ABSTRACT HEART PERIOD AND RESPIRATORY CONCOMITANTS OP ATTENTION IN HORMALS AND RETARDATES DURING A FIXED REACTION TIME TASK BY Antoinette Krupski This study demonstrated significant differences between retardates and nornals in reaction tine (RT) performance and in sec-by-sec heart period (HP) activity during preparatory intervals (PIs) of 4, 7, and l3-secs. There were no significant group differences in respiration frequency corresponding to the HP changes. Normals were characterized as exhibiting signifi- cant HP deceleration at about the time the reaction signal occurred in all three PI conditions. Retardates, on the other hand, were characterised as showing no significant HP deceleration in the 4-sec and 7-sec PI conditions while showing a significant deceleration in the l3-sec PI condi- tion. Group differences in HP deceleration were inter- preted as indicating an inhibition deficit, or as indi- cating an absence of temporal conditioning in retardates. The results were also related to Lacey's theory of atten- tion. Heart period changes to the onset of stimulation also differed for groups as a function of PI. Normals exhibited progressively larger accelerations as a function of PI length. Retardates, on the other hand, exhibited the same magnitude of acceleration for each PI condition. These data were interpreted as indicating an inapprOpriate response set, an inhibition deficit, and as reflecting a lack of integration between environmental demands and physiological responsiveness in retarded individuals. HEART PERIOD AND RESPIRATORY CONCOMITANTS OF ATTENTION IN NORMALS AND RETARDATES DURING A FIXED REACTION TIME TASK BY Antoinette Krupski A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Psychology 1971 u— 7/ {/7 To my dearest and best friend, Don. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express sincere thanks to Dr. Hiram Fitzgerald who served as chairman of this disser- tation committee for the encouragement, guidance, and criticisms he has offered throughout my Ph. D. program. I would also like to extend special thanks to Dr. M. Ray Denny, chairman of my guidance committee, for the per- sonal concern and support he has shown throughout my training. The other committee members, Dr. William Crane, Dr. Elaine Donelson, and Dr. Lester Hyman must also be acknowledged for their thoughtful comments and criticisms of this thesis. I would like to extend sincere thanks to Fred Beckett of the Okemos school system and David Knaggs of St. Lawrence Community Mental Health Center for their assistance in obtaining subjects and to Gary Connors for his technical assistance. A final thanks goes to Steve Porges who provided the data analysis routines and has also been a great source of encouragement and friendship. This research was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from the American Association of University Women (1970-1971), and by a NIMH predoctoral traineeship, #HD 00158, in mental retardation (l967-l970)--both of which were awarded to the author. It was also partially iii iv supported by an NIMH Research Grant MH-18655 awarded to Dr. Hiram Fitzgerald. Portions of this paper were pre- sented at meetings of The Society for Psychophysiological Research, New Orleans, 1970 and The Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Mental Retardation, 1971. TABLE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. . . . . . . LIST OF TABLES. . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . LIST OF APPENDICES. . . . . . Chapter I. INTRODUCTION . . . . . II. METHOD . . . . . . . . III. RESULTS. . . . .,. . . IV. DISCUSSION . . . . . . REFERENCES 0 O O O O O O O O 0 CONTENTS Page 111 vi vii viii 10 16 43 56 Table l. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. LIST OF TABLES Reaction Time: Mean and standard devi- ations expressed in milliseconds for retarded and normal groups in 4, 7, and 13-886 PI conditionse e e e e e e e e 0 Pearson product moment correlations between total IQ, verbal IQ, performance Wechsler IQ scores, and mean reaction times for 4, 7, and 13-sec PI conditions for the retarded group. . . . . . . . . Pearson product moment correlations be- tween mean basal heart period and mean reaction time scores for 4, 7, and 13- sec PI conditions for normal, retarded, and Combined groups e e e e e e e e e e Pearson product moment correlations between mean HP acceleration score and reaction time for retarded, normal, and combined groups, and 4, 7, and l3-sec PI conditions.. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pearson product moment correlations be- tween heart period deceleration differ- ence scores I and II and mean reaction times for 4, 7, and l3-sec PI conditions for normal, retarded, and combined groups Pearson product moment correlations be- tween mean respiration frequency and mean heart period for retarded, normal and combined groups in 4, 7, and 13-sec PI conditions, and for ”pre', “PI", “post“ periods and overall . . . . . . . . . . . vi Page 16 17 33 35 35 42 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. A typical fixed reaction time paradigm. . 2 2. Mean heart period change as a function of successive seconds in the 4-sec PI condition for normal and retarded group8...............o.. 19 3. Mean heart period change as a function of successive seconds in the 7-sec PI condition for normal and retarded grOUPSe O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 25 4. Mean heart period change as a function of successive seconds in the l3-sec PI condition for normal and retarded groups 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 28 5. Mean heart period change from prestim- ulus mean as a function of seconds past warning light onset in 4, 7, and 13-sec PI conditions for normal and retarded groups.................. 31 6. Mean respiration frequency as a function of trials in the 4-sec PI condition for normal and retarded groups. . . . . . . . 38 vii LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page A Instructions for reaction time task. . . 61 B Analyses of Variance summary tables. . . 64 viii INTRODUCTION When compared to normals, retardates typically perform significantly slower on reaction time (RT) tasks (Baumeister & Kellas, 1968). Several investigators have suggested that the retardate's slower RT is due to an inability to maintain the level of attention that is required for a fast RT (Baumeister & Kellas, 1968; Denny, 1964). The specific purpose of the present study was to examine heart rate (HR) changes that occur in both re- tarded and non-retarded individuals during a RT task in an attempt to evaluate the alleged "attention deficit“ fre- quently attributed to retardates. Heart rate was chosen for this assessment because recent theoretical analyses suggest that the direction of response, that is HR accel- eration or HR deceleration, is related to environmental demands (Coquery & Lacey, 1966; Lacey, 1967; Lacey & Lacey, 1966; Obrist, Sutterer, & Howard, 1969a; Obrist, "ebb, & Sutterer, 1969b). The directional HR response has the additional advantage of being a discrete response that is amenable to precise quantification (Brener, 1967). The typical RT design is depicted in Figure 1. As depicted in Figure 1, a simple RT situation typically in- volves the successive presentation of a warning signal, a preparatory interval (PI), and a reaction signal. For FIGURE 1 A typical fixed reaction time paradigm. m2: mafiaghmuhmom maggmuucm 2.. . J<>¢wkz_ >¢Oh<¢ .05 * p( .05 34 calculated, as before, as the mean HP for the 4-secs prior to PI onset for eachig, A positive correlation in this case means that longer R-R intervals, or slower HRs, are related to slower RTs. As can be seen from the table, none of the correlations for the groups are significant. However, when the correlation is performed on the combined groups, it is significant in the 7-sec PI and approaches significance in the 4- and l3-sec PI. These results are consistent with the analyses of variance results which showed that retardates had significantly slower RTs than normals and also significantly slower HRs (or, longer R-R intervals) than did normals. In the analysis relating HP acceleration following the warning signal to RT, the acceleration score (i.e., the greatest acceleration following the warning signal) was subtracted from the mean basal HP score to get an acceleration difference score. This acceleration differ- ence score was correlated with the mean RT score for each PI, for each group, and for the combined groups. NOne of these correlations reached statistical significance; they are presented in Table 4. In the correlational analysis relating RT to the HP deceleration occurring at about the time the reaction signal occurred, HP deceleration difference scores I and II were correlated with mean RT for each PI, for each group, and for the combined groups. The correlations between RT and HP difference scores I and II are presented in Table 5. 35 Table 4. Pearson product moment correlations between mean HP acceleration score and reaction time for retarded, normal, and combined groups, and 4, 7, and l3-sec PI conditions. A_A g; NORMALS (df-lO) RETARDATES (dfalO) COMBINED GROUPS (df-22) 4 -.041 e368 e373 7 -0148 -0100 "e072 13 .518 .047 .015 Table 5. Pearson product moment correlations between heart period deceleration difference scores I and II and mean reaction times for 4, 7, and 13-sec PI conditions for normal, retarded, and combined groups. I g; NORMALS (df-lO) RETARDATES (df-lO) COMBINED GROUPS (df-22) 4 .394 .619** .613*** 7 .524## .310 .492* 13 .351 —.332 .105 II §l_NORMALS (df-IO) RETARDATES—Idf-IO) COMBINED GROUPS (df-22) 4 .534## .485 .576** 7 .523## .449 .572** 13 .754** -.208 .213 IIISII1 .10 < 97 .05 t p 4.05 ** p< .01 Hit p < .001 36 A positive correlation indicates that a large HP deceler- ation is related to a fast RT. Correlations between RT and HP deceleration difference score I revealed signifi- cant relationships between RT and decelerations in the 4- sec PI for the retarded and combined groups, and in the 7- sec PI for combined groups. This means that large decel- erations occurring in the 5-secs surrounding the reaction signal were significantly related to faster RTs in the 4- sec PI condition for retardates, and in the 4 and 7-sec PI conditions for combined groups. Correlations between RT and HP deceleration dif- ference scores II revealed significant relationships be- tween RT and HP decelerations in the l3-sec PI condition for normal‘gp and in the 7 and l3-sec PI condition for combined groups. Correlations for the normals in the 7 and 4-sec PI conditions approached significance. These correlations mean that large decelerations occurring on sec +1, or the sec on which the reaction signal occurred, were significantly related to faster RTs in the l3-sec PI condition for the normal group and in the 7 and 4-sec PI conditions for combined groups. Respirption Frpgpenpy. Two of the retardate's respiration records were rendered unscorable because of mechanical difficulties. In order to have equal cell frequencies in the analysis of variance, lO normals were matched with the 10 retardates on the basis of PI order. Consequently, the respiration frequency analyses of 37 variance used only 10.§p per group. Respiration frequency was analyzed in 4 separate analyses of variance for 4, 7, and l3-sec PI conditions. In the 4-sec PI analysis, frequency of initiations and terminations of inspirations were counted during the 4- secs prior to PI onset, the 4-secs during the PI, and the 4-secs following the PI. These periods were labeled ”pre', "PI“, and “post“. As illustrated in Figure 6, the groups x trials interaction was the only significant findp ing in this analysis (F(9, 162)-l.991, p< .043). Both normal and retarded groups showed about the same level of respiration activity until trial 7. At this point, the normal group's respiration decreased slightly from initial levels and became sustained for the remaining trials. The retarded group, on the other hand, showed a slight decrease in respiration activity on trial 8, a sharp increase immediately after trial 8, and continued increase across the remaining trials. The analysis of variance summary table is presented in Appendix B. In the 7—sec PI analysis, the “pre' period con- sisted of the 7-secs that preceded the PI, the I'PI" period consisted of the 7-secs during the PI, while the "post“ period consisted of the 7-secs following the reaction signal. The analysis of variance performed on this data only revealed significant trial effects (F(9,162)-2.046, p < .037); respiration frequency decreased across trials for both groups. The analysis of variance summary table 38 FIGURE 6 Mean respiration frequency as a function of trials in the 4-sec PI condition for normal and retarded groups. RESPIRATION FREQUENCY |.8 L7 1.6 |.5 L4 |.3 I.2 39 4 SEC. P.|. e—e NORMALS o-o RETARDATES 40 is presented in Appendix B. The l3-sec PI condition was analyzed in 2 ways: In the first analysis, the “pre" period consisted of the 13-secs preceding the light onset, the “PI“ period con- sisted of the l3-secs of light presentation, while the “post“ period consisted of the l3-secs following the light. In the second analysis, the l3-sec PI was analyzed with the 'pre' period consisting of the 6-secs preceding light onset, the “PI“ period was broken down into “early PI“ and “late PI” components, with “early PI“ consisting of the 6-secs following light onset, and ”late PI“ consisting of the 6-secs preceding light offset, while the “post“ period consisted of the 6—secs following light offset. There were no significant effects in either analysis. The analyses of variance summary tables are presented in Appendix B. Correlations Between Mean Respiration Fregpenpy ppd Mean HP. In order to assess the relationship between respiration frequency and heart period, Pearson product moment correlations were performed between mean respira- tion frequency and mean HP for each group, combined groups, each period, combined periods, and each PI condition. In the 4-sec PI condition, mean respiration frequency was calculated for each period (i.e., ”pre”, “PI", “post') and for each'g, Overall respiration frequency was calcu- lated by recording the mean respiration frequency for all three periods for each‘g, The same procedure was followed in the 7 and l3-sec PI conditions except that in the l3-sec 41 PI mean respiration frequency was examined for 4 periods instead of 3. In all three PI conditions, mean HP for the 'pre' period consisted of the mean HP during the 4-secs preceedp ing the warning signal. In the 4 and 7 sec PI conditions mean HP for the PI period was based on the mean respiration frequency during the PI; for the l3-sec condition, mean HP during the “early PI' period was based on the mean HP during the 6-secs following the warning signal while mean- HP during “late P1" was based upon the mean HP during the 6-secs preceeding the reaction signal. In all three PI conditions, mean HP during the “post“ period was based on the mean HP during the 4 secs following the reaction signal. Correlations between mean respiration frequency and mean HP are presented in Table 6. A negative correla- tion indicates that slower HR.(Or, longer R-R intervals) are associated with fewer respiration cycles. As can be seen from the table, significant correlations were found for the normal group in the 7 and l3-sec PI overall means, and for normal‘gu in the l3—sec "early PI” period. 42 Table 6. Pearson product moment correlations between mean respiration frequency and mean HP for retarded, normal, and combined groups in 4, 7, and l3-sec PI conditions, and for 'pre', "PI”, “post“ periods, and overall. 4 SEC PI CONDITION g§§_ g;_ gpgg. OVERALL NORMALS (df=8) -.399 -.358 -.103 -.390# RETARDATES (df=8) .090 .114 -.052 .060 BOTH (dfalB) .067 .046 -.000 .056 7 SEC PI CONDITION 2.3.3. 21 m _____OVERALL NORMALS (df=8) -.493 -.627# -.521 -.612*** RETARDATES (df=8) -.472 -.232 —.378 -.367 BOTH (dfalB) -.226 -.153 -.177 -.192 19 SEC PI CONDITION 25;, ERL”PI LTE PI gppg. OVERALL NORMALS (df=8) -.540# -.638* -.469 -.364 -.620*** RETARDATES (df=8)-.418 -.405 -.413 -.301 -.394# BOTH (df-18) -.323 -.311 -.226 -.185 -.243 # p1(.10 * p < .05 ** p < .02 *** p < .01 “u p < .001 DISCUSSION Correlations between IQ and RT. Correlations between Wechsler performance IQ and RT scores were signif- icant for the retarded group. Most other studies reporting significant relationships between intelligence and RT performance have used MA measures rather than IQ (Bens- berg & Cantor, 1957; Berkson, 1960; Ellis & Sloan, 1957; Pascal, 1953). The results of the present study suggest that performance 10 might also be a good predictor of RT performance. Bpse Level HP. Base level HP was significantly different between the groups in all three PI conditions, with retardates having slower HP, or longer R-R intervals. This represents a discrepency with published data (Clausen & Karrer, 1970; Holloway & Parsons, 1970; Karrer, 1966; Wallace & Fehr, 1970); a discrepency which unfortunately has no obvious explanation since.§s had not taken drugs for at least 2 weeks prior to the experiment. Moreover, no retardated'§,was institutionalized and almost all were employed at least part-time in the Lansing community. It also seems unlikely that the difference in base level reflects a motivational difference as the personal obser- vations of the experimenter suggest that if anything, re- tarded‘gs were more highly motivated than were the normal 43 44 ga. Almost all of the retarded.§s expressed a great deal of excitement about coming to the University campus and to the laboratory. They also seemed very eager to “please” the female experimenter. For example, during the practice session, these.§s frequently asked if their RTs were "fast enough“, and if they were "doing ok'. It appeared to the experimenter that frequent comments such as these reflected a high degree of motivation to perform well. One plausible explanation for the slower HR of retardates may lie in the sample used. Most previous studies that reported no dif- ferences between base level HP of retardates and normals employed retardates sampled from pepulations with 10s that were lower than 55. Since none of the retardates in the present sample fell below this IQ level the possibility exists that base level varies as a function of IQ level. Sec-by~Sec HP: Anticipatopy HP Decelerption. The present study found significant second effects, or sec-by- sec HP Changes for combined groups, in all three PI con- ditions. These data will not be discussed in detail here as they are not central to the purpose of this paper. The main interest of the present study was to obtain informa- tion on differences between normal and retardedlgs--effects that are interactive in nature. Consequently, main effects such as the seconds effects are only of peripheral interest at this time. Significant group differences in sec-by-sec HP responding were found in the HP analysis. A dramatic 45 difference in HP deceleration at about the time the reac- tion signal was to occur was found between retarded and normal groups. In all three PI conditions, normals showed a deceleration which reached its nadir just prior to or at the time the reaction signal was to occur, while retardate's HP pattern prior to the reaction signal was markedly dif- ferent: In the 4-sec PI condition retardates showed a complete absence of HP deceleration, while in the 7—sec PI condition their deceleration was severely attenuated. In the l3-sec PI condition retardates exhibited a significant deceleration, but the pattern of this deceleration was very irregular and markedly different in form from the response pattern of normal.§s. Such data would seem to demonstrate the retardate's inability to prepare for appropriate responding regardless of the length of the preparation time. If one accepts the assumption that HP measures during the PI reflect an attention process, the data clearly support the idea that the retardate suffers from an attention deficit. Although this notion is not a novel one in retardation research, little real empirical evidence has been advanced to support it. Net so incidentally then, the results of the present study underlie the potential value of psychOphysiological techniques for studying the capabilities of retardates. The correlational analyses lend some support to the notion that faster RTs are related to greater HP de- celerations which occur prior to and during the reaction 46 signal. The HP deceleration score II, or the deceleration which occurred on sec +1, was significantly related to RT in the l3-sec PI condition for the normal group, and in the 7 and 4-sec PI conditions for the combined groups. Cor- relations in the 7 and 4—sec PI conditions also approached significance for the normal group. The specific role that this anticipatory HP deceleration plays in RT performance and attention has been interpreted in several different frameworks. Lacey (1967), for example, believes that the occur- rence of HP deceleration facilitates the intake of informa- tion, and hence, prepares the individual to deal with the environment in an efficient manner. In the case of the RT task, the enhanced attention reflected by HR decelera- tion would enable the organism to respond more quickly. The absence of deceleration in retardates would indicate that retardates are less sensitive to environmental stimuli. In the present study, a lowered sensitivity to the reaction signal would explain the poor RT performance of the retardate. It is also possible to interpret the role of anti- cipatory HP deceleration in terms of an inhibition deficit hypothesis such as that advanced by Denny (1964). This interpretation holds that when all task-irrelevant or com- peting activities, including irrelevant physiological activities, are suspended or inhibited, a fast reaction 47 time should result. This view is supported by the find— ings of Obrist who has shown that a number of physiolog- ical activities including muscle tension, eye movements, respiration, as well as HR, markedly decrease simultan- eously during a RT situation at about the time.§ is to make a response (Obrist‘pp_pl., 1969b). The magnitude of these decreases is directly related to RT performance. In this framework, the retardate's primary deficit is explained as an inability to inhibit or suspend activities which do not contribute to good RT performance. In the present study, the absence of HR deceleration prior to the reaction signal can be interpreted to reflect the retardate's deficit in the ability to suspend or inhibit ongoing activities which interfere with the ability to respond quickly. A third interpretation could be based on the cardiac temporal conditioning notion advanced by Fitzgerald & Porges (1970), Grossman, Fitzgerald, & Porges (19700, and Porges (1970). In this framework, the absence or attenuated anticipatory HR deceleration in the retarded group would reflect an absence of temporal conditioning, whereas the dramatic decelerations which were observed in the normal group would presumably reflect successful temporal con- ditioning. This notion is not incompatible with Denny's contention that retardates suffer from an inhibition deficit. It could be that retardates are unable to make 48 use of the temporal cue because they lack the ability to inhibit competing responses. Normal fig, on the other hand, inhibit competing responses and simultaneously attend to the signal value of temporally fixed stimulus events. Group x trial x second effects were not significant in the present study, probably because of the deletion of the first 5 trials. These early trials were eliminated to avoid transfer and possibly disruption effects from prior conditions which were different for eachug. Conse- quently, a conditioning interpretation could not be direct- ly assessed from the reported data. However, the possi- bility of group differences in temporal conditioning suggests future research which would be potentially rele- vant to the understanding of neural mechanisms in both retarded and normal individuals. In a literature review on neural timing mechanisms and conditioning, Prescott (1966) points out that use of the classical conditioning paradigm in studying the pre- cision of neural timing mechanisms provides a valuable technique for research in developmental processes. He suggests that an organism capable of inhibiting a response until the exact moment of reinforcement would reflect a neural system characterized by high precision and effi- ciency. Increased error in timing, on the other hand, would reflect a poorly integrated and biologically non- adaptive neural system. Hence, it appears as though future 49 research designed to investigate differences in neural timing mechanisms through the established conditioning paradigms would have important developmental implications. In addition to Prescott, a number of other investigators (Brackbill & Fitzgerald, 1969; Fitzgerald & Brackbill, 1971; Fitzgerald & Porges, 1971) have made a similar case for the use of classical conditioning to study develop- mental phenomena including temporal. Sec-byeagg_HP: Acceleration following the warning Signal. Another important group difference in sec-by-sec HP responding was in response to the warning signal. On- set of the warning light is an important signal to.§ as it indicates the beginning of a trial: this is the point at which'g’is instructed to begin paying attention. Both groups primarily showed HP acceleration in response to the warning light: however the magnitude of this acceleration differed for groups as a function of PI. Normals responded to the warning signal differently for each P1, with progressively greater accelerations for the longer PIs. Retardates, on the other hand, showed the same magnitude of acceleration for each PI. This is an interesting difference as the warning signal onset was identical during each PI; the only difference between PIs was the length of time that the light remained illuminated. These data lend support to a contention made by Baumeister & Kellas (1968) who tentatively hypothesized that retardates as a group have an inappropriate response set in the RT SO situation such that their attention is directed toward the reception of stimuli rather than performance of the re- sponse, in spite of instructions designed to minimize such a set. Normals, on the other hand, maintain a response set as long as the stimulus intensity is above some mini- mum value. The appearance of a large acceleration at the onset of stimulation in the retarded group would seem to support this hypothesis. Denny's inhibition-deficit hypothesis (Denny, 1964) would extend the Baumeister & Kellas notion by suggesting that these data reflect the greater ability of normals to inhibit competing responses which interfere with a fast RT. For example, in the 4-sec PI, normals showed a nonsignificant acceleration following the warning signal. In this short PI a large acceleration and its recovery would interfere or compete with the relevant response--which is anticipatory HR deceleration. In longer PIs, where there is adequate time for larger accel- erations and their recovery, the normals exhibited sig- nificantly greater accelerations. This is not the case with the retarded‘gs who showed similar magnitude accel- erations following the warning light in all 3 PI conditions. In the 4-sec PI, retardates showed a significant acceler- ation which was sustained for the entire PI. Hence, this is a second piece of evidence supporting the idea that retardates are unable to inhibit task-irrelevant or competing responses. 51 Another way of looking at this early acceleration which follows the warning signal is in terms of‘gs per- ceiving the environmental demands of the situation. The 4, 7, and lB-sec PI vary in the amount of effort needed to sustain attention, with the greatest amount of effort needed to sustain attention for 13-sec and the least amount of effort needed to sustain attention for 4—secs. If this is the case, the small acceleration in the normal group to the 4-sec PI warning signal would reflect the relatively small amount of effort needed for fast RT performance. Progressively greater accelerations in the longer PIs would presumably reflect the higher instrumental demands of these situations. In the case of the normal.§s, then, onset of the warning light not only signals that they must attend, but also signals the degree of effort needed to attend. This interpretation lends considerable support to the conclusions of Chase.3§;g;. (1968) and Porges (1970). The consistent response of retardates in the present study indicates that they are perceiving the warning light. However, the lack of any differential responding to light onset as a function of PI length suggests that they are not relating onset of the light to its subsequent length and consequent task difficulty. This apparent lack of association between differing environmental demands and HR change supports Holloway a Parsons (1970) notion that some groups of retardates suffer from a disruption of the integration between somatic and autonomic activity. They 52 prOpose that physiological responsiveness in these retard- ates becomes dissociated from environmental demands and that such dissociated activity reflects a source of inter- ference with‘gs ability to attend to external signals or to efficiently execute the appropriate response. Sec-by-Sec HP: Overall Response Patterns. A striking feature of the sec-by-sec HP data is that as PI interval increases, the HP pattern of the retarded group comes to more closely approximate the pattern of the normal group. In the 4-sec PI condition, the group curves are quite disparate, with the retardates exhibiting a progres- sive acceleration and the normal.§s exhibiting a triphasic pattern: deceleration followed by acceleration and a final deceleration. In the 7-sec PI condition, there was more overlap between the curves, but there was a sharp divergence between them at about the time the reaction signal occurred. At this point the normal group exhibited a sharp deceleration while the retarded group exhibited an attenuated deceleration. In the 13-sec PI condition, the group curves overlapped for the first 6-secs of the PI and then diverged, but to a lesser extent than in the shorter PI conditions. The HP pattern of the normal group at the point of divergence was characterized by a large, sustained deceleration. The HP pattern of retardates at this point was one of progressive and significant deceler- ation, but a smaller deceleration than the normal's and one which lacked the smooth, non-variable appearance of the 53 normal's pattern. The progressive resemblance of the retardate's HP pattern to that of the normal's as a function of PI can be explained in several ways. One explanation is that retardedigs need a longer P1 in order to recover from the larger acceleration they exhibit and to show the subse- quent deceleration which characterizes the normal's HP pattern. A short PI would not provide adequate time for recovery, but as the time interval increased, recovery from acceleration could occur making it possible to be followed by a deceleration. Or, in the Baumeister & Kellas (1968) framework, a longer PI would provide the opportunity for the retardate to transfer his attention from the reception of stimulation to the execution of a response. Perhaps another alternative is that it simply takes longer for the retardate to integrate incoming information. In the longer PI, the longer time interval would allow the retarded‘§,more time to integrate and.process information. In any case, the progressive similarity in HP patterns between the two groups as a function of longer PIs is suggestive of future research which would poten- tially contribute some meaningful information about re- tardate processes. Systematic studies which explore the conditions under which retardate HP patterns resemble normal patterns could have important implications for understanding the learning process in retardates. For S4 example, it could be that Optimal learning in retardates requires a sustained stimulus beyond some minimal time limit. In the present study RT performance did not inter- act with PI length, but as mentioned previously, the design of this study was not suitable for the assessment of learning effects. Also, a classical conditioning paradigm might be more suitable for this kind of question. Perhaps a study employing many trials and independent groups in several conditions would provide a more direct evaluation of these hypotheses. Respiration Frequency. Analyses of variance of the respiration frequency data did not reveal group differences corresponding to group differences found in the HP analyses. In the respiration frequency analyses, only a trial x group interaction in the 4-sec PI and a trials main effect in the 7-sec PI condition attained statistical significance. This absence of any group or period differences suggests that respiration frequency measures are less sensitive to environmental demands than are HR measures. Correlations between mean HP and mean respiration frequency revealed significant relationship between these measures for normal.§s in the 7 and lB-sec PI conditions. Two of the three significant correlations were in overall means and not specific periods, which is similar to the analysis of variance results. Conclusion. The present study succeeded in 55 finding significant differences between retardated and normal individuals in both RT performance and in sec-by- sec HP changes--two measures which have often been asso- ciated with the attention process. Thus, this study provides support to the notion that retardates suffer from an attention deficit. An attempt was made to relate the observed differences to a broader theoretical conception of the attention process. A number of diverse interpre- tations were discussed, all of them being feasible ex- planations of the reported data. Of course, the number of these explanations and their diversity both reflects the level of understanding that exists regarding the attention process and also points to the need for systematic in- vestigations for greater understanding of these processes. Suggestions made in the discussion were aimed at providing direction for future research in an attempt to accomplish this goal. Implied in these suggestions is the potential value inherent in employing retarded‘gs in such investiga- tions. The present study demonstrates that the inclusion of retarded individuals in the study of the attention process provides much needed empirical data upon which future theoretics can be based. REFERENCES REFERENCES Baumeister, A. A., & Kellas, G. 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You will receive 2 rest periods during the experi- ment. During these rest periods you can just relax. They will be designated by the white light (§.points to white light). When this white light (§.continues to point to the white light) goes on it is a rest period and you can just relax. We will begin with a series of practice trials. During these practice trials you can ask questions by simply talking in a normal tone of voice. I will be able to hear you in the next room and give you an answer. I will tell you when the practice trials are over and the 63 real test is about to begin. Remember, your job is to press this key (§,points to key) as quickly as possible when the green light dis- appears. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU REMEMBER THIS IS A TEST OF SPEED! Do you have any questions? If not, we will begin the practice trials. APPENDIX B ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE SUMMARY TABLES 64 65 Summary of the analysis of variance of reaction time as a function of groups, trials, and PI conditions (4, 7, and lB-secs). _SOURCB .55. _f. 14.8. 2: 2 Groups 3317865.800 l 33l7865.800 17.789 (0.0005 PI 230030.486 2 115015.243 0.617 0.543 Group x PI 41197.858 2 20598.929 0.110 0.896 Error 12310136.183 66 186517.215 Trials 136329.939 9 15147.771 1.044 0.404 Group x Trials 68170.311 9 7574.479 0.522 0.860 PI x Trials 148320.986 18 8240.055 0.568 0.923 G x PI x T 235286.947 18 13071.497 0.901 0.578 Error 8621826.819 594 14514.860 Total 25109165.328 719 Summary of the analysis of variance of heart period as a function of groups, trials, and seconds for the 4-sec PI Total 558377.372 2879 condition. _SOURCB 9.5 .92 3.15 5. 2 Groups 72631.378 1 72631.378 4.201 0.053 Error 380355.619 22 17288.892 Trials 836.855 9 92.984 0.791 0.625 Group x Trials 1142.743 9 126.971 1.080 0.379 Error 23276.860 198 117.560 Seconds 940.076 11 85.461 1.919 0.038 Group x Seconds 2065.359 11 187.760 4.216 <0.0005 Error 10777.440 242 44.535 Trials x Seconds 2604.566 99 26.309 0.927 0.682 G x r x 8 1908.311 99 19.276 0.679 0.993 Error 61838.165 2178 28.392 66 Summary of the analysis of variance of heart period as a function of groups, trials, and seconds for the 7-sec PI condition. ___._SOURCE .59. 9.: 11.5. .1: 2 Groups 123575.684 l 123575.684 5.778 0.025 Error 470538.271 22 21388.103 Trials 2923.360 9 324.818 2.502 0.010 Groups x Trials 1635.582 9 181.731 1.399 0.190 Error 25707.618 198 129.836 Seconds 7042.416 14 503.030 10.968 (0.0005 Groups x Seconds 3011.849 14 215.132 4.6913(0.0005 Error 14126.362 308 45.865 Trials x Seconds 3663.740 126 29.077 1.032 0.389 G x T x-S 3060.218 126 24.287 0.862 0.862 Error 78124.082 2772 28.183 Total 733409.183 3599 Summary of the analysis of variance of heart period as a function of groups, trials, and seconds for the l3-sec PI condition. _SOURCB 5.2 .4; 11.9. .I: 2 Groups 125790.087 l 125790.087 4.914 0.037 Error 563109.346 22 25595.879 Trials 704.647 9 78.294 0.482 0.885 Group x Trials 1473.458 9 163.718 1.009 0.434 Error 32138.690 198 162.317 Seconds 11268.616 20 563.431 14.992 (0.0005 Group x Seconds 2376.700 20 118.835 3.162 (0.0005 Error 16535.846 440 37.581 Trials x Seconds 5578.840 180 30.994 1.145 0.094 G x T x S 5323.629 180 29.576 1.093 0.193 Error 107189.035 3960 27.068 Total 871488.900 5039 67 Summary of the analysis of variance of respiration frequency as a function of groups, trials, and periods in the 4-sec PI condition. _SOURCB 9.8. 8:. 1e 1?. 2 Groups 2.042 1 2.042 1.455 0.243 Error 25.257 18 1.403 Trials 2.216 9 0.246 1.211 0.291 Groups x Trials 3.642 9 0.404 1.991 0.043 Error 32.910 162 0.203 Periods 3.000 2 1.500 2.725 0.079 Groups x Periods 0.053 2 0.027 0.048 0.953 Error 19.813 36 0.550 Trials x Periods 5.200 18 0.289 0.994 0.466 G x T x P 5.813 18 0.322 1.112 0.339 Error 94.120 324 0.290 Total 194.065 599 Summary of the analysis of variance of respiration frequency as a function of groups, trials, and periods in the 7-sec PI condition. ___SOURCB 5.5 9.5 11.9. 2'. 2 Groups 9.375 1 9.375 1.494 0.237 Error 112.950 18 6.275 Trials 4.875 9 0.542 2.046 0.037 Groups x Trials 2.875 9 0.319 1.207 0.294 Error 42.883 162 0.265 Periods 1.030 2 0.515 1.263 0.295 Groups x Periods 0.090 2 0.045 0.110 0.896 Error 14.680 36 0.408 Trials x Periods 4.770 18 0.265 0.971 0.493 G x T x P 7.710 18 0.428 1.5700 0.066 Error 88.387 324 0.273 Total 289.625 599 68 Summary of the analysis of variance of respiration frequency as a function of groups, trials, and 'pre", “PI", and “post“ periods in the 13-sec PI condition. ____8<>UR<=8 .§.§. _f. 14.8. 1:. 2 ‘Groups 4.335 1 4.335 0.367 0.552 Error 212.497 18 11.805 Trials 4.948 9 0.550 0.953 0.481 Groups x Trials 4.148 9 0.461 0.799 0.618 Error 93.470 162 0.577 Periods 0.663 2 0.332 0.671 0.517 Groups x Periods 0.610 2 0.305 0.617 0.545 Error 17.793 36 0.494 Trials x Periods 7.437 18 0.413 0.791 0.711 G x T x P 6.357 18 0.353 0.676 0.834 Error 169.140 324 0.522 Total 521.398 599 Summary of the analysis of variance of respiration frequency as a function of groups, trials, and “pre', “early PI", “late PI“, and “post" periods in the l3-sec PI condition. _..___80UR<=8 _.§. 92:. .88. E. 2 Groups 4.061 1 4.061 0.954 0.342 Error 76.653 18 4.258 Trials ‘ 1.051 9 0.117 0.361 0.952 Groups x Trials 2.401 9 0.267 0.825 0.594 Error 52.373 162 0.323 Periods 0.794 3 0.265 0.718 0.545 Groups x Periods 0.704 3 0.235 0.637 0.594 Error 19.878 54 0.368 Trials x Periods 6.994 27 0.259 1.054 0.392 G x T x P 8.484 27 0.314 1.279 0.160 Error 119.398 486 0.245 Total 292.789 799 HICHIGRN STRT E UNIV. LIBRARIES I I [III WWI“\IIIHIIHWWWI 9 2255670 13122 23110