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FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. 4; e014" ORIGIN AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF CARBONAIE CONCRETIONS ANTRIM SHALE (DEVONIAN, MICHIGAN BASIN) by Helissa Wardlaw A Thesis submitted to . Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Department of Geology 1981 ABSTRACT Concretions may record diagenetic pore fluid reactions because they grow during sediment compaction. Diagenetic concretions from the Antrim Shale were studied to determine their origin, nature of growth and if they record pore fluid changes that occur during compaction. Detailed chemical, mineralogical and isotopic analyses revealed inconsistencies in interpretations of concretion origin and nature of growth that were not found in previous, less detailed, studies. The dolomite encased in pyrite, lack of chemical trends across the diameters, high porosity, uncrushed fossils and light 6180 values were interpreted to indicate that the concretions were precompaction, not deeply buried, the carbon source was organic, the pore fluid was isotopically (oxygen) light and the system.was open. The concretions originated as a result of bacterial activity and were early diagenetic; thus, they did not record and pore fluid changes that occurred during compaction. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to thank David T. Long for his support, guidance and friendship during this thesis. I would also like to express my appreciation to Drs. Robert Anstey, Duncan Sibley and James Trow for their criticisms of the manuscript. Funding for this research came from Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society and the Geological Socity of America. Their support was greatly appreciated. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose Nature of Problem Zonal Theory of Shale Diagnesis Summary of Concretion Research Physical Interpretation from Previous Concretion Research Description of Antrim Shale and Its Concretions Research Goals Methods Collection Descriptions of Two Concretions Analyzed Preparation Methods Thin Sections Electron MicrOprobe Analysis Atomic Absorption Bulk Geochemistry Carbonate Geochemistry Porosity X-ray Diffraction iii page 13 14 19 20 20 21 24 26 26 27 27 27 28 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS, continued Organic Carbon Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes Results and Interpretation Mineralogy Physical Setting Chemical Trends Oxygen Isotopes Carbon Isotopes Discussion Comparison of the Antrim Concretions to Other carbonate Concretions in Black Shales Inconsistencies in Data Interpretation Speculations on Inconsistencies Concretions as Chemical Tape Recorders Conclusions iv Page 28 29 29 33 36 43 55 58 61 63 64 67 71 76 77 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 2. 30 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. LIST OF FIGURES Location Map. Concretion 3. Devonian algal structure inside concretion 3. Concretion 7. Photomicrograph of radial ferroan dolomite crystals in concretion 3. Antrim Shale compacted around carbonate concretions, Kettle Point, Ontario. Typical sphere-shaped carbonate concretion, Kettle Point, Ontario Uhcrushed Tasmanites in concretion 3. 9a,b,c,d. Plot of percent carbonate in samples across concretion 3 and 7. 10a,b,c,d. Plot of total organic carbon content in samples across concretions 3 and 7. lla,b,c,d. Plot of Ca/Mg ratio in carbonate samples across concretions 3 and 7. 12a,b,c,d. Plot of sodium concentration in carbonate samples across concretions 3 and 7. 13a,b,c,d. Plot of K concentration in carbonate samples across concretions 3 and 7. 14a,b,c,d. Plot of Fe concentration in carbonate samples across concretions 3 and 7. 15a,b. Plot of stable carbon and oxygen isotopes across the horizontal core from concretion 3. \ Page 18 22 25 37 38 41,42 44,45 48 49,50 51,52 53,54 57 LIST OF FIGURES, Cont. Figure 16. Mixtures of carbonate carbon reduction (SR), bacterial fermentation (F) and marine origin (M) which give total 5130 values of 110/00 FDB. 60 Figure 17. Interpretations made from geochemical and physical data. 62 vi 1. LIST OF TABLES Name Diagenetic zones within compacting marine mudstone sequences (from Curtis, 1978). Summary of the research on carbonate concretions. List of references used in constructing Table 2. Carbonate geochemistry (atomic absorption data). Carbon and oxygen isotope values for two Antrim concretions. vii page 46 56 PURPOSE The purpose of this research is to determine the origin and nature of growth of the carbonate concretions in the Antrim Shale (Devonian, Michigan Basin). A working hypothesis for this research is that the trace element and stable isotope geochemistry of the concretions can be used to make interpretations about their origin and nature of growth. The approach is to study the bulk and three dhmensional geochemistry and mineralogy of the concretions. Additionally, the geochemical study may shed some light on the chemical changes that occurred in the pore fluid and the surrounding sediment during compaction and lithification of the sediment in the basin. NATURE OF PROBLEM During the evolution of a compacting sedimentary basin, chemical diagenetic processes occur that affect both the sediment and the pore water. Laboratory, theoretical and field studies have demonstrated these changes in modern systems. Laboratory squeezing studies of kaolinite and montmorillonite by Engelhardt and Gaida (1963), for example, show that the salinity of released pore water changes during compaction. They found decreasing salinity up to 800 atm compaction pressure followed by increased salinity up to 3200 atm of overburden pressure. Samples from the Deep Sea Drilling Project also show that diagenetic processes occur that affect pore fluid chemistry in recent 1 2 sediments. There are significant changes in specific ion concentrations with depth, and concomitant compaction and diagenesis, in some pore fluid samples from the DSDP. According to a summary by Sayles and Manheim (1975) Ca, Sr, and H003 are generally enriched, while Mg and 504 are depleted in the pore fluid with increasing depth. Chemical changes in sediment during compaction have been reported also. In the samples studied the amount of illite increases with depth of burial at the expense of mixed layer illite-smectites. This is accompanied by increases in temperature and decreases in the sediment porosity (Perry, 1970; Bower, et al., 1976). Carrels and MacKenzie (1974) have used these results to interpret the chemical diagenetic history of rocks; however, this interpretation is as yet unequivocal. An understanding of diagenetic processes in ancient rocks is important because these processes are in part responsible for the generation and migration of petroleum and the origin of low temperature are deposits (e.g., the Mississippi Valley lead and zinc deposits). The rationale for the present study is that concretions may provide a record of the chemical changes that occur in the pore waters of the sediment during burial and compaction. Concretions grow in various types of sedimentary rocks (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981; Sass and Koladny, 1975; Tarr, 1920). Their origin is either syngenetic (formed at the time of deposition of the enclosing sediments), diagenetic (formed in the enclosing sediments while they are still soft and unconsolidated) or epigenetic (formed after consolidation of the enclosing sediments)(Raiswell, 1971). This study infers a diagenetic origin for the carbonate concretions in the Antrim. Diagenetic concretions presumably grow during compaction, below the sediment-sea water interface (Raiswell, 1971). The precipitating carbonate material incorporates trace elements such as Na, Sr, Zn, Mn, and K, during growth. The concentration of the trace elements in the precipitated mineral will be a function of their concentration in the solution and their partitioning coefficient. If the concentration of a trace element in solution changes during concretion growth, then its concentration in the precipitating mineral should change accordingly. Thus the concretion may be a sort of chemical "tape recorder", recording chemical changes in the pore fluid that occured as the shale was compacted. In order to determine if concretions are chemical "tape recorders”, however, a better understanding of their origin and nature of growth is needed. This can be accomplished in part by detailed geochemical, petrographic and isotopic investigations of carbonate concretions found in black shales. ZONAL THEORY OF SHALE DIAGENESIS With increasing burial depth, diagenetic reactions are known to occur that affect the sediment and the pore fluid. A sequence of diagenetic reaction zones in compacting marine mudstones was originally defined by Curtis (1978). Diagenetic concretions have been subsequently analyzed in light of these reaction zones (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981; Irwin, 1980; Curtis, 1978). In this study the Antrim concretions will be analyzed in order to determine if their origin and nature of growth can be predicted by the zonal theory. 4 According to Curtis (1978), Zone I is represented by a thin top layer of sediment that is well oxygenated by the depositional waters (Table 1). Bacterial oxidation of organic material takes place in this zone and diagenetic mineral precipitation does not occur because the ions diffuse into the overlying water. Below the sediment surface, in Zone II, reducing conditions are set up and bacterial sulfate reduction occurs. The source of the sulfate is the overlying water. Pyrite and iron-poor carbonates with isotopically light carbonate carbon, due to the sulfate reducing bacteria, are precipitated in this zone. Zone II merges into Zone III at the depth of approximately 10 m where 30'4 diffusion from the depositional waters into the sediment stOps. Bacterial fermentation of organic matter producing isotopically light methane and carbonate containing heavy carbon isotopes typifies Zone III. In this zone the ferrous material from unstable iron compounds precipitates as isotopically heavy, iron—rich carbonate mineral. The lower boundary of Zone III is inferred to be the lower limit of organic activity in the sediment. In zone IV bicarbonate is produced by thermal decarboxylation and oxidized iron compounds continue to be reduced. These processes increase as temperature increases and stop when the reactants are used up. Isotopically light, iron-rich carbonates precipitate but their exact composition depends upon the composition of the original sediment. There is not much organically derived bicarbonate in Zones V and VI, according to Curtis. Dissolution, reprecipitation or replacement occur in these zones involving unstable primary carbonates. The mucous—Com 0:325... madame woauomaaoo c.3053 mason oauozommfin . 33a .2980 son: . H manna. .330; 3.239.: “ouuunuuuo entices-.0: ..ao.gu sea—use . o .o 2:332: 2:. to at .8. a... a r. soc: n:.ocsmoc ausn_us n e..:aaau wetlcoaosoa au.: lean emu . o..uuo.n sea-nu o..Io—oa coats-u s._.__ o..so_oa son-ue‘ so..ssecoo 3 3:6 :2 2 on. no... coat-2:2: a ue_m¢_um> 9.30.4 nan-u ssh-J new.! I I c l I i I I o..usm.u o..eo._.uos.eox wo..e.~o-a so was. a. an o-.«.« to..s.>wonuauoa a. s-.Io_oa a or..usa< scouts. cox '7\ sh a..s.uomno . souunaeelhah on . o on eaoeoouou 0.. on on o. —_. a u u .50. o seamen.» e ensues 0.0 usacaaos< eu‘uuau n .a u a enouueu .u ..< .s: .0. n9.o._ou at .em sea so..usoom 3...... 3- 3 no 2 322:... : _.0u so so..u:u.nam v.sq¢ s..u.au .n.uo.onm as..cs nus..- .aeo...noceo me.».usao co..ns.no ..eautc .o eo..us~..oo .s..ssa o.e. ue.:.0o .o so.n:._.m unvox a«- a. o «w. .n..s.ua- _ .0. e.asa s::..so...=0f .sstt.’ €0....a.osum 90....a.usam 9.0::asnu a..uobe; U h szsn co..m.uuuso aces s.ssoc.f assoc no.1:csumu oqvca;Un_. cussesx o . one” oneness cation compositions are determined by silicate transformation in these zones. Several processes are responsible for the carbon isotope distribution in carbonate minerals; l) assimilation of dissolved primary carbonate; and the degradation of organic material by 2) bacterial fermentation, 3) sulfate reduction, and 4) decarboxylation (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981; Irwin, 1980). Bacterial fermentation processes produce carbon dioxide with a «513C value of +150/oo(PDB) and methane with values of -750/oo (Irwin, 1980). Sulfate reduction produces carbon dioxide with 613C values of -10 to -ZSo/oo and carbonate precipitated due to assimilation of dissolved primary carbonate results ind l~30 values equal to 00/00 (Irwin, 1980). Decarboxylation, the removal of a molecule of carbon dioxide from amino acids and proteins by bacterial action, produces 513C values of -ZOo/oo (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981). Each process of carbon dioxide production occurs in a different burial depth zone (Curtis, 1978). The depth zones overlap; thus carbon dioxide production by two or more processes can occur simultaneously in certain zones in the sediment resulting in carbonate containing intermediate 13C values (Irwin, 1980; Coleman and Raiswell, 1981). SUMMARY OF CONCRETION RESEARCH Table 2 summarizes the current research on the nature and origin of carbonate concretions. (References are listed on Table 3; numbers :oumomou venomoua ousu scum mcoauapuuunooe AoNaAV mama an mcouuouucoo new coaumuuuammmeo own no woman .usoauvum weavesouusm cu uooamou so“: suaouw acquouonoo no one o>aumaou u nouuouocoo no amoaouoowa acnman momhammm momma can save noon mcouuouocoo co some muooaouzmmoa Hooaeosom hmoaouocwa ~3.a.a.e.n.~ monouomu m ms monououw o «.ma.~a.aa.a.o.n monouomu o 4.H~.a.a.ma.~a.e.m.n.a mucosa oomph a.oH.~H N -.m.~.m um aquoeowaao ouuuoeuu a.oa.o.o.n a: a.-.w.n.~ a.~a.m.m< om couuomaaou ouuonowmue ouusoaoo emonuou «.o~.~.o.~ a.m~.-.w.o «gave: as .e.m.~.a «.Nfl.oa.m.a.e some» «.na.e.a.e ca.aa.na.~a.o.m.o.e co NH.¢. .n oouuommsoooua ouuocommuv some use souoamo , e.oH.owbuc.N.H h oaon no: immm¢ o>uumaom A odouoofix monogamowauouoa amowaono monHumozco ma¢zonm . 3e .344 0H h. 01 em. éoéos'az'aié s c Figure 10a,b. Plot of total organic carbon content in samples across concretions 3 and 7. 45 '854 Thorizontol . S e 68‘ O 0 a 1 '2 O 3 .SP 0 a! . .344 l 2 3 4 5 s 'F C O 7vsrticol so 3 g as Q .2 ' C O 8 an 0 g I .34- 5o433'4227 i345§ Figure 10c,d. Plot of total organic carbon content in samples across concretions 3 and 7. TABLE 4: 3 vertical edge 5a 4a 3a 2a center 1 2 3 4 edge 5 3 horizontal center 1 2 3 l; 5 edge 6 (pyrite) Shale light dark 7 vertical 6 5 4 3 2 1 2a 3a 4a 5a 7 horizontal NO‘UID‘UDNH 46 Carbonate Geochemisty (atomic K 356 458 493 268 451 211 238 140 403 1014 932 893 925 1183 4553 2603 11250 283 491 647 692 617 728 750 613 777 857 2154 1229 791 1247 1131 524 760 Sr 146 191 272 203 204 174 226 165 180 Sr 179 206 186 178 169 0 293 304 316 292 289 265 178 495 282 279 266 269 304 299 297 303 289 Zn 17 20 109 14 25 80 11 87 Zn 14 13 12 14 14 16 218 99 11 13 14 14 13 13 9 24 14 15 14 15 14 14 15 17 14 Mn 6551 11054 9881 5635 8878' 5726 6342 4815 6039 5522 8200 9612 10156 5645 160 1095 5983 5351 M8 101395 94904 285214 113207 84818 94712 127613 133350 87321 “8 75546 87307 85179 96148 90781 16821 47,143 4941 78634 91345 6375 100458 5358 6301 6301 5343 95305 86149 86149 79175 12390 182739 4827 6378 6951 8210 7790 8278 6744 7439 6406 83676 93553 89850 84783 94148 102708 93036 88444 81593 absorption data). Fe 43981 28252 39893 26439 30309 22470 30460 22987 27784 Fe 26636 33355 28395 28041 28024 81805 23175 0 22642 25785 27173 25105 23141 23141 18261 47425 27558 27918 29970 18641 23455 23639 25943 25279 25476 Ca 298985 304458 637536 303177 316087 414767 335457 270444 303725 Ca 294051 204666 305944 308203 297012 244649 116175 0 280723 303365 311790 300183 270196 270196 169749 509000 303970 309380 303413 295549 281067 267863 277320 284152 267817 Na 462 568 537 613 924 427 522 395 434 Ne 598 625 430 439 392 1262 3079 7960 353 438 653 453 417 356 356 710 586 475 626 449 528 720 473 617 713 47 the concretions grew in an open system. Zonal theory-- the trace element geochemistry of the concretions yields no information as to the time of growth of the concretions relative to compaction of the shale, the carbon source or the nature of the reactions. Temperature/Salinity- No information on the temperature of the pore fluid can be gained from the concretion geochemistry. However, according to Land and Hoops (1973) the Na and K content of a dolomite can represent the salinity of the most recent solution with which the dolomite has come in contact if no recrystallization or post-lithification reequilibration has occurred. In thin sections there is no evidence of recrystallization in progress in the Antrim concretions; therefore, either none has taken place or the entire body of the concretion has been recrystallized leaving no trace of the original fabric. The oxygen isotope ratio in concretion #3 differs from those of the shale. This observation supports the hypothesis that no recrystallization or reequilibration with meteoric water has taken place in the Antrim concretions (Hathon, 1979). Thus the Na content of the Antrim concretions may be representative of the salinity of the pore fluid. According to Fritz and Katz (1972) the low concentration of Na and K in the Antrim concretions may indicate that the concretions formed in pore fluid of relatively low salinity. The lack of a monotonic gradient in sodium across the concretion can be interpreted as evidence that no change in pore fluid salinity occurred during concretion growth (Fig. 11,12,13,14). 48 .5 one m accuuouoeoo emouoe oodmeoe ouodooueu.ew canon wz\eo we mean .o.o.o.om~ museum h D p D D 3233.. n I. p b I...” o\o\o\o/o/o\o . 2.3.3.. t. o o a co on i a a a. m a a. .n r . 5Y0 hYO IN; rN._ Ma Mg .m. / .9. w M b 1¢.~ LYN .nYm ea.» 33...? n. fi o o o o c m N am am .ow om. .OAU .mAu rm; Mo am.— a. ‘ e o 1m.—V m — / a 3 w 4d . o .O;m .O.m _oo_to>h .u one m «coauonoooo enouoo «cameos oueeoouoo cu eouuouucooeoo Bowman mo oodm .o .eua seamen 37:2: 0 o o o o mmwmm._ mo¢n~.o~.u.no.¢o.n .OOM .OOn M. .Oov .Qrov M econ m .00... N 9 .03 . o. 4 . .000 d M roasm .00» m .000 .000 .00m .00m .000. . . .000. .00: , _ 32:: n .00: .2523...» .OON. .. .OON. .oom. 50 800‘ ThorizoMol - 700i 2. Q_ 60(3‘ 500‘ + O z 400‘ 300‘ 200‘ I i 3 4 5 s 7 c e 800 a 7 VOfIiCO' TOCD‘ SIJO' E . 5} 5C)O + 400‘ O 'z 300‘ 2C>O' saioioz'3I i 54 5% Figure 12c,d. Plot of Na concentration in carbonate samples across concretions 3 and 7. 51 l500‘ 1400* ShorizonIol l200‘ (ppm) I 100‘ 1000‘ K+ 900q 800‘ a... ”1 0h .5. UI .0) 3 vertical Figure l3a,b. Plot of K concentration in carbonate samples across concretions 3 and 7. (Sample 3-horizontal-6 is pyrite.) (ppm) K+ Figure l3c,d. 2200‘ 2000‘ I800J l600‘ “N30‘ 1200‘ (ppm) l000‘ K+ 800‘ 600‘ 400‘ soo- soo« root soo- 500' 400- soo- 200‘ 7hoflzufld 7 vertical 54 4o 54 2o iééIéE Plot of K concentration in carbonate samples across concretions 3 and 7. is pyrite.) (Sample 3-horizonta1—6 Figure 14a,b. 53 901 3 horizontal 80‘ 70< SCI 50‘ (x1000 ppm) 40‘ Fe 30‘ 20.. a... N1 u a. u no: 90' 80‘ 7°. 3 vertlcd 60- 50‘ (xlOOO ppm) 401 Fe 301 20‘ r I’ 5343333ai254 5 0 c Plot of Fe concentration in carbonate samples across concretions 3 and 7. (II 1000 ppm) Fe Fe (xlOOOppm) Figure l4c,d. 30‘ 50‘ 4o- 30' 20‘ IO‘ 54 7 horizontal 50‘ 40‘ 20 IO‘ 0—1 7 vertical W £4 44 3o 2o l 2 e c .1 on 45 an Om. Plot of Fe concentration in carbonate samples across concretions 3 and 7. 55 OXYGEN ISOTOPES The stable oxygen isotope ratios were determined for a group of samples traversing Antrim concretion #3 and for three samples across an Antrim carbonate concretion studied by Hathon (1979)(Table 5)(Fig. 15). There is no trend across concretion #3 except for a slightly heavier value at the edge of the concretion. There is a trend of lightening 6180 values across the concretion studied by Hathon. THe Antrim Shale sample contains a somewhat lighter 6180 value than concretion #3. The oxygen isotope values reveal no information on the time of growth of the concretions. State of system-- The lack of a trend in the 6130 values across the Antrim concretions can be interpreted as evidence that the system in which the concretions grew was open. If the system were closed, then an increase of lighter 5180 values toward the edge of the concretion would be expected, because the 180 will precipitate in the solid before the 160, thus concentrating the 16O in the pore solution and raising the 160/130 ratio in the later-precipitated carbonate. If the system had been open to seawater, then no trend would be expected because there would be a constant source of 18O to precipitate in the carbonate mineral. Temperature/Salinity-- The oxygen isotope ratio of carbonate material is a function of the temperature and the salinity of the precipitating pore solution (Craig, 1953). Using the equation for dolomite-seawater fractionation by Matthews and Katz (1977): 56 TABLE 5: Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Values for Two Antrim Concretions #3. Center 3-v-l 3-v-2 3-v-3 3-v-4 Edge 3-v-5 Shale Hathon (1979) inner middle outer -11.8 -12.0 -11.7 -ll.3 -10.2 -901 -1103 ‘1202 -10.1 PDB - -30.37 + SMOW 1.03 6136(PDB) +20.8 +20.8 +20.8 +20.8 +20.0 +20.0 +23.9 +23.3 +22.6 4180(suom 5 180091313} -9.29 -9.29 -9.29 -9.29 -9.10 -6028 -6086 -2.54 57 .n eomuouocoo Eoum ouoo moucouuuon osu moouoo eooououu eomhxo.oee eooueo omoeuu no uo~m .o .om~ ouommm o o o m .4 m N . m ¢ m N . LT . .. m/o .N_I M.w/o .o... 9.. . 9.. 08 32 D . mum .2. mm O\O|IIQ C. 0 m m rm- . l. .25th m . _ .0... 323.3; m e 58 1n n - (3.06 x 106 x 1'2 - 3.24)]1000, and assuming that the 6180 solution - 00/00, a temperature of approximately 83°C can be calculated from the 5130 values of concretion #3. The trend in «5180 values can also be interpreted as evidence for a change in pore fluid salinity as the concretion grew. However, there are inconsistencies in the data because concretion #3 indicates an increase in salinity by its increase in heavier isotopes toward the concretion edge, whereas the concretion studied by Hathon ,(1979) indicates a lightening of the water by the increase of lighter isotopes toward the concretion edge. These inconsistencies will be discussed in a later section. Zonal theory-- the 6 18O values of concretion #3 indicate a pore fluid temperature of 83°C. According to the zonal theory (Curtis, 1978; Table l), 83°C would occur in the pore fluid at a burial depth of approximately 2500 meters. CARBON ISOTOPES Stable carbon isotope ratios were determined for the same samples as the oxygen isotope ratios. The results are listed on Table 5 (Fig. 15). In both concretions analyzed, there is a gradual gradient in theI513C value across the concretions. The carbon isotope values do not reveal any information on the state of the system, the time of growth or the temperature or salinity of the pore fluid. 59 Zonal theory-- The carbon isotopes can give information on the carbon source and the depth of burial of the concretions during growth. The 513 values of the concretions are intermediate values, caused by a combination of either bacterial sulfate reduction (613C - -250/oo) and bacterial fermentation(613C - +15p/ppPDB), or bacterial fermentation and decarboxylation (613C - -200/ooPDB)(Curtis, l978)(Table 1). According to Curtis (1978) the Antrim concretions can be interpreted to have grown either at a burial depth of approximately 10-100 meters between zone 11 and zone III or at a burial depth of 1000-2500 meters, between zone III and zone IV. However, Coleman and Raiswell (1981) determined that the 613C value from carbonate concretions from Upper Lias black shale of northeastern England was the result of a mixture of three carbon sources: 1) bacterial fermentation, 2) sulfate reduction and 3) marine derived carbonate (skeletal or dissolved). They plotted the possible range of mixtures of these three sources that would result in a513C value of -14o/ooPDB. If no fermentation occured, then 432 of the carbon must have come from a marine source in order to achieve the -l4o/oo 513C value (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981). Because there was only a small amount of skeletal material in the shale, Coleman and Raiswell (1981) suggested that bacterial fermentation was a probable source of carbonate carbon in the concretions. The average 5130 value of the Antrim concretions is approximately llo/oo(PDB) and as there is little skeletal material in the shale, these interpretations can be applied to the Antrim concretions also (Fig. 16). 60 . 3 3:3... one EycofimueoEuou :«uouuoo .Ammvcowuonoou enough scum coouoo 323930 «0 monsoon“: 4 .nnm oo\o.: no 333, can dmuou o3». sou—.5 Canaan—o oozes :. d 4 4 10401 ‘4 4 4.4 4 v. I 4 a 4 o“.404Q4.J4 40- 404 454 404 4.40.04OQ 4.4 4 O 4.94%.... age.seaeaeaeeEEea.... 0.142.344.4934“. .. .. A. a.3......amqeméuwfifiww.a... . $2.. 3...... e...\%.®@ www.meweewaaMammy... 0.... 0...... . .0... .4... .. . .0. .h. . 4 a... aaafigmeeeewa 1 4 s yfia®¢£¥®w 1.35%. a... mm 4.4.4 . It. save... -\ . . float... a... a. a... .. 4...: 4 t. . . Cm.» on... to o . an. 0%.. «329%wa.momm.mwholvfiww.fiooofimw .46 5.... a... .. . ... fie§§fi$¢ a. . a .. . . “was. av...o.m...o..axes»....fimmo . sit}: new». . o. 5.. am...” new“? tweeme. 4 . .. .4 -.........e as as sees. t9 kwwaukwmgfi «Roulmny .. 1mm. . imam. .. . . 4.. a. .0 owwoowmwomoafiovwwwofifivm skinny. .4. . QR o 4&5...) a. .. WV . o X 3 .1. I. . .49. . xgwmwdmdmwgwfi may .wwow .mowamiv. mammowwww owe“. a . 4o. 04 0404 o 404 4 . 4 00 4 o 4» 040 404 s fixagw. e. a. e. . gen... :a. 4.1% .mp9. . :v a.\ a...» hwmafiwmomawwwmz. WWW”? «mm. «amiaowovamv. . a 4 4 4044404 4040 40 0044 04440 4 4 44 04 o p 4. 40404 40 44 . 243.2:53 .0: an 3... «ovfiww w.% 4w... . .. wag... .e. .o a. gmlfiwfifio .. $03.3 “$1.315. fig a“ 4%. .«zmwwwwwwoum.w.w€ .£.wmmmwo%owwwamomww. am“... 1 ‘0‘ 1 0“0( ‘04 '0‘9‘ Q i 4 1 ‘ ‘ H% ”Ho—.0 o ‘ o 0.... . a...» .. {.30 0 ea...» maew..%m 2:4. : :o. the...” . . afield»?mo.m.mm%4.w%mfiféwhomage?“ 0% . . . s.%..w.w.w.m.fi%w «w. .“mewwo. 22:. 3. . 5.0 we... {momanfiwwwamoo 4.. p e%h°>e.4- 4» s4. .4 > day...“ how“. omega. . o 3.»... 0.0.3... Manama». . .. . 53...: 2.. a Foowoloawwfiwwo alum...“ F»... . .. .. 0. ... .. a. . a... $wmoofiu.m%.ow¢.... . 4 b. . .40. 543.19 2.9%... ..o... o .. . fimwyfi yoomflovu . . . . .% vowmgommw. a. . .0 . o». a avowww...t sumo”. .9 4o a.” . d. . . a... 61 Thus from the carbon isotope data alone, the Antrim concretions can be interpreted to have grown at either a shallow depth (lo-100 m) as a result of sulfate reduction, bacterial fermentation and marine derived carbonate, or they could have grown at a deeper depth (1000-2500 m) as a result of bacterial fermentation and decarboxylation. DISCUSSION The interpretations made from the geochemical data collected from the Antrim concretions have been tabulated on Figure 17 and are summarized below. State of systemr- The mineralogy, porosity and lack of monotonic gradients all indicate an open system during concretion growth. Zonal theory- The mineralogy and stable carbon isotope values can be interpreted to indicate sulfate reduction, bacterial fermentation and marine derived carbonate as sources of carbonate carbon in the Antrim concretions. However, the carbon isotOpe values can also be interpreted to indicate a combined carbonate carbon source of bacterial fermentation and decarboxylatin in the Antrim concretions. The depth of burial is indicated to be shallow according to the mineralogy, physical characteristics and the carbonate carbon source of bacterial fermentation, sulfate reduction and marine 4 derived carbonate. But the temperature indicated by the oxygen isotopes and the carbonate carbon source of bacterial 62 .auwv Hwoamunn van dungeonuomm scum mvms muoaunumuaumuaH .n~ wuswwm acuuudhuonuaoov aoomuncocd A--:uuuu .auou .oan HO huq>quua unquaa_.aumu mumoaoma cucumuo soooauoa Auu.oua a.eau ouauaaa zommuuu¢ manna: n mouuouvaa «aqua; unm mo and: no «aha «may oucuwuoca ououm \aouuuuouauouaH amomma Adzon 63 fermentation and decarboxylation can be interpreted to indicate a much deeper burial depth between 1000 and 2500 meters. Time of growthr- The mineralogy and physical characteristics of the concretions in surface exposures indicate an early, precompaction time of growth. Salinity- The salinity of the pore fluid is not clearly indicated by the analyses performed on the Antrim concretions. A lack of a gradient in the sodium concentration may indicate that no salinity change occurred during concretion growth. The low concentrations of potassium and sodium in the concretions can be interpreted to indicate that the pore fluid salinity was low. The trends in the oxygen isotopes can be interpreted to indicate that a change in salinity did occur during concretion growth. Temperature-- The oxygen isotope values indicate a pore fluid temperature of approximately 83°C. It is apparent that there are some inconsistencies in the data interpretation. These will be discussed below. COMPARISONS OF THE ANTRIM CONCRETIONS TO OTHER CARBONAIE CONCRETIONS IN BLACK SHALES Comparing the results of studies on carbonate concretions from various black shales may suggest a commonality in their origin and nature of growth. These comparisons can also be used to 64 Time of growth-- The mineralogy and physical characteristics of the concretions in surface exposures indicate an early, precompaction time of growth. Salinity- The salinity of the pore fluid is not clearly indicated by the analyses performed on the Antrim concretions. A lack of a gradient in the sodium concentration may indicate that no salinity change occurred during concretion growth. The low concentrations of potassium and sodium in the concretions can be interpreted to indicate that the pore fluid salinity was low. The trends in the oxygen isotopes can be interpreted to indicate that a change in salinity did occur during concretion growth. Temperature-- The oxygen isotope values indicate a pore fluid temperature of approximately 83°C. It is apparent that there are some inconsistencies in the data interpretation. These will be discussed below. COMPARISONS OF THE ANIREM CONCRETIONS TO OTHER CARBONAIE CONCRETIONS IN BLACK SHALES Comparing the results of studies on carbonate concretions from various black shales may suggest a commonality in their origin and nature of growth. These comparisons can also be used to gain insights into the nature of black shale diagenesis. Earlier, four aspects that seem to characterize the nature of the geochemistry of concretions were summarized from past work. The results of this 65 study on the concretions 0f the Antrim compare favorably to that summary in terms of bulk chemistry, of chemical trends from the center to the edge of the concretions and of their physical and geochemical relationship with their host shale. The following is a comparison of data: Carbon isotopes-- Irwin (1980) edge: +20/00 PDB; center; +9o/oo; edge: -20/oo Hudson (1978) edge; -14.lo/00; heavier toward edges Galimov and Girin edge: -960/00; center: -2.27o/00 (1968) Hoefs (1970) Cretaceous concretion: -3.3 to -43.20/00 Cretaceous shale: 0.9 to -5.30/00 Devonian concretion: 2.0 to -7.00/00 Devonian shale: -0.3 to ~6.20/00 Curtis, g£_gl. edge: -2.00/00; center: 8.00/00; edge: -l.00/00 (1975) Sass and Kolodny edge: -7.20/00; center: -7.60/00 (1975) Coleman and UA:edge: - 120/00; center: ~130/00 Raiswell (1981) UB:edge: - 130/00; center: -lSo/00 Oxygen isotopes-- center edge Coleman and Hudson and Irwin Hoefs Antrim Hathon (1979) Raiswell Friedman #3 203 -809 .007 -1056 -900 -902 -6040/00 PDB -408 -909 -307 ‘4046 ’1203 ”901 “706 66 Porosity changes-- Coleman and Irwin Hudson and Curtis g£_213 Antrim Raiswell Friedman #3 #7 center 77-872 80-952 78-952 73.22 812 812 edge decrease 63-762 10.22 602 691 Nature of system?- Irwin: closed Hoefs: closed Raiswell: open Physical relationship with the surrounding shale--The Antrim concretions are similar to those studied by Raiswell (1971) in that in both cases the shale beds can be traced through the outer zones of the concretions and they bend around the concretions. Black shale carbon isotopes--Similar to the Antrim, the concretions studied by Coleman and Raiswell (1981) and Hoefs (1970) contained carbon isotopes that were heavier than the values determined for the surrounding shales. From the results of studies on carbonate concretions in black shales several conclusions as to the origin and nature of growth can be drawn: 1. The carbonate carbon source is a result of organic reactions in the shale. 2. The variable 6136 values suggest different sources of 67 carbonate carbon among the concretions studied. 3. The porosity indicates early growth in uncompacted sediment. 4. The state of the system in which concretions grow can be open or closed. 5. The oxygen isotopes are lighter than what would be expected in carbonate precipitating from.modern seawater. 6. The oxygen isotopes indicate a lightening of the pore fluid as concretion growth occurred. 7. The physical relationship between the shale and the concretions indicates early, precompaction concretion growth. 8. The oxygen isotopes of the shales are lighter than those of the concretions. 9. Pyrite was present throughout the concretions in one study (Hudson, 1976), and formed rims on concretions in another study (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981). The data from the Antrim concretions and the previous studies can be interpreted to indicate that carbonate concretions in black shale are an early diagenetic phenomenon. They originate as a result of varying organic reactions in uncompacted sediment in a system open or closed to seawater, and as they grow the oxygen isotopes of the pore fluid are lightened. INCONSISTENCIES IN DAIA.INTERPRETAIION Zonal theory-For the Antrim, interpretations as to the source of carbon from carbon isotopes is difficult. Since the 613 C values become heavier towards the edge (Tables, FigurelS), in line with 68 interpretations of 513C isotope trends in other concretions (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981; Hudson, 1976; Sass and Kolodny, 1975; Galimov and Girin, 1968), increasing contributions to the carbon pool are needed from either the process of bacterial fermentation or assimilation of primary marine carbonate material. However, sources of carbon from these processes may be inconsistent with the mineralogy of the concretion and the surrounding shale. Pyrite rims on the Antrim concretions indicate that sulfate reduction was a significant source of carbonate carbon in the concretions. However, the 613C values of carbonate formed as a result of sulfate reduction is -250/oo PDB (Irwin, 1980) and the 5130 values in the Antrim concretions average approximately -130/oo. Thus, if sulfate reduction was the source of carbonate carbon, then the 513C values should be lighter and they should not become more positive toward the edge of the concretions. The 5130 values should remain constant all the way across the concretions if sulfate reduction was the steady source, or the 513C value should become lighter if sulfate reduction was in increasing source of carbonate carbon in the concretions. In order to achieve the absolute 6130 values of the Antrim concretions there must have been another process besides sulfate reduction contributing carbonate carbon to bring the 6130 value up from -250/oo to -130/00. Both bacterial fermentation and the assimilation of primary marine carbonate could mix with sulfate reduction and cause the 513C values found in the Antrim concretions. Possible mixtures of these three sources to give a 613C value of -llo/oo, as in the Antrim concretions, are plotted 69 on Figure 18. It is impossible to determine exactly how much carbonate carbon each process contributed to the Antrim concretions. The association of pyrite with the ferroan dolomite is also inconsistent with the zonal theory. If sulfate reduction were the major source of carbonate carbon in the shale, as indicated by the pyrite and the 513C values, then the iron in the pore fluid should have been bonded with the reduced sulfur to form pyrite and not with the carbonate to form ferroan dolomite. The iron should not bond with the carbonate until the sulfur is depleted in the pore fluid. Thus, the Antrim concretions are mineralogically ”inside out" with the ferroan dolomite on the inside and the pyrite forming rims on the concretions. Temperature/Salinity-There are two inconsistencies in the interpretation of the oxygen isotope data: 1) the 6180 values of the Antrim concretions are much lighter than would be expected of carbonate minerals precipitating form modern marine water, and 2) assuming normal seawater salinity and using the equation of Matthews and Katz (1977), the temperature of the pore fluid was calculated to be approximately 83°C. However, Hathon (1979) used vitronite reflectance and the burial depth of the Antrim Shale to determine a maximum temperature of 60°C for the Antrim Shale. Thus the temperature indicated by the oxygen isotopes is inconsistent with the independent data on the temperature of the pore fluids in the Antrim Shale. 70 Depth Sediment/water i_nte gate 2i Oxidation by bacteria cazo + 02' and molecular oxygen 10“ Anaerpoie oxidation “3320)“! ) 4. an; . J by a, D2 6coz+6lzo+2lz+ln3+loe latterial eaiphata 2(cn20) + 30' - a 2’ + zuto‘ 3 reduction . 1° 2(ca20)+soI-as“"+zmo3+u 2(0 Santeria! fematatioo O+Egzg + H Iiogenit deearbaylatioa _ ’ a-coza+azo-sa+m03+a 10 Abiotit reactions (deearbaylatioa and Gee-ratioa of hydrocarbons ther-i tracking) Figure 18. Expanded version of diagenetic zones within compacting marine mudstone sequences (Irwin, 1980). 71 SPECULAIIONS ON INCONSISTENCIES A model of concretion growth is needed that accounts for the origin, the nature of growth and the inconsistencies in the data between the Antrim concretions and the zonal theory of black shale diagenesis. The physical characteristics and the pyrite rims on the Antrim concretions indicate early concretion growth at a shallow burial depth in the sediment. The stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios can be interpreted to indicate later, more deeply buried conditions. Oxygen isotope values--Any interpretation of the 8180 values of the concretions must account for the trends in thed 180 values and for the overall lightness of the 6180 values of the Antrim concretions. There are several factors that can affect the isotope values, thus caution must be exercised when conclusions are drawn using the 5180 values. Speculations: 1. The experimental oxygen isotope values could be wrong. This speculation can be eliminated because the 6130 values of concretion #3 are consistent with the values determined previously for an Antrim concretion (Hathon, 1979) and they are consistent with 6130 values determined for carbonate concretions in other black shales (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981; Hoefs, 1970). 2. The trend of light oxygen isotopes towards the edges of the concretions has been attributed to an influx of meteoric water through the shales. The values may be primary (Hudson, 1976), so 72 that as the concretions grew, the 5130 of the pore fluid changed, as suggested by Hathon (1979) for the Antrim. However, a meteoric influx is unlikely through sediment as impermeable as shale (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981). The 6180 values also could be secondary, as a result of reequilibration with the meteoric water in the shale. This possibility can be eliminated for the Antrim because there is no evidence of recrystallization in the Antrim concretions (D. F. Sibley, 1981, pers. comm.). 3. The trend of light oxygen isotopes towards the edges of the concretions could be due to diagenetic reactions in the shale with depth as evidenced by samples from the Deep Sea Drilling Project (Sayles and Hanheim, 1975). However, the mineralogy of the Antrim is different than the sediment from the DSDP which contains abundant volcanic material. Therefore, the diagenetic reactions caused by burial in the Antrim Shale probably would not be the same as those in the samples from the DSDP. 4. Local microenvironmental factors could effect the 6180 values in the Antrim concretions. The precipitation of ferroan dolomite in a closed system could cause a gradient; however, the experimental data on the Antrim concretions has been interpreted to indicate that the system was open during concretion growth. Bacterial activity has been inferred to affect the local environment surrounding the concretions and thus affect the 6430 values in the precipitated carbonate mineral (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981). There is no evidence as yet to eliminate this possibility. 5. The temperature of the pore fluid could have been 83°C, thus causing the light 6180 values. This is unlikely because evidence 73 from the burial depth of the Antrim Shale and vitronite reflectance indicate a maximum temperature of 60°C for the shale. However, the Antrim is believed to be a source of natural gas in the Michigan Basin and unless the gas was generated biogenically, the temperature would need to have reached 150°C (J. H. Fisher, 1981, pers. comm.). 6. The Devonian seawater may have been isotopically lighter than modern seawater causing the overall lightness of the Antrim.6130 values as suggested by K. C. Lohmann (1981, pers. comm.). The 6130 values of the Antrim concretions indicate a 5130 value of seawater of approximately -9.00/oo PDB. 7. The overall light<5180 values of the Antrim Shale and concretions may very likely indicate that the shale was deposited in a brackish to fresh water environment similar to the modern Florida coastline (D. T. Long, 1981, pers. comm.) instead of in a normal marine salinity environment. Although various factors can affect the 6180 values in the Antrhm concretions, several can be eliminated using independent evidence. The possibilities that cannot be eliminated are local bacterial activity, the overall isotopic lightnes of the Devonian seawater and the possibility that the shale was deposited in a brackish water environment as opposed to a saline environment. Zonal theory-It is difficult to formulate a geochemical model of concretion growth that accounts for the carbon source, the 6180 values, the ferroan dolomite and the pyrite rims around the Antrim concretions. In the formulation of a model it can be assumed that either no recrystallization occurred or that recrystallization did occur in the Antrim concretions. There is no apparent evidence of 74 recrystallization in the Antrim concretions (D. F. Sibley, 1981, pers. comm.); therefore, speculations assuming recrystallization are not discussed. 2 If no recrystallization occurred, then two possible models can be constructed. The first assumes that as the concretion grew, changes in the sediment and pore fluid surrounding the concretion caused changes in the concretion geochemistry according to the zonal theory of shale diagenesis (Curtis, 1978). The zonal theory accounts for the characteristics of the Antrim concretions and the carbonate concretions in black shales in Europe studied prevously (Coleman and Raiswell, 1981; Irwin, 1980; Hudson, 1976) if concretion growth occurred at a shallow burial depth and during very early diagenesis of the shale. The physical characteristics of the Antrim concretions and the pyrite rims around the concretions are indicative of early diagenetic concretion growth at a shallow burial depth, according to the zonal theory. The presence of the pyrite strongly suggests that sulfate reduction played an important role in the concretion precipitation. The 613C vaues, however, indicate a mixture of carbon sources that can . be interpreted to indicate a deeper burial depth than the physical characteristics imply according to the zonal theory. If the:513c values were controlled by sulfate reduction and primary primary marine-derived carbonate then the early diagenetic shallow burial model might be a good model for carbonate concretion growth. An expanded version of the zonal theory is depicted in Figure 18 ‘(Irwin, 1980). This version details the shallow zones in the model of Curtis (1978; Table 1). According to the early diagenetic shallow 75 burial model, concretion growth would begin in the anaerobic oxidation zone above the zone of bacterial sulfate reduction, and continue until further burial occurred causing sulfate reduction, pyrite precipitation and, thus, the end of concretion growth. The second model, constructed by Coleman and Raiswell (1981), also assumes that no recrystallization occurred in the concretions. They suggested that the carbonate concretions in the Upper Lias black shale of northeastern England originated and grew due to sulfate reduction in the sediment. After growth the concretions were later infilled by carbonate derived from bacterial fermentation so that the concretions attained the heavier 6 13C values towards their edges. The assumption in this model is that the concretions retained some porosity that could be later infilled by heavier carbonate. This model could help to explain the variations in 6 180 values found in the Antrim concretions. Each concretion might have experienced different amounts of infilling by later bacterial fermentation carbonate so that the early carbonate (with its unique oxygen isotope ratio) will be combined with the later carbonate (with its unique oxygen isotope ratio) in different proportions in each concretion, and will create the observed trends in each concretion. However, it is difficult to prove the assumption that the concretions retained pore space that could be later infilled with heavier carbonate. Further study is needed. Carbon and oxygen isotopes are needed from a variety of carbonate concretions from the Antrim Shale. Samples to be analyzed should include portions of the massively textured and the bladed crystals in the concretions along with the 76 samples of the surrounding shale. Paleosalinity analyses using the pyrite in the concretions and in the shale using the method of Berner (1979) would be useful in the determination of the original pore fluid salinity. CONCRETIONS AS CHEMICAL TAPE RECORDBRS Possible gradients across the concretions from the center to the outer edge include an increase or decrease in a specific ion concentration across the concretion or an increase or decrease in ionic ratios such as Ca:Mg across the concretion. Chemical trends could be due to changes in pore fluid composition during concretion growth. Trends previously discussed are the increase in the 6130 value, and the decreasing porosity and change in mineralogy from ferroan dolomite to pyrite across the concretions. These trends have been interpreted to show that the contribution of different sources of carbonate carbon changes, that the sediment porosity decreases and that an open system existed during concretion growth. Because the Antrim concretions grew in an open system, any trends across them could be interpreted as changes in the chemical environment surrounding the concretions during concretion growth, as opposed to the effect of the partitioning coefficient of the particular component. However, as discussed, the Antrim concretions analyzed, #3 and #7, do not contain any trends in carbonate geochemistry across their diameters. Thus, either no changes in pore fluid chemistry occurred during concretion growth, or changes in pore fluid chemistry were not 77 recorded in the concretion geochemistry. Physical evidence indicates that the concretions formed during the early diagenesis of the shale. Because the concretions were early diagenetic and grew in an open system, it is likely that no major changes in pore fluid chemistry occurred during concretion growth. Thus, although the concretions might have been able to record pore fluid changes in their geochemistry, no changes occurred for them to record as they grew. If the concretions were recrystallized after deep burial and compaction, anything they had recorded would have been wiped out by recrystallization. CONCLUSIONS 1. The carbonate concretions in the Antrim Shale are composed of ferroan dolomite and contain quartz and pyrite. The pyrite forms rims around the concretions, approximately 1 to 2 cm thick. The shale beds bend around the concretions, equally above and below, and the concretions are spherical or nearly spherical in shape. The weight percent of ferroan dolomite in the concretions ranges from 50-902 and decreases across the concretions from center to edge. There are no trends in the major or trace elements or the total organic content across the concretions. The oxygen isotope values of are approximately -9.lo/oo PDB and they do not vary systematically across the concretion. The carbon isotope values range from.-lO to -l3o/oo PDB, and they increase from the center to the edge of concretion #3. 2. The experimental data have been interpreted to indicate that the 78 concretions grew in a system open to seawater, and buried in the top 10 meters of the sediment. The carbonate contributing reactions were organic in nature. The concretions apparently grew before compaction occurred in the shale. 3. The geochemistry of the Antrim concretions is not consistent with the zonal thory of shale diagenesis. The carbon source is difficult to interpret from the carbon isotope values. The trend of increasingly positive<513c values towards the edge of concretion #3 is inconsistent with the pyrite rims on the concretion. The association of pyrite and ferroan dolomite is thermodynamically inconsistent. The«5130 values of concretion #3 are lighter than what would be expected if the concretions precipitated from modern seawater. The carbon isotope values can be explained the concretions formed at a very shallow burial depth in the sediment and gradually became buried until sulfate reduction caused pyrite precipitation. On the other hand, the<513C values could have been controlled by local microbiological activity. The Devonian seawater could have been isotopically lighter than modern seawater producing the light 5 18O values in the concretions. Another possibility is that the Antrim Shale was not deposited in a marine environment, but in a brackish water, mangrove swamp-type or lagoonal environment. 4. The carbonate concretions in the Antrim Shale are similar in terms of their geochemistry to the concretions that have been studied in Europe. The concretions studied and the Antrim concretions have similar carbonate mineralogies; all were early diagenetic, 79 precompaction phenomena and they have similar trends in porosity and carbon and oxygen isotopes. The state of the system in which the concretions grew was not interpreted to be open, as interpreted in the Antrim concretions, in all cases, however. Although the other concretions studied also compared favorably to the zonal theory, they shared the same inconsistencies with the theory as the Antrim concretions. 5. The Antrim concretions were not used to interpret changes in pore fluid trace element chemistry during diagenesis of the shale because no trace element trends were present across the concretions. The concretions were used to interpret changes in the stable isotopic chemistry of the pore fluid during diagenesis of the shale. APPENDIX A 80 APPENDIX A Titration method for organic carbon (Gaudette, et al., 1974) 2 Organic Carbon - 10(1-T/S)(0.336N)(0.003)(100/W) T . Sample titration, ml ferrous solution 8 - Standardization blank titration, ml ferrus solution 0.003 - 12/14,000 - meq weight of carbon N - Normality of K2Cr207 10 - Volume of KZCr207 in ml W - weight of sediment sample in grams Reagents: 852 H3P04 Solid NaF concentrated H2804 Standard 0.336N K20r207 solution: Dissolve 49.4 g K2Cr207 in water; dilute to 1 liter. 0.5 N Ferrous solution: Dissolve 196.1 g of Fe(NH4)(804)2'H20 in 800 ml water containing 20 ml concentrated H2804; dilute to 1 liter. Dipehylamine Indicator: Dissolve approximately 0.5 g of reagent grade diphenylamine in 20 ml of water and 100 ml of concentrated H2804 Procedure: 1. Place a 0.2 to 0.5g dried and sieved (10 mesh, ASTM) sediment sample in a 500 ml Eelenmeyer flask. 2. Exactly 10 ml of 0.336N K20r207 solution is added by buret and mixed by swirling the flask. 3. Twenty ml of cone. H2804 are added (by buret) and are mixed for about 1 minute. 4. Allow mixture to stand for 30 minutes. 5. Run a standardization blank with each set of samples. 6. After 30 minutes, dilute the solution to 200 ml with distilled water. 7. Add 10 ml 852 H3PO4, 0.2 g NaF and 15 drops diphenylamine indicator to the flask. 8. Titrate solution with 0.5 N ferrous ammonium sulfate solution. The color will progress from an opaque green-brown to green upon the addition of approximately 10 ml of ferrous solution. The color will continue to change upon titration to a bluish-black grey; at this point the addition of 10-20 drops of ferrous solution will shift the color to a brilliant green giving a one-drop endpoint. APPENDIX B 81 Appendix B. 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