PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND TRANSPIRATION IN YOUNG LARIX LEPTOLEPIS AND TRANSLOCATION OF 14C PHOTOSYNTHATE IN MATURE LARIX DECIDUA By John LeRoy Crane Jr. A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partia] fquiTTment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Forestry 1981 ABSTRACT PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND TRANSPIRATION IN YOUNG LARIX LEPTOLEPIS AND TRANSLOCATION OF 14C PHOTOSYNTHATE IN MATURE LARIX DECIDUA By John LeRoy Crane Jr. The effects of light intensity and temperature on net photosynthesis (Pn) and transpiration rate for leaves of three-year-old Larix leptolepis trees was determined with an infrared, differential open gas analysis system. Immature to recently mature, and mature long shoot (LS) foliage borne on the terminal leader or first major branch apex, and interior branch, respectively, was used for these measurements. Similar foliage was sealed inside Mylar bags and CO2 depletion of air inside bags was measured by infrared gas analysis to determine C02 compensation concentra- tion. Net photosynthetic response to increasing levels of photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFD) was similar for each foliage position and stage of maturity. Light compensation was between 25 and 50 uE m-2 3—]. Rates of Pn increased rapidly at PPFD above compensation intensity and saturated at approximately 900 uE m'2 s']. Transpiration rates at con- stant temperature likewise increased with increasing PPFD and leveled between 800 and 1000 uE m'2 s‘1. Photosynthetic response to temperature was determined at saturating PPFD and was also similar for all foliage positions. Pn increased steadily from low temperatures to an optimum range between 15 and 2l° C, John LeRoy Crane Jr. and at temperatures above 21° C Pn decreased rapidly. Transpiration rate, however, increased continuously with rising temperature up to the experimental maximum, suggesting that the rapid decline in Pn above 21° C- was due to internal factors and not stomatal closure. The lowest C02 compensation concentrations were 58 and 59 pl 1'1 for the mature foliage of low and mid-crown branches respectively. The foliage borne at the apex of the terminal leader had the highest C02 com- pensation concentration of 75 pl 1'}. In a second series of experiments leaves of both long and short shoots (LS and SS) borne on three-year-old first order branches of mature l4 l4 L, decidua were exposed to C02 and the distribution of fixed C was traced after exposure. This was done on July 1, August 10, and September 8, and followed the course of LS growth from a period of rapid expansion to early bud set. Labeled foliage included SS borne in the middle of 3-year and 2-year branch increments (3YBI and 2YBI) or 1—year terminal LS (lYTLS). In July, the vigorous growth of LS was approximately 50% completed and SS eXpansion had ceased approximately two months prior to this. The 14 majority of C fixed and transported by LS leaves was retained in 1YTLS, but basipetal transport of 14C-photosynthate was detected in 2YBI, 3YBI, and main stem as early as 5 h after exposing TLS leaves to 14CD The 2. majority of 14C fixed by 2-year and 3-year SS was transported to the 2YBI and 3YBI and was retained for local use. Movement of excess 14C out of 2YBI and 3YBI was predominantly translocated basipetally to the main stem l4 and downward. Similar patterns of C distribution were observed in August when LS growth was much slower and nearly complete, and in September John LeRoy Crane Jr. 1 . . 4C, however, was retained in after LS had set bud. Progressively more branch increments or basipetally transported. Results suggest that 1YTLS growth is essentially self supported by July and contributes increasing amounts of photosynthate to older branch increments and main stem as the season progresses. Recovered 14C in partitioned 2YBI and 3YBI also suggests that SS during this time contrib— ute photosynthate almost exclusively to branch portions supporting these SS, older branch increments, and the main stem. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank Dr. D. I. Dickmann for his continued support, and for the technical assistance he afforded me in preparing this disserta- tion. Appreciation is also extended to Drs. J. u. Hanover, M. R. Koelling and J. A. Flore for their critical review of the manuscript and their suggestions. Dr. Flore also kindly provided access to an infrared open gas analysis system utilized in much of this study. Acknowledgment is also given to the faculty, staff and graduate students of the Department of Forestry, Michigan State University. J. L. Crane Jr. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER II. III. IV. LIST OF TABLES ............................................ LIST OF FIGURES ........................................... LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................... Taxonomy and Distribution .............................. Genetics ............................................... Provenance Studies ..................................... Injury Factors ......................................... Ecology ................................................ Growth and Reproduction ................................ Physiology ............................................. PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND TRANSPIRATION BY YOUNG LARIX LEPTOLEPIS PLANTS: C3 RESPONSES TO LIGHT AND TEMPERATURE ............ Introduction ........................................... Materials and Methods .................................. Results and Discussion ................................. MID- AND LATE-SEASON REDISTRIBUTION 0F 14C-PHOTOSYNTHATE FROM SHORT SHOOTS AND LONG SHOOTS OF MATURE LARIX DECIDUA TREES ..................................................... Introduction ........................................... Materials and Methods .................................. Results and Discussion ................................. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ................................... BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................... Page iv vi comm—I l2 18 22 22 27 45 45 49 71 76 LIST OF TABLES TABLE Page 3.1. Distribution of 14C in 3-year first—order branches of L, decidua expressed as specific activity (dpm/mg) and per- cent total recovered translocate (%TRT). Terminal long shoot leaves were exposed to 14C02 for l h on July 1, and branches were removed 5, 24, and 48 h after ................ 51 3.2. Distribution of 14C in 3-year first-order branches of L, decidua expressed as specific activity (dpm/mg) and per- cent total recovered translocate (%TRT). Second-year short shoot leaves were exposed to 14002 for l h on July l, and branches removed 5, 24, and 48 h after ................. 53 3.3. Distribution of 14c in 3-year first-order branches of L, decidua expressed as specific activity (dpm/mg) and per- cent total recovered translocate (%TRT). Third-year short shoot leaves were exposed to 14CO for l h on July 1, and branches removed 5, 24, and 48 h gfter ..................... 54 3.4. Distribution of 14C in 3-year first-order branches of L, decidua expressed as specific activity (DPM/mg) and per- cent total recovered translocate (%TRT). Terminal long shoot leaves were exposed to 14C02 for l h on August l0, and branches removed 5, 24, and 48 h after ................. 58 3.5. Distribution of 14C in 3-year first-order branches of L, decidua expressed as specific activity (dpm/mg) and per- cent total recovered translocate (%TRT). Second-year short shoot leaves were exposed to 14002 for l h on August 10, and branches removed 5, 24, and 48 h after ...... 60 3.6. Distribution of 14C in 3-year first-order branches of L, decidua expressed as specific activity (dpm/mg) and per- cent total recovered translocate (%TRT). Third-year short shoot leaves were exposed to 14C02 for l h on August 10, and branches removed 5, 24, and 48 h after ................. 61 3.7. Distribution of 14C in 3-year first-order branches of L, decidua expressed as specific activity (dpm/mg) and per- cent total recovered translocate (%TRT). Terminal long shoot leaves were exposed to 14C02 for l h on September 8, and branches removed 24, 48, and 72 h after ................ 63 iv TABLE 3.8. 3.9. 3.10. Distribution of 14C in 3-year first-order branches of L, decidua expressed as specific activity (dpm/mg) and per- cent total recovered translocafie (%TRT). Second-year short shoot leaves were exposed to CO for l h on September 8, and branches removed 24, 48, and 92 h after ................ Distribution of 14C in 3-year first-order branches of L, decidua expressed as specific activity (dpm/mg) and per- cent total recovered translocate (%TRT). Third-year short shoot leaves were exposed to 14CD for l h on September 8, and branches removed 24, 48, and 22 h after ................ Movement of 14C in the 2- and 3-year branch internodes of 3-year branches relative to the section of each internode exposed to 14C02 for l h. Figures are specific (dpm/mg) obtained in partitioned branch sections .................... Page 64 66 69 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE Page 2.1. Photosynthetic response to PPFD for L. leptolepis leaves borne on the terminal leader. Long shoot foliage included newly initiated to recently mature leaves near the apex. Different symbols represent replications .................. 28 2.2. Photosynthetic response to PPFD for L, leptolepis leaves borne on the first major lateral branch. Long shoot foliage included newly initiated and recently mature leaves near the apex. Different symbols represent replica- 2 tions ..................................................... 9 2.3. Photosynthetic response to PPFD for mature L. leptolepis leaves borne on the first major branch. Different symbols represent replications .................................... 30 2.4. Light saturation of photosynthesis for L, leptolepis leaves from three crown positions ......................... 32 2.5. Photosynthetic response to temperature for L. leptolepis leaves borne on the terminal leader and measured at satur- ating PPFD (ca. 900 pE m-2 5'1). Long shoot foliage included newly initiated and recently mature leaves near the apex. Different symbols represent replications ....... 33 2.6. Photosynthetic response to temperature for L. leptolepis leaves borne on the first major lateral branch and measured at saturating PPFD (ca. 900 uE m 25 ’ ). Long shoot foliage included newly initiated and recently mature leaves near the apex. Different symbols represent replica- tions ..................................................... 34 2.7. Photosynthetic response to temperature for mature L. leptol_pis leaves borne on the first major lateral branch and measured at saturating PPFD (ca. 900 uE m 2 5'1). Different symbols represent replications .................. 36 2.8. Optimum temperature for photosynthesis of L. leptolepis leaves from three crown positions and measured at satura- tion PPFD (ca. 900 uE m' ............................ 37 vi FIGURE Page 2.9. Transpiration rate response to light for L. leptolepis leaves borne on the first major lateral branch. Long shoot foliage included newly initiated to recently mature leaves near the apex. Different symbols represent replications .............................................. 39 2.10. Transpiration rate response to light for mature L, lept - lepis leaves borne on the first major lateral branch. Different symbols represent replications .................. 40 2.11. Transpiration rate response to temperature for L. lepto- lepis leaves borne on the first major lateral branch and measured at saturating PPFD (ca. 900 uE m'2 5"). Long shoot foliage included newly initiated to recently mature leaves near the apex. Different symbols represent replications .............................................. 41 2.12. Transpiration rate response to temperature for mature L, leptolepis leaves borne on the first major lateral branch and measured at saturating PPFD (ca. 900 uE n-Zs-l) Different symbols represent replications .................. 42 3.1. Diagrammatic representation of a three-year-old first- order branch of Larix decidua. Starred abbreviations are leaves and shoots exposed to 14CO2 for l h ................ 47 3.2. Relative distribution of recovered 14C-translocate in (A) 1YTLS, (B) 2YBI, and (C) 3YBI 48 h after exposing different shoot foliage to 4002 on July 1 ................ 56 3.3. Relative distribution of recovered 14C-translocate in (A) 1YTLS, (B) 2YBI, and (C)43YBI 48 h after exposing different shoot foliage to 002 on August 10 ............. 62 3.4. Relative distribution of recovered 14C-translocate in (A) 1YTLS, (B) 2YBI, and (C) 3YBI 72 h after exposing different shoot foliage to 4CO2 on September 8 ........... 67 vii CHAPTER I LITERATURE REVIEW Taxonomykand distribution. The genus Larix is one of six northern polytypic genera in the order Coniferales with extensive natural ranges (others are Cupressus, Juniperous, Abies, Picea, Pinus). Species in these genera typically show considerable variation in habitats and natural distribution, with some species restricted and local in occur- rence, while others form extensive forests in northern glaciated regions (Li 1953). There are ten species of Lagix, with several varieties generally recognized. All are distributed in the coolest regions of the northern hemisphere (Ostenfeld and Larsen 1930; Rehder 1940). They occur spon- taneously in mountain regions in the south and extend down to lowlands in the north where they form extensive forests. Recently two new species were described in central China (Chang and Fu 1978) and were added to a growing list of reported species. Whether these species are actually new remains to be substantiated, as much deviation from the taxonomic characters used to distinguish larch species exists. This is especially true where the natural range of a species is extensive, with large environmental differences, or where the natural ranges of two species overlap (Ostenfeld and Larsen 1930). Most new species described in the past were based upon insufficient observation, e.g., Wright's (1908) description of a new Larix species in Alaska. According to international rules of nomenclature, five of the Lagix species form a sub-genus. They are charaCterized by bracts of the cones which are longer than and protruding out of the cone scales (Ostenfeld and Larsen 1930). These species are all restricted in distribution to the mountainous regions of western North America and southeastern Asia. Western larch (L, occidentalis) attains the largest size of any larch species and occurs on the slopes and high valleys of British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. 0f the five species in the sub- genus, it is the only one of commercial value. Alpine larch (L. 1yallii) occurs in scattered stands in the higher elevations of the same mountain systems of North America as western larch. It grows as an upright tree at elevations higher than the krumholz forms of its associated species (Arno and Habeck 1972). Larix_graffithii is restricted to the south slopes of the Himalayas, while Masters larch (L. mastersiana) and Chinese larch (L. potanini) occur in the mountains of Central China. Chinese larch is reported to grow at 4800 m, an elevation higher than any other species in the Pinaceae is found (Ostenfeld and Larsen 1930; Rehder 1940). The other five species of Lagix vary in the extent and nature of their natural distribution. Japanese larch (L. leptolepis) is a mountain species, originally found in scattered stands on the island of Honshu, Japan. European larch (L. decidua) occurs from 150 m to 800 m in the mountains and high valleys of Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Ukraine and Rumania. Dahurian larch (L, gmelini), Siberian larch (L, sibirica) and American larch or tamarack (L. laricina) have, in contrast, extensive natural ranges. Tamarack spans the North American continent from Newfoundland to Alaska. Dahurian and Siberian larch essentially divide Eurasia. Larix sibirica extends west and north from Lake Baikal to northeastern Europe and beyond the Arctic Circle. Larix_gmelini occurs in Eastern Asia from Lake Baikal to Korea in the south. It also occurs in Russia as far north as 73° N latitude where no other tree species grows (Ostenfeld and Larsen 1930; Rehder 1940; Polunin 1959) . Genetics. Most of the larch species are allopatric. The natural range of several species, however, overlap and spontaneous hybrids have been reported for each. Hybrids between L_sibirica X L, gemelini occur frequently on the west side of Lake Baikal. Hybrids also occur in Central China where the natural ranges of L, potanini and L, mastersiana overlap (Larsen 1937; Bobrov 1973). The natural range of L. occidentalis and L. lyallii coincide geographically in many areas, but they are usually separated altitudinally. Hybrids have been reported, however, in a few areas of frequent disturbance where L. lyallii has extended its range below normal elevation limits (Carlson 1969; Carlson and Blake 1969; Arno 1972). Species hybrids are produced readily from open-pollinated trees planted together or under controlled conditions. The two most famous spontaneous hybrids produced from open-pollinated trees are L,)mm— mczpms xppcmomc ou umpmeWCW xpzm: vmc:_o:w watered poosm ago; .cmvmmp FmCTELou mgp co oceon mm>mm_ memMFOpqu .J.Lom oLam op mmcoamme owpmgpcmepoca .P.m wczme Sachs. ooou oomfl oomfi coca oowg coo“ com com oov com o. .Fh FL pL » b p _ LL . _ b b p b FRO.— IllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllll 0 1 “N es .190 4 v 3 a 4 7.0 min/J a H H e e e be , a e e M ed .1 .u n. a: e e e e 94094. e .1 4 e 4 4 190 IO 29 .mcowp -mUWFamL pcwmwcawc mFOQEAm pcmcmwmeo .xwaw wzp Law: mw>mw_ mczume z_pcmomL vcm vmgmprCT >Fzm: uwc:_o:w wmcwbow poosm mcog .cocmgn _mgmpw_ Lemme “meek exp co wagon mm>mw_ mwmw_opaw_ .4 com ome ow mmCOQmmc owpogpcxmouoga .m.m mesme w\ Z\u$. ooow one 093 on: oowd own: com com oov com o. — b .— h P L1 — b —, p — h — .- 1—1 L — b —, F S I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I w w .s 1 8 w m w e e vm e e e e e a . a a . 4 a a a a a. 0 1% d a. a. d e . a 9 ea 9 . mm H/O/‘oo ou 30 .mcowpooWFQoL pcomocoog mFooexm poocoemeo .cococo Looms umcwy on» so occoo mo>oo_ mwooFopmoF a4 ocopos Low ammo op omcoomoc owpogpcxmopoco .m.m ogomwm $23.44 ooow 002 Dog 2...: n53 con: com com oov com rt .LL_LLLLLL. than: I_Mw40 4 i u so 4.9 O 4 flu a 0 4 ha 04 e m... / a 90 10m a Q as ea 9 w. 0 m H .u 4 e e .1 13 44 4 a d 9‘ G d a. e e 4 a. n. 4 .u my .Imw 31 C3 species (Leopold and Kriedemann 1975). Dark respiration rates ob— tained with replicates of all three leaf positions ranged from 0.9 to 1.8 mg C02 9—1 h_1. A post-illumination burst of C02, typical of plants possessing a C3 photosynthetic pathway, was not detected. Average Pn values (from Figures 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3) plotted as a percent of maximum Pn clearly illustrate that light saturation was 2 s.1 (Figure 2.4). Previous work reached between 800 and 1000 pE m— with L. leptolepis (Fry and Phillips 1976, 1977) indicated that individ— ual leaves had higher saturation light intensities resembling those obtained with Zea mays L., a C4 species. This was not found in the present study. Furthermore, the present measurements were made with multiple leaves which normally have even higher light saturation intensi- ties than individual leaves (Lakso and Seeley 1978). Temperature response. The effect of temperature on Pn was deter— mined at saturating levels of PPFD (ca. 900 pE m-2 5‘1). The location of LS foliage used was similar to that used to determine light response curves. Pn response to temperature for the terminal foliage of the leader and first major lateral branch is presented in Figures 2.5 and 2.6. Response to the leader foliage (Figure 2.5) to increasing temperature was similar for each replication up to an optimum range between 15 to 20°C. This steady increase in Pn as temperatures become more favorable is indicative of young leaves at or near full expansion (Leopold and Kriedemann 1975). Beyond the optimum range Pn dropped sharply and replication values were much more variable. This rapid decrease in Pn above optimum temperature probably reflects the adverse effects of high 32 .>_o>wpooomoc ._-; Pia m5 m.m_ .¢.m_ .o.m_ ocoz mopog Eoewxoz .gococo FocopoF Lowos meLL ogw co occoo mo>oo4 ocopos oiiiio mxooo ogu Loo: omoWPow £2845 F333 comma pm}; oop mwoopopooy .J.Lo4 memogpczmopogo Lo :owpocouom “saw; :4 m\wz\u oooN coma coma oovd DON“ Doe com com oov cow 7 L b E L L p b b r _ b b b b r b F P .q.m o 0 W 1 1 101 06 09 OL 09 :19 or 09 oz 01 SISBHINXSOIOHJ XBW INBZJHEIJ 1 1 1 I 4 T I'fifii T r 001 ocome 33 .mcowpooeFro pcomocooc mFoosxm poocomeo .xooo osp Loo: mo>ooF weapoe >choooc oco oouowawcw >P3o: ooo:_o:w omow_ow poogm moo; .AFIm NIE ma.oom .owv oLoo.mcvpoc:uom go oocomooe oco Loooofi Pocwscop on“ :o ocgoo mo>oop mwmoFoumwa .4 com ocouoeoosop op omcoomoc owpogpcxmopogo .m.m ocoowL o mummomo mm cm 3 om w“ n: m 00 P b b P b P p P b b — Lb P p b b r b n — b b b L P b h I? b — FLLL e 1 4 a 49 do 9 % r A54 .u 4 q a B e B L. a. a a as 4 W 9 q 0 39 £4 1m 0 . . a. .. N am 0 e 4 90 q H / 1. nu 0 1Q.— / a a 4 H mw 4 a 1 no 44 4 7o 10 4 j 4 a 70 run: 34 .mcoTpoUTFQoL ucomocooc mFooEAm pcogoweeo .xooo ocw Loo: mo>oo_ weapos >_wcoooc oco oopoepwcw >F3o: ooo:_ocW omo44om poocm m:04 .A_-m mus 4x.oom .oo moo; mcvmwczpom po oogomooe oco sococo FoLoHoF LohoE “mew; on“ :o occoo mo>oo_ we oFop o_ .4 Lot oesoogooaop op omcoomoe owuogpczmopogo .©.N oeomwm o mummamo mm on mN ow m" o~ m o —1b|PL P by b b (PI- bIPIP PIPI— b p h h — h b n p — n - - p — p r - p 0 WA: T 4. 4... 10 B 4 B 4 0.9 8 fl 9 4 w 00 5 1m... 9 e 4 .G e a. fl 44 e n. 44 Au 4 70 410 4 1 4 Mo 4 4 e 90 1% H/O/zOIJ on .. h 4. .4. a.7....3’..1.9.. 'o. 35 temperature on young foliage. Pn response to temperature curves for the terminal foliage of the first major lateral branch (Figure 2.6) were similar, except that maximum Pn values for all replications were higher than those in Figure 2.5. Response curves to temperature for mature leaves on the first major lateral branch displayed the greatest varia- tion between replicates (Figure 2.7). The optimum temperatures for maximum Pn was less pronounced than in Figures 2.5 and 2.6, and the mature LS foliage appeared more tolerant to a broader range of tempera- tures. The influence of temperature on growth, productivity and gas exchange of trees is dependent upon species and geographic origin (Hellmers l963; Kramer 1957). The magnitude of temperature effects may also be modified by environmental variables such as light intensity, available C02, water, and preconditioning effects of environmental factors. In the present experiments, C02 exchange in response to temper— ature was determined in an open IRGA system at ambient C02 concentrations and saturation levels of PPFD. The trees were also greenhouse-grown and not allowed to become severely water stressed. The relatively constant temperature of the greenhouse may have had some preconditioning effects but results of previous work with larch indicate that this would be minimal. Growin et al. (l980) grew L, decidua at four constant tempera- tures ranging from 12 to 27°C. Optimal temperature for Pn, however, was 12°C for all growth temperatures. The rate of photosynthesis in most temperate zone species increases from near 0°C to a maximum reached between l5 and 25°C (Kramer and Kozlowski l979). Figure 2.8 illustrates the optimum range of temperature 36 .:-m N- .mcowpmuv_amg pcwmwcam; mFonsxm pcmgmmmwo E mama ocwwmczpmm pm umczmmma use gunmen chmme Lohms pmcwm msu co wagon mw>wm— mwmmPOpamF .m.mczpme Low mcspmgmasmp ow mmcoammc uwpmzucxmou05a .n.m mesmwd o 8.353 mm on ww ow mu 3 m o —- b n b — p p n b b n b p h — p b p p — p p p b — bbb p — p p r 0 fi fi 1n: a i- q 1 G 4 a. H W AV 4‘ .u a MW AU mu m. n. Av m 70 // nu 0 I / e as o . H 0 4 e e 1 e 1 e o e rm 9 H 0 w a 79 In: 37 .>_m>wpomammg Fl; Flo ms P.NP ucw .o.FN .m.m_ mew; mwumc Ezemxmz .gocmcn chmpm— cones pmcww mcp co mccon mm>mmF mczpme o----o mxmam asp Lam: mcmv_om gunmen FmgmumF 3.32 “we: mm— mwmmcpcmepoga Low mgzumcmasmp Ezswwao Q wmmmOMb mm om wN ON m.— OH m D — b P PL \— l- L h h b .- b b b — b b D L _L b b b .— b h b b b L- P l? .— 0 .. 1.. .inu ..6 .Inu .nb .unu ..v lnu -n: lnu ..s lnu .Ic Inu a.u lnu ..0 Thu r 001 .m.N atsm.a SISEHlNASOiUHd XUN lNBJHHd 38 for the terminal and mature foliage obtained in this study. Average Pn values are plotted as percent of maximum, which occurred between 17 and 21°C. This is consistent with temperature optimums established for C3 species where maximum photosynthesis and quantum yield occur at tempera- tures below 30°C (Bjorkman et al. 1975; Black 1973; Ehleringer and Bjdrkman 1977; Ehleringer 1979). The apparent sensitivity of terminal leaves of the leader to temperature is also clearly shown in Figure 2.8, but why the same degree of sensitivity was not shown by the terminal leaves of the lateral branch is unexplained. Transpiration rate. Changes in transpiration rate with increasing light intensity for mature and newly initiated to recently mature leaves borne on the first major lateral branch (same as Figures 2.2 and 2.3) are presented in Figure 2.9 and 2.10, respectively. The curves resemble those for Pn, although much more variation between replication values is evident. Transpiration increased up to 800 to 1000 HE m-2 s-1 then leveled off, indicating that stomata were fully open at that light inten— sity. Transpiration rate response to temperature was determined on the terminal leaves (Figure 2.11) and mature leaves proximal (Figure 2.12) to the terminal leaves on a first major lateral branch. The rates of transpiration below 20°C are consistent to those obtained for L, decidua (Berger-Landefeldt 1936). Above 20°C transpiration rate increased rapidly with temperature. Rates were determined at saturation PPFD and the trees were well-watered so stomata apparently remained open up to the maximum experimental temperature (31 to 33°C). These results indicate that the rapid decrease in Pn above 20°C (Figures 2.5 to 2.8) 39 .wcovmeTFch pcmmmcamc m—onexm pcmcmwwwo .xmam wsp Lam: mm>mm— mgzpme >_ucmuwc Op vamvacv x—zw: Ummzpocw mmw_row “occm mcoq .cocmcn chmme Lemme pmcwm any so mcgon mm>mwF mwmmroummp .4 Low “gm1_ op wmcoammc mpg; covpmgwamcmgh .m.m ocsmwu w\N2\mz\ ooow coma oowfi 00¢“ ooud ooo~ com com oov com o _ t _ . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . b 11 0 9' we“ 13 M... .1. 1 N a a 1 no a a e O O 1m2H I U a n. A. A. 4 4. jWW e e 0 e 0 e 1 / a. a. d 1 H e e 19 0 to e 1 0002 40 .mcoppmoppamp pcwmmpamg mponExw pcwpmwppo .zozmpn pmcmpmp Lohme pmcpp esp co wagon mm>wmp mpmw—Opmmp .Jimpspma Low pgmpp Op mmCOQWwL mpg; coppmcpamcmcp .o_.N wczmpu w\N2\m:\ Doom comp coop oovp comp coop com com oov com o _._._.__.._._._._._.70 3?. 46..- 0 e 06 6' ‘0 (>4 .- 1 .--. 0091 0001 009 14/0/0314 ow O 0003 41 .mcoppmoppqmp pcwmmcgmc mponsxm pcmgmpmpo .xmgm mgp Lam: mw>mwp mgzpme zppcmomp Op prmpppcp xpzmc OOOOFOOF mmmppop poocm OOOO .Ap-m N12 m:xoom .muv Oman mcppmczpmm pm Ompzmmme Ocm cocmgn pmpmpmp LOOOE pmgpp asp :O OOLOO mm>mmp mpOOPOTmOF .4 pop ngmemOEmp Op Omcoamwp mpg; coppmppamcmpp .__.N mczmpa Q mummmwo mm on mN ON mp op m o — b p p b L p b h b r)? b b b — P P h b .— h * b .Pl—r b b p b — p k p h 0 a n axv mm_xv 1 c3 AV rlnu n. n_ .u Av 1 e e e 1 I AOAv n nu a a n... 4 O Q Is 1 0 1nU .u Av 1 70 ..MW my HAU 1.6 4 1m a. n n. a 1 Aw I. 0008 H/O/o‘H on Q oA—.I .mcoppmuppamg pcmmmcamg mponexm pcmcmpppa m N15 ms1oom .mo~ Oman mcppmmspmm pm Ompsmmme Ocm gucmgn pmcmpmp LOhmE pmppp mgp co wagon mm>mmp mpmprpOmp .4 mgzpme Lop mgzpmgmaemp Op wmcoammc mp6; :Oppmgpamcmgp .Np.m Opzopu o mummomo mm om mN ow mp op m o —b-thbbpp—pphp—bbbh—Lr0¥b—uer—hbblP 0 m B r m .06 10 B 1. AV 1 we 1mm a 10 e 100 1 um 11? ISO . . ”mm B B e e MZ/ ,6 My a “0 1.6 9 11m“ 41 ”Hnu e 1. 0008 43 is due to internal factors and not stomatal closure. These internal factors would include antagonistic processes that increase with temper- ature and eventual inactivation of the C02-fixation apparatus at high temperature (Kramer and Kozlowski 1979). Investigations by Pisek et al. (1968, 1969) with different European conifers, including L, decidua, showed that this high cardinal, or compensation temperature, was passed at 36 to 38°C. Based on the rapid decline in the Pn above optimum (Figures 2.5 to 2.8), compensation temperature in the present study would probably have been close to those reported by Pisek et a1. (1968, 1969). £99 compensation concentration. The C02 compensation concentration L of LS foliage was determined at various crown positions. Measurements were made at constant temperature and PPFD ranged from 300 to 600 uE In-2 5-1. The lowest CO2 compensation concentrations, 58 and 59 pl 1'1 were obtained with mature foliage borne on low and mid-crown branches. Foliage of the terminal leader had the highest C02 compensa- tion concentration of 75 pl 1'1. These results agree with those obtained by Dickmann and Gjerstad (1973) who determined C02 compensation concen- trations for numerous conifer and hardwood species, including_L. decidua and L, laricina. The values they obtained for the larch species were mid-way between those obtained here with L, leptolepis and within the range of C02 compensation values for plant species with a C3 photosyn- thetic pathway (Moss 1971). Plant species that are intermediate between C3 and C4 have been reported (Kennedy and Laetsch 1974), and a large group of plants possess- ing crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM, a modified form of C4 physiology) 44 are capable of shifting to C3 photosynthesis (Ehleringer 1979; Hatsock and Nobel 1976). Woody arborescent plants, however, are of the C3 type (Dickmann and Gjerstad 1973; Schaedle 1975). The only identified excep- tions are the mangrove Aegiceras majus (Joshi et a1. 1974) and several C4 Euphorbia species of Hawaii (Pearcy and Troughton 1975). Larch may have certain enzymatic characters similar to C4 plants (Fry and Phillips 1976), but the photosynthetic responses to light and temperature determined in the present experiments were not suggestive of C4 photosynthetic physiology. Light saturation occurred at a level below that characteristic of C4 plants (Ehleringer and Bjorkman 1977; Bjorkman 1971; Gifford 1971; Leopold and Kriedemann 1975) while C02 compensation concentrations were within the range of C3 species (Dickmann and Gjerstad 1973; Moss 1971). The optimum range of temperatures for maximum Pn was also well below that associated with species having C4 physiology (Downton 1971). This low temperature optimum for L, leptolepis is prob- ably indicative of its cool native habitat in the mountains of the Japanese island of Honshu. For larch species in general, their northern distribu- tion and adaptation to some of the coolest regions of temperate zone forests is also not characteristic of the hot, dry habitats of most C4 plants (Downton 1971; Stowe and Teeri 1978; Teeri and Stowe 1976). CHAPTER III MID- AND LATE-SEASON REDISTRIBUTION OF C-PHOTOSYNTHATE FROM SHORT SHOOTS AND LONG SHOOTS OF MATURE LARIX DECIDUA TREES 14 Introduction The contrasting growth of short shoots and long shoots of larch (Larix) raise questions about the role each plays in the growth of the whole tree. Long shoots increase tree height and lateral branch length, with shoot extension continuing late into the growing season. They also produce both early (preformed) and late (current season) leaves. This seasonal pattern of leaf production and growth by long shoots resembles that of “indeterminate” species such as Populus (Critchfield 1960) and figLuLa (Kozlowski and Clausen 1966b). Short shoots, on the other hand, arise from preformed primordia and complete expansion early in the season. This resembles the determinant or fixed growth of species like Linus, Aggr, or fagus. The contribution, however, that one shoot type makes to the growth of the other and of both to the tree as a whole is not well understood. According to Clausen and Kozlowski (1967), early long shoot growth of_Laer laricina was dependent upon stored reserves. Latter expansion appeared to utilize current photosynthate produced by early leaves and maturing late leaves. Short shoot growth was characterized by an early flush of leaves followed by rapid leaf and shoot expansion which pre— ceded long shoot growth. A similar pattern of growth has also been 45 46 described for L. decidua (Tranquillini 1979) and L. occidentalis (Owens and Molder 1979a) and appears consistent in the genus. The present study was performed to investigate the role of each shoot type during and after the period of vigorous long shoot growth. Leaves of long and short shoots borne on three-year-old branches of mature trees in the field were exposed to 14C02 and the translocation of fixed 14 C was traced at various times after exposure. This was done to further elucidate the photosynthetic contribution of each shoot type during this period of rapid growth. Materials and Methods IIEEE- This study was carried out at the Michigan State University, Department of Forestry Tree Research Center at East Lansing during the summer of 1980. Sample trees were Lgrjx_decidua Mill. planted in east— west windbreak rows and were 10 to 12 m in height. Experiments were performed on three—year-old first—order lateral branches located within 1 m of the top of the trees. Branch selection was based on age and simi- larity in length and vigor. Treatments were performed on foliage of three year short shoots (3YSS), two year short shoots (2YSS), and one year long shoots (1YTLS) borne on the third, second, and current seasons branch growth increments, respectively (Figure 3.1). Translocation. On July 1 and August 10, short-shoot leaves borne on the middle portion of third-and second-year branch growth increments were exposed to 14C02 and allowed to photosynthetize for 1 h. Both distal and proximal portions of each branch increment relative to exposed 47 .: _ Lop Nome Op meoaxw mpoozm Ocm mm>mmp msm mcoppmp>wgnnm Ooggmpm .ezupomn xpgm4 po :OOOLO pmnwoupmgpp OFOImexummgsp m pO coppmpcmmwgamp Oppmssmgmmpo ._.m mgampm gopm I I I I I I I I I I I I nonwpm poOAOIpmpHm I I I I I I I I I II‘OHOJ. annpaowum nmqawpv Apmwmv peasapoqp Apmwmv pooflm mnoq Hwnfisnoe awowIw goqwmm OHOImmoNIN pdoEoponH gonwpm OHOIpwowIm Amap1pv OO>OOH mqe I). \\\\ e. ./ p. Q. ,mgw no 0. 00 a. $3 2. & poogm pponm flocwmm mm1 pOOHOIanoomm 362 as aw my a» mam Socdpm poepoueppga 262 nocwpm AOOMOIOnooow UHOIhwwfllN 48 foliage remained unlabeled. The same labeling procedure was applied to all long shoot leaves of the current season's terminal long shoot. A 4 ml beaker containing 0.1 mg BaMCO3 (specific activity 277 uC mg_]) was attached to each treated branch section and then enclosed in a 20 X 36 cm Mylar bag. Bag ends were sealed around the branch using foam strips and wire ties. 14 CO2 was generated inside the bags by inserting the needle of a 5 cc syringe through the bag and dispensing 2.0 ml lactic acid (20% v/v) into the beaker. The syringe was withdrawn and the hole sealed with cellophane tape. The Mylar bags were periodically agitated to mix the gas inside and then removed after 1 h. At 5, 24, and 48 h after labeling branches were excised and a bark sample was taken from the main stem, directly above and below each treated branch, with a 6 mm cork borer. Bark samples, branches, and foliage were then frozen at -25° C. After freezing, branches were partitioned into leaf and shoot types and third- and second-year branch increments were further divided relative to labeled foliage position. These were dried at 75° C for 48 h and then weighed. The same experimental procedure was repeated on September 8, with the following exceptions. 14CO2 was generated inside Mylar bags by 14 adding 2.0 ml lactic acid (20% v/v) to 1.0 ml Na C03 (specific activ- 2 ity 25 pC ml_1), and a 72 h sample was taken in place of the one at 5 h. Radioactive determination. Dried samples were ground in an aspirated Wiley mill to pass a 40 mesh sieve. Subsamples of 7.0 to 8.0 mg were taken from ground samples and placed in low potassium glass scintillation vials. Subsamples were rehydrated for 2 hours by first adding 2 drops of 80% (v/v) ethanol followed by 5.0 ml PCS (Phase Combining Systems, 49 Amersham Corp.) and then allowed to dark equilibrate for 24 h. The amount of subsample radioactivity was determined by liquid scintillation spectrometry with a TriCarb 2002 liquid scintillation spectrometer (Packard Instrument Co. Inc.). Sample radioactivity was, background subtracted, quench corrected by channels ratio method and expressed as distintegrations per minute (dpm). Results and Discussion In ngix species the first leaves to flush in spring emerge from preformed buds borne on short shoots (SS). The stem of short shoots elongates only about 1 mm per year so they resemble clusters of needles along lateral branches and the main stem. The leaves of short shoots develop rapidly, and are capable of net photosynthesis (Pn) soon after flushing (Tranquillini 1979). This usually precedes terminal extension growth by l to 2 months. Increases in tree height and branch length occur by extension of long shoots (LS) produced by buds borne at the tree apex and distal portions of branches. Long shoot buds contain preformed leaves which flush shortly after short shoot leaves and are fully expanded before vigorous LS growth occurs. Little internode extension occurs between these leaves and they appear as clusters at the base of LS. New leaves are initiated up the flanks of the LS apex and their inter- node extension is greater than that of basal leaves. By the July 1 exposure of foliage to 14C02, LS in the upper crown had completed approximately l/3 to l/2 of their final growth increment. Short shoots had flushed several months previously, but their contribution 50 to LS growth before this time is undetermined. Short shoot foliage, however, was capable of high rates of Pn by late April and early May. 1 h”1 at On May 5, for example, rates of SS leaves averaged 12 mg C02 g- 19° C and saturating Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) (Chapter II). 14Cephotosynthate. Recovery of 14C-photosyn- July distribution of thatein July, 5, 24, and 48 h after exposure of the three foliage posi- tions is presented in Tables 3.1-3.3. Specific activity (dpm/mg sample dry weight) and percent of total recovered translocate (TRT, excludes 14C02) are tabulated activity not transported from leaves exposed to according to major branch component and bark samples. Total activity (dpm/sample) is greatly affected by sample size, whereas specific activ- ity is indicative of the metabolic activity and requirement for photo- synthate regardless of size or weight. Percent TRT is also affected by sample size, but reflects the relative mobility and requirement for photosynthate by eliminating the activity retained in exposed leaves. 14C fixed and transported from LS Terminal LS retained most of the foliage (Table 3.1). Over 85% of the 14C transported out of LS leaves after 48 h was retained in LS, reflecting their vigorous growth and photosynthate requirement. The specific activity of LS leaves over the same period dropped by nearly one-half and can be attributed to transport to the L5 as well as high respiratory loss associated with young leaves (Kozlowski and Keller 1966). Long shoot net photosynthetic capacity, however, exceeded the needs of their elongating shoot. This is seen in 14C activity found in 2YBI, 3YBI, and the stem bark samples 14 14 the early 5 h after exposure of LS leaves to C0 Much of this C-photosynthate 2. 51 .N OO Op meoaxm Ommppoa e— 1 mp. Omm mo. map po.v m cucmgn zopwn 4Lem po.v Om po. mo po.v mp cucan O>Onm 4me 1 oomom 1 ppwom 1 mopmm 1mO>emp mpp mmopp m.¢m Nmqu m.nm mmmmp m4p>p m.¢ Opp mm. mm mm>mmp mpm mp. Np ¢.N mmq m4emp mm 9.5 map m.p— mvm m._m Nwmp Hm>m m.p mop 40. mo mm>mmp mm ma. Omp mp. mo mo. op Hm>m pmpp mE\Eae pmpp mE\Eae pzpp mE\EQU ng gvm cm .mepm 4 w¢ use .wm .m OO>OEOL mew: mmgocmgn use .p zpzn :O 4 p pop Nooep op OOmOOxm mpmz mm>mop pOO;m mcop pmcpsgmp .wpmppy Opwuopmcmep OOLO>OOOL pmpop pchLOO Ocm AmE\EOOV App>ppom Opppomam we OOmmOLOxm maupumu .4.po wmcocmga ewOeOImepp Lemz1m :p O po coppsnpepmpo ._.m Opnmp w— 52 appears to be moving toward the main stem as indicated by the steady decrease in specific activity recovered from 2YBI with time of sample, while that in 3YBI and bark samples increased over the same period. The high specific activity in the 2YBI after 5 h may represent a transi- ent pulse of early mobile photosynthetic products moving toward stronger sinks in the tree. The pathway in the main stem also appears to be directed toward the base of the tree, as higher specific activities were found in the bark samples taken below each branch. Labeled 2YSS leaves actively transported 14C-photosynthate to the 2YBI (Table 3.2). This accounted for over 99% of the TRT in the branch sampled at 5 h, and about 63% at 24 h. Approximately the same proportion was found in 2YBI at 48 h and appears to have been retained there. Short shoot elongation was completed previous to this time so the re- tained photosynthate may have been required for radial growth. Some 14C activity was found in the 1YTLS at all sample times, but the 104 dpm/mg at 48 h accounted for less than 1% of the TRT for the branch. The majority of 14C-photosynthate not retained in the 2YBI was found in the 3YBI and bark samples. Again, transport in the main stem was pre- dominantly downward. The distribution pattern of 14 C02 fixed by 3YSS leaves is similar to that of 2YSS (Table 3.3). The direction of transport is mainly basipetal, with the majority of 14C-photosynthate retained in the 3YBI. Again, some specific activity is found in the 1YTLS as well as 2YBI indicating bidirectional translocation of photosynthate. Considerably more 14C-photosynthate entered the main stem from 3YSS, however, than from younger branch sections. The specific activity of the bark sample 53 .m4ooo 4Lom m_. cm po.v m mw>eop mpp pm. «Op m po.v a m4p>p ww. pm mo>mop wpm am. ea c m4oop mm m.po mnmm mmpm op¢Om Hm>m pm. ¢ m¢. mo om4owp mm mpp mop N. mm Hm>m papp mE\Eae oe\sae papp mE\Eae .Loppo 4 we won .om .m OO>OEOL mococmen oco .F xpzw :O 4 _ 404 N83 op vamooxo opmz mm>mmp pOO4m pLO4m Lomz1ocooom .wpmhpy mpmoopmcmpp OOLO>OOOL pmpop pcoosoo oco AmE\EOOv zpp>ppom OpppOOOm mo OOmmogqxo manpomo am we monocmea LOOLO1mepp Loo>1m :p 9 4O copponpepmpo .N.m opnop #— 54 .m4oao 44mm mo. m pv. m po.v n mo>oop mpp mo. pp mo. m m4p>p 4. pp m. pp co. mom mm>mm— mpm Np. m wv. NF po. mom m4oop mm mN. O Ow. Op mo. m Hm>m m. w N.p mm mm. mm mm4owp mm 1 mmomm 1 «Nmmp 1 qwmpo 1mo>mop mm mem NON “Opp Hm>m pmpp oE\Eae pmpp oE\Eae pmpp me\sae :mw g¢m 4m .Loppm 4 ma Oco .vm .m OO>OEOL mogocogn ozm ._ xpsw co 4 _ Lop N844F op OOmooxo Opoz mw>mop poocm pgogm Loo>1ugpsp .wpmppy OpOOO—mcopp OOLO>OOOL popop pcooeoo Oco AOE\EOOV app>ppoo opppooom mo OOmmogoxo manpoou a4 mo mmgocopn LOOLO1mepp Loo>1m cw O mo copponpepmpo .m.m m—OOH #— 55 below the treated branch represented over 2% of the TRT, and as indi- cated by the previous treatments (Tables 3.1 and 3.2), the majority of 14C translocated to the main stem was directed toward the base of the tree. Rangnekar et al. (1969) reported similar downward transport of 14C fixed by third-whorl lateral branches of Pinus resinosa trees, whereas transport from the second whorl was predominantly upward. The position of third—whorl branches in the Rangnekar et al. study would be in approximately the same nodal position as the 3-year branches in the experiments described here. The primary function of leaves on 2YSS and 3YSS in July appears to be providing photosynthate for maintenance of the branch section bear— ing them. Some excess photosynthate is translocated basipetally out of these branch sections, with the majority moving toward the main stem and the rest acropetally to the 1YTLS. That bidirectional translocation in these branch sections occurred is indicated by some basipetal movement 14 of C-photosynthate from the 1YTLS (Table 3.1). The reason for trans- port to the 1YTLS from 2YSS and 3YSS is unclear in view of the excess 14C fixed by 1YTLS leaves and transported to the main stem. Young expand- ing leaves of Populus deltoides, however, have been shown to simultane— ously import and export photosynthate (Gordon and Larson 1968), and a similar pattern may have been present in the LS leaves. Larson and Dickson (1973) also reported that the direction of import or export by leaves was dependent on the phyllotactic vascular connection between, and the distance from, other importing or exporting leaves. The relative contribution of the foliage on various shoot types to the three branch increments is presented in Figure 3.2. By July the 56 ._ xpgq :O Noovp Op mumppop poogm pzwgmwmpo mcpmooxm mewo ; ww Hm>m on can .wmpw Amp .m4ppp AOOOL po coppsnpgpmpo m>ppopwm m.m op Oomooxm ooze omoppoa mm>m m4h>~ wgzmpm U m < l. rm. . z m CD ono 4Lom 1 pmmmm 1 ppwpq 1 mmmmo mo>oop mpp ovmmp owmmm mooep m4p>p e.“ mmp Ne. mm mo>oop mpm p. m ¢.p mom m4<~ m. Op mo. op O. mm mm>oop mm p.o mmp mmm wmmp Hm>m m.p mop mo. Kw mm>wop mm m._ mmm p. cm No. w Hm>m pmpp oe\sae pmpp mE\Eae papp ms\5ae sme sum cm .mepm 5 mo Oco .em .m OO>OEOL masocogn can .o_ pmomz< co 2 p :04 meow Op Ommooxo ago; mm>mmp poocm ocop peepsgmp “puppy mpmpopmcmgp coso>oowg popop pcmopwo Oco Ams\soov xpp>ppoo upmpomom mm commogoxm coupoov .4 mo mmcocogn LOOLO1mepw Lowam :p 0 4o coppsnpppmpo .¢.m Open» OF 59 of movement appeared to be basipetal (Tables 3.5 and 3.6). Foliage on both the 3YBI and 1YTLS contributed substantial photosynthate to the main stem as the high specific activity recovered from the bark samples indicate. The contribution of foliage on each shoot type to the three branch sections in August is seen in Figure 3.3. The pattern of distribution was 14C-photosynthate 14 similar to that obtained in July, but the proportion of translocated to older branch sections increased slightly. C trans- located from 1YTLS and recovered in 2YBI and 3YBI was about 2% higher and that from 2YBI to 3YBI about 7% higher than in July. 14 September distribution of C-photosynthate. Recovery of 14C-photo- synthate 24, 48, and 72 h after exposure of the three foliage positions in September is presented in Tables 3.7 to 3.9. By September 8, apical buds had formed on the LS of upper crown branches, but the last LS leaves initiated were still immature. There was no visual evidence of bud set, however, in the terminal leaders at this time. Compared to July and August, the specific activity of labeled leaves borne on all shoots decreased appreciably with time after treat- ment. Mobilization of fixed 14 C and basipetal transport was still very active, but increased respiratory loss could also have added to the 14C in labeled foliage. Ursino et al. (1968) found that over 14 decreased 50% of the C02 incorporated by Pinus strobus seedlings late in the season was lost through respiration. The predominant direction of 14C transport in September was still basipetal, as was found in July and August, but greater proportion was translocated to 1YTLS from 2YSS at each sample time (Table 3.8). 4...- _.,,_. 60 .m4one geem op. Op mo. m NO. m mo>eop mpp mN. mm OO. O pO. m m4p>p pm. Np mm. O OO. O me>eep epN em. Nm pN. w m4eop mm OVON «NpN m.¢m Nwme pmpN m.m pm em4eop mm w.Ne pmm ppp e.p mp Hmpm pmpp me\eae pepp mE\Eae pmpp mE\Eae gme geN gm .ewppe g me one .eN .m no>oEwe mugugeen nge .Op pmzms< go g p eop Noqu Op OOmOOxm mew; mo>eop pOOgm peogm eeop1ngoumm .wpmppy mpeuopmgeep noew>ouoe pepop pgouemo one me\EOOV ppp>ppue upppuuam me nemmmeoxo esnpumo .4.po mugugeen eugeO1pmepp eeop1m gp oqp po goppznpepmpo .m.m opnep 61 .m4one geem mm. 4N po.v e We>eop mpp we. w p. w m4p>p pN. ep mu>ewp mpN «N. w mN. op m4eop mm mp. w mm. Np N. m pmpN m.N mm ¢.N pp em4eop mm 1 epmmp 1 mommm meeem 1mm>eop mm mane ONw MpMN pmpm pmpp mE\Eae pepp1111111ememmpw pepp me see gwq gem gm .oN .m Ou>OEue mwgugeen nge .op pmzmz< gO g p eop Nou peogm eeoz1nepgp .eepee ; we use Op nomooxo new; mu>eop pOOgm .wpmppv Oymuopmgeep noew>ouee pepomppgoueoo nge me\Eonv zpp>ppue upppumom me nmmmoeoxo eoepuon .4 mo mOgugeen eoon1pmepp eemz1m gp u we goppznpepmpo .m.m wpnep L dd 62 .op pm=m=< go N84V op omeppop pOOgm pgmeupppn mgpmooxo emppe g we pmpm pow nge pmpN pmv m4w>p A< gp mpeuopmgeep1uep noeo>ouoe po goppznpepmpn o>ppepom .m.m mezmpe .g p eop Nouep op Oumooxm woap omeppoe mmpm mmpN m4p>p rI.rL rL O m < < pwp_lh 1 -Op - ”M e .ON mm - .11.... -om no I 3 .04 mm - m“ 0 Mom m“ Fl .1 e -oe WW I N -oe WW - mw L He... < -om 1oop 291’ 63 .N ou Op nemooxo mmeppon ep 1 mp. pmp mp. npp pN. pNN guneen 3Open geem mo. me no. pm me. pom guneen m>one geem 1 nome 1 pppnN 1 pmenN 1mo>ewp mpp eNn w.Nm wpom mmmm m4p>p Op. pom mo>eop mpN mo. mnN m4eop mm ewe m.pp mom mwpp pmpN no. mp ON. NN mo>eop mm m.n pan m.m wmm p.N wnN pmpm pnpp mn\nne pmpp mnpnne pmpp mn\nae ng gme gnN .eoppe g Np one we .nN no>oeue muguneen nne w eonnupnmm no g p eop Noun Op numooxu mew: mm>eop poogm mnop penpeeup .wpmppw upeuopmneep nueo>ouoe pepOp pnwuewo nne pmspsonv App>ppue upppuonm we nemmoeoxe ennpuon .4 po moguneen eoneO1pmepp eeu>11m np u po noppsnpewmpo .p.m wpnep np 64 .m4one geem mp. m p.p nop mmun/em; mpp m.p ommp pm. enN we. nNm m4p>p mo>emp mpN pm. mop m4eop mm ppm 0.0p pmNp mNOm pm>N em4eep mm mmpm 0,0N coop mmm pmpm pepp mn\nne pmpp on\nne pepp mn\nne ng gmn gnN N .emppe g Np one .wn .nN nu>osue mwguneen one .w emnEmpOmm no g p eop oonp op nmmonxm mew: mo>emp poogm peOgm eeux1nnoumm .ppmppv Opeuopmneep nuem>ouwe pepOp pnmuemn nne pmspsnnv zpp>ppue upppumom np nmmmmeoxm ennpumn .4.po mmguneen euneO1pmepp eeoz1m np onp 4O noppnnpepmpo .m.m mpnep 14c fixed by 3YSS to 1YTLS and This is also seen in the movement of 2ALS after 24 h but not later (Table 3.9). It appears that the contribu- tion of older SS to newer LS was greater late in the season than in July when vigorous LS growth occurred. Higher specific activities were also found in the main stem bark samples above the treated branch than earlier in the season. After 72 h, however, 3YBI still retained a large proportion of assimilated 14C. This suggests that photosynthate is required for cambial growth or storage at this time in the growing season. Distribution of translocated 14C 72 h after foliage on various shoot types were labeled is presented in Figure 3.4. The recovered por- 14C fixed by TLS leaves and transported to 1YTLS was less than tion of found in July or August, but the proportion transported to 2YBI and 3YBI increased. This reflects the termination of long shoot extension and increased excess photosynthate available for other areas of growth. Approximately equal amounts of 14C-photosynthate were translocated from 2YSS to 2YBI and 3YBI, and a small amount was recovered in 1YTLS. Only 14C fixed by 3YSS was recovered in the 2YBI with the a trace of the majority retained by 3YBI for local use or transported to the main stem. The growth and development of LS from early July through the rest of the season is apparently largely autonomous and self-sustained. Long shoot extension was only 50% completed by July 1, but very little 14C fixed by SS leaves on older branch sections was translocated to growing LS. Similar results in July were observed with young Eiflflé strobus where small amounts of photosynthate were translocated to current seasons needles from old needles (Shiroya et al. 1966). New needle and 66 .m4one geem N.p pp mo>ewp mpp N.p MOO m4p>p N.p mp mu>eop mpN OO. Op m4eep mm me. O pp. pnm pmpN OO. O N.N OON em4eop mm 1 Opn 1 OOpO 1 mpmp 1mo>eop mm meN mep OOOp pmpm pmpp mn\nae pmpp mn\nne pmpp mnpnne ng gmn gnN .eepee ; Np use .wn .ON OO>OEOe mmguneen One .w eOnEOpOOm no g p eop Nou Op nOmOOxo mew: mw>emp poogm mp peogm eeoz1nepgp .wpmppy Opeuopmneep noeo>ouoe pepO upppuonm me nemmweoxu esnpumn .4.po moguneen eoneO1pmepp eeoz1m np o pnoueoo One me\EOOV App>ppue up we nOppOnpepmpo .¢.m mpnep 67 .O ewnEOpOOm no Nounp op omeppop poogm pnweopppn mnpmooxo ewppe g Np pmpm pow One .pmpN pmv .m4ppp pouoe po nopponpepmpn o>ppepmm g p eop NOO Op nemonxm uozp umeppoe Op mmpm mm>N m4p>p 1.1... 4. C u m U CO U .p.e eesmpe o -2 .I d .8 m I 3 [CM m I a 18 m I A .8 m .I G -8 m l V 1E m .8 m l 3 -8 poop 68 shoot expansion of pine is at or near completion by July and new needle maturity is reached shortly thereafter. The role of new leaves of coni— fers has been shown to shift from net importers to net exporters of photosynthate about this time (Gordon and Larsen 1968; Loach and Little 1973). Larch LS, however, were exporting 14C—photosynthate when shoot and leaf expansion was only 50% complete. The role of SS leaves in the current-season growth of LS is appar— ently very minimal by July. Short shoot leaves flush, expand rapidly, and photosynthesize for over two months before vigorous LS expansion occurs. Their contribution prior to July, when they function as previous- season's needles of other confiers, is probably considerable. 01d needles in Pinus resinosa have been shown by tracer studies to be very important in early season growth of new needles and shoots (Dickmann and Kozlowski 1970a, 1970b; Rangnekar and Forward 1969; Schier 1970). The role of old needles as exporters of photosynthate diminishes, however; when new shoot maturation is completed, these new needles then become the major producers (Gordon and Larson 1968; Loach and Little 1973; Ursino and Paul 1973). The phenologically older leaves of larch SS do not seem to fit this pattern. Table 3.10 shows the specific activity of sections of 2— and 3-year branch internodes bearing SS leaves when leaves on the middle section Were exposed to 14C02. These data indicate that SS export considerable photosynthate to their supporting branches and elsewhere in the tree late into the growing season. The low activity found in sectiOns distal to the treated leaves probably reflects the autonomous LS growth. This uneven distribution of specific activity also suggests that each short 69 ppm NpO mwO nmp pmmm MOpN mmw mmom pmpN peprpwem OpN omm NOm mmmp OMpN MONM nepp Onom pmpm nmpone4 1 p Op Op mm NO pp On NO pepwaoeu< Hepe eecoppppeee eoep peep ppee pepenpmem OOp eemp NeeN eepene4 - Ne pp pepenoeu< pmpm omnoppppeeo g Np g mg g ON g we g «N g O g mg g ON g O eOnEOpOOO pmnmn< ppno .mnoppuom guneen nonoppppeeo np nonpepno pmspsonv upppumnm oee moezmpe .g p eop Noun Op nemooxo ononeopnp gueo po noppuOm ogp op o>ppepoe moguneen eeop1m po mononeOpnp guneen eeoz1m one 1N ng np onp po pnweo>oz .op.m opnep 70 shoot provides photosynthate for the growth of the portion of branch bearing it. The surplus, represented by the specific activity in sec- tions proximal to the treated leaves, would be available for other grow- ing tissues such as roots or stem cambium. Long shoots of larch increase tree height and extend lateral growth of branches. Their vigorous growth lags behind that of SS and initially is at the expense of the phenologically older SS leaves. This would be similar to the pattern shown in non-deciduous conifer species. The results of these experiments, however, suggest that expanding LS of larch differ from other conifer species by becoming net exporters of photosynthate long before shoot and leaf expansion is completed. Short shoots resemble the prior-season needles of other conifers in that they are borne on older branch sections and produce leaves capable of net photosynthesis early in the season. Unlike previous season needles, leaves and SS are actually current-season growth and function as new shoots late in the season when they export large amounts of photosynthate. CHAPTER IV SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In the first series of experiments an infrared differential open gas analysis system was utilized to determine the effect of light intens- ity and temperature on net photosynthetic (Pn) and transpiration rate for leaves of three-year-old Larix leptolepis trees. Immature to recently mature, and mature long shoot (LS) foliage was used for these measure— ments. This foliage was borne on the terminal leader or first major branch apex, and interior branch, respectively. Similar foliage was sealed inside Mylar bags and C02 depletion of the air inside bags was measured by infrared gas analysis to determine C02 compensation concentra- tion. The net photosynthetic response to increasing levels of photosyn- thetic photon flux densities (PPFD) was similar for each foliage position and stage of leaf maturity. Light compensation was between 25 and 50 uE M'2 5']. Rates of Pn increased rapidly at PPFD above compensation intensity until saturation was reached at approximately 900 uE m"2 s ‘1. This hyperbolic pattern of Pn response to light is characteristic for multiple leaves of plant species possessing a C3 photosynthetic pathway. Dark respiration rates for all foliage positions ranged from 0.9 -1 -1 to 1.8 mg CO2 g h A post illumination burst of CO2 was not detected. 71 72 Photosynthetic response to temperature was determined at saturating PPFD. Net photosynthetic rates of terminal leader foliage increased steadily from low temperatures to an optimum between 15 and 20° C. At temperatures above 20° C Pn decreased rapidly reflecting the sensi- tivity of the young foliage to adverse high temperature. Similar photo- synthetic response to increasing temperature was obtained for the branch terminal foliage. Maximum Pn, however, was higher for all replications of this foliage position than observed with the leader foliage. Mature leaves of the first major lateral branches had a slightly broader range of optimum temperature than found for the terminal foliage positions. The adverse effect of temperature on Pn above optimum range also appeared less pronounced for mature leaves. Maximum Pn for all foliage positions occurred between 17 and 21° C, comparable to other north temperate trees. This was also consistent with the optimum temperatures for Pn established for C3 plants. Transpiration rates obtained for terminal and mature foliage of branches at increasing levels of PPFD resembled Pn response to light. Temperature was maintained at 20° C so rising transpiration rates appeared to be due to stomatal response to increasing PPFD. Transpira— '1 and remained fairly tion rate leveled between 800 and 1000 uE m'2 s steady at higher PPFD. Results of the transpiration rate response to increasing temperature indicated that the rapid decline in Pn above optimum range of temperature was due to internal factors and not stomatal closure. Transpiration rates increased continuously with rising temperature up to the experi- mental maximum. Rates of Pn, however, declined rapidly when temperature 73 exceeded the optimum range. If this decrease in Pn had been due to stomatal closure a similar decrease in transpiration rate would have been expected. The 002 compensation concentration was determined for LS foliage at various crown positions. PPFD ranged between 300 and 600 uE m_2 s—1 and temperature inside bags remained constant. The lowest C02 compensa- tion concentrations were 58 and 59 ul l"I for the mature foliage of low and mid-crown branches respectively. The foliage borne at the apex of the terminal leader had the highest C02 compensation concentration or 75 ul 1‘]. These values are similar to those obtained for other trees and plant species possessing a C3 photosynthetic pathway. In a second series of experiments leaves of both long and short shoots borne on three-year-old first order branches of mature L, decidua 14C was traced at were exposed to 14C02 and the distribution of fixed various times after exposure. This was done on July 1, August 10, and September 8, and followed the course of long shoot growth from a period of rapid expansion to early bud set. Labelled foliage included short shoots (SS) borne in the middle of 3-year and 2-year branch increments (3YBI and 2YBI respectively) or l-year terminal long shoots (1YTLS; current season increment). In July, the vigorous growth of long shoots (LS) was approximately 50% completed and SS expansion had ceased approximately two months prior to this. At this time the majority of 14C fixed and transported by LS leaves was retained in 1YTLS. Basipetal transport of 14C—photosynthate, however, was detected in 2YBI, 3YBI and main stem as early as 5 h after expc>sing TLS leaves to 14C02. This indicated the 1YTLS leaves were 74 capable of producing photosynthate in excess of that required to support 14 the rapid LS growth. The majority of C fixed by 2-year short shoots (2YSS) was transported to the 2YBI where over 60% of the total recovered translocate (TRT) was retained 48 h after labelling 2YSS leaves. The predominant direction of movement of 14C out of the 2YBI was basipetal 14C was moved acropetally 14 to the 3YBI and main stem, but a small amount of to the 1YTLS. This was less than 1% of the TRT. C fixed by 3YSS was primarily transported to the 3YBI and retained for local use. Again a 14 small portion of C was transported to the 2YBI and 1YTLS, indicating bidirectional translocation, but most of that not retained in 3YBI was 14 moved to the main stem. Movement of C in the main stem from all branch increments was predominantly downward. The distribution of 14 C-photosynthate transported out of labelled foliage in August was similar to that observed in July. Basipetal trans- location from all shoots, however, was slightly increased in August. Terminal long shoot growth at this time was near completion and 14C exported basipetally from 1YTLS after 48 h was approximately 2% higher 14 than observed in July. The amount of basipetal transport of C from 2YBI and 3YBI in August was also approximately 7% higher than in July. Terminal long shoots of 3-year-old branches had recently set bud by September 8, but the last leaves initiated near the apex were still immature. Tree terminal leaders, however, were still actively expanding. The proportion of acropetal transport from 2YBI was higher than observed 14 in July or August, but the majority of C translocated from all foliage positions was still basipetal. 1YTLS actively exported to older branch 14 increments and retained proportionally less C-photosynthate reflecting 75 14C fixed and transported by 2YSS leaves termination of LS expansion. was about equally distributed between 2YBI and 3YBI 72 h after labelling foliage. The majority of labelled photosynthate from 3YSS leaves was also retained in the 3YBI for local use. Even though the proportion of 14C retained in 2YBI and 3YBI for local growth and storage was increased over that in July or August, the specific activity in bark samples of the main stem also increased. The proportion of this activity detected above the branch was higher than observed previously and may be attributed to the continued growth of the terminal leader. The results of these experiments suggest that LS growth and develop- ment is largely self-supported by early July when expansion is less than 50% completed. Active export of 14C-photosynthate to older branch incre- ments and main stem was observed in July and then increased in later months. The current-season shoots of other conifers also become active exporters of photosynthate, but this usually occurs after shoots have expanded and needle maturation is completed. Shoot growth prior to this is largely at the expense of older needles. The contribution of short shoots to the growth of LS prior to July was undetermined. Like the older foliage of other conifers they must contribute to the early growth of new LS, as their leaves flush early and are capable of Pn several weeks before vigorous LS growth begins. Unlike the old foliage of other conifers, however, SS are current season growth and as such are capable of major export of photosynthate through- out the growing season. 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