WELD AND ‘1‘ EELD RENT §ELE€TIOP~I N A BEAN HYBND mwwmm #5? mm LQCATBGBéS m RQEH ANS $Q>LWH AMEMCA E4295? QNSE§ EN COMPGNEW FROM RECU PRACTICE!) Deqm of Din. D. WCMGM STR’EE GKEVERSYLYY Rodrigo A. Duarte 1966 Thesis @01- We FHESls LIBRARY Michigan State University This is to certify that the thesis entitled RESPONSES IN YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS FROM RECURRENT SELECTION PRACTICBD IN A BEAN HYBRID POPULATION 1 AT THREE LOCATIONS IN NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA presented by Rodrigo A. Duarte i has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for . _Bh...ll.__degree in.CI‘.Qp..S.£i£nce Major professor t Date February 18. 1966 ' ”Ht 0-169 ABSTRACT RESPONSES IN YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS FROM RECURRENT SELECTION PRACTICED IN.A BEAN HYBRID POPULATION AT THREE LOCATIONS IN NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA By Rodrigo A. Duarte The population studied originated from an intra-specific cross of Phaseolu§_vulgaris variety Algarrobo by variety Michelite. Algarrobo is a kidney bean variety native to Colombia, South America and Michelite is a navy bean variety from Michigan. These two varieties possess contrasting characteristics not only in leaf area components namely, number of leaflets per plant (N) and size of the leaflets (S), but also in yield (W) components, namely number of pods per plant (X), number of seeds per pod (Y), and seed weight (Z). Recurrent selections methods were applied to this popula- tion with the aim of producing sets of lines with high Levels (A) of each component, intermediate (M) levels, and low (B) levels. Results from two cycles of selection are reported in this thesis. The experiments were conducted at three locations, two of them Palmira and Medellin in Colombia, S.A., and the third one East Lansing in Michigan, U.S.A. These locations differ in cli- matic conditions such as temperature, rainfall,etc. Selection in Colombia was practiced independently for N, S, X, Y, and Z. In Michigan, selections were made for each of X, Y, Z and also W. Identical selection criteria were used at all locations. Rodrigo A. Duarte The results show clearly that great progress due to selection was made for each one of the components of the complex traits under study. The rate of progress for each particular component at either the high or low level of expression was not the same at each location. Genotypic ~wenvironmental interactions at the three different locations are inferred. There was a tendency toward preferential recovery of the Algarrobo type in the selected families in Colombia, and of the Michelite type in Michigan. Comparing the average values of yield in grams per plant when selections were made independently for X, Y, Z and N at high and low levels, it was observed that all values at each level were practically the same. Progress for yield itself was not really made. Progress of individual components was obtained but the progress in one component was at the expense of another or other components, giving through the multiplicative interaction (comparable seed yields. Although yield is modified by environ- mental forcea, it shows homeostatic stability to offset the force of component selection in any direction, high or low. The unselected components present a similar pattern of variation at all locations during the two cycles of selection. Rodrigo.A. Duarte They exhibited negative relationships with the selected ones, the magnitude of the association depending upon the response to selection. Due to the fact that in the second cycle more pro- gress was made in the selected components, the negative associations with the unselected ones were more pronounced; however, if one of the unselected characters shifted too far in a direction opposite to the selected one the third component shifted in the same direction as the selected, stabilizing in this manner the final product: yield. This pattern of relational symmetry and reversion toward the modal class for the non-selected components was typical of all locations. The idea of negative associations among components was supported by the correlation coefficients obtained; however, the sign of these correlations changed from one cycle of selection to the next, suggesting that the effect of selection and/or environ- ment can change the degree of relationship among components. These findings are in good agreement with results obtained bywother authors ; jand strongly suggest that these correlations are not truly genetic. It also furnishes evidence indicating that mainly independent genetic systems are controlling each one of the yield components in beans. Rodrigo A. Duarte Two hypotheses are presented to explain the negative associa- tions, both based on the idea that the yield components share a common pool of resources for their development. Bothfhypotheses assign an important role to the manner of distribution 6: resources to the developing components. In one hypothesis the distribution of resources would depend on the interaction between the genotype of each component and resource-producing genes. These interactions, which take the form of de-repression or 'turningon' processes, occur prior to floral development. ' . fundamental to the second hypothesis is the fact that yield components follow a sequential pattern of development, each having its own genetic system. If a proportionately greater share of the resources were used in producing highfix, a proportionately lesser amount would be available to produce high'Y values or possibly 2 values which follow I in the time sequence of development. Selecting for a component such as Z its high.expression.would depend on plentiful resources which implies genotypes of low levels of ex- pression for Y and 2. Path coefficient analyses were made in order to obtain infor- mation of the direct and indirect effects of N and 8 upon the yield components I, Y, and Z, and the effect of the latter components upon yield (W). The high value of the positive correlation between N and X is made up mostly of direct effects indicating the great Rodrigo A. Duarte influence that N has in determining X. The main direct effect of S is upon Z; X exerts the greatest influence upon seed yield; followed by Y, then by Z. The magnitude of the direct effects of each one of the components was enhanced by recurrent selection. The fact that N has a large direct effect upon the determination of X, and S upon Z gives support to the hypothesis of the "turning on" of genes before floral development. RESPONSES IN YIELD AND YIELD COMPONENTS FROM RECURRENT SELECTION PRACTICED IN A BEAN HYBRID POPULATION AT THREE IDCATIONS IN NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA B , !e\ yw Rodrigo Ai’Duarte A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Crop Science 1966 ADKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Dr. M.‘W. Adams.for his guidance, valuable advice and helpful suggestions throughout the course of this study and in the ‘preparation of the manuscript. Appreciation is extended to Dr. J. E. Grafius for constructive discussion of certain portions of this thesis. Indebtedness is acknowledgeiand appreciation extended to Ingenieros Agronomos S. H. Orozco and J. I..Alvarez and to Dr. L. H. Camacho for their help in the selection programs carried out in Colombia. Without their help this study would not have been possible. A special note of gratitude is expressed to my wife Ligia not only for her moral support and encouragement but also for her valuable help in the greenhouse and in the field. Also to our children Stella,{Pilar, Clara and Jehn for their c00peration, patience and devotion during the last two and one-half years. Finally the author expresses his acknowledgements to the Rockefeller Foundation for the fellowship granted to undertake I this investigation. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . o . . . . . . . . e . . REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . MATERIALS AND METHODS. . . . . . . . . EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. . I. Response to Selection . . .1. . . . . II. Compensation Among Yield Components. III. Path Coefficients Analyses . . . . . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. . . . . . . . . . LITERATURECITEIWH iii Table 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 h.l LIST OF TABLES Page t-tests, and mean values of families selected for high number of leaflets per plant (NA), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira and Medellin. Data are expressed as percentage of the nodalclass.....o............oo13 t-tests and mean values of families selected for low number of leaflets per plant (NB), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira and Medellin. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class 1h t-test and mean values of families selected for high size of leaflets per plant (SA), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira and Medellin. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal Class O O O O O O O O C O O C O O I O O O O O O O O 16 t-tests and mean values of families selected for low size of leaflets per plant (SD) in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira and.Hbdellin. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class . l6 t-tests and mean values of families selected for high number of pods per plant (XA), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira, Mbdellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the "wal- c1883 0 O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O 19 t-tests and mean values of families selected for low number of pods per plant (X3) in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira, hdellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage OfthenOdBICIGBBeeeeeeaeeeeeeeeeee20 t-tests and mean values of families selected for high number of seeds per pod (IA), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage ortmmalcusae‘eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee023 1V Table h.2 5.1 5.2 10 t-tests and mean values of families selected for low number of seeds per pod (Is), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. . . . . . . . . t-tests and mean values of families selected for high seed weight (ZA), in two cycles of re- current selection at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage OfthemOdach-aasesesesesssoeesee t-tests and mean values of families selected for low seed weight (23), in two cycles of recurrent selection, at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal Chase..oeeseeeeeeeeeeeesee t-tests, and mean values of families selected for high (WA) and low (NB) seed yield, in two cycles of recurrent selection at East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal €1.53.oeooeeeesssesessseses Average seed yield in grams per plant, for X, I, Z and w. Selected families at the end of the 2nd cycle of recurrent selection, in two levels, high and low, at East Lansingva‘. . . . . . . . . Simple correlation coefficients of families selected for yield and its components, in the first cycle of recurrent selection, at Palmira, hdellinandnaflthn'mSeeeOeeeeseee Simple correlation coefficients of families selected for yield and its components, in the second cycle of recurrent selection at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing . . . . . . . . . . . . Simple correlation coefficients for yield and its components, for 768 unselected and 36 selected families during the second cycle of recurrent ‘seieetion, at Medellin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2h 27 28 31 38 “9 56 vi Table 11 Simple correlation coefficients for yield and its l2 13 1h 15 16 17 18 19 components, in families selected for X, Y and Z at high, intermediate and low level of expression, at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing during the first cycle of recurrent selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . Simple correlation coefficients for yield and its components in families selected for X, Y, and Z at high, intermediate and low level of expression at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. . . . . . . . Simple correlation coefficients for N and S, yield and its components, in families selected for N and S at high, intermediate and low level of expression, at Palmira and Medellin during the first cycle of recurrent selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Path coefficient analysis of the influence of X, Y and Z upon yield (W), in families selected for X at all levels, A, M, and B at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing in the first cycle of selection . . Path coefficient analysis of the influence of X, Y and Z upon yield (W), in families selected for Y at all levels, A, M, and B, at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing in the first cycle of selection . . Path coefficient analysis of the influence of X, Y and Z upon yield (W) in families selected for Z at all levels, A, M, and B, at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing in the first cycle of selection . . Path coefficient analysis of the influence of X, Y and Z upon yield (W) in families selected for X at all levels, A, M, and B, at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing in the second cycle of selection. . Path coefficient analysis of the influence of X, Y and Z upon yield (W), in the families selected for Y at all levels, A, M, and B, at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing in the second cycle of selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Path coefficient analysis of the influence of X, Y and Z upon yield (W), in families selected for Z at all levels, A, M, B, at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing in the second cycle of selection. . . . Page 65 66 66 69 7O 71 72 73 71. vii Table Page 20 Path coefficient analysis of the influence of X, Y, and Z upon yield (W), and the influence of N and S upon yield components, in families selected for N at all levels, A, M, and B at Palmira and Medellin in the first cycle of selection . . . . . . 78 21 Path coefficient analysis of the influence of X, Y, and Z upon yield (W), and the influence of N and S upon yield components, in families selected for S at all levels, A, M, and B at Palmira and Medellin in the first cycle of selection . . . . . . 80 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Response to two cycles of recurrent selection for high (A) and low (B) level of expression of number of leaflets per plant (N), at Palmira and Medellin. Data are expressed as percentage 0fth£m0dalc1888sseeeeeeeeeeeeeeo15 2 Response to two cycles of recurrent selection for high (A) and low (B) level of expression of size of leaflets (s), at Palmira and Medellin. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. . . 17 3 Response to two cycles of recurrent selection for high (A) and low (B) level of expression of number of pods per plant (X), at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 h Response to two cycles of recurrent selection for high (A) and low level of expression of number of seeds per pod (r), at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5 Response to two cycles of recurrent selection for high (A) and low (B)levels of expression of seed weight (2), at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. 29 6 Response to two cycles of recurrent selection for high (A), and low (B) levels of expression of X, Y, Z and W at East Lansing, expressed as percentage OfthCMOdBlClasaeeeessseoseeeeeoe32 7 Effects of selection for either X, Y or Z individually upon relative values of the other two components. Data are obtained from lst cycle of selection at Palmira and expressed in percentages onthemOdaICIaBBeesesseseeeseeeeeMI]. 8 Effects of selection for either X, Y or Z indi- vidually upon relative values of the other two components. Data are obtained from lst cycle of selection at Medellin and expressed in percentages on the modal class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3 viii "Figure 10 11 12 13 1h ix Effects of selection for either X, Y or Z individually upon relative values of the other two components. Data are obtained from 1st cycle of selection at East Lansing and expressed in per- centages on the modal class. . . . . . . . . . . . . Effects of selection for either X, Y or Z individually upon relative values of the other two components. Data are obtained from 2nd cycle of selection at Palmira and expressed in percentages anthemOdBICIEBBesseseeseooeeseee Effects of selection for either X, Y and Z individually upon relative values of the other two components. Data are obtained from the 2nd cycle of selection at Medellin and expressed in percentages on the modal class . . . . . . . . . . . Effects of selection for either X, Y and Z individually upon relative values of the other two components. Data are obtained from 2nd cycle of selection at East Lansing and expressed in percentages on the modal c1883 0 e e e s e s s s e a Direct effects and associations of components determiningyield....o.....o......o Direct effects and associations of components of yield and factors influencing the components . . . . P888 uh hS A6 “7 63 INTRODUCTION Progress has been made in crop yield improvement without clearecut genetic information on the inheritance qf grain yielding ability. It has been expected that as new genetic information.was obtained, it would lead to greatly increased efficiency in selection programs, that in turn would lead toward greatlyeincreased upper yield levels. During recent years plant breeders have devoted more attention to the study of the individual components of com- plex traits such as yield with the purpose of gaining a greater understanding of the genetic mechanisms that control these traits. Tomdatesit«has been clearly demonstrated that certain.com;~ plex traits often may be viewed as artifacts made up by the multiplicative interactions of their components. Moreover the heritability of the complex characters has been shown frequently to be low, and the heritability of the components to be, in general, higher. Seed yield in beans is a complex trait made up by number of pods per plant (X), number of seeds per pod (Y) and average seed weight (Z). 80 is total leaf area which is comprised of number of leaflets per plant (N) and average leaflet size (8). With the purpose of producing by means of selection sets of lines with the individual components represented at different levels of expression, high, intermediate, and low, recurrent see lection methods were used. It is well known that recurrent selection is a powerful tool to increase the frequency of desirable genes and gene combinations in a plant population, although it has not been used extensively in self-fertilizing species. Environmental conditions interacting with the genetic make up of the components of complex traits, can produce different phenotypic effects. In view of such interations and in order to see if results of selection at one location bore any similarity to results obtained at another location, this study was conducted at two places in Colombia, South America and in East Lansing, Michigan. Moreover, one of the parents of the hybrid population under study originated in Michigan and the other is of Colombian origin. The purpose of this thesis was to obtain a fuller knowledge with respect to the response to selection, in quite different environments, of each one of the components of the complex traits; of equal importance was the desire to obtain a better understanding of the relationships between the selected and non-selected com- ponents, relationships of great concern for they fix the final product - yield. Of greater importance to the plant breeder is to get more knowledge about the direct and indirect contributions of each one of the cOmponents in determining the complex trait. To contribute to this knowledge, path coefficients analyses were made to determine the direct and indirect influence, of X, Y and Z upon W, and also the effects that N and 8 could have upon the yield components. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Yield in oats has been interpreted by Grafius (h) as the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped, whose edges are the yield components: the number of panicles per unit area X, the average number of kernels per panicle Y, and the average kernel weight Z. It was pointed out that the edge most subject to change would be the longest and that changes in the components or edges would tend to counterbalance. Working with cotton, Hutchinson (6) partitioned yield into bolls per plant, seed cotton per boll, seeds per boll, and lint per seed. Environmental variations seemed to affect some characters more greatly than others, and selection was found to be more effective for certain components. This work was the first to show clearly in a selection eXperiment the compensatory variation that develops among components; that is, the intensi- fication of one character that can only be obtained at the expense of the others because of ”physiological incompatibilities". Whitehouse gt a]; (12) reported upon yield components-of wheat using as the components: weight per grain, grains per spikelet, spikelets per ear, and ears per plant. Correlation analysis between components were made, and it was found they were completely independent of each other. Yield predictions by means of diallel crosses, in which the best varieties for yield com- ponents were chosen, was also mentioned. Camacho st 31 (2) studied genotypic and phenotypic correlations of components of yield in kidney beans. The authors found that all correlations between yield components were negative but that yield was positively correlated with its components. From the genotypic correla- tions they concluded that an increase in pod number caused a decrease in number of beans per pod, and that an increase in the latter com- ponent was reflected in a reduction of bean size. Response to selection for yield in cotton was analyzed by Manning (7) using the yield components designated by Hutchinson. He found considerable genetic variability in the material after seven generations of self-fertilization. Of particular interest was the improvement of the modal-class bulk (intended as a stable pOpulation from which to measure selection gains) which suggests that natural selection favors the breeder whenever the number of seeds produced is intimately related to yield. According to Olsson (9), no correlation would be demonstrated between the seed yield of an individual plant and the yield of a progeny plot in Brassica and Sinapis. In regard to number of seeds per pod and seed size however an evident correlation between mother and progeny was found, suggesting adaptive modifications of pod number between parental plants and their progeny in plots. The author also reported the tendency toward a decrease in seed weight when number of seeds per pod were increased and that selection for low number of seeds resulted in a decrease in fertility. In a two-year study of corn yield and its components-ear number; number of kernel rows, kernels per row and kernel weight-Hoen and Andrew (5) found significant positive correlations between yield and its components. Ear number showed no correlation with kernels per row or kernel weight. No correlation between kernel rows with kernels per row or kernel weight was observed; however, a significant negative correlation was detected between kernels per row and kernel weight during one year out of two. Archibong (1) studied the influence of spacing and inter- strain competition in navy beans. He found that the stress of competition caused significant changes in the pattern of relation- ships among the yield components of the several genotypes. MATERIALS AND METHODS Intra-specific crosses of Phaseolus vulgaris variety Algarrobo by variety Michelite were produced. These two varieties possess contrasting characteristics, which can be summarized as follows: .gharacteristics Algarrobo Origin Colombia, S.A. Type of seed Mottled kidney bean Type of growth Determinate (bush) Number of leaflets per plant (N) Few Size of the leaflets (5) Large Number of pods per plant (X) Few Number of seeds per pod (Y) Few Seed weight (2) Heavy Characteristics Michelite Origin Michigan,U.S.A. Type of seed Navy bean Type of growth Indeterminate (vine) Number of leaflets per plant (N) Many Size of the leaflets (S) Small Number of pods per plant (X) Many Number of seeds per pod (Y) Many Seed weight (2) Light Crosses were made under greenhouse conditions in l959-60“and F1 and F2 progenies were grown in that environment in order to produce F2 and F3 generations for planting in the field. Seed coming from the F3 generation was divided in three parts to be planted on land of the Agricultural Experiment Stations at Palmira. and Medellin (Colombia, S.A.) and at the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station in East Lansing, respectively. Palmira is located at 1,000 mts. over sea level, with an average temperature of 25°C. and rainfall of 1,000 m.m. per year; Medellin with an average temperature of 21°C. and rainfall of 1,300 m.m. is situated at 1,500 mts. over sea level. One hundred and twenty one Fh families were planted in February 1962 at Palmira and Medellin and during the summer of the same year at East Lansing. Each family was planted in an individual row, with 3 replications, using 20 plants per replication with a 6-inch spacing between plants within rows. Selections in Colombia were practiced for components of Total Leaf Area (T), namely, number of leaves per plant (N) and size of the leaves (S), and for yield (W) components, namely, number of pods per plant (X), number of seeds per pod (Y), and average seed weight (Z). In East Lansing, selection was practiced independently for each of X, Y, Z and W. Selections were made at three levels of expression for each of the characters under study. The levels were: high (A), inter- mediate (M), and low (B). Four families were selected for each character, at each level, giving a total of 60 families in Palmira, 60 in Medellin and #8 in East Lansing. For the high (A) and low (B) selections the extremes were taken, i.e., the h highest and the h lowest in the pOpulation for any component. The intermediate or modal-class selections were restricted to families within one (1) standard deviation centered on the mean. Leaf area (S) measurements and leaf counts (N) were made two weeks after the onset of flowering, taking two plants at random per family per replication. At maturity number of pods per plant (X), and number of seeds per pod (Y), were recorded in a 3-foot section of the row. In order to obtain the average weight of a seed (Z), a sample of 100 seeds was taken. With the aim to produce by recurrent selection methods sets of lines with high levels of each component, with intermediate levels of each component, and with low levels of each component, crosses were made among components at each level. That is, con- sidering yield components, plants in families with high number of pods per plant (XA) were crossed with plants in families having high number of seeds per pod (YA) and with plants in families having high seed weight (ZA), doing the same thing with YA and ZA. To illustrate this point, calling XA-l, XA-2, XA-3, XA-h the four selected families for high number of pods, and YA-l... YA-h, ZA-l... ZA-h the four selected families for high number of seeds per pod and high seed weight, respectively, the following kinds of crosses were performed. YA-l YA-l XA-l YA-2 XA-3 YA-2 YA-3 YA-3 YA-h YA-h YA-l YA-l XA-2 YA-E XA-h YA-2 YA-3 YA-3 YA-h YA-h ZAal ZA-l XA-l ZA~2 - XA-3 ZA-2 ZA-3 ZA-3 ZA-h ZA-h ZA-l ZA-l XA-2 ZA-2 XA-h ZA-2 za-3 ZA-3 za-h ZA-h ZA-l ZA-l YA—l ZA-2 YA-3 ZA-2 ZA-3 ZA-3 ZA-h ZA-u ZA-l ZA-l YA-2 ZA-2 YA-h ZA-2 ZA—3 ZA-3 ZA-h ZA-h In the same manner, crosses for intermediate expressions of yieldcomponents, namely, XM, YM, ZM, and for low expressions XB. YB, ZB, were made. In addition, in Palmira and Medellin, crosses were per- formed between families with high number of leaves per plant, NA-l...NA-h, and families with large size of leaves SA-l..SA-h, and similarly for families with intermediate and low levels of expression, namely: NM-l...NM-h, SM-l...SM-h and NB-l ... NB-h, SBel ... SB-h. Seeds resulting from the one hundred and ninety two possible combinations of crosses made were planted in the 10 field in the two locations in Colombia. An average of seven F1 plants were grown per each combination, coming from 2 or 3 artificially pollinated pods. in East Lansing, selections on the basis of yield (V) itself were made, besides the selections for yield components X, Y, and Z. Crosses of yield-component selections were performed following the same program described above. Families selected for W'were intercrossed among themselves, but not with.X, Y and Z. One hundred and sixty two possible combinations were obtained and from 3 to h F1 plants were grown in the greenhouse, per each combination. The F2 generation produced in preparation for the second cycle of selection was grown under field conditions. In Palmira and Medellin 192 F2 plots were planted with an average of 30 plants per plot. 0n visual criteria, but not with actual measurements, h plants per each of the F2 plots, were chosen in order to give rise to the F3 generation. In some cases it was not possible to get h plants so 1, 2 or 3 were selected. These selections were based on 3 levels of expression (A,#\MI- B) and the characters under consideration (N, S, X, Y, Z and W). The first third of the F2 population was made up of families with high level of expression (A), the second third of families with intermediate levels (M) and the third part of families with low Levels (B). 11 Seven hundred and sixty eight F3 families were grown in Medellin; 532 in Palmira and th in East Lansing. Planting methods, selection procedures and selection pressures were the same as in the first cycle of selection, already discussed. Since in Colombia there are two growing seasons per year in contrast to Michigan that has only one, the schedule of crossing and selection events in the two places was arranged somewhat differently. The final selections of the 2nd cycle were made during the fall of l96h in Colombia, and during the summer of 1965 in East Lansing. For the purpose of this thesis two cycles of recurrent selection are considered. However, this study will continue until the 3rd or hth cycle. At the end of this time all re- sulting lines from all cycles will be grown at all locations for one year to see what has been accomplished by the different levels of selection. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION I. Response to Selection A. Number of Leaflets for Plant (N) Tables 1.1 and 1.2 contain t-test comparisons of gains between the first and second cycle of recurrent selection, for high (NA) and low (NB) number of leaflets per plant respectively, at Palmira and Medellin. For these tables and for the following ones, the mean values of the selected families are expressed on a percentage basis with the mean of the modal class selections being taken as 100 percent in each one of the cycles. In this way, changes in means due to variation in environmental conditions prevailing during each cycle of selection are minimized. Figure 1 shows graphically the response to selection from the first to the second cycle of recurrent selection for high (NA) and low (NB) levels of expression of number of leaflets per plant, at Palmira and Medellin as compared to the modal class on the percentage basis. Highly significant differences between cycles for NA were observed at Palmira as well as at Medellin. Ninety nine and thirty three relative units of progress were obtained at Medellin and Palmira respectively (Figure 1). For the purpose of this thesis the difference between the average percentage in the first and the second cycle is called relative units of progress. Selections for a lower number of leaflets per plant show highly significant differences at Palmira. Progress toward a lower number 12 of leaflets was made at Medellin, but the difference was not signi- ficant by the t-test. In these two locations twenty two and twelve relative units of progress toward the lower level were ob- tained. Table 1.1 - t-tests, and mean values of families selected for-high Values of A selected families number of leaflets per plant (NA), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira and Medellin. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. Locations 1st cycle 2nd cycle t-values fi_ lh3.05 182.37 Palmira 1hh.9h 181.51 159.06 180.65 w_ 1hh.00 177.20 Average 147.76 18o.h3 8.21§* Madellin 151.9h 230.53 _151.0h 230.53 150.90 256-99 ___ 132s92_ 264-55 _. _Average lh6.h9 g§5.6§ Q.8h** **P (.01 1% Table 1.2- t-tests, and mean values of families selected for low number of leaflets per plant (NB), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira and Medellin. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. Values of h selected families Locations lst cycle 2nd cycle t-valuesg_ 67.76 39.57 Palmira 68.71 hh.73 6h.9u hl.29 6h.9h 52.57 Average 66.Sg__r hh.52 7.08** Medellin 53.h0 5h.80 59.27 h8.19 59-73 39-68 61.68 h1.57 Average 58.§2 h6.06 1.h5 **P‘< .01 B. Leaflet Size (3) Mean values of the selected families and t-tests, for the two cycles of recurrent selection, at Palmira and Medellin for large (SA) and small leaflet size (SB) are shown in Tables 2.1 and 2.2, respectively. Rate of progress between cycles at Palmira and Medellin is presented in Figure 2. From table 2.2 it appears that no significant differences were obtained between the two cycles for selections of small leaflet sixe (SB) in either one of the two locations. However, 1h relative units of progress for SB at the end of the 2nd cycle were obtained in Palmira; on the contrary in Medellin, even though 1h units of change were observed, this change was opposite to the direction of selection. These results are presented graphically in Figure 2. 15 .mmmfio Hero: are U..c ccmwcooswr mm Tommoscxc was new: .cmHHopw: mcm mnwammc um ehrv pcch Lea mucpwmmm mo senses mo conmchxm mo ~m>e~ Amy 30H tam ao ozu ow mmcoowwm .H cpzawu mao>o Tam mao>o «ma 4 a - l alIllLIIIIIIlllllllllllllII‘ll-flflll L 'I' J 1 max: Eco: Ill 1 L aIIII IIII < L CHHHoro: 1 mumsamd ma on m: cm mu cm mom CNH mMH cmH mmH cmH moa cHN mmm omm sedelueoaad Table 2.1 t-tests and mean values of families elected for high size of leaflets per plant (SA), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira and Medellin. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. _yalues of_h selected families Locations lst cycle 2nd cycle t-values Palmira 153.35 252.13 ' 150.39 250.35 lh6.1l 218.39 ___ 138g92 229.0h Averggg» lh7.l9 237.h8 10.23** Medellin 187.50 211.h3 183.25 23h.51 169.02 2h0.70 l56.h8 222.86 __¥Average_ 17h.06 227.38 5.56*§__, **P < .01 Table 2.2 t-tests and mean values of families selected for low size of leaflets per plant (SB) in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira and Medellin. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. Xalues of h selected families Locations lst cycle 2nd cycle t-values Palmira 59-66 39.77 59.31 h8.65 67.98 60.72 fi_ 69.63 h9.71 Average 6h.lh h9.7l 2.84 Medellin h1.6h 60.70 58.1h 73.80 59-90 79.05 65.3h 67.62 ___Averaggy 56.25 70.29 2.17 l7 mmmfio HmmoE one mo oumwceoawn mm rmmwmhrxm mam mum: .cMHHeps: pcm maweams um .Amv mpepwmwfi mo oNHm wo commwwscxm mo Hm>oa Amy :0” ram ”o 03p ou mmcoowmm .m assume mHo>o cam mfio>c uwH 1 ¢ J‘ mam? Hero: 1 Cmafiwcw: \\\\ sawsamn n It»: mH cm m: we ca mom cmm omp mofi mwm o: m sanelusaued 18 c. Number of Pods Per Plant (x) Tables 3.1 and 3.2 contain mean values of selected families in the two cycles of recurrent selection for high (XA) and low (XB) number (of pods per plant at three locations: Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Progress in selection between the two cycles is shown graphically in Figure 3, at three different locations, and two levels of expression, XA and 1:13. A highly significant difference between cycles for XA was obtained at East Lansing, a significant difference at the 5 per- cent level, and no significant difference were obtained at Palmiraand Medellin, respectively, as may be seen in Table 3.1. In selecting for high number of pods per plant (XA) the greatest 3.1a ... obtained at East Lansing with 70 relative units of progress between the first and the second cycle; sixty and 30 relative units were obtained at Palmira and Medellin, respectively. Selections for XB proved to be significantly lower at the end of the 2nd cycle as compared with the 1st cycle, at the l percerit level of significance in mdellin and East Lansing, and at the 5 percent level of significance at Palmira, as shown in Table 3.2. Figure 3 shows graphically the progress made in selecting for XB from the 1st to the 2nd cycle. Forty-four relative units of gain were obtained at thellin, 17 in Palmira and 1% in East lensing. 19 Table 3.1 t-tests and mean values of families selected for high number of pods per plant (XA), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. Values of h selected familie§_ **‘P‘<.Ol Location lst cycle 2nd cycle t-values 15h.82 260.1h Palmira 1h2.19 213.8h 1h8.83 182.82 __, V__ 155.58 182.82 fiveraggfi w ___. 150.33 209.91 ,3:22* 172.12 166.67 Medellin 1h3.03 236.08 lh3.03 lh2.83 fi__ __ 138.18 17l.h2 Average e_.. 1H9.09 179.25, ”l.hl East Lansing lh3.10 220.50 1h3.60 211.50 lhh.00 213.90 fi_ 1hh.50 209.00 QIEEEEC lh3.80 213.70 28.99** * P (.05 20 Table 3.2 t-tests and mean values of families selected for low number of pods per plant (X3), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. _!§lues of_h_se1ected_£amilies H P (.01 _Locationa_ __W__ let cycle __ 2ndggycle t-values- Palmira 58.h7 h2.72 65.78 35.80 59.80 h0.57 h8.50__ hh.15 532535: '58.1h no.8}: u.2o* Medellin 56.97 8-33' 59-39 25.00 61.82 1h.16 __ _ emu _ 16.67 Aggra§g_ ‘__ 60.60 16.0h ~rxy7n** East Lansing 51.10 36.80 ‘- uh.5o 31.10 50.20 35.20 fg53.70 38.50 .Average 59.90 p35.h0 <_5.79** *‘P‘<.05 s vurfit Fairer», QL+ at GLr.+C...LLCS MC tdmuCLfXQ (LR Cure» .eceuicp .. o . a .. . . ptwL flew Cmppcmo: mfiwch; pr. .A>V HELP. :72. 0100 WC LQLLSC uo co.nnchcxw uC Hc>ap A"; .....Ca tcc Al: Lem; Low ccmuucrmv pCCLECCL ..«C wo..o>c Ce: Ou wvccrmao .m SHELL c~c>c 1cm wac>o amp q q 1 N mumps Heme: l l IAN" uchcm; uwmu u :1: :HHHwtm: n I mLmEHma u III: mm on mm? 0mm mow cmw sedeluaoaed 22 D. Number of Seeds Per Pod (Y) Mean values of the selected families and t-tests between the two cycles of recurrent selection, for high (IA) and low (YB) number of seeds per pod at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing are presented in Tables h.l and h.2. Rates of progress between cycles in the three different locations are shown in Figure h. From the t-tests presented in Table h.l it may be seen that the differences between the two cycles for IA ranged from highly significant in East Lansing to no significance in Medellin. Palmira shows a difference between cycles significant at the 5 percent leVel. Even though Medellin does not show a significant difference between cycles, a progress of 25 relative units for IA was obtained, as shown in Figure h. In Palmira and East Lansing, 69 and 58"relative units of progress were observed. Table h.2 shows that a highly significant difference between cycles for the low level of expression of number of seeds per pod was obtained in Medellin. A significant difference at the 5 percent level was observed in Palmira and no significance was found at East Lansing. Thirty five relative units of progress were obtained at Medellin, followed by Palmira with 21 and East Lansing with h, as shown in Figure h. 23 Table h.1 t-tests and mean values of families selected for high number of seeds per pod (IA), in two cycles of re- current selection at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. values of h selected families Locations lst cycle 2nd cycle t-values Palmira 130.68 265.13 127.8h 181.3h 127.8% 177.06 _‘ 139.20 176.75 Average 131.39 200.07 3.19* Medellin 131.91 172.h1 126.78 13h.h9 125.6h 13h.h9 125.07 170.69_ Average __127535 153.02 2.37 East Lansing 137.30 203.20 ‘ ' 138.90 190.30 1&8.10 209.70 fi_ 152.30 206.h0 Average lhh.10 202.h0 10.h0** *P (.05 **P < .0]. 211 Table h.2 tetests and mean values of families selected for low number of seeds per pod (YB), in two cycles of re- current selection at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. Values of 1+ selected families# Locations lst cycle 2nd cycle t-values Palmira 71.02 110.36 73.86 £16.78 73.86 55.96 _ fl 68.18 59.63 Average___' 71.73 50.68 h.60* Medellin 62.68 29.31 70.66 36.21 70.66 31.03 72-93 31293 average"- 69.23 3: . 11.6277“ East Lansing h8.1 51+.83 53-95 51.61 Average 453.h9 h9.18 1.19 *P <.05 25 .mmch Herc: use we mnmucconcc mm wcmrcacxm one new: .ucwucm; puma ocm CWMHmwo: .mnwcficc um .A>V xcc Lac axons ac LwLE:c mo c0wmmoacxw do mm>o~ 30F ccm A0 03p ow omCOCmom .: oL:nmL oao>o 1cm _ wfiozu umfi - n d cw J mb mmmmo fiwroz l mom mm" \\ .\. I Q: a|||flllso acawcmg uwmm u..n \ 0.0 . \er \ 536cm: mpmefime u III: saaaiueaaed 26 Tables 5.1 and 5.2 contain mean values of selected families and t-tests between 2 cycles of recurrent selection for high (ZA) and low (ZB) levels of expression of seed weight, at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Figure 5 shows the progress made in the 2 cycles at the three different locations, for ZA and ZB. From the t-values shown in Table 5.1 it may be seen that a highly significant difference between the lst and the 2nd cycle of recurrent selection for ZA was obtained in East Lansing. No statistically significant difference was found either at Palmira or at Medellin. However, a progress of 58 relative units for ZA was achieved between the two cycles at Medellin; forty-eight relative units were obtained at East Lansing and four in Palmira. In Table 5.2 it may be seen that significant differences at the 5 percent level between the two cycles for ZB were obtained ~at Medellin and East Lansing but differences were not significant at Palmira. Figure 5 shows essentially parallel lines for selection gain at the three locations when selections were made for ZB. In each one of the locations eleven relative units of progress in the selected directions were obtained. 27 Table 5.1 t-tests and mean values of families selected for high seed weight (ZA), in two cycles of recurrent selection at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. value of h selected families Locations lst cycle 2nd cycle t-values Palmira lhh.68 166.03 1h0.h2 135.8h 136.17 135.8h 136-17 135.8h Average 139.36 1h3.39 0.516 Medellin 165.99 326.67 1h9.79 180.00 lhl.70 160.00 1h1.70 166.67, __ Average 149373, 208.39 1.27 East Lansing 126.h0 181.30 130.00 181.30 132.90 18h.h0 1u2.60 178.10 Average 132.90 181.30 13.Q5** **P (.01 28 Table 5.2 t-tests, and mean values of families selected for low seed weight (ZB) in two cycles of recurrent selection, at Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing. -Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. Values of h selected families Locations 1st cycle 2nd cycle t-values Palmira 63.82 h5.28 72. 3h 60.37 68.08 60.37 72.3h 6h.15 Average 69.1h 57.5h 2.20 Medellin 56.68 53-33 6h.78 53-33 68.82 53-33 W 68.82 53.33 Average" 6h.77 53.33 h.00* East lensing 58.23 116.87 60.29 53.12 63 .82 50.00 _. 65.00 350.00 Averag; 61 . 83 1+9 .99 5 . 13* *P <.05 mum -U . moeC . f .\ . F H e E ore we demucccadc mm rommchcxw our our tc .cchch umm. cm .. . . ;,. : . z . L o Cmammoor msmspmn pm .Aev penmcz room mo cemmmwncxo mo mfim>o~ AWWUHMH ocm no 03p ow omcocmwm .m opauau c . o W oao>o pma - l I l J l l mmMHO HMflOfllll"ll'|l' 1 CO.\ I lllllllll I ‘eee\ l e .- ‘eee\ I unwmcmu vwmm u -..: CHHHmva n I l mamEHmd u III: I ma on m: cm mb om mom omH mmH oma mmH omfi moH cam mum sadeluaodad 30 F. Seed Yield (w) Mean values of the selected families and t-tests between the two cycles of recurrent selection, for high (WA) and low (VB) levels of expression of seed yield are presented in Table 6. Figure 6 shows the response of selection for RA and NB at East Lansing between the two cycles and also the rate of progress of the individual yield components at high (A) and low (B) levels of expression. From table 6 it appears that significant differences at the 5 percent level existed between the two cycles of recurrent selection for WA. In the case of ND no significant difference was found. In Figure 6 it appears that even though 1% relative units of progress were obtained for WA and three for NE, these units were in the direction opposite to that for which they had been selected. G. Discussion A ceiling upon possible progress in straight pedigree selection is established by the genotype of the foundation plants.“ Recurrent selection breaks this ceiling inasmuch as cyclic selection and recombination increases the frequency of desirable genes and gene combinations in the population. 31 Table 6 t-tests and mean values of families selected for high (WA) and low (WB) seed yield, in two cycles of re- current selection at East Lansing. Data are expressed as percentage of the modal class. East Lansing: values of h selected families __Leve1 lst cycle 2nd cycle t-values WA 150.h5 1&5.h9 155.5h 142.09 156.58 1h2.99 l6h.0h 1h0.66 Avergggr 156.65 1h2.81 h.6h* we 78.70 60.83 hh.20 h2.03 h6.h0 hl.85 59-72 87.ho Average 5h.75 58.03 0.28% *P<.05 32 .m,mmo meCL any do ocmwccogcc mm mammcgcxm .nCWmcm; ummL um . .c c U 5 xcm N w > do c.~mmmscxm mo .\. u. 4 ...v 0 u . m~o>m~ any 30” new Ac cap ow cvcccucc w wgndwn macxo umH mHu>o dam - . 4 1 g I I'll!!! a» tilillllllllllllu L lllll.llllunllll.lllll-nllIIZIIII.IIIIIIIIIIlllllfluuudflufluflhflfl" KN “ConneclommoouflOflocoiti 0; ooo'ooo' 1 e \ I <3 OOO\OOO ....OOOOOOOOOOCOCOCOO......CCOCOOCCC "“ l ... J l l 3 ".00.. I‘ll! N ".3..I l y u 3.. x u .l .. mH om m: cm mb om mcH ONH mma omH mmH cma map mmw 03m sajeiuaaaad 33 From the results shown in the preceding sections, it is clear that progress due to selection was made for each one of the com- ponents of both yield and leaf area. The rate of progress for each particular component, at either the high or low level of expression, was not the same at each location. ‘Genes are expressed differently as the environment varies. Full expression of these genes could be obtained under certain environmental conditions, whereas under other conditions intermediate expression or almost complete suppression of their effects could be inferred. Considering total leaf area components, namely, number of leaflets per plant (N) and leaflet size (S), it was seen in Figures 1 and 2 that more progress for EA was achieved in Medellin than in Palmira. The opposite situation was true when selection was carried out for large leaflet size (SA); the gain in the latter was markedly higher in Palmira than in Medellin. This situation may be interpreted on the principle that through recurrent selection and recombination, genes favoring certain traits can be recovered in greater frequency at one location than at another for they are expressed more in one environment than in another. There is also the possibility that the superior adaptiveness associated with the.Algarrobo genotype at Medellin tends to be reflected in the kinds of plant characteristics that are selected under that environment. This might explain why selection for smaller leaflet size at Medellin was ineffective, the Algarrobo type, with 3h relatively large leaflets, being favored by natural selection forces over the Michelite type with relatively small leaflets. The range of variability between low and high levels of N and S appears to be different at each one of the locations when selections were performed at the completion of the second cycle. While for N at Medellin the range goes from h6.06 to 2h5.65 (percent based on the modal class 3 100%), the range for the same character at Palmira was from hh.52 to 180.h3 (Figure 1). These differences in realized gain from selection for two characteristics in two different environments can probably be accounted for by differential heritabilities of the traits selected for at Medellin and Palmira. Putting it another way, the first cycle selections for RA at Medellin produced upon intercrossing an array of genotypes some of which showed very high expression under the Medellin environment of the second cycle. Similar first cycle selections at Palmira either did not have the recombination potential or the new genotypes produced by intercrossing were less strongly expressed in the Palmira environment. A similar situation to that discussed for leaf area prevails for yield components. From the results it is clear that greater progress for the high expression of number of pods per plant (XA) and number of seeds per pod (YA) was obtained at East Lansing and Palmira than at Medellin. However, for high level of seed weight (ZA) greater gain was achieved at Medellin than at either East Lansing or Palmira (Figures 3, h, 5 - Tables 3.1, n.1, 5.1). 35 Selection for the low expression of yield components re- sulted in more progress for KB and YB at Medellin than at East Lansing or Palmira (Figures 3, h, 5 - Tables 3.2, n.2, 5.2). For lower expression of seed weight (ZB) no differences among locations were detected. “ - Here again, genotypic-environmental interactions, and the association of the parental type at certain locations seems to be true. The Michelite type has been recovered more often than expected at East Lansing, as suggested by response in higher number of pods per plant and seeds per pod. 0n the contrary, at Medellin the Algarrobo type seems to be predominant as suggested by the heavier seeds recovered in that location. Palmira behaves as intermediate between the other two locations, even though more progress was observed for higher expressions of number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod, than for seed weight. These findings demonstrate that selection directed toward increasing the level of certain components at each location is worthwhile. Much more progress could be made in yield if, for instance, at East Lansing and Palmira, selection were directed more toward increasing X and Y than Z, the Opposite being true at Medellin. Similar reasoning could be applied to leaf area components at the two locations in Colombia. Thus far, selection for yield components has been discussed and shown to be effective. ‘But what happens when selecting for 36 yield itself? From Table 6 and Figure 6, it may be seen that even though progress was made for yield it was in the ”negative" direction; that is, when selections were made for high seed yield level (WA), instead of increasing, yield actually decreased; the opposite situation arose when selecting for low yield (WB), - an increase was noticed. Although the comparison between the ’ two cycles was significant at the 5 percent level for WA, only 1h relative units of "negative" progress were obtained and for WB only 3 relative units. Figure 6 shows graphically the response of selection for ' yield components, namely X, Y and Z, as compared to selection for yield itself (East Lansing). Great progress was obtained for each one of the components in both directions - high and low levels of expression. However, as was discussed, "negative" progress was observed for yield. This is not to say that select- ing for high yield will always render lower yields. It was true for this particular cross at this particular location, it is also necessary to recall that in Figure 6 the values are expressed as percentage of the modal class in both cycles, and also that the modal class changed slightly from the let to the 2nd cycle. Table 7 shows average values of yield in grams per plant when selections were made for X, Y, Z and W at high (A) and low (E) levels. It is interesting to note from this table that actual seed yield was higher when selections were made for XA and IA than when selection was for WA, being in the case of ZA more or less 37 the same as WA. The same situation prevails when selections were performed for low levels of yield components and seed yield itself; lower yield values were obtained for XB and YB than WB, being in the case of ZB a little higher than WB. Hewever, these differences were not of sufficient magnitude to be regarded as important. Practically speaking all values are the same. This means that progress for yield was not really made. Progress in the values of individual components were obtained, but the progress in one component was at the expense of another or other components, giving through their multiplicative interaction more or less the same result as far as seed yield was concerned. This implies negative correlations among yield components, a discussion of which will be postponed for a later section of this thesis. Yield is greatly modified by environmental factors; however, it shows a kind of homeostatic stability to offset the force of selection, in any direction, high or low, without appreciable changes in magnitude. This homeostatic stability of seed yield seems also to be true, when selection of individual components was performed. In some cases, and especially at Medellin, nonpsignificant differences between means were obtained when comparing the two cycles of recurrent selection, even though the progress measured in relative units showed patently that progress was made; the explanation lies in the fact that large variances were ob- tained, resulting in a non-significant t-test. The amount of the 38 variance could be very large in magnitude even if only a single family out of four exhibits a different value. This is the case, for example, shown in Table 5.1 at Medellin. The t-test shows a nonesignificant value; however, it may be seen that the first family in each one of the cycles shows a much higher value than the remaining three. If a t-test is performed Just among the three families a highly significant difference is obtained. Table 7. Average seed yield in grams per plant, for X, Y, Z . and W. Selected families at the end of the 2nd cycle of recurrent selection,in two Levels, high and low, at East Lansing. High Level Low Level Seed Yield (W) 23.92 9.72 Number of pods per plant (X) 26.00 5.56 Number of seeds per pod (Y) 26.66 6. Seed weight (z) 18.3l 10,69 II. Compensation Among Yield Components In the preceding section of this thesis the response to selection for individual yield components and yield itself was discussed. This section will be concerned with the effects that selection for a given component has upon the ‘Inoneselected components, for example, the effect that selection for number of pods per plant (X) has upon the number of seeds per pod (Y) and the seed weight (Z) in the same families. This situation is graphically presented for the first and second cycles of recurrent selection at three locations, Palmira, Medellin and East Lansing, in percentages based on the appropriate modal class as 100 percent (Figures 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12). A. First Cycle Palmira Figure 7 shows the effect of selection for each one of the yield components upon the non-selected ones, at Palmira in the first cycle of recurrent selection. Families selected for XA reached an average of 150 percent, that is 50 relative units above the modal class, while Y for the same set of families is near the 100% point, and Z 15 units lower than the modal class. Selections for XB with an average of 58 percent (#2 relative unité below the modal class) exhibit a Y value of 85% and a“*z value of 108%. It should be noted that the slopes of the lines 39 hO representing the relative effects on sequential components Y and Z, by selection for X, are generally downward for the XA selec- tions and upward for the XB selections. Selection for YA and YB present a pattern similar to that of selection for X. The slope of lines converging at X, though near the average, shows a negative relationship with Y; this effect is more pronounced for unselected Z. Selection for ZA depressed the values of X and Y, bringing them down 10 and 18 relative units respectively below the modal class; on the contrary, selection for ZB resulted in increased values of Y and X, 8 and 9 relative units over the 100 percent. It is interesting to notice that the two X lines for selected levels of expression (XA and X8) cross at certain points; the same thing is true for YA and YB, as well as for ZA and Z3 selections, suggesting particularly that Z is often involved in these component adjustments. . Relationships in the first cycle of recurrent selection among selected yield components and nonpselected ones at Medellin and East Lansing are presented in Figures 8 and 9 respectively. Patterns of variation similar to those obtained at Palmira were found at Medellin and East Lansing. The relationship between the selected and unselected components was essentially the same, showing negative associations; however, if one of the unselected characters goes too far in a direction Opposite to the selected one, the third component varies directly as the selected one, ul .mmwec Heron exp :0 mcueucoogoo Cw rommmpcxo new MLHEHce um coapcoflom mo oHo>o pma EOLm nonmmuLC ope mum: .mucccoeeoo ozu oozuo ozu mo mo=~m> o>mumaop coo: >Hnm=tm>wch N 90 > .x nonpwo Low coHuooHom mo mpoomww .b ossmmu c N ¥ X 1 u q .1 xx .I IO. 0’ \/ L 000 \ I / l... \ \. oov'...’2.. I ’ O i I. \ Y. .l...l...l... “ \ \ooo Ill \\\ \ooo law“ o pm~ cone cocMmuno one mum: .mucococeoo cup Locuo ecu mo moswm> o>mpmaos coco >Hfimzcm>wccw N no r .x Locumo pom coHuooHom mo muoomuu .m manned .r . X 1‘ u x! l mN 0 fix .I so)!!! m» 000 I'll .l .1111. ‘ll||l||. o coollluhmuu-I‘ CO \ \OD O‘Olo‘ K one \\ l a I‘OOO‘ l 000 I .0 0 00. DO I 000\ l\\ 1- eo\ <.w .\. l O. (N <. L L l ma on m: cm mh om moH own mma omH me omH mmH OHN mmm sadeiueoaad RU .mwmae ”moo: wzu cc mommucmome cm cowmmpexo Cam mesmcmq pmm . a pm :oHuowHom no wHo>o umfi cope nonempho ohm mam: .mucocooeoo ozu Loewe one mo wozmm> o>mpmaop coon >~Hmsrw>wccH N no > .x Loxumo Low cemuoomom uc muoommu .m ossumm N w x .1 . _ ma Cm m: cm mu oc moa ONH mmH omH me oma cam mam sefieiusoaad U5 .mmmmc were: who so mcumpceohmc cm tomwecho 1cm mpmcnmc um cowuomfimm uo eHo>o ccm Scum mmuHmpno one mum: .mwcocccacc 03p Lozuo one wo moomm> o>muwamp coo: >HHmsrw>wmcH x Lo > .x Locvmo Low COHuooHom we mucouwm .CH ohzmmn N > x - d I ax JL mw cm m: cc me cm moH ONH mmH omw me omfi mom ohm mam saseiuoodsd 116 .mmmmc Hmcoc one so moemuceoooc cm tommcpcxo new Cwfifioeo: we coHuooHom no cmo>o new map floss cosmmuho mam spec .mucocanoU 039 pczuo ozv co monfim> m>mpmHoL coo: uaamzcm>wccH N com r .x Locuwo Log COMquHom mo muoommu .HH ennuwm mm \\\//l \\ 1 ...l\..,\!.. ...! EMMA... 1 \ \ i... J vf .. \ 1 ....V/.......... ......ii-.. \.......i.... . // .. .sf/ \\ H ...\ //c can EOLV umchuLO okm mama .mpcoCCCLcc cap Loxpc wLu uc mm3~m> w>wu¢~mp coo: Hmcztm>w1cw N cam r .x Locumo Lou COMucommm we muoowmm oNH gfinwh m r x T u q .5... ex a» 0 I oo/ \ III 00 \ I I O \ I < I Fipure 13. Direct effects and associations 0‘ nownonents deterwininy yield. R3 LZ*J><>