THE RELATIONSHiP BETWEEN SUBSTRATE“ concammncm, RESPIRAYif-JN RATE, AND GROWTH RATE: m: Escuemmmcou m commueous new CULTURE Thesis fer the 0&9:an cf Ph. D. MICHEGAN STATE UNIVERSWY Rober? S. Lipe E961 II Ll! mu; min !! mm 9! ii i ll Il7llilllfllflllli mm 93 1 82 This is to certify that the thesis entitled The Relationship between Substrate Concentration, Respiration Rate, and Growth Rate of Escherichia coli in Continuous Flow Culture presented by Robert S. Lipe has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph.D. degteem Microbiology and Public Health \ l til L J 7 Mail): \\ f ) 1 . _ A / ‘ ‘ hrofessor \ Date May 2, 1961 0-169 LIBRARY Michigan State University OVERDUE FINES ARE 25¢ PER DAY PER ITEM Return to book drop to remove this checkout from your record. £0. ABSTRACT THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATION, RESPIRATION RATE, AND GROWTH RATE OF ESCHERICHIA COLI IN CONTINUOUS FLOW CULTURE By Robert S. Lipe A continuous flow unit was constructed and satisfactorily operated at dilution rates ranging from 0.01 to 0.85. Steady- state conditions existed between dilution rate values of D equal to 0.02 and 0.69. A non-steady-state condition existed at D values below 0.02 and above 0.69 which resulted in a wash-out of organisms from the unit at a rate faster than replacement by growth. The actual wash-out rate was found to be less than the wash—out rate predicted by theoretical equations. A maximum growth rate of km of 0.69 was established. This value was obtained by both batch culture and continuous flow procedures. In addition km was calculated by the method of Reed and Theriault from a series of experimental data. The value of 0.69 obtained by this method was in full agreement with the experimentally obtained maximum growth rate. The relationship between substrate concentration and the specific growth rate R during the steady—state was established, not as a linear relationship, but as a curve Robert S. Lipe that reaches a maximum asymptotically. Theoretical equations proposed by Mondo, Novick and Szilard, and Herbert gt El: did not agree with the experimental relationship obtained between substrate concentration and k. Furthermore, values for km and Sa obtained by a Lineweaver_Burke plot did not agree with experimental data. In contrast the results obtained from the use of a monomolecular type of equation, such as proposed by Teissier, indicated that this type of equation more correctly expresses the relationship between substrate concentration and k. Data were presented which indicated that at a substrate concentration of 1 mg/l or below k approaches zero. The data also indicate that the specific growth rate k becomes independent of substrate concentration at glucose concentrations above 180 mg/l. A linear relationship was established between k and the respiration rate of the organism. The maximum oxygen uptake rate was obtained at km and did not increase further at D values greater than km. The data indicate that under these conditions approximately 37 percent of the assimilated substrate was oxidized independently of k. The economic coefficient of the organism was found, not to be constant, but to increase from 44 percent at the lower k values to 55 percent at the higher k values. Robert S. Lipe The theoretical steady-state equations, proposed by Monod and Herbert 23 gl. were found to be inadequate in expressing the experimentally obtained relationships. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SUBSTRATE CONCENTRATION: RESPIRATION RATE, AND GROWTH RATE OF ESCHERICHIA COLI IN CONTINUOUS FLOW CULTURE BY Robert St Lipe A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Microbiology and Public Health 1961 ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Karl Schulze for stimulating my interest in the project reported herein and for his daily advice and encouragement during the course of this work. A deep-felt thanks is expressed to Dr. Walter L. Mallmann for his guidance, encouragement, and assistance during the period of this study. Acknowledgement is made also to the Division of Engineering Research which supported the laboratory work. A grateful appreciation is expressed to my wife for her patience, aid, and understanding which made the many years of my education possible. Chapter I. gII. III. IV. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LITERATURE REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Introduction B. Application of Continuous Culture Techniques as a Research Tool C. Industrial Applicatidn of Continuous Culture THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS . . . . . . . . . . A. Kinetics of Bacterial Growth B. Kinetics of Growth in Continuous Culture C. Effect of Contamination D. Effect of Mutation EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS, CULTURE AND METHODS . . A. Description of Apparatus B. Medium C. Culture D. Analytical Techniques iii 14 23 27 3o 36 37 39 39 53 54 57 iv Chapter Page V. RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . 71 A. Experiment No. l 73 B. Experiment No. 2 74 C. Experiment No. 3 74 D. Establishment of the Steady-State 75 E. Establishment of km 80 F. Relationship between Substrate Concentration Experimental k and Calculated k values 82 G. Relationship between D and Substrate Concentration at Low D Values 85 H. Relationship between k and Respiration Rate During Steady State Conditions 86 I. Calculation of the Economic Coefficient During Steady-State Conditions 88 J. Application of Experimentat Data to Theoretical Steady-State Equations 89 K. Nitrogen, Ash, and Moisture Determinations 92 L. Viable Cell Count 92 VI. DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 VII. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 VIII. APPENDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Table 10. 11. Data obtained LIST OF TABLES from the continuous flow unit a D value of 0.059 during experiment No. Data obtained from the continuous flow unit a D value of 0.091 during experiment No. Data D Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data obtained value of obtained value of obtained value of obtained value of obtained value of obtained value of obtained value of obtained value of obtained value of from the continuous flow unit 0.124 during experiment No. 1 from the continuous flow unit 0.178 during experiment No. 1 from the continuous flow unit 0.240 during experiment No. 1 from the continuous flow unit 0.301 during experiment No. 1 from the continuous flow unit 0.360 during experiment No. 1 from the continuous flow unit 0.425 during experiment No. 1 from the continuous flow unit 0.485 during experiment No. 1 from the continuous flow unit 0.546 during experiment No. 1 from the continuous flow unit 0.610 during experiment No. l Page 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Table 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, Data obtained from the continuous flow unit at a D value of 0.660 during experiment No. l . . Data obtained from the continuous flow unit at a D value of 0.730 during experiment No. 1 . . Data obtained from the Continuous flow unit at a D value of 7.94 during experiment No. l . . Data obtained from the continuous flow unit at a D value of 0.850 during experiment No. 1 . Data obtained from the continuous flow unit during experiment No. 2 . . . . . . . . . Summary of averages of data taken during experiments Nos. 1 and 2 . . . . . . . . . Data obtained from the continuous flow unit during experiment No. 3 . . . . . . . . . . Concentration of organisms at D values greater than 0.694 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relationship between substrate concentration and experimental anc calculated k values . . . . Comparison of the actual amount of oxygen used with the theoretical amount of oxygen required for complete.oxidation of sugar used during the steady-state . . . . . . . . . . vi Page L105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Table 22. 23. 24. 25. vii Page Relationship between economic coefficient and k during the steady-state . . . . . . . . . . 115 Comparison of experimental and calculated g values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Comparions of experimental x and i calculated using the expression R Y(SR — E) . . . . ll7 .Comparison of experimental x and x calculated D YISR - sa(km do ) 118 using the expression 3 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. viii LIST OF FIGURES Page Continuous flow apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . 40 One liter reaction chamber . . . . . . . . . . 42 System for sampling and inoculation . . . . . . 43 System for aeration of culture in reaction chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 System for feeding substrate to reactidn chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 System for the discharge of culture from the reaction chamber . . . . . . ... ... .,. . . 52 Standard glucose curve . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Standard cell dry weight curve . . . . . . . . 63 Relationship between cell concentration and D . 119 Wash—out rate from the unit . . . . . . . . . . 120 Relationship between D and substrate concentration over a D range of 0.059 to 0.855 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Batch culture determination of k before and after growth in the continuous flow unit . . 122 Relationship between substrate concentration. experimental and calculated k values . . . . 123 Lineweaver-Burke plot of steady-state data . . 124 Figure 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Relationship between cell concentration and D at low D values . . . . . . .'. . . . Relationship between respiration rate and k during the steady-state . . . . . . . . Actual ul oxygen used vs theoretical oxygen needed for complete oxidation of the sugar consumed during the steady—state . Percent of theoretical oxygen utilized vs k during the steady—state . . . . . . . . Relationship between economic coefficient and k during the steady—state . . . . . . . Comparison of experimental and calculated E values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quantitative divergences from the theory of Monod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Page 125 126 127 128 129 130 135 I. INTRODUCTION In the past few years a great deal of interest has been stimulated in the possibility of conducting continuous flow operations. By definition, continuous flow entails the maintenance of constant operating conditions, including organism concentration, in one or a series of vessels while fixed volumes of nutrients and continuous flow reactor contents are respectively added and removed at the same continuous rate. From an industrial standpoint, prolonging the useful time of fermentation such a system would result in fewer un— productive periods, more uniform products, and reduced labor costs. A continuous production would also be more adaptable to instrumental control, and the effect obtained by varying experimental conditions could be evaluated more readily and accurately. In addition the yield might be increased by better control of pH and other substrate variables. On the other hand, continuous flow operation involves certain disadvantages, such as complexity, relatively high initial cost and the need for stringent control. In addition, the benefits of continuous operation might easily be offset by mechanical failure, contamination, or selective growth of undesirable strains. However, it is possible that proper design of equipment might minimize mechanical failures and sources of contamination, and that the selective growth of undesirable strains might be prevented by nutrient adjustment to favor the growth of the parental type. Moreover, the Iproblem of strain degeneration might turn out to be of little importance, since the constant environment maintained by a continuous operation might tend to reduce the risk of degeneration that may occur, for example, during serial trans- fers between batch growth periods. The essential feature of this technique is that microbial growth in a continuous culture takes place under steady-state conditions; that is, growth occurs at a constant rate and in a constant environment. Such factors as pH, concentrations of nutrients, metabolic products, and oxygen may be independently controlled by the experimenter. These features of the continuous culture technique make it a valuable research tool. In spite of this the technique has so far been comparatively little used. The reasons for this lack of use are, in general, twofold: first, the lack of a generally accepted theoretical background and second, the widespread belief that the technique is impracticable for industrial application. The theoretical considerations, which are actually the basic factors that determine the relative advantages of continuous flow operation, have been studied in some detail and are now sufficiently well advanced to provide a good foundation for experimental studies. The foregoing considerations led to the design and assembly of a small laboratory continuous flow unit; the main purpose of which was to provide experimental data to test mathematical equations which have been developed to explain the kinetics of continuous flow operation. Of particular interest to this work was the relationship between substrate concentration inside the continuous flow unit and the specific growth rate k. Very little data are to be found in the literature on this relationship, especially at the very low k values. There is also a need for data concerning the relation- ship between k and respiration rate during the steady-state operation of a continuous flow unit. II. LITERATURE REVIEW A. Introduction The continuous culture of microorganisms is a technique that is of increasing importance in microbiology both from the standpoint of its use as a research tool and its enormous potential in industrial application. Although it has been only in the past twenty years that this technique has been subjected to a more detailed investigation the technique itself has been used in limited areas for hundreds of years. The first con- tinuous generators for vinegar production have reportedly been in operation since 1670 (Mitchell, 1926). Yeast has been produced using continuous culture techniques since about 1879 (Rainier, 1879) and sewage has been so treated since before 1890 (Massachusetts State Board of Health, 1890). In fact, these processes have been developed to such a high degree over the years that future developments will probably consist merely of advancements based on newer technology and improved equipment. In other areas, such as the continuous propagation of fungi for producing antibiotic drugs, and the continuous propagation of algae for food and fodder, the possibilities are only just beginning to be realized. In the past ten years research emphasis has shifted to more difficult processes, which in turn involve greater susceptibility to contamination, instability of the organisms, and biochemical complexity. The increasing urgency of the "population explosion" has led to the initiation of a number of projects for the continuous propagation of aglae and yeast for food (Brunol gt a1., 1950; Burlew, 1953; Tamiya, 1957). B. Application 2; Continuous Culture Techniques a ‘3 Research Tool The potential application of the continuous culture technique for research purposes is almost endless. It is fair to state that the limits of such application exist only in the imagination of the investigator. Continuous culture techniques of the single unit type, with some exceptions (Cekan, 1939; Dyr and Protiva, 1958: Malek , 1952a, b, 1955; Malek 23 al., 1953a, b, 1957, 1958; Protiva and Dyr, 1958), have become established in research laboratories as a means of studying microbial physiology and metabolism (Anderson, 1953, 1956; Andreev, 1955; Barnes and Dewey, 1947; Castor and Stier, 1947; Cekan, 1939; Cleary et a1,, 1935; Cohn and Torriani, 1953; Contois, 1959; Davies, 1956; Drobnica, 1959: DeHaan and Winkler, 1954a, b; Dyr and Protiva, 1958; Gorini, 1958: Harris-Smith‘g£‘§1., 1958; Heden g£.§l., 1955a, b; Holme, 1957, 1958, 1959; Horodko gt a1., 1958; Hotchkiss, 1954: 6 Jacob, 1953; Jordon and Jacobs, 1944, 194 , 1948; Kalyuzhniyi, 1955, 1957; Kalyuzhniyi gt 21,, 1955b; Kautsky and Kautsky, 1951; Kuska, 1958; Lark and Maaloe, 1954; Maaloe et 31., 1958; Macura and Kotkova, 1953; Malek, 1950, 1952a, b, 1953, 1956, 1958; Malek gt 21., 1953a, b, 1957, 1958; Myers and Clark, 1944; Novick and Weiner, 1957; Ogburn gt 21., 1958; Oswald Ig§.§1., 1953b; Perret, 1953; Pirt, 1957; Protiva and Dyr, 1958; Raper and Alexander, 1945; Rosenberger, 1958; Rosenberger and Kogut, 1958; Rotman, 1958; Savage and Florey, 1950; Schulze, 1956; Sevcik, 1952; Svachulova and Rushka, 1956; Utenkov, 1941, 1944; Vavra, 1958; Wean and Young, 1939; Yerusalimsky, 1958 a, b, c; Zubrzycki and Spaulding, 1957, 1958) and genetics (Bryson 1952, 1959; Cocito and Bryson, 1958; Cocito and Vogel, 1958; Fox and Szilard, 1955; Graziosi, 1959; Labrum, 1953; Lee, 1953; Malek, 1955; Moser, 1957a, b, 1958; Northrop, 1954; Northrop and Kknitz, 1957; Novick, 1955, 1958; Novick and Szilard, 1950a, 1951, 1952, 1953; Saenko, 1950; Scherbaum and Zeuthen, 1954; Verbina, 1955). In 1924 Felton and Dougherty (1924) reported the continuous cultivation of Pneumococcus. Since that time this technique has been used in cultivating a number of organisms. Representative genera of the organisms that have been cultivated by continuous flow techniques are as follows: Algae - Ankistrodesmus (Kautsky and Kautsky, 1951), Chlorella (Myers, 1946; Myers and Clark, 1944; Myers and Johnston, 1949), Enqlena (Logotkin, 1937; Vavra, 1958), Nitzchia (Ketchum and Redfield, 1938). Bacteria - Aerobacter (Elsworth and Meakin, 1954; Herbert 21 31., 1956; Pirt, 1957; Pirt and Callowf 1958), Azotobacter (Macura and Kotkova, 1953; Malek, 1952a, b, 1956; Owen and Johnson, 1955; Rotman, 1956), Bacillus (Harris-Smith §£_§1,, 1958; Malek 33 al., 1953a; Monod, 1950; Northrop, 1954, 1957; Savage and Florey, 1950; Sevcik, 1952), Brevibacterium (Finn and Wilson, 1954), Brucella (Gerhardt, 1946; Sterne, 1958), Chlorobiom (Butlin, 1958), Chromatium (Butlin, 1958), Clostridium (Malek, 1955; Dyr and Protiva, 1958; Dyr gt 1., m 1958; Protiva and Dyr, 1958; Yerusalimsky, 1958a, b, c), Corynebacterium (Savage and Florey, 1950), Desulfovibrio (Butlin, 1958; Maxon, 1955), Escherichia (Anderson, 1953, 1956; Clearly gt 31., 1935; Fox, 1955; Fox and Szilard, 1955; Gorini and Maas, 1957; Gorini, 1958; Holme, 1958, 1959; Jacobs, 1953; Jordan and Jacobs, 1944, 1947, 1948; Marcura and Malek, 1958;. Malek, 1950; Malek §t_§1,, 1953b; Novick, 1958; Novick and Szilard, 1950b, 1951, 1952; Novick and Weiner, 1957; Rogers and Whittier, 1930; Rotman, 1955, 1956, 1958; Savage and Florey, 1950), Mycobacterium (Duche and Neu, 1950, Kuska, 1958; Savage and Florey, 1950; Svachulova and Rushka, 1956), Penumococcus (Felton and Dougherty, 1924; Hotchkiss, 1954; Pirt and Callow, 1958), Propionibacterium (Jerusalimsky, 1958a, b, c), Proteus (Savage and Florey, 1950), Pseudomonas (Finn and Wilson, 1954; Rosenberg and Kogut, 1958), Salmonella (Formal t al., 1956; Horodko §£_§1,, 1958; Lark and Maaloe, 1954; Maaloe gt al., 1958; Malek gt al,, 1953b), Serratia (Guenther, 1957; Smith, 1954), Shigella (Barnes and Dewey, 1947), Staphylococcus (Rogers, 1957), Streptococcus (Karush g£_31., 1956; Ogborn gt 1., 1958; Rogers and Whittier, 1930; Rosenberger, 1958). Fungi - Actinomyces (Kolesnikova, 1959), Qphiostoma (Von Hofsten t 1., 1953), Penicillium (Bartlett, 1958; Bartlett and Gerhardt, 1958; Gerhardt, 1959; Duche and Neu, 1950; Lewis and Lucas, 1945; Moor, 1945; Soltero and Johnson, 1954), Trichophyton (Duche and Neu, 1950, Schulze, 1951). Protozoa - Tetrahymena (Scherbaum and Zeuthen, 1954; Vavra, 1958). Yeast - Monilia (Malek gt_ 1., 1957), Rhodotorula (Kautsky and Kautsky, 1951), Saccharomyces (Beran, 1958; Davies, 1956; Finn and Wilson, 1954; Malek 33 31., 1958; Maxon and Johnson, 1953; Moor, 1945; Novick and Weiner, 1957; Plevako 2; 31., 1958), Torula (Feustel and Humfeld, 1946), quosaccharomycetes (Harris and Hajny, 1959; Peterson 23 El-r 1958). In more recent years some very interesting applications of the principles of continuous culture have appeared. Zubrzycki {Ill-II I. ’III) ll‘lll..|..llj ‘ its! .I}i i .\a| it! .I..|ii 9 and Spaulding (1957) have used a modified chemostat to study norman human fecal microflora. The microflora composition was found under certain conditions to be analogous to that present .in vivo. Macura and Malek (1958) used the continuous method to study microbiological processes in the soil. By their method nitrification and transformation of glucose in soil samples could be studied. An especially interesting application of the principles of continuous culture has been in the area of continuous cultivation of animal cells. Bryson (1959) and Henderson (1959) point out that the utmost care must be taken in con- tinuous cultivation of neoplastic cells as the most able cells are therein selected which need not be equivalent to the inoculum and the results are therefore of limited significance for normal biological systems. They also point out that cells in continuous culture can change very rapidly. Cooper £3 31., (1958) used continuous culture techniques to study the critical effect of oxygen tension on the growth rate of animal cells. Greig (1958) grew kidney cells continuously from bovine embryos for 45 passages without any changes in morphology. Epithelial tissue from tonsils was grown in a continuous culture by Evans (1957). The spontaneous occurrence of intranuclear inclusion bodies was studied in continuous cultures of renal cells by Larin (1958). 10 The possibility of applying continuous cultivation techniques to cream souring during the production of butter is suggested by Masek (1959) and Wilkovske and Fronte (1958). In the field of waste water treatment Ware and Evans (1959) carried out experiments with the treatment of phenol waste waters in simple aerated vessels by continuous culture techniques. Yeast waste waters were treated by using sulphate- reducing bacteria in a continuous anaerobic fermentation on a technical scale by Barta and Gregr (1956). A similar process of sulphur fermentation of waste waters was described by Butlin gt 31., (1956), Butlin (1958) and Burgess gt 31., (1958). The wide range of published papers is an indication that the continuous flow method is acquiring a more sound position in theoretical research wherever investigators begin to understand its value as a means for solving a number of problems of microbial biochemistry, physiology and genetics which could hardly be solved by any other method. It is still true, however, that the majority of papers in this field is concerned with the direct application of this method. It should be stated in this connection that in the practical application of the method success is ensured only by a sound knowledge of the theoretical basis of continuous culture and that the most valuable contribution of the last few years consists in the fact that the empirical approach to the solution 11 of practical problems popular in the past, has been abandoned. Rogers and Whittier (1930), followed by Cleary et 21,, (1935), were the first to discover that the density of organisms grown under continuous culture conditions could be determined by the concentration of added nutrients. With this information it soon became apparent that, in most, if not all, of these cultures there existed actually only two different types of experimental conditions. Novick (1955) has referred to these types as being either internally or externally controlled. The internally controlled continuous flow units may be defined as those in which the growth rate of the organism depends on the rate of some process occurring within the cell in the presence of an excess of nutrients. In such systems constant conditions are usually maintained by regulating the nutrient feed rate to maintain a given turbidity of the culture as measured by a photocell (Anderson, 1953, 1956; Bryson, 1952, 1953; Myers, 1946; Myers and Clark, 1944; Myers and Johnston, 1949). Northrop (1954) has described a continuous culture device that substitutes a commercial colorimeter for the photo-cell system. These techniques are very useful for studying the rate of formation of a product of bacterial metabolism and have also been adapted to large—scale processes. The devices that have been used for experimental work are basically similar and have been given various names \ r‘. S 12 such as "Auxanometer" (Anderson, 1953, 1956), "Turbidostat" or "Turbidostatic selector" (Bryson, 1952, 1953) and "Breeder" (Fox, 1955; Fox and Szilard, 1955). Characteristic features of these various types of apparatus include the use of scrapers or glass beads to prevent growth on the sides of the culture tube. (Anderson, 1956; Northrop, 1954, 1957, 1958; Northrop and Murphy, 1956), and the intermittent rather than continuous measurement of cell density (Fox, 1955, Fox and Szilard, 1955). The externally controlled continuous flow units are those in which the growth rate is dependent on the concentration of some nutrient in the medium. Among the controlling nutrients that have been employed are a required amino acid such as tryptophan (Novick and Szilard, 1950b), arginine, proline and histidine (Novick and Szilard, 1954); an energy source such as lactate (Novick and Szilard, 1951), glucose (Monod, 1950), maltose (Cohon and Torriani, 1953), glycerol (Herbert ‘g§.§1., 1956); the nitrogen source such as ammonia (Novick and Szilard, 1950b); and phosphate (Novick and Szilard, 1951; Novick, 1955). This principle has been especially valuable in studying mutation, rates and other problems in genetics. Monod's "Bactogen" (Monod, 1942, 1949, 1950) and Novick and Szilard's "Chemostat" (Novick and Szilard, 1950a, b) are two of the best known examples of equipment designed to provide external control. The "Bactogen" probably gives better aeration but the "Chemostat" is simpler to set up and operate, less 13 likely to become contaminated, and more accurately defined in volume. The "Chemostat" has become more widely used than the "Bactogen" and has undergone more modification (Browning and Lockinger, 1953; Duche and Neu, 1950; Fox and Szilard, 1955; Kubitschek, 1954; Novick and Szilard, 1950b; Rotman, 1955; Zubrzycki and Spalding, 1957); however, the "Bactogen" also has been applied and redesigned (Harrison, 1958; Heden 32 '31., 1955a; Rogers, 1957; Von Hofsten §t_§1,, 1953). It may be stated that, in general, the vast number of devices that have been reported are but modifications of the "Chemostat" and the "Bactogen." The basic equipment is represented by a continuous flow reactor vessel which is com- plemented by a specific apparatus for continuous cultivation, such as the continuous preparation and sterilization of media (Begma gt al., 1956; Fremel, 1955; Fukimbara, 1956; Gallagher t 21., 1942; Malchenko, 1947; Malchenko gt al., 1947; Petkov, 1957; Pfeiffer and Vognovich, 1952; Stark gt _1., 1943; Watanabe, 1956), accurate dosing of medium volumes, an apparatus for keeping the volume constant and another for continuous treatment of the product. The apparatus has further been equipped by a device for continuous measurement and regulation of pH (Deindoerfer and Wilker, 1957; Nilsson, 1958), of the redox potential (Squires and Hosler, 1958), of dissolved- oxygen (Sawyer at al,, 1959), of turbidity and of gas composition 14 (Telling 23 al., 1958). In the extensive literature dealing with equipment for continuous cultivation a marked development may be observed toward more perfect and frequently more complicated apparatus. The more complicated the device the more difficult it is to operate. This has been expressed very fittingly by Novick (Malek and Hospodka, 1960) who said: "In my country I had considerable difficulty because people began to use the apparatus without properly understanding it and published papers and made a bad name for the apparatus. The second kind of person (I do not like) is a man who published his paper describing a new cantinuous flow apparatus with which he does no experiments because the apparatus is so complicated that it requires five engineers in constant attendance to keep it in operation. These people are what we call in English 'gadgeteers' and I think that such people should be scolded." C. Industrial Application gf_Continuous Culture The numerous attempts at the practical application of continuous culture data back-to 1670 (Mitchell, 1926), but have constantly encountered difficulties which may be ascribed to the empirical appraoch to the problems as well as to inadequate technical level. Only after a definite theory of homogeneous 15 continuous cultivations had been developed was it realized that each application requires a certain suitable continuous fermentation system. It is also important to realize that continuous cultivation processes require Specifically designed apparatus of a new type, in which a great deal of our knowledge of microbiology and chemical engineering is taken into account. The most attractive feature of continuous cultivation in practical application is the possibility of a considerable increase in productivity as compared to the batch process (Herbert gt al.,_1956). The greatest drawback of the method is the high probability of contamination during long-term cultivations on an industrial scale. This problem will likely be solved by further technical development. The many applications of continuous cultivation all have certain points of similarity by which they may be grouped together. DeBecze and Rosenblatt (1943) have suggested a classification according to basic design of the processes that have been used in industry. Three types of design may be recognized: single-stage, modified single-stage and multiple-stage. The single-stage continuous fermentations may be defined as those in which the entire process is completed in one vessel, nutrients being added and cells and products being removed at the same rate. This type of apparatus is simple and has found 16 wide application, especially in the yeast industry. Before 1940 most of the information on its use in growing yeast, usually either Torula or Saccharomyces, was in patent records although a few references did appear in scientific and technical journals (Bilford 3; al., 1942; Illes, 1938a, b; Unger §£“§1., 1942). Since the fall of Germany a number of reports were published on the significant advances made in that country during the war, principally on the use of single-stage Waldhof fermenters, with sulfite waste liquor as a starting raw material (Schulze, 1956). It has been reported (Saeman gt ._1., 1945) that almost all of the sulfite liquor in Germany had been used to produce yeast or alcohol. Since that time a number of other papers have appeared (Harris‘gt.§1., 1948a, b, c; Hidalgo Fernandeq—Cano and Cid, 1952a, b; Imhoff and Fair, 1956; Krauss and Thomas, 1954; Leopold and Fencl, 1955: Machenko, 1947; Negre, 1949; Nomura, 1956; Ruf 23 al., 1948; Shichiji, 1956). Another large-scale, industrially important, single- stage continuous fermentation in operation at the present time is the trickling filter used for treating sewage (Babbitt, 1953; Halvorson $3.31., 1936; Imhoff and Fair, 1956; McCabe _t al., 1956). This process is one in which sewage is applied to a bed of rocks, on which a mixed culture of microorganisms is maintained. Substances other than stone have also been used 17 as a support for the microorganisms (Schulze, 1957, 1960). The trickling filter was first used in this country in 1890 and is still the method of choice for municipalities with a population of less than 10,000 people. Continuous fermentations of the single stage type have also been developed for the large scale productiOn of algae, such as Chlorella, Euglena or Scenedesmus, using shallow troughs or tubes rather than the usual vertical fermenters, in order to give better illumination of the cultures (Bryson, 1952; Burlew, 1953; Cook, 1951; Krauss, 1955; Krauss and Thomas, 1954). Algae have also been used as a source of oxygen supply in the continuous treatment of sewage (Gotaas e; 31., 1954; Ludwig g; 31., 1951; Oswald g: al., 1953a, b). Other applications of single-stage continuous fermenta- tion include the continuous propagation of an Aspergillus for use as a medium supplement (Ruf g; 31., 1948) and a lactic acid process, using Lactobacillus (Whittier and Rogers, 1931). This process was abandoned because side reactions could be more easily avoided in a batch process (Olive, 1949). The modified single-stage process is generally used where a product other than the microorganisms themselves is desired. Many single-stage fermenters have been designed to permit the reuse of the cells by recirculation or by con- structing the fermenters so that most of the cells are retained 18 in the reactor vessel. The activated sludge process, discovered in 1914 (Ardern and Lockett, 1914), is an example of this type (Babbitt, 1953; Imhoff and Fair, 1956; McCabe §§.§1., 1956: Metcalf and Eddy, 1935). In this process, a biomass consisting of a mixed culture of microorganisms, is recirculated from the final settling tanks back to the aeration tanks to serve as a massive inoculum for the incoming sewage. Such treatment loWers the organic content of the sewage and there is some indication that it may be an economical way of reducing the sulfates, which are present, to sulfides, which would be of value in manufacturing sulfuric acid (Butlin, 1958; Butlin §£_§1,, 1956). Yeast processes might also be conducted in a similar way, with a protion of the yeast being continually recirculated (Kalyuzhniyi _§§_a1., 1955b). Another example of the modified single-stage process is the vinegar generator (Allgeier 33.31., 1952, 1953, 1954) which reused the acetic acid-producing bacteria, except that in this case the Acetgbacter organisms remain fixed to the packing, while the medium, partially acidified by recirculating some of the vinegar, flows continuously through the generator. This operation permits the re-use of the microorganisms at optimum conditions for vinegar formation rather than at optimum conditions for growth. The "Fesselhefe" method of making alcohol from sulfite waste liquor (DeBecze and Rosenblatt, 1943) as well as a few other systems (Powell, 1958a; Sarkov, 19 1950), uses a packed bed to which yeast is bound. A pulp suspension has also been described which is used for binding the yeast in much the same way as a packed bed (Andreev, 1955; Kalyuzhniyi, 1955, 1957). Northrop gt 31,, (1919) described acetone-ethyl alcohol fermentations in which a Bacillus used as the fermenting organism was bound to a bed of wood shavings. A fungus product, itaconic acid, has been made in much the same way, with an intermittent feed replacing half the fermenter contents with fresh medium at the conclusion of each fermen— tation (Pfeiffer §t_§1,, 1952). In addition there are a number of processes which, though based on the principles of the batch process, approach the continuous process in actual operation. The Boinot alcohol process (DeBecze and Rosenblatt, 1943) recovered all the yeast left after fermentation and used it to initiate a new alcoholic fermentation. Gluconic acid fermentations, in which the fungi removed from the beer by contrifuging or filtering are used to start a new fermentation, have also t §_1_., 1940; Porges 3311., 1940, 1941); been described (Moyer A number of processes have been described in which the fermentation is initiated in one vessel and finished in others. For purposes of this discussion these processes have been grouped together under the heading of multiple-stage processes. This method generally results in either more 20 efficient use of the nutrient or better yield of product, by permitting different conditions in each of the fermenters. Many yeast fermentation processes have been reported. (Altsheler §t_§1,, 1947; Andreev and Bolondz, 1955; Asai gt al., 1952; Ashkinuzi 33 _l., 1953; Berenshtein, 1954; Cekan, 1939; DeBecze and Rosenblatt, 1943; Dyr gt 31,, 1958; Ericcson, 1947; Gladhii, 1946; Harris 33 al., 19483; International Yeast Co., Ltd., 1926; Invention and Daranyi, 1932; Kazumov, 1957; Keussler, 1943; Kuffner and Kuffner, 1933; Lebedev, 1936; Logotkin, 1937, 1939, Malchenko and Christyakov, 1949; Malek .SE.21-v 1957, 1953b; Olsen, 1927; Roseira de Mattos, 1951; Savchenko, 1957; Smidrkal and Nejedley, 1956; Van Riju £3 31., 1906; Yarovenko e; al., 1957; Zak and Dedkov, 1957), which are designed to produce either yeast, alcohol, or glycerol, and may use as many as eight fermenters in series. In many of the small and medium-sized European distilleries, this system is reported to be quite popular (DeBecze and Rosenblatt, 1943). A complex study of the continuous fermentation of starch raw materials to alcohol was taken up by Yarovenko g; 31., (1957). In this case the situation was complicated by the subsequent hyrolysis of dextrins to sugars during fermentation. A Japanese worker (Ueda, 1956) described the conditions of continuous fermentation of sugar and starch substrates from a theoretical and practical point of view. The optimum conditions 21 for yeast growth in a multi—stage system of tanks according to the utilization of nitrogen were discussed by Konovalov (1959). The problem of utilization of poorly assimilable sugars and of adaptation to these sugars and toxic substances in sulphite liquors was studied by Fencl and Burger (1958). Other papers dealing with continuous multi-stage fermentation describe a system for the production of baker's yeast (Rost, 1957); the pilot—plant production of glycerol by using Zygosaccharomyces (Harris and Hajny, 1959); the culture of Saccharomyces rouxii (Dawson, 1959); the production of fruit wines (Krawczyk, 1958); the continuous production of acetone-butanol (Yerusalimsky, 1958a, b, c); the long-term vegetative transfer and continuous culture of Clostridium acetobutylicum (Dyr and Protiva, 1958; Dyr t al., 1958) and the production of 2,3-buty1englycol by bacteria (Pirt and Callow, 1958). Beer and yeast yield was studied in relation to the rate of dilution, temperature and number of fermenters by Hough and Rudin (1958). The continuous production of antibiotics is potentially the single most important application of continuous culture techniques. Although a number of commercial organizations are known to have carried steady-state fermentations for antibiotics production through varying degrees of development, the published literature shows very little indication of the progress in 22 this area. In 1950 and 1951 patents were awarded to the Distillers Co., Ltd. for single-stage continuous fermentation processes to be used in making streptomycin (Distillers Co., Ltd., 1951, 1953). A fermenter with a 30 liter operating capacity has also been described (Kroll,§t_§l,, 1956) which was used for continuous fermentation of unspecified anti- biotics. Subtilin has been made by a modified single-stage fermentation where a small portion of the preceding run is left in the fermenter as inoculum for the next run (Garibaldi, 1949). With the exception of these brief references, penicillin and chloramphenicol are the only antibibtics which the literature indicates as being produced by continuous fermentation (Abrahm, 1941; Clifton, 1943; Ehrlich §t_§1,, 1948; Gerhardt, 1959; Lewis and Lucas, 1945; Moor, 1945; Stice and Pratt, 1946). 23 III; THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS The various types of processes used for the continuous cultivation of microorganisms described in Section II of this dissertation are governed by certain mathematical principles which are common to all. Monod (1942, 1949, 1950) was the first to develop in a satisfactory manner the fundamental equations which define the behavior of a continuous culture. These fundamental concepts were later elaborated upon by Novick and Szilard (1958, 1954, 1951). Since the appearance of these papers a number of other authors (Contois, 1959; Drobnica, 1959; Elsworth £3 21., 1957; Herbert, 1958a, b, 1959a; Herbert ._£.21-v 1956; Ludwig gt 21,, 1951; Luedeking and Piret, 1958a, b; Maaloe gg_al., 1958; Maxon, 1955; Moser, 1957a, 1958; Northam, 1958; Pasynskii, 1957; Powell, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1958; Rosenberger, 1958; SpiCer, 1955; Ueda, 1956; Yerusalimsky, 1958a, b, c, 1959a, b) have published further information con- cerning the theory of continuous cultivation of microorganisms. The theory of continuous cuIture, as well as the application of the method, has been the subject of several reviews (Bartlett, 1958; Herbert, 1958b; Malek and Hospodka, 1960; Maxon, 1955; Monod, 1950; Novick, 1955; Serfontein and Weyland, 1959). Malek and Hospodka (1960) list a number of symposia (Beran, 1958; Tunevall, 1959; Yerusalimsky, 1959a; 24 Symposia, 1954, 1958a, b, 1959) concerning the theory of continuous cultivation of microorganisms. Continuous flow systems generally consist of a reactor into which nutrients flow at a steady rate and from which products emerge. The factors governing the operation of such a continuous flow system are (1) the way in which materials pass through the reactor and (2) the kinetics of the reaction taking place in the reactor. As Danckwerts (1954) pointed out the first may be characterized by the distribution of residence-times of molecules or minute particles passing through the system. In general two types of reactors are listed in the literature. These are the completely-mixed tank and the ideal tubular type with piston flow and no mixing. In the ideal piston flow type all of the particles have the same residence- time, equal to the mean residence-time While complete mixing generally produces a wide spread of residence-times about the mean. The piston flow reactor will be the more efficient for chemical reactions whose rates fall off as the reaction proceeds. but the completely-mixed reactor will be more efficient for reactions of the "autocatalytic" type’whose rates increase with time (Danckwerts, 1954). Since bacterial growth is an auto- catalytic process, the completely-mixed reactor should be the most efficient type for continuous bacterial culture 25 (Herbert et al., 1956) and will be the only type considered in this discussion. The reactor used in the experiments described later in this thesis consisted of a one or three liter culture vessel in which the organism could be grown under controlled conditions. Sterile growth medium was fed into the vessel at a controlled flow rate and culture emerged from it at the same rate. The volume of the liquid in the reactor remained constant. The contents of the reactor were sufficiently well stirred, via the aeration system, to approximate the ideal of complete mixing and the entering growth medium was instantaneously and uniformly dispersed throughout the vessel. The assumption of "perfect mixing"--of instantaneous and homogeneous dispersal of the ingoing medium--great1y simplifies the theoretical analysis of continuous cultures. It is obvious that for purposes of study, at least, the degree of mixing should be well defined in some sense, but it is not at all obvious that an adequate approximation to "perfect mixing" is practically attainable (Powell, 1956). A con- tinuous culture is particularly sensitive to lack of homogeneity, because of the steep fall in output near the critical dilution rate. Moreover, the growth rate is not strictly equal to the dilution rate unless the mixing is perfect. Average residence-times in a vessle, such as used in 26 these experiments, will be determined not by the absolute values of the flow-rate and culture volume but by their ratio which may be called the dilution rate, D, defined as the number of complete volume-changes per unit time. Expressed mathematically D is equal to f/v where f is the flow rate into the culture vessel and v is the volume of the vessel. The mean residence-time of a particle in the culture vessel is equal to 1/D (Herbert et_al,, 1956). Herbert $3.31., (1956) developed equations which define the behavior of a continuous culture. These equations are essentially identical to those developed by Monod (1942, 1949, 1950) although their derivation is different and some- what simpler than Monods. The derivation of the fundamental mathematical relationships of continuous culture presented here follows closely that given by Herbert g: 31., (1956). The symbols used in this derivation are as follows: x = cell concentration, mg cell dry wt/liter, §'= steady-state value of x, x0 = beginning cell concentration, Ax = increase in cell concentration, t = time, hours, t'= mean residence time, hours, td = doubling time, i.e., the time required for the concentration of organisms to double, hours, . At ml 27 -change in time. substrate concentration inside the reactor, mg/l, steady-state value of 5, concentration of substrate entering react r, mg/l, constant equal to the substrate concentration at Which k = 1/2 km, dilution rate = f/v = number of complete volume changes/hour, critical value of the dilution rate D above which complete "wash out" occurs, rate of flow of feed solution into reactor, ml/hr, volume of reactor, ml, yield constant which is equal to weight of bacteria formed/weight of substrate used, growth constant or the specific growth rate = rate of increase/unit of organism concentration which is equal to 1/x ' dx/dt. maximum rate of growth = the maximum value of k at saturation levels of substrate. A. Kinetics 2; Bacterial Growth 1. Derivation pf the specific growth rate ky—The specific growth rate k may be derived starting with the familiar exponential 28 growth formula x = x e (1) upon differentiation equation (1) beomes 935 = kAt (2) x H v. equation (2) may be expressed as g; = kdt (3) X solving equation (3) for k dx = 1 dx dtx x dt k (4) The expression l/x - dx/dt is termed the specific growth rate and defines the rate of increase in cell concentration per unit 6f cell concentration per unit time. The actual rate of increase of concentration of organisms, dx/dt, is sometimes also called the growth rate but is obviously not a. constant. It has also been shown (Herbert g; 21., 1956) that the expression l/x - dx/dt is equal to logez/td where td represents the doubling time, i.e., the time required for the concentration of organisms to double. k then may be expressed as loge2 k='———= (5) x dt td In equation (5) k and td are generally assumed to be constants. It should be pointed out that this assumption is correct only when all substrates necessary for growth are present in excess (Herbert pp 21., 1956). 29 2. Relationship between the specific growth rate and the concentration pf pp essential growth substrate--Monod (1942) was the first to show the relationship between the specific growth rate, k, and the concentration of an essential growth substrate. k is nearly proportional to the substrate concentration when the substrate concentration is low but reaches a maximum value at high substrate concentrations. To formulate these conditions mathematically Monod proposed the following equation: ). (6) It follows from this equation that exponential growth can occur at specific growth rates having any value between zero and km, provided that the substrate concentration can be held at the appropriate value (Monod, 1950; Novick and Szilard, 1950). Monod (1942) was also the first to show that there is a simple relationship between growth and utilization of sub- strate. This may be demonstrated in a growth media containing a single organic substrate; under these conditions the growth rate is a constant fraction, Y, of the substrate utilization rate: -- = -Y-- (7) where Y is known as the yield constant. Thus over any finite .... {Sill 30 period of growth weight of bacteria formed Y = weight of substrate used ° (8) If the values of the three constants km, Sa' and Y are known equations (5), (6), and (7) provide a complete quantitative description of the growth cycle of a batch culture (Monod, 1942). These same equations and constants are equally applicable to the theoretical treatment of continuous culture. B. Kinetics 9: Growth ip Continuous Culture In the development of a theoretical basis for growth in a continuous culture certain assumptions are usually made. It is generally assumed that the bacteria are growing under complete mixing; that the inflowing medium contains a single organic substrate, such as glucose, at concentration SR; that all other substrates are present in excess; and that the culture vessel is so efficiently aerated that the oxygen supply is always adequate. Under these conditions the supply of organic substrate is the sole growth-limiting factor. The variables within the control of the experimenter are then the substrate concentration and flow rate of the incoming culture medium. A complete theory must describe how variation of these factors affects the growth rate and concentrations of organisms and of substrate in the growth vessel. 31 1. Expression pf the wash-out rate-—If one makes the assumption that the bacteria in the reactor are not growing or dividing then every organism in the vessel having a residence-time greater than t is e-Dt. The wash—out rate (the rate at which organisms initially present in the vessel would be washed out if growth ceased but flow continued) may be expressed as -231:- = Dx (9) 2. Changes ip concentration pf organisms--The organisms in a continuous culture vessel are growing at a rate described by equation (5) and at the same time are being waShed out of the vessel at a rate determined by equation (9). The net rate of increase of concentration of organisms is given by the simple balance equation (the individual terms refer to rates in each case): increase = growth - output or dx dt - kx - Dx (10) It may be seen from equation (10) that if k is greater than D, dx/dt is positive and the concentration of organisms will increase, while if D is greater than k, dx/dt is negative and the concentration of organisms will decrease, eventually to zero. When k equals D, dx/dt equals zero and x is constant then a steady-state exists in which the concentration of organisms 32 does not change with time. Under these steady-state conditions, the specific growth rate, k, of the organisms in the culture vessel is exactly equal to the dilution rate D. During the steady-state condition k equals D. 3. Changes ip_substrate concentration-—In the continuous culture vessel, substrate is entering at a concentration SR: being consumed by the organisms and flowing out at a concen- tration s. The net rate of change of substrate concentration is obtained from the balance equation (the individual terms refer to rates); increase = input - output - consumption or . . growth a = - - . incre se input output yield constant or ds kx dt sB Ds ‘Y (11) 4. Fundamental equations pf continuous culture-- Equations (10) and (11) both contain k, which is itself a function of 3 (see equation 6). By substituting (6) in equations (10) and (11) the following equations are obtained: from (10) dx dt — kx-Dx or dx 3 dt - x (km ) - Dx (12) S +s a 33 and from (11) is. __ 19$ dt — Ds Ds Y or S d5 X[km(sa+s)] '5: = Ds - Ds — Y or ds kmX s a = D(SR -S) - Y (Sa+3) (13) Equations (12) and (13) define completely the behavior of a continuous culture in which the fundamental growth relations are given by equations (5), (6) and (7) (§1., 1956). These equations are virtually identical to the equations developed by Monod (1950), although their derivation is different from and much simpler than Monods. 5. The steady-state system--Considering equations (12) and (13) it is apparent that if SR and D are held at constant values and D does not exceed a certain critical value Do then steady-state values exist for x and s for which both dx/dt and ds/dt are zero. Solving (12) and (13) for dx/dt and ds/dt equal to zero these steady-state values of'x and 5 may be given as D E = Sa (k -D) (14) m and —-Y( )-Y[ s<——D—-—)1 ' SR'S " SR" akm -D (15) 34 From these equations the steady-state concentrations of bacteria and substrate in the culture vessel can be predicted for any value of the dilution rate and concentration of inflowing sub- strate, provided the values of the growth constants km, Sa' and Y are known. These equations were also first derived by Monod (1950). The equations describe accurately the situation existing once a steady-state has been established but there is no evidence that starting from non-steady state conditions, a steady-state must inevitably be reached. The proof of this was provided by Powell (1956) who has shown that, starting from any initial values of x and s, the system inevitably adjusts itself to the steady-state defined by equations (14) and (15), and that this is the only stable state of the system. For example, consider a system Which has just been inoculated, when x is very small, 5 is nearly equal to s and k is greater R than D. The concentration of organisms will increase but owing to the resulting fall in substrate concentration the Specific growth rate will decrease, until eventually k becomes equal to D. At this point the combined rates of substrate consumption and loss just balance the rate of substrate addition and the system shows no further tendency to change. The system is stable in the sense that small accidental fluctuations from the steady-state values will set up opposing reactions which 35 will restore the status quo. It is this automatic self- adjusting property of the system that makes continuous culture such a valuable research tool. As already stated, in the steady-state the specific growth rate is equal to the dilution rate log 2 e 'S k - t — km (S +a') -—D (16) d a The doubling time t is therefore equal to 0.693/D; i.e., if d one volume per hour is flowing through the culture vessel, the mass of organisms will be doubling every 42 minutes. It is evident from equations (14) and (15) that the steady-state values of the concentrations of organisms and substrate depend solely on the values of sR and D (since km. Sa, and Y are constant for a given organism and growth medium). By varying sR and D an infinite number of steady-states can be obtained. A somewhat different mathematical approach than the one just given to the fundamental concepts of continuous culture has been presented by at least three authors (Finn and Wilson, 1954; Golle, 1953; Northrop, 1954). Their tehoretical treatments are quite different from that of Herbert g; 31., (1956) and very little experimental data are presented in support of their theoretical conclusions. 36 C. Effect 9: Contamination The possibility of contamination is one of the major objections generally raised (Warner pp 21., 1954a, b) to the use of continuous flow techniques on a large scale. This objection has been answered by Dawson and Pirt (1954) as based solely on conjecture. It will have to be admitted how- ever that contamination is potentially a serious problem in continuous culture work since the long operating periods make them particularly liable to the occasional introduction of undesirable organisms. Mathematical equations (Golle, 1953; Bartlett, 1958) have been developed which show that the mere entry of a foreign organism into a continuous culture does not necessarily mean that the process will fail. Assume that a continuous culture unit has been con- taminated by a foreign organism. There are three possibilities with respect to the growth rate of the foreign organisms in the contaminated unit. Their growth rate can becgreater than, equal to, or less than the dilution rate. If the growth rate is greater than the dilution rate then the concentration of the contaminant will increase exponentially with time until the steady—state concentration of the limiting substrate: is reduced to the point where the growth rate equals the dilution rate. Under these conditions, the growth rate of the original 37 organism will be less than the dilution rate and its concentration decrease to zero exponentially. An infection by an organism with this type of growth rate will cause a complete failure of the process. If, on the other hand, the growth rate of the contaminant is less than the dilution rate then its concentration will approach a limit under the point where the growth rate equals the dilution rate. A contamination by such an organism will become serious only if its rate of entry is extremely high and its growth rate only slightly less or equal to that of the desired organism. D. Effect pf Mutation When mutation occurs in a continuous culture unit in operation it is governed by the same principles that have been applied in the discussion of contamination. By the same line of reasoning that was applied in the treatment of contamination, if the growth rate of the mutant, is greater than the dilution rate, the entire culture will be replaced by the mutant form. If the growth rate of the mutant is equal to the dilution rate, the concentration of the mutant will increase linearly and if the growth rate of the mutant is less than the dilution rate, the concentration of the mutant 38 will approach a limit under the point where the growth rate equals the dilution rate. Two general conclusions may be drawn with respect to mutation. Regardless of the growth rate of the mutant, the continuous culture unit cannot be entirely free of variant organisms, and if the growth rate of the mutant is greater than the dilution rate a steadily increasing number of mutants will be encountered. This was used to advantage by Novick and Szilard (1950, 1951) to study mutation rates and to obtain large populations of a desirable mutant. In the case where the growth rate of the mutant equals the dilution rate, the concentration of the mutant would probably increase very slowly. However, if selective growth in favor of an undesired type should occur in this case the continuous culture unit would have to be stopped. The only condition that will permit uninterrupted operation requires that the growth rate constant of the undesired variant be less than that of the parent organism. 39 IV. EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS, CULTURE AND METHODS A. Description pf Apparatus An experimental apparatus was developed which consisted of a continuous flow reaction chamber in which a constant volume of a growing pure culture of bacteria was maintained. Techniques were developed for the continuous feeding of medium to this culture, continuous aeration of the culture, sampling of the culture and continuous discharge of the culture from the reaction chamber at a constant rate. This apparatus is shown in Figure 1. 1. Reaction Chamber--Due to the wide range of k values investigated it was necessary to use two separate reaction chambers. In one of these a constant culture volume of one liter was maintained and in the other.a Constant culture volume of three liters was maintained. The three liter reaction chamber was used for the very small k values while the one liter reaction chamber was used for the higher k values. The reaction chambers were identical except for the position of the discharge opening. The discharge opening was positioned so that the contents of the chamber would flow out when the volume reached one liter in one reaction chamber and 40 .moumnmmmm 30H“ mooscflucou .H wuomflm 41 chamber and three liters in the other. The one liter reaction chamber is shown in Figure 2. Each reaction chamber consisted of a pyrex glass con- tainer 12.5 cm wide and 32 cm deep. The top of the reaction chamber was also of pyrex glass with three 2.5 cm openings positioned around a 3.5 cm center opening. The top was fastened to the reaction chamber by means of a metal ring with three spring clamps. In order to prevent contamination at the union between the top and the reaction chamber Lubriseal r‘ (Arthur H. Thomas Co.) was placed between the two and the union was in turn wrapped tightly with one inch masking tape. This arrangement proved to be very satisfactory throughout these experiments. Lubriseal was also used on all the glass fittings and stopcocks of this apparatus. The temperature of the reaction chamber was regulated by immersing the chamber in a water bath (30 cm high, 30 cm deep and 60 cm long). The temperature of the water bath was maintained at 30C.: 0.5C throughout these experiments by means of a Fenwal thermoregulator and heater. The water in the bath was kept in constant agitation by means of a metal stirring rod attached to a small motor. 2. System for inoculation and sampling pf the reaction chamber--A schematic diagram of the system used for sampling and inoculation of the reaction chamber is shown in Figure 3. Figure 2. One Liter Reaction Chamber. 42 43 Opening for Inoculation Clamp A Culture Reaction Chamber \ Clamp B / /////d Cotton Filter ‘ “#1 Clamp C " b ///// Cotton Filter #2 I z \ Two-way stopcock Tube containing 70% alcohol L/i Figure 3. System for Sampling and Inoculation. 44 The procedure used for inoculation was as follows: A pipette containing five m1 of a 48 hour culture of E, gpli_was inserted in the opening for inoculation in the system. Clamp B was closed and Clamp A was opened. Clamps B and C were then opened and the inoculum entered the reaction chamber. Clamp A was then closed for the remainder of the experiment. The tubing used in this sytem, as with the aeration and pumping systems, was a thick walled rubber tubing (I D - 0.40 cm, 0 D — 1.50 cm). An attempt was made to use plastic tubing for the connections in this apparatus but this proved to be very unsuccessful due to the fact that the tubing would expand during autoclaving and would not contract upon cooling. Numerous attempts to run the unit with plastic tubing failed due to contamination at the union of the plastic tubing with the glass tubing. The use of thick walled rubber tubing, along with metal screw type clamps at the union of the rubber tubing with the glass tubing, was found to be very satisfactory in the prevention of contamination. 3. System for the sampling.p£ culture ip the reaction chamber--Referring again to Figure 3, the technique for the removal of samples for analytical purposes from the reaction chamber was as follows: The tube containing 70 percent ethyl alcohol (this tube was used to prevent contamination while the sampling system was not in use) was removed. The two-way 45 stopcock was then adjusted so as to open the system containing cotton filter II. This allowed the alcohol to drain from the end of the sampling system. Clamp C was then closed and Clamp B was opened. The two-way stopcock was adjusted so as to allow liquid to flow from the reaction chamber. Suction was then applied to the end of the sampling tube and an appropriate amount (usually 50 m1) of sample was drawn into a flask. After the desired amount of sample was taken the two- way stopcock was closed. Clamp C was then opened thus allowing the sample in the sampling system between the reaction chamber and the T to re-enter the reaction chamber. Clamp B was then closed again sealing off the reaction chamber. The two- way stopcock was again adjusted allowing the rest of the sample in the sampling system to drain into the sample flask. The two-way stopcock was closed and the tube containing 70 percent alcohol was then placed over the end of the sampling system. The two-way stopcock was then adjusted so as to open the system containing cotton Filter II. This allowed the alcohol to fill the end of the sampling tube from the two-way stopcock down. The cotton filters used in this system consisted of glass tubes 25 cm long and 1.5 cm in diameter which were packed with absorbent cotton. This size filter proved to be very 46 satisfactory throughout the experiments. These filters were removed every two or three weeks and new filters put in their place. 4. System for the aeration p§_£h§_cul§ure ip_£h§_reaction chamber--A schematic diagram of the system used for the aeration of the culture in the reaction chamber is given in Figure 4. Due to the fact that the pressure of the laboratory air supply was extremely variable (between 80 and 120 psi) a system was developed to insure a steady and reproducible air supply. The air from the compressed air line was passed first through a pressure reducing valve which reduced the air pressure from 80 - 120 psi to l - 15 psi. From the pressure reducing valve the air passed through a pressure gauge and then through a needle valve. The air flow was controlled by setting the needle valve at a constant position and adjusting the pressure reducing valve to the desired pressure. As long as the needle valve setting remained constant a given reading on the pressure gauge would always give the same rate of air flow. This system was found to be very reliable and varied from day to day by only a very small amount. Next the air passed through a Wet test meter (Precision Scientific Co.). Daily readings from this meter gave information on the rate of air flow to the reaction chamber. The wet test meter was followed by a large sterile cotton filter 47 Wet Test F—J//////////IT—l Meter "r‘ Cotton Filter r1 ‘1 4, Needle valve Pressure gauge Pressure reducing valve ‘L ‘9 O c 1t 8 u ure . Reactiofl O Compressed air Chamber 0 1ne O O O O 0 , 8 \ == / Figure 4. System for Aeration of Culture in Reaction Chamber.' 48 (26 cm long and 3.5 cm in diameter). This filter was replaced at least once a week by another sterile filter of the same size. The sterile air then passed into the reaction chamber and was dispersed into small bubbles by fritted glass dispersion tubes. The three liter reaction chamber contained one large fritted glass dispersion tube while the one liter chamber contained two smaller glass dispersion tubes. Besides supplying the needed oxygen to the culture this air supply also served another purpose. The rate of air passing through the unit was always high enough to keep the culture in a state of constant agitation. This helped to keep the culture in a uniform state and to prevent the bacterial cells from settling to the bottom of the reaction changer and as a mixing device to thoroughly mix the incoming substrate supply with that already present in the reaction chamber. The air left the reaction chamber by way of the sub- strate overflow line. This constant flow of air out the sub- strate overflow line helped to prevent a back-up of contamination into the reaction chamber through this line. 5. System for providing the reaction chamber with g constant supply pf substrate—-A schematic diagram of the system used for the constant feeding of substrate to the reaction chamber is shown in Figure 5. The substrate used in these experiments 49 .H0QEM£O cofluommm ou mumuumnom mcflcwmm now Ewume .m magmas mfidm At L I / ////// nmuaam aouuoo mousse aouuoo \ l L l l I mean some ca xmmnm Hmnfimnu COHuummm mHSDHSU / ldlll D O O mo Illm osmao .... \ \ . Kinsman 50 was made up in batches of twenty liters. The container was a twenty liter pyrex bottle and was protected from contamination by a rubber stopper, covered at all times by a thick layer of cotton, and a cotton filter placed in the air intake line. The feed solution was pumped from the twenty liter bottle to the reaction chamber by means of a Sigmamotor Model T65 pump. With this pump the flow rate could be adjusted by two methods; first, by varying the rpm of the motor and second, by varying the size of the rubber tubing passing through the pump. Both methods were used in these experiments. This pump proved to be entirely satisfactory and was far superior to roller action pumps or to a gravitational feed system. It was found necessary to provide a break in the feed line inside the reaction chamber in order to prevent growth of the E, gpli_from backing up into the feed line. The device shown in Figure 5 was found to be very satisfactory in preventing the aerosol, which formed as a result of the aeration of the culture, from contaminating the feed line. Once the feed line was contaminated with the culture from the reaction chamber it was not possible to prevent contamination of the twenty liter bottle of feed solution. A long stem graduated separatory funnel was inserted in the feed line for the purpose of determining the feed rate of the substrate entering the reaction chamber. As may be seen 51 in Figure 5 this feed rate determination was made as follows: Clamp A (normally open) was closed and Clamp B (normally closed) was opened. This directed the flow of feed solution down into the graduated separatory funnel and the feed rate was determined as ml/min with the aid of a stopwatch. A small air line connected to a cotton filter was inserted in this system in order to prevent a build-up of air inside the closed graduated separatory funnel. 6. System for the discharge pf effluent from the reaction chamber--A schematic diagram of the system used for the dis- charge of culture from the reaction chamber is given in Figure 6. This system served two purposes. First, it acted as the culture overflow system (thereby maintaining a constant volume in the reaction chamber) and second, it served as the air exit line. As with the substrate supply system it was found necessary to have a break in the overflow line in order to prevent contamination from growing back up the line. Con- tamination of various types was always present in the twenty liter collection bottle at the end of the system but at no time did the contamination grow past the break in the overflow line. Two factors helped in preventing a back-up of contamination into the reaction chamber. First, there was a constant flow of air out this line and second, the walls of the flask were 52 Reaction Chamber 4 1" Culture / / ’/ // ‘ IHH Water bath la’l l W“ i -) Flask Break in over- flow line Be aker*- «b ‘0 0’ 0' O 0' C) C) C) Twenty liter collectisn bottle Figure 6. System for the Discharge of Culture from the Reaction Chamber. 53 dry at all times. All attempts to run the apparatus without this break in the line failed due to the back-up of contamination in the overflow line. 7. Sterilization pf the apparatus-—All parts of this apparatus were sterilized in a gas autoclave at 15 lbs pressure and 125 C for at least 30 minutes. The reaction chamber, aeration system, sampling system, and feed system (without the twenty liter bottle) were sterilized together. The other parts of the apparatus were sterilized separately and connected to the rest of the system by means of three inch pieces of sterile, heavy rubber tubing. B. Medium The medium used for an aerobic continuous flow system must meet at least three requirements. First, it must supply all of the essential growth requirements for the organism used. Second, all constituents, except the one being studied, must be present in excess to insure only one growth limiting sub- stance in the media. Third, the growth of the organism in the medium must not equal or surpass the available oxygen supply and thereby making oxygen a growth limiting factor. 1. Composition--The medium used in these experiments was a modification of that used by Garrett and Sawyer (1952). This 54 medium had the following composition: Substance gm/liter Glucose 1.0 Urea 0.5 KH2P04 0.14 MgSO4 0.03 FeSO4 0.005 CaCl2 0.01 Yeast extract 0.01 In addition to the above constituents 100 m1 of 0.106 N sulfuric acid was added to each 20 liters of the medium for the initial pH adjustment. The amount of each constituent in the medium is such that the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium and nutriles (supplied by the yeast extract) are present in excess. The amount of growth of the E, 99;; in this medium was limited only by the amount of glucose present. During preliminary experiments, using the above medium containing 2 grams of glucose per liter, the efficiency of the aeration system was found to be a limiting factor in the amount of growth produced. Under these conditions the amount of dissolved oxygen in the reaction chamber soon reached zero and remained there. No such difficulty was found with the medium containing a glucose concentration of 1 gram per liter 55 ,as dissolved oxygen was always present in the reaction chamber. 2. Preparation--The medium was prepared in batches of 20 liters. In order to prevent caramelization of the glucose during sterilization the glucose was sterilized in 100 m1 of 0.106 N sulfuric acid. This was then added to the rest of the medium after the sterilization was complete. Each batch of medium was sterilized in a gas autoclave for at least one hour at 15 lbs pressure. C. Culture A number of different organisms were tried in the continuous flow unit before a suitable one was found. Many of the organisms tested were unsuitable for use in the system because of clumping, sticking to the sides of the reaction chamber, inconsistent growth or a tendency to settle to the bottom of the reaction chamber. An accurate determination of growth was not possible using an organism with any of these characteristics. The organism selected for these studies was a strain of Escherichia coli (obtained from Dr. E. D. Devereux, Department of Microbiology and Public Health, Michigan State University). After a short adaptation period this organism was found to have the ideal characteristics for use in the 56 Continuous flow system. Its growth was evenly dispersed with no tendency to clump or to stick to the sides of the reaction chamber. The physiological characteristics of this strain were tested both before and after its prolonged use in the continuous flow system. With the exception of sucrose fermentation the physiological characteristics of the organism at the end of its use in the continuous flow system were identical to those found before its adaptation to this system. This strain of E, 29;; apparently lost its ability to ferment sucrose during its use in the continuous flow system. The physiological and morphological characteristics of this strain were as follows: Characteristic' Strain of E. coli used Morphology Small rod, usually occurring ' singly, a few pairs always present, non-motile, non- encapsulated, non-spore forming, gram negative. Fermentation Glucose - acid with gas reactions Lactose - acid with gas Maltose - acid with gas Mannitol - acid with gas Sucrose - acid with gas before use in the' , continuous flow system; No acid or gas after use in the continuous flow system. Hydrogen sulfide Negative production 57 Characteristic Strain of E, coli used Citric acid or Negative salts utilized Methyl red test Positive Voges-Proskauer test Negative Indol production Positive Fecal odor Negative Gelatin liquefaction Negative D. Analytical Techniques l. Glucose determination-~The procedure used for the determination of glucose was a modification of the method used by Nelson (1944). Nelson's procedure consists of a photometric adaptation of the Somogyi method (Somogyi, 1937) for the determination of glucose. This method is based on the autoreduction of copper in the presence of glucose followed by the development of a blue color with a arsenomolybdate reagent. The optical density of the color developed is proportional to the glucose concentration and is stable over long periods of time (Woods and Mellon, 1941). The composition of the reagents used in this test is listed in the appendix. The optical density was determined using a Bausch and 58 Lomb Spectronic 20 colorimeter connected to a Raytheon Voltage Stabilizer. The optical density for this procedure was determined at the following wave lengths: 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, and 650 u. The widest optical density spread was obtained at a wave length of 650 u and this was used for all determinations. The procedure used for the determination of glucose was as follows: (1) To 20 m1 of the solution containing the glucose to be determined, (2) Add 1 ml of Ba(OH)2 and 1 m1 of ZnSO4 solutions to precipitate the bacterial cells. Several different volumes (from 0.5 to 10 ml) of these two reagents were tried. The volume found necessary to precipitate the bacterial cells in 20 ml of suspension from the reaction chamber was 1 ml. (3) Filter. (4) To 10 m1 of the filtrate add 5 m1 of copper reagent. This was made up daily by adding 1 part or copper solution B to 25 parts of copper solution A. (5) Place the tubes in boiling water for 20 minutes. (6) Place tubes in cold water to cool. (7) Add 5 ml Arsenomolybdate color reagent. (8) Mix thoroughly.until all carbon dioxide has evolved. (9) Read optical density in Spectronic 20 at 650 u. 59 Several different ratios of glucose filtrate to the copper reagents and the Arsenomolybdate were treid to find which would give the best results in the very low (1-10_ppm) glucose concentration range. The best results were obtained with the ratios given above. Determination 92 standard glucose curve--Eight different concentrations of glucose were made up by dilution from a solution containing 1000 mg/l glucose. The optical density of the color formed by the arsenomolybdate color reagent was determined on each of these solutions. The results obtained were as follows: Tube No Glucose con mg/l Optical density Blank -- 0 1 50 2 2 40 2 3 30 2 4 20 1.49 5 10 0.71 6 5 0.29 7 3 0.26 8 1 0.04 By using the method of least squares a line was obtained from these data with a slope of 0.073. The equation for the line was y = 0.073x. The standard deviation of the slope 60 was : 0.0159. The graphic relationship between glucose 'concentration and optical density is given in Figure 7. 2. Dry weight determinations--The relationship between optical density and mg/l cell dry weight was determined by using a Bausch and Lomb Spectronic 20 colorimeter connected to a Raytheon Voltage Stabilizer. The optical density for this procedure was determined at the following wave lengths: 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, 600, and 650 u. The widest optical density spread was obtained at a wave length of 350 u. This wave length was used for all cell dry weight determinations. The mg/l cell dry weight was determined by passing a known volume of cell suspension through a millipore filter which had been previously weighed. The filter and cells were then dried at 103 C for 24 hours. The mg/l cell dry weight was obtained from the difference in these two weights. A weight determination on the millipore filter indicated no appreciable loss of weight of the filter due to the heating at 103 C for 24 hours. Determination p: the standarddensity curve--A flask containing 1000 ml of nutrient medium was inoculated with E, 92;; and aerated for 48 hours. Three 25 ml samples of the resulting suspension were passed through previously weighed millipore filters. The cell dry weights obtained from these samples were 8.8, 8.7, and 8.7 mg. This corresponds to 349.2 61 ON mmOUSHm H\mE .Q>HDU OmOUUHU UHMUCQUM .h musmflh AIISNSG TVDIldO 62 mg/l of E, 39;; suspension. Optical density determinations 'were made on the suspension containing 349.2 mg/l cell dry weight and dilutions of this suspension. The following table shows the results of these determinations: Tube No. mg/l cell dry wt. Optical density 1 349.2 0.64 2 232.8 0.44 3 155.2 0.28 4 103.5 0.15 5 69.0 0.065 By using the method of least squares a line was obtained from these data with a slope of 0.0018. The equation for the line was y = 0.018x. The standard deviation of the slope was : 0.00036. The graphic relationship between mg/l cell dry weight and optical density is shown in Figure 8. 3. Dissolved oxygen determinations¢~The procedure used for the determination of dissolved oxygen in the reaction chamber was a modification of the standard Winkler method (Standard Methods for the Examination of Water, Sewage and Industrial Wastes, 1955). This method is based on the oxidation of manganous hydroxide in a highly alkaline solution. The solution was then acidified in the presence of an iodide and free iodine was liberated in an amount equivalent to the oxygen 63 Xmaoo.o .m>uso .uB who Hamo cnmccmum .us sue Hamo H\ms .m wusmflm OON OOH cm 00 ow ON a - q - q d - n W A W d 4 Katsueo TESTldO 64 originally dissovled in the sample. The free iodine was then titrated with a sodium thiosulfate solution, using starch as an indicator after most of the iodine had been reduced. The composition of the reagents used in this test is given in the appendix. The procedure used for this test was as follows: (1) To 50 ml of the sample from the reaction chamber, (2) Add 0.5 m1 of manganous sulfate solution and 0.5 ml of alkaline-iodide reagent, (3) Shake and allow to stand for 1 minute, (4) Add 0.5 m1 concentrated sulfuric acid, shake and allow to stand for five minutes, (5) Titrate with 0.025 N sodium thiosulfate solution using starch as an internal indicator after most of the iodine had been reduced. The above test was carried out in a tube specially made for this purpose. This tube had a total volume of 51.0 ml in order to prevent aeration of the sample during shaking. 4. Oxygen uptake determinations-~Determination of the osygen uptake rates, at the different k values studied, were conducted in a circular 20 unit Warburg constant volume respirometer. The procedure used in the determination of the respiration rates was as follows: Five ml of E. coli suspension taken from.the reaction 65 chamber was placed in each of six Warburg flasks. A‘2 cm square piece of folded filter paper was placed in the center well of each flask in addition to 0.2 ml of a ten percent solution of potassium hydroxide to absorb the carbon diOxide that was produced. The flasks were then attached to their respective manometers and immersed in a water bath. The flasks were then allowed to equilibrate, with shaking, for ten to fifteen minutes before the manometer stopcocks were closed and readings started. The shaking rate used in all of the experiments was 116 strokes per minute. ‘ The time interval between manometer readings varied during the experiments. At the very small k values it was necessary to use a time interval of at least 1 hour between each reading. At the higher k values manometer readings could be taken every five or ten minutes. Care was taken not to use any data in which there was a significant decrease in the respiration rate between manometer readings. Most of the oxygen uptake rates reported represent an average of at least 18 separate determinations for each k value studied. These 18 determinations represent six-separate determinations each day at least three days for each k value. All oxygen uptake data were calculated in terms of ulOZ/mg cell dry weight/hour. (The following two equations, as given by Umbreit pp.§l., 66 (1957), were used in calculating the oxygen uptake rates: 273 . V ——T__ + Vf O (l) Flask constant K = g P o where V = Volume of gas phase in flask, T = absolute temperature, Vf = volume of fluid in flask, \ o = Bunsed Coefficient = 0.0260 (ml oxygen in solution per ml liquid at 1 atm pressure at 30 C, P0 = 10,035 (standard pressure of mercury in terms of manometer fluid). (2) Amount of gas exchanged X = h x K, where h alteration in reading on open arm of manometer, k flask constant. The composition of the Brodie's solution used in the manometers is given in the appendix. 5. _pH determination p: control--pH determinations were made three or four times daily using a Beckman Model H-2 pH meter. Twenty m1 of sample was taken from the reaction chamber, placed in a 50 ml beaker, and the pH determined at room temperature. The pH of the feed solution was adjusted so that after sterilization the pH was between 7.8 and 8.2. Due to the production of acid by the organisms the pH of the material 67 inside the reaction chamber would drop to 5.2-5.6 if allowed (to go unadjusted. For this reason a 500 ml container of sterile 0.1 N sodium hydroxide was inserted in the system. By addition of sodium hydroxide three or four times daily the pH of the material in the reaction chamber was maintained between 6.4 and 7.0. The average pH value obtained during the experiments was 6.7. If the unit was running at very low k values only small amounts of sodium hydroxide were needed but at higher k values it was necessary to add as much as 10 to 30 ml of the sodium hydroxide solution three or four times daily in order to maintain the pH at approximately 6.7. 6. Microscopic examination--Daily samples were taken from the reaction chamber and examined under the oil objective lens of the microscope. Both wet mounts and gram stained pre- parations were routinely examined. When contamination did occur it was usually detected by the microscopic examinations. In such cases the unit was shut down, cleaned, sterilized, and inoculated again with a culture known to be free of contamination. 7. Nitrogen determination--Total nitrogen determinations made on organisms taken from the reaction chamber served two purposes. First, to characterize the strain of E, gpll_used and second, to determine if nitrogen was present in the 68 medium in excess so that it did not constitute a growth limiting factor. The procedure used for the total nitrogen determinations was essentially the same as that listed by the A.0.A.C Official Methods of Ananysis (1950). This procedure was as follows: (1) Six one gram samples of dried organisms were placed in Kjeldahl flasks, (2) Two grams of copper sulfate, 4 grams of potassium sulfate along with 30 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid were added to the flasks, (3) The mixture was digested for 1.5 hours and then allowed to cool, '(4) 200 ml of amonia free distilled water was added to each flask along with two or three pieces of granulated zinc (to decrease bumping) and 60 m1 of sodium hydroxide solution (450 gm sodium hydroxide/l water) to make the mixture alkaline, (5) The mixture was again heated and approximately 150 ml was distilled into 25 ml of 0.106 N sulfuric acid, (6) The amount of acid used up was determined by titration with 0.115 N sodium hydroxide using methyl red as an indicator, (7) The percent nitrogen in the sample was calculated as follows: 69 1.4 x N acid gms of sample X ml acid used by NH Percent nitrogen = 3 M1 acid used bY NH = (m1 acid used .E_2§§§ 3 . — N acid x ml base) 8. Ash determination--Ash determinations were made on samples of E, gpll_taken from the reaction chamber. The procedure used for these determinations was as follows: (1) One gram of dry cell material was placed in an electric muffle furnace heated to a low red heat (650 C), (2) After at least three hours in the furnace the sample was removed, allowed to cool in a desiccator and weighed, (3) The percent ash was then calculated using the following formula: wt of ash Percent ash wt of sample x 100 9. Viable cell count—-In order to obtain an estimate of the relationship between mg/l cell dry weight and the number of viable cells present per liter in the reaction chamber a technique similar to the drop plate technique first reported by Miles and Misra (1938) and later modified by Tomales-Lebron and Fernandos (1952) and Mallmann and Broitman (1956) was used. This procedure is predicated on the premise that colonies will appear on a suitable medium from each single culturable cell placed on the medium. The procedure used was as follows: 70 (1) Medium was prepared consisting of the same composition .as the feed solution and containing two percent agar. The medium was poured into standard size plastic Petri dishes and allowed to stand in an inverted position over night at room temperature in order to allow the surface of the plates to become dry, (2) Six equidistant circles approximately 2 cm in diameter were drawn on the bottom of each Petri dish, (3) Appropriate dilutions were made from samples taken from the reaction chamber. Using a 0.2 ml.pipette, 0.1 ml of each dilution was delivered to each of the six spots. Duplicate plates were set up giving a total of 12 counts for each dilution, (4) To prevent the drops from running together the plates were not moved for at least one hour, (5) After the drop had been completely absorbed by the agar the plates were incubated at 37 C for 48 hours and then counted. 71 V. RESULTS The data presented in this section were taken daily from the continuous flow unit during three separate experiments. The first experiment lasted for a period of 64 days. The purpose of this experiment was to establish the relationship between substrate concentration in the unit and k and to obtain the approximate value for the maximum growth rate km. Oxygen uptake data were also taken in order to determine the relation- ship between k and the respiration rate. The first experiment covered a D range of 0.059 to 0.85. The second experiment lasted for a period of 33 days. The main purpose of this experiment was to evaluate km as close as possible and also to confirm the data from the first experiment. The D range of the second experiment was 0.061 to 0.717. The third experiment lasted for a period of 37 days and its purpose was to establish the relationship between k and substrate concentration in the unit at extremely low k values. The D range of this experiment was between 0.011 and 0.081. At the beginning of each of these three experiments the unit was sterilized and filled with medium. The unit was then allowed to stand for a period of three or four days in order to determine if any contamination were present. If the 72 medium remained clear five ml of a 48 hour culture of E, 22;; was added for inoculation. The unit was then allowed to stand for another period of two or three days until heavy growth was visible in the unit. The flow of nutrient solution was then started and maintained for at least seven days at a low flow rate (1 ml/min) in order to allow the unit to stabilize itself. Data were obtained daily from the continuous flow unit as follows: 1. Glucose determinations--Two glucose determinations were made on the influent medium and two more on samples taken from the unit, 2. Dry weight—-mg/1 cell dry weight was determined at least once each day, 3. Dissolved oxygen--Dissolved oxygen measurements were made once daily during the investigation of the low D values and 3 to 5 times daily while the unit was operated at the higher D values. The dissolved oxygen range obtained during the three experiments was 0.5 to 4.8 ppm, in other words, the dissolved oxygen concentration did not decrease below 0.5 mg/l at any time. The rate of air supply, as measured by a Wet-test Meter, varied from 1.0 l per min at small D values to 3.1 1 per min at the higher D values. The dissolved oxygen figures indicate that at no time during the operation 73 of the unit was dissolved oxygen a limiting factor. 4. Oxygen uptake--Six Warburg flasks were set up each day in order to determine the respiration rate, 5. pH—-pH determinations were made at least once a day during the investigation of the low D values and 4 to 8 times daily while the unit was running at the higher D values, 6. Microscopic examinations--At least one wet mount and one gram stain preparation were examined each day. A. Experiment E9. E The one liter continuous flow unit was operated at the following D values for a period of three consecutive days for each D value: 0.059, 0.091, 0.124, 0.178, 0.240, 0.301, 0.360, 0.425, 0.485, 0.546, 0.610, 0.660, and 0.730. In addition to these values the unit was also operated for two days at a D value of 0.794 and one day at a D value of 0.847. After data were obtained over a three day period for one of the D values listed, the flow rate of medium into the unit was changed, thus adjusting the unit to a new D value. The unit was then allowed to run at the new D value for at least 24 hours before any additional data were taken. When the D value at which the unit was being operated reached 0.730 the cell concentration in the unit dropped below the steady- state average. 74 The data obtained from the continuous flow unit during experiment No. 1 are given in Tables 1-15. Averages of these data, along with the averages of data obtained from experiment No. 2 are given in Table 17. B. Experiment E2. g In order to confirm the data from experiment No. 1 and 'UDpinpmfint more exactly the value of km the one liter continuous flow unit was operated for a period of 33 days at the following D values: 0.061, 0.119, 0.238, 0.307, 0.427, 0.529, 0.599, 0.658, 0.662, 0.668, 0.658, and 0.725 for a period of two days; one day at D values ranging from 0.689 to 0.717; and 4 days at a D value of 0.694. The same procedure was used as in experiment No. l. The data obtained from the unit during this experiment are given in Table 16. Averages of these data, along with the averages of the data obtained from experiment No. l are given in Table 17. C. Experiment E2-.§ In order to establish the relationship between k and substrate concentration at low concentration values the three liter unit was operated for a period of 37 days at the following 75 D values: 0.081, 0.062, 0.052, 0.020, and 0.011. The larger unit capacity was necessary in order to obtain the very small D values. The data obtained during this experiment are given in Table 18. D. Establishment p£_the Steady-State The relationship between cell concentration in the unit and D is shown in Figure 9. The data used for this plot were taken from Table 17. (Each of the points on this figure represent an average of three days data (with the exception of the D values above 0.694). As may be seen from Figure l and Table 19 the cell concentration remained at a constant Value between D values of 0.059 and 0.694. As the unit was operated at D values above 0.694 the concentration of cells in the unit decreased. This indicates that steady-state conditions existed between D values of 0.059 and 0.694. Since, by definition, D is equal to k during the steady-state, the D values cocurring within the steady-state will be referred to as k values from this point on. The average cell concentration during this steady-state condition was found to be 427 mg dry cell Wt/l with a standard deviation of 9mg/l. The points above a D value of 0.69, shown in Figure l and Table 19, represent a combination of data taken from 76 experiments Nos. 1 and 2. Points 1-7 were obtained from , experiment No. 1 in the following manner: Prior to point 1 the unit had been running for two days at a D value of 0.69 and a cell concentration of 426 mg/l. The unit was then adjusted to a_D value of 0.73 for a period of 32 hours. As shown by points 1, 2, and 3 cell concentration values of 400, 394, and 394 mg/l were obtained at 7, 21, and 32 hours respectively. The unit was then adjusted to a D value of 0.79 and allowed to run at this value for 20 hours. The cell concentration at the end of this 20 hour period was 311 mg/l indicating a wash-out of cells from the unit (point 4, Figure 9). The unit was then adjusted to a D value of 0.85 and allowed to run at this rate for 23 hours. Cell concentrations of 202, 176, and 156 mg/l were obtained at 12, 16 and 23 hours respectively (points 5, 6, and 7, Figure 9). This indicates that at a D value of 0.85 cells are washed out of the unit faster than they are replaced by growth, i.e., km must be below 0.85. Finally the unit was adjusted to a D value of 0.69 and the cell concentra- tion rose to the steady-state range value of 417 mg/l. Points 8-11, Figure 9, were plotted from data obtained from experiment No. 2 and were obtained in the following manner: Prior to point 8 the unit had been running for two days at a D value of 0.66 with a cell concentration of 422 mg/l. The unit was then adjusted to a D value of 0.73 and allowed to 77 run at this rate for 2 days. At the end of this period the cell concentration dropped to 370 again indicating wash-out of cells from the unit (point 8, Figure 9). The D value of the unit was then adjusted to 0.66 and allowed to run at this rate for 6 days. At the end of this 6 day period the cell concentration was 429 mg/l. Following this 6 day run the unit was then operated for another 6 days at a D value of 0.69I The cell concentration at the end of this period was 430 mg/l. The D value of the unit was then adjusted to 0.71 and allowed to run at this rate for 3 days. The daily cell concentrations were 400, 390 and 360 mg/l (points 9, 10, 11, Figure 9). This represents a slow but continuous decrease over the 3 day period indicating that a D value of 0.71 is slightly above km. Finally the unit was adjusted to a D value of 0.69 and allowed to run at this rate for 4 days. The cell concentration again rose to a steady-state range value of 422 mg/l. As mentioned before, from the experimental data presented in Figure 9 and Table 19, it can be seen that the cell concentration in the unit decreased, indicating non- steady-state, as the D value increased beyond 0.69. As illustrated by points 1-3, 5-7, and 9—11 (Figure 9), this decrease in cell concentration was a function of time; i.e., as the unit was operated at a given D value above 0.69 the 78 unit did not adjust itself to a new steady-state, instead the cell concentration continued to decrease even though the D value was kept constant. This may also be seen from Table 19 which shows a summation of the data taken when the unit was operated at D values above 0.69. This decrease in cell concentration, at a particular D value above 0.69, indicates that cells are washed out from the unit faster than they are replaced. Herbert g£_§l,, (1956) gave the following formula to express the wash-out rate from a continuous flow unit: 525 - dt Dx (9) This equation would express the wash-out rate under the condition that k is equal to zero. It may be assumed that under conditions where D is greater than km the organisms are still growing at a rate equal to km. Equation (9) would then have to be modified as follows: as -dt = D-km)x (17) A similar equation has been proposed by Finn and Wilson (1954). The theoretical concentration of cells in the unit after the unit has been running at a D value above km for a given period of time may then be calculated from the relation- ship -(D-k) m Y = xe (18) where y equals the cell concentration after time t and x is 79 equal to the initial cell concentration. The theoretical cell concentration was calculated using the data obtained at a D value of 0.85. The cell concentration at the time the unit was adjusted to this D value was 311 mg/l. After operating at this D value for 23 hours eht cell concentration was 156 mg/l. The theoretical cell concentration for the unit running at a D value of 0.85 for 23 hours was calculated to be 7.78 mg/l. This relationship between actual cell concentration and calculated cell concentration is shown in Figure 10. As may be seen from this figure the actual time for complete wash—out at a D value of 0.85 would be approximately 40 hours while the complete wash-out period based on the calculated figures would be approximately 25 hours. In other words the actual wash-out rate from the unit was less than the theoretical wash-out rate. One possible reason for this is that the equations are based on the assumption of complete and instaneous mixing. Actually the unit may not have had complete mixing, therefore the difference. k was also assumed to be constant under these conditions but there was no way to prove this experimentally. The relationship between D and substrate concentration over a D range of 0.059 to 0.855 is shown in Figure 11. The data used for this figure were taken from Table 17. Figure 11 shows that as D is increased the substrate concentration 80 also increases. It was shown in Figure 9 and Table 19 that the non-steady-state begins at D values higher than 0.69. Since km (0.69) corresponds to a substrate concentration of 180 mg/l it can be deducted that above 180 mg/l substrate concentra- tion k is independent of the substrate concentration. Below 180 mg/l substrate concentration k is related to substrate concentration in the manner shown by the curve in Figure 13. E. Establishment of k -—--m km may be defined as the maximum rate of growth of a culture or the maximum value of k at saturation levels of nutrients. The value of km for this strain of E, 39;; grown under these experimental conditions was determined by two methods. The results obtained by these two methods were as follows: 1. Continuous flow determination pE_Em--As already indicated steady-state conditions existed between k values of 0.059 and 0.694. When the unit was operated at D values above 0.694 the concentration of cells in the unit decreased. The higher the D value above 0.694 the faster the cell con- centration decreased. The data shown in Figure 9 therefore indicates that the km value for this strain of E, 2211' grown under these experimental conditions, was between 0.69 and 0.71. 81 2. Batch culture determination pE_Em--In order to determine km by the use of batch culture procedures and also to determine if selective mutation occurred for different growth rates, two batch culture determinations of km were made. The first of these (listed as Flask A) was made before the culture of E, gpii_was introduced into the continuous flow unit. The second batch culture determination of km (listed as Flask B) was made using organisms taken from the continuous flow unit after the unit had been running for three months. For each of these determinations a flask containing 1 liter of liquid medium was inoculated with a heavy inoculum of the culture. Optical density determinations were made every 30 minutes on each flask for a period of seven hours. The results of these determinations are shown in Figure 12. The following table also shows a summation of the data obtained from these two batch culture determinations. Flask A Flask B Slope by method of least squares (km) 0.665 0.686 Slope by method of averages 0.66 i 0.11 0.69 i 0.076 Generation time (min) 62.4 60.6 pH range 6.5-6.8 6.4-7.0 The t test, according to the procedure given by Youden (1951), gives a t value of 3.008 on a comparison of the two slopes. 82 The 1 percent critical value for t with 8 degrees of freedom (n + n - 4) is 3.355. This indicates that there was no significant difference in the slopes of the two lines and therefore no significant difference in the growth rates of the organisms in the two samples. F. Relationship between Substrate Concentration, Experimental E_and Calculated E_values The data pertaining to the relationship between sub- strate concentration and k obtained from the continuous flow unit are given in Table 20 and Figure 13. From Figure 13 it can be seen that, during the steady-state condition, as the substrate concentration in the unit increases the k value also increases. Also given in Table 20 and Figure 13 are the k values that have been calculated by two different methods. The first method was by using the relationship k=k(s) (6) m Sa + s as given by Monod (1942) and Herbert gp.EE.,(l956). The values of km and Sa used in this calculation were obtained from the experimental data and were 0.69 and 40 reSpectively. Sa is defined as that substrate concentration at which k is equal to l/2km and may be obtained, along with the value for km from 83 the data presented in either Table 17 or Figure 13. As may be seen in Figure 13 the k values calculated by this method follow the experimental values closely up to a k value of about 0.4 and then fall considerably below the experimental values at the higher 5 values. Another method of obtaining the constants km and Sa would be to employ the Lineweaver-Burke plot (Dixon and Webb, 1958), which is based on a modification of equation (6): i’ - + ——— x ——- (19) When l/k is plotted on the y axis and l/x on the x axis, the y intercept is equal to l/kfi and the x intercept is equal to l/Sa. The results obtained by plotting the experimental data from experiment No. l in this manner are shown in Figure 14. The values of km and Sa were calculated to be 1.20 and 120.5 respectively by the method of least squares. This indicates that the experimental relationship between k, km, and s does not follow this expression as the values for km and Sa are much higher than the experimentally obtained values of 0.69 and 40 respectively. The general shape of the experimental curve suggests that the relationship between substrate concentration and k may follow a unimolecular expression of the type given by Teissier (1936). 84 k = k (1 - 6“") (20) m c in this case may be defined as a reaction velocity constant. Here too there is a problem of calculating the values for km and c. Reed and Theriault (1931) devised a method whereby km and c can be caluclated from a series of experimental data by three simulteneous equations: 2 Zle - AZfl - BZflf2 - CZflf3 - o 2 ZfZY - AZflf2 - BZf2 - CZf2f3 — o 2 Zf3Y - AZflf3 - B2f2f3 - CZf3 — o where - cls fl = 1 - e - cls f2 = se cls f3 = e A=k m Y = k -Bzcn c' = 2.302585c" c = c' xh B h_k m Using the data presented in Table 17 (only the data obtained during the steady-state condition were used) in the solution of these three equations, km was calculated to be 0.69. 85 This is in full agreement with the experimental data. c was calcualted to be 0.012 from these equations. The results from the use of this method indicate that the equation for the relationship between substrate concentration and k would be k = 0.69 (1—e-O°0128) (21) k values calculated according to this equation are given in Table 20 and are shown graphically in Figure 13. Although the calculated values are all lower than the experimental values it can be seen that the general shape of the curve shows good agreement with that obtained from the experimental values. G. Relationship between E and Substrate Concentration 25 Low 2 Values The relationship between D and substrate concentration at low D values was investigated in experiment No. 3. The results of this experiment are given in Table 18. As may be seen from this table, as the D value drops the substrate con- centration in the unit also drops. The relationship between D and substrate concentration obtained during experiment No. 3 is shown graphically in Figure 15. These data indicate that steady-state conditions existed at D values as low as 0.02. These figures also indicate that the k range at which this 86 strain of E, 39;; may be kept in a steady—state under these (experimental conditions is 0.02-0.69. When the unit was operated at a D value below 0.02 the cell concentration in the unit decreased. At this point the substrate concentration in the effluent or inside the unit was 1 mg/l or below and too low to be measured. This indicates that at D values below 0.02 and at substrate concentrations below 1 mg/l k appraoches zero so that the cells are washed out according to equation (9). H. Relationship between E_and Respiration Rate During SteadyeState Conditions Respiration rate determinations were made during experiment No. l. The summation of the oxygen uptake data is presented in Table 17. The relationship between respiration rate and k during the steady-state operation of the continuous flow unit is presented in Figure 16. An examination of this figure indicates that there is a direct linear relationship between respiration rate and k during the steady-state operation. A linear relationship was also obtained by Herbert (1959b) measuring the oxygen uptake at different k values of Aerobacter ' aerogenes grown in continuous culture. The oxygen uptake data presented in Table 17 also indicate that the reSpiration rate increases with k until a maximum rate is reached. The maximum respiration rate corresponds to the maximum k value 87 (km) at which the unit can be operated under steady-state conditions. An increase in D above 0.69, the value corresponding to km does not increase the respiration rate of the organisms. The equation for the line shown in Figure 16, as calculated by the method of least squares is Q = 9.43 + 543.6 k 02 where 002 is the reSpiration rate in u l/mg cell dry wt/hr. From this equation the respiration rate for any given k value can be calculated. It is suggested that the value for the constant a (9.43), is given in this equation, represents the endogenous respiration rate of this organism under these experimental conditions. The average respiration rate obtained at a D value of 0.69 and higher was 347 u 102/mg cell dry wt/hr. This value is higher than the respiration rate of 272 u 102/mg cell dry wt/hr at 32 C given by Spector (1956) for £2.2211- In fact such a respiration rate would correspond to a k value of 0.49 under the experimental conditions described here. A linear relationship was obtained between the actual amount of oxygen consumed and the theoretical amount of oxygen needed for complete oxidation of the sugar used by the organisms. The data used in the calculation of this relationship are given in Table 21 and are shown graphically in Figure 17. As may be seen from Table 21 only 33.8 to 38.9 percent of the 88 theoretical oxygen needed for complete oxidation of the amount of glucose assimilated was actually consumed. The equation for this relationship, as shown in Figure 21, was calculated by the method of least squares and found to be Y = 0.37X Where Y is equal to the actual amount of oxygen consumed in terms of u 102/mg cell dry wt/hr and X is equal to the theoretical amount of oxygen needed for the complete oxidation of the sugar assimilated. These data indicate that during the steady-state operation of the unit, approximately 37 per— cent of the assimilated substrate was oxidized. The relationship between percent of theoretical oxygen utilized and k during the steady—state operation of the unit is given in Figure 18. The data shown in this figure also demonstrate that regardless of the value of k 37 percent of the theoretical oxygen needed are consumed. I. Calculation pg the Economic Coefficient During Steady+State Conditions The economic coefficient was calculated for each of the k values used during the steady-state operation of the unit. The following formula was used for these calculations: weight of Bacteria formed/unit time ' ff' ' t . ' ' Economic coe 1c1en weight of Substrate used/unit time 89 The data obtained from these calculations are given in Table 22. The graphic presentation of the relationship between the economic coefficient and k may be seen in Figure 19. These data indicate that the economic coefficient of the organism during the steady-state operation of the unit was between 44.3 and 54.7 percent. These values agree well with a value of 53.0 percent reported by Herbert gp.§l., (1956) for the steady-state growth of Aerobacter cloacae utilizing glycerol as a carbon source. These data also indicate that there may be a gradual rise in economic coefficient as the k value increases. This rise in economic coefficient appears to be of the order of ten percent, i.e., the organisms were converting substrate into cell material at a ten percent higher efficiency at the maximum k value than at the lowest k value. This may be related to the problem of endogenous respiration and will be discussed later in Section VI of this report. J. Application 2: Experimental Data pp Theoretical Steady-State Equations The following relationship between'S, 88, D and km has been proposed by Monod (1950) and Herbert §£_§l,, (1956): ) (l4) 90 The results obtained from the application of the experimental data during the steady-state condition to this equation.are presented in Table 23 and Figure 20. The values of Sa and km used in these calculations were 40 and 0.69 respectively. As may be seen from Table 23 and Figure 20 the calculated'§ values follow the experimental E values closely until a k value of 0.4 is reached. From this point on the calculated E'values are much higher than the experimental E values. It will be recalled that a similar breaking point occurred when the experimental data were applied to equation (6). There appears to be no relationship between these calculated 5 values and reality since for a k value of 0.69 the calculated § value is higher than that for SR, the substrate concentration entering the unit. Monod (1950) and Herbert pp p;., (1956) give the following equation to show the relationship between R, Y, SR' km,.Sa, and D: - _ D x - Y (SR — s) - Y [SR - Sa ( k _ D m )1 (15) The experimental values obtained for Y, SR and Sa were applied to the first part of this relationship 2 = Y (sR - E) The results obtained for the calculation of the steady-state cell concentrations are presented in Table 24. As may be seen from this table the calculated steady-state cell concentrations are in full agreement with the experimentally obtained values. 91 This was to be expected since Y has been calculated previously in the same manner. An entirely different picture was obtained when the steady-state cell concentrations were calculated using the last part of this relationship _ D X _ Y.[SR- Sa( km - D )1 The results obtained from the application of the experimental data during the steady-state condition to this equation are presented in Table 25. The results were calculated using both an average Y value of 47 percent and the actual experimental Y values obtained during the operation of the unit. An average value of 964 was used for SR and a value of 40 was used for Sa. As may be seen from Table 25 the i values calculated using the average Y value of 47 percent are higher than the experimental values at the low k values and are much lower than the experimental a values at the high k values. The i values calculated using the actual Y values are in close agreement with the experimental x values until a k value of 0.4 was reached. From this point the calculated i values indicate that wash-out is occurring from the unit while the experimental i values indicate that the steady-state condition still exists. This breaking point again occurs at about the same k value as in equations (6) and (14). 92 K. Nitrogen, Ash, and Moisture Determinations Samples were taken from the unit while it was running at a k value of 0.062.’ The cells from these samples were obtained by high speed centrifugation. Nitrogen, ash, and moisture determinations were made as described in Section IV. The results of these determinations are summarized in the following table: Nitrogen Moisture Ash % dry wt % % 12.6 72.5 8.5 12.0 72.0 8.3 11.9 72.8 8.3 12.7 72.6 8.7" 11.4 72.9 9.7* 11.7 70.6* 8.5 * not used in calculating average The average values of 12.1 percent nitrogen, 72.6 percent moisture and 8.5 percent ash are in agreement with the values of 73 percent moisture, 8.6 percent ash and 9-13 percent given by Spector (1956) for E, coli. L. Culturable Cell Count Culturable cell counts were made by the method described in Section IV. The following data were obtained at a cell concentration of 422 mg cell dry wt/l during steady-state 93 operation of the unit: Count x 108 cells/ml \l\l(DO\\lUI le-thwb The average of these data is 7.0 x 108. Each figure given represents an average of 12 counts; i.e., two plates each containing six counts. These figures indicate that 1 mg cell dry wt represents approximately 16.6 x 108 viable cells and that during steady-state conditions the unit was operated at a concentration of approximately 7.0 x 108 cells/ml. 94 mGOHumHsUHmo CH cums uoc muons cm om mm mm om mm mm mm mm ram om vv «ca mm mm mm mm mm mm H.m wmm N m 0mm N.m 0mm m . mom .v 0mm mm fi'lfl mom omm NNv has NN¢ hmw m.© 00.5H mm.® Ho.ha mm.o vm.wa 00.0 mm.bH 00.0 mmmnw>€ Hn\mE\moad mxmumo cmm>xo ucmusmm ucmsamcH H\mE mumnumnsm H\mE coo HHGU mm munlmawu aflE\HE coauamumo 36am ensues hon .H .02 ucwfiflummxm mcfluoc mmo.o mo 05Hm> Q m um was: 30am mooscflucoc onu Eoum cmcflmuno mumn .H mHQmB 95 macaumasoamo ca cums uoc muons mm mv mm me on no mm mm *mH Hm mm «ca mm mm *hN mv mm mm om KON N.m m.h Hem ohm 0mm mum 0mm com com mmv mmv hmw mm? 0.0 ¢O.HH vo.HH HH.HH mm.oa Hm.H Hm.H om.H mm.H mmmum>¢ ue\mE\moaa mxmums cmmhxo ucmsammm H\mE mumnumnsm pamsaucH H\ms coo HHmU mm unfilmEHu cowucmuma cwE\HE 30am masons hmo .H .02 ucmaflnmmxm mcfluso amo.o mo wsHm> D m on pass 30am mooscflucoo on» Eoum cwcwmuno mama .N OHQMB 96 mcowumasoamo ca cums Doc mqu« on m.mH omm Hmc 0.0 mo.m no.m mmmuo>m on on am am no 0mm mo v.mH 0mm one m.o Hm.m mo.m m *m mm on no em o.HH mom mo ¢.oa «0mm mmv m.o cm.o OH.N m mm mm mm mm so omm mm mom omo o.© mo.m ho.m a H£\Em\moai DcmsHmmm ucmsamcH H\mE mm mHSImEHu GHE\aE hon mxmpms H\mE mumnumnsm coo Hamo cowucmumn 30am cflsqu cmm>xo .H .02 ucmafiummxd mcfluoc oma.o mo moam> Q m we pass 30am mooscflucoo may Scum cmcwmuno mumn .m manna 97 mcoflumasoamo ca cums Doc muons 00H NHH hm woa mad *N0 mm VOH NHH 0m SNH 0HH moa HOH mm OHH 00H cm MOH How 000 mom somm 00m 000 000 mmv 0.0 m0.m 0m.N mmv 0.0 hm.m mm.m haw 0.0 h0.m cm.m mmw v.0 m0.m 0m.N mmmnm>< H£\mE\moaj mxmums cmmwxo CHE\HE hon 36am ounces pamsauum ucmsaucH H\ms mo H\mE mumuumnom coo Hamo mHSImEHu coaucmumn .H .02 ucmfiwnmmxm moanso moa.o mo moam> Q o we pass 30am mooscflucoo may Eoum cecamuno mung .o manna 98 mcoAumHsoamo cfl cums Doc muons Has mom Ame 6.6 6H.a Ho.a mmmum>4 NMH mma moa oca 0vH 0.0m 000 «ma m.0m mom was m.0 ca.v mo.v m amaa ova mma oma 0ma mwm ova 0.Hm omm mmv o.0 om.v 1m.m m mma oca mma oma mma 0.0m 00m mca mmm has m.0 ma.v No.¢ H H£\mE\NOH1 ucwoamwm ucmsHMCH H\mE mm mnnlwawu CHE\HE hon mxmuos H\mE mumuumnsm coo Hamu coaucwumn 36am cflsvflq cmm>xo .H .02 ucmawummxm mcauoc ovm.o mo moam> Q m um was: 30am msoocaucoc map Eonm cocflmuno sumo .m mamas 99 mcoflumasoamo ca owns #0: muons 00H NBA mom 50H v0H ¥m0 00H 00H b0a 0ha mom Nam Hma m0H 50H 50H ahoa ova 00H hm hm hm mm mm mm 0m H00 O00 O00 O00 mh0 000 000 mmw bmc mmv mmw Nm.m mo.m hm.m 00.0 Hm.m ¢O.m hm.m 00.0 mmmum>< H£\0E\moad mxmumo cm0>xo ucmsauwm ucmsaucH H\0E mumhumnsm H\0E coo Hamo mm assumed» nae\ae coauaoumo 30am canvas hon .H .02 ucmfiwuwmxm moansc Hom.o Mo moam> Q o no pass 30am mooscfiucoo on“ Eoum pmcflmuno mama .0 OHQMB 100 mcofiumasoamo cw cums Doc muons 0NN *0NH 0am wmm NON amm ham 0mm 0mm 0mm hNN Hum *0ma NNN 0am acm NNN hmm 00m 000 000 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soausmumo 30am canvas H£\0E\H1 unmadmmm ucmoamcH HE\0E mm mxmucs H\ms mumnumnsm coo Hamo cmmmxo .H .02 ucwEHHmmxm moanop 000.0 00 moam> 0 m um pass 30am mooscflucoo may Scum cmGHmuno open .0 manna 103 VHO 0H0 HON 0N0 h0N Nam 000 00N ham 00N HNO 000 5H0 000 N00 000 0N0 Nam 0N0 00H 00 00 00 00 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 mma m.e mm.H ma.m mmmum>¢ 00¢ 0.0 00.H 0A.0 0 00¢ 0.0 c0.a 00.0 N wa 0.0 H0.H N.0 H H£\0E\Hj mxmums cmmwxo ucmsammm ucmsamcH HE\0E mumuumnom HE\0E mm mHSImEHu GAE\HE Mme coo Haoo coflucmumo 30am canvas .H .02 pcmfiflummxm 0cHHo0 000.0 00 moam> 0 m um was: 30am mooscfiucoo may Eoum cmcfimuno mama .oa magma 104 mcoHDMHoono CH 00m: #0: muons 000 H00 000 000 000 000 0N0 0N0 HHO 000 000 0N0 H00 0H0 0N0 000 H00 000 0N0 NHH OOH. &. mHH HHH 0HH NHH 00H 000 000 000 0P0 000 000 000 0N0 0H0 000 0N0 00.H 0H.0H mmmhm>¢ 00.H N.0H 0 00.H N.0H H u£\0E\H: mxmumo cmmhxo peasants hamsamcH HE\0E mumnumnom H\0E coo HHmU mm mHSImEHu GHE\HE moo coaucmuwo 30am canvas 0cHuo0 0H0.o mo msHm> Q m um uHcs Bon mDOSCHucoo .H .02 ucmEHMGQXm 0:» Scum cmchuno sumo .HH mHnt 105 mCOHumHDUHmo CH 0mm: Doc muons 000 000 H00 000 000 000 H00 *00N H00 000 000 000 H00 000 000 000 000 000 H00 HOH *00N 00H 00H NOH 00H 00H 000 000 000 *000 000 000 000 000 000 NNO 000 H0.H 00.H 00.H 00.H 00.HH 00MH0>0 0H.HH 0 0H.HH N 00.0H H HA\0E\H1 mxmums cmmwxo ucdemmm ucmsamaH HE\0E mumuumnsm HE\0E coo HHmO mm mnnlmaHp COHucmumn GHE\HE men 300 3an 0cHHsc 00.0 00 05Hm> 0 m we uHcs BOHM mooscHucoo .H .02 ucmEHHmmxm may Scum omchuno mama .NH mHnma 106 H00 500 000 000 H00 000 N00 N00 0N0 000 0N0 5N0 000 H00 000 000 H00 000 000 HA\0E\H1 oxmums cmmhxo 00H 00H 00N 00H 00H h0H 00H ucmsflmmm 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ucmsamcH HE\0E mumnumfldm 000 000 000 000 HE\0E coo HHmU 00.H 00.H 00.H 00.H munlmEHu COHucmumn >0.NH 0H.0H 00.HH 0N.NH GHE\HE 30am nausea m0mum>¢ hum 0cHH50 0o.0 mo msHm> Q m um uHcs SOHM mooscHucoo .H .02 ucwEHHmmxm mg» Scum cmCHmqu mama .0H wHQmB 107 N00 000 H00 500 000 N00 000 000 H00 000 N00 N00 000 000 00N NON 00N 00N 000 000 000 000 HHO 000 0.0 em.a «.ma mmmum>1 0.0 0N.H N.0H H u£\0E\H1 mxmums cwmhxo ucmsauum ucmsamcH HE\0E mumuumnsm HE\0E coo HHmU mm munthHu GHE\HE hon coaucmumo 36am canvas mousse am>.o mo msam> o m um sacs 30am .H .02 ucmEHHmmxm mooscHucoo may Eonm cmchunO mqu .0H mHQma 108 chHDMHsono CH can: no: muons 000 000 H00 000 N00 000 P00 000 000 H00 000 N00 >00 HNO 000 N00 aSON F00 HNO 000 N00 000 000 000 N00 000 000 000 000 000 000 0B0 ¥0N0 00H 00H NON 0.0 ma.a ma.aa ommum>¢ 0.0 0H.H 0H.0H AH: NHVH s.0 BH.H as: sea «.0 ma.a mH.¢H Ann was H£\0E\H1 mxmums cmmmxo quDHmmm ucmsHmcH HE\0E mumuumnsm HE\0E coo HHmo mm musumfiHu GHE\HE awn coaucmumo 30am canons mousse omm.o mo msam> o m um one: 36am .H .02 ucmEHmexm mooscHucoo map scum cmchuno mqu .0H wHQma 109 Table 16. Data obtained from the continuous flow unit during experiment No. 2. Substrate con mg/l Cell con D pH Influent Effluent mg/l 0.061 6.5 965 5.6 427 950 4.3 0.119 6.8 980 13.0 434 965 13.9 0.238 6.9 960 34.6 417 830* 31.0 0.307 6.4 975 42 438 960 38 0.427 6.0 960 68 422 950 61 0.529 6.5 955 98 427 980 106 0.599 6.7 945 124 434 975 120 0.658 6.3 980 159 422 900* 150 0.658 6.5 990 157 427 960 148 0.662 6.5 960 140 438 985 155 0.668 6.8 970 153 422 834* 148 0.689 6.7 980 175 434 950 168 0.689 6.4 630* 170 422 680* 165 0.694 6.5 975 178 434 960 171 0.694 6.7 965 176 422 970 179 0.694 6.4 980 168 434 955 164 0.709 6.4 965 210 400 960 196 0.714 6.8 990 217 390 970 224 ' 0.717 6.5 965 237 360 840* 143* 0.725 6.8 960 200 352 970 220 *Data not used in calculations 110 Table 17. Summary of averages of data taken during experiments 1 and 2. Cell con Substrate con mg/l Oxygen uptake D mg/l Influent Effluent 1/mg/hr 0.059 422 958 5.1 34 0.061 427 957 5.0 --- 0.091 429 961 8.3 52 0.119 434 973 13.5 --— 0.124 431 960 13.3 70 0.178 428 971 20.3 105 0.238 417 960 32.8 --- 0.240 421 969 30.4 141 0.301 433 961 37.0 188 0.307 438 968 40.0 --- 0.360 420 969 42.1 225 0.425 420 969 58.0 249 0.427 422 955 65.0 --- 0.485 413 962 74.4 265 0.529 427 968 102.0 --- 0.546 433 963 96.5 314 0.599 434 960 122.0 --- 0.610 426 963 112.0 335 0.658 422 980 155.0 --- 0.660 434 966 161.0 353 0.662 438 973 148.0 --- 0.668 422 970 151.0 --- 0.689 434 965 172.0 -—— 0.689 422 --- 168.0 --- 0.694 434 968 175.0 --- 0.694 422 968 178.0 --- 0.694 434 967 166.0 -—- 0.709 400 963 203.0 -—- 0.714 390 980 221.0 --- 0.717 360 965 237.0 --- 0.725 352 965 210.0 --- 0.730 396 957 195.0 341 0.794 311 968 259.0 352 0.794 333 977 238.0 348 0.847 202 975 320.0 340 0.847 156 972 382.0 355 0.855 176 963 378.0 343 111 Table 18. Data obtained from the continuous flow unit during experiment No. Cell conc Substrate con mg/l Day D mg/l Influent Effluent pH 1 0.081 438 950 6.3 6.5 975 6.0 3 0.062 422 960 5.4 6.4 840* 4.7 5 0.052 442 965 4.3 6.7 980 3.9 7 0.020 422 975 0-1 6.4 975 0-1 12 0.020 434 960 0-1 6.6 985 0-1 17 0.011 380 970 0-1 6.9 951 0-1 22 0.011 355 965 0-1 6.6 974 0-1 31 0.011 314 960 0-1 6.4 770* 0-1 37 0.011 293 965 0-1 6.7 950 0-1 *Data not used in calculations 112 Table 19. Concentration of organisms at D values greater than 0.694. Cell con Time unit Experiment D mg/l running at Remarks D value-hrs 2 0.66 422 48 Steady-state l 0.69 426 48 Steady-state 2 0.71 400 24 Non-steady-state 2 0.71 390 48 Non-steady—state 2 0.71 360 72 Non-steady—state 1 0.73 400 7 Non-steady-state l 0.73 394 21 Non-steady-state l 0.73 394 32 Non-steady-state 2 0.73 370 48 Non-steady-state 1 0.79 311 20 Non-steady-state l 0.85 202 12 Non-steady—state l 0.85 176 16 Non-steady-state l 0.85 156 23 Non-steady-state 113 Table 20. Relationship between substrate concentration and experimental and calculated k values. Substrate Experimental Calculated k Calculated k con mg/l k 5 -ct k = km (S +8) k = km (l—e ) a 5.1 0.059 0.078 0.040 5.0 0.061 0.077 0.040 8.3 0.091 0.119 0.066 13.5 0.119 0.174 0a102 13.3 0.124 0.173 0.102‘ 20.3 0.178 0.233 0.153 32.8 0.238 0.311 0.228 30.3 0.240 0.298 0.213 37.0 0.301 0.332 0.250 40.0 0.307 0.345 0.267 42.1 0.360 0.354 0.276 58.0 0.425 0.408 0.347 65.0 0.427 0.427 0.377 74.5 0.485 0.449 0.409 102.0 0.529 0.495 0.490 96.5 0.546 0.489 0.476 122.0 0.599 0.519 0.533 112.0 0.610 0.509 0.513 155.0 0.658 0.549 0.586 161.0 0.660 0.553 0.592 148.0 0.662 0.543 0.576 151.0 0.668 0.546 0.579 172.0 0.689 0.565 0.605 168.0 0.689 0.558 0.600 175.0 0.694 0.562 0.608 178.0 0.694 0.564 0‘610 114 H.000 0.50 000 0.000 0.N00 005.00H 000.0 0.00 000 0.HHO 0.0H0 N00.00 N.000 0H0.0 5.50 0H0 0.N00 5.050 000.N0 0.5N0 000.0 H.00 000 0.005 m.H00 0HH.00 0.000 000.0 0.00 00N 0.050 0.000 000.00 0.000 0N0.0 0.00 0NN 0.050 N.000 000.0H 0.000 000.0 0.00 00H 5.000 5.050 50H.HH 0.00m H00.0 0.00 HOH 0.000 0.0mm 0H0.5 0.HON 00N.0 0.00 00H 0.00m 0.50H 000.0 N.H5H 05H.0 0.00 05 N.00N H.0HH ~00.H 5.0HH 0NH.0 0.00 mm 0.00H 0.00 N05.0 0.50 H00.0 0.00 00 5.00 0.00 00N.0 5.00 000.0 H£\0E\H: H£\0E H£\0E H£\0E x H£\mE\Hj COHumpon vmms nm0sm use Hmmsm cH Hmmsm vwmo wumHQEoo How HmoHumnownB X No Hmouo< Umomwc cm0>xo H1 .wumumtwomwum 0cHnoc nmms Hm0sm mo COHumcon mumHQEoo How anstmH cm0>xo mo ucsoEm HmoHumHOmfiu mnu £DH3 Ummo cmmmxo mo HGSOEm Hmsuom 0:» mo GOmHHmmSGU .HN mHQmB 115 Table 22. Relationship between economic coefficient and k during the steady-state. Cell conc Substrate used Economic k mg/l mg/l coefficient 0,059 422 953 44.3 0.061 427 952 44.9 0.091 429 953 45.0 0.119 434 960 45.2 0.124 431 947 45.5 0.178 428 951 45.0 0.238 417 927 45.0 0.240 421 939 44.8 0.301 433 924 46.9 0.307 438 928 47.2 0.360 420 927 45.3 0.425 420 911 46.1 0.427 422 890 47.4 0.485 413 888 46.5 0.529 427 866 49.3 0.546 433 867 50.0 0.599 434 838 51.7 0.610 426 851 5031 0.658 422 825 51.1 0.660 434 805 53.9 0.662 438 825 53.1 0.668 422. 819 51.5 0.689 434 793 54.7 0.694 434 793 54.7 0.694 422 790 53.4 0.694 434 801 54.2 116 Table 23. Comparison of experimental and calculated 5 values. k Experimental § Calculated § 0.059 5.1 3.8 0.061 5.0 3.9 0.091 8.3 6.0 0.119 13.5 8.3 0.124 13.3 8.8 0.178 20.3 13.9 0.238 32.8 21.1 0.240 30.4 21.3 0.301 37.0 31.0 0.307 40.0 32.1 0.360 42.1 43.6 0.425 58.0 64.2 0.427 65.0 65.0 0.485 74.5 94.4 0.529 102.0 131.4 0.546 96.5 151.7 0.599 122.0 263.0 0.610 112.0 305.0 0.658 155.0 822.5 0.660 161.0 880.0 0.662 148.0 945.7 0.668 151.0 117 Table 24. Comparison of experimental i and i calculated using the expression R = Y (SR - 5) Experimental 2 Calculated §* 422 419 429 428 431 418 428 428 421 422 433 434 420 417 420 419 413 414 433 433 426 426 434 434 *Calculated using experimental Y values. 118 Table 25. Comparison of experimental i and i calculated using the expression i = Y [SR - Sa( k 3 D )] m k Experimental i Calculated §* Calculated §** 0.059 422 449 425 0.061 427 449 --- 0.091 429 450 431 0.119 434 449 --— 0.124 431 449 434 0.178 428 446 428 0.238 417 443 —-- 0.240 421 443 422 0.301 433 438 438 0.307 438 438 --- 0.360 420 432 417 0.425 420 423 415 0.427 422 423 --- 0.485 413 409 405 0.529 427 391 --- 0.546 433, 382 405 0.599 434 329 --- 0.610 426 309 327 0.658 422 67 --- 0.660 434 --- 42 *Calculated using average Y value. **Calculated using experimental Y values. 119 .0 van COHumuucwocoo HHmU cmm3umn QHSmCOHumem .0 musmHm O 0.0 0.0 0.0 N.0 H.0 . q . _ .14 00H 1 00N 1 00N t 000 1 000 n 000 I/bm - :qBIeM IIeo 120 .uaco was scum mums usousmmz mason I mEHB 00 00 00 0N 0N 0H 0H DmumHoono IIIIII HmucwEHHmmxm .0H musmam 00H 00N 000 000 000 T/Bm - uotqexauaouoo 1139 .mmm.o 0» 000.0 00 magma o .1 H m Hm>o GOHumHucmucoo mumnumnsm 0cm 0 cmwBHmn mHnmcoHDMHmm .HH musmHm H\0E .coo oumuumnom 000 00N 00N 0HN 00H 00H 00H 00 00 00 0N 1 H H q J d c u u 1 d - .\* \\ \ \\x 122 Flask A , lask B u 5 — .C‘. 0 -a m 3 5 n 0 3 Flask A - Before use in continuous U 5 culture. H :; Flask B - After use in continuous E 3 culture. 0 o .... 4.) m 2 2 _. 1 .— l l I I 1 Flask A 2 3 4 5 6 7 FlaSk B l 2 3 4 5 6 Time - hours Figure 12. Batch Culture Determination of k before and after growth in the continuous flow unit. 133 .mmsHm> x vmumHsonu 0cm HmpcmEHnmmxm .coHumHucmocou mumuumnsm cwm3pwn mHamGOHuMme .0H mns0Hm H\0E .coo mumnumnsm 00H 00H 00H 0NH 00H 00 00 05 00 00 00 00 ON 0H 0. q _ _ _ . H - H J . . 0 H - _ a . 4 \ a .\ .. Aboum I as x u x u a uuuuuuuuu 0 .s« o 4 m \\ m + m E 4 0IIIIMIIIV x n x n 0 to \s . O I s .\ mucmEaHmmxm I x < <.\ O H . I : x m\ \ m 0 7 \ n1IIo .. \.. Gull 0 \.\\ \ . Au..uw\\ x I m\\4\\\ xv X 12 4 .mqu mumuml>0mmu0 mo “0H0 mxnsmlum>mm3mch .0H mnsmHm xsmmm.o + mm.o u s m . r—le L25 .mwsHm> D 30A pm Q was COHumuucmocoo HHGU cmm3pmn mHflmGOHHMHmm .0H musmHm m 0H. NH. HH. 0H. 00. 00. 50. 00. 00. 00. 00. N0. H0. _ H _ _ d _ _ 0) _ a . _ %~ 1 a 1 a ‘x 1 , 1» 1 x $\ 0 x x x 00N 0H0 000 000 050 000 0H0 000 000 I/Bm - u014911ueouoo IIGO 126 .mumumlhummum mnu 0cHu50 x 0cm mumm COHumuHmmmm cwm3uwn mHnmsOHumHmm .0H mus0Hm I. 00H x0.000 + 00.0 H N In 00H .! 00N I. 00N .I 000 I 000 x Jq/Bm/ZOIn- see: uotqerrdseg .mumumlmommum wnu 0GHH50 cmasmcoo Hm0sm 00 mm 20Hum0on mumHQEoo How 00000: cmmmxo HMUHumMOmsu m> omms cmmhxo dszSuod .5H mnsmHm H£\u3 HHmo 0&\N0H1 oooa com com ooh com com ooe com com ooa o 1 _ _ . IHH . H _ _ HI Is. I 8 I ooa v 3 A4: n P. I o3 .1 x26 I s o X .A ~ 0 I 08 u n w #. P I 6mm 0. 20 x / 1 m I. com a a I I I om... W I 128 .mumumlmcmmum mg» 0GHH50 x m> vaHHHuD cmmhxo HmoHumHom£B mo ucmonmm .0H mudem x Co 0.0 m.o v.0 m.o N.0 To 0 1 _ H H 1 H _ xamé + mém n s I .1 x x l x x M x x ... 0H HN 0N 0N 5N 0N H0 .00 50 00 pezttrin uabfixo Ieorqaxoeql go aueoled 129 .mumumusomwum on» 0CHH50 x 0cm ucmHonwmoo UHEocoom cmw3umfl mHszOHumHmm .0H mnsmHm X): 'Xx 0H ON 00 00 00 quarorggeoa ormouoog 130 mmsHm> m pmumHsono 0cm HmucQEHHmmxw mo comHHmmEoo .0N wnsmHm H\0E I COHumnucmocou wumuumnsm 000 000 00N 0NN 00H 00H 00H 00 00 00 ON 0 H H J H H H H H H H H ‘ \.I‘ m vaMHsono Al all. ..IO m HmucmEHHmmxm 131 VI. DISCUSSION The primary object of this dissertation was to compare the results obtained during the operation of a continuous flow unit with those predicted by the theory originated by Monod (1950) and elaborated on by Novick and Szilard (1950b) and Herbert g: p;., (1956). It is also of interest to compare the experimental results with the results that might be pre- dicted by the theories of other workers. A feature that is common to most theories of continuous flow culture is that the net growth must be the resultant of exponential growth minus exponential wash-out. This may be expressed mathematically by re-writing equation (10) as follows: d (loge x) dt = k - D (22) It follows from this equation that when a steady-state (d(1ogex)/dt = 0) exists, then k is equal to D, i.e., the specific growth rate must be equal to the dilution rate. An apparent error that has been made by a number of authors in mathematical discussions of continuous culture is to confuse, in equation (22), the specific growth rate k (which varies with the substrate concentration) and the maximum growth rate km. If, in the above equation k equals km equals a constant, it must follow that a steady-state is possible only at one particular 132 flow rate, i.e., when D is equal to km. This is the assumption that has been made by Golle (1953) and Finn and Wilson (1954). The same idea appears to be implicit also in the writings of Adams and Hungate (1950) and Northrop (1954). This is in obvious disagreement with the results presented in Section V. The experimental data show very conclusively that logarithmic growth is possible at any k value below km and that a continuous culture is an inherently stable system that will adjust itself automatically to changes in dilution rate at dilution rates below D = km. The data presented in Figure 9 and Tables 17 and 18 show that any number of steady—states can be obtained at different dilution rates as the theories of Monod (1950), Novick and Szilard (1950b) and Herbert pp 3;., (1956) predict. The theories of Monod (1950) and Novick and Szilard (1950b) predict that steady-states can be obtained at different dilution rates anywhere between zero and km. Herbert g; 3E., (1956) also stress this point. The data presented in Figures 9 and 15 indicate that any number of steady-states may be obtained at dilution rates varying from 0.02 to 0.69. As may be seen in Figure 15 there is a decrease in cell con- centration below dilution rates of 0.02. This indicates that in the operation of a continuous flow unit there is a minimal dilution rate below which the steady-state no longer exists. The probable reason for this minimal dilution rate may be seen 133 in the data presented in Table 18. As the dilution rate reached values of 0.02 and lower the substrate concentration in the unit reached values of 1 mg/l or lower. It is possible that at a substrate concentration of 1 mg/l or below k becomes zero. The essential feature of the theories given by Monod (1950), Novick and Szilard (1950b) and Herbert gpfl§£., (1956) is that thethakeinto account the observed facts that bacteria can grow only at the expense of the substrate utilized, and that their specific growth rate is a function of the substrate concentration. It then becomes obvious that a continuous culture unit is a device for controlling growth through control of the substrate concentration; each dilution rate fixes the substrate concentration at that value which makes k equal to D. This important role of the substrate is not considered in the mathematical papers of Golle (1953), Finn and Wilson (1954), Adams and Hungate (1950) and Northrop (1954). Herbert g; g;., (1956) state the following on the relationship between substrate concentration and dilution rate: "over the useful range of flow rates in a continuous culture, the substrate is nearly completely utilized and the issuing medium virtually exhausted; hence negligible growth could occur in any subsequent culture vessels in series with the first. Our experimental results confirm that almost complete 134 utilization of substrate does in fact occur." As may be seen from the data presented in Figure 11 the amount of substrate leaving the continuous flow unit over the useful range of dilution rates cannot be considered negligible. It is probable that this is relative and may depend on the type of organism and type of media used. The substrate concentration in the effluent increased with increasing D values and at D values approaching km reached concentrations as high as 180 mg/l. This represents approximately 18 percent of the substrate put into the unit and cannot be considered as "almost complete utilization of substrate” as stated by Herbert (1959b). In consiiering the relationship between cell concentration and D, as presented in Figure 9, a number of quantitative divergences from the theory of Monod (1950) have been summarized by Herbert (1959b). These are presented graphically in Figure 21. In Figure 21, curve (a) is the usual theoretical plot of cell concentration against dilution rate. One type of divergence is illustrated by curve (b); here instead of the cell concentration falling sharply to zero at a wash—out point slightly higher than km the wash-out rate of organisms from the unit is lower than theoretical considerations predict. As may be seen from the data presented in Figure 9 this is the type of curve that was obtained in these experiments. This Steady-state Cell Concentration 135 K‘ \ \ (C) '\ \x ‘x \ \ '\ \. a \ ( ) \ ,I \ a’ ‘\ / \ 1/ (d) \\ / \ (b) / \ ’ \ / \ / \ I \ \ I \ I \ \ k m Dilution Rate Figure 21. Quantitative Divergences from the Theory of Monod. 136 type of curve was explained by Herbert (1959b) as an artifact due to imperfect mixing of the inflowing culture medium with the contents of the continuous flow unit. It would appear that under conditions where D is greater than km the organisms present in the unit would continue to grow at a rate equal to km. Equation 17 was presented in Section V to take into account this continued growth. The actual wash-out rate obtained from the use of this equation was still less than ' the predicted rated. Herbert g£.§;., (1956) and Herbert (1959b) also found the actual wash-out rate to be less than the predicted theoretical value. A second type of deviation from the theoretical is shown by curve (c) in Figure 21. Herbert (1959b) explains this type of curve as being due to non—consistency of the yield coefficient Y. In this case Y is said to increase as the growth-rate decreases. This type of behavior was first ob- served by Holme (1957) with E, 23;; growing in glucose-NH 3 medium with NH3 as the growth limiting substrate, and was shown to be due to the accumulation of intracellular glycogen at low growth rates. Herbert (1959b) also found similar results with Torula utilis growing in an ammonia limiting medium. In this case also the increased cell yield at low growth rates can largely be accounted for by the increase in cell carbohydrate. 137 The opposite type of behaviour is illustrated by curve (d) in Figure 21; here the yield coefficient Y decreases at low growth rates. Herbert (1959b) found this type of curve with Torula utilis growing on a glucose-NH3 medium with the carbon source as the growth limiting substrate and also with .5. aerogenes growing on a glycerol-NH medium with glycerol 3 as the growth limiting substrate. Similar results, to a limited degree, have been obtained in these experiments. From the data shown in Figure 19 it may be seen that as the growth rate increases the economic coefficient increases from 44 to 54 percent. This would indicate that the organisms are converting substrate into cell material at a ten percent higher efficiency at the high k values than at the lower k values. The most probably explanation of these results is that in addition to anabolic metabolism of the organisms they also have a constant endogenous metabolism, by which cell-substance is oxidized to carbon dioxide. This has been expressed mathematically by Herbert (1959b) by the following equation: <12: dt (k - E) x (23) where E is a constant term representing the endogeneous metabolism. More direct evidence for the existence of this constant 138 endogenous metabolism comes from the studies of Herbert (1959b) on cell respiration at different growth rates. In this experi- ment, which was done with 5. aerogenes, the respiratory carbon dioxide output was found to be a linear function of the growth rate. However, the straight line did not pass through the origin but extrapolated back to a finite value when the growth rate was zero. These results were explained by assuming the total respiration to be the sum of an anabolic respiration which is proportional to the growth rate and an endogenous respiration independent of the growth rate. Further evidence comes from carbon balance studies (Herbert, 1959b) which have shown that, as the growth rate is reduced, a higher proportion of the substrate carbon used is converted to carbon dioxide and a lower proportion to cell carbon. The results obtained from these experiments give additional evidence for the existence of an independent endogenous respiration rate. The data given in Figure 16 inidcate a linear relationship between the respiration rate of the organism and k during the steady-state operation of the unit. The equation for this linear relationship between respiration rate and k was calculated by the method of least squares and found to be 0 = 9.43 + 5436 k 02 139 The value 9.43 may be considered to represent the respiration rate of the organism when k is equal to zero under these experimental conditions. Whether or not one should correct total observed respiration values (exogenous values) by subtracting endogenous rates has long been a debatable problem in various studies of bacterial metabolism. With bacteria having low endogenous and high exogenous rates of respiration, correction may not markedly influence the values obtained. Wilner and Clifton (1954) have reviewed earlier studies dealing with this problem as it relates to oxidative assimilation. They found with g. subtilis, a species exhibiting relatively high rates of endogenous respiration and only several-fold increases in rates of oxygen consumption in the presence of utilizable substrates, that the percentages of assimilation varied markedly with the concentration of substrate employed. On correction for observed endogenous values the percentages of assimilation agreed quite closely. They interpreted this as indicating that endogenous respiration continues at about the same rate, in either the presence or absence of an oxidizable foodstuff. Santer and Ajl (1954) came to the same conclusion in studies with Pasteurella pestis. They reported that washed cells grown in the presence of labeled substrate evolved labeled carbon dioxide at about the same rate irrespective of the 140 presence or absence of substrate. The observations that endogenous respiration does continue in many species, or in some may even be stimulated, lend further support to the concept of the necessity for a pool of intracellular organic matter needed by the organism, not only for the maintenance of the status quo, but also for use during growth. To this writer's knowledge there are no published figures on the percentage of oxidative assimilation of glucose by Q. 99;; during the steady-state operation of a continuous flow unit. As was noted in Section V, a linear relationship ‘was obtained between the actual amount of oxygen consumed and the theoretical amount of oxygen needed for complete oxidation of the sugar used by the organisms. Data pertaining to this relationship are presented in Tabha 21 and are shown graphically in Figure 17. These data indicate that 33.8 to 38.9 percent of the theoretical oxygen needed for complete oxidation of the amount of glucose assimilated was actually consumed. An equation for the linear relationship between the actual amount of oxygen consumed and the theoretical amount of oxygen needed for complete oxidation of the sugar used by the organisms was given in Section V as Y = 0.37X where Y is equal to the actual amount of oxygen consumed in 141 terms of ulOZ/mg cell dry wt/hr and X is equal to the theoretical amount of oxygen needed for the complete oxidation of the sugar assimilated. This equation indicates that during the steady-state operation of the unit, approximately 37 per- cent of the assimilated substrate was oxidized. This value is further substantiated by the relation between percent of theoretical oxygen utilized and k during the steady-state operation of the unit that is shown in Figure 18. The data shown in this figure also indicate that, regardless of the value of k, 37 percent of the theoretical oxygen needed are consumed. The only data available, for comparative purposes, were obtained using batch culture techniques and washed suspended cells. The values given for the percentage of glucose assimilated that was oxidized ranged from 50 percent (Cook and Stephenson, 1928; Clifton and Logan, 1939: and Siegel and Clifton, 1950) to 70 percent (Krebs, 1937). The latter value of 70 percent was obtained at a temperature of 40 C. The data obtained during these experiments indicate that the efficiency of conversion of substrate into cell material increased approximately 10 percent as the k values, during the steady£state operation of the unit, increased and that at the same time the percentage of the glucose assimilated that is oxidized remains at a constant value of 37 percent. 142 This would indicate that 44-54 percent of the substrate was converted into cell material; 37 percent converted into carbon dioxide and water; and 9-19 percent that might be accounted for by the production of by-products. It was noted in Section V that the dissolved oxygen concentration in the unit varied between 0.5 and 4.8 ppm during the steady-state operation of the unit. No investigation of the effects of this varied dissolved oxygen concentration on the activity of the organisms was made because it was felt that sufficient evidence has been presented by Winzler (1941) and Longmuir (1954) to indicate that the effect, if any, would be negligible. The amount of available oxygen in a submerged culture depends upon the rate of oxygen transfer from the gas to the liquid phase and also on the rate of oxygen transfer from the liquid to the cell. This later process, as has been shown for yeast by Winzler (1941) and for bacteria by Longmuir (1954), is independent of the concentration of dissolved oxygen unless this is extremely small as compared with the saturation concentration of oxygen. The data from these experiments indicate that, especially at the low k values, there was not enough sugar present in the Warburg flasks to maintain the observed respiration rate. For example, at a k value of 0.059 and a substrate concentration of 5.1 mg/l each Warburg flask contained 0.026 mg of glucose. 143 In order to maintain a respiration rate of 34 ulOZ/mg cell dry wt/hr for one hour the cells in the flask would require 0.11 mg glucose, assuming complete oxidation. At a k value of 0.69 and a substrate concentration of 180 mg/l each Warburg flask contained 0.9 mg of glucose. In order to maintain a respiration rate of 350 ulOZ/mg cell dry wt/hr for one hour the cells in the flask would require 1.1 mg of glucose. It is suggested that, especially at the low k values, the cells are utilizing stored substrate material in order to maintain the observed respiration rates. The single most important relationship to be considered in the operation of a continuous flow unit is the relationship between substrate concentration, 5, and the growth rate k. The key to the modbcmf action of a continuous flow unit lies in the way in which the growth-rate k depends on the con- centration of a limiting growth substrate in the culture medium. A number of different mathematical equations have been proposed for the relationship between substrate concentration and k. The concepts put forth by Golle (1953), Fin and Wilson (1954), Adams and Hungate (1950), and Northrop (1954) were discussed at the beginning of this section and require no further diSCussion. Garrett and Sawyer (1952) proposed a linear relation- ship between substrate concentration and k. Working with mixed 144 cultures obtained from activated sludge they state "the results that have been obtained indicate that the rate of growth is directly proportional to the concentration of food remaining up to a critical concentration above Which it is constant and independent of the concentration of food." An examination of their experimental data reveals that the k range of their experiments was 0.03 to 0.16 and the substrate determinations were made at only 3 k values (0.05, 0.10, and 0.16). Comparing this with the data presented in Figure 11 it may be seen that their data cover only a very small portion of the total k range that might be expected. It is doubtful that the results which they present are sufficient to state "that the rate of growth is directly proportional to the concentratbn of food" over a full range of k values. The data presented in Figure 11 clearly show that the relationship between substrate concentration and k is not a linear relationship but is instead a curve that reaches a maximum asymptotically. The most widely accepted mathematical equation to express the relationship between substrate concentration and k is the one proposed by Monod (1950) (Equation 6). It should be pointed out that, in Section III, the theoretical treatment of continuous culture is based on a minimum number of simplified postulates. It might well be objected that even under ideal conditions the 145 growth behavior of bacteria cannot be completely represented by such equations as (5), (6), and (7). Such was found to be the case in this series of experiments. As may be seen in Figure 13 Monod's equation provides only partial fit to the experimental data. In the comparison between the experimental curve and that which is predicted by the equation agreement exists only up to a k value of 0.4; from this point on, the theoretical line is considerably lower than the experimental line. One possible explanation for this lack of agreement between experimental and predicted data may be found in one of the basic assumptions made in the development of the theo- retical equation. The relationship between growth of bacteria and utilization of substrate is expressed as Y in Equation 7. The assumption was made by Monod that the yield constant Y is actually a constant and this was confirmed to his satis- faction in batch culture studies (Monod, 1942). The data presented in this study indicate that the yield constant Y may not be constant under these conditions. From the data presented in Figure 19 it can be seen that the yield constant Y increased from 44 to 54 percent. Data presented by Herbert (1959b) also indicate that the yield constant Y may be variable. The experimental data obtained in these experiments were plotted according to the Lineweaver-Burke plot which is based on a modification of Equation (6). The results of this 146 plot are given in Figure 14. The values of km and Sa were calculated from this plot to be 1.20 and 120.5 respectively by the method of least squares. The values are clearly out of line with the experimentally obtained values of 0.69 and 40 and indicate that the relationship between substrate concentration and k does not follow an expression such as Equation (19). Powell (1959) in a summation of mathematical forms which have been proposed for the relationship between sub- strate concentration and k lists three additional expressions. The first of these is the monomolecular type of equation used by Teisseir (1936). k = km (1 - e 'CS) The second of these, listed as the Moser equation is the expression I“ s k ‘ km (S + s a r ) where r represents a constant. This expression is clearly a modification of the original equation used by Monod. As an additional modification of Monod's original education Powell (1959) rewrites Monod's equation in terms of s as a function of k to give the following form Powell then makes the hypothesis that Monod's original equation 147 applies to the concentration of substrate inside the organism, but that the access of substrate to the interior is impeded by the cell membrane and by diffusion. He then proposes that s, the concentration outside the cell is given by the relation- ship k - k k m m Here the new constant A depends on diffusion coefficients inside and outside the organism, on the permeability of the membrane, and on the shape and surface:volume ration of the organism. The experimental data obtained in these experiments were applied to the monomolecular type of equation. The method of Reed and Theriault (1931) was used to calculate the constants km and c from the exerpimental data. km was calculated to be 0.69. This is in complete agreement with km values obtained by both continuous flow and batch culture procedures. The value for c was calculated to be 0.012. The resulting equation (Equation 21) was then plotted and compared with the experi— mental values. This comparison is given in Figure 13. The values obtained by this equation are somewhat lower than the values obtained from the experimental data but the shapes of the two curves are similar. As may be seen from Figure 13 the results obtained by use of the monomolecular type of equation are in better agreement with the experimentally 148 obtained results than the values calculated by the use of Monod's equation. An almost perfect fit of the experimental curve may be obtained by changing the constant, c, from 0.012 to 0.016 in the momomolecular type of equation. The values for the steady-state substrate concentrations were calculated using equation 14. The results from these calculations are presented in Table 23 and Figure 20 along with the experimentally obtained values. As may be seen in Figure 20 the calculated values follow the experimentally obtained values closely for k values up to 0.4 then there is a marked deviation between the two. There appears to be no relationship between these very high calculated substrate values and reality as in the case of a k value of 0.688 the calculated substrate value indicates that there is more substrate leaving the unit than is being put into it. It will be recalled that a similar breaking point occurred when the experimental data were applied to Monod's equation (Equation 6). As equation (14) is based, in part, on the relationship given by equation (6) this break at the same point is to be expected. The values for the steady-state organism concentrations were calculated using equation 15. As may be seen in Table 25 the calculated values are in close agreement with the experimental values for k values up to 0.4. From this point 149 on the calculated organism concentrations indicate that wash- out is occurring from the unit while the experimentally determined organism concentrations indicate that the steady- state condition still exists. This breaking point again occurs at about the same k value as in Equations (6) and (15). This is again to be expected since equation (15) is based on the fact that equation (6) represents the true relationship between substrate concentration and k. As has already been pointed out, equation (6) does not represent the true relation- ship between the substrate concentration and k obtained in these experiments. It should also be pointed out that equations (14) and (15) are based further on the assumption that Y is a constant value and in addition that equation (9) represents the wash-out of organisms from the unit. It has been shown that neither of these assumptions was found to be true in these experiments. The problem of mutation is one that must always be given consideration in experiments of this type. If a mutation occurred that affected the growth rate of the experimental organism it would seriously affect the results of these experiments. With this possibility in mind the growth rates of the organism were determined by batch culture determinations both before and after its use in the continuous flow unit. The results of these batch culture experiments 150 are shown in Figure 12. It may be seen from this figure that the maximum growth rate, km, of the organism did not change during the experiments. As was pointed out in Section III, mutation would only become a serious problem if the growth rate of the mutant were equal to or higher than the experimental organism. 151 VII . CONCLUSIONS A continuous flow unit was constructed and satisfactorily operated over a D range of 0.01 to 0.85. Steady-state conditions existed between D values of 0.02 and 0.69. A non—steady-state condition existed at D values below 0.02 and above 0.69 Which resulted in a wash—out of organisms from the unit at a rate faster than they could be replaced by growth. The actual wash-out rate was found to be less than the wash-out rate predicted by theoretical equations. A maximum growth rate of km of 0.69 was established under these experimental conditions. This value was obtained by both batch culture and continuous flow procedures. In addition km was calculated by the method of Reed and Theriault (1931) from a series of experimental data. The value of 0.69 obtained by this method was in full agreement with the experi- mentally obtained maximum growth rate. The relationship between substrate concentration and the specific growth rate k during the steady-state was established, not as a linear relationship, but as a curve that reaches a maximum asymptotically. Theoretical equations proposed by Monod (1950), Novick and Szilard (1950), and Herbert gt al., (1956) did not agree with the experimental relationship obtained between substrate concentration and k. 152 Furthermore, values for km and Sa obtained by a Lineweaver- Burke plot did not agree with experimental data. In contrast the results obtained from the use of a monomolecular type of equation, such as proposed by Teissier (1936), indicateci that this type of equation more correctly expresses the relation- ship between substrate concentration and k. Data were presented which indicatedthat at a substrate concentration of 1 mg/l or below k approaches zero. The data also indicate that the specific growth rate k becomes independent of substrate concentration at glucose concentrations above 180 mg/l. A linear relationship was established between k and the respiration rate of the organism. The following equation was found to express this relationship. Q = 9.43 + 43.6k O 2 The maximum oxygen uptake rate was obtained at km and did not further increase at D values greater than km. A value of 9.43 ulOZ/mg cell dry wt/hr appears to be the endogenous respiration rate of the organisms under these experimental conditions. The data further indicated that under these conditions approximately 37 percent of the assimilated sub- strate was oxidized independently of k. The economic coefficient of the organism was found, not to be constant, but to increase from 44 percent at the lower k values to 55 percent at the higher k values. 153 The theoretical steady-state equations, proposed by Monod (1950) and Herbert et al., (1956) for the relationship between a, x, Y, S Sa' D and km were found to be inadequate RI in expressing the experimentally obtained relationships. 154 VIII. APPENDIX A. Composition 9; Reagents used in Glucose Determinations (l) (2) Copper Reagent A 25 gm anhydrous sodium carbonate '25 gm Rochelle salt 20 gm Sodium bicarbonate 200 gm anhydrous sodium sulfate Dissolve reagents in 800 ml water and dilute to 1 liter. Copper Reagent B 15% CuSO -5HéD containing one or two drops of con- 4 centrated sulfuric acid per 100 nd. (3) Arsenomolybdate color reagent (4) (5) Dissolve 25 gm of ammonium molybdate in 450 ml water Add 21 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid Add 3 gm of NaHAsO4'7H20 dissolved in 25 ml water Place in an incubator at 37 C for 24 to 48 hours. 5% ZnSO4-6H20- Approximately 0.3 N barium hydroxide. The zinc and barium solutions should be adjusted so that 5 ml of Zinc require between 4.7 and 4.8 ml of barium to produce a definite pink to phenolphthalein. B. C. .155 Composition of Reagents used in the Dissolved Oxygen Determinations (1) (2) (3) (4) Manganous sulfate solution 480 gm MnSO4-4H20 dissolved in 1 liter water Alkaline-iodide reagent 500 gm sodium hydroxide 135 gm sodium iodide Dissolve in 1 liter water Starch solution 5 to 6 gms of soluble starch dissolved in 1 liter boiling water Sodium thiosulfate solution 6.205 gm sodium thiosulfate dissolved in 1 liter freshly boiled water. This solution was standardized against a standard potassium bi-iodate solution. Composition 9£_Brodie's Solution 23 gm Sodium Chloride 5 gm Sodium choleate 5 gm Dreft .500 ml distilled water Colored with Safrain dye. 10. 156 IX. BIBLIOGRAPHY ABRAHM, E. P., E. CHAIN, M. FLETCHER, A. D. GARDNER, N. G. HEATLEY, and M. A JENNINGS. 1941 Further observations on penicillin. Lancet, 2, 177-189. ADAMS, S. L., AND R. E. HUNGATE. 1950 Continuous fermentation cycle times; prediction from growth curve analysis. Ind. Eng. Chem., 42, 1815-1818. ALLGEIER, R. J., R. T. 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