lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll/llllll(ll/ll 0569 3059 zuzsus This is to certify that the dissertation entitled A Process Tracing Study of the Strategies Sixth Grade Children Use in Finding Relations Between Variables presented by Judy Hale Dennison has been accepted towards fulfillment Doctor ‘5‘?“ reqmremems f0Admi ni strati on and Philosophy degree in Curriculum wim Major professor [hue November 8, 1982 MS U is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution 0- 12771 anmhflfnmr; , , _ . "'3 «tr . Ll cmz':.:;m;,gs._&r:¢ 7w" .1._ __ J RETURNING MATERIAggz MSU place in book drop to LJBRARJES remove this checkout from .‘lllc-ll-L your record. FINES will be charged if book is returned after the date stamped below. rm Cl.;!‘.,! é’iqrvv/ willy-i" A PROCESS TRACING STUDY OF THE STRATEGIES SIXTH GRADE CHILDREN USE IN FINDING RELATIONS BETWEEN VARIABLES By Judy Hale Dennison A DISSERTATION Submitted to Michigan State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Department of Administration and Curriculum 1982 ABSTRACT A PROCESS TRACING STUDY OF THE STRATEGIES SIXTH GRADE CHILDREN USE IN FINDING RELATIONS BETWEEN VARIABLES By Judy Hale Dennison A substantial portion of all scientific knowledge takes the form of relations among variables. Despite the importance of problems involving these relations, little is known about the strategies students use in performing tasks requiring that they find relations between variables. The purpose of this study was to determine what some of these strategies might be for sixth grade children. The study involved the selection of six children based on three criteria. Each child participated individually in a practice session and three problem sessions. These sessions involved the child's performance of a task, immediately followed by stimulated recall, using videotapes of the child's task performance. After each of the three problem sessions, the videotape of the task performance was transcribed and inferences were made about the child's performance from the task performance alone. The audiotape from the stimulated recall for that problem was then transcribed and used to validate or disconfirm prior. inferences, as well as to make additional inferences about the child's performance. The performance models were then constructed to reflect the inferences made for the activity and stimulated recall protocols. Judy Hale Dennison All of the problem performances were then analyzed to see, first, if strategies did indeed exist. A strategy was said to exist if a pattern of processing steps was seen to occur more than once in a subject's performances. If strategies were identified, they were modeled. An attempt was made to see how consistent the students were in applying the strategies found. The following interpretations of the data were made: 1. The subjects in this study were accurate in finding rules involving relations between variables. The sixth grade children in this study used strategies when they were asked to find relations between variables, but they differed in the number of strategies they have in their repertoire for this purpose. The nature of the six strategies identified was such that they were modeled as components of'a performance, rather then models of the whole performance. It appears that the rules formulated by the subjects were meaningful, as indicated by the fact that the subjects used the rules to make predictions about what would happen when two elements were tested. It is clear that the subjects were hypothesis-guided in much of their attempt to find rules. DEDICATION To my husband, Dan, for his enduring patience and support and to my son, John Michael, for helping me keep my sense of humor. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express special gratitude to Dr. Edward L. Smith. His advice, personal direction and expert counsel provided invaluable guidance throughout this investigation and during the writing of this dissertation. The author also expresses grateful appreciation to the members of her graduate committee, Drs. Glenn D. Berkheimer, William M. Fitzgerald, and Richard J. McLeod. A special note of appreciation is extended to Dr. Lee S. Shulman, now at Stanford University, for the great influence he had on this study. Finally, the author acknowledges those persons who were on the faculty of the Science and Mathematics Teaching Center at Michigan State University for their continual interest and encouragement. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF TABLES ........................ vii LIST OF FIGURES ........................ viii CHAPTER . I. THE PROBLEM ..................... 1 General Need for the Study ............. 1 The Knowledge to be Taught ........... 1 The Importance of Strategy Identification. . . . 4 The Problem Relative to the Chosen Curriculum Model ...................... 6 An Overview of the Procedure ............. 7 The Research Questions ................ 7 II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............. 9 The Representation of Knowledge ........... 9 The Representation of Procedural Knowledge ...... 10 Distinctive Features. . . . .......... 11 Active Structural Networks ....... . . . . 11 Productidn Systems. . . ............ 12 Flow Charts . . . . . . ....... . . . . . 13 The Specific Theoretical Framework for This Study . . 18 The Concept-Task-Strategy Model ........ 18 Content Analysis ............. 19 Task Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Strategy Analysis ............ 21 What We Know About Strategies ....... , ..... 23 III. THE RESEARCH METHOD AND PROCEDURES. ......... 26 iv CHAPTER PAGE Overview of the Study ................ 26 Research Subjects . . ................ 27 The Papulation and Sainple ........... 27 Method of Subject Selection .......... 27 The Screening Instrument ......... _ . . . 28 The Procedure . . . . . . . . . ........... 32 Overview of the Data Collection Procedure . . . 32 The Practice Session. . . . . ...... 32 Three Problem Sessions .......... 33 The Practice Problem. . . . .......... 34 The Three Parallel Problems .......... 35 Description of the Task . . . . . . . . . 35 Description of the Problems ....... 35 Problem 1 .............. 35 Problem 2 .............. 36 Problem 3. . . ............ 40 The Parallel Nature of the Problems ...... 44 Problem and Protocol Development. ....... 48 Stimulated Recall ............... 49 Protocol Analysis . . ............. 49 IV. RESULTS 0 I O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 57 Overview of the Results . . . . . .......... 57 Rule Formation Data . . . . .......... '. . . . 58 Identification of Strategies. . . .......... 58 Strategies for Testing Rules .......... 65 Strategy I ................ 65 Strategy 11 . .............. 67 Strategy III. . . . . .......... 71 Strategies for Forming Rules .......... 79 CHAPTER ’ Page Strategy IV ................ 79 Strategy V ................ 79 Strategy VI. . .............. 79 Consistency of Strategy Use ............. 84 smary O O O I O O O O O 00000000000000 89 V. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS .............. 90 Summary ...... . ................ 95 VI. IMPLICATIONS OF THE STUDY FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH 96 Educational Implications. ............. 96 Research Implications ................ 98 Limitations of the Study ............ 98 Conclusions About the Research Methodology. . . 101 Questions for Further Study . . . . . ..... 102 REFERENCES . . . ................. . ..... 104 APPENDICES A. The Method of Subject Selection and Criterion Data on Potential Subjects. . ............ 107 8. Description of Particle Sets ............ 109 C. Task Protocol for Determining Correlational Rules--Particle Test and Observation Record for Particle Test . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 111 D. Protocols for the Administration of the Problems and Stimulated Recall and Observation Records for the Three Parallel Problems ...... . ...... 115 E. Typical Questions Asked of the Students in the Stimulated Recall . . . . . . . ......... 123 F. Guidelines for Making Inferences and Analyzing Protocols . . . . . . . . ......... 124 G. Definitions of the Processes Used in Modeling the Performances and Strategies ....... 127 vi LIST OF TABLES Page Concepts Network for the Particle Test . .. ...... 29 Concepts Network for Problem 1 ............ 37 Concepts Network for Problem 2 ............ 41 Concepts Network for Problem 3 ............ 45 Rule Formation Data. . . . . . . . . ......... 59 Subjects' Use of Strategies on Each Problem ...... 86 Strategies Used by Subjects on Each Problem ...... 88 Numbers of Rule-Testing and Rule-Forming Strategies Used by Subjects .............. 92 Summary of Ad Hoc Prediction Data ........... 94 Citerion Data on Potential Subjects. ' ......... 108 Description of Particle Sets ............. 109 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure . Page 1. Flow chart representing a strategy for finding relations between variables based on preliminary piloting data. 0 O O O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O O O O O 15 2. An example set of materials for the Particle Test. . . . . 31 3. Matrix representing the rods that make up the set of elements for Problem 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 4. Matrix representing the pairs of wheels that make up the set of elements for Problem 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 5. A pictorial representation of a pair of wheels . . . . . . 39 6. Representation of the pattern made when a pair of wheels was rolled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O 7. Matrix representing the wires that make up the set of elements for Problem 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4O 8. Sample Activity Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 9. Sample Stimulated Recall Analysis. . . ........ . . 52 10. Sample Performance Model . . . . . . . . , . . . ..... 55 11. Strategy I: Testing a rule by controlling variables . . . 66 12. Abbreviated Performance Model of Pilot Subject #2-- Hires PrObleMI O O O O O I O O O I I O I O O I O ..... 68 13. Strategy II: Testing a rule by observing correspondence between values on the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable . . . . . . . . . . 72 14. Performance Model of Pilot Subject #1-- Rods Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 73 15. Strategy III: Testing a rule by selecting extreme values strategy, a special case of Strategy II . . . . . . 76 viii Figure ‘ Page 16. Performance Model of Subject #5--Rods Problem ....... 77 17. Strategy IV: Formation of a rule by controlling variables. . . . . .......... . ......... 80 18. Strategy V: Formation of a rule by observing correspondence between values on the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable . . . . ...... 81 19. Performance Model of Subject #5--Wires Problem ...... 82 20. Strategy VI: Formation of a rule by selecting extreme values, a special case of Strategy V ....... 85 21. The COMPARISON secondary process. Input: A variable concept, Element A, and Element 8. Output: A comparative concept relating Element A, and Element 8 on the input variable. . . . . . . ..... 140 22. The OBSERVE secondary process. Input: element, observation/measurement procedure, value of independent variable. Output: value concept for dependent variable (activation of a node). . . . . . . . . 141 23. The OBSERVEI secondary process. Input: element, observation/measurement procedure. Output: value concepts for independent and dependent variables (activation of nodes). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 24. The SERIATION tertiary process. Input: A variable concept, Element A, and Element 8. Output: An ordinal concept relating Element A, and Element 8 on the input variable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 25. The MAXPIC tertiary process. Input: set of elements, variable concept. Output: element displaying the maximum value on the variable concept. . . . . . . . . . . 146 26. The INDEPENDENT VARIABLE IDENTIFICATION tertiary process. Input: set of elements. Output: activation of a node corresponding to the difference variable name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 27. The MINPIC tertiary process. Input: set of elements, variable concept. Output: element displaying the minimum value on the variable concept. . . . . . . . . . . 149 28. The GT ELEMENT SELECTION tertiary process. Input: set of elements, variable concept. Output: element displaying a greater value on the variable concept than element(s) already used . . ...... . . ..... 150 ix Figure 29. 30. 31. 32. The LT ELEMENT SELECTION tertiary process. set of elements, variable concept. Output: Input: element displaying a lesser value on the variable concept than element(s) already used . . . . . . . The SE ELEMENT SELECTION tertiary process. set of elements, variable concept. Output: Input: element displaying a value on the variable concept the same as or equal to element(s) already used . . The GT ELEMENT SELECTION WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE tertiary process. Input: set of elements, two variable concepts. Output: element displaying the same value on one variable concept and a greater value on the other variable concept than element already used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The LT ELEMENT SELECTION WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE tertiary process. Input: set of elements, two variable concepts. Output: element displaying the same value on one variable concept and a lesser value on the other variable concept than element already used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 151 153 154 156 CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM A substantial portion of all scientific knowledge takes the form of relations among variables. In physics, the classical laws of motion specify relations among distance, time, velocity, force and other variables with which moving objects are described. In chemistry, the gas laws specify relations between the temperature and pressure of a gas and the volume it occupies. Elementary and middle school programs attempt to teach relations and skill in finding relations between variables. An activity in the Science Curriculum Improvement Study (S.C.I.S.), for example, has the children explore the effect that weight and shape has on how well a paper airplane will fly through the air. DeSpite the importance of problems involving relations between variables in the sciences, we know very little about the strategies students use in performing tasks requiring that they find relations between variables. The purpose of this study is to determine what some of these strategies might be for sixth grade children. General Need for the Study The Knowledge to be Taught In an age characterized by an explosion of knowledge, conceptualization of learning outcomes has become an important focus in educational circles as a response to the question: What should be taught? Shulman and Tamir (1973) refer to this issue as an attempt to find ". . . what is most learnable under given conditions, (and) what is most readily retained and transferred to new situations. . ." (p. 1105). Prior to the early 1960's, the major emphasis was on facts, concepts, and principles that were the stable truths of a discipline. In 1963, Bruner argued for the teaching of the "fundamental structure of a subject.“ He argued that to “learn structure, in short, means to learn how things are related" (p. 7). Bruner expected these structures to serve as mechanisms for learning and transfer to new situations, but he did not suggest how these structures were to be identified or described. Gagne's (1965, 1970) work brought a great deal of attention to the learning of tasks. These tasks were defined in terms of observable behaviors. Consequently, the behavioral objective (Mager, 1962) became a popular way of describing learning outcomes. A Gagneian task analysis, by its very structure, might lead one to assume that the outcome of learning a task will be the same for every student. Bessemer and Smith (1972) point out, however: While behavioral objectives are sometimes rightfully criticized as too narrow in scope, or as obscuring the overall organization of content, the value and necessity of defining tasks is now commonly-recognized. Not so commonly recognized, however, is the fact that a variety of educational outcomes can result from instruction on a particular task, even when all students fully master the task (p. 4). In other words, students can learn different ways of performing a task which, in turn, might become an altogether different educational outcome than might have been intended. Bessemer and Smith further argue that the strategies and skills one learns as one performs a task may determine the other tasks that may be learned readily. In their words, ". . . the particular skills which are acquired make a great deal of difference in what kinds of new situations the student will be able to handle“ (p. 7). Modern psychology no longer accepts only a behavioral descrip- tion of tasks. All theoretical positions, including Gagne's (1974), have incorporated some information processing into their theories. Resnick (1976) argues that what is and can be learned is a strategy for performing a task or a series of similar tasks, and that such strat- egies can be made explicit as intended outcomes or objectives of instruction. A strategy is defined, for the purposes of this study, as a set of information processing steps that are applicable to a range of similar situations. A strategy model is differentiated from a per- formance model in that a strategy model is generalizable to similar problems and a performance model describes only the steps performed on a single problem. Some strategies are more appropriate as learning outcomes than are others because (1) they are more learnable by the p0pulation, and (2) they are more generalizable; i.e., applicable to a broader range of situations and are more efficient. A strategy that is used by some children in a population is quite likely to be learnable by other such children. One approach to meeting the criterion of learnability, then, is empirical analysis--process tracing of strategies found in the population. A rational analysis of the empirically-determined strategies can lead to judgments as to the potential generalizability of those strategies to other situations. Potential learning outcomes in the form of strategies can be devel0ped and/or identified by taking into account the models of strategies used by children in the population. The purpose of this study is to provide base-line data concerning what strategies can be found among sixth grade children for finding relations among variables. It addresses the question of learnability through empirical analysis; i.e., process tracing the strategies sixth grade children use in finding relations between variables. It does not address the question of generalizability as described above. The Importance of Strategy Identification The identification of strategies as potential learning outcomes is important to curriculum developers, researchers, teachers, and learners. 1. Curriculum developers should be able to apply the notion of strategies explicitly in the development of instructional materials. “If strategies can be adequately represented, then instruction can be planned to enhance the mastery, workings, selection or retrieval of these strategies when needed by students" (Shulman & Shroyer, 1976, p. 15). 2. With adequate representation of strategies, research regarding the teaching, learning, and transfer of strategies can be designed. 3. Having determined the more appropriate strategies in terms of learnability and generalizability, teachers can use this information to assess whether or not a task has been performed in an appropriate way. 4. Teachers will be better able to give guidance to the child having difficulty with the performance of a task if they are aware of appropriate strategies. “Students adept at solving mathematical problems may be compared with physicians skilled in diagnosis. Knowing how 'experts' behave has certain clear implications for how teachers assist students to perform expertly“ (Shulman & Shroyer, 1976, p. 12). ' 5. If appropriate strategies for performing a task can be laid out explicitly for the student, he will be able to learn selected tasks more efficiently. Knowledge of strategies is important beyond information about potential learning outcomes. Students may come to a situation with an already acquired strategy. Identification of ineffective or problem- atic strategies will enable teachers to look for these undesirable strategies and, knowing where students are to begin with, may enable the teachers to plan how to teach other strategies; i.e., how to move students from undesirable Strategy A to desirable Strategy 8. It may also be that the process the student uses in finding a relation is not important; i.e., the relation itself is the only outcome of importance. One would assume, in this case, that how one finds the relation would not later create a problem in finding other relations. Having knowlege of strategies that are used by a popu- lation of students for solving problems similar in nature might aid a teacher in helping a student become more efficient with “the strategy of least resistance“ for that student, rather than trying to teach one that is more difficult. The Probiem Relative to the Chosen Curriculum Model Smith (1974) conceives of children's scientific knowledge in terms of three interrelated aspects: concepts, tasks, and strategies. The major assumption underlying this work is that within a discipline, concepts of a particular kind (e.g., variables) are associated with particular tasks for which generalizable strategies may be developed. A major goal of the work is to examine the role of these three aspects (concepts, tasks, and strategies) in learning and transfer. The present study uses Smith's Concept-Task-Strategy Model as its theoretical framework and is directed at identifying potential desirable learning outcomes in the form of strategies for science tasks. The task of interest in this study is to find relations between variables: Given: Set of elements Observation/measurement procedure for the dependent variable Dependent variable name Required: Correlational rule for independent variable(s) and dependent variable that holds for the given elements The strategy or strategies sought are a set or sets of information processing steps that are applicable to a range of similar situa- tions. A strategy model is differentiated from a performance model in that a strategy model is generalizable to similar problems and a performance model describes only the steps performed on a single problem. An Overview of the Procedure The study involved the selection of six children based on a set of criteria (see Appendix A). Each child participated individ- ually in a practice session and three problem sessions. These sessions involved the child's performance of a task, immediately followed by stimulated recall, using videotapes of the child's task performance. After each of the three problem sessions, the videotape of the task performance was transcribed and inferences were made about the child's performance from the task performance alone. The audiotape from the stimulated recall for that problem was then tran- scribed and used to validate or disconfirm prior inferences, as well as to make additional inferences about the child's performance. The performance models were then constructed to reflect the inferences made for the activity and stimulated recall protocols. All of the problem performances were then analyzed to see, first, if strategies did indeed exist. A strategy was said to exist if a pattern of processing steps was seen to occur more than once in a subject's performances. If strategies were identified, they were modeled. An attempt was made to see how consistent the students were in applying the strategies found. The Research Questions This study proposed to answer two questions: 1. What strategies, if any, do sixth grade children use in finding relations between variables? 2. Is a strategy or elements of a strategy used consistently by a child when presented three parallel problems involving the same task over different content? CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCH The present chapter reviews the research considered in the development of this study. The first section reviews literature related to how knowledge.can and should be represented. The second section deals with how procedural knowledge can be represented. The third section describes the specific theoretical framework, the Concept-Task-Strategy Model, this study employs. Finally, the last section reviews selected literature related to what is known about strategies for accomplishing tasks. The Representation of Knowledge As indicated in the problem statement of this study, there are a number of differing opinions as to how potential learning outcomes should be described. The problem is basically one of how knowledge can or should be represented for educational purposes. Anderson (1976) distinguishes between two basic kinds of knowledge--declarative and procedural. He defines declarative knowledge as “. . . knowledge of facts about the world” (p.78) and procedural knowledge as “. . . knowledge about how to do something“ (p.78). Some artificial intelligence psychologists (e.g., Newell and Simon, 1972) suggest that all knowledge be represented as procedures (productions, in this example); others find more merit in representing all knowledge declaratively (e.g., the active structural network of 10 Norman and Rumelhart, 1975). Anderson (1976) contends that any piece of knowledge can be represented in either form. The representation of knowledge need not be an either-or dilemma. The question is not how to represent all_knowledge, but, rather how to best represent a given piece of knowledge for given purposes. Anderson (1976) cites the following as criteria for making a choice: ' It is much more economical to represent declaratively that knowledge which is subject to multiple, different .uses and without having to incorporate the knowledge into all the necessary procedures that will use it . . . . 0n the other hand, knowledge used over and over again in the same way; for example, how to generate sentences, would seem to be better represented in a procedural format in which it can be applied more rapidly (p. 118). Greeno (1976) provides a more general criterion; that is, whatever representation best fits for educational purposes. For purposes of focusing on the strategies sixth grade children use in finding relations between variables, a procedural representation is most appropriate. It is hypothesized that children will apply the same strategy, or components of a strateQY. to problems that are parallel in nature. The fact that the experimenter is interested in a “how-to“ question and that the strategies are hypothesized to be used over and over again in the same way, seems to warrant the use of procedural representation. Further, using Greeno's criterion, a procedural representation seems to fit best for the educational applications this study addresses. The Representation of Procedural Knowledge Greeno (1976) suggests the use of distinctive features, active structural networks, and production systems for representing problems 11 where "a situation is presented and a goal is specified, and the student is required to supply a set of procedures for achieving the goal“ (p. 136). He uses, as an example of this type of problem, a problem involving the geometry of angles and parallel lines. Distinctive Features The role of a network of distinctive features is that of allowing the subject "to identify certain patterns of relational properties,“ in the case of Greeno's example, "to identify relevant relations between pairs of angles“ (Greeno, 1976, p. 137). He uses a flow chart to represent the network of features, each node in the network being a decision box concerning whether a given feature is present or not. As far as the present work is concerned, this pattern matching phase of problem solving has not been detailed. It is subsumed in the processing having to do with scanning the elements and identifying the variables. The focus of this study is on the manipulation of variables rather than on the identification and selection of those variables. It is felt by the researcher, therefore, that the level of detail offered by the network of features is nonessential for the present work. It could be added when, and if, it was needed. Active Structural Network Greeno (1976) uses the active structural network (similar to those of Anderson and Bower, 1973; Kintsch, 1974; Norman et at., 1975) to represent the relations among the concepts employed in solving the problem. The present work employs a network called an analytic network (the product of the concept analysis of the CTS Model described in 4, 12 the next section) to represent the variables, their values, their observation/measurement procedures, the correlational rules relating them to other variables, and the elements they describe. The repre- sentation is tabular, and, thus, different from the active structural networks noted above. The analytic network represents the concepts but not the relationships among them. The relationships are conceived of as connections between nodes as in the structural networks, but the relations are described in text rather than diagrammatically. Smith (1972, 1974), in his Concept-Task-Strategy (CTS) Model, presented the analytic network in tabular format because the interrelations between the concepts involved are constant. Thus, use of network diagrams to display these interrelations is unnecessary. Production Systems Greeno (1976) uses the production system to describe the problem-solving procedure associated with finding a solution to the problem. His conception of a production system is based on the work of Newell and Simon (1972). Greeno's example of the network of produc- tions needed to solve problems about angles and parallel lines is represented as an active structural network. He contends that knowl- edge structures like this one are necessary, but not sufficient, for students to solve the required problems. "An additional requirement is a system for interpreting a problem, setting goals, and selecting productions from the knowledge base for use in generating the relations among components of the problem. This, then, becomes the role of the interpreter“ (Greeno, 1976, p. 141). Greeno does not Specify how this interpretation system should be represented. 13 The biggest problem associated with the production system notions of Newell and Simon (1972) is the technical language and its inability to communicate to researchers and practitioners that are not in the field of artificial intelligence. It appears that the notions of setting goals and sub-goals and evaluating present states as to whether those goals have been met could be employed in the framework of Smith's (1974) and Padilla's (1975) flow-charting (to be described in the next section) without becoming encumbered with the language barrier. For example, the processes Smith and Padilla refer to as DECODE, SCAN, IDENTIFY might fall under the goal of identifying the problem. When a list of possible independent variables has been generated, then the goal of choosing a rule to evaluate for its truth value may take over. The notions of goal-setting and goal-searching might be potentially valuable in thinking about the present work. Computer simulations, however, are not employed in this work. Flow Charts Greeno (1976) suggests that flow chart representation is most appropriate for procedures that are more or less algorithmic in nature, such as adding fractions. The flow chart outlines the component processes of a procedure. In general, the procedure is not unique--there are more ways than one to calculate the correct answer. Alternative procedures can be represented in different models, or incorporated in a single nondeterministic model that allows different branches to be taken (Greeno, 1976, p. 125). A procedural flow chart can be general in regard to the represen- tation of the thing to be operated on or can be made more explicitly applicable to a given set of materials. As defined in this study, the q. 14 identification of strategies is the identification of procedures, at some level, usable in dealing with parallel problems involving the same task. Thus, a flow chart mode of representation appears to be appro- priate. The preliminary flow chart that appears in Figure 1 is similar to Greeno's flow charts and is general as to the set of materials being operated on, although it is based on the preliminary piloting data from a set of pairs of wheels where the independent variables were the size of the bigger wheel and the size of the smaller wheel, and the dependent variable was the size circle a pair of wheels makes. These materials are described further in Chapter III. The preliminary strategy model shown in Figure 1 and the other models produced in this study were attempts to conform in language and form to the precedent models of Smith, McClain, and Kuchenbecker (1972) and Padilla (1975). Padilla (1975) used flow charts to represent his strategy information processing models for the seriation of objects having non-visual variables. Following a precedent set by Smith et al. (1972), Padilla described the steps in the model as primary, secondary, or tertiary processes. The primary processes are the basic building blocks available for use and are considered to be a unitary skill; examples are choose, designate, and scan. Secondary processes are frequently recurring sequences of primary processing steps; e.g., the comparison process. Tertiary processes may be defined in terms of both primary and secondary processes (Smith et al, 1972). Examples of tertiary processes include the MAXPIC and EDGUESS routines (Padilla, 1975, p. 101). Padilla began with processes previously defined by Smith et al. (1972), but defined new processes as needed while model-building. An example of a primary process definition is given below: 15 INPUT: dependent variable name set of elements observation/measuremen procedure DECODE ' variable SCAN , elements CHOOSE n_elements from the set of element at random L PERFORM IDENTIFY list of possible independent variables SELECT one independent variable i procedure on chosen elements observation/measurement HYPOTHESIZE ‘ about the relationship of the selected inde- . pendent variable and the dependent variable Hypothetical rule of the form: The er the independent variEETe, the er the dependent variaBTe. CHOOSE element with value d3] for selected independentd variable, P1, and values df dk for the other mindgpendent vaFiables, pm, pn, . . ., pv RFORM observation/measurement procedure on element ‘To 9. 16 V Figure 1. Hypothetical relationship of thei form: The dependent variable is related to the independent variable. A l CHOOSE element with value d al for selected independent3 variable, p]. and values df . adkv for the other mindgpendent vari- ables, pm, pn, . . ., p" observation/measurement procedure on element To p. 16 W Flow chart representing a strategy for finding relations between variables based on preliminary piloting data. l CHOOSE delement with value d] for gpe, and values dkv ., pv fm’d for pm, gpn, . . hypothetical rule to l6 Je__ CHOOSE element with value d9] for gpe, and values d fm 9 ,form Pm. gpn. . . fEV l PERFORM | observation/measurement generate expected value procedure on element .1... _. for dependent variable r- SELECT one PERFORM COMPARE independent] bservation/measurement values of the L_ ariab]e_, procedure on element dependent a jig - variable , REJECT va1ESMS¢REhe , HYPOTHESIS dependent variable ith expected valu Are the a values of the ‘ dependent variable “ the SAME or DIFFERENT? o RECOGNIZE Are the F_ as evidence values of the E "effigm dependent variables E in the 3 expected - In 6 YES what direction are the values of the de- ' pendent variable relative to RECOGNIZE the values of the se- as SUPPOVF for lected indepen- rule RULE RULE .Q . U) K g o INVERSE ..z.. RULE Figure 1. (continued) [— CHOOSE element with value da] for selected independent vari- I able, p], and values dfm, d n, . ., dkv for the l 'OEher independent variables l3.1..11".....p 1'."— _l k___. RECOGNIZE as support for non-rule Th 9- 15 l Figure l. F_- SELECT I one To p- 15 ~.J independent I l variable ___] RECOGNIZE as non-support for hypothetical rule <1) REJECT * 10 HYPOTHESIS 11 HYPOTHESIZE . inverse _] rule l [ RECONSIDER collected data )- RECOGNIZE as support for inverse rule k (continued) 18 SCAN This is a primary process which represents a rather cursory, largely visual, exploration of the stimulus field. It establishes a figure-ground differentiation of objects and detects a few salient features which may enter short-term storage. However, only partial information is obtained, even in the visual modality. Detection of certain salient and/or relevant features usually terminates the SCAN process, or at least relegates it to a background role, and triggers some attentive processing. Thus, the input to SCAN is undifferen- tiated stimulus information while the Output is one or more differentiated perceptual objects. In most cases, many features which are relevant from a formal point-of-view are not detected by SCAN. Other processes employed in this study are defined in Appendix G. The flow-charting of the seriation strategies in this manner was successful in guiding the planning of instruction for teaching seriation and in evaluating the success of training in seriation strategies on performance (Padilla, 1975). Further, the flow charts rather easily communicate to the reader what was occurring in the procedure. The Specific Theoretical Framework for this Study The Concept-Task-Strategy Model Smith (1974) proposed a model for representing knowledge to be taught. There are three components to the model; concepts, tasks, and skills or strategies. 19 Content analysis involved the identification and descrip- tion of related concepts or sets Of concepts. Task analysis results in descriptions of what information is initially given and ultimately required in the performance of the disciplinary tasks. Strategy analysis specifies at a psychological level how available information is processed in the performance of a specific task (Finley, 1977, p. 17). The sections that follow contain further descriptions of these compo- nents, including the underlying assumptions for them. In each section, some discussion as to how that component relates to this study will also be included. Content Analysis Assumptions: 1. Any discipline is built around a set of specialized conceptual systems (Smith, 1974, p. 2). 2. Many of the specialized conceptual systems of a discipline fall into a small number of categories, each of which share a common logical structure (Smith, 1974, p. 2). Description: Content analysis involves (1) the identification of the types of conceptual systems characteristic of a discipline or subdiscipline, (2) the formulation of a paradigm or analytic network which represents the structure of each type of system, and (3) the comprehensive identi- fication and cataloging of the conceptual systems of a discipline according to the analytic network they exemplify (Smith, 1974, p. 2). The content analysis identifies sets of concepts which belong to a particular discipline. For this study Of relations between variables, such a set of concepts includes length, thickness, size of smaller wheel, and size of bigger wheel. These concepts are similar in that each names a variable. For this set of concepts (called “systemic" concepts), a single "analytic” concept can be generated to 20 represent the function of all similar concepts. For example, the analytic concept “variable name“ can be applied to all the concepts listed above. “A complete but relatively small number of such analytic constructs when taken together, constitute an analytic network which specifies the logical relationships between specific or systemic concepts of the discipline“ (Finley, 1977, p. 28). The analytic concepts in the analytic networks for this study are variable name, variable definition, values (comparative and measured), observation/ measurement procedures (comparative and measured), the correlational rules, and the elements. The analytic networks for the three problems of this study appear in Tables 2, 3, and 4 in Chapter III. Task Analysis Assumptions: 1. Most important competencies related to a discipline, at least from a general education point of view, can be presented as manipulations of conceptual systems (Smith, 1974, p. 2). ‘ 2. The level of mastery of a conceptual system may be adequately inferred from a defined set of observable behaviors (Smith, 1974, p. 2). Description: Task analysis involves the identification of perform- ance requirements relevant to a specific type of conceptual system. These requirements or tasks are described in terms of the correSponding analytic network (Smith, 1974, p. 3). “More specifically, tasks are defined by presenting the analytic concepts which represent the given information and the information which is required as Output by the person executing the task“ (Finley, 1977, p. 29). The task for this study represented within this framework may be defined at the analytic level as: 21 Given: Set of elements . Observation/measurement procedure for the dependent variable Dependent variable name Required: Correlational rule for independent variable(s) and dependent variable that holds for the given elements On the systemic level, the task would read for Problem #1, as an example: Given: Set of rods Observation/measurement procedure for how far down the rod bends Dependent variable name: how far down the rod bends Required: Correlational rule relating length and/or thickness of rods to how far down the rod bends that holds for all the rods Strategy Analysis Assumptions: 1. Common information processing strategies are applicable to the utilization of conceptual systems sharing a cannon structure (Smith, 1974, p. 2). Description: Skills analysis identifies alternative information processing strategies by which tasks can be performed. These are descriptions of behavior at the psychological level and provide the basis for planning and predicting transfer among tasks (Smith, 1974, p. 3). “Skills or strategy analysis represents the psychological processes by which someone may complete a specified task“ (Finley, 1977, p. 29). Each strategy is modeled in a flow chart, using defined primary, secondary, and tertiary processes. The primary processes are defined in terms of an input and output and the Operations that inter- vene between them. More complex secondary and tertiary processes are 22 defined in terms Of the constituent primary processes. Definitions Of all the processes used to model the children's strategies in this study are included in Appendix G. I “Taken together the products of Content-Task-Strategy analysis represent the structure of a portion of a discipline. The description consists of related sets of concepts (conceptual systems), specified tasks to be performed with those concepts, and strategies which model at a psychological level how the task can be performed” (Finley, 1977, pp. 30-31). As mentioned earlier, it is this latter component, the strategy component, that leads one to consider the possibility of transfer. Both lateral and vertical transfer have been studied using the CTS Model (Padilla, 1975; Finley, 1977). The scOpe of the present study is, however, related only to lateral transfer. Padilla (1975) defines lateral transfer as occurring “when the learning of a task in a specific content area is facilitated by prior learning of the same task in a different content area" (p. 21). The present study is not a training study (i.e., the children will not be ‘tagght_strategies for solving the problems), so, in that sense, the experimenter is not interested in transfer of learning. However, one question of interest does arise from the fact that three parallel problems involving the same task will be given to the students: Have the students learned a single strategy, or components of a strategy, that they will apply consistently over the parallel problems? 23 What We Know About Strategies Bessemer and Smith (1972) define skills analysis as "a description of psychological processes operative during performance of a given task“ (p. 3). The product of such an analysis is a strategy for performing the task, a set of information processing steps that are applicable to a range of similar situations. The skills analysis is one of three analyses deemed necessary for describing learning outcomes. Content and task analyses are the other two (Bessemer and Smith, 1972; Smith, 1974). ’ Three empirical studies that used Smith's Concept-Task- Strategy Model will be reviewed. The first of these is “Strategies Used by First-Grade Children in Ordering Objects by Weight and Length" (Smith and Padilla, 1975). Model strategies were determined in preliminary pilot work. The study involved 96 students. The most significant finding was that over two thirds (69%) used a highly systematic approaCh to the task (i.e., used model strategies). Another 9% were identified as using near model strategies. . . . the fact that even young children approach quite systematically at least some tasks they understand suggest that strategy instruction may be practical. This fact certainly indicates that attempts to teach tasks should take into account the learner's capacity and tendency to use systematic approaches (Smith et al., 1975, p. 20). At the same time this work was being done, Baylor and Gascon (1974) published production system strategies for weight seriation. These models were empirically based on the actual performance of children varying in ages from six to twelve years. Baylor and Gascon "pre- sented a language of weight seriation, BG, out of which performance models can be written that simulate most of the observed behavior 24 . .“ (1974, p. 38). They reported the same three strategies as were found by Smith and Padilla--the extreme value selection or “find heaviest" strategy, the insertion strategy, and the little used rearrangement or heavy-light-sieve strategy. Their study seems to further substantiate the use of systematic approaches by children, even though the modeling of those strategies took a different form than that of Smith and Padilla. A second study using Smith's Concept-Task-Strategy Model, “The Teaching and Transfer of Seriation Strategies Using Nonvisual Variables with First Grade Children“ (Padilla, 1975), was designed to teach the extreme value selection (EVS) and insertion strategies for nonvisual variable seriation to first grade children. The children were either Stage I (nonseriators) or Stage III (operational seriators) on Piaget's stick task (length seriation). One of Padilla's findings was that most (more than 80%) of all the first grade children taught a strategy could learn and use that strategy on the post test. The EVS strategy seemed to be easier to learn for Stage I subjects. Stage I subjects that were taught the EVS strategy performed more accurately on the post test than other Stage I subjects. The data in thisstudy indicates that the teaching of strategies for some tasks is feasible. A third study, “Vertical Transfer of Instruction Based on Cognitive Strategies for a Sequence of Geologic Tasks“ (Finley, 1977), found that: 1. Students learned the task specific strategies during instruction. 2. The students used components of the strategies they had been taught during posttests, and transferred strategy components to the pretests for the next most closely q 25 related tasks. Students did not use or transfer the complete strategies extensively . . . (Finley, 1977, pp. 2-3 of abstract). Further substantiation of the use of strategy components rather than "whole strategies" is reported by Resnick (1976). In a study conducted by herself and Guy Groen, 4-year-olds were taught to solve Single-digit problems of the form m + n 8 ? (where m and n ranged from O to 5) by using an algorithm. Practice sessions followed. The children were then tested on a device that allowed the experimenter to collect latency data. In this study, children are taught a routine which is derived from the subject matter. After some practice--but no additional direct instruction-~they perform a different routine, one that is more efficient. The efficiency is a result of fewer steps (not, apparently, faster performance of component operations), which in turn requires a choice or decision on the part of the child. A strictly algorithmic routine, in other words, is converted into another routine which turns out to solve the presented problem more efficiently (Resnick, 1976, pp. 71-72). In sunlnary, the studies cited provide us with the following information: 1. Children do approach quite systematically some selected tasks; i.e., they do use well-developed strategies to perform the tasks. 2. Children can be taught and can use strategies to perform selected tasks. In sOme cases, this learning of a taught strategy improves their task performance. 3. Students, after learning a strategy in instruction, reorganize that strategy to make it more efficient for themselves, transferring components rather than "whole strategies" to a new, but similar task. CHAPTER III THE RESEARCH METHOD AND PROCEDURES The purpose of this chapter is to describe the research method and specific procedures used in doing this study. After a brief overview of the study, the population and sample of children used in the study will be described. This will be followed by discussions of the problems given to the subjects. Descriptions of the data collected during the problem sessions and the methods of analysis will then be reviewed. Overview of the Study Six children were chosen, three from classroom A and three from classroom 8, based on criteria set forth in the next section. Each child participated individually in a practice session and three problem sessions. These sessions involved the child's performance of a task, immediately followed by stimulated recall, using videotapes of the child's task performance. After each of the three problem sessions, the videotape Of the task performance was transcribed and inferences were made about the child's performance from the task performance alone. The audiotape from the stimulated recall for that problem was then transcribed and used to validate or disconfirm prior inferences, as well as to make additional inferences about the child's performance. The performance models were then constructed to reflect the inferences made for the activity and stimulated recall protocols. 26 27 All of the performance models were then analyzed to see, first, if strategies did exist. A strategy was said to exist if a pattern of processing steps was seen to occur more than once in a subject's performance. As strategies were identified, they were modeled. An attempt was made to see how consistent the students were in applying the strategies found. Research Subjects The Population and Sample The sample of Sixth grade children used in this work was selected from a middle school in the greater Lansing, Michigan, area. This particular population was chosen because the school system is using an elementary science program, Science Curriculum Improvement Study (S.C.I.S.), that Offers many Opportunities for the children to examine relations between variables. The students in the population ranged in age from 135 months (11.25 years) to 158 months (13.17 years) with a mean age of 142 months (11.83 years) (5.0. a 4.83 months). Method of Subject Selection Three criteria were employed in selecting subjects. The first two criteria were applied to increase the probability that the subjects would be able to find relations between variables. These criteria were: (1) that the subject has been in the school system and, consequently, in the S.C.I.S. program, for at least three grade levels; and (2) that the subject scored at least five out of nine on a screening instrument, the Particle Test. The Particle Test was 28 designed to measure a subject's ability to find relations between two named, arbitrarily related variables. The next subsection will describe the screening instrument. The third criterion, that the subject be described by his teacher as verbally fluent in his classroom explanations, was applied since the child's ability to express himself is important in efforts to infer his strategy. Appendix A illustrates the outcome of applying these three criteria for subject selection. The Screening Instrument The Particle Test was designed to measure a subject's ability to find relations between two named, arbitrarily related variables. Using Smith's Concept-Task-Strategy Model (Smith, 1974) the task can be described, in abstract or analytical terms, as: Given: Set of elements Two variable names Required: Correlational rule for the two variables that holds for the given elements The variables addressed by the Particle Test are: darkness, sharpness of points, and size of a Specially constructed set of transparent plastic particles. Associated with each variable is a set of inter- related concepts as shown in Table 1. These are called systemic concepts and correspond to the more abstract analytic concepts listed in the first column. The materials are sets of plastic particles cut from trans- parent, colored plastic and Varying in size, color intensity or darkness, and angularity. An example set of these materials is 29 .uuo .aeegm mmme mg» .megeu one .Lmaeezm msu .emxeou «sh .Lm—pmsm we» .meeeu ugh .Emmmpa mg» .emgeeu ugh =o_uooam:_ pm=m_> Louzmpp .Loxcec mm_u_ueea oz» we Lo—ou mo xu_m=o»c_ Lo mmocxeeu ugh mmoexeea mopupaeea upume_a acmeaamcegu nose—cu .uuo .goaeegm ogu .gopposm ugh .Loncegm mgu .emmm_n oz» .gougapp as» .eoaeegm ozh .meeeu as» .eoagegm use cowuumam:_ .mamp> Aem__=uv acegm amp. .aneesm mmpu_ueaa men we mucwoa poccouxm mg» ea mmocneegm mmmcagegm mhmmozoo o~tmpm>m .uum .emppeEm mg“ .eogeegm och .meawa mg» .Loagegm mew .Lmbgm_F ego .mea.a use .emxeeu mga .comm_a ugh eopuuoamc. pezmp> Lop—eEm .Eommwa mmpupaaea use we omen muewgsm ugh o~pm amok mpo_ueea map Lou accrumz muamucou .H anMh mucoeopm mo—zm Pecopuepoesou mgauouoem copue>eomao Ao>_ueeensouv mospe> co.u_=_aao 8.3aaaa> was: m—aawee> mhmuuzou u~h>4 ooze .mucepen a :o gm_m3 Au;m_a; we» so cmuu_ex m_ mseem we eonszc oguv cowuumamcp _e=m_> mango c acogmmw_u .osom cog ecu econ cu tom: u=m_m3 eo assess use H sopacem so» xcozuoz muaoucou woe ogu mo mum: -xu_ea we» can eat as» Co guaeap as» Love: eo>_m mops: .eoaoa umcpp co mu_:= mo Logan: as“ Seaou cowauwnmc_ Feamw> maps: : mam. .mcoe wagon to; on» Law 30: whamuzou uazmhm>m Auceumcou u_me m_ gum=a_ ago geese .meeog 3_ map. 8;» .uoa as» La¥o_=u and. .eopae a =a_z. menace: =o_uuoam=p .azm'> moses. : Lm==_:a .Loxu_=u cog ogu mo emumsepu on» ace ago Go amm=¥u_;u as» .N opnap Aaceumcoo upon m? and: -xo_gu we» coszv smegma a? mace oz» .uoe as» gouge, as“: .Lopag a =u_: oesmooz :o_uuoam:w peamp> mogoc? c Loueozm .LomcoF eat we» as guacaP ash mmpam ~e=o_ue—mggou “nogamemev Am>wueceaeouv «savouoea acoemgamem: \copue>gmmao Acmeamemev .m>_ueeeaeoov mo=_u> copupcwemo anm_ee> was: apno.ce> mhmmozou u_h>4m Aeezewueeev a ew—eeem eew xeezuoz mueouceu wee; .ueeumeee e_e= up ewe: -¥e_;e as» eeezv smegma e_ maa_ o:u .uog as» geaeegm ecu. .N epoch maceEepw A.emceemee eoueeexe we» we usee He: mw memezeeeeee cw ueee ezwv A.u=eue me—am Fecewuepeeeeu mhmmuzou u~h>4wzee mee— .ueewe>w=ee wees meow—esm .eeamwe ewxe egu ea eegoeeue «weeez eemmwe eee eewweEm ecu we meme -eEewe eeezuee eeeeeewwwe use mweeex we me~wm geezeee eeeeeewwwo mwmmuzou uuzmhmwm ~ so—eeee sew geezuez mueeeeeo megeew : LewweEm .eemmwe o—xe one e» eogoeuue woes: Lommwe use we eeueEewe we» .eaez .Leee_e. as» we e~.m .m e.gaw meguew e eewweEm .Eemmwe e_xa wee ea eeeeaeee wees: eewweEm use we Leeesawe we» woos: stn —m.=w.. age we eawm Aeeeemeesv Ae>wueeee2eew meewe> =o_e_=_wae e_aa_ea> osez oweewge> whamuzou uwh>4 mwmesz we me~wm eeezuee eeeeeewwwe .._eegz Leeewa. we e~wm .=_ee=3 ee_—eEm= we e~wm Lees: eo>wm me—am eeueee mew gmeeegu e—eewe eewmuae we weave eeezuee exeeee we geese: one ueeee unweesx we ewee ecu wwea ewuewe eewmuee one we eeeeeewe we» uuoemew awweemw> um_eo;3 we Lena age __e¢ Aueeemeee ewe; mw sweegz eewweEms Le eweegz eeeewa. age Eeeewe cease sewee_e egu Lemmwe we» .mweegz ezu use pee— 1e>wsue wees wee: sweeEewe Lease— eegw eeueEewe eewweEm ueeeuezm meewwae euwz mweosz guee mesmeez eewu neeemew weemw> mwmmuzou uwxmwm>m Aeeeumeee ewe; a. ._ee;: Ee_Pasm. ego cease geweewe wee eewweEm we» .._ee=; Leme_e. ecu Leemwe we». eo—ee new: menace: eewueeemew weamw> Aeeaewueeev N seweeee Lew geezeez meeeeeeu .m Aueeumeee ewe; aw ._ee;: Eeee_a. one eegzv seweewe we» Leamwe age ..Pme;z eewwesm. we» Lemma; «:3. Lewes :uwz eeemeez eewueoemew weemw> o—eew mews: Peeewueweeeeu Aeeeameesv eeeeeeeee weaseeemee: \eewue>eemeo Ae>wueeeeeeee esseeeeee aeoeoeameez \eewue>eemeo mwmmuzou uuh>44 muwe> c eeeeewwwe .eEem aweeewe use cw seems emeuwe> ecu ee meweeee as» mmeu—e> eee— we eowweee new nee muwe> we geese: cewuueemew wesmw> uemwee me He: .Leegewee mw “weeewu age :. aw ease 3.3; age Seawea 3e; we mesmeee e>wueuwweee e a_=e age we mmaeegmwee mew eewueoemew weemw> mewea e eew me we: .eezueew eweeewe egu ew Leueese one go meweeee wee km >6 mm>9= eweeee use sew 3e: mwemozou uwzmwmwm m seweeee Lew xeexuez meeceeewwwe Lew meewx on» mewwoew ee eewueoemew weemw> Leecwsu .Leee_=e mew: on» we Lewesaee use mew: we“ we mmeexe_=e mew mueoueeu .e oweew :ewuueemew wezmw> meewu we geese: e eozmw .uses mew: mew we geese, ego eeeee e eeeeee eeeeee: mw mew: egu meew» we geese: mew Ae>waeeee5eev eseeeeeee ueosoeemeez \eewee>eemeo Aeeeemeeew Ae>weeeeeeeee meewe> :owuwewwoa w—aewge> was: eweewee> mwmuuzou u~h>4 ecu =0 mw>9= eweeee ego mews: we geese: mew eeaoe mew: use we mmeexewgu we» eee eeeee egu eeeewe eeeeew: mw mew: esp meswu we geese: use weeee ee>wm mewea eeeeese ecu :e me>ee eweeee as» newea we sense: we» weeeu mhmmuzou uwzmwm>m Aueeemeee ewe: aw eweeew age :egzv swe>e me>ee e—eee: we» Lew mee— ege .eLw: age weeewgw mew. Aweeumeee ewe; aw geese. mew amaze awo>e .me>ee oweeee one owes me» .eww: as» Leeuwew wee. weeaeweeeev m saweewe wew xwezeez mueeeeeu Aaeeumeee ewe; mw mmeexewgu we» eesxe aee>e me>ee e—eeee on» wew mmew ecu .eew: we mega» ewes ecu. Aueeumeeu ewe; mw meme uxewgu we“ geese awe>e me>es e—eee: use owes me» .eewz we neweu we» wezew we»: eeeee e eeeewe eoeeewx mw mew: one moewu we sense: we» aceeu .w e.gew A.em=eemee eeuueexe we» we awee He: mw memeeueewee cw eeea ecwe mewea weeeweewewweu Aeewemeeew mhmmuzou u~w>44u>a3~40101aw» we Figure 9. (Continued) 55 PERFORMANCE MODEL Subject #5 Problem #1 - Rods INPUT: set Of rods observation procedure for amount of bendin variable name: amoun of bending Instructio DECODE INDEPENDENT observation procedure logically ‘VARIABLE SCAN for amount of bending necessary IDENTIFI- rods variable name: amount for SIl-ll CATION of bending Instructions All-7b rule relating amount of ‘ bending to thickness DESIGNATEl MINPIC PREDICT VALUE (the thicker the rod, th rule for amount less easily it bends) as hypothesi~ ,thinnes ) of bending I logically $11-29 SIl-ll necessary for SIl-38, $12-23 All-3b, OBSERVE 512-4 rod #3 AIl-Sb REDICT VALUE MAXPIC JUDGE PREDICTION $12-28, OBSERVE or amount of rod #4 bending thick- (correct) 512‘23 SIZ-l4a 512-6 JUDGE PREDICTION JUDGE HYPOTHESIS (correct) (correct) 512.31 logically necessary for All-7b Figure 10. REPORT ule: The thinner around th rod is, the further down it will bend. All-7b JUDGE RULE (sure) Sample Performance Model. 56 the analysis, moving from the performance models to strategy models of some kind, was now eXploratory. It was anticipated that when one observed the patterns of a single individual across the three parallel problems that a single “Best Fit“ or strategy model could be built for that individual. The anticipation of a possible "Best Fit“ or strategy model for a single individual over the three parallel problems also presupposed that the individual would be consistent, more or less, in his/her strategy use. This part of the analysis was difficult, at best, with the data available, as the experimenter's expectations regarding the matter of consistency were not borne out. The actual analysis used is more fully described in Chapter IV, and the implications of it are discussed in Chapter V. CHAPTER IV RESULTS This study proposed to address two issues: (1) the identification of strategies Sixth grade children use in finding relations between variables given the following task: Given: Set of elements Observation/measurement procedure for the dependent variable Dependent variable name Required: Correlational rule for independent variable(s) and dependent variable that holds for the given elements and (2) the determination as to whether a strategy or elements of a strategy are used consistently by a child when presented three parallel problems involving the same task over different content. The two children in the formal pilot are included here because they reflect strategies not encountered with the six children in the final study. The children from the formal pilot will be referred to as Pilot Subjects. Overview Of the Results The sixth grade children in this study were able to find rules relating one or both independent variables to the dependent variable. Performance models were built for each Of the eight students on each of the three problems for a total of twenty-four models. 57 58 Strategies were identified for the students' performances. These strategies were modeled as components of a performance, rather than models of the whole performance, as had originally been expected. The strategies fell into two categories: rule-testing strategies and rule-forming strategies. For any given performance, a student used one or some combination of several strategies to find the rule. Some students used strategies in both categories for a given performance: rule-testing and rule-forming. Other students used a strategy or strategies from the rule-testing category only; i.e. they apparently retrieved a rule from long-term memory immediately as they began the task and proceeded in a rule-testing mode until the problem perform- ance was completed. Rule Formation Data Every subject formed at least one rule for each problem presented. The eight students had a total of twenty-four opportuni- ties to find rules; a total of twenty-seven rules were reported. Of these twenty-seven rules, nineteen were simple rules and eight were compound rules. A simple rule was defined as a rule that relates only one of the two independent variables to the dependent variable. A compound rule is a rule that relates both independent variables to the dependent variable. Twenty-four rules were correct; three were incor- rect. This data is presented in Table 5. Identification Of Strategies The strategies the sixth grade children in this study used in solving problems Of the aforementioned type were found to be of two 59 aeeweou weewwou ueeeweu eueeweu ueeweou auewweo weeeeeeeewxueeeeeu awgswm ewaswm eweswm awgewm eweewm eweewm weeeeeEeuxeweewm .exae _—.»egu eweewe we—uuww ecu ewe aege wemmwe age ega .axas w_w; saga ewewwe weaawe es» .ewe A—eesz eemmwe eguw xege we—wesm egw .czee wew we on u.ee: aegu .ewe mega weaeesm egg meea .uew e exec ea __.»ege .eee xegu cemeew egw .uew e exee em _w.xe=u .ewe meow en» Leweewxm ecu nee .exee Lew me ea aw exee u.ee3 uzmwex es» .eee meow es» weuuew egw .aw gagaaga ea eeu xuwewwueewe ewes age .wagae age wagawgg agw .ewewwu weugmwu a mega: aw ewes es» .mxmwe egu ee>ee= ewes egw .mw aw Leweweum aces age .aw aw wagawga agw eagwegaz Aaea_=¢ wagww eueo eewueEeew ewem .m eweew a_aagg mace Nw.aaang=m meewz m—eegz mac: 2 38.23 6O aeewweu weecweu ueewweu eeeeweu eeeeeeeew ueeeeeeew wwuecceuew\uueeeeu .aw ma xuwgu we u.cewe uegu meee weeue egg me egos me eeee u.emeee a_gewm aw .mw agwga age wagawgg agw .g: agaw_ ___; g_gg agaww age gaugewwg age .agw; age gagawge eeeeeseu es» eee mmeww ego wexew egw .ee __w: ewewwe ecu eewweEm ege .Aweegz we__e5m eguv Lew—eEm ege eee Aweeg: eeaeeseu wemmwe eguv wemmwe egw .gzaa __aw __w; agawa: en» mmew en» .ewe ween eeeeeeeu es» weuuew nee weueegm egw .eew page on e.gez eweeec es» .ueegm eee ewgu mw aw ww eee ewes egu ee>e on __w; aw .mee— m.uw a_aewm egg gwga aw aaw: age we .ee meem aw gagawg agg .gaawog agg eweewm ee e>e= xegu mewwz ewes egw weeeeeEeu\e—eewm eeueeeem wave—em weewe geaagwagaae .m awgaw meem cw uuennzm mewwz awaagz mega mw Seawgam meew: A.egeae.~w gaawggm 61 »aaggou »uagaoug~ »uaggou »uaggou »uaaaoug~ »uaggou ~»ua»goug~\»uaagoo a_gs_m apas_m a_ge_m apqs_m a_as_m a_as_m ~cgaonsou\a_aepm gaagg_»gaag .gzaa a» mag_gg agagaz ag» gag»go» ag» .uog ag» Lamgop ag» a—aum ag» go a: an» no a>os ».goz apuaag ag» can gpag ag» gaFF=v ag» .m_ as»: ag» La»gogm ag» .maxae »» apug_u ag» gaaa_g ag» .g_aagx gaaa_g ag»» _aag; ag» agaoaa aa.»».. ag» .ggag ___; g» gzoa gagagga ag» u» no; ag» ugaoga gaggwg» ag» .aa maom a. gaga_g ag» .gaa_og ag» go a>ag mag» was»: ages ag» .guse ma cgaoga om ».=u~=oz »_ .—aagz gang ag» gag» gamm_g m» _aagz »goga ag» »» as.» .mago ag» gag» ago: ugacaa om xag» gag» .a~_m aeam ag» »mos_a aaa —aag3 »gogw can gang ag» a» aaagogag gava_=g Pag_a .m apgah mac: o* »uang:m mag»: mgaagz agog ma »aagg=m was»: a_aag3 g.agaav.g. gaafiggm 62 »uagaou »aaggou »uagaou »uaaaou »uagsou »uaggou ~»aasaoag»\»uaagou ugaoasou apaepm ugsanoo apaswm a_as»m a_ae_m gugaoaeoo\a_a3»m gaaggaugoav .m» gga». ag» ga»ga»gg ag» .ugaoga wanna»: mag»: »maa— ag» aga a» ag»: ag» aagapg» ag» .maxae »_ apug_u ag» sappaEm ag» .a_aa_a a_g ag» egg a» a_ag_a a_»»»_ ag» ga_»a5m ag» .ugag xag» mma— ag» .aga xag» ga»gogm ago gaxupg» ag» .m» g_=g ago». ag» aa»ga.. ag» .ugaog ag» ugsoge wanna»; m» as»: ag» mas_» »maa_ ag» .maxae »» a_ug»u ag» ga_—aam ag» .g_aagz aa__agm ag». aa__aea ag» .gzou a» mag_ag »ga_a3 ag» aag»ga» ag» .goa ag» gagg.g» ag» aa»aogag gaga_gg _ag_a .m wpguh was»: mgaagg «com H‘ »uann:m »c__¢ mag»: m—aagz g.»goag.g» aaagggm 63 m n ma—am »aaggoug~ * Pg»o» vm u mapam »uaggou * pg»oh »aaggou »uaggou »uaggou ~»aaggoug~\»uaggou m . ma—gg cggogsou ‘ Pa»oh a» - aa_=g a_gg»m » _aao» gggogsou uggogeoo uggoasoo ~gggogsou\a_gs»m Aua=g_»gouv mm u ugaou mapzm w —a»oh .ga»as ag» go ggag —».»» gagQPg ag» .gggoga on o» mag »_ wasp» mmap ag» ugg.gaxu_g» ag» .a_ug»u gaam»g g agae o» mgpoa as.»ag» .gamm_g ago a~_m aggm ag» ag.xag» m» .ggag o» mgwom m.»» ages ag» .m» »» ga_gg»»m ago gaugo— ag» mugag o» mg_om m.»» ages ag» .m. ». ga»gaga gga gaga.g» ag» ca»soaa¢ AmVa—az pug»; .m apnah am - ggmgam aa_gg a _aga» was»: m_aagg atom ~* »uana:m »o__¢ 64 kinds; (1) strategies for testing rules and (2) strategies for forming rules. In each of these categories, three strategies were found. They are listed below: 1. Strategies for Testing Rules (a) Strategy 1: Testing a Rule by Controlling Variables (b) Strategy II: Testing a Rule by Observing Correspondence Between Values on the Independent Variable(s) and the Dependent Variable (c) Strategy III: Testing a Rule by Selecting Extreme Values, a Special Case of the Testing a Rule by Observing Correspondence Between Values on the Independent Variable(s) and the Dependent Variable 2. Strategies for Forming Rules (a) Strategy IV: Formation of a Rule by Controlling Variables (b) Strategy V: Formation of a Rule by Observing Correspondence Between Values on the Independent Variable(s) and the Dependent Variable (c) Strategy VI: Formation of a Rule by Selecting Extreme Values, a Special Case of the Formation of a Rule by Observing Correspondence Between Values on the Independent Variable(s) and the Dependent ' Variable It should be noted that the Strategies for Testing Rules and the Strategies for Forming Rules are parallel in nature. The method for selecting elements to observe are similar for Strategies I and IV, 11 and V, and III and VI. The difference in these strategies lies in the fact that elements are selected in Strategies I, II, and III for the purpose of testing a rule; those selected in Strategies IV, V, and VI are for the purpose of trying to form a rule. Models of these strategies, some narrative describing the strategies, and an example of a subject's performance where each strategy is used follows. 65 Strategies for Testing Rules These strategies were employed when the subject had either retrieved a rule from long-term memory or had formed a rule in a previous set of processes. Strategy I: Testing a Rule by Controlling Variables. This strategy allows one to test a rule by first choosing an element to test and then selecting successive elements such that the independent variable of interest is allowed to vary while the other independent variable is controlled. A model of this strategy appears in Figure 11. The guidelines used for making inferences about processing steps are listed in Appendix F. Some of these are reviewed here to clarify the meaning of the steps in the strategy model. When the subject and the experimenter viewed the videotape in stimulated recall, they discussed each element selected. A line of typical questioning was as follows: (1) “Has there any particular reason for choosing # _?“ (2) "Did you expect f__ to do anything in particular when you tested it?“ ' If the answer to #1 was “yes“ with some explanation, it was inferred that the subject selected that element, rather than chose it, more or less, randomly. If the answer to #2 was "yes” with some explanation, it was inferred that the subject predicted a value for the dependent variable before observing it. If the subject did make a prediction before he or she tested the element, the experimenter inferred that the subject was testing a hypothesis he or she generated before or at the time the element was selected. Furthermore, the experimenter inferred that the subject judged the prediction correct if he or she 66 INPUT-—--)‘ RETRIEVE or FORM RULE relating dependent variable to independent variable DESIGNATEl -CHOOSE rule as LEMENTmSEEEgTION hypothesis ' PREDICT VALUE for dependent variable ‘JUDGE PREDICTION, OBSERVE element LT or GT PREDICT VALUE I for dependent variable ELEMENT SELECTION WITH . OBSERVE element CONTROLLED JUDGE PREDICTION NO [1 REPORT JUDGE RULE rule JUDGE HYPOTHESIS YFG sure? Figure ll. Strategy 1: Testing a rule by controlling variables. 67 answered the question, "Is that what you expected?", in the affirmative when the element was tested. Controlling variables was not inferred unless the subject mentioned that he or she was attempting to control variables. Merely selecting two or three elements where one of the independent variables remained constant was not viewed as sufficient evidence. The inference that a hypothesis was judged to be correct was made when a subject reported a rule in the activity protocol or other- wise indicated that to be the case in the stimulated recall. The experimenter inferred the subject judged the hypothesis to be incorrect when another hypothesis took its place or when the subject otherwise indicated that to be the case in the stimulated recall. JUDGE RULE is an artifact of the protocol itself. When the subject reported a rule, the experimenter asked the question, "Are you sure of your rule?“ If the response was “yes,“ the experimenter indicated that the rule was judged correct. If the reSponse was "no,“ the experimenter indicated that the rule was judged incorrect. The example of a subject using Strategy I is that of Pilot Subject #2. (See Figure 12.) Values describing the numbered elements (the wires) are presented in the Key. You will note that the subject actually used Strategy I twice in testing rules in this part of the protocol for the Hires Problem. Strategy II: Testing a Rule by Observing Correspondence Between Values on the Independent Variable(s) and the Dependent Variable. This strategy allows one to test a rule by choosing or selecting elements and noting whether the direction of the values of 68 KEY: WIRES MATRIX Length of Wire 10 ft- Lita 6 ft. 4 ft. 2 ft 20 #5 #10 (21 1(4JSZI 3(4! 24 #15 #9 #4 1221/4) (231. L23 1/2) #3 #8 #13 Hire 28 (l8 112+§l9#314A§2l 114mg2221122 Gauge 1 L14 1/2) (17) (20 1 4 , #11 ° 32 #l4 #6 jjl) (16') 36 #12 (9*) *Actual performance of this problem by this subject involved a rather lengthy procedure that led to the discovery of the second independent variable (thick- ness). This part of the performance was omitted in this figure to highlight the use of Strategies 1, OBSERVE wire #1 and IV. Input* CHOOSE wire # l4 2: GT ELEMENT SELECTION 3y OBSERVE - NITH -: wire #14 CONTROLLED 4‘5 VARIABLE a; (thicker, same length) i— GT ELEMENT — r SELECTION PREDICT VALUE NITH ORM ULE elating how far the nee- le moves over to thick- ess: If the wires are he same length, the thicker the wires, the far h r for how far CONTROLLED the needle VARIABLE DESIGNATEl (thicker, rule as same length) hypothesis Figure 12. Abbreviated Performance Model of Pilot Subject #2-- Wires Problem. av I St OBSERVE wire #4 69 PREDICT VALUE JUDGE PREDICTION MINPIC r-fl for how far ___? (correct) (thin- the needle n mgvgs gyg: , GT ELEMENT L- JUDGE PREDICTION OBSERVE SELECTION (correct) wire #12 WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE (thicker, LT ELEMENT PREDICT VALUE OBSERVE SELECTION *2 "IT" 312 22:32" CONTROLLED VARIABLE (thinner, mm)..— OBSERVE wire #6 PREDICT VALU ’ MAXPIC —J WITH the needle VARIABLE COPVEC m°V95 OVEV (thickest, OBSERVE JUDGE PREDICTION‘ UDGE HYPOTHESIS wire #11 (correct) (correct) " FORM RULE elating how far the needle "CIIAC ves over to length: The CONTROLLED ess times the wire is VARIABLE rapped around, the farther (longest DESIGNATEI h needle moves over. ’ ru e as same thickness) hypothesis 0 C P' h‘ Figure 12. (continued) I PREDICT VALUE for how far , the needle moves 7O OBSERVE wire #5 JUDGE PREDICTION (correct) OBSERVE wire #13 JUDGE PREDICTION (correct) Str J ! WITH A CONTROLLED MAXPIC VARIABLE (longest. vi samfi Egick- PREDICT VALU L— for how far the needle _1_. ~MINPIC (short- ‘ est) 1 for how far the needle OBSERVE wire #15 [__ JUDGE HYPOTHESIS (correct) ' JUDGE PREDICTION (correct) REPORT combined rule: The thicker and the less times it goes around, the higher it'll read on the meter. __\\\‘__" Figure 12. JUDGE RULE (continued) 71 the independent variable(s) of interest and the dependent variable are consistent with the direction predicted by the rule. A model of Strategy II is found in Figure 13. If a prediction is found to be inconsistent with the actual values observed, it may lead the subject to either ignore that data or, perhaps erroneously, to judge the ' hypothesis incorrect. Strategy II seems to work only because the subjects tested many elements when that strategy was applied. This testing of many elements, and the fact that some evidence is ignored when it is not consistent with predictions, indicates that Strategy II is probabilistic in nature. The performance model of Pilot Subject #1 on the Rods Problem exemplifies the use of this strategy. (See Figure 14.) Strategy III: Testing a Rule by Selecting Extreme Values, a Special Case of the Testing a Rule by Observing Correspondence Between Values on the Independent Variable(s) and the Dependent Variable Strategy (Strategy II). This strategy is very similar to Strategy II, except that the elements selected have extreme values on the inde- pendent variable(s). Selecting elements with extreme value(s) on the independent variable(s) was not inferred unless the subject used the superlative term; e.g., biggest, longest, thinnest, in his or her description of the selections made. Strategy III also tends to be more efficient than Strategy II, in that attending to extreme values typically requires fewer observations before the subject is willing to report a rule than when one does not attend to extremes. Figure 15 is a model of Strategy III. Subject #5's performance on the Rods Problem is given as an example of this strategy. (See Figure 16.) 72 ' RETRIEVEl INPUT or FORM RULE relating dependent variable to independent 5 . DESIGNATEl rule as hypothesis I CHOOSE element PREDICT VALUE OBSERVE . for or element dependent SELEETVDN variable - ' OT‘ l THO VARIABLE JUDGE PREDICTION JUDGE HYPOTHESIS correct? NO JUDGE RULE REPORT rule YE Figure 13. Strategy 11: Testing a rule by observing corre- Spondence between values on the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable. KEY: RODS MATRIX _Lgng‘h of Rodv , 25 i 2l in. 17 in. _1§gin. 9 in- 7/32 #l3 #4 #l5 ’ #lO #12 (ll) (7) (3 l/§)_ (2) (1) 3/16 #6 #ll #7 #8 Thick- (l3) (7 l/2) (4) L2). ness 5/32 #l4 #5 #l of (15) (7) (3 l/Z Rods l/B #12 #9 (incheS) (l6 Hg) £7) 3/32 3 ' (l9) INPUT: set of rods observation procedure for amount of bendin variable name: amoun of bending Instrgctions L INDEPENDENT 0 DECODE d VARIABLE bservation proce ure for IDENTIFI- )6— ch" k-i amount of bending CATION r0 5 Variable name: amount of (tmkness) Mm RETRIEVEl rule relating amount of bending to thickness: The thicker, they wouldn't bend as much as the thinner ones. rule as rod #13 or bending o d #13 hypothesis rod ro I: W - r—l—_,. PREDICT VALUE ELEhENT JUDGE PREDICTION “'1; “3“"9 E—SELECTION ' 0 r0 3 (thinner) O '— Figure 14. 73 Performance Model of Pilot Subject #l--Rods Problem. 74 LT OBSERVE ' JUDGE PREDICTION, ELEMENT rod #9 (incorrect) SELECTION ' (thinner) 'JUOGE PREDICTION OBSERVE Pfigf‘g:fl:¢:35 (correct) rod #3 of rods JUDGE HYPOTHESIS REPORT (correct) l——-—a rule: The thinner they are, the more they bend when you put the weight on, and the thicker, they don't bend as much. 7"? EAE;QSE NDEPENDENT GE EETION VARIABLE DESIGNATEl JUDGE RULE Iltnger DENTIFI- rule as (not sure) thicker) CATION , hypothesis H) - I _ L + g; PREDICT VALU OBSERVE JUDGE PREDICTION : for bending rod #15 ‘ (incorrect) V of rod JUDGE HYPOTHESIS (incorrect) h r- __L. _, OBSERVE PREDICT VALU "guzlc > for bending ‘ rod #12 MAXPIC >. of rod m (shortest, -; , thickest) a 21.. U, N Figure l4. (continued) 75 L JUDGE PREDICTION (incorrect) I FORM RULE relating amount of bending to thickness and length: The thicker and shorter they are, the less they bend. ___l REPORT rule: The thicker and shorter they are, the less they bend. \J JUDGE RULE] (sure) I Figure 14. (continued) 76 INPUT ‘4‘” relating dependent variable to independent RETRIEVE) or FORM RULE variable(s) DESIGNATEI rule as hypothesis OBSERVE element PREDICT VALUE ‘for dependent variable MINPIC or MAXPIC JUDGE PREDICTION NO sure? /\ Figure 15. a JUDGE HYPOTHESIS Strategy III: values strategy. a special case of Strategy II. NOT SURE correct? JUDGE RULE REPORT rule. Testing a rule by selecting extreme KEY: RODS MATRIX 25 in. 2] in- 17 in 13 in. 9 in 7/32 #13 #4 #15 #10 #12 (11) (7) (3 1 2 (2) (1) “3716 #6 (#11 #7) #8 . (13) 7 2) 4 2) Th““' 5732 #14 #5 #1 ness of (15) (7) R d 173 #2 #9 (‘1’ Shes) (16 112) 17) "° 3/32 #3 (l9) INPUT: set of rods Observation procedure for amount of bending variable name: amount of bending Instructions INDEPENDENT DECODE VARIABLE SCAN , observation procedure IDENTIFI- rods for amount of bending CATION variable name: amount (thickness) of bending | Instructions RETRIEVEl 1 rule relating amount of bending to thickness: --*°E§:$:AIE‘ MINPIC The thicker the rod, the h othesis (thin- _‘ less easily it bends. yp EA PREDICT VALUE 4; for amount ‘3 JUDGE PREDICTION OBSERVE of bending vi (correct) rod #3 - E3 6. O TWP Figure 16. Performance Model of Subject #5--Rods Problem. MAXPIC (thick-A est) 78 PREDICT VALUE for amount --—1 of bending OBSERVE rod #4 JUDGE PREDICTION (correct) r___.|,____. JUDGE HYPOTHESIS (correct) REPORT rule: The thinner around the --m rod is, the further down it will bend. \J JUDGE RULE (sure) Figure 16. (continued) 79 Strategies for Forming Rules These strategies were employed when the subject had not yet formed a rule and was testing elements in an effort to determine what relationships between variables might exist. Strategy IV: Formation of a Rule by Controlling Variables. This strategy allows one to form a rule by first choosing an element to test and then selecting successive elements such that the inde- pendent variable of interest is allowed to vary while the other independent variable is controlled. Again, controlling variables was not inferred unless the subject mentioned that he or she was attempt- ing to control variables. Strategy IV is modeled in Figure 17. Use of Strategy IV is demonstrated in Figure 12. Strategy V: Formation of a Rule by Observing Correspondence Between Values on the Independent Variable(s) and the Dependent Variable. This strategy allows one to form a rule by choosing or selecting elements and noting whether a pattern develOps, enabling one to form a rule. The model of Strategy V appears in Figure 18. An example of a subject using this strategy is given in Figure 19. Strategy VI: Formation of a Rule by Selecting Extreme Values, a Special Case of the Formation of a Rule by Observing Correspondence Between Values on the Independent Variable(s) and the Dependent Variable Strategy (Strategy V). This strategy is very similar to Strategy V, except that the elements selected have extreme values on the independent variable(s). Again, selecting elements with extreme value(s) on the independent variable(s) was not inferred unless the subject used the superlative term; e.g., biggest, longest, thinnest, BO CHOOSE INPUT element 01‘ ELEMENT SELECTION OBSERVE element LT or GT ELEMENT SELECTIONf-——~ WITH ' CONTROLLED“ OBSERVE element NO :1 relating depen- dent variable to independent JUDGE RULE rule NO REPORT formed? rule DESIGNATEl rule as hypothesis JUDGE HYPOTHESIS‘ Figure 17. Strategy IV: Formation of a rule by controlling variables. 81 CHOOSE INPUT element or ELEMENT SELECTION or TWO VARIABLE ELEMENT SELECTION OBSERVE element . FORM RULE N0 DESIGNATEl rule as hypothesis ___— JUDGE HYPOTHESIS YES NO , JUDGE RULE REPORT rule Figure 18. Strategy V: Formation of a rule by observing correSpondence between values on the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable. 82 KEY: WIRES MATRIX Ln h 0 ' ‘ 10ft. 8ft. 6ft. 4f. '21? #5 #1 m #4 #11 (21 1/4)(21 3/4, 1 23 24 #15 #8 #13 Wire (18 1/2 (19 3/4, 21 1 4 22 l 2 Gauge 28 -' #2 14 l/ 1 0 32 #14 #6 (ll) (16') 36 #12 (9*) INPUT: set of wires observation procedure for how far the needle moves over (and brightness of bulb) variable name: how far the needle moves over ( and brightness of bulb) Instructions DECODE , Observation procedure for how far the needle moves SCAN ‘ over (and brightness of elements bulb) Variable name: how far the - * needle moves over ( and brightness of bulb) .Llnstnuptinns F. INDEPENDEN GT CHOOSE IDENTIEILE ll ‘ OBSERVEl ,__,, ELEMENT wire #9 CATION- wire #9 1 SELECTION _ (length) (longer) > , ”'3 FORM RULE L 3 relating length or wire 3 5., to brightness of the bulb;'—" OBSERVE °° (The shorter the wire, the wire #10 5‘ less bright the bulb o burns. y... L. 1! Figure 19. Perfbrmance Model of Subject #5--Wires Problem Strategy II _1 DESIGNATEl rule as hypothesis 83 Strategy 11 1 LT ELEMENT SELECTION ”'91::EDBEIgXIEUE—1 OBSERVE (shorter) ness of bulb w1re #12 BL ' ‘ SE JUDGE PREDICTION Jgggvgggggggve amen #— (We) :SELECTION ness of bulb _ (same .___lengthlgn T——__L_. OBSERVE ' Wire #13 ___+JUDGE PREDICTION ___JJUDGE HYPOTHESIS (incorrect) (incorrect) FORM RUEE—E '1;‘ relating length of wire GT DESIGNATE1 to brightness of the ELEMENT rule as bulb: the longer the SELECTION hypothesis wire, the brighter the (longer) ' 1L bulb. PREDICT VALUE for bright- __— ness of bulb .___y OBSERVE JUDGE PREDICTION wire #15 (correct) 1* gr LT ELEMENT OBSERVE PREDICT VALUE ’ SELECTION wire #6 for bright- (Shorter) ness of bulb 1.. REPORT (correct) JUDGE PREDICTION) --# JUDGE HYPOTHESIS‘ (correct) rule: The shorter the wire is, the duller the bulb and the needle won't move up_as far. JUDGE RULE , 1 (sure) Figure 19. (continued) 84 in his or her description of the selections made. Figure 20 is a model of strategy VI. Its use is exemplified in Figure 14. Consistency of Strategy Use Table 6 shows the strategies used on each problem, with the exception of the Wires Problem of Subject #3. Conflicting data in the Activity Protocol and the Stimulated Recall Protocol made the modeling of that problem performance impossible. The experimenter had anticipated that a strategy might be formed for the whole task and that a subject would be either consis- tent or inconsistent in the use of that strategy across problems. As one can see in Table 6, these expectations were not met. Rather, strategies for parts of the task were usually strung together in order for the subjects to complete the entire task. An alternative analysis had to be considered. Table 7 displays the strategies used by subjects on each problem in a different format. Looking at the data this way allows one to look at the number and identity of the strategies in each subject's repertoire. It also allows one to examine the number of subjects using each strategy. It is interesting to note that five of the eight subjects used neither of the controlling variables strategies and that one of these five, Subject #4, used only the two strategies associated with looking for correspondences between the values on the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable. It is further interesting to note that both Pilot Subject #1 and Pilot Subject #2 employed all six strategies identified. 85 MAXPIC OP MINPIC INPUT ' OBSERVE element FORM RULE elating indepen- tent variable(s) 0 dependent DESIGNATEl rule as hypothesis JUDGE HYPOTHESIS NO NOT SURE or , NO ' correct? REPORT rule JUDGE RULE (sure) Figure 20. Strategy VI: Formation of a rule by selecting extreme values, a Special case of Strategy V. 86 HH H» > xma»og»m __ Hg gaagaeam «:4. a» > gag gaaaaggm > _H g _g > ama»gg»m eapgcgg mag»: ea_gogg gagu go ma»aa»ag»m mo am: .m»aanggm ~H~ _H > >ua»ag»m g» gaagagam HH g»— g> gmaaaggm g». gg gaagaggm __ gaagegam sapgogg m_aag3 ggg aaagagam g» aaagaggm > xma»ag»m Ha» > xaa»ag»m H » H» a > ama»ag»m sapgogg atom .m a_nah mg »uanggm 3 flanggm ma gaagggm N‘ »uana:m He uuangzm 87 H H >H HH HH > HH HHH H> gaagagam H HH HH > H HHH. Hg gaagaggm HHH HH Ama»ag»m saHgogg mag»: III! > aua»ae»m >H HH > HH > aaa»ag»m HH HHH gaaaaeam saHgogg mHaagz Haagg_»geag .a aHga» HH aaagag»m H> HH HH aaagagam HH HH aga»ag»m saHgogg «tom N* »uang:m »oH»¢ H* »uang:m »o_pm o* »uang=m 88 m»uang=m Ho N.gogg N N.goga N N.gega m.gega N H.gega N N N H.gega zaa»gg»m agHJg N. ‘ Ho»0h »o—Hm saHgogH guom go m»uang:m Hg cam: maHma»og»m H.gega N N.geeg N.gega N.gega N N H.gega N.goeg He Naagggm gaagggm »oH»m N m N N N.gega N.gogg N N N.geeg H.gega N N N N N H.gega N.gega H.gega a. m. «N gaagggm aaagggm . gaagggm N.gega N.gega H.505; N H.gegg m* Neanggm N.goga H.gega .gega N.gega N‘ »oang=m »uaH.ggm .m a—aah m agHo»gagaa m.»uanggm gH maHma»gg»m Ne N Hage» H) Ngaaaggm m H.gega > Naa»ag»m >H Naaaagam mgHEEoH aHga HHH Naa»ag»w m N H.geea HH aaa»ae»m m H.goeg H Naauag»m ag»»mah aHgg H* 89 Summar Data was reported as to the nature of the rules formed by the sixth grade students in this study; i.e., whether the rules were simple or compound rules and whether the rules were correct or not. The nature of the strategies identified was such that they were modeled as components of a performance, rather than models of the whole performance, as had originally been expected. Six strategies that these Sixth grade children used in finding relations between variables were identified and modeled. Three of the strategies were used in testing rules; three were used in forming rules. The numbers of strategies each subject had in his/her repertoire were determined from the performance models of each problem by each subject. 90 CHAPTER V INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS It is clear that the eight sixth grade children (two from the formal pilot and six from the actual study) were acCurate in finding rules involving relations between variables (89% correct). It is additionally clear that these sixth grade children used strategies when they were asked to find relations between variables, but that they differed in the number of strategies they have in their repertoire for this purpose. (See Table 7.) The strategies identified were compo- nents of the whole problem performance, rather than strategies for the whole problem, as had originally been expected. Performance models were built for each of the eight students on each of the three problems for a total of twenty-four models. The experimenter had originally expected to construct a "Best Fit" or strategy model for the student that would describe the student's performance on the whole task. Initial efforts found it possible to do so for a couple of the students, but much difficulty was encountered when the "Best Fit" approach was applied to the other six students' performances. A finer analysis revealed that a problem performance model could be divided into components and examination of these components led to the identification of the strategies used by these children. A given performance model was divided into component sets of processes, the first set becoming a tentative strategy. Examination of other 91 components in that performance model and in the performance models for the other two problems revealed whether or not this set of processes was used in multiple replications. If it was, this set of processes, by definition, was identified as a strategy. Consistent use of this methodology to examine all components of the twenty-four performance models led to the identification of the six strategies found in this study. The extent to which the subjects were hypothesis-guided in finding their rules was not anticipated. Hypothesis formation was only inferred if, in the stimulated recall session, the subject indicated that he or she was testing a hypothesis and/or if the subject predicted values for the dependent variable that indicated the subject was testing a hypothesis. Strategies I, II, and III, the rule-testing strategies, all depend upon prior retrieval or formation of which is a rule, then designated as a hypothesis to be tested. You will note in Table 8 how often these strategies are used (36 times). One subject, Subject #6, used only Strategies II and III, implying that he/she was in a rule-testing mode at all times on all three problems. One might speculate that the populations from which the Children in the pilot work and in the study may be different in some respect. Whereas, the subject selection procedures were identical, it is interesting to note that five of the six children in the study are similar in that they used neither Strategy I nor Strategy IV, the controlling variables strategies. The two Pilot Subjects, on the other hand, are similar to each other, but different from the six 92 m» mm m mum hum mHg»o» «H NO MN mm Nu—a I HO u—h—c Nil-4 mgHEgoHIaHga ag»»mahuaHgm mgHEgomuaHgm ag»»mahuaHgm mgHELoHIaHgm ag»»mahuaHgm mgpschIaHgm ag»»maguaHgm mgHEgomuaHgm ag»»mahuaHga mgpsgoHVaHzm ag»»mahuaHgm mgHsgoHVaHgm ag»»mapuaHgg mgHsgomuaHgg ag»»mahua—gm eaHgogg mag»: HH HN HH NH NC HH HO c—n—u NH agHsgomnaHgm ag»»mahuaHgm agHEgoauaHgm ag»»mahnaHgm mgHEgoHaaHgm ag»»mahuaHgg mgHELoHTaHga ag»»mahnaHgg agHELomuaHga ag»»mahuaHga mgHEgoguaHgm ag»»mahuaHza agHagoHuaHga ag»»mahnaHgm mgHsgoHuaHgm ag»»mapiang saHgogg mHaagz (No—4 H NH HF" NH Ho HO HO Hl-G mgHsgomuaHam ag»»mahuaHgm mgHsgomuang mgH»mahuaHgg mgHELoHIaH=m ag»»mahuaHga mgHEgomaaHgm ag»»mahuaHgg mgwsgouuang ag»»mapuaHgm mgHsgoHuang ag»»mahuapgx mgHsgoguaHgm ag»»mahnaHgm agHENOHIaHgg ag»»mahsaHga eangga mega m»uanggm xg nan: mapma»gg»m mg_Egom1aH=a uga ag»»mahuaHgm No «sagas: mum hum NN Noah -ggm ag»»a HN 3am -gam geHHN gN gaahggm mN gaagggm «N aaagggm NN gaagggm we »uann=m HN aaanggm .m a—aah 93 subjects in the actual study, as they employed all six identified strategies. Cross-referencing the strategy use data with the rule for- mation data, one finds that all three incorrect rules were reported for the Wires Problem and all three rules reported incorrectly involved the length variable. In each case, the rule reported was some version of “The longer the wire, the more the needle moves over." This data suggests that the Wires Problem was, as was anticipated from the pilot work, the most difficult problem. Lastly, the experimenter considered the issue of whether or not the rules reported by the subjects were meaningful to them. One indication of meaningfulness of the rules would be the subjects' subsequent use of them in a new task. For example, would the subjects spontaneously use their rules to make predictions about what would happen when two Specific elements were tested? A rather ad hoc part of the interview with each subject after the stimulated recall session had the subject predict what would happen when pairs of elements of the experimenter's choosing were tested. A summary of this data is presented in Table 9. It appears that the rules formulated by the subjects were meaningful. Subjects' predictions were consistent with the rules they had reported 77 percent of the time. Evidence that the subjects used their rules is most dramatic when an incorrect rule yields an incorrect prediction consistent with the rule. Predictions from incorrect rules were consistent 86 percent of the time. Additional evidence can be found in that, when the variable not mentioned in the 94 ueH\~ acm\~H am~\mm n-\mHH »uaggougH mg: ga>Hm aHgg gag: »ga»mngougH mgoH»quagg No ama»gaugag\gage=z »uaggougH mg: ga>Hw aHgg gag: »ga»mngcu mch»u_gagg No amg»gaugag\gags=z ga>Hw ang g»»3 »ga»mngougH mgoH»quagg No ama»gaugag\gage=z ga>Ha aHam g»H3 »ga»mngou mgoH»uHuagg No ama»gaugagxgagE:z 38 83962.. 8: 2 No Pages .a as: 95 rule was controlled by the experimenter, every prediction was consistent with the rules given by the subjects, with one exception (30 out of 31). Summary The following interpretations have been made of the data: 1. The subjects in this study were accurate in finding rules involving relations between variables. 2. It appears that the rules formulated by the subjects were meaningful; i.e., the subjects used the rules to make predictions about what would happen when two elements were tested. 3. The sixth grade children in this study used strategies when they were asked to find relations between variables, but they differed in the number of strategies they have in their repertoire for this purpose. 4. It is clear that the subjects were hypothesis-guided in much of their attempt to find rules. 5. It appears that the pOpulations frOm which the children in the pilot work and in the study may be different when one compares their strategy use. 6. It appears that the Wires Problem may be more difficult in content than the Rods and Wheels Problems, in that all the incorrect rules (3) were given for this problem. Perhaps prior knowledge or familiarity with the content of the problems is a factor. CHAPTER VI IMPLICATIONS OF THE STUDY FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH This study proposed (a) to identify strategies sixth grade children use in finding relations between variables and (b) to determine whether a strategy or elements of a strategy are used consistently by a child when presented three parallel problems involving the same task over different content. The primary purpose for conducting this Study was to gather strategy-use baseline data for use in formulating explicit educational Outcomes. Educational Implications The nature of the strategies identified in this study has implications for how process objectives are viewed. The strategies identified were modeled as components of the whole task, rather than as a single strategy for the whole task. Consequently, the experimenter referred to the set of strategies that a subject demonstrated in his/her problem performances as a subject's repertoire of strategies. These repertoires of strategies have implications for how one thinks about outcomes or process objectives. Perhaps educators should conceptualize such outcomes as changes in the number and kind of strategies found in a student's repertoire. ' Six strategies were found to be used by the sixth grade children in this study to find relations between variables, given a set of elements, an observation/measurement procedure for the dependent 96 97 variable, and the dependent variable name. These strategies, as well as any that may be identified through additional research, need to be evaluated for their appropriateness in the follOwing educational applications: 1. Curriculum developers could apply the notion of strategies explicitly in the development of instructional materials. Knowing how children deal with problems of this type, the developer could sequence activities with strategy steps clearly defined that would enable the students to proceed efficiently and directly to the relationship sought. If the developer was most interested in the process by which the students find relations; i.e., if he/she was interested in assist- ing the students in controlling variables, for example, knowledge of the other strategies for finding relations would hopefully assist the developer in avoiding pitfalls in sequencing of activities and describ- .ing steps of the process. If the developer was more interested in the relationship itself, for example, how pressure affects the volume of a gas, he/she could suggest the alternative strategies to the teacher so that the teacher would have at his/her disposal several ways to assist the students in reaching the goal. The emphasis here is on communi- cating to teachers and students the strategies that are available. 2. Knowing what strategies are likely to be present in a popu- lation of students trying to solve these types Of problems might allow teachers to assess whether or not a task had been performed in an appropriate way. For example, if the objective is that students control variables in order to find the relation, knowing explicitly what other strategies would yield the same result might assist the teacher in knowing whether that objective had really been met. 98 3. Teachers might be better able to give guidance to the child having difficulty with the performance of this task if they were aware of approDriate strategies. In this sense, knowledge of the strategies would assist the teacher in a remedial function. 4. If appropriate strategies for performing the task were laid out and taught explicitly to students, it might enable all students to learn selected tasks more efficiently. Potential uses for the identified strategies that need to be researched have been briefly discussed. Beyond that, the argument that students who cannot yet control variables should not be asked to deal with situations where relations between variables are sought needs to be evaluated. If the relationships are important for children to understand more of the world around them, or if the relationships grow from an interest expressed by the children, it would seem that alter- native strategies might be used in order to deal with these relation- ships, since alternative strategies that yield correct rules do indeed exist within the population. Furthermore, evidence was found in this study to show that these rules are meaningful to the children. The concern would be what effect, if any, teaching alternative strategies might have on one's eventual ability to control variables. This is an important issue, needing further research. Research Implications This section has been divided into three parts: (1) the limi- tations Of this study, (2) conclusions about the research methodology for further study, and (3) questions for further study. 99 Limitations of the Study It must be recognized that all research of this kind, where either "thinking aloud" or the stimulated recall method is employed, is considered by some critics to be somewhat suspect. G. A. Miller, E. Galanter, and K. H.-Pribran (1960) outline the potential dangers of “thinking aloud“: . . . the task of talking may inhibit the thought processes, or slow them down, it may make the process more coherent and orderly then it would otherwise be, the referents for some of the utterances are not clear, the subject may fall silent at just the critical moment when the experimenter would most like to know what he is doing. But when the method is used intelligently and conscientiously, it can provide a tremendous amount of information about the detailed process of thought (p.304). These same dangers may be posited for stimulated recall. Shulman and Elstein remind us, however, that de Groot, Kleinmuntz, Clarkson, as well as Piaget, are among those who “. . . accept verbal reports as legitimate data and agree that knowledge of the process by which a problem is solved is at least as important to pyschology as observing that it was solved” (1975). It should also be pointed out that the stimulated recall method used in this study was used as a systematic check of the validity of the videotaped performances, rather than the sole source of infor- mation. It would appear that its use in that way becomes a method- ological strength rather than weakness. A further limitation is that flow-charting is an abstract representation of a process with distinct pieces or boxes—~one process occurs, produces an output, then feeds into another process--a distinctly mechanical linear process. The mental processes of an 100 individual may not be linear or serial. In fact, Neisser (1963) proposes that thought is best described by multiple processes rather than by sequential processes. My thesis is that human thinking is a multiple activity. Awake or asleep, a number of more or less independent trains of thought usually coexist. Ordinarily, however, there is a 'main sequence' in progress, dealing with some particular material in step-by-step fashion. The main sequence corres- ponds to the ordinary course of consciousness. It may or may not be directly influenced by the other processes going on simultaneously. The concurrent operations are not conscious, because consciousness is intrinsically single: one is aware of a train of thought, but not of the details of several. The main sequence usually has control of motor activity. Cases where it does not (where behavior does not correspond to consciousness) impress the observer as bizarre or patholog- ical (p. 316). Neisser seems to be saying that there is a main stream of processes that function in consciousness, but that this main stream may be influenced by multiple processing not occurring in consciousness. Caution should, therefore, be applied in interpreting the flow charts as other than models that help us understand what we believe to be the main stream thought processing that leads to the solution of a problem. The models are not meant to imply that the actual processes are either linear or serial in the strictest sense. Finally, a caution about generalizability needs to be given. Mention has already been made Of the fact that the study subjects and the pilot subjects appear to have come from two somewhat different populations. Five of the six children in the study are similar in that they used neither Strategy I nor Strategy IV, the controlling variables strategies. The two Pilot Subjects, on the other hand, are similar to each other, but different from the six subjects in the actual study, as they employed all six identified strategies. Even given that 101 difference, however, it should be noted that strategies I, II, III, V, and VI do appear in both populations. Additionally, a reminder needs to be made that the subjects in the study were chosen partially on the basis of a screening instrument, the Particle Test. Only subjects who scored at least five out of nine on this test were considered for the study. Those finally selected had to meet two other criteria: (1) that the subject had been in the school system and, consequently, in the S.C.I.S. program, for at least three grade levels; and (2) that the subject be described by his or her teacher as verbally fluent in his/her classroom explanations. When the screening instrument was administered to the population of students from which the study subjects were selected, 32.7% scored at least five out of the possible nine. In a previous study (Dennison et al., 1976), 32.5% of the sixth grade students achieved a score of five or more on the instrument. This data would suggest that some generalizability beyond the immediate population could be made. Conclusions About the Research Methodology The stimulated recall technology proved to be an essential ingredient in the discerning of differences between student's strat- egies. The guidelines for analyzing the stimulated recall protocols, appearing in Appendix F, are some indicator that this part of the Inethodology was used conservatively. The stimulated recall protocols were used primarily to validate or disconfirm evidence from the activity protocol, although they did provide valuable additional 'insight into the performance of the students. 102 It should be noted, too, that the process of transcribing and analyzing both the activity and stimulated recalls is very tedious and time-consuming. The objective of one's endeavor should clearly dictate such procedures; they should not be pursued when other methodologies might produce comparable quality results. Finally, the point should be made that the modeling of both performance and strategies is still in its infancy and can and should be continually refined as additional studies of this kind are pursued. Questions for Further Study The following areas need additional study: 1. Studies of this kind need to address problems that require students to find relations between variables that are more curriculum- based; e.g., the study of how students determine how weight affects the flight of a paper airplane in Science Curriculum Improvement Study (S.C.I.S.). 2. As mentioned in the section on Educational Implications, studies need to be conducted to determine if learning one taught strategy for finding relations between variables influences one's ability to learn another strategy at a later point; e.g., if being taught the extreme value selection strategy at one point would affect one's ability to learn to control variables at a later point. 3. Studies to determine whether there is any developmental relationship to the number and/or type of strategies in one's reper- t<3ire need to be carried out. The patterns seen in Table 7 seem to iridicate there might be. REFERENCES REFERENCES Anderson, J. R. Lan ua e, memor , and thou ht. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlgaum Associates, 1976. Anderson, J. R., & Bower, G. H. figmgn gssggiative mgmgry. Washington, D. C.: V. H. Winston, 1973. Baylor, G. W., & Gascon, J. An information processing theory of aspects of the development of weight seriation in children. Eggnitive Psychology, 1974, 6, 1-40. Bessemer, D. W., D Smith, E. L. The role of skills analysis in instructional design (TN 2-72-50). In D. W. Bessemer & E. L. Smith (Eds.), The integration of content, task, and kill i t hni i i r ti n . Southwest Regional Laboratory, 1972. Bruner, J. The process of education. New York: Vintage Books, 1963. Dennison, J. H., & Smith, E. L. Determination of relations between visual variables by sixth grade children. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Francisco, California, April, 1976. Finley, F. N. Vertical transfer of instruction based on cognitive strategies fOr a sequence of eolo*ic tasks. UnpubliShed 30ctora1*diSsertation, Michigan State University, 1977. Frija, N. H. Simulation of human long-term memory. Psychological Bulletin. 1972. 21 (11. 1-31. Gagne, R. U. Essentials of learnin for instruction. Hinsdale, Illinois: *Dryden Press, 19 42 Gagne, R. U. The conditions of learning. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston,T1965. Gagne, R. U. The conditions of learning (2nd ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1970. Greeno, J. 6. Cagnitive objectives of instruction: Theory of knowledge for solving problems and answering questions. In D. Klahr (Ed.), C nition and instruction. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence rlbaum Associates, 1976. Kagan, N. IPR-media in_glinical and humgg interaction supervision. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State University, 1976. 104 105 Kintsch, W. The representation of meaning in memory. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1974. Krutetskii, V. A. The psycholggy of mathematical abilities in school age Children (JT’KiTpEtrick76 I. Wirszup, Eds. and J. Teller, Trans.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976. Mager, R. F. Preparing instructional objectives. Belmont, California: Fearon PubliShers, 1962. Miller, G. A., Galanter, E., & Pribram, K. H. The formation of plans. In P. C. Wason & P. N. Johnson-Laird (Eds.), Thinking & reasoning. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1968. Neisser, U. Cpgnitivg psychology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967. Neisser, U. The multiplicity of thought. In P. C. Wason & P. N. Johnson- Laird (Eds. ), Thinking,& reasoning. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1968. Newell, A., & Simon, H. A. Human problem solving. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1972. Norman, D. A., & Rumelhart, D. E. Explorgtjons in cognition. San Francisco, Freeman, 1975. Padilla, M. J. Thg teaching and transfer of seriation strategies us1'ng nonvisual variables with first grade clhildren. Unpub- lished doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University, 1975. Egplicgtion manual of thggAmerican Ps cholo ical Association (2nd ed.). Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association, 1974. Resnick, L. 8. Task analysis in instructional design: Some cases from mathematics. In D. Klahr (Ed.), C nition and instruc- tion. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence rlbaum Associates, I976. Shulman, L. S., & Elstein, A. S. Studies of problem solving, judgment, and decision making: Implications for educational research. In F. N. Kerlinger (Ed.), Review of research in education, 3. Itasca, Illinois: Peacock, 1975. Shulman, L. S., & Shroyer, J. ,Esychologypand mathematics education revisited: 1976. East Lansing, Miéhigan: Michigan State University,71976. 106 Shulman, L., & Tamir, P. Research on teaching in the natural sciences. In R. Travers (Ed.), Second handbook of research on teaching. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1973. Smith, E. L. Analytic concepts and the relation between content and process in science curricula (TN 2-72-56). In D. W. Bessemer & E. L. Smith (Eds.), The integration of contenti task, and skills analysis techniques in instructional design. Southwest REgional Caboratory, 1972. Smith, E. L. Techniques for instructional design. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, April 16, 1974. Smith, E. L., McClain, J. J., & Kuchenbecker, S. A skills analysis of selected primary level science tasks (TN 2-72-60). In D. W. Bessemer & E. L. Smith (Eds.), The integration of contentL tasks, and skills analysis techniques in instructional design. Southwest"RegiOna1 Eiboratory, 1972. Smith, E. L., & Padilla, M. J. Strategies used by first-grade children in ordering objects by weight and length. Paper presented at the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 18, 1975. Smith, E. L., & Sendelbach, N. Development and tryout of the science teacher planning simulatibn system. East Lansing, Michigan: MiChigan State Ufiiversity, I977. . APPENDICES APPENDIX A THE METHOD OF SUBJECT SELECTION AND CRITERION DATA ON POTENTIAL SUBJECTS 107 The Method of Subject Selection 'Three criteria: 1. that the subject had been in the school and, cOnsequently, in the S.C.I.S. program, for at least three grade levels; 2. that the subject score at least five out of nine on a screening instrument, the Particle Test; and 3. that the subject be described by his teacher as being verbally fluent. All of the subjects listed below met the second criterion; ‘i.e., had scored at least five out of nine on the Particle Test. The Tactual score is given in parentheses after the letter identifying the subject. An X in the columns headed “Criterion 1" and ”Criterion 3" indicates that these criteria were met. If the subject did not meet (:riterion 1, the teacher was not queried as to whether they met <:riterion 3. These subjects have blanks in the column for criterion 1 and question marks (7) in the column for criterion 3. The column headed ”Subjects Identified by Number Used in the Study“ indicates the subjects that were actually selected from those ‘ttmat were considered potential subjects based on their Particle Test performance. The numbers are their subject identification numbers. Table 10. Subjects Identi- fied by Number in the Study Classgoom A 3 5 Classroom 8 6 2 4 Subjects That Met Criterion 2 DOW) f-KCHHIG'HM me'UOZ Criterion Data on Potential Subjects (7) (7) (7) (9) (5) (6) (5) (6) (6) (5) (6) (8) (5) (5) (5) (6) (5) (5) (7) 108 Criterion 1 Criterion 3 XXX xxx xx ><><><><>< XXXX '90s) XXX Comments out with appendici- tis on vacation- study time schedule did not permit waiting for subject's return APPENDIX 8 DESCRIPTION OF PARTICLE SETS 109 v N H gnN N m N aim H H m 0..H m e c one m m m tum gzogn m m m cum e e v ate m H m uuH N m N uum H N H qu was H N v niN N m N aim m H H uuH v v m one m m m aim gross m m H aim e v m one H m m gum m N e anN N H m anH was m m N gum v e m use m m H uum N N v 01N H H m 61H 630.5 H N m aiN N m o vim m H m guH c v N use m m H uum maps aHgggog aaaLHe aHgggog amgang aaagpe amga>gH gmmmzx¢h wgaz m»am aHuH»gag No goH»gngmao .HH aHga» ua»gHag »og aNHm egg mmagggggm gagegg ag» .gammHg ag» ga»gHag »og mmagxgou egg aNHm ga—HgEm ag» .Eaggagm agh gaggagm ag» .gaxgag agh eaNgNHH ag» .gaNNHg ag» Nggg H :th lIO .uooHnm .ucmue .uomam .uomnN .uoHuH "ago magHo> ag» .aH»maHo »gagoomgag» ag» goN .»gH» ae oa»mHH ag» go oamag ago mag—g) mmaggggo agHg . cmum . cone . calm . ONHIN . omHuH "ago magHa> agH .m»gHoo .maHaH»goo ag» Hg gaggom maHoga gnga»gH ag» go gamma ago maoHo> mmagogogm agHm .Eumum ..EoH\H Nuv ..EUN-m ..suN\H HiN ..EoH-H "ago ga»aso_o amaga>o ag» go oamgg .maoHo> a~ _a afiN .agHo> mmagogogm g»g=oN ag» Low gmHmao »gagaNNHo a mH egies aHng agHg> mmagogogm ogHg» ag» Low gmHmao a m» scum: mogh .aoHo> mmagogagm guoa go» a>HN .oam: agaz mgmHmao aHuH»goo agngo a>»»-»»ga3»H oa»aHag »og gag aHgggog mmagogggm ogg mmagxggo UUDU‘UUU?QQUU~~U mQMNHHNMGmLflVMNv—O ang »aagHo gammHg ag» .gaogogm agh ogagm agHg amga>gH mmaH ag» .gaxgao agp HNMQLONLOHQ’MMLDt—ONQ’ WQMNHHNMVLOLDQ'MNH NWHQ‘MHNMVU’MVHMN mmmzxmh mgaz mgam HuaagHugouv mpwm uglo¢zH ogg mmagxggo gxo N aNHm oga m»g_og No mmagogagm zoz m mmaggggo gHo ego aNHm oxm m mmagxgag 1111 oga aNHm zcz e aNHm ogg m»gHog >zH No mmagogogm mxo m 1m»g_om No mmagogggm «Ho ogo mmagxggo gxo N .wwuumuqa. >zH oga aNHm oxm H mhzmzzou Huumv macaw mmzogmmz onpmmao “gag .oz quh zth zuhH gmhmm» H.o: az<.m¢>v goozum sat: .m»w3ao.gH mega» No .oz bmmh uguHh¢aummo a»ao APPENDIX D PROTOCOLS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROBLEMS AND STIMULATED RECALL AND OBSERVATION RECORDS FOR THE THREE PARALLEL PROBLEMS 115 PROTOCOL FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROBLEM: COLORED WATER AND STIMULATED RECALL (Name), this is not a test. We are interested in how you go about trying to find a solution to a problem so we can design activ- ivities to help other students your age do them. Have you every been videotaped before and seen yourself on TV? Mr. Dennison has been videotaping us and will let us see it now. I have a science task for you to do. Mr. Dennison will be videotaping what we do here today. We will get to see it later. Try not to pay any attention to the camera, but rather focus on what I am going to ask you to do. Now, as you are thinking about or doing something with the problem I give you, I want you to think aloud. You do this sometimes, don't you, when you are solving a problem alone at home? Just say out loud whatever comes into your head. Don't worry about us understand- ing. You can explain later. Take as much time as you need to give me your answer to the problem. Tell me your answer whenever you think of one, but keep working until you are very sure of your answer. 00 you understand these instructions? I have this box over here. I have poured colored water in these funnels--red here, blue here, and yellow here. You are to try to figure out what might be inside the box that explains what you are. about to see. Watch carefully. Over here we have more colored water and some tumblers. Without using the box, you may do whatever you want to with the water to try to figure out what might be inside the box that explains what we just saw happen. You may use that pencil and paper, too, if you want to. Do you have any questions? As you know, we have a Video recording of your activity. We are now going to watch that recording. As you were doing this activ- ity, many thoughts probably passed through your mind. (Some of these you may have written down or said out loud.) As we watch the tape, 1 would like you to recall any thoughts or feelings that occurred to you at that particular point during the activity. For example, you may have remembered other things, either from your classroom or home. I want to know about all these things. As we watch the tape, I want you 'to tell me when to stop it whenever you recall anything that you ‘thought at that point in the activity, I want to know as much as I can about what you were thinking while you were doing this activity. 00 .You have any questions about this procedure? 116 PROTOCOL FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROBLEM: RODS AND STIMULATED RECALL I have another science task for you to do today. Mr. Dennison will be videotaping what we do just like he did (day). Now, as you are thinking about or doing something with the problem I give you, I want you to think aloud. Just say out loud whatever comes into your head. Don't worry about g5 understanding. You can explain later. Take as much time as you need to give me your answer to the problem. Tell me a rule whenever you think of one, but keep working until you are very sure of your rule. 00 you understand these instructions? The first day I met with you we did the activity with the plastic particles. Do you remember? Let's review a couple of the rules we found that day. Do you remember what they were? Can you tell me the rules? This is a rod holder and these are rods. Notice that the rods all have a notch on one end. The rod holder works like this: you slide the rod in until it touches the backboard and won't slide any more, make sure the notch is on top, and then screw it down. You can then hang this weight on it. See how the rod bends? I have given you this whole set of rods. You are to try to find a rule for these rods. You may use as many of them as you want to before you tell me your rule. You may also use pencil and paper, too, if you want to. Remember to try to think out loud as you work. What I am most interested in is hg!_you are doing the activity. As you know, we have a video recording of your activity. We are now going to watch that recording. As you were doing this activity, many thoughts probably passed through your mind. (Some of these you may have written down or said out loud.) As we watch the tape, I would like you to recall any thoughts or feelings that occurred to you at that particular point during the activity. For example, you may have remembered other things, either from your classroom or home. I want to know about all these things. As we watch the tape, I want you to tell me when to stop it whenever you recall anything that you thought at that point in the activity. I want to know as much as I can about what you were thinking while you were doing this activity. 00 you have any questions about this procedure? 117 PROTOCOL FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROBLEM: WHEELS AND STIMULATED RECALL I have another science task for you to do today. Mr. Dennison will be videotaping what we do just like he did (day). Now, as you are thinking about or doing something with the problem I give you, I want you to think aloud. Just say out loud whatever comes into your head. Don't worry about us understanding. You can explain later. "' Take as much time as you need to give me your answer to the problem. Tell me a rule whenever you think of one, but keep working until you are very sure of your rule. 00 you understand these instructions? Let's review a couple of the rules we have found. 00 you remember what they were? Can you tell me the rules? In front of you is a piece of paper, some pairs of wheels, and a container of chalk dust. Roll a pair of wheels around in the chalk dust, put it down on the paper, and give it a push like this. See how the pair of wheels rolls to make a circle? I have given you this whole set of pairs of wheels. You are to try to find a rule for these pairs of wheels. You may use as many of them as you want to before you tell me the rule. You may also use pencil and paper, if you want to. Remember to try to think out loud as you work. What I am most interested in is hgw you are doing the activity. As you know, we have a Video recording of your activity. We are now going to watch that recording. As you were doing this activity, many thoughts probably passed through your mind. (Some of these you may have written down or said out loud.) As we watch the tape, I would like you to recall any thoughts or feelings that occurred to you at that particular point during the activity. For example, you may have remembered other things, either from your classroom or home. I want to know about all these things. As we watch the tape, I want you to tell me when to stop it whenever you recall anything that you thought at that point in the activity. I want to know as much as I can about what you were thinking while you were doing this activity. 00 you have any questions about this procedure? 118 PROTOCOL FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE PROBLEM: WIRES AND STIMULATED RECALL I have another science task for you to do today. Mr. Dennison will be videotaping what we do just like he did (day). Now, as you are thinking about or doing something with the problem I give you, I want you to think aloud. Just say out loud whatever comes into your head. Don't worry about gg understanding. You can explain later. ' Take as much time as you need to give me your answer to the problem. Tell me a rule whenever you think of one, but keep working until you are very sure of your rule. 00 you understand these instructions? Let's review a couple of the rules we have found. 00 you remember what they were? Can you tell me the rules? On the board in front of you is attached a light bulb, a meter, and a power source. Over here you see boards with wires wrapped around them. The boards can fit into this slit. Then you can attach the wires like so. Each time I will turn the power source to 10. See how the needle on the meter moves? ‘ I have given you this whole set of wires. You are to try to find a rule for these wires. You may use as many of them as you want to before you tell me the rule. You may also use pencil and paper, if you want to. Remember to try to think out loud as you work. What I am most interested in is 22: you are doing the activity. As you know, we have a Video recording of your activity. We are now going to watch that recording. As you were doing this activity, many thoughts probably passed through your mind. (Some of these you may have written down or said out loud.) As we watch the tape, I would like you to recall any thoughts or feelings that occurred to you at that particular point during the activity. For example, you may have remembered other things, either from your classroom or home. I want to know about all these things. As we watch the tape, I want you to tell me when to stop it whenever you recall anything that you thought at that point in the activity. I want to know as much as I can about what you were thinking while you were doihg this activity. Do you have any questions about this procedure? 119 USING THE OBSERVATION RECORDS FOR THE THREE PARALLEL PROBLEMS The experimenter records on the observation record the sequence of each element observed by placing an appropriate numeral (1, II, 111, etc.) in the appropriate cell of the observation record form. 120 NM\m m: Nm\m mH\m NM\N N humamzm zu4moam moom mam smegma zo~h<>ammmo 121. m\mH m\mH m\HH m\m m\~ Q: N panamam mme m\MH mxHH twqmomm mHmm:3_ mom amouwm chh<>¢ummo m3 122 om Nm mN eN oN .»N N N humamzm .um ¢ .»N m .»w m zmgmcmm mmzH: mom amoun: onh<>¢mmmo .»N oH APPENDIX E TYPICAL QUESTIONS ASKED OF THE STUDENTS IN THE STIMULATED RECALL 123 Typical Questions Asked of the Students in Stimulated Recall* 1. Did you have any ideas about what you were supposed to do at that point? 2. Had you thought of a rule by this time? 3. The first one you picked was #4. Was there any reason for your choosing #4? 4. Were you looking for something in particular? 5. Did you expect anything in particular to happen when you tested #4? 6. Was there some reason you thought it would (do whatever was predicted)? *Encourage more complete answers when the child says only "yes.“ Do not probe further where the child says ”no.“ APPENDIX F GUIDELINES FOR MAKING INFERENCES AND ANALYZING PROTOCOLS 124 Guidelines for Analyzing Protocols For each problem, you are given the following materials: 1. A description of the problem 2. An activity protocol 3. A problem matrix - #5, #8, etc. represent the labels (chosen randomly) on the set of elements. - The numbers in parentheses, ( ), are the values of the dependent variable for that element. - I, II, III, etc., are the moves to test elements that the subject made. 4. A stimulated recall protocol 5. Definitions of processes used to model performance 6. An example analysis Analyzing the Activity Protocol 1. Read through the entire activity protocol, referring to the problem matrix, to get a feel for what the subject was doing and what s/he saw. This overall sense of what is going on will assist you in making inferences. Inferences for the Activity Protocol will be referred to as AI'S and should be recorded to the far right of the sheet. An inference should be labeled. All-17 means an inference made from the activity protocol, page 1, beginning on line 17. You may want to make more than one inference for a single line in the protocol. Inlthgt case, employ a's, b's, etc.; for example, All-17a, AI - b. 125 Analyzing the Stimulated Recall Protocol 1. Using the activity protocol and the problem matrix, review the stimulated recall protocol. 2. Inferences for the Stimulated Recall Protocol will be referred to as SI's and should be recorded to the far right of the Sheet. An inference should be labeled. SI3-4 means an inference made from the stimulated recall protocol, page 3, beginning on line 4. Again, you may want to make more than one inference for a single line in the protocol. In that case, employ a's, b's, etc; for example, SI3-4a, SI3-4b. 3. Three kinds of inferences should appear in the Stimulated Recall Analysis. a) Inferences that support AI's or SI's that appear earlier in the protocol. You should declare and label ' the inference, then indicate that it supports an A1 or SI. For example, S predicts value for bending of rod; supports $11-11. b) Inferences that disconfirm AI's or 51's that appear earlier in the protocol. You should again declare and label the inference, then indicate that it disconfirms an A1 or 51 above. Identify the earlier inference by its label. c) Inferences that are based on new information in the stimulated recall. Specific Decision-Making Guidelines 1. Example: S takes #3, tests it. Interpretation: S selects #3. If it is the shorEesE or longest or thinnest or whatever, this should be included, such that the inference might look like: All-3a S selects thinnest and shortest rod. Interpretation: After 5 selects #3, s/he observes it. An additional inference based on this same piece of information in the activity protocol might be: AI1-3b S observes #3. 126 Specific Decision-Making Guidelines (continued) 2. Failure to select elements where the variables are controlled consistently is taken as evidence that the subject was not inten- tionally trying to control variables, unless of course, s/he mentions an attempt to control variables. When a subject gives a rule after doing his/her tests on the elements, you assume the subject encoded information about the variables mentioned in the rule while doing the tests. An additional comment that can be made is that 5 reports rule. If S predicts a value for the dependent variable, assume that the prediction was hypothesis-generated. Do not assume 5 has attempted to select an element with extreme value on one or both variables unless the superlative terms (for example, biggest, smallest, thinnest, etc.) are used by the subject. If S indicates s/he made a prediction about the value of the dependent variable, and answers in the affirmative when asked, “Is that what you expected?" you may infer that S judges prediction to be correct. If s/he answers in the negative, you may infer that 5 judges predigtipp to be incorrect. S selects an element only if some justification for doing so is indicated in the stimulated recall. Otherwise, S chooses or chooses 1 elements. It may be necessary to indicate in a single square box that subs ject MAXPIC'S on one independent variable and MINPIC'S on the other independent variable (or some other combination) simulta- neously, if S is, indeed, attending to both independent variables at the same time. Only indicate the retrieval of a rule if no observations have been made. APPENDIX G DEFINITIONS OF THE PROCESSES USED IN MODELING THE PERFORMANCES AND STRATEGIES 127 DEFINITIONS OF PROCESSES LEGEND: No Symbol Smith et.a1., 1972 * Padilla, 1975 Finley, 1977 Newly defined process for purposes of this study ** + PRIMARY PROCESSES RELATED TO LONG TERM MEMORY Several processes involve gaining access to information avail- able in the individual's long-term memory. The demands made on a model of long-term memory in defining the primary processes include specification of the nature of the information stored, the kinds of information which can be used to gain access to stored information, and the major processing steps distinguished. Frijda (1972) describes a model of long-term memory, some version of which is utilized in nearly all information processing theories and simulations. According to this View, information stored is an associative network of items or nodes, each leading to any number of other nodes-—the associations of the first node. The stored items or nodes are generally considered to be concepts or ideas themselves rather than names used to refer to them or images exempli- fying them. Although this is a somewhat vague position, the important point seems to be that what is stored is not words or images, but rather information from which words, images and actions are recon- structed, as proposed by Neisser (1976). Thus, once activated or accessed, a node makes immediately available a number of operational options. Nodes are accessible by way of other nodes to which they are 128 linked, by way of items or stimuli that in some sense resemble them (i.e., that resemble some level of reconstruction), or through the decoding of labels that refer to them. DECLINE. This is the primary process by which an associative network is entered by way of verbal label for one of the constituent concepts. The input for the process is the verbal label. Decoding of the label results in the activation of a concept or node in the network. This does not necessarily result in the reconstruction of images, actions, or verbal entities. In effect, the DECODE process Opens the way to many possibilities, but it remains for the next step(s) to take advantage of one or more of them. The possibility that the individual is set to perform another step which then follows automatically from the decoding need not concern us here. The point is that access to the storage network must be gained as a result of processing the verbal label. This is the function of the DECODE process. + The use of DECODE in the present study acknowledges that» nonverbal communications, as well as verbal labels, may be input for the activation of a concept or node in the network. Consequently, access to the storage network may be gained as a result of processing some nonverbal comunication. 129 RETRIEVE Once a node in an associative network has been activated; e.g., by DECODE, access is gained to other nodes in that network. However, some directing process insures that the appropriate node(s) is activated next. This involves the RETRIEVE primary process. The nature of this directing mechanism is not further elaborated here. At present it seems sufficient to say that it is capable of directing the RETRIEVE process to a connected node which is related to the original node in a specific way. Thus, the input of RETRIEVE can be charac- terized as one concept and its output as another. Just as was the case with DECODE, RETRIEVE does not output any images, words or actions although it does make such further steps an immediately available Option. RETRIEVE can usually avoid retrieving a recently retrieved node through short-term recall of associated information. This allows the process to recycle efficiently until appropriate information is obtained. *RETRIEVE 1 RETRIEVE 1 is a primary process similar to RETRIEVE in that it is a directing process that insures that the appropriate node(s) is activated. However, RETRIEVE 1 deals in part with short-term memory as well-as long-term memory. It involves the retrieval of values from long-term memory and the retrieval of the salient characteristics of the objects to which the values belong as well as the connection between the values and the objects. 130 INPUT STIMULUS ANALYZING PRIMARY PROCESSES Several primary processes are defined which seek and analyze input. .Input is viewed as containing an enormous amount of infor- mation, only a portion of which is attended to or detected by the individual on a given occasion. Analysis of the input is viewed as taking place at different levels, each level involving its own unique kind of processing. Preattentive processes have a large capacity for parallel activity. They construct perceptual "objects” in a figure- ground differentiation sense. These processes are limited, however, in the level of detail and precision they represent. Basically, they signal when more detailed analysis of particular input by other processes is warranted. The higher level processes which require attention are linear. They construct detailed images and are more selective. SCAN_ This is a primary process which represents a rather cursory, largely visual, exploration of the stimulus field. It establishes a figure-ground differentiation of objects and detects a few salient features which may enter short-term store. However, only partial information is obtained, even in the Visual modality. Detection of certain salient and/or relevant features usually terminates the SCAN process, or at least relegates it to a background role, and triggers some attentive processing. Thus, the input to SCAN is undiffer- entiated stimulus information while the output is one or more differ- entiated perceptual objects. In most cases, many features which are relevant from a formal point-of-view are not detected by SCAN. 131 CHOOSE This is a primary process which operates on a set of stimulus objects previously differentiated; e.g., by SCAN. The output is one object which then becOmes the focus of attention. The criteria for this selection are not formal. Rather, such factors as Visual accessibility, proximity to the observer, and the relative saliency of detected features are employed. From a formal point-of-view, the process is essentially a random selection. One exception is that CHOOSE can usually avoid selecting previously chosen objects by utilizing feature information stored in short-term memory. This information may well be otherwise irrelevant to the task at hand. *CHOOSE 1 CHOOSE 1 is a primary process similar to CHOOSE in nature, but differing from CHOOSE in that some criterion is used for the choice. CHOOSE implies a certain randomness of choice, or at least a choice based on such non-salient factors as proximity to the chooser or visual accessibility. CHOOSE 1 implies a choice which is non-random, which is based on some salient criterion. CHOOSE 1 might compare a value for one element which is encoded and stored in short-term memory to a series of perceived values of elements and choose the one element from the series which best approximates the value of that one element. In this case, CHOOSE 1 has provided an approximation of the value of the original element. 132 A91_ This is the process of acting on an object in such a manner as to obtain a particular kind of input (e.g., color or temperature information). This might involve orientation of the required organs, exploratory movements such as visual scanning or tactile exploration, and/or manipulation of Objects such as hefting or squeezing. Perform- ance of ACT requires a prior retrieval of the appropriate action from long-term memory; i.e., activation of the observation action node in an associative network. This activation makes available the informa- tion from which a control program can be reconstructed. For present purposes, no distinction will be made between the construction process. It may eventually prove necessary or useful to break it down further. The input for ACT includes the observation action concept and the differentiated object on which the action is to be performed. The output is the resulting input to the individual. Analysis of the input is carried out by other processes. SELECT This is a primary process which sorts relevant information from irrelevant. In particular, it filters out almost all information except for that for the variable (or variables) judged relevant to the task at hand. Thus, the input is undifferentiated input and the variable concept. The output is information on the relevant variable about the perceived object. Actually, the process is not simply a next step following complete execution of ACT. Rather, along with ACT it forms an active system with a feedbaCk capability which allows modification of the detailed functioning of ACT until the appropriate input has been made available. This represents a monitoring function 133 of SELECT. Such feedback mechanisms are probably involved in many primary processes. The large number makes it cumbersome to make them all explicit in the task routine. This aspect of the primary process is probably important to keep in mind, however. 2199.95. This primary process analyzes in detail information which has I been attended to; e.g., as a result of SELECT. The general nature of the information has already been determined (note the nature of ACT and SELECT) and it remains for ENCODE to make a determination about this specific case. For exaMple, ENCODE might be present to analyze texture information. ACT and SELECT have made such information available. ENCODE determines whether or not the texture information is novel and, if not, categorizes it in some manner based on previously experienced texture information. If the information is novel, a new category is created. Thus, ENCODE involves long-term memory. In terms of an associative network, the analysis of texture information activates a node representing a texture value concept or else forms a new node paralleling other texture value nodes. The input for ENCODE is selected non-verbal sensory information. The output is a value concept (the activation of a node). Undoubtedly, some additional contextual information about the experience will enter short-term memory. Some may also enter long-term memory. 134 OTHER PRIMARY PROCESSES PAR This primary process determines the comparability of two encoded units of information; e.g., encodings of texture information for two objects. COMPARE essentially monitors the node or nodes activated as a result of the encodings. If the same node is activated on both occasions, a judgment of comparability is made. The output of COMPARE can itself be viewed as the activation of a node in a network. This network includes nodes corresponding to the concepts “same“ and "different“ (and perhaps others). The activation of one of these nodes makes immediately available certain operational alternatives including verbal output. The particular alternative to be executed, if any, is determined by some controlling mechanism which represents the strategy being employed by the individual. PLACE This primary process involves a spatial placement of an element to indicate its membership in a set. The criterion for placement is unspecified in the process itself although it will usually be retained in short-term memory from earlier steps. The input to the set is an element currently attending to and an affirm- ative result from the application of the criterion for set membership. The output is the element in its new spatial location. A variety of contextual information placed in short-term memory usually enables the individual to recognize the subset previously set aside by PLACE. 135 111m This primary process is closely related to PLACE Since it involves spatial placement of an element to indicate nonmembership in a set defined by a criterion from a previous step. However, DISCARD is not simply PLACE using the inverse criterion since DISCARD implies that the element is of no further interest, at least temporarily. Previously discarded elements can subsequently be reconsidered for further processing, however. DISCARD can be used to form more than one discard set during the performance of a single task. Furthermore, the permanency of the discard may differ between sets; e.g., one set may be discarded for the time being while another is permanently discarded. 282.5%. This is a primary process which attends to and assesses the magnitudes of two differing encoded units of information. ORDER sequentially evaluates the two magnitudes and then hierarchically orders them from lesser to greater. This primary process then, basically monitors the nodes activated as a result of the encodings. The COMPARE secondary process usually precedes and determines whether or not different nodes were activated during encoding. If this results in a judgment of non-comparability, it is the function of ORDER to evaluate the two nodes successively and to seriate them appropriately. The output of ORDER can itself be viewed as an ordinal concept; i.e., the activation of a node in a network. This network includes nodes corresponding to the concepts of “more“ and “less“ (and perhaps others). The activation of one of these nodes makes immedi- ately available certain operational alternatives including verbal 136 output and appropriate serial positioning of the elements. The particular alternative to be executed, if any, is determined by some controlling mechanism which represents the strategy being employed by the individual. REPORT This is the process by which verbal responses are made. The input is a concept. The output is a verbal label for the concept embedded in an appropriate linguistic context (not necessarily a complete or correct sentence). DESIGNATE This process assigns a specific role to an element or set of elements for use in further processing. For example, one element may be assigned the role of model for formation of a subset. Subsequent processing steps treat the element in a manner appropriate to the assigned role. This process can be conceived as a temporary association of iden- tifying features of the element with a cOnceptual node representing the specific role assigned. However, the role concept is not an integral part of a conceptual network including the specific variable, values, observation action, etc.. Rather, it is part of a network associated with the strategy. The DESIGNATE process is somewhat similar to the RETRIEVE process in that part of the input comes from some directing mechanism or representation of the strategy, and not from the previous processing steps. In this case, the perceptually differentiated element is the output of preceding processing steps, but the specific role to be assigned is not. The nature of the 137 controlling mechanisms and the representation of the strategy in memory have not been further elaborated. In the context of the processing routine, the input is the perceptually differentiated element, and the output is that element assigned to the specified role. This description of the output is vague, but the effect of this processing step is reflected only in the way the element is employed in future steps. + DESIGNATE 1 This process is similar to DESIGNATE. It acts on an inde- pendent variable or rule by assigning it the role represented by another concept. The role concept, however, is not input to the process, but is part of the strategy knowledge itself. For example, a rule may be assigned the role of hypothesis for further testing (DESIGNATE 1 rule as hypothesis). The rule would be input to the process. That the rule would be assigned the role of hypothesis is part of the knowledge structure of the strategy. DESIGNATE 1 assigns an independent variable or rule to a role, whereas DESIGNATE assigns an element to a role. + PREDICT VALUE The input for this process is a correlational rule and an independent variable value. The process outputs a value for the dependent variable corresponding to the inpUt value of the independent variable. For example, the thickest rod has been chosen or selected. This rod has a thickness value of "thickest." That value, along with 138 the rule, "the thicker the rod, the less it will bend” is the input for the PREDICT VALUE process. The process outputs some expected value for how much the rod will bend; i.e., "very little" or "the least.“ + JUDGE PREDICTION This process usually follows the processes PREDICT VALUE (primary) and OBSERVE (secondary). It inputs the expected value for the dependent variable of an element and the obtained value of that dependent variable for that element. It compares these values and Outputs a decision as to whether the prediction was correct or not. + JUDGE HYPOTHESIS This process inputs the hypothesis (correlational rule) and the activated node, "correct“ predictions or “not correct” predic- tions. It outputs an activated node, ”correct“ hypothesis or "not correct" hypothesis, depending on whether predictions are correct as they relate to the hypothesis. + FORM RULE The input for this process is a value for an independent variable and a value for a dependent variable. The process outputs a rule relating the independent variable to the dependent variable. For example, a subject may OBSERVE 1 a pair of wheels. S/he encodes that the ”bigger wheel“ is small and that the size circle the pair of Wheels makes is small. The output of the FORM RULE process, in this Case, would be a rule: The smaller the “bigger wheel", the smaller the circle. 139 COMPARISON (variable concept, Element A, Element B-——+ comparative concept) This is a secondary process which takes as input a variable concept (i.e., the node activated by decoding of variable name or an appropriate retrieval process) and an ordered pair of elements. It compares the elements on the given variable and outputs a comparative concept applicable to the ordered pair of elements. Thus, the COM- PARISON process does not produce a verbal report although it makes such a report immediately possible. Alternative steps might be carried out next instead. The identities of the elements and the comparison variable are maintained. Figure 21 indicates a parallel execution of processing steps. This indicates the desirability of near simultaneous observation of the two elements. "Parallel processing“ in the technical psychological sense is not implied. Furthermore, feedback from the selecting and encoding steps to the ACT step undoubtedly occurs creating an active subsystem. Such feedback systems are very common, but to avoid excessive complexity, are not always diagrammed. + OBSERVE (element, observation/measurement procedure, value for ndependent variable--+’value concept for dependent variable) OBSERVE is a secondary process that takes as input a selected element and an observation/measurement procedure. It acts on the element, selects relevant information regarding the dependent variable, and encodes that data; i.e., the output is a value concept for the dependent variable (the activation of a node). See Figure 22. 140 COMPAR- ISON RETRIEVE l' observation l action ACT on Element A SELECT Element A feature ENCODE Element A feature COMPARE ACT ' on Element 8 SELECT Element B feature ENCODE Element 8 feature Element A and Element return Figure 21. The COMPARISON secondary process. Input: A variable concept, Element A, and Element 8. Output: A comparative concept relating Element A, and Element B on the input variable. 141 OBSERVE ACT SELECT an element value of depen- dent variable ENCODE value of depen- dent variable 4 return Figure 22. The OBSERVE secondary process. Input: element, observation/measurement procedure, value of independent variable. Output: value concept for dependent variable (activation of a node). 142 OBSERVE 1 (element, observation/measurement procedure-—-4)value concepts for independent variable(s) and dependent variable) OBSERVE 1 is similar to the secondary process OBSERVE. It differs in that the value of the independent variable(s) has not yet been encoded. The output then is a value concept for both the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable (the activation of nodes). See Figure 23. SERIATION (variable concept, Element A, Element B-—-—)ordinal concept) This tertiary process (see Figure 24) uses as input a variable concept and a pair of elements. It initially processes the elements utilizing the COMPARISON process. If the elements are of the “same" magnitude on the variable observed, SERIATION outputs a comparative concept applicable to the elements. If the elements are not of the same magnitudes, SERIATION assesses the relative magnitudes of the elements using the ORDER process. This process outputs an ordinal concept, “greater than“ or "less than.“ The identities of the elements must be maintained and coordinated with the ordinal concept. The SERIATION process does not produce a verbal report although it makes such a report immediately possible. Motor manipulation and sequential ordering of the elements themselves are also possible. The identity of the seriation variable is maintained. *MAXPIC (set of elements, variable concept-—-———aelement displaying the maximum values for the chosen variable) MAXPIC is a tertiary process which acts upon a set of elements and Chooses the element displaying the maximum value on some designated variable. It is the basic subroutine in the extreme value 143 OBSERVEl SELECT ACT 1 value of depen- on element ldent variable ENCODE value of depen- dent variable _L return Figure 23. The OBSERVEl secondary process. Input: element, observation/measurement procedure. Output: value concepts for independent and dependent variables (activatidn of nodes 144 SERIA- TION perform COMPARISON on Element A and Element 8 ORDER Element A and Element TglLtea return (___ Figure 24. The SERIATION tertiary process. Input: A variable concept, Element A, and Element 8. Output: An ordinal concept relating Element A, and Element 8 on the input variable. 145 selection strategy, and it involves the repeated comparison of each element in a set to the maximum element found so far. Input require- ments are a set of elements differing on the named variable and the variable concept. The element displaying the maximum values for the Chosen variable is the output. See Figure 25. ‘ + MAXPIC, in this study, is used to indicate that some similar series of processes results in the subject's finding an element that has a maximum value on the selected independent variable. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE IDENTIFICATION (set of elements-—-—* difference varfabTe name) This is a tertiary process which takes as input a set of elements, usually previously differentiated perceptually by the primary process SCAN. It retrieves a variable name, compares the set of elements to see if any pair differs on this variable, and if the pair does differ on the variable, outputs that variable name as an independent variable. (NOTE: This tertiary process, INDEPENDENT VARIABLE IDENTIFI- CATION, is more like the directed comparison task previously defined by Smith et al.* than the difference variable identification task defined by Smith et al.* In the difference variable identification task, all elements are unique on the difference variable. This is not the case with the set of elements inputed for the INDEPENDENT VARIABLE IDENTIFICATION tertiary process. There are five different values for the difference variable, but more than one element may have the same value on that variable.) See Figure 26. 146 CHOOSE DESIGNATE MAXPIC ""—' an unused element as element maximum so far CHOOSE an unused element _e_ Perform SERIATION on element _e_ and max DISCARD max DESIGNATE element 3 as maximum so far SCAN 1 elements DISCARD element e_ 'ny unused elements return Figure 25. The MAXPIC tertiary process. Input: set of elements, variable concept. Output: element displaying the maximum value on the variable concept. 147 INDEPENDENT VARIABLE IDENTIFI- CATION RETRIEVE an unused ancsggigd variable element YES, DESIGNATE retrieved? element as a model perform 7 , J: _ COMPARISON on element ' CHOOSEd and model an unuse i element U1 1.1.1 )- PLACE any elements in -—---N SCAN unused subset for elements lement 11.0 I ‘ ‘2 NO Figure 26. The INDEPENDENT VARIABLE IDENTIFICATION tertiary process. Input: set of elements. Output: activation of a node correSponding to the difference variable name. 148 + MINPIC (set of elements, variable concept-—-——P element displaying the minimum values for the chosen variable) MINPIC is the same as the tertiary process, MAXPIC, except that it chooses the element displaying the minimum value on some designated variable, in this case, the selected independent variable, instead of the maximum variable. See Figure 27. + GT ELEMENT SELECTION (set of elements, variable concept-———9 element displeying a greater value on the variable concept than element(s) already used) GT ELEMENT SELECTION is a tertiary process which acts upon a' set of elements and chooses an element displaying a greater value on the variable concept than elements already used. It involves the repeated comparison of elements to an element designated model until an element having a greater value on the variable concept is found. Input requirements are a set of elements differing on the named variable and the variable concept. The element displaying a greater value On the variable concept is the output. See Figure 28. GT ELEMENT SELECTION is similar to MAXPIC, differing only in that the GT ELEMENT SELECTION returns to the routine when an element with a greater value on the variable concept is found, while MAXPIC returns to the routine only when the element with the greatest value is found. + LT ELEMENT SELECTION (set of elements, variable concept-—e element diSpTBying a Tesser value on the variable concept than element(s) already used) LT ELEMENT SELECTION is the same as the tertiary process, GT ELEMENT SELECTION, except that it chooses an element displaying a lesser value on some designated variable, in this case, the selected independent variable, instead of a greater value. See Figure 29. Figure 27. variable concept. variable concept. MINPIC 1_. 149 CHOOSE an unused element —# return The MINPIC tertiary process. DESIGNATE element as minimum so far CH an element 9_ OOSE unused P SE on E erform RIATION element and min DISCARD element 5 SCAN elements DISCARD min DESIGNATE element e_ as minimum so far_ J Input: set of elements, Output: element displaying the minimum value on the 150 GT ELEMENT CHOOSE DESIGNATE *'—-‘ an element r-—l' element e SELECTION g_already used' as model" CHOOSE element Ln_ from unused elements Perform SERIATION on element _e_ and ele- ment m_ DISCARD element _e_ DISCARD DESIGNATE element m m as > _e_ SCAN elements YES return Figure 28. The GT ELEMENT SELECTION tertiary process. Input: set of elements, variable concept. Output: element diSplaying a greater value on the variable concept than element(s) already used. LT ELEMENT SELECTION 151 CHOOSE DESIGNATE an element _e_ element _e_ already used as model CHOOSE element,p_ Figure 29. from unused elements _.L__ Perform SERIATION on element 5 and ele- ment g_ DISCARD element _e_ DESIGNATE gascg DISCARD element LIL SCAN elements YES The LT ELEMENT SELECTION tertiary process. Input: set of elements, variable concept. Output: element displaying a lesser value on the variable concept than element(s) already used. 152 + SE ELEMENT SELECTION (set of elements, variable concept-—-eelement displaying a value on the variable concept the same as or equal to element(s) already used) SE ELEMENT SELECTION is the same as the tertiary process, GT ELEMENT SELECTION, except that it chooses an element displaying the same or equal value on some designated variable, in this case, the selected independent variable, instead of a greater value. See Figure 30. + GT ELEMENT SELECTION WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE (set of elements, two variable concepts—9 element displaying the same value on one variable concept and a greater value on the other ,variable concept than element already used) GT ELEMENT SELECTION WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE is a tertiary process which acts upon a set of elements and chooses an element displaying the same value on one variable concept and a greater value on the other variable concept than an element already used. It involves, first of all a repeated comparison of elements to an element designated model until elements are found having the same value on the designated independent variable. Then, this tertiary process uses a second repeated comparison of these matched elements until an element having a greater value on the second variable concept is found. The element displaying a greater value on this second variable concept is the output. See Figure 31. 153 SE ELEMENT SELECTION —-—-—~ CHOOSE * DESIGNATE an element 3 element 3 already used as model CHOOSE element _n_1_ from unused elements ‘ Perform SERIATION on element e_ and ele- mentgg DISCARD element L DISCARD DESIGNATE element m g_as T e SCAN elements return Figure 30. The SE ELEMENT ELECTION tertiary process. Input: set of elements, variable concept. Output: element diSplaying a value on the variable concept the same as or equal to element(s) already used. 154 GT ELEMENT SELECTION CHOOSE DESIGNATE WITH 1 an element e ‘1 element 5 CONTROLLED already usea'. as model VARIABLE , —”'DESI_JF—_GNA El 1 independent variable to be held perform 7 Perform SERIATION CHOOSE MATCH on element e 0" element e and element 5- element m and unused eTe- (uncontrolleH' from matchEd ments variable) elements (controlled variable) YES DISCARD element 5 DISCARD DESIGNATE element E E as > g .__.___ L SCAN . elements return NO 1 Figure 31. The GT ELEMENT SELECTION WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE tertiary process. Input: set of elements, two variable concepts. Output: element displaying the same value on one variable concept and a greater value on the other variable concept than element already used. 155 + LT ELEMENT SELECTION WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE (set Of elements, two variable concepts-—e»element dispTéying the same value on one variable concept and a lesser value on the other variable concept than element already used) LT ELEMENT SELECTION WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE is the same as the tertiary process, GT ELEMENT SELECTION WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE, except that it chooses an element displaying the same value on one variable concept and a lesser value, instead of a greater value, on the other variable concept. See Figure 32. 156 DISCARD DESIGNATE element _111 L“. as ‘ S. SCAN elements return LT ELEMENT SELECTION CHOOSE DESIGNATE WITH an element e element e CONTROLLED already useH' as model" VARIABLE independent variable to be held Perform er orm SERIATION CHOOSE MATCH on element e 0" 9161118711: 3 and element 5' element m 30d unused (uncontrollea' from matcfiEd Elements variable) elements (controlled variable) DISCARD element 3 _ Figure 32. tertiary process. The LT ELEMENT SELECTION WITH CONTROLLED VARIABLE Input: set of elements, two variable concepts. Output: element displaying the same value on one variable concept and a lesser value on the other variable concept than element already used.