THESIS I 1.1:;- ztaar $133523?“ lHl”IllIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIQIIIIW This is to certify that the dissertation entitled THE ORIGIN AND MORPHOGENETIC SIGNIFICANCE OF PATTERNED GROUND IN THE SAGINAW LOVE.“ OF MICHIGAN presented by David Paul Lusch has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for Ph . D . degree in Geography W//é7:4¢¢Jo4fiI»am/[/L——~_. Major professor Date November 10, 1982 MS U i: an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 0-12771 RETURNING MATERIALS: lvlfSlflf Place in book drop to LIB R remove this checkout from 5:2 your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. "} Iggy 71;], 3 Leona -_.,f«?ie§§;9°5 30x A 001. meme 5 m 1P?“ 3.9 V EriY'EVO .II APR 67 1999 n. 5 .2 —-‘ ”,4 .:1 'V - -1»J~ _L . THE ORIGIN AND MDRPHOGENETIC SIGNIFICANCE OF PATTERNED GROUND IN THE SAGINAW LOWLAND OF MICHIGAN By David Paul Lusch A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Geography 1982 rte .. o. .I c H w. .l r. — 0.”. a... .I} I a L ,. 3 fl G, ABSTRACT THE ORIGIN AND MORPHOGENETIC SIGNIFICANCE OF PATTERNED GROUND IN THE SAGINAW LOWLAND OF MICHIGAN By David Paul Lusch More than 350 mi2 of patterned ground have been delimited in the Saginaw Lowland of east-central Michigan on the basis of the interpreta- tion of aerial photography of varying scale, film type and date of ac- quisition. This phenomenon consists of an ordered network of broad, shallow troughs enclosing slightly higher centers. Individual forms range from circular features (79 feet in diameter) to elongated cells (1,289 x 480 feet). Most of the patterns, which can be classified as nonsorted nets, formed in somewhat poorly drained loam or silt loam drift on low-relief (§_15 ft/miz) surfaces which slepe less than 32. The morphostratigraphic relationships of the Saginaw patterned ground to the Port Huron Moraine and proglacial Lake warren I suggest that the nets formed not earlier than 13,000 yrs B.P., but are probably younger than 12,730 yrs B.P. The lower elevational limit of the nets is coincident with the shoreline of proglacial Lake Elkton (Lundy) in both the horizontal and isostatically uplifted terrain, indicating that active pattern formation was contemporaneous with, and bounded by, Lake Elkton. Early Lake Algonquin, the next proglacial lake in the sequence, came into existence about 12,400 yrs B.P. and provides a minimum date for the cessation of active pattern growth. The Saginaw patterned ground is interpreted to be the result of thermal contractionecracking and ice wedge development in periglacial permafrost. An ice-wedge cast, underlying the mesh of one of the patterns, provided supporting evidence for this conclusion. This pseudomorph is composed of a well-sorted, medium sand surrounded by a sandy clay loam to clay loam till. The abrupt boundary and marked textural difference between these two sediments suggest that the sand was deposited from above into a pre—existing wedge-shaped void in the till. Ice-wedge fossilization was rare in the Saginaw Lowland, however. The somewhat poorly drained, fine-textured drift on which the patterns occur must have been conducive to the formation of ice-rich permafrost. Upon thaw, this material would have been prone to liquefaction, thereby severely restricting the opportunity for the replacement of wedge ice with allochthonous sediments. The nonsorted netsin the study area provide geomorphic evidence of at least local discontinuous permafrost conditions during a brief interval (350-600 years) of the Late Wisconsinan Substage. This mor- phogenetic conclusion implies a mean annual air temperature of -1° to -6°C in the Saginaw Lowland of Michigan during the waning Port Huron Stadial. To Claudia, Peter and Ann ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to gratefully acknowledge the many hours of patient discussion and skillful editing which Dr. Dieter Brunnschweiler provided during the six-year evolution of this dissertation. Special thanks are also extended to the members of my guidance committee, Dr. Harold A. Winters and Dr. Jay R. Harman of the Department of Geography and Dr. Delbert L. Mbkma of the Department of Crap and Soil Sciences. Their helpful advice was greatly appreciated. Dr. Gary A. Manson, Chairperson, Department of Geo- graphy, provided valuable logistical assistance which helped to ensure the completion of the degree program. A special acknowledgment must be made of the superlative efforts of Miss Elizabeth Bartels, whose outstanding typing skills and attention to editorial detail were invaluable during the preparation of this text. Additionally, the support received from Mr. William R. Enslin, Manager, Center for Remote Sensing, cannot be overlooked. Finally, the essential contributions of my family to this endeavor must be recognized. The support, encouragement and understanding of my wife, Claudia, went far beyond the norm. Her acceptance of countless lonely evenings and weekends cannot be repaid; her love will always be treasured. My children, Peter and Ann, have had to sacrifice the fatherly attention they deserve. Their smiles and hugs at the end of a long day helped tremendously. iii TABLE LIST OF TABLES. . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . LIST OF PLATES. . . . . . CHAPTER I CHAPTER II CHAPTER III INTRODUCTION Background . Statement of Methods and Techniques . OF CONTENTS Problem LATE WISCONSINAN GEOMDRPHOLOGY Introduction Moraine Boundary Mapping . Topography of the Port Huron Moraine . Composition of the Port Huron Moraine. waterlain Moraines . OF THE SAGINAW’LOWLAND Proglacial Lake Sequence and Chronology. Eolian Landforms CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PATTERNED GROUND IN LOWLAND. . . 11 ll 24 30 35 37 48 THE SAGINAW Distribution and Extent of the Patterned Ground. Classification of the Patterns . Surface Mbrphometry of the Saginaw Nonsorted Nets. . Edaphic Characteristics of the Nonsorted Nets. iv 51 51 53 55 55 Chapter III (Cont'd.) CHAPTER IV CHAPTER V The Topographic Setting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Age of the Nonsorted Nets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROPOSED ORIGIN OF THE SAGINAW NONSORTED NETS. . Review of Suggested Mechanisms Not Requiring Regolith C raCking O I O O O O O O O O O O O O I I O O O O O O Erosional Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pedologic Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bedrock Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Glacial Stagnation Processes. . . . . . . . . . Review of Suggested Mechanisms Requiring Regolith cracung I O O O O O O O O O O O O I O O O O O O O O Thawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Synaeresis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gilgai Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Partial Wetting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Desiccation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dilation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Salt Cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seasonal Frost-Cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . Permafrost-Cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evidence Supporting An Ice-Wedge Origin for the Saginaw Nonsorted Nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thermokarst Modification of the Saginaw Patterned Gro ‘md O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O PALEOENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PATTERNED GROUND IN THE SAGINAW LOWLAND. . . . . . . . . . . . IntrOduction O O O I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O . 76 81 87 87 87 88 89 89 9O 90 90 9O 91 91' 92 92 92 93 97 103 108 108 Chapter V APPENDIX A APPENDIX B BIBLIOGRAPHY. (Cont'd.) Paleoclimatic Implications of the Saginaw Patterned Gr Quad 0 O O O O O O C O O O O O O O O O O O I O O O Geomorphic Evidence of Former Periglacial Conditions and Permafrost From Elsewhere in the Great Lakes Region I O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Palynological Evidence of Late Wisconsinan Tundra Environments in Michigan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regional Synopsis of Late Wisconsinan Tundra and Permafrost Indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary and Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recommendations for Further Research . . . . . . . . SOIL MANAGEMENT GROUPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY SURVEYING . . . . . . . . . . vi 110 112 119 124 127 130 133 136 140 Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. LIST OF TABLES Page Predominant soil types associated with the waterlain segments of the Port Huron Moraine in the Saginaw LWland I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 31 Predominant soil types associated with the subaerially- emplaced segments of the Port Huron Moraine in the sagmw Wland I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 2 Radiocarbon ages of materials associated with Lake Whittlesey or the Lake Arkona-Lake Whittlesey t rans it ion I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 40 Radiocarbon ages of materials associatedeith Early Lake Erie and Lake Iroquois . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Frequency of occurrence of nonsorted nets by soil manage- ment groups (SMG) in the Saginaw Lowland . . . . . . . . 60 Frequency of patterned ground by local relief category . 79 Dominant topographic and pedologic conditions associated with the patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowland . . . . 81 Reported sizes of active, inactive and fossil tundra palygons I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9 8 Geomorphic indicators of former permafrost in the Great Lakes Region I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 115 vii Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 10. 11. 12. LIST OF FIGURES Page Extent and classification of the Port Huron Moraine in the study area, as shown by Martin, 1955 . . . . 12 Revised extent and classification of the Port Huron Moraine in the study area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l4 Topographic profiles and soil types across the "Bay City Moraine" in north-central Bay County . . . . . . 15 Topographic profiles and soil types across the "Bay City Moraine" in Tuscola County . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Locations of the topographic profiles shown in Figures 3 and 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 17 Comparison between the revised delineation of the Port Huron Mbraine and the boundaries shown by Martin, 1955I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 18 Topographic profiles across the Port Huron Moraine in western Tuscola County and eastern Saginaw County . . l9 Topographic profiles across the Port Huron Moraine in northeastern Tuscola County . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Topographic profiles across the Port Huron Moraine in Larkin and Midland townships, Midland County and Beaver and Williams townships, Bay County. . . . . . . . . . Portion of the Midland North 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle showing the sand dunes along the distal slope of the Port Huron Moraine in central Larkin Township, Midland County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Topographic profiles across the Port Huron Moraine in Grim Township, Gladwin County and Gibson Township, Bay county I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Parent materials of the soils in Larkin and Midland townships, eastern Midland County . . . . . . . . . . viii 23 25 27 33 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure- Figure Figure Figure 13I 14. 15. l6. 17. 18. 19I 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26I 27. 28I 29. 30. Page An expanded topographic profile along the crest of the Port Huron Moraine and the deformed water planes of selected proglacial lakes in the Saginaw Lowland. . . Lake Saginaw during the maximum Port Huron Stadial. . Lake Warren I during the waning Port Huron Stadial. . Lake Grassmere during the waning Port Huron Stadial . Lake Elkton during the waning Port Huron Stadial. . . Late Wisconsinan glaciolacustrine shorelines in the study area. . . . . . . . Distribution and extent of patterned ground in the 888 MW Mland I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mesh of the nonsorted nets at the Lawndale site as in- terpreted from.the airphoto in Plate III. . . . . . . Delineation of nonsorted nets in the vicinity of the Bridgeport wedge. . . . . Relationship between soil management groups and the distribution of the Saginaw nonsorted nets. . . . . . Soil associatiOns and patterned ground distribution in Bay County and eastern Midland County. . . . . . . Site and situation of the Bridgeport wedge. . . . . . Composite cumulative grain-size frequency curve showing the range of particle sizes associated with both wedge- infill and host sediments . Cumulative grain-size distribution of the sediment from two beach ridges associated with glacial Lake Grass- mere I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Electrical resistivity profile showing the conductivity anomaly associated with the subsurface continuation of the Bridgeport wedge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Site and situation of the Lawndale study area . . . . Dominant soil profile textures associated with the mesh of the Lawndale nonsorted net cell. . . . . . . . . . Soil profiles of the three pit excavations at the Lawn- dale site showing the stratigraphic positions of the samples taken for particle size analyses. . . . . . . ix 36 38 41 43 44 47 52 54 57 59’ 61 63 67 69 72 73 74 75 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. BlI BZI BBI Cumulative grain-size frequency curves showing the contrasting partent materials at the Lawndale site. . Electrical resistivity profile across the mesh zone of the Lawndale net compared to subsurface textural data I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Local relief of patterned terrain in the Saginaw L ow1 and I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Spatial distribution of the Port Huron Moraine and the nonsorted nets in the Saginaw Lowland . . . . . Distribution of the Saginaw patterned ground and the shorelines of Lake Elkton and Lake Warren . . . . . . Thermal contraction-crack origin for ice wedges in permafrost. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Relationship of ice wedges to ground patterning in active permafrost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suggested sequential development of thermokarst topography in the Saginaw Lowland . . . . . . . . . . Geomorphic indicators of permafrost in the Great Lakes Region I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pollen diagram of the Cheboygan bryophyte bed and associated sediments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time—distance diagram of ice-marginal fluctuations along the axes of the three major glacial lobes in the Great Lakes Region, showing the relationships between the paleobotanical evidence of tundra and the geo- morphic indicators of Late Wisconsinan permafrost . . Schematic diagram of electrical resistivity apparatus Linear electrode configurations commonly used in resistivity surveying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Detection of near-surface resistivity anomaly . . . 78 8O 84 85 94 96 106 114 121 125 136 137 138 Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate Plate II. III. IV. VI. VII. VIII. IX. XI. LIST OF PLATES High—altitude, color-infrared airphoto of the Vassar, Michigan area showing the well-drained soils (white to light cyan tones) associated with the Port Huron Moraine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High-altitude aerial photographs of the sand dunes on the distal slope of the Port Huron Moraine in eaa tern Midland county I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Color-infrared airphoto showing the network of none sorted patterned ground at the Lawndale site . . . . Variations in form, size and marking of nonsorted flats in the sagmaw LWlando o o o o o o o o o o 0 View of the Bridgeport wedge exposure, looking south- east I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The Bridgeport exposure showing the irregularly downward. tapering wedge o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 Lower portion of the Bridgeport wedge showing its irregular, but abrupt perimeter and its basal width exposed by groundwater piping away the sandy wedge- infill material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bridgeport wedge exposed in the ditch wall and the continuation of its truncated basal section across the floor of the ditch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aerial view showing the lack of patterns below the 615 ft contour and conspicuous forms occurring only above 620 ft (Lake Elkton shoreline) . . . . . . . . Basal section of the Bridgeport wedge exposed in the ditch floor.showing the orientation of two elongated pebbles I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Conspicuous patterns confined to terrain above the Elkton beach (620 ft) near Reese, Michigan; faint nets (arrows) are associated with an Elkton offshore barI I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I xi Page 21 26 54 56 64 65 66 7O 82 101 104 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background Patterned ground is the general term.used to describe any regolith surface which exhibits a discernible, more or less orderly and symmet- rical micro-physiographic pattern (Brown and Kupsch, 1974). It was originally proposed by Washburn (1950) as the only satisfactory expres- sion in English which embodies the meanings of a number of German words for the phenomenon, including Strukturboden (structured soil), Polygon- bgdgg (polygonal soil), Zellenboden (cellular soil), Spaltennetze (fracture nets), Netzrissboden (fracture-net soil), Wabenboden (honeycomb ground) and Rautenboden (rhomboid soil). Patterned ground is character- istic of, and best developed in, regions of intensive frost action (Flint, 1971; Embleton and King, 1975; French, 1976). It is not, however, restricted to these morphoclimatic areas and, as noted by washburn (1956, 1970, 1973, 1980), may have a variety of origins; for instance, nonsorted polygons resulting from thermal contraction-cracking of permafrost on the arctic coastal plain of Alaska (Black, 1952) are nearly identical in size, shape and marking to desiccation-crack polygons on some of the playa sur- faces in the Mojave Desert of California (Chico, 1968). Correctly inter- preting the genesis of patterned ground, therefore, requires careful geomorphic analysis. Patterned ground in Michigan was recognized more than a decade ago (Brunnschweiler, 1969), but has since received little attention from.geo- morphologists. Some of the patterns in southwestern Bay County and north- central Saginaw County were studied by Tillema (1972) who concluded that they were fossil ice-wedge polygons which formed in periglacial permafrost. This study, however, is not fully convincing, both in the presentation of the field evidence for ice-wedge casts and in the discussion of criteria by which such relict structures can be identified (Johnsson, 1959; Black, 1976). The location of the patterned ground in the glaciated terrain of the Saginaw Lowland suggests either a glacial or periglacial origin for this phenomenon. Although the Saginaw patterns are somewhat similar in appear- ance to certain types of ice-stagnation terrain, their morphometry and pedologic structure point toward a mode of origin determined by the presence of ice wedges in permafrost. It is known that during the waxing phase of the Wisconsinan glaciation, permafrost formed in front of the ex- panding ice sheet and may have persisted beneath the glacier in localized areas where subglacial temperatures were below 0°C (Pewe: 1973). As the continental ice mass waned, recently uncovered drift became perennially frozen and ice wedges formed in locales where especially rigorous condi- tions existed. Although the frost-debris tundra zone1 in the Midwest had a more re- stricted latitudinal extent than elsewhere (Brunnschweiler, 1962; 1964), the impact of the climatic conditions in this realm on Late Wisconsinan morphogenesis cannot be discounted. Paleobotanical evidence suggestive of this migrating tundra zone in Michigan is limited, but the overall paucity of organic remains associated with the interstadials following the Late Wisconsinan maximum (19,000-21,500 yrs B.P.) has been inter- preted as an indication of cold, dry conditions which were too rigorous to allow plant migration from the south (Goldthwait, 1968; Wayne, 1968; Dreimanis, 1977). 1This term, translated from the German Frostschuttzone, was suggested by Bfidel (1951) to differentiate the cryomorphologically more active plant- 1ess tundra zone frmm the forest tundra zone along its equatorward mar- gins. At issue is the existence of a morphoclimatic zone fringing the waning continental ice sheet within which permafrost cracking and ice wedge development occurred. In a recent review article, Black (1976) critically evaluated numerous published reports of fossil ice-wedge casts and patterned ground in temperate NOrth America. In most cases, he found that the data presented in these studies were inconclusive or misinterpreted and, as a result, an ice wedge origin for most of these features was rejected. It was also speculated in this review that the only favorable location for ice wedge development in the Great Lakes Re- gion during the Late Wisconsinan was the large interlobate re-entrant in western Wisconsin (the so-called "Driftless Area"). Of particular rele- vance to the present study is a statement by the same author that ice- wedge casts were not to be expected inside of the Late Wisconsinan ice border in the United States, yet he cited two such occurrences (Black, 1965). Indisputable evidence of Late Wisconsinan ice wedges and associated patterned ground have been reported from southwestern Ontario (Morgan, 1972; Greenhouse and Morgan, 1977). These features are especially germane because their appearance and form are very similar to the patterns in the Saginaw Lowland and they occupy a comparable morphostratigraphic position. Statement of Problem The Port Bruce glacial readvance in the eastern Great Lakes Region culminated about 14,000 yrs B.P. and tundra conditions probably existed in the periglacial zone at this time (Dreimanis, 1977). Within a rela- tively short time thereafter, the ice margin began to retreat rapidly, yet plant fossils from two sites of Mackinaw Interstadial age in Michigan docu- ment tundra conditions during this interval (Miller and Benninghoff, 1969; Burgis, 1970). The subsequent readvance during the Port Huron Stadial deposited tills which differ in composition and fabric from those of the preceeding Port Bruce Stadial, suggesting a rearrangement of the glacial flow patterns following the Mackinaw Interstadial (Dreimanis, 1977). These variations can be interpreted to indicate either a significant climatic change or alterations of the thermal-dynamic regime of the Laurentide ice sheet, but the fossil ice-wedge polygons in southwestern Ontario (Morgan, 1972; 1982) provide evidence of a substantial lowering of temperature. This dissertation will focus on the origin and morphogenetic signifi- cance of patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowland of Michigan. In parti- cular, the hypothesis that these features are fossil ice-wedge polygons resulting from.permafrost cracking will be tested. Acceptance of this hypothesis is contingent on several factors. First, the morphometric attributes of the Saginaw patterns must be comparable to the geometry, mesh size and surficial marking of active, inactive or fossil icedwedge polygons which have been reported elsewhere in North America and northern Eurasia. Second, the edaphic characteristics of the patterned terrain in the study area must be consistent with the textural and natural drainage conditions which are known to promote permafrost and ice wedge develop- - ment. Lastly, fossil ice-wedge casts must be present underlying the mesh of the Saginaw patterns. Field criteria by which ice-wedge pseudomorphs can be identified have been reported by Johnsson (1959) and Black (1976) and will be utilized in this study. Given the striking appearance of the Saginaw patterned ground and considering the paucity of geomorphic documentation of periglacial perma- frost in the Great Lakes Region during the ice-marginal fluctuations of the Late Wisconsinan, the following research objectives were pursued and are discussed in the following chapters: 1) Documentation of the distribution of the patterned terrain in the Saginaw Lowland and analysis of its geomorphic and edaphic character; 2) Description of the morphostratigraphic relationships between the patterns and the known or re-interpreted glacial and glacio— lacustrine landform.sequences in order to determine the time- stratigraphic position of the patterns; 3) Investigation of the geomorphic agents and associated processes which may have been active during pattern formation, to be ac- complished through an analysis of data on the surface morphom- etry and subsurface structure of the patterns, as well as a critical evaluation of theories suggesting alternative origins for such features; and 4) Discussion of the paleoenvironmental significance of the Saginaw patterned ground, with special emphasis on the reconstruction of the thermal regime during and immediately after ice retreat in the study area. As mentioned earlier, patterned ground is a general term for a variety of geometrically arranged surface phenomena which may result from numerous processes. Although this study will specifically test the hypo- thesis that the patterns in the Saginaw Bay area resulted wedge development in permafrost, other mechanisms which are reported in the literature to form similar features will also be given full consideration. Conclusions concerning the origin of the patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowland of Michigan will allow their morphogenetic significance to be assessed in both the local and regional context and should contribute to a better understanding of the Late Wisconsinan environment in east-central Michigan. Methods and Techniques The interpretation of aerial photographs was a major research tech- nique used in this study. Mapping the distribution and extent of the patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowland, as well as studying its morpho— metric characteristics, is only feasible by analyzing airphotos because, in spite of their sharp definition in the aerial view, these features are virtually imperceptible to the ground-level observer. During the pre— liminary phase of this investigation, inspection of various types and scales of aerial imagery of the counties bordering Saginaw Bay revealed that the patterns are well defined on even small-scale photography, particularly if it was acquired in the spring when soil moisture varia- tions in the barren fields accentuate the network mesh. Small-scale, color infrared (CIR) imagery acquired by NASA in the spring of 19752 was very useful for delimiting the areal extent of the patterned ground, but detailed analysis of individual patterns was more accurately accomplished from larger-scale photography, such as the 1:24,000 CIR photos from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, or the county coverage from the Agricultural Stabilization and Conserva- tion Service (A.S.C.S.). Since agricultural activities and other changes in land cover can mask the patterned ground on airphotos, a multitemporal analysis was conducted with blackvanddwhite panchromatic imagery acquired for the A.S.C.S. in 1955, 1963, 1969 and 1970. Both individual 9" x 9" prints and county photomosaics were used to map the areal limits of the patterns. In total, aerial photography from six different acquisition dates spanning 23 years was interpreted, providing the highest possible accuracy for 2NASA-JSC Mission 309. All of the high-altitude imagery of Michigan ac- quired by NASA's Manned Spaceflight Center and used in this study is archived at the Center for Remote Sensing, Michigan State University. visual pattern delimitation. Areas of especially prominent patterns in the Saginaw Lowland were delineated from l:120,000 CIR aerial photographs. Compared to other available imagery of the study area, these small-scale photos revealed the patterns remarkably well, probably because they were acquired the day after the Saginaw Valley received an average of 0.32" of precipitation. In addition, this photo mission provided total coverage of the study area for the same day on a consistent film type and photo scale. In order to recognize the morphostratigraphic context of the patterns, and as a means of establishing their relative age, the boundaries of the significant ice-marginal landforms and the locations of several proglacial lake shorelines had to be determined. Previous delineations of these sur- face formations were consulted (Leverett and Taylor, 1915; Martin, 1955), but it was necessary to redefine some of these features. These re- interpretations were accomplished by the combined analyses of aerial photo- graphs, topographic maps and soil surveys coupled with field verification. Special emphasis was placed on tapographic profiles constructed across the previously delineated trends of the moraines in the study area because such landforms are defined primarily on the basis of their constructional topography (American Geological Institute, 1962). These profiles were com- piled at a scale of l:24,000 from U.S. Geological Survey tapographic quad— rangles which have a contour interval of 5 ft. Vertical exaggerations of either 40 or 50 times were chosen according to the amount of local relief present. The profile transects were extended several miles beyond the previously mapped boundaries of the moraines in order to assess the ac- curacy of these delimitations. Since the Port Huron drift is known to be fine-textured (Leverett and Taylor, 1915), soil data aided the interpre- tation of dune complexes, beach ridges and lacustrine bars and spits whose topographic expression, in some instances, could be confused with morainic terrain. The shorelines of selected proglacial lakes were mapped by combining the interpretations of aerial imagery with pedologic and topographic data from existing maps. Many of these littoral features, both erosional and depositional, are obvious on medium and small-scale aerial photography as discontinuous, curvilinear trends in the landscape. These were mapped on acetate photo-overlays and subsequently transferred to l/2":1 mile county base maps. Shore features in the zone of horizontality for Lakes Grassmere and Elkton were identified on the basis of their topographic elevation (640 ft. and 620 ft., respectively); the beaches were mapped across the uplifted zone north of the zero isobase by means of their spatial continuity and relative position. Because the study area is north of the Warren hinge line, all of the shorezone features associated with Lake warren have been uplifted relative to its horizontal elevation of 680 ft. Nevertheless, the conspicuous shoreline along the proximal flank of the Port Huron Moraine in Tuscola County has been accepted as the Warren beach in previous studies (Leverett and Taylor, 1915; Martin, 1955) and this served as the point of reference for the mapping of the remainder of the Warren shore. Although airphotos are used as a mapping base for modern soil surveys, the patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowland has not been recognized in these reports primarily because of the larger size of the soil mapping units compared to the pattern mesh and due to the fact that the patterns are not associated with a single soil series. Nevertheless, soil maps do provide valuable information on the dominant soil texture and natural drainage conditions characteristic of the patterned terrain. Other edaphic data essential to this research, such as evidence of subsurface soil structures or textural discontinuities underlying the surface patterns, were gathered from on-site field examinations. Most of the arable land in the study area is drained by road-side ditches and more than 100 miles of these drains, many of which expose five or six feet of drift, were inspected in the field. Sites where a pattern mesh intersected a ditch, as located by airphoto interpretation, were given special scrutiny in an effort to discern any sedimentological manifestations of the surface pattern. At the Bridgeport site, five paired samples of the material in a soil wedge and the adjacent host regolith, each weighing about 200g, were extracted from.the cleaned face of a drainage ditch exposure at depths of 0.2m, 0.55m, 0.8m, 1.1m and 1.4m. These sediments were subjected to par- ticle size analyses using standard sieve and hydrometer techniques. As a means of assessing the three-dimensional character of the soil wedge, electrical resistivity surveys3 were conducted. This geophysical tech- nique has been reported to be useful for mapping patterned ground (Greenhouse and Morgan, 1977). The resistivity transects at the Bridge- port site utilized a Wenner probe configuration with 0.5m electrode spacings in order to concentrate the measurements in the upper 1.5m of regolith which contained the bulk of the soil wedge. Due to the lack of other exposures, it was necessary to excavate three pits at the Lawndale site. The central and eastern excavations were approximately 2.5 x 3 ft., while the western pit was about 3 x 5 ft. All were dug to a depth of 6 ft. and their long axes were oriented east- west, transverse to the local trend of a prominent mesh zone. An elec- trical resistivity survey was conducted along a west-to-east transect 3Appendix B describes the electrical resistivity surveying technique and illustrates how resistivity anomalies can be detected. 10 immediately north of these pits. The Wenner array configuration was also used at this site, but the electrodes were spaced only 14" apart in order to provide maximum resolution of subsurface resistivity anomalies in the upper 3.5 ft. of the regolith. Samples from the C horizons of the two- storied soils exposed in these excavations were also subjected to particle size analyses. Other edaphic data, particularly dominant profile texture, were collected from 25 auger borings which sampled the cell mesh to a depth of 5 ft. These auger sites were spaced at approximately 50 ft. in- tervals, except where observed changes in surface texture or color sug— gested that additional samples were necessary. An analysis of the morphometry of the Saginaw patterns was conducted using photometric techniques. The lengths of the major (a) and minor (c) axes of 200 selected patterns in the study area were measured to the nearest 0.1mm on 1:60.000 CIR imagery. The average scale of each photo was calculated with reference to U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' topographic maps. These airphotos were utilized in an effort to standardize the analysis of the patterns from synoptic imagery which was acquired under nearly constant conditions on the same day. The local relief of the patterned terrain was determined by calculating the arithmetic difference between the highest and lowest contour lines in each survey section as shown on U.S. Geological Survey 7.5' topographic maps. Since the contour interval on these quadrangles is 5 ft., these data have an inherent precision of.i 10 ft. Additionally, the areal unit of measure, nominally one square mile, varies somewhat due to imperfections in the U.S. Public Land Survey System. CHAPTER II LATE WISCONSINAN GEOMORPHOLOGY OF THE SAGINAW LOWLAND Introduction The reticulate network of patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowland which is the focus of this research occurs within a broadly arcuate tract across parts of Bay, Midland, Saginaw and Tuscola counties. The study area is part of the Saginaw Lake-Border Plain physiographic region of the state which is, in general, bounded by the shoreline of Lake Saginaw, the highest Late Wisconsinan proglacial lake, and the present shore (Brunnschweiler and Lusch, 1977). In order to correctly interpret the significance of the patterned ground, its geomorphic context, par- ticularly with respect to the major glacial and glaciolacustrine land- forms, must be established. Moraine Boundary Mapping The Saginaw Lowland contains a large segment of the Port Huron Moraine which, as preliminary investigations (Lusch, 1977) suggest, is spatially related to the distribution of the patterned ground. This hypothesis prompted a re—examination of the extent of the Port Huron and Bay City moraines in the study area. Previous attempts to delineate the moraines in this part of Michigan are limited to the reconnaissance mapping of Leverett and Taylor (1915) and several manuscript maps com— piled at some later date by Leverett. The most recent graphic summary of these previous investigations is the "Surface Formations' map by Martin (1955) which depicts these moraines as shown in Figure 1. Little is known about the specific criteria and methods used by Leverett and Taylor to delineate these ice-marginal landforms, but they were unable to utilize aerial photographs and detailed soils and 11 12 o a mmma sauna: an asozm mo .mouo mason on» :« unwouoz nous: uuom onu mo oofiuoowwfimmmao use unouxm .H ouswwm .oo 33...... .00 3.505 ngasm .oo 00:02 .63.. 53:... 60 23.22 «‘5 60 52680 Spun Op d l3 topographic maps since these were unavailable at the time of their work. Differences, perhaps resulting from the lack of these detailed data sources, are apparent between the present interpretation (Figure 2) and Martin's 1955 map. Most notably, no evidence could be found to support the delinea— tion of the Bay City Moraine proximal to the Port Huron system in the study area. The only conspicuous, positive topographic feature in the vicinity of this "moraine" in Bay County is the fairly continuous Nipissing beach ridge (Figure 3). In Tuscola County, the "Bay City Moraine" appears to correspond to a rather complex series of discontinuous beach ridges associated with proglacial Lake Grassmere and Lake Elkton (Figure 4). The location of these topographic transects are shown in Figure 5. With respect to the general trend of the Port Huron Moraine across the study area, the present delineation and previous maps agree very well. There are, nevertheless, several places where major differences in the mapped extent of the moraine are obvious (Figure 6). The first of these is in the vicinity of the Saginawauscola county line in T. 11 N., R. 6 and 7 E., and T. 12 N., R. 7 E. Here the present interpretation, pri— marily on the basis of topographic data (Figure 7), established the proximal margin of the moraine several miles north of the previously ac- cepted boundary. The extent of waterlain1 moraine in this area has also 1In a recent review of waterlain tills, Dreimanis (1979) concluded that tremendous confusion exists regarding the terminology used to describe 'these sediments. He agreed with Francis (1975) who pointed out that "waterlain" (i.e., lying in water) was linguistically more appropriate in this context than the often-used term."waterlai " which means laid down by water. Consequently, Dreimanis (1979: 167) modified his earlier definition of "waterlaid" till (Dreimanis, 1969) to read, "waterlain till: Glacial drift deposited as till in glaciolacustrine, glaciomarine or glaciofluvial environments." It seems reasonable to adopt a similar terminology for landforms which were emplaced in an aquatic environment, as well. In this report, the term."waterlain" moraine describes a type of moraine or a moraine segment which was deposited along an ice margin standing in proglacial meltwater or which was subsequently modified by glaciolacustrine processes. .oouo human onu ma oawouoz nous: uuom oSu mo sowuoowmwmmmao moo acouxo vomw>om .N ouowam 14 can 80:00 -I:O_.Obm 2"}. :4’: I6 )l 5:1” ' 21,3. 9/ ’53,? 0’ «22 1 44‘ \ n"... inseam w. . 2....3 .. (Kr W .‘“( OCH“ 0. .0. 2:30! 52.3.3 palm/WW /\I|\ .......... .u .. mm a... 0......0..\ 2.. .2 o. . . . \ .. w. . 3.0 :0 ._.. .,. . _ _ . .. 0.”... .o..oo..o.o.o 17m 3.3.?“ \. .wru. , ..M.o..u...h.o .o.. oo ”ma-.4. ”mm-«4.. dial .- .o.o cinch...” V. ....o . “(have °=.-‘-: p ...........0. 2 2. 3o .2: w “T... s \ km. . 2 w ham: A 5.... 5s 3M1...“ 1. t c. 003:. o— O .oo :33... 60 3.50.0 \ .3. sum 60 02.92 .63... 502.3 .8. 2.22: a: u .u can... .8 533.0 3. mo .. . vi 05 v' 15 .%ua=oo mom Hmuuooolauuo: a. :oofiouoz huwo hum: on» mmouom mom». Hwom mam mmafimoue oanmmuwomoa .m ouawwm .95.. :0. 3 5.3.3.... .2 < .3232? com 3003 5...: an :30... .. 05...: 3.0 aom .. .- ..o:.o.m 0...... ham; .3... 2.. P 33.6... . M . 4o 2.. J .73.... 2 2.. m ausnlanfllood . out... so. a 23......- ..o . . ll 3000.“ 2... it... own—.1, 02.3.... m on. 522...... .3. co. 2.00 o g aflsfl 00. 3...... no. .9... on. .0 one... so... 05.83.: 33 0 m .iménomfiruo 2.. .1 3.72... ad... 2?; CQIoolao co. .0 . 0.9.2.. 0...... z aflolamnmfl do. one. - III! a“. O a... .H 0.3.6... on. ooo— 1’. I 3.3:... 83......«uoo... ,3. .«L .m 3.... so... afsassz 4.3.6.. 33-3.9.8... 050 n ousvloofi .10.. Q anal? _ )1 ausolnufiloo.“ 2.. j (I; .«o . 3: o . o... a... a... 3323......2. M on... so... 9.3.3.: 2 find—.mvé I”. I. .DNO /30 .33.. a... mmouom won... .30. on. modwoun owsamumomom. .q ouswfih $030.0 «60500666:— =°¢ no :O_~n_..OOOU uO..< IUCOQQ< 00¢ Goo—v 5...: 3 :32... .a 05.35. 3.0 .30 11 coidd co. . o... 2.. 0°.“ 0°.“ 0' 0‘.“ no N a... . . . . w .c: c a on. .v. a... v. on. 1 2... :3... =2... 1 3o 000 000 . a. on.“ c. on a nun 0N0 ... 8.... a _. 1 8o .1. .. on. ...o:.o.m out... so... u. ..o 2. e2...u 0:: on « _ . coo ONO 000 0' do.“ on.“ I 3. can \..\2\LL11. 2...? x I 0.. e333 .2: on... I on. 8.. _ IL 1\|1 8. 000 .N3 on..«.—o\1\llJ\/\I\.\ 1 / p. I ONO .o A $02.0.m (J 0! 600 23.22.. 5.5m can... so... 22:39.0 on.“ 000 |||\. COO . a on. a...» 3.. «A... \mL1\../lu.\l1ll\‘ a... r .22 o m J .38.... n. can 23.22.. eo.x.u 2.0. it... I one .. 5.3.33... :9. .. 10F 32...... no.» 2... hw20 awn .00 2003;. .0 .o .00 32.3.0 .o .0 .oo :0 .v .1. .00 02.32 .63... £35.. .0 .e .3 22...: a: m .u .8 533.0 2. mo .. 18 .3 .30... 33.25... m... .38 05...: .55... an... a... mo sowummafidmv .03.... m... .003... confine—50 .mmm. .n..uuz .0 «Human 3...... .m a... .m a... .m 5. .m o... .m o... .m c... .m a... .m 2.4.. .L on... _ . J pp 9... o .o .s .955... o. a O .n. . Q E 5 5...... 3...... 553...... .o 5...... >2... 5... o. 33...... .23.... .3... a. .3... 5...... .3 5.3.5.... .58.... o... 2...... .....< 3.... 5...: a. 3.2.5.. 252...... 2.... .. >2... 5... an .......5... .53.... o... 2...! ....< .2... a... .3 a... 3.... 5...: .5 53.2.... 05.50.... 05 6003...- 3.5.2.. .o .....< , .H. .qmut 0.: .r. .m wwé .m op...— 0 .n1‘.. 05.33. :95: ton. .00 509...... 60 .55..» .oo :0 .oo 0...; .63... 5.05.. 60 .3552 «2 u .00 5.650 .3 ma huaaoo awafiwmm :u..... can mucsoo .Hoomaa auoumoa :« .....Qz noun: a... on. ..ouo. .maamoum ufizmmuwomos .s unawum l9 o .52“. 5 :30... 23...... 5...... .33.... .... .0 2.5.5.... ... < 5.2.2:? ... .30.... .53.: :95... ...... .... .0 3.3.3:... 0...»... u > .........oo.... _ ....5 ......2. .3. p .0. on. . no.“ oo.«1 can can V 1' fill ll 000 .3 L 2.. .0 co. - ...... a... o... nu. . . can one - one .. _. 0N suitatlau: and D co. _ no... . . . 331.313: cc. Duo 0. «In rials—0.... p » 00.... 0N0 K on.“ .... o... W , on. .2 33...: 2 ’h _ . . . N 000 fitlklbloo «...-o a loan; . coo d o. «1...... one one :2 uni-bod O00 W I.” m 00.“ Duo .4 a. .....02 20 been changed in that all of the moraine below the Warren shoreline (ele- vation 700 feet), which occurs one mile northwest of Vassar, is inter- preted as having been deposited in standing water. In Tuscola County, the portions of the Port Huron Moraine which sustained little modifica- tion by lacustrine processes exhibit strong local relief and surficial soil mottling and tend to be naturally well drained. As observed on color infrared airphotos (Plate I), the bright, more well-drained soils of the subaerially emplaced moraine contrast vividly with the darker, more poorly-drained soils of the segment modified by lacustrine action. Additionally, the surficial mottling west of (below) the Warren shorezone tends to be subdued, providing corroborative evidence for the waterlain character of this section of the moraine. No evidence was found to sup- port the waterlain moraine boundary in the vicinity of Frankenmuth as shown on Martin's (1955) map. The differences in the extent of the moraine in north-central Tuscola County shown in Figure 6 are the result of a re-interpretation of the waterlain portions of the Port Huron Moraine which will be discussed more fully in a later section. The platform on the northwestern flank of the moraine (Figure 8) was previously delineated as lake plain (inundated till plain), but topographic data suggest that it may in fact be part of the moraine. This area would certainly have been inundated by Lake Saginaw during its initial formation and subsequently was subjected to both fluvial and lacustrine erosion. A third locality where major differences in the interpretation of the glacial morphology can be seen is along the eastern border of Midland County. Topographic data for this area indicate that the Port Huron Mo- raine extends westward into Midland County (Ts. l4 and 15 N., R. 2 E.) farther than previously recognized (Figure 9). Although the distal margin 21 (NASA-JSC 309-21-102; May 13, 1975) Plate I. High-altitude, color-infrared airphoto of the Vassar, Michigan area showing the well-drained soils (white to light cyan tones) associated with the Port Huron Moraine. 22 .muosoo «accuse auoummonuuoa Ga moaouoz noun: uuom o:u mmouum mmafimoun canamuwonoa .w ouowfim o 952“. ... :32? 2.0.38. 2:9... 2.30.0 2.2.3923... ..oo .o ..o. < 523...; one 2.... :ooo.« 2.222 .35: ...... 2.. .o 3.3253 3...... u > ‘ ... 522.838 .3 I 'o 0“. one no a 9 ill“.— 8.. . 8.. 005 a? CD.“ _ 2:. on» 00 .00 o3 , .. P 3.. 3 . .8: 3 _ \l '0.“ \E’ ”...“, / \.\H,\ . . _ao.NIn«sQ on «non N one _ OOh _ 005 no- . and .72; — p ‘ 000 mm ou~¢ cast .....«3. _S.«uoo.« Tau... .‘NII‘ Saussom JV L _ cos - 605 << : 3035.02 23 $3.500 .23 £323.53 ...... .5235 com .3550 2.33: £332.33 33.2.“: 25 5..qu a.“ 038.32 no.3. uuom a... amouoo madman.“ canaouwomou. .m mun—mum 3.5.0 2.2.3523... ..o- .0 .8 < 52.022 0: o 2.6.“. ... .52.. 2:0... one one one can 050 050 3 2.3.0: 5...... to... o... .0 3.3252. 93...... u p ensign...“ 8.... 32.3: If . Lanna? . . kl I _ Z _ 3.9.3.... 8.3.2. 11 one _... it P <3 . ......” 00.9.8.“ p o . ..««aoo.u zoo...“ 3.3.0323 .. o. 9 :00. p .80 _ ll /.mlf an no on a 0‘0 H... F <\—\ ...fl 2b nasalnofllon.“ _ i 1E 8.9.3.... 33-..”...8; one mm x/éi . use oodlaolnusv 3......8... £35976... _ 3-3-3 _ can one 2 .m .aom 2.03 24 of the moraine in this region is obscured by sand dunes (Figure 10 and Plate II), published pedologic information, to be discussed later, corroborates the more westerly position of this moraine border. Topography of the Port Huron Moraine The Port Huron Moraine exhibits two distinct topographic expressions in the Saginaw Lowland. Across most of Bay, Midland and Saginaw counties, where the moraine was waterlain, it has a very subtle topographic form, with gentle slopes and low relief. In northernmost Bay County and in Tuscola County east of vassar, on the other hand, the moraine becomes much more pronounced and, in general, local relief along its trend increases to the north and northeast. In Gibson Township (T. 18 N., R. 3 E.), Bay County, the Port Huron Moraine attains an elevation of over 820 feet, rising some 50 to 70 feet above the surrounding countryside (Figure 11). This three-mile-wide sec- tion of the moraine is quite rugged with local relief averaging 45-50 ft/mi2 and occasionally becoming as much as 85 ft/miz. Along the southern fringe of this hummocky moraine is a narrow (l-2.5 mi.) lacustrine- modified morainic zone which is only 5-15 feet above the adjacent land- scape and has 20—25 feet of local relief per section. The large morainic segment in eastern Midland, southwestern Bay and northwestern Saginaw counties, interpreted as being entirely waterlain, is 2.5-6 miles wide and has a relatively smooth and regular proximal slope. Its crest decreases in elevation toward the southeast, from 690- 695 feet in Larkin Township (T. 15 N., R. 2 E.), Midland County to 615 feet in Saginaw Township ( T. 12 N., R. 5 E.), Saginaw County. As men- tioned earlier, the distal slope of this part of the Port Huron Moraine is covered in many places with sand dunes and these eolian landforms 25 . 4.....-3 ------ {r m LS \.\ M In 1 i >\ \ f E I ~Townhall V | 12".-xx ‘“ w V ,C'V\ ./ Figure 10. Portion of the Midland North 7.5-minute topographic quad- rangle, showing the sand dunes along the distal slope of the Port Huron Moraine in central Larkin Twp., Midland County. 26 J' K. k’ "' i ' ‘7. *3' 2 . 0v , .. .- (NASA-JSC 309-21—67; May 13, 1975 ; Original in color) Plate II. High-altitude aerial photograph of the sand dunes on the distal slope of the Port Huron Moraine in eastern Midland County. 27 .5550 ham 5.23.50... 000.35 2.0 .3250 52.0030... afiuu ....“ 055.0: no.5: uuom w... 009.00 0.3025000... .HH 9.0m... 050 can can own was 005. Obs. con 00.. can obs coo 02.0.0 2.2.5023... :00 .0 .0. < 50000.2 000 o 0.00.... ... 030:0 2:0... 35:00.05“... 00.0.02 00...... ..00 2.. .0 02.00.52. 00030. n) N ((F/ o 00. F . -..... 8.72.3-3... undiagmlnwxv lam; modlao Ian nN\MIaD.NIaN\v f N am.Nlno.NlnN\v ION; \/.\/ aux? _ OSIOD _ wodlnmlub I E 00h . > / ' >L 1W Obs. .500... < QN\0IDQ.NIDN\V co_.a.ououxo _fl0=._0> .8? no... .3... 7 caduceus“? .52; "E0 .3650-.. 0.... / \.‘ fl .x eo' (mostly dunes) fins-textured Iscuslrlno sediments Alluvlnl sediments m Urban land Figure 12. Parent materials of the soils in Larkin and Midland townships, eastern Midland County. 34 Consistent with its waterlain character, lacustrine sediments are found in many places on or near the Port Huron Moraine in this part of Midland County. The largest areas of such deposits are outside of the distal border of the moraine in northwestern Larkin Township. The finer-textured lacustrine materials, consisting of Bowers silty clay loam, Ingersol silt loam and Lenawee silty clay loam, are often juxta- posed with coarse-textured deposits such as the Lenawee-Wixom—Belleville complexes. The complicated, interspersed distribution of these lacus- trine facies supports the interpretation of this locale as a shallow, littoral environment in the proglacial lakes which inundated this part of the study area. The occurrence of many tracts of till (Londo and Parkhill loans) at the surface in northeastern Larkin Township indicates isolated pockets of the morainic surface which were not buried by lacustrine or eolian sediments. Many other areas in eastern Larkin and Midland townships con- sist of sand of varying thickness, overlying till. These two-storied soils include Belleville loamy sand, Covert sand (loamy substratum), Pipestone sand (loamy substratum), Poseyville-Londo complex and Wixom loamy sand. Large portions of the distal slope of the moraine in Midland County are covered by deep, hummocky sand deposits associated with dunes or beach ridges. These include Covert sand, Oakville fine sand, Pipestone sand, Pipestone-Oakville complex and Plainfield sand. Most of the re- maining surface sediments in this area are lowbrelief deep sands, such as Abscota loamy sand and Kingsville loamy fine sand. These sandy soils re- present deltaic materials which were deposited in the littoral zones of several progressively lower proglacial lakes, particularly those of the warren and Grassmere phases. 35 Waterlain Moraines Even during the reconnaissance mapping of the surficial formations of Michigan by Leverett and Taylor (1915), it was recognized that certain moraines, in part of in total, had been deposited in standing proglacial meltwater. As mentioned previously, extensive segments of the Port Huron Moraine within the study area were emplaced in this manner. Among the criteria used to distinguish waterlain moraines from their subaerially deposited counterparts are their comparatively more subtle topographic expression and muted local relief, although the mechanism(s) of waterlain till deposition are not well understood (Dreimanis, 1979). On the basis of these criteria, most portions of the Port Huron Moraine above the Warren shorezone can be classified as a typical, subaerially-emplaced moraine since they rise abruptly to as much as 100 feet or more above the adjacent landscape and have high-relief surfaces averaging 40-60 ft/miz. However, the ice marginal position marked by this moraine-dammed proglacial Lake Saginaw and the level of this water body determined how much of the mo- raine was waterlain. The shorezone of this meltwater impoundment has been deformed by postglacial rebound and in the modern landscape it rises to the north-northeast. The Lake Saginaw shoreline increases in elevation from about 715 feet near the central axis of the study area to 750 feet in the vicinity of Cass City. As shown in Figure 13, the Lake Saginaw water plane intersects the Port Huron Moraine at about 725 feet a little southwest of Watrousville and at approximately 750 feet near Cass City. The portions of the moraine above this place were deposited in a subaerial environment whereas those below it were waterlain. A conjugate situation can be observed in northern Bay County and southwestern Gladwin County where the rugged portions of the Port Huron Moraine are also restricted to elevations above 750 feet, flanked on the 36 .000H300 Boofiwom 0:0 :« 0030a H0H00Hwoua 00000H00 mo moaoan 00003 00500000 030 000 000000: 000:: 000m 0:0 00 00000 0:0 wooao magmoua vanaouwoaou 00000000 0< .ma ouawam 000 000 000 00....m 3.0.. m 000 000 000 0.00.0005 3.0.. 0 .50 :0—~..—.°OIX. , QC. 000 ace 9 0C).; .8.1- 5.; _¢0-:0> =00? . 0001. 02. 000 000 . 00:03 3.0. .s 00> 0:. 000 300.000 3.0.. 0 50.0.00... 0.0.55... 3: 00:03.0 00 2: 00:03.0 00.0 >030 0:00 .0...00..0.. 00° . .00 0.0000... _ .00 300.000 _ >00 .00 0.3.0.: .00 5300.0 .00 >00 l. 000 m ll .llhum .. 2. 3 0 g z. 00> I- I M0ufl H'U ‘Vfflanvs. 0 on. 1 V» 30 (S .00 x0 2 *\ Q 0 O k. Q ‘8 b? b A. \0 0%“ £90 \\\A . \é 0° 0 as? O\ 0 ¢ 00 .0 $¢ \Q \00 \b\ \Q 37 south by a waterlain apron between 725 and 750 feet which was deposited in a subaquatic environment. Proglacial Lake Sequence and Chronology During the Late Wisconsinan, the Saginaw Lowland was the site of several proglacial lakes. These meltwater impoundments affected the type and distribution of several landforms, particularly waterlain moraines. They influenced the texture of soil parent material and left as their geo- morphic legacy a series of erosional and depositional shorezone features. Although numerous lakes of similar origin may have existed in the Saginaw Lowland at various times throughout the Pleistocene, direct surface evi- dence can be found for only those which came into existence during the Late Wisconsinan. The Saginaw Lowland, and probably all of the Lower Peninsula of Michi- gan, was ice-free about 13,300 yrs B.P. during the Mackinaw Interstadial (Farrand, Zehner and Benninghoff, 1969; Dreimanis, 1977). Any lake which may have occupied the Huron Basin at that time was below the present lake level of 580 feet (Hough, 1963; Dreimanis and Goldthwait, 1973). During the subsequent Port Huron Stadial, the ice readvanced and built the Port Huron Moraine. This major ice advance blocked lower drain: age outlets to the east and resulted in an independent, high-level, pro- glacial lake in the Saginaw Lowland which drained westward through the Maple-Grand outlet. Lake Saginaw, shown in Figure 14, received meltwater from both Lake Whittlesey, impounded in the Huron basin to the east, via the Tyre-Ubly channels, as well as from numerous outwash streams. In addition, some meltwater from the interlobate area of Oscoda and Alcona counties to the north was channeled southward along the ice margin and entered Lake Saginaw near West Branch in southwestern Ogemaw County. 38 40.003 00.5.. 000.. aaafixoa 05 0.50:0 30.5w0m 00.0... .0. 0000.0 0.05.0..0 23:23. 2: 0.0.. 00.0—30.0 \/ 3.2:...3 8.0... \/ \ 39 As shown in Table 3, five radiocarbon dates have been determined for wood samples associated with Lake Whittlesey sediments or those that are transitional between Lake Arkona and Lake Whittlesey. The average of these dates is 12,976;: 524 yrs B.P. suggesting an age of about 13,000 yrs B.P. for the correlative Lake Saginaw and Port Huron Moraine. As discussed earlier, Lake Saginaw had an elevation of about 750 feet in the vicinity of Cass City near the mouth of the Lake Whittlesey dis- charge. The entire study area is north of the Saginaw/Whittlesey zero isobase so the 695 foot elevation of the lake in the horizontal zone does not apply (Leverett and Taylor, 1915). Instead, evidence of the Lake Saginaw shoreline throughout the Saginaw Lowland occurs at or above 715 feet. Nearly 300 years later, the tip of Michigan's "thumb" was uncovered and the proglacial lake in the Saginaw Lowland once again became an em- bayed extension of the Huron basin. At this time, the water plane fell to a new level of 680 feet (in the zone of horizontality) and Lake Warren, which also discharged to the west via the Maple-Grand system, came into existence (Figure 15). Within the study area, most of which is north of the Warren hinge line (Leverett and Taylor, 1915), the Warren shoreline has been deformed by postglacial rebound to its present elevational range of 700 to 725 feet. The Warren I stage has been assigned an age of 12,730;i 230 yrs B.P. (I-3665) on the basis of wood samples from a site on the edge of the Erie Lowland in western New York (Calkin and MoAndrews, 1969; Buckley, 1976). This sample (I-3665) came from a peat zone which was deposited either during a late stage of Lake Whittlesey or during the highest Lake Warren stage (Warren I) which followed. According to Calkin (1970), the elevation of the dated sample, only five feet below the pro- jected Warren I water plane, and its association with the remains of 40 Table 3 Radiocarbon ages of materials associated with Lake Whittlesey or the Lake Arkona-Lake Whittlesey transition C14 Age (yrs B.P.) Sample No. Remarks Reference 12, 660 i 440 13,600 i 500 12,920 i 400 12,800 i 250 12, 900 i 200 8-31 W-33 W—430 Y-240 I-3l75 Sample from a waterworn Larix log 2.5" x 2.5' from 32'-42' beneath the surface of an Ar- kona-Whittlesey bar at Ridge- town, Ontario. Elevation - 703'-713' A.T. Highest War- ren beach (705') is 1 mile SE. Wood from a stratigraphic position between deposits of Lake Arkona and Lake Whittle- sey near Cleveland, Ohio. Wood from peaty zone below Lake Whittlesey beach gravels at Ohio Turnpike-Ohio Rte. 4 intersection in Erie County. Underlying the peat is sandy alluvium and lake clay over calcareous till. Near Par- kerstown, Ohio. Spruce wood fragments imbedded in beach sediments of glacial Lake Whittlesey from a well 4.5 miles SE of Bellevue, Ohio. Wood in Whittlesey beach near Elyria, Ohio. Dreimanis, 1966 Suess, 1954 Rubin & Alexander, 1958 Barendsen et al., 1957 Calkin, 1970 41 .H0H000m 000:: 000m wowoma 0:0 mowua0 H 000003 0304 . 3 00:0... 0 000.0000. ...-gnu: AAA IDDFIbDID} 1111 I Gui-00.00. 0 0 0 I lplpbh I'lII A 42 shallow-water flora favor its correlation with the Warren I stage. According to Hough (1963), after Lake Warren had been lowered to 670 feet (Warren II), it fell temporarily to the level of Lake wayne (660 feet) and then rose to the Warren III elevation of 665 feet. Little evidence can be found in the study area for any post-Warren I levels above the Grassmere shoreline. Nevertheless, there are some landscape features which suggest a shorezone on top of the waterlain Port Huron Moraine in western Bay and eastern Midland counties. These consist of relatively narrow, curvilinear zones of sandy material which frequently contain low ridge forms. These minor topographic features are usually faint but they occur in many places and, in association with the sandy soils, seem to define a former shorezone at 655-660 feet which may be associated with Lake Wayne or some other minor halt in the progressive lowering of Lake warren. As the Twocreekan Interstadial continued, the levels of the glacial Great Lakes in the Huron and Erie basins fell to even lower elevations as new outlets became operative. Progressive ice margin retreat in the vicinity of Syracuse, New York allowed meltwater to flow eastward via the Mohawk Valley and, as a result, Lake Grassmere came into existence. This proglacial impoindment (Figure 16) had an elevation of 640 feet in the zone of horizontality which includes most of the study area. NOrth of its zero isobase, in northern Bay and Tuscola counties, the Grassmere shoreline rises to about 650-655 feet. Lake Elkton (Lundy) was the next proglacial lake in this short- lived series and its horizontal shoreline segments have an elevation of aboug 620 feet (Figure 17). Elkton shorelines deformed by rebound in northern Bay County are found at 630 feet while those in northeastern Tuscola County reach the 640 foot level. 400003 00.00.. 0.00.. 9.0003 05 $5.000 000600000 00.0.. .eH 000w“... 43 ....... \IL o. 000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 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0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 IIIIIII 1'7le .lll ....- lllll lqu 1d‘d1ll111 2‘ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 0000000000000000 00000000000000000 0000000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 00000000000 00000000 000000000 I 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 000000000 00000000 000000000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 00000000000 0000000000 0000000000 000000000 0000000000 000000000 0000000000 000000000 0000000000 b o 000000 000000000 sssssssss 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 00000000 000000000 000000000 ........ C 0000000 00000000 0000000 00000000 00000000 000000000 000000000 000000000 butt 0 44 .H0ac0um nous: uuom waaa03 0:0 wcwuav souxam 0304 .NH 0u=wwm \ 45 Following the Elkton stage, continued downcutting of the Chicago outlet eventually formed Early Lake Algonquin at an elevation of about 605 feet, but no shorelines or other features associated with this pro- glacial lake are knwon (Karrow et a1, 1975). The oldest radiocarbon dates on plant detritus and wood correlated with Early Lake Erie and Lake Iro- quois, contemporaries of Early Lake Algonquin, average 12,373 i 466 yrs B.P. and are summarized in Table 4. Thus, Early Lake Algonquin probably came into existence about 12,400 years ago. Continuing ice margin retreat into Ontario opened the Kirkfield-Trend Valley outlet to the east and, Table 4 Radiocarbon ages of materials associated with Early Lake Erie and Lake Iroquois 14 C Age (yrs B.P.) Sample No. Remarks Reference 12,650 i 170 I-4040 Basal plant detritus asso- Lewis, 1969 ciated with Early Lake Erie from the Pelee Basin of western Lake Erie. 12,660 i 400 We86l Sample from Picea mariana Rubin & Alexander, log in laminated silt and clay deposits of Lake Iro- quois at 340' near Lewis- ton, New York. 12,080 :_300 We883 Sample of another Picea Rubin & Berthold, mariana log collected from 1961 the same place at the same Muller, 1965 time as W¥861. 12,100;: 400 I-838 Spruce wood in Lake Iro- Buckley et al., quois sediment 4.5 miles 1968 N of Lockport, New York. 46 beginning about 12,000 yrs B.P., the lake level in the Huron basin was once again below its present level of 580 feet (Karrow et al., 1975). It is unclear whether crustal rebound or a minor ice advance caused the abandonment of the Kirkfield outlet, but whatever the cause, Karrow et a1. (1975) concluded that as a result of its closure, Main Lake Algonquin formed at an elevation of 605 feet approximately 11,200 yrs B.P. Discontinuous segments of the relict shorelines of several Late Wis- consinan proglacial lakes can be traced across the study area as shown in Figure 18. Shorelines at or above the Elkton level, excluding the pre- Warren stages, were delineated because of their spatial relationship to either the Port Huron Moraine or the patterned ground, or both (Lusch, 1977). The proglacial lakeshore features below the Elkton beach were not investigated, except for those portions of the Algonquin and Nipissing shorelines in Bay County which were relevant in the search for the Bay City Moraine. The depositional landforms depicted in Figure 18 consist mainly of low, sandy ridges representing either beach ridges or offshore bars. The stippled shorezone areas define landscapes which are dominated by ero- sional features, such as wave-cut nicks and benches, but also include some depositional forms. The shoreline segments shown by the dotted lines are probably not as accurately located as the other types, since they are based on incomplete or less convincing evidence. Nevertheless, their trends are clearly indicated and the zone of uncertainty containing their true locations is limited to perhaps a few thousand feet on either side of the plotted lines. The morphologically most distinct shoreline erosion was developed along the southeastern margins of the warren and Elkton basins, consistent with the presumption of prevailing westerly winds. In southwestern Bay 47 :00 30:00 >00 ... 00000.... . 02.03 .5 o 0.303 03 0.20.020 a coax-m N 00.00000? < .2333... x ”NOS—.0 mx<4 450(40033 . . 0 .. .. .0? m .. a. .. u” . 3 m 3 m ........ up....pm0 .. .. .. ... ... a! 0 .‘V.’ .H o. o1 00 an .041 00.; 0.00 2.30.0003 2.0 =00 2020500.. :0 0000.. 05.0.0... . .. .L .. 03. d 000 A 0” 00.300. .0..o...0oa00 0...... w .. ...- \ 0. 3 000 06.2.0... 30200.0 000.05 go...) 000.0 00000.20 ... .. .fi 3.x s x . .. .. .. \0. 0.0.. 0.2.0.... 000 0000.. c0000 00.020... 60.300. 00:03... .00050230 I. ... z < m o \ _ Q 30. 48 County, several spits, attributed to both the Grassmere and Elkton lake levels, were identified and mapped. Other depositional shoreline features of Lake Elkton in western Saginaw County have been significantly modified by wind action and, as a result, the location of this segment of its shore may be shown too far to the east. The generally weak character of most of these glaciolacustrine shorelines is probably a function of the short time interval during which any particular lake level was maintained. As will be discussed later, the lower elevational limit of the pat- terned ground is coincident with the shoreline of proglacial Lake Elkton in the central and eastern part of the study area where numerous deposi- tional and erosional landforms mark this former coastline. This morpho- logic relationship continues northeastward across the hinge line into the uplifted zone where Elkton beachridges rise from their horizontal eleva- tion of 620 feet to 640 feet. This spatial association was utilized to map the Elkton shorezone in Bay and north-central Saginaw Counties where other geomorphic evidence of the Elkton beach is lacking. In comparison with previous interpretations, as summarized by Martin (1955), the present delineation of the proglacial lake shorelines in the Saginaw Lowland is of considerably greater accuracy in Bay and north-central Saginaw Counties. Additionally, the location of the Grassmere beach within the study area was previously undefined. Although these glaciolacustrine features are not the principal focus of this research, their locations throughout the Saginaw Lowland had to be determined in order to establish the relative time-stratigraphic position of the patterned ground. Eolian Landforms In light of the Late Wisconsinan history of the area, it is not sur- prising that sand dunes are abundant in the Saginaw Lowland. Each of the 49 proglacial lakes which inundated this area had the potential of depositing sandy material along its shoreline; additional sediments which were sus- ceptible to subsequent deflation were provided by the numerous prograding deltas that were extending into these meltwater impoundments. Perhaps even more important than these littoral and deltaic sediments, however, were the glaciofluvial deposits. Particularly in the western part of the study area, the dense network of lowbgradient rivers and creeks undoubtedly provided expansive areas of sandy material after each flooding. The largest concentrations of sand dunes in the Saginaw Lowland are located in eastern Midland, western Bay and southwestern Saginaw counties. Additionally, many tracts of land south of the Cass River in Tuscola County are covered by dune forms. Dune formation was favored in these areas because of the abundant availability of sandy materials derived primarily from.the many sediment-laden streams. Thus, the Tittabawassee, Cedar and Tobacco rivers in southwestern Gladwin and north-central Midland counties, as well as the upper Cass River and the headward reaches of many of its modern tributaries in Tuscola County, all deposited large quantities of sediment, not only on their flood- plains, but also into Lake Warren (see Figure 15, p. 41). With the lowering of the water plane to the Grassmere and then Elkton levels (see Figures 16 and 17, pp. 43 and 44), the Cass River became fully established in Tuscola County and emptied into the proglacial impoundments in southeastern Saginaw County. At the same time, the headward reaches of the Shiawassee River and many of its tributaries provided copious amounts of alluvium to the pro- glacial lakes in southwestern Saginaw County. In eastern Midland County, the Chippewa and Pine rivers contributed their sediment loads to that of the Tittabawassee River. 50 All across the Saginaw Lowland, the parabolic dune form predominates (see Figure 10 and Plate II, pp. 25 and 26), although in many places, par- ticularly in the western part of the study area, the dune ridges have been drawn out downwind to form hairpin dunes. Virtually everywhere in the Saginaw Lowland the axes of these inland dunes trend west-northwest to east-southeast. In this part of Michigan, eolian landforms developed as the landscape emerged from beneath the progressively lowering proglacial lakes of the Late Wisconsinan. They document a late-glacial paleoenviron— ment in which eolian processes were dominant and indicate 1) that vegeta- tion was probably scarce in the imediate periglacial zone of the Saginaw Lowland at this time and 2) that the prevailing wind direction during the Late Wisconsinan was essentially the same as today, namely westerly. CHAPTER III CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PATTERNED GROUND IN THE SAGINAW LOWLAND Distribution and Extent of the Patterned Ground In the only other study of the patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowe land, Tillema (1972) analyzed approximately 135 mi2 of terrain in south- western Bay and north-central Saginaw counties. Although it was stated that patterned ground could be observed in Midland County and as far north as northern Bay County, no attempt was made to map its extent beyond the boundaries of the aforementioned study area. The present study expanded the search area considerably by including all of Bay, Saginaw and Tuscola counties, as well as the eastern two- thirds of Midland County, the southeastern quarter of Gladwin County and the southwestern margin of Huron County. Figure 19 depicts in a general way the distribution and extent of patterned ground in the study area, which encompasses nearly 2,500 miz. The boundary lines shown on this map represent the outermost limits beyond which no patterns could be observed on aerial photographs; they enclosed approximately 360 mi2 of patterned terrain within which areas of especially prominent patterned ground are shown. Most of these patterns occur in Bay, Saginaw and Tuscola counties. Since conspicuous patterns were not observed on airphotos of southwestern Huron County, the boundary lines were halted at the northern border of Tuscola County although the zone of pattern formation probably continues northeastward for one or two miles.1 1Although Huron County appears to be devoid of patterned ground, another area of distinct ground patterns is obvious on aerial photographs of eastern Sanilac County. 51 52 000:5... B000w0m 0.00 .... 000o0w 000000000 .0 0000.00 000 .50000000000 .3 E O I O I O O C O I O I O O O O O .._. .00... 00 0 0.. 0 mo .... 00 0 m. 0 00 0 00 0 m. 0 . q . 269.... 0.. 0 00.0200 200.03... .0 000.< .03.: .00.... .25... .zapfi .... 7 «3.5.00. 0.0.... 000000. . ... 0000... 000.020.. 0... .0 0...... \ . .. .. . . x . . . z... .. \ ... . an“... I ' ‘ 2 5‘ C I 0 . 0 x .. ... .... 0.0.... s . . .... .23... . .. ...... s s u . b . . .... .. .20: «.... 0. ”0.. V . H... @020: .00 0.0000... .0 ... . .00 305°C” .0 .. \m .0 .. . . III .0 ... ,/ o 0. . . .00 .00 ... \ ,, . ...... z... .. .00 0000.< :03... 0.00.... .0 .0. a x .a .8 05...... «:0 .0 M .0 .20... .p .00 02mm .p S3 Variations in soil moisture accentuate the mesh of many of the pat- terns in the study area and are particularly obvious on CIR photos taken in the spring. Dry mineral soils exhibit increased infrared reflectivity and are rendered in hues of white to light cyan on CIR film. MOist soils, on the other hand, absorb infrared radiation and appear as medium to dark cyan hues (Stoner etal., 1980). Typically, the mesh of the Saginaw Lowland patterns is of a darker cyan color than the surrounding ground on CIR imagery, indicating its higher moisture content (Plate III; Figure 20). Classification of the Patterns Many schemes to classify patterned ground have been developed, but the one most widely accepted employs a purely descriptive terminology, based on geometric form and the presence or absence of sorting (Washburn, 1956). This system recognizes circles, nets, polygons, steps and stripes as the principal geometric forms, each of which can be either sorted or nonsorted. Nicholson (1969) has proposed an adaptation of this classification based on three criteria: pattern form, pattern grouping and the manner in which the pattern is marked. Four configurations (equiform, elongate, stripe or step) and three classes of grouping (isolate, grouped or contiguous) are recog- nized. Additionally, variations in either relief, particle size, or vege- tation are recorded as the mode of pattern marking. The patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowland falls into the class of nonsorted nets in Washburn's (1956) scheme because its geometric unit is primarily ovoid and rather than surficial sorting, microrelief is the major variable marking the patterns. In Nicholson's (1969) terminology, these features could be classified as "grouped, relief elongates." 54 (NASAPJSC 309-22-143; May 13, 1975) Plate III. Color-infrared airphoto showing the network of nonsorted patterned ground at the Lawndale site. Figure 20. Mesh of the nonsorted nets at the Lawndale site as inter- preted from the airphoto in Plate III. 55 Surface Morphometry of the Saginaw Nonsorted Nets The mean dimensions of a net cell in the Saginaw Lowland are 380 x 223 feet (rms 127 x 69 ft) and ranged from very large, elongated features measuring 1,289 x 480 feet to smaller, circular forms 79 feet in diameter. Most of the mesh cells in the study area are somewhat elongated, as indi- cated by the 1.7:1 average a/c ratio (range - 1:1 to 3:1). The ratio of major to minor axis length (a/c) is a measure of the elongation of the form. A ratio of 1 indicates a more or less circular feature, while larger ratios are associated with oval-shaped patterns. Plate IV illustrates some of the variations in the form, size and marking of the Saginaw nets. The patterns range from large, elongated features (a) to small, circular ones (b). Although frequently marked by soil moisture differences (as at a and b), the pattern mesh can also be outlined by differential crop vigor (c and d), as well as changes in the natural vegetative cover (e and f). As mentioned earlier, due to temporal variations in agricultural activities and soil moisture conditions, seg- ments of the reticulate pattern mesh may not be obvious on a single date of aerial photographs. As a result, multi-temporal photo-interpretation is the only practical way to assess the true extent of these features. Figure 21 presents the results of an analysis of four different dates of blackvand-white airphotos spanning 18 years for the vicinity of the Bridge- port wedge site in east-central Saginaw County. Edaphic Characteristics of the Nonsorted Nets There are nearly 100 different soil series recognized within the Saginaw Lowland. They were formed in diverse parent materials ranging from clay to sand, as well as in organic deposits. The natural drainage conditions of these soils vary from.well-drained to very poorly drained. 56 ,_ . ,- '7 -» ... Fig.0: . 1 . .19. .11.: ..-‘ > Mr ' (NASAFJSC 309-22-143; May 13, 1975; Original in color) Plate IV. Variations in form, size and marking of nonsorted nets in the Saginaw Lowland. S7 1 0-30-37 6-26-4 1 \'.. ‘. i \ I", w.’.:"-.'"..~. fi'fi. . fi)?‘\ .000! \/ ".:. e°'°. 0 :0. O 0-25-50 Reimer Roed a ... .:‘ .' '. ‘ .I \. ‘4 . ':- ' °°-. .\ .’.-'3 u"; ."-. ~'\’ . -. . I... .0 . .' "\. z ‘ ....o . x..v’=.-u., ! z: . ’.'- ' ' ‘- P. (4.“ ‘. 1 / \ ."' . I I i "’ Pattern mesh observed on: A 0| tour sets oi photography --00 fly“ 0 e 0 two: 0 0 single set only W Bridgeport Wedge Site Interpreted from black end white panchromatic aerial photographs dated: 10-22-55 Figure 21. Delineation of nonsorted nets in the vicinity of the Bridge- port wedge. 58 Soil series differ from one another in the thickness and arrangement of their horizons, as well as in other physical, chemical and biological properties. For the purposes of geomorphic mapping, however, the two most important soil attributes are dominant profile texture, indicative of the depositional environment (e.g. outwash sand and gravel compared to clay loam glacial till), and the natural drainage which is suggestive of the topographic setting (e.g. well to somewhat poorly drained morainic soils compared to somewhat poorly to poorly drained drift of a lacustrine plain). Soil management groups, the system of categorizing soil texture and drainage used in this study, designate these edaphic parameters by a set of numbers and letters.2 The generalized soil management groups within the study area are shown in Figure 22; it reveals that most of the pat— terned terrain is underlain by somewhat poorly drained loam and silt loam drift or two-storied soils in which a fine-textured substrate is overlain by coarser materials. A more detailed analysis of the soil types associated with the promi- nent patterns shown in Figure 19 was made by plotting their locations on the available soil maps.3 As shown in Table 5, the majority of these patterns groups occur on somewhat poorly drained loam and silt loam.soils. A lesser, but still significant, concentration is found on two-storied soils in which sandy loam or sand to loamy sand overlies loam to clay loam. An example of the spatial association between the nonsorted nets and these particular soil texture/drainage classes is shown in Figure 23. 2Summarized in Appendix A. 3Of the soil surveys available for the study area, only Bay County (Weesies, 1980) and Midland County (Hutchinson, 1979) were recently mapped. The re- ports for Saginaw County (Mahjoory and Whiteside, 1976) and Tuscola County (Mokma and Whiteside, 1974) are revisions of older data (1933 and 1926, respectively) wherein various mapping units were renamed. 59 .0000 0000o00o0 300Hw0m 000 mo 0o0000000000 000 000 000o0m 000E0w000a HHom 0003000 00:00oa00a0m .NN 000w00 00:... c— o o! .0 on.“ 0200 .00.; .00; .. 00.0 0 00.0 .2 u a“; a .00..» .020 ...:v .020 ...u; ...—.0 .0 a an .... 00 .m 0 00.... .o 3.. .o 0.. .. 00." .n n n— .< 000. ...o.00> 0.0.. 00.0000 0000.0 000500000! :00 .00 0.0000... .00 300.000 .00 >00 .00 0000.2 ....ih 0.000... .00 000.32 «xv m .00 0.30.0 0: mo 0520 0.5.0... 7% § 00006 003020.. .0000 000000000 300aw0m 000 HO 00H000H000H0 000 000 mmaouw 0008000005 HHom 0003000 000000H00H0m .NN 0uswam 59 000. £300.. 0.0.. 00.0000 00...... q‘ 1 00 02 ... 00.0. 00.00 .3: .33 .. no.» 0 no.» .0 00.0 0 .003 .33 .020 60.0 .33 .23 . .0 a0 ... 00 .m 00.0. .0 00.« .0 00.« .0 00 .< 0030.0 «00.000000! ..00 .00 0.000.... .0 .00 300.000 .0 .00 :00 .0 .00 0000.0 :03... 0.000... .0 .00 000.0... a: m .« .00 0.30.0 0: m0 .0 60 Tab 10 5 Frequency of occurrence of nonsorted nets by soil management .groups (SMG) in the Saginaw Lowland Z Frequency .5533 ‘SEQ Soil Series Study Area 38 2.5b-2.5c 12 2.5b-3/2b 8 2.50 2.5b 4/2b 5 2.5b-4/2b 23 others Midland County 29 1.5c Lenawee silty clay loam 21 4/2b Wixom loamy sand 17 2.5b-s Ingersoll silt loam 12 1.5b Bowers silt loam 21 others Bay County 39 2.5b-3/2b Londo-Poseyville 16 2.5c-c—3/2b Tappan-Poseyville 16 4/2b Wixom loamy sand 10 2.5b Londo loam 19 others Saginaw County 38 2.5b-2.5c Capac-Brookston loans 19 2.5b-2.Sc Capac sandy loam-Brookston loam 14 2.5c-2.5c-c Parkhill-Kilmanaugh loans 29 others Tuscola County 54 2.5c-2.5b Parkhill-Londo loams 15 4/2b-2.5b Iosco-Londo association 11 4/2b-5b Iosco-Au Gres sands 20 others 61 $00000 000.03. 0.000000 000 000000 >00 0." 000000000000 0000...» 000000000 000 000000300000 :00 .mN 005000 00.0500 000.305.... 3.100000 .0 000.0 ) 0.50.0 000.0300 0... .o 0:5: 00 0 0.4.00 .0100.N 60‘» 00.0 a ouxv .00.p .00 .0I00.u ca; 0 “5.0 .00 .00 00 d 00 .00.“ ...«s* 00.“ 0 00.“ .nu~Q 00.“ a on.“ 5.0%? ...«00 no a ou~v .00.“ 0N\v 0 no.“ .00.“ 0.1;? 0 00..“ .00.“ no.“ 0 00.“ 0000.0 0008000002 ..00 00:... O p 0//< 0 ”HHHMwHHWIAWMHH A. 0000.0 20.000000... ..00 .0 00223000 .0. < 0.00000< 000 .00 >00 '00 “WW"! 9: 0o «:3... 52:90 0030300 £683.00 00 89> 030209 303.305 61 .000000 000000: 0000000 000 000000 >00 00 000000000000 00000w 000000000 000 000000000000 000m .mN 000w0m 3 a 3:. ....3... .33 3.. a on: .3.. .3 6-3... 3.. a 3:. .3 .3 3 a 3 .3... .33 3... a 3.0 .33 3.0 a 3.0 .3: .33 3 a 33 .30 3:. a 3... .3... 33 .0 3.0 .30 3.0 a 3.0 0000.0 30.300000... =00 ... .- .... .... 7 .41 a. ,0... 00:30 30.000000... :00 .0 02.2.0000 .0. < 50:00.; 000 /H‘Je Wei . r w \x N: ‘ .00 >00 (Zita) '90 ”NIP!" 62 As a rule, patterned ground is not found on well-drained sites in the Saginaw Lowland, nor is it associated with coarse-textured or organic soils. Patterns which occur in areas of coarse surface texture are usually underlain by finer-textured sediments within less than three feet of the surface. Most of these two-storied soils consist of lacustrine or eolian sands deposited over till. Conspicuous patterning in the study area is rare on clay loam or clay soils. In east-central Saginaw County, a soil wedge, associated with one of the nonsorted nets, was observed in cross-section in a ditch along Reimer Road 3.5 mi east-northeast of Bridgeport (Figure 24). The site is located on a waterlain segment of the Port Huron Moraine at an elevation of 630 ft in nearly level terrain with slopes of 11 or less. The local soil type is Kawkawlin loam.according to the 1933 soils map (Moon et al., 1938); in a recent revision, Mahjoory and Whiteside (1976) classified it as Capac- Parkhill loams. Plate V shows the Bridgeport wedge exposed in the wall of this road- side ditch adjacent to an agricultural field. Its axis is oriented nearly vertical and the wedge-form extends to a depth of about 2.1m, but tapers- irregularly (Plate VI). During excavation, the ground water table was en- countered 20cm beneath the ditch floor and prevented the exposure of the basal apex of the wedge. The maximum depth of the wedge (2.1m) was deter- mined by soil auger borings in the bottom of the pit and is subject to an error of not more than :8-10cm. The Bridgeport wedge is differentiated from the surrounding material primarily on the basis of its texture. Although the wedge perimeter is irregular in outline, it nevertheless defines an abrupt textural change from the coarse sediments within the wedge to the finer material of the host (Plate VII). As Figure 25 indicates, the wedge is composed of a 63 .00003 0000000000 000 00 000000000 000 0000 .00 00:000 .mhi 010000; £30009 £30000 .0 _ v. . J7 .. 0000002000 ad _ .00.: ...—00.... .0600 _ .000000 32 .0 0.000 ... 00: . _ 2.0 33>. .3302... V. \ .00... 02.000: 20...... 000.. ‘C 00.00.00 00000 O O 30.000000 0 00:..m m .3000... :2... 3:3. 002300000 0...: 00.050000 . .9... ...... .22.... 64 (tape measure length - 1m) Plate V. View of the Bridgeport wedge exposure, looking southeast. 65 :(tape measure length - 1m) Plate VI. The Bridgeport exposure showing the irregularly downward- tapering wedge. 66 f ’. (scale 8 150m) Plate VII. Lower portion of the Bridgeport wedge showing its irre- gular, but abrupt perimeter and its basal width exposed by groundwater piping away the sandy wedge-infill material. 67 000000000 000... 000 00000000003 0.000 0003 0000000000 00000 00000000 .00 00000 00.0 0003000 00000 0000:0000 0000I00000 0>00000800 000000600 .00 000000 A .0. A K n m o o .0 o o o no u m u u I n 0:. 03000 n . w _ u . ... .u . _ ><..o ......0 oz<0 ..m>00000a0o .0N 000000 A u A K O u m u a u u m. u u o u I C 0.530. w _ o _ 0 _ o T... = _ >30 5.0 . 023 0033.0 0000000 «EB—v .N-O B-Cba 30... 00.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 a. 00 2: 000 Z . 8 CV , , , . / 00 , , , mogom 59 10mg weaned r Plate VIII. 70 "H“; '. X‘JV (tape measure length - 10; scale 8 15cm) Bridgeport wedge exposed in the ditch wall and the continuation of its truncated basal section across the floor of the ditch. 71 reaching the opposite ditch wall and did not crop out in the drainage ditch on the west side of Reimer Road; it did, however, extend back into the slope behind its exposed face for at least 3 to 4m, as determined by auger borings and electrical resistivity surveys. The partial apparent resistivity curve shown in Figure 27 reveals the presence of the soil wedge at station 6 and shows it to be a zone of relatively high conduc- tivity. In north-central Saginaw County, well-expressed nonsorted nets near Lawndale, Michigan occur on the same soil types (Capac-Parkhill loans), with similar topographic conditions (elevation - 630 ft; slope < 20 ft/mi) and in the same geomorphic setting (proximal slope of a waterlain segment of the Port Huron Mbraine) as those at the Bridgeport site (Figure 28). The soil conditions underlying the mesh of one of the largest and most conspicuous of these patterns (shown at "A" in Figure 20, p. 54) were studied. As shown in Figure 29, the auger borings made at this site re- vealed that two-storied soils are dominant within the relatively narrow mesh zone along the north and west margins of the nonsorted net. The majority of these samples consist of 30" to 48" of sand overlying 10am to sandy clay loam till. In several places, the sand layer exceeds five feet in thickness. 0n the south and east borders of this net cell, as well as within the area enclosed by the mesh, the soil parent material is loam to sandy clay loam till. Figure 30 depicts the soil profiles exposed in the three pit excava- tions. The thickness of the superjacent sand deposit decreases toward the west, away from the center of the mesh zone, and its texture grades from a well sorted, medium sand (sorting coefficient a 1.68; median diameter - 0.28mm) to a moderately sorted, very fine sand (sorting coefficient - 2.5; median diameter - 0.09mm) in the same direction. As exposed in Pit 3, 72 Appstsm Rsslsiivity —0- tssistivity 2 a 4 a s 7 "m" l l L 1 J l l ststion \ fimf \ \ \‘ x \ . \ sppsrsnt trscs ‘.‘ 9%. oi tits wsdgs‘x \ «70°: \ ‘ -‘— “‘ E '2 p N< Figure 27. Electrical resistivity profile showing the conductivity anomaly associated with the subsurface continuation of the Bridgeport wedge. 73 . ,G H.3E. ,Ws 2 J" . . . . . ‘ Bay County “a . ' Ssolnsv County ~ Lawndale ' Study Area NEt/4.NEt/4.. . PROGLAOIAL LAKE SHORELINES (dottsd whsrs tsntstlvs) A Algonquin E Elkton G Grsssmsrs Ws Wsyns PORT HURON MORAINE (wststlsln) Figure 28. Site and situation of the Lawndale study area. 74 ------ Dominant profile texture or sh grsss I u o... ssnd t Iosnt - ssndy clay iosm . U - D on cli ssnd 30 48 over Iosrn - ssndy clay loam . °®N I 011 °’ Of I I i r ' | c s ‘ so ‘ f . t \ =2 . 1 1:1; 0. thros i? , o 5:! 0 '0" P“ I; slsotricsi rssistivity ' excavation” - trsnssot .’ u If - ”My . 0 <5: ‘ ssntpis 8) hi 5 s' =' a so 100 I—d—l—J § L toot Dominant soil profile textures associated with the mesh of Figure 29. the Lawndale nonsorted net cell. .00000000 0000 00000000 000 00000 0000800 0:0 00 00000 0 I0000 00:0000000000 000 0003000 0000 00000300 000 00 000000>00x0 000 00050 0:0 00 00000000 0000 on 000 00 7S “Wain r «en 0 .w utu 0 l.h sac. \. .\.|\ 0 10.0.0 00000 1 .000. ii.) «0 0 I 00000 \co 0.00. 00.0 0: 0.00. 00.0 nlaL. .. 000001000. 00000 \00 00000 ‘0 0 0 0 I 0-73111 0.0.: 0.. 0. 4 o / o. P 0 1 v .u n v I 0000 es. 0.... 0000 m. .i .anse. \ho 0 \&\is «a u. 000. 2... 8/ 00: 1 0 ) n” 0 / VIWKIMI 30> % l\ ( 0.00m: ll. 0 l ... r 00 00 / .0 1:0! 0 ii; #1 2 ii .‘I’J,liui L p p I 2 0< 0< 0< 0< .. 0 o I ...r .0. ".1; .0 . mm .0 [ ~09, «000 76 this sand layer pinched-out abruptly along its western edge. Nowhere within the three pit exposures did the sand deposit exhibit any structures, bedding or stratitification. The underlying till varied in texture from sandy clay loam.and the boundary between it and the overlying sand was smooth and abrupt, occurring within a vertical distance of no more than 3cm. Figure 31 presents the results of the particle size analyses of the eight soil samples whose stratigraphic positions are shown in Figure 30 (p. 75). Figure 32 shows the resistivity profile along the transect located 3 ft north of the excavations in comparison with the textural data from the three pits and auger-sample 8. These resistivity data can be interpreted to indicate: 1) a positive resistivity anomaly is associated with the sand layer overlying the till; 2) the two-storied soil exposed in the three excavations and detected in anger sample 8 appears to be continuous between these locations; and 3) the width of the sand deposit, which is correlated with the mesh zone of the net, is about 50 ft. The abrupt change in elec- trical resistivity associated with both the eastern and western mesh mar- gins is probably indicative of the rapid thinning of the sand deposit at these locations. The lower conductivity of this material compared to the adjacent finer-textured till can be attributed to its increased porosity and decreased water holding capacity. The Topographic Setting As a physiographic region, the Saginaw Lowland is characterized by gentle slopes and subtle local relief. NOtable exceptions to this general- ization are located in northern Bay and central Tuscola counties where more rugged topography is associated with the subaerially deposited segments of the Port Huron Moraine. Other localized areas of steeply sloping terrain 77 .0000 00000300 000 00 000000000 000000 00000000000 000 0003000 00>000 000000000 0000:00000 0300000000 .0m 000000 A O a M u m .0 o A s o o .. .. m ... u w . w _ m . o _ s 00.. _ 00.000 ><00 him nz<¢ 0m><¢0 wwamnco . «0:5 00.0 0.0.0 000.6 000.0226 00.0 0.0 0.0 p D or 00 an: 000 1, 00 VI... XIV-“ a O m O m Orifl. Vi} u... ’ 00 w Ir 0 .M 00 “I m wiry 1V 1 rlllnnlu 00 / 0.4.. I 0: 00. N00 78 5000 4.6- 4.04 Eiaotrioai toaiativity ttanaoot aa“ A s _ 300‘ N 2’ . 2.5% 2.04 105‘ resistivity promo stations 1.0 I i I .-.-.= T =: I :s T 0 1o 20 so 40,-}- s '- so a. -‘ '.'.'.'o:.:;: S‘fld ”2 //// Loan to sandy '3 //// _/_/_/_/_l clay loan -4 Wanner configuration uaod .. 5 for tho raaiativity survey- aiacttooa apaoing : 14' --6 total array length: 3.5' Auger Pit 3 Fit 1 Fit 2 sample 8 Av- voltage dtop between potantiai alocttodaa is total current Depth (toot) Figure 32. Electrical resistivity profile across the mesh zone of the Lawndale net compared to'subsurface textural data. 79 and increased relief are found along the valleys of both the Tittabawassee and Cass rivers and on the distal margin of the Port Huron Moraine in the western part of the study area where large dunes are common. The local relief in the general area of the patterned ground is shown in Figure 33. The nonsorted nets occur primarily on surfaces of low re- lief, as summarized in Table 6. 0f the areas exhibiting conspicuous pat- terns, 832 have no more than 15 ft/mi2 local relief. All of these sites slope less than 32 and a large proportion of them have less than 12 slope. Although 17% of the nets are located in survey sections having 20 ft or more of relief, these patterns usually occur on sites within these areas which slope less than 32 and are generally flat. Table 6 Frequency of patterned ground by local relief category Local Relief (ft/miz) Frequency (2) ‘ < 10 23 10-15 60 20-30 16 > 30 1 More than half of the patterned ground sites are found on terrain having 10-15 ft/miZ relief. These areas tend to be composed of somewhat poorly drained drift, whereas poorly drained tracts usually have less than 10 ft/mi2 local relief and well-drained sites typically attain 20 ft/mi2 or more elevational change. Elevations in the study area vary from 580 feet near the shore of Saginaw Bay to more than 980 feet in the morainic terrain of south-central Tuscola County. The highest point within the Port Huron Moraine in the 80 .00 V .flflp i 0— U 90 I 00 t ......X A .52: . luau: 4(000 ..00 0.002.... .00 005000 .00 non ...-3b 0.005.— .00 08838 a: m figi-g O: 00 0000300 3000000 000 00 0000000 000000000 00 000000 00000 .00 000000 11!. 000 0b” 80 .0000300 3000000 000 00 0000000 000000000 .00 000000 0000.0 .00 000000 WIJIJ 0— 0 .32.... .2. @ 00A A .82: 0m_._mm ..(OO._ .00 0.0000... .00 300.000 .00 >00 .00 0000.2 .030 0.00:... .00 0020.: w: m .00 0.3020 0: mm 60:90 003030.". 81 Saginaw Lowland is in Gibson Township, Bay County (T. 18 N, R. 3 E) where elevations of 845 feet occur. The nonsorted nets are confined to a much more restricted elevational range. Patterned ground in the study area is rare at elevations below 615 feet (Plate IX), nor has it been observed on terrain above 725 feet. Table 7 summarizes the topographic and pedologic conditions which appear to have been most favorable for the formation and/or preservation of the Saginaw Lowland nonsorted nets. Table 7 Dominant topographic andgpedologic conditions associated with the patterned_ground in the Saginaw Lowland Soil texture: loam and silt loam or loam to clay overlain by sandy loam, loamy sand or sand Natural drainage: somewhat poorly drained Slope: less than 32 Local relief: 10-15 ft/miz Elevation: 615-725 feet .55; of the Nonsorted Nets 0n the basis of observations in southwestern Bay and north-central Saginaw counties, Tillema (1972) suggested that the patterned ground was confined to the proximal slope of the Port Huron Moraine. More recently, Lusch (1977) indicated that the nonsorted nets may be associated with the waterlain segments of this moraine. Detailed mapping of the distribution of both the patterned ground and the moraines throughout the Saginaw Low- land has shown that both of these hypotheses are only partly correct. Patterned ground does occur on the waterlain portions of the Port Huron Moraine in the central part of the study area, but most of the nets are on the inundated till plain flanking the proximal margin of the moraine 82 (NASA-JSC 309-22-143; May 13, 1975; Original in color) Plate IX. Aerial view showing the lack of patterns below the 615 ft contour and conspicuous forms occurring only above 620 ft (Lake Elkton shoreline). 83 (Figure 34). Furthermore, two smaller areas of patterned ground are loca- ted beyond the distal edge of the Port Huron Moraine in northeastern Mid- land County. This spatial distribution indicates that the patterned ground post-dates the Port Huron readvance, i.e., it is younger than 13,000 yrs B.P. (see Table 3, p. 40). The similarities between the distal and proxi- mal nonsorted nets and those which occur on the Port Huron Moraine suggest that all the patterns formed penecontanporaneously. A more precise estimate of the age of the patterned ground may be de- rived from an analysis of the spatial relationship between the limits of patterning and the shorelines of the proglacial lakes, a method which was successfully used in southwestern Sweden (Svensson, 1973). thing the conformity between the lower limit of patterning and the elevation of Lake Elkton and the occurrence of nonsorted nets above and below the Lake Grass- mere shoreline, Tillema (1972) concluded that the nonsorted nets were post- Lake Grassmere in age and had developed during the presumed BOO-year existence of Lake Elkton. Recent studies of the Late Wisconsinan chronology of the Great Lakes suggest that less than 350 years elapsed between the formation of Lake warren I and the establishment of Early Lake Algonquin (Calkin and McAndrews, 1969; Clakin, 1970; Karrow et al., 1975). Six separate proglacial lake levels have been identified within this time interval: warren I and II, Wayne, warren III, Grassmere and Elkton. Obviously, the post-Grassmere period must have been considerably shorter than 350 years which brings into question such an age for the Saginaw Lowland nonsorted nets. The congruence of the lower limit of patterned ground and the Elkton shoreline is unmistakable (Figure 35). The shoreline of Lake Elkton has been deformed by isostatic recovery in the northern parts of the study area from its horizontal elevation of 620 feet upwards to 640 feet. The 84 0000300 3000w0m 0:0 00 0000 000000000 0:0 000 000000: 00005 0000 0:0 .00 0000000000000 0000005 .00 ousmfim 050.0! :05: tom .o:=:ou=.oto=3 02.000 300.503 0000.0 00:00:00 or .00 0.002.... .00 300.000 .00 >00 .00 00:02 :03... 0.00:... .00 0020.2 0: u .00 0.30020 tsp ma :0! .0 .w 84 as 114 aladW'" °°' 1. 10 . 13 13" o :1 19 0 0 3 .3}: o O ”.5 0 (9-‘0 0 o 0 'U 0 I. .0 fi : ‘0 - ° 5 :2 :n 0 c o o '0 :2 r- . a: .2 5: :34: 2 0 ° ' O .n 3 " 0 .5 O N V' u 9 a C O- \ O ’ . a ' ‘ ' o F 3 u I“ » ° I . o a Q . %%%%¢ 990000 009909 0000 o. ‘pooooo. ,‘ggapooo‘ « ‘ O O . 0 «909990. ”‘90... . O 6 O 6 o oo¢%% . 0 § \ . . . O \ ‘0 O O O O 0 s . 9090 J 90999 ,‘%%&&p . .g gaapo ‘9‘. 00 9d?“ ‘ 6 o o o 9’ ‘0 006’ \ A ' v ‘ ysfifi odv& od§$$Q ‘od%%9 QQQ’ .0. u&& gc : "O «3:...» , 9099 .v 0990 $00 990., I - v V . . ,’ ‘ .9 0 ¢ {6:03. ‘ . . 9'09 0 s o“ ’6‘... O, ’‘%%u..‘awvvvw /”’”" 3ggugg¢§§$§QQQ§ono €%%%&$’ ‘gggggg‘g%~%&&podV5és d%%%%%’ -oooooo ......avamnaw~0¢‘0¢0” 009999090990 ‘0\oooo “““Q \ 60......9999 9.. O O ( ‘ ‘ O O 0‘ "A ‘ ‘gga’ ‘Nfifis aeearaaw' .g¢39 aflufib’ “1'4 ' $$$§8 Lowland' Saginaw 1n the ted net8 I e 1101130r H ron “braine d th I: u 1but1°n ° 1 d1Btr 85 .000003 00—00 000 0000.0... 00.00 .00 0000000050 0:0 000 00000w 000000000 3000mmm 0:0 00 0000000000009 .mm 000000 if. 830 3.0.: m 00:03 9.00”? i 9.0.. 38.02.. 30.0.0000. 0.003 02.000 3000000... 0000.0 00000000.". Op 0 T3 .00 0.00000 .0 .00 305000 .0 .00 000 .0 .00 0000.2 :03... 0.0003 .0 .00 000.32 a: m d .00 5300.0 0: ma .0 85 SE 114 Giadwin Co. 1. E 112 Midland Co. ‘Linooin 109.. Avenue Co. 4. Day Go. Saginaw Go. a. 'l'uoooia 0o. Patterned Ground (boundary dashed where indeiinite) 10 Distribution of the Saginaw patterned ground and the shorelines of Lake Elkton and Lake Warren. Figure 35. 86 lower elevational limit of the patterned ground follows this deformed line, indicating that the nonsorted nets were actively forming during the exis- tence of Lake Elkton and that the patterns were uplifted along with the Elkton beach by post-glacial rebound. The upper elevational limit of the patterned ground, marking the be- ginning of its formation, is more complex to interpret. Virtually the entire length of the upper limit shown in Figure 35 is strongly influenced by topographic (slope and relief) and/or edaphic (texture and drainage) factors, as discussed earlier. One spatial constraint stands out, however: patterned ground in the study area is extremely rare above the Warren I shoreline which, due to isostatic uplift, ranges in elevation from 685 to 730 feet. 0n the basis of this evidence, it can be said that the nonsorted nets in the Saginaw Lowland are younger than 13,000 yrs B.P. (i.e., post-Port Huron readvance), but the majority of the patterns may post-date the warren I proglacial lake stage, which has a radiocarbon age of 12,730 i 220 yrs B.P. (I-3665). The cessation of patterned ground formation appears to have been contemporaneous with the fall of the proglacial lake in the Saginaw basin from.the Elkton level. Since the next lower lake level, that of Early Lake Algonquin, came into existence about 12,400 yrs B.P., this age may be taken as a minimum date for the termination of patterning in the study area. Hence, the nonsorted nets in the Saginaw Lowland appear to have formed during a period not longer than six centuries imme- diately following the Port Huron readvance, but many of them may have formed in less than 350 years after Lake warren fell from its highest level and before Lake Elkton drained. CHAPTER IV PROPOSED ORIGIN OF THE SAGINAW LOWLAND NONSORIED NETS Examples of patterned ground have been reported from many different environments of widely varying thermal and moisture regimes. The iden- tification of inactive or fossil patterned ground can be of great value in environmental reconstructions and paleoclimatic studies (Washburn, 1973). As summarized by Washburn (1956, 1970), the genesis of most pat- terned ground is problematical because 1) similar forms of patterned ground can result from different processes; 2) dissimilar forms can be produced by a single process; and 3) there are more proposed genetic processes than there are recognized types of patterned ground. The fol- lowing review separates the numerous published hypotheses of patterned ground formation into processes in which cracking of the surface regolith is the essential and immediate cause of the pattern and those in which cracking is non-essential. Review of Suggested Mechanisms Not Requiring ‘gggolith Cracking Erosional Processes Presant and Protz (1967) suggested that some types of nonsorted pat- terned ground may be caused by depressions in the B horizon of the soil which were related to channel scour in braided streams. They found that trends in the micro-relief of the B horizon surface were coincident with major landscape trends and attributed these coincidental trend directions to fluvial erosion. An undulating B horizon could affect the water holding capacity of the soil and produce nonsorted patterned ground as a result. This hypothesis must be rejected as the origin of the nonsorted 87 88 nets in the study area because 1) the trends of the patterns are not co— incident with topographic trends; 2) the depth of the B horizon surface is not consistently depressed along the net mesh; and 3) this mechanism cannot produce unstratified soil wedges such as the one at the Bridgeport site. Morgan (1972) considered surficial drainage along fractures in till as a possible origin for nonsorted polygons. These fractures were related to the ice movement and some of the observed patterns were aligned nearly parallel to this direction. In the Saginaw Lowland, this origin is un- tenable because trends in the net mesh are unrelated to either ice flow direction or surface drainage. Additionally, fluvial processes could not account for the narrow, unstratified soil wedge such as that exposed at the Bridgeport site. Pedologic Processes The similarity between soil tongues and certain types of patterned ground was the first reported by Yehle (1954). More recently, White (1971) and Byrne (1975) have investigated similar phenomena in South Dakota and Ontario, respectively. These pedologic features result from differential solution by percolating soil water and are common in sandy gravel deposits. They are also well developed in the Fox soil series which is composed of loamy sediments overlying sand and gravel. The Saginaw patterns, on the other hand, formed on soils having much finer dominant textures. Soil tongues and related features can have a surface expression, but their mesh dimensions are usually less than 10 feet across, in contrast to the significantly larger cell diameters of the nets in the study area. Additionally, these in situ edaphic processes are incapable of producing the significant textural differences between the 89 boat material and the wedge infilling which were observed at the Bridge- port site. Bedrock Control Striking examples of nonsorted patterned ground have been reported from southern England (Perrin, 1963). Here, polygonal and elongated pat- terned ground was formed on thin drift underlain by chalk. The surficial patterns were associated with a ridge-and-trough micro-topography on the upper surface of the bedrock which was attributed to periglacial distur- bances. MOst of the drift in the Saginaw Lowland is more than 100 feet thick and it is extremely unlikely that bedrock micro-topography or jointing would be revealed as surficial nonsorted nets through such a drift thickness. Glacial Stagnation Processes The geometry, size and marking of the Saginaw pattern network show a certain similarity to ice stagnation landforms such as those reported by Gravenor and Kupsch (1959) and, even more so, to the photo pattern of hum- mocky ground moraine discussed by Parizek (1969). That the patterned ground in the study area is unrelated to glacial stagnation processes is demonstrated by its distribution distal to, on the surface of, and proximal to the Port Huron Moraine, as well as the lack of any other landform indi- cators of ice stagnation in the region. The low relief of the Saginaw patterned ground and the conformity of its lower elevational limit with a proglacial lakeshore also argues against a stagnation origin for these features. 90 Review of Suggested Mechanisms Requiring Regolith Cracking Thawing Thawing of regolith, whether seasonally or perennially frozen, has not been sufficiently investigated as a potential cause of nonsorted patterned ground but, according to Washburn (1973), this mechanism lacks convincing evidence. Black (1976) has suggested that thawing of buried ice blocks could produce nonsorted patterns. These "kettle cracks" form in the out- wash which may inundate stagnant ice blocks. All the patterns observed in the Saginaw Lowland occur on much finer drift and their extent and geo- metric regularity are inconsistent with this proposed origin. Synaeresis According to Kostyaev (1969), synaeresis cracks can form polygons which are tens of meters in diameter. These fissures, resembling mud cracks, develop as water is expelled from a clay-rich suspension by in- ternal forces. Synaeresis cracks probably determine the location of desic- cation fissures but, as noted by Washburn (1973), they are relatively un- important in forming nonsorted patterned ground. The larger size of the pattern mesh in the study area also precludes this mechanism as a possible origin. Gilgai Development Costin (1955) noted the striking similarity of surface patterns pro- duced by gilgai development and classic frost-soil patterned ground. Gilgai soils response to volume changes resulting from desiccation and rehydration of regolith having a very coefficient of linear extensibi- lity (Hallsworth et al., 1955). The swell potential of most soil series in the study area is usually less than 52, well below the 30% swell 91 capacity of typical gilgai soils. As a result, these Michigan soils are incapable of the shrinkrswell volume changes necessary to produce large nonsorted nets. Partial Wetting Cracks formed by partially wetting regolith samples during laboratory experiments were reported by Corte and Higashi (1964) who suggested sur- face tension as their origin. The crude patterned ground formed by this unusual phenomenon is, however, of small mesh diameter, unlike the patterns in the study area. As with synaeresis cracks, these “wetting cracks" probably determine the location of subsequent desiccation fissures, but are unrelated to the Saginaw nonsorted nets. Desiccation One of the most common causes for the evolution of patterned ground is regolith contraction due to drying (Washburn, 1973). In fact, most well developed nonsorted polygons less than three feet in diameter are probably due to desiccation cracking (Tricart, 1969). There is also ample evidence, however, that desiccation can produce large-diameter patterned ground (Land, 1943; Wilden and Mabey, 1961; Chico, 1963, 1968; Neal and Motts, 1967; Neal, Langer and Kerr, 1968; Neal, 1972). The similarity between the surface patterns produced by desiccation cracking and thermal contraction in permafrost has been noted by Knechtel (1951) and Black (1952a), but evidence of the long term, severe drought conditions necessary to form large dehydration polygons is lacking in the Saginaw Lowland. Quite to the contrary, most of the patterned ground in the study area occurs on somewhat poorly drained soils and it is likely that similar or more poorly drained conditions existed during the waning 92 phase of the Late Wisconsinan, when several proglacial lakes occupied the Saginaw basin. Dilation Dilation cracking, resulting from local differential heaving or sub- sidence of the ground, is known to produce patterned ground (Benedict, 1970; Washburn, 1973), but crack networks of this kind have limited spatial extent and small mesh dimensions. Clearly, the large size and number of the Saginaw nets preclude dilation cracking as a cause for the patterns in the study area. Salt Cracking Large, nonsorted polygonal fissures in hard rock salt and desert salt crusts have been reported by Hunt and Washburn (1966). Although not com— pletely understood, the genesis of these salt cracks seems to be thermal contraction. Considering the lithologic material involved, this process is obviously inapplicable to explain the reticulate patterns of the Saginaw Lowland. Seasonal Frost-Cracking Seasonal frost-crack polygons result from thermally induced contrac- tion fissuring of seasonally frozen ground (Washburn, 1973). Active exr amples of this type of patterned ground have been reported from both arctic (Hopkins et al., 1955; Danilova, 1956; Friedman et al., 1971; Katasonov, 1973) and mid-latitude sites (washburn, Smith and Goddard, 1963; Washburn, 1973; Black, 1976). There is some question, however, whether frost cracks in a seasonally frozen layer can be preserved in the geologic record, but Dylik (1966) and Pissart (1970) concluded that certain types of very nar- row soil wedges are the pseudomorphs of seasonal frost fissues. Washburn 93 (1973) contends that fossil forms of these seasonal features would docu- ment such deep seasonal freezing that permafrost conditions were likely. It is doubtful that the large-diameter reticulate pattern of the Saginaw nonsorted nets could have been formed by seasonal frost cracking, because the polygons produced by this process are usually less than 50 feet across (Shumskiy and Vtyurin, 1966). The Bridgeport wedge lacks the vertical bedding which Pissart (1970) considers to be characteristic of fossilized seasonal frost cracks and it is also much larger than the seasonal frost-fissure pseudomorphs reported from.Europe. Permafrost Cracking NOnsorted patterned ground, formed by thermal contraction-fissuring in regions of perennially frozen ground, is one of the most common peri- glacial surface forms. According to Washburn (1973), this type of pat— terned ground is the most likely to be preserved and its fossil forms are of considerable significance because of their temperature implications. Thermally induced permafrost-cracking has been recognized since the early 19th century, but it was another hundred years before Leffingwell (1915, 1919) was able to scientifically explain the details of the process. Lachenbruch (1960, 1961, 1962, 1966) demonstrated that Leffingwell's hypothesis was theoretically sound and it has also been supported by field evidence (Kerfoot, 1972; Mackay, 1974). Leffingwell proposed that, during the winter, thermal contraction of the regolith produces vertical fractures several millimeters wide which penetrate a few meters into the permafrost (Figure 36a). By the subse- quent fall (Figure 36b), these cracks may be filled with meltwater, snow and/or hoarfrost, resulting in an ice vein (Mackay, 1975). Horizontal re— expansion of the warming permafrost during the summer can deform the Permairoat table >1 .. . . OPEN cancx— 3 94 " < Permatroet table 005 5 .~dianiicton b. Pematroat table >. , open GRAOK‘ . ' C. tat Winter frozen . - ' Active ’ f“ lav-t» * . ”WOO! tONO Figure 36. / '. “ICE d. tron! Lachenbruch. 1062 Thermal contraction-crack Origin for ice wedges in permafrost. 95 frozen ground strata adjacent to these ice veins. These incipient ice wedges are zones of weakness in the permafrost and during subsequent freezing cycles renewed thermal tension will re-open the vertical, ice- cemented cracks (Figure 36c). Mature ice wedges result from a repetition of such cycles over a long period (Figure 36d). The natural surface form of tension cracks such as these is almost always polygonal and in active permafrost areas ice wedges underlie the polygonal mesh (Figure 37). During the thermal degradation of permafrost, the enclosed ice wedges thaw or sublimate and the space they occupied can be replaced with adja- cent, overlying or transported material (Pébé, Church and Andresen, 1969). Ice-wedge casts formed in this manner are often composed of sedimentary material which differs in texture, color and/or fabric from.the sur- rounding host material. Although ice wedges are best developed in satu- rated (i.e., high ice content), fine-grained soil having little primary structure, these same edaphic conditions make it very difficult to pre- serve any evidence of their former presence (Black, 1976). The melting ice in the saturated permafrost promotes the rapid flowage and slumping of the fine-textured host sediment which can obliterate the wedge form if the ice wedge has not been replaced by transported material. Johnsson (1959) presented the following criteria by which true ice- wedge casts could be identified: 1) The infill material of the supposed cast must have been deposited from above. 2) The host material surrounding the wedge case should display dis- torted strata due to pressure effects. 3) Elongated clasts in the host material should be preferentially aligned parallel to the axis of the pseudomorph. 96 ‘r 1 :: ‘ § A . U ’ ' _ 0 . : -— ‘5": ._ —_‘—- Q .0 fl — . ~g o f... .2; _/- NEW-NH - . / \ ~ -r ,..~. -.-.~- 0,, 3.». , ‘3 f A .06.”... .d'." a. '0 C I O ‘ ~ . ‘e I .. '5'}: M'-'-;'f'.*.’-f‘:'??tf§:w‘—~ —— ’ /' “I. e‘ ' ‘23 I /'/ 0' a e \ _‘ C. . .._ £5é”.”"'/'"!Il . ‘“\!w.-.'- - My {.1 . . /. i. \‘ : .e- ..R‘.‘ L- d.‘-lfl<$<1£«d{-‘2.W ’.——\ ‘. ../‘/. .' / =0,— Figure 37. Relationship of ice wedges to ground patterning in active permafrost. 97 4) The ice-wedge cast should be triangular in shape, widest at the top and tapering with depth. 5) True ice-wedge pseudomorphs stand more or less vertically. Other useful criteria for correctly identifying ice-wedge casts were suggested by Black (1976). He called attention to the need for supporting evidence of perennially frozen ground, such as a fossil permafrost table, and stated that biological indicators of frozen ground were only sugges- tive, not diagnostic. Black also stressed that the host material should be of a type that would be supersaturated under normal permafrost condi- tions and that multiple wedge casts should be present which form polygons in the plan view. Black reiterated the views of Johnsson (1959) with re- gard to the preservation of pressure effects and realigned clasts in the host material. Additionally, he proposed that slump fabrics in true ice— wedge pseudomorphs should show arcuate stratification (concave upward), in contrast to the near-vertical fabric of sand wedges. Evidence Supporting An Ice-Wedge Origin for the Saginaw Nonsorted Nets Data from the preceeding chapter strongly suggest that the Saginaw Lowland patterned ground was initially formed by permafrost cracking and ice-wedge development. The geometry of the reticulate nets in the study area, for instance, is analogous to the surface form of modern permafrost fissures (Aartolahti, 1977). The average size of the Saginaw patterns (380 x 223 ft) is similar to those of ice-wedge polygons reported from elsewhere in North America and from.northern Eurasia. As shown in Table 8, active and inactive tundra polygons average 34 to 767 feet in diameter, inr eluding both small features (7-10 ft in diameter) and very large examples (>3,000 ft across). Most of the fossil polygons discussed in the litera- ture are smaller than the latter, with average diameters of 37-112 feet. 98 Table 8 Reported sizes of active, inactive and fossil tundra_polygons Location Diameter (ft) Reference a) Active and Inactive Structures b) south of Barrow, Alaska Vorkuta region, USSR Bolshezyemielskay tundra, USSR near Barrow, Alaska initial polygons secondary polygons tertiary polygons northern Sweden Fossil Structures southern Finland northern Great Plains, USA southern Sweden Quebec, Canada northern Norway Jutland, Denmark northern Germany central New Jersey west-central Indiana west-central Indiana central Iowa Lappland eastern England northern Norway southern Alaska southern England 10-200 164-656 82-3,280 10-3,280 10-100 33-328 13-26 3-10 10-328 7-100 33-131 7-43 50-200 115-213 66-197 13-108 16-33 7-49 10-100 50-100 49-197 4-20 33-131 7-35 131—213 7-98 25-50 Hussey and Michelson, 1966 Tricart, 1969 Dylik, 1966 Dylik, 1966 Brown and Kupsch, 1974 Black, 1952a Lachenbruch, 1966 Pebez 1966a Rapp and Clark, 1971 Aartholati, 1970 Clayton and Bailey, 1970 Johnsson, 1963; 1981 Lagarec, 1973 Svensson, 1964a Svensson, 1972 Svensson, 1976 Walters, 1975; 1978 Wayne, 1963 Wayne, 1967 Wilson, 1958 Rapp and Rudberg, 1964 Williams, 1964 0hrengren, 1967 Pebefl Church and Andresen, 1969 Gruhn and Bryan, 1969 99 However, large fossilized structures, approximately 200 feet in diameter, have been reported from the northern Great Plains, Indiana and Quebec, as well as from southern Sweden and northern Norway. The relief-marking of the Saginaw patterned ground (low mesh, high center) is consistent with the hypothesis that it resulted from the ther- mal degradation of a network of ice wedges (Christensen, 1978; Washburn, 1978). This aspect of thermokarst modification of the patterns during their waning development will be discussed in more detail in a subsequent section. On the basis of its structural and sedimentological characteristics, I interpret the soil wedge at the Bridgeport site to be an.icerwedge pseudomorph which documents the former existence of permafrost in the Saginaw Lowland. The medium-sand texture of its infilling material clearly shows that it could not have formed pedogenically from the sur- rounding sandy clay loam to clay loam till and the abrupt boundary between these two sediments suggests that the sand was deposited from above into a pre-existing wedge-shaped void in the drift. Although it lacks stratifi- cation, this sandy infill material is presumed to have been deposited by running water in a lowbenergy environment, augmented by eolian processes. Evidence of pressure-effect deformation structures is lacking at the Bridgeport site, but this is undoubtedly the result of the massive, un- stratified nature of the till. A similar situation was reported by Morgan (1982) for ice-wedge casts near Muir, Ontario. The relative paucity of pebbles and cobbles in the drift surrounding the Bridgeport wedge made it difficult to assess whether any realignment of elongated clasts existed. The long axis of one roller-shaped pebble in the till adjacent to the basal section of the pseudomorph was oriented parallel to the strike of the wedge 100 cast, but another elongated clast not far away was oriented transverse to the wedge axis (Plate X). The downward-tapering wedge form and near-vertical axis orientation of the Bridgeport wedge are both characteristic of true ice-wedge casts. No conclusive evidence of a relict permafrost table was observed in the study area, but palynological data from elsewhere in Michigan (to be dis- cussed in a subsequent chapter) indicate that tundra conditions, and therefore possibly permafrost, were penecontemporaneous with the onset of pattern formation in the Saginaw Lowland. - The somewhat poorly drained loam and silt loam soils underlying most of the patterned ground in the study area would have been saturated with ice when they were perennially frozen during the Late Wisconsinan. Mul- tiple wedge casts are lacking in the Saginaw valley, but the Bridgeport wedge is directly associated with a surficial nonsorted net. The overall paucity of fossilized ice-wedge casts in the study area is, nevertheless, in accordance with the textures of the host sediments which are prone to flowage upon thaw, an edaphic condition which greatly reduces the opportu- nity for ice-wedge replacement. The large mesh dimensions (crack spacings) and irregular net form of the Saginaw patterned ground are indicative of permafrost cracking which was primarily controlled by randomly distributed flaws in the regolith. This type of cracking pattern is typical of recently drained areas of permafrost terrain (Lachenbruch, 1966) and is, therefore, consistent with the late-glacial drainage history of the study area. Oriented, orthogonal patterned ground, with one set of cracks parallel to a shoreline and a second set perpendicular to it, is often associated with slowly draining lakes on permafrost. With rapid shoreline recession, on the other hand, no such orientation would be expected (Lachenbruch, 1966). The short time 101 (scale - 15cm) Plate X. Basal section of the Bridgeport wedge exposed in the ditch floor showing the orientation of two elongated pebbles. 102 duration for the lake level reduction from Warren I to Elkton is corro- borated by the lack of oriented patterned ground in the Saginaw Lowland. Based on the Late Wisconsinan chronology of the proglacial lakes in the study area, on the one hand, and the spatial agreement of some of their shorelines with the elevational limits of the patterned ground, on the other, I suggest that the formation of the nets occurred within a time span of 350 to 600 years (refer to discussion on p. 37). The large size of the nets in the Saginaw Lowland may be explained by this rela- tively short period available for their formation, since smaller patterns are usually the result of repetitive subdivisions of primary fissures during a protracted period of permafrost cracking (Dostovalov and Popov, 1966; Dylik, 1966). The width and depth of the ice-wedge cast at the Bridgeport site also suggest short-lived permafrost conditions. Black (1952b; 1974) determined that ice-wedges on the arctic coastal plain of Alaska were growing horizontally at the annual rate of l-3mm/year and similar rates were measured by Mackay (1974) for ice-wedge cracks on Garry Island, Northwest Territories. Although these rates cannot be directly extrapolated to the Saginaw Lowland during the Late Wisconsinan, they nevertheless indicate that the ice wedge documented by the Bridgeport pseudomorph (ca. 15cm wide) could have formed in the 350 year interval be- tween Warren I and Elkton. The dominant occurrence of the nonsorted nets on the finer-textured soils of the study area also suggests a relatively mild thermal regime in the permafrost (Dylik, 1966). The spatial correlation between the Elkton shoreline and the lower elevational limit of patterning indicates that most of the nonsorted nets formed subaerially. Patterned ground, resulting from permafrost cracking, can form beneath shallow water as well and has been reported from various places (Mackay, 1967; Kerfoot, 1972; Danilov, 1973; Shilts and Dean, 1975). 103 At several locations in the study area, faint patterned ground, which may have formed subaqueously, occurs at elevations slightly below the Elkton level on sites interpreted as spits or offshore bars formed in Lake Elkton (Plate XI). If these nonsorted nets did form underwater, the cracking must have initiated within subaqueous permafrost rather than at the lake- ice surface because the latter situation could not allow the recurrence of the identical geometric pattern from one year to the next (Mackay, Konischev and Popov, 1979). Thermokarst Modification of the Saginaw Patterned Ground The subtle morphology and sedimentological characteristics of the nonsorted nets throughout the Saginaw Lowland suggest that thermokarst erosion,1 rather than ice-wedge replacement, was the dominant geomorphic process associated with the degradation of the permafrost in the study area. The morphologic importance of thermokarst in areas of perennially frozen ground has been emphasized by Kachurin (1962), Svensson (1970), Aleshinskaya, Bondarev and Gorbunov (1972) and Soloviev (1973). Thermokarst develops in response to the disruption of the thermal equilibrium of permafrost by either climatic (e.g. increase in termpera- ture, precipitation and/or continentality) or nonclimatic (e.g. forest fires, agricultural activities, construction, etc.) factors (Czudek and Demek, 1970). Because of the greater ice content in perennially frozen soils having impaired drainage, thermokarst is typically best developed in lowland environments. French (1974) attributed regional thermokarst to a climatic amelioration which furthurs a progressive lowering of the permafrost table; this appears to have been the case in the Saginaw 1Thermokarst is the process of melting ground ice accompanied by local collapse of the surface and the formation of depressions (Muller, 1947; Washburn, 1973; Brown and Kupsch, 1974). 104 “=2qu : .1." ..» (NASAFJSC 309—22—156; May 13, 1975; Original in color) Plate XI. Conspicuous patterns confined to terrain above the Elkton beach (620 ft) near Reese, Michigan; faint nets (arrows) are associated with an Elkton offshore bar. 105 Lowland as proglacial Lake Elkton drained during the Late Wisconsinan. The thawing of ice-wedge polygons within permafrost can produce cir- cular or ovoid mounds2 separated by curvilinear depressions which are situated over the melting ice wedges. This type of thermokarst topo- graphy develops in stages, as the active layer thickens (Schumskiy and Vtyurin, 1966; Czudek and Demek, 1970; Soloviev, 1973). In the initial phase (Figure 38a), high—centered polygons form as the reticulate network of ice veins begins to thaw. These trough—like depressions grow succes- sively deeper as the thermal erosion of the wedge ice continues. The polygon cores usually retain their initial elevations and their flat tops until the encircling troughs reach a depth of about Lm (Figure 38b). This amount of local relief is generally sufficient to induce slumpage and/or flowage of the unstable active layer which tends to smooth-out the topo- graphy (Figure 38c). In addition, the melting of interstitial ice in the permafrost can obliterate the deformation structures frequently associated with ice-wedge development (Dylik, 1968). According to French (1975), the amount of ground ice in saturated permafrost usually exceeds the liquid limit3 of the regolith, making it prone to liquefaction upon thaw. This type of rapid gelifluction probably had a significant geomorphic impact on the landscape of the Saginaw Low- land as the climate ameliorated during the late Port Huron Stadial (early Twocreekan Interstadial ?). For example, the liquid limits of the parent materials of the four soil series commonly associated with the Saginaw 2These inter-trough mounds are called baydjarakhs or cemetery mounds in Siberia (Brown, 1967) and thermokarst mounds in Alaska (Pewe, 1954). 3The liquid limit is the percent water content of unconsolidated material at the point where it passes from a plastic solid to a turbid liquid (American Geological Institute, 1962). 106 Ice wedges Permstrost tsbl .v". .. e..'.:.'“o ... e . ... . .. 0. . e" . . . 'd’... '”... .'-‘--.'" '.- . -,::'.-'.=-'--.?:-‘.'..'- -. , ,v'. .'.' ..e- 0. .l O. .. ... ‘e.".. .' .... e . '0 ....' . e0. - '. cs '. ... . 1:” .....'e ‘- .... .... ..."... 7......; O . . ' 'gf’... ." . .- ....s. 3.. '.e" be. .... e.'.. .'. "3 I: O "s’I‘I... . . ‘v.:'e...":‘..“v...'- ' .. Q. ..... e "" e’. ...'o..' ' 00...... " . ... .eO _ . . _ e . e . g. ‘ s s . . I . .s . . ' ' . .'.':.:.;‘e'.".-.. ..;;....e '..'I. ......19. : ....r;.ee...;.. '..' k"...‘.' ’f '. a... 't’- .;":' 3.... . .... 'o..sflr.';e-..'e..e.....‘v‘. (...-"1.33““ 0; ... 'e-‘ . .' o-0".".'.3s.' °" ‘s'..'e 'e-‘. e. ""-‘-"-"'eo"l '--. ..' .0 " " "... H "- ' """ ‘ " O.’ :". ' . .... .' . .' Q .0 0' . e. ... .3, .... ..; 0' O . ' '. n ... O'... ...e. ... '0‘. 0.... H 00" .... 00's .' . -~'.--.--‘--'.~s-.. ..'-"-.-..':' -- "‘.-¢"'.-2 -'.'-- 'I‘m - ‘.'.‘--..'-~'.'.'.".-' 1’? '- -’ ' --' ' "f- , "o" ...-.053. . "" '0'}. ‘3. .: 2'55”: . t;:’ '.".°.'O-'.:.." - ‘.:‘-.|'!..': -".. 3." «Zoo-'3'. .‘ol..'., :b.‘ :e'... 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Suggested sequential development of thermokarst topography in the Saginaw Lowland. 107 patterned ground (Capac, Londo, Parkhill and Tappan) range from 15 to 35% (Soil Conservation Service, 1978a; 1978b; 1979a; 1979b). In comparison to these limits, Czudek and Demek (1970) reported that perennially frozen loam soils under saturated conditions can contain 30 to 80% segregated and/or vein ice. The pattern mesh in the study area was initially formed by thermal contraction cracking and ice-wedge development in perennially frozen ground, as revealed by the ice-wedge cast at the Bridgeport site. The final morphological expression of these features, in particular their reticulate rather than polygonal form, may be attributed to thermokarst processes operating in an ice-rich permafrost environment. As illustrated by the sedimentological data from the Lawndale site, the last development phase of the Saginaw patterned ground involved the localized infilling of some of these curvilinear thermokarst depressions with fluvial or eolian sediments (Figure 38d). CHAPTER V PALEOENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PATTERNED GROUND IN THE SAGINAW LOWLAND Introduction The concept of interpreting the morphology of the earth's surface in terms of past climatic events is one of the major historical under- pinnings of geomorphology. Since the development of the Glacial Theory in the early part of the 19th century, it has been recognized that the formation, expansion and eventual disappearance of glaciers occurred in response to climatic change. Concurrent with the birth of this idea of an "ice age" were numerous observations by earth scientists of nonglacial evidence of former cold climates--remains of the woolly mammoth, fossil shells of cold-water snails, frost-riven bedrock, solifluction mantles and the like. These data were used, individually and collectively, to infer paleotenperatures colder than those prevailing today at particular loca- tions. In this respect, periglacial geomorphology can make unique contri- butions to the study of the Quaternary because several periglacial land- forms form only in areas underlain by permafrost, which have mean annual ground temperatures 5 0°C. The distribution of permafrost in arctic and subarctic North America has changed very little since the end of Pleistocene time, but its distri- bution in the temperate latitudes underwent major dislocations during the late Quaternary (Pewe: 1973). Fossil biological evidence can suggest that more rigorous climatic conditions once existed in temperate North America, but it cannot document the former presence of permafrost. Other peri- glacial indicators, such as involutions, block accumulations, talus fields 108 109 and asymmetrical valleys, are often best developed in permafrost areas, but they do not require perennially frozen ground to form. The past exis- tence of permafrost can only be ascertained from fossil examples of ice and sand wedges and their associated patterned ground, pingos, rock glaciers and perhaps altiplanation terraces (Brown and Pébefl 1973; Pewez 1973). French (1976) takes a more conservative view by stating that the only re- liable indicators of former permafrost are the casts of ice or sand wedges. Thermal contraction cracking is governed, to a major extent, by the temperature regime of the upper thirty feet or so of permafrost. While a temperature change of only 4°C is sufficient to initiate cracking in super- saturated perennially frozen ground, less saturated or thermally less con- ductive permafrost may require a flux of 8°-10°C to begin cracking (Black, 1976). Studies in Siberia have established that ground temperatures of only -2° to -4°C promoted ice wedge development in fine-grained materials, but temperatures of -7° to -8°C were necessary to maintain active ice wedges in gravel deposits (Romanovskij, 1973). The significant temperature decreases necessary for contraction cracking typically occur in areas of continuous permafrost with thin active layers and a temperature below -5°C at the depth of zero annual amplitude. The microclimate of local areas of discontinuous permafrost may also allow thermal contraction-cracking, but ice-wedge growth in such environments is slower and more aperiodic, com- pared to regions of continuous permafrost (Black, 1976). Ice wedges rarely form in sporadic permafrost. Ice wedge growth is typical in areas having minimum winter temperatures of less than -15° to -20°C at the permafrost table if the perennially frozen ground has the mechanical prOperties of polycrystalline ice (Lachenbruch, 1966; French, 1976). Pewe'(l975) re- ported minimum.winter ground temperatures at the permafrost table to be 110 <-ll°C for actively growing ice wedges and between -4° and -10° or -15°C for inactive wedges in Alaska. The relationship between mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and a thermal regime of the ground which promotes contraction cracking and ice wedge growth is complex. For example, average annual air temperatures can be 2° to 6°C cooler than mean annual ground temperatures (Gold and Lachenbruch, 1973; Pewe: 1975). Additionally, as Black (1976) has pointed out, thermal contraction-cracking is often controlled more by local sur- face conditions and short-lived cold spells than by annual temperature regimes. thwithstanding the difficulties involved in the quantification of the relationship between ice wedge growth and mean annual air temperature, several general observations can be made. On the basis of extensive re- search in Alaska, presently active ice wedges appear to be restricted to areas having MAAT of -6° to -8°C or colder (Pehe: 1964, 1966a, 1966b, 1975; Pewez Church and Andresen, 1969; Washburn, 1973). Inactive ice wedges occur in areas of Alaska where the MAAT varies from.-2° to -6° or -8°C. Gold and Lachenbruch (1973) concluded that the discontinuous perma- frost region, where ice-wedge formation is frequently inactive, was bounded by the -1° and -6°C MAAT isotherms and that continuous permafrost (asso- ciated with active ice wedges) occurred in areas having MAAT of less than -6°C. Brown and Pewe'(l973) cite the -4°C MAAT isotherm as the southerly limit of discontinuous permafrost and the -8.5°C MAAT isotherm as the southern boundary of continuous permafrost. Paleoclimatic Implications of the Saginaw Patterned Ground The nonsorted nets in the Saginaw Lowland are the result of permafrost cracking and ice-wedge development during a time span beginning about 12,730 111 years ago with the fall of proglacial meltwaters from the Warren I level and ending with the draining of Lake Elkton (not later than 12,400 yrs B.P.). This patterned ground documents a climate which was considerably colder and more rigorous than at present. The mean annual air temperature which may have prevailed during this period when ice wedges were actively growing in the study area can be deduced from the climatic conditions re- quisite for ice wedge formation today. The mean annual air temperature in the Saginaw Bay area today is 8.3°C and the average minimum winter air temperature is -8.3°C (Michigan Weather Service, 1974). If the Saginaw patterned-ground complex formed in continuous permafrost, the MAAT may have been l4°-l6°C colder than at present. Undoubtedly, this estimate represents the maximum temperature depression for this brief period (12,730-12,400 yrs B.P.). Considering the fine-textured soils on which most of the net cells occur and the width and depth of the ice-wedge cast at the Bridgeport site, it is more likely that the ice wedges in the Saginaw Lowland formed in discontinuous permafrost having an average ground temperature of -2° to -4°C. The MAAT may have been on the order of 9°-l4°C colder than today (i.e., -1° to -6°C). As noted by Morgan (1982), katabatic winds flowing off the con- tinental ice mass may have locally depressed temperatures in the peri- glacial zone, particularly near places where favorable ice-surface con- figurations concentrated such cold air drainage. During the Late Wisconsinan, the Saginaw Lowland may have been cooled by katabatic winds which were focused on the area as a result of the more rapid dissipation of the Saginaw Lobe compared to the neighboring ice lobes in the Michigan and Huron basins. The occurrence of discontinuous permafrost which supported ice wedge growth in the Saginaw Lowland during the Late Wisconsinan indicates that 112 precipitation, particularly snow, may have been much lower then than at present. Studies conducted over the last decade andaihalf at the McGill Sub-Arctic Research Laboratory, Schefferville, Quebec (approximate MAAT -5°C) have documented that snow cover is the most important single factor controlling the distribution of perennially frozen ground in this area of discontinuous permafrost (Gold and Lachenbruch, 1973; Nicholson and Granberg, 1973). Earlier studies indicated that snow depths greater than 40cm were sufficient to prevent permafrost formation (Annersten, 1966), but more recent investigations have revised this figure to 70-75cm (Nicholson and Granberg, 1973). Geomorphic Evidence of Former Periglacial Conditions and Permafrost From Elsewhere in the Great Lakes Region Fossil periglacial features have been reported from many places in the Great Lakes Region. For example, talus accumulations, block streams, ”block fields and asymmetrical valleys indicative of a former "frost climate" have been studied in the Driftless Area of southwestern Wisconsin (Smith, 1949, 1962; Judson and Andrews, 1955). Wayne (1967) investigated asymmetrical valleys in central and southern Indiana and attributed them to periglacial frost action. Involutions, possibly resulting from freeze- thaw activity in the active layer above permafrost, have been described from northeastern and north-central Illinois (Sharp, 1942; Ekblaw and Willman, 1955; Frey and Willman, 1958), central and southern Indiana (Wayne, 1956, 1963a; Gamble, 1958) and northwestern Ontario (Sutton, 1963). Leighton and Brophy (1961) interpreted enlarged bedrock joints south of Carbondale, Illinois to have resulted from periglacial frost action. Straw (1966) attributed the mass movement of dolomite blocks in the Nia- garan Escarpment south of Meaford, Ontario to periglacial conditions asso- ciated with the Valders ice advance. In contrast to these areas, the 113 scarcity of periglacial phenomena in Ohio has been noted by Goldthwait (1959). As mentioned previously, however, none of these fossil periglacial features are reliable indicators of former permafrost. Péwé (1973) assumed that Wisconsinan permafrost formed in front of the expanding continental glaciers and persisted beneath the ice in selected areas where the bottom temperature was less than 0°C. subglacial tempera- tures below freezing can occur in pressure melting situations (-2° to -1°C) or where the basal ice is frozen to the underlying ground. In areas south of the maximum extent of Wisconsinan ice, periglacial permafrost is thought to have formed 22,000 to 14,000 years ago or earlier (Péhé, 1973). As the ice margin withdrew to the north, recently uncovered drift became peren- nially frozen and, in those areas where especially rigorous conditions existed, ice wedges formed (Brown and Péwé, 1973). Figure 39 shows the locations of all reported permafrost indicators in the Great Lakes Region which have been accepted by most researchers. Fur- ther documentation of these sites is given in Table 9. By far the greatest number of ice-wedge casts have been observed in Wisconsin (Black, 1965). The majority of these pseudomorphs occur along or south of the maximum extent of Wisconsinan ice (locations 1-19, Figure 39) and are thought to have formed 32,000 to 29,000 years ago during the late Altonian (locally termed Rockian). The four ice-wedge casts in Columbia County, Wisconsin (location 20) are interpreted as having formed during the late Woodfordian 16,000-12,500 yrs B.P., but their location almost 50 miles beyond the local correlative of the Port Huron Moraine (ca 13,000 yrs B.P.) suggests their age is prob- ably closer to the 16,000 yrs B.P. estimate. The two wedge casts at site 21 (Outagamie County, Wisconsin), on the other hand, are located several tens of miles proximally to the same Port Huron correlative moraine and 114 .oofiwom maxed uoouo onu :H umoumoauoa mo muoumoavow uenmuoaooc .mm enough _ .hsop 6:35.20 so: eeaeo nee 359.360. @ 32.22.30 nee .. 23203 :95... ton 7. 323.230 use .. 2.23: :6 5.5.. J 59.2: 02 5530023 2a.. 825va 38:... ...-8. © 2520 asp—3:2. 02.3232 7230 3.33.80. e ee..E . 4 a 2: o so. 3» r a. a. a . .0005». o p 3 orer so ”so as D 115 ooo.a~-ooo.~m ooo.a~uooo.~m ooo.a~-ooo.~m ooo.a~uooo.~m ooo.m~uooo.~m ooo.a~uooo.~m ooo.a~uooo.Nm ooo.a~uooo.~m ooo.a~uooo.~m ooo.a~uooo.~m ooo.a~uooo.~m ooo.a~uooo.~m ooo.a~-ooo.~m ooo.a~uooo.~m ooo.a~ucoo.~m mumoo owvoanoow Houm>om momma owvmzloow e undo owvoalmoq H momma owvoslooa Houo>om mumou owvoslooa N dunno omvoaloow +c~ mumoo mwvosloow +mN momma owvoslmow m muons owvoaloow Houo>om momma owvosloow Houo>mm momma owuoaloofi Houo>om muons owvosloofl «H mumou ammosloow Houo>mm momma ownosloofl NH umoo owvoalooa H undo owooaloofi H mumao owuoslmoa m mumoo omwosloow 9 women ownmslooa +oM owmooomwz ..oo xoom ofimooomwz ..oo ououu camaoomuz ..oo sumac camaoomfiz ..oo mama owmooomuz ..ou vomasoam :Hmooomaz ..ou mouse: camsoomfiz ..oo owmuuom owmooomwz ..oo oomxoofi nwmooumaz ..oo sumac oamaoomfiz ..ou xuoflo camcoomfis ..oo oufimao sou camooooaz ..ou ouwoao 2mm camooomwB ..oo ouqoau sou ofimooomfiz ..oo ouwmau sou owmooomfiz ..oo noon camaooqu ..oo coon camooomfiz ..ou mouoam aeoooomaz ..oo nacho .um camooomwz ..oo xfiouo .um moms .xomam moms .somam mesa .xuasm moss .sumam moms .xumam moss .somam moms .xuaflm moms .somam moss .somHm moms .somfim moms .sumflm moms .sumflm moss .soaam moms .xomHm moms .somflm meafi .somflm moms .xumam moms .sosam moss .xosflm HNMQfiONQO‘ A.m.m mu%v sowudauom «0 mafia Amvounuoom sussmuoq OUGQHQMOK m manna seamed magma uoouu onu ea umoumoauom‘uoauom mo muoumowvofi ounmuoaoou nonesz nowuoooq as: 116 oom.¢Hv AHV oonm HHmmou oHnHumoe H sooHvoH ouoummonuuoo momH .o:%m3 “.1 mm man .uono: use coo.HHuooo.mH womaHa HHmmoH +oom «HoaHHHH .anMon HuHxaHm .HmamHm Hm sow IHnon ..oo mHoomsa moor. oo¢.~Hlooo.mH mum: wouuomooo swanom .vooHsz .zom ooe.~HIooo.mH ammo owvoalooH H oannon ..oo smeHwom. . renew mHmh cu coo.mHlooo.mH vooouw vodumuuoe wouuomooo OHHouoo auoumosnuaom -. 2H,... , cw ooc.MHIooo.mH momma omvoslooH s oHuouso .uHsz «waH .oomuoz coo.mH|oom.mH nasoum voououumn vouuomoo: oHumuoo .uooosouHx ..1 coo.mHuoom.HH some unassumUH H oHusuao .HoameouHe m, NHmH .ammuoz mm coo.NH|ooo.H~ vooouw voououuoe vouuomooo oomHvoH Houueoolumoalx oco.~HIooo.wH mumoo owneknooH N mooHvoH ..oo muoaowuooz ncmH .oomoz .Hwiem mmaH ooo.- ammo owsoznmoH H mHoaHHHH ..oo euoHuooz .amaHHHz was scum mm coo.eH some «museumUH H «HoaHHHH ..ou ammuam mqu .mumnuom NH oom.NHIooo.oH mumoo omnoanooH N onsoomH3 ..oo oHaomouso mooH .xuon Hm sumac «mamasooH s :HmaoomHz ..oo .aHsasHoo momH .sumHm oH A.m.m muhv Amvounuooh huHHoUOH monouomom nonasz oOHunauom oOHuoUOH mo oaHs an: as.uaoov m mHan 117 must have formed sometime later than 13,000 yrs B.P. A single ice-wedge cast was reported from.location 22 (Horberg, 1949) and also at site 23 (Frey and Willman, 1958), but in both cases the de- scriptive data provided in the literature are too meager to allow a proper assessment of their significance. Wayne (1967) discovered two ice-wedge casts in Montgomery County, Indiana (site 24) associated with nonsorted patterned ground which probably formed between 18,000 and 17,000 years ago.1 He also reported isolated groups of patterned ground from several other locations in west-central Indiana which may have formed at about the same time. ansorted patterned ground and associated ice-wedge pseudomorphs near Kitchener, Ontario (locality 25) were investigated by Morgan (1972) and Greenhouse and Morgan (1977) who concluded that they resulted from thermal contraction cracking of permafrost and suggested a Late Wisconsinan MAAT l3°-l4°C colder than at present. Because these features were located dis- tal to the Paris Moraine (a Port Huron Moraine correlative) on Port Stanley Till, Morgan (1972) assigned them an age of 13,500-13,000 yrs B.P. However, a reinterpretation of glacial Lake Whittlesey shoreline data from.south— western Ontario (Barnett, 1979) suggests that the Paris Moraine (and, therefore, the Kitchener patterned ground) may be of Port Bruce Stadial age (14,500-13,500 yrs B.P.). Mbre recently, Morgan (1982) reported numerous other occurrences of patterned ground in southwestern Ontario and described 1In two previous review articles (Brown and Pehe: 1973; Pehez 1973) these ice-wedge casts were erroneously listed as younger than 14,500 yrs B.P. Wayne never included a date for these features in his published descrip- tions, but the pseudomorphs occurred in the Cartersburg Till Member of the Trafalgar Formation which is younger than the underlying Vertigo alpestris oughtoni bed, the average age of which is 20,083 i 831 yrs B.P. (Wayne, 1963b). The wedge casts are located on the distal flank of the inner Crawfordsville Moraine, a possible correlative of the Farmersville and Reesville Moraines farther to the east which formed about 17,000 years ago (wayne, 1965; Dreimanis and Goldthwait, 1973). 118 several ice-wedge casts which were excavated near Muir, Ontario. Consi- dering the rockrstratigraphic units underlying these polygons, it was con- cluded that the patterns formed in the period from about 15,000 to 13,000 yrs B.P. Morgan suggested that these features indicated a MAAT of -3°C to -4°c, at this time. More than 500 fossil pingos occur in an area of approximately 115 square miles (site 27) near DeKalb, Illinois (Flemal, Hinkley and Hesler, 1973). Since modern pingos develop only in areas of permafrost, pingo scars are indisputable evidence of former perennially frozen ground (Flemal, 1976). These "DeKalb Mounds" were presumed to have formed 16,500- 15,000 yrs B.P. on the basis of their stratigraphic position between the underlying Tiskilwa Till and the overlying Richland Loess, but more recent estimates place this time interval at 18,000-17,000 yrs B.P. (Dreimanis, 1977). Another circular soil feature, also interpreted as a pingo scar, was reported from near Corunna, Indiana in the northeastern part of the state (Wayne, 1967). This feature (location 28) was identified from aerial photographs but never investigated in the field. Without further substantiating field evidence, the pingo origin of this feature remains speculative. On the basis of high quality acoustic profiling records, Bowlby (1975) reported an extensive network of fossil ice-wedge casts on the 'floor of the Kingston Basin of eastern Lake Ontario beneath almost 100 feet of water. Nearly 500 presumed pseudomorphs were detected in an area of about 0.6 mi2 and were assigned an age of about 11,000 yrs B.P. Al- though an ice wedge origin for these patterns is within the realm of pos- sibility, given the difficulty of correctly identifying true ice-wedge casts by normal visual observations and field sampling (Johnsson, 1959; 119 Black, 1976), such a genesis for these underwater features is questionable when based solely on acoustic data. Palynological Evidence of Late Wisconsinan Tundra Environments in Michigan After decades of research, a detailed paleobotanical record of late Pleistocene vegetation has been compiled in Europe. From the outset in the late 1940's, palynologists in this country anticipated that their studies would yield pollen spectra similar to those of their European colleagues, including a basal herb assemblage (particularly grasses, sedges and compo- sites) representing late—glacial tundra conditions, overlain by several arboreal pollen zones indicative of postglacial vegetational succession. In this respect, the early pollen diagrams from the Midwest (e.g. Potzger, 1946, 1948, 1951) were disappointing; the basal organic sediments were usually dominated by Pigga pollen, contained high percentages of Piggg pol- len and oftentimes displayed significant amounts of pollen from thermo- philous species such as Quercus. Unfortunately, most of these early pollen counts did not include herbaceous species, making it impossible to identify any of the common nonarboreal tundra indicators. In fact, Potzger's exclu- sion of nonarboreal pollen was vigorously criticized by Deevey (1951) who contended that evidence of the tundra zone was to be found in the under- lying mineral sediments directly beneath the lowermost organic deposits. It is now recognized that many of these lacustrine and bog sample sites may not have become depositional basins until as much as one or two millenia after deglaciation as a consequence of the persistence of buried stagnant ice (Florin and wright, 1969; Wright, 1971; Odgen, 1977). Meager evidence of open tree stands, possibly representing park tundra, is available, however. The pollen record from George Reserve in Livingston County, for instance, although dominated by Picea at its base, included 120 30-352 herb pollen (Andersen, 1954). No radiocarbon dates were determined from this core, but the basal sediments were correlated with the Port Huron advance (13,000 yrs B.P.). Stoutamire and Benninghoff (1964) analyzed the organic detritus associated with a mastadon skull found at Pontiac, Michi- gan which was dated at 11,900 i 350 yrs B.P. This material was dominated by gigga pollen (82.81 of total AP), but also contained large amounts of nonarboreal pollen (852 of total AP). Although such a high proportion of NAP can be indicative of incomplete forest cover, in this case more than half of the nonarboreal species were representative of shallow ponds, marshes or shrub swamps. The best palynological evidence of Late Wisconsinan tundra conditions in Michigan comes from two widely separated but time-stratigraphically penecontemporaneous sites (Cheboygan and Lapeer counties). The well known Cheboygan bryophyte bed, of such importance as an interstadial marker, yielded the first solid data indicating tundra conditions in the state. This one-centimeter-thick moss layer occurred at a depth of just over four meters beneath red, clayey till capped by stratified sand and gravel. Four radiocarbon dates, ranging from 12,500 to 13,300 yrs B.P., were determined from the organic materials (Farrand, Zahner and Benninghoff, 1969), but ac- cording to Dreimanis and Goldthwait (1973) the most reliable of these dates, as a result of an alkali-acid pretreatment, is 13,300 i 400 yrs B.P. (L-1064). The pollen diagram shown in Figure 40 is based on the analysis of four samples: one from within the bryophyte bed, one from the subjacent sand and two from.the overlying silty clay (Miller and Benninghoff, 1969). Of particular interest is the large amount of herb and shrub pollen identified in these samples. Cyperacea yielded the most abundant nonarboreal pollen, varying from 852 in the sand beneath the moss layer to 382 in the overlying 121 NMONMNO HVI'IIWVJNH VHOHVLIUOV SBUOdS BflDNfld 838063 880" WOHLSVIOSd NOIHOAHLOG SVSOWOOdOOA'I SVSOVIOOdA‘IOd BVBOVOILHH + — NOHLOI'IVHJ. + ‘— ‘SOddO VDVEHIXVS + - SVOV'I'lM-IdOAHVO + - 'SWV-ONSHO Ill— BVLISOJHOO Hal-I10 V's'"a I 8' (.JA.L.A'A.A.A--'lv"A A n a . A s e s s‘ I 1 s e e s A A e s A J 'C I VISOHGNV 3'3".“vaa Within-.-...-“u, . BVBOVHSJAO XI'IVS SflN'IV Sfl'lAHOO VAHlso-SNNIdUVO V'fl'llaa W Sfl'lfldOd SflNlXVt-H Sflfl'lfl snoaano fl: VABVO SNV'IDOI‘ 8|.L130 + 330V 4- SSIBV SflNld V30“ ”09"?“ bed ' _..: inunlwmwthIhmmmmNMtjooo 50% one or two orsln occurrences) (+ Pollen diagram of the Cheboygan bryophyte bed and associated sediments. Figure 40. 122 lacustrine sediments. Smaller, but still significant amounts of 51325, '§ali§, Gramineae, Ambrosia and Artemesia were also detected. 'Of the ar- boreal pollen, Pigga was the most common, ranging from 82 in the lowermost sample to 312 in the silty clay 3.5cm above the bryophyte bed. .Piggg pol- len accounted for less than 12 of the total AP in the organic zone and underlying sand and reached a maximum of only 132 in the younger lacustrine material. Betula pollen occurred only in the upper two samples and a small percentage of Abigg pollen was detected in the three non-organic sediments, but not in the bryophyte bed. In common with most late-glacial pollen spectra from.Michigan, small amounts of pollen from thermophilous deciduous trees, such as 95523 and 92ercus, were identified in the upper three samples. Additionally, one or two grains of Acer, Celtis, Fraxinus, ggglans, Populus, Ulmus or Cagpinus- Ostgza occurred sporadically throughout the samples. This pollen from.more temperate arboreal vegetation may have been redeposited from older sediments, but more likely was transported to the site from great distances (Miller and Benninghoff, 1969).2 In addition to pollen, macroscopic plant fossils were preserved in the bryophyte bed; they consisted mainly of mosses, mixed with a few liverworts and some leaves, twigs and seeds of several vascular plants. Eight dif- ferent species of mosses were identified, including Bryum cryophilum which is considered to be a truly arctic species (Steere, 1947). Macrofossils of six vascular plant species were recognized and among the three sedges clas- sified was Carex supine, which is presently restricted to the Arctic and Subarctic. 2Modern long-distance transport of pollen has been documented by Ritchie and Litchi-Federovich (1967) who identified small amounts of Carya, Fraxi- lggg,‘ggglans, Quercus and Ulmus in the pollen rain at Churchill, Manitoba which is nearly 400 miles beyond the range of these genera. 123 The most abundant flowering plant in the bryophyte bed was Dryas inte— grifolia. According to Porsild (1957), this dwarf shrub is a ubiquitous pioneer species in the arctic or alpine tundra. The fossil remains of two other arctic-alpine indicator plants also occurred in the organic zone. Twigs and well-preserved leaves of Salix herbacea were identified, as well as fossil leaves of vacinium uliginosum var. alpinum. Both the pollen spectra and the macrofossil assemblage document open vegetation which was dominated by sedges and other herbaceous plants. Spruce and possibly other trees were locally present, but scattered, as indicated by the presence of the several tundra heliophytes, including Dryas integrifolia. The lack of a closed forest is also suggested by the relatively small total amount of spruce pollen in the spectra. An addi- tional indicator of open tundra conditions is the larger-thanrunity NAP/AP ratio in the bryophyte bed and in two other samples (Livingstone, 1955). As pointed out by Miller and Benninghoff (1969), it is highly improb- able that the many fragile structures (leaves, seeds, etc.) which were preserved in the organic debris could have been transported any significant distance and still remain identifiable. Thus, these macrofossils provide conclusive evidence that the plants which produced them were growing on or near the depositional site. Similar conclusions cannot be drawn from the pollen record, however, since both local and distant vegetation contribute to the pollen rain at any site. Taken together, the pollen spectra and macrofossil assemblage in the Cheboygan bryophyte bed document the exis- tence of an open vegetation community at this northern Michigan site some 3 13,000 years ago which was floristically similar to present-day tundra com- bl munities in arctic or subarctic North America. Additional evidence of late-glacial tundra conditions in Michigan comes from the Weaver Drain site in northeastern Lapeer County (Burgis, 124 1970; Eschman, 1978). This drainageway, located in a linear depression be- tween two moraines, formed part of the Imlay Outlet of glacial Lake Maumee. Organic remains recovered from this locale yielded a radiometric age of 13,770 i 210 yrs B.P. (I-4899).3 Although the Weaver Drain material was not subjected to pollen analysis, the fragile macrofossils clearly document in situ tundra vegetation in the southeastern part of the state during the Mackinaw Interstadial. Paleoentomological data from the Weaver Drain site also indicate tundra-like conditions, although the presence of one fossil- ized bark beetle (Pglygraphic rufipennis) suggests that trees were not far away (Morgan, Elias and Morgan, 1981). According to Morgan (1982), these data document an MAAT in the -1° to -4°C range. ‘Rggional Synopsis of Late Wisconsin Tundra and Permafrost Indicators The temporal and spatial inter-relationships between the paleobotanical 'tundra indicators and the previously discussed geomorphic evidence for peri- glacial permafrost are summarized in Figure 41. Among the oldest features shown are the DeKalb Mounds located proximally to the Bloomington Moraine on the Tiskilwa Till. According to Frey and Willman (1973), the most sig- nificant Woodfordian glacial retreat of the Lake Michigan lobe occurred between the deposition of the Tiskilwa and Malden Till Members of the Wedron Formation. Because no organic deposits have ever been found between these two tills, Dreimanis (1977) suggested that this phase of the ice re- treat approximately 17,500 years ago may have represented a cold, dry episode rather than one of warming. The pingo origin for the DeKalb Mounds would be in agreement with this hypothesis. 3This deposit has been overlooked by even the most recent reviews of Michi- gan's late-glacial flora (e.g. Kapp, 1977), yet it contained well-preserved macrofossils of Dryas integrifolia, Salix herbacea and Vaccinium uliginosum. 125 .umouumauon 52525033 33 no 93:39: 3:93:50» on”. new muons... no menu... 1.26 HooHoouoaooHon can. costume maHsoGOHuoHou on... 93593 $5.33. moo—3 uoouu on”. :H non—0H HoHoon no he... owns”. 0:”. mo none 05 was: mooHuonuoon HoonuoalooH «0 gauge mucouoHoloaHH 3.0. 5.57.: assoaiEoS: tonnes}. ...-ml... .301.» o...>oo..o.320u..o» 32.3.32 .Ho ouome :2: 3.56.20 E2. 3592.73: .38 .5332 ‘11 \ x . N ...... 2322:.» N — - H 1 rl 00* co» co“ oo— L.» mmo. o.¢<»zo-m_mm/~./\....fiuvuufluu: .o [Egon .33.... 2.5 .93» so...» ...on. ...—3:. .93» :95: ...on. ..2e.=. 3.005 2:... .3.» 3.2; ..e.o.:. an» ....o: /\mm04 z602 clay 0 40-602 clay ‘ 1 Clay loam and silty clay loam 1.5 Loam and silt loam 2.5 Sandy loam 3 Loamy sand 4 Sand (strong subsoil development) 5.0 Sand (medium subsoil development) 5.3 Sand (weak or no subsoil development) 5.7 Gravelly or stony loamy sand to loam G Bedrock at less than 20" depth R 133 C. 134 Dominant profile texture Alluvial or lowland soils loamy sandy Mineral soils developed from parent materials of contrasting, juxtaposed textures Dominant profile texture Clay, 20—40 inches, over gravelly sand Sandy loam, 14—40 inches, over clay Sandy loam, 20-40 inches, over loam to clay loam Sandy loam, 20-40 inches, over gravelly sand Loamy sand, 14-40 inches, over clay Sand to loamy sand, 20—40 inches, over loan to clay loam Sandy to loamy sand, 40-60 inches, over loam to clay Loam, 20—40 inches, over bedrock Sandy loam, 20—40 inches, over bedrock Sand to loamy sand, 20-40 inches, over bedrock Organic soils Depph of organic material >51 inches 16-51 inches 16-51 inches 16-51 inches 16-51 inches 16-51 inches Underlying material Clay Sandy loam to clay loam Loamy sand to sand Marl Bedrock 4/2 5/2 2/R 3/R 4/R M/ 1c M/ 3c M/4c M/mc M/Rc 135 Natural drainage is indicated by lower case letters: a - well and moderatley well-drained b - somewhat poorly drained c - poorly and very poorly drained APPENDIX B ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY SURVEYING A schematic diagram of the apparatus used for electrical resistivity measurements is shown in Figure Bl. In operation, an electrical current of about 100 vdc is passed through the soil body between the two end (current) electrodes while the voltage differences between the middle two (potential) probes is measured. Apparent resistivity is proportional to the ratio of voltage change across the potential electrodes to the total current . , sdlustsble reslstsnce better es mllllsmmeter voltmeter 01 P1 P2 \62 Current 90'0”." Current electrode probes electrode }< x x XX W“_7XT‘—7X)‘ l l J Figure Bl. Schematic diagram of electrical resistivity apparatus. A large variety of electrode configurations have been proposed for resistivity surveying, but the linear arrays are the most common. Figure BZ shows three of the frequently used linear arrays. The Lee and the 136 137 Wenner configurations, which are symmetrically arranged, are similar to one another with the exception of the additional potential probe in the middle of the Lee array. In both cases, however, the entire arrangement is moved laterally in fixed increments, but the Wenner array, having fewer electrodes, is less cumbersome in this respect. In the Schlumberger array configuration, on the other hand, the closely spaced potential probes are moved as a pair between the widely separated stationary current elec- trodes. ‘_c1_L P11, TLLPZ '02 Lee _O_‘li P14, lP2 I C2’nng' _—:1_L P14, .|,P2 lc um .[0692' Figure B2. Linear electrode configurations commonly used in resistivity surveying. The penetration depth of a resistivity profile is primarily deter- mined by the distance between the current electrodes. According to Paragsis (1973), less than 30% of the total current penetrates below a depth equal to the array length. The large separation distance between the current elec- trodes in the Schlumberger array, for instance, makes this configuration inappropriate for detecting shallow resistivity anomalies. Figure B3 illustrates how near-surface resistivity anomalies can be detected using this instrumentation. According to Jakosky (1950), equi- potential lines are displaced away from a zone of high conductivity and as 138 4 3 2 1 l l l l . zone of relstlvely nlgb conductlvlty 413$ -3 1111 . lll . Appsrent Reslstlvlty Trsverse Dlstsnce 01 Number 1 Electrode trom Jsltoslty. 1 050 Figure B3. Detection of a near-surface resistivity anomaly. 139 the electrode array approaches such a conductor, the potential difference between probes 2 and 3 is decreased somewhat causing a slight lowering of the apparent resistivity at sample point A. At station B, the electrical current is short-circuited between electrodes 1 and 2 by the conductive A zone, making the potential between probes 2 and 3 large and producing a. maximum apparent resistivity value. The opposite situation occurs at array location C. Here the potential difference, as measured across the conductor, is very small and apparent resistivity falls to a minimum. The relative electrode positions at station D are the same as were encountered at B and apparent resistivity once again Sis maximum. A Wenner array configuration passing over a zone of relatively low conductivity would produce an inverted resistivity curve having the same general characteristics. B IBLI OGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY Aartolahti, T. (1970) Fossil Ice-wedges, Tundra Polygons and Recent Frost Cracks in Southern Finland. Annalee Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, Ser. A, III, Nr 107. 26p. . (1977) Personal communication. Aleshinskaya, Z. V., Bondarev, L. G. and Gorbunov, A. P. (1972) Peri- glacial Phenomena and Some Paleogeographical Problems of Central Tian-Shan. Biul. Peryglac., Vol. 21: 5-13. American Geological Institute. (1962) Dictionary of Geolggical Terms. Garden City, N.Y.: Dolphin Books. 545p. Andersen, S. T. 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