SOME mnumcss or MINERAL NUTRITIQH ’- ON ms GROWTH AND enamscm'comoismou os ASPARAGUS‘VOFFECSN'AUS ' ' Thcsi‘s ior the» Dayna 6i Ph. D. . MicmGAN STATE, uniVsasnY Lindsay Dietrich Brown, 1962 This is to certify that the thesis entitled Some Influences of Mineral Nutrition on the Growth and Chemical Composition of Asearagus officinalis presented by Lindsay Dietrich Brown has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ehgfll degree in Horticulture v I Major professor l/7 Date {22317 7‘/ 7‘ L LIBRARY Michigan State University OVERDUE FINES : 25¢ per day per item RETURNING LIBRARY MATERIALS: N Place in book return to remove charge from circulation records SOME INFLUENCES OF MINERAL NUTRITION ON THE GROWTH AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS BY Lindsay Dietrich Brown AN ABSTRACT Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Horticulture 1952 ABSTRACT SOME INFLUENCES OF MINERAL NUTRITION ON THE GROWTH AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS by Lindsay Dietrich Brown A series of studies were initiated to determine the current nutritional status of Asparagus officinalis in terms of its mineral composition and thus its requirement for and utilization of applied fertilizers. In addition, experi- ments were designed to ascertain if variable fertilization can significantly alter the composition of the plant and the marketable yields obtained. Thirty commercial aSparagus growers were contacted and data obtained on spear yield, fern growth, and management practices used. Spear and fern samples were taken periodic- ally and analyzed for composition in terms of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, B, Zn, Mo, and A1. Field experiments were also conducted with five-year old Viking and eleven-year old Mary Washington asparagus varieties, in which yield, fern growth, and chemical compo- sition were evaluated. Radioactive phosphorus was employed to trace utilization of fertilizer applied to the soil. In addition, sand culture experiments were performed to study the effects of mineral nutrition on growth and composition of one-year old asparagus plants and to measure the influence of continuous removal of top growth on crown composition. ABSTRACT BORE INFLUENCES OF MINERAL NUTRITION ON THE GROWTH AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS by Lindsay Dietrich Brown A series of studies were initiated to determine the current nutritional status of Asparagus officinalis in terms of its mineral composition and thus its requirement for and utilization of applied fertilizers. In addition, experi- ments were designed to ascertain if variable fertilization can significantly alter the composition of the plant and the marketable yields obtained. Thirty commercial asparagus growers were contacted and data obtained on spear yield, fern growth, and management practices used. Spear and fern samples were taken periodic- ally and analyzed for composition in terms of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, B, Zn, Mo, and Al. Field experiments were also conducted with five-year old Viking and eleven-year old Mary Washington asparagus varieties, in which yield, fern growth, and chemical compo- sition were evaluated. Radioactive phosphorus was employed to trace utilization of fertilizer applied to the soil. In addition, sand culture experiments were performed to study the effects of mineral nutrition on growth and composition of one-year old asparagus plants and to measure the influence of continuous removal of top growth on crown composition. Lindsay Dietrich Brown The following results were obtained: 10 Based on an average yield of 2,300 pounds per acre of snapped asparagus, annual removal of N, P, and K amounted to 10, 2, and 7 pounds, respectively. These figures represented less than 10 per cent of the average quantities applied by the cooperating growers. No correlation was found between ferti- lizer applied and yields obtained. Neither five-year old Viking nor eleven-year old Mary Washington asparagus showed any significant yield variation attributable to varying rates of fertilizer application. Field grown asparagus utilized a maximum of 0.06 per cent of the phosphorus applied in producing the harvested crop and this amounted to only 3.0 per cent of the total P content of the spears. Two- and three-year old asparagus plants grown in sand culture responded in growth to increased phosphorus application in the first year and to increased nitrogen application in both years of the study. Removal of all aerial growth as it appeared and continued leaching with distilled water of four- year old asparagus grown in sand culture failed .to change the composition of variably fertilized crowns during one season. Lindsay Dietrich Brown In field grown asparagus spear and fern composition on a dry weight basis were found to vary between the following limits: Spears: N, 7.2 to 5.1; P, .99 to .79; K, 4.9 to 3.8; Ca, .38 to .21; and Mg, .24 to .13 per cent of dry weight. Mn, 71 to 16; Fe, 500 to 78; Cu, 35 to 10; B, 36 to 20; Zn, 112 to 61; Mo, 2 to 1; and Al, 94 to 15 parts per million. Fern: N, 3.3 to 1.7; P, .32 to .13; K, 3.5 to 1.1; Ca, 1.4 to 0.4; and Mg, .55 to .12 per cent of dry weight. Mn, 145 to 15; Fe 289 to 60; Cu, 27 to 4; B, 91 to 21; Zn, 38 to 16; Mo, 4 to 2; and A1, 361 to 101 parts per million. SOME INFLUENCES OF MINERAL NUTRITION ON THE GROWTH AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS By Lindsay Dietrich Brown A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree . of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Horticulture 1962 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Acknowledgment is hereby made of the assistance rendered by the members of my advisory committee; Drs. R. L. Carolus, J. D. Downes, E. J. Benne, C. M. Harrison, and Kirk Lawton; and to Drs. R. E. Lucas, D. P. Watson, and J. P. Davis who assisted in reviewing this thesis. 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 0 O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O 0 O O 0 REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MATERIALS AN’D PIETHODS "" GENERAL 0 o o o o c o o o 0 Sampling Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chemical Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statistical Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . A NUTRITIONAL SURVEY OF THE C MMERCIAL ASPARAGUS CROP. O O .7 O 0 O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O 0 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . RESPONSE OF MATURE ASPARAGUS TO VARIABLE FERTILIZER APPLICATION I O O O O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O 0 Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Studies with an 11-year old planting . B. Fertilization of 5-year old asparagus Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . UTILIZATION OF APPLIED PHOSPHORUS AND DEPLETION OF MINERAL RESERVES IN GROWTH OF ASPARAGUS . . . . . . A. Utilization of Applied Phosphorus . . . . . Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . B. Depletion of Mineral Reserves . . . . . . . Materials and Methods . . . . . . . . . . Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . INFLUENCES OF NUTRITION ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND MINERAL COMPOSITION DURING EARLY GROWTH OF _ ASPARAGUS O 0 , O O O O O O 0 C O O C C O C. O O O O 0 iii Page 12 12 12 13 14 14 16 28 28 28 29 42 42 42 46 46 48 51 i‘ ‘1» U‘" 9‘- -E av: wflrm Introduction Materials and Methods Results and Discussion GENERAL DISCUSSION . SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS LITERATURE CITED 0 Page 51 52 70 75 76 INTRODUCTION Asparagus grown for processing in the United States increased from 30,000 to 90,000 acres between 1925 and 1950 and in the last decade acreage has expanded another 15 to 20 per cent. Michigan had over 11,000 acres in 1960, with an annual production valued at over three million dollars. Increasing labor costs and declining prices have ex- pedited the development and acceptance of improved cultural practices. Harvesting by snapping versus cutting is almost universal in Michigan (18) 1958, as is the use of herbi- cides for controlling weeds (47) 1954. Purchase and appli- cation of chemical fertilizers, however, remain among the major fixed costs in asparagus production, and thus Justify continued nutritional research. The present study was initiated to determine the current nutritional status of the crop in terms of its mineral composition and thus its requirements for and utilization of applied fertilizers. In addition, it was designed to ascertain if variable fertilization can signifi- cantly alter the composition of the plant and the market- able yields obtained. In this dissertation procedures used and results obtained are presented in four major sections preceded by a brief description of materials and methods. 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE According to Sturtevant (61) 1919, the native home of asparagus is Europe--the Caucasus regions and Crimea, while Henderson says in his ngdbook 0; Plants that, The garden asparagus, A. officinalis is a native of Great Britain, Russia and Poland. The asparagus is one of the oldest as well as one of the most de- licious of our garden vegetables. It was cultivated in the time of Cato the Elder, 200 B. C.; and Pliny mentions a sort that grew in his time near Revenue, of which three heads would weigh a pound. (26) 1890. Jones and Rosa (30) 1928, report more prosaically that, The genus Asparagus comprises about 150 species spread throughout the temperate and trepical regions of the Old World. All species of Asparagus are per- ennial, have fleshy or tuberous roots, and possess cladophylls, which function as leaves. A, officinalis is the only one cultivated as a food plant. . . . e underground portion of the asparagus plant consists of rhizomes, fleshy roots and fibrous roots. The fleshy roots may spread laterally a distance of 10 to 12 feet as they grow outward and downward. They will grow to a depth of at least eight feet and may go deeper unless a permanent water table is encountered at a higher level. The fleshy roots, being covered with root hairs function both as storage and absorp- tive organs. New fleshy roots arise each year Just back of the terminal buds of the rhizomes; from these, fibrous roots arise which function as absorptive organs only. The fibrous roots die in late fall at the close of the growing season, and new ones develop the following spring. It is chiefly within the fleshy roots that the food supply is stored for the production of the commercial crop the following year. Remy (49) 1938, postulates this same mechanism for perennial grasses in general. Asparagus is a monocotyledon- ous plant (of the Liliaceae family) as are all grasses. TiedJens (64) 1926, suggests that for a single year's growth asparagus needs only water and oxygen from the soil. Jones and Rosa say, The asparagus plant has underground stems (rhi- zomes) and aerial stems arising from them. At the base of each aerial shoot, there are one or more lateral buds separated by very short internodes. The branches of the underground stem grow outward and upward; the more deeply the plant is set, the more nearly vertical is the growth of the rhizome toward the surface. Young (68) 1939, reported an experiment in which asparagus crowns were initially planted at 2, 4, 6, and 8 inches depth. At the end of 11 years those set 2 inches deep at planting were found at a mean depth of 3.68 1 0.26 inches and those at 8 averaged 4.35 ; 0.34 inches deep. Yields were higher from the shallow planting. The branches of the rhizome grow 1 to 2 inches each year. A 15-year old plant may have a rhizome spread of 2 feet or more. After the cutting season, during the summer and fall, most of the buds are formed which produce the edible spears the follow- ing spring. (30) 1928. The standard practice in Mishigan is to allow the spears that emerge after the normal harvest season to mature into the "fern" on which the flowers and fruit are borne. Asparagus is normally dioecious and the flowers occur in the exile of the scale leaves. In the primordial stages of development either the male or female sex organs are aborted and all the flowers on a given plant then become either functionally male or female (30) 1928. In his Manual of Gardening, published four years after this previous work, Bailey (5) 1925, states, . . . a top dressing of nitrate of soda, at the rate of 200 pounds per acre, is often beneficial as a spring stimulant, particularly in the case of an old bed. Good results will also follow an appli- cation of bone meal or superphosphate at the rate of 300 to 500 pounds per acre. Brooks and Morse (11) 1919, conducted an asparagus nutrition experiment over a period of seven years, in which N, P205, and K20 were applied in various combinations. The lowest yield, 1,681 pounds, was obtained where nitrOgen was omitted and the highest, 2,406 pounds, where the three nutrients were all applied at a medium rate, 1.6., 467-133- 260 pounds per acre. It is doubtful if the differences were truly significant since two other plots receiving this latter treatment yielded 250 to 300 pounds less than the highest. Vessels and Thompson (65) 1937, reported that in an experiment conducted with carefully selected Mary Washington asparagus, Nitrogen produced greater increases in yield than any other element. Plots with no nitrogen produced the lowest yields of any in the experiment even though they received the maximum application of phos- phate and potash. . . . Nitrogen applied at 50 pounds per acre produced over nine years practically the same as nitrogen at 100 pounds per acre. In the first four years the larger nitrogen application pro- duced higher yields than the smaller, but the last five years the smaller nitrogen application produced no less asparagus than the larger application. In addition, they found that plots receiving 128 pounds per acre of P20 produced more asparagus each year than plots PrlcTV-l. ‘ ,l .‘..~1.‘.4?u71-rm‘ I...“ . _.4 - '- ..__ ‘ W‘F _ -"_—'¥—. .1 Tiedjens (63) 1924, Haber (24) 1932, and Jones and Rosa (30) 1928, all indicate that pistillate plants produce larger spears and stalks than staminate plants, but that the latter produce more spears per plant. Ybung (67) 1937, found that there was a positive correlation in number and size of fern stalks and spear production the following spring and TiedJens (63) 1924, states, There is a positive correlation between the number of mature fall stalks and the number of buds produced the following season . . . but also that, The data reveal plants having eight mature fall stalks and only producing one spear the following year. Also plants with only one mature fall stalk produced 20 spears the following year. There are examples of all possible gradations between these. The fertility requirement of asparagus has occupied many workers over the years and while there have been di- vergent opinions on the requirements for various nutrients, most researchers have recommended continued applications of complete fertilizers. Liberty Hyde Bailey (3) 1921, says, A deep, rich, fertile, moist, cool soil, warm ex- posure, thorough preparation of the land, heavy manuring, thorough tillage in late fall and early spring, are general requisites of asparagus culture. He then says, After the plantation is established, a common- place practice among market gardeners is to apply 20 to 40 tons of manure to the acre broadcast over the bed during the autumn or winter. In addi- tion, . . . a good complete fertilizer at the rate of 1,000 to 1,500 pounds to the acre at the close of the cutting season (is recommended). .7" ‘ I! '1: - ”FM“ 7. I m U 'U l" receiving no phosphate or phosphate at 64 pounds per acre. Potash (K20) at 160 pounds per acre produced consider- ably larger yields for the first five years than it did at 80 pounds per acre, but for the next two seasons the yields did not differ and for the last two years the lower rate of appli- cation resulted in the larger yields. White and Boswell (66) 1929, reported on field and sand culture experiments in which a chemical fertilizer (7-3-5), applied at 1,250 pounds per acre, gave significant increases over 10 tons of animal manure. Both increased yields significantly over the untreated check plots. Seaton (55) 1932, found that with selected Mary Washington asparagus planted in 1926 and fertilized from 1929 through 1932, the maximum yield increase over the un- treated check was obtained with 1,200 pounds per acre of 4-8-6 applied in a split application, half before and half after harvest. Rahn (47) 1939, reported an experiment similar to that of White and Boswell in which chemical fertilizers were compared with animal manures. Average yields over a four- year period ranged from 3,538 pounds for plots receiving 1,500 pounds per acre of 4-20-6 (the largest phosphate ap- plication) to 3,860 pounds from plots receiving 1,500 pounds per acre of 4-10-6 plus 10 tons of manure. This suggests the possibility of too much phosphorus being a detrimental factor, as reported by Hester (27) 1947, for several truck crops and Reuther et a1. (50) 1949, for citrus. However, Rahn's results actually varied only over a narrow range and the differences reported may lack statistical significance. Clore (16) 1944, says, . Annual applications of 200 pounds of available nitrogen in the form of ammonium sulphate increased the average asparagus yields 0.65 tons per acre over no treatment during the years 1940 to 1943, in— clusive. . . . Thus far these experiments have shown no significant differences in total yield of aspara- gus as a result of the time of application of nitro- gen. In this connection, the work of Graber (23) 1931, on blue grass, red top, fescue, and timothy is pertinent, in which he said, Frequent and close removal of the succulent top growth of grasses having abundant reserves make for a heavy draft on the supplies of available nitrogen in the soil so that the first important factor of growth limitation may be nitrogen deficiency. Clore and Stanberry (17) 1947, commenced fertilizing a previously untreated seven-year old asparagus planting with nitrogen alone and nitrogen and phosphate together in 1944 and continued this through 1946. At the end of the first year of treatment, the N-P plots averaged about 200 pounds more asparagus per acre than the N only plots which, in turn, outyielded the check plots by about 300 pounds per acre. At the end of the experiment the above differences in yield appeared to have increased by about 20 per cent. Brasher (8) 1954, reported that while all fertilizer treatments were superior to the untreated checks in yield of cut asparagus, the 800 pounds per acre rate of application of 5-10-10 was significantly better than either the 1,600 or \ I' 2.400 pound rate in an experiment begun on three-year old plants in 1948 and terminated in 1954. On the same plots, in one more year the 800 and 1,600 pound rates no longer differed significantly and when the method of culture and weed control was altered, all yield differences between treated plots, based on three year averages, disappeared (9) 1960. Roorda van Eysinga (53) 1960, also found that established asparagus needed limited fertilization. Rudolphs (54) 1921, reported an increase in average spear weight with applications of 300 and 500 pounds per acre of rock salt, and Bailey (5) 1925, said, The practice of sowing salt on an asparagus bed is almost universal; yet beds which have never received a pound of salt are found to be as productive as those having received an annual dressing. Neverthe- less, a salt dressing is recommended. Hester (28) 1949, analyzed asparagus spears and re- ported fertilizer utilization in terms of pounds of nutri- ents removed by two tone of cut asparagus, e.g., 16 of nitrogen, 4 of phosphate, 10 of potash, and 1 of calcium. Brooks and Morse (11) 1919, published a similar study on asparagus with comparable results. Comparatively, these are small quantities, as a re- view by Romaine (52) 1957, reported 200-80-400 pounds, respectively, of nitrogen, phosphate, and potash in a 20 ton yield of tomatoes or 160-130-470 for 700 crates of celery. More comparable figures were obtained for grapes (five tons per acre) containing 35-15-45 pounds of N-P205-K20 and 500 bushels of apples containing 45-15-55 of these three nutrient materials. Kramer and szlowski (32) 1960, have summarized data for total uptake by conifers and hardwoods of P, K and Ca as well as the quantities of these elements returned annually in leaf fall: Conifers: 66, 306, and 581 pounds per acre total uptake and 2, 6, and 26 pounds per acre returned in annual leaf fall. Hardwoods: 64, 277, and 1,019 pounds per acre total uptake and 3, 13, and 66 pounds per acre returned in annual leaf fall. Thus, it appears that the nutrients re- turned to the soil over a period of years more than compensate for amounts utilized in the permanent growth of the tree. A similar computation, reported by Gardner et al. (22) 1952, for phosphorus utilization by 100-year old apple trees re- veals 47 pounds of elemental P in the 27 trees on an acre with an annual return of four pounds in the leaf fall. Also with tree fruits, Lilleland (35) 1935, and Lilleland and Brown (36) 1939, obtained positive growth responses to phosphate application on one-year old apple, peach, and prune trees, but not when the same treatments were applied to three-year old trees. Phosphorus content of the leaves was positively influenced by these treatments in the younger trees but not in the older ones. Lilleland et al. (37) 1942, reported, Eighteen different annual crops were tested and failed to make satisfactory growth unless phosphate was added. Established fruit trees, however, showed no response to phosphate in the same soil and their growth, yield and quality of fruit were comparable to those obtained on the more fertile soils of California. Proebsting and Kinman (46) 1933, and Potter (45) 1934. conducted orchard trials with phosphate on apricots and mature Baldwin apples, respectively, and both found that the responses to the application of phosphate did not Justify the cost. In the past 20 years the availability of the radio- active isotope P32 has made more precise studies of plant utilization of applied phosphorus possible. Lawton (33) 1958, using 30 pounds per acre of tagged P205 on field grown corn, found that after 45 days of growth plant phosphorus from applied fertilizer amount to 30 per cent of the total. Nelson et al. (43) 1947, in an extensive study of phosphorus utilization, found that the percentage of the phosphorus in the plant that was derived from the applied fertilizer at- tained maxima of 45 for cotton, 63 for potatoes and corn, and 65 for tobacco. These values were recorded 30 days after planting for corn, cotton, and tobacco, and after 38 days for potatoes. In young field grown wheat, Spinks and Barber (59) 1947, found that up to 21 per cent of the total phosphorus in the plant was from the current application. In a greenhouse study Lawton, Erickson, and Lemon (34) 1952, found that at final harvest, after 60 days of growth, the tomato plant had obtained up to 70 per cent of its total phosphorus from the fertilizer treatment. Eggert, Kardos, and Smith (21) 1952, however, applied P32 labelled fertilizer to six 25-year old apple trees and found that determination of the total phosphorus content of fruit cores, terminal and spur leaves showed no P32 in four a: wt ”was an. ”swims .1 " MAM M = v 3' fiends-- W' 9' - ' a! ‘“M‘nm mum-=7. "av-1... — trees, and less than 3 and approximately 6 per cent in the other two trees, respectively. In conclusion, there appears to be some disagreement among investigators as to the fertilizer requirement of asparagus, but the evidence indicates a reduced response to applied fertilizer as the plants grow older (10, 53, 65). Several studies (11, 65) suggest that nitrogen is the most critical of the nutrients commonly applied and that phos- phorus elicits little response from perennial plants after the first few years of growth (35, 37). Hester (28) 1949, and Brooks and Morse (11) 1919, computed nutrient util- ization by asparagus, and Brasher (8) 1954, discusses it briefly, but no attempt has been made to establish fertilizer recommendations on the basis of this information. ._ .._‘:'”'~ ' ”5"“? 5‘31"." ;efl§«-?I-”—‘» '7 29'3".fl MATERIALS AND METHODS -- GENERAL Sampling Procedures For spear analysis, the edible portion of 20 spears was used except in the P32 tracer study. Mature fern samples, consisting of two male and two female stems of green fern of a size considered average for the particular planting, were cut into approximately three- inch sections and alternate sections dreied in large paper bags. Side branches and fruit were included with the main stem in the cutting process. Chemicg; Analyses All samples taken for analysis were dried at approxi- mately 70°C. for several days, ground to pass a 20-mesh screen, and an aliquot stored for analysis. Nitrogen was determined using the KJeldahl-Gunning- Arnold method (1) and potassium using a flame photometric technique on water extracts of dried plant tissue (2). Phosphorus in the samples collected from the P32 ex- periment was determined colorimetrically by Lindner's (38) method, modified to use an ammonium vanadate reductant in- stead of stannous chloride. The remainder of the analyses were accomplished on 12 73 emission spectrOgraphic equipment in the Departments of Agricultural Chemistry in 1958, and Horticulture in 1959 and 1960. Samples were prepared for analysis by ashing one-half gram aliquots at 550°C. in a muffle furnace for 12 to 15 hours. The ashed material was then taken up in an HCl solu- tion containing cobalt as an internal standard. Concentra- tions of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, boron, zinc, molybdenum, and aluminum were deter- mined by excitation of aliquots of the HCl-ash solution using an A.C. spark (31). Phosphorus in soil samples were determined using Bray's P-1 method while active K and Mg were determined with the Spurway method (60), using an extractant. The pH values were obtained from a soilzwater suspension using the glass electrode technique (58). Statistical Procpdures With the exception of the data obtained in the nutri- tional survey and some of that from the P32 experiment, differences between treatment means were tested using the analysis of variance technique appropriate to the experi- mental design employed (44, 57). Where significant "F" values were obtained, the means were separated using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (20). A NUTRITIONAL SURVEY OF THE COMMERCIAL ASPARAGUS CROP To study the current nutritional status of established asparagus plants growing in the most representative geo- graphic area, which in Michigan is the southwestern part of the state where over three-fourths of the commercial crop is grown, were sampled. Materials and Methods Asparagus growers in Berrien and Van Buren Counties were interviewed to obtain information on management prac- tices, age of plantings, and yield. Thirty farms were se- lected and a row of asparagus was chosen in a field from each location for use in a survey of the nutritional status of the crop. In early August, 1958, mature green fern samples and soil samples were taken from a 50-foot long section of row previously staked out. In October, 1958, all the fern grow- ing on 50 feet of the selected row from each farm was cut off at ground level, weighed, and its dry matter determined. Edible spear samples were collected on May 8 and 29, and on June 15, 1959, from each farm plot. Mature fern samples were again collected in September and information on management and yields for the season obtained. The weight 14 0f mature fern from a 50-foot section of row was again determined. Samples of edible spears were collected on May 6 and June 6, 1960, from these farms. At the end of the summer, information on cultural practices and yield was again ob- tained from most of the cooperators. Thus, at the end of this survey, data had been collected on fern growth in 1958 and 1959 and spear production in 1959 and 1960. The plant samples were analyzed chemically using the procedures previously described and spear samples were com- posited from all sampling dates. Complete survey information was used to compute pro- duct moment correlations between the variables measured. The computations were performed with the use of a digital computer and as the program available for this type of calcu- lation was limited to 38 variables, it was necessary to separate the data into two problems. The first problem included as variables the data taken in 1958, age of planting, fertilizer applied, soil test results, fern growth and composition as well as yield of edible spears, spear composition values, and fern growth data from 1959; a total of 29 factors. The second problem consisted of edible spear yield, fertilizer application and fern growth and composition from 1959 and the yield and composition values for edible spears in 1960 (25 factors) as variables. F r: _ 16 Results and Qiscussion In Table 1 are summarized the measurements taken over a three-year period, grouped into three classes: highest observed value, lowest observed value, and average value .obtained from 30 observations. Age of the plantings surveyed varied from four to fifteen years and averaged around nine years. This is a reflection of the post-World War II boom in asparagus demand which resulted in greatly expanded commercial acreage. Fertilizer practices varied widely among cooperating growers, evidenced by the extremely large coefficients of variation shown in Table 1. Soil test values were quite variable also with co- efficients of variation of 50 per cent for soil P and 40 per cent for soil K. Growth of fern and yield of spears differed widely between farms, but in both fern and parti- cularly spears, the major nutrient composition was remark- ably uniform, reflecting slightly, if at all, the differences noted in application of fertilizer, soil composition, and growth (Table 1). A survey of climatological data is also presented in Table 1, which represents an average of values recorded at weather stations in the two counties where samples of asparagus were collected. The year 1959 was the warmest from May to September with temperatures averaging about four or five degrees higher than 1958 and 1960. More precipitation .news no compmpsnsoo sou scapnspnoosoo com somehcha ow uogac>aoo mosHe> ma Hesvd>acsm uncompe>aomno on so oommm\w 11 S 11 on 11 m 11 3 . Asian: w: :9... 11 _e 11 we. 11 . mm -1 mom M.<\.mpH a Haom 11 mm 11 an 11 m 11 mo .<\.mnH m Haom 11 m 11 n.m 11 m.e 11 a.m ma Adam mm am as on _m .m .m mm Anodaaas can museum m ls em a as e m om am Meodaaaa sod anyway so mm mm mma oe— om mm mmm mmm sadaaas son seesaw on .m me .m as m, m. me_ our Asodaaas sea upscav as me mm mm.o ~m.o m..o m..o mm.o o¢.o .p: ape my as em a. ma.o me.o me.o om.o mn._ mm.o .p: ass ma mu m. m. m¢.m ea.m mo.. mm.. mm.n we.m M.p= ate my a w. m. a. m..o mm.o n_.o om.o em.o mn.o .p: ape ma m o_ m ao.m ma.m mm.a mn.m mn.m om.m “.0: ape «V 2 compmmoasoo each 11 11 o_mm omnm cam mmm ma.e A.<\.mnav mama ac .p: age we on m. m m mm em A.mnav use“ .om ao .p: ape ma me e¢_ mm. econ once m_e 0mm A.W\.mnav commune 0mm om om mm on one: once omm mmm A. .mnav emaaaau mo m _e am mm. mm. mean one: oon mas A.e\.mnaa sausage z 11 mm 11 m.m 11 e 11 ma “mamohv wsmpamma Ho 6&4 mama mama mnmfl mnmfl mwmd mum" mama mmmfl a .> .o osas> \m.>< osaea zoo osas> swam .mumedu msweaeamm on soak coapmmoasoo use edema each use macaw use muasmoa amen Hmom .compeomaaae sonmampaou non mosms> cmeao>m use .3oa .nwmm — mqmds .ho>sdm on» em oopm>oo mamas c>mumuncmoaaoa or» mom mommao>m was epmn\m .msompe>aomno on no ucmdm\w m.nm m.m© mwmho>4 oa.m_ ne.m_ asses _n._ m_.n em.m «.mm sonampnmm me.m ea.m em.m ¢.Fa a.oa enemas nm.m mm.m nn.n ..oa m.oa sass no.e mn.m om.n e.oa mesa mm.e ma.m m..m e.em m.nm as: oo.n oe.m mo.m ¢.Fm m.a¢ Hanna mama mmmfl mama mmmfl mmmfl mama ammo» monoaH 1 soapmpmamooam .mo 1 onsveaoasoa \mcpco Heomwoaonesmao Fa n. mm mm Fm om mm mm anoaaads use spacey m m, a. mm am o, m. on mm Asoaaaaa son nausea so mw we mm #0. mm, ma mm com _.m “soaaaaa son messav mm on mm an mm m, m, om .a Asoaaaas cog seesaw as m m, om.o .m.o ap.o n_.o mm.o em.o “.9: ago my w: m, m, am.o on.o .m.o mm.o mn.o mm.o A.a: ate wv as n e oo.e mn.e mm.n om.n mn.¢ mm.e .p: see an a m m am.o .m.o ma.o _m.o mm.o om.o .p: ate «V m m e mm.m mm.m o..m __.e mm.m .m.» .p: ace xv z sempmmoasoo gamma 0». ae_ 0» ca mmm m.n A.p: mesa eaoaa oHnHem mm mm mmmm omnm ooo. coo. ooan come A.<\.mnav sauna oflnaem mama mmmfl mwmw mnmfl mmmfl mwmfl mmmd mama essence: mansase> m .> .o csmm> \m.>¢ osas> sod csHs> swam Aeoschcoov _ mamas 79 ‘was also recorded in 1959, but considerably more rain fell during the harvest months of May and June in 1960 than in either of the other two years. These climatological factors probably exerted some influences on the composition and yield of asparagus sampled. Doubtless the warmer season in 1959 accounted for the higher yields obtained since aspara- gus growth is temperature sensitive (6). Higher concen- trations of the major plant nutrients in the fern in 1959 might be due to more advanced physiological age at the time of sampling brought on by the warmer air temperatures. N, P, K, and Ca were more concentrated in spears taken in 1959 also, but this is most likely due to the greater rain- fall during harvest in 1960 which could result in an in~ creased water uptake and consequent dilution of mineral constituents. All significant correlations from the 680 calculated are shown in Table 2; however, discussion will generally be limited to those found to occur for more than one season since these are probably the most valid, and are summarized in Table 3. Age of planting was highly and positively correlated with soil phosphate content, due to the buildup of this material in long fertilized fields. Age was nega- tively correlated with Ca concentration in spears during both years of the survey, possibly due to leaching of this element from the relatively acid soils of the asparagus fields sampled. Phosphate and potash applications were positively and ' '_ F33... 15;? “moomOHuHowam new ooQaSan mosam> a ._o.o n m to“ m¢.o n M .mo.o n m sou mm.o .Fo.o u a mom ms. 0 u .mo. 0 n a mom mn.o .Fo.on m as wpapawo: AIIV ._o.o LII.H.© mm LII.M.U mm H m as o>auamoo A++V umod u m as o>apmmmc “Iv "mo.o n m pd o>apdmoa A+v .A. u. o mmv pqmommdcwam mpooaoamhwoo c0apwaoapoos m¢.u& no human mm. ++ so upon ++ om.nn w: chum + mo.nfi m chow ++ 2 each + m n¢.nh do amoam mm. + m cash ++ o¢.ua 2 show ++ so a: amoam mm. mo human mm. n¢.ua z adoam mm. + M command I on a: gamma om. ++ mm. "L z macaw mm. II Ma anon I a: ma. "A m human mm. + so Locum mm. + m swoon mm. + m>.na M anon II ma. "a m anon ++ M Adam I m Haom I m¢.na ma Haom + o¢.np oww I m upon + m: m Chou II do m¢.ua so Adena mm. II mm. Hg M Haom + aa.nh m HHOm + ms chow II M z mama + m chem ++ m¢.un w: sham ++ do each II A Fm.nn m momma mm. II so gamma mm. ++ m¢.n§ do macaw mm. + m¢.n& m macaw mm. I F¢.np m smog + w¢.n& so ago“ ++ mm.nh m chow + z ma.nn npzoaw chow mm. ++ npsoaw chem ma HHOm ++ mm ma aaom II mn.Ia mg each I on.nfi M chow + o m¢.ua M Locum mm. I m Locum am. I owm ++ z omaamam ++ w: cash I a¢.nh M anon + mo o¢.na .mz Adana mm. + mn.uh a: show I mana .w: anon + m¢.na m2 Haom ++ M Hmom II mm Haom M macaw mm. + mm." m omaaaam + mn.nfi on one“ I .Haaw omM .¢.nn :2 Locum mm. + n¢.up mama» mm. + M ooaamod + .Hooo momm m HHOm ++ m¢.na mwm + .Haom z h¢.na do Locum mm. II m¢.nh z ooaaoad + o¢.un m2 show I m Haom ++ om< "spa: ompwaoaaoo ooazmcoz mammaam>* .mmmp I M0>Lsm mammamamm ca mucoamasmmos comzpmn moodgmaopaOO awmcHH paceduacwam .m qu a ._0.0 n m um o>auowon AIIV “—0.0 n A no o>auamon A++v “mo.o n m no o>apowoc AIV “mo.o u m as o>apdoom A+v .Apxou ho op owoo ooo ..m.o mm Lo mmv psooamacwam mpsoaoahuooo soavoaoaaoo* ~¢.na so aooom om. + o¢.np m2 anon + mm.nh m show ++ 2 show ++ m mn.n& m upon I so 0¢.nu m aooam ow. + on o#.nn m pooam om. + Na.up so aooao om. I a: hooom om. ++ oz o¢.na m upon + m¢.na M snow II o¢.nn A command I m: o¢.nn oo nooao om. + so mn.nh oaoah ow. + m¢.ua w: chow II o¢.na spzoaw anon + m¢.nh m ooaaaao + M m chow ++ mn.uh so show I om.un 2 show ++ m m show ++ m anon ++ z w o "a upsoam chow mm. ++ o¢.np M show + nuxoaw snob n¢.na w: chow mm. + 2 upon mm. II m>.nh m pooam ++ m m¢.ua m snow mm. ++ n¢.na so anon mm. + mn.nn m2 saom mm. + o¢.na M chow mm. II m¢.ng 2 show mm. ++ o¢.np oo hooao + M aooqo + 5o Fm.nh oo aoooo + om oh ago“ mm. I mN.HA :2 show mm. ++ F¢.np m .Hnao mm. + b¢.nn z Looao II a: o¢.na Mo afiom mm. + w: I mn.n& om chow mm. + m#.nh 2 show mm. + owo II so aooom + an.nh oh swoon + no m¢.np m Haom mm. I _¢.Np M .Hano mm. + do aooom + M ms chm“ + m¢.na z Chou mm. I m HHom mm. I m>.na m amonm ++ mm.nfi z aoonm + m n¢.np on snow + mm.Ih as upon II ha.nn a: aooam II m nooam + z oo.fla oaoah om. ++ ma." m .Hnmo mm. + oHlo Loonm m¢.na so aooao om. I m¢.na ms pooao om. I m .Haoo ++ .Hooo OMM o¢.na w: snow I m¢.Ia M Chow + M .Hano ++ .Haao mo m ma.nn m nooam om. I .Hono z o¢.np do mooam ow. I owd ”and: Mowwdoaaoo mmmmmmmml oapoaao>* \“ mmma I Mospo mswoaonmo ca upcosoasosos soozpon onoauoaoahoo moosaa pqooahaswam Au.soov m mqm4e 22 «0.0 n m pom m¢.o n a mmod u m non mm.o n LII.M.o mm .0.0 n m non oa.o u a “mo.o u m mow on.o u aII.h.o mm "oosooamacmam hon cohasuon oosHo> A .Fo.o u m no o>prwon AIIW “Fo.o n m as o>aumooa A++V Hm ounoaoammooo soapoaoaaoo* .mod n m as wisdom: To “mod n m as 9:338 To .Adé m3 28C? o¢.na :2 saom mm. + m¢.u§ z .Haao mm. I m m#.uh M .aooo mm. I m Show mm. + ma.nh a: show mm. I F¢.nfi oh moono + so .¢.ua so nooao + om a: show mm. ++ 22 m¢.ua M .Hmoo om.I o¢.na npzoaw anon mm. I mm.u& m pooom ++ ms oo Show mm. + o&.un omo I so o¢.un suzohw smog mm. I mm.u§ z goonm ++ M o¢.nu om :aom mm. + mm.nh w: aoonm ++ m M hooam ++ z nooom mn.un M show mm. + oaoah mm. ++ oaoah hoonm “a... a: oopoaoaaoo oohsmm o2 oHnoaao>* IIIII .omm_ I Mo>psm osmoaoomo 2H ogmoaoasmooa zoozpon oozaopno oaoapoaoaaoo pgooahficwfim Ap.soov m mamas 23 consistently correlated with each other, a fact which is not surprising since most of the growers questioned used a mixed fertilizer frequently supplemented with nitrogen. As was im- plied in Table 1, no consistent yield response to fertilizer was observed. Spear and fern growth during the first year were positively correlated with themselves in the second year, but not with each other. Yield varied from a low of around one-half ton to over two tons per acre, the former being considerably below the requirement for economic production. Fern production, which has been reported to be directly re- lated to spear production (59. 64), varied even more widely, from around 1,500 to over 17,000 pounds on a fresh weight basis, or from 522 to 6,612 pounds dry matter per acre. It is to be remembered that the data on spear production was taken from receiving station receipts and growers estimates of planted area and fern growth was extrapolated from mea- surements taken on a 50-foot row. Both of these are some- what subjective measurements. Soil tests (Table 3), of samples collected only in the first year of this study, showed some highly significant correlations. Phosphorus soil values were correlated with nitrOgen application, possibly because the fanmers using the heavier fertilizer rates in general also put on the most nitrOgen in the years of this study. Potash in the soils sampled varied inversely with the 13H value. Magnesium concentration varied directly with soil .Fo.o u m non oz» ous mo.o n m non nopoonono ono.hnaao nooo wnazoaaon noono an cacao onooh 03p on» non oooooandswam Hooapoapooo no oonmon * .nowoon sumo non ocoapo>noono on no oooon macapoasoaoo\fl ‘1 I .I poopcoo omonomsoa anon + .++ pooanoo canon anon unopnoo noQQOo nooam ++ .++ psopnoo ooosomoos anon pcopaoo ooosownoa nooom I .II pnoaa no owa onopnoo asaoaoo nooom ++ oaoaa nooao woaooooosm Apnwaozv oaoam nooam + .++ poopcoo noaqoo nooom + .+ anopnoo ssaooswos anon ++ .++ anopooo msnosnoono anon Mm ++ .+ pconaOo nowonpaz anon unopooo nonon gnom ++ .++ esopQOo ooooowsos nooom unopaoo ooooomooa :nom II .II acoocoo asaoooaoo snob t .+ anopnoo canon anon uaoanoo asaoonwoa anon II .II anopnoo adaooswos snob psopooo asaooopoo anon ++ .++ unopsoo canon anon ++ .+ anopnoo nowonpds anon psopooo osnonooonn anon ++ .+ paopcoo canon anon ++ .+ psopnoo osnonooona snom poopnoo sowonaaa anon ++ nozonw anon msaooooosm Apnwaoxv npzonw anon ++ .+ oodaoao oaonnmonm ooaaoao noopom ++ .+ command noopom oodaaao ovonooonm I .II psopnoo esmoaoo nooam wuaanoao no owa “Smwm 0>d0 0 0 LCD“ *sflepn an 2 IIIdeIIIlwIIINeH pm a .mo>nsm HonoHpansc osmonmooo osp ca mQOmooo o>np:oomsoo 03o non osson macapoaonnoo noocHH umooananwao no anosasm .n mamae 25 pH. In Michigan lime is usually applied as Dolomitic lime- stone and the woils having the highest pH values were un- doubtedly those which had been limed. The nitrogen, phosphorus, and boron concentration in the fern were positively correlated with each other, while potassium and magnesium were negatively correlated (Table 3). This influence of K on Mg is a common occurrence. Boynton (7) cites a number of instances in apple, Awad (3) found it in leaves of Jonathan apples, and Carolus (13) in green beans.. Magnesium concentration was positively correlated with boron concentration in the fern which, in turn, varied directly as the copper concentration of the edible spears. The summary information in Table 1 was used in calcu- lating the values found in Table 4. It should be noted that fern normally remains on the field and is disked into the soil in the spring, thus the nutrients found in this tissue do not constitute removal. Two previous investigations of asparagus composition included a similar calculation of nutrient removal and are compared below: N P K lbs. A. removed Brown, 2,300 lbs./A.--snapped asparagus 10.3 1.5 6.9 Brooks and Morse (11), 4,500 lbs./A.-- cut 15.0 2.1 12.4 Hester and Shelton (28), 4,000 lbs./A.-- out 16.0 1.8 803 Carolus (14) has reported that cut asparagus is about 53.5 per cent edible and since the snapped asparagus in this 26 anmmg--- .Nn no unwaoz nno omono>o so oooom \m .RFM no unwaoz nno owono>o no oooom \a a00.0 m00.0 m00.0 _00.0 .0.0 .0.0 sonom ooo.o ooo.o moo.o .oo.o .o.o _o.o nooooo no.0 No.0 .0.0 no.0 n..0 no.0 sonH m00.0 no.0 m00.0 .00.0 no.0 m0.0 ooosowsos m.o ¢.o ..o _.o o.o m.o sonooomoz ¢.0 m.0 ..0 m.0 m.0 m.— ssaoaoo a.o m.> h.m n.m asaooopom a._ m._ o.0 o.0 m.w —.m osnonaoonn o.m .... o.n n.¢ m.n_ nowononz 0mm. mam. 0mm. mum. oom— onmn \Mouoa nooam II II m_.0 m0.0 No.0 «0.0 0o.0 ¢N.O sonom II II No.0 no.0 moo. 0 m00.0 m..0 FF.0 noaaoo II II mn.0 nn.0 m0. 0 a0.0 .m.n mm.0 nonH II II no.0 o..o .o. o _o.o mm. o om.o ooooooooz II II a.m m.m 0.. No.0 a. on n.on asnmoowoz II II m.m_ n.m_ m.n o.m ssnoaoo m.¢¢ _.m¢ a.¢o m.m m.» m. pmm a. aan ssaoownon n.m m.o N.¢ m.m —._ 0.. a. n. osnosooonm «.me o.¢m m.oo o.e. _.m. o.mm_ m. an. cowononz \Hopoa anon Mama mam. _.mwm._i ImImma _I amnml— (“mo .1 .Imwml. lwmlo _ IIaIIIIcosonmi A.> owonona osao> :04 osao> swam no pooo non .Aonoo non mocsoa adv Ho>oson oopoasoaoo no manop on oswonoamo onspos no cannonaadns pooanasz .a mqmdn 27 present study was essentially all edible material, the yields from Brooks and Morse (11) and Hester and Shelton (27) are approximately equivalent, respectively, to 2,407 and 2,140 pounds per acre of snapped asparagus. Considering this factor, the values reported are in quite close agreement even though they were widely separated in space and time, i.e., Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Michigan, and 1919, 1949, and 1959, respectively. Assuming that the nutrient removal figuraain Table 4 do present a realistic picture, it becomes apparent that the annual fertilizer requirement of asparagus is quite small when compared to the amounts normally applied (Table 1). 3. RESPONSE TO MATURE ASPARAGUS T0 VARIABLE FERTILIZER APPLICATION In order to obtain more objective data than was possible with the survey reported in the previous section, a field experiment with mature asparagus was instituted at East Lansing and selected plots chosen for sampling from a ferti- lizer study already in progress at Sodus, Michigan. Materials and Methods A. Studies with an 11-Year 01g Planting A field of Mary washington asparagus, located on the Horticulture Farm at East Lansing, was utilized in evalu- ation of the effects of fertilizer application on yield and composition of the crop. Prior to the commencement of this study, the entire field had received a complete fertilizer annually. Twelve treatments were applied in a randomized, complete block design, in which a block consisted of a single, 30-foot long section of row. Single guard rows alternated with treated rows and a five-foot section of row was left untreated between plots. Each treatment occurred in two replications. The materials, applied in July, 1958, and again in .April. 1959. and May, 1960, are listed in Table 5. 28 29 Samples of mature green fern were collected from each plot on September 2, 1958. In both 1959 and 1960 yield records were taken from each plot and samples of both edible spears and mature fern were saved for chemical analysis. B. Fertilizer of fi-Year 01d Asparagus Selected plots from a fertilizer experiment on a field of five-year old asparagus of the Viking variety were also sampled. Planted in 1955. the treatments listed in Table 9 were first applied in April 1956 and continued un- changed to the present. Yields reported are on the basis of four replicates while composition data are derived from two. Each plot consisted of a 33-foot long section of a single row, with guard rows on either side. The data were analyzed as a randomized complete block design. Mature fern for chemical analysis was collected in September, 1958 and again in 1959 and 1960. Edible spears were sampled in 1959 and 1960. Results and Discussion Marketable yields from the older planting averaged 4,998 pounds of snapped asparagus per acre in the first harvest year reported and 4,226 in the second year when temperatures averaged five to six degrees lower (Table 5). For the same two years the five-year old asparagus averaged 1,310 and 1,579 pounds of snapped asparagus per acre (Table 6). This disparity is not attributable to variety as Honma TABLE 5. Yield of asparagus in response to variable ferti- 3O lizer application on an 11-year old planting (pounds per acre). 1959 1960 Average Treatment Applied gggfg* §§2I3* 1353260 N-P205- K20 0-0-0 4050 3432 3741 0-0-120 3784 3641 3737 0-120-0 5496 4537 5016 120-0-0 6822 5367 6094 120-120-120 (STD.) 3451 3557 3509 120-120-240 5901 5144 5522 120-240-120 5653 4731 5192 240-120-120 4169 2970 3569 Manure 10 T/A. 5402 4521 4961 STD. + Na20 (120 1bs./A.) 5682 4598 5140 STD. + MgO (120 lbs./A.) 4561 3981 4271 STD. + CaO (12o lbs./A.) 5992__ 4g31__ _4§;9 General Mean 4998.6 4226.4 4612 29 24 37 ,C° v. % *Data for single years are averages from two replications. No significant differences in yield were observed in either year of this study or when data were combined from both years. All asparagus harvested by snapping. 31 TABLE 6. Yield of asparagus in response to variable ferti- lizer application on a 5-year old planting (pounds per acre). Treatment 3I2I2* §§2I8* EISI§* Agiggge Applied 1958 1959 1960 1958-59-60* N'PQOS' K20 60-40-40 837 1202 1563 1201 60-80-80 788 1227 1486 1167 120-40-80 948 1428 1801 1392 120-80-40 800 1206 1572 1193 120-80-80 1071 1514 1916 1500 120-80-160 866 1404 1596 1288 120-160-80 825 1350 1416 1197 120-160-160 _8_25_ #5; _12_§_2_I_ _1_0§2_ General Mean 870 1310 1579 1253 C.V. % 23 27 25 45 *Data for single years are averages for four replications. No significant differences in yield were observed in any one year of this study or when data from the three years were combined. All asparagus harvested by snapping. 32 TABLE 7. Average mineral composition of asparagus spears and fern from a variably fertilized 11-year old plant- 1958 1959 1960 Element % D.w. C.V. % % D.w. C.V. % % D.w. C.V. % Spear Data NitrOgen -- -- 5.65 6 5.95 5 Phosphorus -- -- 0.76 8 0.71 10 Potassium -- -- 3.63 3 3.52 8 Calcium -- -- 0.23 18 0.28 13 p.p.m. p.p.m. p.p.m. Manganese -- -- 31.2 19 46.0 18 Iron -- -- 80.4 12 73.2 10 Copper -- -- 24.2 16 22.8 11 Boron -- -- 21.1 14 17.7 16 Zinc -- -- 76.7 13 78.4 13 Molybdenum -- -- 1.3 28 1.3* 16 Aluminum -- -- 27.7 37 18.4 27 Fern Data % D.W. C.V. % % D.W. C.V. 5% D.W. C.V. Nitrogen 2.40 8 2.27 8 1.80 9 Phosphorus 0.22 14 0.21 17 0.19 20 Potassium 2.23 10 2.22* 9 2.28 11 Calcium 0.91 15 0.87 9 0.56 13 Magnesium 0.25 17 0.20 13 0.15 14 popomo popomc p.p.m. Manganese 49.8 13 100.8* 36 80.1 53 Iron 131.7 14 112.9 18 105.1 13 Copper 14.3 25 10.6 28 11.4 24 Boron 48.2 33 64.5 20 37.6 18 Zinc -- -- 20.7 14 24.3 12 Molybdenum -- -- 2 . 9 26 2 . 5 20 .Aluminum -- -- 199.8 19 149.2 48 ‘ *Data presented are general means, those starred showed significant differences between treatment means. 33 TABLE 8. Average mineral composition of asparagus spears and fern from a variably fertilized 5-year old planting. 1958 1959 1960 Element % D.W. c.v.'% % D.w. C.V. % % D.w. 0.v. % Spear Data Nitrogen -- -- 6.46 7 6.25 4 Phosphorus -- -- 0.87 6 0.90 6 Potassium -- -- 3.89 5 4.16 4 Calcium -- -- 0.34 12 0.28 8 Magnesium -- -- 0.20 5 0.20 2 p.p.m. p.p.m. p.p.m. Manganese -- -- 77.1“ 13 75.2 21 Iron -- -- 158.9, 18 114.7 33 Copper -- -- 28.2 5 24.0 28 Zinc -- -- 104.1 6 92.6 8 Molybdenum -- -- 1.5 33 0.8* 32 Aluminum -- -- 79.0 17 61.0 15 Fern Data 5 D.w. C.V. % % D.w. C.V. % % D.w. C.V. % Nitrogen 2.11 7 1.78 5 2.05 12 Phosphorus 0.24 17 0.17 8 0.20 12 Potassium 2.21 13 2.08 7 2.09 12 Calcium 1.08 32 0.68* 9 0.82 18 Magnesium 0.26 23 0.20 11 0.20 17 p.p.m. p.p.m. p.p.m. Manganese 91.4 35 118.7 39 88.1 27 Iron 106.1 17 135.9 9 125.7 13 Copper 14.5 25 10.4 38 12.5 54 Boron 44.8 19 37.2 16 46.4 18 Zinc -- -- 24.0 12 30.6 21 .MOlybdenum -- -- 2.6 29 2.6 32 .Aluminum -- -- 226.3 N 23 191.1 25 -—__._ *Data presented are general means, those starred showed significant differences between treatment means. 1rv_.._____._ _-_ _ -34 (29) found no significant yield differences between the Viking and Mary Washington varieties after six years of har- vest, but rather due to differences in age and soil edaphic conditions. The 11-year old Mary Washington was grown in a sandy loam soil and the 5-year old Viking on a sand from which nutrients, particularly nitrogen, could be more readily leached. Statistical analyses indicated that there was no significant yield response to any fertilizer treatment at either location. This is contrary to the results reported by Brasher (8), Seaton (55), Brooks and Morse (11), Rahn (47), White and Boswell (66), all of whom reported yield increases to certain fertilizer practices. Wide differences between replicates in yield produced relatively large experimental erros and large coefficients of variation, making statistical significance difficult to obtain. The composition data obtained from these experiments, in terms of the average value for each element in each tissue as well as the calculated coefficients of variation are summarized in Tables 7 and 8. The spears from the younger plants contained somewhat higher concentrations of N, P, and K than the older ones and much higher concentrations of an, Fe, Zn, and Al, possibly attributable to age, variety, £3011 type, or some combination of these. These consistent (iifferences were not obtained in the fern except for aluminum thlich was about 50 per cent higher in the younger plants. Significant differences between treatment means were observed 15.. ' “11871“ 1 ”‘1'. 35 for Ca and Mn in fern and M0 in spears from 11-year old plants (Tables 9 and 10), and from Mn, Cu, and Al in spears and Mg in the fern from the younger plants (Tables 11 and 12). The situation with calcium (found only in 1959) in the 11-year old plants (Table 9) is comparable to that found by Reuther and Smith (51) in Valencia oranges and by Carolus (13) with the bean; as the level of potassium increased in the medium, the utilization of Ca by the plant decreased. Lundegardh's (40) work in solution cultures reflects the same finding. The manganese concentration in the plants reflects the findings of Downes (18) in the onion and again of Reuther and Smith with oranges, where the Mn content of the tissue increases as the nitrogen application is increased (Table 9). Magnesium was most concentrated in 5-year old fern which had received the lowest rate of fertilizer application but did not differ significantly between any other of the treatments (Table 11). This suggests the potash-magnesium antagonism reported by Boynton (7) on apples, Carolus (13) with bean, and Smith et a1. (56) with citrus. Asparagus plants receiving the highest levels of potassium contained the lowest concentrations of magnesium in two years out of three. Manganese (Table 11) was consistently higher in spears which received the higher nitrogen application, bear- ing out the work cited above. Reuther and Smith (51) found that copper content of apple leaf tissue varied inversely with nitrogen application and a suggestion of this was found here, _I usr"-1I-». 1“". ii“ 36 TABLE 9. Calcium and manganese concentration in fern of 11- year old asparagus as influenced by treatment. Treatment 1/ Statfi StatIf Stat. Applied 1958- Sig. 1959 Sig. 1960 Sig.* N-P20 -K20 lbs.?A. Calcium concentration - % dry weight 0-0-0 0.86 a 0.86 abcd 0.52 a 0-0-120 0.84 a 0.72 cd 0.50 a 0-120-0 0.84 a 0.84 abcd 0.58 a 120-0-0 0.92 a 1.00 ab 0.55 a STD. 0.96 a 0.97 ab 0.60 a 120-120-240 0.88 a 0.70 d 0.58 a 120-240-120 0.88 a 0.80 bcd 0.58 a 240-120-120 0.98 a 1.02 a 0.56 a Manure 0.96 a 0.90 abc 0.58 a STD. + Na 0 0.90 a 0.82 abcd 0.67 a STD. + Mgg 0.94 a 0.89 abcd 0.47 a STD. + CaO 0.24 a 0.26 ab 0.55 a General Mean 0.91 0.87 0.56 c. V. a; 15 9 13 Manganese concentration - parts per million 0-0-0 44.0 a 51.0 cd 38.0 a 0-0-120 41.0 a 56.5 cd 38.0 a 0-120-0 45.5 a 47.0 d 40.0 a 120-0-0 53.0 a 92.0 bcd 51.5 a STD. 52.5 a 86.0 bcd 74.0 a 120-120-240 47.0 a 98.0 bcd 87.5 a 120-240-120 52.5 a 91.0 bcd 95.0 a 240-120-120 57.0 a 216.0 a 145.5 a Manure 55.5 a 55.0 cd 41.0 a STD. + N 0 48.0 a 135.0 abc 173.5 a STD. + Mg 47.5 a 136.5 abc 79.5 a STD. + Ca0 54,5 a 145.5 ab 28,0 a General Mean 49.8 100.8 80.1 c. v. z 13 36 53 -—‘ l/All data presented as treatment means. Treatment means designated with the same letter do not differ significantly at P = 0.05. 37 TABLE 10. Molybdenum concentration in asparagus spears from 11-year old plants as influenced by treatment. Treatment 1 Stat* Stat¥ Applied 1959-/ Sig. 1960 Sig. parts per million 0-0-0 1.15 a 1.00 of 0-0-120 1.50 a 1.75 a 0-120-0 1.65 a 1.55 abcd 120-0-0 1.65 a 1.65 ab STD. 0.65 a 1.50 abcde 120-120-240 1.25 a 1.60 abc 120-240-120 1.15 a 0.90 f 240-120-120 1.55 a 1.35 abcdef Manure 1.05 a 1.05 def STD. + Na 0 1.45 a 1.65 ab STD. + M53 0.95 a 1.20 bcdef STD. + CaO 1.60 a 1,10 cdef General Mean 1.30 1.36 c. v. z 28 16 1/ All data presented as treatment means. Treatment means designated with the same letter do not differ significantly at P = 0.05. 38 TABLE 11. Magnesium concentration in fern and manganese concentration in spears of 5-year old asparagus as influenced by treatment. Treatment ,/ Stat, Stat, Stata Applied 1958- Sig. 1959 Sig. 1960 Sig. N-P 05-A. K2 0 “8 Magnesium in fern - % dry weight 60-40-40 0.25 a 0.28 a 0.24 a 60-80-80 0.25 a 0.20 b 0.19 a 120-80-40 0.26 a 0.20 b 0.23 a 120-80-80 0.27 a 0.21 b 0.19 a 120-160-80 0.27 a 0.18 b 0.20 a General Mean 0.26 0.20 0.20 CO V. ,0 23 1 1 Manganese in Spear - parts per million 60-80-80 69.0 bc 65.5 a 120-40-80 91.0 ab 78.5 a 120-80-80 9505 a- 770 5 a 120-80-160 84.0 ab 84.0 a 120-160—80 72.0 abc 69.5 a - 120-160-160 18,0 ab 22,5 a General Means 77.1 75.2 C. V. 13 21 l/All data presented as treatment means. * Treatment means designated with the same letter do not differ significantly at P = I In) III? 1)) 39 TABLE 12. Copper and aluminum concentration in spears of 5-year old asparagus as influenced by treatment. Treatment 1/ Stat. Stat, Applied 1959-/ Sig.” 1960 Sig. N-PQO - K20 Copper concentration - parts per million lbs.?A. 60-40-40 33.2 a 20.8 a 60-80-80 27.6 be 22.2 a 120-40-80 27.4 bc 23.4 a 120-80-40 29.6 b 24.4 a 120-80-80 26.6 be 24.2 a 120-80-160 29.2 b 33.8 a 120-160-80 24.2 c 20.6 a 120-160-160 28.0 b 22,8 a General Mean 28.2 24.0 c. v. 5 5 28 Aluminum concentration - parts per million 60-40-40 64.0 a 45.0 0 60-80-80 80.5 a 71.0 ab 120-40-80 8155 a 65.0 bc 120-80-40 94.0 a 90.0 a 120-80-80 89.0 a 49.0 bc 120-80-160 83.0 a 60.0 bc 120-160-80 72.0 a 52.0 bc 120-160-160 68.0 a 56,0 bc General Mean 79.0 61.0 c. v. 5 17 15 ‘l/All data presented as treatment means. * Treatment means designated with the same letter do not differ significantly at P = 0.05. l a “1”“:- 0' _A 40 but the data are not conclusive on this point (Table 12). Copper was most concentrated in plants receiving the minimum level of the three nutrients applied in 1959. Climatological factors undoubtedly influenced the concentration in plant tissue of the various elements deter- mined. A summary of weather information for the two locations at which the experiments were conducted is shown below: 11-Year 5-Year Plantin __.B__PlLuna___6. 1958 195 1960 195 1959 19 0 Mean Air Temperatures - OF. April 48 48 50 50 48 52 May 58 53 57 59 54 57 June 62 69 65 63 71 66 July 70 71 69 72 73 71 “5““ 29 22 22 2}. ES 23 September 2 Average 62 67 63 63 37 Total Precipitation - Inches April 1.5 4.2 2.7 2.8 3.7 3.0 May 0.4 2.7 3.5 2.4 2.8 4.1 June , 3.5 2.2 3.5 4.3 1.3 4.5 July 4.6 5.6 2.0 2.7 4.9 2.0 August 3.5 4.5 3.8 2.6 1.6 3.: September 2 8 2. 1,; g,3 2.2 1. Total 16.3 22.0 1 . 17.1 17.2 15.4 In spears from the older plants, five of the ten ele- ments determined were most concentrated in the 1959 samples and five in the 1960 samples. Spears of the five-year old Plants contained the greatest concentrations of all elements, except P and K, in 1959. Almost four more inches of rain aasasaso\u .mpcmepmmap Has no owspo>s\m .mmssm>m Hegemsem\m .HspOp pends pawum\w omo.o .m.m am.o mm ._ a w mess mmo.o .n.m em.o «NF m mess s in as: m.o.o .e.i .a.o me_ mm a mm as: moo.o mm.o mm.o .m a. s wp Wu: H“ \mmoo o \Nm: 0 \meo o _w, m s m a: mouse wcflaaamm no.0 onmn.m mm.o mm. m w a e om a No.0 onmm.— mw.o mm m m ca m no.0 ome.m em.o mm m e co m no.0 em..a mm.o we _ m on o mo.o naem.i mm.o m_F F e on m \mococ \Mococ \mmm.o \flmp_ I I econ ¢ soap$NdHH¢D N HGHOH H0 R .a: mmw W .psxfihu .ma puma oE m Loudaaahmm mnm mahosamofim Gama» Nnm acmapmwhe .mhmoam mammamamm an msposamosa pmfiaams ho coaumuaaaps one .m— mqm. mo :39. 0 mo 59%. a .:.>..l . a SDI - Awaibl m .a. olll o .3. 0 III - f 0.0052988; - D D . «noboowobooomx < .Ezm @556 H" .53 cameo». 0H. mmepwpsm omen on are oopoosdmmdpos ow wum Hmdowwom bromUSOfiCm pa mmpmfimmzm museum mm pdwwsmnoom cw seem who moves on cwmoosms? 48 Single plants which varied in total weight from 31.4 to 35.7 pounds. The average weight per plant was 8.4 pounds. The statistical design used was a randomized complete block of five treatments each occurring in four replicates. The treatments were applied once on April 22, the N as ammonium nitrate, P as treble superphosphate, K as a mixture of muriate, and sulfate of potash, and NeP-K as 12-12-12 fertilizer. Aerial growth was harvested at a height of eight ngt‘srzrrs Pp?" inches until October 23 when the crowns were removed from the drums. The crowns were then washed and dried for analysis. Results and Discussion All aerial growth, both spears and fern, was con- sidered in calculating the yield (Table 14). All growth was harvested until the plants were dug out of the drums in order to exert the greatest possible drain on the mineral supplies of the crowns. No significant differences in growth were observed (Table 14). The nutrients applied had no significant influence on the concentration of any of the nutrients determined on the final dry weight basis (Table 14). Coefficients of variation varied from 13 for magnesium to 75 for zinc; the latter due primarily to two samples, one from a check plant and one from a plant receiving N only. Results obtained in this experiment taken in 49 TABLE 14. Aerial growth and crown composition of four-year old asparagus grown in sand culture. Treatment N-P 05-K20 Top Growth N P _(lgs.[A.) (5.1 plant) (% dry wt.) (% drygwt.) 1oo-o-o 9081/ 1.38 0.35 0-100-0 886 1.37 0.35 0-0-100 944 1.20 0.33 0-0-0 846 1.16 0.21 General Mean 893 1.29 0.32 c. v. ,3; 31 21 20 K Ca Mg Treatment (% dry wt.) (Z dry wt.) (% dry wt.) 100-0-0 1.49 0.94 0.22 0-100-0 1.61 0.82 0.21 0-0-100 1.27 0.80 0.20 100-100-100 1.37 0.81 0.20 0-0-0 1. 4 0.%2 0,12 General Mean 1. 0. 2 0.20 c. v. t 21 17 13 Mn Cu B Treatment p.p.m. p.p.m. . m. 0-100-0 176 19.4 43.2 0-0-100 149 20.1 44.9 100-100-100 171 21.2 43.9 0-0-0 _133_ 20. 41.8 General Mean 155 19. 42.8 C. V. "5 19 16 14 Zn Mo Treatment p.p.m. p.p.m. 0-100-0 35.5 3.2 100-100-100 43.5 4.7 0-0-0 6%.0 2.6 General Mean . .0 c. v. 9: 75 33 l/All data presented as treatment means. There were no significant differences observed between treatment means for growth or for concentration of any element. 50 <3onjunction with those reported in previous sections of this dissertation lend credence to the theory that composition of mature asparagus crowns is not readily affected by fertilizer application. INFLUENCES OP NUTRITION ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND MINERAL COMPOSITION DURING EARLY GROWTH OF ASPARAGUS lntroductigp All of the work previously outlined has been concerned with asparagus which was considered commercially productive. In order to obtain information on the response of newly planted asparagus to applied nutrients, a sand culture ex- periment was established in which the mineral resources of the plants could be closely controlled. Materials and Methods Forty-eight 55-gallon drums with the top third re- moved were embedded in soil and provided with suitable drain- age. FOrty-five were filled with bank sand of neutral pH and three with a manured soil. All drums exposed a surface area of three square feet. Twenty grams of elemental sulfur added to each sand drum changed the pH to about 6.0. Three one-year old Mary Washington asparagus crowns, ‘Weighing 30 to 40 grams each, were planted in each drum on .April 10. The fertilizer chemicals were applied three weeks Slater, and again in May of the following year, in a random- 1.zed block design consisting of three replications of 16 51 All"! "ll’ll 52 ‘treatments each. Treatments consisted of six nutrients applied in various concentration combinations as listed in Table 15. Treatment (1), the X level of all elements, is the check treatment and also the medium or X level of each nutrient variable. The drums were exposed to seasonal rainfall which amounted to 22 inches in 1959 and 16 inches in 1960 for the months April through September. They received an additional one inch of deionized water per week during dry periods. On October 10 and again on September 26 of the follow- ing year, the largest plant in each drum was removed and separated at the soil line into tap and roots. Fresh weights were recorded and the dried, ground material analyzed chemi- cally for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, B, Zn, Mo, Fe, and Al. Results and Discussion Plants grown in soil with the medium level of all nutrients made the greatest top and root growth in both years of the study. In the first year t0p growth from these plants exceeded any other by a hundred per cent, but in the second the differences had diminished to about 20 per cent. Root growth remained about twice as large for the soil grown Tplants as for any other for both years. This suggests that the sand treatments did not furnish Elufficient nutrients to the plants, probably due to leaching <31'those applied. 0f the single elements varied, only r11trogen resulted in growth increases with increased TABLE 15 Outline of Nutrient Treatments Medium (X) Level of Nutrients in Pounds per Acre Element Rate Chemical Sources N 100 NH NO , KNO , (NH ) HPO , Ca(NO ) '2H 0 P . 100 (Nfi4)2HPo ,BKH P04 2 4 3 2 2 x 100 KNO , KH2P04, % 33 , KCl Ca 100 Ca(§03)2-2H20, aac 2-6H20 Na 100 NaCl Mg 50 MgSO4'7H20 Description* X all fix all 4X all ix N ix MgO 4x N 4X Mao ix P205 ix Na20 4x P205 4x Na20 ix K20 ix CaO 4x K20 4x CaO X level of all nutrients in manured soil. *With the exception of the first three treatments, all nutrients other than the one listed were maintained at the medium or X level. 54 application, thus the larger growth of the soil grown plants may be due to the continued availability of nitrogen in the manured soil and not in the sand. Conversely, the restricted fern growth of the plants receiving the fix All and the fix N treatments is probably due to the limited nitrogen supply. Variation between individual plants was much greater in terms of top growth in the first year than in the second, re- sulting in a coefficient of variation of over 50 per cent (Table 16). The smallest root growth was obtained with the heaviest application of potassium in the first year and with the heaviest sodium application in the second year. Also, in the second year there was much more variation between plants in root growth than in the first, the reverse of the situation found in the fern. Generally there was less intrasample variation between roots than tops, suggesting that the underground portions of asparagus become stabilized in size before top growth does. Dry matter content of the samples collected was essentially constant, at 44.6 and 44.9 per cent, respectively, for the fern of the two- and three-year old plants and 40.6 and 40.9 per cent for the roots taken the same years. At the end of the first season, nitrogen was from two to four times as concentrated in the teps and three to six times in the roots of soil as in sand grown plants, again indicating the influence of organic matter on maintaining Ilitrogen available for developing asparagus (Table 17). lduch more nitrogen was taken up in the 4X All and 4X N .mo.o n m we assess Iawdcmdm soanp no: on smegma mean on» an cmpmnwammo memos "moamoamanwdm Hsoapmapspm * .mpnman mean» you owmpo>o mm pommmsaxm sump HH¢\fl mm m. .m .m a .> .0 we. we mm em new: Hesmemo a IMMMI a QWfl1 a mm: a 0.. snow as she on om. one as so mm s m. seen 1 ous e on mo. use om e in e a. seen 1 so a o as use mm so mm s 0. seem 1 o z e on .m— ume oo oo mm s m. seem 1 omsz w 0 so was om no em e m. seen 1 ow: e on mo. use om so an e m. seam 1 ow: w .9 on 0.. ms es s am e m seam 1 o e a, on om_ so we so _m e a scan 1 o s w on em. 0 mm so .n no mm was» 1 moms e on mm. oeo we so on e n. seam 1 moms « n mm. 9 am. on as 9 am seam 1 z e on em. we me e em e 0. seem 1 z a n mm. 9 o.— n mm on .e seam 1 Has x e on «F. m mm s mm s w seen 1 Has x w on mm. been me so on e \wm. scam 1 and x .mHm anew-“ *.mHm amowlm ¢.u«m somwnw $.mam ssmwum. manoapmmaa spasm .pspm swam swam mammm mach pswdm: man madam .uccapmmap an cmocosauca mm madman newcpsamm vac asomuooanp use 103a mo npzoam uoom was doe .w. mam0 00 commoanxo dado HH<\H 4 0m 40 mm 40 0 .>.0 00.0 40.0 00.0 00.0 0000 0000000 0 100401 0 0..m 0 Iflmqmu 0 00.0 H000 0. 000 00 00.0 0 00.0 0 .0.. 00 00.0 0000 1 000 4 o 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.. on 00.0 0000 1 00 0 00 00.0 0 .4.0 0 00.0 on 00.0 0000 1 0000 4 00 04.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 on 00.0 0000 1 0 02 m o 00.0 0 44.0 0 00.0 00 00.0 0000 1 000 4 00 04.0 n 04.0 0 00.0 on 40.0 0000 1 000 0 00 .0.0 n .4.0 0 00.0 o 40.0 0000 1 0mw 4 00 00.0 0 .4.0 0 .m.. on 00.0 0000 1 0 0 00 04.0 0 04.0 0 00.0 00 00.0 0000 1 M000 4 00 04.0 0 40.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0000 1 000 w 0 00.. n 04.0 0 00.0 00 00.0 0000 1 z 4 00 40.0 0 04.0 0 00.. on 00.0 0000 1 z w 0 00.. 0 04.0 0 00.0 0 .0.. 0000 1 000 x 4 0 00.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 on 00.0 0000 1 000 x a 00 00.0 0 44.0 0 00.0 00 \040.0 0000 1 000 0 “400m ummwuw “400m 000010 “400m mmmmuw “000m 000010 0000000000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 mpoom mmmm 000000 000 0000 000 .mpnoaausn 0500000 an voocosamca 00 0000Ha mswdasame 000 awohlemanp use 03» a“ nofiusapemocoo homespaz .0. mqmda \‘1I'llll 57 'treatments than in any others (Tables 16 and 17) of the sand treatments. Concentration of N in fern of the three-year old plants became stabilized to the point where no signifi- cant differences were found, but the concentration in roots varied more in the older than the younger plants.' Although nitrogen concentration had been influenced by the soil, there was no difference in phosphorus concen- tration between the soil-grown plants and the sand-grown plants. The average P concentration in both fern and roots drOpped markedly from the first to the second year of the study; possibly indicating that the P in the two-year old plants came from that stored in the roots and that in the three-year old plants was influenced by treatment (Table 18). In the older fern the P concentration in the plants receiv- ing 4X P was almost double that in those receiving %x P. There was an indication of a growth response in the younger plants but no concentration change (Table 16). This is com- parable to Lilleland's (35) work with apple, peach, and prune in which one-year old trees exhibited a growth response to applied P, but three-year old trees did not and also in which the P concentration in leaves was lower in the older than in the younger trees. Soil grown plants consistently contained more Ipotassium than any others, in both t0p and root tissue. As {Fable 15 indicates, there was no positive response to high Ibotash application and, in fact, a depression of root growth. {Phis is interesting in view of the fact that in each case 58 .mo.o H m an haynwoamddwam hohhau won on 009000 0800 an» 09 cop0nmammc .sasHoo 0 s0 .mnwos .wos000maswfim.HdOHpmewpm * .mpswaa 000:» new mw000>0 00 uommossxm 0000 0H«\m 0. 0. 00 0. 0 .0.0 00.0 40.0 0..0 00.0 0000 0000000 0 00.01 00 10000 0 ...0 0 100001 0000 00 000 00 .0.0 00 00.0 00 4..0 0 00.0 0000 1 000 4 0 00.0 000 40.0 00 0..0 0 00.0 0000 1 00 a 00 00.0 000 00.0 0 0..0 0 00.0 0000 1 0 02 4 00 00.0 00 00.0 0 0..0 0 00.0 0000 1 0000 0 00 00.0 00 00.0 0 0..0 0 40.0 0000 1 000 4 00 0..0 000 00.0 000 0..0 0 00.0 0000 1 000 w 00 00.0 s0 04.0 0 0..0 0 00.0 0000 1 0 4 on .0.0 00 .0.0 000 0..0 0 00.0 0000 10000 a 00 00.0 00 .0.0 0 40.0 0 00.0 0000 1 0 0 4 o 0..0 00 00.0 00 4..0 0 0010 0000 1 0000 0 00 00.0 0 00.0 0 0..0 0 .0.0 0000 1 z 4 00 .0.0 000 40.0 00 00.0 0 00.0 0000 1 z 0 n0 00.0 00 00.0 00 4..0 0 00.0 0000 1 000 0 4 on 00.0 0 04.0 00 0..0 0 .0.0 0000 1 000 0 0 00 .0.0 00 00.0 000 0..0 0 \w00.0 0000 1 000 0 0400M 0000”“ 04000 000010 mnmwm 000010 0.000 000010 0000000000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 mpoom Emh 000000 000 0000 000 .musmfihpsc 050000> an 0002030000 00 mandad mswwhwamw 000 hash-moan» and 03¢ n0 soapwhpcmosoo masonnmoam .m. mqmda 59 the plants receiving the 4X application contain more than those receiving the fix application (Table 19). This suggests a luxury consumption situation substantiated by the data presented in Tables 16 and 19 which show that plants receiv- ing the largest nitrogen application and showing more growth consistently contained potassium in lesser concentration than those receiving the least nitrogen and showing least growth. Thus, the higher tissue concentration of potassium failed to benefit the plants. The calcium concentration in the roots of soil-grown plants was greater in both years of this study and the re- mainder of the samples was essentially homogeneous statistic- ally for this element, indicating little effect of Ca concentration in sand culture on root tissue concentration (Table 20). Concentration in the top growth did not vary signifi- cantly in two-year old tissue even though the samples receiving the 400 pound rate of CaO contained the most calcium, doubtless due to the random variation evidenced in a coefficient of variation of 29 per cent. Statistical differences were observed in three-year old tissue and the highest Ga concentration was found in plants receiving the fix A11 treatment. This may be due to the poor growth re- sulting from the low rate of fertilization and too high Ca in the soil. Generally speaking, the concentration of calcium in 'the top growth is two or three times that in root tissue, ‘Q .mo.o n m 00 0000000000m00 000000 000 00 000000 0500 000 an 0000:w0000 .mesaoo 0 00 .0000: "000000000w00 0000000000m * .000000 00000 000 0m000>0 00 0000000x0 0000 00<\w n. 00 00 00 0 .>.0 0o.o 00.0 . .0.0 00.0 0000 0000000 0 10m101. 0 .10naml 0 0.0 0 .wnaml 0000 00 000 00 no.0 000 00.0 00 00.0 0 04.0 0000 1 000 4 00 no.0 000 o_._ 00 00.0 00 o_.0 0000 1 m00 0 00 mo.o 0000 04.0 000 oo._ 000 00.0 0000 1 0 02 4 0 0o.0 0000 00.0 000 0o.0 00 o.._ 0000 1 0002 0 00 oo.o 00 04.0 000 0o.0 000 00.0 0000 1 000 4 00 00.0 000 4n._ 0000 m0.0 0 00.0 0000 1 om: 0 00 mo.— 0 40.. 00 40.0 00 o0.0 0000 1 000 4 ,oo 0 00.0 00 0. .0 0 04.0 00 o0.o 0000 down 0 00 00.0 0 o0.0 00 00.0 000 no.0 0000 1 mo 0 4 0 No.0 000 mm._ 000 40.0 00 00.0 0000 1 000 m 00 00.0 0 00.0 0 0n.o 0 no.0 0000 1 z 4 0 No.0 000 44.0 00 00.0 0 on.0 0000 1 z m 0 00.0 0000 00.0 0000 o0._ 0 00.0 0000 1 000 x 4 0 00.0 00 04._ 000 0o.o 000 mo.o 0000 1 000 x 0 00 0o.o 000 00.0 000 04.0 0 \0mm.0 0000 1 000 0 “000m mummuw mammm ummmum rqmmm mmmmuw 00000 000010 0000000000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 [ll m0oom finch 0nw003 m0n 0000 00m .000000050 030000> an 0000050000 00 000000 05m000o00 000 0000100000 000 0:0 00 00000000000oo 5000000om .m0 mamma ‘Il‘l'lllll'u‘ll' 61 .mo.o u m 000 00 000000 0500 000 an 00000m0000 .000000 0 00 .0000: 00 0000000000000 000000 «OOGdOdMHQme HGOHfimdfidfim * .000000 00000 000 00000>0 00 000000000 0000 00<\w 00 mm 00 mm on.o mn.o 00.0 00.0 6 No.0 6 “Ono . O WNuO G Nmuo 0 mm.o n om.o on 00.0 0 FN.0 on mN.o n 0n.o on $0.0 0 0m10 on hN.o n mm.o on mm.o 0 mm.o on mN.o n Nm.o o 0m.o 0 05.0 o NN.0 n om.o o 00.0 0 mm.o on #N.O n 0n.o o 00.0 0 mm.o on mm.o Q .mn.o o mm.o 0 mm.o on 0n.o Q om.o an No.0 0 mm.o on wN.o n NN.O n $0.0 0 mw.o on 0N.o n Nn.o o 00.0 0 00.0 on mm.o n mm.o o NN.O 0 mm.o on mm.o n mm10 on 00.0 0 mm.o on mm.o n hm.o on mw.o 0 mw.o on NN.O n hn.o 0 m¢.0 0 mm.o on mm.o n mn.o o 0m.o 0 \flmfi.o $.m0m 000H1w $.m0m 000HIN *.M0m 000M1w $.m0m 000N1N .000m .000m .000m .000m 0000MI1 mmmm 000000 000 0000 00m x 0 .>.0 0002 0000000 0000 00 000 0000 1 000 4 0000 1 w0o w 096m l ONdZ # 0000 1 0 02 .00 0000 1 000 4 0000 1 ow: « 0000 1 000 4 0000 Roma 0 0000 1 00 n0 4 0000 1 000 « Undm I z 0 0000 1 z 0 0000 1 000 x 4 0000 1 000 x ,0. 0000 1 000 x 0000000000 .000000000 000000> an 0000000000 00 000000 000000000 00o 0000100000 000 030 00 0000000000000 0000000 .om mam¢a 62 thus Ca in the roots did not reflect Ca in the fern, due to the immobility of this element in plant tissue (12). Magnesium evidenced the same phenomenon as calcium: the roots of soil-grown plants contained more Mg than the remainder, which fell into one class statistically. Another similarity was the higher average concentration of the ele- ment in top growth than in roots (Table 21). Concentration varied significantly between top growth samples, and an inverse relationship with potash appli- cation (similar to that noted in the nutritional survey) confirmed work of Boynton (7), Carolus (13), and Reuther et al. (50). Mg additions apparently exerted no influence on plant growth (Table 16) in either fern or roots. Sodium determinations were made only on plants re- ceiving X All, % Na, and 4 Na, and the average values pre- sented in Table 24. No fern growth response was obtained with Na, but in the older plants the 4X application de- ‘pressed root growth (Table 16). Na concentrations averaged 133,229 and 374 parts per million in the younger fern samples receiving the fix, X, and 4x applications and 216, 370, and 813 parts per million in the older fern samples. Sodium concentration increased with increased application in the root samples also; 148, 343, and 367 parts per million in two-year old roots; and 194, 277, and 558 in three-year old roots for the ix, X, and 4X rates of appli- cation. Concentration increased in a more nearly linear fashion with application rate in the older plants, perhaps .mo.o n 0 00 0000000000000 000000 0o: 00 000000 0300 000 09 0000000000 .030000 0 :0 .00002 "000000000000 00000000000 0 .000000 00050 000 0w000>0 00 000000000 0000 00<\H 00 00 00 00 0 .>.0 4..0 00.0 00.0 00.0 0000 0000000 0 4000: 0 00.0 00 100401 00 Inaum: 0000 00 000 0 00.0 0 m_.o 00 00.0 000 00.0 0000 1 000 4 0 40.0 0 00.0 00 40.0 000 00.0 0000 1 00 0 0 n0.o 0 00.0 00 40.0 0 00.0 0000 1 o 00 4 0 40.0 0 m0.o 0 00.0 0 00.0 0000 1 0000 m 0 m0.o 0 40.0 00 0n.o 00 00.0 0000 1 om: 4 0 40.0 0 00.0 00 00.0 00 40.0 0000 1 000 0 “w 0 00.0 0 m_.o 0 00.0 0 om.o 0000 1 om0 4 0 00.0 0 40.0 0 00.0 0 00.0 0000 1 o 0 0 0 40.0 0 40.0 00 00.0 00 40.0 0000 1 momm 4 0 D .o 0 m. .o 00 00.0 0 00.0 0000 1 momm 0 0 4..0 0 00.0 00 00.0 000 00.0 0000 1 z 4 0 40.0 0 40.0 0 00.0 00 40.0 0000 1 z 0 0 mF.o 0 .0.0 00 00.0 00 00.0 0000 1 000 x 4 0 40.0 0 00.0 00 00.0 000 00.0 0000 1 000 x m 0 00.0 0 40.0 00 00.0 00 \040.0 0000 1 000 0 “400m mmmmuw “400m 000010 04000 00000“ 0.000 000010 0000000000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 mavOQm 0.0th 000000 000 0000 000 .000000030 050000> an 0000050000 00 000000 000000000 000 0000100000 000 030 00 0000000000000 05000000: .0m mqm0 00 0000000X0 0000 00.0.\.fl 00 mm 40 00 0 .>.o 0.00 0.00 0.0m 4.00 0000 0000000 0 104001 0 1w4mw1 0 104001 0 0.40 00o0 00 000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.000 0000 1 000 4 0 0.00 0 0..0 0 0.00 0 0.40 0000 1 0o 0 0 0.00 0 0.000 0 0.00 0 0.00 0000 1 0000 4 0 0.00 0 0.000 0 0.04 00 0.00 0000 1 o 00 0 0 0.0m 0 n.m0 0 0.04 00 0.00 0000 1 000 4 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0000 1 om: 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0000 1 o 0 4 “w 0 0.40 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0000 1 000 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.0m 0000 1 mom0 4 0 0.00 0 0.000 0 0.40 0 0.000 0000 1 o 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.04 00 0.00 0000 1 z 4 0 0.00 0 0.00. 0 0.40 00 0.00 0000 1 z 0 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 n._0 00 0.00 0000 1 000 x 4 0 0.40 0 0.4.. 0 0.0m 0 0.00 0000 1 000 x 0 0 n.n0 0 0.00 0 0.40 0 \0m._o_ 0000 1 000 x 104000 mmmmuw 04000 000010 04000 mmmwuw 0.000 000010 0000000000 .0000 .0000 .0000 .0000 00oqml, 0000 000000000 00m 00000 .000000000 000000> 00 0000000000 00 000000 000000000 000 0000100000 000 030 00 0000000000000 000000002 .00 00040 66 000 00 000000 0800 000 hp 0000cm0000 .0030oo 0 00 .0000: .mo.o H m 00 h0000o0h0nw00 000000 "000000000000 00000000000 0 .0000500000 00020 000 00000>0 00 000000000 0000 00¢\m 00 0m mm on m.0m 4.m4 4.m> 0 ~004 0 w.H4 o 0.00 0 0.m4 0 0 o.n4 on n.m4 0 0.0» 0 0 0.0m o 0.0m 0 0.00 0 0.0n 0 0.00 on n.04 0 0.00 0 0.0m 0 o n.0n 0 0..0 0 0 n.04 o n.0m 0 n.ow 0 0.0m 0 on n.44 0 0 0.04 0 0.00 o 0.4M 0 n.00 0 «.04 0 0.0m o 0.0n 0 0.00 0 0.04 0 0.0m n 0.00 0 m.n~ 0 0 0.0m o 0.00 0 n.4n 0 0.0m 0 n.04 o 0.00 0 n.0m 0 0.04 0 0.0m 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.0m 0 0.0m o 0.4m 0 0 4.n4 0 0 0.00 0 n.00 0 0.0n 0 0.0m on 0.04 0 \ 00000 00001 #0000 00001m 0.00m 00001“ *.m0m 00001m .000m .000w .000m .000m 00oom 0000 0000002 0mm 0000& N .>.o 0002 0000000 0000 00 000 0000 1 000 4 9301 000 0000 1 o 00 0000 1 0000 0000 1 ow: 0000 1 cm: 0000 1 o 0000 nmo 0000 1 o 0 0000 1 0000 0000 r 0 0000 1 z 0000 1 000 x 0000 1 0000 0000 1 000 > 00 0000050000 00 000000 02w000000 00o 0000100000 000 030 00 0°000000000oo 000cm .nm mqm<0 = laifE, I .mmanawm no pmm wasp ca pmnpo and can» Amsmas hapcaoamaawam ma: unmapmohu HH< x map wcd>amoma mswwamnmw CH nadpwnpnmocoo no .uopwasoawo was 03Hd> R .>.o on mass .aano Haw x and .mz ¢ .mz « wgd>aooma mpcmHn scam mnoapmcdshopoo mo mowwpm>d mp» mmSHm> 62 \m .com: msudcsowp map anax dogfighopov on on umpmhpcmonoo oou hHHahmcow whmz Ad new on \fl .. 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M410. «a film 3m 3 3 4.31m $3338 uncanpsz manMt, upon GOHHHHE Mom muhwm .mswwhwamm uHo humanomgSp cam oz» nu az new .H< .02 .nm .oh no coapwnpno020o owmgm>¢ .¢m mqm¢a Luknkiflli: .mpcsoaw cmpwodoaa w pa oofiaqmm wz\fl nu nu mp, #om nn nu HHomnpoom me ¢¢F pom 0mm wow oom ocmmupoom un nn #np mm nu nu Haomnnoa op» 0mm Fan o¢m mmn omm unmmunoa mz nu nn 0mm aom nu uu Haomnpoom mm, wwm mmm 0mm #u. mm— cadmnpoom nn nn Fm mm nn In adomnnoa mm. o¢m n¢w o¢m mm, mm. unwmnaoa mo un nn mm. #om nn nu HHomnpoom mom qm— mnm 0mm Fm— 05— ccwmupoom nn nu #5 mm nu nn Haomuaoa com #mm mpm o¢m mm. \wmpm oqmmugoa ms .0. 0mm mw— 0mm om. mmm cnwmnpoom un nu ms mm nu un adomnmoa my” mn¢ wmm #8 3m com in unmanaoa M nn un mm, «om nu nn HHomnpoom ¢pF pr mwp 0mm ¢F— mm— ccmmnpoom o._ m,— am— o¢m m¢_ mum ccamnaoa m nu nn 0:? #0m nn un Haomnuoom an mar nmp 0mm mFm oon cgwmnpoom nu un o¢ mm nn nu HHomnnoa Pm pm mmm 0¢m nmn m¢m onwwnaoa z pampcoo np3onw unopaoo apzopa pampcoo nasopw mammae cmdpw> pcougpsz pumaupsz pnmdppsz pcoanusz < an 00¢ ¢ 4 o. x H.¢V.mna mm. x“ .Hm>ma pnoapaoap an umochHmdd ma mswwgwnmw 6H0 aaohnozu msmnm> nooASp no acounoo unmanpsc and spzouw ca owadno o>fiawamm .mm mqmgnizance of this in conducting nutritional experiments 'With the crop. As early as 1916, Morse (42) published a careful study of the composition of the various portions of the asparagus plant and Hester (28), in 1949, published figures on the removal of ten elements in two tons of cut spears, but neither of these studies appear to have been seriously considered in fertilizer trials with asparagus or in formulating recommendations for the crap. Several workers have suggested that nitrogen is the single most important element needed for spear production (11, 65) and that response to complete fertilization is re- duced as the plants mature (10, 53, 65). Workers with other perennials have long recognized the minimal response of mature plants to fertilizer, parti- cularly phosphate application (35, 36, 45, 46). Kramer and Kozlowski (32) found that in deciduous forest trees 50-years old, P, K, and Ca in annual leaf fall amounted to about 5 per cent each of the total amounts in the trees, and Gardner et al. (22) reported a similar condition with apple 70 III! II!" I'll 71 trees (exclusive of fruit), both suggesting a self- sustaining system. This study showed that a 2,300-pound crop of snapped asparagus removed about 10, 2, and 7 pounds, respectively, of N, P, and K, but that about 60, 5, and 50 pounds, re- spectively, are returned to the soil by the fern each autumn. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in asparagus roots from Li one acre amounted to about 150, 40, and 200 pounds (based on an average root weight of nine pounds for a four-year old plant). Thus annual removal is less than 10 per cent of the amounts stored in the roots and is more than compensated for by annual return. Fertilizer phosphorus in spears of five-year old asparagus amounted to 2% per cent of the total, an explan- ation for the lack of yield response to this element and possibly to others also. Presumably the remainder of the spear P came from storage reserves in the roots or from sources in the soil. This is comparable to Eggert's (21) work with apple trees where a maximum of 6 per cent of the P in the leaf and none in the fruit was from current fertilization. Applied N elicited positive growth responses from two- and three-year old asparagus grown in sand culture, but signifiCant responses were not observed in field experiments. Phosphorus proved beneficial only in the year of planting in the sand culture experiment. None of the fertilizer treat- ments applied to either five- or eleven-year old field grown 72 asparagus resulted in significant yield responses. Data from a survey of 30 commercial asparagus fields also failed to show correlations between rate of fertilizer application and yield. Composition changes in asparagus attributable to variable fertilizer application were noted. In field grown separagus Mn was most concentrated in fern of plants re- ceiving the largest nitrogen applications, confirming in- vestigations with onions and citrus (18, 51), but no such phenomenon was seen in sand culture experiments. This was probably due to the rapid leaching of applied N and limited Mn in the medium. Ca concentration in 11-year old plants decreased with larger potash applications, reflecting similar findings with the bean (13) and citrus (51) as well as work with solution cultures (40). Asparagus is also subject to the luxury consumption of potassium common in many plant species. Mg concentration in asparagus fern from plants grown in sand culture and, to a lesser extent, from those grown in the field, varied inversely with potash application. Boynton (7), Carolus (13), and Smith et al. (56) reported comparable results with the apple, bean, and citrus, respectively. Sodium, which has been recommended as beneficial (5. 54), had no effect on top growth, but depressed root growth in sand culture experiments. Na concentration in both fern and roots increased with increased applications comparable 73 to Lingle's (39) results with celery and Harmer and Benne's (25) with asparagus. Root and crown composition were not significantly af- fected by the removal of all aerial growth as it was pro- duced, even though differential nutrient treatments were applied to the plants. This study was performed in sand culture, but demonstrated a remarkable stability of concen- l: tration of the elements determined over the course of a growing season. Taken in conjunction with the results ob- ( tained using the P32 tracer, the indication is that compo- ; sition of an asparagus plant, four-years old or older, is not readily affected by a single season's fertilizer application. Asparagus has a limited requirement for mineral ' nutrients, but can tolerate wide ranges of fertilizer application. NitrOgen is apparently of greatest importance in producing satisfactory tap growth and either potassium or sodium may be harmful in excessive quantities. With the exception of the first year after planting, phosphorus did not benefit growth directly. Neither calcium nor magnesium elicit significant growth responses. In order to confirm the findings reported here, it will be desirable to establish new field plantings on soils of low fertility to establish nutrient requirements from time of planting until the maximum yields are obtained. Fertilizer treatments varying from very low to very high should be applied at planting and continued annually, some 7a increasing, some decreasing, and others maintained at a constant level, thus measuring response over the widest practicable range. Asparagus crowns should be carefully selected in order to eliminate plant size as a variable factor. In conclusion, it is suggested that once an asparagus plantation is prOperly established, a complete fertilizer every third year with annual nitrogen applications should constitute an adequate nutrient supply. llll'l {1,11% (sun'nu SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS A three-year study of the mineral nutrition of aspara- gus included a survey of cultural practices, yields, and plant composition from 30 farms; controlled field experiments with five- and eleven-year old plantings; an isotopic tracer study; and sand culture experiments. The results of these studies can be summarized as follows: 1. 3. On the basis of crop nutrient removal, a marked reduction in application of N, P, and K appears warranted. Spear yield of commercially productive asparagus (i.e., four years and older) was not readily af- fected by fertilizer application. 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