THE EFFECTS 0? HIGH ANALYSIS SOLUBLE FERTELIZERS AS INTERRELATED WITH ENVERQNMENTAL CONDEHQNS AND CULTURAL P‘RACTKES 5N 'E'HE GROWW ARE YEELD OF VEGETABLES WITH SPE’EAL REFERENCE TO THE TOMATO Thesis for ‘E’Le Degree of DE. D. MICHIGAN STATE UNEVEESETY Herman Tiessen 1956 wu"' ‘_ w —-.—-v m “fin-“w LIBRAR Y L} Michigan S ta to University A“ This is to certify that the thesis entitled The Effects of High Analysis Soluble Fertilizers as Interrelated with Environmental Conditions and Cultural Practices on the Growth and Yield of Vegetables with Special Reference to the Tomato presented by Herman Tie ssen has been accepted towards fulfillment of the requirements for _P_hL__ degree in Mmre Major professor Date November 26, 1956 0-169 flux .. 1—7...-1-g 'vm . THE EFFECTS OF HIGH ANALYSIS SOLUBLE F ERTILIZERS AS INTER- RELATED WITH ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS AND CULTURAL PRACTICES ON THE GROWTH AND YIELD OF VEGETABLES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE TOMATO By HERMAN TIESSEN A THESIS Submitted to the School for Advanced Graduate Studies of Michigan State University of Agriculture and Applied Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Horticulture l 956 /- 7 '5“? ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author desires to thank Dr. R. L. Carolus for his active assistance and guidance throughout the course of this investigation. He wishes also to express his gratitude for the guidance and general helpful- ness of Drs. G. P. Steinbauer, S. H. Wittwer, R. L. Cook, and I... M. Turk, the other members of the guidance committee. Special thanks and appreciation are due to the author's wife, Marjorie, whose constant encouragement has been a great inspiration in carrying out this work. The author is grateful to the Victor Chemical Company for financial assistance during the course of these investigations. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . REVIEW OF LITERATURE . . . . . ........ Starter Solution Investigations. . . . SaltEffects........ Effect of Soil Temperature on Plant Absorption and growth ......... . . . . . . STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM . ....... PART I - GREENHOUSE AND LABORATORY STUDIES . . Growth Response of Tomato Plants to Soluble Ferti- lizer Solutions on Three Different Soils. . . . Influence of Soluble Fertilizers on Growth and Petiole Composition of Tomato Plants . . . . (a) Air Temperature Effects . (b) Soil Temperature Effects . (1) Plant Growth ..... (2) Plant Composition. . . ..... Soluble Nutrient Levels in Tomato Leaf Petioles as In- fluenced by Different Soluble Fertilizer Solutions. Tomato and Tobacco Root Growth as Affected by Diff - erent Analyses and Concentrations of Fertilizer Solu- tions ................. The Solubility and pH of Different Chemicals Used in Starter Solutions. . . . . . . . . ..... . . Page 11 12 12 l8 18 27 27 38 44 53 64 PART 11 - FIELD STUDIES . Tomatoes . Starter Solutions and Irrigation Practices . Soluble Fertilizer Solutions and Fertilizer Practices . Effect of Soluble Fertilizer Solutions on Plants of Differ- entAges. . . . . . . ....... Soluble Fertilizer Solutions and Polyethylene Soil Covers Summary of Field Tomato Studies . Peppers . . Effect of Soluble Fertilizers on Yield of Peppers . Celery . Concentrations of Soluble Fertilizer Solutions on the Yield of Several Varieties of Celery . Different Soluble Fertilizers on the Yield of Four Celery Varieties. . . . . . . . . . ...... The Influence of Soluble Fertilizer Solutions on the Yield of Celery at Two Harvest Dates . Summary of Celery Investigation. . . . . . . . . . ColeCrops............... Effect of Soluble Fertilizer Solutions on Maturity and Yield of Fall Grown Cauliflower . . . . . Effect of Soluble Fertilizers on Maturity of Fall Grown Cabbage, Broccoli, and Cauliflower. Cabbage................ Page 66 66 66 72 81 85 89 90 90 94 94 95 98 102 103 103 106 107 Page Broccoli...........'....... 107 Cauliflower................ 109 Yield of Spring Cabbage as Affected by Soluble Fertili— zer Solutions and Different Aged Cabbage Plants. . 110 Summary of Results with Cole Crops. . ..... . lll DISCUSSION..................... 113 SUMMARY...................... 122 LITERATURECITED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 APPENDIX 129 HERMAN TIESSEN ABSTRACT Transplants of various vegetable crops were grown under various environmental conditions and treated with different analyses and concentra- tions of soluble fertilizer. Records were taken of plant composition, growth. and yield. Greenhouse and laboratory studies indicated that nitrogen absorp- tion by tomato plants was influenced more by nitrogen application in the ferti- lizer solution than by soil temperature (46 to 70' F). Phosphorus absorption by tomato plants apparently occurred at low temperatures (54 to 62’ F) only at high concentration in readily available form. A high soluble phosphorus content in tomato plants from starter solutions shortly after field setting was correlated with subsequent growth and yield. The fertilizer solutions also tended to decrease flower abscission of tomato plants and increase the fruit set and early yield. - Starter solutions had little or no effect on tomato plant growth at the lower soil temperatures (46 to 54’ F). The crops tend to vary in their response to the fertilizer solutions. Tomato root development was benefitted particularly from phosphorus and nitrogen, whereas potassium was as important as nitrogen and phosphorus for tobacco root development. Earlier maturing tomato varieties, such as Valiant responded more to fertilizer solutions than the later maturing varie- ties, such as John Baer. Stokesdale tomatoes produced higher yields when nitrogen was low, whereas Longred required a high nitrogen as well as a high phosphorus. This is probably the result of prevailing soil types in regions where they were developed. .The cole crops and celery respond to starter solutions containing a high nitrogen and phosphorus (23-52-0). The most important factor in high analysis soluble fertilizer solutions is their ability to supply immediately available nutrients in close proximity to plant roots at the time of the plants most critical need. thereby increasing vegetable crop yields when applied to transplants on soils of medium to low fertility. Other uses are in fertilizing greenhouse crops with a reduction in the osmotic value of their soil solutions. Nutrient additions to seedling plants can be more easily manipulated by starter solu- tions than by dry fertilizers. The rate, analysis and time of application of the high analysis soluble fertilizer solutions vary with the crop, variety. plant maturity, soil type and fertility. INTRODUCTION Solutions of high analysis soluble fertilizer materials are known as "starter solutions". Interest has been increasing in the use of these fertilizers with trans- planted and greenhouse crops. Although "starter solutions" have been in use for over twenty years, they have been recognized by the fertilizer industry only recently. Improved technology has resulted in materials that permit the application of increased amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with- out markedly increasing the danger of high salt concentrations. These soluble chemical mixtures are better adapted for machine application during trans- planting or through irrigation water than regular fertilizers. The application of concentrated fertilizers in solution to transplanted crops also supplies nutrients to the plants in more available form. Readily available nutrients help plants to overcome the shock of transplanting, and to become established more rapidly without injurious salt residues being left in the soil. This has often led to higher survival of transplants, earlier maturity, and frequently larger early and total yields. There is considerable literature regarding the use of different ferti- lizer salts, concentrations, and analyses for many crops. However, there exists a need for more specific information on the concentrations and analyses to be used for individual crops. This study is an attempt to determine the salts, formulae, and concentrations of the salts in solution which are most favorable to the growth and production of transplanted vegetable crops. REVIEW OF LITERATURE "Starter Solution" Investigations The use of fertilizers in solutions was employed in the field of hydroponics over seventy-five years ago by Sachs (36). Baker (3), one of the first workers to report the use of "starter solutions", added 4. 6 pounds of mono-ammonium phosphate to 50 gallons of water and each tomato plant received one-half pint of this solution at transplanting time. p The early yields were increased 80 per cent and the total yields were increased by 20 per cent. He concluded that the use of starter solutions with tomatoes promoted early recovery from the shock of transplanting, resulted in less replanting, earlier fruiting, and increased the total yield. Sayre (37, 38, 39) working with tomatoes(variety Baerosa) found that a mixture of two parts of "Ammo Phos A" and one part of nitrate of potash at a concentration of 8 pounds per 50 gallons of water, and applied at the rate of one-quarter pint per plant, increased the early yield by l. 44 tons, and the total yield by 1. 85 tons. In another experiment, using 50 per cent by weight of di-ammonium phosphate and 50 per cent of mono- potassium phosphate (10-52-17) at a concentration of 5 pounds per 50 gallons of water and one-half pint per plant, he obtained earlier yields of tomatoes. Dipping the roots of tomato plants in starter solutions gave no significant differences in yield. Sayre (38) did not observe any differences in yield by the addition of Vitamin B or hormones to the transplanting water. He concluded that starter solutions were effective in promoting early maturity even in dry weather, and felt that this may have been due to a high nutrient availability at the critical time. Other workers (7, 33) using a 10-52-17 starter solution ferti- lizer on tomato plants, have obtained significant increases in both early and total yields. Odland (30) concluded that early tomatoes responded to N, P, and K in a starter solution, whereas summer tomatoes responded only to the phosphorus portion. Osborn (31) stated that the most important factor for a rapid recovery from transplanting in tomatoes was the im- mediate availability of plant nutrients. He concluded that a 1:2:1 ratio of N, P205, K20 was desirable on average soils and thateven higher propor- tions of phosphorus should be applied on soils low in this nutrient. Arnold (2) has shown that a 10-52-17 starter solution produced maximum response on a low phosphorus soil and that its effect was proportionately reduced on more fertile soil, and gave no response on a soil containing 300 pounds to the acre of available P205. Jones and Warren (20) working with radio- active phosphorus in a 6-57-17 starter solution concluded from their work that early phosphorus uptake was more important in affecting early yields of tomatoes than total phosphorus uptake. Rahn (32) using 10- 52-17 on tomatoes (variety Rutgers) obtained results similar to those of Sayre. He believed that N and K are low in cold soils due to low microbial activity, however, that phosphorus was still the most limiting nutrient. Therefore, all three nutrients are necessary in fertilizer solutions to meet all soil and climatic conditions. Stair and Hartman (41) found no appreciable difference in the use of starter solutions, even in soils testing low in available phosphorus. No benefit seemed to be derived from the phosphorus in the starter solu- tion. This is contrary to Arnold's conclusion (2) that responses to starter solutions are experienced where soils are low in phosphorus. The starter solutions used by Stair and Hartman were (1) di-ammonium phosphate, and (2) a mixture of two parts treble superphosphate, one of calcium nitrate and one of potassium nitrate, at a concentration of 4 pounds per 50 gallons of water applied at the rate of 1 pint to a plant. Starter solutions were found to be beneficial to crops other than tomatoes. Reath (33) in his work with two cabbage varieties, obtained in- creases in field of 5 tons per acre with Globe, and 3 tons per acre with Copenhagen Market variety, when he applied one-half pint of a solution containing 9 pounds of 10-52-17 in 50 gallons of water. In his strawberry work, by applying on each plant one-half pint of a solution containing 6 pounds 10- 52-17 per 50 gallons of water, he increased the number of run- ner plants, which was significantly correlated with the yield the following season. Rahn (32), like Reath, experienced increases in yield from the use of 10-52-17 on Marion Market cabbage, and believed that nitrOgen was the important nutrient for the crop. Jacob and White-Stevens (19) obtained increase in neither head weight nor in early yield of cauliflower or broccoli from the use of starter solutions. They believed that this was probably due to the high fertility of soils on Long Island. This would bear out Arnold's findings with toma- toes that the response to starter solutions decreased as the soil fertility increased. Other Crops Carrier and Snyder (8) using a solution of two parts of mono- ammonium phosphate and one part of potassium nitrate at a concentration of 8 pounds per 50 gallons of water, and giving each plant 25 cc of this solution at the time of transplanting, and before transplanting, found that Taxus cuspidata showed a significant increase in survival and number of breaks, and a gain in height with starter applied before transplanting when compared with the control. They also observed a significant decrease in the number of days to bloom when snapdragon plants were treated 5 days or more before field planting and Delphinium plants were treated 8 days or more before field planting. Kamp and Bluhm (21) using 10-52-17 at the rate of 6 grams per liter of water, dipped the basal end of Chrysanthemum cuttings in 1 inch of nutrient solution for one hour. They found that the improvement in growth of root cuttings from the use of nutrients was highly significant. McManus (27) stated that potassium applied in a starter solu- tion in soils low in potassium increased the growth of Montmorency cherry trees, averted potassium deficiency symptoms, and increased leaf potas- sium. Hewetson (15) noted that approximately one-quarter pound of 23-21-17 (Ra-Pid-Gro) in 2. 5 gallons of water applied to Halehaven peaches when they were transplanted, produced outstanding shoot growth, increase in trunk diameter, bette r leaf color, and greater weight and size of the trees. Seeley (40) recommended the use of starter solutions in the greenhouse to supply nutrients after the crop was established. In his work with flowers he found that soluble fertilizers could be applied with a spray tank through fertilizer or spray pipe lines, by means of a specially con- structed movable tank and pump units, or through the watering system. Davis and Cook (11) have recommended applying fertilizers in the irriga- tion water. This is mainly for supplementary feeding or for adding minor elements. Wittwer (52) in foliar feeding work with radioactive isotopes, concluded that although foliar feeding made more efficient use of the nutri- ents, its main use would be in supplementing the supply of plant nutrients ordinarily absorbed by the roots. It would not replace soil fertilization, but could probably be quite useful to some plants during critical periods of growth, or when root absorption was limited. Salt Effects Plants often have salt injury, due to high osmotic pressures exerted by low analysis dry fertilizers, since it is necessary to apply large volumes of fertilizers to supply adequate plant nutrients. High analy- sis soluble fertilizers are able to supply the required nutrients without in- creasing the osmotic pressure of the soil solution, and thereby lessen the hazzard of salt injury. Ahi and Powers (1) in their work with salts and temperatures indicated that some plants are more resistant to salt injury at cool temper— atures of 55° F than at warmer temperatures of 75° F. Magisted (25) reported that the salt concentration was a greater factor in determining the amount of growth reduction than the effects caused by specific ions; although salts of both monovalent and divalent ions sup- pressed plant growth, monovalent ions were in some cases more toxic. Crops grown on soils high in salt were depressed more at high than at low temperatures. Van Koot (46) found that the most favorable soil temperature for tomato growth was 59" F, and at a lower soil temperature insufficient phosphorus was absorbed by roots. With radioactive phosphorus and mono- ammonium phosphate the plants at 64. 4° F had absorbed 80 per cent more phosphorus two weeks after potting than plants growing in soil at 61. 7°F soil temperature. Wall and Hartman (49) stated that salt toxicity to plants is ap- parently due to the high ionic concentration, the reduction in availability and absorption of other ions, and the effect of the change in pH. Merkle and Dunkle (26) showed that a close relationship existed between the total and inorganic soluble matter and the electrical conducti- vity readings of aqueous soil extracts. They found that the conductivity readings from 1:2 soil water extracts of greenhouse soils were from 10 to 100 times greater than readings from field soils, and that the "ceiling value" for greenhouse tomatoes was from 140 to 265 x 10'5 mhos. Effect of Soil Temperature on Plant Absorption and Growth The absorption of soil nutrients by plant roots is markedly in- fluenced by soil temperatures. In work with tomatoes Went (49, 50) con- cluded that under conditions of good aeration and abundant nutrient supply, shoot growth was not materially increased or decreased by root tempera- tures varying from 60° F to 90°F. He suggested that root temperatures would not affect shoot growth of tomatoes when nutrition and other conditions are very favorable, but that low root temperatures under less favorable conditions may depress tap growth. Hoagland (16, 18) stated that the shoot growth of the tomato was not materially affected when the plants were grown at root temperatures between 60° F and 90°F, but at soil temperatures outside this range growth was apparently appreciably reduced. He believed that absorption of solutes decreased with a decrease in temperature, but it was difficult to separate the effects of low temperature on the absorption process from the effects on translocation and utilization of nutrients within the plant. Riethmann (34) however, reported that in tomatoes the stem growth and the fruit set de- pended largely upon root temperature. Nightingale (29) could detect no difference in the permeability of tomato roots to nitrate at 55°, 70° or 95°F. He stated that low temper- atures did not appear to retard seriously the absorption of nitrogen, but they did affect the capacity of the roots to assimilate the absorbed nitrate. The N03 ion was slowly assimilated in tomatoes at 55° F. Kramer (22) stated that the reasons for the reduced rate of water absorption at low temperatures is caused principally by the increased resistance to water movement across the living cells of roots. He attributed this increased resistance to the combined effects of both the higher vis- cosity and lower permeability of protoplasm and greater viscosity and reduced molecular activity of water. He also found that slow cooling per- mits protOplasmic adjustments that lessen the effects of low temperatures on the absorption of water. In his work with grapefruit and lemon cuttings, Haas (13) found that transpiration of grapefruit cuttings ceased above 80. 6°F and 10 of lemons above temperatures of 87. 8° F. He believed that the reduction in water uptake under high soil temperature conditions possibly resulted from a decrease in absorbing surface caused by injury to some fine roots and by rapid maturation of others. In working with water cultures, Ellie and Swaney (12) found that the rate of water absorption may be so diminished at high root tem- peratures as to produce wilting and the eventual death of the plants. They believed that in this case the retarded water uptake may have been a consequence of an inadequate oxygen supply. ll STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The production of vegetable crops, such as cabbage, cauliflower, sprouting broccoli, celery, tomatoes and peppers, involves starting young seedlings in beds, flats, or pots, and then transplanting them to the field. When transplanting the seedlings to the field every effort should be made to minimize the hazards of transplanting, and to promote early resumption of growth for optimum production. Starter solutions are often used to aid in the early establishment of transplants. This investigation attempts to evaluate the effect of starter solu- tions on the physiology, composition, growth and yield of plants under various environmental conditions. 12 PART I GREENHOUSE AND LABORATORY STUDIES Growth Response of Tomato Plants to Soluble Fertilizer Solutions on Three Different Soils The response of tomato plants grown on three soils treated with different concentrations of starter solution and sucrose was studied. Sucrose was added to determine if it would alleviate injury induced by high salt combinations. Methods and Materials: Six weeks old Valiant tomato plants were set one to a can on April 25, 1952 in No. 10 tins containing sand, muck, or sandy loam soil. Four one-plant replicates were treated at the time of transplanting with one-half pint of one of the solutions indicated in Table I. The plants were completely randomized on two benches in a greenhouse with a 66° F night temperature. Records were taken on June 4. 40 days after treatment, of the fresh weights, the heights and roots, and the number of flowers that had developed. Results: Table I indicates that there was a highly significant increase in the total weight of the plants receiving starter treatments, with or without 13 TABLE I Influence of Soluble Fertilizer Formulations on‘the Growth and Flowering of Valiant Tomatoes. Avg. fresh Avg. height Avg. root Avg. no. Treatments” top wt. per per plant length per flowers plant (inches) (inches) plant (in- per pl- ches) ant Mean values for 12 plants Water 45. 9 16. 0 9. l 3. 83 Water + sucrose 44. 4 l4. 9 8. 7 2. 25 41b. 10-52-17L/ 99. 4 17. 7 9. 9 4. 25 4 1b. 10-52-17 + sucrose 96. 5 l7. 7 10. 6 4. 25 61b. 10-52-17 112.8 18.1 10.4 4 33 6 lb. 10-52-17 + sucrose 107. 6 17.1 10. 3 4. 50 8 lb. 10-52-17 118.6 17.0 10.6 5.25 81h. 10-52-17 + sucrose 115.8 17.5 10.3 4.58 L.S. D. .05 8. 36 1.56 1.05 . 58 .77 .01 11.10 2.07 1.39 *Pounds of starter treatments per 50 gallons of water. When indicated sucrose was added at rate of 4 pounds per 50 gallons. 1 -/10-52-17 (Takehold) supplied by the Victor Chemical Works, Chicago, Illinois, and composed of 50% (NH4)2HPO4 and 50% KH2P04. 14 sucrose, over those receiving only water or water and sucrose. There was also a significant increase in the total weight of the plants from the four-pound to the six-pound starter solution concentration, and a highly significant increase in weight in the eight-pound concentration over the four-pound treatment. In each case the plants receiving sucrose with the starter solution produced slightly less total weight than at the same con- centration of starter solution without sucrose. There was a slight but significant increase (Table I) in height and the length of the roots with the use of starter solution in the presence or absence of sucrose. Plants receiving only water had a significantly greater number of blossoms than those receiving the sucrose water treat- ment. The eight-pound concentration of starter solution without sucrose significantly increased flower number as compared to the. other treatments. A possible explanation for plants having fewer flowers when sucrose was added could be that plant nutrients were utilized to a greater extent by soil organisms, growth of which was encouraged by the addition of sucrose. Table II indicates the effect of the different soils on plant growth. The average weight of the plants grown in sand was significantly less than those grown on muck or loam soil, and in turn, plants grown on loam were better than those grown on muck. Plant heights were also significantly greater in muck and loam than in sand. On muck soil plants had signifi- cantly longer roots than those grown on sand or loam. This was probably 15 $53 w no mwmno>22. . cog. omd mod so .2 ed N.2 2: m.2 2.22 mndo 2:. :82 ww.m om.“V wmA. 22o m».: 2.2 $.22 2.2 om.2 252 0222 wmdo 2-2-2 .2 m oo.m omé min 2.0 m2: om .2 2.2 2 .2 m2: 362 8.22 ode 2-2-2 .2 o mmé 8.... max. mad 2.: mm .2 2.2 22: 02: 8.02 2&2 2 .3. 2-2-2 .5 2. mm .4 mm .m m .2 2 .o ma. .0 mo 4. oo .2 ma. .2 mo .2 mm .2. mm .9. mm .2 .. 333 Smog 6322 team Emoq x622 nemm 8604 x632 pemm Eeoq x632 poem Amonofiv AmEmumv Ema Ema nod sewed“ Amozocc :53 non Hod E363 do“ 8253:. :83 you 36265 .8956 ommum>< Loon mmmuo>< £96: ommuo>< amen“ mmm~o>< .mooumEoF mo wcCoBoE new 5380 :0 69C. now new Mounts...“ oESom Ho 83mm 9553sz 3 mdmafl. 16 a result of better aeration in the muck soil. Flower number was signifi- cantly greater on plants grown on muck soil. Differences in the effect of starter solution treatments on these three soils on the total fresh weight, height, root length, and flowering are shown in Table II. The weight of tomato plants was increased significantly for all three soils with the addition of the first increment of fertilizer (four pounds) over plants receiving only water. The increases in plant weight from the starter treatment were 470, 135, and 40 percent in sand. muck, and loam. A comparison of the four with the eight-pound concen- tration indicated little or no increase in plant weight on muck soil. On the loam or sand soils, increases in plant weight were observed between the four- and the six-pound concentrations, but not between the six- and the eight-pound concentrations. The weight of plants receiving only water and grown in muck was three times and in loam five times greater than on sand, and in turn, plants grown on loam were almost twice the weight of plants on muck. Height of plants grown on sand and receiving only water were significantly less than for those grown on sand and receiving starter treat- ments, or plants grown on muck and loam receiving either water or starter. Height data suggest that the increase in weight from starter treatment was from a stockier but not necessarily a taller plant. Root lengths on sandy soil were significantly less for plants receiving water than for those grown on sand with starter solution, or on either muck or loam soil. There was no difference in root length for the different fertilizer concentrations in the same soil, in fact root growth was about the same on the loam soil for either water or starter treatment. There was also no difference in root length for the different starter treatments between sand and muck soil, however, plants grown on muck with starter had a longer root system than those grown on loam. The flower number (Table II) of plants grown on sand and receiv- ing only water was significantly less than for any other treatment. Flower number in sand and muck grown plants reached its peak after the addition of the four-pound concentration of starter treatment. With plants grown on loam soil, on the other hand, floWer number increased with each increase in concentration of starter. Soil type had a pronounced influence on flower production, which was partly modified by fertilizer treatments. I In general, starter solutions were more effective on soils of very low fertility (sand) in increasing the plant weight, top and root growth, and flower production. On soils of moderate fertility, there was an increase in plant weight (stockier plants) and blossom number (at higher concentrations) although root and top elongation were only slightly affected. 17 18 Influence of Soluble Fertilizers on Growth and Petiole Composition of Tomato Plants a) Air Temperature Effects: The composition of tomato plants at different air temperatures as influenced by starter solutions of varying analysis was investigated. Methods and Materials: Stokesdale tomato plants, seeded on February 1, 1954 were trans- planted seven per lZ-inch pots into soil composed of a mixture of 50 per- cent sandy loam and 50 percent sand, and were given 800 ml. of distilled water on March 23. Seven days pervious to planting, one-half pint of one of the six starter treatments indicated below was added to each of nine pots. The po 3 were then completely randomized within each of the three repli- cations at night temperatures of 50, 60, or 70°F. The treatments were as follows: Chemical Used 1. Control (water only) 2. 10-52-17 50% *Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 3. 10-26-17 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 31% Ammonium nitrate 4. 10- 5- 17 10% Di-ammonium phosphate 37% Potassium ni trate 10% Ammonium nitrate 19 Chemicals Used* 5. 5-52-17 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 1. 5% Ammonium nitrate Phosphoric acid (amount of acid added to make up the analyses) 6. 10-52-5 50% Di-ammonium phosphate 1. 5% Mono-potassium phosphate Phosphoric acid (amount of acid added to make up the analyses) At time of planting fresh leaf petioles were taken for chemical analysis for comparison with subsequent samples to show the early effect of the various treatments. At the final sampling, green fresh weights were recorded for each of three replicates. The fresh petioles were tested for soluble nitrogen and phosphorus, as outlened by Carolus (6). Potassium was determined with a Beckman model B flame Spectrophotometer, using a procedure similar to Brown eta—1. (4) with hydrogen used” a fuel burned in the presence of oxygen. Results: Green Weight at Final Sampling The results indicate that 17 days after treatment, at the final harvest, temperature had a more pronounced effect than soluble fertilizer on plant growth with the average green weight varying from 13. 2 grams at 50°F to 34. 3 grams at 70°F. The fertilizer treatments increased growth more at the 70° than at the 50°F, and plants at 50° and 60° F grew to approx- . imately the same size with water treatment. *Percentages equivalent to four pounds in 50 gallons of water. Soluble Nitrogen Concentrations as Influenced by Treatments Table 111 indicates that the concentration of nitrogen in leaf petioles was highest in the plants three days after treatment at the 50 and 60° F tem- peratures, and then decreased as the plants began to grow. But at 70°F nitrogen concentration in the petioles was still high seven days after treat- ment. At 50 and 60° F petioles of plants treated with the starter solution 10-5-17 (low in phosphorus) had a higher concentration of nitrogen seven days after treatment than Was found with any other treatment. The con- centration of soluble nitrogen present in petioles of plants seven days after treatment was in the following decreasing order: 10-5-17 (low phosphorus), 10—26-17 (medium phosphorus), 10-52-5 (low potassium), and 10-52-17. These differences were probably the result of nitrogen accumulation at the low temperature, however only a small amount of phosphorus was being absorbed, but at 70°F the plant was growing more rapidly, which resulted in a greater absorption of soluble phosphorus and nitrogen. There was an increase in nitrogen in leaf petioles of plants receiving only water with an increase in temperature. Two weeks after treatment there was no great variation in the nitrogen content of petioles, indicating that the plants were re-established. When the soluble nitrogen contents of leaf petioles of the plant, a week after treatment, were plotted against the average weight of the 20 21 8582822588 Em“: 5:55:23... .8 2.33 858% 5 8583 88.: 88.25 Lo 2283 8w88><§ 22.8885 583 288.2 5 50:25 8Q 828d 5 883588 025 we 8m88>8m cam .:8>8w .8853. .8583 88th 5 538838 858 8393825 .8wonzz 8330.0. mo cote-3:88:80 no 58588.2. 825m pew 8258-89582. Lo 88:83:52 2: mqmfih 22 plant (Fig. 1) two weeks after treatment, the graph indicates that when no fertilizer was used there was no difference in growth with temperature increased from 50 to 60° F. However, with an increase from 50 to 60°F with starter treatments, both growth and nitrogen content values of the petioles were increased, and the slope of the lines indicate that nitrogen was accum- ulating more rapidly, particularly with 10- 52-17 and 10-5-17 than plants were utilizing it in growth. A more pronounced influence on growth with little or no effect on nitrogen accumulation occurred when the temperature moved from 60 to 70°F, and with the 10- 52-17 fertilizer, growth kept pace with nitrogen accumulation. With the 10-5-17 treatment, nitrogen accumu- lation was more pronounced than growth from 50 to 60°F, but did not in- crease with a temperature change from 60 to 70°F. Soluble Phosphorus Concentrations as Influenced by Treatments The influence of temperature and soluble fertilizer treatment on the soluble phosphorus accumulation of tomato leaf petioles at three stages of early growth are shown in Table III. A decrease in phosphorus from 292 ppm found in petioles at the time of setting to from 94 to 131 ppm with the water treatment found in petioles three days later suggests a dilution by rapid growth or a conversion of the phosphorus to some insoluble form. At the end of one week phosphorus declined to 30 ppm, but by the end of two weeks, under more favorable 60 to 70°F temperatures, an increase 110» \ a I 0 a 3 ’ .-° ’ I .- 5 : : 3 I ; S . . Ho .9 : N o I . u I fly . . '3’ ° . O 20 P 0 5’ : 3 o z . . ,. . o o . . O . . — Water 1 _ —o — 10.52.17 0 - e o — o e 10_26_17 ‘ 50°F. 0 loco a one" 10—5—17 . 6021?. - - -000 5—52—17 . 70 F' — — -— 1052.5 0 l l j I I too 600 800 1000 1200 11:00 Soluble Nitrogen of Tomato Plants in p.p.m. Figure 1 Influence of Treatment and Temperature on Growth and Soluble Nitrogen Content of Tomato Plants Fourteen Days After Treatment 24 was found. At all temperatures after one week, the low phosphorus treat- ment resulted in the lowest phosphorus content inthe petioles. It is inter- esting that at 70° F the phosphorus content was maintained at as high a level after two weeks growth as at 60°F in spite of the fact that fresh plant weight was 2. 5 times as great. This would indicate that the temperature condi- tions that favored growth favored the availability of the soil phosphorus and its absorption by the plant. When the soluble phosphorus concentrations in leaf petioles a week after treatment were plotted against the average weight of the plant (Fig. 2), two weeks after treatment, it was found that phosphorus concen- tration in the petioles was definitely correlated with the quantity applied in the fertilizer. With the 10-5-17 and the 10-52-5 treatments, an increase in temperature from 50 to 60° F resulted in a growth rate that exceeded the rate of phosphorus accumulation. However, with the 10-26-17, 10-52- 17, and 5-52-17 3 change in temperature from 50 to 60°F resulted in both an increase in growth and phosphorus accumulation. An increase in tempera- ture from 60 to 70°F resulted in no increase in phosphorus accumulation in the plant with either water, 5-52-17, or 10—52-17 which was probably due to the fact that at this temperature phosphorus‘accumulation was just keeping pace with growth. However, a temperature change from 60 to 70° F with the othertreatments resulted in an increase in phosphorus accumulation .that more than kept pace with the increased growth. Soluble phosphorus '3 ./ o. ‘/ J 3 A 50%. 0 60°F. I 70°F. \ \ 7,.- ...--uo—-—. \ later 10-52—17 10-26-17 ' 10-5-17 5-52-17 10-52-5 l I no fies—fir 16¢. l 200 Soluble Phosphorus of Tomato Plants in p.p.m. FigureZ 1 2110 Influence of Treatment and Temperature on Growth and Soluble Phosphorus Content of Tomato Plants Fourteen Dws After Treatment 25 26 was maintained without much change in growth at the lower temperature, however at the higher temperature, plant growth increased rapidly and phosphorus utilization progressed at a higher rate than absorption, caus- ing considerable growth, which resulted in a lower concentration of phos- phorus. At the low temperatures (50 and 60° F), phosphorus was accumu- lated, but not utilized by plant growth. Soluble Potassium Concentration as Influenced by Treatments Table III shows that the potassium content of plant petioles was "Qt appreciably influenced by the fertilizer treatments during the first 17 days of growth. At a later stage in growth, due to the potassium re- Cluirements of developing fruit, a different situation would likely occur. The values indicate that potassium absorption is influenced by tempera- ture, as indicated by higher potassium values at the higher temperatures even with increased growth. 27 13) Soil Temperature Effects: (1) Plant Growth This study was undertaken to determine to what extent soil temperatures affect nutrient absorption of tomato plants. Various workers (16, 18, 50, 51) found that top growth of tomatoes was not materially affected by root temperatures between 60 and 70°F when nutrition and other growth conditions were favorable. Wanner (49) suggested that salt absorption from a higher external concentration varied more with root temperature than it did from concentration. Methods and Materials: Stokesdale tomatoes seeded September 14, 1954 were transplanted on November 15, three plants per culture, to two-and-a-half gallon glazed Crocks containing a mixture of one-third peat and two-thirds loam soil that had been fertilized with a 3-12- 12 mixture at the rate of 300 pounds Per acre. The soil temperatures were regulated by placing the pots in tanits of water. The temperature in the four tanks, each containing 12 pots, Was thermostatically controlled at either 46°, 54°, 62° or 70°F. The minimum night air temperature was 68°F. Each of the treatments listed below was applied at time of planting to three pots at the rate of one-half Pint per pot. Chemical Used l . Water 28 Chemical Used* 2. 10-52- 17 50% *Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 3. 10-52-0 ' 50% by weight - Di-ammonium phos- phate + phosphoric acid to make up analysis. 4- 10-52-0 Mono-ammonium phosphate 85% by weight. Plant petiole samples were taken at planting time, November 15, and after planting, on November 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, and 24. One plant in each pot was allowed to grow to January 25, and then harvested, and pertinent data recorded. The same experiment was repeated with similar soil, with plants transplanted to the pots on January 27. Fresh petioles of two plant samples were taken on January 27, 29, 30, 31, February 1, 3 and 4, 1955. The indi— Vi dual analyses from both experiments Were combined with respect to time Of sampling for chemical analysis. - Results: Three days after transplanting all the plants in the 62° and. 70° F temperature tanks were turgid and showed signs of root growth. The plants at the 54°F root temperature were slightly wilted and had made very little r(Dot growth, whereas the plants in the 46°F tank were quite wilted and dis- Dlayed no visible signs of renewed root growth. Fifteen days after trans- planting, all the leaves on the plants at the 46°F root temperature were ”Percentages equivalent to one ounce per gallon of water. 29 chlorotic and the lower leaves were abscissing. Plants at the 54°F root temperature showed fair growth, and plants at the 62° and 70° F root tem- perature had good growth and color. Thirty days after treatment, plants at the 46°F root temperature were very chlorotic and stunted; however, plants at the 54°, 62° and 70°F root temperatures showed good growth and color. Table IV shows that the average total weight per plant after 70 days growth increased very significantly with an increase in the root tem- perature. There were no differences in plant growth between the soluble fertilizers; however, they were all significantly greater than plants re- ceiving only water. At 46°F plant growth was somewhat better with water than with any fertilizer treatment. At the higher temperatures, starter treatments were beneficial and significantly so at 62 and 70°F. At the 70°F soil temperature, treatments 10-52-0 (di-ammonium phosphate + phos- phoric acid) and 10-52-0 (mono-ammonium phosphate) produced heavier plants than those receiving either water or 10-52-17. The increase in plant weight With an increase in root temperature may be related to accelerated water absorption at the higher soil temperature, as indicated by Kramer (22). When the relative values for plant growth at different soil and air temperatures were compared from data in Figure3 it was evident that there was a 47 percent drop in plant weight when the air temperature was lowered from 70° to 60°F, and only a 16 percent drop in plant weight when the soil temperature was lowered from 70° to 62°F. Apparently, plant TABLE IV 30 Average Fresh Weight of Tomato Plants Grown at Different Root Temperatures and with Various Starter Treatments. Treatment Degrees F Avg. Fresh 46 54 62 70 Weight of Plants (grams fresh weight per 3 plants) 1 . Water 10. 67 70. 66 107. 30 113. o 75. 41' ' 2- 10-52-17 5.67 91.66 145.32 133.33 94.00 3- 10-52-0 (NH4)2HPO4 + 6 33 84. 00 135. 65 177. 98 100.. 99 H3PO4 4. 10-52-0 N114H2P04 7. 67 75. 33 115. 32 174. 30 93. 16 85% by weight Temperature Avg. Fresh Weight of Plants 7. 58 80. 41 125. 90 149. 65 Treatment X Temperature ‘ Treatment Temperature L. S. D. .05 24. 02 11.99 10. 68 .01 32. 65 16.30 16.18 31 100' "" “Ti 80 - F—n 3 3. 66.. ‘3 . , _ . ._ a 1* ‘ .‘i-o - T77 E L ' L 205 E 792E E E o .. -____.. Lia—L. -L.__.- «an—J... h.- -L_L_. ml 3011 Temperature With 68°F. Air Tauperature m] Air'Tsmperature Figure 3 Comparative Effect of Root and Air Temperature on Growth of Tomato Plants *Percent weight of plants with those grown at 70°F. 32 growth is not depressed to any extent at 62° F soil temperature, if the air temperature is 68°F . When the soil temperature was lowered from 62 to 54°F, there was a 30 percent decrease in plant weight, indicating that the critical soil temperature for tomato plant growth lies somewhere between 62 and 54°F. A lowering of air temperature of 10°F from 60 to 54°F re- duced growth 10 percent. A further decrease of 48 percent in plant weight resulted when the soil temperature was lowered from 54 to 46°F. Table V (a) indicates a significant increase in plant height when the root temperature was increased from 46 to 70° F. The height of the plant was also increased with an increase in temperature, especially between 46 and 54°F. The top weight at 70°F was almost twice that of plants grown at 54° F. p The root weight of plants was also significantly increased with an increase in the soil temperature. Soil temperature influences top growth relatively more than root growth. The top weight increased about 17 times When the temperature was increased from 46 to 70°F, but the root growth increased only seven times for the same temperature change. It appears evident that soil temperature had a considerable influence on plant growth due to stimulating nutrient absorption and plant metabolism. Tables V (b) and VI indicate that the starter treatments had no Significant effect on the average root weight and height of tomato plants, and there was only a significant increase in the top weight (Table V-b) of plants TABLE V The Effect of Temperature and Soluble Fertilizer Treatment on Plant Development (a) Root Temperature Temperature Avg. height Avg. top Avg. root Avg. total weight (degrees F) (inches) weight weight of plants 46 7. 27 5. 54* 2. 04 7. 58 54 l9. 17 70. 74 9. 67 80. 41 62 27. 54 115. 9 10. 00 125. 9 70 31. 52 135. 57 14. 08 149. 65 L. S. D. .05 1.83 7.62 1.90 10.68 .01 2.77 11.54 2.88 16.18 *Average of 12 plants in grams. (b) Fertilizer Treatment __._. Treatments Avg. top Avg. root Avg. total weight weight weight of plants Water 66. 83* 8. 57 75. 4 1 0-52-17 84. 66 9. 34 94. 0 1 0-52-0 (NH4)2HPO4 +1-13P04 92. 00 9. 00 101. 00 1 0-52-0 NH4H2PO4 84. 33 8. 84 93. 17 L.S.D. .05 12.94 N. S. 11.99 . 01 19. 59 16. 30 \ \_ *Average weight in grams. 34 TABLE VI The Average Height of Plants As Influenced by Temperature and Soluble Fertilizer. Temperature (degrees F) Average Treatments 46 54 62 70 height Water 7. 17* 18. 0 28. 5 27. 16 20. 3 10~52-17 6.92 19.8 29.6 31.3 21.8 10 ~52-o (NH4)2HPO4+H3PO4 7. 50 18.3 27.7 35.0 22. 1 10-52-0 NH4H2PO4 7.50 19.0 25.7 32.6 21.2 L. S. D. for same treatment at different temperatures . 05 3. 63 N. S. . 01 5. 20 *Average height of three plants measured in inches. 35 receiving starter treatments when compared with those receiving only water. Table VI shows a significant increase in height with an increase in temperature from 46 to 62°F for all the treatments, but no significant increase with water and 10-52—17 from the 62 to 70°F temperature. However, plants receiving either di-ammonium phosphate plus phosphoric acid or mono- arnmonium phosphate were significantly taller than with water or 10-52-17 at 70°F. A possible reason for the lack of stem elongation for plants supplied vliith both water and 10552-17 as compared to 10-52-0 (di-ammonium phos- Dhate plus phosphoric acid) and 10-52-0 (mono-ammonium phosphate) with an increase in temperature from 62 to 70°F might be associated with earlier flowering on the shorter plants. Relative nitrogen accumulation was lower and potassium higher in the shorter plants than in plants receiving di-ammonium and mono-ammonium phosphate, resulting in a less vegetative condition of the plants. Other workers have found (23, 35) that when the soil nitrogen is increased it may encourage excessive vegetative growth, which in turn, delays maturity. Potassium in the soil tends to overcome the effects of high nitrogen (23) and if present in large amounts in the soil, will tend to be absorber and accumulated in excess of need. 36 Flowers There was a significantly greater number of flowers and fruit 30 days after treatment on plants maintained at root temperatures of 70° F as compared with those grown at lower soil temperatures (Table VII). How- ever, by the 50th day after treatment, flowering had increased at all tem- peratures except at 46° F. At 46°F flowering was less than that observed at any other temperature because the flowers had fallen off. Twenty-two days later there was still no increase in flower number at 46° F, but at each of the higher temperatures flower number showed progressive significant increases. Thus, from the table it is evident that the largest number of flowers or fruit 30, 50, and 72 days after treatment were at the 70°F soil temperatures. Thirty days after planting there was no significant difference in the number of flowers produced among plants grown at the 46, 54 or 62°F Soil temperatures. However, after 50 and 72 days the plants grown at 54 and 62°F had a significantly greater number of flowers than those grown at 46°F. These results show that plants grown at a soil temperature of 70" F flowered earlier than those grown at a lower soil temperature and also retained a greater number of blossoms throughout the experiment. A pos- Sible explanation for this phenomenon could be that at the higher soil TABLE VII Effect of Soil Temperature on the Average Numbers of Flowers and Fruits per Plant. Soil Temperature Days After Treatment (degrees F) 30 50 72 46 0. 167* 0. 08 0. 08 54 1. 08 1. 67 7. 00 62 0. 33 2. 08 10.17 70 2. 50 4. 92 15. 00 L.S.D. .05 1.11 .715 2.32 .01 1.68 1.08 3.52 TABLE VIII Effect of Soluble Fertilizers on the Average Number of Flowers and Fruit per Plant. Days After Treatment Avg. no. flowers Treatment 30 50 72 that abscissed Water . 50* 2. 33 6. 67 l. 917 10-52-17 .42 2.58 9.00 1.417 10-52-0 (NH4)2HPO4 +H3PO4 . 83 2. 08 9. 08 1.167 10—52-0 NH4H2PO4 . 58 l. 76 7. 50 l. 333 L.S.D. .05 N.S N.S 1.32 .511 . 01 1. 80 N. S. *Average number of flowers plus fruits per 12 plants. 38 temperature the plant grew more rapidly and reached flowering sooner, resulting in a greater number of blossoms; or, that the 70°F soil tempera— ture was optimum for tomato plant growth and resulted in earlier maturity. The data in Table VIII indicate that there was a significantly greater number of flowers and fruit on the plants receiving 0-52- 17 or 10-52-0 (di-ammonium phosphate) as compared to those receiving only water 72 days after treatment. There was an increase in the number of flowers on the plants receiving di—ammonium phosphate plus phosphoric acid over those receiving mono-ammonium phosphate. Table VIII also indicates that plants receiving starter solutions had significantly fewer abscissed flowers than plants receiving only water. . Figure 4 shows the interactive effect of soil temperature and fertilizer solutions on flower production . At 62° F, plants receiving 10-52-17 produced more flowers after 72 days growth than plants of other treatments. At 70° F, however, plants receiving di-ammonium phosphate plus phos- phoric acid or mono—ammonium phosphate produced more flowers than those treated with 10-52—17 or water. (2) Plant Composition Soluble Nitrogen: The low nitrogen content of the soil used in the experiment appeared to be the limiting factor f0r growth, as indicated by the low concentration of soluble nitrogen in tomato plant petioles four 1'6 14 p... N H 0 Average number of. Blossoms per Plant l 1:- " ‘ ; .' ’ 3 ; ..- I z 1 . l ! - .. p .- .. I 1 .° I i .° I i e. e/ i 1. .' .4 ’ e I i ‘ I .4 f -' I I " 1- . .:. I 0’ a. ’ O N ’ v— . ’9 ’ I L.S.D- /. .05 .01 O. r 1. .1 7 later .0- 10-52-17 eeeeeeee 10-52-0 ph(91;°a:§§duphpa- --- 10-52-Op or so niul phogpno orus 1' L l ‘6 1'. 5‘1]. 525’. 70°F. 8011 Temperature Figure 4 The Effect of Temperature and Partiliser Treatment on Final Flower and Fruit umber per Plant 39 40 days after treatment (Table IX). At the conclusion of the experiment 70 days after treatment, fertilized plant petioles grown at 46, 54 and 62°F (root temperature) contained from three to more than ten times as much soluble nitrogen as did those receiving only water. No differences occurred at the 70°F temperature. Soluble Phosphorus: Two and a half days after treatment there was 50 percent more phosphorus in most of the petioles of the fertilized plants. Soil temperature apparently had little effect on accumulation. Four and a half days after treatment some new growth was visible. The effect of the starter solution became more pronounced and apparently plants accumu- lated phosphorus more rapidly as indicated by analysis of leaf petioles from mono-ammonium phosphate than from the complete starter ordi- ammonium phosphate plus phosphoric acid. Seventy days after treatment the phosphorus content was still maintained at a high level while the nitrogen deficiency, particularly at higher temperatures, even on nitrogen treated plants partially masked any consistent difference caused by different sources of phosphorus. When the soluble phosphorus concentrations of leaf petioles in plants treated with water, 10-52-17, or 10-52-0 (mono-ammonium phos- phate) were plotted for the low (46° F) and the high (70° F) soil temperature at three different sampling dates (Figure 5a, b), it was found that at the 1" 11.11.13 41 .8058 82382822582 85 5 539% 28 58538.5 .828 memo oe 8583 w Ho 5383 89285:... 8283858 280258.20 e we 8w828>< onm 2 .20m .83 .w>< n“gem 2.20m .23 .w><, méom 2.20m 33 .w>< 388.32. 2824 58528822- m be 2 .No 2 .em 2 .oe mean Km Ndmwflfi 4 8238285582. :om one 2822382 83: Aow .3 2080:8352 88 88380 @2358 588:5 28 882028.“ ~88..— 98502. 5 2223895 58 5&0be 8338 Ho 5038-3580500 42 mung—van; uofioum making no “.0900qu no 35593939 dam pagans no 353 3339 n.“ 3521323 3.33m no 33830230 .9 .a n 0.53% 3353.3 n35. 3on «cannon neon m e o n e n m w o m e o n e n w a . o _ 1 q d . . _ fl . _ . . . . A 33.523 A oagnuonn gunoaauloaoa Iguana—05:03 GINO-6..” i Olmnlow "' Stunted II- o' ewlwnlow '0' I cow Ho an; I Roads I oow \ \ . \ oéaoaonnoa Sam new... 09339.8. dam .mooe cow 3 a .5»: 3 °u-d°d u'; {01.1mm guard new; In smoqdaoqd atqntos 43 high temperature the application of phosphorus as mono-ammonium phos- phate resulted in a higher concentration 2. 5 and 4. 5 days after treatment than 10-52-17. Eight days after treatment, the phosphorus concentration of the leaf petioles was about the same for either fertilizer, but was low in non-fertilized plants. Soluble Potassium: Soil temperature apparently had little influ- ence on the concentration of soluble potassium found in the leaf petioles at any soil temperature or starter treatment, irrespective of date of samp- ling. The concentration found in plants averaged from 5, 000 to 6, 000 ppm. 44 Soluble Nutrient Levels in Tomato Leaf Petioles as Influenced by Different Soluble Fertilizer Solutions A study was made of the rapidity of absorption of materials from starter solutions as reflected in their concentrations in tomato and pepper plants following treatment. Methods and Materials: Field planted tomatoes (variety Longred), and peppers (variety California Wonder) were treated with various fertilizer solutions, and samples were taken at three-day intervals for chemical analysis. The fresh leaf petioles were analyzed for soluble phosphorus, potassium and nitrate nitro- gen (4, 6). Tomatoes: Plants were set and treated in a replicated experiment in a fertile soil on July 18, 45 days after seeding. Leaf petioles from six plants were taken for analysis from each treatment on July 21, August 3 and 7. and compared with samples taken before treatment. The treatments follow: Chemicals Used* 1. Water 2. 10-52-17 50% Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 3. 10-26-17 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 31% Ammonium nitrate *Percentages equivalent to four pounds in 50 gallons of water. Each plant received one-half pint of the solution at transplanting time. 45 Chemicals Used* 4. 10-0-17 37% Potassium 16% Ammonium nitrate 5. 21-52-0 100% Di-ammonium phosphate 6. 0-52-34 100% Mono-potassium phosphate Peppers: Sixty day old California Wonder pepper plants were field planted, five plants to a plot, on June 12 in a replicated experiment and treated with three different starter solutions. They were sampled at three-day intervals on June 15, 18, 22, 25, 28 and July 3, 1953. The fresh leaf petioles were analyzed for soluble phosphorus, potassium and nitrate nitrogen (4, 6). Pepper plants received the following starter treat- ment: Chemicals Used* 1. Water 2. 10-52—17 *50% Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 3. 20-30-17 40% Potassium nitrate 40% Victamide 20% Urea Result 3: Tomatoes: Three days after planting (Table X and Figure 6). the concentration of soluble phosphorus in the leaf petioles of plants that had *Percentages equivalent to four pounds in 50 gallons of water. Each plant received one-half pint of the solution at transplanting time. 46 .moEEmm 23qu Emaooufi 025 Bob mowmuocéfi. So a 8m .0 one .0 com a ox, .0 8m .0 of 8N . mmm a: cum EN o2 .4 49m 9: 4 com 4 0mm 4 o2 4 omm . 4 3m 4 z .ez s 3&3. o8 a cow .m SN .m 25 a o? .m 84 6 of owm mum 8N m2. 2... com .448 SN 4 mam 4 m2 4 o8 4 m8 4 now 4 z 42 m 5&3 SN .m ace 4. 8w .4. So .m 93 .m 84 a of .8... m5 com mum one mmu Sow m2 4 24 4 o: 4 go 4 m2 4 m2 4 z .:z 8 .43 8a .m mu. 4. mam 4. mg 4, a: .e owe 4. one 3. mmm m: 84. m3 cam .38. com omm o8 o8 moo 4 m? z .22 R .43 com .m one 4. - - - 8m .0 com .m 2:. 4. of 8m 2: OR owe 8.". can a 48 oz. one o: 4 So 4 08 .4 m; z .22 3.. .44; 8o 4. own .0 84 a 02 .0 So e. com .2. of 2: m: omm omm 8» o9. .448 34 mom 2; 2m 2m. .84 z .:z 3 :3 as e. Ono. mega new .448 8 SE n: z .:z 2 .41 355 AEQQV AEQQV 359 A953 AEQQV 32.552 umo>nmm $735 oémé 2-0-2 5-8-2. 2&2: $33 . o 85 X mam—4F 55534960 «o $wa “5.8me um mofiozom 364 0358. 5 3:23:74 Mo mcotmbcoocoo o5 :o mcouiow nonzuuom go 3522 one '700 § ‘é‘ Solublo Phosphoru- in Plant Hutu-1:1 in 9.9.3. ' u 8 '8' § 100' o \. L. .o” ..“o. “t later i \ \, :21: 18:32:13 .,/ 'o \ :::.::: 3:22; . .g‘.’ _ \.. ‘.O ' oooooooou 0'52-318 l l J I l A l T 6 9 12 .- 16 20 Days Sample Taken After Treatment - figure 6 Concentration of Soluble Phosphorus in Tomato 91m. at Different Smpling' Dates 47 48 received high phosphorus starter treatments had increased from 575 ppm to approximately 700 ppm. At later samplings, due to growth, phosphorus in petioles of plants with high P treatment declined, but was maintained at a higher level than in petioles of plants from the lower P treatments. Fifteen days after treatment, the phosphorus concentration in the leaf petioles was greatly reduced, probably due to phosphorus utilization in growth by the plant and fixation by the soil. Petioles of plants treated with phosphorus tended to have a higher phosphorus concentration for each sampling date up to fifteen days after treatment than plants receiving lower amounts of phosphorus, in fact, petioles of plants receiving starter treat- ments with only potassium and nitrogen had a lower phosphorus concen- tration than those receiving no fertilizer solution. The nitrate nitrogen contents in leaf petioles of plants that had received water or 0-52-34 solution was much lower three and six days after transplanting than in plants that had received nitrogen in the ferti- lizer solution. However, after two weeks of growth in a fertile soil, there was little effect of the nitrogen fertilizer indicated in the nitrogen content of the petioles. All plant petioles contained relatively high nitrogen sug- gesting that the soil was adequately supplied with this nutrient. The potassium content of the starter solution did not appreciably influence the potassium concentration in the tomato leaf petioles. 49 Peppers: The soluble phosphorus content of leaf petioles of pepper plants treated with 10-52-17 (Table XI and Figure 7), and sampled during early growth, was higher at all the sampling dates up to 21 days after transplanting than that of plants treated with 20—30-17 which, in turn, was higher than that of those which received only water. This in- dicates that starter solutions high in phosphorus tend to facilitate phos- phorus accumulation in leaf petioles more readily than do those higher in nitrogen and lower in phosphorus. The nitrate nitrogen content was higher (Table XI and Figure 8) in petioles of plants receiving the starter solution 20-30-17 than in those receiving 10-52-17 six days after treatment. Phosphorus concentrations remained higher 21 days after treatment in petioles of plants supplied With 10-52-17 fertilizer than in plants supplied with 20-30-17 or water, indicating a continued high accumulation of phosphorus as well as nitrogen. TABLE XI The Influence of Fertilizer Solutions on the Concentration'of Nutrients in Leaf Petioles of Pepper Plants at Different Stages of Development. Date Sample Water 10-52-17 20-30-17 Taken Nutrie‘“ (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) June 15 Nit. N 925* 840 1. 290 $01.? 350 680 385 K20 8, 560 7, 700 9, 520 June 18 Nit. N 220 915 1, 275 Sol. P 435 660 450 K20 7. 320 8. 990 8. 620 June 22 Nit. N 530 1, 300 1. 410 Sol. P 470 775 525 K20 8. (160 8, 815 8.100 June 25 Nit. N 585 1,170 1.360 Sol. P 850 680 445 K20 7, 600 8. 670 8. 330 June 28 Nit. N 425 1, 385 1. 425 Sol.P 375 590 420 K20 8. 390 7, 200 7, 660 July 3 Nit. N 830 1. 340 1. 340 Sol. P 320 600 460 K20 8, 130 7. 625 7, 390 *Average from two five plant samples. PhosphOrua 1n L°ar.Potioles 1n PoPmflo Soluble 51 55. C) l 300 III-II... water IIIIIIIID 10. 2_1 _ 150- 5 7 - al-IOIIII 20.30.17 I I I I L 3 10 13 16 21 Days Sample Taken.After Treatment ' ' Figure 7 Concentration of Soluble Phosphorus in Pepper Plants at Different Sampling Dates Nitrate Nitrogen in Lee! Petioles in p.p.n. — Water 200 — I ~ I I l I 3 6 10 13 16 21 Days Sample Taken After Treatment Figure 8 '” 43:3- Concentration of Nitrate Nitrogen in Pepper Plants at 52 of SI; fOI b b81011 53 Tomato and Tobacco Root Growth as Affected by Different Analyses and Concentrations of Fertilizer Solutions In transplanting a high survival is desirable. Sayre (37, 38, 39) in his work with tomatoes found that starter solutions resulted in high plant survival and early resumption of growth. The object of this study was to determine how tomato and tobacco root growth may be influenced by differ- ent fertilizer analyses and concentrations. Tobacco plants were used because favorable results have not always been obtained when this crop is transplanted together with a starter solution. Methods and Materials: On June 4, 1955 tomato (Stokesdale) and tobacco (flue cured type) seeds were sown in vermiculite. The tomatoes were transplanted on June 16, and the tobacco on July 7 to flats of sandy loam soil. On July 12, 1955 when the tomato plants averaged 9 to 12 inches in height, they were removed from the flats and the roots were washed and trimmed to eight centimeters in length, and then transplanted to six—inch pots of sandy loam soil and grown in a coldframe at an average temperature of 87° F. Each pot containing one plant was then treated with 250 millimeters 0f starter solution. All pots were randomized and replicated three times for both treatments and harvest date. There were 13 treatments (as indicated below) and four replications. Root growth for the four replicates for each 54 treatment was recorded two, four, and seven days after transplanting, necessitating the use of 156 observations. The treatments were as follows: Treatment Analysis Concentration Chemicals Used Number Ounces per Gallon 1. Water (control) 2. 10-52-17 1 50%“ Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-ammonium phosphate 3. 10-52-17 2 Same as Treatment 2. 4. 10-52-17 4 Same as Treatment 2. 5. 10-52-0 l 50% Di-Ammonium phosphate + phosphoric acid to make up analysis . 6. 10-52-0 2 Same as Treatment 5. 7. ' 10-52-0 4 Same as Treatment 5. 8. 0-52-17 1 50% Mono-ammonium phosphate + phosphoric acid to make up analysis. 9. 0—52-17 2 Same as Treatment 8. 1 0. 0-52-17 4 Same as Treatment 8. 1 1 . 10-0-17 1 36% Potassium nitrate 15% Ammonium nitrate 1 2. 10-0-17 2 Same as Treatment 11. 1 3- 10-0-17 4 Same as Treatment 11. Osmotic pressure was determined (43) by measuring the conduc- t' ' IVIty of a 2:1 diluted soil sample in a solubridge and using the formula: -~?P‘ \ ________ wercentage equivalent to one, two or four ounces per gallon of distilled ate 1'. SS Osmotic pressure in atmospheres = Conductance in Mhos. X 10 - 5 X 360. The root length of tomatoes was obtained by measuring the ave rage increase in length of four to six new roots on each plant. The tobacco root study experiment was carried out in a similar manner with the exception that roots were trimmed back to four instead of eight centimeters prior to adding the shorter treatments. Re 8 u 1 ts: Tomatoes: Table XII indicates that two days after treatment and at the low concentration the starter treatment without phosphorus significantly retarded the new root growth, and the starter solution with- out ni trogen gave no significant difference in root growth over plants re- ceivin g only water. When both nitrogen and phosphorus were included, there was a significant increase in root growth, and a further increase was Observed with 10-52-17 at the one ounce per gallon concentration. The plants receiving 10-52-17 at the one ounce concentration had four times as much root growth as 10-0-17, indicating that starter SOIUtiOns should have a high phosphorus level. With applications at the 10w Concentration, the treatments can be rated as follows with respect to increasing root growth: 10-0-17 Water 0-52-17 10-52-0 10-52-17. At the two-ounce per gallon concentration measured two days after appli- cation’ the complete fertilizer gave a significant increase in root length OVer . . the other treatments, whereas the starter Without nitrogen gave a S6 doom? mo aozmw Hon :3 Houaouoo no 3055 - 3mm + .Ameotmfifiuoooo 5:38 :8 no.2: «0 among“; mouozamofiomfi 3333 28:50.... .moowozaou .58 Ho 5984 goon emanate... end am; 2. 8. mo .m oo .o E . mo . .D .m t.— wmd «mo. mo.» mo.~ m2. Rio 3 . o3. moo v Sooa on .N. ovo . wo .o mm .v ooo . 3 .o M: . EN . om .o N :ooH on .2 wmo . m.» .o on .m we . me .o om . mom . oo .o 4 Z-o-o4 mod moo. o4 .o mud owo. 86 no. «3 . o4 .o w :émo mo .3 moo . om. .o on .v to . om .m no . woa . mm .o m S-Nm-o m4 .3 ovo . S. .o mo .4. go . mo .o 3. . moo . me .o H :-~m-o om.m m2 . «mo om; m3. owo o4 . N3 . Nmo 1.. o-mm-o4 mod o2 . oo.o wo.m a: . woo mm . SH. ovo N o-mm-o~ no.3 No4 . 3 .o we .m 34 . and mm . o2 . moo 4 o-mm-o4 no.4 own. So on. «mm. 3 .o 3... ova. o>.o v Somofi mm .m of . em .o mm .m m3 . so .m mo . m: . mo .o N 5-3-3 3.: o2 . go ooé o3 . 5o mm. $4 . moo +4 Sémofi om .2 moo . me .o mm .m moo . 3 .o pom. . EL: . mm .o .4325 2.3 as... as. £8.84 . Ea £82 boom 5 own ousmmouo boon E omm ousmmouq “con 5 one 3335 .885 a: 8:25 a .22 a seem a a . r a 1 I a 4 . e m s1: peso a so 8...... all!“ 8 e. E2 moon 4. be... was N 85. .moewa no 5395 boom :0 33m Houafiom oo meoumbeooeoo new 89:22 39:55 We 88mm fix mafia. S7 highly significant decrease in root growth. This suggests that at a higher concentration an unbalanced fertilizer may have a more retarding influence on root growth than its osmotic concentration. This has been noted by Wallace (47) who believed that an excess of one element, phosphorus or potassium, could lead to the deficiency of N which could ultimately result in a deranged metabolism and injury. The roots of the plants which had receive (1 the low concentration starter solution lacking phosphorus were very poor two days after treatment, but in another two days had become significantly better than those which had received the other treatments. Seven days after treatment there was no difference in root growth between plants which had received water or any of the lower rate fertilizer appli- cation 8. However, at high concentrations the complete fertilizer (IO-52-17) was the most injurious resulting in one-quarter as much root growth as was fQI—lnd on plants treated with 10-0-17. The fertilizer without phosphorus did not result in better root growth than did water. The root injury from the Con"llblete fertilizer (10-52-17) at the four-ounce concentration may have men as . . o . . Scolated With the high osmotic pressure of the solution. Tobacco: Two days after transplanting and treatment with the variOUS . . . salts the roots of tobacco plants Wthh received the smaller ferti- lizer ap . . . . . . . pllcation Without potassmm were Significantly poorer (Table XIII) than wer , . e those of plants from the other treatments, Wthh in turn, were all ' ~ - Slg'nlflcantly better than those which received only water. The plants 58 doom? «o 53% you “How Honztuoo Mo 3950 - Baal. .AmcoEmEEuoooo oEEmm ooufi mo ommuoémv monogamofiom 5 ouzmmouo oUoEmOi. .mcotmozaou .38 oo 5mm“: ooo.“ $393.... mm .w oo . NH . Ho . on .m no . oH . mo . d .m .1— mwo o3. woo woo woo. go mo. 3v. 3 .o v 56.3 mm.~ moo. me .o ooo m3 . omio 3 . oz... 3 .o N S-o-oH mod ooo. moo ow; o: . moo mv. ooH . oH .o a S-o-ofi om; «do. oo.m 85 o: . mud mo. 2; . and v Z-Nm-o mm .N. wwo . S .o om 4 So . 2. .m on . o3 . mo .m N S-Nm-o mu .3 ooo . pm .o no .N moo . mo .o E. . woo . mo .m H S-Nm-o mo .H mum . mo .m oo .o wow . mm .m Ho . R; . mm .o v o-Nm-S 2 .o «.3. mod mod 2m. .36 m4 . HoH . oo.o N o-Nm-S mmfi >2 . mo .m ow; o2 . ooo om. N2 . ooo H o-mm-S 2 .N oom. . om .m 2 .o vow . on .o No . oom . om .o v S-Nm-oH 3. .o mom . S. .m ow .o vmm . vo .m oH . ooN . 2 .o N S-Nm-ofi mm. .o moH . mo .m 2 .N voa . ow. .m om . ooo . o“ .o L S-Nm-oH mm .o ooo . E. .o 9. .H moo . mm .o *om . *Loo . mm. .o .833 A83 Emcfl AEoV nvwaofi AEov spwcofi “con 5 omw ouammoua noon 5 omm o-Smmouo , goon 5 09... ounmmona -985 .w>< 28:50 In -985 .w>< 282.60 in -935 .w>< otoEmO Ea 8am Emzzmmkra I a3 5 E2 mg as sfi 1- moo N 3%. 633m 003309. no agouO ”com :o mfiom How-33.3"“ mo mcoflofizoocou new mmmbmgw “co-Hoth Mo Hoouum =3“ maga- 59 which did not receive potassium also gave the poorest root growth at the high— er concentrations. Seven days after treatment the best roots were found on plants which had received the one-ounce concentration of 0-52-17. These plants which had received the complete starter treatment (10-52-17) or the t reatment 10-0-17 had produced significantly poorer roots than had those which received the fertilizer without nitrogen. The 10-0-17 treat- ment was somewhat toxic to root growth of the tobacco plants at all three cone 3 ntrations. Comparison of Fertilizer Effects on Root Growth of Tomato and Tobacco Figure 9 and Tables XII and XIII indicate that, in general, the root growth of tomato was more rapid than that of tobacco; however, there were som e variations in growth response due to treatment. Figure 9 (a) shows that after two days, and at the low concentration, the root growth was about the 83 me for both tobacco and tomato for the 0-52-17 treatment. The 10‘ 0 r l '7 caused a sharp drop in the root growth of the tomato, but had little effect on the roots of tobacco, indicating the possibility that phos- p horns was not as essential for root initiation in tobacco as in tomato. In tom ato, phosphorus seemed to be the most important factor in root in- itiation. whereas, in tobacco, potassitun appeared to be more necessary fOr thi S r 1 . . . esponse, or e se the nitrate nitrogen was more deSirable to tobacco roo . ts bIJt more detrimental to tomato roots. The most new root growth of tOma .. . . to and tobacco occurred with the complete starter solution '. homo hast-h of boto 1n Cannot-or. 6O (0) Root Longtb lilo Days After ‘l‘rootout .0 '- --- Tobacco - ooo mnoo’ 0’ —— Tobacco - tour ouncu . I. ‘ o coo-u 'Ibnotooo - ooo ounco I O. b ~ ’. ' -'°“‘ Tomatoes - tour ouncon " I" .fl" - - - . I 7‘ Ant-5o M at boto u haul-tor. 18.0 10.0 8.0 000 0.0 8.0 0 i l l I No Phonphoruo No Nitrogen No Potcoolm Oonploto nutriont. Prooont i. lbrtlllzor Appllod [two 9 o. 19. Root Growth of Tobacco and Tonto Pluto u utootcd' by Dittoront Concontrutlono and Anolyuo of tortilla-r auto Two and Sour: my. Aft-or Trootnont. .' concoct-ration of tortilla: colt poi- gallon of rotor. 61 Two days after treatment root growth of both the tobacco and tomato was suppressed by the high concentration of the 0-52-17 treatment. The 10-0-17 treatment caused an increase in tomato but not in tobacco root growth. A possible explanation for this phenomena may be that tomato roots are more tolerant to the higher osmotic pressure of the solution than tobacco roots, or they are more tolerant to a lack of balance. With 10-52-0 there was a slight decrease in the root length for both the tomato and tobacco; however, tobacco root growth was still lower than that of tomato, yet the osmotic pressure of their soil solutions were the same, indicating either the possibility of a lower tolerance in tobacco to high osmotic pressures, or a higher potassium requirement. Two days after treatment with 10-52-17 at the high concentration there was an increase in the root growth of tomato plants, whereas in tobacco root growth was depressed slightly more than for the other treat- ments. A possible explanation for differences in the response between the two crops could be that the complete fertilizer was better balanced to avoid toxicity for the tomato than for tobacco, and that with the bet ter balance the high osmotic pressure of the solution was not as harmful. The root growth of tomato plants (Figure 9 (b)) seven days after treatment at the one-ounce per gallon fertilizer concentrations showed only slight differences. A plausible explanation could be that the treat- ments that encouraged early root growth, favored top growth a little later. 62 Tobacco showed the most rapid seven-day root growth with the 0-52-17 treatment; however, when phosphorus was deficient, root growth was decreased considerably, but when phosphorus was added and potassium was absent from the treating solution, the root growth increased but not as much as when potassium and phosphorus werepresent together, in the absence of nitrogen. Also, root growth at the four-ounce concentra— tion was greater for tomato than for tobacco plants with all treatments except the complete fertilizer. Both tomato and tobacco roots decreased considerably in length when nitrogen was absent from the starter treat- ment, indicating the need for nitrogen in root growth. In tobacco the roots were three times as long with the complete fertilizer at the high concentration as with the starter solution lacking phosphorus, whereas tomato roots with the same concentration were three times as long with the 10-0-17 as with the complete fertilizer. Seven days after treatment and at the high concentration, tobacco roots were much smaller for all the fertilizer treatments than for those re- ceiving only water, but in tomatoes only a slight reduction of root growth occurred with plants in the 10-0-17 treatment, but there was a marked reduction in root growth for the other treatments when compared with those receiving only water. There are various possible explanations for differences in root growth as the result of analyses and concentrations. The source of nitrogen in 10-0-17 is mainly nitrate, whereas analyses 63 containing phosphorus contain an ammonium salt. Figure 9 (b) shows that seven days after treatment tomato plants treated with 10-0-17 had a good root growth perhaps due to the fact that nitrate nitrogen and potassium were absorbed together more readily, or tomato plants utilized some of the nitro- gen and potassium in their growth, and so the osmotic pressure was re- duced, whereas in tobacco root growth was stunted possibly because of little assimilation of nitrogen and potassium with a resultant higher os- motic pressure. Root growth was again decreased in the absence of potassium in the tomato plants, but increased in the tobacco plant. This injury could have been the result of the ammonium being absorbed quite readily and upsetting the metabolism in the plant roots (Hoagland 17). 'L.’.Rlfl 17.1-Pr- A” ‘— l 64 The Solubility and pH of Different Chemicals Used in Starter Solutions The solubility and pH of the different starter treatments in tap and distilled water were determined. One pound of the starter treatment was dissolved in a gallon of high calcium tap and in distilled water, and the solution was checked for solu- bility after five minutes and 24 hours. Each solution was then diluted 1:16 in distilled or tap water. The data (Table XIV) show that the following chemical mixtures: 23-27-11, 19-26-19, 12-61-0, 0-52-34, 14-0-46, and 16-63-0 were all highly soluble in both distilled and tap water within five minutes after they were added to the water. At the concentration of one pound per gallon, they did not precipitate out after 24 hours. The 10-52-17, 16-56-0 and 21-53-0 mixtures containing di-ammonium phosphate tended to form turbid solutions at the higher concentrations in distilled water, which cleared up when further diluted with distilled water. On the other hand, when these salts were dissolved in tap water at the high concentration, a precipitate occurred upOn standing. The amount of precipitate depended on the concentration of di-ammonium phosphate used in the formula. However, when they were diluted in 1:16 distilled water, the precipitate usually disappeared, but if diluted in tap water, a slight turbidity persisted. The starter treatment Bonro 10-50-10 was less turbid when diluted either with distilled or tap water. 65 .0385 30320 003 22:3 o-mm-HN 30000 0033 022020 8 oHHH 020:0 0023 03300 0.33 .333 32 8 0030020 230 :43. .0033 32 8 03.30 zHEwHHm 003 £033 bH-Nm-oH 30008 .333 32 03 025020 500 8 oHuH 022.6 8053 03200 0.33 0033 02:36 8 0030020 230 :4... 2:88 H 2088 320 8 .320 .320 H 8 320 m .H v .H 223093 028330 mmooH o-mo-oH 05.3 05.0: 233803 283 , 38320 0.3 .0800 80> 0800 303:0 w .v m .0 60:00.3 33008802 0.30m oH -om-oH .088 N 02:88 320 8 .320 .320 m 8 .320 N .o m .o 03-33 8300203 ARooH ov-o-vH .320 .320 320 .320 m .m H. .v 03.30023 83002090002 mmooH vo-mw-o 05.30 0303 22330.3 233 80.608 0.3 E30: 30> 0800 303:0 o .N. o .0 03030003 808088020 nRooH o-mm-HN 2088 H 2:88 320 E .320 .320 H 8 .320 N .0 H .v 22300.3 80308800002 ooooH o-Ho-NH H0330 383 03.30 22300.3 8:30880-HD hRom 320 20 30> .320 38330 80> m .o m .o 223033 80308800002 coon o-om-oH 03:3033 83002030022 comm 85 mama . .320 .320 320 .320 o .o m .o 03.33 8200203 meow oH-oN-oH 03.30 22330.3 03.32 03230023 83002090022 mmom 303:0 30300008 .320 0800 303:0 o .o w .o 03.3093 803088020 mmom nH-Nm-oH 2330023 803088.020 nRom 8.: as” .320 320 .320 320 - g. m .N. 03.38 8300203 mama HH-FN-mm .333 @2 02:88 0.30: 02:88 .333 0033 8 32 3 H23 03.“ H23 on H23 25 023 3B 02:35 0003 03m 20305.. [Insomn— omimmoo 32020 8:88 238 0.3% ! :00; 35828033 3:52:35 828203 f 1“ 523330 000852 308080 300280 00 8.23300 >an Winn <5 has: .3 8:8 so 28 as - noeasmuso 66 PART 11 FIELD EXPERIMENTS Tomatoes Starter Solutions and Irrigation Practices This investigation was undertaken to study the effect of different starter solutions and irrigation practices on the yield of tomatoes. Flats of tomato plants received either starter treatment or water 10 days before field planting. At the time of field setting each plant, in addition, received one- half pint of one of the solutions listed below. Methods and Materials: Four tomato varieties, John Baer, Longred, Valiant and Wisconsin 55 Were seeded on April 11, 1952 and transplanted to flats of sandy loam soil on May 3. On May 14, half the number of flats of each variety received two F— quarts of the startersolution 10-52-17 at a concentration of one ounce per gallon of water. The remainder of the flats received two quarts of water. On May 30, the plants were set in a field of snady loam soil which had re- CeiVecl 700 pounds of 3- 12~12 fertilizer per acre. The plot was divided with four blocks in each half. Each block received one of the irrigation treat- ments. The four varieties were randomized in each irrigation block with both the flat and non-flat treated plants receiving one of the three starter t rea'itnents at the time of field planting. Six plants spaced 3. 5 feet by 5 feet were placed in each plot. Each treatment was replicated once. The starter treatments were as follows: Chemical Used* 1. Water 2. L O - 52- 17 50% Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-ammonium phosphate 3. l 3 - 26-26 50% Di-ammonium phosphate 25% Potassium chloride 25% Potassium nitrate Each plant received one-half pint of a solution of four pounds of chemical in 50 gallons of water. The irrigation treatments were: - N0 irrigation. Irrigated when calculated value indicated soil had fallen to 50% of field CaPacity. ' Irrigated when soil had fallen to 50% of field capacity. Irrigated when soil had fallen to 25% of field capacity. Fresh petiole leaf samples, taken 19 and 24 days after treatment, were analyzed for soluble phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium (4,6). Early and total numbers and weights of fruit were recorded. The early yield consisted of all tomatoes harvested up to September 1. Results: Adequate rainfall prevented a significant effect of irrigation on either the eaI‘ly or total yield of the tomatoes. The starter treatments increased _‘ \ It l'ml‘ecentagle equivalent to four pounds in 50 gallons of water. 67 68 both the early and total number and weight (Table XV) of tomatoes. The two starter solutions (10-52-17 and 13-26-26, Table XV) did not affect weight or number of fruits. Likewise, no significant difference in early and total weight was evident as a result of variety difference where the two starter treatm ents were used. Table XVI indicates that only the Valiant variety gave a significant increase of 1. 8 tons per acre in early yield as the result of flat treatment. The increase amounted to 16 percent in weight, and 30 percent in number of fruitS- This might be explained in that Valiant, an earlier maturing variety, was Closer to the reproductive stage, and the addition of starter solution aided it in flower formation and fruit set. The plants treated also increased Significantly the number of smaller sized early fruit in John Bae r. No sig- nificant increases, however, were evident for either early or total number or weight in the case of Longred or Wisconsin 55, as the result of flat treatment. It is also of interest to note that all the flat-treated plants had I a tendency to produce a greater number of smaller sized early fruits, which however’ only resulted in an increase in early yield of l. 8 tons with Valiant. The flat treatment resulted in a decrease of 2. 4 tons in total yield for the John Baer’ but an increase of 2. 1 tons per acre for Valiant. A chemical analysis of leaf petioles (Table XVII) indicates that the non— flat treated plants of Longred, Valiant, and Wisconsin 55 contained more Solllble phosphorus and less soluble nitrOgen than did plants treated 69 TABLE XV Effect of Soluble Fertilizer on the Yield of Tomatoes #7 Ear_ly Yield Total Yield Treatment Variety Avg. Wt. Avg. No. Avg. Fr- Avg. Wt. Avg. No. Avg. Fr- tons/acre uit Wt. tons/acre uit Wt. Water John Baer 6. 7* 92" .351+ 15. 8 230 .332 Longred 8. 7 112 . 376 17. 7 218 . 392 Valiant 7. 0 96 . 349 14. 8 237 . 301 Wisconsin 55 5. 9 65 . 438 17. 2 227 . 365 Avg. 7. 1 91 . 375 16. 4 228 . 346 10-52—17 John Baer ll. 6 153 . 365 20. 6 286 . 348 Longred 12. 8 157 . 393 20. 9 264 . 383 Valiant ll. 8 154 . 370 20. 7 304 . 329 Wisconsin 55 10. l 104 . 468 22. 2 277 . 386 ‘Avg. ll. 6 142 . 393 21. l 282. 8 . 360 13'26‘26 John Baer 11.4 150 . 367 19.2 268 . 34s Longred 11. 3 144 . 378 18. 0 234 . 370 Valiant 10. 9 147 . 367 18. 9 288 . 316 Wisconsin 55 9. 2 99 . 449 19. 5 249 . 378 Avg. 10. 7 135 .383 18.9 260 .330 I" S - D. of Individual Varieties N. S. N. S. N. S. N. S. L' S - I). for Avg. of . Varieties . 05 l. 3 11. O 0.172 2 3 23. 2 . 01 2. 0 16. O 0. 234 3. 3 33. 7 \ * ”Avfirage weight of 16 six-plant plots in tons per acre. +A Qrage number of fruit per six plants. verage weight of fruit in pounds. 70 .mucma 5m Hon tab 30 Hon—:3: omega... .metcma Boa 0.3qu amp 3 meme 5 mcozgom Hofimum ~33 cough 983 manna 505365 33.2.. .EoEummb “mm o: wfifiooou Boa Egobam «.N no owmno>< .oZ .m>< 33 .m>< J3 .m>< .oZ .m><, 33 .w>< 382:8. Ho 22> ESP mooquoH mo Em; humm— EoEumoHP 3222/ 6033.5; 03th 598th no 32> 05 so 92m 5 EoEumofi. $533.5...“ H>X Miami. @330m “0 333m— och. 71 .muoa Ema-Sam .Emwo mo ouom you mac“ 5 £963 own-H34: .EoEumofl note 9363 .38 eoe—S $353 3me E23 95 mo ommuo>X m-Hmaa. 72 in the flats with the 10-52-17. The reverse was true for John Baer. With the treatment 13-26-26 leaf petioles of the non-flat treated plants of John Baer and Wisconsin 55 contained more soluble nitrogen and phosphorus than the flat treated plants, but the reverse was true for Longred and Valiant. This would suggest that the flat treated plants of John Baer and Wisconsin 55 were larger in size than the non-flat treated plants with a lower concen- tration of nutrients due to dilution. In Longred and Valiant, which are earlier maturing, leaf petioles of the flat treated plants contained more soluble phosphorus and nitrogen than the non-flat treated plants with the 13-26-26 treatment. There also appeared to be an increase in the total yield with an increase in the phosphorus concentration in the plants two weeks after field setting, regardless of the starter treatment. This can probably be associated with the availability of phosphorus to plants for -. _' .1: rapid establishment and growth, which was reflected in the yield of the plants. _‘ Soluble Fertilizer Solutions and Fertilizer Practices This investigation was undertaken to see what effect different starter treatments had on the early and total yield of tomatoes with two levels of field fertilization. Two tomato varieties were treated in the flats at differ- ent dates with starter solutions and with different analyses of starter treat- ments when field planted to soils of differing fertility levels. 73 Methods and Materials: Longred and Stokesdale tomato seeds were sown in vermiculite on March 27, 1953 and five plants per treatment were field set 3. 5 feet apart in rows five feet apart on a low lying field of Hillsdale sandy loam soil on May 30. Moisture supply was supplemented with irrigation to overcome a dry period during July and August. Clover, plowed under the previous fall, had probably influenced the nitrogen content of the soil. The field was divided into four strips, two of which were fertilized with 3-12-12 fertilizer at the rate of 800 to 900 pounds per acre, and the other two strips were not fertilized. The two varieties were planted on fertilized and non-fertilized plots after having been previously treated as follows: 1. No flat treatment (only two quarts of water). 2. One-half ounce 10-52-17 in two quarts of water per flat F applied a day before field planting. A 3. One-half ounce 10-52-17 in two quarts of water per flat applied 10 days before field planting. *‘\z 4 r 7 In the field each plant received one-half pint of one of the follow- ing solutions at planting time: Chemical Used 1. Water 2. 10-52-17 50% Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 3. 18 - 76- 0 Organic compound 74 4. 10-26-17* 50% Mono-potassium phosphate* 31% Ammonium nitrate 5. 0-52-34 Mono-potassium phosphate 6. 20-53-0 Di-ammonium phosphate 7. 10-0-17* 37% Potassium nitrate 16% Ammonium nitrate 8. 4-16-4* Applied on June 18 at the rate of 500 pounds per acre - dry appli- cation. The rate of the above materials were 4 pounds of the fertilizer mix- ture per 50 gallons of water. The design of the plot was a split for fertilizer, variety, flat treat- ment and field starter treatment, giving two fertilizers x two varieties x three flat treatments x eight starter treatments x two replications, or 192 five -plant plots. Plant petiole samples were taken 16 days after field planting of both ’ ”—7 varieties from the non-flat treated plants on fertilized and non-fertilized plots. The chemical analysis was carried out as recommended by Carolus (6). The early yield consisted of tomatoes harvested up to and including September 1. The total yield consisted of tomatoes picked over the entire season. *Percentages equivalent to four pounds in 50 gallons of water. 75 Results: There was a significant early yield increase (Table XVIII) (number and weight) of 2. 1 tons per acre for plants that were flat treated 10 days before field planting, as compared with the plants flat treated the day before field planting, which in turn, yielded an increase of 1. 4 tons per acre more than did the non-flat treated plants. There was a pronounced varietal difference in response due to flat treatment. The flat treatments caused Longred to yield 3. 5 and S. 5 tons per acre respectively more than did the non-flat treated plants, where— as in the Stokesdale a non-significant increase in early yield occurred only when plants were flat treated 10 days before field planting. The variety differences in early yield can be associated with increases in fruit numbers due to flat treatments. Table XIX indicates that the starter treatment 10—26-17 resulted in a greater number of early fruits and an increase in early yield of l. 5 to 2. 9 tons per acre more than was obtained for the other starter solutions vs. ‘l in; a. _ or from water alone. Starter solutions had no significant effect on the total yield. This was probably the result of a high fertility level in the soil. There were no significant differences in the early yields or in the number of fruits between the two varieties or the two soil fertilizer treatments in the field. The chemical analysis of fresh leaf petioles (Table XX) taken 19 76 mdm ~.N o.m Nod S. .m .2 .m .2 .m .2 N .N .m .2 .m .2 .m .2 .m .2 .m .2 vm A H .N mo .N mo . .D .m .A maflcma Row 383 m3. 2 MNm N3 mmm wNN mNN mMN H .Nv m .mm w .3. w .ON 0 .3 o .NN :Nm-S m5 -Eaa Emu wagon .36 gm «on mam SN v3 ooN H .3 0 Km. w .3 n .3 m .5 0 .ON S-Nm-S omv 2m mov 3: m3 EL o .3. m .9. a .wm m. .5 o .3 m .3 .8325 903 Ema-oi“ you owe-33 A903 Ema-o3... Nm no ommuo> 33 now an; 2% non .Hm> 38 wow 33> Emu con :88 N .w>< -moxoum -984 N .m>< -mmxoum mac-H N .w>.<. -moxoum mac-H N .w>< -moxoum twee..— Leon-H. Ruck. Nam-Hum ANHOH. kfihwm ”~me 32:52 0.84 you 33> donors; 0358. Ho muo< Hon much 5 Bo; van .8952 no 33 m5 5 “5.835. 3522mm ofiiom mo “ovum HHS/N Hum-34H. 77 mo .3. mN .oN m .H Ho . 0H .mm .m .2 .m .2 MN .2 .m .2 .m .2 .m .2 _ .m .2 .m .2 m .H .m .2 .m. .2 mo . .D .m J an H .mmm N..mmm o .56 m .NON H .OON m .SN v NH. o .9. m .3 w .wH m .3 v .oH 73% u .NNm o .mNm o .on o .wON N .NON o .vHN v .9. o Km o .NHV o .mH 0 .NH 0 .oH 5-0-2 m .03. v .03 N.NwHV o.mON c.wON N.m0N m.Hv Ndm m2? a .2 w.wH 05H o-mm-mN dem v.03 Ndom mioHN v .oHN N.oHN N.Hv wdm. H. .NHV de odN odH vamé o .mNm N .03 o .Nmm N .mNN H .vNN H .ONN m .Nv v .3 o .2. w .ON v .ON m .HN NH-oN-oH 9va H.mwv 9va HimoH 0.3H N.moH mdv QKN H. .Nv 0.2 N.mH H.oH 0-923 wdmv mdoH m.HwH NdoH ndm mtg H.Nv oKH 5.2 NdH 5.3.2 w .23. o .25 v .wov N .on N .ooH N .R: o .om w Km O NH. v .wH N .wH H. .mH .832, ~3qu ENE 95 .Hma mwmum> mHmHu Hump 33> 3% H5“ 33> 28 umu N .w>< -mmxoum -mnoq N .m>< -mmxoum -wcoA N .w>< .3me .954 N .m>< $305 .984 389 38m :38. _ 3mm 55;lo H3532 984 Sn 3me .mwoquoH. mHmHUmmxSm can @3984 Ho 30¢. Hma much. 5 Eu; 28 umnfiaz “Ham no BamEummfi. umNHHfiumm 2238 Ho “ovum XHX m4m<8 m. .mn a .3. m .3. v .2. o .8 o .No moan“. m mo .m>< a .8 m .8 o .t. w .3. o .S a so 82 .o 65: o .3. m .om m .on o .3 o .3. w .3 0 .NF m .3 m .No mmofi .N 6:3. o .3 o .3. o .3. 0 .2 H .2. o 3.0 o .3 0 Km *0 6m mmg .H 25m dth HE .850 Ho>oo oZ .QEoF HE 5.60 “960 oz dEoP H2 H950 H.950 oz Umnuooom .2 .m m 2 NH .§.< w ousumuoafioh. coouooom ousbmuogwou. than no 68E. .6qu Eoncounmm moonoQV muBmquEoH now no 2960 oaoifiobom Ho boouum Bxx mqmafi. 89 Summary of Field Tomato Studies The tomato field data indicated that starter solutions of medium nitro- gen and potassium contents and high in phosphorus (10- 52-17) generally increased the early and total number and weight of tomatoes. Flat treatment up to 10 days before field planting also increased early yield in most of the varieties. Varie- ties responded differently to the flat treatment. For example, a one- or ten-day treatment of the flats before field planting with Longred increased the early yield, whereas in Stokesdale the early yield was increased only when treated ten days be- fore field setting. The increase in yield for both flat and field treatment was gen- erally the result of an increased number of smaller sized fruit. Increases in yield. as a result of field applied starters, may not be realized in soils of high fertility as indicated by the 1953 results. The data also indicated the tendency for increases in total yield when the phosphorus content was high in plants two weeks after field setting. When tomatoes from the same seeding were field set at two consecutive dates, those set on the first date gave increases in early yield over plants set a week later, regardless of the treatment applied. This empha- sizes the importance of a week's difference in plant growth on early production of fruit. Increases in early tomato yield were also obtained when starter solu- tions were used in combination with a polyethylene mulch. The polyethylene caused an increase in soil temperature of two to three degrees F, which probably permitted more rapid absorption of nutrients by the plants. Thus, the mulch in- creased the value of the starter fertilizer. 90 Peppers Effect of Soluble Fertilizer Treatments on Yield of Peppers In this investigation California Wonder pepper plants were given different starter solutions at field transplanting to determine the effect on early and total yield. Methods and Materials: The 1953 crop was seeded March 27, and field planted June 6, on soil that had received a 3-12-12 fertilizer at the rate of 400 pounds per acre. The 1954 crop was seeded April 8, and field planted June 4, on soil that had received a 5-20-20 fertilizer at the rate of 300 pounds per acre. Both seasons the plants were placed two feet apart in rows three feet apart. There were ten plants per treatment, and each treatment was replicated three times. Natural precipitation was supplemented with irrigation. The starter treatments were as follows: Chemicals Used 1. Water 2. 10-52-17* 50%M Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 3. 18-76-0 Victamide 4. 10-26-17 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 50% Ammonium nitrate 5. 0-52—34 Mono-potassium phosphate 6. 20-53-0 Di-ammonium phosphate 7. 10-0-17 37% Potassium nitrate 10% Ammonium nitrate 91 Chemicals Used 8. 19-28-14 Instant Vigoro 9. 16-63-O* Carbamide phosphate 10. 1953. 4—16-4 Dry application rate 500 pounds per acre two weeks after transplanting. 1954. 3-12-12 Dry application rate 500 pounds per acre. Results: The 1953 peppers showed (Table XXV) no significant differences in either early or total yields as the result of starter solutions. Table XXV indicates that in 1954 treatments 0-52-34, 3-12-12 dry application and water produced the lowest early number of fruit and yield. The data also indicate that in 1954 the treatments 10-52-17, 20-53-0, 16-63-0, and 18-76-0 caused a significant increase from 43 to 65 percent in early yield and from 45 to 63 percent increase in early fruit numbers, as compared with yields and number of fruits where water, 0-52-34 or 3-12- 12 were applied, thus indicating a need for a high phosphorus with a medium or high nitrogen for an early pepper yield. Potassium in the starter solution was of little or no benefit. The increase in early yield of peppers from starter solutions high in phosphorus was probably due to the phosphorus inducing an earlier maturation in plants, which resulted in a greater number of flowers and fruit. Nitrogen was necessary for plant growth. Peppers receiving the treatments 19-28-14, 10-52-17, 20-53-0, and 18-76-0 produced significant ‘Supplied by Victor Chemical Company "In treatments 2 and 9, percentages equivalent to four pounds in 50 gallons of water were used. TABLE XXV Effect of Soluble Fertilizer Treatments on Early and Total Yield and Number of Peppers. m = 1953 Harvest 1954 Harvest Treatment EARLY YIELD* TOTAL YIELD EARLY YIELD TOTAL YIELD Avg. Wt. Avg. No. Avg. Wt. Avg. No. Avg. Wt. Avg. No. Avg. Wt. Avg. No. Water 6. 0“" l9. 0 24. 3 119. 5 10. 3 29. 0 34. 3 109. 0 10-26-17 7. 4 25. O 21. 6 104. 6 12. 3 35. 3 39. 6 120. 3 19-28-14 10. 4 37. 0 26.1 121. 0 12. 5 37. O 40. 9 117. 3 10-0- 17 5. 3 18. 3 18. 6 94. 2 12. 7 36. 0 39. 3 122. 0 10-52-17 7. 9 27.3 18.8 86.6 14.8 42.0 41.9 122.7 20-5350 8. 4 28. 6 22. 8 104. 9 14. 9 43. O 44. 6 136. 0 16-63-0 8. l 29. 0 22. l 108. 6 15. 2 44. 6 39. 3 120. 7 18-76-0 8. 8 . 32. 3 21. 9 103. 2 l7. 0 47. 0 42. 4 123. 7 0-52-34 7. 0‘“' 23. 6 24. 2 118. 5 7. 7 22. 6 34. 6 109. 7 4-16-4 (1953)6. 7 23. 6 l8. 8 92. 2 8. 8 25. 0 34. 6 104. 7 3-12-120954) Dry application L. S. D. . 05 N. S. N. S. N. S. N. S. 3. ll 8. 4 5. 96 17. 22 .01 4.27 11.5 8.17 24.30 *Early yield consisted of peppers picked up to August 20, and the total yield consisted 0f peppers picked during the whole season. “Average weight in pounds of three lO-plant values. 93 increases in the total yield over those receiving treatments 0-52-34, 3-12-12, and water. This again indicates the need for nitrogen and high phosphorus in the starter solution. The increase in yield was associated with an increase in both size and number of fruit. Differences in the response of peppers to starter solutions in 1954 and not in 1953 could be, in part, due to environment. In 1953 during the flowering and fruit set period, the weather was quite warm and continued to be so for the remainder of the growing season. On the other hand, for the 1954 crop, the weather was warm up to blossom and fruit setting time, and then turned cool. This latter environment seemed to be closer to the opti- mum and so expression of growth and yield, due to the starter solution, was more pronounced. 94 Celery Concentrations of Soluble Fertilizer Solutions on the Yield of Several Varieties of Celery In 1952 a study was made of the effect of different concentrations of 10-52-17 starter fertilizer on the yield of three celery varieties. Methods and Materials: Three varieties of celery, Cornell 19, Top Ten, and Ten Grand, were "hardened off" in a coldframe for eight days before field planting at the Michigan State University experimental muck farm, on a plot which had received 2, 000 pounds per acre of 0-10-30, and 500 pounds of sodium chloride. Normal rainfall was supplemented by irrigation. The plants were spaced six inches apart in r0ws 32 inches apart. There were 20 plants per treatment and each treatment was replicated once. The starter treatments were: 1. Water 2. 10-52-17, 4 pounds per 50 gallons of water. 3. 10-52-17, 6 pounds per 50 gallons of water. 4. 10-52-17, 8 pounds per 50 gallons of water. Each plant received one-half pint of solution at transplanting time. The crop was harvested August 5. 95 Results : The starter solutions were an important factor in permitting the green Varieties to reach full development (Table XXVI). They were signi- ficantly increased by the starter solution, but Cornell 19 was not. It was also further evident that the six and eight pound concentra— tions of starter solutions produced a greater yield than plants receiving only VWater, however, no significant differences occurred between the differ- ent St:arter solution concentrations. Eifferent Soluble Fertilizers on the Yield of Four Celery Varieties In 1953 the study in the use of fertilizers of different analyses in 313113 r solutions on celery varieties was carried out on the Michigan State UMVE I‘sity muck farm. This experiment differed from the one in 1952 in that C1i fferent fertilizer analyses were applied instead of the same analyses at different concentrations. The volume of solution was also decreased from one"half pint to one-quarter pint per plant. MethQ ds and Materials: The plants were field planted May 25, 1953, 16 plants per treat- ment: ’ six inches apart in rows 32 inches apart. Each treatment was repli- catetl once. The soil received a 5-10-20 fertilizer at the rate of l, 000 pounds TABLE XXVI Effect of Different Concentrations of a Soluble Fertilizer on Celery Yield. Average Weight of Varieties . Average Treatment Cornell Utah Utah Weight All 19 Ten Grand Top Ten Varieties Water 38. 9"" 44. I 48. 6 43. 9 10-52-17 (4 1b/50gal. water) 41. 7 53. 8 63. 0 52. 8 10-52-17 (6 1b/50ga1. water) 47. 0 57. 9 68. 0 57. 6 10-52- 17 (8 1b/50gal. water) 45. 9 57. 2 65. 4 56. 2 Effect of Soluble Fertilizer Treatment on Average Weight of All Varieties L. S. D. .05 12.3 .01 . 17.4 *Average weight of two 20-p1ant plots in pounds. 96 97 per acre. The varieties were Utah Ten B, Utah Top Ten, Utah Ten Grand, and Cornell 19. The starter treatments were: Chemicals Used 1. ‘Water 2. 10-52-17 (6 pounds per 50 gallon water) one-quarter pint per plant. 3. 1052-17 (12 pounds per 50 gallons) one-eighth pint per plant. 4. 18-76-0 - Victamide 5. 0-52-34 Mono—potassium phosphate 6. 21-53-0 Di-ammonium phosphate 7. 16-38-23 50% Victamide 50% Potassium nitrate 8. 23-0-23 50% Ammonium nitrate 50% Potassium nitrate 9. 32-0-0 Ammonium nitrate 10. 32-0-0 Ammonium nitrate dry (applied at rate of 200 pounds per acre two weeks after field planting). The above salts for treatments four to nine were applied at rates equivalent to six pounds per 50 gallons of water, each plant receiving one- quarter of a pint. 98 Results: On the basis of the four varieties studied there was no significant in- - fluence of the starter solutions on plant weight (Table XXVII); but the green varieties produced increases in yield of up to 30 percent for the 21-53-0 treat- ment. The dry application of a high nitrogen fertilizer did not influence the yield. Eight of the nine treatments increased the yield of Utah Top Ten and Ten Grand, however all treatments except 21-53—0 reduced the yield of Cornell 19. The investigation also indicated that 12 pounds per 50 gallons of 10-52-17 did not increase the yield over that obtained from the six-pound rate. The Influence of Soluble Fertilizer Solutions on the Yield of Celery at Two Harvest Dates This experiment was undertaken to determine if starter solutions influenced celery maturity. The celery was harvested at two dates so that the influence of soluble fertilizers on the rate of maturity could be studied. Methods and Materials: In this experiment on the Michigan State University muck farm two varieties, Utah Top Ten and Cornell 19, were given six different starter treat- ments and harvested at two different dates. The plants were transplanted on March 25, and field planted May 19. Each treatment which contained 16 plants was replicated once for each harvest date and variety. The plants were placed TABLE XXV II Effect of Different Soluble Fertilizer Treatments on Celery Yields. Average Weight of Varieties avergge f All Treatment Utah Utah Utah Cornell 813, 5° Varleties 103 Top Ten Ten Grand 19 (Average weight of 16 plants in pounds) Water 52. 7 45. 3 46. 3 45. 8 47. 5 10-52-17 (6 1b/50 gal. water) 54. 6 54. l 50. l 40. 6 49. 9 lO—52-17(121b/50 gal. water) 52. 8 51. 4 49. 9 42.1 49.1 18—76-0 41.7 46.4 48.8 39.4 44.1 0-52-34 53.7 54.4 51.3 41.6 50.3 21-53-0 58.1 . 57.9 51.3 - 47.5 53.7 18-38-23 50. 3 49. 8 49. 9 41. 7 ‘ 47. 9 23-0-23 48. 7 44. 9 46. 6 42. 4 45. 7 32-0-0 48.8 48.1 51.0 41.9 47.5 32-0-0 (dry application) 51. 2 47. 4 43. 6 40. 3 45. 6 Average Yield of Variety 51. 3 50. 0 48. 9 42. 3 Effect of Starter Treatment on Average Weight of all Varieties L. S. D. .05 12.3 .01 17.4 There was no significant difference in the Variety X Treatment. 100 six inches apart in rows 32 inches apart. The two harvesting dates were July 27 and August 11. The soil on which the crop was grown had received a broadcast application of 5-10-20 at the rate of l, 000 pounds per acre. Each plant re- ceived one-quarter pint of solution during transplanting. Treatments: Chemical Used 1. Water 2. 10-52-17 50%“ Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 3. 10-52-17 (12 pounds per 50 gallons water) (one-eighth pint per plant) 4. 0-52-34 Mono-potassium phosphate 5. 21-53-0 Di-ammonium phosphate 6. 10-26-17 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 31% Ammonium nitrate Results: The results of this investigation (Table XXVIII). indicate that when celery was harvested on August 11 instead of July 27 a significant increase in yield of 36. 8 percent for Cornell l9 and 39. 3 percent for Top Ten was obtained. Yields of Top Ten were 30 and 32. 4 percent above those of Cornell 19 for the early and late harvests respectively. In observing the effect of the starter treatments on the different varie- ties (Table XXVIII), it is evident that at the time of early harvest no significant *Percent equivalent to six pounds in 50 gallons of water unless otherwise indicated. 101 .mp3? Ema-m: 95 Eob mocsoa 5 £963 own-Six a... .339» Ema-2 93625 80.5 mnaaon E Ewes? owmuo>< 2.3.. m .mm m .3 0 .mm m Km 0 .mm m Km 7%: 8 S-om-OH 2 .mm a .3 w .8 .e. .3 m .3 e .5 o .mm 2.8.: 8 93-: e .2. a .5. 2.3 w .8 m .2. m .3 a .3 can: 8 3,-3-0 m .am «4 .3. 2.3.. 3. .Nm 3. .mm o .8 m .3 Own: NC S-Nm-OH 8 .mm m i. 8 .mm a. .3. 2. .am a .3 2.2 3.: 8 2-3-9 m .3. m .2. 3. .mm H .cm 5 Km m .8 3.5 SN “25$ :3. 2 Se 2 =3. 3 £33 Qo-H. :oauoo ooh Soc-SO mop. Soc-80 wczmozmr new $2.83 3m.— umoZmI Baum 833.2; 03% mo 3me wctmotmm mound wczmotmz 03p. co macoEbmouF “£ng own-H o>< 02C. mo Ewan; owmuo>< $33.25 co £903 owmuo>< .mEo; .CBoU :0 $25 wcfimmtmm new mucmEbmofi. Hosea-Sm oBBom Eco-8&5 mo 80mm HZNCOA mqmaad. 102 differences occurred between the starter treatments for Cornell 19, however, the early yield of Top Ten was somewhat less for the lO-.26-l7 treatment. This was again noticeable in the later harvest. This may indicate that the Top Ten variety responded more to the high phosphorus in the starter solu- tion than did Cornell 19. Summary of Celery Investigation The larger more vigorous green celery varieties, probably because of their larger nutrient requirement, respond more to starter fertilizer treatment than the smaller Cornell l9 variety. In the 1953 investigation all the nine treatments slightly reduced Cornell 19 yields, while increasing the yield of Utah Top Ten with eight of the nine treatments. The starter treatment to which the celery responded most was 21 -53-0, indicating a need for high nitrogen and phosphorus. The results indicate that on soils adequately supplied with nitrogen from a broadcast pre-planting application starter solutions are of little value to the celery crop. 103 Cole Crops Effect of Soluble Fertilizer Solutions on Maturity and Yield of Fall Grown Cauliflower The effects of different starter solutions on the yield of cauliflower were investigated in 1952. A problem in cauliflower production is the poor head development that results (buttoning) from any check in growth. Methods and Materials: Cauliflower plants (variety Snowball X) were transplanted 16 inches apart in rows 36 inches apart on Hillsdale sandy loam soil which had re- ceived an application of 3- 12- 12 at the rate) of 800 pounds per acre. The 20 plants per treatment were replicated three times. The crop was trans- Lplanted July 8, treated July 9, and harvested October 7 to 21. Each plant was treated with one-quarter pint of one of the solutions listed below at planting time. Chemicals Used 1. Water 2. 10-52—17 (2 lb. per 50 gallons) 50% Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 3. 10-52-17 (4 lb. per 50 gallons) 50% Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 4. 10-52-17 (6 lb. per 50 gallons) 50% Di-ammonium phosphate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 5. 17-26-17* 50% Ammonium nitrate 50% Mono-potassium phosphate -——_—‘———*_ *Equivalent to four pounds in 50 gallons of water. 104 6. 25-0-23” 50% Ammonium nitrate 50% Potassium nitrate 7. 17-0- 31* 50% Ammonium nitrate 50% Potassium chloride 8. 20-53-0 Di-ammonium phosphate 9. 0-52-34 Mono-potassium phosphate Results Table XXIX indicates that the starter treatment 20-53-0 resulted in a 149 percent weight increase and a 113 percent increase in number of heads cut for the first harvest date over plants receiving only water. The total yield (three cuttings) was also greater (53 percent). for the 20-53-0 treatment than for plants receiving only water. The increase in yield was the result of an increase in the percentage of heads cut, as well as an in- crease in the average weight of the heads from plants receiving the starter solution. The increase in the early and total yield for plants receiving the 20-53-0 could have been the result of the high nitrogen together with the high phosphorus, which tended to produce a more vegetative plant, as in- dicated by other workers (5). No other treatments were significantly better than water. *Equivalent to four pounds in 50 gallons of water. l. 05 .moumozomu Ema-om .38 Eon“ mended 5 EMS? mMmS><§ .mnonwozamu Ema-om .38 th So meSn Mo Sofia: mMmS><.. o.: Md o.e~ Mg. 5.: M .v S. M.NH SN M.: M.M 0.2 SM Mo. .QMJ om.“ SMM M.M~ ve.~ SMM M.MH Swim e.MN o.MM o.» vm-NM-o GM .N.NM ode 0.8 2 .M ed... ode M.MH MMM e.ov M.eM mi: o-MM-om NM; oKM odo MAL SUN H .MM o.Me OM; ~M.M mdfi M.>N M.M 5-9-: M? 4 v .NM M .No M .M~ M .m M KN M .5. M .o MM .M M .Ma M .em M .M MN-o-MN em; M.MM odo M4: >e.~ M.eM ode M.M~ MMM. «Iva M.eM M .N- Sew-S MN .N Sow 0 .MM M .5 «.0 .M 0 .MM M .Ne M .2 00 .M N .em o .VM M .e ASS? saw on}: 8 2&2: oe A a .nm M .NM M .efi nm .N v .vm M .2. M .o om .M M .3 M .NN M .v ASS? .Bm SE 3 2&2: Mo .N M .2. o .08 0 .3 NM .N 0 .MM 0 .oe M .2 :- .M o .em 0 .MM o K 33.»? .Ew on}: 8 SAM-A: eo .N 0 .MM M .NM M .eH «M .m 0 .0M 0 .MM M .2 Mo .M EM .e~ M .eN ...M .M S33 USE dmm SO USE .amm 50 983 dmm So So awn: SQ Amflv Emu .02 So Sac Sofia: Emu .oZ Scamp: SE3: E8 .02 43 .M>< £5 .M>< JSM .M>< £3 .M>< £5 .M>< JSm .M>< . £3 .M>< J3 .M>< -.Sm .M>< “SEES-C. M535 :4 w .SnoSO 8 a: 32> mMEHSD N 3 H3800 B a: BS; MMEHEU M 2.. .8380 8 a: BS; H88. .mcongom SuzflSm SEBOM Ham-Sta 8 S?oG:=mU S mmnoammm NUS" Miami‘s-H. 106 Effect of Soluble Fertilizers on Maturity and Yield of Fall Grown Cabbage, Broccoli, and Cauliflower Methods and Materials: Both the 1953 and 1954 cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower were given the same starter treatments, as well as being transplanted on the same type of soil. Golden Acre cabbage, Midway broccoli and Snowball X cauliflower were used. The crops were field seeded on Hillsdale sandy loam soil. The 1953 crop was "set" on soil in which a growth of clover had been ploughed under the previous fall, which resulted in a rather high nitrogen content. The 1954 crop was planted on the same soil type that had been in a row crop in 1953. The 1953 crop received 3 5-20-20 fertilizer at the rate of 900 pounds per acre, the 1954 crop was fertilized at the rate of 200 pounds per acre. Ten plant plots were replicated three times, 18 inches apart in rows three feet apart. The following treatments were applied: Chemicals Used 1. Water 2. 10-52-17 50%“ Di-ammonium phosphate + 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 3. 17-26-17 50% Ammonium nitrate + 50% Mono-potassium phosphate 4. 20-31-10 60% 10-52-17 + Ammonium nitrate 5. 20-53-0 Di-ammonium phosphate "Equivalent to four pounds in 50 gallons of water. 107 6. 0-52-34 Mono-potassium phosphate 7. 23-0-23 50% Ammonium nitrate + 50% Potassium nitrate 8. 17-76-0 Victamide 9. 30-0-0 Ammonium nitrate The above concentrations were four pounds per 50 gallons of water and each plant received one-quarter pint at transplanting time of one of these solutions. Cabbage The 1953 cabbage crop was harvested on September 2, and the 1954 cabbage crop on September 23. Table XXX indicates that there was no significant increase in the yield of cabbage in either season as the result of starter solution treatment. This was probably due in 1953 to the high residual nitrogen content of the field as a result of the clover crop. The 1954 crop showed a decrease where starter solutions low in either nitrogen and phosphorus were used. When 17-76—0 was used a decrease in yield was obtained, which was probably the result of injury from the use of the starter solution. Broccoli In the 1953 and 1954 broccoli (Midway) experiments, the early yield consisted of that cut to September 1, and the total yield that was cut for the entire season. 108 .mdooo €293 ooh: Eob moo—So E Emooz, owouo>.M M.3 3N. M.M M.M Md. N..N N.3 M.N. N..3 30*V VM-NM-o 13 o .o HéN o .o o .3 M .0 0 .MN 0 .o N .3 o .N. M .3 N. .v v .M M .o o .3 N .o N. .vN v .3. o-MM-0N v.0N N..o M.0N N..o M.Mo o.M M.N.N N..M M.NN M.M 0.: M.M M.M 7N 9.3 3H M.NN M.o¢ 3-3M..oN M.0N N..0 M.0N N..0 M.: M.M N.MN o.N. 0.¢N N..0 0.3N oé M.M N..N v.3 HM M.0N oNv :-0N-: M.NN N..N. M.NN N.S v.3 od. 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