, A COMPARISON STUDY OF THE WECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN (WISC) AND THE WECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FORCHILDREN- - REVISED (WISC-R) FOR CHILDREN REFERRED TO SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS BECAUSE OF CONCERNS ABOUT THEIR INTELLECTUAL ABILITY.» Dissertation‘for the Degree of Ph. D. .‘ MICHIGAN STATEIUNIVERSITY ~ MARK EDWARD SWERDLIK ‘ f "1976 ’ ' lIBP IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III III IIIII II IIIIII III I III III 293 10218 4813 {5 This is to certify that the . _- if}? . . J." r 3:. l thesis entitled .-_-.'- 3! A COMPARISON STUDY OF THE WECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE Mark Edward Swerdlik has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Mdegree in 2“ “0‘“va psxckoloqr ‘ Major professor mm; 0-7 639 (RY II I I II II .IIIIIIIIIIIIIEIII 5/nggx/ ABSTRACT A COMPARISON STUDY OF THE NECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN (HISC) AND THE WECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN--REVISED (MISC-R) FOR CHILDREN REFERRED TO SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS BECAUSE OF CONCERNS ABOUT THEIR INTELLECTUAL ABILITY By Mark Edward Swerdlik The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (MISC), orig- inally published in 1949, was the test most often chosen by school psychologists to assess the intelligence of children in the 7-13 age range and to select candidates for special education programs for the educable mentally retarded. Some have called the NISC the best test available that claims to measure intelligence. The WISC was revised 25 years after publication and entitled the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised (NISC-R). No comparative studies of the WISC and WISC-R are reported in the WISC-R manual. However, such a comparison is of practical importance because the WISC-R was designed to replace the WISC. The essential purpose of this study was to compare scores resulting from the NISC and WISC-R for black, white, and Latino chil— dren aged 7 to 15.11 years who had been referred to school psycholo- gists in a midwestern tri-state area because of suspected mental deficiency. Also investigated in the study were various conceptions of test bias as it applies to the NISC-R to determine if, for the Mark Edward Swerdlik subjects in this study, the WISC-R is more, less, or equally biased compared to the WISC. A survey of participating school psychologists' views of what constitutes a meaningful IQ score difference between the NISC and WISC-R was conducted as part of this study. Further, data regarding how the obtained IQ scores for each test influenced decisions about the educational programming of the subjects involved in this study were also reported. A total of 78% of the WISC-R items have been taken directly from the WISC, 5.9% are from the NISC but have undergone substantial modification, and 16.1% are new items. Like its predecessor, the WISC-R yields a Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Both the Verbal and Performance Sca1es comprise six subtests, which yield scaled scores with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3. The Full Scale IQ is an average of the Verbal and Performance Scales. Changes between the two tests have been made in terms of administration instructions including ques- tioning, scoring criteria, standardization samples including incorpora- tion of nonwhites in the WISC-R standardization sample, and provision of more statistical data in the WISC-R manual. All previous studies comparing the WISC and the WISC-R have reported the revised test yielded lower scores. The majority of studies comprised a fairly restrictive sample of special education students, employed designs that did not adequately control for both growth and practice effects, and dealt with small numbers of children. No studies were found that attempted to generalize their results to a population of students referred to school psychologists for suspected Mark Edward Swerdlik mental deficiency, nor did any compare the performance of three dif- ferent racial groups within a wide age range. However, this is the population with whom the test is most widely used. In the present study, 72 school psychologists in the tri- state area of Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio administered both the MISC and the MISC-R to 164 children in a counterbalanced order with a specific test-retest interval of not less than a week nor more than a month. MISC and MISC-R scaled and IQ scores and differences were reported for each of the three major scales and 12 subtests. Sig- nificant interactions were also discussed and diagrammed. The data from this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Subjects obtained significantly higher IQ scores on the MISC than on the MISC-R. 2. MISC Verbal subtests' sca1ed scores were significantly higher than the MISC-R Verbal subtests' sca1ed scores. 3. MISC Performance subtests' scaled scores were signifi- cantly higher than the MISC-R Performance subtests' sca1ed scores for all the subtests except Object Assembly. 4. Overall, the differences between the MISC and MISC-R IQ scores were of equal magnitude for younger and older students. 5. A greater difference was found between sca1ed scores resulting from the MISC and MISC-R for younger than for older stu- dents on the Verba1 subtests of Information and Arithmetic. The MISC scaled scores were higher for all but the older students on the Arithmetic subtest. Mark Edward Swerdlik 6. For all of the Performance subtests, the difference between MISC and MISC-R scaled scores was of equa1 magnitude for younger and older students. 7. MISC and MISC-R IQ score differences tended to vary sig- nificantly for blacks, whites, and Latinos. In all cases, each of the racial groups scored higher on the MISC than on the MISC-R. These data indicated that the racial IQ discrepancy is widening despite efforts to narrow it. Using the definition of.test bias concerning differences among mean IQs of various racial groups, the present study found the MISC-R to be more biased than the MISC. How- ever, those who subscribe to this definition assume that the groups are equal in ability to begin with. 8. There was no significant difference between Verba1- Performance IQ score discrepancies yielded by the MISC and the MISC—R. In all cases, the Performance Scale was higher. Utilizing the conception of test bias that assumes the Performance Scale is less culture loaded and therefore less biased than the Verbal Scale, this finding would lead one to conclude that the MISC-R is neither more nor less biased than the MISC, but is equally biased. 9. Blacks',whites',and Latinos' MISC/MISC-R Verbal sub- tests' sca1ed score differences did not vary significantly. 10. Blacks', whites', and Latinos' MISC/MISC-R Performance subtests' scaled score differences did not vary significantly. ll. Obtained MISC/MISC-R differences were not related to any examiner characteristics such as years of experience or training, nor to subject characteristics such as state of residence, size of community, or sex. Mark Edward Swerdlik 12. MISC/MISC-R differences increased as the ability of the students decreased. In all cases, the MISC yielded higher scores. 13. Participating schoo1 psychologists looked for a 6-8 point or greater IQ score difference in the 60-90 IQ range before their decisions regarding a particular case would be affected. In the 90—110 IQ score range, the examiners looked for a 9-11 IQ point difference between the MISC and the MISC-R. 14. After testing, the majority of cases included in the present study were enrolled in special education classes for the mentally impaired or learning disabled. For the majority of chil- dren who were not enrolled in special education classes, the testing led the school psychologists to make certain recommendations to the teacher. 15. Eighty-six percent of the participating school psy- chologists indicated the disposition of the case they submitted for the present study would ngt_have changed if gnly_the MISC results had been utilized in the decision-making process. 16. Implications may be drawn from this study for special education programs for the learning disabled (LD) and educable men- tally impaired (EMI). If present state criteria are not adjusted, enrollments in LB programs may decline as a result of uSe of the MISC-R while programs for EMI may increase in number. There also may be fewer special education students integrated into the regular program if MISC-R scores are the major criteria for mainstreaming. Mark Edward Swerd1ik 17. It remains necessary for school psychologists to exer- cise caution to use tests in a fair and sophisticated manner. In addition, criteria in addition to MISC-R scores must be utilized in making special education placement decisions. A COMPARISON STUDY OF THE MECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN (MISC) AND THE MECHSLER INTELLIGENCE SCALE FOR CHILDREN--REVISED (MISC-R) FOR CHILDREN REFERRED TO SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS BECAUSE OF CONCERNS ABOUT THEIR INTELLECTUAL ABILITY By Mark Edward Swerdlik A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Counseling, Personnel Services, and Educational Psychology 1976 @ Copyright by MARK EDWARD SMERDLIK I976 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I feel indebted to a number of individuals who have contrib- uted a great deal in many different ways toward the completion of this dissertation and my doctoral program at Michigan State Univer- sity. Drs. Don Hamachek and Harvey Clarizio have served as respected and trusted advisors these ast three years. They have always been empathetic, friendly and cooperative as well as serving _____— as models of professional and scholarly competence. They have demon- strated to me their interest in helping me realize my educational and professional objectives, and I have a great deal of respect for both of them. I hOpe this in some way expresses my appreciation and respect for them. Dr. John Schweitzer has served as the director of this dis- sertation. Although I met John late in my doctoral program when I began this study, he has provided me with a great deal of support and assistance in the completion of this study. His expert knowledge of statistics and measurement was a major contributing factor to its successful completion. Further, he was never too busy to answer questions and provide assistance in any way he could. His empathy and emotional support have been greatly appreciated. Dr. Milliam Rice has served as my internship supervisor and colleague these past two years. He also was responsible for providing ii me with invaluable assistance during the initial development of this dissertation proposal. Although not a formal member of the doctoral committee, he has always been willing to take time to discuss this project and provide editorial assistance. His professional compe— tence as a school psychologist has contributed immeasurably to increasing and refining both my clinical and consultation skills as a school psychologist. I Drs. Neal Schmitt and Frank Bruno have also provided me with invaluable assistance in the completion of this study. They both have always provided unlimited time and support. I also wish to thank the participating school psychologists who provided the data for this study. It involved extra time and effort on their part, and provided additional evidence of their pro- fessional commitment to research and providing better service to children. Their help is very much appreciated. In addition, many others such as Dr. Tom Fagan of Western Illinois University; John Austin of the Muskegon Public Schools; Dr. I. L. Zimmerman of Mhittier, California; and Dr. John Braccio of the Michigan Department of Education, among others, have provided input into the formulation of this study, helped in collecting the data, supplied references and support for the completion of this study. In addition, Sue Cooley has provided expert typing and editorial assistance in the comple- tion of this manuscript. Last, I wish to thank several people who have contributed to this study and my years here at Michigan State in ways that cannot adequately be expressed in words. Donna Hobart assisted in the coding and keypunching of the data. However, more than this, for the past two years I have been fortunate to benefit from her sensi- tivity, understanding, good humor, and love during many happy and trying times. I wish to thank my parents and brother Jerry, whose constant love, support, and occasional financial assistance have helped me to complete my formal education. But more than this, they have always provided an example of kindness, understanding, and love which I can only hOpe I will demonstrate all through my pro- fessional and personal life. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ........................ vii LIST OF FIGURES ........................ ix Chapter I. INTRODUCTION ..................... 1 Need for the Study ................. 1 Purpose of the Study ................ 7 Organization of the Study .............. 7 II. A BRIEF, DESCRIPTIVE OVERVIEW OF THE MISC AND AND MISC-R ..................... 9 The Tests ...................... 9 The Manual and Answer Sheets ............ lO Standardization Procedures ............. 16 Administration and Scoring ............. 18 Changes Within the Individual Subtests ....... 19 “Information Subtest ................ l9 Comprehension Subtest ............... l9 Arithmetic Subtest ................ 20 Similarities Subtest ............... 21 Vocabulary Subtest ................ 22 Digit Span Subtest ................ 23 Picture Completion Subtest ............ 23 Picture Arrangement Subtest ............ 24 Block Design Subtest ............... 25 Object Assembly Subtest .............. 25 Coding Subtest .................. 26 Mazes Subtest ................... 27 Summary ...... . ................ 28 III. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ............... 29 MISC/MISC-R Comparative Studies ........... 29 Test Bias ...................... 45 Chapter ' Page IV. METHOD ........................ 54 Sample of Examiners ................. 54 Subject Sample ................... 59 Design ................ ‘ ....... 62 Testable Hypotheses ................. 63 Analysis ...................... 64 Procedure ...................... 64 Summary ....................... 69 V. RESULTS ........................ 7O Findings ...................... 7O Supplementary Analysés ............... 83 Summary ....................... 90 VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................ 92 Results ....................... 94 Discussion ..................... 96 Implications and Recommendations for Test Users . . . 107 Recommendations for Further Research ........ 112 APPENDICES .......................... 115 A. LETTERS TO RESPONDENTS AND QUESTIONNAIRE ....... 116 B. ANOVA TABLES ..................... 125 BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................... 129 vi Table 2. b'pbhww l LIST OF TABLES Organization of the Mechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (MISC) and the Mechsler Intelli- gence Scale for Children--Revised (MISC-R) ..... Reliability and Standard Error of Measurement of the MISC Tests (N=200 for Each Age Level) ........ MISC-R Reliability Coefficients of the Tests and IQ Sca1es, by Age (N=200 for Each Age Group) ..... MISC-R Standard Errors of Measurement (SEm) of the Scaled Scores and 105, by Age (N=200 for Each Age Group) ..................... Results of Doppelt and Kaufman's Study of Differ- ences Between MISC and MISC-R IQs for Various Ability Levels ................... Summary of Zimmerman Study .............. Major Findings of MISC/MISC-R Comparison Studies . Examiner Characteristics ............... Summary Statistics of Participants by States ..... Summary Data From Tri-State Area ........... Subject Characteristics ............... Comparison of MISC and MISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale Mean IQ Scores ........... Comparison of MISC and MISC-R Verbal Subtests' Scaled Score Means ................. Comparison of MISC and MISC-R Performance Subtests' Scaled Score Means ................. Comparison of MISC and MISC-R Verbal-Performance Scale Discrepancies ................ Correlations of MISC and MISC-R Scores ........ vii Page II 13 l4 IS 32 33 43 56 58 58 60 71 72 74 80 83 Table 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.l0 BI. 82. 83. Frequency Counts .................... Correlation Coefficients of Various Subject and Examiner Characteristics and Obtained MISC/MISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ Score Differences ..................... Mean MISC/MISC-R Differences for Three Ability Groups Summary of DiSposition of Cases and Changes if Only the MISC Scores Had Been Utilized by Examiners . . . . Summary of Major Findings ............... ANOVA Table for Verbal-Performance IQ Score Discrepancies .................... ANOVA Tables for Verbal Scale ............. ANOVA Tables for Performance Scale ........... viii Page 85 87 88 89 9T LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 4.1 Design of the First Analysis of Variance and Cell Sizes ..................... 65 4.2 Verbal Subscales ANOVA ................ 66 4.3 Performance Subscales ANOVA ............. 67 5.1 Interaction of Age and Information and Arithmetic Subtests as Measured by the MISC and the MISC-R . . 76 5.2 Interaction of Race and MISC/MISC-R IQ Scores . . . . 77 5.3 Interaction of Order of Administration and MISC/MISC-R Scores ................. 81 5.4 Interaction of Order, Test, and Verbal- Performance Scale ................. 82 ix V II I I . -III-III-wII-... -. : .. .I .III III: III _ CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Need for the Study The use of standardized, individually administered intelli- gence tests by school psychologists in evaluating children for special education is well documented (Bardon & Bennett, 1975; Sattler, l975). One particular intelligence test, the Mechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (MISC), has become the test most often chosen for use by school psychologists with children in the 7- uDl3-year range (Osborne, 1972) and for placement in special education programs for the educable mentally retarded (Meise, 1960; Silverstein, 1963). Buros (1972) referred to the MISC as the best available test that claims to measure intelligence. The MISC, originally published in 1949, was revised and published as the Mechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised (MISC-R) 25 years later. The MISC-R test manual cites correlational studies of the MISC-R with the Mechsler Preschool Primary Scale of Intelligence (MPPSI), the Mechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (MAIS), and the Stanford-Binet Form L-M. However, the manual does not report any studies dealing with the obvious and important issue of how the MISC and MISC-R compare. Such a comparison is important, because the MISC-R was designed to replace the MISC. The present study is an attempt to fill this void. There are many subtle and obvious differences between the MISC and the MISC-R. Four major differences are that the MISC-R standardization sample includes nonwhites and is therefore more representative than the MISC, the MISC-R has new administration and scoring criteria, and its sequence of subtest administration is dif- ferent. However, the MISC-R, like the old MISC, still yields a Full—Scale, Verbal, and Performance IQ with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. The MISC-R appears to have been adopted by most school psy- chologists for the intellectual assessment of school-age children. Many school psychologists who have had experience administering both tests have observed lower scores on the MISC-R as compared to the original MISC. Carvajal and McKnab (1975), in a survey of more than 70 Kansas school psychologists, reported differences in the neigh- borhood of 8 to 10 IQ score points with a test-retest interval of 1-2 years. Research on test-retest stability (Quereshi, 1968; Gehman & Matyas, 1956; Mhatley & Plant, 1957; Zimmerman & Moo-Sam, 1973) has indicated that differences of 8 to 10 IQ points must indi- cate something other than measurement error. This apparent difference between the two tests may be quite crucial, since important educational decisions are made partly on the basis of scores from the MISC and currently the MISC—R. Many state Special Education codes (e.g. those of Michigan and Ohio, among others) require the administration of an individual intelli- gence test for specific programs. In addition, one criterion for placement is that the candidate must score within a particular range. For example, in the state of Michigan, one of the criteria for eligibility for the mentally impaired (EMR) program is "develop- ment at a rate approximately two to three standard deviations below the mean as determined through intellectual assessment" (Public Act 198--Mandatory Special Education Law). If indeed a MISC/MISC-R score difference exists, with the MISC—R yielding lower scores, this could reflect a number of real-life situations. One speculzatiOn of what might be occurring relates to the possibility that the true mean of the population ts higher on the MISC than it is on the MISC-R. For example, if one were to admin- ister the MISC and the MISC-R to the entire population of apprOp- riately aged children, the mean of the MISC would be 100 and the mean of the MISC-R would be 92. Briefly, there are two possible explana- tions of why this hypothesis may be correct. The first involves sampling error. It is possible that the MISC-R standardization sample may include more bright children. In this particular case, the stan- dardization sample would score higher than the population it was designed to represent, thus artificially raising the norms. This would cause the scores on the MISC-R to be lower and the mean less than 100. Another explanation would entail the scoring of the test proto- cols of the standardization sample. It is possible that the scorers employed by the Psychological Corporation, publishers of the MISC-R, who scored the protocols of the MISC-R standardization sample, were more lenient than the school psychologists who are currently scoring the test in the field. This condition would also artificially raise the MISC-R norms. A resulting implication, if this hypothesis is correct, is that the MISC scores are accurately assessing the ability of approp- riately aged children and leads to a valid identification of a cer- tain percentage of special education children who score below a particular cut-off score (i.e., 70). However, the MISC-R would be identifying and mislabeling a larger pool of special education youngsters. Those who believe this is what is responsible for the lower scores on the MISC-R are calling for a readjustment of state special education criteria, with a lowering of the IQ-score cutoff. To determine the potential impact of the new test on the number of people who are eligible for special education, it is necessary to assume that there exists a fixed cut-off point, say 70, that is used to assign students to special education classes. 0n the MISC this score of 70 is 2 standard deviations below the mean and therefore identifies 2.28% of the population as special educa- tion students. If it is further assumed that the MISC-R has a mean seven points lower than the MISC acroSs all age levels, an individual who would have obtained a score of 77 (1-1/2 standard deviations below the mean) on the MISC would now receive a score of 70 on the MISC-R. Thus if the MISC-R is used, all individuals who fall more than 1-1/2 standard deviations below the mean of the MISC (6.30%) would be eligible for special education. This represents an increase of 4% of those eligible for special education. The role of intelligence test scores in the misplacement of youngsters in classes for the mentally impaired is well documented and publicized in both the literature and the courts (e.g., Prillaman, 1975; Larry P. vs. Milson Riles). A second speculation of what might account for the observed difference between the MISC and the MISC-R, which was noted by the Kansas psychologists, is that the MISC-R accurately assesses the student's ability and that the MISC overestimates it. This would assume that if the MISC and the MISC-R were administered to the entire population of appropriately aged children, the mean of the MISC would be 108 and the mean of the MISC-R would be 100. This difference would be attributed to a change in the characteristiCs of the two populations the MISC (1949) and MISC-R (1974) standardi- zation samples were designed to represent. This interpretation was advanced by Thorndike (1975) and Larabee and Holroyd (1976). After reviewing the relevant research, Anastasi (1968) concluded that a significant rise in mean intellectual performance occurs when cultural conditions, including increased educational opportunities, improve over time. Owens (1966), Tuddenham (1968), and Wheeler (1942) all consistently reported significant cross- generational increases in mean performance on IQ tests over time spans of 10 to 40 years. It is crucial to this interpretation to understand that if a mean increase in actual ability (ability to answer questions on an IQ test) occurs over time, a later restan- dardized and renormed test should produce lower IQ scores. This is true of the 1972 norms of the Stanford-Binet Form L-M, which yields lower 105 than the previous 1960 Pinneau norms. These lower Binet scores have been documented by several researchers, including Zimmerman and Moo-Sam (1975) and Holroyd and Bickely (1976). This explanation would then predict that children would obtain a higher mean score on the MISC than the MISC-R because of the 25-year interval between restandardizations. One of the impli- cations, if this hypothesis correctly represents what is occurring in real life, is that by using the MISC we have recently been iden- tifying a smaller pool of special education students and by now utilizing the MISC-R we will be correcting this and identifying an appropriate pool of special education youngsters. If either of the previously discussed speculations represents reality, the current use of the MISC-R is leading to an increased number of children who are eligible for special education. Accord- ing to one hypothesis, the MISC-R accurately assesses the student's intelligence and compares him meaningfully with his peers. However, if the other hypothesis is true, the MISC-R scores represent an inaccurate estimate of the student's intelligence and therefore misclassify students. Additional evidence relating to these hypoth- eses is presented in the final chapter of this dissertation. Because intelligence tests are important and frequently used tools of the practicing school psychologist, they have great impli- cations for children's future educational programs. Hence a study comparing scores resulting from the MISC and MISC-R is most approp- riate at this time. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to compare scores resulting from the MISC and the MISC-R for children referred to school psy- chologists because of suspected mental deficiency. It also examines how the tests have affected decisions regarding the educational pro- gramming of these children. The five major purposes of the study are: (a) to investi- gate whether there is a difference between scores resulting from the MISC and the MISC-R and if the difference is the same for different ages and races, (b) to determine whether these differences or lack of them is related to the training and/or experience of the exam- iners (school psychologists) and demographic variables of the school setting, (c) to investigate how these scores affect the edu- cational programming of students and if using scores resulting from the MISC or the MISC-R would lead to different decisions, (d) to assess the Opinions of school psychologists concerning what consti- tute meaningful IQ score differences between scores resulting from the MISC and the MISC-R, and (e) to investigate in part whether the MISC-R is less culturally biased than the MISC. Organization of the Study In Chapter II, a brief, descriptive overview of the MISC and the MISC-R tests is presented. Chapter III contains a review of the pertinent literature, including a discussion of various defi- nitions of cultural bias and previous research comparing the MISC and the MISC-R. Detailed in Chapter IV is the design of the study. In Chapter V the results are presented, and Chapter VI includes a discussion of these results and a summary of the study. I.— u. .u: _... .35. .3. Led}. .. {2... ......_._,....I..._I .. x. I...III.,I... mi. _. «$4M ..I,.. CHAPTER II A BRIEF, DESCRIPTIVE OVERVIEW OF THE WISC AND THE WISC-R The MISC (1949) was renormed and revised 25 years after pub- lication and entitled the MISC-R (1974). The MISC-R includes many improvements over its predecessor, the original MISC (Mechsler, 1974). The major improvements in the test include an increase in the number of items that compose each of the subtests to enhance reliability, omission or revision of items believed to be out of date or culturally biased, inclusion of nonwhites in the standardization sample, updat- ing of norms, and clarification of administration and scoring criteria. A discussion of these improvements, along with other changes in the MISC-R, will facilitate an understanding of the comparability of scores resulting from the two tests. Following is a discussion of these improvements and the differences between the MISC and the WISC-R. The Tests The MISC was apprOpriate for ages 5-15, whereas the MISC-R is administered to children and adolescents from the ages of 6 to 16. Larrabee and Holroyd (1976) reported that 78% of the MISC-R items are taken directly from the MISC; 5.9% are from the MISC 10 but have undergone substantial modification and 16.1% of the MISC-R items are newly developed. Both tests yield Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ composite scores with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. The Verbal and Performance subscales consist of 12 subtests (see Table 2.1), each with a scaled score mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3. However, on the MISC, the supplementary tests of Digit Span and Mazes, if administered, are averaged into the Verba1 and Performance IQ composite scores; this is not done on the MISCeR. MISC IQ scores range from 45-155 for the Verba1 IQ, 44-156 for the Performance IQ, and 46-154 for the Full Scale IQ. MISC-R IQs range from 45-155 for the Verbal and Performance 105 and from 40-160 for the Full Scale IQ. Scaled score ranges for the 12 sub- tests are 0-20 for the MISC and l-19 for the MISC-R (Mechsler, 1949; 1974). The Manual and Answer Sheets The MISC-R answer sheets are simplified and much improved over the MISC but lack space for recording responses on the Compre- hension subtest. Many reviewers (Carvajal & McKnab, 1975; Tittle, 1975; Kirchev, 1975) have claimed the MISC-R manual is a major improvement over its unclear and less complete predecessor, the MISC. Reviewers have evaluated the MISC-R manual as being more complete and readable. Its organization and content facilitate test administration and scoring by providing clearer and more complete test administration instructions and scoring criteria. ll mmpmomnzm wocmELoegma use Pongw> :pon mo wmmgm>< u 0H mqum F_:d AoH wocmELoegma ops. ummmgm>m yo: .cmgopmwcwenm .. cm>m “an .pmcowpaov mmNmz Apmcowpaov mmNmz 0H mcwuou mcwuoo muz cmwmmo xoopm cmwmmo xoo_m acmEmmcmLL< mcsguwa acmemmcmgg< weapowa mhmmpmzm cowpmpaaoo mgzuowa cowpmpasoo wgzpowa muz cps. ummmgm>m po: .umewum.:.2um I. cm>m use .chowpaov swam pwmwo Apmcowpqov swam “wave 0 meanwuo> Agm_:nmoo> H a..ae:..I< a..ae;...< .Mme» mmPpFLmFPEwm mmprLMFWEPm :owmcmcmganu cowmcmngQEou mhmmhmzm cowgwELomcH :owpmsgowcH 4 qumHz umHz .AaIQmHBV cam.>amII:a.u..co Io. a.aum aucam.._a.c. Lmchomz asp ucm AomH v :mgc_.;u go. w_mum mocmmwppmch prmgomz wnu do cowpmecwmco ”F.N mFDmH 12 Following is a discussion of some of the additional data that have led reviewers to conclude that the MISC-R manual is a major improvement over the MISC manual. For the MISC, split-half reliability coefficients were reported for pupils aged 7-1/2, 10-1/2, and 13-1/2. For the younger 3 ages, these reliability coefficients were lower for each of the three major scales and all 12 subtests. The MISC-R manual presents more complete data, reporting split-half reliabilities for each of 11 age groups in the standardization sample and by the test-retest method for three of the age groups. The reliability coefficients for the MISC-R are generally higher than the MISC, especially at the younger age levels. The reliability coefficients for both the MISC and MISC-R are presented in Tables 2.2 and 2.3. The standard error of measurements for the MISC were reported for three age levels-~7-l/2, 10-1/2, and 13-1/2. For the MISC-R, the SEMs are reported for all 11 age levels, 6-1/2 to 16-1/2 (Tittle, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). The standard error of mea- surements are reported for the MISC in Table 2.2 and the MISC-R in Table 2.4. No validity data have been reported for the MISC in the manual. Studies comparing the MISC-R with the MPPSI, MAIS, and Stanford-Binet Form L-M (1972 norms) have reported that MISC-R Full Scale IQs correlated at .82, .95, and .73 with the MPPSI, MAIS, and Stanford-Binet Form L-M, respectively. The MISC provided intercorrelations of subtests for ages 7-1/2, 10-1/2, and 13-1/2. The MISC-R manual contains these data for all ages 6-1/2 to 16-1/2 (Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). 13 Table 2.2.--Re1iability and standard error of measurementa of the MISC tests (N = 200 for each age level). Age 71/2 Age 101/; Age 131/; r SEm r SEm r SEm Information .66 1.75 .80 1.34 .82 1.27 Comprehension .59 1.92 .73 1.56 .71 1.62 Arithmetic .63 1.82 .84 1.20 .77 1.44 Similarities .66 1.75 .81 1.31 .79 1.37 Vocabulary .77 1.44 .91 .90 .90 .95 Digit Span .60 1.90 .59 1.92 .50 2.12 Verbal Score .88 5.19 .96 3.00 .96 3.00 (without Digit Span) Picture Completion .59 1.92 .66 1.75 .68 1.70 Picture Arrangement .72 1.59 .71 1.62 .72 1.59 Block Design .84 1.20 .87 1.08 .88 1.04 Object Assembly .63 1.82 .63 1.82 .71 1.62 Coding” .60 1.90 — — — —— Mazes .79 1.37 .81 1.31 .75 1.50 Performance Score .86 5.61 .89 4.98 .90 4.74 (without Coding and Mazes) Full Scale Score .92 4.25 .95 3.36 .94 3.68 (without Digit Span, Coding and Mazes) aThe SEm is in Scaled Score units for the tests and in IQ units for the Verba1, Performance, and Full Scale scores. bBased on correlating Coding A and Coding B, 115 cases. For age 8-1/2 the value is .56 for 91 cases. l4 wa. co. m@. ca. ca. ca. co. ma. ca. mm. ma. mm. 0. 0.3m :3“. ca. Hm. ca. aw. Co. fia. Hm. ow. ~o. Ho. 00. Ho. 0. oucofieotom VG. wo. wo. mo. mm. 00. mm. mm. Va. Na. Na. Ha. O. _unpo> Nb. bm. mo. Nb. mo. N0. mb. 00. Mb. bb. fiw. Nw. 332 Nb. pl Ow. mo. pl pl mb. 0b. pl pl m0. no. 9530 Ob. Hb. we. Nb. Nb. mw. Nb. Ive. Ob. 00. Mb. ob. b35694 3030 mm. 0a. mm. ww. ow. ww. ow. ow. Ow. mm. Nw. ow. c930 :33 Mb. Ob. mb. Vb. Nb. wb. Mb. Nb. ob. ac. Nb. bb. EmEemcat< 9.23.. bb. mb. 8. Nb. mb. mb. ow. we. wb. mm. 5. am. 5.3358 22.: a... II 3. 2. II .I me. E. .I .I 3.. E. 5... .aa 2.. 3. N... N... S. 5. Q. E. MK. S. E. 8. ea. No. om. 3. mm. mm. ow. vw. ow. ow. Ob. vb. r238; bb. mb. ow. .mb. 5. 0w. Hw. ob. ow. o0. mb. ob. ozofipzi an. mm. Vb. 5. ob. vw. 5. ob. ab. ob. mm. bw. 358:5...“ mm. mm. oo. mm. bw. bw. mm. mm. aw. ow. ow. be. 5:08.85 I... So _ S 2 SE S m . SS «x. _ _ «>2 «be «b m «\R «be .2; omEo>< p.320 om< .Aazogm mop comm LoC com A zv map An .mm_mum OH use mummy app 40 mpcmwowwwmou buwpwpmAFmp muomH3I1.m.N mpppb 15 afim 2d 26 m_.m mm.m cmN woN HNd 34m mN.m and Sin up... 8... 3... E... 8... mm... on... 8.... 83. .3... pm... 1 2... 985.52.... 8.... S... mam own Nam 35 3a 8..“ 3m 93 8... we... a. .35, :5 mod 3.. we; we. 8.. 8.. :2 8.. a... w? a? 3...: 84 .I 3... a: .I .I we. 2... .I II mm: a... 9.....8 :5 4: NM... .63 3: 3.3 $3 .5 an. a: .63 $3 .3533 .330 :4 3. 8.. 3.. 3.. 2.. 8.3 N: :3 83 S... w? 5.333... bmé GA om; wwé om.“ Hm; ow.“ mm; om; GA Mb; mm.“ .coEomcu:<82uE mvé on; ow; Vmg GA om; bmA mmA cm; 24 fiNA MN; cozoiEouflatE 3...“ .l :2 Z; «I .1 92 mo; .1 II 2.3 mm; comm .33 an." 33 mm; Nu; bNA we.“ Hm.“ ma; 9: we; $4 $4 coucopcasou m3 3. ca. pa. 3... 8.. m: a: 8.. .3 mm. mm; 5.33.; an.“ mm; mm; 3.3 on.“ mm; am; am; mm; 34 2.." mm; 6:25.35 34 mm; om; an; 3: 3.3 bm3 av; $3 3.3 cm." 3.3 8:16:53 a: N: 8. 8.. 3.. 8.. 8.. 8.. 3.. 8.. no... 3.. 5.3.5... «ammo»; «be. «>2 «>3 $2 $2 «x. : «be. So «x.» «\R «be . .3» 9.9.0 0m< .Aazogm mam comm pom com A zv mum hp .moH use mmcoom umpmum on» we AEmmV pcmsmezmmwe Co mpoggm ngmucmpm qumH2II.¢.N m_pwb 16 Standardization Procedures The NISC was standardized on a 1940 p0pu1ation of 2,200 whites, 100 of each sex in 11 age groups, with adjustment for west- ern movement of the population. Nine categories of parental occu- pations were condensed from 14 included in the 1940 Census (Wechsler, 1949; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). The absence of nonwhites in the NISC standardization sample has been one of the major criticisms of the WISC (Littell, 1960). The MISC-R was standardized on a stratified sample of 2,200 children, 100 of each sex in each of 11 age groups. In each age range nonwhites were included in the same proportion as they existed in the 1970 Census. Five categories of parental occupations were condensed from 10 in the 1970 Census (Carvajal & McKnab, 1975; Wechsler, 1974; Kirchev, 1975). Field supervisors in different regions of the country selected the individual children who composed the standardization samples of both the WISC and the WISC-R. These supervisors selected the children of different ages, races, and sexes under guidelines from the Psycho- logical Corporation, publishers of the WISC and NISC-R. In many cases, the field supervisors hired other individuals to administer the tests. Kaufman and DOppelt (1976) analyzed the Verba1, Performance, and Full Scale 105 of the WISC-R standardization sample of 2,200 children according to the variables of sex, race, geographic region, parental occupation, and type of residence (urban vs. rural). They then compared results with similar data obtained in a study of the l7 WISC standardization sample reported in 1950. For both the NISC and the MISC-R, the researchers found a relationship of IQ to sex and parental occupation. However, the differences in IQ for boys and girls were not related to age for the HISC-R standardization sample, as they were for the WISC. The average 105 of whites were approximately 1 standard deviation (15 points) higher than those of blacks. The relationship between IQ and type of residence changed for the MISC—R standardization sample, because the gap had closed between rural and urban areas; the authors explained this as being the result of mass media and improved educational opportunities in rural areas. The authors concluded that the HISC-R IQ differences between the sexes and between children who resided in rural or urban areas were too small to be meaningful. However, the IQ differences among the various parental occupation groups and between races (blacks and whites) were of ‘enough magnitude to be considered meaning- ful. The authors also concluded that the results of their study of the WISC-R standardization sample were quite similar to those obtained in studies of the HISC standardization sample and supported the comparability of the tests. Kaufman (1975) factor analyzed the WISC-R at 11 age levels between 6-1/2 and 16-1/2 years using the HISC—R standardization sample as his sample. He concluded that the factors on the HISC-R (Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, and Freedom from Distracti- bility) resembled the factors identified for the HISC. 18 Administration and Scoring The HISC manual indicated that Verbal and Performance sub- tests may be intermixed; but both the manual and score sheets listed all Verbal subtests followed by all Performance subtests, thereby not implementing this suggestion. The NISC-R manual dictates that the Verbal and Performance subtests must be alternated, and complies with this requirement in both the manual and score sheets. The general rule regarding questioning on the HISC was to question marginal zero responses if the main idea was presented. The examiner was also allowed to question one-point responses if the item was followed by a (Q) in the manual, but few such cases were listed. Probing and testing the limits were not allowed for deter- mination of scores; only neutral questions were allowed. The HISC-R provides clearer rules regarding spoilage of responses and when to question. As was true for the WISC, only neutral questions are permitted unless otherwise specified. The HISC-R requires at least three Verbal and three Per- formance subtests to have raw scores above zero to permit calcula- tion of the Verbal and Performance IQs, respectively. In addition, to permit calculation of the Full Scale IQ, there must be at least three Verbal and three Performance subtests combined that have raw scores above zero (Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). The WISC manual provided examples of two-point responses, which were generally the poorest answers that could be given two points. Most of the zero-point responses were marginal and many were to be questioned. This is similar to the HISC-R, except that 19 in the latter, many one-point responses are also considered marginal and are followed by a (Q), which means that they should be further questioned in a neutral fashion. Generally, the scoring criteria and examples for the Vocabulary, Similarities, and Comprehension subtests are much improved, in terms of clarity, on the WISC-R test (Carajal & McKnab, 1975; Kirchev, 1975). Changes Within the Individual Subtests Information Subtest Eleven of the original 30 items on the WISC Information sub- test have been significantly modified or replaced on the WISC-R; outdated or culturally unfair items have been replaced. The HISC had two beginning points for different age subjects, whereas the HISC-R has four. The examiner did not explain any missed items on the N150, but on the NISC-R he is instructed to explain item 1 if it is missed. 0n the WISC, items 4, 5, and 6 needed to be correct to assume credit for items 1 through 3. 0n the HISC-R, if the subject earns a perfect score on the first two items administered, credit is given for all preceding items not administered. If he does not earn a perfect score on the first two items, the examiner adminis- ters items in reverse order until the subject answers two consecu- tive questions correctly, not including the beginning item (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). Comprehension Subtest The NISC-R contains three more Comprehension items than the WISC; eight items of the WISC-R are new. Regarding test administration, 20 the HISC examiner was not instructed to ask for an additional response if the subject gave only one answer and two were required for a perfect score. The WISC-R has similar scoring for many items, but the examiner is required to ask for an additional correct response if the subject originally provides only one. The HISC manual contained few examples, whereas many scoring sample items are provided in the HISC-R manual. No missed items were explained on the HISC; however, the WISC-R examiner explains item 1 if the subject provides less than a two-point response (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, l975). Arithmetic Subtest HISC Arithmetic subtest materials included blocks for count- ing, but there were no directions regarding spacing of the blocks. Story problems were included, but no specific directions were given concerning what to do if a subject had difficulty reading. The WISC-R provides trees printed on a card for counting, and highly specific directions; it too has story problems, and the examiner can assist the subject if he has difficulty reading. The WISC had two starting points, whereas the HISC-R has four. There are two more items on the WISC-R than on the WISC. The number of times the examiner could repeat an item was not limited on the WISC, whereas the WISC-R specifies that an item be repeated only once. No items could be explained on the NISC, but the NISC-R examiner is allowed to explain item 1 if it is missed and may define what is meant by "cover up" on items 2 and 3 if the subject fails to comprehend the instructions. 0n the NISC, if either item 4 or 5 was answered 21 correctly, the subject was given credit for items 1, 2, and 3. The WISC-R, however, requires that a perfect score be achieved on the first two items administered, to assume credit for all previous items not administered. Otherwise, the examiner goes in reverse order until the subject has two consecutive items correct, not including the beginning item. Credit is assumed for all earlier items not administered. The exception is items 5 and 6, for which the examiner must go back to item 1, because they deal with the tree card. More child-oriented items and modern price and wage standards compose the HISC-R story problems as compared to those of the WISC (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). Similarities Subtest Seventeen items make up the HISC-R Similarities subtest, as compared to 16 on the NISC. The four analogy items on the NISC have been omitted on the HISC-R; several WISC items have also been replaced or modified on the revised instrument. The NISC included two starting points for two different ages, whereas the HISC-R has only one. On the WISC-R, the examiner is allowed to clarify the question on item 1, adding "how are they the same"; this was not allowed on the WISC. 0n the NISC, item 5 was explained if the sub- ject scored a zero; item 6 was explained if the subject scored zeroes on items 5 and 6. The NISC-R examiner explains items 1 and 2 if they are missed. If the subject gives a one-point response to item 5 and/or 6, the examiner explains. Only marginal zero responses were questioned on the NISC, but many one-point as well as marginal 22 zero responses are questioned on the WISC-R (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, l975). Vocabulary Subtest The HISC Vocabulary subtest comprised 40 items, many of which were judged to be more difficult than the WAIS items. The WISC-R comprises 32 items, with 11 new ones felt to be more appropriate than former WISC items. The instrument has four starting points, compared to two on the NISC. Out-of-date and possible slang words have been eliminated on the HISC-R, and more parts of speech are included. All words are scored 2, l, or 0 on the WISC-R; on the NISC items 1-5 were scored 2 or 0 and items 6-40 were scored 2, l, or 0. If two one-point responses were given on the HISC, the score remained 1, whereas on the WISC-R such responses are scored as two points. No items were explained on the HISC, whereas the WISC-R instructs the examiner to explain item 1 if the subject gives less than a two- point response. If the subject does not hear a word correctly, the WISC-R instructs the examiner to say, "Listen carefully. What does mean?" The WISC did not include this possibility. On the HISC, if the subject began with number 10, he must have made five consecutive two-point responses. Otherwise, the examiner went in reverse order until five consecutive two-point responses were given. The examiner assumed credit for those items not administered. The HISC-R requires that the subject earn perfect scores on the first two items administered in order to assume credit for all preceding items not administered. Otherwise, the examiner goes in reverse order until the subject earns two consecutive 23 two-point responses, not including the beginning item. The NISC-R examiner assumes credit for all preceding items not administered (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, l975). Digit Span Subtest The items on the Digit Span subtest are unchanged on the NISC-R, although both trails of each item are administered even if the child passes the first trail. 0n the NISC, the second trail was administered only if the subject failed trail one. The WISC direc- tions did not state whether the examiner should drop his voice on the last digit; this question remains unanswered on the NISC-R. Scoring on the HISC was based on the highest number of digits repeated successfully, whereas the HISC-R scoring is based on the total number of trails passed. On the backward digits, the HISC started with the three-digit item if the subject passed either of the sample items; the MISC-R, however, has the subject start with item 1 (two-digit series), whether or not he succeeded or failed on the sample(s) (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). Picture Completion Subtest Six WISC items have been eliminated on the HISC-R Picture Completion subtest, and it has been lengthened by six items. The HISC instrument had one starting point for all ages; the WISC-R has two starting points. The time limit for each item has been changed from 15 seconds on the WISC to 20 seconds on the HISC-R. Assuming credit for unadministered items was unnecessary on the WISC; however, credit is assumed for items l-4 if the subject responds 24 correctly to items 5 and 6 on the WISC-R. WISC-R test reliability is greater at the younger age levels than was the WISC. Also, the WISC-R contains more items picturing blacks and women than did the former test. Whereas the WISC instructed the examiner to introduce each item by saying, "Now what is missing in this one?" the WISC-R drops or shortens the instructions if the subject understands the task. Regarding inquiry, more specific instructions are provided on the WISC-R and the examiner may say, “Show me where you mean" rather than only the neutral questioning that was allowed on the WISC (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). Picture Arrangement Subtest Sample items differed on the WISC Picture Arrangement Sub- test, with separate ones provided for ages 5-7 and 8-15; the WISC-R gives one sample item for all ages. On the WISC, the subject had to pass items 1 or 2 to receive credit for items A-D, whereas on the WISC-R the subject must pass the first trail of item 3 to receive credit for items 1 and 2. All items on the WISC-R have the same format. On this test, two WISC items have been eliminated, four shortened by one card, and several redrawn. Most of the five new items on the WISC-R replace the cut-up pieces used at the younger age levels on the WISC. The WISC-R examiner is also allowed to encourage the child to work faster to earn the time bonus points (this is also true of Block Design and Object AssemblY); this was not specifically covered in the WISC manual (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, l975). 25 Block Design Subtest The WISC Block Design subtest used blocks with six color combinations; the WISC-R utilizes red, white, and red-white combi- nations. On the WISC, the examiner had to introduce every design by saying, "Now make one like this.” The WISC-R instructions may be shortened if the subject understands the task. 0n the WISC, if the subject passed either trail of item C, he was given credit for items A and B. In contrast, to earn credit for items 1 and 2 on the WISC-R, the subject must pass the first trail of item 3. Reversals on items A, B, and C could be explained on the WISC, whereas the WISC-R examiner may show the subject the correct arrangement only once if the subject has rotated any design. No examples of rota- tions were given in the WISC scoring manual, but the WISC-R provides five examples plus written instructions. Some new items and modi- fications in time bonuses are included in the WISC-R (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). Object Assembly Subtest No sample items were provided on the Object Assembly subtest of the WISC, whereas the WISC-R gives one sample item for all ages. Although the WISC manual did not state whether to remove the shield before or after the directions were given, the WISC-R instructs the examiner to arrange the puzzle pieces behind a shield, then remove it, state the directions, and begin timing. The WISC examiner did not explain any missed items, but the WISC-R examiner shows the correct response if the subject fails the first item. The scoring is somewhat different between the WISC and WISC-R; points for 26 various puzzle arrangements differ, depending on the year in which the WISC manual was published. It most frequently instructed the examiner to score one point for each correct juxtaposition on the manikin, horse, and auto items; the face item was scored one-half point for each correct juxtaposition. The WISC-R scores one point for each cut on the girl and horse items and one-half point for each cut on the auto and face. Regarding the items more specific- ally, the WISC-R auto style has been updated and the manikin has been changed slightly to a little girl (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). Coding Subtest The WISC Coding subtest did not instruct the subject to use any special pencils. The WISC-R requires the subject to use a red pencil without any eraser. The permissibility of praise was not dealt with in the WISC instructions; on the other hand, the WISC-R instructs the examiner to praise the subject for each sample item success. The WISC-R examiner instructs the subject to go from line to line, continuing to work until time has expired. The WISC Coding directions were brief, compared to the more complex directions given on the WISC-R. Whereas only brief scoring directions were given in the WISC manual, the WISC-R is more complete, instructing the examiner to score as correct any figure that is identifiable. The WISC-R record book is separate from the Coding answer sheet, and is printed in two colors, as compared to the monocolor WISC Coding answer sheet, which was printed on the back of the record book (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, l975). 27 Mazes Subtest On the WISC-R Mazes subtest, a more difficult item has been added and a boy or girl is printed in the center of each maze. As was true with the Coding subtest, the WISC required no special pen- cils, whereas the WISC-R requires that the subject use a red pencil without an eraser. Concerning lifting the pencil, the WISC manual stated that the examiner must, as often as necessary, inform sub- jects under 8 years old to keep their pencil points on the paper. The WISC instructions for subjects older than age 8 did not say anything about this, except in the initial instructions for maze C. The WISC-R manual instructs the examiner to remind all subjects, as often as necessary, to keep their pencil points on the record form. The WISC Maze subtest directions were very brief, whereas the WISC-R general directions are more detailed. The WISC-R manual lists specific statements that cover six cautions to the subject if he encounters specific difficulties. On the WISC, credit was given for items A and B if C was accomplished with not more than one error. On the WISC—R, however, the subject must complete item 4 correctly to receive credit for items 1 through 3. Errors on the WISC con- sisted in entering a blind alley, crossing a line, or lifting the pencil; no scoring examples were provided. Scoring criteria for the WISC-R Mazes subtest are different, in that the only type of error scored is entering into any blind alley. In addition, 14 scoring examples are provided. A maximum of three points could be given on some WISC mazes, but a maximum of five is allowed on some WISC-R items. The WISC-R record book also provides a chart with the maze 1...... .. . ,. 0. J. #:jhiln... .12... u ‘I A 28 number, number of errors, and number of points listed, which facili- tates scoring. As was true of the WISC-R Coding subtest, the answer sheet is separate from the record book (Kirchev, 1975; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). Summary This chapter presented a brief overview of the changes that have been made between the WISC and the WISC-R tests. The WISC-R possesses the same format as the WISC, with identical subtests yielding Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores. Major changes on the WISC-R include more complete presentation of statistical data and clearer scoring and administration instructions in the manual, inclusion of nonwhites in the WISC-R standardization sample, and updated norms. Seventy-eight percent of the items on the WISC-R are taken directly from the WISC, 5.9% are taken from the WISC but have undergone substantial modification, and 16.1% of the items are new. Many of the items that were either modified or replaced include those that were judged to be out of date or culturally biased. 1 1 i Ii E . v 1 Ir ltilinmflJ..1:|L .1 ‘. 11.711 CHAPTER III REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE In this chapter the literature pertinent to the present study is reviewed. Examined first are previous studies that have compared the WISC and other standardized intelligence tests-~more specifically, WISC/WISC-R comparative studies. Then the issue of test bias, including a discussion of various definitions and studies related to this issue, is examined. WISC/WISC-R Comparative Studies One of the common ways researchers attempt to determine the usefulness of a recently developed instrument is by comparing it to older, more established tests. This is also true in the case of the WISC-R. Studies (Wechsler, 1974) have indicated the WISC-R has validity similar to the WISC. These studies have shown correlations of .82 with the Wechsler Preschool Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI), .95 with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), and .73 with the Stanford-Binet Form L-M (1972 norms) using the WISC-R Full Scale IQ score. DOppelt and Kaufman (in press) identified those WISC items that remained substantially unchanged and were administered in the same manner on the WISC-R (Verbal Scale: Information--l9 items, Arithmetic--8 items, and Vocabulary--21 items; Performance Scale: Object Assembly--2 items, Coding--entire test, and Mazes--8 items). 29 30 The authors developed regression equations in an attempt to answer the question: If the WISC-R standardization sample had been tested with the WISC, what would their IQs have been? Those items that could be scored differently in the WISC and WISC-R were scored according to the 1974 WISC-R scoring criteria. Doppelt and Kaufman described their procedure for estimating WISC IQs for the WISC-R sample as follows: Scores on the three sets of items that constituted the Verbal common core were used in a multiple regression equation to pre- dict the WISC Verba1 IQ sum of scaled scores of the children in the 1949 standardization sample. This was done separately for each age group. Corresponding equations were developed to predict the Performance core items. The coefficients of mul— tiple correlation for the Verbal and Performance scales are provided. The coefficients for the Full Scale were computed by correlating the estimated Full Scale Score (the sum of the estimates for the Verbal and Performance scales) with the actual WISC Full Scale Score. The regression equations that were obtained from the analysis of the WISC standardization data were applied to the core scores of the WISC-R standardization sample to obtain estimated WISC scores for those children. Correlations between the estimated WISC scores and the obtained WISC-R scores for the 1974 sample are [shown along with] the coefficients between estimated WISC and actual WISC scores for the 1949 sample. It is apparent that the estimated WISC IQs . . . correlate with the actual WISC IQs of the 1949 sample to about the same extent as they do with the WISC-R IQs of the 1974 sample (p. 4). Doppelt and Kaufman's statistical analysis predicted for the age range 6.5 to 15.5 the mean WISC 10 would be higher by 1.5 points on the Verbal Scale, 6 points on the Performance Scale, and 4 points on the Full Scale. At age 11, the differences between the two tests were much smaller. Older subjects were predicted to show less difference between the two tests than younger subjects. (Barclay and Carolan [1966] termed this the "specific age effect.") The study also predicted a more marked difference for lower ability 1 I l . . “TEE iii. . .1 1L.|I|Illllv|[il||l“ . 31 groups (this is termed a specific ability effect, and was discussed by Hannon and Kicklighter [1970]). Table 3.1 gives a more detailed presentation of the findings. In summary, Doppelt and Kaufman ('in press) found significant score differences between the WISC and WISC-R tests, with the WISC-R being lower in all cases. They also pre- dicted greater IQ score differences between the two tests for younger and lower-ability students. Limitations of the Doppelt and Kaufman (in press) statis- tical prediction study include the lack of actual cases, the use of only a small number of common items, and the fact that for items that could be scored differently by the WISC and WISC-R, the WISC-R criteria were subjectively decided upon. In addition, the study overlooked crucial differences between the two tests, including order of subtest administration, different administration instruc- tions, item modifications, and changes in scoring criteria, among others. However, their study did raise questions about the com- parability of scores on the WISC and WISC—R. Zimmerman (1975) analyzed 86 cases of educationally handi- capped and educationally mentally retarded (EMR) children in California to whom the WISC-R had been administered within the past year and the WISC some time previously. Zimmerman found dif- ferences between the two tests, with the WISC-R being lower in terms of IQ score in all cases. In addition, Zimmerman found these dif- ferences to be more marked for educationally handicapped (a combina- tion of learning disabled and emotionally impaired students) and younger subjects than for EMR and older students. For the 32 .88888; 8. o. umH3 8:8 8:885 c888 m>888888 <8 8+ 8+ .- .8888 mun. mun. .81. 888.8.888 8..88882 38.88 888 88 8+ 8+ 8 88..888.88 88-88 8+ 8+ .- ...88. 88888>8 38. 88-88 8+ 8+ .- 8888888 88.-88 8+ 8+ .- .888..8. 8888888 88.: 8..-8.. 8+ 8+ .- 88.88888 88.-88. N+ 0+ N: Lowgwazm ALw> w>onm Ucm om_. 8.8.-8... 8888 8+ 8+ 8+ .888. .8“: .mu: .8“. 888.8.888 8..8.882 38.88 888 88 8+ 8+ 8+ 88..888888 88-88 8+ 8+ 8+ ...88. 88888>8 38. 88-88 8+ 8+ 8+ 88888>< 88.-88 8+ 8+ 8+ .888.88. 888.888 88.: 8..-8.. 8+ 8+ 8+ 88.88888 88.-88. ¢+ m+ m+ Lowgqum >.¢.m> w>onm ccw om_. 8.8.-8.8 8888 8.88m _.:8 88885888888 .8888> Ac. muumHz 83:82 o. umH3V.wo:mmewmo 88.888.8.888.8 o. mnomHz 8.8—8>88 xuWP888 maomg8> Low 8.8. 8-88.3 888 88.3 8883888 888888888.8 88 88888 8.88s+88x 888 8.88888 .8 8..8888--...8 8.888 33 educationally handicapped children, major subscale differences between the WISC and WISC-R were 4.9 for the Verbal Scale, 3.0 for the Performance Scale, and 4.1 for the Full Scale IQ. For the EMR sample, Zimmerman reported WISC/WISC-R differences of 3.3 for the Verba1 Scale, 2.2 for the Performance IQ, and 2.1 for the Full Scale IQ. In all cases, the WISC-R results were lower than the previous WISC results. A summary of these results is presented in Table 3.2. Table 3.2.--Summary of Zimmerman (1975) study. WISC WISC-R Difference Young EducationalLy Handicapped Verba1 IQ 90.9 84.5 6.4 Performance IQ 89.2 86.7 2.5 Full Scale IQ 89.3 84.2 5.1 Older Educationally Handicapped Verbal IQ 81.9 79.3 2.6 Performance IQ 90.2 87.0 3.2 Full Scale IQ 84.4 81.8 2.6 Young Educationally Mentally Retarded Verbal IQ 67.2 62.9 4 3 Performance IQ 68.7 63.0 5 7 Full Scale IQ 64.9 59.8 5 1 Older Educationally Mentally Retarded Verba1 IQ 64.0 61.0 3.0 Performance IQ 66.1 65.5 0.6 Full Scale IQ 61.6 60.5 1.1 ____________‘__. 8...! 4: z: 34 Limitations of the Zimmerman (1975) study are the lack of control for both order of administration and growth effects. The researcher provided no test-retest summary information such as ranges, means, or medians, nor did she impose any test-retest interval limits. It is most likely that the two tests were admin- istered many years apart. In addition, Zimmerman utilized a sample of special education students who, in many cases, had been enrolled in special education for some time. This also affects the results and limits their generalizability. Swerdlik and Rice (1975) found results similar to Zimmer- man's in their analysis of 41 EMR and non-EMR children who had been administered the WISC-R within the past year and the WISC from one to four years previously. Children identified as emotionally impaired or learning disabled were eliminated from the sample. The researchers reported significant mean WISC/WISC-R differences of 3.80 for the Verbal Scale, 2.74 for the Performance Scale, 3.05 for the Full Scale IQ, and 1.31 for the Vocabulary subtest. In all cases, the WISC-R yielded lower scores than the WISC. The mean WISC/WISC-R difference for the Comprehension subtest was not significant. In addition, no specific age or ability effects were noted. Deficiencies of the Swerd1ik and Rice (1975) study are similar to those of the Zimmerman research. They include a lack of control for order of administration and growth effects, although a specific test-retest time limit was imposed. In addition, special 1 11 ll 1‘ 1! 1| 35 education students made up a large proportion of the sample, thereby limiting generalizability of the results. Hamm et al. (1975) estimated WISC/WISC-R differences for 48 10- and l3-year-old special education students enrolled in EMR classes in rural southeast Georgia. They found significant overall WISC/WISC-R differences of 6 points for the Verbal IQ, 10 points for the Performance IQ, and 7.5 points for the Full Scale IQ. In all cases the WISC-R yielded lower scores. The authors reported no significant age effects. The study attempted to improve upon previous studies by utilizing a semi-counterbalanced design with a specific test-retest interval of not less than 14 days and a mean of 39 days. This was an attempt to control for both growth and practice effects--a substantial design improvement over the previous studies reviewed. Limitations of the study conducted by Hamm et a1. (1975) are that no differences were reported for the individual subtests, and the authors dealt with a small, restricted sample of children who had already been identified and enrolled in EMR classes for at least six months. This may have had a profound impact on the final results and severely limits the generalizability of the results. Berry and Sherrets (1976) conducted both a pilot study and a major study comparing the WISC and the WISC—R. The pilot study compared the scores of 14 special education students who had been administered the WISC-R and the WISC some time previously by other examiners. Their method was similar to that employed by both Zimmerman (1975) and Swerdlik and Rice (1975). The findings 36 indicated that the two scales were measuring similar abilities, with the Full Scale correlation coefficient equal to .90. The students, however, performed significantly lower on the WISC-R, with the largest difference being 7.79 points on the Verbal Scale (p<.OOl). The limitations of the Zimmerman (1975) and Swerdlik and Rice (1975) efforts apply to this pilot study as well. The major Berry and Sherrets (1976) study had a sample of 28 special education students from an urban school district. The sample had originally comprised 30 subjects, but the authors reported that a tornado had struck the area the day before testing and they felt two subjects were too emotionally upset to produce valid results. The age range for the 28 subjects was from 8.7 to 15.6 years, with a mean of 11.8. The tests were administered at two—week intervals in a counterbalanced order to control for both growth and practice effects. The results were similar to those obtained in the pilot study. Moderately strong correlations between the WISC and WISC—R were reported for the Verbal Scale (.74), Performance Scale (.85), and Full Scale (.86). The following mean significant WISC/WISC-R differences were obtained: 4.43 points for the Verbal Scale, 3.25 for the Performance Scale, and 3.43 for the Full Scale IQ. In all cases, the WISC-R results were lower than the WISC results. The authors concluded that a larger number of children would be classified as retarded using the WISC-R and a larger number would be placed in special education classes. Deficiencies of the Berry and Sherrets (1976) study include the limits to the generalizability of the results because of the 37 small, restricted sample of special education students. In addi- tion, no analysis of subtest scores was reported, the possible age effects were not examined, and the reader was not informed of the possible effects of the tornado on the subjects included in the sample. Kaufman and Weiner (1976) compared the results of the WISC and the WISC-R for 46 low-SES black children aged 7 to 10 years who had been referred to a Brooklyn, New York, clinic for suspected learning and/or behavioral disorders. The tests were administered in a counterbalanced order, with a mean test-retest interval of seven weeks. The WISC-R consistently yielded lower IQ scores than the WISC. The IQ score differences were 7 points for the Verbal Scale and 8 points for both the Performance Scale and the Full 'Scale. Between the WISC and WISC-R, correlations of .90 and .82 for the Verbal and Performance Scales, respectively, were found. A final result reported was a .63 correlation between the WISC-R Full Scale IQ and the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) Reading subtest, which was significant at the .01 level. This is similar to the .59 correlation found for the WISC Full Scale IQ and the WRAT Reading subtest. Limitations of the Kaufman and Weiner (1976) study include the lack of analysis of the 12 subtests. In addition, their sample comprised children referred to a Brooklyn clinic for behavioral difficulties. Such children tend to have unstable test scores to begin with; hence this would affect the results of the study, because the researchers employed a test-retest design. The study 38 did, however, include validity data for the WISC-R and is consistent with previous studies, reporting a fairly large WISC/WISC—R score difference with the WISC-R yielding lower scores. In comparing the test results of 22 deaf children between the ages of 9 and 11, who were tested in the spring of 1974 on the WISC and one year later on the WISC-R, Davis (personal communi- cation) found that five subjects obtained higher Performance IQ's on the WISC—R (an average increase of 7 points) and 17 subjects obtained lower Performance IQ's on the WISC-R (an average decrease of 8.4 points). The Verbal Scale was not administered because the children were deaf. Limitations of the Davis study are similar to those of the Zimmerman (1975) and Swerdlik and Rice (1975) research and Berry and Sherrets' (1976) pilot study. In addition, Davis utilized a small, restricted sample, which limits the generalizability of the results. Also, no subtest analysis was provided. However, the study did deal with a population (deaf children) for which WISC/ WISC-R comparison data previously had not been available. Solway et al. (1976) compared WISC and WISC-R results for a group of juvenile delinquents, and found significant differences between the two tests for Verbal (p<.05), Performance (p<.0001), and Full Scale IQs (p<.01) and all 10 subtests administered except Information, Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Picture Arrangement. The differences for Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs were 2.35, 3.67, and 3.05, respectively. WISC/WISC—R differences for the subtests ranged from .46 on Information to 8.39 on Similarities. 39 In all cases the WISC-R results were lower than the WISC results. No significant differences were found for different sexes, races (whites, blacks, and Mexican-Americans), ages, or grades. A limitation of the Solway et al. (1976) study involves a limit to the generalizability of the results. Further, their experimental design did not have each subject receive both tests. They took a large sample of juvenile delinquents and randomly selected those who would be administered only the WISC and a group who would only be administered the WISC-R. The results were then compared, assuming the two groups were identical. Reschly and Davis (in press) attempted to determine the comparability of WISC and WISC-R scores among children aged 7.9 to 16.1 from borderline and educable levels of intelligence. They administered the WISC and WISC-R to 48 children in Tuscon, Arizona, who had been referred and evaluated for special education placement. Davis originally administered the WISC; the WISC-R was administered by different graduate students enrolled in an intellectual assessment course. The time interval between testings ranged from 5 to 26 months, with a mean of 17.3 months. The WISC was always administered first. In almost every case the WISC-R scores were lower than the WISC scores. The largest differences were reported on the Verbal IQ Scale and on several Verbal subtests. Performance IQ scores on both tests were comparable; in fact, scores on three of the five Performance subtests (Picture Comple- tion, Picture Arrangement, and Object Assembly) were either at 40 similar levels on both tests or were significantly higher on the WISC-R. The difference between Full Scale IQ scores on the two tests was 4 points. Limitations of this study are similar to those previously discussed. They include the lack of control for both growth and practice effects, and the fact that the WISC-R was always admin- istered by relatively inexperienced, noncertified examiners. Also, the WISC/WISC-R examiners were always different. All of the studies previously described have dealt with samples of low-ability students and/or students enrolled in special education EMR classes. In contrast, Larrabee and Holroyd (1976) compared scores earned by 38 highly intelligent fifth graders on both the WISC and the WISC-R. These children attended a private school in a Pasadena, California, suburb; the school had a reputa- tion for academic excellence. Significant WISC/WISC-R differences were reported for Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs, with the WISC score being higher in all cases. The mean differences between the WISC and the WISC-R were large: 9.6 points for the Verbal IQ, 8.4 points for the Performance IQ, and 9.4 points for the Full Scale IQ. Correlations between WISC and WISC-R subtests ranged from .269 for Picture Arrangement to .936 for Similarities. Limitations of the Larrabee and Holroyd (1976) study include the restricted sample and small sample size. However, it does provide data for the upper IQ ranges, which were not previously available. The differences found are the highest reported for the Verbal and Full Scale IQ Scales. This also contradicts previous 41 studies, which predicted and found less difference between the WISC and the WISC-R for higher-ability students. Schwarting (1976) administered sets of the WISC and WISC-R to 58 randomly selected children aged 6 through 15 years in a sub- urban Omaha, Nebraska, school containing grades one through eight. The order of administration was counterbalanced to control for practice effects. The test-retest interval between the two tests for each child ranged from 60 to 67 days. Omitted were supplemen- tary tests of Digit Span and Mazes. Significant mean WISC minus WISC-R differences were reported for Verbal (mean difference=4.86), Performance (mean difference=8.74), and Full Scale IQs (mean difference=7.49). All of the WISC/WISC-R mean differences for the 10 subscales were significant except for Vocabulary. The mean WISC-R scores were lower in all cases except Comprehension, on which the mean WISC score was lower than the WISC-R score. The following regression equations were also computed to predict WISC-R scores from WISC results: WISCR Verbal IQ = .91 x (WISC Verbal IQ) + 5 WISC-R Performance IQ = .77 x (WISC Performance IQ) + 17.75 WISC-R Fu11 Scale IQ = .91 X (WISC Full Scale IQ) + 2.72 The limitations of Schwarting's (1976) study include restrictions on the generalizability of the results because of the location of the sample. In addition, supplementary tests were omitted. Because of the small sample size, the author did not investigate the possible specific age or ability effects or racial 42 differences. However, Schwarting's study is the only one to date that permits generalization of the results to the entire school p0pulation of one school building. A summary of the major findings of studies comparing the WISC and the WISC-R is presented in Table 3.3. The WISC/WISC-R Verbal IQ differences ranged from 1.5 to 9.6 IQ points, Performance IQ differences ranged from 2.2 to 10 IO points, and Full Scale IQ differences were from 2.1 to 9.4 points. Two of the 10 studies reviewed reported a specific age effect (a greater difference between the WISC and the WISC-R for younger than for older students) and a specific ability effect (a greater difference between the WISC and the WISC-R for lower than higher ability students). In all cases the WISC-R yielded lower scores. In several studies, the Coding and Similarities subtests showed the largest WISC/WISC-R differences. In the present study, an attempt was made to improve upon previous studies reviewed in this chapter in the following ways: 1. It controlled for both growth and practice effects by utilizing a counterbalanced design with a specific test-retest interval. 2. Itemployedailarger,less restrictive sample of children referred to school psychologists primarily because of concerns about their intellectual ability. The sample was drawn from both rural and urban areas of a midwestern tri-state area. This is the population with whom the test has most frequently been utilized. 3. The study examined how nonwhites perform on the WISC-R. 3 4 .888 8 "8. 8.888 ..88 .888 w No. 88885888888 .888 8 no. .8888> .888 88.8 no. 8.888 8.38 .888 mm.m no. 88885888888 .888 88.8 H8. .88883 .888 8.8 no. 8.888 ..88 .888 o. no. 88885888888 .888 8 no. .8888> .888 .m.. .388.:8888> .888 88.8 H8. 8.888 ..88 .888 88.N no. 88385888888 .888 88.8 N8. .88883 .mp8 F.N no. w_8um .838 .888 N.N no. 88885888888 .888 8.8 “8. .88883 ”88888888 338 .888 ..8 H8. 8.888 ..88 .888 m ”o. 88885888888 .888 8.8 ”8. .88883 "88888888 38 .888 8 H8. 8.888 ..88 .888 8 no. 88885888888 .888 8.. 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It controlled for age to examine the specific age effect (Barclay & Carolan, 1966) and to examine differences across abilities so as not to mask any real differences (Hannon & Kick- lighter, l970). 5. The study explored WISC/WISC-R differences for each of the three major scales and the l2 individual subtests. 6. It identified what school psychologists consider a "meaningful difference" between the two tests. 7. It examined how these tests affect the educational programming of children, by reporting the disposition of the cases involved in this study. Test Bias The inclusion of nonwhites in the WISC-R standardization sample; greater ethnic group representation in subtest items; and revision of Vocabulary, Similarities, and Comprehension items to omit seemingly biased items and substitute others have led some researchers to conclude that the WISC-R is a fairer and much improved test for minority groups than was the WISC (Kirchev, l975; Carvajal & McKnab, 1975). The present study addressed the question of whether the WISC-R is in fact fairer for minority groups by comparing the performance of whites and nonwhites on the two tests. Reschly et al. (l976) provided a useful summary of the current literature on test bias, which contains highly conflicting views. They discussed three general conceptualizations of test bias that are dominant in the literature. 46 One viewpoint defines a test as biased whenever mean differ- ences in performance occur among several groups. For example, a test is said to be biased if different racial or ethnic groups score lower, on the average, than the p0pulation means. According to this definition, any detected difference is attributed to measure- ment error. This definition also makes the critical assumption that there are no real differences among the groups at the outset. This definition has been endorsed by many researchers (e.g., Jackson, l975; Williams, l974). However, when considering this first viewpoint, Jensen (l975) believes it is important to distinguish between two concepts: culture loading and culture bias. They are not synonymous. Culture loading refers to the specificity or generality of the informational content of the test items that compose a particular test. The more specific the culture from which the test's information could be taken, the more culture loaded it is. The amount of specificity or lack of it in the content of the test items corresponds to its culture loading. Jensen (l975) gives examples of two questions that differ in their degree of culture loading. "Name three parks in New York City" is more culture loaded than "How many l0¢ postage stamps can you buy for $l?" Culture content and degree of culture loading of items in a particular test is a different matter from whether the particular content of the test items causes the test to be biased with regard to the performance of any number of groups within the p0pulation. Jensen's (l975) position with regard to considering differences between means as an indicator of test bias 47 is clear. He states, To the extent that the test contains cultural content that is generally peculiar to the members of one group but not to members of another group, it is liable to be biased with respect to comparisons of test scores between the groups or predic- tions based on their scores. Score differences per se, whether between individuals, social classes, or racial groups, obviously cannot be a proper criterion of bias. There is no basis for assuming a priori that any two populations should be equal in whatever it is that the test is supposed to measure (p. 5). The second viewpoint of test bias addresses itself to external validity and the use of standardized tests in predicting some future out- come, such as academic or employment success . This definition assumes a test is biased or unbiased, based upon the accuracy with which it pre- dicts future performance for all groups. From this viewpoint of test bias, even if various racial or ethnic groups obtain different mean scores on the test, the instrument is still not considered biased if it can be shown to predict accurately and fairly for all groups. A test is thought to be fair if it does not consistently over- or under-predict the criterion score for any racial or ethnic group. Cleary's (l968) definition of test bias best represents this viewpoint: A test is biased for members of a subgroup of the population if, in the prediction of a criterion for which the test is designed, consistent nonzero errors of prediction are made for members of the subgroup. In other words, the test is biased if the criterion score predicted from the common regression line is consistently too high or too low for mem- bers of the subgroup. With this definition of bias, there may be a connotation of "unfair" particularly if the use of the test produces a prediction that is too low (p. llS). Cleary's definition of test bias has become the most widely accepted by the courts, educational and industrial psychologists, textbook authors, and governmental agencies (Seaton, 1975). 48 Thorndike (l97l) argued that the Cleary definition which selects "the best man for the job" is unfair to minority groups because it will select a smaller pr0portion of their group that meet a particular criterion level as compared to the majority group. Thorndike's definition of test bias states, "An alternate definition would specify that the qualifying scores on a test should be set at levels that will qualify applicants in the two groups in proportion to the fraction of the two groups reaching a specified level of cri- terion performance" (p. 63). This definition of test bias, if opera- tionalized as a means of selecting applicants for a job, would result in the selection of a greater proportion of minority group members than the Cleary definition. The third viewpoint regarding test bias involves the social- policy implications of test use. Definitions advanced by Darlington (l97l) and expanded by Novick and Peterson (l976) suggested that predictor scores be adjusted in the direction of socially desirable outcomes to eliminate past inequities among groups. Some have argued against this viewpoint, saying it leads to reverse discrimi- nation. Peterson and Novick (l976) felt this criticism can be overcome if the amount of disadvantage, rather than particular ethnic or racial group membership, is utilized in adjusting scores. A fourth viewpoint looks at an internal validity measure. Many researchers determine test bias on the basis of item con- tent. Jensen (l976) found the rank order of item difficulty levels of WISC-R items was not significantly different for whites and blacks. In fact, one particular WISC-R item that many critics 49 have claimed to be culturally biased against blacks ("What is the thing to do if a fellow [girl] much smaller than yourself starts to fight with you?") actually was found to be relatively easier for blacks than for whites. It ranked forty-second in difficulty for blacks, compared to forty-seventh for the white group. Jensen referred to this as an example of "armchair analysis of cultural bias in a specific test item” (p. 16). The item-content approach was the major method used to omit "culturally biased" items from the WISC-R. Often it is assumed that the Performance score of an intel- ligence test like the WISC is less "culture bound" and therefore less negatively affected by a deprived social and educational back- ground than is the Verbal Scale. Many researchers have termed the Performance Scale less biased (Telford & Sawrey, 1967; Holland, l960; Teahan & Drews, l962). However, most research has suggested that blacks score equal to or higher than whites on the WISC Verbal as compared to Performance subtests (Atchinson, 1955; Caldwell & Smith, 1968; Cole & Hunter, l97l; Hughes & Lessler, l965; Young & Bright, 1954; Loehlin, Lindzey, & Spahler, l975). Previous studies have reported that nonwhites generally perform lower than whites on the WISC (Carson & Rabin, l960; Simpson, 1960; Zimmerman & Hoosam, 1973; Holland, l960; Webb, 1965; Ortiz, 1968). Many researchers have concluded that blacks score approximately one standard deviation below the mean as compared to whites (Shuey, l966; Dreger & Miller, l960; Tyler, 1965). 50 Specifically, Young and Bright (1954) tested southern Negro children aged 10 to 13 years, and reported a WISC Full Scale IQ mean score of 67.74. They concluded that the WISC was inappropriate for testing southern Negro children because of the lack of nonwhites in the standardization sample. Caldwell (1954) tested 420 Negro children ranging in age from 6 to 12, with equal numbers of males and females. The sample was selected from towns in five deep-southern states, and was ran- domly selected from various schools. A difference was found between southern Negro children and the white standardization group. The Full Scale IQ mean obtained for the black sample was 85.52, which is considerably higher than the mean obtained in the Young and Bright (1954) study. Caldwell concluded that cultural bias resulted from using the WISC, which had been standardized on a white popu- lation. Holland (1960) studied a sample of 36 Spanish-speaking children in the first through fifth grades in Tuscon, Arizona. The children were referred for testing because of academic and emotional problems. The WISC subtests were first administered in English, just as in the standard procedure. Only when the instructions were not understood were they repeated in Spanish. Correct answers in either language were credited. Verba1 IQ scores for tests administered only in English ranged from 45 to 118; the group mean was 80.6. The Bilingual Verba1 IQ scores (mixed English and Spanish as out- lined) ranged from 48 to 118, with a mean of 85.2. There was a large discrepancy between the Verba1 and Performance IQ scores. 51 The Performance results were, on the average, 10.2 points higher than the English Verbal IQ for the group. The Bilingual Performance IQ results were, on the average, 5 to 6 points higher than the Bilingual Verbal IQ. Both of these discrepancies were significant at the p<.01 level. Simpson (1970) administered the WISC to 120 Anglo, Mexican, and black 16 year olds of below-average ability. He reported mean Full Scale IQ scores of 85.55 for the Anglo sample, 81.02 for the Mexican sample, and 81.00 for the blacks. Mean Performance IQ scores were 91.72 for the Anglos, 88.25 for the Mexicans, and 85.57 for the blacks. For all groups, the Performance IQs were highest. Concerning the WISC-R, some evidence suggests that nonwhites continue to score below whites as they did on the WISC. Mercer (1975) gathered WISC—R data on 688 Anglo-American, 620 Chicano/ Latino, and 616 black children in a California suburb. She reported mean WISC-R Full Scale IQ scores of 103 for the white sample, 91.5 for the Latino sample, and 87.6 for the black sample. Kaufman and Doppelt (1976), in their analysis of data from the 2,200 children included in the WISC-R standardization sample, found whites scored approximately one standard deviation (15 points) higher than blacks on the WISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ measures. In their analysis of WISC-R results, Jensen and Figueora (1975) found that the backward digits portion of the Digit Span subtest correlated more highly with total IQ than did forward digit span, and that blacks and whites differed more on the backward than 52 the forward digit span portions. Because Digit Span is considered to be one of the least culturally loaded subtests of the WISC-R, the authors used this finding as evidence of true differences in intellectual ability between blacks and whites. As is evident from the preceding discussion, there are many definitions and conceptions of what constitutes test bias. An attempt was made to cite some of the research pertaining to each of these definitions and conceptions. The present study attempted to investigate the question of whether the WISC-R is less biased than the WISC by examining the performance of nonwhites on both tests. Because of the character- istics of the data collected in the present study, two of the pre- viously discussed conceptions of test bias have been employed in this study: (a) A test is said to be biased if the means among several racial and/or ethnic groups differ; this definition was supported by Jackson (1975) and Williams (1974). (b) The second conception of test bias utilized in the present study involves com- paring the Verbal-Performance Scale discrepancies between the WISC and WISC-R. This conception of test bias assumes the Verbal Scale of the WISC is more “culture bound'I and more negatively affected by a deprived social and educational background than the Performance Scale. Many researchers (Telford & Sawrey, 1967; Holland, 1960; Teahan & Drews, 1962) consider the Performance Scale to be less biased than the Verbal Scale. In the present study, if the WISC-R had a smaller Verba1-Performance Scale discrepancy than the WISC, 53 advocates of this position would interpret this to mean that the NISC-R is less biased than the WISC. This chapter presented a detailed review of previous studies that compared the WISC and the WISC-R tests, a discussion of various definitions and conceptions of test bias, and a review of previous studies that have compared the performance of whites and nonwhites on the WISC and the WISC-R. CHAPTER IV METHOD Presented in this chapter is a detailed description of the sample of examiners, subjects, and general procedures employed in data collection and analysis. In addition, the study's hypotheses are set forth. Sample of Examiners The sample of examiners was drawn from a pool of school psychologists in Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio. A letter (see Appending)was mailed to approximately 800 members of the local school psychology organizations in the tri-state area during the first week in September, 1975. Further, ads soliciting examiners were placed in the APA Monitor and the weekly newsletter, Behavior Today, Announcements were also made and letters distributed at the 1975 annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Chicago and the fall, 1975, meeting of the Illinois Psychological Association. Potential participants were asked to return a form (see Appendix A) in a self—addressed stamped envelope. On this form, the school psychologist indicated his intent to participate, the number of children he was willing to test, and certain demographic information. Seventy-two school psychologists in the tri-state 54 55 area volunteered to test 164 children aged 6-15.1l, who had been referred to them for suspected intellectual deficiency. A summary of examiner characteristics, as well as demographic data pertaining to their schools, is presented in Table 4.1. A comparison of participant examiners to nonparticipants, defined as those who returned forms indicating they would participate and in fact did not and those who returned forms indicating they would not participate, on the variables of state, school district size, and years of experience revealed virtually no differences between the groups. Comparing the characteristics of the participating examiners with summary characteristics of school psychologists obtained from state-wide survey information indicated that: 1. The participating examiners from the state of Michigan tended to be slightly younger, more possessed master's degrees and fewer held doctorates, and they were less experienced than the average Michigan school psychologist. However, the Michigan summary statistics are somewhat dated (1970-71), and with the implementation of mandatory special education the state has recently employed an increased number of school psychologists at the master's and specialist levels. This would indicate that the participating school psychologists were not significantly different from the average Michigan school psychologist (see Tables 4.2 and 4.3). 2. The participating examiners from Illinois tended to be slightly younger and less experienced than the average Illinois school psychologist. However, in regard to their training (highest 56 Table 4.1.—-Examiner characteristics (N=72). Examiner Age Range: 22-63 Mean: 36.28 No response: 9 Highest Degree Earned Master's Specialist Doctorate No response Years of Training Including Internship 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years No response Mean = 2.9 years Years of Experience as a School Psychologist 0 years 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 15 years 20 years No response Mean = 4.66 years Frequency 41 19 6 6 _.||\)_.I poocoxlcnmo wd-‘dw—‘U'INONVCDONGD .. a... a1... 16.3.1... . I__...r.1__.a _..1 ._.____—-:...1. 57 Table 4.1.--Continued. Number of Psychological Batteries Administered Last Year Range: 0-350 Mean: 90.12 No response: 4 Number of Psychological Batteries Expected to Administer This Year Range: 0-350 Mean: 88.24 No response: 5 Number of Children Tested by Examiners Number of Examiners 1 child 27 2 children 27 3 children 7 4 children 7 5 children 2 6 children 1 16 children 1 degree earned), they were similar to the average school psychologist in their state (see Tables 4.2 and 4.3). 3. The participating examiners from Ohio had equal training (highest degree earned) and experience compared to the average Ohio school psychologist. However, participating school psychologists tended to be older. It should be noted that the Ohio state-wide Table 4.2.--Summary statistics of participants by states. 58 CCardee et a1. (1976). dNA = No answer. Michigan Illinois Ohio 692 Less than 25 9% 10% 0% 25-35 44% 50% 25% 36-45 32% 20% 42% Over 46 15% 20% 33% Highest Degree Earned BA 0% 0% 0% MA 54% 82% 67% Specialist 41% 0% 25% Doctorate 5% 18% 8% Years Experience 1-3 51% 41% 55=42% 4-6 30% 23% 7+ 19% 36% 25=58% Table 4.3.--Summary data from tri-state area. Michigana Illinoisb Ohioc Egg. < = 0 23-25 0% 3:940:33; 10% 25-35 36% 4" _50=] 9‘2 38% 36-45 39% 51-60: 67 26% Over 46 26% 60+ = 2% 26% NAd = 6% Highest Degree Earned BA 2% 0% 0% MA 20% 84% 89.3% Specialist 38% Not Reported Not Reported Doctorate 40% 16% 10.7% Years Experience 1-3 40% 28% SS=49% 4-5 27% 32% 7+ 33% 40% 25=51% a . Le51ak (l97l). bKlemt and Peterson (1975); Illinois Office of Education (1975). 59 data were obtained from a survey in which only 255 of 800 Ohio school psychologists participated. It is not possible to deter- mine whether they adequately represented the entire population of Ohio school psychologists (see Tables 4.2 and 4.3). Subject Sample The 72 participating school psychologists agreed to admin- ister the WISC and WISC-R to 164 children. The examiners were asked to select children of particular races and ages who had been referred to them primarily because of suspected mental deficiency. A summary of subject characteristics appears in Table 4.4. It is difficult to determine if the children referred and utilized in this study are representative of those referred to school psychologists throughout the tri-state area because of concerns about their intel- lectual ability. No data are available to make this comparison. The sampling procedure employed in this study had the fol- lowing limitations: 1. Participating examiners consisted of those who were interested in the question of the equivalency between the WISC and WISC-R, and conceivably could have suspected a difference between the two tests to begin with. 2. It was not a random sample of examiners in the tri-state area. 3. The examiners did not randomly choose children within particular age ranges and of particular racial groups. 4. Those who composed the examiner pool belonged to the professional local school psychology organization and/or had attended 60 Table 4.4.--Subject characteristics (N=164). Characteristic Frequency States Michigan 74 Illinois 52 Ohio 38 Community Type 1 (Metropolitan core: one or more adjacent 71 cities with a population of 50,000 or more that serve as the focal point of their environs) 2 (City: Community of 10,000 to 50,000) 28 3 (Town: Community of 2,500 to 10,000) 8 4 (Urban fringe: A community of any popu- 43 lation size that has as its economic focal point a metropolitan core of a city) 5 (Rural community: A community of less 14 than 2,500) School District Size Small (less than 1,000) 9 Medium (1,000-2,500) 19 Large (greater than 2,500) 136 Sex_ Male 106 Female 58 Age Level Young (7-11.0 years) 100 Old (11.1-15.11 years) 64 61 Table 4.4.--Continued. Characteristic Frequency Race White 104 Black 39 Latino 21 Test-Retest Interval Range: 7-31 days Mean: 20 days Grade Level lst 24 2nd 19 3rd 28 4th 24 5th 16 6th 16 7th 17 8th 11 9th 7 10th 2 Ability Classification Above average (F.S. IQ above 115) 7 Average (F.S. IQ 90-114) 58 Below average (F.S. IQ less than 90) 99 professional conventions. This may indicate that they were more active, more interested in research, and had greater professional identity than the total population of school psychologists in the tri-state area. fifiufloiflh 11511111.“? 11 (al. » ~ , 62 beige. The design over subjects included two levels of age (young = 7-11.0 years) and old = 11.1-15.11 years), three levels of race (white, black, and Latino), and two levels of order (WISC first and WISC-R first) all completely crossed. The design over measures included two levels of test (WISC and WISC—R) crossed with two scales (Verba1 and Performance). The Full Scale is a composite of the Verba1 and Performance Sca1es. Age was included in this study as a variable to investigate the specific age effect (Barclay & Carolan, 1966), which refers to the existence of a greater difference between two tests for differ— ent age levels. Barclay and Carolan found a greater difference between the Stanford-Binet Form L-M and the WISC for younger than for older subjects. The research reviewed in Chapter III, which dealt with previous comparison studies between the WISC and the WISC-R, showed conflicting results. Zimmerman (1975) and Doppelt and Kaufman (in press) found a specific age effect, with more of a difference between the WISC and WISC—R for younger than older stu— dents. However, other researchers (e.g., Hamm et al., 1975; Swerdlik & Rice, 1975) have reported no specific age effects. Previous research has also pointed to the possible specific ability effect (Hannon & Kicklighter, 1970; Doppelt & Kaufman, in press). These researchers suggested that the specific ability effect be explored so as not to mask any real differences between two tests. They found more of a difference between two tests for lower than higher ability students (WISC vs. WAIS and WISC vs. ' “~:;‘::“‘gr:'" 63 WISC-R). To explore this effect in the present study, one-way analyses of variance were conducted between the WISC minus WISC-R differences for Verba1, Performance, and Full Scale IQ measures and ability levels (above average, average, and below average, deter- mined by the average of the WISC and WISC—R Full Scale 105). These findings are reported in Chapter V under the heading Supplementary Analysis. Testable Hypgtheses The following hypotheses were formulated and tested in this study: Hypothesis 1a: There is no significant difference between WISC and WISC-R 10 scores. Hypothesis 1b: There is no significant difference between WISC and WISC- R Verba1 subtests' sca1ed scores. Hypothesis 1c: There is no significant difference between WISC and WISC-R Performance subtests' scaled scores. Hypothesis 2a: There is no significant interaction between age and IQ test scores measured by the WISC and WISC-R. Hypothesis 2b: There is no significant interaction between age and Verbal subtests' sca1ed scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. Hypothesis 2c: There is no significant interaction between age and Performance subtests' sca1ed scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. Hypothesis 3a: There is no significant interaction between the factors of race and IQ test scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. Hypothesis 3b: There is no significant interaction between the factors of race and Verbal subtests' scaled scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. 64 Hypothesis 3c: There is no significant interaction between the factors of race and Performance subtests' scaled scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. Hypothesis 4a: There is no significant second-order interaction among the factors of age, race, and 10 scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. Hypothesis 4b: There is no significant second-order interaction among the factors of age, race, and Verbal subtests' scaled scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. Hypothesis 4c: There is no significant second—order interaction among the factors of age, race, and Performance subtests' sca1ed scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. Hypothesis 5: There is no significant interaction between the repeated-measures factors of the WISC and WISC-R and the Verbal- Performance subscales. Analysis Three repeated-measures analyses of variance were conducted to test the hypotheses of the study. The first analysis of vari- ance included three crossed factors (age, race, and order of test administration) over subjects and two crossed factors (WISC/WISC-R and Verbal-Performance subscales) over measures. This design is shown in Figure 4.1. The second analysis was a multivariate repeated-measures ANOVA computed for the six Verba1 subscales of the WISC and WISC-R. The third ANOVA was the same as the second, except that it was performed on the six Performance subscales. The design of the second and third ANOVA's is shown in Figures 4.2 and 4.3. Procedure After the initial data form was received (Appendix A), the respondents were sent a letter describing the procedure, a 65 WISC WISC-R Race Age Order Verba1 Perf. Verbal Perf. 1 28 28 28 28 Young 2 28 28 28 28 White 1 13 13 13 13 Old 2 13 13 13 13 1 12 12 12 12 Young 2 12 12 12 12 Black 1 6 6 6 6 01d 2 6 6 6 6 1 4 4 4 4 Young 2 4 4 4 4 Latino 1 3 3 3 3 01d 2 3 3 3 3 Key: Order: 1 = WISC administered first 2 = WISC-R administered first Figure 4.1.--Design of the first analysis of variance and cell sizes. 66 .<>oz< mm_momg=m Fantm>--.m.4 weaned umLFF cmgmmecFEum muusz u N umLFF uwgmuchFEum usz n F ”cmuco , "Fox N vFo ,ochm4 F mczo> N uFo H xumFm F mcao> N vFo mchz F mczo> m M B W m M m. M m... N W m. .525 mm< 8mm 6 3 w L. w I: 5 3 w 1.. w I: .L. D. l. 1. d 0 , l. p. L. 1. d 0 1.. q .1. U: J J 1... 0. IL Us J J n P. w 3 w n 9 w a m S I. J a U. P. S IL J a U. P d p. L. 1. a .4 d D. L. 1. a 1+ 9 J al.. I... u .L. D... J al.. l. u I? U ..A l. 3 S 0 U K L. 3 S 0 a I... u a I... u S 0 S O U U alusz usz WISC-R WISC sazew 5U1p03 Klqwassv lOBFQO ubtsaq 43018 quawafiueuav aanqogd uogqaldwog aanoLd sazew 6U1p03 Klqwassv 133f90 ufiysaa x3013 quawafiueuav aanqoLd u011aldwog Race 67 l 1 l Young 01d Young Old Young 01d White Black Latino Key: = WISC administered first WISC-R administered first 1 2:: Order: Figure 4.3.-Performance subscales ANOVA. 68 data-collection form, and a stamped self-addressed envelope (see Appendix A). This procedure entailed counterbalancing the order of administration of the WISC and the WISC-R and scheduling a specific test-retest interval of not less than a week or more than a month. The order of administration was counterbalanced to correct for practice effects; this was similar to the procedures used in previous comparison studies (Hannon & Kicklighter, 1970; Barclay & Carolan, 1966; Quereshi & Miller, 1970; Rohrs & Haworth, 1962; Quereshi, 1963; Hamm et al., 1975). After the data were collected, it was found that there were not always equal numbers of each order of administration within each racial and age cell. Therefore, 32 subjects were randomly eliminated to balance the order of adminis- tration within each cell. The specific test-retest time interval was an attempt to control for both practice and growth effects. It was similar to the intervals employed in the studies by Hannon and Kicklighter (1970) and Quereshi and Miller (1970). After the test data were received, a questionnaire was forwarded to each examiner (see Appendix A). This questionnaire included items to assess the relationship between examiner expec- tations and final test results, opinions of what constitutes a meaningful difference between the WISC and WISC-R Full Scale 105 for various IQ ranges, disposition of the particular case, assess- ment of whether the disposition of the case would have changed if only the WISC results had been utilized and in what manner they 3.4%.... ._1.........._.. .41.........4.__.. 69 would have been changed, and other demographic and personal infor- mation. Frequency counts were tabulated; meaningful correlation coefficients are reported in Chapter V. Summary This chapter described in detail the sample of school psychologist examiners drawn from a tri-state area who administered sets of WISC's and WISC-R's in a counterbalanced order within a specific test-retest time interval to children referred to them for suspected mental deficiency. In addition, the research design, data analysis, and testable hypotheses were discussed. The results of these procedures are presented in the next chapter. CHAPTER V RESULTS Findings The findings of the tests of the hypotheses of this study plus supplementary analysis are presented in this chapter. Hypothesis la: There is no significant difference between WISC and WISC-R IQ scores. The difference between WISC and WISC-R IQ score means (see Table 5.1) was statistically significant. The complete ANOVA table is presented in Table B1 on page 116. Hypothesis 1a was rejected at the p<.0001 level (F=108.03; df 1,120). It was concluded that the subjects obtained significantly higher IQ scores on the WISC than on the WISC-R. Hypothesis 1b: There is no significant difference between WISC and WISC-R Verba1 subtests' sca1ed scores. The mean differences between WISC and WISC-R Verba1 sub- tests' scaled scores (see Table 5.2) were found to be statistically significant. Hypothesis 1b was also rejected at the p<.0001 level (F=21.28; df 6,107). All of the individual Verba1 subtest differ- ences were significant. Inspecting the univariate F ratios pre- sented in Table 82 on page 117, two of the Verbal subtests (Compre- hension and Arithmetic) were significant at the p<.01 level, one (Vocabulary) was significant at the p<.002 level, and the remaining three subtests were all significant at p<.0001. The mean sca1ed 70 71 Nv.m om.mw mm.Fm mm.m ow.mw ¢N.mm Nm.¢ om.Fm mm.ow muummasm FF< FN.m mm.Nw mo.Nm Fm.NF m¢.mw oF.Nm mF.m mw.ow mm.mm um... mnusz m¢.F Nm.mw oo.om qm.- oN.vm Nm.mm mo.N mm.Nm mo.mm um... usz Laugo mm.m o¢.¢m mo.Fm om.F oo.mm om.ooF Nv.m mm.mF FN.Fw ocFu84 ¢F.F oo.ow oN.Fm NF.F F¢.Fw mN.¢w om.m «mdwF ¢F.mw xumFm mm.¢ mo.mw oN.mm Fm.¢ oo.mm um.Fm NN.¢ om.¢m. Nm.mm mp.:3 mung Nm.v wo.mm mo.Fm mo.m mm.Nm No.mm Nm.¢ FN.mF mo.¢w vFo mF.m vF.mw F¢.Fm oF.o mm.mw, mm.¢m mN.m om.Nm mF.mw acne. mam mocmLmFFFo m1omF3 usz mocmLmFFFc muosz usz wocmgwaFo muusz osz oF mqum FFam meom OF mocmscomcma waum 0F Fancm> .mmcoom 0F cams meom FF:4 use .mocmscoFLma .angm> m1umF2 vcm usz .o comFLmanu11.F.m anmF .. 1 x : . . (lit...) :1 L '72 mmc.— NF¢.o mm¢.F NFF.F an.m mwo.n coo.F emN.o va.N mm~.F osm.o owN.m mmo. coF.w mmo.~ mFm. NFm.w .mwv.~ cNm. mov.F oNa.F FNm.F NFa.m NMN.N «mm. ¢w¢.u woc.w mme. ¢¢¢.N mmo.w va. ewm.~ 5mm.s mvo.1 wa.u meF.m mmF. NeF.o oom.m mcw. oww.~ NFm.w mem. Foo.o oma.o ave. mmm.~ N¢m.m Nom.N NcF.n ¢¢¢.a ch.N wom.o cmn.m mum.F FFm.n mmo.m mNm.F Fno.m ooo.m wa.N mmN.F ono.oF 00F.N mmN.F mo¢.m wvm.N omm.m me.m mNF.N mom.~ wqm.m .00. 000.0. 000.. 000. 000.0 ..00.0 .00. 0.0.0 0.0.. .00. 000.. 000.. 000. 000.0 000.0 000. 000.0 .00.. 000.- 000.. 000.0 .00. 000.0 000.. FFo. mmm.n mON.w och. mN¢.F mFF.w omv. Nom.F NMN.w oom.F me.o FFo.w cow. nom.m Non.m omm. ooo.m omm.m me. mFm.m me.m eke. mom.F me.m 00000000 FF< umLFu «nusz umgmm umF: Lance 000000 000.0 manz muom vFo 0:00. mum ..mFo m1usz umF: .mwFo muusz usz .wao m1umF3 usz .FwFo maumHz usz .FFFQ muusz ummz 0000 000.0 xcmanouo> 0000.00.0000 0000000000 cochmgmcasoo mum. mmm.m o-.n va.F NMN.o N00.F mmo. Nmm.o meo.n nmm. mmm.m eFm.m mmm.F oom.m mmm.m #Nm. FFF.F mmm.~ nee. mom.m Nma.o mmm. o¢¢.o mN¢.F ..FFQ mnumHz usz :oFumsco.cF .mcme mLOUm vmpmom .mumwunsw Fwan> 0-0003 000 00.: .0 0000000000--.~.0 0.00. 73 scores of the six WISC Verba1 subtests exceeded those of the WISC-R. Hypothesis 1c: There is no significant difference between WISC and WISC-R Performance subtests' sca1ed scores. The mean differences between WISC and WISC-R Performance subtest scores (see Table 5.3) were found to be significant at the p<.0001 level (F=14.36; df 6,77); therefore the hypothesis was rejected. An inspection of the univariate F's presented in Table B3 on page 118 revealed the mean differences were significant for all of the subtests except Object Assembly. Two of the subtests (Block Design and Mazes) were significant at p<.002, Picture Completion was signifi- cant at p<.01, Picture Arrangement at p<.001, and Coding at p<.0001. In the great majority of differences between the WISC and WISC-R, the WISC-R yielded lower scores than the WISC. Hypothesis 2a: There is no significant interaction between age and IQ test scores measured by the WISC and WISC-R. This hypothesis was not rejected at the p<.5036 level (F=.4501; df 1,120). This indicated that the WISC and WISC-R IQ scores for younger and older subjects did not differ significantly (see Table 5.1). Hypothesis 2b: There is no significant interaction between age and Verbal subtests' sca1ed scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R; This hypothesis was rejected at the p<.004 level (F=4.6280; df 6,109). By looking at the univariate F ratios, the interactions were found to be significant at p<.005 for the Verba1 subtest of Information, whereas the interaction was significant at a lower 74. mFm. NNw.m Nem.m coo.F QMN.o cm~.m omw. FNo.m me.m 0mm. me.w vFu.m omN.F omo.w oom.a mFm. Fom.w mam.a cam. va.w mFm.m mmm. NFm.m oom.m me.F mmw.N wmc. 0mm.F omm.F 0mm.F mNm.F NFF.F Nmo.m mam.m mmN.F coo.oF mow.m NFN.m mvo.¢ oom.FF omF.o ooN.N mmN.w FFm.m mON.m mm~.m mmm.F omo.m Nmo.1 vmm.m Nmm.m Fem.F mow.m emF.oF 90¢.F1 omm.oF 00m.m omm.1 oFN.FF owm.oF ooF. oom.w oo¢.w oFF. ONF.oF OMN.oF 0mm. omm.oF 0mm.oF Nvm.1 omo.m mom.m me. NFN.m. Fmo.m NoF.F OFF.F NFw.m «no.1 mm~.m FmF.m awn. 0mm.m meF.m oo¢.F omF.m omm.F mmo. 0mm.m oom.m 000. 000.0 0.0.0 mwm. nFm.m ooF.m mom. Fm¢.m mN¢.¢ me.F mmF.N Nev.m mmN. mwF.m ¢o¢.m oom.F 000.0 omm.oF omm.F omm.m con.F 0mm. mmo.m Fem.m mnF.1 Nwm.m oom.m FFo.F omo.0 FmN.m .mmwa m1umF3 umF3 .FFFQ m1umF3 usz .wwwo m1umF3 usz .FFFQ m1umF3 usz .muwo mnosz usz 0000: 00.000 0.000000 000000 cmF0mo xqum .mm:000< 00000.0 000. 000.0 000.0 . 00000000 ..0 000.. 000.0 000.0. 0000. 0.000: 000.- 0.0.0 000.0 000.4 000: .0000 000.. 000.0 000... 000000 000. 000.. 000.0 000.0 000. 000.0 000.0 0000: comm .00. 000.0 000.0 0.0 0.0. 000.0 000.0 0000. 000 .0400 0.000: 000: coF0mFanu 00000.0 .00005 0.000 umF000 .00000000 00005004000 m1umH: 0:0 usz .0 com.coasOU11.m.m anop 75 level--p<.0006--for the Arithmetic Verbal subtest. This indicates there was a greater difference between the WISC and WISC-R for younger than older subjects on the Verbal subtest (If Information. On the Arithmetic subtest, older subjects actually scored higher on the WISC-R. In all cases except for Arithmetic, the WISC mean scores were higher (see Table 5.2). These interactions are represented graphically in Figure 5.1. Hypothesis 2c: There is no significant interaction between age’ and Performance subtests' scaled scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. This hypothesis was not rejected at the p<.1230 level (F=l.74; df 6,77). The data led to the conclusion that there is no difference between WISC and WISC-R Performance subtests' scaled scores for younger and older subjects (see Table 5.3). hypothesis 3a: There is no significant interaction between the factors of race and IQ test scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. The test of this hypothesis approached statistical signifi- cance at the p<.0733 level (F=2.67l9; df 2,l20). This provided some tentative evidence that the IQ discrepancy among blacks, whites, and Latinos has increased on the WISC-R as compared to the WISC, despite the effort to narrow it. On the WISC-R, whites lost an average of four points, blacks seven points, and Latinos five points (see Table 5.1). This interaction is presented graphically in Figure 5.2. flypothesis 3b: There is no significant interaction between the factors of race and Verbal subtests' scaled scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. This hypothesis was not rejected at the p<.244l level (F=l.2652; df 12,218). WISC/WISC-R Verbal subtests' scaled score .1: w... 1...: I _. ..vr—ulrflxd. , .._ :0... 5...”... w..fi......qfi1fl.rw _...H.n..q_. .. . 76 Information 8- mo (7.4) _—T ___(7.0) 7- 0.. (6.4) -* (6'9) 5. WISC-R l r Young Old —1— Arithmetic WISC (7.0) 7i (7'2) >< (6.4) (6.5) WISC-R + P Young Old Firuge 5.l.--Interaction of age and Information and Arithmetic subtests as measured by the WISC and the WISC-R. 77 100- 98- 94‘ (93.20) 92— (91.06) 90- (88.65) Whites 88' (87.20) 86- 84- (84.40) Latinos 82- 80- (80.06) Blacks 1. .I WISC WISC-R Figure 5.2.--Interaction of race and WISC/WISC-R IQ scores. 78 differences among blacks, whites, and Latinos did not vary sig- nificantly (see Table 5.2). hypothesis 3c: There is no significant interaction between the factors of race and Performance subtests' scaled scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. Hypothesis 3c was also not rejected at the p<.7760 level (F=.6724; df l2,154). Blacks' whites', and Latinos' WISC/WISC-R Performance subtest scaled score differences did not vary signifi- cantly (see Table 5.3). flypothesis 4a: There is no significant second-order interaction among the factors of age, race, and IQ scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. The second-order interaction was found not to be signifi- cant at the p<.759l level (F=.2763; df 2,l20); thus the hypothesis was not rejected. Hypothesis 4b: There is no significant second-order interaction among the factors of age, race, and Verbal subtests' scaled scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. This hypothesis was not rejected at the p<.593l level (F=.8556; df l2,2l8) and the data indicated this second-order inter- action was not significant. Hypothesis 4c: There is no significant second-order interaction among the factors of age, race, and Performance subtests' scaled scores as measured by the WISC and WISC-R. This second-order interaction was not significant and the hypothesis was not rejected at the p<.9735 level (F=.3659; df l2,l54). 79 hypothesis 5: There is no significant interaction between the repeated-measures factors of the WISC and WISC-R and the Verbal- Performance subscales. This hypothesis was not rejected at the p<.2495 level (F=l.3392; df l,lZO). The Verbal-Performance score discrepancies did not differ for the WISC and the WISC-R (see Table 5.4). In all cases, the Performance IQ score was higher. A significant interaction at p<.000l was found between the factors of order of administration and WISC/WISC-R scores (F=58.7l36; df l,l20). This interaction is represented pictorially in Figure 5.3. It was expected because the practice effect would artificially inflate the scores of the test administered second, thus either increasing or decreasing the differences between the WISC and WISC-R scores. The second-order interaction of order, test, and Verbal- Performance Scale was significant at the p<.0001 level (F=27.0285; df l,l20). This interaction is represented pictorially in Figure 5.4. It illustrates that the Verbal-Performance discrepancy differed between the WISC and the WISC-R depending on which test was admin- istered first (order). This interaction was partially a result of the fact that practice effects have a greater influence on the Per- formance Scale than on the Verbal Scale. Thus, when the WISC was given first, WISC-R Performance scores were higher because of prac- tice but WISC-R Verbal scores were lower because of the hypothesized effect. When the WISC-R was given first, WISC Performance scores were much higher as a result of the combination of practice and test effects. :l l - -|l[(33l ll: .(, 80 muumnaam _F< oo.— oo.m- oo.m- oo.mu mm.¢m mm.Fm oo.m- mm.mm mm.mm mm.m No.¢- o~.o_- No.¢- mv.mm mm.om om.opn on.nm mm.nw umgmm alum“: mm.m mm.__- mm.nu mm.F_- mm.em mw.~m mm.n- mm.mm mo.om «mew; own: gouge wv.~ -.npn mm.mp- F~.N_- oo.mm mn.m~ mo.mF- om.oo_ _~._m ocwuaJ w~._ mm.~- _P.¢- mm.mu ~¢._w wo.m~ FP.¢- mm.mm ¢—.mw xuapm mm. o~.m- mm.m- ou.w- oo.mm om.¢m mm.m- “n.5m mm.mm ours: mama Fm._ N©.N_- mm.mp- No.~_- mm.mm um.mu mm.mpu No.mm mo.vm u—o mm. mo.m- om.o- mo.m- mm.mm om.~m cm.ou mm.¢m mp.wm mcao> mum Ammmqmmmen xucmgmLUmmo xucmqmgumwo zucmqmgumwo mucmegomgma _mogm> zocmquUmwo mucmsgowgwa Fangm> mchz umfiz mn> muummz au> om”: au> auumuz alummz muum~3 au> um“: umHz own: .mw_ocmqmcumwu mpmum Amy wucmsgowgwmufi>v Poncw> xuumHz new umHz we comwgmaaounn.¢.m mpnah l 81- 94- WISC 93- (92.66) 92- 91- 90 (90.00) 89- (88.57) 88- 87- 86- 85- 84- 83- (82.89) 82‘ WISC-R 81- 80 Order 1 Order 2 MISC First WISC-R First Figure 5.3.--Interaction of order of administration and WISC/WISC-R scores. Order l WISC First Order 2 WISC-R First 96- 95- 94- 93- 92- 91- 90- 89- 88- 87- 86— 85- 84- 83- 82- 81- 80- 79- 82 Performance 4—- 4. (93.92) —— (9 26) (86.09) (82.88) Verbal 97- 96-‘ 95- 94- 93- 92- 91- 90- 89- 88- 87— 86- 85- 84- 83- 82- 81- 80- 79- WISC WISC-R (97.76) (87.56) (85.45) Performance (80.83) Verbal WISC WISC—R Figure 5.4.-—Interaction of order, test, and Verbal- Performance Scale. 83 Supplementary Analyses To determine the magnitude of the relationship between the WISC and WISC-R tests, the correlations between the corresponding scales on the WISC and WISC-R were computed separately for the subjects receiv- ing each order of administration. Using r to Z transformations, the average correlation of the two orders for WISC and WISC-R scores was computed, to eliminate the practice effects. The correlations are pre- sented in Table 5.5. The magnitude of the correlations for the three major scales indicates the two tests are highly related. Table 5.5.--Correlations of WISC and WISC-R scores. Correlation Verbal IO .90 Performance IO .87 Full Scale 10 .92 Information .78 Comprehension .70 Similarities .72 Vocabulary .77 Arithmetic .73 Digit Span .70 Picture Completion .62 Picture Arrangement .65 Block Design .72 Object Assembly .61 Coding .72 Mazes .53 84 A correlation coefficient was computed to assess the degree of the relationship between WISC/NISC-R Full Scale IQ score differ- ences obtained and examiners' expectations of WISC/WISC-R Full Scale IQ score differences. This correlation coefficient of -.l7 was found to be statistically significant at the p<.05 level (see Table 5.6, questionnaire item #1 results). However, the magnitude of the coefficient was not large enough to be meaningful. This small but statistically significant correlation should not be interpreted as evidence that the examiners' expectations influenced the results. Since the expectations were obtained after the testing, a more 5' likely explanation is that the results of the testing influenced the examiners' expectations. A one—way analysis of variance was performed to look for differences among subjects in the three-state area on obtained WISC/NISC-R differences. There were no significant differences among subjects from the states of Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio for WISC/NISC-R Verbal, Performance, or Full Scale IQ differences. No significant differences were found between community type of the subject and WISC/NISC-R Verbal, Performance, or Full Scale IQ score differences obtained. This was also true for various school district sizes. Nonsignificant correlation coefficients were computed between obtained WISC/NISC—R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ score differences and examiner's age, number of psychological test bat- teries administered last year, examiner's years of training and 85 Table 5.6.--Frequency counts. l. What would you estimate our overall finding regarding NISC/ WISC-R Full Scale (FS) 10 score differences will be? Please try to base your reSponse on your intuitive feelings, past ' experience, reading of the literature, and/or conversations with colleagues. Please check gag: _l§__WISC FS IQ score higher by 10 or more points _2§__wIsc FS 10 score higher by 7-9 points __§__NISC FS 10 score higher by 4-6 points __§__WISC FS IQ score higher by 1-3 points No difference between WISC and WISC-R Fw IQ scores WISC-R FS 10 score higher by 1-3 points WISC-R FS 10 score higher by 4-6 points __§__WISC-R FS IQ score higher by 7-9 points 1 WISC-R FS IQ score higher by 10 or more points 2. How large would the Full Scale (FS) IQ score difference between WISC and WISC-R in each of the following FS IQ ranges have to be before they would affect your decisions regarding a particular case? I. FS IQgrange 60-75 II. FS 10 range 75-90 III. FS IQ range 90—110 __Q_l-2 points __j_J-2 points __Q_l-2 points _l§_8-5 points __§_8-5 points __Q_8-5 points _2§_6-8 points _g§_6-8 points _lg_§-8 points _lg_9-ll points _22_9-ll points _§§_9-1l points _19_pverll points _19_pverll points 21 over'llpoints No response=3 No response=3 No response=3 86 experience, and examiner's highest degree earned. In addition, for the various subject characteristics of grade level and sex, no significant correlations were found with obtained WISC/WISC—R Verbal, Performance, or Full Scale IQ score differences. The magni- tude of these correlation coefficients is reported in Table 5.7. The only coefficient that was statistically different from zero was the correlation between the number of psychological test batteries predicted for the current year and the WISC/WISC-R Verbal IQ score difference. The magnitude of the correlation (-.15) did not indicate a meaningful relationship. The preceding results of the supplementary analysis have documented that the obtained WISC/WISC-R differences Cannot be attributed to obvious examiner characteristics (e.g., training, age, case load, etc.) and therefore are a result of characteristics of the two tests themselves. A test of differences across ability groups was conducted for each of the major IQ scales. There appeared to be greater WISC/WISC-R differences for lower ability students. An inspection of the mean differences in Table 5.8 for each of the major scales revealed that the mean WISC/WISC-R difference increased as the student's ability decreased. In all cases, the WISC—R mean scores were lower. The participating school psychologist examiners' opinions of what constitutes a meaningful difference between WISC and WISC—R Full Scale 10 scores within various IQ ranges are presented in Table 5.6. The majority of school psychologists looked for a 6-8 87 Table 5.7.--Corre1ation coefficients of various subject and examiner characteristics and obtained WISC/NISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ score differences. EXaminer WISC/WISC-R WISC/WISC-R WISC/HISC-R Characteristics Verbal 10 Performance IQ Full Scale Differences Differences IQ Differences Examiner Characteristics Age -.11 -.02 -.08 Number of psychologi- cal test batteries administered last "]2 “'05 "11 year Number of psychologi- cal test batteries predicted for this "15* "'02 ' 10 year Years of experience -.07 -.07 -.10 Years of training .002 -.08 -.04 Highest degree earned -.O4 .04 -.02 Subject Characteristics Grade level -.06 -.05 -.08 Sex -.07 —.Ol -.04 *Significant at p<.05. point or greater difference between the two tests in the 60-90 IQ range before their decisions regarding a particular case would be affected. In the 90-110 IQ range, the examiners looked for a 9-11 point or greater WISC/WISC-R 10 score difference. The dispositions of the cases in this study are shown in Table 5.9. The majority of children were enrolled in special education after testing, primarily classes for the mentally impaired 88 and learning disabled. For the majority of those who were not placed in special education, the testing led to teacher recommendations. Table 5.8.--Mean WISC/WISC-R differences for three ability groups. Ability Mean . . . Scale Classification Difference Significance Above Aiéeragea 3.14 p< 18 Verba1 Scale Average 3.68 ' _ ,’ Below AverageC 5.83 (F—1'732’ df 2’129) Performance 252:: Qverage 3'88 p<.03 Scale 9 ' (F=3.57; df 2,129) Below Average 7.95 Above Average 2.29 p< 07 Full Scale Average , 4.16 _ , ’ Below Average 6.93 (F_2'66’ df 2’129) aAbove Average = Full Scale IQ above 115. bAverage = Full Scale 10 90-114. CBelow Average = Full Scale IQ less than 90. Eighty-six percent of the examiners indicated that the dis- position of the case they submitted for this study would ngt_have changed if only the WISC results had been available (see Table 5.9). Those who responded that using only the WISC results would have produced a different disposition said approximately 56% of the cases appeared to be eligible for classes that required higher 105 and 44% lost their eligibility for special education. For example, many subjects became ineligible for the mentally impaired classes, or, rather than becoming eligible for classes for the mentally impaired, they became eligible for classes for the learning disabled. 39 Table 5.9.--Summary of disposition of cases and changes if only the WISC scores had been utilized by examiners. 99 Special education placement _flQ_Mentally impaired (EMR or EMH) __9_Trainable mentally impaired (TMR or TMH) _fll_tearning disabled (LD) __Q_Physically handicapped _;Z_Fmotionally impaired (EI) _4§_£I/MI __l_MI/LD __Z_Resource room--educationa11y handicapped 36 Teacher recommendations only 4 Referral for outside resources 25 None of the above 20 Disposition would have changed if only MISC results had been utilized. 128 Disposition would ngt_have changed if only MISC results had been utilized. 16 No response How Disposition Would Have Changed if Only MISC Results Had Been Utilized 8 Not eligible now No response _l___Special ed. MI to E1 _;1__ Not eligible to L0 _j___MI to EH _4___MI to L0 _§__ 90 To further understand the significance of the WISC/HISC-R differences, these differences were compared to the standard error of measurement of each of the two IQ tests. In 66% of the cases, the WISC Full Scale IQ was four or more points higher than the WISC-R Full Scale IQ. This represents more than one standard error of measurement (Average SEM=3.19). This was also true for 65% of the cases involving the Verbal IQ and 63% of the cases involving the Performance 10 (Average SEM: Verbal Scale=3.60, Performance Scale=4.66). This finding tends to provide additional evidence that the reported HISC/WISC-R differences can be attributed to something other than measurement error. §EEEEIX. This chapter presented the results of the study for each of_ the test hypotheses and supplementary analyses. Overall, the results indicated that there exists a significant difference between NISC and WISC-R scores, with the WISC-R yielding lower scores. The dif- ferences obtained did not appear to be related to any specific exam- iner characteristics but rather to characteristics of the two tests. A summary of other significant findings is included in Table 5.10. Discussed in the final chapter are possible explanations for these obtained results; implications for school psychologists and other test users, suggestions for further research, and a summary of the research. Table 5.10.-~Summary of major findings. 91 H ° p< ypothe51s Effect Scale Sig. Level la HISC/WISC-R differences All scales <.0001 lb WISC/WISC-R differences Verbal <.OOOl for Verbal subtests Comprehension <.01 Vocabulary <.002 Information <.OOOl Digit Span <.0001 Similarities <.0001 Arithmetic <.02 1c WISC/NISC-R differences Performance <.0001 for Performance subtests Block Design <.002 Mazes <.002 Picture Compl. <.02 Picture Arr. <.OOl Coding <.OOOl 2b WISC/MISC-R differences Verbal <.OOO4 ' by age Information <.005 Arithmetic <.OOO6 3a WISC/WISC-R differences A11 scales <.O733 by race NISC/WISC-R differences All scales <.0001 by order of administration Interaction of order, --- <.0001 test, and Verbal- Performance Scale Supplementary Mean HISC/ p< Analysis WISC-R Dif. WISC/WISCR Above Average Verbal 3.14 Differences Average Verbal 4.19 <.181 Across Ability Below Average Verbal 6.40 Groups Above Average Performance 2.00 Average Performance 4.84 <.031 Below Average Performance 8.28 Above Average Full Scale 2.29 Average Full Scale 5.36 <.O74 Below Average Full Scale 7.55 CHAPTER VI SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), originally published in 1949, was the test most often chosen by school psychologists to assess the intelligence of children in the 7-13 age range and to select candidates for Special education pro- grams for the educable mentally retarded. Buros (1972) referred to the WISC as 'the best test available that claims to measure intel- ligence. The MISC was revised 25 years after publication and entitled the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised (WISC-R). No comparative studies of the WISC and WISC-R are reported in the WISC-R manual. However, such a comparison is of practical importance because the WISC-R was designed to replace the WISC. The essential purpose of this study was to compare scores resulting from the WISC and WISC-R for black, white, and Latino children aged 7 to 15.11 years who had been referred to school psychologists in a midwestern tri-state area because of suspected mental deficiency. Also investigated in the study were various conceptions of test bias as it applies to the WISC-R to determine if, for the subjects in this study, the WISC-R is more, less, or equally biased compared to the WISC. A survey of participating school psychologists' views of what constitutes a meaningful IQ 92 93 score difference between the WISC and WISC-R was conducted as part of this study. Further, data regarding how the obtained IQ scores for each test influenced decisions about the educational programming of the subjects involved in this study were also reported. Larrabee and Holroyd (1976) reported that a total of 78% of the WISC-R items have been taken directly from the MISC, 5.9% are from the WISC but have undergone substantial modification, and 16.1% are new items. Like its predecessor, the MISC-R yields a Verba1, Performance, and Full Scale IQ with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Both the Verbal and Performance Scales comprise six subtests, which yield scaled scores with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 3. The Full Scale IQ is an average of the Verba1 and Performance Scales. Changes between the two tests have been made in terms of administration instructions including question- ing, scoring criteria, standardization samples including incorpora- tion of nonwhites in the WISC-R standardization sample, and provision of more statistical data in the WISC-R manual. All previous studies comparing the MISC and the WISC-R have reported the revised test yielded lower scores. The majority of studies comprised a fairly restrictive sample of special education students, employed designs that did not adequately control for both growth and practice effects, and dealt with small numbers of children. No studies were found that attempted to generalize their results to a population of students referred to school psychologists for sus- pected mental deficiency, nor did any compare the performance of 94 three different racial groups within a wide age range. However, this is the population with whom the test is most widely used. In the present study, 72 school psychologists in the tri- state area of Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio administered both the WISC and the WISC-R to l64 children in a counterbalanced order with a specific test-retest interval of not less than a week nor more than a month. WISC and WISC-R scaled and IQ scores and differences were reported for each of the three major scales and 12 subtests. Sig- nificant interactions were also discussed and diagrammed. Results The data from this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Subjects obtained significantly higher IQ scores on the WISC than on the WISC-R. 2. MISC Verbal subtests' scaled scores were significantly higher than the WISC-R Verbal subtests' sca1ed scores. 3. MISC Performance subtests' scaled scores were signifi- cantly higher than the WISC-R Performance subtests' sca1ed scores for all the subtests except Object Assembly. 4. Overall, the differences between the WISC and WISC-R IQ scores were of equal magnitude for younger and older students. 5. A greater difference was found between scaled scores resulting from the WISC and WISC-R for younger than for older stu- dents on the Verba1 subtests of Information and Arithmetic. The WISC scaled scores were higher for all but the older students on the Arithmetic subtest. 95 6. For all of the Performance subtests, the difference between WISC and MISC-R sca1ed scores was of equal magnitude for younger and older students. 7. MISC and WISC-R 10 score differences tended to vary signifi- cantly for blacks, whites, and Latinos. In all cases, each of the racial groups scored higher on the WISC than on the WISC-R. These data indicated that the racial IQ discrepancy is widening despite efforts to narrow it. Using the definition of test bias concerning differ- ences among mean IQs of various racial groups, the present study found the WISC-R to be more biased than the MISC. 8. There was no significant difference between Verba1- Performance IQ score discrepancies yielded by the WISC and the WISC—R. In all cases, the Performance Scale was higher. Utilizing the conception of’test bias that assumes the Performance Scale is less culture loaded and therefore less biased than the Verba1 Scale, this finding would lead one to conclude that the WISC-R is neither more nor less biased than the WISC, but is equally biased. 9. Blacks', whites', and Latinos' WISC/NISC-R Verba1 sub- tests' sca1ed score differences did not vary significantly. 10. Blacks', whites', and Latinos' NISC/WISC-R Performance subtests' sca1ed score differences did not vary significantly. 11. Obtained WISC/HISC-R differences were not related to any examiner characteristics such as years of experience or train- ing, nor to subject characteristics such as state of residence, size of community, or sex. 96 12. WISC/WISC-R differences tended to increase as the ability of the students decreased. In all cases, the WISC yielded higher scores. 13. Participating school psychologists looked for a 6-8 point or greater IQ score difference in the 60-90 10 range before their decisions regarding a particular case would be affected. In the 90-110 IQ score range, the examiners looked for a 9-11 IQ point difference between the WISC and the WISC-R. 14. After testing, the majority of cases included in the present study were enrolled in special education classes for the mentally impaired or learning disabled. For the majority of chil- dren who were not enrolled in special education classes, the testing led the school psychologists to make certain recommendations to the teacher. 15. Eighty-six percent of the participating school psy- chologists indicated the disposition of the case they submitted for the present study would ngt_have changed if 9nly_the WISC results had been utilized in the decision-making process. Discussion Significantly different scores resulting from the WISC and the WISC-R have consistently been reported in the literature, with the WISC-R always yielding lower scores of approximately one-third to one—half standard deviation for the three major scales. The present study allowed generalization of this finding to a new p0pu- lation of children aged 7-15.ll who had been referred to school psychologists within the midwestern tri-state area of Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio on the basis of suspected mental deficiency. 97 Because these differences between the tests have consis- tently been reported, it is important to speculate why these dif- ferences are occurring and to explore the resulting implications for the practicing school psychologists. What follows is a discussion of the possible explanations of these obtained differences, including those that presently may appear remote. 0n the surface, it may appear to many observers that the lower WISC-R scores are consistent with the recent observed decline in aptitude and achievement test scores (Harnischfeger & Wiley, 1976). However, on the contrary, these lower WISC-R scores are consistent with the explanation of score differences resulting from a cross-generational increase in IQ (the ability to answer ques- tions on IQ-type tests). This appears to be the most plausible explanation, as it has the most evidence in its support. This explanation would hypothesize that the WISC is currently over- estimating the ability of school-aged children and the WISC-R is providing an accurate assessment. It further assumes that if the WISC and WISC-R were administered to the entire population of appropriately aged children, the mean of the WISC would, for example, be 108 and the mean of the WISC-R would be 100. When children today (1976) are administered the WISC, which was standardized on a 1949 sample of children who had been exposed to very dif- ferent cultural conditions, they tend to score higher because they are, on the average, better able to answer IQ-type questions than children of 25 years ago. They score higher and appear brighter because, among other things, they have been raised with an increased availability of 98 of manipulative materials similar to those used in the Performance subtests, greater test sophistication and awareness, an earlier and faster rate of maturation; they have been exposed to organized preschool and kindergarten programs, have received better diet and health care, and have been exposed to television. In summary, children today have generally experienced improved cultural and educational conditions, compared to their 1949 counterparts who made up the WISC standardization sample (Carvajal & McKnab, 1975; Larrabee and Holroyd, 1976; Reschly & Davis, 1976; Schwarting, 1976). However, when children today are compared with the WISC-R standardization sample, which was collected in 1974, and is composed of their contemporaries who have been exposed to these same improved cultural and educational conditions, their scores on the WISC-R appear relatively lower in relation to their scores on the WISC. Evidence is available that supports this explanation. By develOping regression equations, Dappelt and Kaufman (in press) predicted that the contemporary WISC-R sample would have obtained higher scores on the WISC than those obtained by the original stan- dardization sample. Their study was discussed in greater detail in Chapter III. Other comparative studies between tests, which have been standardized on different populations at different times, provide additional evidence in support of the cross-generational increase in IQ (ability to respond to questions on IQ-type tests). If this explanation is valid, those tests that were standardized on two 99 populations separated by a long time interval should display larger differences than two tests that were standardized within a relatively short time interval. This is the case. Wechsler (1974) reported findings of a comparison of the WISC-R (1974) and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), which was standardized 19 years earlier. In his study utilizing a sample of 16 year olds of average ability, he found WAIS scores were 6.3 points higher on the Verbal Scale, 5.2 points higher on the Performance Scale, and 6.2 points higher on the Full Scale. These differences are similar to those observed between the WISC and the WISC-R, whose standardization samples are separated by 25 years. Holroyd and Bickley (1976) and Zimmerman and Woo-Sam (1975) also reported higher IQs for the Pinneau norms of the Stanford-Binet Form L-M, which were obtained from a sample in the mid-1930's, versus the more recent 1972 norms. Thorndike (1975) observed a similar phenomenon in comparing scores yielded by the Stanford-Binet 1960 and 1972 norms. Comparing IQs for the 1972 standardization sample using 1960 norms, the 105 were approximately 5-12 10 points higher for various age groups. This he interpreted as a general rise in 10 level. Additional evidence in support of this explanation is pro- vided by the raw and scaled scores of the Coding subtest of the WISC and WISC-R shown in Table 6.1. This subtest underwent only minor changes in instructions in the revision of the WISC; therefore the two tests are comparable (Sattler, 1974). When the Coding subtest was administered first, the mean raw score was 33.91 for the WISC 100 and 34.07 for the WISC-R. When the Coding subtest was administered second, the mean raw scores were 36.88 and 38.06 for the WISC-R and WISC, respectively. The latter scores were higher because of the practice effect. The similarity between the WISC and WISC-R raw scores on the Coding subtest supports Sattler's assertion that the two tests are essentially the same. An examination of the mean sca1ed scores reveals a fairly large discrepancy between the WISC and WISC-R (almost two sca1ed score points--over one-half standard deviation), pointing to the influence of the standardization samples from which the scaled scores were derived. It now takes more raw score points on the WISC-R to earn the identical WISC scaled score. Table 6.1.--0btained mean raw and scaled scores on the Coding subtest by order of administration. First Subtest ' Second Subtest Administration Administration Raw Score Scaled Score Raw Score Scaled Score WISC 33.91 9.308 38.06 10.20 WISC-R 34.07 7.393 36.88 8.69 Difference - .16 1.915 1.18 1.51 As predicted by this explanation, research has shown that individual IQ tests developed and normed at approximately the same time produce similar 105. In a study comparing the 1974 WISC-R with the 1972 Stanford-Binet Form L-M, Wechsler (1974) found mean differ- ences of two points or less between the tests at four different age levels. 101 Further, in the present study, participating school psy- chologists indicated they would only consider at the minimum a six to eight point difference between the WISC and WISC-R Full Scale IQ scores, with the WISC-R being lower, as a difference that would alter their decisions regarding a particular case. One way to interpret this finding is to conclude that participating school psychologists recognize that even though the IQ scores are differ- ent, the new test accurately estimates the intelligence of school- age children and compares children meaningfully with their peers, and therefore would lead them to the same conclusions regarding these children. The present study reported for the Verba1 subtests of Infor- mation and Arithmetic a greater WISC/WISC-R difference for younger than older students. The cross-generational increase in IQ can also account for this finding as being specifically a result of the influence of educational television programs such as Sesame Street. By being exposed to these programs, whose objectives include increasing the viewer's fund of general information such as days of the week and parts of the body (what the Information subtest taps on both tests) and increasing basic arithmetic skills such as adding and subtracting (this is tapped heavily at the younger age levels on both the WISC and WISC-R) (Evans, 1975), children today tend, on the average, to score higher on the WISC and therefore show more of a difference between the WISC and WISC-R. In this study, young was operationally defined as ages 7-11 and old as 11.1-15.11. The greatest majority 102 of students who could have benefited from a show such as Sesame Street are included in the young category, since the program began in the autumn of 1969. Evaluations of Sesame Street (Bogatz & Ball, 1971) provide additional evidence that the program is meeting their objectives in these two areas. One explanation of why only the Information and Arithmetic subtests show the positive effects of an educational television pro- gram like Sesame Street is that these two subtests tend to tap the lower-level cognitive skills that are relatively easy to translate into educational programming. In contrast, a skill such as abstract reasoning, which is tapped on the Similarities subtest, showed no WISC/WISC-R differences according to age. The results of this investigation also noted a tendency for students of lower ability to show a greater difference between the WISC and WISC-R than those of average ability. Further, students of average ability tended to show a greater WISC/WISC-R difference than those of above-average ability. This was evident on all of the major scales, and the WISC scores were always higher. An explanation for this reported ability effect is provided by an inspection of various internal-consistency measures of the two tests. Given that these reported WISC/WISC-R differences are both reliable and replicable, one characteristic of the WISC—R that is hypothesized to be contributing to the observed greater WISC/WISC-R difference at the lower ability levels is the higher split-half reliabilities and intercorrelations between the subtests of each of the major scales as compared to the WISC (Wechsler, 1949; 1974). a In 3 7 3 3 3 33 13 3 )3 ‘ 3 33 3113 33 11211|11 . 1“” (E13HMK331A3 "Ile 331-.) 31-3. 1 l 3 -‘3( |_ 103 Because the WISC-R items are more reliable and more interrelated than the WISC items (if a subject misses one item he is more likely to miss another on the WISC-R as compared to the WISC), this has the effect of lowering the scores of the lower ability students because they tend to miss more items to begin with. However, this explanation does not entirely account for the obtained differences, because it would also predict that the WISC-R scores would be higher than the WISC scores at the upper ability levels (not only would the higher reliabilities and intercorrelations cause the lower ability groups to get more items wrong but also would predict that the upper ability group would get more items correct). The latter prediction was not evident in the reported results. This explanation might also be used to explain the overall WISC/WISC-R differences reported in the present study as the vast majority of subjects fell into the lower IQ ranges (i.e., borderline). However, the differences reported in this study (e.g., 5.5 IQ score points) are too large a difference to be explained by higher WISC—R reliability coefficients of only two or three points (see Tables 2.2 and 2.3). The obtained differential WISC/WISC-R differences for differ- ent ability groups could be explained by using the preceding explana- tion in combination with the following one. In looking at the amount of growth each ability group has made over the past 25 years, it could be hypothesized that there is greater growth in ability to answer items on IQ-type tests at the lower ability levels or that the lower ability students have benefited more than higher ability students from the improved cultural and educational conditions 104 described previously. This in combination with the first explanation may account for the observed WISC/WISC-R differences that varied according to ability level of the students. A remaining explanation for the obtained WISC/WISC-R dif- ferences assumes that the WISC-R underestimates students' ability, whereas the WISC accurately assesses it. It further would predict that if the WISC and WISC-R were administered to the entire popula- tion of appropriately aged children, the mean of the WISC would, for example, be 100 while the mean of the WISC-R would be 93. There is, however, no evidence for this explanation. Another explanation for the obtained WISC/WISC-R differences is related to examiners being more familiar and more experienced with the old WISC than they are with the WISC-R. This might lead them to administer and score the WISC-R in a less standardized manner, which could result in lower scores on that test. However, at present, there is no evidence to support this explanation. Further, one might argue that there is no reason why inexperienced examiners would not produce higher scores. Another possible explanation might be that the individuals who scored the test protocols of the standardization sample (employees of the Psychological Corporation) were more lenient than the average school psychologist in the field who is now scoring the test. This would tend to raise raw scores but not really intelligence. At present, there is no evidence to support this reasoning. Another explanation involves the sampling of the standardi- zation samples. The WISC-R standardization sample could be brighter 105 than the population it was designed to represent. Another sampling error could also involve the WISC standardization sample, who may have been duller than the population they were designed to repre- sent. This would lead one to conclude that the obtained WISC/WISC-R differences are a result of sampling error. However, because the WISC standardization sample did not include minorities, who typically score lower on the average than whites (approximately one standard deviation), if anything, the WISC standardization sample was probably brighter than the total population. Chapter III contained a summary of the various definitions 'i and conceptions of test bias found in the literature. Because of the limitations of the data collected in this study, only two defi- nitions of test bias were employed to determine if the WISC-R is biased. One operational definition of test bias involved differences among the means of several racial and/or ethnic groups. The second conception of test bias used in this study concerned whether the WISC and WISC—R Verbal-Performance scale discrepancies varied sig- nificantly among the various racial groups. In using the latter definition, it was assumed that the Performance Scale is a less "culture loaded" part of the intelligence test and therefore is less biased. The results of this study using the first definition of test bias were somewhat surprising to many, because of claims that the WISC-R is a fairer test for minority groups. The WISC—R tends, in fact, to widen the racial IQ discrepancy rather than narrow it. Blacks and Latinos lost more IQ points than whites, when their WISC 106 and WISC-R scores were compared. According to this definition of test bias, the WISC-R is more rather than less biased than its predecessor, the WISC. This is contrary to Jensen's (1975) position that it is important to make the distinction between culture loading and culture bias and that they are two separate issues. He also believed that score differences alone cannot be used as a proper criterion of test bias as there is no basis for assuming that any two groups should be equal in what the test is measuring to begin with. The second definition relating to discrepancies between the Verbal-Perfonnance Scale scores on the two tests leads one to con- :% clude that the WISC-R is neither more nor less biased than the WISC. . The Verbal-Performance Scale score discrepancies did not differ significantly for the WISC and WISC-R among the various racial groups. In addition, for the subjects in this study the scores on the Performance Scale were consistently higher than their scores on the Verba1 Scale. This is inconsistent with the majority of studies cited earlier (e.g., Loehlin et al., 1975) that found children within the general population score higher on the Verbal as compared to the Performance Scale. This inconsistency is a result of the fact that children included in the present study were referred because of con- cerns about their intellectual ability and resulting difficulty in school. Schools are primarily verbal institutions and in order to succeed, pupils require verbal skills such as those tapped on the Verbal Scale of both the WISC and the WISC—R. The referred children included in the present study are more likely to score lower on the 107 Verba1 and higher on the Performance Scale as compared to the general population of children, who score the opposite. There appears to be a general trend of Performance IQ scores higher than Verba1 IQ scores in the lower levels of intelligence (Reschly & Davis, in press). Iflplications and Recommendations for Test Users l. The results of the survey of participating school psychologists indicated that the mean Full Scale IQ score differ- ence across all ages and races of 5.5 points is of practical sig- . as; :7: ' nificance in altering a decision pertaining to an individual student's educational program. The use of the WISC-R might have opposite effects on special education programs for the learning disabled (LD) and educable mentally impaired (EMI). If the present criteria for LD, which are employed in many states, remain in effect (i.e., requires a certain percentage of discrepancy between a child's ability and his achievement in school), the use of the WISC—R will decrease the number of children who would be eligible for programs for the learning disabled. This is because of the fact that it appears that the WISC-R yields lower scores than the WISC, thereby decreasing the discrepancy between ability and achievement for most youngsters. If discrepancies are not adjusted, this might suggest that fewer students will be included in such programs in the future. The use of the WISC-R would have the opposite effect on programs for the educable mentally impaired, increasing the numbers 108 of those eligible compared to the number identified in the recent past, but not misclassifying these students. In recent years, by using the WISC, school psychologists have been overestimating the ability of school-age children and thereby identifying fewer chil- dren as EMI. By now using the WISC-R, which accurately assesses the ability of these children and compares them meaningfully with their peers, school psychologists will be identifying an appropriate num- ber (those who fall two to three standard deviations below the mean), thus during this transition period of the WISC to the WISC-R, increasing the number of children identified as EMI. This increase in number and resulting overcrowding of classrooms is a fear of many directors of special education. To prevent this overcrowding during this transition period, school psychologists need to be particularly alert to using data other than WISC-R scores for the placement of youngsters in this program. However, this should always occur and children should never be placed solely on the basis of an IQ score. The use of the WISC-R might also have implications for main- streaming efforts of attempting to integrate special education youngsters into the regular program as much as possible. If scores on the WISC-R are the major factor in mainstreaming decisions, fewer children will be integrated out of special education classrooms as they will now be scoring lower. As was true for decisions regarding placement in the EMI program, it is important for school psycholo- gists to look for additional data when providing input into 109 mainstreaming decisions if their goal is to mainstream as many special education children as possible. 2. The difference of approximately 1/3 to 1/2 standard deviation between the WISC and WISC-R scores, which was reported in most of the studies reviewed in Chapter III and this study, should be interpreted carefully by test users when making certain kinds of judgments. For example, Kaufman and Weiner (1976) urged the user to be cautious before inferring a loss in the child's intellectual functioning if he scores lower on the WISC-R when compared with scores from a previous WISC. These lower scores are to be expected and a difference even of one standard deviation may not be meaningful for this type of judgment. 3. Further, those children who had previously been evalu- ated using the WISC and scored in the borderline classification range (IQ 70-80), when re-evaluated using the WISC-R will likely become eligible for special education. The clinician should remember that these differences and resulting conflicting conclu- sions do not reflect negatively on the validity of the WISC-R but rather reflect the influence of different norm groups. 4. The issue of test bias and the WISC-R is quite contro- versial. From a review of the various definitions of test bias presented in Chapter III, it is obvious that there are many differ- ent conceptions of test bias and resulting implications for policy formation. These implications relate to different selection proce- dures for a particular job, educational program, or class. 110 Which definition one chooses may be more related to one's values and to whom one wants to be fair than anything else. One can be fair to the individual, the institution, or the minority group. For example, the Cleary (1968) definition of test bias is fair to the institution as it will select the "best man for the job," whereas the Thorndike (1971) definition is fair to the minority group as it will select a fair pr0portion of each group competing for the job. Neither of the definitions explored in the present study including differences in mean performance among several group and Verbal-Performance Scale discrepancies seems adequate to determine if the WISC-R is biased. The data from the present study point to a trend toward the widening of the IQ discrepancy between blacks, whites, and Latinos on the WISC-R compared to the WISC. Some would argue that this evidence indicates that the WISC-R is more biased than the WISC. However, people making this statement assume that there are no dif- ferences in ability to answer IQ-type questions between the various racial and ethnic groups to begin with. Currently, there is no evidence to suggest this is true. In addition, this definition of culture bias does not make the distinction between culture loading and culture bias. Jensen (1975) distinguished between culture load- ing as the specificity or generality of the informational content of the test items and whether the particular content of the test items causes the test to be biased with regard to the performance of any 111 number of groups within the population. Jensen believed these two concepts are not synonymous. The results of this study also show that the Performance is higher than the Verbal Scale. Many believe that the Performance Scale is a more "pure" measure of intelligence and less "culture bound" than the Verbal Scale. However, in the present study the Performance Scale was higher than the Verbal Scale for all the racial groups including the majority whites, who usually score higher on the Verbal Scale. It appears that this is more a function of the type of children included in the present study (those children referred because of concerns about their intellectual ability) than a function of test bias. It is the writer's Opinion that the most adequate measures of test bias lie in external validity measures of test bias such as the definitions authored by Cleary (1968) and Thorndike (1971). However, the particular definition one chooses will be a function of one's values and to whom he wants to be fair--the individual, the minority group, or the institution. Each of the definitions will lead to different selection procedures and resulting numbers of individuals from each minority groupchosen. Although the predictive validity literature relating to the WISC-R is limited, the preliminary evidence seems to suggest that the WISC-R has predictive validity similar to the WISC (Reschly, 1976; Kaufman & Weiner, 1976). It remains necessary for school psychologists to continue to exercise caution to use tests in a fair and SOphisticated manner. 112 5. .The WISC/WISC-R differences reported in this study, with subjects scoring higher on the WISC as compared to the WISC-R, indi- cate that intelligence tests must be kept up to date. In suggesting this, Larrabee and Holroyd (l976) recommended that the maximum time between restandardizations and/or revisions should be 10 years. They concluded that "reasonably contemporary normative tables are essential for making valid estimates of a child's level of intel- lectual functioning if the goal is to compare him meaningfully with his peers" (p. 1080). Recommendations for Further Research On the basis of the findings of this study, the following recommendations for further research are set forth: 1. Several of the possible explanations for the obtained WISC/WISC-R differences discussed earlier in this chapter might be investigated. The research might assess their contribution to the obtained WISC/WISC-R differences. a. A more detailed investigation might be undertaken to determine the effect of the examiner's familiarity, formal train— ing, and experience with the new instrument on obtained WISC/WISC-R differences. This was partially addressed in the present study, which found no significant relationships between the WISC/WISC-R obtained differences and the examiner's years of training, years of experience, or highest degree earned. b. A more detailed investigation of the 1949 and 1974 WISC and WISC-R norm groups, similar to the Kaufman and Doppelt (1976) study, should be conducted. This study might include an 113 investigation of the scoring procedures used by the scorers employed by the Psychological Corporation, who scored the protocols of the standardization samples. c. A more detailed study examining why there are greater WISC/WISC-R differences at the lower ability levels Should be con- ducted. This might include studying the two hypotheses advanced in . this study relating to the higher reliabilities, intercorrelations, and whether lower ability students have gained more over the past 25 years than have students of higher ability. 2. States such as Michigan are moving toward a more Opera- tional definition of learning disabilities that includes a certain percentage of discrepancy between ability and achievement and subtest scatter. Research might be undertaken to determine the differences in subtest scatter and patterns between the WISC and WISC-R. 3. Kaufman (1975) reported the results of a factor analysis of the WISC-R at 11 age levels using the original WISC-R standardi- zation sample. It would be interesting to compare the WISC and WISC-R factor analytic structures for the same pool of subjects. 4. An investigation might be undertaken to determine in a more precise and controlled manner the influence of the WISC or WISC-R scores on the disposition of a particular case. This issue was addressed in the present study, but in an after-the-fact manner, with obvious limitations. 5. Further investigation needs to be undertaken in the area of external validity measures of test bias and the WISC-R. Cleary's (l968), Thorndike's (l97l), Darlington's (1971), and Peterson and 114 Novik's (1976) broader definitions and conceptions of test bias need to be studied, specifically in relation to the WISC-R. Reschly (1976) and Kaufman and Weiner (1976) addressed this issue, studying the relationship of the WISC-R toboth the Reading subtest of the Wide Range Achievement Test and the Metropolitan Achievement Test. 6. Additional WISC/WISC-R studies with a variety of well- defined samples from different areas of the country are necessary before questions relating to score comparability between the WISC and the WISC-R can be answered conclusively for children in general. Further, these studies might profitably look more closely at various reasons why these differences might be occurring. We. APPENDICES 115 APPENDIX A LETTERS TO RESPONDENTS AND QUESTIONNAIRE ll6 APPENDIX A September 6, 1975 Dear Colleague: I am a doctoral student in Sd'zool Psychology at IVSU as well as a School Psychologist at Ingham Intermediate School District. I am aware that you are a practicing School Psychologist and I would like to request your help in a study I am conducting. I am interested in determining the equivalency of the WISC and WISC—R. Many School Psychologists, perhaps you among them, are suspecting that the WISC—R is yielding significantly different results than the original WISC. If, in fact, the tests are not equivalent, important questions that are raised include: Is the test identifying a different pool of special education students than it did previously? What implications might this have for the labeling of youngsters? What effect does this have on the differential diagnosis that we are required law to make? For example, would a profile for a learning disabled child look relatively the same on both scales? I hope you agree that these questions are .. indeed important enough to try to answer. (I I am in need of your help in terms of data collection. If you agree to participate, your responsibilities would include: 1. As part of your regular test battery, administer a WISC-R to one or more children who have been referred primarily because of concerns about their intellectual ability. 2. It) these same children, also administer a WISC. (I will supply this test if you cannot locate one in your office.) We will not be using children's names in this study. It would be most helpful at this time if you would complete and return the enclosed form in the self-addressed stamped envelope as soon as possible. As far as the number of students for whom you would submit data, I leave it up to you. Any number would be greatly appreciated. I realize that you are busy in the schools, but I hope by contacting you early in the school year this problem will be minimized. If you agree to participate, you will be first to receive a complete copy of the final results. If you have any questions concerning this research project before you can reach a final decision, I would be quite willing to discuss the matter with you or provide you with whatever information you need. Please feel free to write or phone collect (517—351—3778 evening is the best time to call.) Thank you very much for your consideration of this project. I do hope you will agree to participate and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely , ( Mark Swerdlik l 1 7 118 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION ° DEPARTMENT OF COUNSELING, EAST LANSING ' MICHIGAN ' 48824 PERSONNEL SERVICES AND EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Please caiplete this fonn and return as soon as possible in the enclosed self- addressed stamped envelope. I would be interested in participating in the WISC and WISC-R research study. I would be willing to administer the following number of WISC's to children who have been referred for problems of which intellectual ability is of primary concern and to whom I will also administer a WISC-R. one two three four five six 'Seven or more Please include the following information about yourself: Name: Address: City a State: Zip Code: Phone : Nurber and type(s) of buildings serviced: elem. J .H.S. Sr. High Number of students (approximately) in school district: Years of experience as a School Psychologist: I will need a WISC kit: Yes No Thank you for your time and cooperation . Mark Swerdlik 119 MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF EDUCATION - DEPARTMENT or COUNSELING, EAS'I' IANMNG - MICHIGAN - 46824 PERSONNEL seavxcrs AND EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY ' September 12, 1975 Dear Thank you for your willingness to participate in my WISC—WISC-R equivalency study. On your return form, you indicated that you_would administer both tests to children. If at all possible, please administer a WISC and WISC—R to the following children who have been referred primarily because of concerns about their intellectual ability (i.e. having difficulty meeting the academic demands of the classroom). children within the ages 6.0 to 11.0 children within the ages 6.0 to 11.0 children within the ages 11.1 to 15.11 children within the ages 11.1 to 15.11 If you wish to do additional tests or Cannot locate children within the assigned categories, please distribute your sample as equally as possible among the above categories. The following guidelines are necessary in order to allow the final results to be as accurate and meaningful as possible. 1.) Please counterbalance the order of test administration; For example, if you test four children please administer the WISC followed by the WISC—R to two children and the WISC—R followed.by the WISC to the remaining two children in your sample. Please divide the order up equally for each category listed above. For example, if you are testing two white children within the ages 6.0 to 11.0, please administer to one child the WISC followed by the WISC-R and reverse the order for the second child in that category. 2.) Please administer ygur second test not less than one week nor mgre than a month after the first test. Ideally, the closer to one month the better. This is necessary in order to control for both practice and growth effects. 3.) Please administer all subtests of both tests. This will greatly enhance the usefulness of the final results for school psycholOgiuls. 4.) Please be sure to specifically follow the directions for administration and scoring guidelines provided in the WISC and WISC-R manuals. There are many Obvious and subtle differences in both administration and scoring of 120 the two tests. In the test manuals, note the differences in the administration of the similarities (WISC-R has no analogies), comprehension (on the WISC-R if child gives only one reason to several items, you ask him for another), digit span, coding and mazes subtests. In addition, the starting points and scoring criteria are different For various subtests. He sure to utilize the apprOpriate normative tables for each test. As you probably realize, correct administration and scoring of both the WISC and WISC-R is crucial to this study. 5.) Please fill out the enclosed data recording sheet For each child as completely as possible. 6.) If it is necessary to deviate from any of the previously mentioned guide- lines, please indicate this on the data recording sheet that you return for each child you test. 7.) Please return all forms by Christmas in the enclosed,self-addressed,stamped envelope provided for your convenience. Again, thank you for your time and interest in this study. It is greatly appreciated. As soon as the data is analyzed, you will be first to receive a complete copy of the final results. If there is ever anything I might be able to assist you with or if you have any further questions or concerns regarding this study, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you by Christmas. Sincerely, k Swerdlik 121 WISC-WISC-R EQUIVALENCY STUDY Please return to: Mark Swerdlik 6243 EndenHall Hay, Apt. Vll 'East Lansing, MI 48823 Please try to have all forms returned by Christmas Subject # Examiner: Sex: ' Grade: ____ Date of Birth: CA: Race: (Black, White, Latino) Order of Administration: (Check one) WISC first WISC-R first Years of experience as a school psychologist: WISC Date: Verba1 IQ: Performance IQ: Full Scale IQ: Verbal Scale Raw Score Scaled Score Performance Scale Raw Score Scaled Score Information: Picture Completion: Comprehension: Picture Arrangement: Arithmetic: Block Design: Similarities: Object Assembly: __“~‘-*______ Vocabulary: . Coding: _ _ Digit Span Mazes: WISC-R Date: ' Verbal IQ: Performance IQ: Full Scale 1Q: Verbal Scale Raw Score Scaled Score Performance Scale Raw Score Scaled Score Information: Picture COtnpletliOl’li___________.___._~ -~_.“m_____n_ Comprehension: Picture Arrangement: __- “_____ ___ ,. Arithmetic: BIOCk Design: _ __.-, ___u-il-__--- Similarities: Object Assembly: __________ _u___"-m_.i_, Vocabulary: Coding: , __ , -l”__--- Digit Span: Mazes: -ml__.i_. COMMENTS: Thank you very much for your cooperation: 122 Dear Thank you very much for submitting your test data for my WISC-WISC-R equivalency study. In order for me to complete my final data analysis, I need your answers to the following questions. These questions had to be deferred until your testing was completed.- I would appreciate it very much if you would promptly complete the attached form and return it in the enclosed self—addressed stamped envelope. I hope to be able to mail you J a copy of the final results shortly. Thank you, Mark Swerdlik 123 i) Nil-IL Would you es! iinali- our overall liniling regarding WIIHI-WIIKI-R full scale (F5) IQ score dillercnces will be? Please try to base your response on your intuitive feelings, past experience, reading of the literature and/or conversations with colleagues. Please check 22:; WISC F.S. lQ score higher by 10 or more points _______WlSC F.S. IQ score higher by 7-9 points WISC F.S. IQ score higher by 4-6 points WISC F.S. IQ score higher by l~3 points No difference between WISC and WISC-R F.S. IQ scores WISC-R F.S. lQ score higher by 1-3 points WISC-R F.S. 1Q score higher by 4-6 points WISC-R F.S. IQ score higher by 7—9 points _____WISC-R F.S. IQ score higher by 10 or more points 2) How large would the Full Scale (F.S.) IQ score difference between WISC and WISC-R in each of the following F.S. IQ ranges have to be before they would affect your decisions regarding a particular case? I. F.S. IQ range 60-75 ‘11. F.S. IQ range 75-90 III. F.S. IQ range 90-110 l-2 points ____*l-2 points _____l-2 points 3-5 points _____3~5 points _____3-5 points 6-8 points ______6-8 points _____6-8 points ___9-11 points ______9-ll points _____9—11 points over ll points __ over ll points over 11 points 124 3) Approximately how many psychologicals did you administer last year? 4) Approximately how many psychologicals do you expect to administer this year?_ 5) What were the dispositions of the cases that you submitted for this study? Special Education placement (Check one) Mentally Impaired (EMR or EMH) Trainable Mentally Impaired (TMR or TMH) Learning Disabled (LD) Physically Handicapped Other (please specify) Teacher recommendations only Referral for outside services (please specify) 5b) If you had used only the WISC scores (not the WISC-R) would the disposition of this case have changed? yes no If yes, please specify in what way: Special Education placement (Check one) Mentally Impaired (EMR or EMH) Trainable Mentally Impaired (TMR or TMH) Learning Disabled (LD) Physically Handicapped Other (please specify) Referral for outside services (please specify) Teacher recommendations only Comments; 6) Name: Age: Highest degree earned; Years of training as a School Psychologist including internship: Years of experience as a practicing School Psychologist: Additional Comments: Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. You will be receiving a copy of the final results shortly. APPENDIX B ANOVA TABLES 125 W ..m.-. --___._. APPENDIX B ANOVAiTABLES Table Bl.--ANOVA table for Verba1-Performance IQ score discrepancies. Effects df MS Multiyariate p Between Subjects Age 1 .1856 .0003 .9874 Race 1 2689.2803 3.6828 .0281 Order 1 253.7045 .3474 .5567 Age x race 2 1855.7583 2.5413 .0830 Age x order 1 196.9091 .2697 .6046 Race x order 2 452.0998 .6191 .5402 Age x race x order 2 197.6158 .2706 .7639 ERROR 120 730.232978 Within Subjects Test 1 3960.0682 108.0342 .0001 Age x test 1 16.5000 .4501 .5036 Race x test 2 97.9388 2.6719 .0733 Order x test 1 2152.1894 58.7136 .0001 Age x race x test 2 10.1283 .2763 .7591 Age x order x test 1 13.1856 .3597 .5498 Race x order x test 2 34.6762 .9460 .3912 Age x race x order 2 8.9428 .2440 .7840 x test ERROR 120 36.655704 Scale 1 9554.0076 67.0901 .0001 Age x scale 1 1498.6402 10.5237 .0016 Race x scale 2 1077.0056 7.5635 .0009 Order x scale 1 159.2803 1.1185 .2924 Age x race x scale 2 19.4049 .1363 .8728 Age x order x scale 1 221.8333 1.5578 .2145 Race x order x scale 2 43.0306 .3022 .7398 Age x race x order 2 27.2597 .1914 .8261 x sca1e ERROR 120 142.405643 Test x scale 1 34.0076 1.3392 .2495 Age x test x scale 1 1.5152 .0597 .8075 Race x test x scale 2 5.3107 .2091 .8116 Order x test x scale 1 686.3712 27.0285 .0001 Age x race x test x scale 2 .8611 .0339 .9667 Age x order x test x scale 1 . 23.6402 .9309 .3366 Race x order x test x scale 2 23.7436 .9350 .3955 Age x race x order 2 31.1538 1.2268 .2969 x test x sca1e ERROR 120 25.394395 126 127 oo_ mommm oooo. mmom. opm.m_ ammo x ooooo x mono x oo< oo_m. m_om. o_N.N_ ammo x oooco x moom opoo. moon. oo_.o ammo x ooogo x mom Fmom. oomo. opm.~_ “moo x «one x oo< momo. moo_.m o__._ omm.o mm.om mo_ommo_os_m mooo. omoo.op o__.P moo.m om.~m oo_ooocoooo om_o. om_o.m oo_.o ammo x moooo _oom. Noom._ omm.mp ammo x moom oooo. __Nm.m_ om_._ mmm.m mo.oo ooooooooo< _moo. Noo_.o em_.m moo.o mm.om oomoooooooo eooo. oomo.o oo_.o omoo x ao< _ooo. ooom.om o__.o o_m.m oo.oo_ comm omooo omoo. oopo.o_ o_fi._ _oo.o mm.om xmo_ooooo> _ooo. _Nmm.oo om_._ omm.o oo.moo momoomo_oomm mopo. oooo.o m__._ mmm.o om.~m o_ooooooc< omoo. momo.m om_._ Foo.m oo.mo commoaoocmooo _ooo. omoo.o_ op.._ omo.m mo.mm oooomscoooo _ooo. ommm._m oom.o “moo oop mommm omom. _ooo. o_~.m. cooco x moo; x oo< omom. oooo.m o_m.mp ooomo x ooom omoo. mpom. oom.o Loooo x moo ooom. momo. omm.m_ moo; x mom . moom. mo_m. oo_.o Lmoco omoo. oom_.m o_P.N moo.om oo.oo oca_ooaoo> om_o. oopo.o o__.m oo_.om oo.o~_ oo_oaocoooo NNoo. oeoo.~ o_m.mm aoom omoo. _omo.o oop._ moo.oo oo.mm~ comm Hoo_o . oooo. oomm.m o__._ Nmo.om mo.m_m moopooooo> oooo. oomo.o ooo.o ao< muuwnozm :mmzuwm o m oo mm: mm: amommco> m m co oo: umom muowco>woz mummh muowco>wumoz mugsom .apoom _oooa> coo mo_ooo <>oz<--.~m opoop 128 mm mommm wFNN. Fkoo. vm_.NF ummu x cwvgo x moo; x mm< Nome. mmmm. ¢m_.m_ goo“ x gouge x wuom momm. ~_mm. um.m pomp x gouge x mm< mmmm. ammm. «mm.~— “mop x moo; x om< _ooo. omom.mm Nw._ mmo.m moo._m_ mowoou _ooo. coco._m Nw._ _m_.w Nmo.nm_ z_oEomm< oomooo mmoo. mmm_.__ ~w.~ Nmm.o mmm.mm :m_mmo moopm mw_o. mmmm.m Nm._ oom.m mmm.mv pomemmoocc< wcopo_o nooo. mmpm.~_ Nw._ «mm.o mwm.mm co_po_oeou moooowm _ooo. om¢~.o~ No.0 ammo x cwoco comm. «mmo. om_.~_ “mm“ x oucm om~_. coon._ Km.o pomp x mm< mmoo. ammo.o_ mm._ mmm.m Fmo.mm moNoz _ooo. wmmm.mo Nm._ mmo.m mwm.mmm mowoou omoo. NmFo.m mm.F mmm.o mmo.mo :mwmoo moomm m_oo. ~m_o.o_ mm.” oom.m oao.ww pooemmoooo< mgooowm m_oo. NwFo.m mm._ omm.m mom.mv compo—oEou ocouowm _ooo. moom.op mm.m Home mm mommm mmoo. mmmm. om_.mm Loose x moo; m mo< oomo. mooo. em_.m_ Loooo x moom omma. 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