H \ x \- “WW M M‘MN‘! \\ l \M‘xflhflmW m N H ‘L \li —) O 0') fx’EANEFOLDS WHSCH ARE HGMOLOGY DGUBLES -ioo 14> mco Thesis for the Degree of Ph. D‘ MICHQAN STATE UNIVERSITY J. SCOTT DOWNENG 1959 ”1&ka ‘3 . wdu‘“‘ 1- a. LIBRARY W lMichig .11 State University IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 04600 6832 This is to certify that the thesis entitled "Manifolds Which are Homology Doubles" presented by J. Scott Downing has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for PA 22 degree mm. 41}: Major prolessor 3 Date //-— ’fifiéy 0-169 l M311 ABSTRACT MANIFOLDS WHICH ARE HOMOLOGY DOUBLES By J. Scott Downing The basic question considered is under what conditions a manifold contains a subset which is in some sense equivalent to its complement. A closed (compact, connected, and without boundary) n-manifold M is a double if it is the adjunction space N U N l h 2’ where N1 and N2 are two copies of the same manifold with boundary and h is the identity between their boundaries. Gen- eralizing this concept, M is a t-double (for twisted) if M con- tains a submanifold N which is homeomorphic to the closure of its complement. If R is a principal ideal domain, M is called an R-homology double, or simply an R-double, if there exists a compact subset A in M for which there is an isomorphism H*QA;R) ; H*(M2A;R) for singular homology. If A can be taken as a PL Subspace of the combinatorial manifold M, then M is a PL R-double. It is shown that if M is a PL R-double then it contains 3 PL submanifold N of dimension n satisfying H*(N;R) E H*(M:N,R). The subset A or N above is called a t—half, PL R-half, etc., for M. In chapters 11 and III necessary and sufficient conditions for a manifold to be a generalized double are studied. It is seen that a closed manifold is a t-double or a PL R-double only if its Euler characteristic is even. Conversely, a closed 2-manifold is a J. Scott Downing double if its Euler characteristic is even, and every 3-manifold is a PL t-double. In higher dimensions, every closed, combinatorial manifold of odd dimension is shown to be a PL R-double for any principal ideal domain R. For a combinatorial manifold M of even dimension a similar but weaker result is proved. If R is a field, this states that if M is orientable over R and the Euler characteristic of M is even, then M is a PL R-double. Two miscellaneous results on homology doubles are that the product of a manifold with an R-double is an R-double, and that the con- nected sum of two PL R-doubles is a PL R-double. There are numerous examples showing that a closed n-manifold may have many different R-halves. However, a PL R-half is shown to be homologically unique if its homology modules are those of a Space of low dimension (i.e. < [n/2]), and in this case the modules of the half are determined by those of M. In the last chapter compact, combinatorial manifolds with boundary are considered. Such a manifold M is 3 PL t-double if it contains a PL submanifold N such that N 5 M:N, or a PL R-double if N satisfies H*(N;R) ; H*(M:N;R). Every compact 2- manifold with boundary is seen to be a PL t-double where N can be taken as a disc, and it is proved that every compact 3-manifold with boundary is a PL t-double. For higher dimensions, certain compact, combinatorial manifolds (in odd dimensions, all those whose boundary components are spheres; in even dimensions a subset of these) are shown to be PL R-doubles. MANIFOLDS WHICH ARE HOMOLOGY DOUBLES BY JSISEott Downing A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Mathematics 1969 €3’7QCI ?-3--4‘7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to thank Professor Patrick Doyle, my thesis advisor, for suggesting the topic of investigation in this dissertation and for many helpful conversations. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES ........................ 1 II. DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL RESULTS ....................... 9 III. CLOSED, COMBINATORIAL n-MANIFOLDS, n 2 3 .............. 19 IV. COMPACT, COMBINATORIAL MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDARY ........ 36 BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................... 46 iii 11 LIST OF FIGURES OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO iv CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES An important method of constructing examples of manifolds has been to paste two homeomorphic manifolds together by a homeo- morphism between their boundaries. Manifolds with boundary can be obtained by identifying certain subsets of the boundary of one manifold with homeomorphic subsets in the boundary of another. In this thesis I consider the converse idea. More specifically, the question is asked: Under what conditions does a manifold decompose into two pieces which are homeomorphic, or which at least have isomorphic homology groups? The basic definitions are introduced in chapter II, and a model for the type of theorem I am concerned with is proved: roughly, that a closed, connected, 2-manifold separates into equi- valent pieces if and only if its Euler characteristic is even. Chapter III deals primarily with the same type of result for closed, combinatorial manifolds of higher dimensions, and in chapter IV compact manifolds with boundary are investigated. The remainder of this chapter is devoted to basic notation and known facts which I will be using. An n-manifold M is a paracompact Hausdorff space with the property that each point has a neighborhood which is homeomorphic to Euclidean n-space En or to %En = {(x1,...,xn) E En: xn 2 0}. Also, all manifolds in this paper will be connected unless otherwise indicated. The set of points which have En neighborhoods is called 1 the interior of M, intM, and the set M-intM is the boundary, bdM. M is with or without boundary depending on whether bdM is not empty or empty. A closed manifold is one that is connected, compact, and without boundary. If a manifold N is a subSpace of a manifold M we avoid any confusion between the interior and boundary of N as a manifold and as a subspace by letting intMN and bdMN represent the latter ideas. If A C M then A. denotes the closure of A in M. Most of my results are for combinatorial manifolds, the main reference here being the mimeographed notes of E.C. Zeeman [13]. In the following paragraphs some basic definitions and facts from combinatorial topology are summarized. An n-simplex A is the convex hull of n+1 linearly in- dependent points a .,an, called vertices, in some Ep. It will 0". be convenient to denote the set of vertices by a Greek letter, say a, and we write A = Iol for A spans a. A simplex B spanning a subset of a is called a face of A, written B < A. The geo- metric center b(A) = (a +...+an)/(n + l) O is called the barycenter of A. If the vertices of two simplexes A and B are linearly independent in Ep we call the simplex spanning them the join A*B. A simplicial complex K is a collection of simplexes satisfying: a. If A E K then all faces of A are in K. b. If A,B E K then A n B is a common face or empty. The dimension of a complex is that of its largest simplex if this exists, and the r-skeleton Kr of a complex K is the subcomplex consisting of all simplexes of dimension 5 r. If A E K is an arbitrary simplex then the subcomplex stQA,K) = {B E K : A < B} is called the star of A in K. A topological space X is called a polyhedron if it is homeomorphic to a subspace of some Ep which is the union of a collection of simplexes forming a simplicial complex K. For con- venience it is assumed that X is actually the subspace of Ep, and we say that X is triangulated by K, written X = IKI. A simplicial complex L is called a subdivision of the triangulation K if ILI = IKI and each simplex of L is contained in some simplex of K. For the definition of two special types of sub- division, the r-th derived and the barycentric, the reader is re- ferred to [13, chap. I, p. 4]. I note here only that the vertices of each simplex of the barycentric first derived subdivision of K are barycenters b(Al),...,b(An) of simplexes of K which can be ordered so that A < A <... indicates the direct sum over R. From the Universal Coefficient Theorem for cohomology we have [3, p. 136]: 1.4 If Hi(X;R) is a finitely generated R-module for each i, then H1(X;R) E Fi(X;R) e Ti_1(X;R). If K is a simplicial complex there are simplicial homology modules Hi(K;R) defined, and H1(K;R) ; H1(Kr;R) if i < r. Since the simplicial homology is isomorphic to the singular homology of the polyhedron X = IKI [12, p. 191], the notation H*(X;R) = H*(K;R) should cause no confusion. Let M be a compact, connected, n-manifold where bdM may or maynot be empty. Then Hn(M,bdM;R) is either R or O [12, p. 302] and we say that M is orientable over R if the former holds, other- wise that M is non-orientable over R. An orientation of M is a choice of generator in Hn(M,bdM;R) and a homeomorphism h between two oriented manifolds M and N is said to be orientation preserving if the induced isomorphism h* : Hn(M,bdM;R) ~ Hn(N,bdN;R) sends the chosen generator to the chosen generator. For orientable manifolds some important duality theorems hold: 1.5 (See [12, p. 296]). If M is a closed, combinatorial n-manifold which is orientable over R and if N is a closed, compact, PL sub- manifold of dimension n, then there are isomorphisms: a. Hi(M,N;R) g Hn-1(M2N;R), Hn'1(M,MeN;R). "2 b. Hi(N;R) Note that here M-N is also an n-manifold [13, chap. III, p. 20]. 1.6 (Poincare Duality [12, p. 297]). If M is a closed n-manifold orientable over R, then for each i there is an isomorphism ~ n-i Hi(M;R) = H (M;R). 1.7 (Lefschetz Duality [3, p. 186]). Let M be a compact n-manifold with boundary which is orientable over R. Then there is a sign- commutative diagram of R-modules (all coefficients in R) .. ~ Hq‘1(M) a Hq’1(bdM) a Hq(M,bdM) e Hq(M) a ... I I 1 I a 4 ~ bd a ... H (M,bdM) Hn_q(bdM) Hn_q(M) Hn_q(M, M) noq+l where the rows are the exact Mayer-Victoria sequences and the vertical arrows are isomorphisms induced by the cap product. Another useful result, based on the idea of relative homeo- morphism (see [12, p. 202]» is: 1.8 If M is a closed, combinatorial n-manifold, N1*Hk_i_1(N)> O O k O‘Hi(M'A>®“k-i(N)) e i€O(Hi(M-A)*Hk-i-1(N)) m Ch: 0 1 "2 Hk((M-A) X N). In the following discussion all maps and subspaces are PL. The connected sum M1#‘M2 of two closed, combinatorial, oriented (over Z) n-manifolds is obtained by removing the interior of an n-ball from each and then matching the resulting boundaries by an orientation reversing homeomorphism (See [8, p. 1]). This operation is independent of the choice of balls by the homogeneity theorem (1.12) and is uniquely determined up to orientation pre- serving PL homeomorphism. 17 A related idea for manifolds with boundary is that of the disc sum. The disc sum N1 A N2 of two combinatorial, oriented, n-mani- folds with connected boundary is obtained by taking an (n-1)-ba11 in the boundary of each and matching them by an orientation reversing homeomorphism. Because the boundary of a combinatorial manifold has a PL collar [13, chap. V, p. 13], the homogeneity theorem shows that the disc sum is also independent of the balls chosen. To see this, let B and B be two balls in bdN and H : bdN X I d bdN X I l 2 be the isotopy such that H1 is the identity on bdN and HO(Bl) = B2. Since bdN X I is (homeomorphic to) the collar, H extends by the identity to an orientation preserving homeomorphism on all of M. Theorem 2.15 The connected sum M1#M2 of two PL t-doubles (resp. PL R-doubles) is a PL t-double (PL R-double). Proof a. For i = 1,2, let Ni be aPL t-half of M and triangulate i M. by K1 so that Ni is triangulated by a subcomplex. Since in 1 forming the connected sum arbitrary balls can be chosen, choose an (n-l)-simplex o. in bdN. and let B, = |st(a.,x.)| be a ball 1 l 1 1 1. (1.1) in Mi' Note that 18 Now choose an orientation reversing homeomorphism h : de1 r de2 satisfying h(de1 0 N1) = de2 n N2 and M1#M2 = (M1 - lntBl) Uh (M - intBZ). 2 This can always be done by first choosing an orientation reversing homeomorphism between the (n-2)-spheres bdNi n dei and then extend- ing to a homeomorphism between the (n-1)-balls dei n Ni and between \ de. n M-N.. Then 1 1 (N1 - lntBl) Uh (N2 - inth) = N1 A N2 0") - 1ntB2) = Ml-Nl A M -N . and ((M1 - N 2 2 l) - intBl) Uh ((M2 - N 2) Since the disc sum is well defined (Although bdNi = bd(M-Ni) may not be connected, this is no problem since the connecting discs are from the same boundary component.), these two spaces are homeo- morphic and (NI-intBl) Uh (NZ-inth) is a PL t-half for M1#M2. b. Suppose for i = 1,2, Ni is a submanifold of M1 which is a PL R-half. Proceeding exactly as in case a, we obtain (*). From the reduced Mayer-Victoria sequence of the couple [N1,N2] in N1 A N2 it follows that (with coefficients in R) H*(N1 A N2) 3 H*(N1) e H*(N2). Similarly H*(-M_-N1 A F132) 2 Hui/1‘31) o 11*6131'2). Thus (N1 - intBl) Uh (N2 - inth) is an R-half for M1#M2. CHAPTER III CLOSED, COMBINATORIAL n-MANIFOLDS, n 2 3. In this chapter all manifolds will be closed, combinatorial n-manifolds, where n 2 3, and all maps and subspaces will be PL. In considering the converse of theorem 2.9, we will show that for odd dimensions every such manifold is a PL homology double. For even dimensional manifolds with even Euler characteristic a slightly weaker result is obtained. The last theorems concern the uniqueness of these double decompositions. We first develop some notation and lemmas concerning combin- atorial n-manifolds. Definition 3.1 Let K be a combinatorial triangulation of a closed manifold M, and let K' be its first barycentric Subdivision. For each simplex A in K, the dual cell A* is defined as the union of all simplexes of K' of the form |{b(Aj),...,b(Am)}|, where A < Aj<... m. Thus to Show that N is a homology half for M it remains only to check the modules in dimension m. We first consider the case R = 22. Since all manifolds are then orientable, there is, by 1.7, a Sign commutative diagram 22 (coefficients in Z2): ..~ Hm(N,bdN) ~ Hm(N) a Hm(bdN) a Hm+1(N,bdN) a Hm+1(N) a... I I I I I ..—o '0 d -’ "" "’ "'... Hm+l(N) Hm+l(N’b N) Hm(bdN) Hm(N) Hm(N,bdn) Ill Because L is an m-dimensional complex, Hm+1(N) E H (N) 0. m+l Also, since all Z -modu1es are free, 1.4 gives Hm(N) E Hm(N), 2 and it follows that Hm(bdN) E Hm(N) m, i = 0,1,...,t. D. For i = 0,...,tel,_precisely one of the following holds: 1. Hm(Li+l) = Hm(Li) and ranka_1(Li+1) = ranka_1(Li) - l. 2. Hm(Li+l) = Hm(Li) r, Hm(Li) = Hm(Li-1)° By [3, p. 89], kernale_1(f) = o, where f : dei 4 IL. is the identity map and 1-l| 27 Hm_1(f) is the induced homeomorphism on homology. But f factors as f' j dei ILrI ILi_1I , where f' is also the identity and j is inclusion. Since = ' ' ' = = Hm_1(f) Hm-1(J)Hm-l(f ), kernale_1(f ) 0. But then Hm(Lr U {Ci}) 0, contradicting the maximality of 8. Therefore conditions E and F hold, and condition G holds be- cause of D above. Lemma 3.10 Let K be a combinatorial triangulation of the closed 2m-manifold M, 2m 2 4, which is orientable over R. Suppose L k. The cohomology dimension of X is the smallest integer with this property. Observe that if X has cohomology dimension k, then for any R and any i > k, Hi(X;R) = 0 [12, p. 246]. Then it follows (1.4) that Hi(X;R) = 0 for i > k and Tk(X;R) = 0. If M is a closed, combinatorial manifold of dimension 2m + 1, then the PL Z-half of M found in theorem 3.4 has cohomology dimension S m. Similarly, if M is a closed, combinatorial 2m-manifold with 32 even Euler characteristic and orientable over R, then the weak R-half of M found in theorem 3.11 has cohomology dimension S m. The following examples show that the cohomology dimension of a half may be large. Example 3.15 Let Y be the compact 2-manifold with boundary formed by cutting an open disc from the torus. Let N = Y X Sk. Then k+ ~ ' H 1(N;Z) = 29 z, and H1(N;Z) = 0 for i > k + 1. If M is the double of N, M is a closed manifold of dimension n = k + 2, and N is a half for M having cohomology dimension n - 1. These examples suggest that the only hope for obtaining re- sults on the uniqueness of a half is by placing restrictions on its cohomology dimension. Theorem 3.16 Let M be a closed, combinatorial n-manifold which is orientable over R, and let m be the greatest integer in n/2. If M has a PL R-half N of cohomology dimension k1< m, then Hi(M;R) E Hi(N;R) for i s 111. Proof Assume that N is a PL submanifold of dimension n (2.5) * and let N = M-N. Then for i S m, N n-i * Hi(M,N;R) = H (N ;R) = 0, by 1.5. It follows from the exact sequence of the pair (M,N) that Hi(M;R) S Hi(N;R) for i < m. If n is odd, n = 2m + 1 and Hm+1(M,N;R) E Hm(N*;R) = o, implying Hm(M;R) E Hm(N;R) = 0. If n = 2m is even, then I(N) = %‘I(M) as seen in the proof of theorem 2.9. From Poincare'duality it follows that ranka(M;R) = 0, 33 and also that ~ T (M;R) 1 (M;R) E T (N;R) = 0. m m-l m-l Thus Hm(M;R) = 0 = Hm(N;R), completing the proof. Theorem 3.16 says that a closed, combinatorial n-manifold M has a PL R-half of cohomology dimension less than m = [n/2] only if Hm(M;R) = 0, and that in this case the homology of such a half is uniquely determined by that of M. The examples below Show that M may have many different halves of cohomology dimension m. Example 3.17 a. Let Xt be the one-point union of t circles imbedded as a PL subspace in SB. Then by Alexander duality [12, p. 296], 2 if i = O, 3 .. ~ t . . Hi(S - Xt) — Hi(xt) $12 if 1 — l, 0 otherwise. b. Let Yt be the one-point union of t projective planes imbedded as a PL subspace in SA. Againuapplying Alexander duality, 2 if i = 0, 4 a z: . - .. Hi (8 - Yt) Hi(Yt) % 22 if i l, 0 otherwise. If R is a field and M is an even dimensional manifold, note that theorem 3.13 is the converse of theorem 3.16. The last theorem in this chapter gives a similar result for odd dimensions. 34 Theorem 3.18 Let M be a closed, combinatorial (2m + l)-manifold which is orientable over a field F. Then M has an F-half with Hi(M;F) if i S m, Hi(N;F) 0 if i > m. ngpf Let all modules have coefficients in F. The technique here is similar to that in the proof of theorem 3.11, except that now there are no torsion submodules. Let t be the rank of Hm(M) as an F-module, let L0 be the m-skeleton of a combinatorial triangulation K of M, and let L; be the complementary subcomplex in the dual cell decomposition KI. Then Hm(LO) ; Hm(L;) (theorem 3.4), and we denote by r the rank of these modules. As in lemma 3.9, we can adjoin s = r - t (m+l)-simplexes to L0’ obtaining LS satisfying: Ill 0 o < Hi(Ls) Hi(M) if i m, Hm(Ls) has rank t, and hence Hm(LS) = Hm(M), = . . > . Hi(Ls) 0 if i m * * . Let N and N be the derived neighborhoods of LS and LS in K", as in lemma 3.3. * * * Since the m-skeleton L of K is obtained from L8 by 0 * ~ * adjoining m-cells, Hi(N ) = Hi(M) for i < m - l and Hi(N ) = 0 for i > m. Because H1(N) = 0 for all i > m and applying 1.5 and 1.6, III m+ H Ill * m+2 2 - Hm_1(N) H (M,N) (M) =Hm_l(M). 35 * * Thus adjoining s m-cells to L8 gives L0 * (m - l)-dimensiona1 homology. Thus by condition D, p. 26, Hm(Ls) with no change in the ~ * has rank r - s = t. Therefore HiCN) = Hi(N ) for all i, completing the theorem. CHAPTER IV COMPACT, COMBINATORIAL MANIFOLDS WITH BOUNDARY In this chapter compact, combinatorial manifolds with non- void boundary are considered. As in chapters 11 and III, the question considered is: Under what circumstances does such a manifold de- compose into two pieces in some sense equivalent? All compact mani- folds with boundary of dimension 2 or 3 are shown to be PL t-doubles (definition below). In higher dimensions, homological results for manifolds whose boundary components are spheres are obtained by applying theorems from chapter III. As in chapter III, all sub- spaces and maps will be PL. Definition 4.1 (Cf. 2.6 and 2.7) A compact, combinatorial n-mani- fold with boundary, M, is a PL t-double if it contains a PL submani- fold N such that N E M-N. M is said to be a PL R-double if it contains a PL submanifold N of dimension n satisfying H*(N;R) 5 H*(MrN;R). The submanifold N is called a PL t-half or a PL R-half of M. Theorem 4.2 Every compact 2-manifold with boundary is a PL t-double having a half which is a disc. Proof It is known ([7, pp. 43-45]) that any compact 2-manifold with boundary can be represented by attaching strips to a disc. Moreover, as can be seen in figures 7 and 8, the strips can be attached symmetrically so that cutting the manifold on the line of symmetry 36 37 separates it into two discs. Figure 7 shows an orientable Z-manifold having genus 2 and 3 boundary components, while figure 8 represents a non-orientable surface having genus 2 and 2 boundary circles. Figure 7 _____ ____.____D-_ Figure 8 The following examples Show that in higher dimensions there are many manifolds with boundary not having a homology ball as a PL Z-half. Example 4.3 If M is a compact n-manifold with boundary and H1(M;Z) has torsion, then M cannot have a PL Z-half which is a homology n-ball. 38 Proof If B1 and B2 = M-B1 are homology n-balls, then from the reduced Mayer-Victoris sequence of the couple {B1,B2} we have H1(M;Z) E HO(B1 O B2;Z), which is a torsion-free module. Example 4.4 Let K be a non-trivial polygonal knot in 83, let N be a regular neighborhood of K, and M = S3 - N. By Alexander duality, H1(M:Z) is Z for i = 0,1 and 0 otherwise. On the other hand, the fundamental group of M is the knot group of K which is not cyclic. Now suppose B1 and B2 = M - B1 are homology 3-balls. Then H1(B1 n B2;Z) E H2(M;Z) = 0, and since B1 n B2 is a finite collection of connected 2-manifolds with boundary it follows that B1 0 B2 con- sists of disjoint discs only. Since two 3-balls meeting on a disc form a 3-ball ([13, III, p. 4]), M, must be a handle body. But then H1(M;Z) E Z implies that the fundamental group of M is also 2. This contradiction shows that M cannot have a Z-half which is a homology'3-ball. Example 4.4 above is interesting in view of the following result. Proposition 4.5 Let M be a compact, connected 3-manifold with non- void boundary such that H1(M:Z) is torsion-free for i = 1,2. Then there is a manifold with boundary M' having a 3-ba11 as PL t-half and satisfying H*(M';Z) E H*(M;Z). Proof Let B beva 3-ball. In de embed a connected graph X such that H1(X;Z) E H2(M;Z), which is possible since HZCM;Z) is free. Let A be a regular neighborhood of X in de. If 39 rankH1(M;Z) = k, let D1,...,D be disjoint discs in de all of k which miss A. Now take B1 and B2 to be copies of B and h a PL homeomorphism from A U D1 U...U'Dk in B1 to the corresponding set in 32' Then M' = B1 Uh B2 is the required manifold as the following discussion shows. Since for each i (coefficients in Z), ' E E . H104) Iii-1031 n 132) Hi_1(A U D1 U...U DR), and the union is disjoint, it follows that HO(M') E Z, H1(M') is N free of rank k, H2(M') H1(A) E H2(M), and Hi(M') = O for all Ill other 1. Thus H*(M) H*(M'). Although not all compact 3-manifolds with boundary have a half which is a ball, we will Show that every such manifold is a PL t-double. The proof relies on theorem 3.7 and a technique for modifying a compact 3-manifold with boundary into a closed manifold. In the following discussion Y will always represent a PL 2 homeomorph of the set of all points (x,y) E E which satisfy x e {0,1,...,k} and -1 s y s 1 or IyI = l and o s x s k. Also, X will represent a homeomorph of {(x,y) E Y : y 2 O}, with xo,x1,...,xk being the and vertices of this tree. Note in particular that Y = X1 U X2, two copies of X attached at the points x0,x1,...,xk, as illustrated in figure 9. 40 Figure 9 Definition 4.6 Let H be a handle body with j handles and let X as above be embedded as a PL subspace of H such that X 0 de ={x0,x .,xk}, Let N be a regular neighborhood of X in 1"" H. X is said to be unknotted in H if H - intHN is a handle body with j + k handles. Now suppose that H is a handle body in a closed 3-manifold M, and that X is embedded in de. We want to move X so that it is unknotted in H. Let K be a combinatorial triangulation of M with sub- complexes K1 and K2 triangulating H and X respectively. Let X' be the closed subspace of X homeomorphic to X and con- sisting of all but the end l-simplexes of the second barycentric sub- division K3, derived neighborhood of X' in M. Note that N is a ball and that as shown in figure 10. Now let N = N(X',K") be the Figure 10 41 X is unknotted in N. Also N n H and N O M-H are balls meeting in the common face N n de. Thus we can consider X embedded in the standard (3,2) ball pair ([13, chap. IV]) as shown in figure 11. Figure 11 By lifting slightly all except the and vertices in a triangulation of X, we obtain a homeomorphism h of N onto itself which is the identity on bdN and such that h(X) is unknotted in N n H. Extending h by the identity to all of M gives a homeomorphism of M onto itself such that h(X) is unknotted in H and h(xi) = x1 for i = 0,1,...,k. Theorem 4.7 Any compact 3-manifold M with boundary is a PL t- double. ngpf Case 1: M has connected boundary. In this case bdM is a closed 2-manifold and there is a handle body H with de E bdM. Let M' be a closed 3-manifold formed by attaching H to M by a homeomorphism between their boundaries. Let Y (see figure 9) be a spine of H and K a triangulation of M' such that Y