stereotype of the French language being sensual and was used in this investigation to make the act of counting more sensual. Other possible sensual words or acts were avoided (e.g., "I love you”), in order to refrain from specific sexual or interpersonal connotations for different subjects. One month later, Group I subjects received a graded stimulus hierarchy. Group II subjects were given the same relaxation instructions and posthypnotic suggestion, but one month later received practice in attending to and enjoying tactile sensations. Group III subjects were administered a modified form of the verbal test of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (tasks from book- lets A and B; Torrance, 1968). The test was modified because the pur— pose for administration here was to provide a period of time with the subject interacting with an experimenter on a task irrelevant to sexual behavior rather than to measure creativity. Modifications were: a) instructions were given which did not maximize the subject's efforts to produce creative ideas; b) no written answers were required from the subjects. One month later, Group III was administered the figural test of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (booklet B; Torrance, 1968). Instructions were deleted which stressed that subjects were to produce very unusual, creative productions. Group I, First Session. Form C of the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale (SHSS:C; Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1962) was used 16 for induction. Item 12, the posthypnotic amnesia, was delayed until the end of the session. This modification was to make instructions appropriate to the situation. A modified version of suggestions for relaxation training given in Lanyon's (1968) Training Manual for Sys- tematic Desensitization was used. The posthypnotic suggestion was given that subjects could remain relaxed but physically mobile and fully capa- ble of sexual excitation in their future Sexual relations after counting on deux trois (see Appendix C for exact procedure). Subjects were then told they would be contacted again in one month and were encouraged to continue filling out their Sexual Descrip- tion Forms. Subjects were also told to write down and bring with them to the next session a description of four sexual Situations which made them, respectively: (a) mildly anxious, (b) more anxious, (c) very anxious, (d) extremely disturbed. Group I, Second Session. Form II of the Stanford Profile Scales of Hypnotic Susceptibility (SPS:II; Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1967) was used for induction and followed by items 1-8. Item 9, post- hypnotic automatic writing, was delayed until the end of the session to make instructions appropriate to the situation. Subjects were given six stimulus situations by the experimenter with relaxation between each item. The first three items Were pleasant images to acquaint the women with imagery under hypnosis and provide practice in terminating imagery upon the experimenter's suggestion. The three subsequent stimuli introduced by the experimenter were images of pleasant experiences with individuals of the opposite sex. Following these six items, stimuli from the subject's own hierarchy were introduced. Subjects were given 17 four trials with any item that made them anxious. If the subject remained anxious during the fourth trial, her experimenter reintroduced the first pleasant image and then stopped presenting stimuli. Following hierarchy presentation, the posthypnotic suggestion was given that the subjects could remain relaxed but physically mobile and fully capable of sexual excitement during future sexual relations. The experimenter noted how many stimulus items were completed (see Appendix C for exact procedure). The women were then instructed about the importance of con- tinuing to fill out their Sexual Description Forms. They were told they would be contacted again in one month for another individual session. Group_I, Third Session. During this non-hypnotic session, subjects filled out two forms: the Apperson SM-PT and the form request- ing information about desired and noticed changes in sexual behavior. ' Women entering the research after 3/29/73 were asked if they had ever counted up, deux, trois during their sexual experiences and, ' if so, how often. They were also asked if they counted out loud or subvocally. Experimenters had this list of questions memorized and the questions were worded in a nonjudgmental fashion in order to elicit frankness (see Appendix C). This addition was made when it was dis- covered that some subjects rarely made use of the'posthypnotic suggeStion during their sexual relations. Following these forms and questions, experimenters answered any questions the women might have about the research. If the subject had questions her experimenter could not answer, she was given the primary investigator's phdne number and encouraged to call. 18 Group_II, First Session. Group II subjects received exactly the same treatment as Group I subjects during this session. Namely, the SHSS:C (Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1962) was used for induction and followed by relaxation instructions and the posthypnotic suggestion that the subject could remain relaxed but physically mobile and fully capable of sexual excitement during her future sexual relations. Sub- jects were told they would be contacted again in one month, and they were encouraged to continue filling out their Sexual Description Forms. Group II, Second Session. As with Group I, the SPS:II (Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1967) was used for induction and followed by items 1-8. Item 9, posthypnotic automatic writing, was delayed until the end of the session. Subjects were given instructions that maximized attention to tactile sensations. They were told to lightly stroke the inside of each finger of their right hand with their thumb. Subjects then lightly rubbed both the inside and the outside of their right arm to their elbow. Following attention to fingers, hands, and arms, subjects were instructed to attend to and enjoy sensations in the back of their right ear and various parts of their face. Subjects were given a posthypnotic suggestion that they would continue to be able effortlessly to focus on and enjoy their bodily sensations in future sexual situations. The women were told they would be contacted in one month for their next individual hypnosis session, and they were instructed about the importance of continuing to fill out and send in their Sexual Description Forms (see Appendix C for exact procedure). Group_II, Third Session. The third session for Group II was exactly the same as the third session for Group I. Subjects filled out 19 Apperson's SM-PT and the form requesting information about desired and noticed changes in sexual behavior. In addition, subjects entering the research after 3/29/73 were asked about their counting behavior. Any questions they had about the research were answered. Group III, First Session. As with Groups I and II, the SHSS:C (Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1962) was used for induction and followed by items 1-8. Item 12, posthypnotic amnesia, was delayed until the end of the session. The verbal test of the Torrance Test of Crea- tive Thinking (Torrance, 1968) was administered. Subjects were asked what was happening in a drawing they were shown, what led up to the event, and the results of the situation they described. They were also asked to improve upon a toy monkey, tell unusual uses for cardboard boxes, and to outline the consequences of clouds having strings hanging from them. After awakening, subjects were tbld they would be contacted again in one month and encouraged to continue filling out their Sexual Description Forms (see Appendix C for exact procedure). Group III, Second Session. As with Groups I and II, the SPS:II (Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1967) was used for induction and :fellowed by items 1-9. Item 9, posthypnotic automatic writing, was delayed until the end of the session. The women were given the figural test of the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking_(Booklet B; Torrance, 1968). After awakening, the subjects were told they would be contacted in one month and instructed about the importance of continuing to fill out and send in their Sexual Description Forms (see Appendix C for exact procedure). 20 Group III, Third Session. The third session for Group III was exactly the same as the one for Groups I and II. Subjects filled out Apperson's SM-PT and the form requesting information about desired and noticed changes in sexual behavior. Questions they might have were answered. Subjects were later given an additional hypnosis session if they so desired. The additional session consisted of Group II's first and second sessions. A summary of treatment procedures is provided in Table 1. Measurement In order to assess whether or not psychological motivation for sexual behavior changed following treatment, Apperson's SM_PT (1973) was administered at-the beginning and end of the subject's participation in the project. Apperson constructed the SM-PT from Murray's (1938) need system to measure psychological motivation for sexual behavior in males and females. On an a_prigri basis, she postu- lated the following needs as important for sexual motivation: Achieve- ment (Ach), Affiliation (Aff), Aggression (Agg), Deference (Def), Dominance (Dom), Exhibition (Exh), Nurturance (Nur), and Succorance (Suc). The definitions of the motive categories Apperson used to con- struct the items of the SM-PT are contained in Appendix E. For content validity, Apperson had six clinicians rate the statements she used for measurement of sexual motivation. The items she used in the SM-PT had perfect agreement by at least four out of the six judges that the state- ments were related to the definitions she used. 21 .a.g.m .a.o.m .a.o.m cmwcnmo mwmxa IT. xzon :3 mo mm: mcwmsooa mwogp xsmv c: Hmuzm Hauzm oFVQUmP -cowpmxmpom cowumecoecH uczocmxomm 2:8 8&5 :"mam 9.3% $8: mmczvmooca :pcoz _ spcoz _ cpcoz _ wave HH mzocm .a.o.m .m.o.m .¢.o.m eovgnmg xzocmcm_; rs: 9:: 3 EB xzmu.mm eo om: :oprN mwocu xson.mm pauzm Hauzm -vamcmmmo Icowwmxmaoa scepmecowcH uczocmxomm mace; mmcwcu HHnmam onmmxm mxmoz mogzumooca spec: _ cucoz _ cpcoz — we?» H mzocw .moczumoocq “cospmmcp to xgm553m .F wFQGb 22 .mscoa :owwawgommo szxmm u .a.o.m mAmnm— .comgmqqwpownoca w>wpoz szxwm comcmaa< u HQIZm ”Aaom_ .scwm_az see Eweeoccmprwzv HH Eeoa spw_wnapawom=m o_po=asz Lo m_eom m_weoea seoeeepm n HH mam ”Amom_ .ecmspaz new Loecogcmprmzv 0 Eco; a_eom >g_y_nwpamom=m ocuo=a>= ecoezapm u u mmxm ”Ammmp .mcgo vcm Locmv zpw_mnwunoom:m owpocqxx to mFmom azogw ugm>cmz u mzmuz ”opoz .l.o.m .l.o.m va.o.m mpznmgommm Apmwp chzmwyv Apmmp Fancm>v covenao spw>_paacu Lo suw>wpmweo Lo Pa-zm Hmuzm pmme mocwcco» amok wocmgcoh cowpmscowcH ucsocmxomm wagon mmcegu HH mam u mmzm mzmuz mwgszooca spec: _ spec: _ gaze: _ me_e HHH msogw 23 In the SM-PT the subject is requested to construct a story about the sexual relations of a couple, Tom and Ann. Following comple- tion of her story about Tom and Ann, the subject answers questions about the sexual relationship of Tom and Ann. Half the questions are appro- priate for males and half appropriate for females, and the subject marks on a scale from 1 to 5 (completely false to completely true) various statements related to the needs outlined above. The subjects' answers within each need were summed and the sums were ranked from one to eight. For instance, if a subject marked all Affiliation statements as completely true, she had a score of Affil- iation 40. If she marked all Aggression statements as completely false, she had an Aggression score of 8. In this example, the subject's Affil- iation score would be ranked first, Aggression second. The assumption using ranks is that the rankings reflect relative concern with the needs. Using this measurement, any relative change in the subjects' psychological motivation for sexual behavior could be assessed following treatment. The Sexual Description Forms were used to evaluate a variety of dimensions of sexuality. First, orgasm consistency during months of participation was assessed by dividing the number of orgasms reported by the number of descriptions handed in. Since females report different levels of sexual arousal from experi- ence to experience and varying amounts of satisfaction with coitus irrespect- ive of arousal (Fisher, 1973), the women were asked to rate their experiences on two scales. The first scale asked them to judge whether their sexual 24 experience was a "blah" to a "peak" experience (1 to 10). The second scale asked them to disregard their level of sexual arousal and record whether the experience was unsatisfying to extremely satisfying (1 to 10). The Women's partners first names were also collected to estimate differences in treatment effectiveness within the context of different types of relationships. And finally, the Sexual Description Forms were used to evalu— ate the subjects' degree of fulfillment of interpersonal needs through their sexual experiences. In order to assess fulfillment of inter- personal needs, a scale was constructed from Apperson's (1973) SM-PT. The Apperson sentences appropriate to females were used as criterion sentences by raters in the present study. Two modifications of these sentences were necessary. First, additional sentences were constructed which statedthe needs in an unfulfilled form. This unfulfilled form was an opposite or negated statement of the Apperson sentences. Second, the sentences were put in the first person, rather than third, to facilitate ease of rating. When a phrase in a woman's description of her sexual experience matched a criterion sentence, the match was noted. The criterion sen- tences, as stated above, were written in sets of two, one of each pair referring to fulfillment of an interpersonal need, the other referring to a lack of fulfillment of that particular need. When a subject's phrase matched a "fulfillment" criterion sentence, the match was scored +1. When the match was with a "lack of fulfillment” criterion sentence, the match was scored -1. The algebraic sum of each subject's protocol 25 for all the needs was a quantitative estimate of the degree of overall fulfillment, regardless of the nature of the needs. This sum was weighted by the number of words in the subject's protocol (sum 0f interpersonal needs X 100) to minimize the chance of a number of words subject's score being influenced mainly by the brevity or length of her record. This corrected score was labelled interpersonal gratification. A high interpersonal gratification score meant that a subject demon- strated more fulfillment of interpersonal needs than a low interpersonal gratification score. The women's sexual descriptions were coded, typed, and sepa- rated from the rest of their forms to insure that raters would only be analyzing the protocols on the basis of what the women wrote rather than being influenced by other information on the forms. The typing was also to guarantee anonymity and minimize rater identification of protocols written by the same subject through such cues as handwriting styles. One rater, a female lawyer, scored all the protocols in a random order. A second rater, a male advanced clinical psychology student, independently scored sixteen per cent of the descriptions. One description was randomly chosen from each month of treatment for each subject for the second rater to score. Both raters were blind to treatment group or month of participation of the subjects. The Background Information Form was used to assess subject characteristics and to determine any correlation of these characteris- tics with treatment effects. It was also used to assess the consistency 26 between what the subject said she hoped to gain from the experiment before and after participation. The form requesting information about changes the subject noted in sexual behavior was independently scored by two male clinical psychology students. They were blind to treatment group. The forms were scored using the following criteria: 5. Improvement--satisfaction of the major initial goals expressed; 4. Improvement--partial satisfac- tion of the major initial goals; 3. Improvement--little satisfaction of initial goals but expresses other improvements; 2. No change; 1. Sexual problems worsened. RESULTS Reliability A high interrater reliability was obtained between raters on the interpersonal gratification measure. Using the Spearman rank cor- relation corrected for ties, interrater agreement was rs=.90. This result indicates a significant correlation (t;15.59, flf59, 9:;57, p§.001). Likewise, raters obtained high agreement on the measure as- sessing changes noted by subjects. Raters were in perfect agreement on 73.3 per cent of the protocols and deviated by one point on 26.7 per cent of the protocols. Experimental hypotheses Report of change was the only dependent measure available to test the hypotheses. The criteria established to determine augmented female enjoyment (orgasm consistency, satisfaction with coitus, sexual arousal, and interpersonal gratification) were not available because few subjects returned their Sexual Description Forms following their individual hypnosis sessions. Whereas twenty-three women (Group I, nelZ; Group II, nf7; Group III, nf4) completed a minimum of three forms during the baseline period, only seven subjects (Group I, nf4; Group II, nf2; Group III, gel) completed this minimum in the months following the individual sessions. Since the Change Form was obtained subsequent to the second individual sessions of Groups I and II (i.e., desensitization 27 28 and tactile focusing), this global measure included confounding effects of these later treatments. The effects of the relaxation treatment per_ §§_were only obtainable through analysis of the Sexual Description Forms. Hence, Hypothesis I could not be assessed. Hypotheses II-IV could be assessed with the one dependent measure available--the Change Forms. Two third of the women partici- pating in this research reported some positive change in their sexual behavior. These changes were such aspects of behavior as: increase in the frequency of orgasms, ability to have orgasms in more sexual situa- tions, augmented intensity of orgasms, quicker orgasms, ability to relax during coitus, new sexual techniqUes, ability to attend to physical sensations, increased frequency of coitus, ability to communicate with partners about sexuality, better relationships with partners and an increase in self confidence (see Appendix A). Subjects in Group I reported more change in their sexual behavior than subjects in Group III (Uf28.5, 24:9: 52:13’ p§.05, direc- tional test). Likewise, subjects in Group II reported more change in their sexual behavior than subjects in Group III (Uf18, 24:8: n2=9, 25.05, directional test). Groups I and II did not differ in terms of subject report of change (UeSl.5, 24:8: 32=13, 99.10, directional test). Subject characteristics The three groups did not differ in their baseline interper— sonal gratification [F=-.514, (2,209) 29.10], sexual arousal (Hf3.36, gfez, flf25,‘E?.10), satisfaction with intercourse (fl?-4.75, gjez, 3e25, 29.10) or orgasm consistency (5;.813, df32, ne24, p>.lO). Visual 29 Table 2. Changes reported by subjects at end of treatment. Change Group I Group II Group III n % n % n % 1 l 7.7 0 O 0 O 2 1 ' 7.7 2 25.0 6 66.6 3 3 23.1 1 12.5 1 11. 4 2 15.4 1 12.5 1 11. 5 6 46.2 4 50.0 1 11. 13 100.1 8 100.0 9 99.9 Note: 1 = Sexual problems worsened; 2 = No change; 3 = Little satisfaction of initial goals but expresses other improvements; 4 = Partial satisfaction of major initial goals; 5 = Satisfaction of all major initial goals. 3O inspection indicated that the three groups did not differ with respect to age, religion, the Apperson SM-PT, duration and frequency of coitus, number of coital partners, or types of seanl experiences (see Appendix A), nor were any of these variables associated with positive change in sexual behavior (see Appendix A). One hundred sixty five subjects were administered the HGSHS (Shor and Orne, 1962). One subject hallucinated that her father was talking to her; the session was stopped and susceptibility scores were not determined for that subject. The distribution of hypnotic sus- ceptibility of the remaining 164 subjects is shown in Figure 1. As can be seen in Figure l, the subjects were relatively sus- ceptible to hypnosis (gf8.26, nfl64, SD;2.54). The scores received by women on the HGSHS in the present investigation were compared with those obtained by Bentler and Hilgard (1963). Bentler and Hilgard's research was chosen for comparison because they used volunteers and hypnotized them in small groups. As can be seen in Table 3, women in the present investigation were much more susceptible to hypnosis (E?3.65, nf209, 95.001, nondirective test). Similarly, the susceptibility levels of the thirty subjects for whom both the SHSS:C (Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1962) and the SPS:II (Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard, 1967) scores were available were compared with those obtained in previous research. The scores used for comparison on the SHSS:C were those reported in the manual (Weitzen- hoffer and Hilgard, 1962) for females. Subjects demonstrated high hypnotic susceptibility on these forms (SHSS:C, t§7.8, D?132: p§.001, nondirectional test; SPS:II, £f4.205, n7185, p5.001, nondirectional test). woo NO.) d—J-H-d—l—l-J-J—JNNNNNNNNNNOOW ANw-bmmeLOO-JNw-bo‘lmflmtood 1 A 4 :44 A: :1 1 f I :71 Alrfin T .4 O O-‘Nw-PU'ICWNCDKO "—1 31 0 Figure 1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Histogram of susceptibility scores on the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility. 12 Table 3. 32 Comparison between the present investigation (A) and Bentler and Hilgard's (B) on scores of hypnotic susceptibility as determined by the HGSHS. Groups Mean n. §0_ 38 7 * A 8.26 164 2.54 3.65 B 6.71 45 2.43 Note: HGSHS = Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility. aThe significance level reported is for a nondirectional test. * 25.001. Table 4. Comparison between the resent investigation (A) and Weitzen- hoffer and Hilgard's (B1 on scores of hypnotic susceptibility as determined by the SHSS:C. r fl I S Groups Mean n_ §Q_ t? * A 9.17 30 1.53 7.811 B 4.86 102 2.91 Note: SHSS:C = Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C. aThe significance level reported is for a nondirectional test. * 25.001. 33 Although the scores on the SHSS:C and the SPS:II in the present investigation were derived from subjects who had already scored very high on the HGSHS, the comparisons shown in Tables 4 and 5 indi- cate that if subjects were faking, they were doing so consistently. In other words, any subjects faking their responses on the HGSHS because they guessed susceptibility to be a criterion for selection, continued to fake their responses during later individual testing. The correlations obtained between the HGSHS and the SHSS:C and SPS:II were as expected given the samples used. The scores in the HGSHS sample were only 10, 11, or 12. Because of this homogeneity, high correlations between the HGSHS and SHSS:C and SPS:II would be extremely unlikely. The lack of correlation between the HGSHS and SHSS:C and SPS:II (3?.23, 3?.01) probably reflects this restriction of range. When samples were compared with less restriction of range, a positive relationship was obtained. The SHSS:C and SPS:II were significantly correlated (3?.66, z;3.56, 25.0003 nondirectional test). Use of posthypnotic suggestion The use of the posthypnotic suggestion by subjects in Groups I and II was relatively infrequent. Of the eighteen subjects queried, 5.6 per cent had never used the suggestion, 50.0 per cent had used it during less than half of their coital experiences and 44.4 per cent had used it during more than fifty per cent of their coital experiences. Change at the end of the project was not associated with use of the posthypnotic suggestion (rs corrected for ties=.039). 34 Table 5. Comparison between the resent investigation (A) and Weitzen- hoffer and Hilgard's (B) on scores of hypnotic susceptibility as determined by the SPS:II. Groups Mean n_ §Q_ t? * A 17.433 30 4.76 4.205 B 7.6 155 7.6 Note: SPS:II = Stanford Profile Scales of Hypnotic Susceptibility. aThe significance level reported is for a nondirectional test. * 25.001. Table 6. Pearson product-moment correlations between scores obtained on the HGSHS, SHSS:C and SPS:II. HGSHS SHSS:C SPS:II HGSHS .23a .0126 but SHSS:C .661 SPS:II Note: HGSHS = Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility; SHSS:C = Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, Form C; SPS:II = Stanford ProfileScale of Hypnotic Susceptibility. an = thirty in each group. bfor r = .66,_z = 3.557. *p<.00032 nondirectional test. 35 Experimenter effects Since analysis of covariance could not be done with this data, the effects of group assignment could not be separated from experimenter effects. However, a Kruskal-Wallis corrected for ties indicated no experimenter effects when group assignment was disregarded (flf8.77, nf30, gfes,‘E?.10). There was a trend for subjects of female experimenters to report more change than those of males (U?60.5, 94:8, n2=22; zf1.64, p§.10 nondirectional test). At the end of the experiment, experimenters were asked to guess the rationale for the treatment groups. All experimenters guessed that Group III was some form of control group. However, experimenters differed in the degree to which they liked to run the groups (see Table 7). Table 7. Rank of experimenter liking for treatment groups. Group I Group II Group III Em1 l 3 2 Em2 2 3 1 EF] 2 1 EF2 1 2 3 EF3 l 2 3 Note = most liked, 3 = least liked. l E = male experimenter; EF = female experimenter. DISCUSSION The results of this investigation suggest that positive change in female sexual behavior can be obtained through the use of hypnotic suggestion. However, three issues must be considered in evaluating the results of this investigation: 1) the method of assess- -ing change; 2) the lack of association between the use of the post— hypnotic suggestion and subject report of change; 3) experimenter guesses that Group III was a control group. The Change Forms were not "objective" measures of sexuality. Cognitive dissonance (need to feel change because of time investment) or wish to please the experimenter might be considered as variables accounting for subjects' report of change. However, it should be recalled that a request for a report of change in any form (e.g., orgasm per cent) from a subject at the end of a research project would be subject to the same criticisms, making change in sexual behavior difficult to evaluate. Furthermore, it is difficult to reconcile the differential report of change in Groups I and II as compared with Group III with such considerations. Why would subjects in Groups I and II feel more dissonance or wish to please their experimenters than subjects in Group III? This investigation considered what the women wanted to derive from participation and whether they obtained what they hoped for. This measure of change can be subjected to criticism (e.g., the women set 36 37 different goals for themselves than would a therapist). However, any method of assessment of change in sexual behavior has its problems. All would seem to tap different aspects of sexuality. Since the planned multilevel assessment of change was not possible, information about different aspects of sexuality is missing. However, the value of the method of assessment of change utilized must be kept in mind. By being a "free response" measure the areas of change pertinent to the women were tapped and aspects of their sexual lives that could not have been anticipated by the investigator in designing a questionnaire were sur- veyed. The second factor to be considered was the lack of association between use of the posthypnotic suggestion and subject report of change. This result is certainly not prima facie evidence that the direct sug- gestions were not important aspects of treatment. Consider the poten- tially relaxing effects of the belief that one could instantaneously relax if one so desired. Implementation of the suggestion might be unnecessary. Consider, also, the effects that would be obtained with improvement in sexual functioning. The sUggestion would be utilized less, rather than more. Certainly, the suggestion was not effective for all subjects at al} times. Some subjects found the relaxation "wore off" with repeated use. But by the time it was less effective, subjects had gained a boost in their self-confidence, and had often gained other sexual skills (e.g., more spontaneity, more communication with partners). The effects of the third issue, experimenter guesses about the nature of Group III, are difficult to ascertain. A "guess" is not 38 certain knowledge. If experimenters had preferred to run the groups they guessed were treatments, experimenter biases might be less diffi- cult to untangle. As can be inferred from drop out frequency, experi- menters were not consistently behaving such that subjects believed they were in some form of control group or in an ineffective form of treat- ment. If this were the case, subjects in Group III would have been more likely to discontinue treatment. Since most of the subjects who discontinued after individual contacts were in Group II, nf5 (Group I, 371; Group III, flf3) and the differences between groups in drop out frequency are not impressive, it seems as if any experimenter biases present did not operate in a consistent fashion. However, if experi- menters' biases did produce the change obtained in subjects, the effect is powerful and merits further investigation. The results of this investigation are surprising. The women were seen briefly by ”therapists" of undergraduate academic status with techniques that involved comparatively little direct dialogue about the women's sexual lives. Since subjects in the treatment groups reported more change than those in the placebo group, it can be assumed that the direct suggestions employed were more effective in eliciting change than such non-specific placebo effects as participation in the experi- ment, interaction with a person while under hypnosis, etc. The dif- ferences in subject change in the treatment groups as compared to the placebo group cannot be accounted for by different pretreatment subject characteristics (e.g., orgasm consistency, sexual arousal, satisfaction with intercourse, interpersonal gratification) since there were not differences between baseline group means on the measures of sexual 39 I behavior surveyed. Likewise, there was no significant difference between groups in subject hypnotic suggestibility as assessed by the HGSHS, SHSS:C and SPS:II. Possible explanations based upon transference effects or to a correlation between hypnotic susceptibility are ruled out as possible evaluations because they were common to all three groups. It is difficult to ascertain the reasons for the equal effec- tiveness of the two treatment groups. It may be that the relaxation technique (common to both groups) mediated change and not desensitiza- tion or tactile focusing. Or relaxation plus desensitization or relaxa- tion plus tactile focusing may have been equally effective techniques. There is one possibility, however, for explaining the equal but greater effects of Groups I and II. The focus on specific treatment procedures for enhancing sexual_experiences in both groups may have had a legitimizing (guilt-reducing and permission-giving) function. Even though it may be argued that the youthful and nonprofessional status of the undergraduate experimenters might have undercut this effect, both the setting and sponsorship of the university and the alleged transfer- ence aspects of the hypnotic relationship may have increased the guilt- reducing and permission-giving function of the treatment procedures. I It was unfortunate that the present study relied so heavily upon the Sexual Description Forms for dependent measures. It is clear upon reading the Change Forms and the Sexual Description Forms that the number of forms returned was not a valid measure of the women's frequency of coitus. In other words, the women continued having sexual relations but did not write about them. The investigator knew that the women were not handing in the forms, but little more could be done to increase 40 their frequency of reporting. They were reminded during each individual session of the importance of filling out and returning them. During these sessions, any questions they had about the forms were answered and any problems with postage or with reduced supply were taken care of. However, the Sexual Description Forms did serve at least three functions. First, the fact that the women did not hand them in is itself interesting. Second, the Sexual Description Forms provided a wealth of information about the subjects. The more relevant facts have been summarized in the appendix (see Appendix A). Third, some subjects found writing about their experiences helpful. A variety of speculations can be drawn to explain the sub- ject's lack of consistent reporting about their sexual experiences. One explanation might be the nature of women attracted to this type of research. If a woman has sexual problems, why would she choose to go to a hypnosis experiment? Hypnosis has ”magical" appeal for some indi- viduals. Something will be done to them, without effort on their part. They can passively wait for the change to occur. The request for a description of each sexual experience is a demanding one. The women may have found the task far removed from the magic they hoped for. Two procedural explanations might account for the drop off in Sexual Description Forms after the individual hypnosis sessions. In order to protect the women's confidentiality, only two people saw the Sexual Description Forms. However, these people were not the women's experimenters. Since the women knew their experimenters were not reading the forms, they might have felt that they shouldn't bother 41 completing them. The forms went to people they never saw and knew little about. Their experimenters, on the other hand, were the people with whom they interacted. The women knew that the first hypnosis session (HGSHS) was not a treatment session. They may have feared being terminated from the project if they did not initially do as they were requested. After the initial treatment they may have felt they had "made it" and have been less motivated to take the time to complete the forms. The lack of consistent reporting of the women might be inter- preted as resistance (Fenichel, 1945). Given that the women felt fill- ing out the Sexual Description Forms was important for their treatment and were reminded of this following their first interaction with their "therapist," their lack of reporting might be interpreted as a demonstra— tion of resistance. However, if resistance was being manifested, the degree of subject change must be accounted for. As classically con- ceived, resistance must be "worked through" for change in the behavior that is being resisted to alter. No "analysis of the resistance" occurred and the subjects' return of the forms did not increase in frequency. Yet subjects did report change in their sexual behavior. Some women spontaneously reported they felt filling out the forms was helpful. Some indicated that writing the descriptions helped them clarify their feelings. Statements were made such as, ”If I can tell you, why not my partner?“ And then they told their partner. 'While the women didn't know the people who were reading their descriptions, they were ”interacting” with someone while describing their experience. They knew someone "out there" was paying attention to their feelings. 42 While not necessarily the perfect nondirective technique, the descriptions did augment the time the women were involved with the project outside of the actual hypnosis sessions. Therefore, although the repeated collection of sexual descrip tions fell Short as a measurement device for assessing change in sexual behavior, the descriptions did provide interesting clues about sexual behavior pgr,§e, Whether or not the lack of consistent reporting was due to the type of women attracted to this research reflects only a procedural problem, or is a manifestation of resistance needs further empirical exploration. In addition, while the task of writing was not sufficient in and of itself for producing subject change (i.e., Group III subjects changed less than those in Groups I and II), it may have potentiated treatment effects. Orgasm consistency has been the main dependent measure for assessing change in sexual therapies. In an attempt to dispel “patient uniformity myths" (Kiesler, 1966), more recent sex therapies have dif- ferentiated degrees of orgastic dysfunction. Those who have never experienced orgasm (primary orgaStic dysfunction) are easier to treat than those formerly capable of orgasm or of orgasm in some situations but not others (secondary orgastic dysfunction) (Masters and Johnson, 1970; McGovern and Stewart, 1972). Sex therapists (McGovern and Stewart, 1972; LoPiccolo, personal communication) consider that secondary orgas- tic dysfunction is caused by interpersonal difficulties. Although this investigation did not use orgasm consistency as a dependent measure, it is interesting that neither pretreatment orgastic ability nor 43 interpersonal factors (interpersonal gratification, Apperson SM-PT) were related to positive change in sexual functioning. The high hypnotic susceptibility of these women is of con- siderable interest. Within the past few years there has been a growing body of literature suggesting different personality characteristics and different physiological responses of susceptible and insusceptible hyp- notic subjects. Several studies have found a poSitive relationship between creativity and hypnotic susceptibility in women (Bowers and Van der Meulen, 1970; Bowers, 1969, 1971; Perry, et_al,, 1973). Seeking of "profound experiential changes" may also be associated With hypnotic susceptibility (Van Nuys, 1972; Gibbons and Jarnette, 1972). Radar (1972) found modest (.29), but significant, correlations between the need for achievement, as measured by McClelland's scoring system for TAT stories, and hypnotic susceptibility. Gur and Gur (1974) found that handedness, sex, and eyedness were moderating variables in hypnotic susceptibility. Several investigations have found EEG patterns to be predictive of hypnotic susceptibility scores (London, et_al,, 1968; Galbraith, et_al,, 1970; Akpinar, et_al,, 1971). Presumably the correlates of high hypnotic susceptibility are pertinent here, since all subjects in the present investigation were highly susceptible to hypnosis. Even more pertinent is the find- ing that the women surveyed in this research were significantly more susceptible to hypnosis than normative groups. The women signed up for this research to increase their sexual arousal. The question then becomes, is desire to increase sexuality associated in some way with hypnotic susceptibility? 44 No direct relationship between hypnotic susceptibility and hyposexuality can be postulated. The women in the present investigation varied widely in their sexual responsivity. However, all the women wanted to increase their sexual arousal. A moderating variable would have to account for high susceptibility, wish for increased sexual response, and varied sexual behavior. Such a moderating variable might be achievement. Rader (1972) found susceptibility correlated with achievement needs. The women in this study may have had high achieve- ment needs. Achievement needs could promote fear of failure with attendent anxiety and hyposexuality in some of the women and not others. It must be remembered that the women in this research were involved in a very different relationship than is usually present between hypnotists and subject. They were there to derive more than the hypnotic experience. Reyher (1963, 1968, 1970, 1975) has formulated an extensive theory of hypnosis and the induction process. In this theory, heightened suggestibility occurs when an individual adopts a passive—receptive attitude and does not engage in self-initiated speech or maintain analytical-critical functions. The relationship in which heightened suggestibility occurs is one that is one-way, or complementary, rather than being one in which both participants have equal status, or a sym- metrical relationship. In socially sanctioned complementary relation- ships, such as the patient-practitioner relationship, the individual is less likely to engage in behaviors which redefine the relationship as symmetrical. 45 Since the women in this investigation wanted to augment their sexual response, they may have been more willing to adopt a passive- receptive attitude than is usually present with research subjects participating in hypnosis experiments per_§§, The relationship between susceptibility and wish for augmented sexual response is important to untangle. If susceptibility and wish for better sexual functioning are associated, theoretical formulations follow. If the heightened susceptibility of the women in this project was because of the nature of their relationship yj_.a_yi§_the hypnotist, hypnosis with highly susceptible subject would be more available for use as a treatment technique than heretofore implied by traditional empirical findings. One design which would differentiate whether or not the heightened susceptibility was due to some relationship between hypnotic susceptibility and subject characteristics or due rather to the nature of the relationship between subject and hypnotist, would be to hypnotize subjects volunteering solely for hypnosis, then collect sexual histories. Summary Two-thirds of the women participating in this project reported they had changed in some positive way. The two treatment groups sig- nificantly differed from the placebo group. These results suggest that direct suggestions can be employed to enhance female sexual behavior. No pretreatment subject characteristics were associated with change. This lack of association differed from the results of previous investiga- tions but the measure of change likewise differed. 46 The women surveyed in this research were found to be highly susceptible to hypnosis. It was questioned whether this result was due to the nature of the relationship between subject and eXperimenter or due to subject characteristics. REFERENCES Akpinar, S., Ulett, G. A., and Itil, T. M. Hypnotizability predicted by digital computer-analyzed EEG pattern. Biological Psy- chiatry, 1971, 3, 387-392. Appel, K. E. Problems with which people want help in sex and marriage. In Emily H. Mudd and A. Krich (eds.) Man and Wife. New York: Norton, 1957. Apperson, Jean. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Michigan State University, 1973. Bentler, P. M. and Hilgard, H. E. Comparison of group and individual induction of hypnosis with self-scoring and observer-scoring. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hyp: nosis, 1968, ll_(1), 49-54. Bergin, A. E. and Suinn, R. M. Individual psychotherapy and behavior therapy. In M. Rozenzweig and Porter, L. (eds.) Annual Review of Psychology, 1975, Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, 509-556. Bergler, E. 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A male and a female experimenter were left to split subjects--half run by a male and half by a female. However, the male experimenter had to leave the project before the female. Subjects were ready to be run with only a female left to run them. Meanwhile, the investigator was selecting new experimenters. Two male and two female experimenters had met the criteria for experimenter selection and were in the process of being trained. The experienced female experimenter completed subjects she had begun and ran group sessions with new sub- jects. At that time, the investigator felt the sex of experimenter could be balanced with subjects who were then entering the research because two new male experimenters were available and were willing to handle an extra subject load. Then one of the male experimenters was dismissed. The investigator could not find a qualified replacement able to devote sufficient time for training and willing to remain with the research for the duration of time necessary. Therefore, the investi- gator was left with two female and one male experimenters and sex of experimenter could not be balanced with treatment group because by then too many subjects had been run by females and the remaining male could not run as many subjects as were needed. 2Initially, the subject pool was to be psychology students. They were to receive twelve experiment credits for participation in the project. (They needed onl four experiment credits to fulfill their psychology course requirement. An advertisement was posted in psy- chology lecture halls with a phone number to call if the students were interested. Too much confusion was engendered by the method. Women called thinking a psychology course was offered in "Increasing Sexual Arousal in Women Through Hypnosis.“ The offer of experiment credits was dropped from the advertisement. The advertisement, with the research topic and subject require- ments, was then posted weekly in all large lecture halls, married student housing, each floor of the student dormitories, sorority houses and a local Women's Center. Since advertisements were removed weekly by unknown persons, they had to be replaced. The method took several hours per week and it was felt a more efficient method had to be developed. The advertisement sheet was handed out by discussion section leaders after the class meetings of a large television course on "Human Sexuality." 52 53 More subjects were needed, so a newspaper article about the research was given to the student newspaper, the State News (see Appen- dix B). The paper has a wide circulation in the community. A phone number was included for women to call if interested. After an initial surge of responses, more subjects were needed. A local television station (WJIM) became interested in the ,research and began filming a half-hour show on women's sexuality. A 5ten-minute advertisement of the program was shown prior to the date when the female sexuality show would air and the present investigator appeared as "The Noon Newsmaker." The investigator answered some questions about sexual behavior and told about the availability of this research. The television station was "flooded'I with negative phone calls. People objected to sexuality being discussed during daytime television and the station decided to cancel the show being filmed. Subsequently, a short advertisement was placed in the adver- tisement section of the student newspaper requesting volunteers, listing subject requirements and giving a phone number to call if interested. No subjects called for the ten weeks the ad was run. The State News was approached again. They did not feel the original article was newsworthy and the investigator was requested to give new information. The articles derived from the interviews with a reporter are contained in Appendix B. The investigator had no control over their contents. 3Early in the project, those subjects not receiving a score of 10 or above and a posthypnotic amnesia on the HGSHS (Shor and Orne, 1962) were told why they could not participate, thanked for their time, and dismissed. However, the experimenters felt that they were being somewhat insensitive to the needs of these women. Therefore, they reserved two rooms--a hypnosis room and a debriefing room. When some women in the groups met the subject requirements and some didn't, the debriefing room was used for the latter while subjects who qualified completed forms. During debriefing, subjects were told that while they might not have met the requirements of this research, it didn't reflect upon their treatability with hypnosis pep_se, They were given alternative sources of help if they desired. APPENDICES APPENDIX A GROUP SUBJECT DATA Directions for reading individual subject data: Individual Subject Data: Group I Individual Subject Data: Group II Individual Subject Data: Group III GROUP SUBJECT DATA Table A1 presents the age of subjects who completed the project. Table A1. Age of subjects. .5 Range Mean SD 29at 18-47 24.45 5.804 aOne subject did not complete Background History Form. The overall percentage of subjectsva>considered themselves religious was 44.8 per cent. The percentage of subjects considering themselves religious in Groups I, II and III was 46.0 per cent, 37.5 per cent and 50.0 per cent, respectively. One hundred per cent of the subjects reported they had "petted" before coitus. The overall percentage of subjects who stated they had been orgastic during their petting experiences was 44.0 per cent. The percentage of subjects who had been orgastic during petting in Groups I, II and III was 38.5 per cent, 50.0 per cent, and 50.0 per cent, respectively. Quite a few women in the project had tried masturbation. The overall percentage was 75.9 per cent. The breakdown by group was 76.9 54 55 per cent, 87.5 per cent, and 62.5 per cent in Groups I-III, respectively. However, only 65.5 per cent had been orgastic with masturbation. The percentage of subjects reporting they had been orgastic with masturba- tion in Groups I, II and III was 61.5 per cent, 75.0 per cent and 62.5 per cent, respectively. Table A2 presents the duration of coital experience the women reported. Table A2. Number of years the women had had coitus. [3 Range Mean SD 29" 1-28 6.28 5.59 aOne subject did not complete her Background History Form. Table A3 presents the number of partners in coitus the women stated they had had. Tablelleresents the types of relationships the women stated they were involved in. Table A5 shows the frequency of coitus reported by the women . Figure A1 presents the orgasm consistency of the subjects during the baseline. Characteristics of subjects and changes reported by subjects at the end of treatment. Religious beliefs and change at the end of treatment were not associated (5f87, pq=13, pz=l6, p>.lO nondirectional test). 56 Table A3. Number of partners in coitus reported by the women. Number of partners p? 1 4 2 5 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 O 8 2 9 l 10 1 11-20 . 4 21-30 2 31-40 0 41-50 2 aOne subject did not complete her Background History Form. 57 Table A4. Types of relationships reported by the women.a r Type of Relationship Group I Group II Group III E. D. D. . 6 c Married 5 2 4 Living together 1 (but not married) Steady boyfriend 7 2 4 No relationship 1 3 aOne subject did not complete her Background History Form. bOne subject said she was in process of getting a divorce and was sepa- rated from her partner. cOne subject was having a regular ongoing affair. Table A5. Frequency of coitus per month. Range Mean SD [:5 293‘ 3-30 11.74 7.41 aOne subject did not complete her Background History Form. 58 .cv wovcm; mcm cowpavcommn szxmm x—co msu mcwcsu Emmmco :m cm; mgm po: Lo Loguwgz macaw we: emu pomnnzm mco .mchmmmn mcwgsv macaw cowuawcomou Fmsxwm ace cw cam; we: own mpommnzm w>eam .mcw—wmma mcwczu mmmmpcmocmg Emmmco to Emcmopmw: xoo— om om on om om ow om om o— HHH azogw HH azocw H macaw ._< weasel o 59 Having ever experienced an orgasm through petting and change at the end of treatment were not associated (5f93.5, pq=l3, p2=16, p?.10 nondirectional test). Orgasm through masturbation and change at the end of treatment were not associated (5f63, pq=10, pe=l9, 5?.10 nondirectional test). Type of relationship, including no relationship, and change at the end of treatment were not associated (5f79, 54:9, pe=l8, p?.10 nondirectional test). Orgasm consistency during the baseline period and change at the end of treatment were not associated ([5 corrected for ties=.092, pf24, p>.lO nondirectional test). Even cursory analysis of the data indicated no relationship between age of subject, duration of coitus, number of coital partners, frequency of coitus, interpersonal gratification and change at the end of treatment. Apperson SM-PT. The women showed remarkable consistency between their pre and posttreatment scores on the Apperson SM-PT. Dis- regarding group, the ranking of their needs was exactly the same. From most important to least important, the order of need ranks was: Affilia- tion, Nurturance, Succorance, Achievement, Exhibition, Deference, Domi— nance, Aggression. The Apperson SM-PT ranks were examined to assess whether those receiving different change scores at the end of treatment varied in their initial psychological motivation for sexual behavior. The scores of those receiving four or five at the end of participation were com- pared with those receiving one or two. Even cursory analysis of the 60 data indicated only one potential trend. Those receiving four or five (change) were less concerned with Achievement than those receiving one or two (no change). Disregarding treatment group, 50.0 per cent of the subjects scoring one or two had Achievement as their first or second rank, whereas only 26.6 per cent of those receiving four or five had Achievement as their first or second rank. However, this “trend" was not statistically significant (x2=2.49, 5723, ofel, p?.10). Directions for reading individual subject data Subject numbers Subjects have been serially numbered for ease of reading. The numbers within each group indicate the subjects' relative time of parti— cipation--lower numbers referring to subjects participating earliest. What the subject hoped to gain The subjects' reasons for participating are summarized here. Subjects' pre- and post-treatment statements were almost exactly the same, although they were often more detailed in one description. The description used in this section was the one with the most detail. Quotations have been omitted because spelling errors were corrected and names and relationship status (e.g., married, ”steady”) omitted. These changes were made to protect confidentiality. The essential content was not altered in any way. 61 Background history The least identifying, but most relevant sexual background information is summarized here. There was sufficient similarity between subjects that this material could be included without identifying particular subjects. Other information that may have been of interest was omitted because with it individual women could be potentially iden- tified by people knowing them well. Apperson SM-PT This section includes the women's pre- and post-treatment SM-PTs. The stories have been summarized. The criteria used to sum- marize the stores were: 1) convey the essence of the story; 2) include the subject's descriptions about the couple'd feelings about their love- making; 3) include the subject's descriptions of the outcome of the couple's experience. The needs subjects were most concerned with (the four highest scores) have been included. Hypnosis sessions The women's hypnosis scores are summarized here. Any devia- tions from procedure or relevant subject comments during the sessions are included. Use of un, deux, trois and stimulus hierarchy The subjects' responses to these procedures are included along with any deviations of procedure. The stimulus items are ordered from least to most anxious. 62 Sexual Description Forms The number of forms returned by month of participation, the information derived from the forms, and qualitative information are included. Careful note should be made of the number of forms returned in terms of the measures described. Months two and three have been averaged when comparisons are made to the baseline on orgasm consistency, sexual arousal, satisfaction with intercourse, and interpersonal grati- fication. This procedure was because of the small number of forms returned in the second and third months. Qualitative information of an affective nature has been included but the details of sexual tech- nique, relationship status, etc., omitted for confidentiality. Subjects' report of changes The essence of what the subject wrote is summarized here. Quotations have been omitted for the reasons discussed under the sec- tion What the Subject Hoped to Gain. The number in parentheses is the change scores given subjects by raters. Individual Subject Data: Group I 001 What the subject hoped to gain OOl wrote: An understanding and maybe a greater awareness of my feelings, both physical and psychological, why I don't experience orgasm and why I never have. I want to change this situation, and I don't have anything to lose by participating in this experiment, and at least I can learn more, hopefully. 63 Background history, 001 petted before engaging in intercourse and was not orgastic with petting. (She did not specify the duration of her petting expe-' riences.) She had been having intercourse for four years and had had two partners. She stated she had coitus twenty-six times per month and her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was 0 per cent. OOl masturbated six times per month and fantasized when she masturbated but had never experienced an orgasm through masturbation. Apperson SM-PT 001's first SM-PT described how Tom and Ann met and fell in love. For a year Ann faked orgasms during lovemaking fearing Tom would not be fulfilled if She did not experience orgasm. She then told Tom, they worried and tried various techniques for three months until Ann described to Tom how forced intercourse felt. They stopped worrying about Ann's orgasm and found that their sexual problems did not inter- fere with their loving, intimate relationship. 001 was primarily con- cerned with themes of Aff (40), Nur (34), Suc (27), and Ach (20). OOl's second SM-PT described a relationship between Tom and Ann which was loving and affectionate. Sex played a small role in their experience together. 001 was primarily concerned with Nur (40), Aff (37), Suc (31), and Def (24). IDODnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Forni II: 21 (maximum 27) 64 Use of un, deux, trois 001 was in the research before the query about the subject's use of up, deux, trois was instituted. Stimulus hierarchy 001 completed only one item of her hierarchy. She told her experimenter that she got bored with the repetition of item one so she purposely signalled and thus prevented progress. The items she brought in were: 1) being entered from the rear when it feels impersonal and purely physical; 2) having sex when I want emotional contact but my partner is not providing it; 3) having my nipples stimulated when I do not want them stimulated or am not ready; 4) being stimulated on my clitoris with my partner's hand when I don't want it or am not ready. Sexual Description Forms OOl handed in ten Sexual Description Forms during the baseline period, two following the first individual hypnosis session and one following the second individual hypnosis session. All coital experiences were with the same partner. Her orgasm consistency remained 0 per cent throughout the duration of the project. Her gratification of- interpersonal needs decreased from 2.11 to -.01. Likewise, her satis- faction with intercourse and sexual arousal decreased following the individual sessions (satisfaction with intercourse from 7.1 to 6.3; sexual arousal from 8.1 to 5.0). 001 described her love for her partner and their techniques of lovemaking. 001 found visual stimuli exciting. 65 Subjects' report of changes ifilsexual behavior (3) OOl wrote: I did become more relaxed. I have learned that this does have quite a lot to do with my problem but as yet I am not orgastic. At first counting to three had an effect on my during inter- course; I would relax and enjoy the sensations more. By the third session, though, I had seen that counting no longer worked, and I still needed a crutch to relax; fifty per cent of the time I could relax and enjoy more, but the other half of the time I can't. Overall, I would say that I did relax more, but not dramatically. 002 What the subject hoped to gain 002 wrote: For some reason I began to feel anxious about having sexual relations. I hoped to become more relaxed about having SEX. Background histopy 002 began petting eight months before engaging in coitus and was not orgastic with her petting experiences. She had had intercourse for two years with one partner. Her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was 0 per cent. She had intercourse sixteen times per month and had never masturbated. 66 Apperson SM-PT 002's first SM-PT described Tom as a music teacher. Ann had music lessons every day. Finally, Tom and Ann had intercourse but Ann felt she didn't really love Tom. 002 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (38), Suc (30), Nur (29), Ach (25), Def (25), and Exh (25). 002's second SM-PT described how Tom and Ann met as students, fell in love, and began to go steady. Lovemaking added to their rela- tionship and they cared more for each other and were more sensitive to each other's needs following the onset of sexual relations. 002 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (40), Nur (40), Suc (36), and Ach (31). Hypnosis sessions Harvardzl 12 (maximum 12) Form C : 7 (maximum 12) Form II: 16 (maximum 27) Use of un, deux, trois 002 began the research project before the query about the subject's use of up, deux, trois was instituted. However, when 002 came in for the Form 11 session, she reported that the preceding month she had used the up, deux, trois technique and no longer dreaded having intercourse. 002 continued finding herself relaxed during lovemaking and was surprised at this result. 67 Stimulus hierarchy When 002 came in for the Form II session, she told her experimenter she had misunderstood the directions and had constructed a list of four situations which were pleasant for her. Without reading her list of "pleasant" experiences, the experimenter had her construct a list of unpleasant situations. The experimenter reported that 002 was very reluctant to make up a new list, taking about fifteen minutes to come up with one. At the end of the session, 002 gave her original list to the experimenter, and the experimenter felt that the original list could have been used as well as the one constructed in the lab. 002's original list was: 1) fantasies about making love to my partner's friends; 2) a male friend refusing to kiss me; 3) having sex with an old boyfriend. For her fourth item 002 wrote: 4) I would be extremely anxious if my partner and I were in bed and about to have sex if I knew as a result of this I would experience an orgasm. The hierarchy used for the session was: 1) making love to someone with bad breath; 2) making love with someone and wondering what he thinks of my performance; 3) making love with my partner and feeling that he didn't care if I enjoyed the experience or not; 4) if I were to be raped by my father. During the session, the experimenter had a certain amount of trouble. She wrote: For the first several tasks 002 appeared to be deeply hypnotized but when we got to the agnosia to scissors she seemed to come out of her trance. She told me later that she knew that she wasn't supposed to know what scissors were, but when she immediately 68 recognized them, this seemed to bring her out. After she put down the scissors she covered her face somewhat with her hand, looked over to me and said she didn't think she was hypnotized anymore. I told her to close her eyes and relax and that with a count of five, she would once again become deeply hypnotized. I then proceeded to count, interspers- ing the count with phrases like 'you will relax more and more' and 'you are going down into a deep state of hypnosis.‘ We then proceeded with the rest of the tasks and her hypnotic state seemed to improve. However, when we got to the stimulus items, I had problems. 002 would not respond to me when I asked her if she had her first unpleasant image in mind. I restated her first unpleasant experience and, finally, after some delay, she nodded her head that she had the experience in mind. The other unpleasant experiences were even more difficult to get 002 to concentrate on. Right after I would ask her to get the images in mind she would not respond to me. Her head would slip to one side and it almost appeared as if she had fallen asleep. I would leave her in this condition for a few moments and then call to her by name when she did not respond to any of my other questions. We finally finished her items and I am sure that she had the images in mind although I don't know how long she held onto them. She never once raised her finger and later said that she had forgotten about the cue, although I had repeatedly reminded her of it and at the time she said she knew what to do. It almost seemed as if She blacked out when think- ing about the unpleasant experiences, but then came back in when I said ‘up, deux, trois . . . . She did say that She did not feel anxious dur- ing her unpleasant images. 69 Sexual Description Forms 002 handed in five forms during the baseline of the project, and none following the individual hypnosis sessions. All coital expe- riences were with the same person. She was not orgastic. Her mean interpersonal gratification was 1.04, her mean sexual arousal and sat— isfaction with intercourse were 3.0 and 3.8, respectively. 002 described her frustration with her partner's lack of desire to stimulate her prior to intercourse and his readiness for sexual relations when she simply wanted to cuddle. During the baseline, 001 and her partner agreed to have sex only when both partners wanted lovemaking, and 002's partner started to take care that 002 was ready before penetration. Subjects report of changes in sexual behavior (5) 002 wrote: I am no longer anxious about having sex and I'm relaxed during intercourse . . . before I almost dreaded the thought of going to bed. Of course, I'm extremely happy that I can now freely go to bed with (my partner). I feel relieved that we don't fight because I won't go to bed with him. When there is sexual harmony, it is much easier to get along in other areas. 70 003 What the subject hoped to gain 003 wrote: I have a very good relationship with my partner, but anything can be improved upon. We are a growing-dynamic couple searching for better ways to communicate, and I felt that hypnosis would be interesting. Background history 003 petted for six months before engaging in intercourse and was orgastic in ten per cent of her petting experiences. She had been engaging in coitus for seven years with one partner. She stated she had intercourse six times per month and her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was forth-three per cent. 003 masturbated approximately once per month, did not fantasize when she masturbated and was orgastic with masturbation. Apperson SM-PT 003's first SM-PT described a close relationship between Ann and "an older man about town.” The relationship was generally good and Ann was usually orgastic. 003 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (40), Suc (36), Nur (34), Ach (25), Exh (25) and Def (25). '_ 003's second SM-PT described Ann and Tom as virginal college students from "moral" families. They made love and enjoyed each other thoroughly. 003 was concerned with Aff (35), Nur (32), Suc (31), and Exh (24). 71 Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) Form C : 7 (maximum 12) Form II: 17 (maximum 27) Use of un, deux,_trois 003 was in the research before the query about the subject's use of up, deux, trois was instituted. Stimulus hierarchy 003 was able to get through all stimulus items in her hier- archy. Her items were: 1) making love with a partner that is demanding and selfish; 2) having oral sex when I don't want to; 3) masturbation; 4) (a person) walking in and disturbing me when making love. Sexual Description Forms 003 handed in seven sexual descriptions during the baseline period, one sexual description following her first individual hypnosis session, and one following her second individual hypnosis session. All coital experiences were with the same person. Her mean orgasm consis- tency increased from forty-three per cent during the baseline to one hundred per cent in the months following the individual hypnosis ses- sions. (However, it should be noted that only two experiences were described in those months.) Her interpersonal gratification increased from .13 to .64, her satisfaction with intercourse from 6.3 to 10.0 and her sexual arousal from 6.14 to 9.0. 72 During the baseline period 003 described her difficulties in expressing her feelings in line sexual descriptions because of her mis- trust of the reader. She began realizing her anger with her partner and her growing ability to express her feelings with him. The two experiences described subsequent to the baseline were not qualitatively different from her earlier reports. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (3) 003 wrote: I feel in the long run that this research project is going to have a positive effect on our relationship. I think that the main change came about because I had to think about some of the things that made me anxious. Now I can really enjoy an oral sexual experience with my partner—-which I never could before. 004 What the subject hoped to gain 004 wrote: The main reason I decided to Sign up for the experiment was that I have never experienced an orgasm during inter- course, or otherwise, and I was hopeful of a little help in dealing with this problem. Background history 004 began petting one year before engaging in coitus. She had never experienced an orgasm with her petting experiences nor with coitus. She had been having intercourse for one year with four 73 partners. Her frequency of intercourse was six times a month. 004 had never tried masturbation. Apperson SM-PT 004's first SM-PT described Tom as an interesting fellow "above" Ann. They met at a party and Tom protected Ann from other "obnoxious" males at the party. Ann was a virgin but slept with Tom the night of the party. Subsequently, "sex did not play a part in their relationship" because they wanted to wait until they were in love and married. 004 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (40), Nur (38), Suc (34), Ach (31) and Def (31). 004's second SM-PT was essentially the same as her first. Tom and Ann had sex early in their relationship and Ann was a virgin. Subsequently, sex took ”second priority" because Ann and Tom didn't want a ”touchy body” relationship. 004 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (40), Suc (36), Nur (35) and Def (22.5). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Form II: 23 (maximum 27) Use of un, deux, trois 004 used the up, deux, trois technique during the first month after the individual hypnosis session. She said it both relaxed her 74 physically and distracted her. She said the distraction caused her to lose her arousal and she stopped using it. Stimulus hierarchy 004 was only able to complete the first item of her hierarchy. The items she brought in were: 1) masturbation; 2) being questioned about my sex life; 3) making love in my parents house with them around; 4) being caught by my parents while making love. Sexual Description Forms 004 handed in six sexual descriptions during the baseline period. She did not hand in any forms following either individual (hypnosis sessions. All coital experiences were with the same person. "004 was not orgastic during her coital experiences. Her mean inter- personal gratification was -1.425, her mean sexual arousal was 5.5, and her mean satisfaction with the coital experience was 5.2. 004 repeatedly described her frustration with her lack of orgasms, the difficulties entailed becauSe her partner felt it was his fault, and her love for her partner. She had a tendency to allow her partner entry before she was ready and did not indicate to him She needed further stimulation. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (3) 004 wrote: The only change I felt was, as I stated before, less pressure or worry over my own sexual inadequacies. In general, I'm simply more relaxed and self-confident. This could also be due to 75 franker sexual discussions between my partner and I and that my failure to climax does not impair either his feelings toward me, nor his mas- culine 'potency.‘ He does not judge my failures as lack of 'perform- ance, which I feel would put a great strain on our relationship. Rather, we view it as a problem to be worked out together over a period of time. 005 What the subject hoped to gain 005 wrote: curiosity was the main reason I signed up. I hope to gain orgasms through intercourse, not cunnilingus or what have you. Background history 005 petted for two years before engaging in intercourse and was not orgastic with her petting. She had had intercourse for four years with twenty-five partners. She estimated she had intercourse twenty times per month and her orgasm consistency during the baseline 76f this project was 42.9 per cent. 005 masturbated four times per month, fantasized when she masturbated, and was orgastic 100 per cent of the time with masturbation. Apperson SM-PT 005's first SM-PT described Ann's two-year steady relation- ship with Tom. Tom didn't want to be involved with Ann and visited her only twice weekly. Ann felt their relationship was stagnant and 76 spoke to Tom about it. He got angry and the relationship continued as before. Eventually, Ann broke up with Tom to go to college. 005 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (27), Def (l7), Nur (17) and Suc (l6). 005's second SM-PT described Ann and Tom's first sexual experience together. Ann was fearful, but relaxed, as lovemaking progressed. Afterwards, Tom acted the same as before. Ann felt an intangible bond that was strengthened because of their sexual experience together. 005 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (30), Nur (l3), Def (11) and Exh (10). .Hypnosis sessions 'Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 8 (maximum 12) Form II: 13 (maximum 27) During the Form II session, 005's experimenter did not feel she was deeply hypnotized. The experimenter commented that once, when she asked a question, 005 opened her eyes, looked at the experimenter, and said she hadn't heard her. Use of un, deux, trois 005 only counted once. She did not use it in a sexual situa- tion, but instead counted when she was mad at someone and wanted to relax. She counted subvocally. 77 Stimulus hierarcny_ 005 had difficulty with the stimulus items she brought in. Her experimenter wrote: "She made it through the first two on her hierarchy, but only after five trials (four trials, back to the pleas- ant day, and then another trial). The final item that we attempted, she just could not overcome. She told me later that during this one she began thinking about other things and didn't pay attention to the item that I was reading. A couple of times I had to ask her if she had her situation in mind, because she hadn't nodded her head for quite a while." The items that 005 brought in were: 1) going out with an overly aggressive guy; 2) getting home from a “first date" and knowing he is going to kiss you . . . and not wanting to kiss him; 3) having the boyfriend of a girlfriend make advances; 4) having a close friend make advances. Sexual Description Forms 005 handed in fourteen forms during her baseline and none following either individual hypnosis sessions. Toward the end of the “project, 005 wrote a letter thanking me for letting her participate and telling me I had helped her. She said she'd had a series of infec- tions which had prohibited sexual activity for a while. However, her statement of changes indicates that subsequently she had been having coitus but had not filled out Sexual Description Forms. 78 005 had two coital partners. Her orgasm consistency, satisfaction with intercourse, sexual arousal and interpersonal grati- fication were similar with each partner. Her mean gratification of interpersonal needs was 1.15, her mean sexual arousal was 6.36 and her mean satisfaction with intercourse was 6.36. Her orgasm consistency was 42.9 per cent. Her first few sexual descriptions described her frustration at only experiencing orgasm through cunnilingus. Then she found if she had an orgasm before penetration, she liked coitus better. Her concern with her sexual response lessened when she began having concurrent rela- tions with a new person. She seemed to want lovemaking to last for a longer time and thoroughly enjoyed penetration, wanting her union with her partner to continue "forever." Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (5) 005 wrote: I don't feel as I'hung up" about sexual activities as I did before. I'm more relaxed about sex and it doesn't take me as long to get used to someone sexually as it did before. The only real change I've noticed is my ability to have an orgasm everyday. Before the experiment two, or at the most three, would satisfy me. Now--I can have one every day and enjoy them all. Also, the orgasms seem more intense and they're easier to have. 79 006 What the subject hoped to gain 006 wrote: (I hope to gain) an increase in physical sexual arousal that may make up for what I am currently lacking in emotional- Sexual arousal. Background history 006 petted for one year before engaging in coitus and was not orgastic with petting. She had had intercourse for ten years with fifty partners. Her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was 100 per cent. 006 estimated she had intercourse five to ten times per month. She reported she masturbated five to ten times per month, occasionally fantasized, and was orgastic 100 per cent of the time with masturbation. Apperson SM-PT 006's first SM-PT described Tom awakening in the morning and thinking of Ann. "He conjured up the image of her lying under the pink/ orange sheets, her long brown hair strewn around her body." He woke up Ann by softly caressing her and they had a warm, full satisfying love- making experience. 006 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (39), Nur (37), Suc (35), Ach (22) and Exh (22). 006's second SM-PT described Ann waking before Tom, and while drinking coffee and watching birds, thinking of the night before. She remembered his "body, firm and ripe, the rolling in ecstacy; giving one's body up to each other's, flowing, flowing." She went to Tom, 8O caressed him and gently made oral love until he had an orgasm. 006 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (39), Suc (30), Nur (28) and Ach (22). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 12 (maximum 12) Form C : 9 (maximum 12) Form 11: 21 (maximum 27) After the Form II session, 006 requested that her experimenter hypnotize a group of her friends or teach 006 how to do it. Her experi- menter said no on all counts. She explained why and emphasized that 006 not attempt hypnosis when she knew nothing about it. 006 understood and agreed with her experimenter. At that time, 006 also told her experimenter she had been counting up, deux, trois frequently and enjoyed the results. Use of un, deux, trois 006 reported She counted up, deux, trois in about seventy- five per cent of her sexual experiences. She used the technique most frequently during foreplay. She found that thinking a5out the technique just before or after orgasm helped her relax more fully. 006 also counted outside of sexual situations. She found it helped her to relax and quit smoking. When she counted, she did so subvocally. Stimulus hierarchy 006 could only think of two situations that made her anxious. Her hierarchy was: 1) having oral sex and trying not to vomit; 2) making 81 love with a woman. It took her four trials for the first item and one trial for the second; however, she made it through her hierarchy. Sexual Description Forms 006 handed in three forms during her baseline, one form following the first individual hypnosis session and four following the second individual hypnosis session. She had four coital partners. While her orgasm consistency dropped somewhat (from 100 per cent to eighty per cent), her satisfaction with intercourse increased slightly (from 6.7 to 7.2). Her mean interpersonal gratification and sexual aroUsal remained about the same (interpersonal gratification from 1.25 to 1.27; sexual arousal from 6.7 to 6.2). 006 described not just her sexual feelings and experiences but her philosophies of living. She described several intense sexual experiences. Her baseline descriptions were not qualitatively different from her later ones. Each lovemaking session depended upon her “expe- riencing" her partner and herself. She described being pleased with the results of saying up, deux, trois and being able to make oral love without gagging. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (5) 006 wrote: There were changes of two degrees: 1) cognitive-— I believe that just writing about my sexual experiences encouraged me to think about my sexuality; what it meant, what I wanted to do with it. I found that I experienced a reaffirming of goals in my relation— ships; openness, honesty, and creativity. Experiencing this in myself 82 did carry over to my relationships—~all of them have known growth these past months. A lot of talking and a lot of good sex. 2) sexual-~I had always known a high degree of control during masturbation. I could prolong orgasms or sometimes have multiple orgasms. I have always wanted to have this ability during intercourse. I have found that the relaxation technique does give a wider grasp on my orgasms. I am hoping that time and experience will develop my skill in meeting my partner's orgasm. The relaxation technique is very nice. 007 What the subject hoped to gain 007 wrote: to gain insight into my sexual feelings and to help me to distinguish sexual feelings from attention needs. Background history 007 petted for seven years before engaging in intercourse. She was orgastic ninety-five per cent of the time with petting when she was with her current sexual partner. She had been having intercourse for six years with one partner. She stated that she had coitus twelve to sixteen times per month and her orgasm consistency during the base- line of this project was 100 per cent. 007 masturbated between zero and fifteen times per month, fantasized when she masturbated and was orgastic 100 per cent of the time she masturbated. 83 Apperson SM-PT 007's first SM-PT described how Ann became multiply orgastic through the love and patience of Tom. They had few "inhibitions" and loved to act out fantasies, watch in the mirror while they made love, and read pornography together. Tom became threatened with Ann's increas- ing sexuality. They worked out this new conflict and had an intimate, loving, sexual relationship. 007 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (39), Suc (38), Nur (37) and Def (30). 007's second SM-PT described how Tom and Ann met and had sex. She emphasized Tom and Ann's openness and ability to communicate directly about sexual matters and their lack of embarassment about such communication. 007 was primarily concerned with Aff (34), Nur (32), Ach (23) and Suc (23). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Form II: 19 (maximum 27) Use of un, deux, trois 007 counted during about fifty per cent of her coital rela- tions. She tried saying it out loud and to herself, and found saying it out loud worked better. 007 liked to say up, deux, trois just before orgasm because then she felt extremely relaxed and was able to have a really good orgasm. The times she did not use the technique were when 84 she was angry with her partner. She found when She said up, deux, trois out loud, her partner also relaxed. Stimulus hierarchy 007 was able to complete two items of her hierarchy. The items she brought in were: 1) my partner going too quickly and not waiting to get me excited; 2) having a limited amount of time for sex; 3) fear of initiating sex when I have been turned down in the past; 4) fear of getting pregnant. Sexual Description Forms 007 handed in nineteen forms during the baseline, ten follow- ing the first individual hypnosis session, and eight following the second individual hypnosis session. All coital experiences were with the same person. Her orgasm consistency remained 100 per cent throughout the duration of the project. Her gratification of interpersonal needs decreased following the individual sessions (1.211 to .06). Her sexual arousal and satisfaction with intercourse increased (sexual arousal. from 7.95 to 8.78; satisfaction with intercourse from 8.53 to 8.83). During the baseline, 007 described how she feared her partner was making sex good for the forms rather than for her. In general, the couple was uninhibited and enjoyed acting out each other's fantasies. 007 was multiply orgastic, occasionally expelling fluid from the force of her orgasms. She appeared to desire sexual relations more frequently than her partner and was attempting to separate sexual from affectional needs in order to decrease her frequency of lovemaking. Both she and 85 her partner were able to masturbate in front of each other and used self stimulation during coitus. 007 occasionally used masturbation to "drain" herself completely of "sexual arousal." Her sexual descriptions following the individual sessions were not qualitatively different from her earlier forms. However, she did describe some experiences that she felt were the “best" in her life because she used the relaxation technique. Subject's reports of changes in sexual behavior (5) 007 wrote: I was able to become excited during times that I used to stay neutral--based completely on the ability to relax. I feel that this has benefited both my partner and I, as he has learned along with me how being tense can stop sexual activity. The change has not been constant, but I believe there has been an improvement. What I mean is that not every time that I was tense did the counting technique work, but it did reduce tension every time-—and usually resulted in the ability to respond sexually. The times it didn't work was when I really didn't want it to, i.e., I was so mad at my partner that I was con- sciously punishing him. Also, I feel that I have some changes that need to be made, mental health-wise, before purely relaxing will completely "cure" me. (Rest omitted for confidentiality.) 86 008 Group I What the subject hoped to gain 008 wrote: I read an article in the State News and was interested, as I am unable, most of the time, to have orgasms in sexual encounters with men. I hoped to find a way to overcome this problem. Background history 008 petted for one month before engaging in coitus. She said. she was orgastic five per cent of the time with petting. She had had coitus for six years with thirty partners. Her orgasm consistency dur- ing the baseline of this project was 100 per cent, and 008 stated she had intercourse almost daily. She masturbated fifteen times per month, fantasized when she masturbated, and was always orgastic with masturba- tion. Apperson SM-PT 008's first SM-PT described how Tom and Ann met at a movie, went to a bar and then proceeded to Ann's apartment. They conversed and listened to music then had intercourse. 008 was primarily concerned with Aff (39), Ach (37), Nur (34) and Suc (32). 008's second SM-PT described how Tom and Ann met in class. They went to Ann's apartment. Tom wanted to have sex. Ann felt it was too soon. They had sex. "Ann was passive. She knew he was taking advantage of her, but told herself that as long as she enjoyed it too, they were equal.” After that night they continued seeing each other. 87 Tom only wanted to see Ann because of sex. Ann enjoyed sex with Tom but "she always felt that he was abusing her; taking advantage of her somehow.“ 008 was primarily concerned with Def (25), Ach (24), Aff (24), Exh (20) and Nur (20). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 9 (maximum 12) Form II: 16 (maximum 27) Before the Form C session, 008 told her experimenter that she was using muscle relaxation in another activity and wanted to flee the room when the sessions were occurring. She said she hated muscle relaxation. Her experimenter said: "I told her we were doing some similar things during the project and asked to try to keep an open mind." She replied that she always enjoyed being hypnotized. She told her experimenter during the Form II session that she had had sex infrequently during the preceding month because her partner had had surgery and she had had infections. When her experimenter called her for the final session, she said she was upset about the "tricks" in the sessions. She said, "Who cares that ammonia smells like water.” She felt we were more concerned with hypnosis than helping pe0ple. She wanted hypnotherapy, feeling she would be too ”analytic" during regular therapy. She said she had separated from her partner because he demanded too much from her sexu- ally and would not let her be weak. He was a ”staunch egalitarist.” 88 During the final session, 008 told her experimenter she was now involved with another person. She feared she would not be able to live up to her expectations of the type of people associated with the new person. She doubted her mental capabilities. She had decided she didn't want the "crutch" of therapy. Use of un, deux, trois 008 counted up, deux, trois “infrequently." When she counted, she did so subvocally. Stimulus hierarchy 008 completed all items of her hierarchy. Her hierarchy was: 1) if I don't feel like making love, but we do anyway to suit him; 2) intercourse when I don't want to; 3) oral sex (me stimulating him); 4) any combination of l, 2 and 3 (used 1 and 3). Sexual Description Forms 008 returned four forms during the baseline, three following the first individual sessions and none following the second individual session. All coital experiences were with the same person. Her orgasm consistency decreased from 100 per cent during the baseline to zero per cent following the first individual session. Her interpersonal grati- fication increased (from .196 to .64). Her sexual arousal remained about the same (from 7.75 to 7), while her satisfaction with intercourse decreased (from 8.5 to 7.5). 89 During the baseline, 008 described her increasing ability to pleasure her partner. She had been used to just being passive while being stimulated. However, she found she enjoyed being more active and began to feel less clumsy. She was more orgastic with this partner than she had been previously. However, she felt guilty that her partner had to work so hard to make her reach orgasm when she could so so easily through masturbation. Following the first individual session, she said the post- hypnotic suggestion had not worked. However, she and her partner found a technique that would make her orgastic each time they applied it. Yet, she found that, although she was aroused, she was not excited. Her partner encouraged her to fill out the forms. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (1) 008 wrote: No (I have not changed). I think one reason for this is the methods used for the hypnosis. At first, I would feel very deeply hypnotized. But there were so many games or tests, and they were so ridiculous, that each one insulted my mind enough to make me pull out of the hypnotic state by myself; usually this caused a terrible headache. Needless to say, the suggestion for relaxing didn't work. The only change that occurred was that I have become totally frigid, which was not due to anything in this experiment. It was caused by other factors, and I doubt that the hypnotic suggestion that was offered in the experiment would have helped that even if I had been hypnotized when it was given. I do not feel it is necessary to discuss it in any greater detail here. 90 009 Group I What the subject hoped to gain 009 wrote: I signed up to be in this study with the hope of becoming orgastic with intercourse. This was my primary intention. If this did not occur I hoped to achieve greater awareness of my feel- ings towards sex. Background history 009 petted for four years before beginning intercourse and was not orgastic with petting. She had had intercourse for three years with twelve partners. Her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was twenty-two per cent. She had toitus approximately twelve times per month. She masturbated fifteen to twenty times per month, fantasized when she masturbated, and was orgastic 100 per cent of the time she masturbated. Apperson SM-PT 009's first SM-PT described a warm friendship and intimacy between Ann And Tom. They had intercourse after a while in their rela— tionship and it was exciting and tender. Tom and Ann became dissatis- fied with Ann's lack of orgasm during coitus. Ann went to a doctor and left feeling disappointed because she felt the doctor didn't want to help and implied she was frigid. Then she heard about a hypnosis study. 009 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (38), Sue (33), Ach (25) and Nur (25). 91 009's second SM-PT described how Tom and Ann met. Eventually they made love in a l'quiet, gentle“ kind of way. Tom liked Ann's lack of pretense or affectation and they felt together ”in mind as well as body." 009 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (38), Nur (34), Exh (29) and Suc (26). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) Form C : 11 (maximum 12) Form II: 19 (maximum 27) Use of un, deux, trois 009 counted in approximately twenty-five per cent of her coital experiences. She did not consciously think of counting. As She described it, the words just floated into her head when she was aroused. Stimulus hierarchy 009 did not have a hierarchy when she came for that hypnosis session. She said that there were not many situations in which she felt anxious. However, she and her experimenter developed one in the laboratory. 009 was able to complete all items of her hierarchy but had more than one trial with the last two stimuli. Her hierarchy was: 1) anxiety if my partner looks at another girl; 2) my partner asks me to perform anal intercourse; 3) my feeling that I can't let go, be relaxed, be dominated; 4) my partner waiting for me to have an orgasm and I'm aware of this. 92 Sexual Description Forms 009 handed in nine forms during her baseline, seven following the first individual hypnosis session, and five following the second individual hypnosis session. She had intercourse with the same person during the project except for two experiences with others. Her mean orgasm consistency increased from twenty—two per cent to thirty—six per cent following the individual sessions; however, her mean interpersonal gratification, sexual arousal, and satisfaction with intercourse remained about the same (interpersonal gratification from 1.24 to 1.01; sexual arousal from 5.8 to 5.8; satisfaction with intercourse from 6.33 to 6.17). 009 described warm intimate exchanges between her partner and herself. She was capable of orgasm through manual stimulation but not with coitus. She was somewhat bothered by this aspect of her sexuality, but did not let her worries interfere with her sensuality. As she became more relaxed and orgastic during coitus, she was pleased. Her lovemaking experiences continued to be intimate and sensuous. Subject's report of changes in her sexual behavior (5)— 009 wrote: I have, on occasion, experienced orgasm with intercourse which I feel was a result of being in this study. It doesn't happen as frequently as might be desired, but it seems that for me a certain amount of learning hpn_to have an orgasm has taken place and is taking place. This learning is really an awareness of physical and mental sensations, a coordination of the two so that they will augment or complement one another in order to bring about an orgasm. 93 On the whole, I would say that I have become less inhibited about my body for my own pleasure as well as the pleasure of my partner. For example, I will now touch myself in the presence of my partner which will both stimulate me and stimulate and please my partner to see. I feel very good about these changes. Filling out the forms was very helpful. My sexual contact throughout this study was basically with one person. I know that the sexual aspects of the relationship would not have gone this well without this study. I am most interested to see if I will be able to transfer this heightened sexual enjoyment and awareness to other partners. I am confident that the carry-over will take place. 010 Group I What the subject hoped to gain 010 wrote: I was interested in hypnosis. Also, in the past few years I many times got less pleasure or less satisfying orgasms than in earlier years. I thought the experiment might help me in that respect. Background history 010 petted for one month before engaging in intercourse. She was orgastic in 95-100 per cent of her petting experiences. She had had intercourse for eight years with eight or nine partners. Her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was thirty-three per 94 cent. She had coitus four to time times per month. 010 masturbated between zero and ten times per month, fantasized during her masturba- tion, and was orgastic ninety-nine per cent of the time. Apperson SM-PT 010's first SM-PT described a growing relationship between Tom and Ann. Ann was initially afraid to have intercourse with Tom, having been taught premarital sex was immoral. They eventually made love. Intercourse became progressively better as their relationship developed and they matured. Neither knew how the relationship would turn out, but both felt they gained a great deal from it. 010 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (40), Nur (38), Suc (32), Def (28) and Exh (28). 010's second SM-PT described Tom's ”seduction” of Ann. Ann was more mature and sexually experienced than Tom. While studying with Ann, Tom pushes having sex and the merits of a purely sexual rela- tionship. Ann finally decides to humor "the punk kid" and enjoys her- self by keeping out of mind thoughts of the person with whom she was sleeping. Both were orgastic. Tom wants to continue the relationship. Ann doesn't. A few days later Ann sees Tom approaching another female for a "study date" and chuckles to herself. 010 was primarily concerned with themes of Ach (28), Exh (25), Agg (20) and Dom (19). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 12 (maximum 12) Form C: 9 (maximum 12) Form II: 16 (maximum 27) 95 Use of un, deux,_trois 010 counted up, deux, trois subvocally. She found it very helpful for relaxation and used it "often" in both sexual and nonsexual situations. Stimulus hierarchy 010 was only able to complete one item of her hierarchy. The first item was repeated four times. She was unable to hold her image of her second item for thirty seconds. Her hierarchy was: 1) trying various kinds of sexual activity, something new or different; 2) concern about how good or bad my body looks--sex appeal; 3) worry about my actions and being unable to please or arouse my partner; 4) being unable to have an orgasm or be sexually aroused. Sexual Description Forms 010 handed in three descriptions during her baseline, three following the first individual hypnosis session, and four following the second individual hypnosis session. Her coital experiences were with the same person. Her orgasm consistency increased from thirty-three per cent to fifty—seven per cent. Her interpersonal gratification rose slightly, from .58 to .86. Her sexual arousal increased a little more, from 4.0 to 7.1, but her satisfaction with intercourse did not (5.8 to 5.7). Throughout her sexual descriptions, 010 and her partner seemed to engage in disagreements. Her partner wanted to be touched without doing anything himself while 010 simultaneously desired the same 96 passivity; 010 wanted to bathe first, her partner make love first; 010 wanted post-coital stimulation, her partner felt sleepy; OlO expressed her feelings but felt she had done so more than her partner. Regard- less of these disagreements, 010 seemed more able to relax and enjoy herself following the individual hypnosis sessions. For instance, she said, “I was able to relax and reduce more concern by counting to my- self, as before. I became aroused quickly, and had an orgasm without difficulty.“ Subject's report of changes in sexual’behavior (4) 010 wrote: I think the experiment helped me to relax and erase some concerns from my mind, which enabled me to experience more pleasure. Also, when the actual sensual pleasure wasn't as good as some times, I was less frustrated and could still gain satisfaction from the experience and the relationship. Sometimes I think I had a different attitude which might have been felt by my partner. At times I did things to please him and myself with less anxiety. I think I was more relaxed and was much more easily aroused. This made me feel better toward my partner also. He seemed to feel better too. Sometimes during a particular sexual encounter, these feelings changed. I would begin to feel anxious or worried, but less so than in earlier times. I could help rid myself of this anxiety and again relax most of the time. A couple of times I think I was less able to do this. A couple of times I felt very unsatisfied, but was not so upset or frustrated as before. 97 011 Group I What the subject hoped to gain 011 wrote: I hope to become more relaxed during sexual encounters and become more responsive because of it. Background history Oll petted for two years before engaging in intercourse and was not orgastic with her petting experiences. She had had intercourse for three years with twenty partners. Her frequency of intercourse was twelve times per month. 011 had never masturbated. Apperson SM-PT 011's first SM-PT described Tom as an exceptionally good- looking, intelligent man. Ann saw him in a bar looking miserable. She invited him to her apartment. It took courage, but Ann was the aggres- sor and led him to the bedroom. "While they made love, Ann concerned herself with being the best lay Tom had ever had. She tried her best to be responsive and sexy and in doing so she had to sacrifice her own satisfaction . . ." "After they made love, Tom rested peacefully in Ann's arms and she knew she had done it again. She sighed a deep sigh of relief and smiled sadistically knowing that she had him on a string. She would proceed to give him the same cold-hearted treatment as she did all the others. He was crazy about her and she knew it and would take advantage of him until she grew tired of him." 011 was primarily concerned with themes of Ach (35), Exh (29), Agg (27) and Dom (27). 98 The questionnaire portion of this SM—PT was completed before the story was written. 011 omitted the story during the initial hyp— nosis session. Her experimenter called her and read the directions for the story to her. 011 mailed in her story one month later. 011's second SM-PT was also completed by mail. 011 moved at the end of her last month of participation in the project. The final forms were mailed to her, she completed them, and mailed them back. This SM-PT was very different from her first. Tom and Ann were friends. Tom did not pressure Ann into sex before she was ready. She appreciated his understanding. Eventually they had intercourse, and both felt fulfilled and very much in love with each other. 011 did not fill out the second page of the questions of this SM—PT. Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) Form C : 9 (maximum 12) Form II: 20 (maximum 27) Use of un, deux, trois 011 used the counting technique during less than ten per cent of her sexual experiences. She did not find counting distracting. When she counted, she sometimes did so subvocally and sometimes she counted out loud. Stimulus hierarchy 011 made up a stimulus hierarchy of situations that annoyed her. She completed her hierarchy. Her items were: 1) ear nibbling 99 and having fingers put in my navel; 2) worrying about not having an orgasm and admitting to my partner that I'm unable to; 3) oral sex. I'm afraid that my partner might find it offensive; 4) a partner that reaches his climax and leaves me unsatisfied without any attempt to arouse me if I haven't been during or before sexual intercourse. Sexual De§cription Forng 011 handed in no forms during her baseline, eight following the first individual session and four following the second individual hypnosis session. The lack of sexual descriptions during the baseline may have reflected 011's actual frequency of sexual contact. She men- tioned in her first description that she and her partner had been sepa- rated for a month. She then became involved in another relationship and had coitus with two partners during the project. Her sexual expe— riences with her two partners did not differ appreciably. Her orgasm consistency was fifty-eight per cent, her mean interpersonal gratifica- tion .16, her sexual arousal 6.6, and her mean satisfaction with inter« course was 6.5. 011 described using the counting technique and found that it ”really worked well." However, she felt like a cold person because her partner cared for her more than she did for him. She found that with her other partner she was sexually aroused despite her ”crazy relation— ship” and her sexuality surprised her. She began having orgasms through coitus-—an experience that had occurred very few times in her life. The orgasms came unexpectedly. Subsequently, she felt very disappointed if her arousal was as before. ”Maybe because of my latest experiences 100 I'm expecting too much and waiting to have another terrific experience." I'I think that I'm just scaring off having an orgasm by wanting one too much." She stopped expecting an orgasm through intercourse and in her last sexual description had one. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (5) 011 wrote: Yes, (I have changed). I believe the most impor- tant change it's made in me is that I'm now relaxed during sexual experiences which, in turn, leads to more gratifying responses on my part. I feel less muscular tension during sex. Now that I'm able to relax I've begun to enjoy the fee1_of touch. I don't worry about having orgasms all the time. It seems that it used to take much longer previously for me to respond. Now I achieve climax quicker. I had seldom before enjoyed the actual act of sex and now I'm responding through intercourse as well as by other practices. 012 Group I What the subject hoped to gain 012 wrote: I joined to learn anything new I could about my- self and sexuality. Background history 012 petted for three years before engaging in intercourse and was not orgastic during her petting experiences. She had had intercourse 101 for five years with five partners. 012 stated she had intercourse three to four times per month and her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was 16.7 per cent. 012 masturbated approxi- mately once per month, fantasized when she masturbated, but was not orgastic with masturbation. Apperson SM-PT 012's first SM-PT described how Tom and Ann had sex on their second date. Tom thought Ann was beautiful, intelligent, and loving. Ann felt Tom was Sincere and not out to "abuse her sexually." Ann, not having been with a man as sexually experie nced as Tom, was over- whelmed and impressed. Afterwards, Ann felt guilty about her "freeness of body" and they stopped having sex for three months. Ann was intro- duced to oral lovemaking by Tom. She enjoyed cunnilingus more than fellatio and was only orgastic during cunnilingus. 012 was primarily concerned with Ach (37), Suc (32), Def (28) and Nur (28). 012's second SM-PT described Ann's sexual life with a married man, Tom. "Tom showed Ann all kinds of new sexual 'stunts' which really gave Ann a charge.” Ann learned about herself and "Tom had a good thing going.” 012 was primarily concerned with themes of Ach (39), Exh (34), Nur (34) and Def (33). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) Form C : 8 (maximum 12) Form II: 8 (maximum 27) 102 When 012 arrived for her Form II session, she stated she had big sexual problems and needed to talk to someone. Her experimenter felt she should talk to 012 rather than jump into the hypnosis session. They conversed for two hours. The topics they discussed concerned 012's sexual and emotional life (the details must be omitted to retain 012's confidentiality). In general, though, 012 felt concerned about the number of men with whom she was sleeping, feared being considered a whore, missed a long-term relationship, was upset about her lack of coital orgasms, could not get into masturbation (a recommendation by a former therapist), resented men's expectation of sex with her and dis- liked her sense of obligation to sleep with a man if he provided an expensive evening for her. She also told her experimenter that her frequency of intercourse had increased because she felt she needed "good stuff" to write about in her sexual descriptions. Her experimenter called 012 a few days later about whether she had the correct amount of postage. 012 wanted to enter therapy with the primary investigator and was disappointed when told it was not possible. Within the week 012 had her second individual hypnosis session. Use of un, deux, trois 012 counted twice during her sexual encounters. She laughed the first time She counted. The second time, she had her first coital orgasm and was very happy about the experience. However, she did not count again. She counted subvocally both times. 103 Stimulus hierarchy 012 completed only the first item of her hierarchy. Her hierarchy was: 1) being used for sex; 2) fellatio; 3) having two men in the same room during sex; 4) having to have sex as an obligation (e.g., in exchange for dinner or because she did so previously). Sexual Description Forms 012 handed in twelve forms during her baseline, ten following the first individual hypnosis session, and ten following the second individual hypnosis session. She described experiences with nine part- ners. Her orgasm consistency increased from 16.7 per cent to 31.6 per cent, all other measures remained about the same (interpersonal grati— fication from .64 to .37; sexual arousal from 7.5 to 7.3; satisfaction with intercourse from 7.4 to 6.7). During the baseline, 012 described her increasing frequency of orgasms through oral lovemaking. She occasionally felt guilty that she didn't want to reciprocate, finding fellatio difficult with some partners. Following her baseline, 012 became unsure of the normality of her frequency of sex. ”I feel dirty.” ”I'm getting entirely too loose.“ During both her baseline and subsequent descriptions, she felt as if she had to sleep with a man if he ”liked“ her. As she became increasingly orgastic through cunnilingus and intercourse and became more able to perform fellatio, she felt proud. However, her sense of obligation and deference to her partner's sexual desires remained. 104 Following her last individual session, 012 called the primary investigator and requested therapy. When she was given alternatives, she said she'd think about them. She indicated she had stopped having intercourse because she felt she needed time to examine her reasons for having sex. She wanted to wait until she became involved in a loving relationship. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (2) 012 wrote: Yes, (I changed). Once I had a coital orgasm. 013 Group I What the subject hoped to gain 013 wrote: I hope to be able to learn to relax enough to let things happen. Background history 013 petted for one year before engaging in intercourse. She was orgastic during one of her petting experiences. She had had inter- course for three and one—half years with one partner. 013 estimated she had intercourse eight to ten times per month and her orgasm consis- tency during the baseline of this project was 57.1 per cent. 013 masturbated four times per month, fantasized when she masturbated and was orgastic ninety—nine per cent of the time she masturbated. 105 Apperson SM-PT 013's first SM-PT described a dating relationship between Ann and Tom. Tom and Ann really enjoyed each other during their first lovemaking session. However, Tom had his orgasm before Ann, and Ann felt frustrated. Tom understood her frustration and helped Ann have an orgasm through oral stimulation. "They were happy knowing they had made each other happy.‘I 013 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (40), Nur (40), Suc (40) and Ach (23). 013's second SM-PT described the difficulties Tom and Ann had during their first lovemaking. Both were virgins. However, "love and trust filled in the gaps where skill and knowledge" were lacking. After their lovemaking they went about their day feeling as one though they were two separate people. 013 was primarily concerned with Aff (40), Sue (40), Nur (35), Def (16) and Exh (16). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 12 (maximum 12) Form 11: 21 (maximum 27) When 013 was doing the age regression part of Form C, she began to cry. Here experimenter immediately "grew her up." On later inquiry, 013 said she reexperienced the helplessness she felt during that age. She said she hated her childhood. 106 Use of un, deux, trois 013 said she counted pp, 5e52, trgig ninety per cent of the time she felt anxious in the month following her first individual ses- sion and twenty per cent of the time following her second individual session. She said the lowered frequency was because she felt less anxious. When the Group II treatment was explained to 013 as part of debriefing, she wanted to have that treatment, in addition, because she felt the treatment she had received had been so effective for her. Stimulus hierarchy 013 completed all items of her hierarchy. However, she had only three items. Her stimuli were: 1) mildly anxious—-forep1ay when it seems ticklish; 2) when my partner is not in the mood for sex and I am; 3) not climaxing even after trying very hard to. Sexual De§cription Forms 013 returned seven forms during her baseline, five following the first individual hypnosis session, and none following the second individual hypnosis session. A11 coital experiences were with the same person. Her orgasm consistency decreased somewhat following the first individual session (from 57.1 to 40.0 per cent) as did her grati— fication of interpersonal needs (from 1.75 to .144). Her sexual arousal and satisfaction with intercourse remained about the same (sexual arousal from 4.33 to 4.8; satisfaction with intercourse from 6.0 to 5.4). 107 During the baseline, 013 and her partner began trying new techniques. With these new techniques, 013 was able to become more orgastic but she felt awkward in the positions used. She also felt less close to her partner in these positions. 013 was especially excited by visual stimuli and found she was remembering more of her sexual dreams; the recollection of them augmented her arousal. During the baseline, she began to do things that she had not done to her partner before and took pride in her ability to pleasure her partner in new ways. Following the first individual session, 013 indicated the benefit of describing her sexual experiences . . . "What happened next I am embarassed to tell, yet I'm finding that writing these things down seems to help all ways around. I'm feeling, thinking, and becoming more aroused than I ever have before.” She described her ability to relax and the augmented arousal this ability elicited. She said she was no longer straining to have orgasms and they were occurring more frequently. (She stated she was condensing her experiences and complet- ing one form where she had formerly completed three.) She frequently used the counting technique. ”During this time, I could feel myself become tight all over, so I said three in French and it worked. I felt relaxed in my mind as well as my body." The week before the second individual session, she feared the relaxation technique was wearing off. She found that she was not as tense as she formerly had been about, and during, coitus but felt that she no longer was as deeply relaxed when she counted. She then decided she needed to make the technique work. She tried new sexual activities and found herself aroused. 108 Subject's report of chan es in sexual behavior (4 013 wrote: Yes, some changes did take place. Before, there would be times during foreplay and during intercourse where I got the feeling I was being cornered. I would become jumpy and tense and unable to feel much of anything. These feelings have almost disappeared. I feel more relaxed than before; a participant rather than observer. I've noticed a change from being tense to being very relaxed. After the 1—2—3 in french session, I was nearly falling to sleep after every sexual experience. I also noticed my everyday attitudes became more relaxed. I just didn't get upset at everything I once did. This feeling began to fade about a week before the next session. I still feel more relaxed during intercourse and I feel I'm better able to con- trol my nerves. 014 Group II What the subject hoped to gain 014 wrote: I hope to be able to: 1) find it easier to become aroused and excited; 2) learn to enjoy myself more; 3) become a better person in bed. Background history 014 petted for three years before engaging in intercourse and was orgastic during 100 per cent of her petting experiences. She had been having intercourse for two and one-half years and had had eight 109 to ten partners. She stated she had intercourse four to five times per month and her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was zero per cent. 014 masturbated once per month, fantasized when she masturbated and was orgastic fifty per cent of the time she masturbated. Apperson SM-PT 014's first SM-PT described how Ann and Tom met. Both were gas station attendants. Ann seduced Tom in a swimming pool while they were skinny dipping. Tom liked Ann's style. 014 was primarily con- cerned with themes of Ach (39), Aff (33), Nur (28) and Dom (27). 014's second SM-PT described how Ann and Tom met in a bar. Ann invited Tom back to her room. Ann "waited" for Tom to "do his thing.‘' "He did and they rocked on until the cock crowed and his gave out.“ Ann knew Tom would not call her again and felt let down. 014 was concerned with Ach (35), Dom (30), Exh (30), Aff (23), Agg (23) and Nur (23). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Form II: 14 (maximum 27) Use of un, deux, trois 014 started the research project before the query about the subject's use of up, deux, trois was instituted. 110 Sexual Description Forms 014 handed in four forms during the baseline , eight following the first individual hypnosis session and one form following the second individual hypnosis session. She had five partners during this project. Her orgasm consistency increased from zero per cent during the baseline to eleven per cent following the individual sessions. Her gratifica- tion of interpersonal needs decreased slightly (from .72 to -.18) as did her sexual arousal (from 8.0 to 7.7). However, her satisfaction with intercourse increased slightly (from 6.6 to 7.7). During the baseline, 014 described her frustration at losing arousal upon penetration. The loss occurred most frequently when her partner's underwear was removed. 014 wanted to engage in oral sex but found couldn't force herself to put her partner's penis in her mouth. Following the individual sessions, 014 described how she wanted loving, tender feelings to be involved when she had coital rela- tions. She described masturbating via the vibration of a couch by a friend's foot. She said she was beginning to feel arousal all the time since she started enjoying sex and was learning to be expressive during lovemaking. She described how she still wanted to learn to be more of an initiator of sexual relations and wanted to learn to put a penis in her mouth. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (5) 014 wrote: I'm enjoying sex more now because, as I stated, I've relaxed and learned to experience every sensation--and appreciate 111 them fully. Consequently, with this new found appreciation, I've been hornier lately and desire more sex; I also have more confidence in my "techniques" and performance ability although I want and need more experience. For example, I want to be more creative with my foreplay for I get enjoyment out of it and doing it to my partner. I'm really starting to develop an extremely healthy attitude towards sex and in myself. 015 Group II What the subject hoped to gain 015 wrote: 1) I was curious about what the experiment would be like; 2) I support anything that might help women lose some of their hangups; 3) I felt that the experiment might cause me to realize an increase in sexual arousal. Background history 015 began petting three months before she decided to have intercourse and was not orgastic in her petting experiences. She had been having intercourse for twelve years and had had eight partners. Her frequency of intercourse was twelve times per month and her base- line orgasm consistency during this project was sixty-seven per cent. 015 did masturbate but usually less than once per month. She was orgas- tic 100 per cent of the time she masturbated. 112 Apperson SM-PT 015's first SM-PT described sexual relations between Tom and Ann on the beach of Hawaii beside a roaring fire. Sex was exciting and both happily looked forward to developing a more meaningful inter- personal relationship. 015 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (37), Nur (35), Sue (32) and Ach (16). 015's second SM-PT described an affair between Ann, who was married, and Tom. Sex was exciting but Ann felt guilty afterwards. She wished She could be as responsive with her husband. 015 was pri- marily concerned with themes of Aff (36), Nur (35), Suc (31) and Ach (21). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Form II: 14 (maximum 27) Use of un, deux, trois 015 only used the up, deux, trois technique for a week after it was given to her. When she did use the technique, she counted subvocally. She told her experimenter she really liked the tactile stimulation technique much better and used it frequently. Sexual Description Forms 015 handed in twenty-one forms during the baseline of the project (015's baseline was of two months' duration because of Christmas holidays), eleven sexual descriptions following the first individual 113 hypnosis session, and fifteen sexual descriptions following the second individual hypnosis session. All coital experiences were with the same person. Her orgasm consistency decreased from sixty-seven per cent during the baseline to fifty per cent following the individual hypnosis sessions. Likewise, her interpersonal gratification decreased from 1.28 to .35 in the months following the individual hypnosis sessions. Her sexual arousal remained about the same (6.6 vs. 6.31) but her satis- faction with intercourse decreased slightly (6.14 vs. 5.1). 015 freely described the circumstances of intercourse and her feelings. Sex was generally pleasant; however, it seemed her partner wanted sex more frequently than 015 and at times pressured her into relations. Sometimes 015 was pleased to comply and enjoyed giving to her partner; other times, her partner's behavior annoyed her and her irritation inhibited her sexual response. This type of interaction continued throughout the course of the experiment. Two facts shed light on the discrepancy between 015's report of changes in sexual behavior at the end of the project and the data derived from her sexual descriptions. First, 015 changed contraceptive type during the later part of the baseline (from foam to condoms). She found her vaginal lining drier and coitus at times painful. Then She developed a vaginal infection and the treatment prescribed (douch- ing) irritated and dried out further her vagina. The couple began to use a lubricant, but for awhile 015 was disturbed and confused about her lack of lubrication. She felt aroused, then would lose it wonder- ing why she was dry or why intercourse was painful. 114 Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (5) 015 wrote: The experiment definitely caused me to think about my sex life. I had previously been drifting along too busy to think about it. For that reason, participation has been valuable to me. Of the psychological manipulations under hypnosis, I think the sensitizing session was most helpful. I try to be truly aware of touch- ing and being touched and how delightful it can be. I seem to be more relaxed during intercourse--my mind less frequently focuses on things outside the immediate sexual experience. 016 Group II What the subject hoped to gain 016 wrote: I want to have orgasms more often. I would like to help other women have orgasms more often. I would like to know something about what makes women have or not have orgasms. Background history 016 petted for one year before engaging in intercourse and was not orgastic with her petting experiences. She had been having intercourse for six years and had had ten partners. Her orgasm con- sistency during the baseline of this project was twenty-two per cent. She stated she had intercourse twenty to twenty-five times per month. 016 masturbated less than once per month, fantasized when she mastur- bated and was orgastic ninety-nine per cent of the time. 115 Apperson SM-PT 016's first SM-PT described how Tom and Ann were children and lived in a land of fresh-growing, over—sized vegetation. "They met while climbing on a giant mushroom." They had sex by the "stem of the mushroom” and "when it was over they had separate thoughts but they listened to the quiet sound of the black night and felt the dampness and cold air." Ann felt she did not know what Tom was thinking. How- ever, Ann knew Tom loved and cared about her. They continued to meet by the mushroom. 016 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (29), Suc (29), Agg (19), Def (19) and Nur (19). 016's second SM-PT described how Tom and Ann met, fell in love, and got married. Ann loved Tom because he was "quiet but not out of diffidence,nice-looking, but not out of vanity, and gentle, but not out of weakness." The early years were fraught with difficulties because neither could fully trust the other. After marriage both felt secure and peaceful. Sex was a reflection of their feelings about them- selves as individuals--fun, ecstacy, trouble or hassle. 016 was pri- marily concerned with Suc (36), Aff (35), Nur (28) and Def (27). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) Form C : 6 (maximum 12) Form II: 13 (maximum 27) The experimenter wrote that he did not feel 016 was deeply hypnotized during the Form II session. The experimenter said she often made obvious her feelings that certain tasks were boring or silly. 116 016 fell asleep during the tactile focusing part of the session and reported having dreams as if she were night-dreaming. Use ofun, deux, trois 016 counted five to ten per cent of the time. She tried saying it out loud once and other times said it subvocally. Sexual Description Forms 016 handed in twenty-three forms during the baseline and none following the individual hypnosis sessions. All coital experiences were with the same person. Her orgasm consistency was twenty—two per cent, her mean gratification of interpersonal needs was 1.59, her mean sexual arousal was 6.6, and her mean satisfaction with intercourse was 8.5. She described loving, secure exchanges during her sexual rela- tions. 016 wondered whether writing the sexual descriptions was part of the treatment because she found herself having more orgasms and desiring sexual relations more frequently after she began writing them. Writing the descriptions made her aroused and when her partner read them, he was also aroused and desired sex. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (4) 016 wrote: I can't say that any of the following observa- tions are changes, but they are things that come to mind as unusual or important in my recent sexual behavior. One thing is that lately I have been able to keep my mind on lovemaking when I'm making love, whereas there have been times when 117 I was distracted. This, of course, has enabled me to enjoy sex more. Also there have been several occasions when I've initiated sex by getting affectionate and saying, ”Let's go to bed.” It seems to me now that this might be a “change,” but I would have to ask my partner to see whether I'm inventing it or not. Also, I've had quite a few orgasms, increasingly more, not regular and not directly related to anything I'm aware of. 017 Group II What the subject hoped to gain 017 wrote: Since the breaking up of my (relationship) with a man for whom I deeply care, I had not felt comfortable nor had I felt pleasure in sexual experiences. Deep emotional involvement seemed necessary for my sexual response to flow and climax. I do not have, nor as I currently wanting, an emotional involvement (my former involve- ment is only beginning to be resolved now . . .). Yet, I very much miss the intensity I have known in sexual experiences. I had hoped my participation would enhance my comfort and pleasure in sexual experiences with friends I have made in the last several months. Background history 017 petted for six months prior to beginning intercourse and was orgastic during twenty-five per cent of her petting experiences. She had had coitus for sixteen years with fifteen partners. She 118 estimated she had intercourse four or five times per month and her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was zero per cent. 017 was capable of orgasm with purely visual stimuli. She mas- turbated fifteen times per month and was orgastic 100 per cent of the time she masturbated. Apperson SM-PT 017's first SM-PT described a sexual experience between Ann and Tom. Ann liked the "heft of Tom's body, the taste of his body, and hardness inside of her.” I'The sounds of intercourse expecially excited her." 017 was primarily concerned with Aff (38), Nur (38), Ach (36) and Sue (36). 017's second SM-PT described a very pleasant dinner and love- making session between Tom and Ann. Tom expertly and tastefully pre- pared and served dinner. Later he was firm and gentle in his approaches, and both thoroughly enjoyed their evening together. 017 was primarily concerned with Ach (36), Aff (34), Nur (32) and Exh (30). Hypnosis sessions ' Harvard:' 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 9 (maximum 12) Form II: 22 (maximum 27) During the hand induction of Form II, 017's hand became cramped. Her experimenter stopped and then started the induction over with slightly modified wording so that the repetition would not be boring. During the second induction, there was no problem. 119 Use of un, deux, trois 017 counted quite frequently in relationships with male friends when she experienced hesitation in entering into a sexual experience. She lessened her frequency of counting toward the end of the experiment because she didn't feel the need to count. When she counted, she felt very relaxed. 017 could not estimate the frequency that she counted because she said it varied drastically over the course of the project. When she counted, she did so subvocally. Sexual Description Forms 017 handed in three forms during the baseline, two following the first individual hypnosis session, and none following the second individual hypnosis session. She had four sexual partners and was not orgastic. Her mean interpersonal gratification, sexual aroUsal and satisfaction with intercourse decreased following the individual ses- sions (interpersonal gratification from 1.3 to 0; sexual arousal from 6.0 to 3.5; satisfaction with intercourse from 7.3 to 5.5). The discrepancy between these measures and what 017 said at the end of the experiment can be explained. These measures were based upon the two coital descriptions she handed in during the months fol- lowing the individual hypnosis sessions. One coital experience was with the person with whom she was previously involved and the other was a ”quickie" with an old friend. The man from the former relation- ship did not attempt to augment 017's sexual experience and his behav- ior seemed to disappoint her. The experience with the old friend 120 ended quickly with his rapid ejaculation and 017 primarily enjoyed the time they could sleep together. Subject's report of changes Tn sexual behavior (5) 017 wrote: Yes (I did change) to some degree. Just thinking of sex in a more positive state of mind (as opposed to finding it an often depressing experience because it reminded me of what I no longer experience with my former partner) has enhanced my enjoyment. I directly attribute this to my participation in this study because of the hopefulness I felt in anticipation of the experience even before the sessions began. Also, the ability to instantaneously release the tension in my body was most helpful in enabling me to relax--a problem that had' given me little chance to 'get into' whatever physical response I did have to an occasional man. Focusing on my body sensations further increases my relaxation and enjoyment in physical intimacy. I have not known an intensity and totality of experience previously known and so very much enjoyed, but I probably will not until I know, also, another significant emotional involvement. I am grateful for my participation and very pleased with the results. 121 018 Group II What the subject hoped to gain 018 wrote: I was curious as to whether or not I could be hypnotized and to gain enhancement in my sexual relationships. I felt that by participating that I could learn more and feel freer about sex in general, or learn a technique by which to use during interchourse so I would feel at ease. Background history 018 petted for two and one-half years prior to engaging in coitus and was not orgastic with petting. She had been having inter- course for six or seven years with forty or fifty partners. Her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was twenty-five per cent. Her frequency of coitus was four to seven times per month. 018 masturbated ten times per month, fantasized when she masturbated, and was orgastic 100 per cent of the time with masturbation. Apperson SM-PT 018's first SM—PT described how disappointed Ann was with sexual relations with Tom. They met and had intercourse, but Ann was unable to communicate what she wanted to Tom and they didn't talk to each other during or after the experience. Tom didn't notice how nervous and rigid Ann felt. Ann felt used and knew Tom wouldn't come back. ”He usually doesn't.“ 018 was primarily concerned with Ach (30), Suc (28), Dom (26), Def (25) and Exh (25). 122 018's second SM-PT was like her first. "Ann felt pressured to sleep with Tom so she did." Tom had an orgasm and passed out leav- ing Ann feeling frustrated and used. 018 was primarily concerned with themes of Dom (31), Suc (26), Ach (24) and Exh (24). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 12 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Form II: 17 (maximum 27) During the relaxation part of the first individual hypnosis session (Form C) the experimenter had to cut the session short. She wrote: . . . right after I had finished tensing the shoulders, 018 said that she had to go to the bathroom. I asked her if it were an emergency or could she wait. She said that she wasn't sure if she could hold it or not. So I took her to the end of the session, giving her the cues that she would be able to relax herself in sexual situations and then brought her out of it. I was tempted to try and get her to hold it, but since she was tensing and relaxing I was afraid she might not really be-able to relax or that she might relax too much. When I brought her out of the hypnosis and was going to open the lab door to let her out, the door knob came off and I_had to spend time while she was breathlessly waiting for me to get it to stay on. Use of un,,deux,_trois 018 counted only during the first three sexual encounters she had following that hypnosis session. Then she forgot to use it 123 or "found it to be a distraction." When she did count, she counted subvocally. Sexual Description Forms 018 handed in four sexual descriptions during the baseline, one following the first individual hypnosis session, and one following the second individual hypnosis session. She had two coital partners .during this project. Her orgasm consistency dropped from twenty-five per cent to zero per cent following the individual hypnosis sessions (note the number of forms handed in). Her mean gratification of inter- personal needs remained about the same (2.57 to 2.39) as did her sexual arousal (7.75 to 7). Her satisfaction with intercourse decreased from 9 to 7. 018 described her frustration at not being able to experience orgasms during intercourse. She reached what she described as high sexual arousal where she would tingle and experience rapid muscle tremors. She found it exciting to talk her partners into orgasms by describing her sexual fantasies about them during intercourse. She masturbated during coitus, but to no avail. Following the individual sessions, she described trying to count and she found she was able to relax somewhat. In her last sexual description, she felt optimistic about her sexual response with her new partner, was feeling in love, and was able to communicate to him her sexual preferences. However, she was fearful he would begin to feel her lack of orgasms reflected upon him. 124 Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (2) 018 wrote: At the beginning of the experiment, I did feel a change--I began to wonder if I was having some sort of orgasm because of what I felt going on inside my body during intercourse. But that has seemed to have stopped and I am not reaching heights such as those before. That may have something to do with the fact that (my partner) has broken up with me because I don't have orgasms. I feel rejected and in turn am rejecting sex. 019 Group II What the subject hoped to gain 019 wrote: ,I hope to become more free of negative sexual responses taught to me by my parents and society in general. I strive to become less inhibited as a total person. I would like to view my sexuality as completely naturally as possible. Background history 019 petted for two years before beginning intercourse and was orgastic during petting. She had had intercourse for eight years with a frequency of approximately twenty times per month. She had had fif— teen coital partners. 019 masturbated once per month, fantasized during masturbation, and was orgastic fifty per cent of the time she mastur- bated. 125 Apperson SM-PT 019's stories were standard “boy-meets-girl“ stories. During the first administration, 019 was concerned with themes of Suc (40), Nur.(36), Exh (36) and Aff (34). During the second administration, 019 was concerned with themes of Dom (38), Def (30), Ach (24) and Agg (24). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Form II: 20 (maximum 27) During the Form II session, the sensate focus portion of the experiment was interrupted. The experimenter and subject had to move to another room. 019 went under quickly in the other room. The experi- menter wrote these comments about the session: (019) "said she felt rather odd about touching herself; she thought 'masturbation is bad' and said she felt especially funny about touching herself in front of me ll Use of un, deux, trois 019 only used the un, deux, trois technique for about a week after the suggestion was given her. She used it within any situation she wanted to relax, not just in sexual situations. She said she found that just being in the experiment made her relax. When she did use the relaxation technique, she said it to herself. 126 Sexual Description Forms 019 did not hand in any forms nor explain why she did not do so. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior7l5) 019 wrote: The greatest change in my attitude and thus my sexual behavior is that I see myself as a giver as well as a receiver. I always felt used even though there was real affection between a part- ner and self, because most males I encountered seemed sure of their ability to make love and unafraid, in any sense, in command of the activity. I now feel that I can initiate and express what I need or want to give both verbally and nonverbally, and that the experience is mutual. I feel sure of my ability to give sexual pleasure to another person. It seems to me that a lack of fear and guilt is absolutely necessary for a healthy relationship to even begin. 020 Group II What the subject hoped to_gain 020 wrote: I signed up because I figured it might be able to help me increase my enjoyment of sex, to achieve orgasm with some regularity, etc. I'm not certain it'll work but I'm running out of ideas sort of. 127 Background history 020 petted for six months prior to beginning intercourse. She had three orgasms during her petting experiences. She had had coitus for two years with three partners and her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was zero per cent. 020 estimated her frequency of lovemaking to be four or five times per month. She had tried masturbating three to five times to see if she could expe- rience orgasm, but was not orgastic during these attempts. Apperson SM—PT 020's first SM-PT described the meeting and courtship of Ann and Tom. After dating for awhile they began making love but were a little less relaxed than they had been before the sexual element was introduced into the relationship. 020 described a particular sexual experience between Tom and Ann. Ann felt unsatisfied and Tom felt moderately satisfied. 020 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (32), Ach (30), Nur (30) and Suc (28). 020's second SM-PT was similar to her first. Tom and Ann were mutually attracted to each other and had intercourse after a party. Tom was more satisfied with their experience than Ann. 020 was con- cerned with Aff (36), Ach (30), Nur (30) and Sue (28). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 11 (maximum 12) Form II: 17 (maximum 27) 128 During the Form II induction (hand lowering), 020 stopped, opened her eyes, and told her experimenter that her arm hurt and she couldn't concentrate. Her experimenter went to the Form C induction and then switched back to Form II and the appropriate procedure upon 020's eye closure. Use of un, deux, trois 020 said she counted frequently when first given the sugges- tion then "switched to a relaxation idea“ and did not need to count. Her experimenter did not record whether or not she counted out loud or subvocally. Sexual Description Forms 020 handed in eight forms during her baseline, four following her first individual hypnosis session and eight following her second individual hypnosis session. All her sexual experiences were with the same person. Her interpersonal gratification decreased slightly (.79 to .54) as did her sexual arousal and satisfaction with intercourse (sexual arousal from 4.25 to 3.75; satisfaction with intercourse from 5.75 to 4.75). 020 described her frustration at her lack of orgasm. She usually faked it because her partner felt it was important for her to have one. She felt everything was fine between them except for the sexual sphere. Her baseline descriptions were not different from her later forms. 129 Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (3) 020 wrote: I did feel more relaxed and comfortable, and more conscious of felt pleasure, but I did not really respond any differently. 021 Group II What the subject hoped to gain 021 indicated she did not enjoy sex. Her partner was upset and wanted her to Sign up for the project. Background history 021 petted for two years before beginning intercourse. She had had intercourse for two years with two partners. She had never experienced an orgasm through any sort of sexual activity. 021 had sex four to seven times per month and had never masturbated. Apperson SM—PT 021's first SM-PT described Ann as walking down the street in a bad part of town. After seeing prostitutes and transvestites, Ann became afraid. A man grabbed her. She screamed and tried to break away but he only gripped harder. The man was hit by someone and left in a pool of blood. Ann ran and then stopped to catch her breath. She looked into a handsome face, Tom's. Tom asked if the man had not been willing to pay her enough and offered her a hundred dollars. 021 was primarily concerned with themes of Dom (19), Ach (12), Aff (12), Agg (12) and Suc (12). 130 021's second SM-PT described a dating relationship between Tom and Ann. Tom wanted intercourse. Ann was afraid because she was a virgin. Finally, Ann agreed, but the experience was traumatic for her. She bled and hurt. Although Tom had told her he loved her the evening of their relations, he never called again. 021 was primarily concerned with Aff (38), Nur (33), Suc (32) and Ach (23). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 9 (maximum 12) Form II: 15 (maximum 27) 021 told her experimenter during the last session that she could not become sexually excited with a partner who cared for her. Use of un, deux, trois 021 counted during fifty per cent of her coital experiences. She did so subvocally. Sexual Description Forms 021 handed in three forms during her baseline and none fol- lowing either individual hypnosis sessions. She had all coital expe- riences with the same person. She was not orgastic. Her mean inter- personal gratification, sexual arousal, and satisfaction with intercourse were 1.26, 6.0 and 8.3, respectively. The experiences she described were sad and conflict-ladden. Her partner left her for awhile because of her hyposexuality. She had 131 sex with him because he wanted relations and she felt nothing during them. As She described it, the only thing she felt was sore. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (2) 021 wrote: I still have not had an orgasm but I feel I am more responsive. My desire for sex goes in cycles. I can do without it for months--then (just like a craving for a piece of cake) I want it or at least a little attention. I don't know if the experiment helped me or not. 022 Group III What the subject hoped to gain 022 wrote: I was interested in hypnosis and hoping to learn more about myself. I'm taking (a related course) and it goes along. Background history 022 petted for two and one-half years before engaging in intercourse and was not orgastic during those experiences. She had had intercourse for one and one-half years with four partners. Her fre- quency of intercourse was eight to ten times per month. 022 masturbated three to four times per month, did not fantasize when she masturbated, and was orgastic 100 per cent of the time with masturbation. 132 Apperson SM-PT 022's first SM-PT was about an intimate relationship between Tom and Ann. Tom and Ann could express their feelings easily with each other, sex was without guilt for Ann, and Ann became orgastic with coitus during the course of their lovemaking. The themes 022 was con- cerned with were Aff (40), Suc (35), Nur (32), Ach (31) and Exh (31). 022's second SM-PT described a disappointing relationship between Tom and Ann. Tom was sexually naive and unable to satisfy Ann. Ann broke up with Tom because of her lack of sexual response, unable to tell him the reason for her desire to leave him. 022 was concerned with themes of Nur (37), Aff (36), Suc (33) and Exh (30) during this administration. Hypnosis sessidns Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) , Form C : 6 (maximum 12) Form II: 16 (maximum 27) Sexual Description Forms 022 did not hand in any forms nor explain why she did not do S0. Subject's report of chan es in sexual behavior (2 022 wrote: I did not feel any changes. If my partner and I hadn't broken up in the middle of the experiment, maybe I would of, 133 but I don't quite see the connection between hypnotism and my sex life. Perhaps it is in my subconscious where this all occurs. 023 Group III What the subject hoped to gain 023 described how she desired sex more frequently than her partner and wanted to know why she felt continually frustrated. She also wanted to know why she didn't climax. She felt in distress, say- ing, "I feel I won't do it again because its not worth it.” Background history 023 petted for four years before engaging in intercourse and was not orgastic with petting. She had had coitus for eight years with two partners. Her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was 100 per cent; however, she only returned one form. 023 had intercourse three times per month and had never masturbated. Apperson SM-PT 023's first SM-PT described Ann's fear of losing Tom. She had sex with him because he wanted to and it pleased her to please him. However, after each lovemaking session, Ann feared he would never want to see her again. 023 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (38), Nur (38), Ach (36) and Suc (36). 023's second SM-PT described Ann's frustration with Tom, her husband. She desired sex, initiated it, and was repeatedly told "no 134 Ann felt Tom only wanted sex when he had been drinking or when the kids were just rising from their naps. Ann waited for Tom to approach her, but felt resentful when he did. 023 then described a sexual experience between Tom and Ann. Tom proceeded with intercourse without foreplay, had an orgasm, and fell asleep. Ann was left feeling hurt, frustrated, and disappointed. 023 was concerned with Ach (38), Nur (36), Suc (36) and Aff (34). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Form II:- 22 (maximum 27) During the age regression part of the first individual ses- sion, 023 became upset. (The details must be omitted to retain confi- dentiality.) In general, though, 023 was upset because school was unpleasant for her and she continually suffered assaults to her self- esteem. 023 took more time than normal to become alert following hypnosis. Her experimenter kept her longer than usual following ses- 4sions in order to make sure she was fully alert and while together they discussed her feelings about the experiment, her partner, and the experimenter's schooling. 023 did not become upset during the age regression part of the Form II session. Sexual Description Forms 023 handed in only one form during the baseline and none following the individual sessions. She told her experimenter that she 135 had sex infrequently and that the forms would all be carbon copies of each other. She also said that her partner intensely disliked being “graded.” The Sexual experience 023 returned described her sense of rejection when her partner refused to have sex with her and her resent— ment that her partner enjoyed sex. She said she had an orgasm with one contraction. Her interpersonal gratification was zero, her sexual arousal was 5, and her satisfaction with intercourse was zero. Subject's report of chan es in sexual behavior (3 023 wrote: (I changed) only in that I was more relaxed after a session and if we had intercourse I was usually more relaxed and almost made it to a small climax or sensation. I often found myself thinking of the class during intercourse. If anything the power of positive thinking was an important factor, both in the sessions and in intercourse. Other than that, no. I still don't have sex enough, still no climaxes and still frustrated. But I am learning to live with it. And I don't feel so bad because I've found out I'm not the only woman . 024 Group III What the subject hoped to gain 024 wrote: I was mainly interested in hypnotism and was interested in it from a scientific viewpoint. I also thought, although I needed no help in one relationship (B), that perhaps it might make 136 me more relaxed and responsive in another relationship (A) and might improve sexual relations in that relationship. My attitude became, 'well I've nothing to lose.‘ Background history 024 petted for longer than four years before beginning inter- course. She never experienced orgasm during her petting. She had had intercourse for ten years with six partners. Her frequency of inter- course was twelve times per month. 024 had never tried masturbation. Apperson SM-P1 024's first SM-PT described Ann and Tom's extramarital affairs with each other. Both felt in love, guilty, and afraid. However, they continued the relationship and found it extremely satisfying. 024 was primarily concerned with Aff (40), Nur (36), Suc (34) and Ach (22). 024's second SM-PT described a warm, intimate relationship between Tom and Ann. The sexual aspect was less meaningful than their ability to share their ideas, hopes and dreams together. 024 was primarily concerned with Aff (40), Nur (36), Suc (34) and Ach (21). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 12 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Form II: 24 (maximum 27) After the Form C session was over, 024 told her experimenter that she had been upset during the age regression. She had hated her childhood and had experienced several traumatic events during that 137 period of her life. The experimenter did not know 024 was upset during the hypnosis. The experimenter talked to 024 for about an hour after the session about events in 024's life and 024 said she felt and learned a lot from the session. Sexual Description Forms 024 handed in nine sexual descriptions during the baseline, four sexual descriptions following the first individual session, and six sexual descriptions following the second individual hypnosis session. She had nine sexual experiences with one partner (A) during the project and ten with the other (B). Her orgasm consistency during the experi- ment was seventy-eight per cent with one partner (A) and ninety per cent with the other (B). 024 had slightly more interpersonal needs satisfied by partner A (2.04 vs. 1.72) but was more sexually aroused and satisfied with intercourse with partner B (sexual arousal 4.4 vs. 7.8; satisfaction with intercourse 6.6 vs. 9.7) over the course of the project. Comparing interpersonal gratification, sexual arousal and satisfaction with inter— course by partner before and after the individual sessions, it can be seen that relatively little Changed for 024. The one slight difference is that she became more sexually aroused with partner B. Partner A: Baseline Months 2 and 3 Interpersonal gratification 2.82 1.08 Sexual arousal 4.2 4.75 Satisfaction 6.8 6.25 138 Partner B: Baseline Months 2 and 3 Interpersonal gratification 2.88 .945 Sexual arousal 6.3 8.67 Satisfaction 9.3 9.8 Qualitatively, 024 described an inhibited sexual relationship with partner A and a romantic uninhibited relationship with partner B. With partner B, she often had more than one orgasm during lovemaking, the experiences were of longer duration, and they included more types of sexual activity. 024 said she loved partner A and wondered why she was unable to respond sexually with him. Subject's report of chan es in sexual behavior (2 024 described an increased relaxation in the relationship she wanted to improve (A) and a better ability to communicate with that partner. She didn't know whether to give credit to the experiment for these changes because several other changes in her life had also occurred. She perceived no difference in sexual behavior with either partner. With one partner, (A), sex remained ”mechanical," "obligatory“ and less ”spontaneous” than with the other partner, (B). 025 Group III Hnat the subject hoped to gain 025 wrote: Over the last year or so, I had gradually lost interest in sex and simultaneously ceased to enjoy it very much, or as 139 often. Supposing that it was somehow in my power to do something about this, with help, I want to participate in the experiment so that my interest and enjoyment could be as they were before. Background history 025 petted for six months before beginning coitus and was orgastic during eighty per cent of her petting experiences. She had had intercourse for eleven years with six partners. She stated that her coital frequency was six times per month. Her orgasm consistency during the baseline of this project was twenty-two per cent. 025 masturbated three times per month, fantasized when she masturbated and was orgastic ninety-five per cent of the time she masturbated. Apperson SM-PT 025's first SM-PT was a standard "boy-meets-girl" story. During the first administration, 025 was concerned with themes of Ach (33), Suc (33), Nur (32) and Aff (31). 025's second SM-PT was a romantic story about a couple “who lived in a castle by the sea at the edge of a large, sunny meadow.” Tom was a painter, Ann a daydreamer. ”The time they spent together melted from laughing and talking to embraces and back to talking, an ebb and flow of movement and feeling that did not clearly begin or end . . .” The themes 025 was concerned with were Aff (37), Nur (37), Suc (37) and Ach (28). 140 Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) Form C : 10 (maximum 12) Form II: 21 (maximum 27) Sexual Description Forms 025 handed in nine sexual descriptions during the baseline period, one sexual description following her first individual hypnosis session, and three following her second individual hypnosis session. All coital experiences were with the same person. Her mean orgasm consistency increased from twenty-two percent in the baseline to fifty per cent in the months following the individual hypnosis sessions. In fact, her scores on all dependent measures increased following the individual session. Her interpersonal gratification increased from 1.53 to 3.12, her satisfaction with intercourse from 5.11 to 7.75 and her sexual arousal from 4.22 to 7. During the baseline period she described not wanting to have sex, "switching off" her arousal when it reached a certain point,.and the complications engendered with her partner because he felt respons- ible for her hyposexuality. 025 quoted and agreed with Warhol that ”sex is the most overrated nothing of all time." She often prayed for it to be over and was baffled by her behavior. 1 Following the baseline period, 025 described relaxed, pleasant, intimate encounters. She did not have an orgasm during each sexual experience but enjoyed and desired intercourse more frequently. 141 Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (4)7 025 wrote: 1) I learned to relax and let things happen instead of worrying so much that something was wrong with me because I often didn't feel as aroused as I used to customarily. 2) I learned that I could intensify the feelings by concentrating on them. She then des- cribed the positive effects of her increased enjoyment of sex on her relationship with her partner. 026 Group III What the subject hoped to gain 026 wrote: I've never experienced an orgasm other than orally. Thought it would be interesting to see if hypnosis helped, or even if it increased my sexual pleasure. I was also curious about hypnosis and its effects. Background history 026 petted for one year before engaging in intercourse and was orgastic in 99.9 per cent of her petting experiences. She had had intercourse for two years with two partners. 026 estimated she had intercourse twenty times per month and she masturbated ten times per month. She did not fantasize when she masturbated and was orgastic with masturbation 100 per cent of the time. 142 Apperson SM-PT 026's first SM-PT described how Tom and Ann met for a drink after class. Ann was an expert at oral sex and her actions "got things rolling." They made love, each satisfying themselves and their part- ner, with Ann in the superior position. 026 was primarily concerned with themes of Ach (23), Exh (19), Nur (18) and Def (16). 026's second SM-PT described Tom and Ann's first sexual expe- rience together after a friendship of long duration. "They felt it would take a while to learn how to satisfy each other sexually, but knew it would be worth their while." 026 was concerned with Aff (40), Nur (36), Suc (36) and Exh (24). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 10 (maximum 12) Form C : 7 (maximum 12) Form II: 12 (maximum 27) Her experimenter felt 026 was bored by the Form II session. Sexual Description Forms 026 did not hand in any forms or explain why she did not do SO. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (5) 026 wrote: Yes (I have changed). My encounters have been more intense since I seem to be able to concentrate harder on my body. I think my sexual behavior has been more indicative of my thoughts and 143 feelings--and have not been so dependent upon my partner's. I think our sexual encounters have been more satisfying to both of us, instead of just one. 027 Group III What the subject hoped to gain 027 wrote: I feel my sexual response could be improved although it is satisfactory and causes no conflict. I am easily dis- tracted during sex and this minimizes the sensations. I hope to gain an increased awareness of sensations. Background history 027 petted to orgasm for one year before engaging in inter— course. She was orgastic with petting fifty per cent of the time. She had had intercourse for one year with three partners. She said she had intercourse about twenty times per month and her orgasm consistency dur- ing the baseline of this project was forty per cent. 027 stated She had never attempted masturbation. ApperSon SM-PT 027's first SM-PT described Tom's appreciation of Ann's beauty and softness. In the story, Ann and Tom talked and laughed together and both thoroughly enjoyed their warm caresses and intimate exchange. 027 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (37), Nur (35), Sue (30) and Exh (29). 144 027's second SM-PT was similar to her first. While camping, Ann and Tom openly and uninhibitedly expressed their sense of unity with each other and nature. However, Ann and Tom's experience was atypical in that Tom usually hurried off to work or sleep. The themes 027 was primarily concerned with were Aff (40), Nur (34), Sue (32) and Exh (30). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 11 (maximum 12) Form II: 22 (maximum 27) Sexual Description Forms 027 handed in ten sexual descriptions during the baseline period, six following her first individual session and no forms follow- ing her second individual hypnosis session. All coital experiences were with the same person. Her mean orgasm consistency decreased from forty per cent in the baseline period to twenty-nine per cent following the first individual hypnosis seSsion. Likewise, her interpersonal gratification decreased from -.589 to -l.49, and her satisfaction with intercourse decreased from 6.35 to 3.8 during this period. Her reported sexual arousal remained about the same (5.85 vs. 5.8). When 027 started the research project, she decided not to fake orgasms with her partner. She described the difficulties she perceived. She felt her partner was unwilling to stimulate her to orgasm following coitus: III even guided his hand, but he seemed really 145 unwilling, as if saying——'you better learn to come when I do, I'm not doing this immature stuff anymore.'" 027 described her difficulties with being easily distracted and her hurt when her partner did such things as joke about her body when she was aroused. Sub'ect's re ort of chan es WWW—(arg— 027 wrote: As far as what I've perceived to have happened, the task of writing down specific sexual events has in some ways stimu- lated an appreciation and understanding of them and elicited some feel- ings of arousal. The hypnosis sessions seemed to be designed to focus on awareness of different bodily sensations such as smell, sight, etc., but I felt no real connection with any change in sensory awareness after a session. 028 Group III What the subject hoped to gain 028 wrote: Since I never felt anything (like a climax) in sex, I felt I had nothing to lose. I was interested in what was to be done and wanted to help out with the project. Background history 028 had to leave the hypnosis session immediately following filling out the Harvard Form. Therefore, she didn't complete her first Apperson SM-PT or her Background Information Form. Her group experi- menter gave her the forms to mail back, but 028 did not return them. 146 Her individual experimenter also gave her the forms, but she did not mail them back. Her individual experimenter forgot to have her fill out the forms in the subsequent sessions. Apperson SM-PT 028's second SM—PT described Ann and Tom's decision to have premarital intercourse. Ann was not sexually satisfied but liked giving to Tom. They found premarital lovemaking rewarding and eventu- ally got married. 028 was primarily concerned with themes of Aff (40), Nur (38), Sue (38) and Def (33). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 11 (maximum 12) Form II: 27 (maximum 27) Sexual Description Forms 028 handed in one form during the baseline, none following the first individual session, and one following the second individual session. Her sexual partner did not know she was participating in the project and filling out the forms apparently presented some diffi- culty for 028. She was not orgastic during the project. All coital experiences were with the same person. Her baseline gratification of interpersonal needs was -1.14 and her sexual arousal and satisfaction with intercourse were 5 and 6, respectively. Her gratification of interpersonal needs following the individual hypnosis sessions was 2.59, her sexual arousal 5, and her satisfaction with intercourse 7. 147 028's first sexual description described her love for her partner and the small part sex played in her life. She didn't want to tell her partner she felt nothing during lovemaking with him and he didn't notice. Her second sexual description described the love she felt for her partner and the pleasure she received from satisfying him sexually. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (2) 028 wrote that she felt no different after participating in the project than she did before. 029 Group III What the subject hoped to gain 029 wrote: It sounded interesting, I would like to be more excited by sexual intercourse and get a little more out of it. I would really like to have an orgasm from sexual intercourse both for my part- ner's and my sake. Background history 029 petted for a year before beginning intercourse and was orgastic during fifty per cent of her petting experiences. She had had intercourse for three years with two partners. She estimated she had intercourse fifteen to eighteen times per month and her orgasm conSis— tency during the baseline of this project was 17.6 per cent. 029 said 148 she masturbated two to three times per month, did not fantasize during masturbation and was orgastic 100 per cent of the time with masturbation. Apperson SM-PT 029's first SM—PT described how Tom and Ann met at a party, were attracted to each other and had sex later in the evening. Both were very excited, orgastic, and afterwards each was pleased with them- selves and the other. 029 was primarily concerned with Ach (36), Aff (35), Exh (32) and Nur (32). 029's second SM-PT was much the same as her first. Tom and Ann met at a party, went back to Tom's apartment, and had intercourse. Ann was not orgastic, Tom was. Tom felt he'd had a good evening, Ann felt it was much the same as the rest of her dates. 029 was primarily concerned with themes of Exh (28), Suc (26), Ach (21), Dom (17) and Nur (17). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 9 (maximum 12) Form II: 10 (maximum 27) Sexual Description Forms 029 handed in seventeen forms during her baseline, two forms following the first individual hypnosis session and two following the second individual hypnosis session. All coital experiences were with w the same person. Her orgasm consistency increased from 17.6 per cent during the baseline to fifty per cent after the individual sessions. 149 Her interpersonal gratification also increased (from 1.52 to 2.1). Her sexual arousal and satisfaction with intercourse decreased somewhat during these periods (sexual arousal from 4.77 to 3.75; satisfaction with intercourse from 5.83 to 4.25). 029 usually described the duration of intercourse. It varied from five to fifteen minutes and her partner withdrew up to three times during any lovemaking session. If 029 felt her partner was making an effort to last, she felt satisfied with the experience, regardless of her arousal. When 029 had orgasms, it was because her partner stimu- lated her manually following coitus. 029 felt dissatisfied if her orgastic response took longer than twenty minutes. She felt happy if it took less than ten minutes. Her baseline descriptions did not differ qualitatively from her later ones. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (2) 029 wrote: I did not experience any changes and from the sessionva cannot see any way in which I was helped to experience any changes. 030 Group III What the subject hoped to gain 030 wrote: I think it is an opportunity to learn more about myself (and hopefully the information from the study) will enable more women to fully experience the sex acts. Anything that increases 150 awareness potentially expands the individual. Sex for me has not always been good. I know it can be and I want to experience it to the fullest. Background history 030 petted for three years before engaging in coitus and was not orgastic with petting. She had had intercourse for twenty-eight years with five partners. She stated she had intercourse four to eight times per month. She reported masturbating when she was not having coitus and was always orgastic when she masturbated. Apperson SM-PT 030 said she could not make up a story about Tom and Ann. She said she only knew how she felt about sexuality, not others. 030 was primarily concerned with Nur (30), Aff (26), Ach (20), Def (19) and Sue (19). 030's seCond SM-PT described how Tom and Ann met at a dance. Ann's parents were strict. Although she knew she was loved, Ann longed for a closer relationship with her parents. "It was almost as though she was present but didn't exist.” Her parents didn't approve of her going to dances. Tom's parents were socially active. However, Tom was tied to his mother and his father was affectionate in a “resigned" way. After the dance, they drove, then cuddled. "Like teenagers they clung to each other and for awhile they were able to forget what they were and each became what they wanted to be." "And then they went back home 151 and nothing was changed" except that they knew now that nothing would change for them. 030 was primarily concerned with Ach (29), Aff (28), Suc (28) and Nur (25). Hypnosis sessions Harvard: 11 (maximum 12) Form C : 7 (maximum 12) Form II: 7 (maximum 27) Following the group session, 030 called her group experimenter. After a long discussion (two hours), the group experimenter gave 030 her individual experimenter's name for future calls. 030 called that experi- menter because she thought "therapy" depended upon the "therapist" understanding her problems. After an hour conversation, 030 and that experimenter found they had the possibility of becoming acquainted at a place they both visited. 030 was afraid for her confidentiality but decided to participate with another experimenter. During that conversa- tion, which lasted another hour, 030 described her relationships and found she was most attracted to those that expected nothing from her; wanted to be loved for herself and not her body; feared she was incap- able of love; feared her mother and father would die soon; and described her difficulty with the forms. She feared people would laugh at her experiences. She said, “If anyone is helped in the future by my parti- cipation it will have been worth the embarrassment . . . I can just see people laughing over my forms." After her individual sessions with her experimenter, she described several early blows to her self-esteem and past traumatic sexual experiences. 152 Serual Description Forms 030 did not return any forms. She wrote a long letter explaining why. She feared people would laugh at her and stated she had been very busy. "You probably think that because I haven't sent the forms in to you every week that I'm not a good subject or being helpful to your study, and, of course, you're right. I have written you volumes in my mind that can't be of use to you. But I have done a lot of thinking. But all that thinking has done is help me go back over my life and I can see where each of these incidences has had an effect on the kind of person I am today . . . I hope I can write you about all of these things. You probably will be bored silly . . . . Even so, it probably will help me get a little insight. For whatever that's worth." She said she had had coitus approximately once per week and would rate her experiences 5 on satisfaction with intercourse and sex- ual arousal. She was not orgastic during her lovemaking. She described her guilt at masturbating and wondered why she was orgastic with masturbation but not intercourse. Subject's report of changes in sexual behavior (2) 030 wrote: No-—Nothing I expected happened; however, the sessions did lead me into deep retrospective thinking. I probably better know "why" to some of the attitudes and behavior of my life. Nothing is changed (conditions, situations, people, etc.)--so until they do everything will be the same. 153 I realize that for some reason I have not yet defined I am afraid of commitment with a man. As long as I retain this feeling, I will not be able to have a . . . satisfying (sexual) relationship. APPENDIX B Lecture Advertisement Newspaper Articles I need females to participate in research on: Increasing sexual arousal in women through hypnosis. Faculty members in charge of the experiment are: Dr. Reyher Dr. Grummon Dr. Zellman My name is: Allison Stern The experiment will take approximately fifteen hours of your time during a three-month period. If you wish to participate you must be at least eighteen years old, have intercourse approximately once a week, and have been having intercourse for at least six months. If you are interested call: 339-9650 (Stern) 351-8977 (Oleshansky) Feel free to call any hour of the day or night for I am difficult to reach. If you are taking Psychology 160 or 170 and need points for participating in experiments, the experiment points which can be received are 4-20. 154 155 STUDY MAY TIE HYPNOSIS, CLIMAX Wednesday, November 21, 1973 Volume 66 Number 72 Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 By MELISSA PAYTON State News Staff Writer Men and women who could not achieve sexual fulfillment have gone to clinics or private psychotherapists for years, often spending a small fortune along the way. But sometime in the future, women who never reach orgasm, or do so only rarely, may find a less costly solution in hypnosis. Allison Stern, a graduate student in clinical psychology, is looking for volunteers for a research project on increasing female sex- ual arousal through hypnosis. The project is aimed at treatment as much as research, she said. "Rather grim statistics are often presented concerning women who apparently cannot experience satisfying sexual arousal." "Many researchers indicate that about 30 per cent of married women either never achieve orgasm or do so only occasionally,“ she said. "More extreme reports suggest that as many as 50 per cent of married women do not achieve orgasm more than occasionally," Stern said. Through the project, Stern hopes to learn more about the nature of female sexual functioning and different types of hypnotic wprocedures that increase sexual arousal. Hypnosis has been used for many years to treat various condi- tions, she said, but was not used for treatment of sexual problems until 1962. Through a poster campaign on campus, Stern has been able to raise 10 volunteers. Another 60 are needed, she said. Volunteers must be atk1east 18 years old and have sexual intercourse a minimum of once a wee The project takes about 15 hours of each volunteer' s time over a three- month period, she said. Stern emphasized that the research is not to be confused with that of Masters and Johnson in which actual sexual relations occur dur- ing treatment sessions. “Nothing specifically sexual is done during treatment ses- sions," she said. Women who wish to participate should call her at 339-9650 or Mark and Beth Oleshansky at 351- 8977. The anonymity of volunteers is guaranteed, she said. She said her current project is an outgrowth of a more gen- eral interest in developing less costly programs for all kinds of psychological treatment. The project is being directed by Joseph Reyher, professor of psychology. Its findings will be the basis of Stern's doctoral dis— sertation. 156 VOLUME 168 NUMBER 239 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1974 REPORTS CLIMAX HANGUPS SEX NOT ALL ECSTASY, GRAD'S STUDY FINDS By JIM BUSH State News Staff Writer Ah, sex. Instant bliss. The natural cure for whatever ails you--right? Well . . . research by an MSU doctoral student indicates that mankind's oldest diversion just is not always what it has been cracked up to be. 1 For instance, one-third of a sample of MSU women say they have never--or only rarely--tasted the orgasmic icing on their coital cake. But even that is a lot lower than the no-orgasm rate for female first-timers at MSU. According to Allison Stern, a psychology Ph.D. candidate and counseling center intern, 82 per cent of the MSU women she surveyed did not experience climax during their first attempt at intercourse. And more than half of them have tried it at least once, her research shows. Of the 899 introductory psychology students surveyed during the 1973-74 school year, 1.8 per cent had tried it with 16 or more partners. Ten per cent of them said they were doing it 20 or more times a month. "I can't say how typical my sample of MSU and I'm not trying to generalize the results," Stern, who gathered the figures in an attempt to see if the fulfillment of women's interpersonal needs affects their orgasm rate, said. "But other studies in other places showed similar findings." Though she made no attempt at reaching a random sample of MSU women, she added that research has shown that psychology students are not much different from the rest of the population on sexual matters, so their answers are probably typical. Among the other findings from analysis of the students' writ- ten responses to questions about their sexual history: - Just about every woman has been kissed (99.5 per cent) and 3-1/2 per cent have even reached climax simply from that rather basic behavior. - A startling 21.2 per cent of sexually active women use no contraceptives, not even rhythm, during intercourse. More than half, however, employ birth control pills. : Few women students who have tried intercourse fail to keep trying it. Of that half of the 18 to 21 year old women surveyed who had experienced coitus at least once, nearly two-thirds kept on doing it at least five times a month. 157 Not surprisingly, intercourse was more common among women involved in some sort of relationship with their partners. But one- night stands yielded orgasms at the same rate as intercourse with a woman's steady boyfriend did. Still, only 55 per cent of women who had intercourse as their last experience reached climax during it. Stern hypothesizes that the seemingly large nonorgasm rate among women is linked with the failure of a sexual experience to satisfy a woman's interpersonal needs--such things as affiliation, achievement, dominance and submissiveness which vary from woman to woman. But she is unwilling to publicly interpret the findings fur- ther because she will continue her research this winter. And, she says, if a future subject saw her explanation of the figures, her answers might be affected. A startling 21.2 per cent of sexually active women use no contraceptives, not even rhythm, during intercourse. More than half, however, employ birth control pills. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO But she does offer this bit of "advice"--though she refuses to call it that because she considers general, public sex counseling futile and unethical. ”A man who read a sex manual and tries to apply it to all women is not going to be successful," she said. ''People are very diverse and so are their needs. So a man who wants to please his partner has got to talk to her, not in terms of stimulating her, but in terms of finding out what her needs are." ”The same goes for pleasing a man," she said. Also in her study, Stern found that more of her subjects had given oral sex the old college try (53.3 per cent) than those who had tried intercourse (52.4 per cent). Just over 85 per cent had let someone pet their breasts, while nearly as many (77.5 per cent) had gone one step further and let their genitals be l'manually stimulated." But even with all that experience, only 40.4 per cent said they had ever tried masturbation. ”It seems that either they're embarrassed to report it or they're embarrassed to do it," Stern said. The figures on types of sexual experience are roughly the same, though generally a little lower, than the findings from previous sexual research conducted elsewhere. Stern's findings also show the traditional ways to reach climax are not the only ways. More than 10 per cent said they had got- ten an orgasm from the stimulation of their naked breasts. Three-and- a-half per cent said that merely kissing had been enough, at least once. “It's possible for some women to have orgasms simply from mental stimulation alone," Stern said. ”And some will fall asleep or become unconscious during orgasm." 158 "It's not necessarily good or bad and it's quite rate," she added. "It depends on the individual psychology." On the more conventional approaches, about 55 per cent had attained orgasm through masturbation, cunnilingus and manual stimula- tion of the genitals. Seventy-eight per cent had had an orgasm through coitus. Roughly half of Stern's sample had tried intercourse with one partner; about 30 per cent with two or three; another 13 per cent with four to Six men; six and a half per cent with 7-15 partners; and 1.8 per cent with 16 or more. "Those women who have sex with many men are known as serial- monogamous," Stern explained. "The experience is serious for them at the moment they're having it." Serious or not, more than one-third of the coital-experienced women had intercourse one to four times a month, over half do it five to 19 times monthly and 10 per cent try it 20 or more times a month. After the birth control pill as the most commonly-employed contraceptive comes, believe it or not, nothing at all, which is the practice of fully 21.2 per cent of the women surveyed who have engaged in intercourse. "I can't understand that, given the widespread availability of contraceptives for students through the health center," Stern said. "I'm sure it's the same easy access that makes the pill used so much more here than it is generally." ‘ More than half of Stern's subjects reportedusing the pill, compared to only about 20 per cent in a 1972 survey of 15 to 19-year- olds elsewhere. Other methods, including rhythm, were each used by 5 per cent or less of those surveyed. Stern, who conducted the study for her masters thesis, hopes to write a book on her findings as part of her anticipated career in researching individual sexual behavior. She plans to include in the book the written statements of those subjects who indicated they would not mind if their comments were published. Stern was amazed at the large number who gave their assent, just as she was at the openness of nearly all of her subjects to reveal so much about themselves, though anonymously. "These women were remarkable in terms of letting me into their lives," she said. 159 STATE NEWS SECOND FRONT PAGE Thursday, November 21, 1974 HYPNOSIS USED TO CURE SEXUAL HANGUPS By JIM BUSH State News Staff Writer Sex has been around as long as anyone can remember, but it still can raise eyebrows. Even in today's open society, sex remains somewhat of a taboo. And a growing number of people--perhaps simply because sexual troubles are more readily acknowledged these days--still have problems with it. But now an MSU psychologist is trying out an equally ancient and even more mysterious, mesmerizing process as a cure for sexual inadequacy in females. Hypnosis, says Ph.D. candidate and counseling center intern, Allison Stern, may just work as a cheap, relatively quick treatment for women's sexual bugaboos. Begun about a year ago, her research is still underway and the results are not yet in. But early indications show that it appar- ently works. ”Some people said the hypnosis helped them get rid of their inhibitions, some reported that their orgasms increased amazingly and others said they were now trying new and creative approaches to intercourse," Stern, who has also done research on the sexual behavior of MSU women and hopes to write a book about it, said. She added that others among the 37 Lansing area women who participated in her experiment in the last year indicated their sexual behavior had become more spontaneous, their sexual desires had perked up, their physical sensations had increased and they were more assertive sexually with men. Still others said they were helped through the realization that their inadequacies were not unique and they no longer felt guilty about their desires. Some women, Stern said, discovered that their sexual problems were based in their relationships, not in themselves. Stern's somewhat unconventional research, which she hopes to resume if she can get more volunteers, is reportedly the first time anyone has systematically applied hypnosis as a treatment for sexual inadequacy. And it has not been accepted without incident. Though she says her faith in society has been heightened by the way things have turned out, Stern was at first plagued with obscene phone calls, complaints to the University administration from irate parents and even phone calls from an MSU trustee or two. It seems some people caught in the twin mystery of sex and hypnosis, got the idea she was using surrogate partners for her subjects to practice sex with, hypnotizing people into performing perverse behavior and/or soliciting for prostitution. ‘I an“! 160 "I'd already put a lot of work into the project, and I was at first afraid the University might force me to stop my experiment before it had begun," Stern, whose comments last fall on a television news program and posters in residence halls asking for volunteers apparently upset some people, said. But that was nearly a year ago. Stern says she does not even know who or how many University trustees passed on complaints to admini- strators. Inquiries about the research went down from the provost's office, to the dean of social science, to the chairman of the Dept. of Psychology and--finally--to Stern's faculty advisor, Joseph Reyher. Everyone's fears were apparently allayed, since the experi- ment only involves the experimentor and the voluntary female subject and no touching. "It's to the credit of the University that they are monitoring research to make sure that nothing potentially damaging to the subjects or unethical is being done and there isn't in this experiment," Stern said. Reyher, who besides being a professor of psychology is also a respected scientific student of hypnotism, pointed out why. "The research is emphatic that hypnosis can't make anybody do anything in conflict with their values,” Reyher said. Stern's experiment, which developed after earlier study showed that one-third of a sample of MSU women experienced orgasm during intercourse less than one-third of the time, employs a relatively simple procedure. "Basically, the women are never touched or coached,” Stern explained. ”They're only placed in a relaxed state due to hypnosis and given a post hypnotic suggestion that will enhance their sexual arousal." Generally in a counseling Situation, the treatment-experiment involves participating in three or four sessions over a period of three months. The sessions are individual on request. Stern's approach, which is primarily aimed at contributing to theory about sexual inadequacy, is intended to provide treatment for people who do not have two to three thousand dollars and a year or two to undergo psychoanalysis or a Masters and Johnson type cure. Some of her original subjects from various walks of life throughout the Lansing area, had specific problems while others just were not satisfied they were reaching enough sexual fulfillment, Stern said. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ”Some people said the hypnosis helped them get rid of their inhibitions, some reported that their orgasms increased amazingly and others said they were now trying new and creative approaches to inter— course."--Allison Stern, MSU sex researcher “I haven't come across any subject who's been adversely affected," She explained, adding that the subject is aware of every- thing that is done, even during hypnosis. 161 A standard form of hypnosis is used, one developed at Stanford University in California in which the subject stares at some object and closes her eyes. Though Stern's experiment is apparently the first systematic study of hypnosis' beneficial effect on sexual inadequacy, there was earlier research in Louisiana in 1963. Conducted by a medical doctor, hypnosis in that project increased the rate of orgasm in women by three to six times. Why is Stern working just with women? In her work, she answers, she has simply seen more problems with sex and orgasm attain- ment in women than men, though she concedes there is no definite research to back her up. According to her advisor, Reyher, there has been a tremendous upsurge in sexual problems in the last five or six years. Sexual inadequacy is generally attributable, he said, to the cultural taboo of sex, bad home environments and negative experiences with sex like rape or personal rejection. ”Personal inadequacy generally manifests itself in sex and society exacerbates the problem," he said. "It's the openness of society that I believe is now rustling out a lot of people into admitting, at least to themselves, that they have sexual problems,” he added. And, Stern explains, "Now more women are interested in sexual success. Before it was not supposed to be fulfilling for women." It is to he1p women get that fulfillment that she began her reSearch and now she is looking for more volunteers for a second round of hypnosis experiments. To participate, a woman must be 18, have had intercourse at least once a week with at least six months experience at it, and be willing to be hypnotized and remain in town for the three months the treatment takes. Potential subjects can contact her by writing to Reyher in care of the psychology dept. APPENDIX C First Session (Groups I and II) First Session (Group III) Second Session Group 1) Second Session Group 11) Second Session (Group III) Third Session (Groups I and II) Groups I and II First Session (Relaxation) Right now your body is very, very relaxed. But now I am going to help you discover the vivid difference between a relaxed and a tense body and how pleasant a relaxed bodily state feels in compari- son to a tense bodily state. In addition, you are going to learn, through this medium of hypnosis, how to quickly institute this relaxed state in your sexual, sensual life. Now, I want you to extend your left arm just an inch or two above the arm of the chair and make a fist. As you did before (item 5), I want you to stiffen your arm. Make it stiff, gtjff_and 3131a, Notice the increase in muscle tension building in your forearm and in your biceps. Notice the unpleasant feeling of tension, your discomfort, your fatigue, the work it takes to maintain this muscle tension. (If 5.is making facial grimaces, frowning, etc., feedback to her. e.g., Your brow is wrinkled. You are working narg_to maintaih this muscle tension). (5_is to hold muscle tension 20".) Now, (slight pause), let all the tension out of your arm and your hand. Let your arm be completely limp and relaxed. Feel the difference now that it is relaxed from the way it felt when it was stiff and tense. Notice how relaxed it feels. Notice how different relaxation is from tension. All the tension has gone out of it. Notice how much more pleasant the relaxa— tion is. Your arm feels light, comfortable. I am going to be silent for a few seconds in order for you to more closely attend to your relaxed arm and the pleasant state of mind and body which you feel now (silence for 35“). 162 163 Now, I want you to extend your right arm an inch or two above the arm of the chair and make a fist. Now stiffen your arm. Make it rigid, tense. More tense, make your arm more tense, more rigid, more rigid. Notice your fingers digging into your palms. It feels unpleas- ant. Your forearm hurts as do your biceps. Make your arm even more tep§e_(5_is to hold muscle tension for 20"). Now, let all the tension out of your arm and your hand. Let your arm be completely limp and relaxed. Feel the difference now that it is relaxed from the way it felt when it was stiff and tense. Notice how much more pleasant the relaxation is. I am going to be silent for a few seconds in order for you to more closely attend to your relaxed arm and the pleasant state of mind and body which you feel now (Silence for 50"). Now you have learned how much more pleasant a state of relaxed mind and body is than a state of tension. I am going to show you this difference in other muscle groups. From now on, though, I am going to give you a specific signal for relaxation. I am going to count from one to three in French. Counting in French sounds like un, deux, trois. You will hold the tension in whatever muscle I have told you to tense until I say the word trois. Then, instantaneously you will relax the muscle you have been holding stiff and rigid. When I say trois, you will let your muscles relax suddenly and completely. You will notice the pleas- ant rush of relaxation spreading through the rest of your body from the muscle group tensed. You will feel a light, floating sense of relaxa- tion and peace extending throughout your body and mind. 164 Now, I want you to press your left calf against the chair and while pressing your left calf against the chair, pretend you can touch your left kneecap with the toes on your left foot. Now press pprg_with your calf and bend vigorously your left foot up toward your left knee— cap. Harder, make your leg muscles tense, stiff, rigid. Make them stiffer, more and more rigid. (Feedback any facial expressions.) (_S_ is to hold muscle tension for 20".) Un, deux, trois. (Wait 5".) Your left leg muscles are relaxed now. (Wait 10".) Notice the light, floating sense of relaxation and peace extending throughout your body and mind. Notice how pleasant you feel when you are relaxed in compari— son to when you have tensed a muscle group (silence for 50"). Now, I want you to press your right leg against the chair and while pressing your right leg against the chair, pretend you can touch your right kneecap with the toes on your right foot. Now press narg_ with your leg and bend vigorously your right foot toward your right foot toward your right kneecap. Harder, make your leg muscles tense, stiff, rigid. Make them stiffer, more and more rigid. It's hard to make your muscles stiff. Make them stiffer, more rigid. (5_is to hold muscle tension for 20".) Un, deux, trois. (Wait 5".) Your right leg muscles are relaxed now. Notice your bodily sensations, the pleasurable feeling you have now (silence for 60"). I am going to let you rest for awhile now. You are doing well. You are learning control over your muscles and the distinct dif- ference between relaxation and tension in different muscle groups. I am going to be silent for two minutes and that will be all the time necessary for you to completely and fully realize sensations of warmth 165 and peacefulness traveling through your body in this state of relaxation (silence for 2'). Now, (softly), I want you to draw your stomach muscles in and pretend you can touch the back of your spine with them. Draw them in harp, Pull them in harder, nerger, (Feedback any expressions.) Your muscles hurt. It's difficult to press your stomach muscles in. Hold them in, hold them in (5_is to hold muscle tension for 20"). Un, deux, trois. (Wait 5".) Your stomach muscles are relaxed now. You feel a sense of relief. Relaxation is flowing through your body from your stomach muscles. You're feeling a light, floating sense of peace and warmth extending from your stomach muscles (silence for 50“). Now, hunch up your shoulders toward your ears. Tense your shoulder muscles and tense your neck muscles. Make your shoulders as ten§e_as possible. Make your neck rigig_and gtiff, Feel the tension, the rigidity. More tense, make your shoulders and neck even more tense. (5_is to hold muscle tension for 20".) Un, deux, trois. (Wait 5".) You notice now, as you have noticed in the other muscle groups we have worked on before, the pleasurable, relieving sense of relaxation (silence for 60"). Now, I want you to open your mouth less than one half inch. Imagine you have something very hard between your teeth. Now, try to bite through it. Bite harder, harger. Feel the tension in your jaw. (Feedback any facial expressions.) 5ite, bite nerger, (§_is to hold muscle tension for 20".) Un, deux, trois. (Wait 5".) As the tension leaves your jaws, you notice the pleasant refreshing sense of relaxation (silence for 60”). 166 Now, I want you to frown as narg_as you can. Frown, tyrant Dapper. Notice the tension in your forehead, the tension between your eyebrows. Notice the unpleasant sensation in your eyelids. Grimace narger, Feel the tension in your facial muscles (§_is to hold tension for 20"). Un, deux, trois. (Wait 5".) Your face feels relaxed now. It feels so much more pleasurable when your facial muscles are relaxed. As before, you feel a relaxed pleasant state flowing through your body (silence for 50”). You have done well today. You have learned that tension in your arms, legs, abdomen, shoulders, neck, and face feels like. You have learned what relaxation feels like and how pleasant a relaxed state of mind and body can be. You have learned how to relax very quickly the tension in your muscle groups. Now listen carefully to what I tell you next. Just as you were able to relax with startling rapidity when I counted un, deux, trois, you will be able to relax your muscles as fully and as completely as you are now when yog_count un, deux, trois in a geyua1_situation. When yog_count un, deux, trois in A a sexual situation, you will be able to relax quickly. This deep relaxation will not inhibit any physical movements you wish to make. It will heighten your sexual and sensual pleasure. (Item 12.) Group III First Session We are going to do some activities now which you will find fun. We are going to do some things that will show you how good you 167 are at thinking up new ideas and solving problems. You will find out how much imagination and thinking ability you have. I will present seven different activities for you to do. The first three activities will be based on a drawing I will show you. In a little while I will ask you to open your eyes and look at this drawing. As before, when you open your eyes, your deep, relaxed state will not be disturbed in the slightest. I will also ask you to tell me some things about the picture I will show you and you will also find that speaking does not disturb your deep, relaxed state. Okay, now open your eyes and look at the drawing I am holding. (Show 5_drawing on page 2.) ,Tell me what is happening in the picture. (Wait while _S_ speaks.) What caused it to happen? (Wait while 5_speaks.) What will be the result? (Wait while 5_speaks.) In a little while, I will ask you to tell me as many possible causes as you can of the action shown in this picture. You may use things that might have happened just pejore the things that are happening in the picture, or something that happened a long time ago that made these things happen. Nod your head up and down if you understand. (Wait for nod.) Now, tell me the many possible causes of the action shown in this picture. (Wait up to 5'. If 5_is still speaking, say, "That's fine, Stop giving possible causes now."1 In a little while I will ask you to tell me what might happen as a result of what is taking place in the picture. You may use things that might happen right afterwards or things that might happen as a result long afterwards in the future. Nod your head up and down if you understand. Okay. Now, tell me the many possible results of what is 168 taking place in the picture. (Wait up to 5'. If 5_is still Speaking, say, “That's fine, Stop giving possible results now.“) I am going to hand you a stuffed toy monkey of the kind you can buy in most dime stores for about one to two dollars. It is about six inches tall and weighs about six ounces. In a moment I will ask you to tell me all the most interesting and unusual ways which you will be able to think of for changing this toy monkey so that children will have more fun playing with it. You will not worry about how much the change would cost. You will think only about what would make it more fun to play with as a toy. Nod your head up and down if you understand. (Wait for nod.) Now, tell me about the changes you would make to make this toy more fun to play with. (Wait up to 5'. If 5_is still speak— ing, say, "That's fine, Stop telling me the changes you would make.") You may close your eyes now. Listen carefully to what I tell you next. Most people throw their empty cardboard boxes away, but they have thousands of interesting and unusual uses. In a little while I will ask you to tell me the many interesting and unusual uses that you will think of. Do not limit yourself to any one size of box.‘ You may use as many boxes as you like. Do not limit yourself to the uses you have seen or heard about. Nod your head up and down if you understand. (Wait for nod.) Now, tell me your interesting and unusual uses for cardboard boxes. (Wait up to 10'. If 5_is still speaking, say, "That's fine. Stop telling me now of unusual and interesting uses for cardboard boxes.") I will tell you now of an improbable situation--one that will probably never happen. You will just suppose that it has happened. 169 This will give you a chance to use your imagination to think out all of the other exciting things that would happen if this improbable situ- ation were to come true. In your imagination, just suppose, clouds had strings attached to them which hung down to earth. Nod your head up and down when you have this situation, clouds with strings hanging to earth, in mind. Now, tell me all the other things that would happen because of this. In other words, tell me what would be the consequences if clouds had strings which hung down to earth. (Wait up to 5'. If 5_ is still speaking, say, "That's fine. Stop telling me of the conse- quences.") (Time -------- .) (Proceed to Item 12.) Group 1‘ Second Session Right now you are very relaxed. You are in a relaxed state of mind and body. That last time we were together.you learned the vivid difference between relaxation and tension and how to make the transition from tension to relaxation with rapidity by counting un, deux, trois. Today, you are going to do something similar. (Wait 5”.) Now, I want you to imagine that you are sitting in comfortable chair on a pleasant spring day. (Wait 30".) Nod your head up and down if you were able to visualize yourself sitting in a comfortable chair on a pleasant spring day. (If no_nod, that's alright. Not everyone can get the specific image of themselves in a chair on a pleasant spring , day.) But now, when I count from trois, deux, un, a pleasant image from the past or a hoped for image from the future will come to mind. 170 When the image comes to mind, nod your head up and down. (Wait 5". If no nod, that's alright. Not everyone can have images under hypnosis.) (Proceed to Item 9.) From now on, when I count un, deux, trois, whatever you are imaging will disappear and your attention will be drawn to various muscle groups as any tension you may feel in them subsides. When I _ count un, deux, trois, whatever you are imaging will disappear and your attention will be drawn to your left and right arms, your left and right legs, your abdomen, neck and shoulders, your jaw, and your forehead and your eyes as these muscles quickly re1py_fully and com- pletely. Nod your head up and down if you understand. (Wait for nod.) Now, I want you to bring back that image of yourself sitting in a comfortable chair on a pleasant spring day (or the pleasant image you had before). (Wait 30".) Un, deux, trois. (Wait 5“.) Your image has stopped and you are aware of your attention being drawn to various muscle groups as you notice how relaxed these muscle groups are. (Wait 30".) Now, a different image, but another pleasant image, will come to mind. When another pleasant image has come to mind, I want you to nod your head up and down. (Wait until nod.) 'Keep this enjoyable image in mind. Experience fu11y_this pleasant image. (Wait 30”.) Un, deux, trois. (Wait 30".) Now, I want you to imagine a very pleasant experience from your past which you had with a person of the opposite sex. When you have this pleasant situation in mind, nod your head up and down. (Wait for nod.) Keep the experience in mind. Notice your surroundings. 171 Feel yourself in the situation again. (Wait 30".) Un, deux, trois. (Wait 30".) Now, I want you to imagine a different, but again pleasant, experience from your past which you had with a person of the opposite sex. When you have this different, pleasant experience in mind, nod your head up and down. (Wait for nod.) Keep visualizing the situation and experience it vividly. (Wait 30".) Un, deux, trois. (Wait 30".) Now, I want you to imagine a pleasant, intimate, sensual experience from your past. This experience may be anything--a walk you took together, holding hands, being held, kissing, intercourse. When you have your intimate, sensual experience in mind, nod your head up and down. (Wait for nod.) Keep this image in mind and experience it. Feel yourself in this situation again. (Wait 30".) Un, deux, trois. (Wait 30".) I am going to ask you now to imagine scenes which are not so pleasant. I want you to signal me by raising your right forefinger if you feel muscle tension or begin to feel uncomfortable. Nod your head up and down if you understand that you are to raise your right fore- finger if you feel muscle tension or feel uncomfortable. (Wait for nod.) Okay, I want you to imagine (substitute most mild of the stimuli 5_has brought in). Nod your head up and down when you have in mind. Imagine this fully. (Wait 30".) (If 5_raises finger on image, count un, deux, trois immediately, without changing tone of voice. Wait 1' while §_is relaxing. Then repeat item, with instructions given above, up to three more times, until 5_does not raise finger on image.) (If 5_did not raise finger during 30“ of 172 image, count un, deux, trois, then wait 30".) (Proceed to next item of 5fs stimulus hierarchy, using same instructions given above with new item.) (If 5_sti11 raises finger after four trials on any item, stop presentation of stimuli and go back to first image (spring day). Nod your head when you have this image in mind. (Wait for nod.) Vividly experience this image. (Wait 30“.) On, deux, trois. (If 5_did not complete her hierarchy, say the following.) You have done well today. You have had pleasant and unpleasant images. The unpleasant images created tension or discomfort in you, but you were able to relax rapidly and achieve a refreshed state of mind and body, a very relaxed state of mind and body, despite your tension. This rapid control over mind and body which you mastered on the count of trois,you will be able to carry over into sexual situations in the future. In seyua1_situations you will be able to count from un, deux, trois when unpleasant thoughts or tension occur, and these thoughts or tension will stop as quickly as they did today. Just as before, your relaxed state will not inhibit your physical movements or your sexual responses in any way. Your calm state of mind and body will augment your pleasurable, sensual experiences. (If 5_completes the four items of her hierarchy, say the following.) You have done well today. You have had pleasant and what you would have experienced before as unpleasant images. What would have been unpleasant images did not create tension or discomfort in you which you were not able to overcome. You were able to maintain a state of relaxation in spite of what otherwise would be disturbing 173 images. Just as you were able to maintain a state of relaxation today, you will be able to remain relaxed and in a calm state of mind in future sexual Situations. In future sexual situations, you will be able to be as relaxed as you are now even if the situations had been disturbing in the past. Just as before, your relaxed state will not inhibit your physical movements or your sexual responses in any way. Your calm state of mind and body will augment your pleasurable, sensual experiences. (Proceed to Item 9.) Group II Second Session You are in a very relaxed state of mind and body. The last time we were together you learned how pleasurable relaxation is in contrast to tension. Today you are going to learn how important the ability to focus attention on your body is. You are going to learn to focus your attention on different skin sensations and learn how pleas- urable this ability to focus can be. I want you to turn your right hand so that the palm is facing up. Now take your thumb and rub it s1py1y, very slowly, and yery, very lightly up and down the inside tip of your first finger to your first joint. Rub your first finger even more delicately than you are now doing. Notice the feel of your finger. Your finger feels smooth. Be aware of this smooth texture. (Wait 10".) You have never been as aware as you are now of your first finger. Feel any moisture present. Now, concentrate on your thumb. (Wait 10“.) Feel how your thumb feels touching your first finger. Now concentrate on your first 174 finger. As your thumb rubs delicately across it, you feel how the soft pressure creates a delightful tickling sensation. (Wait 45“.) Now, move your thumb to the inside tip of your second finger. Rub your thumb slowly and yery_lightly up and down the inside of your second finger until you reach the first joint of this finger. Again, notice the sensations of your finger and thumb. Your attention is focused on the feel of your thumb stimulating your finger and your finger stimulating your thumb. You feel warmth and a pleasurable sensation now that your attention is focused on these parts of your body. (Wait 45".) Now, move your thumb to your little finger. Rub gent1y, gently the inside tip of your little finger until you reach your first joint. The longer you rub your little finger the more alive it feels to you, the more aware you are of the sensations radiating out from this small part of you: Concentrate on the feel of your thumb gently touching your finger (wait 10”), and the feel of your little finger touching your thumb. Notice the sensations of these parts of your body. Feel how pleasurable these sensations are. (Wait 45”.) Now move your thumb to your third finger, the finger next to your little finger. Delicately and slowly stroke the inside of this finger down to the first joint with your thumb. Feel how the soft, soft pressure of your thumb creates a delightful tickling sensation in your third finger. Be aware of this pleasurable sensation. It increases the longer you gently rub this finger. (Wait 45”.) Now, rub your thumb slowly and lightly down the inside of your finger to where your finger joins your hand. A larger area of 175 your skin is being stimulated. Your pleasurable feelings are even greater than when just the tip of your first finger was stimulated. Focus on the lines which are formed where your finger bends. Notice how these lines feel different to your thumb than the rest of your finger. Continue to feel the enjoyable sensation of your finger being softly touched. (Wait 45”.) Now, I want you to take your left hand and match your fingers together with your right hand. That's right. Now, slowly slide your left hand down your right hand until you reach your wrist. Rub with so little pressure of your left hand on your right hand that your hands feel as if they are barely touching. Slowly, slide your left hand up till the tips of your fingers meet and then continue sliding your left hand up and down, up and down your right, in this fashion. A larger area of your skin is being touched, your pleasurable feelings in your right hand are increased. (Wait 20“.) Feel the lines your hand makes when bent. Notice the texture of your hand. You are beginning to realize the numerous types of feelings and pleasurable sensations which you can have simply by focusing your attention on a part of your body. (Wait 2'.) I want you to continue stroking your right hand with your left with an upward and downward motion, but now, I want you to also delicately stroke down the inside of your right arm until you reach your elbow joint. Upward and downward (if §_moving slowly, time ”upward and downward” to §fs strokes. If §_not moving slowly, say, “even more slowly,“I then repeat upward and downward four times in synchroney to §fs movements). You are attending to an even larger area of your skin. l76 Your ability to focus your attention is being strengthened. Notice how pleasurable, how sensual it feels to have this area of your skin stroked. Feel the delicate sensations. It is more pleasurable to have a larger than a smaller area of your skin touched and to be able to concentrate on this area of skin. You are aware of how pleasurable this area of your skin feels being stimulated and will be even more aware as you continue to stroke your hand and arm. (Wait 3'.) Continue lightly stroking your right arm and hand with your left hand, only now, turn your right arm over so that you are moving up and down the outside of your arm and hand. Good. Now, concentrate on your left hand. (Wait l0”.) Notice the feel (to your left hand) of the small hairs on your arm. Experience how the hairs on your right arm feel being touched. Notice the pleasurable sensations when these tiny hairs move. Continue to stroke your arm gently and notice the pleasurable, sensual feelings. (Wait 3'.) Stop stroking your arm now and return both arms to the arms of your chair. You are doing well. You are learning to focus your attention on various parts of your body. You are learning how this ability can heighten pleasurable feelings, sensual feelings. You are learning that the more area of your body stimulated and the more area you can attend to, the greater your pleasurable feelings. Now, I am going to show you that even small parts of your body, if focused upon, can lead to pleasurable sensations. I want you to lift your right hand to your right ear. Place your forefinger against the fold in back of your ear where your ear joins your head. Move any hair which might be in your way. Now, l77 gently, very gently move your forefinger up and down this fold. The sensations are extremely pleasurable. Your ear feels alive. You are very aware of this part of your body. Continue stroking the back of your ear and be aware of this part of your body. Notice how good this area of your body feels when you attend to it. (Wait 2‘.) Now, take your forefinger and outline the front of your ear, follow its form with your finger. Stroke it gently. Feel its sensa- tions. (Wait 2'.) Now, I want you to move your hand to your face. With all your fingers, gently, delicately stroke your forehead. (Wait 30".) Move your hand to your eyebrows. Feel the hairs, feel their texture. (Wait 30”.) Now, explore together your eyebrows and forehead. (Wait 30".) NOw, move your fingers downward to your eyelids. Alternating eyelids, stroke each very, very gently. If it is comfortable for you, feel your eyelashes. Notice the pleasurable feelings you have when delicately touching this area of your body, your eyelids (and eye- lashes). (Wait l'.) Now, explore your nose with your fingers. Touch the ridge of your nose, the sides of your nose. (Wait 20“.) Now include both of your cheeks. (Wait 30”.) Now, touch your lips very lightly with your fingers. Notice whether they feel rough or smooth to your fingers. Now, concentrate on how your lips feel being touched. (Wait 30“.) Notice the pleasurable, very pleasurable sensations your lips feel. (Wait 30”.) Now, I'd like you to lower your hand, and place it wherever it feels comfortable. You have learned to focus your attention on various parts of your body and attend to pleasurable sensations in l78 your skin. You have done well. Paying attention to tactile sensations, or other sensations, does not require much work. It is an ability all people have, but which can be strengthened with practice. Today you strengthened this ability to attend to bodily sensations and to enjoy them. (Wait l0".) I want you to nod your head yes, or shake your head no, to the following question. Have you ever had a tune run through your head over and over without really thinking about that tune? (If nod yes.) The tune came without any effort on your part to make it come. Paying attention to your bodily sensation involves the same process. Now listen carefully to what I tell you next. Whenever you are in a sexual_ situation in the future, you will be able to focus on your body and you will find the pleasurable sensations in your body increased by this attention as much as or more than they were today. This ability to focus on your body will come as effortlessly as a tune floating through your head is effortless for you. (If shake of the head.) Good. You have control over your attention. This control does not require much effort for you. Now, listen carefully to what I tell you next. Whenever you are in.a sexual situation in the future, you will be able to focus on your body and you will find the pleasurable sensations in your body increased by this attention as much as, or more than, they were today. This ability to focus on your body will come effortlessly for you. (Proceed to Item 9.) l79 Group III Second Session As you did the last time we were together, you are going to do some activities now which you will find fun. You are going to do some things that will show you how good you are at thinking up new ideas and solving problems. You will find out how much imagination and thinking ability you have. I will present a booklet to you in which there are three interesting things for you to do. All of them will give you a chance to use your imagination to think of ideas and put them together in various ways. In a moment you will begin. I will ask you to open your eyes and to write down various things. These activities will not dis- turb your deep relaxed state in the slightest. Open your eyes now. (Hand open booklet to §,) Here is a piece of colored paper in the form of a curved shape. Think of a picture or an object which you can draw with this piece of paper as a part. 0n the back of this shape you will find scotch tape. (g demonstrates, holding a test booklet so §fs can watch, how the shape is to be removed from page 2, the protective layer peeled off the back, and the shape affixed to page 3.) In a moment I will ask you to stick your colored shape Wherever you want to to make the picture you have in mind. You will stick yours on the paper where you want it and press down on it. Then you will pick up your pencil and add lines with this pencil to make your picture. When you have completed your picture, you will think up a name or title for it and write it at the bottom of the page in the space provided. Okay, begin now with your picture. You will have ten minutes. (If at the end of 180 9 minutes S has not completed the drawing, say, llyou have l minute to complete your drawing. This will be all the time you need to complete it and add your title to it.” Then wait up to five more minutes for S to complete drawing and add title.) That's fine. Turn to the next page and look at the ten incomplete figures. By adding lines to the incomplete figures on the two pages, you can sketch some interesting objects or pictures. You will think of some picture or object which is interesting, then you will make up an inter- esting title for each of your drawings and write it at the bottom of each block next to the number of the figure. You will have ten minutes to complete this activity. All right, begin now. (If at the end of lO minutes S has not completed the task, say, l'You have one more minute to complete your drawings and titles and this will be all the time necessary for you to finish.” Wait up to five more minutes.) That's fine. Turn to the next page. In a little while I am going to ask you to make objects or pictures from the circles on these two pages. The circles should be the main part of whatever you make. With your pencil you will add lines to the circles to complete your picture. You can place marks inside the circles, outside the circles, or both inside and outside the circles-—whatever you will want to in order to make your picture. It is ngt_necessary for you to use all the circles to make your pictures or objects. After using a circle, you will add names or titles below the circles. You will have ten minutes to make these drawings. Okay, begin now. (Wait ten minutes and then stop S after S_has completed a particular drawing, saying the following:) l81 That's very good. Stop drawing now. You may close your eyes now. I am removing the booklet. (Pick up booklet.) (Note time ; proceed to Item 9.) Groups I and II Last Session Experimenters memorized the following: A lot of people have found it distracting to count un, deux, trgi§_during their sexual relations. Did You? About how often do you suppose you counted; ten per cent of the time, twenty per cent of the time, ninety per cent of the time? How did you manage counting? What I mean is, did you count mentally, just in your head, or did you whisper under your breath, or did you count in your normal conversational manner? APPENDIX D Background Information Form Sexual Description Form Change Form Background Information Form Your name Phone number . Age Date Father's occupation Mother's occupation Were your parents religious (yes/no). If yes, what religion Did you go to church or synagogue when growing up (yes/no). If yes, what faith Do you consider yourself religious now (yes/no). If yes, what faith Are you married (yes/no). If yes, how long have you been married What is your husband's first name . (Your husband's occupation Are you currently unmarried but living with someone (yes/no). If yes, how long have you been living together . What is your partner's first name . Do you plan to be married (yes/no). If yes, do you have a date of marriage tentatively planned (yes/no). When Do you currently have a "steady" boyfriend (yes/no). If yes, how long have you been involved with each other . Your boyfriend's first name . Do you plan to be married (yes/no). If yes, do you have a tentative date of marriage planned (yes/no). When Are you involved in a relationship that has not been described above (yes/no). If yes, please briefly describe it. Do you usuall have sexual relations with acquaintances or friends (new or old) in a relationship that would not usually be characterized as a long-term or steady relationship (nes/no). If no, do you currently have intercourse with people who have not been named above (yes/no). If yes, how often would you estimate that you have intercourse with these other people: rarely sometimes often frequently . l82 183 How long would you estimate you have been engaging in intercourse How many partners in intercourse would you estimate you've had k In the years, months, or weeks before your first coital experience, did you "pet" or engage in "foreplay" (yes/no). If yes, how long (years, months, weeks) would you estimate you engaged in petting activity prior to beginning intercourse . What types of activities did you engage in Did you ever experience an orgasm during your petting experiences (yes/ no). If yes, what percentage of time would you estimate this hap- pened . What petting activity usually led to your orgasm Do you experience orgasm when you masturbate (yes/no). If yes, what percentage of the time . Do you fantasize when you masturbate (yes/no). If yes, what do you usually fantasize: How many times per month would you estimate you have intercourse now What percentage of the time would you estimate you have an orgasm during intercourse now Have you ever had an orgasm (yes/no) in a situation not described above In the space below, please describe why you signed up for this experi- ment and what you hope to gain from it: * This question was omitted because of a secretarial error in the form used. «fa, 184 Sexual Description Form Name Date In the space below, please describe your last sexual experience. Please include your thoughts and feelings about this experience. Was inter- course involved (yes/no)? Was this experience with a male or female? Your partner's first name . Hours ( ), days ) since the experience you are describing. Have you had intercourse (yes/no) or masturbated (yes/no) since the experiences that you are now describing below. l85 Did you experience orgasm during this sexual experience you have described (yes/no)? How sexually aroused would you estimate you became during this expe- rience? l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 i a "blah" mediocre experience. a ”peak" experience. I felt as Not necessarily unpleasant, or more aroused than I've ever but not sexually exciting. felt. Extremely pleasurable. Very sexually exciting. Regardless of whether you experienced an orgasm or how sexually aroused you were, how satisfying would you rate this experience? l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 unsatisfying expremely sa lS y1ng 186 Change Form Briefly restate why you decided to sign up for this experiment and what you hoped to gain by participating. Did any of the changes you hoped would occur happen? Please explain. APPENDIX E Definitions of Apperson SM-PT and Interpersonal Gratification Scale Scoring Instructions for Interpersonal Gratification Interpersonal Gratification Scale Apperson SM-PT Scale Items of Apperson SM-PT 187 Change Form (continued) In the space below, please describe in as much detail as you can any changes in your sexual behavior you noticed during the time you participated in this experiment. Please include your thoughts and feelings about these changes. Were these changes maintained, or did they go away. If the changes went away, how much time elapsed, or during how many sexual experiences were the changes present. If you did not notice any changes, feel free to say so. Definitions of SM-PT and Interpersonal Gratificatibn Scale Succorance To have others provide help when in trouble, to seek encouragement from others, to have others be kindly, to have others be sympathetic and understanding about personal problems, to receive a great deal of affection from others, to have others do favors cheer- fully, to be helped by others when depressed, to have others feel sorry when one is sick or hurt; to solicit sympathy, affection, or emotional support from others. Aggression To engage in behaviors which attack or hurt others; to tell others off when disagreeing with them, to get revenge for insults, to become angry, to blame others when things go wrong. Dominance To argue for one's point of view, to be regarded by others as a leader, to make decisions, to persuade and influence others to do what one wants, to supervise and direct the actions of others, to be influential and controlling in indiVidual relationships. Achievement To do one's best, to be successful, to accomplish tasks requiring skill and effort, to be a recognized authority, to do a diffi- cult job well, to solve difficult problems and puzzles, to be able to do things better than others. . Nurturance To engage in behaviors which extend material or emotional benefits to others; to help friends when they are in trouble, to treat others with kindness and sympathy, to forgive others, to do small favors for others, to be generous with others, to sympathize with others who are hurt or sick, to show a great deal of affection toward others, to have others confide in one about personal problems. Affiliation—Intimacy To be loyal to friends, to do things for friends, to share things with friends, to do things with another person rather than alone, to form strong attachments. . 188 189 Exhibition To behave in such a way as to elicit the immediate attention of others; to talk about personal adventures and experiences, to have 4' others notice and comment upon one's appearance, to be the center of attention. Deference To seek and sustain subordinate roles in relationship with others; to get suggestions from others, to find out what others think, to follow instructions and do what is expected, to praise others, to tell others that they have done a good job, to accept leadership by others, to conform to custom and avoid the unconventional, to let others make decisions. From Apperson (1973) pp. l36-l37. Scoring Instructions for Interpersonal Gratification Divide the protocol into meaningful phrases. Compare each phrase of the subject's protocol to the sentences in the scale. If any of the sentences in the scale are equivalent to what the subject is saying in her phrase, write above the phrase the category name and the sentence number which is matched. For instance, if the subject says, "I told Joe all my thoughts and feelings," write above the sentence Aff la. Context in the protocol is utilized. For example, if the subject says, "It was good," find out what "it“ refers to from the context of her record and score if appropriate. If the subject is speaking about a general situation or a generalized other, score that phrase as if the subject were speaking about herself. If the subject uses serial adjactives, nouns, or verbs with the same them, score each adjective, noun orverb. For instance, if the subject says, "he made me feel wanted, needed, important, whole,“ write above the subject's sentence Suc 4a x 4. Score each clause for one and only one category, except the examples provided under "conventions of scoring." Conventions of scoring l. The distinction between Nur 7a and Aff 2a and 6a is that Nur 7a is used when intercourse is a gift to the subject's partner. 2. Score, "We plan to be married,” and "We are going steady," Aff 6a. However, gpp;t_score, "My fiance and I," or "My steady and I." The latter are usually used in place of the subject's partner's name . 190 191 3. Score, "I feel sex is okay if you love each other," Aff 6a. 4. Do not score talking or doing activities together (e.g., taking a shower, lying together) unless the interpersonal needs involved are clear and strong. . 5. Score context sparingly. For example, if no interpe rsonal needs were scored throughout the subject's protocol, and then the subject says, "It was beautiful," at the end, "It was beautiful," mjgpt_be scored depending on the context, but you should ppt_then score other phrases not previously scored. 6. Score, I'I love him and he loves me," Aff 6a and Suc 2a. Score "We love each other," Aff 6a. 7. Don't usually score sexual techniques, unless it's very, very clear what those techniques mean to the subject interpersonally. 8. Score, "We both like trying to please each other," Suc 3a and Nur 2a. ”A” sentences are equal to +1 and indicate satisfaction of a particular need. "B" sentences are equal to -l and contain both unful- filled needs (e.g., I didn't feel taken care of by my partner) and negated needs (e.g., I don't like talking about my sexual experiences). The assumption is that a negated need is unacceptable to the subject and was not fulfilled in the experience the subject is describing. Algebraically sum the interpersonal needs. Count the number of words and divide into the summed needs. In this corrected total, a negative overall score indicates that the subject's interpersonal needs were unfulfilled. A positive score indicates that, overall, the sub- ject's interpersonal needs were fulfilled. The corrected total is a 192 correction in order that the magnitude of the subject's score is not simply a function of brevity or length of her record. Interpersonal Gratification Scale Affiliation l. a. I shared my feelings and thoughts with my sexual partner. b. I didn't share my feelings and thoughts with my partner. 2. a. I wanted sexual relations because I was experiencing warm and friendly feelings toward my partner. b. I wanted sexual relations, but not because I was experiencing warm and friendly feelings toward my partner. 3. a. We shared an (intense), intimate experience through our sexual relations. b. We didn't share an (intense), intimate experience through our sexual relations. 4. a. I am loyal to my partner. b. I am not loyal to my partner. 5. a. I prefer intercourse to masturbation as an outlet for my sexual tensions. b. I prefer masturbation to intercourse as an outlet for my sexual tensions. 6. a. I feel a strong emotional attachment for my sexual partner. b. I don't feel a strong emotional attachment for my sexual partner. 7. a. We share (many) other activities together which enhances our sexual relations. b. We don't share (many) other activities and this lessens my enjoyment of our sexual activities. 193 l. a. 194 Deference I went along with my partner's desire for sex though I was not (originally) in the mood for it. b. I couldn't go along with my partner's desire for sex because I was not in the mood for it. 2. a. He initiated the sexual relations. ,b' I wanted him to initiate the sexual relations instead of me. 3. a. I like following his lead in sexual relations. b. I wanted to follow his lead in sexual relations but couldn't. 4. a. My main interest was in pleasing him. b. I couldn't please him. 5. a. I like to have sex the conventional way. b. I don't like sex when it's in the conventional way. 6. a. I like following the guidelines for sexual technique. b. I don't like following guidelines for sexual technique. 7. a. I feel he is superior to me in (many) ways. b. I don't feel he is superior to me. Aggression l. a. I felt a close link between sex and aggressive feelings. b. I don't feel sexual when I am angry. 2. a. I got even with my partner for insulting or hurting me by either refusing sex when he wanted to or pushing sexual rela- tions on him when he didn't want to. b. I didn't get even with my partner by pushing sex on him or refusing to have sex with him even though he had hurt and/or insulted me. 195 3. a. Things went wrong. It was his fault. b. Things went wrong. It was not his fault. 4. a. I felt sexually aroused when I was angry. b. I don't feel sexual when I am angry (lb). 5. a. I had fantasies of attacking or hurting him. b. I didn't have fantasies of attacking or hurting him. 6. a. My aggressive urges were expressed in a satisfying way through our sexual relations. b. My aggressive urges were unsatisfied in our sexual relations. 7. a. We tussled around, kind of fighting each other in our sexual relations. b. He didn't want to I'play fight“ with me. Nurturance l. a. I showed him a great deal of affection. b. I couldn't show him much affection. 2. a. I helped him feel cared for. b. I couldn't help him feel cared for. 3. a. I did small favors for him. b. I didn't do any small favors for him. 4. a. I helped him feel at ease in our sexual relations. b. I couldn't help him feel at ease in our sexual relations. 5. a. My partner was feeling down. I comforted him. b. My partner was feeling down. I couldn't comfort him. 6. a. He confided in me and told me his troubles. b. He doesn't confide in me or tell me his troubles. 196 7. a. I tried to fulfill his needs (in every way I could). b. I couldn't/didn't fulfill his needs. Dominance l. a. I experienced a feeling of power in possessing my partner sexually. b. I felt powerless in my sexual relations with my partner. 2. a. Our sexual relations involve a pleasurable element of a "con- test of wills.‘' b. The pleasurable element of a “contest of wills“ was lacking in our sexual relations. 3. a. Our sexual relations are a contest in which there is a winner and a loser. b. I feel lost in the “contest” of our sexual relations. 4. a. I felt in charge of directing my sexual interaction with my partner. b. I wanted to direct my sexual interaction with my partner but didn't. 5. a. I took the lead in initiating sexual relations. b. I wanted to lead in initiating the sexual relations but he did. 6. a. I persuaded him to go to bed with me. b. I wanted to persuade him to go to bed but he persuaded me. 7. a. We had sexual relations because I wanted to have them. b. We didn't have sexual relations though I wanted to very badly. l. 197 Succorance a. I felt secure in the close contact of our (sexual) relations. b. I didn't feel secure in our (sexual) relations. 2. a. My partner showed a great deal of affection toward me. b. My partner didn't show much affection toward me. 3. a. I felt taken care of by my partner. b. I didn't feel taken care of by my partner. 4. a. My partner was sympathetic and understanding toward me. b. My partner did not understand or feel sympathetic toward me. 5. a. My partner does (little) things just to please me. b. My partner doesn't do the little things I need to please me. 6. a. I like the warm comfortable feeling of being in my partner's arms. b. My partner didn't want to hold me in his arms. 7. a. My partner is someone I can count on in rough times. b. I can't count on my partner during times of trouble. Exhibition l. a. I like him looking at my body. b. I didn't want him looking at my body. 2. a. He noticed and commented upon my appearance. b. He didn't notice or comment upon my appearance. 3. a. I like talking about my sexual encounters and experiences. b. I don't like talking about my encounters or experiences. 4. a. I am the center of attention with my partner. b. I am not the center of attention with my partner. 198 I felt sexy and sophisticated. I didn't feel sexy or sophisticated. I undressed before him. I didn't want to undress before him. During sexual relations I am aware of the way I look and sound. I don't want to think about the way I look and sound. Achievemept 1. a. b. a. I feel I am a very good lover. I don't feel I am a good lover. I like to puzzle out or anticipate what will be most successful with my partner. I am not very good in figuring out what will be successful with my partner. I think I know a lot about sex. I don't know very much about sex. I feel I performed well sexually. I don't feel I performed well sexually. I feel I am more able to be a skillful sex partner than other people. I don't feel I am more able to be a skillful lover than other people. I feel I have the skill and make the effort for successful lovemaking. I don't feel I have the skill or make enough effort for suc- cessful lovemaking. Example of the Apperson Sexual Motive-Prgjective Test Instructions On the following sheets of paper, write a brief story about the occurrence of sexual relations between Ipm_and App, Tell how they got together, how each felt before sexual relations, how the interaction progressed, and how each partner felt afterward. There are no right or wrong kinds of stories. Just try to make the story as imaginative as you can. Try to Spend no more than fifteen to twenty minutes on this section in order to allow time for completion of remainder of the book- let. 199 200 Ipstructions Following are some statements which may or may not apply to the people in your story. For each statement, choose the response category which best represents the degree the statement describes the people in your story. There are five response categories: J. 2. . .3. Entirely false Mostly false Part false, part true 9. .5. Mostly true Entirely true Record your responses for this section on the answer sheet which has been inserted after this page. Check to be sure you are marking for the same item number as the item you are reading in the booklet. Please do not skip any items. \lO‘U‘I-bbo OLDCX) 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 20l Tom went along with Ann's desire for sex even though he was not in the mood for it. Ann wanted Tom to show her a great deal of affection. Tom would want to comfort Ann if she were feeling down. Ann wanted Tom to notice and comment upon her appearance. During sex, Tom was aware of how he may have looked to Ann. Tom wanted Ann to notice and comment upon his appearance. Tom wanted to be the best sex partner that Ann had ever had. Tom wanted to share his feelings and thoughts with Ann. Tom took care to help Ann feel at ease in sex. Tom felt that he had persuaded Ann to have sexual relations. Ann wants Tom to confide in her and tell her his troubles. During sex, Ann was aware of how she may have looked to Tom. Tom followed Ann's lead in sexual relations. It was important to Ann that she perform well sexually. Tom felt that Ann was superior to him in many ways. Tom thinks of lovemaking as requiring both skill and effort. Tom thought of sex as sharing an intense, intimate experience with Ann. Ann wanted Tom to think she knew a lot about sex. Tom felt in charge of directing sexual relations with Ann. Tom wants Ann to confide in him and tell him her troubles. Ann likes the "fight" aspects of her sexual interactions. It was important to Tom that he perform well sexually. Ann felt warm and friendly toward Tom. GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 202 Tom had fantasies of attacking or hurting Ann during sexual relations. Ann experienced a feeling of power in possessing Tom sexually. Tom felt warm and friendly toward Ann. Tom feels that his aggressive urges can be expressed in a satis- fying way through sex. Ann wanted to undress in front of Tom. Ann wanted to feel taken care of by Tom. Ann took care to help Tom feel at ease in sex. For Tom, sex is often a contest in which there is a winner and a loser. Tom wanted to help Ann to feel cared for. Tom likes to talk about his sexual encounters and experiences. If things went wrong in sex, Ann would feel it was Tom's fault. Ann felt a strong emotional attachment for Tom. Ann felt that she had persuaded Tom to have sexual relations. Ann likes to talk about her sexual encounters and experiences. Ann had fantasies of attacking or hurting Tom during sexual rela- tions. Ann went along with Tom's desire for sex even though she was not in the mood for it. Tom wanted to feel taken care of by Ann. Tom's main interest in sexual relations was in pleasing Ann. Tom wanted Ann to be sympathetic and understanding toward him. Ann followed Tom's lead in sexual relations. Tom felt a strong emotional attachment for Ann. The closeness of sexual relations gave Tom a feeling of security. Ann would want to comfort Tom if he were feeling down. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 203 Ann feels that her aggressive urges can be expressed in a satisfying way through sex. Tom wanted to undress in front of Ann. Ann wanted Tom to be sympathetic and understanding toward her. The closeness of sexual relations gave Ann a feeling of security. Tom wanted Ann to show him a great deal of affection. Tom experienced a feeling of power in possessing Ann sexually. For Ann, sex is often a contest in which there is a winner and a loser. Ann felt in charge of directing sexual relations with Tom. Tom likes the "fight" aspects of his sexual interactions. Tom wanted Ann to think he knew a lot about sex. Ann thinks of lovemaking as requiring both skill and effort. Ann wanted to help Tom to feel cared for. Ann felt that Tom was superior to her in many ways. If things went wrong in sex, Tom would feel it was Ann's fault. Ann thought of sex as sharing an intense, intimate experience with Tom. Ann's main interest in sexual relations was in pleasing Tom. Ann wanted to be the best sex partner that Tom had ever had. Ann wanted to share her feelings and thoughts with Tom. Affiliation Sexual MotivatiquStory Projective Tegt Scale Items Female Character Items (61) (35) (64) (23) Ann thought of sex as sharing an intense, intimate experience with Tom. Ann felt a strong emotional attachment for Tom. Ann wanted to share her feelings and thoughts with Tom. Ann felt warm and friendly toward Tom. Male Character Items (17) (44) (8) (26) Aggression Tom thought of sex as sharing an intense, intimate experience with Ann. Tom felt a strong emotional attachment for Ann. Tom wanted to share his feelings and thoughts with Ann. Tom felt warm and friendly toward Ann. Female Character Items (38) (21) (34) Ann had fantasies of attacking or hurting Tom during sexual relations. Ann likes the ”fight” aspects of her sexual interactions. If things went wrong in sex, Ann would feel it was Tom's fault. Ann feels that her aggressive urges can be expressed in a satisfying way through sex. 204 205 Male Character Items (24) Tom had fantasies of attacking or hurting Ann during sexual relations. (55) Tom likes the “fight" aspects of his sexual interactions. (60) If things went wrong in sex, Tom would feel it was Ann's fault. (27) Tom feels that his aggressive urges can be expressed in a satisfying way through sex. Exhibition Female Character Items (28) Ann wanted to undress in front of Tom. (l2) During sex, Ann was aware of how she may have looked to Tom. (4.) Ann wanted Tom to notice and comment upon her appearance. (37) Ann likes to talk about her sexual encounters and expe- riences. Male Character Items (48) Tom wanted to undress in front of Ann. ( 5) During sex, Tom was aware of how he may have looked to Ann. ( 6) Tom wanted Ann to notice and comment upon his appearance. (33) Tom likes to talk about his sexual encounters and expe- riences. Achievement Female Character Items (18) Ann wanted Tom to think she knew a lot about sex. (57) Ann thinks of lovemaking as requiring both skill and effort. 206 (63) Ann wanted to be the best sex partner that Tom had ever had. (l4) It was important to Ann that she perform well sexually. Male Character Items 56) Tom wanted Ann to think he knew a lot about sex. 16 Tom thinks of lovemaking as requiring both skill and effort. ) 7) Tom wanted to be the best sex partner that Ann had ever had. ( ( ( ( 22 It was important to Tom that he perform well sexually. Nurturance Female Character Items Ann took care to help Tom feel at ease in sex. Ann would want to comfort Tom if he were feeling down. ) (58) Ann wanted to help Tom to feel cared for. ) ) Ann wants Tom to confide in her and tell her his troubles. Male Character Items ( 9) Tom took care to help Ann feel at ease in sex. (32) Tom wanted to help Ann to feel cared for. ( 3) Tom would want to comfort Ann if she were feeling down. ( ) 20 Tom wants Ann to confide in him and tell him her troubles. Deference Female Character Items (43) Ann followed Tom's lead in sexual relations. (62) Ann's main interest in sexual félations was in pleasing Tom. (59) Ann felt that Tom was superior to her in many ways. (39) Ann went along with Tom's desire for sex even though she was not in the mood for it. 207 Male Character Items ) ) (15)- ) Dominance Female Character Items (25) (54) (36) (53) Tom followed Ann's lead in sexual relations. Tom's main interest in sexual relations was in pleasing Ann. Tom felt that Ann was superior to him in many ways. Tom went along with Ann's desire for sex even though he was not in the mood for it. Ann experienced a feeling of power in possessing Tom sexu- ally. Ann felt in charge of directing sexual relations with Tom. Ann felt that she had persuaded Tom to have sexual rela- tions. For Ann, sex is often a contest in which there is a winner and a loser. Male Character Items (52) (19) (10) (31) Sucgprance Tom experienced a feeling of power in possessing Ann sexu- ”ally. Tom felt in charge of directing sexual relations with Ann. Tom felt that he had persuaded Ann to have sexual relations. For Tom, sex is often a contest in which there is a winner and a loser. Female Character Items (29) (49) Ann wanted to feel taken care of by Tom. Ann wanted Tom to be sympathetic and understanding toward her. 208 (50) The closeness of sexual relations gave Ann a feeling of security. ( 2) Ann wanted Tom to show her a great deal of affection. Male Character Items (40) Tom wanted to feel taken care of by Ann. (42) Tom wanted Ann to be sympathetic and understanding toward him. (45) The closeness of sexual relations gave Tom a feeling of security. (5l) Tom wanted Ann to show him a great deal of affection. Typed and Printed in the U.S.A. Professional Thesis Preparation Cliff and Paula Haughey 144 Maplewood Drive East Lansing, Michigan 48823 Telephone (517) 337-1527 GQN ST TE NIV. LI nICHI 111111)) 312 | l 111 1111 RQRIES llllllllll 93101774929